#I’ll probably post the boards separately eventually
imogenkol · 1 year
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tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @marivenah @simonxriley @shegetsburned @voidika @kyber-infinitygems @v0idbuggy @inafieldofdaisies @statichvm @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @jillvalentinesday @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree
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No Hellsing because I sadly don't know her but Nikolina + 9 for the 50 tropes thing? ✨
9. There’s only one bed and we sleep as far away as possible from each other but wake up cuddling
AFDHFFHJD so… answering this nearly a full year later. I had this like 90% done in my drafts for ages and forgot to actually post it. I only remembered because I was scrolling through my inbox for any fun prompts I might do and saw the ask.
Anyway, ambiguously set at some point during R&R after the gang escape the white cathedral and meet up with Nikolai again. Let’s pretend Nikolina got separated from the rest somehow lmao
Featuring a Darkling tether cameo bc I am who I am as a person, I guess!
Alina didn’t mind sharing a room— it was more cost efficient, and likely safer if they had to leave in a hurry. Sharing a bed was a little more uncomfortable though.
“I think the innkeeper may have misunderstood,” Nikolai said slowly.
“It’s fine,” she grumbled, too exhausted to care very much. She sank heavily onto the one bed, unraveling the shawl around her neck that hid the collar. “It’s only one night.”
“I could try to get another room?”
She shook her head. That would just draw more attention to them, the last thing they needed was to be memorable.
They had been mostly camping out in the woods at night, trying to steer clear of populated areas as best they could. They wouldn’t have been staying at the inn at all if Sturmhond didn’t have contacts they were intending to meet in the morning. Contacts that might even help lead them to the rest of the group. Alina hoped they were safe.
Nikolai sat down beside her. “I’ll have you know, I snore horribly.”
He gave the bed an exaggerated pat. “It doesn’t seem like a very good bed, to be honest. I don’t think it even has fleas. I could just take the floor.”
She snorted. “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s no use if you’re stiff as a board in the morning. What if you have to run away because you bad mouthed someone?”
“That would be unfortunate.”
“You just stay on your side, and I’ll stay on mine.” And truthfully she was too exhausted to care much about propriety at the moment. And sleeping on an actual bed was a very enticing prospect. She suspected Nikolai was probably feeling the same way.
“I can’t wait to tell Oretsev you insisted on sharing a bed.”
She turned to glare at him. “I could still change my mind. No gloating.”
He held up his hands placatingly, but his grin didn’t slip. “Fine, fine. I’ll leave that part out of the tales of our daring exploits.”
“I just hope we’ll get a chance to recount tales at all,” she replied.
And that was that for the moment. They busied themselves the rest of the evening taking the opportunity to replenish their supplies, and prepare for the travel yet ahead of them. It was a careful thing, they both had recognizable faces. And the last thing they wanted was to be caught before the rendezvous in the morning.
Alina took her turn washing while Nikolai ventured out again to get food.
She’d quickly dressed again and was brushing out her wet hair when she heard it, smooth as silk, almost a whisper. “Where are you, Alina?”
Somehow, she didn’t jump. Though she felt the Darkling’s cool gaze on her. Though her stomach twisted with sudden dread. “I think telling you defeats the point of being in hiding.”
“Why run, Alina? You know I’ll find you eventually. The longer you take the less inclined I am to show you mercy.”
“I’ve seen what you call mercy. I don’t want it,” she bit out, just as the door opened.
“Suit yourself,” he replied, calmly, and with that the apparition dispersed.
Nikolai walked in some time later, carrying a tray of food from the kitchen downstairs. Slim pickings, but that had been the case for awhile now, with the drawn out civil war. And frankly she didn’t have much of an appetite after the Darkling’s brief visit. But she forced herself to choke down what she could.
To his credit, Nikolai seemed to sense that her mood had turned since earlier, if not the reason why, and so he didn’t make many attempts at conversation. She was grateful for it.
Then there was the business of sleeping. It was less awkward than she was expecting. She told herself she was too exhausted and in her own head to care very much.
So she extinguished the lamp, and lay down on her own side of the bed, carefully turned away while Nikolai changed. It was likely testament to his own weariness that he hadn’t made any quips or half hearted attempts to flirt with her.
She listened to the rustle of clothes and then the soft footfalls as he approached. The listing of the mattress. Despite everything she was very aware of how close he was, even when carefully keeping to his own side. The already cramped room just seemed smaller in the dark.
“This is preferable to sleeping on the floor,” he admitted, finally.
“Much easier on your delicate, princely sensibilities, right?” she replied without turning around. She was almost a little afraid to.
He only laughed.
Still, it didn’t take very long for Alina to fall asleep.
She woke some time before dawn, disoriented. Not quite sure where she was or how, except that it was more comfortable than she was used to.
Her memory caught up to her about a minute later. And the realization that she was very much not on her own side of the bed. Just who she was clinging to, and whose shoulder she’d buried her face in. From the steady rise and fall of his breath, Nikolai appeared to still be asleep. Fortunate, he’d never let her live this down.
Gingerly, she tried to disentangle herself without disturbing him. With any luck, they simply wouldn’t talk about this in the morning.
Send me a ship and a prompt for a mini fic!
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sawdusst · 1 year
Coroika Pirate AU part 2 (?)
Alright we’re back again :D I have a bit more info on the pirate AU which I’m gonna ramble about ig 
Here is part 1 of the AU if you’d like to read that first! 
I didn’t really get a lot of other character sketches done, other than Rider--- So i guess in this post I’ll be talking about him & some other characters in this AU! :D There won’t be any drawings in this post unfortunately, just more stuff about the characters :’) 
Enjoy :D 
(the infodump is after the cut, this might be another long post lmao----) 
I might try to make a full character thing eventually--- I just haven’t had the chance to draw it out. So, I guess I’ll post that separately :/ Anyways! 
He’s technically a part of the S4 pirates, but he’s not on board with them. He’s an ally to them, but they’re not in the same ship.
Captain of the Chartreuse Pirates, which are another band of fearsome pirates. He’s also friends with the Blue Pirates (Goggles, Bobble Hat, Headphones, Specs) 
The Chartreuse Pirates is such a cool name fr
Sworn enemies with Captain Gloves (it’s more of a rivalry between the two, nothing serious)
He’s also somewhat well known across the seas for being as strong as the S4 pirates 
So basically, he was captured by Emperor’s army (Emperor’s family rules a kingdom in this AU) and separated from his crew. He manages to escape with a few injuries. After running away for some time, he eventually collapses somewhere because of his injuries. Aloha finds him and recognizes him as Captain Rider. After asking Skull what they should do, they decided to bring him aboard since his crew was nowhere to be found.
Rider wakes up a few hours later and he freaks out because he’s in the middle of the ocean aboard Captain Skull’s ship and his crew probably thinks he died or something and now he’s probably going to actually die because Captain Skull whatever evil pirates grrr and he has no boat and he can’t swi--
Anyways, Rider tries to escape but you can’t exactly get too far with a twisted ankle. Aloha found it pretty amusing though, hysterical even. 
Mask manages to catch Rider, sits him down, and gets him to chill out. He explains what happened and a whole “we’re not gonna hurt you” spiel
Eventually the S4 helps Rider reunite with his crew and as gratitude, Rider and the S4 become allies and help each other out whenever one needs it.
Rider is trying to be a kinder person
He’s pretty good at playing cards, specifically Blackjack and Speed.
Captain of the Dualie Pirates, a crew of pirates known for using two weapons. Two swords or two guns-- because they’re cool like that B) 
Captain Gloves is fairly new to the whole “pirate” biz, he thinks they’re cool and wanted in on the action overseas. 
He thinks Captain Skull is cool and wants to meet him someday, although his crew is HIGHLY opposed to this (they could probably die)
He also thinks the Wireglass Pirates are cool too and wants to be friends with their captain.
His crew also HIGHLY opposes this, as they are definitely going to die if they ever cross paths with the Wireglass Pirates. 
Gloves is bummed that he can’t meet the S4 pirates, but is still hopeful he’ll run into them eventually.
He’s friends with the Blue Pirates & Captain Hachi 
He’s fiercely competitive, he doesn’t take losing very lightly.
He doesn’t have any scars of his own-- yet, but he thinks they’re cool 
Gloves is friends with Prince, and sometimes sneaks into the kingdom to visit him 
He’s rather clumsy even though he tries to look cool
Emperor & Prince: 
(I put them under the same header since there’s not much about either of them) 
Emperor’s family rules over a kingdom, Emperor is next in line for the throne and he’s still learning to be a king alongside his younger brother.
Prince often sneaks out of the palace to wander around the town square. His brother actually knows about this, but chooses not to tell their parents. 
Emperor doesn’t really like pirates, but he does know a few of them. 
Emperor is aware that Gloves sneaks in to visit Prince, but he chooses not to do anything about it since his brother seems to enjoy Captain Gloves’ company.
Prince helped Rider escape after learning Rider knew Captain Gloves. 
The Wireglass Pirates: 
Everyone knows to stay out of the Wireglass Pirates’ way, as they are some of the most powerful pirates to patrol the waters. Even the S4 pirates steer clear of them. 
They supposedly got their name from their Captain, but it’s not really known where the name came from.
The Wireglass Pirates will try to take any ship they encounter, regardless of who it is. Very few survive their raids.
There are some rumors that the Wireglass Pirates serve Emperor, which explains why he hasn’t ordered anyone to stop them. However, it could also be because a lot of sailors are absolutely terrified of them.
Ocho is thought to be a part of this crew, but nobody really knows for sure. He’s mostly found away from the crew and hanging out by himself.
Ocho sometimes interacts with the S4 and Captain Rider. 
The S4 could probably beat them, but they don’t want to risk trying.
The Wireglass Pirates are also in possession of these things called “Black Labels” which temporarily disable weapons. But only the Captain is in possession of these. 
“Black Labels” are illegal and supposed to be outlawed in the seas. Not a lot of pirate crews use them. 
If Black Labels were stuck onto a pirate, they are unable to use their special ability for a little bit. 
aaaaand, I think I’ll just end the infodump here in case it gets too long to read :’] Thank you for reading! :D 
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happyandticklish · 2 years
Hmm, you know, it's New Year's Eve, so I figured, why not do something random before the year's done.
I was just reading various people's answers to various tickle related questions I found on Quora, and I thought I could share some of the ones I thought were pretty cute/funny/amusing/interesting. Just because, since I'm bored. 🤷‍♀️
(Fair warning this post will be pretty long)
So, here goes!
Who is the most ticklish person you've ever met?
Answer from Courtney Gibson:
"One of my best guy friends in university. In first year we'd have classes in this big lecture hall with swivel chairs that attached to tables in sets of two and I'd usually sit next to him. Before class would start, I'd usually get antsy and fidgety so I'd swivel back and forth in my chair, not realizing my elbow was brushing up against his side each time. Eventually I looked over at him and he through a clenched jaw he said "please stop. You're tickling me."
I pretty much made it my goal that year to "desensitize" him from being tickled; it did not work. To this day whenever I see him working on campus I'll run up behind him and jab him in the sides to make him jump, usually freaking out whoever is sitting next to him. "
Second answer from Chelsea Mercer:
"This girl that started at my school a few months prior to finishing gr.7!
Her and I were both rather shy, so we instantly became friends.
She was much on the smaller side for her age…so she got teased a lot for it. One time a bigger girl poked her in the belly and she instantly shrieked, and keeled over, protecting her ticklish spot.
Another time she was sitting in my lap, and I put my arms around her waste (NOT intentionally trying to tickle her at all!) She instantly burst into hysterical laughter and begged me to remove my arm!
I kind of regret it now, but I did take advantage of her weakness…It was hard not to! "
(I can't say I blame her, lol. I probably would too~ 🤭)
What has your experience been with having ticklish abs?
Answer from Natalie Chen
"I’m ticklish everywhere. I’ll just say it isn’t fun. People may poke you accidentally and you jump up because you’re THAT ticklish. When people say they will tickle you, you already start feeling the tingles. Before the hand even touches you, you’re already squirming.
The worst experience was when a friend of mine whom I just met on that day itself helped me to get rid of something on my neck, cloth or cotton. I’m extremely sensitive and when my friend just touches my neck, I went nuts. I squirmed and shouted because I was shocked and ticklish. Worst first day ever."
Sencond answer from Lesley Ann Barklay:
"I don’t just have ticklish abs.
I have ticklish everything.
In 2005 my husband and I were travelling to the USA. We arrived at the airport only to find out that when I canceled a connecting flight the night before, I had actually cancelled our tickets altogether and the flight was full.
Half an hour and $600 later, the airport staff had found us two separate seats. We proceeded to the departure lounge, and went through the extra security check. We had our hand luggage throughly searched, and then we had a pat down.
I went into the curtained off area, and stood with my arms out as the female guard began to pat me down.
I bit my lip as her hands glided over my outstretched arms.
I cracked a smile as they moved towards my under arms.
As her hands moved down my body I burst into laughter.
The guard backed away, staring at me in suspicion.
“Why are you laughing?”
“I’m sorry,” I sputtered between giggles. “I’m so sorry, I’m just really ticklish.”
“Oh,” she said, slightly mollified as she finished her job.
I went through and sat in the waiting area with my husband.
Just as the plane began boarding, our names were called, requesting that we proceed to the help desk.
We raced back to the security area. “Excuse me,” I said, “May I leave my bag here while I go back to the help counter?”
“But -” I stopped when it looked like they were about to arrest me for terrorism. “Never mind, I’ll just take it with me.”
We rushed back, hoping against hope that we wouldn’t miss our flight, only to find that they had managed to get us two seats together.
Then we had to go back through security again.
“Don’t worry, she’s just ticklish,” the first guard said to the other one as she patted me down again. "
What did you think about getting raspberries blown on your belly as a kid?
Answer from Jamie Rice:
" I have loved getting belly raspberries for as long as I can remember. I'm sure I have told this story somewhere before but growing up without doubt one of my favourite games was when someone would check my belly button for 'Belly Button Fluff'. I'd lay down on the bed, sofa or just on the floor and they'd pop a pillow or cushion under my back, pull up my top if I had clothes on (often I’d just be in shorts or my underwear) and get me to stretch out as big as I could. Strangely there was never a day that went by when they couldn't see some fluff in there that needed to come out. Ha-ha!!
Step one to get the fluff out was they'd wiggle a finger around in my belly button. My belly is one of my most ticklish places, so I’d immediately start wriggling and giggling. The fluff never came out, but it was only the start and, as much as I loved it, I knew better tickles were to come.
Step two was to tickle the whole of the wider belly area with fast, spidery fingers in the hope that by exercising my tummies 'tickle muscles' they'd force the fluff to pop out. It rarely worked but I loved it all the same and would be in fits of giggles. Usually by this time someone else had joined in too and was holding my arms over my head to stop me covering my tummy with my hands. Sometimes they'd swap and take turns trying to tickle the fluff out. Other times there would be up to three people tickling me (one holding my arms, one holding my feet (and often tickling them) and one tickling my belly). Being as ticklish as I was, it could get quite overwhelming but the tickling was always only gentle and very playful so it was never any more than just joyful fun. I'd also get regular breaks to get my breath back while they stopped to check my button for the 'dreaded fluff' before swapping or carrying on again.
Step three was the one I really adored though, and I always looked forward to happening the most. 'When all else fails' the fluff would have to be blown out......cue endless repeated ‘Belly Raspberries’ on my belly button !!!!
As much as they tickled, I just could never get enough of them. I loved the warm feeling of someone lips on my skin, I loved seeing my Mum, my Aunty, Nan, or big sisters smiling face and how their cheeks puffed out just before they blew the raspberry. I loved the silly noise every single raspberry made, how some would be wetter than others. But above all I really loved how much it tickled. I'd be literally screaming with laughter but if they stopped too soon, once I got my breath back, I’d say that I was sure that "it hadn't gone yet", just to make them carry on or get them to swap and for someone else to do it to me instead.
Are you ticklish? Where?
Answer from Chelsea Mercer (again):
" Very much so, and in a lot of spots.
If someone wiggles their fingers at me and threatens to tickle then I start giggling. My usual defense is to either run away if I can, or try to wrestle the ticklers hands away from my sensitive body! This is extremely difficult when someone stronger than me is tickling me!
Worst of all is the fact that there are a lot of spots to choose from… "
"Ears and neck: I can’t be kissed there without giggling and pulling away
Armpits: This is true torture…even touching the armpits without wiggling fingers is downright awful. The worst part of armpit tickling is the fact that I bring my arms down in self defense but then the person’s fingers get trapped in there! Once they are trapped in the armpits I never know what to do…terrible situation to be in
Entire torso: The belly and sides are super ticklish, and spots between the ribs actually make me scream! "
(Not gonna include every spot listed since some are a bit nsfw)
How do sleeping people respond to tickling?
Answer from Lesley Ann Barklay (again):
" If my husband tried to wake me by tickling, he would be risking getting kicked or kneed in a very sensitive place.
Thankfully, my husband knows me well by now, and does not attempt such tomfoolery.
Seriously, though, you are risking life and limb when you tickle a sleeping person. "
Did your parents tickle you as a punishment?
Answer from Lesley Ann Barklay:
" My parents never tickled me ‘as punishment,’ but I am so insanely ticklish that anytime my parents tickled me, it felt like punishment.
Pretty much as soon as someone starts to tickle me, my body starts writhing like a jellyfish on LSD.
My bone structure collapses and I fall to the ground in a mass of flailing limbs and giggles.
I cannot be held responsible for what I do when someone tickles me, particular after I cry uncle. Once, I kicked my dad in the balls in a frantic attempt to escape. "
(Boy, Lesley sure has a lot of interesting tickle stories. I'd say RIP to the dad but he probably had it coming. 🤷‍♂️ )
Do you prefer to be tickled or to tickle?
Answer (once again) from Lesley Ann Barklay:
 " I hate being tickled, so I definitely prefer to tickle.
I love to tickle my daughter’s tummy before bedtime, and see her wiggle and squirm and giggle and beg me to stop.
I always stop when she asks.
Then I watch the delighted glow in her eyes as she waits to see if I’ll keep tickling her. She watches my hands like a hawk.
“Don’t tickle me, even if I laugh,” she admonishes.
“Okay,” I say.
She giggles. “Don’t do it.”
“I won’t.”
I rest my hands on her sides and she tenses in anticipation. She grins. “Tickle me!” "
(Awww~! ^_^)
Ok, that's all of 'em. Hope you enjoyed. And have a happy and (hopefully) better & brighter New Year! 👋😄
This is several days after New Year's Eve as I've been busy, but I appreciate the sentiment!!
Ngl I'm not totally sure why these were sent but I guess thank you asfhghi
Happy New Year's as well anon~
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therosiestofrubys · 2 years
Patchnotes for v1.05, since that’s been officially out for a couple days. Under a read me because LONG.
- Character select and options now have music, just testing it out.
- Default MUGEN menu noises swapped out.
- Finished reworks on Sinestro, Sandman, Donovan, Ice, Iron Man, Vulture, Zangief, Batman, Jubilee, Bane, and Nrvnqsr Chaos.
- Donovan now has in-game movelist set up.
- Zangief now has character select anims and an in-game movelist set up.
- Much like the couple of last patches, addition of new palettes for some characters. In this case, shoutouts to Phi-01 -- for also helping me by outright creating some of them as well as the ones I have added either from pre-existing sources -- or straight up have made from scratch myself.
- Universal health has been doubled from 1000 to 2000. This was gonna come eventually in some form, being in my head even -- since the initial rough draft, but as several players have shown, I think the time has more than come for this, and -- especially with tag matches now being best-of-1 instead best-of-3. I'll dial it back if it ends being /too/ beefy, -- but for now I'll just let it hang and see how that goes.
- Tweaked jump physics properties of the "MvC2-styled" characters to be more in line with the rest of the cast.
- Tweaked superjump heights/properties to be more consistent with the taller super-jumps of the "MvC2-styled" -- characters and also to just generally be less wildly different across the board.
- Fixed issue with most characters not auto-facing the opponent if immediately acting after landing.
- Univesal base hitstun amount for grounded lights on grounded opponents is now slightly higher.
- Standing heavies, while still affecting the hitstun decay rate for most grounded normals (Besides sweep and launcher) -- on hit, will no longer have their own hitstun affected by the decay rate on hit on grounded opponents.
- Super Pause effect for many supers has been tweaked to no longer make them near impossible to confirm into or -- otherwise suffer from being borderline useless in general.
- Addition of victory themes for Arcueid and Nrvnqsr Chaos.
- Much like other ScruffyDragon stages before it, track for the "Trans-Siberian Express" stage has been -- been changed for the time being to prevent any potential issues with streaming this game.
- Track for "Spooky London" (Stage for Gentleman Ghost) swapped out, now uses a similar "Round 1/Post Round 1" track swap -- to what "Gold Mine Assault" currently uses.
- Luke Cage now has a new stage in "Brooklyn Backstreets", his former stage, "Avengers Tower", has been removed for being -- a pile of garbage (Or in more professional terms, I thought it just looked overall bad, had a boring track, and overall -- just did not seem worth keeping in this, especially now that Luke has a replacement stage for it).
- Track for "Atlantian Waters" (Stage for Aquaman) yet again changed.
- Superman now has a new stage in "Metropolis Streets", his former stage, "Metropolis Rooftop" has been removed.
- Fixed the dim lighting on "Wayne Manor Ruins" (Stage for Bane) so it should no longer be an issue.
- Track for "Gotham's Clocktower" (Stage for Batman) has been changed.
- Sunlight effect on "City Beach stage (Stage for Sandman) has been significantly dimmed down to avoid making UI -- elements too difficult to parse mid-match.
- Kyle Rayner now has his own separate stage in Oa Central Battery.
- Solomon Grundy now has a new stage in "Grundy's Grave", his former stage, "Near Belle Reve" will remain in-game, -- albeit unassigned for the time being.
- Donovan now has a new stage in "Brazilian Forest", his former stage, "Under Moonlight" will remain for the -- time being, albeit as a non-character-specific stage (Will probably go to Psylocke if/when she's added).
- Added stage for Zangief (UWCF Arena).
- Boss character Parasite now has his own stage (S.T.A.R. Labs).
- Addition of "Gotham Church Roof" stage (Stage for Scarecrow).
- Addition of "Gold Mine Assault" stage (Currently assigned to no one).
- Addition of "Golden Gate Bridge" stage (Currently assigned to no one).
- Addition of "White House Incident" stage (Stage for Taskmaster).
- Addition of "Gerdenheim Laboratory" stage (Stage for Victor).
- Victory themes added for Victor and Zangief.
- Win quotes completed for Zangief
CHARS FROM PREVIOUS PATCHES ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREEN ARROW
- Set up intros against Supergirl and Superman.
- st. HK now has 1 more frame of startup.
- All single arrows from Normal Arrow (QCF+P) and Air Normal Arrow (QCF+P, midair) now do somewhat -- more damage and slightly more chip.
- LP version of Bow Attack (DP+P) now does somewhat more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- MP version of Bow Attack (DP+P) now does slightly more meter gain.
- Tactical Shot (QCB+P) now does somewhat more damage, slightly more chip, and somewhat more -- meter gain.
- Fast Arrows (QCF+PP) now does somewhat more damage.
- Super pause timing for Fast Arrows (QCF+PP) has been retweaked.
- Super pause timing for Hyper Trick Arrow (QCF+KK) has been retweaked.
- Super pause timing for Bomb Arrow (QCB+KK) has been retweaked. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AQUAMAN
- Set up intros with Lobo and Zangief.
- Forward ground dash modified into an outright run.
- st. HP no longer does hard knockdown on hit on airborone opponents.
- The LP version of Trident of Atlantis (QCF+P) now does somewhat more damage and slightly more chip.
- The MP version of Trident of Atlantis (QCF+P) now does slightly more damage.
- Shark Attack (QCB+P) can now be cancelled into out of all grounded normals on contact.
- Harpoon (QCF+K) now does slightly more damage, slightly more chip (And chip at all now), and slightly -- more meter gain.
- Flash Flood (QCF+PP) now does somewhat more damage.
- Orca from Orca Smash (QCB+PP) now surfaces closer to where Aquaman originally started to make it -- less infuriating to actually confirm into, as well as just hitting it in general.
- Orca Smash (QCB+PP) now does noticeably more damage.
- Deep Sea Assault (QCF+KK) now does somewhat more damage.
- Removed Dolphin Ride (QCB+KK) for being far too bizarrely functioning. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE THING
- Set up intro against Dr. Doom and Hulk.
- Now having access to the console version of MUA1 and its better quality voice files, took the time to clean -- up pretty much all of his voice clips.
- Power Back Hand (QCF+LP) now does slightly more damage.
- Power Punch (QCF+MP) now does slightly more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- Ground Smash (QCB+LP) now does slightly more damage.
- It's Clobberin' Time (QCF+PP) now does noticeably less damage.
- Super pause timing for It's Clobberin' Time (QCF+PP) has been retweaked.
- Rock Melee (QCB+PP) has been renamed to Stone Cold Upper.
- Stone Cold Upper (QCB+PP) now has 2 more frames of startup and does somewhat more damage.
- Truck Dump (QCF+KK) now has 17 less frames of startup and does noticeably less damage. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WOLVERINE
- All version of Berserker Barrage (QCF+P) now do noticeably more damage.
- All versions of Lethal Lunge (QCB+P) and Air Lethal Lunge (QCB+P, midair) now do somewhat more damage and are now -- non-super projectile invuln.
- All versions of Dive Kick (QCF+K) now do slightly more damage.
- Berserker Barrage X (QCF+PP) now does slightly more damage and somewhat more chip.
- Super pause timing for Berserker Barrage (QCF+PP) has been retweaked.
- Weapon X (DP+PP) now does noticeably more damage.
- Super pause timing for Weapon X (DP+PP) has been retweaked.
- Claw Frenzy (QCB+PP) now does somewhat more damage.
- Super pause timing for Claw Frenzy (QCB+PP) has been retweaked. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SABRETOOTH
- Berserker Claw (QCF+P) now does somewhat more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- Talon Fury (DP+P) now does slightly more damage.
- Deadly Run (QCB+P) now does somewhat more damage.
- Wild Fang (QCF+K, Air OK) can now also be performed midair, as well as now being confirmable into from all normals -- on contact.
- Wild Fang (QCF+K, Air OK) now does slightly more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- Both of Sabretooth's attacking supers now properly freeze airborne opponents on hit long enough to properly confirm -- on them.
- Berserker Claw X (QCF+PP) now does significantly more damage.
- Super pause timing for Berserker Claw X (QCF+PP) has been retweaked.
- Feral Rampage (QCB+PP) now does significantly more damage.
- Super pause timing for Feral Rampage (QCB+PP) has been retweaked. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HULK
- Set up intro against Superman.
- Set up win pose against The Thing.
- Couple oddities regarding Hulk's frame data (Some crouching kick normals hitting HIGH instead of low, cr. HK not -- doing similar damage to Hulk's other heavy normals).
- Raw st. HP now does slightly more damage and hits overhead.
- j. HP now has 3 more frames of recovery and has less vertical pushback for Hulk.
- Grab part of Boulder Toss (QCF+P) now does noticeably more damage.
- Dive Kick (QCF+P, midair) now has 12 less frames of recovery.
- Gamma Quake (QCB+P) now does somewhat more meter gain.
- Gamma Tornado (HCB+P) now does slightly more damage.
- Gamma Tornado (HCB+P) now has damage applied when leaving Hulk's hands instead of when they touch the floor.
