#I’m still a little bitter that the night crew was expected to be there for the morning/day shift
inga-don-studio · 9 months
Really trying to make lemons out of lemonade by taking that early morning work shift from a few days ago (& the resulting three full days of The Horrors resulting from the 180 to my sleep/wake schedule) to nudge my bedtime earlier.
Will it work for more than a week or two? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But I’m going to try.
3 notes · View notes
turtletaubwrites · 2 months
Numbers Game ~ Part 31
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Pairings: Cross Guild Polycule x Fem!Reader x Shanks
Numbers Game Masterlist
Word Count: 7853
Ao3 Link
Ongoing Series Playlist: Youtube Music Link | Youtube Link
Summary: The Emperor of the Sea sets sail from Karai Bari Island. Can he make it to the banquet in two days? More importantly, can Shanks regain his confidence, and do what needs to be done to save the woman that both of his lovers love?
Let the games begin! 🏹
Author's Note: Thank you for the wait! This month has been extra, but I also spent a ton of time and research writing this one since the game is getting started. I hope you enjoy it! I have soo many plans 🥰😈
There's a yucky Uncle Cedrick scene, but from now on we'll just have to expect that. I will continue to bracket sections if heavier situations come up, but at this point, I hope that Uncle Cuntdick will be his own warning 😬 We are meeting Dr. Vorsan this chapter, and I've bracketed the scene with these symbols ~~~⚫⚫⚫~~~ so as not to jump scare everyone!
Alternate POV Symbols:
🌲 ~ Reader | 🐊 ~ Crocodile | 🗡 ~ Mihawk | 🤡 ~ Buggy | 🔴 ~ Shanks | ⏰ ~ Flashbacks for listed POV | ⚫ ~ Scenes depicting Dark Content as listed in Author's Notes
!!! SPOILER WARNING !!! Fic currently contains spoilers for up to the end of the Wano arc, and potentially current arc minor details.
Rating/Warnings: Author May Choose to Exclude some Warnings to Avoid Spoilers for Certain Chapters, Explicit Sexual Content, 18+ ONLY, MDNI, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Use of Y/N, Dark Content, Blood & Violence, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Dissociation, Mental Illness, Grief, Toxic Family, Swearing, Alcohol, Cigars, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Guilt, Drama, Jealousy, Manipulation, Pet Names, Power Imbalance, Cross Guild boys are VILLAINS, Possessive Behavior, Teasing, Threats, Relationship Drama, Anal, Uncle Cedrick might just be his own warning, Doctors, Inappropriate Use of Akuma no Mi | Devil Fruit Powers, Shameless Shameless Smut, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 |
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“Go away, old man,” groaned a frighteningly hungover pirate captain, who was still face down on the floor of his quarters. Sheets with too many smells had already been stripped from his bed, but the night had held too much liquor for him to replace them on his own, so he’d slept on the rug.
“I’d love to,” Benn snorted, rolling Shanks onto his back. “Is my captain done drownin’ his sorrows?”
“Dunno what you mean.” 
He cringed while he pushed himself up to lean against the wall, and couldn’t meet his first mate’s eyes. 
“You’re too kind hearted for this, captain,” the older man sighed. “Why don’t you find a sweet, little barmaid to dote on like a respectable pirate, eh? What about–”
“I don’t want bunnies. I want…” Shanks growled, but his anger fizzled out at the thought of predators and prey.
“Nah. The Great, Red Haired Shanks just wants ungrateful brats that leave him crying on the floor a few times a year.”
The Great, Red Haired Shanks pulled himself to his feet, only to stumble over to an uncorked bottle in the corner, taking a grateful swig when he found it full. 
“Just had too much fun is all,” he laughed, the bitter taste drowning out the sweetness of the wine.
“Well, next time that creepy asshole gives my captain too much fun, I’m gonna make sure it’s him that’s crying, ya hear me?”
“Sure, old man,” Shanks snorted, letting his first mate guide him to the shower, still downing that wine to fight off images of wicked, beautiful eyes. He wondered how long it would take this time for the cruel hint of gold to leave his mind. 
The Great, Red Haired Shanks didn’t need bunnies or hawks. He just needed the sea, his crew, and another fucking bottle. 
“It’s been some time since our last session. How have you been feeling, Y/N?”
Dr. Vorsan’s pale eyes always felt sticky. Puddles of too much glue, waiting to capture anything you let slip from your shaky fingers, your trembling lips. 
“I’m feeling well, Doctor,” you lied, keeping your voice soft. “I’m sure you've heard about my recent behavior… I believe the experience has offered me some much needed clarity.”
Everything about this man was pale and watery, and you reminded yourself not to frown at his beige suit. It would have seemed like the doctor wanted to fade into the background, if every boring detail about him hadn’t been so exquisitely tailored.
“That’s good to hear,” he praised, though the emptiness in his voice had you fighting to stay present. “Why don’t you tell me about it. You’re going through a lot of transitions, Y/N. Major life changes, even positive ones, can cause a lot of strain. Have you been feeling strained, Y/N?”
“Mmssorry,” you slurred, fighting your lips that had already frozen, not even five minutes in. 
“You stated that your time with the Cross Guild brought you clarity,” Dr. Vorsan noted. Those sticky eyes seemed to warm while your body left your control, until you couldn’t meet them anymore, couldn’t look higher than his elbows. “By putting yourself in such a dangerous–”
“I wasn’t–” 
You were heavy and loose now, your whispered denial draining the last of your energy. 
“You’re in a safe place, Y/N,” he promised while he pulled a shiny, gold pen from his jacket, propping up a notepad on his knee. “Do you know where you are?”
He asked again, voice so soft, until you nodded in agreement. 
“Good, Y/N. Just take some deep breaths, and we can stop whenever you need to. We’ll help you get clarity, so you can stay well. Do you want to stay well, Y/N?”
“Y-yes, Doctor.”
“Wonderful,” he purred, scratching a note onto the top of his page, the movement of his manicured hands holding your gaze. “Why don’t you tell me about the clown?”
“With Sylvad’s cowardly level of security, I believe this would be too risky to use, but you should take it, in case the opportunity arises.”
“It’s so small,” Shanks hummed, inspecting Mihawk’s earpiece transponder snail, its tiny eyes blinking up at him slowly. “Maybe if I–”
“Save it,” Crocodile ordered, pushing away his untouched meal before closing the ornate shell container in Shanks’ palm, shutting those little eyes away. “Right now, the safest way to save our girl is for you to marry her. Don’t put that at risk by acting suspicious.”  
Shanks stared at the closed shell before tucking it away, looking up to find his old friend winking at him. 
“Don’t fret, love. We can have a belated bachelor party when you return,” Mihawk teased, combing his fingers through that bright, red hair.
“But Buggy—”
“I’m not thrilled about it either,” Crocodile sighed, standing to usher the other man out of the suite, “but it’s our best chance. That’s your mission. We’ll be listening, we have the location, and we can reach out to your crew if we need to share something vital. Can you do this?”
The two men stared each other down again, the swordsman’s hand dropping away to give them space. 
“I’ll bring her back,” Shanks swore again, offering Crocodile his hand. The larger man shook it, but the press of time killed their peaceful moment. 
The Emperor made his way into Adam’s room, waiting for Buggy’s permission to speak, but his clown looked pained, and Shanks couldn’t wait.
“What’s wrong, Bugs?”
Buggy’s hands were cramping from recording the pros and cons of the men that might marry his star. His throat was tired from swallowing nasty fears and guilt at the thought of Y/N actually finding someone she wanted to be with. 
“You’re leaving,” he whispered, letting out a sigh when Shanks nodded. Strong fingers were so gentle as they brushed hair behind his ear, pens not doing enough to hold up all of that blue. 
“I’m gonna fix this, Bugs.”
“She doesn’t believe…”
Though jealousy had turned him into someone he didn’t recognize, now when he saw that look of love in Buggy’s eyes for Y/N, Shanks wanted to burn all the oceans to bring them back together. 
“She loves me, but she thinks it’s over, Shanks. My star’s really looking for someone else.”
“That’s not gon–”
“Make sure it’s you, alright, shithead?”
Buggy pressed his last piece of hope into Shanks’ palm, before letting himself hold and be held by this beautiful man that had been so many things to him over the years. He sank to the floor, allowing soothing kisses to be left along his unraveling hair while slow, exhausted tears escaped him. 
Shanks opened his mouth to comfort, to promise, to share, but Buggy reached for the notepad again, mumbling about her “favorites.” After a rushed, bittersweet kiss, the red headed pirate was on his way, met by his golden eyed lover in the hall.
“Making sure I don’t run off with all your booze,” he tried to smile, feeling the weight of distance already crashing over him. 
“Something like that,” Mihawk teased. “I thought I’d send you off.”
“How was your session with Dr. Vorsan,” Uncle Cedrick taunted, filling the dining room with ice. 
“It went well.”
You’d managed to bring yourself back, to find your body and voice again before dinner, knowing that he’d be waiting to poke at you. 
“Excellent,” he purred, killing your appetite again. “He’ll be staying until the wedding, just in case you need the extra support.”
“Thank you, Uncle,” you hummed, forcing down a bite.
“So polite,” he laughed, touching your moms chin to lift her face up. “See, Delaine. A little time with the doc, and your daughter’s already feeling better. Maybe she’ll even stop asking her mama bird to chew up her food soon.”
“She can stop after the wedding,” you said coldly, not enjoying the cruel laugh he gave at her expense.
“Such a high maintenance bride,” he taunted, towering over you all when he stood from his seat, offering you his arm. “Come on, smarty. Let’s take a walk.”
Kat started to argue for you, but it was a pointless battle, so you left the other Sylvad ladies at the table, letting Uncle Cedrick guide you out to the lavish courtyard. 
“I know you’ve been reviewing the details with Kat, instead of your mother, but I expect you to be prepared tomorrow. You know the rules of the game?”
“The suitors have a month to win me,” you recited while he led you through the tables, dragging you to the beautiful, carved bench where the introductions would be held. “They’re not allowed to fight amongst themselves unless it’s for the game, and they have to leave grudges aside until after someone wins my heart. They’ll all have time with me as a group and in private, and they can woo me however they like, so long as it doesn’t endanger me, or take me off the island.”
The pride in his smile wasn’t for you, but he beamed it at you, nonetheless.
“Since you’ve been doing so well, I’m sure you can remember a few more rules. Think you can handle that, smarty?”
“Yes, Uncle,” you agreed, sending your rage down into the stone beneath you. 
“You need to remember that choice is a fucking luxury, Y/N,” he threatened, brushing the hair back from your face while he leaned too close, his cologne filling your lungs. “After the fiasco you could have caused, and after all these years of abusing my patience, you’re lucky I’m letting you play this little game at all.”
His hateful words were drawn out with lazy pleasure, and he kept his fingers in your hair, stroking you like a pet. Like his pretty doll.
“You’re going to give all of your suitors a fair chance. They’re here to enjoy themselves, so I won’t have you chasing anyone off too soon. You’re going to whittle them down slowly, and carefully, and with my approval. Your final two suitors will be offered a deal, and if they don’t accept it, they won’t get my blessing.”
“So, do whatever you need to do to convince the men you like the most to take that deal.”
Nodding so you wouldn’t spit, you seethed when he tugged at your chin the way he’d touched your mother’s earlier. Your eyes were forced to his, and the stars above seemed to burn like acid as your face tilted up toward them. 
“I’ll do anything to protect this family,” Uncle Cedrick vowed as he rubbed his thumb across your snarling lips. “If there’s a man that can offer a better deal, then he’ll get my blessing, no matter your preference. So get ready to use this smart, little mouth of yours, niece. I wonder if you’re a good enough whore to convince anyone to stay? Though I have to confess, after all of your tantrums, I think my spoiled brat of a niece might deserve a man that can put her in her place.”
He laughed at your stifled hatred, wiggling your face before releasing you. 
“Give them all a chance to win you,” Uncle ordered, satisfaction dripping from his parted lips. 
He enjoyed watching you suffer. Enjoyed it in a way that made your skin crawl, but you could never fully hide your rage from him, no matter how skilled you became. He could fucking sniff it out. 
“If I catch you sabotaging any suitor’s feelings for you before I’ve given the approval to drop them, then I’ll make sure you get some extra special time together. It’s only fair.”
All of the acceptance you’d been building up was crashing down around you, and you held in your tears, not wanting to see the pleasure on his face if he tore them from you. 
You wanted to run away.
He found me. He could have had Karai Bari wiped off the fucking map, and Buggy…
“Well, niece, do you understand? Or do I need to—“
“I’ll fuck the one’s I like to make them take your deal,” you growled, almost losing your vision from the rage that was coursing through you. “And I’ll fuck the one’s I hate so you won’t know which piece of shit to trap me with.”
Cedrick Sylvad threw his head back, bellowing his cruel laughter up to the twinkling sky. 
“Oh, this is going to be fun,” he wheezed, before leaving you there with a dismissive wave of his hand. “Don’t stay up too late, niece.”
He didn’t leave you with a guard. There was no need. 
I’ll never get away. These are my choices. Pros and cons.
The silent courtyard felt like a cemetery while you struggled to move, to head off to bed, and end this shitty night. Your fingers found their way to your locket, the touch of warm metal helping to calm your breathing while you stared at all the cold, shining stars above you. 
“At least I have all those pretty daydreams,” you whispered, feeling like an empty doll as you floated off to bed. 
“Hawk Eyes.”
It had been a couple of years since Mihawk had stepped foot onto the Red Force, but his body had memorized every step toward the captain’s quarters, and they walked there without a thought. 
Until a tall, scowling man blocked his path.
“Good afternoon, Benn. How—“
“How about you get the fuck—“
“Hey now,” Shanks laughed, stepping between his first mate and the swordsman, who’d raised a brow at the threatening tone. “We’re good, Benn! He’s just seeing us off.”
“Well, I’ll see him off a fucking cliff if he makes you—”
Shanks cut him off, pulling Mihawk into his quarters while Benn narrowed his eyes, his arms flexing as he crossed them over his chest. 
“If I make him…” Mihawk asked, focusing on the hint of pink that was blossoming on Shanks’ cheeks. 
“Benn, get the crew ready. We’re heading out soon.”
“Aye, captain,” he agreed, still leaning toward the swordsman through the doorway. Benn jerked his head to the side as unruly strands of long, gray hair escaped his tie, getting in the way of his glare. “If you ever make my captain cry again, I’m gonna turn those pretty, gold eyeballs into pretty, gold earrings, ya hear me?”
“Thanks, Benn,” Shanks shoved the man out, locking himself into his quarters with his wicked, old friend whose mouth was hanging wide open. He might have laughed at the sight if he hadn’t wanted to crawl under the floorboards. 
Fuck you, Benn…
Shanks had watched those lips move. He’d heard that voice speak. 
Yet his mind couldn’t connect that trembling word to the deadly rival before him.
The sweetness that had echoed through Mihawk’s bones with every step beside his lover had curdled again, guilt and shame scraping up his throat, strangling the words he’d hoped to share.
I don’t deserve it. 
“You’re shaking,” the red haired pirate breathed as he reached for one of those dangerous hands. Everything was unsteady. Nothing in this world fit anymore, but Shanks tried to laugh it off. “Is Dracule Mihawk feeling jealous? I never had you pegged for the marriage type.”
“No,” he choked a laugh, brittle and stinging as he sat on the bed. The same, old bed they’d shared countless times. “I’m so sorry, Shanks.”
Those words again.
This “vacation” of his had felt like the most outrageous, delicious dream held hostage by a nightmare, and Shanks felt a sudden terror that he was about to wake up to find it was all gone. 
In case it was about to disappear, Shanks sat beside his vicious, old friend, and pressed a kiss to the man’s temple. Mihawk wrapped his arms around him, clinging, feeding into the unreality of this soft, lovely dream. 
“Are you alright, Hawk,” Shanks breathed.
Instincts would have sent the swordsman out the door by now. Every thought pushed him out, guilt, and fear, and lies, no longer strong enough to outweigh the need to keep holding Shanks against him, to keep inhaling his comforting scent. 
The need to run was fueled by his new piles of shame. An unconscious demand to leave. Leave. Leave. 
“I’m done…”
“What’s that,” Shanks tensed at the whisper. He fought his rising dread, tracing his fingers through that pretty, black hair. As they always had, Mihawk’s hypnotic eyes made his world pause, yet in this moment they seemed like true magic. The swordsman had once been blank, unknowable, giving no depth, though Shanks had reached and delved as far as his old rival would let him.
Now those golden eyes were hypnotizing not for their blankness, but for the swirling depths that pulled him in. Pools of molten metal, pain, and need, and other things Shanks couldn’t think clearly enough to try to understand. 
Mihawk couldn’t understand how this beautiful, glorious man could still stand to look at him, let alone offer him comfort. He almost talked himself out of the room again, but vowed that he was done being a coward. He would fight. He would never run. 
Never again.
