#I’m on like 169 fire escape
puns-and-podcasts · 2 years
I’m literally the worst tma listener because I’m like okay sure jonmartin cute but like, I don’t want to make jon better I want to make him worse and I think elias should get to do it
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 169 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: cutting the Kolkwitzia amabilis in my garden.
JON: "Some fears don’t need to be intensified. Only manifested." Hm, insufficient or blatantly negligent fire escapes are so common in apartment buildings… Often seen escape routes get affected negatively by tenants, leaving shoes and all kinds of obstacles in the hallway. Of course this in turn can be a consequence of too many people crammed into one flat because otherwise they can’t afford living there. What I absolutely hate, is when they do that in the hospital I work at. There is no excuse. Leaving wheelchairs or even beds in the hallway even though we have fire prevention and fire action training every year and every year it’s said, that this is not allowed.
Oh this episode shows a dark side of Jon. He didn’t tell Martin what was the deal with the fire, probably hoping he wouldn’t ask (since he’s getting a bit cagy there) because he wants to revenge himself on Jude.
This conversation really shows Alex‘s VA talent again. He‘s so good at portraying fear, panic, you can hear he’s on the verge of tears.
MARTIN:(overlapping) "I know! I know, okay, I just – (bracing exhale) Look, I j,just – don’t want to get burned, all right? It’s, it’s like my least favorite pain ever." JON: "Is that – a joke?" They really gotta work on their understanding of humour. Neither one knows when the other is making a joke or not.
MARTIN: (a bit faster, a bit shaky) "No, no, okay? I, I legitimately hate burns, alright? They’re, they’re awful, and they scar horribly, and they just – it – it just makes me sick; I, I hate it. Hate it!" Hm, would love to hear what Jon would have thought about this. Like, thanks I know what it’s like to get properly burned... His hand is probably a hot mess, if you excuse the pun xD 
JON: "Alright. If you really don’t want to do this, w-we can go another way." MARTIN: (somewhat smaller) "Really?" JON: "Really. My revenge… (long sigh) Well, let’s just say you’re more important." After lots and lots of talking how much Martin hates this and is afraid Jon caves in. That is good to see. If it weren’t for what’s following…
JON: "Maybe? It’s… (inhale) Like I said, I can’t see the future. It wouldn’t free them, if that’s what you’re asking. ‘Free’ doesn’t really exist in this place." MARTIN: "Apart from us." One of those instances where Martin gets acutely aware of their privilege. Also, not sure what Jon's deal is here. That hesitant "maybe?". Does he legitimately not know or does he want to stay bit vague so Martin would be on board with going in. (Couldn't Jon just know how the merry-go-round is doing since he has destroyed the Not!Them?) I mean he's at least honest about the fact that's it not freeing the people trapped in here.
JON: "I – Oh, right: I want revenge on Jude Perry. I want to… smite her. Make her feel what – (sigh) What all her victims felt. But I’m not willing to force you to suffer for it." MARTIN: "Okay. So it’s – (brief pause) I have to choose, do I?" JON: "Or we could sit here." MARTIN: "…No. No, I’m not going to choose; I don’t, I don’t think that’s a fair decision to put on me. It’s your revenge; your choice, not mine." It’s good that Jon hears Martin’s feelings on this and actually tries to respect them. But yeah, putting that decision on Martin is complicated. It’s once again a shitty situation in which nobody wins (except that I think Jon also didn’t win. At least not in the way he wanted. But at least he’s one step closer to realizing that this is doing nothing).
[SILENCE.] JON: "Fine. We go in." I like the long pause. Jon‘s inner fight about what to do is almost audible. He probably thought if Martin really, reaaaally doesn’t want this he would have said so. As he said, he's not forcing Martin to suffer for it. And Martin bounced it back to Jon. Still, he’s putting his desire for revenge before Martin…
"Home. Such a simple word. Home – not house, not dwelling, not residence or address, not domicile or flat or lodging or abode or apartment or property or accommodation. Home." How many synonyms xD
"And home is where that heart can be hurt most severely, because within that place of safety, the warm and welcoming embrace of the cramped and well-trod floors whose layout has ingrained itself into your soul, there you are most vulnerable." A lot of people are not aware how much their home means safety. Even when things happen which limits people in the capacity of feeling at peace at their home (noise, aggressive neighbours etc.) Still, a lot of people underestimate what it can do with you when your home gets violated in one of those most horrible ways. Break-ins, catastrophes...
Usually I have problems following statements which ramble a lot about general premises, but here I find it super interesting. How that first part is just generally putting it all into words. What a home means, what's it to you, which bad things can happen to it, how you become aware of said bad things etc.
"Sabina senses it, feels it drawing near." Okay, people who also had statement people with your name, how did it make you feel? Because it's such a jump scare every single time for me. It's also, I'm not used to hearing my name in media and when there actually is a character (Star Wars, Miraculous), it's always anglicized version with the silent E at the end. But the way Jonny pronounces the A at Sabina, it sounds so much like the German pronunciation of my name. I of course have no reference, but I also feel it's worse because it's one of the S5 statements and they are a lot closer to rl than some supernatural shit. I don't know, any other experiences with this?
MARTIN: (overlapping, coming into focus) "Jon, you idiot! Please go back!" Why "you idiot"? Also is it really "please go back" or is it "please come back"? The official transcripts doesn't have this line at all, it's just Martin yelling "Jon!" again and again. "Pls come back" would make more sense because he wants him to snap out of his Eyepocalypse Guidesona. Maybe that "idiot" because I'd guess Jon lost all sense of his surroundings and marched ever deeper into the inferno.
I know there’s the debate about Martin slapping Jon awake. He already did it in MAG 160 and it will happen one more time I think? Complicated matter, it’s such a trope to slap someone awake, but it being a trope doesn’t make it okay. There is also the matter that this is an audio medium, how would you hear, say, shaking someone to snap them out of it? The olfactory sense is really sufficient, I think? But very rarely that people have something for that to use. Water would be audible, but there wasn’t really any at their disposal. Perhaps in MAG 160..? But yeah, a slap is audible in a way, that people know what’s going on.
JUDE: "Fancy seeing you both here. (sarcasm) To what, exactly, do I owe the pleasure – the honor – of being graced by the great and powerful Archivist, harbinger of this new world and his, mm… (deliberately obtuse) …valet?" Oh god, I hate that mocking tone of Jude xD Also funny to see how everyone addresses Martin. Of course they don't know him, they're all like "who's that, what makes him so special that he's traveling with the Archivist?"
JUDE: What’s wrong? Scared of a little flame? (delighted) Oh, you are, aren’t you?" [SHE LAUGHS.] JUDE: "How pathetic." MARTIN: (high) "Screw you!" JON: "Leave him alone." Ah yes, antagonizing Martin, not good. Still, don't know how much that actually does. Cause Simon... But also, Simon was never actively antagonizing Martin in front of Jon, he always seems rather polite and very funny.
JUDE: "Oh, I see. I get it. You finally get a sniff of power, and the first thing you do is try to settle some old scores. (enjoying this) Play the big man; get off on good old-fashioned petty revenge." JON: (not in the mood for games) "I’d have thought that was a mindset you would appreciate." She's not wrong, and he knows it.
JUDE: "I’m… happy in this world. I belong here. And so do you." Jude has some very difficult but kinda true statements... The Archivist does belong here, the fear of others feels good to him. But with Jon it's not that easy.
MARTIN: (half screaming) "Just DIE already!" JUDE: "You’re not – better – (audibly struggling) than – me!" Also kind more of Martin's dark side. This overall stance of the revenge arc didn't really surprise me, especially not after S4. But directly shouting as someone "Just die already"... Also Jude again... Probably got a lot into Jon's head. Is he better? He surely has caused less pain on purpose than Jude did. I refuse to contribute the Eyepocalypse to Jon, he didn't know, he was tricked into this like all the others. I don't fault him for not wanting to die and also not for not immediately wanting to gouge his eyes out especially when he knew Martin wouldn't follow him and he therefore would have lost the last bit of influence/protection/support/whatever he could offer Martin. The thing about his statement victims is complicated as it seems that he does kind of need them to survive. Old statements wouldn't have done it forever. We saw in MAG 155 that the Fears want maximum pain out of all this... Love it, the entire moral dilemma! It's super interesting!
JON: "She’s gone." MARTIN: "The fires are still here. Doesn’t look like much has changed." JON: "No. I suppose not." I would love to know if there was a thought behind this, if it was taken into account if Jon knew it wouldn't do anything, or if it's open, like it didn't matter for the character growth/narrative here.
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chocolatey-umbreon · 2 months
TMA Season 5 Live Blog
Episode 169 - Fire Escape
I’m typing this after listening to the first bit, up until Jon decided that they’re going in to kill (Smite!) Jude Perry. I’m a bit surprised, honestly. I thought Jon didn’t really want to go on this murder spree. The first time he did it, it was because the thing was taunting Martin and then mocking Sasha which struck a nerve and Jon was overtaken by his instinct. When Martin got excited about it Jon never reflected that feeling and never actually agreed on doing it. Then he decided not to try to kill Oliver as long as he didn’t get in their way, like he wanted to have a reasonable purpose before harming anyone.
I can see how Jude Perry is obviously more “monstrous” than Oliver Banks, but her impact is also a lot less personal on Jon’s life than Not-Sasha. Burning his hand doesn’t seem at all big* when compared to everything that the Stranger did to him and his friends. I thought the line where murder was okay would be higher on the scale, but I also can accept this. I’m paying attention to see where he positions everyone else.
*I mean it’s part of the markings on him to become The Archive but it’s not like that’s Jude’s fault or that Elias wouldn’t have found another way if Jude didn’t do it.
Okay I listened a bit more, up until him beginning to confront her. Quickly, the description of the Desolation was really good, I felt shivers down my spine the whole time. I enjoy how this destruction, this lightless flame, is not really the deliberate action of a human but an uncontrollable force of nature that you can’t reason with (the fire), plus a lack of salvation from the inaction of an uncaring world (not only the landlord, but the system, the.. everything). Both are the same thing, destruction with no rhyme or reason, that you can’t bargain with, just there for the sake of it, corrupt and devastate everything you love or find comfort in. The statement was short and not ambitious but still effective.
Moving on, I see that it is the fact that Jude contributed to Jon’s journey to ending the world that makes him want to get revenge, which is fine, I guess but I think it mostly serves to show more of how he suffers with this guilt, because he’s still in enough pain to now try to place part of the blame on her to free a little of it form himself.
Finished it. Unsurprisingly, that was not quite satisfying. I wonder what Jon will make of it.
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generic-hufflepuff1 · 4 years
My Tma favorites (per entity per season)
In honor of the finale of Tma, I'm looking back and going through the seasons and picking out my favorite episodes. I'm sorting them by entity and Im gonna write a little piece at the end of each fear as to why I picked that episode.  It is relatively spoiler free but still keep your wits about you.  
Also this is only up to Mag 197
The Stranger
Season 1: 1 Anglerfish tied with 34 Anatomy Class 
Season 2: 77 The Kind Mother
Season 3: 83 Drawing a Blank, with 96 Return to Sender as a close second
Season 4: 128 heavy Goods
Season 5: 182 Well being, but 165 Revolutions is very very good
Overall: 1 Anglerfish
So all the of The Strangers’ episodes are really evocative and well written and I have to say that it was a very, very close call for almost every single season and I still cannot really decide if I truly like Mag 1 more than Mag 34 but I have to say that Mag 1 is so very good at drawing you into the world and works as a stand alone piece.  
The Buried
Season 1: 2 Do Not Open
Season 2: 66 Held In Customs
Season 3: 97 We all Ignore the Pit
Season 4: 132 Entombed
Season 5: 184 Like Ants
Overall: 2 Do Not Open
I love Mag 2 as the protagonist straight up did not have any of this bullshit.  And they even got a mike drop moment with the frozen key.  Like in this house we stan Joshua Gillespie.  His determination to not have to deal with that shit is so incredibly strong that it sticks with you.  
