#I’m so sad and I miss her so much and it’s hitting way too hard tonight
redflagshipwriter · 7 months
Mamabat- enter Jason 1/2
The air was different with Cass, now. Danny felt a little anxious as he followed her to the study after breakfast. Something about her was serious-determined-protective. 
She always felt protective towards him. That was why he'd followed her in the first place. Some ghosts lied, but they couldn't do it with their aura. He knew what she really felt for him. 
“Sit?” She asked him. She gestured at the big squashy chair. Danny did without complaint. Cass perched behind him and started dragging her fingers through his hair, relaxing him.
Man. She was good at this. Top tier mothering, right here. Danny went limp. 
“I'm worried,” Cass broke the silence. She didn't sound worried. She never really did. Her voice was quiet and serious, but still kind. Her thumbs dug into his scalp. He pushed his head back against it. Bliss. “Barbara made you sad. Because you miss your sister?”
Danny tensed. 
‘I should have figured that Batman would track me down.’
Maybe he had known, if he was honest with himself. It didn't hit him like a shock.
“Tim thinks your name is Fenton,” she added, brutally sensible as always. And yup, that was it. No point in denying it. “Declared dead. In danger?”
He sucked in air through his teeth. He wasn't going to lie to her. 
“Worried,” she repeated. 
He thought about it. He really did. Danny bit his lip. 
She was liminal. That probably meant she'd come really close to death, in at least one sense of the word. Would that mean she was desensitized to it, or extra paranoid?
…It was hard to imagine Cass over or under reacting to a possible danger. She was just so steady. But would she see him as a possible danger if she knew what he was, what he really was? 
He could feel it out before he took a plunge with the whole truth.
Maybe it was wrong. Maybe it was invasive. She didn't seem to realize that she was liminal. That meant she definitely didn't realize how much she was communicating to him under her words and gestures. 
But Danny deliberately tuned into her quiet aural communication and tested the waters. “Tim is right, I'm Danny Fenton,” he said. He knew he was too tense. She would definitely feel it. But what could he do about that? He was nervous. “I… Maybe I did die.”
Her heart dropped to her stomach. He could feel the crush of grief on her heart. 
But it didn’t wash away the thudding repetition of love-protect-my darling. There was no suspicion, no guilt, no fear. It was just pain for his sake, with no calculation about how to solve a sudden problem. 
God. He wanted so badly for that to have been how his parents reacted. His eyes started to sting.
Danny sniffled. He thought it was safe to tell her. “I died,” he corrected, and he knew he was right when Cass made a little wounded sound and leaned her body into him, aiming to comfort. “Not then, but a couple years ago. I’m different now, and it’s uh… It’s dangerous to be this way.”
“Affects?” Cass asked quietly. She started to pet his hair again. “Mood? Health?”
“...Huh,” he said, because that was a sensible question he hadn’t expected. If he really thought about his mood and emotions before and after the accident: “Yeah, uh, there’s sometimes a mood thing. I might be a little more aggressive than I was before? And I can get kind of intense sometimes.”
He had thought that was basically just a reaction to having a whole bunch of new threats in his life. But would pre-electrocution Danny have been able to actually stand and fight Skulker? He had genuinely been afraid of the jocks. Maybe… Maybe he was different. Sure, Sam and Jazz were up for shooting ghosts with Fenton tech. Would he have been if he was just human? 
…He didn’t really think so.
Oof. Well, that wasn’t exactly great for his sense of self.
Cass shook him lightly. “Health?” she repeated.
Danny forced down that revelation to deal with later. He didn’t like acknowledging that he was kind of a chicken by nature, but historically, there wasn’t much evidence of bravery pre-mortem. “Uh, my heart rate is really slow, body temp is low, so I can’t really afford to go to a doctor for a checkup,” he said. “Uh, sometimes I’ve got none at all and my hair turns white.” He paused there. That was- that was enough, yeah? He was going to be honest with her because she deserved honesty from him. But that didn’t mean he had to explain the whole great beyond and his inhuman status.
“Sounds like Jason,” Cass said, after a long silence.
Danny short-circuited. “Wait, what?” He craned to look at her. “Who?”
Cass darted forward to kiss his forehead. “Little brother,” she said cheerfully. “Want to meet him?”
Uh, yeah. Danny nodded vigorously, wondering what the hell she was on about. “Do you mean he died?” 
“Died,” Cass agreed, getting out her phone and tapping away at it rapidly.
“Not like, heart stopped for a minute on the operating table and he was revived, or what?” Danny pressed.
“Dead in the ground, came back later,” Cass said. “Dead for months. Now, very crabby.”
Danny balked. “What?”
“White hair too,” she said. Then her face did something funny. “I think he dyed it recently,” she said. 
Danny huffed a laugh. “If it’s the same thing as mine, you can’t dye it.” He saw her look over his head for white streaks. He didn’t correct her line of thought.
He hadn’t thought that anything could top the anticipation of meeting Batman. But Danny had to admit the rest of the day was a wash. Apparently Jason couldn’t make it until the evening, about an hour before patrol.
Danny nearly paced a line into the carpet. He had enough energy to do that now, even without ecto. He was getting soooo much food here. A guy couldn’t even stress out for an hour without someone coming by to make sure he had fruit and yogurt or a hot drink.
He didn’t need someone to come and tell him that the much anticipated Jason had shown up. Danny knew it when he went to take a sip of cruelty-free chocolate milk (hand delivered by the most frightening child in the world) and choked on vapor.
Damian gave him a glare and snatched the drink away. “Are you incapable of drinking beverages?” he demanded. His face looked so goddamn cross but he was just worried.
Danny managed a smile. “No, went down the wrong pipe, sorry.”
Damian didn’t seem to even see the fog, so- so that meant that either he was really unobservant or he wasn’t liminal enough to see it the way people did in Amity. That was a small blessing. Danny appreciated it and he took back his drink to have something to hold onto.
That was a whole ass ghost. That was a whole ghost coming onto the property, one that felt big and mad and old. Danny smacked his lips, disconcerted. 
He, uh, didn’t know what to expect from this.
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uglypastels · 1 month
Logan idea- reader has very similar traumas I.e trained as a weapon, memories wiped, has bad nightmares, slower aging, modified healing.
They find healing with the X-men and get close with Logan because of their similarities the reader is more sunshine to Logan’s I don’t know if pessimism is the right word. They go on a mission, goes missing for a period, and when they show back up they’ve been brain washed and are fighting the X-men but Logan recognizes them instantly. And does the whole this isn’t you sweetheart while taking a beating cause they can both kick ass and that’s one of the things Logan loves about them. He gets the mask off of them cause he realizes that’s part of the issue for them not recognizing everyone and then it’s hurt/comfort them feeling horrible for getting caught and Logan feeling horrible for letting them get caught. And even though they hadn’t been together before just very close friends/testing the waters this brings them together cause they realize they want to be with each other after some healing and Logan be soft with the reader while they heal from the brainwashing fiasco.
I dunno I love the idea of Logan feeling horrible about not being able to rescue the reader and then recognizing them fighting his allies and helps bring them back from the void. I’m a sucker for two people relating to eachother having a friendship that a hard time brings out their true feelings with lots of fluff and healing cause Logan understands that.
this made me think of some of my favourite wolverine scenes from different media so it's all inspired by that i guess. hope you like it :3
warnings: angst. mind control. reader presumed dead. swearing. violence. hospital-setting. guilt.
Masterlist ~ X-Men Requests are Open
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‘What the hell are you doing? We have to go back!’ Logan started yelling as soon as he realised you hadn’t made it back to the jet. 
‘It’s too late,’ Scott shouted back at him from the pilot seat. ‘We won’t make it.’ 
‘She won’t make it,’ Logan retorted, already lunging at the cockpit, claws itching to come out. And they would have if it wasn’t for the cold hand touching his skin. He looked up to meet Rogue’s eyes. They were filled with sadness–pity– as she held his hand. He tried to pull out of her hold, but the longer it went on, the more frail he felt. Everything around him began to spin, his vision blurred until it all turned black, and his head hit the steel flooring of the plane.
Rogue had held on for too long. That much she had realised as soon as Logan had passed out.
It took a whole day for him to come by, but not even her powerful narcosis had suppressed his rage. As soon as Logan had woken up and his senses had felt Scott’s presence, he was on his feet, grabbing the team leader by the collar of his shirt, pushing him against 
‘You proud of yourself, punk?’ he spat in Scott’s face. ‘Got your sorry ass out all safe and sound, huh?’
‘There was no other way. We would have all died if we had stayed, Logan,’ Storm clawed at his shoulders to pull him back, but none of her methods sufficed. ‘This was the only way.’
‘No the fuck, it wasn’t!’ He saw red with anger. ‘We could have saved her.’ He had pulled out of saying that one word at the last minute. I could have saved her. That was the only thing on his mind for weeks. How you still would have been there if it wasn’t for him. 
The plan had been simple; that much had been clear in your face as you suggested it the last time he saw you. But he never should have gone along with it. He never should have let you go on your own. If he had just stayed— ran after you— maybe…
A pitiful portion of him still kept up hope. That one day, the heavy doors to the mansion would open, and you would stand in the middle. Perhaps a bit bruised up and tired, but all there. And he would pull you into his arms like he had wanted to all those times before.
But you never did show up. Days turned into weeks turned into months, and there had been no news, no sightings. Even the Professor had stopped seeking Cerebro’s help as nothing turned up anyway, no matter how hard he looked.
His heart was in his chest as he raced through the dark corridors of the bunker complex. Logan looked around him for the way out with the least henchmen as chances of there being none were slim. He had already left a trail of bodies behind him and was ready for the next wave of men to beat into a pulp.
He turned the corner, but what he saw was the last thing he had expected.
For a second, he thought he was dreaming; perhaps it was a hallucination brought on by some chemicals they pumped into the air to get to him. It wasn’t possible. His mouth had already fallen open, ready to call out your name, but as you got into a stance of attack, eyes blank except for a fury deep inside them, Logan realised it wasn’t a dream at all. It was a bloody terror. 
It was the hardest fight he had ever been in, trying to block all of your attacks while pulling himself back. He couldn’t het himself to hurt you. All he found himself doing was calling your name, but it was useless. It was you, but it wasn’t. Nothing he said seemed to matter, seemed to take any effect on you. You lunged at him, punching and kicking. 
It was futile to try and argue with you, and so, against every muscle and nerve in his body screaming against it, Logan started to place his movements harder, fighting against you until you went limp in his arms. He cursed himself out as he looked down at your unconscious body, pushing some of your loose hair out of your face. But as he looked at you, he also saw that it really was you still in there. And so he didn’t waste a second thinking about it as he picked you up in his arms and ran as fast as his body could take him. Out of the tortuous underground maze and back to that godforsaken jet that had been the scene of the dreams that had plagued his mind for the past months.
Everyone had practically stopped in their tracks at the sight of you in Logan’s arms. He stumbled into the jet, nearly falling over, having had, as predicted, to deal with a number more nameless jackasses, but with you in his arms, it made beating them up a bit more challenging.
‘What—’ Storm’s eyes were nearly as pale of shock as they would have been of her powers. 
‘She’s been brainwashed,’ Logan explained before anything else, ‘or controlled. I don’t know, but he’s hostile. We need to keep her down.’ He laid you down on the ground, sitting right beside you, wiping the sweat off his forehead with a deep heave, and only then he noticed the looks of everyone around him. ‘What?’
No one said a thing, but he knew what they were all thinking. For he was thinking it, too. Was it safe to bring you back home? Could whatever they had done to you be reversed, or was he just putting everyone at the school in danger by taking you back? 
‘Is everyone back?’ He just said after no one had dared to say another word.
Logan didn’t know what had possessed him. Why he had suddenly grown so protective over you, but he could not stand the idea of you being alone in the hospital wing. It took nearly half a week just for Jean and the Professor to understand what had happened to you, and the treatment itself took far longer than Logan would have liked. 
He didn’t know why he came to visit you every night, far outside the regular visiting hours, past when anyone would be awake to see him sneak in and sit by your side, holding your hand, hoping you could feel and hear him as the apologies spilt out of him.
‘I’m so sorry, bub.’ He kissed your knuckles. ‘I should have gone back for you. I should have–’ He stilled as you stirred in your bed. 
‘Logan?’ You croaked out, throat dry and hoarse. In slight shock, Logan said nothing. You blinked and tried to find him in the darkness of the room. ‘Logan? Is that you?’
‘Yeah, it’s me.’ He chuckled softly to himself, squeezing your hand.
‘What happened?’ You tried to sit up, orientating yourself to where exactly it was that you were, but he quickly pushed at your shoulder to stay put. 
‘It’s a long story, kid.’ Never before was Logan happy to be sitting in the dark as the tears he had subdued for months finally fell down his cheeks in extreme relief. ‘You uh– you’d been gone for a while.’ 
‘I was?’ you tried to remember, ‘I can’t recall anything. It’s all—’
‘I know.’ He kept your hand in his, rubbing your skin with his thumb. Logan knew to call for someone as soon as he saw you stir awake, but he needed this moment alone with you. Make sure you are doing alright himself. Besides, the professor was probably already on his way. 
‘It’s okay. You’re alright now.’ He continued, happy you had finally come back home.
the end.
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thank you for reading 💗
if you enjoyed the fic, please consider reblogging and leaving a comment. or send a message via my inbox. requests are also more than welcome. 💗
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 5 months
Emily x Reader after Reader has a sh relapse, Emily patches and her up and assures her she's still beautiful by slow, gentle, loving sex and lots of cuddling please?
You got it, anon! Thanks for the request! :) Hope you like it!
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, NSFW, self-harm, depression, mental illness, sex, fingering, etc., injuries due to self-harm, brief mentions of an eating disorder, some explicit language (please let me know if I've missed anything!) Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: With Emily away on a case and a depressive episode hitting you hard, you fall back into a pattern you thought you'd kicked a long time ago. When she comes home and discovers what you've done, you're afraid it'll be too much for her. Emily does her best to show you that it's not.
You’d been standing in front of the bathroom mirror for what felt like hours, but was probably mere minutes. Time warped itself when the urges took hold, every second a lifetime of effort, until it became all the potential lives you might live stacked one on top of the other, and they were too heavy for you to carry.
The hand that held the unlit match was shaking, and you seesawed between the unbearable desire to scratch a painful itch and the knowledge that self-hatred that would flood you afterward. But at least the self-hatred and the pain would be something to feel, other than the abject hopelessness that had seemed to swallow you up over the last week.
You’d known a depressive episode was coming before Emily left. You could always feel them coming. But what were you supposed to say? Don’t go save people from a terrorist cell? Stay here with me because I’m scared I’m getting depressed and I need you? It’d be pathetic. You were pathetic. And it wasn’t Emily’s job to keep your mental illness at bay.
But she’d been gone longer than you expected–over a week now. And your depressive episode had hit you harder than you thought it would. You’d called out of work, you’d binged on food delivery, then hated yourself afterward, staring into the mirror feeling lower and lower and lower. Until the only way you could think to stop sinking was to shock yourself out of it.
You knew it wasn’t wise or healthy. You knew you’d feel even worse once the pain subsided. You knew that a relapse would make it that much harder to stop next time. You knew that if Emily was here, she would stop you, she would hide the matches and the lighters, she would be so, so sad that you’d even thought about hurting yourself.
But despite knowing all these things, the hunger for fire, for pain, was too much to resist. You scratched the head of the match against the matchbox and the flame leapt into existence. Your go-to spot in young adulthood had been your arms, but the burns wouldn't fade before Emily got back, and she’d notice them on your arms. This time, you held the match to the upper side of your abdomen, where your arms would hopefully hide the marks.
You scrunched your eyebrows and winced as the flame licked at your skin, the pain white and bright and hot. You wished you could explain to people that odd, addictive mixture of self-loathing and dopamine that hit you and made you feel simultaneously worse and better. You wished people understood the desire for it, that sometimes you wanted to feel worse because feeling worse made you feel better. But it was hard to explain. Even harder to understand. So you didn’t bother most of the time. You lit match after match until the box was empty, until your side was scattered with raised, red-white blotches, like a constellation of all the shitty things you’d ever been through or felt.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and hated what you saw. And it felt good to hate yourself, like a guilty pleasure.
You jumped at the sound of the apartment door opening and closing, and cold panic flooded your system.
“Hey, baby, I’m home!” Emily called from the entryway.
You quickly pulled a loose t-shirt over your head, wincing as the fabric brushed over the burns. She wasn’t supposed to be home yet. She hadn’t texted or called. She’ll hate me, you thought. She’ll hate me if she finds out.
Of course, Emily knew you struggled with self-harm. But you’d been in a really good spot when you’d started dating and had, for the most part, stayed in that really good spot for your entire relationship. You were in therapy. You had healthy coping mechanisms. You hadn’t relapsed in years. You didn’t know what had made today different from every other bad day in the last few years, but you knew you didn’t want Emily to know.
You silently cursed yourself for using all the matches; there were none left to light a candle in the bathroom to mask the scent of burning. You ran to meet her in the living room, hoping that by heading her off, the smell would have time to dissipate.
“Hi, honey,” you greeted her, forcing a smile. You took both her hands in yours to try and prevent her touching your side, which still felt as if it was on fire. You stood on tiptoes to kiss her, and she smiled, leaning in.
“I missed you,” she breathed, wrapping her arms around you. You flinched and inhaled sharply as her fingers grazed the burns.
She furrowed her eyebrows. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, avoiding her eyes. “I just, um… fell earlier.”
Her hands fluttered over you, a worried expression on her face. “You fell!? Where!? Like, how hard?”
“Not that hard,” you said, trying to squirm away. “It doesn’t hurt too bad. Ow!” Emily had placed a gentle hand at your side and you couldn’t help your outburst.
“Well, honey, if it hurts that bad, you need to let me see it. We might need to go to the ER or something.”
You knew you were done for when she grabbed your wrist, hard. Emily was much stronger than you, so instead of fighting, you went numb.
You felt your whole world stop as she lifted up your shirt to see the scattered burns. You felt tears prick at your eyes. There were too many marks, and they were too symmetrical to have been an accident. You knew it, and Emily knew it, too.
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at her, but if you did, you would have seen that her eyes were wet with tears she wasn’t going to let herself cry because you needed someone strong right now. If you’d looked at her, you would have seen a mixture of sadness and pity and heartbreak and undying love. You’d have seen the face of someone who wanted nothing more than for you to be okay.
“Y/N,” Emily managed after a moment. “Did you do this to yourself?”
You nodded, a tear rolling down your cheek.
You nodded again.
“How long ago?”
You looked at the ceiling, willing yourself not to cry. “Right before you walked in.”
You hated yourself. You hated yourself even more because you knew that Emily would feel awful. She’d think that if she’d just been a few minutes earlier, she could have prevented this. And you never wanted Emily to feel like your mental illness was her fault or her responsibility.
“Come here,” she said, gently taking your hand and guiding you to the bathroom. She turned on the shower, making sure the water was cool but not cold, then slowly pulled your clothes off. She nodded toward the shower and you got in, shivering under the chilly stream.
Emily sighed and sat down on the toilet lid, watching you. She looked tired, so tired. You hated to be another thing that exhausted her, another thing she had to take care of and fix.
“You should sit down,” she added quietly. “You’re gonna have to be in there for a while. Until they stop burning.”
You sat on the tiled floor, the water leaching the pain away from the burn marks, leaving only disgust and self-loathing in their place. You pulled your knees up to your chest and buried your face, trying and failing not to cry.
Your shoulders shook with the force of your sobs. You heard Emily stand and were sure she was going to leave. Why wouldn’t she? She deserved to. She deserved not to have to deal with you.
You jumped a little as Emily lowered herself into the shower next to you, clothes abandoned on the bathroom floor, and wrapped her arm around your shoulder. She pressed her face into yours as the shower drenched you both.
“Shh,” she soothed, careful to avoid your burns. “It’s okay. I’m here.”
“I’m sorry, Em,” you wept, rocking. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” she repeated. “You don’t need to be sorry. I love you. You’re gonna be okay.”
“I hate myself,” you whispered.
Emily gently grabbed your face and tilted it toward her. There were tears in her eyes, too. “Baby, please don’t say that.”
“I can’t help it.” Your voice was so quiet, so small, the sound of the shower almost drowned it out.
“That’s okay,” Emily said, brushing strands of wet hair out of your face. “We’re gonna get you some help, okay?”
You looked in her eyes then for the first time since she’d discovered the burn marks. You didn’t know what you’d expected to see: annoyance, disgust, hatred, or worst of all, ambivalence. But there was none of that in Emily’s eyes. Only love and concern.
Even so, you were scared to ask what you needed to ask. “Do you still love me?”
“Oh, honey, of course I do. I could never stop loving you.”
