#I’m so very glad I got to talk about those two… love them both so much...
obbystars · 1 month
Hello! I was amaze by your sabastian x reader fic especially "it's you!" in the flash back part where sebastian where still alive and talking with reader abt going on an aquarium date soooo I want to request the part where they actually having a date at the aquarium they were talking about? That would would be so cute if you ask me!thank u! c:
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(You know what they say. All toasters toast toast!)
(AQUARIUM DATE AQUARIUM DATE AQUARIUM DATE AQUARIUM- sorry. ANYWAY TOTALLYYYY I have been thinking about it lately tbh and I guess this request is kinda a push and my brain is like “OKAY LETS GO IT!” I’m glad you’re liking the fics I’ve been making! I hope you all know I giggle like a maniac whenever you guys say you like them, makes me so happy :)))
Notes: Sebastian Solace x GN!Reader / AQUARIUM DATEEEEE i’ll stop / takes place before the events of Pressure / FLUFFFFFFF / Connected to both It’s You! and Drown in the Deep, can be read as a standalone / Reader and Sebastian are both still in college / Angst because I couldn’t resist / Fairly short, sorry :(
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“You are so lucky my sister let us borrow her car,”
You lightly batted his arm with a laugh, “You say that like it’s a bad thing,”
“Because she’ll kill me if this thing even gets a small scratch!”
“Mmhmm, and who was the one who offered to drive us there?”
Sebastian gives you a quick glance, but you still noticed the look he gave, “She wouldn’t even be mad at you if you were driving. She adores you for some reason,”
Your eyes widened, “…wait, really?”
“Yeah, last time we spoke, she would not stop asking me about you and when you two can meet up to talk more,”
Well, you made one hell of a first impression. You’re glad she does at least like you and is looking forward to meeting with you again. You feel kind of flattered and relieved.
“So,” you turn to him, “Why can’t I drive?”
“Because I don’t trust you behind the wheel,”
You stifled a laugh as you turned your attention towards the window. You decided to change the subject.
“You know, I’d love to meet your family again. Classes are a pain though. Maybe when we head back, I could stay for dinner? I don’t have that much work piled up on me right now,”
Though faint, you can see him smiling, “I know my sister will be overjoyed to see you. I think my mom likes you too, she never gave me a clear answer on it though,”
Your face drops slightly. Now the pressure’s on. You didn’t exactly talk to his mom last time you were there besides the introduction part of it. As for his brother, you didn’t get a chance to talk to him which made you assume he was shy. You do remember spotting him and his sister eavesdropping on you and Sebastian. He also caught them and wasn’t very happy about it.
When you two finally arrived and were allowed to go in, Sebastian practically had to hold you so you wouldn’t run off due to being so excited. Sometimes he’d keep you in place, other times he’d let you drag him. When looking at the brochure, you were especially excited about the fish that often liked the dark. He still doesn’t see why, but you’re having fun and he’s been enjoying the time here.
“Oh! Sebastian, look!” You exclaimed, “A mantis shrimp!”
The mantis shrimp was just hiding in its little cave.
“It’s a freaky looking thing,” he laughed.
“It is. I heard that they’re capable of tuning the sensitivity of their vision to adapt to their environment. Isn’t that so cool?”
“What I would give to have something like that…”
“I know!” You smiled, “I kinda wish they had anglerfish though. I heard they’re just generally hard to manage, so you never see them in aquariums,”
Sebastian stands up straight and looks at you, “Aren’t those the fish with the light on their head?”
“Yeah. Only the females have it, and it’s used to attract both prey and a mate. They’ve got a freaky way to reproduce, if you want to hear,”
You see him think about it for a minute.
“I’ll bite. How do they reproduce?”
It’s safe to say Sebastian will never ask a question like that again if the sentence prior was “They’ve got a freaky way to reproduce.” What he heard was not what he expected at all. It was parasitic and the image in his head definitely wasn’t pretty.
You continued to tell him fun little facts of a few of the fish you saw. He mostly only responded with a hum or an “oh yeah” but you still continued. He never stopped you as it looked like you were having a lot of fun.
When you got to the long tunnel with the fish swimming around, you both decided to rest there for a bit. It’s been a few hours anyway, plus it’ll be nice to just watch the fish swim by. There were turtles, stingrays, and many others some you could name while others were unfamiliar. There was even a few sea urchin sitting in one of the corners.
You were about to say something until you turned to Sebastian and took a good look at his expression. You smiled and said nothing as you leaned your back against the glass, following where his gaze was. You wonder if this is what he saw in his dream on the night you two discussed on coming here. Drifting in the water as the fish swam around you, you wonder if he felt cold. He said he didn’t feel like he was drowning, so maybe he actually felt warm.
But when you asked if it was a nightmare, he alluded to it. You wonder what he saw… Or maybe he didn’t see anything. Maybe that’s why it was a nightmare, or at least close to it. The dark abyss is a terrifying place as not a lot is known due to the water pressure and the lack of light. Fear of the unknown, so to say.
Your smile faded slightly. You turn to him and lightly give him a shoulder bump.
“Hey, you having fun?”
He continued to stare up at the fish for a moment before turning to you, “If I wasn’t, you’d know. Why? Are you not having fun?” He teased.
“No, I was just making sure,” you laughed.
“To be honest, it gets a bit interesting when you start to nerd out about some of the fish here,” he then smiles, “But I didn’t think you were THAT much of a nerd,”
“Aha-! Yeah, I may or may have not been watching a lot of videos about fish…”
“You were that excited about this, huh? Were you also trying to impress me?”
“No! Not at all!” You paused, “M-Maybe a little..”
Sebastian laughed when you admitted it, then stands up, “We should keep moving. Aren’t the sharks just up ahead?”
“Oh yeah,” you take out the brochure, “It looks like we’re almost done too. We haven’t had lunch yet either. You hungry?”
“A little. Didn’t we pass the food court already?”
“We did… How about we go back and grab something then?”
“As long as you’re paying,”
“Ugh! Fine,”
Sebastian grabbed your hand and pulled you up to your feet. He didn’t let go as you two walked down the hall. You perked up and decided to throw another factoid at him.
“Hey, did you know you can really just redirect a shark by just setting your hand on their nose and gently pushing them the other way?”
He looks at you, not exactly believing you, “It can’t be THAT easy,”
“I’m serious! It is that easy! Maybe it’ll be harder when it’s a great white shark though,”
“Obviously, those things are massive,”
You continued to talk about sharks with him until you two made it back to the food court. Sebastian ended up paying for your food as long as you paid for his.
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Sebastian stares out into the dark abyss beyond the glass. It was usually empty, but sometimes the many-eyed shark was there. And sometimes she’d notice him. He wondered if she recognized him as the one who freed her. He wondered why she stayed when freedom was right there for her. Revenge, perhaps? That he can understand. What he was doing was for the same reason.
Just then, he sees a familiar green glow of the shark passing by. She was close enough to notice him, and for a second, she did look at him. She never really stayed around, nor has he ever heard her speak in his head. He remembers how you spoke of sharks all those years ago. He wondered if you’d think she was a beautiful shark despite what they’ve done to her.
Unexpectedly, she lingers around for a while. He doesn’t pay her any mind as she swims back and forth, occasionally looking at him. He continues to just stare out the window, looking at nothing in particular.
How would you react to him? Would you even recognize him? Remember his voice? Ten years is a long time, after all. Though, he doubts there is even the smallest chance you two could meet, let alone in this facility. He hoped not.
It’s quiet.
He never thought he’d hate silence. It was almost never quiet when you were with him. You always had something to tell him, no matter how small it may have been, and he’d always listen. Even when you don’t think he’s listening, he was. No matter how long you went on and on about something, he was always listening.
Even if he were to be freed from this place, what then? What home does he have to return to?
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alphajocklover · 3 months
This is me currently and I’d absolutely love to be turned into the straightest, douchiest, big and beefiest jock you got! Thank you for the stories 🙏🏻.
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So you want to be a straight, beefy, douchebag jock, right? Actually, scratch that, if I remember correctly you want to be the straightest, beefiest, douchiest jock possible? You aren’t content to be just a jock. You want to be the biggest, best jock around. A real alpha male. That's a good start. All jocks need to be ambitious, especially alpha bro douchebags. I can definitely help you. Well, more accurately, the Douchebag Revolution can help you. I checked a couple of things and I’m absolutely certain that you’re a victim of SAD, a douchebag jock that was turned into a gay nerd using time travel. I’ve talked about both SAD, the Society Against Douchebags, and the Douchebag Revolution before. The revolution are the people who gave me my time machine after all. So this is going to be less about turning you into a douchebag jock, and more about turning you back into the douchebag jock you were always meant to be. Now, there are a few different methods that the Douchebag Revolution uses to help those changed by SAD. One I showed in an earlier post is a serum that combats the effects of the nanobot SAD injected you with. It also includes a pretty strong dose of testosterone and some steroids from the future, so even if you weren’t already supposed to be a douchebag before this will definitely make you into one. Not that someone who doesn’t have those nanobots inside then should use the serum though, that could mess you up. Another is, of course, the time machine. This one is very complicated, because while using the time machine would mean they’d get the chance to stop SAD from changing you at all, if SAD noticed them your entire life would be transformed into a battle between the two groups, and trust me when I say that that can get messy. Time travel is already complicated enough without starting a time war, so usually they avoid that method. The final method would probably be best for you. It’s called Douchebag Rehabilitation. It’s not an instant fix like the others. It’s sort of a… program.  How it works is that the Revolution takes you to a secret facility somewhere in the far future. They use a mix of drugs, specialized training, and seminars that could turn the nerdiest gay guy into a raging douchebag. It usually takes about a week or two, a month at most, and with time travel it’ll appear instant to anyone watching from the outside. They’ll take you away, and five minutes later, the new you will be back and ready to have some fucking fun. This method does take longer, but from what I’ve heard it's actually really fun. You get to spend a whole month working out, meeting fellow douchebags, and banging hot bimbo volunteers. So, let's get you on your way! If this is what you want there isn’t any point in putting it off. I hope you have fun at Douche Rehab!
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Ok. Yeah you… definitely had fun, didn’t you. I can tell from the cocky smirk on your face, and your now massive muscles, that the program definitely did its job. How long did you stay there, a month? You’re big even compared to most douchebags! I wonder how many girls you fucked. I hear most fuck at least 20 girls during their stay but I bet a stud like you got up to 40 or something. I’m glad I was able to help you become your true self. I kind of wish you and the other douchebags would stop referring to me as ‘that fag reporter’ though.
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lucy90712 · 1 month
Hiii, I was wondering if you could write some Marc guiu, him at his family party and always telling the reader he loves her and giving her kisses making her shy and hide under his hoodie. x
I’m not sure if that makes sense 😂 but .. yeh
A/n: this is awful I’m sorry 
I have spent countless hours with Marc's family, after he introduced me to them for the first time and we got on well he has taken me to his house when they are around all the time. My family don't live in Barcelona and I don't get on very well with them as I had a tough childhood so being around Marc's family is really nice. Every time I see them they are always so sweet and make me feel so welcome which makes me feel like I belong in Barcelona a bit more. 