The Web
Season 1: 16 Aracnopobia
Season 2: 69 Thought for the Day
Season 3: 81 A Guest for Mister Spider
Season 4: 136 The Puppeteer 
Season 5: 172 Strung Out
Overall: 81 A Guest for Mister Spider 
Honestly Mag 81 is absolutely brilliant and serves to contextualise so much of season 1 and 2 and ends up being incredibly important to the world as a whole.  That plus the delivery and excellent premise gives it a slight edge over Mag 172 that is a pure exploration of the controlling and manipulative nature of addiction
The Vast
Season 1: 21 Freefall
Season 2: 75 A Long Way Down
Season 3: 91 The Coming Storm
Season 4: 124 Left Hanging
Season 5: 174 The Great Beast
Overall: 174 The Great Beast
So the first half of season 5 does an amazing job of truely fleshing out each fear and the Vast is no exception.  The split between the two protagonists makes it clear that The Vast is not just about big things or empty space but deep existentialism and the fear of the inevitability of life.  
The Spiral
Season 1: 26 A Distortion
Season 2: 74 Fatigue
Season 3: 85 Upon the Stair
Season 4: 126 Sculptors Tool
Season 5: 177 Wonderland, tied with 187 Checking Out
Overall: 187 Checking Out
This one was difficult as Mag 177 and Mag 187 as both of them lingered in my head for literal weeks after listening to them.  In the end Mag 187 was so completely mind boggling in how it completely changed my perception of the Distortion.  And is a masterclass in writing a character twist.  
The End
Season 1: 29 Cheating Death
Season 2: 70 Book of the Dead
Season 3: 94 Dead Woman Walking
Season 4: 155 The Cost of Living
Season 5: 168 Roots
Overall: 168 Roots
I have quite literally experienced some version of what the victims are describing.  But more than that the realisation of the implications of this domain for the world as it elevates the episode much higher than any of the Ends other appearances as eventually the other entities will fear the End just as the mortals do.  
The Flesh
Season 1: 14 Piecemeal
Season 2: 58 Trail Rations
Season 3: 90 Body Builder
Season 4: 131 Flesh
Season 5: 171 The Gardener
Overall: 171 The Gardener
Everything about Mag 171 just speaks to me.  From the visual it conjures, to the brilliant use of botany metaphor to describe various body image issues, to Jared’s simple but weighty request.  This episode lives rent free in my brain at all times.  This is the first time that I have zero contenders for my favorite of an entity.  
The Corruption
Season 1: 32 Hive
Season 2: 68 The Tale of a Field Hospital
Season 3: 102 Nesting Instinct
Season 4: 153 Love Bombing
Season 5: 164 The Sick Village
Overall: 32 Hive
Although Mag 164 does have a very particular place in my heart and in the history of literature due to its topic and the precise time it came out, but it does pale compared to just how brilliant Mag 32 is.   As the first real mention of the entities it reveals just little enough to keep the suspense whilst providing just enough answers that it's obvious in hindsight.  But once more none of that matters in the face of “There is a wasps nest in my attic” the shere delivery of this episode has placed it in many people's favourite lists.  
The Slaughter
Season 1: 7 The Piper
Season 2: 42 Grifter’s Bone
Season 3: 105 Total War
Season 4: 125 Civilian Casualties
Season 5: 163 In the Trenches 
Overall: 42 Grifter’s Bone
Mag 42 is very interesting.  I’ve mentioned in some of my other posts that Im pretty sure that Jonny Sims finds some fears harder to write and the Slaughter is definitely one of them but I’ve only come to this conclusion by looking at how frequently they show up but listening to the show you would never be able to tell and Mag 42 is one brilliant example of this it is a brilliant way to expand on how the Slaughter manifests.  
The Desolation
Season 1: 37 Burnt Offering
Season 2: 67 Burning Desire
Season 3: 89 Twice as Bright
Season 4: 139 Chosen
Season 5: 169 Fire Escape
Overall: 67 Burning Desire
I find Mag 67 so intensely interesting as it leads into one of the major themes of Tma, that love can and will defeat and overpower even the most gripping fear.  The simple love of a simple man sowed just enough doubt to destroy an avatar of destruction.  Tma is filled with similar moments but personally this one is my favourite.  
The Dark
Season 1: 25 Growing Dark
Season 2: 63 The End of the Tunnel
Season 3: 86 Tucked In
Season 4: 143 The Heart of Darkness
Season 5: 173 Night Night
Overall: 173 Night Night
I remember the reaction to Mag 173.  It was so incredibly powerful to watch most of the fanbase (myself included) react in exactly the same way the characters did to the reality of this domain.  First with dawning realisation, then anger followed sudden confusion at where to direct that anger.  It was quite eye opening to say the least.  
The Hunt
Season 1: 10 Vampire Killer, with notable mention to 31 First Hunt
Season 2: 56 Children of the Night
Season 3: 112 Thrill of the Chase
Season 4: 133 Dead Horse
Season 5: 176 Blood Ties
Overall: 112 Thrill of the Chase
I absolutely love Mag 112.  It is such a brilliant idea, and as a result I end up valuing it a bit more than Mag 133 or 10 which are particularly telling for me as it proves that the Hunt is weirdly the fairest of the entities and absolutely condones fighting back and even killing its avatars or that it just cares about the circular nature of the hunt.  
The Eye
Season 1: 23 Schwartzwald
Season 2: 53 Crusader
Season 3: 82 The Eyewitnesses
Season 4: 138 The Architecture of Fear
Season 5: 183 The Monument
Overall: 138 The Architecture of Fear
Oh Smirke.  Poor naive and enlightened Smirke.  I love Mag 138 more than the other Eye related episodes because it is due to this character that we even have a metric through which to observe the world of tma
The Lonely
Season 1: 33 Boatswain’s Call
Season 2: 48 lost in the Crowd
Season 3: 92 Nothing Besides Remains
Season 4: 159 The Last
Season 5: 170 Recollection
Overall: 170 Recollection
Covid lockdown hit me quite hard and I have not seen a single piece of media that captures the feeling of having hours and days drift into each other quite like Mag 170 so along with Mag 164 it has a very strange place in my heart.  
The Extinction
So this one is a bit of a different situation so im gonna simply list my top five in order
175 Epoch
149 Concrete Jungle
65 Binary
157 Rotten Core
156 Reflection
Mag 175 is another example of a statement that my mind will drift to if I leave it alone for too long.  From the vivid visuals to the subtext of the descriptions to the delivery of every line it is easily one of the best episodes of Tma in my personal opinion. 
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spoondrifts · 4 years
First And Last Words: TMA Edition
Sasha James:
FIRST; MAG 24 - Strange Music
"I thought it was pronounced 'Ka-lee-o-pee'?"
LAST; MAG 39 - Infestation
"I see you. Show yourself!"
Jane Prentiss:
FIRST & LAST; MAG 39 - Infestation
Jurgen Leitner:
FIRST; MAG 79 - Hide and Seek
"Mr. Sims? I think it's time we had a talk."
LAST; MAG 80 - The Librarian
"Elias, it doesn’t have to be like-"
Mike Crew:
FIRST; MAG 91 - The Coming Storm
"You’re sure I can’t get you a cup of tea?"
LAST; MAG 91 - The Coming Storm
"I thought you said you came alone? Hm. Can I help-?"
FIRST; MAG 47 - The New Door
"Do you even know they’re lying to you?"
LAST; MAG 101 - Another Twist
"Th-Tha-That-That’s… not... Oh. Oh no."
Gerard Keay:
FIRST; MAG 111 - The Family Business
"You’re new. Did you kill them?"
LAST; MAG 111 - The Family Business
"I always wanted my friends to call me Gerry."
Tim Stoker:
FIRST; MAG 33 - Boatswain's Call
"Look, it’s not a big deal. We just need to do a few of them again."
LAST; MAG 119 - Stranger and Stranger
"I know."
Sarah Baldwin:
FIRST; MAG 96 - Return To Sender
"Who the hell are you people? Let me go!"
LAST; MAG 119 - Stranger and Stranger
"It's too late."
Nikola Orsinov:
FIRST; MAG 97 - We All Ignore The Pit
"[Sing-song] You don’t want to do that."
LAST; MAG 119 - Stranger and Stranger
"That's. Not. Funny."
Eric Delano:
FIRST; MAG 154 - Bloody Mary
"Gertrude, I- Wha- What am I doing here?"
LAST; MAG 154 - Bloody Mary
"I guess there’s not really anything else to say."
Gertrude Robinson:
FIRST; MAG 44 - Tightrope
"Case 9790302. Yuri Utkin."
LAST; MAG 158 - Panopticon
"Well… there it is. Thought it would hurt more."
Peter Lukas:
FIRST; MAG 100 - I Guess You Had To Be There
"Excuse me? Do you work here?"
LAST; MAG 159 - The Last
"No! Leave… me… ALONE!"
FIRST; MAG 39 - Infestation
"Hello? I see you. I see you."
LAST; MAG 165 - Revolutions
"I-I’m sorry."
Jude Perry:
FIRST; MAG 89 - Twice As Bright
"[Chuckling] Uh, yeah."
LAST; MAG 169 - Fire Escape
"You’re not-- better-- than-- me!"
Jared Hopworth:
FIRST; MAG 131 - Flesh
"That’s what it says on me licence."
LAST; MAG 171 - The Gardener
"Grow well, my darlings. Grow well."
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northoftheroad · 4 years
Dick and Tim – brothers in arms
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So I got this ask. And it’s a good thing I got it the first night of my summer vacation, and the weather hasn't been great ;-)
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Once I started digging for comics with both Tim and Dick, I found several that I've never read. I got the impression Anonymous would like a complete list, so I just kept going. But this means I don't know if they even interact in some of the books, or if they make "blink and you miss it" guest appearances.
I'm sorry if they, by any chance, was asking for reading recommendations for good Dick and Tim moments and not The Complete List... Looking at the number of comics here that I haven't read/can't remember, I'm not really qualified to answer that. But if I had to try, I would mention:  
A Lonely Place of Dying
The New Titans #65
All issues of Nightwing vol 2 with Robin as a guest star, including Nightwing Annual #1 but excluding Annual # 2.
Showcase '93 #11-12
Knightfall Prodigal
Robin vol 2 #10, (DickRobin and TimRobin!) 175
Young Justice vol 1 #22
Teen Titans vol 3 #6
Bruce Wayne – Murderer and Fugitive
Birds of Prey #19
Batman: Gotham Knights # 8-11, 45
Red Robin #11-14
Batman: Gates of Gotham
That being said. Here is, as far as I can find, every comic where both Dick Grayson and Tim Drake have made an appearance (pre-Flashpoint):
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Batman vol 1 #436. By Marv Wolfman, art Pat Broderick and John Beatty.
Batman # 436. (Tim's first appearance, in the circus audience the day Dick's parents were killed.) (1989)
A Lonely Place of Dying. Batman #440-442, New Titans #60-61. (When Tim tries to talk Dick into becoming Robin again but ends up wearing the Robin suit himself to help Batman and Robin.) (1990)
The New Titans #64 (1990)
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The New Titans #65. By Marv Wolfman, art Tom Grummet and Al Vey.
The New Titans #65. (Tim turns up at Dick's place to learn what it is to be Batman's partner.) (1990)
Batman vol 1 #455 (1990)
Batman: Shadow of the Bat #1-2 (1992)
Superman: The Man of Steel #20 (1993)
Superman vol 2 #76 (1993)
Batman vol 1 #500 (1993)
New Titans #100 (1993)
Showcase '93 #11-12 (1993)
Justice League of America #70 (1993)
Bloodbath #1-2 (1994)
Batman vol 1 #510 (1994)
Robin vol 2 #0, 8 (1994)
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Robin vol 2 #10. By Chuck Dixon, art Tom Grummett and Ray Kryssing.
