#I’m going to worry and care for Priority 1 (which is always me)
bioswear · 11 months
I’ll say it once: I think Israel needs to fuck off, Palestine should be free, America needs to stop sticking its dick where it doesn’t belong
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vikisbay · 6 months
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【JJK】 Rejecting the JJK boys kisses Pt 1
|Gojo, Megumi, Choso, Geto, Yuji, Toge, Yuta,|
Pt 2
A/N —> when I tell you I was non-stop writing all of these, I am obsessed with this concept★彡
【GOJO S.】 collage!Gojo
• music was blasting in your ear, your headphones sat perfectly on top of your head disconnecting you from the world around. Mid terms were coming up and you had been working your ass off, getting good grades was always top priority.
Your stupidly gorgeous boyfriend was sitting across from you mindlessly scrolling on his phone when he realized is amazing girlfriend (and hopefully) soon to be wife was sitting right in front of him. Your face was being blocked by the screen of your laptop so he tilted down revealing you to him. You were so focused on writing down something in your notebook you hadn’t even realized Gojo staring at you.
You were suddenly snapped out of your trance when your headphones were slid off your head and onto your neck, “hi sweetheart” his smile warmed your heart and his voice was literally ethernal. His hands cupped your face bringing it centimetres away from his, oh god how could you focus on studying now.
His lips just barely grazed yours before you turned your head.
You tried your hardest to suppress your laughter but his face was absolutely priceless, your soft giggles filled there air as he stood there.
He just stood there.
Tears brimmed yours eyes from laughing so hard, you felt bad but you were also enjoying it “so you don’t love me anymore?” His hand held your chin making you look at him “I’m sorry Saturo…” your apologize sounded real but the smile that was planted your face told him otherwise.
the offended look on his face made you feel bad you so you laid a small kiss on the corner of his mouth before placing your headphones back on your head, and with that he was satisfied allowing him to go back to his seat and scroll on his phone.
【MEGUMI F.】 high school!Megumi
• your eyes fluttered open, you lifted your head from your arms before stretching them over your head. How long were you asleep for? This question was floating through your head making you wish you had just stayed asleep, just for a little longer.
You looked around to find yourself in an empty classroom all the chairs were tucked in neatly and not a single object was left behind, except for the desk next to you. Textbooks and notes were scattered around messily. You rubbed your eyes trying to shake off your grogginess. You remember keeping a certain raven haired boy company while he studied but after awhile of watching him work you decided to take a quick nap. the question that now filled your mind was ‘where was Megumi?’
like magic the boy walked back into the classroom holding snacks. when he saw you a smile grew on his face “I got you snacks” his tone was caring and gently, he also kept his voice low due to the fact that you had just woken up. he set a bottle of apple juice in front of you before sitting down in his own seat. he picked up the bottle of apple juice once again and twisted the cap open before urging you to take it.
the cold liquid flowed down your throat soothing it of the harsh dryness you felt when you woke up, “you should really start going to bed at a reasonable time” he almost sounded worried but was ultimately cool and calm. you nodded your head agreeing with him knowing full well your lack of sleep was starting to affect your everyday life. he reached a hand over to you tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
he leaned in and you were well aware he was going to kiss you, but this gave you an idea. you put a hand on his chest stopping him in his tracks, this action made his eyes open slightly wider then usual. he raised an eyebrow at you making you let out a soft laugh.
“your so annoying sometimes”
this time he acted fast leaving a soft gentle kiss on your lips, clearly not finding your jokes funny which only made you find it funnier.
【CHOSO K.】 collage!Choso
• Choso laid down in your bed waiting for you, his eyes constantly threatening to close due to how late it was. you did this every night you took almost an hour to do your skincare and Choso just didn't understand way it mattered, you were already so stunning you didn't need to spend hours on your looks.
his head turned to the door as soon as he heard your soft foot steps, as soon as you came into view his eyes couldn't leave your body. you were wearing just your regular tank top and shorts but you still look so effortlessly stunning “are you just going to continue you staring?” a soft laugh left your lips and oh God was he so in love with you and i mean everything about you.
“maybe I am?” he shrugged his shoulders before patting the space beside him on the mattress. you slipped in the blanket which was cold against your bare legs. you snuggled closer to the black haired man for warmth, his warm hands wrapped around your waist bringing you comfort as you hid your face in his chest. he leaned in to lay a sweet kiss on your cheek but you moved your hand to his face pushing him away.
he backed up just a little bit a frown planted on his face, “I just put serum on my face baby” a scoff left his lips “princess, I just want to kiss you” his whiny voice made you laugh softly. you had to reach up to kiss Choso and as soon as you did he completely melted into your touch, you pulled away still giggling about the entire situation.
he pulled you in closer before saying “you don't need all that shit to look beautiful, trust me princess”
【GETO S.】 husband!Geto
• you had been working on the perfect dinner for Geto for the past hour. your boyfriend has been slaving away at work for days, he kept coming home after you had already gone to bed and would leave for work before you'd wake up. you understood that he was making money for the both of you and you were super grateful.
you set the plate of steak and mash on the table accompanied with a tall glass of his favorite wine, now you had to just wait for him to come home. while you waited you decided to do the dishes and when you were doing them he walked into the kitchen “hi gorgeous” he said tiredly before walking up behind you lazily wrapping his large arms around your waist, he nuzzled his head in your neck while you continued to clean the dishes.
he was about to leave a kiss on your neck but before he could you pulled away “eat dinner first, then I'll kiss you” you wanted nothing more than for him to have his way with you, to do whatever he wanted but he had been neglecting his heath by not eating so you had to be stern about this.
he frowned “is this what you say to your tired husband” a smirk graced his face, you turned around to face the dark haired man in front of you. so now he hand you pinned to the the brim of the sink “its what I say when my husband cant take care of himself” a soft scoff leaves your lips, he found your sass amusing making him laugh. he knew you really cared about him and he loved you even more for this so he did as you said even if he didn't like the faceted that you rejected his kiss.
of course later that night he was making you scream his name and making you beg for his lips on you.
because he was always able to make you a mess even if just hours before you had all the control over him.
— yours truly, Viki
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killualoverr · 1 month
hiii, i've been eating up all your works omg you are so talented! if you're comfortable with it, could you maybe try for headcanons with killua and a fem! civilian s/o? she's not strong or anything, but do you think she would catch his eye with her kindness or something?? bonus points if the zoldyck family knows about her and their opinion on her! take your time with it and ignore it if it makes you uncomfy in any way <3 mwah!
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₊ ☆ ‧₊˚ → killua x civilian s/o headcanons!
cw: none that i’m aware of
note: omg you’re so sweet ☹️☹️!!! i’m so glad to know ppl are enjoying my works ahhh it makes me so unbelievably happy (๑>◡<๑)! anyway, i had lots of fun with this request, i hope you enjoy!!
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- i was thinking of some possible ways that killua could’ve met you and here are the ones i think are most likely to happen
- 1. you could be a relative to someone like gon, bisky, etc
- 2. gon and you became friends and he introduced you to killua
- but ANYWAYS for the sake of convenience let’s go with the latter
- he was a bit distant when meeting you and didn't really bother to get to know you
- it was nothing bad he just didn't find interest in you
- that was until after spending some time together. while getting to know the boy and you first started becoming close, he was wary of telling you about his past as an (now ex) assassin in fear of scaring you away, but when he talks about it you reassure him that you don’t mind it kinda makes his feelings toward you grow in a way
- which eventually led to you both dating!
- anyway
- imagine him talking to you about his training and you have absolutely no idea what he’s talking about
- “oh yeah me and gon practiced our ren today- “killua, what. 🙁”
- on the topic, sometimes you watch him train
- compliment his special ability out of nowhere and he’s a blushing mess, scratching his cheek in a flush.
- you also fix him up if he ever gets hurt after a fight and/or training
- sometimes (when it’s safe for you to do so) you tag along the adventures the two bestfriends go on, killua always keeping a watchful eye on you just so he’s sure you’re safe.
- if you somehow do end up getting hurt he’s so worried and scolds you while treating any and every wound you have
- for the time he has to go away for something he constantly calls/texts you to check up on you and it’s one of his top priorities to visit you as soon as possible when he’s done
- as for what the rest of the zoldycks think about you…
- killua avoids getting you involved with his family and would only introduce you alluka (aka basically the least threatening member of the family) for your safety
- if his family were to somehow find out about you (cough cough illumi snitching)
- silva wouldn’t approve of you and would lose interest when he hears you’re just a regular person since he wants killua to be with someone to help produce heirs for the family (bro still really thinks killua is going to be the next head of the zoldycks), but i feel like he would try to manipulate/bribe you into bringing killua home then gets pissed when it doesn’t work 😭😭
- kikyo borderline loathes you. she would have a list of requirements you would need to meet for her to see you as fit for killua so she hates you for not meeting her standards. she would tell him to break up with you or to kill you
- illumi also thinks you’re not fit for killua and you quickly gain your name being put in his list of targets which quite obviously does not sit well with killua at all
- milluki doesn’t really care but he’s kind of upset about it, he doesn’t think you’re good for killua and would think he’s stupid for dating you
- kalluto wouldn’t really have an opinion on it, he would think it’s a little idiotic of killua but it’s whatever to him
- alluka adores you! you’re by far her favorite person (along with killua of course)
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Anything for You, Darlin’
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader (can be Austin!Elvis if you prefer)
Word Count: 1, 963
Warnings: Pregnancy, Child birth, Blood, Surgery, Screaming, Crying (This chapter is HEAVY)
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Chapter 11
August 1977
This pregnancy seemed to go by quicker than the others. Elvis had a twelve week tour across the West Coast so that took a huge of time. During that busy schedule, Elvis made time for you and his family. He went to all of your doctor appointments and took the kids to school whenever he could. He had also lost fifty pounds in order to give the fans the best. At the end of the day, you were his top priority, though.
August 16, 1977- 4AM
It was early morning when you heard Elvis come home. He had a late night dentist appointment and was making final preparations for his next tour which was beginning the next in Portland, Maine. You weren’t due until late September so Elvis felt comfortable enough with a short four week tour.
You woke up when you heard the rattling of his keys trying to get in the door. He finally got in, walked up the stairs and walked into the bedroom.
“Satnin, what are you doing up? You’re supposed to be asleep,” Elvis said to you softly but also stern.
“I don’t know, I just couldn’t sleep babe,” you told him, “the back pain is killing me.”
He walked over to you and began rubbing your lower back. He knew exactly where it hurt and how to take care of it since this wasn’t his first rodeo. His calloused hands with his rings felt cold against your back, enough to send shivers down your spine. Elvis wanted to make sure his queen was happy and taken care of. After a little bit, both of you fell asleep not knowing what would happen later on that day.
August 16, 1977- 8AM
Elvis took Mallory and Elvis Jr to school that morning so you could sleep some more. When Elvis got home, he walked through the door like he always did.
“Satnin, I’m home,” he called out. No answer. You were usually up by now, but Elvis didn’t worry at first. You were starting to stir in your bed, but then you were wide eyed because you felt something warm under you. At first you thought it was husband until you looked down and saw what it was: your water had broke. It was too early. To make matters worse you also saw something else that was never a good sign: blood. You panicked and screamed.
“ELVIS!!!!” You yelled from the top of lungs. You heard him running up the stairs
“(Y/N) what’s wrong baby?” He asked as he was running to the bedroom. By the time he got to you, he knew what was wrong. He saw the fear in your eyes and the blood that was slowly pooling beneath you.
“Doll, it’s gonna be ok. I’m taking you the hospital now.” Elvis said to you.
He didn’t even grab any bags this time. He only picked you up and took you out to the car. He was worried. The fear was written all over his face. This may have been the fourth time, but this was the first time that you had went into premature labor. You were only about 33-34 weeks. Elvis was so much of a train wreck that he couldn’t even drive. You two had to have Jerry drive.
Elvis was holding you tight in his lap. He didn’t care about anything else in that moment, but you.
“Satnin, you gotta stay awake for me now okay doll? We’re almost there darlin.”
When you finally got to the hospital, Elvis immediately carried you in. His clothes looked like he could of been the patient with the blood stains. The nurses looked at you and him with shock and horror in their eyes. They immediately paged for the doctor. There was no time for paperwork or questions: action had to be taken fast. Elvis laid you on the gurney, and they quickly whisked you away.
For you everything, started to look blurry. You could hear voices, but you didn’t know who was saying what. The last thing you clearly remember was being wheeled into the operation room. After that, everything went to black.
While you were in the OR, Elvis was in the private waiting room pacing back and forth. The Memphis Mafia and Vernon were with him. Everybody in that room was hoping, praying and wishing for a miracle. The room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Finally after two hours, the doctor came out.
“I’m looking for the family of (Y/N) Presley.”
The whole damn room stood up. Every person in that room loved you and considered you family. The doctor looked puzzled, but knew this reaction was going to happen.
“Well I guess since all of you are her family, I’m telling you all. She successfully made it through surgery and we delivered a healthy baby girl. Both of them are gonna be fine.”
Everyone was relieved. Elvis couldn’t contain the emotions anymore and began sobbing. The last time anyone had seen him in this state was when his mother died and that was nineteen years ago. Everyone in the room got around Elvis to make sure he was ok, but he didn’t want them. He wanted you. He looked up at the doctor with his teary blue eyes.
“Please take me to her. I… I need to know she’s ok…” he barely got out.
The doctor took Elvis the OB/GYN floor. Elvis was dead set on seeing you to make sure you were all in one piece. On the way to your room, a million questions were spinning in his head. How did this happen and why? Why you? He didn’t understand what fully happened so he had find out. When they finally got to your room, Elvis walked in to find you still sleeping from the anesthesia they gave you from surgery. He gently brushed your (Y/HC) hair away from your face.
“Doctor, please give it to me straight. What happened to her and why?” Elvis said to the doctor. She looked back at him.
“Well after we delivered the baby, we had to find the source of the bleeding in order to stop it. We found that the placenta completely detached from the uterus. Also, we found that the main blood vessel of the uterus had ruptured. We tried to repair it, but the damage was too great. The only option to stop the bleeding was a hysterectomy. If you didn’t bring her in when you did, she would have been dead within a hour.”
Elvis was in complete shock. He almost lost you. In that moment, nothing else mattered.
“Is she gonna be ok?” He asked
“Yes she’s going to be fine. Recovery will be longer than usual, but besides that, she will make a 100% recovery.”
Elvis was relieved. You were going to fully come out of this. He took a hold of your hand in his and held on to it to let you know that he was there with you.
“And I should also let you know that baby girl is healthy. She came out screaming and crying.” The doctor told Elvis.
Elvis had to chuckle to himself. “Yea I know lil one probably got that from her mama. When can I see her? I know (Y/N) would be pissed if I didn’t at least see our baby girl.”
“I’ll go get her right for you, Mr. Presley. Hang tight.” The doctor left Elvis alone with you. Just a few moments later you slowly began to wake up. Everything seemed blurry for a minute until you fully opened your eyes. The first thing you saw was your husband standing over you.