Recently Marc has been really busy with lots of matches and training so we haven't got to spend as much time together as we would like. We weren't supposed to see each other until the middle of next week as Marc had a match yesterday and then his family were holding a get together for some extended family which he was going to. I wasn't supposed to go to this reunion of sorts as it's supposed to be for family only but after his match last night Marc texted me asking me if I was able to go as his parents wanted to invite me. I made sure that I was actually invited as I don't want to intrude on a family gathering but he assured me that his parents wanted me there as I'm family to them. I could've cried hearing that they think of me as family but those emotions were overtaken by nerves at the thought of meeting Marc's extended family for the first time. 
Marc told me to dress up a little bit and I took that seriously so I sent him about a million pictures of different options for him to pick between and he picked a blue dress which matched what he was going to wear. He loves for us to be matching so we can take cute pictures and so that it makes it more obvious we are together when we are out. Being the gentleman that he is he offered to pick me up even though this party is being held at his parents home where he lives and of course I wasn't going to say no as I'm desperate to see him as I missed him. 
He came and picked me up from my apartment about an hour before the party was supposed to start as he needed to be there before everyone else arrived but he wasn't going to miss the chance to pick me up. He arrived at my door with flowers for no reason just because he wanted to get me flowers which he does quite a lot because he's just the sweetest boyfriend. We spent a few minutes just stood in my apartment catching up on things that have happened since we last saw each other even though we've texted every single day we still love to talk about things again in person. The time came that we had to leave so Marc grabbed my hand and we walked down to his car where he opened the door for me like he always does before getting in the drivers side and settling his hand on my thigh which has become a habit of his when driving. 
Once we arrived Marc's sister quickly stole me from Marc so I could help her with her hair which is something I often do for her when I'm around. The two of us get along really well she often asks for advice from me as I've been through school and know what it's like to deal with all the drama and sometimes we gossip about Marc especially when he's around as we both know he hates it. Today she was telling me how glad she was that I was able to come as Marc hasn't shut up about how much he's missed me and how much he's been sulking about the fact that we haven't seen each other all week which I thought was cute but naturally his sister thought was cringe. 
After a while there was a knock on the door and Marc came in and wrapped his arms around my waist and shoved his face into the crook of my neck. There are times that he can be very clingy but that's usually only when we are alone as when his friends around he's busy laughing with them and when his family are there we always refrain from too much pda. I'm not a huge fan of pda in general but especially around Marc's family as I don't want them to feel uncomfortable plus I hate people knowing the way we interact in the privacy of our own places. As much as I hate it on a normal day it felt nice to have Marc close to me tonight as I've really missed him this week. 
"Can I have my girlfriend back?" Marc asked 
"If it means you stop holding onto her like she'll disappear if you let go then go ahead" his sister laughed 
That was all Marc needed to pick me up over his shoulder and carry me back downstairs while I protested. I was so worried that my dress was too short and that I'd flash his family despite me having shorts on underneath but luckily none of them were in the living room when he reached the bottom of the stairs and put me down. Just as we got downstairs the doorbell rang and people started to arrive Marc's parents welcomed people in and then Marc introduced me to everyone as they came to greet him. Meeting this many new people makes me nervous usually but after meeting the first few people I relaxed quite a lot as they were all so nice. 
Everyone sat outside talking and eating the food that had been ordered I sat on my own out the way watching as Marc talked to some of his aunts and cousins. I assumed he was talking about football and his recent matches as that seems to be what everyone knows about. He smiled at me mid conversation and then he beckoned me over so I got up and joined him. Within seconds he had his arms around my waist as he got me to stand in front of him so I could join the conversation. As I talked with his aunts about my plans for the future and university Marc pressed the odd kiss to the top of my head or my temple which made me blush every time but I tried to keep the conversation going. 
Over time more people joined the conversation and somehow I ended up sat talking with all of Marc's female relatives. Marc stayed by my side the entire time he didn't really say anything but he kept and arm around me and pressed kisses to any part of my face he could reach whenever I wasn't talking. He also whispered lots of compliments in my ear and told me how much he loved me over and over again. I know he was doing it because he's missed me and he's feeling clingy but it feels like he's just trying to make me blush in front of his family. 
"You two are such a sweet couple" one of Marc's aunts said 
"You remind me of when I first met your grandfather although he stopped once we were together it's nice to see young love" his grandma said 
"You better not let her go Marc girls like this don't come around often" his cousin said 
"I don't think we have to worry about that he always wants to see her and he's always talking about her" his sister complained 
"They are very sweet together I'm glad Marc found someone like y/n she's such a lovely girl and they make such a lovely couple" his mum said 
All of these compliments made me feel really shy. Compliments in general make me feel shy but hearing so many people say nice things about me and my relationship made me want to crawl in a hole and never come back out. I could feel that my face was on fire so I know I looked like a tomato. I hid my face a little in Marc's chest as I didn't want his family to see how much just a simple compliment makes me blush. Marc just smiled at me as he always says he thinks it's cute how shy I get but right now I wanted to wipe the smile right off his face but I can't. 
The rest of the night was a lot more chill as I spent most of it just with Marc until everyone left and he gathered some things so he could stay at mine. I was exhausted after spending all evening talking to people so we both got changed and got straight into bed. Marc got in bed after me but as soon as he was under the covers he was already pulling me close to him so I was resting on his chest as that's his he likes us to sleep. 
"Thank you for coming today I think it's pretty obvious but my whole family loves you so you are more than welcome at family events from now on" he said 
"I'm glad they all like me I always worry about what people will think of our relationship" I said 
"Well you don't need to worry about it everyone important in our lives thinks we make a good couple so if anyone else thinks any different they don't matter" Marc said 
"You need to stop saying things that you know will make me blush" I laughed 
"But you look so cute when you blush I love when you get all shy because then you hide your face in my chest and that might just be my favourite thing that you do" he said 
I didn't know what to say to that so I just kissed him and settled down to go to sleep while thinking about how nice it is to have a second family who love me more than my own family and a boyfriend who treats me so well.
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merbear25 · 1 month
You write VERY well, and I would like you to make a request to Mihok, Kid, Zoro and Buggy with their child, who has been part of the Gothic subculture since childhood. Unless you certainly mind👉👈
That’s such a lovely thing to say!🥺 I’m so glad you enjoy my writing. I do not mind in the slightest, but since you chose more than three characters, I gave Zoro the chopping block (I’m sorry). I hope you enjoy what I’ve written for you.💜💜
CW: SFW, gn!reader, fluff, headcanons/scenarios, good family dynamic, some humor
Raising a child who's goth (Mihawk, Kid, Buggy)
There was a nurturing side to him without a doubt. Given the fact that you were his child, he would give you boundless support.
Even if those ways weren’t what you might have wanted, they were what you needed, some of which being lessons that you couldn’t appreciate until you were much older.
Like any other child and teenager, you had your moments of insecurities, especially once you began going through puberty. You began worrying about what the other kids may think of you more often than you used to, which led to long conversations about the value of individuality.
In the end, you stuck with your alternative style and did so with confidence. He couldn’t have been more proud of you.
He wasn’t a stranger to the fashion you preferred. In saying that, you were still so young and were still experimenting with what spoke to you specifically.
There were some comments he made, albeit well intentioned, that got an undeserved snarky response, which you would regret and later apologize for.
Although he didn’t take those kinds of things to heart, he was still your father and gave you a firm talking to when you crossed the line.
There were a lot of bands you found out about through him. Music became a bonding experience for the both of you—not just enjoying the music itself but also what it meant to you.
He couldn’t help but smirk once you started developing your own style.
There was a sense of pride he had that you were going against the grain, even if the other kids gave you the stink eye. This man trained you on snappy comebacks and death glares.
He beamed with pride when you put those wannabe bullies in their place. “That’s my kid!” He grinned to himself.
As proud of you as he was for being your own person, he was still him, meaning you were not immune to his teasing comments on your bad hair days.
“It’s a style!” You’d shout.
“Rats’ nests aren’t in fashion!” His laugh boomed over any retort you had.
Makeup was something you had to figure out on your own. Sure, he wore some but he was far from skilled in the way you would’ve needed him to be. He steals some of your stuff and tricks, by the way.
During the holidays and birthdays, you could always expect some new piece of jewelry or accessory that was handmade by your father. 
Regrettably, you went through phases of adoring them, feeling embarrassed by them, until you were finally able to appreciate them for what they were—a thoughtful gift.
When it came to the music you listened to, he could kind of get on board with it. He offered to take you to a concert one year, which was an offer you couldn’t refuse. Needless to say, you both had a blast.
Would love how much you stand out and never hesitated to point out what he liked about your accessories and what not. 
That was all very sweet of him, but he was still your dad, which meant you countered his compliments with eyerolls and groans.
Buying clothes would be a whole ordeal; you dragged your feet doing it with him because he was so adamant about having you try this and that on, as well as putting in his two cents about what you should or shouldn’t pair with them.
“Dad, I know what I’m doing!” You complained, even though you had no clue, and he was giving good advice.
As much of an eyesore you were at times, he bit his tongue as best he could.
However, when it came to makeup, you knew deep down that he was the perfect person to get tips from.
At first, you were riddled with embarrassment, but you managed to push down your pride after reflecting on how patchy your foundation had been.
He teased you a little bit, but it was all coming from a good place. He taught you everything you needed and wanted to know, including all the tricks and hacks he picked up over the years.
When it came to the subculture’s music, he just wanted you to be happy. In all honesty, he enjoyed all of it but thought it best not to bring it up. He didn’t want you to stop enjoying it just because your old man did.
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salty-croissants · 10 months
what do Bullfrog and Rayman/Ramon like to do when they're cuddling with the reader? 😊
Thank you for the request ! 
It’s like , very late for me right now … but I got a burst of inspiration as soon as I read what the request was about : this is something that I’m always happy to write … just wholesome affection between the reader and the boys , love this prompt very much :,) ❤️
I hope this turned out okay ! 
I’m probably gonna pass out after this lmao , it was worth it tho :,)👍
Details : use of gender neutral reader ; 
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed 
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Bullfrog 💚
The number one rule this frog has when cuddling with you ? He wants you to be as comfy as possible , and if you want Bullfrog is going to bring something to drink for the both of you : a nice cup of tea , some juice … anything goes , as long as you like it .
< Here’s your tea , mon amour … be careful , it’s still hot . > 
< Thanks love , you’re the best ~ > 
If you’re someone who happens to get very flustered when he speaks French , Bullfrog will have the time of his life whispering sweet nothings in your ear while holding you in his arms … 
The way you blush is just so cute for him ^//^ 
< y/n , ma bien-aimée, tu es merveilleuse à tous points de vue … ~ > 
< B-Bullfrog pleasee ! ~ > 
One silly personal headcanon that I have is that Bullfrog gets especially relaxed by sounds of streams of water streams , waterfalls and other similar things , so I imagine that he would be very happy to have them as a bit of a background ambience while snuggling close with his beloved … 
He probably saves all of those “10 hours of waterfall sounds to sleep and relax to” compilations , he just likes them a lot :) 
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Rayman 🧡
Now this man … 
This man doesn’t get as many chances to cuddle you as he’d like , given that he has to deal with so much while working on his show , so you can be sure that Rayman will make the times he can be with you truly special … 
< Aw … did you light up all these candles for me ? > 
< Mhm , I sure did . Cuddles with my lovely y/n need a bit of atmosphere after all ~ > 
< Hehe , you’re always so sweet Ray , thank you ~ > 
Rayman loves to just lay his head on your lap while staring up at you … it’s such a nice moment of intimacy , especially since it’s a position that makes it easy to snatch a kiss or two … or maybe three ;//) 
< Here , come a little closer y/n … god , I’ve missed this so much … ~ > 
While he likes to be able to talk to you while you cuddle ( especially since you’re possibly the only person who he can be fully sincere with ) , Rayman adores to just listen to anything you may want to say while snuggling close to you and let the sound of your voice relieve him from all his troubles …
He is just so glad to have you , he can’t stress about it enough ! 
