#I’m starting to get really worried
maydays-medbay · 2 months
I want to be so real with you all right now, because I can’t seem to get my head on straight when I desperately need to.
I know this is a silly little fandom blog where I post about my characters and have a laugh with my mutuals, but recently I’ve been so burnt out over this that I’ve lost the want to make anything. I don’t have the mental willpower or energy to make anything.
KOSA scares me. Genuinely. I can’t tell you a time in my life where I’ve ever felt more scared and angry and upset over something so genuinely horrible.
I haven’t been able to sleep since learning of its recent resurgence and now upcoming voting in the Senate. I feel sick every time I stop doing things to distract me because of how much grief this bill brings.
If this bill passes, I genuinely don’t know what I’m going to do. As a queer transgender man, this bill not only makes me afraid of what’s going to happen to everything I’ve built, but it makes me fear over my safety and all of the things I love about the internet.
This bill will ruin all of those things. Censorship on this magnitude is abhorrent and gross, and I’m tired of the government trying to control the things they don’t like under the guise of protecting children. Especially when a bill like this is going to end up fucking over countless minors and adults alike.
If a minor lives in an unsafe home, their resources for getting out of it will be stripped away because of how the bill goes about censoring media. If a queer minor is trying to find LGBTQ+ resources, this bill won’t let them because that information is going to be protected behind safeguards and other censorship methods based on “preserving mental health”. All under the guise of “protecting” them.
Protecting children is important. This? This is not the way to do it. Period.
Putting our information on the internet to verify that we’re adults- personal, identifying information- is incredibly, incredibly dangerous. Information privacy and anonymity have always been very, very important to me. This strips that all away.
I feel safe when I can be more private online. I feel safe being able to talk to people without my private information being submitted to their databases.
This makes my already rampant paranoia worse. This makes me afraid of my personal information ending up on some insecure database that’s ripe for the taking for those with malicious intent.
Fuck this bill, and fuck anyone who supports it. I’m tired of this bill making me feel unsafe, paranoid, vulnerable, and overwhelmingly scared. I just want to live my life normally.
I’m tired of constantly agonizing over the next time when children or LGBTQIA+ people are going to be political scapegoats. I hate living like this.
Stop KOSA. Please. From the bottom of my heart, I want this bill stopped.
Please. If you can, call your reps and lawmakers- tell them that you don’t want this bill to pass. Even if you’re not from the US, you can help. Below I’ve put in a link to Stop KOSA’s website where you can email/call your lawmakers and let them know how much you hate this bill. And if you can’t do that for some reason, or you already have, please spread the word and let other people know about this bill and how to stop it.
And remember, even if KOSA passes in the senate, we can halt it in its tracks when it reaches the house. So please. Don’t stop fighting, and STOP KOSA!
(Also, feel free to reblog and add any other information you can to this post to spread the word about this bill and/or provide more resources to combat it. Every email, Call, and other way to inform lawmakers of your opinion helps. There’s a reason we stopped KOSA the first two times. We can do it again.)
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heyclickadee · 2 months
So…here’s one reason why I’m continuing to be optimistic about the Tech situation. Yeah, there’s the fact that Tech coming back around eventually is what makes the most sense to me for a variety of reasons, but another reason alongside everything else? I refuse to be depressed about this.
The reality is that this isn’t a situation we can control. That leaves me with a choice about the current situation; I can decide the current situation is permanent (something which seems unreasonable to me given how easily recontextualized everything is) and spiral about it, drop it, or I can poke at the text and theorize about how the situation can get better. And since I don’t feel like spiraling and my brain won’t let me just drop it, option three is what I’m going with.
Tech means a lot to me, and, despite the fact that I remain highly critical of the finale in the context of there not being anything afterwards, The Bad Batch generally does as well. So let’s say I’m wrong, because I very well might be. Let’s say that there are not only no plans to follow up on any of this, but that no one ever picks up the threads left behind, and no one ever grabs the grade A catnip that bringing Tech back would be. At least I’ll have had fun theorizing in the meantime, and will come out the other side with a bunch of ideas on how to finish things off myself.