“I know I…” Mihawk started, losing his train of thought while he stared at his old friend that could have been something so much more. 
What’s the point of being safe if I can’t even… 
 “I love you. I know it’s too late. I’m sorry, I–mmn!”
All that dread exploded, leaving Shanks absolutely fucking high. None of this could be real, but what a dream. 
“Took you long enough, old friend,” he purred. Mihawk whimpered beneath him, shaking under his touch after Shanks had pushed him onto his back, kissing him as though he’d disappear if he stopped. 
“I’m s-sorry, Sha–”
“Are you lying? Manipulating me?”
He gripped Mihawk’s face, wanting to throw this fear off the ship. Gods, he wanted to believe it, to feel it. 
Mihawk let out a breath, a weak sob, as the gold of his eyes was dressed with diamonds. The monster was even more hypnotizing when he cried.
“I’m not lying,” he confessed. Memories flooded the swordsman now, filling the air around him with regret, and with the hope he was fighting to keep. He reached up, cupping Shanks’ face while he blinked away his salty fear. “You loved a coward, old friend, but I’m done running. I love you. I’m so sor–”
Shanks couldn’t tell if he was laughing, or crying as he fell onto the wicked, intoxicating man beneath him. 
“I love you too, Hawk. I still love you. Could never stop.”
“Say it again,” Shanks breathed while he kissed along Mihawk’s throat, dizzy while one of his dearest fantasies played out before him. 
“I love you, Shanks.” Mihawk shivered, clinging, reaching, falling to pieces. Shameful parts of him still screamed to run, still thought so many cruel, ungrateful things, but there was nothing like the satisfied sounds his lover made when he said those words. “I have loved you in my cowardly heart. I’m sorry I– fuck!”
The red haired pirate fisted his hair with vicious force while he rutted his clothed cock against him, chuckling as he watched those hypnotizing eyes flutter with need. 
“Why are you sorry?”
Mihawk was already lost in him, and Shanks let that sweetness pour over his body, his breath relaxing as he decided how to take care of his lover. 
“You’re sorry because you didn’t say you love me, right,” he purred, kissing tingles into Mihawk’s skin as he breathed along his temple to his jaw. The swordsman gave a weak nod, and a little whine, so Shanks nibbled at his ear, telling his boy how to please him. 
“I don’t wanna hear another ‘sorry,' you hear me,” he threatened, tracing his thumb along Mihawk’s hip, dipping down into those low riding pants. “You’d better keep telling me what you should have back then.”
“Shanks,” Mihawk moaned, undoing the lacings of his own clothes before clawing at Shanks’, desperate beneath the sway of that crooked smile. “I love you.”
The Emperor of the Sea forgot.
Nothing to do. Nowhere to be. 
Shanks just had to make this man say those words again and again. It had been so fucking long. They touched and kissed every inch of each other in their mad rush to claim every moment before the dream faded away, until the swordsman looked over his shoulder, begging so pretty. So perfect. 
“I need you, daddy,” Mihawk relaxed, ready. “Need you, love you, want… mm, please…”
“I need you too, bright eyes,” Shanks hummed, fingers finding their way in, cool lube easing the stretch while he made his lover moan into the wrinkled sheets. “I need my pretty boy to let me love him. You finally gonna let me, Hawk?” 
“Please,” he begged. The press of Shanks’ cock teasing at him was too much, and he writhed, shoving himself back until he cried out, earning the full force of that powerful body. 
“Look at you. Knew you’d be so good for me, baby.”
His fingers caressed while he pressed that pale skin into the mattress, and Shanks let everything go, praising, taking, and hurting his lover until they both went fucking mad. Mihawk let himself feel safe in the pleasure and the pain.
His lover made him cry, and bleed, and come, before laying his own claim. Shanks’ heavy cock filled him, on and on, leaving Mihawk twitching and whining. There they stayed, breathing, sweating, and whispering those words until they remembered. 
“I’ve gotta go, Hawk... Will you still love me when I come back,” Shanks asked as reality returned, failing to hide all the true fear in his voice.
“My lover gone away to sea. I shall await thee,” Mihawk hummed, moaning when Shanks pulled away, his body still craving his touch. 
“Are you writing love poems already?”
Mihawk could have stayed in that bed for days, but she was there in his mind. Still trembling from love and pleasure, fear followed him while he helped Shanks clean the evidence of their selfish lust, low chuckles still warming the air around them through it all. 
“I’ll write poetry for you, my love,” he breathed, eyes fluttering at the new touches he’d earned. “But you’re right. You need to leave.”
Demands felt wrong, so the swordsman finished drying and dressing his lover, until the Emperor pulled him close, their foreheads pressed together while he tried not to succumb to his own selfish terror. 
“I love you, Hawk Eyes,” Shanks let out one more time, while the memory of empty eyes burned through his soul. Y/N had helped both of his lovers, had helped him find them again, to hold them again, had helped them open up.
I owe her everything.
“I love you too, Red Hair,” Mihawk gave a true smile, shaky though it was. The voice calling for him to run was easily ignored with the gratitude and desperation rolling through him now. “Please–”
“Don’t worry, baby,” Shanks laughed, kissing those lips again before leading his deadly lover off the ship. “If I can win over Dracule Mihawk’s icy heart, then there’s no beast I can’t charm.”
“I’m fine.”
Kat managed to pull a laugh from you while servants buzzed around, swarming like bees as you waited in the courtyard for your new life to begin.
Whenever a big tree fell on Sylvad property, it would be easy to cart it away, to sell it into little pieces, but this courtyard was built to show off one of your favorite family traditions.
The last few generations of Sylvad’s had refused to let a fallen tree be scurried away like something to be ashamed of. If a tree fell on a Sylvad estate, it was to be celebrated to honor the hard work and creativity that made your family’s name synonymous with power, wisdom, and enough wealth and status to rival nobility. 
You sat on one of those dead trees, the trunk carved into a formidable, layered bench along the base of the manor, while the lantern lit courtyard stretched out toward the forest. On and on the bench seemed to go, covered with lifelike, and even life size animals trying to spring into your world from the fallen wood.
Childhood memories trampled over you for a moment, just like your little body had once tried to climb and claim this wonder of the forest. The obedient bees brought you back to the present, doing some last minute touch ups to your hair and makeup while they fluffed up your giant gown. 
Asking why you were in a white dress before your wedding day had sent you into rigid silence once the rest of the ensemble was forced onto you.
Don’t bite the help. Don’t bite the help… Do deer bite people?
“I’ll be right over there all night, okay,” Kat’s voice pushed through the mass of bodies. “Make that face if you need me to step in.”
“There’ll be no need for that, ladies,” Uncle scolded, his presence scattering the hovering pests around you. He beamed at your sister while he patted her cheek, before sending her to sit with your sulking mother. Kat gave you a weak smile, leaving you on that extravagant bench while your uncle managed to sit beside you without mussing your dress. 
The music may have been pretty. The lanterns lighting up beneath the golden, darkening sky might have been enchanting. 
It was even possible that one of the men in that crowd of guests breaking through the treeline onto the stone pathway would make a lovely husband. 
You tried to breathe, tapping nervously against the locket you’d stuffed into the corset of your dress since it hadn’t “fit the theme.”
What a feeling it was to finally know that love was real. Yet, such was your fate that you had to keep killing and burying the futile wish that you could have kept it for yourself. 
All of these men are here to own me. Every single one.
“Don’t forget to smile, dear niece,” Uncle taunted, leaning close enough to warm your cheek with his words. He laughed at his little joke, while you tried to obey.
You were the white stag. 
You were his helpless prey, whose sole purpose was to be hunted, mounted, and displayed. Nothing more than a tasty trophy.
The stupid, white antlers in your hair felt heavier with each moment while you watched your hunters stalk ever closer. The men had separated from their guests who were being seated so that everyone could watch your uncle’s little show, while the suitors formed a line.
“If you–”
“You already won, Uncle,” you cut him off, eyes scanning the edge of the forest while more figures appeared. “I’ll be well behaved venison from here on… what the f–”
No fucking way.
Kat had followed your line of sight, and if your face matched the look on hers, you needed to shake it off now. The last thing you needed to do was offend one of these men that could squash you like a bug.
Sis was right. We should have asked for measurements. 
Swallowing manic laughter at the thought, you split into pieces, becoming the hunted. The truest part of you watched the show from a deep, dark hole within while you smiled at Uncle Cedrick, although your body couldn’t hide the shivers that broke through. 
“Smart girl,” he hummed, curdling your stomach before he pressed your hand into an old man’s wrinkly grip.
Your suitors had arrived.
“Giberson, lovely to see you. Let me introduce you to my niece. She’s—“
“The Cross Guild’s young CFO, if my sources aren’t mistaken? I can’t imagine there’s another Y/N Sylvad gallivanting about.” Giberson caught you off guard, and you were a deer in the headlights when his scratchy, white mustache tickled across your fingers. 
His words had left you frozen, and he released your hand, seeming a little wobbly while he balanced with his jewel encrusted cane. The old man adjusted his pin striped hat, making his tall body seem even lankier in the matching suit.
“I shouldn’t be surprised,” Uncle Cedrick laughed, clapping the old man on the back. “You probably know more about the competition than I do. So, have you decided to join the game, or will you just be staying for the entertainment?”
This old man is one of the Emperors of the Underworld… 
Giberson’s dossier had been the lightest you’d received, yet somehow that made him more frightening, along with his epithet; The Concealer.
“Hopefully I’ll have more luck at this wedding than I did at the last one I attended. Bodies just don’t recover the same when you get to be my age,” Giberson chuckled as he tapped his knee with his cane a few times. “Still, I may be old, but I can’t resist the offer to join in such a delightful game.”
“Happy hunting, good man. I’m confident that some time in Y/N’s company will put some pep back in your step,” Uncle encouraged, pulling an intricately carved arrow from a quiver at his back, adding to the vision of the dark hunter he exuded tonight. He handed it to you, giving you the illusion of choice.
You’d been told not to stand unless you absolutely had to, so you looked up at him through your lashes. Your painted doe eyes needed no help looking helpless, but you obeyed just the same. Giberson smelled of whiskey when he leaned down to accept the arrow from your grasp, a satisfied smile on those aged lips. 
“Just watch out, little lady. These young boys aren’t done fighting yet,” he stepped back, nodding subtly over his shoulder. “It would be a shame to see such a precious thing get caught up in the crossfire. I’d rather like to avoid that fate myself this time around.”
“Not to worry, Giberson, we’re all here to enjoy a more civilized kind of battle. Although, the betting pools have already added a few extra categories for all the possibilities this month presents.” 
The men ignored you now, but you had to keep your face mildly pleasant while you reminded yourself not to scratch it, so as not to risk fucking up the subtle deer makeup across your nose and cheeks. 
You were the only animal at the banquet. The only thing on the menu. Everyone else got to be human.
Well, maybe not everyone… 
“Are these supposed to be this fucking tight? This can’t be right…”
Shanks tugged and pulled at the dove gray pants he’d been gifted by Sylvad’s attendants, his head snapping up at the choked sound coming from his first mate’s throat. 
“What’s wrong?”
Benn had changed quickly, the banquet already getting started when the two of them had stepped foot onto the private island. The older man had lucked out, easily fitting into the borrowed suit that was such a dark blue it was almost black, although he’d rolled up the sleeves, and traded the jacket for his purple cloak. Having some breathing room around his muscular arms made him seem slightly less annoyed since their weapons had to remain on the Red Force. 
Benn was too distracted to care about their weapons at the moment though, wheezing while he watched his mighty captain try to stuff all of his bits into those tiny pants. 
“Did you try the other pairs?” Benn failed to hide his laughter, having to clear his throat and look away.
“They're all the same size– He can’t really expect me to wear this?”
His eyes were wide, unconsciously shaking his head while he gaped at his reflection. 
The tight, gray breeches seemed designed specifically to showcase every curve of his cock and balls. The soft fabric was tucked into black, knee high boots that a certain swordsman would have coveted, but Shanks felt like he was going insane with the urge to light the borrowed clothes on fire. 
“No. I’m not going out there like this,” Shanks resisted.
“You said you’d do anything for her, captain. Don’t you wanna get on the uncle’s good side?” Benn’s laughter vanished while he draped a black cloak over his Captain’s shoulders, fastening the high collar around his throat. His thick fingers trailed down over the frilly, white shirt, checking the small, black vest that was little more than a girdle, before tying off his captain's sleeve. “This bunny of yours worth the tight pants?”
“Emperor Shanks, sir,” came a soft voice beyond the door. “The banquet is underway, is there anything I can assist– Oh I– Oh…”
He forgot what he was about to ask this poor girl when he opened the door, because the look on her face gave him everything he needed.
“You doing alright, darlin,” Shanks purred, touching one of the girl’s bright, red cheeks.
Benn chuckled, pushing through the doorway, and onto the stone path, ordering his captain to hurry it up.
“Y-yes, I am, sir,” she trembled, letting out a giggle when Shanks winked, and the sweet sound brought him back. 
“Good girl. Why don’t you show us where to go?”
“You always strut, but I can’t remember the last time I saw you strutting like this,” Benn smirked. 
“I can’t help it! These boots have heels.” 
Shanks stuck out his tongue before they passed beyond the denser trees. 
“You have been invited to join the game, Emperor Shanks.” The servant bowed her head while she gestured toward the center of the decorated courtyard. “I’ll lead your guest to his table now, unless you’d rather not accept the offer?”
“Why not,” Shanks beamed at her, though the sight of his competition made him fight not to sway on those uncomfortable heels. 
“Looks like you and your tiny pants might be outmatched, captain,” Benn whispered, patting him on the back before following the pretty girl to a table full of enemies. 
Shanks had barely made it here in time, and felt a twinge of guilt return while the last suitors moved out of the way, but the sight of her stopped the blood in his veins. 
Twilight had crept into dusk, and the dancing light of the lanterns bathed her painted skin, her white dress, and ethereal antlers, seeming to glow from within. Y/N shone like a wounded star, bleeding out her light for all of these monsters to drink. 
“The clothes suit you well, Emperor,” Cedrick purred, making his niece flinch. She hid herself away before Shanks could decipher what he’d seen behind her mesmerizing eyes. 
“I had no idea that fashionable friends could be so generous,” he charmed, stalking closer and closer until he caught her cold hand in his. “Or that I’d have the pleasure of meeting such a gorgeous, little bunny again so soon. Sorry, you're a gorgeous, little doe, aren’t you?”
She stared while he pressed his lips to her knuckles, and he took in every detail, wishing he could just grab her and run.
She’s not wearing Buggy’s locket… 
Before new anxiety could set in, Shanks had to swallow his rage at the sound of that voice. 
“Either would make for a good hunt. The nice Emperor asked you a question, Y/N,” Sylvad taunted, tapping her thigh with a decorative arrow. 
“It’s alright, bunny.” He gave her a crooked smile while she gave him nothing, so he turned to the smirking piece of shit by her side. “From what I’ve gathered, we might get to spend some more time together soon. Do I have that right, new friend?”
“I treat my friends very well, but family is everything,” Cedrick vowed. “There'll be plenty of time to discuss details later, but if you’d like to accept the offer to join this little game, then you may get to enjoy more than just our famous Sylvad hospitality.”
Shanks bought himself some time by letting his eyes rake over her again.
I’m a villain. I’m not here to rescue her.
“How could I resist?”
“Go on,” her uncle beamed with triumph, shoving the arrow into her hand. 
The woman that had captured the hearts of the only two people Shanks had ever truly loved met her Uncle’s cruel gaze before looking back up at the Emperor of the Sea. Her eyes fluttered while she offered him the arrow, keeping her hands close to her face so that he felt her breath on his fingers as pulled the symbolic weapon from her grip.
His lips parted as he became trapped in her eyes again, although that haunting pull had been replaced by a desire so hot, it rivaled the stars. Y/N's bare need felt like a gift from the heavens. 
“Thank you,” he breathed, twirling the arrow in his fingers while he bowed his head at that fallen star, before winking at her captor.
“Happy hunting, Shanks.”
Giberson had finally stopped gossiping with Uncle Cedrick, so you became the prey again, smiling up at your next suitor.
You couldn’t help glancing toward Kat while her favorite pick stepped up alongside his brothers. 
These men should have been intimidating, and they had been, for a moment.
Yet now, the three princes of the Germa Kingdom were all staring down at you like hungry puppies.
What the fuck?
“Welcome, Ichiji, Niji, Yonji. This is my niece, Y/N. It is an honor to welcome you to our humble estate.”
“The honor is ours,” one of the princes crooned, laying a kiss with almost too much pressure against your knuckles.
Ichiji. The red head is Ichiji. 
Your mind rattled through everything you could recall while his green and blue haired brothers took their turns, their loose shirts and billowing capes moving prettily in the light breeze. 
Somehow the word “prince” had made their blatant lust seem shocking, and you almost laughed at how fucking naive that was. 
They were here to buy you, just like all the rest, and their royal hands lingered on your skin when they accepted their arrows. 