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Ramon 🖤
I think it’s safe to say that after everything that’s happened , Ramon has become even more physically affectionate than before : he just really needs all the reassurance he can get , so one thing he’ll do when you cuddle is wrap his hands around your waist to prevent you from even thinking about getting up …
< Ah geez , is that my phone … ? Can I just check real quick who it is ? > 
< No . Might be another one of Eden’s tricks to try and locate us . > 
< Heh … are you sure it’s not also an excuse to keep me from getting up ? > 
< Hmm … I dunno what you mean ~ > 
He really loves to bury his face in your chest : the sound of your heartbeat and your warmth are like a shelter from the outside world , and Ramon longs for nothing more than having you as close to him as possible . 
It’s also so very relaxing for him to be able to be vulnerable at least for a moment … he just can’t begin to express how important you are to him , but he’ll do his best .
< y/n … I love you so much , you know that … ? 
You’re … heh , literally everything I could ever ask for . > 
If you end up falling asleep while you cuddle together , Ramon is going to be watching over you for quite some time , looking at you while occasionally leaving little kisses on your face …
He won’t rest until he’s sure that you’re safe , he won’t allow anything bad to happen to you … not now nor ever . 
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Interviews for New Beginnings: Part 2
Alfie Solomons x Fem!Reader; Word Count 3.4k
Warnings: Swearing, Sexism
A/N; Hi everyone! I am so glad you guys liked the first part! It was so much fun to write, and when someone asked for this to be multi-chapter, I just couldn't get it out of my mind. So here's another part! I have no clue how long this will be yet, but I do have a plot in mind. Please enjoy, have fun, much love , <3. - Mo
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Eli and you made a pact to not tell the family that you now BOTH were working for one of the most feared men in the city. Eli would’ve been berated for an hour or two at best, thrown out at worst. You? One could only imagine how many years you would be locked in your room. When your mother and father asked about your interview and your new boss, you gave the prettiest pieces.
He is quite successful papa. The bakery is very large, easily 100 men employed!
Yes mama, I get my own desk, and I get Rosh Hashanah off.
Yes papa he is Jewish. Yes very respectable. No I don’t know what Temple he attends.
Yes mama Eli never left my side. And I suppose he is handsome. No mama I don’t know if he is married.
Your mother bustled about, checked all of your dresses and stockings, making sure they were all in perfect condition for your new job. She checked your bag of supplies possibly 30 times by the end of the night, just to ensure that you had everything you could possibly need, even things you may not have needed. A mother could never be too careful.
The next morning as you began to walk out of the door, your mother and father kept fussing over you, straightening your hat and sweater.
“Now dear since Eli’s shift does not start till later you will have to walk yourself ok? Be careful, don’t talk to anyone, you go right to the office yes?” Your mother reminded you for the umpteenth time.
“Yes mama of course. Straight to work.”
“And be on the look out for those awful gangsters poppet. The Peaky Blinders have been seen milling about town, and you know that God forsaken Solomons has his disgusting paws on every corner of the city.” Your father grunted out still drinking his morning tea.
You felt the tips of your ears warming. You hated to lie. You were so bad at it. “Of course papa. I’ll be careful, I love you! I might be home late, I’ll send Eli to alert you.”
You kissed them both and made your way down the street. Excited for a new start, and for what the day may hold.
It’s interesting how Alfie insisted on being at the office at 8, yet still had not shown up by 8:20. Thankfully Ollie had given you a tour of the distillery, shown you your desk (situated right in front of Alfie’s door) and given you the times of the meetings today. You had taken the liberty of starting up some tea on the small stove by your desk, and clearing out some of the crumpled paper strewn out across the floor. ‘Honestly for such a tyrant he really keeps this office unruly.’
You hear your name bellowed from outside the office, and you run out quickly. There you see Alfie, smiling at you. “Shalom my little viper! So you weren’t bluffing were you? Glad to see you aren’t as cowardly as Eli.”
You crossed your arms and you felt your mouth firm, “Shalom Alfie. You are late this morning and I have to talk to you about todays schedule. Ollie had to show me around the distillery and he informed me that you have 5 meetings today, FIVE! One of them is set to start in 20 minutes, and -.”
“Now now treacle hold your tongue, be sweet to me yeah? My back. Let get to work yeah?”
It was only then that you noticed the cane he was clutching. You immediately felt your chest become heavy, and guilt override. “Oh..Alfie I’m so sorry I didn’t know I-“
“Hush now pet don’t even begin to fuss. It’s just my back yeah?”
“What are you taking for it?”
Alfred just scoffed and rolled his eyes walking away from you and into his office.
“Mr. Solomons what are you doing to help your back!?”
“Be quiet woman! You want the whole town to know that Solomons’ got a bad back? Hush damnit! Now what is on the calendar? Who am I meeting with?”
“Well you have a Mr. Abrams coming in at 8:40. A Mr. Clochester at 10. Rabbi Rubin at 12. And a Mr. Shelby at 4. But you’re not seeing anyone until you-“
“Till I what huh? Till I what? Are you my mother? No! Now hush! Ollie! Get this woman a notepad now! Treacle sit there on that coach and be quiet!”
You just stared at Alfie, and you couldn’t help but feel shame and embarrassment. And Alfie was faring no better. He could see hints of tears threatening to spill, but your chin set firm, fists clenched. Alfie wanted grab you in his arms and… tell you he was sorry, but…
“Aw fuck… treacle… no you’re right. Treacle come please. What do you think?”
“Think about what Mr. Solomons?”
“Nah fuck that I told you Alfie. Tell me what you think I should do about these meetings and my damn back.”
"No not at all Alfie. If you don't need anything for the pain in your back then you don't. I'm just a woman right?
"Well now you're acting like a fucking child."
"Of course Alfie. Whatever you say Alfie."
You closed your ears off to what he was barking at you. Fine. If he wanted to suffer, he could suffer. It was far too early to fight with such a stubborn...beast of a man. And besides, you had things to attend to.
Despite the tiff this morning, the day went by smoothly. As smoothly as it can be in the distillery you supposed. Mr. Abrams left the room with a black eye and tears, promising he would never lie to Alfie again. Mr Colchester left more bloody than he came in. Rabbi Rubin was a delight, complimenting the tea you made, and scolded Alfie for not coming to temple recently.
Throughout the day, you could slowly but steadily see the stiffness working it's way up Alfie's spine. Though it didn't quite deter him from inflicting pain and vengeance on those who came in, you kept your eye in careful study. The small twitches of his eye. The rougher grunts when he got up from his seat, and the heavier footsteps as he walked around. You also noticed that he hadn't eaten all day, and when you asked about it he merely mumbled, "mmnot hungry''. But based on the way he quickly avoided your gaze when you caught him staring and the loud grumbling you heard at 3, you figured his resolve would have to melt soon.
At 3:45 you were at your desk, drafting out some letters Alfie had requested. It was while you were in deep focus, chewing on the tip of your thumb when you heard a soft cough.
Your head snapped up, and you were met with the iciest eyes you had ever set your eyes on.
That's the only thing you could think as you looked at the man in front of your desk. Clean shaven. Well dressed. The smell of tobacco and soap and...something secretive radiating off of him. You internally shook yourself out of you consideration of the man to finally say, "Good Afternoon sir, how can I help you?"
He smiled, in a soft way though you felt a rush in your chest, "My name is Thomas Shelby, I have a meeting with Mr. Solomons."
Oh. This is Thomas Shelby. Leader of THE Shelbys. "Oh yes Mr. Shelby I've been expecting you. You are a bit early, so if you could please sit. Can I offer some tea?"
He nodded, turning to the soft couch across from your desk, "Tea would be lovely, thank you love."
After serving him tea, you went back to work at your desk till the clock struck 4. At least you tried to. You felt those eyes all over you. You felt as though every muscle movement was being scrutinized. "Since when did Alfie get a secretary?"
"Today is my first day, he hired me yesterday."
Thomas hummed in understanding, looking out the window to your left, admiring the soft rain. "If I may be so bold, could I ask your name? I don't like not knowing who gave me tea."
You gave your name, looking directly into his eyes. He repeated it back, as if he was feeling out every consonant on his lips. Even though it was an innocent enough question, you couldn't shake the feeling that you needed to be on the offensive. As if he wanted something. "Where did he find you? You're far too pretty to be working for someone like Alfie."
"I found him. And I can assure you Mr. Shelby that my face had nothing to do with my hiring."
"As you wish darling."
As soon as he said it, you heard your name being called from inside Alfie's office. You quickly got up to meet him, and felt those eyes all over you.
Alfie looked horrible. His hair was sticking up in all directions, his vest and shirt were both half done, and he was scribbling away on some paper, "Oi, is that bastard here yet?"
"Mr. Shelby? Yes, he is sitting down waiting for you. I've just given him tea."
His head rose from his hands, and his thick brows were furrowed together, "The fuck did you give him tea for? He doesn't need tea, no he doesn't deserve tea!"
"Alfie you can have tea too if you ask me."
"No no no already told you I don't want tea. I don't want lunch. I don't want your help beyond taking the notes. I am a grown man damnit! Now for fucks sake, bring that damn bastard in here, sit on the couch, take the notes, and hush your mouth!"
He was teetering. This wasn't just being a gangster. This was a child who was fighting to take a nap. He was going to snap soon. So you just smiled cheekily, "Of course Alfie. I'll be right back."
You nearly skipped to the door. Alfie was growing increasingly frustrated, "AND TAKE AWAY THAT FUCKING CUP. NO ONE GETS TEA."
You did take the tea cup away from Mr. Shelby , and ushered him in, settling yourself down on your seat with your pad and pencil.
As Mr. Shelby settled in, he smiled and looked at Alfie, who was looking more and more disgruntled, "Good Afternoon Alfie. You look well."
"Fuck off Tommy. What do you want?"
"Yes the weather is quite dreary, but I am doing well thank you. But yes let's get down to it. Alfie...are you familiar with gaming clubs?"
In your opinion, this meeting should have taken 30 minutes at most. But you were going on hour 3 at this point. 7 o'clock and you were growing tired. You know Eli had already gone home to tell your parents you were held up. This was becoming ridiculous.
The idea was interesting enough. Gaming clubs have been an up and coming social house for the high society. Men (and their women) would gather in clandestine areas, playing cards, placing bets, drinking, doing snow, all types of things. But the real trade was information. Yes their main products would be successful in such places, but the information that would be dripping from loose lips would bring more power than they could get now. More than they could get in decades.
The only thing they disagreed on was the split ownership. Alfie offered a 90/10 split. And when Tommy refused Alfie was quick to pull his gun. And maybe you should have been afraid, but frankly you were too irritated with Alfie to care, or to believe this petulant act he was putting up. Your pad was almost filled with doodles, crossed out numbers and terms when they finally shook on it, you would write up the agreement in the morning.
