#I’m mildly crunchy I guess
alonelysimp · 3 years
For You, Anything
Characters: Kamisato Ayaka x GN! reader
WC: 1003
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Descriptive mention of food, Unedited
Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, Word vomit, No beta we die like hilichurls, New relationship
Song: (open any Ghibli playlist + kimi no na wa + nakitai watashi wa neko o kaburu)
A/N: surprise my love language is physical touch and I had to bonk myself so many times to keep from mentioning a forehead kiss or a hug-
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“I’ve missed being with you like this,” she mumbles, her hand squeezing yours. Her voice is soft, almost drowned out by the grass gently rustling in the wind. Graceful, as petals may float upon a pool or as a heron may perch beside a lakebed. You hum and squeeze her hand back.
“Like what?” She sighs. Her pace slows, just barely a walk now.
“It’s… my duty… as lady of the Kamisato Clan to represent the Yashiro Commission, but...” Her voice trails off and she comes to a stop. The air stills, as if the world were holding it’s breath waiting for her to continue. Her eyes cast downward, a soft pink dusting the tips of her ears. “I cannot be as open with my true feelings, as I can with you.” She pauses, taking a deep breath. “I wish to be more open, someone the people of Inazuma can trust, and yet I can only be like this with you. Where does the daughter of the Kamisato Clan end, and my true self begin?” You step closer, adjusting your hand to intertwine your fingers with hers.
“To me, you are Ayaka. Not the lady of the Kamisato Clan, or the Shirasagi Himegimi. Just Ayaka. The pretty girl at the festival, in the blue kimono with a kitsune mask that I watched the fireworks with.” She relaxes at your words, a smile returning to her face. The breeze stirs the sakura blossoms that line the path. “And I missed being with you too.” You gently nudge her hand forward, prompting her to walk again.
Fog settles around you as you near the forest’s edge. Bake-danuki statues line the pathway, appearing on the rocks in clusters. From afar, you can hear their song to tempt travelers towards them for a harmless trick.
“The forest is beautiful this time of year.” You can only nod and watch in amazement as the fireflies flit in and out of view in the blue haze. If you weren’t just outside a minute ago, you would’ve sworn it was night.
Her hand releases yours, running down the path and crouching just beside it. You hurry up to her, crouching down beside her. She holds a flower in her hand, one recently picked, and turns to you. Her hand reaches toward your hair hesitantly, letting you pull away if you wanted, but you remain still. She tucks the flower into the hair above your ear, fingers gently working it to stay put.
“There.” A smile falls on her lips, and you swear your heart does backflips in your chest. She looks ethereal in the blue light filtering through the leaves and the fog. Her hair glows, almost, and she… she’s… “I’m sorry, y/n. Do you want me to take it out?” Her voice brings you back to reality. Her brows are pressed together in concern. You reach up to touch your face, eyes falling on the ground, feeling tears roll down your cheeks.
“Oh…” You smile at the thought, albeit a bit cheesy. Her beauty, it brought you to tears. You look back up to her, seeing the tension in her expression lessen slightly at the sight of you smiling, despite the tears that fall. “You’re beautiful, Ayaka.”
Her hand draws closer to your face, hovering just above your cheek. Warmth radiates off it slightly, barely warmer then the slightly cooler air around you. You press your face against her hand, silent permission for her to gently wipe the tears from your eyes.
She helps you stand back up, leading you by the hand over the river. She sat on a rock in the clearing beside a cooking pot, left behind by a certain trio of chefs.
“I hope you don’t mind letting me cook today, I learned some recipes I want to try out. You shake your head, taking a seat beside her.
“You’ve improved a lot. I trust it’ll be good since you made it.” She smiles and pulls ingredients out of her bag.
“Turn around, I want it to be a surprise,” she huffs in amusement. You roll your eyes playfully, complying to her shenanigans.
A flower brushes against your foot as you turn to sit the other direction. It makes a soft noise as you pick it. Within a few minutes, you had the beginnings of a flower crown, braiding the stems of the flowers together. The silence that sat between the two of you is comfortable, simply basking in each other's presence.
She hums, tapping your shoulder. “Close your eyes, I want you to guess what it is.” You set the flower crown in your lap, turning to her with your eyes closed. You hear something crunchy cracking, and something not moist, but not dry either get moved around. It's spicy, that much you can smell, and the smell of sir fried ham has been making your mouth water.
The heat radiates off the chopsticks she holds out in front of your lips, not so hot it would burn you but not so cold it would taste weird. A smile tugs at your lips and your mouth closes around the chopsticks. It’s fiery at first, the sheer spiciness taking you by surprise which leaves as soon as it comes, leaving you with only the reminiscent flavour as the spices burst through the dying flames. The ham is crispy, a salty sear on the outside giving way to a mildly flavoured, juicy interior. A dry piece crunches in your mouth, a faint flavour of rice mixing with the other flavours that leave your mouth warm.
“...Can I have more?” She giggles, giving you another bite of her dish. “What is it?”
“A recipe I got from the traveler. They said it was a Liyuean specialty, jueyun guoba.” You open your eyes, seeing a warm blush on her cheeks and a dish in one hand, chopsticks in the other.
“It’s delicious, you should make it more.” She smiles and nods excitedly.
“For you, y/n, anything.”
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Woah it has been a long minute since i posted- thinking abt putting the banner above the cut? how are we feeling abt it? Also I'm in love with Ayaka !!
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whythinktoomuch · 4 years
ii. a change of scene
(pt i)
Bundled up in a fleece-lined flannel, a beanie pulled down past her eyebrows, and a hand-knitted scarf, Kara ventures out into a cold that she hasn’t had to endure ever since moving to National City all those years ago. And yet, here she is: 
hugging herself and shivering, 
breath visible in the brisk autumn air, 
being jerked about by a very insistent dog who seems to know where he’s going, 
and in Midvale, of all places to be! 
To say Kara’s somewhat taken aback by her current predicament would be the understatement of the year—maybe even decade, though it’s only been half that since she’s last seen Siobhan, which of course was at Siobhan’s wedding, and a wedding that Kara had attended with Andrea on her arm no less. 
And yet—and again—here Kara is. Somehow. 
Kara’s watching Krypto watch a colorful cascade of crunchy leaves when she notices a familiar flash of dark hair and a phone that shouldn’t be out whilst one is crossing the street. Her feet are already bounding forward. 
“Hey,” she barks out, and Lena turns around with a bright smile that only  brightens with Kara’s approach. 
“Oh, hey, you,” she says. “How—”
“What the hell did you do to me?” Kara demands. 
“—‘s it going...” One corner of Lena’s smile curves up in clear amusement. “Well. And a very good morning to you too.” 
But Kara’s frustrated—again, an understatement—so Lena very cheekily and helpfully reminds her of what they’d discussed the night before, all that talk about hypotheticals and squandered potential, and such. To which, Kara promptly reminds Lena about how they were just talking, and she was perfectly fine with how everything was going actually, and could Lena just please take her back to National City already? 
“... Are you sure?” Lena asks. 
“Things aren’t the same over there, you know.” 
“Okay! Just do it!” 
Lena pockets her phone with a nonchalant hum and murmurs just under her breath, “Hm... bossy.” 
“I said, ‘give me your hand.’” 
Kara scoffs. “No, you didn’t.” But Lena is just smirking at her, hands outstretched and waiting, so Kara has no choice but to slap her hands on top. 
In a flash, Kara’s out of the cold and right outside her apartment, which shouldn’t be possible, but she’s never been one to study gift horses up-close and personally. Except...
“Why’d you bring Krypto?” Kara asks, incredulous, holding up the leash still wrapped around her hand. 
Lena narrows her eyes. “... You brought him.”  
Though plenty exasperated already, Kara has to move on with a sigh, because she just doesn’t have time for this right now. She’s already got enough on her plate as it is, what with having to explain to her beloved fiancée why she hadn’t come home last night, even though she did. 
Kara pats down her flannel and jeans for her keys, and comes up empty. She goes to re-check her back pockets, and her hand brushes past the worn carabiner that Siobhan had clipped to her belt loop this morning, right before delivering a very much unexpected smack to her ass. 
“Where are my keys?” 
Lena, who’s now kneeling by Krypto to scratch behind his ears, frowns up at her. “They’re in your hand.” 
Kara lets go of the carabiner, cheeks burning red hot, and protests just as hotly, “These aren’t mine.” 
“Then why are they on your pants?” 
Sighing again, Kara just raps her knuckles against the door, dismissing the keys as yet another thing for her to explain to Andrea. Though all thoughts of begging for understanding and forgiveness disappear when the door finally opens and Kara ends up face to face with the last person Andrea had dated before settling on her.  
Russell smiles very politely. “Yes, can I help you?” 
“What... are you doing here?” 
Russell then starts frowning very politely. “... I’m sorry?” 
But before Kara can say anything else, a tiny boy who couldn’t be more than three or four launches himself out the door, screaming Puppy! and swiftly wrapping his entire body around a very receptive Krypto. 
“Honey, no, we don’t go touching random animals after bath time!” Andrea calls out, immediately on scene to sweep the child into her arms. She shoots Kara a withering stare. “You’re not allowed to have pets here.” 
“I know that,” Kara says, almost sputtering. “I live here too!” 
Andrea spares a cursory once-over for Kara’s attire before pursing her lips, clearly in disbelief. 
By then, Kara’s caught on enough to know that she doesn’t belong here anymore. “... Sorry, wrong door,” she quickly mumbles before taking off. She’s already outside in the cold that’s not quite cold enough to warrant her flannel when she remembers that Lena is still there. 
“All right, take me back,” Kara says. 
“Gonna need your hand again,” Lena says, and Kara rolls her eyes and shoves her hand into Lena’s, and they’re back in Midvale. 
“It’s temporary, you know,” Lena finally says, when Kara stews in a mopey silence for a beat too long. “Just a teensy little taste of what your life could have been if you’d stayed here.” 
“Well, how long will I be here then?” 
“Hm... how does two days sound?” 
“Two days?” Kara gasps out, indignant. 
“You know what? Just for that, I’m making it five days.” 
“Five whole days?” 
“A week then.” 
“You can’t—” But Kara cuts herself off, clapping her hands over her mouth when Lena just raises an eyebrow in challenge. 
Lena walks up to Kara, smirk mildly annoying and annoyingly attractive, fingers nimble as she buttons Kara’s flannel up to her chin. “I’d usually prefer the top two or three buttons undone on women as handsome as you. But it’s cold here, and you,”—she taps the tip of Kara’s nose with a gentle finger—“my dear, are taken, so. Go on. Time for you to get home.” 
Kara stumbles back a few steps, tugging on her collar, suddenly warm all over, and Lena’s gone, lingering smile and all. 
Kara gets started on the long trek home, with Krypto thankfully leading the way. She’s still wondering how she’ll ever make it an entire week in such a topsy-turvy world when a loud honk! grabs her attention. A blue beat-up pick-up truck comes to a stop beside her and the window rolls down to reveal a very familiar broad grin. 
“Got you good, didn’t I?” Alex says, snorting. “Well, that’s what you get for not paying atten—hey, come on, get off me, weirdo!”  
Kara can’t remember the last time she’s seen her sister, let alone got to hug her (though this is definitely the first time that she’s done so through a car window). It’s just been too long, much longer than it ever should have been in the first place. 
Alex eventually shoos Kara off, insisting that she’s already running late for work, but Kara’s burst of happy tears must have been contagious because Alex’s eyes are just a bit shiny as well. 
“You’re so weird,” Alex complains, rubbing at her eyes. “Just... hurry up and get your weird little ass home before your girlfriend sends out a search party.” 
Kara laughs, then hiccoughs slightly. “Right. My girlfriend...” 
Alex rolls her eyes. “Sorry, fiancée. Happy? Kelly and I are coming over for dinner tonight, by the way.” And Kara’s just so excited at the prospect of seeing her sister again so soon that she forgets to ask who Kelly even is. “So, I’ll see you then, all right? Bye, dumbass. Love you.” 
When Kara finally gets home, her chest is still positively bursting with such pure joy that nothing could bring her down. Not even Siobhan shoving her toward the bathroom, demanding that she take a shower because apparently she stinks like a dog or something.  
“Would have joined you,” Siobhan says, all casual as she’s applying her eyeliner. “But some-body had to take their sweet ass time.” 
“Sorry...?” Kara waits for Siobhan to leave the bathroom so she could undress before realizing that it’s not going to happen because, oh yeah, they’re dating—no—engaged. 
“Whatever. Just a little something to look forward to for tonight, I guess.” 
Kara blinks. “... Showering?” 
Siobhan flashes Kara a tiny smirk. “You’re cute,” she says simply, stopping to give a gentle pinch, then a gentle kiss to Kara’s right cheek, the same way she’d always done between classes at Midvale High. “Have a nice day, babe, okay?” 
Siobhan fixes her lipstick one last time and blows Kara a kiss as she leaves, and well... perhaps spending a week here wouldn’t be such a terrible experience, after all. 
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Tanana.”
This was super fun to write this morning. A little bit funny, and I always enjoy hurting Adam a little, accept in a fun way this time no angst.
Hope you guys like it :)
Just a little bit closer.
The small creature looks on innocently munching on a crop of moss. It has four large eyes, two on either side of it’s head, six legs and is about the size of a small to medium-sized dog. It has really long ears, and if it stays still long enough, it’s going to be my dinner.
I scoot closer over the rock arm raised to the low ready, the spear clutched tight in my right hand.
The creature lifts its head.
Shit, it must have heard me. In my panic, I make a decision out of haste and throw the spear. It goes wild and clatters across the stone. The Drev rabbit takes off, and I am left standing stupidly in the middle of the open field weaponless and looking like a jackass.
“Tsa din dasdarish darat?”
I nearly leap out of my skin, turning around to find Hijan standing a few meters behind me near a coiltree.
“Shit, hijan, do you really have to sneak up on me like that.” 
The old drev looks at me in amusement. I Know she doesn't understand most of what I am saying, but somehow I  think she still gets it.
“Zha deengan.” I say, one of the first phrases I learned how to use. Being able to say I’m hungry is very important in any foreign language.
She tilts her old wizened head at me, “tsa tin danehanish ee dengish?” You were going to kill and eat that?
I shrugged, “Yid zha deengan.”
She crosses her arms, a habit she’s picked up from me, “ene tsa deengan datadish zha dadee sa deeng datahaik.” IF you were hungry I would have given you food.
I sigh, she wouldn’t get it, but still she walks over and hands me a miss twist. I call them that because of their distinct shape, kind of purple and in a strange sort of spiral. When you dry them out they are crunchy like chips though not particularly salty.
I munch absently on the weird plant? Fungus? And she absently plays with my hair. I try to shrug her off, but she’s a lot like my mother in the way that she won't let me be. I am about 100% sure she thinks I am one of her Drevlings. Which has caused a bunch of interesting changes in my life as of recently, not one of which was her decision that I wasn’t colorful enough.
Apparently Drev see humans a lot differently than we do. They can see the way the UV light interacts with our skin. She describes thousands of little spots which turn into swirling stripes. When I asked her to describe the color she said it was similar to turquoise or blue, though I obviously can’t imagine it.
Makes me jealous as hell though.
However, she said my “Carapace” wasn’t colorful enough. When I asked her what she was on about she clearly meant my hair and my nails, which are made up of similar stuff to the Drev carapace.
Long story short, I now have green hair and nails.
Yeah yeah, laugh all you want, but whatever the hell she put in my hair is not coming out. And when I say green, I am not talking like a nice moss green or forest green. I am talking like the color you paint your new Lamborghini kind of electric green.
Not to say that I haven't had my nails painted before, but never this color, and never in tandem with bright flaming green hair. Don’t know why everyone associates me with the color green. I would say it was only my second or third favorite color. Either way, I look super weird as of late, green hair green nails, no shirt, no shoes, and a slowly expanding five-o-clock shadow.
You know I am not a big fan of beards, mostly not a big fan of them on me, but I forgot to bring a razor, so in that department I am kind of fucked.
I mildly wonder if she is going to make me dye my beard green when it finally grows in.
She makes me grab my spear, grabs me by the hand and drags me back towards the village. She doesn’t let go of my hand. I don’t try to fight her, she is stupidly strong, and despite being a grown ass adult, I am apparently her child now.
The other drev find her adopting me very, very funny, but at least now that she has they don’t call me dazhit anymore. The last time someone called me a bitch in front of her, she kicked the crap out of them. I thought it was pretty funny personally. They danced around the circle like a loon expecting her to be weak in her old age, and she just stood there then jabbed them in the throat with the butt-end of her spear when they weren’t expecting it.
I laughed so hard I cried.
Ever since, they have treated me with a little more respect. 
We make it to the village, and with one hand she pushes me off towards the training grounds as if to say, “Go join the other kids.”
I sigh and roll my eyes but go.
The last time I tried to skip out she almost had my hide.
I go at her bidding meeting up with the others who are around my height. Hijan watches sometimes, and she has made it very clear that the kids deserve to get the shit beaten out of them. I don’t like it much, but these kids don’t seem bothered when you knock them around. In fact, most of them like it.
I think our trainer is a bit mad that I can actually fight.
I smile to myself 
Now that I do fight, I am at the top of the class.
The kids think I cheat, difference is I have different training than they do, and a lot more experience in combat despite what the Drev seem to think.
“Tanana! Naktan ts adon.” Tanana, my nickname, or my drev name I guess means alien. Hijan doesn’t like the name much, so she calls me tsata which means gift. Personally I am pretty flattered she thinks that about me.
I walk into the circle at our leader's orders and Dark ‘the other kid’ steps into the circle across from me. He’s an ugly little shit, and I’m not just saying that. He’s a dick to me on most occasions. When our teacher isn’t looking sometimes I make fun of his coloring, that usually shuts him up. I should probably feel bad for making fun of a kid, but I really don’t. He's a dick and everyone knows it.
Problem is now he has a bit of a vendetta against me, and is pretty hell-bent on putting his spear through my throat.
Good thing we only fight in hand-to-hand combat these days.
The kid does not wait till the end of go before he is charging at me hands wide Some of these kids are under the impression that guarding your center is like…. Dishonorable or something. They would be wrong because even Drev now it’s stupid to come in arms wide open. However, at this point I’ll take what I can get.
I dodge past two sets of arms and come in sharply towards hims middle. He has reach on me, so I go in close and brutally aim for what I am hoping is his liver, if Drev have them. My single punch has him staggering back across the circle gasping.
The teacher does not look happy.
I feel kind of smug.
Of course the little brat won’t give up, I’ll give him that, he isn’t a quitter, and charges for me again.
He’s making this too easy, 
I wouldn’t call myself a martial arts master or anything in the slightest, but before he knows what’s happening, he’s on the ground with my legs across his chest. I pin his lower arms with my right leg squeezing his upper arm between both. I have tight hold of his wrist, and just as he begins to squirm, I slowly place upward pressure on his elbow by arching my hips upward.
If I wanted to I could snap the joint.
Damn I love a good arm-bar.
He squirms and squeals for a couple of minutes as I continue to apply pressure until the teacher eventually tells me to knock it off.
I let go and he frowns at me. He doesn’t approve, but there isn’t uch he can do. My move wasn’t against the rules or anything.
He looks at me for a long moment eyes narrowing at my unconcealed expression of pride, and a hint of smugness.
I can see he wants to wipe the look off my face, “zha jasti tsa jej atatchan teeya dzhalakat.”
I grin, “Of course I am too skillful for children. Surprised it took you so long to see that.”
He does the drev equivalent of a frown. I know he can understand most of what I am saying, unlike others, but I think it still annoys him when I speak English.
Tough luck bro, my mouth goes way faster than my brain, its one of my worst qualities. If it didn’t I’d speak Drev More, but for now it was going to take practice.
“Ene tsa ditan atatchan juhkee tsa tehish zheengat s dzhal.”
Well shit. 
His if you are so skillful than you can fight with the adults was not an encouraging statement.
I honestly hadn’t meant that to come out as dickish as it did, but now  I was definitely already regretting my decision to be a smug bitch.
Guess that is what karma does to you.
I see Hijan at a distance, watching as I am dragged over to the next training field. The Drevlings follow at a distance chirping to themselves excited to see me get my ass beat.
We come up over the rise just as one of the training circle is in session. 
Two Drev go at each other with spears so hard sparks are flying. Their feet cut tears in the moss as they push each other across the stone. As we come up one of them is hit in the head so hard they are knocked completely out of the circle.
“Dazhit.” I mutter
Our teacher and their teacher stop to speak at each other. I can see them staring at me pointing and speaking quietly with each other. 
The older class adjusts themselves and looks on in great interest.
I don’t know these guys well, but I am pretty sure I am about to know the butt of their spears pretty well.
I sigh and shoulder my own spear, which…. Is significantly shorter than everyone else’s.
I’m not self-conscious.
“Tanana daeen hajish.”
I walk over as ordered my spear still over one shoulder.
“Tsak nantan tarik.” Your new teacher 
I lower my head, “Tarik”
She seems amused and motions towards the circle, “Tanana ts adon. Zha nin tsa tehish darat zhegingi jastat.” get in the circle, I want to see what you can do.
Oh, great.
I do as told stepping into the circle as she calls one of her students forward. She’s a light colored Drev, the color of cream/orange rose petals. I am pretty sure the Drev would consider her pretty…. Did I mention that she’s at least two feet taller than me?
Well she is.
She rams her spear butt into the dirt, and I swallow hard.
The Tarik waves a hand and we begin to circle.
I hold my spear like they taught me, though I am much better at hand-to-hand combat. We test each other for a minute moving forward and back, watching each other’s guard. Of course, she strikes first though.
I dodge out of the way quickly, expecting to come in and wrap her across the back of the knees, but she spends around and blocks me at the last moment. We connect together so hard that my hands go almost immediately numb.
She brings the butt of her spear around, and I am just barely able to duck under it. She comes at me again, and I step back as the spearhead slices past my chest.
My eyes go wide as I stare at my almost evisceration.
I barely look up in time to block her fro the side.
The hit makes my bones hurt.
I flick my spear up trying to catch her in the face, but she knocks me away with impunity.
She has me backed against the edge of the circle.
She doesn’t expect me to make it out. Too bad I have seen way more action movies than she has. As she cuts over me, I slide under the cu on my knees skidding over the rock and past her into the center of the circle. 
She turns to find me and barley blocks my strike.
I’m doing pretty good.
This isn’t so bad.
That’s when the kid gloves come off, and she strikes me so hard and fast I can barely raise my spear to block her. A vicious second later she comes in with the killing blow, or the crippling one.
Did you know you can knock someone out by hitting them hard enough in the liver?
Yeah I didn’t know that either, apparently the body sense major trauma and is just like nah fam I am not about that life. The vagus nerve gets activated too.
So there I am lying on the moss and the dirt curled up in a ball trying not to vomit or pass out.
I can hear that little gremlin Naktan laughing in the background.
God I hate him.
And I am in SOOO much pain. I am pretty sure my liver has been ruptured pretty sure I am going to die right here on the face of the planet.
I groan, “Hijan… help…. hijan .”
Yeah yeah practically crying for my mother like a wuss. I know no need to point it out 
But guys, I am dying. Or at least I am pretty sure I am.
Luckily for me she shows up and eventually the others leave. I can feel her running a hand through my hair, which would be nice if I wasn’t pretty sure I was dying 
Turns out though, I wasn’t dying, I am just pathetic 
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petri808 · 4 years
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For the Inuyasha Sins event, Envy day
“Kagome, your tutor is here,” her nursemaid Kaede fetches the young Princess.
“Ugh, must I? What is the point if my place will be in stately silence.”
But the older woman rarely gives in to the young woman’s whining. She’s raised the girl from birth and wished to see Kagome take a proper place in their kingdom. “One day you may be a Queen my dear, and we wouldn’t want a foolish one. I know you’ll do great things when your time comes, which means, you need to study!”
The Princess sighs and continues to stare out of her window, longing for more than what her crown dictates. Her younger brother was the heir not her, so why should she care? She watches the palace staff hustling and bustling about. It was hard work for sure, but at least once their duties were finished, they went home at the end of the day, free to do as they pleased. Everyone believed royals have so little to worry about, that they sit in their fancy rooms and dine on golden plates. But it felt more like a gilded cage to Kagome, full of responsibilities and images to uphold. A woman’s place in this world often meant very little, even with her status. To one day sit beside a King and produce an heir is all her life would amount to. Or so it’s been in her view.
“Fine,” Kagome grumps and pushes away from the windowsill. Her shoulders slumped, communicating her intense displeasure. “But after tutoring I wish to go riding. Anything to get away from the palace.”
“As you wish milady. I shall notify the stable hand to prepare your steed Buyo, as well as your personal guard.”
“No, no, please not Miroku. The stable hand will do. I just want to relax Kaede, and I can’t do that with a palace guard watching my every move.”
“Your mother will not be pleased with that arrangement. Your safety is of the utmost importance.”
“Tch, have you seen the stable hand? He is more capable than Miroku at protecting me.”
“Tis true,” the woman chuckles. “Very well,” Kaede bows then shoo’s Kagome out of her bedroom, “now, off to the study with you.”
Today’s lessons included literature and linguistics. Not terribly boring subjects to the Princess, but also not hated as much as mathematics. And at least such fiction proses provided an escape into a fantasy world. Sometimes Kagome would lose herself in the stories. Of adventures and dragons, Princes saving Princesses from horrible circumstances and living happily ever after. She wanted that fairy tale ending like some of the characters in her books. If she could find a Prince like in these tales, perhaps being a Queen won’t be so bad.
At the end of the session, Kagome bids her tutor Sango farewell after the woman reminds her of their schedule the next day. She liked Sango, they got along like sisters, and sometimes the woman brought her pet cat Kirara to the sessions. Those days were infinitely more pleasing to attend. But deep down, Kagome was mildly jealous of the woman, not that she wished ill will. Sango came from a noble household, but because of her intelligence, her father gave her a lot of freedom to make her own decisions. It wasn’t fair.
Her mood lightens as she steps into the stables and sees the stable hand. The man had started working at the palace just a few months earlier but was quite adept at his position. No one really knew much about his past or where he’d come from. The most he would say was a neighboring kingdom, but what was for certain, is he wasn’t fully human. They were known as half-breeds, hanyo’s or the product of a human and a yokai.
In their world some yokai were evil but not all of them, in fact one of her kingdoms allies was ruled by the Inuyokai. Kagome surmised based on the dog-like ears perched on Inuyasha’s head, that is probably where he was from. Perhaps his family was poor and that’s why he’d set out to make his own way in life.
“Good day Inuyasha,” the woman smiles as she runs her hand over her horses neck, placating the steed. She truly appreciated his care of Buyo. The horse was always groomed impeccably, and his stall mucked and strawed to keep his hooves in perfect condition.
“Good day Princess,” Inuyasha smiles back. “And where did you wish to ride today? I was advised to accompany you in your quest.”
“Hmm, maybe towards the forest. I’ve been told of a lake hidden behind the trees, have you heard of it?”
“I have.”
“Wonderful! You shall lead the way kind sir.”
Inuyasha helps the Princess onto her horse before mounting his own, Kagome blushing from the close contact. His hands were strong, yet gentle despite the claws. Many of the palace women fawned over the man and she was no different. He was handsomely rugged, gruff at times, but very protective and loyal. Kagome would be lying if she didn’t admit to herself the fantasies, she’s had of him. Such a tryst would be highly frowned upon since he wasn’t of the same status, but she couldn’t help it. Nature beckons and such a fine specimen of maledom called to her loins.
“How do you like our kingdom so far Inuyasha?” Kagome asks as they trot past the city gate. Now that they were beyond any eavesdroppers, they could chat more freely.
“It’s quieter than my own. But I like it. I enjoy the sense of freedom I have here.”
“Lucky.” She sighs, “I wish I could say the same.”
“You still hate being a Princess?” He chuckles, “be happy you’re not a Prince, they have much more responsibilities resting on their shoulders.”
“Pfft, how do you know that?”
“It’s not difficult to figure out,” he smiles at her. “Of course, it’s harder to see when your perception is skewed.”
“Excuse me!” Kagome harrumphed. “I understand just fine! You’re not a royal so you don’t really understand how it feels to be stuck behind a wall! Constantly watched and managed, a-and told what to do! It’s not fair!”
“You think us regular citizens have unlimited freedom? There are rules we must follow, customs to respect. We work in the hopes to make money so we can enjoy a few fineries in life. But you, Princess, are given those luxuries without restraint.”
“Tch!” She turns her head away. How dare Inuyasha pretend to know anything about her life! “Let us drop this subject. I came here to relax, not to be reminded of the life I envy.”
“My apologies Princess. Even though you’re being the brat,” he mumbles under his breath.
“Did you say something?”
Growing bored and annoyed with his banter, Kagome takes off at a sprint towards the tree line. She just wanted to get to the lake quickly. Inuyasha screams at her to slow down, but she ignores him. She’s ridden Buyo many a time to know what she’s doing, and it brought a sense of freedom to gallop as fast as they could. When she reaches the denser forest, she slows the horse back to a trot.
He couldn’t lie that it was alluring to see Kagome show a zest for life beyond her normal duties. Princesses were expected to be demure creatures, but she was nothing like that, and her fire is what drove her frustrations. Inuyasha could understand that. Nobody enjoys feeling hampered or confined. The woman also had a natural beauty and he loved the fact she didn’t wear heavy make up or tout ridiculous hair styles like some ladies of the court do. Like right now, she didn’t care as her raven tresses whipped wildly behind her stately poise.
But it was dangerous for her to take off like that, and if anything happened to her it was his hide on the line. So, he takes off in a full gallop to catch up to his wayward Princess. He knew she wouldn’t know where to go once they reach the forest and needed to make sure she wouldn’t do anything else foolish.
“Do you wish for my execution?” He growls and grabs hold of her horses halter. “If you get hurt, I’m the one who gets in trouble not you.”
“I— you’re right, I’m sorry Inuyasha.”
“Just follow my lead until we get to the lake. There are animals in the forest and even thieves willing to attack anyone. So, stay close to me.”
Suddenly the romance of the unknown died away as she succumbed to the dark, almost foreboding chill that trickled down her spine. With her senses on alert now, the sounds of the forest are heightened. The hooting of an owl, the scurrying of tiny feet over crunchy leaf litter, to the thumping of horses hooves echoing in the dense woods. Kagome keeps Buyo to the side and right behind Inuyasha’s.
“H-How do you know where to go?” There was no path she could discern.
“I can smell the water, it’s not far.”
“Oh... so that’s like one of your abilities?”
“Yeah. Smell, hearing, strength, it’s all better than a humans.”
Guess that makes sense, she muses. Like a canine. Kagome wondered what else made Inuyasha different from a human... she shakes those seedy thoughts away, no sense in taking that path. But the silence between them only left room for the mind to wander.
“Do you have any siblings Inuyasha?”
“Any girlfriends?”
The man abruptly stops his horse and turns to Kagome. “No, but why such personal questions all of a sudden?”
“I-I don’t know, bored, and trying to make conversation?”
His eyebrow raises, “uh-huh. So, instead of how’s your day going, or what’s your favorite food, you jump to any girlfriends?” Inuyasha laughs and continues to trot away. “Smooth, Princess, very smooth!”
“Hmph!” She didn’t mean to... okay she did but hey! Kagome presses Buyo to follow him again. “Fine! You want normal? Then what is your favorite color Inuyasha?”
“Favorite food?”
“Do you know how to use a weapon?”
“Sword. But I don’t really need one,” he flashes his claws, “I only carry a dagger just in case.”
Oh, right, she’d forgotten again. His claws look sharp, but since he was so gentle with them, she hardly payed attention. Guess who ever is on the other end of an angry Inuyasha was in a lot of trouble.
“You know, with your strengths, why didn’t you try out for a soldier position?”
“I’d rather not fight if I can avoid it.”
“I see...” thankfully, there hasn’t been any major wars or battles in a long time, so the likelihood of a soldier seeing one was slim. Maybe something happened in his past to make him weary of fighting. Whatever it was, it may have also been the reason he left home.
“We’re here.”
Kagome pulls away from her thoughts just as they break through the tree line. “Wow...” The lake was bigger than she’d imagined. “This is beautiful! I wonder why no one really comes here?”
“Citizens will fish here during certain seasons, but right now is not one of them so it’s relatively empty.”
The pair stop at the edge of the water and get off, tying the horses close so they can drink. Inuyasha gestures to an old fallen log, before taking a seat. Kagome hikes up her skirt and ties it above the knee, so it won’t get dirty.
Inuyasha chuckles, “that’s new. I don’t think I’ve ever known a Princess to care about such things.”
“What do you mean?”
“If the dress gets dirty, they don’t care because the servants will wash it, or they just replace it.”
“Oh, well, I don’t really like to cause more work for the servants. I’d make my own meals if they let me.”
“You’re such an odd Princess.” But as Kagome’s mouth opens to retort, he stops her, “in a good way.”
“Um, thank you Inuyasha,” she blushes and averts her eyes.
Inuyasha sighs. “The fact you care about such things makes you a good Princess, not one of those stuck up ones who only care about themselves and money. I know you think commoners have it better, and maybe in some ways they do, but you have an ability to use your status to affect more things. If you treat your subjects well, their gonna love you for it and that’s how you keep your kingdom peaceful.”
“I never... I never thought of it like that before.”
“It’s okay. Sometimes it’s difficult to see beyond our own stories. We have to get it through the eyes of another or live in another’s shoes.”
Kagome smiles brightly. “Thank you, Inuyasha.”
“You’re welcome,” he smiles back.
Things grow into a companionable silence between the two as they take in the still, placid waters of the lake. It wasn’t a very large lake and isn’t fed by any rivers or streams but rather an underground aquifer system. Perhaps this depression in the ground was formed by a long-ago meteor, but how ever this ancient body was created, it provided a nice addition for the areas ecology.
After a long time, Kagome breaks the silence with a wispy sigh. “A cottage on the side of this lake would be perfect.”
Inuyasha notices the dreamy look on her face and smiles. “Agreed.” To raise a family here, teach them to fish and hunt, a little garden farm... Their eyes lock in as he finishes his train of thought. “That would be... really... nice.”