- Fixed Hulk being counted as standing for the first few frames of Gamma Spear (QCF+K, Air OK), even if performed -- while airborne.
- ALL versions of Gamma Charge now do somewhat more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- Super pause timing for Hyper Gamma Quake (QCF+PP) has been retweaked.
- Hulk SMASH (QCF+KK) can no longer be cancelled into out of whiffed normals.
- Hulk SMASH (QCF+KK) now does somewhat more damage.
- Super pause timing for Hulk SMASH (QCF+KK) has been retweaked.
- Super pause timing for Gamma Crush (QCB+KK) has been retweaked.
- World Tearing Gamma Crush (QCF+PK) now does severely more damage.
- Super pause timing for World Tearing Gamma Crush (QCF+PK) has been retweaked. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUITZIL
- Frozen Laser Stand (QCF+P) now does somewhat more damage and slightly more meter gain, -- beam itself also starts spawning 6 frames sooner.
- Air Frozen Laser Stand (QCF+P) now does somewhat more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- Anti-Air Frozen Beam (DP+P) now does somewhat more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- Aztec Missile (QCB+P) now does somewhat more damage and slightly less chip.
- Frozen Laser Crouch (QCF+K) now does somewhat more damage and slightly more meter gain, -- beam itself also starts spawning 4 frames sooner.
- Hyper Frozen Laser (QCF+PP) now does noticeably more damage.
- Super pause timing for Hyper Frozen Laser (QCF+PP) has been retweaked.
- Air Hyper Frozen Laser (QCF+PP, midair) now does noticeably more damage.
- Super pause timing for Air Hyper Frozen Laser (QCF+PP, midair) has been retweaked.
- Air Annihilation (QCB+PP) now does noticeably more damage. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LILITH AENSLAND
- All of Lilith's standard aerial normals now properly follow the standard frame data for this project -- instead of still being Capcom Marvel styled (Beating myself over the head for letting this stay this -- way for so long now).
- j. LP is now less active by 16 frames, subsequently also having 16 less frames of recovery.
- j. MP now has 1 more frame of startup, is more active by 2 frames, and now has 7 less frames of recovery.
- j. HP now has 2 more frames of startup and 5 less frames of recovery.
- j. LK is now less active by 16 frames and has 3 more frames of recovery (And recovery at all now).
- j. MK now has 1 more frame of startup and 11 less frames of recovery.
- j. HK now has 2 more frames of startup, is more active by 4 frames, and has 6 less frames of recovery.
- Lilith no longer left helpless until grounded again after landing a Gleeful Dive (D+HK, midair).
- Soul Flash (QCF+P, Air OK) now does somewhat more damage.
- Mystic Arrow (QCB+P, Air OK) can now also be initiated midair, and now also has invuln to normal and -- special level projectiles for the same duration as its pre-existing invuln to normal throws and non-super -- command grabs.
- Mystic Arrow (QCB+P, Air OK) now does noticeably more damage.
- Mirage Blade (QCF+PP) now does significantly reduced damage, slightly less chip, and can now also be -- confirmed into from Soul Flash (QCF+P, Air OK) on hit.
- Luminous Illusion (Air OK) now does noticeably more damage.
- Splendor Love (DP+KK) now does somewhat more damage.
- Replenishing Sprinle (QCB+KK, Air OK) now does somewhat more damage.
- Super pause timing for Replenishing Sprinkle (QCB+KK, Air OK) has been retweaked.
- Input for Gloomy Puppet Show! has been changed from (HCB+PP) to (QCF+PK)
- Gloomy Puppet Show! (QCF+PK) now does severely more damage. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPIDER-MAN
- st. MP now has 1 more frame of startup and is now less active by 3 frames, subsequently also having 3 less -- frames of recovery as well.
- st. HP now has 2 more frames of startup and 2 less frames of recovery.
- st. MK is now less active by 1 frame, subsequently also having 1 less frame of recovery as well.
- cr. MP now has 1 more frame of startup, is now less active by 4 frames, and has 1 less frame of recovery.
- cr. HP is now less active by 1 frame, subsequently also having 1 less frame of recovery as well.
- cr. MK is now less active by 3 frames, subsequently also having 3 less frames of recovery as well.
- cr. HK now has 4 less frames of recovery.
- j. MP now has 1 more frame of startup, is less active by 4 frames and has 1 less frame of recovery, -- totalling to 5 less frames of recovery overall.
- j. MK now has 1 more frame of startup, is less active by 4 frames and has 1 less frame of recovery, -- totalling to 5 less frames of recovery overall.
- j. HK now has 1 more frame of startup and is less active by 2 frames.
- Spider Sting (DP+P) now has proper pre-active DP invuln.
- Web Throw (HCB+P) now does noticeably less damage.
- Horizontal speed when jumping back towards backwall for Maximum Spider (QCF+PP) has been significantly -- increased. Among other things, this finally fixes the long standing issue of Spider-Man failing to reach -- the back wall because the camera moved over in the same direction he was going towards.
- Super pause timing for Maximum Spider (QCF+PP, Air OK) has been retweaked.
- Ultimate Web Throw (QCB+PP, Air OK) now does noticeably less damage.
- Super pause timing for Ultimate Web Throw (QCB+PP, Air OK) has been retweaked.
- Crawler Assault (QCF+KK) now does noticeably less damage and no longer hits OTG.
- Super pause timing for Crawler Assault (QCF+KK) has been retweaked.
- Web Punchbag (QCB+KK) now has 6 less frames of startup and does somewhat more damage.
- Super pause timing for Web Punchbag (QCB+KK) has been retweaked.
- One for J.J. (QCB+PK) removed for being somewhat redundant alongside Spider-Man's other supers. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESPERO
- Some more additional cleanup on boxes, primarily related to normals and supers.
- st. MP now has 1 less frame of startup, is less active by 2 frames, and has 1 more frame of recovery.
- st. HP now has 1 more frame of recovery.
- st. MK now has 1 less frame of startup, is more active by 1 frame, and has 2 less frames of recovery.
- st. HK now has 1 more frame of startup and is less active by 2 frames, subsequently also having 2 less -- frames of recovery as well.
- cr. LP is now more active by 1 frame and has 1 less frame of recovery.
- cr. MP now has 1 less frame of startup.
- cr. HP is now less active by 2 frames, subsequently also having 2 less frames of recovery as well.
- cr. LK now has 1 less frame of startup and is more active by 1 frame.
- cr. MK now has 1 less frame of startup and is less active by 1 frame, subsequently also having 1 less frame -- of recovery as well.
- j. HP now has 1 more frame of recovery.
- j. LK now has 1 more frame of startup and is less active by 1 frame and has 1 less frame of recovery, totalling -- to 2 less frames of recovery overall.
- j. MK now has 1 less frame of startup, is active by 1 less frame, and has 1 more frame of recovery.
- j. HK now has 2 more frames of startup and is now less active by 3 frames, subsequently also having 3 less frames -- of recovery as well.
- All grounded versions of Despero Beam (QCF+P, Air OK) now have 1 more frame of recovery.
- Confirming out of Despero Beam (QCF+P, Air OK) in general has been retweaked, and should hopefully now be significantly -- less awkward to do than prior.
- Air Body Rush (QCB+P, midair) now does similar damage and chip to the grounded versions.
- Leaping Backbreaker (QCF+K) now has invuln to non-super projectiles.
- Fixed hard knockdown from all versions of Might of Py'tar (QCB+K) being techable, all versions also now do -- slightly more meter gain.
- Guys from Staff Guy Summon (P+K) now properly go away on hit.
- Despero Ranbu (QCF+PP) now has 8 less frames of startup.
- Despero Ranbu (QCF+PP) now does noticeably more damage.
- Super pause timing for Despero Ranbu (QCF+PP) has been reworked.
- Energy Blaster (QCB+PP) now does hard knockdown on hit on airborne opponents.
- Energy Blaster (QCB+PP) now does somewhat more damage.
- Super pause timing for Energy Blaster (QCB+PP) has been reworked.
- Air Energy Blaster (QCB+PP, midair) now does somewhat more damage.
- Super pause timing for Air Energy Blaster (QCB+PP, midair) has been reworked.
- Hyper Might of Py'tar (QCF+KK) can now also be confirmed into out of the grounded versions of Despero Beam (QCF+P, Air OK) -- and Body Rush (QCB+P) on contact.
- Super pause timing for Hyper Might of Py'tar (QCF+KK) has been reworked. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLOSSUS
- Confirmed-into version of st. HP now does slightly more damage.
- st. HK now has 2 more frames of startup and 2 less frames of recovery.
- j. LP now has 1 less frame of startup and 1 less frame of recovery.
- j. MP now has 1 less frame of startup and 2 more frames of recovery.
- j. LK now has 1 less frame of startup and 5 less frames of recovery.
- j. MK now has 1 more frame of startup and 2 less frames of recovery.
- j. HK is now less active by 5 frames, subsequently also having 5 less frames of recovery.
- All versions of Power Tackle (QCF+P) and Air Power Tackle (QCF/QCB + P, midair) now do slightly more damage -- and slightly more chip.
- All verisons of Ground Lift (QCB+P) now do somewhat more damage.
- Giant Swing (QCF+K) now does slightly more damage and is now armored again.
- Siberian Express (QCF+PP) now does somewhat more damage.
- Super pause timing for Siberian Express (QCF+PP) has been reworked.
- Power Dive (QCB+PP) now does somewhat more damage.
- Super pause timing for Power Dive (QCB+PP) has been reworked. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LUKE CAGE
- Now having access to the console version of MUA1 and its better quality voice files, took the time to clean -- up pretty much all of his voice clips.
- Chain Gang (QCB+P) now does somewhat more damage.
- Spin Cycle (QCF+K) now does somewhat more damage.
- All versions of Roadhouse Blues (QCB+K) now do somewhat more damage.
- Power Fist (QCF+PP) now does noticeably more damage.
- Super pause timing for Power Fist (QCF+PP) has been reworked.
- Sweet X-Mas (QCB+PP) now has 20 less frames of recovery.
- Super pause timing for Sweet X-Mas (QCB+PP) has been reworked.
- Super Spin Cycle (QCF+KK) now does slightly more damage.
- Super pause timing for Super Spin Cycle (QCF+KK) has been reworked. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR. DOOM
- Special intros for Fantastic Four members, Magneto, and Wolverine are now character specific instead of a shared pool.
- Set up intros against Arcueid, Captain America, and Luke Cage.
- Fixed issue with Doom's specials not properly doing meter gain.
- The LP version of Plasma Beam (QCF+P) now does somewhat more damage.
- The MP version of Plasma Beam (QCF+P) now does slightly more damage.
- The HP version of Plasma Beam (QCF+P) now does slightly less damage.
- All versions of Air Plasma Beam (QCF+P, midair) now do the same damage and meter gain as their corresponding strength -- Plasma Beam (QCF+P) version.
- The MP and HP versions of Air Plasma Beam (QCF+P, midair) now have more fitting recovery instead of recovering /faster/ -- than the LP version.
- Photon Shot (QCB+P) now does somewhat more damage.
- Air Photon Shot (QCB+P, midair) now does somewhat more damage.
- Shield Charge (QCF+K) now does somewhat more damage.
- Shield (QCB+K) now does somewhat more damage.
- Laser Gun (QCB+K, midair) now does somewhat more damage.
- Mega Plasma Beam (QCF+PP) now has 13 less frames of startup and does slightly more damage.
- Photon Array (QCB+PP) now does somewhat more damage.
- Air Photon Array (QCB+PP) now does somewhat more damage.
- Doom Time (QCF+PK) now does severely more damage. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPERGIRL
- j. MP is now less active by 1 frame, subsequently also having 1 less frame of recovery as well.
- cr. HP now does slightly more meter gain (Putting it more in line with standard heavy normal meter gain).
- j. MK now has 1 less frame of startup, is less active by 2 frames, and has 1 more frame of recovery.
- j. HK now has 2 more frames of startup, is more active by 3 frames, and has 2 less frames of recovery.
- LP and MP versions of Dash Punch (QCF+P) now do slightly more damage and slightly more chip.
- HP version of Dash Punch (QCF+P) now does slightly more damage.
- Flying Punch (QCF+P, midair) now does slightly more damage.
- All versions of Heat Vision (QCB+P) now do slightly more damage and now do knockdown on hit -- on airborne opponents (HP version also no longer does knockdown on grounded opponents).
- Downward Heat Vision (QCB+P, midair) now does slightly more damage and knockdown on hit on -- airborne opponents.
- Dive Kick (QCF+K, midair) now does slightly more damage.
- Rising Supergirl (DP+K) now does somewhat more damage.
- Argoan Rush (QCF+PP) now does noticeably more damage.
- Air Argoan Rush (QCF+PP, midair) now does noticeably more damage.
- OTG limiter for infinite prevention now in place for Mighty Ground Pound (QCB+PP).
- Super pause timing for Mighty Ground Pound (QCB+PP) has been reworked.
- Uncharged Mighty Ground Pound (QCB+PP) now does somewhat more damage.
- Charged Mighty Ground Pound (QCB+PP) now does somewhat more damage. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALEX
- st. LP is now more active by 2 frames and has 2 less frames of recovery.
- st. MP now has 1 more frame of startup.
- st. HP now has 1 less frame of startup, is more active by 4 frames, and has 2 less frames of recovery.
- st. LK now has 1 less frame of startup, is more active by 1 frame, and has 1 less frame of recovery.
- st. MK now has 1 less frame of startup, is more active by 1 frame, and has 1 less frame of recovery.
- st. HK now has 2 less frames of startup, is more active by 3 frames, and has 1 less frame of recovery.
- cr. LP now has 2 less frames of recovery.
- cr. MP is now more active by 1 frame and has 2 less frames of recovery.
- cr. LK now has 1 less frame of startup, is more active by 2 frames, and has 4 less frames of recovery.
- cr. MK now has 1 less frame of startup, is more active by 2 frames, and has 1 less frame of recovery.
- cr. HK is now more active by 3 frames and has 4 less frames of recovery.
- j. LP now has 1 more frame of startup.
- j. MP now has 1 more frame of startup and is active by 1 more frame.
- j. HP now has 3 more frames of startup and 3 less frames of recovery.
- j. LK is now less active by 2 frames and has 1 less frame of recovery.
- j. MK now has 1 less frame of startup and 1 more frame of recovery.
- j. HK now has 2 less frames of recovery.
- All versions of Flash Chop (QCF+P) now do slightly more damage, slightly less chip, and slightly more meter gain.
- Power Bomb (QCB+P) now does somewhat noticeably more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- Air Power Bomb (QCF+P, midair) now does noticeably more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- Spiral DDT (QCF+K) now does somewhat more damage.
- All versions of Stomp (QCB+K, Air OK) now does slightly more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- Boomerang Raid (QCF+PP) now does noticeably more damage.
- Hyper Bomb (QCB+PP) now does noticeably more damage.
- Stun Gun Headbutt (QCF+KK) now does noticeably more damage.
- Superplex (QCB+KK) now does noticeably more damage. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAL JORDAN
- Set up intro against Batman.
- Set up win poses against Green Arrow and Sinestro.
- st. HK no longer does vertical knockback on hit on grounded opponents.
- j. LK is now less active by 1 frame and has 1 less frame of recovery, totalling to 2 less frames of -- recovery overall.
- j. MK now has 1 less frame of startup and 2 less frames of recovery.
- j. HK now has 1 less frame of startup and 1 less frame of recovery.
- All versions of Ring Strike (QCF+P) now do somewhat more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- Fixed issue causing MP and HP versions of Ring Strike (QCF+P) not properly allowing Hal to cancel -- into supers from them on contact.
- Emerald Swordsman (QCF+P, midair) now does somewhat more damage.
- Buzzcut (QCB+P) now has invuln to aerial normals and aerial normal-level projectiles.
- Charging Ram (QCF+K) now does knockdown on hit.
- Air Charging Ram (QCF+K, midair) now does knockdown on hit.
- Plasma Sphere (QCB+K) now does noticeably more damage.
- Knockout (QCF+PP, Air OK) now does noticeably more damage.
- Super pause timing for Knockout (QCF+PP, Air OK) has been reworked.
- Ion Force (QCB+PP) now does severely less damage.
- Super pause timing for Ion Force (QCB+PP, Air OK) has been reworked.
- Super pause timing for Emerald Knight (QCF+KK) has been reworked.
- Ring Slinging (Formerly QCB+KK) has been outright removed, mostly for being either completely useless or doing FAR -- too much damage for its own good.
- Soldier of Oa has had its input changed from (QCB+PK) to (QCB+KK), and also starts up significantly faster now.
- Smackdown (QCF+PK) now does somewhat more damage and slightly less chip.
- Super pause timing for Smackdown (QCF+PK) has been reworked.
- Card Destruction (QCF+PK) now does severely more damage. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCUEID BRUNESTUD
- j. LP is now more active by 1 frame and has 1 less frame of recovery.
- j. MP is now less active by 1 frame, has 3 less frames of recovery, and now only strikes once.
- j. HP now has 2 more frames of startup and is more active by 2 frames.
- j. LK is now more active by 1 frame and has 1 less frame of recovery.
- j. MK now has 1 less frame of startup and is less active by 3 frames and has 1 less frame of recovery, -- totalling to 4 less frames of recovery overall.
- j. HK now has 1 less frame of startup and 1 less frame of recovery.
- Dissection (QCF+P) now does slightly more damage and slightly more meter gain, all followups now do somewhat -- more damage and somewhat more meter gain.
- Quiet! (DP+P) now does slightly more meter gain.
- Joint Knocker (QCB+P) now does slightly more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- All versions of Force Faiya (QCF+K) now do somewhat more damage.
- LK version of Force Faiya (QCF+K) now does slightly more meter gain.
- MK version of Force Faiya (QCF+K) now does somewhat more meter gain.
- LK and MK versions of What are you doing...! (DP+K) now do slightly more meter gain.
- HK version of What are you doing...! (DP+K) now does somewhat more meter gain.
- Grab from HK version of Over here, over here! (RDP+K) now does somewhat more damage.
- Force Ring (HCB+K) now does slightly more damage and slightly more chip.
- Super Claw Blitz (QCF+PP) now has 7 less frames of startup and does noticeably more damage.
- Super pause timing for Super Claw Blitz (QCF+PP) has been reworked.
- Super Joint Knocker (QCB+PP) now has 4 less frames of startup and does noticeably more damage.
- Super pause timing for Super Joint Knocker (QCB+PP) has been reworked.
- Super Force Faiya (QCF+KK) now has 4 less frames of startup, does noticeably more damage, and slightly more chip.
- Super pause timing for Super Force Faiya (QCF+KK) has been reworked.
- Marble Phantasm (QCF+PK) now does severely more damage.
- Super pause timing for Marble Phantasm (QCF+PK) has been reworked.
- True Ancestor's Power (QCB+PK, Air OK) now does severely more damage. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAMBIT
- Both versions of LP Kinetic Card (QCF+P) now do somewhat more damage.
- Both versions of MP Kinetic Card (QCF+P) now do somewhat more damage.
- Both versions of HP Kinetic Card (QCF+P) now do somewhat more damage.
- All the aforementioned damage and chip changes to Kinetic Card (QCF+P) above also apply to the corresponding -- versions of Air Kinetic Card (QCF+P, midair) and Trick Card (QCB+P).
- LK version of Cajun Strike (QCF+K, midair) now does slightly more damage.
- MK version of Cajun Strike (QCF+K, midair) now does slightly more damage.
- Royal Flush (QCF+PP) now does noticeably more damage.
- Cajun Strike X (QCB+PP) now has 13 less frames of startup and does noticeably more damage.
- Cajun Slash X (DP+KK) now does somewhat more damage. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPTAIN AMERICA
- Set up intros against Batman, Beast, Iron Man, Luke Cage, Metallo, Quicksilver, Sandman, Scarlet Witch, -- and Steel.
- All versions of Shield Slash (QCF+P, Air OK) now do slightly more damage.
- Aerial versions of Shield Slash (QCF+P, Air OK) are now correctly registered as aerial projectiles -- instead of standing projectiles.
- All versions of Stars N' Stripes (DP+P) now do slightly more damage.
- Final Justice (QCF+PP) now does somewhat less damage.
- Super pause timing for Final Justice (QCF+PP) has been reworked.
- Hyper Stars N' Stripes (QCB+PP) now does somewhat less damage.
- Super pause timing for Hyper Stars N' Stripes (QCB+PP) has been reworked.
- Hyper Charging Star (QCB+KK) now does noticeably less damage. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWKMAN
- Shield Bash (QCF+P, Air OK) now does slightly more damage.
- Crossbow (QCF+K, Air OK) now does slightly more damage.
- Ancient Spear (QCB+K) now does slightly more damage.
- Claw of Horus (QCF+PP, Air OK) now does severely more damage.
- Super pause timing for Claw of Horus (QCF+PP, Air OK) has been retweaked.
- Hawkgirl (QCB+PP) now does somewhat more damage.
- Super pause timing for Hawkgirl (QCB+PP) has been retweaked.
- Hawkgod (QCF+PK) now does severely more damage.
- Super pause timing for Hawkgod (QCF+PK) has been retweaked. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENTLEMAN GHOST
- Undead Upper (QCF+K) now does slightly more damage.
- Fixed issue with being able to do either Teleport special out of a throw, causing the "thrown" opponent to be stuck in place, -- effectively soft locking the match unless reset.
- Dire Desperado (QCB+PP) now does somewhat more damage.
- Super pause timing for Dire Desperado (QCB+PP) has been retweaked.
- Rising Revenants (QCB+KK) now does noticeably more damage.
- Super pause timing for Rising Revenants (QCB+KK) has been retweaked.
- Morbid Mount (QCF+PP) now does severely more damage.
- Super pause timing for Morbid Mount (QCF+PP) has been retweaked.
- Hell's Gates (QCF+KK) now does severely more damage.
- Super pause timing for Hell's Gates (QCF+KK) has been retweaked. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STORM
- Typhoon (QCF+P, Air OK) now does slightly more damage.
- Thunder (QCF+K, Air OK) is now correctly registered as a projectile special instead of a physical special.
- Thunder (QCF+K, Air OK) now does slightly more damage and slightly more chip.
- Lightning Storm (QCF+PP, Air OK) now does noticeably more damage.
- Super pause timing for Lightning Storm (QCF+PP, Air OK) has been retweaked.
- Super pause timing for Hail Storm (QCB+PP, Air OK) has been retweaked.
- Super pause timing for Hail Storm (QCF+KK, Air OK) has been retweaked.
- X-Men Gold Team (QCB+KK) now does severely more damage. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEX LUTHOR
- Set up intro against Sinestro.
- Fixed issue with Mercy suddenly disappearing in "I could use a drink" winpose before it's over.
- Both Kryptonite Ray (QCF+P) and Air Kryptonite Ray (QCF+P, midair) now do slightly more damage and slightly -- more chip. Beam fired from them now starts being active 4 frames sooner.
- Electrified Armor (DP+P) now does somewhat more damage.
- Hitboxes on the fire from Flamethrower (QCF+K) have been adjusted to make them more visually accurate.
- Flamethrower (QCF+K), both standing and crouching versions, now do somewhat more damage.
- Super pause timing for Kryptonic Blast (QCF+PP) has been retweaked.
- Failsafe Emission (QCB+PP, Air OK) now has 28 less frames of recovery,
- Super pause timing for Failsafe Emission (QCB+PP, Air OK) has been retweaked.
- Tyrant Finisher (QCF+KK) now does severely more damage. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOYMAN
- j. HP now has 5 more frames of recovery. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THOR
- Set up intro against Etrigan.
- Aesir Missile (QCF+P, midair) now does slightly more damage and slightly less meter gain.
- LP version of Aesir Rising Hero (DP+P) now does slightly more damage and slightly less meter gain.
- MP version of Aesir Rising Hero (DP+P) now does somewhat less damage and slightly less meter gain.
- HP version of Aesir Rising Hero (DP+P) now does somewhat less damage and slightly less meter gain.
- Bifrost Break (QCF+K) now does slightly more damage.
- MK and HK versions of Bifrost Break (QCF+K) now do slightly less meter gain.
- HK version of Bifrost Break (QCF+K) is now correctly registered as a projectile special instead of a physical -- special.
- Nordic Rage (QCF+PP) now does somewhat more damage.
- Mystic Rainfall (QCB+KK) has been reworked, with the summoned thunderbolts no longer being random and now -- being summoned on a set timer, they can now also be halted whenever Thor has been hit or is in blockstun. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPERMAN
- Set up intros against Captain America, Cyborg, Deathstroke, Despero, Green Arrow, Hsien-Ko, Hulk, Iron Man, Juggernaut, -- Mongul, Nightwing, Poison Ivy, and Taskmaster.
- Set up team intros with Alex, Aquaman, Arcueid, The Atom, Barry Allen, Batman, Captain Atom, Donovan, Green Arrow, Hal Jordan, -- Hawkman, Ibuki, Ice, John Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Lilith, Lobo, Steel, Wonder Woman, and Zatanna.
- Set up win poses against Green Arrow, Hal Jordan, Iron Man, Lex Luthor, and Supergirl.
- Set up team win poses with Batman, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Nightwing, and Wonder Woman.
- LP and MP versions of grounded Heat Vision (QCF+P, Air OK) now do slightly more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- Super Tackle (QCF+K) now does slightly more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- Air Super Tackle (QCF+K, midair) now does slightly more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- Hyper Heat Vision (QCF+PP, midair) no longer hits OTG.
- Tsunami (QCB+KK) now does noticeably more damage.
- Super pause timing for Tsunami (QCB+KK) has been retweaked.
- Punch To The Heavens (QCF+PK) now does severely more damage. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WONDER WOMAN
- Set up intro againsts Lobo.
- Set up win pose against Aquaman.
- Magic Lasso (QCF+P) now does slightly more damage.
- The LP and MP versions of Warrior's Heart (DP+P) now do slightly more damage.
- Amazon Aegis (QCB+P) now does noticeably more damage on countering physical normals.
- Wonder Woman can now act out of/recovers faster out of Fierce Amazon (QCF+K, Air OK) than she did prior, -- allowing her to actually followup out of it now.
- Gaea's Bound (QCF+PP) now does noticeably more damage.
- Rising Paladin Eagle (DP+PP) now does noticeably more damage.
- Royal Thrust (QCB+PP, Air OK) now does noticeably more damage.
- Themyscira Great Fall/Rising (QCF+KK, Air OK) now does severely more damage.
- Input for Warriors of Themyscira changed from (QCB+PK) to (QCF+PK).
- Warriors of Themyscira (QCF+PK) now does severely more damage.
- Fixed issue preventing Warriors of Themyscira (QCF+PK) from being used in tag matches. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOBO
- Set up intros against Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Zangief.
- Tweaked timing on super jump after launcher hit to make following aerial raves significantly less awkward.
- j. MK is now less active by 1 frame, subsequently also having 1 less frame of recovery as well.
- All versions of Frag! (QCF+P) now does slightly more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- Air Frag! (QCF+P, midair) now does slightly more damage.
- Bastitch Snatch (QCB+P) now does somewhat more damage.
- Mr. Hook (QCB+K) now does slightly more damage.
- Main Man Airlines (QCF+KK) now does somewhat more damage.
- Super pause timing for “Lights Out, Clyde!” (QCB+PP) has been retweaked.
- Super pause timing for Main Man Airlines (QCF+KK) has been retweaked. It also now hits OTG again. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IBUKI
- Mirror match intros set up.