And then you kissed her. You kissed her with the cool water pouring down around your bodies. With your skin hot from the burns and from your aching love for Emily. You kissed her desperately, hungrily, like someone clinging to a lifeboat, and Emily was. She was your lifeboat. And for Emily’s part, she was gentle, almost too gentle, as if you might break at any moment.
You wrapped your legs and arms around her and she held you so carefully, so mindful of your burns. You shuddered in the cool water as your hips pushed against her.
Emily moaned into your mouth, her hands faltering for a moment.
“Y/N,” she said breathlessly, pulling away to hold your face in her hands. “We don’t have to do this." She looked at you a moment longer, then added, "I love you.”
You kissed her again. Her mouth. Her forehead. Her collarbone. Emily’s chest heaved into you and your heart beat rapidly.
“Please,” you begged. “Show me.”
Emily pulled you into her, letting her tongue and her lips roam over your neck, letting her hips meet yours as the water surrounded you, soothing your burns the way Emily soothed the roiling, burning despair inside of you.
“I love you,” she whispered as she kissed your eyelids. “I love you,” she whispered as she pressed her hands into the soft flesh of your ass. “I love you,” she whispered as she slipped her fingers inside of you. You bit back a moan and trembled against her, your body pulsing around her.
She fucked you slowly, tenderly, as if it was both your first time and your last, though this was neither. And she kept saying it–“I love you”–again and again, never stopping, so that all the darkness in your mind, all the self-doubt, didn’t have any room to make itself heard.
You let out a strangled groan as your body tensed around her, and when your pleasure flooded you, it was like you were on fire. And this fire was so much better, louder, brighter, than any flame you’d ever held to your body. It was a burning that consumed you, one that would leave you new and glistening afterward instead of scarred and in ashes.
You fell limp against her as she removed her fingers, kissing your forehead, your collarbone, your mouth, swirling her tongue with yours until you felt drunk on her. “I love you,” she said, and you didn’t think you’d ever get tired of hearing it. “I love you.”
You were quiet as she turned off the shower head. Quiet as you both dried off, as Emily gently pressed a towel to your side, making sure your burns were clean and dry. She sat you on the toilet lid as she pulled gauze squares and antibacterial ointment out of the bathroom cabinet, spreading the ointment on the gauze, then pressing it gently to your skin.
“Lift your arms up,” she said quietly, as she circled your body with bandages, wrapping it just tight enough that it wouldn’t shift in the night.
She knelt down in front of you and caressed your face. “Bed?” she asked. You nodded.
“You go ahead,” she said, patting your leg. “I’ll be right there.”
You felt self-doubt start creeping back in as you laid in bed on top of the covers, your burns still too hot to sleep underneath. When Emily came into the room, she carried a glass of water and a bottle of pills.
“Take these,” she told you, handing you a few. You drank and swallowed obediently.
She lay down in the bed and motioned you over. “Come here and let me hold you.”
You rested your face in the crook of her neck, and she played with your hair, careful to avoid your burns.
“I love you,” she whispered after a few minutes, kissing the top of your head.
“You said.” You meant it to be funny, but your heart wasn’t in it. Not yet.
“And I’ll keep saying it until you believe it.”
You were quiet for a minute, then spoke. “I love you, too, Em.” You nuzzled your way closer to her, hoping against hope that her arms around you were enough to keep the darkness and the numbness away for the night.,
And as you drifted off, she kept saying it–“I love you.” And then a kiss on your head.
As your eyelids fluttered closed–“I love you.” And she pressed her face to your forehead.
As your breath slowed and evened, and your body went limp–“I love you. I love you. I love you.”
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dyke-o-matic · 11 months
So you saw fell in love with Lily Gladstone in Killers of the Flower Moon and now you want her on your screen as much as possible? I’m here to help.
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Certain Women directed by Kelly Reichardt
This was the first time I saw Lily Gladstone in anything and I screamed about her specifically for days. The film is segmented into three stories about women living in the northwestern plains region of the US. All three segments are good, but Lily Gladstone’s is by far my favorite. She plays a ranch hand who starts sitting in on a night school law class when she develops a crush on the teacher, played by (bonus!) Kristen Stewart.
Certain Women is streaming on The Criterion Channel, AMC+, and Kanopy (Kanopy is free!). It is also available to rent on the major platforms.
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The Unknown Country directed by Morrisa Maltz
This movie is stunning. Think Nomadland but even more stripped down. Lily Gladstone plays a character on a roadtrip to reunite with her estranged family after the death of her grandmother. Along the way she tries to learn more about who her grandmother was in life and reconnect with her memory. A lot of the film is unscripted, and breathtaking shots of the western US landscape punctuate the brief encounters she has at each stop on her journey.
The Unknown Country is available to rent on the major platforms such as Apple TV, Amazon, and YouTube.
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Quantum Cowboys directed by Geoff Marslett
This one’s for the multiverse fans. A really fun romp that might make your head hurt if you think about it too hard. Lily Gladstone plays a character in the 1870’s southwest who encounters a pair of travelers stuck in a time loop (sort of). She enlists their help (sort of) in a plan to recover land that was taken from her and in return helps them in their attempt to break their cycle. Most of the film is rotoscope animation, so it’s a completely different type of a performance from Lily Gladstone. I had the extraordinary luck of meeting her at a festival screening last year and they said it was such a fun deviation from their usual hyper realistic work.
Quantum Cowboys is available to rent on major platforms such as Apple TV, Amazon, and YouTube.
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Fancy Dance directed by Erica Tremblay
The most recent Lily Gladstone film to blow me away, and maybe my favorite film of 2023. Lily Gladstone plays a character who has been trying to find her missing sister while simultaneously providing care for her sister’s daughter. When it appears she may lose custody, the two hit the road to search for the teen’s mother. It’s sad and sweet and beautiful. I have to warn that the subject matter is heavy and all too real but that’s why it’s an important story. It’s about something that is so pervasive, yet people outside of the community affected turn a blind eye to it.
Fancy Dance can be seen in select theaters and is now streaming on Apple TV+. Erica Tremblay previously directed Lily Gladstone in the short film Little Chief, which can be found on Vimeo.
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blublublujk · 6 months
nobody knows (2)
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-> part 1
word count: 3k
genre: established relationship (hard dom x slutty sub)
pairing: hoseok x reader and jungkook x reader
a few minutes pass as you entertain yourself on some random game on your phone before he messages again. daddy: if you even think of actually going out with a friend i’ll chop their dick off.  me: who said it would be a man?  daddy: have fun then baby don't stay out too late! 
warnings: [please read if you are sensitive] hard dom hoseok!!, needy sub reader!!, hoseok is actually sweeter this time, cheating ig?, reader gets her period, explicit sexual content: idk how i forgot this last time but DADDY KINK, thumb sucking, blowjob, throat-fucking, pictures during sex, shy awkward virgin jungkook, sexting, cum on panties, suggestive language
a.n: i'd let this hoseok ruin my fucking life. this is so fun. can you tell he's my bias >.< tbh im making up all plot on spot i wanted to explore the actual relationship first before we see anything else of jk x reader. hoseok can be sweet... he needs to fuck the reader already!!! anyways thanks for being very patient with me. see you on the next one ^.^
—> m.list
—> find me on ao3 & twt
“baby.” hoseok’s lips are warm against your cheek, hot breath hitting the soft skin. “i’m off to work.”
your voice is groggy, hair a mess, but it doesn’t stop you from flinging out of bed in a pout. “already? you said we could do breakfast.”
“yeah, well plans changed. i really needa finish this song i’m working on. i’ll be back before dinner. no promises though.” hoseok doesn’t hesitate to say the words, he doesn’t look back as he fixes his collar and brushes fingers through his bed hair. an apology would be nice, but it never comes. 
this is the third time this week hoseok misses breakfast, much less makes it to dinner. somehow always managing to create more work for himself and keep busy while you rot away in the dormitory. it wasn’t fair to you, though you can’t really say you didn’t sign up for this. you knew exactly what this lifestyle came with, fame and money only meant hoseok would never truly be yours as you are his and you had to simply respect that. as sad and lonely as you can be at times. 
“but daddy—” 
“not now angel, you’ll be good for me right?” and just like that you succumb to his strong, firm demeanor. he digs his thumb into the fat of your cheeks, flicking your bottom lip. hoseok licks his own, watching your mouth take his thumb. immediately he feels your warm tongue, sucking him in like a vice, mouth so pliant and fuckable. 
he takes that as a ‘yes daddy’ the way you look up at him while you suck on his thumb like the sweet girl you are. eyes heavy and lustful. 
well, if he isn’t gonna do breakfast with you as he promised, you’ll get yours right now. two can play the same game, but only one wins in the end. something tells you that you fall victim to the game anyways, it was never yours to win. 
your hands find his waistband as you look up to him with hopeful eyes. he’ll probably be late if he plays this game, but it’s too much fun to resist. plus, which man on earth is known for rejecting a blowjob. certainly not this one. 
hoseok tugs his pants down, allowing you to pull down his boxers as his cock springs to life. he takes his thumb out of your mouth and caresses your cheek carelessly, smearing your own spit all over it. the things he would do for that face, so pretty and willing. and all fucking his.
you get to work and on your knees immediately. grabbing his cock in your hands, you lick and suck the tip while hoseok throws his head back, feeling you slurp him down. he fails to resist the temptation to fuck your throat so with no warning he holds a tight grip of your hair and forces your head down. mouth hot and tight around him, wetting his cock so nicely. 
eyes springing tears already, but alas he’s not gentle. he fucks your throat and you feel him grow larger in your mouth, drooling spit all over yourself. “fuck baby, you’re perfect.”
you moan airily, struggling to breathe as he thrusts harder, throat stretching for him and him only. just like you were made for it. 
he groans, feeling that warm wet grip swallowing around him. “just like that, such a slut for it. don’t think you deserve my cum.”
you shake your head profusely, sad-eyes looking up at him while sharp eyes mirror your own. his lips tug at the end and he’s smirking watching you desperately beg for it. 
he releases his grip, spit instantly drips from your mouth, covering yourself with your own juices. it’s a mess, but you both love it for different reasons. his dick stands tall and proud, swollen and wet around the tip. 
he starts to fuck his own fist, thanks to you, he doesn’t even got to spit on it anymore. his dick is wet plenty. he watches your lustful eyes crave for it, practically foaming at the mouth for it. though you are still gasping for air, you wish he would just fuck it out of you again. you want him so so so bad. 
your hands try to reach up at him, but he slaps them away, he isn’t rough and it doesn’t really hurt, but the warning is enough for you to drop them back down. your hands start to rub against your bare thighs, iching to release your own arousal. 
“baby’s horny?” it’s like he’s teasing you, almost laughing in your face, his cock is so close to your face you can still taste it. 
you instantly nod though with hopes that he’ll help you out. 
“yeah? you need daddy’s cock inside you?” hoseok taps his cock against your cheek, pre-cum smearing onto it. it’s cruel the way he toys with his food, but what can he do when you react so beautifully to it. you’re just too easy. 
“yes. plu-please.” you whine. 
“yes what.” he barks.
“yes d-daddy. i want it so bad.” 
you hear him hum pleased, as he continues to jack himself off, he’s getting close and you know it, because his eyes start to hood and he’s breathing heavier. all the more of a reason you wish he would just shove it in you, your pussy is dripping wet for it. if only he were to see himself, he would never stop fucking you!
“stand up.” he orders.
fucking finally.
with wobbly legs you stand and he rough pulls down your shorts. a hand still heavy on his cock, gripping the fuck out of it. 
“let me see inside those pretty panties.” 
hoseok wastes no time to nut his seed all over the inside of it, covering your bare cunt with his juices and dripping all over the fabric. you both look down as his cum decorates the inside of your panties so beautifully, both panting at the sight. “stay there.” 
the taller tugs his pants back up and grabs his phone. he pulls you in for a sudden quick kiss before he takes a picture of the mess he made. “such a perfect sub.” 
with another kiss, he puts his phone away and grabs your wrists, tugging your hands off your panties. your panties sit back so prettily and wet against your pussy now. they are sticky and it feels pretty gross against your skin, but you start to forget about it when you feel hoseok’s tongue down your throat. 
he finally pulls away with one final kiss, pulling your shorts back on. “go back to bed baby.”
“but ‘m not tired.” you mumble, still horny as ever. cunt begging for cock. anything. 
“don’t pout angel. it won’t get you anywhere. i’ll be back later. behave.” and with that, hoseok leaves to work (or so he says), leaving you wet and lonely. 
to no surprise, hoseok in fact does not make it to dinner. to your surprise, he’s kind enough to leave you a sweet text message instead though. 
daddy: [attached image] miss that perfect pussy. you’re so beautiful you know that?
me: you missed dinner
daddy: that’s no way to talk to me angel  i said no promises
me: yeah well, i’ll just have dinner with a friend instead ig
daddy: who? 
me: wouldn’t you love to know.
daddy: you know i’ll find out anyways?  like you could hide anything from me
me: you’re an ass
daddy: you are what you eat
you don’t bother to reply nor entertain his not so funny jokes, but your phone buzzes again to absolutely no surprise. however the following message makes your heart fall straight out of your ass. 
daddy: i’m sorry angel.  i promise to be home for dinner tomorrow. is that better? 
the pit of your stomach burns, really it’s the bare fucking minimum, but you can’t help the way it flips into butterflies. a smile forming on your face. 
me: yes daddy
daddy: good girl the very best
a few minutes pass as you entertain yourself on some random game on your phone before he messages again.
daddy: if you even think of actually going out with a friend i’ll chop their dick off. 
me: who said it would be a man? 
daddy: have fun then baby don't stay out too late! 
hoseok’s messages make you giggle so hard. sometimes you forget this is the person you are with, the one you share every little moment with, and the one that would absolutely kill you despite your entire past with him for thinking about someone else. someone younger, bit buffer, close to them. the person they’ve always known all their life. and here you are contemplating doing it all over again. it’s scary how thrilling it all feels. a pawn in your own game and you don’t even know it. 
luckily for you and unfortunately for hoseok, there’s no dinner and especially no friend, but there is jungkook. he’s home again, earlier than everyone, as expected. 
the younger follows the same routine he has as soon as he gets home. he immediately hops into a quick shower and doesn’t come out to eat till way later. busying himself with who knows what. 
jungkook is a bit awkward, more nervous, and careful around you since the whole movie situation, the one where your tits were out by the end of it while he was driving holes into them with his eyes. 
it makes you a bit frustrated. at this point, you're begging for attention and he hardly budges, but you also understand his fear. 
“that was good noona, thanks.” jungkook picks up his plate, rushing to wash it off and lock himself back in his room. 
you hardly ever make dinner like that, but you figured it would be a great way to pass time and an excuse to get off your ass and do something that doesn’t involve rotting away in bed, lonely and horny. and all very much alone. this way, you don’t have to be alone. this way, jungkook fills the empty spot and he doesn’t even know it. 
jungkook is quick in the kitchen and you hate it. you obviously weren’t gonna let this happen, not under these circumstances, and not in this way. not after everything. “jungkookie, can you do me a favor?” 
“s-sure.” his hands are wet from the sink as he places the plate down, eyes hesitant to look up. 
“it’s just, i just got my period and my stomach hurts. a lot.” a hand caresses your tummy lightly, putting pressure where it hurts. thankful that your period arrived after this eventful/uneventful morning. 
“oh… im sorry. can i help?” he asks to be nice, not denying you a damn thing. 
“can you massage it?” you plead without shame.
“me-e?” he stutters, pointing at himself, flushing pink.
“mhm, who else silly!” 
jungkook awkwardly laughs. “yeah okay. lay down noona, i’ll try to make things better.” 
with that your back goes on the couch while you look up at him with sweet eyes. “thank you jungkookie, it feels much better when someone else is doing it.” 
“yeah, of course.” he lamely replies. 
very carefully, you slide your shirt up, revealing much more skin than intended (not really though). the mounds of your breasts sit so pretty like this and it leaves nothing to his imagination. your underboob peaks through and jungkook holds back a sharp gasp.
he refocuses on his mission, hands shaking as he brings them closer. “m gonna touch you now noona.”
though it wasn’t his intention, his suggestive usage of wording nearly makes you moan. you bite your lip to prevent it. 
“please.” you whisper calmly, desperately. 
jungkook nods and cold hands touch your tummy. they are a bit stiff at first because he doesn’t really know what he’s doing, but he starts getting a hang of it when he hears you lightly hum pleasantly. 
he explores your skin, with every noise you make filtering his ear he finds what you enjoy and don’t. he rubs feather-like circles against your soft skin, thumbing over curves and your plushy stomach. you feel so warm in his hands and that makes him feel so good, too good. and the fact that he’s never ever done this before. jungkook thinks it's possible he can cum in his pants, just by doing this alone! he’s really, really lame. 
“feels so good, jungkookie.”
“yeah…” he strains, hands heavier on your stomach, but they warm up feeling so nicely against your skin. 
“can you- lower, can you go lower?” 
his hands are barely above, around your belly button, avoiding anything further down, not sure if it is for his own sake or yours. he’s scared and it’s obvious by the lack of movement. 
jungkook avoids your eyes as his hands freeze, hands weighing down on where he was last massaging. “wan— want me lower?”
“yes.” surely he knows what you mean. “please.” 
“oh- okay.” the younger says nothing more. 
jungkook resumes his movements, his hands going much further down your stomach, just right above your waistband. he thumbs your underwear, trying very hard to hold his breath whenever his fingertips come in contact with the thin yellow fabric whilst still rubbing patterns into your lower belly. he’s hoping you don’t hear how heavy and much faster his breathing has gotten. he’s struggling for air, face beet red. not sure if it’s out of embarrassment or his own humiliation driving him nuts. 
he’s not sure what he’s doing anymore. or what has gotten into him. it’s like his dream is set right before his eyes and yet he knows he really shouldn’t be here and doing this. much less with someone like you, but for whatever reason he can’t stop. 
“f-feels better?” jungkook asks, light-airy voice. 
“much, much better.” you reply truthfully, your stomach buzzing warmly. your eyes take in every movement on his face. from his eyes to his nose, to the way his cheeks puff as he breathes. he’s beautiful. much more when you have him this close, and nothing is stopping you from what you do next. 
jungkook’s breath hitches when he feels your soft lips on his cheek. eyes nearly bulging out his sockets because he doesn’t believe his reality. this just can’t be. no one has ever shown this much interest in him. especially not someone as untouchable as you.
it lasts no longer than ten seconds, but jungkook turns into jelly within that time. you aren’t sure why you do it, but it’s the only reasonable way you could possibly come up with to show your appreciation for all he’s done. for being sweet and patient. he’s too generous for his own good. 
“thank you jungkookie, you’re so sweet.” he doesn’t even realize you’ve already pulled away and his hands are no longer feeling your heated flesh until he’s watching you walk away, hiding behind the door to your room. hoseok’s room. yours and hoseok’s room. he shouldn’t be feeling like this, but he can’t help the way his stomach twists in knots. 
jungkook is left completely speechless, confused. 
he shamefully walks back to his own room with no other word, skipping his night routine completely. fuck skincare, he can go a night without it. he’ll manage. 
that night, hoseok arrives fairly early. well at least, earlier than usual. you’re still awake when you feel his hand on your hip, feeling his lips pecking the tip of your ear. 
“you’re home?” 
“yeah, got off a bit earlier than expected. did you eat?” he asks quietly, thoughtful enough to not disturb others. hoseok’s lips still softly kissing behind your ear, practically making you melt into the bed. if you could purr, you are more than sure you’d start purring right about now. hoseok has always been very hands-on, it’s what you adore about him. always making it known how much he wants and needs you. 
“i did. have you?” you ask to be polite, though you most likely already know the answer. hoseok may be busy, but he never skips his meals. his discipline is insane. he’s busy, but not ever enough to starve himself. he cares about his mental and physical being just as much as everything else. and he plans on keeping it that way for as long as he lives. 
“yeah. they brought take-out from that one place in downtown you like.” 
that calls for your slightest attention, shifting your face from your pillow to face him, even in the dark your eyes find his. “zuki’s?”
“mhm.” hoseok steals a kiss like this, sharing a breath as he continues. “that very one.”
“lucky.” you pout, sadly with cramps still lingering around your pelvic area. 
“yeah… i brought you some.” he says so nonchalantly. 
the older laughs when he feels you shove yourself, full force onto him, hugging him with all your might. “really?!”
“yes, left it in the fridge for tomorrow.” hoseok pauses, fingers tangled in your blow dried hair and breathes in your sweet fresh scent. “unless you wanna eat a late night meal then be my guest.” 
“well, i just got my period so...” you contemplate that damn meal, almost sorta justifying your not-so-healthy options.
