#I’ll see the cutest animal and then I’ll hear they could bite my head off and I’m like but so cute
You know what if I’m not supposed to want to pet wild animals then they need to stop looking so fluffy and adorable.
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bloody-bee-tea · 3 years
Wei Wuxian
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Finally, my first Bingo! Also this is not very WWX friendly, so take that as your warning.
Jiang Cheng is sitting with his planner open on his lap, studying it with the cutest little frown on his face and Nie Mingjue just wants to kiss him silly.
He knows Jiang Cheng would grumble about it though, especially since Wei Wuxian is there as well, so he only presses a kiss to the top of Jiang Cheng’s head and patiently waits for him to figure out where to put their date.
“Saturday,” Jiang Cheng finally decides. “For lunch, at 1pm and then we’ll see?” he asks and looks up at Nie Mingjue.
“Sure,” Nie Mingjue easily agrees, because it’s not like he has anything to do that’s more important than Jiang Cheng anyway.
“Please don’t be late,” Jiang Cheng says, even though Nie Mingjue has never been late to any of their dates ever.
“I won’t,” Nie Mingjue promises him, because he knows where this is coming from and he can already tell from the look on Wei Wuxian’s face as he watches their interaction that he’s gonna chime in any second now.
“And if you are late or if you somehow can’t make it—” Jiang Cheng trails off, unsurely biting his lower lip and Nie Mingjue threads their fingers together.
“Then I’ll call to let you know,” Nie Mingjue says and he tenses when Wei Wuxian leans forward.
“Aiyo, A-Cheng, what’s with all this scheduling stuff?” he wants to know and Jiang Cheng’s shoulders immediately go up. “It’s not like you do all of that with me, is Mingjue-ge really that unreliable?”
“Shut up, Wei Wuxian,” Jiang Cheng snaps, protectively cradling his planner to his chest.
“We can plan if we want to,” Nie Mingjue chimes in, because he doesn’t want Jiang Cheng to have to defend himself for something that is perfectly alright.
And especially not if the cause of this whole planning is asking these stupid questions.
“Of course you can, it just seems stupid and unnecessarily boring,” Wei Wuxian says and flops back down on the couch, checking his phone for the thousands time to see when Lan Wangji will finally arrive.
“Only you would think so,” Jiang Cheng grumbles and Nie Mingjue has to agree with him.
“Lan Zhan thinks the same,” Wei Wuxian tells them and Nie Mingjue winces when he remembers the time he had to witness a fight in the Lan household when Lan Wangji simply stood up during dinner because Wei Wuxian decided he had time that moment and wanted to see Lan Wangji.
Neither Lan Qiren nor Lan Xichen were particularly pleased about the fact that Lan Wangji simply left for his boyfriend right that instant and the ensuing fight had made Nie Mingjue absolutely uncomfortable. He really wants to tell Wei Wuxian about that, but it’s not his place and so he keeps his tongue.
“It’s fine that we plan, right?” Jiang Cheng suddenly asks Nie Mingjue, sounding unsure and it’s just another reason to send Wei Wuxian a glare.
Not that he notices with how he is still glued to his phone.
“Of course it’s fine, Wanyin. I like to know when I’ll see you next,” he tells him with a little kiss to his cheek and Nie Mingjue thoroughly enjoys the red dusting his cheeks.
“Okay, then,” Jiang Cheng whispers and releases his death grip on the calendar.
Nie Mingjue smiles at him for that and for now, that has to be enough.
Friday afternoons are off limits for anyone and Jiang Cheng has been adamant about this for almost a year now. It’s not a problem at all for Nie Mingjue, because everyone is entitled to their own time and he never felt the need to probe Jiang Cheng for his whereabouts on that day, especially not since Jiang Cheng is very secretive about it.
He almost desperately tried to assure Nie Mingjue that he’s not doing anything bad, that he’s not cheating on him or anything, and it had taken a long while for Nie Mingjue to make him understand that he didn’t even think about that.
But, the point stands, Jiang Cheng is doing something every Friday afternoon that no one knows about and that is fine.
At least for everyone but Wei Wuxian, it seems.
“Come on, let’s do Friday,” he whines, hanging off Jiang Cheng’s shoulder and Nie Mingjue fights the urge to simply pluck him off.
“I can’t,” Jiang Cheng says, not for the first time and he seems deeply uncomfortable, not that Wei Wuxian would notice.
“Why not?” Wei Wuxian asks and before Jiang Cheng can start defending himself yet again, Nie Mingjue steps in.
“Because he said so,” he tells Wei Wuxian and shoulders him out of the way, to hug Jiang Cheng to his side. “You should respect that.”
“He should just tell me what he’s doing,” Wei Wuxian mutters, clearly unhappy about being pushed to the side, but Jiang Cheng leans into Nie Mingjue’s side and that’s all that matters.
“He can do things for himself and he doesn’t have to tell anyone about them,” Nie Mingjue shoots back and presses a kiss to Jiang Cheng’s forehead.
“You don’t mind at all that he’s keeping a secret from you?” Wei Wuxian asks and immediately Jiang Cheng stiffens in Nie Mingjue’s arm.
“Wei Wuxian—” Jiang Cheng starts, but Nie Mingjue squeezes him reassuringly.
“He can keep as many secrets from me as he wants,” he tells Wei Wuxian who doesn’t seem to feel the same about Jiang Cheng keeping secrets.
“No,” Wei Wuxian decides. “Just tell us what you’re doing or do you want Mingjue-ge to think that you’re cheating on him?”
“I’m not—“ Jiang Cheng is clearly lost for words in front of his brother’s demanding nature, just like he so often is, and Nie Mingjue does not like it one bit.
“I would never think that he’s cheating on me,” Nie Mingjue says, more to reassure Jiang Cheng than to really answer Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng gives him a thankful smile.
It seems like Wei Wuxian wants to get into this some more, but when Lan Wangji arrives, he seems to forget about their current discussion, much to Nie Mingjue’s relief. Jiang Cheng’s too, if the way he melts into Nie Mingjue’s side is anything to go by.
It’s only when Nie Mingjue drops Jiang Cheng off at his apartment that some nerves seem to creep back into Jiang Cheng.
“Do you really not mind that I don’t tell you about Fridays?” he asks and Nie Mingjue bites back a sigh.
“We’ve been over that, Wanyin,” he tells him as softly as he can. “I don’t. It’s your time and you can do with it what you want. Of course I’m curious, because I want to know what clearly brings you so much joy, but I’m not dying over the fact that I don’t know.”
When Jiang Cheng frowns at that, Nie Mingjue chuckles and cups Jiang Cheng’s cheek in his hand.
“You’re always so relaxed and happy on Saturdays, so clearly whatever you do on Friday must bring you great joy. And I’m happy you have something like that.”
“It’s—” Jiang Cheng starts, but Nie Mingjue interrupts him.
“You don’t have to tell me.”
“I know. But I want to,” Jiang Cheng decides and he seems so determined that Nie Mingjue doesn’t have the heart to stop him.
“I go to the local shelter on Fridays to walk the dogs,” Jiang Cheng rushes out and that makes so much sense.
Of course only animals—and especially dogs—could make Jiang Cheng that happy.
“That’s wonderful. I bet they love you,” Nie Mingjue says, though he still doesn’t fully understand why Jiang Cheng would keep it a secret.
“I think they like me alright,” Jiang Cheng gives back, which of course means that the dogs are over themselves whenever he comes around. “It’s just—Wei Wuxian’s phobia is—he’d feel betrayed by that.”
Nie Mingjue doesn’t understand that at all, because it’s not like Jiang Cheng is forcing Wei Wuxian into the vicinity of any dogs, but he bites his tongue.
Jiang Cheng’s and Wei Wuxian’s relationship is complicated as it is, and he’s not going to meddle with it.
“Thank you for telling me,” Nie Mingjue says and pulls Jiang Cheng for a kiss.
“Do you—want to come, one day, maybe?” Jiang Cheng hesitantly asks and Nie Mingjue nods immediately.
“Of course.”
He doesn’t just agree to see the blinding smile on Jiang Cheng’s face, but it might just overshadow any other reason.
It all comes to a heat just a few weeks later, when Wei Wuxian shows up at Jiang Cheng’s doorstep just as he’s about to leave for the shelter, Nie Mingjue in tow because it turns out the cats adore him. So while Jiang Cheng is being tasked with walking the dogs and playing with them, Nie Mingjue vanishes into the cat area to dote on them.
It’s a system that works very well for all of them.
At least right until Wei Wuxian shows up and demands Jiang Cheng to go with him for some fries.
“Jiang Cheng,” Wei Wuxian whines when Jiang Cheng resolutely tells him no and Nie Mingjue is very proud of him for that.
“I can’t, Wei Wuxian, you know that.”
“But you won’t even tell me why! And anyway, it can’t be more important than me!”
“It’s a commitment I have,” Jiang Cheng tries but Nie Mingjue can tell that it’s futile.
“Jiang Cheng, I will not leave until you tell me what it is you do that’s so much more important than going to eat with me.”
He positions himself in front of Jiang Cheng, arms crossed in front of his chest, and even before Jiang Cheng sighs, Nie Mingjue knows that he’ll tell him.
Just because Wei Wuxian is a little brat who can’t stand not knowing things.
“I’m going to the shelter,” Jiang Cheng says, keeping his answer vague for now and Nie Mingjue wonders if Wei Wuxian’s phobia is really so bad that he can’t even stand to hear about dogs.
“So don’t go today.”
“They are waiting for me,” Jiang Cheng hisses. “I have a commitment there, and they rely on me.”
“What could you even be doing there?”
“I’m—walkingthedogs,” Jiang Cheng rushes out and Nie Mingjue only has a second to be proud of Jiang Cheng for actually saying it, before he notices how Wei Wuxian turns pale.
“You’re what?”
“You heard me,” Jiang Cheng says but he’s already curling into himself, clearly expecting whatever is coming next.
“How can you betray me like that?” Wei Wuxian howls. “You’re going to walk these—these beasts? And you’re choosing them over me? You know I’m afraid!”
“I can maybe—” Jiang Cheng starts and Nie Mingjue knows where this is going.
He’s going to offer to call the shelter to tell them he can’t make it today and Nie Mingjue has had enough.
“No,” he says and reaches behind him to open the apartment door, pushing Jiang Cheng inside before closing the door again.
“Now listen here,” he says as he turns back to Wei Wuxian.
“What are you doing?” Wei Wuxian asks, taking a half step back.
“I’m giving you a piece of my mind,” Nie Mingjue says and he pulls himself up to his full height, crossing his arms in front of his chest and glaring at Wei Wuxian. “You are going to change how you speak to Jiang Cheng.”
“Why should I?” Wei Wuxian scoffs. “He’s my brother.”
“And you’re hurting him with your behaviour,” Nie Mingjue shoots back because he is so over this entitled behaviour. “I know it’s all fun and games for you, but you are hurting him.”
“With what?” Wei Wuxian wants to know, but he still seems way too self-confident for Nie Mingjue’s liking.
“Just now, for example. He kept this from you, deliberately, because he knew you would react like this. Not everything revolves around you. You’re not in the vicinity of the dogs and he didn’t ask you to be. He’s not betraying you. He’s doing something he loves and tries his best to protect you from that. Don’t you think he’d want to tell you about it? But he knows he can’t and rightfully so because you just twisted it all around. It’s not about you, Wei Wuxian.”
“But he’s walking the dogs!”
“As is his right. It has nothing to do with you,” Nie Mingjue snaps at him. “If you could be a little less self-centred you’d see how you’re fucking him over! He has to keep a harmless little thing that he loves from you, can’t you see how fucked up that is?”
“But I’m—”
“I don’t give a fuck what you are,” Nie Mingjue cuts him off. “This is not about you. It’s about him and what he likes to do, and it’s his damn right to spend his time doing something he enjoys. You should count yourself lucky that he didn’t adopt one of them yet.”
“He would never!”
“No, he wouldn’t. Because he knows you’re afraid. So this is the next best thing he can do, without actually involving you and if you say one more word about this, I’m going to forget myself,” Nie Mingjue threatens.
“Fine,” Wei Wuxian amends after working his jaw a few times but Nie Mingjue is not done yet.
“And another thing. You’re going to stop making fun of him for planning everything,” Nie Mingjue says, much to Wei Wuxian’s confusion.
“What? Why? It’s funny as hell, especially since he gets so defensive about it.”
Nie Mingjue really has to reign in the urge to punch Wei Wuxian in the face, but he reminds himself that Jiang Cheng wouldn’t want that. So while he can’t do that, he can still step forward and fist his hands in Wei Wuxian’s shirt and shake him.
“It’s not funny, and it’s especially not funny because you are the reason he does that!”
“What is that supposed to mean,” Wei Wuxian wheezes out as he tries to get out of Nie Mingjue’s grasp, which of course doesn’t work.
“You are literally incapable of making plans and sticking to them! You say you’re going to meet and then you forget or simply decide that you have better things to do and then don’t even inform him. You show up at the most random times and demand that he makes time for you only to rush away a second later,” Nie Mingjue growls out.
“That’s not—” Wei Wuxian starts, but Nie Mingjue doesn’t let him speak.
“Tuesday,” is all he says, because Wei Wuxian was supposed to meet Jiang Cheng for dinner and promptly stood him up.
Wei Wuxian seems to at least remember that now because he winces.
“Lan Zhan called,” he gives back as if that could ever be an excuse.
“And of course your brain is so small that you forgot how to operate a phone for anything else. You couldn’t even be bothered to let Wanyin know that you won’t be coming. You are the reason he likes to plan things out, because he needs that stability and he sure as hell isn’t getting it from you,” Nie Mingjue snaps and pushes Wei Wuxian away.
“And now you will get out of my sigh and you will not contact Wanyin until you thought about what I said for a good long while,” Nie Mingjue tells him and for a split second it seems like Wei Wuxian wants to argue with him.
He seems to think better of that though, because he nods and slinks away, under the threatening glare of Nie Mingjue.
Nie Mingjue waits until he’s fully out of sight before he sighs, deliberately shakes out his shoulders and then turns around to go back into the apartment.
Jiang Cheng is waiting for him, because of course he is, and Nie Mingjue knows by the look on his face that he has heard every word.
“I’m not going to apologize,” Nie Mingjue immediately says, because he’s been sitting on all of that for way too long but instead of arguing with him, Jiang Cheng pulls him into a kiss.
“I love you,” he says, and he sounds distinctly choked up.
“I love you, too. And it needed to be said,” Nie Mingjue tacks on, because he hopes Jiang Cheng understands that.
“I know,” Jiang Cheng agrees with a small nod. “It’s just—no one bothered before.”
It makes Nie Mingjue angry all over again—mostly at Jiang Yanli because she could have said something, too—but he tries to breathe it away. He said his piece and it has to be enough.
“He deserved it. Now. Are we still going?” Nie Mingjue wants to know and takes Jiang Cheng’s hand in his.
“I’m not sure—”
“We should go,” Nie Mingjue interrupts him. “Wei Wuxian can suck it.”
It startles a laugh out of Jiang Cheng, but he also agrees to go to the shelter, so Nie Mingjue counts it as a win.
His little outburst will most likely have some consequences—the relationship between Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng will be strained and Lan Wangji will probably give him the cold shoulder for a while—but Nie Mingjue maintains his point.
It needed to be said and if Wei Wuxian doesn’t get over himself, then he shouldn’t be around Jiang Cheng anyway.
Nie Mingjue will not allow him to hurt his heart any more than he already has.
“Let’s go pet some dogs,” Nie Mingjue says and presses a kiss to the back of Jiang Cheng’s hand.
Because right now, what they really need, is to be buried under some animals. And off they go.
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mystic-sky · 4 years
Hello! Gojo Saturo’s birthday is in a few days and may I request a fan fic where the reader surprise him with a cake in sexy bunny outfit in mesh stockings? (I’m currently watching the anime Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai) and the idea came up when I saw the outfit hehe love you!
Hi!! I love that anime! Sorry for the late post love, but it’s still an hour before his birthday ends where I live 💕✨ I didn’t know if you wanted food play with the cake??? It mostly focuses around the outfit. Enjoy.
Warnings: Just Birthday NSFW
Word Count: 2.0K
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Sometimes when you start dating someone, you find yourself doing things you never figured you’d be into. Your boyfriend was a man of many kinks, slowly introducing you to things and helping you flesh out your own sexual desires. Not only did you try new things for him because you loved him, but you trusted him so much each time afterwards because it was all so enjoyable.
Months before his birthday, he sparked an idea. You were in the kitchen, fixing dinner for the both of you.
“A bunny girl outfit?” You question, shifting your stance a bit. In the few years you had been dating, Satoru had never touched on role play or dress up before.
“Yes~” He sung. “Like that one anime, do you know it?”
You nodded, feeling a bit tense. Could you pull something like that off?
You set your cooking ladle down. “When my birthday comes I’m gonna make you do something even crazier.”
The look on Satoru’s face was one of intrigue, but there was a splash of fear in the corners of his pupils. You had always managed to be exceptionally good at pleasing him. He hoped what you had in mind wouldn’t be too crazy, although he was down for anything.
He spent the rest of that evening leaning on the kitchen counter and trying to get you to confess if you had been agreeing to wear the bunny outfit and what were you bargaining for. 
When his birthday came months later, you took your chances at the costume store. You knew he’d forgotten all about the idea since you never gave him a forward answer. You took advantage of this, and waited until the day of to go shopping. You bought multiple sizes to be sure you got the best fitting one, since you were rushing to make it home before Satoru. You stood in your apartment hallway, swaying in the mirror. 
The things I do for him, you think.
Looking at yourself from head to toe, you were almost upset that the smug bastard knew you’d look good in a bunny outifit. You looked over your shoulder at your backside.
“This things lifts your butt so well.” You felt so sexy, more confidence than you had imagined passed over your body.
You make haste towards the living room, eagerly placing the candles on top of the cake you had bought earlier on the coffee table. You could hear him turning the keys in the door behind you. He was greeted by your fluffy, white bunny tail and big juicy bottom.
“Woah, you actually did it.” You jumped a bit as he swung the door open. “I have to admit, seeing you on your knees as soon as I get home is always a treat.”
You bring yourself to your feet, lighter in hands. You flash him a warm smile.
“Welcome back,” you say. 
“Oh I feel welcomed,” he begins, walking towards you to take you in with his eyes. He sets his sunglasses on the side table beside the couch. 
“Ah-ah-ah-” you begin. “Go wash your hands!” 
He holds his hands up in defense. “Will do m’lady.” 
You turn backwards, opening the packaging on the new lighter you bought. You bent over, continuing to intently space out the candles for him. You quickly clicked towards the kitchen to grab the wine and some glasses. You set them both down beside the cake as you struggled to open the bottle. 
You felt his presence behind you as you swung yourself around.
“I figured we could have a bit of fun before dinner.” You say, pressing the wine bottle to your breasts. You patted the one-person sofa beside you. You watched him pull his lip between his teeth as he giddily sat down, spreading his legs. You poured him a glass, watching him sip as he eyeballed you.
“I feel like I’ve got my own little personal play boy bunny.”
“Just for tonight,” you said, placing the bottle on the table.
“Does that mean I can have anything I want?” 
“Don’t I spoil you enough?” You raise a brow, adjusting the cuffs around your wrists.
“I’m sort of a bottomless pit. I’m always up for more.” He says slyly, pulling you between his legs.
“Turn around for me,” he says, fingers just barely holding the tips of your own. You smile, spinning your body so he could see your butt. 
“Baby... I know it was sort of my idea, but just how am I going to fuck you in this thing. It’s so fucking tight.” 
You felt him playing and flicking the tail of your costume whilst his other hand cupped your ass cheek above the mesh stockings. 
“I’ve got buttons...” you say shyly, bending over for him to see the thick clothed part of your core.
“Ohh~ how convenient.” He sung, sliding and pressing a finger against your hot clothed sex. You shuddered a bit, before standing up straight and turning around. 
“This is truly a treat, sweetheart.” He brought his large hands up to caress the back of your thighs. “It’s taking a lot for me to not pounce on you right now.” 
You could tell he was enjoying the sight of you.
“Don’t fret, I’ll wear it a little while longer.” You assure him, falling to your knees. You loosely bring your fingers up to his white dress shirt, loosening his tie and a few buttons as well. 
“I hope you weren’t planning on wearing this to dinner.” You say, dragging your fingers down the exposed part of his chest.
“Just how messy are we about to get, honey?” He smirked.
You only stare at him, feeling his chest up some more. He smiles back before taking up the glass beside him on the end table, taking a sip while he sits back and looks at you. He watches you feel against the bulge in his suit pants. He takes a brief look at his watch before looking back at you.
“Dinner’s at 8.” 
He watched you unbuckle his pants and pull his length out in front of you. You brought the tip to your mouth before speaking.
“I’ve got time.” You swallow him whole, feeling him shift in the chair. He’s holding back a groan, having not expected you to take him in so deeply right off the bat.
“You just threw your gag reflex out the window, huh?” He managed to say. 
You released your mouth, bunny ears flopping back while you bobbed your head on the tip alone. You swirled your tongue around him, shutting him up immediately.
He set the glass down, and rested his fingers in your hair. 
“What a sweet girl, spoiling Daddy like this on his birthday.”
You take hold of his base, stroking in tune with your sucking while he shifted beneath you. You could feel yourself getting wet as his moans filled the space in the living room. You hummed against his length, tongue sending vibrations through his shaft and his body. You released him from your mouth, jerking him whilst you attached your lips to his balls. You sucked softly, swirling your hot tongue over the soft skin. 
He lost it from this unfortunately, shooting loads out onto your hand without warning. You quickly took the tip of his length back into your mouth, sucking the remnants of his orgasm from the source. 
“Fuck~” He shuddered. So much semen filled your mouth and you swallowed what you could as the rest of it slipped down your chin and onto your breasts.
You let go of his length with a popping noise. 
