#I’m pretty sure anyone interested in reading has already seen this but go off
soobnny · 1 year
swipe — lee felix.
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trope. lee felix. strangers to lovers. chronicles of a dating app. felix is extremely flirty. just fluff.
synopsis. i’m not looking to date right now, but my parents just sent me some computer parts and i saw on your tinder bio that you like assembling computers
word count. 3.2k words
warnings. none except for a few curse words
note. hi hello i got sent this rly funny photo of a conversation so i took inspiration from that and wrote this fic like a whiiile ago. i’ve had this in my drafts for a while so why not let it see the light of day!
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Left. Left. Left. Left. Pause. Left. Left. Left. Left.
Yunjin offers no warning when her hands move to claw at your shoulders, intent on startling you without sparing a thought on your poor phone that had jumped out of your hands.
When you scare, she laughs, open-mouthed and loud as she plops herself on the spot next to you on your dorm’s mini couch. “You should’ve seen the look on your face.”
“Honestly, how do you even do that? I barely heard you walk into the living room!” You grumble.
You spare her a glance and notice she’s too dressed up to be staying the night in–white crop top that sits just above her hips with some low rise jeans to accentuate her features. Her hair is curled on the ends, recently dyed black and styled to look a little messy.
She must be going out.
Though you try not to think about it, the amount of times Yunjin goes out with her friends in a week is a constant reminder of how pathetic your social life is. While it didn’t quite bother you enough to accept her invite, it’d be nice to leave your dorm once in a while. It’s just that you haven’t found anyone you really clicked with like Yunjin.
“What are you doing?” She cranes her neck to try and see what you were so busy with that you didn’t see her from your peripheral vision.
You show her the app with no shame. It only makes her laugh tenfold, hands clutching her stomach with her head thrown back as if she wasn’t the one who had suggested you download it in the first place.
“Yunjin, this is stupid. I’ve only had this downloaded for a day and I already feel sick.” You groan, throwing your phone down in the space between you. Though, maybe you should’ve thought twice about that when Yunjin decides to grab so she can have a go herself – swiping left and left and left and… oh?
“What about him?” You curl into her side, peering over your phone.
Oh, he’s pretty cute. Lee Felix?
“He added dog lover. You love dogs and… music?” She goes over his interests quickly, eyes scanning his profile like a pro. You suppose it’s because she’s used to it, quick to read a guy’s intentions just by their Tinder profile.
“I like assembling computers. Oh, this guy’s a dork, you’d love him.”
It’s a match!
“Yunjin!” You shift in your seat, immediately grabbing your phone from her grip before she can do any further damage. Sure, you had humored yourself into downloading the app for Yunjin but you never thought of actually swiping right for anyone.
“What? He’s cute, and you matched!” She giggles, trying to grab your phone back so she can craft you the perfect first message.
She knows you won’t do it yourself.
You lock your phone before she has a chance to do anything stupid, shaking your head in reprimand. “I know what you’re trying to do and it’s not happening.”
She simply smiles at you, shrugging her shoulders and calling it a day for her trial in meddling with your love life. “Well, I tried. Alright, I have to go. I’ll be back late, you sure you don’t wanna come with?”
You return the smile, shaking your head as you drop yourself to lay down on the entirety of the couch once your roommate gets up. “I think my computer parts are coming in today so I have to be here to sign off the delivery.”
“Nerd.” She snorts, waving you goodbye and locking the door behind her. It’s your cue to grab your laptop and continue binging that new drama that had just been released.
This is your ordinary Friday night, curled up on the sofa with your most comfortable blanket and your laptop on your lap. Despite the desire to socialize sometimes, you think nothing else really goes above wearing your favorite PJs and eating snacks without guilt as the opening song of your new drama plays.
Though, you only get to finish one episode when your doorbell rings, and you waltz yourself to your front door to happily accept the package sent by your parents. They had won it as one of the raffle prizes in a foreign business trip, and since your parents had no use for a computer, they decided to ship it off to you. “Could help with college,” is what your dad says.
It’s only when multiple boxes come rolling in when you realize one small problem. You don’t know how to fucking assemble a computer, and you doubt Yunjin would know how either.
“That’s it. If you could please sign here, here, and here.” The mailman still sounds enthusiastic despite having done hours of his shift already, and you comply immediately as to not add on to the downpour of stress that’s handed to them every single day.
When you shut your door, you quickly turn around to stare at the multitude of boxes on the ground. Maybe Beomgyu would know how? He looks like he’d know a thing or two about computers. So, you shoot him a text.
Turns out, he doesn’t know how. And he’s currently scamming Yeonjun out of a free dinner, and so even though he tells you he’ll try to be there, you know he probably won’t arrive (unless to laugh at your situation).
You think, maybe you can just go to the Computer Engineering department and ask someone to help you, but could you risk socializing with numerous college students face to face? Absolutely the fuck not.
You’ve just about given up when your head strikes an idea and your back immediately straightens in posture at the stupid thought. “Should I?”
You rush towards where you had left your phone, letting out a sigh as you stare at the one person on your Match list. Lee Felix who likes assembling computers.
Lovely fucking timing.
Fumbling with the device, you finally decide to shoot him a message. What are the odds of him responding, anyway?
You’re tempted to throw your phone while waiting for his response, though your plan goes down the drain in a second when he responds almost immediately.
yn (6:03pm): hello!
felix (6:04pm): hey! i didn’t think you would message first :))
yn (6:06pm): oh, i’m sorry i hope you don’t get my intentions wrong. it’s just that … my parents sent over some computer parts and i rly don’t know how to assemble a computer
yn (6:06pm): i know it’s kind of random, but could u possibly help me by any chance?
yn (6:07pm): i don’t rly know anyone who knows how to and you’re the only person that came to mind
You cringe at yourself for triple messaging, face visibly scrunching as you let out a pained noise. And then he replies, and your hand shoots to grab your phone and stare at his message.
“Yeah, why not?” is what he replies, followed by where he should meet you. Is it a good idea to invite a stranger to your dorm? Probably not, but you can’t possibly assemble your computer somewhere else and bring it back to your dorms. So, you tell him to meet you at a cafe nearby – to test out the waters and see if he isn’t some variant of a serial killer.
“Be there in 15,” is his next reply.
15 minutes?!
You look down at yourself in sudden panic, still clad in a big shirt and some shorts. How were you supposed to pick something decent to wear in 15 minutes without Yunjin? You suppose could facetime her but you know it takes her hours to even decide on what to wear for herself.
Bringing your feet towards your closet, you say a silent prayer and start picking out what to wear for yourself. While this wasn’t technically a date, Lee Felix from Tinder is still fucking cute and you would hate for him to think he got scammed into swiping right on you.
You double check yourself in the mirror, chewing at your lips thoughtfully before sighing out in approval. At least you looked as if you put some sort of effort into what you’re wearing. That should be good enough in itself.
The nerve of meeting an entirely new person begins to set in when you repeatedly dart your eyes from the coffee shop back to your phone to try and see if anyone who looked like Felix was in the coffee shop. It’s like watching a game of ping pong the way you repeatedly look back and forth. And when it seems that no one with long black hair is here yet, you take it upon yourself to take a seat by the window where he can find you easily.
The scraping of the chair catches your attention, and holy fuck. Lee Felix is not a catfish. He is way far from it, and you think you might’ve lucked out when he takes the seat in front of you.
“Sorry, I hope I didn’t startle you.” Deep, thick accent. It feels like shots of espresso when he speaks and it physically manifests goosebumps from you. You shake your head, telling him you’re fine. “(Name), right?”
He smiles, and it feels like your whole world stops.
“Uh, yeah. You must be Felix?” The man in question nods his head, reaching out to shake your hand and the gesture has your cheeks flushing. It’s an act of basic human decency, but can you really be blamed for acting like a shy little school girl when someone as beautiful as Felix is sitting and talking to you.
The coffee shop is still bustling, and everyone around you converses as if the most beautiful man hadn’t just stepped foot into the coffee shop. The freckles sitting just below his eyes look like constellations, and his black hair is styled just messy enough to achieve the hot boy who doesn’t know he’s hot look.
“Do you want some coffee before I set your computer up?” You shake your head, suddenly feeling shy.
Instead, you tell him to get whatever he wants so you don’t feel guilty enough for taking time out of his evening just to assemble your computer. He accepts your promise in pretense, but he comes back with his order and a few pastries and it’s clear he’s already paid for it from the way he ignores any mention of how much it cost.
“I didn’t know what you preferred, so I got a bit of everything.” There’s a crinkle just at the corner of his eyes when he smiles, sitting back down adjacent of you as he pushes the plate closer to you.
You look at the array of pastries, a little hesitant. “Please don’t feel shy. Here, let’s take one together.”
He grabs a cookie from the platter, and you shyly follow by grabbing a strawberry muffin.
“Mmm, strawberry muffin. Very good choice.” Felix comments, watching you closely as you take a bite out of the muffin. “Is it good?”
Your eyes widen in delight, nodding your head as you chew slowly. “So good.”
Your words come out as a mumble, and it triggers a sweet laugh out of Felix. You feel familiar, the way you smile with your eyes and close them shut to savor the taste.
“You’re cute.” He says unabashedly, as if his words won’t cause drastic consequences.
A chunk gets stuck on your throat.
Felix is quick to hand you a glass of water when you start choking, rushing to stand by your side. You would’ve hoped the first skinship for the evening would be handholding, and not repeated pats on your back to remedy your choking.
“Are you okay?” His hand is still on your back, gently running small circles as he leans down to check on you. You think you might start choking again if he keeps looking at you like that, 1080p view of his eyelashes and the specs splashing his irises.
“Mhm, sorry.” You put the glass down, refusing to meet his eyes as he remains hovering over you. You want to leave out of embarrassment. He notices your silence, notices the way you cross your arms in mock defense.
“Don’t worry, I still think you’re cute.” There’s a smirk on his face. You can tell without even looking up at him. “I’ll take these out.”
He says it so casually, as if he’s simply asking about your day. His outward flirty-ness is new, but it isn’t unwelcome.
“Ready to go?”
With the plastic bag in his hand and his order in a takeout cup, you sigh gratefully. “Yeah.”
The walk to your dorm is short, but it’s spent in conversation. Lee Felix is talkative, has lots of stories to offer. Whatever it takes to make you laugh.
You like that about him. You like that you don’t have to talk so much. He doesn’t even force a comment out of you. Just needs to know you’re listening.
So you do. You listen intently as he shares pieces of his life with you—his friends, his course, games he plays. He’s chatty, and the way he smiles with every word reminds you of a cat. Deep whiskers and crescent eyes.
“So, really, this is a great way to end the day, assembling a pretty girl’s computer.”
His mouth drops a little when he realizes he’d vocalized the latter part of his sentence, yet he doesn’t make a move to take it back. You are pretty, one of the prettiest he’s ever seen. And the blush on your face is well worth the slip of his tongue.
“As long as you’re sure this isn’t a hassle.” You mumble, looking down at your feet as you reach your building.
That you aren’t getting anything out of this.
Though, before you can step forward, you’re tugged back to where Felix is standing. He’s holding your hand now, grabbing your full attention. “I promise this isn’t a bother.”
The way he looks at you answers your silent question—he doesn’t mind that you’re simply asking for his help without any intention.
“I enjoy building computers, especially with good company. You don’t even have to do anything. Just sit there and be yourself.”
“Okay. Thank you.” He squeezes your hand for extra measure, allowing you to drag him to your dorm room.
True to his word, Felix doesn’t so much as let you lift a finger. You stay seated on the couch, watching as he sets to work on the floor. From time to time, he’d tell you what he’s doing. Something about screwing some parts in and a mother board? You don’t understand much, but you listen as much as you can.
“Tell me about yourself.” Felix looks up from his work, and your eyes widen a little at the boy’s sudden request.
You’re sure you’re simply imagining the gentle interest in his eyes. “Hm?” You ask him to repeat himself, even though you heard him loud and clear.
“I’ve been yapping about myself all night. I wanna know more about you.” He teases.
“What do you want to know?”
“Anything. Everything.”
“Soooo… do I start with the year I was born?” You laugh when he throws you a look, quick to throw your hands in the air in mock surrender. “Joking, joking.”
“You’re an interesting girl, (Name).” Felix grins, locking eyes with you for a second and a half before turning back to his work.
“There’s nothing much to me, really. I go to school and go home and that’s about it. I just try and survive college the best I can.”
He shoots you a disapproving look. “Well, I beg to differ.”
“What do you mean?” You bring your legs up on the couch, sitting cross-legged as you wait for what he had to say.
“For one, your eyes lit up when I talked about Chan’s Pokemon collection, or how Seungmin is obsessed with Kdramas.” He points out, reaching for his takeout drink and taking a few large gulps. “And you smiled when I mentioned the little chicken plush I own.”
You don’t expect Felix to notice any of this, and the thought that he did has a blush fighting to creep up your face.
You grab a throw pillow to hide behind.
“Oh, and you like strawberry muffins. So, I’d say there’s a lot to you. And I’m hoping to learn everything more.”
You have to force your eyes to look away from him in fear that your flustered cheeks would appear too obvious to the boy. Though, if he’d noticed the mere brightening of your eyes, you’re sure he’s already caught on to the silly schoolgirl smile on your lips.
“Stop looking at me.” You mumble, burying your face in your pillow. All you can hear is his sweet laughter.
“Come here, I’m just about done.”
You clap your hands in small when he turns on your computer, fully functioning and fully assembled. It surprises you how a task that would’ve taken you 6 hours is done in under 2 by Felix. Even more that it didn’t even feel like two hours.
You suppose that’s just the thing with Felix. He makes it so that time disappears with the whole night sky in his eyes—the moon for eyes and stars littering his face.
“Thank you, Felix. Like really.” He dismisses you, telling you it was nothing. The satisfaction on your face is enough compensation for his work.
There’s a few do’s and don’t’s that he mentions, and you try to list them down the best you can.
“Or, I can just text it to you?”
You pause mid-writing, looking up at him. “Sure, that’s… that’s fine with me.”
