#I’m about to evil boop all of you
holisticdetective42 · 3 months
Y’all how do I get super boops and evil boops how does this work
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deadghosy · 4 months
Ive just been reading your Lucifer big sister headcanons, and thier so so so so good, i love how you wrote it🥰. What about Lucifer with a little sister? Any thoughts? How different would he treat her? Maybe she fell at the same time as him and Lucifer blames himself for leading his sister down the same path as him. I can seen him being a protective older brother because come on their in hell surrounded by sinners its got to be stressful even tho she isnt weak what so ever but Lucifer can help but baby his sweet little sister.
(Obviously no pressure to write this)
Have a nice day 😁👋
As a younger sibling, I was gonna make this as I made the elder sister! So I’m glad you asked this as I can’t help but love to make this version. 🦆 sorry if it’s long, I just had fun making this🔥
Prompt: you are the younger sister of Lucifer Morningstar who fell along her older brother.
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Dead ass you fell on top of Lucifer when you both fell from heaven.
“Groannsss….GET OFF!” Lucifer yells pushing you off him. You huffed getting off him as you dust yourself.
I headcannon reader to have a slight rebellious attitude sometimes like Adam but she’s not as terrible.
Like reader has a shirt that says “kiss my ass” with a kiss mark on the shirt as she puts up a rock gesture 🤟
Lucifer found your shirt and burned it, he can’t have his baby sister have such an inappropriate shirt!
He put his hand to your face to keep you away as he burned it. It was a funny sight as you huffed kicking him in his nuts as he groaned falling face first to the ground.
I also headcannon that reader is the reason why Charlie had a emo phase as reader kinda has a different aesthetic than Lucifer.
But on a serious note, Lucifer was kinda scared when you fell with him as he puts his hand through his hair watching you sleep. He couldn’t believe he brought his baby sister with him on his down fall. He knew he influenced you as you looked up to him more than the other angels. It was like if you were his child, his baby.
But he tucks you in bed as you were sprawled out in your bed snoring loudly. He chuckles kissing your head and leaving your room as he closes your door with a slight sad look.
Back to the funny sibling things, you are definitely the one who sneaks in the kitchen to take his leftovers for payback. After Lucifer walks out of his workshop tired and hungry.
You basically told him to take care of himself more. He walked in the kitchen to find his leftovers gone. So you could tell what happened next.
“Y/NNNNN!” You heard a fierce yell as you had shoved the food down your mouth and ran as you heard a loud flapping of wings behind you. “WHEN I CATCH YOU, YOU BETTER PRAY!”
It’s was so cartoony at how Lucifer chases you while you ran for you life. You have wings but he flys better than you so it’s no use.
He caught you, making you cook dinner for a month as you groan while he smirks patting a duck like a mafia man. “And you better wash the dishes too-” “NOW YOU ASKIN' TOOO MUCHHH!”
But soon the sinners came and made the freedom Lucifer gave them, turn into pure hell as you watch worried at the stress your older brother had. Lucifer tries to smile to show you it’s not affecting him, but it is.
He soon makes you stay all time in the palace, scared for your safety as you stay in your room worried at how isolated he soon becomes. Charlie would walk around babbling about you as she kept your company. You smile at your cute niece giving her boops to her nose.
I also headcannon you and Lucifer are like secret twins as you both hyper fixate about a lot of things like [favorite thing] as he hyper fixates on ducks and gives you his ducks to show off how cool he is as your older brother.
But also I can see reader being shorter than Lucifer, like to his shoulder as Lucifer blinks like a frog as you smile with an evil gremlin ready to stab someone.
But now for some overprotective brother headcannons.
You know how Lucifer when to see Charlie at her hotel, you joined wearing basically a female version of Lucifer’s outfit. But you wore shades to off your ✨coolness✨
Alastor was irritated at your louder personality but you also had a charming aura around you like how Lucifer has his prideful smile. Alastor smirks down at you as you are shorter than Lucifer, he kisses your hand with made you just stand there with a dotted blank expression.
Immediately Lucifer picks you up like a doll as he growls at Alastor like a dog ready to chump his hand off. He knew the radio demon just wanted to piss him off, so the whole time you were in the hotel with him. He always has you close and behind him from the radio demon.
Now if it was a sinner trying to court you, they better hope you don’t snitch like the young sibling you are. Cause ohhhh boy! Lucifer is teleporting to their house to give them nightmares. Maybe even killing them if they made you uncomfortable.
Heaven and hell agrees you are a cutie, demon or angel. Cause in heaven there were angels trying to court you but your brother was always behind you looking stern as he puff his chest trying to see if they suit you best.
Like literally he scares people off as you stand there minding your business.
“I feel a disturbance in the air…” Lucifer says as he was reading a book but pulls the curtains to see an angel trying to court you with their wings.
Immediately you’re being teleported to your room confused as a duck poofs in your hand.
“What the fuckkkk….” You say confused
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anonymous-dentist · 3 months
A tiny little merpepito au for the week
Pepito misses Apa Roier. Pepito misses Apa Roier so much it hurts, and Apa Roier is so close! He’s just on the other side of the ship, and Pepito can tug on his shirt and get picked up and held the way Apa Roier used to hold Pepito in The Ocean, but. But he’s sad, and it’s all Pepito’s fault, because Pepito is a Very Bad Pepito.
Every night, Pepito eats dinner at the same table as everybody else. He sits by Pomme, because she’s nice, and by Richarlyson, because Richarlyson is too small to sit at the adult side of the table. But Pomme sometimes leaves her seat and asks her mom to hold her, and Richarlyson always goes to bother his dads. But Pepito… can’t. Because Apa Roier looks so sad when he looks at Pepito, and Pepito might start crying if Apa Roier tells him why.
Tonight, four days after Apa Roier joined the crew, Pepito sits alone and eats Pepito’s dinner. Pomme is with Miss Baghera, and Richarlyson is with Captain Celbi, and Pepito. Is. Alone.
Pepito sits with his head down, and he picks at his food idly with a fork.
He jumps as a plate it dropped in front of him.
He looks up, and there is Apa Roier with a fish bone sticking out of his mouth.
In the Language Of The Ocean, Apa Roier says, “Ayyyy, Pepito! There you are! I’ve been looking for you all day!”
He sits, and Pepito’s hands shake.
“Have you been avoiding me?” Apa Roier gasps.
Pepito doesn’t like lying, so Pepito almost nods. But then Pepito remembers that he’s a pirate now, and pirates are evil. So Pepito shakes his head slowly.
Apa Roier nods. “Ahhh, I see. You’re just too busy for me now, I get it.”
Pepito’s stomach turns uncomfortably.
“You’re a big Pepito now,” Apa Roier says. “And I’m just an old man.”
He even puts on his old man voice- the one that he does to piss Ama Rivers off that makes Pepito laugh- when he says that, but all Pepito does is put his fork down and stare at his plate with a chilly-feeling heart. He feels bad.
Miss Mouse laughs at the other end of the table. Misters Pacandmike are arguing with Captain Celbi.
Apa Roier is quiet.
Pepito isn’t going to cry. He isn’t!!! He’s a Strong Pepito! And he’s a pirate! Pirates don’t cry, they make people cry!
…Pepito probably made Apa Roier cry. Apa Roier probably broke down the second he heard what Pepito did, all because Pepito did a Very Bad Thing because Pepito is a Very Bad Pepito and and and and-
“Pepito,” Apa Roier quietly says, “I’m not angry.”
Pepito looks up with wet eyes. He makes eye contact with Apa Roier, which honestly makes Pepito feels so much worse because Apa Roier looks kinda depressed with only two eyes. The Sea Witch took his eyes because of Pepito; just one more bad thing that Pepito has done.
Apa Roier gives a small smile. “I don’t know why you ran away, but I’m not angry. I mean, I’m pissed, but I’m not angry, you know?”
Pepito doesn’t know, but he also doesn’t care, because what does Apa Roier mean, he doesn’t know why Pepito ran away? He has to know! He’s a genius!
“BadBoy might be a real fucking creep sometimes, but he brought you to a real good guy,” Apa Roier continues. He glances over at Captain Celbi, his smile turning Weird. “I mean, Cellbit is kind of an asshole and he’s probably going to Hell, but he’s a nice guy.”
“Are you talking about me?” Captain Celbi calls, the same Weird smile on his face. Huh.
Apa Roier rolls his eyes and flips him off.
