#I’m going to sleep eh oh el!
lonelinessmademecrazy · 2 months
You said you've been writing down (or rather, typing up) whatever comes to your head when you first wake up. Would you be comfortable sharing some of the things you've written?
Sure, I see no harm in that. Some of the dates are a bit off due to me forgetting what days I had or had not accounted for.
Also, this will probably have a “read more” section bc this is LONG.
pasta would be better without the wait time. Why can’t it be packaged like udon?
No, I’m not paying for your tax write-off of a vacation
I’m not a monster. I’m not a creature. I’m not a god. I’m human. I’m normal. I’m perfectly normal.
Just like the coocoo bird effect,I killed my false parents. Dug my teeth into their flesh and tore and shred until there was nothing left. Only blood and bone shards.
cheese. not celery. CHEESE. Worst salsa de queso ever
I want chocolate
Feigning humanity only starves me further.
They worship the very thing that will kill them. They know it’ll kill them. Why do they expect appreciation from an old deity?
el conejo es muy delicioso
Tear, rip, shred, filét, slice, stab, scratch, do what I want. I’m so hungry and so angry.
Need to make friends. I’m so lonely
You’re a fucking liar. Go kill yourself.
Better yet, let me do it for you, pathetic waste of flesh.
I’m not a monster. I’d never eat that. I’d never do that. Nobody should worship me.
I’m just a normal human.
Kitty cat!! In car!! I want a pet kitty!
Those macarons were so fucking good. I should go get some more. Vanilla and pistachio
Water would be nice. It’s so hot
Mayonnaise is such a weird condiment
Cookies and cream flavored milkshakes are the best thing to grace the shelves of my fridge.
How much could a creature possibly need to eat? So many lives lost.
Sleep is for the weak
God, please let me sleep
Sleepy time tea
Check the mail
Cult. It’s a cult. They’re in fucking cult.
They worship the same thing that warned me about them
Don’t let them know
I know
I’m starving
Cake pops would sell so good on campus.
What do you mean you want a cheeseburger combo with no cheese. That’s just a hamburger combo.
No, a combo is just the burger and fries, you’re thinking of a meal. The meal has a drink with it.
I fucking hate fast food, oh my god
My thoughts get louder at night. Just when I think things are changing.
My thoughts get louder at night.
The insistent need to tear and rip and shred. I’d never, though.
I’m not a monster.
Shut up, you can make your own damn french fries.
I deserve a pay raise
That guy is not even real. Why does everyone think he’s stalking me?
It’s raining so much. I hate hurricane season
Can I PLEASE make it to work without driving through a literal flood??
Milkshake?? Eh, ice cream is better
Hunger. It’s all I feel. No matter how much I eat, I’m always hungry.
Maybe I’m not eating the right thing.
My teeth itch every time one of you talks. You’re all so annoying, I just wanna bite out your jugulars.
Bacon jerky
Something claws from deep within, begging for just a taste. Just a drop, a shred, a chunk, a bite.
I don’t want to eat that. That’s gross. But my brain tells me otherwise.
I’ve been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet
A pawn and a king
How many lives did they truly live? How many times did they all repeat that same, vicious cycle.
How lucky am I to be an outside viewer.
An observer
Kimchi jiggae and a big ass bottle of strawberry caplico
I want strawberry milk
He’s not the guardian. He’s the firebrand. That fucking liar. You’re just as bad as your captor.
Mmmm steamed egg
Vanilla ice cream
No, strawberry
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mymommmy · 2 years
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„Tommy just let me do this okay, it’s just a quick run to look for medicine. I promise you I’ll be safe, take care of that wheel and tell Maria I’m back soon.” With that she sat on the horse and rode away
“She always does what she wants to, my god. One day this will get her killed”
“Shit, why can’t I find anything, can’t be possible.”
She search for anything at that point, even a can raviolis or beans would have done it. But no she found nothing.
“I hope I don’t need to eat you when it comes to it, Clarissa” Clarissa just bumped her head against her hand. “ let’s ride out a bit more, maybe we’re lucky.”
With that she rode further into the ghost town, buildings that crash into one another. The cinema she wished she could still go to. What would Joel’s favourite movie be? What movies could be made if the apocalypse didn’t happen? How’s Ellie, are both of them even alive?
“Stop torturing yourself y/n, Ellie is probably already at the fireflies and Joel is back at the QZ”
“Yes I know him, he’s my brother”
“Hey Tommy”…
“Maria y/n is back and she found some medicine and food” a women told her. “Thank you Leah, I will talk to her in a bit. Sorry Ellie I’ll be back in a minute”
Ellie couldn’t believe her ears, did she say y/n? Is it possible that her y/n is still alive and here? No, no joel said she’s dead. ” is it possible that I could see the horses again?” “Ehh, yeah shouldn’t be a problem. I’m on my way there anyways”
“What did you find?” A man asked the y/h/c “eh nothing much but is something, I actually found morphine and a few cans of beans and stew.” She turned around and couldn’t believe her eyes.
“Oh my god y/n, I missed you so so so much these last months, Joel said you were dead and and..” the little girl hugged her with everything inside of her
“Hey it’s okay I’m here, I’m here Ellie, alive and well” she strokes the hair on her head in a lovely and calm way.
“ I missed you too el’s, so much.” Ellie looked up to her “Joel missed you too you know, he..he talked in his sleeps. And he always says that he loves you too.”
“You both know each other?” Maria asked” eh yeah, I left my QZ with her and Joel, and we were split a few months ago when you guys saved me.” Y/n explained
“Talking about Joel, is ehm.. is he here? By any chance?” “Yes, he’s with Tommy right know, I’ll call him”
“How has life been Joel?” Tommy asked his big brother, that looked almost as old as he was
“Well I’m still here right…” he was cut off by Maria over radio
“Hey Tommy, you and Joel should head back too us. Here is someone he should meet.” “Alright got it, heading back now” “come on let’s go”
“Any idea who it could be?” Joel asked, weirded out.
“No, no idea”
“And then I jumped down and shot him.” “ how did you feel after?” “I was terrified, I thought I would have nightmares but I didn’t get any” “ I’m proud that you safed Joel sweetheart”
“So who is it that we should met? Thank god y/n your still alive, I hope you didn’t get hurt?” Y/n fell into laughter
“ I’m fine Tommy, I found some good things and didn’t need to fight of any infected.” “Good, oh by the way, this is my brother Joel.” Joel was flabbergasted, perplexed and his old heart was going 130 a minute
“Y/n?” “Hey Joel, good to see you old man” he pulled her into a hug that surprised anybody inside Maria’s office “you both know each other?” Tommy asked confused “they don’t only know each other, they love each other.” Maria whispered into his ear. “We’re gonna give you a minute, come Ellie I’ll show you around”
“You’re alive” “I’m alive” “ you’re here, in my arms” “ I am, my strong big man.” “ you will never ever leave my fucked side y/n, or I swear to everything inside of me I will kill myself” “I love you too Joel Miller”
“I thought I never get to say it, I love you too y/n l/n. Always and forever
The End
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mako-neexu · 2 years
Doctor Roman stretched from his seat and smiled giddily, his steaming cup of coffee warming his hand and bringing satisfaction to his mood, "Aah, Magi*Mari is going to release a new song again! I better get comfortable within the next two hours." He sighed dreamily, "The teaser for it was really cute too."
Gudako scoffed playfully, entering the room with a box full of saint quartz, "Isn't that like, releasing the day after tomorrow?"
"Eh? Really?" The man blinked and took out his phone to check, "Oh. My bad, I thought it was later." The way he deflated in disappointment made Gudako sigh fondly and pat his back, "At least you get to have a break later, doctor. That way you could do whatever you want while you're not on duty."
Just then the doors of the command room hissed open, revealing the beautiful genius that resides in Chaldea's main workshop, "Hai, Da Vinci here~ What's Romani moping about now?"
The teasing lilt in her voice made the doctor groan and roll his eyes. "Aren't you supposed to be in the middle of doing Fujimaru's mystic code?"
She shrugged in response, "Yeah, well, as I am human too, I need rest every so often you know? Besides, I wanted to be Gudako-chan's lucky charm for this summoning." The way Da Vinci held a proud huff for herself made the Master smile in amusement.
She just wanted to slack off, that's all. But Ritsuka appreciated the gesture.
"All right. I'm done with setting up. Shouldn't Mash be with you, Fujimaru?" Romani turned to her with a tilt of his head.
"Oh, she's on her way. She just offered to help one of the staff do something." Gudako replied. Adjusting the box of catalysts for the summoning, "Is it just me or our saint quartz are... glowing more than usual?"
It was weird. It’s almost as if it's trying to blind her a little.
Da Vinci merely shook her head and shrugged, “Seems normal to me. Maybe it's the lighting for you, Ritsuka-chan?”
She doesn’t feel dizzy or anything. No spells cast on her that felt odd, but it was weird how the quartz really glowed inside the box right now.
Well, it must be her imagination playing tricks again.
“You’re right.” The master smiled, “It’s the lighting. Well, I’m gonna go ahead and enter the summoning chamber now! Hopefully we get someone new!”
She exited the control room with a skip in her step. Since this was going to be the last summon for the month, she has to put her all into this summon.
Walking to the other room, down the hallway with the sliding doors opening for her to enter, Ritsuka hummed a tune. Tomorrow, if she was lucky, she might be able to sleep all day without the others wanting her to go in the simulator or to rayshift somewhere to satisfy her Servants’ curiosity.
After all, she was tired. All she ever wanted right now was sleep and relaxation for one day. The singularities were getting harder… but that didn’t mean she wasn’t getting stronger as well.
Training with Emiya and even learning some magecraft with Lord El-Melloi II did help her out during the times where she needed to run or cast spells in the rare case she didn’t have any servants with her.
Shifting the box under her arm, the Master began to place the colorful catalysts around Mash’s shield. Just like before, and all the times she got to do this, a surge of excitement went down her spine.
Ah, but she really has to tone it down or else she might just get her hopes up.
Once done, Ritsuka took a step back and huffed with a smile.
Even if she has to keep herself in check, smiling never hurts.
“Alright,” She whispers to herself, before giving the thumbs up to Dr. Roman and Da Vinci over to the window high above her. “Let’s go.”
With the doctor nodding back at her, the blue orbs began to circulate.
Mapo, keys, tiger plushie, bento, Arash’s fragments from his past… mhmm! She can give those to him later, some more usual stuff she could use for QP…
Eh? A golden ring? They’ve… never summoned a ring before… The piece of jewelry looks oddly familiar as well.
Nevertheless, Ritsuka takes it. Glancing back at her two friends, it seemed that they were busy chatting, along with the staff that were casually leaning against their monitors and socializing with each other as well.
While that was a good sign, Ritsuka preferred if they kept an eye on what she was summoning especially–
Black and red light began to spark and crackle in the once pristine orbs, replacing the pure blue hue that it once inhabited. It seemed that Chaldea’s system quickly caught on to the obviously wrong summoning and began to initiate a lockdown sequence of all times.
Flashing red lights blared throughout the room as she looked up to her friends in the instance that they knew what the hell was going on.
But the light, smoke, and the scent of something burning covered her senses, denying her any clear visual of her surroundings except for the center of the room.
“Fujimaru, get out of there! ” The Master heard the doctor’s frantic cry over the intercom.
Her body was already moving ahead of his words, but the blast of the three rings around the unstable shield knocked the wind out of her lungs. A sharp pain pierces through her mind from her back as the winds howled menacingly.
She has to escape. She doesn’t know what was happening, but she could feel that spine-chilling sensation whenever there was grave danger near her. It was cold and slimy, a feeling she knew well ever since she started to fight as Chaldea’s Last Master.
Soon, the black light subsided, yet smoke seemed to emanate from the center of the summoning chamber, heat could be felt from the summoning system as well. There was a person-shaped silhouette, backlighted by the soft glow of the summoning equipment.
No longer did the alarms continue to blare through, yet Ritsuka could feel herself get deaf from the silence.
Her heartbeat.
It was loud in her ears, and so was every fiber in her body telling her to make a run for it .
Her eyes caught sight of a movement, a footstep from the one that got summoned.
By now, she should be standing, facing the newcomer head on… but her body felt as if it had turned to lead. Nothing more than deadweight while Ritsuka watched the Servant come out of the summoning circle.
Though the room was naturally dark, the glow from the system itself felt brighter, one to the point where she couldn’t see the face of the person who had newly arrived. Somewhere in her chest, she felt like this was a bad idea.
That summoning this servant was bad news. But she quickly pushed it away forcibly with clenched teeth. Pushing back all of her energy into her arms and legs, the master quickly pushed herself up to stand and face the Servant.
Even though this was her first time getting a vibe from someone she summoned, she wants to welcome them despite their background or their morals, their beliefs or judgment. It was… stupid. Well, all the times she had encountered danger, she had done lots of stupid things.
The only thing she could hope for was her insane luck to come through.
There was nothing that could prepare her for the sight of what she was about to see.
As Ritsuka looked up, her entire being freezed in place.
Black combat boots, a white dress with gray accents, black gloves, loose orange-red hair–
Chaldea’s symbol etched on their chest.
When she looked up and fully saw who the person was before her, her world felt as if it had turned upside down.
The Servant…no, her self’s(???) eyes glowed in an unearthly, amber hue as they stared back at one another.
Her own eyes had the mixture of all emotions unlike the cold one that bore into her own, “Servant class: MASTER, Fujimaru Ritsuka. The World has allowed me to manifest in this timeline .”
Ah, so this was why she couldn’t breathe.
This… is a lot to take in.
A small smile twitched on the corner of the Servant’s mouth as she stood tall and proud, “I will be in your care, Master.”
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
Autumn Snz Prompt Day 1 - Sniffles Over Coffee - Joyce - Canon Divergent - Jopper
Warning: SOFT (lol)
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Winter seems to be unforgiving in Hawkins. Between frigid temperatures, snow and the wind, it keeps the town chilled no matter inside or out. Joyce makes her way down to the kitchen, socks, sweatpants and thermal on, still shivering despite the heat being run through the small but cozy house. She, the boys and El have moved back to Hawkins, they couldn’t stay away, not really. It had been only a matter of time. It didn’t hurt that the man she thought to be dead, her love, stayed to help with the disaster relief over 6 months ago. 
So she’s here, back in Hawkins, grumbling as she rubs her hands together, trying to get some warmth in the tips of her fingers. She sniffles softly while going through her usual routine of getting her instant coffee out, working on making a mug. Moments later, Hopper walks through the front door, dusting off snow that’s accumulated on him while shoveling off the driveway. 
“One of the boys could have done that,” Joyce reminds him, rubbing at her nose as she starts to prepare another mug for the man she knows is colder than she is. 
“Eh, first day of winter break. Let ‘em sleep.” 
Joyce smiles at the softness that Hop sometimes displays. Three years ago, if they had been together, she has no doubt he would have gotten all three of them up gruffly, explaining in his no nonsense, police chief voice what needed to be done. Now he’s doing it himself and letting them sleep in. It makes her warm, but not warm enough to shake the chill that’s saturated into her bones. 
“I’m making coffee for us,” she calls as the man hangs up his coat in the closet. 
Hopper comes back around a second later, holding her tight and kissing the top of her head. The smaller woman sniffles again, keeping herself close. Though his body is still cold from being outside, it’s nice and comforting, as she rubs at her nose with the sleeve cuff of her shirt. 
“You okay?” 
“Hm? Oh, yeah, still waking up,” she assures, patting his arm before reluctantly breaking them apart so she can get the milk and sugar for their coffee. 
Moving things so they’re able to sit comfortably, the reinstated police chief sits next to Joyce when she gets to the table, taking her hand as they both start to fuel up for the day. It’s quiet without Jonathan making eggs, without Will and El talking about what they’ll be doing for the day, but it’s nice. The steam from her mug makes Joyce’s nose run more, and she wrinkles it as she sniffles a couple of times. 
“You’re sure you’re alright?” Hopper asks. 
Looking at him, the brunette nods, though she doesn’t take her sleeve away, her mug now sitting back on the table. Rubbing at her nose, she sniffles thickly and then leans into him. 
“You’re pretty sniffly today, what’s that about?” 
“It’s cold, I’m cold, cold air makes your nose run,” she rolls her eyes fondly, giving him one of her signature ‘duh’ looks. 
“Don’t think I’ve ever witnessed it, is all,” Hopper smiles warmly, putting his larger hand over her own. 
As they continue to sip at their coffees, Joyce can feel an itch in her sinuses start to grow, winding its way towards her nose. She rubs at it though she can already tell it’s a losing battle, and another sniffle tips the feeling over the edge. Moving her arm, she overs it against her nose and mouth. 
“Bless you,” Hopper’s eyebrows raise and he lays a hand on her back, rubbing gently. 
“Bless you honey.” 
“hh! hXKshhhew!” 
“Joyce,” he frowns and gets up, grabbing a couple of tissues for her, pressing them into her hand. 
Gently, the woman wipes at her nose then blows, clearing her throat after. Her nose is stuffy now, not just runny, and something about the way the sneezes came out is making her throat sore. 
“Sorry, I don’t know where those came from,” she waves them off, still holding the crumpled tissues in her hand. 
“Could be you’re getting sick,” he suggests, to be careful as though he’s trying not to wake a bear.
“Don’t be ridiculous, I’m fine Hop,” she lets out a small laugh and finishes her coffee. “I need to get down to the store.” 
Hopper watches her for a moment, then nods. 
“Alright. But if you need anything, call the station ok? I can bring you lunch if you want.” 
“…that’d be nice.” 
He almost forgets. In between helping Mrs. Morris with a stolen birdhouse and talking with Callahan about a possible cigar session, it hits him, and after he sees the time, he cuts the conversation short. He speeds down to Benny’s and gets some chicken soup, fries, and a large coke for Joyce, a burger for himself, and then heads to Melvalds. 
Walking in, the store is thankfully empty, and he spots Joyce repricing items. As he makes his way over, he can hear her sniffles, and his chest aches when she coughs into her shoulder. He’s well aware that Joyce Byers is stubborn, it’s something he loves about her. But he’s also realizing it’s going to be a bitch to make her slow down. 
“Hey, lunch is here,” he says, keeping his voice on the quieter side. 
“Oh! Hey,” she turns and smiles. 
Her nose is pink, and she looks tired. Ever so slight dark circles are starting to appear under her eyes, and Hopper doesn’t think he’s wanted to take care of her more than he does now. Laying a hand on her shoulder, he steers her to the counter near the back, knowing she still has to take care of customers if they come in. 
“I got soup for you, but also fries since I’m sure you’re hungry,” Hopper explains, handing her the to go cup full of coke. 
“Surprisingly not, but soup does sound pretty good,” Joyce admits, rubbing her face. 
“So uh,” he starts, stealing a fry. “Tonight, how ‘bout we stay in, watch a movie, just relax. I think the kids said something about going to the Harrington’s place for a movie thing anyway. We’ll have the house to ourselves.” 
“That actually sounds pretty nice,” the brunette admits, leaning her cheek on the man’s shoulder. 
Subtly, as he brushes hair away from his girlfriends face, Hopper lets his palm slide across her forehead. He feels warmth, maybe just a bit unnatural. At least it’s not hot. 
“Alright it’s a date.” 
“It’s a date.”
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tigers-eyes-26 · 2 years
Face it Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Daisy looked out the window with a mixture of emotions. She was excited. She didn’t get to go on many adventures. She would leave Sarasaland for competitions and parties, but her busy empire would keep her home more often that she would have liked. But as she watched her home planet grow smaller and smaller her stomach turned a little.
An arm wrapped itself around her. “Imagine, I was helping fix some decorations for the Star Festival, the next thing I know the whole castle is in outer space!” Luigi recounted.
“How did you cope?” She snuggled into his embrace.
“Oh, I had a proper freak out.” Luigi’s eyes glassed over remembering holding his head and screaming to the point of passing out. “I didn’t think you could breathe in space!” Luigi nodded his head toward the toad crew. “I wasn’t alone, that helped a lot. We landed on a planet that had large bugs.” He shivered at the memory. “Eventually, Mario found us, and we all ended up on Rosalina’s Observatory.”
“Didn’t you started to go out alone?”
“I had to help Mario. Sometimes he wasn’t super through and would miss a power star here and there. We could send letters through lumas. I could communicate with Mario if I got stuck.” Luigi shrugged.
She smiled, “It’s still very brave.”
Luigi looked away but Daisy caught the pink tint in his cheeks.
“The Observatory is coming up!” Hint, the blue toad, yelled.
They all gathered at the large screen. The castle like Observatory was on it but there was also a dark square vessel that was docked to it.
“Is there any place to hide, so we don’t get seen by that big black ship?” Luigi questioned.
“There is a little planetoid coming up.”
“Let’s land there.”
“Okie Dokie guys,” Luigi looked at the crew, Yellow was already asleep. “Me, Daisy, and little Bit will go on to the Observatory and try to find Rosalina. You stay here. Have someone be watching the scary dark ship just in case we need a quick getaway.”
The Brigade nodded except for Yellow he mumbled, “Luigi…. Neck…choke.”
Everyone snaped their eyes to the sleeping toad shocked. A concerning frown dropped onto Luigi’s face. “Eh…Good Luck everyone….” He rubbed his neck as he turned away from the crew.
“What is he dreaming about!?” Daisy whispered concerned to Luigi as they walked away.
Luigi turned pale. “He dreams about the future…”
“…Oh…” it was Daisy turn to frown.
“Whatcha whispering about?” Little Bit floated in between them.
Luigi coughed. “Just about the plan.” He brightly answered.
“What is the plan?”
Luigi hefted his balloon contraption on his back. “Can you float us up to the Observatory?”
The Trio hid under the stairs leading up to the Kitchen.
“Ok, Little Bit.” Luigi whispered, “Can you find Rosalina?”
The Blue luma closed his eyes to reach out to his mama. “Terrance.” The luma pointed.
Daisy followed the point and looked in between the stairs toward the flower covered dome. What she saw next caused her heart to speed up. She quietly gasped, Luigi joined her side to see. He saw a medium purple alien with pointy ears. Daisy backed away, she gritted her teeth, and balled her fists. Luigi put his arms around her and rubbed her back comfortingly.
“I thought I would never see him again.” She whispered though her teeth.
Even though Luigi had never seen Tatanga he heard a lot about what he was like from Daisy and her people. “What do you want to do?”