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bicheetopuff · 29 days
I’m on chapter 11 of From the Sidelines…
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Unfortunately just a doodle today. Lots of stuff to do and am very tired lol.
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bookinit02 · 24 days
thinking about this post i saw the other week where this person was saying how badly they wanted to be able to buy a nice mug without thinking twice about it. and all the comments were saying how they could just buy a cheaper mug. and they were like jesus fucking christ ITS NOT ABOUT THE MUG. because yeah
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phantom-peachie · 6 months
im ok
tw: death/loss
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honestly, the more i think about it the more certain i become that winds of winter and specifically the kings landing plot/vale/gc plot will significantly parallel the dance of the dragons (mainly the end of the dance).
others have already made great metas on this lol
i think cersei’s downfall will resemble alicent’s. im sad but certain that both tommen and myrcella will be killed (maybe paralleling aegon and rhaenys deaths?). i’m kind of hoping the sand snakes will go through character development and not choose revenge… but i kind of doubt it. i’m sure that cersei will definitely break down even further tho. that’ll be interesting and horrifying to read.
tommen will certainly die first, leading to myrcella being crowned. i think it’s likely that tommen is killed by the sand snakes, but i think myrcella will be killed during the fall of kings landing to (f)aegon. i wonder if the sand snakes try protecting her and fail?
i highly doubt that dorne is going to join (f)aegon. i think arianne will see the truth and will be able to successfully maneuver her way back to dorne. (tho i think she’ll have a run in with aurane which would be cool to read). however, (f)aegon will think that arianne is on his side. i’m worried that lady lance wont leave with the dornish party tho…
anyways, after the fall of kings landing cersei will likely be locked up as she won’t be considered a threat. but this won’t be enough to stop the crazy that will be childless cersei.
the high sparrow will certainly support (f)aegon.
i’m 50/50 on whether margaery marries again. i am worried that margaery will get jaehaera’d :/. i think it’s certain that she’ll be held hostage tho. what if she goes the helaena route… yikes… that’s a sad thought.
at this point in time i think the starks will hold winterfell once again and the freys will have be destroyed. the tullys will probably hold the riverlands again.
euron will be causing absolute havoc in the reach.
i think the vale plot in winds will resemble what happens during the dance. harry and robin will both probably die, so i think littlefinger, who’d be in trouble at that point, would try to gain power through sansa. so i think the knights of the vale will make their way to kings landing with sansa with the intent of making her queen.
this is where the tourney at ashford theory comes into play. though jonsas have it completely wrong, as (f)aegon will be the one taking the place of prince valarr. i’m a bit iffy about sansa marrying (f)aegon due to sansa’s marriage to tyrion… but it could be annulled i suppose? but would the high sparrow do that? i think it’s possible.
i wonder what will happen to trystane and the sand snakes tho? i do think that the sand snakes are savvy enough to be able to escape on their own but trystane worries me :(. and he’s gonna be devastated by myrcellas death.
anyways if the plot does move in this direction then i totally expect to read many littlefinger vs varys showdowns.
this will definitely be a false dawn tho. euron will likely be making his way to kings landing and i’m fairly certain that he will sit on the iron throne at some point. bet this is when cersei is able to rise again.
i’ll admit that this prediction for winds has many holes in it. i may be misremembering some stuff as well and i likely haven’t considered all variables either, so take everything i just stated as a vague prediction.
