#I’ll replace the gif with a picture of her once I do
chrimson-oc-central · 2 months
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Name - Makoto Osaka
Birthdate - August 28
Age - 38 years (Part 1), 41 years (Shippuden), 44 years (The Last), 45-51 years (Blank Period), 56 years (Boruto)
Birthplace - Konohagakure (Village Hidden in the Leaves)
Pronouns - She/Her
Nationality - Hinokoku (Land of Fire)
Hair Color - Black
Eye Color - Green
Height - 5’5” (~165.1 cm)
Best Traits - protective, intelligent, cunning, affectionate
Worst traits - proud, stubborn, secretive
Mannerisms - left-handed, speaks formerly to strangers
What they hate the most - betrayal/disloyalty, liars
What’s most important to her - her daughter (Chihiro), her clan
Secrets - never fell in love, and still feels like there’s something wrong with her cuz of that sometimes. Worried that she wouldn’t be able to love her child proper (not the case she’s a good mom).
Do they get along with or avoid other people - gets along with people pretty well. She’s easy to like but earning her trust is difficult.
Parents - probably one of the elders is her mom or something
Siblings - None
Significant other - Chihiro’s father (he doesn’t have a name sorry. They weren’t ever really in love, but they were married and did grow to respect one another)
Children - Chihiro Osaka (daughter)
Other Notable Family Members - Neji Hyuga (Son-in-Law)
Pets/Animal Companions/Summons - the wolf pack from Mitsumine Mountain
Teacher(s)/Sensei(s) - n/a
Friends - Anko Mitarashi, Tsume Inuzuka, Choji’s mom, Ino’s mom, Yoshino Nara, Shibi Aburame
Best Friend(s) - n/a
Enemies - Akatsuki Organization, Orochimaru, Osaka Elders (to an extent), Kabuto Yakushi
Acquaintances - Hiashi Hyuga, Chosa Akamichi, Shikaku Nara, Inoichi Yamanaka
Occupation - Osaka Clan Head, Leaf Shinobi (Ninja, Kunoichi)
Rank - Jonin
Chakra Nature - Fire
Kekkei Genkai - Osaka Shapeshifting
Affiliations - Hinokoku (Land of Fire), Konohagakure (Village Hidden in the Leaves), Allied Shinobi Forces (1st Division), Osaka Clan
Other Names/Nicknames/Aliases - The Wolf Queen
Blood Type - A+
Favorite Food - Takoyaki
Least Favorite Food - leafy greens
Hobbies - Walks, Koi Fish, Calligraphy
Brief Description:
Makoto has black hair that she keeps long and fluffy, similarly to Chihiro. She has green eyes and a scar located on her left jaw. She is often seen wearing red eye makeup and red lipstick, a sign of her status within the clan.
The current head of the prestigious Osaka Clan, she is a master of their shapeshifting ability, as well as summoning and fire style jutsus.
While Makoto did marry, she never truly felt as if she was in love with her husband. However, they did have immense respect for each other, and considered each other friends. After his death during the Nine Tails attack, she chose not to remarry, much to the elders’ dismay. She didn’t want to go thru the courting process again, especially since she had a young Chihiro to care for in addition to the clan.
She has immense pride for her daughter, who is considered to be one of the most powerful heiresses the ancient clan has ever seen. Makoto only wants the best of the best for her.
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tkaulitzlvr · 7 months
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synopsis: when tom flirts with an interviewer at an event the two of you are attending, he has to make it up to you once he realises how hurt you are.
content: angst & smut
a/n: something small to compensate for my lack of posts lately, just in case i don’t manage to put something out in the next few days - exams finish after this week so i should be back to uploading a little more regularly!! (not proofread yet - apologies if there are any errors i’ll fix them asap)💗
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the drive home is utterly silent. i refuse to turn my gaze toward him, despite the annoyingly noticeable glances he throws in my direction as he takes his eyes off of the road every few minutes, attempting to work out how i feel. doing so had never been easy, though now, it seems completely impossible, my eyes fixed on the road ahead. the only hint that i lend to him is concrete proof of my anger, this part of the endless puzzle of my emotions easy to piece together. tom is aware that he has fucked up, the silence buying him time to carefully consider his choice of words to avoid worsening this situation.
the streetlights lining the smooth path of the highway ahead cast their dull orange light into the silent car, melting onto my stern features, starting at my eyes, dark and heavy, dangerously close to letting the tears welled up within them go, trailing down to my lips, curved downward into a painfully noticeable frown. the radio is just as silent, no longer blaring out tom's obnoxiously loud music, instead replacing its heavy bass with the sound of our breathing, tom clearing his throat when the silence would become slightly too awkward.
it started with the two of us attending another event for the band, this becoming a usual occurrence since i had started dating tom, though i didn't mind it. i had always been supportive of the band - it was impossible to not be, supporting the man i love in the career he is passionate about is something i consider to be my biggest achievement, and i would proudly stand by his side no matter what he decided to pursue, as long as his happiness is guaranteed. he knows just how proud of him i am, this one of many reasons why i make sure i can support him in any way possible, and something that comes along with that is being his plus one for any event.
whether it is a good thing or not, our relationship has never been private. since it's beginning, we made it clear to the public that we are together, parts of our lives perhaps too out there, figuring that allowing unnecessary speculation would only worsen the cruel comments coming our way - though tom never really receives anything close to the backlash that i do.
however boundaries are still something that some couldn't grasp. the publicity of our relationship was and still is visible to anybody with a working pair of eyes. it would be unusual to see me without tom at any event, or to be pictured elsewhere whilst he would be playing a show - the two of us are attached at the hip, utterly infatuated, as the gossip magazines obsessed with our lives would say. and this is why i found myself so enraged that one of his female interviewers acted as if i was invisible, though i maintained my stance beside tom as he answered any questions she directed at him. touching his arm playfully whenever he made a funny comment - though her reaction would always be totally exaggerated, tom's responses never warranting anything more than a slight chuckle, tossing her silky brunette hair and adjusting her already very prominent cleavage at any chance she had, she made it evident that she wanted tom.
and he didn't try to stop her. his eyes scanning her body, twinkling with a foreign sense of lust, speaking thousands of ideas on what he would like to be doing in that moment, forgetting that his girlfriend was beside him. to anyone else, it would look like i was a friend, perhaps even an acquaintance standing beside tom, clearly nothing romantic seeming to be going on between the two of us, his promiscuous glances practically screaming the phrase 'i'm available', regardless of the fact that he is everything but.
it is his acts that lead us to the present, us leaving the event rather abruptly as the tears spilling down my face ruined the makeup i had spent hours applying - for him. embarrassment habituated within the pit of my stomach more than anything, the effort i had put in to look my best meaning seemingly nothing to him.
the berlin cityscape encircles my vision as i watch it quickly pass, skyscrapers and flashing lights heavily contrasting to the emptiness in the sky above, reminding me of why i love this city. the view from the tinted windows of tom's ridiculously priced sports car temporarily distract me from the sorrow i feel, providing me with some sense of security as i find myself longing for more and more of it, my mind and its thoughts spiralling far out of control.
the silence was almost painful, indisputable tension between us so palpable it is almost visible, air thick with thoughts best left unsaid yet i am still unprepared to speak to him, not after he had disregarded me for somebody who couldn't keep her hands away from what had clearly belonged to someone else. his hand hesitantly reaches down from the wheel to caress my thigh, this being a usual habit whenever i am in the passenger seat, yet this time he visibly contemplates doing so, wondering how i will react to his small act of affection.
"don't." i mutter through gritted teeth, my voice shaky and uncertain as i move my leg harshly away from his gentle touch, adjusting the material of my dress so it flows below my knees. an exasperated sigh escapes tom's mouth as he moves his hand to touch the wheel once again, not a single word uttering from either one of us for the entirety of the journey home.
i swiftly exit the car, slamming the door shut and quickly rushing inside of the house that tom and i share, deciding against waiting for him like i usually would. instead, i tug my uncomfortably tall heels off, carrying them under my arm as i trudge up the stairs to our shared bedroom, before he has any chance of catching up to me. i don't need his worthless apologies, especially in this moment when i know one small glance into those eyes will lead to an emotional outburst, or my surrender, his soft features enough to make me forget it all, something which this time, i don't want to do.
my body slumps into the chair facing my vanity as i begin to remove my makeup. the wipe traces across the intricate detailing along my eyelids, smudging the deep orange powder across it, ruining the colour as it smudges with the thick black eyeliner above it messily, completely ruining the blend that i had spent at least an hour perfecting. i take a fresh wipe, running it along my lips, watching the dark pink colour gracing them disappear from my face, leaving the natural colour of them in place of it. my foundation had already been ruined since i had rushed out of the event, long streaks where tears had once fell destroying the flawlessly applied base, the movements of my hands becoming much more ragged, channelling my frustration as i rush to remove each inch of makeup from my face, feeling pathetic for bothering to put any of it on in the first place - it clearly wasn't enough. eyes red and raw, glossy with the thin layer of liquid that covers their exterior, cheeks a light shade of pink from the force i had applied when removing my makeup, my reflection stares back of me, a gut-wrenching reminder that i'm not good enough for him, what i see in the mirror quickly making me realise why. i am a mess - my entire appearance disheveled, an unbelievable contrast to the woman tom had his eyes glued to, everything about her utterly flawless, seemingly crafted by god himself
seconds pass, each one painful and silent, allowing me to continue over-analysing every single aspect of my physical appearance, until a familiar pair of footsteps near my bedroom, a lump in my throat forming as i refuse to turn my head once their presence finally becomes much harder to ignore. even when he walks over, eyes filled with regret, my face remains still, gaze staying put as it burns into my own reflection.
"baby come on, don't be like this." he begins, his hand brushing against my shoulder tenderly as he stands behind me, peppering a single kiss onto where his calloused hand had previously been, this simple act of affection almost making me fold. his reflection gazes into mine through the large mirror in front of us, the tension thickening by the second as my heart closely considers betraying my mind, however remembering the way he acted tonight brings me back into my furious state.
"fuck you tom." i bitterly reply, standing up and swiftly moving into the en-suite, noticing the way he follows closely behind me, clearly not willing to give this up anytime soon. i ignore him regardless of how determined he is, walking toward the mirror and slowly beginning to brush my hair, eyeing his reflection as he moves closer towards me, our gazes interlocking, yet i force myself to look away before I foolishly forgive him.
"i'm sorry, please don't fight with me schatz." he pleads, moving toward me and gently wrapping his arms around my waist from behind,  beginning to plant slow and soft kisses along my neck, his thumbs massaging my stomach lightly. his eyes never leave my own through the mirror, staring intently with a look unable to be mistaken for anything else other than admiration, totally different to how he had ignored me earlier on. though it still isn't enough to put out the worried thoughts that occupy my mind, the belief that i am no longer good enough seeming more real than ever.
"wouldn't you rather be doing this to the girl who interviewed you earlier?" i ask blankly, removing myself from his grasp and walking toward the wardrobe, facing away from him and attempting to remove my dress, yet my small hands fail to reach the zipper that starts from my shoulder blades and travels down to my lower back. i am not in any position to ask tom for help as I usually would, instead mentally cursing myself for wearing this dress. he quickly returns from the bathroom, face softening once he registers my helpless state, his frame nearing my own, stopping once his chest is almost pressed firmly against my back.
"leibe you're being ridiculous." he sighs, moving my hair to the side so that it rests against my shoulder, positioning his hand gently on my lower back, the other reaching towards the zipper that i had struggled to pull down.
"get off me-" i begin, just about ready to pull away from his touch and spew out reminders of how much of an awful boyfriend he is, though i am cut quickly off by his steady breathing close to my ear.
"shhh. let me do this for you, then you can go back to being mad at me, okay?" he whispers gently, breath fanning against my skin as goosebumps begin to form along it, his mouth slightly open whilst he begins to unzip my dress at an agonisingly slow pace, exposing my bare shoulders as he removes the fabric from my upper body, his other hand caressing my waist, so gently as if he could break me. he is careful, tentative even, though his movements become undeniably more calculated, going even further once his face leans forward, in line with my shoulder, sinking lower and lower, until his lips hover over the now bare skin. my eyes are on the verge of closing shut, not stopping him just yet, even when both his hands place themselves firmly onto my hips, pulling my body backward so that it is pressed against his own. it is when his lips ghost over my skin, brushing against it so gently i wonder if i am imagining the contact, that i finally snap out of it.
"you said you would undo the zipper, not undress me." i say, the small moment of lust soon lost within the harshness of my words as i utter them, my back still facing him.
he says nothing, clearing his throat and slowly removing his hands from my waist. despite increasing our proximity more than it had been seconds ago, he still remains closely behind me as i grab an oversized t-shirt and fresh panties from my closet.
"can you leave? i want to get changed." i sigh, rolling my eyes and covering my cleavage as i turn to face him. after seeing the way he looked at her body, i tense in discomfort at the thought of him looking at my own. all the times he called me beautiful quickly seem insignificant as i am suddenly ashamed and insecure, almost embarrassed to be so exposed around him.
"what? you always get changed around me. we've been together for four years schatz, it's nothing i haven't seen before." he states, clearly surprised as i usually have no issue being naked around him, used to being showered with kisses and compliments whenever i am exposed around him, yet now i cannot imagine anything worse.
"my body clearly isn't good enough for you tom, i'm sure her's is perfect. i'm sure you'd agree right? the way you looked at her pretty much fucking said it all anyways." i respond, blinking the tears away as they are dangerously close to falling, my gaze dropping from his as i curse myself for acting so vulnerable around him, for letting him get to me this much.
"you and i both know that's not true." he sighs, reaching to wipe the tear falling down my cheek, his pointer finger gently tilting my chin upwards so that i am met with his gaze. "you know what i think of you. you know how perfect you are to me."
i don't respond, scoffing at his empty spews of supposed reassurance. instead, i ignore his presence as i should have done the first time he walked into the room, grabbing my pyjamas and entering the bathroom, quickly removing my dress and slipping on the t-shirt i had grabbed from the closet. i am immediately engulfed in tom's scent, an addictive mix of vanilla and his favourite cologne, this alone almost convincing me to run into his arms and forgive him. this time i know better, returning to the bedroom to find tom gone.
i take no notice, silently thankful for him leaving me alone. i switch the light off, slipping silently under the covers, allowing them to engulf me in warmth. a few minutes later, the bed dips beside me, tom sighing as i turn over to face away from him, instead of moving into his arms as i usually would.
he soon nears closer to me, refusing my attempts at keeping us apart, brushing my hair out of my face and nuzzling his head into my neck from behind, placing a single tender kiss before speaking up.
"please talk to me schatz, i'm so sorry." he mutters into the darkness, awaiting my response, yet i refuse to give him one, not moving from my tensed position.
"you said that your body isn't good enough for me." he slowly begins, turning me on my back in one swift motion as he props himself up beside me, one hand holding himself up as the other gently caresses my cheek. the darkness prevents me from making out his features, though i can still distinguish his dark brown eyes staring into mine. "let me show you. let me show you how beautiful you are."
my speechlessness forces me to do nothing but slowly nod my head, my quick acceptance clearly surprising him as he slowly leans downwards until his lips meet mine. the kiss isn't rough or lustful, it is slow and passionate, carrying every unspoken apology as his lips mould perfectly with mine. as much as i still hold back, still reluctant to let him in so easily, i can't hide it. we fit together flawlessly, our physical contact providing me with the certainty of our love. we are attached, not just physically, but spiritually, emotionally, in any way that two people can be bound together.
without breaking the kiss, he slowly crawls on top of me, caressing my face gently, our desire and hunger for each other increasing by the second, the fire only sparking further within me as i fall further into his touch.
"so perfect..." he mutters against my lips, pulling away only to begin gently kissing my neck, sighs of pleasure elicited from my parted lips as he finds my sweet spot, his tongue circling the area whilst my hands travel down his back, finding the hem of his t-shirt as i lift it over his head, his lips capturing mine softly once again. his hands caress my waist, finding my underwear as he loops his fingers around it, pulling it down slowly and throwing it on the floor beside him, doing the same with my t-shirt. my hands fumble with his underwear, pulling it down soon after, leaving our bare bodies pressed against each other, our craving for one another growing with every kiss he leaves against my lips.
he is the sun, and i am the planets orbiting around him. my entire being is his, only being able to function with the reassurance that he is mine, and i am his. every part of me belongs to him, and as i clutch on to him i find myself wondering what I did to deserve him, what i did to find somebody that compliments me so well, no one else providing me with the euphoria that he can.
he parts his lips from mine, staring into my eyes as i find myself in awe of his perfection. his lips are open ever so slightly, the minimal light cast into the room hitting his lips, soft and tempting, directly, the metal ring adorning them knocked to the side as his tongue comes out to rest against it. however my time to admire him is soon brought to a finish as positions himself at my entrance.
"you sure baby?" he asks, eyes scanning my own, searching for any sense of doubt within them. though i am quick to nod my head, muttering a clear 'yes' as my hands grip onto his biceps, studying the way his face changes from caring to lustful the second that his top pushes inside of me. he is slow, sliding into me carefully, though when he bottoms out, he makes sure that every inch of him is inside of me, his own eyes squeezing shut when my walls clenching around him. he starts off slow, maintaining a steady rhythm as i savour every second, holding onto him so tightly as if he could fall out of my grasp. quiet groans fill my ears as he buries his face into my neck, slowly beginning to pick up the pace, inaudible whines escaping my lips, each thrust further fuelling the ecstasy within me.