Pepito’s eyes widen. Apa Roier is so brave! Everybody knows not to mess with Captain Celbi, he’s evil! Mister Mike says so at least once a day!
“But listen, Pepito,” Apa Roier says, looking back at Pepito, “if you think I swam for a month to come and get you just for me to say I hate you or something, then you really are as stupid as your Apa Mariana. Because I-” (He reaches across the table and boops Pepito right on the nose.) “-will never let any stupid human pirates bully my Pepito. Only I get to bully you.”
Pepito’s eyes are starting to water again, dang it. Pepito is a Strong Pepito!
But then Apa Roier looks at Pepito’s plate of food and sighs and starts moving stuff from his own plate to Pepito’s, saying, “Pepito, Pepito, Pepito… You’re allowed to have more than fish for dinner. We’re pirates now, have pirate food. Here.”
And Pepito can’t help it. He missed Apa Roier so much…!
He jumps from his spot at the table and runs around to Apa Roier. He holds his arms up, and Apa Roier clicks his tongue annoyedly, but Apa Roier picks him up with a groan:
“Pepito, what the fuck? When did you get so big, eh? You’ll be taller than Mariana at this rate!”
Pepito is a growing Pepito, Pepito knows this. But he settles down in Apa Roier’s lap, anyway, and he hugs him because he can because Apa Roier doesn’t know that Pepito is a Bad Pepito. He still thinks that Pepito is a Good Pepito even if he is a Pirate Pepito now.
Apa Roier doesn’t know what happened. And Apa Roier never will.
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VH - Locked & out
“I’m sure,” simpered Villain to the chained Vampire Hero between two bodyguards, “that you’d love to know what happened to the last Hero who went against me.”
“Well, now that you mention it -”
“You’re here to rescue them, aren’t you ? You’ve nicely played the part of the naive newcomer, but I know who you are, vampire. I’m sorry to say that you’ve been betrayed. The other Hero was very cooperative.”
“I’m sure you’ve realized that you can’t hypnotize my guards. They all have charms around their necks.”
“I noticed.”
“You’re trapped for good.”
“All right.”
“I’m sure you’d love to meet the one who betrayed you.”
“I do.”
“Perfect. You will be in the same prison.”
Without further commentary, the henchmen threw Vampire Hero in a small cell. Another person was already there, curled up in a corner. They were not in a good state. Even the blood stains around them looked unappealing. The smell was bland, characteristic of a lack of nutriments.
“Can you talk ?” asked Vampire Hero after a moment.
“It’s all my fault”, whispered the other.
Vampire Hero scratched his head and looked around, a little embarrassed. His job was dealing with villains. He was good at that. He only had to hold back a little. Dealing with Not-Evil People was another matter altogether. He was making progress – he had pinned to his fridge the Geneva Convention to be sure not to forget it during his job, it seemed like a good starting point – but still, he wasn’t the best person to deal with this situation. He was vaguely aware that threats or mocking wouldn’t do much good, so he awkwardly shrugged, his hands in the pockets of his tattered jeans. The other hero ignored him. Their eyes were glued on the ground, the iris wide.
“I tried. I tried not to crack. But – they broke me. They really, really broke me. And I – if they told you I’ve betrayed you, it’s true. I’ve told them everything they wanted to know.”
“Well yeah. Torture is torture and you only have one body. Seems logical to me.”
“You don’t understand. They know who you are.”
“I’m in a cell, buddy. I understand fine.”
Hero burst in tears.
“I’m a failure. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. You can – you can do whatever you want to me. I’ll understand.”
Once again, the vampire was at a loss. He knew of a hundred ways to make things worse and one of them was the silent treatment, but he didn’t want to do it. He’d read somewhere that physical contact could help, but Hero was covered with undressed wounds.
So he booped them on the nose.
“Chill. You look like you’ve been scorched alive and you can still lament about your situation. You’re fine. You’ve succeeded the most important thing. Crucial, really.”
“What ?”
“You’re still breathing. Keep doing that. I don’t have to, so I’ll get us out of here. All right ?”
“You’re not angry with me?”
“I don’t see why. ”
He crouched to examine the bars of the cell:
“And the sooner the better, I don’t want to be late for tonight.”
“What’s happening tonight ?”
Vampire Hero grinned from pointed teeth to pointed teeth, grabbing a bar that broke under the pressure of his fingers:
“ I am a creature of decadence and debauch. Every night, I have a meeting with a pure maiden, a cunning damsel, a fierce lady and a cruel temptress in my room.”
“All of them ? You must have a big bed.”
“All of them what ? I’m talking about my wife. I love my wife.”
“Oh, the evil one!”
Hero stopped themself, horrified by the words that just had come out from their mouth. You do not insult your colleague's spouse – especially if said colleague is currently ripping off metal bars from your own cell and is known for his dubious ethics. That is rude and unwise. The vampire stopped himself and glanced at them.
“I’m so sorry”, they squeaked. “I’ve been tortured and I’m confused and -”
Vampire Hero shrugged:
“No offense taken, mate. She was evil all right, and so was I. We were both a little cringe during our first centuries, like the youth say these days. To be fair, she was really sexy.”
“I’m - I’m sure of it.”
“And now she’s really sexy while dozing off while we watch TV. She’s really sexy when she drinks blood from a plastic bag. She’s really sexy all the time, really. Everything she does is delightful.”
He neglectfully threw a bar behind his back.
“Couldn’t you just destroy the lock ?” shyly asked Hero.
“No, I like doing it that way. It’s like bubble wrap.”
Vampire Hero joyfully kicked another bar that creaked and bent under his knee.
“You know what,” he said, “She’s feeling a little down because she can’t rip off heads as much as before. You should hear her complaining ! “I barely have strength to decapitate a human in a single stroke anymore !” and such. But what do I care ? She’d stay amazing even if she was too weak to pull the guts out of someone, but I keep telling her that and she still doesn’t believe it.”
“That’s really nice” assured Hero, whose smile was very strained. “I’m glad for you.”
The vampire stopped again – although maybe it was because half the bars had been taken off.
“Oh”, he said.
“What ? Have I said something wrong ? I’m sorry ! I didn’t -”
“No, it’s just – I don’t think a human has ever said that to me. I was... surprised.”
He held his hand out:
“Time to go. Thanks for the new experience, I guess.”
This time, Hero’s smile was a lot more genuine. They took the offered arm and painfully stood up:
“You’re very welcome.”
Vampire Hero is now a recurring character. His job is to troll current villains. Check the Vampire Hero Masterlist or Tag for more snippets with him.
You can meet his wife here.
Back to Hero x Villain Masterlist
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statementlou · 3 months
i feel like i can talk to you about this because you have rational opinions. so louis bought a starbucks coffee at the airport and the fandom on twitter are eating him alive, calling him evil and wishing he goes to hell. i’m disappointed since starbucks is on the list of brands to boycott but i feel like this reaction is too much? someone even said jay would be disappointed in him, but people said that was taking it too far. i don’t know, i love louis and i’ll keep supporting him and his music but the fact he can be a careless millionaire is disappointing
1. thank you sweetie I would boop if I could 2. oh my god it's a fucking cup of coffee and if people think that's the worst thing Louis, a multi millionaire, has ever done financially they need a reality check! His money will be handled by bankers who are putting it into all kinds of evil fucking shit that he won't even know about, it's actually very hard to know or control that and there is no way trying is even on his radar. That's a passive thing and not on purpose; but the fact that people don't bother to know about that or care really speaks to how performative this kind of online approach to activism is, that they only care about image rather than effect (the effect of his investments would be easily thousands of times more than any number of coffees or even of the promotion Starbucks might get from him holding it.) But furthermore buckle in cause you hit a nerve: Starbucks isn't even an actual organized boycott target as concerns Palestine because THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT financially! The official BDS movement calls for boycott of very specific and pointed targets of which Starbucks IS NOT ONE it's literally just an online trend which is not the same as an actual boycott to materially impact a target! Losing them money is always great, they are a crappy union busting small business killing corporation, but it has zero direct effect to help Palestinians unlike supporting the meaningful boycotts called for by BDS. I don't think Louis has decided to buy starbucks because he has this analysis, but to me it's a pretty important point. Him crossing an actual picket line (playing Israel, playing Eurovision [lmaoooo that thought tho], waving an Israeli flag god forbid) would be a very different situation and something that would trouble me so the distinction matters to me. But I get that to people on twitter, that's what they feel like he has done. To which I would say...