Robin vol 2 #10 (DickRobin meets TimRobin during Zero Hour. DickRobin is also seen in a panel in Batman vol 1 #511 and Zero Hour: Crisis in Time #4 .) (1994)
Zero Hour: Crisis in Time #1-3 (1994)
Detective Comics #676-677 (1994)
Batman: Shadow of the Bat #29-30 (1994)
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #62 (1994)
Knightfall Prodigal (Dick's first longer stint as Batman. And he takes care of Tim and the Manor on his own!) In Batman #512-514, Batman: Shadow of the Bat #32-34, Robin # 11-13, Detective Comics #679-681. (1994-1995)
Batman vol 1 #515 (1995)
Detective Comics #686 (1995)
Robin vol 2 #23 (1995)
Green Arrow vol 2 #101 (1995)
Contagion (Detective Comics #696, Batman vol 1 #529, Batman: Shadow of the Bat #49, Batman vol 1 #533, Azrael vol 1 #16, Robin vol 2 #28, Catwoman vol 2 #31) (1996)
The Final Night #2-3 (1996)
Robin vol 2 #29, 32-33 (1996)
Catwoman vol 2 #36 (1996)
Batman: Shadow of the Bat #53-54 (1996)
Detective Comics #698-701 (1996)
Marvel versus DC / DC versus Marvel #2 (1996)
Nightwing vol 2 # 6. (Tim and Dick talk and fight crooks.) (1997)
Batman: Bane (1997)
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Ningtwing Annual #1. By Devin Grayson, art Greg Land and Bob McLeod.
Nightwing vol 2 Annual #1. (When Dick fake-marries a girl to investigate if she has murdered her previous husbands.) (1997)
Genesis #1 (1997)
Robin vol 2 #47-48 (1997)
Detective Comics #721, 724 (1998)
Nightwing vol 2 # 20. (Part of Cataclysm.) (1998)
Robin vol 2 #53 (1998)
Nightwing vol 2 # 25. (Tim and Dick talk and ride on train roofs. Dick has decided to become a cop.) (1998)
Batman 80-page Giant #1 (1998)
Brotherhood of the fist (Detective Comics #723, Robin vol 2 #55, Nightwing vol 2 # 28, Green Arrow 3 #135) (1998)
Batman: Bane of the Demon #4 (1998)
Batman vol 1 #554, 556, 560 (1998)
Detective Comics #727-729 (1998-1999)
JLA/Titans: Technis Imperative (1998-1999)
DC Universe Holiday Bash #3 (1999)
Batman 80-page Giant #2 (1999)
Young Justice: Secret Files and Origins #1 (1999)
Batman: Day of Judgment (Zombies...) (1999)
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #120 (1999)
Robin vol 2 #71 (1999)
Young Justice vol 1 #7 (1999)
Batman and Superman: World's Finest #10 (2000)
No Man's Land. (Robin vol 2 #67, Batman vol 1 #562, Detective Comics #741, Batman: Shadow of the Bat #95, Batman: Legend of the Dark Knight #120, 126, Azrael: Agent of the Bat #56) (1999-2000)
Detective Comics #741 (2000)
Robin vol 2 #74, 76, 82 (2000)
Superman Y2K #1 (2000)
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Batman: Gotham Knights #10. By Devin Grayson, art Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez and Rober Robinson.
Batman: Gotham Knights #10-11 (2000)
Batman: Outlaws 1-3 (2000)
Young Justice vol 1 #22 (2000)
Birds of Prey vol 1 #19 (2000)
JLA: Secret Files #3 (2000)
The Hunt for Oracle. (Birds of Prey vol 1 #20-22. Nightwing vol 2 #46.) (2000)
Superboy vol 3 #74 (2000)
Young Justice: Sins of Youth #1 (2000)
Young Justice: Sinds of Youth Secret Files # 1 (2000)
Titans #12 (2000)
Green Lantern: Circle of Fire #1 (2000)
Batman: Gotham Knights #1 (2000)
Harley Quinn #6 (2001)
Birds of Prey # 27 (2001)
Catwoman vol 2 #90 (2001)
Young Justice: Our World's at War #1 (2001)
World's Finest: Our World's at War #1 (2001)
Joker: Last Laugh. (The Joker "jokerize" a number of metahuman villains. In the later part, Joker taunts Nightwing with that he has killed Tim, just as he did Jason. Dick loses it and punches Joker to death, but Batman turns up and resuscitates Joker). (2001)
Harley Quinn #11-12 (2001)
Robin vol 2 #86, 95 (2001)
Gods of Gotham. (Wonder Woman #166-167.) (2001)
Wonder Woman vol 2 #175 (2001)
Nightwing vol 2 #63. (The aftermath of Joker: Last Laugh, where Dick is too depressed to work as Nightwing. Robin and Blue Beetle take his place in Blüdhaven this issue, so they don't actually meet.) (2002)
Azrael: Agent of the Bat #94 (2002)
Young Justice vol 1 #40 (2002)
Birds of Prey vol 1 #37. (2002)
Batman/Nightwing: Bloodborne (2002)
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Batman: Gotham Knights #26. By Devin Grayson, art Roger Robinson and John Floyd. 
Bruce Wayne: Murderer and Bruce Wayne: Fugitive (Batgirl vol 1 #27, Nightwing #68-69, Batman: Gotham Knight #26, 28, 30, Birds of Prey vol 1 #40, 43, Batman #600, 605.) (Bruce is accused of murder and refuses to defend himself, and eventually escapes and intends to drop the identity of Bruce Wayne. Dick refuses to believe that Bruce can be a murderer and it causes a bit of friction with Tim.)
Batman: Gotham Knights #32-36 (2002-2003)
Batman: Gotham Knights #38, 42, 46 (2003)
Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day # 1-3 (2003)
Detective Comics #782 (2003)
JLA/JSA: Virtue & Vice (2003)
Batman vol 1 #615 (Part of Hush) (2003)
Robin vol 2 #108-110, 118 (2003)
Batman: Family # 6-8 (2003)
Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files (2003)
JLA: Welcome to the Working Week (2003)
Identity Crisis # 1 (2004)
Robin vol 2 #120 (But not really – the issue is about how Tim has been stalking his friends, imagining them as traitors, including Dick.) (2004)
Robin vol 2 #125 (2004)
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Teen Titans vol 3 #6. By Geoff Johns, art Mike McKone and Marlo Alquiza.
Teen Titans vol 3 #6 (2004)
Batgirl vol 1 # 46, 50 (2004)
Superman/Batman #5, 13 (2004)
War Games. (Nightwing vol 2 #97-98, Batman vol 1 #631-634, Detective Comics #799, Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #183-184, Gotham Knights #57) (2004)
Detective Comics # 800 (2005)
Teen Titans vol 3 # 21-25 (2005)
Outsiders vol 3 #25 (2005)
Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files (2005)
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Nightwing vol 2 # 110. By Devin Grayson, art Phil Hester and Ande Parks.
Nightwing vol 2 #110. (During a period when Dick left the Nightwing identity.) (2005)
Infinite Crisis.  (2005-2006)
Action Comics # 841-843 (2006)
Adventures of Superman #648 (2006)
Nightwing vol 2 Annual # 2. (I honestly don't recommend this, but in the spirit of making a complete list... Tim is visible in two panels, overlapping with Infinite Crisis where Dick almost dies. Otherwise, it's a retelling of the revamped history of Dick and Barbara, including some things that no-one who likes Dick Grayson would agree is in-character.) (2007)
Teen Titans vol 3 #43 (2007)
Gotham: Underground # 1 (2007)
Wonder Woman Annual vol #1 (2007)
Countdown #43 (2007)
52 #30 (2007)
JLA: Classified #34 (2007)
Robin vol 2 #156 (2007)
Shadowpact #10 (2007)
Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime #1 (2007)
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Nightwing vol 2 #142. By Peter J Tomasi, penciller Rags Morales.
Freefall (Nightwing vol 2 # 140–146). (One of the very best story arcs of any Nightwing comic. It has gruff Bruce, brotherly bonding, Nightwing and Robin infiltrating an island...) (2008)
Batman: Underground # 6-7 (2008)  
Green Latern vol 4 #25 (2008)
Titans vol 2 #1 (2008)
Robin vol 2 #178 (2008)
Batgirl vol 2 #1 (2008)
The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul. (Robin vol 2 #169, Nightwing vol 2 #138-139, Detective Comics #839). (2007-2008)
DC Special: Cyborg #2-5 (2008)
Robin vol 2 # 175. (Some fun panels with flashbacks with Dick and Tim.) (2008)
Batman vol 1 #675, 678, 681 (2008)
DC Universe: Lats Will and Testament #1 (2008)
Final Crisis #3 (2008)
Detective Comics #847 (2008)
Batgirl vol 2 # 5-6 (2009)
Superman/Batman #55 (2009)
Detective Comics #850 (2009)
Nightwing vol 2 # 151. (The issue ends with some family time with Dick, Tim and Alfred.) (2009)
Nightwing vol 2 # 153. (Last issue, Dick moves from New York to Gotham and Wayne Manor.) (2009)
Superman #682 (2009)
Teen Titans vol 3 #75 (2009)
Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #5 (2009)
Robin vol 2 #181, 183 (2009)
Batman vol 1 #686 (2009)
Battle for the Cowl # 1-3. (Jason intends to become the Batman "Gotham needs". When Tim can't convince Dick to take up the cowl, he dresses up as Batman himself to fight Jason. In the end, Dick defeats Jason – and becomes Batman.) (2009)
Batman: Blackest Night #1-3 (2009)
Red Robin 1 # 1, 4 (2009)
Batman vol 1 #697, 702, 703 (2010)
Batman: Gates of Gotham #13 (2010)
Red Robin # 11-15 (2010)
Superman/Batman #76 (2010)
Teen Titans vol 3 #88-89 (2010)
Batman: Orphans #1-2 (2011)
Birds of Prey vol 2 #10 (2011)
Gotham City Sirens # 22 (2011)
Secret Six vol 3 #36 (2011)
Batman: Gates of Gotham #1-5 (2011)
Batman vol 1 #708-709 (2011)
Detective Comics #872, 874, 877, 880, 881 (2011)
Red Robin # 22, 23, 26 (2011)
I'm going to skip post-Flashpoint because, well, there's hardly anything there. The worst thing with Flashpoint/New 52, in my opinion, was that it destroyed relationships between characters who used to be family, but ended up hardly knowing or even liking each other. :-( 
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Detective Comics #975. By James Tynion IV, art Álvaro Martínez and Raúl Fernández. 
The only panel worth mentioning with Dick and Tim is from DC #975. Yes, it's sad – one of the best brotherly relationships in DC turned into dust. Here's to hoping future writers will pick up on their wonderful dynamic at some time.
(The pictures in the header are from: Red Robin #12, Young Justice vol 1 #22, Showcase ‘93 #12, Batman #441, Nightwing vol 2 #6, 25.) 
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mimosaeyes · 4 years
Post-169. Jon takes care of Martin, and remembers what’s most important. Fluff and hurt/comfort, 1.1k
Beta-ed by @sequoiawintersnight.
It feels like ages before they finally make it out of the burning building. Martin shuts down after a while, going somewhere else in his head while he lets Jon lead the way. The only sensations he registers are the stinging of his eyes from all the smoke, the ache in his chest as he coughs convulsively — and Jon’s slight but steady presence at his side.
He’s ducked under Martin’s arm and is supporting part of his weight. It’s not that Martin really needs help walking. His head’s a little woozy and his limbs feel like molten lead in the heat, but physically, he’s relatively unharmed. It’s something else about the domain of the Desolation that’s so enervating to him; something affective.