“There you are, old friend!”
“Cedrick. It’s good to see you.”
“Mr. Iceburg?”
Excitement tore through you, and you almost leapt to your feet so you could hug your dad’s old friend.
Your uncle’s old friend… 
Iceburg, the Mayor of Water 7, and the CEO of Galley-La.
You’d had an embarrassing crush on the man, even before he brought all of those shipbuilding companies under one name seven years ago, creating his own empire. Water 7 was your company’s most powerful, and profitable connection, so you’d spent a lot of your childhood on that watery island while your dad made deals with this handsome entrepreneur. 
He’d always been kind, and funny, and had never ignored or patronized you like so many of the other business contacts dad had made you spend time with. 
“Well, Y/N, don’t you look stunning,” Iceburg hummed, leaning down close to kiss your cheek. It was something he’d done many times, but your skin still flushed with heat as it always had. “I hardly recognized my little numbers girl.”
With your mouth hanging open, you felt like a child come face to face with her dream, only to find that the dream carried a bitter aftertaste. 
But it still looked fucking good. 
Your eyes traveled up and down his tall frame, snagging on the black, leather pants tucked into knee length boots. He had rarely buttoned his shirts all the way before, but now the loose fabric of his rust-colored tunic hung wide open, and you found yourself blinking up at the lovely frame it made around his tanned skin, and dark, blue chest hair.
“Don’t keep our dear friend waiting, Y/N,” Uncle Cedrick urged, tapping your hands with the arrow until you snapped out of your teenage fantasy. 
“May I,” Iceburg asked, his eyebrow raising just a bit while he watched you nod.
He’s here to buy me. He wants to buy his friend’s daughter. Wants to…
His thumb traced over your wrist before he pulled away, the rough touch of a carpenter's hand making you shiver. 
“See ya, girlie,” Iceburg winked, wrecking you for the next hopeful. 
Luckily the next hopeful didn’t matter, although it felt like you’d just lost a safety net.
“I do apologize,” whined the most ‘boring’ candidate, Mr. Halvens. “I’m afraid I will have to decline. There are certain elements here that I cannot have my name associated with.”
“Not to worry,” Uncle laughed. “You’re welcome to stay for the banquet, although I'd recommend keeping your voice down if you plan to disparage my other guests again.”
The poor man went pale, and you were disgusted with your urge to laugh at his pathetic scrambling when your uncle’s laughter rolled over you first. 
“Prince Fukaboshi,” you projected, staring up at the massive merman. There was a ring of what looked like a bubble around his waist, and his blue, spotted tail seemed to float just slightly above the ground. 
You had prepared yourself for a merman. 
Not for a fucking giant. 
“I am looking forward to winning your heart, Miss Sylvad,” he charmed, although the effect was strange from almost two stories up. Fukaboshi's regal voice rushed toward you when he leaned down, and you tried to smile under that sharp face, that cloud of light, blue hair. 
The arrow seemed to shrink once his fingers pulled it so carefully from yours, before he joined his guests at the edge of the courtyard. You could still feel the prince's gaze, like a cool weight over your skin.
How the fuck… 
The fact that the next suitors weren’t even the tallest people you’d met tonight was insane, and you had to fight not to let panicked laughter escape while you were introduced to these two brothers. 
“Thank you so much for coming. This is my niece, Y/N. I know she’s been looking forward to meeting you both, Cracker, and Katakuri.” Uncle Cedrick smiled at the frightening brothers, seeming almost giddy when he handed you their arrows. 
Cracker leaned down first, and he had to be a couple of feet taller than… He also carried a fierce scar on his face, scraping across his right eye. When he grinned, his bright, pink irises seemed to eat you up, a near manic look behind them. 
You couldn’t make sense of his clothes, so you tried not to look at the giant fucking crackers hanging around his belt, or at his light, purple hair that was tied into long buns that seemed to be crackling with fire.
Katakuri was even taller, almost as tall as the merman prince, but he went to a knee to get closer to you. His clothes were all leather with scratches and spikes artfully placed to look even more ready for violence. Pink tattoos kissed along his bare chest and arms, and the color went well with his crimson hair and eyes, but you couldn’t see more of his face below the fur scarf he had wrapped up to the bridge of his nose. 
His eyes were intense, knowing, and the sheer size of him amplified his frightening, but lovely, features. 
“Pleasure to meet you, Y/N. I hope that our families can join their strengths soon.”
The Charlotte brothers left you breathless while the courtyard buzzed with the sounds of guests enjoying their drinks as they waited for dinner to start, celebrating the thought of you being claimed by one of these lucky suitors. 
Twilight had crept into dusk, and you let yourself take a breath, knowing that the line must be coming to an end. Everyone in your mom’s book was already here, plus Iceburg, and there couldn’t be too many last minute… 
The Emperor of the Sea stood framed by the growing night, dressed like a wicked horseman on the hunt. He stared at you as though he were surprised to find you there. 
As though this fucking traitor hadn’t broken his promise as soon as Uncle Cedrick had shown up. The image of Shanks leaning close, smiling, and flirting with your uncle at the Cross Guild’s party felt like molten metal through your gut. Then he’d run away. You’d seen him, that stupid, red hair slipping through the crowd, fleeing the vow he’d made to you. 
Liar. Liar. LIAR! 
Somehow you stayed very deep inside yourself after Uncle’s voice made you flinch, even while this filthy leech touched your hand. You couldn’t hear what he was saying while he talked to his new best friend.
You’re just another bitch for my uncle’s money, aren’t you? Disgusting trash.
You almost laughed. Almost let it out.
Uncle Cedrick tapped your thigh with the arrow, and the visceral image of shoving it into one of Shanks' poisonous, “soft,” brown eyes felt intoxicating. 
Pathetic. You’re just like all the rest. The Great Red Haired Shanks is no hero. Just another piece of shit that would betray his love for some berry. 
Rage and nausea battled for more space within you, until your uncle shoved the arrow into your hand, and you remembered.
I can't let Uncle see how much I hate him.  
A wave of desire and power burned through you, and you let yourself feel nothing but need while you offered Shanks that weapon instead of using it against him. It felt as though you were possessed, but you welcomed the chaos of mindless lust, relishing in it when those soft eyes went dark before he finally got the fuck away from you. 
Did he just fucking thank me?
Uncle started to address the crowd, and you knew you should be listening. You tried to be here, to survive. 
Traitor. Liar. Leech. Trash.
Breathing felt impossible. Your corset seemed tighter now, making the hidden locket dig into your skin, reminding you that Buggy was all alone. 
There had never been a chance for you to have true love in your life. Not the cursed heiress of Sylvad’s. Not with your Uncle’s plans.
Your sweet, lovely clown deserved better. 
But Shanks betrayed you both. He'd abandoned Buggy after one conversation with Cedrick Sylvad, just as weak and worthless as your first two "loves." 
Uncle offered you his hand, and you stood without knowing what was next, but all that came next was applause. Happy, little vultures excited for their next meal. 
“Did you hear me,” he hissed at you before shrugging for the crowd. “I think our white stag is feeling a bit skittish, but that's nothing a little chase can't fix. The first hunter to catch her claims the first date!”
“Run along now, niece,” Uncle Cedrick smirked, nodding toward the trees. Night had officially fallen as he led you down that stone path, the eyes of all the hunters following your every step toward the darkened forest. “You’ve got a ten minute head start, Y/N. Better decide which arrow you'd rather be pieced with tonight.”
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Likes, comments, and reblogs bring me much ✨dopamine✨ thank you!!
Author's Note: Yes, I dressed Shanks up like Jareth the Goblin King. No, I am not sorry 😅
Who do you think is going to catch our white stag? I'm having so much fun with this game! 🥰🏹 Check out the poll below, or you can just tell me what you think about our lineup! I've been going crazy over it, especially since I try to stick as close to canon possibility as I can for some weird reason, lol.
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Tag List: @shewrites02 | @caniseethefourthsword | @hey-august | @chaoticqueen33 | @destinationmars | @novakitten0901 | @h0n3y-l3m0n05 | @dorky-birdie | @szired | @pinejayy | @laws-wife-things | @jadeddangel | @gingernut1314 | @urlocaltwink | @blue-rae18 | @bontensbabygirl | @bbnbhm | @0-sparkling-lace-0 | @ihearthazuki | @mikisspeak | @djloveyou3000 | @mercymccann | @horse-and-writer97
Part 32
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uhzuku · 1 year
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— 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 ; 𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐤𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐡𝐚.
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: “g-gods, i’m so empty!” he wails through tears, hiccuping out sobs as he reaches an arm out and grabs for you. “please, fuck me!”
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: genshin impact | 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: kaedehara kazuha/gn!reader | 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: nsfw ; minors dni | 𝐰/𝐜: 2.91k.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: malesub, gn reader, sub kazuha, anal fingering, ass eating, rimming, handjobs, blowjobs, cum eating, previously established relationship.
— 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞 !!
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kazuha’s breathing is shaky as he lays on his back on the bed, his head on the pillow and his eyes closed. he can feel you between his legs, can feel the way the bed dips beneath your weight, can feel your breath on the skin of his calves. he knows what’s coming, knows that it’s what the two of you had discussed at length for ages — but only now, with the smell of imported dandelion wine on his breath and bitter ship-brewed ale on yours, are the two of you partaking in the little fantasy he’d shared with you after however many years together. 
your tongue is hot when it laps across the soft skin covering his balls, and he whines when you take one into your mouth and begin to suckle at the sensitive flesh. a knot begins forming in his tummy, and he whines again when you pull away with a dull pop! echoing through the room. he was close, so complaints from the loss are on the tip of his tongue, and his eyes open and he sits up to look at you in mild annoyance; he’s about to voice said complaints when his head falls back and his eyes roll up at the feeling of your tongue sliding down between the seam of his balls all the way across his taint and then down to circle his rim. fresh whimpers fall from his lips, no words of any kind coming to him, and he lets out a choked cry as you press your tongue inside. 
it feels good, so good — better even than he’d expected or fantasized over. a shrill whine forces its way from between his lips, and his head turns to the left violently as he catches his bottom lip between his teeth in an attempt to quiet himself. the crew is still onboard, he knows this. the majority are asleep or on their way to sleeping, yes, but the night watch is out and active, and there’s no way captain beidou is asleep yet, so he has to stay quiet — but being quiet while his lover pleasures him has not ever been one of kazuha’s strong suits. it had been several years since you’d joined him on the alcor’s decks, and nearly every night had been one of pleasure — and nearly every morning one spent being teased. kazuha always ended up with a burning face and a chestful of embarrassment, almost opposing the lazy smile and obvious pride you held every morning when someone brought his noises up. 
“w-wait, what-?” he mumbles, distracted from his thoughts by the feeling of the blunt tip of something prod at his slicked up hole, and his eyes shoot open and stay widened as it slowly begins to press its way  inside him. 
one finger, up to the first knuckle, slowly enters and fills his ass, and kazuha whimpers and clenches around it. you wait, then when he relaxes begin to press it inside again — kazuha tenses up at the unfamiliar feeling of being filled, you wait, and then the cycle begins to repeat itself again and again until finally your middle finger is nestled all the way inside him, the knuckles of your index and ring finger curled against his ass as if they belonged there. just the one makes him feel so, so full, even though he knows the night is just getting started. 
he feels the appendage feeling him up on the inside, toying with the sensitive spots in his ass while your mouth, warm puffs of your breath spreading against his sensitive flesh as he trembles in anticipation of the wet heat they promised, descends upon him again. your tongue plays with his rim, making him whimper, his hands fisting into the sheets as he squeezes his eyes shut. “p-please…” he chokes out, “more…!”
a soft chuckle is the only response he gets, and he lets out a sharp cry he can’t hold back after a glob of saliva is spat onto his stretched rim and the tip of your index finger begins pushing inside. it doesn’t take long for it to fully enter, but by then kazuha’s fighting off the desperate urge to squirm. 
two fingers are buried deep in his ass, crooking up to curl over something inside him that makes the blood in his veins sing and his cock ache. a sudden sharp cry rips itself from his throat and he claps a panicked hand over his mouth as your fingers toy knowingly inside, soft laughter behind him the only noise in the room aside from his heavy panting and the whimpers falling from behind his fingers. 
“w-what — wh-what is th-that-?!” he whines after dropping his hand at the sight of your raised eyebrow, then getting up on his elbows again to look at you and see what the hell you were doing. you just grin wolfishly, circling that special spot with your finger again and making him whimper. 
“this is your love button, baby,” you murmur through a wicked grin before dipping your head back down to nip and suck at the sensitive flesh of his crotch before taking the head of his cock into your mouth to lazily suck on. he lets out sharp cries of pleasure, unsure whether to buck up into your mouth or press his hips down onto your fingers, which toy with his swollen, sensitive prostate as he writhes ever so slightly and fists the sheets in his hands. 
a  shrill wail falls from his lips accidentally as you withdraw your fingers with a low, sloppy-wet sound, and he sits up with tears in his eyes and his bottom lip trembling to ask, “n-no, what are you doing?!” as you sit back on your calves. “i need — i need it — c-come back!”
“what do you want from me, kazuha?” you ask softly, raising an eyebrow. “use your words.”
“i — i want…” he whimpers, soft sobs bubbling up in his throat as he clenched around nothing. “i want — i w-want-!”
“i don’t have all night, sweet boy,” you purr, half-assedly miming the motions of leaving him alone on the bed. “if i don’t know what you want, i’ll just go join the night watch — and you’ll have finish yourself off.”
“n-no!” he screeches, his eyes wide and panicked. “i need y-you, can’t get off without you — please!”
you knew that already. you’d always known that — you had been kazuha’s first, his virginity taken during a night of drunken proclamations of love and affection and stuttery, moaned attempts at inebriated poetry falling from his lips. after that, the two of you had gone your separate ways as planned, you working on the ship and him watching you do so from captain beidou’s side; he’d tried to stay away, truly, had been aware of the fact that you were known amongst the crew as the most successful sailor to  hop beds at every dock, but a week later he’d fallen into bed with you again — then three days after that, another four, two, until finally after months of work, he’d coaxed you into his own, and you’d not left it since. 
 “then tell me, lover — i can’t read minds.” your voice is teasing, a smirk twisting your lips as you watch his hard cock twitch against his soft stomach at the use of the pet name, and the tears in his eyes finally fall. 
“g-gods, i’m so empty!” he wails through tears, hiccuping out sobs as he reaches an arm out and grabs for you. “please, fuck me!”
your eyes are darker than before now. “turn over then.”
he jumps to do as told, laying with his chest and arms against the bed, his head laying on them and his eyes closed with his naked ass in the air. “oh g-gods — y/n, please!” he whines, his voice echoing off the walls. he can hear your breathing behind him, hard and heavy — and warm. he knows it. 
your hands lightly graze across the skin of his hips before digging in and pulling his ass higher, making him yelp softly and try to hold the position. “don’t move, sweetheart,” he hears you murmur, and he nods shakily before gasping as you push two fingers into him at the same time, scissoring them apart and toying with his insides in a way so clearly talented that kazuha knows that you’ve done this before. 
well, you were an experienced lover, after all, kazuha knew that. 
his toes curl and he turns his face into his arms, whining lowly as you begin playing with his ‘love button’ again then letting out a soft shriek when he feels the tip of a third finger prodding at his hole. a soft zing of pleasure rushes through him as you press it in, and then suddenly the tip of it is inside.
three fingers — your fingers — were inside of him, playing with him so skillfully that he was almost jealous that others had been granted the luxury of you putting them through such pleasures. 
you dip your head down and lap at his stretched rim, drenching it in spit as you coax your ring finger deeper into him, and your eyes hood slightly as you wrench cries from him that he’d only ever made for you. the thought of him, the knowledge that he was yours to tear apart and piece back together — and that he only ever would let you do so — sends curls of heat through your belly, and your eye twitches slightly; you want to touch yourself, but tonight isn’t about you. kazuha hasn’t ever done this before, and if you ever want to do it again he needs to be taken care of in the way that he deserves.
you can wait. you’ve never made a lover wait to cum until you finish, and you won’t start now — especially not with your little poet. 
kazuha was worth more than the moon and all her stars to you. your cockiness and willingness to jump between the legs of waiters and barmaids alike before fucking him for the first time in his rooms had only been a shield around your notable fear of relationships; it wasn’t that faithfulness was hard, but more that the knowledge that any partner you would have would depend on you so heavily was frightening. if you messed up, if they got hurt… it was a nightmare. 
kazuha had changed your mind, had coaxed you back into the light where you’d once shied away from it. you gave this life a chance, and it was perfect — and you weren’t about to fuck it all up now. you’d die before you lost him. 
hopefully he knew that.
a shaky, whimpered moan falls from his lips as you quicken the motions of your fingers inside him, circling his prostate and pushing him closer and closer into coming around your fingers. your free hand, once a comfort on his trembling thighs, curls around his weeping length and begins to languidly jerk him off, your eyes lighting up as the whimpers grow louder and louder until he’s calling out for you in the way you liked. 