There are so many fewer ways to help Palestine than we would wish, and it's SO hard to deal with feeling so powerless right now in the face of such horror, so I love that people feel so strongly about doing whatever they possibly can. But worrying about consumer spending, even on BDS targets, is perhaps the least effective of the things a person can do. Note that BDS boycotts do not mostly focus on asking people not to buy things; they list the products that are especially complicit, but the main work of the movement is to get large investors (corporations, public institutions, whole governments) to divest from the companies targeted because that actually hurts them enough that it becomes less profitable to continue to collude with Israel than to drop them as clients. Consumer spending is not enough to do this. It's easy and doesn't require doing actual work but it's basically virtue signaling, not organizing. Just NOT doing something (yes including voting) is not enough! I personally choose not to give my money to certain corporations because it feels bad to me and I can't stomach doing it, even if they never notice me doing it. But if I was running out of fuel and the only nearby station was a Chevron, I would spend a few bucks there and not beat myself up about it because it will have zero impact on their overall profit reports but a LOT of impact on my life. And if I was in the airport for the second time in mere days after circumnavigating the globe and playing a massive show and doing press and fan service before even having time to adjust time zones and about to get on another flight to another country I might buy a fucking coffee from whatever coffee shop was in there too! But Louis isn't me and I'm gonna be real honest I would be real surprised if he KNEW there was a boycott or gave a shit- he is not a political activist! It's reasonable to be disappointed if someone behaves not how you want them to, but just in general responding to being disappointed in people by lashing out at them is... not it. Not useful, not rational, and not actually an okay way to act to other people. Louis is an awesome sweet caring person who I believe tries hard not to have a negative impact on anyone directly and who cares very much about others; if that's not enough for someone to be a fan of him, okay then they should not be a fan of him! But warning: they're not going to be able to be a fan of anyone else either. No one is pure and perfect... maybe that energy would be better spent trying to make a meaningful difference in the world, and a great first step in that IMO is to recognize and challenge your inner cop. The better world I want to live in doesn't include policing other people, not on twitter and not anywhere.
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trashyswitch · 1 year
Giggly Games with Sun & Moon
Sun & Moon are running around, playing hide & seek. When Moon finds Sun, a tickle fight ensues. But it doesn't take long for Sun to turn on Moon. More tickles ensue.
This fanfic was completely based on a roleplay me and my friend @anxious-lee-ler did on Discord. We just had a blast doing it, and I ended up using a lot of the dialogue and narration from the roleplay to write out this fanfic! So, I hope you all enjoy!
It was evening, and the toddlers had all gone home for the day. Due to the fact that the kids they entertained were…well, toddlers…they always went home at about 5 or 6pm, so the parents could get their children some dinner and head home to get them ready for bed. With it currently being 7pm, the Daycare Attendants were now free to do what they wanted until the morning came. And at this moment, Moon and Sun were playing hide & seek within the daycare. 
Moon was walking around the room, trying to find his brother, Sun. “Suuunnyyyy~? Where aaare youuu?” Moon called in a teasy manner, hoping to tease Sun enough to give away his spot. 
Unbeknownst to Moon, Sun was currently hiding in one of the play areas nearby, attempting to stay quiet. But despite all his attempts to hide it… Sun’s little giggles could still be heard within the daycare. And unfortunately (or fortunately , depending on the person), the daycare did have a bit of an echo to it, which only amplified Sun’s giggles for Moon to hear. 
Moon smiled and walked around the outer perimeter of the daycare. “I hear giggles~! I hear giggle-giggle-giggles from Sunny!” Moon teased, placing both his hands around his own ear receptors to emphasize his hearing ability. 
"Eep! Hehehehe!" Sun squeaked, crawling further into the top part of the play area "Nahahaho!" He giggled, unable to stop himself. 
“Mooore giggles? I wonder what’s sooo funny?” Moon teased before turning around and finding the opening of the specific play area Sun happened to be in.
"Eeehehe! Nohohohothing!" Sun giggled, hiding in a small crevice while kicking his legs in an attempt to cope with the tickly butterflies. The little jingles of the bells on his elf-like shoes, could now easily be heard thanks to Sun kicking his little feetsies. This only further gave away the little giggly bean’s hiding spot. 
Moon smirked and decided to climb up the outside of the play area instead of going inside. “I’m gonna getchu~!” Moon teased, climbing higher and higher. 
"Eeek! When dihihihid you-!" Sun yelps with shock (though it sounded more like a squeal). 
Moon smirked as he heard this, climbing up on the wall right behind Sun and sneaking his right hand through the square holes. He poked Sun’s right side with his finger. “Boop!” He added playfully. 
"EEP!" Sun squeaked, having basically jumped 6 feet into the air. "Moonyyyy!" Sun whined. 
Moon giggled and climbed back down to the opening. He went inside the play area entrance this time, and climbed up rather quickly before staring right at Sun with a grin on his face. “Found you!”
"Noooo! Thahahat's cheating!" Sun’s rays spun with excitement. "Meanie Moon!" He whined, 
Moon smirked and wiggled his fingers as the widened smirk on his mask made for a more sinister appearance. “You know what happens now, don’t you?” He asked in a deep, evil voice. 
"Ohohoho gohohohosh!" Sun backed himself as much as he could into a corner, as his mask displayed more of a wobbly smile. "Plahahahay time?" He asked, knowing full well that was the answer. 
Moon smiled brightly and nodded his head. “Iiiit’s play time!!” He declared proudly before quickly skittering his long fingers all over Sun’s thin belly. “Coochy coochy coochy coo~!” Moon teased in a sing-song voice. 
Sun gasped and completely lost it right away. "OHOHO STAHAHAHAHARS!!" He waved his hands around. "NAHAHAHAT THE TUHUHUHUMMYHYHYHYYY!" He begged, giggling his heart out. 
Moon raised an eyebrow. “Why not the tummy? Where else could I possibly tickle?” Moon asked. 
Sun wasn’t entirely sure if this question was rhetorical, or deliberate. So should he answer? Or no? He soon decided that no, he doesn’t need to answer. Cause even if he wanted to answer, what the heck does he say?! ‘Tickle me in this certain spot’?! 
Moon moved a hand under his armpit. “Would the armpit be a better tickle spot?” He asked, before scratching the armpit lightly with his index finger.
"Bwahaha heheheheeee!!" He clamped his arms down, squealing. Though now, Moon had ran into a problem… His hands were now stuck in his brother’s armpits. What shall he do now? 
Moon giggled and consciously decided to just keep on tickling. “If my hands are stuck, I’ll just keep on tickling.” Moon declared. 
"Ihihihit tihihihihickles! It tihihihihickles!!" Sun doubled over, cackling his head off. At the same time, Sun’s head rays had started spinning in rambunctious circles. 
Was this a coping mechanism for Sun? Probably. 
Was it working? Yes. Yes it was. 
…That was, until Moon pulled one of his hands out from Sun’s armpit, and started gently scratching his fingers on one of the rays…
This, followed by the words “I’m struggling to remember…are your rays ticklish?” from Moon, turned Sun into the most adorable little giggle baby that ever existed. It was at this moment when Sun’s laugh had become bouncy and squeaky. Not only that, but his left foot was thumping on the ground, almost like a puppy being scratched in a favorite spot. "Hoohoohoo! Nehehehehahaha! Yehahaha!" Sun laughed, wiggling his rays subconsciously. 
Moon widened his eyes as he smiled brightly. “Awww! I guess they are! Tickle tickle tickle~!” Moon teased as he tickled the top front of the rays. Not only was Sun quite ticklish on his rays…but he’s also super adorable like this! 
The adorableness only tripled when he was showing signs of embarrassment. "Dohohohon't say it! Ohohoho golleehehehehe!" Sun giggled, covering his face. 
"Don't say what?" Moon asked with a smirk. "Don't say the tickle word? Don’t say the special tickle word?" Moon teased further, scratching the back of one of Sun's rays this time. 
Sun gasped and squeaked as the back of his left ray was scratched and skittered. "Eeek! It makes it woherherherse!" Sun explained briefly.
"it does?!" Moon reacted sarcastically, acting like he had no clue what he was doing…when in reality, he was 100% aware…and was fully exploiting it. 
Sun nodded as he giggled, squeaking happily as he scrunched up his shoulders to protect his rays. But as you could probably imagine, scrunching his shoulders up wasn’t stopping anything. 