"fuck…i love you." he mumbles into my neck, planting fast and sloppy kisses anywhere his lips can find, my vision blurring as i am soon overwhelmed with pleasure. he is inside me, his body pressed against me as even the air cannot come between us, yet i long for him to be closer. i know that isn't possible, and god, that hurts to think about.
“right there, oh my god!" i cry out, my legs wrapping around his torso as he delves further into me, hitting the spot where i need him most perfectly, my eyes to rolling to the back of my head, no noise escaping my mouth as i can do nothing but savour this pleasure, knowing that it cannot last forever.
“so pretty baby…shit- so perfect." he whispers, connecting his lips with mine in a sloppy kiss, quickening his pace as i know he is getting closer to his release. his calloused hands gently grab my waist, pushing me into him further as he struggles to kiss back, moaning into my mouth as his pillowy lips hover over mine.
“i'm so close schatz." he mutters against my lips, his rhythm becoming irregular as his hips stutter and i feel him twitch inside me. i sigh in relief, finally letting go of the knot built up in my stomach, mouth falling open as i reach my climax, this enough for tom to come to his own.
“fuck, oh my god…" he groans, throwing his head back as i feel him release inside of me, his breathing becoming heavier. he slowly thrusts in and out of me, muttering inaudible words of praise, riding out our highs before collapsing on top of me, leaving a few lazy kisses on my shoulder. my hands find their way into his hair, gently running through the dark braids whilst his wrap around my waist. the room stays silent for a few seconds, this soon interrupted by tom’s voice, slow and rough.
“i'm sorry for everything. i love you schatz, you know that right?" he says breathlessly, lifting his head from my chest to look into my eyes, any lustful intent within them now fading as they display nothing but pure regret.
“i know. i love you too." i reply, kissing him tiredly on the lips before closing my eyes, close to falling asleep. though i am soon interrupted by tom’s hand over my shoulder, shaking it gently, whilst the other trails to my face, thumb running across the skin comfortingly.
“c’mon, let's clean you up first liebe, then we can sleep." he whispers, smiling weakly when i nod my head lazily, picking me up and wrapping my legs around his waist, carrying me into the bathroom and turning on the shower, both of us climbing in.
the warm water covers my body, droplets running down it as his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me into a tight hug. it is silent, though the quiet is everything but awkward, instead the reassurance that his embrace brings is everything i need, my eyes closing contently as he begins washing my body, occasionally kissing my forehead and whispering sweet nothings into my ear, before lifting me out of the shower and grabbing a fresh t-shirt, placing it over my head and onto my tired frame.
he collapses into bed, opening his arms out as i fall into his embrace, wrapping one arm loosely around his bare torso, tracing random patterns on his chest with my pointer finger, head resting against it so firmly i can hear the steady thumping of his heart, each faint beat somehow soothing me, until i fall into a deep sleep.
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requests are open! keep sending them in!!
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shadowbriar · 6 months
Matt Murdock - Scratches
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Pairing : Matt Murdock x (she/her) Reader Word Count : 2.2k Warning : Injuries, nothing graphics. Matt being dumb that he inflicts injuries to himself. A bit of angst I think. Synopsis : The lack of knowledge about her wellbeing is doing everything but put his mind at ease and Matt wasn’t sure how long he could live with such torture. Notes : Special work for my precious @basementsoup. I hope you like this Alex! ♡ If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕
Matt hated it.
He hated having to admit that he still needs her. That even after months of separation, the many helping hands he found and friends he could’ve come to, he still found himself scrambling back to her apartment. He hated that in the lowest moments in life, her soothing touch and gentle words were the only thing that helped him stay afloat.
But nothing beats the hatred he felt when he finally managed to get inside. He hated how there’s a new pot of sunflowers placed by the widow. He hated how the pictures on the walls are now gone, replaced with what seems to be mirrors and other wall decorations. He hated, the most, how his scent no longer lingers in the air.
Before he could drown himself deeper into the wallowing, the sound of keys jingling and door knob twisting were heard. His heart paced for a split moment. A short period of regret washes over him. Perhaps he shouldn’t have barged in tonight.
“Matt,” She called, surprise was evident in her tone. Her heart skipped a beat and Matt wasn’t sure if he wanted to know the reasoning for it; is she glad to finally see him again or is she hating their reunion?
“I broke your pot,” He says instead “I didn’t realise you'd done some redecorating.”
“Yeah, I, uh.. I needed a change of setting.” She answers as she takes off her coat, tossing her bag to the floor once she realises his bruised face “Oh, God, not again.”
Matt tries his best to suppress the blooming smile on his face as he feels her fingers examining his face, “It’s just a light scratch.”
“You always say that,” She protests “I can find you on your deathbed, bleeding away, and you’ll still say it’s just a scratch.”
“Has it ever been more than a scratch?”
Matt knew that she must be glaring at him right now. The change in her breathing is clear for him to tell that he’s bruised her patience. But even with annoyance and vexation boiling her blood, her care and worry for him will always overshadow it.
“Come, I’ll clean your wounds.” She says as she holds his arm.
A small kaleidoscope of butterflies flutters in his heart. She knew that he could navigate himself to the sofa. He only broke the pot because he wasn’t expecting any change of setting in her apartment but now that he knew, he’ll be sure to be more careful in moving around, so there’s truly no need of her to guide him this way. Yet again, why would he complain?
“What is it this time?” She asks as she went to the cabinet to get her aid kit “Fisk? Castle? Some thugs?”
“Would you believe me if I say I fell off the bed?”
She turns and eyes him with a glare.
“Alright, not the bed then,” He jests “Stairs. I fell down the stairs.”
“Not funny, Matthew.”
“What, can’t a blind man fall from the stairs?”
She lets out a sigh. Matt could sense her defeated shoulders from the way she dropped the aid kit, “You wouldn’t come here if you only fell from the stairs, Matt.”
“Wouldn’t I?”
Truth is Matt has tried his hardest to stop himself from seeing her. He’s fought every urge to jump out of bed at night and come to her. Every little thing in his life pushes him to get closer to her. Like a magnetic force he couldn’t seem to escape. He wanted to ask her what tea he should get from the grocery shop. He wanted to ask her if he should wear the blue or the red tie for the court trial the next day. He wanted to ask her if he could borrow some sugar though the trip to the grocery store is far closer than having to walk to her apartment.
Anything that happens in his life, he wanted to share it with her.
“I don’t want to have this conversation again, Matt.”
“I know,” He nods, licking his lips as he tries to show an apologetic smile “I’m sorry.”
Matt could feel the sofa shifting when she took a seat next to him. He could smell the water from the bowl on her lap and the rest of her aid kit that are now laid on the table. This feels painfully nostalgic. To have her tend his wounds yet for the first time, he knew that he won’t be getting the one true cure he needs — her kisses.
“Are there any other bruises or wounds than the ones on your face?” She asks as she begins cleaning his skin “One of these days you’re gonna need to get yourself a real professional help. Like a personal nurse or doctor. I won’t be here forever to help you.”
“Won’t you?”
“You’re not exactly the easiest patient to tend to,” She answers with a teasing smile “I’d say the chance is pretty high.”
“But I’m your only patient. You need a comparison to say that I’m the worst of your patients.”
“No one can be this much of a pain in my ass than you, Murdock. You know that.”
Matt only smiles at her remarks. He wanted to bask in this moment. To suffocate himself with her gentle touches. To hear the beat of her heart that has become his personal ballad. To know that no matter how far the distance between them grows, she will forever be his true north.
Her movement was put to a short halt when her fingers bruised his lips. He can’t see her but he hopes that the longing in his face is mirrored on her. That she misses the feeling of their lips touching. That she misses the feeling of his lips whispering sweet nonsense in her ear. That she misses him too.
“You shouldn’t have come here,” She says instead as she abruptly stands from her seat “If you don’t have any other injury, I think you’re good to go.”
Matt forces a laugh, “What just happened?”
“I don’t know, Matt, you tell me! What are you doing here?”
“I told you, I fell down the stairs.”
“Yeah, and you couldn’t have asked Foggy or Karen to help with your wound?” She asks, her volume slightly rising in frustration “Do you even feel those wounds? Because I know you have that superhero metabolism thing and I’ve seen you get worse injuries. You can’t just come here, spend half an hour to get to the other side of the city, just to get some bandaid for your scratches.”
Her heartbeat has gone frantic now. Matt could feel the frustration, the anger, the disappointment from all the words she uttered, but the most evident thing he could hear was how much she worries for him. How much she wanted to embrace him as she once did. How much she wanted to show him the love she hoards for him, even without saying it out loud.
It had been a few painful weeks leading up to their separation. He could hardly remember the last time he’s slept a wink. There’s always someone crying for help, someone screaming in agony, wailing in pain and despair that he just had to go out there and lend a hand. And even with all of his God gifted abilities, there’s only so much he could take before he succumbed to his demons. And unfortunately, this is one of the few battles he has to admit losing.
Even up till this moment, Matt still tries to convince himself that he didn’t regret ending things between them. It needed to be done. He had to make sure that the Daredevil and his business wouldn’t come between him and her. He needed to make sure that the enemies he made along the way would never find their ways to her. He needed to make sure that when the Daredevil himself had to make penance for his sins, he wouldn’t drag her along with him to hell.
And the only way he could save her is to cut the relationship clean.
But Matt is as much of a selfish man as the next person. He couldn’t keep away from her for too long. The thought of her moving on peels his skin when it should’ve given him the satisfaction and fulfilment. The way her shampoo no longer lingers on his pillowcase gives him nightmares. The distance that he thought would be her safety net soon turns into a limbo of anxiety and worry. The lack of knowledge about her wellbeing is doing everything but put his mind at ease and Matt wasn’t sure how long he could live with such torture.
“I didn’t lie when I told you I fell from the stairs,” He explains softly “I— I’ve been wanting to come and see you but I just— I don’t know how.”
Her heartbeat slows, completely focused on his words now.
“I thought about purposely messing up my laundry and calling you for help. I thought about using that wrong detergent for our— my blankets, but I know you’d never forgive me.” He confesses, a pathetic chuckle escaped his lips “I mean, I wouldn’t want to ruin those blankets, to be real. They’re precious to me. We use them for our movie nights.”
“So you figured you just fell down the stairs?”
He shrugs, a small embarrassed smile curved on his face, “I had to make sure you won’t kick me out and slam the door on my face.”
“You’re an idiot, Matthew.”
“I know.”
“No, I don’t think you do,” She seethes, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves and running a hand through her hair in frustration “You— You can’t just end things between us and suddenly barges into my apartment, begging me to clean your self-inflicted wounds. That’s not how things work, Matt. That’s— That’s cruel.”
And that’s when he feels it. The foul taste of salt from her tears slowly rolling down her cheeks. The night just keeps getting worse and worse, so it seems. It was never in his intention to make her cry though he’s got to admit that he’s done that one too many times. He only wanted to see her, to feel her touch one more time, not to cause an even greater pain to their gashing wound.
“What do you want from me, Matt?” She painfully asks, her voice cracks from the heartache “Why can’t you just leave me alone?”
“Is that what you want? For me to leave you alone?”
A bitter laughter escapes her lips, “I want you to love me, but that’s clearly not on the table, so I suppose being left by you would be the best option.”
Carefully, Matt stands from his seat and walks toward her. He reaches for her face, feeling the wetness of her cheeks under his calloused fingers. It pains him to see her this way. To know that he’s caused her more pain than happiness. All because he thought he knew better when clearly he didn't.
“I love you. I’ve always loved you,” He confesses “It’s because I love you that I ended things between us.”
Matt could feel the skin on her forehead scrunching, clearly from the confusion of his words.
“It was becoming unsafe for you to be with me. I made too many enemies, too many people that wanted to avenge their anger to me and it was only a matter of time before they knew about the one thing that would hurt me most and I can’t— I can’t risk that.”
“So I’m, what? A weakness?”
“Yeah. Yeah, you are my weakness,” Matt says with a nod “And I couldn’t care less about having a weakness, believe me I don’t care about my soft spots, but you..” He pauses, cupping her face gently as his eyes become glossy “You.. You, I cannot ignore. Just the thought of someone, laying a hand on you, hurting just a strand of your hair.. It drives me nuts. I care more about you than anything. So if staying away from you is the only option I have, if it’s the only way I can minimise the risk of harming you..”
A tear finally rolled down his cheek. It feels liberating to finally confess all of his reasoning, to finally let her know the cause of his discourteous actions, but there’s still no solution to their problem. There’s still a huge question mark for them to tackle and he wasn’t sure if he’s ready to reach that point yet. He wanted to still feel her touch, to hear her calling his name even if they’re filled with her venomous tone.
“Tell me,” He cuts in, trying to recollect himself from the turmoil “Do you want me to leave? Would it be best for me to leave you be?”
“No, no I never want you to leave.” She answers as she pulls him for a hug, burying her face to his chest and wetting his shirt with her tears “Don’t leave me, please.”
Matt welcomes the embrace in no time. He pulls her close, making her stand on her tippy toes as he lifts her. He misses this. The warm scent of her perfume, the pressure of her on his body, the feeling of her heart beating against his chest. This feels like home. She feels like home.
“I’m sorry,” He whispers to her ear “I’m sorry for everything.”
“I don’t need your apologies, Matt. I just need you to promise you’ll stay this time.”
He nods eagerly, pulling her impossibly close to make sure that she hears him, “I promise.”
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You're bored of Bucky talking about his love life. Luckily, your favorite bombardier swoops in to save the day.
Warnings: Historical inaccuracies (its good for the plot)
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: Just a short Hambone fic I came up with at work! Inspired by Bored by Laufey.
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You had been listening, for what felt like hours, to Bucky’s rants about Lil and Dye’s relationship. At first, you felt sorry for him. You spotted him across the dance hall, his usual cheery self now sulking and sad. Helen and Tatty had filled you in on what happened with Bucky and Lil, claiming he had been like this for days now. You questioned the validity of their information, but they assured you that they'd overheard some of the pilots talk about it earlier. You decided to be a good friend to Bucky and, against Helen and Tatty’s advice, walked over to where he was sitting to ask him how he was feeling. 
So now, instead of dancing and enjoying your night, you were stuck here. You could’ve left, but some part of you would have felt guilty for leaving him to deal with his heartache by himself. Even Buck, who was used to Bucky’s erratic behaviors, steered clear of him tonight. 
Hambone saw that you were sitting with Buck, listening to whatever he was rambling on about. In fact, he saw you the moment you walked in, instantly taking his attention away from the conversation he was having with Douglass and Blakley to focus on you instead. Your usual grease stained coveralls were replaced with a blue dress and topped with a bright cherry lip. It wasn't that he didn't like your usual attire. Seeing you in your ground crew uniform was the best part of his day. But the sight of you in that dress was enough to make his heart skip a beat.
His infatuation for you started from the moment he arrived at Thorpe Abbotts. After the quite unfortunate landing of their plane, you and the rest of the ground crew jumped into action, making sure that the plane wouldn’t blow up after landing. After stabilizing everything and loading it up to be fixed, you had gone to check up on him. The fact that you went to him, out of everyone else on the plane, was the greatest welcome he could've received, and it only solidified your friendship with him.
The two of you grew closer after that encounter. You're the last person he sees on the ground before every mission and the first when he lands. He claims that you're his ‘good luck charm’ and that he always gets back safely when you're there. He also shares his bad jokes with you (you swear that they’re actually funny, he doesn’t believe you) and anecdotes about his life before the war. 
You tell him about growing up in the city, a stark contrast to his Midwestern upbringing. He learns that after the war, you plan on finishing your degree just like him, and he can't help but picture life together with you stateside. 
His thoughts were interrupted by Douglass, who noticed his lack of attention and he followed his gaze to you, earning him a thump on the shoulder. 
“Go talk to her,” Douglass encouraged. 
“She’s busy with Bucky,” Hambone argued. He did want to talk to you, tell you how pretty you looked tonight and chat with you until the sun came up, but some part of his brain stopped him from doing so and filled him up with nervousness instead.
“No she’s not, she’s clearly bored out of her mind,” Blakely added. And he was right. Even from across the room, it was clear that you were looking for any chance to escape the mostly one-sided conversation.
“I talk to her everyday, she probably doesn’t even want to see me.”
“If you don’t go over there right now, I will. And I’ll tell her that you talk about her for hours and even that one time you‒”
“Ok, ok I’ll go,” Hambone pleads, quickly standing up from his seat before his friends embarrass him even more. 
He looks over to you once again. You still have the same unamused expression on your face, occasionally nodding to signal that you were still listening to whatever Bucky was still rambling about. Taking a deep breath, he makes his way over to you. 
“Excuse me, Major. But the Lieutenant here promised me a dance tonight and I plan on taking her up on that offer.”