“We got to stop him….” She knitted her eyebrows together. “I need a minute….”
He wasn’t sure about her tone of voice and what it meant but he nodded. “I’m going to try and talk to Rosalina, see if we can release her first.” Daisy agreed.
He turned to Little Bit and activated his balloon contraption.
They floated underneath the Observatory. Popping up in the center next to the Terrace. Luigi held on to the ledge until Little Bit gave him an “All clear” signal. He heaved himself up and slid along the wall of the Dome. The opening of the Terrance was covered by bars of electricity. Little Bit slid past the bars easily.
Inside of the Terrance Rosalina was sitting against the wall with her eyes closed.
“Mama?” Little Bit whispered.
Rosalinda opened her eyes. She looked tired. “Bituin?”
She opened her arms and Bit flew straight in for a big hug. “I’m so happy you made it home.” Rosalinda looked at the door. “Did you get help, my dear?” Bituin nodded vigorously so happy to be in his mother’s arms.
Luigi heard her question; he was too busy looking out for aliens but slipped his hand in front of the doorway and gave a thumbs up.
“Oh, thank goodness!” Rosalina slid closer to the doorway. “The lumas are in Tatanga’s ship. They are doing some kind of experiments on them, please help them!”
Luigi gave her another thumbs up. “I’m going to need Little Bit to watch my back as I work to free you.”
Rosalina let go of Bituin.
Luigi got out a screwdriver and used a deflated balloon to protect his hand from any electricity. He reached up and worked on the metal squares that shot out the electrical bars. One fell off and hit the grass bellow. Little Bit gave a small squeak.
A purple alien walked from the map to the Terrance dome to check on their prisoner. He glanced inside to see the lady against the opposite wall her eyes closed like she always was. He rounded the dome to observe the fiery Beacon that powered the observatory. Bored he turned around and headed toward the garage. He had narrowly missed stepping onto Luigi’s fingers. Luigi was sweating holding on for dear life. Little Bit peeked up over the ledge. Then signaled to Luigi. He activated the Balloons. The blue luma pushed Luigi back to the kitchen under the observatory.
Next Chapter:
Last Chapter:
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castle-dominion · 1 year
castle 5x16 hunt
Part two of this plot heavy pair of episodes!
These two ppl look the same
castle chill they are also worried I RECOGNIZE HIM I WATCHED THE EPISODE IN SEASON SIX BABEY! at the MOST castle
you were THERE for her castle. you couldn't be there physically but seeing you helped her
Anwar my man!
Why zoom in like that? you should view the whole scene if u can the glitch effects lol the music noooooo were the el masris in on it or smth..?
Thats right she has TWO murders to solve, well actually the driver who killed the bodygraurd already got shot & caught but now roger henson is also killed
Especkett Kate These two are such a good pair
OH NO CASTLE HIS PASSPORT RC: I’m at the precinct with Beckett. Why? Beckett: *in the loft looking for castle*
Lol greenscreen or smth but it looks good
WHAT is with the LIGHTING rn?
KB: Look, in the state that he’s who knows what he’s capable of. But he says that he knows someone that can help. ryan narc cop
I speak french you bastards! BUT I'M FRICKING DEAF. IF HEARING FROGS CAN UNDERSTAND WHAT IS BEING SAID, THEN I WANT THAT ABILITY TOO. thank you. transcript: Merci, Colette. Et si jamais vous quittez votre petit ami – (he turns around) – Richard! Thanks collette, & if u ever quit your boyfriend ; )
The unofficial man... Yeah you don't want to get involved with this sort of person, but as a father you need to do this... Rich novelist
Two young women awaiting organ transplant? sus
The place where the hostage exchange took place hhhh love the angle castle don't site beside someone, they will find you weird to me how he doesn't genuflect Jaque Henri: “Vengeance is mine”, sayeth the Lord. “I will repay.” Sometimes the Lord needs a little help, huh? Castle are you not hiring him to also,, rescue (or recover) her? My man knows things, he has his sources, esp when vetting his clients JH: And then you thank God I’m not the FBI. at least THIS man genuflects oooOOOOOOOHH thre MUSIC I LOVE IT
All these wires & stuff Ah my man is blind. You know, I would have a pretty good ear if I wasn't hard of hearing & suffering from adhd's auditory processing issues. Tendu actually means held or tense, like you're tied up with ropes & can't move or you are holding your shoulders high & your body in suspension.
JH: We call him la taupe – the mole. T/M: Il est tendu, eh? JH: Pas mal, eh.
Nothing for YOU to hear. T/M: Ah, you listen with your eyes. Shh. Me: Uh yeah,,, *uses lipreading to supplement my listening* *watches my fiddle teacher's fingers* *looks around for context clues when I miss what someone said to see if I can deduce what they said* *watches mouths to see who is talking* *turns captions on for most things* *however I listen to audiobooks rather than read myself these days except for fanfic bc podfics aren't as common* Love this mole's soundboard btw I love the music over the top of this Taupe: Hear that? Us: I can hear a lot of stuff but I can't tell what you're talking about THIS MAN CAN TELL WHICH CHURCH BELLS THEY ARE? Lik e my grampa, he used to be able to tell what car smth was based on the sound of the engine Bro go to sleep TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES I love love love this, I wish wish wish my ears were better bc this is the kind of stuff I like
Good for her but my friend's daughter is missing I NEED TO CLIP THIS MOMENT WHEN SHE KICKS THE CHAIR
ryan looks at beckett almost like he's scared Ryan tech man computer
JH: Maybe. Acoustic tiles, office space, close to a rooftop. Might fit the bill. RC, standing: I’m coming. JH: No, no, no. It might not be the place. RC: I don’t care. JH: It might be the place. gives castle a long look
Reminds me of the colonoscopy camera lol How is castle not packing a gun? THIS IS THE ROOM
Castle follow Henri's lead HER HAIR HER LONG ORANGE HAIR
Why is nobody here? Oh bc they left no trace they already left (except for alexis' hair ig) lmao wallpaper like that tbh I thought it was a bullet Why is he speaking english? Also this guy has a really nice chin btw, he is very french & THE PHONE RINGS IMMEDIATELY I LOVE IT JH: Ouai? // Yeah? Phone: [?????], tout en seul, sans le pere // I can't tell, all alone, without the father
you ARE emotionally compromised... This is what you pay me for! (I think last time I watched this I thought maybe he would do exactly what he does but I was also too invested in the story I don't think I realized)
I KNOW WHO THIS IS HEHEHEH Man found his way back to the mole cave & le taupe can still hear! btw how do they split the payment from castle? Ooh today's paper, smart! A forest? Crazy
I think you can tell it is a hard drive u just need to label it with henson Ew pics of alexis creepy (What if this tech one was in on it?) But they just told henri that it was the wrong place wrong time
Woah lots of money scary forest oh dear
I feel like you SHOULD answer except don't want the ransom guys to see u on the phone
Does his phone plan still work in paris???
Safety was off already? bc my man just cocked the gun
Il est voici, comme nous convenu I value my life more than my word Valid Who are these people? Not egyptian radicals?
Attendez! Mon paiement?
Henri un-double-crossed him? Or not. Beckett then?
American accent At least castle went for his gun Yeah castle I don't trust this guy *Shoots his phone* How do I know you're the good guy? Altho ig yeah you ARE still alive Sus man: Given how you’re feeling so bad about your $200 buck phone you might want to pick up that 3 million dollar briefcase. With those gloves I'd be scared of leaving fingerprints RC: Sounds made-up Jackson Hunt: it is
Why do they have lights on her like that? Alexis took french class
What is this guy's accent?
So dramatic I loooove it OH THIS IS HOW THE RUSSIAN JET WAS INVOLVED Volkov: It’s you. After all these years, it’s finally you. & who ARE you?
THIS IS CASTLE'S DAD? I can see the resemblance but he could be lying that is SO castle. it could totally be him appealing to castle's romantic side, the story
All these years? That's sad but valid WOAH THAT IS ACTUALLY SO SWEET HHHH that book & james bonde SOPHIA WAS RIGHT, HE DID GREASE WHEEL IN THE CIA
Oof, poor anna. that's why they chose paris Ah that makes sense
direct assault with only two of you? (Also, u want to call beckett?) all these sexy blueprints play spy shfdkjhj
Ooh undergrounds third one FROM the bottom or...? Ok castle now run
say "je suis un electricien, pour-quoi vous avez les pistolets?"
Yes they get to see each other!!! He came to get her! All the way in paris! This is the bestest episode everest! Volkov: When a man doubles his wealth, why should he give half of it away? it's ok, castle says, he KNOWS it is ok Dad's dad: Because you’ll be dead.
wdym "don't let them"? Castle just threw the guy with the gun to the ground they RAN all the way to the us embassy? Cover story? sus Probs best to keep away from contact with him after this castle, to prevent this situation again "son" hhh always sdkjfkldjf
You two SHOULD talk, for like trauma purposes Welcome home sign!
I could clip the escape if u want
are you ALLOWED to tell her?
jasdkfhasdjlfhjasdfk this was super good but also now we know castle's dad is not the inventor of whipped cream
this was a great pair of episodes. Super intense. & I spent the full hour & a half on it too
0 notes
luvvewan · 3 years
13: “Just listen to the sound of my voice.” 🥺🙏❤️
Thank you for the prompt, @sanerontheinside ! I went full Obi-whump, so I hope you like it.
The healer crouched at the edge of the bunk and took Obi-Wan’s bare feet in his hands.
Obi-Wan cried out, trying to pull away from the touch, twisting in the blankets.
“Caht, nah.” The elderly man, Hagit, said softly. He glanced up at Qui-Gon. “Numo.”
Qui-Gon had garnered only a handful of words in the native tongue, but he didn’t need to know what the healer said; he could see it in his eyes. Pity. For Obi-Wan, yes. But also for him? Fear lodged in his throat.
“Evvi, eh. Uh…here. Boy…numo.” Hagit motioned to Obi-Wan’s foot.
“Keep him still, Master Jedi, please.” Evvi, their young interpreter and Hagit’s grand-niece, translated. “He sees the spine in the left heel.”
Qui-Gon suppressed a shudder and turned away, leaning over his insensate student. Obi-Wan’s face was covered in sweat, eyes half-lidded, lips cracked and quivering. His Learner’s braid had plastered itself to Obi-Wan’s pale neck and chest. Qui-Gon smoothed it carefully between his fingers. “You are doing very well, Padawan. Just stay still. I know it’s difficult but you must not move,” he used a gentle voice better suited for younglings, despite the fact Obi-Wan was twenty three years old and a newly senior apprentice.
He watched Obi-Wan try to look at him, but another wave of pain erupted through their connection in the Force, and his eyes rolled back. Qui-Gon absorbed what he could, wanting to take it all, though even the echoes of Obi-Wan’s agony were enough to make him briefly light-headed.
He noticed Hagit was speaking again, a distant noise. Evvi said something back to him, then Qui-Gon heard several small, hesitant steps. A hand touched his arm.
“I’m sorry, Master Jedi. Removal is very painful and delicate. He does not want the spine to break apart while still in the foot. It will release more poison.” Evvi explained. “Can you hold him down?”
Obi-Wan was more powerful than his small frame would suggest. The pain and delirium made him combative, and when Qui-Gon gripped his arms he thrashed and snarled. He had never seen Obi-Wan, obedient and self-possessed Obi-Wan, untethered this way. Fingernails raked down his forearm, tore at his robe sleeves.
Sedation was not possible. The medical supplies were limited anyway. They were lucky to have Hagit, who was old enough to remember when the stone-fish were plentiful, before a plague wiped them out. Now it was exceedingly rare to catch a stone-fish on the shore, due to both its near-extinction and impressive camouflage. Obi-Wan had accompanied some of the village’s children to the water, or really they had accompanied him, starry-eyed at the presence of an offworlder, a Jedi. He had been stepping along a path of craggy rocks leading to the ocean when his foot landed on a stone-fish, its spiny, algae-crusted body hidden amongst the rocks and sand.
The pain had been immediate. The children had run, screaming, for help. By the time Qui-Gon found him, Obi-Wan was screaming too.
Other villagers had come. Among them was Hagit, helped along by Evvi at his elbow, his grey eyes milky and grave. Obi-Wan was administered a general anti-venom there on the beach, already overwhelmed by the agony that radiated from his foot through his entire body.
Evvi had told Qui-Gon the poison was brutal and quick. It was not always fatal, but it triggered something nearly as cruel: most victims were gripped by an unbearable sense of dread, demanding to be killed before the poison could fully take them.
From his admittedly foggy calculations, it had been close to an hour since Obi-Wan was attacked. Qui-Gon’s stomach lurched. He did not look behind him, where he knew Hagit was hovering at the wound site, arthritic hands shaking, preparing to perform a task of great precision.
“Still, Master Jedi. He must be still.”
He brought the Force to bear down on his Padawan while using his own brute strength to pin Obi-Wan’s wrists back onto the bunk. Obi-Wan whimpered and moaned, whipping his head to the side. Tears streamed freely down his face, snot and sweat dripping from his nose.
“Help!” He kicked his legs, trying to free himself from the healer’s grasp.
Hagit made a sharp noise under his breath, likely a swear.
“Obi-Wan, listen to me! We’re trying to help you!” He barked hoarsely, wiping sweat from his own brow before straddling his Padawan and laying over top of him, using his weight to hold him down. Their heads were pressed together and Obi-Wan wept and keened in his ear.
Qui-Gon’s heart found new ways to break. The Force was overrun with panic and hopelessness. Obi-Wan twitched and fought under him, desperate to get freed. Qui-Gon tried to use a sleep suggestion but his Padawan’s aura was clouded, elusive.
And time was draining away. He imagined the spine lodged in Obi-Wan’s tender heel, the poison seeping into his blood and causing more damage. “Just…breathe with me, Padawan, alright? There is no pain, there is the Force.”
“I can’t.” Obi-Wan whimpered.
He turned his head and pressed a kiss to Obi-Wan’s temple. “Leave it to me, then. Trust in me, young one. Whatever else is happening…it doesn’t matter. Just listen to the sound of my voice.”
He knew it was a risk, to appeal to the dutiful instinct in Obi-Wan that very well might be overridden by poison-fueled anxiety. But what else could he do? Hold his delirious student down with every last bit of strength he possessed, and possibly break his bones in the process?
Obi-Wan bucked against him, sniffling and gasping. “It won’t stop it won’t stop oh gods…”
“Shhh,” Qui-Gon smoothed his damp hair. “You are so far away from that, aren’t you? Safe with me. Safe and very tired. Only you and only me, far away.”
Nerveless fingers clutched at him. “M-Make it stop make it stop I can’t—“
“Of course I will. Hold onto me and keep your legs very still. You can do that, I know you can. Put your arms around me and hold on, as tight as you can.” Qui-Gon blinked back the sweat pouring into his eyes, body vibrating with hope and dread as Obi-Wan slowly obeyed. “That’s it. Now I want you to keep the rest of your body very, very still, Padawan. Do you understand?”
Obi-Wan heaved an exhausted sob, but nodded. His arms gripped around Qui-Gon’s back while his legs gradually relaxed on the bunk.
Hagit murmured to himself. Evvi touched Qui-Gon’s leg.
In the stuffy little room, everyone tacitly understood what would happen next.
Qui-Gon felt Obi-Wan begin to tense. “Far away,” he continued, as if there had been no interruption. “We can go anywhere, can’t we? We’ve been to so many places together.”
“Nuh, Evvi.”
“Uncle says now, Master Jedi.”
Qui-Gon closed his eyes and released his fear to the Force. “Where do you want to go, Obi-Wan? I remember you enjoying Alderaan, with all the beautiful trees. The people there were so kind, weren’t they?” He did his best not to think of the fragile procedure happening inches away. His muscles shook, ready to react if necessary. He knew once Hagit began removing the spine it could not be halted. “I can’t remember…did we visit in the summer or winter?”
Obi-Wan was holding onto him for dear life, strangled moans catching in his throat.
My brave boy, Qui-Gon thought to himself. The pain was unreal. He couldn’t begin to comprehend what it felt like for Obi-Wan.
“Kill me Master Master oh Force I can’t…”
Qui-Gon squeezed him close. He thought of what Evvi had said--the poor victims who begged for death. He had not thought Obi-Wan would reach that point. But even the Force could not insulate the young man from such all-encompassing agony.
Obi-Wan wept openly against Qui-Gon’s neck. “Master, Qui-Gon...it’s moving..what….what is it doing..?”
“Don’t move,” Qui-Gon warned. “Do you want to go to Alderaan? Or someplace else? Someplace warm?”
They had just finished an extended mission on a frigid planet, yet Obi-Wan shook his head. “N-No deserts.”
Qui-Gon chuckled. Obi-Wan sunburned easily, returning from desert assignments with pink cheeks and ears. “Of course not. No, someplace cool enough to sleep out under the stars. Kodasta, perhaps? Remember how the stars seemed so close, as if we could nearly touch them?”
Obi-Wan clutched at the robe on Qui-Gon’s back. “Y-Yes…ahhh…”
“What was the constellation you saw? I can’t remember. It was quite rare, wasn’t it? I’m never any good at that but you spotted it right away. What was it called?”
“…Th-The El…usive Mage.”
“Oh yes. That was it.”
Obi-Wan moaned into Qui-Gon’s shoulder.
Qui-Gon held him steady. The pain was beyond excruciating and Qui-Gon could only feel the edge of it; Obi-Wan had long since given up any attempts at shielding from him. It was a testament to Obi-Wan’s endurance that he had not passed out.
“Nearly done,” Evvi said.
Thank the Force. “You’re doing so well, Padawan,” Qui-Gon praised him quietly. “Keep right here with me, can you see the Mage? Close your eyes and see if it’s there.”
“I know. But we are so far away from that, aren’t we? Among the stars on Kodasta. I see them when I close my eyes. Close your eyes and you’ll see them too. No, no, you can’t twitch like that. Squeeze me instead. That’s better. Now look for the Mage with me. Help me see it.”
“Ugh…” Obi-Wan groaned and panted. “Mmmmph…”
Qui-Gon could not let their progress unravel, not now. “Is it there, towards the left?”
For several strained seconds, Obi-Wan made harsh, pained sounds and struggled for breath. Then, finally: “Y-Yes. You have to…un…ah…unfocus your eyes to see. Look for the hat f-first.”
Qui-Gon smiled, blinking back the tears gathering in his eyes. “Ah, of course.”
“It’s out, Master Jedi.”
“I see it now, Obi-Wan. It’s beautiful.”
His Padawan sagged under him, unconscious.
Qui-Gon went to the shore and walked along the rock paths, fingers hooked in his belt. The stone-fish had been immediately killed, its remaining spines safely collected and the rest of it burned by a few of the villagers. Evvi told him some of the men searched the beach until dawn, out of caution.
They had not come across a single other stone-fish. Obi-Wan’s foot had apparently found the only specimen on the entire beach.
But then, Obi-Wan had always been blessed with a particular sort of luck.
He came to the place where Obi-Wan was stung. Specks of blood stained the rocks there. His instinct was to throw them into the ocean.
Instead, Qui-Gon left everything as it was, sea spray misting his cheeks as he turned back towards the village.
When he returned to the little cottage, Hagit was sitting at a sun-bleached wooden table in the kitchen. The red-tinged spine, still full of venom, was sealed in a plastibag and held loosely in his liver-spotted hands.
Hagit looked up at Qui-Gon. He was quite old, skin sagging and eyes permanently wet.
“Boy…yes.” Hagit nodded firmly at him.
Qui-Gon found it difficult to swallow. He bowed before the healer. “Graz-ta,” he said. Thank you.
Obi-Wan was curled up on the bunk. A heavy blanket was wrapped around him, his bandaged foot sticking out from the bottom. Though he had improved since the day before, his face still looked drained of its color.
Qui-Gon glanced around the quiet, dark room. He noticed Obi-Wan’s clothes and boots tucked under a chair. Evvi had done it, probably, but it was still a familiar sight, reminding him of how Obi-Wan tended to neatly fold his tunics, no matter where they found themselves. His heart tightened; he let it pass. He knew he would feel this way after such a close call. Small, tender things about Obi-Wan were going to strike him at odd times—he knew that, unfortunately, from experience.
Like the way he would hold his braid between his fingers when he slept. Qui-Gon could not recall Feemor or Xanatos ever doing that.
He sat on the bunk beside Obi-Wan and listened to the quaint sounds of life beyond the door. He appreciated the borrowed sense of domesticity that came with staying in family houses: home cooking, careworn sheets, a calmness and mildness in the Force. He wished they could stay here until Obi-Wan fully recovered from his ordeal, but the Council had already sent them their next assignment.
Qui-Gon brushed his fingers against Obi-Wan’s forehead. Glassy grey eyes fluttered open.
“Only a slight fever now,” Qui-Gon told him.
Obi-Wan kept his braid laced between his fingers. He looked swallowed up by the thick weave of the blanket and the night shirt that was several sizes too big. Or was it simply the absence of Jedi trappings that made it more obvious that he was young, human and fragile? “Well,” he croaked, voice ruined from prolonged screaming followed by prolonged silence, “I didn’t die.”
Qui-Gon tried to laugh, but it came out as an awkward huff. He touched Obi-Wan’s cheek. “No. You seem very much alive to me.”
Obi-Wan smiled, his eyes already drifting closed. “I didn’t sense it. The…ah…thing.”
“Neither did I,” Qui-Gon admitted, gazing out the window above Obi-Wan’s head. The villagers had searched the beach, but who could search all of the sea? He began to think of other dangers on other worlds, the unnamed masses of threats that awaited Obi-Wan in his life, on their next mission, even tomorrow. “If we could sense everything, our lives would be much easier.”
“Mmmhmmm. Less interesting?”
“I’m slipping. You’re guessing my lessons before I can give them.”
“Mm, but I can…always sense you, Master.” Obi-Wan mumbled. He would be asleep soon.
Qui-Gon leaned forward until their foreheads touched. “May the Force be with you, my Padawan.”
They rarely dreamed together, but that night they did, climbing through constellations in the dark sky, safely above the sea.
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lesbianlovelanguage · 3 years
Number seven! With Holly!!
Thanks for the prompt love! <3 Time for my take on Babysitter!Billy and Holly eh? (also sorry it took so long! I got caught up in the Witcher haha)
Wednesday Afternoon
Billy knew he and Steve had a reputation around Hawkins, but really, it was getting ridiculous. Six middle schoolers, a fourth-grader, and a five-year-old? On the same night?