You’re unsure of how to say goodbye to him after giving him your number, unsure even of how you can make it up to him for the 3 hours you’d taken away from him. If it were anyone else, you would’ve said it in ease, so you don’t know why you can’t do the same for Felix.
It’s different with him because you don’t want to say goodbye. You could go hours longer listening to him and watching him assemble your computer. Though, before you can contemplate to do anything, Felix interrupts your inner monologue.
“Actually, I have an idea on how you can make it up to me.”
You look up at him expectantly, and you see the hint of a smirk tracing on his features.
“Let me take you out on a date. A real one.”
“A date?” You stutter.
“I know you said you texted me just because I could fix up computers, but I really enjoyed talking to you today.” He’s holding back a smile. “So, what do you say?”
“Okay.” His eyes light up, glazed with happiness as he processes your response.
“Okay? As in, I can take you out on a real date?”
Felix can feel something sweet in his heart, can feel it flutter like it’s being squeezed. To his surprise, you’d actually agreed, and the genuine excitement in his smile is too wholesome to not stare at.
“So… goodnight then?”
“I’ll text you?”
“Okay. I’ll be waiting.”
Felix fixes you with a look one last time, almost romantic with the soft glaze in his eyes. And then he’s stumbling out into your hallway.
With a second glance, he turns his back away from you and walks away. You can’t help but still feel the warmth of his smile.
You feel a compelling force telling you you’ll see much more of Lee Felix in the near future.
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dollywheeler · 3 months
October 23th, 1996
Dear diary,
Let’s see - the last few days have kind of been a blur.
I don’t think I did anything particularly interesting, just following my routine - same old same old. I had to spend all of Sunday catching up on my homework, so nothing special happened there. Mike let me take his old guitar home, though, and the reading for English class is going a lot better now I can alternate chapters of Walden with a moment of playing music. My Oasis tape has been running non-stop.
Cheer practice is going fine - the routines are a bit easier now so I’m having less trouble. I try to practice the harder ones as often as possible, but I still haven’t found a solution for practicing the jumps on my own.
Oh! I almost forgot - On Sunday, I watched Dracula! Danny recommended it and I wanted to watch something while finishing my homework. It was too good - I had to pause it and rush to finish my homework so I could watch it properly; This is exactly why I usually play something I’ve already seen.
I wish we could have watched it together though, but we’ve both been so busy we’ve barely had the chance to spend time together. Whenever he doesn’t have basketbal practice, I have cheer or babysitting, or he has to work at the diner. Mrs. Benson is doing a lot better, at least, so I don’t have to go over as often. Danny joins us for lunch most days, though, and I try to come to the diner as much as possible - it’s nice, just being able to talk to him, even if it’s in snippets between him serving the other customers. Christy doesn’t seem to mind it too much, either, as long as Danny doesn’t leave anyone waiting for too long.
Still, I hope we can go on an actual date again soon.
Mom already hinted at having him over for dinner and I’m… Not sure how to feel about that.
I mean, Danny’s great and I’m sure Dad will like him - I already know mom does because she can’t stop raving about our homecoming pictures. She went to pick them up from the developer on Monday and though I do look terrible in a lot of them, there’s some really cool pictures as well - ANYWAY, what I was trying to say (write? Whatever) was that it feels weird to have him over for dinner with the family.
I was too young to remember the first time Jonathan joined us for dinner - if he ever did before they both went off to college - so it’s not like I can look to my older sister for an example.
Lord knows Mike never brought a girl home.
What I’m trying to say is - I have no idea how Mom and Dad are gong to act. Especially dad - there’s a big enough gap between me and Nancy that I’m sure dad is going to have to get used to his daughter dating all over again.
I might call Nancy and ask for advice - if she has the time, of course. She’s so busy lately running all over the place. When I called on Saturday she said they’d be coming back to the US on Tuesday, but it wouldn’t be the first time their stay got extended. I’ll probably just wait on her to call over the weekend, just in case.
I don’t know what else to write about really, but I’m at the diner and a table in the back is staring at me. I don’t know why - I know their faces but not their names. Pretty sure one used to be the school’s librarian before he retired a few years ago. I see him and the woman he’s talking to around town sometimes, walking dogs, or here at the diner drinking coffee and gossiping as they are now. Most residents always follow everything going on around them, and I’m sure they recognise me in turn from seeing me around one too many times, but today I swear they’ve been looking at me specifically for way too long.
So, I took out my diary and started writing so it seems like I’m not bothered and can’t hear what they’re saying.
It’s strangely unsettling. I don’t know - they seem judgemental, and I feel judged, though for the life of me I can’t figure out why. I’m not doing anything different. I don’t look anything different - I’m not wearing anything special. Sure, I’ve been talking to Danny a lot because it’s so calm today, but it’s not like we’re being particularly loud.
Pretty sure I just heard them say “the Byers kid” - which is strange, because a, I’m not a Byers, and b, I’m not my brother - hell, we don’t even look alike.
I didn’t even realise they knew who I was, let alone who my brother’s friends are. Anyway, it’s weird how hung-up they are about Mike and Will’s return to Hawkins - I mean, it’s been more than two months, and they were only gone for - what? Seven? Ish? Years? I don’t even know.
I guess that’s the one downfall from living in a small town.
Most of the time it’s an advantage - like havig to go to the post office during the summer and getting to chat with Dylan while she works, or feeling completely at home in a diner because you know every face there. It’s nice knowing your neighbours and your neighbour’s neighbours in turn.
Like last week, with Mrs. Benson, I heard soooo many stories about the people around town. And sure, it’s gossip which isn’t always nice, but more often than not it’s just keeping everyone updated. It’s how we all show we care - how else would Mom know who’s in desperate need of a casserole or a plate of cookies?
That sounds like a hyperbole or whatever - Mike would probably know the perfect term - but it’s more relevant than one might think.
Plenty people don’t know to ask for help - like Mrs. Benson - and they’re just waiting on people to offer it.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from mom, is that more often than not overbearing is just bearing enough.
Anyway, Daniel and his mom are new to town too, but no one’s talking about that anymore either. Now I think about it, it is weird that people seem more hung-up about them than Danny. I mean, Danny and his mom are total outsiders - even if they only came from a few towns over - but at least Mike and Will are known strangers. They came back, which isn’t unheard of.
Mr. Howard, our PE teacher, for example, moved back in his thirties to take care of his ailing father. His father is still kicking around, by the by, even though he’s been back for almost twenty years now. Anyway, even though he’d been gone for seventeen years, everyone acted like he’d simply never left.
Max’ mom, on the other hand, still often gets reminded that she’s not from here, though it’s less obvious because the residents of the trailer park are used to people coming and going more than Suburbians, and also because she at least was here for ’86.
Now I think about it, it’s bothering me more and more.
I’ve always felt like I’m missing something - it’s often clear mom and Mike are talking around me - but I always just assumed it’s them being weird about Mike’s degree. That’s the one thing dad brings up sometimes when it’s about Mike, right before mom sends him a warning glare with pointed eyes at me. I don’t know - I get dad wanted us to do something practical, or at least, Mike, because dad has plenty of opinions on Nancy’s career as well. But he’s from a previous time, and honestly why Nancy wants to work so bad, I don’t understand.
Anyway, this took a turn.
I really keep getting carried away with these things.
The people are still there, but they seemed to have moved on conversationally, and it’s about time I head home anyway. I’m just going to say goodbye to Daniel and get going so I’m back in time for dinner.
Love, Holly
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krakensdottir · 1 year
GO s2 trailer thoughts
Yeah, I have a few of my own, wanted to put them all together before they slither away.
So, people are split between Crowley being gone the last four years vs. just stepped out for milk or something, and I agree either would be hilarious. But I’m pretty sure it’s going to be the former. The vibe they have... it doesn’t feel like four years of domesticity has passed. It seems like they’re still very much figuring things out re: each other. Aziraphale’s reaction to Crowley suggesting they work together again, his wistfulness when Gabriel mentions that ‘one particular person’... yeah, there’s still yearning. Which means, friends, we are in for some serious relationship development this season.
Interesting that Crowley’s replacement is confiding in him. Casual meeting on a bench and everything. Does Hell still want to use them, or is this her initiative?
I’ve seen a lot of speculation about the lightning thing as well, but given how pissed off Crowley looks beforehand, I think he’s just letting off steam. Literally. Because that’s how demons do. Especially ones that’ve graduated from Drama Queen University. (He used to make nebulae, we’re probably lucky he’s not setting off atomic explosions instead.)
Some have spotted it already, but yeah, the candlelit dinner scene is from 1941. So it’s immediately after Crowley saved Aziraphale’s books. No wonder he’s giving him Looks across the table. (This scene was mentioned way back in the early production days, and I won’t lie, I’ve got my own hopes for it, though they probably don’t match much of the fandom’s.)
Y’all say what you want about Crowley’s angel attire, we have seen how they dress and you KNOW he’s gonna walk in without raising an eyebrow. If I had to guess, he’s going for a vibe of Pretentious Art Snob because it fits with his former angelic profession and if he has to lie to anyone up there, it’ll be more convincing to stick to what he knows. In other words, an angel seeing him in passing would be like ‘oh god, it’s one of those pricks from the Cosmic Architecture Department.’
Okay, I think that’s everything.
EDIT: Wait no, one other thing. Having seen several comments that say this or that story element is just like a fanfic they read - THIS, people, THIS is why Neil Gaiman doesn’t read your fanfics. This right here is why. Because if he did, any of those similarities would be grounds for an accusation of plagiarism. Does it make more sense now?
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hanaruri-tunes · 1 year
Degrading Leviathan (Levi x reader)
I am BACK from my uni exams, and I’m pretty sure I passed them all so please applause this genius over here. (Or don’t. That’s fine too :')
Anyway, as promised this is supposed to be the part 2 to the humiliating Leviathan fic, but it is smut so I’m pretty sure you can also read it without any prior knowledge of the other one fuehdhd Plot is not really important here after all.
⚠️ Also, if this wasn’t already obvious -> MDNI please!
If you want to read it though, here’s the first part. (Hopefully the link works.)
If you want to jump right into this one, here’s a quick summary of part 1 (or a quick reminder for those who did read it): Basically our MC here is pretty sadistic, she found some of her "belongings" in Levi’s room and understood that he was obviously using it to touch himself, she acts like she’s disgusted and disappointed in him, then makes him do some "stuff" for her so she’ll forgive him. And all the while, she’s mocking him (Levi’s into that, of course.) It ends with her revealing that she was acting and Levi is reassured (but still turned on. Yep.)
This is the direct continuation of that! Here are the warnings: praise, degradation, two dicks, a bit of petplay (dog Levi), raw, bj, usage of tail, overstimulation (and if I forgot some stuff don’t hesitate to tell me!)
MC/ Y/N is cisfemale in this one like the first part!
Now that the charade was over, Levi kept hanging onto you as you two were making out. This might have lasted either 5 minutes or half an hour, you're not quite sure. Slowly regaining your senses, Leviathan had naturally calmed down and turned back into his usual form and casual attire… though his dicks were still hanging out of his pants. You laughed.
"Isn't it about time you put those things away?"
Leviathan chuckled nervously.
"Oh… But I-I thought we weren't done?"
"Well uh, aren't you tired? You came quite a lot… Not to mention from both of them so…"
He looked into your eyes, a pitiful air hanging around him while still holding into his wish firmly.
"No… I can finally kiss you, and touch you freely and even…"
He looked down to your skirt, under which he knows how wet you had gotten after the make-out session you just had despite the fact that you had just climaxed earlier from his tongue.
"Anyway! What I'm trying to say is- I can still go on for way longer. Probably more than you think. If anything, once is quite literally nothing now that I have you. I've dreamed of this for so long♡"
You take a pause to ponder it. It’s not like you couldn’t take him but you still wondered how you should go about this since, well, he has two of them. Plus you wanted to keep things interesting and that box you had found earlier with his "filthy" belongings had some interesting costumes. You stood up, making Levi worried that you might leave only to see him cheer back up when he understood where you’re heading towards.
"You’ve got a lot of slutty outfits in there, huh?"
You take some dog ears and a tail out of it.
"Are they meant for me or for you?"
Leviathan grins at your pick, excited and eager. He reaches deeper into the box, knowing exactly the placement of each object. He could probably navigate in it even with a blindfold on. Not so shockingly, he pulls out a collar and a leash out of it.
"Whichever is fine ehe. I even got a leash to go with it so um, y'know. We can use it right away i-if you want."
Clearly, although he had said that whichever was fine, his eyes were telling another story. Anyone could’ve seen that what he truly wanted was to wear it and get ordered around by you. Not like it was hard for you to do so might as well. You gently put the ears on him.
"Try barking?"
"Cute. You’re the dog then."
His smile widens, happy that you picked the role for him and chose the one he wanted. It takes barely a minute for him to take his clothes off, now he’s only left with the costume and his boxers that clearly outline his cocks. You take a hold of the leash, pulling him as you walk back towards the seat where both of you were making out earlier. He follows you on his hands and knees, already nailing the role. You sit while he stays on the floor.
He sits.
"Look down."
He looks down.
He puts his hand on yours.
"Good boyyy! So smart."
You scratch him under the chin as if he’s really just a pet.
He brings his face to your legs, lovingly rubbing his head and cheek against them. Both of his dicks are already hard and leaking for you, even through the boxers it’s so apparent, it’s almost embarrassing how turned on he got from being treated like an animal. Not like he minds, if that gets you to mock him he’ll take it. Actually, he’ll take anything from you, be it praise or insults.
"Aww is baby all excited to play with me? You wanna feel good inside your owner?"
He nods against your thighs, helplessly craving your touch. Babying himself up to make you feel sorry for his poor state.
"...Alright. Stand up Levia-chan, I’ll suck you off and stroke you for a minute. If you manage to hold it in, I'll let both of them inside me."
He perks up. Had the ears and tail been real, his ears would have perked up as well and the tail would be wagging. He stands up, finally speaking like a human being. That is, if we ignore the drooling and the leash you’re still holding onto.