You were confused. You don’t remember Hambone asking you to dance earlier, and you knew he preferred to socialize at parties instead. Then, you realized what he was doing and looked over to Bucky, hoping he would let you be excused and more importantly, put you out of your misery.
When Bucky shooed you off and told you to enjoy the rest of your night, you jumped out of your chair with a little too much excitement and took Hambone’s hand as he led you out onto the dancefloor. 
After finding a spot, you placed your hands on his shoulders. Hambone, wanting to be respectful, rested his hands a little too far above your waist. You smiled at how sweet this gesture was. 
“Howard, I’m not your little sister. You can put your hands a little lower,” you teased. He still hesitated, so you took his hands in yours and moved them down. His hands feel warm against the fabric of your dress, and it's a feeling so addictive that it only strengthens the not-so-tiny crush you have on him.
“Better?” you asked.
You took this time to take in his appearance. He was wearing his Air Force issued olive suit. His usual floppy hair was brushed back and his mustaches neatly trimmed. Even in the midst of war, dancing at these parties with your favorite bombardier had provided you with a sense of much needed calmness.
The two of you swayed to the slow song the band was playing as you made small talk. You loved hearing the small details that made his day better. Like how his coffee was perfect this morning, or that the mission he went on earlier today was successful. However, he said that the best part of his day was seeing how pretty you looked in your dress and how your smile lit up the room. You had blushed at his last comment, knowing he was generally a flirt, but it had an effect on you every single time. You also filled him in on what happened with Bucky and his unfortunate love life. He laughed when you told him how long you were stuck there for, and you gently swatted him on the shoulder for doing so.
“But really, thanks for the assist. You were my real knight in shining armor earlier. What could I ever do to repay you?” you joked dramatically.
“A kiss should be enough.”
You froze at his answer. You knew it was a joke, but what if he was serious? Was this your chance to finally tell him how you feel?
Hambone, on the other hand, was panicking. A million thoughts had raced through his head. Had he gone too far? What if you never wanted to see him again and he had lost you as a friend, or‒
Before he could think another thought, you took his head in your hands and kissed him. It was a feeling he had imagined many times, but none of those compared to the real thing. He was trying to commit all of it to memory, from the flowery scent of your perfume to the cotton fabric of your dress under his hands. But the thing he loved the most was the way your thumbs gently brushed across his cheeks, attempting to pull him down to deepen the kiss.
When you finally had to separate for air, you searched his face for any signs of disgust or regret. Instead, you were met with that gold-tooth smile that you loved. That smile was dangerous, almost lethal, to the rhythm of your heart, and it made you wonder if he knew he had this effect on you. You then noticed the amount of lipstick that had transferred from your lips to his, making you giggle.
“What’s so funny, sweetheart?” he asked. He was still close to your face, trying to memorize every freckle, and that crinkle in your eyes when you smiled. He noticed that the scar on your right eyebrow was almost fully healed. He was with you during that accident, even talking with you for hours in case you had a concussion and was told not to fall asleep.
You took your thumb and swiped it across his lips. Then, you turned it around to show him the red pigment. He gave you a hum of amusement, satisfied with the result.
“Might as well get a little more.”
This time, he leaned to kiss you. This kiss is more passionate, almost as if it was fueled by months of pining and stolen glances. He pulled you in closer so that your bodies were flush, causing you to gasp into the kiss. He would’ve stayed here forever if he could, with you in his arms and not a single worry plaguing his mind.
You pulled away from him when you heard the sounds of cheering coming from his original table. Douglass and Blakely were still there, now joined by Brady and Crosby. Hambone had no doubt in his mind that they were gossiping about how they wouldn’t have to endure him pining over you every second of the day anymore.
Hambone walked back over with you under his arm and a grin on his face. More cheers came from the men, along with a few ‘congrats’ and ‘about time’s sprinkled in. You attempted to hide your blushing cheeks in Hambone's shoulder, not aware that your mutual feelings for each other were painfully obvious to everyone else.
“Red looks good on you,” Douglass said as he tossed Hambone a napkin to clean himself up. He doesn’t realize just how much of your lipstick is on him until he sees the amount he wipes off. You look at him with a smirk, almost proud of the way you marked his lips with red hue. 
“I bet it does,” he agrees as he looks over to you with love in his eyes.
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jigujellee · 1 year
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(gif creds: kimlipz)
YOUR VOICE IS MY FAVORITE SOUND -> while helping yunjin write her new song, you realize that there's more to her than her loud goofball self.
yunjin x 6th member!reader FLUFF >> word count: 1.4k warnings: none bc fluff is meant to be soft and gushy
a/n: here's me apologzing for the yunjin angst <3 to avoid any confusion - this is NOT a prequel to "love the way you lie" nor is it related in any way; this is its own thing where reader and yunjin are happily together bc they deserve it; enjoy soft and whipped y/n while i try to get angsty again
even with the water running, kazuha and eunchae could be heard in the background, giggling at whatever they were watching on the older girl’s phone.
“i’m sorry i couldn’t help you tonight y/n. i’ll do the dishes tomorrow okay?” your leader says as she magically emerges from her bedroom and immediately snakes her arms around your waist, leaning her head on your shoulder.
“i don’t mind cleaning up unnie, it’s really okay” chaewon hums in response while you place the last bowl on the dish rack to dry.
“where’s yunjin unnie?”
“in her room. i think she’s writing again”
you smile at the thought of your girlfriend trying to write a song. you could easily imagine the way she scrunches her nose while trying to figure out a chord progression, or the way her tongue slightly pokes out as she writes down lyrics in her notebook.
“maybe you should go help her instead of standing here and smiling like a creepy idiot” chaewon interrupts.
“for a moment, i forgot you were here” you joke as you playfully wipe your wet hands on her face.
“ya y/n!! i just did my skincare routine!” she yells while aggressively wiping her face on your shirt, which earned chaewon a playful slap on the shoulder.
once you finish wiping down the counters and tucking in eunchae’s chair (she swears her new year’s resolution is to push in her own chair), you walk towards yunjin’s bedroom. her door is ajar and from where you were standing, you could hear her hum a melody and attempt to strum a few chords. her back is to the door so she’s unaware that you’re leaning against her doorframe, admiring the art that is huh yunjin herself. you watch as she puts her pen down and clears her throat before singing;
it’s kind of shitty isn’t it? not the way we pictured it feels like an existential crisis or am i being dramatic? i wish the world would shut its mouth
“give me space to… sort all this shit out? no that doesn’t sound good” she grunts, and yunjin drops the guitar pick to replace it with her pen, scribbling out what she previously wrote. she sings the same line over and over, and just as she’s about to give up, you finally break your silence and offer a suggestion.
give me space to fucking sort it out?
yunjin’s head immediately turns around, you’re worried it might have given her whiplash. as soon as your eyes meet, you watch a smile grow on her face and you return the gesture with a smile of your own as you walk towards her bed.
“give me space to fucking sort it out,” yunjin tests the way it sounds before continuing on;
like i’m fine, just leave me alone i’m great on my own
you can’t help but stare at yunjin, watching the crinkles on her forehead when she sings and listening to how soft and melodic her voice is.
“honey, you’re staring”
“am i not allowed to admire you, my love?”
“it’s making me shy,” she admits, pink blush slowly painting her cheeks resulting in another smile on your face.
it's rare for yunjin to openly admit when she's shy. though her mbti says she's an introvert, you'd believe she's everything but that when you get to know her. she was a loud goofball most of the time and you absolutely loved her for that. but you also loved her in moments like this; when she’s quiet, focused, and vulnerable. yunjin always felt shy whenever she showed you the songs she wrote, and you’ll never forget about the time she admitted that it feels like she’s naked and bare in front of you when she presents her own creations.
you then realize you don't need to physically touch her to feel close to her - you feel her heart and soul in every word she sings, and you believe it’s the closest you’ll ever be to yunjin.
“helloooo anyone there? looks like someone’s staring again”
“well i think it sounds like an amazing song already” you say, finally breaking out of your daze.
“oh stop it, you’re just saying that because i’m your girlfriend”
“i’m saying it because it’s true. now sing some more, i’ll help with the chords”
now it’s yunjin’s turn to stare as she watches you take her acoustic guitar out of her hands, and grab her electric guitar instead.
“now look who’s staring” you say while plugging the guitar into an amp and start tuning it.
“i’m just lucky to have a girlfriend who’s talented like you”
you never liked to brag about your talent, but yunjin wasn’t lying. you’ve always loved anything and everything to do with music, and you would beg your parents to get you any instrument they could get their hands on - piano, guitar, drums, bass, and even violin. at some point during your trainee days, you even learned how to produce and mix songs. by definition, you were indeed an ace but you didn’t like admitting it and you’d playfully roll your eyes whenever the other members called you their ace.
“just sing darling” yunjin momentarily gushes at the pet name prior to singing, just as you requested.
i don’t know what i’d be doing without you you love who i am cause i don’t care as long as i’m with you i’ll reach for your hand
you couldn’t even bring yourself to try and come up with a chord progression; you wanted to hear that voice over and over for the rest of your life.
along with her heavenly voice, you also admired yunjin’s penmanship. you could tell her lyrics always came from the deepest parts of her heart and after hearing what she just sang, you feel your heart swell - you were just so amazed and proud at what she was capable of doing.
“go again,” and so she did. you asked her to sing about 3 or 4 more times before she realized you weren't even strumming anything.
“baby, are you gonna play or what?”
you chuckled and asked her to sing once more, with you actually playing the guitar this time.
“how was that?” she asks as you two wrapped up the song, and you notice her fidgeting with the corner of the page of her notebook. hearing her ask for feedback brought you back to the days you’d spend by her side while she’d practice before her monthly evaluation. it's a bittersweet memory for they were the moments you cherished the most but were also considered some of the toughest times in your career.
you don’t answer her and instead lean in to kiss her soft lips. of course, she enthusiastically returns the kiss causing her to drop her pen and notebook to wrap her arms behind your neck.
“ew,” says the leader from outside yunjin’s door. “close the door next time, eunchae might see you two,” and you look at yunjin before bursting out into laughter with her.
“3, 2, 1!” the staff counts down and the 6 of you blow the candles on the cake they prepared for you.
“happy 100 days to us!” eunchae yells while taking pictures of the cake and the decorations surrounding you.
after posing for pictures, the staff begins to play yunjin’s song through the speakers. everyone, including you, cheers and congratulates her for the release of her own solo song. you make your way towards her and embrace her lovingly, ignoring the sound of your other members fake gagging.
“you made a wonderful song, mahal”
“no, we did” she chuckles.
“you know what i think? we should write another song together and perform it on our wedding day”
yunjin feels her heart burst at the mention of your wedding. although it wouldn’t happen anytime soon, it brings so much excitement and leaves her to wonder what else was in store for the two of you, and also for the group.
she tries to lean in for a kiss but unfortunately, you're torn apart when chaewon and kazuha pull her away to take pictures while eunchae and sakura invite you to start eating the cake. yunjin's song comes to a close as you stare at your members and staff, and you smile as you think about all the memories you’ve made together while looking forward to the future of le sserafim.
but raise your glass, to the story of us.
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ponyosmom35 · 8 months
simon ghost riley x reader
synopsis: simon finds out that Makarov was back, and he had information on them all, putting all of their loved ones in danger. He had to go back, despite the big wedding in a few months. Now he had to break it to his fiance.
warnings: cursing, angst, fighting, yelling, crying
Takes place hours before ' Nightmares'
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“Can I talk to you for a second?” Simon asks as she walks into the house holding their coffees. 
“Sure” she says as she walks into the kitchen where he stood. She sits at the barstool and hands him his coffee. “Whats going on, you sound upset” 
“I have to leave” he admits, watching as her happiness disappears, being replaced with a hurt expression. 
“What?” she asks 
“There’s a mission, Price needs me to come back”
“Can’t you say no?” she asks, he scoffs and shakes his head. 
“Not exactly” 
“Laswell has no other options?” 
“Because there is nobody else who can get this job done the way that we can” he responds, instantly getting frustrated at her reaction. 
“But you said you didn’t have to go back until after the wedding”
“Can’t control the bad guys love” he says sarcastically
“Thats bullshit” 
“Why is that?” he asks crossing his arms 
“We’re getting married in 4 months, Simon! I need you here, I can’t do this all by myself” 
“I wouldn’t be going if it wasn’t necessary” 
“Jesus christ” she responds shaking her head 
“What do you expect me to do about this huh? You think I should sit back and let the most dangerous man in the world roam free to do whatever he pleases? All of that blood would be on my hands, that ain’t somethin’ I’m okay with” he responds, raising his voice. He couldn’t understand why she was refusing to see the bigger picture. 
“No I obviously don’t think you should sit back! I know how important you are, and I know that you’re the only ones who could take this guy down” she says, throwing her hands up in the air. 
“So what’s the issue then eh?” 
“The issue is that once again I have to watch you walk out of that door, and I fear that it’ll be the last time I ever see you. The fucking issue is that we can’t even have a few months of peace before you get pulled back in!”
“You knew what you were gettin’ into bein’ with me”
“You also told me that you wanted to retire, you wanted to be done with this life”
“You’re taking my words too literally love, I didn’t mean I was gonna retire right this second” he snaps 
“Why say it then? Why get my hopes up, because I was under the impression that this was something you had really been considering, now you’re talking to me like I’m the fucking crazy one for wanting you to be here to plan our wedding!”
“You’re right I should’ve kept that to myself” he nods “didn’t think this would be a fight, there ain’t shit I can do about it. I go when I’m needed end of story”
“And what about me? What if you miss our wedding?”
“I can’t give you a timeline on how long it takes to bring down a terrorist, could be a week, could be months. It ain’t up to me”
“Jesus” she says running her hands through her hair angrily as tears fill her eyes and her lips tremble. “No don’t worry about me Simon, I’ll just be here at home, wondering if you’re alive or not. I’ll be here waiting for you to come home. What you’re not understanding is that I won’t be there on base to patch you up. I won’t see you everyday, it was hard enough back then, but now? You took me off the team! You had Laswell send me home! Now I’m stuck here while I‘m fucking terrified that I’ll lose you before you’re even fully mine!”
“You know why I did that! I had no choice!”
“But you did have a choice and you chose wrong!”
“I did it to protect you! you were a hostage! I almost lost you, I can’t risk that happening ever again. Do you have any how fucking scared I am to lose you? You are everything to me! I chose you always. Don’t tell me that I don’t fucking understand. I see it all perfectly clear! I don’t wanna hear anything else about something I have no control over!” he roars, his chest rising and falling as he stares at her in anger. 
“I’m allowed to be upset Simon, thats not a crime” she says wiping her tears as she leaves the kitchen and runs up the steps, leaving her coffee untouched and cold. 
Simon curses and runs his hand through his hair in anger. He knew he should’ve handled that better. He wasn’t even truly upset with her. What he would never tell her is the reason he’d accepted the job was due to the fact that the man they were going after, Vladimir Makarov had information. Simon refused the offer at first, for the same reason she’d been upset, their wedding. However Price showed him the intel they picked up. Makarov had names, he knew Simon and he knew her. He knew instantly what he would have to do, Price helped him with the plan. After he left for the mission, he would have to fake his death, in order to keep attention off of his lover. He would break her heart in order to save her. He knew that she’d never be safe as long as he was still ‘alive’. She’d be used against him and he would never risk that. Price expressed how delicate this mission was, they weren’t sure who to trust as there had been so much corruption. This will be for the better.
ghost master list:
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redmyeyes · 7 months
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Mad about the boy
I know it’s stupid to be mad about the boy. I’m so ashamed of it, but must admit the sleepless nights I've had about the boy…
— Noël Coward
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It shouldn’t have made Hawk so giddy. Missing Tim’s birthday should have made him ashamed of himself, letting the triviality of complete career ruin get in the way of the fun they’d been having. Instead, he felt stupidly giddy, fifteen and sick at heart with his first crush, because, according to Marcus, Tim had noticed. Which meant that Tim had expected Hawk to win him back, despite his principles and high-minded speeches and his “last dirty thing I’ll ever do for you” and his slamming the door on the way out. Silly, stubborn boy. He could have come to Hawk himself instead of running to Marcus, and Hawk would have let him apologize. Probably. He was generous that way. Especially when the apologies involved Tim on his knees.
Hawk had been planning on getting Tim out of his head this weekend once and for all, replacing him with multiple quick fucks. Multiples of multiples. This was a numbers game. Quantity over quality. That was what he’d told himself anyway, despite how the idea rang hollow, and despite the way he’d been unable to get Tim out of his head for one minute over the past four weeks.
But the way he’d latched onto the idea of taking Tim to Rehoboth Beach instead, once Marcus had inadvertently let him know it was a possibility, had Hawk realizing he was well and truly in over his head. Of course it would have been much easier to let this break be a clean one. To separate entirely, go back to conquests that were much easier let go of. Easier, and safer, and a hell of a lot less confusingly painful. So why the hell was he so giddy?
The look of unadorned shock on Tim’s face when he opened the door out of the judicial session and found Hawk standing there made all the uncertainty worth it. He was adorably flustered in that squirmy, self-conscious way of his, trying badly to hide it and to hold onto his anger. Readable as a picture book. Hawk’s heart swelled with delighted affection. Why did he ever think this was a good thing to be giving up? He wasn’t Catholic, and this wasn’t Lent. Besides, he always had enjoyed a bit of measured risk.