“How long were you holding that in?” You asked him, licking your fingers. He loved watching you do that.
“Long enough,” he said, cocking his head back. “Now come sit on it for me.”
Your body was ready. You could feel your nipples getting irritatingly hard as they pressed against the firm fabric of the suit. You unbuttoned the bottom piece of it as you climbed on top of him.
“And now...“ He gripped your ass cheeks. “...to unwrap you.”
You felt him claw your mesh stockings with both hands, ripping them so wide and way beyond wearing them ever again.
“Satoru!” You whined. You owned plenty of black stockings, but that didn’t mean he could just rip them as he pleased.
“Ah-ah-ah, it’s my birthday, remember?” He mimicked. You held your tongue.
“How could I forget...” you mutter, positioning yourself above his length. He squeezed your exposed cheeks so hard you probably bruised.
“You’re so cute when you talk under your breath like that.” He teased.
“Shut up,” you say, holding his length as you slide onto it. He bites back a moan as you coat his dick with so much slick his pants started getting stained. “And keep your hands to yourself.”
“Mhnnngh...” He bit his lip. “Fuck- sweetheart I can’t make any promises.” 
You only smile at him, fighting back your own moans as you rock against him. He releases his grip on you like you asked, placing his hands on both arm rests and watching you start to bounce on his length. You rest your arms on his shoulders, throwing your head back, bunny ears flopping erratically. He watched your breasts shake about, suit almost exposing your nipples to the air.
Watching you ride him like that made it hard for him to keep his hands to himself. He would often have to force himself into being sub when you got on top like that. He claimed it was part of making you feel like you were truly dominating him every once in a while. You were just the cutest, and you were wearing this costume just for him. He wanted you to have your moment. 
“Just like that baby,” he hummed. He felt your hand clutch his jaw, pressing a hot kiss to his wine stained lips. He moaned against you, finally wrapping his arms around you. 
“You know I can’t help myself, and it’s my birthday~” He says against your lips. 
You rolled your eyes, kissing him deeper. He hummed against you, sliding his body down in his seat.
“You know, speaking of my birthday, you haven’t said it since this morning.” He said smugly, pushing your body upwards. He starts thrusting into you from underneath, earning broken and sloppy moans from you.
“Won’t you tell me again, pretty please?”
He was mocking you. He knew you weren’t capable of saying it- at least not coherently and definitely not when he was pumping you so quickly and so deeply like that. You were nearing an orgasm, and your heels were slipping off your feet while he was at work against you. 
“Honey, I’m waiting. Say it.” He hummed. Somehow he said it so seriously you didn’t want to test him further.
“H-Hap...Hap-py B-Birthday.” You moaned brokenly as he pounded into you. 
“Such a sweet girl. That wasn’t hard at all, was it? Now let it all out.”
His thick length throbbed against your walls. While you climaxed around him, both your heels hit the carpet with a thud as you cried out his name.
The best but worst part about sex with Satoru is that you’d never get used to how he’d overstimulate you every time you came. Sure you always get to ride your orgasm out, but you’d be quivering, and barely put together the whole time until he came. Just like now, you had melted into him, gripping and wrinkling the collars of his dress shirt, voice cracking against his ears as he came inside you. He had filled you up, overflowing his semen and spilling onto his pants. He shuddered, chest rising and falling against your breasts.
You both stayed there like that for a bit, gathering yourselves. 
“I’ve got more for you after we get home from dinner.” He said as you sat up above him.
“You’ll be pushing your third orgasm. You sure you got juice left?” You say smugly.
“Oh, always.” He grinned.
And so much for the cake. 
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bakugou cooking for his crush
Okay I just had the cutest idea: Bakugou falling for a classmate that's a really good eater. One day she stumbles across his food in the common fridge without knowing he cooked it. She steals a bite and is smitten with his food. And Bakugou, having seen the whole thing, becomes smitten with her.
Note: How this idea came about I have no clue... I just remember writing the entire thing on my phone at my grandparents’ house and really having fun writing it. To be honest, I don’t have the best grasp on Bakugou’s character, but I tried... For all my fellow food lovers out there!
Tags: more tooth-rotting fluff (the domestic kind), attempts at showing character development through cooking, Bakugou’s tough love (but of course, you’re here for that)
Word count: 3.5k
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So I'm imagining that Bakugou likes to keep his cooking skills on the down low, because who knows if idiots like Kirishima and Kaminari show up and start whining at him to cook them food, and he doesn't want to be teased as being 'domestic'
He doesn't think there's anything wrong with cooking since he's able to take care of himself and his health, but if his squad saw him in the kitchen in his apron he wouldn't ever be able to live it down
That said, he brings his freshly cooked meals into his room and opens his windows so the smell doesn't linger, and he stores his leftovers in the deep recesses of the fridge where no one would ever think to look, not even food thieves
Luckily or unluckily for him, you were no ordinary food thief.
Bakugou is on his way downstairs because he's feeling peckish and wants to heat up some of the leftovers of his favourite dish, so imagine his shock and anger when he sees you and Sero poring over the blue Tupperware housing his food
Before he can take a single seething step, though, you've already spooned a bite into your mouth
His eyes widen, and now he's really mad that an extra like you had the audacity to eat his food
But then you let out a near inhuman noise, and it sounds… intensely satisfied?
'Oh my god, who cooked this?' Unable to contain your excitement you're shaking Sero by the shoulders, lips drawing up in a contented smile. 'This is the best thing I've ever tasted!'
For some reason, Bakugou's not so mad anymore. Obviously because for an extra like you, at least you had taste
But something about the pure joy in your expression made Bakugou feel… guilty that he was going to stop you
It's absurd because if anyone should be feeling guilty, it's you
As he's thinking this, the snap of the closed Tupperware brings him back to his senses, and all of a sudden he's fleeing the scene so he's not discovered
He's even more bewildered because there's no reason for him to be running away, and he hates running away
But somehow he felt a bit awkward and… embarrassed after hearing what you had to say about his food
With that he decided that he'd let it go once, and maybe seal his container a bit tighter
But he's sorely mistaken the next morning at the breakfast counter when you begin gushing about his food once more
Remember when he thought that you should've felt guilty for eating his food? There's not an ounce of shame in your words, though.
You tell the story of your tastebuds' meeting with heaven when you and Sero found a container full of something inside the fridge, and out of curiosity, you decided to take a peek
'I didn't mean to eat it, I swear I didn't! But it just looked so good, and I could imagine how it tasted… but boy did it taste so much better than that!'
Bakugou's left reeling at this praise, and there's an uncomfortable feeling upsetting his stomach as he tries to wolf down his cereal, trying not to think about how your words made his ears burn
Then the punchline: 'If we have a guy in our class who cooks like this, I'd marry him in a heartbeat!'
Bakugou nearly spits his milk
Luckily no one notices, and are instead calling you out for your food thievery or watching your animated hand gestures
On his walk to class, Bakugou has no idea how he feels about this; he just wants to banish it to the corners of his mind so he wouldn't have to waste time thinking about something that shouldn't have mattered so much before
Right before he steps into class he's met with a flashback of your smile when you ate his cooking, and suddenly a plan pops into his brain
You show up in the kitchen the next few days, wanting to see if the 'blue Tupperware man' struck again with his fantastic dishes
More often than not, you're met with disappointment, but your eyes light up when you see the familiar blue sticking out in your vision when you open the fridge one day
You're shocked to find a note attached: 'To Y/N: I know you've been eating my food. You can only have a bite of this, but not one more. Don't think I can't tell if you do, I WILL know.'
You're all around mortified, though you realise you really shouldn't be: practically everyone heard your declarations of food thievery that day
But the last line drove home the fact that the person who cooked this was here, and was indeed a student
The first thing you do is scan the area behind you for any immediate signs of life, in case the chef had been watching you
But when nothing turns up, you shrug, and rub your hands together in excitement
You swear you could hear stifled laughter, but the lure of the food in front of you was too much to overcome in favour of an investigation
As you eat and, once again, fail to be disappointed, Bakugou's eyes are trailing your face
There it is: the same expression, if not even better than he remembered, that you put on when you ate good food
And suddenly, Bakugou wants to see that expression more
The next few times a similar note addressed to you accompanies every meal, but when you tried to reply you wouldn't get an answer back
Then one day, the notes just stopped. You felt sad for a while, but then perked up when you saw the contents of the Tupperware, containing some of your favourite ingredients
From then on it was a given that you could eat from the blue Tupperware, and not more than three bites
You still cringe at the stinginess, leading to Bakugou muffling his chuckles every time
He doesn't come and watch you eat every time, because it's creepy, for one thing
But sometimes he'd be in his room, just knowing that you'd be tiptoeing down the stairs in anticipation of what's in the fridge, and a small grin would tug at the corners of his mouth
He'd also made it clear that no one else would attempt to try his food. Once Kaminari tried to sneak a bite, but when he opened the container the stench of rotting beans knocked him out
Bakugou cackled as he dragged Kaminari back to his room, but not before switching out the containers with the one meant for you
He's also quick to throw anyone who's out to discover him off the scent (ha)
Besides doing so in the literal sense, as with Kaminari, Bakugou makes sure to stay out of everyone's radar in the kitchen, and even goes as far to put your portion in a separate pink Tupperware, with your name on it
Yeah, no way would such a sappy move be from blasty boy Bakugou, right?
You'd been playing this game for a few weeks now when you just can't take it anymore
Bakugou awakes one morning to discover a text message from you in the group chat:
'To the person who always leaves me food (aka blue Tupperware!!), please PLEASE show yourself! I really want to get to know the person who makes such wonderful food!'
He felt his heart swell, and he's painfully reminded of your first words of how you'd marry him for his cooking
He's grateful he's blushing alone in his room
At this declaration in the group chat, however, more and more 'investigations' are popping up
Deku is a particularly difficult person to distract and Bakugou hates it
But so far he's been keeping it together, all he has to do is stick it out a bit longer
That's when Mineta of all people tries to impersonate him
Bakugou's infuriated when he's checking on you one night and you fish a note out of your container
'What's this?' you muse aloud, and begin reading it out aloud, much to Bakugou's benefit, 'Meet me behind the dorms tomorrow after school. I'll show you who I am.'
Bakugou knows it's definitely not him who wrote it, but he can't stop the rage arising in his chest when he sees your eyes light up in excitement
Who is this impostor and when and where would they like their ass being whooped?
Bakugou decides once again to investigate in his usual ninja fashion that he's perfected from watching you
He follows you to the back of the school discreetly, where you bounce on the balls of your feet in impatience
Suddenly a familiar purple head emerges from the bushes, and Bakugou has to physically restrain his palms from crackling
'Mineta?' He's happy that your eyebrows furrowed at the sight of him, but he's suddenly left reeling when he has an introspective moment about why he's been playing this game all along
He felt too afraid to face you. Too afraid to show his domestic side, and too afraid to come clean and say he cares. He knows he doesn't have the best personality in class, but he really wants your impression of him as ‘blue Tupperware’ to stay untainted and pristine
What would you think, then, if you discovered that your mystery chef was the abrasive, antagonistic Katsuki Bakugou, who didn't seem to have an ounce of empathy for anyone? Even worse, would you believe him even if he told you?
More than what it would do to his reputation, he realised that he didn't want you to see him in a bad light at all.
However, he's also mentally kicking himself because now bastards like Mineta can come and impersonate him
However, the words that leave your mouth makes him still
'You're the Blue Tupperware guy? Prove it.' There's a challenging smile atop your lips as you stare down Mineta, who falters from his previously smug swagger
'What do you mean? I cook you food, you love it. That's all there is to it, right?' A derisive laugh leaves you.
'Then tell me the names of the dishes you've made for me.' Mineta stands stock still, trying to comprehend what you've just asked of him. The beads of sweat now trailing down his neck don't escape your notice.
After some painful stammering and guesswork, then a beat of silence, you sigh. 'I kind of thought this would happen.'
'However, if it really honestly had been you, I wouldn't be mad. Because if I knew you were the one cooking with so much care and love, I'd still thank you for the meals.'
Bakugou's head goes blank. His hands begin sweating uncontrollably, and he's brought back to his senses when he hears his palms pop.
As he controls his quirk he's desperately trying to make sense of what you just said, but only one word rings out clear and true in his brain.
And suddenly he's trying not to grin at your epic shutdown of Mineta, trying not to feel his heart flutter when he pictures your multitude of expressions in all their glory, and trying not to remember the feeling of when he'd lie in his bed at night, the last thought he has before he drifts off to sleep being 'what should I cook next?'
He's in love with—
The sounds of footsteps coming in his direction shake him out of his reverie and he all but dives behind a pillar as you march off, leaving Mineta in the dust
Before the purple-haired pervert can leave, however, he's suddenly held up by the collar of his shirt, eyes wide before a murderous red gaze
'Try one more thing with her and I'll make sure you don't wake up the next day.'
From then on, Bakugou's mood lifts considerably.
Not only is he confident Mineta wouldn't rat him out (all he has to do is shoot him a glare), but he's eternally proud of how you stood up for him
Speaking of which, can he take your words you spoke to Mineta that day to mean that you wouldn't at all feel uneasy with whoever Blue Tupperware was, as long as you knew it was really him?
Now he's stuck with thinking of ways to shoot his shot
Little does he know that chance might come sooner than he thought…
One day he's running late because his work studies ran overtime
He'd planned to make something a little more complicated and out of his repertoire, though it may take him longer than usual
Though when he'd discovered what you liked to eat through your conversations with friends and what you ate in the cafeteria, he didn't mind, couldn't mind the extra hassle at all
It's not a difficult recipe, but he knows that it'll be dinnertime soon and that'd be dangerous
He looks at the clock, noting the twenty minutes he has before the first students come trickling into the common room. You won't be here until thirty minutes after. So he locks himself in the kitchen and gets to work
(yes I now know it doesn’t make sense for him to not be discovered in the kitchen during dinnertime, so let’s just say no one usually wanders in because all the meals are usually laid out in the common room when dinner rolls around)
He's smiling as he spoons the freshly cooked food into the Tupperwares, letting it cool for a bit as he washes up
But when he turns around holding them in his hands to put into the fridge, he freezes
There you stand in the doorway, eyes wide
'... Bakugou?' Damn, he would've relished the sound of his name on your tongue if you hadn't been looking at him like… like that. 'Are you Blue Tupperware?'
As much as he wants to laugh at the stupid nickname, he knows how straightforward and sharpshooting you can be with your words and intentions. And so the only thing that comes out of his mouth is:
'So what if I am?'
A beat of silence, then two. And suddenly your face morphs from bewilderment to pure joy, maybe even purer than when you eat his food. God bless his eyes that could bear witness to that moment.
'It's you!' you exclaim and a laugh as hearty as your appetite leaves your lips, and he's just awed, amazed. 'Thank you for the food!'
The immediate aftermath was everyone gaping at the both of you as if you each grew two heads as you ate from your respective containers
Sitting across him, you ask, 'Well… why did you do it?'
He’d imagined that you’d ask something like that, and he’s prepared an answer for it, but the eagerness in your smile, along with every other eye on him, prompted him to instead blurt:
'To… to stroke my ego and shit.'
Everyone goes painfully silent except for you, who leans back and laughs, 'As expected of you, Bakugou! But either way I get to eat really well, so thank you!'
You've been saying thank you for a while now, but what he can't get out of his head is that you expected him to be all narcissistic about cooking you food for his own selfish reasons? Man does that hurt.
But somehow, the others buy it too (which just really goes to show how much of a jerk the class paints him out to be), and the case of Blue Tupperware is solved
Now all that's changed is you pop in occasionally when Bakugou's cooking, and there are nights where you eat together
Oh, and the fact that he now knows you can’t cook for shit
You’ve tried to help Bakugou cook before, but at the time he'd felt as if he was in for a very rude awakening
However you are a god at cooking instant noodles of any shape or kind, so much so that when he misses you (or craves you lol) he eats instant noodles
Then again they'd never taste quite the same as when you cook them asifkajdks
When he actually confesses it's when you, out of the goodness of your heart, ask if you can help him out once more
He always finds himself giving in btw
But then you burn another pot and it's tough not to get frustrated
He's under stress, the weight of his sweat on his brow coupled with his ever growing feelings for you leads him to have even less of a filter on his mouth
'You obviously suck at this.' he says, noting your sad puppy eyes and willing himself not to surrender. 'Just let me do it.'
'But I feel bad that you're always cooking for me, and all I do is enjoy it.' You're biting your lip now, and it's all Bakugou can do before he starts thinking about what it'd be like to push you against the sink and kiss you senseless.
'Nonsense. It's enough that you enjoy my cooking, so let me do it. Let me take care of you.'
That last part did slip out, as denoted by the look on your face
'Wow,' again your straightforwardness comes into play, 'that sounded like a confession right there if I've ever heard one!'
Before he can stop himself—'do you wish it was?'
'A confession—do you wish it was one?'
He watches your cheeks go tomato red and you purse your lips
'Do you wish that I wish it was?'
Aw, now you just playin
'I'm not hearing a no.'
'Neither am I.'
And then you nerds proceed to stare each other down in a palpable silence, the only sounds being the bubble of the soup in the pot before you
Who confesses first?
'Dumbass. I like you.'
You instantly beam, and you jump into his arms, even though you're dangerously close to the fire. Bakugou blanches, then draws you away from the stove
'Oi, watch it! You could get hurt, idiot,' but you're too focused on the way his arms had naturally wrapped around you to keep you safe and shielded
'You'll protect me, won't you?' you say, smushing your cheek against his chest. Bakugou sighs and places a hand on your head soothingly
'You bet I will.'
Bonus scene! “And that's how your father and I got together,” you say with a smile, as your four year old son bounces excitedly in your lap, while your six year old rolls her eyes at the amount of times you've told this story. “Yeah, we get it Mom.”
Your son has a different take on it though. “Start again! Again, again!” You let out a sigh mixed in with a chuckle at his insistence, but just then the wafting aroma of shrimp hits your nose. You close your eyes as you feel footsteps coming closer, and the warmth of your husband leaning in close to you as he sets the table leaves you giddy.
“Okay, that's enough storytelling for today,” Katsuki grumbles, placing the shrimp pesto on the table. Your daughter instantly perks up at the sight; she might not be as good an eater as you are, but she has a particular fondness for pasta. “Yay! It's pasta time!”
You set down your son in his chair as his eyes gleam at the feast in front of him, then walk up to your husband. 'Thank you so much, babe,' you relish the sight of Katsuki's ears, previously stained red from listening to your 'story', turning even redder.
“If you really want to thank me, there's something you need to do,” Katsuki mutters in a low voice, his gaze surreptitiously looking down at himself. You follow his eyes, and immediately burst out laughing.
“You're wearing it for us!” You'd really like to capture a photo of him in the 'Kiss the Chef' apron you'd gotten him for his birthday last year as a gag gift. Could Katsuki turn any redder?
“Shut up! Who burned my other apron the other day, hmm?”
This time you blush. “Maybe it was an expert ploy to get you to wear this,” you laugh, and before a snappy retort can leave his lips, you're smothering them with your own mouth. “Love you.”
You embrace him, arms lazily reaching for the apron strings in order to tug them undone, but your husband is pulling you in too, hands on your waist as he tucks your head in the corner of his neck so you can't see him or hear his next words too well. But you hear them nonetheless.
“I love you too.'”
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voiceswithoutlips · 4 years
Sugar - Chapter One
— pairing: Jimin x Reader — genre: College AU, Smut, Fluff, Minor Angst — word count: 2.7K — warnings: none yet 
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— chapter summary:
Its a normal day for Y/N, homework, lectures, club meetings and smack in the middle of it lands a hot boy, can Y/N resist him?
— A/N: This is my first time writing smut so I’d really love some feedback <3
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“...what you need is some hardcore de-stressing,” Donna whispered in the middle of the lecture. “The kind where you are on your knees and …” 
I elbowed her in the ribs before she could continue. Sure I was a little stressed, maybe more than a little but I wasn’t going to have some ‘hardcore destressing’. I stayed as far away from any kind of relationships as possible, even casual ones that came with certain ‘benefits’. Why? Because I didn’t want to fall into a pit of despair again. My last relationship blew up like a balloon with too much helium. It took a really long time for me to pull myself out of depression. So no more relationships, no more men or women. I was going to prioritize my sanity and focus on my studies. At least that’s what I told myself.
“Seriously Donna, I don’t need any kind of de-stressing, I’m fine,” I whispered back. Professor Cameron was talking about Paradise Lost today. He had the unique ability to turn every exciting story into a boring ramble. Something I learned on my first day when he taught Shakespeare as if he was reciting his grocery list. I bet even his grocery list was more exciting. 
“Just come with me to the cafe, there's this new barista ...mmm the muscles on that guy. I wouldn’t mind having him with some cream,” she said, licking her lips. 
“Eww Donna, keep your dirty mind to yourself,” I shook my head. Donna was the kind of person who enjoyed life to the fullest. She ate when she was hungry, drank when she was stressed and fucked when she was horny. I always envied her simplicity. I grew up learning control, you plan, you strategize and then you make a move. That’s what my parents taught me. I never did anything spontaneous, caution was my base nature. 
“...Ms. Y/N do you have something to share with the rest of us?” Professor Cameron was staring daggers at me.
“Uh ..no Professor,” I said sheepishly as everyone in class stared at me. The rest of the class was uneventful, Professor Cameron went on and on with a few sarcastic remarks here and there about ‘undisciplined students’. I swear to god the man was a dinosaur, if it were up to him we’d be using slate and chalk to take notes. 
“Thanks for that,” I said as Donna and I collected our bags and left the building. 
“Come on, I’ll buy you a coffee to show you how very sorry I am,” her tone was solemn but her eyes held mischief. 
“Pfft, you only want to go there to ogle at the hot barista,” 
“He is sooo hot. He is a second year dance major, he just transferred here. Man, the way he moves …” Donna was almost drooling. 
