#I’m channeling Barok Van Zieks
alynnl · 5 months
Physically, I’m calmly sipping lemonade with ice in it after a long, hard day…
But mentally and spiritually, I’m savoring a sip from a wine glass just before I dramatically throw it across the room
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write-like-wright · 3 years
Your First Kiss With Them: Prosecutors Edition
A lovely anon requested first kiss headcanons with both defense lawyers and prosecutors, so I'm just gonna do it in two parts.
Miles Edgeworth
It happens spontaneously with Miles.
You'd gone on a few dates already and he always walks you to your door, like the gentleman he is. When it's time to say goodbye, he lingers for a moment, as if unsure how to proceed. He always flakes in the end, leaving you after an awkward hug and a face that matches the colour of his suit.
One day you're just at his place. It's one of those lazy days when you order takeout and sit at home binging Steel Samurai. A funny scene comes on, something that leaves you both in stitches. It's such a sweet thing, seeing him laugh so earnestly, some colour rising to his face. You lean over and press a kiss to his lips almost instinctively and he freezes for a second and so do you once you realise what you'd done. You apologise awkwardly, fearing you'd crossed a line.
"What are you sorry for? I quite liked that," Miles laughs. "At least one of us has enough courage to act."
Franziska von Karma
Happens in the middle of an argument, most likely. Nothing serious, of course. You're just bickering over something silly and Franziska gets a bit too smug with her comebacks. It annoys you to no end, seeing that smarmy grin on her lovely face. You stand there for a second, feeling an overwhelming urge to-
"Why are you glaring at me like that? Just because I'm right doesn't give you the excuse to act like a f-"
Silence. Cut off by a kiss.
She's completely dumbfounded when you part. It takes her a moment to regain her composure.
"Well," she says eventually. "How foolish of you. Trying to win an argument through such underhanded tactics."
You keep on bickering.
She kisses you not two minutes later when she realises her argument makes no sense and you gain the upper hand.
Diego Armando/Godot
It's the classic scenario with him.
He takes you out for a cup of coffee one rainy afternoon. You sit at the coffee shop for hours, talking and laughing, enjoying each other's company. It's dark outside before you even realise it and he offers to walk you home. The conversation keeps flowing on your way to your place and you feel a pang of sadness when it's time to say your goodbyes. You tell him how much you enjoyed your date and he just casually leans in for a kiss that lasts a bit longer than you'd expected. There's no way your neighbours won't gossip about it tomorrow.
Klavier Gavin
He texts you to wear something warm before your date. You're confused but oblige.
Klav shows up on his bike to pick you up and it all makes sense suddenly. "Come on, Schatzi, I'll show you what a real adrenaline rush feels like."
He's true to his word. He drives you around the city, the cool twilight air rushing past you and you feel more alive than ever.
Eventually, he takes you to his favourite spot, a clearing overlooking the entire city. It feels surreal seeing all the city lights intertwine with the stars above. You sit on his bike while he stands in front of you, talking about something or another. It's hard to say who leans in first, but soon enough you're kissing. It's your first kiss together, then the second and third and fourth...
Simon Blackquill
You're just fooling around at his place.
Simon is a massive tease when he drops his twisted persona. He picks little fights and picks on you just to get you worked up. It's a mixture of endearing and annoying.
He puts on some stupid show you're not interested in one bit. Neither is he, but he'd rather tease you about it than change the channel.
"Give me the remote, Simon."
"Come get it, *insert dumb nickname*"
You try and fail spectacularly. It's just play wrestling, but that doesn't change the fact he's twice your size and can pin you down with one-fifth of his weight. Not that you mind.
You're both giggling breathlessly at this point. "Do you yield, miscreant?" He asks in his scariest prosecutor voice. Dumbass. "I yield, I yield! Just let me go!"
"You must pay the toll first," he deadpans, crossing his arms.
"And what is the toll?"
"A kiss, if I recall correctly."
You buy your freedom and he lets you up, handing you the remote and letting you curl up against him on the sofa.
You pay his toll a few more times during the evening.