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“Where are we going?” Tim asked as he slid into Hawk’s Ford precisely fifteen minutes later.
“You’re late, Skippy,” Hawk admonished, teasing, and was rewarded with the look of hot affront on Tim’s face.
“I don’t have— a change of clothes, you know. I don’t have anything to sleep in.”
“That’s a problem?” Hawk asked mildly as he glided the car into D.C. traffic. Not quite early enough to beat the rush. He’d wasted time coming to get Tim.
“You make presumptions,” Tim said, but he was grinning.
“You’re already in my car,” Hawk pointed out, grinning back.
“Why now, why— it’s been four weeks.”
“It’s come to my attention only yesterday that I missed your birthday. Can you legally drink now, Skippy?”
“I’m twenty-three,” Tim said, with a look of rebuke only someone in their early twenties would have for being mistaken as younger. Hawk rolled his eyes.
“What did you end up doing? On the day,” he clarified at Tim’s confused look.
“I… nothing special,” Tim said after a moment. “Mary…” he started again, and trailed off, and Hawk felt something tighten in the pit of his chest. He darted a glance over, but Tim was staring out the window. “We thought it best we not be seen together right now. For verisimilitude.”
“Right,” Hawk said, clearing his throat. It was for the best, he reminded himself. Losing Mary would have been crushing for Tim, of course. The two had gotten close quickly, and from what Hawk had gathered, she seemed to be the only close friend Tim had in the city. Every time Tim spoke of her, his eyes had glowed with genuine warmth and affection. Every time Hawk saw Mary in the office, he was treated to a look of badly concealed rebuke. Even seeing her every day, Hawk had not once thought about what the loss of her friendship would mean for Tim. He felt uncomfortably ashamed of that now.
“I talked to my mother,” Tim continued with a shrug. “The family is doing well. Except for Uncle Ronald, who apparently needs to be locked up for his own good. She says.”
Hawk gave a grunt of acknowledgement and concentrated on the road. They sat in strained silence in the slow-moving traffic for the next ten minutes, while something incongruously upbeat and poppy played at low volume on the radio. At last they made it out of D.C. proper, hit the parkway and sped up to a decent cruising pace, at which point Tim turned to him with that too familiar look of determination in his eye and asked again, “Why did you come get me?”
Hawk sighed. Tim never was one to let things go when he got an idea stuck in his head, and here they were stuck in a car together for the next two hours. Hawk reconsidered whether this had been the best idea, after all. He said, “Maybe I wanted to give you a present.”
“You didn’t even know it was my birthday.”
Hawk looked over at Tim, and back, and back again. The looks lasted longer than they should have, given that he was driving, but all he wanted was to drink Tim in. He’d brought his camera. He wished he could immortalize this moment, too: the adorable pout on Tim’s face, mixed with that fierce determination and equal parts hope and hurt in his eyes. It was a potent cocktail, and it tugged at Hawk’s heart. “You want me to say I missed you? I missed you. I missed you, Skippy.” Then, more truth slipping out as he saw the skepticism still on Tim’s face, “Thought maybe you were too high-principled to ever speak to me again.”
That seemed to settle something, Tim’s face twisting into that smile he sometimes got where he seemed on the verge of tears. “Hey, c’mere,” Hawk said, and stretched his arm along the back of the bench seat to pull Tim towards him. It hit him only then, as Tim slid closer and collapsed into him with a little moan, that they hadn’t touched in four weeks. He buried his nose in Tim’s hair, sinking into the comfort of the familiar smell even as he tried valiantly to keep one eye on the road. “God, I have missed you, Skippy.”
Tim settled closer with a contented little shimmy, head pillowed in the crook of Hawk’s shoulder as Hawk’s hand combed through his thick hair. Tim’s hand skimmed over the fabric of Hawk’s shirt, slipping inside Hawk’s jacket as though he couldn’t help himself. “Tell me,” Hawk said, tilting Tim’s head back to give his forehead a quick kiss, “what does my boy want for his birthday?”
“Am I still? Your boy?”
The question sent heat lancing straight through Hawk, especially with the slow-blinking wide eyes that accompanied it, and he shifted to accommodate the sudden rush of blood south. His hand tightened on the wheel. Thank god for automatic transmission and a surprising lack of traffic on this rural two-lane highway. His voice dropped an octave as he answered roughly, “If you want to be.”
Tim’s hand continued to rove over Hawk’s chest with the barest pressure. His eyes didn’t leave Hawk’s face. “I ask Marcus about you sometimes. When I can’t help myself.”
It was said so easily. Tim had this way of stating the most vulnerable, damning things as simple truths. Like it didn’t even hurt him to be that open. Maybe it was the habit of confession. Hawk wondered what else he could be made to confess. Then his expression darkened. What else he could be made to confess could get them both into a world of trouble. That’s what had gotten them into this whole mess in the first place: Tim’s inability to lie. He shook it off. Tim would learn eventually. He’d have to, if he wanted to survive. Until then, Hawk would keep them both safe. And in the meantime there was no sense in not taking advantage. “What else can’t you help yourself from?”
Tim pulled back a little. “You’re making fun of me,” he said, but he sounded unsure.
Hawk nodded significantly at his lap, where his erection strained at his trousers. “Does it look like I’m making fun of you? It’s a long drive, Skippy. Maybe I just want to hear about how you touch yourself at night, imagining me there with you. What kind of things do you imagine? Confess.”
That last got a reaction, a shuddered breath that Hawk felt on his neck, followed by a catlike flick of Tim’s tongue. “You and your presumptions.”
“Mhmm, so you’ve been celibate this whole time, then.”
“What about you?” Tim said, poking Hawk in the side and eliciting an undignified yelp. “I know you haven’t. And I know you’ve used more than your right hand.”
“Didn’t expect me to wait for you to come knocking down my door, did you, Skippy?” Hawk shrugged, easy. “I have been known to indulge, on occasion. Did you want to hear about my hollow bathhouse conquests?”
“If they’re hollow, then why—”
“Same reason you’re not celibate, I imagine. Because… it’s better than nothing.”
They were silent for a moment, Hawk moody with things he didn’t want to be thinking about, and Tim’s expression gone contemplative. Then Tim relaxed into him again and said, hesitant but deliberate, “I do think about you.”
Hawk hummed in approval, the moodiness swept away like clouds before sun. “Oh? Do tell.”
“I think about… the night of Alsop’s party. Before the party. When you… when you made me—”
“You like to be made to do things,” Hawk said, which felt true even if it had been Tim calling the shots that entire night.
“How did you know? I didn’t know.”
Hawk considered that. “Didn’t know. Had a sense, maybe. That you’d be… receptive. Little things. Straight away, election night, you let me order for you. A lot of men wouldn’t. They’d get offended or put up some macho bluster… You gave me your number when I asked. And then that first night, our first real night…” he shrugged. “I like being in control. And you seemed so eager to please.”
Tim flushed, a heat that Hawk could feel as his fingers skimmed over Tim’s cheek. “You make me sound like such a, a—”
“Didn’t mean it as an insult, Skippy. Nothing gets me hotter than an eager boy.”
Tim turned his face into Hawk and shuddered out a heavy breath. His hand was rubbing firmer circles now over Hawk’s chest. “It’s not about being forced, or made to do things, it’s… you told me what you wanted and that made it easy. I could do it and I liked… seeing how far I could push before you cracked. I like making you lose control.”
“Better watch it, Skippy. Making me lose control already and we’ve got a fair bit of driving to do.”
Tim’s hand had slid down to Hawk’s thighs, and was now inching upwards, skirting the area where Hawk wanted him most, of course. “Does that— is that a turn on for you? Trying to hold on to your composure while you’re losing it?”
Hawk blew out a measured breath, eyes firmly on the road, as Tim’s hand slid up his inner thigh, into the junction between thigh and hip, and started kneading. Still not where he wanted him. His foot had gone heavy on the accelerator, and he eased the car back to fifty. “You’re playing a dangerous game, boy.”
“Answer the question.”
Hawk darted a quick glance over, and Tim’s eyes glittered, locked on his face. Hawk grinned, predatory. “Alright then. Just remember who started this.” Another slow exhale to get his pulse under control and he eased off the gas again. His hand threaded gently into Tim’s hair from the nape of his neck. “Take me out.” When Tim hesitated, he added, “Don’t start something you can’t finish, Skippy. Do it. Or get back on your side of the car.”
A moment’s pause, then Tim obeyed, undoing Hawk’s belt, and then trousers, one-handed. Hawk tilted his hips to make it easier. He wished he had a cigarette. And another hand. Hawk was barely uncovered, only a few inches of him peeking out from the waistband of his boxers, but it was enough that it would be a challenge to cover up quickly if anything happened. “Go on, then,” he said.
Tim met his eyes, as if gauging what Hawk wanted, then licked his lips seemingly unconsciously and lowered his head.
That first touch of wet heat and suction had Hawk bucking up into Tim’s mouth. “Ahh— slow down, Skippy. Slower. That’s it,” he sighed as Tim eased back, mouthing wetly at the head of his cock. “Settle in, that’s it.”
Tim settled into his lap, as Hawk grazed the backs of his fingers over Tim’s cheek. “Now take yourself out.” There was a muffled moan as Tim nosed deeper, but he complied all the same, clumsy fingers fumbling at his own trousers. His other hand slid behind Hawk to grip Hawk’s left hip. “I don't want to see your hand stop moving,” Hawk said once Tim had gotten himself out. The head of Tim’s cock was shiny wet and dripping, challenging Hawk to keep his eyes on the road.
“Wanna make me lose control? See how long you can keep us here. On the brink.” Tim moaned around Hawk’s cock, his hand speeding up. “Love this, don’t you? You’re so hard just from sucking me off. Bet I could make you come untouched. Something to play with later. Ah— easy, easy.” That last was in response to Tim taking him deep, his throat convulsing around him with blissful pressure as he swallowed.
“God, Skippy,” Hawk breathed, forcing himself to relax. “You drive me crazy.” His hand moved from Tim’s cheek to his throat, squeezing gently. He could feel himself, inside. Tim moaned again in answer, his hand still moving. What a picture he was, his head buried in Hawk’s lap, hair a mess, glasses askew, body sprawled and twisted on the white leather, cockhead angry red as it peeped between his moving fingers. “I could keep you here for hours if I wanted. So hard, for so long, until you’re sobbing for me to let you come.”
Tim made an urgent noise, his hand stilling on his cock as he squeezed tight. “I said keep moving, Skippy.” Hawk’s cock slipped out of Tim’s mouth as he gulped for air, but his hand did start moving again, slowly.
“Hawk,” Tim panted, turning his name into a strung-out needy groan.
“Need some help there?” Tim shook his head, his mouth finding Hawk’s cock again, and Hawk blew out a heavy breath. “That’s right, want to do it all yourself, don’t you, boy? Get me hard, make me come, make me lose control.”
Hawk had slowed down enough that a car was about to overtake them on the left. He gave the family of four a sedate nod as they passed. “Imagine what they’d think if they could see you,” he murmured, hand stroking Tim’s throat. “My shameless, needy boy.”
Tim’s high-pitched keen was a thing of beauty. Up ahead, the family station wagon was taking an exit, leaving a long, open straightaway. Enough. “C’mon,” he said, his hand sliding into Tim’s thick hair, urging him faster. Tim’s hand on himself sped up, his other hand digging into Hawk’s hip hard enough to bruise.
Hawk’s head dug into the seat back as he panted open-mouthed, every muscle in his body tensed. The speedometer was creeping past eighty, so he took his foot off the gas and planted it, forcing his eyes open as Tim bobbed in earnest now. “That’s it, come on, c’mon. Make yourself come, I want you coming with my cock in your mouth, knowing you love it.”
Tim spluttered, convulsing in on himself as Hawk flooded his mouth. Didn’t let any spill though, good boy, swallowing around Hawk and then lapping, suckling, as they collapsed together, boneless.
Hawk sank back in the seat, laughter in his heart and bubbling up through his chest. “God, Skippy. God. The way you make me—”
Head pillowed on Hawk’s lap, hand curled protectively against his own stomach, Tim turned his face to the sky and laughed in wild, pure joy.
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dixonlvr-online · 2 years
Breaking point
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x F!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of torture, bruises, blood, swear words
Genre: Angst
Challenge: Proof of life @whumptober/ Candles, lanterns, fairy lights / "Adaptable, I like that"
A/N: Why didn't I just choose the fairy lights prompt? 😩
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Daryl woke up when a bucket of ice water was dumped on his head.
He hadn’t even realized he’d passed out. One of the Governor’s cronies stood before him, glowering.
“Wake up, bitch,” he barked, spit flying onto Daryl’s face. He kept his head up, facing the man. Despite the precarious situation he was in, he’d be dead before they broke him. The man narrowed his eyes.
“You want more? Cause I can give you more,” he said. Daryl tried not to flinch when the man grabbed his collar. His hands were tied tight behind him, the chair he’d been secured to not giving an inch of room for escape. The man pulled his forward, aggravating the wounds on Daryl’s arms and chest.
He didn’t know how long he’d been in there. Hours, days, who could say? His thoughts were far away from himself and his own torture. All he could think about was you.
When the Governor’s men caught him, they’d also caught you. The two of you had been on a run from the prison, not paying enough attention to the men sneaking up behind you. By the time you raised your guns, it was too late. You’d been separated, and the only thing on his mind now was whether or not you were okay.
The man leaned in, studying Daryl’s expression. He remained stone cold, keeping every feeling contained, though inside he was fuming. The moment he got free, he was going to rip this bastard’s head off.
The man released him with a sneer, replacing his collar with the knife in his belt. He gripped it tight, inching forward, ready to tear into Daryl once again. Daryl knew he could take it, that he would never talk, so he closed his eyes and waited.
Before the knife could pierce him, a loud scream flooded the room. Daryl flinched. That was your scream.
He jumped up, lashing out at the man in front of him. The man managed to move before contact was made, but Daryl knew his outburst would cost him. A slow smile was spreading onto the man’s face, realizing what had triggered him.
Daryl turned away, trying to regain himself, but your voice rang out once again. He bit his lip, holding back tears. Your cry was from pain, he knew that. Whatever they were doing to you, it had to be as bad, or worse, than what he was receiving.
“Holy shit,” his torturer said. “You really care about her, don’t you?” Daryl growled at the man, the fire in his eyes renewed. He was going to kill this man, and every last person here who’d laid a hand on you.
“Woah, woah, no need to get feisty. Was just makin’ an observation,” the man said. He scratched his chin, deep in thought. Daryl shook his head, picturing what they were doing to you. He watched as the man slid the knife back into his belt and made his way to the door.
“I’ll be back real soon. Don’t you go anywhere,” he grinned. Daryl watched him leave, wondering what he could be up to. He couldn’t shake the thought of you away, the agony in your screams. He knew you as well as he knew himself. There was no way you would break, same as him. You’d been through worse before.
In the hallway, a thumping was heard. It sounded like a struggle, Daryl thought. A loud bang against the door, and then it was flung open. Two men shoved something to the ground, and Daryl caught his breath at the sight. There you were, on your knees, bruised and bloody.
He fought against his ties with everything he had, banging the chair legs against the ground in his attempt to stand. You looked up, catching his eye. By the shock on your face, he could tell he looked about as bad as you. Before he could say a word, the men had you by the arms and were dragging you across the room, despite your pained protests.
“Get off her! Touch her again and I’ll kill ya!” Daryl fumed, watching them deposit your body back to the floor. The man from earlier stepped forward, blocking you from Daryl’s view. His smile was devilish.
“Oh, this is gonna be fun,” he said. Just those words, and Daryl knew. They were going to hurt you, and he was going to break.
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heavenlycloud · 2 years
𝐣𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐞𝐬!: 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤-𝐨𝐫-𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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“y/n, we need to talk.”
when your girlfriend first uttered the words your heart raced, and not in a good way. a pit formed in your stomach and you recounted everything you said and did to her in the past 72 hours that could have made her unhappy. yizhuo wasn’t one to avoid confrontation when it came to something that was bothering her in your relationship. if something needed to be said or done, she did it. simple as that.
you swallowed thickly, not knowing where the conversation would be heading once you replied. trying to mask the anxiety in your voice you asked, “talk about what?”
yizhuo kept the straight face and the serious tone in her voice, “we need to take a break.”
the sound of your heart pounding against your chest echoed through your ears and your breath caught in your throat. she stood up and walked to your bedroom door and grabbed a shopping bag that she’d left there. your voice came out in a hushed whisper, “ningie i-” your girlfriend reached into the bag and shoved a mess of purple clothing into your hands. she cut you off with a bright smile, “a trick or treating break!”
you let out an audible breath of relief then threw the purple dress into her hands playfully, “don’t scare me like that! god- i thought you were about to break up with me!” yizhuo brought a hand to your face and placed a chaste kiss to your lips, “i told you months ago to stop considering that a possibility for our future. it’s you and me, always.” you poured and murmured, “yeah well you should stop starting sentences like that then.” she put her hands up in feign surrender and caved, “fine fine. i’ll behave.”
the purple dress caught your attention once more and you took it from her hands, “and what is this for?” yizhuo pulled out her own costume which was a orange turtleneck with matching leg warmers and a red miniskirt. she waited for you to connect the dots and when you didn’t she exclaimed, “it’s daphne and velma!” she added, “we were going to be princess bubblegum and marceline but aeri took that idea for her and somi while som’s hair is pink.” you laughed at the look of annoyance in her face at the mention of her roommate and roommate’s girlfriend.
yizhuo snatched the flashcards you were studying with out of your hands and replaced them with the rest of the daphne costume. your girlfriend insisted, “come on! it’s halloween! please can we do this?” you looked at the mess of notes and index cards on your desk, “i have an exam in two days and-” when you looked back, yizhuo pleaded with her best puppy eyes and pout, “for me?” you loudly groaned, “ughhh i hate it when you do that! fine fine, yeah we can go.” your girlfriend yanked you into her arms and squeezed you tight, “thank you thank you thank you! i love you!” under your breath you mumbled, “uh huh love you too.”