“Not my type,” I said dismissively. There was something about muscular guys that put me off. Donna loved guys with big muscles, she loved Jocks. Personally I never saw the appeal, I liked my men on the softer side. 
“Oh honey, he’s totally your type,” Donna scoffed as we entered the cafe. It wasn’t far from the main building so it was always full of students drinking their sixth coffee of the day so they could stay awake in their next lecture. We were no different, after Cameron’s class I desperately needed a ‘pick me up’ or I’d be too sleepy to assist Professor Min in the next lecture.
The first thing I saw as I entered the cafe was a bunch of girls making heart eyes at the new barista. He wasn’t much taller than I was and man was he hot. Donna was right, he was totally my type. He was muscular but not in a jock kind of way, he reminded me of a panther. He was lithe, his every movement was graceful as if choreographed. His mouth was feminine, plump lips that made me wonder what it’d be like to bite into them. His eyes slightly unfocused as if he was daydreaming about something intense. I wondered what it’d be like to put his tiny wait in a corset. 
“Fuck,” the word left my mouth. I knew I was done for. Just looking at him made me hot. 
I made my way to one of the corner tables, leaving Donna to get our coffee. Dumping a bunch of books on the table I started working on my assignments. I was determined not to get anywhere near that barista. I had a feeling I wouldn’t be able to resist him. He was totally my type. Destiny was determined to torture me. 
“This is my friend Y/N! She’s our resident assistant,” I heard Donna and I lifted my head. My heart stopped. He was standing there, beside Donna, looking at me like I was the sweetest candy in the world. 
“Y/N this is Park Jimin, he is moving to our dorm today, can you believe it?!!” I could not. Dear universe, stop torturing me.
“Nice to meet you,” he said offering his hand. His voice was just like the rest of him, a mixture of delicate and sexy. 
“Let me know if you need any help,” I said, taking his hand like the good RA that I was. Instead of shaking it, he lifted my hands to lips, sending electricity right down to my core. 
“I’m sure I’ll need a lot of help,” I didn’t even realize I was holding my breath until he smirked at me. 
I quickly took back my hand. That man was doing things to me. I hadn’t gotten laid since I broke up with Dan months ago, my body was screaming at me. There was just something about Park Jimin that made you want to ride him till he begged for mercy. The thought made me incredibly horny. 
Donna was practically bouncing in her seat. She had informed me multiple times that Jimin was staring at me from behind the counter. I just couldn’t make myself turn my head to confirm it, I didn’t want to confirm it. That’d be a terrible idea. He was bringing down my walls like a stick of dynamite and I’d only met him an hour ago. I had to stick to my resolve. 
I sipped on coffee as dark as my soul. Donna always made a face whenever we went out. She had a sweet tooth, I hated sugar. Anything sweet was bound to make me nauseous. The only sweet food that I could tolerate was ice cream. Even on my birthday I only ate two bites of the cake before I tapped out, sugar just wasn’t my thing. 
“So, what do you do for fun around here,” Jimin said, slipping in the chair beside me. He had taken off his apron. He was wearing a pink turtleneck that hugged his body and tight black jeans that left nothing to the imagination. I was surprised to see him in boots with two inch heels. Dan would’ve scoffed at him for wearing them. 
I was hot as a furnace and wet. I was practically leaking, I thanked all the higher powers out there for giving me the brains to wear jeans instead of a skirt. I was two hundred percent sure that he could smell my arousal. The only saving grace that I had was that none of it showed on my face. 
“Depends on your definition of fun,” I said as I watched him pour 4 packets of sugar in his coffee, eww.
“Do you like movies? You can join our movie club!” Donna said with puppy eyes.
“Are you in the movie club Y/N?” Jimin asked. I almost didn’t hear him, I was too busy staring at hands as he stirred his coffee. He had the cutest pinkie in the world. 
“Pfft, she’s the club president and the RA and she’s also Professor Min’s teaching assistant. Y/N is like super smart,” Donna bragged. I could see the excitement on Donna’s face. This wasn’t the first time she’d tried to set me up with a guy. I knew all her tactics. It started with bragging and then swiftly escalated to Donna setting up dates. I never went to those dates. I wondered if I would go if it was Jimin.
“It’s not that big of a deal,” I mumbled. I was never good with compliments.
“You must be so busy, doesn’t your boyfriend mind?” Jimin asked with a curious look. 
“I don’t have a boyfriend,” I knew what he was getting at.
“Good to know,” he smiled. He was cute when he smiled. I mentally kicked myself for staring, in my defense he was gorgeous. 
“I should go, I can’t be late for Professor Min’s lecture. He’s really strict,” I apologized as I gathered my stuff. It was true, Professor Min was known for his no-nonsense attitude but that wasn’t the only reason. I desperately needed some release. “It was really nice meeting you Jimin, see you at the dorm I guess,” I gave him a smile and before he could reply practically ran out of the cafe.
I woke up this morning thinking about my thesis, not even in my wildest dreams did I expect a Park Jimin to land right in the middle of it. He was the embodiment of my desires. Just looking at him made me horny, which was very uncharacteristic for me. I was a romantic, I wanted to fall in love and go on silly dates. The first time I had sex with Dan was two months after we started dating. I was the kind of person to take it slow. I’ve never even had a one night stand. 
“This is so uncalled for,” I mumbled to no one in particular. I quickly made my way to the women’s locker, thankfully it was empty. I locked myself in one of the stalls, put one foot on the toilet and unceremoniously stuffed my hand in my pants. I sighed as my fingers touched my nub, finally! I rubbed myself in rough circles, pressing down hard. I was biting my lips to stop the moans that threatened to burst out. 
I imagined what it’d be like to have Jimin’s fingers inside me, what it’d be like to have him lick the slick off of my dripping pussy. I wondered how his dick would feel stuffed in my folds, it definitely belonged there. Would he slowly make love to me or would he fuck me like some animal in heat? 
My pussy was clenching on nothing, I desperately needed something inside me. But the downside of wearing skinny jeans is that there’s not much room to maneuver down there and I didn’t want to take off my pants on the dirty bathroom floor. I had to settle with rubbing my clit as if my life depended on it. 
I imagined Jimin's beautiful mouth wet with my juices as he looked up at me from the floor, my hands in his hair, holding him there, on his knees. I was so close...
“Y/N you there?” I almost jumped out of my skin. It was Donna, how the fuck did she find me?
“Yeah,” I said, my voice was breathy. I reluctantly took my hand out of my pants and adjusted my clothes. 
“Come on, we’re going to be late for Professor Min’s lecture!” I followed her out. My face was flushed with embarrassment. I was annoyed at Donna, I was so close... I screamed internally, this day just kept getting worse. 
After the lectures were over Donna had dragged me around the campus in search of Professor Cameron because she forgot to log her attendance. And then there was the student council meeting that ended with us having a mini party to celebrate the start of the semester. To conclude, I didn’t get a chance to do anything about the wetness in my panties. I was still hot, horny and absolutely frustrated. 
“Come on in Y/N,” our dorm supervisor said as I knocked on his door. “We have a new student who needs a buddy, I hope you won’t mind,” he said as soon as I entered. 
I internally sighed. There he was, Park Jimin, in all his delicious glory, standing in front of the desk. He gave me a smile as our eyes met. I quickly looked away, I felt guilty, just hours ago I had imagined him doing things to me as I played with myself. If he ever found out what I did, he’d think of me as some creep. 
“Of course not, welcome to Drake Hall Jimin!” I tried to sound welcoming but I was still horny and my state was only getting worse the more I looked at him. 
“Excellent, it's settled then! Y/N why don’t you show him the dorm,” yep, sure, why not. It’s not like I wanted to jump him then and there, rip his clothes off and ride him like a friggin pogo stick. 
It was well past midnight and I was all alone in the study room. I had given Jimin the standard dorm tour and then left him at his room, telling him to call me if he needed anything. I was his buddy after all. I groaned internally. It was like a meteor had hit my safe little planet and now it burned my body like never before. 
I slowly slid my hand down to the crotch of my cotton shorts and cupped myself, slightly humping into my hand. The feeling made me gasp but it wasn’t enough. I tugged the fabric to a side, revealing my pussy to the room. Nope, I wasn’t wearing any panties.  “Fuck you Park Jimin,” I gasped as I slid two fingers in easily, I was ready for a dick but my fingers would have to suffice. I slowly fucked myself, moving my hips to meet my fingers, trying my best not to make a sound. 
“Need some help?” a voice whispered in my ear. I squeaked and tried to get up but he pushed me down on the chair. “So you want to fuck me?” I could hear the smirk in Jimin’s voice. 
“Dream on loverboy,” I whispered back. His hand trailed down my arm and he cupped me over my hand. He buried his face in my neck, licking and biting until he heard my moan. He chuckled. 
“Tell me, were you imagining what my dick would feel like in this pussy?” he said as he slipped a finger into me. “What it’d be like to be fucked senseless?” another finger. “To be fucked so hard that it’d be impossible for you to walk the next day,” third finger. His voice was breathy, sending vibrations through my body. He refused to move his fingers.
“Stop teasing,” I said through gritted teeth as I forced myself not to hump on his fingers like a bitch in heat. 
“So eager, so wet for me,” he bit down on my neck as he finally started moving his fingers at a maddeningly slow pace. He licked and bit, leaving a trail of purple bruises. I desperately wanted to touch my breasts but he trapped my hands in his other hand. Not allowing me to touch myself.
“Faster,” I commanded.
“No,” he chuckled. Why was he so frustrating? 
“Please ..” I whined.
“Please what?”
“Please make me cum on your goddamn fingers,” I begged.
“As you wish,” he earnestly started fucking me with his fingers. The room was filled with unholy squelching sounds. I couldn’t move my hands, he was holding them too tight. I couldn’t kiss him because he refused to leave me neck, the only thing I could do was gasp and moan. 
I could feel the pressure building in my abdomen as he fucked my mercilessly. He curled his fingers and I came undone. My orgasm exploded through me, literally, I squirted all over his fingers. He kept going, helping me ride out the pleasure. Finally he withdrew his fingers and patted my crotch as I went limp in the chair, all blissed out.
“Good night princess,” he lightly kissed me on the cheek and left. 
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alwaysachorusgirl · 4 years
Not According To Plan
Pairing: Frederick Chilton x Reader
Word Count: 1,557
TW: none really, just a very brief mention of assault and crime scene photos?
A/N: A follow up to Almost Perfect, but can be read as a stand alone. Just a whole lot of fluff, (sorry, not sorry if it's so sweet it rots your teeth. I still like a sweet, romantic Frederick) This was originally supposed to cover the Cuddling square for #thatesqcrush Valentine's Day Bingo, but it kept getting pushed to the back-burner, and by the time I started working on it again, I knew it wasn't going to be done in time. But I wanted to finish it and get it posted before moving on to something else, so here it is. Better late than never?
Tags: @madamsnape921 (If anyone wants to be tagged in a future fic post, please let me know!)
It was safe to say that your first Valentine’s Day with Frederick Chilton wasn’t going the way you had hoped it would. It had started off well enough, with the both of you waking up early and making love before work, but once you had arrived at work, everything had gone downhill quickly. Yes, Frederick had a bouquet of red roses delivered to your office, but you barely had any time to enjoy them, as you had to rush to finish up a report for the board that wasn’t supposed to have been due until the following week. Then Jack Crawford and Will Graham had showed up needing a psychiatric consult for a new case. The crime scene photos were so gruesome you had rush to the ladies’ room to throw up. The final straw had been when one your patients had attacked you during a therapy session. Thankfully, you knew how to defend yourself and you’d had an orderly with you. You came away from it with a few bumps and bruises and a cut on your cheek. But you were shaken up enough that Frederick had insisted that you go home and relax, promising that he’d finish up his own work and join you as soon as possible.
And now it was going on 4pm and you were standing at the living room window of Frederick’s, no, your house, you lived here now, gazing out at the front yard and street, wishing for Frederick’s car to come into view. He had called you 30 minutes ago to let you know he was leaving the hospital but had a stop to make. The weather forecast was calling for a snowstorm to blow in that evening, and the snow was already starting to fall. You didn’t want Frederick to get caught driving in that. You shivered, feeling the chill through the glass.
You felt something small and furry brush against leg and looked down, smiling when you saw the black kitten looking up at you. She placed her front paws on your leg and meowed, signaling that she wanted “up”. You knelt down and picked her up, snuggling her against your chest. She nuzzled her nose against your chin and let out another soft meow.
“I know, Buttercup, I know, baby, I’m worried about Daddy, too.” You took one last look, then closed the heavy curtains to better insulate the room. You crossed the room to the thermostat and turned up the heat, and then went to the kitchen to pour a glass of wine to calm your nerves.
You and Frederick had been together for about 6 months now, and they’d been the happiest months of your life. Ever since that eventful first date the previous summer, you and Frederick had been practically inseparable. You had moved in with him after New Year’s, and while you had never moved so fast in your previous relationships, Frederick was different. You were completely in love with him. He was the one, there was no doubt about that in your mind. Whenever you imagined your future, you saw him in it, you saw marriage, kids, all of it.
You had expected him to at least put up an argument when you suggested adopting a cat, but your dear, sweet man couldn’t deny you anything. Instead, he started researching what kind of supplies you’d need and looking at the local animal shelter websites to see what your options were. And that was how you found Buttercup. From the moment you saw her picture, you just knew. And when you went to the shelter and held her for the very first time, she fell asleep and started purring. She went home with you that day. She’d only been with you for a few weeks now, but she was already settled in and followed you and Frederick everywhere. She always wanted to cuddle and that suited you and Frederick just fine.
You wanted nothing more than to be cuddled up with Frederick right now. The perfect Valentine’s Day that you had planned was falling apart. The elaborate meal you were going to prepare? You were too tired to cook. That new lingerie you bought? You were no longer in the mood to wear it, or for sex. You would stick with your hoodie and soft, knit lounge pants tonight. Your stomach growled, and your mind went to the desert that you had prepared the night before. The red velvet cake trifle with the raspberry/blackberry red wine reduction sauce was chilling in the fridge.
“Should I?” You asked, looking down at Buttercup, still nestled in your arms.
“Mew?” she replied, looking confused. Then her eyes went to the drawstring on your hoodie and she began batting at it with her paw. “Mew…” You couldn’t help but giggle.
“You’re absolutely right, sweetie, I think some playtime is definitely warranted.”
Buttercup wiggled her backside and pounced, her tiny paws swiping at the oversize peacock feather you were dangling in front of her. You laughed as she grabbed onto it and tried to bite down. When you tried to pull it away, she rolled over onto her back and started kicking it with her hind paws. It was one of the cutest sights in the world and you couldn’t get enough. Seeing her so happy made you happy. You both jumped when you heard the front door open and close, followed by the sound of footsteps and a cane clicking on the hardwood floor.
You breathed a sigh of relief at the sound of Frederick’s voice. Buttercup went bounding to meet to him and you got up and followed, smiling when you saw Frederick hanging up his coat in the entryway closet. Buttercup was welcoming him home by weaving around his legs, meowing her little head off.
“Hmm…fascinating…” Frederick nodded in reply to the kitten, “and then what did you do today?”
You heart swelled at the sight. You loved the way he interacted with her and spoke to her like she was a human. It made you wonder what he would be like with a little one of your own…He met your gaze and you rushed to him, wrapping your arms around him, burying your face in the crook of his neck. “Thank god, your home! I was so worried about you getting stuck in the snow!”
His arms encircled you, pulling you flush against him. “There is no snowstorm powerful enough to keep me away from you, my love. Forgive me for not getting here sooner. The roads are already a mess, and you said you didn’t feel like cooking, so I picked up some takeout.” He indicated two brown paper bags sitting on the small table by the front door.
You looked up at him and smiled. “Have I ever told you how much I love you? Because I love you.”
He chuckled and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. “I love you, too, Y/N, and I never get tired of hearing it. How are you feeling?”
“Much better now that you’re home.”
Frederick wasted no time in pressing his lips to yours. All the tension melted out of your body as you got lost in the warm sensation. All of his kisses were loving and passionate, and this was no different, his lips melding perfectly with yours. You gently started to run your tongue all his lower lip, intending to deepen the kiss, but were interrupted by a loud yowl and Buttercup headbutting you in the shin. You and Frederick looked down and saw her staring back, giving you the most forlorn look that she could muster
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, we haven’t forgotten about you,” you reassured her. “Do you want your dinner?”
“Mew! Mew!” She answered, insistently rubbing against your leg.
You looked back at Frederick. “I’m going to get her taken care of, then we’ll eat, okay?”
Frederick nodded and kissed you one more time. “I’ll get the food plated while you do that.”
“Thank you, I appreciate that.” You rested your forehead against his, hesitant to let him go.
“My love? Is everything alright?”
“Are you okay if we just cuddle on the couch tonight? I just…I just really need you to hold me.”
Frederick placed a gentle kiss on your forehead and gave you a warm smile. “As you wish, my love.”
“Did you just…”
“Yes, I did,” he replied with a chuckle. “Cuddling on the couch sounds perfect. Whatever make you happy is more than fine with me.”
“Thank you,” you said, pulling him in for another kiss. “I love you, Frederick.”
“I love you, too, my darling.”
“So, do you think it will snow enough that we won’t have to go into work tomorrow?”
“One can only hope, my love,” Frederick answered, kissing your temple.
The two of you were cuddled on the couch under a blanket watching your favorite movie. You were curled up on your side with Frederick spooning you from behind, his arms wrapped around your mid-section. Buttercup was snuggled up in front of you, purring away.
“This is perfect,” you remarked, turning your head to glance back at Frederick. “I mean, this isn’t how I thought our first Valentine’s Day would go, but I’m happy, nonetheless. I love you, Frederick.”
“I love you, too, Y/N, Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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MER Week 6 - Pets
Summary: Saren is the cutest little hamster in the world if you ask his owner. However, he is also territorial as fuck and he WILL bite. Grunt’s about to learn that one the hard way. Rule for the wise kid: don’t stick your finger in a hamster’s face.
“Grunt… hello there.”
Ok… he’d bite. Who brought Grunt up?
Honestly, Alistair was more than a little confused right then. He had expected once they got back to the shuttle that he and the young krogan wouldn’t see much of each other. After all, he was pretty sure he bored Grunt – except for that first time with the gun. Yet there he was, standing in the entrance to his quarters, looking rather uncomfortable.
Was he being punked?
“Still in the elevator, Grunt.”
Bo’s voice called from over his shoulder. Much like a good son would, he shuffled to the side to allow her entrance. Even as large as she was, she was a little on the small side compared to the krogan. That didn’t matter of course – she was well versed in taking them down. It was why she had gone 25-0 in the ring back on Omega.
Well, at least that answered who let him up. Still didn’t answer anything else, mind you. Alistair was left watching as Bo sidled past her son and entered into his quarters. Luckily for him, his sister was direct: whatever was on her mind, he’d hear about it soon enough.
She looked around the room for a second. “Surprised Mandibles isn’t up here. Aren’t you two planning to- “
“He had calibrations to run.” Alistair’s cheeks flushed as he rushed to cut her off. Grunt snickered behind her – asshole. “Anyway, what’s brought you two up here? Everything alright after Tuchanka?”
Nothing like a krogan puberty ritual to get the blood pumping after all. Alistair was going to be having nightmares about that thresher maw for weeks, and that was if he was lucky. On the bright side, he was pretty sure it counted as exposure therapy. That was fine by him; he hadn’t done his therapy homework yet and with his workload he doubted it would happen at all. His therapist was understanding, but she was also a stickler. At least he had something to turn in the next time he saw her.
Much to his surprise, Grunt looked uncomfortable. He shifted from foot to foot, eyes darting around. Dare he say it, but to him he almost looked embarrassed. Apparently, krogan could do that as well as anyone else.
“I could have just looked on the extranet, Shepard…”
Bo shook her head, clearly amused by this. “What’s better than a real-world example? You asked about him anyway.”
She turned back to Alistair. “Grunt wanted to meet Saren after hearing you talk so much about him. Is the little guy awake or do we have to come back later?”
“You want to meet Saren?”
His gaze slid from the embarrassed krogan teenager to the wall on the far left. Even before he looked, Alistair had known. He knew the sound of bedding shifting anywhere, practically heard it in his sleep. That alone made him get up and take the trip to what at one time had been an aquarium.
Good thing for him he hated fish – it was perfect to make a hamster enclosure out of.
The theme that month was jungle. Among the scattered green bedding and wood chews, he found a little ball of white sitting next to his food dish, digging through the contents. At the sound of his footsteps, two red eyes focused straight on him, and some food went right into well-adapted cheek pouches.
Saren was a practical hamster like that.
“Hey, little guy.” Alistair smiled as he opened the enclosure and put his hands flat. A few moments later, the hamster was climbing up to rest between his palms, just like they had trained to do. Then he was out, held close as the Spectre returned to his desk. “Someone wants to meet you if that’s ok.”
Saren of course didn’t answer – much as breeding had improved, sentience wasn’t on the list of traits – but his eyes were bright and he seemed calm enough as he sat there, chewing at a seed from his pouch. These were good hamster introduction traits, especially considering who the interested party was.
Grunt didn’t look too impressed though. He gave the hamster a rather blunt look, then glanced over at Bo. When he didn’t get the reaction, he might have been hoping for, it went from pink to red Shepard.
Talk about being in the hot seat.
“Is it supposed to be so small?”
Alistair chuckled as he stroked Saren’s tiny head with his thumb. “Well, the European wild varieties back on earth are much bigger, but they max out at about a foot long. Saren’s a Syrian male, so he’s a fairly decent size all things considered.”
Grunt probably didn’t care about most of that – it wasn’t exactly new. However, his eyes never left the hamster. Saren either hadn’t noticed or didn’t care; he was too busy on chewing away at his seed to pay attention to the krogan. It was a feeling Alistair knew well.
He loved the little guy, but sometimes he ran hot and cold with affection.