“y-y/n — y/n! please! please, more — ‘m so close, ‘m gonna cum!” he calls. you speed up again, watching with a wicked glint in your eyes as his hips begin to roll into your movements — at first perfectly timed, only to evolve into messy, desperate ruts that make you smile against him. “y/n — y/n, y/n, y/n!”
his arms move beneath him, clutching desperately at the mattress as that third finger presses deep inside along the other two just to curl back all once along his swollen prostate in a sharp pull of pleasure he can’t hold back cumming from, and he screams and pushes back against you as he begins to cum. 
you cup your hand beneath his tip, catching the flood that came as he bucked into your palm and emptied his balls into it, a spurt of the creamy fluid shooting against your skin with each hrd thrust of his hips. the sharp, quick moaned whines that signal him coming down from his high begin, but you don’t stop playing with his insides; you had him stretched this far, could you possibly get another finger in?
your pinky grazes across his red, stretched rim, and you pull your head back for a moment to lick up the cum filling your cupped hand, the thick cream easy to swallow. licking your lips, you turn your head slightly and begin lapping at his swollen hole, intent on getting your last finger inside him before the night was over. 
the sound of hard sobbing fills the room as four of your fingers press inside, your pinky halfway in with the assistance of your other fingers and your saliva. he’s getting a little tighter now, his body somewhat fighting the stretch, but you keep going, mindful and cautious as you do. 
“you need to relax for me, sweet boy,” you murmur softly, tapping his thigh with the hand you’d cleaned of his cum. 
“t-too much — ‘m too full, s-stop-!” he wails instead of complying, and you pause all movements to look up at him where his upper half is flat against the mattress, one hand grasping at the bedsheets and the other arm curled tight around his pillow.
“are you using your safeword, kazuha?” you ask seriously, your own wants nothing compared to if he wanted this to end.
a shaky, low sob and a weak sniffle is your first response, then a quiet, “no,” follows, and you raise an eyebrow despite him not being able to see. 
“are you sure?” 
“…y-yeah, was just t’much,” he whispers, sniffling again. a few minutes pass before he takes a deep ( shaky ) breath and quietly asks, “m-more?”
your eyes soften from behind him, and a lazy but proud smile quirks up the corners of your lips. he was getting better at communication during sex now, and that was good; while going thoughtless from pleasure was a talent of his you found endlessly arousing, moments like these were just as good. you wanted to know if he needed to stop or rest, and clearly he’d been working on that. 
you get back to work, drawing out your fingers halfway and  spitting a thick glob of spot into where they were curled before pressing them back inside, soaking his insides in you as you pressed your pinky in again. you’d take it slowly, even more so than usual if you had to, as long as it meant he was comfortable — but your plans are pushed out the window when he pushes back into you insistently, your pinky going deeper than before and he does so. it's a surprise to you as he starts wailing again, tears fall from his eyes as he pushes himself up on his arms slightly and begins rocking back into you.  “harder — h-harder! fuck my 
ass harder! i want more, please!” he begs, and while surprised, who are you to deny him!
“rougher-r, want it to ache tomorrow, please!” he pleads, and another rush of heat courses through you as you decide to just push in the rest of the way and ignore any pushback. 
your fingers, all four of them, are completely inside of him now, and he’s crying out all over again as you toy with his walls and prostate with the talent of a decades-old musician to their instrument in time with the desperate rocking of his hips into your touch. 
“g-gimme — gi-imme more, m’so c-close — oh g-gods, i just c-came, but  m��gonna cum again, make me cum again!” he begs, sobbing from the overstimulation but unwilling to pull away from you or ask you to stop as his body careens closer and closer to the edge. you practically punch your fingers inside, your touch heavy-handed and borderline cruel, and he loves it. “gods, y-y/n, yes, please — use me, use me, s’good — oh gods, please, y/n, oh fuck-!”
he’s still crying, tears are soaking the sheets, and oh gods he’s almost there-!
“c-cumming! cumming!” he screams through his heavy sobs, “i’m cumming — oh gods, i’m cumming!”
you move just in time to catch his spend in your hand again as he bucks into your palm all over again, wailing your name as he does. “y/n!  y/n! thank you, thank you — thankyouthankyouthankyou!” he weeps, his body trembling. 
he’s not started coming down yet, but you gently slide your fingers from his ass, taking an asscheek in each hand and soreading them to watch with dark eyes as his abused hole gapes ever so slightly. swallowing the drool that accumulated in your mouth and fighting off the urge to bury your face between his cheeks, you take your hands away and climb off the bed, blindly grabbing for the towel and bowl of water you’d set aside for cleanup; unwilling as you were to tear your eyes away from his fucked out form on the bed, you still needed to care for his spent body. as much as the two of you had enjoyed it, tonight was hard on him, and he deserved a softer touch now that he’d performed so beautifully for you. 
“alright, sweet boy,” you murmur, making your way to the bed slowly, “let’s clean you up and tuck you in.”
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𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © { 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 } 𝐛𝐲 𝟒𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐒. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭.
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misqnon · 1 year
Royal Blue
A gen Sanji fic, around 6K words. also on ao3, here
“Hey, guys? The News Coo just dropped off a letter with the paper, but I think it was a mistake. It’s not addressed to any of us.”
“Who’s it addressed to?” Robin asks. 
“Vinsmoke.” Nami says simply, and Sanji actually staggers in his place on the deck. 
Five times Sanji’s secret past as a Vinsmoke almost got revealed to the crew, and one time he can’t help but tell them.  
AKA I love dramatic character revelations and I’m bitter not everyone was there to react to Whole Cake Island. 
Disclaimer- I’ve never actually written for an active fandom before, nor have I finished reading/watching One Piece. Please forgive any blatant errors. I’m currently in the middle of Water 7 and I skip around a lot. 90% of my knowledge comes from secondary sources.
pls enjoy!
The first time it happened, it was less of a danger to his cover, and more a painful reminder that he had anything to hide at all.
After all, he’d left that history behind him so long ago that by now, more than 10 years later, he was sure he wouldn’t ever have to reveal that history. Hell, not even Zeff knew. As far as he was concerned, Sanji was just an orphan boy who’d ended up in that unlucky cruise ship kitchen, and he didn’t need to know how he’d gotten there. 
So when they’d all been traveling through the Alabasta desert, Luffy and Nami and Vivi and all the rest of the crew, Sanji hadn’t been thinking about it much at all. When they’d found out Vivi was a princess, well, it had put a little ping into his mind. That little, “You’re technically a prince, too, remember?” But he had quickly squashed it. Not anymore, and never again, so he didn’t need to dwell on the commonality between them.
That was, until weeks later, during that boundless desert trip, when they’d all been sitting around the campfire, resting up for the night on the cool desert sand. It was so much more pleasant than the heat that’d been oppressive over their heads all day. Everyone was chatting, idly enjoying the soup he’d made for everyone. Luffy had downed two bowls of it, and was now snoozing with his hat over his head to the right of them all. Zoro seemed to have a similar idea, though it wasn’t clear if he was actually asleep, or just leaning back with his eyes closed in his usual introverted manner. 
Nami and Vivi were sharing stories over the meal, shawls pulled over their shoulders, and Usopp and Chopper were messing around beside them, occasionally joining the conversation to interject one of Usopp’s grand adventures or Chopper’s impressed gasps. 
He decided to stroll over to the two women, now with his own bowl carefully balanced in his hand. The chef always ate last, after all.
“Hello, Vivi my sweet! And Nami, my swan! How is the soup?” He asked, practically floating through the air to slide in beside them both. Usopp silently rolled his eyes.
Vivi just smiled, answering for both of them. “It’s delicious, Sanji! Thank you for making dinner again.”
“Why of course! It’s my job as the chef, after all!” He sang, still balancing the soup in his hands that he has yet to even touch, now distracted. 
Then, he continued, “You know, this recipe is sometimes called ‘Marry Me Soup.’ They say it’s so good that it’ll convince you to marry the chef.” He said, wiggling his already swirling eyebrow.
Vivi just giggled. “I’m flattered, Sanji, but I don’t think my father would appreciate me getting married right now. Besides, I’ve always been told I’m expected to marry a prince.” She didn’t seem particularly happy about this, nor did she seem very enthusiastic about marriage, period- but Sanji still deflated at the undercut of a rejection. For multiple reasons.
The hopeless flirt within him almost blurted out, ‘Well, it’s your lucky day then, Princess Vivi!’
Except it didn’t, at all, because even for Vivi’s hand in marriage he wouldn’t let that secret slip. 
Instead, he just clamped his jaw shut, sat down beside them, and took a sad sip of his soup. Usopp and Chopper laughed, unaware of the true reason for his melancholy. Nami reassured Vivi he’d be fine after she momentarily worried she’d offended him, before scooching closer to inquire further if she really had to marry a prince someday, against her will. They began chatting again, Nami looking fiercely protective all of a sudden.
Sanji only had a couple more spoonfuls before he stood, silently, and walked off a few feet away from the group for a smoke.
A certain green-haired swordsman poked an eye open to glance over at him as he walked by.
That was odd. Sanji didn’t usually smoke while people were still eating. Especially the ladies. It was inconsiderate, he said, cigarette smoke wafting into people’s faces while they tried to eat, tainting the taste with the smell of nicotine.
But there he was, huffing away at the cigarette a bit too fast, in Zoro’s opinion. Then again, he didn’t really know anything about smoking. Nor did he care. He shrugged, shut his eye again, and went back to resting.
Now that Sanji thought about it, looking back, maybe it’d been on his mind more than he thought. After all, why else had he used the codename “Mr. Prince” while he impersonated Mr. 3?
“Liar Noland?”
“You know it, Sanji?” Nami asks, peering at this book that she’s never heard of. “But it says it was published in the North Blue.” 
“I was born in the North Blue.” He says, and actually smiles, wide and true. His memories of back then are anything but good, but…
“Didn’t I tell you?” He tries to play off, though he knows he’s done no such thing. “It’s where I grew up.”
“No, I thought you were from the East like the rest of us.” She muses, and Usopp agrees. 
Sanji continues. And a smile comes to his face again, for the same reason. “My mom used to read me that book when I was a kid.”
For a moment Nami and Usopp both think this is the first Sanji’s told them much of anything about his childhood- they know he had a pretty rough going when he met Zeff, but that’s about it. They’re too focused on the task at hand, though.
Nami opens it and begins to read, the rest of the conversation forgotten.
The seven of them stood around the ancient stone door as if peering at it would do anything.
“WHY WON’T THIS STUPID DOOR OPEN!?” Luffy yelled eventually, stomping his feet with impatience.
Robin stepped forward, looking closer at the intricate carvings of winged creatures and giant serpents. Most compelling was the small bowl that seemed to be carved into the center, right below a sharpened bit of rock in the enclave. 
“I’ve never seen anything like this before…” She said, hand to her chin in thought. Unlike Luffy, she wasn’t upset, only engulfed in academic curiosity. She stepped back then, walking away to inspect the other parts of the carvings, further down the wall. 
“Can’t we just break it down?” Zoro asked, poking at the old stone with little regard for its value. Nami frowned at him, slapping his hand away. 
Robin didn’t waste any emotion at his comment, still looking at the newfound bit of text she’d found behind some ivy. 
“This stuff is ancient, you idiot! It’s irreplaceable!” Nami growled, scowling as Zoro narrowed his eyes back at her. For a moment, Robin felt a bit of appreciation for the navigator. She was definitely the most levelheaded of this group so far.
“It could be booby-trapped! Besides, it’s probably worth a ton of Berry.” She said, eye’s suddenly aglow with a mischievous shine.
Nevermind, Robin thought with a sigh. 
Sanji, Usopp, and Chopper stood back with little to contribute. Usopp seemed to be trying to think of a way to get them over the impossibly tall wall, while Chopper distracted Luffy with the sighting of a big beetle.
Sanji just stood there, a lit cigarette lazily lilting smoke between his teeth. They’d probably figure it out between Usopp, Robin, and Nami. Meanwhile, he could continue to plan out what to make for the rest of the week with the meager rations of fruit and meat they’d gathered.
That was, until Robin finally stood, hand still on her chin but a look of accomplishment dancing on her features.
“Here. It says that to open the door, we must provide a drop of royal blood.” She explained, pointing to the ancient language inscribed on the ivy-covered wall.
Everyone rose their eyebrows at that, including (and especially) Sanji.
“Royal blood?” Usopp asked, confused. “Like a king or something?”
“Aw, man!” Luffy cried. “If only Vivi was still with us!”
“That doesn’t make any damn sense.” Zoro said. “How does the wall know whether the blood is royal or not?”
Robin shrugged. She was an archaeologist, not a scientist. “Who knows.” She said simply.
“I’ll just try it.” Luffy said, rolling up his sleeves and stomping over to the little enclave that held the bowl and the piercing rock. 
“Wait!!” Chopper yelled. “You can’t just go stabbing yourself with ancient rocks! Especially ones that have already had other people’s blood on it!” He cried, now trying to pull Luffy away from the wall. He continued to drone on about bacteria and blood-borne diseases as Sanji began sucking a little harder on his cigarette.
Honestly, he didn’t really see the need to get into the old temple anyway. He was starting to think they should just leave. For completely unselfish reasons.
“For once, I agree with the marimo. Let’s just break the damn thing open.” He said, stretching his leg. 
“No, damnit!” Nami said, stomping over to him. “You could set off a trap!”
He frowned at that, putting his leg down obediently. 
Usopp was next to Robin now, looking between the inscription she’d found and the spot where Chopper was still frantically pulling Luffy away from. “I don’t get it.” He decided finally. “Besides, what do they mean by ‘royal blood,’ exactly? Will any royal blood work, or only the royal blood of whoever ruled this nation?”
Robin found it to be a very good question coming from the teen. She nodded in agreement. “True. The inscription doesn’t clarify.”
As soon as Usopp said it, he began to wonder the same thing. And it made him more nervous. His poor cigarette was almost spent now. 
Would his blood work? If it did, would they suspect anything? Should he put it in now, and claim the door was just stupid, like Zoro had claimed earlier? If so, he’d better do it before Luffy, in case the rubber man’s didn’t work-
“HAHA!” Luffy exclaimed, finally pricking the tip of a rubbery outstretched finger on the rock. Chopper deflated in resignation, now joining the rest of them in peering at the bowl as Luffy’s blood fell into it. 
The drop of blood fell into the bowl, sat momentarily on the bottom, then was suddenly absorbed by the porous stone as if it was dying of thirst. Everyone looked on in various states of amazement and fear as they waited, one second, two seconds, three seconds, five, ten-
“...I don’t think it’s doing anything.” Nami finally grumbled.
“Well, the good news is, it doesn’t look like it set off any traps.” Replied Usopp, looking around anxiously for any sign of movement in the jungle around them.
Robin was peering at the bowl with curious blue eyes. “Intriguing…”
“Aw, man!” Luffy huffed. He turned suddenly to Usopp. “Usopp, you try.”
“You like Kaya. And Kaya’s kinda royalty. That’s close enough, right?”
Zoro, Chopper, and Nami were various degrees of frustrated and fed up listening to the two of them bicker. Sanji was still anxiously tapping his foot, hoping the captain wouldn’t systematically make them all try. And if he did, hoping that his didn’t do shit.
That is, until they heard the familiar call of Marines from up the path behind them. 
Sanji turned, eyes wide with panic. “Shit-” He said, lighting another cigarette. 
“Marines? All the way up here? How?” Someone said. Sanji wasn’t even paying attention anymore.
Zoro started unsheathing Wado, ready for a fight, though even he seemed to realize that that was far too many Marines and they were far too close to be able to run.
As the group devolved into arguing, panic, and frantic attempts to prepare for a fight, Sanji looked back one last time at that stupid door and its stupid little blood-sacrifice bowl. 
The Marines were visible now, charging from the bottom of the hill and quickly approaching- the path they’d used to get here- the only path out- now blocked. 
Sanji cursed, pushing through the mess of the crew and jabbing his thumb onto the rock. 
The group went quiet as the giant stone doors began to shake, then pulled slowly open into a dark, but open, temple. 
They all looked in surprise to Sanji, who bit down on his cigarette and began running through the opening. 
“C’mon, idiots! The Marines are right behind us!”
The group took one look back and followed, sighing in relief as the giant stone doors began to pull shut again just as they’d all made it through. 
Everyone was still running, unsure if the Marines would be able to power through, though Luffy had bound up beside him to ask,
“No, idiot. The door’s just stupid. It probably just didn’t work for you ‘cause your blood’s all rubbery and shit.”
Luffy frowned at that, though he seemed satisfied with that answer. 
Sanji didn’t turn around after that, but by the feeling of several pairs of eyes boring into the back of his head, he got the feeling the rest of the crew wasn’t quite as convinced.