“then let’s go. i’ll sit with you while you eat.” your boyfriend decides for you instead, tugging you up very gently without another word. 
there’s was nothing more to say or decide, hoseok watched as you ate the meal very pleasantly, humming here and there, devouring it all in minutes. you were a very happy, happy girl. and hoseok was a happy man watching you eat so easily. he’d do it all over again if it meant he could see that perfect smile all the time. 
and like that, you forget all about today and what made you upset. you are so stupid to think he could ever not love you and care for you. who else than him. even if you have heavily committed your mistakes, so has he, but he loves you, and nothing else matters. 
but then again, in another room, jungkook is tearing himself up for it. even though, he’s not really at fault. is he? it sure feels like it is anyways. 
at least, it felt that way after beating his cock raw and swollen. flashbacks from earlier crowding his virgin-mind. he’s so so fucked, it’s laughable. pathetic really.
jungkook tries so hard to ignore it and at first he succeeds, but then he hears a bubble of laughter coming from the room beside him and he knows he’s been beaten once again. 
“i love you.” 
“i love you too baby.” 
that’s the last thing jungkook hears before he falls into a deep sleep, eventually succumbing to his exhaustion and overthinking mess. the crowding anxious thoughts die for the first time that night.
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dreamwritersworld · 1 year
Disconnected… (sully family x reader)
this was inspired by 2 requests sent in so please enjoy! I didn’t link the two requests just cause I didn’t want to spoil it before you read so thank you! 💞
Y/n Sully. I was a happier child…until that light was pulled away and burnt out.
*five year old Y/n*
There was one too many moment where Jake had compared her to her older siblings…
Jake had pulled Y/n by her ear to listen to his words clearly about how she had to heal and be as good as Kiri..
Y/n walked into a separate room clearly in distress while Kiri was calmly sitting down beading a bracelet but she could sense something was wrong.
“What’s wrong?”
“…father keeps saying that I have to be like you but I’m not you.”
Y/n didn’t even give Kiri a chance to talk she knew that whatever she said wouldn’t make her feel better…not even a few moments after both sisters heard their mother talking to another Navi and that just made Y/n more upset.
“Kiri is the most beautiful child ever! We were given her so sudden and I always say to her, Eywa gave me you.”
Whats the softest way to say…you took away my passion…my happiness…what’s the kindest way to say?..you took away my spark.
I had so much potential, had I just been brought up differently given the correct corrections and encouragement I would’ve been something…something meaningful.
*6 year old Y/n*
“Y/n! Hold the knife correctly! Look at the way your brother is holding it! Why can’t you just be smart? Think!”
Y/n was too young to even start early training but…he made her anyways, said “with her like that, she needs at least two years of early training! She needs to think smarter.”
The little girl was buried deep into training when all she wanted to do was continue making friendship bracelets for people…she was such a sweet little girl.
Every time Jake yelled, stood by, or ever so slightly glanced at her she felt slightly scared…it always felt like he didn’t care. Truth was Jake was reckless with her feelings..he didn’t care about how the outcome of his actions would reflect on the young child.
Now I just sit in the comforting silence of the forest.
*8 year old Y/n*
There was one day when I was genuinely scared…terrified of the man yelling in my face..grabbing me, all because I failed at aiming correctly that day..but it was only because he made me stay up the entire night before practicing.
“Why can’t you just think kid?!”
He was pushing for words to come out as tears build up in my eyes.
“You were awful today!”
My own father could sleep peacefully in the fact that he was destroying me. It made him mad, my silence spoke louder than words..anger he wanted to come out of me. All of the sudden a full hand slapped my cheek.
My heart missed multiple beats when I realized what had just happened. That’s the moment I went numb to his actions, I quickly got up..wiped away my tears and went off to train without him. If someone were to ever hit me the way he did that day, I wanted to be ready.
I was dragged through the mud, what’s more to be scared of..? I don’t need them or anyone.
I don’t speak much to anyone…they don’t try speaking to me either so I guess in a way I settled.
*9 year old Y/n*
Jake’s treatment towards Y/n was like whiplash. One second he’d give her slight hope it was ok and then the next second he’d crumble her to pieces.
He put Kiri and Y/n to healing and she was doing really well, until a hard week hit her.
“Y/n. You went from first…to worst in one whole practice! You need to do better, when will you get it?”
All siblings watched as Y/n curled herself in, hiding her head once he left.
They were sad to say they noticed how as the years went by Y/n no longer talked to them…to anyone. Yet all siblings turned a blind eye..maybe it was temporary?
It doesn’t mean that i stay by myself all alone and do nothing, no absolutely not I enjoy adventure, hanging onto life by a thread…
*10 year old Y/n*
I actually used to have a good friend I knew for a short amount of time but sadly…she died. She didn’t know a thing about survival but it was because her father refused to teach her. So I taught her, but i wish I did it sooner, maybe if I did she would’ve lived…
It happened just moments after I taught her how to shoot a gun, she found hidden away.
“You want to see what i found?…will you show me how to use it?”
I was conflicted and confused because i had only learned briefly just once
“Ok…but it is not a toy.”
“I know!”
She pointed the gun up to a random tree turning to me asking what she would do.
“The most important thing is when you go to shoot, take a breathe before you hit the trigger.”
Tílí took this hilarious big breathe, exaggerating it.
“What should I shoot?”
Tílí was so…inexperienced, so much that That she didn’t even know you couldn’t wave around the gun. So I crouched and panicked the moment she aimed it at me unknowingly.
“Don’t do that!”
“I-I’m so sorry i- im sorry!”
Tílí immediately put the gun away but i didn’t even look…i looked at the forest searching for where the walking sounds came from.
“…Tílí..let’s go now.”
I yanked onto her hand and ran, hiding in an old lab, as we ran i could hear the man’s voice,
“Come out! Where ever you are!”
..we weren’t allowed to be in that part of the forest but I followed because she said she wanted to show me the gun.
We both sat down listening to the man whistling…this outsider must’ve been left behind when they were supposed to leave pandora, or perhaps this was the start of them coming back. Adrenaline raced through me that day…I was just a kid.
“I need you to listen to me. we have to go now…are you listening?”
Tílí just sat there, staring at the floor, and scared to move. When I reached out for her again she started talking louder.
“I can’t, I can’t, I can’t. Daddy, I’m scared!”
It seemed as though she was stuck in time…like she believed her father would come right that moment, he made her so dependent..so scared.
“Snap out of it, Tílí!..please!”
My brain fogged up believing I wouldn’t be able to save her, I began to get scared. My head turned to the whistling getting closer and then i did what I believed was best..
Tílí felt my hand slap her across the face..and then she rushed up, I got her out first by holding her up to reach the skylight on the roof and then pulled myself up..as soon as we jumped off we ran but the man didn’t fail to notice us.
I ran with her but when we passed she had fallen and so did the gun but…the man shot her in the arm
“Get up Tílí! You have to trust me, I got you!”
Tílí screamed in pain as I yanked her up, catching the gun, and ran. The man was taking his time in catching us..he knew I wouldn’t want leave her…
She had no chance though, her speed was slower but I had to drag her, it left me no time to make turns so the man wouldn’t have a direct area to shoot. I didn’t even have time to hide us so I could kill him then..He had shot her in the chest.
“No don’t- Y/n! Daddy!!”
“No! Tílí!”
I instantly turned back and hid shooting the man from getting closer…my body went tense as I walked closer to Tíli, her body was shaking and hyperventilating.
“No, please Tílí! I’m so sorry! I’m sorry! Your my best friend…I’m sorry.”
I stayed in the forest crying, left with her body.
That trauma didn’t go unnoticed. Mo’at could see that something was wrong with Y/n. It terrified her to see her grandchild’s downfall, she knew that Y/n would one day turn her back on her father for training and giving her pain so many years. Y/n wouldn’t let anyone even touch or stand by her…Mo’at wasn’t even an exception, no matter how much she wanted to heal those little wounds on her grandchild’s rough fingers and knees from training. She could see the pain Y/n was working through, the back pain from constantly doing tricks in training…suppose it was the reason Y/n was the best but it doesn’t mean it’s ok.
Y/n had been sitting on the floor, making medicine while Mo’at observed her…Neytiri walked in the room with medicine Kiri made from home.
“Kiri made some medicine for healing, mother.”
Mo’at hushed Neytiri and pulled her to the side, still keeping an eye on Y/n.
“We must talk..”
“Oh mother please, no need to worry about that child she-she’s fine. She remains happy at home as well.”
“Really? If that were true, that child would feel safe enough to make medicine from home.”
“Mother. You cannot possibly be insinuating that-“
“Shh. It’s just Y/n, there’s something cold behind her eyes…”
Mo’at walked away leaving Neytiri wondering…she too watched Y/n while she unpacked the medicine Kiri was making from home…
After helping grandmother I had stayed out a little but I only came back late five minutes after eclipse and brought back food that I hunted for. I could feel him and his stares..how he was so fixated on me and what i was doing now that he wasn’t playing ‘olo’ekytan’.
“You staying out late again?! I already told you, your forbidden from staying out! You think bringing food back home will make it better?!”
I couldn’t listen. My hand automatically dropped the food off by my mother and I immediately walked back out the home entering the forest, too annoyed to deal with him…he didn’t stop though.
My feet walked faster, heart began beating louder and my eyes just kept looking forward, not turning back.
“You come back here right now. I mean it Y/n stop!”
I couldn’t..for the first time in a long time..i just wanted to stop, to look him in the eye.
“I’m gonna tell you right now, You’re-“
Sometimes my mind just fogs up and forgets my morals…just like him. I turned right around, banging my hand into a tree just to push him to listen.
“Stop! I’ll walk home sir just- stop.”
He continued mumbling words, yanking me by the ear, i allowed it…im not at my break point just yet. As we entered the home he threw me onto my hammock and i just accepted it, staring at the sky…the other thing about numbness is that it kinda collapses time…suddenly i find my whole days blending together creating this endless and suffocating loop, training is all I do…
“Dinners ready!”
My transit stopped and i got up slowly, sitting in my little corner. There was never space at our dinner area for me..so I just ate alone. Then i did my chores as normal, slowly walked up to my bed sighing at the fact that i didn’t have the warmth everyone else did. Mother seemingly forgot to request a new blanket for me and I didn’t make enough time to craft items to trade something in for it..so I’ll settle on the rough blanket with seeking holes.
The next day I was told to do hunting with Neteyam in the forest…we didn’t talk much, which made it easier for us to hear outside noises..Then a man came but wasn't normal navi, he was an avatar and he held a gun, seemingly scare almost like he got lost.
"Shoot 'em"
Neteyam couldn't pull the trigger, but I didn't have the patience and i shot the man in the leg...then the hip.
I walked slowly to him.
Neteyam slightly tugged on me to just walk away and not interfere...but i just couldn't…something was wrong.
"Cmon let's go."
“Shut up Neteyam.”
He was annoyed but he just didn’t understand what the situation was so I kicked the man repeatedly until he was begging me..and when he did I asked some questions.
“Who are you with? You are not normal Navi.”
Then he spitted in my face mumbling about him swearing and being loyal, I shot him in the head with my arrow.
We walked away in silence but i can tell In his face what i had just done bothered him..he’ll get over it though right? He’s supposed to be the strongest warrior. The noises weren’t done..we could hear our siblings voices as we walked away. Neteyam called for our parents but i couldn’t stay put like he did.
Neteyam was behind a tree ready to shoot an arrow but he hadn’t realized a soldier approaching so I jumped down from the branch stabbing repeatedly into the man’s neck quick to make it silent..i hid once again when I saw a soldier head our way..he hadn’t noticed the body, just grabbed Neteyam, snapping his bow into half.
I began killing all 3 soldiers around hidden in the trees pointing guns at my siblings who were on their knees.
My eyes landed on the two fallen guns and i shot 6 while they blindly shot in a panic…i didn’t see anyone else, my siblings had ran into my parents arms. I was covered in blood..fixated on two missing soldiers…
Quaritch watched from a far, he could see Y/n held zero mercy…she was the one who shot their soldier who got lost in the forest. If she was so cold…he’d be able to get to her, get through her head.
He made sure the soldier beside him stood up first, aiming a gun at Y/n and then he shot him…setting up a scene of him “protecting her”.
Y/n held her gun to him…but for a minute she seemed in awe, she was stuck in time..she felt like she knew who this man was, somehow and in some way she heard stories about him when she was listening to her parents conversations…as did he. The reason he knew about Y/n was because before they were sent back to the forest, they discussed the little information they knew about the sully family, Y/n sully being one of them. In all honesty he hoped he’d walk into her, she was a kid who he believed could easily be ended or manipulated, because Jake never loved her, no one did. Hints why back at the fort they referred to her as the ‘the child with no love’.
If he got her on his side, he’d be unstoppable and be able to kill her father with zero hesitation. He knew he needed her trust first so he dropped his gun, left himself defenseless.
“I won’t kill you kid. Those soldiers that you just killed, well I wish it was different I do but they were weak of will and character.”
Y/n was patient this time…this man wanted to actually listen and talk to her but then again she didn’t care, he held let them hold a gun to innocent peoples heads.
“You know what I wish? I wish I had killed you too. I still can.”
“Yet you haven’t, you think any of those soldiers would have the balls to say something like that. There’s no way you could’ve lasted this long by yourself, otherwise.”
He was wrong because Y/n was brutal when she had to be. But Quaritich seems to take the brutal mindset Y/n had to the furthest extreme. However what Quaritch does goes far beyond being brutal he was just ruthless ..And no one who is ruthless deserves to live. Y/n still let the man go on..trying to pick her poison.
“We’re more alike than you think. In fact I think you realize it…but you’re not comfortable with it yet.”
That’s where Y/n ended it she shot him in the leg, aimed right by his lungs…and then her bullets ran out. Jake was watching from afar…he saw the entire conversation…on his way back he saw the bodies on the floor with multiple stab wounds, and he watched how she walked up to him with a knife. Then..he was spotted by Quaritch.
“Y/n! I’ll handle him. You don’t need to do that.”
Quaritch chucked at the oblivious father.
“That girl’s already seen more than you can imagine.”
Y/n turned to her father, rolling her eyes.
“I’m not going anywhere. That’s not your decision.”
“Atta girl, she ain’t afraid to look me in the eye like you Jake. You know that feeling you got right now? That's what makes you stronger than the rest of them kid….”
Y/n knew his words were true..but she was getting annoyed at the man who was repeatedly talking..letting all her thoughts out to her father..so she stabbed him in the neck, Repeatedly. Jake watched in horror, it was then that he realized he stabbed her in the back repeatedly as well…he made her a killing machine. She disconnected with the world more than usual and she didn’t even feel affected by it.
Everything felt slow..metal from the knife clinging with the soiled floor..blood covering her body. Y/n looked at her father, she wanted him to see her and the gore she created.
“this is what you’ve made me become.”
Fun facts!
Kiri was making friendship bracelets at the age Y/n wasn’t allowed to!
Tílí was a reflection of what Y/n would’ve been if she hadn’t grown up quicker.
I didn’t show much of happier Y/n because her memories would be very faded from that time..she started to grow faster at age 5.
Tag list: @noodlesfics @eywas-heir r @itshype @zatarias-pandora @yeosxxx @arminsgfloll @tsireyak @neteyamforlife @aimsro @elegantkidfansoul l @goodiesinthecloset21 @nikotokitaswife @bucky1235 @detectivesparrow @kikosaurscave @ssc7514 @simp-erformarvelwomen @eirianna @ambria @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @lv9su @luciddasher @dakotali @httpjiikook @tainted-artist4161 @fanboyluvr @bat1212 @mxn14 @innersuitcasehairdoscissors @ducks118 @midnightliacr @osakis-gf @onetwo123three @briannalarae @thirsty4nonlivingmen @historygeekqueen @abbersreads @eskamybeloved @hoodiepandaninja16 @valovesyou @silentlyswimming @r3dc4ndy @onlytays @papichulo120627 @tsamiaxo @wwwellacom @dotheyevenknowmars @midgetpottermills @he110hon @kodzukenwhore @minkyungseokie
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cjsoleil · 1 month
Love That I Like You (Seungmin x Reader)
Summary: Having just run away from her arranged marriage, Y/N is stuck walking around with a empty stomach and heels that hurt her feet. On the way, she meets a well dressed man who is more than kind to her. Little to her knowledge, he knows her better than she thinks.
Authors note: If you couldn’t tell, Seungmin is my bias.
People whisper and stare at Y/N as she walks down the sidewalk, but she doesn’t pay them any mind. She tries to focus on keeping the pristine white gown she is wearing clean, so she can sell it on eBay later. Or maybe she’ll keep it and wear the wedding dress around the house like pajamas.
Really, she didn’t plan on the day going like this. She has been preparing for her wedding day for months, since it was arranged by her grandparents' insistence. Sure, she was bothered by the idea at first, but eventually accepted the lack of control she had over her own life. Thinking back, that is as sad as it sounds. She never met her fiancé before, and refused to look at any pictures of him out of pure spite.
“It doesn’t matter what he looks like.” She would say, “I might as well keep him a surprise, just like our proposal.” Her grandparents always got upset when she acted like that, but never commented on it. They were just happy she wasn’t fighting too hard against the marriage. The wedding was just a business arrangement for her grandparents, and her fiancé’s parents' companies. It was all explained to her, but she never bothered to listen to the details.
Anyways, Y/N has got a classic case of cold feet and is now wandering the streets while looking for something to eat. She hasn’t eaten all day and is obviously missing her dinner plans. A place to rest her feet would be nice as well. She’s been walking for well over an hour, not wanting to be dragged back to the chapel. But these heels are not made for long strolls, and she finds herself tripping over air in them. The autumn wind brings goosebumps to her bare arms and has already blown her vail out of her hair. She didn’t bother to try to catch it.
After a few more minutes of walking, Y/N comes across a convenience store. She’s just about to go inside when she realizes her problem.
“Damn it.” She practically huffs when it hits her that she has no money on her person. She left her phone in the car and her purse is at her apartment. Sitting down at one of the tiny tables outside the store, Y/N puts her head in her hands and sighs.
‘I could play the left at the altar card’ she thinks, ‘Who wouldn’t feed a crying bride?’ Just as Y/N is about to make herself cry, she feels a tap on her shoulder.
“Excuse me.” The soft voice makes her look up to see a young man in his early twenties. He has big eyes, short and soft looking brown hair and a somewhat awkward look on his face. Y/N must say, he is such a cutie. He holds up a piece of white fabric, a vail, “I believe this is yours?”
“How’d you know?” She smiles and takes the veil.
“Lucky guess.” He seems to hesitate for a moment, before asking, “Is there something wrong?”
“Not really. I’m just hungry.” The man nods before looking at the store.
“Let’s go then.” Y/N shakes her head with a laugh,”I’ll pay.”
“That’s sweet, but you don’t-“ he’s already walking into the store, making her follow.
Looking at the man now, Y/N can see that the man is dressed pretty formally. A white button down with black dress pants and dress shoes.
“Hey, where are you on your way back from?” Y/N asks as she picks up an instant ramen package, her other hand still holding her veil, “Cause you're dressed so nicely.” She snickers a little when she sees the man’s ears turn red.
“Thank you. I had a… business meeting. Plans fell through.”
“I can relate.” Y/N had only picked up the ramen, but the man bought much more food for the two of them, despite her insistence that she didn’t need much.
“You are my saviour.” Y/N tells him as they eat at one of the small tables the store has, “Thank you- Oh, I don’t even know your name. I’m Y/N.”
“Seungmin.” Y/N lets out a small laugh.
“Funny, that was my fiancé’s name too.” She pauses, “That makes me sound horrible. I promise, I didn’t leave because I cheated or because of something bad.” Seungmin nods and takes a sip of his coffee.
“It’s none of my business.” Y/N appreciates that, but can still see the curiosity in his eyes.
“It was arranged. I don’t know anything about the guy, except that he has good taste in engagement rings. It’s a shame I’ll have to give it back.” She looks down at the ring. It’s pretty simple, the diamond itself is small and the band itself is sparkly, “but enough about me, you said you had a business meeting? What do you do?”
“I work for my family’s business.” He says.
“Oh, how is-“
“I hate it.”
“Ah.” Y/N nods, a little taken aback by his answer, “So, why don’t you quit?”
“Why didn’t you say no to your wedding?”
Y/N smiles when she finishes eating, nodding her head to Seungmin.
“Thank you very much for feeding me. I'll get out of your hair.” As she stands, Y/N winces. Damn, these heels are killing her.
“Are you alright?” She waves off his question.
“I’m fine.” She says bye again but after a few moments, she notices Seungmin following her, “Are you following me?” The question is asked without a hint of anger or annoyance, clear by the smile on her face. Seungmin smiles and shrugs.
“I don’t have much else to do.” Now, any other person, Y/N would have told the guy to beat it. But Seungmin is super cute and nice. Plus if the man who bought her food wants to hang around, who is she to object to it?
“Well, I’m just wandering for a while. I don’t want to hear whatever spiel my family has prepared for when I get back to my place.”