The route they take is circuitous and unlikely. Each time there’s a fork in the corridor, Jon seems to pick the path that Martin thinks would lead them deeper into the labyrinth, not out of it. Firelight flickers under almost all the doors they pass by. The cries for help rise and fall in volume as they approach each door, then leave it behind.
Martin knows why you shouldn’t open doors during a fire. It spreads the oxygen around, feeds the flames just as you try to escape them. Better to seal off a room and let it burn itself out. Acceptable losses. The logic of landlords; he’d heard some of what Jon was recording before he managed to snap him out of it to warn him about Jude Perry.
God, this place is getting to him.
“We’re nearly out,” Jon says then, giving his arm a squeeze. “This way.”
They’ve been passing exit signs at regular intervals. Jon has been ignoring them, and even Martin has noticed that they contradict one another, deliberately confusing victims who are trying to escape. Now he walks back to the last one they saw, reaches up, and snaps it off the low ceiling. The material is of shoddy quality, like everything around here, so he manages this easily enough.
The door to the outside looks deceptively like it leads to a supply closet. Jon holds it ajar after them while Martin jams the exit sign in as a doorstop. Hopefully its odd positioning will stand out to the next people who stumble by, looking for a way out.
Only then does Martin turn, exhale, and take his first breath of fresh air since they willingly walked into the inferno.
It sends him into another coughing fit, of course. His lungs are still inflamed from all the soot particles and noxious gases back there. Jon grabs for his hands and pulls him forward, putting more distance between them and the sprawling complex.
When they can no longer feel heat on the backs of their necks, they stop. They’ve arrived on the banks of what probably used to be a small pond, the kind cows and other animals might gather around at midday. Martin averts his eyes from the grey and bubbling primordial soup that it is now, vaguely afraid he might see something crawl out onto shore.
He coughs again as he sits down, but the pain that blossoms in his chest isn’t red-hot anymore. Jon was right about that at least. The moment they left, he began to feel better.
Jon shrugs off his backpack and rummages through it, eventually producing a bottle of water he’d filled an eternity ago from the kitchen tap in the cottage. They hadn’t felt the need to eat or drink in so long that Martin had forgotten all about it.
“Here,” Jon says. Martin takes a swig, pulling a face at the water’s tepidness and the aftertaste of plastic. He swallows some more anyway, trying to get rid of the acrid smell of burning in the back of his throat.
As he gives the bottle back, he notices — very belatedly — the scorch marks in Jon’s sleeves and the burns on his arms. He freezes. He’s very familiar with Jon’s existing scars, so he can tell at once that these are new.
“What?” Jon asks.
Martin’s hand shakes a little as he touches Jon’s arm. They had had to go through one particularly bad room on their way out. Not just on fire, but angrily, vindictively so, the air so hot and viscous that breathing had felt like filling his lungs with boiling liquid. As they staggered through, Martin hunched over and curled into himself, part of the ceiling had given way in a shower of sparks and debris. There’d been so much going on, he’s only now realising that Jon hadn’t been clutching onto him reflexively. He’d been shielding him with his own body, and he’d been burned.
“Martin? Martin, it’s fine. No permanent harm, remember?”
He’s right, of course; Martin can already see the marks fading. “That doesn’t make it okay,” he scolds. “It still hurt, didn’t it? And pain can — can damage you in other ways.”
Jon mumbles something that sounds suspiciously like, “Better me than you, I’m almost used to it.”
Martin gapes at him. “You absolute idiot, that’s even worse!”
His voice breaks, just a little, on the words. Jon looks up at the sound. “Oh,” he says softly. “I’m sorry. I’ll... I’ll try harder.” He lifts his hand and brushes away the hot tears Martin hadn’t even noticed he had begun shedding.
His fingers are cool. Martin leans into his touch, closing his eyes.
Jon’s silent for a long moment. Then he says, “I’m sorry for making you go into that building.”
Martin raises his head. “You didn’t force me to do anything. I wanted you to confront Jude Perry, and smite her to kingdom come if you so pleased. I was terrified, sure, but I thought you should get your shot at vengeance.”
He means for this to reassure Jon, but while the furrow in his brow relaxes fractionally, it doesn't disappear. “Actually,” Jon says, “I don’t think today was about revenge, in the end. It didn’t feel... cathartic, what I did.”
Martin watches him closely. “Are you saying it was all for nothing?” Honestly, that would be kind of a bummer.
“No.” Jon offers him a small, luminous smile. “Because you stuck an exit sign in the door.”
He’d almost forgotten he’d done that. It had been instinctive. “Oh,” Martin says.
“That’s how we’ll win.” Jon lifts his hand to kiss it. “By not forgetting what’s important.”
“Which would be...?”
Jon looks at him, deadpan. “The empathy, altruism, and kindness at the heart of our shared humanity.”
Martin huffs.
Jon cracks a smile. “And you, Martin. Always you.”
[also available on AO3 here]
[my TMA fic on AO3]
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arce-elliot · 3 years
Magnus Archives - First Impressions (151-175)
We’re almost there, gang. Out of the Lonely and into the Eyepocalypse we go! Blah blah I had 75% of the series spoiled and am jotting down my thoughts, you know the drill.
EP 151 (Big Picture): - OH SIMON??? - okay okay Simon's kinda funny, you go you funky little sky grandpa - Martin Tell Her The TRUTH EP 152 (A Gravedigger's Envy): - oooh another ancient one - hey that's terrifying wtf - can someone please comfort jonny boy good lord EP 153 (Love Bombing): - Idk why the cult ones freak me out, maybe because cults are real? - oh god what's gonna happen to that dog - I literally just made my dinner with white wine vinegar that's a little old are you sHITTING ME - GIRL GET OUT OF THERE WHILE YOU HAVE A CHANCE YOU KNOW SOMETHING'S OFF - AYYY THE HUNTIN' GANG - tbh it was weird that they helped him even though they knew he wasn't human actually - DAISY!!!!! - Jon can you chill w/ the sass if you're not gonna help - Okay I'm gay but Daisy Growl Hot - Two dying monsters trying to reconcile their humanity, this is sad I hate it here EP 154 (Bloody Mary): - oh god it's This Episode I've been dreading it poor Eric - g o d Gertrude sounds so upset - I would die for Eric - "Eric I'm gonna count to ten and you're gonna tELL ME HOW YOU QUIT" - I'm already crying good god - "he needed me" o w - MARTIN GOT TO SAY FUCK!!!!! - O U C H - i am so upset FUCK this podcast - the catalogue of the dead is just the Delano-Keay family album EP 155 (Cost of Living): - CALL HER OUT JON - Tova, to this doctor's heart: it's free real estate - A FUCKING C H I L D?????? - ah yes, some more DIY surgery, who needs doctors when you have knives? EP 156 (Reflection): - ayyyy adelard how are ya - oh fun flesh time - oh? extinction? - also that was gross what the fuck - M A R T I N EP 157 (Rotten Core): - go save Martin before I cry - ADELARD!!! - ah no, I'm gonna miss this dude he was kinda cool - this hits different in corona times - okay this is actually pretty gross wtf - Martin's lonely because he chose to be, Jon is lonely because everyone hates him, poetic cinema EP 158 (Panopticon): - Ah Shit Here We Fucking Go - OH WHAT THE FUCK NOT!SASHA???? - AYYYYY THERE'S JONAH MAGNUS WELCOME HOME RAT BASTARD - uh oh bye bye Gertrude Time - mom and dad are fighting to be Martin's favorite parent lmao - no not the promise :C - Martin is the brain cell, he really just played both these men like kazoos - gdi Peter give me my boy back EP 159 (The Last): - hi I am Sad - Marto blease just go with the tired eyeball man - "i see you" MY B O Y S EP 160 (The Eye Opens) - oh lord here we go - at least we get some Jonmartin conversation - Monologue Time! - Jon: can I just say, from the bottom of my heart...my bad EP 161 (Dwelling): - welcome to the apocalypse bitches - FINALLY i've been waiting for these tapes for my entire life - TIMMMMMM! SASHAAAAA! - Elias being a normal person is unsettling - ALL THE EYE JOKES gdi I refuse to simp for eyeball man - THE JARRING "ARCHIVIST" I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD - "If I wish for all of you to go away do you think it'll work?" well it worked on Tim and Sasha - Elias: I'm a cool boss, I can drink wine - the image of Jon just huddled on the couch with a bag of tapes and listening to them over and over is so sad - sorry Gertrude no Sasha, just a sad little man - thank u for the powerpoint Gertrude - JON DON'T SNAP - i love them so much your honor EP 162 (Cosy Cabin): - GERRY GERRY GERRY - okay Gertrude and Gerry are adorable I love goth boy and his badass grandma - Gerry, ever the pragmatist: but what about TAXES gertrude - Tim and Sasha interacting is the sweetest thing ;_; - oh this is AFTER the hookup lmao - OH WAIT Sasha canonically knew about Danny??? I didn't know that oof - Oh Jon's getting a phone call I suppose - Jon's trying so hard to be dramatic and Martin's like "okay bitch grab ur backpack and lets go" EP 163 (In The Trenches): - "Tell everybooooody I'm ooon my waaay, new frieeends and new plaaaaces to seeeee" - YESSS LET MARTIN CURSE OVER THE GUNSHOTS AND BAGPIPES - "Martin can you stand over there and cover your ears while I cast Eldritch Ramble" EP 164 (The Sick Village): - another one that hits different in corona times - I hate the word soupy - what in the midsommar - if you can't find your own statements, DIY your own - Martin: fuck u Jon, Helen's my friend now - Martin: can I get an Uber, can I PLEASE get an Uber EP 165 (Revolutions): - this is my friend's favorite episode so I'm excited - oh circus music gross - THE RHYMINGGGGG OH I LOVE THIS - my arms are sore from happy stimming at this audio oh my god - SHUT UP JON IT WAS A GOOD POEM - GET HER ASS JON - is that our first "Ceaseless Watcher"?? I think it was! - Jon: Level Up! - Martin: that's hot EP 166 (The Worms): - HELL YES JON SAID FUCK - oh worm? - Martin answer your damn phone - awww Martin don't doubt yourself :C EP 167 (Curiousity): - Fiona: lmao watch this -passes out- - oh I didn't realize Eric was one of the OGs, their conversations make more sense now - Michael :c - Gertrude you got played like a fiddle damn EP 168 (Roots): - jealous Martin lmao - Jon just tell him why you woke up that would probably solve this - As someone who also freaks out about every little twinge this episode felt targeted EP 169 (Fire Escape): - desolation time? desolation time. can't wait to walk through hell - so aside from Smirke's 14 we have the 3 additional fears: the Extinction, the Scotland, and the Landlord - oh this one is terrifiyng i love it - OOOOH the "jons" slowly fading in was really clever - G O D martin sounds so defeated poor boy EP 170 (Recollection): - Martin finding tape recorders is the cutest thing - Oh fuck are we in the Lonely oh shit - this is so disconcerting i love it - someone get this man a better chair EP 171 (The Gardener): - Martin: damn that's a lot of bones - oh not THIS dude again I can barely understand him oh my GOD - well that was interesting EP 172 (Strung Out): - oh web? - oh this is sad shit - I think this is one of the worst domains yet for me personally this sounds like hell - g o d the web makes my brain hurt blease Jonny I'm stupid EP 173 (Night Night): - oh dark? - oh so the darkness is just the apocalypse daycare? nice - oh and this tween runs it, nice - Jon: are you SURE you want me to kill this middle schooler? - wow this is depressing EP 174 (The Great Beast): - oh hunt? - oh vast? lmao that's what i get for assumptions - Martin just wants to kill a man is that too much to ask someone give him a gun EP 175 (Epoch): - ex...tinct...ion? - “Peter was right” no FUCK YOU I refuse to give Peter any credit LOOK ADELARD WAS RIGHT, Adelard Decker laid the BLUEPRINT - poor Jon he's gettin these hard-hitting google searches - Basira and Daisy?????? OH WAIT THAT MEANS OH NO
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bare1ythere · 4 years
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I think I’m starting to understand even more now why Martin is so keen to kill. Not only are the avatars, y’know, evil, but they’re all so dismissive of him. Just like Elias, just like Peter Lukas, they are all underestimating him and his abilities. They’re trying to use him as a pawn against the archivist, or at the very least only consider him Part of the archivist and not his own unique threat (ie Not!Sasha threatening Martin like he wasn’t there, Jude patronizing him). If I was consistently being passed off like this I would start to get angry too.