“Oh come on, Billy! We can make it like a giant sleepover. At least we know all of the kids get along,” Steve reasoned. Billy wasn’t having it.
“No, Steve. At this point, we might as well open a fucking daycare center if we’re watching eight kids at once, for an entire night.”
“That’s what you’re bitching about? The number of kids?” Steve scoffed. “Listen, there’s only one kid that falls more under you’re... specialty.”
“Jesus Steve, you make it sound like I want to eat he-”
“I’m just saying,” Steve talked over Billy’s protests, “Really, if you want to break it down to numbers, I’ll watch over seven of them, and you just have to keep the littlest gremlin happy. And still get half the pay.” Billy knew he was fighting a losing war, but he couldn’t give in yet. He wouldn’t give up yet. But Steve still had one trick up his sleeve. 
He widened his doe eyes, pouted a little, and whined, “If you say yes, I’ll order your favorite pizza?” 
“You don’t even know my favorite pizza.”
“That’s not a no, so I’m taking it as a yes!” Steve whooped. He bounced around for a minute before calling the list of families and telling them what time they should drop the kids off, what time they should pick them up, and all that shit Billy wasn’t very good at.
Friday Night
Billy was surprised at how smooth the night had been. 
They had ordered three pizzas, with minimal fighting about the toppings. El and Mike had seemed to come to some kind of truce. Even picking out a movie to watch was easy, since Steve has a discount now and used it in order to rent like six different movies. 
And of course Holly had been a dream. Billy was constantly amazed at how such a sweet and gentle kid could be related to Mike and Nancy, but hey. It made his job easier so it worked. The only time she had been fussy was when Billy had tried to take her out of the room while the older kids put on Gremlins because he had heard it had a weird scene with a microwave somewhere? 
But it was rated PG, so it couldn’t be that bad right? And Holly seemed okay, perfectly content to relax in Billy’s lap and occasionally steal some of the popcorn he had made.
Man was he wrong. 
The Party wanted to make a big fort to sleep in, so while Steve was helping them with that, Billy took Holly into the bathroom to help her get ready for bed. She insisted once again to stay with the others because “she’s a big kid too”. Billy looked to Steve, and they both shrugged, figuring what’s the worst that could happen? 
Apparently the worst was a crying Holly showing up in the doorway to the guest bedroom like something out of The Shining. 
“Billy, I had a bad dream,” she sobbed, before launching herself into his bed. He was helpless to do anything besides rub her back and let her cry it out. Once she stopped sobbing, only letting out a hiccup every once in a while, he pulled her away from his chest and wiped her tears.
“Hey, Holidays. It’s okay. You wanna talk about it?” he whispered. She shook her head, and cuddled closer to him. Seemed like she’d be okay to go back to sleep, so he sank back into the mattress and closed his eyes. He was on the border of sleep when she whispered.
“Where’s Stevie?”
“Probably in his room. Do you want to go sleep with him?” He could feel her shaking her head again.
“Want him to come here,” she insisted. 
Knowing better than to argue with an overtired five-year old, he agreed to go see if he could convince Steve to at least come check on her. 
Luckily, he could see a sliver of light peeking out from underneath Steve’s door, so he didn’t feel too bad about knocking on his door.
“Hey Harrington. Hols had a bad dream, wants you,” he explained to the door. Some light shuffling sounds came through and then the door opened to a sight Billy would remember forever. 
Sleep rumpled Steve was gorgeous. Hair wild and light pillow creases across his cheek. Slow nodding and a short shuffle into the guest bedroom. 
Holly was sitting up in the bed, looking anxiously at the doorway. She seemed to deflate when Billy and Steve showed up. She made grabby hands, and both boys moved towards her.
“Hey Holly berry, everything okay?” Steve asked.
“Want you to sleep with me.” 
“Okay, you wanna go to my room?”
“No! Sleep here with Billy too,” she almost yelled. Steve looked over his shoulder at Billy, like he was asking for permission.
Meanwhile, Billy was slightly freaking out. He’d thought about waking up next to Steve a couple times, though there was definitely never a five-year old in the bed with them. He almost said no, just on principle, but then Holly turned her big puppy dogs eyes on him and he practically melted.
How could he say no to her? Especially when she asked for so little compared to some of the other kids he watched?
So, he climbed into bed on the opposite side of Steve, and they all snuggled down under the comforter.
It was the best night of sleep Billy had gotten in a long time.
115 notes · View notes
queridopascal · 4 years
27&42 with pena plzzzz:)
Hi anon! Thank you so much for this request, I’ve had so much fun writing it! 🤩
Unexpected Rescue (Javier Peña x DEA Agent F!Reader)
27. Help me I’m being hit on at a bar please be my fake boyfriend for a second 
42. I’m going to save you from the terrible date you’re having
Warning: a few curse words, none I think
Prompts taken from this list
As soon as you leave your office at the Embassy, you decide to take a quick stop at a bar and get a drink.
“Cerveza y Whiskey, por favor.” (“Beer and Whiskey, please.”) you place your order with a smile and the barmaid nods before disappearing in the back room. 
She returns a few moments later and starts mixing the two drinks in a glass, pouring the beer first and adding a shot of whiskey then. She gives it a quick stir and hands it to you as you slide some cash on the counter. 
You take a sip of the cocktail and close your eyes as the perfect combination of flavours hits your tastebuds, so refreshing yet so warm down your throat.
As your eyes scan the vast display of alcohol bottles in front of you, you notice the barmaid preparing the exact same drink you’re having. She glances at you for a split second, then places another glass of beer and whiskey in front of you.
“Es de parte del caballero de allà.” (“It’s from that man right there.”)
“¿Cuál?” (“Which one?”) you ask her as you play with the rim of the second glass.
“El de la chaqueta azul...” (“The one with the blue jacket...”) she nods in his direction and you turn around.
The man with the blue jacket smiles and raises his glass at you, and you thank him by doing the same. He takes a quick sip of his drink and gets up from his seat, then strides towards you, walking as he owns the place.
“Buenas noches, señorita.” (“Good evening, miss.”) he sits beside you and snaps his fingers at the barmaid “Carolina, el mismo por favor.” (“Carolina, the same please.”) he orders.
“Gracias por el trago, señor…?” (“Thanks for the drink, Mr…?”)
“Mendoza, pero puedes llamarme Alejandro.” (“Mendoza, but you can call me Alejandro.”) he smiles at you and takes his glass “¿Brindamos?” (“A toast?”)
You nod silently and he clinks his glass with yours as he stares at you with a crooked grin. The both of you talk for a while and you are extremely annoyed at the way he is so full of himself, the typical “I do everything” kind of guy, so arrogant and self-centred.
Alejandro excuses himself for a moment to go to the restroom and you deflate as soon as you see him disappear behind the door, while the barmaid lets out a dry laugh.
“No seas tonta.” (“Don’t be a fool.”) she perches the top half of her body on the counter “Es una serpiente, eso es lo que es!” (“He’s a snake, that’s what he is!”) she whispers at you.
“¿Y cómo me deshago de él?” (“And how do I get rid of him?”)
“Llama a un amigo.” the barmaid shrugs her shoulders and turns her back to you as she dumps some empty glasses and spoons into the sink.
You rake back your hair and let out a long sigh as you contemplate what to do and how to do it, when, all of a sudden, you hear a familiar voice right behind you.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” Javier takes Alejandro’s now vacant stool and looks at you with a puzzled expression.
“You’re right on time!” you shake your head in disbelief and clap your hands together like a little girl.
“Will you please tell me what’s going on?” he places both elbows on the counter and cocks an eyebrow at you.
“The stool you’re sitting on is taken by a certain Alejandro Mendoza, who happens to be hitting on me.” 
“And, let me guess, you want me to save you from the terrible date you’re having?”
“Yes, exactly!” you exclaim “Please, be my fake boyfriend for a second. Please.” you are practically begging him with folded hands.
“Fine, I’ll do it. But only because it’s you.”
You surge forward and wrap your arms around his neck: his body tenses at first, but immediately relaxes when you put your head on his right shoulder and he responds by placing both hands on the small of your back. You close your eyes for an instant, and when you reopen them, you notice Alejandro coming out of the restroom.
“Oh no… he’s coming back. Quick, we have to do something!” you pull away from the embrace and Javier lets out a chuckle.
“What’s so funny, mh?” you fold your arms and glare at him.
“Will you shut up for a second or do I have to shut you up?” he whispers and draws impossibly closer, you can feel his breath on your lips and you stare at him, speechless.
His right hand cups your cheek and your heart skips a beat once you feel his soft lips on yours. You close your eyes and open your mouth, feeling Javier’s tongue glide against yours, slowly and languidly, and you lose yourself in his scent and his warmth.
He pulls away for air, but you move forward and claim his mouth again, earning a surprised gasp from him. Your hands slide under his leather jacket and come to rest on his chest, feeling the burning skin under his shirt as he kisses you back intensely.
When you finally pull away, Javier is panting, his mouth agape as his chocolate eyes dart back and forth between yours.
“Creo que este es mi asiento.” (“I think that’s my seat.”) Alejandro taps Javier’s shoulder and he turns around, looking him up and down.
“No veo tu nombre escrito, amigo.” (“I don't see your name written on it, man.”) he looks at him defiantly as he tugs you closer.
“Si no cierras la boca verás mi huella de mano en tu cara, hijo de puta!” (“If you don't shut your mouth you'll see my handprint on your face, you son of a bitch!”) Alejandro shouts angrily, drawing attention from everyone.
“¡Eh, basta!” (“Hey, stop!”) Carolina grabs Alejandro by the arm and takes him away from you and Javier “¡Fuera! ¡Este es mi bar y lo mando yo!” (“Get out! This is my bar and I’m in charge!”) she accompanies him outside and slams the door.
You both chuckle at that scene and you turn to your drink, adrenaline still rushing through your veins.
“I guess it worked.” Javier smiles at you and gestures to Carolina, who hands him a beer.
“Yeah, I guess so.” you clink your glass to his bottle of beer and you both stay there a little more, talking long into the evening.
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @sleep-tight1 @mssbridgerton @imcalledflorence @withakindheartx
JAVI TAGLIST: @xjsteph 
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charincharge · 4 years
I Don’t Want To Wait, seven
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rowaelin high school bff au masterlist
Based on the prompt:
Sharing is caring. Now, give me the hoodie!
“I’m never drinking again,” Aelin moaned as she rolled over on Lysandra’s bed, shoving her head under the pillow. She knew Rowan had censored himself filling in the gaps of her night. Saying she was an angry drunk, though accurate, was not quite specific enough.
Apparently, she and Rowan had had a screaming match in the kitchen that he failed to mention, and Aelin had zero recollection of.
“The entire kitchen cleared out,” Lysandra explained, “Lyria included. But you were… pretty loud.”
Aelin groaned into the pillow.
“Why wouldn’t he tell me?”
Lysandra patted Aelin’s foot, trying to be comforting, but Aelin didn’t want to be comforted right now. She kicked Lysandra’s hand away.
“This is the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Lysandra snorted and poked her bare foot. “At least he thought you were talking about someone else?”
Aelin peeked out from beneath the pillow and frowned again. “That is so much worse. Now he thinks I’m mad at him for not letting me kiss NOX OWEN.”
“What else was he supposed to think? You can’t exactly blame him. You smacked his drink out of his hand and started screeching about how he ruined your kissing plans.”  
“As if I’d ever have a chance with Nox. I barely even have a chance with Rowan, and he’s been my best friend since we were eight.” Aelin sighed loudly. “Whatever. Everything is ruined now. He’s going to prom with Lyria.”
Lysandra frowned, the pity evident in her bright green eyes as she flopped down next to Aelin on her comforter. “I’m sorry, boo.”
“Tell me one more time,” Aelin sighed. “Exactly what we both said. Every word.”
“In the kitchen?”
Aelin nodded.
“You stared at Lyria’s hand for like… a full ten seconds. Then you smacked the drink out of Rowan’s hand, and screamed – Where’s my drink, bitch? And he very calmly said, What the fuck, Aelin? Because… you know. The drink spilled all over the floor. Then you screamed at the top of your lungs, I NEEDED ANOTHER DRINK, AND YOU RUINED EVERYTHING. And he did that eyebrow thing you hate and asked, What did I ruin? And then you screamed back KISSING PLANS. That’s when the kitchen started emptying out.” Aelin groaned.
“It’s so much worse hearing it again.”
Lysandra paused. “Do you want me to repeat the rest?” And Aelin nodded tentatively. It was masochistic, but she needed to hear it all again.
Lysandra sighed loudly, knowing the worst was about to happen. “You fucking raged, Aelin. You incoherently started screaming – I HAD KISSING PLANS. AMAZING REAL FIRST KISS PLANS AND YOU RUINED THEM BY GETTING DISTRACTED.” She crinkled her nose at that. “And it looked like Rowan was going to say something, but you just kept going on and on about your ruined kissing plans. You called him an idiot….” Aelin cringed. She couldn’t believe how belligerent she was. “And then you screamed, YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO COME BACK WITH MY DRINK. THE DRINK WAS INTEGRAL TO MY KISSING PLAN. Which, by the way, nice SAT vocab drop while you were blackout drunk. That was impressive.”
Aelin couldn’t do anything more than flick off her friend. She was too busy berating herself for all the stupid things she didn’t remember saying when she was drunk. She’d been this close to telling Rowan she’d planned to kiss him. And she’d said FIRST KISS. It wasn’t like she hadn’t kissed anyone before – she totally had. There’d been several games of truth or dare which included kisses and a braces-filled makeout session at Camp Terrasen in eighth grade. She’d just meant their first kiss. She wanted to die.
“Then he got really mad himself and screamed back at you that you should have told him about your kissing plans, so he didn’t ruin your night. And you screamed back it didn’t matter since it was already ruined and clearly you could get your own drink.”
“I think that’s when he realized you’d had a little too much to drink that he’d clearly missed. And he sought out Nox, who explained the drink chugging, and while that happened, you literally chugged another drink and then launched yourself at Salvaterre.”
“I have to apologize,” Aelin said, but Lysandra shook her head.
“He didn’t bring it up for a reason.” Lysandra softened her eyes, running her hand through Aelin’s freshly showered hair. “I think once you punched Lorcan he chocked everything up to wasted nonsense.”
Aelin shoved her face into Lysandra’s pillow and let out a low laugh. What a nightmare. “I’m just grateful you and Elide were there to change me,” she said. “I can’t even imagine my embarrassment if Rowan had to peel me out of puke-covered clothes.”
“Yeah, you owe us for that one.”
Aelin’s mouth dropped in shock. “You left me to sleep on the bathroom floor!”
Lysandra laughed. “Only because you scissor kicked Rowan in the knee when he and Wes tried to take you up the stairs.” She looked at Aelin. “He’s not mad at you, Ace. He was going to let you sleep in his bed. Puke-covered and all.”
Aelin rolled onto her back. “But he’s going to prom with Lyria,” Aelin repeated again.
“She’s nice,” Lysandra quipped, causing Aelin to glare at her. “But she’s not you.” Aelin’s lips quirked upward at that. “He’ll figure it out eventually,” she said, letting Aelin breathe a sigh of relief. She really hoped Lysandra’s assessment was true. “Or he won’t, and you’ll spend the rest of your life pining away.”
Aelin snorted loudly. “Gee, thanks.”
“Welcome, bitch.”
Lysandra paused, her green eyes soft and nervous instead of holding their usual brash confidence as she continued. “I know you and Rowan are special best friends with, like, a special best friend song and everything.”
“We do not have a special best friend song?” Aelin interrupted, causing Lysandra to laugh and boop her nose softly.
“You do. It’s ‘Dancing In The Moonlight,’ which is adorable, but not my point.”
“And that is…?”
“I know I’ll never be Rowan, but I’m still a best friend, and if you need to talk about things… you can tell me. Especially if they’re Rowan things.”
Aelin bit her lip and breathed nervously. “I’m glad you know.”
“Oh, babe,” Lysandra laughed, rubbing Aelin’s shoulder softly. “I’ve known about your feelings for years. I’m just glad you finally told me.”
Aelin groaned and shoved her head under the pillow again.
Dear journal,
I don’t know who else to talk about this with. I know Lysandra KNOWS now, but I just need to vent to someone impartial, okay? Things with Rowan are so weird… because they’re not weird at all. After Lys told me what I screamed at him, I was sure he’d finally come out and clear the air, but it’s been a WHOLE WEEK, and he hasn’t said anythingggg. Everything is just…. normal??? He even let me keep the lacrosse sweatshirt Lys and El put me in. I tried to give it back, but he told me it was mine now. What the hell is THAT about? What does it mean?
I want to tell him I know about the fight, but then I’d have to explain I was screaming about kissing him, and I don’t know if he wants to hear that anymore.
All I know is that every time I look at him I feel like I’m about to explode. Not to mention I’m about to go suit shopping with him for ~PROM~ and I’m kind of freaking out. What is Rowan in a TUX going to do to my body? I might just combust there on the spot. Maybe he’s right. I should ask Lys to teach me how to … you know (masturbate). I tried to watch a video (I KNOW), but I got a million pop ups and got too nervous and shut my laptop off. Maybe I should look on my phone next time. Do phones get pop ups?
Xo, Aelin
5/21/20 – age 16
Aelin slammed her journal shut and shoved it under her stack of decoy notebooks in her nightstand just before Rowan appeared in her doorway.
“Ready to go, Ace?”
She nodded and stretched her arms above her head, shaking out her hand, which was cramped from writing so neatly in her journals.
“Don’t you want to bring a jacket?” Rowan asked, looking at Aelin’s bared stomach pointedly.
“It’s almost June, Buzzard, don’t be such a prude,” she answered, her arms self-consciously crossing over the chest of her cropped t-shirt.
He rolled his eyes, leading them back downstairs, and Aelin grabbed her purse and followed. “Don’t come complaining to me when you’re too cold.”
“I would never,” she gasped, feigning shock. “And don’t forget you owe me post-shopping ice cream.”
“Oh, bring me back a pint of chocolate peanut butter,” Rhoe called out from the kitchen, his blue eyes peering out from behind the giant pages of the Orynth Times.
“Sure thing, Dad,” Aelin called out, passing by the kitchen with a wave.
“Wait, wait, wait.” Aelin doubled back and peered into the kitchen where her exhausted looking dad sat. “Rowan is taking you shopping? Has hell frozen over? Rowan, how did you get conned into this?”
Aelin looked up at Rowan, who scratched his head uncomfortably. “She’s actually taking me shopping. I need a tux for prom…” Rowan trailed off, his cheeks turning slightly pink as Rhoe returned a surprised look at the child who was practically his surrogate son.
“Ae, do you need a dress?” he asked, suddenly looking worried. Her dad would give her the moon if he could, but supporting a daughter on a firefighter’s single salary was often more than he could manage.
“Oh, no,” Aelin shook her head, carefully concealing her hurt feelings with a devilish smirk. “Rowan got asked to junior prom.”
Rhoe’s eyes widened, flickering between his daughter and Rowan rapidly, before smiling softly. “An older woman, eh?”
“It’s not like that…” Rowan grumbled, his cheeks flushing slightly as he looked down at the ground at his well-worn running sneakers. “I barely know her. I just said yes to be polite…”
“Sure, Buzzard,” Aelin said, poking Rowan’s side. He frowned at her unhappily, flicking her finger away.
Rhoe barked out a loud laugh. “Have fun, you two.” He fixed Aelin with a serious stare. “Make sure he picks out something really embarrassing, kiddo.” His stare broke as he winked, sending them off on their way, Rowan rushing out of the house as fast as his feet could carry him.
“Oh yeah,” Aelin laughed. “I’m putting him in blue ruffles first.”
“You are not!” Rowan called from outside, already starting up the jeep.
Aelin waved goodbye to her dad and hopped into the passenger seat, cranking up her mix, which was still playing in Rowan’s car.
“I look stupid,” Rowan whined, shoving his hands into the pockets of the umpteenth different styled tux the shop attendant had pulled for him. This one was black, again, but some kind of shiny material, and the pants had a stripe up the side.
Aelin couldn’t help the small frown that tugged at her lips at how picky her best friend was being. She honestly assumed the boy who mostly lived in athletic shorts and t-shirts would be fine with the first suit he tried on, but he was being finnicky and far too particular for someone who “just said yes to be polite.” And it was starting to get on her nerves. What she thought was going to be an exercise in sexual restraint was actually just trying her patience.
“Shiny, no good!” the salesman agreed, his accent curling thickly around his criticism.
Rowan sighed and turned to look at Aelin, who did her hardest to neutralize her facial expression before he saw her frown, but it was too late.
“I knew it,” Rowan grumbled, peeling the jacket off and handing it to the salesman, who cleared out the full dressing room again, and Aelin gnawed at her lip, trying to think of something comforting to say.
“It’s not bad…”
“Don’t fucking lie to me, Ace.”
“Language!” the salesman snapped, and Rowan’s mood lifted for a brief second as he laughed in shock, his eyes going straight to Aelin, as if to say Can you believe this guy? She shook her head in agreement, and she was relieved to see a smile on his face for the first time in two hours.
Aelin pushed herself off the small chair in the communal dressing room space and approached Rowan. She cocked her head to the side and let her eyes shamelessly trail his form. He was right about this particular suit. It did look stupid. But none of the suits, all in differing shades and cuts of black, had looked right. As her gaze trailed back up to his face, his breath held, patiently waiting for her conclusion, Aelin had a stroke of genius.
“Black isn’t your color, Ro. It’s washing you out.” Rowan’s face scrunched at her assessment, clearly unpleased. But the stark contrast between the white and black, combined with his pale hair was doing something to his usually tanned and glowing skin, and it wasn’t good.
“I refuse to wear a light blue suit,” he said, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.
“Not something bright. Just… subtle color,” Aelin explained, and the salesman started nodding rapidly.
“Ah, yes, the Bellissima is correct. Color. Yes, color! COLOR!”
He excitedly ran back into the shop and returned with suits in various dark shades of navy and emerald and maroon slung over his shoulder. Aelin watched in amusement as he shoved Rowan back into the dressing room, telling him to try the green first.
Aelin stood impatiently, arms crossed and leaning against one of the 360 mirrors, hoping against all hopes that her assessment was correct. She wasn’t sure she could endure another two hours of this. Another five minutes would be bad enough, to be honest.
