#I’m so fuckin stressed
OKAY IVE HIT SOME BAD NEWS BEARS okay so I’ve been planning on breaking up w my long term partner for a long time but I haven’t seen them face to face in almost a year. I was determined to do this face to face because it’s the honourable thing to do (and I have a lot of shit at their house) I decided I was tired of them back in April for a whole host of reasons but I’ll boil it down to a few:
Poor communication (never used to tell me things until everything boiled over biyearly)
Doesn’t deal with problems head on. If I have a problem I take the bull by the horns and deal with it. They, on the other hand, never had that skill and often took an apathetic approach to things which led to people making decisions for them.
No sense of adventure. I love adventures, I love taking risks, I love rolling the dice to see what Lady Luck has in store for me that day. They never did and would just send me out to go on adventures of my own. I’ve since learned that I want to share my adventures with someone. I want to have some one to yes-and me and vice versa while we get ourselves into trouble.
Unemployed for over 2 years with no real reason. Piggy backing on this, they moved back in with their parents in the middle of nowhere and doesn’t have the will to learn to drive.
No discernible drive to get better at living their life. In fact they repeatedly shot themselves in the foot. Absolutely no fire under their ass and it drove me insane.
Not once did they make an effort to meet any of my friends, not even my day ones.
Our goals no longer align. When we first started dating, I said that I didn’t want to have kids or get married but yeah no now that I’m older and my brain is developed and I know who I am as a person, I really fuckin wanna get married and have kids!!!! Not immediately or anything but god dammit I wanna be with someone who wants what I want long term!!!
Anyway my partner told me they were trans yesterday which I’m very supportive of and I hope being out will maybe help them improve as a person. I can’t imagine the kind of mental turmoil they’ve been going through their whole life with fundamentalist family while being closeted like that. However this didn’t magically fix all of the reasons I’ve wanted to end it with them since fucking April. It didn’t add onto the list or anything, but now I’m worried that if I break up with them they’ll think it’s because they’re trans :( I’m writing them a letter to make sure everything is abundantly clear but I’m not sure it’ll do anything :/// like how long should I wait to break up w them?? I’m really worried that this will hurt them and it’s not my intention we’re just straight up the worst possible match. I guess I never should have waited but we’ve lived 6 hours away from each other for a year and a half and before that we lived 2 hours away from each other for 6 months after we fucking lived together and shared a bed. I really just wanted to give them the decency of a face to face break up instead of just sending them a text or calling them. I was gonna go this Monday to do it like I’m freaking out
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redhotarsenic · 1 year
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I don’t really know how to say this in a better way so imma just say it
If you think John Dory is a bad character then respectfully, you have no idea what being an oldest sibling is like.
He didn’t abandon his brothers. He was pushed to a point of having to be responsible for four younger brothers, ranging from baby to teenager, trying to coordinate and pull off good if not perfect shows, trying to help Rosiepuff raise both them and himself while also dealing with trollstice and the troll tree while also struggling with an ever growing *need* to be perfect. It doesn’t matter how much you love your siblings- if you’re stressed enough, you’re going to snap and you’re going to snap at them. And you know what? He probably hated himself for that too. And for the fact that he couldn’t be perfect. Any oldest sibling knows the guilt of not being good enough and presumably tearing down their younger siblings in the process…it’s awful. No fuckin wonder he walked away, bro was what, 17?? 18??? He shouldn’t have had to do that. And he didn’t just abandon his brothers knowing what was gonna happen to Branch. From his perspective, he walked away knowing full well Spruce and Clay could step up, and that Rosiepuff would still be there. He had no way of knowing Branch would end up alone and gray, because if he did, he never would have left.
John Dory is not a bad character. He loves his brothers.
Edit: some people are saying he didn’t come back until he needed something. He came back to an empty troll tree- he thought his brothers were dead. He probably only left for a few months or so! He didn’t abandon them. He had every intention to come back and did. His family was just gone.
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pikayune · 10 months
People who made it to the boat:
People who didn’t make it to the boat:
Bad and Dapper
* confirmed dead
** the official update account does not have him listed as making it even though he said he got on in the last five seconds
People who where “asleep” during the nuke (based on who’s logged on during purgatory):
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leviiackrman · 18 days
Ya gal officially has 4 jobs🤪
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lynxfrost13 · 6 days
I feel like there’s hands trapped in my chest clawing to get out but that’s okay! We stay silly!
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starbuck · 2 months
just over here casually suffering, as one does.
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brewgiesart · 1 month
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my 2024 art fight attacks!!🤠🥊
I cant believe I forgot to post these!!! lmao I think you can tell which one I did for my best friend vs strangers😅 anyways!! I’m already so excited to do it again next year!
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no27-autonation-honda · 6 months
I have decided I hate the Australia race bc for real this weekend has literally just started and baby I am *cursed* cursed
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its-your-mind · 2 years
First lizard fashion, and now Russian fashion. What new fashion craze will we be exposed to next?
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fefairys · 5 months
you know what it is? transfem/transmasc tensions in the homestuck fandom specifically are exceptionally high because of the june discourse. nobody trusts each other and it is an absolutely dogshit community experience. because absolutely no one can be normal about this one character.
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saltavenegar · 11 days
God I want to draw so bad I have no time. Ughhhhhhhhhh
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redhotarsenic · 11 months
I dunno I’m trying very hard to not be a sad shithead online but it’s getting increasingly difficult
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bioshocked-astroghost · 10 months
Before anyone reads this please remember this is just personal opinion please don’t yell at me for anything but if u disagree obv that’s fine!!!
Finally finally FINALLY watched OFMD s2 and I’ve just got to say what the actual FUCK just happened
Like I wanted some angst but somehow this felt like TOO sharp of a turn
Also maybe it’s because I binged it with my friend in one afternoon but did anyone else feel like even though it mostly made sense it felt disjointed and kinda rushed??? I felt like I couldn’t keep up with where everyone was at emotionally
Loved the new female characters but. They felt very lacking :/ I did really like Zheng but I’m very conflicted on her taking over the crew but You know. Whatever I guess
Also it was still funny but I felt like majority of the humor was missing :/
As for final thoughts. FUCK that ending my baby is NOT DEAD AND YOU CAN PRY IZZY FROM MY WRETCHED AND DAMNED DEAD HANDS (I got a little lucky in this regard, I saw a spoiler for his death a couple weeks ago so I could prepare myself) also fuck Ed and Steve becoming innkeepers sorry but no
Idk man the ending didn’t even feel bittersweet to me I just felt hollow in the end. I feel like I was robbed. I felt the same way about the ending that I did with GoT which I know sounds insane cuz it was so much bigger but it’s like. Everyone got split up. They finally found their way back to each other. The big climax comes and goes. Then for some fucking reason the party splits again and it feels like a final goodbye to each other and I fucking hate it
Anyway. Still grateful we got a season 2 but I’m pretty sure the fanfic These Waves Will Pull Me Under by @underthecouchh will always be the canon s2 in my head (fantastic fic btw. U should read it)
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gregmarriage · 6 months
buck overcompensating for his crush on eddie, by being bitchy to him. we love to see it <3
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ghostzzy · 6 months
gonna be honest i am rly relieved my mania just makes me annoying and hyperactive and not like. dangerously out of control.
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