#I’m sorry that I just happen to be the same mbti
tigreblvnc · 22 days
BLUE LOCK MATCHUP EXCHANGE — @waffledforbreakfast
Your match is...
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— Charles Chevalier
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✦ I'll be honest, there was someone else on my mind, but since your love languages are NOT AT ALL compatible, I quickly dismissed them.
✦ That said, I'll get back to that at the end of your matchup.
✦ SO.
✦ I didn’t hesitate for long, and Charles' face quickly came to mind.
✦ Our little French imp :)
✦ (It always makes me happy to assign characters from my country to people.)
✦ Your relationship in three words: partners-in-crime.
✦ One of my favorite tropes.
✦ So not a love interest. At least, not directly. I see the relationship more like a younger brother and older sister. Like best friends who end up doing all sorts of crazy stuff together because chaos is your definition of fun.
✦ You know Shidou? Well, Charles is like him but smaller, younger, and very French.
✦ (The anecdote about French arrogance is real)
✦ (Sorry, I won’t uphold our alleged elegance any longer)
✦ The main reason I chose him is that when I read your bio, I thought you needed someone who could keep up with your pace, or even be the one to set the pace, while maintaining your interest and knowing how to introduce new things.
✦ And at the same time… it couldn’t be a people pleaser, you know? I think there’s nothing worse for people who need intellectual stimulation. On the contrary, such people tend to seek out original partners who can stand up to them.
✦ So I was looking for a character with enough bite, and who could be more capricious than Charles when it comes to deciding what to do.
✦ Whether he’ll do it or not.
✦ So we have an ENTP x ENFP duo, which is a very interesting combination because these are among the two most introverted extroverted MBTI types. That is, they can easily be mistaken for INTP and INFP, as their cognitive functions drive them to a need for solitude that can be unusual for an extroverted profile.
✦ A quick MBTI note since I don’t often get ENTPs requesting matchups: ENTPs have a fascinating ability to generate a large number of ideas at an insanely fast pace, making them exceptional brainstormers. They excel at challenging ideas, spotting flaws in arguments, and taking an interest in a wide variety of topics that might seem unrelated. By nature, an ENTP is curious, drawn to intellectual challenges, and unafraid to express their opinions, no matter how caustic. You're also independent, often the jokers who enjoy countering others' arguments, sometimes just for the sake of debate.
✦ On the flip side, all these qualities can be hampered by one of your biggest weaknesses: commitment. By definition, an ENTP cherishes their freedom above all else and particularly dislikes feeling confined by contracts or rules. This often leads you to start a million projects but rarely finish them; once a subject loses its novelty, it also loses its appeal. Like many P-type MBTI profiles, you’ve likely considered dozens of different careers, and your resume is filled with varied experiences that seem to have no connection to each other.
✦ The main difference between an ENTP and an ENFP lies in their auxiliary cognitive function, their second: Introverted Thinking (Ti) for the ENTP, and Introverted Feeling (Fi) for the ENFP. For the ENTP, this means they make decisions by asking themselves, "Is it true? Is it rational?" while the ENFP makes decisions by asking, "Do I like this? Does it align with my values?" This is what sets these two seemingly similar types apart, as they function very differently.
✦ And this will also translate into your relationship with Charles! Because, to get back to the point, you will be together for this matchup.
✦ Clown to clown, basically.
✦ "Relatives tell me I’m 'mature for your age' (which I am aware sounds cringe—bear with me here) or that I worry too much for my future." I think that’s the opposite of Charles, who is very focused on the present and enjoys making the most of what’s happening in the moment. I don’t see him as someone who likes to dwell on the past or think about the future. This might sound like a disadvantage between you two, but it’s actually what makes me think that with him, you’d find it easier to focus 100% on the present. "I like to put myself in/create an environment where I can be a bit more impulsive/reckless without having to worry about large-scale/long-term consequences." Overall, it’s with Charles that these opportunities would arise the most easily.
✦ "I’m well aware that I may hurt some by valuing reason over their emotions or thoughts, but that’s not something I intend to change." And that’s great because I don’t think Charles is the type to like a big people pleaser. On the contrary, he matches better with those whose intentions align with their values, even if it’s at the expense of others. This is very evident in his partnership with Shidou, which works incredibly well on the field.
✦ "But enjoying someone’s company is very much a plus, so as long as they don’t get too close, I’m more than happy to keep them around." As I said earlier when explaining how the ENTP works, I sense a fear of commitment because you don’t want to lose your independence or waste your time. You want to keep your options open, to be free to do what you want at any moment—something you think you’d lose by committing significantly to someone.
✦ To me, Charles is a bit of a free electron… until he finds someone he really clicks with; then he can become super clingy, wanting to be with you all the time to do stuff, have fun, pass the time. I don’t see him liking being alone for long, or if he does, he needs to be deeply engrossed in something. He’s kind of the representation of the arrogant little brother—endearing yet stubborn. A miniature version of you, and I think your independence could serve as a model for him to follow. To put it simply, he imitates you in being free.
✦ Well, he doesn’t listen much to Loki either, who’s supposed to be his coach.
✦ But maybe he’ll listen to you.
✦ Maybe.
✦ "Although I think I’m capable of being a good person, I suppose it depends on how happy I am in the relationship… I’m still figuring things out :’)." I wonder if this phrase is also related to your dislike of committing to a relationship: you’re afraid of giving too much and the other person not giving as much in return, being less invested. I don’t think that would be much of an issue with Charles. Honestly, I see him being able to reciprocate everything you mentioned in the actions you take to maintain your relationships, and I’m especially thinking about sending silly memes at 3 a.m., sharing IG reels, TikTok videos of people dancing in their bathrooms, and that sort of thing. Typically, when you see something dumb on social media, you send it to each other.
✦ "OMG I was just about to send you the same thing!!!!"
✦ Honestly, I think Charles is a big SMS spammer, even at the most ungodly hours of the night.
✦ 30-minute voice messages that make no sense :)
✦ Stickers and gifs.
✦ He’s the first to suggest a night out. In fact, I think staying cooped up at home deeply bores him, you know? He’s the kind who needs to be kept busy 24/7, or else he makes you pay for it a thousand times over.
✦ A gremlin, basically.
✦ "His hobby is surprising anyone or saying something weird just to see the reaction to it ('Doesn't matter if you hate me!')." It speaks for itself.
✦ "I do like straightforwardness." Can we please remember this panel and the fact that Charles bluntly says to Loki, "I’m bored, let me out of here." There’s nothing more direct than Charles. In fact, from the moment he’s bored, it’s like he loses all his skills.
✦ He needs structure, but not just any structure.
✦ Charles is still young, so he needs a figure who can serve as a role model and mentor, someone who has enough interest in his eyes to push him to give his best, which he tends not to do even under the supervision of Loki, who is a world-class player. I don’t think it’s a matter of skill but rather of mentality. Charles doesn’t thrive under constraint but under freedom.
✦ Considering this meme, which I (love) see applying to the two of you, Charles is clearly a pocket-sized kitten capable of scratching at any moment.
✦ "Festive holidays! Seeing all the Halloween / Christmas / Valentine’s /etc. decorations makes me happy :3." It’s still too early on my blog to post Halloween and Christmas headcanons, but Charles is typically someone who prefers to have fun rather than work, you know? A day spent without having fun is a wasted day for him. I also think his taste in decorations can be questionable at times, but that’s what makes decorating together so much fun. Even if people tell him, "Those colors don’t go together at all!!" he doesn’t care—he likes it, so he does it anyway. And it makes him laugh even more if you approve of his particular tastes.
✦ "Heavy on Acts of Service (both giving and receiving). Like receiving physical affection too." Now we get to the part where I eliminated the first contender that came to mind :D To me, the ultimate love language of someone is the opposite of how they present themselves to others. So someone like Charles, who does whatever he wants and hates following orders from others… would do the opposite with someone he really loves.
✦ That is, he’d be the one wanting to do things with and for you. He doesn’t ask because it’s embarrassing, but he has a great memory when it comes to things that really interest him. And because there’s this need to be validated by the person he holds in high esteem (somehow), he always wants to succeed in his goals to show off in front of you, to show you he’s got what it takes and that he’s just as strong as you.
✦ Beneath the sibling rivalry airs, there’s a mutual desire to prove your worth to each other, and that’s also how you show each other your respect. It’s never very direct, but your actions speak louder than your words.
✦ And because words aren’t Charles’ thing at all, he much prefers to show you what he thinks of you with surprise hugs, shoulder taps, and innocent, childish pranks. He’s still just a kid, and there’s nothing more sincere than them when it comes to showing affection.
✦ Typically, he climbs on you to get your attention and blocks your view of the TV because "PLAY WITH ME, EGG!!!!"
✦ So yes, physical contact 100,000%. And Charles loves head scratches in his blond, well-coiffed hair. He doesn’t let others touch him because others are boring, you know? But you’re not boring. On the contrary, you’re actually really awesome to him. And when others try to convince him otherwise, he either jumps at their throat or throws rotten tomatoes at them. France loves you guys.
✦ But there are also other things on which you are particularly compatible.
✦ "Cancer" I have good news! Charles is a Pisces. This is a combination that works like magic, as it often does with signs from the same element. To put it simply, your way of functioning is similar—there's a deep sensitivity behind your insolent and carefree exterior. In fact, you've both developed a shell of indifference to only grant your trust and favor to a very select few. Since Charles is still young, he isn’t fully aware of this yet, and it’s funny how his growth reminds you of your own.
✦ I’m not quoting the more personal parts of your bio because the blog is public, but I like to imagine that Charles' family situation isn't necessarily stable, like maybe his parents are pretty lax or don't realize their son's potential, you know? His relationship with Shidou makes me think he needs an older brother or sister figure around him to offer that chemistry, that joy in playing that his parents can’t quite inspire in him. It even seems like football bores Charles a bit, as long as there isn’t someone on the field who pushes him to blossom because they understand his way of playing, his way of being. Charles is a character who needs a partner.
✦ So… Yes, clingy, but that's because without it, he has no motivation to grow. To improve and become a better person.
✦ We all know that children evolve differently depending on their surroundings: the fact that your presence has a major impact on his growth, both morally and psychologically, gives you a responsibility that you might not like. You might even outright deny it, judging by some parts of your bio, and at the same time… Well, it's the same for you: if someone hands you a significant project that requires investment, as an ENTP, your nature might push you to decline the offer because you value your freedom too much to commit. But by breaking this well-oiled defense mechanism, you too can experience exponential growth. It's by stepping out of your comfort zone that you create something massive and impactful.
✦ "I see no problem in arguing with my parents (not the scream yelling stuff, the 'ur wrong' stuff)." And I think there's little that amuses Charles more than watching your verbal sparring with your folks. Like… He's hidden behind the couch, giggling into his hand, you know? And once you're done fighting, he jumps on you, laughing and saying, "Nooo way, you didn't!!!" But yes. You did.
✦ Actually, I think you two have known each other since childhood, and that you're the older sibling Charles has always dreamed of.
✦ Football probably came into his life naturally to fill the boredom, the emptiness, the school he never liked.
✦ And you arrived in his life like magic, and it clicked right away because he quickly realized you wouldn’t put up with his arrogance and the fact that he never listens to anyone.
✦ Charles listens to rebels.
✦ The people who are said to be bad.
✦ Naturally, he started following you, wanting to replicate your habits. Dressing a bit like you, adopting the same tastes... And then completly denied it because it was cringe. But the fact that everything you did was cool: so he wanted to do it too.
✦ What motivates him to play? Knowing you’re in the stands watching him.
✦ He acts like he doesn’t care or like he hasn’t noticed, but his eye regularly glances at the stands to see if you’re watching.
✦ And when you disappear, even just for two minutes to get something to eat, all his motivation evaporates, and he switches to "I’m bored" mode.
✦ Then he lights up again when you reappear.
✦ Actually, Charles clearly has two modes of functioning: when you’re there, and when you’re not.
✦ He’s skipped far too many classes to be with you.
✦ Pretty much all subjects bore him at school; in fact, there isn't a single teacher who can make him want to learn. That said, I like to think that because it’s you, he listens more often. He looks at you. He shows some interest, even if it fades too quickly. But the fact that he tries a bit harder when you’re around is already proof of growth.
✦ He tries.
✦ He tries sometimes.
✦ Typically, when he doesn’t get something in class, he asks you first.
✦ Which can lead to certain issues, like relying too much on you and no longer trying to understand things on his own because it doesn’t interest him enough.
✦ I imagine at that point you might brush him off, and he gives you those puppy eyes to convince you to do things for him.
✦ You bounce the ball back and forth to each other.
✦ "I don’t get it." "I don’t want to." "How about we go play instead?"
✦ There’s also something particular about Charles, and that’s the fact that he likes his unpredictability. He’s not someone who seeks to be understood or to have others empathize with him. On the contrary, it’s the fact that no one can predict his movements and thought patterns that makes him so good at football. I think it’s a quality in him that he loves and that you can nurture.
✦ It’s something that Loki tries to do…
✦ … but, well.
✦ Rebel without a cause, as they say.
✦ "Can I copy your homework?"
✦ Deep down, he’s still just as insufferable.
✦ Okay, I'm going to write Halloween headcanons anyway.
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"What, Egg?"
"Don’t call me that!"
"It’s your name, EGG!"
"Charles? Halloween is coming up. Do you want to carve a pumpkin with me?"
"Huuuh? Why?"
"We’re going to put them in front of the house and around."
"Why not inside?"
"We’ll put some inside too, but I’ve got other things planned."
"Like what?"
"A cauldron with skulls."
"Cooool. I’ll watch you do it."
"We’re going to do it together, Charles."
"Are pumpkin cakes good?"
"I don’t know, I’ve never had any."
"I want to make them. Make me some food."
"What are you doing to your pumpkin?"
"A smile! It’s a cat, but in a pumpkin. Isn’t it cute?"
"It looks like you."
"LOOK!!!!!! They’re selling waffles over there!! I want some, I WANT SOME!!!"
"What are you getting on top?"
"With chocolate, lots of chocolate, and whipped cream, and strawberries."
"Not bad."
"Yeah. It looks like you."
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A word about your match: The first contender was Nagi, and you probably know as well as I do that act of services isn’t really part of his love language. That said, the fact that he’s lazy makes him capable of clinging to the first person who comes along; you could say it’s a way of showing physical contact. But clearly, I didn’t see him as capable of providing enough stimulation, even though Nagi is the least people-pleasing character in the entire series. I think Charles offers more twists, complicity, and challenge for you.
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10 notes · View notes
u-n-lucky-being · 1 year
𝔐𝔲𝔡𝔡𝔩𝔢𝔡 𝔅𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔰
Part 1: 𝔚𝔥𝔬 ℑ 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔢
Tags: f!INFJ, m!ENTP, ft. m!ENTJ, ENTJ is an asshole in this one (sorry to all my ENTJ who are not machiavellian tyrants <3 love you all), lovers to enemies (kinda), kingdom setting, there’s an insurgence, kind of historical fiction (…I think? I’m not sure how this genre is called), angst, betrayal, threats of torture, threats of murder, mentions of murder, threats of rape (nothing explicit, I promise), mentions of violence, mentions of war, curse words are used, I’m bad at tagging, this was supposed to be a oneshot but I think it will end up having at least three parts :’) hurt no comfort (comfort in the next parts), I don’t know what else to add, please tell me if I should add anything else.
Word count: 3.6k
Summary: INFJ had been stupid enough to trust the wrong person, and now was paying the consequences. Not only was her life at risk, but also the entire cause she had been fighting for. All because she allowed herself to be fooled by someone’s lies… but, perhaps there had been some truth in them. For ENTP everything had gone according to his and ENTJ’s plan, except for the fact that he now regretted everything. Willing to right his wrongs, he decides to start a new, riskier plan.