Moon smiled and decided to move his hands over to both sides of his neck. When he was there, Moon started skittering there with both hands for a small change. “What about here? How ticklish are you here?” Moon asked, genuinely curious. 
Sun threw his head back and squealed! One side of his neck is ticklish enough. But both sides?! This made him giggle and tilt his head left and right like a cute little happy toddler. "Nehehehe! *Snrk*!" He tittered helplessly, scrunching his shoulders and covering his mouth as he pretty much snorted. 
“Awww…you’re really cute, you know that?” Moon told him. 
Sun shook his head. Excuse me- "NONO! I'm nahahahat!!" Sun argued. Sun’s mind was spiraling with thoughts. Like ‘I am NOT cute! How dare!!’ and ‘Such lies!’. Sun covered his whole face plate as if he was attempting to cover up a blush. 
“But you are! You’re even covering up an adorable blush!” Moon added, mentioning his embarrassment.
Sun shook his head, refusing to believe it. "Nahahahat!" He argued. 
"Iiiiiiis~!" Moon teased, insisting that Sun was a cute little bean who deserves tickles. Which in Moon’s eyes…he’s not wrong. 
But all this time that was spent enjoying Sun’s adorableness…ended up distracting Moon from Sun’s incoming revenge…
Sun did a surprising little thing, and started tickling along Moon's back. 
Moon jumped and gasped, before tittering and lowering his head down. “aAH- N-NOhoho-” Moon reacted, losing his concentration for a few moments. 
This was just enough time for Sun to finally return the favor. "Gohohohot youhuhuhu!" He declared with an eager smile. 
Moon shook his head and attempted to tickle Sun’s rays again. “Nohohot quihihihite…Ihihit’s a stahart, buhuhuhut-” he said as he attempted to take back control of the situation. 
Eager to completely destroy Moon, Sun starts tickling his brother’s sides next. "Hehehehere?" He squeaks out, his rays sinking in a little to make the tickles on his rays lessen. 
Moon froze in place for only a moment…before ultimately falling backwards and laughing like his heart depended on it. “GAAAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHO SIHIHIDES! NOHOHO!” He shouted, having completely lost all of his composure. 
"Hoohoohooooo! Not the sides huh?!" Sun playfully chuckled, drawing circles on one side and squeezing the other "Which side tickles more?~ The left?~ Or the right?~" Sun asked. 
Moon pushed his palm against Sun’s face as he cackled and laughed under him. “BOOOHOHOHOOOTH! BOHOHOTH AHARE BAHAHAHAD!” Moon yelled. But noticeably…Moon was slowly leaning towards the left side…
And Sun, funnily enough, had quickly noticed this. “Are you suuuuuure it’s not your left?” Sun teased with a shit-eating grin on his face. 
“YEHEHESS SHUTUP!” Moon shot back. He’s NOT more ticklish on his left side! He’s NOT! There’s no way! There’s- 
"Moony! That's rude!" Sun’s words interrupted Moon’s thoughts. 
Sun had stopped the tickling for a second, before pulling his hands away and thinking for a moment…And without touching Moon, Sun wiggled his fingers just above his brother’s sides. "Kitchy kitchy kitchy cooo~!!" Sun teased. 
Moon squeaked and covered his mouth with his fists. It only took a couple seconds for Moon to start giggling and shaking his head with his eyes squeezed shut. “Nononono- nohohohoho! Nohohoho fahahahair!”
"I'm not even touching you, Moonlee~!" Sun giggles, finally going for both sides "Boo! Tickytickytickyticky~!” He teased, still not touching down on his sides. “Are you enjoying yourself?~ Are ya? Are ya?~" Sun asked next, sounding more and more enthusiastic. 
Moon gasped and squealed, letting out super high-pitched giggles. “EEEHEEHEEheehee! Yeheheheah! Ihihihi ahahahaham!” Moon admitted, kicking his little feetsies like a ballerina. 
Sun gasped excitedly, and threw his arms up, loving his reply. "You like it!" Sun reacted before bringing his hands to Moon's knees, and squeezing the sides of the knees like a father would to their kid. "You like it, you like it, you like it!" Sun kept repeating, refusing to let Moon live this down.
Moon snorted…yes, snorted…and laughed gleefully while shaking his fists around. “Hahahaha! Whyhyhyhy the kneeheeheeheehees?!” He took off his hat and squeezed it as he laughed. “Hohohow ahare my kneeheehees tihicklihihihish?!” Moon asked, genuinely confused.
"Moony snorts as well?!" Sun’s face is practically glowing by this point! And then Sun smiled brightly and poked the front of Moon’s knee. "And why yes! Your knees are ticklish!! But... I'm not sure how... I just know that it's cute!" Sun declared next. 
Moon shook his head, refusing to believe such falsehoods. “Nohohot cuhuhute! Stohohop fihibbihihing!” 
Sun lets out the most dramatic gasp, stopping the tickling right away. "Moon!! I would never tell such slanders! Just for that, more side tickles!!" He dove for his sides, quickly squeezing them. 
Moon screeched like a triceratops and started cackling like a mad man. “NAHAHAHAHA! IHIHI’M SOHOHORRY! SOHOHORRYHYHYHY!” Moon shouted. 
"Yeah, you’d better be!" Sun squeezed his hands up his ribs. "Say you're cute, and this will stop~!" Sun declared. 
This made Moon’s laughter lessen to more breathless giggles. “Nohoho wahahahay! Yohohou’re cuhuhuteher!” Moon argued. And truthfully, Moon did believe that Sun was cuter than him by leaps and bounds. But did that matter in this situation? APPARENTLY NOT! 
"Meep! N-no! You are!" Sun pouted with slight embarrassment on his face. But he still continued tickling despite this, eventually tracing around where Moon's torso met his middle. Aka, the upper line that split up the chest and the stomach for flexibility purposes. 
Moon shook his head and started snorting between his laughter every 5 seconds. “NAHAHA- *snort* HAHAHA NOHO- *snort* NOHOHOHO! *snort* HAHAHA!”
There were a lot of snorts. 
"I found a snort spot! This is great!" Sun cooed, suddenly pulling a blue, stiff crafting feather from his pocket and fluttering it on the ticklish line on his chest while tickling his ribs with his other hand. 
His laughter lessened to little helpless giggles. But it would appear that Moon’s snort frequency would stay the same: constant and adorkable. 
"Now admit that you're cute~!" Sun ordered. 
Moon finally gave into his request. “Fihihine! Ihihihi’m cuhuhuhute!” Moon let out. 
"Good! And you are! Now as promised-" Sun giggled and stopped the tickling before booping Moon's nose. “Boop!” He added for extra effect.
Moon’s giggles turned to soft breaths as he went limp on the floor. He squeaked at the nose boop and looked away out of pure, harmless embarrassment.
"Awwe!~ I wiiiiin~!" Sun declared, feeling rather proud of himself. 
Moon couldn’t help the chuckle that left his mouth. “Yohohou…Yohou win…you win…” he told him. 
Sun sat himself up with a happy squeak, crossing his legs with his arms in his lap, and spinning his sun rays while bouncing in place. Sun was very, very happy. It was clear on his face. 
Moon smiled. “Though I technically won the moment I found you…” Moon cleared his throat. “You successfully beat the tickle monster.” Moon added. “Can we call it even?” Moon asked next.
"Mmm... Yeah!" Sun held out his left hand. "Truce?" He asked. 
Moon smiled and put his own hand in Sun’s. “Truce!” He shook on it. 
Though Moon wouldn’t end up seeing Sun’s other hand, which had snuck its way up to Moon's side while they were shaking hands. Like the gremlin he is, Sun had tricked Moon into yet another tickle attack. And though Moon would act like he was annoyed by his actions, Moon secretly didn’t mind it…
But would he actually tell Sun this?! Heck no! Not now! 
But later? Maybe. 
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About the narrative of Convergence comic
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It’s Ekko’s comic first and foremost. It treats him well, it shows us his inner conflicts about wanting to help his parents but struggling with the feeling that he’s imposing his will on others, then he wonders if he imposes on others due to his advantages due to intellect.
There are problems in that narrative too though. He threw away his Z-drive? Okay let’s say he did want to get rid of it, even though he would know how it literally has an ability to give people a second chance to survive fatal incidents. Why would he not dismantle it? Destroy it? Wouldn’t it cross his mind that someone might find it and misuse it? And how did the other kid find it in the end? Nobody knows, and the authors surely don’t know.
