#I"m JUSt
noturbutchboy · 6 months
I m so tired of being treated like a human being like what if I m just a puppy in heat and I need to be fucked and used for someone else’s pleasure like why can’t I have that 😭
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xiomeebo · 2 months
I don usually make posts like this but it genuinely feels unsafe to be a gay transmasc in online fandom spaces sometimes (an honestly online queer spaces too)
Like, trans men make posts talkin about their experiences an you get ppl in the notes sayin the most vile shit. Trans men cannot talk about the shit they go thru because ppl will come in an say theyre bein bigots for havin the audacity to not like the way theyre treated
Gay men make posts about bein gay an bein attracted to men. the notes are FULL of ppl sayin shit like "you have my condolences" "sorry for your loss" or ppl sayin their attraction is "unfortunate" like do ppl not realise jokes like that made to completely random strangers online is just straight up homophobia.
I swear anyone who falls under the spectrum of queer masculinity literally cannot fuckin win no matter what. attraction to men is "unfortunate", butches an masc transmen/transmascs are "scary", fem or androgynous transmen/transmascs are viewed as fakers
Ppl took "i hate men" jokes too far the moment they started usin them on random strangers talkin about their identity an who they love,
white cishet asshole men do not give two shits if you hate them, but the marginalized men an other ppl who are masc, will hear those jokes an comments made towards them, an feel like shit for simply existin
(For the record, 'm not sayin to stop jokes like that forever, but like. use them on friends that you know are fine w havin that used on them.)
an w fandoms, ppl will look at trends of shippin leanin towards m/m an male characters in general instead of goin after misogyny that actually causes it, they will attack gay men or trans men for havin the audacity to like/wan characters like them in smthn. I genuinely cannot name more than one transmasc character in a piece of media that either hasn been fucked up by the writin or treated weirdly by the fandom. I cannot name one male character thas been queercoded who hasn had shitloads of rlly fuckin stupid an homophobic discourse around him. Fandom spaces feel like to me, that queer men aren wanted or welcome, because they don fit in ppls weird "fujoshi mlm ship fetishisin" image ppl have in their heads.
'm just honestly exhausted of seein so much vile shit relatin to my own identity online, an yea you can filter your experience !!! block ppl !!!! but when 's literally on every post, or when theres so many ppl acting like that, at some point blockin ppl just flat out doesn do shit
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sluttysaph · 5 months
Why don’t you tell all of the lovely women on here just how stupid you are… how mindless and dumb and how you want nothing more than to be a pretty little doll… beg them to think for you, it’s all you’re good for 💕
yea yes, yes i should do that!!
i think everyone should know it the moment they follow me, that im just a dumb slut who thinks more w her cunt tha her head. like right now i was sittinf on the floor n touched myself and who does that? its so slutty. my amazing big sis told me to touch my hole with ass up on the dloor so i did nd i liked it so much:(( m just a toy, a doll, a slut, really. please please think for me if u see this, i cant do it myself or just remind me of who i am whenever u see this so i wont forget
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new loki stuff! ah i´m sorry i´m just to lazy to post here XD but welp here i am! with new art :D
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deathzgf · 10 months
does anyone know how factual napoleon ' s australia by terry smyth is ?
i ' m just about to start reading but i ' m unsure of whether to take what i learn as historial fact or historical fiction aldfjdklsfjldsfj
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thegamingcatmom · 3 months
Just rewatched Twilight (1st one) after-
*checks calendar*
...too many years.
And well-
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I´m just peachy yall.
And I´m defo not listening to My Love from Sia rn-
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I´m defo not reminiscing about a time gone by.
And I´m defo not imagining stuff going down for The Sisters as I´m listening to it.
Stuff where Red has perhaps mayhaps turned to Gold-
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I´m just peachy yall.
I defo did not just google all the actors/actresses to check what they´re up to nowadays. But also to make sure they´re still, yknow, there.
And this also reminds me-
Damn, they were so young back then. Like myself. 😭
I´m fine yall, just peachy.