- Fixed/removed being able to tech after being thrown by Ibuki.
- All versions of Neck Breaker (QCF+P) now do slightly more meter gain.
- LP version of Neck Breaker (QCF+P) now do slightly more damage.
- Kunai (QCF+P, midair) now does slightly more damage.
- Raida (QCB+P) now does noticeably more damage.
- Fixed issue where getting hit by Raida (QCB+P) would not correctly send the hit opponent back -- to their own "hurt" state afterwards.
- All versions of Kazegiri (DP+K, Air OK) now do slightly more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- All versions of Tsumuji (QCB+K) now do slightly more damage.
- Hien (RDP+K, Air OK) now does slightly more damage.
- Yami Shigure (QCF+KK) now does somewhat more damage. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAY GARRICK
- Mirror match intros set up.
- Helmet Toss (QCF+P) no longer does hard knockdown on hit on airborne opponents.
- Air Helmet Toss (QCF+P, midair) no longer does hard knockdown on hit on airborne opponents.
- Fast Knuckle Brawl (QCB+P) now does somewhat more damage.
- Mercury's Swift Kicks (QCB+K) now does slightly more damage.
- Tweaked physics of Air Mercury's Swift Kicks (QCB+K, midair) to prevent any shenanigans caused by Jay landing -- before the opponent does on contact.
- Air Mercury's Swift Kicks (QCB+K, midair) now does slightly more damage.
- Fixed a hit opponent being able to be hit out of Human Whirlwind (QCF+PP) in the middle of it, effectively -- causing a softlock as Jay would be forever trapped in that animation.
- Human Whirlwind (QCF+PP) now does noticeably more damage.
- Hyper Fast Knuckle Brawl (QCB+PP) now does noticebly more damage.
- Hyper Mercury's Swift Kicks (QCB+KK) now does noticebly more damage.
- Abrupt Stop (QCF+KK) now does severely more damage.
- Speedforce Assault (QCF+PK) now does severely more damage. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GHOST RIDER
- Mirror match intros set up.
- Flamebreath (QCF+P) now does slightly more damage.
- Spectre Sweep (QCF+P, midair) now has 5 mote frames of startup and 3 more frames of recovery.
- Fixed issue where getting hit by Flaming Fist followup Flaming Skull would not correctly send the hit opponent back -- to their own OTG state afterwards.
- Demonic Stallion (QCF+PP) now does noticeably more damage, slightly more chip, and has once again had its damage reworked. -- While still having a heavier impact on the final hit, the damage overall is now spread out significantly more evenly -- throughout the super again.
- Removed recovery roll. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LADY DEATHSTRIKE
- Mirror match intros set up.
- Removed being able to move around pre-match after her intro finished.
- Berserker Barrage (QCF+P) now does slightly more damage.
- LP and MP versions of Retractable Arm (QCB+P) now does somewhat more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- HP version of Retractable Arm (QCB+P) now does slightly more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- All versions of Retractable Arm (QCB+P) can now be also be confirmed into from Berserker Barrage (QCF+P) on hit.
- All grounded versions of Striking Spin (QCF+K, Air OK) can now be also be confirmed into from -- Berserker Barrage (QCF+P) on hit.
- Striking Spin (QCF+K, Air OK) now does slightly more damage.
- Fixed issue with Berserker Claws Counter (QCB+K) triggering proximity guard.
- Berserker Barrage X (QCF+PP) now does noticeably more damage.
- Hyper Retractable Arms (QCB+PP) now does somewhat more damage.
- Hyper Striking Spin (QCF+KK) now does somewhat more damage. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ETRIGAN
- Set up intro against Thor.
- Tweaked timing on super jump after launcher hit to make following aerial raves significantly less awkward.
- Fireball (QCF+P) now does slightly more damage and slightly more chip.
- High Flame (DP+P) now does somewhat more damage.
- Low Flame (DP+K) now does somewhat more damage.
- Hellfire (QCF+PP) now does noticeably more damage.
- Super pause timing for Hellfire (QCF+PP) has been retweaked.
- Go To Hell (QCF+KK) now does noticeably more damage.
- Winds of Hell (QCB+PP) now does noticeably more damage.
- Super pause timing for Winds of Hell (QCB+PP) has been retweaked.
- Sinners Pain is now (QCB+KK), and is now a regular super. Also now has 20 more frames of recovery and is -- now correctly registered as a super projectile instead of a physical normal.
- Super pause timing for Sinners Pain (QCB+KK) has been retweaked.
- Dancing Blazes has been removed.
- Thunder Serpent has been removed.
- Properly removed pushback/alpha counters this time. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ICEMAN
- Mirror match intros set up.
- Set up intros against Supergirl and Superman.
- Set up team intro with Spider-Man.
- Ice Beam (QCF+P) now does slightly more damage.
- Air Ice Beam (QCF+P, midair) now does slightly more damage.
- There is now a hard limit of up to 3 Ice Walls from Ice Wall (QCB+P) up at a time.
- Ice walls from Ice Wall (QCB+P) no longer trigger proximity guard after they finish popping up.
- Ice Wall (QCB+P) now does slightly more damage.
- Artic Attack (QCF+PP, Air OK) has had the hitboxes on its projectiles adjusted to make it more consistent -- cast-wide.
- Arctic Attack (QCF+PP, Air OK) has been made significantly quieter on contact.
- Frozen X-Venger (QCF+KK) now does somewhat more damage.
- Icicle Crash (QCB+KK) now does somewhat more damage. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POISON IVY
- Mirror match intros set up.
- Fixed issue with Ivy where it wouldn't load in a chosen non-default palette until after the first round.
- All of Ivy's crouching punch normals have been redesigned to outright be regular normals, much like was done -- for Sinestro's helper based normals.
- cr. LP is now a regular normal.
- cr. MP is now a regular normal, also now has 12 less frames of recovery.
- LP version of Poison Kiss (QCF+P) now does somewhat more damage.
- HP version of Poison Kiss (QCF+P) now does somewhat more damage and slightly less chip.
- LP version of Floor Plant Trap (QCB+P) now does somewhat more damage.
- Poison effect from MP version of Floor Plant Trap (QCB+P) now does noticeably less damage.
- Tracking Thorns (QCB+K) now does slightly more damage.
- Plant Monster Summon (QCF+PK) now has a hard limit of up to 3 plant monsters at once.
- Spore Frenzy (QCF+PP) will now temporarily stop being active if Ivy is in hitstun or blockstun. Also now does slightly -- more damage.
- Super pause timing for Spore Frenzy (QCF+PP) has been retweaked.
- Super pause timing for Ensnaring Frenzy (QCB+PP) has been retweaked.
- Super pause timing for Plant Frenzy (QCF+KK) has been retweaked.
- Tracking Rafflesia Stab (QCB+KK) now does somewhat more damage. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARS FOR THIS PATCH ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SINESTRO
- Mirror match intros set up.
- Set up intros against Dr. Doom, Green Arrow, Huitzil, Iron Man, and Lex Luthor.
- Set up win poses against Green Arrow and Hal Jordan.
- Some of his frame data, hitboxes, and hurtboxes have been reworked to be more fitting.
- Cut out lingering static that was in some of his audio files.
- Cut out as many height discrepancies as I could that were being caused by his constant height shifting -- during his floating up and down standing idle.
- Fixed issue with how it was detecting super jumping raw resulted in it refusing to read it.
- Taunt no longer completely lacking hurtboxes.
- st. LP is now less active by 1 frame, subsequently also having 1 less frame of recovery, does slightly -- more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. MP now has 5 less frames of startup, is less active by 2 frames and has 2 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 4 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, and somewhat more meter gain.
- st. HP no longer completely invuln/lacking hurtboxes.
- st. HP now has 3 less frames of startup, is less active by 3 frames, subsequently also having 3 less frames -- of recovery, does slightly more damage, and somewhat more meter gain.
- st. LK now has 4 less frames of startup, is less active by 2 frames and has 2 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 4 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. MK now has 3 less frames of startup, is less active by 1 frame, subsequently also having 1 less frame of -- recovery, does slightly more damage, and somewhat more meter gain.
- st. HK now has 1 more frame of startup, is less active by 2 frames, subsequently also having 2 less frames of -- recovery, and does somewhat more damage.
- cr. LP now has 1 more frame of startup, is more active by 1 frame, has 1 less frame of recovery, does -- slightly more damage, slightly more meter gain, no longer hits low, and is no longer air unblockable.
- cr. MP now has 1 more frame of startup, does slightly more damage, somewhat more meter game, no longer hits -- low, and is no longer air unblockable.
- cr. HP now has 1 more frame of startup, is less active by 2 frames, subsequently also having 2 less frames of -- recovery, does somewhat more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- cr. LK now has 3 less frames of startup, is active for 4 less frames, has 1 more frame of recovery, does -- slightly more damage, slightly less meter gain, and is no longer air unblockable.
- cr. MK now has 1 more frame of startup, is less active by 1 frame, subsequently also having 1 less frame of -- recovery, does slightly more damage, and somewhat more meter gain, and is no longer air unblockable.
- cr. HK now has 2 more frames of startup, is less active by 2 frames, subsequently also having 2 less frames of -- recovery, does somewhat more damage, somewhat more meter gain, and is no longer air unblockable.
- j. LP now has 2 less frames of recovery, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- j. MP now has 3 less frames of startup, is less active by 4 frames, has 2 more frames of recovery, does slightly -- more damage, and somewhat more meter gain.
- j. HP now has 5 less frames of startup, is active for 8 less frames, has 4 more frames of recovery (And recovery -- at all now), does somewhat more damage, somewhat more meter gain, no longer does hard knockdown on hit, and no -- longer has a "meteor" effect on hit on airborne opponents.
- j. LK now has 3 less frames of startup, is active for 4 less frames and has 1 less frames of recovery, totalling -- to 5 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- j. MK now has 5 less frames of startup, is active for 2 more frames, has 1 more frame of recovery, does slightly -- more damage, and slightly less meter gain.
- j. HK now has 1 less frame of startup, 1 more frame of recovery, does slightly more damage, somewhat more meter -- gain, and no longer does hard knockdown on hit on grounded opponents.
- Actually has a throw now!
- Can no longer cancel into any special or super from a whiffed normal.
- Ring Blast (QCF+P) now has 7 more frames of recovery, does slightly more damage, noticeably more meter gain -- (And meter gain at all now), can now also be confirmed into from Sinister Sword (QCF+HK) on contact, and -- Ravenous Beam (QCF+LK) on hit, and now has a separate aerial version in Aerial Ring Beam (QCF+P, midair), which -- can also be confirmed into via all aerial normals on contact.
- Aerial Ring Blast (QCF+P, midair), now has 7 more frames of recovery.
- Cursed Axe (DP+P) now does slightly more damage, slightly more meter gain, can now also be confirmed into from -- Sinister Sword (QCF+HK) on contact, and now has a separate aerial version in Aerial Cursed Axe (DP+P, midair), -- which can also be confirmed into via all aerial normals on contact.
- Aerial Cursed Axe (DP+P, midair) now has 2 more frames of recovery.
- Shock Treatment (QCB+P) now does somewhat more damage, noticeably more meter gain (And meter gain at all now), -- and the summon itself will now disappear if Sinestro is either hit or (somehow) manages to block during it.
- Ravenous Beam (QCF+LK) now has 7 less frames of recovery, does somewhat more damage, noticeably more meter gain -- (And meter gain at all now), and now pulls opponents further in on hit. Also now has its' own self-contained -- hitstun decay tracker to prevent using it as a self looping infinite.
- Executioner's Blade (QCF+MK) now does slightly more chip, noticeably more meter gain (And meter gain at all now), -- can now also be confirmed into from Sinister Sword (QCF+HK) on contact, and from Ravenous Beam (QCF+LK) on hit, -- and is now correctly registered as a standing special instead of a standing normal.
- Sinister Sword (QCF+HK) now does slightly less damage, slightly less chip, noticeably more meter gain (and meter -- gain at all now), and can now also be cancelled into from Ravenous Beam (QCF+LK) on hit. The sword itself will -- also now disappear if Sinestro is hit or (somehow) manages to blocks anything while it is out.
- Howling Cannon (QCB+LK) now has 4 less frames of startup, does slightly more damage, noticeably more meter gain -- (And meter gain at all now).
- Cruel Crossfire (QCB+MK) now has 6 less frames of startup, 4 less frames of recovery, does noticeably more meter -- gain (And meter gain at all now), and no longer hits OTG.  Ring constructs will now also disappear if Sinestro is -- hit or (somehow) manages to block anything while it is out.
- Dragon's Fire (QCB+HK) now does slightly less chip and noticeably more meter gain (and meter gain at all now). -- Also now has a separate "confirmed into" version with 8 less frames of startup. Can now also be confirmed into -- from Ravenous Beam (QCF+LK) on hit.
- Needle Storm (QCF+PP, Air OK) now does noticeably more damage, noticeably less chip, no longer hits OTG, and is -- overall around 36 frames faster than it was prior. It can now also be cancelled into from Ring Blast (QCF+P), -- Aerial Ring Blast (QCF+P, midair), Cursed Axe (DP+P), Aerial Cursed Axe (DP+P, midair), Ravenous Beam (QCF+LK), -- Executioner's Blade (QCF+MK), Sinister Sword (QCF+HK), Howling Cannon (QCB+LK), and Dragon's Fire (QCB+HK) on -- contact.
- Super pause timing for Needle Storm (QCF+PP, Air OK) has been retweaked.
- Raining Blades (QCB+PP, Air OK) now does severely more damage, no longer hits OTG and can now also be cancelled into -- from Ring Blast (QCF+P), Aerial Ring Blast (QCF+P, midair), Cursed Axe (DP+P), Aerial Cursed Axe (DP+P, midair), -- Ravenous Beam (QCF+LK), Executioner's Blade (QCF+MK), Sinister Sword (QCF+HK), Howling Cannon (QCB+LK), and -- Dragon's Fire (QCB+HK) on contact.
- Super pause timing for Raining Blades (QCB+PP, Air OK) has been retweaked.
- Scorpion Stinger (QCF+KK, Air OK) now does noticeably more damage, can now also be cancelled into from Ring Blast (QCF+P), -- Aerial Ring Blast (QCF+P, midair), Cursed Axe (DP+P), Aerial Cursed Axe (DP+P, midair), Ravenous Beam (QCF+LK), -- Executioner's Blade (QCF+MK), Sinister Sword (QCF+HK), Howling Cannon (QCB+LK), and Dragon's Fire (QCB+HK) on contact.
- Super pause timing for Scorpion Stinger (QCF+KK, Air OK) has been retweaked.
- Sinestro's Might (QCB+KK) now does severely more damage, can now be confirmed into from all grounded normals, Ring Blast (QCF+P), -- Cursed Axe (DP+P), Ravenous Beam (QCF+LK), Executioner's Blade (QCF+MK), Sinister Sword (QCF+HK), Howling Cannon (QCB+LK), and -- Dragon's Fire (QCB+HK) on contact. Also overall starts up much faster than prior.
- Super pause timing for Sinestro's Might (QCB+KK) has been retweaked.
OTHER NOTES (CHAR ORDER COMPLETE : 36/??) Second lantern ring char to be reworked (And almost certainly not the last if the other currently 3 end up making it too), out of the list of characters I picked to work on for this next patch, Sinestro kinda ended up being first almost entirely because I liked that he conveniently filled out the gap in the bottom left corner of the as of this writing (7/6/2022) current character select screen. Overall pretty satisfying char to work on, albeit I kinda wish I had him done a couple days sooner, albeit there's still a couple of elements related to not being able to cut down on the damage varying of some supers that consist of multiple different that I wish I could have tweaked more than I did. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SANDMAN
- Mirror match intros set up.
- Set up intro with Spider-Man.
- Set up win pose against Spider-Man.
- Some of his frame data, hitboxes, and hurtboxes have been reworked to be more fitting.
- Forward ground dash modified into an outright run.
- Can now properly "zigzag" his grounded normals.
- st. LP is now more active by 1 frame, has 5 less frames of recovery, now does slightly less damage, -- and slightly more meter gain.
- st. MP now has 4 less frames of startup, is now less active by 1 frame and has 5 less frames of -- recovery, totalling to 6 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly less damage, slightly -- more meter gain, and no longer does vertical knockback on hit on grounded opponents.
- st. HP now has a separate, faster confirmed into verison.
- Raw st. HP now has 5 less frames of startup, is less active by 4 frames and has 12 less frames of -- recovery, totalling to 16 less frames of recovery overall, does somewhat less damage, and hits -- overhead.
- The confirmed-into version of st. HP now has 7 less frames of startup and does slightly less damage.
- st. LK now has 1 less frame of startup, is more active by 1 frame, 8 less frames of recovery, does -- slightly less damage, slightly more meter gain, no longer hits low, no longer hits OTG, and is no -- longer air unblockable.
- st. MK now has 4 less frames of startup, is less active by 3 frames and has 5 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 8 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly less damage, and slightly more meter -- gain.
- st. HK now has 4 more frames of startup, is less active by 3 frames and has 19 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 22 less frames of recovery overall, does somewhat less damage, somewhat more meter gain, -- and no longer does vertical knockback on hit on grounded opponents.
- cr. LP now has 2 less frames of startup, is less active by 2 frames and has 3 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 5 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly less damage, slightly more meter gain, -- no longer hits low, and is no longer air unblockable.
- cr. MP now has 4 less frames of startup, is less active by 1 frame and has 6 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 7 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly less damage, slightly more meter gain, -- and is no longer air unblockable.
- cr. HP now has 2 more frames of startup, iss less active by 5 frames and has 21 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 26 less frames of recovery overall, does somewhat less damage, somewhat more meter gain, -- is no longer air unblockable, and is now correctly registered as a crouching normal instead of a -- standing normal.
- cr. LK now has 1 less frame of startup, is less active by 2 frames and has 4 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 6 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly less damage, slightly more meter gain, -- no longer hits OTG, and is no longer air unblockable.
- cr. MK now has 5 less frames of startup, is more active by 1 frame, has 1 less frame of recovery, does -- slightly less damage, slightly more meter gain, now hits low, and no longer hits OTG.
- cr. HK now has 4 less frames of startup, 15 less frames of recovery, does somewhat less damage, somewhat -- more meter gain, no longer hits OTG, and is no longer air unblockable.
- j. LP is now less active by 1 frame, subsequently also having 1 less frame of recovery as well, does -- slightly less damage, slightly more meter gain, and no longer hits OTG.
- j. MP now has 2 more frames of startup, is less active by 3 frames and has 2 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 5 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly less damage, slightly more meter gain, -- and no longer hits OTG.
- j. HP is now less active by 2 frames, subsequently also having 2 less frames of recovery as well, does -- somewhat less damage, somewhat more meter gain, no longer hits OTG, no longer does hard knockdown on -- hit, and no longer has a "meteor" effect on hit on airborne opponents.
- j. LK is now less active by 2 frames and has 1 less frame of recovery, totalling to 3 less frames of -- recovery, does slightly less damage, does slightly more meter gain, and no longer hits OTG.
- j. MK now has 4 less frames of startup, is less active by 3 frames, has 5 more frames of recovery (and -- actual recovery at all now), does slightly less damage, slightly more meter gain, and no longer does -- vertical knockback on grounded opponents.
- j. HK now has 4 less frames of startup, is less active by 1 frame and has 5 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 6 less frames of recovery overall, does somewhat less damage, somewhat more meter gain, -- and no longer hits OTG.
- Both throws are now directional.
- Can no longer cancel into any special or super from a whiffed normal.
- LP version of Stoner Rock (QCF+P) now has 7 less frames of startup, 2 less frames of recovery, does -- somewhat less damage, slightly less chip, and slightly less meter gain.
- MP version of Stoner Rock (QCF+P) now has 3 less frames of startup, 4 less frames of recovery, does -- somewhat less damage, slightly less chip, slightly less meter gain, is no longer air unblockable, -- and can now also be confirmed into from the LP version of Stoner Rock (QCF+P) on hit.
- HP version of Stoner Rock (QCF+P) now has 7 less frames of startup, 16 less frames of recovery, does -- somewhat less damage, slightly less chip, slightly less meter gain, and can now also be confirmed -- into from the LP and MP versions of Stoner Rock (QCF+P) on hit.
- Inputs for Quick Sand Warp (Forward) (DP+P/K) and Quick Sand Warp (Backward) (RDP+P/K) have been -- changed to (HCF+P/K) and (HCB+P/K) respectively, mostly due to the nasty amount of input overlap -- they were causing with just about every other special Sandman has.
- Sand Blast (QCB+P) now does somewhat less damage, slightly more meter gain, no longer hits OTG, and -- is now correctly registered as a standing projectile instead of an aerial projectile.
- All versions of Assault Step (QCF+K) are now correctly registered as crouching physical specials -- instead of standing projectile specials.
- LK version of Assault Step (QCF+K) now does slightly less damage, slightly less chip, and somewhat -- less meter gain.
- MK version of Assault Step (QCF+K) now does somewhat less damage, slightly less chip, and somewhat -- less meter gain.
- HK version of Assault Step (QCF+K) now does somewhat less damage, slightly less chip, and somewhat -- less meter gain.
- Binding Sand (QCB+K) no longer hits airborne or falling opponents, and is now correctly registered as -- a crouching projectile instead of a standing projectile.
- Destroyer Strike (QCF+PP) now does somewhat less damage and can now also be confirmed into from -- Sand Blast (QCB+P), Assault Step (QCF+K), and Spiral Slash (QCF+KK) on contact.
- Hands of Oblivion (QCB+PP) now does severely less damage, no longer hits OTG, is no longer invuln during -- the super's recovery, and can now also be confirmed into from Sand Blast (QCB+P) and Assault Step (QCF+K) -- on contact.
- Hands of Oblivion has now been outright removed, mostly due to being too gimmicky, as well as potentially -- letting the opponent loop normals on Sandman to death due to resetting his recovery every time he is hit -- during it.
- Spiral Slash (QCF+KK) now does noticeably less damage, somewhat less chip, and can now also be confirmed -- into from Sand Blast (QCB+P), Assault Step (QCF+K), and Spiral Slash (QCF+KK) on contact.
- Deadly Headache (QCB+KK) now does slightly less damage, slightly less chip, and can now also be confirmed -- into from Sand Blast (QCB+P), Assault Step (QCF+K), and Spiral Slash (QCF+KK) on contact.
- Super pause timing for Deadly Headache (QCB+KK) has been retweaked.
- Input for Sinister Six changed from (QCB+PK) to (QCF+PK).
- Sinister Six (QCF+PK) now does significantly more damage and can now also be confirmed into from Sand Blast (QCB+P), -- Assault Step (QCF+K), and Spiral Slash (QCF+KK) on contact.
- Removed recovery roll.
OTHER NOTES (CHAR ORDER COMPLETE : 37/??) Third Loganir character I've done a rework on now, leaving Cyclops and Electro to go after this. Much like Sinestro immediately before him, he got picked mostly because either he or Vulture would've fit the other currently empty corner spot perfectly, and I just happened to feel like working on him at that moment than I did Vulture. Much like the other Loganir characters, while not entirely painless, was overall a pretty pleasant experience doing his rework, although I have a feeling I'll have to come back to nerf him some after field testing. Also pretty happy with getting back on the "around a week or so" pace for chars with him, especially considering the day or 2 taken to futz with Anita and then adjusting the camera on every currently present stage. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DONOVAN BAINE
- Fixed Anita behavior, is now properly spawned behind Donovan at round start and now follows Donovan instead -- of the opponent.
- Some of his frame data, hitboxes, and hurtboxes have been reworked to be more fitting.
- Forward ground dash modified into an outright run.
- Now has aerial forward and back dashes.
- Now has a super jump.
- As Donovan is now always in sword mode, all swordless versions of normals are no longer relevant, as Donovan -- will now always use the Sword Version.
- st. LP now has 1 less frame of startup, is more active by 2 frames, has 10 less frames of -- recovery, slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain (And meter gain at all now).
- st. MP now has 4 less frames of startup, 4 less frames of recovery, does slightly more -- damage, and somewhat more meter gain.
- st. HP now has 1 less frames of startup, 10 less frames of recovery, does slightly more -- damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. LK now has 1 less frame of startup, is more active by 2 frames, has 1 less frame of -- recovery, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain (And meter gain at all -- now).
- st. MK now has 1 more frame of startup, is more active by 2 frames, has 5 less frames of -- recovery, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. HK now has 2 more frames of startup, is more active by 3 frames, has 5 less frames of -- recovery, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
-- All crouching punch normals no longer hit low.
- cr. LP now has 1 less frame of startup, is more active by 2 frames, has 2 less frames of -- recovery, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain (And meter gain at all -- now).
- cr. MP now has 1 more frame of startup, is more active by 3 frames, does slightly more -- damage, and somewhat more meter gain.
- cr. HP now has 4 more frames of startup, 8 less frames of recovery, does slightly more damage, -- and slightly more meter gain.
- cr. LK now has 1 less frame of startup, is more active by 2 frames, has 2 less frames of -- recovery, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain (And meter gain at all -- now).
- cr. MK is now more active by 3 frames, has 4 less frames of recovery, does slightly more -- damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- cr. HK now has 3 more frames of startup, is less active by 4 frames and has 4 less frames of -- recovery, totalling to 8 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, and -- slightly more meter gain.
- Can now "zigzag" his aerial normals.
- All aerial normals can now be cancelled into from Hop Kick (F+HK) on hit.
- j. LP now uses the animation formerly used by j. LK/j. MK, and now has 3 frames of startup -- and recovery, and is active for 4 frames. Now does slightly more damage and slightly more -- meter gain (And meter gain at all now).
- j. MP now uses the animation formerly used by j. LP, which now has 8 less frames of recovery. -- Also now does slighty more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- j. HP now uses the animation formerly used by j. MP, which now has 3 less frames of recovery. -- Also now does somewhat more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- j. LK now uses the same animation related frame data as st. LK. Now also does slightly more -- damage and slightly more meter gain (And meter gain at all now).
- j. MK now uses the same animation related frame data as st. MK. Now also does slightly more -- damage and slightly more meter gain.
- j. HK now uses the same animation related frame data as st. HK. Now also does slightly more -- damage, slightly more meter gain, and hard knockdown and a "meteor" effect on hit on -- aerial opponents when confirmed into.
- Hop Kick (F+HK) now does slightly less meter gain.
- Former j. HP animation now used for new aerial command normal Upper Beads (j. HP), which now -- has 3 less frames of recovery, and the same damage/meter gain as j. HP.
- Throw is now directional and can also be done with HK, can no longer be done with MP.
- All the "divekick" esque moves (Killshread Surf 1, 2, and Dive) now let Donovan regain -- control on hit.
- Killshread Surf 1 (D+LK) can now be confirmed into from all aerial normals on contact.
- Killshread Surf 2 (D+MK) can now be confirmed into from all aerial normals on contact.
- Killshread Dive (D+HK) now does slightly less damage (Same damage as the other 2 now) and -- can now be confirmed into from all aerial normals on contact.
- Ifrit Sword (QCF+P) and Lightning Sword (RDP+P) both require the second sword to not be -- planted to use. This does not apply to the latter's super version, -- Hyper Lightning Sword (QCF+PP), however.
- Input for Ifrit Sword changed from (DP+P) to (QCF+P).
- Ifrit Sword (QCF+P) now has 4 less frames of recovery, does slightly less chip, significantly -- less meter gain, can now be confirmed into from all grounded normals on contact, and is now -- correctly registered as a standing special instead of an aerial special.