Heat swarms her cheeks and body at the softened gaze he’s leveling at her. Inuyasha looked ethereal as the light absorbs into his white hair, almost creating an aura surrounding his body. Her eyes focus in on the slight part in his lips. How would they feel against hers? She’s never known the pleasure. “C-Could I kiss you?” Kagome questions in a whisper filled with hesitation and trepidation. To be so forward but how could she not take such an opportunity?
He smiles, caressing her cheek lovingly with his thumb, before sweeping in and placing a gentle kiss upon her lips. It was bold, maybe even treasonous, but who was he to rebuke her request. Inuyasha moved to pull away but is thwarted when Kagome weaves her hand behind his neck to hold him in place. She presses in, tilting her head to deepen the mold between them. Oh, he was happy to oblige, running his tongue against her seam to further the kiss along. Back and forth like a waltz with Inuyasha the teacher, coaxing the Princess to learn this lesson well. Suddenly, a bit of jealousy washes over him. Teach her for who? Another guy? His stomach turned at the thought, but he didn’t want to stop.
His decision is made for him when her hands slide up and start to rub his ears. Inuyasha has no choice but to stop things from going any further. “Don’t get too familiar, Princess,” his tone grows gruff. “You know this is already crossing the line.”
“I know— but it just feels so wonderful.”
“I agree,” he groans, “but we should get back to the castle before it starts to get dark.”
Kagome nods disheartened that their day had come to an end and that he’d rebuffed the advances. It didn’t matter if she understood why, because it still hurt. She follows quietly as Inuyasha guides them back to the castle proper, all the while reflecting on everything that had happened. Inuyasha could irritate her at times, while at other times she just felt drawn to him for some reason. He was always willing to listen to her complain or did anything she requested within reason. But anxiety flows in and makes her wonder, had he kissed her because a Princess requested it, or because he actually wanted to? Ugh, if he was just following a pseudo order that... that would hurt, because she really enjoyed her first kiss.
She’s so lost in her thoughts again, that even as they make it all the way to the stables, and he’s helping her to dismount, she doesn’t notice someone else walking in.
“Oh, my goodness! It’s you! Inuyasha, that is you!”
Wait, what?! Kagome whips her head to the sound of a female voice calling Inuyasha’s name. Excuse them, he’s her ma-er, stable boy. So, who the hell is talking to him in such a familiar fashion?!
“I’m sorry, no one’s allowed back here except place staff or guests.” Kagome’s voice is full of disdain for this pretty newcomer.
“My apologies. I came to meet Princess Kagome and they told me she was in here. Are you she?”
“Yes,” Kagome looks to the woman, to Inuyasha who appears to be motioning for the woman to leave, then back to the woman. “And who are you?”
Rin slaps playfully at Inuyasha’s hands, thinking it was just that, playing. She smiles and giggles. “I’m Princess Rin, Inuyasha’s niece. I never thought I’d find him here too! This so exciting!” She turns back to her uncle. “What are you doing here? Are you courting Kagome?! She’s really pretty! Oooh, tell me you’re courting her uncle Inu!”
If it wasn’t for Inuyasha’s quick instincts and strong hands, Kagome almost slips off the horse in shock. She chokes on her words, “U-uncle Inu?!” If Rin was a Princess, that had to mean?! But Rin’s not much younger than she is. “H-How?! If that’s true,” she turns to the man, “you’re?!”
“A prince...” he cringes, ears flattening against his skull from Kagome’s shrieks. “Rin is the daughter of my much older half-brother, the heir to Kamakura.”
“Why’d you lie to me this whole time!” Kagome beats her fists against his chest in anger. “I-I opened up to you because I thought you weren’t royalty and might sympathize more! But you’re actually a Prince?!”
He grabs her wrists. “Don’t you get it Kagome! I ran away from that life! If anyone knows how you feel it’s me!” When the woman stills at his words, he lets her go. “I’m just a second son in my kingdom, stuck behind rules, yet with no real place in it. So, I wanted freedom, just like you long for.” He sighs, “but now that I’ve been found, I’ll probably have to return home.”
“Wait a minute,” Rin cuts in. “So, you’re not here as a Prince? Then what are you doing here?”
“He’s been our stable hand,” Kagome mumbles. If their ally found out their Prince was working as a stable hand… “T-This is not... I’ll have to inform my parents.” She turns to Inuyasha with tears building in her eyes. It wasn’t the revelation that made her upset, but the thought of losing him before she’d had a chance to get to know the real him. “All those things you told me... about seeing from the outside. Now it makes complete sense.”
“And I meant all of it. Even though I left home feeling the same way as you, and while I enjoy the freedom of being normal, I’ve come to realize we can’t run from it forever. We all have our roles in life. I knew eventually I’d have to go back home, but then the closer we got, it became complicated and today didn’t make it any easier.”
“I don’t want you to leave.”
An awkward pause develops with neither Kagome nor Inuyasha sure of what to do next. She knew her duties and would have to report this. He knew as well, that his rouse was now gone. Today was the first time they’d allowed the feelings they were harboring to break free, but how could they make it work? If only his niece hadn’t shown up, he could have figured out how to handle the situation brewing with Kagome on his own time and terms but now?
“Ehem.” Rin clears her voice. “You know for adults, you’re both really dense in the romance department.”
“Huh?” Kagome and Inuyasha blurt out.
Rin grins at them. “So, new plan. This is what you tell your parents. Inuyasha set out to find a bride who’d love him for him and not a crown. It’s just ironic that said person ended up being a Princess. That’s why he came here and pretended to be a stable hand. When he found said person, you,” she points to Kagome, “he confessed. And I am here to confirm he’s not a crazy person trying to kidnap a Princess. Simple. Sort of,” she giggles. “Uncle Inu, if her parents allow it, you could stay to continue your courtship, as a Prince.”
“But what about afterwards?”
“Like you said uncle, you’re not the heir to Kamakura, so you are free to live outside of the palace or come home. You two can decide when the time comes.”
“Inuyasha, your niece is really smart! Are you sure you two are related?”
“Ha-ha!” He grabs a laughing Kagome around the waist and picks her up. “Who’s the idiot who picked me?”
“Tch, I blame a lack of options.”
“I ought’a drop you.”
“I’m kidding! I’m kidding!”
“You two really are courting,” Rin laughs.
“Actually, we weren’t,” Kagome corrects the woman.
“Again, dense in the romance department. But never mind. I’m glad it all worked out.”
Kagome opens her mouth to retort, but Inuyasha puts her down on her feet and covers her mouth briefly, then tips her head up. “Well, Princess? Do we go with Rin’s plan or not?”
“Mmm. On one condition. You build me a cottage by a lake.”
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adultswim2021 · 3 years
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Sealab 2021 #29: “Meet Beck Bristow” | December 14, 2003 - 11:15 PM | S03E09
They should’ve just not aired this. Hollywood Actor Beck Bristow (dot com) shows up to Sealab to do some research for a role. He acts the way an arrogant, self-absorbed movie star would act. Then he leaves. That’s basically it. Okay, there’s a little plot: the crew is sorta vying for a technical advisor position on his new project. But they don’t make that much of it. It’s a thin premise that allows them to make some not-very-original jokes about Hollywood-types.
The jokes about Hollywood are completely toothless. Compare this with “Tourist Season,” where alcoholics, the obese, children with learning disabilities, and all of middle-America in general are all treated with disdain. Ironic disdain? I can’t really tell, to be honest. In this episode the rich and powerful Hollywood actor is in Sealab’s satirical cross-hairs. And how do the rich and powerful Hollywood elite fare in this? Well, they basically get their hair mused up a bit and called “knucklehead” as though a parent were endearingly ribbing their kid for doing something mildly stupid.
Brian Bloom is the voice of Beck Bristow, which I’m not sure I ever bothered learning before. A dying Harry Goz is the voice of Captain Murphy, which makes this one of the most conceptually ghoulish episodes of the entire series. They inexplicably put a deep-sea diving helmet on Murphy just so that they could filter his voice as though it’s coming out of a com-link or something. You can really hear the not-wellness in Harry’s voice, and it’s a bummer. All to make tepid jokes about Hollywood guys.
This episode strives to have a point-of-view (could end sentence here) of someone who works closely with these Hollywood types and knows all too well what they’re all like. But it comes off like a teenager’s approximation of what Hollywood is like based on watching other movies and TV shows with similar “insider” jokes. The writers must’ve binge-watched “Action” staring Jay Mohr and thought “hey let’s do a tepid version of that”. Just like the theme goes, even a dog can shake hands/write an episode of Sealab.
This episode also had the pretensions of having a website made for it: hollywoodactorbeckbristow.com. You’ll have to visit archive.org to see it. Last year it actually re-directed to Sealab 2021′s landing page on Adult Swim’s website. Now it doesn’t even load. It seems like In it’s final years of existence it just re-directed to Sealab 2021′s landing page. Maybe it will again some day. The dream would be to snake it and have it re-direct to this write-up. Anyway, it’s mildly interesting to click around on it. There was a “blog” on there which updated sporadically until about early 2004 when it was completely abandoned. It’s insane to think anyone thought that this joke had legs beyond airing on TV once. But if you wanna make it in show business you gotta try out some wacky ideas like make a website for a fictional character or force an elderly cast-member to work from his death bed.
Kon writes:
It may seem like Adult Swim spared us a Seth Green Space Ghost, but in reality Space Ghost has inflicted more Seth Green on the public than Seth MacFarlane, Harry Elfont, and Deborah Kaplan combined; Seth Green pitched Robot Chicken during his Space Ghost interview and the rest as we say is history. This isn't irony or an own or me doing a disinformation presented as truth joke like I like to do, it is true. It's real.
Damn, I did not know this. Well, the difference between a Seth Green Space Ghost and Robot Chicken is that I’d feel compelled to watch a Seth Green Space Ghost by virtue of the fact that it’s Space Ghost. With Robot Chicken I can simply not watc--(realizes I am writing this on a blog where I promise to watch every Adult Swim original and this includes Robot Chicken) god fucking damnit.
James Corden's a nice bloke. Met him once at a CVS (that is the british equivalent of a Fred Meyer, your favorite store :rolleyes:)
Hey come on. First of all he can’t possibly be nice. Is CVS British?? They are here too you buttmunch. God, you are being too nasty for this. I am pissed off now.
I'm thinking of getting the new Popeye's chicken nuggets
Good for you. Do me a big favor and don’t send me your review of them okay pal
Crispy, crunchy, flavorful, you see they got that dense breading that their regular chicken has. They really aren't playing around. And the white meat is seasoned well and the dipping sauces are pretty good. Nothing stellar with the dipping sauces but they get the job done. The real star is the nuggets themselves and I'm giving them, The Popeyes Chicken Nuggets, Five Outlaw Stars these are pretty incredible you get 8 in a pack and they are quite tasty.
Shut up!
Without rewatching any of the episodes who is your favorite celebrity guest spot on Tim and Eric Awesome Show and/or Tom Goes?
This is remarkably difficult, because I tend to think not that favorably off the celebrity guests. Do I count comedy people that are sorta regulars? Will Forte is too frequent of a guest star, for example. John C. became very regular and shouldn’t count. I really, REALLY love that one joke in Fred Armisen’s Hobby Holes bit that’s nearly impossible to describe via text where he is quoting a letter he received and they mock up a graphic with just that one line followed the closing of the letter, even though there was more after that. Christ, I’ll find it on Youtube. Okay, it’s this. I guess that’s my answer.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by chasingghosts
What do you like about the house you live in? I relishhhhhhhhh the fact that we have a rooftop with a nice and calming view. I’m the only one in the family who makes good use out of it, so it’s a nice place to escape to whenever I need or want to be alone.
What furniture do you own? The only Adulting-related thing I’ve ever bought so far was my bedside lamp haha. I'm not comfortable investing in bigger things yet, and I’m still at the point where I’m rather carefree when it comes to my purchases i.e. expanding my BTS merch lol. I don’t put a lot of pressure on myself, and I appreciate that my parents don’t either.
What's the most cliche song you can think of right now? I feel like most of the Top 40 genre have generic and cliché concepts, but that won’t stop me from listening to them from time to time.
Name three of your favourite crepe toppings. I never liked crepes. I never understood why they have to be so thin hahaha. Do you watch How I Met Your Mother? What did you think of the ending? No, it never interested me.
Have you ever played paintball? Did you get hit? I never have.
Right now, are you too hot, too cold or just right? Too hot. It’s remained quite chilly in the evenings until tonight, which is an unwelcome but expected change considering we’re in May and the drastic change in temperature was bound to come any time soon. Still, the inside of the house is at least several Celsius degrees higher so I’m fine with staying here even though I’m already mildly sweating.
What was your favourite fairy tale when you were a kid? I never was into fairytales and I think I may have skipped out on them entirely as a kid.
Do you depend on others for happiness? I wouldn’t say I’m dependent. My conversations with my friends simply complement the happiness I can already provide myself with.
How do you feel today? Tell me about it. Physically, mostly uncomfortable because of the heat. Otherwise, I had a great time just spending time in bed all day, catching up on rest, and watching In The Soop and the new Run BTS episode.
What's the weather like today? Terrible. I never do well in the heat.
Do you ever use a laptop in bed? Yep but I put it on my lap or wedge it between my tummy and thighs while sitting up. I never directly place it on my bed since it heats up that way.
What were you doing in 2014? Crushing on and eventually asking out some girl. I was also starting to open up that year and was gaining more friends in school. Overall, a more than decent year; I don’t have any negative memories from that time.
Are you wearing socks right now? What colour are they? Nopes, I’m all barefoot.
What time are you taking this survey? 10:20 PM.
Have you ever eaten Caribbean food? I don’t think so, but as with all kinds of food I’m always open to trying it out should the chance come up.
Do you need to make any purchases soon, big or small? Just the remaining balance from all the merch I bought in the last two weeks. One thing I’ve picked up so far from collecting merch is that K-Pop merch is expensive as FUCK, so considering BTS’ core audience is on the younger side, most shops are super flexible and let people pay a downpayment first. Anyway, that said, I have several purchases I’ll have to fully settle by the end of the month.
What was the first movie you saw at the cinema? How old were you? Stuart Little 2; I was 4.
Do you feel hopeful for the future? Sure, but I don’t really dwell on it for too long because it would also just make me anxious. I like living in the now.
Where did you last fly to on a plane? Bicol.
If you were going on a daytime date tomorrow, what would you wear? Oversized tee + mom jeans + bucket hat, assuming the date is on the casual side.
Are your parents still together? If not, do you know why? Yes.
What is the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out like in your country? I’m from a third-world country, so you take a guess...light kidding aside, I hear of more and more people getting vaccinated everyday and that makes me glad, but the whole process has still been very slow. On my end, I don’t think I’m getting vaccinated until July or August, or potentially even later than that.
Have you ever been evicted? Why? My friends and I were once asked to leave a McDonald’s because they were being loud and rowdy playing a card game inside. We had it coming tbh; I just hated that I was dragged into it.
Would you say you're an organised person? When it comes to work, yeah. Not always with my room.
Have you ever worked as a manager or supervisor? I haven’t.
Do you eat at a table or on the couch? I usually eat at the dining table. But when I’m at work, since I can’t really ever leave my laptop, I have to contend with eating at my work desk even if it’s a little convenient.
Tell me something good about the last week of your life. Butter teasers!!!
When was the last time you heard a siren? What kind? A month ago maybe? when I heard the faint siren of an ambulance from somewhere far away.
Do you like jogging? No.
What brand is your TV? I don’t have my own TV in my room, but the ones we have everywhere else in the house are Samsung.
What was the last thing you voted for? Michelle had put up a poll on Twitter asking if people liked the apple chunks in apple pies crunchy or soft, and I’m guessing it’s because she’s planning to make her own recipe soon. I don’t entirely hate apple pies, so I still voted hahaha. I went for crunchy.
Do you remember much from high school? Sure. My memory’s not exceptionally crystal clear, but I’ve still been able to keep more than a handful of memories with me.
What's the longest you've ever stayed awake? Why did you do it? I’m not sure exactly but it has to be a little over 24 hours, and I probably did it just because I felt like staying up.
What's the most amazing animal you've ever seen in captivity? This is such a downer of a question...but idk. I find all animals fascinating, which is why I never like visiting zoos or animal parks.
Do you live in the state/province/territory you were born in? No, my family left Manila a few months after I was born, I believe.
What do you want to eat right now? Sushi sounds fucking fantastic, but alas it’s 2:36 AM and my best bet right now would be some cheap California maki from a convenience store.
Have you ever been wrongfully accused of something? Sure.
What are the five apps on your phone that you use most often? If I had to guess, probably Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Messenger, and Safari.
What's one of the most useless things you've ever purchased? I haaaaate the idea of buying things I know in the first place would be useless. But related to this, the last purchase I kind of regret is my current phone charger cord. It cost nearly P500 but was already detective from the get-go :(
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secretgamergirl · 4 years
How not to Write a Campaign
I have been playing RPGs for a very long time. Back in the day, I avoided any and all pre-written adventures of any sort because my limited experience with them was... just frankly terrible. Weird inconsistencies in tone, unfair encounter setups, too many assumptions about PCs’ motives and actions, etc. Then much later I discovered a group of writers who actually got it, wrote things perfectly in line with how my friends like a game to go, and we’ve been all in on those for a decade and change. But I just finished running a ROUGH one, and I want something good to come of it.
I don’t want to make this a specific review, because... I’m in the industry, I know the people who wrote this campaign, I can guess at some of the problems involved, and I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or reputation, so let me just refer to the offending prewritten campaign here as the Amnesia Campaign. It’s for a big fantasy RPG, it riffs of a particular author’s work, you can probably guess what it is from that, but, I’m trying.
The first problem I need to bring up with the Amnesia Campaign is that it just commits the cardinal sin of long term RPG campaign writing- The mustache-twirling villain who always manages to escape from the PCs at the last minute. I cannot convey just how important it is that you never, ever do this. The worst sort of example is when you plan around the PCs actually confronting your villain multiple times, and failing to kill them, which is a terrible idea because there really is no way to ever stack the deck and account for every contingency to make an unwinnable fight, or even one where escape is always possible, and especially if you’re publishing adventures, some number of groups will kill the villain too early, either shorting things out or forcing a handwave to keep an ineffectual villain in play and pretend they’re still a threat.
The Amnesia Campaign doesn’t quite go there. Having an actual chance to go toe to toe with the villain is reserved for the very end, but it does use another variant, where no matter what happens, the PCs arrive just after the villain they’re chasing has left. Now... there’s a way you can make that work. If you have a villain who cannot be reached in practical fashion, and can launch attacks anywhere within a huge region, you can build a whole campaign out of characters reacting to the aftermath of evil actions they could not be expected to even learn about until the villain has left the scene. Here, meanwhile, we have a villain with a big elaborate plot that requires traveling all over the world gathering things, based on research he does at the very start which the PCs can, and indeed are expected to do, quickly pick up on these research notes, and basically know everything the villain plans to do from nearly the start of a very long campaign. And... frankly, the villain has no real edge to keep him believably one step ahead. He is a mildly wealthy man hiring goons, mundane forms of transportation, and having to negotiate and fight his way through to various sub-objectives needed for his plan, and it is at least strongly implied that he doesn’t have a lot of lead time. When presented with a scenario about someone needing to be chased down and stopped, PCs can pretty reliably be counted on to constantly be rushing forward, coming up with clever ways to accomplish what they need to in less time, and cut down if not completely nullify their travel time. But, like with battles the villain somehow keeps escaping from, I am forced to continuously state to my players in running this that no, somehow even after avoiding this whole side quest by reading the mind of the person with important information, and directly teleporting to where the villain left for by riverboat, he somehow beat them there, and once again, just left. It’s frustrating, and implausible. We end up with a villain who seems overwhelmingly outmatched, but keeps succeeding because... well, he has plot armor so we’re railroading this.
Admittedly, having a good villain when writing a full campaign in advance can be tricky. The safe and tested formula is generally to start off with minions of your main villain, starting with some who don’t even know who they’re ultimately working for, gradually build up to who’s calling the shots and to what end, have a big side trip to prepare for the final confrontation not directly involving the villains, than cap it with a big showdown. If the PCs know who the main villain is from the very start and where to find them, it becomes hard to rationalize anything between. Sometimes you can pull it off if they’re leading an army or ruling a country, but even then, you want to work up a food chain to them.
A similar problem, which crops up a bit towards the end of the Amnesia Campaign, is making too many assumptions about how the PCs react, and who they befriend. In RPG writing, you need to make as few assumptions as possible about the specifics of what the PCs will do in any situation. You can count on the real broad strokes. The party will investigate the situation described in the adventure, they’ll explore the area, find the villains, fight them, win, learn something to keep the larger plot growing, but that’s it. You can’t assume they’re going to team up with this NPC, enter this room from that direction, or otherwise reenact what you’d imagine you’d do in their place, or what happened in your test play of your adventure. This is particularly important when you include a little sidequest unconnected to their primary goal, or you’re presenting an open-ended investigation.
Ideally, you just have a sensible location, have some villains in it with clear goals and personalities laid out, and you scatter around some things to enable various clever tricks if players think to try them, without mandating any of them. Mention where windows are, and chandeliers, and holes just too small for the average human to fit through, but don’t, as part of the Amnesia Campaign does, invest heavily in the assumption that the PCs will start investigating a sewer system when investigating how a cult gets around a city and go sparse on other possible clues. Also don’t waste adventure background note space on thousands of years of history at the expense of what the actual current problem in the area is and who or what is behind it.
The next problem is one that, were I the average consumer just buying this book would bother me a hell of a lot more than it does as someone who knows how the sausage gets made. Put mildly... you do not want to play a rogue in the Amnesia Campaign. Nor do you want to play a swashbuckler, a critical-hit focused character of any stripe, really any class out of the... roughly 25% of all classes who rely on knowledge of where to make a hit count the most to do the full amount of damage with their attacks, because practically everything is immune.
Now, again. I partly understand how this happens. We have several different authors writing different chapters of the campaign, simultaneously, in pretty unforgiving crunchy conditions, with just a rough outline to go off. Nobody really has a chance to confirm notes and say “hey, did your chapter totally invalidate one of the foundational character archetypes, because I was thinking of doing that and having two of those back to back would be a bit much.” And while the publisher of the Amnesia Campaign does throw out little booklets of tips for players on what sort of character concepts will/won’t work, they’re not written last, so this sort of tip is missing there too. On the other hand, it’s a huge problem within nearly any given chapter just on its own. If you’re making the call on what all monsters to include in a multi-level stretch of a campaign, you should generally avoid choosing nothing but monsters immune to one of the most common bread and butter class features. And honestly, given how the subject matter naturally lends to the deployment of a particular monster type, erring on the side of assuming everyone else is heavily deploying them wouldn’t be a bad assumption for any author to make.
This though, unlike the rest of my gripes, is ultimately a high level problem that needs a high level solution. When you’re publishing a whole campaign, and you’re doing it in a game where several foundational character concepts kinda live or die based on things like whether things are properly harmed by particular flavors of damage, or whether a decent percentage of enemies fall under a certain classification, that really shouldn’t be a double-blind. Coordinating to get all authors to use a decent spread, or include outline notes like “it’d make sense for about half the enemies in this chapter to be fire elemental themed in various ways, but keep a good variety otherwise,” and/or trying to get a rough handle on emergent themes to adjust for/warn about in player-facing pitch material. Even the best-written campaigns are prone to rude awakenings or hilarious reductions in challenge as turns out, say, going all in on cold damage does indeed pay off for the one with Fire in the title.
Meanwhile, on the other side of that coin, more or less, huge swaths of the Amnesia Campaign really just completely break down by failing to account for some basic standard issue capabilities of a typical party. Particularly the fact that past a certain point, you need to account for the fact that the PCs are almost certainly capable of flight. It’s a thing that happens. If you are really keen on writing adventures where local warlords are chilling out on the open-air rooftop patios of their otherwise heavily fortified fortresses, or melee-oriented monsters plan an ambush in a canyon in a vast wasteland, or a dangerous leapfrog between a series of elevated platforms over something dangerous, you want to make those low-level adventures, or else a typical party, possibly even accidentally, will just completely circumvent the whole thing. There is a whole lot of that in the back of the Amnesia Campaign. My group... literally skipped giant swaths. Heck, there was a whole side quest in the last book where the PCs are rewarded with the location of a giant obelisk which I had to cut because... it was in the middle of a big open outdoor space, and they flew over the city on the way in. They definitely had a view over those hedges.
This sort of dovetails into the next issue, consistently escalating threats. The whole fantasy RPG gimmick is that at level 1, you’re a helpless peasant barely capable of doing anything remarkable, and by level 20 you’re literally punching gods in the face and have more money in your pocket than everyone else in your home country combined (with the obvious exception of the other people in your party). Now, mechanically, balancing around that is a very easy math problem. Characters of level X are meant to deal with threats of level Y, either pull a Y level monster out of the book, or slap levels on something lower to bring it to that point, or spread that out over more enemies, then they drop Z amount of fancy loot. Easiest thing in the world. But you also need things to fit together thematically. You can absolutely throw fighter levels onto the local chicken-stealing goblins to make them mechanically as threatening as a demigod bursting through from another plane of reality, but when a group of characters is at a level where they can be expected to handle the former, it’s just plain weird for them to end up dealing with the latter. Like, yes, these particular goblins have 200 HP instead of the usual 4, so the local town guard can’t handle them, but that should never be true of chicken-stealing goblins. You don’t get that tough stealing chickens, and once you’ve gotten that tough, you should have your sights set a good deal higher than that. At least be stealing rocs or something.
The 4th chapter of the Amnesia Campaign is a particularly blatant example of not getting this, featuring a large number of “please be aware the party can fly at this level” moments mentioned above, and also just demanding the PCs deal with problems that really are beneath them at that point. Seeking out local guides, impressing petty local warlords, getting challenged by giants they must impress to rest safely when crossing a huge desert. These are... not appropriate speed bumps at a point in the narrative where the party is traveling to a location where they are going to literally fight a god, weakened or otherwise. The whole setup would be wonderful as the first chapter of a campaign, but that far in, it just doesn’t work. Particularly when the actual opening of the Amnesia Campaign sets the tension very high right off the bat, with extradimensional threats, shapeshifters, an evil cult, things that typically come later as things start to escalate.
This isn’t to say you can’t mix things up a little. Dealing with threats well below a party’s capabilities can be really nice as a chance to just sort of flex, and get some perspective on how much more capable they’ve grown over time, but you have to do it in a low-tension point of the narrative, and a little self-awareness about it doesn’t hurt.
Finally, while I really kinda hate modern wealth-by-level assumptions, they are baked into the design of the game, so if you’re running with it, you really need to make sure you’re really giving the players something they can use. The Amnesia Campaign really leans heavy on treasure being weird oddities that may be of value to a collector... while also being set, generally, in places so totally removed from civilization that shopping trips aren’t really practical. Much less those needing the party to really find the right sort of buyer.
Really, you want to give out entirely practical loot (really hard to do without knowing the party makeup, but variety can work), big piles of cash/sellables along with sufficiently large cities along the way for viable shopping, or raw materials suitable for crafting plus ample time to really do something with them.
Anyway, hopefully this has come across more as practical constructive advice for anyone writing a campaign, either as a printed product or just for your home game, not just me tearing into the Amnesia Campaign at length.
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snowtimeisbesttime · 4 years
Thoughts and questions on Hiveswap Act 2– Part 1.
**DISCLAIMER** I haven't played through the entire game yet! I got to the intermission in the whole trial thingy, and will continue tomorrow! Therefore, I Am Not Looking at anything yet, only posting. I'll probably come back and edit this once I've actually finished the game.
-Did the default names for Xefros & Dammek's lusii change?? I loaded my Act 1 save, and I'm sure they had their default names (Zoosmell and Cornibuster) there, though I'm also pretty sure i accidentally unlocked the “name the lusii” achievement on that save by clicking on the text windows without actually changing their names so... Dammek's lusus is called Toothy now i guess?
-On that note, if Xefros' lusus died I'm going to fucking scream. Even though I'm pretty sure we've barely seen him on screen since like the end of Act 1 but Regardless.
-We see Charun's cave, and it turns out they were neighbours with Zebede all this time, but they're nowhere to be seen at the train?? unless they grabbed an earlier one... Charun did get a death flag the size of the pacific ocean, when interacting with their weird sculpture with a lot of legs and arms surrounding a mouth, but Zebede's just gone without a trace? The bees are gone and there's a hole in the side of his hive, but his lusus doesn't seem to be particularly upset? And neither is Charun's, assuming that huge bug near the cave is their lusus. (Idarat the canon fantroll #3 doesn't appear at the train either, but that's probably for the same reason there aren't any jade or teal background characters: to keep the court scene neat)
-The drones are supposed to be en route to the station, supposedly to fix the ticket machines but probably to cull whoever tripped the alarm on them... i sure hope they don't follow the train or anything orz
-Mostly everyone seems to resemble their respective Friendsims, more or less:
Fozzer appears to be scratched still, yet more philosophical. Also he's not in the train either.
Folykl seems just a touch friendlier than in her friendsim (and Kuprum's still just as hyped about becoming a helmsman as before, even if he seems to know more details about it now).
Chixie's more anxious, probably because it seems she's been doing stuff as The Mask for a while now, and she's going to fuck shit up at Jeevik Week. She says she's not alone in that, and considering it's apparently confirmed that the random troll from her good end Was Dammek all this time... is she also actively in the rebellion? Also is it just me or does her sprite look somewhat scribblier than everyone else's? Even the background characters??
Elwurd's pretty much the same, and it does seem her flirting with Joey was mostly to try and get her to buy something. Also... if her fake tickets were so good, why didn't she just use them, instead of giving them to Joey and Xefros? Like, I get Marvus and Boldir Knowing Stuff, but her?
Zebruh's paying attention to Marvus instead of Chixie, which. Small mercies. He's still a dick, and we're still doing the whole “clowns are peak oppressed” thing.
Marvus seems to still be perfectly nice to the main characters, and perfectly willing to let other people die in order to help them advance (getting Zebruh to sign up for Slam or Get Culled, Daraya if you fuck up in the trial thing, Hopefully Not Any More Cases...) He is helping Tyzias out with her defensive legislaceration experiments, though, and basically everyone who isn't Joey seems to think he might flip his shit and murder someone, as clowns do. At least people don’t seem to lose their minds around him anymore.
Vikare's basically the same, but Joey immediately picks up on his Jake Vibes and instinctively dislikes him.
Diemen eats people???????? as in, actively????????? wtf?????????
Skylla seems to be pretty much the same, but she's obviously worried because Ladyy's sick!! God I fucking hope we do get to help her out before the end of the game.
Marsti's also friendlier than she was in her volume, though I remember MSPAR was particularly prone to sticking their foot in their mouth in that one.
Cirava's surprisingly more trusting than they were in their volume (and also, their eye's light green and not teal). Also, apparently they gouged their other eye out on stream?????? as in live???? besides that, good to see not All of the powerful psionics get succesfully indoctrinated.
Polypa's also rather willing to help out, though we still don't know what the heck happened to her.
Boldir's suitably mysterious, and probably also involved with the rebellion... she does call Xefros “burgundy figurehead”.
Konyyl and Azdaja are still having relationship stuffs, but in the end they clearly care the most about each other. (he still doesn't seem to give a fuck about helm stuffs so far?) The question is, who exactly were they hunting down??
The jades and the teals are basically the same as their Friendsim incarnations, as far as I've seen. The one major change to the jades (besides jade lore which i'll discuss further down) seems to be that hatched2dance is now one of the biggest reasons for their fights, and Bronya does get a crunchy bit of Backstory (the jade from her past that got culled because of the Rainbow Hemotions saga, which is also the reason she's so hard on Daraya now)
On the teals, Stelsa and Tyzias seem to have a teensy bit of quadrant vacillation going on?? Tirona seems to be more focused on becoming a history revisionist than a memeagandist now, and it would also seem that Tegiri's the one into vampires now (or at least, Tagora's better at hiding it And a lot better at not getting involved with the whole mess that is whatever the heck the jades are doing)
-Psionics can have single-colored eyes!! tbh we'd already seen this back in Tegiri's route in Friendsim but it's good to Actually See it visually.
-Also, nice to see that Xefros *can* go toe to toe with the strongest psionic we know in all of Hiveswap! (95% sure that I've seen someone theorize something like this might happen?? I personally wasn't expecting it here but anyways Xefros you're doing amazing sweetie) What's not so nice is that he's only shown this strength when Azdaja hurt Joey (as far as i've played of course)... so unless he like unlocks his potential or something so he can do Big Psychics without seeing his friends get hurt beforehand we're in for some Angst.
-Also if Marvus got his ticket from Cridea (and Chixie won hers in like a raffle or something) then why couldn't she have given Xefros and Dammek some?? like, Dammek's been to one Jeevik Week already. Fiamet also told her about Joey, but by then they were already in the train.
-Me: Xefros' microphone's going to be important in act 2! Also me: *has to give it to fucking Zebruh to get his ticket*. Oh well, that's one thing for the Second Playthrough of Achievement Getting (plus: wearing the cone horns, having Joey introduce herself to Boldir, getting through the whole ace attorney segment without game overs...)
-We get the Quadrant Explanation #1000, sans auspisticism.
-It's vaguely implied that Dammek has also read some Soldier Purrbeasts books?? He's told Xefros the whole “death creates a bond deeper than matespritship or kismessisitude” thing, apparently! So if he's not secretly into troll warrior cats then. That sentence's more than mildly worrying??
-JADEBLOOD LOREDUMP PART THE NTEENTH: Okay first of all it's implied that More cloisters exist? Which in retrospect is pretty much obvious because you can't expect only six trolls to take care of All the troll grubs in existence. Also, the reason jades can't sneak out of the caverns anymore is “because they get Drone'd”, and it seems to be implied that they Can't go out At All*, which kinda contrasts with Friendsim (where literally all the jades snuck out of the caverns at least once: Lanque, Daraya and Wanshi in their own routes, Lynera in Vol 18, and Bronya in Vols 6 & 18). One of their tasks seems to be guarding Forbidden Literature, and Xefros states that they either cull or indoctrinate the most powerful psychic grubs.