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prestonmonterey · 3 months
getting into the brain where im thinkin about all the ways im a silly lil freak /pos
but i cant tell anyone bc im worried theyll hate me n think im weird :D
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lalizah · 1 year
Thinking about this ask and I'm thinking of M and the MC being together for a long time, and M just ...adopts the MC's native language. Like not totally, but it's those words the MC just uses bcs there's no translation for some expressions.
Words and sentences like yes, no, maybe, what's wrong, are you ok, I'm fine, I'm not fine, etc
And now it's just only one more language that they share, one more "them" thing-
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It is…1 AM and ❣️y dumbass ain’t going to sleep. ❣️ think ❣️ need proper motivation before ❣️ can get ❣️self to fucking sleep. (❣️ apologize for all the swearing, ❣️’m just cranky lol….)
[PT: It is…1 AM and my dumbass ain’t going to sleep. I think I need proper motivation before I can get myself to fucking sleep. (I apologize for all the swearing, I’m just cranky lol….)]
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rosenecklaces · 8 months
Still soooo insane to me that we have no Autumn Court women mentions in the books besides LOA who is literally captive in her own palace and their citizens aparentally don't even blink and eye like...
I can shit on Velaris still prevalent misogyny but AC genuinely makes me wonder if s*m just couldn't bother to write about any women around there even for background or something be happening to the ladies there I should worry about 💀😭
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walls-actual-ly · 10 months
i m sometimes pretending that I m a super normal person, but deep down I m just an insane German. I had an appointment yesterday, checked how long it d take to walk vs taking the public transport, so I ended up casually walking around 13 kilometers in 2.5 hours. as you do, when you gotta get to the other side of town.
I hope my German ancestors are proud of lil me <3
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sparklingchim · 1 year
hii bb i dont want to rush u or anything but when are u planning to post pt 3 of ego season? thats literally a masterpiece😭
hii <3 tbh m not sure, i haven't really been writing lately :') m just not in the mood to write rn but i hope to get sum inspiration soon so i can finally post smth again !!!
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amyriadfthings · 2 years
I don´t know how but no matter if it´s [suspenseful ambient music] or [dreamy ambient music] or [somber ambient music] playing... it just rushes into my brain and turns all the little dials and switches and tunes me in to all the emotions and I´m just: teary. laugh-cry. sob.
What is this wizardry!!
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kinglennon · 1 year
If everything I post must now be approved by you, how am I exactly my own person. You hate it when I'm my own person
Paulie I honestly didn't mean it like that... I overreacted, I get that, and I am sorry. It's just... You weren't just posting pictures, you were saying some filthy things and...
Okay I get it. I made you feel insecure, so you wanted to make me feel insecure, maybe not on the surface but somewhere deep down... And I played right into it. And I'm sorry.
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goldie90 · 2 years
So I´m just back from shopping.😀 I bought an beautiful coat and now I´m almost a bit disappointed that it isn´t colder outside cause I want to wear it, but well, seems like I have to wait for the winter to do so.😩
But hey, I also bought a really cute dress and a nice sweater which are more appropriate for the current weather (in fact I think I´m gonna wear the dress tomorrow) so this makes the waiting a bit easier.😄
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junietuesday · 2 years
working on a hades wip, angsting zagreus and his canonical lack of door KDHDKDHSJD. was supposed to be maybe 4-5k words but everytime i think that it ends up blowing up far past that :/ this is already 7k and i still have a scene and a half to finish off. anyways this happened to coincide w a massive megzag kick im on so take a few hundred words from my wip <3 rated m just be warned bc hadesgame always does this to me
“I thought I told you to be quiet,” Megaera scolds, pulling away, and Zagreus gasps for breath. “You don’t have a damn door, Zagreus. The louder you are, the higher the risk of getting caught. As you pointed out, we’re not meant to be doing this.”
“You pointed it out first,” says Zagreus, glad that his voice comes out more-or-less steady. And then, coyly: “And doesn’t it reflect well on your talent if I can’t help but—”
“Zagreus, I will leave you here.”