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi
You're very hesitant to kiss Yuti.
He's a monk. You're not even sure it's allowed.
You start wondering if you'd perhaps been misunderstanding your outings. They were clearly dates, you thought, but then again he could merely see them as you acting as his tour guide to introduce him to your culture. You're very torn on the matter.
On your way home from dinner, you pick up some dessert. Nothing fancy, just cupcakes from a local bakery. You eat them at your place while trying to explain the concept of Netflix and chill to him. It's hard to say if he's scandalized or intrigued.
"These are so good! Would you like a taste?" You ask with your mouth full, perhaps overexaggerating your food-induced moaning.
He gives you one of those sweet, gentle looks he's known for. "Certainly," he says, bridging the gap between you, pressing the softest of kisses to your lips. You're confused by his actions but you'd be lying if you said you minded.
"What was that about?"
"Hm? Oh, that was a pick-up line, was it not? I've heard about those. Although I hear that one is usually used with flavoured lipgloss."
"Yuti, I was just offering you some of my cupcakes."
"Oh," he seems a bit embarrassed now. "Do forgive me then."
"I didn't say I minded. But you can't just go around kissing people like that."
"I'll jot that down in my 'How to act like a native' notebook."
Barok van Zieks
(Heavily inspired by my incessant bugging of @bailey-reaper from my main)
It happens during his University days.
Barok approaches you at a gathering, completely red-faced while Klint and Albert snicker within earshot. He asks you to dance with him in the most roundabout way possible, to the point where you're not quite sure what he's asking of you.
You agree and are surprised at how good of a dancer he is in spite of his initial and apparent awkwardness. Must be those long, elegant legs.
He takes you on a stroll after and you end up alone on a balcony. His initial nervous demeanour slowly melts away, although he's still more than a little shy. You chat away and you even get a laugh out of him at some point. It's one of your personal victories.
It's almost midnight when you are interrupted. "Ah, brother, there you are!" Klint van Zieks suddenly joins you on the balcony. His lips curl in a knowing smirk as he turns to greet you. "Mother has sent me to get you aeons ago! I've been looking for you all over. It's time to leave. Say your goodbyes, and be quick." He leaves then, giving you a moment of privacy.
"I-I, hm, I have really enjoyed your company tonight. Thank you for the dance. I fear I must be going now."
"Wait," you say placing your hand on his arm, half expecting him to recoil. He doesn't. You get on your tip-toes and you can still barely reach his face. Thankfully, he's already slouching. You press a quick, chaste kiss to his lips, hoping no one saw you. "Surely, you wouldn't have left me without a kiss goodnight?"
His face is burning now and he swallows. "Pray, forgive the discourtesy. How careless I am. I'll bear it in mind for next time." With that, he turns and leaves you.
Kazuma Asogi
He walks up to you one day right as you're about to head to your next class, looking pensive and excited at once. You know why, you'd heard the news. Kazuma had been selected for the student exchange and you were thrilled for him - no one deserved it more than he did. You just hoped you did a good job of hiding how sad you were to see him leave regardless.
"I can't leave you here without a proper goodbye. Leave your books, come on." He convinces you to skip the rest of your classes and drags you away on an adventure as he calls it.
You spend the day together, joking around, getting food and window shopping. Finally, you settle under the shade of a tree where you usually met up in secret. He babbles away about the law, the British Empire, his plans for the future.
When he runs out of topics to talk about, he goes quiet, dark eyes searching your face. "Do you know why I stole you away today?" Stole? He's so dramatic. You shake your head. "I don't want you to forget me when I'm gone. Remember this day, and me and this." With that, he gently takes your face in his hands and leans in, claiming your lips in a heated kiss. It's so intense, you feel yourself burning under his touch. Tears prickle your eyes when you part. "I hate to so you go," you whisper weakly and he gives you a sad, understanding smile. "I know. I'm so sorry." You pull him into another kiss, lying down on the grass, hidden by the shade of the tree. You're not about to let him forget you either.
