#I wrote this last night while the power was out and couldn't post it until today which was vaguely annoying but *shrugs* you do what you ca
ichi--go · 1 month
pairing: ichigo/rukia [post-686 compliant] summary: and if I die, let the last thing my eyes gaze upon be her. Let my last breath be her scent. Let my last words be her name. Let my eyes close with her face embedded in my mind. Let me be in her arms. (the thirteen division's captains, it seems, are cursed.) notes: you know how it was acknowledged in the manga that Rukia's abilities are dangerous even for her to use? ...yeah. I wrote this in 2 hours after listening to loml by taylor swift and crying because of how incredibly sad the lyrics are. AO3 link
If you know it in one glimpse, it's legendary. What we thought was for all time was momentary.
Captain Kuchiki was dying.
Those were the only truths Isane, now captain of the 4th, delivered to Renji and Ichika that day they'd found her. 
She has the same disease as her sister, many whispered. Captain Kuchiki's beloved wife lived five short years with the illness before succumbing to it. She's going the same path as her.
They'd found her in her office. She didn't come home that evening, which was normal- she was often working late- but not this late. The moment they'd opened the door they knew something was wrong, the very air itself was icy and bone biting. Frost coated the floors and the walls, and there she was, laying on the floor practically encased in ice herself. Renji had hacked away at it desperately to get her out until his fingertips were bloody, while Ichika shouted and forcefully pulled her mother from frost.
She won't live long, Isane's voice sorrowful and low. Renji couldn't even hear her words, there was just ringing in his ears. Ichika clung to his arm, as if she might faint from the reality. Byakuya could only listen as the 4th's captain informed him of the plain cold truth. Hours, if she is lucky. She already has blood stasis and now her reiatsu is working against her, not with. It's clashing with her illness, dropping her temperature out of her control. Her blood won't circulate fast enough, and now it's freezing in her veins. How can she bear it?
The illness was fatal. Her future was sealed.
It made Rukia delirious. She woke up in the night, pale and sweating, her violet eyes confused. She didn't seem to recognize Renji, swatted his hand away when he tried to lay her back, fearing upsetting her would harm her more.
"Where am I?" she sobbed, and it was as if Ichika were invisible as she knelt next to her, telling her that she was safe, she was home.
"This isn't my home," she wept. Her hand was frail and cold in Ichika's, who kissed her mother's tearstained temple. "Please take me home."
"What do you mean? You are home, mother," Ichika whispered, and Rukia shook her head frantically.
"Nii-sama," she cried until her already frail voice was hoarse. "Where is Nii-sama?"
That night they moved her home. To the Kuchiki manor. 
"This is her home! She must remember it.. how can she forget?" Renji was insistent against it.
"Its not about us, dad!" Ichika's voice uncharacteristically raised against her father, who'd always been her hero. "This is about her! Making her comfortable, in her last.." her voice faded then at the reality of her own words, and her brown eyes flooded with tears again.
For Byakuya, it was as if he'd fallen into a cyclical nightmare. His sister had never looked so fragile, skin pale and thin as paper, he could see her veins, lips reddish as if bruising, breaths shallow. She did not eat, and could not rise. There were cracks forming in Shirayuki's pristine metal blade. He was rendered useless once again; no amount of power, money, or name could reverse the clock to save the most important woman in his life. He could only kneel next to her, his hand stroking her hair in the moments her eyes opened and she saw him.
"Nii-sama," she whispered, a weak smile on her face. "Where's my baby?"
"She's safe, Rukia." he said back gently, and he did not need to glance at his niece's face to know she was fighting back tears. "She's asleep. Do not worry."
"She's beautiful," Rukia's eyes closed again. "Did you see her?"
"I did. She is perfect."
"Her name... Ichika.. after.."
She drifted from consciousness again. Byakuya's steely eyes fell to Renji, who was kneeling in silence on her other side, just watching her with a desperate expression. They both stepped out, leaving Rukia's watch to Ichika.
"You must inform him." Byakuya said curtly.
Renji's expression was confused. "Who?"
Byakuya's face didn't change. "You know who."
Renji looked away. Then he nodded. "..Captain. Will you.."
Ten minutes later, Byakuya stepped into the world of the living for the first time in decades. The door opened before he could knock or ring the bell; his reiatsu had been sensed the minute the doors of the senkaimon opened for him.
"Byakuya??" Ichigo's eyes held worry, and grew fearful at the pain Byakuya could not hide in his face. "What are you doing here?"
"My sister," he responded plainly, "Is dying."
Ichigo stared at him like he'd been slapped across the face, breathless, eyes wide.
His brows knitted as his hands retrieved his substitute badge from his pocket, forcing his soul from his body. It collapsed right there on the path, and he did not give it a glance before charging through the still open gates behind Byakuya.
Byakuya did not turn to acknowledge when Orihime came to the door, calling his name in confusion as she knelt to pull Ichigo's body inside the house. It wasn't important to tell her. He needed to back and be there with his sister. That was what was important.
Instead he simply followed in silence as Ichigo stormed into the Kuchiki manor, following Rukia's reiatsu. It was indeed fluctuating painfully, sometimes so weak it was a whisper, sometimes so strong it could knock the breath out of him. The closer they got, the colder the air became, until he was right outside the bedroom door and was shivering, his breath visible.
Byakuya went inside, then returned with Renji, Isane, and Ichika- who saw him and cried, her hands grabbing his arm as she wept, "Uncle,"
He could only put a shaking hand on her head in comfort, staring at her in disbelief. He hadn't seen Ichika in years; she was 20 now, almost as tall as her father.
It couldn't be real.. it couldn't be happening. 
The back of his neck burned despite the cold, his heart thundering and skipping beats painfully, his throat so tight he could not get words out of he tried.
"It will be cold," Isane's voice had been quiet as she draped a blanket over his shoulders gently. "Her reiatsu cannot be stabilized. I know yours is layered with hers.. it's possible it may affect you more."
He barely heard her. His head was swimming. Buzzing. Empty. Burning.
Isane opened the door for him, and he took trembling steps inside. 
There was an iron brazier in the room, fire crackling and burning within. But he couldn't feel any warmth from it... it was as if it held no heat at all. There was nothing else in the room except for a densely layered futon... and her.
He stopped in the middle of the room. His stomach twisted in fear. He couldn't dare to get closer. To look at her. To see her and know, that everything he'd been told was true. Slowly he approached, his eyes unable to tear away from the sight as he stopped at her side and sank to his knees slowly.
She was pale as a ghost, breathing so shallow he could barely hear it. There were layers of blankets over her, but they did nothing. There were ice crystals on her face, creeping down her neck. Her inky, knee length locks splayed over her pillow onto the wooden floors, ice crystals dotted within like stars on the blackest night.
He sat there in silence, trembling. Wide eyes stared at her, unable to accept it. 
Her eyes opened just barely. Her eyes were glassy and violet, ice shards clinging to her thick black lashes.
Was he losing his mind?
Slowly, her hand slid from under the blankets. Her fingertips were covered in ice and frigid, pale and cold as his trembling hand grasped it gently, as if it would break if he applied the slightest pressure. The warmth from his hand did absolutely nothing; the ice coating her fingertips crept onto his, freezing her hand to his.
"Ichigo.." she said again in a pained whisper, for even speaking hurt. He curled over her, struggling to keep the tears in his eyes from falling on her as he let out shuddery breaths.
"I love you," she whispered, and he couldn't hold back the sob in his throat. He clung to her and kissed her hair and her face, sobbing as he did. "I'm sorry."
"Rukia," he wept, his tears falling and freezing on her skin, "Don't do this. Don't leave me."
"Don't cry," she whispered. He clung to her even harder.
"I love you," he sobbed, his fingers twisting in her hair, desperate to hold on to her.
She didn't respond. She wouldn't again.
53 days later, he was dead, too. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, they whispered. His cold fingers still clutched that substitute badge, as if hoping he would hear her voice through it once more.
Our field of dreams, engulfed in fire Your arson's match your somber eyes And I'll still see it until I die You're the loss of my life.
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hades-in-bloom · 1 year
But First, Coffee
Post-DI!Leon S. Kennedy x Corp Exec!Reader
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summary: Leon is after his next target when he encounters a not-so-cooperative informant.
warnings & contents: older Leon (as per usual); could be age gap, could be none; accidentally plot-heavy and a dialogue heaven; mentions of smoking; Leon doesn’t do one-night stands; hints of power play; the reader could be any gender; might be turned into series (? big question mark).
a/n: this one just wrote itself as the pairing dynamic bugged me for a while—I haven’t seen it anywhere yet, but nudge me if I’ve missed anything; I think Leon might enjoy being bossed around a bit (for his own good, also by someone who isn’t Ada)—and as he can easily boss back, too. Overall, desperately clinging to my last brain cells. As always, proceed at your own risk—and let me know if this smaller font is unreadable. Minors DNI! Masterlist
Also—holy smokes, folks—this blog hit 100+ follows! Might sound insignificant to some, but it just blows my mind. Thank you so much for reading! xoxo
‘I haven't seen him. I wasn't paying attention. Please, I have more important things to attend to,’ you begged repeatedly—until a cop who was torturing you gave up. She knew she couldn’t keep you in the interrogation room for longer, so she had to let you out—eventually. You never thought that your morning run would end up with you in a police department.
‘We’ll have a short break,’ she sighed, giving you a stern look. ‘You may grab coffee next door; I'll call you back.’
You breathed out an irritated ‘Great,’ and took your chances, making your way to the only coffee machine in your vicinity. That one looked abused by thousands of hands eager to get a dose of instant caffeine.
‘You’d be better off drinking plain water than this,’ you heard a chuckle from your right before you noticed a tall man leaning on the nearby wall, watching you. He was dressed casually–heavy boots, dark jeans with a straight fit, and a probably expensive leather jacket; his sharp gaze trained on you, attempting to look into your soul—luckily for you, some of your employees were convinced you had no soul, so you left unfazed by the efforts.
You chuckled back at him. ‘Fair, but I don’t think that even this swill of a drink could worsen my situation.’
‘You don’t look like a local,’ you mentioned aloud, and he smirked in reply.
‘Good eye—I’m not. Well, not anymore,’ he confessed, stepping towards you. He didn’t seem to be planning to give you more details about himself, and you weren’t in a hurry to ask—or, instead, you didn’t care—yet.
‘Well,’ you gave him a look full of friendly irony, ‘if you’re not my knight in shining armour who can get me the hell out of this interrogation immediately, so I won't lose my job, I’d rather get on with my coffee.’
You turned your attention to the visibly overused coffee machine so you didn’t see how his eyebrows rose up a little, and a slight smirk touched his lips.
You grabbed a half-full coffee cup from under the machine and then turned as you heard your name down the corridor. ‘And that’s me.’ You emphasized before walking away. He watched you calmly, his eyes expression unreadable. ‘So long, local boy.’
You couldn’t hear him when he quietly chuckled in amusement as you returned to the officer’s lair.
It took twenty more minutes of unnecessary suffering before the door to the interrogation room swung open.
‘Leon?’ The cop looked surprised as you glanced at the intruder quickly—the local boy. Now, you were intrigued.
‘Jess, sorry for interrupting,’ Leon smiled at the old friend, ‘but I have Chief’s clearance to get this one,’ the man nodded at you briefly, ‘out of this questioning.’ He gave Jess—or, as known by you, Detective Jessica Harlow—an apologetic look. ‘D.S.O. orders.’
The detective sighed and returned him an irritated but tamed look. ‘Fine,’ Jessica glanced back at you. ‘It was a waste of time anyway.’
You couldn't hold back a scoff. ‘Tell me about that.’ Leon gave you a dirty look, although you could see his mouth twitch in a suppressed giggle.
‘Alright, get out.’ He said with a sigh, waving you towards the corridor. ‘I'll explain everything on the way.’
As you stepped outside the NYPD building, you took a moment to examine him. ‘So you are the knight in shining armour.’
Leon chuckled lightheartedly. ‘Oh, I'm definitely not that.’ The man neither considered himself noble nor his usual tactical vest was shiny. From his point of view, he wasn’t a hero type either.
‘Leon Kennedy, Division of Security Operations under the U.S. government,’ he introduced himself, done with the jokes. You held back a moan—so the local boy was a trap—a quite high-flying bird, though. He read you and showed a soft smile. ‘I know you have spent a lot of time with Jess, but I might have a couple of questions more.’ Leon thought he was worthy of the favor after he pulled you out of the interrogation with NYPD hours before Harlow would get satisfied—Jessica has always been thorough. ‘And for a change, they won't be about that theft you witnessed this morning.’
You weren’t excited; he could see that much. ‘Do I have a choice?’ You sighed.
‘Not really,’ Leon admitted honestly. You found him amusing—although the man knew he was in control of the situation, his look was soft, allowing, lacking arrogance you get used to seeing in your line of work, and he was too relaxed to your liking.
‘Can it wait at least?’ You pressed with desperate notes in your tone. ‘I am late to a critical meeting.’
He nodded reassuringly after a short pause.
Although still impatient, you sighed in relief and took a business card out, handing it over to the federal agent. ‘I guess I can skip my introduction.’ You stepped to the side, hailing a taxi. ‘Call my assistant. He’ll match our schedules.’