- Input for Sword Grapple changed from (HCB+MP/HP) to (DP+P).
- Sword Grapple (DP+P) now does slightly more damage and noticeably less meter gain.
- Lightning Fall (QCB+P, while sword is planted) now does severely less meter gain.
- LP version of Lightning Fall (QCB+P, while sword is planted) now does somewhat more damage -- and slightly more chip (And chip at all now).
- MP version of Lightning Fall (QCB+P, while sword is planted) now does slightly less damage -- and slightly more chip (And chip at all now).
- HP version of Lightning Fall (QCB+P, while sword is planted) now does slightly more damage -- and slightly more chip (And chip at all now).
- All versions of Lightning Sword (RDP+P) now do slightly less damage, slightly less chip, - somewhat less meter gain, and can now be confirmed into out of all grounded normals on -- contact.
- Pounce (D, D + P/K) removed due too functionally too bizarrely.
- Input for Blizzard Sword changed from (HCF+P) to (QCF+K).
- Blizzard Sword (QCF+K) now does slightly more damage, slightly less chip, significantly -- less meter gain, and can now be confirmed into from all grounded normals on contact and -- from Ifrit Sword (QCF+P) on hit.
- All versions of Killshread Plant (QCB+K, while sword isn't planted) now do somewhat more -- meter gain (And meter gain at all now) and can now be confirmed into from all grounded -- normals (Except cr. HK) on contact.
- Killshread Return (QCB+K, while sword is planted) now has 2 less frames of recovery and can -- now be confirmed into from all grounded normals (Except cr. HK) on contact. Also now has an aerial -- version in Air Killshread Return (QCB+K, midair, while sword is planted).
- Now has a new super in the former EX Lightning Sword, now promoted to Hyper Lightning Sword (QCF+PP).
- Hyper Lightning Sword (QCF+PP) can now be confirmed into from all grounded normals, Ifrit Sword (QCF+P), -- and Lightning Sword (RDP+P) on contact.
- Now has a new super in the former EX Lightning Fall, now promoted to Hyper Lightning Fall (QCB+PP, while sword is planted).
- Hyper Lightning Fall (QCB+PP, while sword is planted) now does severely more damage and slightly more -- chip (And chip at all now).
- Now has a new super in the former EX Blizzard Sword, now promoted to Hyper Blizzard Sword (QCF+KK).
- Hyper Blizzard Sword (QCF+KK) now does noticeably more damage, slightly more chip, and can now -- be confirmed into from all grounded normals, Ifrit Sword (QCF+P) Lightning Sword (RDP+P), and -- Hyper Lightning Sword (QCF+PP) on contact.
- Change of Immortal removed for being mostly superfluous now that Donovan has several new supers.
- All versions of Press of Death (QCF+LPLK/QCF+MPMK/QCF+HPHK) now do somewhat more damage, slightly less -- chip, and can now be confirmed into out of all grounded normals, Ifrit Sword (QCF+P), and -- Lightning Sword (RDP+P) on contact, and from Hyper Lightning Sword (QCF+PP) and -- Hyper Blizzard Sword (QCF+KK) on hit.
OTHER NOTES (CHAR ORDER COMPLETE : 38/??) (Originally completed on 7/29/2022) Donovan's an interesting case, as I really didn't know too much about him prior to selecting him during the initial rough draft, having never really played Night Warriors or any of the Vampire Savior variations he's actually in, kind of just picking him both because he kinda got dropped out of VSav, and because I figured he looked cool. So I got to learn the hard way, first hand, just how sorta unfinished he really was. Would I have still picked him in that rough draft if I had known this? Possibly not, but I feel that in the end, toughing it out for his rework was worth it. Humorously enough the Darkstalkers character spot in this patch wave (V1.05) was originally planned in advance to be Morrigan, before sorta being changed to Donovan at the last second after I felt like working on him more after futzing with Anita's code for a bit. Oh well, Morr, you'll get added eventually anyway. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ICE
- Mirror match intros set up.
- Some of her frame data, hitboxes, and hurtboxes have been reworked to be more fitting.
- Forward ground dash modified into an outright run.
- Can now properly "zigzag" her grounded normals.
- Swapped out st. LP and st. MP as their anims and pre-existing frame data just made this make -- a lot more sense than their original placement.
- st. LP is now less active by 2 frames, subsequently also having 2 less frames of recovery as -- well, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. MP now has 2 more frames of startup, is now less active by 1 frame and has 1 less frame of -- recovery, totalling to 2 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, and -- slightly more meter gain.
- st. LK is now less active by 4 frames, subsequently also having 4 less frames of recovery, does -- slightly more damage, and is now correctly registered as a standing normal instead of a -- crouching normal.
- st. MK now has 1 less frame of startup, does slightly more damage, iess less active by 1 frame -- and has 1 less frame of recovery, totalling to 2 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly -- more damage, and slightly less meter gain.
- st. HP now has 2 more frames of startup, is more active by 2 frames, does somewhat more damage,
- Former close st. HK is now just st. HK period.
- st. HK now has 1 less frame of startup, is less active by 7 frames, has 5 less frames of recovery, -- does slightly more damage, slightly less meter gain, and no longer does hard knockdown on hit. -- It also now gains some forward horizontal movement when confirmed into on hit.
- Former far st. HK is now command normal Ice Slash (F+HK).
- Command normal Ice Slash (F+HK) now has 2 more frames of startup, is more active by 4 frames, does -- slightly more damage, and slightly less meter gain.
- All crouching normals are no longer air unblockable.
- All crouching punch normals no longer hit low.
- cr. LP now has 5 less frames of startup, 5 less frames of recovery, does slightly more damage, -- and slightly more meter gain.
- cr. MP  now has 1  less frame of startup, is more active by 1 frame, has 3 frames of recovery, -- and slightly more meter gain.
- cr. HP now has 2 more frames of startup, is less active by 2 frames, subsequently also having 2 -- less frames of recovery, does somewhat more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- cr. LK now has 1 less frame of startup, 1 less frame of recovery, does slightly more damage, and -- slightly more meter gain.
- cr. MK now has 2 less frames of startup, is less active by 2 frames and has 2 less frames of -- recovery, totalling to 4 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, and -- somewhat more meter gain.
- cr. HK now has 1 more frame of startup, is less active by 5 frames and has 1 less frame of recovery, -- totalling to 6 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, and somewhat more meter -- gain.
- j. LP is now less active by 5 frames, subsequently also having 5 less frames of recovery, does -- slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- j. MP now has 2 less frames of startup, is less active by 1 frame, has 1 more frame of recovery, -- and does slightly more meter gain.
- j. HP now has 1 less frame of startup, is less active by 5 frames and has 5 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 10 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter -- gain.
- j. LK now has 5 less frames of startup, is less active by 12 frames and has 1 less frame of recovery, -- totalling to 13 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter -- gain.
- j. MK now has 1 less frame of startup, is more active by 1 frame, has 5 less frames of recovery, does -- slightly more damage, and somewhat more meter gain.
- j. HK now has 4 more frames of startup, is less active by 1 frame and has 6 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 7 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, somewhat more meter gain, -- and now does hard knockdown and has a "meteor" effect on hit on airborne opponents when confirmed -- into on hit.
- Head Stomp (D+HK) now does slightly more damage, somewhat more meter gain, descends faster after a -- certain point, and no longer whiffs on airborne opponents.
- Throw is now directional and can also be performed with HK.
- "Frozen" state caused by certain moves (Ice balls from Ice Ball (QCF+P) and Air Ice Ball (QCF+P, midair), -- or contact with an Ice Maiden statue from Ice Maiden (QCB+K)) now ends 10 frames earlier than it did -- prior.
- Ice Ball (QCF+P) now does somewhat more damage, slightly more chip (And chip at all now), and -- noticeably more meter gain (And meter gain at all now).
- Air Ice Ball (QCF+P, midair) has had the same property changes as Ice Ball (QCF+P).
- Air Ice Ball (QCF+P, midair) now has 4 less frames of recovery and Ice is no longer left helpless -- until touching the ground after the move.
- Ice Shield (DP+P) now does somewhat more meter gain (And meter gain at all now) and no longer leaves Ice -- perpetually stuck it in due to continually absorbing normals from an opponent.
- Ice Slick (QCB+P), on-top of now doing noticeably more meter gain, has been significantly reworked: --- Is now blockable low, so as to prevent letting Ice lay an unblockable box ontop of an OTG opponent. --- Can now cancel into it on contact from any grounded normal, as part of her mix. --- The projectile itself will now disappear if Ice is hit before it can touch the ground.
- Air Ice Slick (QCB+P, midair) has had the same property changes as Ice Slick (QCB+P), except for instead -- being cancellable into from any aerial normal on contact instead.
- Air Ice Slick (QCF+B, midair) now has 4 less frames of recovery, can be cancelled into from any aerial -- normal on contact, and Ice is no longer left helpless until touching the ground after the move.
- Now has a new command grab special in Cold Shoulder (HCB+P). Like most command grabs in this, it is confirmable -- into on hit.
- Input for Icicle Edge changed from (D,D+K) to (QCF+K).
- Icicle Edge (QCF+K) now does noticeably more damage, slightly more chip, noticeably more meter gain (And meter -- gain at all now), and can now be confirmed into from all grounded normals on contact. Spikes now become active -- 4 frames sooner after appearing and now hit OTG.
- All versions of Icicle Edge (QCF+K) now summon the same number of spikes (6), instead of the previous 4 for -- the LK and MK versions.
- Ice Damsel (QCB+K) now has 13 more frames of startup, 2 less frames of recovery, does slightly more damage, -- noticeably more meter gain (And meter gain at all now), can now be confirmed into from any grounded normal -- on contact, is no longer unblockable, no longer whiffs on airborne opponents, and no longer has a minimum -- distance from opponent requirement to be performed.
- Fixed issue with Ice Damsel (QCB+K) acting bizarrely and spawning a "clone Ice" if hit by a super.
- Input for Ice Missiles changed from (QCF+KK) back to (QCF+PP).
- Ice Missiles (QCF+PP) now has 15 more frames of recovery, does somewhat less chip, no longer hits OTG, now does -- hard knockdown on hit on airborne opponents, and can now be confirmed into from all grounded normals and -- Icicle Edge (QCF+K) on contact.
- Super pause timing for Ice Missiles (QCF+PP) has been reworked.
- Crystal Strike (QCB+PP) now does noticeably less damage, can now be confirmed into on contact from all grounded -- normals and Icicle Edge (QCF+K) on contact.
- Input for Absolute Zero has been changed from (QCF+PP) to (QCF+KK).
- Absolute Zero (QCF+KK) is now always a Level 3 super instead of being variant depending on meter, now also -- being a set, shortened length every time now. Frozen state on hit from projectiles spawned by this no -- longer drain the opponent's meter.
- Removed Amalgam super.
- Recovery roll removed.
OTHER NOTES (CHAR ORDER COMPLETE : 39/??) (Originally completed on 8/05/2022) Much like fellow Buyog char Lobo, her original base kit had a pretty heavy basis in zoning while having little to deal with up close, although unlike Lobo her existing normals worked better for that purpose, at the least. Don't really have too much else to say (I'm gonna blame being VERY tired as I originally wrote this), other than hoping I did well by her. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IRON MAN
- Mirror match intros set up.
- Set up intros against Captain America, Hulk, Magneto, Sentinel, Storm, and War Machine.
- Set up win poses against Captain America, Hulk, Magneto, Sentinel, and Storm.
- Some of his frame data, hitboxes, and hurtboxes have been reworked to be more fitting.
- Forward ground dash modified into an outright run.
- All grounded normals no longer do hard knockdown on airborne opponents on hit.
- st. LP is now more active by 1 frame, has 3 less frames of fecovery, does slightly less -- damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. MP now has 2 less frames of startup, is more active by 2 frames, has 1 less frame of -- recovery, does slightly less damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. HP now has 4 less frames of startup, is less active by 4 frames and has 9 less frames -- of recovery, does slightly less damage, slightly more meter gain, and no longer does -- hard knockdown on hit.
- st. LK is now more active by 1 frame, has 3 less frames of recovery, and does slightly -- more meter gain.
- st. MK now has 1 less frame of startup, is less active by 1 frame and has 7 less frames of -- recovery, totalling to 8 less frames of recovery overall, and does slightly less damage.
- st. HK now has 5 more frames of startup, is less active by 1 frame and has 12 less frames -- of recovery, totalling to 13 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more meter -- gain, and is now correctly registered as a standing normal instead of a crouching normal.
- cr. LP is now more active by 1 frame, has 3 less frames of recovery, does slightly less -- damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- cr. MP now has 1 less frame of startup, is more active by 2 frames, has 7 less frames -- of recovery, does slightly more damage, and no longer launches.
- cr. HP now has 6 less frames of startup, 5 less frames of recovery, does slightly more -- damage, and is now correctly registered as a crouching normal-level projectile instead of -- a standing special projectile.
- cr. LK now has 2 less frames of startup, is more active by 1 frame, has 3 less frames of -- recovery, does slightly less damage, slightly more meter gain, and no longer hits OTG.
- cr. MK now has 4 less frames of startup, is less active by 1 frame and has 5 less frames -- of recovery, totalling to 6 less frames of recovery overall, and does slightly more damage.
- cr. HK now has 1 less frame of startup, is less active by 2 frames and has 11 less frames of -- recovery, totalling to 13 less frames overall, does slightly more damage, slightly more -- meter gain, and is now correctly registered as a crouching normal instead of a standing -- normal.
- j. LP now has 2 less frames of startup, 13 less frames of recovery, does slightly more -- damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- j. MP now has 3 less frames of startup, is less active by 3 frames and has 7 less frames of -- recovery, totalling to 10 less frames of recovery overall, and does slightly more damage.
- j. HP, Upward Double (U+HP, midair), and Downward Double (D+HP, midair) now all have 4 more -- frames of startup, now all being at 21 frames total overall, doing slightly less damage, -- somewhat more meter gain, and no longer doing hard knockdown or having a "meteor" effect -- on hit on airborne opponents.
- Former j. HP has been replaced with former command normal Downward Double.
- j. LK is now more active by 1, has 3 less frames of recovery, does slightly more damage, and -- slightly more meter gain.
- j. MK now has 1 more frame of startup, is more active by 2 frames, and does slightly more -- damage.
- j. HK now has 4 less frames of startup, 5 less frames of recovery, does slightly less damage, -- and slightly more meter gain.
- Knee Dive (D+HK, midair) now does slightly more meter gain.
- Throw can now also be performed with HK.
- Some specials and supers can now be cancelled into immediately after the opponent leaves Iron Man's -- grasp during a throw. These include Uni Beam (QCF+P), Homing Missiles (QCB+P), Plasma Sword (QCF+K), -- Repulsor Blast (QCB+K), Smart Mine (P+K), Proton Cannon (QCF+PP), Missile Barrage (QCB+PP), -- Iron Avenger (QCF+KK, Air OK), Arc Reactor (QCB+KK), and Iron Legion (QCF+PK).
- Can no longer cancel into any special or super out of a whiffed normal.
- Uni Beam (QCF+P) now does slightly more damage (And that damage is now consistent too unlike -- prior), slightly more chip, and can now also be confirmed into from cr. HP's missile on hit.
- Airborne velocity adjustments for both Air Uni Beam (QCF+P, midair) and Smart Bomb (P+K, midair) -- have been adjusted to prevent using them to indefinitely air stall.
- Air Uni Beam (QCF+P, midair) now does slightly more damage (And that damage is now consistent -- too unlike prior), slightly more chip, can now also be confirmed into from j. HP, j. HK, -- Upward Double (U+HP, midair), and Downward Double (D+HP, midair) on contact, and is now -- correctly registered as an aerial projectile instead of a standing projectile.
- Homing Missiles (QCB+P) now does slightly more meter gain, can now also be cancelled into from -- cr. HP's missile and Uni Beam (QCF+P) on hit, no longer hit OTG, and are now correctly registered -- as projectiles instead of physical specials. Can also no longer have more than 2 missiles out -- at once.
- Plasma Sword (QCF+K) now does slightly more chip, has had any damage variance removed, and can now -- also be confirmed into from cr. HP's missile and Uni Beam (QCF+P) on hit.
- Repulsor Blast (QCB+K) now does slightly more chip, slightly more meter gain, now has non-super -- invuln until its first active frame (In effect, like most other dragon-punch style/effect moves -- like this), and can now also be confirmed into from cr. HP's missile and Uni Beam (QCF+P) on hit.
- Smart Mine (P+K) now does the same damage whether it hits the opponent while still airborne or -- after touching the ground, does slightly more meter gain, no longer hits low or is air unblockable -- after landing on the ground, and can now also be confirmed into from cr. HP's missile and -- Uni Beam (QCF+P) on hit.
- Smart Bomb (P+K, midair) now has 12 more frames of recovery, does slightly more chip (And chip at -- all now), slightly more meter gain, can now also be confirmed into from Air Uni Beam (QCF+P, midair) -- on hit, and are now correctly registered as aerial projectiles instead of standing projectiles.
- Proton Cannon (QCF+PP) now does noticeably less damage, slightly less chip, and can now also be -- confirmed into from cr. HP's missile and Arc Reactor (QCB+KK) on contact.
- Missile Barrage (QCB+PP) now does significantly less damage, slightly less chip, and can now also be -- confirmed into from cr. HP's missile, Proton Cannon (QCF+PP), and Arc Reactor (QCB+KK) on contact.
- Iron Avenger (QCF+KK, Air OK) now does significantly less damage, and can now also be be confirmed -- into from cr. HP's missile, Proton Cannon (QCF+PP), Missile Barrage (QCB+PP) and Arc Reactor (QCB+KK) --  on contact.
- Arc Reactor (QCB+KK) now does somewhat more damage, somewhat less chip, is overall around 40 frames -- shorter, and can now also be confirmed into from cr. HP's missile on contact.
- Iron Legion (QCB+PK) now does somewhat less damage, slightly more chip, and can now also be confirmed -- into from cr. HP's missile, Proton Cannon (QCF+PP), Missile Barrage (QCB+PP), and Arc Reactor (QCB+KK) -- on contact.
- Recovery roll removed.
OTHER NOTES (CHAR ORDER COMPLETE : 40/??) (Originally completed on 8/11/2022) Not too much to add to this one, other than much like future add Batman, he's in this patch mostly because his absence was starting to feel a bit weird now that we're hitting the 40s. Like Wolverine, I'm not sure he's really too radically different, but I do feel that the extra additions to his kit are for the better. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VULTURE
- Mirror match intros set up.
- Set up intros against Hawkman, Spider-Man, and The Thing.
- Set up win poses against Hawkman and Spider-Man.
- Much of his frame data, hitboxes, and hurtboxes have been reworked to be more fitting. Among -- other things, is no longer missing several hurtboxes for no reason during variations jumping --related animations.
- Now has a taunt.
- Filled in the few remaining gaps in his grounded and aerial zigzags.
- st. LP now has 1 more frame of startup, is less active by 1 frame, has 1 more frame of recovery, -- does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. MP now has 2 more frames of startup, is more active by 1 frame, has 18 less frames of recovery, -- does slightly more damage, and slightly less meter gain.
- st. HP now has 4 less frames of startup, is less active by 3 frames and has 6 less frames of -- recovery, totalling to 9 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, slightly more -- meter gain, and the second hit is both no longer air unblockable and now correctly registered as a -- standing normal instead of a crouching normal.
- st. LK now has 2 less frames of startup, is more active by 1 frame, has 3 less frames of recovery, -- does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. MK now has 5 less frames of startup, is more active by 1 frame, has 5 less frames of recovery, -- does slightly more damage, and somewhat more meter gain.
- st. HK now has 2 more frames of startup, is less active by 2 frames and has 6 less frames of -- recovery, totalling to 8 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, somewhat more -- meter gain, no longer hits low, is no longer air unblockable, and no longer does hard knockdown -- on hit.
- cr. LP now has 1 more frame of startup, 2 less frames of recovery, does slightly more damage, and -- slightly more meter gain.
- cr. MP now has 1 less frame of startup, is more active by 1 frame, has 1 less frame of recovery, -- does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- cr. HP now has 1 less frame of startup, 8 less frames of recovery, does somewhat more damage, -- slightly less meter gain, no longer does vertical knockback on grounded opponents, and no longer -- does hard knockdown on hit.
-- All crouching kick normals are no longer air unblockable.
- cr. LK now has 1 more frame of startup, 2 less frames of recovery, does slightly more damage, and -- slightly more meter gain.
- cr. MK now has 2 less frames of startup, is more active by 1 frame, has 3 less frames of recovery, -- does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- cr. HK is now more active by 1 frame, has 10 less frames of recovery, does slightly more damage, -- noticeably more meter gain, and no longer hits OTG.
- j. LP has 3 less frames of startup, is less active by 1 frame and has 3 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 4 less frames of recovery overall, and does slightly more meter gain.
- j. MP is no longer active at /frame 1/, now having 5 frames of startup, Also now less active -- by 5 frames and has 15 less frames of recovery, totalling to 20 less frames of recovery overall, -- does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- j. HP now has 1 less frame of startup, does slightly more damage, slightly more meter gain, no -- longer does hard knockdown on hit, and no longer has a "meteor" effect on hit on airborne opponents.
- j. LK is now less active by 1 frame, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- j. MK now has 1 less frame of startup, is now less active by 3 frames and has 1 less frame of -- recovery, totalling to 4 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly less damage, and somewhat -- more meter gain.
- j. HK now has 4 less frames of startup, is less active by 3 frames and has 8 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 11 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter -- gain.
- Actually has a throw now!
- Can no longer cancel into any special or super out of a whiffed normal.
- Grenade Toss (QCF+LP/MP, Air OK) now has 4 more frames of recovery, does slightly less meter gain, -- can now also be confirmed into from Claw Strike (QCB+P) on hit, and the aerial version is now correctly -- registered as an aerial projectile instead of a standing projectile.
- Chill Mine (QCF+HP, Air OK) now has 12 more frames of recovery, somewhat more damage (And does direct -- damage at all now), slightly more chip (And chip at all now), slightly less meter gain, and now has a -- hard limiter of one on-screen at a time.
- Claw Strike (QCB+P) now has 10 less frames of startup, does slightly less damage, slightly less chip, can -- now also be confirmed into from Charge (QCB+K, Air OK), and now has an aerial version in -- Air Claw Strike (QCB+P, midair).
- Hawk Force Rifle (QCF+K) now has 4 less frames of recovery, does slightly less chip, slightly less meter -- gain, can now also be confirmed into from Claw Strike (QCB+P) and Hawk Force Rifle (QCF+K) on hit, and -- is now correctly registered as a special projectile instead of a normal-level projectile. The physical -- hit part now does somewhat less damage and slightly less chip.
- Charge (QCB+K, Air OK) has been redesigned to now function similarly to Superman's Super Tackle, no longer -- taking Vulture off-screen during the movie. Now has 2 less frames of startup, does slightly more damage, -- slightly less chip, somewhat less meter gain, no longer hits high,and can now also be confirmed into from -- Hawk Force Rifle (QCF+K) on hit.
- Hyper Fly (QCF+PP) is now more active by 30 frames, does slightly less damage, slightly less chip, can now -- also be confirmed into from Charge (QCB+K, Air OK) and Buzzard Barrage (QCB+PP, Air OK) on contact, and is -- now correctly registered as a super instead of a normal.
- Now has a new super in Buzzard Barrage (QCB+PP, Air OK).
- Featherblades Scattershot (QCF+KK, midair) now has a much more consistent damage spread between its different -- projectiles, can now also be confirmed into from Air Claw Strike (QCB+P, midair) Charge (QCB+K, Air OK), and -- Buzzard Barrage (QCB+PP, Air OK) on contact, and is now correctly registered as an aerial super intead of a -- standing special.
OTHER NOTES (CHAR ORDER COMPLETE : 41/??) (Originally completed on 8/22/2022) Vulture, much like Zvitor's most recent "Arrow", was technically never finished, although in Vulture's case, this is significantly more obvious on first inspection, with some animations outright missing hurtboxes for seemingly no reason other than they just hadn't been added yet. And to be honest, this character definitely needed some hard work put into him. While I feel like I've done most of the work needed, I still can't help but feel like maybe he's still missing something, but for now, the work that's already been done on him will do. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ZANGIEF
- Mirror match intros set up.
- Set up intros with Lobo and Zangief.
- Some of his frame data, hitboxes, and hurtboxes have been reworked to be more fitting.
- Removed Mech Mode, lord knows he's already over-kitted as is.
- Filled in the few remaining gaps in his grounded and aerial zigzags.
- Both pre-existing close proximity normals have been removed.
- st. LP now has 1 less frame of startup, is less active by 2 frames and 3 less frames of recovery, totalling -- to 5 less frames of recovery overall, and does slightly more damage.
- st. MP now has 3 less frames of startup, is more active by 2 frames, has 9 less frames of recovery, does -- slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. HP now has 4 less frames of startup, is more active by 3 frames, has 14 less frames of recovery, does -- slightly more damage, somewhat more meter gain, and no longer does hard knockdown on airborne opponents -- on hit.
- st. LK now has 3 less frames of startup and is less active by 4 frames and has 3 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 7 less frames of recovery overall.
- st. MK now has 1 less frame of startup, is less active by 3 frames and has 1 less frame of recovery, -- totalling to 4 less frames of recovery overall, and does slightly more meter gain.
- st. HK is now less active by 1 frame and has 6 less frames of recovery, totalling to 7 less frames of -- recovery overall, does somewhat more damage, and somewhat more meter gain.
- All crouching normals are no longer air unblockable.
- All crouching punch normals no longer hit low.
- cr. LP now has 1 less frame of startup and is less active by 3 frames and has 1 less frame of recovery, -- totalling to 4 less frames of recovery overall.
- cr. MP now has 4 less frames of startup, is less active by 3 frames and has 1 less frame of recovery, -- totalling to 4 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter -- gain.
- cr. HP now has 3 less frames of startup, is more active by 2 frames, has 15 less frames of recovery, -- does slightly more damage, and somewhat more meter gain.
- cr. LK now has 1 less frame of startup, 8 less frames of recovery, and does slightly more damage.
- cr. MK now has 2 less frames of startup, is less active by 1 frame and has 3 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 4 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- cr. HK now has 1 less frame of recovery, does slightly less damage, and somewhat more meter gain.
- No longer left helpless until grounded after whiffing any aerial normal.
- j. LP now has 1 less frame of startup, is less active by 4 frames and has 2 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 6 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- j. MP is now more active by 1 frame, has 6 less frames of recovery, does slightly more damage, and slightly -- more meter gain.
- j. HP now has 1 less frame of startup, is more active by 3 frames, has 3 more frames of recovery, does -- slightly more damage, somewhat more meter gain, and no longer does hard knockdown or have a "meteor" effect -- on hit on airborne opponents.
- Flying Press (D+HP, midair) now has 2 more frames of startup, 5 more frames of recovery (And actual recovery -- at all now), does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- j. LK now has 2 less frames of startupm is less active by 6 frames, subsequently also having 6 less frames of -- recovery as well, and does slightly more meter gain.
- j. MK now has 2 less frames of startup, is now less active by 3 frames, now has 5 more frames of recovery (And -- recovery at all now), does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- j. HK now has 1 more frame of startup, is more active by 3 frames, has 9 less frames of recovery, does slightly -- more damage, and somewhat more meter gain.