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ot3 · 2 years
going to put the ask meme stuff under here so i dont spam people
Anonymous asked:
how's homura for the character opinion meme?
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i haven’t rewatched PMMM since i was around 15 so my memory of it is REALLY not the best! i wish i had more to say here. homura is a fantastic character but of course i think she is at her best when being understood through her relationship to madoka. you really cant look at her in isolation. thats just what being a teen lesbian is like its really exactly that. she was so woke for stealing all those guns too
idlyingabout asked:
edgeworth and maya for the character opinion bingo
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god i love edgeworth his arc is so fucking good. incredible stuff. hit so much harder than i ever really thought it could going in. it might be a bit unexpected to see me calling him the best character in the work as a diehard phoenix stan but although phoenix is absolutely no questions my favorite, I truly think edgeworth has the better character writing. they really hit it out of the park with that litlte freak i’m so obsessed with him, i’m going to be thinking about him on and off for the rest of my life probably.
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this makes it seem like i dont have that much to say about maya but the things i have to say about her are just mostly absent from this bingo sheet. i hate watching fans reduce her (and. every other girl in this series) to Narumitsu Advocate when shes really got so much to offer on her own. Also the shit they did with her in aa6 was so evil, it sucked to essentially watch her be a cardboard cutout that could only gasp in shock and tell phoenix to do something. really sad. there was a ton of stuff you could do with mayas character if you were gonna bring spirit channeling back as a plot point and they did none of it.
Anonymous asked:
krisgav for character opinion bingo
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the fact that i will never know what is behind kristoph gavin’s black psyche locks will haunt me for the rest of my life
Anonymous asked:
Barok Van zieks and sholmes for bingo
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i think barok is funny but he is more of a comic relief character to me than anyone whose feelings or arc i actually give a shit about.
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one of the most fascinating new types of guys takumi has invented.
Anonymous asked:
kim dokja for the bingo
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kim dokja [bursts into tears]
Anonymous asked:
Apollo!! for the chara opinion bingo :3
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my apollo opinions are very difficult for me to reckon with because i like him plenty in aa4, but most of what we get in aa4 is places his character Could go. he really doesnt get his own arc. i genuinely dont consider the stuff in aa 5/6 to be canon and i think the absolute trampling the writing got in those games killed any chance of him ever being a coherent or well executed character.
escaliburn asked:
Ema or Lana Skye
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listen i know ema is in a lot of games and gets three whole designs but that doesn’t mean she’d had enough screentime. never enough ema screentime. i love ema so much shes fantastic i think she could carry her own games.
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lana gets done dirty in that almost none of the fans who talk about her ever talk about her outside of the context of lanamia, which i think is really overblown as a ship. i think lana and mia were definitely fucking but i dont think theyre any kind of star crossed lovers. i say wasted potential because although i think rfta handled her perfectly and did exactly what it needed to do with her, the fact that she never comes up again is really tragic. shes a great character and i would have loved to see her brought back. i havent fully replayed RFTA yet and the first time i was playing it my focus was less on her as a character, obviously, but going through the whole thing for a second time ill definitely be picking her brain a bit more and will probably construct a few mind palaces there.
prringlecan asked:
Completely forgot if you’ve played dgs or not but perhaps susato for the character bingo? If not, maybe Mia?
yes ive played dgs!
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SUSATOSWEEEP SUSATO FOREVER SUSATO BEST GIRL. give her her own game. give us Susato Investigations.
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kyndaris · 3 years
Pray Forgive this Discourtesy of an Impression
Many of my friends - and by extension, I also include you dear readers of this blog - know, I have been a fan of the Ace Attorney series for a very long time. It began in the days of my youth, when I discovered Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney for the Nintendo DS. As someone that was interested in legal proceedings but was unsure of actually taking the step of becoming an actual barrister in court, it helped feed my very unique itch of shouting OBJECTION! and pointing at the counsel opposite me.
That and the fact that the lawyers of the franchise were also amateur sleuths, piecing together the truth of whatever crime had actually been perpetrated and denouncing the witnesses brought in to testify as the actual masterminds.