(Part 2: 𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 ℑ 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔲𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔢)
(Part 3: 𝔚𝔥𝔬 𝔴𝔢 𝔴𝔢r𝔢)
(Part 4: 𝔚𝔥𝔬 𝔴𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔟𝔢)
A/N: Ok, so this started as: “Oh, people suggests using the MBTI cognitive functions to built a more realistic character” went into “Haha some people has turned the MBTI stereotypes into characters; how cute”, then “And they ship them? I mean, weird ig, but ok…”, to “;-; why am I getting invested in these ships?” and somehow ended up here :D (Seriously after the biggest writer block of my life my brain decided to pull an allnighter to plan out and write THIS?) Just wanted to clarify that this is based on the MBTI stereotypes and tailored for the role I assigned them in this story, so please don’t feel offended if you happen to have the same MBTI as any of them but would never act like them. The same thing about shipping- I’m just shipping the stereotyped-characters. With all of that said… I have NO idea how I ended up with this angsty mess but… hope someone out there will like it I guess. English is not my first language so I apologize if anything sounds funny. Feel free to leave any feedback, as it is very appreciated.
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There she was. Vulnerable, defeated, humilliated, but above everything else: hurt.
As she laid in the cold floor forced to kneel to the king, she realized that she really did not care about the bruises on her body, nor the ones on her ego- but the ones on her heart seemed hard to ignore.
ENTJ laughed softly as he rosed from his throne, slowly approaching her “Are you sure that this one is the one who has been causing us so much trouble? She doesn’t really looks like it.”
To INFJ the voice that replied sounded as cold as the floor under her. “She is the one. I made sure to confirm it myself.” said ENTP; though she refused to raise her head to see him, she could hear the familiar smirk on his face.
Stupid. She had been so stupid. She had been the perfect spy because she was able to enter into any fortress while being a fortress herself; she gained anyone’s trust easily, but she trusted no one.
Except that she let him in. She trusted him.
For what? He played her at her own game and now…
Whatever had happened to her or would happen to her did not matter, not really, but the future of those who had depended upon her was at risk because she failed.
She would not fail them twice.
“How many days do you think it would get to break her?” asked ENTJ while she heard his steps getting closer “Two? Three days on the torture chamber?” ENTJ’s feet suddenly appeared in her eyesight and she lifted her head to look at him in the eye. Defiant. She felt pathetic, weak and dumb but as hell she would show it to him.
He laughed again, “Oh, she’s fierce nonetheless.” Taking her chin forcefully with his hand to look better at her face, he added “and pretty too. I could even think of different ways to make her scream other than torture.”
She swallowed hard and turned slightly paler at that last part; his grin widened “What is it, love? Are you more scared of the promise of pleasure than that of pain?” he chuckled letting go of her chin only to place his hand with more force on her neck “Perhaps we might actually consider a different form of interrogation for this one.”
INFJ felt a cold shiver run down her spine. She would rather death. She would rather the most painful torture than what this man infront of her was implying.
A sharp metal sound suddenly broke the silence, and though she could not move her head to see what had happened the voice ENTP quickly followed said sound.
“Pardon me. So unusual of me to be this clumsy.”
ENTJ eyes swiftly moved from her face towards the place where she knew ENTP stood. After what seemed to be a silent conversation between the two, the first one scoffed “Yeah; unusual” and let go of her neck, finally allowing her to breathe again. He had not been using enough force to block her airways, but pure terror had stopped her from breathing at all.
After the man returned to his throne, he looked at the girl on the ground once again. Despite of the slip of fear she had just had, she took once more the mask of cold defiance she had initially borne. ENTJ smiled almost sarcastically at that.
“We will attempt our usual route of interrogation first. If that doesn’t work… I might have to get creative.” this time she didn’t let it show how those words shook her to the core “Take her to the cells.”
And after that simple order two pair of hands that she had known to be behind her forced her to her feet and took her out of the room. As they did she cast one glance at the person who had put her on this position.
He looked back at her. Those eyes she had loved were now the most horrific sight she could find in this whole castle. She had truly believed that he loved her back, that he understood her as much as she had known him, that she had finally found someone to rely on. But now, she knew that he had lied, that she had not known him at all, and that she betrayed herself as much as he betrayed her by daring to let her guard down.
Her heart still ached, but it wasn’t because of his betrayal. It was because the person she had known, had loved, had given her trust to, was but a fantasy. This man that was looking at her, she did not know. She definetely didn’t love him, and now was wise enough to know better than to trust anyone. This man had handed her to her death, and perhaps worse things than death, as if she was nothing to him; but at least she could say that this stranger was nothing to her as well.
Once his face had been gone from her sight she repeated those last words as many times as she needed until every part of her body, mind and soul believed them.
That stranger was nothing to her.
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He was not used to the intoxicating sensation of fear.
He had felt fear in his life and for his life, of course, it was a common thing to have under the commands of people like general ENTJ. But for him, those were rare instances; as if he had always been too brave or too stupid, and had somehow become almost inmune to it.
“So, are you gonna explain yourself or do you want me to guess what was that back there?”
They were in ENTJ’s chamber. The royal chamber. Five years ago they had seized power from the last king (may he rest in pieces) as general ENTJ had convinced himself that he had not been fit for the throne and that what the nation needed was a stronger and ambitious leader who actually dared to be the change this nation needed. Many believed him to be right, ENTP being one of them. The financial situation from before was enough to move sufficient men and women towards their cause, which ultimately lead to their success.
But of course, there were those who were against this. Their motivations of various kinds. Many of them guided merely by the fact that this new political climate did not benefit them; very few others talked about justice and laws and actually meant it. Whether caused by the first or second group, the whispers that called ENTJ a tyrant began spreading soon enough. Nonetheless, it didn’t really matter, as it had been easy to keep them all under control, one way or another. At least, until a group of rebels began causing them trouble two years ago.
And that’s where ENTP’s and INFJ’s stories intertwined.
ENTP made sure to act as he usually did. Carefree, witty, slightly smug. And that was his exact expression when he answered to his commander and king “What? About my slippery hands?”
“As if I was stupid enough to fall for your bullshit.” Despite ENTJ’s calm expression he could tell he was not calm at all. “You dropped the same knife I gave you after slitting the old king’s throat. Tell me, honestly, could you really consider such thing as an accident?- Should I be worrying that one of my trusted circle is threatening me?” despite his tone remaining neutral, ENTP could hear the warning behind it, telling him to be careful of what he was about to say next.
ENTP chuckled softly and threw himself over one of the chairs of the room. Relaxed. He needed to be relaxed. “Fine. I admit it. I dropped the knife on purpose. Though it being that especific knife, was not.”
Now it was ENTJ’s turn to chuckle. Whether he believed that last part or not was out of ENTP’s knowledge. “So, I was right.” he uttered “Tell me, did you felt jealous of me touching your little pet?”
His expression remained as carefree as always, but ENTP could feel the ice slowly expanding through his chest. “You got me wrong, my friend.” He spat “It was not about who you were touching or who you were threatening. It was about what you were threatening her with.” ENTP sat a little straighter and allowed some of the ice within him to come out as he said “We are not the type to do such things. Have you forgotten? Or maybe power already started to mess with that head of yours?” Though a smile remained carefully placed in his face, there was nothing warm or friendly about it “Perhaps you are starting to believe those who call you a tyrant.”
“Perhaps you are forgetting who we are dealing with.” the King replied back as coolly. ENTJ turned his back to ENTP and began examining the papers that laid over his desk, “That girl has been informing about every move, every decision, every plan, that we have made for the last years. She is the reason we have been dealing with so many issues. She is the reason that pathetic group of insurgents became an actual threat to us. She is the reason we have been unable to move forwards with our plans of expansion. And she might be the cause of our downfall if we are not careful now.” His voice slowly grew more bitter as he spoke. “In case you also forgot, we might not be tyrants but we aren’t fond of playing by the rules; are we?” he asked rhetorically turning to face him once more, “Even when their little insurgence is not half as capable as they believe it to be, we still need the support of our neighbor nations if we want to keep our own afloat; at least, till we are strong enough. They might have not turn against us after we took the power, but if they realize that we are not as fond of following their dear proceedures and codes as they are, they might. If proof of some of our moves gets leaked, we are done. We cannot let that happen before we are ready.” He declared vigorously.
ENTP did not overlooked how ENTJ insisted on talking in plural. The message was clear: if ENTJ could be considered a tyrant, so could he. And if ENTJ would go down, so would him. “But you already got the girl locked up.” he pointed, attempting to return to his more casual attitude “She won’t be an issue any longer. There’s nothing to fear. So I still don’t understand the reasoning behind your threats.”
The commander actually laughed at that, though there was not any trace of joy found in it. “You, my friend, can be very smart. But sometimes you are just as stupid.” He proceeded to explain, “First, and the most obvious reason, is that she still holds valuable information. Information that not even you could get out of her. Names, hiding spots, plans, perhaps there might even be another rat between us; she will know all of that.”
“So your justification of becoming worse than an animal will be to get information out of her.” ENTP retorted; the same ice from before threatening to come out once more.
ENTJ almost laughed again, “You fool. It is not about what we actually do to someone. Is about what they fear we might do.” he smiled almost simpathetically to him “Don’t trouble your mind, I won’t lay a finger on her. But, I need her to fear I might if she refuses to cooperate during the interrogations.”
Whatever kind of relief the first part of that sentence might have given ENTP was quickly extinguished by the last. He knew what interrogations in this castle were. Even before they took power, their nation had always been known for the severety of its treatment towards those who dared to act out of line. That’s something that the revolution took advantage of when they first raised: they were the first group in decades that dared to publicly go against the crown despite of the possible consequences; in the eyes of the people they were brave and determined, and in the eyes of their enemies they were indomitable and impredictable. Once they had become the ones in power, ENTJ decided to use such reputation in his favor, so he continued with the tradition.
There were lines they won’t cross, of course, like what he had just been complaining about to ENTJ; but that didn’t mean that the route towards those lines was not a painful, bloody one.
And his imagination had already started to turn against him by imagining INFJ in each one of the probable scenarios he knew would happen. The same fear he had constantly been in since she had officially become a prisioner, slicing him inside out. Not even the times he had feared for his very own life could compare.
But, relaxed. He needed to appeared relaxed.
“Very well then, its good to know that my friend is still a man and not a beast.” He forced himself to appear curious rather than terrified “But what is the other reason?”
ENTJ smiled slightly more earnestly at him than he had been doing during their whole conversation “I need her to make an example out of her- and just killing her won’t be enough. Like I said in the throne room, I need her to break.” The commander approached a little chess set he had placed on a small table, and took one of its pieces in his hand. “She is the first important player we’ve caught from the insurgent group. You yourself know firsthand how much they relied on her. Even the leaders. If we just kill her, they will make her a martyr; that would be like adding fuel to a fire. But,” slowly he placed the piece back in its place “if we show them that we can turn one of their stronger players into a mere shell, ready to crack under any pressure,” he grinned and looked ENTP directly in the eyes “we will finally begin to crush that rebellion to death. If we manage to display her publicly in absolute despair, that same despair with spread across the other rebels and begin to kill their cause inside out. After that, we can kill her.”
'Make an example out her' he had said, but by that he had meant to make a show out of her misery.
Fear. He was still not used to this sensation and he hated it. Just like he had started hating the man infront of him with every particle of his body. Just like he had hated himself since he brought this upon her.
ENTP knew that he was no innocent; he had done as much if not more of the pulling of the strings behind the curtains during their rise to power. And ENTJ was right; they had not exactly been too ‘correct’ in their ways. But, he had always believed that the ends would justify the means. That what they have done wrong could be righted by the good that it would cause eventually. Nevertheless, time passed and ENTJ and the rest of his followers had just become more cold, more bold, more vengeful- at first justifying themselves saying that it was necessary measures to ensure respect, then blaming the insurgeance and the need to end it for their merciless acts.
And the worst part was… there were still no results. The economy remained in shambles, crime rates kept going up, the people was still miserable, and now more than ever fear ruled over everything. But either delusion or actual curruption kept them settled in their ways, while still predicating the same speech that had first convinced people to put their trust upon them.
He had remained blind to it all during most of it- or well, perhaps not blind but unwilling to see the truth. Unwilling to see what power was turning their cause into, a cause that he was sure had began with good intentions. He lied and convinced himself that eventually things would turn right.
But after getting to know someone from the other side- someone who taught him that fighting fire with fire would never not lead to just more smoke and ashes, and that the only way to right a wrong was to make it right to begin with… He could now see.
Yet, it had been too late at the moment to keep it all from coming to this. And he feared that if he took a misstep right now it might become to late to keep INFJ from encountering the fate ENTJ had just described for her.
After staring at ENTP for a few seconds ENTJ added “But… it seems I’ve misjudged how possessive you’ve become over the girl.”
Sometimes it surprised ENTP how easily his insides could go from iced bitterness to scorching rage. It also surprised him how good he could be at feigning indifference. He scoffed “As if. I already told you I don’t have any particular interest on her. She was fun to toy with, nothing else. She’s yours to do as you please.”
ENTJ continued staring him down, as if trying to get the truth out of him. But, after a while he simply nodded and said “Very well then. That’s good to hear, because I figured that she might be more compliant if you are in the room during tomorrow’s interrogation.”
His heart sunk in his chest, but he did his best to remain on his role “I doubt that’ll work. If anything her hate for me might make her harder to work with.”
The king sneered “Oh, does that means she is fond of me?”
ENTP replied “Her hate towards you is… general, my dear commander. As if she hates you, but not you, but rather the idea of you. But me,” he smiled smugly despite how those same words he was about to say cutted deeply through him “I am a personal issue.”
ENTJ turned to his desk once again, “Maybe you are right; but I’m actually relying on those strong feelings for you. Whether that’s love or hate or both, strong emotions always make someone easier to manipulate.” He moved his face only enough to look at his subordinate directly in the eyes as he said “You will be there tomorrow.” It was an order, not a suggestion, so ENTP knew better than to argue against it.
“Fine, we’ll see if your plan works tomorrow.” And with that he rose from his chair and turned to the door.
The only thing ENTJ said before ENTP could leave the room was “They always do.”
It was already nightfall when he finally found the opportunity to go into the cells without being noticed.
Since he had left his commander’s chambers he could barely think of anything besides the girl that was trapped inside those walls. He needed to come; to warn her of what would take place tomorrow, and what could come afterwards.
But also, because he needed to see her.
He saw her laying down on the floor; perhaps asleep, perhaps unconcious. Ice ran through his veins at the prospect of the second. He rushed to take out the keys he had stolen from the guards and went inside. The sound of the cell’s door opening immediately made her jump- so asleep it was then.
ENTP could tell that she recognized him as quickly as she saw him. She became almost unnaturally still, her eyes becoming stone cold, just as they had done the only time she had deigned to look at him in the throne room. He hated that look; he could have dealt with the expected looks of hatred, of anger, of betrayal, anything that indicated what she thought of him. Anything that could be taken as the residue of what she once felt for him.
But that look- it killed him. It was as if nothing had ever been there.
Though he admitted to himself that it would have been better for her if it had been that way.
He looked away from her eyes and dared to look at the rest of her. She lied on the floor, reclined against the same wall she was shackled to. Same clothes he had saw her wearing just yesterday's night, right before it all went to hell. But now they were torned, dirty- and bloodied. If he had to guess, she could barely keep herself up. Bruises covered her from head to toe. Despite that he had not been who caused them himself directly, he knew he was responsible for every one of them.
She had fight all the way into her capture. She only stopped fighting when she saw him standing side by side with the king, a fake grin on his face as the words left his mouth “Your Highness, I present to you: the spy”.
It pained him beyond anything he could express to see her like this. He was the first to move, advancing towards her to try to examine her wounds. But, of course, he should have thought better than to act without saying anything before, as she tensed and tried to move away from him before he could reach her.
For her, he was no longer someone she could trust. He was the enemy.
“I won’t hurt you” was the first words that he could think to say, raising his palms up as if that could somehow prove his words to be truthful.
She laughed bitterly “You expect me to believe you?”
Fair. It was fair from her, but right now there was no time to explain or argue with her. “No, but right now I just want to help, alright? Please let me-”
“Fuck off!” she yelled moving as far as she could “Help! Anyone hel-”
He launched himself towards her, pressing her against the wall as gently as he could while his hand covering her mouth to keep her from alerting the guards of his presence. If anyone realized he was here, all of their hopes would be lost.
INFJ began trembling, her eyes panicked while she struggled to push him away.
His heart sank in his chest. She was terrified of him. And she had every right to be. What used to be a playful act, a flirty situation, a moment of closeness, now could only be considered a threatening situation for her in every aspect.
ENTP backed away slightly, giving her as much space as he could without risking her to cause a scene.