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
you posed with yizhuo in front of the long mirror in your room for what had to be the 100th time. she had the biggest smile on her face which made your heart pound, in a good way this time. she took your pictures and you took hers, then she decided she was ready to go.
right as the two of you were about to leave your dorm, your girlfriend looked at you then asked genuinely, “okay so what do we do now?” when you didn’t reply with words and only a look of confusion, yizhuo tacked on, “how does one trick or treat?” there was genuine surprise in your voice as you responded, “wait you don’t know how to trick or treat?”
yizhuo answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, “um…no?” you asked in disbelief, “are you for real?!” your girlfriend let out a huff and said, “this isn’t a thing in china okay? besides if i had been before why would i want to go now at the big age of 20?” there was a moment of silence then your narrowed your eyes in agreement, “touché.”
you opened one of your dresser drawers and pulled out two pillowcases. she looked at it in confusion and only said, “you’ll see.” then you opened the front door and the two of you started walking towards the neighborhoods that surrounded your university. along the walk you noted which houses had lights on so you knew where to circle back on the way home.
the two of you stopped after a considerable distance and stood in front of the front door. yizhuo waited for you to ring the doorbell but you told her, “nope you have to do it.” she shook her head and quickly answered, “i don’t even know what to do. what if they’re mad we knocked? what if they don’t have any candy? what if they they-” you cut her off and assured, “this is a big thing over here, they are expecting kids. they have the porch light on so they knew we were coming. all you have to do is knock and when they answer say ‘trick or treat’ and hold out your pillowcase and they put candy in it.”
yizhuo’s shoulders released the tension that had her standing stiff as a board. she sucked in a breath then pushed the doorbell, chewing her lip and reaching for your hand as anxiety built inside her mind. an older man answered the door and at the sight of you both he grinned, “oh dear, you two look great! my grandkids loved scooby-doo.” you thanked him and yizhuo held out her pillowcase nervously, “trick or treat?” the old man nodded in approval and dropped three king size chocolate bars into both of your pillowcases.
after the first three blocks of houses, the two of you had a pretty good share of candy. however you wanted to cover as much ground as possible to really give your girlfriend the full experience. house after house people complemented your costumes and gave generous helpings of candy that weighed your pillowcases down with every block.
when it hit 8:30 PM and you two had been our for nearly two and a half hours, and there weren’t any more houses you hadn’t visited, it was time to head back home. yizhuo intertwined her fingers with yours, “thank you for doing this with me, baby. it made me really really happy.” you raised your intertwined hands and kissed the top of her palm gently, “of course. i’m happy i was able to share this with you. happy halloween yizhuo.” your girlfriend responded happily, “happy halloween y/n.”
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fallingforel · 11 months
Spencer reid imagine- broken
i have just watched the episode where maeve just died and watched the next part where reid is on the floor and is not okay. so I had inspiration to write so here it goes. 
summary: Your super close to reid and maeve has just died, you go over to his to give your undeniable support and some words between the two of you are exchanged. Oh and your dereks sister
words: 1,305
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“Come on Y/n, you know maeve has just died. He’s not going to be okay” Derek says through the phone 
“I know, but I feel helpless. Can you just come over, bring ice cream. You know the one mama used to buy us, when we were good and deserved a treat. The one she bought us lots of us when dad passed” 
“yes. yes. I’ll bring it over. But we have a case first, get your ass over to the bullpen now.” 
“pretty boy will be just fine, we’ll go after we’ve finished this case” 
“okay okay. Love you bro.” 
“love you too sis.”
“there’s my favourite morgan sibling” Penelope says as I’m walking into the roundtable and sit down next to Derek. 
“ERR, Hey babygirl. What about me?” 
“yes, yes. well, she’s You know-” Penelope, quickly gets cut off by Hotch walking into the room. 
“Garcia, we’re all here on with the case please” 
“of course sir,  Meet who was formerly Gary Porter. He was found d*ad outside a San Francisco night club last night. And Pamela Hurd-- she was found near a cable car stop in San Francisco's Mission District.” 
“They were both found wrapped in clear plastic.” Jj says looking over the case file on her tablet “It says here they were d*ad only a few hours before they were found.That's not long enough for the elements to have made them that pale” I say from where I’m sitting next to my brother pointing it out. 
“Cause that's where we enter the town of weirdville on the corner of eew and icky-icky, girl morgan. Both victims were almost completely drained of their blood. Less than a pint left.” 
“He's exsanguinating them.” I say with question, trying to get all the details on the unsub we can from the MO 
“While they were still alive.” hotch finishes for me. 
“It might be utilitarian” derek says from besides me. 
“He needs them alive so they can pump out the blood themselves. Draining a body like that is extremely hard to do. Once the heart stops pumping, it's difficult to continue to extract the blood.” 
“So the question is, how is he doing it?” I ask.
 “Oh, I wish you wouldn't have asked that, lovely 'cause now I gotta show this picture.” Garcia says from the right of me. 
“There are large bore holes in the femoral artery of each victim.” Hotch says from the back of the room. 
“Our unsub could have medical knowledge.” JJ says from where she’s sat 
“It's possible. We'll know more when we get there. Wheels up in 30.” Hotch says before leaving the room. 
it didnt take no more than a few days to catch the unsub, it was pretty easy. he was obsessed with painting with blood though, taking the blood out of the victims. but with all of our intelligence as a team we managed to put another unsub away. 
“der, I’m worried about reid. he hasn’t shown up at all I would’ve at least thought he’d have shown and help us catch the victim” 
“Y/n, you can’t blame him. someone he loves, just died. right infront of him, thats unfair of you to say that. We’re all worried about him. Come on, let’s go and get that icecream and bring it to pretty boy” 
“Reid, your favourite morgans are here. We bought Ice cream too. the good kind” I said after knocking on his apartment door. 
“pretty boy, we’re both here for you open up reid. don’t make me kick your door down.” derek talks through the door, after a few minutes of silence. 
that soon makes Reid open the door. 
“I knew that would make you open the door.” 
“hmm, well if you had kicked my door down. You’d be paying for the replacement” 
“Yeah, well. I would’ve done it myself. Now let us in, we’ve come over here to cheer you up” 
“why’d you even come anyway. It’s not like I need any company anyway, can’t be the best person to hang around at the moment.” Reid says to me putting the empty Ice cream tub down along with both our spoons. Derek had soon passed out, he always does within the first 15 minutes of a romantic movie. 
“You’re always the best person to hang out with Spence. You just get me you know. Was weird not having you on this weeks case I won’t lie to you” 
“mmh, yeah well. My girlfriend just died. And infront of me too.” 
“I know I know. Trust me I know more than you think.” 
“I highly doubt that” 
“yeah well, not many people know this. Not even my brother. My boyfriend of 6 years died, right infront of my eyes. shot at and killed by a known serial killer In the area, we we’re trying to catch him for months, then when I got the call. I couldn’t bare to face the town anymore, the very same town that I was chief of police of, the very same town, my fiance was shot and killed in. I Quit my job I wouldn’t go out for weeks. Stuck in my apartment for days on end, wouldn’t talk to anyone, I just sat in silence most days, slept on the sofa. Then Der, he told me he was coming down. I had to pull myself together, If not for my own sake. Then for dereks, cindi had just gone missing I couldn’t let him see me like that because I just knew it would break him. So I pulled myself together, there was an opening at the Bureau and I just had to take it, little did I know it was for the very same department that would help me catch my boyfriends killer my very first case at the bau, give me a chance to get some closure, Garcia asked me if that one of the victims was my boyfriend, I said no that we had broken up before then, that he had moved out. It was a complete lie, but it kept my heart safe.” 
“Y/N I had no idea.” reid says
“Look reid, all I’m trying to say is that take the time you need, but living like this is not going to fix the pain thats going on in here” I say pointing to my heart. 
“but we’ll be here every step of the way with you, whether that be donating our holidays so that we can help you get the closure you need. Because in the end the pain of losing a loved one wont go, but you learn to move on and whether that takes one week, one day, one month, one year. she’ll be with you always.” 
“thank you Y/n, I think I needed that.” 
“Don’t worry about it reid, I love you always pretty boy” and he goes into kiss me but I duck back 
“shit! I’m sorry. I’ve read all this wrong haven’t I.” 
“No, No. You haven’t read it all wrong. I just don’t think it’s the right time reid, your girlfriends just died. I’ll wait though. I can wait. I’ve waited 8 years, I can wait 8 more. I’ll wait for all the time in the world for you” 
“thank you Y/n” 
“No worries. I’m gonna go now, it’s not to do with you. I have to get back to sergio. I promised em, I would take care of him when she left for england. Keep me company. defo should not have told her about what happened with michael.” 
“so who knows then, You, emily and my therapist” 
“nothing, you should take derek with you” 
“yeah, yeah okay. I’ll wake him up” 
“der, der” I say shaking him
“yeah yeah. I’m up, coming, Bye reid.”
the end 
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Angels and Demons Part 3: Purpose (finale)
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TW: Smut. Blood. Language. Mentions of sexual assault.
Disclaimer: This is based exclusively on the most recent installment of the Hellraiser franchise, and for that details will differ from the previous films.
SUMMARY: The visions continue to haunt you and you decide to distract your mind from what you can’t rationalize…
Angels And Demons Part 3: Purpose
“Are you sure you didn’t just get into my stash?” Your brother asked, leading your eyes to narrow to him in a mix of hatred and frustration. Of all the times you had defended and even covered for him and he would make a joke out of a time you needed his support. Even after you had been trembling for the better part of the night with every attempt to warm and calm you proving futile to the images of those ghastly visions within your mind plagued every second since they had first transpired. 
“I know what I saw-”
“A demon with pins coming out of its head?” Your brother teased as Trevor would only tense his jaw. It was clear that he believed you to some degree, but you couldn’t tell if this was because he was amusing you or because maybe he had witnessed them himself. But before you could learn the truth to his troubled expressions, your brother continued to torment you. 
“You’ve been going off of two hours of sleep a week, barely eating, and…” His eyes shifted in judgment to Trevor, “Having distractions…you just need to rest-”
“Everytime I close my eyes, I see it.” You explained, pulling yourself to the edge of the couch, eyes wide and darting to anyone who would pay you a second’s attention. 
“The skin peeled away…the muscles on display, the…those eyes…they were like…if you injected ink into the scleras…And that voice…the voice-”
“I’ll get her some rest-”
“Might work if you can keep your cock in your pants!” Your brother called to Trevor as you both ignored this remark before you were taken to your own room. Textbooks set half open and sporadic through an otherwise pristine room brought his eyes to source for somewhere to set you, optioning for the edge of the bed as he knelt in front of you. 
“I know I sound crazy, okay…”
“I believe you.”
“You-you do?” Your eyes narrowed ,analyzing every inch of his expression before understanding that he spoke the truth. But where this brought relief for you, it only seemed to trouble him deeper. 
“I’m sorry…”
“It’s not your fault, Trevor…”
“It is…” Your brows furrowed as you could picture that being over his shoulder and in the attempts to blind yourself behind closed lids, you would only see them there as well, feeling that presence of exposed skin and lacerations too painful to live beneath. And yet, the creature did so as if it was beauty. In a macabre display, perhaps it was, intricate lines and unique vulgarity of blood and tendons revealed. But for you, it would forever haunt every waking moment since first conceptualized earlier that day. 
In the desperation to think of anything but that ision, you lunged towards him, aware the only time you’d felt nothing and everything at once would be in his arms. Someone no more than a stranger, a last name still an enigma, and yet, he was your haven in this chaos. Your hands wrapped over his shoulders and up through his short hair, tugging at whatever you could, before he pulled back. 
“You should rest, your brother-”
“Trevor, please. Being with you like this is the only thing that makes me not see them…not feel it…please…” You moved forward, kissing his lips once again, this time, feeling his reservation weaken. Where there lay a rigidity behind his mouth when you first acted on your desire, this was replaced with need, as he would set you onto your back and quickly intertwine with you. 
Hair still wet from the interrupted shower, his fingers tangled within it as he pulled his tongue from your bottom lip, over its curve, and down your jaw. But even now, as his body responded to yours, present with an erection both impressive and familiar, he seemed different. A lack of focus perhaps or even regret as you brought him onto his back. His eyes followed you as he basked in the pull you made of his shirt, revealing your beautiful curves and full breasts as his hands reached to take hold of them. But instead, you would set your hands to his chest, using this for stability, before lowering down past his waist and between his legs. 
As he went to speak your name, that combination of letters would find interruption by the rush of pleasure made by your lips wrapping around him. 
“FUCK!” He belted beneath you, your body defying your anatomical limitations as his thick and long cock was taken well beyond the extent of your throat. And you welcomed it. Every gag and every tear forced down yoru cheeks, the drool collecting at the sheets beneath him, every moment that made up this act of oral sex had been the distraciton to see anything but them. To add to this, his moans and chorus of your name somewhere between grunts and praise would keep any subconscious thoughts at bay. 
“Get on top of me…I want to make you feel good…” He drew out each word without the intention to do so, necessary by the way that you had continued through his words. But as you would be pulled to his lap, his motions were sweet and tender, something you needed the complete opposite of. 
“Shit…” He moaned into your skin, brows furrowed against your chest, as he was slow and deep, penetrating and bottoming out, but not in the pace you needed to keep those images away. Each time your lashes came open, there she stood just over his shoulder, the clench of your inner walls misconstrued as pleasure for him, as it was fear for you. It drove you to drop any innocent persona he had of you as you replaced this with a need for more. 
“Fuck me, Trevor. Please…I…” Your words reminded him of his own inner turmoils. Even if he was in the crux of pleasure, that guilt of his own demons trying to drown him was enough to make him question his deserving of you wrapped around him this way. You were a good girl, a dirty mind occasionally exercised by working out whatever daddy issues you had on his willing cock, but, you were good. And the way you were begging to him was addicting, but it wasn't enough to silence his morality, something that had seemingly returned tenfold since being with you. 
“Maybe we should do this when you’re-” Your hand wrapped over his jaw to silence him, a palm against his mouth as you forced both of your movements to still. 
“I need you to fuck me, Trevor. If I wanted you to care about me, I’d ask you to make love to me…But I don’t want to think…I don’t want to feel anything…I just want to feel you…and what you can do to me…And if you can’t do that-” He wouldn’t let you state the alternative, the idea of you going to anyone else or even yourself was not an option to him. And so, instead of allowing you the peace of his steady pace he’d shown before, he was frantic and manic, murderous and selfish, pounding into you with one leg raised over his shoulder, and the his hand wrapped within your hair. 
“This what you want, hmm?”
“YES!” You chimed, somewhat wanting everyone from your roommates to those demons to know what he was doing to you. How deep he was. How hard he hit THAT spot with every thrust. Yes, you were completely consumed by him, and you wanted everyone to know only this mattered to you, at least for the moment. 
“I want to be on top…I-”
“No. You wanted to be fucked-you take it like this.” He ordered, pulling his hand through your hair as you groaned painfully beneath him, the assault on your sex making you wince and groan in a mix of pleasure and discomfort until he pulled his thumb to your clit. 
“You don’t think about anything else but my fingers…my cock…ME-” he growled as you nodded. “How good I’m making you feel…how fucking good you make ME feel-God, I could come right now-”
“Do it…please, Trevor…I want to feel it!”
“Yeah? Then you first…”
“Faster then-faster…” You groaned as he would nod as he would obey, managing to switch between dominant and submissive all to please you and you basked in knowing that was all it took. 
“Look at me-” You opened your eyes, the irises pulling to the left as you saw that demonic figure looking at you with an expressionless wonder, not in study but also not in judgment, just staring as if waiting for you to command them. 
“ME!” He redirected your focus with a forecul pull to face him. 
“Come for me!” You breathed in response, or at least what you could while feeling him this way with you. Rough patterns reaching their apex as he would call out to you in a desperation all his own of grunts and your name, pulling you as close to him as possible, before that orgasm brought your eyes to roll backwards. That final rush of pleasure allowing you to open them without the plagued vision of that demonic entity. 
“Are you-” Trevor asked, hovering over you as you nodded. 
“I’m okay. Maybe he’s right…Just need some rest.” He nodded, looking over at the clock. 
