#I’m so flattered omg
timethehobo · 5 months
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Some incredibly talented artists and writers gifted me an amazing goodie bag full of Zevlor fanworks! It’s so gorgeous, I’m speechless. 😭
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demonskiss · 1 year
twirls hair n blushes n kicks legs
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Just read Work In Progress and you! just! get! game! Joel!!!!!!!!!! oh my god, every little detail was absolutely fitting I loved it!!!!! I've been looking for game Joel fics recently (they are scarce these days) and I'm so happy to have stumbled across your blog!! Gonna give everything a read 💖
Reading this made me so happy!🥹 Game Joel has been the vibe lately and I’m so glad it’s translating into something others are enjoying! That big scary man is my favorite (if you have any recs please send them my way)
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 months
GUYSSSS I’m on reddit!!
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sugarpasteltmnt · 5 months
Is it okay if we make fanfic of your fanfic
Omg that’s so sweet!!! Sure! (Although it would fall outside of the ‘canon’ sphere of the AU, as i have more fun things planned (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧)
But the fact you’d want to makes me so so happy like gosh ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )
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spittyfishy · 10 months
you do requests??? MY FAV ARTIST DOES REQUESTS????
if ya wanna
Uhh… draw human monokubs but as remnants of despair plis
It’s less I do requests and more I’m always open to suggestions! Just cause I can’t always guarantee I can get to every ask (and certainly not in a timely manner) I am hoping to get a fancy commission sheet ready soon though! And those would be more specific and detailed!
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I’m not very good at drawing kids lol but I did my best!
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ohnomytummy · 11 months
I went on vacation recently and helped myself to a buffet breakfast before going out to the theme park. My tummy is super skinny so when i eat a lot like i did that day i look embarrassingly pregnant. Like seriously it’s bad. Since it was so hot i had no choice but to wear a crop top and shorts so everytime i walked to and from the buffet station I’d suck in my gut or hide it with the plate of food 😵‍💫
After about 4 trips I was stuffed and had to head out to the park with my stomach being an overfilled and bloated mess. Basically I spent the next 2 hours sucking it all in and letting out desperate farts while I walked around and took advantage of bathroom trips to let my gut hang out freely and try to calm it down.
I was wondering what you’d do if you were there with me? Maybe stuff my poor tummy even more throughout the day and make it more obvious that I’d been pigging out so much, not to much how much gassier I’d get later on and the damage I’d do to a toliet..
Theme park? With a belly full of free hotel breakfast?
How do you like greasy park food?
I’d parade you around to all the stands, ordering something heavy and delicious from each one. Find a picnic table somewhere secluded where we could return to feed you, like a bloated animal on a gluttonous hunt for more, quickly shoving fried everything into your belly, feeling your shirt ride up and the crumbs fall down your chest. I’d encourage you the entire time, rub your bare lower belly softly while you dine.
When you finish I let you rest for a minute before smiling and gently pulling you back towards the park. Aiming for one thing: the spinning teacups. When you realize, your face goes pale and your belly gurgles knowingly, sickly, pushing up a burp and a moan from deep within. You protest quietly while we walk, one hand soothing your tight sides, the other entwined in my own. I kiss your cheek and tell you how much I want to see you spin around, how much I want to feel you try to hold everything down desperately while the rides in motion, not wanting to be the disgusting talk of the park. So embarrassing…so full…
We wait in the line of families and other couples. Your belly is so loud, your cheeks are turning a light, sick green. We get to the front and the ride operator takes a long look at you, absorbing your gluttonous, sick state then giving me a knowing wink and small smile. I hear him whisper, “good luck” as we pass to claim our pastel painted teacup. You’re gonna need it, too. We sit down and your shirt immediately bunches up high on your stomach as your belly bloats against the turning table in front of us. You burp and groan softly then move my hand over your gut. We lock eyes as the ride chugs to a start and I remove my hand from you to begin turning the ride.
Faster, faster, faster. I never stop watching you. Your eyes are clenched as shit as your lips, your cheeks puffed out like a cartoon. The motion makes you look like you’re growing, and even over the wind I can hear the sound of your overstuffed guts desperately try to figure out why it’s going in circles.
We spin for what feels like an hour. You can’t even wait for the ride to stop before groaning “oh god I need to get off…” and scrambling off the ride. Hands clutching your grossly swollen abdomen, you make a dash for the exit. But then, you trip. Your knees hit the ground and you retch. Hard. Your greasy, sugary, delicious feast is now coming up onto the grass uncontrollably. Everyone else is shamefully looking away or twisting their faces at the sight and sound of you. “What a pig,” they must be thinking. But I make my way towards you, taking in your state, knowing this is only the beginning for you and your troubles.
I reach your heaving body and wrap my arms around your back, squeezing your belly, forcing up the oldest piles of food from you. Then, quietly, so low no one but you can hear, I whisper “let’s go home and clean you up. You deserve a reward for giving everyone such a show.”
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luneariann · 1 year
Aaaaaa I’m getting a lot of vague OCs I don’t think I’ll be able to draw them all today 😭
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eeblouissant · 3 months
Maude!!! I love your Maude art, you capture her so well. She had such beautiful outfits too.
ahhh thank you anon 🥹🤍🤍🤍 here’s another bit of that wip just for you, since I’ve cleaned it up a little bit now haha
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Today I had an intern yell at me about how I’m constantly underselling myself and should maybe consider not doing that and then a lil later I mentioned that i wanted to try for that MIT PhD program I have been talking about for years and she was like “wait you’re worried?? You?? With your background?” And I think I’m gonna be riding this high for the next year
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aureatchi · 1 month
nonnie who asked abt my PHONE LAYOUT we r litt on the same wavelength bcz i am acc in the process of redoing it ^_^ !! I’LL ANSWER WHEN IT’S FINISHED <3
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royaltea000 · 2 months
If I made stickers or something out of your art for my own personal use, would that be okay? Just love your art a lot and I don't wanna do something like that without permission!
I guess I don’t mind if it’s just for personal use but only if you send me a private dm so I at least know which account I’m giving permission to - I just don’t want to let people do that anonymously I hope you understand ^^”
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loverofstufflof · 8 months
Hello! Do you mind, if I repost your art with credits?
I hereby give thee (and all other users reading this post) permission to use my art, as long as thy follow my holy commandments:
1. Always provide a visible link to one of my accounts (whether Tumblr or Insta) within the same post/thing you are using my art
2. This permission is instantly revoked if you’re one of those slimy accounts that exist solely to repost artist’s work with dubious credit (you know who you are)
3. Lemme know! Whether it’s a quiet slip in my ask box, or a tag, or anything else. I just like knowing where my stuff goes
And that’s it! Be free, my children! Save to your heart’s content! :D
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daydadahlias · 1 year
besides the desire to study the inside of ashton irwin’s head and your love for torture, you and crystal from kh4f make this fandom space super sweet and cozy!!
Crystal @kindahoping4forever and me, your friendly neighborhood sadistic scientists
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lightsoutletsgo · 6 months
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slvttyplum · 7 months
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