“I won’t hurt you. I know you don’t have any reason to believe me, but please listen. Just once.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Part 2: 𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 ℑ 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔲𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔢
Part 3: 𝔚𝔥𝔬 𝔴𝔢 𝔴𝔢r𝔢
Part 4: 𝔚𝔥𝔬 𝔴𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔟𝔢
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struwberrii · 3 months
Hi, I saw the matchup request are open so here i am requesting for one hehe <3
I want a romantic matchup! My pronouns is she/her and I prefer male characters. I’m not an underage so I want to be match with a timeskip character.
My types - I like someone that stable, reliable and very laidback. I want someone that understands my need for personal space and not pushy since i hate it when people tell me what to do. Despite being an extroverts, im not good in communicating my own feelings so i need someone that can communicate well and understand my struggles. I prefer someone introverts but not shy like they can communicate well with others but they’re just not a yapper (leave that job of yapping to me please). I also prefer them to be an act of service kind of person and not a clingy type (i dont mind pda but not too much).
Personalitiy - my mbti is enfj. im an extroverts but i like to have my own space and dont like it when people overstepped my boundaries. peoples says that im very welcoming and friendly despite my rbf which is why people are scared of me when they first met me. i can be very playful, chaotic and i like teasing people. but im very respectful when it comes to others feelings. most people describe me to be easygoing, funny, caring, and mature. I also can be very sarcastic at times but only with people that understand my humour. im good at reading people because im very observant of people behaviour and it always spot on too lmaoo. some says that i have such an inviting energy and that must be why people often come to consult their problem w me and asking for advice though sometimes we barely know each other. im very opinionated but secretive when it comes to my own feelings. I also tend to take care of everyone else first before me (sorry its a habit of being an eldest daughter). im also a chronic people pleaser lol.
Hobbies/Interests - I love reading. I read books, comics, manga, anything that can be read, I’ll read. I also love writing but mainly poetry. I like having a conversation of political and social issues (as long as people keep it civil like i don’t wanna argue lets have a calm conversation). despite being a plus girl, i do play sports like badminton, lawnbowl and sometimes futsal too.
Love language - My love language is act of service and words of affirmation. On a receiving end, I prefer act of service, words of affirmation and receiving gifts. when it comes to receiving gifts, I mean little things as gifts. lmaoo i would be the happiest person if someone even pick up a stone and gifted it to me saying that it remind them of me.
My dream date - I prefer dates like visiting art/history museums, food hunting in cafes/restaurants or anything that is simple and fun.
Sorry this is so long😭 I’ll stop here and I wanna thanks you in advance! Have a nice day <333
match up: tsukishima kei ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
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hope you like the match up!! (also this is time skip i just couldnt find a pic of him in this art style post time skip)
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
tsukishima is very sarcastic and cold, but kind to those who are close to him and those he respects (which is hopefully you as his s/o lol). he is also a man of few words. he says all he needs to to get his point across he is DEF not a yapper. i can def see him being a very active and respectful listener when it comes to you, giving good and genuine advice that may be harsh but its always the truth. this also goes hand in hand with communication. he isnt the most expressive person but i can see him being very blunt and out right telling you when something bothers him or if hes uncomfortable with something since he doesnt want it to happen again, i can see him urging you to do the same and break out of your secretive shell since letting emotions build up and not opening up could end up being very bad
I also see him as a very laid back as a partner and pretty trusting for the most part. he would never overstep his boundaries and let you do whatever you please. i also see him as the type of guy who needs alone time to collect his thoughts as well so he would totally understand if you need some time to yourself as well.
he is DEF a nerd too i mean did we see how bro was fitted up and acting in high school? he would absolutely be coming to you with manga or comic suggestions or asking fro suggestions from you.
I can see him being a very deep and philosophical person behind that salty exterior and probably would love to read your writing and try to break down and understand whatever deeper or hidden message is hiding behind the words you wrote. this can also extend to date ideas, picking out art pieces and trying to understand how one another interpret the piece would be such a fun day for the two of you, plus super cute instagram pictures, i know he does NOT play about his instagram feed.
I see him as the type of guy who only needs to be told something once before he gets the message and just overall being very attentive and understanding to those he cares about and also being very protective over you. he doesnt tolerate any disrespect twoards you and its adorable <3
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hannahlovesluca · 11 months
Heya! I saw you did matchups and wondered if you could do one for me too! If not that’s ok!
(I prefer Males)
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Zodiac: Scorpio
Appearance: I’m about 5’5 or 5’6. I have black wavy hair. Tanned skin but not too much. And brown eyes.
Mbti: ISFP
Personality: People say I’m very kind and caring, always putting the needs of those around me first before my own. People say I’m very smart but I think I’m average. I’m very much introverted and would rather keep to myself but around friends I tend to be loud and energetic. I’m usually very soft spoken but around friends it’s a different story. I get scared easily but when I’m with others who are scared I tend to just dive in first.
Likes: Food, Music, Playing games (especially FPS games and horror games despite being scared 😂), Watching videos or shows, Reading
Dislikes: When people make fun of the people I care about, Waking up early, Having to leave the comfort of my home
Love Language:
Giving: Quality time, Acts of service, and Words of affirmation.
Receiving: Words of affirmation, Quality time, Acts of service, and Physical touch.
Extra: Whenever I get anxious (which happens when I’m around people I don’t know cuz social anxiety 🤷🏻‍♀️😭) I tend to fidget with my hands and the strings of my hoodies. When I’m very focused I tend to hum or let out noises.
(That’s all! I’m sorry it’s so long!! Thanks for hearing me out! Have a good night or day!!)
i pair you with…
Hex Haywire!
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hear me out…
• Hex loves you. He finds everything about you adorable.
• im not romanticizing social anxiety at all i want to preface that!! but, i do think he will definitely be the type to hold your hand in public and do the little thumb stroke thing <33
• will also order food for u if u dont feel comfortable doing it yourself due to ur anxiety <33
• if he notices you fidgeting, he will offer you his hand so you can play with his fingers and his rings
• he knows you’ve been struggling a lot and growing up his mom would reassure him in tagalog, so i think he would do the same for you although you dont understand most of it (unless you do - in which case, nice)
• physical touch is his love language!!! you cant change my mind!!!
• imagine being in the backseat of his car while hes driving (idk why you would be but pretend) and he has his right arm stretched out behind him to hold your hand…💜
• he knows you have a habit of putting others before yourself and he will scold you!!!
• “Y/N, you need to put yourself first. Not them. Please, do this for me, alright?”
• Random messages you receive:
• “paul blart? kinda sexy.”
• “Y/N L/N of NIJISANJI EN’s _th wave ____!”
RUNNERS UP: Pomu Rainpuff, Mysta Rias
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softxsuki · 1 year
Hi! Can I have a matchup for Tokyo Revengers please?
Pronouns: she/they
Preferably matching with male, as a romantic relationship.
Zodiac signs: Scorpio sun, Sag moon, Pisces rising
What I value in relationship : honesty, gentle, peace, loyalty, security, respect, and a little bit of exploration
My type is probably someone who is so kind to handle, or someone who just don’t talk much but decide to do things instead. Kinda like the vice captain thingy if you know what I mean…😅
For my personality, I tend to be so quiet (and maybe intimidating) at first but tbh I’m just shy. The more ppl know me, they’ll see that I am responsible, serious, hardworking, but also chill and laidback at the same time (But don’t ask me to be very honest cause I’ll do it with no filter and some ppl might hate me for that) and if I was super mad (like the final straw) I will cut off that person without any warning.
Hobbies : singing, reading, writing, drawing and listening to music!
I am the youngest daughter but smh being the one who is more responsible amongst my siblings. And fyi I’m scared of someone yelling at me (especially from men… tragically)
And lastly, for the scenario. I want to see how that someone you’ll get for me will do if I came home late due to weather and traffic jams
Thank you so much!
1000 Follower Event Matchup #26
This event is now CLOSED. You can find the masterlist for it here.
Note: So sorry that it's super late, but thanks, for your patience :) hope you enjoy!
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I match you with: DRAKEN
Runner-up was: Shinichiro
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Draken is definitely your type
He’s not verbal with his affection for you, but he shows it more through his actions, like having you walk on the inside of the sidewalk while he walks on the side closer to the street, or shoving his jacket over your head when it starts to rain and you both forgot to bring an umbrella–subtle yet sweet
He’s an incredibly loyal vice captain, and he’s just as loyal as your boyfriend, no other person catches his eye, only you!
Try cutting him off if you get mad at him, he won’t let it happen…he’ll just look at you like “-_- really?” like you really thought you could get rid of him? That’s funny
He knows how to handle someone with spontaneous emotions, he’s Mikey’s friend after all, so he handles your shyness and anger (if that ever happens) pretty well
Draken would never raise his voice at you, he can be pretty intimidating since he is 2nd in command of Toman, but you’re his special someone and he never uses that authority over you, he’s very soft and kind with you
I think someone responsible like you would be perfect for Draken since I think he’s also pretty mature for a guy, he’d need that same level of maturity in a partner as well, and you definitely have that
How does he react to you getting home late for unexpected reasons?
He’s worried of course, but he remains calm
I can’t imagine him overreacting for something like that unless you’re usually home around 4pm and it’s 10pm and you’re still not home…only then would he start to really worry and get antsy
But if you’re usually home by 4pm, but don’t get home until 6pm, then he’s totally calm
He would probably give you a call if it gets too late to figure out where you are and if you’re okay
Like I said, Draken is very mature and level-headed so he knows how to stay calm in situations like these
Gets a little more worried if you don’t answer his calls, but he still wouldn’t run to find you in the streets or anything (unless his gut is screaming at him that something is wrong, but 9 of out 10 times, he knows you’re okay)
Lowkey though I picture that he’d always want to have your location so he has you on life360 or something so he knows where you are at all times
He’s in a dangerous line of work so if anything were to ever happen to you, he’d want to be able to get to you quickly!
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Posted: 08/23/2023
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For the redacted match ups!! Thank you ily no rush!! <333
The song I’m fixated on right now is probably Saturn by Sleeping At Last! “With shortness of breath / You explained the infinite / And how rare and beautiful it is to even exist / I couldn't help but ask for you to say it all again / I tried to write it down, but I could never find a pen / I'd give anything to hear you say it one more time / That the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes”
I’m an enneagram 5w4! I can never decide my mbti, something along the lines of istp or intp or entp but not estp ??? This plagues me
I love love love big youtube video essays, I’m not sure if i can pick a specific favorite!! They’re pretty much all I watch if that helps, and I have a lean toward informational ones— like, about real world events and history rather than about media— although certain media ones are really good too.
My imaginary friend’s name was Nobody. Like.. genuinely thats what i called him. I knew he wasn’t real but i felt left out ‘cause everyone else had one so when people were around I would pretend i had an imaginary friend. An imaginary imaginary friend named Nobody. He had a family too; his siblings were named Somebody and Everybody. Hell yeah
My go to way to fall asleep is in a sea of pillows (they keep my bones in place), big puffy comforter thats too big for my bed, window open, listening to podcasts til like 3am (or whenever sleep happens)
I have changed my name, and I picked it because it shares a nickname with my birth name and has the same initial— an easier transition for everyone else, they could just say my nickname if they didn’t want to say my new one. It even sounds similar. I do like the name, but it beat the other options because of that.
The first one that comes to mind as my favorite is the video where Sam heals Darlin (Vampire Tends To Your Injuries)— it was the first one I listened to and easily the one I’ve listened to the most. I’m a whore for hurt/comfort and that specific energy was too good, the mutual care and growing trust without strings attached, waaaah. I’m also really fond of the one where Avior helps Starlight sleep (Comforted By Your Demon) and the imperium one Specifically when Milo is talking to Asher about David (the beginning of Cataclysm: Last Wish) and the pain in the acting its SO GOOD. Probably my favorite bit of acting specifically from the channel, and the only scene thats made me cry. I just love when characters let down their walls and are vulnerable with each other its real good
The redacted boy who holds no appeal to me… im so sorry its caelum im so sorry it gets worse its not just caelum its huxley too i dont think i have a good reason theyre too nice and as for caelum i have a small brother i cant take any more
“Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.” Don’t say that you dont know what youre getting into. Its the entire warrior cats franchise and im ending the conversation here before i start (more socially acceptable answer: The Song of Achilles)
Hmmm I’d love to be best friends with James!!
When im tired i will usually go off about whatever random problem im concerned about that day, my most common recently is my rage about leopard print vs cheetah print WHY IS THE CHEETAH GIRLS LOGOS AND STUFF LEOPARD PRINT. THE CHEETAH. GIRLS. WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK LEOPARD PRINT IS CHEETAH??? THEY LOOK DIFFERENT??? WHATS GOING ON???
Gas station snack and drink combo is usually green tea, I dont often get snacks there so im like trying so hard to figure out what id get or whats there… oo pretzels maybe
I cant tell you about my favorite playlist because i have one (1) playlist ive had since i was 14 and its just everything ive ever listened to ever, if im in a specific mood ill usually just look up the artist, recently its been a lot of Sleeping at Last and Novo Amor
I have no guilty pleasures im unapologetically me babey (its webkinz) (not the site Just the plushies) (best plushies and im very right about this)
Im sleepy and i love my cat and i would very much like to just cuddle that dang thing all day but alas, society calls. Despite this im a workaholic and not being on my feet at all times getting stuff done stresses me out in a major way— cant be stressed if im asleep, though!:D Also i eat raw potatoes on the regular (easy 2 prepare just take it out the cupboard pop it in ur mouth bb) and recently have started putting peas in my water boba style (or perhaps like a duck?) because i dont like water but i do like frozen peas and in this situation like 1 in 10 sips Theres A Dang Pea In There! This method has gotten me to drink more water than i have in probably years
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You know who would know what they’re getting into and would love it? Ollie, who was definitely a Warrior Cats kid.
You say that you’re a workaholic, and Type Fives are characterized by their capability and competency… and yet, I get really fun, goofball vibes from you that I think Ollie would really love and get along with.
You’re both hard workers, curious, and diligent, but at home, you could be chill and just be with each other, be yourselves with each other. You with your Webkinz and your Warrior Cats and him with his Star Trek- it’s a lovely, comfortable home you have that’s utterly unique to the both of you.
Coming home everyday would be a delight, a reward after a long day of work. Ollie’d grab takeout on the way, orange chicken for him and whatever’s your favorite, and he’d settle in for the night, chopsticks in hand, saying “tell me about the difference between leopard and cheetah print, Babe.”
They say in Heaven, love comes first/ We'll make Heaven a place on Earth/ Ooh, Heaven is a place on Earth
Ollie strikes me as the kind of dude who loves cheesy, 80’s pop; like, I can see him busting through the door with the aforementioned takeout and just bopping. It’s also just a really cute song about the person you love and the space you make together being Heaven, and I love that for y’all.
I like Avior for you on an Enneagram basis; along with the competency and capability, there’s a dogged curiosity there that, I think, Avior would admire and would keep him on his toes. Regulus is purely because of the imaginary friend tidbit; there’d be something poetic about him taking place of your Nobody and making himself your real imaginary friend. I could totally do something with that.
Note: thank for you the Sleeping At Last song rec~ I love his whole Enneagram album, so I’ve been meaning to get into more of his discography 🧡
Want a match-up of your own? Read this post, and tell me about yourself! 💌
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I appreciate that yandere!reader content isn't for everyone (which is partly why I did the poll in the first place, to check that there was interest) but Shin's personality simply doesn't mesh well with what I have in mind. While all yandere characters have some things in common (namely an obsession with their love interest), I always try to maintain the core parts of their personality otherwise it would feel like I was writing generic yandere-kun, which I'm sure some people would still enjoy but it's just not my style.
Apologies for this next bit as I got... kind of carried away doing a bit of character analysis on Shin and yandere themes (it’s late and I’m very tired and that’s my excuse). So yeah, please read it if you want, but if not, then I am sorry the result wasn’t quite what you’d hoped for but hopefully if/when I post the resulting drabble, it will still be something you can enjoy.
Shin isn't actually a character who lends himself to yandereifing particularly easily in my opinion, as while he does have his unhinged moments, if you actually go through them, they’re very rarely to do with the herione (be that the player self-inserting or Yui). And even in Ruki’s DF route where he loses his shit after the herione escapes and runs off with Ruki after promising to be his, that’s definitely not because he loves her, rather it unfortunately digs right into his complex about being made a fool of and that sets him off (also it had to happen because the plot requires Carla kill Shin in front of the Mukami brothers in order for them to face the reality of being required to chase down Ruki so that the endings can happen).