“It is almost three…I’ll go get you some tea and then I’m not letting you out of my sight.”
“Trevor, really, I’m fine…”
“And I’m also not done with you.” He winked as you smirked, “If that keeps you from seeing that girl then I’m more than happy to entertain you.” You watched him leave before the most unsettling of details washed over you. You had described what you'd seen at least five times over. But never once had you described that the creature, whatever it could be called, was feminine. 
But before you could rise and address him or even consider a next plan of action to question him, you would be pulled into a cessation at the sound of her voice over your shoulder. As you slowly turned to face her, you noticed how elegant she moved, a single step forward and almost polite motions, before she set out her hand. 
“We have been waiting a long time for you.”
“What do you want with me?”
“We have come to collect the debt.”
“What debt? What the hell do you want?!” You raised your voice, half hoping someone would hear you, but it seemed you were silenced by whatever conversation they would have without you as you were unaware that this was actually happening as you had been wrapped in Trevor’s arms, fast asleep after he had offered that distraction to you. 
“You belong to us. It was what was agreed upon. Let me show you…You will understand once you accept it.”
“I’m not accepting anything! Leave me alone!” You tried to turn to leave, but would find a sudden change of scene in this 360 rounding. You were suddenly standing on a side of glass that looked forward into a nursery from the NICU of a hospital twenty years earlier. A picture you’d had since birth made you aware that the child crying in the center bassinet wrapped in only a soft pink blanket had been you. But the details of this moment didn’t matter as much as the lift of your eyes to the couple crying on the other side of the glass. 
“How long do we have?” A woman spoke, only long dark hair visible from behind as a man leaned against her. 
“Not long…” He would take her arms into his palms. “We didn’t have a choice. It was the only way to save our family-”
“By offering HER?”
“They won’t hurt her…”
“What they will expect her to do…nobody should have that responsibility-”
“And what would you rather have? US become like…” He paused, “It isn’t an option. The deal has been made, the debt signed…”
“You made me birth a dead child. Any success she has, any love she finds, any friend she makes will be at risk of being taken by them…She will never have a life that’s her own-”
“And what about us? What about her brothers? What about you? You were coerced into helping him…And this was the only way to protect us-”
“Then you watch them take her. You watch those demons swallow her…Because as much as I love her, I hate you.” The vision would then alter to an older version of you, no more than six, sitting on a creaking swing as a peer of yours had brought another young girl to tears. Pulling on her pigtails and leaving a bruise on her cheek from having pushed her off of the jungle gym, you could feel an inner fire burn beneath your skin. In a flash, chains collected him beneath the contraption of wood, only screams heard, before he disappeared. Only a massacre of a scene left behind as this scene would then end to one of your adolescence. 
On that bridge between sixteen and seventeen, adulthood just on the horizon, you would find your body intertwined beneath his touch. Your first boyfriend, someone you believed was beyond your ‘league’, his hands in a frenzy at your skin. But as your hands came to his chest to slow the way his thumbs teased your skirt, a transition from virgin to a woman of established sexuality not welcome quite yet, he pushed further. Your pleas were silenced by his hand, a touch pinning you beneath him in rage, before he had attempted to free himself. But in the moments before that virtue would be stolen, he was pulled from the bed, shredded under its mattress with only those familiar screams leaving you once again. 
And finally, the last moment of repressed trauma had presented itself to you. Your most recent boyfriend, an abusive asshole who had been more addicted to heroin than even your own brother, had you pinned at the wall beside the very door keeping you from Trevor’s sanctuary now. But you didn’t venture forward, instead, you were reminded of that fateful night. Those cruel words, those forced touches, those harsh slaps and painful grips, everything had left you spent in a fetal position following a near death grip around your neck. 
“Fucking pathetic…Thinking anyone would put up with you always so distracted and boring-you’re lucky you have me…” He explained while pulling a cigarette between his lips. But in the way he would bend before you, burning your hand with the butt of his cigarette, a scream having left your throat, a familiar chattering sound would be heard over his shoulder. 
“What the fuck-” Before he could address the being suddenly emerged from the shadows, you found the being of consistently chattering teeth, to attack him. Teeth tearing into his flesh, skinning him alive, until he was dragged to the shadows. In what should have left you fearful had made you feel protected. As if a trained animal had defended you. And it was what returned you to this moment, staring back at the woman with pins protruding from her skin. 
“You protected me…All these years…Why?”
“Those who brought you to this world, they owed who we serve. A debt they managed to swindle away by deals and lies…They offered you to us in such a way we could not deny it. A fresh canvas for us to paint. And you have helped us since your conception. Claiming the lives of those we sought-”
“I am not helping you…” You spoke with more uncertainty in your words than you wished to be. 
“And yet, you already have. And now, you will continue to do so…” The creature now moved behind you, finding Trevor in the bed, the sight of you in his arms informing you that you had been asleep. 
“All you must do is feel anger. We are summoned to take who you wish. And we can feel it now…So much aggression. For his deception. You see it. He knew. And now you do. All you have to do is show us-” You looked at Trevor, a stranger-a pretty boy, but someone you hardly knew. Someone who had brought this box to you, its cut reminding you of what remained beneath a surface you’d hidden until now. 
“I want to make a deal with you. Just like the one you made with my parents…”
“We no longer make deals.”
“I will continue to do this. But not him.”
“You feel for him?”
“He doesn’t deserve this. I can feel that too.”
“Foolish. He will only bring you pain. The wonders we can show you far exceed it…glory in the ache of transcendence we can-”
“If you wanted to kill me, I’d be dead. I’ve seen it done, I repressed it…So I know that you can’t. And I would wager that that box was supposed to kill me, but it didn’t…Because I was born from it…born tied to it…” She bowed her head. “So to keep from making this lengthy and unnecessary, I will choose those worthy of your executions. But you do not touch him and you do not come to me or appear to me unless I summon you.” 
“As you wish, daughter…” The name was enough for you to understand that it wasn’t a reference of you to her or her to you. It was you to the box. You were born of the damned thing. Cursed and rewarded by its existence wrapped in your own. But as the sound of your name came forward to pull you from this vision, Trevor was quick to amend the sweat staining your cheeks. 
“Are you alright?” You nodded. 
“I will be.” You spoke with conviction as he nodded, wanting to believe your words as the smile on your face had been the first he’d noted since you met. And yet, there was a new flame behind your eyes, something plaguing your morality he had felt was infectious, something that darkened those light hues from the comfort he once found. If able to be compared to anything, it was hell. He saw hell in your eyes. But he was awed by how it didn’t consume you, but raged with you. You seemed to control it. And you would do so as you had up until now…
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae
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thenatashamaximoff · 2 years
The Last Day Of Christmas; Day 9
Summary: On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
Pairing: Wanda x Reader
List of warnings could be found on the masterlist
Words: 1,784
✎ | ☃
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December 22nd, 2022 (Present Day) You couldn’t stop the smile from lighting up your features despite having just woken up, walking into the kitchen to see Wanda using the cutting board you had gifted her the other day was just enough to replace that sleep in your eyes with a sparkle of happiness. You didn’t hesitate to walk into the kitchen, looping an arm around her waist as you planted a kiss on her cheek. After the light giggle that bubbled out of her throat, the two of you settled in a comfortable silence as you helped her finish cooking. You were a bit surprised she hasn’t mentioned the gift of the day, though you had to have figured that she was up to something by the way she had been avoiding eye contact with you ever since you had walked into the room. Yet you still continued forward, eating breakfast in silence, even cleaning up in silence.
You had cleared your throat, leaning against the sink as she loaded up the dishwasher, watching her blankly. She still hasn’t met your stare, and you were feeling nauseated at the fact that you were incapable of looking into her fanfiction green eyes. “What’s wrong?” you finally questioned as she loaded the last dish into the machine. Her movements faltered at your inquiry for a moment before she closed it and began fiddling with the buttons. “Baby-” Your voice caught in your throat when she met your eyes for the first time, seeing the guilt hidden behind the emeralds. “What’d you do?”
She straightened her form, wrapping her arms around herself as she breathed out heavily. “I found the present,” she confessed, rubbing her arms nervously as you stepped away from the counter, “and I opened it.”
“I know!” she expressed, huffing nervously. “I felt so bad after I tore it open.”
You sighed, scratching the back of your neck. “I mean, it’s not the end of the world,” you assured her. “It’s only a simple quote.” You tilted your head when the shame lifted off her face with a beaming grin, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion as she quickly grabbed your wrist and guided you into the living room, tugging you past the Christmas tree with the ever-growing presents building underneath it, pausing in front of the wall. You sighed once again upon seeing the present you had gotten her already hanging up, the framed quote hanging below the photo of the two of you on your first date. “You wasted no time, huh?” You looked at her, an eyebrow raised. “You didn’t actually feel bad, did you?”
“No, not at all,” she admitted, grinning as she shrugged casually. “Isn’t it nice, though?”
“Please tell me you remember the quote,” you stated, turning back towards the picture, but you could feel your face drop in disbelief when you heard her hum thoughtfully. “You don’t?”
“I’m kidding,” she said, laughing lightly. “Here, I’ll even tell the story.”
May 20th, 2019 You had always been nervous when you had felt it was the right time to ask Wanda to move out of the compound and find a house with you. The two of you have been sharing the same room there anyway, so the only difference would be having an entire place to yourselves; your own kitchen, your own living room. Just a place out of the prying eye of your fellow teammates. Though you had always tried to convince Wanda to move her stuff out of her room and into yours - Tony was looking to recruit that spider boy for a while now, the kid might need a room.
But it wasn’t you who asked Wanda, it was Wanda who asked you. And the relief that you had felt when you had found out that she was at the same level as you were is beyond describable. Now, the two of you just have to go through the painful process of finding that house that you connect with. The perfect house. Which was easier said than done.
“How many houses have we looked at today?” Wanda questioned, your eyes traveling up the house as she pulled to a stop in front of it. “This’ll be number four.” You had left her to answer her own question, though you did look at her with a raised eyebrow. “And, by the look on your face right now, I’m assuming there’ll be a number five soon.”
“I’m not feeling it,” you told her. “What if we go back to house two? At least I felt something with that house.” You huffed back into the seat, pressing your fingers against your forehead as your eyes fluttered close. “We got this. This could be the house. We’ll never know until we go inside.”
Wanda watched you with a small smile as you climbed out of the car, greeting the realtor with a wide grin. He has dealt with this kind of undecided doubt before, he clearly had the patience for it, yet she couldn’t help but feel bad for the guy. She killed the engine and got out of the car to trail after you as you walked into the house.
“This place is nice,” were the first words that came out of Wanda’s mouth upon entering the home. She sent you a toothy grin when you looked at her, the realtor sending her a grateful smile. She stepped into the large, empty room adjacent to the kitchen, spreading her arms out wide. “This is obviously the living room, with a sliding glass door to the backyard!”
“Hex-” You cut yourself off when she held up a finger, walking past you to stand in the middle of the kitchen. You released a sigh when she, once again, spread her arms out, looking at you expectantly. “That’s clearly the kitchen.”
“See? The vision is already coming in.” She gestured for you to follow her as she made her way down the hall, and you released a sigh as you did. She disappeared into a room, and you couldn’t stop the smile from appearing on your face no matter how hard you tried. “Bedroom?”
“Bedroom,” you agreed, fully giving in to the smile.
“The bathroom’s across the hall,” the realtor stated from the doorway, “and there’s a spare bedroom if you two plan on having any ki-” He cleared his throat when you both turned your head to look at him, Wanda’s eyebrow raised silently told him to continue speaking. “Company.” He smiled, but the fake moment of happiness didn’t last long. “I’ll just wait outside.”
You looked at Wanda, though the grin that was on your face never returned. Instead, your eyes shined brightly with unshed tears, your bottom lip trembled, and you whispered an incoherent apology as you hurried out of the room. She didn’t hesitate to chase after you, following you as you made your way out the glass door and into the backyard. She lingered back as you looked up at the sky, your shoulders slouching as a tear managed to escape its prison. “I’m sorry,” you said, a bit more coherently this time.
Wanda sighed, stepping forward to stand next to you. She didn’t look anywhere but at you, her hands itching to wipe away that stray tear. “What’s wrong?” she asked. “Is it the house? We have one more we can look at, Y/N.”
“It’s-” You cleared your throat, shaking your head as you looked down. “It’s not the house.” You sunk to the ground, holding your knees to your chest nervously. Wanda joined you in the grass, crossing her legs as she looked at you. 
“Do you not want to move in together?”
“Of course I do,” you expressed, meeting her wary gaze. You huffed, furrowing your eyebrows in what she couldn’t tell was anger or sadness. “Wanda, I’ve been wanting to move in with you for months.”
“Talk to me, detka,” she whispered, searching your eyes for any sign. “I need to know what’s bothering you.”
You breathed out shakily, pursing your lips together tightly for a brief moment before you said, “I just need the house to be perfect for you. I… I just want it to give you something to look forward to coming back to everyday.”
“Oh, baby,” she laughed, tilting her head as she brought your face in between her hands. “It’s not the house I’m looking forward to coming back to. It’s you.” She chuckled lowly, smiling as her thumbs wiped away the loose tears covering your cheeks. “Y/N, I’m not picky about the house we move into, as long as you come with it.”
You stared at her, sniffling. “That was really cheesy,” you confessed, causing her to laugh. The corners of your lips twitched upwards into a brief smile. “Like, that was off the charts of cheesiness.”
“Alright,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Wherever you are, Y/N, that’s where I’m meant to be.”
“Do you like this house?” you whispered.
She laughed softly, nodding her head. “This is the perfect house.”
“Then we’ll take this one.” You smiled at her, leaning forward to press a soft kiss against her lips.
“Not to ruin this intimate moment or anything,” you pulled away, your jaw locking in annoyance as Wanda looked up at the realtor with a wide smile, “but did I hear that you two are taking this house?”
“Yes,” Wanda answered, chuckling. She smiled softly, turning back to you to meet your gaze. “We’re buying the house.”
Present Day Wanda sighed as she brought you into her side, looking at the framed quote in front of her. “‘Wherever you are, that’s where I’m meant to be.’” She smirked. “I’m pretty sure I read that in a fortune cookie or something.”
“I don’t even care,” you stated. “I know it from you.” You looked at her, feeling her lean close to you. And when her lips were inches away from yours, you laughed lightly as you slightly pulled back. 
“It still stands true,” she promised, leaning forward to brush her nose across yours, pulling a smile out of you.
“Oh, yeah?” She nodded as you smirked. “What happens if I go somewhere you can’t?”
“I’ll find a way,” she claimed, moving to step in front of you. Her body still flushed against you by your arms, the tips of her fingers teased your jaw as she met your gaze. “I know wherever you go without me, Y/N, I’ll find my way to you. Through hell and highwater.”
“Let’s hope I don’t wander too far away from you then.” She started to smile, but it was interrupted when you closed the distance between your lips.
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winnielanddd · 1 year
Let Me Bring Back My Moon pt. 1
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Kim Seokjin x wife!Reader
Summary: Jin and Y/N are working hard towards their futures. They meet some bumps along their journey as a married couple. However, Y/N is met with a difficult challenge. Will she be able to overcome this challenge without Jin by her side?
Warnings: some smut (not too descriptive) and some angst :))))
Word count: ~1.5K
Part 1
Home, a place that is supposed to be filled with laughter and joy. Home, now replaced with silence and sorrow. Jin let out a tired sigh, placing his hands on his hip after the love of his life stormed into her shared bedroom for the nth time this month. What was supposed to be a light-hearted conversation turned into another argument. That wasn’t supposed to happen. Not when Jin planned to come home for lunch and surprise his wife. Jin glanced at the large picture frame hanging in their living room. A sad smile appeared on his face as he carefully studied his love’s beautiful smile in her wedding photo. How Jin wished he could see the same smile once more instead of sorrowful frowns. He was brought back to reality through the buzzing of his phone.
“Hyung. We need you at practice. We’re starting soon. You should hurry before Hobie hyung gets mad.” The desperation from Namjoon’s voice sounded serious. Jin chuckled before reassuring his leader that he’ll be there shortly. Jin glanced at the closed bedroom door, contemplating whether or not he should go in and apologize for the misunderstanding. Y/N would understand, right? One step towards the direction of their shared room and Jin’s phone buzzed again. A text message now appeared. 
Jin hyung, we’ll be at practice late. Don’t forget to let Y/N-nie know~ Tell her I miss her too! You never bring Y/N-nie around anymore TT^TT — Jiminie
Don’t worry, I’ll tell her. Y/N-nie’s just been busy preparing for an important presentation. We’ll come together soon, don’t worry. ^^ — Jin hyung
“Jagiya,” Jin carefully calls through the bedroom door, “I’ll be home late because of practice. Don’t wait up for me…I love you.” Jin hesitated on his last three words. Was it the right time to say it? It felt needed at the moment. Jin received no answer and left defeated. He slips on his shoes, double-checking his pockets for his wallet, his bag for extra clothes and water, and keys to re-enter the shared apartment complex. Jin sighed, taking one last glimpse at the empty apartment, before closing the door.