Martin as a character always wants to be doing something to help. Be it during S2 when he brought Jon tea and encouraged him to go out to lunch with him, or burning statements in S3 to distract Elias, or Especially in S4 when he was working with Peter. After the Fearpocalypse started, Martin was the first to prepare their bags for the journey and was the first to push for trying to return the world to the way it was. All these moments of Martin being at best underestimated and patronized and at worst (with Not!Sasha) being treated as an object or as if he wasn’t there would especially cut deep to him. It probably started to feel like he’s not in control of his own safety and has to rely on Jon’s Archivist Powers to Not Die. In that case, Martin being more aggressive and eager to destroy some avatars makes sense and would be completely in character. He feels out of control and wants himself to be known as a threat rather than just an Asset of the Oh So Powerful Archivist that can be manipulated to hurt him.
That being said, maybe Annabelle’s manipulation in MAG166 wasn’t going for a deep rooted insecurity in Martin, but instead one that she knows is being planted by the other avatars as they travel through domains. 
(ID of screenshots under the cut)
[ID: Three screenshots of the TMA transcripts from Revolutions (165), The Worms (166), and Fire Escape (169). They read:
(1) NOT!SASHA: And what if I let you choose this time? Which one of you would I wear next? Martin looks very comfortable, positively roomy. Oh, wouldn’t you agree, Archivist?
(2) ANNABELLE: He’s more powerful here than he’s ever been, isn’t he? And you’re not sure what that means for you.
MARTIN: I’m hanging up now.
ANNABELLE: Does he even need you at all?
(3) JUDE PERRY: Fancy seeing you both here. (sarcasm) To what, exactly, do I owe the pleasure - the honor - of being graced by the great and powerful Archivist, harbinger of this new world and his, mm… (deliberately obtuse) …valet? (End ID)]
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cardest · 4 years
San Francisco playlist
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San Francisco  - my favorite city in the world! The bands, the music, the songs are all here, in this playlist I created. I threw in a bit of Sac and went south by San Jose, Monterrey and up past Sausalito. Can we make it to 250 songs? Let me know what bands/songs I left out.
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Have I left out a song or a band in this San Francisco playlist? Let me know! Cheers! 
Play the songs here at this link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1-HLG9q5rZLsqs8EYh6bhu- San Francisco
001 The Dillinger Escape Plan w/Mike Patton -  When Good Dogs Do Bad Things 002 Night flight Orchestra - California Morning 003 Quincy Jones - Call Me Mister Tibbs OST (Main Title) 004 James Taylor Quartet - Dirty Harry theme song 005 Faith No More - Seperation anxiety 006 Streets of San Francisco TV show theme song 007 Santana -  Evil Ways 008 High on Fire -  Electric Messiah 009 Metallica - Disposable Heroes 010 Hammers Of Misfortune -  Dead Revolution 011 Buddy Guy -  Hello San Francisco 012 Faith No More - Jungle 013 Isaac Hayes - Shaft 014 Orange Peels  - Back In San Francisco 015 Idris Ackamoor and the Pyramids - Message To My People 016 Thee Oh Sees - The Dream 017 Merle Haggard - Here In Frisco 018 Audrey Horne -  California 019 Journey -  Lights 020 Death Angel -  Hatred United / United Hate 021 Mel Tor Me - Got The Date On The Golden Gate 022 Duke Ellington -  Tourist Point Of View 023 Sons of Anarchy  - This Life (Sons of Anarchy Theme Song) 024 Larry Graham's Central Station - Earthquake 025 LARD - I Wanna Be A Drug Sniffing Dog 026 Machine Head -  California Bleeding 027 Neurosis -  The Doorway 028 KING WOMAN - Utopia 029 Lalo Schifrin - Magnum Force OST  Main Title 030 Forbidden -  Adapt Or Die 031 DBUK - In San Francisco Bay 032 Jack Name - Werewolf Factory 033 John Carpenter - Theme from "The Fog" 034 Khiis - Saboor 035 Richie Havens -  San Francisco Bay Blues 036 Metallica - Battery 037 Autopsy - charred remains 038 ExTREMITY_-_Crepuscular_Crescendo 039 The Otherside -  Streetcar 040 Quincy Jones - Ironside (TV Theme) 041 Megadeth -  Back in the Day 042 Sly and the Family Stone - Stand! 043 Faith No More -  From Out of Nowhere 044 Willie Hutch-Vampin (The Mack OST 045 Orchid -  Mouths Of Madness 046 Lalo Schifrin - Bullitt OST - On The Way To San Mateo 047 Vince Guaraldi - Woodstock's Dream 048 Fantomas -  4-11-05 049 Violation Wound - Fearmonger + State of Alarm 050 Primus - Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers 051 The Flower Pot Men - Let's Go to San Francisco (Part.1-2) 052 Bosse-de-Nage - Crux 053 Rod McKuen - The Beat Generation 054 Dionne Warwick - Do You Know The Way To San Jose 055 The Watchers - Sabbath Highway 056 Possessed - the eyes of horror 057 Scott McKenzie – San Francisco (Be Sure to wear flowers) 058 Tower Of Power -  Oakland Stroke 059 Big Trouble In Little China OST - Pork chop express 060 Vio-lence -  Calling In The Coroner 061 Black Oak Arkansas - The Big Ones Still Coming 062 Mr. Bungle - Love Is a Fist 063 VUUR -  The Fire - San Francisco 064 Testament - The Haunting 065 Electronicat - Frisco Bay 066 Y&T - Mean Streak 067 Thee Oh Sees -  Toe Cutter/Thumb Buster 068 Sweet - California Nights - Promo Clip (OFFICIAL) 069 Sadus - Swallowed In Black 070 Chuck Berry - San Francisco Dues 071 Sammy Hagar - Keep on rockin' 072 Fuzz -  Sleigh Ride 073 Otis Redding - Sittin' on The Dock of the Bay 074 Pleasure Leftits - The Gate 075 BL'AST - Sometimes 076 Santana - Samba de Sausalito 077 Acephalix - Upon This Altar 078 Sun Ra    - Lady With The Golden Stockings 079 Chris Isaak - San Francisco Days 080 Pointer Sisters - How Long (Betcha' Got A Chick On The Side) 081 High On Fire -  Carcosa 082 Will Haven -  When The Walls Close In 083 The Coup -  Laugh/Love/Fuck 084 King Khan - Teeth Are Shite 085 Deafheaven -  Irresistible 086 Glitter Wizard -  Blood of the Serpent 087 Jefferson Airplane -  It's No Secret 088 Cannonball Adderley - This Here 089 The Warlocks -  Can't Come Down 090 Squirmy Sax Man - I Still Believe 091 Acid King - Coming Down from Outer Space 092 George Duke - Sausalito 093 The Lost Boys - Cry Little Sister (Theme From The Lost Boys OST) 094 Betty Davis - [They Say I'm Different] He Was a Big Freak 095 Fever Tree - San Francisco Girls 096 The Dillinger Escape Plan w/ Mike Patton -  Pig Latin 097 Build Them to Break - Lucky Strike 098 Montrose - Rock Candy 099 PRIMUS - THE TOYS GO WINDING DOWN 100 Joe Satriani - Big Bad Moon 101 Sleater Kinney - Jumpers 102 GRUESOME - Dimensions Of Horror 103 Sly & the Family Stone - Everday People 104 Huey Lewis and the News - Back in Time 105 Hammers Of Misfortune - 2 17th Street 106 Jerry Fielding - Prologue _ Main Title (The Enforcer OST) 107 Metal Church - The Dark 108 Deftones - Ohms 109  John Lee Hooker - Frisco Blues 110 DRI - Go Die 111 16th & Valencia Roxy Music- Devendra Banhart, What We Will Be 112 MC Hammer - Too Legit to Quit 113 Dead Kennedys-Police Truck 114 Rancid - Adina 115 San Francisco's Shiver - Up My Sleeve 116 Bernard Herrmann - Vertigo OST - The Bay 117 Faith No More - Last Cup Of Sorrow 118 Blackburn & Snow -  Stranger In a Strange Land 119 The Doobie Brothers - What A Fool Believes 120 The Grateful Dead - Sugar Magnolia 121 Cab Calloway - San Francisco Fan 122 The Charlatans - codine 123 Buck Owens - Want To Live In San Francisco 124 Sleep - Dragonaut 125 Death Angel - 5 Steps Of Freedom 126 Neil Young - Heart of Gold 127 Vastum -  Reveries in Autophagia 128 Dead Kennedys -  Moon Over Marin 129 EchoBrain -  Colder World 130 Riz Ortolani    - Lombard Street   131 Waylon Jennings - San Francisco Mabel Joy   132 Con Funk Shun - Confunkshunizeya 133 Chic - Hes the Greatest Dancer 134 Peace Creep - Radio Free Alcatraz   135 ABBA - Santa Rosa 136 Brian Wilson and Van Dyke Parks - San Fransisco 137 Together Band - California Curl California Girl 138 The Hellers - It's 74 In San Francisco 139 Pat Todd - No Place Like Home 140 Nancy Wilson - I'm Always Drunk In San Francisco (And I Don't Drink At All) 141 Anathema -  San Francisco 142 Blue Cheer -  Fool 143 Exhumed - Gravewalker 144 Darondo - Let My People Go 145 Exodus -  Blood In Blood Out 146 Lalo Schifrin Dirty Harry OST - Scorpios Theme   147 Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues 148 Wild Light - California on my mid 149 Herbie Hancock - Man-child -  Hang Up Your Hang Ups 150 Fantomas -  Spider Baby 151 The Lord Weird Slough Feg -  Headhunter 152 The Animals - San Franciscan Nights 153 Twilight - Dance with Me 154 THE POINTER SISTERS - Yes We Can Can 155 Residents - Hello Skinny 156 CCR HEADCLEANER - Eat This Riff 157 LEON WARE  - Thats Why I Came To California 158 Creedence Clearwater Revival - I Put A Spell On You 159 Comorant - The First Man 160 Bosse-de-Nage  - The Trench 161 Hell Fire - Free Again   162 Riz Ortolani  - Golden Gate Bridge 163 Fleetwood Mac - You Make Loving Fun 164 Uther Pendragon - San Francisco Earthquake 165 Melvins - Zodiac 166 La Luz - California Finally 167 The Wyatt Act - Push 168 Santana - Soul Sacrifice 169 Cheap Trick - On the Radio 170 Electric Wizard -  Venus In Furs 171 Led Zeppelin -  Misty Mountain Hop 172 Tommy Castro - Callin' San Francisco 173 Viscious Rumors - Digital Dictator 174 Ghoul-Off With Their Heads 175 Diesel - Sausalito Summernight (Single Version) 176 Sheila E - A Love Bizarre 177 Starship - Nothings Gonna Stop Us Now 178 Jeffry Osboune - I Really Don't Need No Light 179 Nazareth -  Alcatraz 180 Freak of Nature - Rescue Me 181 Metallica - Crash Course In Brain Surgery 182 10000 Maniacs - Hey Jack Kerouac 183 Faith No More -  Get Out 184  URSA -  Wizard's Path 185 Jefferson Airplane - Aerie (Gang of Eagles) 186 Tower of Power - Just Enough and Too Much 187 Fred Hughes - san francisco is a lonely town 188 Mamaleek - Eating Unblessed Meat 189 Moby Grape - Naked If I Want To 190 Exodus - Metal Command 191 Pig Destroyer - Alcatraz Metaphors 192 the Donnas - You Make Me Hot 193 Hot Tuna - True Religion 194 Heathen - Opiate of the Masses 195 Fanny - Come and Hold Me 196 Sadus - Hands Of Fate 197 Negative Trend - Meathouse 198 Forbidden - Forbidden Evil 199 Spazz - Crush Kill Destroy 200 Testament - The Preacher 201 HEXX - Morbid Reality 202 Vio-Lence - Phobophobia 203 Dead Kennedys - One Way Ticket To Pluto 204 Tom Waits - Get Behind The Mule 205 CRETIN - It 206 RAMONES - Judy Is A Punk 207 Full House - Intro 208 Willie Alexander and the Boom Boom Band - Kerouac 209 Primus - Dirty Drowning Man 210 Wooden Shjips -  Motorbike 211 The Tony Williams Lifetime Ego - Clap City 212 Middle of the Road - Sacramento (A Wonderful Town) 213 Green Day - At the Library 214 Slayer -  Gemini 215 Tetema - Cutlass Eye 216 Defiance - Death Machine 217 Brisco County Jr theme 218 Doug McKechnie - Crazy Ray 219 Ulthar - Furnace Hibernation 220 Mr. Bungle -  ANARCHY UP YOUR ANUS 221 Dirty Ghosts  - Let It Pretend 222 They Might Be Giants - San Francisco (In Situ) 223 Metallica - The Shortest Straw 224 OM - Unitive Knowledge of the Godhead 225 Laaz Rockit - City's Gonna Burn 226 Autopsy - Skullptures 227 Mordred - Spectacle of Fear 228 Sly & the Family Stone - Luv N' Haight 229 Possessed - Seven Churches 230 Machine Head - The Rage to Overcome 231 Thelonius Monk - San Francisco Holiday 232 The Units - The Mission Is Bitchin 233 Del Tha Funkee Homosapien - Mistadobalina 234 Arnocorps - Dead lift 235 The Grateful Dead - The Golden Road 236 DRI - All for nothing 237 Jim Martin - Disco dust 238 Thee Oh Sees - I come from the mountain 239 Death Angel - Discontinued 240 Starship - We Built This City 241 Captured! by Robots - Endless Circle of Bullshit 242 Pins Of Light - My revenge 243 Sun Ra - We Travel the Spaceways 244 Faith No More - caffeine 245 David Lee Roth - Just like paradise 246 San Francisco Fog Horns by Golden Gate Bridge 247 Abscess - Tormented 248 Mortuous - Bitterness 249 Dead Kennedy's - California uber alles 250 Twitch Angry - San Francisco 666 Neurosis - Water Is Not Enough
So, hop on a cable car, grab ice cream at Swenson’s or bark back at the seals down by Pier 39. Catch a Bear’s game at Berkeley and do some squirmy sax moves in the Haight after you down some beers at the Toronado and play my San Fran playlist! Here are the songs in the link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1-HLG9q5rZLsqs8EYh6bhu-
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punkfistfights · 4 years
ok so i haven’t been posting about this much because i have some personal issues with slapping that makes talking about it an uncomfortable subject for me. but i’ve seen some uhhhhhh ice-cold takes on the topic of jm and martin slapping jon. 