I think the closest we see to Shin losing his mind over the heroine is actually in his Para-Selene CD, but even then, he comes down from it relatively quickly all things considered. I guess the best way I can describe the reasoning for this is that Shin is actually less reactionary than you would think from a surface reading. This might sound odd because a whole part of the Shin-Carla dynamic is impulsive versus carefully thought out, and I’m by no means trying to say Shin is a good planner (he can be but often isn’t). However, Shin does this thing where he will act angrier/more irritated than he actually is because he’s learned it’s a good way to intimidate people or to get them to do what he wants. And you can see this because he acts differently in these moments versus the ones where he’s actually snapped.
Shin has some specific landmines with regards to properly setting off his temper, the biggest being when he thinks someone is trying to make a fool out of him (again as we see in Ruki’s DF route, meta aside), although it’s worth mentioning someone insulting the founders is also likely to set him off and in a relationship, an act of betrayal would do the trick (which Para-Selene isn’t quite although it’s semi in the same vein but I’d argue what Shin’s feeling in CD isn’t simply anger). Outside of that, he’s often more in control of his own actions than he acts, and, in my opinion, is better with his own internal emotional intelligence (think Fi if you’re into MBTI functions) than a chunk of the other characters.
Personally when it comes to writing yandere characters, I always tend to think of characters who, while potentially better at reading a room and manipulating people, have a harder time dealing with their own emotions (I would say someone like Laito falls into this category) as being more likely to go off the deep end due to emotions they either don’t want or don’t know how to deal with causing them to snap. This could well just be a personal preference thing, but it’s why I actually headcanon Carla as being more likely to go yandere than Shin due to his emotional repression issues. The issue here is I just find him less fun to write because my version of yandere!Carla is never going to be very expressive as when Carla snaps he usually reverts to the cold individual we meet at the start of DF.
In my mind there are two situations where it makes sense to write Shin going yandere, the first being something to do with suspecting something’s up with his S/O and Carla (which I sort of explored in a yandere!Shin fic I wrote that tumblr isn’t letting me link for some reason, although I think if his S/O actually initiated something with Carla of their own accord, Shin would probably just attempt to murder the pair of them in a fit of rage). The second is a scenario I talked about in this post (https://at.tumblr.com/carlatsukinamistolemyhamsandwich/as-fond-as-i-am-of-possessive-yandere-shin-and-his/ffjlg3fjqerr), my reasoning behind this being that as we see with Carla, Shin definitely has the capacity to put people on a pedestal and the scenario I described in that post plays with the idea of him projecting the obsession he has with strength onto the object of his desires which definitely fits with the yandere theme for me.
Personally I’m a big fan of the second option (not just because that was me projecting onto the reader a bit) but because it plays into an obsession Shin already has and just twists it and makes it worse rather than better as we see in the “good” endings in the games.
Anyway I think that might be enough ranting about Shin for one night. I hope this at least makes some semblance of sense. Good night all!
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Hi there! Could I get a matchup for Bungo Stray Dogs and My Hero Academia, please? My partners have been primarily male but any gender is fine. Thank you for running this blog! Reading over the matchups so far has been really interesting.
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: Aromantic/Asexual
Zodiac/MBTI: Sagittarius, ISFJ-A
Appearance: 5'3 but often mistaken for taller due to how I carry myself. I have long brown hair, which I typically keep tied back. I have an Ouji/Dandy aesthetic and prefer reds and purples to go with my blacks. Preference for gold accessories. Often seen with a walking stick due to health issues.
Personality: I’m introverted and prefer to keep to my close circle of friends. I am the parent friend that reminds the others to get enough sleep, eat, etc. and arranges social events. I'm extremely critical of myself, and I have some trust issues due to betrayals in my past. My love languages are giving gifts and quality time. I look for close companionship and someone I can feel safe and respected with in a relationship.
Likes and Dislikes: I like dining out with friends, enjoying the fine arts at museums and theaters, listening to music, playing chess, reading, tabletop gaming, travel, video games, and writing. I dislike a lack of structure/routine, actions based solely on assumptions, being the center of attention, disrepect, loud areas, and unsolicited advice.
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchups!
In Bungo Stray Dogs, I match you with...
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Atsushi is a good balance of introvert and extrovert. He's extroverted enough to be able to socialize easily but introverted enough that he enjoys his own space.
So I think he would bring out your best qualities. He can appreciate your quietness but he's also able to bring you out of your shell.
Thinks your aesthetic is very cool. He'd love to try on some of your accessories but he's just a bit too embarrassed to ask.
I feel like Atsushi would like playing chess with you. He's not a chess master but he's still good enough to have a good game with you.
He would also enjoy going to museums and art galleries with you. He never really got the chance as a kid so he's trying to make up for lost time.
If you're in a particularly crowded area and Atsushi can see it's starting to get to you, he'll find somewhere away from the noise where you can have a break.
Will do his very best to make sure you always feel safe with him. He feels safe around you and he wants to make sure you share than feeling.
Atsushi love spending quality time with you! It's his love language as well so it's a win-win for both of you!
In My Hero Academia, I match you with...
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Tamaki's your introverted buddy! He's more of an introvert than you are but he feels comfortable around you so he'll come out of shell a bit more.
Another one who thinks your aesthetic is really cool. He wishes he had the confidence to wear that sort of thing in public.
Another one who loves spending quality time with you. Tamaki doesn't really mind where that quality time is spent, as long as you're together.
That being said, he loves stay at home dates where you just cuddle on the lounge and watch a movie or listen to music. He finds it relaxing and far less taxing than going out.
Will avoid crowded places like the plague. You won't have to worry about going to loud places if Tamaki has any say in it!
I see Tamaki as someone who would like museums and art galleries. Even though there are people there, it's always really quiet and peaceful.
There was one instance where there just so happened to be a school group visiting the same art gallery. Tamaki ended up standing in the corner. People thought he was part of the exhibit...
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surelevi · 2 years
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i. the ballad of the sad café - carson mccullers // ii. “why try to change me now?” - frank sinatra // iii. “comin’ back to me″ - jefferson airplane
( charlie barnett, cis man, he/him ) — Look who it is! If you take a look at our database, you’ll find that LEVI ST. JAMES is a THIRTY-FIVE year old VETERINARIAN that’s been in Chicago for TEN YEARS. According to the file, they’re a mutant on LEVEL 3 with the power of LOVE MANIPULATION. That must be why they’re HUMBLE and CRITICAL. If you ask me, they remind me of the curse of pure dedication, a scratched irma thomas record that skips on the same line, the bright moon falling upside down. They are affiliated with NOBODY.
full name: levi joshua st. james
date of birth: september 14th, 1987
zodiac big three: virgo sun, cancer moon, virgo rising
gender & pronouns: cis man & he/him
sexual orientation: bisexual
ethnicity: 1/2 black, 1/2 white
nationality: american
languages spoken: english (5), spanish (4), french (4), italian (4)
enneagram: 1w2
mbti: isfj
temperament: phlegmatic
alignment: lawful neutral
ability: love manipulation
affiliation: n/a
alias: aphrodite
triggers: infidelity
the story of levi’s birth is... an unconventional one. the st. james’ were on an amicable break and, allowed to sleep with others, mrs. st. james unknowingly got knocked up.
eight months later, levi is born a bit premature !
however, despite being the child of another man entirely, levi was welcomed into the st. james family when they reunited. he never really considered who his biological father was -- the fact of the matter was that he felt closer to st. james dad than he could feel with any stranger who simply shared his dna.
everyone in the family had one mutation or another, be it as powerful as weather manipulation ( his dad ), as fun as power mimicry ( his mom ), as outlandish as hair manipulation ( kael just sent this to me as an example of how wild powers could be so i’m going with it ). that wasn’t even to begin with his eldest sister, january, and her reality warping. he always deeply respected all of his family -- of course he did, he was raised right ! -- but nothing commanded respect as much as the ability to warp all of time and space.
that said, it was only a matter of time until levi’s came to fruition (lol sorry lai). 
it was minor, the way it started. he simply started becoming more popular, all the kids in his class seeming to either just naturally like him or have a full-blown crush on him. this certainly seemed odd, as it was only weeks ago that he was a wallflower, but... stranger things, right ?
his mother, however, managed to mimic his power: love manipulation. what had happened ? his general presence had become more alluring, more charismatic, and he could do nothing about that !
the powers he could do things with ? honestly, most were a curse in disguise. you’d think ‘love manipulation’ would only have kind things, but when you’re forcing love on people ? suffice it to say, while he and the other were working out he kinks, he got put in time out a few times for making x fall in love with y. ( r/sweethomealabama (jk, but im hilarious) )
with all of the mutants in his family who were able to give him tips and tricks, he was able to control it -- for the most part -- within a year. and, save for empathy ( lower grade than louis, higher grade than the normal empathetic human ) and the occasional inducement of self-love, he only used his ability if need be -- like if it could stop a violent crime or something ! robber falls in love <3 up until the victim can get away, at least :elmosmile:
in 2008, nearly ten years later, levi met blake while studying to become a vet ( because nothing screams love like the love of a pet ! ). he fell head over heels for them and, without even having to use his ability, they fell just as strong for him.
three years in, levi popped the question and they didn’t hesitate to say ‘yes!’
their was a lovely union. blake was to relocate to oak park, il for their job. levi was already behind the move, looking into job offerings nearby. he found the perfect one in chicago, and that ? well, that made him go from content to ecstatic ! not just because it offered a great salary and seemed, quite frankly, desperate, but because his eldest sister lived in chicago !
the two packed up and relocated and, a few months in, when they felt all settled in and at home, they decided to begin trying for a baby.
a year and a half later, charlotte was born. a beautiful little girl with a bright spirit -- a little girl who woke her parents up with laughter, not sobbing. she was his pride and joy. and he had never been so happy.
but all good things must come to an end.
perhaps levi grew too comfortable with their routine. he always felt safest boxed inside them, a coping mechanism that must have developed from one stressor or another ( honestly ? the man has to put dogs down... that career has the highest suzy side rate for a reason... ). in any case, he followed the same script every single day. spontaneity had left their relationship -- and he saw no problems with it, but they wanted more.
this led to a few arguments... that turned into a few fights... he was all but married to routine. and it wasn’t long before he found a condom wrapper -- that did not belong to him -- in the trash can.
but, instead of confronting them, he let things play out... he would see if they would come clean... and, three months later, they did -- three months later, blake was saying that they needed to get a divorce. they were unhappy, he wasn’t going to change -- so they would make him unhappy, and they didn’t want their child growing up with parents who were constantly fighting.
if he hadn’t gotten blind drunk later that night, maybe he wouldn’t have done what would ultimately be his biggest regret. but he had gotten blind drunk and, when he returned to their apartment, he cast his love spell on them.
the next day, it was as if they had forgotten entirely. blake was so happy to be with him, he was so happy to be with them. sober-minded ? he wasn’t entirely sure what had happened, but he wasn’t going to question it. and he never grew the spine to bring up blake’s affair.
for the next year and a half, things were bliss. it was like they were in a perpetual honeymoon era. blake loved him so very much, loved charlotte so very much, and they were truly the ideal family unit ! exactly what you would picture the 1950s nuclear family as ( ...but, like... less waspy... ).
however, one day, it was as if the world broke. the family photograph was all wrong... but he didn’t know why. it was warped, but it was not warped. it was blurry, but it was not blurry. it was not there, but it was there. 
absolutely perplexed by this sensation, he broke his own routine to do nothing but stare at this photograph. he didn’t sleep, he didn’t eat. he just stared at the photograph, entering the world’s biggest daze. 
two days in, blake approached him to remind him that their anniversary was coming up... in eight months and seventeen days. and this was more than odd. they loved him, yes, and he loved them... but their life had never revolved around it to the point that they walked up to him, a complete stepford smile on their face, to inform him. and to top it all off, their hand was bleeding. when asked what happened, they shared that bones nipped them -- but it’s okay ! they love him !
it hit levi like a brick: the past year and a half had been a complete lie. and he was now faced with a moral dilemma: keep his family... but keep blake captive in a spell, or let them go... but lose his family.
it didn’t take as much thought as most of his decisions did -- because he loved them, he had to release them. and he immediately admitted what had happened -- that he had done it blind drunk, had been unaware of what happened, but he had still done it and lived in it and hadn’t questioned it the way he questioned so many things.
he spent the next few nights at a motel and scrounged up the money to get an apartment of his own. they mailed him the divorce papers and, however painful it was, he signed them. 
because he had not done anything to charlotte, he was allowed visits, but blake still gained sole custody. and he knew that that was how it had to be.
he eventually settled into a different routine -- remarkably lonelier, but still something to hold onto. he tries to branch out, he tries to make more friends, he tries to become a healthier version of himself. he swears off his ability, save for his influence ( something he can’t help ), empathy, and the occasional self-love for those who may need it. he will induce love when absolutely necessary again, but he cannot do what he had done ! he cannot slip again !
he knows that he’s lost blake, but there’s still hope for charlotte. if he can just prove himself well enough, he can be a proper father to her again -- and, god, he wants to be that so damn bad !
1987: levi is born in the st. james family. although he is not biologically his father’s, he is treated as such by all members of the family filled with powerful mutants.
1997: his ability begins to blossom. when people started flocking to him and finding him charming, it seemed a little strange. what was stranger ? his mother, ability of power mimicry, picked up on his: love manipulation.
1998: through trial and error, levi has gained enough control to not make strangers fall in love. he only uses it when need be ( when it could stop something violent, for example ).
2008: levi meets blake -- aka, the person who will wind up becoming his spouse. they hit it off, no powers needed.
2011: levi proposes and they says yes ! they have a lovely little wedding !
2012: they relocate to chicago, where january is residing, and start trying for a child.
2014: they have a daughter: charlotte. 
2018: things have been... rough in paradise. they’ve been fighting more, a lot of it over his dedication to routine. he finds out that they’d been having an affair. blake figures the best course of action for all involved is divorce. the night they admitted to their affair, he got blind drunk. on a drunken whim ? he cast a love spell upon them. the next day, everything was back to the way it had been... and he wasn’t sure why, but he didn’t want to question it.
2020: everything has been going so well ! they were basically living in a perpetual honeymoon, but with charlotte too !  then he spent days, willingly broken from his routine, staring at this photo in their house that just didn’t look right. he couldn’t pinpoint it, but it didn’t look real. and he became obsessed with it. his spouse, suddenly stepford as he hadn’t talked to them in those past couple days, reminded him of when their anniversary was: eight months and fifteen days! in addition ? their hand was bleeding horribly from a bite bones dished out, but they waved it off and said they loved him. ‘oh shit, we’re under a fucking spell.’ he had a crisis of conscience, suddenly realizing that everything around him was, more or less, fake. he had two options: keep doing this, keep ruling his spouse -- but keep his happy family. or let them go and sacrifice it all. he loved them, so chose the latter. he confessed to what he had done with them already suspicious, what given the sudden shift. they left him that night with charlotte in tow and sent divorce papers in the mail. he hated it, but he signed.
2021: with what had happened, they gained sole custody of charlotte. he was allowed visits, but nothing more.