Hearing the banging of the closed door from the bedroom, Y/N buried her face into the pillow. The moments of their argument replaying in her head. 
“Jagiya~! I’m home for lunch! I brought you some flowers and your favorite take out! Let’s eat together!” Jin called out into the complex. 
“I’m in the bedroom! Give me a few minutes!” Jin chuckled before heading to the bedroom, knowing Y/N was preparing her proposal for the CEO at the end of this month. 
“C’mon jagi, take a quick break. Let’s eat while the food is warm.”
“Just a minute, please.”
“Have you eaten all day? You seem like you’ve been looking at your screen all day.”
“Yup, had a sandwich.” 
“Aww, my baby is working so hard. I also worked hard today, too, during vocal lessons! It was great! I impressed the members with my high note today. Do you need help? I can call off—”
“Seokjin, can you be quiet for one second?” Jin was taken aback by Y/N’s remark. He definitely messed up after hearing his full name drop from her mouth. 
“I’m sor–”
“Can you just leave me alone please? You keep yapping about whatever and I need to get this presentation done. I can’t take breaks whenever I feel like it, okay? I’m not like you who can come and go as you please. So, please, do me a favor and leave me alone.” 
Jin was silent. Maybe he shouldn’t have yapped about his day just yet, but the excitement to see his love got the best of him. “Okay, yeah. I’ll just be in the living room,” Jin softly spoke, closing the door behind him. 
End of Flashback
Y/N stared at the ceiling, her heart now pounding. “Fuck, I messed up.” 
At practice, Jin kept messing up the choreography, either being a beat too early or a beat late. “Let’s take five guys. We’ll come back to it,” Hoseok said, gulping down some water. 
“Hyung, what’s wrong? You seem so out of it,” Namjoon asked Jin, placing a hand on his shoulder. 
“Oh, it’s nothing. Just me and Y/N getting into another misunderstanding again. Nothing new.”
“Jin hyung, that’s like what? The 5th one this week and it’s only Wednesday!” Jungkook called from the other side of the room. Shit, had it really been that many? The guys gathered around Jin to hear what happened. 
“I think you both should be honest with each other. Times are tough for you both, but you should talk it out with each other. Isn’t that why you both married?” Yoongi commented. The rest of the guys agreed. 
“Yeah. I plan on that tonight actually. Thanks guys,” Jin gave a small smile before they all returned to dance practice; Jin’s shoulders feeling lighter now that he received some guidance. 
2AM came around by the time Jin returned back home. He was expecting Y/N to be asleep as he crept into their shared room. All the lights were off, the food was fortunately touched—barely. Jin was welcomed to a sleeping figure on the bed and frowned a little. Did he hope Y/N was still up waiting for his return? Yes. But Jin knew better than to let his hopes get up.
After washing up, he crawled into his spot, being welcomed with the back of Y/N. He laid there, contemplating on whether or not he should cuddle her. It was a normal thing before, why did it feel foreign now? As Jin was fighting his inner thoughts, he was startled with the arms wrapping around his torso.
“Jinnie, you’re home,” Y/N sleepily called out.
“Mmm. I thought you were asleep.”
“I couldn’t. Not after I snapped at you like that.” Y/N looked at Jin’s face, making out some of his features with the help of the moonlight. she reached up to caress his cheeks and gave him a sad smile.
“I’m sorry Jinnie. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said those things to you. I know you were trying to be helpful and–”
“Shh,” Jin hushed Y/N, holding her hand that held his cheek, “I know you were just stressed. It’s okay my love.” Y/N sat up to better face him and sighed. 
“No. It’s not. This has been a repeated pattern for us. This has been going on for months now. We’re both stressed from work, but it’s not fair of me to snap at you because of stress and vice versa. I’m scared yeobo.” Y/N’s voice faltered at her last sentence. She didn’t realize that tears were streaming down her face until Jin turned on the lamp light and reached over to wipe them away. 
“What are you scared of, my love?” Y/N’s heart pounded like beating drums. 
“I–fuck–I’m scared of losing you! I’m scared of losing you, losing our love, losing what we created together.” The sobs in Y/N’s voice could tell how fearful she was. Jin held Y/N close to his chest, rubbing the small of her back to console her and her sobs. 
“Shh…you won’t lose me. I’m here for you jagiya. I always have and always will. We got married for a reason right? I won’t ever stop loving you. I swear to the moon, I’ll love you forever.” Jin laid themselves down in the bed, planting small kisses around her face and neck to sooth her. 
“I’m crazy in love with you.” Peck. “I can’t imagine life without you.” Peck. “Let me show you my love for you.” Jin connected his lips with Y/N’s, making sure she knew he was serious. Jin left love marks on Y/N while undressing himself and making sure to carefully undress Y/N. His never-ending words of affirmation and endless “I love you’s” in Y/N’s ears as he entered into her made Y/N’s heart swell. 
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful jagi. Your body fits mine like the missing part of the puzzle piece,” he breathed into her ear, moving himself at a comfortable speed.
“Jinnie, I’m close.”
“Together, my love. Together.” Y/N embraced Jin, holding him like her life depended on it, refusing to let go. It felt magical, euphoric. It felt different this time. Jin planted another kiss on her lips, taking in her taste. Y/N deepened the kiss, but felt wet drops on her face. Was Jin crying? She pulled back and saw small tears leave his eyes. 
“Honey, you’re crying.”
“I’m sorry. I just realized how much I missed being with you.” As the night progressed, Jin and Y/N spoke about their feelings, being vulnerable and honest with one another. The endless “I love you’s” and “Thank you for sharing” created an atmosphere of peace.
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abbatoirablaze · 2 months
Behind Closed Doors, Chapter 5
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: angst, mentions of aggression/throwing things.
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“Hey, are you okay?”
You nodded reassuringly as he cupped your face in his hands.  Your lips trembled as he gave you a sad look.  You could see behind the worried expression in his face, to the exhaustion.  You reached up and stroked the back of his hand, “have you been sleeping?”
“Look at you, little bird,” he smirked, shaking his head, “I came here to rescue you from your gilded cage and all you can do is worry about how I’ve been sleeping.  (Y/N), I’m fine.”
“You look exhausted.”
“I’ve been worried about you,” he admitted after a second, his own sad smile taking over on his beautiful face, “ever since you reached out and told me about what was really going on between you and Chris, I-”
“You reached out first,” you reminded him, “after you saw those pictures in that magazine.”
“Like I said, I’ve been worried about you,” he replied simply, “I know how dead set you were in me not keeping contact when you and Chris found out you were pregnant...I was just trying to respect your wishes...but then when I saw that picture of him drunk, having a night on the town, and it said that he was filming in Calgary...you just gave birth...he should have been there for you.”
“The babies are month old, Sebastian.  He-”
“Should have stayed longer,” he said quickly, cutting you off, “if those babies were mine...if I’d just gotten to you first and we-”
“Sebastian, please...”
He frowned, but nodded, “I’m sorry.  I know this isn’t what you want to hear.  I just-”
“Can we get out of here?” you asked softly. 
He nodded once more, “yeah...of course.  I got an SUV so we could take whatever you wanted.  Made sure there is enough room so that we could fold down a row of seats if you need more space, but-”
“I just want to take their stroller...some clothes and all the care stuff like diapers, wipes, and HBA stuff...and their car seats.”
“You don’t want to take their cribs or toys?” he asked, “there’s plenty of room for it-”
“They sleep better when they sleep with me in the bed,” you admitted with a frown, “I just put a few pool noodles around the edges, not that they’ve wobbled anywhere near close to the edge, but they hate their cribs...even when I put them together, they don’t like being away from me…and as far as the toys...they could care less for the room full of crap that Chris bought.  Money doesn’t replace their father being absent.”
He nodded, “yeah...okay...show me where to go, and I’ll start putting stuff in the car while you get the twins ready.”
“Yeah!” you nodded.  He let go of you and you turned on your heel, making your way through the house.  Sebastian stopped when the two of you reached the bedroom. 
His breath stole away in his throat as he saw the two sleeping infants nestled right beside each other. 
“Shit...” he muttered softly, the realization of it all hitting him like a freight train, “th-they’re-,  well, they’re there…”   
You turned on your heel, a diaper bag already on your shoulder while you wheeled the suitcase beside him, “What?”
“They’re so small,” he whispered softly.  He took a step forward towards the bed, and Johnny shifted.  Shayla whimpered in her sleep, “I-I don’t know what I thought but...they’re so tiny.”
“They were born a few weeks early,” you admitted with a giggle as you passed off the suitcase and diaper bag, “What did you expect?  Full grown toddlers?”
He smiled and looked at you, “they’re beautiful...”
You stopped moving and looked at the twins.  They were so peaceful.  So serene.  As much as it pained you to admit it, ever since Chris left it was like a weight had been lifted from the three of you.  All the tension from the house was gone, and the twins seemed to settle in perfectly fine without him; falling into a comfortable sleep schedule, and easy routine. 
“They are, aren’t they?” you asked softly, “I-I knew what I signed up for when I agreed to do this whole thing...but I-I never really stopped to think about it.  I mean, I always wanted to be a mom...have a big family, but I never thought it was in my cards when I became an escort.”
“And then you and Chris happened...”
“Do-do you ever wonder what it would have been like if you didn’t agree to the thing with Chris?” he asked, hoping that it would lead to the conversation of him having a shot at you. 
You shrugged, “I would have met you...but-I think-I think that this was meant to happen first...if that makes sense...Sebastian...you know there’s obviously something between us.  I mean, I feel the chemistry too, but I don’t know what it would be like if me and Chris never happened.  D-do you think about it?”
“Yeah....I do...a lot...”
“I think you’re right,” he admitted softly, “I mean, I definitely feel the chemistry too, but I think that me and you were meant to be friends first...but I’ll tell you one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“You’re definitely going to be the woman that I spend the rest of my life with.”
“I know,” he chuckled, shaking his head once more, “that’s not what you want to hear.”
“I-I didn’t say that…I just-this thing with Chris…it’s…it’s a lot…and right now, I just want to get the hell out of here.”
He smiled and held his hand out, “well then...let’s get started with the rest of our lives...shall we?”
“God he’s such a good guy!”  
You felt the blush rising on your cheeks as Sebastian cooed at your daughter.  Shayla giggled excitedly, her little hands grabbing at his face.
“What are you doing, baby girl?” he teased, playfully as she giggled even more, “I’m gonna get your hands.  I’m gonna get those little fingers!”
She squealed as he kissed her hands every time they got close enough to his face. 
You looked back to Blake, “I’m sorry, what?”
“You okay?” she teased playfully, a smirk growing on her face as she nudged you with her hip.
“Oh, yeah...sorry.  I just-”
“It’s fine,” she smiled as she handed you yours and Sebastian’s coffees, “So...we know the kids aren’t his...but how close are you two, really?”
“Come on,” she laughed as she sipped on her drink as you watched him calm down as his friend, and fellow co-star Chace, handed Johnny back to him when one of the guys walked over to join the boys and babies, “he’s tight-lipped about your relationship with him.  He says that you’re his assistant, but he’s the sweetest with your kids.  He hasn’t even looked in the direction of another woman since he brought you and the twins back.  And you’ve been with us for two months...”
Your blush grew deeper on your cheeks as you looked at him.  He was still heavily involved in giving all of his attention to the two playful three-month-olds.
“We-we’re just-taking it slow...”
“I knew it!” she grinned. 
“Hey, don’t be ashamed!” she laughed, “we all knew there was something going on.”
“Right now...there isn’t,” you said with a shake of your head, “I left a very...complicated situation.  He’s been an amazing man, and friend by coming and helping me out of it.  He gave me a job and lets me stay with him...without him I-I probably would have stayed in that situation.”
“So...do you have feelings for him?”
Your heart lurched in your chest. 
You’d gone to shower after a long day of driving with Sebastian.  He’d insisted that the two of you get a hotel room for the evening after both of you had driven through the afternoon and well into the early evening.  And while you had initially rejected the idea, you were so grateful when you felt the hot water rolling down your back.
But when you’d come out of the bathroom, and you saw that the twins were tucked into both of his arms, and the three of them were asleep.
Game over.
Every hormone in your body was working double-time. 
You wanted to cry. 
You wanted to jump his bones. 
You felt happiness...sadness...every emotion under the sun.
Why wasn’t Chris ever like that with the twins?
Why hadn’t they accepted him as much, or as easily as they seemed to accept Sebastian?
“Sebastian....” you whispered softly, hoping that you could wake him, and he could slip out from the twins and grab a shower for himself, “Sebastian...I’m done.  You can grab a shower if you want.”
“C’mere!” he yawned, his eyes still closed as he gestured for you to join him on the bed, “come and join us...”
“You should grab a shower!” you said softly, “we spent a long time in the car...”
He sighed, his eyes opening ever so slightly.  You felt like it was hard to breathe as his eyes met yours, “you look beautiful like that...”
“Wh-what?” you asked, the word getting choked up in your throat, “li-like a wet rat?”
“You look like you washed away the stress from the past year in that shower...”
“Yeah,” you admitted, “I think I might have...”
He sucked in his cheeks as he stared at you.  His voice held a twinge of jealousy to it, “well...would you look at the happy little family...”
Your heart felt like it stopped in your chest as you saw your ex standing, waiting for you to arrive at the apartment, “Ch-Chris...what are you doing here?”
His jaw twitched and he crossed his arms over his chest as his stance widened.  It felt like he was taking up most of the room in the hall, his body blocking the entrance to Sebastian’s apartment, “I got done filming (Y/n)...”
“Found your little note that you left on the dresser,” he scoffed angrily, “how could you just leave when I was at work?  How did you think it was okay to just pick up and leave...with my children.”
You could hear the anger in his tone.  You took a step back, the stroller moving back a beat as Sebastian stepped between the two of you, “Look...I’m okay with the two of you talking, but you’re going to do it inside, not create a scene, and be respectful to her, Chris.  She’s the mother of your children.”
His jaw twitched once more, and he glared at you. 
You felt your throat go dry as the two of you stared at one another in some sort of Mexican standoff.  But after a pregnant pause, Chris stepped aside, holding his hands up in defense, “open the door...”
Sebastian looked back to you, “you okay with this?”
“Yeah,” you said after another second, “You’re right...he-he is the twin’s father...we should talk.”
He nodded once more and turned towards the apartment.  Pulling the keys from his pocket he unlocked the door and gestured for Chris to walk in. 
He did so, but not before giving you another look.  You took short, quick steps, reaching the door a moment after he went through it.  Sebastian put a hand on your arm, “hey...I see what’s going on in your eyes...he’s not going to do anything to take the children away from you.  He signed that contract too!  Remember that.”
You nodded, biting back your worry as you pushed through the door.  The stroller stopped in the living room, and you kissed both of the twins before you felt Sebastian’s hand on your lower back.  You turned and he handed you the two bags of groceries, “want to put these away and start a pot of coffee?  I’ll get the twins out of the stroller and set them up for tummy time.”
You gave a nervous nod and traded off the bags for the babies, making your way behind the island as he started unbuckling the twins, “(Y/N) is going to make some coffee.”
“I don’t want coffee,” Chris growled as he shot you another look.  You turned on the coffee maker before turning your attention to the groceries, “I came here to talk about my kids.”
“And we can do that,” Sebastian said softly as he pulled Johnny from the stroller and set him down on the play mat and pillow that propped him up for tummy time, “but we’re going to calm down...both of you.”
“How the fuck do you expect me to be any calmer, Stan?” Chris asked, “she ran away with my kids while I was off filming?  How the hell would you feel if it was your kids?  FUCK!  You fucking helped her do it!  We’re supposed to be friends!”
“Well, I can tell where your priorities are already,” he said quickly, shooting him a look as he retrieved Shayla and set her down beside Johnny before turning on an educational show he’d recorded on his DVR for them, “you’ve already been in their presence for five or ten minutes and still haven’t acknowledged them and instead chose to curse about my decisions in helping your ex.”
“Don’t tell me where my priorities are Sebastian!” he hissed. 
“Well, they’re happy and healthy...in case you were wondering,” he said with a shrug, “They just had a checkup and some shots for vaccinations last week...again, in case you were wondering.”
Chris looked down at the twins for a second and you frowned. 
You could see the regret in his eyes as he looked at them. 
You knew that deep down he did love the twins.  He just wasn’t the best at showing it.
“They’re smart...and sweet...they love all of Sebastian’s co-stars on Gossip Girl...”
“I shouldn’t have to have found out that you were leaving through a note,” he grumbled, shooting you another look, “you shouldn’t have left.”
“Sebastian offered me a job,” you admitted as you poured three cups of coffee, “He saw that I was alone with the twins...he saw that I needed away from the house...and you told me to leave anyways...”
“I told you to think about it.”
“After you realized that I have primary custody of the children.”
“Why are you doing this to me?” he asked, taking a few steps towards you, his voice raising ever so slightly, “why are you doing this to us?”
“No, (Y/N) we-” He stopped speaking when Shayla immediately started crying.  Turning around, he sighed, stalking towards her, “Shit...”
“I got her!” Sebastian said slowly, also making his way towards the babies.
“Back off, Sebastian...she’s my daughter!” he growled, “I think I can calm down my own child!”