As Tommy stood to leave so did you, and when he took your hand to shake it, he raised your knuckles to his lips, pressing a kiss and giving a wink. Your eyes widened at his boldness. He smirked at your response, turning to Alfie again, "Love the new secretary Alfie. Definitely brightens up the place."
He turned back to you and tipped his hat to you, "See you soon darling."
Tommy sauntered out of the door, and Alfie stayed standing until the door closed and he heard his steps fade. It was then that Alfie nearly collapsed into his chair, hands rubbing his face, "Treacle come here."
You came and sat right back in the chair Tommy Shelby just occupied, "You want me to reread the agreement to you?"
"Nah I trust you got it. Just write it up tomorrow. But listen to me yeah? You do not go near Thomas Shelby. I know the young girls tend to fancy him but listen to me... that man is evil. He is not safe. And I don't want you caught up in his nonsense."
"He's evil yet you're doing business with him."
"I'm a bad man darling, but that doesn't mean you need to get wrapped up in it. Just say that you won't fratrenize with him alright? Or do you need to fight with me about this as well?"
You nodded, "I understand."
You just stared at him, waiting for him to dismiss you when you heard his stomach growl again, and his face twitch in pain, hand rushing to his back. "Are you ready to admit defeat Alfie?"
He scowled at you, "I don't know what you're talking about. Go home it's late, you don't need to stay."
You smiled, "If it's already late no difference is made at this point. But I'm not about to let my boss go home hungry and in pain... or go home without saying I was right."
He puffed out his lip, "There's nothing to eat here anyway."
"I brought you lunch. Beef, roasted veg, and bread."
He looked at you quizzicaly before you said, "Eli told me that Ollie told him that you haven't been eating recently. I just took upon myself to bring you something. There's also a muffin, but you will have to share."
You heard him say something about mutiny, but then told you to go fetch the lunch you brought him. You only brought enough for one lunch for him, but he ended up insisting you share with him, since, "You haven't eaten supper. It's not right."
Eventually, once his stomach was warm with a good meal, you got him to let you tend to his back. "What are you going to do hmm? Give me a strange draught your grandmother taught you that will make me vomit for three days?"
You laughed brightly, and he couldn't help but smile and stare at the way you threw your head back and laughed loudly. Deep in his chest he hoped that you would let him make you laugh like that forever.
"No you ridiculous man. My father was in the war, and he got shot in the shoulder. He lived thankfully, but he feels a deep pain like you do. The muscle tightens and he can't move. We get a hot rag, place it on his shoulder, and my mother needs to work out the pain."
Alfie felt a flush on his neck, "Well that would require me to take my shirt off darling."
You rolled your eyes, "For a gangster you act like a child. I won't tell if you won't Alfie. Now will you cooperate?"
In truth you hadn't thought that far into it. But it was pitiful to see him like this, and you can definitely be professional about this. Alfie shrugged and pulled off his vest and shirt, and you couldn't help but feel the heat rise, and not just from the hot rag in your hand.
You knew he was imposing, it was hard not to see him and hear him. But seeing the breadth of his shoulders, the width of his body and the hair on his chest made your cheeks heat up and your face freeze. Alfie caught your stare, smirking, "Now who's acting like a child?"
You rolled your eyes, and placed the rag on his lower back, hearing him hiss and try to relax into the heat. You began to work the knots out of his back when he asked, "Do your roommates know where you are?"
"My roommates are my parents, Eli, his parents, my little sister, my younger brother, and our grandparents. And they know that I am at work, helping my boss finish a business meeting. Eli told them."
Alfie nodded, "Do they... know where you work?"
You smiled, "They know that my boss is a respectable jewish man, who owns a large bakery that employs many many men, and that I get my own desk."
He snorted, "So you lied to them?"
"Not lie. Just...reframed it for them. Shall I tell my mother that I am the secretary of the fearsome Alfred Solomons? Or should I tell my father that I directly disobeyed his orders to stay away from Solomons boys, and went directly to the top?"
He laughed, "Alright now alright... so why this office? Educated girl like you can't work anywhere else? Unlikely, seems like you like being rebellious to me."
"Well... if you can believe it Mr. Solomons... my back talk does not do me many favors. Truthfully... Eli brought me here because you were my last chance at independence. It was either your office, or I would have to visit the matchmaker."
A silence washed over you, and you began to worry that you shared too much. "Well... I like that you speak your mind. Even if it drives me fucking nuts. Never give it up darling. You stay just the way you are alright?"
You smiled softly to yourself, "Yes Alfie."
A comfortable silence took its' place, and you eventually were able to work out all the knots from his back. You began to pack up your bag, and as Alfie redressed himself he asked, "Is Eli coming to pick you up?"
"No I don't think so. He is probably having to help with the tailoring, and he won't be able to step away. I'll be ok."
"Fuck no. You're a woman, you don't walk alone at this time at night, especially not here. I'm taking you home."
"You don't think women are capable of taking care of themselves?"
"No I know you could hold your own darling, but it is cold and I am not about to let you get hurt on my watch. Come we'll take the car."
The drive to your house was comfortable. You couldn't understand it. You had only met Alfie yesterday. And yet you felt as though you had known him for years. As if you never knew life without him. The whole ride you talked. From business for tomorrow, his childhood, his dog, your interests and what your opinions were on the business. You laughed and spoke the entire time, and it felt like no time passed. The car pulled up right to your door, and Alfie walked to your door to open it for you and help you out, "Alright watch your step treacle, still wet from the rain yeah? There you go darling."
You took his hand, and your breath hitched at the contact, his warm and rough hand covering yours. You looked up into his eyes, face partially obscured by his hat, "Thank you Alfie. You didn't have to."
"Of course I did. And it was no trouble. If you are kept in the office till dark, I drive you home yeah?"
You nodded with a smile, and he shook his head in affirmation, "It's a deal then. Now get inside you little viper, you'll catch a cold."
You began to walk to the door, turning around to say, "Goodnight Alfie."
He smiled, "Goodnight darling."
As you walked up the stairs to the home of your family, you couldn't help but run through the day in your head. Especially the end of it, smiling to yourself and feeling the rush in your stomach. You opened the door as quietly as you could, but heard you mother say, "Who was that in the car dear?"
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
There is just something about Sanji begging to taste you 😩 you write him so well, I’m so glad I found your account. On top of that you draw???????? You’re the entire package 😂
Haaaaaaaa thank u kindlyyyyyyyyyyyyy bUT FFFFF Can we talk about that though? Just real quick before I Head to bed??????
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“Just One More Taste” Sanji x Black Fem Reader (NSFW)
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“Sanji…” You tossed in your warm bed feeling the same familiar fingers grope and tug at your nipples from your shirt that has suddenly appeared to be unbuttoned..”what are you doing, baby?”
“I’m …I…want it.”
He always does this. Whether it’s break of dawn or the middle of the night Sanji couldn’t stop being so damn needy and touchy wanting to taste you.
You both aren’t even a couple, but one party filled night you let him eat you out once since you and him were alone in the kitchen and you were being a horny little mess and ever since he’d been glued to you.
He was like a damn parasite.
That was 2 weeks ago and for two weeks he’s been sneaking into your bedroom to cuddle you and ask for just another moment of pleasure for you. He doesn’t even want you to suck him off after he just LOVES your flavor.
“No, Sanji.” You slapped his hand away, you felt your scarf falling off your head and Sanji notices it before you and grabs it to tie it back on but you sit up and snatch it back. “You can sleep in here again, but you—-Sanji.”
His eyes were glued to your body, he was chewing on his lower lip while sitting up on his knees, eyes dark and filled with lust looking at your nipples just barely showing from the shirt and those very lacy and incredibly thin panties. So thin he could see your cl—
“Hey!” You snapped your fingers in his face getting out of his perverted trance. “Stop looking at me like I’m a piece of meat, LUFFY!”
“Wha! I would never!” Sanji dramatically gasped at you for calling him that, “I am just appreciating your beautiful…soft…sweet—“
“Just one lick.”
“I’m not a popsicle either, buddy.”
“You’re Sweet Like One.”
You groaned back into your pillow, your thighs, breast, and tummy all jiggle in sync and Sanji’s eyes Just once again couldn’t tear away. You peaked over at his heart eyes holding his nose and you huffed,
“If you bleed on my bed again I’ll never let you taste me.”
Sanji immediately sat up straight, bare chest puffed up and held his breath. HE DID NOT want to ruin another opportunity.
“Oh my gosh…” you whined into a laugh at his antics. You’re charmed though. He has been super sweet to you and didn’t disclose your night with him to anybody he kept his cool (sort of).
You were contemplating, his tongue did feel nice for his first time. He even overstimulated you which has never happened and you have been a little str—-
You break thought feeling his lips kiss your legs, you didn’t even feel him move between them and spread them apart. He was laid on his stomach moving higher up kissing your pretty brown inner thigh very lightly giving you eye contact the entire time.
You’d be lying to say his gaze didn’t make you clench just a little.
“Please..” He pushed himself up further now applying more pressure in his kisses onto your hot inner thighs sucking each section a little before pulling away. “Just one more time…one more….”
Your breaths got shakier feeling him move to your left thigh giving that more attention, he had his eyes closed suckling on the inner fat of it so very close to your heat his cheek grazes against it. You jumped a little feeling his tongue give you small kitten licks.
“Can I…?” He was asking, but his motions were demanding. He placed your thighs carefully over his shoulders now giving your labia peppered kisses through the fabric.
“San….” You moaned turning your head away from the lustful sight. You hated how turned on you were feeling and knew he was able to see the small damp spot you left on your panties. “Sanji…”
He pulled said panties to the side with two fingers groaning at the sight and his eyes glowed, finally he was able to see it again. It was as pretty as last time he saw it and just aching to be licked by him and only him.
“Please…” His hot breath fanned over your heat, “Let me eat this pretty little pussy…”
You threw your arm over your face and nodded your head quickly in defeat making Sanji smile widely and his eyes sparkle with glee before his small soft lips attached itself to your clit.
Just for one night he needed another taste.
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joeshiestyslover · 2 years
save a horse (ride a quarterback)
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pairing: joe burrow x southern!reader
summary: joe goes back to texas to meet your family and ends up learning about a very important rule
warnings: language, suggestive content, joe smoking a cigar because yes, it deserves a warning
a/n: y/n’s backstory is pretty much based off my life bc i’m from texas and i have an uncle james that smokes cigars 💀
when you first met joe, you were very weary of him. you grew up in texas and the football players there, especially the quarterbacks, all thought they were hot shit. but joe was the total opposite, so you immediately took a liking to him.
in high school, you were a trainer for your football team, so in college at lsu, you decided to do the same thing. that’s how you met joe. one day after practice, joe came to see you about an ice pack for his wrist. while you were grabbing one from the freezer he asked you on a date. you were skeptical, why would the star of the football team be talking to me of all people? you think.
joe somehow noticed your skepticism, and said, “don’t worry y/n, i’m not one of those dumbasses on the team. i don’t sleep around and that’s certainly not my intention.” you ended up agreeing to the date, and you’re glad you did.
you two have been together for about five months now, and you’re ready for him to meet your family. your entire family lives in texas, and they all know about joe and are dying to meet him.
after considering it for a few days, you finally decide to bring up meeting your family to joe. you’re both sitting on your couch when you decide it’s time to talk to him about it. “hey joe?” you ask him. “yeah babe?” “how would you feel about meeting my family this weekend? my uncle james is having a barbecue and they really want to meet you. so what do you say?” you ask, a little scared for his answer. “are you kidding? i would love to meet your family! i thought you would never ask.” he tells you excitedly. you were a little shocked with how happy he was.