2022/2023: he’s been trying to get back into the habit of being... a good guy, to say the least. he’s been trying to branch out, trying to make new friends, trying to become healthier so that he may one day be able to have his daughter over for more than a few hours. he knows getting back together with his ex-spouse is hopeless, but seeing his daughter ? not yet... he tries to use his power as little as possible, just as he had when he was a kid. the fact of the matter ? it can do some serious gd damage. he might induce some self-love in others who need it, or induce love in the midst of violent encounters, but... that has to be it, right ?
i want to make it COMPLETELY clear that blake was still fully autonomous until he went two days without giving them attention. the only difference was that they felt like they loved him like they used to. like... their life didn’t revolve around him or anything and i think that is... extremely, extremely, extremely important to note !
also i’m gonna steer clear of talking about what happened with their sex life during that time for right now, but if someone takes blake up, we can talk about it and what would’ve made the most sense but... not have been dubcon... i have ideas, but i just... want to make that clear ALDFHSJ
let me also make it COMPLETELY clear that he did not do anything to charlotte !
the kid he got to keep in the divorce ? their great dane, bones. blake had forgiven bones for the bite -- dogs are too smart, it’s very canon that bones knew what was going on and had to find a way to alert them both! -- but... he was levi’s concern now.
levi does not want to be a creep (or a weirdo), but he does hope to establish a decent rapport with blake again. he knows it’ll be a long time coming -- he knows he did more than fuck up ! he was a year and a half of both of their lives ! -- but they’re the co-parent of their child and he really, really, really wants visitations to go smoothly. hell, he really, really, really wants partial custody, if even just one night every other week !��he wants to be a proper dad.
on a less depressing-adjacent note, he still looks up to january -- and not just because of how powerful she is. that said, her power can make him underestimate himself. between her ability to warp all of reality and his father’s ability to affect the whole world by changing the weather, he’s like “look at this cool party trick!” 
of course, he realized just how harmful it can be when he cast it on blake... but it’s still invisible -- it’s still harder for him to mentally equate.
he can be a little bit tone-deaf every now and again. he grew up as a rich boy, so he’s not... totally familiar with... everything he probably should be. but he is always quick to correct himself, my goodness !
coming from a double virgo (granted, sun and moon whereas he’s sun and rising), he is such a double virgo ! he overthinks the smallest things, he has a critique for everything -- and he’s extremely critical on himself, he finds comfort in routine and repetition. but he’s also so caring and gentle, hence his career path.
takes in every stray that comes to the vet and stays for over three weeks with no takers. he now has three cats and three dogs. cats: froot loop, frosted flake, mini wheat. dogs: bones ( the og! ), green bean, zucchini. 
more tbd !
his ex-spouse / co-parent of his daughter !!! depressing ! first of all, i genuinely couldn’t decide whether to give levi a husband or a wife... so i decided to make them totally gender neutral ! aka, gender will not factor into this connection ! anyway, name is blake, but that can be changed. as the spark left their relationship, they grew unhappy with how he just couldn’t seem to leave the comfort of his routine. they eventually had an affair, he found out -- but he waited for them to confess. the night they did was also the night they proposed a divorce. blind drunk, he made them fall in his love spell while they were asleep. the two spent the following year and a half in loving paradise -- and they probably felt like an npc during this period. when he dropped it upon realizing what he had done, he immediately confessed, and they immediately made him move out and served him divorce papers. they gained sole custody of their daughter, but he’s been allowed visits. he very clearly wants to be more present in their daughter’s life again, so he’s trying to repair things as much as they can be repaired, but he knows that the broken vase of their relationship will never be fixed.
besties ! there throughout the relationship through the divorce. ‘bro wtf is happening’ ‘bro idk’ // ‘bro i put my spouse under a spell oh my god’ ‘bro wtf’ ‘bro idek!!!’
co-workers ! some more vets or vet techs !
family ! i do believe the st. james family has been established as being fairly large, so... hit kael up first FAHODSUILAJS then me !
new people for him to love ! *eye-roll emoji*
use his powers ! wld luv a reason for him to use the big kahunas in his arsenal... will say that...
brainstorming !
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psychelis-new · 2 years
Hi!!! :D i’m sorry i’m late for feedback but here i am! i first wanted to say your reasoning for your mbti makes a lot of sense, i was just wondering if you knew about mbti functions? because that will be different and helps cement down your type instead of mbti constantly changing depending on your mood. however! i do think you sound very infj so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ HAHA! secondly i know of enneagram! that’s so cool! i love your enneagram type, they always sound very sincere in their purpose! do you know about instincts for ennea? they’re an extra layer mentioned that you could check out for fun!
okay but back to the point, i really think your intuition always hits the spot. i’ve been destabilised by a big conflict although it was a long time coming, however she was the one last connection to my past. and i just want to move on because i didn’t want to tolerate that behaviour anymore. and your advice really sunk in, about taking it slowly and gently without rushing. it’s something i’ve always struggled with! and i still had lingering guilt because this person is (was?) close to me so i kept dithering between the decision to move on or try again and go back. so the main reason why your reading hit was because i was really pressuring myself into acting right now when i was literally the one being hurt, and it wasn’t my fault. so honestly, thank you so much, i know you felt like you had a block in your intuition, but ig just know that to the rest of us you’re as illuminating as ever 🥺🌠
i hope you’re well and happy!!! 🌃🐬🥰
Hey, you're not late! I have been taking the test (I know it's not that accurate but still) many times for different years and I've always been and INFJ so I guess that's my core self no matter what LOL I should retake it one day, just to see^^. I don't know much about MBTIs functions, so I cannot really say anything from that point of view. And I don't know about instincts for enneagrams, but now that you mentioned, I might even try to check that too, just out of curiosity! Thanks :D
Thank you a lot for your feedback, I'm glad it resonated despite my small problems :). Yeah, sometimes it's not easy to decide what to do, especially when it involves people we're so used to be with, no matter what. So many emotions may come in between, and I totally get that you feel guilty too, cause they're part of your life and it's scary to lose others (especially those that are parts of our roots: feels like losing ourself or our comfort area, but it's not so. We're always the same, we do not depend on others. Our comfort comes from within). But if they hurt us, they just hurt us. And no matter how long we've been with them, how much we have afforded and seen together, the only thing that matters is that we're hurt and we need to heal and take time for ourselves. And we need them to understand they hurt us and talk things out (when possible; if not, we give closure to that ourselves). So again, after your feedback, I confirm: for now take time for yourself, to take care of you, to understand it was not on you, and then you can decide... evaluate objectively the situation and how you feel (follow your instincts. Only move towards the decision that will bring the best result for you. It's not selfishness, it's self respect: staying with people that may probably only hurt us, is just useless. And remember, just in case: it's not on you and probably not even on them, it's just life happening. We all grow, it's okay to grow differently from the people we are used to be with, sometimes).
Take care and be happy and hopeful<3
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mbti-enemies · 2 years
Hello! First of all I want to say I love your blog. Your MBTI dynamics posts, your knowledge and takes, the general atmosphere of your blog, this all is fantastic, and I was super happy when I found it. I don’t know if you’re comfortable with people asking you those questions so if it’s not feel free to not reply and I’m sorry I bothered you.
Anyway, I’ve been into MBTI for quite a long time. I know all the types descriptions, I know how cognitive functions work, I know what loops are, I learnt about enneagram thanks to MBTI, I can easily (well, or not easily, it depends) type fictional characters and people around me. But the problem is that I still have no idea who I am. This is not like I want to get to know myself better, I just feel a bit uncomfortable about knowing about MBTI and thinking about it literally every day, whereas still not being able to type the most obvious person to me - myself.
One of the reasons for it, I think, is that I actually know how it works and it’s difficult for me to remain unbiased. For quite a while I used to think I was INFJ but upon learning Ni was the rarest function, the literal thing I said was: “Nah, that’s impossible. I can’t be so unique.” Anyway, learning more information about this function didn’t help much because I still don’t quite understand its meaning with that general descriptions about insights and being able to predict the future or whatever.
Although I have to admit I notice it happening sometimes but I’m pretty sure it applies to just one aspect of my life. I’m a writer, and there were several time when I got ideas for my book out of the air while the basic thinking process (like, I think about something absolutely random and bam! I know what I’m going to include in the next chapter even though just a second ago my mind was blank). I don’t what this thing is, and maybe it actually has nothing to do with introverted intuition but it happens quite often.
I know another characteristic of Ni is being able to read between the lines and finding hidden meanings behind the things. This is something I also do, but again, it mostly applies to writing. I love choosing meaningful names and birth dates for my characters, I love using symbols and foreshadowings and making parallels/connections. Everything in my story is connected, and I really can’t imagine writing in any other way. I want everything to make sense and meaning.
Although I can notice the same happening in my real life. I love analyzing and getting to the bottom of the things because I want to have a deep understanding of them. For this reason I also love psychology. I remember watching one random cartoon with my Mom, and even though it’s clearly meant for children, I began to delve into the main character’s personality, trying to understand why other characters treated him that way. At that point I probably was overanalyzing but it really happened naturally, and my Mom admitted she didn’t think about it from that perspective when she watched it.
When I got into psychology, I started analyzing my life to understand why I’m like this and what I can do with that information to build my future. I can say I’m quite future-oriented and I’m not usually absorbed by my past but I learn from that and connect it with my present, which I’m pretty sure is a Si trait.
And now, I’ll start questioning me being intuitive, because I know this is their thing to have quite an eloquent speech, they’re abstract in their expressions, whereas, well, I’m not. My speech is direct and free from metaphors. I get to symbolism in my writing only.
I know intuitive types tend to be innovative and prefer creating their own ways of completing any tasks and to be fair, I have no idea whether I can relate to it. I usually need instructions to have my tasks done but I feel like it’s mostly because I like order and want to make sure I do everything right, while I don’t want to take anyone’s work as an example and prefer doing it my own way, the way it works easier and more natural to me.
It’s really difficult for me to get who I can be: intuitive or sensory, because I feel like my intuitive part takes over only my creative side, whereas my daily life is more sensory, because I’m goal-oriented and strive to bring all of my goals to life. I don’t want to daydream, I want to take action and be in charge of my life. If I get an idea, I want to fulfill it as soon as possible and at times I might get way too result-oriented, completely forgetting about enjoying the process of work. I usually know where to start and what I’m supposed to achieve but it’s difficult to fill the middle of it.
Maybe my last point sounds like my dominant function is Te but I really doubt it because I’m clearly introverted. As I mention, I like order plus I might get annoyed with disorganized people in charge, thinking I could handle it better yet I’m pretty shy and timid and see no point in being bossy. I’m not a team player and prefer working alone. 
I think Te is my auxiliary function, which makes me lean towards ITJ but I’m not sure again. I can’t say I’m people-oriented but this is important to me to be appreciated and I think too much about how other people picture me. I suppose it might be a Fe trait but I can’t say I’m in touch with people’s feelings. 
Whenever someone shares their feelings with me, I just stare at them and don’t know what to say, usually trying to get the reason why they’re upset instead of encouraging them (or I just hug them because I don’t know what to say). For this reason I prefer messaging because it gives me more time to put my thoughts together and say something encouraging instead of fearing to make them feel worse. 
When it comes to my own emotions, I usually don’t have strong ones. I might get angry but I never make scenes because I see no point in that and I know I’ll regret it later. When anyone makes me upset or even depressed, I tend to hide it to myself because I don’t want to weigh the person who hurt me with my problems. I know it’s weird but I simply don’t want to be a burden and do tend to think that I’m the one who’s responsible for all my downs.
Anyway, it turned out extremely long so I’ll end here. I don’t know if any of this gives you any hints which type I am but if you can type me, I’d really appreciate it! I personally lean towards INTJ, ISTJ, INFJ, and *maybe* INTP but I’m not sure.
Thank you for running this blog and I hope you both are having a great day! 
okay so neither of usq ute get the question here cause you seemed to have ans3ered it pretty well yourself - intj it is.
you said Te, and introverted, so definitely like ISTJ/INTJ. IXFJs kinda have to be ok with other people's feelings, unless there's a specific reason for not being so.
with the whole Ni vs Si , just cause youre an action taker who actively strives towards your goals doesnt mean your not an intutivite , it j shows the Te side of you which prefers makin your dreams come to life rather than j daydream ocer it . the whole loving anaysing and getting into psycholoyg def gives Ni vibes as well. also learning from ur past is def not just an si trait like it's just a good thing to do yk, don't make the same mistakes twice ofc.
i know we haven't given you any good reasons for being an Ni dom but honestly we can't quite tell you how it worls either soo um, thinking backwards and going deeper into a situation/proble and letting yourself get a lil lost in amongst teh swathes reality brdering the rel of fantastu to ake the place you cak home in ur mind
intj and infj
okay hello sorry we're back i don't really know how to cope with this force who can't spell smt - idek what the last bullet point @intj what did the last bullet point mean? that it's from both of us?
I guess what we're trying to say is that you give off intj vibes. the Te seems quite clear, and as for caring about what others think of you, I think this is compatible still. you phrase this in a way that puts Fi at the root: "this is important to me to be appreciated". Fe and Te are decision making functions, at the end of the day, they just direct you to how you make most your decisions. is it based on the way others may feel, or what just makes sense within a system?
Your love for understanding this and getting to the bottom of them really seems to point to Ni. Si does this too, but in a more factual way, prefering to reach solid stable blocks of knowledge rather than a vaguer understanding. I think the instability of mbti can sometimes deter Si doms from it, and so your extreme interest in mbti gives more intj vibes. direct speech is a very Te thing- Ni vs Si will have little to do with this externally projected trait. speech is for those around you, not for you. intj over here also talks very directly; on the few times she hasn't her voice goes slightly wavy, slightly softer, a slight strain. she can't speak properly as she switches into the speech that mirrors her writing at points. it can be hard to spot ni through your thought, especially because in general dominant functions are so easily used that it feels like the most natural thing; wHat dO YOu MEaN i uSed nI? so your writing feels like a good indicator of your dominant function; in it is both a preference for Ni and a natural inclination towards it.
also anon, your writing sounds so wonderful. i wanna read.
wait also forgot to say, ty for the compliments on our blog! we are incredibly flattered.
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Match-up with @vai3-writes! (I’m sorry this took me long, I’m finally here!)
I do hope you enjoy!
Warnings: none!
Hello, darling, and welcome! Here’s what I managed to do, I sincerely apologize if it’s not the best thing done, but it’s my very very first time doing a match-up! Thank you for participating, I do hope it’s decent!
(Also, my apologies if there’s any mistakes, this is unedited because my ear hurts really bad and I can’t focus ;-;)
My little speculation over your info brought me to think about...
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Kento Nanami!!
So— to start off, your MBTIs, INTJ and ISTJ, for what I could grasp on a research, might be a little difficult at first, or, more to say, it have a few challenging moments during the whole relationship, but I do believe that someone like Nanami is reasonable to many things, which won’t make it insufferable for either of you.
Following suit on this kind of thing, even your zodiac signs don’t exactly crash together too well— it does mention a little bit of tension and drama that will though strengthen your bond. One of the reasons I chose Nanami is because I do think that he’d make it work, and I’m sure you would do, as well. However, the main reason I chose Nanami despite these little differences in zodiac and MBTIs are:
Your appearance:
I won’t delve too much into personal things, not wanting you to be uncomfortable, of course! But what I mean with this is that Nanami is a huge green flag— no, a green forest— so he really wouldn’t mind any kind of appearance on anybody, I do see him as someone who would find his partner stunning and lovable despite anything.
Your personality:
You mentioned being comfortable with loud people as long as it’s not obnoxious, and that brought me to think that Nanami is a little bit like that— he doesn’t particularly enjoy loud people at all, but let’s be honest, if he actually hated them that much, he wouldn’t be around Satoru AT ALL. Your loyalty to friends and family is definitely a big yes on Nanami’s terms, considering the person he is and his believes. He is a sweetheart, he cares about you and will definitely put you above anything else— if that’s not loyalty, I don’t know what is! Into the next aspect where you spoke about your wariness and difficulty on trusting people, Nanami wouldn’t push you on anything. He’d wait for you, and give you reasons for you to trust him, no matter how long it would take for you to. For the same loyalty I mentioned before, therefore, I don’t think he’ll ever betray you in any way, so no need to worry over that.
You mentioned how you enjoy talking— and he’ll definitely listen. You also said about wanting to listen, and I’m sure he’ll oblige. He’s the quiet type, but if he trusts you, and if you find a topic of conversation to share, I’m sure he’ll talk to you for as long as you’d like. Your altruism is admirable, and he’ll be sure to show you how he appreciates how kind you are. He would never order you around, I actually see him as someone very respectful of people around him— if something like that were to happen, where someone disrespected you or gave you an order for whatever reason that was pushed too far on boundaries, ergo, coming off as very rude and unfair on your part, I’m sure he’ll stand by your side and protect you, even if that’s not the best term I could come up with. He cherishes you, and wants you to be respected as a person. He would support you all the way through the things you consider important, like your academic projects and achievements.