“If you want to see him up close, come over slowly. Hamsters are prey animals, so he’s easily spooked.”
Much to his surprise, Grunt listened. He approached the desk slowly, eyes never leaving the small ball of fur in his commanding officer’s hands. He was interested, even if he wasn’t showing it on his face. No surprises there – kids loved hamsters, didn’t matter the species or the fact they were born fully grown and ready to kill. They just did.
“Why did you name it Saren?”
Now Alistair was chuckling again as he watched the hamster continue to chew. “You’re going to have to ask Bo about that, she’s the one who got him for me.”
Bo’s answer came quickly as she observed the introduction. “They said he was a biter and ate a cage mate. Made me think of the real Saren.”
Well, made sense he supposed…
“They eat each other?” Grunt’s tone was definitely more interested with that. Now they were getting somewhere. “That means they fight.”
Alistair nodded as he made sure Saren stayed in his hands. “Yep. They’re fiercely territorial. It’s why you have to house them separately. Hamsters kept together can fight, sometimes to the death even. This little guy had some healed scars when I got him, so he’s been through it. I guess Omega and the Citadel gift shop share husbandry tendencies…”
His voice trailed off. Grunt hadn’t taken his eyes off Saren the entire time he had been talking. There was curiosity there and a raw interest. That made the Spectre smile as he slowly brought his hands within range, eyeing his hamster’s body language the entire time.
“You can say hello if you want, he’s pretty calm right now.”
To his credit, the krogan didn’t retreat. However, there was some definite anxiety there. He briefly glanced back at Bo, and then he returned to keeping his eyes on Saren. Finally, he managed a brief nod and came a little closer.
“Do I just stick my hand out?” A finger got a little too close to Saren. Before Alistair could warn him, the hamster eyed it and did what he always did when someone got into his space without proper caused. Tiny teeth were soon chomped down hard in the classic signs of hamster bite.
It probably wouldn’t hurt a krogan, mind you. They were tough.
“Grunt, don’t pull your hand away. He’ll go with you and he’ll fall.”
The krogan shot Saren a dirty look as he watched the hamster bite down. “That does nothing to me, rodent.”
Saren, naturally, didn’t care. Alistair’s hands were part of his territory. More importantly, Grunt was big and round. Honestly, he wouldn’t have been surprised if the hamster thought he was an overgrown member of his species. Add a little fur, and he could honestly see it. He’d never say that of course – Wrex would hate it.
“He’s just defending what’s his. All he has is his teeth.” Alistair kept his voice level as he gently rubbed the hamster’s head with his thumb. “Come on, buddy, he’s not going to hurt you. You can let go now.”
After a few more moments, Saren let go. He went back to his abandoned seed, but his eyes never left the krogan. Grunt was in a similar mood, eyeing up the hamster with a rather brutal gaze. At least he had the good sense to take his hand back, the offended digit tucked away.
Bo’s voice carried over the chaos. “So… what did you learn, Grunt?”
“Don’t stick my finger in an animal’s face…”
There was a definite sulk to his tone. It was strangely cute, in a weird sort of way. Meanwhile, Alistair was just glad he hadn’t pulled back. Saren may have trusted him, but he would’ve gone for a ride. Then he would’ve had to eject Grunt out the airlock if anything happened.
Was he biased towards his hamster? Absolutely.
“It’s his way of making sure his space is safe. I used to get bit a lot when we were establishing ground rules.” He stood, crossing the room to return Saren to his enclosure in case he was overwhelmed. Much to his surprise, Saren didn’t burrow under the substrate as he often did to hide his food. Instead, he stayed on top, eyeing Grunt. “Huh… how about that.”
Grunt gave Saren the exact same look. “Your hamster’s hungry for battle.”
In another surprise, the krogan smirked. “Shepard was right, Saren is appropriate for a warship.”
Well… there was a stamp of approval he hadn’t seen coming. Maybe pigs would start flying…
Alistair at least managed a nod. “He’s territorial, it’s part of the breed.”
“Don’t sell the little guy short, he took a krogan on full force.” Bo was definitely amused as she surveyed Grunt’s finger. There was a definite scuff there – Saren had left his mark. “Damn, little guy bit down hard. The hell are you feeding him, concrete?”
Oh… just lab block, some seeds, extra protein if the mix didn’t come up right…
“He’s got a nasty bite; I’ll give him that.” And he was also done with the room – Saren was soon digging back under the substrate. “He’ll be out for a while; he has food to hide and some sleep to catch up on.”
His gaze found Grunt soon after. “Well, I hope he lived up to your expectations. If you want to come visit again, just let me know.”
“As long as you don’t try to convert him to the gospel of hamster.”
He made no promises there. Anyone who could be swayed, he would sway. That’s what it meant to have a hamster as cute as Saren.
Still, at least Grunt didn’t seem too upset about the bite as he nodded. Maybe it had taught him not to fuck with small animals -a win in his book. At any rate, it felt as though things were ending.
“I might.” And then he was heading to the door. Soon he was gone, leaving Bo and Alistair alone. As soon as he was out of hearing range, the larger of the two Shepards slumped down on his cough, doing her best not to laugh.
She did alright, but he failed miserably.
“God, that was fucking adorable.” Alistair wiped a tear from his eye as he chuckled. “I mean, apart from when I thought Grunt was going to toss my hamster.”
Bo nodded, snickering a little. “Yeah, he’s been wanting to come up for a while but he couldn’t figure out how to ask you. I agreed to be a buffer after it took him a half hour to spit it out. You might have just converted him to the dark side.”
Apparently, he was a sith now. Just because his face glowed red…
But still. Alistair nodded as he glanced back at the enclosure. He could see Saren’s tail from a gap in the bedding – he was pressed against the glass, no doubt making himself comfortable for a long nap. He’d had a long day after all – he’d just taken on a krogan.
“I think if he’s a little slower next time, they’ll get along just fine. Maybe I’ll give him a couple seeds to try.”
Baby steps, after all. Rome wasn’t built in a day and becoming friends with a hamster was just as detailed and complex. If Grunt put the effort in, he could see them getting along great. Hell, he might even get a new Saren sitter out of it.
He needed one of those. His normal ones went on missions went with him half the time.
“Thanks for letting him try. I knew Saren would be tough enough to handle him, little dude’s from Omega after all.”
Terminus system, born and bred – it was in his DNA. He’d never be as sweet as some hamsters, but that was part of his charm. It made their moments together even more special in his mind, honestly. He’d managed to get an Omega resident to let him pet him – that was a win in his book.
“Just let me know the next time he wants to come up.” Alistair returned to his desk – he still had work to do. “Now, unless you want to work on these reports…”
And just like that, he was alone as Bo beat a quick retreat out the door. He shook his head, chuckling once more as he went back to his reports. Still, he kept an eye on the glass enclosure across from him. Somewhere inside, the toughest hamster Omega ever bred was enjoying his rest. Maybe he was dreaming of fighting krogan, who knew?
One thing was for sure – they had definitely started on Grunt’s conversion to the dark side. Excellent. He had wanted an apprentice one day.
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crystalrose555 · 4 years
Don't make me slap you pt 20
Oh boy, this one’s a long noodle~
“How about this one?”
“No.” “Ok, this one?” “No.”
“Levi, why did you bother tagging along if you are just going to turn down every outfit?”
“Because I still think that Marley shouldn’t go. She should stay home with me.”
“Over my dead body, Levi. This is one of the biggest parties of the year, anyone who's anyone is going to be there and Mochi and I are going to be stunning together~” Levi groaned as he looked around Majolish, seeing the vast amount of customers looking for clothing and outfits for the upcoming event. Meanwhile, Marley sighed as she placed clothing back on the rack and turned to the brothers.
“Yeah, I don’t think this is going to work. You demons sure are long, have any of you heard of the terms ‘plus and petite’?”
“See? Look, it’s fate, Marley and I are just going to stay home and marathon The Magical Ruri Hanai: Demon Girl.” Levi sharply proclaimed with a triumphant smile on his face.
Asmo gave a flat look at Levi before turning to Marley with a beaming smile.
“Mochi honey, why don’t we ask Levi to make your outfit?” Levi nearly choked on air as he realized what was happening.
“Wait, Levi, you know how to sew clothing?”
“Y-yeah, I just sew together cosplays and stuff, it’s not a big deal.”
“It’s a pretty big deal to me, all I can are patch-up jobs. It’s really impressive.” Marley smiled at the nervous demon.
Levi’s face quickly heated up as a crooked smile formed across his face. Asmo, seeing his brother falling for his bait, turned and held Marley close, sealing the deal.
“Don’t worry, Mochi, I’ll design something beautiful for you so that you don’t look like a costume disaster~”
“Like hell, normie! For your information, I’ve done custom requests that have won many cosplay competitions, so I can make something that will look great on her!”
“Oh really, then I assume you won’t need any help with Mochi’s measurements~”
“Her m-measurements?” Levi stammered out.
“Alright, make sure you are all on your best behavior. This may be a party but I don’t want an incident like last time, do you hear me?”
“Oi, why are you starin’ at me when you say that?” “Because you are usually the first one to cause trouble.”
Lucifer sighed as he took a good look at his brothers in their polished demon forms. Surely, there will be a day when they would be able to carry themselves like proper lords of Devildom but sadly this party wasn’t one of them. He peered through his fingers and took a glance down to see a grumpy Marley who had a purple bow on top of her head for the occasion. He smirked at the sight and took his leave, disappearing into the crowd to go to Diavolo’s side in the far distance. His brothers took a sigh of relief while Marley tried to scratch off the stubborn accessory.
“It’s no use, Mochi. It’s enchanted to stay on during the party.” Satan declared while stroking his chin.
She just snorted at him, flipped on her back, and flailed about wildly on the floor. Spectators stared and giggled at the fuzzy animal flopping on the marble, leaving the demon brothers looking away in embarrassment. In a haste, Mammon squatted down to her while his brothers tried to block some of the gazes.
“Hey, it ain’t comin’ off, so quit flippin’ out like a fuckin’ tuna!” He barked.
Marley stopped and barked back at Mammon’s face, causing him to fall back on his bottom. At that exact time, Asmo turned up his natural charm and drew the eyes of all the spectators to his form. Satan sighed and gave a slight nod to Beel who then picked up the irritated seal and quickly walked off with her slapping against his forearm in annoyance.
Levi paced back and forth in a less crowded spot in the grand hall while Satan and Mammon stared at him in disapproval.
“Levi, will you stop? You’re going to wear out the floor at that rate.” Satan pointed out.
“Why am I the only one who’s worried? This is a major story event and it always gets crazy during story events!”
“Can you translate? I don’t speak nerd.” Mammon jeered.
“I’m saying something already went wrong! She shouldn’t need this long to shed her skin, she was dressed back at the house!” “Hmm, maybe that bow had a stronger effect than we thought.” Satan contemplated.
“Naw, that ain’t it, take a look.”
Suddenly, Mammon pointed in the distance, drawing his brothers’ attention to Asmo leading Marley to the opposite side of the room.
“That dirty double-crossing normie!” Levi hissed as he slithered through the crowd, leaving Satan and Mammon to follow.
“Isn’t she the cutest when she’s next to me?” Asmo chimed as he held Marley tightly while showing her off.
Simeon and Solomon chuckled while Luke and Marley shared a sigh from Asmo’s enthusiasm of showing her off as much as possible. 
“Yes, she’s very lovely, Asmo, but maybe you would like to let your friend breathe on her own.” Simeon gently suggested.
Pouting, Asmo released Marley from his grip and then latched onto Solomon’s arm. Marley straightened up and gently straightened her outfit with a sigh of relief while everyone else gave into soft laughter.
“But truthfully, you look astonishing tonight, Marley. I take it that Asmo designed it himself?” Simeon pointed out.
Marley looked down at herself with slight embarrassment before answering.
“Levi and Asmo made it for me when we couldn’t find anything on the rack. I have to say that when I heard about a party, I wasn’t expecting this.” She claimed while looking around at the extravagant hall.
“Hmph, I guess demons can throw a pretty decent party once in a while.” Luke snarked. 
“Luke, don’t be rude, besides you’ve been eating everything from the desserts since we’ve got here.”
“Only for research! Besides, I wanted to see Mochi again since I can barely find her at school.” Luke stammered out with a red face.
“You really like Mochi, don’t you, Luke?” Simeon teased.
Luke turned his head with a hmph and rushed over to the dessert spread in the distance. Simeon shook his head and followed after him, leaving Marley alone with Asmo and Solomon chuckling. The music picked up and swelled as demons began to swarm the dance floor in couples. 
“Marley, any chance I can have your first dance?” Solomon asked with a smile.
Marley tilted her head gently to the side.
“I guess so but I don’t know how to waltz.”
“Don’t worry, Solomon is a great dancer, Marley. I’m leaving you in good hands, so have fun~”
With that, Asmo left the duo alone to attend to his admirers. Taking his hand, Marley followed Solomon to the dance floor and slowly joined the musical current that had trapped all the dancers. 
“See, you’re a natural Marley.”
“Really? I was worried I wouldn’t be able to keep up.” “I don’t think that’s what you’re really worried about. You’re worried that someone will recognize you from school, am I right? It would be bad for anyone to realize that you party-crashed this event.”
“I guess you got me there, but Levi and Asmo placed an enchantment on my dress to make me unrecognizable to everyone here unless I reveal myself to them.”
“I remember that spell, Asmo had me develop it so he could see what people say about him but that only lasted an hour or so before he wanted attention again.” He sighed causing Marley to chuckle.
“I have to admit, I’m having more fun dancing than I thought.” “I’m glad, it’s a lot easier to waltz on two feet than four flippers, huh?” “Yea-”
Marley’s mouth snapped shut as she shot a sharp glare on the white-haired sorcerer who smiled carelessly. Her grip tightened into a vice as cold air radiated from her body. Ice crystals started to form on Solomon’s shoulder as she dug her nails in.
“Easy, easy, that spell won’t last if you cause a scene,” Solomon warned with a smile.
Marley turned her head away from him, her eyes glanced over coldly.
“Come now, don’t give me the cold shoulder. I finally got a chance to talk to you. ” He chuckled.
“I had a bit of a feeling since seals aren’t common as witch familiars but Asmo confirmed my suspicions.”
Marley’s icy gaze returned along with her biting cold.
“Don’t be mad at Asmo, he had the best intentions. You want to go home, right? I’m surprised you lasted so long without returning to the sea but I guess hanging out with Leviathan has its advantages.”
The duo continued to dance and swirl while Marley remained silent.
“...What do you want then? There’s no reason for you to help me and you don’t seem the type to completely give in to Asmo.”
Solomon offered a warm smile in return.
“I just want a chance to talk with you, I’ve always wanted to meet a selkie. Your people are such rare creatures and whenever I find one, they always turn back into a seal and swim away.”
“Are you sure it isn’t the fact you’re a shady magician?”
“Come on, now that’s mean! ”Solomon laughed out hardily as they continued to spin.
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Hola Mishamigos! It’s Friday and I am here with more nonsense from my SPN rewatch - dudes, we are all SLEEPING on Season 11, in both good and bad ways.  There is so much in just the first trifecta of “Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire;” “Form and Void;” and “Bad Seed” (since “Baby” deserves her own analysis) -  so come relive my rewatch with me.  This is a summary of some things that stood out for me (few are analysis, most are clowning; basically this is a pared down live tweet - you’re welcome/I'm sorry); copy/paste from the script is included with my own emphasis:
-There’s lots more to this episode, but really this is the most important and relevant part (also it’s too soon and I am offended, damaged, attacked and hurt) -
DEAN: Yeah, whoa. All right, take -- take it easy, okay?  (gesturing to the deputy’s wound) Bad guys?
JENNA: Rebar. I sought cover. I fell.
***LIKE EXCUSE ME, but what in the actual fuck.  Did they just decide to pull that from the episode four years later to emotionally traumatize us in the subsequent rewatches? I know it’s probably coincidence but my sad soul has not recovered *enough* for rebar’s first SPN appearance to be right now in this moment when I am blissfully 5 entire seasons away from the dead end in the road.
- The only other important part of this episode - when Dean takes the call from Cas privately first before putting it on speaker for Sam, and something about this exchange is so endearing-
(Dean’s phone rings) 
DEAN: Where the hell are you, Cas?
(The scene flips between Sam and Dean at the hospital, and Castiel in the woods.)
CASTIEL: I'm...I'm okay.
DEAN: You don't sound okay.
CASTIEL: Dean, I am fine. Besides, what I have, you can't help me.
DEAN: What do you mean, what you have?
CASTIEL: Just please tell Sam -- Rowena escaped with the Book of the Damned and the codex.
DEAN: Okay, forget Rowena. Where are you?
CASTIEL: Now, you tell me -- the Mark . . .
DEAN: Oh, really? You're worried about me after everything that I’ve --
CASTIEL: Dean, is it gone?
DEAN: Yes. I'm good. I mean, I'm not great.
CASTIEL: Makes two of us.  (Dean puts Cas on speakerphone) This is good news.
SAM: Hey, Cas.
***It’s just so poignant that Dean wanted privacy for the first minutes of that call, probably because he is still haunted about the beating he gave Cas in 10 and *other things,* and Cas is literally being torn apart by Rowena’s curse but he only cares about Dean getting rid of the Mark, and the world is ending but Dean only cares about Cas and where he is -  honestly this scene - I’m - 
***Further thoughts on the Animal Curse/Cas/Dean below under 11x03
(love the Genesis call back to this verse in the title - “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.”)
-speaking of emotional trauma, this fucking shit again -
JENNA: Yeah. I pretty much grew up here. Learned to ride my bike down the road. Had my first kiss at that blue house over there. Lost my virginity up there (pointing to different house).
DEAN: I'll bet blue house was pissed.
JENNA: She was. (handing Amara to Dean) Do you mind?
***This frustrated/disappointed/angered/saddened me to NO END despite already knowing that it happens constantly on the show, because what was the reason?! Did they have to point out that she had a female love interest for this brief moment just to turn her evil and kill her off?  There was no need to include this detail.  It’s either blatant homophobia or willful ignorance (so also blatant homophobia) that this is what representation means.  I won’t go on because obviously we are aware of this and much has already been said/written about it, but still, fuck this.
-we meet Billie and there is more “FORESHADOWING”-
QUEEN IS SINGING “OH DEATH” aka Death’s entrance song from Season 5 and I am BLOWN AWAY by this almost as much as her amazing voice - like did they know at this point she would become the new Death season later? DID THEY KNOW? I need answers.
Seriously, go listen to it immediately; bask in its glory:
We also get our first mention of the Empty, so that’s cute that they referenced both Dean’s and Cas’s Season 15 ‘demises’ in the same episode (it’s not cute really and I am crying again now) ->
BILLIE: You and Dean . . . Dying and coming back again and again. The old death thought it was funny. But now there's one hard, fast rule in this universe. What lives . . . dies. So the next time you or your brother bite it, well, you're not going to Heaven . . . Or Hell. One of us -- and, Lord, I hope it's me -- we're gonna make a mistake and toss you out into the Empty. And nothing comes back from that. I know you're dying. I can feel it. You're unclean in the biblical sense. So I'll be seeing you again, Sam . . . Seeing you real soon. Name's Billie, by the way.
-another reason for me to continue denying the flaming trash heap that they tried to call the series finale-
Sam is dying here because he has been infected by the Darkness-vein-animal-exploding-people-plague so he goes to pray about it 
SAM: So . . . I know it's been a long time, but . . . Dean and I, we've -- we've been through a lot of bad. But this is different. This is my fault, and I don't know how to fix it. And if I have to die, I've made my peace with that, but . . . Please. Dean deserves better. Dean deserves a life. There are people out there, good people, who are going to suffer because of me, and I am not asking you to clean up my mess. Hell, I don't even know if you're out there, but . . . If you are . . . And if you can hear me, I, um . . . We need your help, God. We need to know there's hope. We need a sign.
**DABB WROTE THIS F-ING EPISODE.  How are you going to write Dean deserves a life here to just do what you did Dabb.  Don’t get me started on my feelings about this scene in the dark depths of my finale-denying soul.   DEAN DESERVES BETTER INDEED, SEASON 11 SAM. 
To rub salt in this particular wound, they show us THE cutest scenes of Dean with this damn baby so we can have feelings about how great of a parent he could be (also I ADORE that whenever Jared, Jensen, or Misha have scenes in later seasons with young children/babies it is SO clear they slip into their own natural dad mode without even noticing it; these guys just all seem like excellent fathers and it makes me mushy) and even Crowley picks up on that shit and makes his little ex-boyfriend joke (after Demon Dean and most of season 10 there is no way I will ever NOT believe that Crowley and Dean did not take a tumble; I will take no criticism):
CROWLEY: The child likes you. No surprise, really. You're very maternal.
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Speaking of King Jackles, next comes the episode he directed ->
BAD SEED [11x03]
-Cas/Dean parallels with the Attack Dog Spell/Mark of Cain-
This arc appears in the 10 finale and then runs through the first three episodes, culminating in this one.  Despite it hurting my heart to see our angel so bloody eyed and feral, I LOVED this parallel; it’s truly brilliant - Cas’s reaction to the attack dog spell is such a mirror to the way Dean dealt with the Mark most of 10.  It’s also beautiful that Dean is the only one that can pull Cas from the spell’s control at the end of this episode; that alley scene between the two of them in 11x02 is so tender and sweet.  I like to think this brought an entire new layer of depth to their connection, because no one truly understood how Dean felt under the influence of the Mark until now (someone write a fan fic about this exchange!!!!!!) I *love* this journey for them (please say that sentence in Alexis Rose in your head).  Bonus that  the episode containing my most favorite of *domestic* phone calls with Dean and Cas follows this one, and also Dean’s SHORT SHORTS follow because now he is just walking around the bunker in short shorts while Cas is there and I maintain this is because of this new level of closeness.  As previously stated I ACCEPT NO criticism.