“okay so i was thinking catching a flight on friday because the barbecue is saturday. is that cool with you?” you ask him. “yeah totally. i’ll book tickets right now.” he says whipping out his phone. “make sure you put down dfw airport because that’s the closest one to my uncle’s house.” you remind him. joe looks up at you and nods before going back to his phone.
on friday, ja’marr offered to give you both a ride to the airport, so you and joe loaded your luggage into his car and got in. as ja’marr and joe were singing along to whatever song was playing, you were texting your mom, who was overly enthusiastic about joe’s arrival. her constantly making sure that he’s coming and will be on time. you reassure your mother that everything will go according to plan.
ja’marr pulls up to the airport and you all get out of the car to get your bags out. you and joe thank ja’marr as he gives joe “good luck” before getting back into his car and driving off.
you and joe walk into the airport and check your bags then go through security. while sitting at your boarding gate, you notice joe’s leg shaking up and down. you put your hand on his thigh to stop it and you ask him “is everything okay honey?” “yeah.” he tells you. “i’m just a little nervous. i mean, what if they don’t like me or don’t think i’m good enough for you because i’m just a football player and you’re so fucking smart and guaranteed a good job and-” “joe” you cut him off. “everyone is going to love you okay? trust me, it’s all they’ve been talking to me about since i first told them about you. and even if they don’t like you that doesn’t matter to me because i like you. and my feelings towards you are much more important than theirs right?” you reassure joe. “yeah i guess. it’s just that i’ve never really met a girlfriend’s family before, so i don’t know what to do or what to say. and doesn’t your uncle own a gun?” he asks you still a little bit worried. “he does, but he’s not going to use it on you joe. he might whip it out to scare you-” “WHAT” he all but yells in the airport. “BUT i promise he won’t use it okay?” “okay yeah.” he says much more relaxed than he was earlier.
soon after, you and joe board the plane and the flight ends up being very smooth with very little turbulence. one of the things you loved about your home state, there was never much turbulence when landing. you and joe order an uber to take you to the hotel you’re staying at after you both grab your bags from baggage claim.
once you both check in you immediately go up to your room and lie down on the bed, exhausted from the plane ride. you and joe end up taking a nap for a few hours until it was time for dinner. you ordered takeout from a five guys, which joe has never had before, much to your surprise. “you’ve never had five guys?” you ask him shocked. “nope.” “we are getting five guys right now.” you grab your phone and click on the uber eats app to place your order.
once the food got to your room, you and joe immediately sat down at the little dinner table in your room. while you’re eating your fries, you hear “oh my god this is so fucking good.” “i told you joe. nobody makes better burgers or fries.” you tell him. “you’re so right babe. i’m never doubting you again.” you laugh at him. “just eat your food so we can go to bed.”
the day of the barbecue, you start to understand joe’s nervousness. your family’s opinion of him means everything to you. what if they don’t like him? what if they think you should break up with him? you try to convince yourself that that’s ridiculous. of course they’ll love him. everyone does.
once it’s time to go, you and joe head downstairs to meet your cousin, savannah, so she could take you to your uncle’s house. once you see her, you greet her with a hug. “i missed you so much.” she tells you. “i missed you too. let me introduce you to joe.” you say to her. “joe this is my cousin, savannah. savannah, this is my boyfriend, joe.” “it’s really nice to meet you, i’ve heard a lot about you.” joe tells your cousin. “likewise, joe.” she responds. “you ready to go?” she turns to you. “yeah let’s go.” you say to her.
once you pull up to your uncle’s house, you’re holding joe’s hand tightly in yours. you turn to him, “you ready joe?” “as ready as i’ll ever be baby.” he tells you with a newfound confidence.
you both get out of the car and walk into the house. there’s nobody inside, so everyone’s probably outside by the pool and grill. you open the back door and walk out. the first person to notice you is your other cousin, jamison. “hey y/n/n!” he walks over to you and gives you a bear hug. everyone else walks over to you and they also give you a bear hug.
“everyone” you get their attention. “this is joe, joe this is my family.” everyone turns to joe and they look at him for a second. you start to become worried, and you can tell joe is too. then all of a sudden, they walk over to him and greet him. the men in your family including all your uncles and your father give him a firm handshake while introducing themselves, while your aunts and your mom give him a huge hug.
you suddenly don’t know why you were worried. of course they would all love joe, i mean who the hell wouldn’t?
“oh joe!” your uncle james exclaims. “i almost forgot, i have a little gift for you to welcome you to the family!” “welcome me to the family sir?” joe asks confused. “well you’re family now joe. you’re the first boyfriend of y/n/n’s we’ve had the pleasure of meeting.” your uncle james tells your boyfriend and you feel yourself start to turn red. your uncle walks back inside to grab whatever it is he has for joe as he turns to you. “so, i’m the first boyfriend they’ve met huh?” he asks with a smirk. “yes but don’t let it go to your head joseph lee. i just never had many boyfriends in high school.” you tell him as you walk over to the mini fridge outside to grab a beer. you offer joe one and he accepts. you grab a bottle opener and just as you got joe’s bottle open, your uncle walks back outside… holding a cowboy hat?
“everyone in the family owns their own cowboy hat, even y/n, so i thought it’s only fair that you get one too.” your uncle says as he hands joe the hat. “go ahead try it on.” your aunt says to him. joe puts it on and you swear you could combust right then and there. you never imagined joe wearing a cowboy hat before, but now you couldn’t get it out of your head.
“i’m about to fire up the grill to make some wings, but i heard that you smoke cigars, so you wanna sit down with me and have one later?” your uncle james asks. “yeah sure that sounds great sir.” joe tells him. “don’t call me sir, just james. i don’t need to feel older than i already am.” joe laughs a bit and nods at your uncle.
“well i think this is going very well.” you tell your boyfriend happily. “yeah me too.” he smiles at you. “so… the hat?” you ask. “i actually really like it. think i might wear more often.” “yes please.” you tell him. “oh? so i take it you like the hat then?” he asks you cockily. “you could say that.” you smirk back at him. you walk away to go chat with your aunts as joe goes to talk to your uncle by the grill.
after everyone eats james’ delicious wings, your uncle walks inside to grab his cigar box and a lighter. he sits down on the couch by the pool and gives joe a cigar. james lights joe’s cigar first, then his own. you suddenly smell that familiar smell and look over to your uncle and your boyfriend. you see joe with a cigar hanging out of his mouth while he listens to your uncle talk about something you can’t quite make out. you can’t take it anymore. you can handle the cowboy hat, but the cowboy hat and cigar combo? you’re done for.
you walk over to the both of them. “what are you guys talking about?” you ask. “oh nothing” your uncle says. “just guy stuff.” joe adds. “oh well, joe and i are actually gonna head out, i’m exhausted and we have an early flight to catch tomorrow.” you say with false regret. “oh well, i’ll see you during summer, hopefully you too joe.” james says as he stands up. you give him a hug as joe gives him a handshake. you and joe wish everyone goodbye and walk out of your house to wait for your uber.
suddenly, you gave into your temptation and kissed joe in the sidewalk. he pulls away, “what was that for? not that i’m complaining of anything.” “oh nothing.” you tell him as you pluck the hat off his head and put it on yours. “why’d you do that honey?” he asks cluelessly. “oh i forgot you’re from ohio.” you tell him through your laughing. “well there’s this rule around here called ‘save a horse, ride a cowboy’ you ever heard that before?” joe shakes his head. “well the rule says you take the hat, then you ride the cowboy.” you tell him with a smirk.
it suddenly clicks in joe’s head and you see his eyes turn dark. “oh really?” he asks. “then we can’t break the rules can we baby?” “no we can’t joey.” you tell him while slowly creeping your hand to cup the back of his neck so you can pull his lips to meet yours. it only lasts a couple seconds because you notice that your uber has pulled up beside the two of you. joe grabs your hand and swiftly pulls you into the car with him.
you were in for quite a night.
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raayllum · 1 year
some of the questions & answers i was most interested / validated by from this interview between The Reel James and Aaron Ehasz
INTERVIEWER: He used dark magic again, there’s no ifs, ands, or buts about it?
AARON: Yeah he did. He did what he had to do, and he saved her. Like I don’t know what would’ve happened if he hadn’t made that decision when he did. 
INTERVIEWER: Another wonderful moment in S5, well actually several moments, something that I and so many of the fans are asking for, which was just having more Rayllum this season. And Aaron, you delivered, sir, because I can tell you - I was putting together a compilation video and they are like five, six, seven genuine Rayllum moments. Was that something intentional? Did you always kinda knew you were gonna do that in S5?
AARON: I thought people were gonna hate us. I-I’m glad people feel that way, cause we - we were very distinctly decided let’s focus on rebuilding their actual relationship as friends and as trusting people who care about each other and not build the romantic part. So I thought people were gonna be like “No kiss, what?!” and it turns out people actually respond to the genuine connection and reconnection that happened between Callum and Rayla this season, and that makes me really happy. 
INTERVIEWER: Yeah, I think we all got a little bit of closure too, with that scene with Amaya and Rayla in the Great Bookery. They’re having that conversation and it sounded like Amaya was gonna tear her head off, and then she ends up saying she sees “a lot of me in you” and I think that’s such a mature moment. I was wondering if you could kinda talk through that cause that ended up being one of my favourite scenes of the entire series, because it was just so much more mature than I ever expected it to be.
AARON: Yeah, I mean, it’s something we knew we were gonna have to grapple with from more than one side [...] Amaya’s also this super protective aunt who saw what happened and saw how hurt her nephew was, so it’s just great material and also they’re both such strong characters, so seeing them kind of go at it a little bit, but also each show some vulnerability was just really delightful, and it was a great opportunity. Sometimes you find those scenes that are almost [...] but yes the time between Rayla and Amaya, it was just a joy finding the drama and the humour in their conversation.
INTERVIEWER: [Rayla and Callum] have their Han Solo - Princess Leia moment where Callum looks over to Rayla and says, “Rayla, I just want to tell you--” she says “I know.” And I’m like whoa! Hold on. So I’m guessing he wanted to tell Rayla that he loves her, or he forgives her?
AARON: Some combination, but I think he’s seeing in that moment - you know, you have those moments where you’re hurt by someone and they come back, and they wanna be welcomed back or treated warmly or something, and we all understand this, and instead of... Part of you wants to be warm and normal again, but you’re a little cold, cause you’re waiting for them to do whatever they need to do to process the wrongs that you perceive that they did to you. Like we have those moments in our relationships all the time and they’re hard not to do. Part of it is you’re standing up for yourself and all this stuff it gets complicated. And I think to some degree in that moment, Callum recognizes, like, he’s kept these walls up and maybe he’s hoping she’d do the work to get through them, and in this moment he’s regretting that the walls were up, maybe. And trying to tell her, you know, that - cause he, he thinks that’s it. Like they won’t have time to process, and maybe he... So, I dunno, I agree it’s a sad, beautiful, lovely moment. 
INTERVIEWER: Do you see a world where they actually have that ‘sit down and have a conversation’ about “here’s how I felt, Rayla, when you left for two years” and “here’s how I felt when you came back” and “you gave me the cold shoulder” or do you think that was enough closure? They can move forward from now?  