When it comes to your humor, I believe that sarcasm is what will hold you two together in very funny exchanges of little retorts together. Bullying your friends (affectionately) is something he probably has done when he was younger, maybe he left that side of himself back, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t find it funny when you do it. I think he could be a little bit of a mediator when it comes to you building opinions on people quickly— not in an intrusive way, he could just talk to you and ask why or what you think of that one person and if there’s anything you need, in case that person is coming off as annoying to you, for example. Your sense of justice and the respect you hold for yourself is definitely something that Nanami will be proud of— you respect yourself because you know you’re worth, and he appreciates that.
For the arguments, he would talk things through with you— I see him staying calm, even if you are getting agitated and yelling at him, he won’t complain or get mad at you for that, just trying to find a reasoning for you both to cool off and solve things. He will respect your space— whether you’re with friends, or you need to be alone. No matter what. I chose Nanami because of how you hate obnoxious and arrogant people— Nanami’s so calm and collected, polite and stern, that he is the exact opposite of those things. And honestly, he hates these things just as you do!
The date activities:
What brought me to 100% choosing Nanami were the date activities you mentioned— restaurant and cafes, hiking, exploring cities— overall, staying outside and having your fun little calm time together, I think it’s something Nanami would go for. He would try out new things, I can picture him trying out painting with you, or maybe just assisting you while you paint. He prioritizes you having fun.
Your hobbies:
He finds your love and dedication to music very endearing— I think he would listen to you as you play the piano, it soothes him after a full day of stressing work. He’d read with you, even just reading a different book and enjoying each other’s silent presence through the flipping of pages. He also could help you pick up on some books you bought and then just left there to read them an year later, lol. Maybe he’s not exactly the one for gaming, but I don’t see why he would be close minded and not try out new things, or watch you as you play, or listen as you tell him about this new game obsession of yours. He would LOVE to bake with you. Just spending some time with you as you make whatever sweet food you’re baking, laughing together, eating the delicious things you made and then cleaning up together. He’s housewife material, isn’t he?
He will find your smarts and how you’re fluent with languages admirable— he wouldn’t mind the switch ups, he would actually probably find it amusing and cute, even. He could ask you if you want to teach him a few simple words or sentences, he’s a man of culture.
Song: Young and Beautiful — Lana Del Rey
(You did say you like Lana :3)
Hope you enjoyed!! :) I did my best <3
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seelestia · 2 years
hahaha i’m glad i’m bad at being an anon BUT YOU GIVE ME SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT SO !!!
yeah school sucks i agree, chemistry is making me tear up. what's your favorite subject? and tbh I haven't written in a while i have no ideas what to write :( any suggestions?
uh oh i love chocolate milk but three glasses feels like it'll shoot my stomach. i am pretty good at self control, or at least id like to think so. and HAHAHA this is really funny bc i am in fact an intp and OBSESSED w mbti. what's yours?
you did do it justice!! i love the idea that sometimes no matter how much you love someone there's always going to be a small part of them that loves someone more than you and living with it can be difficult. you did it GREAT. and ZHONGLI AHHH. hes wonderful to write as i love his personality. i love how u analyzed him and i completely agree shxij. i love writing characters I can chew up n analyze (tehe) bc i like challenges, so scara, childe, kazuha, and diluc are some of my favs. wbu?
dw about it, quill! i love giving people things to talk abt because my brain is a jumbled mess of topics and listening to other people's opinions / how uniquely they view the world compared to me are absolutely >>>
CHEMISTRY IS A DEMON CHILD FR. i still need to shove chemical equations because figuring out how to balance them sucks the life out of me 😭 but my fav subject is deffo biology! i like how i always go "ooh, so that's what happened" because my child self used to have sm questions abt how the heck our body works. what's your fav subject?? >:)
i'm not good with suggestions, but let's see! is there any particular trope you'd like to try writing?? or like a trope that just screams a chara's name to you?? this sort of thing makes me feel inspired, but i'm sorry if this doesn't help much, quill <//3 i hope you'll be able to find inspo soon tho! it sucks not knowing what to do :(
see, you're a better person than me when it comes to this. (/lh) now that i look back on it, what was i thinking downing three glasses of choco milk 😭 ANYWHO, ME TOO?? a fellow mbti-obsessed brethren?? i'm an infj and i'm glad i guessed you right, ehe. let me tell you, i love typology sm like i have a habit of assigning an mbti or enneagram type to someone i've talked to for a bit or even the mc's i write in my fics (like the mc in 'do you love me?' for example! i can say that they'd be an xNFx / intuitive feeler).
THANK YOU SM <3 me too like the idea of that is so painful but also somewhat realistic at the same time?? like emotions are unique in the way that they don't have reins for us to maneuver the way we want to and following that idea, it somewhat explains how we can be prone to leaning towards one side more than the other (consciously or not). it may be an easy fact to acknowledge; it may not be an easy one to confront, however. — i think that was like the baseline i was trying to portray in the story?? i'm glad you loved it tho! writing that fic makes me adore dylm!zhongli and dylm!mc sm ☹️ (they're my skrunklies that are subjected to angst torture /lh)
CHEW AND DISSECT THEIR BRAIN! (in a safe and non-dottore way /j) i like how scara and diluc are the ones that put a lid over their feelings whilst kazuha and childe are the honest, open with what's on their mind type 🤭 for me, some of my favs to write are: ayato (are we surprised /j), scara, alhaitham, and dainsleif (so underrated, i need to write for this depressed beautiful man asap)! as you can see, i have a thing for writing logical people and i fear it's an obsession. (/lh)
0 notes
nnight-dances · 2 years
pairings: yeonjun x f!reader
tropes: one-sided enemies to lovers >:-)
plotline: yeonjun loves you. you've loved him before but now you're convinced he deserves nothing but your ironic smiles. well, you're wrong. these three acts of your life uncover the truth behind your resentment and the depth of yeonjun's love. plus, an epilogue where we collectively hate on short stories because only poetry can truly capture a writer's horniness!
what to expect: a lot of rambling in parentheses but i promise it's essential to the storyline, (i have many thoughts about how i've used this feature in this story which i can share if anyone's interested.) mbti talk, some tiktok slang.
song recommendations: sweet by cigarettes after sex, moonlight by dhruv, lay all your love on me by abba
it’s not a secret that yeonjun does everything with his everything. he’s only invested in his select few interests but just the little things take up all the space in his heart. you could argue for or against his way of living, he’s more than aware it’s not the healthiest to be like this but he’s not ready to change, not while he’s still young. for now, he’s a summation of fixations and obsessions in his world. and it just so happens that one of his obsessions is you.
“what’s this? y/n’s got a new piercing?” he leans back on his heels dramatically, mouth forming an o at the sight of the newly-added butterfly stud on the helix of your ear. “and it’s only tuesday. week not going very well for you.”
you narrow your eyes at him in your typical resting-bitch-face fashion, instantly taking on an aloof demeanor, “i’m extremely uncomfortable with the fact that you’re keeping up with the number of piercings i have. can’t say i’m flattered.”
“ha! at this point, i don’t even have to try to keep count. you get a new one every other day.”
“oh, leave her alone, jun,” calls out taehyun from behind you, “she’s doing it for inspiration for her portfolio that’s due in three days.”
two ring-adorned middle fingers stick up in front of taehyun’s face, your hoarse voice following suit, “you’re a terrible friend, kang taehyun.”
“two days? and you’re not done? sorry, love, but as an ESTP, i physically cannot forgive you. i have to shame you in public.”
yeonjun laughs a little too hard for your liking at that, about to chime in with his own patronizing comment but you cut in, “oh, well, you know who else is an ESTP? donald j. trump!”
yeonjun laughs again at that, enjoying the banter between you and taehyun a lot. he joins in, “i’m an ENFP. that’s the same as katniss everdeen’s, so i’d say that explains why i’m so hot.”
you frown, “you mean you would choose peeta over gale? yeah, i can see why you have such bad taste in everything.”
taehyun howls in laughter at that and yeonjun shakes his head, “oh, ho ho ho,” he shuffles closer to you, “you don’t understand, y/n, how badly you’ve just insulted yourself.”
before you can fully comprehend the meaning of his statement, he’s gone, grabbing (stealing) a can of beer from hueningkai who’s busy forcing beomgyu to arm-wrestle him.
“whatever that means,” you huff out, massaging your temples. taehyun sighs, concealing a knowing smile, “yeah. i’ve no idea what he means.”
you rest your head against the sofa he’s sat on, stretching out your legs, “i actually hate you for betraying me like that.”
“oh god, maybe i’ll stop the day you stop talking like we’re still in the second grade and i’ve lent my eraser to the wrong person.”
“you might as well have!” you complain, not in the least petty because, “choi yeonjun did not need to know i’m behind on my portfolio. god knows what he’s gonna do with that information.”
taehyun snorts, “ah, yes, he’s probably going to plan a full-fledged assassination involving your family and kids simply based on the knowledge that you’re a helpless procrastinator.”
“you know what?” you sit up with a groan, “i think you’re the one i should be worried about sharing my secrets with. you’re the real threat here.”
your ‘friend’ simply chuckles under his breath as he watches you depart his side and hopes yeonjun’s somewhere in the crowd of the party to keep your nerves… unnerved.
yeonjun is present in the crowd, sat on the less than reassuring metal stairs of beomgyu and hueningkai’s shared apartment. his hand fidget with his phone, struggling to stop himself from going on tinder only to be disappointed because he’s just looking for another y/n and that near impossible, unless you break your oath to rely on “real life encounters and experiences” (your very own words) to find love.
he finds you then, in a group of people hanging around the balcony, cigarettes in hand. you stand a little far apart from the others, looking undoubtedly spaced-out as you swing on your heels back and forth. you’re pretty, even though yeonjun can only see one-fourth of your face, what with all the darkness and your hair in the way.
but you hate him. even if your disgusted grimaces and cold glares are all but a joke, you did seem harbor some kind of resentment toward yeonjun. he’d no idea what it was and trust him when he says he’s been putting his neck on the line just to figure out why.
so far the reasons that have him most convinced include,
one: you hate all men in general and he just happens to be a particularly irksome male presence in your life.
this is a pretty likely explanation, he thinks as he approaches you, because even as an outsider to the group you’re in, he can see that you reserve your expletives for certain men.
“…and that’s why i think everything is soup,” yuta finishes saying when yeonjun joins you. for a second there’s silence and even mark who usually can’t control his laughter maintains a poker face. then, you groan, “yuta, if i had a pencil right now, i genuinely would have stabbed you with it.”
now, this makes everyone crack up while you regard them in disbelief with a look that screams you guys know i’m serious right? because you’re dead serious.
so yeah, it’s a good bet to say that men aren’t your favorite kind of people. but still, yeonjun couldn’t shake off the feeling that your dislike for him is more personal. wishful thinking, perhaps? but then, you turn and notice yeonjun standing beside you.
your half-smile tightens into a frown, “when did you get here?”
there it was. that specific tone you use with, that was missing when you’d threatened lucas just moments ago. the grit in your teeth, the intensity of your eye-contact, even the way you say you changes. which brings him to the next and last potential reason that yeonjun has spent days, if not years, pondering.
two: yeonjun had done you wrong without knowing and ever since then, you’ve grown to absolutely despise him.
now, yeonjun knew for a fact that you’re expert at holding grudges, clear from how quick you’ve always been to bring up embarrassing things people around you, specifically taehyun, had done. and to be honest, you’re just good at remembering unusual amount of detail which you use to your advantage.
which is why yeonjun knows you’ll know he’s lying when he says, “i’ve been here for a good ten minutes, y/n. i’m so hurt you haven’t noticed.”
“stop that,” you shoot back instantly, raising a singular but intimidating index finger, “i know what you’re doing.”
yeonjun raises his eyebrow in amusement, “stop what? what am i doing?” he slightly leans in to dramatically tuck in a few stray strands of hair, “please, enlighten me.”
the low, husky voice he uses is not lost on you. despite your flaming cheeks, you scoff, “that! you’re flirting with me!” you reach up and promptly untuck the hair from behind your hair, “these are my slut strands. you’re not allowed to touch them without permission.”
“your—” yeonjun pauses, “slut... strands? right.” he swallows a chuckle, smirking instead, all while internally he’s having a breakdown over how insane you are. like in a good way. in the way that everything you say is fucking crazy but it’s so native to your logic that it drives him crazy and holy cheese, yeonjun is scaring himself right now.
he looks away momentarily to see the rest of the group’s conversation floating elsewhere. he turns back to you, “so you noticed?”
you cock up a brow, “that you’re flirting with me? no shit, yeonjun, you know i may not look street-smart but i have to live with taehyun and his witty ass so trust me, i’m not oblivious.”
“oh, i beg to differ,” he settles closer to you, leaning against the same pillar as you, shoulder flush against yours, “i didn’t think for a second that you were oblivious.”
“that’s why you ran away after telling me i was insulting myself by insulting your taste?”
yeonjun flushes, taken aback by your straightforwardness, coughing to cover up his lack of excuses at that. you breathe out a laugh at his flustered state, “hmm, so goes down the all-mighty choi yeonjun.”
“at least i wasn’t defeated by my inability to complete my creative writing portfolio due in three…” yeonjun looks down at his watch, “actually, now, two days.”
this time, you’re left without a comeback, “that’s a low blow, man.”
he laughs, “come on, isn’t this like your first time being this late?”
“once again, i remain creeped out at you knowing things like that but,” you relax noticeably next to him, “i guess i ran out of ideas this time. not sure what’s wrong.”
“and this had never happened before?”
“i thought you already knew this.” yeonjun rolls his eyes, a complete contradiction to the grin on his face. ”hm, maybe you’ve run out because you’re trying to do it the same way you’ve always done it?”
“i mean, of course i’m doing it the same way,” you mutter, “that’s like the point of having a regular writing practice. it needs to become natural.”
“yeah, but you need spice things up a little sometimes!”
“gross,” you scrunch up your nose, “you sound like you’re prescribing me a threesome right now.”
he shrugs playfully, “if that’s what rocks your boat.” you push him away at that and he laughs out, “okay, okay, but i’m serious. try something new.” you quieten down at that, probably thinking.
“what about…” you look up at him expectantly and he almost fumbles over his words, “um, what about walking around the city?”
full disclosure here: yeonjun’s second reason is right. the first one isn’t completely wrong, but it’s more so the second one that finds you in the gropes of overthinking that night.
you know how at a certain point in the past, you really (really, really, really) like someone but then things don’t work because that person isn’t into you (but more because you’re too caught up in your own self-perception to do anything) so slowly that lots (and lots and lots) of like turns into a lump of resentment? yeah, that pretty much describes your relationship with yeonjun. more or less, you hate him for not liking you (”in the past!! i don’t care about him anymore!” you hastily add from behind kang taehyun who had been narrating this whole paragraph. taehyun poorly covers up an incredulous snort.)
“so now you’re going on a date with him?” taehyun asks a little too loudly, “how does that happen?”
“it doesn’t happen because nothing is happening because i’m not going on a date with him!” you half-scream, hitting the brunette on his head to try and shove some sense into it, “and please, stop being so loud or i’m going to cry.”
“y/n, we live alone. and i think you’re going to cry nevertheless, but okay. if it’s not a date, what is it?”
“it’s just a walk,” you say and when taehyun looks at you blankly, “a walk around the city, in his exact words.” more blankness. more silence. “i was going to go alone but yeonjun said he knows an obscure part of town that would help me become, you know, curious.”
“uh-huh, right, of course…” taehyun purses his lips, intrigued to see how far you’d go with your denial.
“stop looking at me like you’re so much better than me! and no—” you cut him off knowingly, “don’t say that you are better than me. you’re not. what you are is an asshole and i hate you.”
you fall into your sheets with a frustrated wail and taehyun laughs at your state for a few seconds before returning to his role as your therapist slash best friend.
“okay, y/n, i know you don’t like to think about, let alone admit it, but you’re into yeonjun. and since i can’t let what happened a year ago happen again, i’m telling you that i’m almost completely sure that he’s into you, too. so please, don’t be hostile tomorrow on your date— sorry, your ‘walk’ with him. use the opportunity or i’m sleeping over at kai’s.”
“i don’t know why i let you talk me into this,” you scoff as you fall into step next to yeonjun. “we’re literally at a stupid park.”
he gasps like the theatre kid he should be, “first of all, this is a huge park and you’ve no idea how much people-watching you can from here. and secondly, i bought you coffee so all you’re being right now is ungrateful.”
you stay silent, eyes scanning a group of middle-aged ladies that passes you. you hear a whiff of their conversation, something about one of them wanting to take a break by the water fountain.