-It's also stated that all of our jades were chosen for the cloister when they were basically wrigglers, while Lynera states in Friendsim that she's only been 2,43 sweeps in the caverns. (Considering Bronya's new backstory, it seems that capability to become a rainbow drinker ISN'T the qualifying factor for getting cloistered– depending on how exactly that jade died). It comes to mind that regular, non-cloistered jades might not really know about all these logistics, as it seems that at least Bronya wants to keep them secret– and therefore I don't have to go back and re-rewrite yet another chunk of Mirrorbent orz.
-Lastly, Xefros says they will all become nuns (btw, space church was mentioned in Lanque's route!) when they reach their Ordeals, and we already knew they'd be forced to live in isolation from Friendsim, but during the ace attorney thingy Lynera says she's NOT going to leave the planet because she'll become a midwife and tend to the Mother Grub (basically what we all thought jadebloods did back when we only had the ancestor stuff on Homestuck)... but either Daraya or Lanque told her that they weren't real? So either there's more jade propaganda that we didn't know about, or...
-*The one exception to this is, coincidentally, Jeevik Week, and it's apparently because Trizza herself made it so jades could go too, 3 or 4 sweeps before Hiveswap... why's that? What's so important about Jeevik Week that Trizza would do this? Iirc Cridea and Trizza were sort of set up as opposing forces (?? words), all the way back from the first bunch of concept arts we saw of them? The first thing we learnt from Trizza was that she was the “second best at memes”, and on Cridea's first appearance, when troll twitter was still Prongle, she said that some chick was stealing her memes... and now, Cridea has exactly one follower less than Trizza, who everyone in Alternia's forced to follow... would that person be the heiress herself?
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sd1970x · 4 years
Marinette, work in progress - Ch2
Read also on AO3: here
first chapter | previous chapter | next chapter
The sound of bird chirping accompanied the rain waning down. 
“Petrichor,” Marin quipped as he took in a deep breath of that musky smell, and sat down at one of the park benches to contemplate his first day at school.
  So… Chloe is with me in class, that is a major disappointment. But Adrien… that’s something I did not expect, at all. 
  A homeless person lay next to Marin. He considered how the rain must have not been kind to them, yet they still looked cheerful enough.
The woman rose up and looked at him with mild curiosity, then suddenly a smile of recognition came about her.
“Hey… I know you, you’re the Dupain-Cheng kid, aren’t you? I used to order bread from your bakery.” The woman said. 
Marin tried his best to jog his memory, but to no avail.
“Fanny. Fanny de Travers.”
He had vague memories of her as a polite lady, but not much more.
“I used to work as a freelance tailor, until I became too sick to practice the trade.”
That jogged his memory a bit. He now remembered she used to show his mom some embroidery occasionally. In fact, it may have been one of the few things that kindled his interest in fashion.
“You know what, Fanny? Wait right here, I’ll be back in a moment!”
Like any self-respecting bakery, the Dupain-Cheng boulangerie had a bag for unsold goods that were destined for charity. Marin quickly picked some of the best he could find from it, wrapping it up and hurrying back to the park.
Much to his surprise, when he came back, Fanny was already chatting freely with one of his classmates.
“Oh, Hi there Marin!” She said, as both her and Fanny looked at his wrapped bread. “I didn’t know your bakery was part of the anti food waste program!”
Fanny couldn’t have been happier at the sight, followed by the smell and the taste.
“That tastes real good, reminds me of the times I could actually afford it.”
She took one good crunchy bite, then sighed, pocketing the rest in her jacket.
“Do you two know each other?” Marin asked, mildly surprised at the unexpected encounter.
“Mylene is an activist, I’ve seen her once or twice in demonstrations.”
Mylene nodded in approval. “Just doing my small share at making sure Paris is a better city for everyone.”
Marin wasn’t sure if he ever excelled at reading people’s sincerity, but something about Mylene’s enthusiasm seemed highly convincing. 
It’s quite nice to have someone like her in class.
“Now, I’m really sorry to bid you farewell; there’s a demonstration I’m going to.”
“Oh!” both Fanny and Marin exclaimed. “What’s it about?”
“I don’t actually know yet,” she admitted sheepishly. “We’ll get all the details soon.”
Just as she made that statement, several city construction workers started spreading around the park, taking measurements and making chalk marks.
“Hrm? Is something going on?”
“We’d have to ask you to leave soon. We’re about to install new benches in the park.”
“New benches, that’s really nice!” Fanny looked at the construction workers, hopeful.
“Ha. Wait until you see them,” one of them responded, a mysterious smile to him and a certain gleam in his eye. Something about Fanny seemed to deflate at that moment as her movements slowed down and her senses seemed to sharpen. It was that moment when another of the construction workers gave her a friendly pat to the back and said “I’m terribly sorry.”
“What would you be sorry about?” she asked, almost instinctively, even though her expression gave in that she was starting to realize it. In a few moments, they all saw the crane hauling over the new bench. 
Marin had never slept in the street, but it was obvious to him there was no way anyone could ever sleep on that angled stone slab, much less with the bars attached at strategic locations and the shallow, but disruptive, segmentation.
“No, please…” Fanny begged, to no avail, as Marin’s heart sank at the cruelty.
Who’s to hear her cry, a plight to be allowed some dignity in her sleep?
And even if the construction workers were to listen and open their hearts to her plea, was there anything they could do about it?
Marin watched Fanny’s head droop as she slowly walked away from them.
“Try the other way,” the friendly construction worker called to her. “It will be a longer while before installation plans reach that part of the city.”
“I… I guess that’s what today’s protest is about.” Mylene sighed deeply. “I better hurry.”
“Can I… can I come with you?” he asked, and Mylene nodded.
  A whirr of a motor disrupted the silence as rays of light disrupted the darkness as well, opening just a bit of Hawk Moth’s lair to the world.
“Yes. Just the feelings I need. Despair against a merciless municipality. Rage against civil servants with a heart of stone. Fly away, my precious akuma, and evilize her!”
  Fanny walked aimlessly, trying to get as far as she could from that park. Eventually, she succumbed to the thoughts of futility and leaned her back at one of the trees on the boulevard, sobbing. Another pedestrian casually bumped into her, not even bothering to utter an apology.
She looked about, paying no special attention to the odd butterfly that approached her, as it landed on the piece of bread sticking out of her jacket’s pocket.
  It was then when she felt some kind of mental link being formed and silvery eyes prying into her soul.
“ Stoneheart. I am Hawk Moth. Wouldn’t you like to repay those who failed to listen to your pleas, those with a true heart of stone?”
“With pleasure, Hawk Moth”.
The purple-black mist enveloped her, as she morphed into Stoneheart, a giant made of pure stone.
  Marin and Mylene were walking at that very same boulevard, as a deafening sound and a shake of the earth rattled them to their core.
They both looked at Stoneheart with great fear, their minds doing their best to comprehend its existence, with little success.
“What… What is that thing?” Mylene cried. Marin was swift to pull her from its way as its foot crashed into the ground, seemingly ignoring them both, much to their relief.
“I don’t know, but we had better run away!” Marin answered as both nodded and fled the boulevard.
Marin ran off as quickly as he could, his feet carrying him away towards the safety of his home. He tried his best to forget about the scene he just witnessed, to no avail. It’s not like he was empowered to do anything about it anyway, now was he?
Well, at least Alya would be very interested, I bet she’d love to chase and photograph the thing. 
Just as he was about to fetch his phone from the school bag and call her, something dropped out of it, an object he did not recognize. He picked it up and examined it thoroughly.
The thing looked like a highly ornate tiny box made of lacquered black wood with strange engravings.
“Huh? What’s that doing here?”
He cautiously opened the box, curious as to the pair of earrings found inside, as a tiny red creature with a black dot on their forehead emerged. 
“First a monster and now I’m imagining things,” he quipped.
“Huh? Well, imagine this!” The creature flew and forcefully smacked right into his right side.
“Ouch, what did you do that for?”
Wait a minute...
“You’re real!”
“Yes! My name is Tikki and I’m a Kwami.”
“My dad must be pranking me.”
Marin waved his hand as if trying to find the strings that supposedly make Tikki move.
“We don’t have time for this, you have to listen. We have to beat Stoneheart.”
Marin looked at her with intent from several directions, going ‘hmm’ as he did.
“You’re a bit too small for that.”
“Don’t be silly. There’s something super inside you waiting to be unleashed.”
“The only thing I’m super at is being the school’s super laughing stock!”
Tikki seemed to ignore his statement.
“Just memorize the important parts. The invocation of your special power is by saying ‘lucky charm,’ but you will detransform after five earring beeps, so wait for the right moment to use it.”
Marin looked at her, still thoroughly unconvinced, though he did place the earrings over his ears as Tikki expected him to.
“Okay… I’ll try to remember all of that,” he said.
“And after that, you need to find the akumatized item, break it, then capture the butterfly using your yo-yo.”
Marin nodded.
“I still think this is all some kind of a prank.”
“Then you wouldn’t mind saying ‘spots on’, would you?” Tikki seemed to taunt him.
“Spots… on?”
  Marin got a glimpse of Tikki’s form getting sucked into his earrings. By then, he was no longer able to suggest it was a prank. His body seemed to gain a life of his own, his hands motioning over his eyes, a red mask forming over them. The transformation then proceeded towards the rest of his body, covering it with a red-and-black hexagon patterned suit and the yo-yo Tikki promised formed near his hip.
“Well, that’s a surprise,” he said, as he looked at himself in the mirror and he realized it was far more surprising that he had initially imagined.
“I’m… a girl now?”
Something about those words felt right. Too right. Almost temptingly right.
Too tempting… and not true.
I may have a girl alter ego, (s)he thought, but that doesn’t mean I am a girl, now does it?
(S)he wasn’t too surprised that the feeling still lingered on, despite her supposedly-rational thought about it. The image in the mirror was too hard to fight off.
(S)he casually waved her hand and was still surprised that the image in the mirror did the exact same.
“Well then… it’s time to save the world, isn’t it, Tikki?”
There was no response.
“Oh my, guess she’s part of my suit. Perhaps that’s why I have a feminine form!”
That revelation made her feel joy at figuring it out and the same time cast some unexplained sadness upon her.
As if (s)he wanted to have a genuinely feminine part to have brought about that form. But alas, (s)he was a boy. A not-so-happy fate, as far as (s)he had considered, but a fate nonetheless.
“So. Ladybug.” she whispered.
My girl persona.
I have a girl persona.
I’m free to act like a girl when I’m wearing this suit.
  Marin left her room to her porch as she considered her options. She pulled out the yo-yo and an idea came to mind, about using it as a means of transport.
It’s a bit crazy but worth a try, I guess?
A quick toss and it latched perfectly upon a stone gargoyle in a nearby cathedral. She tugged it and found herself thrust forward.
That works!
She quickly landed at the cathedral’s balcony, where another figure stood. One very similar to her, though clad in black. Being the Ladybug-themed superheroine, then he must be-
“Chat Noir, pleased to meet you. You must be the partner my kwami told me about.”
“Well, my kwami failed to mention any partner…” she said, “But two against one sounds better.”
“Uhh… About that, I have some really bad news, partner,” Chat Noir called as he pointed towards the street below them. A group of Stoneheart clones were now thrashing through Paris. In between them, she spotted one wearing a familiar jacket.
The jacket-wearing stoneheart pointed towards a nearby beggar and they instantly turned into yet another clone of theirs, joining their growing army.
“We have to stop them before they get out of control!”
Chat Noir was quick to vault towards the scene and Marin followed, using her yo-yo yet again as means of transport. Chat Noir was careless enough to land smack in the middle of a group of stoneheart clones, while Marin was much more careful in planning her landing.
“Cataclysm!” he called it and touched his hand to the ground, causing a minor chasm to open up and giving him cover to vault away to safety.
“Wow, that was so cool! better have another one ready,” he suggested. “Cataclysm!” He called it again.
Marin stared at Chat Noir who seemed perplexed that his super-power wasn't recharging on its own.
“Looks like your Kwami failed to mention important things too! You only have one shot at it. It’s all up to me now, I guess. LUCKY CHARM!”
Marin cupped her hands to find a firehose dropping into them.
A firehose? That’s almost too easy!
“Cover me, partner!” she said, and Chat Noir was quick to fend off some stoneheart clones with his baton and allow her to reach one of the fire hydrants. As she plugged it, she tried her best to aim at Stoneheart’s pocket, to no avail.
I have to do better than this.
She quickly slid between the legs of some other stoneheart clones, jumping over yet another two and stuffing the hose straight into the pocket in Stoneheart’s jacket.
The torrent of water was quick to dislodge and soak the piece of bread, swiftly breaking it apart. In a moment, all the Stoneheart clones detransformed, leaving behind dazed people, as the akuma butterfly fluttered away.
“You’re done causing trouble, little akuma!” she called as she tossed her yo-yo away, whisking the butterfly into her yo-yo.
“Bye bye, pretty butterfly!” she waved at the now white purified butterfly, then looked at the fireman’s hose she carried.
“Miraculous… Ladybug!” She cried as she tossed the hose sky high and it burst into a shower of ladybugs, going about Paris and correcting whatever damage Stoneheart had caused.
  An earring beep reminded her of her time limit.
“Tomorrow at eight, same cathedral. Don’t be late, partner!” She bid him farewell and quickly ran off.
  Her earrings made their final beep just as she hid herself in the alley and detransformed.
“I was… a superheroine,” she mumbled. “But now I’m a boy again, I’m-”
Something about being Ladybug thrilled her far more than just her superpowers.
Something about the suit seemed to fit in a way that was much more than merely physical.
The thought about being a boy again made her sick to her core and by now she realized very well why.
She’d be forced to forever live out the gap between her feminine alter ego, let loose in superheroine form, and the boy life she has to endure.
The bullying. The harassment. Laughed at for being gay.
If only I could actually be Ladybug. If only I truly had that in me.
As if to reinforce that exact thought, her school bag just slipped away and its contents spread around, reminding her of the very thing she wished to forget. A gentle, manicured hand picked up her history book and her eyes went wide.
The scrawl was gone.
As if by themselves, tears of happiness poured out, as her hand gently fluttered over the now-clean history book.
It’s gone! that… that awful thing, no longer here to haunt me. The blatant reminder of my supposed place. How many tears have I shed over this?
In-between her tears, she also noticed something else. Her hand, which was feeling the book, was now different as well.
How could I have missed that?
Gentle. Manicured.
A girl's hand.
Hold it right there for a minute.
No… it can’t be… it’s… I…
I didn’t change back.
Hands gently trailed her now feminine features, stroking her face which was previously slightly bearded (much to her chagrin), now smooth to the touch. Cupping her breasts, squeezing them just a touch.
They’re… real. It’s all real!
She looked at herself and something just felt feminine, right . (She would only later be able to identify it as body fat distribution changes)
She began saying something, then stopped as her own voice startled her. It was now higher-pitched than before. As if she hadn’t gone through this awful puberty.
Feelings of joy, surprise and fear of the unknown overwhelmed her. She collapsed at the nearest bench, crying her heart out.
“Are you okay, girl?”
“I’m… girl… I…”
She called me a girl. I’m a girl now. I’m really a girl now.
“Do you need some help?”
I… but… do I even know the least thing about actually being a girl?
This thought made her dizzy, as another began to chase her.
I’m a girl now. That’s… ten times as hard, isn’t it? Being so… 
Tikki… I have to talk with Tikki.
“I’m fine,” she mumbled towards the woman, as she made haste home, ignoring everything and everyone who stood in her way as she barged through the bakery’s door, the bell ringing loudly.
“In a hurry, Marinette?” Her dad called, but it barely registered in her mind. She quickly opened the door to their home and quickly climbed the stairway, opening the door to her room then gaping in awe.
  “It’s… it’s beautiful!” she squirmed full of excitement. Her room now looked nothing like she had remembered it. Her eyes were first drawn to the pink upholstery, replacing the drab grey memory and evoking glee at the cuteness it radiated. The lounge chaise was a perfect match and she had to restrain her urge to immediately jump and lay over it. Her feet dragged her as if by their own volition to her desk, colorful and inviting, tastefully decorated with various trinkets.
“Awesome!” she almost screamed as she sat on her chair.
“So, I take it you like your new room!” A high pitched sound was heard, as Tikki emerged from her purse.
Wait, I have a purse? And it’s all pretty and pink? 
“Well then, Marinette, how do you like your new life?”
Marinette blushed furiously.
“I… it’s… it’s everything I ever wished for, without even knowing it. Even my new name feels… perfect.”
That admission only managed to further her embarrassment at being unable to get a good grip on the situation and she tried her best to look away from Tikki.
“So, I should tell you exactly how it works, then.” Tikki zipped in front of Marinette again, denying her the privilege of looking the other way.
“The Miraculous Cure has rewritten everyone’s knowledge of you and reshaped your life. Should you ever want to reverse it, you will need to call for the Miraculous Cure again with that intent.”
Marinette chuckled.
“I… don’t see that happening anytime soon.”
“As for your own body, this one couldn’t be handled by the Cure as it avoids subjectively fixing you.”
Well, that does make some sense, I guess?
“So, I am sustaining that magic using a small portion of my power. Should you need your maximum power, you can ask me to drop it temporarily.”
“Well, I don’t see that happening either. Tikki, things are... ”
She paused, trying to contain her excitement.
“Things are the best they have ever been. I am looking forward to school and living my new life.”
Marinette looked at her bed that suddenly looked oh-so-inviting, both on account of how it looked and on account of her being so tired.
“Guess it’s time for me to go to bed… Good night, Tikki!”
“Good night, Marinette.”
Marinette tucked herself into bed, a wide smile to her that refused to fade.
  Dear Marinette… While I did this much for you, your quest towards accepting who you really are is far from done. The real challenge lies deep within you.
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boobear-harold · 4 years
I was tagged by @sunflowrhaz to answer a few questions that dig a little deeper. thank you love <3
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen?
don’t really care but prob black
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or in the city?
Country. I’ve lived in the bush all my life - although I would love it if I lived closer to a big city.
3. If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?
Piano (i know like the right hand of one song), and I spent a year studying Italian and dont remember anything from it so I would like to actually be fluent.
4. do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar?
I only drink black tea(with milk) and I have 2 sugars. I do have pretty big mugs though
5. What was your favourite book as a child?
the harry potter series, and then probably the Eragon series or the Wings series. do not get me started on just how badly they did the Eragon movie though
6. Do you prefer baths or showers?
showers tbh
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be?
a mermaid or a faerie, I was obsessed with both as a kid
8. Paper or electronic books?
Defffinitely paper. Theres just something about the smell and the feel <3
9. What is your favourite item of clothing?
😬 i have an overflowing wardrobe... maybe the Spell dress I treated myself to, or my denim jacket, or one of my maxi dresses idk idk
10. Do you like your name? Would you like to change it?
as a kid i always wanted my middle name to be my name... like i started calling myself that and everything sdskfjhlksfk but now no not really. I like my name (although it is annoying that there is a brand with the same name)
11. Who is a mentor to you?
my mum 💕 she’s an absolute legend
12. Would you like to be famous? If so, what for?
I wouldn’t mind if like my art or the things I made were famous but like me actually famous myself? noooooo thank you i’ll pass
13. Are you a restless sleeper?
lmao no i remember once my dad apologised for using the chainsaw near my bedroom window and i was like ??? I didn’t hear it at all.
14. Do you consider yourself to be a romantic person?
very much so but I feel like other people don’t think I am
15. Which element best represents you?
i am an earth sign but would probably pick water
16. Who do you want to be closer to?
i miss seeing my siblings as much as i did when we were kids, and i miss my friends from high school so much... we never see each other anymore
17. Do you miss someone at the moment?
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory.
most of my childhood memories include horseriding or swimming at the beach or river
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten?
tbh i’m pretty fussy. Oh! actually I had kangaroo once in primary school when we had this like ‘indigenous culture education’ thing. Do not remember what it tastes like at all
20. What are you most thankful for?
i was going to say the same thing so I’m just going to leave your answer there lol 
my family, my health, the beautiful country i live in, the friends i have made on here 💛so many things
21. Do you like spicy food?
not in the slightest. I dont even like pepper on my food
22. Have you ever met someone famous?
depends on what kind of famous we’re talking lol i’ve met a couple of mildly well known aussie bands, a politician, an athlete that carried the 2000 olympic torch through my town, but nobody like really famous
23. Do you keep a diary or journal?
i dont use it as much anymore but from like mid teens until a few years ago i used one a lot. It was the best feeling to just like write everything i felt like i couldn’t/shouldn’t say but i guess i dont need it so much anymore
24. Do you prefer to use pen or pencil?
25. What is your star sign?
capricorn sun, aries moon, aquarius rising
26. Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy?
i haven’t eaten cereal in years but its gotta be crunchy. are there actually people who like soggy cereal lmao
27. What would you want your legacy to be?
this sounds so cheesy but I just wanna be someone people are comfortable to be around
28. Do you like reading? What was the last book you read?
do i like breathing? my first memory of books is having fairytale books stacked like 30cm+ high on the end of my bed when I was like 4/5. I just finished The Lost Book of the White and am currently reading Midnight Sun(dont judge me i needed to know what it was like)
29. How do you show someone you love them?
i’m definitely a show not tell kind of person. hugs, doing a task they don’t like doing so that they dont have to do it, hugs, gifts, hugs, 
30. Do you like ice in your drinks?
31. What are you afraid of?
losing my family, never travelling, not doing anything with my life
32. What is your favourite scent?
jasmine, rain, freesias, books, roses, my mums perfume, 
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname?
calling anyone by their surname is not really a thing where i’m from (unless it gets turned into a nickname)
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life?
travelling a lot, secretly paying off peoples debts, handing out money to strangers, I would just travel and try to make peoples lives easier
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean?
100% pool. I always feel like a plant that someone poured salt on after i’ve swam at the beach
36. What would you do if you found $50 on the ground
keep it unless i could figure out who’s it was
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Did you make a wish?
i’ve seen a few :) and yes
38. What is one thing you would want to teach your children?
i don’t think i want kids, but if I had them probably just to be kind, tolerant and not to judge to quickly, and definitely to use common sense
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it?
hmmm definitely something small, probably ~aesthetic~ artsy or some symbol that means something to me. I’d get it wrist, above or below my elbow (inner), or maybe ankle. I’ve actually always wanted an infinity symbol on the side of my ring finger
40. What can you hear right now?
my fan and my cat yawning
41. Where do you feel the safest?
at home, probably in my bed reading or smth
42. What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer?
procrastination, self-doubt, anxiety
43. If you could travel back to any era, what would it be?
i’m always thinking fashion when it comes to history so probably some where from 1850s - 1920s england/france. or like 1600s france.
44. What is your most used emoji?
45. Describe yourself using one word.
creative... or stubborn, or kind idk
46. What do you regret the most?
... not trying. But there’s always time to change that I guess :)
47. Last movie you saw?
dont remember... i’ve been watching a lot of tv
48. Last tv show you watched?
currently watching Hart of Dixie
49. Invent a word and its meaning
solgim - the sparkly feeling when you have a crush on someone
i tag: @weareonejazzhand @queerlydestructive @sunsetlarry @feellikearainbow @babygater @fuckingniall @sunflower-vol14 @oneandonlyhl @softcoeurs @heyangel @louisteapot @proudandexcited only if you feel like it <3 also if i didnt tag you and you want to please do and tag me 
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
#7 OT4, NSFW if you please :) Love your work by the way! It’s helped a lot in these times
Thank you! Sidenote: getting a LOT of OT4 requests this time (not a complaint, but clearly y’all a yearning for some lately).
“Still can’t believe you talked me into this.”
 “I didn’t talk you into anything, Duck. I asked if you wanted to see what I’d been talking about. And if you want to head back to apartment and risk missing  potentially undiscovered species, you’re free to do so.” Joe descends the last of the craggy rocks on the shore, stopping on a large, flat expanse of stone dotted with tide pools.
 Duck slides down, stopping beside his...boyfriend? He and Joe have been hovering somewhere between boyfriends and friends with benefits for months now. Joe is droll and smart and so handsome it doesn’t seem fair, has a nice dick and always asks Duck genuine questions about work, has a pathological fear of failure and yet can still be coaxed away from his studies to play FFVII. 
 Duck kissed him impulsively at a party last fall, ended up on top of him in his cramped apartment, and woke up to him cuddled in his arms, dark hair messy and smile soft when he noticed who was holding him. 
 They’d been friends since Freshman year, Joe a reserved forensics major and Duck a Wildlife Biology major who was a little jolted thanks to his move from a tiny town in West Virginia to Santa Cruz. Somehow, this seemed like the natural progression. And honestly, what more could Duck want than someone to talk to about trees or video games or to listen to babble about cryptids who would also eagerly take a break to go down on him (Joe’s love of his body borders on worship)?
 The interest in cryptids is why they’re currently on this deserted stretch of coast. Joe insists that ever since he found the spot (he wanted a quiet place to eat by the waves) pieces of his lunch go missing.
 “Usually candy or dessert or what have you. Whatever it was did take half an order of bao once.”
Tonight, Joe is hell bent on proving to Duck that something really is there. It’s not that Duck disbelieves him; Joe may be obsessed with the unexplained, but he’s skeptical enough to not fall for just anything that seems weird. But he can think of several other explanations for what’s happening. 
 Joe pulls a caramel apple from the paper bag he carried down, and sets it on a rock, one just out of reach of most waves. 
 “Right, now we turn around.” He steps next to Duck, turning him away from the waves.
 “Joe, you’re not supposed to turn your back on the ocean. Real dangerous.”
 “I know. I’m not a complete city slicker, Duck. But whatever it is only pops up when my back is turned.”
 “We get swept away by a wave, I’m gonna say I told you-”
 They whirl, find the apple gone. 
 “I see it’s gone. And I’ll admit I didn’t hear no birds dive down for it, which was gonna be my main guess.”
 “I know, and I also eliminated seals as a cause. I never see any heads popping up while I’m here.”
 “Huh.” Duck scans the waves, wishing their spot wasn’t enclosed on both sides by high rocks. Something could be hiding just out of sight. 
 “Okay, maybe there is somethin’ weird. But we gotta find a way to figure it out that don’t involve unintentionally feedin the wildlife.”
 Joe chuckles, “And you say I’m a goody-two shoes.”
 “You are.”
 “Which one of us stayed up all night two days ago studying?”
 “I wanted to pass! Which, I did, we got the scores today.”
 “We should celebrate.” Joe shoots him a playful smirk.
 “Oh yeah?” He drawls, looping an arm around the taller man’s waist (the invitation Joe needs to cuddle closer, something he still shy to do in spite of how often they fuck), “how about we start right now?’
 “Here?” Joe looks around, and he can see his blue eyes calculating just how messy and hazardous it could be. Then he glances at Duck, smile tugging at his mouth.
“Alright, country boy, how do you want me?”
 Barclay floats just around the corner from the rock, savoring each bite of the new gift. It’s sticky and sweet and crunchy all at once at he loves it. 
 “What did he leave you this time?”
 “Gah! Indrid how are you so quiet all the time?”
Red eyes framed by silvery hair regard him, amused, “We are not all built for strength and power, Barclay. Some of us must rely on speed and stealth to survive.”
 “...Yeah, fair.  Here, try this.” He holds out the apple, Indrid taking a large chunk of it with his sharp teeth. 
 “Ooooh! What is it?”
 “Not sure.”
 “You could ask him.”
 “Indrid, I’m not gonna just swim up to a human and-”
 “I told you, I foresee introducing yourself to this human going well.”
 “You know Mama’s saying; better safe than sorry.”
 (Mama is one of the only humans in this patch of coast that the mers trust).
 “Besides, he brought another one with him.”
 “Really?” Indrid swims past him, peering around the rock. Barclay looks carefully over his shoulder. 
 The humans are on the ground, the new one on his back, legs bare and spread wide, mouth open with curse words that can be lipread even from where they’re swimming. 
 “My, no wonder you’ve become so interested.” Indrid purrs. 
 “Uh, that’s, that’s the other one. That one is Joe.” He points to the handsome face that’s looking up as it nips playfully at the other man’s thigh before returning to...whatever he’s doing between his legs. 
 “He’s quite charming as well.” Indrid licks his lips, gaze drifting back to the other human, “I always assumed humans preferred to do such things in houses.”
 “Me too. Uh, we should probably give them space. Right?”
 “Indeed.” A long, green tail circles his own, “in fact, they’re giving me some ideas on how we could spend our time while we do.”
 Barclay swallows, heat coursing in his stomach, “we, uh, we shouldn’t let this go to waste though.” He holds out the remainder of the apple. 
 Indrid opens his mouth a little too wide for comfort and bites it down. 
 “Always so hospitable to visitors.” He grins.
“Indrid, we live in the same cove.”
 “I know. I am attempting to flirt.” A tilt of the head, “Is it working?”
 “Uh huh.”
 “Good. Come along, my dear, I know a spot that will suit us well as we, ah, do as the humans do.”
 Joe really is rubbing off on him. That has to be the reason he’s here, near dusk, with a pack of skittles, two kinds of M&Ms, and BlowPop, laying candy on several rocks in hopes of coaxing their mystery creature out. 
 The sun hits the water just right, giving him a rare glimpse down into the clear portions, the stray kelp and darting fish.
 The very long, horizontal kelp. That seems to be moving in a circle, just out of view. No, wait, it’s definitely swimming, which means it’s either the largest fucking eel ever recorded or…
 A face comes into view. 
 He sits up, startled. Looks down to find the face peering up at him, expectantly. 
Cautiously, he holds out the packet of skittles. The mermaid? Merman? Merperson? Takes them, sniffing the package inquisitively. Then it rips the pack open, dumps the entire contents into it’s mouth in one go, and chews while Duck watches with a mixture of revulsion and interest. 
 “Thank you.” The mer hands the empty package back, “those are delicious. Do you have more?”
 “Uh, yeah? Guessin you’re who’s been takin’ Joe’s lunch?”
 “No. A friend of mine has. But I share his curiosity for human food, and it’s purveyors. I knew you would be coming down tonight on your own, and wished to meet you. I am Indrid” He gives what must be a bow, head dipping towards the water. 
 “I’m, uh, Duck. Why, uh, why did you want to meet me?” 
 “You seem potentially interesting and you are very attractive.”
 Duck tries not to blush, “Thanks. Um. Would you be okay if I asked Joe to come down here? I mean, I’m havin a minor existential crisis over your existence. But he’ll be so fuckin stoked to see you. Guy just loves bein’ right.”
 Approximately fifteen minutes later, Joe stands next to him, staring at Indrid, who is lazily floating on his back, deep green tail just visible in the nearby lights from town.
“I was right! HA!”
“Yes, and this is more or less the reaction I foresaw you having. Joseph, would you like me to introduce you to the mer who has been joining you during your meals?”
“Absolutely.” Joe is still grinning with excitement as Indrid disappears into the darkening waves. When he reemerges, one hand is still under water, still trying to pull something up.
“Barclay is a bit shy. He got photographed a few too many times.”
“We can set our phones somewhere if that would help.”
“No need.” Indrid grins reassuringly as another head pokes out of the water. Barclay has dark hair and a beard, and regards them both warily.
“Uh. Thanks for letting me have some of your food.”
“You’re welcome.” Joe kneels down, holds out his hand, “it’s nice to actually meet you.”
“You too.” A large, wet hand reaches out and takes Joe’s, shaking it a bit awkwardly. Duck sits down next to hi,
“Would, um, would it be alright if I asked you some questions? I promise I won’t tell anyone about you two, but I am dying to talk to a real cryptid.”
“Sure.” Barclay shrugs, smiling shyly.
“I can go-GAH!” Duck jumps when he turns to find Indrid mostly out of the water, laying on his belly as he looks through the candy.
“We can be out of water for short periods of time.” He says mildly, ripping open a bag of M&Ms and downing half before holding the bag out to Duck.
“That’s, uh, okay. I like the peanut ones better. Good hiking snack.”
“Hiking?” Indrid asks through a mouthful of chocolate.
“It’s where you go out and walk in the woods.”
“Is that pleasant?”
“I like it.”
“That’s putting it mildly; he hikes almost every day.” Joe says with a smile, looking up from where Barclay has been letting him see his gills.
“May I hear more about it?” Indrid rests his chin on his hands, watching Duck with excited fascination. It’s…kind of flattering actually.
He smiles back, “Sure thing.”
“So, you just float there and watch movies through her back door?”
“Yep.” Barclay mumbles into the rock. He and Joseph are in their usual spot, the merman sunning himself on the rock as they chat. Joseph remains fascinated by the apparently variety in merfolk phenotypes; while Indrid’s lower half is distinctly eel-like, Barclay’s is much closer to that of a harbor seal in texture and color.
The texture feels wonderful under Joseph’s hands. The first time had been an accident; he’d been reaching for a bag of cotton candy, wobbled, and balanced on the merman, causing his hand to glide along his tail. Barclay gave a rumbly sigh, and asked if he would do it again.
So he does, petting along his tail and up to his chest. He actually has body hair, dark brown like his beard, under which two half-moon scars are just visible. Joseph doesn’t ask about them; he knows what they are from Duck, and he knows that it is Barclay’s choice to share, and only if he wants to.
“Alright, my turn.” Barclay rolls over, rests his hands behind his head, “why do humans go to the trouble of cooking fish when you can eat it raw?”
Joseph thinks, petting the upper part of the tail and enjoying the little sigh as he does, “Cultural and personal preference, I think. Some people love sushi, others think it’s gross, things like that. Um” he stops petting, “Barclay? Is something wrong?”
The merman blinks happily up at him, then registers the question and is off the rock and into the water in a matter of seconds.
“Uh, I, I gotta go, sorry, see you tomorrow bye!”
Joseph sits for a moment, hoping he’ll resurface. A seagull lands nearby and as he looks at all he can say is, “what the hell was that?”
“What the hell is that!”
“The largest hermit crab in the cove” Indrid beams, “I told you I would show you impressive wildlife.”
“I didn’t know they could get that big.”
“He is very determined. Off you go now.”
Duck snickers as he watches Indrid shoo the crab away as if it were a cat on keyboard. They’ve been meeting regularly, sometimes just the two of them, sometimes all four, sometimes a mixture of three. When he and Indrid meet, they often end up swapping stories of their exploration; Duck of his beloved forest and Indrid of his various expeditions out to warn other mer-communities of danger (his future vision explains why he tends to a laugh a little sooner than makes sense.”
“Duck, may I ask you an odd question?”