The other Lost Kids are annoying. We care about them just because Ekko cares about them, not due to any quality of theirs as characters. They’re there to serve as emotional fodder. Sorry narrative writers, you gotta do better than this. (Also shouldn’t “Lost Kids” be a title for orphans? Oh well it just has a weird vibe)
Now about Viktor, what everyone has been waiting for, staring at this Viktor-centric blog:
Do you like supervillains who are bombastic, convinced of their superiority of whatever kind, very harmful to others, and physically scarred? Congrats, you win another one. New Universe lore treats Viktor as a morally bankrupt character who for some reason believes “free will” is a flaw. It is intentionally written to make him clearly a villain, and then sprinkles in “but he tried to save lives” as a way to make him sympathetic. Guys he’s a villain here, he treats people like cogs.
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Yaay let’s go slavery! Mind-controlling slaves to sacrificing themselves for “greater good” is not greater good. People are called heroes if they decide to risk themselves for others by their own will.
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This is written a tiny bit naively, but in principle I fully agree Viktor would be willing to collaborate with someone to help him with public relations. A Piltovian as well. Remember, Viktor approached Jayce originally to ask for a collaboration! So, I like this aspect of the comic ^__^
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I’m really not a fan of cheap sci-fi vibe of pulling out brains and putting them into mechanical bodies which then go “Beep-boop! We follow orders!” Like what the fuck. Also this fusion of in-game Viktor and Arcane Viktor is giving me the heebie-geebies. No thanks
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Dear Riot writers. Either you don’t understand what Viktor is supposed to be about, or you concluded it’s much more profitable with a wider reach to have him be this type of villain.
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This frame though... this frame comes dangerously close to the real valuable core of Viktor’s story. To one aspect of it at least. Can you feel it? Can you sense it like I can? His expression is also good here. Him being silent is also good here. There is something about the Evolution he believes in, but doesn’t know how to explain it appropriately. Partially because the Evolution is in big part a response to his trauma. You can’t explain your coping mechanism to random others who haven’t gone through that trauma.
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It’s a good idea to have Viktor see others misuse his work (again)
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For a moment, was excited, I had hope Riot would handle well the dumb Glorious Evolved which they introduced. A religion forming around his work is something Viktor wouldn’t like at all. I don’t like how Riot wrote the zealots as even rotting while trying to replace their bodyparts... It doesn’t go that way!! They would all have been already dead!! But then Riot goes 180 and has Viktor go “yees you opened my eyes to perfection” again to make sure he stays a villain, and encourages MORE mind-controlled slavery and sacrifice.
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Do you want to be used like this? If not, then Viktor is a villain here. (I say this because I’ve seen A LOT of relatively new Viktor fans who like him for some other reasons, and then fall into a trap of trying to logic their way out of this evil characterisation. Trust me guys, you don’t have to do that, because you don’t have to justify all writing of a character. Writing is often done by many people in a company, motives change, etc. etc.)
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This is literally a Saturday Morning Cartoon. A prosthetic leg isn’t going to be able to mind-control you. The sensitive ones work by picking up signals from nerve endings and dumping back signals onto them for very specific senses of touch/pressure. An amputee using a prosthetic is not going to be mind-controlled guys, please.
Also it’s fucking absurd how new lore treats augments as “Tee-hee, I got my arm replaced for funsies and now I have a robotic claw”, like NO that’s not how these things go!! Call me a killjoy cause I’m listening to MCR!
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Let’s go Viktor, atta boy, I’ll kick your ass that’s how much you go on my nerves. And I’m supposed to be your stan?
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Ignoring the anatomy, Viktor floating and the complete mismatch of tech style, does Viktor look like a guy trying to merge with other people’s minds? No. Does he look like someone who’d want to be the ruler of that one giant mass of mind-controlled humans? Arguably yes. Boring villain characterization.
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Even a child can identify that this is not “perfect” functioning. Anyway, as I said, Saturday morning cartoon and I’m tired now so I’ll end it here. Every other bit of the comic is just repeating what has already been said.
Enjoy the comic for the qualities it has, and I’d say don’t take it as any reference for characterisation or references or whatever.
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longbobmckenzie · 1 year
Tips for writing a villa fic
If you pay attention to Love Island the Game fanfiction at all, you've probably read a villa fic or two, or a hundred. They can be a lot of fun, and the nature of the game lends itself really well to the concept. Which is why so many people have started writing villa fics of their own... and yet, so few finish them, or even come close.
Well, I’ve written more than my fair share of villa fics, ranging from a 3k word oneshot (yes, really) to a 230k word start-to-finish Season 2 Bobby fic, and I’ve read a whole lot more, so I've learned a thing or two about the genre.
So, I figured I’d share some of my tips, and ask some of my writer friends for their input (thanks @queen-of-boops, @rebelrayne, and @thoracic-orchid), and here we are!
Buckle in, because this gets long (much like my fics!)
Tip #1: Recognize that it’s a lot of work
It takes a long, long time to write a full villa fic, especially if it’s Season 2 and you’re starting on Day 1 and going right up to the final (and beyond?). We’re talking months of work, maybe even years depending on how much time you have to dedicate to it. My first fic (230k words) took me 9-10 months to write, and that was during COVID lockdown when I didn’t really have much else to do.
This isn’t meant to discourage you at all, but I’ve seen so, so many villa fics get published and never get past the first few chapters. Sometimes they even get 20-30 chapters in before the author loses interest or just plain runs out of free time. It’s a commitment, but it can definitely be done!
This especially applies to “All Star” villa fics or season crossovers. Kudos to those who attempt it and especially those who finish (I know of only one person who’s managed this off the top of my head), but trust me, it’s hard enough writing a villa fic, writing a crossover is putting it on evil mode.
Also consider if you’re writing from a male character’s POV (the LI, perhaps, or a male MC) that you’ll probably need to write more “boys only” scenes, so a little extra creativity is required (I could never, honestly).
Tip #2: Have a plan
I cannot stress this enough. Easy for me to say since I’m an outliner at heart anyway, but I’m in the middle of writing a villa fic and even with an outline, I’m still going back and tweaking early chapters (tip within a tip: write a few chapters before publishing anything!) when my plan changes slightly.
But having a clear direction of where you want to take the fic and planning out plot points, recouplings, dumpings, etc. is extremely important. Especially when you start going off-canon (more on that in a bit) or when you get to days where literally nothing happens in the villa.
The nice thing about villa fics is that you’ve already got a structure to work with, you just have to plan how you want your characters’ relationship(s) to develop and how to drive the plot.
Tip #3: You don’t always have to stick to the plan
That said, characters sometimes do things you didn’t plan for. And that’s okay! Sometimes. There are times you need to assert your will, but other times, things will change and you just need to re-evaluate your outline. And that’s okay… within reason.
For example, in Whiskey & Scotch, my plan was always for Bobby to be the endgame LI. Somewhere along the line, I fell in love with Henrik, and people really liked him and my OC together (mild spoiler: they were coupled up for a time). I was extremely tempted to blow up my outline to make it work for them, but the groundwork was laid for Bobby to be endgame, and I had scenes planned that had been living in my head for months by that point that I was excited for. It just didn’t make sense to make Henrik the LI (which is why I’m now working on a rewrite/alternate ending, because I still love them together even years later).
On the other side, at the post-Casa Amor dumping, Noah was single and I’d planned for him to save Hope. She was already a bit of a villain, they had history, it just made sense. But when I was writing the scene, I was completely stuck on his speech. I got a crazy/evil idea and had him save someone else instead. It changed a lot and I had to rework my outline a bit, but it worked out so well that I can’t imagine doing it the way I’d intended.
Tip #4: Watch the show
This is optional (technically, they all are), but it really is helpful on so many levels. It can give you an idea of the villa layout (Seasons 3-5 and 7 of the show all use the same villa), give you ideas for challenges, dialogue, plot ideas, etc. The show uses a host instead of the opening scene and some of the dumpings being done through text, generally it’s the boys picking the girls on day 1 instead of the girls, etc.
There are also more rules on the show that don’t make it into the game. Again, totally optional, but to make it a bit more realistic you could limit the islanders’ alcohol consumption (or let them get completely shit-faced if that works for your plot), take away all clocks, refer to their microphones occasionally, etc.