- Flying Knees (D+HK, midair) now has 1 more frame of startup, 5 more frames of recovery (And actual recovery at -- all now), and does slightly more meter gain.
- Can no longer cancel into any special or super out of a whiffed normal.
- Pretty much all command grab specials and supers now have their "confirm on contact/hit" version separated -- from the raw version to prevent unavoidably jailing people into command grabs off of say blocked lights. -- Me mentioning this for specific moves after this point is because I put those their prior to realizing -- it'd save a lot of time if I just did this instead of listing it separately for every single instance.
- Input for Slammasters Clinch changed from (QCB+P) to (QCF+P).
- Several followups to Slammasters Clinch (QCF+P) have been removed for either being redundant or just feeling outright -- unnecessary, including : --- Piledriver --- Launcher, and its own associated followups --- Bite --- Gut Squeeze --- Irish Whip, and its own associated followups
- Slammasters Clinch (QCF+P) now does slightly more meter gain.
- Slammasters Clinch (QCF+P) followup German Suplex (P) now does noticeably more damage.
- Slammasters Clinch (QCF+P) followup Suplex (F+P) now does somewhat more damage and somewhat more meter gain.
- Slammasters Clinch (QCF+P) followup DDT (D+P) now does somewhat more damage and somewhat more meter gain.
- Slammasters Clinch (QCF+P) followup Atomic Drop (U+P) now does somewhat more damage and somewhat more meter gain.
- Atomic Elbow (QCF+P, midair) now does slightly less chip, now does slightly more meter gain, and can now also be -- confirmed into from Dropkick (QCB+K) on contact.
- Banishing Flat (DP+P) now does slightly less damage, slightly less chip, now has outright invuln to non-super -- projectiles for the majority of its duration, and now forces stand on hit.
- Input for Spinning Piledriver changed from (HCB+P) to (QCB+P).
- Spinning Piledriver (QCB+P, Air OK), much like most other confirmable command grabs, now has a separate -- "confirmed into" version which is blockable. It has also been standardized to always use what was originally -- the frame data of the LP version across all versions, for both grounded and aerial version.
- Spinning Piledriver (QCB+P, Air OK) now does slightly more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- Spinning Lariat (2P, Air OK) now does slightly less chip, somewhat more meter gain, the grounded version can now -- also be confirmed into from Banishing Flat (DP+P) on hit, and the aerial version can now be confirmed into from -- all aerial normals on contact.
- Soviet Spear has been removed, mostly for a combination of being incredibly awkward and having other -- functions of it better acheived by other specials 'Gief has.
- Input for Running Lariat changed from (QCF+P) to (QCF+K).
- Running Lariat (QCF+K) now has 3 more frames of recovery, does slightly more meter gain, and can now also be -- confirmed into from Banishing Flat (DP+P) on hit.
- Air Catch Powerbomb (DP+K, Air OK) now does slightly more damage, slightly more meter gain, and can now also be -- confirmed into from Banishing Flat (DP+P), Running Lariat (QCF+K), and Dropkick (QCB+K) on hit.
- All versions of Dropkick (QCB+K) can now also be confirmed into from Banishing Flat (DP+P), -- Spinning Lariat (2P, Air OK), Running Lariat (QCF+K), and Spinning Lariat (Quick) (2K, Air OK) on hit.
- The LP version of Dropkick (QCB+K) now has 6 less frames of startup and does slightly more meter gain.
- The MP version of Dropkick (QCB+K) now has 4 less frames of startup and does somewhat more meter gain.
- The HP version of Dropkick (QCB+K) now has 3 less frames of startup and does somewhat more meter gain.
- Powerbomb (HCB+K, Close) now uses the same animation frame data as Spinning Piledriver (QCB+P, Air OK). Now also -- has a similar separate confirmable version that's blockable.
- Powerbomb (HCB+K, Close) now does slightly more damage and slightly more meter gain.
- Spinning Lariat (Quick) (2K, Air OK) now does slightly less chip, slightly more meter gain, the grounded version can now -- also be confirmed into from Banishing Flat (DP+P) on hit, and the aerial version can now be confirmed into from -- all aerial normals on contact.
- Aerial version of Spinning Lariat (Quick) (2K, Air OK) now maintains Zangief's previous air momentum for the duration of -- its use.
- Siberian Blizzard (QCF+PP, Air OK) can now also be confirmed into from Super Missile Dropkick (QCB+KK) on contact.
- Final Atomic Buster (QCB+PP) now does somewhat more damage.
- Soviet Press has been removed.
- Super Missile Dropkick (QCB+KK) now does slightly less damage and somewhat less chip.
- Input for Red Cyclone has been changed from (DP+PP) to (QCF+KK).
- Red Cyclone (QCF+KK) now does significantly more damage and somewhat less chip.
- Moscow Mugging has  been removed.
- Super Suplex Buster has been removed.
- Super Atomic Bomb (QCB+PK) now does severely more damage.
OTHER NOTES (CHAR ORDER COMPLETE : 42/??) (Originally completed on 9/20/2022) Zangief's been an interesting one, for sure, and one I've plenty of time to think about given he ended taking almost a month to be done, even if at least a couple of weeks in there we having to yet again tweak stuff on the entire rest of the cast mid-development on him. 'Gief himself has had a rather iffy relationship with being in actual Mahvel, having a less than stellar track record, with perhaps his biggest actual highlights being a mode that grants him infinite armor in exchange for even further limited movement, beyond that not even having much and outright being replaced with Haggar in MvC3, almost assuredly at least partially because Capcom just saw no hope for him. As far as this project is concerned, the absurdly beefed up kit this version had, to the point of probably the largest amount of cuts to a character's kit during a character rework yet, saw him already starting off pretty well, and I feel he's only going to shine brighter after the further polishing. Probably the other biggest point I can think of is very much keeping Alex in mind during this rework, although I think ultimately the two play differently enough that this shouldn't be an issue. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BATMAN
- Mirror match intros set up.
- Set up intros against Apocalypse, Aquaman, Bane, Captain America, Dr. Doom, Etrigan, Green Arrow, Hal Jordan, Huitzil, -- Iron Man, John Stewart, Kilowog, Kyle Rayner, Lex Luthor, Lobo, Metallo, Morrigan, Poison Ivy, Sentinel, Sinestro, and -- War Machine.
- Specific "Yellow ring" intro with Sinestro removed. Might possibly re-implement later, but currently in far too much -- need of some foley work.
- Set up win poses against Superman.
- Some of his frame data, hitboxes, and hurtboxes have been reworked to be more fitting.
- Forward ground dash modified into an outright run.
- All normals no longer do hard knockdown on airborne opponents.
- No longer has proximity normals.
- st. LP and st. MP have been swapped around, as their frame data is more approrpriate for each other instead of -- their original placements.
- st. LP now has 2 less frames of startup, 5 less frames of recovery, and does slightly less meter gain.
- st. MP now has 3 more frames of startup, is more active by 2 frames, has 1 more frame of recovery, now does somewhat -- more damage, and somewhat more meter gain.
- st. HP now has 2 more frames of startup, is more active by 3 frames, has 2 more frames of recovery, does somewhat more -- damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- Former proximity normal close st. MP is now new command normal Overhead Punch (F+HP). It now has 5 more frames of startup, -- does somewhat more damage, somewhat more meter gain, and now hits high.
- st. LK now has 1 less frame of startup, 3 less frames of recovery, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. MK now has 3 less frames of recovery, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. HK now has 1 less frame of startup, does somewhat more damage, and does slightly more meter gain.
- cr. LP now has 1 more frame of startup, is more active by 2 frames, does slightly more damage, slightly more meter gain, -- no longer hits low, and is no longer air unblockable.
- cr. MP now 3 less frames of startup, 3 more frames of recovery, does slightly more damage, slightly more meter gain, no -- longer hits low, and is no longer air unblockable.
- cr. HP now has 1 less frame of startup, 4 less frames of recovery, does somewhat more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- cr. LK now has 1 more frame of startup, is more active by 1 frame, has 3 less frames of recovery, does slightly more -- damage, slightly more meter gain, and is no longer air unblockable.
- cr. MK now has 2 less frames of startup, is less active by 1 frame and has 2 less frames of recovery, totalling to 3 less -- frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, does slightly more meter gain, and is no longer air unblockable.
- cr. HK now has 3 less frames of startup, is more active by 1 frame, does somewhat more damage, does slightly more -- meter gain, no longer hits OTG, and is no longer air unblockable.
- j. LP now has 1 more frame of startup, is more active by 1 frame, has 2 less frames of recovery, does slightly more damage, -- slightly more meter gain, and no longer hits high.
- j. MP now has 2 less frames of startup, is less active by 3 frames, subsequently having 3 less frames of recovery as well, -- does slightly more damage, slightly more meter gain, and no longer hits high.
- j. HP is more active by 1 frame, does somewhat more damage, does slightly more meter gain, and no longer does hard -- knockdown or have a "meteor" effect on hit on airborne opponents.
- j. LK now has 1 more frame of startup, 2 less frames of recovery, does slightly more damage, slightly meter gain, and no -- longer hits OTG.
- j. MK now has 3 less frames of startup, is more active by 1 frame, has 1 more frame of recovery, does slightly more damage, -- slightly more meter gain, and no longer hits OTG.
- j. HK now has 1 more frame of startup, is more active by 3 frames, has 1 less frames of recovery, does somewhat more -- damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- Can no longer cancel into any special or super out of a whiffed normal.
- "Glowing outline" effect added to all batarang projectiles to make them easier to notice on stages with darker backgrounds and/or -- stage elements.
- Single Batarang (QCF+LP) has been renamed to Batarang.
- Can now have up to only 2 Batarangs (QCF+LP/QCF+P, midair) or Exploding Batarangs (QCF+HP) on screen at once.
- Batarang (QCF+LP) now has 6 less frames of startup, does notcieably more damage, slightly less chip, slightly less meter gain, -- no longer does knockdown on hit on airborne opponents, and can now also be confirmed into from Bat Kicks (QCF+K) on hit.
- Input for Double Small Batarang has been changed from (QCB+MP) to (QCF+MP).
- Double Small Batarang (QCF+MP) now does somewhat more damage, slightly less chip, slightly less meter gain, and can now also be -- confirmed into from Bat Kicks (QCF+K) on hit.
- Stun Electric Batarang (Formerly (QCF+MP) removed for being redundant/overlapping with the similarly functioning Bat Bolas (RDP+P).
- Exploding Batarang (QCF+HP) now has 5 more frames of startup, does slightly more damage, slightly less meter gain, and can now also -- be confirmed into from Bat Kicks (QCF+K) on hit.
- Air Batarang (QCF+P, midair) now does notcieably more damage, slightly less chip, slightly less meter gain, no longer does -- knockdown on airborne opponents, can now also be confirmed into from Bat Upper (DP+P), Bat Grapple Swing (QCB+MK), and -- Bat Grapple Aerial Swing (QCB+K, midair) on hit, and is now correctly registered as an aerial projectile instead of a standing -- projectile.
- Input for Bat Upper changed from (B,F+P) to (DP+P).
- Bat Upper (DP+P) now does slightly more damage, slightly less chip, slightly more meter gain, and can now also be confirmed -- into from Bat Kicks (QCF+K) on hit.
- Dark Knight Strike special is being removed, mostly for being redundant in regards to the Bat Kicks (QCF+K) special. Most aspects -- of it however have been reworked into a new super, similarly named Dark Knight Strikes.
- Single Small Batarang (Formerly QCB+LP) has been removed, mostly for being redundant with the other large array of batarang -- specials.
- Triple Small Batarang (Formerly QCB+HP) has been removed, again for mostly being redundant with the other large array of batarang -- specials.
- Input for Bat Bolas has been changed from (RDP+P) to (QCB+P).
- Bat Bolas (QCB+P) now have a built-in "Once per combo" limiter, and can also now be cancelled out of by pressing (K) during the -- stance.
- Bat Bolas (QCB+P) now has 10 less frames of startup, do somewhat more damage, slightly less chip, noticeably less meter gain, and -- can now also be confirmed into from Bat Kicks (QCF+K) on hit.
- Fixed issue with the Bat Bolas (QCB+P) immediately disappearing on a hit target if they were hit while airborne.
- Downward Exploding Batarang (QCB+P, midair) now does slightly more damage, slightly more meter gain, can now also be confirmed into -- from Bat Upper (DP+P), Bat Grapple Swing (QCB+MK), and Bat Grapple Aerial Swing (QCB+K, midair) on hit, and is now correctly -- registered as an aerial special instead of a standing special.
- Now a hard limit of one (1) Downward Exploding Batarang (QCB+P, midair) allowed out at a time.
- Bat Kick has had its named changed to Bat Kicks, and its input changed from (B,F+K) to (QCF+K).
- The LK version of Bat Kicks (QCF+K) now has 2 less frames of recovery, does somewhat less damage, slightly less chip, somewhat more -- meter gain, no longer does knockdown on airborne opponents, and is now correctly registered as a special instead of a normal.
- The MK version of Bat Kicks (QCF+K) is now overall 3 frames faster, does somewhat less damage, slightly less chip, somewhat more -- meter gain, no longer does knockdown on airborne opponents, and is now correctly registered as a special instead of a normal.
- The HK version of Bat Kicks (QCF+K) is now overall 2 frames faster, does somewhat less damage, slightly less chip, noticeably more -- meter gain, and is now correctly registered as a special instead of a normal. The final hit no longer hits OTG or is air unblockable.
- Input for Bat Grapple Forward changed from (QCF+K) to (QCB+LK).
- Bat Grapple Forward (QCB+LK) now does somewhat less damage, slightly less meter gain, now also does knockdown on hit on grounded -- opponents as well, and can now also be confirmed into from Bat Kicks (QCF+K) on contact.
- Input for Bat Grapple Swing changed from (QCB+K) to (QCB+MK).
- Bat Grapple Swing (QCB+MK) now does slightly more damage, somewhat more meter gain, can now also be confirmed into from Bat Kicks (QCF+K) -- on contact, is now correctly registered as an aerial special instead of a standing normal.
- Input for Bat Grapple Airbound changed from (DP+K) to (QCB+HK).
- Bat Grapple Airbound (QCB+HK) now has 5 less frames of startup, on top of additionally being 5 frames faster overall, does slightly more -- damage, noticeably more meter gain, now hits high, no longer hits low, can now also be confirmed into from Bat Kicks (QCF+K) on contact, -- and is now correctly registered as an aerial special instead of a crouching normal.
- Bat Grapple Aerial Swing (QCB+K, midair) now does slightly more damage, somewhat more meter gain, now recovers before landing, can now -- also be cancelled into from Bat Upper (DP+P) on hit, and is now correctly registered as an aerial special instead of a standing normal.
- Now has a new super in Dark Knight Strikes (QCF+PP).
- Input for Bat Swarm has been changed from (QCF+PP) to (QCB+PP).
- Bat Swarm (QCB+PP) now does noticeably less damage (Having also had any damage variance removed), can now also be confirmed into from -- Dark Knight Strikes (QCF+PP) on contact, and is now correctly registered as a super instead of a special.
- Super pause timing for Bat Swarm (QCB+PP) has been reworked.
- Input for Dark Knight Ride has been changed from (QCB+PP) to (QCF+KK).
- Dark Knight Ride (QCF+KK) now does noticeably less damage and can now also be confirmed into from Dark Knight Strikes (QCF+PP) on contact.
- Super pause timing for Dark Knight Ride (QCF+KK) has been reworked.
- Call of Vengeance (Formerly QCF+KK) has been removed, mostly for being not particularly useful.
- Urban Vengeance (QCB+KK) now does somewhat less damage, slightly less chip, can now also be confirmed into from Dark Knight Strikes (QCF+PP) -- on contact, and is now correctly registered as a super instead of a normal.
- Super pause timing for Urban Vengeance (QCB+KK) has been reworked.
- Bat Mech super (Formerly QCF+PK) has been removed.
- Input for Legend of The Batmen has been changed from (QCB+PK) to (QCF+PK).
- Legend of The Batmen (QCF+PK) now does severely more damage, slightly more chip, can now also be confirmed into from Dark Knight Strikes (QCF+PP) -- on contact, and is now correctly registered as a super instead of a normal.
- Super pause timing for Legend of The Batmen (QCF+PK) has been reworked.
- Recovery roll removed.
- Replaced most/all of the Ron Perlman voiced clips from Justice League Heroes with Kevin Conroy clips from the Injustice games and -- Multiversus.
OTHER NOTES (CHAR ORDER COMPLETE : 43/??) (Originally completed on 10/3/2022) Was probably highest up on the list of "when is [X] getting in/why isn't [X] in the game yet]", which was mostly why he was planned for this wave. Overall just glad this character didn't end up taking more than 2 weeks, especially after how bloated work on the previous rework (Zangief) got via having to then retweak stuff on every other already reworked character. You'd think I'd have more to say on him, and I could certainly spend a good amount of time remarking on the absolute dilapidated most/all of his hurtboxes were in, but honestly, at the moment I'm just glad he's done. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JUBILEE
- Mirror match intros set up.
- Set up intro against Sabretooth.
- Set up team intros with Beast, Bishop, Cable, Colossus, Cyclops, Dazzler, Gambit, Iceman, Jean Grey, -- Nightcrawler, Psylocke, Storm, and Wolverine.
- Some of her frame data, hitboxes, and hurtboxes have been reworked to be more fitting.
- Forward ground dash modified into an outright run.
- st. LP now has 1 more frame of startup, is less active by 2 frames, subsequently also having 2 less frames -- of recovery as well, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. MP now has 1 more frame of startup, is less active by 2 frames, subsequently also having 2 less frames -- of recovery as well, does slightly more damage, and slightly less meter gain.
- st. HP now has 1 less frame of startup, 1 more frame of startup, does somewhat more damage, and slightly -- more meter gain.
- st. LK is now less active by 4 frames, subsequently also having 4 less frames of recovery as well, does -- slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. MK now has 1 less frame of startup, is less active by 4 frames, has 2 more frames of recovery, does -- slightly more damage, and somewhat more meter gain.
- st. HK now has 1 more frame of startup, is less active by 2 frames and has 1 less frame of recovery, -- totalling to 3 less frames of recovery overall, does somewhat more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- cr. LP now has 1 more frame of startup, is more active by 2 frames, has 4 less frames of recovery, does -- slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- cr. MP now has 1 less frame of startup, is more active by 1 frame, has 3 less frames of recovery, and does -- slightly more damage.
- cr. HP now has 2 more frames of startup, is more active by 3 frames, has 13 less frames of recovery, does -- somewhat more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- All crouching kick normals no longer whiff on airborne opponents and no longer hit OTG.
- cr. LK now has 4 less frames of recovery, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- cr. MK is now more active by 1 frame, 6 less frames of recovery, does slightly more damage, and slightly -- less meter gain.
- cr. HK now has 3 less frames of startup, is more active by 1 frame, does somewhat more damage, and slightly -- more meter gain.
- j. LP now has 1 more frame of startup, is more active by 2 frames, has 4 less frames of recovery, does -- slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- j. MP now has 2 more frames of startup, is less active by 3 frames and has 1 less frame of recovery, totalling -- to 4 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, and slightly less meter gain.
- j. HP now has 1 more frame of startup, 1 more frame of recovery, does somewhat more damage, slightly more meter -- gain, and no longer has a "meteor" effect on hit on airborne opponents.
- j. LK now has 3 less frames of recovery, is more active by 1 frame, has 1 less frame of recovery, does slightly -- more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- j. MK is now more active by 1 frame, has 1 less frame of recovery, does slightly more damage, and slightly less -- meter gain.
- j. HK is now less active by 3 frames, has 2 more frames of recovery, does somewhat more damage, and slightly -- more meter gain.
- Can now also throw with HK, can no longer throw with MP.
- Firework (QCF+P, Air OK) now has a hard limit of up to 2 projectiles allowed on screen at a time. All versions -- now also do the same damage/chip/meter gain.
- Firework (QCF+P, Air OK) now does somewhat more damage and slightly less chip.
- LP and MP versions of Rising Shine (DP+P) now do slightly less meter gain.
- Rising Shine (DP+P) "mash" followups have been removed.
- Rising Shine (DP+P) now does slightly less chip, has proper pre-active DP invuln, does knockdown on hit, and can -- now also be confirmed into from Mini July (RDP+P) on hit.
- Multiple Fireworks (HCF+P) has been removed for the time being.
- Jolt Flare (QCB+P) now does slightly more damage and significantly more meter gain (And meter gain at all now).
- Input for Mini July has been changed from (D,D+P) to (RDP+P).
- Mini July (RDP+P) now does slightly less chip, significantly more meter gain (And meter gain at all now), and now -- hits OTG.
- All versions of Freestyle Kick (QCF+K) now do the same damage (Using the original MK version's as a base) and chip.
- Freestyle Kick (QCF+K) now does slightly less chip and somewhat more meter gain.
- Spark Trail (QCF+K, midair) can now also be confirmed into from Freestyle Kick (QCF+K) on hit.
- The LK and MK versions of Reverse Flash (QCB+K) now do slightly less meter gain.
- Single firework projectile from MK version of reflected Reverse Flash (QCB+K) now does the same damage and chip as -- firework projectiles from Firework (QCF+P, Air OK).
- Hit from Reverse Flash (QCB+K) directly itself now does slightly more damage and slightly less meter gain.
- Super effect redone, previous one was far too eye straining.
- Starmine (QCF+PP) now does noticeably more damage.
- Super pause timing for Starmine (QCF+PP) has been reworked.
- Air Starmine (QCF+PP, midair) now does severely less damage, somewhat less chip, and can now also be confirmed into -- out of Rising Shine (DP+P), Freestyle Kick (QCF+K), and Spark Trail (QCF+K, midair) on contact.
- Super pause timing for Air Starmine (QCF+PP, midair) has been reworked.
- Big Bang Burst (QCB+PP) now does noticeably more damage, slightly less chip, and can now also be confirmed into from -- Starmine (QCF+PP) on contact.
- Super pause timing for Big Bang Burst (QCB+PP) has been reworked.
- Go Time (QCF+KK) now does somewhat less damage, slightly less chip, and can now also be confirmed into from -- Starmine (QCF+PP) on contact.
OTHER NOTES (CHAR ORDER COMPLETE : 44/??) (Originally completed on 10/11/2022) I can't remember if I started working on her the day OF or AFTER I finished Batman's rework, but I'm just gonna count that as "I got her rework done in a week" anyway because that makes me feel good. That aside, besides her supers being slightly wonky to make chain together, her rework was overall significantly smoother compared to the immediate prior chars (Batman and to a lesser extent due to other circumstances as well Zangief), something I immensely appreciate. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BANE
- Mirror match intros set up.
- Set up intros against Batman, Green Arrow, Steel, and Superman.
- Set up win poses against Captain America and Captain Atom.
- Some of his frame data, hitboxes, and hurtboxes have been reworked to be more fitting.
- All normals no longer do any chip damage.
- Filled in the few remaining gaps in his grounded zigzags.
- st. LP now has 1 more frame of startup, is more active by 2 frames, has 5 less frames of recovery, -- does slightly less damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. MP now has 2 less frames of startup, is less active by 7 frames, has 8 less frames of recovery, -- does slightly less damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. HP now has 7 less frames of startup, is more active by 3 frames, has 4 less frames of recovery, -- does slightly less damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. LK now has 3 less frames of startup, is more active by 1 frame, has 6 less frames of recovery, -- does slightly less damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. MK now has 1 less frame of startup, is less active by 1 frame and has 1 less frame of recovery, -- totalling to 2 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly less damage, and slightly more meter -- gain.
- st. HK now has 10 less frames of startup, is more active by 4 frames, has 10 less frames of recovery, -- does slightly less damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- cr. LP and cr. MP have been swapped around, as their frame data was more fitting for their respective -- counterparts.
- cr. LP is now less active by 3 frames and has 6 less frames of recovery, totalling to 9 less frames of -- recovery overall, does somewhat less damage, and slightly less meter gain.
- cr. MP now has 2 more frames of startup, is now less active by 2 frames and has 1 less frame of recovery, -- totalling to 3 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, somewhat more meter gain, no -- longer hits low, and is no longer air unblockable.
- cr. HP now has 3 less frames of startup, is less active by 1 frame and has 6 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 7 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, slightly more meter gain, no -- longer hits low, and is no longer air unblockable.
-- All crouching kick normals are no longer air unblockable.
- cr. LK now has 4 less frames of startup, 6 less frames of recovery, does slightly less damage, and -- slightly more meter gain.
- cr. MK now has 5 less frames of startup, is more active by 1 frame, has 7 less frames of recovery, does -- slightly less damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- cr. HK now has 7 less frames of startup, is more active by 5 frames, has 2 less frames of recovery, does -- slightly less damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- j. LP now has 3 less frames of startup, is less active by 5 frames, has 3 more frames of recovery (And -- recovery at all now), does slightly less damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- j. MP now has 2 less frames of startup, is less active by 1 frame and has 2 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 3 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly less damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- j. HP now has 6 less frames of startup, 3 more frames of recovery, does slightly less damage, and slightly -- more meter gain.
- j. LK now has 1 less frame of startup, is less active by 9 frames, has 3 more frames of recovery (And -- recovery at all now), does slightly less damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- j. MK now has 7 less frames of startup, is less active by 5 frames and has 6 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 11 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly less damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- j. HK now has 3 less frames of startup, is less active by 3 frames and has 3 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 6 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly less damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- Can no longer (regular) throw opponents who are airborne.
- Throws are now directionally based instead of button based.
- Can now throw with HP; can no longer throw with MK.
- Leaping Stomp (Formerly QCF+P) has been removed, almost entirely for being not particularly useful -- outside of being incredibly obnoxious.
- Input for Manhole Chuck has been changed from (QCB+P) to (QCF+P).
- Manhole Chuck (QCF+P) now has 12 less frames of startup, 6 less frames of recovery, does slightly -- less chip, and can now also be confirmed into from cr. HK on contact and out of Rock Stomp (QCB+K) -- on hit.
- Divebomb (Formerly QCF+P, midair) removed, primarily for not being particularly functional to begin -- with.
- Now has a new command grab special in Popup Powerbomb (QCB+P), also confirmable like almost every -- other command grab in this.
- Running Wall Slam (QCF+K) now does slightly more damage (And the same damage across all versions now), -- and can now also be confirmed into out of cr. HK on contact and out of Rock Stomp (QCB+K) on hit.
- Rock Stomp (QCB+K) now has 8 less frames of startup, noticeably longer recovery, does slightly less -- damage, slightly less meter gain, somewhat more meter gain, can now be confirmed into from all -- grounded normals on contact, and is now correctly registered as a special instead of a normal.
- Rock Stomp (QCB+K) no longer launches or allows Bane to superjump during it on hit like a launcher.
- Super pause effect has been severly overhauled to now more closely resemble the formatting used by Lobo's.
- Input for Car Smash has been changed from (QCB+PP) to (QCF+PP).
- Car Smash (QCF+PP) now does slightly more damage, can now be confirmed into from all grounded normals and -- Rock Stomp (QCB+K) on contact and from Running Wall Slam (QCF+K) on hit, and is now correctly registered -- as a physical super instead of a normal throw.
- Input for Combo Backbreaker has been changed from (QCF+PP) to (QCB+PP).
- Combo Backbreaker (QCB+PP) now does noticeably more damage, is now confirmable into from all grounded -- normals on contact, and is now correctly registered as a command grab super instead of a physical super.