“Are you and Joseph, ah, ‘together?’”
“Kinda.” He tosses a pebble into the water, “we’re basically boyfriend’s in all but name at this point.”
“Which means you only see each other?” Indrid sounds apprehensive.
“Not automatically. He and I ain’t talked about bein’ exclusive. Guess we should. I know it wouldn’t bother me if he wanted to see other guys. Got a sense he feels the same way. I dunno, I figure just cause he might like someone else and me at the same time don’t mean he don’t care about me any less, you know?”
“Indeed I do.” Indrid’s smile turns wistful.
“Ain’t you and Barclay datin’?”
“Not formally. But we’ve been friends for years, lovers when we were younger and occasionally lovers now, with a period in between where we did not have an interest in such a thing. Well” he claps his hands together, “this has been enlightening. I shall see you soon.”
He’s gone before Duck even has a chance to ask how you ask a merman out.
It’s excruciatingly hot, and Duck is just grateful Indrid and Barclay’s secret hiding spot has shade. It’s a small patch of beach, half inside a cave in the rocks, with enough sea trickling in for the merman to move in and out of water as needed, but not so much that he and Joe will drown if they’re there during high tide.  It’s the perfect summer hideaway.
Right now, it’s the perfect spot for Duck to feed a half-melted pint of ice-cream to a very appreciative merman. They’re both on their stomachs, Indrid’s tail dragging lazily in the water, and Duck is loving every minute of watching Indrid lick rocky-road off a spoon.
Joe sits next to Duck, Barclays head in his lap (and Barclay’s tail regularly brushing along Indrid’s). He’s feeding Barclay candy from the gourmet sweet shop in town. They’d stopped there right before they hit up the Seaside SweetShack so Duck could buy two pounds of candy for about the same price Joe got the one small box.
“What can I say, Barclay has an amazing, sophisticated palate.”
He sneaks a glance at Joe; he looks so happy, sending a pang of affection through Duck’s chest. And distracting him from the tongue that glides out over his fingers.
“How about a swim?” Indrid nips his thumb before gliding back into the water, Duck following him until he’s up to his chest, the merman swimming gracefully around him. The end of his tail slides up Duck’s thigh and he shudders. The tail repeats the motion, then presses up and drags back and forth.
Duck moans, legs threatening to give as the tail continues teasing. But Indrid is there, cradling him close, even as his tail builds up to a relentless pace.
“Is this alright, my sweet?”
“Y-yeah, fuck, ‘Drid, it feels so good.”
“I have confirmed with Barclay that he is alright with a more, ah, expanded relationship.”
“J-joe and I did too. Decided we were, fuck, boyfriends at the same time, oh fuck ‘Drid please don’t stop.’
“I am afraid I must, or you will cum too quickly and be too tired for what I have planned.”
“N-no, no please ‘Drid, I got great stamina.” He grinds faster, hints of ridges rubbing along his trunks, desperate to cum from Indrid’s creative approach.
“I do not doubt it.” Indrid kisses him, laughing when the gesture makes him work his hips all the harder, “but it is not merely stamina that is the concern.” He withdraws his tail and Duck whines. Indrid gently guides his face so that he’s looking down.
“Holy shit. You got two dicks?”
“Yes. I am aware this is not something humans have. Is, ah, is that an issue?” For the first time, he looks nervous, and Duck reaches out to brush a strand of silvery hair behind his ear.
“Not at all, sugar.”
“Oh good. Because while I can think of some delicious uses for them that involve all four of us, right now I dearly wish to shove both inside you and make you feel exquisite.”
Duck drags his finger up one side of the ‘V’ and down the other, “Bring it on.”
Back on the shore, Josephs cock is trying it’s best to rip through his trunks at the sight of his boyfriend moaning in the embrace of one of two mermen (god his life has gotten weird) he himself would gladly submit to.
“We can join them if you want.” Barclay rumbles, turning over in his lap to nuzzle his cock as he narrowly avoids being hit by Duck’s flying swimtrunks.
“Yes, yes I want. But, um, first” he cups Barclay’s face in both hands, encouraging him to sit up, “kiss me?”
Saltwater and sugar coat his lips as Barclay lunges forward, pulling him into his arms as he practically feasts on his mouth.
“Oh good lord, again, pleaseMMohhh” a full on growl this time, teeth dragging down his neck before sucking a hickey into it, “seems you’ve got a rough side, huh big guy?”
Barclay moans at the pet name, nodding, “I, I love being sweet to you babe, but goddamn does being around you make me wanna do some real wild things. Is, does, I won’t if it you don’t want me to.” His face goes from wolfish to puppy dog in the blink of an eye.
“I very much want you to. I trust you, Barclay. If I’m honest, I feel safer with you than almost anyone else in the world.”
A gentler kiss this time, though no less eager, then, “There’s one other thing. My, uh, my set-up is a little different than Indrid’s” He adjusts so Joseph can see. It’s the same spot he saw starting to open that day on the rocks, where Barclay left in a hurry. Two tendrils appear towards the top, and when Joseph touches one it curls around his finger, stroking it.
“God your body is amazing.”
“Because it’s different?” Barclay asks hesitantly.
“Because it’s yours and you are one of the most incredible men in or out of the water.” Joseph clambers on top of him, slipping two fingers into the slit, Barclay moaning and writhing as he works them in and out rapidly. The tendrils harden the more he plays with them between his fingers, Barclay tightening around him as they do.
“Yeah, fuck yeah babe, like that” Barclay pulls him close, sharp nails stinging his back, “like that, play with ‘em like that, good, so fucking good, holy sh-“ He cums, arching off the ground.
“That’s it big guy, good lord you OW, ow, jesus.” Joseph pulls his hand back, fingers red from where the tendrils squeezed them.
“Sorry, technically it’s a mating thing.” Barclay pants.
“Fascinatin—Hey, come back.” He laughs as Barclay darts into the water, leading him to where Indrid is curled behind Duck, the human letting out a series of slow, soft moans.
“That was quite a show” Indrid purrs, beckoning each of them over for a kiss.
“I’ll say, fuck, oh fuck ‘Drid is that all of it?”
“That is half of them.”
Duck groans in delight, head flopping onto Josephs shoulder. He kisses his forehead, then tilts his chin up to kiss along his jawline, adoring every angle and curve of it as much as he did the first time.
“Joseph, if you turn around and Duck braces on you, it may help.”
“Sure, oh” he chuckles as Barclay surfaces before him once he turns, “fancy seeing you here.”
“Forgot, fuck, forgot to warn y’all, his sense of humor stays even when fucking.”
“Perfect.” Barclay kisses him, works his trunks down and off as Duck’s fingers grip his shoulders.
“Can, uh, can I jack you off, babe?”
“I don’t know, can youOOoh” He moans when Duck bites his upper arm.
“You weren’t kidding.” This Barclay directs at Duck. Then he wraps one strong hand around Joseph’s cock, and all his nerves light up in tandem. He let’s himself let go, enjoy the feeling of Barclay’s strokes, his kisses up and down his neck, the needy, strained noises Duck makes in his ear as Indrid works his way in.
“At last.” Indrid’s words are all the warning he gets before Duck jerks violently behind him.
“Oh dear, should I-“
“No, no don’t you dare fuckin stop, god I ain’t ever felt anything like that, want you to fuck me until you’re good and done.”
“Good boy.”
Both he and Duck moan.
“Oh I see, you both like that. I shall keep that in mind. Now, be a good boy for me and take this.”
“Fuckfuck, oh fuck me.” Duck is clinging to him now, sending up waves around them both as Indrid fucks him.
“God, babe, you look so fucking good like this. Like you were fucking made for me.”
“Ohhhhlord, yes.”
“Heh, you’re always so put together, even on the beach, but a little dirty talk and you AH, ahshit, Indrid.” Barclay crowds him even as his strokes pick up, and Joseph feels why; Indrid’s tail has snuck between them.
“My dear, what is the point of me having this odd, long form if not to pleasure you with my tail until you scream?”
“That does, does seem worth exploring.” Joseph pants.
“Kinky fucker.” Duck bites his ear, then clings around his waist, “fuck, oh fuck, ‘Drid, Joe, darlin’ oh fuckin’ Christ.” There’s a groan he recognizes as Duck cumming, followed by a growling howl as Barclay kicks up more water, strokes growing erratic and fumbly.
“C’mon babe, come for me” He sounds so eager to please and so in command that Joseph is undone, spurting into the water with a cry. Barclay kisses him, soft praise interspersed with pecks on the cheek and lips.
Duck is still moaning, jolting against Joseph as Indrid fucks him hungrily.
“That’s it my sweet, just a little more, you are so good, so very good taking all of me and my cum too, such a good little human, oh, oh Duck.” There’s a trill and then the splashing behind him ceases, Duck whispering Indrid’s name. In place of the jealousy he feared, Joseph just feels happy; Duck has found someone else who seems to adore him as much as Joseph does.
They make it back to shore in a graceless swim/wade/flop combination, Joseph pulling out the towels they brough so he and Duck won’t get sand in horrible places. Soon he’s resting with his head on Duck’s chest, Barclay nestled behind him and Indrid behind Duck, tail making passes to pet them each now and then (both mermen are just enough in the water to avoid issues).
“Uh, when, when are you gonna visit again?” Barclay murmurs, a little sleepy.
Joseph looks at Duck, who returns his conspiratorial grin, “Tomorrow, of course. After all, we’ve got way more sweet things for you to try.”
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serialreblogger · 4 years
Tagging Game
thank you for the tag @theproblemwithstardust!
rules: tag 10 people you think would like to be tagged, and copy/paste the asks into a new post. Answer all/as many of them as you want!
1. do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen? bold of you provide such a boring binary. i prefer green
2. would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? again: no. give me Forest or give me death
3. if you could learn a new skill, what would it be? FLIGHT
4. do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? so MUCH. i have to add half of it at the hot water station at work and half at my desk so my coworkers don’t catch on that i’m a hummingbird in human form
5. what was your favorite book as a child? one??? well i loved The Girl Who Could Fly by Victoria Forester. When i was little i read pretty much whatever i could get my hands on tho, most of which were really old and British for some reason? which is why i now talk like a horrific combination of “abominable tumblrite” and “Victorian aristocrat”
6. do you prefer baths or showers? BATHS but only if i can play music to drown out the sound of my ears ringing
7. if you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be? i WOULD be a dryad, but if i could choose i’d be a shapeshifter (capable of transforming into anything and everything)
8. paper or electronic books? i hoard books like a dragon hoards gold, but like. electronic books are also valid (no no look i’m not elitist, some of my best friends are fanfics)
9. what is your favorite item of clothing? i have a sky blue dress shirt that is the perfect fabric and colour and shape and i love it so much
10. do you like your name? would you like to change it? my Name is Linden, and i love it. my legal name is distressingly ugly and i hate it
11. who is a mentor to you? dang, friend, i don’t think i trust any adults enough for them to count
12. would you like to be famous? if so, what for? i would like to be famous for writing excellent, world-changing fantasy fiction. it will have actual representation and will be so popular that no one will remember the name of that other british writer, she who must not be named
13. are you a restless sleeper? ehh i don’t have insomnia but like. i don’t -enjoy- sleeping
14. do you consider yourself to be a romantic person? nah fam i’m MUCH to screwed up for that. i like romance well enough but i’m awkward as heck, doubly so with romance. sorry Cris, i love you
15. which element best represents you? aether! i am Edgy
16. who do you want to be closer to? some of my irl friends, i guess, bc i’m real bad at relationship maintenance sometimes
17. do you miss someone at the moment? i miss my girlfriend!
18. tell us about an early childhood memory. my childhood had happy parts but i mostly remember all that trauma, so imma give y’all a pass on that one
19. what is the strangest thing you have eaten? honestly, probably calamari. i’m not an adventurous eater. but i do like me some nice rubbery squid
20. what are you most thankful for? i just got a job, which means i can (hopefully) move out in the next little bit!
21. do you like spicy food? NO i do NOT enjoy the feeling of flame inside my mouth, i am TOO WHITE for that
22. have you ever met someone famous? Ryan Reynold’s brother’s cousin or something works at our local Costco, does that count?
23. do you keep a diary or journal? it’s called a “tumblr blog”
24. do you prefer to use pen or pencil? pencil!
25. what is your star sign? i like 🌠
26. do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy? unpopular opinion but soggy cereal is better
27. what would you want your legacy to be? i want something i do to have a real, significant, important impact on the justice of this awful world. i want my life to make it easier for the kids who come after me to live theirs
28. do you like reading? What was the last book you read? i LOVE reading but these days it’s only fanfiction. Do you accept The Reverb in These Holy Halls by @wolftraps? I hope so because it well surpasses most fiction for thematic complexity and superb characterization, do recommend
29. what are you afraid of? literally everything
30. what is your favorite scent? i don’t really like scents, but i love the smell of my girlfriend’s house
31. do you address older people by their name or surname? i prefer to simply Not address them (because i want to call them by their surname but at this point i’m also an adult and that’s apparently weird)
32. if money was not a factor, how would you live your life? i would MOVE OUT. then take a part-time desk job and spend the rest of my time growing succulents and writing stories
33. do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? mmm also no
34. what would you do if you found $50 in the ground? honestly i’d probably ask the nearest person if it was theirs, and they would say yes even though it wasn’t and i wouldn’t clue in until i was halfway down the block
35. if you were to get a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? i GENUINELY don’t trust myself enough to get a tattoo. i’m not permanent enough for that. but if i had to i’d probably pick a little, colourful, very pretty tree design and put it on my ankle or the inside of my wrist
36. what can you hear now? Welcome To The Black Parade by MCR
37. where do you feel the safest? lol imagine feeling safe
38. if you could travel back to any era, what would it be? look if i existed at any point prior to today i would, 100% without doubt, be dead by now. that said the 1920s had some sweet hair jewelry
39. what is your most used emoji? 😊
40. describe yourself using one word. contradictory
41. what do you regret the most? who i used to think i was. the person i tried to be
42. last movie you saw? The Meg (hey, it has a surprisingly good romance subplot. i was actually mildly invested, A+ for a canon m/f ship in a dumb action movie. Also it has Attractive Bruce Willis in it, so bonus points)
43. last tv show you watched? i think it was Community
44. invent a word and its meaning: Hieuule is from my current wip. It means “treasure/wealth of spirit”
ok imma tag @onionwithanxiety, @existentialcrisisetcetera, @hitsuaya, @imthesheikofaraby, @elmofongo, @oliver-in-retrograde, @thenorsiest, @lunarmultishine, @marshmallow-fluffy and @affzinho! I’d love to see y’all’s responses (but please don’t feel pressured, of course) and anyone else who wants to do this, consider yourselves tagged by yours truly!!
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notveryglittery · 6 years
Flirting With Danger, Ch6
summary: Patton is late. Roman is also late.  words: 2,700 / ships: romantic royality, platonic moxiety warnings: robbery, injuries, threat to one’s life, hospital mention, negative thoughts notes: thank you all so much for your patience on this update!! @do-your-socks-have-holes-in-them @fandersfic-royality​ @fandersfic-moxiety​ read on ao3 | Ch1: the first time | Ch2: *mcelroy voice* hotboy! Ch3: sky soliloquy | Ch4: the interview™ Ch5: you have my heart | Ch6: the second time Ch7: is this allowed??
The second time it happened wasn’t Patton’s fault either, he would insist, although some may disagree. He was on his way home from the daycare where he worked, a little over a week after the events that led to him meeting the new love of his life, and although he knew stopping to step on every crunchy leaf littered on the sidewalk might make him miss his bus, he couldn’t really bring himself to be worried. It was practically a rule for autumn! You had to step on crunchy leaves! The noise was satisfying beneath his shoes and he giggled at each one, earning delighted smiles from children being hurried along by their parents. If Virgil were with him, Patton knew he’d have that “exasperated but fond” look on his face. He kind of wore it all the time whenever they were together…
A particularly nice bunch of leaves was just a few feet ahead of him and Patton guessed that they’d been swept there from the entrance of a store so as not to be accidentally tracked in. His expression lit up upon seeing it, and he was about ready to hop or skip his way over to those good good crunchy boys when a loud clatter came from his right. Patton paused, foot extended in literal mid-step, turning to see what the commotion was. He’d stopped next to a jewelry store; its lights were off and they looked closed for the day.
It seemed kind of early (the sun had yet to set) but Patton wasn’t going to blame anyone for wanting to be home as soon as possible. If they were closed, though, what was making so much noise? Before Patton could begin to investigate, the door swung open so fast, the glass pane within it shattered. Yelping in alarm, Patton moved to take a step back, but several things happened all at once.
There was an odd blurring of the air near the door, but Patton didn’t have time to wonder about it before he found himself flat on his back in the strip of grass between street and sidewalk, and at the same moment there was a ridiculously loud crash and he instinctively turned away and covered his head with his arms, and a second after that he finally registered the pain resulting from something colliding hard with the leg with which he’d been about to step forward. As he blinked quite a few times in utter confusion and started to sit up, he heard loud swearing nearby and realized that “something” had been a person. From Patton's point of view, he could only see their ankle boots and heavy jacket -- definitely too thick a material for the current weather. Patton was even warm in his thin cardigan. That was Florida for you, he supposed…
“Sorry,” Patton called, pretty sure it was his fault that the person had tripped in the first place… Although he had no idea where they had come from… “Are you okay?”
Patton became vaguely aware of the sound of alarms going off in the jewelry store behind him but he was sufficiently distracted from it when the stranger stood up so quickly, Patton didn't even see it happen. One moment, they were collapsed in the street, and the next they were storming towards him with fury in their eyes. They were wearing a mask that was golden, sharp at the edges, with lightning bolts striking down their cheekbones; whether they were part of the fabric or painted on or something else entirely, Patton wasn't sure. Their hair was auburn red, looking like they had permanent bedhead, and the eyes glaring at him were a shade as blue as the sky on a clear day. Now that they were facing him, Patton could see the outfit beneath the coat was a material not unlike spandex and just as flashy as the mask. 
"You!" They snarled, grabbing a fistful of Patton's shirt and lifting him off the ground by his collar.
“I'm sorry!” Patton said again, raising his own hands in a display of peace. It seemed like the best course of action, especially since he was pretty sure most normal people couldn't have picked him up so easily.
“Do you have any idea what you've done?!” They snapped, jabbing a finger into Patton's face.
“Been in the wrong place at the wrong time?” Patton offered meekly, hoping they'd realize this was all just one big misunderstanding. Gosh, what would Virgil say now… It really was starting to look like Patton was getting into trouble on purpose! He'd been joking when he said so last week, honest!
“That heist would have been perfect were it not for your idiocy! Just who do you think you are?” They sneered, scowling down at Patton. “Not even powered, are you?”
Patton frowned. Would it have been so bad if he wasn't? Having superpowers was rare! In fact, Patton was the normal one here! He tried to pull himself free, his legs aching from having to stand on the tips of his toes with the way this person was holding him. It didn't help that it hurt to put any weight on his left foot, given how badly his ankle was throbbing. He wasn't given the opportunity, however, as they shoved him away in disgust. Patton stumbled back, landing hard on the sidewalk. He winced and mentally added a bruised tailbone to his list of injuries.
“Clearly, you're a menace to everyone around you, so I might as well take care of that.”
Whatever it was they were planning on doing, Patton wouldn't find out. The alarms inside the jewelry store were joined now with the sound of police sirens coming down the road. Their head snapped towards the noise; the movement was so sudden, Patton thought they'd hurt their neck in the process. He tried to crawl backwards and away from them, slowly so as not to be noticed.
And speaking of noticing…
Patton saw now, littered along the sidewalk and all the way out to the street where the villain (it was so obvious now) had fallen, various pieces of jewelry. It was a lot of shiny and expensive looking necklaces, for the most part. Unfortunately, so distracted in getting away and realizing exactly what he'd done, Patton failed to remember the broken door from earlier. He cried out in pain as his palm came down on the shattered glass. He’d only just recoiled, curling his arm against his chest and blinking rapidly to slow the tears in his eyes, when a foot stomped down in front of him.
“This won't be the last time you see me,” the villain promised and Patton wondered distantly why it sounded like he was being threatened right now.
He closed his eyes against the wind that kicked up as they disappeared and Patton finally connected the dots: he’d just inadvertently stopped a super fast bad guy from robbing a jewelry store. That would explain why his ankle hurt so badly; they’d had to have crashed into it while making their getaway. Patton fumbled for his phone and fired a text off to Virgil before he could get swept up in the police investigation. It was a little hard with one of his hands hurt but spell check helped a lot. 'Gonna be home late! Love you <3'
Patton stayed put where he was as the cars pulled up to the scene. He explained as best he could what had happened, pointing out the jewelry and the shattered window pane. He described the villain, making sure to detail the mask as best he could because he figured that would be the easiest way to identify them. The officer — a nice lady named Eva — called an ambulance for him and insisted he not move much so that he wouldn’t aggravate his injuries any further. It wasn’t until he was laid out on a stretcher in the back of the vehicle that Patton remembered how expensive hospitals were. How was he supposed to afford something like this? He worked at a daycare! Virgil would insist on helping but it wasn’t like coffee shop tips would do much.  
It all sort of started blurring together at some point. There were pages to fill out and sign, insurance questions to answer, and it was so much sitting still that Patton was really starting to get antsy. He hadn’t been able to check his phone since messaging Virgil and he was beginning to worry about Virgil worrying and he just had to step on all those crunchy leaves, didn’t he?
“Oh, honey, it’s okay,” the nurse said softly, resting a hand on his arm.
“Huh?” Patton asked and it was then that he realized he’d begun to cry. “Oh.”
He wiped at his eyes and gave her a watery smile. “Sorry.”
“I’m sure you’ve had a very long day. We’re almost done here, alright? We just need the doctor to prescribe you some painkillers. Will you need crutches?”
Patton turned the offer down since he wasn’t sure he’d actually use them. They were kind of clunky. Thankfully, his ankle was only mildly sprained, and they figured he would only need to stay off of it for a couple days. They’d gotten all of the glass shards out of his palm and his hand was wrapped up so snugly that it was a bit awkward moving it. Unfortunately, it was his dominant hand, which meant the next couple of days with that were going to be uncomfortable.
Wow. He was not having a great day.
Eventually, they released him with a bunch of important papers and a prescription that he couldn’t get filled until tomorrow. The moon had risen during his time inside and the cool fall weather was starting to set in. Was he crying while trying to use his phone in his left hand to call an Uber? Maybe. It was okay, though, just as long as he could pull himself together by the time he got home so he wouldn’t have to worry Virgil anymore than he already was. He hadn’t replied to the text and Patton wondered if he was stuck late at work.
A loud thud sounded to his right and Patton flinched, too tired to do much else.
“Are you okay?!”
Patton startled, finally looking to see who joined him. He squeaked in surprise. “Ah! You! Uhm!”
The superhero he’d fallen head over heels for was taking a seat beside him on the bench. While he’d initially looked rather panicked, his expression softened as he took Patton’s bandaged hand in his.
“Oh no,” he murmured. “I’m so sorry. I should have been there.”
Patton was pretty sure he was melting. “It’s alright… How could you have known?”
The Prince scoffed. “It’s my job. I let you down.”
Patton frowned, pulling his hand free just so that he could jab a finger against the hero’s chest. “Hey! None of that! You did no such thing. It wouldn’t be fair to you for us to expect you to be everywhere at once.”
He didn’t look convinced.
“What if there had been a building on fire?” Patton asked. “I would rather you take care of that over silly little me accidentally stopping a robbery.”
He hummed. “I suppose… you might have a point.”
“I’m fine, anyway!” Patton said suddenly, smiling brightly. “My ankle should only take a few days to get better.” He waved his hand. “This will take even less time. And I stopped a robbery! Isn’t that so exciting?!”
His voice was starting to get wobbly and his eyes were beginning to sting again but Patton hoped it wasn’t obvious. They were still practically strangers so maybe his crush wouldn’t even notice. Patton knew that he was pretty good at hiding these sorts of things—well, from everyone except Virgil, of course.
“... Could I…” The hero hesitated. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
Patton laughed in the sort of way people laugh when they’re trying not to cry. “I dunno, can you pay for the hospital bills I’m going to end up drowning in?”
Patton blinked.” What?”
“Yes,” the Prince repeated. “Absolutely.”
“Wha—” Patton stammered. “No! I… that’s not what I meant! I was kidding!”
“It’s the least I could do since I wasn’t there for you.”
“Prince! Er… Your Highness? Uh, I’m not sure what— It’s okay, really, you don’t have to do that! I was just… it was a joke.”
The hero was smiling at him through his rambling and Patton was sure he’d combust any moment now. For once, though, he seemed to have his head on straight. He needed to get home. He needed to talk to Virgil.
“May I escort you home?”
Patton’s entire face felt like it was on fire. “Wh- what? Are… are you sure?”
“Only if you’re okay with it, of course.”
Patton looked down at his phone. The screen to call an Uber was still up. It displayed the cost of the drive. He didn’t really need that on top of everything else…
“Okay,” Patton agreed. “Do you… have a car?”
The Prince laughed as he stood. “Not for cases like this. You aren’t too far from here, right?”
Patton went to stand as well, teetering a little as he tried not to put weight on his injured ankle. He wasn’t, thankfully; the hospital was closer to home than the jewelry store was. “I’m close! I guess I ought to get used to walking in this ankle boot...”
“Ah, ah, ah!” The hero tsked. “Here we go, ready?”
Before Patton could ask what he was supposed to be ready for, the Prince was sweeping him off his feet. Literally. Patton gasped, arms shooting to wrap around his neck.
“Oh! Okay,” he laughed a little nervously. “Okay! Yeah, this… this is fine. Good. It’s great.”
He was going to die.
Roman tried very, very hard not to think about the proximity of Patton’s face to his own as he carried him in the direction of his apartment building. He seemed a little embarrassed about the situation already, ducking his head against Roman’s shoulder to hide the very cute blush coloring his cheeks, and it wouldn’t do to make him any more self-conscious by staring. (Also, there was a non-zero chance of walking into something if he got too distracted, and Patton was known to be extremely distracting.)
In the silence that stretched between Patton’s occasional directions, Roman recalled how he’d gotten to this point. Regrettably, it’d been a chores kind of day, and so he hadn’t even been doing anything important or heroic when Patton could have used his help. Afterwards, he’d donned his costume, and headed out for patrol. The sun was on its way to setting by the time he’d stopped at the nearest police station for a report. He liked to check in on days that he wasn’t able to properly keep an eye on the city, just in case he missed anything important. Most crimes were small enough that the local police could take care of it but Roman just liked to be there for the people.
When he’d found that a jewelry store robbery had been stopped by a civilian, Roman’s curiosity was piqued. The moment the name “Patton” fell from the officer’s lips (he hadn’t even got the last name out), Roman was demanding which hospital they’d taken him to. Immediately, he’d taken off for it, reprimanding himself the entire way for being negligent; at least his timing had been good enough to catch Patton before he left. The offer to pay for his hospital bills was sudden but it wasn’t like Roman couldn’t afford it and, besides, it really was the least he could do. Besides taking Patton out on the most extravagant of dates, anyway, and spoiling him with flowers, gifts, affection—
“Pardon?” Roman asked, blinking and clearing his head of his daydreams.
Patton giggled, though it still sounded a bit forced. Roman frowned. “I was just saying, my building is this next one.”
They headed in and Patton pointed Roman in the direction of the elevator. He focused very hard on the music playing through the tiny speakers and not of how warm Patton felt in his arms. He may have been familiar with elevated temperatures, but this was entirely different. It wasn’t until they were very nearly to Patton’s apartment that his phone went off. Roman was going to make a comment on the The Nightmare Before Christmas ringtone when the door swung open to reveal a very panicked Virgil. 
Oh dear.
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0poole · 5 years
Sorry, I just need to vent, and tell the world who I truly am. It has been on my mind for the longest time and it needs to be let out. I...
eat pizza crust-first. 
I know, I’m sorry... I’m sorry. I just can’t help it.
Pizza’s just one of those foods where you have to eat it the right way, or people will be mildly, harmlessly upset with you. But, why? The crust is the worst part of the pizza, literally always. I guess the idea is that you’d dunk it in some sauce or something once you eat the main part, but even then the main part of the pizza is just infinitely better in every single way. Why would you try to finish that off with some bland, sometimes vaguely crunchy dough? Wouldn’t you want the best part to be the thing that lingers in your mouth after you finish it?
Even if the crust has flavor/is really well made it’s still not as good, although I may not be entirely against eating pizza the normal way if that’s the case. 
Plus, if you eat the crust first, that means you can grab much more of the main pizza part along with it to up the flavor. If you finish off the main part, you’ll probably end up eating every ounce of sauce/cheese up to the crust, meaning the crust itself is left alone. 
Even apart from that, sometimes a fresh pizza is just way too hot, and you don’t want to just sit around doing nothing waiting for it to cool down. The crust doesn’t nearly hold as much heat as the sauce and cheese does, so you can just eat that in the meantime. 
The ONE argument against this is that the crust is a good handle for holding a messy pizza. But, in my experience, messy pizzas are usually way too floppy to be held up just by the crust. You’ll probably end up having to hold the bottom of the slice anyway. At times like that, I might commit another unthinkable act and use a utensil to hold it up so I don’t get my hands messy. Blasphemous, I know.
I’m just sayin that if the first bite of a slice is always the best, why not save the first bite for last? 
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panickedvulture · 6 years
Summary: “I fell asleep on your couch after a party but you didn’t complain and made breakfast for the both of us” + Steam
Pairing: Brendon Urie x Reader
Warnings: Language, Sexual Themes, Mentions of drinking
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You’re not sure of the last time you’ve woken up feeling this bad. There’s no remnants of a nightmare, not an ache or a cramp, no rumbling stomaches to hear, but everything about you is beyond dry and groggy. Squinted and crusty eyes, chapped lips and dry mouth, dry skin this blanket isn’t doing very much to help…And when your own groaning and choppy whines aren’t enough to exasperate the pressure building up in your head, one shift to lay on your left reveals it, as it’s laying on an old and crunchy, case-less pillow. But it is cold so there’s something.
You start to think last night you was just a rowdy ass. You’d woken up in all sorts of strange positions, tossed blankets off your bed, pulled sheets up from their confines between the mattress and the wall, and awoken on a mattress-that’s all, just a mattress. To be fair those were late nights coming home feeling sick and tired, and too tired to pick up your blankets and belongings from dipping halfway onto the floor.
The reason why waking up this morning is such a contrast to the wonderful night sleep you’re sure you had--if we’re not counting the strange figure looming over you as you wake up on this day--is because, wait, what the hell—
“Oh my god I’m sorry!” The boy quickly takes a step back from the couch it’s now evident you’ve been sleeping on, his hands in the air beside his head and shaking like mad in some sort of defense.
You jump from your (somewhat) comfortable resting position and press your back into the couch and the blanket previously wrapped around you.
He seems to have overestimated just how frightened or angry you’d be, as his face full of fear falls and is replaced with quirked eyebrows and pursed lips. He leans forward a bit and kneels to try and get a better picture of your face—to try and gage your reaction but he’s not sure he can tell.
He was already quick to cross mad off the list, and you didn’t look particularly sad either. You don’t look fearful, you don’t look too confused but that’s really the only thing you were. Confused.
The situation has died down quickly, and he looks relieved.
While he sways back and forth in place, his arms swinging at his side before his hands come to his front and clasp together, you get a look at the room. You and him are the only ones inside of it, both fully dressed, your hair just a little disheveled and your cheeks wet, from sweat or those weird morning tears you’re not sure. The half of the room on your left is relatively clean, just as messy as a typical basement, the right side of the room however sees a mound of beanbag chairs littered with crumbs and the carpet they lay on now housing an assortment of different stains—liquids leaking out of some cups seemingly chucked to the floor.
Oh that’s right. It was a party…
While you’re having your inner monologue, a series of thoughts that are bitter at you and the few friends who convinced you to go to the thing paired with visuals of the night in question, the boy continues to sway uncomfortably.
He’s trying to not move at all, but he’s clearly itching to move as every so often he makes a drastic change in his posture. You see him out of the corner of your eye, and take some time to observe him as he tries desperately to look anywhere but you. He figures he’s been assertive enough, he’ll answer any questions you have when you ask them.
You work your way down, starting at his hair, thick and a bit fluffy, clearly neatened up with a quick hand through it. A look at his face isn’t the easiest, he keeps changing angles every second that you eye him but he’s handsome enough. He’s wearing this wrinkly white T-shirt that’s riding up a bit in the front, and he has on a pair of tapered grey sweatpants. To finish the look he’s wearing slip-on shoes, something you wouldn’t be so opposed to just seeing the floor of this basement.
What happened last night is up to anybody to decide, really.
You groan as you run a hand through your hair and drop your feet to the floor. You grip the sides of the couch and think oh my god why the hell did I go to the fucking party as some events replay. There was the inevitable standing around, of the awkward sort, lazily gripping a solo cup full of some booze at some points, juice from the fridge in others. Then there was the dancing, both the begrudging swaying side to side and the full on ‘popping and locking’. There was the journey down to the basement where truths were told and dares were done—you already fought being here so you took the easy way out and crafted a ‘truth’ to every time you chose that route, which was every time. Then there was the party-goers dispersing, more going upstairs when the drinks were less crowded, more coming downstairs when whatever they were smoking got to them.
You sat on the couch—this couch maybe? Those beanbags could be plausible but you’re not sure if those styrofoam beans inside of them could withstand the make-out session you’re positive you had.
Oh. Oh no.
You look up cautiously at him, much more head on then sneakily staring. And he freezes when he recognizes your gaze. He uncups his hands, slides them into his pockets, and stops swaying.
He clears his throat and nods his head at you.
“Hey…” he says uneasily, stuttering out that single word. You push yourself up from the couch, not forgetting to watch his every movement. He instinctively takes a step back as you stand across from him and look over the couch and area near it. A few pats to your person and you find your phone tucked into your jacket pocket, the jacket wrapped around your waist.
“Hey,” you say back, nodding your head at him.
“You um,” he starts, but can’t find the words as he gestures the couch. You flash him a closed-lip smile and nod.
“Slept on the couch? Yup, I know. What other conclusion would I have come to?”
He pulls his hands out of his pockets, hugs himself for a second, then shoves them back in. “I uh, I don’t know but hey, I’m, you know…sorry for earlier I was just coming to check on you.”