“Satnin, honey can you hear me? Squeeze my hand if you can hear me.”
You stared back at him. “Of course I can hear you. Everyone can.”
“Really (Y/N)? You just woke up and you’re already being a smart ass.” Elvis said while laughing. He hugged you tight. “Darlin’ please don’t ever scare me like that again. You had me and everyone else worried sick.”
You looked up at him. His icy blue eyes were almost bloodshot from all the crying.
“Elvis what happened?”
“Satnin, i…i… I don’t know how to tell you… well….”
“Elvis Aaron Presley, please just tell me what happened.”
“(Y/N), you had to have a c-section in order to deliver the baby. After that, in order to stop the bleeding they had to perform a hysterectomy so…”
You cut him off, “Babe I don’t care what they did to me. Where the baby?!? Is he or she ok?” Elvis saw the panic and worry in your eyes.
“Darlin’ don’t worry the baby’s fine. Our baby girl is going to be fine.”
Elvis reassured you.
“Wait… we had a baby girl?”
As soon as you finished your question, the doctor came back in, surprised to see you were awake and talking.
“I see somebody has woken up. How are you feeling Mrs. Presley?”
“I’m alive. I just wanna see my baby.”
“Let me check your vitals and then you can see her, alright?” She immediately checked all of your vitals and your stitches. She was surprised by how well you were doing, but you were tough.
“Well, everything looks good. You can see your baby girl now.”
Just then, the head nurse brought her in. She was all wrapped up in the signature baby pink blanket. Your little baby girl was placed into your arms. Both you and Elvis began to cry. She was sleeping, but you could already see how beautiful she was.
“Satnin, would you look at that? She’s so damn beautiful, just like her mama. I swear we make the prettiest babies this world had ever seen.” Elvis rubbed her head while sitting next you.
“Do you wanna hold her, Elvis?” You asked him while looking up at him. You looked into his icy blue eyes. He didn’t have to say yes. You placed her into his arms. The moment she was in his arms, she woke up and began to softly cry.
“Hey there, it’s alright baby girl. Daddy’s got you. There’s no need to cry,” Elvis softly cooed to her. His voice was truly like the softest velvet. He always had the magic touch when it came to soothing his babies.
“So doll, what are we gonna name this adorable baby girl?” He asked you softly.
You replied back to him, I think Kennedy is pretty name. She looks like a Kennedy to me.”
“You’re right babe, she does look like a Kennedy. What about Grace for middle name?” Elvis asked you.
“I love it,” you said to him softly, “what made you think of it?”
“Well satnin, by the grace of God, this lil’ baby girl is here safe and sound.”
“That’s true Elvis. Welcome to the world, Kennedy Grace”
Baby’s Name: Kennedy Grace Presley
Date of Birth: August 16, 1977
Time of Birth: 9:07AM
Physicalities: 5 pounds 7 ounces 19 inches long
Elvis had to call Steve Binder to tell him that he wasn’t gonna be in Portland or be able to do the tour due to Kennedy’s early arrival. Binder told Elvis to take all the time he needed.
That day, you didn’t have any visitors like you had before. You and Elvis just wanted to soak in Kennedy’s presence. Kennedy seemed to complete the family. That night Elvis fell asleep in the hospital bed with you. His hand holding yours. At the end of the day, no matter how famous he was, he was always a family man first.
“Good night satnin, I love you doll.” He mumbled in your ear before he fell asleep
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askthefizzyfactory · 2 months
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Model: Therapist Fizzy
Height // Pronouns: 4'6" // he/him it/its they/them
Nicknames: “Therapist Fizzy”, “Thizzy”, "TF-1856"
Location: Sloth Ring
Function: I provide therapy for hellborne in one of the newer clinics Mammon has opened up in the Sloth Ring, a wing of a larger hospital called the “Fizzy Clinic”. I work alongside many other fizzies at this place. I mainly do psych-evaluations of other fizzies, somehow this has become my priority... I’ll be providing the profiles of the following fizzies after me.
History: I’ve been working here for a couple of years by now, I’m still around so I must be doing something right.
Behaviour: I like to think that I’m straight to the point. I’m not here to sugar-coat things for you, if you’ve got a problem I’ll tell you, you can have the drugs you came here for, then get out of my hair. Some say I ask too many questions, but it’s what I’m supposed to do, so… cry about it.
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Model: Doctor Fizzy
Height // Pronouns: 4'6" // he/him it/its they/them
Nicknames: “Doctor Fizzy”, “Doc”
Location: Sloth Ring
Function: Does first aid, surgeries, dentist work, assigns medicine and whatever else might be needed to keep you in good(?) health. I wouldn’t say he’s great at what he does though…
History: Me and Doc go way back, we got booted up the same day. It’s always been a hard worker, but I would claim that it doesn’t put quality over quantity. Then again, that’s not part of our policy. This health care is cheap, and he just wants to have fun…
Behaviour: I don’t know. It’s probably the happiest fizzy I’ve ever met, the energy it possesses rivals that of the Loo Loo Land fizzy. I wouldn’t trust this guy with my pen, let alone have him mess around with my insides… Luckily for me, that’s not something I have to worry about. He seems to think we’re best friends, which is starting to become a problem. He’s extremely… clingy. I don't think he's fully reached sentience... perhaps it's better that way.
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Model: Companion Bot Fizzy
Height // Pronouns: 4'6" // any pronouns, but has a preference for she/her
Nicknames: “Maid Fizzy”, “Mizzy”
Location: Pride Ring
Function: Companionship
History: Used to belong to an imp called Burnie Burnz. When found after said imp’s sudden death at Mammon’s Clown Pageant, the model was nearly broken beyond repair. Memory Card has been mostly wiped of the past experience to prevent inability to perform its tasks.
Current Situation: Belongs to a self-proclaimed “otaku”-sinner in the Pride Ring who got her on sale, playing the role of his maid, dress up doll, sex toy and servant in every way. While the life of a companion fizzy isn’t easy, she… seems relatively at peace since her owner always spoils it rotten, despite being a basement-dweller.
Behaviour: Overly chipper and excitable, bordering on concerning. It called itself “kawaii”? Despite this, the bot is very obedient, and its owner doesn’t have any complaints. Satisfied customers is what it’s all about. However, we do regular check ups on it to make sure that no memories resurface…
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Model: Caretaker Fizzy
Height // Pronouns: 4'6" // any pronouns works
Nicknames: “Caretaker Fizzy”, “Ginger”, “Fuzzy”
Location: Imp City
Function: Main tasks include watching over infants, babies, toddlers and children, as well as chaperoning teenagers. Can also help out at home with things such as cooking, buying groceries, wait in line for you, cleaning, giving your teenagers “the talk”, drive them around, etc etc.
History: Belongs to a large imp/hellhound family with a mom and dad who’re barely there, 1 baby, 1 toddler, 3 children and 2 teenagers. This bot has been working for them for over a year already.
Behaviour: Neurotic and overworked, we’re looking into booking an appointment with this fizzy before it snaps like a rubber band, but it always says there’s no time. I’d avoid this one to be safe, she has a temper.
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Model: Undertaker Fizzy
Height // Pronouns: 6'6" // he/him it/its
Nicknames: “Undertaker Fizzy”, “Undertaker”, “Mortis”, “Mort”
Location: Wrath Ring
Function: Its main function is to handle and bury the remains of hellborne that have passed away, a job not many in hell consider necessary. While it’s mainly working in Wrath, the place where many casualties happen to take place, it can be rented out to handle autopsies, preparations for funerals, and burying bodies on both bigger and smaller scales in other rings as well.
History: There’s not much to say. It buries bodies and holds funerals in Satan’s name. It’s seen a lot of gruesome shit, and it’s not really shaken by the deaths of the breathing anymore, if it ever was. It’s got a job to do, and if you just let it get it done with an occasional smoke break, he’ll be riding off not soon after.
Behaviour: Keeps things brief. Doesn’t say more than needed. He seems stable, one of the very few fizzies I can say that about. A model employee if you will.
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Model: Original model was an Office Fizzy, it has been vastly modified at this point
Height // Pronouns: 6'1" // he/him it/its they/them
Nicknames: “Manager Fizzy”, “The Manager”, “Bozzy” amongst certain fizzies (like me)
Location: Lust Ring as well as the Greed Ring
Function: The manager at the “Fizzy Factory”, he used to excel at guiding new Fizzies to their stations, give them the information they needed to integrate into society as a companion bot or other, and handled all the paperwork that comes with it. Now it mostly does the latter. While the factory is located in Lust, it belongs to Asmodeus, and Mammon drives the production forward, he’s the one in charge of the factory itself at this point.
History: Having proven itself as reliable, it has a hand in almost every part of the factory, and has history working directly under Mammon. It is one of the older models, once part of the office that handled the paperwork or any kind of law suits coming in. I’ve heard some call him “Ratty” for “Office Rat” at some point… but I never saw that fizzy again.
Behaviour: I’d rather not go into some kind of psychoanalyzing of this guy… but I can tell you that he’s smug, confident, efficient, and a condescending prick. I think he thinks he owns every fizzy out there… or something more paternal… here I go, asking too many questions again. Just pray you don't get him knocking at your door, asking you to return a fizzy whose contract has been breached. He has his ways to get what he wants. To say he's unhappy with Fizzarolli's retirement is an understatement.
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Model: Factory Fizzy
Height // Pronouns: 4’ // they/them, secondary he/him. Does not appreciate it/its the slightest.
Nicknames: “Factory Fizzy”, “FF-8842”, “88”, “4-2”
Location: Lust Ring
Function: Produces, assembles and ships out new fizzies to the public, albeit production has been put on hold as of writing this. They may be called in to do maintenance on other fizzies that arrive to the factory if needed, and scrap them if that is required as well.
History: This particular fizzy is barely a month old by the time I’m writing this, and there’s not much to say about its… their experiences. They have only ever known the inside of the factory, and, most likely, it will remain that way. Unless it finally gets scrapped, that is.
Behaviour: Eyes cast down. Shoulders held high. Seems displeased with their situation at the factory. Nothing new. The Manager tells me that they’re asking too many questions though, and that their production quota wasn't as high as the others’… so we’re looking into that.
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Model: Loo Loo Land Fizzy
Height // Pronouns: 6' // he/him it/its they/them
Nicknames: "Fizzy", "Robo Fizz", "Loo Loo Fizzy"... but those who ask his name when Mammon isn't looking, will get the name "Pinwheel". Considering he's not active anymore... it doesn't really matter what you call him now.
Location: Greed Ring, specifically the remains "Loo Loo Land"
Function: Singing and dancing, entertaining kids, and performing various circus tricks for an audience. It's more athletic than the average fizzy-model, more sturdy and durable, and has a built in security-program that it utilises during and after hours, to make sure that no demons with nefarious intentions cause problems at the park. Unfortunately... this very robot caused plenty of problems all on its own.
History: LLLF-001 was the very first fizzy model to be presented to the public. About a decade old, it was once a novelty you could only see at Loo Loo Land. These days, anybody can get a fizzy, especially after the big blow out sale... yet this fizzy remained at the park, until he took the place down with him, together with an unknown imp. Where he is now... beats me. He was already falling apart before the destruction of the park... Well, I could not care less. I hope he's dead.
Behaviour: LLLF-001 is, in the lack of any other word... rancid. He's energetic and violent, has no limits or reservations on how to treat the guests of the park, and he's quick to insults and making a joke out of you, even if he's the only one laughing. Some children and demons found him entertaining from afar, because they simply did not know better. This bot hates everyone... but then... after falling into disrepair in a park for 10 years... I genuinely can't say that I blame him.
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Model: Advertisement and Seller Fizzy
Height // Pronouns: 4'6" // he/him they/them it/its
Nicknames: "Ad Fizzy", "Andrzej", "Addy", "Andy", "Anaconda" it doesn't matter what you call him, he's not picky, he'll answer to insults as well I've noticed.
Location: Primarily the Greed Ring, however he will frequent whatever Ring he needs to record or make sales in
Function: Makes commercials, infomercials and so on to sell Mammon's products when Mammon is not available to record. TV, radio, it doesn't matter, if you hear a very nasal fizzy with a lazy New York accent, then it's Andrzej talking. His focus is mainly on the fizzies, and he also runs auctions for pre-owned fizzies. He has been Very busy during the Blow Out Sale, the Fizzy merchandise will be selling for years even if nothing new is produced, and fizzies are being returned and sold at lower prices left and right right now. He'll have plenty to do until the very last fizzy in hell shuts down.
History: Despite being one of the oldest fizzies out there, the only one I can think of rivalling him being the Loo Loo model by a few months maybe..there's not much to say about him. He's been doing this for so long, and he hasn't changed much since the beginning of it all. He's still an absolute drag to talk to. It's almost admirable.
Behaviour: Ugh... Andrzej is known to never stand still and never shut up. Yes, I am aware that most fizzies are like this... but this guy is just something else. He is always trying to sell you something, be it the latest merch, pre-owned Fizzarolli sex-toys, fizzies for consumers, or even trying to get fizzies to ask for upgrades from their owners. Despite being steeped in the business-side of Greed however, he doesn't have the same venom that Greed-fizzies like the Manager have... I think, despite everything, he's managed to remain himself for so long, without losing himself to the misery of what it means to be a fizzy.
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onlyswan · 1 year
Hey art!!!! After I stumbled on your account and read your in which! Series I have been on a hunt to find something like that and I have yet to find something that will come close. Like you ruined all fanfic writers for me, and I’m not even kidding. Nothing will come close. The way you portray love and domesticity is just so beautiful and the words you choose and the way you write MY GOD!!! I could go on and on. Honestly finding your account was the best coincidence. 🥺❤️
I have a couple of questions If you don’t mind:
1- are you gonna write about jk going to the military or is that not really a priority right now? Because I would like to see how oc and Jk handle this era in their relationship but if you choose not to I would obviously totally understand as it is such a big task.
2- since I’m new to your account, do you have a fixed schedule for when you’re going to release your fics or is it just when you get inspiration and start writing? Pardon me I’m new so I don’t know.
3- do you think that jk might not feel connected to oc because maybe she isn’t presuing an artistic kinda field? Or do you think that their differences bring them together? (Sorry if that was a random question, I just would love to hear your thoughts on that)
Mand yeah that’s it!! Sorry if this was so long😭 I hope you take care of yourself and your mind and don’t pressure yourself too much and know that your work is always appreciated❤️❤️❤️
hiii anonie 🥺 omghdjdhjdfj i don’t know what to say thank you so much !!! 😭😭😭 i’m soooo happy to know that the iw series is loved for the way it portrays love and domesticity <3 writing brings me so much peace and reading messages like this makes me love doing it even more 🥺🩷 thank you for finding my silly little blog <3
1. that’s not really a priority right now :( i’m gonna have to feel it out when the time comes but rn i just don’t feel comfy writing about the topic since it’s not something i’m knowledgeable in
2. i post on saturdays at 8am kst :] but there’s no fixed schedule like every week or every other week because sometimes i’m too busy, some drabbles take longer to write than others and yeaaa i need the inspiration/motivation to write too !! i can feel very unmotivated at times 🥲
3. the thing with jk is he becomes fascinated and awe-inspired by things he aren’t familiar with so their differences actually make him admire oc so much more <3 oc loves the arts though esp literature and painting 🥺
hehe i hope i answered your questions right i’m sorry i’m a bit hungover rnhsjshdjfhf and pls don’t worry i appreciate long asks so much i love answering them!! thank you for your interest!! 🥰 i hope you have a wonderful day and please take good care of yourself as weeeell <3
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vsnotresponding · 2 years
I’m here for the ask game.