ok, so martin has officially slapped jon three times in canon. this has happened in 160 (the eye opens), 169 (fire escape), and 172 (strung out). it was also mentioned in 173 (night night).
now, let’s talk about context.
first, 160:
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jon had just inadvertently started the apocalypse and then passed out. we have no clue how long he’s out for but martin is clearly horrified and frantic. he slaps jon to wake him up and it works. this is not abusive behavior.
next, 169:
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in this case, martin is actively in danger and has been trying to get jon to stop giving the statement without slapping him but needs his help. slapping jon is clearly his last resort. this is not abusive behavior.
next, 172:
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jon gave a statement and—as usual—martin left during it. apparently while jon is giving the statement, martin is wondering around in this corner of the web’s domain. we don’t know if this is of his own free will but we do know that it disturbs and frightens him enough that he wants to not be here anymore and jon appears caught up in the statement and begins to start anew. this...is where it gets a little more complicated.
i want to make something clear—i don’t think martin is abusive. i do not believe he’s abusing jon in the slightest. i think he is in a situation we can’t really comprehend and he is doing the best with what he has. i think his and jon’s relationship is remarkably cute for being in the middle of an apocalypse.
however, i think this time is when he exhibits abusive behavior. i think he’s becoming comfortable with slapping jon to get him out of monologuing and hasn’t communicated with jon to figure out if there’s a different way to do so. he was remarkably blasé with the line “...i didn’t want to wait”. i was uncomfortable with this scene, something i talked about at length in two servers i’m in. i honestly thought jonny was just leaning on a trope that makes me, an abuse survivor, uncomfortable, but i didn’t think he was writing martin as abusive. i still don’t think he’s writing martin as abusive but i do think that he knows that he’s leaning on that trope. and the reason i think that is because of the exchange in the most recent episode, 173 “night night”.
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now, i know jon was holding himself back more with this statement but the line “thank you for not hitting me this time” definitely hit me like a sucker punch—and i know it did the same for other abuse survivors, whether the abuse was from a parent, a partner, or so forth. it was a hard line to hear and it reveals that i think jonny knows what he’s been leaning on. i hope that he has jon & martin communicate, but, well, the characters in this show aren’t really known for being very communicative and we’re nearing the end of a tragedy, so i genuinely don’t think it’s likely this will happen. maybe i’m wrong but i just don’t know.
honestly, though, i’m more uncomfortable with the way the fandom jokes around about jon getting slapped than i am by the actual slapping happening.
tl; dr: i don’t think martin is abusive and i doubt the majority of the fanbase disagrees. it’s just that martin slapping jon is feeling more and more like abusive behavior and that’s making me uncomfortable as an abuse survivor. i hope it gets addressed in canon in some way—at least to decide that they’ll figure out another way—but i doubt that will happen.
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neverheardnothing · 4 years
hello. over my tumblr break a few months ago i got bored enough to count the frequencies of every word in joe iconis songs and i don’t know what else to do with this info so here y’all go. every word in joe iconis songs with 10+ occurrences in descending order but i also factored out the 250 most common words in the english language badly (warning, this is a 484 item long list).
1 ('i', 2375) 2 ("i'm", 708) 3 ("it's", 366) 4 ('oh', 312) 5 ('gonna', 204) 6 ('yeah', 175) 7 ('got', 163) 8 ("you're", 160) 9 ('am', 160) 10 ('na', 149) 11 ('wanna', 130) 12 ('hey', 129) 13 ('love', 127) 14 ('feel', 122) 15 ("i'll", 117) 16 ('things', 111) 17 ('really', 97) 18 ("i'd", 97) 19 ('bang', 93) 20 ('girl', 87) 21 ('ever', 86) 22 ("can't", 84) 23 ('better', 78) 24 ("there's", 78) 25 ("she's", 78) 26 ("i've", 75) 27 ('whoa', 74) 28 ('baby', 73) 29 ("that's", 70) 30 ('gotta', 69) 31 ("we're", 68) 32 ("ain't", 63) 33 ("won't", 63) 34 ('cool', 61) 35 ('song', 58) 36 ('away', 57) 37 ('anymore', 56) 38 ('because', 55) 39 ('ya', 55) 40 ('always', 54) 41 ('remember', 54) 42 ('gone', 51) 43 ('guess', 51) 44 ('person', 51) 45 ('woman', 49) 46 ('sing', 49) 47 ('blood', 49) 48 ('stay', 48) 49 ('care', 48) 50 ('into', 47) 51 ('mind', 46) 52 ('whatever', 46) 53 ('jeremy', 45) 54 ("didn't", 45) 55 ('wish', 45) 56 ('feeling', 43) 57 ('ooh', 43) 58 ('cuz', 43) 59 ("you'll", 43) 60 ('ribbit', 43) 61 ('everything', 42) 62 ("you've", 42) 63 ('done', 41) 64 ('nothing', 41) 65 ('fine', 41) 66 ('girls', 41) 67 ('something', 40) 68 ('please', 40) 69 ('hate', 40) 70 ('walk', 40) 71 ('nanana', 40) 72 ('going', 39) 73 ('maybe', 39) 74 ('hear', 39) 75 ('used', 39) 76 ('fall', 39) 77 ('wrong', 38) 78 ('fire', 37) 79 ('rather', 37) 80 ('around', 36) 81 ('shit', 36) 82 ('ba', 36) 83 ('heart', 36) 84 ('leave', 36) 85 ('ah', 36) 86 ('being', 36) 87 ('oh-h', 36) 88 ("he's", 35) 89 ('till', 35) 90 ('fight', 35) 91 ('face', 35) 92 ('la-la-la', 35) 93 ('da', 35) 94 ("let's", 34) 95 ('sure', 34) 96 ('hope', 34) 97 ('nana', 34) 98 ('guy', 33) 99 ('knew', 33) 100 ('wanted', 33) 101 ('shoot', 33) 102 ('em', 32) 103 ('rich', 32) 104 ('together', 32) 105 ('looking', 32) 106 ('myself', 32) 107 ('knock', 32) 108 ('chop', 32) 109 ('makes', 31) 110 ('since', 31) 111 ('whiskey', 31) 112 ('uh', 30) 113 ("they're", 30) 114 ('gimme', 30) 115 ('rick', 30) 116 ('somebody', 29) 117 ('those', 29) 118 ("doesn't", 29) 119 ('red', 29) 120 ('totally', 29) 121 ('hell', 29) 122 ("what's", 29) 123 ('hall', 29) 124 ('die', 29) 125 ('annie', 29) 126 ('bad', 28) 127 ('stop', 28) 128 ("you'd", 28) 129 ('listen', 28) 130 ('mamma', 28) 131 ('la-la-la-la', 28) 132 ('do-do', 28) 133 ('tonight', 27) 134 ('okay', 27) 135 ('hair', 27) 136 ("c'mon", 27) 137 ('roll', 27) 138 ('without', 27) 139 ('michael', 27) 140 ('christine', 27) 141 ('bounty', 27) 142 ('almost', 26) 143 ('another', 26) 144 ('kinda', 26) 145 ('mine', 26) 146 ('rock', 26) 147 ('records', 26) 148 ('music', 26) 149 ('lonely', 25) 150 ('words', 25) 151 ('heard', 25) 152 ('yo', 25) 153 ('madeline', 25) 154 ('says', 25) 155 ('band', 25) 156 ('lots', 25) 157 ('alive', 25) 158 ('god', 24) 159 ('times', 24) 160 ('battle', 24) 161 ('skin', 24) 162 ('dada', 24) 163 ('revolution', 24) 164 ('institution', 24) 165 ('broke', 23) 166 ('talk', 23) 167 ('eyes', 23) 168 ("who's", 23) 169 ('hold', 23) 170 ('burned', 23) 171 ('morning', 23) 172 ('chill', 23) 173 ('pretty', 23) 174 ('car', 23) 175 ('young', 23) 176 ('la-la', 23) 177 ('tired', 23) 178 ('nation', 23) 179 ('friend', 22) 180 ('everybody', 22) 181 ('rehearsal', 22) 182 ('true', 22) 183 ('inside', 22) 184 ('squip', 22) 185 ('ready', 21) 186 ('best', 21) 187 ('understand', 21) 188 ('else', 21) 189 ('lot', 21) 190 ('party', 21) 191 ('ignore', 21) 192 ('bit', 21) 193 ('cut', 21) 194 ('gets', 20) 195 ('sometimes', 20) 196 ("isn't", 20) 197 ('whole', 20) 198 ("everybody's", 20) 199 ('starts', 20) 200 ('feels', 20) 201 ('everyone', 20) 202 ('room', 20) 203 ('dry', 20) 204 ('nice', 20) 205 ('juvie', 20) 206 ('sleep', 20) 207 ('wonder', 20) 208 ('size', 20) 209 ('ass', 20) 210 ('welcome', 20) 211 ('seen', 19) 212 ('weird', 19) 213 ('soon', 19) 214 ('yourself', 19) 215 ('alone', 19) 216 ('flame', 19) 217 ('taking', 19) 218 ('friends', 19) 219 ('enough', 19) 220 ('born', 19) 221 ('lordy', 19) 222 ('hunter', 19) 223 ('relate', 19) 224 ('yai', 19) 225 ('today', 18) 226 ('loser', 18) 227 ('bitch', 18) 228 ('until', 18) 229 ('arm', 18) 230 ('comes', 18) 231 ('dead', 18) 232 ('told', 18) 233 ('ow', 18) 234 ('honey', 18) 235 ('years', 18) 236 ('whack', 18) 237 ("we'll", 18) 238 ('n', 18) 239 ('nerd', 18) 240 ('fell', 18) 241 ('dad', 17) 242 ('pants', 17) 243 ('huh', 17) 244 ('nobody', 17) 245 ('mad', 17) 246 ('getting', 17) 247 ("wasn't", 17) 248 ('scared', 17) 249 ('wait', 17) 250 ('body', 17) 251 ('quite', 17) 252 ('hands', 17) 253 ('ohh', 17) 254 ('hurt', 17) 255 ('deserve', 17) 256 ('ride', 17) 257 ('game', 17) 258 ('survive', 17) 259 ('upgrade', 17) 260 ('free', 17) 261 ('certain', 17) 262 ('wha-oh', 17) 263 ('cigarettes', 17) 264 ('writer', 17) 265 ('bands', 17) 266 ('hunters', 17) 267 ('hang', 16) 268 ("wouldn't", 16) 269 ('age', 16) 270 ('cry', 16) 271 ('sky', 16) 272 ('past', 16) 273 ('behind', 16) 274 ('someone', 16) 275 ('saying', 16) 276 ('black', 16) 277 ('job', 16) 278 ('la', 16) 279 ('fix', 16) 280 ('alright', 16) 281 ('shot', 16) 282 ('bar', 16) 283 ('deal', 16) 284 ('respect', 16) 285 ('dog', 16) 286 ('flicks', 16) 287 ('strong', 15) 288 ("haven't", 15) 289 ('glad', 15) 290 ('next', 15) 291 ('escape', 15) 292 ('fun', 15) 293 ('though', 15) 294 ('promise', 15) 295 ('hide', 15) 296 ('ammonia', 15) 297 ('likes', 15) 298 ('thinks', 15) 299 ('yes', 15) 300 ('nurse', 15) 301 ('looks', 15) 302 ('halloween', 15) 303 ('twice', 15) 304 ('bout', 15) 305 ('sight', 15) 306 ('along', 15) 307 ('forget', 15) 308 ('voices', 15) 309 ('bathroom', 15) 310 ('master', 15) 311 ("shiro's", 15) 312 ('badass', 15) 313 ('rosalie', 15) 314 ('setting', 15) 315 ('road', 14) 316 ('dude', 14) 317 ('brain', 14) 318 ('kid', 14) 319 ('drink', 14) 320 ('means', 14) 321 ('guys', 14) 322 ('bed', 14) 323 ('doing', 14) 324 ('breathe', 14) 325 ('happy', 14) 326 ('scream', 14) 327 ('mistakes', 14) 328 ('anything', 14) 329 ('goes', 14) 330 ('blue', 14) 331 ('pretend', 14) 332 ('social', 14) 333 ('shout', 14) 334 ('geek', 14) 335 ('buddy', 14) 336 ("everything's", 14) 337 ("helen's", 14) 338 ('golden', 14) 339 ('movin', 14) 340 ('st', 14) 341 ("anne's", 14) 342 ('finally', 13) 343 ('choose', 13) 344 ('smoke', 13) 345 ('voice', 13) 346 ('terrible', 13) 347 ('happened', 13) 348 ('pass', 13) 349 ('street', 13) 350 ("couldn't", 13) 351 ('wall', 13) 352 ('instead', 13) 353 ('clear', 13) 354 ('tight', 13) 355 ('damn', 13) 356 ('susannah', 13) 357 ('smile', 13) 358 ('waiting', 13) 359 ('ground', 13) 360 ('remind', 13) 361 ('coolness', 13) 362 ('sad', 13) 363 ("things'll", 13) 364 ('brother', 13) 365 ("it'll", 13) 366 ('somewhere', 13) 367 ('veins', 13) 368 ('cat', 12) 369 ('weather', 12) 370 ('children', 12) 371 ("weren't", 12) 372 ('fucking', 12) 373 ('sorry', 12) 374 ('clean', 12) 375 ('pour', 12) 376 ('different', 12) 377 ('singing', 12) 378 ('coming', 12) 379 ('thinking', 12) 380 ('trying', 12) 381 ('sick', 12) 382 ('bone', 12) 383 ('least', 12) 384 ('lisa', 12) 385 ('nothin', 12) 386 ('dear', 12) 387 ('white', 12) 388 ('hot', 12) 389 ('charlie', 12) 390 ('family', 12) 391 ('door', 12) 392 ('korean', 12) 393 ('dodo', 12) 394 ('c-c-c', 12) 395 ('yours', 12) 396 ('c-c-c-come', 12) 397 ('wants', 11) 398 ('bloody', 11) 399 ('called', 11) 400 ('forever', 11) 401 ('sweet', 11) 402 ('soul', 11) 403 ('swear', 11) 404 ('touch', 11) 405 ('easy', 11) 406 ('days', 11) 407 ('stage', 11) 408 ('across', 11) 409 ('woah', 11) 410 ('crazy', 11) 411 ('town', 11) 412 ('dress', 11) 413 ('top', 11) 414 ('loves', 11) 415 ('rage', 11) 416 ('phone', 11) 417 ('super', 11) 418 ('feet', 11) 419 ('mess', 11) 420 ('penny', 11) 421 ('stars', 11) 422 ('supposed', 11) 423 ('miss', 11) 424 ('college', 11) 425 ('hates', 11) 426 ('quit', 11) 427 ('history', 11) 428 ('cage', 11) 429 ('falling', 11) 430 ('mcfly', 11) 431 ("i'mma", 11) 432 ('played', 11) 433 ('touching', 11) 434 ('band-aids', 11) 435 ('fox', 11) 436 ('thank', 11) 437 ('pitiful', 11) 438 ('covered', 11) 439 ('open', 10) 440 ("they'll", 10) 441 ("we've", 10) 442 ('feelings', 10) 443 ('gun', 10) 444 ('living', 10) 445 ('wow', 10) 446 ('book', 10) 447 ('wonderful', 10) 448 ('blame', 10) 449 ('brooke', 10) 450 ('space', 10) 451 ('slow', 10) 452 ('longer', 10) 453 ('naked', 10) 454 ("he'd", 10) 455 ('star', 10) 456 ('shirt', 10) 457 ('looked', 10) 458 ('i’m', 10) 459 ('standing', 10) 460 ('break', 10) 461 ('lame', 10) 462 ('ten', 10) 463 ('york', 10) 464 ('met', 10) 465 ('dreadfuls', 10) 466 ('mountain', 10) 467 ('push', 10) 468 ('two-player', 10) 469 ('war', 10) 470 ('talkin', 10) 471 ('throw', 10) 472 ('normal', 10) 473 ('hat', 10) 474 ('christmas', 10) 475 ('silver', 10) 476 ('freak', 10) 477 ('mom', 10) 478 ('garage', 10) 479 ('become', 10) 480 ('flesh', 10) 481 ('bastard', 10) 482 ('broadway', 10) 483 ('amphibian', 10) 484 ('outlaw', 10)
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lucky-sevens · 4 years
okay. time to talk about the faceless old woman and desolation
@rigelreporting (and a few other people i know asked but don’t remember the urls of)
first up, three things: first, this analysis is mostly based on the novel, which means it won’t make much sense if you haven’t read it, second, i don’t have a copy on hand, so most of these quotes are going to be paraphrased/approximations, and lastly, this should really be on my blog @wtnvsaysfuckcapitalism, but since here is where this started, i’m posting it with this sideblog instead of the other one!
the reason i affiliate the faceless old woman with the desolation is because of how the desolation is fed. (however, while researching this, some other information came to light that might disprove it, so i encourage people to contest me on this!)
the desolation is fed through the destruction of people’s lives. in mag 145 (infectious doubts), arthur nolan says ‘if you’re careful, if you’re smart, you can burn their life to ashes as thoroughly as any fire’, in mag 169 (fire escape), jon/the statement refers to the desolation as ‘the creeping ruin of a life’ and in mag 89, jude says ‘it was the destruction of [nick’s] life that it hungered for’. 
what the faceless old woman does to lady nora of luftnarp is very, very similar to feeding the desolation. i believe she straight out says at one point that her goal is to destroy nora’s life, and her actions certainly reflect that, doing one small cruelty after another.
after she finds out several things, her goal switches to edmund, and more specifically, his family. this is interesting, because the desolation has actually had some connection to families before. arthur nolan says, in reference to a tenant he tormented; ‘[...] her son and his wife moved in with her to help her out. not much i could do against that. so i just waited until all three were home, and set the place ablaze,’ jude mentions ‘the agony and fear of [nick’s] wife and child‘ and the domain statement involves sabina’s family dying.
it’s true that the desolation doesn’t have much connection to families, though. however, what it does have is connection to homes. again drawing on the same three statements (which are the best source i have to go on for the desolation as a whole rather than just agnes)- nolan says ‘you’d be surprised the misery and pain you can cause when you’ve control over someone’s home’, and mag 169 is very blatantly about how the desolation invades people’s homes. i could find sources about how the faceless old woman is home-affiliated, but honestly, i don’t need to- it’s in the name!
in summary, the faceless old woman has destroyed people’s lives in a similar way to a desolation avatar, and she is also home-and-family-affiliated, like the desolation!
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mobius-prime · 4 years
237. Sonic the Hedgehog #169
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Order from Chaos (Part Two): The Great Harmony
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley! Colors: Jason Jensen
Sonic races ahead through the nanite city, still searching for his father and Tails. He finds his father lying on the ground some distance ahead, and Jules informs him that with Tails delivered to A.D.A.M., he's been ordered to self-destruct, but since A.D.A.M. forgot to actually give him a time limit he's set himself to fall apart in about forty years, plenty of time for Sonic to free him from A.D.A.M.'s control. With his father relatively safe for the moment, Sonic presses on to the spire, where A.D.A.M. has begun to use the power of Shadow and Tails to draw every Chaos Emerald in the universe to him. Time to sound off! The green emeralds are of course from Mobius. The cyan emeralds are from Weeet, Car-heem's home planet from StH#23. The blue emeralds are from the Xorda's home planet, and the red, as we saw during Tossed in Space, from Thoraxia. The purple ones are from Teragosa 6, that utopian planet that E.V.E. ate in StH#128, and, from the same issue, the yellow ones are from the star that E.V.E. threw herself into afterward. And finally, the gray ones are from none other than Argentum, the Bem homeworld where Tails' parents still reside! Man, awfully convenient that every single variety of Chaos Emerald in the universe happens to come from places that Sonic has either visited or had some connection with, huh? With all the emeralds collected, they swirl around A.D.A.M.'s spire in multicolored loops - but he realizes that there's one emerald that still eludes his reach.