- Jumping Backbreaker (QCF+KK) now does noticeably more damage and can now also be confirmed into from -- Rock Stomp (QCB+K) on contact and from Running Wall Slam (QCF+K) on hit.
- Former Level 3 super Overdose (Formerly QCB+KK) has been removed, primarily for being both unfun to use -- and fight against with its incredibly limitied movepool while in its "install".
- Input for Venom Geyser has been changed from (QCF+PK) to (QCB+KK).
- Venom Geyser (QCB+KK) now does noticeably more damage, no longer hits low, is no longer air unblockable, and -- can now also be confirmed into from Rock Stomp (QCB+K) on contact and from Running Wall Slam (QCF+K) on hit.
- Former "pseudo" super Deadshot has been reworked into a Level 3 super.
- Deadshot (QCF+PK) now does severely more damage, bullets no longer whiff on airborne opponents, and can now -- be confirmed into from all grounded normals and Rock Stomp (QCB+K) on contact and from Running Wall Slam (QCF+K) -- on hit. Now also locks off all other supers besides Venom Geyser (QCB+KK) until Deadshot leaves.
- Recovery roll removed.
- Replaced most/all of the original voiced clips with Fred Tatasciore clips from the Injustice games.
OTHER NOTES (CHAR ORDER COMPLETE : 45/??) (Originally completed on 10/15/2022) Back to mostly rough after the relative comfort of Jubilee's rework, although to be entirely honest this was pretty smooth smailing in spite of it, if the being completed in 4 days wasn't sign enough of that. This WOULD have marked the completion of v1.05 in the originals plans, but as is there's still one more character to go. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NRVNQSR CHAOS
- Some of his frame data, hitboxes, and hurtboxes have been reworked to be more fitting.
- All grounded normals are no longer air unblockable.
- st. LP now has 1 less frame of startup, 7 less frames of recovery, does slightly less damage, -- and slightly more meter gain.
- The original st. MP and st. HP have been replaced with the 2nd and 3rd parts of his Half Moon -- auto combo.
- st. MP is now more active by 1 frame, has 10 less frames of recovery, does slightly less damage, -- and slightly more meter gain.
- st. HP now has 6 less frames of recovery, does slightly more damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. LK is now less active by 1 frame and has 3 less frames of recovery, totalling to 4 less frames -- of recovery overall, does slightly less damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. MK is now less active by 1 frame and has 14 less frames of recovery, totalling to 15 less frames -- of recovery overall, does slightly less damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- st. HK now has 1 less frame of startup, is less active by 2 frames and has 8 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 10 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly less damage, and slightly more meter -- gain.
- Now has a new cr. LP made from parts of his former cr. LP, which is now his current cr. MP. His former -- cr. MP in turn has been into a replacement for his former cr. HK, becoming his current cr. HK.
- cr. LP now has 2 less frames of startup, is less active by 3 frames and has 7 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 10 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, slightly more meter gain, -- and now only hits once.
- cr. MP now has 3 less frames of startup, is less active by 7 frames and has 9 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 16 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly more damage, slightly more meter gain, -- now only hits once, and no longer hits low.
- cr. HP now has 1 less frame of startup, is now less active by 1 frame and has 12 less frames of -- recovery, totalling to 13 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly less damage, and is now a -- launcher.
- cr. LK now has 2 less frames of startup, 3 less frames of recovery, does slightly less damage, and -- slightly more meter gain.
- cr. MK now has 3 less frames of startup, 3 less frames of recovery, does slightly more damage, -- slightly more meter gain, and now only hits once.
- cr. HK now has 5 less frames of recovery, is more active by 4 frames, has 10 less frames of recovery, -- does slightly more damage, does slightly more meter gain, and now hits low instead of high.
- No longer needs to wait until being grounded again to recover from whiffed air normals.
- j. LP now has 1 less frame of startup, is less active by 11 frames and has 9 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 20 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly less damage, and slightly more meter -- gain.
- j. MP now has 4 less frames of startup, is more active by 1 frame, has 3 less frames of recovery, -- does slightly less damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- j. HP now has 2 less frames of startup, is more active by 5 frames, has 12 less frames of recovery, -- does slightly less damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- j. LK now has 1 less frame of startup, is less active by 11 frames and has 11 less frames of recovery, -- totalling to 22 less frames of recovery overall, does slightly less damage, slightly more meter gain, -- and now only hits once.
- j. MK now has 2 less frames of startup, is more active by 2 frames, has 13 less frames of recovery, -- does slightly less damage, slightly more meter gain, and now only hits once.
- j. HK now has has 8 less frames of startup, does somewhat less damage, and slightly more meter gain.
- Regular throw has been changed from 2P/2K + direction to HP/HK + direction. Air throw has been -- kept as 2P + direction, however so as to not mess with it now also being confirmable.
- Being listed separately for the sheer amount of specials it can potentially cover, almost all of Nero's -- animal summons can now be directly attacked.
- Likewise, most animal summons will also fade if Nero is hit, with there being a few exceptions to this -- with their own reasons for being excluded.
- Chaos Release - Black Wings - Straight (QCF+LP) now does slightly more damage, slightly less chip, -- slightly more meter gain, can now be confirmed into from all grounded normals on contact, and is now -- correctly registered as a standing projectile instead of an aerial projectile.
- Chaos Release - Black Wings - Hunting (QCF+MP) now has 6 less frames of startup, does slightly more damage, -- slightly less chip, slightly more meter gain, can now be confirmed into from all grounded normals on -- contact, and no longer does knockdown on airborne opponents on hit.
- Chaos Release - Black Wings - Nesting (QCF+HP) now has 2 less frames of startup, does slightly more damage, -- slightly less chip, and slightly more meter gain.
- Chaos Release - Black Wings - Shallow Dive (DP+LP) now does slightly more damage, slightly less chip, -- slightly more meter gain, and can now be confirmed into from all grounded normals on contact.
- Chaos Release - Black Wings - Swan Dive (DP+MP) now does slightly more damage, slightly less chip, -- slightly more meter gain, and can now be confirmed into from all grounded normals on contact.
- Chaos Release - Black Wings - Stalking (DP+HP) now does slightly more damage, slightly less chip, -- slightly more meter gain, and can now be confirmed into from all grounded normals on contact.
- Input for Chaos Release - Horned Beasts has been changed from (RDP+P) to (QCB+P).
- All versions of Chaos Release - Horned Beasts (QCB+P) now does slightly more meter gain and can now be -- confirmed into from all grounded normals on contact. The deers from all versions now do slightly more -- damage and slightly less chip.
- LP version of Chaos Release - Horned Beasts (QCB+P) now has 2 less frames of recovery.
- MP version of Chaos Release - Horned Beasts (QCB+P) now has 6 less frames of recovery.
- HP version of Chaos Release - Horned Beasts (QCB+P) now has 10 less frames of recovery.
- Input for Chaos Discharge - Scaled Insect Form has been changed from (D,D+K) to (QCF+K).
- Chaos Discharge - Scaled Insect Form (QCF+K) now has 3 less frames of startup. The puddle trap now does -- slightly more damage, slightly more chip, no longer does knockdown on hit on airborne opponents, is no -- longer air unblockable, and is now correctly registered as a crouching physical special instead of a -- crouching projectile special.
- Input for what is now Chaos Release - Buffalo Headbutt has been changed from (DF+HP) to (DP+K).
- Chaos Release - Buffalo Headbutt (DP+K), formerly a command normal, now a new psuedo-DP special, now has -- less frames of recovery, does somewhat less damage, slightly more meter gain, and can now be confirmed -- into out of all grounded normals on contact.
- All versions of Chaos Discharge - Reptilian (QCB+K) now do slightly more meter gain.
- LK version of Chaos Discharge - Reptilian (QCB+K) now does somewhat less damage, slightly less chip, and -- is now correctly registered as a crouching grab special instead of a standing special projectile.
- MK version of Chaos Discharge - Reptilian (QCB+K) now does slightly more damage, slightly less chip, is no -- longer air unblockable, and is now correctly registered as a crouching physical special instead of a -- standing special projectile.
- HK version of Chaos Discharge - Reptilian (QCB+K) now does slightly more damage, slightly less chip, and is -- now correctly registered as a crouching physical special instead of a standing special projectile.
- All versions of Chaos Exposure - Premature Egg (RDP+K) now do slightly more meter gain, no longer does -- knockdown on hit on airborne opponents, and can now be confirmed into all grounded normals on contact. -- Clouds from all versions now do the same damage and chip per hit and are now correctly registered as -- crouching physical specials instead of crouching projectile specials. (I originally wanted to also allow -- Nero to have up to 2 clouds out at a time, but spawning another one while one was already out caused some -- behavior jankery, so I unfortunately had to nix that.)
- LK version of Chaos Exposure - Premature Egg (RDP+K) has had the hitbox on it while still emerging from -- Nero removed to better match its MK and HK counterparts.
- MK version of Chaos Exposure - Premature Egg (RDP+K) now has 3 less frames of startup.
- HK version of Chaos Exposure - Premature Egg (RDP+K) now has 6 less frames of startup.
- Chaos Discharge - Flying Poisonous Insect has been removed, Hornet takes far to long to go away -- and can't be hit or stopped at all.
- Input for Chaos Release - Phantasmic has been changed from (QCFQCF+P) to (QCF+PP).
- Chaos Release - Phantasmic (QCF+PP) now does noticeably more damage, slightly less chip, and can now -- be confirmed into from all grounded normals and Chaos Release - Buffalo Headbutt (DP+K) on contact.
- Super pause timing for Chaos Release - Phantasmic (QCF+PP) has been reworked.
- Inputs for (Chaos Release - Black Wings Flock) and (Chaos Release - Black Wings Assault), originally both -- separate levels of the same super, have been changed from (QCFQCF+K) to (QCB+PP) and (QCF+KK) respectively.
- Chaos Release - Black Wings Flock (QCB+PP) now does noticeably less damage, somewhat less chip, can now -- be confirmed into from all grounded normals, Chaos Release - Buffalo Headbutt (DP+K), and -- Chaos Release - Phantasmic (QCF+PP) on contact, and is overall significantly faster.
- Super pause timing for Chaos Release - Black Wings Flock (QCB+PP) has been reworked.
- Chaos Release - Black Wings Assault (QCF+KK) now does noticeably less damage, somewhat less chip,
- Super pause timing for Chaos Release - Black Wings Assault (QCF+KK) has been reworked.
- Input for Chaos Exposure - Reptile Form has been changed from (QCBQCB+K) to (QCB+2K).
- Chaos Exposure - Reptile Form (QCB+KK) now does noticeably more damage, slightly less chip, and can now -- be confirmed into from all grounded normals, Chaos Release - Buffalo Headbutt (DP+K), and -- Chaos Release - Phantasmic (QCF+PP) on contact.
- Super pause timing for Chaos Exposure - Reptile Form (QCB+KK) has been reworked.
- Input for Number of the Beast has been changed from (F,HCF+P) to (QCF+PK).
- Number of the Beast (QCF+PK) now has 30 less frames of startup, does significantly more damage, noticeably -- less chip, and can now be confirmed into from all grounded normals, Chaos Release - Buffalo Headbutt (DP+K), -- and Chaos Release - Phantasmic (QCF+PP) on contact.
OTHER NOTES (CHAR ORDER COMPLETE : 46/??) (Originally completed on 10/23/2022) Brain VERY tired as I write this, so I'll keep it brief. 2nd Melty char, let alone the first, was originally gonna be a WAYS off, but Arc ended up getting added way earlier than I had originally anticipated, and not liking her sticking out awkwardly at the bottom of the character select, Nero here ended up tacked on at the end of the original roster lineup for v1.05. Overall, as far as his rework is concerned, VERY glad I had my experience from having already done Arcueid's rework so I wasn't going into Rajaa's... unique coding quirks completely blind again. Also having him down now means I still had v1.05 done in time for Halloween after all, which I'm pretty happy with. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KNOWN ISSUES
- Found another instance of Gamma Spear (QCF+K, Air OK) causing the opponent to be left stuck in place, -- albeit now unhittable, although the setup needed for this seems to be far more complex, and to be entirely -- honest I've had some difficulty replicating it after the first instance of it. If anyone happens to find -- whatever seems to be cause this with any replicatable consistency so I can attempt to fix this (again), -- I would greatly appreciate it.
- Figured out the web-gauge thing disappearing for a bit thing on Spider-Man, it seems to be whenever he's -- forced into an opponent-side custom state, not much can be done there for the time being.
- Performing Emerald Swordsman (QCF+P, midair) as Hal while rubbing up against a wall seems to result -- in unintended/strange behavior, currently unsure why.
- Sometimes after quickly charging up after performing a pre-charged Kinetic Card (QCF+P), it does not -- correctly register the variable to the "charged" value, even if it will not let you charge again -- before using it, resulting in a regular version of Kinetic Card coming out instead. Not entirely -- sure why THIS happens either but working on it.  Possibly MUGEN/IKEMEN variable counters not being -- able to keep up? ;EDIT - Have managed to further narrow this down to happening with notably more consistency if done ------- while the opponent is still being hit by a previous Kinetic Card. I'm still not entirely sure ------- WHY it's like this still but hey.
- Possibly some slowdown on the Kent Family Farm (Stage for Supergirl) stage, normally only seems to happen while -- "dev stuff" is open, but also seems to happen if set to full screen during tag? Not entirely sure on this one -- to be honest, still not entirely sure WHY this stage in particular seems to cause slowdown to begin with (Although -- I suspect it might be almost every element on this stage all having separate anims to themselves due to reflecting -- the transition over time on the stage itself, including for lighting up during thunder strikes).
- On the very rare occasion where Jay Garrick's Human Whirlwind (QCF+PP) super does not properly set them up into -- "funnel" on hit, Jay will be stuck in a loop until the opponent walks back into the super. Not entirely sure -- what causes this particular situation yet.
- Despite the fact that each version of Poison Ivy's Poison Kiss (QCF+P) is supposed to be usable once per combo, -- using the HP version will also lock her out of the LP version as well until the combo ends. I'm not sure what -- is causing this exactly, but working on figuring that out.
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voidthewanderer · 4 months
Life update stuff under cut.
Given everything that happened a few days ago, I am trying my hardest to bunker down and work on art to get more stuff up on Threadless. I’m going to start divvying up percentages of what I make on there towards Palestinian GFMs and Humanitarian Aid funds. I’ll make a separate post about this, however; once I get all of the things I have up there updated with the capability of being on all product lines they carry. Some stuff will probably look clunky or awkward (example: the photography on t-shirts), but they still kinda give a vibe. Threadless just doesn’t work very well on my tablet for some reason.
Fandom related art can be purchased directly through me, I just need to be contacted via DMs and we can discuss further all the options I have currently available and what I can make. From there I can create an invoice. This option is currently only available to things I have finished.
From what it sounds like, my grandmother is making zero attempts to actually help herself. It’s not exactly surprising by any means, but she is still calling my father and uncle, lying to them saying that they’re letting her go home. The facility she’s at won’t even let her walk outside of the physical therapy because she doesn’t have a ton of strength in her left leg; there’s no way in hell she’s gonna be able to go home if she can’t walk. It sounds like she may have some hemiplegia or hemiparesis, but I’m not completely sure. The neurologist was supposed to go see her to confirm whether or not she had a stroke, but never actually did what was asked. We need to know if she had another one because if she did, then we need to document it. My dad has another meeting with the facility on Wednesday to discuss the next steps.
The more shocking thing about all of this is that my uncle is actually (currently) on board with selling the house to me and my brother. Obviously, we have to wait to see what’s said and done, but I’m tempted to ask about it being a possible short sell and then we pay off the remaining as some form of rent or something. I dunno how exactly we’d do it, but it’s something to discuss. I’d rather the home be outright owned by myself and my brother and then we essentially pay off the rest as a sort of rent and then it would be between me and him what happens when one of us wants to break off to our own place. This way it’s not a seizable asset if the insurance company wants her assets as part of collateral to have her in a home. It’s a later discussion, though.
I’m trying to keep optimistic about everything going on. It’s hard when your father showed his true colors about how violent he can be (I already knew but 🤷🏼🤷🏼), but all I can do is just try to keep my head up in the face of it all. I think once my nerves do actually calm down from everything, I’ll be back to normal, but it’s just still that shock of like… yeah, I’m not safe at home. Y’know? I actually haven’t stopped shaking since that day.
Just, fingers crossed that everything eventually gets sorted out. I love having my own place, but goddamn do I really want my own bed.
0 notes
sagelascl · 2 years
Do i need silicon laboratories cp210x usb to uart bridge
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What's the point of keeping LEDs around the house if you can't spin them? Exactly. I mean, it happened, but the spinning part didn't happen. I want to revisit this idea again, because well, it never really happened. A video of aforementioned solution is here, previous attempt here. It was fail, and a shadow of regret lingers over never getting past the prototyping stage. The specs of the exact LEDs I used in the previous project were these. RGB LEDs require a certain amount of pulse width modulation (pwm) signals running through them to get combinations of pretty colors to shine. When I did finally set up the auxiliary circuit, getting constant contact to each washer became troublesome. I ended up doing something stupid and learned I couldn't apply solder to the nickel coated washers used. Last I tried that, 2 separate red-green blue (RGB's) were used.
Notebook - decided against series connection in favor of parallel This time I'm reconsidering spinning LEDs. Maybe I should add more to the shopping cart? I've been doodling in my notebook again. Great, only 22 cents, but the shipping is $8. Searched, but unfortunately they don't have the dimensions I need - weird. I needed an excuse to buy from digikey again. I need to get out of here, preferable to a place with snow and mountains. Sweet, but I'll probably just see this as an offset cost to some crazy road trip later on. This translates to a tank of gas lasting ~2 weeks instead of one ~1.5.
On the plus side, commuting on a bike to and from school during weekends saves an extra 2 or 3 days of gas (nada on Fri). Thorn resistant tubes at the local bike shop cost will bring me down ~$12, or ~$24 for a pair. I guess $5 at the Walmart would do, but those are never really reliable. Amazingly, the rear tube can last 3-4 days without needing a repump. Maybe sand particles? I've only rode on it a handful of times this semester since having to repump each morning and after labs becomes a slight hassle. The air manages to leak out of the valve somehow. Transportation wise, one of my bicycle tubes can't stay inflated for more than 2 hours idle. On another hand, responsible me needs replacements. But, that takes hours from your life, and it'll probably be better if I restrain from this until summer comes. Eventually I will purchase it, especially since playing on is where most of the fun really is. Though, responsible me knows better to be spending $60 (40?) on a game I could otherwise enjoy for free. I've been a bit of a fanboy lately since HoTs will be coming out in less than a week. At one point, I attempted to replicate its functions with another board, but the project was placed on hold (seriously don't remember why.). The problem with that was that the circuit board controlling it suffered from some chemical damage during the product's short lifespan. Hope you find some of them insightful.Īs mentioned above, I was having a look at the pump from a liquid soap dispenser I blogged about once. I should probably save up to buy an oscilloscope at some point in my life, just to see what's happening with these devices.įor this blog entry, I'm just going to post a bunch of old photos from months before and give description to them WOW.- for the shake of sharing. in the middle is essentially an element parallel to the inductor load, but I really don't see the logic behind the ones attached to the motor shell. I'm not sure why these guys decided to use capacitors in this way. Though, according to other articles, diodes are popularly used. [edit: Stephen brought this to my attention. So if you suddenly apply a current via turning on a switch leading to an inductor, the difference between the on and off state in the current occurs nearly instantaneously, therefore it's like dividing by 0, and thus the voltage theoretically approaches infinity. Except that "inductive loads" are weird, and follow a v = L*(d/dt)*q relation. I'm not really good with electronics, so my best bet is to refer to wiki for any reasonable answers. Mathematically, it means asymptotes on a voltage-current graph. Not sure how the math works on that, but it might have something to do with damping out the voltage spikes that come from a V-i graph of an inductor (direct current motors are essentially inductors spinning a magnet), and there's always that spark that occurs when you simply attach a hot wire to it. Though, I did learn that some people like to solder capacitors onto the shell of DC motors. That pump (which, I do have photos of*) for the liquid dispenser has mass flux zero. The LED's have zero omega (translation, not spinning). I've been putting a lot of projects on hold lately.
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billfarrah · 2 years
So I finished my first Young Royals rewatch in a long time and I have thoughts - Part 1: Wilhelm
So I did not realize initially how much I would run my mouth so I’m actually going to separate my thoughts about the characters into different posts starting with Wilhelm. If this post does well, I’ll do it about the other characters too, because tbh I have a lot to say about everyone:
- First of all I cannot emphasize enough how much watching the whole series from start to finish just hits different. After so many months of just looking at gifs and photos, I am always blown away when I eventually rewatch the show as a whole by good it is. It’s the show’s vibes and atmosphere, cinematography, music, and fantastic pacing that make the show so compelling and that just doesn’t translate when you don’t watch the whole thing. I’m always worried I won’t like the show as much on my next rewatch and I’m always floored by just how much I love it every time.
- This point isn’t directly related to Wilhelm but I wanted to address it as I just noticed it this time. I’ve always suspected that the drugs the society are on in episode 4 are painkillers, but I’ve seen most people believing they were taking the ADHD meds. On rewatch, it’s very clear they’re using painkillers. In episode 2, I just noticed Simon steals Tramadol from Micke - which is a fast-release opiate painkiller. That can get you high as fuck. Many people take them recreationally as a way to get high and they’re a common source of addiction. Micke has a bad back we presume as Simon asks him how his back is in episode 1, but obviously Simon thinks Micke takes them recreationally. In the society party scene, the boys are taking the pills from the prescription bottles, which are likely also painkillers. So no, they weren’t using ADHD meds to get high; they were using opiates. Are these drugs illegal? No, but taking them for recreational purposes would definitely get you in a lot of shit if you were caught with them at a boarding school, or any school for that matter. As far as Simon only feeling responsible to pay Micke back for the booze and not the pills, I am not Swedish so I don’t know how it works, but from what I researched, one does not need to pay more than 2,300 krona per year for prescriptions, and most of Micke’s drugs were probably free as they are all prescription. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
- Anyway, I fucking love Wilhelm as a protagonist. I love how raw, gritty and unapologetic he can be. I could talk about his character for hours. He’s so nuanced and he rarely says what he is thinking or feeling, so I can understand why some viewers perhaps had a hard time connecting with him, but if you pay attention to his actions, everything he does makes sense without him needing to say a single word. I love that his sexuality is actually one of the few things about himself that he’s genuinely comfortable with; yeah, he has a few minutes of gay panic and he does push Simon away because he worries having a relationship with him would be too complicated, but Wilhelm’s feelings and sexual attraction for a boy is never the main thing he is concerned about and he is actually extremely comfortable with expressing that side of himself. He is elated by Simon, euphoric; he is electric with Simon beneath his hands. He’s in love with a boy and he knows it; that’s not what scares him - it’s the implication of what being in love with a boy means in the context of the rest of his life where the problem lies. It’s so refreshing to see a queer protagonist be so unabashed and expressive in his sexuality.
- Wilhelm’s dilemma is very clear despite, like I said above, him rarely verbalizing his feelings. The first episode makes his position perfectly clear - it’s not that he has an issue being a prince, he just hates how little control he has over his life, how little say he has in decisions that impact him, and the fact that he’s constantly being punished and scrutinized for the tiniest slip-ups. Wilhelm is ultimately just a person who wants control over his own life; he does not resent his privilege at all but rather the restrictions that come with it. When he gets into a fight at a party that wasn’t even his fault, he has to make a public apology and is sent to boarding school without being consulted by his parents, because they feel it is what he needs to do to save the image of the family. When he gets to Hillerska, Erik tells him essentially to just do whatever August tells him to do, even though Wilhelm clearly does not like August. When Wilhelm starts making his own friend in Simon, August is constantly meddling and telling him he shouldn’t be spending time with someone like him, and admonishes him for going to the football game with Simon and even gives him punishment for it. Even though Wilhelm is away from the palace and his family, he still has August there trying to act like he knows better than him and telling him how he should act.
Now enter Simon. As viewers, we have discussed at length how Simon completely shakes up Wilhelm’s world and perspective already so I won’t rehash that. However, there was one scene that stood out to me in connection with the above paragraph, and it’s one where Wilhelm does something that probably would be considered “bad” or a “mistake”, and Simon does not punish him for it. I’ve seen some people say Simon went too easy on him for calling him high and drunk on the football field, and I disagree; I think Simon’s reaction was exactly what Wilhelm needed, As I said above, Wilhelm is constantly being criticized and torn apart with consequences for even the tiniest or most minute thing, so for Simon to smile softly at him, tell him it’s okay and that he still likes him probably moved fucking mountains for Wilhelm. He did something stupid and he’s not getting scolded for it? Simon actually has compassion for him AND still likes him? No wonder Wilhelm immediately put himself between Simon’s legs. Wilhelm is a kid and he deserves to be a little bit reckless without being judged or admonished for it, and no, I don’t think him calling Simon was wrong or traumatic for Simon. Wilhelm was in a fragile state and Simon was concerned for him; he was not triggered, but I’ll get to that if I end up making a Simon post.
- Wilhelm is not shy. He has his moments of anxiousness and he is a bit awkward around Simon at first because he has a crush on him, but Wilhelm is actually very good at talking to people; he just doesn’t want to a lot of the time. He’s an introvert and he doesn’t really have patience for bullshit. I find people portray him as some shy little baby, but he’s actually quite blunt and curt sometimes in a way that I find amusing. He just genuinely has no patience for the frivolities and fakeness around him and while he knows how to play the game very well, he would rather just keep to himself than do so. His behaviour during his arrival to Hillerska is actually quite rude; he rolls his eyes when the PR lady tells him and the Headmistress to switch places for a better photo, utterly annoyed by the manufactured nature of it all. This isn’t me trying to say Wilhelm is a rude person; he isn’t and is actually very kind, but he isn’t always shy over expressing his displeasure; he just doesn’t do it all the time.
- People are too harsh on Wilhelm for most things, but one that stands out for me is his and Simon’s fight in the music room. Wilhelm came at the argument from a bad angle, yes, but he tries to make it right; unfortunately he struck a nerve with Simon and Simon walked away. He never once says he thinks Simon should take the fall; he just wants to have a dialogue with Simon over what their options are, but Simon was already angry and didn’t want to talk. He really did try to communicate with him.
- By the time of Lucia, Wilhelm is deflated. He is exhausted. He was terrified of losing Simon so he did what any privileged person would do, the only thing he knew how to do (and perhaps what was the only thing he could’ve done) - blame someone else. Simon still isn’t happy with him. Wilhelm doesn’t know what to do anymore. He feels like everything he does is wrong, he is wrong, he’s not cut out for anything. He doubts every decision he makes. All he wants is control over his own life but even when he takes matters into his own hands, it blows up in his face. This is why he was so easily manipulated into denying the video; he’s been through so much in such a short period of time and is questioning every decision he’s making. He doesn’t know what’s right or wrong anymore. Maybe his mother is right.
- I love that the writers weren’t afraid to make Wilhelm messy. To me there is nothing interesting about a protagonist that does the right thing every time because there is no room for them to grow. Wilhelm is such a fantastic protagonist because he has so much growing up to do. He makes mistakes and he’s a bit self-centered and caught up in his own world and he hurts Simon because of that, but he’s also motivated by incredibly pure feelings of love, passion, desire for his own autonomy and acceptance, control over himself and the things in his life. He is kind at heart but occasionally callous, he is anxious but also incredibly strong and powerful when he needs to be, he’s a giddy teenage boy in love but leaves Simon breathless with his confident mouth and hands. He is not just one thing all the time and that’s why he’s so exciting to me.