“Let’s go shopping.” Y/N looks over to Seungmin, tilting her head, “Unless you want to wear that day.”
“Maybe I do. This-“ she gestures to herself, “- is going to be the new trend.” She can’t conceal her own laughter as Seungmin shakes his head at her, smiling to himself.
“You’re right. Should I buy one?”
“You can have mine, I don’t really like it anyways.”
“You look beautiful in it.” His words are said so quietly, she barely hears them. But she does, and blood rushes to her face. The dress is pretty, yes, modern. But that’s not what Y/N dreamed of her wedding dress being. She wants something like a princess gown, tulle and sparkle.
They soon end up in a clothes store, and after seeing Y/N wince again, Seungmin forced her to sit down on a cushioned bench in the store as he went to get her clothes. She didn’t try to fight him on it, since he is the one paying. In less than ten minutes, Seungmin comes back to her and hands her a bag.
“What’s your shoe size?”
“Um, seven.” Seungmin nods.
“Stay here. I’ll be back in a minute.” Before she can respond, Seungmin is walking away from her. Y/N shakes her head with a smile before she goes to the bathroom to change. Seungmin has cute taste, he got her a pink pleated skort, a white shirt and has even remembered to buy her a bra, which almost makes her die of embarrassment. After getting out of the dress and getting into the clothes, she folds up the dress, though she’s pretty sure you're not supposed to do that, and puts it in the large bag. She puts the veil in there as well.
Back at the bench she was at, she sees Seungmin waiting there with a bag.
“Seungmin, you're doing too much for me.” Y/N tells him, but he only smiles.
“It’s fine.”
“Really Seungmin. I have shoes, just go return these-“
“Sit down.” She does and Seungmin kneels right after.
“What-“ he takes the shoe box out of the bag, before he holds Y/N’s right ankle in his hand and begins to take off her heel. That renders Y/N speechless as she watches Seungmin put a nice but comfortable sandal on her foot.
“Okay okay.” She taps Seungmin’s shoulder and gestures for him to get up, “I got it. Get up.” She notices he has a small smirk on his face. Happy that he got his way, no doubt.
Y/N puts her heels in the shoe box and puts it back in the bag. When she stands up, she sighs at the relief of wearing shoes that don’t hurt. “Thank you so much. You’re so kind to me. The minute I can, I’ll pay you back.” Seungmin rolls his eyes and flicks the girl’s forehead.
“I wouldn’t have offered it if I cared about that.”
“Oh no, that’s not happening. I’m paying you back. Give me your phone.” Seungmin blinks at her with his big eyes, but still hands over his phone after unlocking it. Y/N puts in her phone number in his contacts before handing it back to him.
“There. So you can text me later and we can meet up so I can pay you back.”
“You don’t need an excuse to give me your number.” Seungmin says, and she can see a hint of blush of his ears, “I was going to ask anyway.”
“Then I guess it works out.” Y/N grins and they leave the store together.
“What made you decide to leave?” Y/N hums hearing his question, asking him to elaborate, “You initially agreed to your arranged marriage. What made you change your mind?” The girl shrugs. They're walking around a park, having already dropped off Y/N’s shoes and dress at a donation box.
“A lot of things I guess. I didn’t really want to get married to someone I never met, but…” Y/N trails off for a second before continuing, “When I was sitting in the back of my dad’s car, I couldn’t stop thinking about what I wanted. A winter wedding, a Cinderella dress, a horse and carriage, a man who I actually know and love. Then I was telling my dad I had to go to the bathroom, and ran away.”
“Do you feel bad about it?” Y/N hesitates.
“…No. Like, I feel bad for him and his family, since I’m sure they’ll probably be on his ass about it all. But I decided to not let my family bother me anymore. If they want to disown me for this, so be it.”
“Good.” Their hands brush, “You shouldn’t feel bad. Not for living your own life.” Y/N laughs and bumps into Seungmin’s shoulder.
“What about you? I have no right to say what you do, but if you hate your job, you should just quit. We can be our family’s disappointments together.” Seungmin laughs at that and Y/N just can’t help but grab his hand, interlocking their fingers. He doesn’t pull away. Y/N looks up at him, before taking a single step closer. Seungmin tilts his head down and oh my god, she really wants to kiss him.
“You know something?” Y/N starts before she can actually acknowledge what she’s saying, “If I was supposed to marry you, maybe I wouldn’t have ran away.” Seungmin has an unreadable expression.
“I should tell you something.” Seungmin whispers softly, pulling back. Shit she’s so stupid for saying that.
“What is it?” She must have a odd look on her face, because Seungmin snorts.
“Don’t look so scared, I just need to tell you my last name.”
“Your last name?”
“Kim Seungmin.” Seungmin watches as the gears turn in Y/N’s head before a sense of dread fills her.
“Oh my god, oh my god! I’m such a dumbass.” Seungmin nods, “Don’t agree!”
“You seriously thought You coincidentally met someone with the same name as your fiancé, dressed formally who also had their business plans fall through? Y/N, I’m practically wearing a tuxedo.”
“Seungmin is a common name! Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” He grins.
“I thought you might’ve been able to come to the conclusion. Idiot.” The name is filled with fondness. Y/N covers her face with her hands and laughs, because the situation is hysterical.
When she catches her breath she looks over at the man, who is still smiling.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“For what? Leaving you at the altar!” Seungmin shakes his head.
“No, it’s a good thing you did. I’m glad you had the confidence to stand up for yourself, something I don't have.” He caresses the back of her hand with his thumb, “I’m happy we got to meet like this. Or we can pretend we never met and go our separate ways.” Yeah, as if.
“Let’s not. I… I really like you Seungmin.”
“I like you too, even if you're a little stupid.” Y/N shoved him and cried out “Mean!”
When they stop laughing, Y/N removes her hand from Seungmin’s and pulls off the ring on her left ring finger.
“Here.” She hands the ring to Seungmin.
“You sure? You can keep it if you want.” She shakes her head.
“We’re not engaged, it’s not right to keep it.” He nods and the corner of his lip twitches upwards. “Maybe one day, I’ll be able to give it back to you.” Y/N nearly gasps hearing him say that. Then she suddenly grabs Seungmin’s shoulders and kisses him, so quickly that he can’t even react. The kiss would have been longer if they weren’t in public.
“You’re so sweet Seungmin, so cute.” She kisses his cheek before she pulls away. They walk around for a little longer, and Seungmin suddenly voices what they were both thinking.
“Are we going to tell our families about this?”
“No.” Her response is immediate, making her back peddle, “I mean, we can if you want. But I don’t. God I’d never hear the end of “if your dating just get married. Why wait?” It’d be worse than if I went straight home.”
“Dating?” Seungmin repeats, a little glint in his eye, “Who’s dating?” Y/N rolls her eyes.
“We ate together, went shopping and strolled through the park. We kissed like two minutes ago, that’s a date.”
“Ask me formally and I’ll consider it.” Y/N scoffs.
“As if you weren’t ready to marry me a couple of hours ago.” She mumbles before forcing a smile that is borderline creepy, “Seungmin dear, would you do me the pleasure of going out with me?”
“I guess.” Y/N pretends to frown and starts to walk away, only for Seungmin to grab her hand and pull her back to him.
Y/N likes Seungmin, but she doesn’t love him. But maybe one day she will. Maybe, when she goes back home he will call her and plan another date, where Y/N will force him to let her pay him back. Maybe, in a few years he will offer her the ring back and she will take it. He will gain the confidence to quit his job in his family’s company. Then, maybe in January, she will take a carriage ride while wearing a white and sparkly ball gown dress and will meet Seungmin wearing a complete suit. With only a few people to bear witness of their elopement, he will say his vows and that he loves her while meaning it, and she will do the same.
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graciegoeskrazy · 5 months
they’re just girls
Matty Healy + Teen!Sister!reader
warnings: sad, fluffy, some language ig??
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The both of you made a point to call each other a few times a week, not wanting the distance between you two get in the way of the brother-sister bond. It was usually after school. It didn’t matter if he was in the same city or on the other side of the world in a completely different time zone. He always made a point to call. You got grounded for two weeks starting yesterday. Something about coming home drunk on prom night. (You couldn’t remember all the details because you were too drunk) You didn’t want to mess with your mother so you let it be. You make sure to fill Matty in on your endeavors that night.
He took a puff from a cig as you spoke. “How come Mum is forbidding me from going to parties meanwhile you and all your friends went out everywhere all the time.”
He let out a smile. “She never let me go anywhere. Me and the lads always snuck out.”
You rolled your eyes. That made much more sense. “When will you come to visit?” You asked, voice pleading.
His smirk of a smile quickly faded. “Hard to say, my love. I’m on tour right now so things are a bit complicated.”
“You can’t even come for my birthday?” Your voice pleaded.
“I don’t think so, love. I’m afraid i’m stuck here.” He felt really bad. He really did. It didn’t matter how old you were, you were the baby of the family. His baby. He felt bad enough missing out on you growing up, practically leaving by the time you could babble. He was determined not to miss out on your life. And he didn’t. Despite the enormous age gap and expectations from others to not be the normal sibling type, he made efforts, and the payed off. “Hey.” He said. You slowly looked back at him. You could tell he was sorry. “I’ll find my way home soon. Just takes time, right?”
You looked outside the window next to your bed again. “Yeah.” His heart ached seeing you like this. It became quiet between you two. You sat still looking out, biting your nails. Until, “I gotta go. I have a test I need to study for.”
He sighed, taking another smoke. “Alright.”
“Bye.” You said, turning back to him showing a smile. One he could clearly see through.
“Goodnight, sissy.” He said.
Cut to a few days later. Your friend texts you and says that her sister has 2 extra tickets for a 1975 show in London and asks if you want to go. You were technically still grounded so you knew your mom wouldn’t love the idea of a 4-hour road trip with your friends, even if it was to his son’s concert. You recalled the conversation with your brother from a few nights ago. You have barely spoken since then, other than when he commented on a post you made and when you told him to ‘stfu’ when he posted something stupid on his story. You remembered him telling you that he snuck out, and snuck out often.
You were a good girl. As bold and ruthless as you were, you never spoke back, never got in trouble (until now), and you were a straight A student with a stellar GPA. Besides there were other thing your mother and father should be worrying about other than you sneaking out frot a night.
You thought about it for a few minutes, pondering your decision, before eventually texting back your friend and telling her you were in.
You packed your bag in a rush the next day. packing just an outfit for the concert and another comfy one for the late night ride back. As you walked out the front door, not worrying about your mother because she was still working, the realization hit you. You still hadn't told your brother.
Hours later, at the actually barricade, situated in the perfect spot between where you brother and Ross would be, you still didn’t. You pondered how you would do it, teasing your friend that you wouldn't tell him at all and wait for him to come out. But, there were too many people in the crowded area and you didn’t want to take that chance. You opened up his contact and texted him a picture of the blue curtain right in front of you. To no one's surprise, he called you immediately.
“Y/n Healy.” He said, as soon as the Facetime connected.
You payed dumb, your friend letting out a laugh as you spoke. “Yessss?”
“Where to fuck are you?” he said.
You played dumb, in hopes of pissing him off more, “Um…at a concert!”
“Who’s concert?” You could hear the band laughing in the background. Matty must have filled hem in.
You shrugged before looking at the camera. “This shit rock band.”
He rolled his eyes and you could hear George let out a laugh beside him. “Does Mum know you’re here?” Your demeanor changed as you tired your best to hold in giggles. “Y/n!” He said.
“What? I missed you!”
“That does not give you an excuse to lie to our parents and take a spontaneous road trip to my gig!” People around started paying attention to the man on your phone screen, realizing it was the man they had come to see.
You smiled. “Well, nice to see you too!”
“Oh my God.” He said, yet again rolling his eyes.
George took the phone from him, knowing his best friend was getting nowhere. “Hi, munchkin.”
“Hi, George!” You smiled. It had been an even longer while since you’ve seen the band.
“Snuck out, did you?” He asked.
“Maybe?” You said, smiling. Even more people started setting whispers. You didn’t care.
“Hm. You at the barricade?”
“Yep! I’m watching the show tonight whether my brother likes it or not!” You replied, smiling once more.
“Nice! I’ll give you a stick.” He smiled before your brother cut it short.
“Stop incoraging her. Give me the phone-“
He reluctantly handed the phone back. “I’m texting Mum. I’m telling her you’re here.”
“Oh, so when you snuck out and did things it was fine? Dude, It’s a 1975 concert. There are more dangerous places to be.”
“You’re 16. You can’t even drive yet, love!”
“Hey! I have my permit.” You said defending yourself.
“Your permit not a license!”
You thought for a moment then rolled your eyes. “It’s fine.”
He sighed. “I’m texting Mum.” He hung up after that.
Mum | Go have fun. Give him a big hug for me, alright?
y/n | I’m sorry for sneaking out and driving several hours and lying to you.
Mum | I knew you left, my love. It’s okay.
Mum| I told him to take care of you tonight and send you off in the morning. Be nice and be careful please🩷
y/n | yes maam.
Mum | Take care of my girl or you’re grounded.
Matty | I’m 35 mum
Mum | I mean it.
Matty | Love u too
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dmercer91 · 1 year
ik you just put out be alright with luca- and this idea is kinda similar
but a hughes sister who’s going to be a freshman this year, and she’s feeling lost because all her brothers are scattered. like luke had her at home, but she doesn’t have anybody
my brother wouldn’t admit it until the grave but if i left he’d be sad
i feel like jack, luke and quinn probably kept how much they missed each other pent up and figured reader would do the same and were not expecting how hard it hit her
cause she’s even more alone than they were, and it’s not like it’s her job like it was for j,
home, 4386
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“hey, y/n/n! how was your first week? know it’s been busy for me but i miss-“
“lukey,” you sobbed into the phone, hyperventilating and hardly being able to see anything
luke’s eyebrows furrowed on the other side of the phone, stomach dropping with worry.
“y/n? where’s mark, or dyl. anyone home?” you’d grown particularly attached to mark during his and luke’s freshman year, so during the summer it was decided that you’d get mackies old room in the house so that he could watch over you
quinn had lectured him, jack followed his behaviour all summer, corrected things he didn’t like, and luke dug into him for two straight years about how he’d entrusted him with you whenever one of he or one of his brothers weren’t around
“i don’t understand how you all did it,” you blurted, ignoring his question and taking a deep breath, jaw hurting from how hard you’d been clenching it
“are you at home, are you safe?” it was jack, sounding alarmed
“yeah, rowdy,” you whispered, being able to have both of them bringing you a little comfort. you tried to take a few more deep breaths, but it was like your throat was closing
“where are the guys?” luke cut in, restating his earlier question
“i took- i took a bus, to the lake house. i’m sorry, i-. m’ sorry, i needed home, but it’s not.. not home, you’re home,” jack and luke shared a look, concerned for their youngest sister
“miss you so much. how did you- how?? i feel like i’m a chore to the guys, i don’t have anyone, i need you,” they could hardly understand you, your low tone and cries muffling your words nearly beyond comprehension
the boys couldn’t truly answer the question. jack had never been at school. his rookie year was tough, but he wasn’t balancing class, and you and luke were always visiting
on top of that, he’d been anticipating it since he was young
luke had you. you were in michigan with him for the majority of the time, at a nearby high school.
you had hockey, on top of class, and none of them were nearby. visits would probably be limited, cause the all star break was hardly a break for them.
it wasn’t like last season, when you could fly up with luke every once in a while to spend the night and soak up time with jack.
quinn had been calling you every day, notably your most protective brother. you didn’t want to make him feel like his efforts were for nothing, so you didn’t tell him how you were feeling.
“i can barely skate, i’m not producing, i got a d on an assignment from history of mich sports. i’m falling apart without you,” you rushed out, sniffling harshly to try and clear your airways
“i’m so lost,” you finished, your head thudding against the wall you’d been leaning on.
“it’s gonna be okay, y/n/n. i’m gonna call mark, yeah? he’s like a fourth older brother, he’s got you. he’ll come pick you up and j and i are gonna call you every night. quinny can join too, we’ll facetime. he’ll see you next week when he’s in detroit, and the devs will be over there in no time, i promise,” luke soothed, jack silently agreeing
“ok?” you wiped your face, breathing still uneven
“ok,” you whispered,
“i love you, y/n/n.”
“i love you too, moose. n’ i love you, j,”
“love you, mini, get some rest on the way home for me, and call mamma, alright?” you smiled at the nickname, one he’d given you when you guys grew into your playing styles and he deemed you a copycat
you mumbled a promise into the phone and let them hang up, hugging your knees to your chest.
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awkward-tension-art · 3 months
Bacta and Bandages Chp.7 (Rex x Reader)
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Chapter 6. Chapter 8.
CW: Slow burn, Two fools trying to ignore their crushes, Grief, Loss, talk of dead friend, death, crying, emotional break down, talk of unfair treatment of clones, Rex is a SWEETHEART, Reader is gender neutral, no use of (Y/N), reader is a doctor, if I miss a tag LMK!
Tag List (Thank you for liking my writing <3): @arctrooper69 @heavenseed76 @ghostlyembassy
Announcement: Field Surgeon Ferrum of the 107th legion has fallen in battle.
Service to be held in 3 standard rotations on Coruscant, Republic military base
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. All medical personnel in the GAR were connected via networks and communications. It was to keep tabs on the overall health of the army and swap medical advice. You didn’t know every single doctor and medic, but you knew this one. 
Doctor Ferria Ferrum. A fierce, hard working togruta with a bit of a sarcastic streak. You worked with them at your former hospital on Coruscant, before the war. They left to join the army before you. You hadn’t seen them since they left that day, but you’ve exchanged messages if the holo allowed. 
“Doctor?” Kix’s hand was on your shoulder, “Are you alright?”
Oh. right. You opened the holo on your desk in the medical bay. With a nod, you closed the message, “...Yes, I am.” You stood, meeting Kix’s eye, “I’m alright.”
He didn’t seem entirely convinced, but nodded anyway, “If you need a minute to…grieve…”
You took a deep breath to steady your emotions, “No, I’m good to work. If I need to step away, I will.”
The two of you returned to work. There were still many injured from the second battle of Geonosis. Many to the point where The Resolute had to dock at a medical space station. Not to mention Ahsoka’s run-in with a brain-invading worm.
The poor girl has a fever and chills from freezing an entire ship to slow the parasites down. 
It was clear, you couldn’t go to the memorial service. There was too much to do. You’d have to grieve alone this time. 
As you made your rounds, you tried not to think about it. You were at war, losses were expected. You needed to steel your heart and keep going. 
So you did. 
That was, until Ahsoka mentioned something, “Doctor..?” She mumbled, “Are you ok?” The padawan was buried under blankets, and the fever medicine made her drowsy. Her eyes were half closed from sleepiness, “You seem…sad.”
“How do you know I'm sad?” you asked, keeping your voice as calm as you could. Right now, you were replenishing the fluid IV that you gave the togruta.
“The Force.” was her blunt response. 
You frowned as you checked her temperature, “I was just informed a colleague of mine had died in battle,” Your eyes were focused as you prepared medicine to ease her fever, “And there’s too much to do here for me to go to Coruscant for the memorial.”
Ahsoka matched your frown, “You should go.” 
“I have a responsibility here,” You gave her a small, hollow smile, “Besides, I prefer being here. With you, Rex, Anakin and the other soldiers.”
The padawan nodded slowly, shifting to lay on her side, “Everyone is glad you're here…with the 501st.”
For some reason, her words twisted your heart and made tears blur your vision. Maybe the shock finally wore off and the grief hit you. Maybe it was just the fact that the teen was honest and pure in her words. Maybe it was a reassurance that you unknowingly needed about your place among the troopers. 
Either way, you had to turn and wipe away your tears, “Thank you, Ahsoka…” your voice cracked before you cleared your throat, “Get some rest. I’ll be back in a few hours to check on you.”
She nodded groggily before you hurried from the medical bay. You needed to get away from anything medicine related. It reminded you too much of the places where you and Ferria spent time together.
You managed to find an empty storage area. Armor and helmets were stacked neatly on shelves, but you paid it all no mind.
The door was closed and a hand was over your mouth to cry in less than a minute. You leaned against the door, sinking to the floor to weep as quietly as you could. The tears felt hot against your skin as your sadness overwhelmed you, clouding your mind. 
You gave yourself 10 minutes. 10 minutes to cry. 10 minutes to let yourself feel. 
Then you had to get back-
“-Half of the doctors on this station are leaving for this damn service.” 
Through the metal door, you could hear the passing words of several troopers. Despite your state, you listened. 
“The 212th medic is leaving too, it's ridiculous. All because they’re a nat-born.” 
“If that doctor was a clone, no one would bat an eye-”
Their words faded off into nothing as they passed the door and continued down the hall. It hurt, knowing how they left. 
But they were right.
How many clones died on the field only to be forgotten? How many good troopers had perished to be left to rot in the dirt? 