some questions i’m asking myself rn lol: would the tyrell army go down that easily (or maybe varys friends in the reach will help the golden company win the battle?)? will sweet robin really die :(? baelish won’t be able to try and take back the north bc the starks will hold it once again, and going north would mean definitely giving up his hold over sansa… so wouldn’t trying to make sansa the new queen make more sense? since he’d still be able to isolate her and she’d likely need to depend on him? but wouldn’t going to kings landing again be dangerous for him? well if his and varys interests line up then maybe not… but would the knights of the vale follow him? i guess if both harry and robin died then they’d be totally lost too…
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This is so funny to me bc this is about my tav who is very much not the dark urge! just a bit of a freak
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#tav yeric#astarion#bg3#started rambling about yeric in the tags couldn’t stop lol#yeric is pretty well adjusted for a guy who’s been living in the woods alone for a decade#he is generally really reserved and quiet#but off putting stuff just spills from his mouth sometimes#and when he does open up he says things without thinking them through (and that’s on his 8 INT)#also the thing about cannibalism is that yeric got trapped in the mountains with a bunch of travelers when he was 23#and they ended up having to cannibalize some people and eat their dead#Yeric’s partner died and he ate her#this launched the previously mentioned decade long woods isolation#and so yeric has issues around food and hunger#and a deep deep fear of people around him starving to death#so I’m some ways like getting fed on by astarion is genuinely a comfort to him#doesn’t need to worry about astarion being hungry!#he has direct proof that astarion is physically well!#all he has to do is take care of himself and cast lesser restoration and someone else can be sustained just on that! how wonderful!#yeric is also a big acts of service guy so that desire also gets fulfilled by the blood sucking agreement#at the same time#yeric also processed the cannibalism thing in a weird way where his survivors guilt manifested as a desire to be eaten#so while he genuinely does get a lot out of the agreement with astarion it is also triggering to him and does not help at all with#his self worth issues#astarion and yeric have a long talk about this post game - I think their relationship would need a break from the feeding for a while#yeric needs space to be see himself being loved outside of his utility to other people#and also to know that astarion is going to be okay if yeric takes a break from being his personal juicebox for 5 minutes
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edwinisms · 2 months
literally I have not written this much in the span of a couple weeks since like. mid high school. so around 7-8 years ago. what has this show done to me
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The recent Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero conversation once more got me thinking about my old pitch for if SubZero’s existence hadn’t been so violently rejected, so here’s a model sheet that’s Totally Definitely 100% Official.
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reinanova · 4 months
question for the fanfic readers (and writers) who are out here working full time jobs:
how/when do you make time to read/write fanfics?
my tendency to read fanfics late at night will not be such a good idea when i’m out of school and working in the real world, when i can’t just say fuck it and show up with only a few hours of sleep.
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regular-lord-reckoner · 2 months
i’m home !!
procedure went real well, everything was really smooth and almost as soon as they said, “you can count backwards if you want,” i don’t think i even said ten before i was suddenly in recovery and sipping some ginger ale.
honestly the worst part was the iv because they had to do it on the side of my wrist because apparently my veins are crooked ?? i just hate ivs anyway so that’s no surprise but other than that no complaints.
everyone was real nice and made sure i was well taken care of (my nurse even had me pee one more time before so she wouldn’t have to do a catheter which with my history…..thank you)
but yeah, i’ll have a follow up in about a month just to make sure everything’s good and the iud is doing its thing !!
i do have some cramping and bleeding but that’s normal, although a little funny because i literally just stopped my period yesterday but…oh well !! hopefully in a few months i won’t have hardly any so this we can handle and i hace some medicine (and my ~medicine) that’ll help so i’m all set.
