#I’m kinda nervous asking this
kiwisandpearls · 5 months
Do you know about the AB3080 internet bill?
no, what is it
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alluralater · 2 months
I was at my uni for graduating (? I think? But also it was like a Squad Captain promotion ceremony from my stupid manga) and also there were students from the Archeology study in the same building giving like their thesis presentations publically. Anyway you're there in the crowd cause I assume someone you know is presenting and we meet up and hang out afterward. I'm like flirting but ✨respectfully✨ cause my wife is also there and we've talking about poly stuff but idk if we're rlly there yet so like I'm staying on the safe side. But then you and her REALLY click and end up fuckin nasty in the lab supply room that I still had a working access card for and I'm just left there with your Archeology friend guy who's now trying to get in my pants cause that's the vibe now apparently.
I hate how my brain denies me of any fun even in dreams I fuckin swear this keeps happening. The dreams feel so real so my decision making is also like as though it's just real life :')
Anyway I think I'd die if you showed up randomly in like someplace I also go to.
… i described a sex dream to my best friend like a year ago about me fucking some really hot girl in a lab room but she had a partner but the partner wasn’t there for a lot of it. but before THAT happened, i was at some event for someone’s fucking graduation and the only reason i knew was because i read some signs and i heard some people talking when i was walking in. but it was a dream so my contextual info was pretty low. and so okay i remember flirting hardcore like a LOT with this couple and i thought one of them went there because they knew their way around and im eventually in this lab and this girl is eating me out and honestly it was super hot. like super fucking hot. i (to this day) can still remember how her tongue felt. this is so funny what the fuck. i wonder if i have any notes on my phone about it. like i woke up and i came seven times in a row because of that dream. i was telling my best friend that i was annoyed though because i wanted to fuck both of them (the couple, and i honestly wasn’t even TOTALLY sure if they were together but they completely gave me that vibe and they were very like secure in each other’s space so i assumed yes) but i couldn’t because one left/wasn’t there when i looked up again??? like i had my fingers in the hair of the one eating me out and when i looked up the other one was gone?? i was like damn that sucks, oh well i guess. say sike right now. tell me you’re fuckin with me
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disengaged · 1 month
i wanna live on my own again …. i’m so ready to put my books on a shelf and my clothes in a closet
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ask-walker · 1 month
Welcome to the blog!!
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You might have some questions, so I’ll try answering them here!
(Any additional questions can be turned into asks or even private messages, in which I will try my best to answer)
Who is Walker? What happened?
Walker started off as a normal Sans. He has gone through countless genocide runs before the human finally decided to do a pacifist and get the monsters all to the strange surface. Now, he acts and looks different and something seemingly happened to the other monsters. He can’t even seem to crack a joke anymore! Perhaps through asks, we can figure out what happened?
Is this blog lore/plot/story driven?
Some of it, yes! I plan for you all to discover things through asks! (Not everything though) Of course not every ask will have to be serious, you can still do things such as give hugs, gifts, silly questions, or questions that don’t have much to do with plot at all!
Ask restrictions?
No restrictions to asks other then don’t be rude, don’t be inappropriate, don’t venture too far off, and don’t send in totally random asks.
What I mean by the last one is for you to send something that doesn’t really make sense “how much could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood” is an example of this. This has nothing to do with the character or anything really in the blog.
Can we ask other characters?
At the moment, Walker is the only character available for asks. If this ever changes (which, it will), I will make sure to make a post of it and also edit here!
Can I draw Walker?
OMG YES OFC YOU CAN <333 tag me please please I’ll save it forever in my heart
Can I use Walker for my story/comics/whatever else is similar?
Please ask permission if it’s anything that will include him for more than just a short appearance as I wont know what exactly your story/comic is about. However no need to ask permission for fanart, anything silly, or maybe even serious as long as you understand Walker’s character. You can ask me if you need some clarification or are uncertain what Walker’s reaction to something would be!
Is there any specific tags?
#walker asks this is for answered asks about Walker
#walker art this is for art of Walker outside of asks
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caffeiiine · 2 months
wegh. is now a good time to admit i was running the mori blog @/ooogai
i kindaaa wanna make an oc and rp that instead of mori now😞
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passionpeachy · 9 months
Oh no did I miss Azul selfie
If you want to see how I look like it’s all under the tag “#my face” ! It’s only 2 pictures but it’s something………continue picturing me like a snail if it’s disappointing.
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angel-baby479 · 1 year
Slut, 25, Donnie
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ty blade tehe
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emily-mooon · 7 months
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Ok so it looks like ship charts have been going around and not too long ago, I made my own cause I noticed the other one didn’t have a lot of the characters and I wanted one that did. I finally finished adding my own lines tonight (I also added Comeau, Jason Kim, Sandra and Monique cause I forgot to add them when I originally made this) so here’s my easy to digest opinions on the different ships!
Don’t feel offended if your OTP isn’t a top pairing for me and it’s in something like ‘it’s ok’. I respect that you like it, its just not my thing. if it’s a ship you hate in one of the top spots, well be respectful please and thank you :]
Also if I forgot a ship, I’m sorry it didn’t cross my head while making this. Just tell me which one and I’ll respond with what line I would have put.