Luckily for him, (and quite unluckily for everyone else), the temple was indeed filled with booby-traps. No one had any time to ask him why the hell his blood had worked because they’d spent the next hour or so of their lives trying not to die.
When they finally made it out the other side, sweaty and beat-up and a few crewmates still a little bit on fire, it was the last thing on everyone’s minds. Especially considering the map they’d found as spoils for their trouble.
Later that night, though, when they’d made it back to the Going Merry and everyone had feasted on grilled pork and pineapple and rice, Zoro stayed behind after dinner, arms crossed and leaning broodily against the doorframe, all despite the drinking that was now taking place out on the deck. 
“What do you want, Marimo?” Sanji spit, though he had a feeling he might already know what it was.
“Why did your blood open up that door?”
“Like I said, I don’t think that hunk of rock can actually differentiate between royal blood and not. We just got lucky.”
“Luffy’s blood didn’t work.”
“Yea, and like I said, it’s probably because his blood’s all fucked up and made of rubber.” Sanji bit back, emphasizing the fact that he’d already explained this.
“He’s still human. And I’m pretty sure I heard the Marines trying to prick themselves on it too after we got through.”
Sanji shrugged. “I guess I got some royalty in my family line somewhere, then. Like I said, lucky for us.”
Zoro glared at him. ‘Like I said, like I said.’ It was suspicious. 
“Whatever, shit-cook.” He finally replied, shoving off the wall and heading back out to deck to join the party. 
Sanji bitterly lit another cigarette.
“Newspaper’s here!” Someone calls from the front deck of the Sunny. Sanji’s already walking around with a tray of drinks, currently stopped at Zoro, who takes it without much of a thank you aside from a glance.
He rolls his eyes and moves on, wanting to take a peek at the paper anyway. Nami has it at the moment, so he heads over, even though he’s already given her her drink- first, as always.
“Anything interesting, Nami?” He asks, forgoing the swan~ that got him an eyeroll earlier. He’s also just genuinely curious, which has him distracted just enough to act normal around women.
She skims it and frowns. “Nah, not much. Unless you consider Buggy interesting news.” She says, throwing the stack of parchment to the nearby table without a care. She takes her drink and leaves, presumably to go work at her desk.
Sanji does not find Buggy the Clown to be worthy of his attention, but the damn weirdo happens to pop up way more than he or any of the crew seems to think reasonable. 
Regardless, he takes a peek at the newspaper anyway, since he’s already there. Nami’s right, nothing’s of interest- save for the stupid comic strip they’ve included on the last page.
Sora, Warrior of the Sea.
Sanji frowns, his face twisting up into the kind of gangster-like grimace he reserves for Zoro when he’s most exceptionally pissed him off. 
He’s not nearly as bothered about it as he should be, but the comic is included in almost every issue of the paper they’ve received since they hit the Grand Line. The first time he’d spotted the Vinsmoke name he’d nearly had a stroke, but apparently, the few crew members who actually read that bit of the paper seemed convinced it was all fictional, the villainous Germa 66 army included.
Sanji was quite fine with leaving it that way.
It’s just a shitty attempt at Marine propaganda, and the fact his family’s been written in as villains as if they aren’t a real royal family kinda does make him laugh. They’ve become so synonymous with evil that they’re written as cartoon villains by the same news company that works with them in the crime underworld. Sanji’s surprised they don’t see it as a slap in the face- maybe they do, but the strips continue to come out unchanged.
On the best days he laughs acridly at the insult it does his biological father, on the worst he bites his lip in anger that he and his crew have to be exposed to their existence.
He reads the title over again.
Even if it’s just some bullshit marine propaganda, the way they’ve named the main character who beats the evil Germa family again and again brings a small grin to his lips.
All in all, the various times his past had almost come out had been relatively easy to cover up.
The closest call, however, had been when they’d landed on an unsuspecting Spring island, a little too close to the North Blue for his liking.
Franky had stayed behind to work on the ship, but the rest of them had gone ahead and went inland to restock supplies, stretch their legs, and find what this island had to offer. 
And for once, they'd decided to stick together instead of splitting up. Mainly because some signs around town had said something about a big festival taking place in the square, and Nami, Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper had convinced the last few less sociable crewmates to come along. 
Despite the proximity to North Blue, Sanji wasn't actually that worried. He'd never heard of this island before, and he doubted his father would be anywhere near it either. Germa may be a wandering country, but it hadn't left the North Blue in a while as far as he knew, and at the moment they were still in the Grand Line.
So when they all walked up the brick path to the town square, finding before them a wonderful spread of tents, stages, and food stalls, he actually found himself a little excited. Good food, good entertainment, and- he squinted his eyes at the closest stage, where a group of women in traditional garb were performing a folk dance.
Beautiful women? Hell yea, maybe this pit stop would be worth it after all.
“Wow, this looks amazing!” Nami cried, clapping her hands together. “I wonder what it’s all for?”
Usopp jutted a hand over his shoulder. “I think one of the signs we passed said it’s somebody’s birthday. Probably one of the kingdom’s rulers, if I had to guess.”
“Usopp, look!” Chopper interjected, pulling lightly on the leg of the sharpshooter’s pants. “They have cotton candy!”
“Cotton Candy!?” Luffy grinned, patting his hat. He ran off like a cartoon character, leaving a trail of smoke and guffaws of laughter behind him. Usopp and Chopper followed behind.
“Wait! You guys don’t have any money!” Nami said, jogging after them with her Berry pouch already half-opened to loan some out (with interest).
Eventually, she’d caught them, and handed out a bit of Berry to the rest of the crew, too. She sent Zoro back to the ship to grab Franky, both so he wouldn’t miss out and so that Zoro wouldn’t get lost on his own. (If he could even make it back to the ship, anyway).
Then she and Robin began making rounds to all the shops and stalls while they waited, leaving Sanji to do whatever he liked by his lonesome. 
And he had absolutely no problem with that. 
Obviously, he went straight over to the dancers, making obnoxious heart-eyes in the audience while he watched. 
Soon enough, though, he calmed down and ended up wandering the food stalls, trading recipes with the vendors and even picking up some local produce from others. 
He'd spent nearly an hour doing so, occasionally running into another Strawhat or two, when a man stopped him near one of the textile stalls. 
Sanji had been about to head back to the ship, looking over one last fancy gourd with a scrutable eye, when someone called out his name. Well, a name.
"Young Master Vinsmoke?"
Sanji felt his blood run cold. He snapped his head up, his eyes meeting a man he didn't recognize. 
He looked friendly enough- actually, he looked quite pleased to see him. He was posed nervously, as if he couldn't believe what was before him. 
Now that Sanji thought about it, he did look somewhat familiar- the frilly outfit and the pins, bobs, and needles stuck into his pin-cushion bottoms. Some measuring tape hung loosely from a pack on his side, and bifocal glasses sat atop his head. 
Not familiar enough, though. And Sanji didn't care who the hell he was, not after calling him that. 
"Are you talking to me?" Sanji asked, cold anger already growing, though at the moment he was trying to keep his cool. 
The man shook his head in amazement. "It is you, isn't it? Young Master Sanji? Why, they told me you'd died!"
Sanji just gaped at him, his latest cigarette falling gracelessly out of his mouth. 
He suddenly grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt and dragged the two of them behind the nearest stall, to an unoccupied alleyway nearby. The man squeaked in surprise, which Sanji ignored.
"Who the hell are you?" He gritted out, suddenly realizing his friends could be nearby. He prayed nobody had heard them. After last time, there'd be no way he'd be able to sweep it under the rug again. 
"O-Oh, you don't remember me! My apologies, sir. I'm Taloose. I work as a royal tailor. I worked for your family when you were young, Mr. Vinsmoke.”
“STOP CALLING ME THAT.” Sanji growled, resisting the urge to pull the man up by the lapels of his frilly suit. He knew the other man didn’t know any better, but it still pissed him off. 
Taloose squeaked again. “I’m sorry, sir!”
Sanji let out an irritated breath. “And stop calling me sir.” He grumbled, though with considerably less bite. 
“I don’t answer to that name anymore, and I’m not a prince either. So just Sanji is fine.”
The tailor seemed hesitant to comply, but he nodded, silently. 
There was a long and uncomfortable silence then. Sanji did recognize him, now that he thought about it. He barely saw the guy- maybe every couple months when he was really young, coming in to fix up little suits for special events for him and his siblings. At that age Sanji was still quite friendly, despite the abuse, but he didn’t form close bonds with the various workers at the beck and call of the Vinsmokes. If anything, he was too focused on his mother’s health and his failings in training. Any memories of this guy were quick snippets and stills of standing on a platform with measuring tape around his waist, and little else.
Realizing the silence had stretched a bit too far, Sanji figured he should probably say something. He had dragged the guy back here, after all.
“Tell me…If you worked for my family, then what are you doing here?” He tried not to let his anxiety seep into his question.
“Well, I’m a traveling tailor. I serve many royal families, including the family here. I helped craft the princess’s dress for this party, as well as some of the other family members. Once I was done, I decided I’d stop by and peruse the textile booths around the market- quite a fine selection if I do say so myself-!” He watched Sanji’s face become irritated and decided to shut up. “But, yes. Just here for the event, really.”
Sanji eyed him carefully. “Do you…still work for my family?” 
Taloose shook his head. “No, actually. I don’t mean to flatter you, but you were always my favorite of the Vinsmoke children. Miss Reiju was alright, but the other three boys were quite rude, and with age they only got worse.” He made an unsettled face, as if to imply ‘rude’ wasn’t the full extent of it. 
“It became increasingly difficult to work with them, and my work reflected that. I was on the verge of quitting anyway when your father fired me. I wasn’t qualified to be sewing raid suits anyway.” He scoffed.  
“So you don’t have contact with them any more? You won’t tell them that you met me here?” Now his voice was betraying his anxiety, but he didn’t care.
Taloose just shook his head, smiling kindly. “No sir. I wouldn’t go back even if they paid me a million berries!” He said, standing tall and adjusting his frilly collar with pride. 
Sanji felt himself relax a bit. He nevertheless pulled a new cigarette from the pack in his front pocket. 
“You wouldn’t happen to know where they are nowadays, would you?” He asked after a drag. His fingers twitched ever so slightly despite the coolness he now desperately attempted to front.
Taloose was luckily a man without judgement. He shook his head gently. “No, I don’t have a clue. Hard to tell with the place always on the move.” He paused then, looking over Sanji with keen eyes. 
“...I can tell you don’t wish to see them again. I apologize if my presence here made you uncomfortable. I assure you, I haven’t had contact with the Vinsmoke family in years. Should for whatever reason I come into contact with them again, I will not reveal your presence.” He says, bowing. “I promise.” A smile graces his face within the bow.
Sanji grumbles as he grabs Taloose by his collar, yanking him up to stand again. “Ya don’t gotta bow to me, idiot.” 
“...But I appreciate that. Thanks.”
Sanji and Taloose part ways after that. 
He’s glad to be rid of the reminder of his past, glad to have the reassurance the Vinsmokes aren’t actively searching for him or anything- but still troubled to have these memories brought back yet again. Running from your past is easy until you’re traveling the world with infamy, and suddenly the spotlight seems to put you back on the radar of harm long thought dead.
Make no mistake, Sanji didn’t regret his choice to join the Strawhats in the slightest. But he was beginning to wonder how much longer he could conceivably keep this secret.
It’s two years before it finally comes back to bite him in the ass.
“Hey, guys? The News Coo just dropped off a letter with the paper, but I think it was a mistake. It’s not addressed to any of us.”
Everyone’s heads pop up from their respective locations around the ship, peeking at Nami and the stack of papers now held in her hand. Luffy swings over from his spot on the figurehead. 
“What’s it say!? Open it!” He yells excitedly, now looking down over her shoulder at it himself. 
“You can’t open someone else’s mail, Luffy, it’s against the law.”
“We’re pirates!” He retorts, and for once Nami feels silly, realizing he’s right in this matter. She purses her lips and eyeballs it again, some recognition starting to come to her face. 
Sanji has come down from the galley by now, hands in his pocket as he and most of the rest of the crew approaches the only entertainment they’ve had so far on an unusually boring day of sailing.
“Who’s it addressed to?” Robin asks. 
“Vinsmoke.” Nami says simply, and Sanji actually staggers in his place on the deck. 
“Strangely enough, isn’t that the villain from that popular comic in the newspaper sometime? Why on Earth would someone try to send a fake character a letter? And how’d we end up with it?” Nami continues, though Sanji doesn’t hear her. He’s too busy falling into the depths of a panic attack here and now.
He’d say that his stomach dropped when he heard her say the name, that his blood ran cold, but with his worst trauma suddenly cropping up in front of him in real life, truly occurring and unable to be stopped, right before the gaze of his crew, his family- he just feels nothing. A switch flips in him and all he feels his nothingness, and then pure hot fear.
“...Sanji? Are you okay?” Chopper asks from beside him, his kind face full of worry at the cook’s near instant reaction. He looks pale, his face is staring straight down at the deck like if he doesn’t look up it isn’t real, and from this angle Chopper can actually see both of his eyes for once, and they’re both blown wide and full of fear. 
But he doesn’t answer, because as Chopper asks this Nami slips her thumb under the fold of the envelope and is about to rip it open, and Sanji lurches forward and has to stop himself from Diable Jambe-ing Nami’s hands and burning the letter to ash. He still does something quite out of character for him when it comes to the redheaded woman- which is that he actually yells at her to stop.
Nami, and everyone else, for that matter, freezes.
“Sanji?” Nami asks, incredulous, and a little worried.
He settles for taking it from her hands, as gently as he can manage, which is not at all.
“Don’t.” He says darkly, even though he already has the letter safely in his own hands.
Everyone is silent. They all expect someone to break the silence and yell about not being rude to Nami, but the person they expect to do so is standing right in front of them, doing exactly that. Sanji sighs, and without looking at his crew, slowly rips open the letter.
He looks it over, eyeing it as if he’s in his own pocket dimension at the moment, and no one else is there. Then, when he’s read the contents, he pauses, folds the letter, and sticks it in the pocket of his slacks. 
Everyone is waiting with a question on their lips when he finally looks up again, but no one says anything, even Luffy.
Then Sanji sighs, and crosses his arms. He looks all of a sudden more nervous and unsure of himself than they’ve seen him since before Saboady, maybe even since they’ve met him.
“Do you guys remember…back in Skypiea, when we found the book Liar Noland?”
It seems an odd place to start, but they all give various sorts of a nod.
“And I told you all how I was actually born in the North Blue.” He says, reaching an arm up to rub awkwardly at the back of his neck. He really wished he had a cigarette right now, but he didn’t want to interrupt by lighting one.
They nod again, aside from Franky and Brook, who hadn’t been on the crew yet at that time.
“Well…” He can’t help it anymore. Quicker than they’ve ever seen him do it before, he slips a cig from his pack and lights it with ease, pulling some smoke out of it like he’s thirsty for it. They’ve all started to put pieces together by now, or at the very least, realize he’s about to open up to them about something quite big.
“My real name…No. My birth name is Vinsmoke Sanji.” He says, wincing at the words put together outloud. “And I’m…I was a prince.” 
Everyone’s eyebrows raise at that, eyes widening; save for Zoro and Luffy, who stay relatively straight-faced, listening intently.
“I left when I was 8. I snuck onto a cruise ship, and then Zeff found me.” He continues, mincing the more ugly details that he doesn’t quite feel ready to tell them yet. He doesn’t want this to become a sob story.
“Basically, I’m a runaway prince. Though my father told everyone I was dead anyway…” He sucks in another breath full of smoke. He keeps stuttering and trailing off in his words in a way that so isn’t like him, it’s making him sick. He just wants to get this over with.
“The point is, this letter…It’s for me. I’ve been invited back…”
For a moment, Sanji considers not telling them the truth. He doesn’t want to put them in danger, he doesn’t want them to pity him, he doesn’t want them to feel the need to help him, to do so because he’s too weak to do it himself.
But he also trusts them. More than anyone else in the world, save for his father. His real father.
“For an arranged marriage to one of Big Mom’s daughters.” He grits out, biting down on his cigarette with distaste.
Usopp looks ready to burst with questions, Nami and Robin are incredulous, and even Zoro looks vaguely emotive. Franky and Chopper and Brook are just waiting for someone else to say something first.
But Luffy is, strangely enough, smiling. He adjusts the position of the straw hat on his head, ensuring it’s nice and tight. Then he gives Sanji a grin.
“I’ve been waiting for a reason to pick a fight with Big Mom.” He says. 
And somehow, that’s the most reassuring thing he could have heard Luffy say to all of that.
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thedummysdummy · 1 year
One Small Decision
He really hadn’t expected that she’d really go, and that her phone would still be off 24 hours later. 
It hadn’t even been that big of a deal, had it? A minor disagreement. A bit of a squabble. Hardly an actual fight, right? Yet his calls went to voicemail, his texts remained unread, and his bed was empty. 