***I just saw something posted by @watchthebeesandfish​ back in 2015 when digging around the internet re: this episode - that this was the first time both Dean/Cas had seen each other as “themselves” since that heart wrenching bridge scene in 9x10, when Dean walks away from Sam/Cas after the Gadreel possession reveal (he goes on to take the Mark of Cain in the following episode, and has it the rest of the season through season 10 finale). That is brilliant and accurate and I BOW DOWN in humility to that parallel.  I now love this scene a billion times more. *single [wo]man tear*   Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this little trip down memory lane, thanks as always for getting through my rambling,  and HAPPY FACE CUPPING FOREVER.
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mioumukuro · 4 years
What if?
Alright here we have a cross over between two animes:
Katekyo hitman reborn and Inazuma eleven (go)!
It's just a short scenario or scenes each of them has a plot, free to request!
But I'll include only OCS
Females only, unless it's a girl character X oc boy or a male reader
If you wanna an X reader text me in private message and I'll write one for you (sure if I'm not tired up with something)
The first thing popes in my head is this plot:
When he turns to a baby
You were with him doing (your favourite hobby). But he bothered you
So You accidentally you wished that he was a child letting you in peace,you didn't mean it literally but for your bad luck a stalking witch up in a cloud☁️ heard you.and make your wish true!
So how will you react at this ?and will he be like you wished or over control?
We'll see some reaction of some ocs I know
Let's start with Inazuma eleven go :
Character: matsukaze tenma
Oc:oki hina
he started crying when he saw a tall woman with long orange hair grabbed in a ponytail
You turned to him to see if something is wrong or to be more clear from where this noise come from?
It's impossible to have a baby (yet) you get married just few weeks ago
You wondered if it's a son/daughter's nightbors
(I forgot to mention that these scenarios are played in an island ^^')
So you looked around but what get your attention is the touch of a tiny grab
Tenma was grabbing barely a piece of your blue sky dress
You smiled at him and bent down ,
Holding his little body and pull toward you ,
Wiping away his shower tears, he looked at you confused,
You were also wondering how he turned to a baby in a snap of seconds?
He can't know neither you do
"are you hungry?" You asked
he can't answer
But you know in another way
He can't talk but he acts do
He was licking his index finger
His saliva rolling down his tiny hand
You put him on a sofa and go to bring him food
When you came back
He was still there sitting like an angel
He wasn't noisy or troublesome
You pull the spoon to his mouth full of fruity yogort
He didn't hesitate and open his mouth
You feed him till he pulled the spoon away
Like any baby his face was a mess
You took a napkin and clean his face carefully
He giggled
Now his belly is full
He pointed at a soccer ball
You look toward where he pointed
You get it
He want to play football!
You took him to the garden of your house and start playing
You couldn't imagine passing your day with a cute child like him
And still you miss his elder version,
Your caring,sweet,protective , cheerful man
Till the sunset
You forgot about time
When you realized it
You took his hand to enter your house
At your surprise you felt a large soft hand holding yours
You turned to see him in his usual form
You happily hugged him
Can't help but to drop some tears from happiness
Glad that your precious husband is back!
Character: tsurugi kyousuke
Oc:hyuga nanami
You were busy doing your hobby till you noticed some strange doodles on the wall
You thought it was your imagination but you believed it once you saw it whole the hall way
Who in the earth would do this?
Besides where is your lazy husband?
As his usual ,when something like this happen he would yell
But silence was the only thing claiming the house
You walked up the stairs to check up
Holding a knife in your hand
Who knows maybe a thief is somewhere in your house.
You can expect anything!
Once you unlocked the door of your shared bedroom
You saw what you didn't expected it to happen
Your lazy husband turned to a baby boy
Messing up the room
Either the walls and floors didn't escaped from his sketches
You were about to yell at him but you couldn't resist at his cuteness
You bent to see what he is doing
He drew you and him with a red heart besides of it
"aww you're so cute" you said while you hugged him
It's true that he is not that cold like you used to
But still it's embarrassing for him
He tried his best to escape from your lovely hugs
But you won't let this chance go away
You played with him hide and seek
He succeeded in finding you every time
Not because you are bad or anything
You were hidden well
But he did notice your moves and read your personality before
So he knows you
really Well!
You pouted as he found you
You give up
He set next to you yawning
You know that he tired
Then you goes to sleep as well
You passed whole the day playing with him
It was a nice day
To see another side from him
After all this time
In your sleep
He returned to his form
Holding your waist
Pulling you close to him
Wishing sweet dreams for you
Character: Saryuu evan
Oc: Matsukaze hikari
As you always know your husband were climbing some banana trees to make banana's cake
You heard a noise outside
You rushed toward the location to find
A baby boy with banana in both hands of his
You giggled at the fact
You found him cute
Extremely cute!
You didn't hesitate to take him to home
You gave him a lot of plushies
Every plushie you have you put it around him
He frightened and start crying
You struggles
How he could cry in this situation?
The cause of his crying was silly
He didn't find his banana's gun
"ohh that's so,I should know it" you sigh and gave him the thing
Once he saw it he clapped his hands and start making noises
As if he was shooting fire at the plushies
You sweat drop
Even his child version still he likes to control and scares other
You can't help it but to play as well
The interesting thing is that he didn't shoot at you
He was protecting you
Like a charming prince
You put your hands on your red cheeks
He grabbed your hand and drag you to outside
Still a kid but he jumped out of the window like a Tarzan
How fool XD
You jumped after him to catch him
Since you found him earlier lying in the ground
But he surprised you again by saving you from falling
He turned to his original form
You hugged him tightly not letting him go
Either not letting him breath
But not for long
As you noticed it
Now to khr's characters:
Character: Yamamoto Takeshi
Oc: Reka (xanxus's sister)
Sorry idk his first name so I can't mention
You were waiting your husband Takeshi to came back from his morning training
Of course Mukuro was coach of this trainings
Every morning he would wake the males and force them to practice some sports
So they can get strong
You were enjoying the fact he is absent you can eat anything
What your heart desires
On your way you found his baseball bat
You hold it and swing it here and there
Imagining yourself playing baseball
And Takeshi cheering you !
How sweet~
But you were interrupted by a sudden knock on the door
Who would visit you in this time of the day?
You don't have much of guests
Since you scare nearly everyone
Except some bodies
You curiously open the door
About to say some shitty words
Till your green eyes catched a little figure Infront of you
You recognised who he was
So you wondered how that happened?
But you get it
It was your wish
It doesn't bothered you
Cause you won't be embarrassed anymore
You feed him,play with him, having a nice long day
He even helped you on cleaning dishes
Still a small idiot baseball's lover
But he was strong enough to help you
You were glad
You couldn't stop watching him walk,crowl, jumping
He was just cute and adorable
AS you wouldn't imagine it
But you get a little mad at him as he broke your things
Cut your machines
But you forgive him
He is just a child
"how can I get mad at you,who is the cutest baby?yes it's you" you poked his cheeks
Playing with his cheeks as if it's made of slim (idk how to write it correctly so don't judge me)
When you put your hand on his cheeks admiring his cute big eyes
He turned back to his normal form
Along you gasp and fall down embarrassed
Character:Hibari kyoya
Oc:Atsuki sawada
You enjoy decoration a lot
Even Hibari was one of your experiments
He would leave every morning to escape from you ribbons and sparkles
Gladly no one saw him or he won't be scary like he is known
Today you didn't hear him saying his usual phrase "I'll bite you to death"
It's strange .
But you heard a collide of metals
You thought it would be Mukuro
Because you know that every time they meet no way that wouldn't fight
Their desire and favourite thing they would do
You called him several times
But no response
He used to sigh and came
You saw his hibird flying around
"Hibari Hibari...is a baby"
"what?" Was all what you said
You rushed to check up on him
He was sitting next to the mini table
But in a child's size!
You put your hand on your mouth
Not believing
He is not just adorable
But this your chance to decorate his black hair without worrying if would escape
Even if he thinks to do ,he can't
Cause his tiny body can't go longer than reaching the window
He was pissed off
As he saw the red ribbons and some make up on his face
Is the best word that would express what he is feeling right now
He didn't cried but he bited you
Even he has small teeth
Still it hurts
You slapped him accidentally
Then he sniffed and start crying
You gasped and gave him some candies you have but still he didn't stop crying so you kissed his cheek at this time he turned back holding you tightly.
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girls-scenarios · 4 years
Idol: Wonyoung (IZ*ONE)
Prompt: Hi ^^ I got really excited when u guys announced requests were open. I've never actually got the chance to ever actually request before but I look forward to every post u guys make. I really love all of your writing and I hope u guys keep putting out great work! Could u guys do a Wonyoung scenario where the reader is best friends with Yujin and has a crush on Wonyoung but they're both too coward to ask each other out because there's a year difference? If possible can it be gender neutral? tysm:)
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: I took inspiration the anime My Love Story for this scenario. I hope you all enjoy!
♡ Tip Jar♡
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Wonyoung was the prettiest girl you’d ever seen, by far. The first time you met her, at Yujin’s house after school, you’d been so taken by her beauty that you could hardly speak, fumbling over your words and probably making yourself look like an idiot. But she’d been nice about it, giving you a bright, slightly shy smile that only made your heart beat faster. You were head over heels instantly. But you were pretty sure that she didn’t like you.
After all, the two of you were a grade apart and the only thing the two of you had in common so far was having Yujin as a friend. Even though the two of you often hung out at her house at the same time, it wasn’t the same as chatting alone and usually Yujin steered the conversation, always excited about something. Sometimes the two of you greeted each other in the halls, but it was always brief and awkward. All you really knew about Wonyoung was that she liked sweets and that she had the cutest laugh you’d ever heard. And even though you wanted to learn more, you didn’t really know how.
“Just ask her to hang out sometime, she’s cool,” Yujin had told you when you admitted your crush to her, but that was a lot harder than she made it sound. Actually asking Wonyoung to hang out alone, without Yujin? You weren’t sure you had that sort of confidence. So for a while, you stepped back and did nothing, too scared to take the next step in case Wonyoung didn’t feel the same way.
But you wanted, so badly, to get closer to her. Every time you saw her, the butterflies in your stomach went crazy and your heart ached, begging you to do something even though you couldn’t. Her face filled your thoughts and your mind wandered during class, wondering what she was doing and how she felt about you. Feelings built up in your chest, making you feel heavy and suffocated, until you couldn’t take it anymore and you went to the one person who you knew would listen.
You went to Yujin.
It was a weekend when you picked up your phone and called her, pulling yourself from your daydreams and sitting up in your bed. Her phone rang for longer than usual, but she answered soon enough, sounding surprised.
“(Y/N)? What’s up?”
“Is it okay if I come over?” You asked, running a hand through your hair and sighing. “I need to talk to you. It’s about Wonyoung.”
There was a pause on the other line. “Oh, okay,” she said after a moment, and it sounded like she was moving around. “Yeah, you can come over, I’m here for you!”
“Thanks, I’ll be over soon.”
“Sounds good. Oh, and wear something nice, okay?”
“Huh?” Confused, you furrowed your eyebrows, and she laughed.
“My mom is in a judgmental mood today. I just don’t want you to get a lecture about taking care of yourself if you come over in sweatpants.”
That was a bit weird, since she had never said anything before. Especially considering how much of Yujin’s closet consisted of basketball shorts. But you shrugged. Maybe it was just a weird day. “Alright, I’ll make sure I look presentable.”
“Great! See you soon!”
As you hung up the phone, you groaned, not really wanting to get out of your sweatpants. But you really wanted to talk to your best friend, so you reluctantly got up and walked over to your closet, looking for something comfortable yet presentable to wear.
When you arrived at Yujin’s house, wearing a pair of jeans and one of your nicer t-shirts, her mom met you at the door and gave you a bright smile. “Hello (Y/N)! Yujin is waiting for you upstairs in her room. Do you want something to drink before you go up?”
You guessed you looked nice enough not to get a lecture. “No thank you, I’m okay right now.” After giving her a polite smile, you headed upstairs, already knowing the way after years of being best friends. When you opened the door, Yujin jumped a bit at her desk chair, making you raise your eyebrows.
“Sorry, did I surprise you?”
“Yeah, I didn’t hear you,” she said, grinning and putting her phone down on the desk before spinning around to look at you. “So? What did you want to talk about?”
You closed the door behind you and walked over to sit on her bed, letting out another sigh. “It’s.... Well, it’s Wonyoung.”
“So you said. What about her?”
“I just can’t get her off of my mind!” The feelings burst out as you looked down at your hands. “I’m too nervous to ask her out and I thought I’d just see if the two of us got closer naturally, but it’s not happening like that and I like her so much that it’s frustrating. I’m annoyed at myself for not approaching her, but I don’t want to seem weird either. I don’t want to make things awkward for you either, because what if she rejects me? Then you might have to choose between us and I wouldn’t want to do that to our friendships.”
“I don’t think that’ll happen,” she assured you, speaking slower than usual, as if she was being really careful over what she said. “First of all, Wonyoung is a really nice person, she wouldn’t make me choose between to friends. Second of all, I really don’t think you have anything to worry about. You like her, right?”
“More than I’ve ever liked anyone before,” you admitted, your face flushing. “I think she’s amazing and beautiful and cute and I really want to date her.”
“Well, there you have it.” She laughed at turned to look at her closet, and you had a sudden sinking feeling in your stomach, your mouth dropping open and your eyes widening in shock as you sat frozen on the bed.
“You can come out now, Wonyoung.”
Sure enough, the closet door slid open to reveal a blushing Wonyoung, her hair slightly disheveled as if she’d dove into the closet at the last moment and her eyes darting from you to the floor. For a second, she just stood there biting her lip and staring at the ground.
“Well?” Yujin prodded, and the younger girl swallowed, looking up at you with the cutest nervous expression you’d ever seen, her lips turning up into a tiny smile.
“I-I like you too, (Y/N). I was actually here to talk to Yujin about you, because I was too scared to ask you out. I didn’t know if you liked me or not.”
“H-how could I not like you?” The words tumbled out of your mouth on their own. Your face was completely red now and your heart pounded in your chest. “You’re incredible, Wonyoung!”
She let out a little giggle and covered her face with her hands, but you could see her smile widen through the gap in her hands. “Thank you,” she said in a whisper. “I think you’re incredible too. I’ve liked you ever since I met you.”
“Me too. I’ve liked you since I met you too.” You felt breathless as she pulled down her hands and her eyes met with yours, the two of you blushing and smiling at each other like fools.
After a moment of this, Yujin clapped her hands and cheered, interrupting the moment. “Yay, we’ve confessed! Now you guys can date and I don’t have to hear your lovesick complaints anymore!”
“Sorry we put this all on you,” you said, turning to your best friend, but she just waved her hand and shrugged.
“It’s fine, just don’t hold what I did against me. Had I not gotten you to come over and confess in front of Wonyoung, you guys probably would have never gotten together. All of this pining was driving me a bit crazy. I’m happy for you both, though.” She grinned and you glanced at Wonyoung, who smiled.
“Well? Do you want to, um, date?”
Was that even a question? You’d wanted to date her from the moment you laid eyes on her. “Of course I do,” you said with a laugh. “Will you be my girlfriend, Wonyoung?”
It was a bit awkward doing all of this in front of your best friend, but when Wonyoung walked over to sit beside you on the bed, putting her hand gently over yours, you were just glad everything had worked out.
“Of course I will, (Y/N).”
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ayellowcurtain · 5 years
Could you please write some horny Robbe who desperately wants to be touched by his boy but he's too shy to make the first move  // Could you please please write about Sander's mom accidentally walking in on them having sex (Robbe all subby and cute) and Sander covering him up and soothing upset panicking Robbe who's all embarrassed after? 
Robbe is drunk and Sander didn’t want to sleep alone tonight, but he’s not supposed to have visitors, especially those who sleep with him, but it’s late, his parents are probably sleeping and to be honest, Sander doesn’t care about the stupid rule they created to try and keep Robbe away from him. 
He opens the door very carefully, pulling Robbe to come closer, standing right in front of him, with his back against Sander’s chest. Sander puts a hand over his mouth, walking inside with him, carefully locking the door behind him as he shushes Robbe, walking fast to his bedroom, also locking his door and Robbe licks his hand, smiling and stumbling away from him. 
As he’s trying to hear the rest of the house to make sure they’re ok, he watches as Robbe, using one of Sander’s oversized shirts, almost falls on the bed as he tries to take his pants off. Robbe has a different idea for tonight, but it’s very rare for him to use his words to tell what he wants. They’ve been teasing each other all night long and Sander should know better. 
Robbe takes his jeans and his underwear off and Sander is very thankful that his shirt is big enough to cover Robbe’s ass and everything else as he finally turns gracefully, looking at Sander with hazy eyes that are filled with the dirtiest intentions. 
“You should put your underwear back on, Robbe...” He whispers as he comes closer, trying to keep his eyes on Robbe’s drunk face. His pupils are dilated, his cheeks are so red, all the way to his neck and Sander just wants to touch, to kiss everything and Robbe is making things so very difficult for him, laughing quietly. 
His parents are right next door and they’re not good at being quiet when having sex. There’s no way they could do it now. 
“Why?” Robbe whispers with the softest voice and Sander feels his jeans getting tighter and tighter by the second. 
“You’re too much of temptation like this...” When he’s close enough, Robbe gently pushes him back, making him sit on the bed and Robbe follows right after, straddling him and he just can’t look down, but he puts both arms around Robbe’s waist under the shirt, his fingertips touching the small of his back lightly. 
“Why?” Robbe asks just to be a tease, tilting his head to the side a little and it’s the cutest, sexiest thing. 
“Fuck, Robbe! Because you’re drunk and because you’re loud and I can’t have you tonight. If you weren’t all of that we could even try, but I know we won’t be able to keep our mouths shut.” Robbe comes to sit even closer, his legs going around Sander’s waist, quietly moving his hips in small circles. 
“We can kiss while fucking. Or do other things...” He doesn’t finish his sentence, leaving a trail of wet kisses all the way to Sander’s ear, scratching the nape of his neck, pressing his hips against Sander’s again. 
Sander is really bad at saying no to Robbe, especially when all he’s asking is sex, Sander’s favorite thing to do. And Robbe knows his powers, quickly taking his hands off his neck, easily unbuckling Sander’s belt in a second, opening his pants afterward. 
Robbe always does this. 
He leads the way until Sander can’t take it anymore, Robbe is moving too slowly, teasing him too much and then he has to take control and Robbe loves when he does it, but Sander is still trying very hard to have some kind of responsible thought. If his parents, especially his mom, sees Robbe here, they’ll be in so much trouble. 
Robbe also tends to lose himself quickly, he lets his body take control and then there’s nothing you can do about it besides give him what he wants. And Sander loves every second of it, loves giving Robbe so much pleasure he’s not able to think, just moan as loud as he can. 
When Robbe’s cold hand touches where Sander needs it the most, Robbe instantly closes his eyes and relaxes his body just a little on top of Sander and he has to take a very deep breath not to engage, putting his fingers around Robbe’s wrist, stopping him for even starting to move his hand up and down. He should say something, push Robbe away from him, but he lets himself just look for a moment. 
Robbe is already completely out of it and this is usually when Sander starts to take him apart, but a knock on the door reminds him of why he can’t. 
“Sander?” His boyfriend quickly comes down from his high, opening his eyes like a scared animal, looking at the door, the handle moving a few times. The door is locked, but Sander pulls his sheets around Robbe anyway, holding both ends right in front of him, between them. “Sander? Are you awake?” 
“Shit.” He whispers, getting Robbe out of his lap, lying him down on the bed in a smooth movement and Robbe keeps the sheets around his own waist. “Stay here, very quiet.” 
Sander gets up, stumbling as he closes his pants, trying to readjust everything.  
“Sander!” His mom is almost taking the door down. 
“Wait a second!” Robbe is still on his bed, looking so cute and embarrassed and Sander finally unlocks the door and opens just a little. “What?” 
“Why didn’t you answer? What’s going on?” There are not many options that’ll make his mom go away quickly without being suspicious. 
“I had a fight with Robbe because I can’t bring my boyfriend to my house, now he’s pissed and I really just want to be alone, can I do that? It’s fucking late, mom, just go to bed.” She raises her eyebrows but doesn’t look upset, not in the slightest. “Can I go now?” 
“Are you...ok?” Sander has to bite the inside of his cheek not to laugh at his mom trying to hide how happy she is. 
“No, of course, but it’s just a dumb fight, I’ll make up to him tomorrow morning, away from here, where we can be together in peace. Good night, mom.” He starts closing the door slowly and she just lets him. 
Sander leans against the door, locking it and opening his eyes to meet his boyfriend still lying in the exact position that Sander left him, the sheets covering from his hips down, his legs wide open and Robbe is covering his face with both hands. 
He comes closer, crawling on top of him, putting one hand inside Robbe’s shirt, taking it with him all the way to his chest, licking his nipple and Robbe whines against his hands, arching his back.
“Don’t be embarrassed. She didn’t see anything.” Sander gently holds Robbe’s wrists, taking his hands off of his face, kissing his cheek. 
“She doesn’t know, but she probably woke up because of us.” Robbe turns to lie on his side and Sander lifts the sheets, lying closer to his boyfriend with nothing but his pants in between them. 
“Because of you and your little sexy noises.” Quietly, Sander pulls Robbe’s shirt higher, taking it off completely and Robbe just lets him. The thought of sleeping naked with Robbe is a little too much, but it’s what he can have tonight. “They’ll go to the gym tomorrow morning, we’ll have at least one hour to ourselves, so you should go to bed because I’ll wake you up very early tomorrow.” 
Robbe grins, closing his eyes, pulling Sander’s shirt for him to come closer as Robbe snuggles against his chest.
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pilot-boi · 4 years
New Residents: Chapter 1
Okay fine, maybe running off on a space adventure with no money and jobs wasn’t the best idea in the world. They needed more help, the kind that could actually help out.