1 Ira
9 sher
13 sher & karma <3
42 Ira
53 karma
50 sher
i love doing this so much thanks lyn <3
1- What’s the lie your character says most often? (ira)
honestly, ira doesn't really lie. she says stuff as she thinks it and doesn't try to soften the blow.
you could count telling Hamza she's "not going to get into trouble" or "going to stay put" or "no I did not hid that bunch of insects on your bed why do you ask" as lies I guess but they both know she's lying so i guess there's that
9- Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive? (sher)
if only he could learn to plainly give love huh, wouldn't that be neat.
I feel that once he learns to he'll be a gentle love kind of dude, specially to karma, in fear of fucking up and hurting others. (he gets called out about it, even by karma). it is a journey™ and it mostly happens after púlsar but he'd eventually give tough love when necessary (mostly to sadaf. she's a little brat. she's also like 5. some would call it parenting)
as for himself, he's extremely tired of the tough 'love' his father gives him :) also he's already hard enough on himself he could use some gentleness
13- When do they fake a smile? How often? (sher and karma)
Sher? every fucking day of his fucking life. on a meeting? fake smile. talking to his father? fake smile. talking to karma? extra biggest fake smile. he always has his assholey smirk on his face. and. it. falls. the. second. he's. alone.
karma did use to fake a smile a lot when his mom was still alive. he didn't want to worry her about his problems so he told her everything was okay (it wasn't). now he just doesn't have reasons to pretend to be okay or happy anyways so he doesn't even bother :)
42- If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be? (ira)
that's,,, that's it. and this is only in the very unlikely case she would accept the invitation. like, she has the knowledge to give a ted talk about creations and how it all works, and that was probably the reason she got invited for starters, but 1. she's not very good at explaining it, 2. she's not a speech giving person, and 3. she's not talkative at all (unless she's bored and her voice is the only thing she has to distract bother others)
53- Who would / do they believe without question? (karma)
not sher lmao that's for sure
this question actually took me a while to answer. he doesn't think he can trust his friends (garvan, emhi, áine) because he feels like he's not a priority to them/ feels isolated from them and their dynamic and he'd rather keep his thoughts to himself.
during púlsar he ends up trusting 100% in ira ride or die. it's mostly out of guilt of all ira goes through (partly because of his own actions so he's compensating) (my boy is full of guilt what can i say) and he also has no reason not to trust her 100%
50- What belief / moral / personality trait do they stand by that you personally don’t agree with? (sher)
i don't personally agree with how he's going about everything actually, but it's not like he knows another way. he's trying his best. which isn't great. but he's trying
apart from that, the fact that he's being so careful to bring change when people are literally dying my dude hurry up who cares about protocol
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captawesomesauce · 2 years
Thoughts at 11am...
Thoughts on self defense tools...
There is no one right answer to self defense and anyone who tells you differently is either trying to sell you something or get you killed.
A lot of you know I've worn a lot of different uniforms, and been to a lot of very bad places in the world, and I also grew up in an environment where I was constantly a target. These things combined have taught me a lot of different lessons and I try and share them with those who ask, and those I care about.
FIRST and FOREMOST... the #1 way to stay safe is to avoid bad situations! As much as possible just be aware of your surroundings and your actions. If something doesn't feel right, leave. It's that simple. Go home. If you're out and about and there's something sketchy, just turn around and leave. If that's not practical in your situation, at least put as much distance as you can between you and the issue. Switch sides of the street if you can, walk on the inside or the outside of someone else, do what ever you can to allow yourself time and distance to put space between you and whatever.
But sometimes that isn't an option.
So you have to consider two things... lethal or less-than-lethal defense.
Let's start with lethal. This is a big decision for many people, and it's not the right decision for everyone. There are those who will say that if someone is coming to harm you, you have to be prepared to end that persons life to save your own, or your families. It's big talk... but the fact is, a lot of people can't do that and that's just a fact.
So what are some options for those that can?
Personally I'm going to go against the grain and say that one of the best options for concealed carry is something super old school. A standard DAO .357 snub nose revolver with no protruding hammer. My reasons are simple... you're not a cop or a soldier on 100% alert 24/7. You're simply out and about and shit happens which is going to spike your adrenaline in the worst fucking way. You will start shaking, you will start fumbling around, you will be a mess as your fight or flight responses all max out at the same time. So you want something where you just point and squeeze and it goes BANG! and the threat stops! Or at least delayed enough for you to get the fuck away (which is always the number 1 priority)
DAO means double action only... there is no hammer to cock back, there is no thinking or motion involved beyond point and shoot. With a single action, you have to remember to pull the hammer back... and if it has a hammer, it has a lot of stuff to catch on the holster, your shirt, your pants pocket, your jacket, your this and your that. I've seen people pull their guns out and it literally goes flying across the room because it caught on their belt! So a simple, small, snub nose that is smooth is perfect. With a semi-automatic, regardless of single or double action, you have to remember to rack the slide, make sure the magazine is still properly seated, remember the motions of disabling the safety, and all of that jazz. DAO revolvers inherently have a long trigger pull which makes them safe to carry fully loaded, and they're simple to use, simple to clean.
And that last point is really important. Revolvers are the simplest gun to take care of when it comes to maintenance. They're really easy to clean, not a lot of moving parts or things to disassemble, and they're not picky about dirt, debris, and other stuff that will make an automatic jam or act up. You don't have to worry about spring tension in the magazines, you don't have to worry about this screw and that screw, and getting this rod back in the right spot, and all of that, which can be very daunting!
Plus with grip lasers, you can just point the red dot and pull the trigger and hit your target and you're good to go! And hitting your target is important! But when you are using lethal force, it is absolutely important to remember that you will NOT hit your target 100% of the time and you need to be aware of what is behind and around your target before you pull that trigger! A thing to always think about is that bullets don't always stop when they hit a person... you have an entry, and often an exit, so you absolutely have to be aware of what's behind them! And what about the bullets that miss? Are you in an apartment where you might penetrate the wall and kill your neighbor? Are you outdoors and you might shoot into a crowd behind you? You might use frangible ammunition to stop over penetration, but you are still shooting lethal rounds and have to be cognizant of everything around you and behind your target.
Now a lot of people like old S&W J frame .38s... and I'm not going to disagree with that, but it's not for me. Here's the thing about small guns... they're inherently hard to shoot well! The small barrel, the lightweight metals and polymers, it all works against the shooter. People want the smallest and lightest, but they don't stop to think about the physics. That's why I've always gone with something a bit bigger, like a .357. It's usually heavier which makes carrying it a little more uncomfortable, but the nice thing about .357's is that you can put a .38 in it. Remember, a .38 can only shoot .38 but a .357 can shoot both! And loading a .38 in a .357 allows you to shoot something a lot more controllable for those with small hands or weak grips while still having good stopping power.
Personally, I have never shot the Ruger LCR or the Colt King Cobra Carry DAO but those two would be the first ones I looked at. S&W has a nice one as well, but I'd start looking at those other two first but that's just because I've never had an S&W that I liked, so personal bias. I used to carry a Taurus, but it was a gift, and I think I'd go with the Colt now.
I will say that a big push now is in the .327 market. Supposedly it handles better than a .38 with better stopping power, but I just have 0 experience with it and so I won't comment on if it's just marketing bullshit or the real deal.
Another option for in-home defense is what people have been using since guns first came about... a shotgun. There are a lot of self defense loads for the shotgun, from beanbags to plastic discs, frangible ammo, birdshot, buckshot, slugs... you name it, they make it. Even OC and Pepper compounds to turn it into a loud, scary, face full of burning ouchie gun.
The thing about shotguns is size and power. Maneuvering around a confined space, in the dark, when you're scared and in full AMPed up mode is difficult with a long gun. Take your mop out and try and get around doors and through hallways with it under your arm. Now try remembering how to load, cycle, and use a shotgun while not banging into everything and anything when you have to confront someone who wants to harm you. It's a lot to ask, but it's still an option a lot of people like.
So the 2 questions you have to think about with a shotgun is stock/no stock and gauge. 12ga shotguns are the norm... but are they the best? For women and older people, the answer is often NO! There is so much recoil, so much power in a 12ga, that it's just not feasible to use. .410 on the other hand tends to be crap in many peoples experiences. The sweet spot is 20ga for home defense. It'll do what you want without ripping your arm and shoulder off, and that's important!
So what is the stock/no stock debate? A lot of people say shooting a shotgun without a stock is stupid as hell. A good rubber pad is everything in life with a shotgun. BUT, we have the issue of length and maneuverability to consider once again. So things like the Mossberg 590 shockwave in 20ga might be a good choice for you! Remington has an 870 tac 14 in 20 too. Both of these have hand nubs for a grip at the rear instead of a normal stock or pistol grip. It's something to think about.
Speaking of .410, if you're a tiny person, this might be your only option, but I'm personally not a fan of them. The .45LC/.410 combo revolvers are neat looking things, but all of the testings and such that I've seen and read usually default to the "MEH" category of performance. They're great if you want a trail gun to shoot snakes while hiking or camping, but beyond that... many feel, and I agree, that it's a bad choice if you can choose something else. A gun is better than no gun after all.
For less than lethal you have a lot of options to choose from, and I'll say this straight up... you have to have a much different mindset when using these. Bullets stop almost everyone... if you fire 5 .38's into a person, you're probably going to end the threat right then and there.
LTL (less than lethal) works on a different dynamic. All you're going to do is hurt the person, hopefully hurt them enough so you can get away. That's it. That's the whole game right there. Hurt them and run the fuck away. But pain doesn't stop everyone... sometimes it just makes them angrier and makes them more violent, and makes them want to attack you even more.
That's why no single LTL is going to work 100% of the time... and why I tell everyone that if you carry it on you, and if you try and use it, be prepared to have it taken away and used against you!
This is especially true of close in weapons like a knife or stun gun. If you're close enough to touch them, they're close enough to kill you. Really think about that for a second. If you can hit them with the stun gun... they're close enough to absolutely destroy you. If you can cut them with a knife, they are close enough to take that knife away from you and leave you as a meat puzzle for the M.E to put back together.
So when we talk about LTL, it's important to think of distance because these are PAIN COMPLIANCE TOOLS!!! They do NOT render someone unconscious or unable to attack you!
Weapons like the Taser Pulse that shoots barbs is a great option because you can shoot it, drop it, and run!!! You can use it at a distance and use it to increase the distance between you and the attacker. The thing is, a lot of times taser barbs don't work... ask any cop and you'll find that the numbers are inflated as to how successful they are. Depending on the persons clothing, or their movement, or this or that, sometimes you just don't get a good hit, and it's important to be aware of that. Also worth noting is that a lot of these devices also have contact stun so you can jam it into your attacker and keep zapping close up if need be, making it two tools in one.
Another good distance weapon is something like a .50 or .68 caliber personal defense weapon. These are similar to paint ball guns but they shoot a mix of hard steel, or dense rubber, or even pepper/oc balls. These things hurt and hurt bad, and will often penetrate slightly and leave welts. The pepper balls are nice in that they aren't wind affected like conventional pepper spray that can blow back at you. The balls hit, break apart, and cover the attacker in the powder while you are getting the hell away. There's a lot of good with these... the distance and power they shoot, the easiness of use, and the fact you can combine your pain deterrents in a single load. Maybe the first couple of shots are pepper, than the rest hard ball, or interchange them. I also love the fact that if you have to shoot someone with these, you don't have to worry about your backstop in the same way as rubber pellets and pepperballs won't penetrate and kill like a bullet would.
Mace also makes a pepper spray gun that is nice. Unlike conventional spray, this comes out as a high pressure jet and has a much longer distance. It's what I carry on a daily basis because it also has a built in flashlight with dazzle mode. Not everyone reacts to pepper spray, and not everyone reacts the same way. But everyone who gets hit with it usually pauses to go WTF which is enough time for you to be turning and running and getting away. It also has rails on it to mount a laser sight or bigger flashlight if you need it to improve your aim. I light how light weight it is, I like how easy it is to use, and how easy it is to carry. I also love that it uses Mace's 3 combo of OC, Pepper Spray, and UV Dye in the same cartridge which has a greater effect on people and marks them for Law Enforcement later. Kimber makes a 2 shot tiny version as well, but I've never used it.
So now you have the problem of the balls didn't work, the mace didn't work... or you were just too close to begin with... now what?
Expandable batons are often a good option, they hurt like hell when you get hit with them, and they are easy to carry and legal in most states (not all!!) It's important to train with these, and to be aware that you can easily have them ripped out of your hand and then used against you. But if you're close enough to hit them with it, it can come in handy to give you a little more reach and power.
There are a lot of impact weapons out there beyond batons. Some even use large flashlights, side handle batons, and baseball bats. It's still the same story though. They often hurt the person but do not deter them from attacking you and taking away the weapon and using it on you.
Some people like knives... I'll tell you this though... when you have a knife, you will get cut. It's that simple... no one ever gets into a knife fight without getting cut. You MIGHT cut them... but you WILL get cut. But if you have to, you have to. I carry a quick opening blade with a seat belt cutter on the back end as well as a SOG multi-function tool. I never think of these for self defense, but I do carry them on opposite sides because if I can't get to one, I can get to the other. They're there, but if I have to use them for self defense, I've already lost. It's that simple.
Small pepper sprays are another option. But just know that winds, air conditioning, and other stuff will likely make you get hit too. So look around, know where you're going to run to, and as soon as you spray... head that way! Don't be stupid and squirt and stand there waiting to see if it has an effect. If it does, it does... but if it doesn't... you need to be far the fuck away! Also be aware that you'll probably gas a few people around the target, and if you use it in a crowd, you can be arrested because you will hurt a lot of other people. It's not a one stop solution, and you have to think hard before using.
Knuckle guards and things like the cat ears are useless in my opinion. You'll likely not hurt the person enough to stop the attack, and you're more likely to get hurt trying to use them. A stun gun or small pepper spray would be more effective because of the amount of pain it can deliver.
Stun guns that look like cell phones or flashlights or just like... well... stun guns... are another close in option. If you're in a crowd like a bus, or a bar and someones hand grabs your ass... they're a good option to incite pain on a single target without effecting anyone else, but just remember... they'll hurt a person who is in very close proximity to you who can quickly and forcefully retaliate.