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Well, but of course! It wouldn't be a Sonic canon without the Master Emerald, right? How interesting that Finitevus has shown himself to Locke, though… Sonic finally arrives on the scene, and A.D.A.M. reveals to him that Tommy is still alive under all the nanites, and fully conscious. Ah, so an "and I must scream" kind of situation, huh? Eggman is furious now that he's no longer directly cowering under A.D.A.M.'s gaze, and disowns A.D.A.M. as his son, leading A.D.A.M. to reveal his true reason for doing all of this: because he wants his daddy to love him. That's it. Seriously. He got Eggman to kill M because he felt he might love her more than him, as well. All this comes down to daddy issues. Sonic even lampshades just how ridiculous this is, that even Shadow doesn't angst like this. Sonic tries to attack A.D.A.M., but A.D.A.M. briefly lifts the nanites away from Tommy's head, revealing Tommy inside looking very disoriented and pained. Sonic hesitates to attack him, unwilling to hurt his friend to get to A.D.A.M., which of course, gives A.D.A.M. an opening to knock him aside. Eggman actually helps Sonic back to his feet, telling him to keep A.D.A.M. busy until his Egg Fleet can get here to blast him to bits. Sonic, however, not wanting Tommy to end up hurt, decides to turn things up a notch and go for the very tempting Giant Tower of Chaos Emeralds for a power-up.
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While Super Sonic and Super A.D.A.M. start battling it out in the air, Eggman releases Shadow and Tails from their pods, with them having by now been forced into their Super and Turbo forms respectively by the power of so many nearby emeralds. Turbo Tails, realizing that he hasn't yet fulfilled his prophecy after all, recognizes that this is the Great Harmony and enlists Shadow's help to open a portal to a parallel zone to send the Chaos Emeralds there to safety, away from here.
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Something special indeed! It's quite creative, actually, that Ian found a way to turn such a throwaway "Chosen One" thing into an actual plot device to help him with his clean-up detail. A.D.A.M. is furious at the loss of the gems, and Sonic tries to get him to let Tommy go and give up, but A.D.A.M. refuses… until the nanites around Tommy's head melt away, with Tommy having been finally able to wrest back control for a second. Sonic is overjoyed, but Tommy tells him that he won't have control for long, and apologizes for being so much trouble, as well as thanking Sonic for his kindness. The Egg Fleet arrives, and Tommy forces A.D.A.M. to fly towards it. Sonic tries to stop him, but it's too late, and the cannons fire, vaporizing both Tommy and A.D.A.M. in an instant. Sonic loses his Super form and floats to the ground, rather morbidly holding what's left of his friend in one hand.
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Awww. Apparently Ian's decision to kill off Tommy here was because he wasn't a particularly popular character, and while I'll agree that he was kind of one-dimensional and uninteresting in his first few appearances, I had grown to like him as part of the team. At least in the end, he got to be a true hero, and took A.D.A.M. with him.
…for a Friend
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Steven Butler Colors: Aimee Ray
I know it's not listed in my credits here, but Kenders actually inked and lettered for this story! I mentioned in his final issue as a writer than there was one more story he had involvement with, and this is it - as far as I've been able to find, he wasn't involved with any other stories from here on out. So I suppose, in a way, this is truly our final goodbye to Kenders!
Mighty, Ray, and Espio have all journeyed out to the former site of Charmy's home, the Golden Hive Colony, in search of any information on his family's whereabouts, with Vector providing assistance over the radio from Knothole. Mighty and Ray are mostly staying outside as lookouts, while Espio, with his superior stealth skills, sneaks into the giant structure that once housed the colony, but which has now been repurposed into one of Eggman's many bases. It's worth noting that up until now, Ray hasn't been a very well fleshed out character at all, but under Ian's writership he actually gains a pretty significant stutter. I'm not sure if the implication is meant to be that he just naturally stutters, or if his trauma led him to develop one, but either way, it's a small character detail that I appreciate. Anyway, Espio sneaks in, getting information on the location of the base's main computer from one terrified robot, and once he takes out the robots using said computer for Solitaire, Nicole helps him hack into it.
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I love this. I think this is the first time the comic - or any Sonic canon, actually - has ever really gone into Eggman's reasons behind what he does. In most canons he is shown to genuinely value family to some degree, as he idolizes his grandfather and in the comics specifically likes to keep Snively close. That said, he is a sadist at heart, and someone being a blood relative is not enough for him to decide not to torture and murder them, as we saw with the disaster with the Overlanders in Robotropolis some time ago. Therefore, with most of his family gone, and Snively having some level of immunity as an underling, he finds his enjoyment in not only hurting the Mobians and other Overlanders that he's at war with, but in ensuring that even his own forces can be terrified of him. This is backed up by what Nicole finds in the computer's database.
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With that, Espio sets the base to blow up and escapes before he's caught in it, much to Mighty and Ray's relief. He dodges their questions about why he destroyed it at first, until he curtly explains that since Eggman hurt his friend, he decided to hurt him back. Thus, the Golden Hive Colony is gone, but at least there's hope for some survivors to be found sometime in the future.
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
Group Ask 169
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said:
hi sorry to bother you but theres this book ive been looking for where steve did go back in time but he eventually comes back and thinks only a couple minutes passed in real time but it turns out three years have passed and bucky is really sad and lonely and everyone at the compound is scared of him. im pretty sure steve uses hand to hand combat training to work through bucky being touch starved? thanks!
drjezdzany sent in  Not In That Way* by onymousann (complete | 31,574 | not rated) *chose not to warn, /others
Anon 2 said:
ive been trying to find this one shot forever but bucky saves two girls from hydra after destroying a base and then realizes he needs help so he goes to steve? they get married and "adopt" both of the girls (im pretty sure one is named may) and then im pretty sure they go to canada? i believe the youngest of the girls has magic because shes half asgardian. also i remember the oldest girl having an allergic reaction to seafood, thanks for your time :)
kittytheroseofkirea and dragonflybeach sent in Home of the Brave* by MonocerosRex (complete | 35,103 | T) *implied/referenced suicide
Anon 3 said: (possible underage)
hi, i was wondering if you could help me find a fic where bucky's in high school, and steve's his soccer coach and teacher??? tysm
liquifiedwater said:
hi! im looking for a fic with siren! bucky who was taken from the ocean and his sister Becca, Pierce is trying to use buckys voice to harness the power of Fury(their god), Steve is trying to earn money to pay for Sarah's medicine, there's circus with Clint and Sam in it(maybe riley), and Wanda and Steve are friends, wanda is a servant of some kind, and Steve is hired by Pierce to train Bucky to sing on command, Steve feels bad and plans their escape, Brock is in it, there are 40 chapters
Anon, time-lord-no-more and princessniitza sent in This Side of the Blue by notlucy (complete | 156,382 | E)
Anon 4 said:
Hi, I'm looking for a fic that involves Loki showing up at the tower and freezing steve in ice and bucky tries to use his metal arm to brrak him free?
so-much-purple said:
I'm tearing my hair out trying to find a fic I read a few months ago. It's a modern, no powers au. Steve and Bucky have had an on-off fwb relationship for a few years, when Steve decides he wants to get serious. He tells Bucky, who is pissed and walks out. Turns out Bucky had thought they were serious the previous year, when they were temporarily living together, and had been heartbroken and moved out when he realised Steve didn't.
dolphinqueen10 sent in I Want to Hear You Whisper (settle down inside my love) by chicklette (oneshot | 12,003 | E)
Anon 5 said:
I’m looking for the fic where it’s like sugar daddy steve but before that he fired bucky from a company and bucky didn’t really like him at first
time-lord-no-more and miraishu sent in Collar Full of Chemistry by 2bestfriends (complete | 188,111 | E)
Anon 6 said:
ive literally spent the last hour trying to find this fic where bucky is born in the modern day era while steve still becomes captain america back in the day and moves into the apartment room above buckys when he gets out of the ice?? cant remember but bucky might have been a teenager in it too,, thankyou in advance < 3 < 3 < 3
scriggle-scraggle sent in erupted with rubies* by yasgorl (oneshot | 8,009 | E) *chose not to warn
Anon 7 said:
Hi! Can you help me find a fix where Bucky is a mermaid (I’m pretty sure??) and at one point Steve takes him to the aquarium and Bucky gets distracted talking to the fish (octopus???) sorry if it’s vague!
Anon 8 said:
Hi! Looking for a fic I read a while ago and can't find, where Bucky and Steve don't know each other growing up, neither goes to war (so pre-serum steve), and they meet both working at the dock - Steve as an admin. Steve has a crush, there's some flirting over punching in and out of work and payment day, and Steve let's Bucky know when some people are talking about him being gay - since that's dangerous at the time. Thank you!!
time-lord-no-more and princessniitza sent in Our Perceived Realities by SkyisGray (oneshot | 21,371 | E)
Anon 9 said:
Hi! I read a fic a while ago and I think it started right after the helicarrier scene from TWS. I cant remember if Bucky took Steve from the hospital or if Steve found Bucky on his own, but Steve ends up living with Bucky. I remember one scene of Bucky telling Steve that he has 3 mins to shower and gets mad when he takes too long. The avengers get worried and come looking for Steve and end up taking both Steve and Bucky with them i think. Sorry if it's confusing or anything and thanks in advance
Anon 10 said:
hey i’m looking for a one shot (i think) where steve as the leader is expected to talk to the press but one mission he hurts his hand real bad and a press person tries to shake his hand before steve can move back and steve yells f and the avengers immediately swoop in to take care of the situation, I can’t remember the name for the life of me
pinklystrange said:
I've tried searching on AO3 for this, and been all through the library, but what I remember is quite vague, so it didn't give me results. Steve moves to a small village that's under a magical barrier, Natasha is a witch I think (there are spiders involved maybe), Bucky is possibly a dragon or a demon. Alexander Pierce is the bad guy. At one point Bucky goes to a mountain side to help out Sif, and Steve is revealed to be part angel at the end. Ring any bells to anyone?
scottmcallss said:
Ugh! I'm looking for a fic where Steve is raising Peter on his own. (Tony is dead I think) and Bucky suddenly appears one day and it turns out them two of them had a horrible childhood together (Pierce abused them and they ran away together, except Bucky abandoned Steve at a hotel/motel). And the fic ends with Bucky leaving Steve and Peter??
Anon 11 said:
Hi! Ive been looking for this fic for ages but i’ve not managed to find it: unfortunately i don’t remember much but what i do remember is mainly from the last chapter. i think that maybe steve had been kidnapped and brainwashed?? i remember in the last chapter i think they were in a safe house, steve wakes bucky up by pointing a gun at him, bucky managed to talk him down and they go outside to look at the stars. in sorry this is so vague, thank you!!
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New Magnus episode!
Hehe episode 169, Nice (same unus annus day too!!)
Probs gonna be a desolation ep with a title like “fire escape”
Aww my boy Martin sounds so scared :((
“It’s on FIRE Jon”
(Jon in a completely unsurprised and unimpressed voice) “yes it is”
“You are aware that generally, running into a burning building is generally considered bad for your health?!?!”
(Audible eyeroll) “yes Martin, it’ll be fine”
“I’m guessing the fire can’t ACTUALLY burn us”
Lmao tell Martin you’re not serious are you Jon?
And Jon sounds so apologetic :((
Ohhh Jude Perry
Jon still salty about his hand lol
Martin saying about how much he hates burns and Jon with his hand is sitting there like :|
Omg guys “you’re more important” 😭🥺🥰
Aww he’s letting Martin decide 🥺
Lol “you know my feelings on the matter”
“I do???” Jon, Martin doesn’t know your feelings because that requires you to actually TALK about your feelings
I like how I was pretty sure the first time Martin was talking about hurting the other entities (I.e. Not!Sasha) I was pretty certain he said “Smoked her”, but that led to some debate on whether he said “Smoked” or “Smote”, but it ended up not mattering because apparently Jonny and Alex liked “Smote” so much that in literally every instance since then, it has been in reference to “Smiting” and for that I love them.
Okaaaaaay revenge it is then.
Ah, statement time. Jon just gotta get that venting out.
I’ll be right back after the statement.
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