You furrow your eyebrows. “What for?”
“To see if you were awake.”
“What for?” You repeat, a bit more cautiously as you shake out the blankets on the couch, making sure you won’t be forgetting anything.
He takes his hands out of his pockets once again, then shoves only one back in immediately. He uses the other to run it through his hair, where it sits, elbow outstretched and pointed to the ceiling. He twists his mouth to the side then quickly explains. What he explains, you don’t know. You’re too busy staring at his hair, watching the way his fingers fiddle with it, twirling strands and pulling at clumps.  
And though you can’t see this situation unfold you remember snippets of a memory. One of something steamy and a fascination with hair. A lot of pulling and tugging on your end, as the pressure against your body, against your chest increased and the dim lights of the finally empty basement floor obscured their face from your vision. But you remember the pressure, internal and external, as your hands found their way into the locks of the person on top of you. Fully clothed and friction evidently present by just how unsatisfied you felt when their presence was pulled away and they hurried upstairs. The bliss silence of the situation was tainted by yelling and screaming from the floor up above. They went to go check it out.
“You good?” He asks, and you jump.
You blink at him, then look him up and down.
“I’m sorry, what?” You finally speak. Even see seems taken back by your voice. There’s a small smile on his face knowing you’ve finally acknowledged him after what he knows what quite a long time.
“I made you—us, breakfast. I made us breakfast, so I came to wake you and see if you wanted any.”
“Oh…” you bite into your lip and nod at him. “Yeah alright.”
He smiles and leads the way up the stairs. He skips a few steps, you can’t find it in you to even try. By the time he’s reached the kitchen you’ve reached the top of the stairs, and make it just in time to see him wiping crumbs off the countertop onto the floor and bring the plates with you ‘breakfast’ to the small kitchen table.
He sets it down in front of you as you sit.
A plate party food. Chex Mix pushed off to one side, some steamed vegetables neatly placed to the other. There’s also egg rolls, and he hurries over to set down a solo cup of red fruit punch. You chuckle at the meal and pick up some of the Chex Mix, examining it.
He spots you and sits down, holding his own cup. He shrugs and gestures your plate saying, “That’s all he had. Party food and takeout leftovers.”
You look around and nibble at some of your food. “He?”
He nods quickly, chewing some pieces of Chex Mix up then quickly washing it down with the fruit punch. “Yeah yeah. This isn’t my house. Just a friends.” He sighs deeply, taking another sip. Before you can ask where his friend is, he waves his hand to the side and explains, “He went off with some girl. I’m always in charge at the end of these things.”
“Are you now?” He hums. “Well I guess you’re not very good at it if you forgot to kick me out.”
He takes a bite of his egg roll then looks incredulously at you. You shrug at his mildly disappointing glare, but then it turns into a good one as he just barely is able to suppress a chuckle and and opts out doing it on his own to cover his mouth with his hand. He palms at his face then shrugs back at you.
“Why would I want to?” He mumbles with a full mouth.
You lean back in your chair and cross your arms, eyeing him then your food. “Why wouldn’t you? You don’t even know my name,” you spit with a little more venom than intended.
He doesn’t look too offended though. He looks up at you, finishes his bite, takes a swig of fruit punch, makes a refreshing ah sound, then points the fork he’s been using to pick up his egg roll at you. “That is true. However, I remember you.”
“Oh really?” You challenge.
“Yup!” He tilts his head and smiles. “From the party. I uh, don’t remember too much. The details are, lets just say…blurry, but I remember I had a good time with you so why would I wanna kick you.”
“If you had such a good time with me I think it’s best if you know my name. I’m Y/n.”
“So Brendon,” you start, leanings against the table. Brendon drops the pretzel bits he’s lifting to his mouth, and leans in as well, arms folded on the wobbly wooden surface. “First I fall asleep on your couch after a party….you don’t complain…and instead decide to make us breakfast?”
He thinks for a moment. “Well, yeah. After last night you think I’d toss ya?” He raises an eyebrow as if to say think about it while he takes another sip of fruit punch.
But, what happened last night? You stare at Brendon, shooting you his cocky glances albeit mostly overwhelmed by his ignorant adorableness as he munches on his egg rolls, mushes up his veggies, and drinks his juice. You sigh in relief as you watch him, then join in finally accepting the meal.
Breakfast is quiet. You give him quick glances paired with a small smile, and he’s less discrete about it but his cheeks flush whenever you catch him.
As you eat silently you think back to the night before.
A friend and her friends drug you out of the house to his party. You begrudgingly agreed, putting on the fastest, most comfortable thing, and drove with them fully expecting to be cooped up on some dusty couch beside two drunks making out. No biggie, it was just routine. So you arrived with them, you joined them on the ‘dance floor’ made up of a now heavily stained carpet and a stereo shoved into the room’s corner, and spent your time swaying your arms by your side. When you got tired of that you wandered the house until you found the kitchen finally void enough to squeeze past the crowd and make it into the basement. It was a bit foggy, clearly, but the fog and it’s origins pooled in the corner again the hastily finished drywall where the beanbags were lined up. You stretched out on the couch, joined in on some games of Truth or Dare where you proceeded to only choose dare and your fellow players did not care because everybody’s else’s dares were crazy enough, before they dispersed, some going upstairs to stand on the dance floor, others heading out to take the fun times somewhere else.
By—fuck if you know the time—o’clock, you were alone in the basement, swirling the drink you’d poured yourself after raiding the basement’s mini fridge around in your solo cup.
You laid on your back, your cup resting on your chest, when you turned your head hearing the sound of footsteps coming down the creaky staircase with dark spots between the wooden planks.
You sat up cautiously, setting your drink on the side-table.
The boy that came down looked cautiously at you. The bags under your eyes were so heavy (truth be told you’re not sure you ever got buzzed, but you’re not sure where else that pressure in your head could have come from) he was at first sure you were on something, until you mirrored his polite head-nod of a greeting and mouthed how the beanbag gang was gone. He chuckled a bit uncomfortably then poked his head around the corner.
And wow, you were right. He held a hand up as a sort of apology, trying to walk as softly as he could manage for the sake of whatever state you were in at the moment.
Of course sitting across from who you’re sure is him now—Brendon—you don’t remember the details. You remember the basics, the blocking of the interaction and the way he moved back and forth through the room.
You said something humorous, or maybe it was sarcastic, but whatever it was he found it funny.
You two sat on the couch together, one void of blankets and pillows, and your humorous rantings turned into coy whispers. His knees a good foot apart and his back hunched. He held a can of beer in his hand, and turned his back to you for a second to set it somewhere it’d be safe. He turned around and there you were, sitting closer than before but where you were didn’t matter because where you were next was on his lap, his hands supporting you as you joined him in a feverish kiss that didn’t get any time to deepen before you would both pull away in search for a more comfortable position.
He picked you up and hovered on top of you, your back against the couch and your legs wrapped around his torso. His chest pressed to yours as you rode up the side of the couch, the kiss finally being able to deepen without frequent interruptions.
Your hands clung to the other behind his neck while his hands pressed into your back, and your fingers crawled their way up to the top of his head where they continued to twist and pull at his hair.
You pressed your lower half against his, appreciating all of the weight on your upper half, when the commotion came to your ears. You both stopped, well, really the kissing gradually slowed to a stop as the commotion just kept going. You grunted in frustration, then giggled and palmed at your face as he jumped up. He gestures a finger towards you and say something along the lines of “I’ll be back,” then skipped up the stairs.
Evidently he wasn’t back fast enough. But he was back when you were in deep enough sleep to stay as such when he lifted your head to put a somewhat comfortable pillow under your head, and deserving enough to retrieve a blanket draped over you, mostly likely from his friend’s bed.
Now that you’re a lot less tipsy, a lot more sober, and all of those good things, you wonder if you should just continue talking to him or get this off your mind. Get to know him more or take in what you’ve learned in the past twenty to thirty minutes to heart and continue what you two started.
“What happened last night?” You ask suddenly.
He doesn’t choke but for the second he freezes you worry he had. Instead he clears his throat and looks up to meet your unwavering gaze. He presses his tongue to the inside of his cheek and, “Well, a lot of things,” he says with a grin. “I had to keep this guy Greg from trashing my friend’s computer, I had to hunt down the key to lock up his bedroom, some guy chucked this lamp at this group of boys—they all ended up dodging and it hit this girl in the—“ Brendon’s eyes widen as he sees your soft glare.
He clears his throat again and pulls at the neck of his shirt. “Ehm, sorry,” he says, running his tongue over his lips.
“Don’t be,” you say. “Just…you know what I’m talking about.”
He squeaks almost.
“I do but…do you know?” He asks.
You shrug, “I know just enough. Mind telling me the details?”
He nods slowly and pushes his plate to the middle of the table. He leans back in his chair and hugs himself. As he explains he palms at his face, ghosting the tips of his fingers against his lips, pressing his knuckles into his cheek, everything.
“Well…” he starts, “I went downstairs and you were there.” You nod. “The stoners left so I sat down and we uh, yeah, we hung out for a bit.” You nod. “ We were joking around, telling dad jokes.” You chuckle at the concept. He smiles warmly before covering it up with his hand. “Then we both got equally sultry, started flirting.”
“And then?” You bite into your lip and smirk at him.
“And then…we made out,” he says it quickly, his voice a bit muffled by his sleeve.
“And then you had to go because more lamps were being thrown?” You cross your arms over the other and lean into the table. He shifts in his seat and does the same. He hums and nods.
“Yup yup, that’s…” he takes a deep breath, “What happened…”
You lick your lips and laugh a bit. Brendon looks at you confused, but there’s definitely some interest in there. Your voice starts off soft and low, a little raspy, but it gradually softens as you internally struggle to get your point across. It doesn’t come out that way. Brendon finds himself uneasy with how sultry your voice is managing to be again.
“So…you wanna continue where we left off then?”
Brendon furrows his brow and leans back in his seat as you stand. You come to his side and stretch your hand out to him. He looks down at his meal, takes a deep breath, runs his palms over his thighs, suppresses his smile with a bite to his lip and even forgets to breath.
He looks up at you, and places his hand in yours.
“Alrighty then,” he says as you pull him up from his seat, and lead him into the basement.
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verdigrisprowl · 6 years
Jan 1 Dancitron Movie Night - Beetlejuice & an episode of the cartoon
Prowl showed up still somewhat drunk from the party he was at prior to movie night. Tragically, there was an Insecticon present who was definitely Bombshell and could not possibly be a different innocent Insecticon that might be named Bob, so he had to sober up so he could heroically protect the moviegoers from this fiend. And then once he was sober he realized he was silly.
After movie night Prowl and Soundwave spent a couple of hours trying to talk about Tarantulas’s sexual preferences without admitting how much either one of them knows about Tarantulas’s sexual preferences.
Today Specs 7:52 pm ((hello hello)) ItsyBitsySpyers 7:53 pm ((hello hello))
*What an eventful day it's been. He didn't have time to figure out the partial coverage, but he did have time to dry the fresh paint, so there's that. Now he's setting the couches and snacks in place and sitting down. This evening is going to be... interesting.* Specs 7:54 pm *the dragon tumbles in with cheerful aplomb and a cart full of treats. someone's been busy. does Laserbeak want any mercury cakes? they're shaped like butterflies and piled tantalizingly on top* Hello! Me 7:54 pm *guess who is here and is still Very Drunk* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:55 pm *Does the dragon really have to ask? Of course she does.*
[[Greetings, dragon.]] *Looks over. Hm. Avatar again? All right. Acknowledgment ping to Prowl.* Me 7:56 pm *Of course avatar again, how else would he be showing up.* *two acknowledging pings, because he's not sure if the first one went through.* Ratchet 7:57 pm *pops in* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:57 pm [[Good evening, Ratchet.]] Ratchet 7:57 pm Evening. Me 7:58 pm *takes his seat, slouches down.* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:58 pm [[Do sit. He'll have something amusing in a moment.]] Me 7:58 pm *... slouches a little more.* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:59 pm *...Is mildly concerned Prowl's going to fall over. Readies a feeler.* Me 7:59 pm *... he can just slouch forever and it's not uncomfortable because he's an avatar.* Specs 7:59 pm *the dragon finishes piling treats in the assigned area and finds a couch to perch upon* Ratchet 7:59 pm *squints at screen* Definitely Not Shockwave 7:59 pm ...*He isn't sure what he just walked back into.* Ratchet 7:59 pm *sloooowly takes a seat* Me 8:00 pm *slouches MORE. amazing.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:00 pm *...Soundwave reaches out and tries to tip Prowl back upright some.* Me 8:01 pm *it's too late. he's basically on his back on the couch.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:01 pm *Soundwave nods to everyone coming in.* *He'll just. Leave the feeler where it is, then.* Me 8:02 pm *he's intensely watching the math on the screen.* Ratchet 8:02 pm Well. Bevel 8:02 pm *arrives with an armful of datapads because who puts all their reading material into one convenient datapad, that's madness* Me 8:03 pm *and now he's slightly terrified.* ... I've forgotten how to do math. Ratchet 8:03 pm That's never happened quite that way to my knowledge, but Ironhide IS bad at math. ... 😀 ItsyBitsySpyers 8:03 pm *Gently* (txt): Negative. Video mech: poor mathematician. *Gestures to Ratchet. See? Confirmation.* Ratchet 8:03 pm Who's on first! I'm. I'm doing Who's on first?? Swoop 8:03 pm ((this skit will NEVER get old. until the end of humanity, this skit will be funny)) Specs 8:03 pm I think the fur on my head is going to combust. Me 8:03 pm ... Oh. Okay. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:04 pm [[Ah, you know that skit?]] Bevel 8:04 pm *giggles as she drops them all onto her usual table* Me 8:04 pm *oh now Who's On First is on. This is much better.* Ratchet 8:04 pm Of course I do! I sent it to Prowl. Bevel 8:04 pm ((Who's the Band on Stage is my favorite riff on this Me 8:05 pm *claps a hand over his mouth so he can laugh* Ratchet 8:05 pm [[ WILY ]] Swoop 8:05 pm ((hi wily)) Specs 8:05 pm ((oh my god I thought Wily was called Why)) Definitely Not Shockwave 8:05 pm *He signs heavily at this terrible math humor, grabs a refreshment, and draws near to Bevel in a way that is looking for some sign that he is welcome to sit next to her.* Bevel 8:06 pm ((heya wily Definitely Not Shockwave 8:06 pm ((...*sighs) Swoop 8:06 pm Bob bob! Here! Look! *scampers indoors and gestures wildly* Wily 8:06 pm HELLO SWOOPING FRIEND. Me 8:06 pm *quietly raises a hand* I'm why. Swoop 8:06 pm It Dancitron : > Movie night Definitely Not Shockwave 8:06 pm ((...Ah, the skit changed. I shouldn't go afk mid-write.)) Swoop 8:06 pm Him Soundwave do movies here : > ItsyBitsySpyers 8:06 pm (txt): Why, Soundwave's second favorite question. Wily 8:07 pm *lopes to Swoop and flops* THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE HELLO NEW FRIENDS. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:07 pm (txt): Prowl deserves What. Bevel 8:07 pm *waves to Longarm* Hiya! Wily 8:07 pm IT IS NICE TO MEET YOU ALL. Swoop 8:07 pm *is easily bowled over by the bug and shrieks with excitement* Ratchet 8:07 pm Heh. Bevel 8:07 pm Hi, Bob! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:07 pm *...Oh dear. A giant bug. He'll just. Nod.* Me 8:07 pm No no. Second base is too much responsibility. Wily 8:07 pm HELLO BEVEL FRIEND Ratchet 8:07 pm Me'n Ironhide, Abbott and Costello... I like it. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:07 pm ((FIVE MINUTE WARNING grab your snacks)) Specs 8:07 pm ... *the dragon takes refuge in the air to avoid being trampled by this giant and enthusastic bug* Bevel 8:08 pm *don't mind all the datapads, Longarm. She'll just... gather them into a pile so there's room for other bots to put down their drinks and stuff* Wily 8:08 pm *which of course catches the bugs attention. He's waving at the dragon* Swoop 8:08 pm *hops up and down, yelling to the room* Him BOB come see movie TOO! Me Swoop bring FRIEND to see : > Definitely Not Shockwave 8:08 pm *He nods to this "bob", and returns Bevel's greeting. He sits as soon as there is a place to sit.* Me 8:08 pm *There's a loud voice here. Who's the loud voic-- JGJGDSK THAT'S BOMBSHELL* Windchill 8:08 pm *He's here, but is not alone. He's got a worm in a blanket propped up on one shoulder. Apologies to anyone hoping for a peaceful evening.* Me 8:08 pm *goodbye prowl is up the stairs* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:09 pm *Welp. Soundwave's just. Gonna go running up after him.* Wily 8:09 pm *Oblivious* Specs 8:09 pm Hello, um... *the dragon is NOT coming down* Have we met? Swoop 8:09 pm *is literally hanging off Bob's arm* Ratchet 8:09 pm Prowl....?? Me 8:09 pm *prowl chose a hell of a time to show up at a movie night drunk* Ratchet 8:09 pm *is not sure if he can go up the stairs* *maybe just hover at the bottom* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:09 pm *If Ratchet wants to try, he'll find it doesn't close on him.* Wily 8:09 pm *Lifting his arm up and down* *shaking Swoop like a flag* Swoop 8:10 pm *kicks his legs up in the air and SHRIEK-laughs* *kicks his foot towards the bar* Bob! Bob! There GOODIES over there. Goodies for MOVIE NIGHT people. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:10 pm (txt): Calm, calm. Safe. Specs 8:10 pm *yeah, this is NOT safe for small and furry dragons. watch out Windchill you're getting a hat* Me 8:10 pm *Soundwave will find Prowl sitting against a wall with his knees up to his chest, otherwise very calm.* Swoop 8:10 pm *immediately drops when he hears Snarl's voice and looks around* Snarl????????????? Wily 8:11 pm I TOO HAVE BROUGHT THE SNACKS. TO SHARE. SHARING IS ALSO THE CARING. *Follows Swoop like a massive several odd ton puppy* Swoop 8:11 pm *cackles at the screen* That land before time DINOBOTS! Windchill 8:11 pm *Takes a seat and lets his spawn settle in his lap.* Ratchet 8:12 pm *yeah Ratchet's gonna make his cautious way up the stairs* Me 8:12 pm *looks up at Soundwave and says, very reasonably,* That's Bombshell. Swoop 8:12 pm Um! Um! Bob. *points to the bar, he's never brought goodies before but that's where they all live so let's do that* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm *Soundwave will kneel near Prowl and offer a hand. He's - not entirely sure what to do. Glance over to Ratchet.* Windchill 8:12 pm *Spawn doesn't care about movies and isn't paying attention at all.* Wily 8:12 pm OK. Definitely Not Shockwave 8:12 pm *He isn't completely oblivious to the sudden exit of their host, but Longarm isn't much for participating in the action.* *He studies Bevel's datapads curiously.* Swoop 8:13 pm What You Bob bringing? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:13 pm (txt): Negative. Different mental pattern. Bob, not Bombshell. Sunstreaker pet. Ratchet 8:13 pm Hey, Prowl. Specs 8:13 pm *peers down at Windchill and the chillspawn from atop her perch* Is this alright? Bevel 8:13 pm *is confident Ratchet and Soundwave have it taken care of and content to shuffle through her hastily put together stack for the datapad she'd been reading* Wily 8:13 pm *Open his bag* I HAVE THE RUST STICKS, AND THE SHEET METAL, AND THE CUBES OF MEDIUM GRADE. ALSO GLASS. Me 8:13 pm Excuse me. I am a Bombshell expert. Wily 8:13 pm *insecticon snacks may not be everyone snacks* Windchill 8:14 pm *Both of them peer back up, Windchill in confusion and the worm in insatiable hunger.* Eh? Swoop 8:14 pm *squeaks then breaks down into giggles* Bob only one eat sheet metal kehhehh Me 8:14 pm Hi, Ratchet. You'd better stay up here. There's a Bombshell down there. Swoop 8:14 pm *picks up a rust stick tho* Definitely Not Shockwave 8:14 pm If I may ask, Bevel...What are you reading? Specs 8:14 pm I think I am going to be your hat until either Whirl shows up or I am in less immediate fear of being stepped upon. I hope you don't mind. Wily 8:14 pm *wants to know what snacks are also here* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:14 pm ((okay warnings, soo..... some sexual humor, death and dark comedy, gross body distortions, possession, bad 80s representation of a witch doctor, uhhh harassment, things coming to life that oughtn't be, things like that)) Me 8:15 pm ((terrible interior design)) Ratchet 8:15 pm Right. Uh, I can... *he's never been up here before. quick glance at Soundwave??* ... uh, stay up here with you, if you want? Specs 8:15 pm *the dragon brought mercury cakes shaped like butterflies, nice crunchy energon treats with gooey centers, some delicious silver-mercury drops, and a canister labeled "Whirl," which is the only thing Bob should probably not take* Swoop 8:15 pm ((umm... what all is on the bar? I usually just have swoop grab a dish of whatever without looking.)) Bevel 8:15 pm Old stories and stuff about the Thirteen. Me 8:16 pm You will probably be safest if you do that. Ratchet 8:16 pm That Insecticon downstairs... Windchill 8:16 pm *Windchill considers this.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:16 pm *Soundwave nods to Ratchet. He can stay up here as long as either Prowl or himself are here.* Ratchet 8:16 pm *you know what, Prowl doesn't need to hear that that Insecticon lives on Ratchet's Ark* Windchill 8:16 pm Well, Dragon...I don't know your name, sorry...that's fine. However. Ratchet 8:16 pm *at least until he's sober* Definitely Not Shockwave 8:16 pm You have a passion for...History? Wily 8:16 pm I DO NOT KNOW YOUR NAME EITHER. Specs 8:16 pm You can call me Specs, or Dragon, or whatever suits your fancy! 😄 Swoop 8:16 pm *pats Bob's side* Him Ravage make stuff sometimes. Bar stuff. Not goodie stuff. Wily 8:17 pm *more waving* I AM BOB. IT IS NICE TO MEET YOU, DRAGON SPECS. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:17 pm (txt): What reason, belief downstairs Insecticon designation: Bombshell? Windchill 8:17 pm *He nods; he'll try to remember and pick one.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:17 pm *Maybe if they know what it is they can counter it with facts?* Swoop 8:17 pm ((oh man we have a busy first movie night for bob)) Bevel 8:17 pm I am gonna try to find one of them. Me 8:17 pm He looks like him and he can talk. Wily 8:17 pm ((Bob has no idea what's going around him. He's just excited that there's so many people)) Windchill 8:17 pm I have fed her, *he hoists the worm, who begins wiggling at the disturbance* already, but she's prone to biting. Definitely Not Shockwave 8:18 pm I see...And how precisely do you plan to do that? Windchill 8:18 pm So don't get too close to her. Ratchet 8:18 pm Uh... huh. *not Prowl's most sparkling display of deductive reasoning* Magnum Ace 8:18 pm -pings at Soundwave. Hello, he's back to himself now- Specs 8:18 pm *the dragon kinda burbles at the worm* Understood! I'll keep my tail to myself. *oh goddess please don't step on her, Bob* Hello to you too, Bob. Swoop 8:18 pm *grabs Bob and drags him to sit on the floor in front of the screen, they are great doors and terrible windows* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm *Absent-mindedly opens a bridge for the Leaguers.* Wily 8:18 pm *Staring at the wiggly worm. So delighted by the wiggles* *Oop, no he's being "dragged off"* Bevel 8:19 pm Gonna ask Primus if these do not help any. Windchill 8:19 pm *He says biting, which is true, but the dragon is small enough that they're definitely at risk of being consumed entirely.* Swoop 8:19 pm It MOVIE time!!! *no inside voice* Wily 8:19 pm *And so Bob again flops next to Swoop and becomes a bugshaped pancake on the floor.* Swoop 8:19 pm *wants to movie """properly""" with his buddy* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:19 pm (txt): Helm cannon not present. This, noticed? Wily 8:19 pm IT IS THE QUIET TIME YES? *also no inside voice* Magnum Ace 8:19 pm -and trots in, and waves. Hello- Specs 8:20 pm *the dragon is also furry enough to give the worm hairballs* Windchill 8:20 pm *He sets the worm back into his lap, but she hasn't taken her single eye off of the dragon, her prey, just yet.* Definitely Not Shockwave 8:20 pm Huh. May I skim through one of them? Swoop 8:20 pm Keehee! Me Swoop am talking aaaaaalways. Kehh. Lots of bot movie talking. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:20 pm *Someone downstairs is gonna have to contain the two toddlers. Try not to let them break everything.* Ratchet 8:20 pm *Bob is quite a bit bigger than Bombshell actually, but how would Prowl know that? Everyone in Ratchet's universe is smaller than Prowl's universe* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:20 pm *Windchill, you're a parent. You're good at that probably.* Bull 8:20 pm *follows Magnum* Ratchet 8:20 pm *with the possible exception of Bob, who.... who knows where he came from, actually? He's huge, is all.* Wily 8:20 pm *dumps out all the snacks in front of him.* Windchill 8:20 pm *He'll try. His hands are full but he'll give it a shot.* Swoop 8:21 pm *puts a rust stick in his mouth then waves some of the sheet metal in front of bob's face* *dinner and a show* Wily 8:21 pm *Face mask retracts so Bob can go CRONCH* *and that's the end of the sheet metal* Swoop 8:21 pm *SQUEEEALS* Magnum Ace 8:21 pm -oh, look, new people...with...oh wow- Wily 8:21 pm ???? Bull 8:21 pm *Bull Armor settles in their normal spot, more relaxed than last time* Windchill 8:22 pm *The Worm hears crunching.* Wily 8:22 pm SWOOPING FRIEND YOU MADE A TEAPOT NOISE. Swoop 8:22 pm Keehee! Teapot? Keeehheeee! You Bob BIIIIIG bite Wily 8:22 pm *Does the worm want the snacks? Bob will share* Windchill 8:22 pm *She turns her long, fat body—fat with POWER!—around to see.* Me 8:22 pm He's probably an alternate. Maybe not all Bombshells have helm cannons. Magnum Ace 8:22 pm -big teeth. He's going to scramble up to Bull's side- Windchill 8:22 pm *Windchill visibly braces, knowing what's coming.* Bevel 8:22 pm Sure! *hands one about the Mutacons over to Longarm* Swoop 8:22 pm *lays side by side with Bob, watching the movie on his tummy* Wily 8:23 pm *shoving all the rust sticks toward swoop* Definitely Not Shockwave 8:23 pm *He half-listens to the movie while parsing through the text.* Specs 8:23 pm *the dragon carefully watches the worm to ensure that she doesn't get snacked upon too* Magnum Ace 8:23 pm .... Swoop 8:23 pm *cannot MUNCH as good in robot mode, but tries anyway* Wily 8:23 pm *nudging various other things in the directions of others wether they them or not* Windchill 8:23 pm *The Worm spots the food, and starts peeping like a very loud, very naked baby bird.* Specs 8:23 pm ((that dog fucking killed them)) Bull 8:23 pm *looks to Magnum, having not seen what made him nervous* Definitely Not Shockwave 8:24 pm ((Murder by thankless canine)). Windchill 8:24 pm *Windchill dons an expression of parental pain.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:24 pm *He can't argue against that. If he can have all kinds of alternate shapes, so can the Insecticons. Hmm.*
(txt): ...Prowl wants movie upstairs? Swoop 8:24 pm *throws a rust stick at the peeping noise without looking using his mad bomber skills* Wily 8:24 pm *Waving at new people with tiny, secondary arms* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:24 pm *He's probably not going to convince Prowl to go down there, but getting his mind off things? useful tactic? Uncertain.* Wily 8:24 pm THAT WAS A GOOD THROW. Windchill 8:24 pm *The stick bounces right off of her fat face.* Swoop 8:24 pm Me Swoop am very good at throw things Magnum Ace 8:24 pm That started off quick with death Me 8:24 pm ... The bar is downstairs. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:24 pm *Soundwave points to the lounge screen.* Ratchet 8:25 pm I've got high grade covered, if that's the issue. Windchill 8:25 pm *Her mouth forms an O of shock.* Ratchet 8:25 pm *it's Ratchet, of course he's got booze. he's always got booze.* Bull 8:25 pm *looks at one of the new mechs he does not recognize and waves back* Wily 8:25 pm HOW GOOD AT THE THROWING OF THINGS? Swoop 8:25 pm VERY VERY Me 8:25 pm No, I was going to get fancy drinks. Five of them. Wily 8:25 pm *gives him a snack to throw. Prove it* Swoop 8:25 pm Me Swoop am bombardier *takes the treat* what hit? Ratchet 8:26 pm Oh? Any fancy drinks in particular? Wily 8:26 pm WHAT'S A BOMBASTADEER? Magnum Ace 8:26 pm -waves back at the one waving at them. The one with the scary set of teeth- Windchill 8:26 pm *Chill picks up the stick before his spawn goes to get it herself. She must be contained.* Swoop 8:26 pm It bot who drop bombs EXPLODE Wily 8:26 pm I THOUGHT YOU WERE A DINO. Windchill 8:26 pm Let's not throw food, guys. Wily 8:26 pm OH. I HAVE LEARNED A THING. Swoop 8:26 pm It JOB Me 8:26 pm ... I don't know, I have to look at them. Wily 8:26 pm OOPSIES. Bevel 8:26 pm *is gonna get up to get something to drink from the bar* Swoop 8:27 pm *tosses the goodie in the air and catches it* What You Bob want Swoop to hit? Windchill 8:27 pm *The worm snatches the stick from her dear old dad before he can even offer it, and goes to town with a loud crunching.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm (txt): ...Suggestion: Soundwave activates bar cameras. Prowl watches; Ratchet mixes, retrieves. This: acceptable?