Now all Ren had to do to achieve that was corral his friend. A friend who had the best intentions in the galaxy, but the attention span of a golden retriever.
They could barely support themselves enough to keep fuel in the ship and food on the table. And it didn’t help anything that Jaune kept trying to bring home strays.
Man’s Best Friend
Traveling the galaxy unsupervised was all well and good. Unless you got distracted by everything that moved.
“We are just here to get food, and that is it,” Ren told Jaune. “No distractions this time. We don’t have enough money for that.”
“I didn’t get that distracted,” Jaune argued.
Ren gave him a stern look.
“I said I was sorry! They were very persistent.”
“Sorry doesn’t buy fuel, Jaune. Or food. We don’t have that much money left, and we need to get supplies.”
“I’ll be careful this time. I promise.”
“Good,” Ren grabbed their packs, leaving their ship. “Let’s go.”
The planet that they were on was mostly markets. Ships came and went, buying and selling goods constantly. There were some shops that stayed, but most were only around for a day or two at a time. It was a merchants dream. 
Buyers from all around the galaxy, a vibrant array of items to sell and buy, and a reputation that could improve a merchant’s sales immensely. Fortunately, despite the ever-changing layout of shops, it was always easy to find whatever was needed, and sometimes, what wasn’t.
Jaune and Ren made their way into the depths of the crowds. Merchants shouted their various wares from stalls lining the streets. A few kids pushed through the legs of the adults, chasing after a ball. Scents from food stalls wafted over the crowds.
Jaune’s stomach growled. He hadn’t eaten all day, and he swore he could smell dinosaur chicken nuggets standing out among the other scents. He looked up at Ren, who was scanning the stalls around them for one selling fuel.
“I’m hungry,” he whined, putting on his best sad face.
“We’re buying food.”
“No, I’m hungry right now.”
“We’ll have food we can make on the ship.”
“You sound like my mother,” Jaune grumbled, folding his arms and pouting.
“At least one of us does,” Ren countered. “We can’t afford to buy from the stalls here. They’re all going to be overpriced, and you know it.”
They passed by a stall selling juicy racks of meat with roasted vegetables. Jaune’s stomach rumbled loud enough to hear over the crowds.
“Please,” Jaune begged. “I’m gonna starve, Ren.”
“You’ll live,” he handed a list to Jaune. “Now go see if you can find a stall that sells this fuel. I’ll handle food, since I don’t trust you to not spend all our money on vendor food.”
Jaune huffed and snatched the list out of Ren’s hand. “Aren’t you going to give me any money to buy said fuel with?”
“No, because I don’t trust you.”
Jaune rolled his eyes and turned on his heel, stalking out into the crowd. It was impossible to walk without bumping into someone. The crowds were tightly packed, and it seemed that every tall species had decided that today was the day to shop. Jaune couldn’t see a damn thing.
He pushed past a pair of bickering Velms, not bothering to apologize, and emerged in front of a food stall selling fresh fruits. One of the people who had just bought some of the fruit took a bite, the juice dribbling down their chin.
“Shut up,” he muttered to his growling stomach. Jaune had to strongly resist the urge to just pick one fruit from the basket of an unsuspecting customer. He couldn’t get in trouble here, especially not when he was separated from Ren.
Ren wouldn’t know. It would be fine. Right?
No, it would be wrong to steal. Jaune didn’t want to steal.
Suddenly, the customer he had been eying pushed past him, jostling the basket hooked on their arm. A single pear-shaped fruit bounced out, and Jaune caught it deftly in his hand. The alien appeared to be completely unaware of their loss, and disappeared into the crowd. 
Jaune looked around, checking to see if anyone noticed him holding the sort-of-not-really-stolen-fruit. He then took a bite of the delicious fruit and kept walking, a grin plastered on his face.
Ha! Take that Ren. He’d gotten food without spending money or stealing.
He was just about to take the last bite of the fruit when he noticed something staring at him from one of the alleyways. Curious, Jaune took a few steps towards it, keeping his body low.  
The creature backed up into the alleyway, keeping their distance. They were afraid of him.
“It’s okay,” Jaune said softly. “Here.” He held the rest of his fruit out in front of him.
It slowly moved forwards, stepping cautiously out of the shadows. It looked like a dog, but made of a green, goopy substance. The goo was dirty, like they hadn’t been cleaned in a long time.
Jaune smiled at the creature, and it cautiously moved towards him, taking the fruit out of his hand and leaving behind some green slobber.
“Aren’t you just the cutest?” He moved to sit down. The goopy dog scuttled backwards and Jaune froze. “Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay. See?” He held up his hands, slowly lowering himself down. “I’m not going to hurt you. I’m nice. Nice Jaune.”
The creature hesitated, and then approached again. It licked one of Jaune’s hands with its gooey tongue, licking off the remaining juice from the fruit. It felt almost soft, and was hardly stickier than the fruit had been.
“See? Nice,” Jaune smiled at the dog. Slowly, he lifted his other hand and began to pick off bits of litter that had gotten stuck in the poor animal. He moved slowly, making sure that the dog knew he was trying to help. Sudden movements still seemed to scare her.
Suddenly, Jaune’s communicator began to blink and beep softly. The dog seemed intrigued by the flashing blue light. She moved closer, almost touching Jaune. He stayed as still as he could, letting the dog stare at the dancing lights. 
Slowly, Jaune moved his other hand to press the answer button. Ren’s voice came through suddenly, slightly muffled by the crowd apparently around him.
“Jaune, where are you? Have you found fuel yet?” Ren sounded worried, as usual.
“No, not yet,” Jaune replied standing up slowly. “I got sidetracked.” He could hear Ren’s frustration from across the communicator.
“By what, Jaune?”
“I found a dog? I think. It looks like a dog, anyways. Like if a dog were made of green goop. She’s really friendly.”
“We’re not getting a dog, Jaune,” Ren said sternly. “We can hardly afford to feed ourselves.”
Jaune sighed. He looked down at the dog, searching for a collar. There was none. “Can I at least try to find the owners? I can’t just leave her here.”
Ren sighed, “Fine. Where are you?”
They had been going around to stalls for what felt like ages. The twin suns were beginning to set, and floating lanterns began to light up. They had everything they needed to leave, but Jaune was dead set on finding the owner, or owners, of the dog, which he had named Petey, much to Ren’s chagrin.
Jaune refused to be embarrassed when Ren brought up that he’d named an actual living creature after his favourite cereal. And also shut up Ren, Petey could be a girl’s name, shut up.
“Why are you so determined to find this thing’s owner?” Ren asked as they walked away from a fish-selling stand. “It’s not really your business.”
Jaune looked over at him. “It’s… it’s just a thing my dad taught me.”
Ren faltered. Jaune didn’t talk much about his dad anymore. His dad had died when they were in high school… it had taken a lot out of him.
“One time my dad took me to one of the few lakes on Ventos Beta,” Jaune began, “His home planet was almost entirely water, so he always liked it near the lake. We were walking along the shore, and there was this Balces dying on the dry land. That wasn’t unusual.” 
“They constantly swam too close to shore and got left in the tide pools once the water receded. But my dad…” Jaune shook his head, smiling fondly. “He just picked it up and threw it back out into the lake. Everytime we saw one, he picked it up and threw it back.”
“Wasn’t that kind of pointless?” Ren asked. “Those things are stupid. They’d just keep coming back. It doesn’t matter.”
“That’s what I thought too,” Jaune said. “And I asked my dad that. He just tossed another one back and said, ‘it mattered to that one.’ I guess it kind of stuck with me. There could be hundreds of stray pets on this planet, and I’ll never help all of them, but I can help this one.”
Ren hadn’t ever really gotten to know Jaune’s dad. He knew that he was a quiet, kind man who always came to school when Jaune got in trouble. He never yelled at Jaune for getting into fights. Never got angry or lost his temper. He just tried to help him be better.
He had been a good dad.
Finally, a shopkeeper waved them over. He had two sets of arms, one set waving, the other set clasped tightly around the handles on a basket of fruit. He smiled as the trio approached, waving at them causing the two green and yellow lines that ran down his arms to flash in the light.
“I believe you’re looking for that Dulcosi’s owner?” the shopkeeper asked, gently setting the basket of fruit down behind him.
“Yeah, do you know where we could find them?” Jaune asked, excited at finally finding a lead.
“Sure don’t,” the alien replied. “They left here ages ago. The poor thing-” He gestured to Petey. “-has been here ever since. No one wants the responsibility of taking care of her full time, but some of us food vendors will toss her something to eat when we can.”
Jaune knelt down next to the dog and rubbed gently behind her ears, still looking up at the shopkeeper. “She was abandoned? That’s awful.”
He felt sick. Who would abandon their puppy like that? He’d only known Petey for a little while but she was already the sweetest girl he had ever known.
“Sure was,” the shop owner said, shaking his head. He pulled a fruit out of the basket he’d set down and gave it to Petey. “They’re good pets. Loyal. Just need a family.”
Jaune looked up at Ren, putting on his best pleading face. This wasn’t just about his empty stomach anymore. This was for Petey.
Ren heaved a sigh, rubbing his forehead. Jaune wasn’t going to leave without this dog.
“There’s a pet supply shop just a couple streets down,” the shopkeeper said, winking knowingly. “Tell him Luxverd sent you, and he should give you a discount.”
Ren’s face was buried in his hands. He seemed to think that if he didn’t see Jaune then he would disappear. When he uncovered his face, however, Jaune was still there, holding Petey in his arms now.
The combination of Jaune’s pleading face, along with the dog happily panting at him with her tongue sticking out and wagging her tail was too much.
“Fine,” Ren groaned. “Where’s this shop?” He pulled out his map and let Luxverd point out where the shop would be. Not too far away. Ren shouldered his pack, forging out into the crowd. “Come on, Jaune.”
Jaune and the dog followed along behind, shit-eating grin plastered across his face, and Petey’s tag wagging furiously.
The shop was brightly lit, toys and pictures of various pets plastered on posters in the windows. The shopkeeper was waving goodbye to a happy looking alien who was carrying a kitten-esque creature in their arms. 
The shop owner looked to be the same species as Luxverd, except instead of green and yellow lines, he had two dark blue lines running down his cheeks. He turned his smile to Jaune and Ren as they approached.
“How can I help you?” he asked, extending one of his arms to Ren. “My name is Caelrune.”
“Ren,” he shook his hand. “We are… um…”
Jaune ignored the shopkeeper, darting to the toy shelf with Petey.
“I recognize that Dulcosi,” Caelrune said. “I suppose Luxverd sent you?”
Ren nodded, looking behind the shopkeeper to watch Jaune. He had set the dog down, and was showing her different toys. Every time Petey showed any interest in one, he added it to the growing pile in his arms.
“I should-” Ren started. Caelrune held up one of his arms, stopping him.
“Make sure your friend doesn’t buy my entire stock, yes.”
Ren nodded gratefully and walked past Caelrune and into the shop. Jaune was looking at bags of food now, the toys all in one basket. The dog was sniffing the different bags.
“Which one is it, girl?” He asked. “What do you want to eat?”
Petey leaned in to sniff a bright pink bag. Once she determined that she liked it, she butted her head against it, turning to pant at Jaune. He beamed and picked up the bag in his arms, almost toppling over from the weight.
“We’re not buying all of these toys,” Ren said, taking the bag of food from Jaune, who looked relieved. “We can’t afford all of them. We can barely afford to take care of ourselves!”
“We can manage,” Jaune said. “We always do.”
“At least put a few back,” Ren said, half-pleading. “She doesn’t need thirty different toys.”
Jaune frowned. He picked a few toys out of the basket, but didn’t like that decision so he put them back and picked a few different ones. He couldn’t decide which ones to put back. Petey deserved them all. Finally, Ren grabbed a random few and put them back on the shelf.
“This should be good,” he said, holding his arm out to stop Jaune from grabbing the toys again.
“Excellent,” Caelrune smiled at them and began calculating the cost.
Ren stared sadly at the small handful of currency they had left, while Jaune bounced happily alongside, playing tug-of-war with Petey. He sighed. He couldn’t stay mad at Jaune. Not when he was so happy with having a dog. 
Still… they needed money. Ren knew it wasn’t going to be easy when he had decided to join Jaune on this adventure. Nothing had ever been easy with Jaune.
They were going to have to find somewhere to earn some spare currency or this adventure was going to be cut short.
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wolfoftheautumn · 4 years
Belladonna felt something biting one of her hands she opened her eyes looking over seeing the pup. She smiled “Mm hungry?” She asked. The pup jumped up on her chest and started licking her face. She laughed “I guess that’s a yes" She said softly as she got up the pup followed due on the stairs she looked over at her window it was just now starting to get light outside. She stretched and tightened the robe as she left her quarters with the pup. She made her way into the kitchen. She found some meat and cut a good piece off and took it back to her room.
She found a bowl and placed the meat and a dish for water. She watched the pup run over and start chew and tear pieces off. She loosened the robe and went back to bed her eyes still heavy with sleep. She laid there falling back asleep. When she opened her eyes again she looked outside the sun was high “Slush" she said jumping up and started to throw on a dark blue tunic top with matching pants. She started to throw on the new armor on and her boots the last thing she put on and adjusted was the helmet Amara would have training swords so she didn’t need to provide that. She was out her room pup following in tow and made her way to the summer temple.
She seen Amara and the handful of recruits there were twelve of them. “Alpha I was beginning to worry" She said smiling. She looked at her strange but then understood “Apologizes Captain” She replied. The first thing they went through was basic attacks and blocks. Then they worked on foot work Amara emphasized that you could be great at attacking and defending but if you did not have proper foot work it would be all for not. After she made the recruits pair off she took three sets and Belladonna took the other sets. Both went around correcting what they were doing wrong. They also switched sides what Amara didn’t see Belladonna did and vise versa.
At then end of the session Amara smiled “Who wants put their skills to the test with a spar?” She asked no one dared go up against Amara but many knew her stories all her tales. Belladonna thought “If not with the captain what about me?” She asked only a handful volunteered she sparred with them all,they were bad but they needed to learn. The last she sparred with was the best she felt like they knew their stuff and she pushed them to see what they could do. Once they yielded they took their helmet off. It was a girl and she had long pink hair with gold eyes. What struck her the most was her ears they were like hers and her mothers.
“Thank you for the sparring captain Alpha" She said her voice was sweet and calming. Belladonna blinked “I am no captain just helping Captain Amara out” She said she was glad the helmet hid her face “ Will you be helping during the evening training as well?” She asked. Belladonna didn’t know about that but she nodded she was now. She watched as she left leaving till she was out of sight. She felt a hard slap on her back “ Does Alpha have a crush" Amara said she could hear the smile on her lips. “Uh no um I’m going to be coming to evening exercises it looks like…bye" She squeaked leaving. She went back to the palace putting her gear up and went to the kitchen for something to eat she was starving. She thought about talking to Ruelle about the talk she was going to have with them.
She ate the plate of food also feeding the pup she cleaned the dishes away and she went to her aunts room. It wasn’t uncommon for her to go both loved her like their own child. They had married but with their busy hectic lives they never had a child of their own. She did the secret knock asking for Ruelle but the door opened anyway she seen Piama. “Ruelle is at a meeting dear but you can talk to me if you like” Belladonna nodded “Aunt Piama is it true that you and Aunt Ruelle didn’t like each other at first?” She asked she laughed “Quiet true but over the years it changed. Why has someone struck your eyes" She said smiling. Belladonna blushed “I… well I did meet someone this girl" She said. Piama smiled “Do tell more" She said. Belladonna blushed more “Well she really pretty gorgeous pink hair and eyes of gold and the cutest tan.” She said “Oh darling what’s her name?” She asked. That’s when Belladonna was horrified “I don’t know I never got it but I’ll see her again later in the evening" She said Piama smiled “Oh you have your first crush" She said.
Belladonna blushed more and shook her head “ Can you tell Aunt Ruelle when she gets back I would like to talk to her?” She asked. She nodded “Certainly dear" She said. Belladonna left and went back to her room. She sat at the desk going over different names she had written down thinking which one would fit her girl. She didn’t like snowflake or spot they were to common. She looked over at the pup who was chewing on the bone from this morning and sat there she had to think. She seen one she liked Valkyrie. “Valkyrie?” She asked the pup looked up coming over she smiled “ You like that girl?” She asked leaning down to scratch the pup. She seemed please and ran around. “That’s my little Valkyrie" She said smiling.
As she sat there she heard a knock but in a pattern she went over opening the door Ruelle walked in and smiled “What is it you wanted to talk about?” She asked smiling “Something I want your opinion on. You know as well as I do that mother has had talks about the next master of spies” She said looking down “I don’t want to do it I feel that you are more prepared for it. I don’t want to crush mother in telling her I want to be a knight instead…” She said with a sigh two hands on her neck rubbing it. Ruelle laughed “Your mothers will be happy at what you choose and I for one would happily take it if you felt better. But I can say this it will not hurt her, in fact it may relieve her knowing that" She said. Belladonna smiled and nodded.
Ruelle smiled “I also have a late present for you something that just got finished but what ever you do don’t tell you Aunt Piama that I got them for you" She said. Belladonna was curious as she was handed a medium sized box. She opened it and gasped. In the box were twelve hidden blades made out of obsidian snowflake. “They will stay sharp pretty much forever if you take care of them” She said softly. Belladonna smiled as she hugged her “Thank you Aunt Ruelle I love them" She said. Ruelle nodded hugging her “If that is all I am going to rest" She said. Belladonna nodded “ It is" She said as she watched her leave.
She felt a little bit better as she went back to her desk she was thinking soon she would be back in the summer district she hoped to get the name of the girl. She looked outside she thought about leaving early she knew Amara was still there probably soaking up the sun. Her thoughts went on the girl wondering what she might be doing. She shook her head she needed to focus. Belladonna got up and started to put the amour back on she watched as Valkyrie went to the door. She opened the door and they left. As they headed down the corridor Belladonna seen the head guard over Autumn “Master Alpha I was looking for you all paperwork has been put into place you are entered for the Autumn tournament of Champions this weekend” He said. “Thank you for the update" She said. She started to wonder when she had gotten master status it had to be of Amaras doing she was glad she was going to see her they needed to talk.
As she made her way to the temple she indeed did see Amara sitting in the sun her eyes closed and a smile on her lips. That made her smile she wouldn't lie she had more then one crush. She went over trying to sneak up on her but Valkyrie ran over to her first jumping on her lap. She watched as Amara laughed opening her eyes “Good to see both of you" She smiled Belladonna smiled as she sat next to her taking the helmet off. “So master alpha now. Tell me when I reached Master class and on top of that my mothers had to approve of it" she said looking at her. “You have trained under me since you were young if I remember correct since you could hold a stick. We have sparred many , many, many hours more then I could count also you have helped me train new ones for many years you deserve the title. And as for you mothers yes they know and I will be coming to dinner tonight and explain everything" She said.
Belladonna nodded “How did you know a wolf was my favorite animal I’ve never told anyone" She said. Amara smiled “By watching you. You’re a natural leader, you are insanely smart and figure things out quite easily. Also you are a lone wolf searching for a pack to call your own.” She said. Belladonna nodded “I like being called Alpha as well it makes me smile.” She said softly. She smiled “I like it as well, it suits you" She said. Belladonna nodded. “So the girl uh do you know her name?” She asked shyly. She watched as Amara smiled “I do but I think that is something you should find out" She said smirking “I also know she wants to visit the Autumn quarter” She smiled. Belladonna smiled that was good she knew the Autumn districts like the back of her hand. Amara smiled “So have you figured out a name for your girl?” She asked as she looked at the pup running around with Leoa.
“I have, after some thought and see if she responds I have named her Valkyrie" She said. Amara smiled “A strong name for a strong girl I like it" She said. Belladonna smiled then thought “Amara would you date someone who uh didn’t really have a chest?” She asked while both of her mothers' had a nice bust that was one part of the package she did not inherit. Amara shook her head “Don’t date for looks but personality how your chemistry is with them" She said. Belladonna nodded that did make her feel better.
After a bit they decided to spar it made her feel better. They were going at each other pretty hard. Belladonna didn’t notice the small crowd of recruits forming behind her. Until Amara yielded she turned seeing the recruits they all looked amazed. “If you take training serious and to heart you to can one day fight like us. Also I wanted to tell you all that Alpha has reached masterclass and been given the title.” She spoke. After that they went back to training going over what they had practiced early that morning.
At the end Belladonna spared with them again. The last to spar with was the girl. She watched her movements she was good as though she had had practiced she was feeling confident in her abilities and she liked that. At the end when she yielded she took her helmet off again. Belladonna did the same. She noticed the girls eyes light up and she wondered if she had recognized her. “Master Alpha your eyes are gorgeous” She said. Belladonna blushed “Thank you but I did not get a name this morning" She said. The girl blushed “I am sorry about that I am Ameiral” She said softly. Belladonna smiled it was beautiful just like her.
“Tomorrow morning after training would you like to tour the Autumn district with me, I like to frequent it often and was told you would like to see it" She said. “As long as I am able to freshen up after training" She said. Belladonna nodded “Of course shall I meet you here after an hour after training is over?” She asked. She smiled and nodded “I would like that Master Alpha" She said. She nodded as she left Belladonna smiled so wide she looked over seeing Amara smile as well walking over.
“Seems you have a date" She said she blushed and nodded “So it does” She said. “I'll see you at dinner" Amara said patting her back. Belladonna smiled as she made her way back to the palace she was happy so happy. She went to her room putting her gear up she needed to bath before dinner. She grabbed a pair of clothes to change into as she went to the bathroom filling tub. She got in and heard Valkyrie whine. “Oh my sweet girl you don’t need a bath go wait for mama on the bed” She said. Valkyrie whined more and she laughed “If you insist then" She said as she picked her up putting her in. She started to swim and she smiled. She washed them both up and soon dried them both. She started to put on a outfit that her aunts had gotten her that wasn’t quite as fancy. She went back to her room.