‘I can wait, but I can’t wait for long,’ Leon retorted as your leg stepped inside the yellow car.
You gave Kennedy a sweet smile before you shut the door. ‘Great. You tell him that.’
Leon was left stunned for a moment as he watched the car riding off deeper into downtown New York.
‘Shit,’ he mumbled with annoyance in his voice—and with a sudden hint of admiration, too.
‘I told you—I can’t wait that long.’
You jolted in surprise as you heard a familiar voice and your car door swung open. It was a couple of days since you met him for the first time.
‘I told you to call my assistant,’ you smiled politely as Leon made himself comfortable in the backseat next to you. You gave the nod to a company driver that he could drive on despite the unexpected guest present.
‘Oh, I have called—but the only available slot is three weeks from now. I guess you forgot to brief him on the urgency of our meeting.’
‘My bad then.’ You sighed, showing no remorse. ‘Close the door if you want this conversation to happen. I was just about to drive back home.’
Kennedy followed your advice and shut the door before the car took off.
‘So, what do you want to know?’
You were direct—Kennedy preferred that style of communication. Leon pulled up a picture on his phone. ‘There’s an assumption to believe you should know that guy.’ You tensed a bit as you took a look at the image.
‘I would prefer to have my lawyer present,’ you replied casually, making Leon chuckle.
‘Come on, it’s a friendly conversation. I’m not here to accuse you of anything—I have more important things on my plate.’
You scoffed. While thinking, you pulled up a cigarette case out of your purse and were about to light up one of those when you noticed the man making a slight grimace—it wasn’t his goal to tell you what to do, and you probably wouldn’t have noticed it if you didn’t glance at him at the right time. You shot him a look. ‘What’s that? I saw it.’
‘I just… prefer my clothes not to smell of cigarette smoke,’ Leon replied, his voice gentle but confident. Despite the diversion, he stayed close to the topic. ‘But I'd rather you answer my question than we talk about the dangers of smoking.’
You had to admit that this annoying motherfucker had a style. ‘Great. Otherwise, I was looking forward to being scolded by a stranger.’ Your tone of voice was surprisingly friendly. Leon seemed not to hold a grudge.
You didn't care much about the opinions of others generally—but this time, the unknown force made you slow down and put away your lighter before you got a light out of it.
At last, you entertained his question. ‘The man is Art Rankine.’ You glanced back at Kennedy’s phone, still showing the photo. ‘I had a pleasure to work with him on one of the mergers.’
‘Legion Corp.,’ Leon assumed, and you raised an eyebrow.
‘Good to hear you did your homework. Then I don’t have to break my NDA—and thanks to that one, I’m not sure I can help you much.’
‘I would question that all of your encounters with Mr. Rankine were covered by the NDA.’ The man smiled, giving you a look. You felt your cheeks getting warm. ‘Am I right?’ Leon tilted his head while keeping eye contact. After a moment, you returned a dirty look at him.
‘We dated. Fleetingly, if I may add,’ you admitted reluctantly.
‘Good. As the merger was closed recently, I'd assume you still have his private contact?’ Kennedy asked.
You felt like you were falling into the James Bond-esque rabbit hole, and you didn't enjoy it.
‘So the all-knowing Leon Kennedy knows I slept with the man but couldn’t get his number?’ You didn't hold back on sarcasm, but it left the federal agent unfazed.
‘Something like that,’ he retorted. ‘I need your help to set up a meeting. That’s all I ask for.’
You scoffed. ‘You request me to contact my ex, and then you call it a small favor?’
‘That’s the best offer I’ve got.’ Leon admitted. ‘I’d rather we establish this partnership quickly.’ Oh, you knew well what that meant—a very gentle threat of making you spend a lot of money on your lawyer. It annoyed you as much as, to your amusement, you found it hot.
You sighed.
‘How do you want the meeting?’
You could see his watercolor eyes light up in satisfaction.
‘We can talk about it tomorrow. Care to give me your personal number?’
You took his mobile phone out of his hands before quickly typing in your number and calling your cell.
‘I am saving you under a horrible name,’ you warned the federal agent, and Leon let out a chortle.
‘Flattered. Now, I can get off right there,’ he nodded at the closest street corner. Soon, the driver stopped there for a moment.
‘So long, local boy.’
You watched him get out of the car, observing his features unintently—and then, by accident, you caught himself staring at his lips for a quarter of a second.
He noticed it.
‘Buy me a coffee first, sweetheart,’ he smirked before closing the car door as he exited the vehicle.
You realized you were holding back your breath after a while—you shook it off right after, finally putting a cigarette into your mouth and briefly cursing under your breath while you lit it up.
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dragondemoness · 8 months
Kyoko kirigiri with a male reader that has the power to save and load and uses it during the killing game to save everyone.
This turned out way longer than I expected, but hope you like it 😆
Also, I wrote this a fat minute ago, but I forgot to post it while thinking that I did, so sorry about that 😅
Kyoko Kirigiri with a Male S/O who can Save and Load Progress Like a Video Game
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Much like Kyoko, you didn't seem to have a labeled talent
You either didn't have an Ultimate Title, refused to talk about it, or simply forgot
Kyoko was interested in you for that reason, and even though she couldn't place it, she felt... Strangely connected to you
You progressed through the killing game together, and after some time, you and Kyoko grew even closer
Little did she know, you were actually completely aware of what you could do
You had the uncanny ability to rewind time to where you last marked it, reminiscent of saving progress in a game and resuming it
After the killing game was announced, you kept saving progress like a maniac
Every morning and every night, just in case
You were able to successfully prevent deaths, but of course, more victims and blackeneds kept appearing
It was quite disheartening to see, so you decided to continue saving, but not load it back until the killing game reaches the end
You were the only one who was conscious of every rewind, but Kyoko started to become suspicious
As secretive as she appeared to the others, you were somehow even more so
You were both singled out by Byakuya for not revealing your talents, but she noticed that you didn't insist that you forgot yours like she did
Something felt off to her, and she couldn't help but feel that you knew something she and the others didn't
And after uncovering more secrets and finally learning her Ultimate Talent, she was sure you had one too
She confronted you, and you finally admitted what you could do, and what you have done
Kyoko was flabbergasted, and naturally doubtful at first
Since you were the only one who remembered every event before rewinding, you explained in detail who the previous victims were, their killers, and even their weapons and clues they left behind
THEN you managed to convince Kyoko
It was a pretty intriguing talent, and she wondered how you managed to convince her father to let you into Hope's Peak, considering how bizarre it all sounded
Then she figured you could just rewind time if he refused you, though you couldn't remember regardless
Kyoko asked you not to rewind time unless it was absolutely necessary, since you were both close to uncovering the secret of the school, and she didn't want to lose that progress
You then proceeded to compare her to a gamer who forgot to save their progress, which earned an unamused stare from her, though you could see her trying to hide a smile
Fast forward to the Mukuro Ikusaba trial, where everything was going wrong and Kyoko was on her way to execution
You swore to rewind time so you could undo it, though watching your partner get crushed to death was no picnic
True to your word, you brought her back, and soon enough, your talent was finally brought to light
Everyone gave you shocked looks as Junko, who constantly teased you as Monokuma for being a nobody, was practically seething in rage
All her despair could have been undone, and she was grasping at straws to get you executed
But naturally, it wasn't possible whatsoever, and she was dragged to her execution screaming in rage
Your classmates asked if you could rewind to the day the Tragedy started, but the problem was since you couldn't remember that day at all, you weren't sure if you could do that
It was like deleting a save file, never to be recovered
You also worried about undoing your relationship with Kyoko, but she only gave you a kind smile as she took your hands and insisted that she was sure that wouldn't be a problem
With that in mind, you rewinded to the previous day, and went backwards to every single save point until everything suddenly turned white
You soon found yourself at classic Hope's Peak, and thankfully, you remembered everything about the killing game
You wasted no time in stopping Junko and halting her plans for world takeover
Everything was normal again, and all your friends and classmates were safe
And more than that, you didn't lose your relationship with Kyoko at all, instead just reverting back to its original stage
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streets-in-paradise · 9 months
Of Palaces, Princes and Magic - Thor x (Fem)Reader
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Warnings: Clueless, powerless Thor from 2011. Tons of fluff
Summary: Wandering arround your home Thor discovers evidence of the fairytale fantasies of your childhood and promises to make your dreams come true.
Note: I wrote this last night on my phone with the last bits of battery I had and post it on the morning from the laptop. There is no editing or proofread.
Tags: @thorsslxve
Allowing a stranger inside your home wasn't your initial intention, but you kept stumbling with him untill you realized he had nowhere else to go. From the barely understandable bits of explanations you got from him, your first guess was that he may have just escaped from a cult, but that didn't make him necesarily dangerous. He was lost, clueless of the world after abandoning the place that was all he ever knew. You did remember him mentioning something over the lines of ' being casted out as a punishment' and that seemed to comfirm your theory. A cult linked to norse mythology, with a leader believing himself to be Odin who had raised him as his son.
Thor lived in a fantasy world and you could tell he was harmless because he never meant to hurt you in any way. He probably required of professional help, but to get there he needed to reach some bassical functionality. If many people would get to hear more of his nonsense, he would end up locked and that possibility saddened you deeply. As far as you could tell, he probably had been physically disconnected from the world all his life already. Besides, it was clear that he trusted you, because the out of place displays of odd arrogance he had with everyone else didn't happen much between you. For you he only had a quirky but lovely chivalry that sometimes was enough to make you live his fantasy for a while.
From all the decorative details in the place, his atention was focused in a miniature replica of Cinderella's castle you had on a table near your bookshelves. A beautifull toy incluiding small figures of characters to habitate it, so delicated and romantic that you kept it as decoration even if you wouldn't play with it anymore like when you were a little girl.
" Do you like it? " You asked him, followed with a sweet smile of encouragement. " It was my favorite growing up ... I'm a grown up woman and I still love it."
The last part of the explanation confused him a bit.
" I don't see why age would fundamentally change your appreciation, it's a fine sculpture of a castle fitting for the aesthetic preferences of a lady."
You couldn't help chuckling a bit, then showed him how to unfold the toy in order to see the inside and put it all back in.
" It's a toy, for little girls to play with." You corrected him. " Many girls enjoy playing pretend to be princesses as children, but when we reach a certain age we stop thinking of palaces, princes and magic... Unless we are reading a fantasy novel or something like that. It's stuff of tales and Disney movies, not reality."
The answer surprised him even more, but there was some sort of sadness in it. Pretty much as if he took pitty on the fact.
" Are people like me casted out to remain only in the literature of this realm?" He asked, with genuine curiosity. " Which tale does this castle tells? If there is any, as your words suggest."
Even in the simplest of details, the conversations with him allways felt like the dialogue of a fairytale.
" If someone would tell me that you have came out from the pages of a fantasy book, I would believe it."
" Yet you can't believe that Asgard is my homeland." He mocked you in return. " I'll convince you, all your doubts will be clarified once I will have my mighty power back."
You didn't argue with him, there was no need at the moment.
" Alright, your highness ... Do you still want me to tell you the tale?"
Thor smiled in agreement and you began to narrate using the playset castle as a visual guide. The fact that a grown man was just being introduced to the tale of Cinderella felt quite odd, but very cute. He was particularly intrigued with the fact that the King found no issue on letting his son marry a servant that presented herself to him magically disguised just because she was the owner of the crystal shoe.
" ... Even if she was the rightfull heir of the household, her stepmother made her a slave and that's a downgrade that should have disqualified her at the eyes of the King. How could the prince convince him of blessing that union? "
He was taking the story seriously and it was hard to provide answers in that perspective.
" I guess he simply indulged his son and let him marry the woman he loved. Prince Charming fell for Cinderella at the Royal Ball, he had no idea of who she was back then. The girl was a princess in spirit and maybe the King saw that, the crystal shoe proved her worthy of the prince."
For some reason, your answer made him smile a bight brighter than before.
" I believe you are a princess in spirit. " Thor sweetly confessed. " ... and a magnificent storyteller."
His pure cuteness was too much for you and behind your own smile heat has started to take over your face.
" Me, a princess? Please! You don't have to flatter me for hospitality. I haven't wore a tiara since I was eight."
Thor looked at the little figures of Cinderella and Prince Charming in their miniature balcony, then glanced back at you as if a new strange idea had just occured to him.
" What if you could experience what's like to be a princess? Would you believe me then?" He asked you out of sudden. " Not only about Asgard, but about my very sincere perceptions of you."
You began to wonder if the last part was some sort of romantical approach and were quite confused about that. He was very sweet and you loved his company. It could be said that you fancied him too, but encouraging him would be taking advantage of the strange situation and you would never do that.
" It's allright, Thor. I'm fine just like this. We are friends, you can help me arround ... "
" I insist, that's how I will repay you for all the troubles I have caused. " He cutted you off with determination. " I will take you to a real Royal Ball."
He sounded so serious about it that you began to question your own sanity.
" The noblefolk would be judging, It's a bad idea. "
" They will see you like I do." He optimistically replicated. " Your looks will reflect your royal spirit and you will not have to flee at midnight. If that's your desire, you will get to dance with a real prince ... Maybe two, if Loki also requires it. Ask him nicely and we may convince him of hexing your shoes to look as if made of crystal."