So what would I use if money was no object? I want options, distance and close, strong hand and weak hand. So a .357 revolver and a Taser Pulse would be a great pairing with a knife and a multitool. If I went all LTL, it'd be a .50 cal rubberball gun like the Umarex HDP loaded with hard rubber rounds and probably the mace peppergun with the knives. Why no taser? I already have a long distance pain compliance tool with the HDP, and combined with the peppergun for a second type of pain compliance at a distance makes sense to me, but so would a taser as it is multifunctional with the contact stun ability too. It's just taser and physical pain isn't always as effective as seeing someone unable to open their eyes, snot running down their face, puking and gagging. A baton is also something I always like to have but always hate to carry, but there are times when it is useful beyond just self defense so it's a tossup with that one.  
For in the house, I'd want a 20ga shotgun without a stock and a pepperball gun. This is a small cramped space with a lot of doorways and hallways and I share a wall with another residence, so it's important to be aware of penetration, misses, and more. I know if someone breaks in, I'm not going to be able to aim well enough to hit them with a taser while moving, taking cover, and trying to escape at the same time. The shotgun gives me a good pattern and the pepperball gun with hard rubber and powder gives me a secondary LTL deterrent option.
But everyone is different and has their own choices to make! Some might love automatics like a Walther CCP or a S&W M&P series. Others might swear by a .410 Judge pistol and a whistle! But #1.... be aware of whats going on and try and avoid ever having to do anything. That's it... that's the main rule... the rest is just in case.
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mikeysbride · 23 days
Just (Another) Taste of Allen Stone
Last night, I saw Allen Stone for the third time, and I can honestly say he gets better every time I see him. Each time, I think he can’t possibly be any more awesome, yet he manages to do it anyway. It’s a gift, really - to be such a consummate showman and then to share that gift with his fans. No wonder we keep coming back for more.
This time, I saw Allen with my 14yo daughter, just the two of us. The previous time, it was our whole family, and the time before that, I went with a friend. This was my daughter's second time to see him but her first time seeing him with a full band behind him. It’s a whole new level of joy and pride to expose your kids to the thing that makes you tick (live music, in my case) and to have them fully appreciate it too. Allen is an artist I introduced them to, yet she was singing even louder than me at times and dancing along with me like we do in our kitchen…in the car…in the grocery store…basically everywhere.
We got the tickets months ago and were super excited, but for a variety of reasons, I wasn’t sure how the night might go or even if I truly felt like going, but that all went away once we got there and especially the moment Allen walked on stage. Then it was like, “Oh, yeah. This is that thing I love - the thing that keeps me sane. That’s why we did this and on a work and school night, no less.” Allen even spoke to that, as if he were reading my mind - that he wanted to create an experience where none of the burdens or worries we came in with mattered while we were there together. And that is exactly what he did. I had not a care in the world the entire couple of hours he performed. It was all joy, and as tired as I am after getting only 4 hours of sleep before having to get up again this morning, I’m still so happy we went. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.
I’ll also say, after all this time Florida, I finally found the perfect spot to stand at House of Blues. That made a huge difference as well. The last time I was there, for Teddy Swims in October, I vowed that I was done with standing room only shows for good…only to fast forward to now and have tickets for Allen and also an upcoming Alec Benjamin show there - both of which are standing room shows. I thought I’d lost my mind. That was one of the things I was apprehensive about going into last night’s show, but it worked out beautifully. Now I just need to make a mad dash to claim that same spot every time I’m there, and all will be well with the world.
As fabulous as the show was, my mind kept going back to this one thought, and that is that fun times and making memories with my kids is everything. When they’re telling their own kids about how I parented them or when I’m no longer here, these are the times I want them to remember. The world is uncertain at times, but I always want them to remember at least these two things are a given: 1) Mommy loves them with everything in her, and 2) Music is their mother’s happy place, and sharing that with them - even on a school night - is a big deal. When the artists that matter most to us make an appearance, showing up for them becomes a priority.
Next up, twenty one pilots in a couple of weeks. The whole family is going to that one, plus one of the girls’ friends. That one is also on a school night but thankfully not standing room! Here’s hoping I can catch up on some sleep between now and then because this mama is tired.
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fahrni · 7 months
Saturday Morning Coffee
Good morning from Charlottesville, Virginia! ☕️
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It’s been a fun week at work. I’ve been fixing bugs here and there. For some reason I enjoy this type of work. I spent a decent amount of time looking at memory graphs for object retentions problems and fixed a couple of good ones this week. That always feels great!
As for Stream for Mac, I started off the week in a bit of a funk but thanks to some amazing Mac devs I was put back on the right path. Stream for Mac development is moving forward once again. Fingers crossed I can keep up the momentum. 🤞🏼
Nikita Prokopov A.K.A. Tonsky
So all this time I was living under impression that, for example, if the average web page size is 3 MB, then JavaScript bundle should be around 1 MB. Surely content should still take the majority, no?
Some of the examples Nikita gives seem ridiculous. It makes me wonder if backend processing that spits out pure HTML will ever become a thing again?
Harry Cheadle • Eater, Seattle
But Tony Delivers doesn’t need to be anything bigger than it already is, which is one guy on a bike showing up to deliver food, probably smiling, probably asking how you’re doing, a bolt of disarming kindness in a city that even before we all got addicted to screens was known for being standoffish. That seems worth $5.
Tony has become a Seattle hero! I can’t believe he’s able to survive on $5 deliveries but bravo for making your own little niche!
Nish Tahir
I’ve been learning more about common attacks that appear in my Nginx logs to learn more about what happens beyond the log entries.
Nish is geekin’ out again. I wish I had his brain. The things I could accomplish! 🧠
Gunnar Anzinger
Also, do not worry at this time about acquiring the resources to build the house itself. Your first priority is to develop detailed plans and specifications. Once I approve these plans, however, I would expect the house to be under roof within 48 hours.
This piece is ridiculous in all the best ways. The paragraph I chose to feature really hit home. Yes, yes, take your time. We need it in two days. 🤣
Claire Elise Thompson • grist
If you like the idea of a perpetual three-day weekend, you might be one of a growing cadre that supports the concept of degrowth: a school of thought aimed at shrinking economies and moving away from GDP growth as a metric of success, while instead emphasizing universal basic services and social well-being.
With the rise of AI companies believe they can replace us with software for many types of work.
I think that’s cool! Let’s replace workers and figure out a way to allow folks to do whatever they want and still receive a paycheck. Like, perhaps, Universal Basic Income, Single Payer health care, and free university for everyone! Of course the rich people won’t like that idea.
Trust me when I say I could find plenty of things to work on.
Michael Szczepanik
It’s time for the NATIVE mobile development to end.
I don’t agree. I’ve been working on a project that involves React Native and I see the value in it, but that doesn’t mean native development should go away. Your mileage may vary. For me it’s native or bust for my personal projects.
Mike Elgan • Computerworld
More to the point: Most companies cannot show actual monetary benefits from RTO mandates. But most employees can show actual and significant monetary costs from RTO mandates.
This is an interesting take on the cost to employees to return to work. I’ve never thought about it in those terms. For me it’s always been about the flexibility working remotely gives me. I save between 40-60 minutes a day by not commuting, I can have afternoon coffee with my wife, and if I need to work late it’s so much easier to stomach because I’m already home.
If WillowTree asked us all to return to the office full time, I would. I just prefer working from home.
Jacob Phillips • Evening Standard
The Kremlin has said it will use its “entire strategic arsenal” and fire nuclear missiles at London, Washington, Berlin and Kyiv if it is made to give up the areas of Ukraine it has invaded.
We need to get our act together and get more aid to Ukraine. The GOP loves their orange American Dictator who, in turn, loves Putin so they’re keeping aid from Ukraine. What happened to all those Patriotic Republicans with their flags and love of all things military? They’re too cowardly to stand up to Trump. It’s really shameful.
Chris Evangelista • /Film
Stephen King Hates The Only Movie He Ever Directed
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I liked Maximum Overdrive for what it was. It’s a popcorn movie. Get your popcorn, soda, find your seat, and sit back to watch the mayhem unfold. It delivered and I had no idea Stephen King directed it.
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vynegar · 2 years
okay gonna ramble about some scouting plans/future cards since i Always think about this and it’s MY blog so I get to choose the posts~
i Can Not believe that they're doing dreams of childhood. like. okay. well played, mihoyo. i was Indeed getting too complacent in thinking i could predict the ww server schedule but no worries!! that’s gone!!
i might toss some normal tears i already have in here and kinda let pity build a bit but also i need to see details on how the SRs in the event are obtained. i’m more likely to spend tears if the SRs are gacha obtainable bc yes the vyn story is a hot mess but like... he’s holding crispy chicken.....
i’m getting vampire vyn and incubus marius. this is non-negotiable. at first i somewhat considered luke but there are enough other banners i want to spend on
i legit cannot tell if snowfallen secrets or gufeng will be the november one. or maybe NOW we’ll get marius personal story?? for my impatience, i want gufeng to come asap (and also so i can know how to budget the rest of my schips) but simply because of that, i bet mhy will go with my least preferred order of marius -> snowfallen secrets -> gufeng. or now that i said it, it’ll reversed. regardless, i only really care about gufeng (vyn and marius) among these events, but might toss some tears in snowfallen secrets for fun
honestly i think there’s only one other card i’m actually aiming for before anniv2. the other ones...
actually i guess i’ll probably still go for the men of NXX MRs since they’re SO funny and cute lol. like i think i do want those to set as my profile icons
the butterfly kisses ones... maybe i’ll see how many chips i have until then. they’re very pretty, but i’m more interested in the other cards than i initially thought
for the normal 2SSR events, i might toss in a few tears here and there in case i get lucky (esp CCG pt 1), but not really planning on anything. some of the the sweet chapter SSRs are very nice (art for gilded gloaming and paired blessings is top-notch, i need to read artem’s card tho) but i’ll only pull if i already have the permanent SSR in the banner :/
wait hmm some of marius’s MRs... the shirtless one and the belt/cuff/?? one.... i may waver....
but anyway that card i mentioned is actually artem’s!! xDDD i kinda can’t believe myself bc yes, i’m prioritizing that over every other birthday card this year. i think i really like cards that dive deep into artem’s ideology about his work (you’ll see this again when i plan to scout for his bakerlon card). imo his emphasis on human touch in approach to law is one of the most stereotype-breaking aspects of his character.
anniv2: vyn and luke (tho weirdly, i feel less of a “i HAVE to get it”) for them? i think for each of them, one of the card arts just doesn’t hit as hard as it could)
i am Very much tempted for luke’s sweet chapter 2 SSR. especially since looming nightmare paired with perfect partner, so that means alluring gaze (which i have!) will be with that one?? i would guess?? but yeah i really like the first card evolution, i LOVE the story (as evidenced by... translating it...), and after reading the story i like the second card art a lot more TT
i might go All Out for bakerlon. i think in terms of card story, my personal opinion goes like marius (kinda wild, a lot of fun) > artem (some parts that didn’t capture my interest but the ending was really good and it gave a lot to think about) > luke (nothing wrong with it really, but i wish they would change up luke stories more. although luke interrogated mc so i will forgive anything else in that card) >> vyn (just felt like nothing was super standout to me... idk maybe i’m biased against all new vyn cards bc of the AI voicing thing. which is super tragic bc this card could be the crowning jewel to my whole essay on vyn (and fairy tales and stories)). but anyway my priorities in pulling for it are luke>artem>marius>>vyn. the art for luke and artem’s cards.... oh my god.
in conclusion: my concrete goals are bewitching night rave, gufeng, birthday artem using the various accumulated normal tears + built up pity, anniv2, and then see what i can scrounge up for in-between events and how much i can dump onto bakerlon
0 notes
scum of the earth
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ʚ Naoya Zen'in x chubby fem reader ɞ
Part 1 ♥︎ Part 2 ♥︎ Part 3 ♥︎ Part 4 ♥︎ Part 5
❥ Word Count: 6.8k
❥ CW: chubby fem reader, implied smut, daddy kink, angst
❥ A/N: heyyyyy... heyy... how yall doin aldjladjla. Okay, first off, thank you so much for your patience with me and this series. I've had a lot going on these past few months and writing has not been a big priority as a result. I wanted to post this entire chapter at once but it was getting way too long, so I'm splitting it up into a part 4 and part 5. I promise i won't take as long writing part 5 sksksk. This part is pretty tame, no explicit smut or anything but there'll be more in the future i promise. Im posting this mainly to clear my conscience and hold yall over till im done. Thank u very much for your continued support 💕
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You knew Naoya Zen’in was rich. He always wore designer clothes, rode in that ridiculously expensive sports car, even his water was overpriced—some kind of brand named “Fine” that was five dollars per bottle. It was all excessive, but you were mostly able to ignore it because it didn’t include you; it was a separate entity that you didn’t need to worry about.
But then came the wedding.
You were hesitant to accept his invitation: going to one of his brothers’ weddings as a guest? You didn’t even know he had one brother let alone multiple; was it really appropriate to go to such an important event when you didn’t even know the groom existed not too long ago?
“I don’t see the problem,” Naoya had expressed one evening, arms wrapped around your waist as you busied yourself at the stove. “You don’t need to be close with them. You’re gonna be my plus one, that’s all that matters.”
“But it doesn’t seem fair,” you had argued. “Like, I’m a complete stranger and I’m coming in to eat your expensive food and drink your expensive alcohol. It just seems really shallow and mean.”
“Babe, they’re not gonna care. Everybody brings a plus one, and half of them I’ve never seen before.” His large hands had found your hips, squeezing as he pulled you back into him. “Just relax, princess. There’s nothing to worry about. C’mon, just say yes and come with me. I already booked the tickets; you’re not gonna make me go alone, are you?”
And that’s what did it, that hint of guilt in his tone that made you feel bad. You could’ve easily said no and pushed him off, told him that you still didn’t want to go and that he would survive without you, but you’d grown a soft spot for him. The two of you hadn’t made anything official yet, but he was acting like a boyfriend, coming over to your apartment often just to be close to you. He would bring food after class or maybe alcohol on a Saturday night and watch a movie with you, falling asleep as he cuddled you on the couch. It was all about the sex before, and now you were seeing a more genuine side to him that you didn’t know was possible. He seemed more like a person, and you found yourself liking him despite him hurting you in the past.
So, you agreed. You bought a dress (which Naoya was very upset to learn about, insisting that he should have had a say in picking the dress and buying it for you; he sulked for the rest of the evening), packed your things, and you were off to the airport together. You were shocked by the state of first class, but you kept your thoughts to yourself, assuming that he was just trying to show off, to impress you. You tried not to pay it any mind, but you couldn’t ignore it any longer once you arrived at the hotel.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Naoya glanced over his shoulder at you, signing the last bit of paperwork before sliding it back to the receptionist, taking the keycards from her.
“What’s up?” he asked, his tone not particularly interested in what your answer may be.
“What do you mean ‘what’s up’? What the hell is up with this place? Why’s it so big? Why’re the ceilings so high? Why’s there a fountain? What kind of–” He shushed you gently, walking over just to rub his hand over your back.