She sat at her desk and retrieved a new journal it was a dark rusty color. She opened it and started to write in it with the quill thinking carefully as she wrote in code. She did glance up to see Valkyrie on the bed resting that made her smile. She went back to writing when done she closed it and wrapped it up she put it in a hidden compartment in her desk. She closed the ink well and rose she went to her balcony and sat outside . She thought about tomorrow and wondered what Ameiral would like to see and do. She felt nervous Ameiral wasn’t like most of the nobles kids she was far from it.
Belladonna thought things could get complicated as to where she lived and other things of that sorts. She let out a groan “Perfect what would mother say and do?” she asked to herself there came a knock on her door and she got up going over she was surprised to see her Mother “And just what would I do my sweet girl?” She asked. Belladonna bit her lip “Well I may have caused a problem for myself" She spoke as she sat on the bed. Her Mother shut the door as she sat next to her “Do I need to get Ruelle to get rid of it?” She asked. She laughed “No, I met a girl under an alias and I really like her she’s not from around here and I asked her to go with me to the Autumn district tomorrow" She said blushing.
The spy mistress smiled “I see how mysterious do tell me what you are having a problem with maybe I can help?” She replied. “What if she ask about my parents, or where I live?” she asked looking at the floor. Xenia smiled “Well Alpha as far as I’m concerned you have earned a place at the palace with becoming a master. As for your parents they work here technically not a lie just not the full truth" She said. When Belladonna heard the alias name she had been using she froze. “ Darling do you really think you can hide that from me and your mama we have our ways" She said.
She nodded “I…I was going to tell you at dinner" She said. The spy mistress smiled pulling her close “ You don’t have to worry about it. I explained everything to Mama she understands and were happy to help with this endeavor but darling the truth will come out eventually. I just hope it doesn’t turn to heartbreak that is the last thing we want for you" She said. She nodded “There is something else but I’ll let Amara explain that” She said she nodded “You will be happy to know that we are excited to watch you in the tournament this weekend” She said.
Belladonna looked up “Really?” she asked quite surprised. She nodded “Yes, we want to support you in everything you want to do" She said. She smiled and hugged her “Thank you mother that means a lot to me" she said. Xenia smiled “Oh course my sweet girl let us meet Amara for dinner. I believe she had a bit of explaining to do" She said smiling. Belladonna shivered she hoped she hadn't got her in trouble. She nodded as they stood Valkyrie got up as well going down the steps as they went to the door opening it they left and walked in silence she wondered what her mother was thinking.
As they were at the front steps Belladonna seen Amara coming up she was wearing her white dress with her hair pulled in a ponytail. She bowed to them both. Her mother laughed “There is no need for that" She said “Come Amara we are good friends and going to dinner.” She said. Amara nodded as she slipped beside them going in Belladonna was worried how could she not be. As they gathered around the small family table River smiled “So what are we discussing?” She asked. Amara looked at Belladonna “Well Mama, Mother” She said she swallowed looking down at the plate of food no longer hungry. “Mother I know you have plans for me to become the next Spy mistress. I am grateful you want me to take over but…I am not as well equipped as you would think I am. I believe a better choice would be Aunt Ruelle she would be a better fit. As you both know I go under the Alias Alpha I want to be a knight instead" She said. Belladonna finally looked up at her mothers' to see their reaction. She seen something in her Mothers eyes that seemed to be relief her Mama smiled “If that is what you wish we will support you.” She said smiling.
Belladonna was surprised her Mama said that she remembered when she was younger she made her do girly things. Maybe Amara had talked to them earlier that day to soften the blow. She nodded “Thank you" She said. Xenia smiled “So tell us about this girl your meeting tomorrow your Aunt Piama said you were blushing the whole time you talked about her. Belladonna blushed “Well her name is Ameiral she came from a village to learn to be a knight" She said still blushing. “Ah I seen her application she is wishing to get housing in the spring district" Her Mother said.
Belladonna hadn't known that “What else do you know about her?” She asked nervous. “Honestly that’s all because she was just here moments ago" Her Mama said. “Oh no she had to meet with Aunt Piama oh slush” She said hiding her face. Everyone chuckled “Don’t worry I talked to your aunt about your alias your using” Amara said “She thinks its adorable, she also said that spring and autumn would once again be in love" She smiled. Belladonna shook her head “I’ve not even taken her on a first date I don’t know if we will even click" She said as she started to eat.
After dinner she said her good nights to her mothers' and good bye to Amara. She went back to her room taking the clothes off getting into her robe. She went over to the balcony and opened it going to sit outside. She sat in the chair looking up at the night sky watching the stars shine. She relaxed then started to think about tomorrow. What if this girl and her didn’t click? What if it was a one sided love and crush like with Amara. She sighed as she looked down at Valkyrie who was sitting next to her chair “Want to call it a night, we have a lot of stuff to do in the morning and afternoon" She said. Valkyrie looked up and gave a yawn she laughed “ Good idea" She said as she rose from the seat and went in locking the balcony door. She watched as Valkyrie went up the steps she went to the side getting in snuggling under the covers. She felt Valkyrie cuddle into her side and once again she pet her till her eyes closed for the last time for sleep.
Belladonna felt something chewing on her hand she laughed as she opened her eyes looking down “Hungry darling?” She asked. Valkyrie got on her chest licking her face. “That’s a yes" She giggled she rose up and Valkyrie went down the steps. She tightened the robe and left her room. She was going down the familiar path she entered the kitchen getting some meat for Valkyrie and grabbed an apple and a pear for herself.
They returned to their room and sat the food down in the dish for Valkyrie and soon got fresh water. Belladonna smiled watching her eat the meat and she started on the apple she wanted to stay awake this time and not embarrass herself with being late again. She kept eating the apple thinking she wondered if Ameiral was awake yet and what she might be doing. She finished the apple and put the core in the trash then started on the pear. She then went to the closet looking at the outfits and started to decide on what to wear. She finally came to one with a deep purple shirt black vest and a purple jabot. She would pick that one. She finished the pear throwing the core away as well she started to stretch.
Belladonna felt more awake after she went over getting out a dark green tunic and pants putting it on as she started to put her armor on she looked over seeing the sun rising. She took her helmet holding it with her lower set of arm as she watched the sun rise. She smiled and then she looked over at Valkyrie as she was done with the meat drinking water. “Ready to go darling?” She asked. Valkyrie looked up tail wagging and she laughed as they left. Before Belladonna left the palace she went to see her mothers’. She judged by time they were probably still in their room. She knocked then heard her Mama say enter. She went in and seen them her Mother holding her Mama and both smiled seeing her.
“This is a rare treat what do we owe the pleasure darling.” She smiled “I just miss how you two would come wishing me a good morning so I thought I would wish you two a good morning" She said smiling. Both smiled “Going to practice?” Her Mama asked. She nodded “Yes and after I’m going to come home for a quick bath and to feed Valkyrie and then get ready for the date" She said. “Have a wonderful day my sweet girl when you return please tell us how it went" Her mother said. “You two will be the first to know unless Aunt Piama finds me first" She laughed. She let them be and started her way to the temple. When she arrived she seen Amara who seemed to in thought. She went over and pat her back “Isn't it to early to think so hard?” She asked Amara laughed “I suppose so" She said looking up. “Shall we warm up as we wait?” She asked. Belladonna offered her a hand up Amara took it and when she stood she pulled Belladonna close giving her a passionate kiss. Belladonna was shocked as Amara put her helmet on she did the same as they started to spar. Her mind was racing her crush had just kissed her on the day she was suppose to go on a date. Any other day she would have been over the moon but today well it complicated things. Amara knew she was not focused she could tell by her stance and she tapped her sword against the helmet which seemed to bring her back.
Belladonna took her thoughts and buried them after the helmet tap she needed to focus she would sort this out later. When they warmed up the recruits were there. They kept going over the basics. She had already decided after this she would talk to her. At the end she was sparring she noticed Ameiral was holding her own and she smiled. When it was over she took her helmet off and so did she “Still meeting here in an hour?” She asked. Ameiral blushed and nodded “Yes see you soon Master Alpha" She said as she left. Belladonna smiled as she turned to talk to Amara but she didn’t see her. She sighed where and when had she slipped off too.
Belladonna sighed as she made her way to the castle. Once in her room she put the armor up and grabbed her clothes going to the bath. She filled it up and got in. Valkyrie had brought her bone and sat near the tub as she washed up she got out drying off and proceeded to put her clothes on she smiled looking at herself in the mirror she looked nice. She did take out the new hidden blades from Ruelle and started to place them in the outfit. After that she went and brushed her hair she thought about cutting it more.
She stood there and then her hand went to her lips she could still feel the passion of Amaras lips on her. She blushed she decided she had time to spare and decided to visit her Aunt Piama maybe she had some insight on this situation. She looked down at Valkyrie and smiled she seemed ready to go. They left her room and she made her way to her aunts room. She knocked on the door and it opened. Piama smiled seeing her “ I was just about to come find you" She said with a smile. “Oh why is that?” She asked “Well I met your crush last night she's very cute” She said. Belladonna blushed “Oh well I err I need to tell you something” She said. Piama smiled “What is it dear?” She asked.
“Okay I don’t know if you know this or who might but I have a crush on Amara as well…. Well she just kissed me today and well I… I have a date why would she do this now?” She asked. Piama laughed “She may be threatened of this new girl and wanted to show you what you mean to her" She said. Belladonna nodded “ I see" She said that did make some sense. She sighed “Its just strange I feel complicated" She said. Her Aunt laughed “ Darling love is complicated but, you know when you find the right person" She said as she looked at her ring “You’ll know" She said. She smiled she hugged her “Thanks Aunt Piama I do feel better" She said. Her aunt hugged her back “Now go wow your date" She said smiling. Belladonna nodded as she left she started her way to the temple.
She still wondered where Amara had run off too she wondered if she was near. When she arrived she seen no sign of her and she started to get nervous ‘just don’t be a creep, don’t be a creep' she thought to herself. She started to relax when she heard footsteps. She opened her eyes seeing Ameiral she was wearing a beautiful black dress. She blushed without armor on she could see had a nice large bust she quickly looked at her eyes she noticed her pink hair was up with hair pins. “You look dashing Master Alpha" She said. “You look beautiful Ameiral and please just call my Alpha" She said extending her lower arm to her. Ameiral smiled as she took it. “Thank you again for the tour.” She said. She smiled “It is no problem, I love the Autumn district you could call it a second home” She said smiling. As they walked Belladonna smiled “So Alpha I bet you get all the Ladies with your handsome looks and how your dress I bet everyone wants to date the prince you are.” Belladonna stopped, oh god she thought she was male oh god. “Well actually Ameiral I am indeed a female" She said. Ameiral froze “ Oh God I… I’m sorry but that makes me happy actually" She said blushing. Belladonna was slightly confused “Happy?” She asked. Ameiral was blushing “I’m a lesbian actually and I was well I was surprised that I had a crush on a guy” She said hiding her face with her hands. Belladonna thought that was cute “I see well indeed I am a female dear I’m just flat chested" She laughed.
Belladonna took her hand “Tell me about where your from" She said as they kept walking. “Well its about two weeks travel from here I live in a little gemstone mining town. My family owns a obsidian snowflake mine" She said. She smiled “That sounds lovely it’s one of my favorites" Belladonna replied. “Did you work in the mine?” She asked. Ameiral laughed “Gods no father wouldn’t allow it my brothers and father worked in it with other male relatives. I worked with my mother she would take the gems and make jewelry or what ever a customer would want. My passion was blacksmithing and wanting to protect the mines.” She said. Belladonna nodded.
“I heard you were looking to get into the Spring quarter for housing" She said. She laughed “Yes I applied there and summer. I wanted autumn but there were no open rentals that I could afford" She said. Belladonna had an idea and put it aside. “What about you Alpha where do you live and what about your parents.” Belladonna smiled “I live in the castle, my mothers work in the castle as well" She said. She nodded “That must be nice” She said not seeming to think much on it. She nodded “Yes" She said.
Soon they were in the Autumn quarter and Belladonna smiled “What would you like to do. I wont lie I could use a snack" Belladonna said. Ameiral smiled “I am too I didn’t eat this morning I was nervous about our outing" She said blushing. Belladonna thought that was absolutely adorable “Then allow me to get us some snacks as we wonder around and then treat you to a hearty lunch at my favorite tavern” She said. Ameiral smiled “As long as you let me pay" She said. Belladonna shook her head “Absolutely not as a hopefully champion of Autumn I will be paying for everything, plus this is your tour allow me to pay” She said. Ameiral blushed “I…. Well….” She laughed “Alright Alpha but as long as you promise a second outing that I can pay. “ She said. Belladonna was over joyed she wanted to go out again. “Alright that is a deal" She said smiling she took her hand kissing it. “What are you in the mood for I know a few stands that serve a bit of everything" She said.
She was watching Valkyrie when she sniffed the air and went running in a the opposite direction. “Valkyrie!” She cried she went after her and Ameiral followed. Valkyrie was quick and Belladonna ended up losing track of her. She stopped looking around she was about to start freaking out when she heard someone at a stall. “Well hello darling have you come for a meat stick or pie" She heard the woman say. She looked over seeing Valkyrie at her stall in her arms licking her face. She went over and the woman smiled she was an older woman with green hair and green eyes “Master Alpha so nice to see you" She said. “Faun I am terribly sorry about Valkyrie this is her first time in the market place" She said. She laughed “Oh this pup is adorable she has brightened up my day she knows good meat pies" She said. Belladonna laughed “It was actually your pies and meat sticks that brought us together we were just discussing what to snack on" She said. Faun smiled “Good, good I have pies cooking and meat sticks” She said. Belladonna looked at Ameiral “These are actually my favorite would you like to try some?” She asked. Ameiral smiled “If Valkyrie vouches for them yes" She said.
She nodded as she ordered a meat pie and two meat sticks Ameiral did the same and Faun gave them an extra meat pie and stick for Valkyrie. She paid and they stopped at a stall and got drinks hot apple cider. They found a bench and sat as Belladonna gave Valkyrie her food. She sat there eating smiling. “There is one thing I want to do" Ameiral said shyly. Belladonna looked up “What is it?” She asked. “I would like to go to the pumpkin patch….I would like to get a good size one so I can make a pie” She said. Belladonna nodded “That will be our last stop I promise" She said softly.
“Alpha what did you mean by hoping to become a champion of Autumn? She asked taking a sip. Belladonna smiled “There is a tournament this weekend in the Autumn quarter for a new champion. I am participating and hoping I win. I was wanting to ask if you would be there to cheer me on" She said blushing. Ameiral smiled “Of course I would love too" She said. Belladonna smiled “I hope I impress you then" She said. Ameiral laughed “Trust me you have already. I just hope I impress you" She replied softly.
As they finished their snacks and drink they got up to leave and continue the tour. As they passed a graveyard Belladonna noticed familiar white hair. It was her Mother at a grave and she thought that curious. She seemed to be in a world of her own. Belladonna wanted to investigate but continued passing it. They went to different venders she watched what caught Ameirals attention. They went to her favorite little tavern for lunch and then as promised at the end of the tour they went to the pumpkin patch. Belladonna helped her pick out a pumpkin after she took her back to where she was staying.
“Thank you for the tour it was incredible. Hopefully soon we can do it again" She asked. Belladonna nodded “I would like that" She said. Ameiral leaned in kissing her cheek “I’ll see you later for training" She said. Belladonna took her hand kissing it “Yes later" She said as she left. She was making her way home smiling she had a second date and she was excited.
Belladonna went to find her mothers’ to tell them of the success. She found them both in the study. As she approached she smiled as they both looked up. “How did it go dear?” Her Mama asked. “Amazing she wants a second date" She said happily. Her mother smiled “Glad to hear that you seem to be in a good mood" She said. Belladonna nodded “I am and well I was wondering if you two had seen or heard from Amara?” She asked. Both nodded “Yes she is investigating a theft she should be back this evening for training exercises if not she has asked us to ask you to take over evening classes.” Her Mama said. Belladonna nodded “I can" She said she said her good bye and then left to go to her room.
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withyounct · 5 years
What’s wrong kid?
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Reader x Single dad!Jaehyun
Genre: Fluff
Words: 2.7k
Prompt: You notice a child crying at a school playground. You decide to see what’s up and meet an extremely stressed/extremely handsome father.
A/n: This is my first long story on this site. It’ll be in parts. Please let me know what you think of it. ^~^
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“If I have to look at another PowerPoint slide, I’m going to fucking scream.” You groaned banging your head on the table, hoping if you hit hard enough, you’ll pass out. You were on the fifth bang in when you felt a hand stop you.
“I don’t want to carry your dead body anywhere, so please stop.” Lucas pleaded while he gently pushed you to a sitting position. Looking up at your group of friends you saw a range of expressions, but the most prominent one was ‘done’. So, you take one last look at your laptop screen and decide you weren’t even retaining anything at that point. You shut your laptop and began to pack up, which caused eyes to trail your way.
“Where are you going?” Renjun asked looking up from his textbook for the first time that hour.
“Home. You guys have fun, I’ll happily take this F I'm about to get on my quiz.” You declared. You were graced with a variety of side eyes given the fact you’ve never failed anything regardless if you’ve studied or not. After sending a flurry of kisses, you left the library and started your walk home. The university was a good 20-minute walk from your place, but you enjoyed it. You had a car, but there was something calming about walking through the streets and parks especially after a long day like this. The music you were playing suddenly stopped and you realized that you accidentally pulled out the headphone jack. That’s when you noticed the crying.
Across the street you were on was an elementary school. There was a little girl sitting on one of the school park benches crying her little heart out. You scan the area and couldn’t spot any teachers. Biting your lip, you across the street and up to the girl.
“Hey. Are you okay?” You asked softly as you slowly sat by her. She looked up and pouted. Your heart swelled; she was a real cute kid. She took some time wiping her tears and nodded.
“My dad is late again.” She whispered looking down at the little pink watch on her wrist. You look back at the school and figured the teachers assumed she was already picked up since it was so late in the day.
“My name is Y/n. What’s yours?”
“Hyunjin.” She extended a handshake. You chuckle at how cute the gesture was.
“What a pretty name.” You smile. “Okay Hyunjin if you want, I can wait with you until your dad gets here.” You offered shaking her hand. Hyunjin smiled and nodded her head vigorously. She began to tell you all about school, her friends, her dad, and her really funny uncles. You found yourself laughing at her stories and how animated she was when she told them. You asked her about her dad, and she told you that he works in a really big building and he draws other buildings. You figured he was an architect of some sort. You noticed that she never brought up her mom, so you decide not too either. About an hour and a half, you noticed her start to fall asleep and at this point she was completely leaning on you. The sun started to set and no sign of her father. You pondered on if you should ask her where she lives, but you also thought that would be a bit weird since you’re a stranger.
You were about to wake her up when a car pulled up and out popped out a man who looked not much older than you. He quickly made his way over and your first two thoughts were Man he's handsome and Holy fuck he looks stressed.
“Hyunjin.” He called out when he got close enough. The said child, who was now laying her head on your lap, woke up and dashed into her father’s arms. He scooped her up and apologized for being so late. She told him at it was okay because she met a new friend and she stayed with her. You got up, dusting off your jeans and smiled at the duo. The man placed Hyunjin down and the two walked over to you.
“I’m so sorry for all this. Works been so hectic, and I’ve been trying to make it to pick Hyunjin on time and then I got stuck in traffic. I haven’t even introduced myself yet. What am I doing? I'm Jung Jaehyun, Hyunjin’s father. Thank you so much for staying with my daughter.” He spilled in one breath while extending a hand. You laughed at his frantic manner and shook his hand.
“Y/n. It’s fine, really. She’s the cutest thing on this planet, and we had a lot of fun talking.” You confessed and Hyunjin was all smiles. “I hope this doesn’t sound weird, but if you want, I wouldn’t mind watching her until you get off work. My classes are finished before Hyunjin gets out of school.”
Hyunjin’s excited shriek could have been heard on the next street over. She grabbed her father’s hand and nodded vigorously. Jaehyun on the other hand pondered on the idea.
“I'm not sure. I’ll have to think about it” He said with uncertainty. Hyunjin’s face immediately fell.
“I totally understand. I’m a stranger after all.” You reassured.
You both exchange numbers and Hyunjin gave you a goodbye hug, which melted your heart. Jaehyun thanked you once more and the father-daughter pair drove off. You smile at how weird all that was and continued your walk home. When you entered your apartment, you were immediately berated by your roommates.
“So, where have you been?” Ten asked from his place on the sofa.
“Out.” You replied simply.
“I made dinner for everyone tonight. Your share is in the microwave.” Kun added. You looked up at the heavens and thanked every deity out there for giving you amazing roommates.
“I love you both. I'm gonna eat and pass out. Goodnight.”
“Love you too.” Ten chimed.
“Sleep well.” Kun smiled.
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The next day was normal. You went to class and passed your quiz, much to Yangyang’s dismay.
“Dude. I studied all night and failed, and you barely studied for an hour and passed. Give me your brain.” He whined as the both of you walked to the café that your friend group hung out at for lunch.
“How about I give you my notes instead?” You offered leading Yangyang into the café. Your other friends Lucas, Haechan, Jeno, Renjun, and Jaemin were already seated talking over various foods and drinks.
“Where’s Mark?” You asked, sliding into the seat next to Haechan.
“Probably dead under a piled of music theory textbooks somewhere.” He replied amused.
“Damn rip.”
Normal college talks ensued about hating everything and how inconveniencing Mark was for probably dying before they could as well. A small food fight was about to break out when Jaemin mentioned a party that was going to happen the following week.
“Y/n I'm requesting your presence at the party.”
“Request denied.” You answered stealing one of Jeno’s fries. A chorus of complaints emerged from the group, but you didn’t care. Just when you were about to steal another fry, you felt your phone vibrate. You looked down and Jaehyun’s name was displayed. You got up and was greeted with screams of ‘You can’t run away’.