They were right. If Ferria wasn’t a torgruta, if they were a clone, this service wouldn’t be happening on Coruscant. Their body would have been left behind, to remain on some unknown planet. 
 If you fell in battle, you’d be given a memorial. Your body would be collected if possible and you’d be given a proper burial. All because you were nat-born. An outsider among clones. Your status gave you special treatment and power you didn’t mean to have.
It wasn’t fair. You knew that.
But it still hurt to hear. 
At some point you moved away from the door, leaning against the wall. The cold metal felt icy on your skin as you let your tears fall. You stopped weeping, just staring ahead to cry silently. 
You had to return to work. After all, there were probably some troopers who needed bandages changed, or painkillers to sleep as they healed. Kix could handle it, but it was your job. You couldn’t shut down because of Ferria’s death. The clones weren’t allowed to break, so why should you?
Maker, it was hard to move.
Your motivation was shot. All you needed was just…a few minutes to recharge. Process. That's all…
You could hear the steps and mumbles of the soldiers as they passed through the hall. The galaxy was moving on as if nothing happened. In the grand scheme of the war and life, it was true. That was the reality of it all. 
Ferria was a small piece in this war. And for the first time in a while, you asked yourself a single question.
What’s the point of all of this?
“What should we do? A holo-card maybe?” You opened your eyes, hearing the discussion between two more troopers. Seemed everyone on the ship and medical station were talking about the funeral service. 
Ferria was well liked at the hospital. Perhaps they made a lot more friends in the army than you thought. 
The other one didn’t sound entirely interested in the conversation, “Nothing. I’m sure the doc is fine. They probably didn’t even know that field surgeon.”
“But we don’t know that! Why not-”
“Whatever it is you two are doing, move on.” Rex’s voice cut between the troopers like a knife, “Get to your duties.” 
“Yes sir.” 
After a few moments, the door to the storage closet opened. You looked up, coming face-to-face with the captain of the 501st. He had sympathy written all over his face. 
“Hi.” you croaked, “I’m sorry, I know I should get back to the medical bay, I just needed a minute.”
He closed the door and locked it behind him before stepping towards you to sit down, “It's alright. Kix is handling it. Are you ok?”
You nodded, feeling a deep pain in your chest.
“I want the truth.” he deadpanned. 
Slowly, you shook your head, “Not really, no. Ferria was a friend of mine.” The Captain wanted honesty and you didn’t feel the need to lie to him. 
“I’m sorry,” Rex put a hand on your shoulder. He didn’t say more. He didn’t need to. 
“No, I’m sorry. Half the doctors on the medical station are leaving,” you murmured, “So for the next few rotations the troopers need to wait longer for medical care. And I know that’s upsetting them.”
Rex gave you a confused and concerned look. 
“I overheard some of them talking.” You informed the Captain, “So it’s a good thing I’m staying, I suppose.”
The Captain sighed, “If you feel the need to go-.”
“It’s not fair.” You snapped, vision blurring, “No, it's not fair.” Tears streamed down your cheeks again, “Ferria gets a memorial. A whole funeral, but what about the soldiers they died with? What about the clones!?” You figured out the agony that's settled in your chest.
It was guilt.
Guilt for mourning so deeply. Guilt for Ferria’s special treatment. Guilt for knowing when you died, you’d have the same respectful ceremony while the clones would be forgotten. 
“I mean, here I am, crying like a child after losing one person” You hissed, anger and frustration burning you as much as the grief did, “Meanwhile, how many brothers did you lose on Geonosis!? How many of those good men will get the same respect? A funeral? A memorial service?” 
The 501st captain remained silent, worry clear in his brown eyes as you ranted.
“It's not fair to you or anyone else for me to fall apart. I can’t-!” Your emotional rambling was stopped abruptly by Rex pulling you into a tight hug. You were taken off guard for a second before wrapping your arms around him to return the embrace. 
“Don’t use your energy crying over the memorials and funerals we won't get,” Rex murmured, “Use your energy to remember those of us who fall in battle. Remember their names. Who they were.” 
Your crying started up again, and you buried your face into the plastoid of his shoulder. He was warm. Warm and protective. You felt safe enough to break apart in his arms.
“It’s alright to grieve for your comrade, just as I grieve for my brothers.” His tone was patient and kind as he whispered to you, “Don’t shove away your feelings for our benefit. It’s alright to feel this way, just like you always tell us when we’re overwhelmed, hurt or upset.” 
Of course he’d use your own words on you. On several occasions he’d witness you calm a trooper down from a panic attack. Or wipe their tears as they cried from a nightmare or loss. You’d always say the same thing as you comforted them.
It’s alright to feel this way.
Rex let you cry out your grief. You shook and sobbed as he ran his hands up and down your back. 
The sting of loss was a painful one. He knew that all too well. But he kept his head held high, in order to be strong for the rest of his brothers.
You tried to do the same.
He held you tightly, keeping you close for all long as you needed. Luckily, he locked the door so no one could intrude on such a vulnerable moment. 
Minutes later you took a calming breath, pulling away to wipe away your tears. After a second you used your sleeve to dry the wet spot on his armor, “Sorry, I cried on your armor.”
Rex snorted, “It’s fine. There's been worse on this plastoid.”
You let out a soft laugh, looking at him. Perhaps it was how tired your brain was, but you broke into exhausted giggles. He did as well, though, most likely faking it to make you feel better. His arms were still loosely around you, not quite realizing how nice it made you feel. 
“Thank you,” you croaked, regretfully pulling away. Rex stood, offering you a hand, which you took.
He gave you a soft and understanding look, “Are you going to be alright?” He had a hand on your upper arm, giving a comforting squeeze. 
With a nod, you rubbed the back of your neck, “I will be. I just…needed a few minutes.” You took a deep breath, “I’m good now. Again, thank you Rex.”
His eyes were on you, but after a second he nodded, “Alright…But if you need anything, find me.” 
Your smile was small and hollow, “You as well, for anything, ok?” You walked to the door and opened it. The hallway was bright compared to the dark storage room you had found shelter in, giving you pause to let your eyes adjust. With another sigh, you stepped out and made your way back to the medical bay. 
As soon as you returned, you were met with quiet. Injured, recovering clones were asleep. Ahsoka was out cold from both the fever and the medicine. Kix was stocking up one of the cabinets, and he gave you a nod in greeting when you arrived.
Once you returned to your desk, you were greeted with a folded piece of flimsi. On it were the written words of ‘Sorry for Your Loss.’
You took the card in your hands and opened in. inside were the signed names of so many soldiers. Among them were the names of General Skywalker and Admiral Yularen.
Jesse, Kix, Oddball, Fisher, Jamie, Reign, Redeye, Hardcase, Echo, Fives, and countless more…
Your fingers traced over the written letters, a smile on your lips. You read them all, feeling your heart become lighter with each name. 
“Thank you, Kix.” You looked up at him, “Thank you.”
He smirked, not looking away from the bottles in his hands before putting them away, “You can thank the Captain. It was his idea, he got the announcement too and remembered you knew Dr.Ferrum.”
You looked back at the card, thumb ghosting over one more name, written neatly near the center. 
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marksbear · 1 year
Could I request a Vance Hopper x Male reader (boyfriends)? Plays a few months after Vance got kidnapped. The reader gets kidnapped too (and gives the grabber a really hard time because he doesn’t back down) and Vance ghost uses the chance to properly say goodbye to his boyfriend and helps him to get out of there. A lot of angst and heartbreak (the readers usually a tough guy too and doesn’t show much emotion but completely breaks down in the basement after Vance called him the first time) the grabber could show him the spot where he killed Vance to mock him idk make it hurt 💔💔💔I hope you have a great day and thank you!! <3
Sorry this took a while I took a lil break! But I really hope you enjoy this and that I wrote everything you asked for!
And I write this in a way so you won’t get much spoilers.
Warning:Angst! Mentions a toxic home, evil stepdad, kidnapping,trauma, grieving, sad and emotionless reader, blood, stabbing, survivor guilt.
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Y/n was inside his room laying on the floor as the TV played. Y/n's eyes bore into the screen not noticing a muffled shout from downstairs. The TV screen played Y/n favorite show ever.
Sadly it was hard for Y/n to even pay attention to the show. Y/n kept glancing around his room looking at the pictures hanging around of his boyfriend.
Every time Y/n caught himself looking at the pictures he’ll whip his head around as his mind runs wild about his boyfriends disappearance.
“Vance… We we’re supposed to runaway with each other. Get out of this stupid town together.”
Y/n thought to himself knowing deep down inside that Vance would never leave him on purpose. Y/n knew it was a deeper meaning as to why his boyfriend disappeared. But sadly it’s been months and most people stopped caring for the missing teen. It wasn’t like many people was searching for Vance anyway.
The door swings open hitting the wall on impact.
“Y/n! Your mom has been calling your name for the past three minutes! Go down there before she starts getting on my ass!” Y/n’s step dad says staring at Y/n.
“There’s something wrong kid? All the sudden you can’t hear?” His step dad says with a mug on his face.
Y/n rolls his eyes and stands up from the floor walking up to his TV turning it off. “And good lord take your boyfriends pictures off the wall son he left you.” Once those words came out of his mouth Y/n shoved his stepdad out of his room before slamming the door shut.
“You brat!”
His stepfather calls out slamming his hand on the door before walking away.
After making sure his stepdad was completely away Y/n opens his door walking downstairs to see what his mother needs.
When Y/n made it to the bottom of the staircase his mom was already waiting for him.
“Glad to see your dad listens to me.”
“He’s not my dad… And I’m sorry for not hearing you earlier.” Y/n responds back crossing his arms as his mom rolls her eyes.
“I need you to go to the store. Get some groceries and then get you and your sister some snacks to eat. And after that go to the corner store and get me and your dad some cigarettes.” She says before grabbing Y/n’s arm using the pin in her other hand writing the list of groceries on him.
After she was done she gave Y/n the money and extra just in case.
Y/n grumbles complaints under his breath as he takes the money and go back up stairs to change.
After changing Y/n goes back downstairs and walk to the front door about to leave.
“And please Y/n, come straight home. No looking for Vance or clues for his disappearance. I know you miss him honey we both do. It’s just that he’s gone now Y/n. He ran away…” She says before giving Y/n a sympathetic look.
Y/n listens to her words before leaving shutting the door behind him.
Digging inside his pockets Y/n gets the Walkman out and puts on the headphones before putting it back inside his pockets.
Y/n was finally halfway to the store walking on the sidewalk as he blasted music through his headphones. Y/n eyes were glued to the floor as he walked not bothering to look up.
Suddenly tapped into Y/n's foot.
Stopping in his tracks Y/n looked to see what touched him. It was a can and a few other things behind it. Y/n looked up seeing a man in white face paint on the sidewalk trying to but clumsily picking up his things.
Usually Y/n would have just avoided helping. Like going to a different direction or just out right to ignore them completely. But this time Y/n couldn't just fake his way out of this.
Y/n crouched down picking up the items that were scattered around the sidewalk. The stranger puts the fallen nearby items inside his bag before walking up to the teen.
Y/n hands him the items while imagining how Vance would have picked light fun at him for helping calling him "soft."
"T-thank you so much! Please let me pay you back for your kindness." The stranger says grabbing the teen's arm forcefully trying to pull him to the van.
"Hey man get the hell off of me!" Y/n shouts as he yanks his arm back. The man lunges for Y/n wrapping his arms around him. Y/n tries to fight back by kicking and stomping on the man's foot and also by scratching his arms.
The man swung the teen around in his arms yanking him to the van.
Y/n swung his head straight back hitting the man with the back of his head causing his nose to bleed.
"You brat!" The man shouts as he uses one of his free hand to pry open Y/n's mouth before using his other one to spray something inside his mouth.
Y/n continues to fight and sway around until his own body gives up on him slowly becoming unconscious the man swings open the van door angrily tossing Y/n inside of it before slamming it shut.
Opening his eyes slowly Y/n raised his head from the dirty mattress he laid on. As he looked around the more his brain processed what just happened before he got unconscious.
The walls were dirty and rusty and so was the floor. The only thing that kept Y/n company was a black phone besides the mattress on the wall. Y/n sat all the way up leaning his back against the wall.
The only door insight began to unlock and twist open.
Y/n quickly stood up and clenched his fist. Sure Y/n didn't fight much, but all the times he did he won and thankfully his boyfriend was a fighter so he knew a thing or two about beating the hell out of someone.
With the door opening Y/n got into a fighting stance just as his boyfriend taught him.
A man stepped into the empty basement staring at Y/n menacingly.
"Step any closer to me i'll kick your ass." Y/n says not even trying to threatening him. The teen told the man as if he was stating a fact. The man only laughs and step a few feet closer.
"Kick my ass? How cute." The grabber teases.
"Trust me I've been doing this for a long~ time. You won't be the first kid I snatched who fought back." The grabber says before adding."hmm... You know you sounded just like a boy who I kidnapped a few months ago. That's right Vance Hopper."
Y/n's fist clenched tighter as his whole body went into a state of shock and pause. "Y-you what." Y/n says with his voice cracking slightly.
"Vance~ I remember the day I kidnapped him. When I was driving around in my van I saw you two hug and kiss outside of your house. Y'all two looked so inlove as you wished each other bye. Even after he left after walking you open he still had a dopey smile on his face." The grabber says as he smirked behind his mask.
When he thought he would get an outburst from the teen Y/n stayed silent and on guard not even flinching.
The grabber lets out a frustrated noise before turning away leaving slamming the door shut.
With the new information Y/n lets go of the breath he was holding as he laid back down on the mattress thinking. As he thought his eyes wondered around looking before landing on the telephone.
Getting up Y/n walked over to the telephone picking up the phone and dialing 9-1-1. Much to Y/n's guess it didn't work and Y/n put the phone back into its place before sitting back down on his mattress.
For the past few days it has been weird and scary for Y/n. For numerous times him and the grabber fought and argued. Y/n refused to eat and drink and even one point threw the tray of food at the grabber once he came to collect it.
And even one time Y/n had gained advantage on the grabber taking him to the floor, but sadly he sprayed the same thing that caused Y/n to be unconscious the first time in his mouth.
The teen even met the ghost of the Grabbers old victims. They taught and helped Y/n against the grabber. Giving the teen tips and how to avoid the same fate they met.
The grabber haven't checked on the kid all day, so Y/n was just in the basement looking at the open scars from the previous fight he and the grabber had.
*riiing* *riiiing*
Y/n head whipped around looking at the black phone that was shaking. The teen quickly got up and walked to the phone. Picking up the phone Y/n glanced to the door making sure the grabber wasn't there.
"Hello?" Y/n says into the phone.
It was silence for a while until...
"Y/n you still sound like a fucking dork."
That's what caused Y/n to freeze. From everything that Y/n went through for the past few days this is what shocked him the most. The voice that he loved and cried for months.
"V-Vance! Is that you?!" Y/n's own voice began to betray him as tears threatened to fall.
"Yes babe it's me!" Vance's voice rings out through the phone causing Y/n start to break down.
"Vance! I'm sorry! I'm sorry that I wasn't there. For months I used to believe that you ran away without me. I-I'm so sorry Vans." Y/n sobs out as he spilled out the nickname he used to call him.
"Babe, don't start crying. I don't like hearing you cry." Vance says as his own voice began to crack.
"I miss you so much...I-I *sniff* " Y/n couldn't even finish his own sentence as he cried leaning his body against the wall.
"I know... I miss you everyday. And I guess it's my fault that we couldn't run away with each other as we planned---"
"Don't say that. It's neither of our faults okay!" Y/n cuts him off as he tried to wipe away his tears.
The phone grows quiet.
Finally breaking the painful silence.
"Promise me Y/n that you'll kick this guy's ass. Do it for the other dumb asses here... Do it for me." Vance says softly.
"I promise. You have my word babe." Y/n voices crack out knowing that he'll have to hang up soon.
"You better god damn it! I'll be there with you okay!?!..."
The two grow silent once again.
“Don’t go…” Y/n breathes out to the phone clenching onto it tightly.
“I have to.”
“Don’t please…even if I— I survive I won’t be able to live without you Vance! You told me that we were soulmates!” Y/n begins to sob again.
“Goodbye Y/n…”
With those last few words the phone rings silently.
With tears blocking his vision he drops the phone letting it hang. Y/n began to cry and shout screaming and cry out for his boyfriend.
“So you do cry?”
Y/n’s head whips around looking at the man that stood by the door.
“After everything this what makes you break? You miss your pathetic boyfriend? Well your in luck because I feel a bit generous today.” The grabber teases before walking towards Y/n.
Once he was close enough Y/n tries to push him away, but the grabber was fast taking a fistful of Y/n’s hair yanking him to him.
The grabber pulls Y/n to the bathroom area.
“This is we’re he died.” The grabber says yanking Y/n’s head to the wall forcing him to look at the pool of dried blood on the walls.
“I took his head just how I am with yours and banged his head against the wall until he was bloody and limp.” The grabber says whispering into Y/n’s ear.
With the picture painted in his mind Y/n eyes started to water as the grabber went on and on about how he killed him.
Since his last call Y/n and the ghost began to communicate more and more.
Their calls became more helpful and strategic preparing for what’s about to come or really the day he’s supposed to be killed. Y/n had been staring at the door for the longest.
Y/n looked to the side of the room seeing all the ghost standing by the wall. Who really stuck out to Y/n was his boyfriend looking at him with so much guilt and confidence.
Vance’s eyes softened once him and Y/n met eyes. Y/n gave Vance a small smile before turning back around looking at the door again.
With the door slowly opening Y/n stands up from the bed.
Bracing himself Y/n gets ready to fight with everything he got. With the door opening Y/n’s eyes glare.
First a dog steps inside the room with a steel chain wrapped around his neck. The grabber walks inside behind the dog with a smirk.
“You really are just like your boyfriend. Never backing down from a fight.” The grabber taunts as the dog bark and growl.
“Keep his name out of your fucking mouth.” Y/n says with a straight face showing no emotion.
The grabber ties the chain around a pipe as he takes a knife from his back pocket.
“Too much of a little girl to fight me with your fist.” Y/n says as he’s the one who’s taunting now.
Out of nowhere the grabber strikes pouncing in front of Y/n before swaying the knife to Y/n’s arm. Y/n dodges just in time right before the grabber tries to stab him again.
As the grabber misses a swing Y/n winds up his own arm before giving him a quick hook to the cheek.
The grabber reacts fast using the closeness to his advantage giving Y/n a quick slice to the arm.
As the two fought the ghost watch in different parts of the room. Watching intensely.
Soon enough The grabber begins to play dirty by tackling Y/n onto the hard cold dirty floor. Raising the knife above his head The grabber swings his arm down directly at Y/n’s face.
With luck Y/n swiftly moves his head out of the way making the knife dig into the floor. As the Grabber tries to pull it back Y/n punches the man straight in the stomach causing the Grabber to hunch over and gasp.
Y/n pushes the grabber off of him before quickly climbing on top.
Similar to how Vance got arrested Y/n started to punch the living shit out of the grabber. The grabbers face quickly became bloody.
Once the man under the teen became weak Y/n stood up walking to the knife that was stabbed into the floor he pulled it out before walking back to him.
“You killed those innocent boys… More importantly you killed my boyfriend.” Y/n says as he crawled onto him.
Sitting in his stomach Y/n wrapped both hands around the knife handle bringing the knife above his head he angled the knife above his heart.
Without any more words Y/n plunged the knife deep inside the man’s chest. Y/n drive the knife deep before pulling it out and back inside stabbing him repeatedly.
“You killed my boyfriend you fucking asshole!” Y/n shouted as he stabbed him again and again.
Finally calming down Y/n dropped the knife before getting up and looked around.
With all the ghost staring at him Y/n knew what they wanted to do. Y/n ran up the stares leaving the basement before running to the front door that was surprisingly unlocked.
The only thing Y/n could do now was shut and find someone.
Sprinting out of the yard Y/n ran with all his might. What Y/n didn’t notice that his boyfriend was in the middle of the street watching him run away watching Y/n with a proud expression.
“Good job babe…”
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eyesofshinigami · 8 months
Half A Heart (Without You)
Rating: G
CW: None
Tags: Established relationship, light angst, pre-rockstar Eddie, pining
Prompt: From @lihhelsing: "Love is missing each other"
WC: 1208
Written for @steddielovemonth Day 10
It was everything he’d ever wanted, getting to perform. The tour they were on wasn’t huge or anything, opening for another band, but Eddie knew it was something. It felt like the beginning of something big. He loved the way it felt to play on stage, the roar of the crowd and the heavy bass thumping in his chest as they played the songs they’d written, the songs Eddie had written. Hearing people screaming his own lyrics back to him was a high that he couldn’t describe.
It was almost enough to fill the hole in his chest.