“see? you’re already in the zone and i didn’t even have to shut up.”
you look back at him, awed look morphing into a scowl, “no, i think it’s just really easy for me to forget you’re here.” yeah, it’s safe to say you haven’t taken a word taehyun said to the heart.
but no matter what you say, half an hour later finds you perched on a bench, crouched over your notebook, fingers scratching quick bullet points into the paper. you look up every ten minutes or so, head moving up and then rotating slowly, and then back to writing.
it’s only when yeonjun brings you your second cup of coffee that you notice the stiffness in your shoulders. he smiles at you, brightly. brightly? no, it’s the sun that’s bright, not yeonjun. he’s… moronic.
“wanna take a break?” he asks. you stand up in answer, taking the cup he holds out for you, the words thank you leaving your lips a little too quickly. he doesn’t overreact like you expect him to, his attention on some kids a few ways away from where the two of you are.
“you wanna play frisbee?” you mean to mock, not offer, but yeonjun’s ear perk up and he’s pulling you after him before another word can be said.
“hey, kids!” he greets the children who look like they’re maybe in middle school, “could we join y’all for a bit?”
it’s a a girl in pigtails who answers excitedly, probably encouraged by yeonjun’s looks (hey, yeonjun is objectively good-looking. just because you’re stating facts about his appearance doesn’t mean you’re in love with him. because you’re not in love with him.)
“sorry, this one is a little zoned out most of the time, so just don’t aim at her face,” you hear yeonjun say as you finish convincing yourself of your lack of feelings for him. you resist the itch to flip him off and flash a polite smile to the blonde boy next to you.
he responds with an enthusiastic wave, “hello! i’m ren!” you raise your eyebrows, not expecting him to introduce himself but return with a, “hey ren, i’m y/n. nice to meet—”
you’re cut off by yeonjun’s yell as the yellow frisbee flies your way. your hands come up to shield your face but ultimately it’s yeonjun’s body crashing into yours that saves you. does it, really? you wonder as you groan from under him. the grass is damp and you’re in it and yeonjun’s on top of you. you’re not sure what makes you more annoyed.
“i fucking hate you,” you whisper as yeonjun props himself up. he’s still close enough though so he grins, looking objectively good-looking despite the twig that’s found its way into his hair. “smile, babe, i just saved your life.”
you don’t know how to respond to his outrageous use of the endearment so you’re grateful when ren exclaims, “he just called y/n noona baby!!!! ewww, they’re dating!!”
on second thought, you’re not grateful because apparently, this is enough to wreak havoc among the group of children. weren’t they already at least ten? isn’t that old enough to not be annoying? you don’t find out because next thing, yeonjun’s hand is wrapped around your wist as he helps you up.
you shoot him a glare and the loud boy next to yeonjun screams, “they’re holding hands!!!”
“gosh darn, kids, your parents never touch each other or what?”
“my mother said my father’s breath smells like beer and that’s why she won’t give him kissies like she gives me them!” the girl in pigtails answers, proud for some reason. despite everything, you crack a smile at that, leaning into yeonjun’s side who’s struggling to stifle his laughter.
“i think we’ve had enough of a break, no?” he says to you and you nod, “please, let’s go before i’m forced to write about the bad parenting in my portfolio.”
about five minutes pass in you trying to break free from the group who insist on another round. another round takes two minutes before ren takes a hit to his knee and you both take the chance to leave, with you almost sprinting back to the peace of your bench in the shade.
you fall against the tree next to the bench, yeonjun close behind. “that was…” you take a moment to catch your breath, “not bad?”
yeonjun claps his hands together, “that’s exactly what i’ve been trying to tell you! this park! those kids! me? not bad!”
and well, because you guess you can allow that the whole affair isn’t half bad, it’s already evening when you’re too tired to write anymore. you look away from your almost illegible handwriting to find yeonjun gazing at you. weirdly (longingly).
he clears his throat, “you think you have enough?”
feeling weird (love-struck), you also clear your throat, “um, i should. i hope so, my fingers feel like they’re going to fall off.”
“that’s a good sign you’ve worked hard,” he pats your head. you don’t flinch away somehow. he continues, “it’s also a good sign that we should get some food.” when you narrow your eyes at him, he rushes to add, “you know, to relax your fingers.”
the excuse is ridiculous. the premise of this entire day is ridiculous. hell, yeonjun’s entire being is ridiculous. but you’re spent, your walls aren’t as rigid in the soft light of the sunset, and yeonjun’s eyes have an unreal glow when he’s silent.
and so, ridiculously enough, you answer yeonjun, “we should get sushi.”
that night, you return to your place to a tipsy party (?) of taehyun, soobin, and beomgyu with hueningkai glued to his phone-screen in concentration, filming everything. “you’re back!” kai announces when he opens the door, phone still recording, and you flip the camera off, not without a careless smile.
taehyun stands up at the sight of you, “i take it you had a fruitful date?” soobin laughs, so very loudly. “lmao,” (yes, soobin has the ability to say text slang out loud irl, next question please), “get it? fruit-ful? date? dates are fruits? am i drunk already?”
you shake your head at them and simply hug taehyun, feeling unbelievably affectionate today. “oh? what’s this? y/n initiating physical contact? choi yeonjun must be a god.”
you pull away, “this has nothing to do with him,” you say, sounding unconvincing even to your own ears, “i’m just tired. good night. if you make too much noise, i will take kai hostage and—”
“oh, do that anyway!! please, i’ll pay you!!!!” beomgyu shouts enthusiastically and you leave the living room before you have to witness any more of their drunken behavior.
but even in bed, you find yourself unable to sleep, mind occupied with… thoughts (is hanging out with so many men making you slightly dull? maybe. is it making emotionally constipated? absolutely. you make a mental note to schedule a lunch date with yeji later).
to be more specific, the image of yeonjun sat across from you holding out a piece of spicy tuna roll in your direction is too stubborn to leave your head. you think about yeonjun, among other things, that night.
yeonjun is no different, his mind still reeling from the realization that he’s spent an entire day with you. a day. a date? maybe, but whatever it was, you definitely couldn’t hate him too much if you could stand to spend that much time with him. you even shared a meal with him, laughed when he pretended his chopsticks were an airplane transporting food to your mouth. you humored him. you laughed with him. was that real?
if you think there’s nothing worse than waking up, walking out of your room— and right into yeonjun, then you’re wrong. because the disorientation you feel comes nowhere close to compare to yeonjun’s condition when he runs into you on his way to the common bathroom. he’s not sure what he else expected but it doesn’t surprise him to see that you sleep in a ginormous graphic tee (with mona lisa’s face on it?) and shorts.
“what are you doing here?”
the sense of deja vu overwhelms yeonjun for a moment before he smiles a little because your tone is not hostile, only confused. could he take this as progress? (or are you just half-asleep?)
“i’m… i’m here for brunch?” he’s a bit out of it by the time you raise your arms to stretch, heaving a half-groan, half-sigh. and listen, yeonjun’s not a pervert but he is considerably in love with you so seeing you with your slightly droopy eyes and slumped shoulders in your perfectly in-character pajamas sets off his imagination. to all kinds of destinations. (you as a domestic cat? you as a tired soul resting in his bed after a long night? god, he’s not doing this right now.)
“i don’t? i don’t remember agreeing to brunch?” you mumble confusedly, almost petulantly.
“you know,” announces soobin, suddenly revealing himself from the shadows (he’s literally been standing beside the two of you for two minutes, waiting for you to notice him. all he gets is the heat of the sexual tension between you and yeonjun. he could cook eggs on that shit.) “yeonjun was our friend before he knew you, y/n. actually, taehyun was our friend before he was your soulmate, so a brunch is a pretty normal occasion for us.”
yeonjun nods and you simply nod your head, probably too sleepy to make any witty comments at that. he shrugs, “but you’re more than welcome to join us if you want. for brunch? i’m guessing you haven’t eaten anything since our— since last night.” why’s yeonjun flustered? he’s only invited to brunch with four other people.
“i’m—” you’re cut off by yeonjun making his way to the bathroom. when he shuts the door behind him with a less than dramatic thud, you look at soobin in confusion. “so many things are happening too early in the morning.”
but brunch becomes a thing. and you join brunch, helping yourself to taehyun’s nearly perfect breakfast spread, your plate filled with bacon, eggs, and waffles.
“i say it’s nearly perfect because all we have in this house is fucking peanut butter!” you cry out, making taehyun give you a glare because he’s heard this many times before, “i don’t know how many times i’ll have to tell you this, but jam! jam is meant to be eaten with bread, it’s the only right way, it’s the way god intended things. do i look like a gym bro to you?”
“lol no,” says soobin, high-fiving you (you’re not sure if he does that because he agrees with your point about the jam, or if he’s also not a gym bro?) “y/n has a point. there’s so much more options with jam, think of all the berries you could be eating! peanut butter is the same old, same old.”
“god, i hate it when these two are in the same room.” you don’t have time to respond to beomgyu’s exasperated comment because yeonjun shifts closer to you on the sofa, coffee kettle in hand.
“want some? i’ll pour it out for you,” he offers, eyebrows raised. you pause for a second, mouth almost hanging open at how motherly he seems, but nod in a daze and watch as he stands up, takes out a black mug (that coincidentally happens to be your self-proclaimed mug) and pours coffee into it. you’re unaware of the little smile on your face when he brings it back to you, placing the hot mug next to your plate.
you’re about to think out loud about his motherliness when beomgyu follows up on his previous comment, even more boisterous, “oh, but these two in the same room are even worse.”
you look up at that to see the other three staring at you. you make a disgusted face, “why are y’all staring at me? please stop, i feel unsafe.”
“in that case, yeonjun must be feeling really fucking unsafe from how closely you’ve been staring at him,” laughs soobin, words slightly muffled from the food in his mouth. he’s lucky he’s your favorite friend (honestly, it’s just because he looks adorable with his cheeks full but eh, his personality wasn’t that bad you suppose).
“i’ve? not? been staring?” you ignore beomgyu’s snickering, picking up the coffee, “you guys need to get lives so that you stop searching so desperately for crumbs of drama here. i’m not here to serve as a source of entertainment for yo—” you promptly, contradict your statement by spilling the top half of your drink right into your lap.
while you sit there with scalding on your bare legs, it’s only yeonjun who seems concerned (overtly so, you’d observe if you’d care to admit it) with the others laughing their hearts out, satisfied at the comedic timing of your accident.
yeonjun, meanwhile, rushes to you with a handful of tissues, lips in a pout, “what the fuck, are you stupid? how do you spill that? have you never had coffee before?” you sit there trying to get the tissues from his hand, but he swats your attempts away, swiping the coffee from your thighs.
he’s much more careful that you would’ve been, making sure none of it soaks through your grey night shorts and a hand on your knee, probably to steady himself (spoiler: his hand on your knee doesn’t steady either of you, especially not him). but he manages himself well, his worrying outweighing all else as he looks up at you, “are you okay?”
you realize you haven’t said a word, eyes raising to taehyun’s who’s now looking away but watching slyly from his peripheral vision. beomgyu and soobin are in similar positions, pretending to be decent people when really, they’re over the moon.
“yeah, i’m okay, i didn’t really feel any of that,” you mumble, patting at your thighs, “but, um, sorry i wasted so much of your coffee.” yeonjun takes one of your hands, “no, don’t worry about it, i can always make more. you can’t make more of these legs.”
“okay! that’ll do it! i can’t take it any more!” beomgyu stands up with a melodramatic groan, “you two are gross, dude! like, not even in an elementary school way, you’re just objectively gross. i hate this.”
“what was that you said about not being our source of entertainment?” jokes soobin, elbow poking yours, pointing at you and then yeonjun who’s still crouching in front of you, one hand on you, “i very much feel like i’m in a k-drama right now, so i’ve no clue what you mean.”
you can sense from the tilt of taehyun’s grin that he’s about to follow suit with an equally, if not more, obnoxious comment, so you stand up, declaring, “i’m going to my room. i have a portfolio to finish in two days!”
you retire to your room after that, deciding concentrating on your work will do you some good now that you’ve… socialized? could you even call it that? you leave it at that, plopping down on your study desk where you would’ve usually conceptualized your rough drafts like you’d done yesterday in your notebook. it doesn’t compare to the park yeonjun took you to, but there is a window to your right from where you can see the slow street in front of your apartment. people-watching through that window has given you some pretty cool ideas for your pieces. you suppose it was like a pocket-sized version of your experience at the park.
you work the afternoon away, surprised to see it getting dark outside when there’s a knock at your door. you twist in your chair and call out, “come in!”
a light-brown head of hair pokes through and squinting in the darkness of your room, you can tell that’s not taehyun. “yeonjun?”
“woah, haven’t you got electricity in here?” he asks, stepping in and you see he’s put on a cream-colored cardigan on the blue shirt from brunch.
“nah, taehyun uses the money i give him for the electricity bill and gambles it all away,” you joke, sighing with feigned sorrow.
“ah, right, i forget taehyun has a gambling addiction. i’m sorry, miss, can’t imagine what it’s like to be married to someone like that.”
you laugh at that, yeonjun joining in. he leans in against the wall across from you, finding the switch to the lights in your room and turns them on. you’re both quiet for a moment.
you, because you’re reveling in the new-ness of your relationship with yeonjun. you feel like you’ve moved on in some way, no longer feeling caught up in the bitterness that had been coloring your interactions with him so far. he’s close to you, this yeonjun right now, who really, truly looks at you. you don’t even remember the yeonjun who broke your heart. (was it him who broke your heart? you begin to wonder, or just your imagination?)
for yeonjun, he doesn’t think he could’ve said anything even if he wanted to. you look so otherworldly in the dim glow of the evening, your eyes meeting his eyes, unapologetically and most importantly, without resentment. you’re beautiful, here silently in front of him, and he thinks he might have a chance with you after all.
“um,” he’s the one to break the silence, “have you eaten since brunch?”
you shake your head, “have you?”
“nope, beomgyu roped me into watching netflix with him when i tried to study,” he admits with a shy giggle, “next thing i knew the sun was setting.”
conversations with yeonjun always lead the most unexpected places, and this one ends up with you driving with him to the supermarket. one day, you’re taking walks and playing frisbee with yeonjun, the next you’re grocery shopping with him because he’s had a whim to cook dinner for everyone. oh, how fast the night changes.. or however that one direction song goes.
“do you like spaghetti?” he asks, approaching the shelves stacked with different types of pasta.
“think before you ask me if i like pasta again, yeonjun,” you shoot back, inspecting the packets with your hands clasped behind your back. “wow, it’s been so long since i’ve been grocery shopping. taehyun never trusts me to get stuff and that’s how we end up with only peanut butter.”
yeonjun chuckles as he scans the shelves for the kind he likes and you shuffle around a lot, making little noises at all the cute shapes in the different packings. “they have heart-shaped pasta?!” you hold up the pink package excitedly at yeonjun who closes in on you with a fond smile.
“hmm, i think i get why taehyun never lets you come grocery shopping,” he starts, “it says here this a kids’ pasta.”
you regard him with your hands on your hips, unimpressed scowl on face, “you’re saying i have to be a kid to eat heart-shaped pasta? i don’t ever want to talk to you again.”
yeonjun is in a fit of laughter but he reaches out for your wrist as you pretend to walk away anyway with a hurried, “no, no, i think we should get the heart-shaped pasta.”
the rest of your trip is you roaming around being pulled off by the obscure brands and unusual types of foods while yeonjun grabs the ingredients you’ll actually need for dinner. about fifteen minutes later, when he’s done checking off everything on his list, he finds you typing away on your phone.
he catches a glimpse of the notes app on your phone and smiles as he comes to stand in front of you, “what’s up?”
“ohh, are you done?” you look away, “i got some ideas. i’ll use them for future pieces.”
“you’re done with your portfolio?” he asks. and you nod, eyes twinkling as the two of you head to the counter, “yep, i guess your plan with the park wasn’t completely a fail. it was not bad, really not bad.”
yeonjun laughs, piling the items for the worker to bill them. you gasp at the sight of a dark purple container, “you got blueberry jam?”