Sebastian took a step back, holding his hands up, “Okay.”
Chris stopped just short of the mat and bent over, picking up the crying infant in a quick swoop.  Immediately she started screaming, her head wobbling around as she searched for something familiar.  Your heart raced as you knew who she was searching for, as she made grabby hands in his direction when she spotted him just a few feet away. 
Between sobs and screams, she was babbling, and you knew she was trying to call for Sebastian.
“I GOT HER!” he growled firmly, his voice raising even more.  His timber scared Shayla, and she began screaming bloody murder as she continuously reached for Sebastian.  He looked at you, and you raced around the island, snatching her from Chris’ hands before he knew what you were doing. 
Shayla stopped screaming when she noticed you were holding her, but she was inconsolable as she continued to reach for Sebastian.  You could see the fear in your son’s eyes as he saw his sister crying, and you bent over to scoop him up as well.
“Want me to take her?” Sebastian offered.
“Please...” you begged, walking back over to him. 
“Come here princess!” he cooed, reaching out for her.  The infant leaned out, and he caught her in his arms, immediately holding her against himself, shushing and cooing her.  She nuzzled herself into his neck, and her sobs turned into quiet whimpers as he rocked her.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” he growled, “she won’t shut the hell up for me, her actual father, but she’ll calm down the second she’s in his arms?  Were you fucking him, (Y/N?)  Is he the twins real father?
“She wants him...fucking him!” he growled.
“Because he’s been there for them!  Not you!  She doesn’t fucking know you, Chris!” you growled back in response, finally snapping at him, “the first month of her life she barely knew what was going on, but after your parents and siblings left after that first week, you became disengaged.  You never picked them up.  You never held them or chased away their fears.   You just bought gifts and told me to hire a nanny before disappearing.  Sebastian helps.  He changes their diapers.  He bathes them.  He engages them.  Rocks them to sleep.  Feeds and loves them.  Of course Shayla and Johnny are attached to him!”
“Are you fucking him?”
Your throat went dry once more as you looked at him, “excuse me?”
“You heard what I said,” he said in a low tone, “are you fucking him?”
“No, you asshole.  I’m not fucking Sebastian...”
“This is a one bedroom,” he said firmly, eyes darting down the hall, “where do you sleep?  Where do the kids sleep?”
“I sleep on the couch!” Sebastian said honestly, “it’s not what you’re thinking, C-”
“I didn’t fucking ask you, Stan!”
“I sleep in his bed...the kids sleep in his bed.  With ME!” you hissed, “Sebastian sleeps on the couch!  For Christ’s sakes, the pillows and blankets are folded up behind you!  Anything else you want to know?”
His jaw twitched and he walked over to the island in silence.  His hands cupped the mug of coffee that you’d poured for him, but he didn’t lift it to his lips.
“So, this is it,” he asked, “just going to move in with some guy?  Run off with my kids?”
“Sebastian isn’t some guy, Chris...”
“Do you love him?”
He whipped around, his hand launching the coffee cup against the wall.  The ceramic shattered and the coffee went everywhere.  Both of the twins started screaming and crying over the loud noise, “BE FUCKING HONEST WITH ME, (Y/N)!”
“Chris...I’m going to say this once,” Sebastian said in a low, warning tone, “leave my apartment...right now.  Or I’m calling the cops...You and I both know that the last thing you need right now is the cops being called on you.  Think about it.  The press…do you really want to start this kind of PR over a temper tantrum you’re having?”
“You’re un-fucking-believable,” he scoffed, running his hand over his mouth while the two of you tried to soothe the twins, “fucking Sebastian Stan...take my girlfriend...my kids-”
“He didn’t do anything but help me get out of a bad situation,” you hissed, “we aren’t together.  He’s just there for me.  He’s there for the kids!  You aren’t!”
“I was trying to provide for you.  For them.  FOR US!”
“Chris...you’re scaring your kids...do the right thing.  Just go!”
“I’m going!” he said firmly, cutting Sebastian off.  He started walking towards the door, shaking his head.  He sniffled and turned towards you as his hand reached for the door.  Part of your heart ached as you saw the tears in his eyes, “I hope you’re happy, (Y/N).”
“You’re a fucking leech!  You’re taking my family out from under me because I got her first…and that’s fucking low,” he growled, cutting Sebastian off as he gave him a final look, “you’re a no-name, no talent leech and you’ll always stay that way…some fucking soap opera wannabe…go to hell, Sebastian.”  
Chapter 6
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trelaundry · 2 years
josiah trelawny x reader || couldn’t help himself
a/n: hey everyone! kinktober is nearly here, but since my schedule is super messy I've decided to start early! on my ao3 (shrimpthebean) I'll be writing for rdr2 and far cry 5, but since my tumblr is geared toward red dead content I'll be reposting all of the cowboy goodness here throughout the challenge (maybe beyond, since I really don't know if shit will go to plan lmao).
Kinktober Prompt: Masturbation Subject: Josiah Trelawny Summary: Trelawny finds a notion of you in Rhodes, and deals with how much he misses you in the only way that makes sense
Enjoy! :)
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He couldn’t help himself. He was pathetic, his cock getting hard at just the thought of seeing you again. But he couldn’t help it: the notion of your gentle smile made him throb heavily as he palmed himself through the expensive fabric of his trousers.
He had heard word of a sighting of you in Rhodes, where he just so happened to be residing for the time being. Were you simply passing through, he pondered as he fumbled with the buttons of his trousers, or were you perhaps looking for someone?
Looking for him? 
The tip of Josiah’s cock glistened with precum, and more bubbled from it at the mere concept of you seeking him out. His sweet little temptress. How adorable. He would reward such initiative if he managed to catch you on those dusty orange streets of this dusty little town. 
What reward would suit you best? He thought as he stroked the shaft of his cock at a languid pace, his silk gloves long since discarded as he allowed his fingertips to press delicately into every inch, every vein that throbbed so perfectly at the images that flooded Josiah’s mind. 
Perhaps a bejewelled necklace? A new deck of tarot cards? No, that’s not what his lovely lady wants. 
She wants his cock, doesn’t she?
He let out a breathy groan at the notion: the proudest woman he had ever met, and yet she fell to her knees and gave into him so easily. His thumb circled the tip of his weeping cock, delicately collecting the liquid before stroking it further down the shaft to the base, practically lubricating it with his own lecherous thoughts.
He imagined the hand he was rhythmically thrusting into was your own sweet body. How he craved it, to be within it, within you once more. It had been so long, or at least it had felt like it. This act was most ungentlemanly, and yet you were able to evoke such undeniable lust within him that he had no choice but to ruthlessly grip himself in his caravan on the outskirts of town, the town that you had been in only hours before. 
Had you breathed the same air he had? He gulped it down, his body starved with the whimpers he had no choice but to let out.  
He moaned your name like a prayer as he worshipped himself with the thought of you. He thought of how your hand would reach out to touch his cock like a sacred idol, reverently stroking the tender flesh. His head lolled back against the pillows of his makeshift bed as he cupped his balls with his hand, imagining they were your plump lips kissing them. He gripped the base of his cock imagining the way you were able to take every inch of him into your heavensent mouth. Blood rushed every which way throughout his body, turning his cheeks scarlet and making his cock swell, thicker in his hand by the second. What a woman you were.
Oh to have you here with him, between his thighs where you belonged. You looked especially beautiful with his cock in your mouth, against your cheek, between your breasts. As long as he could feel your skin against his length, he was content. 
He wondered if during your time apart, you had pleasured yourself to the thought of him. Delving beneath your layers of petticoats and chemise to touch yourself to a mirage of him. Did your fingers circle your clit restlessly the way he had seen you do so many times before? Did they curl upwards into your cunt, trying hopelessly to fill the space left behind by his cock? Did you grasp at your breasts and your throat picturing two gloved hands replacing your own? All in good time. He would return to you, and you would have him as much as he would have you. These were hard times for the gang, you both knew that sometime soon all you would have is one another. So you cherished what you had, and the love you made together was the easiest way to remain grateful for one another. 
He was nearing his end, he knew it. He allowed your name to roll off his tongue once again as his back arched into the fist he was now sloppily thrusting up into. How could such a wild woman cause him to lose all composure? Sweat threatened to break upon his brow in the humid caravan that had become his home. He cared not for it, but when you inevitably found yourself here, underneath him, writhing underneath him in a similar position that he found himself in now as his hips bucked upwards without rhythm nor consistency, he would feel a lot more comfortable. 
Josiah’s eyelids fluttered shut as he felt every part of his body tense for a moment before he reached his peak. He moaned long and low as thick ropes of warm cum coated his hand that he weakly thrusted into. It had been far too long since his last release, since it began to overflow from his clenched fist and trickled down his arm onto his trousers and the hem of his shirt that he’d long since untucked. He let out a sigh, long and drawn out breath leaving him as that blissful mist rolled over his mind. No release without you felt entirely complete, but he could allow himself this time. He felt whole for a while, a temporary fix. 
He consigned himself to finding you. Just… after he cleaned himself up. Not right away, of course. The last few weeks had been exhausting without you keeping him rational. How he missed you. But as it sounded, he wouldn’t be without you for much longer. If those rascals in town could be believed. Nevertheless, it was only a matter of time before-
His wistful thinking was interrupted by a whinny he could swear he had heard before, followed up by a voice he most definitely had.
“I’m looking for a man who’s renting around here. Odd looking guy, stupid accent, stupider moustache?”
Josiah couldn’t bathe in that sweet afterglow any longer upon hearing that voice. That sweet voice. Like aloe vera on a flesh wound, like a canary in a prison. His lady had found him, and quite quickly considering she had only been here a day or two. Clever little thing. 
He practically shot up from where he had been languishing only moments before, and strode over to the mirror to fix his appearance. Only a couple of creases and a fairly inconspicuous stain on his trousers gave his act away. Something only you would notice, he smiled. Fixing the moustache you claimed to be stupid but he knew you adored, he winked at his reflection before walking out of the caravan into the small camp.
“Did you summon me, my darling?”
Your jaw dropped.
He just couldn’t help himself.
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
Why are people so insistent that because Jensen and Danneel are still married and she’s wormed her way into business with him that means they’re so in love? (This ended up being so long, I’m so sorry! I always send you the longest deep dives 😅).
Their relationship was never about love. They were two people partied together and cheated on their partners with each other. When their partners broke up with them, Danneel clung onto Jensen and he let her because he had nothing else going on. Very much a situationship. One person treats it like a real relationship (Danneel), the other as a regularly occurring, no strings attached hook up (Jensen). Then he suddenly was at the age where all of his friends were getting married and the studio was probably on his back about having a partner for his image because 1. Bachelorhood isn’t a good look once you hit a certain age and 2. The gay rumors. Conveniently, he was hooking up with a girl employed by the same network. Her career looked promising at the time, so Jensen gets a little nudge from higher ups to make it official. Danneel gets the press and status she needs to keep her career on the same upwards trajectory, Jensen keeps his wholesome guy from Texas image he had at the time, and they get to be the replacement network power couple after Sophia Bush and Chad Michael Murray didn’t work out. That’s why the timeline of their relationship is so sketchy, because it was all manufactured. One moment Jensen was recently single, the next he was claiming that he had been dating an “up and coming actress for a few years” (his actual words, I’ll try and find the interview) and why there are no pictures from their relationship prior to going public. Because there was no relationship.
I don’t think the relationship was meant to last beyond a couple of years of dating. The idea probably was they would stay together long enough to get Danneel her clout and cement Jensen’s reputation as a good man who doesn’t use women. But she’s a schemer, there’s no way she was letting him go. And this is where my point about everyone around Jensen getting married comes in. I think seeing everyone around him getting married made him feel as though he was getting old, and needed to get married too. Jared, who is four years younger than him, getting married really sealed the deal panic wise. Danneel preyed on that and got her ring. Then, she stirred up the gay rumors so that Jensen would feel even more pressure to get married. If he had broken off the engagement, tabloids would have taken that as proof that he was gay. It also served the purpose of making sure that people knew not only who she was, but who she was going to be- Mrs. Ackles. Then a short engagement to lessen the chances of Jensen getting cold feet. Jensen still got cold feet, and she was prepared for that so she made sure there would be people around to talk him off the ledge and down the aisle. The wedding pictures say it all, like most pictures of the two of them do. Her smug face, his parents pinched expressions and Jensen’s eyes looking super distant (nothing says true love like having to be high to get though your own wedding).
From the moment the marriage certificate was signed, the (failing to this day) long con of Mr. and Mrs. Ackles, Hollywood power couple, began. No honeymoon for the “stars”, but straight to Upfronts to parade around her new husband and promote herself and her new show. Friends with Benefits was supposed to launch her to stardom. She wanted to be the next Jennifer Aniston, and Jensen was going to be her Brad Pitt. This was also around the time that she was heavily campaigning to replace Megan Fox in Transformers. Friends With Benefits was a total failure, and NBC knew that was going to happen before it even aired. They moved it from being a mid-season replacement for the 2010-11 season to a summertime premiere, a death sentence for any TV show. They didn’t even air the season finale, it was first made available when the show was put on iTunes and Netflix in 2018. Her other two projects released that year were a small role in Mardi Gras: Spring Break (best described as a trashy/dirty movie made for teenage boys to watch when their mothers aren’t looking) and reprising her role as Kumar’s girlfriend in the final Harold & Kumar movie. After that she had small roles in two other cancelled after one season sitcoms (in 3/20 episodes of Retired at 35 and 2/13 episodes of How to Live with Your Parents for the Rest of Your Life). She would then pretend she was retiring from acting to become a mother, yet shortly after JJ was born filmed Baby Boot Camp, a Hallmark movie. Motherhood was a cover up for her failed career, and a way to keep Jensen in her clutches.
From 2010 to 2013 while Danneel tried to make it big, Jensen and Danneel are pretty public. He brings her as a plus one to events, there are paparazzi pics of them out and about fairly regularly, they live in LA with the rest of the stars. When they move to Austin in 2014 however, Danneel basically disappears. No more paid paparazzi, Jensen slowly starts bringing her to less events, and no career to give her visibility. Divorce rumors start to circulate (or rather recirculate. No one has believed in this relationship since the moment it went public). Then Danneel makes her Instagram public and verified. I specify public and verified because she was on Instagram for a while before her “first” post in August of 2015. She deleted a bunch of pictures, got verified and the era of being Jensen Ackles’s wife and mother of his children began. It’s not enough though. And from then on it’s a cycle of trying to gain attention. She’s constantly caught by fans trying to pass off Jensen content as current on Instagram. She tries several times to brand herself as an activist and get into liberal circles. She collabs with a jewelry line with little success. Her recent foray back into modeling. She gets zero attention outside of the fandom, and while she used to mock Gen for being a mommy blogger clearly wanted to be one as well, trying and failing a few times to make it as an influencer. Even with Jensen’s name she can’t make it- whether it’s internet fame or acting. The only time she’s active in the public eye is when she’s trying to prove her marriage. Divorce rumors- next thing you know she’s pregnant with twins. Divorce rumors again- Hilarie gets her a gig with a few other OTH stars in a hallmark Christmas movie. This backfired because no one recognized Danneel as Rachel after all the surgery. Divorce rumors again- guest spot on Supernatural and a family brewery that very conveniently doesn’t include Jensen’s side of the family. More divorce rumors- now they have a production company! She continues to accompany Jensen to less and less events until she’s absent from all of them. You may have noticed that once Gen didn’t need to pretend to be her friend to play up the image of “J2 are so close and their wives are too!” Danneel stopped being seen with her at events in Austin, in fact she stopped going to events entirely. Clearly Jensen wasn’t her only meal ticket.
And now we’re in the current marriage flop era. Post Supernatural has not been good to them. They’ve both admitted their marriage only works when they don’t really see each other and only talk on weekends and now that he’s not in Vancouver 9 months of the year they can’t hide behind that anymore. Cringey anniversary video trying to brand themselves as a humorous couple. No one does that unless they have something to prove. Danneel all but abandoning her social media after years of attention seeking, and after using lockdown to heavily promote the Ackles as a nuclear family unit. Never visited Jensen when travel restrictions were lifted while he was filming The Boys. Only family photos we’ve seen haven been taken outside of the home in public spaces (WB tour, NOLA boutique picture, Disney) and the only public proof of them cohabiting comes from them spending Christmas as a family in Colorado, and Jensen staying in the house they were renting in NOLA for a few days while the prequel pilot was being filmed. We know it was only for a few days because he was away filming for Big Sky at the time. She’s rarely seen with Jensen, and if they’re together they’re noticeably very drunk (FBBC Christmas party, Mardi Gras) or so visibly upset that even the most blind sheep fans notice (Upfronts). They can’t even pretend to be happy for the cameras anymore. What about any of this reads as a happy marriage to people? I have more to say, but this is already way too long so maybe another time lol.
Anon, I love you! 💖 You had the patience to explain everything in great detail. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this beautiful post, I enjoyed reading each paragraph and I hope you will share the rest as well!
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"What about any of this reads as a happy marriage to people?" Indeed. Normal people acknowledge something is off about these two, especially those who are outside of fandom but I guess stans would rather empower their cult worship than face the truth.
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