When Rowan walked out to the small platform, she knew she’d nailed itt. Her pulse thrummed loudly, and she could feel her lips part, inhaling a large gasp into her drying mouth. Rowan looked…
“Wow,” Aelin whispered at the same time Rowan said, “Huh,” peering into the mirror.
Aelin stood up straighter, pushing herself up and getting a closer view of the striking boy in front of her. The green was so dark, it just barely contrasted with the black lapels and trim of the suit, but the color brough a warmth to his face that had been missing, the green of his irises prominent beneath his long blonde lashes. Those bright eyes peered over at Aelin, searching for her reaction, and she couldn’t help the soft blush that appeared across her skin as they locked with hers.
Rowan cleared his throat, coughing lightly as he smoothed the jacket out, pulling the lapels gently. “Uh, yeah. Good call, Ace.”
Aelin lifted her long hair into a high bun, needing something to do with herself besides stare and to allow the breeze of the store fan to cool the back of her neck.
“The one!” the salesman cooed, running his hands across Rowan’s broad shoulders proudly. “We did it!”
When Aelin looked back up, she was surprised to see Rowan’s eyes still on her, gauging her reaction with curiosity. He raised a blonde brow in her direction, and Aelin was afraid for a second that she was going to launch herself at him right there and kiss his face.
Instead swallowed loudly and clapped her hands, shaking off the intensity of his gaze and smiled broadly. “About time, Buzzard. Now, let’s go get me some ice cream.”
The moment was broken as Rowan rolled his eyes and made his way back into the changing room, slinging the suit over the door as Aelin exhaled and slumped back into the chair for a brief reprieve.
“Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream,” Aelin chanted as Rowan paid for the tux rental.
Rowan slung his arm over Aelin’s shoulders and smiled down at her. “Fine. You earned it.”
“Hell yeah, I did,” Aelin said, as the salesperson shouted, “Language!” at them again, as they ran out of the store, both giggling.
By the time they reached their favorite ice cream spot, the sun had set, and the swift down current breeze of the Staghorn Mountains had started up, cooling the temperature significantly from the balmy afternoon Aelin had dressed for.
She looked out at the dark water, shivering slightly as she took her first bite of mint chocolate chip. Rowan bit back a smile as he wrapped his hoodie around himself tighter, keeping the winds out, happily eating his cookie dough without danger of freezing to death.
On her third bite, Aelin finally broke. “Oh come on, Buzzard, sharing is caring. Now, give me the hoodie.”
“I told you to bring your jacket!” Rowan laughed just as a particularly strong gust cut against Aelin’s exposed skin, making her shudder. “Oh for fuck’s sake,” he snorted, opening up the hoodie and nodding to her. “Get in here.”
“Really?” she asked, teeth chattering.
“You’re the worst,” he joked as he unzipped his hoodie and held it open, and Aelin practically raced into it. Rowan’s smile grew as he zipped the hoodie back up, which shockingly stretched large enough to fit them both. Just barely. Aelin pressed her cheek against his chest, soaking in his warmth as his free hand rubbed her back. She shivered again, but this time having nothing to do with the cold, warmth and desire radiating through her body as she felt every twitch of his muscles, every shallow breath.
“Better?” he asked, and she nodded, smiling happily into her next bite of ice cream. She savored each bite, not wanting the moment to end too soon. Each bite tasting better than the last, surrounded in Rowan’s grasp and heat. She breathed in, his heady scent filling her head, his embrace feeling so perfect around her. Her stomach calmed, everything suddenly feeling so right.
“Thanks, Ace,” he said quietly, resting his chin on her head. “I know that’s not how you wanted to spend your Saturday.”
Aelin finished her last bite and leaned harder into his warm chest. “I don’t care how we spend our Saturdays,” Aelin admitted. “As long as we’re hanging out.”
“Cool,” Rowan said, sounding so lame that Aelin couldn’t help but laugh, and she could feel him hiding his own smile in her hair. “Okay, we have to get back into the car,” he laughed outright, his hands rubbing circles onto her back, and Aelin shook her head into his shirt. No, she wanted to stay just like this forever.
“I’ll freeze to death!” she countered instead.
“We’ll just have to make a run for it. I don’t plan on losing you tonight, Ace.” Aelin groaned, but Rowan knew he’d won. “On the count of three,” he warned her. “One… two…” On three, he unzipped the hoodie, and Aelin screeched, her voice raising to glass shattering levels as she sprinted towards the jeep, wind whipping through her thin t-shirt and cutting against her warmed skin like ice.
Rowan unlocked the jeep as they ran, and they both launched themselves into their seats simultaneously, joyful laughter bubbling up in both of them and filling the car.
Aelin watched Rowan as he turned the car on, and immediately cranked up the heat. Her stomach fluttered again, and she crossed her legs to quell the ache of desire that had begun to take over her body.
As stealthily as she could, she pulled out her phone and texted Lysandra again.
I need some help.
Her phone lit up with Lysandra’s returning message almost immediately. XYZ kind of help???
Aelin snorted at the use of Rowan’s code name. Lysandra had suggested if Aelin ever wanted to talk about Rowan in text, she probably shouldn’t use his name. Just in case he ever saw. Aelin had immediately suggested his initials, RW, but Lysandra smartly pointed out he was the only RW they knew. Lysandra cackled, suggesting XYZ – because it came right after W. And with any luck, Aelin would be coming soon.
Aelin’s cheeks flushed as she texted back. Can you teach me/instruct me/explain how to masturbate?
Aelin laughed softly, and Rowan looked at her curiously, from her cheeks to the phone lit up in her hand.
“Who could you possibly be texting right now?” he asked, and if Aelin didn’t know better she would have thought he maybe sounded slightly put out.
“Lysandra,” she answered, a little too quickly, but her heart was beating too fast at the inappropriate back and forth she and Lys were having, especially since she wanted to fantasize about the person sitting right next to her while she… learned.
“What about?” Rowan asked, curious.
Aelin bit her lip. “You were right,” she said, her face probably beet red. She was grateful he couldn’t entirely see the color in the dark.
“About what?” he asked. “I mean, I’m often right about a lot of things,” he added cheekily.
“Masturbation,” Aelin replied as confidently as she could, while feeling like her skin was going to burn her alive. The car swerved slightly as Rowan snapped his head to look in her direction.
“Yeah?” he asked, his voice sounding strained and high.
“Lysandra’s going to teach me.”
Aelin could feel her best friend’s gaze puncturing holes into her flaming cheeks as he searched for something to say. But when she looked up, she couldn’t speak fast enough.
“ROWAN!” she shouted as the jeep crashed straight into the taillights of the car in front of them.
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flowers-creativity · 4 years
Fic: The One Bed Job
Fandom:  Leverage
Characters: Eliot Spencer, Parker, Alec Hardison
Warnings: None
Summary: A rainstorm forces Eliot, Parker and Hardison to take shelter in a cabin in the woods. There is only one problem ...
Notes: Written for Spud (@callipygianspud) for the @leverage-secret-santa-exchange with the prompts “Parker/Hardison/Eliot, oh no one bed?!?!, slice of life bickering”.
There are a lot of firsts in this story for me, most notably that it's my first Leverage fic ever! It was a lot of fun working on it - thanks to the mods of the Leverage Secret Santa Exchange for organising this 😊.
I’m late in posting it because I missed that the authors had been revealed but finally, here it is on my blog, too.
AO3 link
Eliot threw the truck into park and stared out the windshield at the desolate view: a cabin in the middle of the woods, looking small and forlorn in the wind that had been picking up speed over the last hour. Rain was driving diagonally across the picture, and he didn't want to make any bets on how long it would be until it was going fully horizontal. “Damn it, Hardison, that's the best you can do?”
“Hey man, you wanna try finding a place to stay in the middle of nowhere during a rainstorm, with no advance warning?” Hardison twisted in his seat and stabbed a finger at him. “I'm not freaking clairvoyant, couldn't have known it woulda hit so hard!”
“Yeah, well, always actin' like you are,” Eliot growled as he unbuckled his seat belt. There was no use arguing, they were out of other options. Not that it would stop him from doing it anyway. “C'mon, let's look at that rat's nest you found for us.”
“No appreciation, man,” Hardison mumbled. He took off his seat belt, then twisted around and nudged the lump that was Parker on the backbench, just a shock of blonde hair peeking out from under the blanket she'd wrapped herself in. “Hey mama, we're here. Time to wake up!”
The lump protested sleepily but finally uncurled to reveal the thief who stretched and yawned mightily. “Where's here?” she asked.
“Cabin in the woods,” Hardison said. “Storm's getting pretty bad, so Eliot wanted to stop driving. Never mind that we're in a Faraday cage,” he added, raising his voice so the hitter just about to close the driver's side door could hear him, “but apparently the only thing frightening big bad Spencer is some lightning. Can't hit that, eh?”
“Hardison,” Eliot said grumpily, pulling the door open again, “you wanna wrap the car around a tree 'cause you can't see with the rain comin' down so hard, be my guest.”
Parker snorted and leaned forward to give Hardison a quick peck on the nose. “He's got a point there,” she pointed out.
Eliot flashed her a quick look of thanks, fighting down the incongruous urge to have a corner of his mouth tick up. It wasn't a smile; it wasn't. And it wasn't a problem that his face constantly wanted to do that around those two lately. He finally slammed the door shut and switched on the heavy-duty flashlight he kept in the truck's cabin at all times. He more sensed than heard the passenger side's door opening and the other two hustling after him as he made his way towards the cabin, the rain soaking him down to the skin within moments.
The door was locked; he contemplated it for a moment, then stepped aside. “Parker, do your thing,” he commanded, directing the beam of light onto the lock. She gave a quick sound of delight and dove forwards with her lock picks appearing in her hands like magic. That lock wouldn't take her more than five seconds, he knew, but even that was probably a treat for her after an exhausting job that had her do most of the grifting. No matter how much she had grown and learned since they had become a team, coming into her own in both the grifter and the mastermind role, she would never love it as much as she did the jobs where she could be what she really was, a cat burglar and safecracker.
It was maybe eight seconds until the lock clicked and Parker stood back up. She frowned a bit at the door as she pocketed her lock picks. “Sorry, I'm off my game,” she said.
Hardison huffed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Don't be ridiculous, babe, you're fine. A bit tired, that's all.”
Eliot nodded and gave her a quick pat on the back before he pushed open the door and went ahead into the cabin. “Stay here,” he told them as he swept the flashlight's beam through the room.
Hardison rolled his eyes so hard Eliot could hear it even though he had his back turned. “No need to unpack the guard dog routine, El,” he said, and another flashlight beam joined his. “It's a cabin in the middle of the woods. If there's anything dangerous, it'll be a bunch of spiders or a raccoon at best. C'mon, I wanna get inside and get dry.”
Eliot flashed him a nasty grin over his shoulder. “You're the geek, tell me how many horror movies there are that look just like this,” he said. “And how the black guy usually does in them.”
“Damn, man, don't you use pop culture against me, that's just wrong,” Hardison complained.
Parker snorted a laugh, still leaning against Hardison's side. “We'll protect you, Eliot and I,” she told him earnestly, then slipped from his arm and had his flashlight in her hand a blink of an eye later. “I'll help him make the security sweep, and you find out if there's electricity.”
Hardison sighed in defeat and waved them off, shaking his head. “Then go do what you gotta do.”
“Nice to know we have your approval,” Eliot said with a smile that was all teeth and very little warmth (no matter that he wanted to put a lot more into it). Nevertheless, he didn't further protest Parker's joining him and sent her off to check one of the two doors leading from the main room while he finished sweeping its meager contents – a small table with two rickety chairs, a wood stove and an old cupboard that held a little bit of crockery, a battered pot and a few cans of soup. He left Hardison to poke around near the stove, mumbling to himself about barbaric conditions and using his phone as a flashlight, and headed for the second door.
It didn't take much time to determine that this was the bathroom, such as it was, and little more to check the shabby toilet and sink – they worked, which was probably the best they could hope for. When he emerged back into the main room, he found that Parker had just done so, too, and was now perched on the table. For once he could not fault her for her propensity never to sit on a chair like a normal person; the table looked like a much safer bet.
“That's the bedroom,” she reported immediately once she caught sight of him coming back, pointing at the room she had checked. “Nothing there but a lot of dust and spiderwebs.” She grinned brightly. “Only one bed, though. We'll have to snuggle close, it's not very big.”
“Wa---” Eliot was vaguely aware that he was standing there gaping like a moron but his mind was stuck on Parker talking about snuggling in one bed.
“Huh, what was that, Eliot?” Hardison had abandoned whatever he had been doing with the stove – couldn't have been lighting a fire, he severely doubted Hardison could do that – and came over, leaning against the wall next to the table with Parker on it, both of them weirdly illuminated by the display light of Hardison's phone.
Eliot finally marshaled his thoughts enough to grind out: “I'm sure you'll be fine for one night. I'll take the floor.” Parker must have been talking about herself and Hardison anyway, no reason to assume that she wanted to snuggle with him – even if his traitorous heart had done just that.
Parker frowned. “What? No, you won't,” she said with a shake of her head. “Not when there's a bed and no reason for you to be on watch. We'll fit in there the three of us.”
“Wha-- Dammit, Parker, you can't just get into bed with any man!” Eliot protested.
“Fine, then Hardison and you can take the floor.” She folded her arms over her chest and stared at him, the challenge more conveyed by her tone than by her expression he couldn't see too clearly in the gray light on her face. Next to her, Hardison made an outraged sound, just as Eliot sputtered:
“What? No, why should Hardison sleep on the floor?”
“Well, if I can't get in bed with any man, then I can't get in bed with you two, since you're both men,” she said with a shrug, in that tone that clearly said that she thought she was being perfectly reasonable.
“But he's not any man,” Eliot pointed out, “he's your boyfriend.”
“Okay,” she said, cocking her head to the side in one of those moves that made her look sort of like a bird, “but you're not any man, too. You're Eliot. My--” she broke off, gave a short sideways glance to Hardison and then continued: “Our-- You're Eliot. So you can come, too.”
Eliot sputtered again, and how did she always manage to have that effect on him? He was Eliot goddamn Spencer, he was always in control, but she stole it from him as easily as pick-pocketing a watch was for her, with nothing more than a few words and looks. He desperately looked to Hardison. “Back me up here, c'mon, man!”
Hardison, the son of a bitch, just shrugged, his teeth white in the dim light as he grinned. “You heard the lady,” he said, “you're not any man, so you can get in bed with her, I mean, with us, any time.”
“I-- But--!” Eliot raked his left hand through his hair, casting around for the right thing to say, to make sense of these words in a way that didn't make warmth spread through his chest and … somewhere else that had made a very specific sense of it and was sitting up and taking notice. In the back of his mind, another part was busy pointing out that in a way, any man was probably better to have in your bed than Eliot Spencer. It was surprisingly easy to disregard this voice, though, just as Parker and Hardison disregarded his words whenever he pointed it out to them. He had told them so a hundred, a thousand times, even had shown them glimpses of it a few times – the swimming pool, probably even the warehouse, despite Nate's promise not to tell anyone – and they had always sailed past it without the slightest worry despite what he had been, what he still was. And he knew it was true: whatever danger he presented, it never was a danger connected to his past. Only to a present that he held sacred in his heart like a talisman, like he had held preciously little since he had lost faith in God and the American flag and whatever else he had believed in once upon a time.
“Helloo-ho!” Hardison suddenly loomed up in front of him, his face just inches away from him. “Earth to Eliot!”
Eliot honest to God flinched and took a step back. “Dammit, Hardison!”
The hacker raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “You back with us, man?” He looked him over seriously. “Honestly, I'm starting to think you're getting sick. You're usually more with it than that.”
Eliot took a deep breath and ran a hand over his face. “I'm fine,” he gritted out. He let his shoulders slump down. Sleeping in one bed it was. “You had any luck with that stove?” he asked Hardison in a bid of hopefully redirecting the conversation.
Hardison shrugged. “Not really, there's some old ashes and half-burnt wood in it but I don't have a lighter. I'm sure you can get it going, right? Don't tell me you haven't been a Boy Scout, too.”
“Nope.” Eliot hoped the relief and eagerness with which he fell into their banter was not too obvious. “Army boot camp's better than that, anyway. Plus, y’know, spending lots of time in the actual wilderness, not some parent's backyard.” He dug into one of his pockets for a lighter and wandered over to the stove, angling the flashlight beam into the open compartment.
Parker had her chin in her hands as she watched him with her usual Parker intensity. “Backyards sound boring,” she agreed. “But you should take us camping some time! We can throw Hardison off a cliff instead of a building!”
This time it was Hardison who was sputtering, and Eliot couldn't resist, he laughed, a bark that reverberated deep in his chest. “That's a great idea, darlin',” he drawled, grinning at the hacker.
“Now that's just unfair! Two against one! And no one's throwing Hardison off any cliffs, are we clear? Are we clear?”
Parker pouted at him. “Aww. You went on that fishing trip with Eliot, didn't you? I want to do something like that with you, too, with both of you.”
Eliot scowled at the reminder of how their fishing trip hadn't happened after that stand-off with a white supremacist militia. “Not exactly like that, preferably,” he growled under his breath. Louder, he said, “I think Hardison had a problem with the cliff thing, not with going on a trip with you, Parker. We can keep that in mind, okay? For now, just let's get through the night.”
In the meantime, he had kept working on the stove, pushing the old ashes to the side and rearranging the partly burnt wood into a neat pile. He looked around for some old paper to start the fire, then reconsidered. The small fire would be pretty useless to heat or light the room.
“Any of you hungry? There's some soup in cans.”
Hardison and Parker exchanged a look, then shook their heads.
Eliot sighed and stood up, brushing off the knees of his jeans. “Then we don't need to bother with the fire. We'd need some candles or a torch for some real light. Don't think it would produce much heat to get the room warm, either.”
Parker shrugged. “I don't have any candles.”
Hardison grinned. “I guess if we're cold, we just need to snuggle close in our bed,” he said, and Eliot's belly did another backflip at the thought of the three of them in one bed together.
Parker laughed and dropped down from her perch on the table, grabbed Hardison's hand, then lunged and did the same with Eliot's. “Come on, I'll show you,” she said brightly and pulled them over to the door she'd discovered the bedroom behind earlier.
“Parker, that's --- Parker, I can walk on my own,” Eliot protested but it was halfhearted at best. He turned towards Hardison but found little sympathy there.
“Just go with the flow,” the hacker told him. “Relax.”
Eliot bit back a retort and instead just took a deep breath, his feet automatically following where Parker led. Relax. As if that was a thing he could do when he was about to get into the same bed as his two best friends. As the two people he-- He-- His thoughts kept stalling but he knew the word that should go there.
In the small bedroom, Parker let go of his hand, and he took in the room and the furniture occupying it, which was just one more of those rickety chairs, with Parker's flashlight on it casting a beam through the shadows, and the bed itself. It was small indeed, and short enough that Eliot guessed Hardison's feet would hang over the edge. Parker and he should be fine – for a certain measure of fine when he was intruding where he didn't belong. Never mind that they seemingly didn't see anything wrong with it, even though they were the couple…
Meanwhile, Parker had taken possession of the bed, pulling back the covers. She looked back at the two men contemplatively, then shrugged and quickly pulled off her shirt, sending it flying toward the chair. At Eliot's spluttered “Parker!”, she shot him an annoyed glare. “What? It's wet,” she explained as she unzipped her pants and shimmied out of them, then threw them after the shirt. Eliot averted his eyes and prayed for strength.
When he looked back, she had slipped under the covers, and Hardison was sitting at the edge of the bed, taking off his shoes and socks, his phone on the quilt next to him. Hardison looked up at him, and his dark eyes were soft in the beam of Eliot's flashlight. “Eliot, man,” he started, then stopped, then started again. “Look, man, you don't have to if you don't really feel comfortab-- Ouch, Parker!” The thief had straightened up and slugged him in the back of the shoulder. “C'mon, he should only do it if he really wants to!”
“But he does!” she hissed at him, then turned towards Eliot. “You want to, right? You want to be with us. Like, here with us.” She gestured between the two of them and then the bed as a whole, and Eliot's heart constricted in his chest. Yes, God, how he wanted to.
“Because we want you, too.” She looked at him hopefully, not bothered in the least that the blankets were pooling in her lap and she was only wearing a simple black sports bra in the cabin's cool air. He tried to look away but couldn't, not when her eyes were holding him captive like that. They wanted him? Just for snuggling in a small, unheated cabin in the middle of nowhere? Or… for something more?
Eliot pushed that thought way back in his mind. He needed to stay in the here and now. And maybe, just maybe, he could just be selfish tonight and take what they were offering. If that was all it was, he would deal with it. Would it be better or worse than never having had any of it? He didn't know.
Hardison was looking at him steadily. “Your decision, El,” he told him, “but we're here. Whenever you're ready, we'll be there.”
And that—that did actually sound like this was more than just a night of snuggling close for warmth. Eliot took a deep breath, closed his eyes and released it. When he opened them again, he nodded. “Yeah,” he said roughly. “Yeah, I'm--” He stopped and decided to give up trying.
Instead, he put his flashlight on the chair next to Parker's, then bent down to untie his boots and quickly stripped off his jeans and his soggy outer layers, leaving him in a mostly dry T-shirt and boxers. A few more steps brought him to the bed where Hardison had joined Parker under the covers, his torso bare. Both of them were looking at him with so much hope that it was the easiest thing in the world to lift the edge of the covers and slip in after them. He smiled at them and said softly, “Hey.”
“Hey you,” Hardison said and as if it was nothing, he put his arm around Eliot's shoulders and pulled him close. From his other side, Parker put her arm across Hardison's body until her small, strong hand rested on Eliot's chest. “I'm glad you're here,” she told him. Then she gave him a short whack. “So now, snuggling and sleep,” she ordered. “The rest can wait until tomorrow.”
Eliot felt his smile grow into a grin and turned it into the crook of Hardison's neck. “Yes, ma'am,” he replied seriously.
And as he crowded closer to Hardison and reached for Parker with an arm across the other man's stomach, Eliot did as any good soldier would do and followed the order given by his leader. It was probably his favorite order of all time.
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madebysimblr · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Trey: Alright... Another personal question... Maybe too far...
Xavier: Hm?