Also, like… I’ve never seen anyone on the show have sex on the terrace, but it happens in the game. You want your characters getting it on out in the open like that? By all means. But if you prefer a bit more realism, stick to the bedroom and hideaway. The bathroom is communal, but hey, the shower works too.
If you want to add challenges to your fic, I like to use this website for ideas. It lists most of the challenges from season 3 onwards, including results and video. It’s a great resource.
Tip #5: Kiss canon goodbye
There are definitely readers out there who prefer fics that follow canon, and to each their own. Personally, I’ve played the game over and over, read a whole bunch of fics, and written a bunch of fics, so I’m kinda sick of canon. Plus, sometimes canon just sucks or doesn’t make sense. So don’t be afraid to stray from canon, toss it into a ball and throw it out the window, or stomp all over it.
First, the dialogue. We’ve all read it over and over, got it practically memorized. Feel free to change it! In fact, please do! You can keep some lines and change the responses to completely alter a conversation, or make slight adjustments, or just… not include it at all, if you want. You can take out canon scenes and replace them with your own. Or keep them and just change who-did-what. Etc, etc. Make it your own!
Second, individual scenes. It’s okay to cut them. We don’t need to see Noah singing Toto on the daybed with Hope and Rocco walking by singing Wonderwall. Cutting it will not negatively impact your fic in any way.
What about challenges? Well… they can be cut too. Ask yourself, do they drive the plot? Is it necessary? For example, the day 4 slime challenge. Priya grinds on Noah despite not needing his colour, Lottie gets mad, blah blah blah. We know. The reader most likely knows. But unless you’re making MC’s drama the primary focus, you can cut it and just write a paragraph of narration telling us why the girls are fighting. The reader will understand and most likely appreciate that they didn’t have to skim through it.
Hell, you can skip recouplings, dumpings, even whole days. Trust me, I’ve done it. If you’re primarily sticking to a timeline that generally follows canon and not really messing with what’s going on with the other islanders, you can absolutely skip over that stuff and keep the focus solely on your MC and their LI. You can even still make slight changes to canon and just narrate what happened.
Basically, what you keep depends on what you’re trying to do with your fic. If you want to do the whole villa experience thing, keep as much as you want. If you just want to write a love story between two people who happen to be in the villa, you can cut out anything and everything that doesn’t in some way develop their relationship.
Also, you don’t have to start on day 1. Or if you do, you don’t have to start with the MC arriving at the villa. Be creative! And along the same veins, you don’t have to end it with the final. Heck, your characters don’t have to even make the final!
Tip #6: Read other fics
Again, you don’t have to do this. Plenty of villa fic writers don’t read other people’s villa fics. But I do think it’s a good idea, especially if you want to write a Bobby or Lucas fic (picking on the most popular characters because they have the most fics written for them).
You’ll be able to get some ideas of how other people did it – how much canon they kept in, how much they cut, how they made the story their own – but you’ll also get a good idea of what’s been done before. MC and Bobby are immediately attracted to each other right from the start? Great… but how are you going to make yours different from the other hundred fics that do that? Lucas switches to Blake? Okay yes, that’s canon – but are you going to keep it? What motivations are you going to give him? Maybe MC switches too?
And this isn’t to say that if someone else has an idea for something, you can’t do the same thing. Especially for people who watch the show, there have been a number of situations where people will have the same ideas. I’ve had it where I’ve had scenes planned or written only to read someone else’s fic and seen almost the exact same thing. It happens! Obviously don’t plagiarize, but it’s okay to have the same idea. And if anyone accuses you of stealing ideas, have them send their hate mail to me (don’t actually do that).
Tip #7: Write what you want to read
The reason I got into fanfiction and wrote my first villa fic in the first place was because I had an idea that I thought would be really interesting to read. I didn’t think anyone else was gonna come up with the same idea, though, so I wrote it myself.
I don’t know what sort of motivations other writers have when they start writing their fics, but if you have an idea, you just might be the best candidate to write it.
Tip #8: Don’t do it alone
Find a beta reader if you can (note: it’s not always easy, especially since villa fics are a huge commitment), but even if you can’t get someone to edit for you, getting someone who can give constructive criticism is extremely helpful – if you’re open to listening. They can help you figure out what works, what doesn’t, and what to work on.
Most importantly, though, find someone you can bounce ideas off of. If you’re struggling writing a scene, or need some ideas to help with a character’s motivation or dialogue, or you have a crazy idea and need some validation or advice… having someone you can go to is the best. All of my fics are better thanks to the people who helped, whether it was in big ways or little.
Tip #9: Develop your main character
Okay this is the tip that I don’t actually listen to myself 🤣 I’m a storyteller, so my fics tend to be more about the plot than the character arc, but having more well-rounded, developed characters is something I wish I were better at. If you know who your character is – their voice, their habits, their likes and dislikes, their family and relationship histories – it’ll be easier to write them. And the same goes for the canon characters as well! Give them more of a backstory! Give them siblings and heartbreaks! Especially with a villa fic where, unless they’re doing a challenge, they do nothing but sit around all day and have chats, you need stuff for them to talk about. This goes for group conversations, too – sometimes you just need to have some ideas of things they can talk about.
Now, I will say that I don’t think every MC needs to have heartbreak in their past (maybe they’re the heartbreaker?) or some sort of sob story. Those are common tropes in your regular run-of-the-mill romance story, and there’s nothing wrong with it, but it all goes hand-in-hand with your character’s motivations and how you want their relationship with the LI to develop. You can go that direction, but don’t feel you have to. If the story you have planned doesn’t need a character with a tragic past, then just have them be an average Joe.
Also, just a minor pet peeve of mine… your MC doesn’t have to be this super perceptive person who gets everyone’s answers right in Two Truths and a Lie. It’s day 2, c’mon. And they don't need to be the girl that all the guys in the villa are falling all over themselves to be with – is it more interesting for 4-5 guys to be into MC or for MC to be interested in someone only to be turned down? Just food for thought.
Tip #10: Choose the right POV
There’s no right or wrong POV, so choose whatever’s comfortable for you and your fic. But just note that readers do have their preferences (some people are strongly opposed to 1st and/or 2nd POV, for example). For a chaptered villa fic, it doesn’t really make sense to use 2nd person POV (“you” pronouns) because you’re telling the story of a main character who isn’t really generic. For oneshots/series where you’re writing snapshots of the villa, that might be what works for you, though.
As for 1st and 3rd, there are pros and cons to both. I chose to write my first villa fic in 1st because I really wanted the focus to be on my MC and seeing the villa through her eyes. Basically, if she didn’t see it or hear about it, I wasn’t going to include it. Other than that fic, though, I’ve primarily written in 3rd and it’s made me a better writer.
If you want to alternate POV between your MC and the LI (and maybe some of the side characters as well, as there are some people who do that), I recommend sticking to 3rd POV, because it can be a little confusing for the reader to remember whose POV they’re reading when it’s in 1st.
And there you have it! Ten tips to think about before (or during) embarking on your own villa fic. Good luck!
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marzst4rz · 2 months
JAMIE!!! hello friend!!! here to bother you... do you have any blasphemous thoughts today? or perhaps some sirius HCs or any other characters you'd like to share? any brainrot?
also i'm evil booping u (with love)
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My blasphemous thought of the day was thinking about how sacrificial lambs were made to be a religious thing when if you think about it it doesn’t happen that often but what’s sacrificed the most are sons not lambs then again they could be one in the same
As for Sirius hcs, i have plenty but they’re just like random facts about him and nit picks i think he has:
Doesn’t like it when the spoon touches his lips only eats with teeth
Cannot stand his hair in his face (remus constantly puts it behind her ear and it makes her all giggly)
Finds cool sticks and puts them on her shelf
He has the most obscure taste in clothes but is still somehow the nest dressed
Had the straightest hair as a kid but it got curly when they got older
His first tattoo was matching tattoos with james
Has never had a hobby for more than two weeks likes to try EVERYTHING
This is all i got for now but i will be telling you if i have more and my current brainrot is one specific stormking scene that i’m gonna text you about cuz it’s just too good
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alena-reblobs · 1 year
Trigun Bookclub Trimax Vol2 Part 1
Vol01: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  | Vol02: Part 1 | Part 2
Trimax: Vol01 Part 1 Vol01 Part 2 | Vol02 Part 1 Vol02 Part 2
My thoughts on Trimax Vol02! Not so much deep art or thoughts analysis in this one :)
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I wonder if the name has any meaning to it? As far as I understood this is the mansion where Legato and his henchmen are hiding, so I wonder if there’s anything to that name. Now what I found just now was that there is a musician by that name who apparently made two songs, one called “My Only True Love” and “I’m Coming Back from Viet Nam”, but no chance to listen to them. Interesting, I guess.