Once the crowds had left and the lights were down, it would come rushing back in. The high had faded and Eddie was left feeling a little empty, a little sad.
He missed Steve like a lost limb.
Eddie couldn’t ask for a more supportive partner; Steve had encouraged him to go ahead and take the opportunity, even if it meant six months apart. While Eddie was traveling the south, playing for crowds, Steve was back in Indiana, studying with Robin in Indianapolis and building a life for Eddie to come back to. Even if the music thing took off and Eddie got to be the rock star of his dreams, he knew Steve was making sure he had a safe place to land.
That didn’t change the fact that Eddie missed him, missed him so hard it made him feel like he might collapse in on himself. He’d be devoured by the need to see the man he loved until there was nothing left of him to bring back home.
He waved off the other guys when they got back to the hotel. They teased him a little, but they understood. As much as Eddie had envisioned living his rock and roll dreams as a kid, surrounded by drugs and groupies and getting his fill of the high-life, none of that compared to what he had waiting for him back in Indiana.
So, he waited by the phone. He’d left a message on Steve’s answering machine earlier in the day with the number to his room so he’d have it, and now Eddie would wait. He’d wait all night if he had to.
But he didn’t. Soon, the phone was ringing and Eddie snatched it up and answered, “Steve??”
Steve laughed down the line and the sound made Eddie shiver in the best way. “Hey baby. How was the show?”
Eddie melted into the bed, talking low and telling Steve about the crowd, the response they got. Steve listened and interjected in all the right places, then they moved on to talk about how Steve’s classes were going, about how the kitten he’d found on the street was getting used to the apartment.
“I did have to hide her in the cabinet when the landlord came by. She’s a smart girl, she stayed quiet. It was like she knew!”
Steve laughed again and the sound made Eddie choke up, tears filling his eyes. He missed hearing that laugh in person, being able to see the way Steve’s nose scrunched up and he held his chest when he really got going. It made him ache. “Eds? Did I lose you?”
Eddie sniffled. “No, I’m here. I just… I really fucking miss you.”
“Baby, I miss you too. So much. Bed’s too empty without you to starfish over me and steal the covers.”
Eddie laughed wetly, wiping at his eyes. “Just one more month, and I’ll be home.”
“You’ll be home,” Steve agrees with a low hum.
He turned over and kept the phone pressed to his ear. If Eddie closed his eyes, he could pretend he was laying on Steve’s chest, listening to his voice and feeling Steve’s skin beneath his fingers. “I didn’t realize how hard this was going to be,” Eddie admitted quietly.
Steve sighs. “It’ll be okay, Eds. We’re making it work, right? And just think, if you hit it big, you can afford a fancy plane to fly home whenever you want.” There was a hitch in his voice, just barely there, and it made Eddie’s heart hurt. “You know, if it’s too much-“
“Don’t even suggest that. You’re stuck with me, you know that. I could be the most famous rockstar the world has ever seen but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but where you are,” Eddie said fiercely. The very idea of letting Steve go made him sick to his stomach. Who else would understand where all of Eddie’s nightmares that fuel their songs came from, why he refused to wear anything that shows the scars on his stomach on stage. Who else knew how to love his body even when it felt like a warzone and it hurt and twisted and made him want to scream?
No one, that’s who.
“Eddie, you know I’d be with you the end of the world. I’ve just got one more year, and then I can follow you wherever you go, we can settle wherever we need to. I’m easy, baby, and you’ve got me.”
He knew that. Eddie knew that down to his bones. Maybe that was one of the reasons why he wanted to make it big, so he could take care of Steve and keep him close and Eddie could have everything he ever wanted. It was selfish, he knew, but he couldn’t help it. “Follow me and be my kept man? Let buy you nice things like a trophy husband?”
It was Steve’s turn to laugh, the sound thick. Eddie wasn’t the only one crying. “I’d make an excellent housewife and we both know it.”
“One hundred percent, baby.” Eddie looked at the clock and sighed. The crash from the show was creeping up on him, and he knew that Steve was probably tired from school and work. As much as he hated it, he knew it was about time to cut this off. “I love you so much, Steve. Thank you for waiting for me.”
“And I love you. I’d always wait for you. A love like ours is worth it, don’t you think?”
Fuck if his boyfriend wasn’t the most romantic asshole on the planet. Steve’s words hit him right in the chest and Eddie felt more tears slide down his cheeks. “You know it. They’ll write a billion songs about our love, just you watch.”
“Don’t need theirs. I just need yours,” Steve said, before he lets out a jaw-cracking yawn. “I’m sorry, Eds. Long day. Call tomorrow before you hit the road?”
“Yeah. Get some sleep, sweetheart. You’ll be in my dreams tonight.” Eddie swallowed around the lump in his throat.
Steve mumbled out a goodbye and they hung up, and for a long moment, Eddie just listened to the sound of the dial tone in his ear before he put the phone back in the cradle. He curled up, taking deep breaths to keep from crying. He loved the thrill of performing, but he also could admit in the dark of his hotel room that maybe he loved Steve more, and even though he could have both, it fucking hurt to be without his baby.
One more month. Just one more month. Then he would be home.
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the demon i cling to
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Words: 8.1k
Pairing: Samantha Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: You couldn’t escape madness no matter how hard you try, but maybe there’s a way where you don’t have to lose your mind alone.
Warnings: (18+) violence, murder, blood, gore, mentions of substance abuse, cussing (+ reader is morally grey!! she's complicated and unhinged.) lmk if I missed any.
A/N: I finally wrote something after three months and it's 8k words of word vomit, making this my longest fic ever. Again, it's been three months of not writing, so please be nice.
not my gif. || masterlist || previous work
[September 2005]
There can only be a certain amount of restraint one can have before they snap.
You discovered that at a young age. You can’t put the entirety of the blame on growing up in Woodsboro, but it is most likely one of several reasons. The murders have been looming over the town since you’ve been born. Woodsboro, the city where Billy Loomis and Stu Macher went bonkers (that’s a kinder way to put it). Even though there hasn’t been another set of killings since that year in this town, there’s still a good amount of trepidation whenever it gets brought up.
According to your parents, Billy and Stu were like all the other normal kids.
Until they weren’t.
“It’s not something you should worry about, Y/n.” Your mother told you during the thousandth time you brought it up. When you try to say something in protest, she’d shut you down. You were a weird kid, your teachers say so. Attentive, sure, but maybe a little too much.
It wasn’t until the Jenny Willoughby incident that your parents started to suspect that everyone was right about you.
You were in a playground with the kids from your class as an activity to get to know each other. It was pointless, you thought. Everyone already knew each other from the previous years. There are already friend groups and bestfriends. And why did you have to be outside anyway? The classroom has enough space.
You kicked the rocks in front of you to see how far they can go, quite enjoying yourself before one of the rocks hit Jenny’s scrawny leg.
“Ow! Mrs. Bishop, she hit me! Y/n hit me!” She wailed, clutching her foot. Jenny looked like a kangaroo hopping around with one leg while the other was injured. You found it quite funny and laughed without a care in the world, which your teacher didn’t appreciate.
Mrs. Bishop looked at you through her glasses, “Why did you do that, Y/n?” She asked, frowning.
You liked Mrs. Bishop. She was nice. She always gave you extra time to nap and she was patient with you unlike the other teachers. So, seeing her look disappointed made you feel ashamed of yourself. You had let her down. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Bishop.” You mumbled.
“It’s not me you should be apologizing to.” Mrs. Bishop told you, nodding her head in Jenny’s direction.
“I know.” You pursed your lips, taking the courage to walk up to Jenny and apologize. Bowing your head, you say, “I’m sorry for hurting you, Jenny. I swear I didn’t mean to. I didn’t see you, so I-”
“It’s okay. I forgive you.” Suddenly, she sounded cheerful.
You never understood how people can go from sad to happy in a matter of seconds. Analyzing Jenny’s face, you saw that her smile didn’t reach her ears. She is giving you the same smile she gave Samantha Carpenter when the girl accidentally took her bag that had the same color as hers. That smile sets an unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach. Something is wrong, you know it, but you say nothing else except “Thank you. Again, I’m really sorry.”
And there was that.
You went back to your original position. Instead of kicking the rocks, you opted for counting the flowers in the bushes.
“Children, please behave yourselves! I’m going back inside the school for a few minutes because I need to use the restroom!” Announced Mrs. Bishop.
Too busy admiring the flowers, you failed to comprehend Jenny settling beside you with her group of friends. “Look at her. She’s such a freak. All alone with no friends. No wonder why she hurt me. She just wants something interesting to happen in her life.” Jenny sneered, acting like you weren’t next to her.
Kris, her equally evil twin, chuckled, “It runs in the family. Her parents are freaks too.”
At that, you recoiled. “Leave me alone, Jenny. I already said I’m sorry. Don’t bring my family into this.”
“Or else what? You’re gonna hurt me with a rock again?” Jenny taunted, showing off the gap in her two front teeth. She took a step closer to you while you stayed put. “Oh, I’m real scared of you, alright. Oh, no, she’s gonna murder me! Help!” She mocked, placing the palm of her hand against her forehead as if to show distress.
Shut up.
“Don’t be silly, Jen. She doesn’t have the guts to do it.”
“You’re right. She doesn’t. That doesn’t make her any less of a freak, though.”
Shut up.
“Speak, you freak!” Jenny shoved your shoulder as hard as she could, sending you tumbling backwards. Her figure stood over you, satisfied by the results of her actions. Bullies like Jenny thrive off of fear. They want to make you feel small so that they can feel better about themselves. Be the bigger person, adults say. Don’t give in.
“Go away.” You mutter, clenching your fists tightly as your palms begin to sweat.
“Why should I? Bullies need to be taught a lesson. Isn’t that right, girls?”
Shut up.
Shut up.
You close your eyes.
Shut up.
Shut up.
Shut up.
“Father said her family is full of losers. She’s one of them.”
“He’s right, you know.”
Your sprung to your feet, your fist colliding with Jenny’s face. Her sister and friends let out a scream of terror as you hit her. Over and over and over again. “SHUT UP!” Punch. “SHUT UP!” Punch. “SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” She wouldn’t stop talking (the excuse you would give later on). I just wanted her to be quiet. Your knuckles were starting to turn red, you notice, and your entire fist was coated with blood that wasn’t yours. That’s what urged you on. The satisfying sound as your hand collided with Jenny’s face.
You were about to land another blow when four strong hands pulled you back.
You don’t remember what happens next.
“She’s just a kid! Kids make mistakes!”
Your parents were in the room next to yours, arguing about what happened. Jenny was sent to the hospital. Fortunately, there wasn’t any permanent damage. Jenny’s parents wanted you expelled, but your father made a bargain to the principal. What kind of bargain, you know not. Just that your mother appeared to be bothered by it.
Eventually, the shouting became unbearable. A part of you felt guilty - not for hurting Jenny but for being the reason your parents are fighting in the first place. You twisted the rusty door handle of your room (your parents should really have it replaced), double checking to see if they heard anything. When the yelling didn’t cease, you took it as a sign that you were free to go.
It’s not the first time you snuck out. The first time you discovered that it was possible was when your parents grounded you because your grades were lower than the year before. They instructed you to stay inside the house. As the curious child you were, you made a careful analysis of every room. That’s how you found out that the backdoor had a faulty handle.
Putting one foot in front of the other, you let your feet lead you to the park a few blocks from your home. You weren’t worried about anybody bothering your moment of solitude. Most of the children have been told by their parents to steer clear from children like you - whatever that means.
Being feared has its perks sometimes.
When you finally arrived at your destination, you were baffled to see Samantha Carpenter on the swing alone. Her long dark hair cascaded down her shoulders in waves, paired with her blue jumper and white shirt. She spotted you approaching and waved, a small smile spreading across her face.
You raised an eyebrow, glancing back behind you, searching for someone else she could be directing the wave to. As you realized there was no one, you were disinclined to wave back. But you did so anyways.
Sam, no longer seated on the swing, came up to you, “Hey.”
“Heard you kicked Jenny Willoughby’s butt.”
Your lips pursed into a thin line, “That’s none of your business.”
She raised her hands up in surrender, “Hey, I was going to say that it was pretty cool. It’s about time she learned her lesson.” Sam smiled without a care in the world - like what you did was no big deal.
You nod, your mouth unable to release a response to her statement.
Sam caught how tense your shoulders were and seemed to remember one important detail. “Oh. Sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Sam-”
“Samantha Carpenter. I know.” You shrugged, “You’re pretty hard to ignore.”
“Is that a compliment?”
“It can be.”
“Thanks… Anyway, you can call me Sam for short. All my friends call me Sam. My parents, too. Except when they’re mad at me.” Sam rambled, waving her arms as she spoke each sentence. Then, she took your hand in hers, leading you to the swing that she previously occupied.
You shove your hands into your jean pockets, unsure of what to do.
Sam seems to think two steps ahead based on the way she guided you to sit down. “I’ll push you now. Just lightly. I don’t want to hurt you. Is that okay?”
“I- yeah. Sure.”
True to her word, Sam began to push your body so the swing can move. Each time you go forward and back again, Sam makes sure to place a hand on your back to support you and to literally push you in the right direction. Although you weren’t sure what made Sam Carpenter act like you knew each other your whole life, you felt at ease being the kid that you currently are. Laughing in glee with Sam felt right. When she talks to you, you don’t feel the apprehension that others usually have. You decided right then and there that you were going to be her best friend.
[June 2010]
Sam slumped down beside you, back leaning against the tree you were resting on. Her eyes were red. There were bags under them. It didn’t take you long to realize that she’d been crying.
“Holy shit, what happened to you?! Are you okay?” You hastily take off your headphones, hands planting themselves on Sam’s forearms. Sam hasn’t been seen around town for two weeks. You tried calling. You even went to her house, but got no response except for when Christina told you that they were dealing with family matters and that it isn’t a good time to visit. Now, seeing her like this made you curse yourself for not trying harder to be there for her.
“My dad left.” She said, defeated. “He left because of me. It’s all my fault.” Sam sobbed as you took her in your arms. It was something akin to a chant. Something you knew she made herself believe.
It breaks your heart every time you see her like this. Even if it wasn’t often that the Sam Carpenter broke down in front of you, it doesn’t take away the hurt that it causes you everytime she does. You’re not mad at Sam. You can never be. You’re mad at the world. However, you can’t do anything about it except be there for her when she needs you the most. This is definitely one of those times.
So, you hold her; conveying using your actions that you will always be here for her to lean on when nothing or no one else could. You let her cry in your arms for as long as she needs since that’s what you do for the people you love and because she told you that your arms are the only place she feels safe in. And lastly, you tell her that it’s not her fault. You don’t do it because she wants to hear it. You do it because she needs it. “Sam, it’s not your fault. You hear me? It’s not your fault.”
Sam shakes her head indignantly. “It is. It is m-my fault. Billy Loomis is my father.”
Your blood runs cold at the mention of him. “What?”
“I was looking at my mom’s old diaries to see what kind of cute memories she had with my dad. Then I found out he wasn’t actually my dad at all and that my mom was seeing some other guy, Billy Loomis. He got her pregnant and told dad that it was his . . . When I confronted her about it, screaming, I… didn’t realize that dad was right behind me all along. He didn’t know. That’s why he left. I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. I… Mom is blaming me. So do I.
“There’s more. See, ever since I found out, I’ve been having these visions of Billy, my biological father. He says things and I can’t… I don’t know how to deal with it.” Sam finishes, turning away so as to not meet your eyes, afraid that there might be abhorrence occupying the space in them. The whole world could judge her and she wouldn’t bat an eye. Her only concern is you being a part of that as well. She fears that one day you’ll realize that she’s no longer worth the effort. She can’t lose you too.
The air lingered with words that are yet to be said, but both of you knew that now was not the time nor place.
“What kind of things does he say, Sam?” You ask gently, rubbing circles on her back to soothe her. By now, your white shirt was soaked in Sam’s tears, though you could care less. Sam is more important than a shirt that you could change out of anytime you want.
There’s a long pause before Sam gives a response to your question. “If I tell you, will you run away?”
“Sam, even if you killed someone, I won’t run away. I’ll even help you bury the body. And even then, I’m staying.” You say, instantly regretting your words once Sam visibly flinches. “Shit. Sorry. Bad take. Anyway, my point is, I’ll always be here for you. No matter what. Nothing you say or do will change that.”
Sam looks up at you, then. There’s something that shines in her eyes that you can’t decipher. Trust? Hope, maybe? “He tells me to just go out there and cut some throats.”
“Do you want to?” You ask, not out of judgment, but out of pure curiosity.
“No. God, no.” Sam shakes her head in the negative, face twisting at the thought of herself sending her peers to their graves. “I’m just scared.”
“Of what, exactly?”
“Scared that I’ll end up just like him. I’m scared that one day I’ll snap and I can’t go back.”
You hum, processing the information Sam just gave you.
“Y/n, say something.”
“You want to hear what I think?” You pull Sam away from you gingerly. For a second, fear flashes in her eyes, but it disappears as quickly as it came when you interlock your hand with hers. When you receive the green light from Sam, you look at her and say, “You’re not your father. I know that what you found out scares you, but Sam, I’ve known you for half my life. I know that you don’t want to hurt people unless they hurt the ones you love first. That’s one of the things I- that’s one of the things that makes you different. You have a heart. So, keep it. Fight for yourself and fight as hard as you can so that you don’t become the person you don’t want to be. Also remember that I’ll be here for you every step of the way to support you.”
Sam wipes away the tears from her eyes, chuckling lightheartedly, “You’re amazing, you know that?”
“Oh, I know, alright.” Your mouth opens in mock offense when Sam punches your shoulder. “That hurt!”
“Sorry.” Something in the way she says it tells you she’s not, showing from how her mood switches once more. “What if I can’t fight anymore? What if I go crazy? Will you still be by my side?”
You don’t hesitate to answer. “I always will, Carpenter. You’ll have to literally kill me to pull me away from you. It’s you and me till the end of time. We’ll go crazy together, I promise.”
Sam leans her head on your shoulder, letting out a breath, “Crazy together. Somehow, that’s oddly comforting.”
[October 2014]
The call comes at around 3 am, precisely 10 minutes after you had fallen asleep. You had been up all night studying for an upcoming exam that in all likelihood would determine whether you have a shot at getting out of Woodsboro. Sam would have told you that it was too early, that you at least have one more year to figure things out. That is, if she bothered to be around. The older Carpenter sibling has been pushing you away lately, much to your annoyance. You can’t help someone if they don’t want to be around you. Nevertheless, that doesn’t dissuade you from coming to her rescue every time she gets herself into trouble.
You rub the sleep from your eyes, reaching for your phone from the wooden nightstand. This scene felt rehearsed. That’s understandable, no doubt, if you take in the events like this that took place too many times for you to count. You can recall each time, each cop that called, the reasons for Sam being in jail again without missing a detail. If you try hard enough, you can even name all officers on duty during the ungodly hours of the morning. That’s a clue to how often Sam got sent to the precinct.
You press the green button, accepting the call without looking at the Caller ID. “Hi, Deputy Hicks.” Clearing your throat, you sit up, turning the lamp on.
You hear Judy sigh on the other end of the line.
“Hey, Y/n. It’s about Sam.”
“Always is.” You mumble, already on your way to the front door. Since you fell asleep still wearing your jeans, you only had to put on a sweater before going out. Your parents were still asleep and if they heard you steal the keys to the car and start the engine, they don’t make it known. A part of you had a suspicion that they knew what you do every other night, but they couldn’t be more indifferent. As long as you kept your grades up and maintained your family’s reputation, they will allow you to do whatever you please. It was both a blessing and a curse. “What is she in for this time?”
“She got high and drove while intoxicated, almost running a boy over. Before she could try to escape, the boy’s mother saw her and called the cops.”
You went quiet, having nothing more to say. This was one of the stupidest things that Sam has ever done. You would rather have her defacing school property while under the influence than being so close to putting other’s lives in danger, including her own.
“Does the mother want to press charges?”
“Lucky for Sam, no. They don’t.”
“Okay, thank you, Deputy. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
Arriving at the precinct in record time, you parked your car to the side and turned off the engine. The officer at the desk barely acknowledged your presence, used to your face showing up. One of these days, you may start joking that the police station has become your second home with the way Sam has been acting.
Deputy Hicks looked up from her paperwork when she saw you, “She’s over there.” She tilts her head to the side in lieu of hello.
You ignore the sympathetic glance she gives, “Thank you, Deputy.”
Sam sits in a chair in the corner of the room, looking up at the ceiling, hands folded above her lap. She’s still affected by the drugs. It’s as plain as her mud-covered shirt. She sees you and beams, “Y/n! You came.”
You try to ignore the fluttering feeling in your stomach when she directs her gaze towards you. You’ve had a crush on Sam for a while now, though, you don’t plan on doing anything about it, fearing that it might compromise your friendship. It’s not a right time for feelings either. The two of you will be off to college in less than two years and as your mother put it, it’s best to not be in a relationship when your future is on the line.
