#I’m kissing them all
shepscapades · 10 months
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@yogscastshipbracket here is my last ditch effort of the night…. Hopefully the early morning voters will hear my cry… And vote for Bangarry… for liberty and justice for all……..
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katierosefun · 1 month
ough the walking dead . . . i love u zombie stories i love u principled characters who try so hard to hang onto some shred of humanity even though they’re dead inside i love u humans still struggling to find some joy even in the worst possible time
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ash-and-starlight · 1 year
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hades atla bisexual simulator
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gum-drop-glitch · 2 months
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@foxglovecove Yeah, okay.
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seryotonin · 1 month
Bracelet date ♡
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ewwww-what · 2 months
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It probably won’t (it will)
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saywhatyouwillbut · 1 year
what’s so hilarious about min ho and kitty is that he convinces himself she’s obsessed with him, meanwhile she literally could not give less of a fuck until he confesses his love for her on a plane
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mr-smilesss · 3 months
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albino-parakeet · 28 days
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Jwct countdown May 14-15 prompt: Favorite Ship
Yaz and Sammy living the life I wish I had. Sapphic dinosaur ranch owners lol. Ft. Bumpy in the background
Of course I had to draw these two. Their kiss/confession scene is on repeat in my mind all the time and I’m still so just in awe that it happened. Here’s to hoping they stay together and happy throughout all of Chaos Theory! @campbenji
Timelapse undercut:
Song used in Timelapse (and is the same one I listened to on repeat while working on this)-> Real Love by Cat Clyde
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grimalkinscribbles · 6 days
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I need more of Kuras being a grounding comfort to Mhin
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shepscapades · 1 year
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More on Jimmy Who Knows Less Than Nothing About Androids (in which the fire inside Tango’s hands combined with the force of his shell cracking/popping probably forced some wires loose, so Tango now has to guide Jimmy through fixing and reconnecting everything. It takes, um… a little longer than Tango was expecting it to, but hey! At least he can use his hands now!)
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emry-stars-art · 6 months
for the mistletoe time asks thigy
mayhaps neil and matt in number 2? their friendship means so much to me
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They are SO SPECIAL TO ME AS WELL (got a couple requests for this one so I switched up the style. Probably will do another version of Matt and Neil forehead kiss 🥰)
Requests are open until the end of Dec ‘23 💕
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mensmommymilkers · 5 months
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Had to draw the trio from from my fave book by @sarahreesbrennan as I reread for the millionth time 😮‍💨 They’re so fun
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festering-bacteria · 1 year
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Ermmm assorted homosexual agenda, the finale was v enjoyable 
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Eddie lowkey outing himself by accident but Robin’s the only one that’s even certain that’s what’s happening
Eddie’s finally graduated and he’s having a celebratory bonfire with the Hellfire Club and Steve and Nancy and Robin at it. They’re out by Skull Rock so that they won’t get shit or noise complaints from other people in the trailer park. They’ve already ceremonially burned 6 years worth of Eddie’s notes and homework and failed tests by the time Eddie goes off on his own
Which later, he’ll realize wasn’t a great choice. But it’s supposed to be safe in Hawkins with all the gates closed now and in the moment, he just knows that his bladder has caught up to all the drinking and he really needs to take a leak. And okay, maybe he goes a little further away from everyone than is strictly necessary, but he has a shy bladder
And it’s fine at first. He takes a piss and zips his pants back up and goes to head back to where everyone else is but then he gets cut off by the latest kind of demo-monster to be on the loose in Hawkins and he has nothing on him but his wallet, his lighter, and a pack of cigarettes so he is certain that he’s really dead meat this time
He stumbles backwards in his rush to get away from the demo-thing and ends up falling over a broken branch and landing on his ass. The things still moving closer and they’re not supposed to like fire, so he pulls his lighter out and holds the pathetic little flame at arm’s length and yells at it to keep back as if that’s going to do anything. He shouts at it as loud as he can, but he’s the one that brought the boombox and set the volume at the highest so he’s not holding out a lot of hope about being heard and he doesn’t know that it would really help if any of them heard him anyway. So mostly he just thinks he’s dragging out his own death by making the thing come after him slightly more hesitantly because of the fire
But Steve notices Eddie sneak off on his own and it hasn’t been that long, but he thought he’d be back by now, so he’s already contemplating going to check that he’s fine when he hears something off in the direction Eddie went over the shitty music
And clearly Nancy heard it too because she’s already rushing off in that direction and while Robin and the kids rush after her to see what’s going on and Eddie’s out of the loop friends look at each other confused about what’s going on, Steve grabs a big ass stick off the ground and pours the last of his drink over the end and dunks it in the fire and then grabs a big ass bottle of vodka for good measure because even though he couldn’t totally hear what Eddie called out and even though this might just be Eddie up to his usual dramatics on the way back, Steve knows there’s a very real chance that it’s not and that once again the nightmare with the Upside Down isn’t really over like they thought it was and there’s no way he’s risking rushing in as weaponless as everyone else and putting them all in danger. He’ll be the weird guy that chased Eddie with a flaming tree branch to his Hellfire friends if he has to be because he’ll take that over risking anything happening to anyone there
Eddie’s lying on his back on the ground with the full body weight of the demo-thing on him and he’s got his eyes clenched shut and he’s holding on tight to his lighter with his hands up with to protect his face as if that’s going to do anything to stop this thing from ripping him to shreds, but then suddenly there’s a squelching thwack and then an awful ear-splitting screeching and there’s nothing holding Eddie down anymore. He opens his eyes and sees Steve beating the thing with a flaming tree branch and Nancy grabbing an equally large not flaming stick to join in while everyone else rushes over to check that Eddie’s okay. And then Steve warns Nancy to back up and throws the vodka bottle at the demo-thing and lights it fully on fire
It takes a bit for it to burn and Eddie to remember how to stand back up, but by the time he does, Eddie’s adrenaline is still running wild and he’s floating on the natural high that comes with narrowly escaping death. He tells the kids he’s fine and gets up and then turns to Steve and starts heading toward him while he laughs and gushes, “That was incredible. I was sure I was sure I was a goner and then there you were just casually pulling off the most badass move I’ve ever seen out of anyone. Seriously dude. That was awesome. I swear I could kiss you right now.” Which he emphasizes by grabbing Steve’s face in both hands and then planting a quick dramatic kiss on him and he only really realizes what he’s done in front of everyone after he’s already let go of his face so he quickly rushes to add, “Seriously, I could kiss all of you right now” but then nope, that’s not a good cover either and he realizes as soon as the words are out of his mouth, so he quickly adds, “I mean not any of you kids because that’d be weird, but” and thankfully Robin chimes in with “I’m good without” and Nancy quickly adds that she is too so Eddie doesn’t have to start kissing all of his friends near his age just to try to cover for the whole heat of the moment kissing Steve before thinking it through thing. And Steve hasn’t hit him, so that’s a good sign that he might get out of this with people just assuming this is another one of his eccentricities and nothing serious
The kids and Nancy just assume that the kiss was just an extension of his dramatics and that he thought it would be funny. Robin is onto Eddie, but not about to say anything about it. Steve’s too busy with his internal huh, okay… apparently I like that to even start considering Eddie’s motives until long after the kiss has actually happened
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stuckinapril · 5 months
me stoically navigating my way through drama bc bigger things are ahead and it’s not my fault people are dumb
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