Honestly, I wish court cases in real life were this exciting.
Even back then, the idea of acting the sleuth and figuring out the intricacies behind a complex plot of murder had me salivating. It did not help that I had read Arthur Conan Doyle’s collection of stories about a world-renowned detective and hoped to emulate his ability to make rapid deductions based on simple observation.
So, when The Great Ace Attorney was first announced, I was justifiable excited. To play as the ancestor of the great Phoenx Wright? Interact with Sherlock Holmes in 19th century London? WHERE DO I SELL MY SOUL TO?
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To my great dismay, however, there were no immediate plans to release the games in the West. In fact, I even pondered on whether or not I should indulge in obtaining a fan translated copy (or watch a playthrough).
As the years passed, I lost hope that there would ever be a release of The Great Ace Attorney games in the West. And so, life went on.
When release day came, I was pumped to dive into the world of finger-pointing and strange reversals where the defence attorney had to prove their client innocent beyond all reasonable doubt. The game itself begins with Ryunosuke Naruhodo, a student of Yumei University being accused of murdering a visiting professor: John H. Wilson. At his side is his best friend: Kazuma Asogi, a practicing law student.
Wishing not to dash his friend’s dreams of travelling to Britain (should the trial not be won), Ryunosuke steps up to represent himself. Valiantly, he battles against Prosecutor Auchi. And just like his descendant, fumbles his way through to the inevitable truth. That he was setup and that the actual culprit was a person hidden under plain view: an English gentlewoman by the name of Jezaille Brett. She had murdered the esteemed professor through the use of a special poison that could not be identified by the technology at the time before shooting the victim to pin the blame on our hapless student.
It was a tale as old as time for those that have played the Ace Attorney series. What I liked, however, was the fact that this time round, there were multiple witnesses in the stand and how they would play off each other. Their reactions to what someone else said were great ways to enliven up the gameplay and helped move the story along when I seemed stuck on where to present my piece of crucial evidence to highlight an inconsistency.
By the end of the first trial, however, the game sees our protagonists on the way to the United Kingdom. Having stowed away in his friend’s trunk, Ryunosuke is accused once again of murder. This time, of his friend. And by the great Herlock Sholmes, no less! Unfortunately, due to copyright infringements, the translation team was forced to change the name of the character. Still, this adaption of one of the best literary detectives served to be a breath of fresh air. He was an enjoyable and lively companion. 
I also very much liked how they inserted so many references to the actual stories that were penned by Arthur Conan Doyle: the Red-Headed League, Speckled Band, Hound of the Baskervilles, the Man with the Twisted Lip...
The reinterpretations of so many beloved characters also helped to put a spin on what I would have expected. Truth be told, I never thought I would become so protective of diver-turned-inspector-apprentice Gina Lestrade. She is a precious cinnamon roll! How dare anyone think she would actually murder anyone when it’s clear that she’s a misunderstood tsundere with a heart of gold!
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After finishing the first game: The Great Ace Attorney Adventures I could not help but feel that the story was incomplete. In many ways, just like with Trails of Sky, it served as a prelude to things that would come. There were plenty of hints of what Ryunosuke, with plenty of dangling and tantalising mysteries. A few characters that were introduced, such as William Shamspeare, never got to see the limelight until the second entry: The Great Ace Attorney Resolve. 
Why have such a uniquely dressed character walk by in passing without putting them into a case? It made no sense. It was as if Chekhov’s gun, placed in clear view, remained unused.
As such, when the credits rolled, I immediately dived into the sequel. The cases that I played through in the second entry seemed much more connected and provided a more cohesive overarching plot. In fact, while I thought the first game was a good addition in its own right - what with its stereoscopic images (which was very difficult to try and make 3D on a huge television), I thought Resolve was much better at tying up all the loose ends that players were left with. 
That and we also got to enjoy the return of multi-day trials, with a mixture of investigation and court appearance, rather than ones that seemed concentrated on a single day (and were quite tiring to endure). I will say that the final episode being a continuation of the fourth was a little suspect, but didn’t mind it because of how much was revealed and discussed in those last few moments.