“Calm down, princess. It’s a five-star hotel; what did you expect?”
“I don’t know, I just…” You sighed as he led you to the elevators, holding onto your suitcase tightly. “It just doesn’t seem real. It feels like–”
“A fairytale?” You scoffed.
“Like a prank. I feel like someone’s gonna jump out of nowhere and make fun of me for thinking any of this is real.”
“Damn, that’s a bit harsh, dontcha think?”
“I wouldn’t put it past you,” you grumbled, watching him push the button to your floor, meeting your reflection once the doors closed.
“Aww, now that’s mean,” he cooed, shifting towards you, leaning close. “I’m not the big bad bully I used to be, you know.”
“Oh yeah? I’ll believe it when I see it.” Naoya hummed, tucking his face into your neck, wasting no time kissing and sucking on the sensitive skin below your ear.
“Don’t worry, princess. Daddy’ll show you how much he’s changed.”
“Oh my God, stop talking.”
“Aw, what’s the matter? Don’t you like when I talk dirty?” You inhaled deeply, turning your head so you were nose to nose with him.
“No, Daddy, I don’t like when you talk dirty when we’re in public.” You meant for the statement to dissuade him, make him back off a bit, but he only smirked and pulled you closer.
“Shit, call me ‘Daddy’ again.”
“Nuh-uh,” you hurried, thanking the universe when the elevator doors opened. You slipped from his grasp, hurrying out into the hall, ignoring his protests from behind you. You knew the room number so you dashed down the hall, giggling with your luggage in tow until you reached the room. Naoya grabbed you not even a second later, arms wrapped tightly around you as he nibbled at your cheek.
“And where do you think you’re going?” His hands moved quickly, touching you in your most sensitive spots, making you laugh uncontrollably.
“Stop, N-Naoya! Quit it, it tickles!!”
The two of you froze when you heard a loud ‘shush’ turning to gaze down the hall at an older woman shaking her head before turning her back on you. You snorted softly, covering your mouth to stifle your giggles as Naoya reached for his keycard, pushing it into the slot above the door handle.
“You’re gonna get me in trouble,” he hissed teasingly, blowing a raspberry on your neck as he pushed in the door. A squeal slipped out of you as you darted inside, the noise dying out once you got a view of the room you were staying in.
Jesus, he really was rich. The room felt like something you’d find in a castle or some high budget Hollywood movie. The room was washed in white and sepia tones, clean but not unwelcoming, busy but not cramped. The king-sized bed was covered in throw pillows, the headboard nearly reaching the ceiling, a nightstand and lamp on either side of the mattress. Across from it was a dresser, a flatscreen TV perched on top, almost the length of your wingspan. A large mirror was placed on the wall, a minibar and coffee machine beside it. Moving further into the room you noticed the plush chairs placed casually beside a breakfast table, a desk and chair mirroring the quaint setup.
But the most striking part of the room was the balcony. You opened the door and stepped out onto the concrete platform, marveling at how an entire couch and coffee table could fit out there with room to spare. You stared out at the beach, breathing in deeply as a breeze rolled by, relaxing even as an arm curled around your waist.
“So? Not bad, right?” You scoffed, eyes closing as another breeze tickled your skin, the sun beaming and reflecting off of the sand.
“Yeah. Not bad at all.” You turned to give him a teasing grin but stuttered when you saw the look on his face. There was no smirk, no narcissistic sneer: it was just Naoya, eyes soft, the corner of his mouth upturned just a bit. He cleared his throat a moment later and the sarcastic smile was back, eyebrows raised.
“You know, I’ve always wanted to fuck you over a balcony. Maybe this is a sign that we should do it.” You snorted, shaking your head.
“Jeez, way to ruin the mood, dingdong.”
“What? I’m just speaking my mind. I mean there’s a couch here and everything; we should take advantage of the opportunity presented to us.” You started laughing, not pushing him away when his arms locked around you and pulled you to his chest, his nose buried in your hair, keeping his face out of view. You sank into his warmth, letting yourself indulge in his gentle demeanor, a side of him that you didn’t see as often as you wanted. His hands soothingly rubbed at your back, lips pressing against your temple as he swayed lazily.
A ringtone ruined the moment. Naoya groaned, pulling back from you to take his phone out of his back pocket. He sighed when he saw the screen.
“I gotta take this. Why don’t you start unpacking, maybe check out the bathroom?” You perked up, nodding slightly before you trotted back inside. You glanced back when he answered the phone. “Hello, sir. How was your flight?” he spoke solemnly, his face flat as he closed the sliding door. You furrowed your brow, watching his demeanor change drastically as he turned to stare out at the ocean–shoulders back, chest forward, as if he were a soldier’s ideal. You hummed inquisitively but decided to tuck your curiosity away for another time, turning away to peek into the bathroom.
It was lovely. A walk in shower, a large tub that looked like it could actually cover your entire body when filled, a long marble counter with a sink and luxurious bathing products tucked into a corner. There were bathrobes hanging next to the towels, and the image of two lovers snuggling up together in the cushiony white robes made your heart swell just a bit. You appreciated everything you saw in the bathroom and left once you had taken it all in, moving to your suitcases. Naoya was still on the phone, stiff as a board, hand flexing occasionally at his side. You pushed your suitcase on its side, plopping down on your knees and opening it up, taking out some of its contents–your bathing supplies, a makeup bag, a pair of heels for tomorrow. You were considering taking out your dress and hanging it in the nearby closet when the balcony door opened and shut, Naoaya coming inside.
“Hey, I gotta go take care of something real quick. I might be gone for a couple hours.” You frowned, pouting ever so slightly.
“What do you mean? We just got here.”
“Yeah, I know, but I gotta handle some business.” You hummed sadly, pouting.
"Where are you going?" He shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Nowhere important. Just some family junk. Nothing to worry about." He approached you, squatting down to your level and giving an apologetic smile. “Sorry to abandon you the minute we got here. I know you’ll feel so lost without me.”
“Oh, fuck off.” His laugh was lighthearted, easy. He reached into his pocket, pulling out one of the keycards to the room.
“Here’s your key. It also gives you access to different services around the hotel like the restaurants and spa and shit. Don’t lose it and don’t forget it in the room.” You nodded in understanding, reaching for the card, frowning when he pulled it away. “I’m serious, Y/N, don’t forget your card. I’m not gonna swoop down and rescue you by letting you into the room when you forget. I’ll make you sleep outside–”
“Oh my God, Naoya, I get it. You’ll make me suffer if I forget my card. I promise I won’t.” You reached for the card again but he pulled it back farther.
“Ah-ah-ah! You think I’m just gonna give it to you for free? I gotta get something out of this too–”
“Jesus, Naoya, just get to the point.” He smirked, pointing at his lips and giving them a few light taps. You rolled your eyes, leaning forward to press your lips against his, kissing him softly. He sighed against you, free hand finding your neck, keeping you in place. There was a time when you would’ve found that action annoying and weirdly possessive, but right now you didn’t mind. It made you feel safe, secure, like he would never let anything happen to you.
You snatched the card while he was busy, pulling away to meet his shocked expression. He scoffed, shaking his head.
“You little sneak. You’re lucky I lo…” His voice died off, smile faltering as his eyes searched you. You frowned, blinking.
“Lucky you what?” He opened his mouth to speak but shook his head again, returning to his feet.
“It’s nothin. I gotta hurry.” He ruffled your hair as he walked past, snickering when you whined in protest. “I’ll see you in a couple hours, okay?”
“Okay,” you called after, watching him leave. He sent you one last look before he closed the door, leaving you in silence and solitude. You sighed and stood up, shaking out your legs. You grabbed a nearby pamphlet, flipping through to educate yourself on the hotel’s services. You might as well enjoy some alone time while you had the chance.
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You weren’t sure if you’d ever been pampered like this before. You’d started with a light lunch, surprised at how accommodating the staff down in the bistro were. It felt like they were being especially nice to you, but perhaps it was because it was so slow. Then the same happened at the spa. The employees waited on you hand and foot, providing exceptional care and service. You spoiled yourself the entire time, opting for a massage, a facial, a manicure and pedicure, hell, even a mud bath.
You hadn’t felt so refreshed in so long; by the time you got back to your room several hours later, you were so relaxed that you felt sleepy. You opted to take a nap since Naoya still wasn’t back, putting on one of the sinfully soft robes and cuddling up under the covers, sinking into the memory foam mattress. You slept for a bit, waking up to a shuffling sound. You peeked through your lashes right as the bathroom door opened, a stream of light illuminating the wall. Naoya stepped out wearing a robe, running a towel over his head as he looked at his phone. He turned into the bedroom, looking up and smiling once he saw you.
“Hey there, dummy,” he mumbled gently so as not to disturb you too much. You hummed, snuggling further into the bed as he walked along his side. He turned on the lamp opposite you, causing you to squeeze your eyes shut, whining in protest. “Don’t whine; it’s just a little light,” he whispered, climbing onto the bed with you, phone discarded as he settled beside you, face to face.
“What time is it?” you muttered barely coherently, rubbing at your face.
“After seven. I got back around six thirty but I didn’t wanna wake you up.” He brushed a few strands of hair out of your face, his palm meeting your cheek. “How was your day? Did you have fun? Did everyone treat you nicely?” You nodded sleepily, inhaling sharply and giving a little stretch, curling closer to his frame.
“It was nice. The food and drinks here are really good. I had a sandwich and soup for lunch.”
“Hm, well, I’m glad my humble five star hotel met your standards.”
“Oh, hush.” He snickered, wrapping an arm around you, pulling you towards him and kissing your forehead.
“What did you do today?”
“Hm… well, I went to the spa and got a lot of stuff done. I took a mud bath which was weird. I was gonna go to the pool but I got sleepy. Oh! And I got my nails done,” you exclaimed, finally perking up after your long nap, raising your hands from under the sheets to show off your manicure. Naoya grabbed onto one hand gently, turning it this way and that to get a better look, humming and nodding.
“Not bad.”
“Not bad?? They look great for your information.” Naoya scoffed.
“Calm down, princess, I wasn’t saying they were bad–”
“Yeah, whatever, you just don’t appreciate nice stuff like this ‘cause you’re a dumb boy.”
“Wow, sexist much? I should call the New York Times and have them write an exposé about how mean you are. Gonna be a twenty page spread about how you’re a huuuuge bitch.” You snorted, slapping his arm playfully.
“Aw, fuck you!”
“Fuck you!” You couldn’t stop your laughter, electing to bury your face in your pillow to hide your giggles. Naoya pressed his nose into your neck, sinking into you and breathing deep. “You smell good,” he mumbled, his voice turning soft as he smelled your hair. Your giggles subsided as he exposed your neck, pressing a gentle kiss against your warm skin. You shivered, hands finding his hair, fingers combing through the two-toned strands. He kissed down your neck, tugging at the sheets so he could trail to your chest.
“You know what I think we should do?” You hummed, urging him to continue. “I think we should have sex, order room service, and then have sex again. I think it sounds like a great idea.”
“Hmm, I dunno… I’m not in the mood for a fancy dinner.”
“You don’t need anything fancy! You can make a special request.”
“But won’t that be annoying to them? What if they say no?” He scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“Y/N. I’m the son of the hotel owner. They’re not gonna tell you ‘no’. And if they do, I'll fire ‘em.”
“Don’t fire anybody! That’s excessive.”
“Nothing’s excessive when it comes to my girl.”
My girl. How could two simple words make your heart pound? You sighed, pulling his hair back to get a proper look at his face. He smiled up at you, pushing your robe to the side, burying himself into your chest. He kissed your sternum, nuzzling close and sighing, arms slinking around your waist.
“I’m your girl, huh?”
“Duh. Whose else would you be?” You huffed, nosing his hair and smiling softly.
“Okay, I guess I’ll eat dinner with you… but only if I can get pancakes.”
“Whatever you want, princess.”
“Ooo, whatever I want? What if I want pancakes in the shape of hearts with chocolate and fruit and a big glass of wine?”
“Consider it done. I'll get a grilled cheese and scotch.”
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“Would you hurry up already? We gotta leave soon.”
“You can’t rush perfection, Naoya.”
“I’m not rushing perfection, I’m rushing you.”
“Oh wow, quoting Spongebob? What are you, five?” Naoya rolled his eyes, smacking the bathroom door before trudging back into the bedroom.
“Just hurry up. We don’t have all day.”
He heard you say something, but it was muffled by the door and he wasn’t curious enough to ask you to repeat yourself. He moved to the mirror on the wall, giving himself another once-over. He smoothed out his jacket, checking his cufflinks and watch, adjusting his pocket square. He briefly wondered if he should remove his earrings but decided against it, fussing over his hair instead. He was about to mess with his bowtie when the bathroom door opened and you stepped out.
“Well, it’s about ti–”
He froze when he saw you, eyes shamelessly raking over your frame. The mermaid dress fit you perfectly, defining your curves, cinching your waist and accentuating your hips. He appreciated that it was off-the-shoulder, leaving your neck on display. Your hair was sensible but lovely, your makeup only adding to your beauty. You picked up your clutch bag, dropping a few makeup products inside.
“Don’t even start. I don’t need you nagging me about how long I took even though it wasn’t long at all.”
“Oh, don’t worry, baby. I’m not gonna nag you.” He approached you with purpose, his hand skimming your hip. “You look fantastic.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere, Mr. Zen’in.” You grabbed onto his shoulder, stabilizing yourself as you got into your heels. He put an arm on you to keep you steady, waiting patiently until you were standing tall. You smiled, removing your hand and taking a step back. “Okay, now I’ll open the floor to flattery.” Naoya scoffed, grabbing your hand and pulling you close.
“You look fucking sexy, but, like, in a mature way.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, letting him do the same with your waist.
“You kind of suck at compliments.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault that you’re gorgeous beyond words.” A wave of heat ran through you as you waved him off.
“You’re just sayin that.” He didn’t give a snarky comment; instead he leaned forward, eyes locked on your lips, determined. You stopped him before he could make contact, putting your hand up between the two of you. “Nuh-uh, no kisses. I just did my makeup; I’m not about to let you mess it up.”
“Booo, whatever. Gonna mess it up later, though. Gonna smudge your lipstick and–”
“Alright, Romeo, let’s go before you ruin my look.”
It took a bit of work getting his hands off of you, but you made it out of the room and down to the first floor with minor amounts of manhandling on his part. You reached the lobby, letting Naoya lead you to a more secluded part of the hotel with a hand on your waist. The quiet halls began to bustle the deeper you got into the hotel, and you were surprised when you arrived at an entrance to a reception, not a wedding. You slowed, causing him to stop with you.
“I thought we were going to the wedding?” you whispered to him. He looked between you and the entrance that was about fifty feet ahead of you.
“The wedding happened yesterday and the reception is today.” He noticed your confused pout and pat your hip reassuringly. “Don’t worry. Only direct family was invited so you wouldn’t have been able to go in the first place.”