*Looks to both of them. He can't make Ratchet do anything.* Wily 8:27 pm *looks around. Sees a glass at the bar. Points* Windchill 8:27 pm *Clicks his tongue.* Definitely Not Shockwave 8:27 pm *Longarm raises a brow in intrigue while learning of these "shifter transformers".* Windchill 8:27 pm *Reaches out with a toe to tap Swoop.* Me 8:28 pm ... I don't want you to do things for me. Definitely Not Shockwave 8:28 pm *As snoopy as he is, he glances over at where he believes Bevel to have left off in her text.* Swoop 8:28 pm *doesn't hesitate, chucks the goodie so it hits the back wall of the bar then falls into the glass* Ratchet 8:28 pm *well, Ratchet was going to offer to go retrieve fancy mixed drinks anyway, maybe after Prowl looked at a... picture menu?? if Ravage has one?* Windchill 8:28 pm *Sighs.* Wily 8:28 pm *Is absolutely 900% delighted* DO IT AGAIN. Ratchet 8:28 pm *but Soundwave's suggestion is acceptable in his view* Windchill 8:28 pm Do NOT do it again. Swoop 8:28 pm *smacks Windchill's toe* You bad at sabotage! Kehheh! Ratchet 8:29 pm I could mix your drinks. I don't mind going downstairs for a bit. And I'll be... careful. Windchill 8:29 pm *Rolls his eyes.* You need to go outside if you're going to throw things. Wily 8:29 pm *Oop. Reprimands directed their way. Bob flattens himself* I AM SORRY. Swoop 8:29 pm Swoop dont want outside. Me Swoop want inside For movie Windchill 8:29 pm Then you Swoop stop throwing things. Wily 8:30 pm *oh right a movie is playing* Windchill 8:30 pm If you break Soundwave's stuff he'll get mad at you. Bevel 8:30 pm *it's about the Thirteen battling Unicron* Swoop 8:30 pm Me Swoop waaaaaaaaaay too good at throw thing for ACCIDENTAL break ItsyBitsySpyers 8:30 pm ((this movie gets better if you imagine the mom as buzzsaw)) Wily 8:30 pm SWOOPING FRIEND IS A BOMMALIER Bevel 8:30 pm ((lol Wily 8:30 pm *got it in one* Windchill 8:30 pm No purposeful breaking allowed either, Swoop. Swoop 8:30 pm ((bob write swoop's resume for him)) Him Bob not ask for on purpose break : > Wily 8:31 pm ((A plus projectile. Good at throwing things. Best backpack)) Windchill 8:31 pm You guys can go play bombardiers outside. Me 8:31 pm ((he said "you can finally cook a decent meal" and she gave him a look like he was insane, for a split second i identified with her completely)) Wily 8:31 pm I DO NOT WISH TO BREAK THE THINGS THAT BELONGS TO OTHERS. Swoop 8:31 pm Noooo Wily 8:31 pm THAT WOULD NOT BE NICE. Definitely Not Shockwave 8:31 pm ((Hfhfhhff.)) *He makes a short "mmm" noise before returning to his own datapad.* Swoop 8:31 pm Dinobots not nice, Bob : > Wily 8:32 pm BUT YOU ARE NICE oO Oo !!!!!! Windchill 8:32 pm I'm not going to be nice either if you don't stop throwing things. Wily 8:32 pm *He picked a bad time to pay attention to the movie* Swoop 8:32 pm *opens his mouth to argue but ends up cackling instead* Bull 8:32 pm .... what sort of movie is this? *Bull whispers* Swoop 8:32 pm *he is into this movie now* Magnum Ace 8:32 pm -WELL THEN- I...haaaavel noidea Definitely Not Shockwave 8:33 pm *He considers this more mythology than history, but he wouldn't go so far as to insult her for her beliefs.* Wily 8:33 pm IT IS SCARY. Swoop 8:33 pm ((omg buzzsaw)) Bevel 8:33 pm *plops back down and offer a second cube to Longarm* Ratchet 8:33 pm [[ wow that IS buzzsaw ]] Definitely Not Shockwave 8:33 pm ((It's too accurate.)) Specs 8:33 pm *blinks* Swoop 8:33 pm ((this is why your sister trolls you so much)) Ratchet 8:33 pm [[ also i....... i need to sleep...... ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 8:33 pm }}I like her.{{ Swoop 8:34 pm You Bob scared??? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm ((aaaaa okay ;; get you a rest)) Bevel 8:34 pm ((night! Me 8:34 pm ((gnight~)) Wily 8:34 pm I AM FINE Magnum Ace 8:34 pm ((g'night! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm *Soundwave gently nudges Prowl.*
(txt): What action wanted, Prowl's, ours? Wily 8:34 pm ((niiight!)) Ratchet 8:34 pm [[ ratchet will stay with prowl ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm ((roger)) Definitely Not Shockwave 8:34 pm *He forms a pleased expression with his faceplate and takes the cube.* Swoop 8:34 pm Really really? Ratchet 8:34 pm [[ and/or get him some drinks ]] Wily 8:34 pm ....NO. Definitely Not Shockwave 8:34 pm Thank you, how thoughtful. Windchill 8:34 pm *He's going to TRY to watch the movie now.* Wily 8:34 pm I AM SORRY. LYING IS BAD. IT IS FINE NOW THOUGH Swoop 8:35 pm *giggles and pats Bob's helm* Wily 8:35 pm *chitters* Bevel 8:35 pm Welcome. *grins* Me 8:35 pm ((im trying to get him back downstairs tho)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm ((ratchet as seat sandwich whenever prowl sits?)) Wily 8:35 pm SHARK? Swoop 8:35 pm Us Dinobots scarier than movie. You not scared. Magnum Ace 8:36 pm ...so...um.. Specs 8:36 pm Now that's not something you see every day. Wily 8:36 pm *oh well if Swoop says it, must be true* OK ItsyBitsySpyers 8:36 pm *Quietly waits for Prowl's answer.* Swoop 8:36 pm : > Wily 8:37 pm *Will try to convince himself of this even if it confuses him. Dinobots aren't scary* Windchill 8:37 pm I like her eyeliner. Swoop 8:37 pm *drapes a wing over Bob like a blanket, there, now nothing can get him* Windchill 8:37 pm Not sure why she has a...glove? On her forehead though. *Human fashion is beyond him sometimes.* Bull 8:38 pm This movie is strange. Magnum Ace 8:38 pm Yeah. Wily 8:38 pm *Tucks in* Magnum Ace 8:38 pm I have no idea what is going on anymore Definitely Not Shockwave 8:38 pm These..."Mutacons", Bevel, has anyone bothered to study them? Me 8:38 pm *stares at Soundwave* ... I'unno. Don't—fuss over me. You can go back. Swoop 8:39 pm *has goodies and is the big bad dinobot protector, if Bird shows up tonight will be perfect* Windchill 8:39 pm *Bounces his baby now that she's done munching.* Definitely Not Shockwave 8:39 pm ((I'm fucking wheezing. Thanks, Soundwave, for making this whole movie 11000% more amusing.)) Wily 8:40 pm *Is cool with Swoop playing the part of security blanket. Super appreciates it even* Bevel 8:40 pm I do not think so. They went into space in *she pushes a couple datapads around and grabs one* this one, to find Amalgamous. I never met any when I was still in space but that was different universes. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:40 pm *Soundwave lifts his hands in an apologetic gesture. He's not trying to fuss. Just work out what's needed.*
(txt): If that, Prowl's wish, Soundwave complies. Me 8:40 pm Be careful. Don't get too close to him. Don't let him launch bugs at you. If you think he might, even if you think they can't get past your defenses, send me an emergency ping immediately. You have to send the ping BEFORE he bugs you or it's already too late. Swoop 8:41 pm Cowboy Windchill 8:41 pm (( God that reminds me of some local commercials. )) Specs 8:41 pm ((oh my lorf)) *the dragon peers down at the worm* What is her name? Definitely Not Shockwave 8:42 pm *He's doing his best to not seem disappointed.* Ah, I see. Unfortunate, their abilities could have been useful. Wily 8:42 pm CHALK IS MOST FUN. Windchill 8:42 pm I'll try a beetle guy. *Waggles his brows.* Swoop 8:42 pm You Bob do art thing with Sunstreaker? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:42 pm *Nods.*
(txt): Soundwave watches Insecticon. If/when Prowl: capable, extra optics preferred. If not, second floor: safe. Acknowledged? Wily 8:43 pm *nods* I AM NOT THAT GOOD. BUT IT IS FUN. Windchill 8:43 pm *His spawn watches him as if he had lost his mind.* Wily 8:43 pm I SPILL ALL OF THE PAINT. THE CONTAINERS ARE SO VERY TINY. Swoop 8:44 pm Spill paint sound MORE fun to Me Swoop Me 8:44 pm ... Hm. *Soundwave needs Prowl's protection. He's not going to get it if Prowl's upstairs.* Windchill 8:44 pm *The bug perks up at the whistling.* Wily 8:44 pm IT IS VERY SLIPPERY. AND THE COLORS ARE MOST DELIGHTFUL. THE CARETAKER WAS NOT AS HAPPY. Swoop 8:44 pm Him Sunstreaker cleany clean bot Wily 8:45 pm HE DID PUT THE COLORS INTO HONEY AND LET ME PAINT TOAST. Windchill 8:45 pm *The bug looks confused: there's no bug to talk to there, only a boring screen!* Wily 8:45 pm THAT WAS MOST FUN. Bull 8:45 pm And things just got weirder. Bevel 8:45 pm Useful how? Swoop 8:45 pm Kehhehehh You bob eat EEEEVERYTHING Wily 8:45 pm *Can eat literally all the things. Even the dreaded sugar* Magnum Ace 8:45 pm Yeah Specs 8:45 pm *whistles at the worm* Wily 8:46 pm *reflexively chitters back at other bugs in the room* Magnum Ace 8:46 pm I'm...not sure where any of this is going Omicron 8:46 pm *predacon falls in, likely in a corner so not to squish anyone* Windchill 8:46 pm *Her head whips around so fast it might have injured a weaker worm.* Swoop 8:46 pm *can't chitter but he chirps once he realizes we're making noises, no reason just participating* Wily 8:47 pm *Has waved to everyone so far, why stop now.* HELLO NEW FRIEND. Specs 8:47 pm *lets out a soft noise, trying to imitate a flute sound* Bevel 8:47 pm *mimics Bob's chittering* Wily 8:47 pm *Which spurs Bob on more* Windchill 8:47 pm *A small head whips around again.* Omicron 8:47 pm hiiiii Windchill 8:47 pm *Windchill's just watching, his mouth twitching.* Me 8:47 pm So much for being drunk tonight. Okay—give me a moment. I've gotta make me be sober. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm *Helm tilt. Make him be sober?*
(txt): How possible, within moment...? Definitely Not Shockwave 8:48 pm Well...*Oh, how to say this without sounding like a mad scientist...* Cybertronians who can combine are notably more durable than lone individuals. Wily 8:48 pm *Looks like there's a chorus of strange vague sounds in the room and Bob is delighted* Swoop 8:48 pm *cackles at the "flat" joke, this movie speaks to him* Definitely Not Shockwave 8:48 pm I forget that most here aren't mid-war. Windchill 8:49 pm *The bug peeps questioningly.* Specs 8:49 pm *hm, this is definitely a Thing. whistles with a higher pitch* Wily 8:49 pm *Chirrrs back* Me 8:49 pm Turn my chip on. *Lowers his face into his hands. Give him a sec.* Wily 8:49 pm *If there is a call, he will respond.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:49 pm *He has no idea what Prowl is talking about, but he'll wait.* Windchill 8:50 pm *The worm stares at the dragon. That's not an insecticon! Betrayal!* Magnum Ace 8:50 pm -he is SO confused right now- Specs 8:50 pm *chirp chirp whistle* Magnum Ace 8:51 pm -about the movie and all the rest of the noise in the room- Windchill 8:51 pm *Her protomandibles twitch. Food that speaks gibberish?* Swoop 8:52 pm ((her neck 😀 )) Specs 8:52 pm *gently peeps at the worm. the worm looks interested?* Swoop 8:52 pm Look her smoke! Wily 8:52 pm SHE HAS A LEAK. Swoop 8:52 pm *blows out a puff of smoke himself* Bevel 8:52 pm *nods sort of in agreement* Being able to combine would be really useful but I do not think I would want to be stuck like the Mutacons are. Omicron 8:52 pm *Ice Queen finds a better place to stretch out on the floor, forelegs crossed and wings settling down on her back. Gives a relaxed chirp and then rumble, watches the others around* Wily 8:53 pm *passes tinier hands through smoke* Me 8:53 pm *... uuugh. second time in a day. He's gonna throw up.* ... *Nope. Nope, he's fine.* All right. M'good. Wily 8:53 pm OOOOOOH Windchill 8:53 pm *She lifts her upper body, exactly like an inchworm, and stares.* Swoop 8:53 pm *blinks at Bob, then grins* You Bob like smoke trick, huh? Wily 8:53 pm YES. Windchill 8:53 pm NO fire, Swoop. Wily 8:53 pm OH LOOK BIG CANDY Swoop 8:53 pm No fiiiiiiiiire Smoke! Windchill 8:53 pm *Nudges him with a foot.* Wily 8:53 pm !!!!!!!!!!!! Windchill 8:53 pm No smoke, Swoop. Magnum Ace 8:53 pm ........... Swoop 8:54 pm *blows a ring* Bull 8:54 pm *is unnerved* Swoop 8:54 pm Whyyyyyyyyy? Wily 8:54 pm *incredibly alarmed* Swoop 8:54 pm Why no smoke? Specs 8:54 pm *the worm is attentive! another whistle* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm *He's... confused, but he'll nod. And stand up? Is he supposed to be going down there alone or no?*
*Gonna. Make his way toward the stairs. Maybe.* Magnum Ace 8:54 pm -nudges Bull- Outside for air? Wily 8:54 pm !?!?!?!?! Windchill 8:54 pm Because you might set off fire alarms that detect smoke. Swoop 8:54 pm *would argue the smoke rule but the bug at his side is alarmed for some reason* ??? Bull 8:54 pm *looks to Magnum* Yeah... I wouldn't mind a minute out. Windchill 8:54 pm And because I said so. Wily 8:55 pm *gathers Swoop up teddy bear style because that poor fly* Swoop 8:55 pm *lets himself be gathered* Why Bob startle? Magnum Ace 8:55 pm -going to have to find a way out, but they'll manage- Right, let's go Wily 8:55 pm HE ATE THE BUG Swoop 8:55 pm Oh! Windchill 8:55 pm *The worm is ignoring dad, and starts to climb for his shoulder.* Wily 8:55 pm HE HAD GIANT CANDY BUT HE ATE THE BUG Swoop 8:55 pm *pats Bob's cheek* *this is how you comfort people yes?* Wily 8:55 pm *Whiiiiiines* *....but yes* Me 8:56 pm *Stands up with, and follows.* No—don't go down there alone. I'm an avatar, he can't touch me. Definitely Not Shockwave 8:56 pm Indeed, most wouldn't volunteer for such an existence... It might just be a matter of finding a way to-- Ahem. I mean... presuming there *is* a way of reversing the effects, it could be used without any side effects. Swoop 8:56 pm *curls up and enjoys teddy bear duty* Definitely Not Shockwave 8:56 pm Permanent side effects, that is. Specs 8:57 pm *peers down at the worm and whistles more. yes, clearly they are connecting.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:57 pm *Soundwave pauses to allow time for Prowl to catch up and bobs his helm. He sees what's going on.*
(txt): Protection: appreciated. Come.
*Down to the seat. The long way that goes nowhere near the bug.* Bull 8:57 pm *follows Magnum towards the door* Windchill 8:57 pm *Windchill stops his spawn right in her six-limbed tracks before she can climb up and EAT the dragon.* Wily 8:58 pm *waves bye at people going outside with a free tinier arm* Windchill 8:58 pm *The worm huffs.* Swoop 8:58 pm *pats Bob's facemask with some goodies* Bevel 8:58 pm Maybe if they found Amalgamous he could help. *plucks another datapad she hasn't read through yet* These are really old records though so maybe they did find him and if they did I could to. Omicron 8:58 pm (what dragon?) Wily 8:58 pm *Face mask retracts. Snacks are noshed* Specs 8:58 pm *waves at the worm, but keeps her paw far away enough from the Maw of the Worm* ((this dragon)) Windchill 8:58 pm (( Spec. )) Me 8:59 pm *will stay closer to Soundwave than usual. Never lets the Insecticon out of the corner of his optics.* Omicron 8:59 pm (ah, hello fellow dragon then) Magnum Ace 8:59 pm -does Bull have their spare equipment or are they just going for a walk?- -once they get the door open- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:59 pm *Will obligingly glance toward Bob now and then to make it clear he's watching too.* Specs 8:59 pm ((fellow dragon)) Wily 8:59 pm *Bob waves with tiny hands* Bull 8:59 pm -always got his mitt and an extra ball on hand- Swoop 8:59 pm *has no skill at reading emotions and comforting people, but he has been WELL TRAINED by Bird to shove food at his friends* Omicron 9:00 pm *for what its worth, chirps at the insecticon, she likes them* Swoop 9:00 pm *keeps offering Bob a goodie at a time* Wily 9:00 pm *Bob will continue to eat as long as food is being passed his way* Swoop 9:00 pm *eventually, between the snuggles and food, this problem will fix itself* Definitely Not Shockwave 9:00 pm Yes, of course...Surely if they succeeded, you will as well. Windchill 9:00 pm *The worm will stare at the dragon on dad's head, for now.* Bevel 9:00 pm I hope so. Wily 9:00 pm *Bob chirps back* Magnum Ace 9:00 pm -good. They can practice a bit while nerves settle a bit- Bevel 9:01 pm Though I do not want any combiner powers like the Mutacons have. Swoop 9:01 pm Beetlejuice Wily 9:01 pm *Distraction is the best remedy. He has no attention span* Definitely Not Shockwave 9:01 pm ...Might I ask why you are motivated to do this, again? Wily 9:01 pm DO NOT JUICE THE BEETLES, THAT SOUNDS BAD Me 9:01 pm *... overhears mention of combiners.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm *HOLD ON NOW who is talking about combiners and Mutacons? A glance toward Bevel.* Windchill 9:01 pm *He's going to keep any beetle juice comments to himself.* Specs 9:01 pm *the dragon will loaf on Windchill's head contentedly and grin at the worm* Swoop 9:01 pm *giggles and wiggles* What JUICE beetles means? Kehhehhhh Bevel 9:02 pm *suddenly all the attention, blinks a couple time at Prowl and Soundwave* Me 9:02 pm *keeps his optic on the insecticon and his audials on the combiner conversation* Wily 9:02 pm I DO NOT KNOW BUT I DO NOT LIKE IT Windchill 9:02 pm *The worm squints maliciously.* Omicron 9:02 pm I think you're safe insecticon, its like a name? Wily 9:02 pm OH. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:02 pm @Bevel: [[...Are you discussing something he should be concerned about.]] Wily 9:02 pm ALSO HELLO I AM BOB. Swoop 9:02 pm Ew Omicron 9:02 pm Hello bob, I'm Ice Queen. 😊 I'm a predacon queen Bevel 9:02 pm @Soundwave: No? Bull 9:03 pm We're going out to get some fresh air Soundwave. Wily 9:03 pm HELLOW QUEEN OF ICE. I DO NOT KNOW WHAT A PREDACON IS. I AM A BUG ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm @Bevel: [[Keep it that way.]]
@Bull: [[Acknowledged.]] Definitely Not Shockwave 9:03 pm *Longarm is slightly astonished. He turns his gaze in order to figure out who Bevel is making optic contact with.* Ali 9:04 pm ((there we go)) Bevel 9:04 pm I want to ask him for help with my powers. He's the ultimate transformer. He knows everything. Omicron 9:04 pm That's okay Bob, I'm...a beast-former. *chuurr/chirps?* Bull 9:04 pm Thanks. Swoop 9:04 pm *CACKLES* Him scare them Specs 9:04 pm *fluffs up and gets in a Real Comfy Loaf to observe the worm* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm ((SIMPATICO)) Ali 9:05 pm ((this is CC btw)) Bevel 9:05 pm *looks back at her datapads, Tara's not here, she's not telling anyone dangerous anything* Wily 9:05 pm *All the chirps. Even though he has no idea what a beast former is either* Definitely Not Shockwave 9:05 pm *Yes, of course she isn't.* Windchill 9:05 pm *The worm curls up in a doughnut shape for the moment, but doesn't take that glaring red optic off the dragon.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:05 pm ((welcome CC)) Definitely Not Shockwave 9:06 pm So you aren't looking for all of the thirteen, you simply require the assistance of this one? Ali 9:06 pm ((thanks)) Magnum Ace 9:06 pm -not going to go far, just far enough out to toss the ball around a bit- Bevel 9:06 pm *nods firmly* Windchill 9:07 pm *Windchill drapes the blanket over the worm, hoping she'll behave.* Specs 9:07 pm *just grins at the worm* Omicron 9:07 pm *shrugs wings and settles back down* Bull 9:07 pm *pulls out his catchers mitt* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:08 pm *Soundwave checks on Bob again before settling back. If Bevel is going to make this mistake, she can make it. But if... "Longarm"... ever hurts her, and he finds out, there will be problems.* Swoop 9:08 pm *sets his chin on Bob's shoulder and starts gnawing on a rust stick himself* Ali 9:08 pm ((this dog just burped in my face. rude)) Bevel 9:08 pm *...aw thanks Soundwave, best uncle* Wily 9:08 pm *passes snacks toward Swoop* Bevel 9:08 pm *suddenly music from the movie* Windchill 9:08 pm *Windchill can't see what the dragon is up to.* Wily 9:08 pm *Is actually paying attention to the movie suddenly* Ali 9:08 pm *comes in and finds a place to settle in- Swoop 9:09 pm *takes one more then pushes bob's hand to his own face instead* Keheh them dance ItsyBitsySpyers 9:09 pm *Feeler wave to Crosscut.* Magnum Ace 9:09 pm -tugs his mitt on before taking the ball- I'm going to try a few different pitches this time Wily 9:09 pm *Cronches* Ali 9:09 pm *feelers?* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:09 pm *Must remember this if he ever has unwanted intruders.* Wily 9:09 pm IS THIS A MUSICAL? Ali 9:09 pm *Bob!* Wily 9:09 pm THERE HAS NOT BEEN MucH MUSIC. Ali 9:09 pm *Oh no.* Swoop 9:09 pm Dunno Bevel 9:09 pm Maybe now there will be. Magnum Ace 9:09 pm ((meanwhile they're missing this because earlier stuff spooked them out of the room)) Definitely Not Shockwave 9:10 pm *Now, now, Longarm wouldn't attempt to personally threaten Bevel. Their interests thankfully do not directly interfere with one another.* Swoop 9:10 pm KAA! Me 9:10 pm *watches movie very uncomfortably* Specs 9:10 pm *the dragon will try to not to convince the worm to misbehave, but she can't help but be a little smug* Me 9:10 pm *Mind control. Ugh.* Ali 9:10 pm *Crosscut waves back at Soundwave but shifts a bit uncomfortably at the insecticon's presence- Swoop 9:10 pm *is still a teddy bear for Bob and completely misses Prowl's existence, let alone discomfort* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:10 pm *He should have watched this movie before he picked it. All he knew was that there were ghosts and artists.* Bull 9:11 pm Alright, just start out light. No need to draw everyone's attention with another Asteroid Cannon. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm @P: (txt): Apologies. Unexpected. Wily 9:11 pm *Still mildly spooked by this not spooky movie* Me 9:11 pm *sharp nod.* Swoop 9:11 pm *can take some pretty aggressive hugs so Bob can to go town* Magnum Ace 9:11 pm Right...I didn't realize it would do that... ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm *Crosscut is welcome to sit by the host if he wishes. It's probably the safest spot in the house.* Wily 9:11 pm *Well Bob does have four arms. All the better for stress hugs* Whirl 9:11 pm *slinks on in and makes his way to the usual table; he smells like he's been rolling in motor oila nd gunpowder all day. And looks it, too* Windchill 9:12 pm *The worm huffs in irritated boredom and begins shoving the blanket into her mouth for something to chew on. Windchill gives her a consoling pat.* Omicron 9:12 pm *dragonic yawn to streach jaws, snorts at the movie* Specs 9:12 pm *the dragon transfers from Windchill's head to Whirl's shoulder* Ali 9:12 pm *shutters at the thought of hugs from Bob* Whirl 9:12 pm Hey, dragon! Specs 9:12 pm Hello! Mind if I stay here! 😄 Definitely Not Shockwave 9:12 pm ...Would it be too forward to ask about the power you require assistance with? Ali 9:13 pm ((What's the table set up look like guys?)) Whirl 9:13 pm Nah, you're fine. You've got shoulder VIP parking status. Ali 9:13 pm ((Who is sitting by who I guess)) Magnum Ace 9:13 pm -still. Signals a curve-ball before tossing- Whirl 9:13 pm *and bobs his head to Windchill, and Soundwave, and Bevel--he's going to be doing a lot of head bobbing* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:13 pm ((usual concentric semi-circles of couches. prowl near soundwave, the leaguers outside, bevel near longarm i believe...)) Swoop 9:14 pm ((swoop and bob are on the floor in front of the screen)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:14 pm *Bob head to Whirl.* Bevel 9:14 pm Maybe but I do not mind. I am a Shifter. Not like the Mutacons. Like a regular one. Whirl 9:14 pm ((Whirl is at his usual Whirl table, with a dragon epaulette)) Bevel 9:14 pm *waves to Whirl and grins* Windchill 9:14 pm *Windchill's head is free!* Specs 9:14 pm *loafs up all nice and poofy* Wily 9:14 pm *Bob also bobs his head because everyone else is doing it so that must be the thing to do* Omicron 9:14 pm ((no idea, Icy's just laying down in whatever free space)) Ali 9:14 pm ((I see)) Windchill 9:14 pm Aw, well there goes my fancy hat. Whirl 9:15 pm *perks up* Oh, hey! You brought the wriggler! Definitely Not Shockwave 9:15 pm *He takes note of Whirl and turns back to Bevel.* Really? That's...Highly intriguing! Bull 9:15 pm *catches the pitch* The atmosphere still makes it stronger than normal. *tosses the ball back to Magnum* Windchill 9:15 pm I did! Swoop 9:15 pm You Bob scared? Whirl 9:15 pm And look, there's her future, right there on screen. Specs 9:16 pm *blinks* Wait, she's the baby? Wily 9:16 pm *Did the sheer alarm on his face give it away?* Whirl 9:16 pm Yep! Swoop 9:16 pm *turns Bob's face away and covers his optics* Whirl 9:16 pm *he beeps the Greeting Beep at Blue* Swoop 9:16 pm You Bob scaaardy bot Windchill 9:16 pm *He picks up the wiggler in question, giving her a bounce that doesn't dislodge the blanket shoved in her maw.* Swoop 9:16 pm *giggles and keeps Bob blind* Ali 9:16 pm so what made you all pick this film for tonight? *he takes out a flask of his own while attempting watch* Bevel 9:17 pm I like it but I want to be better at it. Magnum Ace 9:17 pm Yeah, I noticed that a bit too late -catches it before throwing another curve- to do anything Wily 9:17 pm *He'd argue but it is absolutely true* Windchill 9:17 pm Look who it is, Blue. Wily 9:17 pm I AM NOT TRYING TO BE. Whirl 9:17 pm It's me. *draws himself up, with great dignity* Wub. Specs 9:17 pm *imitates Whirl's beeping at the worm* Windchill 9:17 pm *Blue stares once she realizes Whirl is here, and gives a muffled BEEP of greeting.* *Chill snorts.* Whirl 9:17 pm *eyes the dragon sidelong* I taught her that. Omicron 9:17 pm Swoop, if you need, you can hide Bod behind me. I'm big enough and have big wings? Swoop 9:18 pm *peaks between his fingers at Bob* You Bob want to food instead? No movie. Wily 9:18 pm *all the nodding* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:18 pm [[He heard it was a story of good and bad human ghosts battling living humans for the right to a house. Buzzsaw said one of the characters was an artist.]] Windchill 9:18 pm *Blue beeps again, letting the blanket fall back into dad's lap. He limbs wiggle in excitement.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:18 pm [[Ghosts are of some interest to him.]] Swoop 9:18 pm *wiggles out of Bob's grip, hops ot his feet, and holds out both hands for Bob* Bevel 9:18 pm Buzzsaw likes ghosts? Specs 9:18 pm Sorry, was that out of order? Whirl 9:19 pm Nah, we both just said "hello." Definitely Not Shockwave 9:19 pm ...Apologies, I am extremely curious as to your current capabilities. Wily 9:19 pm *Bob takes the hand with one of his smaller ones* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm [[Buzzsaw has no real opinion on them.]] Specs 9:19 pm Oh, good! I was whistling earlier, but she didn't seem to think I was making sense. Me 9:19 pm *mutters* He didn't mention one of the characters is Lockdown. Ali 9:19 pm Hm, many species have superstitions but humans have many very interesting takes on the after life. Whirl 9:19 pm The beeping is a language Prf--that Zori taught me. Swoop 9:19 pm *pulls Bob up and leads him over to the bar and all its goodies* Windchill 9:19 pm That's because in Insecticon, you probably weren't. Specs 9:20 pm Honestly, that's fair. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:20 pm *Glance.* (txt): Lockdown? Which? *None of them have guns for faces or collect body parts.*
[[Have you a favorite?]] Wily 9:20 pm *Follows hunched, and with droopy antennas * Windchill 9:20 pm *Blue reaches grabby hands for Uncle Wub.* Ali 9:20 pm *practically stumbled out of his chair to back away a bit when swoop and Bob approach the bar- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:20 pm [[...Why is there a single wall.]] Bevel 9:20 pm *shifts so that she looks and sounds like Longarm* I can look like almost anyone. Me 9:20 pm Beetleguts. *so close.* Bull 9:21 pm *catches the next pitch before tossing it back and signalling Magnum to try a change up pitch* Swoop 9:21 pm *has no idea what to do, so he settles Bob in front of LOTS of goodies* You Bob eat. Swoop come riiiiight back! Ok? Wily 9:21 pm OKAY. I AM SORRY SWOOPING FRIEND. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:21 pm *Watches the stumbling. Going to privately message Crosscut.*
@CC: [[...You are welcome to share this couch if that one does not suit you.]] Swoop 9:21 pm What sorry for? Whirl 9:21 pm Heh. Nice. Definitely Not Shockwave 9:22 pm *The "gem" on his forehead shines for a split second, out of a mixture of alarm and curiosity.* Wily 9:22 pm YOU ARE MISSING THE MOVIE. Definitely Not Shockwave 9:22 pm And you say you require *assistance* with this ability? Swoop 9:22 pm It ok! Me Swoop miss movie lot of times! You stay and eat goodie. Swoop come back. Whirl 9:22 pm *he holds up his claws, he will take the baby. She's going to get set on the table but he will take her* Wily 9:22 pm OKAY. *he will do as told* Swoop 9:23 pm *and with that Swoop scampers away from Bob and rushes up to Soundwave* Soundwave! Soundwave! Specs 9:23 pm *observes the wom with fascination* Ali 9:23 pm -Crosscut is pressed against the wall closest to the bar before sliding along to take a seat by Prowl and Soundwave instead- Windchill 9:23 pm *Windchill considers this, but hands the Long Worm over.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm *Soundwave picks Swoop up and puts him back by Windchill with feeler.* *No. Sorry.* Windchill 9:23 pm Don't let her eat anybody. Ali 9:23 pm -just away from the bug in general is fine, thanks- Swoop 9:23 pm !! *turns to Windchill instead* Him Bob SCARED! Bevel 9:23 pm *nods, shifting back to the Malgus form she'd been sporting earlier* Yeah, there are not any on my planet who know more than me. They all died during the war and I want to... I need to be better. Swoop 9:23 pm *looks expectantly* Windchill 9:23 pm *He'll be watching, but this is putting the worm back into general Dragon vicinity.* Whirl 9:23 pm *Blue is summarily set upon the table. It is her throne; Whirl speaks with the utmost seriousness* Don't eat my dragon. Windchill 9:24 pm *Windchill turns to Swoop.* Eh? Swoop 9:24 pm Him Bob SCARED of movie. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm @P: (txt): ...Lockdown appears when designation spoken thrice? Magnum Ace 9:24 pm -catches it, and nods- I mean, this last week has been nothing short of hectic -change up pitch incoming- Windchill 9:24 pm *Blue garbles nonsense and flaps her arms on the table.* Definitely Not Shockwave 9:24 pm *He clasps his servos about his waist and tilts his helm.* Omicron 9:24 pm @Soundwave(txt): needs some help with the poor insecticon? *worried chirp* Windchill 9:24 pm ...Does him Bob need to go outside for a break? Swoop 9:25 pm *SHRUGS* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm @I: [[If you believe you can offer it.]] Specs 9:25 pm *the dragon tries not to giggle at the worm antics. cute wom* Swoop 9:25 pm Him scared *looks expectantly at Windchill* Windchill 9:25 pm Bob can sit with me if he's scared. Wily 9:25 pm *Bob is going to town on snacks. Feels a little better* Whirl 9:25 pm *snips his claw at her. Whirl would, under normal circumstances, be trying to put on a tougher front for all the new folks, but he can't hide how delighted he is* Swoop 9:25 pm You make Bob not scared? Windchill 9:25 pm No promises, but I can try. Omicron 9:26 pm @Soundwave(text): I think I can Windchill 9:26 pm *Blue REACHES for the claw.* Bull 9:26 pm Hectic is one word for it. *catches the pitch before tossing it back * Windchill 9:26 pm *Luckily her grasp is slower than her mouth, still. She's not that coordinated.* Swoop 9:26 pm *grabs Windchill's hand* You come tell Bob no more scaredy Bob Whirl 9:26 pm *he will let her take it. She's free to gnaw it, if she likes, Whirl can't feel anything in his claws* *and if she's chewing his claw, she's not eating his dragon* Magnum Ace 9:26 pm -another catch- ...yeah. Good to go back to the movie now? Windchill 9:27 pm *Blue definitely puts her goopy mouth on it, her mandibles twitching.* *Tastes like...Wub!* Me 9:27 pm @Soundwave «He's crass, lewd, obnoxious, nearly intolerable to do business with...» Windchill 9:27 pm *Her butt wiggles, pleased.* Bull 9:27 pm I think so. We'll see how 'strange' the movie is now. Specs 9:27 pm *look at that great wom. an excellent wom* Windchill 9:27 pm *Windchill sighs.* Okay, I can sit on the floor with you guys. Bevel 9:28 pm Insect zoo? Magnum Ace 9:28 pm -hands Bull the ball back- Yeah. Let's go back inside Swoop 9:28 pm *draaaaaaaags Windchill over to the bar to tell Bob to be not scared* Wily 9:28 pm *Is eating a glass* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm *What is that crunching--*
[[Put that glass down.]] Bull 9:29 pm *Stores the ball and mitt back in his storage before following Magnum back in* Wily 9:29 pm *Pauses mid crunch* Whirl 9:29 pm *Whirl occasionally wiggles it for her. He is bravely allowing this to continue, despite her gross mouth* Wily 9:29 pm *Puts the rest of the glass on the counter* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:29 pm [[Thank you.]] Bevel 9:29 pm Do you want to borrow that datapad, Longarm? *motions to the one she gave him earlier* It is only a copy of the data from the Hall. Wily 9:29 pm APOLOGIES. Omicron 9:30 pm Bob, do you like gold crunchies? Magnum Ace 9:30 pm ... Windchill 9:30 pm *Whirl is best uncle. Blue chiiiirrs around his claw, creating more slime.* Wily 9:30 pm I DO NOT KNOW *but the answer is probably yes* Magnum Ace 9:30 pm -turns Bull around- Ali 9:30 pm ((Do you guys think for a testing the waters on different muses sort of thing I could do like an OC? or just canon?)) Windchill 9:31 pm *Grunts, and allows himself to be 'dragged' down to Swoop and Bob's level.* Swoop 9:31 pm *looks up at Windchill and points at Bob at the bar* Tell Him ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm @Prowl: (txt): ...Why interface, if disgusting?