(fuck, his heart skips a beat. cheesy but valid. you look like you have hearts in your eyes.) “yeah, i saw it and thought you’d like it.”
you crack a delighted smile and even though both of you are paying for the groceries, you feel like you’ve been gifted the world. “i think i love you.” (you’re only joking. …right?)
“taehyun!!! beomgyu!!! soobin!!!!” you holler into the house, setting up five wine glasses around the table, “dinner’s ready!”
beomgyu is the first to come out, summoned by the smell of food, gaping at the fancy set-up of the two casseroles on the table, one bigger for the spaghetti and a small dedicated to your heart pasta. “woah, this looks insane,” he comments and calls out for the other two.
yeonjun emerges from the kitchen, the bottle of red wine you’d picked out with your hands. you hadn’t been the most helpful in the conquest of the pasta ingredients but you knew a thing or two about wine. this one was one the cheaper side so you didn’t have the greatest expectations for it, but it’ll have to do.
taehyun and soobin make it to the table five minutes later, shocked at seeing a table full of homemade meal. “is this, like, you and yeonjun announcing that you’re officially a couple?” soobin asks. (he’s not joking. the way the two of you stare down at the dinner you’ve put together proudly truly has him convinced that you’re finally over the pining.)
clearly this is not the case but the sight of both of you turning as red as the spaghetti for dinner is enough to elicit a few chortles from all of them. “honestly… shut up, soobin,” yeonjun scolds and you take a seat at the table wordlessly.
the dinner is an experience. it’s been a while since any of you have had good home-cooked food like this, the past few weeks having been cluttered with take-out meals and the extent of cooking you’ve done involves frozen food.
“this is so good,” you hold up a heart pasta, waving it in the air at everyone, and then at yeonjun, “i told you this would be good. it’s so good.”
“judging from the way you’re acting like a child, i’m guessing you’re done with your portfolio?”
you glare at taehyun but nod anyway, shooting him a thumbs up, “done and dusted, sir. i even managed to proof-read it before submitting it this time.”
yeonjun has been sitting beside you, eyes round with adoration at everything you say. you can’t blame him, you’d changed into a white dress with puff-sleeves before dinner which doesn’t only fit the mood but single-handedly creates it, and it’s a rare thing to see you in a dress so casually.
taehyun smiles, “i’m proud of you. even though you’re doing the bare minimum by completing your work on time.”
you roll your eyes at his twisted way of affection, the words on the tip of your tongue dying out when yeonjun leans into you suddenly, arm reaching out for the bottle of wine beside you. he shoots you a half-smile when he meets your gaze, pouring some out for you. as he returns to his position, he says under his breath, “try not to spill this on yourself, babe.”
you hold in the giddy breath that almost escapes your throat at his words, but you can’t stop the mellow feeling that blooms in your chest, eyes following him as he pours some wine for the others, too. was it the wine that was mellow or yeonjun’s voice? (hint: it was the moment of his love for you that was mellow.)
you make it through dinner, occasionally asserting the supremity of your heart-shaped pasta for kids here and there, but overall, overwhelmed by the man by your side. when everyone’s finished eating and lazing around the sofa, beers in hand (”wine is for sissies,” beomgyu aims at you because he knows you hate it when he says that, “let’s get beer guys.”), you take to the balcony with a glass full of wine to yourself.
the night air is pleasant after the warm atmosphere inside the house and you breathe through your mouth a few times, to calm your nerves. you can feel yeonjun’s eyes on you from the living room but choose to stay still, welcoming the feeling of spacing out in solitude.
“you alright?” his voice greets your ears not two moments later. (is he really close to you right now? or is the balcony just too small for two people?)
you hum affirmatively. then, you look at him, a light laugh leaving your chest. you’re leaning into his side now, you enjoy his warmth. “i’m good.”
“didn’t know wine could make you drunk,” he breathes, heart in his throat.
you shake your head at him, “i’m not drunk.” you hesitate and then, “at best, i’m tipsy.”
“i was talking about myself. i feel drunk. ‘s never happened before.”
you frown, throwing a careless glance over your shoulder, “beer and wine? yeah, that’ll make you drunk.”
“i didn’t have any beer,” he reveals. when you narrow your eyes, he continues, “i’m not lying. i don’t like to mix the two. i’ve read it gives you headaches.”
you stay silent, holding your breath for no special reason. (…)
“besides, once i start something, i like committing to it.” if his words themselves aren’t meaningful enough, the soft look on his face is full of unmistakable love.
“you’re not just talking about wine,” at first, it’s a statement you speak, your gaze fixed. then, memories of your past hurt rush in and you finish with an uncertain, “are you?”
“i’m not,” his voice is hushed and you feel there isn’t a moment lost between when he says his words and when you hear them. you’re so close to him, in all meanings of the word. “do you still hate me?”
you’re a little stunned by the jarring question. “i didn’t hate you. really, it was… something internal. like a dilemma. a phase, almost? i don’t think i could hate you if i wanted to.”
“you think?” you can feel his words inside of yourself now, even though you doubt either of you have moved any closer to each other.
yeonjun’s heart is on fire, destructive but determined. his hand brushes back your hair. “you’re so pretty when you wear your hair down.”
you hide your face in your shoulder, away from him, flustered that his words have such an effect on you. you’ve been complimented before. with much more zest, with more elaboration. but this is different. you feel like yeonjun is holding you.
he chuckles, “are you okay?”
you pull yourself away, swallowing, but not making eye-contact with him yet. “that’s the first time you’ve called me pretty.”
“that’s the first time you’ve heard me calling you pretty,” he corrects you. his fingers are in your hair again, this time to make you look at him. “you should listen to my thoughts sometime.”
you laugh and he’s moving closer, both his hands coming to your face. your hands move from where they’ve been clasping the balcony railing for dear life and find yeonjun’s waist, silently beckoning him nearer.
when your noses touch, yeonjun hums, “i’m crazy for you, y/n.”
you want to chuckle at his silly phrasing but instead, you’re saying it back, “fuck, i’m the crazy one, yeonjun. i’ve—” you stop your words, suddenly hesitant.
but yeonjun is firm, his lips hovering over yours and his question will you kiss me? unanswered because you’re already kissing him when he asks you.
(this kiss is. . . not bad.)
“so…” your voice struggles to stay stable as you prop yourself on your elbows, yeonjun’s arms never letting loose of your sides. “when you say you’re crazy, is it that you’re crazy for me or crazy because of me?”
yeonjun stops in the middle of the tantrum he’s throwing with his buried in your neck. he blows out air through his mouth and you giggle, your hands pulling him up by the hair. “answer me!”
he sighs, “i don’t know, babe. both? neither? either.”
“come on, there’s a fundamental difference between the two,” you whine, “am i a symptom of your craziness or the cause of it?” he stays motionless, lips pressing against your cheek. you add, “just so you know, there’s no right answer. i’m honored to be either.”
“god, i can’t believe you’re using your boyfriend as material that’s going to be read by your entire class. a class of pretentious, sleep-deprived kids. they’ll hate me, y/n.”
you groan, kissing yeonjun’s ear lightly, “not true! you’re a very cute boyfriend.”
“so you are using me for your creative writing class?”
you pause and yeonjun flops onto the bad, pouting and feigning a cold shoulder. “the audacity of women these days!”
“hey!” you pull him back into you, “i’ll have you know that my love language is turning people into literature.”
yeonjun’s pout is already fading when taehyun’s voice breaks into your room (you should probably re-inforce the rule about knocking now that there’s a half-naked man in your room more often than not). “that’s true. she’s already written a story about me.”
your boyfriend’s interest is piqued at this, his eyes jumping between taehyun and you. “what? really?? and you haven’t written about me?”
“i’m trying to! you’re not making it easy.”
“did you ask him all these questions when you wrote a whole story about him?” taehyun cackles in glee at yeonjun’s returning pout.
you roll your eyes, “yeonjunie, it was a short story— the most unromantic form of literature. i’m basically saying i would rather write a bunch of boring description than even think about having sex with him.”
“hmm, it seemed like a pretty enthusiastic piece to me,” taehyun supplies unhelpfully. you glare at him. if you weren’t in just your bra, you would’ve gotten up to shut the door in his face.
“babe, i’m having serious doubts—”
you quickly shut down yeonjun’s whining, “i want to write a poem about you, my love. that’s why i’m asking you so much. it takes a little more to be properly romantic! i want to be truthful.”
he hesitates and you kiss his nose to seal the deal. taehyun groans in defeat, “gross. i just came here to get your asses to brunch. hyuka’s brought mint chocolate snacks from home so we need someone to handle him, so please hurry,” he starts to close the door as he leaves, but stops when the two of you make no move to wake up, “and you’d better not start fucking now! nobody needs to hear that this early in the morning, especially not poor hyuka.”
you laugh into yeonjun’s chest as he shouts back comforting words to taehyun. his lips attach to your shoulder. “i love you, y/n. you’re the explanation for my craziness.”
you shift to look back at him, smile widening, “hm, that’s interesting. can i quickly write that down-? okay, okay, sorry, i was kidding, love, come back here!!”
2K notes · View notes
softxsuki · 1 year
Heyyy!! Congratulations on 1k!!I’m here for the matchup event>:)!
Fandom: Tokyo rev and platonic matchup please<3(any gender)
Personality: At first I might seem like a silent and a distant person cuz I’m not good at communicating with new people. I don’t click with a lot of people, that being the reason I have only a little friend group who I don’t feel awkward around. But after you get to know me, I’m actually a completely different person - really talkative, loud and smiley even though I can get angered and annoyed really easily. When I am, I get really passive aggressive & I tend to stay quiet not to lash out at other people or accidentally hurt them. But if spoken to and I decide to speak back, my tone does not sound aggressive and speak with short sentences, trying to avoid having a long conversation. A good trait of mine is that I’m a good listener and supportive. I really like supporting people I care about and love in any way & their achievements make me truly happy<3 I’m a BIG daydreamer and my head is often in the clouds😭 I cope with stressful events/distract myself from negative emotions by daydreaming and convincing myself they didnt happen. I’m also a VERY BIG procrastinator and do everything at the last possible moment, mostly because I’m too lazy to do it at that moment. I literally can’t have a straight face and be serious no matter what is going on(except if it’s really serious, then I get serious too lol.) I’m responsible when I need to be & I HATE when I bring people down and don’t meet their expectation.
Sun: Capricorn Moon: Taurus Rising: Capricorn
Mbti: Isfp-t (I’m so sorry I forgot my enneagram💀)
My hobbies: I play guitar and attend a volleyball school. besides that I really enjoy cloudgazing<33!! It’s my favorite thing to do. I even have a speacial lil spot I cloudgaze at & I take my friends there from time to time:) I also love listening to music but idk if that’s a hobby😭
What I value in friendship: Loyalty and being there for each other when the other needs it:) Also patience, since it’s really hard to understand me sometimes and I usually don’t mean things I say. Someone with the same humorous with the same humor as me. Being supportive and HYPING EACH OTHER UP>>>
Extra stuff:
whenever I’m angry, a hug is the only thing that calms me down. Like I go soft and my anger immediately fades away. I really get all soft and mushy whenever someone shows affection towards me in general.
Whenever I’m nervous I just play with my hands or with the sleeves of my shirt. I used to chew my shirt too but I let go of that trait💀
I laugh a LOT and my laugh is very loud. I get very happy when I succeed at making people around me laugh too:)
The best compliment i could get is “ur funny” IDK WHY BUT IT MAKES ME HAPPY-
My fav season gotta be winter cuz of all the fun stuff & new year and Christmas are my fav holidays<3
Scenario: Something like helping each other confess to our crushes and helping to plan each other’s dates but messing everything up would be really funny jdkwdkjd or just generally hanging out together.
Once again congratulations!! Take your time writing thing and don’t forget to take care:)!!
1000 Follower Event Matchup #32
This event is CLOSED. You can find the event masterlist here.
Note: 🫐anon! Hello and thank you for participating. I'm sorry you had to wait this long for your matchup! It's been a tough year :3 I hope you still enjoy it though! Thank you <3
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I match you with: TAKEMITCHI (platonic)
Runner-up: Emma
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(Too lazy to edit a picture for him since I don’t take requests for Takemichi :3)
The main reason why I picked Takemichi is because you said you value loyalty in a friendship, and have you seen the lengths this man has gone for his GF and friends??? He’s SUPER loyal
So loyal, that he pushes himself despite how how weak and cowardly he may feel inside
Probably one of the best friends you’ll find; if you ever need him, he’d be there for you, even if it’s 3am
He’s one of the few people you can be yourself around without judgment, and he comes as a package deal with Hinata and Chifuyu so you have your little friend group with them
On the days when you’re all free, you go cloud gazing, enjoying silence, as your watch the clouds and get lost in your daydreams, happy that you have three friends to hangout with like that
Takemichi brings you your favorite drink and foods, memorizing all your favorite things and little habits as your best friend
Whenever you laugh together, your laughs makes each other laugh even harder
Hugs you and reassures you that he’s there for you whenever you need it
How do you help each other confess to your crushes?
Well with him, you were the one that had to push him to make a move on Hinata–he was a lost cause without you and would still be single to this day had you not encouraged him to confess
As for Takemichi, he fakes it till he makes it, giving you all this advice from his own relationship experience, even though half of it isn’t helpful at all
Hina usually gives him the right words to say and he relays them to you, pushing you to at least try confessing because you never know what the other person may feel as well…you’ll never know till you try
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Posted: 9/6/2023
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sennsational · 2 years
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hehe so recently i hit 300 lovelies and as a thank you i wanted to create an event! bare in mind that this is the first event i ever initiated, so it might suck ass LMAO (or nobody will participate) however, let me not get ahead of myself and anticipate what could go wrong.
i started this blog initially bcs i was bored during covid. never in a million years did i expect to meet such lovely sweethearts who i can now call my moots/friends and even family. a lot has happened in my personal life and writing became my safe sanctuary. the fact that i could use writing as a positive coping mechanism and having ppl actually like the shit i write, made me feel validated in a sense. so yea, i truly thank you all for sticking around with me. enough being sappy tho, i’m sure y’all would like to skip that and see what i have to offer for my very first event ✨
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📽 event #1 : match-up
i know this has been done a lot already by other very talented creators/writers, but i always enjoy receiving one so why not do it on my own event? basically based on the info you provide me, i’ll match you with a character, include pics of the vibe you both give me and a song that reminds me of you both.
the info i need from you :
fandom: tokyorev, hq or bnha
if you want the character to be female or male or if it doesn’t matter
short description of yourself
your rising sign and mbti
your aesthetic
📽 event #2 : drabble
based on the character you want, i will write a short drabble for you (circa. +/- 300-500 words). it can range from anything tbh and i hope to be as accurate as possible.
the info i need from you :
fandom: tokyorev, hq or bnha
top-3 characters you’d like me to write a drabble for
give me a short description of your personality
your rising sign and mbti
your love language
likes and dislikes (a few will do)
📽 event #3 : moodboard
this idea is thanks to bby sum sum (thank you babes 🤍) basically this one is pretty self-explanatory. based on the info you give me, i’ll make a moodboard for you and the character of your choice.
the info i need from you :
fandom: tokyorev, hq or bnha
character of your choice
general theme (aesthetic, color, etc.)
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🎞 guidelines:
you can submit an ask from today (sunday April 3th) until next sunday April 10th
this event is primarily sfw, purely bcs i haven’t written as much nsfw yet and i don’t want to give y’all something i don’t 100% stand behind off
pls be patient with me since i’m a fulltime intern and student. it might either take me a bit of time to get to all the events (or if i’m procrastinating, i might get to them quicker hehe)
this event is open to anyone. i know it’s to celebrate me reaching 300 lovelies, but i don’t want to exclude anyone. followers and non-followers can enter two times and moots can enter four times
each fandom is one entry (same applies to the characters). you can enter an event multiple times, just be mindful of how many times you may enter in general
if any of the results/finished pieces i give you are not to your preference, then i’m truly sorry about that. just know that i strive to give y’all as much quality content as i can, but i’m only human and i can make mistakes as well. pls refrain from sending any hate, be civil.
lastly, have fun with the entries! i’d love to read all of them and i’m excited to provide as much serotonin induced content as i can.
© sennsational 2022 - all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, or repost my works and claim it as yours.
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