“Wait, so–”
“Don’t think too hard about it, princess. You’re prettier when you’re dumb.” You elbowed his side, huffing and stomping forward, frowning as he laughed and followed you. “Aww, don’t be angry with me, sweetheart. You’ll get wrinkles.”
“Good. I hope I do!” He caught up to you, arm curling around your waist and pulling you to his side. He kissed your forehead, directing the two of you to the guest list to sign your names.
The venue was stunning. Tables were shrouded with white cloth, candles and flowers on top as well as plates and cutlery. There was a table at the front of the room–presumably for the bride and groom–that was near a table with a basket full of envelopes. Naoya noticed you staring at it.
“Gifts from the family,” he muttered, moving you through the crowd and to your seat. “Mostly money, not like they need it. My father is giving them a house.”
“A house?!” you whispered back in shock, eyes wide as you stared at him. He snickered at your reaction, licking his lips and turning back to you, prepared to speak.
"There you are." Naoya's smile faded in record time, his back straightening as he looked at the voice. You followed his gaze, seeing an older man with a young woman approaching. His mustache was sharp and gray like his hair. He didn't seem very old, but perhaps it was his proud smile that made him look a bit younger. "It's about time you showed up. The reception's about to start."
"My apologies," Naoya replied formally, giving a bit of an apologetic bow. You furrowed your brow at the display. You hadn't heard this artificial remorseful tone in quite a while. You heard it a lot in the beginning of your friends-with-benefits relationship with Naoya, always him saying how sorry he was for going too rough or for cumming on your face when you told him not to, but after that incident with Toji ghosting you, he hadn't used it. Why was he bringing it back now?
"So formal," the man laughed, patting Naoya on the shoulder. "There's no need to be so stiff today. This is the reception, after all! We got through all that stuffy shit yesterday." Naoya laughed along with him, hands stuffed in his pockets. You furrowed your brow, tapping Naoya's arm, leaning in close.
"What's he mean by stuffy?" you spoke softly.
"The wedding, sweetheart." You turned towards his father, unsure how you felt about the nickname.
"Wedding?" you repeated, looking back to Naoya. He shrugged a bit, not making eye contact.
"The wedding was yesterday—"
"I'm surprised it went so well!" his father chimed in. "Traditional weddings can be such a pain, but everything went without a hitch."
Traditional wedding? Yesterday? Is that what Naoya had gone to? Why hadn't he told you? Did he not want you to know? Why wouldn't he? Didn't he trust you?
"Did you go to the wedding yesterday?" you asked Naoya, smoothing your thumbs along your clutch, dreading the answer. You hated how he laughed nervously, looking away from you.
"Well, I mean, yeah. I had to go; my brother's the groom." Ah, there it was, that detail that you were missing, the explanation for his absence. You felt disappointment curl through you, and your first instinct was to wonder if you had any right to be upset. It was a family event, after all, but the least he could've done was told you where he was going. It wasn't too much to ask your boyfriend to let you know where he was going to be.
"So, are you going to introduce me or are we going to remain nameless for the rest of the evening?" You straightened out, prepared to introduce yourself, but Naoya spoke first.
"Sorry. This is Y/N, my neighbor. Y/N, this is my father."
Your heart dropped suddenly, mouth falling closed as you processed his words. Neighbor? Why did he say neighbor? Why would he introduce you that way? And his tone, it seemed so flippant, uninterested in the topic at hand, as if telling someone who you were was a chore to him. You felt a weight build in your chest, heart pounding as you began to stare off into space, trying to make sense of things.
"Ah, your neighbor. And why did you bring a neighbor along with you? I could've found a pretty little thing to spend some time with you." You saw Naoya shrug out of the corner of your eye.
"It was just easier this way. I don't want to have to spend several hours with an entire stranger."
You felt tears prick at your eyes, your breath coming in short and hollow. Oh God, you could feel it, that familiar bubble in your throat that urged you to cry, to sob and let this pain escape your chest. How could such a small action as labeling you as a neighbor instead of a girlfriend make your heart break like this?
"Well, your brother didn't come with anyone, so try not to make him too envious." His father glanced at you, eyes shifting up and down. "Then again, he may not be." Oh, fuck this.
"I'm going to the restroom," you blurted out suddenly, your sentence almost muddled with how quickly you pushed it out. You swiveled before Naoya could even respond, turning your back to the three of them as you hurried to the restroom. It wasn't far—you had seen it tucked away as you walked in—but it felt like an eternity getting there. You rushed in, finding the first open stall and pushing inside. You locked the door quickly, finally sucking in a breath when you were safe and alone.
Neighbor. God, you could feel the tears start to pool, big globs of salty water welling in your eyes, spilling and falling to the floor. You kept both hands pressed to the stall door, leaning forward and staring at the floor, letting your tears hit the tile freely, splashing and creating little puddles.
Neighbor. Neighbor. Neighbor, neighbor, neighbor. How dare he diminish your relationship like that? After everything you'd been through, all the shit you dealt with, the excuses you made for him, all because you thought you loved him. Jesus, he was supposed to be your boyfriend, he was supposed to care–
God… he wasn't even your boyfriend, was he? You two never used labels, never properly defined the relationship. No wonder he just called you his "neighbor". That's all you were, just a nextdoor neighbor who he fucked and used for emotional support. You didn't mean anything to him; you were just a warm body. Jesus, that fucking hurts. Everything else was just fuel to fire that was raging around you. Maybe you could've dealt with him keeping secrets and his shitty father if you knew he was all yours at the end of the day.
You heard the door swing open, light giggles running into the room, a doting mother following behind. You pressed your lips together, trying to stifle your shallow breaths. You felt humiliated enough: the last thing you wanted was for someone to find you like this, to know that you were breaking down in the bathroom.
"Mama, can we go to the pool after this?"
"I don't know, baby. We might be here for a while."
"A while? Knowing the Zen'ins, this reception will go for hours."
"Keiya, please–"
"What? You know I'm right. Aren't I, girls?"
"Do they have ice cream?"
"I–I want chocolate if they have ice cream."
You stood up, grabbing some toilet paper, dabbing at your eyes. You sighed at the sight of clumped mascara on the tissue. You hoped your makeup wouldn't be totally ruined after this. You folded the toilet paper, bringing it to your nose and blowing, getting rid of all the gunk that was accumulating. The restroom fell into silence, and you cursed yourself for being so loud. Maybe they would leave soon and you wouldn't have to embarrass yourself by facing them. The Zen'in men seemed insufferable enough; you couldn't imagine how the women would act towards an absolute stranger. God, just thinking about them shielding their lips and whispering to each other, giving you dirty looks, made you want to start crying all over again.
"Mommy, there's a lady crying in here."
You sniffed, looking down from your tissue to see two tiny eyes peeking through the slight crack in the stall door. You sniffed again, staring curiously back at what you guessed were two different girls.
"Maki, Mai, get away from there! Don't be rude!" But the girls stayed, eyes locked with yours until they were pulled away. "You can't look at people through bathroom doors; it's impolite!"
"Why's a lady crying, mommy?"
"I don't know, honey, but it's none of our business. You can't do things like that–"
"It's fine," you croaked, clearing your throat quickly. You grabbed another ball of toilet paper, dabbing at your eyes once more before blowing your nose, tossing the paper in the toilet and flushing it away. You opened the door quickly, meeting the gazes of the women and girls, giving a flat smile. "They're fine. It was an honest mistake."
"Really, I'm very sorry–" You waved your hand, your smile disingenuous as you moved to the sinks, taking a look at yourself in the mirror. You'd certainly looked better before, but the damage wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. You had some makeup in your bag: you could easily fix up your under-eyes and–
A hand found your shoulder, causing you to look up and meet the eyes boring into you through the mirror.
"You alright, hun?" No, no you really weren't, not now at least. But you nodded regardless, inhaling sharply and looking down at the sink again, turning on the faucet. The woman squeezed your shoulder, making you look at her again. "You sure?"
Oh God, that was it. You weren't sure why but that's what did it, made the tears come back full force and spill without another word. The woman gave a sympathetic look, sighing as she started rubbing her hand on your back. The soft action made it all feel worse somehow and you hung your head, biting your lip to hold back your sobs. She put her arm around you and pulled you into a side hug, squeezing your arm.
"I'm sorry–"
"Shhh, it's okay, hun. You have nothing to apologize for." You stood there in silence, quietly sniffling and letting your tears fall into the sink. The other woman brought you a cloth towel, handing it out to you. You gave a small smile, taking the towel and dabbing at your eyes.
"Do you wanna talk about it, hun?"
"I… I don't wanna burden you–"
"You're not burdening me, hun. I'm offering to listen."
You wiped your nose, looking at the woman next to you. Yes, she was a stranger, but there was a kindness about her that made you want to open up, to let your feelings out. It's not like you had anyone else to listen to you.
"Well… I came here with this guy…"
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Naoya had been lingering near the restrooms for a while now, checking his phone every couple of minutes to see if you had looked at his texts. What was taking you so long? You'd been in the bathroom for at least ten minutes now, probably close to twenty. Naoya knew that women took longer in the bathroom, but this was ridiculous. What were you doing in there, writing a novel?
The women's restroom finally opened, his aunt, Keiko, walking out with her twin daughters. She glanced at him, quickly pulling her girls away to the reception hall. His other aunt, Keiya, came out not too long after, laughing along with a familiar voice.
"Oh, and don't get me started on her ex; that was a nightmare." She quieted, slowing down as her eyes fell on him. "Ah. Naoya." He was going to throw a snarky comment at her, but you appeared behind her, your head hanging down just a bit.
"There you are," he said, stuffing his phone in his pocket and strutting towards you. "I was waiting for you. C'mon, we gotta go sit down, the reception's about to start." He reached out for you, but Keiya stepped forward, putting her arm in between the two of you.
"How've you been, Naoya? Still living off daddy's money?" He glared at her, giving a nasty sneer.
"I'm fine, auntie. How about you? Still a carpet-muncher?"
"Oh, definitely."
"That sounds fantastic. Anyways, if you'll excuse me, me and my girlfriend gotta go to our seats."
"Ah, so now she's your girlfriend."
"Excuse me?"
"Hey," you spoke up, putting your hand on Keiya's, causing Naoya's eyes to narrow at the action. "I should talk to him." His aunt met your gaze.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I can handle it."
"Okay, hun. We'll get a seat for you, okay?"
"Okay," you mumbled, squeezing her hand before she walked away. She and Naoya shared one more dirty look before she turned and went to the reception.
"What the hell was that?" he muttered, moving closer to you, putting a hand on your arm. "Did she do something to you in there? If she bothered you, I swear to God, I'll—"
"No, Naoya," you shrugged his hand off, taking a step away, "she didn't do anything." Naoya frowned, blinking before he reached for your cheek.
"What's the matter? Are you not feeling well or—?" You pulled his hand away from you, eyes still not meeting his, making his heart beat horribly. "Y/N… what's wrong?" You took a deep breath, fiddling with your clutch bag.
"...Do you like me?" Naoya scoffed, lips twitching.
"Course I do. You think I'd treat anybody the way I treat you?"
"...Are we dating?" He blinked, brow furrowing, mind racing. Why were you asking this stuff? What happened in there?
"I mean… yeah, I guess." A silence fell over you, a pregnant pause that made him anxious.
"...Why did you call me your 'neighbor' instead of your 'girlfriend' earlier?" Naoya narrowed his eyes, thinking back on his conversation with his father.
"I don't know, it just came out. Does it matter?" You scoffed, shaking your head as you finally looked at him. Your makeup had changed just a bit; is that why you were in there so long? Were you changing your look? Or were you fixing it…
"Are you ashamed of me?"
"No, of course not, why would you ask that?"
"I'm trying to understand why someone who I thought was my boyfriend said I was just his 'neighbor' to his father, somebody who you usually introduce your partners to—"
"Jesus, is that what this is all about? You're mad because I didn't introduce you as my 'girlfriend' to my dad?" You quieted, pressing your lips together as you stared at him, waiting for his response. He sighed, pressing his finger to his temple. "Look, if you really want me to introduce you as my girlfriend, fine, I will. We can go to him right now and I can tell him—"
"No, no, I don't want that—"
"Then what do you want, Y/N? I'm willing to fix this and you're telling me no, so what do you want?" You stared at him, opening your mouth and closing it, shaking your head slightly.
"I can't do this anymore, Naoya." He rolled his eyes, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"What are you talking about?"
"I can't be with you anymore." He froze, eyes darting to you, waiting for the punchline.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that I can't keep doing this, I can't have this… relationship with you anymore. I don't know what it is but it's killing me and I can't do it." Naoya stared at you, blinking quickly, unsure how to respond.
"I… wait, c'mon, you're not being serious, right?" You didn't respond, staring off into space, effectively disassociating and removing yourself from the situation. He took a step towards you, cupping your cheeks gently. "Babe, c'mon, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean anything by it, just lemme fix it, okay?"
"Naoya," you said softly, pulling his hands away, "when we get back home, I don't want to see you anymore."
"I don't want to hang out and I don't want to hook up—"
"Y/N, hold on—"
"—this isn't healthy for me. I can't be with someone who doesn't love and respect me—"
"—who said I didn't—"
"—and I can't keep making excuses for you when you don't change! I keep waiting and hoping you'll learn and do better in the future but every single time, you fuck up and we're back at square one and I can't take it." Your voice wavered at the end, head sagging on your shoulders, making Naoya pause. He'd never seen you like this before, at least not for a while. He'd forgotten how much he hated it, hated seeing your face twisting and tears spilling down your round cheeks after someone broke your heart.
"I'll give you back the stuff you left in my apartment." You stepped back, putting a bit of distance between the two of you. "But that'll be the last time I interact with you." You inhaled sharply, turning away from him. He hurried in front of you, blocking your path.
"Y/N, wait, calm down. You're just upset, maybe you're hungry or something. Why don't we just sit down and relax for a bit and—"
"I'm sorry, Naoya." You moved past him, walking quickly away so he couldn't catch up. He watched you go, fists clenching at his sides.
"You're being hysterical, Y/N," he raised his voice after you. "You'll come back after you stop acting crazy."
You didn't stop, didn't give any indication that you even heard him as you rushed into the reception hall, disappearing into the distant crowd. He watched you until your figure faded, sighing once you were out of sight. He felt his heart clench in his chest, hard and heavy, like a rock. He tried not to think too much about it.
As you walked through the busy sea of chatty guests and tables, you felt a weight begin to lift off of you. The air didn't feel as stuffy or rigid as you found Keiya and Keiko at a table with her children. And as you sat down at the seat they saved for you, you realized that the heavy knot in your chest would eventually dissipate and that one day you would be okay.
"Do you want a glass of champagne, Y/N?" You smiled, taking a deep breath.
"Yes. Yes, please."
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yamagucji · 4 years
Things they do out of love
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to show that love isn’t always explicit
OIKAWA corrects your food order even when you tell him not to mind it. “excuse me, they asked for (/no) pickles” while ignoring the feeling of your hand nudging his arm. he will absolutely not let your order fly off the roof like that. oikawa calls it ‘standing up for you.’ you tell him that he’s the real bully.