[[Crosscut - you never did tell him what your favorite of their stories is.]] ((it's up to you)) Windchill 9:31 pm Bob. Wily 9:31 pm *whips his head around at his name* Me 9:31 pm @Soundwave «... Business. Obviously.» Ali 9:32 pm Sorry? I must have missed that question. what do you mean? Windchill 9:32 pm *Actually, he interrupts himself to address Whirl.* Wub. I'm down here now. Me 9:32 pm @Soundwave «Sorry—did I accidentally give the impression that I enjoyed it in the very slightest?» Windchill 9:32 pm *NOW for Bob.* Definitely Not Shockwave 9:32 pm *Had been distracted by the movie for a moment before registering Bevel's words.* Ah! Yes, I would. Thank you. Bull 9:32 pm *ugh* ... Windchill 9:32 pm What's up, Bob? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm [[You stated that humans have many interesting stories about the afterlife.]] Wily 9:32 pm THIS MOVIE IS SPOOKY. Whirl 9:32 pm *nods to him* Windchill 9:32 pm Yeah, it is. Swoop 9:32 pm Him Bob is a baaaaby Ali 9:33 pm Ah, yes. Hmm...I'm not sure I have a favorite. Wily 9:33 pm I AM NOT TRYING TO DO THE BEING SCARED THING. Windchill 9:33 pm *Gives Swoop a vicious poke. Shut up.* Swoop 9:33 pm *chirps* Bevel 9:33 pm *nods, will let Longarm enjoy the movie ending now* Wily 9:33 pm I DO NOT LIKE THE JUICE BEETLE MAN HE IS MOST UNKIND. Magnum Ace 9:33 pm -shoving Bull right back out the door. Noooope- Windchill 9:33 pm Neither do I, but he's not real. Specs 9:34 pm I didn't know that you could juice a beetle. Better to eat them raw, isn't it? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:34 pm @Prowl: (txt): Negative. That, confusion reason. *Ponder ponder.* Prowl believes alternative business deal: accepted, if proposed? Wily 9:34 pm .....I KNOW IT IS A MOVIE BUT THE IMAGES ARE SCARY. *Flops on the ground* Swoop 9:34 pm *immediately hops on top of Bob, it is the dinobot way to pile* Windchill 9:34 pm Well. It's okay to be scared. Wily 9:34 pm *Swoop is the best backpack* Whirl 9:35 pm Wow. They're super dead. Bull 9:35 pm ... S-shall we do a few more pitches. *He knows nothing good is going in the movie* Wily 9:35 pm *whines and nods* Ali 9:35 pm There are many of them that have a land or place they believe the dead reside, some that have days or times when they feel the plains of those two realms coexist, allowing their ancestors to 'visit'. I suppose I find ones with those be interesting Magnum Ace 9:35 pm I think that's a good idea. Back outside Windchill 9:35 pm We can go outside, if you like. Wily 9:36 pm *Takes a deep vent* Me 9:36 pm @Soundwave «I go with him because he offers advantageous bargains for extremely cheap prices. I go with /more/ advantageous bargains when they're available. Obviously.» Wily 9:36 pm NO. NO IT IS OK. Specs 9:36 pm ((wheeze)) Wily 9:36 pm I WILL DO THIS THING. IT IS NOT REAL. Windchill 9:36 pm *Blue finally gets tired of slobbering Whirl's claw and BEEPS.* Omicron 9:36 pm *Ice Queen gets up and moves over to the bar and shakes out her wings a little snffs at Bob from one side* Whirl 9:36 pm *looks down, beeping back* Specs 9:36 pm *peeps at the wom* Windchill 9:37 pm Okay, Bob. That's very brave of you. The more you watch it the less scary it will be. Probably. *Worm butt wiggles.* Wily 9:38 pm *nods* Swoop 9:38 pm *pats Bob* Bull 9:38 pm How about trying a few more fastballs? *pulls the glove and ball back out* Wily 9:38 pm *He will try to convince himself of this* THANK YOU. Windchill 9:38 pm Most of these aren't scary at all the next time you watch them. *He nods.* Swoop 9:39 pm Him Sunstreaker tell Me Swoop that Bob is pacifist. No fighting. Real fighting. But him not say no fake stuff. Whirl 9:39 pm Oh, look, Blue, it's you. *directs her attention to the screen* ...well. it WAS you. Windchill 9:39 pm *Blue watches his claw instead.* Whirl 9:39 pm There she is. A star. Specs 9:40 pm Oh, goddess. That's something else. Magnum Ace 9:40 pm Yeah, that sounds good. -adjusting his mitt again, gives Bull enough time to settle, before throwing a fastball- Windchill 9:40 pm *Chill tilts his head back* She doesn't really watch TV. I tried to get her to watch The Lord of the Rings and she did anything but. Whirl 9:40 pm Maybe she;s more of a stage play kinda worm. Windchill 9:40 pm *Shrugs.* Whirl 9:41 pm Praise Heqet. Specs 9:41 pm I don't know of any opera worms. Whirl 9:41 pm *solemnly* Windchill 9:41 pm *Blue peeps insistently and inches to get closer to her dear Uncle Wub.* Whirl 9:42 pm *he sits up a little taller to make sure the dragon is out of her reach, but otherwise allows her to wiggle closer* Bevel 9:42 pm Music number time! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm @Prowl: (txt): If believed preferable, offer non-interface Soundwave favor. Then, unpleasant personal interaction: avoided. If not, discard present comment.
*He would rather chop his cables off than deal with someone who acted like the Beetle creature. He'd prefer Prowl not need to either if there are other ways around things.*
[[You mean like the... which one was it. The Book of the D... no. The Book of Life.]] Omicron 9:42 pm *the predacon gets some energon and moves back to her spot, grooming her foreclaws* Wily 9:42 pm *Oop. The music is most amusing* Swoop 9:42 pm *cocks his head at Bob* You music bug? Windchill 9:43 pm *The worm migrates to Whirl's lap, and nearly hits her FOOL head on his chest.* Wily 9:43 pm IT IS SILLY Swoop 9:43 pm YOU silly kehhehh Whirl 9:43 pm PFFT. Ali 9:43 pm I'm not sure what that is. Wily 9:43 pm YOU ARE ALSO SILLY Whirl 9:43 pm *sits back a bit and tries to wrangle her into a more comfortable position* You were born way too big for this, you little pest. Swoop 9:44 pm *bounces with the music* Me 9:44 pm @Soundwave «I need more than one asset, you know.» Wily 9:44 pm *IT'S OVER. HE MADE IT* Bevel 9:44 pm *good job Bob* Windchill 9:44 pm *Blue doesn't CARE. Whirl has a fancy wiggle sash now.* Wily 9:44 pm *wiggles with Swoop* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm [[Ah. A young man voluntarily dies believing he is going to find his lover in the Allsp-- the human afterlife. At some point, he learns that it is possible for the dead to join him in the realm of the living.]] Specs 9:44 pm Impossible. She was born perfectly designed to be adorable. Omicron 9:45 pm -gives Bob and swoop a happy chirp- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:45 pm @Prowl: (txt): ...Other assets not banned.
*Where did that come from?* Bull 9:45 pm *after a few fastballs Bull signals Magnum to do a few screwballs* Wily 9:45 pm *chitters* Whirl 9:45 pm *stage whisper* Which is a damn miracle considering her dad. *sly glance at Windchill* Specs 9:45 pm *cackles* Windchill 9:45 pm She was... *Chill looks back to see what his spawn is up to, can't even pretend to be surprised at what he finds.* ...You talking shit about me? Specs 9:46 pm I'm complimenting the baby. u_u Swoop 9:46 pm *chirps and giggles* Him Sunstreaker right. You Bob not for fighting. You PLAY bot, kehehh. Ali 9:46 pm Ah, well than yes I suppose. There are quite a few cultures on Earth that hold similar beliefs. It's just the one that stands out to me, it's one with a more pleasant outlook on things Windchill 9:46 pm Good. She deserves all of the compliments. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm *Maybe he'll just be quiet and leave the subject alone. He doesn't understand where he's messed up and continuing on with it will probably make it worse.* Definitely Not Shockwave 9:46 pm ((Ah, the movie ended already.)) Wily 9:46 pm I DO NOT LIKE MAKING OWIES. PLAY FIGHTING IS FUN. Definitely Not Shockwave 9:46 pm *We presume that longarm was paying attention to it instead of staring absentmindedly at the screen.* Omicron 9:46 pm Its not nice to. *still grooming* Whirl 9:46 pm I'M the one talking shit about you. Wily 9:46 pm NOT REAL FIGHTING. Windchill 9:47 pm Yeah, I noticed. Definitely Not Shockwave 9:47 pm Oh dear, what are we watching now? Specs 9:47 pm It's teamwork. Whirl talks shit about, I compliment the baby, and we merge from there. Wily 9:47 pm *the relation between that and him being spooked by the movie is lost on him* Magnum Ace 9:47 pm -nods in agreement, and switches pitches- Think it's over? The movie I mean. Whirl 9:47 pm It's my solemn duty. *attempts to look solemn with a dragon on one shoulder and a huge grub wriggling sort-of in his lap* Windchill 9:47 pm *Reaches over to give Bob a pat.* We good, now? Specs 9:47 pm *the dragon gets Real Poofy in order to look like a proper epaulette* Wily 9:47 pm *Nods, plates shuffling at helm pats* Windchill 9:48 pm *It's too late for you, Whirl, you look ridiculous.* Wily 9:48 pm I AM OK. THANK YOU. YOU ARE VERY NICE. Windchill 9:48 pm Okay. I'm going back to my seat. *He's easy to find though, if he needs to come back.* Swoop 9:49 pm You Bob good at eat things. Us do instead kehhh Definitely Not Shockwave 9:49 pm ...Those ghosts spent all that time ensuring that those two weren't romantically involved only for them to go on...Interdimensional dates together later? Windchill 9:49 pm *Moves his giant butt back to the chair where he can supervise his worm.* Wily 9:49 pm *Bob is gonna tuck himself into a buggy loaf and hunker down* OK ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm ((this isn't the one i thought i bookmarked. damn it. well, i don't feel like digging it back up. we'll have this one and the second one and just cope)) Swoop 9:49 pm *gives Bob a dish with a few goodies left on it, the goodies are a coincidence though, Swoop's looking at the dish with a grin* Bull 9:50 pm Maybe; we would need to go back and check. Wily 9:50 pm *Bob eats the dish* Swoop 9:50 pm *claps* Windchill 9:50 pm *Blue, finally, settles down. For now.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm [[It is his understanding that sequels do not follow the logic of the original material.]] Swoop 9:50 pm Again! Again! Magnum Ace 9:50 pm ...right. Think we should? Ali 9:50 pm They really did make everything into a cartoon. Wily 9:50 pm BUT THERE IS NO MORE DISH??? *He can not eat a thing he already ate* Swoop 9:51 pm *looks around for something else for Bob to eat* Definitely Not Shockwave 9:51 pm Hm. Poor writing. Whirl 9:51 pm All right, Blue, time to go on back. I need a drink, and I don't think they let grubs at the bar. Swoop 9:51 pm *grabs a pillow off the sofa and holds it out for Bob* Wily 9:51 pm *CHOMP* Bevel 9:51 pm He is not a very good jester. Specs 9:51 pm Oh! *the dragon perks up* I brought you something, too. Same thing as last time, though. Swoop 9:52 pm *CLAPS* Definitely Not Shockwave 9:52 pm Indeed. Wily 9:52 pm oO Oo Whirl 9:52 pm *he will pass her back to Windchill. He only now glances about the room, and is satisfied that they were watching the movie too closely to see him being embarrassingly paternal. Good* Windchill 9:52 pm *Reaches to take his worm back.* Whirl 9:52 pm ...*with the exception of the dragon* Oh, yeah? I... completely forgot what it was, but something I could taste, right? Me 9:52 pm *... Okay, he'll try that again.* Swoop 9:52 pm *picks up a chair* : > Wily 9:53 pm *Opens maw* Windchill 9:53 pm Blue: Wub! *It is time to yell.* Swoop 9:53 pm *is absolutely putting a chair in Bob's face if no one stops him* Bull 9:53 pm We can try at least. Windchill 9:53 pm *Chill gives her a bounce to maybe shut her up.* Wily 9:53 pm *Will absolutely eat this chair if no one stops him* *The chair is doomed* Specs 9:53 pm Cobalt, melanterite, and molybdenite. Wily 9:53 pm *CHOMP* Windchill 9:53 pm BOB! Wily 9:54 pm ???? Swoop 9:54 pm *SQUEALS* YAAAYYY! No more chair! : > Windchill 9:54 pm Don't eat Soundwave's things! Specs 9:54 pm ((I only wrote down part of it I hope that last one was the right one >_> )) Magnum Ace 9:54 pm -comes back in to see Bob eating a chair- ....... Wily 9:54 pm OOPS. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm *Soundwave vents. Out go Swoop and Bob.* Swoop 9:54 pm You Bob VERY good at EATING : > Bull 9:54 pm What the? Specs 9:54 pm That's a little more than an oops. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm *Sorry, kiddos. Naughty younglings get put in the bridge wiggler.* Wily 9:55 pm WE CAN FIX IT WITH THE GLUE? Windchill 9:55 pm *SIGHS.* Swoop 9:55 pm *gets space bridged back to the Ark with Bob* Omicron 9:55 pm *looks up from her grooming, pauses to check everyone, and goes back to what makes her beast mode happy* Swoop 9:55 pm ((Swoop and Bob made it through the movie. THat is something LOL)) Wily 9:55 pm *Welp. It was fun while it lasted even if it was scary at parts* Whirl 9:55 pm Oh, yeah. Hell, I'll take it! Wily 9:55 pm ((Toddlers actually did minimal damage all things considered XD)) Whirl 9:55 pm *ah, the WUBing begins. They should have named her Dubstep* Magnum Ace 9:55 pm -that was mildly terrifying- Windchill 9:56 pm *Dubstep is not an obviously Insecticon name!* Swoop 9:56 pm ((It's fine. Swoop's going to just feed Bob more stuff at the Ark. Although one wonders how Sunstreaker will take it once he finds out Swoop showed Bob a spooky movie.)) Specs 9:56 pm ^u^ *the most proud of puffs* Chef Specs, happy to serve! Whirl 9:56 pm *he's surrounded by cute things that are smaller than he is, HOW IS HE SUPPOSED TO KEEP HIS TOUGH GUY IMAGE UP AROUND ALL THIS* Bull 9:56 pm I'm not sure if this show is worse or better than the movie. Specs 9:57 pm *dragons are VERY tough* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm *Don't ask Soundwave, Whirl. He never figured it out himself.* Windchill 9:57 pm *Blue is super tough, just look at her!* Whirl 9:57 pm Go on and set it on the table, while I see what I can get in the way of booze. Windchill 9:57 pm *She's peering at Whirl from over dad's shoulder, waiting.* Magnum Ace 9:57 pm I...don't know either. Maybe...we should be getting home? Definitely Not Shockwave 9:57 pm If the netherworld is naturally strange and gross, why does their royalty not follow suit? Wily 9:57 pm ((Sunstreaker may not be happy, Swoop)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm [[Royalty always likes to imagine itself above the standards they set.]] Definitely Not Shockwave 9:58 pm ....Indeed, fair. Swoop 9:58 pm ((I look forward to the scolding XD)) Specs 9:58 pm Alright, I'll roll it over! *flies off to get Whirl's drink for him* Whirl 9:58 pm *he resist looking at her for a moment longer before he slooowly swivels his helm around. And zoops his neck. And gives a warbling-wail beep, which people fluent in Beep will know is a curse word* Me 9:58 pm @Soundwave «If I am pursuing the services of a bounty hunter, it's because I need services which a bounty hunter can better provide than anyone else. Someone who has a ship and a large crew that he can dedicate to nothing except hunting down a difficult target.» Swoop 9:59 pm ((ok imma head out)) Me 9:59 pm @Soundwave «You have a full-time job already.» ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm ((night!!)) Omicron 9:59 pm *Ice Queen chirps at whirl* Wily 9:59 pm ((same. Gotta sleep. Night! It was nice meeting everyone!)) Bevel 10:00 pm ((night y'all Windchill 10:00 pm *Chill turns his head to give Whirl an Eye, Blue imitates the same swear-beep back at him.* Magnum Ace 10:00 pm ((g'night! Omicron 10:00 pm (have a nice night!) Windchill 10:00 pm (( Goodnight! )) Me 10:00 pm ((gnight)) Bull 10:00 pm Yeah; it's a bit too weird after everything over the last week. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm @Prowl: (txt): ...Bounty hunter, services not replaced. Interface payment replaced, if Prowl believes Lockdown accepts. That, offer purpose. Definitely Not Shockwave 10:01 pm ((The poor cgi really makes it.)) Magnum Ace 10:02 pm Yeah. Last week was...a mess. Time to go home then. Me 10:02 pm @Soundwave «The reason I arranged that payment with him is because it's a massive discount from anything else on the market.» Whirl 10:03 pm *he blinks and looks over to Ice Queen, drawing himself up and looking marginally more dignified* Yeah? *is is so very proud of you, Blue. Cussing like a sailor, just as he taught you* Omicron 10:03 pm Ice Queen: I know of you. 😊 I like ya Definitely Not Shockwave 10:04 pm (( I"m very curious as to what episode you had in mind, Soundwave.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm ((tbh i barely remember i was tired as heck this afternoon. i just remember i got tired of this one and decided not to use it)) Whirl 10:04 pm *peers* That... doesn't sound like something someone who's heard of me would say... who do you think I am, anyway? Windchill 10:05 pm *And there goes the spawn, trying to climb up dad's head.* *Windchill allows this, but raises a hand to keep her from falling. He can see nothing.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm *Nods. If that's Prowl's decision regarding the cost, that's fine.*
@P (txt): Understood. Discard, per suggestion. Omicron 10:05 pm Whirl the wrecker and former wrecker, acts a lot like someone in my line of... 'work' Definitely Not Shockwave 10:06 pm ((Ah! The skeleton man! I like that guy.)) Whirl 10:06 pm And that'd be? Omicron 10:06 pm -gives a fanged grin- Pirate Definitely Not Shockwave 10:07 pm (( Oh what a fuckboy.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm ((get lost princeboy)) Bevel 10:08 pm *agrees with Lydia, being friends is the best* Me 10:08 pm ((he gets over it quickly. i appreciate that.)) Ali 10:08 pm ((I'm gonna go)) Windchill 10:08 pm (( Gnight! )) Whirl 10:08 pm ((gnight!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:09 pm ((rest well)) Me 10:09 pm ((gnight)) Definitely Not Shockwave 10:09 pm ((Rest well.) Bull 10:09 pm ((Same; I'm gonna head out. Night)) Omicron 10:09 pm [have a good night!] Specs 10:09 pm ((night!)) Whirl 10:09 pm Mm-hmm. *he's still a bit reserved* I know a couple of pirates. You're not here looking to COLLECT, are you? Cos I've got half the galaxy after my bounty, and if so, then I suggest we take this outside. ((and also gnight!)) Windchill 10:10 pm *Muffled* No bounty hunting! *The worm squeaks, dad's blowing and yelling on her weak underbelly.* Omicron 10:10 pm Pffft, no, I'm more of a...smuggler then a hunter. more so when I have clutches on board... *snorts and shakes head* besides, I busted out of PLENTY of jjails and brigs that both Autobots and Decepticons are not pleased with me Magnum Ace 10:11 pm -time to go, this is weird- Soundwave? Can we get a bridge home? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:11 pm [[Of course.]] Whirl 10:11 pm Well, if you're an enemy to Autobots, then I'm sure I don't have to tell you to watch yourself. *another curt nod before he makes his way, at last, to the bar* Omicron 10:12 pm I wouldn't say an enemy to them, more anoyance Magnum Ace 10:12 pm -and as soon as it's up, he and Bull are going home. Good night everyone!- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:12 pm ((goodnight y'all)) Omicron 10:12 pm [good night again!] Me 10:12 pm ((it is REALLY weird watching beetlejuice being friends with lydia right after watching him peeking up people's skirts and trying to drag lydia into a child marriage)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:13 pm ((yeah there's a huge disconnect there)) Definitely Not Shockwave 10:13 pm So they decided to keep the parents, but they didn't keep the ghost couple who *actually* decides to take care of lydia? Bevel 10:13 pm ((did the maitlands just disappear? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:13 pm ((but i couldn't think of what else to fill the other 30 minutes with that wouldn't be completely unrelated)) Me 10:13 pm ((~AU timeline~)) Whirl 10:14 pm *is the bar being tended? He cranes his neck over to see if Ravage is about, and if so, he's lookin for his usual* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm *Ravage is snoozing, but if Whirl is careful, he ought to be able to wake the mech up without losing a limb.* Whirl 10:15 pm *what are his odds of mixing a drink without waking Ravage at all?* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:16 pm *How quiet can Whirl be?* Definitely Not Shockwave 10:16 pm *He's going to take his leave about now. It has been an....Interesting night. He nods to all familiar parties.* Bevel 10:16 pm *waves goodbye* Me 10:17 pm *A glance at the leaving Autobot; but doesn't say anything. Maybe next week.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:17 pm ((byeeee!)) Omicron 10:17 pm *waves a wing at* Whirl 10:18 pm *pretty quiet, when he needs to be; he'll start by snagging the necessary bottles and mixing it at a nearby table* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm *In that case, Ravage will wake up (because like hell is he not doing so) but he will pretend to be asleep.* Specs 10:19 pm *the dragon yawns suddenly. it's time for furry beasts to sleep* Goodnight! *beeps at Wub and heads off* Windchill 10:19 pm *Tries to pry his daughter off of his face, fails miserably and only gets an indignant peep for his troubles. He's lucky she hasn;t developed claws yet.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm [[Goodnight, dragon.]] Windchill 10:19 pm *Muffled 'bye'* Whirl 10:19 pm *bobs his head at the dragon* Whirl 10:20 pm *and there. His Gaugebuster is mixed. He'll consider this an IOU situation* Whirl 10:22 pm ...you mind if I bring this glass back next week, Soundwave? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm *Whirl escapes with all his pieces intact.*
[[He doesn't mind. He's sure you know Ravage can and will find you if you don't.]] Whirl 10:23 pm Pfft, as if I'd risk the wrath of the bartender. You know how much power you give to the person who mixes your booze? A lot. That's how much. Omicron 10:24 pm That's not a lie Whirl 10:24 pm Anyway-- *he'll set the glass down and pop on over to say goodnight to Blue. And also Windchill, maybe, while he's there. But he's clearly here to see the wriggler* Catch you two later. *the claw is offered for gnawing, one last time* Windchill 10:24 pm *Blue GRABS it, just to hold and yell at.* Whirl 10:24 pm And, Shovel! I'll probably be calling you over in this next week or so, maybe, if you're still interested in demolishing the inside of that ship. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:24 pm [[Goodnight.]]
@W: [[And don't worry. He'll erase the tapes of you handling the younglings.]] Whirl 10:24 pm ........... Me 10:24 pm *... oh right, Prowl was going to—* Whirl 10:24 pm @S: Thanks. Windchill 10:25 pm *More muffling* You headed out? Me 10:25 pm *...... never mind. it seems stupid now that he's sober.* Whirl 10:25 pm *well he suppose he shouldn't be surprised that Soundwave observed it* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm *Going to what?* Bevel 10:25 pm *looks up from a datapad, oh right that she can.. she can definitely probably be back for that* Yeah ok! Whirl 10:25 pm *snickers* There it is! Music to my audials. She's destined for the opera, Chill. And yep. Windchill 10:26 pm That's 'cause she takes after ME. And her mom. *Snorts. His mate just sings...differently, is all.* 'Kay. Oh! *That's enough to get a wiggle out of the worm, her abdomen is still getting the brunt of Windchill's speech here.* I forgot. I got the gun. It was so distracting that I forgot to update you, but now you know. Whirl 10:28 pm *bobs his head* Gotcha. And, yeah... new guns usually are. Windchill 10:28 pm We should test it out. In fact, I have an idea. We go to your place, later, you show me your boat and I show you my gun. That would be efficient, see. Whirl 10:30 pm Works for me. Plenty of space out there for target practice. Windchill 10:30 pm Cool. Okay, you're dismissed. Say 'bye' to Whirl, Blue. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:30 pm *Huffs softly at Prime's lines.* Whirl 10:31 pm *snorts* How gracious. All right, see all you losers later! *scoops his cup back up* Windchill 10:31 pm *Blue says "BLAH!" which is close enough.* Whirl 10:31 pm *oh, wait, he must wait for this goodbye* Bevel 10:31 pm *welp she's gonna go, she needs to finish reading these and... the music is not helping* Whirl 10:31 pm Excellent. She's the most eloquent baby insecticon I've ever met. Windchill 10:31 pm That's 'cause she's so smart, duh! Omicron 10:31 pm *eyeing the music, then soundwave* Windchill 10:31 pm Gets it from the other one. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm *Soundwave nods absently to Bevel and looks at the Predacon. What?* Windchill 10:32 pm *Blue beeps* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm *When you have to watch dozens to hundreds of timelines, you take your humor where you can get it.* Whirl 10:32 pm *he's in a good mood, so he will not say anything snide about Blue's mom* *and, with one last head-bob, he trots off* Omicron 10:32 pm *Icy is making a face from the wierd song before, it was painful to her audios* Windchill 10:32 pm *Good.* *Chill waves, seeing as he can't see anything.* Bevel 10:33 pm *...sits back down for Starscream video* Windchill 10:34 pm *The worm peeps mournfully, her favourite Wub is gone.* Bevel 10:36 pm That was terrible. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:36 pm [[He found it rather amusing, himself.]] Bevel 10:36 pm *sticks her tongue out at Soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:36 pm *Zori suddenly peeps out from Soundwave's throat.* #the red Starscream!! #oh I miss him Me 10:37 pm ((i like how we went from a hilarious g1 starscream/lion king video to an angsty armada starscream/lion king video)) ((oh look and in the sidebar we have an armada starscream amv to linkin park! that's peak 2003, right there)) Bevel 10:37 pm ((amazing Omicron 10:38 pm *thoughtful and looks at soundwave, forelegs cross* sooo...it is okay to bring a hatching with one coming here? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:38 pm [[If you can control them.]] Windchill 10:39 pm *Raises hand* I have a hatchling on my face. She hatched. From an egg. Omicron 10:39 pm Oh I can, and they can't go far at the moment anyway Windchill 10:39 pm Which is what you hatch from. Omicron 10:39 pm Most of my hatch from eggs too! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm [[And you, Windchill, are surprisingly skilled with younglings. He owes you for your assistance tonight.]] Bevel 10:40 pm *Optimus video? yep she's out bye* *she's leaving, the mun is staying because this video is epic af* Windchill 10:40 pm *Gives Soundwave a thumbs up.* I've had a few brats in my time. Bevel 10:43 pm ((soooooo good ItsyBitsySpyers 10:43 pm [[He was only aware of this one.]] Windchill 10:44 pm That's because she's the brattiest. *Blue demonstrates this by shoving a foot in Windchill's eye, and he doesn't even bother to protest at this point.* Ugh. I've had her and one before. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm [[Where are the others?]] Omicron 10:45 pm that looks like what some of mine do when they try and fly before they are ready...... Windchill 10:46 pm *Grunts.* Grown up, that's where. *Don't ask, honestly. It's a mess.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:46 pm [[Ah. He sees.]] Me 10:46 pm ((... oh that's right, i need to finish playing wfc and foc someday)) Windchill 10:47 pm Blue isn't going to fly, she's just being a butt. I'm not even sure if she'll have wings yet. *He reaches up, gently prodding two proto-limbs on her back, which wiggle at the disturbance.* But she might. Omicron 10:47 pm (I love those games, they helped my with writing things on cybertron and cyber-fauna ) Windchill 10:47 pm (( They're pretty good! I need to replay them. Rise of the Dark Spark is good for the Cybertron bits and you get to play as SHOCKWAVE, FINALLY, but the Tyran stuff drags it down. )) Me 10:48 pm ((i love the aesthetic in them. every time i open the game i take like 50 screenshots.)) ((what am i going to do with the screenshots? i don't know.)) Omicron 10:48 pm (same them!) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm *Soundwave nods to Windchill. From what he understands of young produced that way, it will be a long time before they see such changes in the grub.* *His attention is mostly focused on the screen, though. Thinking. Like you do.* Omicron 10:49 pm Megatron was an aft in that world <_<;; ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm [[Yes, he was.]] [[But so was he. And most everyone else.]] Windchill 10:50 pm *It will be A WHILE. She's just over 15 feet long now and could grow to anywhere between 60 and a hundred. That's why she eats so much.* Me 10:50 pm I've found that he is in the vast majority of universes. Windchill 10:50 pm You say that as if— *is beaten by Prowl.* Yeah. Omicron 10:50 pm well, true enough. I meant how he treated the civilions Me 10:51 pm ... I say "vast majority" as if it hasn't applied to one hundred percent of the Megatrons I have witnessed or been made aware of so far. Omicron 10:51 pm he had the whole 'you stay under my rule, or leave' thing, then when those unarmed mecha tried to leave he started shooting the ships down ItsyBitsySpyers 10:51 pm [[He knows of some who weren't. He has lost contact with their worlds, but he did know.]] [[But they were drops to an ocean.]] Me 10:52 pm ... You say that as though other Megatrons don't display similar tactics and behavior. In my universe he shot down fleeing neutral ships as well. Omicron 10:52 pm I witnessed it in a world like that *shrugs* I know he likely did Omicron 10:54 pm well, to move on from this, soundwave, you have a lovely bar here by the way. Very roomy! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm [[Thank you. It is designed to handle a crowd filled with tytons.]] [[...Very large mechs. Taller than Predaking.]] Windchill 10:55 pm *Snorts.* I feel personally attacked. Omicron 10:56 pm I appreciate it for what its worth, I like being able to stretch out in beast mode in doors.... its hard a lot of other places ItsyBitsySpyers 10:56 pm [[Don't be. He is merely acknowledging its intended capacity.]] Me 10:56 pm *looks at the roof skeptically.* ... You're not fitting any titans in here. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm *Slow glance over.* [[...They are in here every weekend.]] Omicron 10:57 pm maybe a young one? Me 10:57 pm ... Do your titans turn into shacks instead of cities? Omicron 10:57 pm avatar forms? Windchill 10:58 pm *Almost spits, but his spawn is messy enough without and so he refrains.* Me 10:58 pm *no wonder Soundwave didn't get the metrotitan limerick* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:58 pm [[Cities? Why would they turn int-- oh.]] *Helm shake.* [[No, no. Tyton. It's - a size category. You are thinking of Supremes.]] [[That is what they are here, anyway.]] Windchill 10:59 pm I don't think I've heard of it. Me 10:59 pm ... Titans are supremes, and tytons aren't titans. *Flatly.* So who's on first. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:59 pm [[Him, usually.]] Omicron 10:59 pm O_o ItsyBitsySpyers 11:00 pm [[Laserbeak takes turns playing music when he is on break though.]]
*Visor: great poker face.* Me 11:00 pm *HUFF.* Omicron 11:00 pm I could add a layer to this Prowl Me 11:00 pm Do. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:00 pm [[And he isn't surprised you haven't, Windchill. He finds it's unfamiliar off his world.]] Omicron 11:01 pm in my world there's different classes of Titians. and Supremes Windchill 11:02 pm That could be. Where I'm from, anyone larger than, say, Megatron, is classed as a giant fuck. It's a broad category. Omicron 11:03 pm XD ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm *Huff.* [[And what is Megatron? A pathetic one?]] Windchill 11:03 pm *Not the actual terminology, but the sentiment is there.* Me 11:03 pm So, in this universe, your "tytons" cap out at... *glances calculatingly over Soundwave, then at the ceiling.* ... Shuttles, probably? Windchill 11:04 pm He's just Megatron, I think. Omicron 11:04 pm If I remember right, there's platforms who are mostly under the surface of Cybertron, the city-formers on the surface. Stastions that are basicly a city in orbit. Then the ships in deeper space *looks up too* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:05 pm *Someone's in hidden bitter mode tonight.*
[[Mm, yes. Somewhere around that.]] *Nodding at Icy.* [[Yes. Trypticon was a space station, once.]] [[If we're offering examples.]] Omicron 11:05 pm He was fun to visit once... ItsyBitsySpyers 11:06 pm *Hello, instant suspicion.* [[And what would you be doing visiting that station.]] Windchill 11:06 pm *Shudders.* Me 11:06 pm What are we? *"We" as in himself and Soundwave; they're about the same height, they ought to be in the same size category, yes?* Windchill 11:07 pm You couldn't pay me to so much as look in Trypticon's direction, honestly. *Finally, Blue gets bored of lounging on dad's head and climbs down to coil against his chest, looking around at the remaining curiously.* *Chill vents a sigh of relief.* Omicron 11:08 pm He used to be fun! in my world at least. Before the whole dark energon and forcing out of octane and any other mech that could calm him down -chirps at the hatchling?- ItsyBitsySpyers 11:09 pm *Plating twitch. At least she seems to disapprove of that.* Omicron 11:10 pm Sorry Soundwave, I know that stuff is nasty in many worlds Windchill 11:10 pm *The worm smacks her lips.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:12 pm [[Then you're a cut above the rest. And he takes it you were never on the Nemesis, then, Windchill? Or is that not Trypticon where you are from?]]
*Said while eyeing Prowl critically* Windchill 11:13 pm Never. My...talents would have been wasted there anyway. Omicron 11:13 pm (I realized I was sliding around my kitchen doing a stupid dance to this song) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:14 pm [[Probably for the best. All things considered.]]
((lol)) Omicron 11:14 pm You're hatchling I hope knows better then to eat other hatchlings? Windchill 11:16 pm Nope. She'll eat anyone. I keep her with me for a reason. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:16 pm *Taps his finger against his thigh once in a decisive sort of way. Nods at Prowl now.*
[[-His- translates to peregrine. He is not experienced with classifying, but he thinks -you- would be a troqus. Troquae, were there more of you.]] Windchill 11:16 pm Well, Whirl's allowed to watch her. He knows. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:16 pm [[But only by a little bit. You could also be the class below it.]] Me 11:16 pm ... We're different sizes? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:17 pm [[You're not a flight model.]] Windchill 11:17 pm The first thing she did after hatching was to bite a chunk out of her carrier's hand. He was so proud, once the shock wore off. Me 11:17 pm ... Ah. So they're alt-mode categories as well. Omicron 11:17 pm ah, okay then, I'll stay over here then *keeps one wings more firmly folded on her back* Windchill 11:18 pm Good plan. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:18 pm [[Mixtures, yes.]] Me 11:18 pm What's the size down from troqus? Omicron 11:18 pm *listens in now* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:19 pm [[Carozzi. That was his, originally.]] Windchill 11:19 pm You can visit with her, but if she can get her hands on you she can get her mouth on you, and that's when things get...messy. Omicron 11:20 pm I'm more worried about my hatchling them myself. Kibble can be shed. its hard as hell but its possable Windchill 11:21 pm Yeah. Blue is...not a good playmate. Omicron 11:21 pm not all predacons start big Windchill 11:21 pm *Shrugs.* I wouldn't know about Predacons. Omicron 11:22 pm most are colony based, not unlike insecticons in some ways Windchill 11:23 pm *Vents deeply.* ...Yeah. Omicron 11:23 pm do you have a colony? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:24 pm *Listening. Might be useful in his dealings with Predaking. He's already got the gift he thought up.* Windchill 11:24 pm I'm not an Insecticon. Me 11:24 pm *Prowl has seen Soundwave's original frame. Prowl is barely taller and certainly less bulky than that. Firmly:* Carozzi. Windchill 11:26 pm *He might not be, but the thing in his lap? Yeah.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:26 pm *Prowl is better armored and less maneuverable, but he did say it was a close call, and he thinks Prowl ought to have the final say when it comes to that anyway.*
[[Carozzi, then.]] Me 11:26 pm *Prowl isn't picturing himself in his better armored and less maneuverable frame. A nod.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:27 pm *Ahhh. There you are, then.* Omicron 11:27 pm You don't really have to be an insecticon to be in a colony. hive. family group? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:29 pm [[He doubts you will have reason to spend much time here, as this isn't your home.]] And unlike Soundwave, Prowl isn't working for anyone on this Cybertron. [[But if you ever hear the word, now you will know what it is.]] Windchill 11:30 pm *Shrugs, fighting the urge to give the Predacon a dark look.* Sure. Me 11:30 pm I do spend an average of five hours a week here Omicron 11:31 pm *Icy lifts her forepaws a bit and settles back, she's smart enough to sense bad things might happen and looks around* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:32 pm [[Elsewhere here. The cities.]] *Quick glance over to Windchill and Icy. Is he going to have to intervene?* [[Or the Pits.]] Windchill 11:33 pm *It's nothing personal, he's just...touchy about that subject.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:33 pm [[...What is he where you are from?]] Omicron 11:33 pm *Icy would prefer not to fight or stress anyone out. not really.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:33 pm *Is it just the taxonomy entry?* Me 11:35 pm We don't really categorize by size. Size is kind of just an accidental side-effect of different alt-modes. Windchill 11:35 pm *He can control himself, it's nothing to be upset about. But, as Insecticons are among the Least Favoured of Primus' children, he's prone to getting defensive.* Omicron 11:36 pm (for what its worth, Icy loves insecticons.) Me 11:37 pm Broadly, you'd be some kind of combat aircraft. I'd have to look it up to see exactly what you are. Omicron 11:37 pm Would I just be a beast former? In your world I mean Me 11:38 pm ... In YOUR world, you aren't Cybertronian, are you? I mean—you're from Cybertron, but you aren't a member of the species called "Cybertronians." Correct? Windchill 11:39 pm *Blue, sensing her parent's ire, rediscovers the blanket she's been sitting next to, and promptly throws it on the floor.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:39 pm [[Unmanned aerial vehicle. From a human perspective. We didn't have shapes like this.]]