(Blanks and the different layers under the cut cause my god its a mess)
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Also bonus logoless version if you want it :D
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Ok bye! Have fun making your own with my blanks if you want to, just link to this post or credit me if you do please and thank you ;]
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theloveinc · 2 years
Shinsou, the mans who has been daydreaming for months, made up all the scenarios, hyped himself up for weeks to ask you out, sees you across the hall, panics, and walks the other direction lmao, loses all his nerve
Meanwhile, you’re left wondering what the hell is his problem because you were just about to smile and wave…
I have no idea why, but for whatever reason I always imagine scenarios like this as that cartoony trope of the man’s flowers immediately wilting when the interaction is over—and for some reason that just screams Shinso to me.
Poor guy, he doesn’t even want much, just to take you out to dinner and maybe get to know each you better (lord knows he’s quiet as all hell)… he’s so smart and yet you have to wonder for what since he has no idea that you’ve been admiring him right back, all the darn while.
(Even if the image you have of him in your mind is a little bit different, more harsh, than the reality of him. Not that he can’t be a rough, tough-loving man, but… he wants to prove he can be sweet first, is all.)
Anyway. Like you said, he plans it all out so carefully… but his flower still wilt. And then melt, too, into such shame and embarrassment at the fact he can’t even seem to be friendly to you, either… and he kicks himself for it so badly :(((
Not that you’re able, but if you saw his face from the front as he was walking away, you’d see that he was blushing a neon, bright red (and thinking about how to try again). Gruff on the outside, soft on the inside.
(Keep trying though, buddy! I’m rooting for you!!!)
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atopvisenyashill · 1 month
trying to build up a jacenyra fanmix like my aligon one but i only have three songs so far
remember by seinabo sey
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the moon will sing by the crane wives
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and of course tales of dominica by lil nas x
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cb-writes-stuff · 1 month
Okay last one to even out the questions per person and then I need to sleep
Three what’s your favorite time of the day (either like sun position or thing that happens often enough you can go oh boy it’s blank time)
Yay! Another question!
Hmm… Sunset is very pretty. But I think what I really like is 2-4 PM on Fridays, because that’s happy hour at Steak n’ Shake and we’re already out with our dad at that time because of weekly appointments. (🍉: you’re oversharing.) No I’m not. It’s fine. So yeah, I always enjoy that.
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whumpy-wyrms · 2 months
Hey idk ifYou have triggers but this has a lot of depression, suicide, and self-harm. Please ignore this if those things trigger you!!!!
What would Anton do if Dew went full suicidal? Like Dew looking for a way out everywhere. Constantly thinking how he can hurt himself to postpone experiments. How would Anton react if Dew was begging to be put out of his misery? "Please! I— I can't take it anymore!" Dew sobbed. "It hurts so much... Anton please! Just kill me..."
like ahhhhh the angst! Cause like if dew being in pain in the newest chapter made Anton nauseous then like... how would he react to this?
gonna answer this one under the cut for obvious reasons
soo i actually can’t say much without spoiling stuff so i’ll just talk a little bit about this specific scenario (and i still can’t go too into detail with it)!
in this scenario, if Dew came up to Anton and begged for death, or if Anton knew he really genuinely wanted to die, he wouldn’t even hesitate letting him go for real. at the very least, he’d stop experiments altogether (probably let him sleep in the cabin) and look for ways for Dew to survive in the real world with his wings and stuff, then he’d let him go. he does not want to keep holding him captive against his will if he’s gonna be in that kind of pain
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skhardwarevers1 · 4 months
guyyysssss interview today I’m so so nervous and excited
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evansbby · 1 year
okay so i just saw this video on tiktok of this girl doing a story time of her experience with Chris at the latest meet and greet and ok it was kind of cute I’m ngl 😭😭
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sluttyten · 1 year
Romantic/dating anxiety is definitely a thing (to me). I just steed into the dating world for the first time last year at the ripe age of 26 and when I tell you I’ve been anxious every time I’ve matched with someone/received a message complimenting me before we can even have a conversation/agreed to a date… it’s intense to say the least but I believe in us!
Definitely definitely a thing, like I’ve managed to give myself a decent stomachache just by overthinking this since it happened.
I don’t know what to do lmao because I have 0 experience, and like I just texted my best friend about, I shoot down every person that ever asks for my number or shows interest in me but then I also literally am always like…. looking for someone to be interested in me, but also like as soon as I know for sure they’re interested I don’t want them to be, and also I think I just feel awkward if the person is younger than me, so like when one of my coworkers clearly had a crush on me but he was like 5 or 6 years younger than me so I felt that was weird, and then this guy I don’t even know how old he is either so like that feels fucking awkward to me because nobody ever thinks I am my age, which right now I’m 27 😭 and the other day a girl I work with thought I was 23, which is a compliment but also like I don’t want to be in a relationship with someone that much younger than me 😭😭
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