AARON: Um, what do you think, do they have more to talk about? 
INTERVIEWER: Yeah, I think they do.
AARON: Yeah, I agree. They have a lot more.
AARON: [About the “I hope you know--” “I know”.] He’s regretting that he’s held the walls up to protect himself and not given her a chance to make things up to him more easily, and not express to her that he missed her, that he still... 
INTERVIEWER: Was Callum using dark magic in a way to darken and make it easy to be controlled by Aaravos next time? Or was it just a convenient way for Callum to get free and safe his friends on Finnegrin’s boat?
AARON: Yeah I don’t think so. I think, Callum recognizes correctly that using dark magic somehow is creating some vulnerability in him that allows Aaravos kinda more access in a way to controlling him or be inside him in some horrible way. The fact he recognized the risk and vulnerability of using it- that it poses to himself but he took that on anyway because he felt like he had to to save Rayla.
AARON: The wait for S6 will be similar to the last gap [between S4 and S5], slightly less or slightly more. We’re concurrently working on S6 and S7 right now. 
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freyyzu · 2 years
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In which there are a thousand ways to tell you “I love you,” but saying it is still my favorite.
a/n; thanks for requesting, anon! i'm glad the first one made your day better! this is the 2nd part including the dateables + Luke (platonic). i've only just finished season 2 so no Thirteen and the others i hope that's alright! also not proof read or edited lol. tumblr keeps being finnicky with my posts so if you see me repost this a couple times sorry about that
part 1. HERE
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The future demon king shows you how he feels with gestures grand and small.
Whether that be inviting you over to the castle for a magnificent feast prepared by Barbatos or bringing you back your favorite desserts from his trips to the human world - he'll do it all.
Diavolo dances around the words 'I love you' opting to let gestures and compliments tell you instead.
Those words are special, reserved for the moments when it's just you two, alone, in that perfect setting where even fairytales can't match.
Diavolo had just returned from his trip from the human world, and of course the first thing he had to do was message you. During his time there, he had made sure to stop buy one of the bakeries he recalled you missing and nearly bought out the entire store if not for Barbatos stopping him.
“How were they?” Diavolo finally asks after your tea time is over and Barbatos has finally excused himself.
The both of you had decided the best way to spend the rest of the night would be to walk around the area near the gazebo, enjoying the view as your food digests and talk about all the things the demon butler would no doubt chide you for. It was rare for Diavolo to get much time off, and even though he got to see you during RAD often it just wasn’t the same as spending time together alone - especially when you always had at least one demon brother lathed onto you at all times.
“Just as I remember them.” You pat your belly, “delicious! And the tea Barbatos brewed went so well with it, too! Thank you again for buying them for me.”
He chuckles, “of course.” It always pleased him to see you so happy over something so little. You’ve always been like that, since the moment he met you — confused, yet still so energetic and ready to make the best of every situation good or bad, big or small.
With practiced grace he slips his hand with yours, intertwining your fingers together, and giving them a light squeeze. You give him a squeeze of your own, followed by that smile he never gets tired of seeing.
“Something on your mind?” You question with a tilt.
“Just how much I love you,” he responds without a moment’s hesitation.
“Oh.” You flush red, the comment catching you off guard. Diavolo can’t help but think with the blue reflection of the water that you look prettier than usual in that moment, and after a brief second of silence where you try to put yourself back together, there’s a response. “I love you too. Where did that come from all of a sudden?”
He brings your intertwined hands up to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back of your palm. “It was just the only thing on my mind, is all.”
It’s not very often that Barbatos gets to have free time for himself, serving under the heir to the next demon king and all, but on his moments of free time he likes to spend them with you.
Because he knows that most of his time is occupied with his work, Barbatos wants to make sure that in the moments you do spend together that you know exactly how much he cares.
Most of the times, the way he shows you how much he loves you is simply by doing tasks together, no matter how mundane.
The words ‘I love you’ aren’t something that pop up too often in his dictionary, and so it means even more when he says it.
“Oh, this tastes delicious!”
Barbatos chuckles to himself at how impatient you are. The cupcakes the two of you had baked have only just gotten out of the oven, and without letting them settle and cool down, you had instantly taken a bite out of one.
“Is that so? I’m glad.” He takes off his mittens and sets them aside, leaning in to wipe the stray crumbs that settled on the corner of your lip. “They would have tasted even better if you waited for them to cool down. The flavors settle in even more, then.”
You chuckle abashedly, “they smelled so nice I couldn’t help myself.”
He always liked to poke fun of how big your appetite was, sometimes comparing it to Beel’s, but in the end it was all in good fun. Barbatos knew the reason you liked eating so much was specifically when he cooked, and it felt rewarding knowing just how much you enjoy his food. It felt even better every time you had the chance to cook or bake together (sometimes with Luke) — the way your face lights up when something turns out well is unmatched.
“Shall we prepare the tea while the cupcakes cool down?”
“Oh,” you stop yourself from reaching for another. “Yes! Yes, we should do that, ahem.”
It’s a little later than you both expected by the time everything was done being baked, eaten, and cleaned, and so he offers to walk you home. Of course, you happily accept his gesture, giddy to spend any more time with him.
By the time you both arrive at the front steps of the House of Lamentation it was even later, and knowing the brothers, they would be rushing down the stairs any second now to welcome you back.
“Goodnight,” he pulls you in gently by the shoulders and presses a quick kiss to your forehead. “Remember there’s a meeting tomorrow in the student council room, don’t be late. I love you.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t- hm?” He makes a quick escape through a portal. “Wait, wait, say it again! Barbatos!”
He’s looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow.
If there’s anyone who holds back with how they feel towards you more than Simeon does he would like to meet them.
While people may say that he wears his heart on his sleeve, the angel does his best to not show you too much affection in public, when all he really wants to do is spend all of your time together, if only for a day.
Unfortunately, with responsibilities getting in the way and the seven brothers constantly sticking to your side like glue, it’s a bit difficult.
He hopes that you don’t blame him for being a bit needy, but you’re the only person he’ll show that side to.
Simeon feels proud to know that out of everyone else, you find him the easiest to talk to.
Whether it be for for something as simple as what to make for dinner at the House of Lamentation, or to ask for help studying for your next exam, he enjoys every moment he gets to spend with you. It’s unfortunate that the time you actually get to spend together is limited due to all your duties at RAD and with the brothers, but that’s what makes him cherishes it even more.
Simeon: [ Have you eaten? ]
MC: [ Finished just a few minutes ago! ]
He smiles, happy to have received your reply so quickly.
Most days are like this. When you don’t pass each other by in the hallways, or when you’re too busy to meet up outside of school, your DDD becomes the main source of communication. Compared to anyone else on his contact list, yours is the one that he most frequently keeps going back to. On a particularly bad day, it’s the one thing that cheers him up the quickest.
MC: [ What about you? ]
Simeon: [ I ate a while ago. Solomon came back late today so we thankfully didn’t have to convince him not to cool. ]
Simeon: [ Cook. ]
Chats can go for as short as a couple minutes into a couple hours, and today seems to be the latter.
Luke is well asleep by the time your conversation comes to an end, and yet he doesn’t want to stop yet. Perhaps you could forgive him this one time for being a bit selfish.
The phone rings twice before you pick up.
“Hello? Simeon?” You answer the phone quizzically, not sure why he had called without warning. “Is something wr-”
“I love you.”
A beat of silence on the other end before he hears your muffled snickering. “I love you too. Did you miss me that much?”
“Mhm,” his expression eases. “I missed you a lot.”
For Solomon, he wishes he could tell you he loves you more.
Perhaps it’s because of how long he’s lived, how many faces have passed by in a blur, and how many names have died out on his tongue that makes it so hard for the words to reach your ears.
There’s no doubt that every time he’s said them that he means each and every one, but it’s hard to say when he fears it could also be the last.
He tells himself he’s being overdramatic, that you aren’t going anywhere, but it’s a lingering thought.
More than anything, he wants to be the one to hear it, and you’re more than happy to provide.
“I love you."
The words catch him off-guard.
An empty classroom, where it’s just you and him working on magical formula’s into the dead of the night wasn’t exactly his ideal situation for a confession, but you always manage to surprise him.
“Haha, is the lack of sleep getting to you? You’re free to take a nap on the mattress, I’ll wake you up when I’m done.
“No, it's not that.” You shake your head, continuing to stare at him softly. That gaze was going to kill him one day. “I just wanted to let you know, is all. I feel like I don’t say it enough.”
It’s quite the opposite.
“Is that so?” He hums, and the both of you go back to working. The sounds of liquids being poured, as well as pen scratching against paper is all that’s heard for the next hour or so before it’s broken by the sound of your yawning. “Sleep yet?”
You nod affirmatively, “I’ll take a quick nap. Could you wake me up in twenty minutes?”
“Of course.”
“Thank you, I love you.” There it is again, those three words you’re able to say so easily, as well as the one that he wants to keep hearing.
Without thinking, he takes hold of your wrist as you pass by. There’s no time for you to react before you’re being pulled down, and any words that would have left your lips are quickly silenced. The moment lasts longer than it should, but eventually he lets go, if not unwillingly.
You’re left staring at one another again, and this time it’s him that breaks the silence. “Have a nice nap." This time, the words come easy to him. "I love you.”
“Oh,” you stumble towards the mattress, face completely flushed. “Thank you.”
He doesn’t get much work done after that, and neither do you get much sleep.
Luke says ‘I love you’ to two people and only two people, and that’s you and Simeon.
Quite frankly, everyone is jealous of him because Luke is also the person who you’ll say those words back to the most, without warning. As soon as he comes within sight you’re leaving whoever is by your side to be with him.
Of course, this makes everyone visibly upset, but if they dare to say anything towards him it would only make you dote on him more.
He’s practically your little brother at this point, and comes before anyone else. It doesn’t matter what he does, you’re right there beside him with the affection.
Simeon feels proud to know that out of everyone else, you find him the easiest to talk to.
He’s finally done it!
After two weeks of painstakingly modifying the recipe bit by bit and going through dozens of failed attempts, the cupcakes are perfect! After hearing about how hard you had been working for the past month now with helping the student council committee prepare for their next event, Luke had wanted to do something nice for you.
Unfortunately, he was too young to help out with preparations, and so he fell back on the one thing he had tons of confidence in: baking!
Seeing as Barbatos was also helping out with the planning, he hadn’t been able to ask for help, and so he went in completely blind in trying out a new recipe, trying to incorporate your favorite flavors into the multiple small treats.
Now, all that’s left was to package them and bring them over to you. Thankfully, Simeon had informed him of what times your breaks were at, so if he rushed a bit he could get there just in time!
With hurried hands and quick steps, Luke pokes his head into the council room, quickly spotting you sitting at one of the seats, surprisingly not surrounded on all sides by demons. It seems they were arguing with each other about something — typical.
Making sure no one spots him, Luke rushes to your side, careful none of the contents in his box topples over.
“Luke? What are you doing here?” Your face brightens as soon as you see him. "The meeting doesn't end for another two hours."
“W-Well,” suddenly he feels incredibly shy. “I heard you were working really hard for a while now so uhm,” he holds out the box filled with treats. “I baked you some cupcakes to make sure you didn’t get tired!”
You blink, and he’s afraid you might actually start crying (hopefully from joy, but he’d rather you not cry at all).