"N-No way?! Ha… ahhh… Sorry. I’ve gotta calm down. O-Okay. One minute. One minute, you can do this Leviathan."
He mutters to himself, psyching himself up while you’re pulling half down his boxers, taking his upper dick into your mouth and stroking the lower one through his boxers with your free hand, the one that’s not holding the leash.
He keeps his eyes tightly shut, probably realizing that if he opens them and sees your cute face sucking on his gross cock he’ll ejaculate immediately. He breathes heavily and repeats "IcandothisIcandothisoneminutejustoneminutegodplease". You retain your smile, but he’s just so cute. You count up to 60 in your head, it probably wasn’t super accurate but you’re proud of his restraint regardless.
Once you stop, he slowly calms himself down and starts breathing normally again.
"D-did I make it??"
"Yeah. Despite being such a slutty dog, good job hah."
He grins at your mocking tone, enjoying it. Then he opens his eyes, his gaze goes straight to your open legs. As soon as he had calmed down, he got excited again, seeing you ready to take him fully in. He comes closer, his hard cocks hovering over your slippery pussy and ass.
His eyes go a bit crazy for a second, as if he’s in a frenzy, or hypnotized.
"Ahh… Ahh… fuck. Fuck fuck. Really? I can put both of them in?"
You chuckle at how nervous and eager he is.
"Knock yourself out."
He starts to laugh softly, exhilarated.
"Hah. Haha… Oh my god. I’ve always dreamed of shoving my disgusting cocks into your cute and pretty pussy. I’m such a lucky fucking bastard."
He firmly grabs your waist, frankly you’ve never seen him being so sure of something. He slides them in slowly, both in each hole. You squirm and whimper under his unbreakable gaze on your whole being. Your holes gladly taking him in, your soft body, your cute facial expressions as you’re feeling better and better as he’s pushing himself in, he watches all of it so closely that it almost makes you shy.
"S-Stop staring so closely you dirty mutt."
"Y-Yeah. You’re right, I’m a dirty dog~ Please abuse me with your words some more…"
Geez, this guy has a problem… A problem that you find unbearably hot and cute.
He pounds into your holes, holding your legs up from the back of your knees, pushing them upwards, near your face. All the while you’re still holding onto the leash that is strapped on his collar.
"Come on. Please please please… I’m begging Y/N! Just a little bit."
He’s already enjoying himself so much inside you yet he wants even more, he sure is spoiled. But well, you want to see him go even crazier over you. So you do as he wants.
"You absolute gross fuck. You’re more of a pig than a dog you know? I’ve never seen anyone make such an elated face while fucking someone. You should just get over with it and serve me as a sextoy."
He submerges himself in your fake disgusted face, grinning as you’re completely disrespecting him as a human being, or, well, a demonic being. Then he happily glues his body against yours, his lips near your ears as he begs for more insulting words.
"More please, embarrass me more."
Your mind is already wandering off from getting fucked so good. It’s getting harder to think as both of his dicks are pleasuring your insides, making you pump out so much of your juices, more than you ever have. Yet you somehow manage to answer his needs.
"Y-You… You’re just a gross little fuck- A lame creepy otaku with two dicks who gets off on his crush’s insulting words. You s-sure are good at acting cute and pure while all you really are is a masochistic whore- Mmh!"
You can’t see his face but you can feel him smiling and drooling against your neck and shoulders. Suddenly, the air around him turns dark as he takes on his demon form. Completely lost in his lust and pleasure.
He sticks the tip of his scaly tail into your mouth, making you unable to degrade him any further and his pace quickens. He pounds into you harder and faster, his cocks getting ready to unload themselves into your pretty holes.
"A-And yet you’re so kind that you’re letting a lame, gross and disgusting fuck like me pump both of his dicks into you and you’re wholeheartedly sucking on his monstruous tail. Aaaaahh…~ You’re so nice Y/N, I’ll be your toy all you want! Iloveyousomuch.♡ Iloveyou Iloveyou Iloveyou-"
Your mind completely goes blank thanks to all of your holes being filled by his dicks and tail, at this point, fucking him is like fucking 3 guys at the same time. And as you lose yourself, he does so as well. Emptying himself inside you, grinding on you over and over as he keeps cumming for a solid 20 to 30 seconds, you never even thought it was possible for someone to ejaculate for so long… Well he is a beast and a demon.
When he pulls out, his juices flow out of you for a while, maybe even longer than it took for him to cum since his loads have been mingled in with yours inside of you. He hurries over to his phone, taking pictures of you completely fucked out so he can use them later… Well, hopefully he won’t have to, since from now on you’ll always call for him when you need to use his dicks, right?
Done! As usual please don’t hesitate to leave comments or some tags (or messages in my askbox if you’re shy!) This is tumblr, I can assure you no one will make fun of you or judge you, we’re all chilling in our trash here 🫰
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saras-almanac · 5 months
I’ve seen this idea or comment multiple times: That Tommy has no character. Which is either on its own or in connection to not understanding why anyone likes BuckTommy apart from two hot guys together. I’m not going to get into the second one here, but the idea that Tommy has no character is just false and either a completely failure in media literacy at best or a blatant ignoring of canon at worst.  
Now do we know everything there is to know about Tommy? Absolutely not, and I’m not trying to claim otherwise. But I would also point that question to any of the other characters on screen: Do we know everything about Bobby, about Chimney, about Buck, etc? I would say No, we don’t. I think the one we have the most information about is Buck just purely because the framing of the first season being about his growth and also because Buck is just such an open book about pretty much everything in his life and feelings. But even still, I don’t think we know everything about him. And that’s okay!
But back to Tommy—we actually do know a fair bit about him and have seen him grow and develop a bit. When we met him in “Hen Begins” in season 2, he’s not outright rude but he is very much, “not gonna put a target on my back here” because of Captain Gerrard (and/or perhaps because he had already realized his sexuality or was beginning to uncover it). When we meet him for the first time chronologically in “Chimney Begins,” he’s more rude and pretty dismissive of Chimney’s offer of friendship, even actively avoiding him. Again, this could be because of Gerrard, the environment here where it didn’t feel like anyone was really friends per say, or it could be down to what Eli tells Chimney: That these guys are not going to let just anyone in until they prove themselves, especially not a probie.”
However, the thing that shows the most about who Tommy is and his growth is his time in “Bobby Begins,” where it’s clear he’s got a really solid friendship with Hen and Chimney, making bets about the new Captain, going out for drinks, having those looks in the engine as Bobby gets them lost. It’s clear in the narrative in season 2 that Tommy, for all of being in only 3 episodes, has grown and changed a lot. (Which is why I find it so ironic that so many people criticizing this “retcon” of Tommy’s character always forget to mention Bobby Begins where it’s clear that Tommy’s friends with Hen and Chimney. I get that some fans want a full apology, but to me it reads like that probably already happened, or at least a conversation, a clearing of the air. Not everything needs to be directly spoonfed to you.)
Tommy coming back in season 7 has shown a bit more growth, as well as showing us sides of him we haven’t seen before. His patience and kindness with Buck and the newness of their relationship and Buck’s sexuality. His humor being dry and a little dark—“We’re all gonna die anyways” or even him suggesting to give Buck flying lessons because his fees are competitive. He’s open with his vulnerabilities when he feels safe enough to do so—immediately sharing his own jealousy at the 118 to Buck when Buck’s talking about his jealousy, telling Buck he cut the date short because he didn’t want to pressure Buck. To me, it shows maybe more growth or just another side of him because we only saw him in connection to his friends, where as Buck is a love interest.
Is this a lot of information? I guess it depends on what you want. Do we know his favorite color or his interests or how he romantically woos people or what he likes to do on his days off? I would argue that we do know a decent amount of that—he likes monster trucks, I assume watching romantic comedies as his favorite movie is canonically Love, Actually, he enjoys craft beers, knows and participates in Muay Thai, has a car lift in his garage so must know something about cars or mechanic stuff, is a pilot and firefighter, enjoys flying for fun on his days off, and has a trivia / karaoke thing (I’m still not sure if it’s a karaoke trivia or trivia at a karaoke bar, the wording confused me but whatever). Honestly, that’s more information than we have about any love interest Buck or Eddie have ever had when they were just starting a relationship.  
And that’s also a huge point that I think is being missed by these types of arguments: Buck and Tommy are just starting a relationship, as in they are just getting to really know each other. So there is more to learn and uncover about each other. And honestly, we the audience are probably not going to be privy to a lot of that because it’s an ensemble show. So instead, they’ll likely show us that they’re moving forward and getting more comfortable with each other when they do interact—the kiss in the hospital reads to me as two people who’ve been spending time together and getting to know each other a lot more where they feel more comfortable. Hell, even just Buck’s change from his hesitance in episode 5 to his confidence in episode 6 is supposed to show his growth in accepting his sexuality and comfort being with Tommy.
The whole point is that the show sketches the outlines and maybe fills in some spots, but they sort of expect you to be able to still see the bigger picture of things. We know the outline of Tommy and are waiting to see it all filled in. That’s why he’s such an intriguing character and love interest for Buck—because he’s developed enough as his own person but there’s still enough blank spaces to explore with. He is the most developed love interest that Buck’s ever had, but he’s still just become Buck’s boyfriend so there’s still more to learn about him. That’s what dating and being in relationship with someone is: learning about them, their likes and dislikes, and what they are like in relationships, seeing if you’re compatible. So while there is already a massive head start in characterization than anyone else (except maybe Abby but even she wasn’t a fabulously written character and was honestly a terrible protagonist), there’s still more to learn about him and that’s a good thing. And while I can’t speak for everyone who ships BuckTommy, I can say that for me, it’s so fun to extrapolate on the bare bones of character and see how they develop in canon.
Tl;dr: Tommy does have a character. It's just a lot of showing and not telling and some people can't handle that.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 4 months
I'm not a "ship" person whatsoever but I do scroll character tags on occasion and see quite a bit of Vox and Vel together as well as what seems to be a lot of what I'm assuming is female original character stuff. I've even seen some Charlie and Vox too. So it's out there, but unless you're scrolling through character tags I can see how it might be hard to find. Personally, I also block/filter a lot of the big "ship" tags so maybe that also makes it easier for me to stumble across this stuff that "slips" through since I don't know if those pairings have names.
I get your point though. I do think many are inclined to erase his bisexuality when it's convenient. Interestingly, they also erase Valentino's pansexuality too. The same with Husk as well, but I check his tag a lot less so who knows.
What disappoints me, and I know I'm about to come off as nit-picky right now lol, is the lack of research people put into their "sexuality" headcanons for the characters with reference to their different eras. When reading some of them, you'd think the idea of "gay rights" was a completely new and foreign topic that only emerged after the early 2000s. I get people want to go for the simplistic "repressed and doesn't know what being [insert identity here] is" for some of the older characters but that completely ignores a fascinating and rich tapestry of queer history that could create far more interesting (and still accurate) stories for the characters/their backgrounds. I would really encourage those who haven't already or are generally unfamiliar to dive into this history as it might inspire their character ideas while also educate them on the work, art, and activism our queer elders have contributed to the community we have today.
I think this may partially relate to character ages being under explored as well. While I've seen debate on what is canon/has been decanonized many of these characters, as far as we know, died in their late 30s and beyond. That's a lot of life to live and experience. While certainly many people throughout history (and even today) kept their sexuality hidden from the public due to culture, shame, and safety that doesn't mean there weren't many incredible private venues/spaces that could be utilized to explore those feelings/identities in secret.
I could go on and on about this but I've totally strayed from your original point (I'm sorry!) and I'm very tired haha. I just think there are multiple factors coming into play here with these character interpretations and, for me, the biggest missed opportunity is the lack of historical research. But end of the day people should have their fun! Just an observation.
Completely agree with this! I doubt my response will be as long since I just woke up but other characters doing certain things or not knowing about sexualities is interesting, it just seems like a lot of people think older people don’t want to explore any of that like it only just happened recently as you said. I like to joke about Angel being shocked about gay marriage and not knowing a bunch of current terms but thats about it. With him being in the mafia when he was alive makes it much more interesting as well, I’m pretty sure around his time the mafia was blackmailing men in gay bars but dont quote me on that I might be wrong.
Anyway for Husk and Valentino pan erasure I see that a bunch too. Not exactly erasure but just… ignoring it? Moreso erasure on Valentino’s end because Ive seen people get mad at people for shipping Valentino with a woman and was like “hes gay dont do that” no he isnt. Also dont ship Valentino with anyone for the love of god. But like people are super used to just making up headcanons that they dont bother to look up actual canon stuff. I know Hazbin isn’t the best but if you want canonically LGBTQ+ characters use what you have and add on later. Or headcanon a background character, thats what I did with Molly.
People are very focused on modern day queerness and forget that this stuffs been happening for decades and it’s a bit sad. Also I seem to have strayed from my own question as well?? Anyway ty for mentioning this! Its very interesting 🩷
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johnnycadeirl · 5 months
prolly never gunna finish lol!