Trey: Well... Sorella. And you being a single dad. Does Sorella's mom- I mean is she alive?
Xavier: Oh. Yeah. Personal...
Trey: You don't have to answer.
Xavier: I know. [pauses] Sorella's mom left as soon as Els was born. Without a word to me. There's more to it but... it's a long story. So another time?
Trey: Sure. Sorry to bring it up.
Xavier: [shrugs] I've made peace with it all... Hey.. On that same vein- Summer's dad?
Trey: [laughs] Fair. I mean I dunno if my sister wants me airing her dirty laundry around the place.
Xavier: Oh right, forget I asked.
Trey: Nah, nah, I'm fine with it though- From what I've been told, Summer was the result of a one night stand. Don't know with who though.
Xavier: Well how scandalous of her. And me. All these kids out of wedlock.
Trey: I'm surrounded by sinners. [laughs]
Xavier: Any more questions?
Trey: Eh.... Not right now... [yawns]
Xavier: Mayyyybe we should go to sleep.
Trey: Mhmm... I think so... Though for good measure I think we need to make out just a little. Keeps away bad dreams you know.
Xavier: Ah I see.
Trey: Goodnight~
Xavier: Mmmm, sweet dreams.
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guozluvz · 4 years
The Boyz Weekend // vmin ff
! kinda nsfw / just for fun !
author - It was Bulletproof’s (their group name) rest day so they decided to chill at jimin’s condo. The group is consist of 7 members, Namjoon (leader), Seokjin (oldest-vocalist), Yoongi (main rapper), Hoseok (lead dancer), Jimin (main dancer), Taehyung (main singer), and Jungkook (lead singer). Hoseok decided to meet each other since he’s bored and he misses the members and jimin offerd his condo to stay on.
[ Saturday, 12:09 PM ]
pov : Bulletproof’s Group Chat
Joon (sexy brain) : Happy Weekend Guys! it’s our rest day today, sooo get some rest and get ready for another active week :) 
justin seagull : yeaaaahhhhhhh time for overnight gaming !!!
JDOPE : .... no
justin seagull : eh???
JDOPE : come on it’s our rest day can’t we enjoy the weekend with each other
justin seagull : no?
*Jimin joined the chat
rock bison : let’s go!! @ my place!
JDOPE : idk ‘bout u guys but im going
*Jin and Tae joined the chat
vante : I’m on my way! 
rock bison : <333
el mariajin : we are on our way 
justin seagull : “we”? who are u with???? *insert smirking emoji
Joon (sexy brain) : wdym? you’re with us and you’re sitting at the backseat tho *insert skull emoji
justin seagull : whatever just drive
rock bison : ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
*time skip ...
- As expected, Taehyung was the first one to get to Jimin’s condo followed by Hoseok and minutes later Namjoon together with Jin and Jungkook arrived
*10 minutes before 1PM
- The boys were just chatting with each other and then there was a knock on the door
Jimin : finallyyy
*Jimin opened the door
Jungkook : wow, hyung we thought you weren’t coming
Yoongi : I wasn’t supposed to, but hobi forced me to 
*He said kinda annoyed
Seokjin : come in, Yoongi
- Seconds later and they began getting their seats and making their selves comfortable on the living room
Hoseok : oh Yoongi don’t tell me ur sleeping
*He said annoyed at Yoongi whos lying on the couch
Yoongi : why not?
Jungkook : well duh we’re having fun here
Yoongi : well, isn’t sleeping fun??
Namjoon : reading is fun too
Jungkook : nahhh, let’s play hyungs!!
Seokjin : wait, what was the plan exactly?
Taehyung : nothing, just meet and have fun together, thats it.
Jimin : right.
*Yoongi and Namjoon went on their phones but Namjoon is still listening to them
Jungkook : LETS! PLAY! HYUNGS! 
Hoseok : let’s play just dance!!!
Seokjin : it’s weekend and you want to make yourself tired
Hoseok : come on, its just a game
Jungkook : don’t mind him hyung (hoseok), he’s just old that’s why he doesn’t like your recommendation ㅋㅋㅋ
Seokjin : YAH you little brat ! whatever I’ll just cook 
*He went on the kitchen and started thinking what to cook for them
Hoseok : ...okay, so, just dance?
Jungkook : um actually I’m not in a mood dancing today.....
Jimin : me neither, but it’s okay hyung you can proceed  
- They discussed what to play for a long time and finally they have decided what to play. Hoseok stayed with playing Just Dance, while the maknae line started playing COD mobile as Taehyung requested, Yoongi fell asleep and Namjoon went to Jin on the kitchen
Namjoon : hey bub, how are you doing?
Seokjin : oh bub, I’m almost done here, do you need something?
Namjoon : none, I was just checking on you *smiles
Seokjin : oh okay *smiles back
*Namjoon went back on the living room
- Namjin has been dating for 5 years now, their band debuted 7 years ago and they were doing well and they confessed at each other on their group’s 2nd Year on the Kpop Industry. The other couples in the group are Vmin and Sope, Sope has been together for 5 years too. Vmin was late for a year because of Namjin’s assurance, Namjin didn’t want them (Vmin) to be official yet that time because they were too young and they thought that they may not be serious or be ready to be in a relationship. But, in good hands, they saw that Vmin really loves each other and since they were good friends since their college days
*time skip to 8:30PM. 
-The boys had finished eating and dealing with the dishes, and they rested for a while to digest what they ate. Sooner they prepared for their movie night as Hopekook’s request. As they were preparing, yoongi got 7 bottle of beers from Jimin’s fridge and Jin followed by bringing some chips as their snacks
Seokjin : oooh Jiminie, you have a lot of beers stocked huh? do you have problems and drink alone?? *He said concerned to Jimin
Jimin : ah no hyung, I just love drinking mostly on rainy days so I bought stocks in advance, you know... *He replied trying to stop Jin being concerned
Hoseok : It’s been rainy last week, so, were you drinking the whole week?
*Jimin looked at Hoseok shocked at his words, he got shocked because Taehyung doesn’t want Jimin to drink everyday because it’s not good for their health. It’s not that he’s guilty, he doesn’t want seeing his boyfriend worried to much
Jimin : WHAT?! of course not ! It’s not good to drink everyday you know..
Hoseok : ㅋㅋ chill, I know I know.. I just thought you drank the whole week because it was rainy the whole week (last week)
Jungkook : okay enough with the talking, the movie is about to start 
*Jungkook ended the topic as Yoongi gave everyone their beverages
- As time passes, they had finished the movie as they also finished drinking their beers. Hoseok started a topic that made the members stay at Jimin’s condo longer, as they were continuing Hoseok’s topic Yoongi went back to the kitchen to get more beers 
Taehyung : Hey hyung, can you get one for me too?
Yoongi : sure
Seokjin : Make sure you’ll be able to get back home, Kim Taehyung
Taehyung : I can control myself hyung 
*He said as he smiled at Jin 
Jimin : you’ll get drunk baby, don’t drive home okay? it’s not safe.. 
*He said concernedly as he whispered to Tae 
Taehyung : I’ll control myself baby, don’t think too much okay?
*He said as he kissed Jimin’s head, Jimin smiled at his boyfriend’s action
Namjoon : Get one for all of us hyung
Seokjin : what??? 
Hoseok : come on hyung, it’s weekend anyways.. let’s have fun !
Seokjin : how are yall going home?? how??
Yoongi : calm down... We’re adults now, we can control ourselves..
Seokjin : how about kook huh? how if something happens to you? JEON?? 
*He asked as he looked at kook
*Yoongi replied getting annoyed by Jin’s noise
Hoseok : GUYS ENOUGH, Yoongi stop answering that way.. Jin hyung has a point
Jungkook : But hyung you can bring me home right? 
*kook said teasingly asking Jin
Seokjin : YAH! be thankful that I care for you
Jungkook : *laughs* But no thanks, I wont drink hyung
Seokjin : well, better!
Namjoon : hey, bub, don’t think too much.. let us have fun okay? I’ll help you when they get drunk 
*He told Jin whispering
Seokjin : okay but, how? 
Namjoon : hmm? 
*He hummed confused at Jin’s response
Seokjin : you know you’re a big mess when you’re drunk, right? 
Namjoon : oh haha 
- After arguing with each other Jin, Jungkook and Jimin were the only ones that didn’t take another can and they continued the topic that Hoseok started a while ago. An hour has passed and some members are confirmed drunk, their topic has ended and they started fixing the living room.. Hoseok and Namjoon was drunk while Yoongi is used to it so he can control himself, in the other hand, Taehyung doesn’t drink that much so he was kinda lost ㅋㅋ
Seokjin : now, what did I told yall?!
Taehyung : *chuckles* it was good hyung! 
*He said while he was on the floor with his head lying on the sofa
Seokjin : now how are we gonna deal with this weirdos?!
*The rest was talking about bringing the drunk members home then it became silent ..
- The silence was suddenly cutted off by Namjoon saying random things loudly which made Jimin burst out of laughter while Yoonjin was embarrassed
Seokjin : *annoyed by the noise* OKAY WE’RE GOING HOME, well its been a day Jiminie, thanks for letting us spend the weekend at your place 
*Jin said while letting Namjoon stand
Yoongi : yeah... I wanna sleep too 
*He responded as he also picked up Hoseok
Jimin : You don’t have to thank hyung, you guys can come anytime..
Seokjin : btw before we leave, how are you gonna deal with that? 
*He asked pointing at Taehyung whos still on the floor
Jimin : *chuckles* don’t worry about it hyung, I’ll take care of him
*He replied assuring Jin
Seokjin : okay good, goodbye and goodnight Jimin..
Jimin : yeah, bye hyungs!
Yoongi : bye...
*They said goodbye as Namjoon and Hoseok was on Yoonjin’s arms while going out of Jimin’s unit, Jimin closed the door after they passed his unit
- After closing and locking the door, Jimin picked up Taehyung and put him on his bed.. He was going back to the living room to double check some things on the living room when suddenly a hand stopped him
Jimin : *looked back* yes baby ? do you need something?
Taehyung : mmm.....
*Taehyung groaned while trying to say something
Jimin : what do you need baby?
Taehyung : I need you 
*Jimin blushed at tae’s words with it’s deep voice
Jimin : T-tae?
Taehyung : hm?
Jimin : oh, you’re fully awake but you’re drunk
Taehyung : I don’t feel like sleeping now
*He replied as he sits on the bed leaning on the headboard
Jimin : then what do you wanna-
*He was cutted of by Taehyung
Taehyung : I want you, baby I need you
*Jimin went on top of him
Jimin : I need you more...... inside me
*He said teasing Tae as he smirks
- Taehyung’s face slightly turned red and they kiss lustfully, while they were kissing Jimin started unbuckling his lover’s belt and the other was hard by its action, while unbuckling Jimin felt that the other was already hard
Jimin : are you excited? 
*Jimin asked teasingly as he unbuckled himself
- Taehyung responded by continuing the kiss until they were fully naked, He was so attracted to Jimin’s sexy body that even with the other members he couldn’t control himself getting too close to him. Taehyung laid them on the bed which made him on top of Jimin then they made another passionate kiss, minutes has passed and Jimin noticed that his boyfriend was teasing him by kissing him for a long time so he teased back my moaning which made the other wanna enter him already
Taehyung : ah, wow
Jimin : you thought I can’t tease back, hm? 
*He said proudly while smirking
Taehyung : shall I?
Jimin : slowly, it might hurt
Taehyung : mm 
*He hummed as a okay then he started by entering his fingers trying not to hurt Jimin, Jimin moaned by the action and tightly scrunched the covers
- After helping Jimin get used to his fingers he positioned them and prepared for the next actions
Taehyung : I’m coming, ready?
Jimin : mm ready
*He said as he covered his face with a pillow
Taehyung : *sighed* ah, almost forgot this isn’t soundproof.. but I wanna see your pretty face, bite this instead
*Taehyung gave Jimin his hand telling him to bite it, Jimin followed
- Taehyung slowly pushed his cock trying not to hurt Jimin, His cock was too big which made Jimin moan and bite his hand hard. Taehyung groaned more because of the pain
Jimin : *moan* so big-
- After adjusting Taehyung went really hard trying to get into Jimin, they went so hard that his teeth lose grip on Taehyung’s hand and moaned so loud that they forgot about the not soundproofed walls, Jimin gripped on the other’s back while Tae was gripped on the covers that Jimin was between. Time has passed and Taehyung already went inside Jimin, He can see Taehyung’s love coming out of him and the other laid beside him
Taehyung : are you okay?
*he asked as he turned to look on Jimin and caressed its cheek
Jimin : I feel so good, with your love, its so sweet.
*he replied as he looked back and smiled, Taehyung smiled back
- Minutes has passed and Taehyung stand up to clean both of them, Jimin tried to stand but his legs were weak which made him almost fell but Taehyung catched him quickly
Taehyung : rest there baby, I’ll do it myself
- Taehyung carried Jimin and brought him to the bathroom and started cleaning them, he got pajamas for him and Jimin and laid them on the bed as they finished wearing it. They saw their cum on the bed so Taehyung wiped it out and changed the covers quickly because they’re tired
Taehyung : goodnight baby
Jimin : goodnight baby, thank you for everything
Taehyung : thank you for trusting me, i love you
Jimin : i love you so much baby
*They kissed and fell asleep
[ Sunday, 11:00PM ]
- Taehyung woke up receiving a text notification from their group chat,
“JDOPE : hey, don’t forget we have a weekend practice later!”
Taehyung : FUCK!
*Taehyung cursed in shock remembering what happened last night, Jimin woke up by Tae’s noise
Jimin : baby you scared me! what happened?!
Taehyung : sorry baby, but, we have a weekend practice
*He answered with his face still shocked
Jimin : oh shit
*He cursed as he realized his condition
Taehyung : uh.. I’ll tell them you can’t come
Jimin : wait! we can’t tell them that we did it
Taehyung : I know, let’s just say you’re sick
Jimin : how if they wont believe us 
Taehyung : let’s try first 
- He replied at the gc saying “Hyung, Jimin can’t come to our practice today”
[ group chat ]
JDOPE : why not? is he with you?
vante : because he’s sick..
*Namjin joined the chat
Joon (sexy brain) : how? did he ate something that made him sick?
vante : no, and yes i’m with him
el mariajin : what happened? should we come?
vante : he said he’s okay hyung, and i’ll take care of him
el mariajin : okay, but tell us whats his sickness at least
*Behind the phone
Taehyung : should we tell them?
Jimin : NO
Taehyung : what will i reply then?!
Jimin : um.. whatever, just tell them my legs hurts
[ group chat ]
vante : his legs hurts...
Joon (sexy brain) : .....did something happened last night?
- behind the phone vmin’s eyes widened 
Jimin : shit shit shit!
Taehyung : u-uh w-what now?!
[ group chat ] 
vante : wdym????
Joon (sexy brain) : come on don’t act like you don’t know it
Joon (sexy brain) : also that’s not what i meant, i mean like did Jimin fall or something?? ya’ll dirty minded
el mariajin : your words are making it look like you were asking dirty stuff
JDOPE : but even if he meant that Taehyung wont do it, right?
- vmin’s eyes widened again and looked at each other
[ behind the phone ] 
Taehyung : baby, should we just tell the truth?
Jimin : i’m scared baby, hyungs will get mad
Taehyung : i know, but it happened and you’re not even pregnant
Jimin : of course im not yet, but the day will come
Taehyung : we’ll take care of it, don’t think too much okay?
Jimin : m okay 
*Jimin cuddled to Taehyung whos nervous to tell the truth
Taehyung : i’ll tell them now..
Jimin : mm
*He hummed in response
[ group chat ]
vante : hyungs...
el mariajin : are you okay? you keep on replying late, is Jimin’s condition not good?
Joon (sexy brain) : if there’s a problem just inform us quickly, we’ll help
vante : thank you hyungs, but..
el mariajin : but what?
vante : we did it hyung
Joon (sexy brain) : WHAT?!
el mariajin : EXCUSE ME-
JDOPE : i guess i was wrong...
Joon (sexy brain) : how? when???
vante : last night
el mariajin : but you were drunk?????
vante : i was but i remember doing it
*Yoongi joined the chat
AGUST D : whats with the noise here
JDOPE : read back, honey
AGUST D : can you just tell me
vante : Jimin can’t come to our weekend practice because we did it and because of that he can’t stand straight
AGUST D : huh? whats wrong about me giving more beers? you and Jimin did what??
JDOPE : oh honey how could you not understand
Joon (sexy brain) : they did THAT thing
AGUST D : if yall told me exactly what “THAT” thing is then i would understand
el mariajin : they had a make out last night
AGUST D : ......
JDOPE : ikr
Joon (sexy brain) : okay enough with his topic guys, we still have to practice. Taehyung you better come here to practice and talk with me
el mariajin : you mean with us
Joon (sexy brain) : gather at 12:50, on studio
vante : okay hyung
- They finished chatting and Taehyung prepared for their practice, he’s nervous to face the members but he had no choice. Jimin helped Taehyung by picking his clothes to wear
Jimin : hey, are you okay? im sorry
Taehyung : what? baby don’t be sorry, and i’m just nervous
Jimin : keep safe going there, i love you baby
Taehyung : i love you so much, bye baby
Jimin : bye!
- The members except for Jimin already gathered on the studio, Namjin went close to Taehyung as they saw him enter inside the studio. Seokjin was about to say a word but they were distracted by a voice
Jungkook : ah, hyungs! let’s warm up before the practice!
- Jungkook knew about the thing about what happened at vmin, he just didn’t replied because Jin doesn’t want him to join those kind of topics. Yes, his age is legal to know those kind of topics but Jin just wants him to be safe from his words and actions
Namjoon : mm, let’s talk after the practice
- They practiced for an hour and after that Namjoon came back to Taehyung right away, Seokjin followed as he saw him going to Tae
Taehyung : can we talk about it outside? some staffs are here
Namjoon : sure
*Namjoon agreed as Taehyung went to the door leading them out the room, as they went outside and found the spot to talk about what happened Seokjin finally spoke without distraction
Seokjin : so, back to the topic, how did you do it if you were drunk?
Taehyung : i was drunk but i also felt i wasn’t
Namjoon : why did you do it last night?
Taehyung : because.. i-i was drunk?
Seokjin : i mean like, you can do it but you should’ve used protection
Taehyung : we were already on the bed and Jimin was only on my mind that time, and i ran out of it
Seokjin : if you ran out of it then why did you do it then?!
Taehyung : i told you hyung, i was drunkkkk
Namjoon : we have to inform our manager about this before something happens next
Taehyung : yes hyung
Seokjin : but how if Jimin got pregnant?
Namjoon : people don’t get pregnant quickly, as i know it also depends on how often you do it, but don’t even think of doing a second round!
Taehyung : okaaaay
Seokjin : how long did you take doing it?
Taehyung : i don’t know, i even forgot the protection so how do you expect me knowing how long we did it?!
Seokjin : okay, but Jimin still have to do test after after a few months
Namjoon : yes, we have to be sure
*Namjoon agreed as sope went outside to find them and join their topic
Hoseok : so what have you talked about?
Namjoon : we knew everything and were telling it to the manager before it becomes worse
Yoongi : let me ask, you loss protection didn’t you?
Seokjin : exactly
Hoseok : make sure you check on Jimin’s condition everyday
Namjoon : also search for the symptoms, so that if Jimin does anything you’ll know why, but don’t worry we’ll help you 
Taehyung : thank you so much hyungs
Yoongi : if you need protections, you can count on me
Seokjin : what the heck-
Namjoon : also, guide him as he walks so he can recover quickly
Taehyung : yes hyungs
*After the topic Jungkook came out of the room and went to his hyungs
Jungkook : what the hell are yall doing here?! you left me inside alone with the staffs!
Hoseok : haha did you thought we left you?
Jungkook : but you did!
Yoongi : can’t we just join their conversation outside?
*Jungkook pout and scrunched his eyebrows as he was annoyed by Yoongi which made Yoongi laugh a bit
Taehyung : i shall go back to Jimin now
Namjoon : okay, practice is even done we all can go home now
- They fixed their things and selves as they went on their homes and Taehyung went back on Jimin’s condo, while Taehyung was driving he remembered that he didn’t made breakfast and Jimin and stand well
Taehyung : OH SHIT!
- Taehyung increased his speed to check on Jimin because he’s concerned that Jimin is very hungry by now, as he reached the parking of the condo he didn’t hesitate to take the stairs to go in the room quickly, as Taehyung reached the room he opened he door with the keys and went on Jimin
Taehyung : JIMIN? BABY?
*He said as he took of his shoes and closing the door
Jimin : baby? are you okay???
Taehyung : fuck, baby i’m very sorry i forgot to make you breakfast
Jimin : its okay baby! when you went on the studio i fell asleep and i just woke up 20 minutes ago, calm down baby
Taehyung : okay i’ll make you food now
*He said as he pecked Jimin’s lips and went on the kitchen quickly to make breakfast, he cooked ham & egg bread for Jimin and give it to him right away. While Jimin was eating he asked about what happened at the studio
Jimin : baby, where’s your food?
Taehyung : we had some food on the studio so don’t worry about me baby
Jimin : okay but, speaking of the studio, what happened?
Taehyung : they asked me more about last night and i told them everything
Jimin : what did they say about it?
Taehyung : they said i should search for pregnancy symptoms and they’ll help me and i should guide you
Jimin : aw our hyungs are so sweet, i thought they’re mad
Taehyung : i mean, they were shock but still helped. Oh, and yeah, Namjoon hyung said we have to inform the manager soon before something happens more
Jimin : sure baby
- At Monday, vmin with Namjoon finally informed the manager about what happened to them last Saturday, They were so nervous but it faded when the manager said that they’re happy for vmin and they’ll support them whatever happens. Months has passed and Jimin started having symptoms
[ 7;00AM ]
- vmin was still asleep but Jimin’s sleep was distracted by having a weird feeling, as he woke up he went on the bathroom and vomited on the toilet. Taehyung felt that Jimin stood up the bed and heard vomiting sounds which made him awake
Taehyung : baby?
*He called as he went on the bathroom
Taehyung : BABY! what happened to you?!