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Joke: Midvalley must be playing really bad if that’s his audience’s reaction
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It’s also cool to note that Gauntlet is trying to warn the men about Legato, that they should get away! He might hold no sympathy for them but he also doesn’t wish for their ugly demise that’s inevitable when Legato steps in.
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Oh this whole chapter is SO yucky and bleugh and evil but the most evil thing is this panel right here. Sometimes the horrors that aren’t shown are the most horrifying ones.
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Vaaash ♥ Every time our boy is remotely smiling I want to pet his head and boop his nose and hold him close.
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Maybe I’ve overlooked smth during my first two reads or misunderstood smth but dear ma’am, who are you?? My only theory is probably nonsense. Or maybe it’s just some extra being controlled by Legato to help him move around?
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I couldn’t resist. I need to make fun of Legato every time I see him.
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Nick looks really cute with these glasses. Also good for you, Wolfie, getting to drive such a pretty boy in your sidecar!
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The killing game? I thought they were only meant to bring Vash neverending und unbearable suffering? (Though Vash can’t know that)
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Lovely use of the soundwords again!!
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And this one! Also cool how the swoooshing of the blade is indicated with this white space. Black outlining and then a light shading...hmhm (taking notes)
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Aah I love it when one part of the face is covered in darkness, showing mostly the eye. It’s so looming and effective. Actually, now I do wonder if this is something that’s still used in nowadays mangas or not? I don’t read lots of mangas atm and only one other shounen, so I’m pretty out of the loop how manga style has evolved (of course everybody has their own style but in general, I think you can often see if a series is older or newer. I NEED to analyise what specifics do give that away because that’s pretty interesting)
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I think this is the first time it’s kinda directly stated that Vash is not human, isn’t it? Just smth interesting to note I think.
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Ooh we all know you’re also thinking about you and your own sinful existence, Wolfie.
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I really like this page and especially the left panel! The ground is so utterly devoid of any details, apart from the sand clouds and the lines that the roller blades have left. I really enjoy how Nightow keeps mostly to lineart without using lots of shading in the clothes, that’s a thing he does mostly in the faces the enhance expressions as far as I could tell.
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Gotta agree with Wolfwood on this, Vash is being a bit naive. He makes it sound so easy, so much so that it could be understood as an insult to all the suffering that Rai-Dei had to endure, to the way that his life is now. I mean it’s not the case but it does sound like Vash doesn’t want to know or hear about Rai-Dei’s crimes, by saying it “doesn’t matter”. All in all it is understandable that it only fuels Rai-Dei’s anger.
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I love pages where it’s no sound, only little snippets of action taking place, with different perspectives.
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study-with-aura · 3 months
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Monday, April 1, 2024
April Fools' Day is it? My school curriculum website kept going invisible on me! At first I thought something was wrong, but then I realized the prank.
I have been listening to the tracks that BABYMONSTER released. They are all good in my opinion, but I have loved DREAM since I first heard it. I have it on repeat. Don't judge me. It is living rent-free for a while.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Reviewed the counting principle + learned about probability of independent events + practice + honors work
Lit and Comp II - Copied Unit 22 vocabulary + read chapter 48 of Emma by Jane Austen + read another list of poetry terms + learned about the prepositional phrase + ungraded quiz
Spanish 2 - Listened to a story in Spanish + reviewed vocabulary
Bible I - Read 1 Samuel 2
World History - Watched Wartime Farm episode 1
Biology with Lab - Completed dichotomous key lab
Foundations - Read more on sincerity + completed the next quiz on Read Theory + looked at more advertisements
Piano - Practiced for one hour
Khan Academy - Completed High School Biology Unit 7: Lesson 3 (parts 8-10)
CLEP - None today
Streaming - Watched Hitler’s Circle of Evil episode 6
Duolingo - Studied for 15 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 240-287 of Beneath the Wide Silk Sky by Emily Inouye Huey
Chores - Cleaned my bathroom + cleaned windows in my bedroom and in the study + took the trash and recycling out
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (2 Corinthians 5)
2 hours volunteering at the library
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful so many boops!
Quote of the Day:
The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
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decentgarbage · 10 months
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~ headcanon 3 ~ Lane tells Phoinix about their crush
Ever since Lane met Phoinix, they became best friend, and do pretty much anything together in summary…
ANYWHO!! Lane and Tsukasa tend to hang out more and more, the more they hangout, the more Lane catches feelings for the scary, yet charming little ghost!
Lane was wondering the busy halls at lunch, trying to find a quiet place to sit, they later found a quiet space, and sat there.
However, Lane didn’t really have the appetite to eat, just looking at her lunch… All that they could think about was Tsukasa, making them blush lightly…
“Whatcha doin’?” Phoinix, their friend that was a wondering ghost, startles them lightly. “N-nothing really…” they lied, blushing, looking down.
“Aww, come on!! You can trust me!!” Phoinix spoke, floating over them. “I guess I have no choice… do I?” They sighed before speaking again… “I have a crush…” they admitted blushing.
“Really?! Who??” Their friend gets excited, excited, yet curious. Lane began to blush redder, “so… are you gonna tell me or..?” She gets impatient.
“S-so… y-you know T-Tsukasa… r-right..?” Lane blushes, shaking, “are you referring to murder kid that’s Hanako’s brother? If so, yes, I am somewhat familiar with him, why you ask?”
“Ilikehim…” they quickly and quietly said, “…wha-” “I.LIKE.HIM” they confessed loudly, their face was redder than ever.
Phoinix was quite shocked at first, but then a smirk appeared on her face “soooo… you like Tsukasa?~ Hm?~” “Phoinix…” “so when’s the wedding?~ and am I invited-” “PHOINIX PLEASE!!” Lane squeaks in embarrassment.
Phoinix chuckles before booping Lane’s nose “oh I’m just teasing~” she giggled, as Lane’s face was red as a tomato “you’re evil…”
after a few moments, the bell rang, and in was time for Lane to go to their next period for school.
End of headcanon
~ A/N: thank you @m0ssy-mushr00m for helping me with this headcanon, and thank you for letting me use your oc!! I was stuck on what to do for this one, but I thought this one would be quite silly… if you guys have any ideas for headcanons btw I’d love to hear them (especially since I’m low motivated most of the time)
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more-better-words · 2 months
Trip and T’Pol are sweet and adorable but I’m all about the T’Pol and V’Ryn! You can tell us about any aspect at all regarding Chapter 5: Potential of The Place We Call Home, the fourth and final part of your “Built to Last” and it will be appreciated!
The problem with Vulcan dialogue is that it's very…precise. Get two Vulcans talking to each other and I can find myself oozing out of my chair in a pile of boneless defeat.
(Don't get me wrong - I also love T'Pol and V'Ryn. But writing their conversations can be a lot 😅)
I liked the idea of T'Pol's pregnancy craving being coffee. I'm imagining her just grabbing Trip's coffee cup out of his hand one morning and downing the whole thing in one gulp. 😂
Trip: *staring into the bottom of his now-empty mug* "Can I get you anything else, or are you good?"
T'Pol: "Another."
I loved letting them soak in their excitement, I love T'Pol booping Trip's (incredibly boopable) nose, I loved getting to write
This time, nobody’s takin’ her away from us. No. Never.
And I loved the idea of Trip recording a message for his unborn child. I'd originally intended to write the thing in full here in this chapter, but then I realized I had any even better place for it…
(I so rarely use my powers for evil. Let me have this one. 😆)
Oh, and shortly after this chapter, Trip will be paying John Frederick Paxton a little visit in prison, because screw that guy.
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bastardsblood · 2 months
“I’m sorry that I keep you in here. But you’re too pure and innocent. I’m scared that this world will break you. I’m only protecting you.” AZAZELLLLL i have it on good authority that he would be a yandere for someone very pure and innocent so :)) pls :)))
Hello! I compromised with the prompt a bit, so I'm sorry I didn't do the line word for word, haha.
I hope you enjoy!