Wait, why are you entertaining the idea of possibly being in a relationship with Sam when it’s very clear that she doesn’t like you back?
“Y/n?” Sam waves her hand in front of your face, snapping you out of your thoughts.
Sam’s in the precinct, you remind yourself, you’re mad. This is not healthy anymore.
“Just get up, Samantha.” You say coolly, urging Sam to go ahead of you.
“Jeez, you look pissed.”
“That’s because I am.”
Sam rolls her eyes, “Okay, sorry.”
You’re starting to not believe the words that come out of her mouth. Even if Sam is sorry, she’s not exactly trying to get better.
Deputy Hicks grabs your arm at the same time you were about to head out with Sam. “Y/n, wait, I need to talk to you.” She sees you look towards Sam and adds, “Alone, please.”
“Go wait in the car.” You stare at Sam directly but you don’t look at her. Her breath hitches and you have to ignore how your heart clenches at the sight of her being crestfallen.
Sam holds her hand out. You gave her a questioning look. “Keys?”
You weigh out your options. On one hand, Sam is still experiencing the effects of the drug she took. On the other, you knew she wouldn’t put her life in danger - okay, well, that’s debatable. Sam is… Sam. She’s not completely irresponsible. You trust her. “Don’t do anything stupid.” You toss the keys, watching as she catches them effortlessly.
Sam lets out a sigh of relief upon seeing that your trust isn’t completely lost. “Got it.”
The moment Sam is out of sight, Deputy Hicks releases the grip she had on your arm, eyes softening after taking in your appearance. You don’t squirm under her gaze, having learned from experience that you don’t look so great when you don’t fix your hair before going out. “Look,” She starts, “You’re a good kid. You get good grades, you stay out of trouble, and I know you care about Sam, but-”
“With all due respect, Deputy, I think you should stop before you say what I think you’re thinking.” Your mood shifts, gaze hardening. When other people think of Sam as nothing more than a delinquent, they tend to make judgments based on what they see. They don’t think about what is really going on. They don’t know her. Deputy Hicks doesn’t like Sam. You know that much. But you’re not gonna let her talk shit about your best friend when she isn’t even aware of the full story.
Deputy Hicks doesn’t heed your advice. She goes on. “She’s trouble, that’s what I’m getting at. You have a bright future ahead of you, Y/n. Don’t let her ruin it.”
“She’s not ruining anything.” You argue.
“I know that you missed a test last week because you had to bail her out. It’s why - and I’m only assuming this - you stayed up all night studying for said test because the school gave you a second chance. I know that you will probably spend the rest of your morning taking care of Sam. You’ll go over to her house, take care of her and her sister Tara because their mother is barely around. I get it, trust me. However, I know how this goes. Trust me when I say that you’re better off without her.”
You don’t think too hard about what the deputy just said. “I know myself better than you know me. I’m not going to stay away from her because you said so. You’re not my mother.”
Deputy Hicks runs a hand across her face, knowing that she wasn’t going to get through to you. “Maybe not. But I am a mother. I know I wouldn’t let my kid go around like this.”
“Goodbye, Deputy.” You dismiss, turning to walk out the door with nothing more to say. Deep down, you knew she was right. You didn’t want to acknowledge it, though.
“If you find out who gave her the drugs, will you give us a call?” The deputy asks, changing the subject.
Your body goes stiff when the feeling of rage wakes the part in you that you so carefully hid from the world. It’s here again, stronger than ever. The blood in your body is boiling with anger, that urge to hurt someone in order to make it all quiet. You haven’t felt like this in a while.
“Will do.” You plaster a fake smile. Needing to get out of this place as soon as you can, you sprint towards your car, opening the door, forgetting that Sam is inside. Ragged breaths come out of your body, throat clenching due to the never-ending thoughts swirling in your fucked up brain.
“SHIT!” You get startled by Sam’s voice.
“Hey, it’s okay, I’m okay.” She reassures, right hand resting on your shoulder. “Look at me.” When you don’t do what she says, Sam takes on a firmer tone. “Y/n, look at me. Listen to my voice.”
Her voice is soothing to your ears, driving away that anger; a remedy to whatever is happening inside your head. “Sam,” Your voice breaks when you say her name. “You can’t keep doing this. You have to talk to me instead of getting your hands on every stupid drug that ever existed. If you don’t want to explain it to me, then at least talk to someone. Please, Sam. You have to help yourself. There’s only so much I can manage and… I don’t want to do something I can’t take back.” Murder. The thing that’s left unsaid. You don’t want to have to murder the people causing this, but if it will help Sam, then…
Fuck. No.
You’ve thought about it for sure. You just never got to a point where you are actually considering doing the act.
Sam’s brows furrow, “You’re scared of saying shit to me? Is that what you mean? You don’t have to clean up my messes all the damn time. I’m not making you do this.”
“Sam, that’s not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean?”
“I meant that I don’t want to be the person who tells Tara her sister is gone because she did something she shouldn’t have,” You lie. If you can’t make her understand things in your perspective, maybe bringing up Tara will make a difference. “Tara will be heartbroken, Sam. She doesn’t want to lose you too.”
That part is true. You spoke to Tara a few nights back when you saw her curled up on the living room couch, waiting for Sam to come home. After you guided Sam to her bedroom, you went downstairs to check on Tara, asking her what she was doing up. She told you everything she knew and felt, including how worried she was about Sam. It is not something a ten-year-old should have to feel, but then again, she can’t know why this is happening. She’s too young to understand.
Sam glances down, looking remorseful. What you said made her partially aware of how this was also affecting Tara. “I’m sorry.”
“Do better. That’s all I’m asking you. Promise me you’ll try.”
“I am trying. You have to know. I am doing better.”
“And what happened today was, what, a mistake? You say the same speech whenever you get caught. I’ll believe you when I see that you’ve actually been trying, because this? This is not what trying looks like.” The way you speak sounds harsher than intended. You should really listen to what your guidance councilor says. Bottling up your feelings will only make things worse. Word by word exits your mouth like a flood that you feel powerless against. Tears stream down Sam’s face as soon as her brain echoes what you were saying.
You were never this upset at her. Hearing you like this guided her in realizing how royally she fucked things up.
“I’m sorry.”
You can’t fight your own tears anymore. The two of you cry in front of each other, aware that although you were physically near, you could not be more far apart. You cry until there are no tears left, cry until your throat is aching and your heart feels like it has been sliced a thousand times by tiny daggers, leaving wounds that would take a long time to heal.
But it feels like a step in the right direction. Somehow, you knew you both were going to be okay.
You held that thought until Sam explained what went down last night.
“I swear I was going to get clean. But then, he approached me, said that he needed money. He didn’t look well, so I took the drugs. He said I didn’t have to take them - that I can throw them away and that he’ll pay me back as soon as he can, but I wanted it. The drugs. They were right in front of me. So, I told myself that it was going to be the last time. I was only fooling myself.” Sam said. “That’s not going to happen again. I’ll get help. For real this time. I promise.”
You stare at the roof of the car, closing your eyes in order to think clearly. “Sam,” You say nonchalantly compared to the tone you used earlier. “Give me a name.”
Sam’s eyes widen, “What?”
“Give me the name of the guy who gave you the drugs.”
She chuckles awkwardly, “Why does it matter? What are you going to do to him?”
“Nothing! I don’t kill people. You know that! I just want to turn him in, is all.” You were stunned by how convincing you sounded.
Sam seemed to believe you. Her shoulders relaxed a bit, the tension in them gone, “Jacob Parker.” She pauses, “Don’t let the cops be too harsh on him. He’s only trying to help his family.”
You purse your lips, “You know I can’t promise anything, Sam.” Sam appears despondent but she doesn’t speak another word. “So… Jacob Parker.” You repeat, testing how the name sounded coming from your mouth. “Thank you.”
Your smile is alarming. “You look psychotic.” Sam says plainly, shaking her head. “Stop that. It’s creepy.”
You put your hands up in surrender, “My apologies.”
“Get us home already.”
You don’t make a move to start driving, deciding to talk to Sam longer. “We’re not done with this conversation yet.”
“I know.”
“We still have a lot to work on.”
“I know.”
“But you’re going to be okay.”
“We’re going to be okay.” Sam corrects. “You and me against the world, right?”
“Damn right.”
You let silence go by on the way to the Carpenters’ residence. The air is lighter now, relieved of the tension that was around before your conversation with Sam. You were pleased by the outcome of this day, no matter how early it still is.
You shouldn’t.
You really shouldn’t.
If someone had told you two years ago that you’d be outside Jacob Parker’s house wearing a Ghostface costume, you would have shit your pants while laughing maniacally, but you’re here, doing exactly that.
It’s 4 am, which means that the sun will come up soon, giving you an hour to get the job done or else it will all be fucked and you’d have gone through trouble for nothing.
The house itself was pretty neat. It had a white picket fence and a yard three times bigger than your room. Sam was wrong. Jacob has it good. That motherfucker lied to her. You can’t blame Sam for having a kind heart. She got taken advantage of. That’s not on her. It’s on the guy who saw her vulnerability and turned it into a business opportunity.
Your disdain takes over whatever ounce of hesitation left within you. You have to do this. You have to protect Sam. You’re doing this for her. This is the only way you can protect her.
Plucking out a burner phone from your pocket, you dial Jacob’s number, the one you asked Sam for prior to leaving her house. You turn on your voice changer and press the call button, waiting for Jacob to pick up his phone.
It took three rings, but eventually, the boy answered, a bit disoriented, “Hello?”
“Hello, Jacob.”
You can hear Jacob shuffling around, dazed. “Who is this?”
“Let’s play a game, shall we? I give you ten seconds to hide and if I find you, I’ll gut you like a fish.” You say cheerily, moving towards the house. The back door is the most favorable option, seeing that it wasn’t locked. Idiot, you thought. There’s no car parked in the garage or in front of the house, which implies that his parents aren’t home. Is it this easy?
“Look, I don’t know who you are or why you’re having the Ghostface voice, but that’s not how they usually speak in the movies. They don’t play hide and seek.”
You’re positive he can see you smiling through your words even if you’re not in front of him, “Ah. A fan of slashers, I see . . . What’s your favorite scary movie, Jacob?”
“There. Now you got it.”
His breathing is too relaxed, indicating that he’s not moving, possibly not counting you as a threat. You slide open the door as quietly as you can, ambling through the stairway leading up to the second floor. Jacob’s room is very hard to miss. There’s a big sign on the wooden door that spells out his name in bold, cursive letters. Your eyes scan through details of this place, looking for one you can use to scare him.
A picture frame on the counter with him and a little boy. He has a brother. You remember, overhearing a gossip from school that his brother was sick. There’s a rumor that went around about how that is the reason why he’s selling drugs. His family is loaded, so it can’t be about money. It’s about finding a distraction.
You read the writing on top of the frame.
“Jacob and Barry”
That’s the same moment you notice another door next to Jacob’s room.
You walk over there first, peeking inside the room. On a bed lays Barry, wires hooked into his body, a machine next to him, displaying his heartbeat. You almost feel bad about what you’re going to do.
“Give me an answer or else I’ll cut Barry’s head off! You wouldn’t mind if a few years gets removed from his lifespan, right? After all, he’s already sick. Might as well stop his suffering.”
“NO!” You hear hurried footsteps coming from the other room, no doubt that it’s Jacob on his way to save his little brother from his own end, not knowing that it secured his. “Don’t touch him, I swear to God! You better not! I’ll do anything, please!”
“I’ll ask again. What is your favorite scary movie?”
As soon as he steps out of the room, you shove him against the wall and plunge your knife into his stomach, twisting it until the blood begins to pour out. You use your free hand to cover his mouth, muffling his screams. “Stab 5 was the worst movie of the entire franchise! It’s no one’s favorite!” You pull out your knife for a moment before driving it into his shoulder.
You glance at the blood on your hands in awe. It was a dream come true. You could not apprehend how so much blood can reside in one body, taking your time in watching Jacob bleed out in front of you, the voice in your head quiet at long last. The rapture followed. He can’t hurt Sam anymore. “This is what losers such as yourself get.” You state, withdrawing your hand from his mouth.
Jacob’s eyes are silently pleading. “I don’t know what I did to deserve this, but Barry is innocent. Don’t hurt him. You owe me that. He’s my family.”
“I don’t owe you shit!” You laugh incredulously, “No one owes you anything! I don’t give a shit about your family. You messed with mine first.”
You don’t give him a response, perforating his heart with your blade.
His head lolls to the side, staring at nothing in particular.
That’s one less person who can hurt Sam.
The thrill of the kill sticks with you long after you went home to clean yourself up, ensuring that you left no trace behind. You got rid of the body, of course, so the police doesn’t suspect that another psychopathic Ghostface is on the lose.
You’d do anything to protect Sam.
It’s all for her.
Unbeknownst to you, Sam saw the full extent of what you were capable of doing - adding another name to her list of fucked up connections.
[May 2015]
“It’s not gonna work, Sam.” The ghost or hallucination (depending on who you’re asking) of Billy Loomis states, standing behind Sam, their eyes locking in the bathroom mirror. He has a calm exterior, as if he knows what’s about to happen to Sam before the latter can begin to think. “You can’t avoid her forever. She killed someone. Acknowledge it.”
Sam opens a bottle, taking out an antipsychotic pill, shoving it into her mouth without hesitation. “I have acknowledged it. She killed the guy who gave me drugs.”
Billy shoots her a no-nonsense stare, “That’s not what I’m talking about.”
“Okay, then speak to me since you’re such a know-it-all.” Sam clenches her fists, “You’re not even real.”
“Aren’t I?” Billy challenges. “Wanna hear the truth, Samantha? Here it is: the murder is not what bothers you. What bothers you is the fact that it doesn’t. You would care if it was an innocent person, but Jacob wasn’t an innocent. He manipulated you, knowing damn well you have a problem. You feel relief that he’s dead, but you’re guilty because you think that his blood is on your hands, thinking that you’re the reason Y/n did what she did. You don’t want to destroy her.”
Sam’s throat clenches, knowing Billy was right. However, that doesn’t mean she’s happy about it. “Shut up.”
“You’re the one who wanted the truth. I’m giving it to you.” Just when Sam thinks he’s done talking, he goes on, similar to a man on a rampage (which he has really done before he died). “You did not corrupt her. It is not your fault. That girl you’re in love with - oh, don’t give me that look - has had a darkness inside her that existed before you came into her life. The same darkness that you and I have; the only difference being that she’s not doing it out of revenge like I did. She does it for you, which makes it difficult for you to understand your feelings because you believe that if you accept her for who she is, you will go crazy. That maybe she’ll convince you to kill for her or something. She won’t. You know that. You are just afraid.
“Crazy runs in our blood. One day you are gonna stop fighting and accept who you are. The only choice that is presented to you right now is you either accept her for who she is or push her away.”
“You say that as if murder is something simple.” Sam scoffs.
“You will forever have an argument against the things I say because I’m a murderer. That’s who I am to you. But what do you truly believe, Sam?”
Sam (surprisingly) simply shrugs defeatedly, “I don’t know.”
“Well, figure it out. Must I remind you that she’s leaving. Today.”
At the mention of your departure, Sam shows her father an emotion other than ire. “That’s today?” She blinks and sees that Billy was no longer there. Quickly, she checks her phone and see what the date says. “Fuck.” She grumbles, rushing out the house like lightning.
You look out your window for the umpteenth time, hoping that somehow, she will show up. The last time you spoke was three weeks ago. It’s like she’s purposely pulling away from you and you have no idea why. Though Sam was true to her word and stopped getting herself into trouble, she decided to talk to everyone but you. You gave her space while you thought about what you could have done wrong. When you bumped into her at school (which was unexpected since she has been doing a good job at using alternative routes to her classes just to avoid you), you told her you were leaving.
You got accepted at NYU and were leaving earlier than expected. New York is about as far from Woodsboro as you can get. You can’t wait to leave this place yet there is someone you don’t want to leave behind. You don’t want to leave Sam, but you know that eventually, everyone leaves. You would only be putting off the inevitable.
As for the Jacob situation, the cops never found out who did it. They assumed he ran away (you grabbed a suitcase with you that belonged to him and put clothes and essentials into it). That was all. Cased closed. Simple as that.
You don’t feel an ounce of remorse. Even so, from time to time, you get nightmares. You don’t remember much from them. The only things you know is that you wake up sweating, your heart racing, and tears stream down your face at the same time a name makes its way out your mouth, sounding like a prayer. Sam.
“She’s not coming.” Your mother says sympathetically.
You forgot she was standing near the doorway, watching you pack your things. “She will.” You’re sure. Sam was many things, but time showed that even if she was upset at you, she would still show up for the events that matter. And this, moving to New York, was a big change. She wouldn’t dare miss it. “I know she will.” You say, determined.
“Okay.” Your mother nods. She opens her mouth to speak, but Sam appears by the doorway, sweat dripping from her forehead, both hands on her knees as she caught her breath. “I stand corrected.” M/n grins, “Sam.”
“Good morning, Mrs. L/n.” Sam breathes out, chest rising and falling rapidly.
“I’ll leave you two alone for a moment.” M/n lightly shoves Sam inside the room so that she can close the door.
“Did you run here?” You asked, amused. Walking over to your nightstand, you grabbed an unopened water bottle and handed it to Sam, who downed the drink in one gulp.
“Sure did.” Sam wipes her sweat with the back of her hand. She sits next to you on the bed, shuffling her fingers, something you knew she does whenever she gets anxious. “I’m sorry for avoiding you these last few months…” It’s because I followed you to Jacob’s house without you knowing and I saw you kill him for me.
One look at her and you knew she knew. The one thing you’re good at other than stabbing is reading Samantha Carpenter. You’ve spent so much time memorizing her that you knew immediately. You don’t know what to say except “It’s not your fault, Sam. Please know that. It was my choice. You didn’t force me to do it.”
“Why did you?” Sam asks, unsurprised by how quickly you caught on. She didn’t make a move to step away from you because she wasn’t afraid. She never was. That never changed.
“You probably don’t understand, but there’s this… thing that has always been a part of me. I could control it most times but when I can’t, I hurt people. There’s so much noise going on in my head. The two things that can pull me out of that is by inflicting pain onto others or just being in your presence. I know it’s fucked up. I would much rather choose the latter every time, but I can’t. When Deputy Hicks asked me to give her a call if I found out who sold you the drugs, that anger came back. Maybe it never left. I don’t know. I did what I did because I thought that if he’s not there anymore, nothing can hurt you again. It’s stupid. I know. I’m sorry.”
Sam does the last thing you expected her to do. She kisses you, her hands going to the sides of your face, cupping them gently, afraid that you would break.
You freeze, unable to form a response.
What the fuck?
Sam kissed you.
You grin from ear to ear, surprised by the action, but not deeming it unwelcome.
Sam pulls away, mortified, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I thought you-”
You cut her off, “Shut up and kiss me again.”
She wastes no time in closing the gap, reconnecting your lips once more. Your hands went to her waist, needing her to be as close to you as possible. This time, you kiss her back passionately. You’ve had many roles in your life, but nothing felt as right as being the one to kiss Sam Carpenter. You were made for her.
Sooner than what you wanted, Sam pulled away. You open your mouth to protest but she presses a finger to your lips. “If we don’t stop kissing, we’ll run out of air.”
You scrunch your nose, “I don’t know, Carpenter. Dying in your arms doesn’t sound too bad.”
Sam shakes her head fondly, “God, you’re such a dork.”
“You like me, though, right?” You asked jokingly even though deep down, you were quite unsure.
“Yes, of course I like you.”
“I like you too.” You say immediately, satisfied with the answer.
After a while of kissing and… more kissing, you lay beside each other, doing nothing in particular except staring at the ceiling. You break the silence. “So what now?”
Sam ponders the question, “Now… You go to New York.”
You roll over to the side, propped up on one elbow, using your free hand to brush hair away from her face. “What about us?”
“We’ll see each other again.” She asserts, placing a kiss on top of your head.
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because I do understand. More than anyone.”
She rolls you over on your back in a mission to kiss you for as long as time allows it. Caught up in the moment, you fail to question what her words meant. Your mind fills with thoughts that consist of how perfect this moment feels. There was noise, yes, but they lie in the form of the most beauteous poems. Samantha Carpenter gives you clarity yet she is capable of bringing you down to ruins. The best part is that you’d let her. You would authorize her to bring out a sentence; to amplify the light inside of you or to let the madness consume you both. Regardless of the outcome, you would not mourn the debris that would rain down upon you. For the sweetest poison is in the form of her lips.
[August 2022]
You were scanning mountains of paperwork when your phone buzzes. Although normally, you would let it ring until whoever is calling realizes that you are occupied, the name that flashes on the screen makes you think twice. Pressing the green button to accept the call, you bring the phone to your ear, anticipation bubbling inside your veins.