*Ah, now here is a thing he wants to hear those two talk about.* *Refrains from chuckling at Blue's antics, but it's hard.* Omicron 11:40 pm Well, yes, I am a cybertronian. Even those sparked off word are. Unless they do not want to be as such *Predacon blinked confused at Prowl* Me 11:41 pm You wouldn't be called an "unmanned aerial vehicle," you ARE the one manning yourself. Again—I'd have to look it up. You're built lighter and with less combat capabilities, I think that would put you under a different alt-mode than—for example—someone like Starscream. But, I don't know. You might be in the same category as him. Windchill 11:41 pm *Chill scoffs, leans forward to pick up the crumpled blanket with a grunt, and hands it back to his spawn, who accepts it eagerly.* That is not how we behave, young lady. Omicron 11:41 pm I am a primal Predacon, what your frame kinds evolved out of Prowl, in time...but I am Cybertronian from where I com from ItsyBitsySpyers 11:42 pm *That's actually kind of pleasing. He doesn't like the unmanned bit any more than he's ever liked the "drone" alternative.*
*...What happens if he stretches a feeler toward Blue - keeping it out of reach, of course - and wiggles the claws at her?* Me 11:42 pm Sorry, I thought you were— A Predacon, yes? In his universe, *gestures at Soundwave* Predacons are a different species from... Cybertronians-who-are-the-species-Cybertronian-and-not-just-from-Cybertron. Your Predacons are /not/ a member of a separate species, then? *honestly, why would Cybertronians call themselves "unmanned" if they ARE the man?* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:43 pm *They wouldn't. He said it was from the human perspective.* Windchill 11:43 pm *Windchill raises a hand, seeing as its free for the moment.* *Blue eyes the feeler, trying to decide if she's hungry enough to try stalking it or if, maybe, it's a toy. Kind of the same thing.* Omicron 11:44 pm If you want to get technical I guess we are a different species? I guarantee you have far more advanced internals and organs then I do. Windchill 11:45 pm *She shoves her blanket in her mouth, her practically vestigial legs kicking in place.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:45 pm *Wiggly tendrils. Eat that blanket, youngling. Give it the gnawing of its life.* Me 11:46 pm If we are different species, then you wouldn't be categorized as a "beastformer" or anything else. We don't try to put different species in our own species's taxonomy. It's like asking what type of Cybertronian an Ardurian roc is. No type of Cybertronian. They're from Arduria. Windchill 11:46 pm Where I'm from, different frame types are said to be derived from various Primes. Predacons and Insecticons are, supposedly, the most ancient and the original beastformers, but not necessarily the ancestors of other types. I never really looked into it though, so that's as much as I'm aware of. *Blue can't reach, but she's gonna swipe at the distant feeler anyway. She's only got one eye, depth perception isn't her strongest suit.* Me 11:47 pm The rules may be different in your universe. But in my universe, your being of a different species means, by default, you don't go in one of the boxes designed for our species. Omicron 11:48 pm From what I have always understood, if you have a spark, you are a cybertronian. As sparks only come from Primus. -confused predacon- ItsyBitsySpyers 11:48 pm *Soundwave makes note of the Prime bit. He's heard that about their own planet, but he's not sure how that's possible. Unless they're like... approved factory production lines? But even so, there's so much variation...* *These things have always confused him, though.* Me 11:49 pm On my Cybertron, there are many different species that have sparks. They're all Cybertronian-as-in-from-Cybertron, but not Cybertronian-as-in-of-the-species-named-Cybertronian. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:50 pm [[Which would you be derived from, if he is allowed to ask?]]
*He huffs again at the missed swipe and adjusts the feeler's position so she can at least get in the right space next time, though still not far enuogh to actually grab.* Me 11:50 pm ... It's /very/ inconvenient that "Cybertronian" is both a demonym and a species. For the rest of this conversation I'm just going to refer to the Cybertronian species as Transformers. *That's the alien word for them and it's perfectly serviceable.* Omicron 11:50 pm Hmmm well that makes some sense I might be a weird case even in my world. As there's only trace primal predacons, thankfully no primitive ones any more Windchill 11:51 pm Who, me? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:51 pm [[Yes, you.]] Windchill 11:51 pm (( I had to pee lol. )) Windchill 11:52 pm *Blue kicks her feet to rev up some imaginary momentum, and swipes again, NEARLY lunging out of her sire's grasp in the process. Luckily, she is very long and Chill is paying attention enough to reel her back in.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:52 pm [[And for the record, if you]] looking at Icy [[were from here, we would not have a category. You were extinct when they were created, and your resurrected cousins are mostly uninterested in the discussions concerning our categories. Here, you are all simply Predacons.]] Me 11:53 pm In the universe I've been made familiar with *gestures again demonstratively at Soundwave* all currently living Predacons are clones of deceased ones. Is that also the case in your universe? Windchill 11:53 pm *Windchill hesitates, thinking before answering.* Omicron 11:53 pm Yes and no. Soundwave did do the whole cloning thing, I think because he didn't know about the predacons left. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:54 pm *Powerful little spawn. Windchill should be--*
[[He begs your pardon?]] Windchill 11:54 pm I would, hypothetically, be considered a descendant of Solus Prime, even though the reasoning for it makes little sense, as she was already dead. Omicron 11:55 pm Not you, I meant to say Schockwave with soundwave at first...but then soundwave- in my wold put a stopped it. Windchill 11:55 pm *He's left out why he would be linked to her, as that wasn't asked.* *Blue writhes in her parent's grip. She wants to be free to fight the skinny worm!* Me 11:56 pm *it's okay, prowl used to get their names confused all the time.* Windchill 11:56 pm *Windchill relents, letting her settle back down in his lap. So long as she doesn't go flying off into space and nobody gets hurt, it's fine.* Omicron 11:58 pm not sure if you can do it soundwave, but the mech from my would was the only one that could mimic a Queen's harmonics. If it wasn't for him, the cloned and hybrid mechs would have torn a chuch out of his side's forces ItsyBitsySpyers 11:58 pm *A skilled question game player, eh? He'll poke at that part of it another time.*
*Aha. Thank you, Windchill. He'll make sure not to give her reason to topple to the floor while he continues entertaining her.* [[A - a what?]] Windchill 11:59 pm *She's pretty tough and would probably be just fine, but if the baby momma found out he would have to explain and it would be an ordeal, so he'd rather not.* Yesterday Omicron 11:59 pm A Queen? Windchill 12:00 am *Windchill mentally balks at the word 'Queen,' and plans to not contribute to that topic.* *Blue, for her part, is eyeing that feeler again.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:00 am [[The... the one that rests at the center of the colony and produces all the eggs?]] Omicron 12:01 am Err...not exactly Windchill 12:01 am *TRIES TO NOT SPIT* *Just looks constipated instead.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:01 am *Has completely forgotten that Blue is looking at his feeler. He was thrown completely off guard by this data and his main understanding of Queens and what he thinks of them.* Omicron 12:03 am A Queen has to...well a predacon queen, like me. I can produce a big clutch or hatchlings...er, sparklings. but you keep those in the colonly....calm. Led. loved. Even if they leave Me 12:03 am *... why is everyone suddenly so awkward* Windchill 12:03 am *She bunches herself up, preparing to launch...but only hops as far as to drape herself over dad's arm to go for the feeler.* *Chill watches her with one eye, the other...is doing something else, presumably.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:04 am *Still hasn't noticed. She might just steal her prize if Windchill doesn't catch her.*
[[..........And he - that is, his alternate - can. Imitate the harmonics. The Queen's.]] Windchill 12:04 am *Swipe swipe flap flap flap goes the grubby hand.* Me 12:06 am *... is soundwave alright? he can imitate the sound of everything else, why is this alarming.* Windchill 12:06 am *Windchill, briefly, wonders whether his spawn as any decipherable surface thoughts for Soundwave to detect, but lets the notion go free.* Omicron 12:07 am Yes. He gave the sense that there was a Queen near by. with newly cloned predacons, or near raging ones, if they have the correct instincts, they're going to calm down and look for that Queen. She would be, well 'mother' for a lack of a better word. Somewhere to be protected or to protect. Where there's a queen, there's hunting grounds. In some cases a possible mate. Windchill 12:07 am *Windchill makes an odd face. It's all in the lips.* Omicron 12:08 am at least in my world? Me 12:08 am *paying more attention to soundwave's body language than to the rest of the conversation* Windchill 12:08 am That's...really interesting. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:09 am *Is making no face. Still looks awkward somehow. He's frozen in place, with slightly dimmed biolights, and his helm is pulled back like he'd be sitting up straighter if he weren't locked in the slouch he had as a result of playing with the grub.*
[[...He sees. That is an interesting talent.]] *TO PUT IT MILDLY.* [[He will add it to his files.]] Me 12:10 am *hmm. here's what prowl can decipher from soundwave's body language:* Windchill 12:10 am *The bug yells at the feeler.* Me 12:10 am *jack shit.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:10 am *And now he notices what Blue's doing while he tries to regain his composure.*
[[Ah, ah. He sees you trying to steal the claw, bitlet.]] *Lightning-quick boop.* Me 12:11 am *... soundwave's biolights haven't brightened, so he's /probably/ not horny. that's it. that's all prowl's got.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:11 am *Prowl can you not* Omicron 12:11 am I thought the files were funny honestly, in a sad way. Soundwave had two big predacons crouched behind him wanting pets becuase Soockwave hurt them Me 12:12 am *apparently, prowl really can not.* Windchill 12:12 am *Blue makes a shocked 😮 face, her mandibles frozen for half a second before she resumes swiping with a determined PEEP.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:13 am [[He probably did a great deal to earn that trust. Beyond vocal imitations.]] Windchill 12:13 am *Windchill watches, lending no support toward her battle with Soundwave's appendage.* Omicron 12:13 am likely, I didn't get those Predacons until after he sent them to me Windchill 12:14 am *She must face this battle alone, she's Independent.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:14 am [[Be good to them, then. You have his alternate's reputation to uphold.]] *Allows a swipe to graze the claw and lets it fall to the floor as though dead.* [[You have defeated your mighty enemy, youngling. Congratulations.]] Omicron 12:15 am 😊 oh I was, I helped them realize what it is to be a predacon. They're at peace with themselves long before they left. Windchill 12:15 am *Blue's eye tracks it, and stares in confusion. She's never killed anything before!* *More yelling, and pointing with a chubby grub finger.* Omicron 12:16 am That was a mighty battle young one. and you rose to the challenge! Windchill 12:16 am *Windchill leans over to look, and nods sagely.* Good job, Squirt. *He might have to stop her from climbing down to eat it, but that's par for the course.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:17 am *Soundwave carries on the theatrics by using the other feeler to grab the first one and 'push' it back into its housing. Can't have it looking like it snapped back to life, after all.* Windchill 12:18 am Tsk, we don't eat Soundwave. *He scoops her up where she can be bounced in his lap and practice kicking her feet.* *He will, though, send a ping of appreciation to Soundwave for the battle.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:18 am *Soundwave nods. He did say he owed Windchill.* Windchill 12:19 am *This is fair.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:19 am ((and if she ever comes back to dancitron with chill, we can figure out if he can get coherent thoughts off her then)) Omicron 12:19 am <_< so... with all your predacons cloned.. have you seen a real hatchling of one or no? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:20 am [[Not on his own planet. He has seen the hatchlings of the Predacons cloned by an ally.]] Me 12:20 am *Since Prowl's universe doesn't have Predacons, will defer to Soundwave to answer that.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:20 am [[...One of them sings.]] *Sort of.* Windchill 12:20 am (( She probably will, from time to time. It's good for her to be exposed to social situations, or, Windchill at least hopes she won't turn out like her parents in that regard. )) Omicron 12:20 am Singing is normal, if not a must in some cases <_< ItsyBitsySpyers 12:21 am *He'll leave out that he turned to a total softie in their presence and gave a few of them airplane rides with his feelers.* Windchill 12:21 am ...Singing? Omicron 12:22 am *Icy lifts her head and starts to sing wordlessly, its not bad and seemingly for calming. Not long though, only a little bit* oooh yes. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:22 am *RECORDED* Windchill 12:23 am Hm. Cool. Omicron 12:23 am *the predacon considers soundwave thoughtfully* would you like to meet one? Windchill 12:23 am *Blue was watching that, but offers no comment.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:24 am [[Not tonight. But he would like the opportunity to compare those from different worlds, yes.]] Omicron 12:25 am *Icy nods, she's been watching how he's acted so far* I can bring one by. Or if you ever want to stop by my ship. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:25 am [[Whichever you think will be less stressful for them.]] Omicron 12:27 am Ship might be best depending. Though I would ask no weapons. *gives a slow, fanged filled smile, with a blue-white glow in the back of her maw. just a split second before calming down. She's still a big pretective predacon* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:28 am [[He doesn't carry any that are not a part of his frame.]] Omicron 12:28 am *not harm meant, she is just careful with grab-able sized hatchling* Windchill 12:28 am *The worm huffs, and pats dad's chest with a questioning 'amnamnamnamnam?' to which he looks down, chin pressed against his armour, but he can barely see past his own boobs.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:29 am [[He will make time for the trip as soon as he can. Thank you.]] *Stretch.* [[But we are keeping you away from your younglings and -your- youngling awake.]] Windchill 12:29 am *Nods.* Blue says she's either hungry, or wants her carrier, which is kind of the same thing. Omicron 12:30 am erm.... well, I have someone guarding them, he hasn't let me know that the rest have started to hatch out. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:31 am [[...That sounds painful.]] *Huff.* [[But he understands.]] Windchill 12:31 am *Time to swaddle the creature in her blanket so she can't wiggle out of his grasp so easily. She's usually good about being carried, but in a new environment he's not taking the chance.* Hmm? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:32 am [[The thought that she might bite her - carrier? The other form, he assumes. Not that his haven't done the same when upset.]] *Another huff.* *Ravage chuckles from over by the bar.* Omicron 12:33 am *Icy starts to get up, stretching a little, there's a meep from under a wing but its kept closed still* Windchill 12:34 am Ah, yeah. *There is a brief struggle, as the worm is wiggly and thinks this is a great game and time to misbehave.* Same word...totally different meaning. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:35 am *...Suspicious glance at the meep, but he is fast approaching the limit of his large-group endurance without taking a quick break with someone else to do the entertaining. He'll inquire about it another time.* Windchill 12:35 am She's not likely to bite him, but she makes the same sound for wanting fuel and for wanting him, so I get to figure out which it is. *His mouth quirks, wryly.* Both are the right answer. Omicron 12:36 am at least there's that? Windchill 12:36 am *Finally, the beast is tamed, and he stands with his sub sandwich shaped spawn in tow.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:36 am [[That does help. Good luck.]] Windchill 12:37 am *Nods.* Good night, suckers. Omicron 12:37 am *Icy takes a few steps over, lifts and crosses a foreleg and dips her head to soundwave* Thank you for hosting and the conversation. Even the strange movie. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:37 am [[Good night. And to you, bitlet.]] Windchill 12:38 am *Snorts.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:38 am *Oh, fancy. He's never seen a Predacon do that in their beast mode. He nods to Icy.*
[[You're welcome.]] Windchill 12:38 am Say goodnight, Blue. *He points at Soundwave so she knows where to look.* *Bluebottle, in true form, beeps rudely. Thanks a lot, Whirl.* ... ItsyBitsySpyers 12:39 am *He KNOWS what that beep is. Full upper torso trembling.* Omicron 12:39 am O-o <_< do I want to know? Windchill 12:39 am We're...gonna work on that. *Can't keep a straight face and has to leave now.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:40 am [[Probably not.]] *It really is rude. He folds his hands on his lap and nods once more at Windchill's back.* Windchill 12:41 am We'll see you guys later. *Waves over his shoulder, and makes a break for it.* Omicron 12:42 am *tail twitch but comms her ship for a bridge home...pings Soundwave the comm to the ship and her if he wants come sometime* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:42 am *Pings acknowledgment and logs it in his records. He'll be sure to clear time out within the next couple of weeks.* Omicron 12:43 am *tiiiiny bring wedge shape head peeks out of the wing folds and pokes a forked glossa out at them all as icy leaves* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:43 am *HE KNEW IT. Goodbye, tiny one. He'll greet you another time.* Omicron 12:43 am (bye!) ItsyBitsySpyers 12:43 am ((bye!!)) Me 12:44 am ((bye)) ItsyBitsySpyers 12:44 am *Soundwave shakes his helm for nobody's benefit save his own and settles back into his seat, retracting the spines a little so they won't scratch up on it.* Me 12:46 am *Sideways look at Soundwave* *And then, guesses,* Oviposition? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:48 am *Jolts straight up and into a twist, having never expected to hear that question coming out of Prowl's mouth.*
(txt): What? Why asked, that? Me 12:50 am *Well THAT'S certainly a reaction.* I'm trying to figure out why you were so... distracted by the idea that your alternate could imitate the sound of a queen, when you can imitate anything /else/ without such a reaction. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:51 am *In all fairness, he also might've temporarily forgotten Prowl was lurking there. Like others used to do with him.* Me 12:51 am You immediately focused on the egg-producing potential of queens, while it was something the Predacon de-emphasized. So. Oviposition? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:56 am *Of -all the times- Prowl could choose to be exceptionally observant. Maybe he should have joined Prowl in getting drunk back at that dedication ceremony. It'd be super helpful right about now.*
*Well. In for a credit, in for a shanix.*
(txt): ...Unknown. Tarantulas' situation: fascinating concept. Never witnessed. Soundwave cannot participate.
(txt): Other Queen definitions: unknown. Soundwave's only knowledge source...
*He looks just to the left of Prowl's face. His lights dim a little more. Why not? Prowl already read him like a datapad.*
(txt): Xenomorph Queen, her function. This... awkward. Prowl knows future remodel plan. Me 12:57 am ... If you're uncomfortable talking about it, we can drop the topic. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:02 am *He shakes his helm.*
(txt): Negative. Prowl... trusted. Allowed.
*Besides, he owes Prowl some return tidbits for the pipe incident and its products.*
(txt): Soundwave... often rumored partial Insecticon. Known insect concept: Queens. Awkward connections present. Me 1:06 am *Ah. Yes. Accidentally confirming the unpleasant rumors was always... irksome.* Well. I won't tell anyone you're curious about the kink if you don't. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:10 am *Irksome, confusing, hysterically funny but horrifying, both repulsive and vaguely appealing for reasons he has no idea how to begin unfolding... in other words, complex.*
(txt): ...Appreciated.
*Looks away a little more, trying not to picture how on Cybertron he would get any work done stuck dangling from a ceiling like that. It's impossible.*
*...Looks back and leans close.*
(txt): How -Prowl- familiar? Me 1:14 am *... How does he answer honestly without saying Tarantulas has the kink? Obviously Soundwave knows SOME of Tarantulas's situation, but Prowl doesn't know if he knows ALL of Tarantulas's situation, and Prowl found out Tarantulas /could/ lay eggs ages before Tarantulas admitted he /enjoys/ laying eggs. So...* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:15 am *...Abrupt light brightening. He remembered something and had a thought. And now he's not looking at Prowl again.*
*Don't mind him. Go on.* Me 1:15 am I researched the sociological aspects of egg-laying after learning some about... as you say, Tarantulas's "situation." Oviposition included in that research. Me 1:16 am *There. Minorly misleading but perfectly honest—as within the bounds of their agreement.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:17 am (txt): ...Prowl: also curious?
*Prowl likes the fur. And the legs and the mandibles and the everything else. Why not the eggs, if he adores all the other stuff Tarantulas did to himself or can do with himself?* (txt): Regarding witness/experience. Not sociological research basis. Me 1:19 am ... Intellectually curious, not erotically curious, I'm afraid. *Before Soundwave's hopes get too high.* I'd be willing to experiment with it with a partner who desired to do so, but the concept doesn't arouse me. But it doesn't turn me off, either, provided eggs containing an actual living being aren't getting played with. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:23 am (txt): Preferences: acknowledged.
*Don't worry about Soundwave's hopes. He still isn't sure what they actually are when pinned down. One? The other? A combination? Who can tell. Not this noodle.*
(txt): Prowl should tell Tarantulas. Soundwave suspects Prowl: reason eggs exist. Me 1:23 am *Prowl's poker face is in fine form today.* Oh? ItsyBitsySpyers 1:29 am *Nod nod.*
(txt): If eggs: Tarantulas self-interaction interest only, efficient solution: avoid all scientific, surgical requirements; create, utilize proper toy version. Lower energy, material requirement - important, when alone. Higher availability reliance.
(txt): Tarantulas, Prowl past contains mutual creation. Prowl knows Tarantulas retains attachment, target: Springer, concept: parenthood. Without own Springer, Prowl's Springer acceptance, likely fantasy: create new life. This, related. Safe expression. (txt): Egg suspicion: hoped use always Prowl kink interaction. Me 1:33 am ... Huh. An intriguing theory. Well-defended. *His poker face remains flawless.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:35 am *Bobs his helm. Thank you. Still, he's not sure if that's Prowl's regular neutral expression or a purposeful one - and if the latter, a good or bad one.*
(txt): ...Soundwave: crossing boundary? Me 1:35 am No, no. Me 1:36 am ... In fact, I've been finding that, around other universes, I have /less/ boundaries than they consider average. In sexual discussions, anyway. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:37 am *Tiny relief puff. Good. For a moment there, he thought... well, Prowl never prods at his doings concerning his other partner. It could've been seen as unfair that Soundwave had just done so.* Me 1:39 am *Prowl's just concerned about defending whatever secrets Tarantulas might have that Soundwave might not know about.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:40 am (txt): Prowl's decreased boundaries: appreciated. Soundwave's privacy habits: sufficient compensation.
*He tags that as humorous, just in case.* Me 1:41 am *Huff.* I'm plenty private in other ways, I'm sure it evens out. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:41 am *Another bob.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:43 am (txt): ...If Prowl's choice: sate intellectual curiosity, request: inform Soundwave, permit similar opportunity? *Thhhhhat was a little difficult to ask, but he doesn't know what other chance he has to find out, if not observing someone who can actually experiment with it.* Me 1:46 am ... I currently have some experimentation plans in place. It's going to involve modifying my avatar somewhat, of course. I'll let you know when the modifications are in place. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:47 am *Sits up.*
(txt): ...Prowl let Soundwave explain proven theory? *Well. Doesn't he feel a little bit foolish for that.* Me 1:48 am "Explain proven theory"? ItsyBitsySpyers 1:49 am (txt): If experimentation already planned, Prowl already knew truth, subject: Soundwave's suspicion. *At least it earned him some approval.*
(txt): Modification notice welcomed. Gratitude given. Me 1:50 am *Give him a moment to /very carefully/ select his words.* Me 1:51 am ... It isn't my place to either share or speculate on anything regarding Tarantulas's desires or preferences without knowing what he himself is willing to let be known about himself. *Maybe I know and maybe you know but I don't know that you know and you don't know that I know and so until you know that I know that you know and I know that you know that I know—* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:53 am (txt): ...Soundwave speculated. Place overstepped. Me 1:53 am *Soundwave DOESN'T know.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:54 am *He does know, actually. But Tarantulas never said he could tell Prowl.* Me 1:54 am You may speculate if you want. I just mean—I, as someone who is... more privy to his sexual life than most—shouldn't, to someone who isn't. ... Unless you two have been up to more than I know about. But if you have and you haven't told me and he hasn't told me, I expect that's none of my business. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:55 am *Contemplates.* ItsyBitsySpyers 2:03 am (txt): Spare egg examined, mouth presence confirmed. Extended close, personal contact, purpose: experience greater intimacy level within comfortable range. Taunting sexual imagery exchanged. Personal discussion, subject: potential holoavatar equipment additions, preferences, designs, respective interests. Me 2:06 am *... Well, that doesn't necessarily mean that Tarantulas told Soundwave eggs are a sexual thing for him. It might mean he simply demonstrated the egg, the way he might demonstrate his alt-mode or mass-shifting, without any mention of sexuality; and Soundwave included it in that list since eggs were relevant to the conversation at hand. Soundwave hasn't /said/ that Tarantulas confirmed it's a sexual thing.* *Although now Prowl's curious—* What in the world were you doing with that egg that confirmed the presence of your mouth? Me 2:08 am ... Why are we still— Sorry, you should have been—using telepathy all this time. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:08 am (txt): ...Secret lick attempt.
(txt): Other senses involved during examination. That data also wanted. Me 2:09 am Can we just, assume that that's the default? Telepathy? Because nights when I've forgotten to grant permission until after movie night is long over have vastly outnumbered nights when I actually haven't wanted you to use telepathy. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:10 am *Kind of twitching his gaze from one optic to the other, enough that the movement of his visor is juuuust visible.*
[[...As long as you are certain it will not be a problem.]] [[Movie nights only, or all times?]] Me 2:12 am If it's a problem, we'll change it. Movie nights only, for now. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:13 am [[He accepts the request. And thanks you.]]
*And wonders if he got away with saying 1) that he licked the egg and 2) that he's been contemplating what it'd be like to add equipment like Prowl's to his avatar.* Me 2:14 am *Not quite. He's circling back to that.* How, exactly, did you try to /covertly/ lick the egg? You have to open your mask. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:18 am *Soundwave deactivates the lower latches and gently thumbs the bottom of his mask open a little bit, pushing it out but not up all that far. He pokes the tip of his tongue beneath it and forms a ring with his hands representing the egg. Hides it pretty well.* Me 2:19 am *Hmm. Prowl considers this critically.* ... All right. *Yes, that's reasonably subtle.* *... Is briefly seized by the urge to poke the tongue tip. Resists.* ItsyBitsySpyers 2:20 am [[Tarantulas only noticed because he spotted a bit of oral lubricant on the egg before he could clear it off with a thumb. He couldn't offer up another explanation.]] *Soundwave might as well take his mask off the rest of the way. It's usually off while Prowl's around anyhow.* Me 2:22 am *Well hello there, good to see you.* Me 2:23 am *A satisfied nod. On to the next question, then:* Holomatter equipment additions. Yours or his? *That was, in fact, what had made Prowl realize that they'd gone all night in text instead of telepathy: if Soundwave had been thinking, that wouldn't have been ambiguous.* ItsyBitsySpyers 2:24 am [[His own.]] *Still too unclear? He taps his chest to make sure.* Me 2:25 am *He got it that time.* Would it be too invasive to ask what additions? ItsyBitsySpyers 2:26 am [[...We were discussing--]] *HOLD ON. Brief wide-opticked moment. He just - he just figured out who Tarantulas was talking about when he mentioned other commissions during the addition conversation. It was Prowl. It was Prowl and the eggs THE WHOLE DAMN TIME.* Me 2:28 am ... Is that a yes? ItsyBitsySpyers 2:29 am *He can't believe he thought it was Smokescreen. Primus.*
[[We were discussing interface modifications. He... does not know that he wants permanent ones, but he has contemplated testing their presence on his avatar a few times.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 2:30 am [[Tarantulas asked which he would prefer if he were to pick one to start with. He settled on a valve for convenience and familiarity reasons - easier to hide and control, and not unlike a mouth. Tarantulas agreed.]] [[And fewer obvious surface signs of frame modification.]] Me 2:31 am ... Hmm. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:34 am [[He is not averse to testing the other one. He rather liked how you felt around his feeler.]] Me 2:35 am ... If you're interested for your own sake, then—by all means, experiment. Me 2:37 am But, I think it may be beneficial to reiterate—my interest in you, sexual and otherwise, is wholly divorced from whether or not you've got tactile equipment. So. If a primary motive for experimenting, is because you're—concerned that I might be... dissatisfied if you don't... then—dddon't let it be? ItsyBitsySpyers 2:43 am [[No. He knows you are pleased with him as he is.]] *It'd finally sunk in as of their first proper interface session.* [[It is just that--]] *Finger tapping.* [[He is - curious. He does not fully understand how to interpret the data he's received in the past, or why owning them is so popular. And--]] *Huff.* [[It would be nice to see what having an extra hand free is like. Or what things would be like if he were from your world instead of his, though he does not promise he would like the sensations if he did try.]] Me 2:45 am *Receives "what having an extra hand free is like" and the first interpretation his big, brilliant processor offers is that Soundwave thinks valves can serve as a spare hand and will probably use his for storage.* *Please hold, his poker face is dangerously cracking.* ItsyBitsySpyers 2:45 am *Narrows his optics a little. Not in an angry way. Just in a "what are you thinking in there" way.* Me 2:47 am *Manages, with a nearly straight face,* Your feelers and mandibles already provide you with several extra free hands than most people. I—don't think you need to use a valve for one, too. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:48 am *It takes a solid 25 seconds for him to get that. When he does, his expression changes to one of deep, deep amusement.* Me 2:48 am *Oh good, Prowl was beginning to worry he'd have to explain the joke. That really WOULD make him crack up.* *... Affection ping. That's a nice look on Soundwave.* ItsyBitsySpyers 2:51 am [[Fine. He can always test it another way if you aren't interested in giving it something to hold.]]
*Soundwave's expression softens and slides a little closer to adoring amusement. He returns the ping.* Me 2:52 am *Huff.* Of course I'm interested. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:56 am [[He had hoped so.]]
*Some tension leaves his frame. He was... worried. About that. Probably not a lot of people out there who would do a good job of handling being told "I'm going to try fragging you and I may be completely repulsed by it."* Me 2:56 am ... If you want to know what having the equipment is like, though, just getting it in your avatar will probably be inadequate. Most mechs who weren't forged with tactile equipment need some serious software patches to get new dongles to operate properly as an interface array. You already have recreational interface subroutines, so that should make it easier to patch in. But without software patches, it might just feel like an extremely sensitive face-textured pocket. Me 2:58 am ... Since you CAN receive sexual arousal from touch, you'd probably need less new software. Maybe none, if you're lucky. I don't know, I haven't had to deal with it for millions of years. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:59 am [[He knows. He was considering asking Tarantulas for temporary rudimentary patches.]] *And nothing more than that. True surgery and recoding rights don't belong to him.* [[You haven't experienced arousal at being touched in millions of years?]] *That seems contrary to what he experienced, but...* Me 3:00 am No, I mean I haven't had to deal with the process of getting all the patches and such for millions of years. ItsyBitsySpyers 3:00 am [[Oh. Then you haven't always...?]] Me 3:01 am All cold constructed mechs are built without interface equipment. Some naturally take to it better than others. I took to it... about as poorly as one can take to it, without quite not taking to it at all. ItsyBitsySpyers 3:03 am *Soundwave leans back in his seat and folds his hands again, thinking. His optics even drift shut for a few seconds.* ItsyBitsySpyers 3:06 am *And they're open again. Conclusion arrived at, lawn chair set up, umbrella jammed into the sand.*
[[...Then you would be uniquely qualified for at least one test. He could trust you to understand him. And to be a patient tutor.]] Me 3:07 am I should hope I would be. ItsyBitsySpyers 3:08 am [[More than most, he thinks.]] Me 3:08 am *Grimaces.* I'm afraid so. ItsyBitsySpyers 3:09 am *That grimace has no reason to be there. He turns and nudges his crest against the side of Prowl's helm.*
[[It wasn't an insult.]] Me 3:10 am No—I didn't think it was. I'm just afraid I've had a rather distasteful amount of experience with those who are /less/ understanding and patient. ItsyBitsySpyers 3:15 am [[...Ah.]] *Prowl might catch a super-fleeting taste of Soundwave's sudden desire to find out who they were and make them pay for it. Then again, he might not. Soundwave will have tried his best to avoid coming through as a bloodthirsty, vengeful murderer just then.* [[He is sorry that's true.]] Me 3:18 am *Oh, he caught that. It's... a little unnerving but a little gratifying.* You may be pleased to hear that most of them are dead now. Not—not for related reasons. Just the war. ItsyBitsySpyers 3:22 am *So he did notice. Damn. Well, he's not being shoved away, so it can't have been an entirely unwelcome feeling. He'll take comfort in that.*
[[The further such mechs are from you, the better.]] Me 3:26 am You won't hear me disagree. ItsyBitsySpyers 3:28 am [[Then let us leave them behind you. He is tired, and it will do us both good to remember that things have improved.]]
*Going to slowly push off into a standing position and turn to face Prowl. Hand?*
[[If you wish...?]]
*He still remembers last Monday.* Me 3:29 am *That was a week ago. He takes Soundwave's hand.* I do. ItsyBitsySpyers 3:32 am *Something in his expression flickers, and it takes him a second before he can give Prowl a nod. His fingers curl around Prowl's hand without hesitating, though.*
[[Good. Come.]]
*Tug toward the stairs. They'll take the long way this time. He wants to spend a few extra moments holding this.* Me 3:34 am *... What was that?* ItsyBitsySpyers 3:34 am *Relief.* Me 3:35 am *... It's not something Prowl can identify at a glance. Maybe he'll find out later. For now—he'll follow Soundwave upstairs.* ItsyBitsySpyers 3:36 am *He will, if he can read that in an unusual amount of affectionate touches before the final sleepy cuddle. If not, Soundwave will tell him later, providing he asks.*
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