The Outsiders (Johnny's perspective)
I am Johnny Cade, a 16 year old greaser. I live in Tulsa Oklahoma, and I have my entire life, I have 2 parents, a mom and a dad. Sometimes I wish I didn't have either and then maybe I could be at peace, I could probably live with my pals, too. Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry would probably take me in, or Two-Bit if they could. My friends understand the situation at my house, they've saved me from my folks a handful of times. Two-Bit especially, sometimes I feel like I’d be better off dead, my parents sure would like that.. They probably wouldn’t notice for a while anyway since I haven't been going home as often anymore, and when I do.. They either ignore me or beat on me. I usually sleep at the Curtis house, or I stay with Two-Bit from time to time, when I can’t stay with Two or Pony, I sleep in the lot. I’m sure I would have a place with Dally if he didn’t stay at Bucks all the time. He doesn't have the best relationship with his parents either. His dad couldn’t care less about his whereabouts, and state. And we never hear about his mother, or any relatives that he may be able to stay with. He digs okay, so does the rest of my gang. They’re the closest relationships I’ve had to family. I'm smaller, and younger compared to all of them, well.. Except for ponyboy, at least for the age part. Ponyboy is 14 and he has already lost both of his parents in a car accident. I feel absolutely terrible for their entire family, especially Darry.. He’s only 20 and he has to continue raising his 2 kid brothers, he doesn’t usually have issues with Sodapop, but him and Ponyboy have never really gotten along, which got worse after their parents died. It was rough on the rest of the gang too. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis were great people, and they took care of those who didn't have great relationships with their parents.. Me and Dally especially- Dally and Mrs. Curtis were real close, I’m sure their passing was also very hard on him.. Of course, he would NEVER let anyone know that, especially anyone in the gang. He thinks emotions and stuff like that are wastes of time, and he had never done so much as cry in front of any of us. Of course we had seen him angry, he hates the world and almost everything in it. He doesn't seem to hate me though, I’ve never been to sure as to why.. But I love Dally a lot, I love the entire gang a lot. They’re all I’ve got in life, without the gang I have nothing, I AM nothing. I would probably be dead and gone if it weren't for them. Or I’d be in a different state, trying to start a new life, without my parents being there to bug me and hurt me. Maybe there wouldn’t be any “Greasers” or “Socs” there too.. Just people. Normal, plain old people.. Maybe I’d be able to go to church there too.. Me and Ponyboy used to go all the time, we invited Two-Bit, and the rest of the gang once, they caused a pretty dramatic scene.. So we never went again. Ponyboy always talks about living in the country, pretty far 'away from the city.. I don’t think I’d mind the “country life” too much, I’d just need to get used to it for a bit, especially since I’ve never been outside of our neighborhood. Maybe there I’d be considered less stupid. That’s all I’ve ever been called by teachers and my parents. I dunno, maybe I am stupid.. I can really get excited about learning if it’s something I find interesting. Ponyboy has mentioned a book before Gone with the Wind. Maybe in the country Ponyboy would be able to read it to me or something. Ponyboy likes books a lot,
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blainesebastian · 1 year
beach day (ccg universe)
words: 2,375 ship: austin butler x reader summary: (anon request) “ccg and austin take luci to the beach and have a beach day, maybe after award season and they’re just having a fun vacation” warnings: none notes: will be posting again when i come back from disney, tuesday-ish. thanks to anyone who reads / comments / likes / reblogs, much appreciated!  tag list: @killerqueenfan, @karamelcoveredolicity, @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @stylespresleyhearted
You know the moment Luci’s feet touch sand that she’s going to be trouble.
She’s never been by the ocean before, so it was obvious to both you and Austin that this small getaway was going to be something. She’s very much used to the park, basically knows that terrain like the back of her hand, can run free under her parent’s gaze to chase squirrels up a tree or talk to some (unwilling) pigeons or find her spot on a swing or slide. But here? New rules, new places to explore.
You make sure you pack everything under the sun for her (pun intended)—sunscreen, floatie swimsuit, a hat, swim shoes, sandcastle building toys, the works. You’ve been to the beach plenty of times, but it’s your first with a toddler.
This was all Austin’s idea, wanting to completely unwind and disconnect after awards season. Nothing too extensive, there’s no need to escape for a complete month or anything, but you can understand the urge to get away and feel refreshed. It’s a restart button. There are so many new projects and passions on the horizon, not to mention Luci makes every day interesting in her own way, you’re just looking forward to unwinding with your little family.
Austin books an air bnb with a patio that leads into the sand and on the water—it’s very exclusive, private, connected to a resort nearby in case they would ever want to be in a pool or visit a restaurant instead of the ocean or cook something. Admittedly, you like the idea of having time to yourself (your husband to yourself), and less possibility of running into any paps (even though you know you’re not completely hidden from the public eye). The almost promise is more than enough.
The resort has a small store that you’re milling around in as Austin takes Luci to the bathroom—you definitely had her use the facilities at the Airbnb before leaving it but, it’s all still a learning curve. Besides, you wanted to get a container of fruit or something to take in the swim bag that you’ve got over your shoulder, perfect to mix with the crackers and cheese that you have already packed. Pushing your sunglasses further into your hair, you adjust your sheer cover-up skirt over your black and white polka-dot two-piece bathing suit. Luci’s got on a matching one piece—you thought you were being very cute and clever with that.
You reach for a small package of pineapple and strawberries at the same time this guy does, both of you kinda doing that awkward laugh and pull-back before he motions for you to go head.
“Thanks,” You smile, picking up the container and checking the price.
“Haven’t seen you around the resort before,” He says, grabbing one for himself and you get what he means even though you know where this is going. The resort is on the smaller side, exclusive, and this is the first time you and Austin have brought Luci over here to check out the small market.
Before you can even say anything—
“Feel like I’d remember someone as pretty as you.”
You let out a slow breath, giving the guy a kind smile, “That’s because I’m actually here with my husband and daughter.”
And you’ve got no idea if the guy thinks it’s some kind of line, because he glances down at your hand and doesn’t see the wedding ring (you’ve taken it off for the beach) and has the audacity to keep going.
“And here I was gonna offer to buy you a drink.”
“She said no,” Austin says as he approaches and you turn to look at him over your shoulder. He’s got Luci in his arms and it looks like he’s put her hair into pigtails since he’s had her. His tone is kinda neutral, probably not to alarm his daughter, but his face is set—eyes a sharp blue, that muscle working in his jawline. “You havin’ trouble with that?”
The guy clears his throat and shakes his head once before backing off, quickly moving towards the cashier to buy his fruit and leave. You sigh softly, giving your husband a warm smile in hoping to melt the ice around him. Sliding your arms around his waist, you lean in and peck his lips.
“Can’t leave you alone for a minute in this suit, apparently,” He teases against your mouth, nipping at your lower lip with his own. “Sharks start to circle.”
A soft laugh rumbles in your chest, squeezing his waist, “No one is circling.”
“Sharks!” Luci exclaims excitedly, “Fishies.” She reaches for your face with both of her hands, clasping your cheeks.
You can’t help but snicker, playfully tugging on one of her pigtails, “Yes, sharks and fishes. We’re gonna go check out their home soon.”
Austin takes the fruit from you to buy and you slip it into the beach tote before heading back outside. The sun is high in the sky, the weather hot but not suffocating, clouds like hazy cotton balls hanging about in the mass blue. It’s literally a perfect day for the beach. You take your sandals off to walk in the sand once you reach the Airbnb, Austin setting Luci down and holding onto her hand so they can work together to find a perfect spot to put their towels down.
Luci points and you nod because this will work, it’s right by the water but close enough to their patio that they can set drinks on the deck instead of in the sand. You throw the towels down, opening them up to sit on and removing your cover up because there definitely needs to be sunscreen. You can feel Austin’s eyes on you and when you look over, you can tell he’s checking you out, his gaze tracing over your skin like his hands would.
Kind of ironic coming from him, how beautiful he is, panels of smooth skin with kisses of freckles on his cheekbones and shoulders. He’s wearing small pieces of accent jewelry, a ring that’s not his wedding band (so he doesn’t lose anything valuable) and a thin silver chain resting around his neck. You playfully stick your tongue out at him as he undresses and he lets out a soft laugh, removing his t-shirt so that he’s just in his fitted swim trunks.
Luci takes off her sandals and attempts to make a run for the water and luckily Austin is quick, he does a half spin and picks her up right out of the sand, “Where do you think you’re goin’?” He asks, flipping her onto her back in his arms.
“Daddy!” She giggles, kicking her legs, “Water.”
“Water,” Austin shakes his head, sitting with her on the towel, fixing her swimsuit straps. “For one, my lil dino,” He reaches for the sunscreen you’re handing him, sitting down on the towel next to Luci. “You need sunscreen, and secondly, you never go in the water without me or mom, understand?”
He tips her chin up to make sure she’s listening and she nods, her eyes bright and wide as she takes a look out at the water, Austin putting sunscreen on her arms and legs while you put a small dollop on her face.
She gives you a cheesy, big grin and you can’t help but chuckle, leaning down to press a kiss to her hair. After you all have a decent layer of sunscreen, both you and Austin hold onto one of Luci’s hands so she’s in the middle and walk towards the water.
Luci has always been a really curious girl, so she’s not scared when she dips her toes in and then a whole foot, squealing as the wave of cool water slips over her ankles and legs. Austin chuckles a little, gently swinging her with his arm into the next wave. She then reaches both of her hands towards him,
You sink into the water, up to your waist, toes curling in the sand underneath you. You smile as you watch Austin lean down and bring Luci into his arms and he slips down towards you, the water reaching his shoulders eventually as you both wade out.
Austin keeps a secure grip on Luci, who claps at the water and reaches for you every so often, touching your hair and shoulder. You dive under at one point and bring up a seashell, which she’s totally enamored by, and you decide that you’ll keep and maybe make it into a piece of jewelry for her one day. It’s a sturdy, nicely shaped, off-white one—almost has this semi-pink hue to it. Perfect to go on a necklace.
It's a lot of time spent in the water until Luci decides that she wants to build a sandcastle for the rest of the day. She’s very particular about the structure, disregarding a lot of what Austin attempts to build, much to your amusement. You take a few videos and post one to your story, Jillian instantly commenting and leaving a mix of love and jealousy in her emojis.
When you head back inside for the day, Luci is definitely spent. You just manage to give her a quick bath and change her into pajamas before she’s like warm clay in your arms. She slumps against your chest, face tucked into your neck.
“Haven’t even had a chance to get my swimsuit off yet.” You chuckle lightly as you pass Austin in the kitchen, who’s quickly changed into a soft pair of gray joggers and a white t-shirt. His hair is slightly blonder today from the sun and in wild curls, cheeks kissed tan-ish pink.
He takes a break from pouring both of you an iced coffee from the fridge and reaches for Luci, “I’ll put her down, you should take a shower—think you got sand in your hair.” He playfully reaches for a strand near your jaw and you smack his hand away.
He smirks and plants a quick kiss on your cheek before you can hit him again and moves to take Luci down the hall. Shaking your head, you walk to the bathroom and turn the shower on, rinsing and shampooing quick in order to get into more comfortable clothes. When you use your towel to dry off though, it kinda feels like cardboard or like the Airbnb didn’t use enough fabric softener when washing these things. It hurts to use, especially on your shoulders and…
Wait. You wipe the steam off the mirror, turning to look over your shoulder at your back and groan.
���Crap.” You mumble under your breath, pulling your underwear on and towel drying your hair.
You open the door to let the steam out, wincing at the red skin and you’re trying to figure out what you an even put on to lounge in…it’s going to have to be something that’s similar to the strap design of your bathing suit. Ugh.
“Where’s the aloe?” You ask Austin as he comes round the corner from putting Luci to bed.
He takes one look at your shoulders and a soft smile twinges its way to the corners of his mouth, “You do this every time.”
Austin sounds far too amused for your liking…and if you didn’t need him to find the aloe and help you apply it, you’d be throwing this towel at his head. “I do not.”
You wander into the bedroom after dropping the towel in a basket in the bathroom, sitting down on the bed. This is totally not your fault…you kept applying sunscreen throughout your day after being in and out of the water. What else could you do? You sigh softly and tip your head back as Austin comes in with the green bottle, rolling it between his hands to warm up the aloe—honestly, husband points for that one.
“Least it’s me and not Luci.”
Austin hums and settles down behind you, brushing your hair aside and pressing a kiss to your sore shoulder. He squeezes aloe out into his hands and continues to warm it on his palms before gently settling his touch on your skin. You wince a little, closing your eyes, letting out a slow breath as he rubs it in.
“Should start feelin’ better in a few minutes here.” He says, leaning forward to plant a kiss to the back of your head. You smile a little, can’t help it, the feeling of his touch and the heat of his body utterly comforting.
“Today was really nice.” You stand from the bed and reach for a sports bra in your suitcase that has similar straps to the bathing suit you had on today. With a little bit of help from Austin, you wrangle the thing on and…avoid being in a decent amount of pain, so. Pulling your hair up into a bun, you turn to look at your husband, “Luci’s definitely a fan of the beach and water.”
“And seagulls.” Austin chuckles warmly, moving a stray strand of hair behind your ear, “There was a lot of tryin’ to talk to them today.”
“Probably misses her pigeon friends.” You snicker.
But admittedly, this was great. Without doubt something needed after the stress and busyness of award season. You reach out to place a hand on Austin’s chest, your thumb tracing back and forth along his collarbone. You’ve still got time left on this vacation clock, but you’re already thinking ahead—
“We should definitely come back when we’ve got the time.”
Austin picks your hand up and presses a kiss to your fingers, “We’ll make time.” And you smile because you know that’s a promise.
Chewing on your lower lip, you raise your eyebrows, brushing your fingers on his cheek, “You know what we’ve got time for right now?”
Austin lets out a warm laugh, amused, “You gonna be able to do anything with a sore back?”
You playfully push him to lay down on the bed, crawling on top of him until you’re straddling his waist, “Looks like I’ll just have to be on top.”
Austin hums, his eyes darkening blue as he leans up and draws you into a kiss.
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gerec · 7 months
Valentine’s Day Ficlet - Accidental Valentine’s Date
Anonymous asked: hm maybe have them end up on a date on valentine’s day by pure accident?
Charles finally picks up the phone after the third emergency of the day, when Hank tells him about the ‘minor’ explosion on the third floor. Though he’s the CEO of Xavier Pharmaceuticals he’s still mostly a scientist at heart, and is very invested in the research that he helped to pioneer. He’s going to be very cross when he finds the culprit responsible for blowing up his lab, a state of the art facility he built to his custom specifications.
The phone connects after the first ring. “This is Lehnsherr.”
“Erik, hi, it’s Charles, Charles Xavier—”
“Charles,” Erik says, cutting him short. He can’t tell by the tone of voice if the man is wryly amused or genuinely annoyed by his call. “You’re not calling to reschedule again, are you? This is the second time in less than a week. I’m beginning to think you don’t actually want to go on this date.”