The voice that comes from the device is not the one you were hoping to hear. It sounds eerie, sending a chill up your spine.
“What’s your favorite scary movie?”
[The End.]
Taglist: @daddy-jareau
622 notes · View notes
imabeautifulbutterfly · 6 months
Ok my friend Imma gonna hit you up for some more 😜 Fic Roulette!!!
1. 6 and 16
2. 10 and 39!
Hehehe, I'm almost afraid to ask but yes, Hunter 😂
You did marvelous on the last ones! Can't wait to see what you'll do with these!!!
Ohhhh sweet @dragonrider9905 You thought you could stump me huh? Well you almost did. LOL. Just kidding.
I hope you enjoy both stories. This is 6 and 16.
Love oo,
Not Your Fault
Warnings: Feelings of guilt, mentions of death, fluff, grief, sadness, I think that's it. If I miss anything please let me know.
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Omega laughed as you tried to do a fishtail braid, “Sorry,  hun, I’m doing my best here, but it’s coming out a little …” you scrunch your face as you look at your handiwork, “Let’s just say if this was a real fish’s tail, this fish would be dead. Do you mind if I start over?”
“No. Go ahead.” She answered with patience and love, just happy to spend time with you.
So you set to remake the fishtail, yet, no matter how hard you tried, the tails didn’t look even or how Omega wanted them, and she couldn’t stop laughing, “Omega,” you laughed unable to hold back, “I’m trying to fix your hair, so hold still.”
It was about another hour when you had finally managed to get the tails to look like tails and to make them even enough they wouldn’t embarrass her, make her look odd or like a crazy person. She ran around telling her brothers about her fishtails and showing them off. 
You chuckled to yourself, slowly following her footsteps. However, you stopped midstep, your eyes focusing on Hunter sitting in his patio chair looking out over the water. There was a near blank expression on his face, yet his eyes held all his emotions. It broke your heart seeing him so … lost? Guilt-ridden? Maybe it was just overwhelming grief.  
After all, it hadn’t been long since Omega and Crosshair came back. Frankly, you were happy to have them back, especially after losing Tech. Everyone on Pabu felt his loss, and getting to know Crosshair had been challenging at first, yet Hunter somehow took on the responsibility of making sure Crosshair got along with everyone.
As each day progressed, the emotions in Hunter’s eyes were slowly becoming more and more overwhelming. It wasn’t hard to see he was still learning how to move on without Tech. How to live his life without his brother. 
You’ve suffered more than your fair share of losses, and you knew how difficult it was to just start living again. To start putting yourself back together without having that support you relied on so heavily. If anything, Hunter needed a friend first and foremost right now. 
Not wanting to disrupt his peace too much, you did what you could as you quietly walked over and sat beside him. 
Hunter didn’t flinch or react as you took your seat, he knew you were there, but he’d rather focus on the horizon, at the moment.
It was almost half an hour later, when you finally spoke up, “You okay? Caught you staring off into space again.”
His face turned to look at you, doing his best to give you a smile, even if it was half hearted. 
“I’m fine.”
It had been his go-to response lately. Everything was either ‘I’m fine,’ ‘I’m okay,’ or ‘I’m just tired.’ Honestly, you had to keep reminding yourself not to get upset with him, he and his family had been through a lot. More than most families and it didn’t help if all you were going to do was nag him. 
So you did what needed to be done. Find a way to get him talking. Whether you two would still remain friends after this conversation, was yet to be seen. But he needed this, whether he admitted it or not. 
“It’s not your fault you know,” you rested your clasped hands on the table as you looked at him.
“What’s not?”
“Losing Tech, Omega getting captured or even Crosshair choosing to stay with Empire for as long as he did before leaving them.”
He let out a vexed noise, “It is.”
“It’s not.” You told him emphatically. 
“You weren’t there.” 
His eyes narrowed as you talked about the unspoken topic that was never to be mentioned between the two of you. He knew you cared, it was evident by how you took care of them. Ever since they moved into the house beside yours, you were quick to offer any assistance. Helping Omega, cooking dinner, even giving a listening ear to whoever needed it and keeping what you had learned to yourself. 
However, he didn’t want you to be tainted with his failures. He wanted you to remain separate. 
“You’re right.” You nodded, as your eyes focused on the sunset, “I wasn’t there, but you know who was?” I turned to look at him and smiled, “Wrecker, Omega, Echo and Tech. I’ve spoken with Wrecker, Omega and Echo, and each one of them said Tech made a choice. It was a difficult situation and it was either he delayed the inevitable and you all got captured or killed, or … he’d make the ultimate sacrifice to ensure his family survived.” 
You reached over and took Hunter’s hand in yours, “Considering who Tech … was, do you think he would’ve been happy knowing you would’ve been captured because of him?”
He shook his head, as he let out a choked laugh, “No. No, he would’ve made us go over the scenario a thousand times to make sure we never let that happen again, and then he would’ve come up with a plan to enforce that.”
“And would he have blamed you for going to the outpost you went just to find information on Crosshair?”
“No. He … he was the first one to suggest it.”
You nodded, tightening your hold on his hand, “Then would it be right to say it was your fault? I mean Tech made the ultimate sacrifice for his family, that’s commendible and honourable. Don’t cheapen his sacrifice with your guilt.”
Hunter let out a long sigh as his free hand ran down his face, “If only it were that easy.”
“I know, it’s easy for someone like me … an outsider … to look in and tell you what you need to do; but as the person who lived it,” you smiled as you looked at him, “… you can just tell me to shut up and just hold your hand.” 
A small smile of understanding appeared on your face as you offered it to Hunter. 
“I’d never tell you to shut up.”
“Maybe I haven’t irritated you enough, yet.” You looked into his eyes letting him know you were there, as you squeezed his hand, “Hunter, nothing that happened was your fault. Omega getting captured was as Echo put it ‘an overwhelming amount of force.’ Crosshair choosing to join the Empire was no more your fault, than him choosing to leave the Empire.” You reached over brushing his hair back and tucking it behind his ear, as you cupped his cheek. “You can’t take on people’s choices or circumstances beyond your control, simply because you’re a Sergeant, or were a Sergeant. Life gives you no karking choice but to play the cards you’re dealt, and I for one, am glad you guys found your way into my life.”
He leaned into your hand holding it against his cheek, “Your friendship means more to me than you know.”
You smiled as you looked into his eyes, “I know. Your friendship means a lot too. Just … promise me, you’ll talk to me when you’re letting your emotions overwhelm you. If not me, at least someone. Please?”
“Alright, mesh’la. I promise.”
Hunter’s smile grew as he kept looking at you, even as you pulled your hand away. He’d been holding off on telling you how he felt for so long. However, he couldn’t hold back anymore, he was going to tell you.
“You know, one of these days, you’re going to have to tell me what mesh-a-la means.”
“I will,” he leaned forward, keeping your hand in his, “I promise.”
Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
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btsficsandsuch · 1 year
Hi ,I love your writing so much . Can I request a ot7 × platonic fem reader where they became friends accidentally and she is also their fan but something happens like a misunderstanding of sorts and she is blamed or something then when the truth comes out they ask for her forgiveness but don't make her forgive them easily also include an accident in between story if you can. Sorry if it's too confusing .have a good day
Hope this is okay! There will be a second part to this one within the next few days.
Leaked- Part 1
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You were struggling trying to get the key into the lock of your apartment door while also balancing the bags of groceries in your hands. Today was already stressful enough and this was the last thing you needed. Before you could react you felt the bag you were balancing on your left hip slip down and when it hit the floor you heard a crack knowing it was the jarred spaghetti sauce that you needed for your dinner tonight. That was the final blow to your already hurt feelings and tears instantly started falling.
You gave up on the lock and slid down on the floor letting out all of the emotions you had been holding in all day. You were so upset that you didn’t notice the footsteps that walked up next to you. You were only made aware of their presence when you heard a deep voice, “Excuse me miss. Are you okay? Do you need any help?” You looked up and saw Jin of BTS standing above you. You peaked around him and saw the other six members all staring down at you with concerned looks. You immediately felt your cheeks heat up from embarrassment. Here you were disheveled and looking like a mess crying on the floor of your apartment building in front of your favorite band. You didn’t think your luck could get any worse.
Quickly you stood up cleaning yourself off and trying to look presentable. “Yeah I’m just having a really bad day and I can’t get my door to open and I dropped my dinner on the floor.”, you said with a chuckle. You watched Yoongi walk over and start pulling on the key. “Man you really have that key jammed in there. You’ll probably have to call maintenance to come out and fix it.” His words hit you like a brick because really you wanted nothing more than to take a shower and get in bed but now you’ll have to wait on the maintenance worker who you know will probably take a few hours to get there. You nodded your head, “Thank you for trying. I’ll give them a call.”
You watched the seven guys all give you a sad smile before entering the apartment next to yours. You called out to the maintenance department and just like you thought they said it would be a few hours to get out there so with nowhere else to go you sat down on the ground in front of your apartment to wait. Now that you finally had a moment to think it hit you. “Wait a minute. Am I neighbors with BTS?”, you said out loud to yourself. Or so you thought.
“Yeah we just moved in a couple days ago.”, Namjoon spoke. You looked up and saw him standing in the door way. You tried your best to hide the embarrassment on your face. “We were wondering if you wanted to come in and eat dinner with us. You mentioned you dropped yours and we have more than enough to share.”, he said. Shaking your head, “Oh no it’s okay. I don’t want to be a burden.” Suddenly Hoseok poked his head out from behind Namjoon, “Nonsense. Come on in.”
Reluctant you got back off of the floor and followed in behind them. “I’m so sorry. We never got your name.”, Hoseok spoke handing you a drink. “Oh that’s right. It’s Y/N.”, you replied before taking a seat next to Jimin who was patting the spot next to him. Jungkook handed you a plate and you started grabbing a few items before settling back into your spot. “I hope this isn’t weird. I mean, us inviting you to dinner. It just looked like you were having a really hard day.”, Jin spoke. “No it’s not weird at all. I’m actually a pretty big fan so this is like a dream come true.” Over dinner you got to know each other. You told them how you just graduated from a university and about your job and they told you how they were having a house built for the seven of them to share but it wasn’t quite finished yet and the lease was up at their old place so they were staying there for the next couple months since that was the only place they could rent on such short notice. The whole experience was surreal. You were kind of sad when the maintenance person got there because it meant it was all over. You half expected to wake up in bed realizing it was all a dream.
What you didn’t expect was for the group to invite you over for dinner or hang out several times over the next few weeks. Overtime you developed a friendly relationship with the group.
It was a Saturday afternoon and you were making your way into the company building. The boys had invited you to come see their new house that was just about finished and to make it easier everyone thought it would be better for you to just meet them there instead of having to drive back to the apartment. Walking through the halls you ran into Namjoon and he greeted you with a smile, “Y/N I’m so glad you’re here. I could actually use your opinion on something.” You happily obliged and followed him into his studio where Yoongi and Jimin were also sitting. You greeted both of them before turning your attention to Namjoon.
He spoke, “As you know Y/N our new album is coming out soon but we’re starting to second guess one of the songs. We just don’t know if it fits and we’re wondering what you think.” You were flabbergasted that they were coming to you for opinions on their music and that they were willing to let you hear some of it before it had even been released. All you could do was nod and wait for Namjoon to hit play on his computer. The melody came through first followed by the lyrics all of which you thought were incredible. Once the song ended they looked to you. “I think it sounds amazing. The lyrics really tell a great story. It’ll definitely be a number one hit.”, you said. “Well if Y/N thinks it’s a good song then we have to keep it on the album.”, Jimin said before standing up making you giggle and blush.
“We’re gonna go get the rest of the guys and then we’ll head out to the new house. You’re welcome to just hang out here. We should only be a few minutes.”, Namjoon advised and you agreed. You sat back down and looked around the room. Still after all these months you couldn’t believe how your luck turned around and you were now sitting in Namjoon’s studio giving your musical opinion to your favorite band. A few minutes later you could hear a ruckus outside the door and you knew that meant the guys were ready to go.
Their new house was incredible. It was huge and had so much space for them to create and have their own hobbies. You were so happy for them to have this much success but you couldn’t help the little bit of sadness you felt. Once they were no longer your neighbors you knew you’d never see them again and everything would go back to the way it was. You must’ve been doing a terrible job at hiding your feelings because Taehyung came over and put his arm around you, “Noona why do you look so sad? Is it the carpeting? I told them that carpeting was a bad idea.” You couldn’t help but chuckle, “No I’m just going to miss you guys when you move in here and I never see you again.” You could hear the scoffs coming from guys who were now all surrounding you after noticing how upset you got. “That won’t happen. We’re still going to be friends and you’re welcome here any time.”, Jungkook said. You smiled causing all seven to pull you in for a group hug.
Over the next few days you were pretty busy and so were the guys so you didn’t talk much. You wanted to do something nice for them before they moved so you pulled out your phone to text them and invite them over for dinner and that’s when you saw all the text messages,
Namjoon: We need to talk immediately. Let me know how quickly you can get here.
Yoongi: How could you? We trusted you. We let you hear these songs before anyone else.
Jimin: I’m really disappointed in you Y/N. I thought you were different.
You were so confused as to what was happening and that’s when you saw the text from Jin. It included a link to a news article. Clicking on the link you almost immediately felt sick as you read the headline
‘Much Anticipated New Album From BTS Leaked Early. Link Provided Below.’
You were devastated. You knew how hard they worked on that album and you felt awful that it was leaked without their consent but you had nothing to do with it. You weren’t very tech savvy and wouldn’t have been able to download the album and release it even if you wanted to especially in just the little bit of time you were alone in Namjoon’s studio. Quickly you got a group chat between yourself and the members set up,
You: I’m so sorry this happened to you guys but I promise I had nothing to do with it. I would never do that to you. I swear on everything. Did you guys see if maybe someone at the company leaked it? You guys did mention that a former employee that was fired kept coming back and threatening to ruin the company for letting him go.
It didn’t take long for the texts to come filtering in,
Yoongi: Save it. We don’t want to hear your fake apology.
Taehyung: Seriously Y/n. You’re going to try and pin this on someone else? I’m just disgusted.
Jin: How could you do this to us? We were so kind to you. We genuinely thought of you as a friend but you’re just another crazy fan who used us.
Namjoon: Y/N our legal team will be reaching out to you. We didn’t want them to take any actions against you that could potentially ruin you but they still want to speak with you. Please don’t contact us further.
Your heart broke with each message that you read. Everything you had that made you so happy over the last few months was gone in the blink of an eye. As much as you wanted to keep apologizing and asking questions you wanted to respect their wishes so you didn’t contact them again.
Just as Namjoon said would happen you got a call the next day from one of the company lawyers and they wanted to meet up. You went to their lawfirm and listened to them speak. They went over how damaging this was for the company and also the group. They told you how they wanted you to pay the potentially lost earnings and to have your name made public but the lawyers let you know that the group was against that and didn’t want you harmed. You did have to sign a NDA that took away your rights to discuss anything that happened between you and the boys or anything that the eight of you had spoken about. You thought it was ridiculous but you didn’t want to cause any more issues so you signed it without saying a word. Before you left the building you also had to pull out your phone and show them that you deleted the boys numbers so that you’d have no way to contact them.
Once you left the building you felt like the life had been drained out of you. In just a couple days you lost everything. When you got back to your apartment there were movers moving everything out of the boys place. Not wanting to be noticed you quickly unlocked your door and ran to your bed falling into it and letting out the sobs you’d been holding in.
It had been a few months since the incident happened. The group released their new album making a few changes so that it wasn’t completely the same as the leaked album. You especially noticed how the song they had you listen to and give your opinion about was no longer on the album. You tried your hardest to go back to your everyday life but it was difficult. You really missed the guys as they had become some of your best friends but you knew things could never be repaired. The more you played the events in your head you actually felt hurt that they didn’t even give you a chance to speak for yourself. They just assumed it was you that released it and then cut ties. You started to wonder if they ever really thought of you as a friend.
You were glad to finally have a few days off from work. It felt so good to sleep in and have the time to make yourself a nice brunch and just relax. Just as you were sitting down to enjoy your freshly made waffles you were interrupted by a knock on your door.
Pulling it open you were greeted with a sight that made your head spin. “Can we come in?”. Speechless you just nodded and stepped aside watching as Yoongi and Namjoon entered your apartment.
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year
what about adam begging hughes!sister to come with him to wherever (hopefully anaheim) but she’s skeptical bc she doesn’t want to be a burden but he assures her that he wants nothing more than for her to be with him:)
You’re gonna go far—
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Au Masterlist!!
Adam and Sunny had tearfully parted ways after the draft, she was heading back to Michigan to resume her summer vacation with her brothers and family friends while he and his father flew out to Columbus for their development camp.
"I'm gonna miss you" she mumbled into his chest, tears staining his cotton shirt as she hugged him tightly, for the last time in a while. He placed a kiss on the crown of her head, "it'll only be for a few weeks and then I’ll be there, with Luca, for the rest of the summer" She shook her head as she stood on her tiptoes to kiss him on the lips, “still too long.”
A smile now worked its way onto her lips as she buried her face in the crook of his neck, “you and Gavo can’t have too much fun without me” “Won't be half the fun without you” he mumbled as he placed a kiss on the side of her head, his eyes looking up to see Ellen and Julia crying as they whispered to each other about the young couple.
Sunny pulled away first, "I'm gonna kiss you one more time then I'm gonna go and check-in, cause if I stay any longer Mom is gonna have to pry me off of you" She smiled, his thumb wiped the remainder of tears from her cheek as she cupped his face in her hands. His forehead bumped into hers, "love you" he whispered as he kissed her gently for the last time in a while. "I love you so much," she whispered as she pulled away from him.
Two days later Sunny was finally back in the warmth of her brother's summer house, feeling slightly down as she returned to her life without Adam. With her nose in a book to pass the time, Quinn walked into the room with a soft smile, sitting down next to her as she marked her page and cuddled into his side.
"I think it's over for us," she whispered as Quinn opened his mouth to ask her what was bothering her, "I think he's gonna do great things in Ohio and I'm gonna be a burden back in Michigan," Quinn closed his mouth and hugged her tightly. "I think that you mean a lot to him, and yeah you two are on different paths now, but I think that in the near future, you two will be exactly right where you were meant to be”
The girl smiled softly as her brother hugged her tightly, “when did you get so insightful?” “It comes with old age” he joked, placing a kiss on the top of her head before stealing the remote from beside her.
Her phone buzzed as a voicemail from Adam popped up on her screen, and her brows furrowed as she realized just how zoned out of reality she was.
“Hey sun, I just wanted to call and tell you that I’ve talked with everyone here and I think I’m gonna start my rookie year in September,” she can hear the excitement mixed with sadness in his voice as he lets out a deep breath, “I know it’s not what I planned, but they really want me here, and I think I’m ready” He paused for a second as he thought of his next words, “Call me back when you get this message, I love you”
Her heart dropped to her stomach as he ended the message, immediately dialling his number to call him. Her emotions were running high as the phone began to ring in her ears, “hello?” stopped her pacing around her room the moment he spoke.
“I'm so proud of you,” she spits out as soon as she hears his voice. “So it’s okay with you?” He asks genuinely as he stops pacing around his room and takes a seat on his hotel bed. “More than okay, you worked so hard for all of it”
A moment of silence hit them both.
“What does this mean for us?” She asked quietly, her eyes beginning to water as she heard nothing but silence on the other end. It was the million-dollar question, they both wanted to know where they now sat. She felt secure enough in her love for Adam that she would do long distance for the next three years, but was Adam on that level?
“I don’t want to hold you back, so if you want to call it quits now I understand, I just want what’s best for you” she whispered, begging for some sort of response. “I don’t want us to end sunny,” his brows furrowed as he laid back on his bed, hands massaging his temples as he fought off the stress headache that he’d been harbouring all day, “I want you, I want this.” Sunny nodded even though he couldn’t see her, “if you’d have me, I’d want you here for all of it.”
“In Columbus?” “In Columbus." he paused to let that sink in for a second, really contemplating if he wanted to add this new pressure onto her shoulders, "I know it’s a lot to ask of you, but maybe after UMich you’d consider moving here with me?” his voice laced with nerves, “you don’t have to say yes now, but just think about it for me.” “Wherever you want me, I’ll be there” she whispered as his face broke out into a grin.
He ran a hand through his hair, “So if I asked you to fly out here to be a witness while I sign my ELC you’ll be here?” Her face warmed as, “in a heartbeat” She bit her lip to hold back her smile as she opened her laptop to find flights for the morning
This took me literally three days to write cause I've been so busy, but here.
This is also slightly fueled by the song "You're Gonna Go Far" by Noah Kahan, cause a friend recently told me that this song reminds them of me and now it's the only song I can listen to :)
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