Characters: Azazel
Scenario: Prompt request
Content Warnings: Yandere
You were often called naïve. 
People would like you when you talked to them, pretending you're friends, only to throw you looks of condescension when your back was turned. The 'do-gooder' of the slums, so easily taken advantage of, never quite able to resist offering someone a helping hand. If you'd land yourself in trouble because of someone, the others would pity you and laugh about how reoccurring it is, but never help. 
That's why Azazel hated every single one of them. 
It was a feeling he knew well but thought he had rid himself of. He was supposed to be one step closer to being a God, unburdened by morality and sentimentality, and yet he couldn't resist you. When he looked at you, he saw his past self. Gullible, oh-so-gullible, but kind. 
"I heard his health was worsening," Azazel said, laughing in apology after realising he hadn't mentioned who he meant. "That baker down the street. You know which one, right? The one who owed you quite the hefty sum of money." 
You stayed silent, only pursing your lips in thought and discomfort. You were always like this when he'd come home, but he also knew you became talkative once he prodded at you enough. Walking over to the table set next to your bed, he dropped a heavy pouch on it. The metallic clinking was enough of a telltale sign of what was inside, and your eyes widened. 
"Isn't it sweet of him to repay his debt despite his declining health? There was some good in him, after all." Azazel put on his usual thin smile, before quietly adding, "... A shame he had to be forced to."
You thinned your eyes at him. "Would you mind sparing me the implications of what you did to him?" 
Azazel booped your nose and smiled sweetly at you when you pushed your head away in annoyance. "But I take great pleasure in giving those rats a payback; it breaks my heart that you do not feel the same." he said lightly, "Alas! I have to take the charge for now! I simply cannot wait until you realise what I'm doing is justified." 
Weakly clutching your bedsheets, you sighed, "...I helped him of my own volition; it's my own fault that he took advantage of me. "Your grip tightened, the tone of your voice getting angrier, "I blame myself, not him." 
Azazel's smile remained, but he regarded you as if he were an onlooker to a pitiful and struggling animal. He sat on the edge of the bed and tried to ignore how you instinctively moved further away from him. "I've seen more cruelty and evil in this world than most and I know a rotten person when I see one." He looked down at your hand and took it into his own before continuing, "You were feeding his malice without even realising it. You manipulated yourself into thinking he was a good person despite never having seen any proof of that, and ignored all the glaringly red warning signs. After all, what if, by helping him, you nurture the 'good' inside him?" he scoffed, "Oh, what an ego trip that'd be for you."
When you pulled your hand away and moved your hand to slap him, he wouldn't move away. His eyes stayed on you even as he felt your palm connect with his cheek. Before you could drop it back to your side, he took hold of it and kissed it. "... You're not naïve at all."  
"Just… Be quiet."
"I won't be. Unlike me, you were aware of how rotten this world was since the beginning. You weren't fooled by anyone, but you acted like you were. Why? You're smart, but you still want to keep your purity and innocence. If I didn't keep you here, you would've been corrupted sooner or later."
Azazel was trying to sound light, but he truly was perplexed. Maybe it bled into his expression too, as you licked your lips in thought. He couldn't understand you; he thought he'd finally reached the point where discerning a person's motive is mere child's play, and yet you seemed to be a puzzle he just couldn't figure out. He wanted to research more about you, keep you in a cage, and see how you function and what makes you tick. He hates not knowing things, especially when he finds them so alluring. 
"I think you've lost the privilege to ask me such personal questions when you've forced me here." 
Despite momentarily seeing a crack in your façade, you covered those cracks without giving Azazel any information that he was starving for. His fingers twitched, and he felt something akin to frustration, a tickly feeling in his veins. To love something was to know everything about it, even if it took time. 
And he had all the time in the world to make you confess. 
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j0kers-light · 3 months
Hey Chaos! Sorry to bother you, but I’m a little confused about what this boop thing is. Like, is it a good thing or a bad thing?
You’re never a bother love! 🖤✨
It was a good thing. (Well there was an evil boop so it was bad too lol but completely harmless!) It appears to be a one time event for April Fools.
All it did was make cat paws appear on your screen every time someone booped you by clicking a button near their name. Plus you received badges for how many times you booped someone. Once, 314, and 1,000.
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ded-and-gonne · 1 year
WIP Wednesday or Thursday
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WIP Wednesday: Devil’s Night (Part 6)
Starring Klaus Hargreeves & Evil Ben
And here you thought the Devil’s Night story was over, by virtue of that two-paragraph ending that conveniently saved Evil Ben, who then saved Klaus. Oh hells no, it isn’t that simple. They still have a dead puritan in their garden who expects Klaus & Ben to go find him a key. A key made by the ancient King Solomon. Also, a quick reminder that we’re dealing with a narrator who thinks they’re smarter than they actually are. Without further ado, here’s a snippet from the opening scene of Devil’s Night Chapter 6.
“A book?!” Evil Ben rages with lots of anger. “A book? A book. A fucking book? It’s a fucking book, Klaus. [Arrrrrrgh!]” Or however you spell all the vocalizations Ben is making rn. The bookstore’s high ceilings reverberate with angst.
“A book? That’s all? That’s great!” Klaus enthuses. “Thank heavens it’s not an actual key! Keys unlock bad stuff. Books are way safer than keys.” (In what universe, Klaus? It’s known to science that books are dangerous.)
“Heavens to Betsy Benji, you had me worried there for a second.”
“Me. I had you worried,” replies Ben, dumbfounded. Which reaction increases every time Klaus blithely blorps another mouthful of clear, viscous ghost mucus into his ghost goo spittoon, so quickly forgetting why he’s blorping into his ghost goo spittoon to begin with. “Zero self awareness. None,” says Evil Ben.
Pots, kettles, hypocrisy about lacking self awareness. You should be rolling your eyes by now.
Klaus pauses to consider Ben’s expression, and foresees the thunderclap-back of rage that will inevitably be unleashed upon his own pretty head if he doesn’t amend his words. “And by you having me worried, I actually mean that ghost dick outside in the dark. Obviously.”
“Moron.” That was Ben, but you already knew that.
Klaus blorps daintily. (What? It’s possible.) “Don’t distract me, Benji, this is serious. Should we be generous of spirit and offer up the fact that this ‘key of skin and bone’ is not a key at all but just a book? It doesn’t seem like the pickled puritan buried in the garden is hip to the fact that it’s not a key, daddy-o. Nor is it skin and bone. It’s paper, and other things. 300 years waiting for a key that doesn’t exist. Boy is he gonna be disappointed.”
Ben appears to enjoy this idea. “I hope I get to see his face when he finds out. Can you make that happen?”
Klaus continues, “Or maybe he’d like us to get a copy of the key made. We can print one on demand from that guy on the corner. You know the one — the cute one. Anyway, it’s not like a book ever hurt anybody.”
“How have you managed to live this long?” Ben asks, as he enjoys his favorite pastime: belittling everyone’s intellectual capacity. “Klaus-“
Klaus cuts him off. “And anyway, Ben, my corporeal cherub and not-brother in arms. If we can get a copy, then surely anybody can get a copy. They could come here and get it. We are booksellers after all, babe. We do offer that sort of thing. Actually, that very thing. I could just sell him the one in your hand. It’s for sale right now.”
Ben pinches the bridge of his nose in forebearence. He’s still riding the elusive high of caring about somebody. “I'm a corporeal cherub? Try not trying so hard Klaus, it’s embarrassing. Just because I gave you a dictionary for our birthday doesn’t mean you should go around using it.”
“But Bennerino, I’m attempting to improve myself. I thought that was what you meant when you told me I suck and then handed me a dictionary. By the way, Bennerino, just a quick note: there are tons of official synonyms for ‘suck,’ ‘idiot,’ and ‘moron.’ You could stand a little improvement in that insult-archive you have hiding up there in that Evil little skull of yours.”
Klaus is pointing at Ben with a finger swirling circles. “Sh! Don’t interrupt, Ben, I’m on a roll.” Klaus wishes he could use that finger to boop Ben on the nose, but they’ve been getting along so well in the aftermath of that horrible experience they just survived — the one with the possession and the rescuing. He fears that Ben’s goodwill (now that there’s confirmation that Ben’s goodwill exists) will suddenly go poof and dissipate like a ghost.
Catch up: Devil’s Night Chapter 1 || Prev: Chapter 5
Or start with their origin story: Ded & Gonne Chapter 1
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