mom had to go run some errands so my little recovery buddy is keeping me company. also, a moment of recognition for my new favorite shirt (thank you as always, Boss Dog Art; i’ve already got my eye on another one that says, “i think therefore i am against transphobia around the world” or something like that and it’s got a cool skeleton on it; this is my third shirt from them and they’re really comfy and good quality so not sponsored but check them out, they seem cool):
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#It’s been a rough week leading up to this i’m not gonna lie#one of my neighbors was shooting on Sunday when i was in the pool#which i’m used to at this point#but for some reason i got triggered into a panic attack#and could not catch my breath#could not calm down for several minutes just scream crying#had to dunk my head underwater a few times and splash myself in the face#eventually i just buried my face in my towel and screamed cried until i physically had to stop#because i thought i was about to have a heart attack#so that wasn’t so chill#spent the rest of the day shaking#guess you just never know when it’s gonna hit!!#another plane has hit the ptsd towers#sorry#not for nothing though but the shooting stopped so there’s that#they probably thought someone had a fuckin’ ari aster movie turned up over here#nope just a mentally unstable bitch doing her best which clearly isn’t great but what can ya do!!#it was kinda funny though because i’ve been hesitant to go back out there since#but finally yesterday i had even worked longer the day before so i could really enjoy it#it had been sunny all day#no signs of rain#i’m ready to get some exercise in because i knew it might be a while#before i can again so i was really looking forward to a nice 30 minute run#damned if it didn’t start raining as soon as i got out there#and that was fine#i still ran a little got my water weights in#but the kicker was i looked at the weather on my phone and it looked like it was going to keep raining#so i said okay let me just go take a shower and settle in for the night#it didn’t rain and the sun came back out so oh well!#but point is…today went well and i’m doing okay and things could always be worse so no worries <3
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sadiecoocoo · 2 months
Guys… I have to go back to school… in twelve hours
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monkee-mobile · 4 months
it’s the 90s in my monkee universe where davy lost his mom young like he did irl and they are watching the land before time because, yknow it seemed like a cool newer movie and peter LOVES don bluth films so they happened to pick it up from a video store after it left theaters so they’re all at home on the couch snuggled up and then they get to the scene where the sharp tooth attacks and mike sees it coming and has a hand on davys arm immediately and sure enough theres a dying mother scene.
davy stiffens a bit but says he’s fine and so mike squeezes davys hand a bit but then eventually davy starts to sniffle and mikes like “okay that’s it micky pause it.” and despite it having been so many years since his mom passed and him having been so young at the time, something still hits davy, especially seeing a kid in denial that his mom is going away because he just assumed she’d always be there!
but davy is determined to push past most of his babyish ways of the past so he keeps assuring mike (who is holding his face and looking into his eyes) that he’s fine between breaths. but mike is in full mumma mode because davy became his baby forever and always, and they turn the film back on and it’s all fine but mike holds davy extra tight and snuggles up to him throughout the rest of the watch and davy can’t help but push himself into mike and cling onto his shirt because mike is there for him and he does love him so much.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
At some point I wonder if Black people get tired of consistently having egg on their face. Y’all love to defend other groups, but they rarely ever do the same for us as Black people.
Black people like to defend Latinos and they get a bunch of lightskinned and mixed Latinos saying the Ni**er to their faces because of their general ignorance of race vs ethnicity.
Black people like to defend indigenous people and they those same indigenous peoples(this really only applies to the ones in the south like the Cherokee, Seminole, Creek, and Chickasaw, and Choctaw) rarely ever acknowledge the fact they were oppressors to Black people. Or when’s someone brings it up, it’s “but they were kinder than the white people!” Like please-
Black people defend Asians, especially South East Asians, and we get them calling us slurs in their own language, extreme colorism, extreme texturism, and generational prejudice and biases about black people.
Black people defend biracials and their “blackness” and instead we get them replacing and erasing us in our own shows, other media, and praising the white features that they inherited from their white parent. Meanwhile, darkskinned women from Africa are called Eurocentric because they’re beautiful and have different features(despite black people saying we come in all shades and colors and features. Black people don’t like it when those different features aren’t on a mixed or biracial girl)
Black people defend the lgbt community and we get their community members saying we as black women aren’t women because of white supremacy.
Like are we not tired! Are you not tired of constantly being laughed at and being made the joke of the world?! Are you not tired your people are considered the front line warriors who will defend everyone if they don’t deserve it?! Would it kill the black community, especially the black girls and women, to focus on ourselves and our image that’s slowly disappearing. When will we learn to say it’s not our fight.
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animalsandskyyy · 4 months
what i’ve learned from BOTH the gemini and yotta apps going to shit and freezing my money for who know how long- DONT TRUST MY DAD’S RECOMMENDATIONS ON NEW SAVING AND INVESTMENT APPS😭
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