You giggled out of a pure,sweet surprise while hearing the details of the fantasy he was almost roping you in.
" That's very sweet. You are the sweetest man I have ever known."
You were gazing into each other's eyes when he formalized the promise.
"Currently less than what you deserve, but I will fix that soon. I will be back to my former glory, I will be worthy of you and In honor of your infinite kindness and patience, I shall make your dreams come true. "
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angelst4re · 2 years
Hello dear Ash! Firstly I have to say that you are an amazing writer, like TRULY and you're such an amazing and sweet person,so kind and caring 😭❤️ilysm.
And i have a request if you don't mind. Umm so i was thinking of a maybe a demon/devil Jamie who would practically be the one sneaking up to your room at nights, talking to you, making you fall in love with the devil, doing as he says and maybe JUST MAYBE after a while things would get heated🫣and well...yk what happens. I remember seeing you post that the works you wrote were becoming routine and u wanted to spice things up so yeah😌 I'll leave all the details to you because you know what to do. LY & THANK YOU🖤🖤🥹
hello lovely!! ahh you're so sweet :') thank you so much!! i'm sobbing, that actually means so much to me, bless you <33
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Dance With the Devil - Devil/Demon!Jamie x Reader
summary: in the request :)
warnings: NSFW!! contains smut!! if you're uncomfortable then please don't read, my love <3
notes: i saw this request come through last night and because i couldn't sleep i started writing... at 2am??!! so i apologise if it's quite wild...
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You sat up in your bed, reading a chapter of a book you picked up at the library, watching the time, waiting for the clock to strike 12am. Waiting for him.
For the last 2 months you had noticed something in your life felt… different. You felt like you were being watched, you felt like you were being followed. In situations like this, you should probably feel scared, even worried, but you felt a kind of safety when he was around. He wouldn’t let anything hurt you.
You would wake up in the mornings to find your bedroom windows were slightly opened, sometimes your curtains would also be open, giving him a clear view of you whilst you slept.
You thought for a while about what to do, and by the end of the week you had a plan. You would stay awake and catch him!
You returned home from work and carried out your usual routine, knowing he was about and most likely kept a close eye on you. You ate dinner, took a shower and got ready for bed, but whilst you lied under the covers, you didn’t allow yourself to drift into sleep. You had to stay awake, you had to meet him.
For hours the only sound that filled your room was the ticking of your clock, until you hear a tap on the window. Did he know you were still awake? You didn’t move, you barely even flinched as your window was opened from the outside and he stepped inside.
You rolled over in your bed to face the window, to face him, but you kept your eyes shut.
“I know you’re awake, sweetheart.” He spoke.
You expected him to have a deep, gravelly voice, like one that should belong in a horror movie. But his voice was sweet and gentle.
Not only did he voice surprise you, but his appearance also came as a shock. You were met with black boots, the tops of them covered by fitted black trousers. He wore a black suit jacket, covering a half-buttoned-up white shirt, revealing the edges of two chest tattoos. Even in the darkness of your room you could tell his hair was dirty blonde, and the length came just past his jaw. His eyes were a shade of blue you could only describe as heavenly.
“Hello.” You whispered as you made eye contact with him.
“Hello,” he replied with a slight chuckle, “you waited for me?”
“I wanted to know who was leaving my windows open in the middle of winter,” you explained, sitting up in your bed and signalling for him to sit down with you, “who are you?”
He smirked before replying,
“Darling, I’m the Devil.”
For weeks he would visit you, sometimes you would stay up and wait for him, other times you would have fallen asleep before he arrived.
You would speak for hours, until the sun rose and he had to leave. You speak about your day, your work, but you would also talk about power, how the world’s leaders were corrupt, and he would tell you his plans to change the world. And he wanted you by his side.
You became obsessed with him, you would do anything he would ask you. You would sit and wait for him every night, regardless of other plans, whether you were tired or not, you would wait for him.
You had never been in love before, you had never dated, you have never even kissed anyone before. At school you only had two, maybe three, friends who you had lost over the years. You interacted with other people at work, but you wished you didn’t have to. You only wanted him.
You wanted to be with him all the time, but he would only appear after the sun set. You check on your phone to see when the sun would set each day, you would then rush home and wait.
You looked back up at your clock and saw it was finally time. He was on his way.
*tap tap*
*tap tap tap*
You pushed back the blankets on your bed and stumbled over to the window, opening it wide for him.
You needed to see him today, you had a shitty day and you needed someone to talk to about it, and you knew he would sit and listen.
“Hello, angel.” He smiled once he was inside.
“Hello, sir.”
He examined your face, noticing something was different. You were sad?
He placed his finger under your chin and made you look up at him. He furrowed his eyebrows.
“What’s wrong?” He asked
“Oh, Jamie.” You sighed, sitting back down on your bed, “I’ve had a terrible day.”
“What happened?” He asked, following you and sitting beside you.
“I think I’m going to lose my job, my boss wants to talk to me tomorrow and I know business hasn’t been doing too well these last few weeks so-“
“Shhh,” he calmed you as you began to get overwhelmed, “sweetheart, you know that’s irrelevant, you shouldn’t have to worry about something like that. When I get my way, you and I are going to be the king and queen of this pathetic world, we’re going to be Gods to these people, and you won’t have to work another day in your life.”
You nod your head, sniffling as he wiped away the tears beneath your eyes with his thumb. You looked up at him and noticed he was looking at your lips, and you suddenly felt a bit insecure, and he seemed to notice.
“Have you ever kissed anybody, darling?”
You shook your head.
A smirk grew on his pretty lips, he knew you hadn’t kissed anyone before, he knew you were pure. You were untainted. You were perfect.
He leaned in towards you, placing his hand on your cheek as his lips pressed against yours in a perfect, gentle kiss. You felt a white hot heat consume your entire body, filling you with a desire, a want. You wanted him.
As he began to pull away, you crashed your lips back into his, wrapping your arms around his neck to stop him from moving.
You weren’t sure what to do, how to kiss, but as you kissed him you felt him take over. He placed his hands on your waist, pulling you on to his lap without breaking the kiss.
“Would you do anything for me?” He asked against your lips before he began to kiss along your jaw.
“Yes, of course!”
“Then get down on your knees, darling.”
You did exactly as he asked with no hesitation, you shuffled about on his lap so you could stand, before falling to your knees in front of him, between his legs.
You could see a bulge, a hardness in his trousers, which he was working to free. As he unbuttoned his trousers and pulled down his boxers, his cock sprung up, slapping against his clothed stomach.
It was big, you were sure it was much bigger than average. There was a vein on the underside which caused you to lick your lips. The tip was red and leaking, you were sure it must have been painful.
“What do I do?” You asked, looking up at him through your lashes.
“You can use your hand, or your mouth. I want you to show me how much you love me, show me how you would give yourself to me, show me how you worship the devil. Can you do that for me, angel?”
“Yes,” you were basically panting, your mouth watering at the sight of his cock, “I’ll show you, sir.”
“That’s my good girl.” He smiled, running his fingers through your hair as you kissed the vein on the underside of his cock.
You weren’t sure what to do, and you felt a little bit embarrassed as you took him into your hand and began pumping him, your thumb ghosting over the tip with each pump.
An almost growl escaped his throat as you continued this action. You wanted to use your mouth like he said, but you were unsure how. You didn’t want to make a fool of yourself.
“Wrap your lips around it, sweetheart, take it down your pretty little throat.” He groaned, his head thrown back as his hand grabs your hair, creating a makeshift ponytail.
You do as he says, and you just about manage to fit him in your mouth. He lets out another moan as he feels the wet warmth of your mouth.
“That’s it, just like that, sweet girl.”
You try to take as much of him as you can, but as he hit the back of your throat, your gag reflex kicked in.
“Shhh, it’s okay. You can take a little more, cant you, angel? Hm?”
You nod your head and try again, and you manage to take another inch this time. He praises you, he tells you how well you’re doing for him, how he’s proud of you, and then you feel his cock twitch in your throat.
“Mm, fuck. You can stop now, darling. Let’s do something else.”
He takes your hands, which were placed on his thighs, and he helps you up before pushing you down onto your bed, your head against the pillows. You barely had time to register what was going on before his lips crashed against yours again.
You felt as his left hand began to slide down your body, it was placed on your waist with a tight grip before it began to slide down, down to the place where you ached to be touched.
His hand was placed flat on your clothed cunt, he watched you with excited eyes as you bucked your hips up, searching for some friction, anything to bring you pleasure.
Your eyes met his as he slipped his fingers beneath the material of your underwear, you were quite glad you only wore a baggy t-shirt to bed tonight, and you were sure he was also grateful.
“You’re soaked, sweetie,” he whispered, pulling away from the kiss briefly, “you really want to go further? You really want me?
“Yes, sir. I do, please!” You whined, your fingers tangling in his blonde locks as you pulled him back in for a kiss.
His thumb teased your clit gently as his finger slowly dipped into your hole, stretching you out for the first time.
“Stop teasing,” you groaned, “I can take it, I can take you.”
“I don’t want to hurt my pretty darling, though.” His voice was soft, but you could also sense a hint of teasing in the way he spoke.
“Maybe I want you to hurt me.” You whispered.
Suddenly, it was like a switch was flipped. He tore the t-shirt from your body, discarding it on the floor as he tore your underwear next, leaving you completely bare underneath him.
“You’re… beautiful.” He told you, running a hand over your breasts which were now exposed to him as you hadn’t put a bra on after your shower. “I never thought anything could be so perfect.”
His lips were back on yours within seconds and you could feel the soft head of his cock rubbing against you, and it sent shivers down your spine. It felt truly delicious.
As he began to push himself inside of you, you felt an intense stinging, it burnt like hell. You tried not to clench around him, but you couldn’t help it, everything felt so intense.
You bit down on his shoulder as the final inches slid into you, you felt so full. You never thought a feeling like this could exist. It was perfect.
As he began to move, you let out a pained gasp, to which he smirked at and continued to thrust.
He placed one hand on your waist, holding you in place as he fucked into you, and the other was beside you on your mattress, holding himself up. He looked down at the expression on your face, one he could only describe as angelic. Your lips slightly parted, your eyes squeezed shut, he knew you were starting to feel the pleasure by now.
Your pussy clenched around his cock, causing him to twitch inside of you. He wanted this moment to last longer, but he knew you would both come undone soon. You were a virgin, you felt so tight and warm around him, it was impossible to hold on any longer.
“Darling,” he panted, “are you… ready?”
“I am, I’m ready, sir.”
“Good girl, let go for me, cum for me, angel, can you do that? Cum for the devil.”
“Yes.” You whimpered, before your body was overtaken by a stronger force, something so unexplainable, you could only describe it as bliss.
“My sweet girl,” you heard him say as your vision began to blur and black spots filled your sight, “you were always so perfect.”
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
When your senses came back and you finally awoke, you realised you were not in your bedroom. You were not even in your home. You were somewhere else.
You looked down to see you were wearing a cream silk nightgown, and you were lying on a big white bed. Everything looked so expensive, so fancy, like it was fit for a queen.
“Ah, you’re awake!” You heard him say, a smile spreading across his face as he stood by the bottom of the bed.
“Jamie? Where am I?”
“Oh, sweetheart,” he tutted, “you’re home.”
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
Someone like you
Tommy Shelby one shot
Master list
I wrote this for @zablife 1K followers celebration congratulations dear Lee, for this accomplishment, each one of the beautiful pieces of art you write are incredible, there’s always a surprise you add that makes each story take an unexpected turn 🥰 so this is a bit darker than my usual writing in honor of the amazing twists you usually have in your stories💖
Also there was a post Lily made a while ago that I thought fit so well about Tommy and his relationship with his mother, but I couldn’t find it anymore… @springsteens
⚠️ Grief, reincarnation theme. Minors DNI.
I’ve always loved the idea of Tommy and his mum, there were a lot of things unsaid between them, he missed her a lot and called her during difficult times during the series.
Prompt: 14.) “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.”
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Another sleepless night outside wasn’t something new for him. He had been going on like this for 157 nights since his wife passed away. But this time instead of staying by the fire, he started wandering further. With his mind full of the things that usually kept him busy, he didn’t even notice how far he had been riding until he reached the river. The sun was about to go up, so he decided to give his horse a break and let him rest for a while. Midnight was probably the only one who could understand his loneliness, horses aren’t so different to humans, their feelings are right there, you can see it in their eyes, so transparent.
As he was about to lit a cigarette, his eyes focused on something moving by the river, a figure he couldn’t place from the distance and the lack of light. Pulling out his gun, Tommy moved back the lock, ready to fire at any second, moving without making a sound like he learned the hard way back in France, all of his senses on alert.
Now that he was closer, he was able to see the delicate female figure before him, naked. His eyes roamed all over her body as she was cleaning her legs, gold bracelets moving up and down her left wrist as she moved her hands. Her ass sticking out in her bending position, he couldn't really see much, but his mouth went dry as he removed his peak cap from his head.
The woman then walked to the horse resting next to a tree, closer to him, he totally forgot to try to hide behind the bushes, he was completely drown to her, as if she had put a spell on him.