He bites his lip to stop from blurting out something rude, like how he doesn’t really have time to date, and that he only agreed to being set up on a blind date so Emma and his sister would stop hassling him about his sad personal life. And based on the short conversations they’ve had so far, he’s not sure he and Erik really have that much in common, besides how dedicated they are to their respective careers. Maybe he should just politely beg off so he can go back to putting out the fourteen fires he’s got going at once—
“Look,” Erik says, and this time he definitely sounds put out, which, considering he’s been mostly curt and dismissive every time they’ve chatted is pretty galling. “If you don’t want to go, just say so and stop wasting my time. You’re not going to hurt my feelings.”
Oh, the absolute nerve of this man – “Sounds like you’re the one looking for an out, Mr. Lehnsherr. I mean, my lab exploded today which is why I’m calling but if you think that’s not a good enough reason to reschedule than by all means, we can cancel outright.”
There’s a beat of silence before Erik asks, “An explosion? Was anyone hurt? Are you alright?”
“No, no one was hurt thankfully and I’m fine, thank you for asking.” He exhales loudly and adds, “Look, I really am sorry for cancelling tonight. Let me make it up to you. Tomorrow night, 7pm at Armando’s Bistro. The food is excellent there.”
“Tomorrow? Are you sure you can get us a table on such short notice?”
Charles bristles, but pushes down his annoyance at Erik’s incredulous tone. “Yes, yes I know the chef; he’s a good friend of mine. He’ll get us a good table.”
“Alright…tomorrow it is then. 7pm at Armando’s; I’ll meet you there.”
“See you tomorrow night.”
He hangs up and sighs, then immediately calls his assistant, Alex.
“I need you to get me a table for two at Armando’s tomorrow night at 7.”
“Tomorrow? You have a date on V—?”
“Yes, tomorrow, and please let Darwin know I want the works.” Charles is a catch, dammit, and he is determined to impress his sullen and (probably) judgemental date even if nothing comes of it but a good meal.
“Okay, boss. You got it.”
“Thank you,” he says before hanging up and promptly forgetting about it for the next 24 hours.
Charles gets to the restaurant five minutes early, only to be told that his date has already arrived. The hostess Angel smirks at him as she leads him to their table, which is at the back of the restaurant with a stunning view of the river. He notices a lot of besotted couples holding hands and smiling dopily at each other – even more than usual – and wonders if Darwin is offering some kind of Prix Fixe special for two on the menu.
He's momentarily stunned when he finds the most gorgeous man he’s ever seen in his life, seated at their table.
“Erik?” “Hello, Charles,” the man says, and oh, now that he’s close he can read intense interest radiating from his thoughts, impossible to glean during any of their previous conversations over the phone. Or perhaps the interest exists only now that he’s laid eyes on Charles for the first time, a little ruffled and still in the blue suit he wore at the office. “Nice to finally meet you,” he adds with a sly smirk, sharp eyes taking Charles in from his head to his toes.
“Likewise,” he answers, and when they reach to shake hands the touch electrifies him to the core. Charles finds himself completely entranced by the brilliant mind inside the lithe body, his focus so fixed on Erik that he barely hears what the waiter says, nor does he wonder why they’re given no menus to peruse.
“We didn’t order this,” Charles says, when the waiter – Sean – arrives as they exchange pleasantries, delivering a bottle of Dom Perignon and two crystal flutes. He returns immediately afterwards with two lovely plates of appetizers; a dozen raw oysters with trimmings along with another dozen baked in butter, breadcrumbs and Grana Padano cheese. “Is this on tonight’s fixed menu?”
“Oh no, Mr. Xavier. This is a very special meal the chef designed just for you and your guest - a romantic and sensual journey for the senses! Happy Valentine’s Day to you both.”
He has no idea what expression he makes, but Erik starts chuckling, and reaches to pat his hand. “You had no idea today was Valentine’s Day, did you, Charles?”
Truthfully, he can’t remember the last time he looked at the date on the calendar, since he relies almost exclusively on Alex to get him to meetings at the right place and the right time. Of course, now the ambience and the clientele in the restaurant make perfect sense, though he’s a bit mortified that he’s essentially forced Erik to agree to a blind date on Valentine’s Day of all days.
Then, he remembers asking the restaurant for ‘the works’ and groans, realizing he all but demanded the outlandish meal Darwin has clearly planned for the evening.
“No, I’m so sorry! I know this is way too much for a first date—”
“So…now’s maybe not a good time to tell you that I’m Jewish and can’t eat shellfish?”
“Oh! Oh, no, Erik! Oh my god—”
Erik grins at him with all teeth, which Charles finds stupidly attractive even in the midst of his rising panic. “Charles, Charles! I’m just kidding! I don’t keep Kosher.”
“You—” He starts laughing, embarrassment and annoyance deflating at the way Erik is radiating warmth and genuine delight over Charles and his predicament. Maybe the date is still salvageable, he thinks, if they go somewhere with less pressure and expectation for full throttle romance with a capital ‘R’. “Ugh, this is a disaster. Do you want to get out of here? Maybe go grab a beer and wings?”
Instead of answering him, Erik merely waves to get their waiter’s attention.
“Yes, Sir?”
“Can you tell us what else we’ll be having for our ‘romantic and sensual journey for the senses’?”
Charles snorts, barely holding back his laughter as Erik gives him a conspiring wink. Entirely unruffled, and pointedly ignoring their snickering, Sean dutifully recites the rest of the menu.
“For the main course, a 40 ounce, Prime Angus Porterhouse steak for two, aged 45 days and served rare with foie gras sauce as well as ‘His and His’ lobsters. And for dessert, Swiss chocolate martinis alongside a Madagascar vanilla soufflé for sharing.”
Erik leans in and gives a considering hum. “I don’t know about you, Charles, but I think that sounds too good to pass up. Plus, you owe me a nice meal for rescheduling on me twice. Why don’t we stay, and see what the rest of the night brings?”
Then he feels the press of Erik’s thoughts directed right at him – a skill taught by Emma no doubt, considering their close friendship – the words accompanied by images of after dinner, with a confidence that Charles finds utterly charming, Do you think they’ll make us some chocolate dipped strawberries to go?
“Yes, that’s an excellent idea,” he says, letting Erik know he’s answering both questions with a cheeky smile. “Can I pour you some more champagne, Mr. Lehnsherr?”
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id-rather-be-home · 3 months
Byler omegaverse thoughts: the one a/b/o byler fic I absolutely loved was dirty rain, I think it’s been deleted now but I wish I had downloaded it/ it get reuploaded or at least knew why it got deleted since it did have almost 40 chapters. Everything about it was sooo good and I feel like people NEED to know abt it if they don’t already so here is why I love this fic: Mike walking around in the middle of the night the same night Will came back to Hawkins because of Wills scent, the slight age gap between the two, protective Mike when Will started school again, Mike courting Will and scenting everything he gives him, their desire for each other being so strong even before Wills first heat that they end up grinding against each other multiple times because Mike refuses to hurt Will since his body isn’t fully ready yet, when Wills first heat does happen he chooses to stay at Mikes house instead of his own because the scent of Mike calms him, during their first time (I think) Mike lets Will bite his neck even though it’s seen as a bad thing in society for alphas to have claim marks, Mike also claiming Will by biting him but being so careful because he knows Will has trauma related to his neck and also biting all his other scent glands if I remember correctly, and finally Mike making sure Will eats and stays hydrated in between the times when Wills heat isn’t spiked high I could honestly go on forever talking about this fic bc I love it so much and I never see anyone mention it which is 😢
side note: I recently saw the anatomy chart of a male omega and the science/anatomy college side of my brain has so many questions relating to the technical side of things bc I love combining what I’m learning with fantasy to help me understand concepts better but this is already so long and I think the answers to them will differ between different authors so I’ll save you of them
i’ve never heard of that fic and if it has been deleted that is actually a whole tragedy! i believe that i have read every a/b/o byler fic that is there (at least on ao3) and i haven’t ever come across dirty rain. and after just googling it, i’m pretty sure it’s been deleted since all that came up was “deleted byler fic” so 😔
it sounds like it has so many aspects that i love too! i’m a sucker for mating fics where they claim one another and bond - it’s usually so sweet! and it’s even better when there’s a taboo thrown in with an omega claiming an alpha but their alpha wants their mark regardless
i guarantee that it would be talked about a hell of a lot more if it was still available! hopefully the author may decide to post it again one day
also! the anatomy of alphas and omegas is such an interest of mine as well! especially male omegas and female alphas, particularly because it goes against the binary biology that we have in real life so there’s so much that can be explored. if you ever want to talk my ear off about a/b/o biology PLEASE feel free i would love it!
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sschmendrick · 3 months
ok i've been meaning to send this ask all day but never caught the time. I see so much haikyuu on your blog lately! Tell me more! (funny thing is we are doing a rewatch at home too!) tell me your story and EVERYTHING you want. And also!!!! i can see you shipping hinata and kenma?
OK ok, strap yourself in because I cannot guarantee that this will make any sense. But I’ll do my best.
To be off to a great start, I do not remember how I got into Haikyuu. One day it wasn’t and the next it was. From pictures I have I can say that I was into Haikyuu in my last year of middle school (so 2015-2016). By then I already had mangas but I’m pretty sure I was first attracted to it by the anime so I’d already seen the first season (and maybe the second too) and I had started buying the mangas.
(I shall put a read more here cause this post is LONG, beware!!)
Pictured below is one of my productions during my mandatory stage de troisième. I was in a graphic design agency and I was shy so I’d eat real fast at lunch time and use the rest of the time drawing and my supervisor saw me one day and offered to give me an exercise around it that would make me both enjoy what I was doing and also understand more stuff about graphic design. He was awesome. He really went with all my little cringe interests and encouraged me. The exercise he gave me was to create a cover for Haikyuu. I had a lot of fun with the lettering, understanding the dimensions and everything. He then made me create a brand, understanding why brands are called what they are, making my own logo, and then I worked on one of their (maybe) projects.
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(top is the cover I did, the second one is what I was working on when he gave me the assignment, last on is me being crazy and drawing yaoi in a room full of adults at 14 and them going good job, you wanna keep drawing ?)
Yes I already had a favourite character but it will become more apparent soon. I got really into volleyball because Haikyuu made it look so cool. I was never a sports guy so it was really hard to want to have fun while being so bad with endurance and athleticism. All I had to my name was my flexibility because of dancing for years. Once again I think I was very lucky with the people I met. My PE teacher was really nice and could have just let me skip the class but he didn’t. Wait no, this needs more context. I didn’t have many friends in middle school. I spent the first year with nobody. The second year someone approached me and more or less dragged me in the world of people and friends (once again, I met an amazing person that was just selflessly nice to me). She got me speaking to people and I met my friends through her. My best friend from elementary had abandoned me in a matter of days after we started middle school so I felt very awkward in all situations. Anyway, I had a few people I hung out with but that was about it. I wasn’t exactly the bestest of friends with them but they accepted me even if I was awkward and didn’t talk much. They all knew each other for a while and were much closer (and popular), so when PE would come around I didn’t have anyone to pair up with. SO, my teacher instead of turning a blind eye offered to help me with the volley practice (this was in quatrième (before last year of middle school) if I remember right ? but it must not have been before I learned about haikyuu). He took the time to make me practice everything and explain everything and honestly I think that helped a lot with my general technique cause otherwise there’s a lot I would not have understood or just learned wrong and would have to readjust when I got to high school.
Back to last year of middle school. My mind has been overtaken by Haikyuu cause it’s brilliant. I dabble in cosplay and I have no money I can use to buy an aliexpress one (yes the dreaded website but we would go there at the time haha) but I want to cosplay Haikyuu. Lucky me, I have found a group of cosplayer on Paris for the next Paris Manga that’s doing Haikyuu ! I was so pumped up. And they didn’t have my character but they did have his partner so we were all excited about it :) My parents were not very thrilled about it all because I was still just 14 and they were mostly adults but my mom still helped me make my own jersey! I still have it but I’m 100% sure it doesn’t fit anymore :’) Here is me starting to fall for the sport and the cosplay progress pictures I still have
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(still so proud of it, I did everything by hand !! and last pic is me with a volley ball cause I was a little deranged already)
Yes I was Akaashi, I loved that character. Acting all polite but an overthinker much with a dash of mischievous and admiration for the people around him. Also nothing grand about him like so many of the characters, but he could still hold up with them. I think I have somewhere on my computer a picture of our group but first I don’t know where it is and second you can only see my face on it so I have no picture of my finished cosplay haha. The con was amazing, I had so much fun with these people, we started hanging out a little more often and going to all the anime cons around Paris as a group and we did more group cosplays. I loved it. However at this con I lost my phone and it was in February so when I needed my dad to come pick me up I had to wait for 45 minutes in short shorts and a thin jersey :’)
After that I kept enjoying Haikyuu as one does, and high school started. Oh high school, a lot happened there. First thing I did was being reborn ! And even though it wasn’t much and only social it helped me be a little more free already. Free enough to allow myself to pursue a certain sport I was looking forward to. Yeah I got the volleyball bug. I was so happy my high school had a volleyball “club” and the first day of it we were only two. It was me and another guy, even smaller than me, who had also loved Haikyuu but we didn’t talk much about it. He was just as fired up about it as I was and we really pushed each other to become better. I don’t know what he’s become now but I hope he kept playing volleyball.
Anyway we were off to a great start with…two players. But still our coach/PE teacher was kind enough to teach us. We managed to have a few more people to come now and then but it was rough the first year. In my three years (well two but that’ll come later) we never had 6 “full time” people in the club so any kind of competition, even to get completely massacred by the other teams, was out of the question sadly. We would play on a concrete court ! It was REALLY rough haha ! But these courts were situated in a sort of closed courtyard space that was surrounded by school buildings and on the top floor were the Prepa classes (preparatory classes to get in higher education schools like engineering private schools for anyone not French reading this). Unlike the rest of my classmates, they liked playing volleyball. They were soooo tall compared to us but they would play with us and teach us some stuff and they were really good compared to us. Thanks to them we got the actual practice we needed cause you can’t learn enough by just playing 3x3 or worse 2x2 with people who can barely keep the ball in play (I was one of these people, I get to trash talk past me).