- During the scene where Wilhelm exposes August in front of the society, Edvin’s acting is particularly brilliant; we see that he has a powerful, assertive side to his personality, and is capable of being a leader, but you can also see in his body language and expression that he is a little bit anxious about it. His arms are crossed and his jaw twitches a bit; he’s working through his anxiety to do what he thinks is right, and we see him do this so many times throughout the series 0 most notably when he works through his anxiousness to connect with Simon, a boy he’s so desperately drawn to. He is not a shy uwu baby and he is not always crippled by his anxiety; it’s just a part of him.
This got away from me completely as I just have so many thoughts about this show. Please let me know if you’d like to me see talk about the other characters.
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astral-catastrophe · 2 years
First off, I don’t mean any offense to the Wild stans, but my characterization of this guy is correct. I’m taking my version of Wild and I’m fucking running
Wild stans, this might not be the post for you, but whatever, read it if you want 
So, I’ve seen a bunch of stuff that’s butchered his personality. Just for a second, let’s put the comics away. No more comic thoughts. Now, the number of fics I’ve seen with Wild where he’s been characterized as childish, arsonistic, bratty, and just basically VERY un-Wild is insane (holy shit guys, if I see one more “Wild meets the chain” or “Wild gets age regressed hehe” fic I might go feral. I’m gonna fucking lose it). 
So let’s take a look at game Wild and remember the basics. Game Wild is a guy who wakes up and remembers nothing, but muscle memory kicks in and he’s able to fight and cook and function like a person. But since he doesn’t remember much, there was probably a small handful of weeks where he had to remember more basic things, like communication skills. But since his memories were jogged by certain locations, I think that he remembered smaller things based on interaction. So within months, he was just your average traveler, who just so happened to be the hero who’s supposedly dead. 
Now you may be thinking, “Jay! This is just basic stuff about his character!”, but bear with me for a second here this is important.
So next, we’ve gotta look at Zelda. So from what I can tell, Zelda was a bitch and verbally abused Link before the calamity. But, she’s had a hundred years to think and realize, “Oh fuck I was a terrible person”, and after the calamity, it’s safe to assume she apologized at some point, and from then on she and Wild had a strained relationship. But, eventually, I think that they would have actually grown to be friends and understand each other. They would have just turned into the dumbass besties who are intelligent when they are apart, but make dumb decisions together. 
So now we look at LU. Wild has successfully separated himself from the Link of one hundred years ago, and being with all those who’ve come before him must have been difficult. 
So what does he do? He falls into the role of an awkward middle brother who can cook. And since he’s the cook, I can tell you now that he is observant and pays attention to those around him. He remembers favorite foods and will give someone extra food if he knows they are having an off day. And from the fight scenes we have seen, we know that he mains archery and rains fire from above. We can also see that he’s close with Twi (and I would compare their relationship to me and my little brother tbh, they obviously care about each other in a brotherly way, but they also can joke around and tease). And we’ve seen that he’s also shown brotherly love to the other boys. And he didn’t hate Rulie’s cooking! So that counts for something
Now that I’ve got that set up, let’s look at it and construct a basic personality that actually makes sense. 
Wild is smart. That much is simple. But I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, he’s like that kid in math class who can do the very difficult equations, but would sob over simple addition. In addition to that, he is also a dumbass when he’s with friends. Still on board? Okay, let’s keep going then. 
Wild isn’t childish. Or at least, he shouldn’t be. He’s been caring for himself since he woke up, and he’s had to take responsibility for what he’s done. And since he knows that the pre calamity link isn’t him anymore, he tries not to think about it too much. So he’s responsible, and because I can, he also gets anxiety. (So putting him with a group of people isnt gonna make him want to be babied, because he is more likely to go and try to protect those younger than he is.) In the fight with Dink, fight or flight kicked in and he went off. 
It was perfectly reasonable, all things considered. He’s under stress, so running from Four was also reasonable. And his monologue in the woods? That’s also reasonable. He’s stressed, and ranting to yourself is a good thing to do when stressed because it can help to organize thoughts. 
But if we look at the earlier comics, specifically the one that talks about Mipha’s diary, we can see that while Wild is still sad his old friends are dead, he’s keeping their memories alive and there’s no angst attached. Just a little sad. That doesn’t mean he can’t mourn the champions, but that does mean that he’s accepted it. Look, I’ve dealt with loss before(both by death and being abandoned by someone) and, Wild’s reactions seemed similar to my own in that earlier comic where he mentions them to Twi(the one where he gets the memory and the Wolf stays with him). And now? Sure, I still get sad, but I never get angsty over it, and it’s safe to assume it’s the same for Wild. 
So put it all together, and now we have Wild! He’s independent and responsible, he can hold his own, and he’s also able to be funny and sarcastic. He can be comfortable around others and joke. And when he’s stressed, he’s more likely to cry than anything. He’s also definitely open minded and accepting, and always willing to learn something new. 
 He’s not childish and he’s not intentionally bratty(if he has an off day or heavily stressed, then yes, it would make sense for him to be a bitch). He’s one of the more responsible links, and if I see him getting treated like a useless baby one more time I might go crazy. 
So now, we just have to ignore comic Wild being a brat, bc my version of fanon Wild is superior 
(And ps, he’s not the arsonist and I will fight you on this, fire probably stresses him out, and i do have my reasons for this)
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shotorozu · 3 years
BABE , i saw a hc ( i think it was urs) where the boys’s s/o was really fashionable, ( as somebody that’s gone viral on pinterest a little too many times ) I WAS WONDERING , what if you did a todobakudeku ( separately please omg) with somebody that’s like the emma chamberlain of fashion and they own everybody’s pinterest boards and stuff AHAHA IDK , the amount of times somebody has said ‘ wait ur that one pinterest girl right?? ‘ ANYWHAHEEIE I LOVE YOU N HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! 💗💗
pinterest famous s/o
character(s) : midoriya izuku, bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] afab! reader, they/them pronouns (at the request of anon) strong quirk hinted; not specific
headcanon type : fluff, crack-ish (x reader)
note(s) : thank you anon!! so ok, i still used they/them pronouns even though the reader is afab (again at the request of anon) and whdjwkd sorry for the inactivity :,) also im gonna post more later so— sorry for the delay
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midoriya izuku
when middle school midoriya finally got a phone, he downloaded pinterest for the sole purpose of looking at screencaps of heroes
but then, he hasn’t touched it a few months, because he’s been training with all might
then, when he finally had enough free time again— he decided to go on pinterest
but instead of finding any heroes he could look at, he found the prettiest human being he has ever seen in his entire life 💀
that person was a different type of beauty, y’know— they weren’t just fashionable, but their beauty was,,
timeless? that’s how he’d describe it. yeah. that person lived in his head rent free for a while
sadly, he feels like you’re that person he sees once in his life, and never again 😔 which isn’t the case
when he finally meets you, midoriya realizes that you look VERY familiar— someone on pinterest, that he unfortunately, didn’t know the name of
but then wait! he realizes that you’re that person. that one person that blew up on pinterest, and ended up in all of the fashion boards.
okay, you’ve been recognized a few times in the past, just because you were pinterest famous— but you didn’t expect him to recognize you
“wait,, you know me?” you asked him when you saw the realization sink in
and you were honestly,, flattered when he went on a tangent on how you were on all of the pinterest boards, and how your sense of fashion was timeless
but you know what’s the best thing of it all? when izuku developed a crush on you (and not because he thought you were just an attractive face)
it was very easy to find pictures of you online! he says it’s for research but,, he tends to look at them for a long time
probably has 3-4 pages dedicated to your hero costume— since fashion icon = fashionable, yet a very practical hero costume!
does he get jealous whenever people fawn over your looks, or whenever he sees comments in pinterest comment sections just asking for your socials in such desperation?
hmm,, yes? he does occasionally feel like someone like you, should be with someone as equally beautiful as you
he thought he was always plain looking, but you wholeheartedly disagree! in fact, you fell in love with his ability to pay attention to detail.
to the random creeps in the comments section, he just contacts the uploader and asks them to delete any malicious comments and it works 100% of them time.
on the brighter side, he helps a lot with taking your pictures (if you ask him to) and sometimes! he’ll even appear in them
izuku will always be your #1 fan!
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bakugou katsuki
at first, you’d be like “katsuki owning pinterest? naaah.” but! i think he would
being an all might fan, he liked looking at all might screen caps— and while katsuki would be on the discreet side, he’d find himself looking at them whenever he has extra minutes to burn
not to mention, the cooking recipes on there aren’t the worst, so he doesn’t just use pinterest to look at screen caps of heroes doing their work
and, how could he forget that you’ve been bugging him to search for rare screen caps? he says that it’s useless— but he finds himself digging for you anyway,
which is whyyy
he finds an entirely different rabbit hole, and it’s way past 10pm, 3 more minutes wouldn’t wound him.
the blond doesn’t know how he even stumbled on.. this side of pinterest. the one that kind of hurts his eyes.
the more well known side of pinterest, that is covered in pictures of fashion boards, and the standard pretty person.
the ‘aesthetic’ side, kaminari calls it— it makes bakugou cringe, and he was just about to refresh his page
when he spots something familiar, it’s you‼️ well it wasn’t just you but, you were dressed in something,, nice.
like sure! you’re attractive. but that’s not why he’s dating you, there’s a lot of reasons as to why
but, he’s baffled. seeing you in a different light, and in such nice clothing, what more, when he sees that you’re actually everywhere. he hasn’t seen this much of you and your attractive ass before
katsuki told himself that he was going to sleep a few minutes ago, but now? he’s left admiring all of your pictures.
how did he not know that his s/o’s pinterest famous? you’re practically in every single board!
he confronts you the next day in an oddly weird manner, “you didn’t tell me you were famous on that stupid pinterest app.”
you’re sheepish, “welll, i didn’t know that you were going to stumble on that side of pinterest!”
he doesn’t say anything, and really! it looks like he doesn’t care about the newest discovery of his s/o
but he shows his feelings in his own way.
like, how katsuki insists that he finds a new outfit that you’d absolutely love— one that’ll fit with your aesthetic
and that he insists that he does your graphic liner, because you’re going to ‘poke your eyes out’
makes an entirely different account to reply to those simps and creeps in the comment section, sort of like
random pinterest user : “the things i’ll do to be crushed by them 💦”
pinterestuser461903 : “go touch some fucking grass.”
also would’ve commented “your art sucks” at the poorly done drawings of you in the comments, but knows you appreciated the art— so he doesn’t
(still thinks the fanart doesn’t do you enough justice)
he’ll be super proud when someone notices you in person like “yeah that’s fucking right, but too bad they’re super attractive and way out of your league.”
in short, it looks like katsuki doesn’t care at all about your pinterest famous life, but he’s your #1 supporter
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todoroki shouto
i am certain for this one— he doesn’t have pinterest
well, he didn’t have pinterest, until midoriya convinced him to create an account, but it kinda just ended at that
but the person that actually made him use pinterest was sero, because he kept bugging him to give it a try
todoroki finds the app very practical— he can find screen caps of heroes in action, and he can also find oddly helpful tips in cooking (and in anything)
but sero was like “todoroki, what about the aesthetic value??” and todoroki didn’t really get that part to be honest 💀
todoroki, being clueless didn’t know what to search for— so sero being the wonderful friend he is, helped him search for it
and that’s when it happened. it didn’t take that long, but they eventually found an entire section just full of pictures of you; their classmate and crush
“is that Y/N?” mina notices what they’re looking at, and she observes the picture “oh wow— it is her! no wonder why she looked familiar.”
“it’s impressive! our classmate is pinterest famous!” they continue to look at every single post in each board, and todoroki’s left to observe in silence
he has definitely taken a liking to you, even if he didn’t realize it at first— he liked you because of your hard work when it came to training, personality and patience, not because of your looks
obviously, todoroki thinks that you look good in anything, trashbag style or not. but seeing you in this light was interesting.
so after training, todoroki would spent a good portion of his time scavenging for more pictures— not because he was obsessed or anything
but because,, he really liked your pictures. maybe it was because without you in those pictures, it would feel incomplete
he didn’t know how to approach you after this discovery, which is why he’s glad that you approached him first
“todoroki! what are you looking at?” you took a peak at his screen, and you’re baffled to see yourself, and that very famous picture of you
he’s quiet for a second when he realizes that you’ve caught him staring at your pictures, but he explains calmly, “sero accidentally discovered your pictures,, and i just wanted to take a peak at them, if it was okay,,”
and he’s relieved— well, you’re also relieved. you didn’t know how your crush would react if he ever saw those pictures, but your heart skipped a beat knowing that he enjoyed looking at them
“it’s alright todoroki,” you smile, honestly over the moon as you spoke “i’m really glad that you like them.”
sometimes you’d get shy whenever he’d go on pinterest just to look at your pictures, “todoroki, not that one! that one was really old,,” is what you’d say whenever he’d look at your older photos but he’d still look at them anyway 💀
at first, todoroki helped you in his own subtle way. since he’s quite the fashion icon— he’d recommend you clothes to wear for future pictures
he eventually confessed— and it was because you were talking to him while he was really tired, and he blurted out that he really, really liked you and you almost passed away because of his words
so yeah— it was a case of secretly admiring their beautiful best friend to lovers scenario
he’d go the full mile when it came to taking your pictures. he’d check the weather forecast just in case if it was going to rain for that date, and impromptu picnic photoshoot
that boyfriend that has pictures of you in his photo gallery, and has a backstory for each photo if anyone were to ask
also that boyfriend that knows how to take pictures, will probably even lay down to take them, even if you didn’t kindly ask him to
when you asked him to join the picture, he didn’t really know how to— but he made it work! and the both of you guys went viral
but this isn’t all one sided, no— whenever you guys would cuddle, shouto would simply stare at you with HEARTS in his eyes,
and even before he leans in for a kiss, he’ll stare at you with so much love in his eyes, while he traces his thumb across your cheekbones. man’s in love— you’re gorgeous.
he knows that you know that he’s not with you because of any ulterior motive, you both have mutual trust in each other— so it’s not something you guys will bother on questioning because you’re both hot asf lets be real
he’s not uncomfortable whenever people gawk at you in public— i mean, you two get stares on the regular. and how could they not stare at you? you’re very attractive, and he’s glad that people recognize that
but he’ll get protective if they’ll try to be a threat to your loving relationship with him, he won’t be afraid to be blunt
regarding the comments on each pinterest post— he hates it when people say things out of the line
always tries to hide them from you so you don’t feel bothered by them, but if you knew about them— he’ll be sad :,(
but he’ll end up mass reporting those nasty comments— and they always get taken down, because of the shouto todoroki luck
in short? man’s whipped, and the both of you guys are SO attractive together— what more if people knew about the om chemistry?
really— you being pinterest famous was just a nice plus, he fell in love with you for you
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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spade-riddles · 3 years
Submission: Adjusting expectations
Okay, guys. Wading in here where it’s possible no-one wants me, but … here goes. 
We - Kaylors - are in a hard place right now. People feel hurt, they feel hopeless. They feel like they were led on by the likes of Spade. I’m not here to invalidate any of the feelings that come from seeing Karlie and Taylor play out this charade.  
But I think we (collectively, as a fandom) need to take a breath and ask if any of this is really as bad or unfixable as we think it is. Because, for me, the recent stunting is hard to stomach but not truly surprising. On some level this is how I expected Karlie and Taylor to handle both the birth of the baby and the launch of the rerecorded albums. As much I wanted to believe in the idea of spring breaking loose and bringing with it a fervent revolution … I could see the pieces still in play on the board and I doubted it was coming. 
I think the problem is that there was a split between the optimist and pragmatist sides of the fandom, over the last year or so. To be clear - I’m not judging the optimist side of the fandom. Not at all. Taylor has pulled wildcard moves before, and emotions run so high in all this, especially with a baby involved now, that I don’t blame people for wanting to believe the best. But it reached a stage where some of the things people were trying to talk themselves into were just wildly unrealistic. And when that happens, of course you’re going to get hurt. It’s inevitable. 
But let’s really look at this for a second. We should have known that neither Karlie nor Taylor was going to be shaving her beard in March. Ditching Jerk right after or just before the birth would have been too soon for Karlie. It’s not unusual for a celeb marriage to fizzle out within a year of the birth, but before the baby even arrives? That would be weird, and would draw attention just when it seems Kaylor don’t want it. They just had a baby. That’s an adjustment in itself, and Karlie is suffering enough social media hate on top of that. I wouldn’t blame her for just wanting to take a break and lie low during this difficult time. And unfortunately, for Karlie, that means maintaining the status quo of the situation she put herself in with Jerk. She may be doing the bare minimum to maintain it, but if she wants to avoid attention, she has to make it seem like everything between her and her “husband” is normal. And that she’s trying to make it work, which I believe will be important later. Good people try to make it work, even in bad relationships. 
Toe wasn’t going anywhere either. Taylor had relied on him so heavily during the promotion of Folklore, with the William Bowery narrative, that she was almost backed into a corner. She had to give some allusion to his air quotes “creative input” and their so-called happy relationship, or her failure to do so would have become the story and overshadowed her night. The headlines would have either been break-up speculation or complaints that she didn’t give him his due. We think the cutesy coverage after she named him in her acceptance speech was bad, but negative headlines have a far longer shelf life and can take on a life of their own. They would have been worse. Whatever we might think of Taylor’s actions, Folklore is one of her best albums and she deserved to have her night. 
So, on to the announcement of the birth. This is a tricky one, and again, I completely understand why people reacted so badly against it. It was everything we as a fandom said we didn’t want. It was Jerk using the baby for personal good PR. But I have to be honest here. I always thought we were kidding ourselves believing he would NEVER be seen with the baby or implied to be the father. I do believe Karlie is doing her damnedest to minimize the digital footprint of his involvement and keep her actual baby out of it. But he was always going to get to bask in the glow of playing daddy for a while. It’s the trade off Kaylor made when they used him to shore up their closet. 
This is also why I increasingly suspect the timing of the announcement got the green light from Kaylor too. If Jerk was always going to be assumed to be the father of Karlie’s baby, then there was always going to have to be a birth announcement that incorporated him somehow - unless the girls were ready to answer awkward questions, and it doesn’t seem like we’re there yet. So the best way to minimize the damage is to have his moment of glory overshadowed by a bigger win for Taylor. It worked pretty well actually. Even on Kaylor blogs the stunt was mostly buried by Taylor content.
I know a lot of fans feel gaslit by all the hints, but I do think there’s a possibility Taylor really didn’t grasp how hurt Kaylors would be. From her perspective, she “fed” fans three times over that night. She gave us a beautiful performance, a gorgeous red carpet moment, and a win to celebrate. I think it’s possible she really didn’t realize the double whammy of stunting that night would make it all feel worthless for many.
Taylor is in an awkward position. As a consequence of Kaylor retreating into the closet, the support base for them has shrunk. (When I use the words “Kaylor fandom”, I refer to this support base.) I would say Kaylor fandom consists of two parts. There is a silent portion, who observe events and comment anonymously, but don’t say anything “on main”. And then there are the small corps of true believers, who think Karlie and Taylor are still together and the baby is theirs. This latter group do most of the actual talking about Kaylor, but they tend to be pretty battle-hardened. They’ve been around for years, they never believe any of the stunts and their capacity to be hurt by them is, as a result, pretty limited. These Kaylors criticize sometimes, but they tend to fall back in line eventually and mostly adopt a “let’s wait and see how this all shakes out” approach. The problem is that I would say these “chilled” Kaylors are the minority. For their own sanity they curate their blog experience and often don’t post the more negative anons they get. Which is fine, but if you were looking at it from the outside, I could see how it might create an impression that the fandom as a whole can roll with the punches. And for a lot of the silent majority, that’s not the case. 
But again, I can see how Taylor might not necessarily know that. She went quiet after the Grammys, when I might have expected more celebratory posts from her. If I had to guess, I’d say she didn’t expect the backlash. I’m especially noticing a backlash against her for allowing Karlie to take so many hits while her own reputation has never been better. And I can’t defend her on that one, except to say I hope she has a plan. But I understand where people are coming from when they say the songs aren’t enough and actions speak louder than words. It’s tough to watch. 
Still, we’re in a position we should realistically have been able to see coming. We should have known Jerk wasn’t going to be out of the picture immediately after the birth. This is one of those things nobody likes, but maybe we all just have to be patient on. I don’t see Karlie busting out of the closet to admit her marriage was a fake, or testifying to the FBI. I think she’ll just let her marriage quietly fall apart, as many real marriages did during the pandemic. And for that to work, she needs to make it look like didn’t throw away a family unit lightly. Hence the “I tried” post, the social media break, and the suggestions of spending time with Jerk’s family. All of this can be spun later into a narrative of Karlie having tried to make it work, only to never really be accepted. The hate online affected her mental health and she gradually realized how unhappy she’d become and decided she needed to break free and find her old self again for her baby’s sake. This is the most likely narrative for Karlie’s freedom and it’s one that could work - but it’s going to take time to unfold. Personally, I’m giving it a year. If we don’t see a separation by then, and definitive moves to a reunited Kaylor, I’ll be bowing out. I’ll still know what I believe the truth to be, but I won’t see the need to devote my energy to defending it. ,
Meanwhile, the masters rerecords are about to be released, and Taylor has invested a lot in their success. Because of this, I can’t envision her coming out until at least the big three (Fearless, 1989, and Red) have dropped. She might drop hints, but I don’t expect anything earth-shattering. Even the order of the album releases seems to confirm this. She’s breaking out the big guns first. 
I’ve seen people speculate that because Rep can’t be rerecorded until 2022, Taylor will hold off on any coming out until then. And I’m not so sure of that. Yes, people listening to the album for clues would give Scott and Scooter money, but if we’re being honest, a fair amount of people are probably listening to those albums already, regardless of the drama. Those sleazeballs are profiting from Rep, full stop. But if Taylor profits more, from her bigger albums, she still wins. And she can still put out a Taylor’s version of Rep with vault tracks and collabs, to seduce people away from the Big Machine version in early 2022. Honestly, I think there’s a good chance Taylor would consider this is a worthwhile trade-off anyway, if it meant she got to live a more open life with Karlie - and most crucially, begin to repair Karlie’s reputation. As children get older and the world begins to leave the pandemic behind, it becomes harder to live behind closed doors. I guess we’ll find out how Taylor finds the reality of such a life, and what she considers worth sacrificing to step away from it. 
All this to say: I can’t predict the future more than anyone else, but I don’t think the situation we’re in now is irreparable, and if we’re being really objective, I don’t think it’s even surprising. I do think Taylor should give us something, if she wants to keep us around. No-one can live on a complete absence of hope, and as I’ve stated, letting the fandom dwindle to this extent has its own dangers. But I think we also need to keep our time frames realistic, even if it means rejecting lifelines like the Spade riddles. We shouldn’t expect Karlie to be free of Jerk for around a year, and we shouldn’t expect Taylor to do anything much beyond general music promo until at least the big three have dropped. Sucks to say it, I know. But at least this way we won’t be disappointed, and if Kaylor do pull a wild card and move towards freedom, we can be pleasantly surprised. 
Just my two cents. 
Well written and fair arguments on our reactions and expectations. I had typed up more, but I will let others post their comments before I chime in.
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Hi love. I’m trying to write a Spencer fic and was wondering if you had any tips on making sure it’s not out of character?? thank!
Aaaaaa, you’re so sweet for thinking of me. I’ve shared some general tips on characterization, but I’ll try to make a more Spencer specific post here.
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Things to keep in mind when writing Spencer Reid:
He’s a germophobe. He will always be hesitant to shake hands, hug, or engage in activities that would require a lot of physical contact. He claims this is different after prison, but still shows reservations.
He’s a technophobe. He canonically is terrible with computers, and is likely averse to texting and videotaping. This is the one I probably see ignored the most in fanon. He contradicts himself about having an e-mail address, but he likely does in later seasons. He also does frequent online messaging boards (like Reddit).
He doesn’t like to drive. Gubes himself said he likes to pretend that Reid doesn’t even have a license (although he’s driven a few times).
He’s very insecure. Especially about his sanity and how other people perceive him. This is especially true when it comes to his physical appearance and his ability to do traditionally masculine things (like sports). He has a lot of internalized ableism regarding schizophrenia. He’s also deeply insecure about what he’s doing with his life and not falling in line with where he should be (having a family, kids).  
His anger is unique. When he gets angry, his voice is usually quieter rather than louder. He becomes more still and more serious. He talks less. He’s very petty and not at all good at hiding that emotion.
Remember what season Reid you’re writing. They are all VERY different. Early seasons Reid feels he has a lot to prove to the team. Post-Maeve Spencer is quick to anger. Post-prison Reid is a lot more spontaneous. The later in the series we get, the more like Gideon and Hotch he becomes.
"Actually...” & “Did you know...?” Get used to them. 
(More below the cut!)
He talks with his whole body. Most of us know this so you don’t have to explicitly write it, but it helps picture what’s going on. People who are around him often will notice he licks his lips a lot when he’s thinking, he moves his hands a lot while ranting, and he narrows his eyes when he’s confused. He avoids eye contact when he’s sad, and maintains it when he’s angry.
He’s very private. There are a lot of things in his life he prefers to keep away from the team, not to mention anyone else he knows. Remember even JJ feels there is an entire side to him she’s never seen. In a behind the scenes, Jane Lynch said that Spencer was rarely told that he was loved as a child, and that he didn't receive a lot of physical affection. He reflects this when he tells the team he never really tells them how much he loves them.
He has a lot of empathy. He (normally) wouldn’t lash out at a person unless they’ve given him a very big reason. I’m talking they better be the unsub or have personally slighted someone he knows. He’s very polite because he’s studied social behavior for so long (even though he struggles to recognize when he’s crossed a social boundary).
He is unaware of his own quirks. He has a hard time with social cues when they are at him, as opposed to viewing an unrelated third party. He doesn’t describe himself as autistic despite obviously being autistic. He will eventually pick up on when people are making fun of him or annoyed with him, though. Just takes a minute.
He’s great with kids (and even teenagers). These interactions become better throughout the show. He explains that he still feels like a boy genius, even as he grows older.
He’s an addict. This means he’ll separate himself from situations where drugs and alcohol are present in copious amounts. He’ll drink occasionally, but not often or in large amounts. This would be akin to a relapse and should only be associated with either very large celebrations or something horrible.
He’s hesitant to curse. He’ll do it, but only when he’s very frustrated/angry. Even when he does, he often lowers his register when he curses. Limit the use of curse words.
I’m sure there are way more. This is what I could think of off the top of my head. As usual, try to picture Spencer saying your dialogue. If you can’t hear it in his voice or see his body language in your head, there’s probably something off. 
Even more important: Picture each of the team member’s reactions. If they would be stunned/confused, something is DEFINITELY off. I actually think nailing the characterizations of the team is important for this very reason. Often when I find Spencer out of character, so are JJ and Hotch.
Those two characters are incredibly important to Spencer and he’s (doing the autistic thing and) mimicking a lot of their behaviors the longer he’s around them. Remember that JJ is very maternal, protective, and insecure about her place. Hotch is serious, loyal, and private. If you picture them as Spencer’s parents, it’ll make a lot more sense how Spencer would react to certain situations. It’s a blend of the two, lol.