The horse covering her now, as the stranger flicked her dark locks back and it happened in a slow motion for him, as her curls bounced back away from her features, and he was able to see her face, he felt his blood running down from his body, dizziness swept over him.
It was as if he was watching his mother all over again; green wild eyes flashing at him, thick lashes, full lips, sharp cheekbones and a smile that had the power to have you on your fucking knees in a matter of seconds.
She wasn’t bothered at all by the fact that he had been watching her taking a bath in the river.
But the view didn’t last long, as she climbed on her white horse, still naked and started riding bareback away, in the distance, Tommy saw her covering her naked form as the horse slowed down, he was lost in thoughts but he could swear he also saw the woman looking over her shoulder back at him.
That morning he returned home with more than just his wife’s ghost in mind.
He knew most of the gypsies around, but he had never seen that woman.
The rest of the day, he couldn’t get her off his mind, her eyes were hunting him, every time he closed his eyes, he could see her again washing her body, her hands running up and down her legs.
“Johnny! Get the wagon ready.”
“Where are we up to, Tom?” Johnny asked, hands in hips and an insufferable smile on his face. “Eh?”
“Doesn’t matter Johnny.”
Maybe it was the opium, or the loneliness, he didn’t know anymore.
“Tommy you can’t keep going on like this.” Polly walked in as she heard the instructions her nephew just gave Johnny Dogs.
Hands lessening against his desk, head hanging down. If he was this quiet, then something must be wrong, she thought.
“I saw her... Pol.”
As Tommy looked at his aunt, she wasn’t able to name what she found in his eyes. Was it hurt? Pain? Regret?
“You need to let Grace rest in pea-”
“No, not Grace.” Tommy interrupter her, trying to put it into words. “I saw my Mum, but it wasn’t her.” It didn’t make sense now that he said it out loud.
A shiver ran down her spine, there was no reason for Tommy to lie about something like that. A gasp escaped her lips, and her right hand flew to the black Madonna around her neck.
Martha was back because she left a lot of things unfinished, she wouldn’t be able to rest until she was done, her spirit needed to come back in order to complete her purpose, she needed to pay for taking her own life at the canal all those years ago.
“She found you.” Was all she could come up with.
Tommy swallowed hard, he had a lot of things going on, things he couldn't put into words. Emotions right at the surface. Feelings he didn’t know how to deal with.
Then he remembered the old saying his mum used to say with the new season.
“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” He murmured, closing his eyes.
Polly knew how Tommy’s mind worked, sometimes it was almost as if they were one mind divided in two bodies, sometimes they didn’t even need to say the words to know what the other one was thinking. This, was one of those moments.
“The caravan is ready, Tom.” Johnny informed him.
Without another word, he followed Johnny outside, still feeling uneasy of the physical resemblance between that woman and his mother.
Johnny asked a million questions, questions to which Tommy had no answers, luckily after a while, he decided to keep riding the caravan in silence.
What if his mother found a way back to him?
During the night, it was Tommy in charge of the riding, from the spot they were in the mountain, he could already see the gypsy camp.
But it was empty, only a couple of dogs and horses around the wagons.
“What happened?” Tommy’s eyes scanning the place, looking for a sign of where she might be.
“They’re at the fair.”
Tommy almost broke his neck from the hard snap he did to look at Johnny, his eyes close of popping out.
“Why did you wait until now to fucking tell me that?”
“Because you never asked me, Tom... how was supposed to know?”
Rolling his eyes and mentally counting to ten, he tried not to lose his temper; “just take me to the fucking fair.”
The daylight would be gone soon, in the distance, he could hear the noise coming from the fair, the coloured tents held the tradition carried by generation of gypsies, it had been years since he went to one.
Flags and ribbons with eye catching colors hang from one place to another, some gypsies offered food, live music, magic tricks, jewelry, handmade carpets, telling fortunes, reading hands, among other things.
“What are you looking for Tom?” Johnny asked, always impatient, always curious.
“Something, you wouldn’t understand.” He could feel his stomach in a tight knot.
“Yeah, of course... that’s nice, if you could share a bit more of this someth-”
Taking some money from his pocket, he handed it to Johnny. “Get a whore and stop bothering me.” Finally, he was quiet, allowing Tommy to move around.
He found some familiar faces, but not the only one he was looking for.
“Can I read your hand?” Offered a gypsy he was passing by.
“Another time.” He winked at her, his guard on alert as he saw her eyes moving close to his arm.
Turning his head around, he moved his arm quickly, just in time to catch the thief.
“Give my watch back, or you don’t get to see the stars tonight.”
But as the thief tried to break free from his hand, he found the face he was looking for.
Eyes locked in hers, finding a bit of himself in those deep emeralds green enough to make anyone jealous.
His mind went blank, unable to form any coherent thought.
“Leave the girl alone.” A firm voice called behind him, then a crooked hand put a tight grip on his arm.
Turning around, Tommy found Madame Boswell.
“She stole my watch.”
The gypsy took a deep breath, but kept her eyes on him. She only said things once.
“Please forgive me Madame.” The girl looked down, embarrassed.
Tommy helped her up, his hand on hers in a very gently touch.
“A gypsy never steals from a gypsy.” Madame Boswell shook her head.
The girl looked surprised at the man who was still holding her arm.
“I grew up in a caravan too.” Tommy explained in a kind voice.
Her eyes were fixed on his gold tooth.
“Can we have a word, please?”
Madame Boswell nodded and motioned Tommy to follow her.
A small hand offered his pocket watch back.
“Keep it love, if you ever get in trouble, just say the name on the back.”
Thick eyelashes hid her beautiful eyes as she turned the gold watch around. Tommy was fighting back the urge to hug her.
“Is she under your protection?”
“Why do you ask?” Madame Boswell studied him.
Tommy answered with another question. “Who is she?”
“Y/N appeared walking down the rainfall, where the river starts, she couldn’t remember her name or where she came from. She’s one of us now.”
Tommy’s breath got caught up in his throat, his chest with a strange tightening.
“Allow me to take care of her, I can give her things she will never have here.”
“No.” Madame Boswell’s lips were sealed in a tight line.
He knew what moved the woman.
“Let me protect her.” He pleaded again, placing in front of the gypsy a velvet sack filled with gold coins this time.
Her eyes finally sparkled, the hint of a smile showing up.
“She’s a wild thing you wouldn’t understand.”
“I will manage.” Tommy nodded his head and stepped out of the caravan.
Madame Boswell explained to Y/N that the Shelby family would take care of her from now, but she could still visit the vardo any time she wanted. She was wearing a beautiful dress in earth tones with embroidered flowers and beads.
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Tommy waited a couple of steps away with his hands in his pockets, questioning himself if this was the right thing to do or not. But as he saw the girl running towards him, he couldn’t manage the way his heart started beating like a galloping horse.
When she wrapped her arms around him, he couldn’t even begin to understand the familiarity in her embrace, the way her body could fit his so well, the warmth he had been missing for so long.
“Mi-e dor de tine.” He couldn’t help himself or stop the words before they left his mouth. He truly missed her, every day of his life.
With a smile, she caressed his face just like his mother did when he was just a kid and then walked towards the white horse.
“Angel.” She added caressing the animal’s neck in a sweet voice while Tommy froze.
“What did you say?”
“His name is Angel.” The horse started to neigh. But before Tommy could say anything, Johnny Dogs started to curse behind him.
“Take the horse and be quiet.” Tommy warned him raising his eyebrows, Johnny was pale and speechless, which coming from him, was a lot.
Looking at the woman sleeping in his caravan, Tommy couldn't help but remember the way his mother used to make him clothes out of his father old clothes; worn out shirts and pants, yet she managed to make it look as if it was new. He used to wear the shoes that Arthur outgrew and he would pass his own to John as well.
Y/N’s features reminded him of the time when he found his mother sewing in the couch.
As he came from his room, Tommy found his mum was sound asleep, she just had Ada a couple of weeks ago and she didn’t own any clothes for a girl, so out of an old blouse, she was making a small dress for his sister, who was wriggling in the basket next to his mother, with her big blue eyes, he knew Ada would be a copy of his mother and himself.
Taking off his coat, he covered his mum’s body and moved back the curls from her face, then he took the baby in his arms and started to rock her little body whispering a romani song.
But his little bubble of peace ended when his drunk, lousy father smashed the door against the wall and Ada’s cries woke up his mother.
Blinking away the memories, he repeated the scene with the woman in front of him, covering with his coat; Y/N’s lips were parted, her features almost angelic, her rhythmic breathing making himself question a million things.
If his mother had this opportunity to reincarnate, he would do absolutely anything in his power to help her soul find the peace that she needed.
After several hours riding, they made it to Arrow house, trying to be gentle with her, Tommy caressed gently her shoulder. “Y/N, wake up, we arrived.”
Johnny looked over his shoulder, still in a shocked state to even say or ask anything.
“Home.” Tommy explained with a smile.
Smoothing her skirt, Y/N then adjusted the scarf over her head.
“Nais” She smiled at him. What was about him that it made her feel safe?
“Nais tuke.” He answered to thank her back.
But he wasn’t expecting all his family would be waiting for them, Polly must’ve spread the word.
Curious looks welcomed him as he came down from the caravan, handling Angel to Curly.
As he offered a hand to Y/N to help her step down from the caravan, gasps were heard and surprise was evident in their faces, only a few photographs of Martha were available, but they all knew what she looked like. Polly clasped a hand over her mouth, while Arthur stared to move his arms over his head, John blinked a couple of times as Ada couldn’t hold back the tears. Finn couldn't think of anything because he really didn't remember his mother.  
“Please step away, Y/N needs to rest.” Tommy tried to protect her, adjusting the coat over her shoulders.
“My God it’s her.” Someone whispered.
“I'll make some tea.” Polly offered too shocked to process anything.
“Frances, please make sure one of the rooms is available.” Tommy asked the maid, trying to walk between the human hall by the door.
“It’s a beautiful horse.” He heard his uncle talking behind his back.
As Y/N turned her head around, uncle Charlie went pale as a sheet and John had to hold him.
He wasn’t expecting a younger version of Martha showing up like that.
“You can meet everyone later, let me show you your room, hey.” Tommy wanted to say mum, but he cut himself up.
As Charlie crawled from the drawing room, he looked up and extending his arms to the stranger, he called; “Granny!”
A/N: I got carried away and when I looked at the word count I doubled your limit Lee, sorry!
🔮 Reincarnation is something gypsies believe in, I just learned that, and well, they say we all have a double somewhere… remember your comments make my day, my week, my year… 🥰♥️
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @gretelshelby @cloudofdisney @onlydeadcells @cillmequick @gypsy-girl-08 @heidimoreton @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @strayrockette @stevie75 @the-forest-witchh @forgottenpeakywriter @lespendy @moral-terpitude @esposadomd @shelbydelrey
If you want to be added to my tag list, let me know 🥰
Edit: according to google, the translations are:
Mi-e dor de tine- The equivalent to I miss you
Nais- Thank you
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Hey, where do you think Ryder's parents are? It's been confirmed (though I can't remember where, it was on some kind of social media) that Ryder's parents are around somewhere, but where??? Do you think they approved of him leading a team of rescue pups? I wonder how they react when they hear news about rescues, especially the really dangerous ones. I mean, he's been inside an active volcano (Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Tigers) trapped in the Lookout as it was rocketed towards outer space (Mighty Pups tv movie) inside a poorly built and unstable skyscraper during a crazy storm that ultimately collapsed with him still inside (PAW Patrol: The Movie) nearly crushed by a meteor AND a firetruck in the same week (PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie) dealt with multiple super powered evil doers that threatened the well being of the whole town on SEVERAL occasions (every Mighty Pups episode) and faced off against a fellow kid genius that wanted to and was capable of leveling the whole town and teleporting everyone to the moon in order to turn it into her own city (All Paws On Deck) just to name a few, imagine hearing on the news that your kid went on a life-threatening rescue mission and it's not even the first time and you know it won't be the last, that must be terrifying. You know, Adventure Bay's local news must be crazy. Hold on, in those rescues where all of Adventure Bay was in danger that means Ryder's parents were also at risk, unless they don't live in Adventure Bay which is VERY unlikely, I wonder how Ryder felt about that, must've been scary for him.
They very probably approved of him becoming a Rescue Team leader, which makes me believe they might be rescuers themselves! This boy couldn't have learned all his rescue knowledge AND everything else he knows on his own without having firsthand experience with at least one thing while studying the others. His parents must be either into vehicle engineering, building engineering or rescues, he's learned one thing by osmosis and the other he had as a hobby until he decided to put the two together and get to work.
But as much as they might have approved of that, I really doubt they live in Adventure Bay or even in Adventure City for that matter.
Guess who wrote a long post again LMAO but you did give me PLENTY fuel for that, SOOOOOO XDDD
First of all, there's exactly this problem of being worried about someone when they put themselves in dangerous situations and it's increased tenfold if it's someone who's closely related to you. For Ryder to be able to work the way he does, he literally can NOT do it anywhere close to his family - he would get worried about them and it would make him possibly lose focus. He already has to worry and care for all his pups, which is a lot of responsibility on his shoulders. If ANYTHING happens to any of the pups, it'll be ON HIS ACCOUNT: He's the one directing them, instructing them on what to do, training them, sending them out in missions and dangerous rescues. He's already responsible for their safety and lives as it is, he can't afford worrying about his family too.