In my first year of high school I was taking riding lessons at the military school since we wouldn’t be able to go to our family’s house village with the more apparent divorce and moving out and other difficulties. It was an experience and I don’t regret doing it but it wasn’t a great place. I stopped the next year. And then…then I have memory problems. I cannot remember if it was during my second or last year of high school that I did it, but I would say it was during my second year of high school, that I entered an outside volleyball club. It was a Sunday lesson, it was all adults and it was for beginners. We would mostly do matches but sometimes they would focus on serves or hitting (I only remember one lesson about it though lol). It was super cool, I got to play volleyball on the Wednesday with my school club, whenever at lunch break when the Prepa were playing, and the Sundays at my outside club. By then, I don’t think I was reading or watching much of Haikyuu. I think I might have gotten my adhd ass hooked on something else while waiting for the next season and I had fallen in love with volleyball for the playing not just Haikyuu by then. Also something that I’m working on (and I’ve noticed it has gotten better already) is that I have a hard time appreciating watching people do something I love (usually a sport) as much as I appreciate doing the sport. For example, I never enjoyed watching any horse jumping competition even though I love doing it. I think it might come from the fact that I am bad at the things I love and therefore cannot truly appreciate what’s going on. As of right now I watch volleyball matches and rallies and really enjoy it.
Last year of high school rolls around the corner and…our PE teacher/coach tells us that they are closing the club down cause we aren’t enough and she would rather not run from our practice to the badminton’s practice (that she also coaches) and only work with the badminton’s club. After all they had the regional and potential national champions there meanwhile we had no hope of ever participating in a competition. And I had learned at my last lesson at my outside club that since we weren’t enough coming to the practice they would close down their beginner lesson. It was a bit of a shock to go from two practice per week to none at all. I missed volleyball. I accepted to participate at the badminton’s practices (cause it’s also a sport I like but at leisure, not on a competitive level, and less than volleyball) but it was just to keep me doing something. What happened though is I got to choose which sports I wanted for my BAC (high school diploma) since I was in a club the year prior and I chose the one with volleyball and I aced that. I only resented the top players of our group a little cause it wasn’t their sport at all but since they were pretty athletic and good at sports in general they had no problem being good at it when it took me sooooo long :’) yes I am petty.
Then I don’t know what the heck happened. Well yes I know but I don’t know why when I arrived in Montreal in my school I didn’t try to get into the volleyball club. Anyway, I didn’t play for a whiiiiile, years ! And the only reason I did again was because my best friend’s parents ( @nyaoi-warrior ) invited me to play with them and their friends when I visited. I was bad at communicating when I was playing in France (I often forget to say “j’ai”) but this was in Czech Rep, and we couldn’t communicate in English. It was HARD but I had so much fun !! My team lost all of the sets but it was so cool :D
Recently I was looking for something in my old stuff in the basement of the building. I didn’t find it but what I did find were my old Haikyuu manga. And oh god the flame it awoken in me. So anyway here is me a few weeks later with a volley ball in my hands, I’ve found a place I can sneak in just for the end of the year and I’ve been looking at clubs I can enter (and hopefully get better and then do some competition).
Now more about Haikyuu. What an amazing sports manga/anime it is. Of course, with the protagonist being a spiker most people when they start volleyball because of Haikyuu want to spike. I was lucky enough to be in the tall half of my year in high school but now I am tiny compared to most volleyball players. And a thing I love in volleyball I quickly discovered is diving for the ball. I’d be running far back or on the side, sliding until my knees burn to keep that ball in play. I thank Haikyuu for giving each role a time in the spotlight in almost every game they play, cause with what we learned in my school club or outside club I would never have heard of the libero. Ofc when you play for leisure having a libero is a bit meh but now I know that if I ever want to play competitive this is the role I should gun for (or maybe setter but I’m still pretty small so idk).
I just finished watching the season 4 recently and I’m on my way to catch up, and then finish with the scans (and then buying the mangas too). I got spoiled about what happens at the nationals after season 4 and what happens after, the time skip etc but just in the grand lines and I’m fine with that. I don’t think that it takes away from it too much. And (IF YOU DON’T WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS AFTER/DURING TIME SKIP DON’T READ BUT ALSO WE WON’T HAVE A FULL TIME SKIP ANIMATED SO IF YOU’RE JUST WATCHING THE ANIME I’D SAY MIGHT AS WELL READ IT BUT ALSO IT’S EVERYWHERE SO YOU MIGHT KNOW IT ALREADY) I freaking love Hinata in Brazil. It’s very funny to me too cause here is this little dude who got me into volleyball, with whom I had an anime-level betrayal and tragedy with my clubs, and now I’m learning Portuguese because of my Brazilian friends and I wanna go to Brazil and HE WENT TOO ?? That was hilarious to me. Maybe I should look into beach volleyball hehehe.
About the ships; I started with the “basic” ones, the most obvious ones that come from the strong bonds and non-stop interactions and how they are shown as more or less pairs by the manga/anime (so kagehina, asanoya, daisuga, bokuaka, etc etc etc) but I am a multi shipper now. I don’t know I have a much more relaxed approach to shipping now, especially for big casts where there isn’t clear cut villains, same with one piece. They all have great relationships with everyone around them and I like many of them. And yeah I stumbled upon kenhina recently and I really like their dynamic. I love kagehina just as much, and also the hilarious way Hinata seems to fascinate all setters. I have seen some really funny tsukkihina fanarts too. I’ve put a lot of stuff in my queue so you got some yakunoya coming soon as well haha. Also from what I’ve heard (haven’t got to see it yet) (yes the premiere was Sunday and it’s only out today) that the movie has big kenhina energy so I’m here for it.
This little red-head guy just makes me so happy. I’m so glad I got to discover one of, if not my favourite sport out there (and that says a lot coming from a horsegirl) and I want to keep it in my life. I’m asking around for clubs and selections and I hope I am accepted. And I’ll be celebrating my birthday watching Olympic volleyball matches :D
OH ! Another thing. During my intensive studying period for my current school’s diploma, I was with friends and before we started studying each morning we would put on music or some kind of stuff, and we put anime opening blind tests and one of them had the first Haikyuu opening (which is still my favourite cause yk…it’s the one that started it all) and I was hit with a wall of memories…yeah :’)
I think that’s all I might have forgotten a few things, I don’t know at this point.
I can’t believe you got me writing more about volleyball, in English, in 2 hrs than I’ve written for my THESIS in a WEEK. This is 5 word pages WITHOUT THE PICTURES.
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thatgirl4815 · 1 year
Not sure if I'm going anywhere with this, or even if there's anywhere to go: but I found it really interesting that Boston's episode was so sympathetic to Sand. I feel like it reinforces the hints that they must know each other, beyond just "Oh yeah, the bar singer/local slut (semi-affectionate)." Do you have any thoughts on that?
I hadn’t thought about the possible influence of Boston’s POV this episode! Interesting point.
I’ve always found it notable that Sand acts rather positively towards Boston when Nick brings him over to the apartment that first time. But since then, I haven’t seen much else that’s furthered that suspicion that they know each other.
The episode perspectives are really cool devices, but I’m not sure how far to take them. I don’t know how we could filter everything through Boston’s viewpoint for things that he’s not involved in? Or is it meant to be that if he’s sympathetic to Sand, we should get to see more of Sand’s reaction as opposed to other characters? I suppose it’s probably not meant to be taken literally.
I don’t get the impression that Boston feels any more positively towards Sand than the rest of them. But Boston is okay with screwing over his best friends, so telling Sand about Ray’s crush on Mew doesn’t seem as bad comparatively. He still knew it would pack a punch for Sand though. So I wouldn’t say Boston and Sand were friends before. And if they did know each other, I’m not sure what reason they would have to hide it from the rest of the group? Unless the implication is that they’ve secretly hooked up, but I think Boston would’ve already used that against Ray at some point during an argument. He doesn’t want Ray to feel that anything he has is truly his, and that goes for Sand too. I think he would’ve flaunted that pretty fast.
I also still think the half-brothers theory would be so cool, and I think there’s a way it could play out where it makes sense. My main concern now is if there’s enough time to watch a plot like that unfold.
Anyways, sorry I think I might’ve gotten a little off track there. In general, I’m not sure how much to read into the Boston/Sand dynamic. I don’t know if I’d say Boston’s perspective this ep really shined a light on his sympathetic feelings towards Sand, mostly because I don’t think Boston has much sympathy for anyone. As for if they know each other, I think it probably would’ve come up in the story at some point already (that being said, I won’t complain if it turns out there is some kind of relationship between them we don’t know about).
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acourtofthought · 1 year
I’m really annoyed by all the off-page development Elriels are trying to push on Elain lately. She has her found family with the wraiths! She’s already in love with Azriel! She’s training to be a spy! She’s happy in the Night Court! Why would SJM give us basically every bit of Elain’s healing journey off page? There’s no point in an Elain book if everything they are saying is true. I swear they’re getting louder and ruder on every platform lately & it really irks me that they accuse people of being all sorts of nasty things for not wanting Elriel whenever their headcanons would pretty much rob those of us who like Elain from seeing her develop on page. Not to mention how much of a reach some of those things are — we’ve been told over and over Elain in her element is social, loves parties and events, and wants to be seen. Doesn’t really fit with Az’s description of spy craft when he and Cass are waiting around in ACOSF. And maybe I have blinders on, but I 100% do not think Elriel is in love. Lust? Interest? Sure. But not love. I used to think they’d have a fling, but looking back at things, I don’t even think that will happen with how their “relationship” played out in ACOSF. Sorry for the long rant. Blogs like yours give me hope with all the informative responses & level headedness.
Why would anyone even want a book like that? Why do they want Elain fully healed when we could read about her anguish over the loss of her father, the devastation over being made and losing what she thought was the love of her life? Though I imagine once she falls in love with Lucien, she'll realize the difference between puppy love and true love ❤️😍 Why do they want Elain in love when we never got to hear her thoughts on how it felt to fall? Why do they want Elain to have her found family when we've never witnessed the sharing of banter that led them to that point? And why does anyone want her in the NC when one sister only thinks of her as a pleasant companion, one sister thinks of her as a dog, and neither Az or Nesta feel she should be allowed to do the very thing Nesta herself did? I don't want Elain to be fine and dandy at the start of her book. I want to read the depth and intensity of her emotions because of her pain and suffering over everything that's happened to her😂 That sounds cruel but it does make the eventual HEA more meaningful. I know not everyone sees it but Elain is intelligent and very good at conveying her thoughts with words (though we haven't seen it often). Where Feyre wasn't the best at explaining what she was feeling and Nesta's go to tactic was to lash out and blame others for what she was feeling, Elain is a character who can really delve deep with her words and that's exciting to me. But her starting off having all the things makes her character come off as extremely shallow with no need to feel much at all other than "I'm so happy! I have the greatest friends! I love Az!". 🤢😂 And thank you for your comments at the end!
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sonodaten · 2 years
Different anon but could you share more about the Divine Comedy references in PTN please? I've already caught up with the story! You're not the first person I've seen mentioning their similarities which is why I started to read it last week (tho progress is slow 😅)
Yeah, sure! I’ll put this one under a read more bc of the spoilers (up to the end of Ch 8 and some stuff from character profiles) and it’s gonna get a little long. I’m also sorry if you have been waiting for this, I’ve been distracted by the World Cup and general holiday craziness this weekend.
First off, congrats and good luck on the read through! Nothing wrong with taking it slow! If anything, it’s way better. Reading a poem is a lot different than reading a book, and with something as dense as the Divine Comedy it’s way more important to read to understand than it is to read for speed. Knowing what’s going on and what Dante and Virgil are talking about after 20 cantos will serve you better than getting through those cantos after a couple hours or so.
I’ll be sticking to the Inferno, bc as I said in my very first post, most of what I’ve seen and parsed through is referring to the Inferno. That’s not to say there’s no references to Purgatario or Paradiso—there very well could be and I’ve missed them—but one literary hurdle at a time. I will also reiterate from my last post, that some of this will be conjecture due to how little story that is released so far, and the nature of literary interpretation. How I’ve understood the Inferno and how I relate it to PtN’s plot/characters may be different from how you or anyone else does, and that’s great! Differences like that is what makes discussions about the game, theories, and it’s source material interesting.
Now, in the Inferno, Dante travels through Hell with the spirit of Virgil as a guide at the request of Beatrice in an attempt to change his path in life. Dante and Virgil descend through the rings of Hell, meeting individuals that serve as commentary on various point historical figures and events at the time.
In Path to Nowhere, the story we have so far mirrors this pretty well. We have the Chief’s initial awakening and being set on the path towards change (Prologue), the initial foray into danger (SALVA Chaos), the literal descent into the unclaimed crypt (Unclaimed Crypt; complete with ominous message on the wall!), and the Chief’s continued figurative descent after falling out with the MBCC and under the 9th Agency (Keylan Square, The Carnival).
But that’s just a quick overview. I promised this would be long, so let’s get into specifics:
The opening scene of the Inferno has Dante confronted by three animals: a leopard, a lion, and a wolf. These three animals are meant to represent different manners of sin, and chase Dante into darkness. In the Prologue, after Chief awakens the introductory combat situation pits you against Wendy and EMP (Violence and Treachery respectively). It’s also where we meet Virgil and hear of Beatrice’s request, which could be argued are paralleled by Hecate’s (and even Hella’s) guidance of the Chief and Suspect R’s request that Chief follow the clues with the promise that she will be “waiting with answers at the end” (but I’ve gone through so many notebook pages about those three it’s really up in the air for me at this point LMAO so I’ll leave that there for now).