So obviously it had been a big deal to her. Victor sighed and powered on his phone screen, disappointment a bitter pill in his belly as it showed no new call or messages. “Why are you so dramatic,” he grumbled, slipping the phone back in his pocket and his feet into his shoes. “I guess I’m going to have to find you and work this out.” 
He almost fondly remembered the last time the girl had disappeared on him like this. Despite getting him all worked up, she’d simply been waiting for him at his home where she belonged. A glimmer twinkled in the corner of his eye as he remembered that birthday and shook his head at how silly he’d been. But this time, she wasn’t just laying in wait with a surprise. His home was empty, her apartment was empty, and a multitude of ‘what-if’s were plaguing him already.
The phone returned to his hand and Victor flipped through the contacts, settling on Willow. His finger hovered over the number for a moment before pressing ‘call.’ There was no such hesitation on the other end; within two rings, the big personality of Willow (and the voice to match) filled Vicor’s ear. 
“Mr. Victor!! I’m glad you called. Have you heard from the boss today? She didn’t show up to work and none of us have been able to reach her all day. She sent Anna a single angry emoji last night, but that’s the last we’ve heard from her. She’s with you, right? What is she mad about?” 
Victor held the phone a little space away from his ear, but waited patiently for Willow’s questions to end. “No, she’s not with me. I was hoping that someone at her company had heard from her today. She stormed off yesterday afternoon and I haven’t been able to reach her since.” 
“What did you DO? You must have really messed up for her to have her phone turned off through an entire work day! It’s not like the boss to just not show up to work, either.
Willow was right, and that didn’t make Victor feel any better about the situation. However, there were still options without running all over the city. Victor ended the call with Willow, navigated to Mr. Mills’s contact and dialed, more quickly this time. “Yes, Mr. Mills? Has my dummy been by Souvenir today? No? Okay, thank you. No, I won’t be in tonight. If she shows up, please let me know. Thank you.” 
The ace in the hole, then. “Goldman! Have you heard from the girl today? She seems to have run off somewhere and I can’t find her.” 
“Again? No, boss, I haven’t heard from her. I’m supposing you’ve spoken to her crew already if you’re calling me?” 
“Obviously.” Victor sighed, doing his best to keep the beast growing in his stomach from clawing its way out. “If you happen to hear from her, tell me immediately.” 
“Of course. I’ll start looking around myself. Thankfully you’ve given me a manageable workload for the week, so I have the time.” Goldman attempted a chuckle, but it quickly died in his throat. “I’m sure she’s fine. She always is.” 
Victor grunted in a non-committal manner and hung up the phone, a little bit at a loss where to go from here. Perhaps it was time to break out the old Evolver list…he placed the phone face-up on his desk and opened a hidden drawer, one filled with dust and a large stack of papers. Each page contained a name, a photograph, a short description of their power, and any contact information he had. Surely someone he’d helped would be able to return the favor.
Page after page provided nothing but disappointment as Victor read through the descriptions and debated any possible angle in which the powers could be used to locate the girl. It was a much slower process than he would like, considering how long she’d already been missing. He should have gone after her! He should have apologized and brought her back home! But no. He’d let her storm out the door. He’d let her disappear into the darkness. But she was supposed to come right back. A little walk to cool down was all she needed, he was sure of it. At worst, she’d take a cab home and call him in the morning. 
But what if she’s on the side of the road somewhere? 
But what if she got picked up by one of those crazy anti-Evolver types? 
No, no. None of that had happened. She was surely just hiding somewhere and forgot to charge her phone. He turned over another page and, as he found the face of Kiro staring back at him, Victor realized he had forgotten to ask any of the other men she was friends with if they had seen her. The thought of his girl running to another man after a fight sickened him, but at least he’d know she was safe…
And so he picked up his phone, added all four of their numbers to a group text, and swallowed his pride. “Have any of you heard from my girlfriend today? I can’t reach her.” 
The room was dark, and the rope around her wrists and ankles cut painfully into her skin. The girl whimpered slightly as she began to regain consciousness. Her head throbbed and her vision was bleary, though it began to clear a little as she blinked in rapid succession. 
“Ah. Sleeping Beauty awakens, eh? Good. It’s more fun when she’s awake.”
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membermentmania · 1 month
August 16th, 12:00-4:53am
 light blue. Tweek raised a brow. He’d assumed the eyepatch was for show or something. But he didn’t really give it much thought. Now he was and he was painfully curious. “Um. If you don’t mind me asking, how’d that happen?” 
Leo chuckled quietly. “Oh man, haven’t thought about it in a while.” He smiled fondly. Weird. “Actually got this from one of the pirate kings.” …what? 
That threw Tweek for several loops. Kenny and Clyde were the pirate kings. And they were both not really the time to blind someone. At least in Zaron. “W-which one?” 
Tweek sputtered. “Dude, seriously?!” 
“Yeah. We were all friends growing up. When we were all first learning how to fight, when we were, like, ten, Kenny and I were the first to figure out how to use daggers.” He laughed again, brightly, nothing bitter or amiss. “He was a lot better than me though. Taught me everything he knew. One day we got a little carried away and well…” He pointed to his eye. 
“You seem so… not put off by this?” he responded, completely confused. 
“He didn’t mean it. The thing about Kenny is he’s completely insane. But he’s so…” He had this small fond smile talking about him. And Tweek got it. That checked out. Kenny was insane, but he was caring, compassionate, always ready to take things as they went. He was sweet and funny and genuinely kind. He couldn’t see Kenny doing this on purpose because there was no way he did. He probably felt worse about it than Leo did. But that did not prepare Tweek for the bomb Leo proceeded to drop on him. “Y’know, I could never not love him.” 
Tweek’s stomach dropped, the small pit that had been sitting there consistently intensifying with a fury. “What?” 
He rested his head on his hand. “It’s dumb. But I’m just happy he’s happy. Maybe in another life, I guess,” he responded, still smiling. He meant this. 
Still, Tweek’s heart twisted. “Leo, I’m so sorry.” 
He waved a hand dismissively. “No big deal. I’m surrounded by fun people that have managed to become my family. Asking for more would just be selfish, y’know?” 
The statement hit Tweek like a truck. “Yeah, I get that.” Their situations were by no means the same, but the thought hit him too hard. His chest hurt. He was being selfish. I’m making things worse, aren’t I?
Leo brightened up. “C’mon, let’s go get the guys.” Tweek didn’t even realize how much time had passed. Tweek followed him upstairs to see Craig and Kyle shaking their arms at each other. He wasn’t exactly sure what happened but Craig won. He gave Kyle a small nod before Kyle disappeared, probably to steer the boat. Stan came from the direction Kyle went. 
“You guys ready?” Leo chirped. With a collective agreement, the group went below deck. 
Tweek sat in between Leo and Stan. He noticed Craig giving him a look, but he didn’t say anything. Ike disappeared for a moment before coming back with a tray that had a bunch of large mugs on it. 
“Really, Ike? You just had to open the keg?” Cartman berated. 
“Dude! Tweek’s got, like, two nights left with us! We gotta enjoy it!” The pit in Tweek’s stomach worsened. Time was escaping him too quickly. 
Tweek took a small deep breath. “Thank you, Ike.” 
“Of course, man! You’re the best person in this crew!”
“You’d take him over me?!” Cartman yelled. 
“Literally any day, I would take Tweek over you,” Ike deadpanned. 
Leo, Firkle, and Stan all started cackling at this. After they’d calmed themselves down, the group started playing poker. Tweek had no idea what was going on, but managed to win the first round. The next few games he bet big, fully expecting to lose. He was basically sitting on infinite money that they could use. Maybe. Does money carry value at all when the world goes to shit? He wished he had someone to ask. 
They all drank and laughed together. Tweek listened to endless stories, trying not to get too into his own head. But it was so much. He kept catching Craig’s eye and every single time his stomach twisted. You’re selfish. Part of him wanted to leave. He just wanted to leave early and wait out the two days before he had to finish his job. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it or even take the thought seriously. His mind was a complete mess, just as it had been since he got back. 
By the time they were done playing, he was sufficiently drunk. The guys decided to go to bed, but he wanted to take some time with his thoughts. He waited for a few after Craig went back upstairs to where he stayed before Tweek went up. He leaned over the side of the boat, watching the inky black waves.  The stars lined the sky, almost feeling deliberate. The cold breeze and salt in the air was sobering. He wasn’t sure how long he stayed like that before taking a seat against the wall. He pulled his knees towards him and took his wand out of his pocket. He made a little star in front of him, just watching the light. He made another one. Gods, what I would give to dance with him under the stars one more time. He let out a small sigh. He was all over the place. He missed Craig so much, despite just being with him. He understood why though. Sure, that was the same Craig. But at the same time, he wasn’t. 
As much as I promised myself I would come down here and if I found him, I would do everything I didn’t get to do last time, I just can’t. It was dumb to even think. What was I going to say? Oh hey! I knew you in a previous life and I’m so crazy about you. Would you like to date for a week before I bring on the apocalypse and then never see you again? He slammed his head into his hands. I’m a fucking idiot. So selfish and so fucking stupid. 
“God, you look rough.” 
Tweek jumped with a small yelp, looking up at the intruder. “Fuck, Kyle. You almost gave me a heart attack.” Kyle laughed quietly and took a seat next to him. “Wait, who’s steering the boat?”
Kyle waved a hand dismissively. “My belt.”
“Is that… Safe?” 
“We’re in open ocean. Wheel’s just gotta stay straight.” Tweek narrowed his eyes at him, not really believing that. “Tweek, it’s fine.” 
“Whatever you say.” 
“What’s wrong?” 
Tweek rested his head on his arms, looking Kyle over. “You’re a really good friend, you know that?” 
Kyle raised an eyebrow. “How so?” 
“You always look out for people. It’s a good trait to have.” He was like this in Zaron too. He smiled to himself. Elf King Kyle was so cool. 
“Thanks,” he responded with a small smile. “But really, what’s going on? You look like you’re about to break.” 
Tweek raked a hand through his hair. “I’m having a lot of conflicting emotions. I’m trying to find balance, but it’s just impossible? I want to be selfish and just do what I want and not care about the consequences of my actions for, like, five minutes, but I have this overwhelming need to be responsible and not cause a shitton of chaos because I want something. It’s like, I know if I just act on how I feel, I’m going to get hurt. Other people are gonna get hurt. I’m just trying to determine if it’s worth it. And I shouldn’t even be, because I can’t decide that for other people. It’s fucked.” 
Kyle let out a quiet hum. “The rational part of me wants to tell you to just say fuck it and go for it. Like you said, life’s short. But I can’t help but feel like your problem is so much bigger than all of us, which makes this difficult.” 
Tweek couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. “Always insightful. Seriously, Ky, never change.” 
“Has anyone told you about Kenny?” 
“Oh, I’ve heard all about Kenny the past few days.” 
“You really are a lot like him. You have this old soul vibe to you. Like you’ve been to the beginning and end already. The problem with that though is that your problems seem too big to fix.” Kyle looked at him and it felt like he was staring into Tweek’s soul. He saw him. Of course he did. That was Kyle. “Take a breather. Enjoy your last few days with us, okay? We’re all here for you. Except Cartman. He’s a dick.” 
Tweek laughed. “He really is a dick.” 
Kyle stood up and put a hand out. Tweek took it without a thought. “C’mon.” Kyle pulled him up a small flight of stairs he hadn’t been up yet. There was a huge wheel facing the water.
“This is how boats work?” Tweek asked. 
“Yup. You’re steering.” 
“What the fuck?! No!” 
“C’monn. We’ll be fine!” 
“Dude, I’ll crash and kill us!” 
“If you managed to crash this boat on nothing, I would die happily. That’s how impossible that is.” 
Tweek furrowed his brow at him in protest. Kyle playfully poked his side. “C’mon. Lighten up.” 
“Fine. How do I do it?” 
“You literally just hang onto it and make sure it doesn’t veer too hard.” Tweek hesitantly reached out, grabbing the wheel. The wood was smooth, considering how wor worn it looked. 
“Oh wow.” Tweek laughed. “I wasn’t expecting it to be that simple.” 
“That’s exactly why a belt can do it!” Tweek bit back a smile when he watched a wave of excitement wash over Kyle’s face. He seemed to have one of his little eureka moments. He stepped over and took the wheel. “You got your wand on you?”
“Of course I do.” 
“Wait, you’re not tired, are you?”
“I probably sleep less than you on a regular day.” 
He let out a laugh. “Okay. Let’s play a game.” 
The two wound up playing tic-tac-toe using stars. Tweek made little orange ones for Kyle in the spots he dictated. Tweek’s were yellow. He wound up with seven wins and eight losses. The two danced around, singing like idiots to their souls content. Tweek adored Kyle. He was probably one of Tweek’s best friends besides Bebe and Wendy. He could acknowledge that they hadn’t known each other for long and they would never be able to know each other long enough to have that exact bond. But Kyle was a friend to Tweek in the way that was so much different than the others. For them, it was like no time had passed since they last met, despite Kyle not knowing that they’d met before. They stayed together until the sun came up and Craig appeared. “What’re you still doing up?” he asked curiously. 
“Wanted to spend some time with one of my favorite people before it’s too late,” Tweek responded with a tired smile. 
Craig gave him a look he couldn’t place but Kyle started laughing. “Go to bed, I’ll be down in a bit.” 
Tweek waved a hand. “Sure, sure.” He shot Craig another smile, just happy to see him before he went to bed. “Night, Craig.” 
“Night,” he responded flatly. 
He sounded annoyed but Tweek had no energy left to stress about anything. He practically stumbled below deck and crashed into his cot, silently cursing the uncomfortable thing. Despite the fact that sleeping on it was equivalent to sleeping on the ground, he passed out nearly the moment he was horizontal. Exhaustion was finally kicking in and he could barely keep his eyes open. Everything melted away so quickly in the discomfort of his little cot that he would’ve given everything to spend a few extra nights on. 
Tweek woke up to see Kyle asleep in a cot across the room. I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen him asleep. Kyle seemed like he never ran out of energy. Tweek laughed quietly before pulling himself together and walking up the steps to see what was going on. Firkle and Ike were chasing each other around and Leo, Stan, and Cartman were sharing stories. Tweek sent a small wave in their direction before turning and going up the little set of stairs he went up the previous night. 
“Mornin’,” Twerk greeted, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. 
Craig turned around, leaning on the wheel to keep it straight. “Good morning.” 
“How far out arare we?” 
“We’re makin’ good time. Should be there by the end of the day.” 
Tweek let out a quiet hum. “What’re we doin’ there?” 
“Absolutely no idea. I heard it’s fun there though.” 
He smiled. “Thanks.” 
Craig waved a hand. “Figured it’d be a nice change of pace.” 
I wonder if it’ll be like the Elven Kingdom. 
“Elves, huh?” 
Tweek’s eyes widened. “Did I say that out loud?” 
Craig let out a small chuckle. “Yes.” Oh my god that’s so embarrassing. But then Craig made that face again. He looked so amused and Tweek felt like his legs turned into jello. Craig tilted his head a bit. “I’m pretty sure I’ve been just about everywhere. Never seen an elf though.” 
“Must’ve been a dream then,” Tweek responded nonchalantly. He took a seat against the wall, looking up at Craig. Craig followed suit, taking a seat against the wheel. He pulled his knees up, resting his head on his arm, stormy eyes trained on Tweek. Tweek stared back into the abyss, admiring just how lovely he was. That cute little beauty mark made him want to scream. He wanted to move closer. Just be near him. He felt the flames lick at his face when his thoughts started to spin out of control. 
Then Craig broke the silence with what almost sounded like a giggle. Tweek’s eyes widened. He has never heard a sound like that from Craig. He felt like he needed to take several laps around the boat and maybe throw himself in the ocean at this point. “Why are we having a staring contest right now?” he finally got out. His tone was playful. Oh my gods, please don’t do this to me. 
“Uh, sorry.” Tweek breathed out a laugh. “You’re just um…” 
“Hmm? I’m what?” TOYING WITH ME IS WHAT YOU ARE! Tweek wanted to scream. This was not funny. This was actual torture. 
“Your beauty mark is cute.” His playful demeanor vanished at the drop of a hat as he tentatively reached a hand up. “Yeah, that one. Why?” He cracked a small smirk. “Got one hidden somewhere else?” 
Tweek momentarily thought he died when a light blush made itself known. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” 
They both looked at each other in silence. Tweek both first as the two devolved into snickers. They stayed on the floor like that for a while, talking on and off. There were little bursts of silence that weren’t unwelcome. When the sun started to set, Kyle walked up. “We’re out in a few. Want me to take over?” 
Craig raised an eyebrow. Kyle made a face. They stared at each other for a moment. Tweek briefly wondered if humans had mind reading capabilities this cycle. “Thanks,” Craig finally muttered. Kyle nudged him in response. Craig looked back at Tweek with a small smile. “Wanna see something cool?” 