And then there's the other side of it: His family would ALSO worry about him, just like you said! He's literally ten years old in the show. He's not even a teenager yet! If his family would be anywhere nearby, be it his parents or any other relatives, they would be worried ALL THE TIME. Ryder has gone into extremely dangerous situations several times, he has risked his own life for his pups and/or for people he's been rescuing a few times as well, both movies being EXCELLENT examples for this. You cannot look me in the eye and say his parents or relatives wouldn't worry WORSE than Chase did in the first movie when he saw Humdinger's tower collapsing, knowing Ryder was in there. Now imagine watching the news and finding out last night's meteor shower freaking blew up the very headquarters tower your son was using AT THAT EXACT MOMENT to watch said meteor shower.
Now add the fact that, knowing he works with rescues, if something dangerous IS happening, they CANNOT try to contact him just to know if he's okay or not- because if he's okay, he can't afford stopping to answer them as he WILL BE WORKING. They can't reach for him to not make his line busy in case someone needs to call him for help, and to not distract him from his job. Any distractions could cost them Ryder's life, or maybe one of the pup's lives. Ryder has his pups as part of his family, so to lose one of them would be just as devastating for him and for nearly every resident in Adventure Bay.
My best guess, it's just that. Wherever they are, Ryder's parents are NOT in Adventure Bay, NOT in Adventure City and NOT in Foggy Bottom. They're probably States away, or whatever to name a longer distance. Maybe they're somewhere from USA East Coast even, who knows.
Ryder probably chose Adventure Bay to live and start the Paw Patrol exactly for these reasons: Very far away place, small town where he could start easy. Slowly and steadily, he's been expanding the Patrol over to other locations and becoming famous enough to be called for action in other countries/kingdoms too.
Back home he's learned firsthand a lot of several different specialties for rescue jobs so he could teach his future team, or at least give them a start, so they could study further on their own afterwards. And living far, they can keep in touch occasionally whenever they're not at work, and they can't interfere with his job.
If I lived close to my 10 years old son who works rescuing people with the help of a bunch of dogs and I would hear he's going off into extremely dangerous situations, no matter how much I say I'd trust those dogs with my life (because I am nearly 30 and not ashamed to say I really would), my mother instinct would scream louder than reason and I'd physically hold him back and yell at him to think about his own safety for fucking once in his life too.
It's better they're VERY FAR. For their own sake, for Ryder's sake and for the pups' sake too.
Now with that being said, someone please write a fanfic where Ryder and the Paw Patrol get called for a big search & rescue work in the very city where Ryder's parents are living, after some kind of disaster hit it. Yes, I'm throwing gasoline on the wildfire here, go wild. That would be an interesting topic to explore and write about.
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Werewolf In London?
I made a post about this thought yesterday, and even though I'm out for the count with the new booster, I wrote it on my phone anyways >:D
I promise to fix errors later :D
Steven Grant had been ready for a nice night, watching one of Jake's telenovas while wolfing down on takeout from a new vegan place Marc had somehow known about.
Well, that had been the plan, until Khonshu alerted that he needed them to go out, urgency in his voice.
It was really never good when Khonshu was worried.
So they went, Steven staying in control as with delight he used the rooftops as his avenue of travel. He was still getting used to all of this, whooping with delight after crossing a huge divide with a single leap, Marc and Jake quite amused as they watched. They can hear the screaming from St. James Park before Steven makes his way to street level, those who had been at the park in the evening running away to safety.
He hears the roar before he sees the beast, and Steven can't help but stare.
There is a werewolf.
A werewolf.
In London.
If he wasn't on his way hurrying towards the thing, Steven would have let out a laugh. Said werewolf wasn't particularly doing much, snarling at the last few people making a break for it while circling a random tree. It was taller than Steven would have thought, black fur shining in the lamps surrounding them and covered in what he hoped was only mud. Dark eyes snap up when Steven, in his shining white suit, slowly approaches it with his hands raised.
"Hello there chap." Steven didn't have any experience with dogs, but figured keeping his voice even was a good place to start. "What's all this fuss about?"
The werewolf snarled in response, crouching down as it regarded the shining figure. It wasn't sure why this person radiated the power from the moon, and they didn't scream at him. The figure began to step closet, and the wolf snarled again, stay away stay away stay away.
"Okay, right, gonna stand right 'ere." Steven froze in place.
You're going to get us killed Steven, let's just knock the thing out.
It has big teeth.
"You're objections have been noted." Steven hissed dryly, pulling out his truncheons just in case. The wolf snarled, but paused at seeing his weapons, and Steven slowly moved one to his left. Those glittering eyes followed it, and Steven was suddenly struck with an idea.
There's no way this is going to work Steven.
Steven just whistled, giving his weapon a good toss to his left. The wolf pauses, regarding Steven with a cautious look, and on all fours sprints after it. It's a tense moment later when the wolf comes bounding out, truncheon clenched firmly in his jaws. Steven just can't help but grin, kneeling slightly with his gloved hand outstretched. Ever so slowly, like a skittish pup, the wolfman comes over, one semi-pawed hand taking the weapon from his mouth and shoving it into Steven's hand.
"Who's ready for more?" 
If you told Steven that he would be playing fetch with a wolfman, in St. James Park, for almost four solid hours, he would have laughed in your face. Yet here he was, having the time of his life, and judging by the way the wolfman had started to reach out and touch his coat and mask, seemed to be having fun himself with all this. Oh Steven was in love, and couldn't wait to write this all down for posterity.
It would have to wait though, the wolfman changed back to his human self when he realized too late that the sun was coming up. Marc, having been co-fronting with extreme interest, fronted long enough to have his cape form, wrapping it around the other before they decided the best place for him to sleep was Steven's flat.
"A werewolf in London, I am never letting up on this."
We know bud.
Think he plays fetch like this too?
Steven laughed, and disappeared up onto the rooftops.
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aoicourier · 3 months
October 27th, 2281
Hello, Pip-Boy. How are you? I'm a little roughed up, but I'm still alive and there's a lot of alcohol in this room, so things could be worse. I'm currently in a comfortable motel room in the town of Novac. That's right, the Legion haven't burned it down… yet. I think I may be here for a while. It's nice to have a room with a door that locks. And it's nice to have a fridge to keep all this booze cold, compared to the warm Sarsaparillas I've been drinking for days.
A lot has happened since I last wrote an entry on you. I'll try not to miss any details, but my mind is a little fuzzy from the Med-X the doc gave me, and maybe just a little from the vodka I drank before I started writing.
After a sleepless night in Nipton, I got back on the road as soon as the sun came up. I stopped by the NCR's Mojave Outpost and let the people there know about the town's fate, and that the Legion had advanced this far west. Then, I trudged back through the smoking remains of Nipton, avoiding eye contact with the crucified corpses baking in the afternoon sun, and trekked up the winding road towards Novac. There were a few shooters in the hills, and a squad of Legion soldiers I had to sneak around, but nothing I couldn't handle. I spent the night at a tiny NCR outpost, Ranger Station Charlie, and pressed on towards Novac at first light. Walked along railway tracks in silence, black power lines above me cutting the dawn sky into pink squares.
I saw the dinosaur before I saw the rest of the town. A huge hollow statue of a T-Rex, looming over the buildings, most of which are still intact. Turns out the dino is called Dinky, and it's the town's mascot. There's a gift shop inside its body (I bought a little dino toy there), and a pair of snipers take shifts inside its roaring mouth to watch for approaching threats. The Legion have taken over Nelson, to the east. I wonder if that's where Mr. Fox is.
The town's name comes from the motel that I'm staying in, or rather, the neon NO VACANCY sign out front. Only the first five letters still light up, so it's just "NO VAC" now. The people here seem decent. Prospectors are already talking about Primm having a new sheriff. Woman who runs the motel is named Jeannie May; she said the Checkered Coat Man had stayed there and was, quote, "no gentleman". Seems he didn't get caught up in the Legion's destruction of Nipton, for better or worse. His Great Khan bodyguards apparently knew Manny, one of the town snipers. I paid her 100 caps for the room; she said I could stay until "busy season", whenever that is.
The two snipers are Manny and Boone: I haven't spoken to Boone yet, but Manny was cordial enough. He knows the Checkered Coat Man, may even know where to find him. He was part of the Great Khans of North Vegas himself, before he joined the NCR. Now he's retired, and settled down in Novac. Naturally, he won't tell me about my quarry until I help him ensure the town is safe. You get nothing for free out here in the wasteland. There's an old rocket factory up the road, REPCONN, and feral ghouls have been leaking out of it like radiation, attacking the town. He can't leave his post, and wants me to find out what's going on over there.
On my way around town I met a few more of the townsfolk. Andy, a former NCR ranger who was crippled when the Legion employed a little kid to drop a grenade right at his feet. He's still got some fight in him; even taught me a takedown move that may come in handy if I'm ever caught without a weapon. Daisy, a former NCR pilot and a tough old bird herself. Bruce, a singer from New Reno who stole money from a casino boss, and had his way with the guy's daughter to boot. He's hiding out in Novac now, and for good reason. A strange old man they called "No-Bark", who span me a fanciful tale about Commie ghosts and invisible chupacabras with automatic weapons.
Most unexpectedly, I also met a familiar face from Goodsprings… or rather, a familiar screen. Victor, the Securitron robot who dragged me out of my shallow grave. He didn't seem to know what he was doing here in Novac, only said he "got the notion" to start heading towards New Vegas. It's too much of a coincidence, but I held my tongue for now. I'll just keep a careful eye on him, see what he does next.
I started up the road towards the REPCONN rocket site, and that's where it all went wrong. The twisted, radioactive corpse lying in the road was the first bad sign. Then came the radioactive corpses who were still on their feet. Half a dozen feral ghouls, hungry for my flesh, stumbling down the road. I gunned them down, but one of them - a bastard glowing green like a Christmas tree - gave me a real beating, and my skin burned where he'd touched me. I turned back towards town, and by the time I got there I could barely stand. Thankfully, I ran into the town doctor, a woman in a bloodstained white vest, and she got me patched up and dosed me up with painkillers. Charged me 100 caps for the privilege, but I'm not gonna complain. She saved my life. I didn't even get her name, come to think of it.
So here I am, back in my room at the Dino Dee-lite Motel, half drunk and dozy from painkillers. My plan is to get a good night's sleep for the first time in a while, and then make another attempt at the REPCONN factory tomorrow. Maybe it's full of hundreds more ghouls and I don't come back alive, but this is the path I'm on, and I have to keep walking.
Well, I think that's everything. I'm going to finish this vodka before I pass out. Goodnight, Pip-Boy.
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kinetic-elaboration · 11 months
October 24: Bellamy + Zombies
I wrote this last night but couldn't post it because I had no internet for some reason.
Bellamy-cenric, ~900 words
For the prompt: “Zombie AU” from this list of Autumn/Halloween prompts.
These guys are just the straight un-dead. In all the arthouse zombie flicks nowadays, all the re-told classics, all the daring and creative re-imaginings, the zombies are the product of disease, and the metaphor is slapped on thick. A virus, spreading: contagion. Maybe they’re not really dead at all, just decaying, and crazed with some inhuman need, and mindless, and shuffling, and not-too-slow. And the disease spreads and the living decay to living dead things and everyone pretends they’ve never heard this story before.
The monsters that shuffle around the countryside now are real, re-animated corpses crawled up out of shallow graves. They were fully dead, and now they’re something else. Bellamy would not call them alive. He wouldn’t call them diseased, and he doubts they’re contagious. They may or may not eat brains. He’s never gotten close enough to one to tell.
He and his sister still have power in their little farmhouse at the edge of town because the coming of the zombies has not brought on the end times and the basics of life still go on. So he watches the news every night to hear the latest on the creatures. They’re not everywhere, but they’re round and about the country now. He figures several have probably been captured and are in some government lab right about now, being prodded and studied, but no one would ever go on national TV and admit it.
Octavia thinks they should capture one of the zombies and put it to work, not that the farm really functions anymore, and this state of affairs has nothing to do with the apocalypse and everything to do with the Blakes not having been farmers in seventy or eighty years. Bellamy’s a teacher at the elementary school in Arcadia, third grade, and Octavia’s been doing odd jobs while she figures herself out. She has these fantasies about farm life that have about as much basis in reality as the concept of harnessing zombie power for good, but maybe eventually something real will materialize out of all of that imagination of hers. Then he’ll know if he should be placing blame on or giving thanks to her new boyfriend, Lincoln, and his fun facts about the original zombies, the proto-zombies, the reanimated almost-dead who work in the fields.
“We have fields, Bell,” she tells him. He reminds her that they’re meadowland now.
Dark falls earlier now that fall has settled in over Arcadia, not quite seven when he pulls all the blinds and turns on the extra lights. He flips the light on in the kitchen and the long, twin fluorescents buzz to life above his head.
And then, Bellamy pauses.
He senses it before he hears it. He senses it beneath the buzzing of the light, and Octavia’s footsteps on the stairs, and he feels it in the way his hand stops all on its own, hovering there above the light.