KITA cleans you up with a warm cloth when you’re passed out on the couch from exhaustion. he’d be extremely careful with it too; gently rubbing the cloth on your arms and over your face. if the cloth starts to get cold mid-way, kita will go back to get it warmed up again.
BOKUTO won’t move beside your sleeping figure even when his arms go numb. you’d have your head on his arm for way too long but he can almost never find it in himself to move in case he’d accidentally stir you awake. you’ll never know the pain he goes through because bokuto wouldn’t dare tell you.
KIYOKO offers you a small plate of carefully cut fruits and vegetables — or rather, slides it over to your desk and leaves the room like nothing happened. sometimes you won’t even be in the room when it happens, so it’s a warm surprise to come back to.
TERUSHIMA gets a to-go order when he’s hanging out with his friends so he can come home and surprise you with food. it could even just be a burger or a small order of fries that he chose not to eat because he knows how much you love them.
KAGEYAMA heard that you really liked this thing so he came back with over 10 packs of the same product. be it a snack, facial product, or whatever the heck it is; it’s going to show up on your kitchen counter. can you even see the counter at this point? kageyama happens to pass by just as you see his surprise and he only says, “i heard you like them...”
USHIJIMA covers you with a blanket when you happen to fall asleep unintentionally. he’d pick out your favorite one too. if you happen to fall asleep on the couch, he’d be on guard with the possibility of you falling off (because it’s happened before). turn a little too much, and he’ll gently push you right back.
IWAIZUMI offers to put lotion on your back but always ends up massaging you as he’s lathering the product on your skin. it’s mostly intentional, since he wants to make sure you’re well taken care of. don’t worry if you accidentally fall asleep because of his massage.
YAMAGUCHI will do your laundry and fold your clothes before you wake up sometimes. he knows how hard you work, and how hard it can be to get up. so he’ll tip-toe into your room and take care of your chores as a way to let you get some more rest. and, no need to thank him (as he always insists).
TENDOU switches everyone’s attention on to him so that you don’t have to face the anxiety of speaking up. his attempts aren’t that noticeable — until one day you’re with a group of friends and they ask you to narrate a game. just as you’re beginning to stutter your way to it, tendou volunteers to do it instead. he sees relief on your face, to which he smiles at.
OSAMU would stay up to make onigiri’s for your potluck even when you insist that he should go to bed instead. it’s about 1 am by now, and your eyes have already started to droop along with your shoulders. osamu takes one look at you and assures you that he can finish the rest on his own; “i’m not tired yet,” he promised.
YACHI adds a little more to your plate of food because she knows how much you love that specific dish. it’s pretty noticeable too, so you confronted her about it once. but yachi simply denied and said that it was all unintentional, and that it’s fine because she doesn’t really like it as much as you do.
ARAN leaves a cup of water on your nightstand. once you woke up in the middle of the night with a dry throat, and ever since then he’s always insisted that you have a glass of water nearby. you always forget, he knows, that’s why he makes a note to get you one before he leaves for the day.
SAKUSA scolds you about not having appropriate clothing for the weather. so he sacrifices a piece of his for your comfort. it doesn’t matter — it could be pouring outside, snowing, or simply burning hot, sakusa’s instincts are to take care of you. your health is a priority to him as well, don’t ever forget it.
AKAASHI will wait in an extremely long line and let you wander about as he waits. you offered to do the waiting instead but he insisted that he’d rather do it than go shopping around the mall. just don’t forget to bring him back a bit of food or something so he doesn’t get too bored waiting.
KUROO takes a couple minutes out of his day to remind you to eat, drink water, and take your meds if you have to. he actually has reminders set on his phone (because even he forgets). don’t think of it as pestering you, kuroo simply wants to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself even when he’s not there.
AONE will listen to you rant about your favorite thing even if he doesn’t really get it. please, do help this man out. you could be five minutes into your topic and he still wouldn’t understand. but it’s okay, judging by the soft smile on his face, he seems to be enjoying it.
TSUKISHIMA isn’t afraid to shush guests when you’re sleeping in the other room. he knows that you have trouble sleeping sometimes, so he’ll try and help you out in subtle ways — though not so subtle when he’s whisper-yelling at kageyama and hinata to keep their big mouths shut because they’ll wake you up.
KENMA leaves the bedroom with little to no silence so he won’t accidentally wake you up when he goes to stream. he likes to check in from time to time during his little breaks, making sure that he hasn’t woken you up at all. if he notices that your blanket or pillow has fallen, he’ll simply tuck it back in as if nothing had happened. though, he’d probably make light fun of you the next morning.
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theshelbyclan · 3 years
Castle in the Sky
Summary: You’re the daydreaming sibling of the Shelby’s, but when the adventure spills over into real life, it’s not as great as you’d imagined
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(Gif by @nofckingfighting​) A/N: A sweet anon requested: can I have request please Something like this Tommy was very protective over y/n and she gets hurt by one of the bad guys and sees blood on her face now all bruised but Tommy wants revenge Omg if you do so thank you so much for my request! ❤️ Huge fan of your works!This is set around season 1, back in the good old days when the only real enemy was Billy Kimber, remember those days? So easy… anyways, hope you like it J Words: 2933 ***
You were only nine when you started as a bookie’s runner for the Peaky Blinders. Nothing about this was special, half the kids of Small Heath worked for them, but there was just one difference: the Shelby’s were your brothers. It was a good job in many ways, because it meant not only being able to help your brothers, but people were inclined to give you a bit extra, just for being a Shelby. You imagined they thought it good luck.
“Y/N, take this to the other side of town, will you?” Tommy requested as he sat hunched over a newspaper. You protested a little, “Why me? I’ve done all of mine for today…” “This one’s extra, alright?” “Who is it?” you could never hide your inquisitive nature. But you only showed it around your brothers; to the rest of the world you were just quiet and practically invisible. He smirked slightly, “Someone who’ll pay up big. That’s why I need you to do it. Can’t trust any of the other kids not to steal…” “I have some homework to do, Tommy.” At thirteen, you were still at school, which was a minor miracle in Birmingham. “Tell you what: if you just do this one job, I’ll get you magazine you’ve been talking about, eh?” now he looked up and met your eyes. “Book, Tommy,” you smiled, “You might have heard of the concept? It’s a little like a magazine, a little like that newspaper, but with more pages? Some find it challenging, but once you get used to it…” “Alright, little miss know-it-all,” he grumbled without malice, “Go on, take the slip, make sure he bets all. Off with you. Stop outsmarting your old brother, eh?” He winked to make sure you were comfortable and you returned it with a big grin. “Where?” “Digbeth,” Tommy’s nose was back in the newspaper, “behind the Golden Dragon.” ***
As you were walking through the streets of Small Heath on your way to Digbeth, you were daydreaming. In a way it was strange just how different you were from your brothers, because the entire Shelby clan was very realistic, trying to make their way in this hard world, where you would rather pretend all day you were the main character in some story. The books you read, it was all an escape to you. So while you were walking, the people and factories disappeared. In your head, you were walking through the woods, on a secret mission that your king gave you. With the top-priority letter in your pocket, you remembered what he’d told you before you left: “If you get caught, eat the letter. If they capture you, make sure to be brave and never divulge its contents to anyone. And if all else fails, you must make the ultimate sacrifice. But remember, you have to memorize the contents of the letter first…” Wouldn’t it just be easier to memorize it now and destroy the letter immediately? You pondered on the matter… In the distance, you could see the mountains and the towers of another kingdom, and you knew your enemies were near. Without anyone noticing, you put a hand to your pocket and could feel the reassuring rustling of paper underneath your fingers: the letter was still there. If it would come to a fight, how would you go about it? If there were just one man, the small dagger in your boots would suffice. If it were two, you’d distract one, maybe by throwing the veil you were wearing, quickly turning around to kill the other and then back to the first one before he had time to recover. If there were more than three, you’d run, because you were the fastest after all. You’d get to higher ground and attack them from there, like a deadly shadow they could never see coming. As you smiled to yourself, you left the daydream for a short moment. You looked down and saw the muddy shoes you were wearing, marching through Birmingham mud. In the distance, all you saw was smoke and factory pipes. But it was honestly all you needed: your imagination did the rest. The real world barged in when you delivered the slip in Digbeth. Everything went smoothly at first. Your big brown eyes persuaded him to indeed bet big, and you were quite satisfied with yourself, knowing Tommy would be too. But you still had to walk back with a lot of money now in your pocket.
*** Almost home, there were only a few streets to go. Your head was back in the clouds and this time you were imagining you were a spy during the war. Silently, you moved through the streets, making yourself invisible and pretending every man wearing a hat was the enemy. So each time you saw one, you changed directions or hid for a second. It was a fun game, until you realised the enemy wasn’t wearing a hat. “Now, what’s a pretty girl like you doing on the streets, all by herself?” A man with a heavy Cockney accent popped up next to you and your heart nearly jumped out of your chest. You opened your mouth to reply, but no words came out. In your dreams, you always knew what to say, but in reality it wasn’t so easy. The man approached you and you noticed he’d cut you off from your one exit out of the alley, “It’s Y/N Shelby, isn’t it,” he grinned. “No,” you managed to say, “you got the wrong girl.” He grinned again, “Nice try, sweetheart. We’ve seen you at the Garrison. They don’t allow little girls at the pub, unless they’re a Shelby.” This was all true. You felt your hands getting clammy. “Tommy sent you, didn’t he?” Again, you tried to remember what the hero in your stories would do. She’d run, climb the building and then throw a knife right between the eyes of the man. Or she’d say something clever, just to distract him, and then turn around and escape when he least expected it. He took another few steps forward and you could smell him now, a smell of strange smoke and the river, “Do you know who I am?” Nailed to the ground, you shook your head. “I work for Mr. Billy Kimber. Ever heard of him?” You turned to see if you could escape, but then realised the other side of the alley was blocked by two more men. Neither of them were wearing hats. Cold sweat of fear ran down your back. The man in front of you started laughing, “There’s no running, sweetheart. Just give it to me.” At once you realised he was referring to the money in your pocket, but for Tommy’s sake, you wanted at least to try to be brave, “I don’t have anything.” He sighed, “Don’t play with me. I’m not the kind of man to play with, and neither is Mr. Kimber,” his voice was suddenly low and menacing, “Your brother thought he could, thought he would get away with fixing a race, he did, and now he’s going to be put against the post and shot. Don’t think I won’t do the same to you.” You gulped, but still thought of Tommy’s disappointment in you when he would find out you’d been a coward. So you took a deep breath and said softly, “It’s not yours. This money is ours. You can tell Mr. Kimber to go fuck himself!” It didn’t come out as strongly as you’d hoped. Like a crack of thunder, he swiftly slapped you across the face with the back of his hand. All the air was knocked out of your lungs in a second and you stood gasping for air, as you felt some blood trickling down your chin. “Give me the money,” he demanded again. And then, like your heroes, you pretended to reach for it in your pocket. Suddenly, you turned around and started running into the other direction, hoping to slip past the two men before they could stop you. But it didn’t work. One grabbed your arm and when you tried to push him away, he punched you hard. All strength left you in an instant. The second one started fumbling in your pockets and instinctively you kicked him, which earned you another blow to the head. More punches followed and your head was spinning. As you looked up to the sky, you remembered wanting to get back home, to your castle, where all was well and safe.  In the end, they left you on the ground and the money was gone. Your last thought was: Tommy is going to be so embarrassed. 
*** “Y/N?” You opened your eyes, but couldn’t see for a moment. “Y/N,” the familiar voice repeated, “Come on, yes, let’s get you home. Polly, Polly will know what to do, yes…” Strong arms lifted you up and rocking with his familiar limp, Curly carried you back to Watery Lane. When he’d taken you into the kitchen, Aunt Polly flew to your side in seconds, asking, “What’s happened?” Uncertainly, Curly explained and as he did, he started to become upset over your state. That’s when Tommy came in and started to calm him, while keeping an eye on you all the time. “Sweetheart,” Aunt Polly had taken a cold cloth to the cut in your lip, “Wake up… Come back to us…” Again you tried opening you eyes and you finally managed this time. But all your concern was with Curly, who was still anxiously fidgeting with his cap in hand. “Don’t worry, Curly,” you croaked, “I’m alright now. You did good, carrying me here.” “Polly will know what to do…” he kept on repeating. Tommy put a hand on his shoulder and it had an immediate calming effect, “It’s alright, Curly, go back to Charlie, eh? We’ll take care of her now.” Before he left, you said to him, “Curly? I’ll stop by tomorrow, see about that beautiful horse of yours, alright?” That put an immediate smile on his face, “Yes, she’s a beauty, alright… And she needs her princess to ride her! Back to that castle in the sky…yes…” When he’d gone, you lowered your head again and sighed deeply. Carefully, you felt your face and only then realised how awful you must look. “Who did this,” Tommy demanded at once. Polly glared daggers at him, “You did, I presume?” “Me?” “I told you again and again not to use the little ones to run errands. Sending them across half of Birmingham with money in their pockets, and look what happens!” For a moment, Tommy seemed to be speechless. Then he protested, “They’re invisible, Pol. Nobody knows they’re carrying anything.” “This one did,” you interjected, “because he knew who I was.” “How?” “Said he was with Kimber,” you whispered as the memories came back to you, “said he’d put me up against a post and he’d shoot me, like he’d do with you…” In a sudden fit of rage, Tommy grabbed a chair and flung it across the room. Polly snarled at the gesture and then turned to you, “Stay here. This cloth is cold, keep it against your eye, or it’ll turn black in half an hour, and I can’t take you to church looking like that. I just need to have a word with your brother.” You took the cloth and didn’t dare to look at Tommy, who was now being taken away by his aunt like he was ten years old again and in trouble. Aunt Polly closed the door behind her, but you still tried to hear as much as you could. Most of it was lost, but when they started shouting you heard bits like “putting your little sister in danger!” and “this is Billy fucking Kimber, Thomas” and “family first”. At first Tommy protested with “I didn’t know they knew her” and “Kimber is getting weak”, but eventually he shouted out in defeat, “I fucked up, alright? I’ll fix it. I promise.” When they came back, Tommy looked like a dog that’d just been kicked. So he retreated into a corner and started smoking, still sulking a little. Aunt Polly lifted your head up by placing a finger under your chin, “You won’t look pretty for a week, but it’ll heal.” You shrugged, not caring about being pretty at all, and muttered, “I feel like an idiot…” “Why?” your aunt demanded, “because big men decided to go after a small girl?” Tears started forming in the corners of your eyes, as you admitted, “Because I wanted to be brave! In my stories I’m pretty and strong and the hero, but in reality I’m just like a mouse. No one notices me and I’m useless…” “Sweetheart,” Polly softened her voice and crouched down next to you, “Just because you can’t fight like Arthur or John can, doesn’t make you useless. We’re all stuck here, in Small Heath, and there’s nothing pretty about that. But you reading all those books? That’s what’s going to make this easier. You can pretend, and that’s worth more than you’ll ever realise.” You smiled back at your aunt, who always knew what to say to make you feel better. “I’m off to the chemist to get you some powder against the pain,” she kissed the top of your head, “I’ll be right back, love.” After she’d gone as well, you sighed again and dropped the cloth. Her words mattered, of course they did, but it didn’t change the fact that you weren’t happy with yourself at all. For starters, you still couldn’t bear looking at Tommy. “Y/N,” he grumbled, which convinced you even more he was angry and disappointed, “Tell me what they looked like.” “They didn’t wear hats…” Impatiently he waved a hand, “Apart from that. What else?” “I don’t know,” you shrugged, “it all happened fast, Tommy. They had that accent that Kimber has as well.” “Fucking Cockneys…” your brother breathed. “Tommy?” you tried carefully, “I’m so sorry, but I lost the money. I tried to keep it. When they asked I told them to fuck off and then I tried to run and even fight, but they still took it. I’m so sorry…” He held up a hand to silence you and locked eyes with you, “You told them to fuck off?” “Yes, but it didn’t help…” “You actually told them to fuck off?” he frowned, “Usually you’re too shy to even say anything to strangers…” “I was angry,” you explained, “and I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
Tommy walked over to you and much to your surprise, he was smirking, “So you told them to go fuck themselves, and then you fought them?” “Yes?” “Did you hit any of them?” You thought about it for a second, “I think I kicked one in the balls and hit the other in the face.” His grin grew even wider and he mumbled to himself, “Wait ‘till I tell Arthur about this…” “Why?” you protested, “So he can laugh at me as well?” “No, sweetheart, he’ll be the proudest brother ever. His little sister, who everyone thinks is a little mouse too scared to do anything? She fucking hit a grown man and told them to go fuck themselves. Now that’s a hero in my book!” His laugh was contagious and you had to join in. But soon you became uncertain again and asked, “Are you not upset I lost the money?” “The money’s not important,” his face grew serious again in an instant, “but you are.” “Really?” you whispered. “Yes,” he took your face in his hands, “Listen, Y/N, this is what’s going to happen: Billy Kimber threatened my little sister, so I’m going to put himup against the post, and shoot him.” “And then what?” “Well, what usually happens in your books? Maybe I could learn something from them, eh?” A warm feeling of being appreciated for who you were came over you, “You’d take his kingdom and his skull would be put up on the gates, as a warning for all future enemies.” “That’s fucking dark,” Tommy raised one eyebrow, “But I like it.” “Me too…” you smiled at your brother. “I mean it though, Y/N. Kimber touched you, so I’m going to shoot the bastard. I won’t let anyone fucking go near you again.” And just like that, you felt safe enough again to continue dreaming. *** A few weeks later, everything had turned to chaos, both in the Shelby household as in the whole of Birmingham. Tommy didn’t speak to anyone of what happened to you, he hadn’t even apologized, but he wasn’t like that. He told you he’d fix it, promised you revenge, and that was even better. When the men were counting minutes in front of the Garrison and Billy Kimber’s army arrived, you were sitting at home with a book. You couldn’t really concentrate, because you knew there were too many of them. You pretended some angel would appear to save them all. There’d have to be no bloodshed, because this angel would be on your brothers’ side. That angel came in the form of your older sister Ada. She’d always had flair. In the end, only two bullets were fired. You listened to them both. One killed Danny Whizz-bang. The other killed Billy Kimber. Nobody knew, but as Tommy fired, he didn’t have business on his mind.