Jimin : i don’t know i was sleeping but i had a weird feeling which made me vomit
*Jimin replied as Taehyung stood him up and wiped his mouth
- As he was wiping Jimin’s mouth he remembered the symptoms that Namjoon sent him and saw “nausea with or without vomiting”
[ Taehyung’s mind ]
: okay calm down we’re still not sure, we have to check if he’ll feel some more of the symptoms
- Days has passed and Jimin already felt a lot of the symptoms, he peed every hour/minute, he had headaches, he craves a lot and he gets tired
[ group chat ]
*Jimin isn’t in a mood to use his phone nowadays so Tae chats the members on their gc 
vante : hyungs
Joon (sexy brain) : is there a problem?
vante : no, but i think he’s pregnant
el mariajin : congrats! but have you taken a test?
vante : not yet but he had most of the symptoms
*sope joined the chat
JDOPE : wow! you should go to the doctors Taehyung-ssi!
AGUST D : is that why he isn’t online for a long time now
el mariajin : yeah we noticed it too
vante : oh, he said he isn’t in a mood to use his phone and he only wants to eat nowadays
Joon (sexy brain) : haha i see, do you want us to help you bring him to the doctor?
vante : i would love too, but i want to surprise you hyungs
el mariajin : sure! no worries
vante : thanks hyungs, should i bring him now?
AGUST D : it depends on you
JDOPE : but its better to bring him now Taehyung-ssi
el mariajin : keep safe driving there
vante : okay hyungs, thank you :)
- After chatting with the hyungs, vmin went to the hospital to check about Jimin’s condition, it was confirmed that he was 1 week pregnant, they both looked on each other’s eyes happily. They went back after having the results
[ group chat ]
vante : everyone!!!
Joon (sexy brain) : yeah??
el mariajin : what happened?
vante : it’s confirmed! he’s pregnant!!
*sope and Jungkook joined the chat
justin seagull : congrats Taehyung-ssi!
JDOPE : wow!!! congrats Taehyung-ssi!!
AGUST D : congrats, how old is he pregnant tho?
vante : 1 week!
AGUST D : wow! congrats
el mariajin : congrats Taehyung-ah!!
Joon (sexy brain) : wow, 1 week already
vante : ikr!!
justin seagull : i bet Jiminie is crying now
vante : you mean we are
el mariajin : aww we’re so happy for you both!
Joon (sexy brain) : yeah we are! 
vante : thank you so much for helping and not leaving us hyungs!
el mariajin : of course, teamwork ya know!
Joon (sexy brain) : yes, we’ll always be here to help one another because we are bulletproof
AGUST D : this is not so me but i agree, whatever happens we are just here to help and support
vante : thank you so much guys! it mean a lot to us
- After talking with the hyungs, Taehyung looked at Jimin whos just looking at him the whole time at the bed, they both were crying since they were driving back home. Taehyung caressed Jimin’s cheek and Jimin did the same, they both kissed while crying. Times has passed and they’re expecting a baby boy! They finally had the strength to share everyone about their expecting baby and the fans were happy about it which gave them more strength, the Bulletproof’s career turned out better even if the two are home but they still have the time to meet up. While the baby was growing on Jimin’s tummy they left the condo because Taehyung finally got their own home! as the baby was growing healthy and their group is becoming successful step by step, they become a strong and happy family.
- end -
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loudsuitlover · 4 years
Doctor Harry XVIII.
A/N: Harry meets Indie’s mum. Indie’s mum meets Harry. Indie is no longer Indie. 
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Harry and I lie on my bed as we both work on our laptops. He’s gathering some data from his patients’ record for some smart research of his and I’m trying to study Anaesthesiology. It’s very convenient to have him here really because he’s great at explaining and he kisses me after every explanation too.
I haven’t been keeping track of the time, so I didn’t know it was that late until my mum knocks on my door. I give Harry a terrified look but he just smiles and shrugs, letting me decide what to do with my Mum.
“¿Nena?” (Baby?)
“Sí.” (Yes.)
“¿Puedo pasar?” (Can I come in?)
“Eh… Sí, sí, pasa. Estoy con un amigo.” (Uh… Yes, yes, come on in. I’m with a guy friend.”
“Oh, is Jason with you?”
“No, no es Jason, mamá, pasa.” (No, it’s not Jason, mum, come on in.)
“Ah, ¿habla español?”
My mum finally opens the door and her dark eyes set on Harry and me on my bed. He’s sitting down with his back against my headboard and I’ve sat up next to him but there’s still lots of space between us. Nothings looks suspicious, especially for someone as innocent as my mum. She gives him a smile.
“No, no hablo español.” Harry says in a very awkward but very cute Spanish.
I give him an amused, surprised smile and he wiggles his eyebrows.
“Oh, I’m sorry, then.”
“No problem.” He smiles.
“I’m Alicia.”
My mum walks over to my bed and shakes Harry’s hand and I just stare at their interaction. This is so awkward. I’m going to kill her.
“I’m Harry. Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too.” She smiles. “Are you staying over for dinner? I just came to ask you what you wanted for dinner and to say hi” she giggles “but I didn’t know you had visit, nena.”
Harry’s eyes set on me as if he was asking for permission. I don’t like that. I guess he’s just sending me an SOS because I don’t think he’s going to want to stay over and have dinner with the Fernandez girls but I like it when he’s his own person and takes his own decisions so I raise my eyebrows.
“Do you want to stay over for dinner?” I ask him.
“If you’re inviting me, then yes.”
“Of course she’s inviting you!” My mum horrifies.
She’s probably freaking out at how blunt I was to Harry. If she knew… Harry grins. There he is, he’s amused with this. He’s probably going to make fun of me for this dinner for ages.
“No se hable más. I’m cooking Spanish food” My mum giggles excitedly and I smile amused. “How do you feel about corvina con esparrágos trigeros?” She asks me for Harry doesn’t understand her.
I nod.
“Ask him.” My mum tells me. “I don’t remember how you say esparrágos trigeros… He pasado demasiado tiempo en España esta vez… Y dile que son españoles, ¿eh? Que son de tu abuelo.” She smiles.
“She asks if you feel like having Spanish wild asparagus.” I smile amused.
This is so Spanish and Harry is so British. I imagine him on my abuelos’ country house and can’t help but smile. They couldn’t talk to one another for my Abuelos don’t speak any English and he’d probably struggle to even introduce himself.
“They’re from my grandpa’s vegetable garden back in Spain.”
“I would love that. Grasias.” He adorably says.
My mum and I both giggle like smitten teenagers before she leaves and Harry gives her a charming smile. We keep silently working until about 45 minutes later, my Mum texts me that dinner is ready.
Harry smiles amused as we make our way downstairs.
“I guess I don’t have to tell you we’re just friends.”
He chuckles.
“Yes, friends who sleep with each other.”
“See? That’s the part my mum is not interested in.”
He smiles.
“Are you afraid I’m going to embarrass you?” He half jokes.
I think I am.
“No, I’m afraid my mum will.”
“I can’t wait for this to begin. Do you think she’ll show me your baby pictures?”
“Just friends.” I point a finger at him right before we make our presence known on the dining table.
Coco is setting empty wine glasses on the table. Oh, boy, she’s going all out. I really hope she at least hasn’t changed her clothes and appears with a red carpet dress and a hairdresser’s bun… She didn’t, thank God.
“Please, take a seat.” She tells us as she sets the corvina on the table.
It reminds me of the gilt-head bream I tried to cook for dinner the other night before Harry and I ended up having sex on my couch and my fish ended up burnt and the bits I could save part of Coco’s salad the next day. She didn’t mention how dry it was, but that was probably because of the amount of olive oil and vinegar I used to season it.
“This smells delicious.” Harry compliments my mum’s cooking playing Prince Charming and she smiles.
Good try, but my Mum already knows she’s a great cook. Still, it was polite.
“Hi, Coco. How are you?”
“Hi, Harry. I’m fine, and you?”
“I’m good, thank you.”
My mum sits down next to Coco leaving Harry a chair next to mine in front of them and tells us to help ourselves. I take Harry’s plate and serve him first under my mum’s attentive stare. This is probably surprising and amusing Harry. I bet he never imagined I would treat him like an actual guest but my family raised me to be a great host.
“Thank you, Blue.” He says.
A timid smirk takes over my lips that he can’t see and I shake my head before I grab my own plate and serve some fish and asparagus for myself.
“How did you call her?” My mum asks.
I tense up. I let him call me Blue because I know what it means to him. It’s that Elvis Presley’s song that he likes and I actually like it when he calls me that. I’d much rather have him calling me Blue than baby in front of my mother anyway. Harry stiffens on his chair though. I’ll let him be nervous for this one. That’s what happens when you overstep.
“Did you call her Blue?” My mum’s eyes widen.
“Isn’t that my name?” I smirk as I sit back down next to him.
“Yes, it is.” She smiles. “It’s just… You… People don’t usually call her that.”
Harry nods.
“I know. She doesn’t actually let me call her that but I knew she wouldn’t call me out in front of you.” He explains.
My mum laughs out loud before she also serves herself some dinner. I can’t believe he just said that. How can he be so shameless?
“Harry, why don’t you bless the table? You know, say thank you for this food.”
His green eyes widen as he stares at me. We’ve never done that in this house but I’ve had dinner with him times enough to know he doesn’t do that either. Coco giggles under her breath. My mum doesn’t say anything because she doesn’t know whether I asked him to do that because that’s something he normally does so I just wait for the fun to begin. He clears his throat.
“I… Uh, I’m sorry but I’ve never done that. I don’t want to like do something bad and be accidentally offensive but you can do it in Spanish if you want.”
“She’s just messing with you, Harry.” My mum swats my head and Coco laughs.
“De verdad, Blue, ¡qué vergüenza, por Dios! Compórtate.” (Seriously, Blue, that was embarrassing, for the love of God! Behave yourself.)
“Mamá, pero si a Harry le encantan las bromas. Isn’t that right, Harry? Don’t you love jokes?”
“I love a joke as much as the next guy.” He smiles.
“Oh, do you?” My mum smiles. “Then how would you like to hear a funny story about Blue?”
My eyes widen and my cheeks tinge red. Harry lowly chuckles next to me and Coco laughs and shakes her head.
“Eso te pasa por meterte con el invitado.” (That’s what you get for messing with Mum’s guest.)
“I remember this one time when Blue was over sixteen years old.”
“Mamá, no, no, la de la feria no.” (Mum, no, no, not the one on the fair.)
She nods and smiles mischievously.
“We were in Spain for the summer holidays and my family is from a small town in Spain and lots of small towns in Spain have these summer festivities where we have like a fair and free concerts and things like that so we were at the fair and there was this attraction that consisted on punching like a small punching bag that somehow quantifies the strength you have.”
I bring my hand to my face at the memory and Coco starts laughing.
“It was amazing.” She adds.
Harry glances at me with a teasing grin on his pretty face.
“So my son Rio challenged Blue and he hit it first. Blue’s very competitive so she got ready” my mum starts making gestures with her hands imitating me and I purse my lips trying not to smile “and she hit it so hard it effectively stick to the ceiling of the machine” my mum nods “for a few seconds and then when she was being all sassy to Rio because she had won, the punching bag came back and hit her on the back of her head.”
My sister holds her belly as she gives us a demonstration of her silent laughter and Harry laughs out loud too.
“That’s such a great story.”
“Yeah, yeah.” I nod.
“And this is delicious, Alizia. Did I pronounce it right?”
“More or less.” My mum giggles. “You can call me Allie, if that’s easier.”
Well, she really liked Harry. I understand, he’s being all charming and all smiles for my family. And he’s very handsome too. I’m both my mum and my sister are thinking that.
“So, Harry, do you study with Blue?”
His eyebrows raised on his forehead.
“Kind of.” He explains. “I’m a doctor but you know we study all our lives so yeah I study with her sometimes.” He smiles.
“Oh, you’re a doctor already?” My mum nods. “And do you also know Blue’s friends or just her?”
“No, I know them.”
My mum nods. I know that was her way of trying to find out how we met. I also know she probably doesn’t think we’re just friends anymore. I give her a smile and raise my eyebrows at her stare. Oh, no, she’s trying to figure it out.
“And where are you from? I hope you don’t mind me asking.” She smiles.
“I don’t. I’m from Bellamond.”
“Oh” Coco’s lips part as she looks at him as if he had just admit he was raised poor.
She’s so tactless I want to hit her on her head. I kick her under the table and she stiffens and frowns at me. I widen my eyes warningly at her and she just pouts and look away.
“That’s a very nice village.” My mum says. “You know I’ve painted quite a lot there. In that river that goes down the bridge to the train station.”
“Oh, yeah” Harry grins “My mum lives like seven minutes away from that bridge. I used to hang out on the river banks when I was growing up.”
“Oh, you did?” My mum smiles.
“Yes, I wish I could see one of your paintings. I bet they bring me nice memories.”
My mum loves that. He’s good.
“That’s what my paintings are all about.” She celebrates. “Maybe you could bring him to the next exhibit, nena.” She tells me.
“Sure.” I lie.
Of course not. I won’t just walk around with him on my mother’s gallery. That’s not what exclusive friends with benefits do.
“I would love that.” He explains. “Maybe it could be our next date.”
I choke on my corvina. My mum’s eyes widen and her lips part and Coco grins like she was in love. I’m going to press my hands down his throat and kill him.
“I’m kidding.” He explains. “I did say I like a joke.”
“I hate you.”
Coco laughs before she gets up from the table and starts picking it up.
“I’m going out.” She announces.
“With Chicco?”
Coco shakes her head. She waits until my mum is out of the room to tell us.
“Guido asked me out but don’t tell mum. You know how she gets.”
All excited and completely gone planning tacky weddings and doing ceramics. I chuckle.
“Don’t worry.”
“Guido Matteoti?” Harry asks her being the nosy soul he is.
She nods and Harry smiles.
“Well try not to break his heart, Coco.” He warns. “He’s one of the few decent ones of his kind.”
I chuckle while Coco takes both our empty plates and shakes her head.
“You guys are the perfect match.” She says.
I throw my head back and laugh while Harry just grins and raises his eyebrows.
“Too bad we’re just friends.” He shrugs.
This time it’s Coco who laughs before she walks away from the table. Harry slaps my thigh gently before moving his hand up and down grinning at me.
“I didn’t know you were so strong, baby.” He teases me.
I click my tongue and swat his arm.
“Stop it, you idiot.”
He chuckles and rests his left elbow on the table, tilting his body so he’s facing me and he raises his eyebrows as he wriggles his fingers.
“Come on. I’m a right-handed. I’m giving you a leg up.”
I roll my eyes and stare at his hand. He’s going to win. But I still please him and he grins when I hold his hand.
“Okay, ready, set, go.”
I push his hand as hard as I can but he’s not budging. At least he’s not pushing mine back either. I’m frowning and my entire face is wrinkled as I try to push his arm down but he just chuckles.
“Are you done?” He asks me.
I purse my lips and he chuckles.
“Careful, love” he pushes my arm back until it lays on the table easily “wouldn’t want to hurt you.” He chuckles.
“Don’t be so full of yourself, Styles.”
“Styles?” He laughs. “You really are competitive, hey?”
“And you really are conceited.”
He chuckles. He’s about to say something when my mum walks towards the table with two bowls of natillas con galletas and she sets them in front of the two of us.
“I’m taking Coco to her date.” She tells us. “She thinks I don’t know but she’s wearing lip gloss. Una madre sabe esas cosas. Those are natillas, Harry. It’s Blue’s favourite dessert.”
“Gracias, mamá.”
“Grasias, Allie.”
My mum smiles.
“See you, guys. It was very nice meeting you and having you for dinner, Harry. You can come anytime you want.”
“Thank you for having me. Well, it was really delicious so I’d gladly accept any future invites.” He smiles at me.
I roll my eyes. I get a spoonful of natillas so I don’t have to say anything but he’s smiling even if he’s trying not to as he tries my mum’s natillas aka the best dessert in the world.
“Fuck” he frowns but I know that face, that’s his appreciation face.
“I know, it’s the best dessert in the world.”
“It’s delicious” he agrees “but it’s not the best dessert in the world.” He smirks mischievously.
“Pancakes are breakfast, not dessert.”
“Wasn’t talking about pancakes.” His green eyes set on mine.
When I understand he’s talking about me, my cheeks tinge pink and I look away. He’s so dirty.
“You know” I change the topic “I’m a little worried about Marie and your friend.”
“Adam?” He sounds surprised. “Don’t worry about him. He’s harmless. He’s probably not the kind of person you think he is.”
“Why do you say that? Who do you think I think he is?”
He widens his eyes and shakes his head as if he was lost with my question and I chuckle. He’s got the sense of humour of an elderly man.
“You probably think he’s a womanizer selfish prick.” He shrugs. “Just like you think of me.”
I frown. That’s not what I think of him. I mean, it’s not all I think of him. I also think he’s smart and caring and affectionate and lovely but I won’t sweet talk to him.
“He’s not like you think.”
“How is he then?”
Harry shrugs.
“He’s kind.”
“Then how come he doesn’t have a girlfriend? How old is he?”
“He’s twenty-six.” He smirks.
“Why are you smiling? He doesn’t have a girlfriend, does he?”
“No.” He laughs. “It’s just funny how judgy you’re being.”
That offends me. I’m not being judgy, I’m just protecting my friend. Marie goes all out when she’s in love and she falls in love so easily and I do not want this guy to hurt her because she’s one of the best people I know.
“I’m just asking because I care about Marie.”
Harry nods.
“I know.”
“Is he like you?”
“Meaning?” His green eyes set on mine.
“Meaning, does he not do girlfriends either?”
Because that’s not the kind of guy who can be with Marie. His eyes seem to be tremendously amused with this.
“Not at all.” He chuckles. “He had a girlfriend for several years but they broke up after the accident.”
“What accident?”
His green eyes turn darker and he coughs.
“He was in the car with Gemma. I thought you knew.”
“How would I know if you didn’t tell me?”
He shrugs.
“I thought you had put two and two together.”
I shake my head. He gives me a sad smile.
“What I’m worried about” he adds “is your friend.”
“Marie?” I all but yell. “She’s lovely!”
“As lovely as you are? Because in that case we have a problem.”
I roll my eyes. He thinks he’s so funny.
“Real lovely” I defend my friend “she really is lovely. She’s nothing like me.”
It’s true. She isn’t. She’s sweet and caring and affectionate and lovely and lovable. His green eyes study me for the longest minute. I wish I could know what he’s thinking. I give him a questioning look and he sighs and pushes his empty bowl of natillas away from him.
“He’s got erectile dysfunction.” He tells me.
My eyes widen. But he’s twenty-six years old! My lips part. Oh, oh.
“After the accident, he had a lot of internal bleeding and he had a surgery. Well, actually, a few. He’s actually lucky all he got as a repercussion from the accident was that.” Harry explains. “But it’s really hard for him to even open up about it and it’s also hard to find someone who doesn’t care about that.”
“But… Can he not have sex at all?”
Harry sighs.
“Well the penetration is just part of sex and it’s not even mandatory. I mean if anything, the one who has trouble having an orgasm is him but, yes, he can have sex. He just has a prosthesis.”
I nod. I’ll google that afterwards because I have no idea how that works and I’m not about to ask him and make the whole thing even more awkward.
“But it’s still complicated. He’s gone through hell, Blue and I wouldn’t like someone else hurting him.”
The way he worries about him makes my heart swells for him. Granted, nobody wants their friends to suffer but I’ve never heard Harry talk that way about anyone. He really cares about his friend and that’s fucking hot to me. Everything he does is hot to me. Except when he acts like a vain jackass.
“If Marie hurts her, I don’t give a fuck she’s your friend. I want you to know that.”
Is he threatening us?
“Well, the same holds true for you. Marie is not as superficial as you think us posh girls are and even then, Marie is a lot better than me. She’s a lot better than everyone. She would never put someone down because of something like that. And if Adam hurts her, I don’t give a fuck he’s your friend.”
Harry smiles and nods before he leans in and brings his mouth close to mine.
“Give me a kiss.” He demands.
I smile before I do as I’m told and feel him smile against my lips before I lick his and deepen our kiss. He hums on my mouth and his fingers find my ponytail and take it off.
“I love your hair down.” He whispers.
“I’ve noticed.” I giggle.
“You look like an angel.”
He presses his lips against mine again. His hands move down to my ass and he pulls me to him so I stand up and straddle him and he smiles.
“You have nothing on the oven, right?” He jokes.
I laugh but keep kissing him so our teeth collide more than once. He runs his hands down my hair and cups my cheeks as he deepens the kiss. He hums.
“I want you, Blue.”
“Have me then.”
My voice sounds almost adolescent but my pulse sped up and my lungs flap humidly. It’s that easy for him. He just has to say that. He smiles against my lips but his tongue licks mine and his hands caress my back.
“What do you want to do, baby? Or better, what do you want me to do to you?”
I’m already wet. He’s going to dry me like a grape under the sun.
“Don’t be shy, love. Not with me.” He licks my lips. “You asked me to take you bare and to go harder the other night. Are you going to get shy now?”
“That was the heat of the moment.” I joke.
He stiffens under my touch and I know he’s panicking a little but I let him feel my smile against his lips so he knows I’m joking. He squeezes my hips tight as a sweet form of punishment.
“You scared me.” He whimpers like a boy. “You don’t regret it, do you?”
I cup his cheeks with both hands and force him to look at me. I can’t believe he’s second-guessing what happened the other night.
“It was the best sex I’ve ever had.” I confess and he grins.
It was also the first time I had someone bare but I’m not going to tell him that. This is enough confidence boost for today. When I set his face free, he presses a kiss on my cheek.
“Tell me what you want.”
I don’t know why I’m being shy. He has never made me feel anything other than wanted and desired during sex but I have to look away from the intensity of his stare.
“How can you be so shy now if you were yelling for me to go faster just three nights ago?”
“I was very turned on then…”
“And you’re not turned on now?”
Of course I am. My sex is swollen and dripping under my underwear. He would giggle if he touched me now. He grips my hips and lifts me from his lap, sitting me down on the table before he stands between my legs. Pressing one hand on my low back, he pulls me close to him until there’s no air between our bodies.
“I know you are.” He cups my sex through my tights and presses a kiss on my jawline. “Being close to me turns you on. I know it does.”
I clench my teeth but my lustful eyes probably give me away. I hate that he’s so confident about his effect on me. It makes me feel weak that he’s so sure of the power he has over me.
“I know because it’s the same for me.”
His confession parts my lips and I stare at him as if he had just given me the solution to every problem in the world.
“Tell me what you want, baby.” He whispers on my ear. “I’ll do whatever you want. I’m already only yours, you know that.”