The crackling of leaves, shuffling against each other, whispering against each other. Pushed aside to form a path for heavy, slow feet. One step and then another, dragging, and heavy.
He lets his hand fall down from the light switch, thinks again, reaches up to turn it off. With only the haloed edge of the living room light behind him, he sees the room as almost utter inky blackness, stamped with the vague outlines of remembered shapes. He steps where he knows he can step, heavy on his own feet, until he reaches the window above the sink. Then he twitches aside the curtains and squints out into the dark. He can’t see a thing but he can he hear that same shuffling still, that weary dragging. He imagines he hears a moan coming with it, but that’s a sound in his own ears. The rhythm of the steps is so slow, so unfaltering. His breath is held waiting for the pattern to break.
Maybe for the heavy step to suddenly go still. Maybe to look up and see that rotten face looking at him.
Out on the edge of town, he’s seen plenty of them, the zombies, but almost always at a distance: pairs of them against the trees where the farmland gives out, or trains of three or four dragging their heels through the dust on the side of the road, heading toward the setting sun. Like wild animals, they keep their distance and he keeps his. He’s not sure if they can see, what they can smell, how close he’d have to get before they noticed him or what he’d have to do. He’s learned to live with them and around them, as he’s learned to live with so many other things.
Through the window, peering up close to it so he can discern past his own reflection, he watches as the figure enters the round splash of yellow from the back porch light. He sees details of it first, before he can fully grasp the whole: tatters and decay, in a skeletal shape. It drags its own foot behind it like a club. Its skin is picked over and scavenged, rot on its own fingers—this one is old, deep buried in the earth for a long time. A long time. It doesn’t turn to look at him and Bellamy doesn’t let go of his breath. Only after it’s long shuffled out of sight does he realize that he never did look at that old man’s face.
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 2 years
hi 💚 can I request you post a little snippet of each of those wips of yours, if you have one / would like to share one, please? love you!
Ooh, okay, uh, let's see.
There's nothing coherent enough of Hellfire to share just yet, but the other two are legible at least.
Under a cut, because these are long.
This is the opening of chapter one of The Price Of Victory:
Alex clicked the safety off of her handgun and peered down the sights. The laser pointer beamed against the opposite wall, bouncing back at her like an accusation. It was still calibrated perfectly – she should know, she'd done it herself. But it didn't stop her checking.
"Is that really necessary?" Jordan asked from beside her, not for the first time. "West might be a nutcase, but is he really going to be that dangerous?"
"For the last time Jordan, he's had the Necronomicon for six months. Who knows what he could have done with it? He was insane before he got his hands on that damn book, and I'm sure it hasn't exactly improved his mental capacity."
"But still, a gun?"
"Yes. A gun. And I'm not having this discussion again."
Alex moved further into the darkness, her ears on alert for anything that her eyes couldn't see. She heard Jordan huff from behind, but his footsteps fell into synch with hers.
Six months. Six months it had taken them to finally get a decent lead on Herbert West. Six months of searching across the country for reports of strange disappearances, six months of the same arguments.
The air between Alex and Jordan was chilly, and not just because the refinery was old. After Bedlam, they had tried to return to how they had been before. Before the insanity, before the Deep Ones, and Mother Hydra, and Father Dagon. Even before Cthulhu and Crafton.
They both wanted to. They'd both tried so hard to put the past behind them and move on. But while Cthulhu was out there, constantly trying to breach the walls of reality and flood the world, there was no moving on. There was only running away. And Alex couldn't do that any more.
And this is from chapter 10 of Swing My Way:
"Harrington, I'm going to wring your neck!" Robin rounded on him once she’d shut the door, and he backed away like she'd drawn a gun. "What did I say? What did we agree to?"
"That I wouldn't use my powers until I knew what I could do?" he hazarded, still unable to get the smile off his face despite Robin's fury.
"And on what planet does 'not using your powers' translate into 'stopping a bank robbery'? You were all over the news last night!"
Steve hadn't seen that; he'd fallen asleep as soon as he got back from the café, and hadn't had time to check the feeds this morning. His smile grew wider. "I made the news?"
"Yes, you idiot! 'Scarf-faced lunatic and dude in black suit stop fire' is everywhere! Even Nancy wrote something about it! Stop grinning!"
"But it's good, isn't it? Now people have seen me. They know I'm one of the good guys."
Robin shook her head like Steve was the dumbest man on the planet. "You're impossible. You couldn't have waited one more day?"
Finally, Steve felt a little anger of his own. "That bank was being robbed, Robin. I could stop it. So I did. I may have gotten these weird powers in some like, twist of fate, but I'm not about to just sit back when people need me. You know me better than that."
Robin sighed, and he saw some of the anger slip out of her. "I know, Steve. I just...you could have been seen. You could have been caught, or worse. If what you said about Brenner is true, you can guarantee that he'll be looking for you now."
"That's why I had the scarf!" He pulled it out of his pocket and waved it in front of her. "See? No one knew it was me!"
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thecoddaughter · 1 month
rambling about writing
i read my old writing and see how far i have come. i look at my projects from the last three and a half years. i started writing "hand in hand" back during the final semester of high school after reading ATYD for the first time. i wanted to make it a three generation series. i planned the storylines out on my private tiktok in cosplay cuz i couldn't write my ideas quick enough and music and writing go together for me. i reread the four chapter i had of my next gen fic last night and it made me miss it. parts of it were bad and i had no real plan on what to do with it. back when i first started, i was so unsure of posting online. i was writing "hand in hand" for fun and for myself. you can see the early days of my themes of memory and intergenerational trauma. my irl best friends convinced me to post it and it was so opening to me as a person. i didn't get tumblr until a month or so after finishing posting that fic. i was simultaneously writing non-edited, non-beta read, quick plotted dndads fics and found fandom here. i never really promoted "hand in hand" or "golden children" because i don't follow those fandoms on tumblr and i didn't want to mess with the memory of old hand-me-down posts that made me love everything so much. as someone who is very openly queer and nonbinary in this space, i was writing those stories while discovering myself and the reclaiming was very powerful to me. i will always cry when i think of davey and ian. i will cry when i think of percy and oliver. i will miss that i never finished writing that last fic where i got to write about ginny standing up to molly and being openly queer and happy after all those years of pain. i will always miss it. "golden children" is the only fic that's gotten a relatively negative comment, though the person meant no harm and i understand their point of view, especially knowing the last few chapters were haphazardly written in and in between classes my sophomore year, a year i was kinda at my lowest. i know i am very lucky that that is the only negative comment i've gotten. i am almost at 60 fics which totals to 415,207 words. which is double the longest hp book where so many of these ideas started. i have fallen away from fiction writing outside of fandom and found a love for my poetry. i never was able to finish a fiction story, so i took up running ttrpg games based on vague plots i had. fanfiction is were my long form writing lives. i talk about it openly at college. have created real friendships around things from here. i was so cautious. with "hand in hand" i was so freaking nervous. i don't really have anyone who beta reads my stuff anymore. i post as i write. i have two wips right now and i've abandoned fics. i was so scared to do that to people. i didn't want to put something imperfect online. all my fics have errors because they aren't professionally edited and i can't catch everything no matter how many times i check and look for read lines (google docs doesn't show them all anymore and i don't trust grammarly anymore). to this day i still get scared i'll mix up prefect and perfect because of how much i wrote it. all of this is to say, thank you for anyone who has read my writing. thank you for being here. thank you for being you. thank you for giving me the community i longed for as a child. maybe one day i will find the courage and ideas to stick it to JK on last time and actually finish out my first series. maybe one day i won't feel the need to. i love you!
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beaniepanini · 6 months
040124 00:34
hi. i havent written in a while. im sorry. to be honest, i dont know how to start. i've been all over the place since the last time i wrote. i dont really understand much anymore, and im kind of having a crisis? kinda. last i wrote was september, so i didnt get to write about what i'd like to call "The October Fiasco" because yeah, it's the type of thing that happens that require me to give it a title.
The October Fiasco happened on October 26, 2023. A month and a half since the break-up. At that point, the last time I talked to my ex was on my birthday, cuz theyre an asshole like that. i had a seminar five cities over the next day and had to leave at 3am. that day was already off to a bad start which involved an argument with my dad, and me having a breakdown at the GSO. 7pm i had dinner with my adviser at orgmates and decided to check my life360 cuz i was still hung up on my ex. they were at the hospital. why were they at the hospital? are they okay?
My adviser told me it wasnt my problem anymore, I said yeah, its not. But i still cared about them. Fate was being a bitch and i ended up at the hospital anyways. Long story short, they didnt say anything about the fact that i was there. i dont fucking know. i may never find out what the fuck was in their mind that night, but whatever. its over. there's no point in me being mad anymore. i feel like im about to have a breakdown right now. i said what i said when they reached out in february. i dont want to talk to them anymore.
thats a lie. i feel like those 2 years were nothing to them and i was just never ever worth the effort. i feel horrible. right before i blocked them on facebook, their last post hinted that they liked someone new. would they treat that person the same? would they treat that person better? would they put in more effort? why couldn't they do that for me? was i just not worth it? i hate them. i fucking hate them for making me feel like this. no matter how much i give my heart out to them when we were together, it was nothing to them. they tried. i know that they fucking tried, pero putangina. when they reached out, they were cutting me off, what makes them think they have that kind of power over the situation? no. FUCK YOU. i'm not letting you get out of this unscathed. i want you to feel how much hurt you made me feel. i hope you fucking live with this guilt. i dont want you to find love, i want you to have nightmares about me.
im angry now. for fucks sake. anyways. i've moved on. i still have anger in my heart, but im sure i dont love them anymore. i cant fucking look back and think of happiness, im so angry that i wasted 2 years of my life with them. but we keep moving forward, i met someone. i've been having a hard time feeling that they genuinely do like me back because theyre a hypersexual person, but i know that this is also cuz i keep comparing them to my ex.
also, i should stop hiding their identity. hes a guy. ig that contributes as to why the whole hypersexual thing throws me off, considering i was assaulted. but he reassured me once, i said i know. im not used to the love and attention, so i know is not a him problem. its a me problem. he's been,, amazing. hes blown all my expectations out of the water. all the shit i had to beg for, he did it all naturally. he matches my energy. we're both weirdos. he makes me feel safe and cared for. i admit that im also hypersexual, but i never really talked about it. so with him, i feel comfortable. i opened up about it. we're doing okay. im not used to someone wanting me this much. im trying not to self-sabotage so i've been doing a lot of self-reflecting lately.
i still get emotional flashbacks to when i was with my ex. that if he's offline i assume the worst, because thats what happened with my ex. or just a few hours with not talking to him i go crazy and assume he wants nothing to do with me anymore. im working on it, but for fucks sake i didnt realize how deep the damage was until i met a guy willing to talk about it with me. my friend was really angry about this too when i opened up about it. it was an odd morning and he said he doesnt feel okay so he'll be offline for a bit. he said it was something personal, but i shut down. i assumed it was bcuz he was tired of me. i assumed he realized i was too much. that wasn't the case obviously, but i felt it. i have to keep reminding myself that he's not my ex.
i rambled. sorry. but yeah. im doing okay. kinda. we have a new puppy, her name is Taki.
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wellsayhelloaagin · 3 years
Cross My Heart
Summary: Your biggest fear is seeing your girlfriend, Wanda, get hurt on a mission. What happens when an easy mission turns out to be anything but?
Pairing: Wanda x Reader
Warnings: Blood, fighting scene, gunshots, angst
Words: 2.8k
A/N: So this is the first fic I've written since I was about 16 and the first one I've ever written for Marvel. I had this idea in my head for the last few days and I just couldn't get it out until I wrote it down. So I'm super nervous about posting but here goes. Let me know what you think, hope you all enjoy it. It's a lot of angst sprinkled with little bits of fluff
It started like any other mission.
As you rode the quinjet to the location, Steve briefed the team, your eyes drifting briefly to Wanda across the aircraft. You took in the hard set of your girlfriends’ jaw and the way her shoulders were squared. This was the Wanda who was prepared for battle, her focus completely on the mission. Well almost completely.
She looked away from Steve for a brief second and met your eyes, her own softening slightly as she brought her hand up to draw a cross over her heart as she saw the worry in your eyes. It was her way of reassuring you before missions. “I promise I will do everything I can to come back to you after every mission, cross my heart” she would say as she held you close. Despite her immense power you still found yourself worrying about her each time she was on a mission. You couldn’t help it. You loved her with everything you had and if you lost her you didn’t know if you could survive it.
The past few months you had been together had been the happiest you can remember feeling, and while you hadn’t said those three words out loud yet, you felt them in every touch, every stolen glance, and every night spent in her arms. She made you feel safe and content.
You smiled lightly at the witch and returned the gesture, bringing your right hand up to draw an imaginary cross over your heart, knowing that she worried about you as well. Her concern always made warmth erupt in your chest, knowing that she cared about you just as much.
You turned your attention back to Steve as he continued to recite the details of the mission. Some rogue SHIELD agents had stolen some highly dangerous weapons and the team was tasked with retrieving them from the abandoned warehouse at the edge of the city. You would enter the building in pairs and comb through a designated area, reporting back to Maria who would remain in the quinjet to oversee the mission.