“Luke!” You wrap your arms around him at the speed of light, and it takes all of his agility to make sure you don’t crush the box at the same time. “Thank you, you’re so sweet, I love, love, love you!”
“I-I-I love you, too! Now please stopppp! The treats will get crushed!”
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infiniteeight8 · 8 days
I loved what you wrote for Alpha/Alpha. And that smut was what i asked for.
Could we have accidental bonding; like they didn't think it would remain but it did.
I’m glad I got it right! 
I generally imagine omegaverse two ways, and neither of them allow bonding both outside of a heat and after a single encounter (it just doesn’t make sense to me, and my muse demands a bit of logic, lol). But! Stephen and Tony already wanted to do this again, so here’s a bit of accidental bonding from a while later.
This is a sequel to this one: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58511035
We have a problem.
Tony stares at Stephen’s text. It’s better than We need to talk, but not by much. Especially when he sends back What kind of a problem? and gets One best discussed in person as a response. 
He and Stephen haven’t exactly been dating. Their encounters pretty much revolve around the bedroom. Still, there have been enough breaks between rounds and mornings after for Tony to feel like they were becoming friends in addition to sex partners. The idea that either of those things might change is… unwelcome.
The twenty minutes before Stephen can get to Tony’s penthouse are increasingly tense. Stephen’s expression when he steps off the elevator doesn’t help. Tony takes the time to pour each of them a drink before he asks. “So. What kind of problem?”
“One of the omega nurses congratulated me today,” Stephen says.
“On what?” Tony sips his drink.
“On being mated.”
Tony manages not to spit the drink out, but it’s a near thing. He swallows roughly and spends a minute coughing before he can manage any kind of reply. “When did you get mated?” he demands. They’d slept together three days ago, and he’d been sure Stephen wasn’t seeing anyone else. Who moves that fast?
Stephen knocks back half his own drink in one gulp, which is no way to treat good whiskey, but Tony is hardly going to object under the circumstances. “I didn’t,” Stephen says. “But I checked with four other people; I definitely smell bonded. And I have been sleeping with the same alpha regularly and exclusively for almost three months now."
“You mean…” Tony trails off before voicing the possibility. It doesn’t seem real.
“You and I have formed a bond,” Stephen confirms.
Tony feels a little dazed, mind racing back over the past couple of days for signs. Once he thinks about it… “That actually would explain the looks I was getting when I met with the department heads two days ago.”
“Which begs the question, what do we do now?” Stephen says carefully.
Tony blinks. “What do you mean?”
Stephen purses his lips. “If we want to break it, it’s best to do it as soon as possible.”
Something visceral in Tony rebels at the mere suggestion. He manages to swallow his first reaction. “Do you want to break it?”
Stephen searches his expression for a long time. “No,” he says finally.
“Me neither,” Tony admits in a rush.
They trade a long look, and then Stephen starts chuckling. “You know, I had a plan for exactly how my bonding was going to go,” he says. “It was very orderly.”
Tony grins at him. “I never imagined it at all, but this seems about par for the course.”
“Of course it is,” Stephen says dryly. “You’re a menace.”
“I’m your menace,” Tony shoots back cheerfully. 
Stephen's expression softens. “It seems you are. And I’m yours.”
It’s not the way these things are supposed to be done, but sometimes, Tony figures, you need to run before you walk.
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I’m interested. How do Apollo and Artemis’s desire to protect each other drive a wedge between them?
I'm glad you askeddd. Thank you for being my first anon ever btw. (@crowmakeska-boom idk if you are the anon but anon, whoever you are, sorry for the wait). This is probably not a very good meta cause it's mostly vibes, gut feelings and filling in the blanks with below the bare minimum of textual evidence but oh well. 
First I'd like to talk about why I think Artemis and Apollo's relationship is kind of distant. They're a confusing duo. When you first meet them in the titan's curse it may seem they don't like each other much or atleast Artemis seems to not be paticularly fond of her brother. Calling him “irresponsible”, “lazy”, “big headed”. But reading between the lines reveals how much the two of them care for each other, especially on Apollo's part from all the illegal help he was dishing out to the questers.
But then when you read some more, their relationship just feels a tad too distant to completely take what they say as just banter. When we see them on Delos in Blood of Olympus the distance is literal. They're recycling banter that's getting old and you can tell that even if it had been lighthearted before, it’s definitely getting on both their nerves now (stolen from fsinger lmao). They’ve both been playing the part for a long time but it feels like they don’t have the closeness anymore to recognize they’re both just playing parts. 
So what happened?
I think it's their need to protect each other that's causing this rift between them. From my point of view Artemis & Apollo are protecting each other from different things but Olympus is at the core of it for the both of them.
The twins have a very different experience of Olympus. Since her introduction Artemis seems pretty critical of Olympus. According to the hunters she's the only one who can get the ball rolling during solstice meetings and she's shown to not really act the Olympian way. Taking the sky off the shoulders of a mortal girl. Shrinking herself down to make the human heroes feel more comfortable and demanding they get rewarded.
It wouldn't be far fetched to assume that she's never fit in with Olympus and doesn't agree with most of the views of her family.
Then there's Apollo.
Who fits in so perfectly with the messed up inner workings of Olympus or so people think. He's perfected his mask over the years and no one is the wiser about the abuse he's gone through or even the fact that this isn't actually who he is.
To me, Artemis wants to protect Apollo from Olympus' true nature. In her head she's got every part of Olympus figured out and for the most part she has. Even if it's not something that works for her I think she would want to protect her younger brother from knowing what the kind of people he surrounds himself with are truly like.
I feel like Artemis would be conflicted on it for other reasons too because if Apollo is aware of the kind of people the Olympians are and he's alright with that, what kind of god is Apollo?
So she'd much rather think of him as stupid and irresponsible cause those atleast mean that it isn't he isn't a bad person. But I feel deep down she doesn't really believe completely that what she knows of her brother is correct.
But then she sees the way Zeus loves Apollo and cares for him and in her mind it's the right decision to let him live this way. He is safer now than they ever were as children.
Apollo on the other hand wants to conceal their father's true nature from Artemis. We know that he cares deeply about appearing fine on the surface because of how others would worry and who would worry more than his older sister.
Artemis and Apollo may be the protectors of youth but the first ever youth they protected were each other. It's the foundation of their relationship and caries on into the present day. Both of them feel a desperate need to protect each other.
I would go so far as to say that this is THE relationship they have with each other. The both of them never find comfort in each other, only protection. You can tell that comfort is not something they usually derive from each other from the way they're both completely blindsided by simple things like an "I love you" , a hug and just concern in general.
Comfort from each other is not a priority for them no matter how much they crave it. The twins purpose to each other is to protect.
So of course Apollo would never tell Artemis about the way Zeus hurts him.
I also think there's a little bit of denial on Artemis' part on just how abusive Zeus is. Cause Apollo is dropping hints. Even the way Artemis talks during Blood of Olympus makes it clear that she understands Zeus is gonna massacre the guy. She just doesn't want to believe it will be permanent.
And it's got a lot to do with the fact that she wants to protect him. Because if she acknowledges this isn't a situation Apollo is gonna come out from unscathed that means that she's incapable of protecting him. That means that she's failed to protect him before and cannot protect him again.
So she'd much rather pretend that Zeus is persuadable and not that bad. That it's Apollo's fault Zeus comes down so hard on him and if he were a little better and a bit more like her he could be safe.
And this would hurt Apollo because Artemis can pinpoint exactly what Zeus is like. But instead of comforting him she confirms for him that this is his fault. That if he could be better none of this would happen. Artemis helps prevent but never helps heal because helping her brother heal means he was in a position to be hurt in the first place.
All this mess and miscommunication and disbelief stemming from the fact that they love each other and never want to see each other hurt creates an impossible distance between them.
But there is light at the end of the tunnel. Slowly but surely they're trying to comfort/ seek comfort instead of just protect each other.
I wept on my sister’s shoulder. I felt like if I let go of Artemis, I would fall back into Chaos. Huge parts of my identity would shake loose, and I would never be able to find all the puzzle pieces. “Whoa, there.” She patted my back awkwardly. “Okay, little fella. You’re all right now. You made it.”
Apollo's trials sucked. But I'm glad it's given the twins the opportunity to bridge the gap between their relationship again.
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impactedfates · 11 months
JDBJDBDKN i’m new and in the nicest way possible, your fix’s are so TASTY I WANT TO EAT THEM SO BAD.
Not the same anon who requested the Jing Yuan’s child fics but I really loved them sm, could I get a continuation of that AU on more of reader’s divination abilities and antics and come with it? 💕💕
Genre/Trope: Platonic + Mainly just more HCs on reader and their antics in the divination commission with Fu Xuan (Auntie Fu Xuan anyone?)
Format: Head Cannons + Mini Scenarios
Warnings: None
Extra: More Fu Xuan in this then Jing Yuan as we're talking about readers job lol // Not fully proofread, just rambles of this AU // Reader is a teen in this // Original Jing Yuans child fic here
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I feel like how you wanting to be a diviner was when Fu Xuan had to babysit you once when Jing Yuan was busy. During this time she decided to take you to work and show you the magic future things. This sparked you, you came home and told Jing Yuan you wanted to be like Auntie Fu Xuan. He was happy you took an interest but uh *ahem* (Fu Xuan won that day)
On the rare days you do decide to be nice and not trick whoever your doing a divination for, I feel if you don't laugh or do a dramatic wince and you're serious about it. They STILL think you're pretending, thinking something really bad is going to happen.
To be honest, no matter what you do they'll think you're pretending until you're older I feel. If you wince genuinely or not they'll think you're joking as well.
[Name]: Bro your house is gonna get robbed… Random: Yeah right, what's actually going to happen? [Name]: I'M SERIOUS, YOU'RE GONNA BE HOMELESS :fearful: Random: So I'm tripping on a pebble tomorrow?
You usually have lunch with Fu Xuan, she'll probably take you somewhere peaceful where she'll eat lunch by your side...however, if word got to her that you messed with people again during the job? Expect a big lecture during your lunch break.
Qingque loves you, like. She loves your antics so much. She loves hearing them and if she manages to convince you to slack off with her, better pray Fu Xuan doesn't catch the both of you.
As much as Fu Xuan does lecture you, she cares a l o t for you. If anyone tells her you're in trouble with enemies, best believe the person who's the cause of it will be seeing a VERY angry Fu Xuan.
The two of you gossip ONLY if the both of you agree whoever youse just did a divination for was an ass. And Fu Xuan can be s a s s y.
When you were younger you tried to make some food with the things you found in your kitchen and gave it to both Fu Xuan and Jing Yuan for their lunch at work. Sadly...as a child you weren't exactly a world class chef...but they both still ate it to keep you happy.
Fu Xuan most definitely favours you over the other diviners she works with. It's so clear to the others with how she lectures others more harsher then she does you. Also your punishment for misbehaviour or slacking is always so little. But can they blame her? You're her nibling! (GN! term of nephew/niece I think)
You horribly drew her once as a gift when you were like 6 and it's been on her fridge ever since.