His words charm me and with all the confidence I was lacking minutes ago, I wrap my legs around him and pull him closer pressing my knuckles on the back of his thighs. I devour his mouth and he groans but pulls away.
“Talk to me.”
“I… I want you to… Fuck me on this table.”
His pink lips part and his pupils dilate. I don’t know if that was enough. Now that he agreed to have sex only with me, I’m afraid I won’t be enough. After all, I’m not very experienced and I’m afraid he’s afraid to hurt me, what with how careful he’s been with me and all that.
“Baby…” I croon.
His eyes grow darker as I use the pet name he uses with me all the time. I try to go about this in the sexiest way possible. As if I was the one with the situation under control. I press both hands on his chest and licks my lips staring deeply into his eyes.
“I want you to do to me whatever it is you want.” I whisper before I press a kiss on the corner of his mouth and then his cheek and his earlobe. “Whatever turns you on, love” I lick his earlobe “Make me yours…”
“Jesus Christ, Blue.” He gasps.
It’s working? I think it is.
“It’s you.” He says out of breath. “You turn me on all the fucking time, love. With these thighs” he squeezes them against his hips “and this body, love, and the sounds you make… You drive me crazy.”
His fingers caress the skin on the side of my exposed neck as his green eyes study mine.
“Take this off.” He whispers, pulling at my sweater.
He panics but I smirk devilishly.
“You do it.”
“Fuck” he giggles “I’m the luckiest man in the world.”
He takes my sweater off and doesn’t waste another second to cup my breasts and squeeze them on his hands. His mouth attacks my neck and I throw my head back and puff air out as he kisses my skin. His hands feel amazing on my breasts. I never thought having my breasts touched could feel this good but every where he places his hands seem to set on fire.
He pulls my skirt up my hips and holds it on my waist and grabs the hem of my tights pulling them harshly down my legs. When I kick them off me, his fingertips find my lace underwear and I hear his breath hitching on his throat. He looks down between my legs so as to see my underwear.
“This is fucking sexy.” He whispers, caressing my underwear with his fingertip.
I cup his cheeks and bring his face closer as my mouth attacks his neck. I kiss, suck and nibble his skin as my hands work on the button and the zipper of his jeans and he growls and squeezes my ass cheeks on his hands.
“You’re killing me, baby.” He groans.
He lets me kiss his neck as I please but when my hand finds his arousal, he growls and turns me around so my belly is against the table.
“I want to fuck you like this.” He whispers on my ear. “Take you from behind and ruin you.”
I moan as he squeezes my breast on his hand.
“So fucking pretty.”
His hand pulls down my undies harshly and he caresses my ass before he slaps me. I gasp and moan at the sudden contact.  
“I love your ass.” He squeezes the flushed skin on his hand. “It’s so perfect.”
“Harry, please, fuck me. I can’t take it anymore.”
I feel his chest rumbling as he laughs behind me.
“Glad to see you’re not shy anymore… Just minutes ago you couldn’t tell me what you wanted and now look at you, begging me to fuck you on your mum’s dining table. Such a dirty girl, Blue… My dirty girl.” With that he thrusts inside, all the way, and my eyes roll to the back of my head.
The feeling is exquisite. Having him inside me, warm and hard, as he holds my hips and move my body up and down against the wooden table. I wish we could stay forever like this, where there’s nothing but him and I’m nothing but the part of me he’s touching.
“Harder, love” I whisper “Fuck me as hard as you can. Ruin me.”
“Fuck, baby.”
He thrusts hard and fast in and out of me and I don’t even know how he can be so good at this. It’s ridiculous. He tangles his fingers on my hair and pull me up the table until my bare back hits his chest and his other hand finds my clit. He presses frenetic circles on my soaked bud of nerves.
“You like it like this?” He groans as he pushes inside me. “You like it when I fuck you hard and fast, don’t you?”
“Yes, yes…” I gasp “God, Harry…”
“I’m not gonna last long, baby. You drove me crazy.” He whimpers. “Are you gonna cum for me?”
“Yes.” I gasp. “Just keep… I’m so close… Fuck, love, you’re amazing.”
“So are you, my love.” He presses a kiss on my shoulder. “Baby, I can’t… Take it. Oh, fuck!”
He all but screams behind me as I come undone. My whole body shakes and my legs fail me so the hand that was on my hair wraps around my waist and keeps me in place. His thrusts become sloppier, slower and deeper as he unloads inside me.
If this isn’t what heaven feels like, I don’t know why the call it paradise.
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p3ach3snplums · 4 years
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                                         PROVE YOU WRONG 
                                                  A MARLO MIX 
Listen ( x )
@tacltadete​ SEND ♪ FOR A MIX OF OUR MUSES
A Sky Full of Stars -Coldplay
'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars I want to die in your arms, oh 'Cause you get lighter the more it gets dark I'm gonna give you my heart, oh
Say You Like Me -We The Kings
'Cause I'm never going down, I'm never giving up I'm never gonna leave so put your hands up If you like me then say you like me I'm never going down, I'm never giving up I'm never gonna leave so put your hands up If you like me then say you like me
See You in My Dreams -We The Kings
Come to my dreams, Daylight won't find us here We're finally free, Free to go anywhere So give me the strength, Strength just to say goodbye Goodbye to the world, The world we could leave behind
I Wouldn´t Mind -He Is We
Carefully we'll place for our destiny. You came and you took this heart And set it free. Every word you write and sing is so warm to me So warm to me. I'm torn, I'm torn. To be right where you are.
A Thousand Years -Christina Perry
Heart beats fast Colors and promises How to be brave? How can I love when I'm afraid to fall? But watching you stand alone All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow One step closer I have died every day waiting for you Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more
Yo Quisiera -Reik
Lo que no sabes es que Yo quisiera ser ese por quien te desvelas y te desesperas Yo quisiera ser tu llanto, ese que viene de tus sentimientos Yo quisiera ser ese por quien tú despertaras ilusionada Yo quisiera que vivieras de mí siempre enamorada
You Are My Sunshine -Domino Dancing
You are my sunshine rise, my only sunshine yeah You make me happy when skies are gray You'll never know dear, how much I love you So please don't take my sunshine away So please don't take my sunshine away
Odio Amarte -Ha*Ash
Más que negarlo, quisiera olvidarlo Pero, hay algo entre los dos Déjale sentir algo a tu corazón
Más Que Amigos -Matisse
Y ya no sé qué hacer, me desespero Cuando estás con alguien y te veo Sabiendo hasta los huesos que a ti, yo pertenezco Y que yo debo ser tu complemento Solo es conmigo, conmigo el camino Que debes tú tomar Sé que yo te puedo enamorar Solo es contigo, contigo que pido Toda una eternidad Te ruego solo una oportunidad, eh eh oh
Prove You Wrong -He Is We
You're the boy with a real nice smile, But a broken heart inside. Give it to a girl, gave it to a girl, And I think she lost her mind. Are you giving up and done? Are you through with all this? Are you tired of the pain? Torn to pieces. Can you let me try? Tell me it's all right, Just for one night. Show you how to feel like, What it feels like. To be hugged, to be kissed. Yes I can be that part of you. I'll try my best. I'm the girl, I can make you smile, And I promise to be true. Give it all,
About Love -MARINA
Started in the strangest way Didn't see it coming Swept up in your hurricane Wouldn't give it up for nothing Now I'm all caught up in the highs and the lows It's a shock to my system I don't wanna run away, so I stay My head gets messy when I try to hide The things I love about you in my mind I don't really know a lot about love A lot about love, a lot about love But you're in my head, you're in my blood And it feels so good, it hurts so much
I Feel Alive -We The Kings
I'm lying here whispering the sweetest nothing I feel your heart beating faster than you're breathing And I don't even know if I can close my eyes Don't want to sleep 'cause I'm wide awake and dreaming Hold me close and catch your breath now I promise not to leave this bed yet
Truly Madly Deeply -Savage Garden
I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy I'll be your hope, I'll be your love, be everything that you need I love you more with every breath truly, madly, deeply do I will be strong, I will be faithful 'cause I'm counting on A new beginnin' A reason for livin' A deeper meaning, yeah
How Long Will I Love You -Ellie Goulding
How long will I love you? As long as stars are above you And longer if I can How long will I need you? As long as the seasons need to Follow their plan How long will I be with you? As long as the sea is bound to Wash upon the sand How long will I want you? As long as you want me to And longer by far
Iris -The Goo Goo Dolls
And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am
You And Me -Lifehouse
'Cause it's you and me And all of the people with nothing to do Nothing to lose And it's you and me And all of the people And I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you
Style -Taylor Swift
You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye And I got that red lip, classic thing that you like And when we go crashing down, we come back every time 'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style You've got that long hair slick back, white t-shirt And I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt And when we go crashing down, we come back every time 'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style
How You Get The Girl -Taylor Swift
And then you say I want you for worse or for better I would wait for ever and ever Broke your heart, I'll put it back together I would wait for ever and ever And that's how it works That's how you get the girl, girl, oh And that's how it works That's how you get the girl, girl
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calumrose · 4 years
Trigger [Police/Gang!AU] Chapter 1 || C.H
A//N: I’m in two minds about holding back posting parts because I’m actually in the middle of working on chapter 9 currently, so I’m debating on waiting until I maybe get feedback to see if this is going anywhere, but at the same time I want to get it out as soon as I can so I can be satisfied that I’ve published a whole piece of work by me. 
Chapters are going to get a little bit chunky so I hope that’s okay, I got carried away at certain points as you’ll find out as time goes on. 
Hope you guys enjoy this even just a little bit.
Love you all!
btw: we meet Calum in this part so... we getting somewhere now.
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Word Count: 8.1k
Summary: Eloise Gray and Calum Hood, not two people you would ever think to put together. What started as a ploy for power turned into a romance, resulting in the realisation that loving your enemy may not be such a bad thing after all.
Previous Chapters: Prologue
The loud screech of a horn invaded Eloise’s apartment, the barbaric noise ripping her from her peaceful slumber. It was her own fault for sleeping with the window open, every noise travelling into her bedroom from the streets. Her hand reached for her duvet, groaning softly as she hauled it up towards her head, wrapping herself in its warmth as she hid herself from the empty apartment that she called home.
Today of all days she had prayed for a lie in, for those few extra hours of bliss before she would have to get up and face the world. She didn’t sleep for long anyway but even just an hour or two extra would have been a treat for her, especially today. It would have been the best birthday gift anyone could have given her.
She released a single arm from the warmth of her duvet, grasping her mobile phone from her bedside table, removing the charging cable before tossing it to the floor and turning over so she faced the door of her bedroom. She unlocked her phone, being greeted with a few notifications from varied apps and a few text messages. Eloise couldn’t help but smile fondly at the happy birthday text from Scott, noting that it had been sent just moments after midnight. Obviously, he had to be the first one. She responded a quick ‘thank you’ text before opening her varied social media accounts, scrolling through the fake ‘happy birthday’ posts from people she no longer spoke to. She had contemplated deleting some of these apps but argued against it, guiltily enjoying watching drama unfold online in the comfort of her own home.
The sound of the phone ringing was too loud for Eloise first thing in the morning, sighing as she witnessed the name flash across the screen as his picture lit up with his big cheesy smile she hated to admit made her have one of the same emotion.
“What do you wan- “
“Happy birthday to my best friend! Oh, happy birthday to the one and only, Eloise Gray!” A loud voice sang through the phone, “Oh, she is twenty-one years old and is no longer underage today!”
“Are you done?” She laughed through the line.
“Not quite,” He clarified, clearing his throat before continuing with his made-up birthday song, “Miss Eloise Gray is an adult, she is legal! She can become black out with the best of them! She doesn’t need a fake ID anymore! She is fully legal to party!”
He dragged out that final note, his voice fading out to the sound of a scratched record, erupting a laugh from Eloise. He was always so over the top when it came to her birthday. No one could blame him. He always wanted to make it a day for her to cherish, a day full of fun memories that she could recall and laugh at. He put everything into making sure she had a fun birthday, throwing her a party every year with their friends, strictly confining the invitation list to those outside of the gang to allow Eloise to have a night off, a night where it was just her, Scott, and a bunch of their normal friends.
“Now I’m done,” He cleared his throat with a cough, the sound of his boots beneath him signalling that he was walking somewhere.
“Thank you,” She smiled helplessly, unable to get rid of the appreciative tone in her voice, “It’s a new one to add to the collection of birthday songs.”
“The best yet.”
“That’s debatable, Scott.”
She giggled at his fake offended gasp, smiling as she sat up in her bed, her back against the headboard as she listened into the background of his call. “Where are you? It sounds busy.” She stuck her leg out of the confinements of her duvet, feeling the cold fresh New York air constrict around her warm skin.
“On my way to get you,” He replied casually, “It’s your birthday, El, we have to celebrate like never before. And by that, I mean we need to go all out and have a full-blown party,”
“Isn’t that what we do every year?” She countered.
“Well, yes, but this time it’s going to be even better, you wanna know why?” He teased.
“I have a feeling you’re going to tell me anyway,” She smirked, hearing his frustrated groan through the line before hearing a creak of a door that echoed on the other end the phone.
“Can’t you just play along for once in your miserable life?” He sighed loudly, the sound of his feet being heard through the line getting louder, it sounded like he was walking up some stairs, the footsteps echoing as if he was in a stairwell.
“No because that’s no fun for me,” She laughed lightly, “But anyway, enlighten me on how this year is gonna be better?”
“Isn’t it obvious? You’re twenty-one, we can go out into bars and clubs now without having to worry if you’re gonna get caught out with a fake ID,” He spoke with an obvious tone, speaking to Eloise as if she was stupid, “Which means we need to go out tonight and make sure that we remember absolutely nothing by tomorrow morning, so all that we can remember is what we can piece together by the numerous photographs and embarrassing videos that we will use to torment each other for the foreseeable future.”
“Are you still mad about that video of you dancing to Beyoncé that went slightly viral?” Eloise queried with a knowing tone, unable to stop the smirk spreading across her face at the memory of her birthday two years ago.
They had thrown a house party for her birthday, their friends all piling into her apartment as they spent hours together drinking, singing karaoke, and playing a hopeless amount of drunk board and card games. It was definitely a highlight of her birthday, one that she didn’t ever forget; mainly resulting in many embarrassing videos that never failed to make them smile over the years.
“Only slightly,” He said, a door slamming behind his words as he continued to move.
“You really need to get over that, it was two years ago, and it was funny,” Eloise couldn’t hold back her laugh, “You should lighten up, Scott.”
“And you should get dressed.”
Eloise looked up at the sudden voice that spoke both through her phone but also from the body that stood in her bedroom. She hadn’t even heard her door open and close when Scott entered, finding him stood in front of her as he held the phone by his ear still. Eloise lowered the phone, hanging up the call as she kept her eyes focused on the blonde boy who stood present, “What on earth are you doing here? What happened to ringing a doorbell or even better: telling me that you’re outside?”
“Eh that’s no fun,” He shrugged, smirking as he wandered over to Eloise’s wardrobe before opening it and searching through her clothes, “Also, a quick heads up that you need to look good tonight. By ‘good’ I mean the kind where even I would look at you and go ‘holy shit I want to take her home with me’.”
“You mean you don’t think that anyway?” She teased, winking at his tall stature as he glanced over his shoulder to where she sat on her bed.
“Dear god no,” He scrunched up his face, “I can’t think of anything worse; it would be like having sex with my sister.”
Eloise couldn’t hold back the snort that left her at his remark. He wasn’t wrong. The relationship the two of them shared was very much one of a brother/sister rather than friends. They hid nothing from one another and loved each other as if they really were siblings. He was the big brother that Eloise never had.
“What would you class as ‘good’ then?” She asked, rolling her eyes as she lifted herself out of her bed, moving across the room so she was stood behind him as he searched her wardrobe.
“Wasn’t my explanation before a perfect representation of what it means?” He asked, his eyes focusing on hauling different fabrics out of the cupboard.
“Not really.” She said straight, hearing him let out a short sigh as he continued his search. “Are you seriously going through my clothes right now to pick out an outfit for me?” She rolled her eyes as she witnessed the expression on his face, the corners of her lips turned up ever so slightly at the determination in his eyes.
He didn’t say anything else in the moment as he removed a number of tops from her wardrobe and placed them down on her bed. He returned to the wardrobe to do the same with bottoms and shoes. He would have chosen her underwear as well, but he assumed that was probably going too far.
Eloise confirmed, that was definitely going too far.
“These are your options,” He said, pointing at the variety of clothes spread against her bed, “I’ve expertly sifted through your clothes and pulled out these items that will work with each other regardless of your combination which will make you look gorgeous tonight,” He smiled at her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as he pulled her into a side hug, “Like I said, tonight we are going all out and you are going to have the time of your life, even if it kills me. You are going to look stunning when you walk into the bar and you will have every single man in said bar desperate to dance with you, I promise.”
“I don’t know if I should be flattered or concerned at the amount of effort that you’re putting into this.” She spoke wearily.
“Can you just shut up and appreciate that I’m trying to do something nice for you?” He exaggerated his sigh and glared down at her, his arm lightly squeezing her as he pressed a loving kiss to the top of her head, “You deserve it for once, El, to just enjoy your night as you and not have to worry about anything else.”
“Is it hurting you to be this nice to me?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Very.” He nodded, trying to hold a serious expression.
Eloise couldn’t hold back her laugh as she turned to fully envelope Scott in a hug, wrapping her arms around him as she smiled. As much as he joked with her about how it killed him to be nice to her, she knew that it was all he ever was towards her. He was the best.
“Now can you hurry up and pick an outfit, I’m hungry,” He grumbled, releasing her, and gently pushing her towards her bed so she could piece together an outfit for her to wear tonight.
She stopped in her tracks halfway between Scott and her bed, turning in place to face him yet again, “Wait, why am I picking so early anyway?” She turned back to him, “If we’re going out tonight, I shouldn’t need to worry about what I’m wearing until later. Also, Scott, it’s not even 10am, why are we planning this now? Why not this afternoon?”
“Because you and I both have a free day, so I’m taking advantage,” He sighed as if it was obvious, “If we do this now, then we’ve got more time for our annual birthday breakfast as well as a few extra surprises I have in store for you.” He noted the small smile that spread along Eloise’s face, unable to hold back his own at the knowledge that it was genuine.
He lived for seeing his best friend smile, knowing she never had much to smile about. It warmed him to know he could do this for her on her birthday of all days.
Eloise’s head slammed against the table in embarrassment as numerous employees of the café walked out from the staff door at the far side of the pastel coloured dining room, an eruption of voices singing happy birthday as they carried over a stack on pancakes to her table and set them down in front of her. Her eyes glared at Scott as he laughed, joining in with the song as he watched Eloise’s cheeks light up a bright shade of pink.
“I am going to kill you.” She grumbled over the voices that sang to her, her eyes unable to find a focal point as she felt the stares and smiles of strangers on her back who watched as the festivity continued around her.
After what felt like forever, the elderly employee wished Eloise happy birthday with a genuine smile spread across her face as she and the other employees disbursed and went back to work. The strangers around them also went back to their own food, socialising with those who sat opposite them in their booths. Eloise could slowly feel the eyes that were previously on her begin to dissipate, the burning sensation that rose on the back of her neck simmering down gently.
“You are so lucky that I have pancakes in front of me,” She warned, “If it were anything else, I swear I would throw it across the table at you.”
“’Thank you, Scott, that was so lovely and thoughtful of you’,” He mimicked her in a high pitched voice, “Oh no worries, El, just trying to do my part to make sure your birthday is a memorable one.”
She couldn’t help the goofy smile that graced her face as she looked at him. He was really trying to make this a day to remember. She appreciated the thought - although not the embarrassment - but the kindness behind the gesture that took place was one that made her smile with genuine thanks.
“You’re such an idiot,” She laughed as she cut into her food, shaking her head, “You would kill me if I did this for your birthday.”
“Exactly, which is why I can do it for you,” He shrugged, “But also the fact that I like my birthday is the reason why I would kill you for pulling a stunt like this, you on the other hand, despise the day so I pull out as many stops as I like to make it a day you can enjoy. And it looks like I am succeeding yet again for another year.”
It was sickening how lovely and thoughtful Scott could be when he tried. It was a polar opposite side to him compared to when he was tied up in the gang. The same could be said for Eloise, both of them acting almost completely different when in that situation.
The mood of breakfast subtly shifted while they ate; the change being noticed by Scott rather quickly as he watched while Eloise picked at her food. “What’s on your mind?” He asked, lifting a piece of toast to his mouth as he took a bite.
“It’s nothing,” She shook her head, smiling up at him, “Just thinking about how I’m going to finish these pancakes.”
“And what else?” He raised an eyebrow, watching as her breath hitched in her throat ever so slightly.
Usually when something bugged her and she brushed him off, he let it slide. He wouldn’t pester her, knowing that if it got bad then she would usually talk to him. But he knew she was vulnerable especially right now, her birthdays typically rolling with the same routine where she had a low moment or two before they were replaced with fun and adrenaline later on in the night.
“Honestly, it’s nothing.”
“El, please- “
“I said it was nothing so drop it!” She warned, glaring at him from across the table. She sighed deeply as she dropped her fork and placed her head in her hands, knowing she was just letting things get on top of her as she usually did on this day each year. She knew she would move past it and be fine in a few hours, but she couldn’t help but dwell on the maybes that circled her mind.
“You know you can always vis- “
“I’m not doing that,” She shook her head, not even looking at Scott as she cut him off, “There’s no way in hell I’m going there, especially today.”
“As much as it hurts, you’re going to have to do it one day,” Scott sighed as he leaned back in his chair, “Whether you want to or not, El, because you need to.”
“Go to hell.” She muttered, pushing her plate away from her, her stomach suddenly becoming sick at the thought of the pancakes that sat in front of her.
“Unfortunately for you I don’t think they’re quite ready for me yet,” Scott joked, “Maybe tomorrow if you’re lucky.”
He could sense the roll of her eyes from beneath her hands, a soft sigh building in his chest as he watched his best friend dwell on the memories that followed her with every step that she took in life. He did ask himself if one day she would get the closure she didn’t know she needed, if one day she would find the happiness she craved; not the happiness that she felt when she was having a good time with friends but instead a happiness where she could wake up in the morning and look at her life and love every moment she breathed. He wanted that for her more than most.