Tweek nodded and Craig started walking. Tweek followed him down the stairs and towards the door he first emerged from when Tweek arrived. Tweek’s stomach bristled. He followed Craig inside and he shut the door behind them. They were in a simple office. There was a huge wooden desk, a chair, and a bookshelf. Tweek was thrown off. “You sleep in here?”” Craig shot him a lazy smirk, walking up to the bookshelf. Tweek watched in curiosity as he pulled on a book. The shelf swiveled, revealing another room. “Woah,” he muttered. 
“Kenny designed it.” 
Tweek laughed. “Dude, what can’t he do?” 
“That’s a great question. I’ll get back to you when I have an answer.” Tweek followed him inside. There was a large bed, a dresser, and a nightstand. He flopped on his bed and patted the spot next to him. Tweek raised an eyebrow. “Don’t be weird. C’mere.” Tweek inhaled quietly, trying to get his butterflies under control before taking the spot next to him. “Look up.” 
Tweek’s eyes trailed upwards. There was a window on the ceiling. He could see the bleeding sky in all its glory. All sorts of reds, pinks, and yellows painted the sky. “Wow,” he whispered. 
“Told you it was cool.” 
“You get to sleep under the stars like this every night?” 
Teek turned his head to see Craig already looking at him. He laughed quietly. “Hi,” he whispered. 
“Hi, Tweek,” he murmured. He was so close. Too close. Tweek could see all the little gray flecks in his irises. All of Tweek’s self restraint felt like it was melting away. It wasn’t fair. It was cruel. No photograph or piece of art could even encapsulate a fraction of the beauty I’m looking at right now. Fuck-
The boat shook, causing Tweek to startle. He let out a shocked laugh. “Did we just fucking crash?!”
Craig palmed the side of his head and sat up with a laugh. “No. We’re here.” Tweek looked up at him and all he wanted was to pull him back down and hide here for the rest of his night. But then Craig put out a hand for him and he surrendered, letting Craig pull him outside. 
“There y’all are!” Leo called out cheerily. “We’re here!” He was beaming with genuine excitement. 
Firkle and Ike jumped off the boat and ran off. Kyle rolled his eyes but didn’t go after them. The rest of the group walked off the boat together. Faery Island was beautiful. It was reminiscent of the Lost Forest, just more settled in. There were shops and homes carved into the huge trees. They started walking. After a few moments, Tweek realized the island seemed to be mostly women, and faeries were much more human now. “I’m putting us up for the night,” Tweek called out lazily. 
“Dude, really?!” Stan gushed. 
“I mean, how often have you got the chance to stay here?” 
After a bit of walking, they passed an inn. It looked nice. Probably too nice for us. “That one.” 
“There is no way you can afford that,” Cartman jeered. 
Tweek looked over his shoulder, shooting him a half hearted glare. Cartman put his hands up in mock surrender. Tweek walked inside and went straight up to the woman working. “Do you have eight rooms available?” 
“Oh wow. Big group. Yeah, I  I got you!” she beamed back. He paid and turned back around with a cocky smile directed at Cartman specifically. 
“Thank you,” Kyle praised quietly with a huge smile. Stan aggressively nodded along. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Cartman said with a dramatic eye roll. A laugh bubbled out. “Thank you, Tweek.” 
“Thank you Tweek!” Leo chimed. 
Tweek spun back around. “Excuse me, miss?” 
“What’s up, sweetie?” 
“What’s your favorite tavern around here?”
“Ooo! The Spiked Wing, definitely. You’re gonna go down towards the Grand Tree. It’s on the left side.” 
“Thank you!” Tweek turned back around and walked towards the group crowded behind him. He swung an arm over Leo. “C’mon!” 
Tweek wanted to make this night count. He was also maybe a little excited at the prospect of magic beer. A bit too excited. The second they stepped outside, he let go of Leo and immediately picked up his pace. He noticed the others were casually walking and he whipped around. Kyle was the closest to him, so he grabbed his hand. “Guys! Why are we moving so slow?!” Tweek complained. 
“The booze ain’t goin’ anywhere,” Cartman shot back.
“Ohmygods. You don’t get it. They might have magic beer here!” 
Stan raised a brow, thoroughly intrigued. “Magic beer?” 
“Nothing in this universe compares to magic beer,” Tweek said like this were a die matter.
“I’m sold,” Craig said flatly. Tweek turned his head to look at him and smiled. Craig shot him that stupid little smirk of his before stepping forward. He grabbed Tweek’s hand that wasn’t attached to Kyle and took off with Tweek in tow. The two were laughing like maniacs as they ran through the forest. They ran all the way to what the assumed was the Grand Tree. Tweek hunched over, trying to catch his breath through laughs. Craig was in a similar position. Tweek looked to his left, eyeing the large wooden structure built from intertwining branches and panels, almost looking like it was growing out of the forest floor. The roof was a patchwork of woven leaves and moss adorned with little vines weaved throughout. A lantern was on either side of the wood paneled door, casting a soft glow as the sun started its descent for the evening.  Music was going and people were laughing. 
“Looks like that’s it.” 
Craig smiled, eyes lighting up. “They can meet us inside.” 
They walked inside and Tweek felt so comfortable. There were a lot of people there, but it wasn’t crowded. The inside looked so much larger than the outside. A faint yellow glow was casted throughout the entire tavern. They took one of the large tables towards the back. A woman with bright red hair popped by them, smile bright and excited. “What can I get for you guys tonight?” 
“Okay, this might be a long shot, but do you have, um…” He tired to remember how Craig ordered it back in the Elven Kingdom. “Sorry. I think it’s called ጋጎህጎክቹ ፪ዪቹሠ?” Her eyes widened with shock. “Oh god. Did I say it wrong?” 
A smile crossed her face. “No. Wow, um. It’s just rarely referred to that way. Where are you from?” 
She gave him a look, smile morphing into an impish smirk. “How many would you like?” 
“Six, please.” 
She toddled off and Craig nudged his side. “What language was that?” 
“Elvish. Really poor Elvish.” Craig laughed, resting his head on his hand and looking at Tweek intently. “What?” 
“You’re just nothing like what I expected you to be like,” he murmured. It barely carried over the noise. 
Before Tweek could respond, their group walked in and the girl popped back over, almost in perfect sync. “Oh well, I’m happy to see you’re not knocking back six of these between the two of you,” she said with a laugh. 
Tweek laughed. “Thank you so much.” 
“Sure, hon. Just wave me over if you need!” 
The guys all took their seats, looking down at their mugs. Tweek looked at his and couldn’t stop the huge smile that spread across his face. It’s been a thousand years. He took a huge sip and immediately felt himself get lighter. “Woah, they made this shit stronger,” he breathed out. 
Cartman belted out a laugh. “Well you are a lightweight!” He took a sip, trying to prove a point. Tweek watched his eyes go completely vacant for a moment. He blinked a few times, trying to force himself back together. “What the fuck was that?!” 
“Magic beer is like an instant smack in the face accompanied by a very nice drunk,” Tweek explained. The others tried their drinks, immediately falling into the wonderful trap that was magic beer. They were all three beers in when Ike and Firkle strolled in. 
“Oh my children, there you are!” Kyle called out dramatically, causing the group to snicker. 
“We were gone for like, two hours. How drunk are you guys?!” Ike asked, genuinely bewildered. 
“Oh my god, kid. You gotta try this,” Leo responded with a laugh. 
Tweek made eye contact with the woman working, trying to get his brain to work for a second. Her name was Red. “Red!” 
“Hey babes! Another round?” The way she talked reminded him of Bebe. It made him smile. He liked her. 
“Can I get eight?” 
“Of course!” 
She was back with a tray in moments, passing each of them a mug. They all watched in silence as Firkle and Ike tried their drinks. However, the two of them are idiots that should never be left to their own devices. They linked arms, chugging down the entire mugs on the spot. Kyle tried to protest, but the harm was already done. The two stilled before Ike put a hand on the table, trying to ground himself. “These need to come with a warning label,” he said very slowly. 
Firkle started laughing, genuine giggles bubbling out. “Oh my god. What’s in that?” 
“Magic!” Stan chirped, giving him a pat on the top of his head. 
“Firkleeeee,” Ike drawled, leaning into him.
“No, Ike, please,” Firkle tried, almost desperately. Tweek raised a brow. 
“They’re dancing over there, Firkle,” he responded dramatically.lly. 
The entire table erupted into a mix of snickers and giggles. “Ike, I am not dancing,” he said firmly. 
“Fuck it, I’m dancing,” Tweek announced. He laughed as he stood up, planing himself in front of Kyle. “May I?” he asked, putting out a hand.
Kyle laughed, nodding excitedly as he let Tweek pull him out of his chair. They practically skipped over to the dancefloor and Tweek spun him around. They laughed, spinning around like idiots when Tweek felt a hand pull him away. His face lit up when he saw it was Stan. “Hey!” he greeted. 
He spun Stan around. “This magic beer is the best thing I’ve ever encountered, man,” Stan got out with a laugh. 
“Why do you think I was so excited?!” 
“That’s totally fair, honestly.” 
“Soo, Stan,” Tweek said mischievously. Stan gave him a look of entertained acknowledgment. Tweek glanced over at Kyle to see him spinning around Leo, not paying attention to them. “How are things going?” 
“With?” he responded with a giggle. 
“Oh! Oh.” He laughed. “Are you waiting to say I told you so?!” 
Stan shot him a bright smile. “All yours to say.” 
Tweek rolled his eyes. “You’re a bozo. I’m happy for you though. Really.” 
A hand wrapped around Tweek’s shoulder and he spun around to see Leo. They all danced together like idiots and before he knew it, he was back in front of Kyle. “How’re you feeling?” 
“Content,” he responded with a huge smile. “Maybe better than.” This reminded him of Clyde and Kenny’s wedding. 
Tweek bit back a snicker. “I need you to do me a favor.” 
“What’s that?”
“When it lines up, if I’m not your best man, you have to let me officiate your wedding.” 
“When it lines up, huh?” he responded with a laugh, spinning Tweek around.
“I’ll be looking forward to it.” 
Craig cut in, gently taking his hand. “And how are you feeling, Craigory?”
A giggle escaped him when Craig’s nose scrunched. “Where’d you hear that?” 
“Dunno.” Craig flicked his forehead. “Hey!” 
Craig snickered to himself, causing a laugh to bubble out of Tweek. “Do you want to take a walk with me?” 
Tweek responded with a small nod and Craig whisked him out of the bar. The gentle breeze was nice. Craig didn’t let go of his hand as they started walking. They were silent for a bit and Tweek could feel that he wasn’t saying something. “What’s up?” he asked quietly. 
Craig let out a small puff of air. “I know this is probably dumb, but… you can stay. With us. Y’know. If you want to.” 
Tweek stopped walking. Craig stopped a bit in front of him, their fingers still laced together. Tweek looked at their hands, biting at the corner of his lip. “If I could stay with you guys, I’d do it in a heartbeat.” 
“Is it weird that I don’t want you to go?” he whispered. It was fragile. Vulnerable. 
Tweek’s heart twisted. “NNot even a little.” Tweek looked up from their hands meeting his eyes. Craig gave him a soft smile. 
“I think I’m gonna turn in. Are you going to stay out with them for a bit longer?” 
Tweek had to leave the next day. His soul hurt. Inevitable loss sunk its claws in, in the most gut wrenching, heart breaking way possible. “Nah. I’ll come with you.” 
Craig didn’t let go of his hand as they walked back towards the inn. They went up the flight of stairs and Craig guided him into his room. “Actually, I’ll be right back,” Tweek murmured. Craig raised a brow. “Like, five minutes. I promise.” 
An uneasy smile crossed his face. “Okay.” 
Tweek bolted down the stairs and up to the woman working. “Everything okay?” 
“Yes! I just need a favor.” 
“Of course! What’s up?” 
“Can I pay for seven rooms in advance?” 
“For how long?” 
Tweek put a bag of coins on the counter. She opened it, eyeing it cautiously for a moment. “I see,” she murmured. She smiled back up at him. “Works for me.” 
“Thank you!” 
He shot back up the stairs and walked back into Craig’s room. He was laying on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. Tweek stepped over, turning off the lantern that was on the nightstand. Craig looked over and Tweek pulled his wand out of his pocket, manifesting a small star. He spawned a few more to see Craig smiling at him.  “That never gets old,” he said softly.
Tweek got in bed, laying next to him and creating a few stars above them. He made some constellations and the two talked about them for a bit. They slowly got more comfortable, once barely even touches transitioning into Craig falling asleep with his head on Tweek’s chest, the stars still above them. Tweek wanted to stay awake. He wanted just a little longer to exist in his presence before it got ripped away again. As much as he didn’t want to though, he followed soon after. 
Tweek woke up to Craig’s light snores. He laughed quietly. Craig’s arms were wrapped around him so tightly. Almost as if he thought if he didn’t have Tweek secured, he’d be gone when Craig woke up. Tweek gave him a small squeeze, causing him to stir. He grumbled for a moment before looking up at Tweek. “It’s your last day here,” he murmured. 
“Yeah,” Tweek responded quietly.
“Can we sleep a little longer?” 
“Okay.” Craig gave him a soft smile and Tweek leaned back, closing his eyes. He woke back up to a gentle hand running through his hair. “Mornin’,” whispered. 
“Sorry. Did I wake you?”
Tweek shook his head. “Do you want to have breakfast with me?”
Craig offered him a quiet hum. “Yeah, that sounds good.” They untangled themselves from each other and got up, making their way downstairs. They headed downstairs and walked through the forest together shoulders brushing every now and then. Tweek pointed at a small shop and Craig gaave him a small nod. 
They walked inside to be immediately greeted by the smell of vanilla and cinnamon. The woman working called out for them to take a seat wherever. 
After they sat down, the girl working toddled over. “Hello! You guys are new here, right?” she asked warmly. 
“Yes,” Tweek responded with a smile. “What do you recommend for breakfast?” 
“I got you! Do you want drinks?”
“Two coffees if possible?” 
“I’ll be back!” 
She disappeared into another room and Tweek looked back at Craig. He looked off. “What’s up?” 
“Just in my own head, I guess.”
“What’s your favorite color?” 
Craig blinked slowly. “What?” 
“I’m getting you out of your head. What’s your favorite color?” 
“There’s lots of greens.” 
He rolled his eyes. Tweek squinted at him and Craig slid his hand across the table. He pointed at the ring Tweek stole for him. “This green.” 
Tweek laughed quietly. “What’s your favorite season?” 
“Summer. What’s yours?” 
“Also summer. I think? I’ve only been here around this time of year, so I guess whatever season we’re in.” 
“Early summer then.” 
“Where I’m from, it’s on the colder side. Not too crazy about it.” 
“All year round?”
“And where is that?” 
“Where you’re from…” 
“Oh, um… Far. Very far from here.” 
He rested his head on his hand. “What’s it like?” 
“Organized.  Probably too organized, if I’m being honest. It’s nice and we don’t have a lot of problems, but there’s definitely an issue with choices being made for you. But my people are awesome. For the most part. Idunno. It’s kinda a mixed bag, I guess?” 
Craig gave him a quiet hum in response, looking him over. Almost as if he was looking for something. Tweek was about to speak again when the woman came back over, placing a mug in front of him. “Hope you like it!” She placed down a tray with two round pieces of bread and a different array of fruits.