As the jet landed Steve wrapped up his briefing and wished everyone luck, grabbing his shield from beside him and leading everyone to the exit. “Remember, watch your partner’s back, stay alert, use the comms to call for backup if you need it. We are all coming out of this alive” he said as he adjusted the strap on his helmet. You nodded once and removed your gun from its holster on your thigh. You felt Wanda's hand squeeze your free hand as she walked past you, getting into position with Clint, who would be her partner on this mission. You quickly returned the squeeze before she let go and briefly saw the corners of her mouth turn upwards.
“Alright team, let's go,” Steve said and everyone began to move forward. You followed Sam along a trail to the right, the two of you moving silently to the rear of the building, waiting for the others to be in position before you breached the doors. After a count down from Steve, you kicked the door in, gun sweeping the area before declaring it clear of threats. You found yourself faced with a narrow hallway and you and Sam began to walk down it, checking the rooms you came across and finding them all empty.
“It just seems a bit too easy,” Sam observed after finding yet another room devoid of life, “It almost feels like a trap.”
“Don’t be so pessimistic Sam,” you replied, glancing at him over your shoulder before continuing, “every now and then the universe can afford to give us an easy mission.”
The comms were alive with the voices of the team as they reported that their areas were also clear. You felt yourself relax when you heard Wanda's voice stating that she and Clint had found nothing in their section and were headed back to the quinjet.
The comms crackled to life once more as you heard Natashas voice ring through your ear. “Steve and I have found the weapons, they’re in a storage room on the bottom floor. We could use a little help carrying them back to the jet.”
“Y/N and I are on it,” Sam replied, “Our section is clear and we’re close by. Be there in a minute.”
You followed your partner along the corridor towards the storage unit, keeping alert in case anyone was lurking in the shadows. Despite your earlier comments, you felt slightly on edge with how easy this mission seemed to be going. Surely there would be someone here guarding the weapons?
The two of you made it to Steve and Natasha quickly and began loading the small metal balls into your bags. While they looked innocent, you knew that these little orbs had the power to reduce an entire building to rubble once detonated. You breathed a sigh of relief once the last one was packed away, knowing that they were once again in safe hands.
“Ok all packed up, we’re on our way back to the jet now. ETA five minutes” Steve informed the rest of the team through the comms and the four of you began the walk back out to the jet.
“I might actually get home in time to watch The Bachelor,” Natasha remarked to you as you walked back down the corridor towards the exit. “I’m sick of the show being spoiled for me on Twitter before I can watch it,” she continued with an annoyed furrow to her brows.
“I can’t believe you watch that crap Romanoff!” you said smirking at her, “You know it's entirely fake and over dramatised right?”
Natasha rolled her eyes at you before replying, “Well we can’t all be in ridiculously healthy relationships now, can we? Some of us need to replace the lack of love in our life with fake and over dramatised shows just to feel something in our cold dead hearts.”
You laughed lightly, turning to your friend with a smile. “Somehow you don’t strike me as the ‘sad, lonely, cries into her ice cream’ type. Just admit you like the drama of the show and be honest with yourself for once.”
Natasha opened her mouth to reply but a bullet whizzing past her head stopped the words in her throat. Immediately the four of you sprang into action, turning in the direction of the bullet and seeing multiple assailants emerge from a doorway to the left.
You act on instinct and dive for cover behind a wall, pulling Natasha with you, as they open fire in the confined space of the corridor. You hear the sound of bullets ricocheting off Steve's shield and the mechanical whirring of Sam's wings being deployed as he leaps into action. You take a moment to collect yourself, the blood pounding in your ears as the adrenaline kicks in. You look over to Natasha and see that she mirrors your posture, gun drawn, ready to fight. You both nod at each other as you turn back to the fight.
You fire off a bullet at the closest attacker, hitting him in the shoulder and making him drop his weapon. He turns to face you as you run towards him, sliding through his legs before standing on the other side and landing a kick squarely in his back, sending him careening into the brick wall. His head makes contact with the wall and you see him begin to slump to the ground, but your attention has already shifted to the next threat.
The fight is frantic and loud, the walls of the corridor echoing with the sound of gunshots and the noise of fists colliding with bodies. You hear Steve call for backup in the comms, but you know that by the time the rest of the team arrives the battle will be over. The wave of rogue agents is already diminishing, what they had in numbers they lacked in combat skill. Once they lost the element of surprise, their attack was feeble at best.
You watch Steves shield sail past you, knocking down a man who was raising his gun in Sam’s direction. Behind you, you could hear Natasha fighting with another, his grunts of pain leading you to believe that she was winning that particular fight. Your attention was on the assailant in front of you, his hand-to-hand combat skills better than the others, as he flung punches your way. You blocked them, aiming a few of your own at his ribs, and smiled in satisfaction when you heard a telltale crack of bone under your closed fist. He let out a whoosh of air before doubling over in pain, which allowed you to send your knee into his head, rendering him unconscious.
The noises died down and as you looked around to survey the scene you found the fight over. Countless bodies lay strewn around the area, but the four of you stood tall. Bruised, out of breath, but thankfully all ok. You took in a deep breath of relief, bending down to pick up your gun that had been knocked out of your hand at some point during the scuffle.
Natasha and Steve had already begun shifting the bodies on the floor, tying their hands behind their back, ready to hand them over to the authorities. Sam was collecting the weapons of the incapacitated agents, emptying the cartridges of bullets and tossing them into his bag with the orbs you had collected earlier.
You pressed your finger against the receiver in your ear, still slightly out of breath as you spoke. “All wrapped up here guys, they put up a fight but we’ve got them all taken care of. We’ll need some help getting them outside though, how far away are you?”
“Thank god you’re all ok!” You heard Clint reply in your ear, “We were starting to worry there. We’re just coming up to you all now.” Sure enough, you could hear the distant sound of feet slapping the concrete as they ran closer to your location. You looked up as they turned the corner, spotting Wanda amongst the rest of the team. Her face was one of relief although you could see the dried tracks of tears on her cheeks.
She ran right up to you, enveloping you in a tight hug once you were close enough. “You scared me,” she cried, taking in a shuddering breath against your shoulder. You squeezed her back, hoping to reassure her.
“I’m fine sweetheart,” you replied, your voice muffled by her hair, “I wasn’t ready to break our promise just yet.” She let out a choked laugh, pulling back and hitting your shoulder lightly in mock annoyance at your attempted joke. You watched as her eyes scanned your body for any trace of injury, letting her have her moment. You knew all too well the feeling of dread that accompanied hearing a call for help through the comms.
“Yeah, I’m doing great too, thanks for asking,” Natasha joked having tied up the last of the attackers and walking over to join the two of you. She looked a little stiff in her movements, a bruise already forming across her collarbone that was peeking out from her shirt.
You laughed lightly, wrapping your arm around Wanda's shoulders and turning to face Natasha. “Thanks for your help back there,” you said to her, “I feel safer when I know you’ve got my back.”
“Don’t mention it Y/N, we’re all making it out alive right?” she repeated Steve’s words from earlier to you. “Now come on, let's get these traitors outside. The police should be here soon.”
You removed your arm from Wanda's shoulder as you began to walk over to the agents on the ground, your hand trailing down her arm before entwining your fingers. You squeezed her hand and she looked over at you, her smile making your breath catch in your throat. God, she’s beautiful you thought to yourself, returning her smile with one of your own.
You knew you loved her, you had known for a while now. Being with her made you feel safer than you ever had in your life, she felt like the missing piece of you, being with her made you feel whole. You suspected she felt the same way, but you were still hesitant to say those words out loud. That little voice in the back of your head making you doubt the soft smiles and careful caresses.
As you walked hand in hand towards the others you decided that you were done with being scared, you wanted to tell her how you felt. You stopped dead, taking a deep breath to summon all your courage. This is it, you thought to yourself. Wanda felt the tug of your arm as she continued forward, turning to face you with a furrowed brow, unsure of why you had stopped.
“Wha-” she began before you cut her off.
“Sorry I just need to get this out before I lose my nerve,” you smiled apologetically at her. Her green eyes twinkled with curiosity as she looked at you. “Wanda, these last few months with you have been some of the best months of my life and I wake up every day and thank my lucky stars that you choose me to spend your days with. I don’t know why, but you do.” You know that you’re beginning to ramble, so does she, her face lighting up with amusement. She opens her mouth as if to cut in but you continue, not giving her a chance. “I know I’m not perfect, I’m a pain in the ass really. I always steal the covers, I sing terribly off-key, I always leave my socks on the bathroom floor. But despite all this, you choose me anyway, and I choose you too. Every single day. So what I’m trying to say here is that I lo-”
Your body jerks forward, cutting your sentence off. You’re not sure what happened at first. You look toward Wanda, who is looking back at you with wide, horrified eyes. Blood is splattered across her shirt, some of it making its way to her face. The red is a stark contrast against her pale skin. You feel yourself begin to panic, scanning her body to see where the blood came from. She can’t be hurt, you couldn’t stand the thought of her shedding a drop of blood.
But then a second later the pain catches up with you. You feel a sharp twinge in your chest and you look down, blood seeping from the bullet wound in your chest, soaking your shirt. “Oh” you gasp as you begin to fall forward, your body writhing in agony.
“Y/N!” Wanda cries out as she catches you. Behind you, you vaguely hear the sound of a scuffle and the distinct sound of Steve’s shield making contact with a body, but the throb in your chest makes it hard to concentrate.
Wanda cradles you as she sinks to the floor, her hands trying to stem the flow of blood from your chest, tears cascading down her face. Natasha drops to your side, checking for your pulse, panic marring her normally controlled face.
You can hear Wanda's voice but you can’t process what she’s saying. You turn your energy to the woman you love, focusing on the words coming from her mouth like a prayer. “No, not like this” she gasps through sobs, “not like this. You can’t leave me too. You’re ok, you have to be ok, I’m not ready to let you go yet. Please Y/N, don’t leave me. Just hold on a little longer my love. I need you with me, I can’t do this without you”
You can feel yourself fading, the effort to keep your eyes open is starting to become too much. Your chest is warm from the blood drenching your body, your breath coming out in shallow, shuddering gasps.
“Y/N stay with us” you hear Natasha say, but it sounds strange. Almost as if you are underwater. “We’re going to get you some help, you’re going to be fine.”
“Please, please don’t leave me,” Wanda sobs, her hands covered in your blood, her face covered by her own tears. “You promised,” she continued. “Cross my heart,” she raised her hand to draw the cross, right over where the bullet had torn through your chest. “You can’t go, you hear me? I won’t let you. I love you Y/N, I love you so much and I know you love me too.”
“I do,” you rasped out, barely audible but you knew Wanda had heard you by the way she let out a choked sob, her eyes shining with tears.
“Then stay,” she begged. “Stay here with me. Please.”
You tried to draw in a breath to reply, but it got caught in your throat. You felt the pull of the darkness again, and this time you didn’t have the energy to fight it. You looked up at Wanda, her tear-stained face the last thing you saw before everything went black.
A/n: I know, I know. Please don't shoot me. I didn't plan on leaving it like this but halfway through writing, I had an idea for a part two. It will be from Wanda's POV and I already have about 500 words written so it should hopefully be up tomorrow.
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fandomscombine · 3 years
Heartbreak Woman [Cho/Cedric Ending]
Warning: Angst! Brokenhearted!Reader
I proposed 3 varying endings and the response was across the board so I decided why the heck not write ALL 3 choices!
a/n: I haven't been active on tumblr this past month. Motivation to read & write wasn't really there. Feelin pretty crap. I don't think it's my best work- I actually wrote this ending last month but delay posting it since I promised to post all 3 endings back to back- but with the recent burnout, my progress is slow. Proofread it and push the insecurities & anxieties away and here we are. Love was put into this, I hope you enjoy it! Don't worry, the other 2 endings are on the way.
I tried posting this 9 times now and it keeps saying error. this is me testing it with mobile so formatting is hard but I hope it posts
BG: You were hoping that your best friend, Cedric to ask you to the Yule Ball. Instead you were roped into helping him ask Cho out. It broke your heart, but at least this way while helping him out you could pretend that he was doing all the sweet things to you. On the other side of the picture, Harry was too heartbroken upon learning that Cho is going out with Cedric.
Read the main story before it diverges ending here!
>>>Heartbreak Woman [Main]
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Did Harry Potter really just ask you out and you said yes?
Touching your forehead, it wasn’t bleeding anymore but there is still a slight sting to it from the collision with Harry’s broom. Yes. That definitely happened. You thought to yourself, this isn’t some delusion from the injury.
 This is good. This is good. Hyping yourself up. You enjoy his company and that should be enough to stop your thoughts from going about a certain Hufflepuff boy. The same boy you had abruptly left alone in the greens. It’s not his fault nor it is Cho’s for wanting to date each other. You have nothing against them, they are both such lovely and kind people and not to mention popular- it was only a matter of time that they got together, Hogwarts’ Power Couple.
No, it’s just you and your stupid feelings falling for your best friend and agreeing to help with the courtship.
‘Y/n? Hii.” The voice reels you back to reality.
You blinked. “Cho! Hi!” Greeting her loudly had been taken by surprise. You dial down your volume. “What can I do for you?”