In saying that, the games are not without their flaws. As always, sometimes it takes a while to make the connection on what evidence needs to be presented to which statement. There were times in the first case of the second game where the hints provided to the the player once they had gone through the testimony, made me focus on a completely different area than I should have. 
I also floundered a little because the clues relied more on memory of what Ryunosuke and Susato had been discussing when they were examining the evidence, but which was not updated in the actual information. As such, it took quite a while to figure out the SS Grouse inconsistency during the fourth case in the second game.
Then, of course, there were the the inconsistencies or unexplained plot points in the games themselves. In the first case of the first game, one of the key evidences that was used to highlight who the real murderer in the John H. Wilson case was blood on a serving of beef steak. The blood was on the left of the platter. The victim however, had a bullet hole on the right hand side of the chest. Given that he had been facing the table at the time he was shot, why would the the blood be on the left side of the serving platter?
Also, how did the reporter Menimemo even get a knife to stab Jezaille Brett in the first case of the second game? Did he already have it on his person? Also, since it had been first established that the victim had been stabbed, why go through all the rigmarole of having to also prove that the reporter had both poisoned and stabbed the victim? Talk about overkill.
And someone please explain how anyone could serve as a prosecutor in a case when they have a CLEAR CONFLICT OF INTEREST! A court of law is not a place where someone can slake their thirst for vengeance. And it was clear from the start that Kazuma Asogi should have been removed because of his misguided vendetta against Barok van Zieks.
The same could also be extended to the jurors. I don’t think anyone who knows the accused or the victim personally is allowed to serve as a jury member because of implicit bias. Then again, this is a game and I should probably just enjoy the game for what it is.
Despite these little quibbles with the narrative and the fact that there seem to be a very limited number of prosecutors and defence attorneys in Britain and Japan (along with jurors), I had a fun time playing through both games. After all, never in my wildest dreams did I think that they would be released out in the West. Even the summation examinations and pitting the jury members against each other was something fresh and different. While the Mood Matrix and Apollo’s ability to perceive have given new ways to solve cases, there’s still little that’s been done to shake up the formula of cross-examining a witness.
The Dance of Deduction between Herlock and Ryunosuke was also a brilliant piece of change that made some of the investigations more fun. While I’ll miss the psyche-locks, perhaps it’s a good thing that The Great Ace Attorney has moved away from mysticism and spirit channelling to focus more on Herlock’s wacky hijinks.
And before I forget, I need to throw out a special mention to Iris Wilson, the ten-year-old child genius that puts us all to shame. Growing up in an Asian household, I’m sure my mother wishes I could have got a doctorate in medicine by that time. 
On a side note, it was fun voicing a few of the characters as I played. I’m sure my family were quite confused as to why these terrible accents were petering down to the kitchen. 
Do I have any regrets?
But it’s always fun giving voice to these wacky characters and bringing them all to life with a few flamboyant performances.
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dailyassougi · 7 years
I like all these theories but serious talk here, is that really Asougi? Maybe the emblem and poses are just red herrings. I say this because I heavily doubt that Barok would allow a Japanese to stand by his side with his intense hatred of them and Asougi would most likely stand for that kind of prejudice. It could be that Asougi has amnesia and thus cannot remember who he is but I'm pretty sure his looks indicates his race.
Alright, do I have a lot to say about this, prepare for along post. Reminder, I only have my memory, so I hope I get the details right, but feel free to correct me. I’mnot trying to come to a conclusion here, but just pointing out facts and writing my trainsof thoughts
1. It would make no sense for Asougi to be dead
I’m only assuming this if Takumi didn’t want to repeat thedead mentorTM trope. Comparing Asougi’s and Mia’s deaths, yes theyboth kinda get the ball rolling in their respective games, but Mia’s death wasan actual murder; she was killed for a reason while Asougi’s, as far as weknow, was simply an accident. I know accidents happen, but it seems weird toput so much effort into developing a character and then killing them off in asenseless manner. If Asougi is truly dead, well, then I’m expecting for everyone of Shu Takumi’s games for a dead mentor to appear, which will thereforemake future stories pretty predictable don’t yah think?