Side bar: that monster we saw in the prologue? Why I’m considering the MBCC is also playing into the Greek Mythology side of Minos. The Minotaur that was being kept in the eponymous Labyrinth as it were. But then what were they sacrificing to it hmmmm…? But that’s another post hahaha
SALVA Chaos (Chapters 1 and 2) follows Dante and Virgil’s journey through Limbo and 2nd Circle. Limbo is part of hell, but souls sent here are not tortured for sins and are mostly just kind of there. Dante and Virgil travel through Limbo to reach a citadel, where they meet other philosophers and poets, like the Chief’s own struggle through Syndicate to reach SALVA. Obviously Syndicate and Limbo aren’t a 1:1 allusion, but not everything between the two will be. Circle 2 is where sinners are punished for lust, and I believe it was changed to Love in-game—though not baselessly! There are actually many places throughout the text that speak to the power of love to inspire sin, both great and small. And in the end, both Dante and the Chief knock tf out. Bless.
Unclaimed Crypt (Chapters 3 and 4) like I said there’s the literal descent into the crypt itself and the ominous message on the wall. Now, the message in the Inferno is seen as Dante is entering hell, and in PtN it’s already by the time we’re pretty far underground and written on the wall in blood, but like I said, not everything’s going to be 1:1 between the two of them. There’s also the presence of the crypt itself and it’s connection to the Inheritance, which could be a reference to the punishment of the 6th circle for heresy (trapped in tombs and set on fire). After all, the arc did end with the crypt exploding in a sea of flames.
Keylan Square (Chapters 5 and 6) the 7th circle of hell is described as containing ruins and shattered stones, similar to the landscape of Keylan Square after the outbreak of the Black Ring. The 7th circle is also where sinners who commit acts of violence are punished, which fits pretty well considering the landscape at the time was supposed to be formed and abide by Zoya’s mind (Zoya is assigned to Violence in the Libram). I also believe the Corpseborne is meant to parallel the Geryon—a monster that’s part human, part scorpion, and part reptile—that is encountered by Dante and Virgil in this circle and they need to pass in order to reach the next.
The Carnival (Chapters 8 and 9), reflect the 8th and 9th circles respectively. The 8th circle of hell punishes sinners guilty of fraud—specifically even a portion for punishing impersonators—and that’s what the Carnival and the revelers within are revealed to be: a massive illusion and Corruptors masquerading as a parade within the Black Ring under Hamel’s power (which in it’s own way is revealed to be a sort of impersonation when the truth about the Corpseborne and Phantom Hamel come to light). The 9th circle of hell is where sinners guilty of treachery are punished, and it’s environment is described as a frozen lake. Similarly, after defeating Phantom Hamel and dissipating BR-0001 the Chief finds Hamel beneath the surface of the frozen lake they first saw her dance, where Hamel traps the Corruptors in her final illusion.
Mmm I know I said it would be long but I didn’t realize it was that long until right now! Wow! And that’s still just glossing over it all. But I don’t wanna spend too much more time sitting on this in case someone is waiting for it, especially since I’ll be going on vacation soon. I hope that answers your question, Anon. This long and hard to scroll through on my phone, so it’s hard to review, but if there’s anything that needs clarification or if you just want more elaboration, please feel free to let me know!
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aamirastories · 7 months
This is my first time writing, and I will probably go back and rewrite this once I have posted it all. I already have every Chapter lined up, so there will be regular content on this for anyone who is interested. Although this chapter does contain sexual content, it has intent that will be clear later. This is not erotica - it has adult themes throughout the story but few will be sexual in nature.
This will make a lot more sense as you read more into this!
Part 1
May 3rd, 2033
A car hurtles past me, driving straight through the large pool of water that had gathered by the kerb. I stepped back but it was too late.
“Asshole!” I shouted after them. My feet were soaked. I sighed.
I went back to staring into the puddle, showing me a shimmering and swirling view of the Dubai skyline. The city was beautiful, there was no doubting it. Architecture of all shapes, lights of all colours, mesmerising to look at and I never got tired of it. One of the few beautiful things left in the world.
“Hi.” I hear a male voice say. I snap out of my trance and look at him, showing a polite smile.
“Are you Aamira?”, he adds.
“Yes”, I reply, nodding in response.
Aamira was the name my parents used. Everyone else called me Ammy, and I preferred it.
“My house isn’t far from here.”, he says, pointing down the street.
As we leave the cover of the bridge, rain pours down onto us both.
“So, is $200 okay?”, he asks me. I had no such thing as a ‘going-rate’, but I needed to pay rent and no-one was hiring me. Not even for the most mundane of tasks. It used to bother me doing this kind of work, but I had to lock that thought deep in my mind in hopes of never retrieving it.
“Sure, that’s fine” I reply, as we walk briskly towards his house, I hope he is right and it isn’t too far – I already feel a bead of cold water slowly moving down my back, causing my breath to quicken.
Around 300 metres later, I guessed, we arrived at his house. A terraced, 2-floor house, typical of the area and not in any ways extravagant but a ways more than functional. He opens the door and I follow him inside.
He shuts the door as I finish stepping through, and I am grateful for the shelter, and the warmth. He hangs his coat up and leaves me, and I hang mine up in an empty hook near to it, before taking off my shoes and stepping through. My socks squelched slightly, full of water from the idiot who decided to soak me, but I shrugged this off quickly.
As I step into the room, he is seated on a large couch next to another woman. In this light, I catch a better look at them both. Him, dark haired, slim build with an abundance of facial hair, I had guessed around 6’ from our walk to his apartment. The woman sitting next to him was a pretty brunette girl, shorter, and they were both dressed simply – him in a shirt and trousers, her in a skirt and simple blouse.
“Take a seat” he said, directing me to a chair near them both. “Would you like a glass of water?”
“I’m good, thank you” I replied. I’d had enough water for the night. And he was clearly stalling.
He turned to look at the woman next to him.
“This is my wife, she’s pretty isn’t she?”, he said, looking her up and down, and I nodded in agreement.
“She is” I replied, hoping he would cut to the chase real soon. This small talk always made things more awkward.
“Strip for her, honey” he said to her, and she leaned over and whispered something in his ear, looking somewhat nervous.
“It’s okay” he replied softly to her. “We need this, we know this is the only way.”
After another look at him, she looked at me and unbuttoned her blouse. She had a black bra on, a simple number, matching the rest of her outfit, nothing too extravagant. She sat up slightly and pulled down her skirt, before she was sat on the couch next to him, looking more nervous than she had done before.
I had seen this, seemingly a hundred times. It always went a similar way.
“I told you she was pretty, I bet you really want her don’t you?” he asked me.
“She is pretty, indeed. Does she want this though?” I replied.
“She does, yes. Now, can we see more of you?” he replied.
I was dressed in a turtle neck sweater, it being colder this winter than I had typically remembered. I pulled it off of me to reveal a white bra, nothing fancy. I briefly took a comparison of my breasts to hers and had figured mine were bigger. Although my body felt more of a tool than something I could enjoy these past years, I was proud of it, as much as I could be.
“Look honey, she’s really attractive.” The man said, looking me up and down. He liked the look of this tool it seems. It didn’t matter.
Accompanying my sweater was a set of simple blue jeans – I’d had these a few years and honestly they needed replacing, but they more than did the job and were comfortable after all the time I had them. I pulled them down, until I was dressed as much as his partner.
“And she looks big too, right?” he said, looking at my crotch. Now I felt shamed. An object. I had transitioned 10 years ago and had come to regret it as the years had gone on. Wishing I could go back and tell my past self of what would happen.
He stood up, and gestured for me to sit beside her. I took the cue and joined her. She did smell good. Her perfume caught my nose softly and I enjoyed the scent, and it actually brought a genuine soft smile to my face as I looked at her. She looked at me back and for a moment I felt we had a connection, albeit a small one. It was crushed when he said,
“Okay, might as well begin?”
I looked at her with a soft expression.
“Do you want this?”
He snapped at me, “Of course she wants this! Now begin!”
I closed my eyes and sighed internally. When I opened them, she had locked lips with mine, and I sunk into her kiss. Her tongue teased my lips and I grabbed her shoulders softly, her resting her hands on my hips. Her touch was ever so gentle. My hands on her were gentle too, I’d have hoped, and my thumb brushed her skin, which felt warm to the touch and her soft skin only served to make her feel more gentle.
I opened my mouth, and our tongues danced as my chest began to heave, my breath deepening, becoming lost in her. She moved her hands down to my thighs and I felt a tingle run from my abdomen down to my crotch, it beginning to stir as a result of it. I could smell her perfume more strongly now, only adding to the arousal and encouraging my hands to move down her shoulders and onto her waist. She moaned softly, her hands squeezing my thighs and the stirring only hastened. She had me in this moment.
I felt her shift slightly and opened my eyes, to see him behind her, unclasping her bra and letting it loose. I leant back from the kiss to take her in, for a moment. Her breasts were small but perky, her nipples clearly showing how aroused she was and I only guessed mine were the same. He moved behind me.
“No, she can do it.” I almost snapped at him. I moved back into kiss her.
As we resumed our dance, I felt her hands softly move behind my back, deftly removing it in one swift moment as I felt it move to my thighs. I discarded it and shuffled in closer to her. I felt a cold but gentle hand on my breast, and moaned softly.
“Ooh,” and giggled softly. It was like I had forgotten what I was here for, and I did not mind that in the slightest.
As she tweaked my nipple softly in her fingers, and kneading my breast slowly, I moved my hand up in response. Our movements were almost symmetrical, our hands wandering as we explored each other, before I felt my arousal almost disappear entirely.
“Yea, baby, feel her up good.” He said, and I didn’t even bother to look. I mentally shut him out and continued my exploration of her.
“Okay, underwear off girls” he added, and I almost told him to leave right there and then, then I remembered what happened the last time I did that. The bruises and black eyes meant I almost didn’t pay my rent for 2 straight months. It was only the kindness of strangers that even got me through, so I held myself short.
I pulled my underwear off and I was already fully erect. She followed me and we both looked down and back up at each other. She bit her lip and we resumed our kissing. I could hear him saying things but my mind had now become fully able to shut him out and focus entirely on her. She grasped my member softly and it twitched in response. I paused kissing her as I felt so sensitive to her touch that I could almost feel her fingerprint on it. We resumed our oral exploration and she began to stroke me every so slowly. I squirmed
slightly then sunk entirely into it. Her breath quickened as her arousal built quickly, I could almost feel her heart pounding through her entire body.
She sat on my lap.
“Now. I want you now” she said. I was right, she had me. I was completely lost in her. I grabbed her hips and slid her towards me and she, in one motion, sat up and then sat on me. I felt her warm, wet and tight around me. I had been blessed by being larger than average, and although I was not proud of what I had to do, I was proud, once again, with what I had. Blessed with a tool that I did not want to use this way.
She began to bounce on me, and I was unable to shut him out any more. He was sat behind me, and I did not even want to look at him. I looked into her eyes, her face squinted, mouth agape, clearly and genuinely enjoying the experience, as I was too. She was clenching around me, her breasts hypnotically bouncing. She grabbed mine and kissed me deeply. She kissed my cheek, my neck and then bit my earlobe lightly before softly whispering into my ear, away from him,
“You’re so fucking hot.”, leaning back again and locking eyes with me as she continued.
She kissed me again, her tongue dancing with mine, her squeezing my breast with one hand, my arm with the other and I felt my climax build. Way more rapidly than I had expected.
“I’m close” I said to her.
“Yes yes YES!” The male voice said next to me, and I held her hips now, quickening my movements as it built more and more rapidly before my vision darkened, leaning back and feeling the release inside her. Once. Twice. Three times.
My heart was racing, I couldn’t focus. I opened my eyes to look at her, her expression was not one of ecstasy, but one of worry.
All of a sudden, my head lurched to one side and I felt a shooting pain across my scalp. This man, this asshole was dragging me by my hair and threw me into the street. I would have fought back but weighing only 45kg, I was easy to shift around.
I landed into the street with a shooting pain in my hip, instantly feeling the cold water on my body as my clothes were thrown at me. I looked at the door. His partner was there, trying to run out to me but he pulled her back, yelled something incomprehensible at her, and then shut the door.
I gathered my clothes, looked around and saw the street was dead, thankfully. I could tell it was late and I was grateful for it, putting my clothes back on, soaked from the street and sitting on a neighbouring step as I composed myself. Tears came quickly. Anger came even quicker. I looked back at his door and wondered what I could do. What I wanted to do. I stood up, and then realised what could happen. He had probably expected me to come in anyways, and was ready for me. I turned, looked down the street to get my bearings and began walking.
If it had not been for the rain, my face would be soaked in tears. My scalp hurt, he had probably pulled hairs right out of it with the aggression he used. My hip was sore but I could tell the cold rain was numbing it somewhat – I knew later that wouldn’t be the case.
About a kilometre later, I arrived at my apartment. I opened the door, threw my jacket onto the couch, fell onto my bed and cried. I don’t think I stopped crying even as I slept.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
prompt 8 and/or 9 for shouhei, please!-shoheiakagi
After reading your recent post, I’m a dollar short and a day late, but I hope these will still do the trick!! Since I’d already dealt with a request for prompt eight, I hope you don’t mind that I settled on prompt nine instead! It seemed really fun, and I enjoyed writing these, so I hope you’ll enjoy them as well!
How do you view people who are similar to you?
I really do think Shouhei can get along with almost everyone, and having similarities with someone does make it easier for him to find common ground and things to talk about, so he can normally strike up at least a friendly acquaintanceship with those similar to him, unless there’s major differences that keep that from happening (for example, while I do see Hidaka and Shouhei as very similar and like people who should get along, the distinct difference in their clans and the way they approach the concept of justice means that they really could never form that friendship). That being said, I do feel like people who are similar to Shouhei don’t really interest him, or challenge him mentally and emotionally enough, to really catch his interest as much as those who are quite opposite to him do.
Is copying the sincerest form of flattery?
Not really, not in Shouhei’s opinion. Sure, he’ll probably have a little bit of an ego-boost if someone copies some of the things he does, but it’s pretty short-lived. Once that initial little ego-boost is done, I do think he would kind of wonder why the person was copying him – were they not confident enough in themselves, did they lack their own identity, did they not feel like they were strong enough on their own? It would really kind of bother him, as he definitely does feel that people are best when they’re living their authentic selves, and he’d first probably subtly try to get the person to express more of who they actually are or would kind of sever ties to them slowly if they kept relying on copying him.