“It’s not like it’s my fault I don’t have a door,” Zagreus says, and it comes out sharper than intended. But it’s difficult to keep up a flirty, positive attitude, faced with Megaera’s…Megaera-ness. “If you really were worried about it, we could’ve gone to your chambers instead. Since you’re so much more trustworthy and deserving of a door.”
“You think I’d let you in my personal chambers?” Megaera scoffs. “Don’t kid yourself. Now, enough of this—I don’t want any of your childish gripes.”
Childish. Kid. Senselessly, the words grate on his nerves. And so does being so carelessly dismissed.
“Look, I can take a little degradation, if that’s your thing—” it seems like it must be Megaera’s thing, if not really Zagreus’ “—but I really don’t appreciate all this talking down at me. You know, I technically outrank you.”
“So you’re pulling rank now, is that it,” Megaera says, low and scathing. “Well, Prince Zagreus, if you wanted me to treat you like an adult, you should’ve acted like one first.”
His title feels like a mockery in her mouth. Zagreus glares. His blood still burns, but in a heavier way, now. “I was under the impression that it was your job to make me grow up,” he snaps. “Any immaturity of mine is only a reflection on your poor performance.”
“Don’t you dare talk to me about my work performance,” Megaera snarls. “I’m Overseer for a reason. I earned that position through my own hard work. And what are you? A willful layabout, ungrateful for his coveted place in this House, granted it only through his parentage and nothing more.”
Silence. Zagreus’ feet flare with a flash of light, white-hot as his anger; praise the gods for fireproof bedding. Megaera would never let him hear the end of it otherwise. And isn’t it lovely that this is where his mind roams, fleeing the words that strike too close to home.
When Zagreus doesn’t respond, Megaera’s mouth twitches in an almost-smirk. “Nothing to say to that, huh,” she says, back to almost cordial now that she’s won. “Told you I’d shut you up, one way or another. Now.” With one hand, she reaches back down, and traces a line down his hip with her fingernail. With the other, she picks up her whip. “Unlike you, little man, I don’t leave a job unfinished. Let’s see how long you last.”
The answer to that, as it turns out, is not long at all. Zagreus trembles under her hands, and her mouth, and her whip. They’ve done this a number of times now, but he’s still not used to how intense it feels, compared to his own touch. Nonetheless, he tries to hold himself together, wanting to draw this out just a little longer—and, though he would never admit it aloud, wanting to save some scrap of face before Megaera.
“You’re being obstinate,” Megaera murmurs. “Always so damned stubborn. Just come already, Zagreus.”
And, with a moan, he does.
His feet burst into flames that lick up to his calves. His back arches against the bed, mind going deliciously blank. His awareness narrows to where Megaera’s skin meets his own; to where he and Megaera are the only two people in the world.
When he comes back to, Zagreus realizes that Megaera’s hand is pressed over his mouth. Firmly, but not painfully.
“Meg,” Zagreus pants, once he’s recovered his breath enough to speak. Her calloused palms are rough against his lips. “Let go.”
It takes a moment for Megaera to comply. When she removes her hand, she lets it drop to Zagreus’ waist.
“You were nearly shouting,” Megaera says softly, by way of explanation.
“Can’t help it.” Zagreus lets himself sink back into his mattress, feeling pleasantly loose-limbed and aching. “Not with you.”
“Tsch. I don’t want your flattery.” Regardless, Megaera starts moving against him, and the too-soon stimulation makes Zagreus hiss a breath through his teeth. “How about something more pleasurable for the both of us instead.”
She leans down closer to him, until their lips are brushing. Her periwinkle hair falls like a curtain around Zagreus’ face; he can hardly breathe.
“Stay like this,” she orders, the words pressing straight into his throat. He can almost taste her hot pink lipstick. “This way I’ll just swallow all the sounds you make, door or no door.”
Zagreus shivers. How can he refuse?
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