Also, looking back on AA1 and DGS1, yes, Mia’s death wastragic while I was playing AA1, but I wondered why I didn’t miss her as much asI missed Asougi (enough to make a sideblog dedicated to him mind you) and thenI realized Mia did come back in AA1 in the form of Maya channeling her and herstory still continued. There’s still a lot we don’t know about Asougi, so Ithink in one way or another, his story at least has to be continued in DGS2.
2. Maybe it’s not Asougi
Okay, this is assuming that Takumi just likes to rip our hearts outand crush them, maybe it is someone related to Asougi then? The seal on the mask andon Asougi’s family seal are slightly different, but I still say it’s probablyclose enough to point to a family member. And you’re right, the skin tone too is a deadgiveaway that this man is Japanese. I don’t recall if the game explicitlystated if Asougi had a brother/father (I remember there was speculation on the Morsecode message since it only gave a first initial) but hey, it would definitelybe more of a twist that the masked man being Asougi.
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(Credit to whitecow602 at C-R Forums for the images)
3. What if the masked man and van Zieks know each other?
I know van Zieks has a hatred towards Japanese people, so alot of counter arguments is why he would let a Japanese man stand with him at thebench? Well, way back when DGS1 was coming out, tbh, I though Asougi and vanZieks were related (but then when I learned their ages, it’s kind of hard tocome up with a valid connection that would make sense) but nonetheless, what if van Zieks and Asougi already knew each other? Van Zieks does mention that he “needed to meetsomeone” or something like that, so what if that someone was Asougi? Maybe vanZieks would make his hatred the exception for someone he knows (even though Iknow it was some Japanese man who he trusted that “betrayed” him supposedly.)
Also as a side note, I personally head canon Asougi asJapanese+White (and this is totally bias since I am myself an Asian+White kid)so maybe van Zieks wouldn’t necessarily consider him Japanese? I also rememberAsougi mentioning how he didn’t like the Japanese language when talking abouttongue twisters, which I found really odd, ‘cuz why shit on your own languageif you know English (I’m assuming he knows English) ‘cuz English is a clusterfuck of a language. The only reasonI could think of that is if English was your first language, so maybe Asougilived in England/London for a good amount before moving to Japan. It would alsoexplain how it may be possible for him to go undercover in London if he alreadyknows the area.
As for why Asougi would just stay silent with van Zieksdoing his hatred towards Japanese people thing… it’s probably just for the sakeof the mission? Kind of like when you bite your tongue when your parents saysomething racist/sexist/homophobic ‘cuz there’s no point in correcting thembecause they won’t change their ways. Either that or it’s all a façade…?
4. It’s too obvious!
Yes, maybe the seal on the mask and the poses are a redherring… but several months before DGS1 came out, I pointed out Asougi wasprobably going to die after looking at his and Ryuunosuke’s official art… so,they’ve revealed major plot points before through promotional material, just gotta have a sharp eye to connect the dots. (Alsorandom theory: given Iris’ new aviator-looking hat and the fact the DGS1’sApril fool’s showed her controlling a toy plane, I think she’s going to fly amothafucking plane in DGS2.) 
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Maybe they released the shots of the masked man sothat we can all start theorizing about Asougi’s return to build up hype for thegame? Regardless of whether it’s Asougi or not, it’s still goingto be an emotional moment when the masked man reveals his true identity. Havingthe thought beforehand that this man will be Asougi will either make us cry andthrow confetti or just crush all of our hopes and dreams.
The only thing I don’t agree with is that Asougi has amnesia…‘cuz how do you end up an assistant to the Grim Reaper of the Old Baileyif you have amnesia??? Maybe Asougi still remembers his law knowledge, but howdid he even end up with van Zieks in the first place? I guess we can only waitfor DGS2 (and very kind people who understand Japanese who can translate it :3) tocome out.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading all of my ramblings! Feel free to continue the conversation, point out some stuff I missed, or add your own inputs!
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