Do you believe people are either good or bad?
Honestly, Shouhei falls somewhere in the middle. I do see him as the sort of person who can easily see the good in a wide variety of people and who will focus mainly on the good in a person. He can shrug off annoying traits or faults in people pretty easily that way. However, he’s not a stupid boy and he’s seen quite a bit in his life, and he has no delusions that every single person is good. He knows there’s immoral people out there, selfish people who will do anything as long as they benefit from it, no matter how much it hurts other people or how depraved it is so he is quite fully aware that there do exist people out there who are just plain bad, to the point that not even he can find the good in them.
Do you believe certain people would be better off dead?
Yes. There’s a lot of people who look at HOMRA, and Shouhei because he is a part of that group and assume that they’re all a bunch of hoods with no moral values. But Shouhei actually has a pretty strong moral compass and some pretty strict ideas of what’s okay and what’s not, though they might differ from those held by general society. Those people who destroy those morals he has, those who purposefully seek to gain from other people’s (especially women or children) pain and suffering…Shouhei would happily send them to hell himself, and if he can’t do it, he sure as hell would not be sorry if someone else did.
Would you trust anyone to protect you?
I think the answer here is really obvious. Though they might not always get along, and they do fight among themselves sometimes, he trusts every other member of HOMRA to have his back when he needs them to and he knows that any of them would protect him if needed, even if they got hurt doing so. (That being said, Mikoto and Bandou are definitely the two he put the most absolutely trust in.)
Do you need to have a leader role? Would you fight someone if they competed or just let it go?
Now, Shouhei has absolutely no problem with being the center of attention. He’s not a shrinking violet or someone who minds having all eyes on him. But, even with that super-extroverted nature of his, he doesn’t really have a lot of ambition, I don’t think, and he doesn’t really gravitate towards leadership roles or being in charge. He doesn’t want someone dictating all of his moves or what he should be doing, so it’s not that he wants to be subservient or that he needs someone to give him direction for his life, but more that he’s just a very ‘live and let live’ kind of guy when it comes down to it, with some exceptions of course. He’ll happily relinquish leadership over to others, as long as they don’t expect him to blindly follow their orders and they don’t micromanage or behave too authoritarian for his liking.
Do you believe your parents know best? If not, then who?
No. No, he definitely does not. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that Shouhei doesn’t like his parents or that he doesn’t get along with them (though there were some rough patches during his early to mid-teenage years). He loves his parents and they’ve gotten to a point where they’ve accepted his lifestyle enough to not nag him about it. But Shouhei doesn’t think that his parents know everything – they’re just people, doing their best, same as him and everyone else. He knows his parents aren’t infallible, that they make mistakes. Hell, while he deeply respects Mikoto as his King, and the upper members of HOMRA like Tatara and Kusanagi, he knows that even they don’t know everything and that they can make mistakes. In the end, Shouhei follows Mikoto as his King and respects him, but Shouhei feels like only he, himself, knows what’s best for Shouhei and that each other person knows what’s best for themselves.
Is it best to have friends who are convenient to you or friends who are genuine?
While Shouhei will have a lot of friendly acquaintances and lots of surface level friendships, people he sees or interacts with here and there and gets along with, because he is such a friendly, open guy, he really does treasure his genuine friendships, because he does know how rare those can be. A true friend is worth more than all the money in the world, in his opinion.
Is marriage for love or for business?
Now, while he’s not averse to fun and casual flings, Shouhei is a bit of a romantic at heart, and he will definitely be the kind of person who does want to find ‘the right one’. Marriage is serious to him, and he definitely feels marriage should be with someone you truly love and can’t imagine living your life without.
Should people be judged on how they look? Would you judge others in such a way?
Shouhei actually isn’t super into how people look. He’s not blind, and he will find certain people more attractive than others. Looks will determine who he might be interested in dating, though they won’t be the only thing that determines that. But overall, in terms of just how he treats people in general and how he determines who he enjoys as a person and who he dislikes as a person, looks never factor into that sort of thing.
Do you believe being disliked makes you stronger or more of a threat?
Neither. Shouhei’s, again, not a dumb guy and he’s pretty socially smart. He knows it’s impossible to make it through life without someone disliking you because not everyone likes everyone else. Hell, there’s plenty of people he doesn’t really like. Him not liking them, or someone else not liking him, doesn’t make him stronger or weaker to them or them to him. It doesn’t make them a threat to him or vice versa. It just means they’re two people who don’t get along.
Are problems best shared or should people keep them to themselves?
This is a complicated one for Shouhei. He really, really struggles to share the problems he’s facing with others. He is always really quick to offer help to others, to take other people’s problems on himself but he finds it difficult to let other people into problems he’s facing. Half of him simply believes that he can do it all on his own, while the other, smaller half doesn’t think it’s right to put his burdens on someone else, even though he never views other people’s problems as burdens.
Do you believe people who force you out of your comfort zone are helpful? Annoying? Do you want to deal with them at all?
The thing is, Shouhei has a really wide comfort zone. He’s pretty game for anything that seems fun or interesting and he’s definitely not risk averse.
Even if you know nothing about a subject, do you feel the need to take part?
Yes and no. I don’t see Shouhei as this big mansplainer or anything. He’s not a know-it-all or anything like that. It’s more that, if the subject being discussed seems at all interesting to him, he’s going to join in on the conversation, ask questions, try to learn something new and cool.
How do you view people who are your opposites?
Now, as mentioned in the very first question, I do see Shouhei being more interested in or intrigued by people who are very much his opposite. They’ll still need to share some common things, as in he won’t be interested in someone who is super rigid in their beliefs or someone who is very authoritarian, but overall, he very much has a curiosity about people who are quite opposite. I really do think he’s that extrovert friend who kind of collects more introverted friends, just because he finds them really fascinating or finds it interesting to see how they think and view things and approach things. He finds he learns a lot more and it helps him develop as a person to have those friends who help him see different points of view or different ways of thinking about things.
Do you interact with others in a special or different persona or attitude?
Okay, this one is a little complicated because I do see Shouhei as being someone who is very chameleon like. He doesn’t entirely change who he is with people. He’s still the same guy, with the same core values and attributes, but he does kind of adapt his behaviour to the person he’s hanging out with. Some people only get Shouhei at, like, 25% fully himself because he tones down some of his personality traits to make them feel more at ease. Others get full 100% Shouhei, mostly the other alphabet boys in HOMRA.
Do you prefer to be around extroverts or introverts? Or does it not matter to you either way?
Now, I do think that Shouhei can really be comfortable hanging out with both introverts and extroverts, but I do, as previously said, think that he prefers introverts. But hey, if someone is cool and extroverted, he’ll hang out with them, he’ll be friendly. I just think he chooses to hang out with his more introverted friends more often than not.
If you need help, are you more likely to accept it from anyone or only close friends? Do you ever accept help in general?
Shouhei has a hard time really accepting help in general and, when he does, it’s only from those he really, truly trusts to have his back. And it’s normally because those people know him well enough to have figured out that there’s something going on with him, because he does have his tells and some of them have figured them out and can read him pretty easily now.
How do you feel about party games like truth or dare? Do you wish people would leave you out of them?
He can take them or leave them himself. He has no problem participating in them, keeping them all in good fun. That being said, if the people he’s around or hanging out with are people who would be uncomfortable playing the game when someone else suggests it, he’ll probably shoot it down because he doesn’t want his friend to feel forced into an uncomfortable situation.
Do you wish people paid you more attention?
Quite simply put…Shouhei’s a handsome, charismatic, friendly guy. He really isn’t hurting for attention and he’s quite okay with the amount of attention he gets.
Do you wish no one ever paid you any attention?
There are times, mostly when he has to be sneaky or fly under the radar, that he does wish that he didn’t draw quite so much attention, especially since he finds it hard not to engage with people who come up and start talking to him because he’s caught their eye.
Do you think authority figures are looking out for your best interests and should be trusted?
No. Very much no. I do think that a large part of the reason that being in HOMRA works so well for Shouhei is because Mikoto, while he’s their King, doesn’t expect or try to be an authority figure. He’s fine, and actually pretty proud of being under Mikoto, but that’s because Mikoto feels more like someone that Shouhei looks up to and respects; Mikoto has that charisma and draw to him that people like Shouhei, who have issues with authority and being told constantly what to do and what not to do, really do respond well to.
Do you believe people would be upset if you disappeared one day or more relieved?
Shouhei has a pretty healthy amount of self-esteem. He knows that his parents do love him. He knows he has friends who would notice if he just up and disappeared. He knows HOMRA would definitely notice if he went AWOL, and he knows that all those people would be upset and would do everything they could to find out what happened to him, if he ever ran away or disappeared.
Do you get along better with people older than you or younger than you? Perhaps the same age?
Okay, weird stance here, but I do think Shouhei can get along with kids, but he’s sort of uncomfortable around them. Like, he tries to be nice, but my god, some people’s kids, you know…He’s friendly enough to older folks and his charming nature does mean that most of them forgive the fact that he looks a little bit like a hood. That being said, he’s not going out of his way to hang out with most older folks, and he really does prefer the company of those more around his age, as he finds more in common with them.
What does it take for you to consider someone an enemy?
Shouhei won’t stand for two things. Don’t hurt one of his friends or loved ones. Just don’t do it; don’t put them in danger in any way. And for fuck sakes, just let him live his life the way he wants to. He hates it when people try to control him or force him into this tiny, societally acceptable box.
What does it take for you to consider someone a friend?
Honestly, it’s not too hard to make a friend out of Shouhei. He makes friends easily. Be kind to him, don’t cause unnecessary drama, have a sense of humour and fun, and he’ll be more than happy to be your friend, even if it does just begin as a surface level friendship.
What are your thoughts on public displays of affection or skinship?
I’ve said it before, but I do see Shouhei as an incredibly affectionate guy. It doesn’t matter if it’s his bros or his parents or his friends who are girls, or a lover. He’s big on hugs, on high-fives, on playful shoves or rough housing with the other guys, with arms slung across shoulders…he’s just very physical as a person, with physical touch definitely being the love language he shows to other people.
It’s a dog-eat-dog world and everyone’s got an agenda. Do you believe that?
For the most part, Shouhei wouldn’t really buy into that. He does know that there are people out there who do have hidden agendas, who are only out for themselves, but he doesn’t believe that that is the majority of people and he’s met enough kind, generous people (and been raised by them), that he’s pretty sure there’s more good people in the world than bad people.
Do you consider it creepy or undesirable if someone knows too much about you?
It depends on the degree. If it’s just something that he knows they might have overheard someone else say about him, or heard him say in a conversation, then it doesn’t bother him too much. He’ll chalk it up to curiosity. However, if it’s stuff that he knows he’s never mentioned or talked about before and they’re bringing it up, he’s definitely creeped out and probably has some ‘oops, have another crazy stalker again’ vibes.
Would you do something horrible in order to save your friends even though they’d loathe you for it?
In a heartbeat. Shouhei really does care deeply for his friends and he’s the kind of guy who wants to fix things for others, to help them out. If his friends were really in danger, even if what he had to do meant that there’s a chance he might end up in a bad way or that his friends would be disgusted or pissed at him, he’s doing what needs to be done to keep them safe.
Do you remember anyone you used to get along with? Why did you stop getting along?
Shouhei actually used to be in a gang with some guys he knew before HOMRA. He was really good friends with this other guy in the gang, Minato. At least he was until it came out that Minato liked to knock around his girlfriends…that’s not exactly something Shouhei can overlook or be okay with, and Minato definitely wasn’t too friendly after Shouhei broke his arm and fractured his jaw.
Is family more important than any other relationship?
No. While he definitely does try to be good to his parents, especially now that they’ve gotten past all the rough patches of his teenage years, and he does want to keep a loving relationship with them, he also believes that that is only one of the many important, caring relationships that should be part of an adult’s life.
Do you think friendship is better and more powerful than love?
That’s impossible to really answer with a yes or a no for Shouhei. Friendship to him, true and genuine friendship, is just another form of love. Love to him doesn’t necessarily always equate to romantic or sexual feelings, though he does want and enjoy that kind of love too.
Would you rather hurt people or let people hurt you?
It depends. Emotionally and mentally, Shouhei doesn’t like to hurt people. He tries his very best to kind of go with the flow and is maybe a little too accommodating (ie: kissing Saya because she wanted him too and he didn’t want to hurt her feelings). That being said, physically…Shouhei has zero issues with hurting people if they try to hurt him or if he feels like they deserve it. HOMRA’s members have the reputations they have for good reason, and it’s because every single one of their members, including Shouhei, do love a good old-fashioned fight.
Do you believe peace is best and, as such, avert your eyes to misdeeds?
Shouhei, as mentioned, overlooks the little things. The things that don’t really make a huge difference. If the misdeeds are bigger than that, he’s definitely calling the person the fuck out or taking steps to stop what they’re doing.
Do you believe it’s fine to be alone so long as you’re true to yourself?
That’s actually, in a way, his worst nightmare. Shouhei thrives off human contact; he needs it to be happy and mentally healthy. He hates the thought of being completely alone, truly, one hundred percent alone, and he’d only put himself in that situation if it was absolutely necessary.
Do you think honest people are foolish people?
He doesn’t think they’re foolish. Bandou, probably Shouhei’s best friend, is way too honest sometimes, and it’s something Shouhei finds amusing and charming about him, actually.
Do lies bother you even if they’re for a good cause?
No. I will say this plain out, I do think Shouhei is one of those guys who will feel completely comfortable telling white lies. He won’t lie about anything serious, but small lies to protect the other person’s feelings – those are okay to him.
Do you believe there are some relationships that can’t be broken by anything?
I do think that he would feel that, though he wouldn’t know how exactly to put how he feels on that. He knows there are people who are always going to be important people to him, always going to have been huge influences on his life, people who he could go years without speaking to and then bump into and talk to as if only a day had passed.
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