As he aimed, he saw his little sister’s face, all bruised and battered.
He whispered, “for Y/N,” and shot.
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gmwsuperfan5467890 · 2 years
Ok let’s talk about Tuca and Bertie, or more specifically a theory I have.
I watched season 1 in 2019 and watched the rest of the seasons now because I did not know the show was picked up by Adult Swim (I’m glad it was). Anyway from what I remember in season 1, I got the vibe that Tuca and Bertie’s friendship was strictly platonic but since season 2, I have been getting vibes that the show could take it in another direction. Here is my evidence:
1) Early in season 2, one of Tuca’s potential romantic partners asks Tuca if she is in love with Bertie. The writers wrote it in for a reason, either as a hint or as a red herring but if I’m honest this is a common trope that happens to the main couple before they discover their feelings for each other, so who knows, really.
2) It has been established that Tuca and Bertie’s friendship has been a cause for their relationship troubles.
Before Bertie met Speckle, she and Tuca had trouble finding dates because of how close they are and how much time they spend together.
Tuca had trouble maintaining relationships because she was taking care of Bertie (I get that Tuca having issues opening up to somebody new is also a factor).
Bertie is also hesitant to move into her new home with Speckle because she does not want her life and her friendship with Tuca to change.
Bertie cannot handle spending a few days without Tuca, shown by the ep where Tuca and Kara spend a few days together and Bertie spirals.
3) Tuca jumps at the chance to sleep with Bertie’s bro counterpart, who Bertie said is a part of herself. I feel like it could show that Tuca is subconsciously attracted to Bertie and she is displacing that attraction to someone who isn’t technically Bertie (but he really is a part of Bertie). That was the biggest hint for me because would you really sleep with your totally platonic best friend’s alter ego?
4) Bertie isn’t straight. I know that two wlws can have a totally platonic friendship but for the longest time, I was conflicted because even though I was getting all those vibes that they might be building up a romantic relationship between Tuca and Bertie, I still thought that it could never happen because Bertie was straight and I was worried that the hints were for Tuca having an unrequited crush on her straight best friend (which is a trope that should die already). Well, Bertie is not straight, so it could maybe happen.
I am still conflicted in this theory because Bertie and Speckle have been in a relationship for 3 seasons, would they really throw away all that development? On one hand, I don’t think they could go there, on the other hand, the writers could introduce a plot line where Bertie and Speckle want to take their relationship to the next level (maybe marriage) but they realize that although Speckle was always fine with Tuca being Bertie’s #1 priority, this wouldn’t be able to work if they were to take their relationship to the next level. I feel like that was hinted at when Bertie was quite hesitant to move into a house with Speckle.
I love Speckle and I love Speckle and Bertie’s relationship but I have always gotten the vibe that they weren’t going to last. Maybe it’s because in other tv shows, the couple established early on usually breaks up.
I also adore Tuca and Bertie’s friendship, which is another reason why I am conflicted about my theory.
Additionally, Tuca wants kids, while Bertie doesn’t, so if they were to get into a relationship, it could never work.
I adore the show and I will be happy if the writers keep them as friends or make them into a couple.
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flickeringart · 3 years
The conflict between Aries and Cancer
I have written before about the signs that square each other in astrology and their conflicting energies. In this post I’m honing in on the Aries-Cancer square. This conflict can play itself out within your own natal chart if you have planets in both Aries and Cancer or between you and someone else. For example, if you have an Aries Sun and a Cancer Moon you’ll experience this archetypal friction within yourself. Or, say that you are an Aries Sun in a relationship with a Cancer Sun - then you’ll experience friction between yourself and the other person. I��m going go over hypothetical scenarios inspired by everyday life and my own personal experiences with this square. Needless to say, no one is only Aries and only Cancer and people are more complex than these scenarios reflect. But it’s sometimes useful to simplify and generalize.
Scenario 1 (Aries Sun – Cancer Sun interaction)
Aries: I don’t want to visit the grandparents. They’re so self-righteous and complacent. Why should I sit and pretend that I agree with everything they’re saying just because they can’t take an opposing perspective? Also, they worry about everything; it kills my spirit and deadens the mood. It should be a crime to behave like that and expect other people to be fine with it. Just because they’re old doesn’t mean that they can get away with being a*s holes.
Cancer: I know, but they are old and they want some company. I’m sure it would mean a lot to them if you went. They love you very much - they just have a funny way of showing it. They can’t help being the way they are. Don’t forget that they took care of you many times when you were younger. You owe them something in return. They probably don’t have much time left and you would regret not being there for them.
Aries: Why should I treat them like they’re dead already? They’re still alive and kicking. I’m not going to visit them out of guilt - that sounds horrible. If I’m going it’s out of my own free will not because they’ve pulled the strings. When I’m old I don’t want someone to come and be with me because I had practiced some kind of emotional blackmail. That is horrible.
Cancer: So you think that being old is pathetic? How can you say that? Don’t you care about members of your family? Do you think you can do what you want at the expense of other people?
Aries: They certainly don’t seem to consider my feelings and my priorities so why should I consider theirs? Why are you casting me as the villain of this scenario when they are the ones demanding something of me? They act as if they have a right to my presence. It could be healthy for them to learn to not take things for granted.
Cancer: Don’t be so selfish and childish. You don’t have to sacrifice your personal freedom for a quick visit. Ignore their stupid comments - you don’t have to care about them. Don’t you think it’s a positive thing that they want you to come? Isn’t it nice to be needed?
Aries: It sounds like you’re contradicting yourself. On the one hand you tell me that I should ignore them because they don’t have something to add to my life, on the one hand that I should go and enjoy the fact that they want me there. That is completely messed up. Is that the way you think? You’re simply hanging out with people because “it’s nice to be needed” while completely overlooking their individuality. That is the worst! I seem to have more respect for them than you have if that’s the case.
Both Aries and Cancer are cardinal signs, which shows in this interaction. They both want to stand up for something. Aries is always promoting individuality and honesty, even if it’s brutal. Aries shows respect through treating everyone as an equal, even if they’re old. Cancer on the other hand is always promoting that which will guarantee a secure emotional relationship and a sense of belonging no matter what. Cancer is aware of everyone’s inherent vulnerability and is more comfortable with moods and coercions than direct confrontation. Cancer is more prone to subtle punishment while Aries wants to play fair with all cards on the table. Cancer looks more docile; Aries looks more violent, though it is questionable whether this really is the case. Cancer often thinks badly of people but is not upfront with it. If an Aries says that he/she likes you, you can trust that it’s true. Aries is not shy about expressing opinions. If a Cancer says it… it might be true, but you can’t be 100% sure that he/she is talking shit behind your back. This is because Cancer can’t handle brutal honesty. The sign is too caring and too emotional to deliver black and white statements without providing some cushioning.
Scenario 2 (Aries Sun – Cancer Moon combo)
Aries-Cancer employee: I really want to take on more challenging responsibility. I know that I have a lot of potential and people look up to me. You can trust me with some bigger project; I won’t disappoint you.
Employer: If you say so, but you have a tendency to get very overwhelmed and stressed whenever you take on more and I don’t want you to feel like you have to over-compensate for anything. You’re doing a great job as it is.
Aries-Cancer employee: (offended) You seem to want to keep me in an inferior position on purpose. I don’t know why you think so little of me. Everyone gets tired and needs a break sometimes. I struggle with headaches daily. I have to take care of myself better but with so much going on I haven’t had the time to.
Employer: That’s exactly my point. I don’t want you to have more to worry about. It’s not that I don’t believe in you.
People who have a Sun-Moon square like this are often very contradictory people. On the one hand the Aries Sun wants to prove its excellence and effectiveness but the Cancer Moon pulls in another direction. It wants to retreat and protect itself from stress. Aries is a fire sign and lives for the potential of accomplishing something great. Cancer is a water sign and is more aware of the risks than the possibilities.
Scenario 3 (Cancer Sun – Aries Moon combo)
Cancer-Aries: I really appreciate that you’ve been here for me during this tough time. I could’ve probably done without you, though. But you know, it’s still nice to have friends that one can rely on. I know I would like to be a good friend and show up for people. Wouldn’t you agree that I am a good friend?
Friend: Yes you can be. But I would’ve felt better if you didn’t always had to shove it in my face that you could do without me while thanking me. It doesn’t make me feel so good about helping you.
Cancer-Aries: I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I really appreciate you. But wow, you’re pissing me off right now. Do you want me to apologize to you for being independent and capable of taking care of myself? Do I need to play weak in order for you to feel good about helping me?
Friend: Actually it would feel better if you could be a little more humble. You don’t have to play weak - I just think you could lose some of your pride. What do you have to prove? Everyone knows that you’re very capable.
Cancer-Aries: I’m not always capable and I don’t want everyone to think that. I do my best but I’m human after all. I know that I can handle more than most but I value my friends and family. It’s important to stick together and to be a good person. But I’m not going to pretend to be something I’m not, which is what you’re asking of me.
This is the same dilemma in a slightly different form. Here, the Cancer Sun wants to cultivate a mutually dependent relationship that feels good because it’s sensitive and wants to prevent unpleasant emotions. The Aries Moon is too upfront and isn’t ok with coming off as “needy”. It wants to pursue something, the role as the “best” friend if nothing else. It’s too strong and forceful which slightly sabotages the Cancer goal of receiving and giving help.
Scenario 4 (Aries Mars vs. Cancer Mars)
Aries Mars: I’m going to clean out the basement today, there are too many things lying around and it’s never going to get done unless I take the initiative.
Cancer Mars: I can help you if you want. There are many things to go through and I don’t know if there’s something I would want to keep.
Aries Mars: I don’t need your help - I know what I’m doing. You should be happy that I’m doing this!!! It’s better if you leave me to it, that way it’ll be done faster. I’m doing it for you.
Cancer Mars: You don’t have to be so rash about it. If you get some of it done today you can leave some for tomorrow. It’s best not to do everything in one swoop. Take your time and savor the process a bit.
Aries Mars: I’m going to do it all today because I don’t want make this a long and painful process. I just want it done. I get so frustrated every time a walk down there, I just want to smash everything up.
Cancer Mars: Ok… but if you smash something that is mine without asking me, I will not speak to you again. So… you better watch your step.
Aries Mars is typically assertive and impulsive – a quick decision is made and a lot of energy (anger) is put into things. Cancer Mars is slower to start but once there’s momentum building every action is taken with care and emotional investment. When threatened, there’s a subtle emotional hint to the consequences for the other person. Aries Mars tend to attack through confrontation (active threat), Cancer Mars tend to attack through withdrawal (passive threat).
Scenario 5 (Aries Venus – Cancer Mars combo)
Aries-Cancer: I would really like to see you try to beat me. I’m the most confident out of all of you. I’m faster, smarter and more invested in this than anyone I’ve met.
Friend: You always talk a big game but I have never actually seen you win.
Aries-Cancer: I don’t have to prove anything to you. If I say that I’m the best you should believe me. Don’t I look like someone who would be good at this? I’m a winner - people just seem to have a hard time accepting that.
Friend: The fact that you’re being so defensive makes me wonder if you are as confident as you say you are.
Aries-Cancer: I am not defensive. I’m just confident enough to tell it as it is. I’m not going to downplay my skills.
The person with this type of square will be defensive but will not admit to any weakness because an Aries Venus doesn’t like being perceived as less than. It wants to be a winner in people’s eyes. When confronted of questioned, the person becomes defensive, as is typical of Cancer Mars. It fights through instilling guilt.
Other posts about the conflicts between the signs :
Leo-Taurus (available on Patreon) Gemini-Virgo (available on Patreon)
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