“It’s actually what you did, really… I just wanted to say thank you.”
You were confused, why was she thanking you?
“For helping Cedric I mean” She clarified. “He mentioned that you helped him with the picnic idea. It was very sweet. It was what made me finally say yes.”
“That’s awesome.” You force yourself to smile. “I’m glad you guys are together, I can finally get that git to stop bothering me with date ideas. That’s 3 weeks of my life I’m not getting back!” There was some truth to that statement, now that she and Cedric are together you don’t have to go through the pain of practice dates with Cedric.
“You y/n are the absolute wingwoman! Legend material!” Cho praised. “You're like my fairy godmother!” She continues, wrapping you into an embrace.
“yayyyy….That’s me…” You mumble into her luscious hair. Grateful that Cho couldn’t see your face.  Pulling apart, you don’t let her go quite yet. With hands on her shoulder, you stare unwavering. “Just don’t break his heart yea? He’s really smitten by you, promise you won’t hurt him.”
Cho is taken aback a bit, your words clearly coming from a strong emotional bond with the boy.  Thoughts of love, Eros, passed through her mind but brushed it away - It can’t be y/n help them get together. Y/n’s words must come from Philia love, y/n and Cedric had been best friends since before they could talk! Everyone knows that. They have a soul connection that can’t be replicated.  “I promise.”
14th February.
Valentine’s Day.
This holiday sucks.
No, not for the reason that you’re single. Nah.
Today is a downer as you won’t be able to do your annual tradition.
See every since 3rd year you and Cedric would be in a pink ensemble outfit complete with red heart sunglasses. Spreading chants of self love and showering fellow single students and professors with compliments. This all started out when your roommates teased you for not having a date for Valentine’s day.  When Cedric had heard about it, he went all out. The boy basically made sure that every single person knew how wonderful, beautiful and intelligent you are.
It was this day onwards that 2 things happened.
Complementing and advocating for self love, Philautia, in a pink get up became an annual Valentine’s tradition. (Even a couple of students joined the cause, expanding from you just both into an association/group of sorts.)
 You started to see Cedric in a new light. In other words, you were falling in love with your best friend.
Scanning the Great Hall for pink cladded pupils, you were glad that the group had saved you a seat however a certain Hufflepuff was out of sight. Taking a deep breath, you cleared your head. Get it together y/n. Today is about sharing love and do NOT think about Cedric and Cho going on a romantic date in Hogsmeade.
You were about to take a step forward when-
“Argh!” Shutting your eyes as the hall spun around.
“Relaxx!! Relax! It’s just me.”
Feet back on solid ground, you turned towards the perpetrator, the one boy you did not want to see right now. “What the fuck Ced! Don’t scare me like that!”
“I’m sorry…” Cedric raises his arms in surrender. “Is everything alright?”
“Yea everything’s fine.”
Cedric raises a brow. You forget that this boy can see through your bullshit.
“Only had a couple hours of sleep, that’s all.” It wasn’t a lie, in fact you’d only gotten 3 hours of rest last night, it was just the case of omitting that his upcoming date with Cho was the reason for your restlessness. You don’t want to blame it on jealousy, but it is.
Grabbing hold of your hand, he pulls you towards the group. "Alright then, I've got some spare sleeping potion if you need."
You wave to your fellow singles as you sit down."uh..thanks Ced." You couldn't stop vocalizing your confusion as to why Cedric is still right next to you. Normally you wouldn't complain, but today was Valentine's Day.
"Ouch y/n!" Cedric sassed, eyes focused on piling food onto his plate." Just because I have a girlfriend now doesn't mean I would disappear on my best girl."
My best girl. It hurts to be called that in another context than you wanted.
"Don't you have a date with Cho today?"
"Yea but Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop  doesn't open until 11am. Which gives me time for our annual Valentine's tradition!"
"But you're taken."
"Yes….but I could still help spreading the love!" Cedric glanced around. "No one minds that I come to join you right?"
A murmur of Nos filled your eyes.
"Haha! See I told you!" Cedric brags, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. Looks at you straight in the eyes, those gorgeous grey irises melting away your defenses."You can't get rid of me that easily." He whispers, loud enough only for you to hear. You could feel the heat filling up your face due to his closeness. Too busy lost in the rapid beats of your heart, you failed to notice his face getting even closer.
A softness like cotton grazes your cheek.
Cedric kissed you!
Your mind is close to being short circuited. The area of where Cedric's lips were a nanosecond ago is cold as ice. The cold contrasted with your now burning hot, blushing face.
You could live in this forever. All external environments quiet, blocked out of focus. Cedric's arms around you while the butterflies in your stomach bursts out, occupying your whole body with sheer giddiness from having his lips on you.
But the daydream breaks.
"Hey Love! You ready?"
"Morning!" He greets, kissing her. "Uh…" It's only 9:34am. You nod, silently telling him that it was okay to miss your annual tradition. You weren't expecting any quality time today, yet he managed even if it was just for breakfast. "Yea.. give me 10 minutes to go change and I'll pick you up at the courtyard?"
"Sounds great. Be quick cause I miss you already!"
"Sure will sweetheart." He pecks her lips again then waves goodbye to the table and he's off, running.
The tension changes once Cedric is gone.
"Can I talk to you outside y/n?"
"uh yeah" Once outside. "What's up?" Trying to sound casual. Cho inviting you to speak privately isn't usual-seeing that you were the couple's go to accomplice for surprises.
"I see the way you look at him."
"I'm sorry?"
"I know.you like him. y/n. I know you like Cedric."
"Cho.. you can't be serious, he's my best friend!"
"I wasn't sure then.but just now..the way you act around him. the way you look at him. y/n is undeniable. It’s  so obvious-I had assumptions then but everyone just brushes it off as your childhood friend with each other. heck even both of you say that."
"I didn't bring this up before because I felt insecure, jealous even that I can't live up to the standard of relationship you and Cedric have.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. There were too many revelations bombarding you all at once, that you are having trouble processing what is going on.
“But I am tired of what ifs and worrying.” Voice quivering, she continues. “You've got to tell him, y/n."
The words snap you back into place.
"Cho… I can't. I can't ruin your relationship."
If you love someone and they love someone else, you let them go.
Everything Taglist :@gruffle1
HP Taglist:@onlyfreds
Heartbreak woman Tagist:
@joalinbenefits @the-natureofme @romanoffs-heart @justmesadgirl @plumso @gleefulleve @wolf-phoenix-lover @ceofcedric @savvy7392 @cedricsfluffyhair @thewayilookatbacon @LIONLIKEWOLFLIKE @mellifluous-cosmos
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little prince.
For Helsa Week 2021, Day 1: Parenthood ♥️ @helsaweekmasterlist
Excerpt. It was a perfect day for him and his little family, just the three of them, together, and he couldn't ask for something more perfect than this precious moment.
Rating: G • Word Count: 1,355
The fic will soon be posted on AO3 and FFnet as per usual. It's already day 2, where I live, but nah, let me post this now cause I fell asleep and it's still 19 April somewhere in the globe. Also, the prequel of this fic will be posted soon cause it fits the prompt (Soulmates) so please stay tuned. Hope you like it! 💕
Hans knew this day would arrive, yet no matter how much he tried to convince himself that he would be fine, it was still something he dreaded most. He wasn't ready for such a responsibility, then he recalled his mother's words from the last letter: who ever is ready?
The Prince Consort had just adjourned a Council meeting and was on his way to pick up some flowers for his wife, when he saw Kai, the Queen's advisor, quickly walked towards him. A tall servant, dressed in her usual day uniform in Arendelle's signature colour, was trailing after the advisor. Hans flashed them a smile, which turned into a slight frown as he noticed the look of panic and shock on their faces.
"Your Highness." Kai and the servant bowed.
"Is there anything you'd like to say, Kai?" Hans raised an eyebrow.
Kai took a deep breath, as if he was trying to compose himself, before he spoke, "It's the Queen."
As soon as he heard those words, Hans began to think of the worst. What happened to Elsa? Are they going to be okay? Goodness, he could only wonder and hope for the best.
"Did something happen to her?"
"The Queen is in labour, Sir," the tall servant replied.
The news gave him heart palpitations, and he was too stunned to move. "Already? But the doctor said the baby wouldn't be due until the end of the month."
"Apparently, there's still a chance that the baby would be due sooner," Kai added, then made a gesture to let him walk first.
"Has the doctor been called?"
The advisor replied from beside him, "Yes, Sir. He is already there with the Queen."
"What about the Princess?"
The auburn haired Prince could only imagine the look of shock on his sister in law's face when she realised she might miss the birth of her nephew or niece. He wondered if she and Kristoff would cut their honeymoon short once they received the news.
"We've already sent a messenger to the inn they're staying in."
Hans nodded. "Thank you, Kai."
With every step he took towards their chamber, Hans couldn't help but worry. His soulmate, the love of his life, was looking radiant and well that morning. He didn't even hear any complaints from her about any pain, or how their baby kept her up all night. Then again, Elsa rarely complained and mostly kept everything to herself. Having been trained all her life to conceal her powers, it was a lesson that became a habit and stayed with her. 
Stopping before a white wooden double door with various patterns, he then grabbed the handle, before one of the servants stopped him.
"I'm sorry, Sir, but you're not allowed in."
"I'm the husband of the Queen, I have every right to be there," he stated firmly, masking his nerves behind the shades.
Not waiting for an approval, he pushed the door open. The moment he stepped in, Hans was greeted by the sight of his wife lying on the bed, back propped up by a few pillows and cushions behind her. He caught her weak smile, almost immediately, and it still bore the same warmth, despite the fact that she must be in so much pain.
In a brief second, Hans was already on his wife's side, holding her hand. He pressed a gentle kiss on her temple, then murmured some sweet nothings to her ear. From the look on her face and her ragged breathing, he could tell she was as nervous as he was. 
The elegant Queen of ice and snow, who usually concealed her emotions well from the world, was now looking disheveled and undone. Her platinum blonde hair was unkempt, sweats rolling down her forehead, and she gave his hand a gentle squeeze. Elsa allowed him to embrace her, as she turned to rest her head against his shoulder.
"Hans, what if," she paused, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Once she finally calmed down, she gazed into his emerald eyes, her free hand resting on her belly. "If something goes wrong—"
"Oh, please don't say that." Hans furrowed his eyebrows, not liking where the conversation might be heading to. "We have talked about this, Elsa."
"Yes, we have. But promise me, if it goes wrong and I can't make it, promise me that you will take care of our child and make sure they are loved." She choked back a sob. "Don't make the same mistake as our parents."
He knew the risks of childbirth. He had witnessed how one of his brothers slowly sank into madness after both his wife and their unborn child passed away. The past few months, the image had been haunting him until he picked up a pen and wrote to his mother back home, which was so out of character for him. But he didn't want to bother Elsa with his thoughts and fears, for she already had enough things on her plate. 
He held her cerulean gaze with honesty and love. Her soulmate. The one who had kept him grounded. The one who had conquered her own fears. Now she looked so scared. Although Hans knew she was a strong woman and what she was capable of, he understood her. What she needed at the moment was a reassurance.
"Elsa, hey," he gently called her, brushing back her hair and tucked it behind her ear. "I promise." Pressing languid kisses on her cheek, he came to rest his hand atop her hand that was resting on her belly. 
"It'll be alright, darling. You are strong, and you can do this, okay?"
Elsa nodded, blinking back the tears furiously. She tried to catch her breath, gripping his hand tightly. Her palm felt cold in his grasp, and Hans could only imagine how she was feeling.
"I will be here, holding you. We will get through this together, yeah?" He murmured. Nuzzling her hair, he murmured softly, "I got you, Elsa."
If only everything was easy and full of certainty.
The quietude felt so strange for them. After hours of constant screaming and crying in pain, the silence that was currently engulfing them almost felt too loud, but the Queen and the Prince Consort found it rather peaceful.
Hans sat on the bed with his back resting against the headrest. Smiling, He watched as the small bundle of joy fell asleep on his mother's chest. The small fingers curled in front of his face, and Hans couldn't help but observe his face closely. He beamed when he realised that his son inherited Westergaard's nose and hair colour.
His son. Their little prince.
Warmth filled his chest at that thought. It almost felt like a dream for him, how his world had changed so quickly. Two years ago, he was shipped to Arendelle to seduce the Crown Princess of Arendelle, who turned out to be his soulmate. Little did he know that he would grow to love her, and they would make it work together.
"A penny for your thoughts?" The gentle whisper woke him from his train of thoughts.
He turned to see Elsa smiled, her eyes blinking slowly as if she tried to fight the sleepiness. Leaning in, he captured her lips with his, the taste of her lips lingering for a while.
"I was just thinking about how lucky I am."
"Me too, actually," she said, before yawning.
At that sight, Hans tried to hold back his chuckle, especially when the baby had just fallen asleep.
"Get some sleep, darling." Lying on the bed to hold her, he then pressed another kiss on the top of her head. "I'll be here when you wake up."
"I love you," she murmured, eyes fluttering close.
"I love you too, Elsa." He gushed. "You and our little prince."
It was a perfect day for him and his little family, just the three of them, together. Glancing at the mother and son, his heart was full of happiness and warmth. He couldn't ask for something more perfect than this precious moment.
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