“Shut up, I’ll be right back.” You yelled walking out of ear shot.
“Y/n. I'm really sorry to ask this last minute, but can you please pick up Hyunjin for me? I'm stuck in a meeting and I completely forgot I have another scheduled after this one.” He pleaded and you could hear the desperation in his voice.
“Yeah. Of course.” You heard him let out a sigh of relief.
“God you're a saint. I’ll text you the address and notify the school.” He explained. He thanked you again and hung up. You walked back over to your friends and packed up your stuff.
“Alright bitches I gotta go.” You threw down your part of the bill and hightailed it out before anyone could ask you anything.
You walked back over to the university science building where your car was parked and drove over to Hyunjin’s school. You arrived a bit early, so you were scrolling through the messages in your group chat. You were laughing at the number of confused memes your friends where sending you when you heard the school bell rang. Kids were running out of the double door and you spotted Hyunjin. You exited the car and walked onto the playground. She was busy talking to another girl, so you just watched her for a bit. You noticed she looked a lot like her father and wondered what her mother looked like.
“You must be Y/n?” An older lady asked, taking you out of your daze. You nodded and she told you that she was informed that you were here to pick Hyunjin up. You both talk about her for a second and agree that she is indeed the cutest five-year-old ever. Hyunjin saw her teacher talking to you and screamed your name. She quickly said bye to her friends and ran to hug you.
“We get to hang out today!” You half-yelled trying to match her excited disposition. You both said bye to her teacher and hopped in your car. On the drive she told you all about her day and how she’s sad because her dad will come home late, but she's happy to see you again.
You pulled up at the given address and gawked at how nice the house was. It had a modern and contemporary feel to it and that was just from the outside. While you were dumbly staring, Hyunjin got out the car and opened your door for you. She bounced enthusiastically saying how excited she was to show you around. You hurriedly grabbed your bag and was dragged into the house.
The inside was even more impressive. The kitchen was the size of your living room and was filled with the latest appliances. The living room was huge and there was even a beautiful garden that Hyunjin said she and her dad had worked on from time to time. As Hyunjin pulled you around you found yourself wondering why she didn’t have a babysitter. Jaehyun was obviously well-off.
Hyunjin asked if you could help her with her homework, so she can get it out the way and you guys could play. You commented on how mature that was and that you would be honored to help.
After an hour of homework, you both were free to play. Hyunjin told you about how one of her friends taught her how to braid. You offered up your hair and she gleefully braided it all the while telling you more about her amazing uncles.
“From what you're tell me Johnny is hilarious.” You laughed. She agrees and asks you not to tell anyone because she loves all her uncles, but Taeyong is her favorite because he’s sweet and acts like a kid sometimes.
You guys play for a while and decide to make dinner together.
“Okay Chef Hyunjin what are we having tonight?” You asked carrying her to the kitchen.
“Umm… chicken pasta!” She yelled after giving it some thought. You compliment her choice and began to prepare dinner. You had to admit she was the cutest help you could have ever asked for. She knew where exactly everything was and was great at setting the table. After dinner you helped her bathe and dried her hair when she was done. It was getting late, so you decided it was bedtime. She took it like a trooper and passed out after you read some of her favorite stories.
You wandered back into the living room after making sure she was asleep. Pulling out your laptop, you worked on a few assignments. You sent a message to both Ten and Kun telling them that you would be coming home later than usual and to not send a search party. Their replies hadn’t come yet when you heard the front door open and close.
Jaehyun walked into the living room looking like the handsome version of the walking dead.
“Y/n. How are you? How was Hyunjin?” He asked undoing his tie and tossing his keys in a bowl.
“Great. Hyunjin was an angel.” You informed with only smiles. You both reconvened in the kitchen and you recounted the day you’ve spent with his daughter.
“Then she made this braid, which is pretty impressive for her age. Dinner was fun. I didn’t know if you’ve eaten or not, but I made a plate for you as well.” You said. His face lit up and it reminded you of how Hyunjin’s face did the same when she’s happy.
“I haven’t. Thank you, you goddess.” He rushed over to the conventional oven where his plate was and smiled. “Chicken pasta?”
“Yeah Hyunjin said it’s one of your favorites.” You both decide to get to know each other. He learned that you were a sophomore in college majoring in Biology.
“That just sounds terrifying. Science was never my strong suit.” He shuddered as he placed a cup of coffee in front of you. You learned that he was indeed an architect and was a really successful one at that. He owned his own company and the ‘uncles’ Hyunjin referred to were his friends and partners. You also learned that he was only 26.
“I aspire to be that successful at 26.” You stated jokingly. “So that means you had Hyunjin when you were only 21. That must have been stressful on you and her mom.”
As soon as the words left your mouth you cringed. Hyunjin, who was a child, never talked about her mother and it was in your opinion a little tactless to bring her up with Jaehyun. You were about to apologize for being rude and nosy when Jaehyun spoke.
“It was.” He smiled at you, calming your panic heart. “But Hyunjin was the light of our lives. Her mom decided to put college on hold and stay at home while I finished. She died three years ago, car accident. Hyunjin was in the car and survived.” He finished sadly.
“Oh god. Jaehyun I'm so sorry.”
“It’s okay. I have Hyunjin.” He smiled and you noticed his dimples. A smile made its way on your face as well. “You know you’re the first person that Hyunjin has taking a liking to other than her uncles. All the babysitter I’ve hired she hated them.”
“You mean to tell me that angel has the capacity to hate!?” You yelled a bit louder than you meant to. Jaehyun busted out a laugh and you shushed each other, not wanting to wake Hyunjin up.
“Yes. It seems so.” Jaehyun said coming down from his laughing high. You looked down at your watch and decided it was time to leave.
“I should get going and you need to get to bed. No offense, but you look like you’re about to die from sleep deprivation.” You walked over and placed your mug in the sink. You turned back around and saw him go into his pocket.
“Here let m-”
“No. Your daughter is the cutest thing on this planet and I gladly did this for free.” You stated.
“I recall you saying that yesterday.” He laughed. “But please I would feel a lot better if I pay you.” You both went back in forth for a few minutes and then he pouted. This grown man pouted and you gave in.
“Fine. You win.” You murmured childishly. You heard him call you cute as you passed him, money in hand.
“Would you be interested in sitting Hyunjin? I'm working a huge project right now and I would be less stressed and worried if someone like you were watching her.” He confessed to your back as you packed up your things. You smiled and turned around.
“Jaehyun, your daughter is the cutes-”
“the cutest thing on this planet, is that a yes?” He bit his lip worriedly.
“I would love to.” You watched him raise a fist in victory and laughed. He walked you to your car and stood there waving until you were out of sight.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Moments with mini-angel; Freddie Mercury and John Deacon
*Author’s note*
Hey guys well I have for you all another update on my Rock Angel series. Now for this specific chapter I’m breaking it up into 4 parts, and today you guys get the first half of it. This chapter is all about the first few months of Kelly’s life before the KInd of Magic tour began. In this part we’ll see what it was like for Deacy and Freddie to literally share a moment with baby Kelly the day after she was born. I took inspiration from a Friends episode so I’ll bet most of you will know where I’m going with this and I hope you all enjoy this part :)
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*Day after the birth*
After getting the all clear to leave the hospital, the boys, Jack, the girls and I all headed back to the house.  They helped us get everything set up at the house and once it was all done most of everyone had left except for Brian, Freddie and Deacy.
“Okay that should be everything.” Jack said as he finally took his shoes off.  I came down the stairs wearing my comfortable white fluffy bathrobe after finally taking a shower for the first time in like 37 hours.
“Feel human darling?” Freddie asked me.
“God I never felt that sweaty and gross even after a performance. Or partying with you lot.” I pointed to Freddie and Deacy.
“Well lucky for you worried mama, baby Kelly is still asleep just like I told you she would be.” Deacy said.  I smiled and went over to my baby girl’s bassinet and looked down at her to see that she was in fact still asleep.
“God is it sappy of me to say that I already love her so much?”
“Not at all sister. You’re a new mum now. And it’s natural for you to feel that way.” Deacy said as he came up and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.  “She really is the cutest thing. I’ll bet she looked just like you when you were a baby.”
“If this is your way of getting those baby pictures out of me, forget it Deacon.” I said to him.
“Trust me Deacy. I’ve been trying that same move throughout the entire pregnancy. She won’t even let me see those pictures.”
“And none of you will so long as I’m alive.” I proclaimed.
“Alright mama lion, then if you won’t let us then as punishment you can go right on up to bed.” Brian said as he came out from the hallway putting up some of the baby supplies away.
“He’s right dear. You go right on up to bed.” Freddie said as he came up and guided me away from my baby.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa but whose gonna watch Kelly? What if she needs to be fed?”
“We’ve got this covered baby. Freddie, Deacy, Brian and I can handle her.”
“Yeah sure four men and a baby. What can go wrong?”
“Ye have little faith in us poppet. Need I remind you that half of us have more than one child.” Brian reminded me as Freddie and I reached the staircase.
“Yeah and one of those two just kept popping them out.” Freddie joked which made Deacy go extremely red in the face and turn away.
“Okay but—if things get too crazy, promise me you’ll wake me up. I want to be involved with my baby girl at home.” I said to Jack.
“I promise baby. Now go upstairs and get some rest. Cause even though you’ve cleaned yourself off you still look so tired.” He said as he cupped my face between his hands.  With a soft kiss to my lips, Jack then gestured for me to go on up to bed so I obliged and headed up the stairs after bidding the guys a good day.
They all told me to have pleasant dreams and to not worry because they had everything under control.
*Jack’s POV*
Once (Y/n) disappeared and we all heard the door shut, I immediately raced over to my baby girl’s bassinet and just stared down at her.  God I can’t believe it.  My first child is a baby girl.  Secretly I was hoping my first baby would be a girl.  A little mini-(Y/n) that would look every ounce like her mother.
“Already got you wrapped around her tiny little finger huh?” I heard Deacy say as he came up to me.
“Baby girls will do that to you. God I remember when Laura was born. Never did I think I would have a little girl after Michael and Robert. But low and behold when the nurse wrapped that baby up in pink. I knew I was in for it. So much like her mum from her head to her feet.”
“Ohhh she is just so cute!” Freddie said as he came up to my other side. “God I just wanna—bite off her little ear and use it as a sucking candy.” He cooed.
“Freddie.” John scolded.  But then he cooed out as he looked back down at baby Kelly. “But I could take one of those feet and make it into a Jam roly-poly.” I shook my head smiling widely almost not even believing my ears at hearing the frontman and bassist of Queen talking like this.
“And you guys ask me why I’m a vegetarian.” We heard Brian say.
“Oh don’t be ridiculous Brian darling, look at that baby girl and pretend you wouldn’t want to gobble her up.” Freddie said. Brian came up and looked down at Kelly.
“She’s too adorable to eat. She’s like a baby badger all tucked in and snug.”
“Of course you’d compare her to a badger.” Deacy muttered lowly.
“She should take that as the highest compliment. They are my favorite animal after all.”
“Okay, okay let’s say my baby girl’s both cute like a badger and good enough to eat.” I said trying to compromise the situation. The three of them agreed and that’s when I asked Brian. “So Brian, you put away the pacifiers?”
“Yes. They are in the cupboard in the kitchen.”
“The burping cloths?”
“Linen closet just down that hall, second door to the right.”
“In the hospital.” Brian said point blank as he made a face that said, ‘now I know what I forgot.’ I looked at him as Freddie said.
“Whoa you’ve got a hospital in this place Brian? Fancy.”
“No, no I forgot to grab the diapers when we left the hospital. There’s some in the bag but I’ll go out and get some more before I head back home.”
“Alright thanks Brian.” He reached over and grabbed his keys and he left the house saying he’ll be back in about 15-20 minutes. Once he left, I walked right back over to my baby girl and I smiled down at her.
“You know I’m starting to know just exactly why you managed to convince Roger to leave and buy out nearly an entire toy store, and why you were able to convince (y/n) to get some rest. You wanted some time alone with her.” Deacy said to me.
“Can you blame me? I mean I love Roger and respect him, almost as half as I do you. But at this rate the only time I’ll be able to hold my daughter is when you guys are in the studio or when he’s dead.”
“Little dark there aren’t yah Jack dear?” Freddie spoke with a quirked brow.
“Well yeah. But I don’t wanna think about that right now. Cause now I get my one on one time with the cutie little baby. God I can’t believe how much I already love her. I don’t even wanna leave her. Like I actually miss her.”
“You know dear she’s right there right?” Freddie said pointing down at her.
“Welcome to the world of fatherhood Jack.” Deacy said to me as he clasped my shoulder.
“Oh I love her so much. I just—I can’t wait any longer. I think I’m gonna wake her up.”
“Oh whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Jack. New father rule #1; Never, ever, ever. Wake up a sleeping baby.” Deacy warned me as he stopped me from reaching down to pick up my baby girl.
“I can do whatever I want, I partially made her.” I scoffed.
Okay maybe I was a little arrogant in that response but hey I’m 27 years old, and a new father of one.  I couldn’t wait forever especially with the godfather she has. I reached down and that’s when Kelly started to squirm awake before she started crying.
I cooed down to greet her but her crying suddenly got louder and louder until I knew she wouldn’t be able to hear me.  I quickly turned to Deacy who only looked at me with his arms crossed and his brow raised.
“This is the part where Deacy would say he told you so but it—looks like mini angel beat him to it.” Freddie said.
“Okay, okay daddy’s sorry. Daddy’s so sorry baby girl. Shshshsh, please go back to sleep, please go right back to sleep baby girl.” I tried bouncing her up and down trying to get her to go back to sleep but nothing was working.
“Kinda breaks your heart doesn’t it? Seeing them cry like that.” Deacy said to Freddie.
“Yeah.” He sighed. “How long do you think we have to stay?”
Over an hour later, even when he came in the time frame he said he would with the diapers.  Freddie shooed Brian away saving him from the deafening noise that was plaguing his studio home.  
Even though Brian wanted to help, Freddie told him to save himself and after giving us the new supply of diapers, it was up to Deacy, Fred and myself to try and get Kelly to stop crying.
“Alright we’ve already tried feeding her, changing her, burping her. Ohh here’s something.” Freddie said going through one of the new ‘Daddy and baby’ books.
“What is it?” I asked as I continued to try and bounce Kelly up and down.
“It says, ‘go back in time and LISTEN TO DEACY!’” Freddie snapped at me.
“Wait I remember something Ronnie used to do with Michael whenever he got fussy when he woke up.” Deacy remembered as he dropped the book for ‘Comforts of a newborn’.  I looked at him desperately and he told me, “hold her close to your body as you rapidly swing her from side to side.”
“You sure that’ll work?” I asked him.
“Jack dear. We’ve tried everything else. And like I said before, listen to the master!” I nodded and tried to see how this was gonna go.  I adjusted Kelly and brought her close to me and awkwardly swung her side to side as fast as I could.  Her crying soon stopped and I smiled happily.
“It worked.” Deacy said with a wide smile.
“Ha! It did. It really did work!” I stopped for a brief moment to look down at her only to see as she just threw up a little. “Oh nope. Nope she just stop to throw up a little.” I cleaned her up and soon her crying started right back up.  Both Deacy and Fred leaned back onto the couch in defeat.
After cleaning her up I walked around the room trying desperately to get Kelly to go back to sleep.
“God what am I gonna do?! It’s been over an hour and it won’t stop crying!” I whined out.
“She, Jack. Not it.” Deacy pointed out.
“At this point I’m not so sure.”
“My god I seriously need to apologize to Ronnie. I’m starting to lose my mind.” Deacy said as he brushed his hands through his hair.
“No doubt. Okay this just proves that NO GOOD CAN COME FROM HAVING SEX WITH (Y/N)!!!” Freddie threw the book aside before collapsing his face into his hands as he leaned forward.
Another 15 minutes passed and Kelly was still crying.  At this point all of us were exhausted.
“God can one of you please take her please?” Deacy stood up and I carefully transferred her into his arms. “I have to go to the bathroom.” I then raced off but not before hearing Freddie say.
“I gotta go scream into a fucking pillow.” He walked up and soon turned into another hallway.
*3rd Person POV*
With the two men gone, Deacy was now the only one left with Kelly in the living room.  As Kelly continued to cry, Deacy looked down at her and he lightly bounced her up and down.
“Kelly. Kelly-belly. Wanna bounce? Be bouncy baby girl? Hmm bouncy baby girl.” Then kinda like what he does on stage, Deacy began to bouncy his body upper body up and down as he ducked Kelly downward before coming back up and bouncing her up and down.  
All the while Deacy kept muttering the word “baby” three times, and as he would duck down, he’d make an ooh sound before chanting out baby.  Soon enough by the third time he did this, Kelly’s crying ceased.  He looked down at his niece smiling but kept up the gently bouncing motion.
“Have I officially gone deaf?” Freddie’s voice soon spoke up as he now stood behind Deacy frozen.
“It worked.” Deacy quietly cheered.  Deacy continued the bouncy/ducking motion. This time his voice doing it more confidently and deeper with a little gruff to it, but to Kelly it sounded goofy, not threatening.
“No wonder you have all those Deaklings. Veronica must say you’re a fireball in bed.” Freddie said.  Deacy looked back down at Kelly and saw that she had fallen back asleep.
“I can’t believe it. She’s asleep. I got her to go to sleep.” Deacy said as he sat down on the couch. “Oh Jack is never gonna hear the end of this.” Freddie nodded with a wide smile.
“I can hear traffic and birds. I can hear the voices in my head again.” Deacy gave him one of his famed funny looks as Freddie continued, “For music purposes darling don’t get dirty.” Freddie then took a seat at one of the chairs exhaling in relief that the crying had finally stopped.
*Jack’s POV*
After getting done with the bathroom, I was in shock to hear total silence.  At first I though Kelly had been taken out of the house but when I saw both Freddie and Deacy sitting down, I saw that Kelly had actually gone back to sleep, and Deacy helped her do it.
“Oh my god. You got her to stop crying!” I quietly cheered.
“Of course I did. Have you learned your lesson?” I smiled widely and nodded.
“You are the official baby-crier stopper.”
“No need to thank me Jack.”
“You are never leaving this house.”
“Say what now?”
“That’s your new job. Day or night. She starts crying, (y/n) and I need you here.”
“Ohhh no, no, no you can’t—”
“Well you don’t need me so I’ll just take my leave. Baby whisperer good luck. Jack dear, let’s—give it 6-8 months.” Freddie said as he got up and headed straight for the door.  He opened it up and silently closed it behind him.
I shook my head before sitting right down beside Deacy and the two of us looked down at my baby girl.  Thank god she was finally done crying and now she was back to being the adorable sleeping baby she was.
“Okay so listen I’m gonna go lie down.” I said as I slowly got up.
“What?” he quietly hissed at me.
“Well you know the book said that whenever she’s sleeping, the parents should be sleeping. But you ohh—” I gave him a thumbs up before quickly racing up the stairs and getting into one of the spare bedrooms.
*My POV*
When I awoke to the sun’s rays peeking through the curtains and the sound of bird’s chirping outside, I began to wonder just how long I had slept.  
Walking downstairs I saw Jack on the couch and when he turned to look at me he smiled and said.
“And she awakes.”
“Yeah, how long was I asleep?”
“You literally slept all day yesterday, into the night and most of this morning. It’s almost noon now, so I’d say almost a full 24 hours you’ve slept.”
“Well hey I had an excuse for sleeping that late so don’t you dare try to blame anything on me.” I said as I came up to him and sat down close beside him.  “The guys go home already?”
“Yeah. Fred left about an hour after you fell asleep.”
“And Kelly, how’d she do?”
“Well I can tell you one thing, never wake her up when she’s taking her nap.”
“Oh no Jack you didn’t. How many times do I have to tell you, never wake up a woman sleeping. You know how I’ve gotten when I’m woken up too early.”
“Yeah and I see where Kelly gets it from.” I scoffed at him and slapped Jack’s face with the couch pillow.  “Ow!”
“Well you deserved it.” I sassed at him. “Why didn’t you wake me up to help you guys out?”
“Because I really wanted you to sleep. You’ve put so much work into bringing her into the world, plus with your schedule you’ve had this year you deserved it.”
“Awww love.” I kissed him softly. “Now what’s the real reason?” I asked him point blank.  He sighed and admitted.
“I just—wanted to prove myself to be a good dad. I mean I’m competing against rockstars who have been father’s or uncles to each other’s kids. And—all I am I just me. And I wanted to show Kelly that her dad can love her just as much hell even more than her rockstar family can.”
“Jack, sweetie.” I took his hand in mine.  “Of course Kelly is gonna love you. Family is not a competition on who loves who more. When I married you, I knew it was because you were the only person to ever see me for me, and not as just the Rock Angel. The guys especially Roger only push you so far because they’re testing on just how far are you willing to go for me. And I’d say you’ve proven that long ago when we first met.”
“Yeah that guy was an asshole for ambushing you.”
“And you are clearly the better boyfriend than Adam ever was to me. He rarely ever listened to me.”
“You know I still don’t see how you ever fell for him?” I laughed softly.
“Sometimes I do too. Guess I was just young and he was my first boyfriend. Love is blind, especially your first but I’ve changed. I grew. Which eventually led me straight to you.” I leaned my head against his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me.  “We’re a team now Jack. Especially with our little girl now, and I want to be a part of her life while I’m on hiatus. So promise me you’ll call me anytime you need help?”
“I promise (y/n).” Then right on cue from her nursery Kelly began crying.  We both looked upstairs and I turned to Jack and said.
“Want me to take care of that daddy lion?”
“Nah it’ll be okay mama lion. DEACY!!!!” suddenly out of nowhere coming out of another room was Deacy who raced up the stairs repeating out rapidly.
“Got it got it got it got it got it got it got it.” I turned to Jack confused who just looked at me innocently with a shrug. I playfully glared at him and slapped his arm as I turned back upstairs.
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