Okay I’ll be quiet now. If you have any more specific questions, please DM me or we can talk about it on the Discord!
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scotianostra · 3 years
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4th October 1694 saw the birth at Huntingtower Castle near Perth of Lord George Murray.
You could write a book with all the stories regarding the man, I’ll keep it short and stick to the facts.
Some people have difficulty separating the facts that the Jacobites were fighting fellow Scots, as well as the English, families were split down the middle, the Murray’s were probably the most prolific of those.
George Murray was a distinguished Jacobite general and strategist, the son of John Murray, the 1st Duke of Atholl who was a supporter of the Hanoverians and was dismayed that three of his six sons joined the Jacobite cause. John Murray is most remembered for capturing Rob Roy MacGregor and somehow letting him escape. He had a total of 19 children during two marriages, George was the 9th child to his first wife Lady Katherine.
Lord Murray took part in the Jacobite Risings in 1715 and 1745, together with the abortive invasion of 1719 after which he fled to the continent, like many others, as I touched upon in a previous post about the ‘15 and “Little Rising of 1719 he was pardoned, undoubtedly following the influence of another brothers James , a government supporter, who had become the Duke of Atholl.
George was said to have agonised at length before joining Prince Charles Edward Stuart in the ‘45. Although he predicted the hopelessness of the uprising, he became Stuart’s most effective commander, ensuring victory at Prestonpans, efficiently organising the retreat from Derby, following the invasion of England, and bringing a decisive victory at Falkirk.
He opposed the strategy that led to the bloody defeat at Culloden Moor . After the battle, in which he commanded the right wing, he withdrew his troops in reasonable order to Ruthven Barracks, where they disbanded.
Murray again managed to make his way to the continent where he was received well by Prince Charles’ father, James who granted him a pension.  In 1747 he travelled to Paris to see Prince Charles but despite his fathers hospitality the Prince refused to meet with him. 
During the next decade George travelled through the continent living in numerous places before he eventually died in Holland in 1760 at the age of 66 at Medemblik.
The stained glass in the pics are at Howgate Shopping Centre Falkirk and were rescued from  the stairwell at South Bantaskine House, which stood on whaat was the Battefield in 1746, the last time The Jacobites tasted victory, the land ended up as part of the Coal Board lands and when they demolished the house in 1947 were offered to Falkirk Town Council. They remained in storage with Falkirk Council until 1986 when they were renovated and installed in the centre.  They are part of the Falkirk Museum collection.
Many of you will recognise the paving slab, I have posted pics of it several times through the years, they are the  reported words of Lord George Murray, General of the Jacobite Army, January 17th 1746, you can find them on Falkirk High Street near the Falkirk Trinity Kirk. 
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lilydalexf · 4 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with MustangSally
MustangSally has 33 stories at Gossamer. Even if you haven’t read it, you’ve probably heard of at least one of them, Iolokus, since it’s an X-Files fanfic classic. All her fics hit big and are well worth your time. I’ve recced some of my favorites here before, including And Dance by the Light of the Moon, All the Children are Insane, and Iolokus. Big thanks to MustangSally for doing this interview.
What's the story behind your pen name?
I could tell you but then I would have to kill you.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
Yes and no. Yes, because life has moved on since the early nineties and the characters and the fans are in vastly different places now. Our current tech would make the premise of the X-Files impossible. No, because of the longevity of some of the Star Trek TOS work (there’s an archive of hard copy fanzines at the University of Iowa). Top-drawer authors started out in TOS fandom.
I’m just greatly saddened that my physical body is showing wear and tear while the fic doesn’t. Fic gets to stay smooth-skinned and muscular, captured at the peak of perfection.
What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
At the risk of sounding atrociously trite, I think of the friends I made.  I met some very remarkable women that I’ve been able to stay friends with online for over twenty-five years.  We may have moved to Facebook and post entirely too much about our pets and which of our body parts has sagged this week, but we’re friends.  It’s a furiously funny, feminist, and well-educated group of women with jobs in the highest levels of academia, finance, communications, and media.  I’m amused by the fact that if I have a question about how a virus replicates, I can ask a PhD I’ve been drunk with in Las Vegas.
Back in the day, I had a job that sent me traveling around major cities in the US and UK. I could post on a message board and within ten minutes there were people I could go out for dinner and drinks with. We already knew we had something we could talk about for at least a couple of hours. Additionally, most of these people were women so there was an added level of security. Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
Well, it was mostly atxc and the Yahoo! groups mailing lists that spiraled out into Geocities sites and, eventually, LiveJournal. The amusing thing is that getting in on the ground floor of social media and the Internet has helped me get jobs!  When I look at a new piece of software, I think, ‘this is hella easier than uploading to Geocities.’  We had to walk uphill both ways, in the snow, on dial-up, fighting off dinosaurs with our AOL CDs while writing HTML code. What did you take away from your experience with X-Files fic or with the fandom in general?
The past four years in politics have basically been the ugliest online kerfuffle the world has ever seen. I survived the Shipper Wars of ’96 and I thought those were brutal, but that was NOTHING. The only way to win an argument online is to not have the argument at all. Arguing with a troll is like mudwrestling a pig: You both get filthy and only the pig is happy.
What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show?
I had the most terrible straight-girl crush on Scully. I wanted to be her best friend, I wanted to BE her.  I wanted to order Chinese food and paint each other’s nails and talk about bones.  Scully and Princess Leia and I could all just hang out poolside with hot and cold running waiters and poolboys, drink margaritas, and bitch about how unfair it all was – if the stupid men would just get OUT OF THE WAY AND LET US DO OUR JOBS, the world would be so much better. What got you involved with X-Files fanfic?
This question is really about Iolokus, isn’t it?  You can’t fool me. [Lilydale note: I can neither confirm nor deny the motivation for this question, but I cannot complain about the answer.]
Simply put, I was enraged. The moment it was revealed that Scully’s ova had been used in experimentation, I lost my feminist mind. It was the most obscene defilement imaginable.  Scully wasn’t nearly as angry as I was.  What I thought needed to happen was for Scully to become a fiery force of vengeance against the MEN who had done this to her.  Clearly, I was not going to get that level of satisfaction from the show, as I was imagining Kali-like carnage on a global scale. I emailed RivkaT (whom I did not know well at that point) with a proposition that we work together. Strangely enough, we didn’t meet face to face until we were well into the project, but we did talk on the phone quite a bit. The rules were simple – everyone had to be punished in truly horrific ways, and at some point, we had to see if we could write a car chase (only because that seemed impossible).  Then it basically turned into a very twisted game of chicken to see who could be the most outrageous in terms of killing people off or writing really horrific things that fit within the structure of the narrative.  I did, in the end, write the car chase, but RivkaT one-upped me by throwing in a helicopter (a FOX News helicopter, at that).  
Really, RivkaT?  A helicopter? What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom? I am terribly proud of what I wrote, pleased that it brought pain and pleasure in equal amount to people, and, again, thrilled by the people I became friends with. I admit that I stopped watching the show when Scully announced her pregnancy.  I could only see a long jump over a shark tank for the rest of the series. I haven’t watched the new episodes, either.  It is complete in my mind and doesn’t need to be continued.  I wouldn’t say no to having a reunion with some of my fic friends, although we’re still chatting online like everyone does.   Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
Rivka and I wrote in the Buffy fandom for a few years, but then we moved on to real adult jobs that left absolutely no time for me to write. I’m in education, and I regularly sweat blood for fear that someone is going to find my old fic. The Buffy people were fun; there was a certain *shininess* to them that I really enjoyed. The X-men authors were just batshit and delightful, and some amazing stuff came out of Marvel fandom, particularly in the Thor/Loki and Steve/Bucky subgenres. I’ve learned to appreciate a good coffee shop AU and one famous Erik/Charles fic where all the main characters are crabs. Seriously, crabs—it’s hysterical. [Lilydale note: Other Crabs Cannot Be Trusted by groovyphilia currently has almost 2,500 kudos at AO3.]
Every few years, I’ll have a student try to explain to me what fandom is and I just smirk. Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully? No. Not really. Do you ever still read X-Files fic? Fic in another fandom? I fell into an X-Men hole a few years back and had a great old time wallowing in the Cherik muck, and there was a flirtation with BBC Sherlock as well. Strangely enough, I became interested in A/B/O fics only because of what they were saying about the role of women in our society. The limitations on the male omegas seem absurd and then you realize those are the same limitations put on women all. the. time.
Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
RivkaT very nicely formatted everything and put it up on AO3. What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise?
I will always be stupidly proud of how shocked and horrified people were by Iolokus. The truth of the matter is that Iolokus has Greek drama at its core. Scully is Medea, and the entire story is lousy with “blood on the threshing floor” and Dionysian rites. The everyday is subverted into horror, and wives and daughters will tear men limb from limb like the Maenads. Since I was ultimately disappointed with what Chris Carter did with the entire show, that approach seemed appropriate.
At a certain level, all fic is corrective fic.  Like critic Anne Jamison said, “Irritated fans produce fanfic like irritated oysters produce pearls.”  And because fic has fallen so much into women’s sphere, a pure form of correction is not just the death of the author but the MURDER, a new creation springing up from the spilled blood like Cadmus sowing dragon’s teeth.
Okay, that’s a bit much. Maybe I should just take myself back to the isle of Goth Amazons or something. Do you still write fic now? Or other creative work?
I had to write a self-evaluation and a reflection on pedagogy today. If that’s not fiction, I don’t know what the fuck is.
All my creativity is caught up in trying to pretend to be a normal middle-aged white woman so no one knows I am really a lizard.
Is there anything else you'd like to share with fans of X-Files fic?
Keep writing, keep reading, keep fighting the commercialization of narratives. As things grow more and more commodified, all our dreams and desires reduced to tchotchkes made in China, it’s a revolutionary act to separate your work from the marketplace. Be bold, take chances, turn the trope on its ear and kick it in the ass. Take everything the creators have done to make a work palatable to the unwashed masses and set it on fire.
Be subversive.
Be mean.
Have a great fucking time.
(Posted by Lilydale on March 2, 2021)
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goldentournesol · 4 years
All That Matters
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*gif originally posted by @heat-waveee​ *
(Spencer Reid x Reader)
The one where Reader doesn’t visit Spencer in prison.
Length: 3.0k
Part 2: Here For You
Spencer’s absence was felt in every aspect of her life.The bullpen wasn’t the same without him, her apartment, although they lived separately, wasn’t the same without him, even the jet wasn’t the same. She was so used to looking over and seeing his tall frame sprawled over that beige couch that she found herself glancing over out of habit just to find someone else there. It was just as disappointing every time. Her heart ached for him. It ached because she knew that there was nothing more she could do to help him or ease the pain he felt as he was being tortured in prison and it took a huge toll on her mental health. Everyone else had visited him, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it.
“Hey, Spence.” JJ said tearfully as soon as he took a seat across from her in the visitation room.
“Hey, is everything okay? It’s not my mom, is it?” He hurriedly asked with slight panic.
“No, no, she’s fine. Y/N and I saw her yesterday, she asked about you.” She nodded, smiling in an attempt to reassure him. He mirrored her expression with relief when she told him his mother thought he was at the beach. A short silence ensued.
“How are you doing?” JJ asked, as sympathetically as possible. Spencer fought back tears.
“I’m okay. I’m, uh, really happy to see you.” He admitted, even though he knew it probably wasn’t a good idea she was visiting. However, she reminded him of the promise she made him the last time she saw him. She promised she’d never leave him alone.
“How’s…” he paused with a swallow, “Y/N doing?” The question came out tentatively, his facial expression displaying something between a grimace and a hopeful look. The last time he’d seen Y/N in the courtroom, she was in a silent fit of tears.
“She’s...fine.” JJ lied. Spencer raised his eyebrows questioningly. It didn’t take a profiler to know that that was a straight up lie. “Alright, she’s not doing very well. I just didn’t want to tell you that because I knew you would worry about it and I don’t think you need any more of that.” She gestured around. Spencer heaved a sigh. He expected her response, he just didn’t want to hear it. 
Later that day, JJ found Y/N at her desk, nose deep in a file. Her eyes were frantic as they raced through the words on the page, hoping to find something useful. She had thrown herself into the case files, the Spencer-related and the non-Spencer-related. When she wasn’t occupied with the work, her mind would wander over to Spencer, which would send her into a whirlwind of panic, guilt, and rage. 
Panic because she didn’t want to imagine what he was going through, alone, scared, hopeless--. 
Guilt because she hadn’t visited him yet, she just couldn’t bring herself to see him. Not when she couldn’t wrap her arms around him, not when she couldn’t kiss him, or hold his hand. 
Rage because time was moving so slowly without him and they weren’t any closer to getting him out.
She hadn’t heard JJ come up from behind her and rest a hand on her shoulder. She yelped out in response, having been totally focused on the file.
“Woah, sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.” JJ said as she was met with Y/N’s red rimmed eyes.
“It’s alright.” Y/N muttered softly.
“Y/N, when was the last time you took a break? Or got some sleep?” JJ asked, noticing the constant nervous tapping on her thigh.
“A break? I can’t--I can’t take a break, JJ!” She uncharacteristically snapped, standing from her seat. JJ took a step back at her sudden outburst, her friend’s eyes aflame. 
“How am I supposed to take a break when he’s in there, probably terrified out of his mind?! How do you think he would feel if he knew I was sipping on some tea or...or styling my hair instead of helping him get out of there?” She spat, not even caring that she was gaining attention from people around her. She didn’t know that this was the guilt taking over and speaking for her, but JJ knew.
“He asked about you today...again.” She stated coolly, seeing Y/N’s angry expression soften immediately. She averted her gaze quickly, heart wrenching in her chest. She grabbed some files and made a move to leave, probably to shed some self-wallowing tears, but JJ stopped her by grabbing her arm gently.
“We’re going to get him out of there, I promise. But we need you on board with us. I suggest you go home and get some rest. This won’t be solved overnight.” JJ assured her with a determined voice. Y/N pulled her arm out of her friend’s grip and made a beeline for the exit.
It’s not like she didn’t want to see him, of course she wanted to see him. She wanted to see him more than anything, but she wouldn’t stop. She wouldn’t rest until she caught the son of bitch who put him in there. Spencer wanted nothing more than to see her face and hear her voice.
 At first, he genuinely couldn’t blame her for not wanting to visit, but as matters outside the prison began to worsen, the matters inside were on another level. Then, hope began to elude him. He stopped hoping to see her, stopped hoping for a future. Spencer struggled to see his future as anything other than void and bleak as the four walls of his cell consumed him every night. He tried to file away any resentment he felt for her, he even stopped asking JJ about her. Whether or not she chose to share anything about his girlfriend was completely her choice. It had become too painful for him to think about her, let alone talk about her. 
And in the beginning, he was thankful for his eidetic memory because it allowed him to replay their conversations and memories on a loop. But now, the memories mocked him and kept him up at night. She became a part of his past life and he didn’t know whether his new life after prison could accommodate her.
What if they never solved the case? What if he had to spend the entirety of the 25 years in prison? Would she come see him then? At what point would she move on from him? Would she even bother showing up to break up with him? Or would he eventually have to learn from JJ that Y/N found a new lover as she mistakenly mentions her name in conversation?
This is ridiculous. She loves him. He knows that.
 Curse the intricate inner workings of his brain. It never ceased. He shouldn’t be thinking this way. But pulling himself out of the darkest place he’d ever been was proving to be increasingly difficult. 
Rage filled him as he learned of his mother’s abduction. He didn’t know why he expected Y/N to come take him home when he’d been released instead of JJ. He shouldn’t have done that. He also shouldn’t have felt disappointed when he saw Penelope all by herself right outside the prison doors.
But he did.
No one mentioned her on the way back to the headquarters, but she invaded his mind anyway. He didn’t have the time or the energy to be thinking of her, he needed to find his mother. 
She had been eagerly awaiting his arrival in the bullpen with the rest of the team. She grinned for the first time in months as she saw his tall figure appear through the glass doors. She watched as Rossi grabbed Spencer’s face and kissed his cheeks before pulling him into a bear hug. She watched Emily stroked his hair and kissed his head. Even Matt threw his arms around Spencer. Tears fell as she watched the scene unfold across the room from her desk. 
Spencer’s entire attitude shifted as his eyes finally landed on her. His smile dissipated, his shoulders were pushed back, and his eyes, his kind, soulful eyes were cold as they bore into her wet ones. She felt a shiver race its way down her spine. The air in the room shifted. It was eerily quiet, everyone waiting for the fallout. But Spencer stood still and silent, neither of them making the first move. There was so much left unsaid between them.
“Let’s go find my mother.” Spencer spoke as he averted his gaze from her and made his way to the conference room. 
A silent sob wracked through her body as she fell back into her chair, her fingers gripping at her roots in frustration. Penelope rushed to her quickly and tried to console her, the rest of the team already in the conference room discussing the case.
“Go help the team, I’ll have Emily brief me later.” Y/N said, taking a deep, shaky breath as she pried Penelope off of her frame. Penelope reluctantly nodded and made her way into the conference room. Spencer’s expression was stone cold and indecipherable as he watched Y/N scurry off into the direction of the bathrooms through the window. 
Hours later, they had managed to retrieve Diana after learning that Cat Adams was in fact impersonating Mr. Scratch along with some help from Lindsey Vaughn. They were now doing the best they could to track down the real Mr. Scratch, but the team had been caught in a horrific car accident, which led to Emily’s abduction. Spencer was currently at home with his mother. Y/N, Penelope, and Matt hadn’t gone with the rest of the team. Y/N had been too shaken up to go out into the field.
“Y/N, get Spencer and meet us at the hospital!  Rossi’s refusing treatment until he talks to you two!” Matt yelled as he and Penelope raced to the hospital. Y/N nodded and called Spencer. Her name was the last he wanted to see on his phone, but he picked up anyway. He almost didn’t.
“Spencer! There’s been a terrible accident, Emily’s been taken by Scratch, I’m picking you up now! Rossi’s refusing treatment! I’ll explain everything on the way to the hospital.” She spoke frantically into the phone, speeding off into the direction of his apartment. He hadn’t even had time to reply before she hung up. Minutes later, he got into the car and noticed her panicked state.
“Are you okay to drive?” He asked, immediately noticing her rapid breathing, wide eyes, and white knuckles from gripping the wheel tightly. She met his eyes, shaking her head. Spencer saw the tears and switched places with her, driving to the hospital. He also noticed how she failed to manage her breathing.
“Hey, hey. Try to match my breath.” He breathed in and out slowly. She shook her head in disbelief, hating the fact that this was their first encounter. He was still the caring man she fell in love with, even though she knew he probably hated her guts right then. Her breathing evened itself out and she fiddled with her fingers.
“I’m good, I’m good.” She muttered, mostly to herself, “Spencer, I-” she began but he cut her off harshly.
“Not now, Y/N.” He spat as he rolled into the hospital, searching for JJ and Rossi. Y/N’s heart wrenched as he ran to JJ’s side, treating her with the tenderness she craved. She found Rossi and ran to him quickly.
“Where’s Spencer? Get Spencer.” He uttered, obviously in pain. Y/N brought Spencer over.
“What’s going on?” He asked, walking into the room.
“Shut up and listen.” Rossi demanded, eyes shifting between Y/N and Spencer, landing on Y/N as he spoke, “First, you, go through my pants pockets and find my keys. Second, you’re back on the team.” He referred to Spencer.
“Not sure I should be. Has the director approved that?” He asked.
“I’m making the calls now. I’ll take the heat. You’re back on the team.” He panted.
“I’ve got the keys.” Y/N said, holding them.
“There’s a little one there to a file cabinet in my office. Inside, there’s Chicago Bears season tickets. When you get them, call Matt Simmons. I promised him those tickets.” He seemed adamant.
“Rossi, did they give you something to make you loopy?” Y/N asked.
“I’ll get the doctor, we’ll get him into surgery.” Spencer stated and made a move to leave.
“Just shut up and listen.” He insisted, “Emily is missing. Stephen is dead. As for you two ass clowns, you’ll do me the courtesy of following my orders. And for the love of God, work through whatever it is you two are going through and then I’ll go into surgery.”
She and Spencer nodded as they left the room. “This has nothing to do with season tickets.” She stated and he agreed.
“Ass clowns?” Spencer muttered confusedly and she repressed a giggle. 
They had been so caught up in the urgency of the case that they hadn’t found the time to talk, but Y/N was glad that Spencer was at least conversing with her, even if it was strictly about the case. With Emily now found and Scratch finally dead, they learned to breathe again. Y/N offered to drive Spencer home from Stephen’s funeral, seeing how morose he seemed. He reluctantly agreed and got into the car.
“I know you don’t want to, but we really have to talk.” She said softly, afraid that if she spoke too loud, he’d either snap or break. It was unclear which was more likely to happen.
“Now’s not really the best time, Y/N.” He spoke defeatedly, his hands running over his face and digging into the sockets of his eyes.
“It’ll never be the right time, Spencer.” She pushed, “I missed you.”
He laughed crudely, almost mocking her, “Oh, you missed me?”
“Yes, I missed you. Of course I missed you. I’m sorry I didn’t-”
“Sorry?!” He practically screeched, turning to face her. Her jaw clenched in reaction as she focused on driving. 
“You’re sorry for what exactly? For not coming to visit me? For not bothering to write me any letters? For practically pretending like I didn’t exist? Do you have any idea how often I hoped to see you? Do you have any idea what it feels like to be disappointed to see one of my best friends because I was hoping it was you? I hated myself for it, but it happened. How could you, Y/N?!” He seethed, voice uncharacteristically booming through the small space between them. It was laced with hurt and betrayal. She abruptly pulled the car over on the side of the road and turned to look at him. 
“How could you forget about me like that?” Spencer’s voice was small and shaky, tears threatening to spill.
Her own tears found their way down her cheeks as she stared at his heartbroken face, “Forget about you? I could never forget about you, Spencer.” She sniffled softly.
“You were all I could think about. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat. I’m pretty sure I developed an ulcer from the stress, by the way. I didn’t visit because…” she swallowed, pausing to blow her nose, “because I was angry. I was so angry, Spencer. Not at you, of course. At the situation. It was unfair to you and I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I know no amount of apologies will undo it, but I couldn’t handle it. I knew I wouldn’t have been able to handle seeing you in there and not be able to hold you or kiss you or...or touch you.” She paused again to blow her nose. 
Her words were disguised by the sobs, but Spencer managed to comprehend them. “It would have been too painful for me, I’m sorry. I was too weak and too selfish. You deserved so much better than that, I know.”
Spencer’s heart ached to see her cry, but he was so upset that he didn’t know if he could forgive her just yet. His throat got that familiar feeling of being so tight that he couldn’t speak. He just shook his head and rubbed at his eyes, turning away from her.
“Just take me home.” He whispered and she nodded, pulling herself together. Spencer occupied himself with a loose thread on his clothes, the soft hum of the engine was the only thing filling the silence between them.
She pulled up in front of his apartment complex and he was about to step out of the car when she reached for his arm, stopping him. She drew her hand back immediately, realizing that that was the first time they made physical contact since he got back. She hoped she wasn’t overstepping. He stared at her curiously at both reaching for him and drawing back.
“Spence, I understand if you want to end things. I just...I love you. I never stopped loving you and I never will.” She reminded him and he nodded, the tenderness she’d grown so used to returning to his eyes.
“I love you, too.” He spoke quietly, offering her a tight smile that obviously hid a lot of pain. 
She watched as he got out of the car and disappeared inside the building. He hadn’t confirmed nor denied that he wanted to end things with her and she didn’t know if she should be relieved at that. All she did know though was hearing those four words from Spencer again breathed a new life into her lungs.
He still loves her.
That’s all that matters.
Part 2
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jostenneil · 3 years
hiii can u do brutalia, edwin, and a pairing of your choice from chihayafuru? (or u can just do all the characters in chihayafuru if you prefer that, doesn't have to be shippy) <3
omg joan ily this is going to be so much fun. i'll probably do them in separate text posts for organization but lemme start with brutalia hehe
doesn’t listen to music. ever / bruce obv, but not so much bc he's allergic to music as it is due to parental trauma. his mom had this rad record collection and one of his strongest memories of childhood was dancing around in the living room with her to music of any and every genre, so sometimes when he hears those classic retro hits it pulls him out of the present for a bit, and he gets rly sad. talia on the other hand is an arab queen schooled in the ways of fairouz and umm kulthum and sometimes she manages to get bruce back out of that stupor bc with her there's love in the room again
has never had a pomegranate / bruce is a white man so unfortunately this will be him as well but eventually cleaning out pomegranates and eating them while the juice runs down their hands and chin is a quintessential bonding activity that he, talia, and damian will share between them when talia's not busy with her worldwide humanitarian causes and is visiting for the summer
is a tax evader / neither omg they would sooner die. talia perhaps by association with lex corp but that's all sneaky stuff she let happen on purpose so lex would take the harder fall, she's just a queen like that mhm
is against legalizing marijuana / bruce jfkdjgljsdlkjbljsf. he has a change of heart tho bc stephanie schools him, as she should (post-dixon robin era stans do NOT interact i hate that man too but at least he didn't hate stephanie to the point of ruining her budding friendship with bruce entirely)
gets computer viruses the most / bruce bc dick is a little shit and his way of subtle rebellion as a kid is to stump bruce with computer viruses whenever he feels like bruce has too much of a stick up his ass. talia is simply too smart after selling her father out to lex to deal with computers she does the bare minimum with them that she has to otherwise she's a classic girl who thinks computers are a waste of time and an evil of capitalism
fell for an email scam and lost a lot of money / talia ;) ;) oh no lex i thought this was from one of our partners i'm so sorry :( i'll do everything i can to get the money back :( and then she doesn't
hooked up with someone in a gas station bathroom / bruce isn't this needy and talia has standards BUT if dc loved me and put them on ridiculous missions together more often that potentially involved roadtripping across the barren plateau and wind turbine dotted landscapes of the midwest then i think enough sexual frustration could be conjured up to push them both into this situation with each other, esp if it's after they've got out of a particularly nasty pickle with some bad guys
has a peanut allergy / bruce. it pains talia's heart she loves peanuts in her cuisine
has an account on reddit / bruce but only bc tim let him in on how much goes on on reddit boards and he thinks it could be a way to track villains down, bc obv the joker is going to lay out his mastermind plan on r/villainsofgotham for the batman to see in all its hellish glory (tbh i could see harvey using it ngl)
is sexist / bruce :( the women of the family pummel it outta him tho it just takes time
knows how cryptocurrency works / both bc bruce would know of through industry circles and refuse to trade in the filth and talia would know since destroying it's near the top of her humanitarian agendas list
seasons their food exclusively with salt and pepper / oh bruce. oh babie oh honey. let talia teach you the ways of spices and herbs and depth of flavor, you poor white king. there's a whole section of the pantry in wayne manor eventually dedicated just to the essentials of arab cooking bc damian is so disgusted with his father's taste palate and talia is sympathetic enough to send original ingredients over biannually
doesn’t remove the lint in the dryer before turning it on / well. alfred does it for bruce bc these are just the kind of things a butler-housekeeper knows and then talia doesn't deign to deal with dryers except when she's in her lexcorp era bc it's a forced necessity. but yeah she's smart enough to know about lint
is a cheater / bruce is simply too depressed to think about cheating when he's in a relationship with someone and then ok comics canon tangent ig but i HATE how some comics posited that talia was willing to throw herself at anybody and everybody i absolutely don't think that'd be the case and bruce was truly special to her so no i don't think she'd be a cheater either in any capacity
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