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I did add a Jing Yuan header first, but after writing this I realised this is more of a reader and Fu Xuan centered thing so changed it lol. Fu Xuan needs more content I feel, she's so interesting!! My next requests are all fics/mini scenarios so I'll get on those as soon as I can >:D
Also! Recently made an art blog for my ocs and other things, feel free to give it a follow if you want :>>
Art Blog: @argentimybeloved
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lacebird · 1 month
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SUITLESS VADER'S WIFE (or, what i wore to comic con)
Wanted to share my outfit that I wore at comic con in Essen, Germany! I really am happy with how this outfit turned out, just how I envisioned it. I wore a beautiful sleeveless black dress with a high neck. The dress has these gold chains at the sides which clashed with the silver in my shoes, so I used black ribbon that I tied around my waist to cover them up. I think it really adds to the outfit (the ribbon hanging down makes it look very Jedi™). I also found the most beautiful sparkly belt last minute and wore it as well. Hanging from the belt by a bobby pin (lol had to get creative) is a glittery red lightsaber that I made myself.
The shoes are my favourite part (but my god, how they were painful). When I found these shoes, I had a lightbulb moment as they reminded me of the three buckles on Anakin's glove. I couldn't pass them up. I really think they made the outfit complete!
Of course, I couldn't forget my purple heart sign. All in all, a nice outfit that I felt really cute in!
dress: guess
shoes: stradivarius
belt: primark (the lightsaber was made by me)
heart sign: made by me
not pictured is my anakin tote bag and purple shoulder bag—both handmade and altered by me 💜
If you want, you can find my thoughts and onions about the con below the cut 💜✨
Going to this convention was... Bittersweet. It was an event I looked forward to for a very long time. I'm not going to get into it, but I’m sure most of you here know what happened.
I feel happy for everyone who got to meet Hayden this weekend. How exciting it must've been to talk to him, to hold him and to be around him — even if for only a second or two. But a part of me feels saddened, heart stings just a little seeing those photos because I keep thinking "how would this convention have been like had that been me?"
As the weekend passes, I now feel a sense of "when life gives you lemons". Because while it was a sad experience for everyone who had gotten tickets to see him, there still came some good out of it.
I am happy that I decided to go anyway. There were thoughts of "there's no reason" at the beginning. But I’m glad I did go. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t had the opportunity to spend three days with the kindest soul who I am so incredibly grateful and lucky to call my friend. @crumblekitty and all the other amazing people at the convention made everything better on that beautiful Saturday in Germany. I had the opportunity to meet so many lovely people at this convention. We shared stories together about Hayden. We took photographs, traded polaroids and friendship bracelets. Heartbroken signs of pink and purple passed around...
Even though Hayden didn't show this time, I'm certain that he will be back again. It will be a day to remember...
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Hey! I loved your work! Can you write something with Gerard on the reunion tour and a reader who is a singer and is opening for the tour? (I'm sorry if it's confusing, English is not my first language)
HI! Thank you so much for liking my writing. I hope you like this one! let me know if you're looking for something different though.
Opener - Reunion!Gerard Way x GN!Reader
Pairing: Gerard x GN!Reader
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 1,456
Summary: You open for MCR on the reunion tour
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My Chemical Romance. Reunion Tour. With Y/N. Those were the words displayed on the large signs in front of the venue. We had been on tour for a few weeks then, but the nerves never subsided. I pulled out my entry pass and walked through the backstage halls towards my dressing room. My soundcheck wasn’t for another hour, but I thought I’d go and scout out the stage area. I grabbed a Coke from the mini fridge and found my way to the stage entrance. Music was playing, but I was sure that was just the crew checking the speakers. Oh, how I was wrong. The whole crew was setting up instruments, and Mikey, Ray, and Frank were soundchecking their instruments.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” I stuttered, moving out of the way. Being on tour with My Chem had been a dream come true, but four weeks into the tour and little interaction with anyone in the band felt isolating, to say the least–especially since I was a solo artist.
“Wait!” I heard a voice shout, and I turned around to see someone standing up at the very back of the venue. I squinted through the lights and saw they were waving me over. Trying to avoid tripping over the cables lining the stage, I walked over to the figure. He was shorter than I expected him to be, his hair was long and brown, and he was dressed in a twilight t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and a green flannel. A twilight shirt. This 45-year-old man was wearing a twilight shirt. I almost had to restrain myself from laughing.
“Y/N, I’ve been trying to find a good time to talk to you, you know,” he smirked. Gerard Way was smirking at me.
“Wait really?” I questioned, shocked that the frontman of one of my favorite bands was wanting to talk to me.
“Yeah. I just wanted to say I’m really glad we’ve got you on tour with us. I actually chose you to open. Been a fan for a while.” I stayed silent, entirely shocked that he was saying anything to me at all–let alone that he liked my music.
“Are you okay? You look like you need something to drink or you’re going to pass out,” Gerard placed a hand on my shoulder and bent down to look in my eyes. I nodded quickly, starting to feel a little dizzy.
“Yeah, I think I need some water,” I mumbled.
“Mikey! Can you pass me my water?” he shouted, Mikey throwing a plastic water bottle halfway across the venue. Gerard ran to pick it up, opened it, and passed it to me. I took a drink and a few deep breaths.
“I think I’m okay now, thank you,” I smiled.
“Good. Now I think it might be time for you to do a soundcheck. It looks like the others are done.” He got up from his seat and walked back towards the stage as I stumbled behind him. “Oh, and after the show, come find me. I want to show you something,” he beamed, slipping behind the curtain and disappearing backstage.
Soundcheck went well, and I had gone through all of the songs for the night. I was playing for about two hours, so I headed backstage to relax, call some of my friends, and respond to any emails or social media stuff I needed to. This was when I opened up my Instagram and found the post, a photo of me from behind, sound checking next to a sketch of the same thing, Gerard’s name signed at the bottom. The caption, wonderfully put: Our opener is both fantastic and beautiful - see them tonight and every night of tour! They’re going to do amazing things with their art and I can’t wait to see where it takes them. Especially with me as their number 1 fan - G
Sorry, Gerard Way called me beautiful. This wasn’t happening. Notifications were popping up on every social platform, we were trending on Twitter, fan accounts on Instagram were posting, and my text messages were blowing up. But there was no time to go and talk to Gerard or anyone else because the stage manager was rushing me to the stage, shouting, “Ten minutes till show time!” over and over again. The gig went great; everything went well, and the fans seemed to react well to my performance. After I’d finished and had a shower, I put on some sweatpants and a hoodie to watch Gerard and the others play on the television screen in my dressing room. The group ended with sleep and came backstage for a quick break before the encore. I ran out to see Gerard, who was very clearly out of breath and trying desperately to catch it.
“We need to talk when you’re done,” I looked at him with crossed arms. He nodded, looking slightly terrified that I was mad at him. It definitely didn’t help that Frank wouldn’t shut up teasing him as I walked away. They all went back on stage to play Helena and Vampires. The sound of the crowd screaming could be heard on the other side of the venue, even with closed doors. I could hear the band finishing up as each one of them ran down the hallway to their dressing room, except one. I heard a loud knock sound from outside my room. It was him; it had to be him. Opening the door, I knew I was right. He stood there panting and looking like a sweaty mess.
“Hi,” he breathed, running a hand through his sweaty hair. I opened the door further to let him in, and he immediately collapsed onto the couch.
“You guys had a good show,” I muttered, trying to avoid the topic of his Instagram post.
“Thanks, it felt good. But that’s not why I’m here, Y/N,” he sat up, having finally caught his breath.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“I didn’t mean to cause an issue if you’re upset about the post. I just–I’m so fascinated with you… and your music. And god,” he gushed, “you’re so beautiful.” A smile grew on my face.
“You’re pretty cool too, Gerard.” I moved to sit next to him, and he scooted closer to me. I looked into his green eyes, desperately trying to read his mind. Was I insane, or did he feel something for me too? His hand moved up to cup my face, and I closed my eyes in response.
“Let’s both just breathe before we do anything we regret, okay?” I nodded, hoping he was going to kiss me. I felt the air enter my lungs and exit slowly before opening my eyes again. I felt a hand grip the back of my neck before my lips met his. They were rough, clearly desperate to feel something. I thought back to the teenager who had posters of My Chemical Romance on their bedroom walls and the reaction they would have if they knew what we were doing right then. The kid whose favorite song was Sleep, whose favorite music video was I’m Not Okay, who wished to be the very man before them. I was lucky, lucky that Gerard Way was sitting there showing me that every moment of disappointment it took to get here was worth it. I breathed through my nose, resting my arms around his shoulders and smiling into the kiss before it broke.
“I’m sorry, I had to,” Gerard rested his forehead against mine.
“It’s okay, Gee, I wanted it,” I ran my fingers through his hair, curls starting to form from the heat.
“Okay, you two, get a fucking room,” Frank laughed from the doorframe.
“We’re in a room!” I shouted, smiling brightly.
“Get another room!” Mikey shouted, walking past us. Finally being left alone, we moved into each other’s arms, finally cooling off from performing.
“We should probably figure out what we’re gonna do now that the guys know,” Gerard turned to me.
“Want to go get coffee?” I asked.
“See, this is why I like you!” he beamed, standing up and grabbing his car keys.
Feedback is appreciated! Please request on my page if you have a story idea. I write for lots of different fandoms so request anything and I'll write it!
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alastair-1205 · 2 months
EPISODE 20 REACTIONS FUCKING FINALLY I think I hurt my wrist typing all this ngl. Holy fuck this show-
I am very scared :D 
At least they can still kick ass 
Cinder just cannot stop beating up Euphrasia damn
Im not normal about elemental powers 
Oh no Robie don’t get murdered-
He has the right idea tho with the cup thing
Zane is trying his fucking best rn lol 
Arin is not having any of it 
Oh shit yea they don’t know…all of that other stuff yet huh
Wdym captured by them?? Wtf happened to those two
Cinder is going to kill someone I stg 
LMAO respect where it’s due, that was funny
Robie îs only partially getting kidnapped don’t worry
I love Nook’s voice as well
Oh that’s not good 
He’s gonna almost die isn’t he
Oh ow rip Robie 
Holy shit that’s actually insane 
Oh god they’re all fucked up
Hey the car’s back! AND SO IS JORDANA
At least most of them are out of it
Bro Robie is making friends with some rocks right now 
“Not from you” DAMN
They’re actually adorable. Like I low-key didn’t want her to get a bf but this is so cute good for them 
But uh, y’all kinda have shit to do first-
Zdmn she almost got decapitated 
Bold choices Arin
Nil kinda wish he stayed in super hell longer but it’s ok 
Oh hes pisssedddddd
They are such a dynamic duo omg that was iconic 
LMAO that was personal for Euphrasia. Good for her 
Oh that scream :(((((
Oh fuuuuuck Arin made his choice 
Group hug :D That Lloyd isn’t in cuz he’s having a moment D:
I’m just gonna assume he somehow knew she wasn’t dead ig? 
Wu being cryptic as always. We don’t even know if hes dead or not 
Yay for Sora but she is Not having a good time rn huh
Damn I wonder where Jordy went 
Lloyd and Sora man…..
That is a very good question Sora
Kai should give this kid a shovel talk. I think it’d be funny 
Damn so they could be literally anywhere. They gotta track down Jay Arin and Pixal. At least Zane might get some time to look now
Dragon lady’s back 
I’m glad she’s not being a dick to him like Egalt would have been lol 
Oooooo Dragon favor 
Oh that’s an interesting thing for him to have 
I like how Arin’s reasonings are worded. Like he clearly still doesn’t exactly like Ras, he just needs him for his own thing. I really like that as opposed to Arin fully believing in what he’s doing cuz Arin just wouldn’t 
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