She couldn’t stop staring at the clothes that were laid out for her on the bed, her eyes scanning over the different materials as she pieced them together in her mind. Was she crazy for being so bold? Well, most people wouldn’t call her outfit of choice for the nigh bold but for Eloise, this was definitely a step out of her comfort zone.
“You better be getting ready!” A voice called through the closed door of her room.
“Yeah.” She responded, fake conviction in her tone as she kept her eyes plastered on the mesh long-sleeved top that was staring back at her, as if playing an intimidation game.
Maybe she would feel better if she just got dressed, yeah maybe that would fix her nerves. Nerves? Is that what they were? She never feared a night out before so why was tonight any different?
Her fingers trailed over the blue denim skirt on her bed, sighing as she remembered the day that she had bought it. Well, the day it had been bought for her. She couldn’t fight the underlying twitch in her heart as she remembered the woman who bought her this skirt, remembering her almost as well as her own mother. Scott’s parents always looked out for her, and always bought her nice things for her birthday every year when she stayed with them, celebrating the day with great joy and treasuring the sentimental value that they carried with all celebrations. The denim skirt was the last thing Scott’s mother had bought for her before she left, it being found in a thrift store on one of her monthly escapades, seeing it and instantly thinking of Eloise. It was simple yet intricate, much the opposite of the girl who wore it.
Eloise, get over yourself and just get dressed for crying out loud! She scolded herself as she sighed, rubbing her face with her hands before she began to get dressed, silently trying to convince herself that she would feel better in a few hours.
Scott had pieced together their entire night, the birthday celebrations estimating to last until the early hours of the next morning as per usual on their nights out. Eloise couldn’t deny she was just a little bit excited about tonight, the buzz gently floating around in her stomach at the thought of spending time with her friends, allowing herself to feel like a normal girl living in the Big Apple.
She couldn’t stop her eyes from drifting to herself in the mirror as she stood in her bedroom, the minimal décor suddenly making her feel as if she was out of place, as if to feel unwelcome as the colours of her outfit contrasted against the neutral theme of her room. Her eyes followed the outline of her outfit, biting the inside of her cheek as she looked at where the skirt ended midthigh, the waistline of the denim material blending into the black mesh top she wore where her offending dark green lace bralette could be seen through the thin material.
Her choice of outfit was bold tonight when it came to her usual taste in clothes. She knew teasing comments would be made tonight by her friends, awaiting the joking remarks they would make in response to her somewhat bold choices. She would blame Scott for the decision, like she always did.
The sound of her bedroom door opening tore her eyes from the mirror, meeting her tall friend as he stood in the doorway and watched as the dark-haired beauty in front of him nit-picked at herself.
“Not too shabby,” He smirked, admiring his best friend as she stood in front of him, “Is that some colour I see?”
“Shut up,” She rolled her eyes, moving to walk past him and nudging past his shoulder as she walked out into her hallway, making her way into the kitchen to pour herself a drink. He always made her feel good, made her feel confident, and she appreciated it when she didn’t have the energy to do it herself. She didn’t usually doubt how she looked, it typically being one of the last things on her mind as she travelled around in her staple black jeans, white t-shirt, and rugged leather jacket with her classic combat boots. “Drink?” She called out to Scott.
She reached onto the kitchen island, grasping hold of the first bottle neck that caught her attention, her eyes scanned the label. Yeah, that would do. She poured some of the copper liquid into one of the plastic cups she kept stored for nights like these, reaching over and grabbing the nearest soda she could find, pouring it into the cup, and creating the alcoholic concoction that she prayed would give her the buzz she so desperately desired. She then followed the same recipe for the mixture as she poured it into another cup and handed it to Scott, placing it in his hands before knocking her cup against his in a ‘cheers’ notion, lifting the cup to her lips as she took a large gulp of the bitter drink.
She scrunched her face up at the sharp taste, shaking her head once as if to adjust to the aftershock and slight burn that settled in the back of her throat.
“Are you not going to let me do a birthday toast to kick your birthday off in style?” Scott asked, his eyes furrowed slightly as he watched Eloise take another drink.
“Considering how bad your rendition of happy birthday was this morning,” She smirked, “I think I’ll pass. I would prefer if we focused on getting as tipsy as possible before the others arrive so we can head out and paint the town.”
“For once in your life, you’ve actually had a good idea.”
“Dickhead.” She mumbled under her breath, clinking her plastic cup with Scott’s as they continued to drink, preparing for the night ahead.
Her body vibrated with the beat of the music as it erupted throughout Moxi’s. She could barely hear herself think as she moved to the music with her friends, unable to stop the smile that spread across her face, her cheeks aching pleasantly at the people around her.
Unable to fight the buzz that took over her mind and body as she moved around the floor, grasping the hand of her friend, Paige, as she helplessly – and terribly – danced around the glowing floor. Eloise had lost count of how long she had been dancing more, never mind how long she had been at the club for. She witnessed the bodies around her, depicting each one as her friends as they surrounded her, each one in their own world as they danced around, smiles across their faces while they lived in the moment.
It was times like this she lived for, the moments where she was surrounded by the people who she loved more than life itself.
“Have you noticed that guy at the bar?” The voice she deciphered belonging to her friend, Mia, spoke loudly to her. Eloise’s eyes drifted over to the bar to her right, the neon lights along the top of the bar and scattered along the back wall in different phrases and patterns catching her attention initially before she admired the crowd that spread along that side of the club. Her eyes searched as people were dispersed along the bar, many of them shouting out with a glimmer of hope to catch the attention of one of the few bar staff that were littered along the bar before they stopped on him. Eloise let her eyes settle on him for a moment, feeling Mia’s body stood beside her but the heat that radiated from the excited brunette beside her was the last thing on her mind. “He’s been watching you since you got up to dance.”
“Has he?” Eloise felt her lips turn up at the thought of being watched by an attractive stranger, “What if he was just- “
“El, he was staring at you. By staring, I mean the ‘I want to take her home and fuck her senseless’ kind of stare,” She blurted, “In the least creepy way possible if you can even do that.”
Eloise just let a simple hum slip pass her lips as her eyes met the stranger’s, unable to decipher much about him due to the distance between them, but the one thing she could work out was that he was hot.
The heat of a hand on her wrist tore her eyes from the stranger at the bar, the brown of her irises turning around to be met with the olive green ones of Roman, another one of her friends who had come out to celebrate her birthday. She couldn’t help the smile that stayed on her face as he dragged her further into the dance floor, bodies surrounding them as they danced. Although her smile never faltered, Eloise couldn’t help but feel the small seed of disappointment that settled in her stomach due to her short lived, silent interaction with the handsome stranger.
“Where’s Scott?” She leaned into Roman’s ear to talk, realising that she hadn’t seen the blond for a while, the music around them seeming to increase in volume the further into the dance floor they travelled.
“Last I saw him, he was kissing some girl outside the bathroom,” He responded loudly as he held one of Eloise’s hands, spinning her in place.
“That’s my Scotty!” She erupted into laughter, clapping her hands briefly together before they were grabbed again by the summer-eyed boy in front of her as the dance moves got more exaggerated and more chaotic.
Eloise knew she was going to be in pain by the morning, her feet already slightly burning at the heels she had been forced to wear out tonight by Paige but especially because the movements her body was eliciting were not ones her body was made for. God, she was going to regret this, but in the best way possible.
The night continued on as the music did, shifting from numerous electronica tracks to the few well-known classics that caused the club to erupt into cheers as people sang along drunkenly to the words that they swore they knew. Eloise couldn’t deny that her mind wandered on more than one occasion throughout the night, the handsome stranger filling her drunk brain as she sat at a table with her group of friends.
The smile on her face was a drunk one, but one of fun. She was having a blast, something that she always knew she had when the celebrations got truly under way every year. Scott had outdone himself yet again in making this a birthday she enjoyed. Her mind was distracted from the puzzles and memories that usually haunted her, instead filling it with a fairy-like haze as the alcohol settled in her system, her body radiating a gentle heat as she sat surrounded by the people who mattered. Even if one of them was an estranged young lady with bleached red hair.
“So, Scotty, who’s your friend?” Jackson smirked, head nodding towards the red head who made herself present on their friend’s lap. It couldn’t be faulted that she was pretty but definitely too drunk to know who’s lap she was perched on.
“This is Lydia,” Scott spoke, his voice deep as his eyes scanned down her body before slowly meeting her eyes once again, a filthy smirk creasing his lips as his eyes practically undressed her in the public building.
“Pig.” Eloise coughed, keeping her voice quiet as she teasingly smirked at her friend across the table.
What happened to tonight being the night where Eloise would find someone to take home? But as per usual, Scott beat her to it.
Or did he?
“Move.” She muttered suddenly, her knee nudging Jackson’s jean covered leg as she tried to make her way out of the booth, her hand shoving his shoulder to hurry him along.
“How charming,” He rolled his eyes, “What happened to saying please?”
“Just move. I gotta pee.” She groaned, shoving him a bit harder this time.
Small outbursts of chuckles and smiles were exchanged around the table as Eloise made her way out of the booth, gathering her balance as she walked through the club, her eyes finding the toilet door just to the right at the far side of the bar. Her heeled feet carried her steadily through the crowds, walking along the makeshift path made by the gap between the people stood along the bar and those on the higher tables above the dance floor.
Eloise couldn’t stop herself as she allowed her eyes to travel subtly along the bar, keeping an eye out for a certain individual, wondering if he was still around for her to catch a knowing glance. Realisation struck her as she reached the bathroom door, her mind stopping the disappointment in its tracks before it had the chance to settle. She didn’t need to feel that right now. So what? A handsome stranger caught her attention then vanished? It wouldn’t be the first time.
She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror when she exited the stall, noting the way her hair fell down her shoulders, the way her pupils were enlarged slightly due to the buzz of the alcohol she had consumed throughout the night, the way her makeup was slightly smudged due to the sweaty atmosphere of the bar. She didn’t care enough to fix it, in a way admiring how it still looked presentable. Although she wasn’t sure if that was genuine or if her vision was just playing tricks on her.
Eloise couldn’t help but smile as the thin arms of Paige appeared around her torso as she was squeezed into an awkward hug from behind. “How’re you doing?” Paige smiled, her bleached blonde hair curling perfectly around her thin face.
“Why does everyone ask me that?” Eloise sighed, the smile disappearing as she looked at the reflections of the mirror. Paige noted the way Eloise’s body tensed, her shoulders squaring and her breath catching as she met her chocolate eyes in the mirror, her arms remaining comfortably around her friend as she rested her cheek against Eloise’s back.
“Because we know that you’re hiding something,” She spoke quietly, “El, we know things are bad, but you’ve got us, you need to talk to us about stuff.”
“I’d prefer not to,” She spat, “No offence but you guys don’t know anything so stop pestering and just let me enjoy my night.”
“And how do you expect to do that when you can’t get out of your own head?”
“You’ll see.” She told her, standing up straight before looking towards the door of the bathroom.
She was going to find that stranger and show her friends exactly how she wasn’t in her own head. She was going to make tonight her night.
Paige slowly released Eloise from her grip, turning the girl in her arms and looking into her oak-coloured eyes, smiling sweetly at her before she nodded towards the door, “Let’s make this a night to remember then,” She cared for Eloise as much as they all did, she saw her as a little sister like they all did; each of them feeling this urge to protect her and look out for her even though they knew she was more than capable of doing it on her own. They just couldn’t fight their primal urges.
Eloise’s feet could barely keep up as Paige dragged her back out into the loud atmosphere, the lights flashing around her as she led her back out onto the dance floor, her hands linking with the blonde’s as they began to dance; hips swinging and heels clicking as they moved to the beat of the music. The upbeat thumping of the current electronic track began to fade out, the smooth scratch of a familiar track beginning to take its place as it blasted throughout the club speakers. Laughter was held back by Eloise at her friend’s ecstatic expression, eyes the size of her head, her hands gripping those of the tall brunette as she pulled her further into the middle of the dance floor, her hips turning sultrier by the second as her movements slowed down to match the beat of the music.
To hell with it, Eloise thought. She grinned widely as she joined in, her hips matching Paige’s rhythm as she stood opposite her, both of them fully losing themselves in the song that surrounded them, their eyes focused on each other when they weren’t closed as they embraced the alcoholic buzz. She couldn’t deny that she enjoyed the feeling of multiple pairs of eyes on her. She could feel them burning through the fabric of her thin top as well as her skirt as the fabric rode up ever so slightly on her thighs.
Her lips parted slightly as she softly sang the words along with the music, swaying her hips to the rhythm. They were soon joined by Roman who found them on the dance floor, his hands finding Paige’s waist as he swayed with her from behind.
Eloise couldn’t deny the subtle feeling of dread when Roman showed up, enjoying it before when it was just her and Paige dancing. When he came into the picture, it just felt as if she was a third wheel to their relationship, a spare part in the project. She didn’t want to feel as though she was perceived as selfish for feeling that way, but she couldn’t help it.
“I’m gonna go and get another drink,” She called to Paige, brushing her hand with her own before slipping away from the crowd and heading over to the bar. Her aching feet carried her through the club, each heavy bassline of the song playing rattled through the place which Eloise felt with every step she took. Maybe another drink would help, she thought.
She found a perfectly timed space at the bar, slotting herself between the underage drinker to her left and the toy-boy to her right as she leaned against the bar, looking out to see where the nearest member of staff was stood along the bar. Her blunt nails tapped rapidly against the skin of her cheek while her head in her hand, her eyes absently reading the neon signs that were scattered around as she waited to give her request. This was the one downside about separating from your group on a night out; having to actually go and wait at the bar to order your own drink. Typically, their group would order in bulks so one person would buy for everyone to save multiple trips every time that someone wanted a drink.
Before she knew it, a bright yet tired smile greeted her from behind the bar, a young man with shaggy auburn hair stood at the till and asked her for her order. It took a moment to register that it was her chance, her throat catching for a second before clearing and allowing her to speak.
“Just a vodka and lemonade please.” She smiled sweetly, trying to somehow ease the tension in her ankles from her heels and she shifted her weight between both feet.
“Single or double?” He asked, pressing a couple of buttons on the black machine before his eyes met her own once again, “Or is that a stupid question?”
“Surprise me.” She winked, letting out a small laugh as she reached into her bag and pulled out her card.
Thankfully, the barman didn’t long to make her concoction, allowing her to get back to her friends as soon as possible, being reunited with the familiar faces she was spending the night with. She made her back to the booth where her friends sat, perching herself on the edge of one of the seats as she sipped her sweet drink. She caught the end of a conversation – more like an argument – between Jackson and Mia, the situation seeming to be get heated between them as Mia looked to be close to tears.
“What the fuck is going here?” Eloise cried out, spotting her friend with glassy eyes leaning forward as she pointed an accusing finger towards the broad man sat on the opposite side of the booth. Her eyes shot between the two young adults, confusion clouding her brain as she tried to figure out what happened, the drunk state she was currently in not helping the situation much.
She made a silent note of Scott’s absence, already knowing that Paige and Roman were dancing, her eyes glancing around for the blond friend who she knew would be with the red head she met previously. No sign of them… Great.
She tried to concentrate as her two friends continued to argue over the table of the booth, hopeless slurs being thrown at each other as they yelled. Eloise really didn’t understand what was going on, nor did she care in all honesty, but she still had to be the good friend who would break up the argument and restore peace to the friendship. She really didn’t want to have to share a taxi back with them if they were still arguing.
“How did this even start?” She groaned, throwing her head back dramatically as she rolled her eyes, looking back up at her friends before she waited for the rushed explanations to begin. As much as she loved Mia dearly, she knew she was one for starting arguments when she drunk, it was what she was known for. There wasn’t a night that involved alcohol where there wasn’t a fight that had to be defused due to her.
Long story short, Jackson made a comment about a girl’s dress and Mia took it upon herself to assume he was being rude, and accusing said girl of having ill intentions of her night out. Which, of course, is ridiculous and Mia would have known had she not been numerous double mixers into her night.
Eloise couldn’t hold back her frustrated sigh as she glared at Mia who could barely sit up right in the booth. She needed to be taken home. For a gang banger who put up with a more brutal situations in her daily life, it was a drunken friend that drove her to her limit. “Take her home, Jack,” She sighed, keeping her eyes firmly planted on the brunette who swayed in place, “She’s had too much to drink and the last thing we need is her being kicked out of here alone.”
Eloise assisted her friends in her own drunken state, the alcohol leaving her with a gentle buzz as she sipped her drinks throughout the night, lifting Mia up from her seat and helping her walk towards the door of the club, patting Jackson’s shoulder as he led their friend outside and into a taxi.
Two down, three to go…
She took a deep breath as she made her way back over to her table, silently begging that nobody had claimed it as their own while she walked her friends out, hoping that even in a drunk state, people would see jackets and bags and realise that people were sitting there. Who was she kidding, that never happened. Which is why she wasn’t surprised when she found someone sitting at her table when she returned, her heels clicking against the floor as she made her way over, ready to make the intruder aware that the table was already taken.
Well, she was about to until he looked up, his face causing her breath to hitch in her throat. She felt her mouth suddenly dry up as her eyes froze on his calm expression as he looked at up her, sensing her presence without her speaking a word. She couldn’t ignore the beauty that his face held, the tanned skin that she could make out beneath the flashing lights of the club, the deep dark eyes that met her own as they stayed in silence.
It was him. The handsome stranger.
“You’ve got some moves by the way,” His voice spoke out, his eyes remaining connected with hers, his tongue running along the inside of his bottom lip. He noted her shallow breath that she attempted to take without being noticed, unable to hide the shaking in her throat as she exhaled. “Something that I’m sure gets a lot of attention.”
“Your point is?” She spoke up, her voice surprisingly strong although her breathing was not.
She couldn’t help the lump that formed in her throat when she saw his smile, a teasing strip show was less erotic than that goddamn smile. She felt the effects of that charming smile knock her for six.
“Just saying there must a lucky guy who gets to see that later in all its glory,” He smirked, his posture straightening as he reached for her glass of vodka lemonade, lifting it to his lips and taking a small sip.
Eloise could only dream of being that glass in that moment. What was happening to her? What happened to the tough exterior she usually put on; the one that typically made boys fall at her knees? This time she was the one who was crumbling at the feet of a man she didn’t even know.
“And what if there isn’t?” She straightened her back, attempting to regain her confidence, erasing the previous rush of butterflies as she resumed back to her placid stance, allowing for her feet to carry her the rest of the way to the table, comfortably leaning against the edge as she stood just metres away from the man who easily claimed her attention. Who would have thought a stranger would have so much control in such little time?
Eloise was sure it happened all of the time, unable to deny how handsome he was, how pretty he was. He must have had numerous women falling at his feet for a chance with him, and Eloise was no different than the rest of them. But she didn’t want him to know that.
“Then that would be shame,” He teased, moving along the booth so he sat right at the edge, his eyes never breaking contact with hers, “A true utter shame.”
She noted how his voice slowed down, his annunciation of each word made clear through his mixed accent. It sounded American but there was a twang in there, she couldn’t pinpoint from where exactly. “And why is it such a shame? It’s not as if it affects you.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, doll,” He stood to his feet, the muscles beneath his leather jacket bulging as he leaned an arm against the table and turned to face her, “It wouldn’t be very gentlemen like of me to allow a young lady like yourself to travel home alone in your state.”
She couldn’t help the smirk itching her face, rethinking the amount of drinks she had consumed over the course of the night, the buzz still filling her with a warmth as her brain gently felt like a slow-motion volleyball being tossed back and forth inside her head. She had to admit to herself that for such a gorgeous man he had poor game. Although she couldn’t deny the nickname elicited an excitement inside her she didn’t know existed, causing something inside of her desperate to hear it once more. With the distance between them closed further, she noticed his beauty only grew as did his height. He was more beautiful than she already thought, or maybe it was just the alcohol taking over again. She noticed how plump and soft his lips looked, how his cheeks were full and supple, while his eyes were dark like hers but seemed to hold a vortex beneath them; a vortex which she wanted to explore.
“I think I’ll manage just fine on my own,” She leaned against the table, her hand resting on her hip as she admired his sculpted face.
“Doll,” He spoke, his voice merely above a whisper yet she could hear it perfectly clear, “Why can’t you just take a hint that I’m interested? And I can tell that you are too.”
“I think you’re overestimating your game,” She teased, although the effect the name had on her wasn’t hidden, “You’re pretty but your game is shit.”
“Oh, but I can assure you, my mouth can do more than just talk a shit game,” He licked the corner of his bottom lip, the edge of his tongue poking out as he watched her eyes flicker.
She hated that she was so turned on by the sound of that. Eloise could always fake emotions pretty well but in this situation, the attempt at hiding how she felt was futile. God, what was she doing? Was she actually considering disappearing with this man and getting up to goodness knows what? Yes, she was.
Before Eloise could begin to comprehend what was happening, she was in the back of a cab, her lips attached to his as his large hands roamed along her thighs, hips, and torso as she straddled him. The apology for the taxi driver being the last thing on her mind, her subconscious aware that they were probably used to these sights in the unsociable hours after a Saturday night.
She couldn’t help but make a mental note of how soft his lips were against her own, how large his hands were as they slid down her body and cupped her behind, the grip against her skin through her denim skirt sent heat to multiple areas of her body, his touch erupting a fire within her.
She panted for breath as he detached his lips from hers, his plump ones creating a path as they trailed along her jaw and down her neck, his teeth coming into the mix as he gently nipped at her soft skin, working his way to leave a mark; a brand that marked her as his for the short amount of time that they would spend together.
“I didn’t…” She panted; her voice weak as her eyes closed at the sensation his mouth evoked within her. She tilted her head to the right, allowing him greater access to paint her skin with various shades of blue and purple as her hands found his hair, “I didn’t even catch your name.”
She felt the vibration of his hum travel through her, the noise was deep yet symphonic much like the tone of his voice as he spoke, “The name’s Calum, sweetheart, but you can call me whatever you want.”
His voice sounded exasperated, as if it was lost and he was searching for the air to breath, his lips reattaching to her neck as they travelled back up her body, reattaching with her own pink ones as he placed a long, sucking kiss to them that he never wanted to end. “And what should I call you?”
“Eloise,” She whispered, her lips lightly brushing his as she spoke, her voice so quiet it could barely be heard, “But you can call me El.”
And by god he did. Repeatedly.
Tag List: @steviemae​
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