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gffa · 3 years
Last time I went about five months between doing a set of STAR WARS fic recs, this time it’s only been three months! Hurrah! It helps that, as always, this fandom puts out an incredible amount of excellent fic, so I feel like I’m never hurting for fics I want to yell about and shove at people, which is something I continue to appreciate as it often feels like so much of the world is such a huge tire fire. It helps to be able to find fics to retreat into, to have fun with, to express joy and creativity with, and so many of the authors in this fandom are just so good at this! To the point that these sets sometimes take awhile because there are always more fics I want to add, until the post starts threatening to be overly long instead of a decent length–in my defense, no seriously, you guys are just too good! Also, I forced myself to stop at 69 fic recs, because yes I do think it’s funny. (Nice.) STAR WARS FIC RECS: PREQUELS RECS: ✦ a comedy in four acts by jesuisdeux, obi-wan & dooku & yoda & qui-gon & cast, time travel, 4k    This was what time-travel is: staring at the dark sockets of skulls everywhere your gaze lands on. Being haunted by ghosts long gone. The apprehension of the slow yet sure approach of the inevitable which is sending chills down your spine. ✦ No Rest for the Weary by Peach_Bitters (peachybitters), obi-wan & anakin & jedi & ocs, 61k    Needing a break from life at the Jedi Temple, Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, visit a Jedi AgriCorps settlement on the Midrim planet of Helia. There they encounter new friends, new enemies and have new adventures, all while attempting to navigate their sometimes turbulent relationship as Master and Padawan. ✦ Stars of Tatooine by Be_Right_Back, ahsoka & kanan & mace & rex & obi-wan & cast, 10.5k    After the end of the world, Ahsoka more or less kidnaps a child, has to air some old grievances, and tries to find whatever peace the universe can still offer. All paths in the Force lead home, eventually. ✦ Festival of Light by dendral, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & rex & cast, 8.7k    During his first year at the Jedi Temple, Anakin learns that even the Jedi celebrate holidays. ✦ the master, the padawan, the Force by skatzaa, depa & caleb, 1.4k    Caleb expects things to be different after Master Depa takes him as her padawan, but really, it feels like nothing really changes. ✦ desecrate my lungs by loosingletters, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & padme & cast, 16k wip    Time-travel fix-it in which Mustafar haunts Anakin decades after it happened and years before it would. ✦ Grace by dismantlingsummer, obi-wan & anakin, 2.3k    Shortly after Mustafar, Anakin realizes what he has done. He finds Obi-Wan to beg for death. ✦ Fifth Migration by wrennette, yoda & mace & obi-wan & ki-adi & yarael & coleman & plo & palpatine & cast, 2k    How about an AU where the Sith’s Grand Plan accounted for everything -everything that is, except the fact that the Jedi temple is actually an very ancient spacecraft and the second word got to the Jedi about there being clones on Kamino, all Jedi are called back inside and they take off immediately? Just imagine the dear chancellor’s face… ✦ fill pages with scribbled ink by magneticwave, obi-wan/padme & sabe & mace & quinlan & cast, 9.8k   ��A year after the Invasion of Naboo, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi is invited by Queen Amidala to return to Naboo and participate in a rite known as the Night of Fireflies. Things kind of snowball from there. ✦ Mind Your Words by Peach_Bitters (peachybitters), obi-wan & anakin, spanking, 7k    Obi-Wan reminds Anakin that there are consequences for careless behavior for young Jedi on missions. ✦ (you taught me) the courage of stars by grumpyhedgehogs, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cast, 5.1k wip    Ahsoka Tano flees after a warrant for her arrest is issued, but not before receiving aid from an unexpected ally. (Ahsoka proceeds to go on a road trip filled with a bunch of strangers who all say the same thing: Obi-Wan Kenobi is much more than he has ever appeared to be.) ✦ they faked it (guess everything’s complicated) by katierosefun, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, 4.5k    Ahsoka temporarily loses memories of the events of Obi-Wan’s fake death. To help with the healing process, Anakin and Obi-Wan have to pretend that they’re okay. ✦ programed to dream by ghostwriterofthemachine, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, body horror, 1.3k    The spaceship Comet-rider is the fastest, most efficient vessel in the galaxy, and is crewed by Separatist-funded pirates. Anakin Skywalker is missing. Unfortunately, these two things are connected. ✦ Unpleasant Truths by hellowkatey, obi-wan & anakin, 2.1k    Obi-Wan and Anakin are stuck in a room with one another while waiting for truth serum to wear off. ✦ moment’s silence by skatzaa, obi-wan & owen & beru & luke & leia (pre-obi-wan/beru-owen), 2k    Owen had long since resigned himself to trouble, whenever Beru got that particularly stubborn set to her jaw. ✦ hold gently and let go by shatou, obi-wan & anakin (pre-slash?), 1.7k    A troubled Anakin comes to Obi-Wan to discuss attachments. ✦ sun child by Ro29, obi-wan & anakin, 2.1k    (or; sometimes being so tied to the Force causes problems, Obi-Wan helps his Padawan as best he can) ✦ A Dinner Out by Peach_Bitters (peachybitters), obi-wan & anakin & cast, 1.6k    Obi-Wan can’t get his young Padawan to eat much, so he tries something new. But trying something different has unintended consequences. ✦ Shades in the Desert by loosingletters, obi-wan & anakin & luke & owen/beru, 10.8k    Not even from a certain point of view did Darth Vader kill Anakin Skywalker. He wished he did, but the specter of the Jedi’s light escaped before he could finalize his fall to the dark. Meanwhile, Anakin is raising his son on Tatooine. ✦ somewhere along in the bitterness by CallToMuster, obi-wan & anakin, major character death, 3.8k    It was probably the twelfth day floating alone in space that Obi-Wan and Anakin realized no one was coming for them. ✦ Songs for Little Jedi by soft_but_gremlin, mace & younglings, ~1k    The initiates are having nightmares, so Mace sings a lullaby to comfort them. ✦ atmosphere level by softredscrunchie, obi-wan/satine & qui-gon, 1k    As a joke, Satine tells Obi-Wan she thinks Mandalore is flat. He doesn’t take it well. ✦ on sith holocrons and misunderstandings by billowypants, obi-wan & anakin & mace & yoda & cast, de-aged!obi-wan, 7.2k    or, de-aged!Obi-Wan has the same Force bonds as adult Obi-Wan, and he does not react well. ✦ Perseverance & Resilience by loosingletters, obi-wan & anakin, 1.1k    In the aftermath of Naboo, Obi-Wan realizes he needs strength to protect his new Padawan. Growing up, Anakin needs peace. ✦ A Delicate Balance by Peach_Bitters (peachybitters), obi-wan & anakin & yoda & jedi, spanking, 9.6k    As Anakin’s skills grow, so too does his penchant for getting into trouble. After a training mishap, Obi-Wan struggles with his role as Anakin’s master. ✦ mirror, mirror by CallToMuster, obi-wan & anakin, 5.4k    Obi-Wan has been rescued by Anakin after being rather embarrassingly kidnapped on the remote planet of Ilnuria during his investigation of rumored kyber crystals deep beneath the planet’s surface. …But is all as it seems? ✦ Mace Windu Appreciation Week by Redminibike1, mace & obi-wan & anakin & ponds & cody & jedi & cast, 12.5k    Set of unconnected ficlets for Mace Windu Appreciation Week, because he deserves it :) ✦ begin again as a quiet thought by skatzaa, obi-wan/quinlan, d/s, ~1k    Cool, smooth leather touched his jaw—gloves. Because of course Obi-Wan had thought of that as well. ✦ Drunken Lullabies by Siri_Kenobi12, obi-wan & anakin & siri & quinlan & aayla & garen & bant & ferus, 6.5k    “Do I really have to go to this thing?” Fourteen year old Anakin Skywalker dramatically sighed. “It’s sooo boring!” ✦ heaven knows how I love you by the_13th_battalion, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, 1.2k    Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka are stranded on an unfamiliar planet overnight. They spend their time exploring the community- and maybe they get a little closer to each other along the way. ✦ A Reckless Padawan by Peach_Bitters (peachybitters), obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, spanking, 3.9k    When Ahsoka upsets Anakin with an act of reckless disobedience, it falls to her grandmaster to help her see the error of her ways. OBI-WAN/ANAKIN RECS: ✦ Too Hot by secretsolarsystem, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 4.8k    Too Hot: A game where two players kiss without stopping and without touching each other. If one player touches the other, that player loses. The winner gets to do whatever they want to the loser. ✦ Nostos by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin & padme, NSFW, 17k    Or, how Obi-Wan and Anakin discover that there are many ways to come home. ✦ to touch the light, darkest by treescape, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 1.9k    Obi-Wan begins to fuck Vader back to the light ✦ encode by loosingletters, obi-wan/anakin & padme & handmaidens & cast, 26.3k wip    Instead of being accepted into the Jedi Order at the age of 9, Anakin Skywalker became a ward of Naboo. ✦ Hunting the Homeward Light by GreenQueenofClubs, obi-wan/anakin & mace & ahsoka & shmi & padme & cast, 31.9k wip    When Anakin Skywalker was nine, he left his whole life and mother behind to follow Qui-Gon Jinn to Coruscant and the Jedi Temple. When Anakin Skywalker was twelve, he left his whole life and Master behind to follow Mace Windu to the Outer Rim and away from the Jedi Order. When Anakin Skywalker was twenty… ✦ use my body to break your fall by tennessoui, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, 44.7k wip    Obi-Wan Kenobi is too good at being a Sith Lord general of the Separatist army. The Jedi Council approaches Anakin with an offer he can’t refuse. These things are, actually, related. ✦ Over and Over by obiwanobi, obi-wan/anakin, 1.4k    “I love you,” he blurts out, loud and impossible to miss. Obi-Wan blinks once, twice. And freezes. The first time Anakin tells him is a mortifying experience. ✦ Exceptions by rinverse, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & mace & quinlan & cast, NSFW, modern au, 23.4k    Young and brilliant, Anakin is the mind behind JEDI Tech’s latest innovation. Obi-Wan is the company’s perfectly composed Director of PR & Marketing. And last night, they were just two strangers at a bar, looking for something quick and easy. But life had other plans when it crossed their paths again the very next day. ✦ Here There Be Dragons by Ghost_Owl, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, 10.1k    Anakin knows why he can’t shift into his animal form like every other Jedi. It’s because he doesn’t want to, it’s because he’s had a vision of what he would become, and he doesn’t want it. ✦ Waiting in a Sea of Stars by Peach_Bitters (peachybitters), obi-wan/anakin, ~1k    Stranded in deep space, Obi-Wan and Anakin wait for rescue. ✦ Tristitia by JSwander, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, 5k    An alternate timeline where Palpatine focuses his attentions on Obi-Wan Kenobi instead of Anakin Skywalker after the attack on Naboo. ✦ Prompted - Chapter 11: Communication, What Communication? by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, mobster au, 7k    a 7k obikin PWP that is somehow a prompt mashup of a mobster au, an accidental sugar daddy au, with a soupçon of an anakin never left tatooine au, and a pinch of qui-gon was anakin’s dad au ✦ who a person truly is cannot be seen with the eye by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, spanking, 3.6k    Anakin purposely avoids doing what Obi-Wan tells him to do. ✦ Prompted - Chapter 12: Potidaea, 432BC, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, historical au, 4.3k    Here is a short smutty scene inspired by all those classics asks, Alcibiades praising Socrates in Plato’s Symposium, and this vase c.490-480 B.C. depicting standing, face-to-face intercrural intercourse between a bearded man and a youth, which as far as we can tell was the most common and accepted position for it in Ancient Greece. ✦ Prompted - Chapter 13: Minikin and Tiny-Wan by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 5.4k    Happy May the Fourth! In honor of this happy day, I have written the fluffiest, crackiest, vanilla-flavored smut imaginable. Based on long discussions on discord with tomicaleto about her adorable Tiny AU. ✦ to hold until brightness by treescape, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 1.4k    Obi-Wan feared that it drew out the darkest in him, to bring Vader to these flashes of light, but it was a trade he would make again and again without hesitation. ✦ May Be Found, If Sought by ghostwriterofthemachine, obi-wan/anakin & mace & quinlan, magical academy au, 2.3k    In which Quinlan, Mace, and Obi-Wan teach Non-Traditional Magical Philosophy in an institution rampant with academic snobbery and discrimination, something dark is stirring in the nearby forest, and no one is ever prepared for Anakin Skywalker. A small story about first meetings in magical academia. ✦ infinitely varied by loosingletters, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, modern au, 2.2k    Also known as Obi-Wan and Anakin teach a tiny program called A.H.S.O.K.A. how to be something more than lines of code via the power of linguistics. ✦ recipe for disaster by tennessoui, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, modern au, 9.8k    When Ahsoka tells Anakin she doesn’t want to learn piano anymore, Anakin is heartbroken. He doesn’t care about the instrument, obviously, but he’s practically in love with her teacher. Obi-Wan offers up a solution to their impending separation, and it’s not dating like any normal person would suggest. Instead, he’s gonna teach Anakin how to cook. Except Anakin’s a pretty well-known chef, and Obi-Wan is absolutely awful in the kitchen. ✦ Pretty Kitty by GayCheerios, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 2.2k    “Master, you always take such good care of me,” Anakin says, a little chirp coming after his sentence, as his thumb rests on Anakin’s plump bottom lip. ✦ As One, Into Eternity by Pseudonymoose, obi-wan/anakin, force ghosts, 3.1k    Death comes, but the man who was, and is, and will be Anakin Skywalker is not gone. And in the Force, he will never be alone again. ✦ does he make you laugh? by y0u_idjits, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & cast, fusion fic, 3.6k    “Tell me it’s not about screwing the guy who’s screwing your husband.” ✦ Rotten Work by secretsolarsystem, obi-wan/anakin, 2.8k    Obi-Wan: I’ll take care of you. Anakin, with bloodshot eyes and a broken back from hours of terrible posture: It’s rotten work. Obi-Wan, who needs to bathe this man for his own sanity and health: Not to me. Not if it’s you. ✦ afterimages by shatou, obi-wan/anakin, 1.3k    Mustafar is nothing but a bad dream. ✦ understanding is honoring the truth beneath the surface by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, 7.3k    Anakin asks Obi-Wan to take control. ✦ The strongest stars… by Tomicaleto, obi-wan/anakin & beru & cast, NSFW, 7.4k    The war’s end seems to be close, with everyone looking forward to it. And when Anakin is doubting himself the most, an unexpected visit arrives at the Temple. ✦ home has a heartbeat by izazov, obi-wan/anakin, 5.6k    Or: Anakin and Obi-Wan are together, but there are still some things left unsaid between them. ✦ turn back now (i’m haunted) by tennessoui, obi-wan/anakin & padme & quinlan & ahsoka & cast, modern au, ghosts au, 25k wip    Anakin Skywalker’s house is haunted. Luckily for him, Padmé knows a ghost hunter. Unluckily for him, it’s the hottest, most english-professor ghost hunter he’s ever seen. And extremely unluckily for him, he’s starting to get the feeling he understands maybe ten percent of what’s actually going on here, not to mention what’s at stake. ✦ game plan by treescape, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 11.2k    Or, Vader keeps capturing Obi-Wan during the Wars. Obi-Wan keeps escaping. It’s kind of a thing. ✦ Provocation by ToolMusicLover, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 4.9k    Or: Obi-Wan and Anakin attempt to navigate their complicated relationship with barbed words and wilful ignorance. It wasn’t going well. ✦ Languages by Crowgirl, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 6.5k    So Anakin pulls out a map and makes a list. REBELS RECS: ✦ The Scent of You by ambiguously, kanan/hera & cast, a smidge of nsfw, 2.9k    Everything changes after Malachor, and Kanan has trouble finding his balance. ✦ Heard It in a Love Song (Can’t Be Wrong) by ambiguously, zeb/kallus, 2.7k    Kallus can’t quite figure out what makes Zeb tick, but he keeps trying. ORIGINAL TRILOGY/MANDALORIAN RECS: ✦ A Discussion of Choices by Peppermint_Shamrock, luke & mace, 2k    Mace Windu has traveled the galaxy since the fall of the Republic, keeping out of the Empire’s sight and teaching where he can. Upon the request of a ghost of an old friend, Mace finds himself instructing Luke Skywalker, who is still reeling from the truth of Vader’s identity. ✦ staring down the barrel of the hot sun by magneticwave, luke/din & obi-wan & grogu & mace & cast, 25.7k    “Gone to a Child of the Watch, the Darksaber has,” Grand Master Yoda announces in his creaky little voice. “Peace, there is not, and yet peace, there must be.” ✦ Released by Peppermint_Shamrock, cody & rex & luke & cast, 6k    Nearly two and a half decades late, Cody’s chip is finally removed. Adjusting to having his mind returned to him after so long takes time, and Cody struggles with questions of his purpose of the past, present, and future. Fortunately, he does not have to struggle alone. ✦ A Tatooine Rainstorm by skatzaa, leia & luke & shmi, 1.7k    Leia meets a ghost. ✦ Dealing with the Darksaber by Peppermint_Shamrock, din & bo-katan & cara, 1.3k    After her recovery, Bo-Katan contacts Din to challenge him for the darksaber. Din is still very much not interested in the whole affair. FULL DETAILS + RECS HERE
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delimeful · 3 years
you cant go back (1)
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BTHB: Locked Up and Left Behind
first in a new alien series! this one is completely unrelated to WIBAR :)
warnings: abandonment, violence, injury, mentions of death and starvation, mild cliffhanger
Virgil was screwed.
This was quite a familiar phrase for him. He most frequently utilized it while trying to haul Jan away from whatever batshit scheme he was joint-deep in before it blew up in their faces. Normally, however, even he could admit that his panic, fury, and/or despair was sometimes exaggerated for emphasis.
“I’m absolutely, massively, unbelievably screwed,” Virgil tried out in a low hissing whisper, and grimaced when it came out sounding like an understatement.
In the corner of his eye, his helmet’s display screen blinked an eye-numbing red, informing him that there was a breach in his suit, and the atmospheric pressure inside had been completely disrupted. There would normally be beeping, too, the shrieking ‘you’re about to die’ kind that made his shelling turn pitch with terror in simulations, but— well.
He’d been able to endure about two clicks of the racket before giving in and tearing through the audio speakers with his teeth, ruining them entirely. It meant he wouldn’t hear any of the vital organ failure notifications, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to experience a sickening play-by-play of his death on another planet anyhow.
The others had left him in some kind of dilapidated shack, hand-painted a faded red on the outside. It looked unstable, but it was apparently built sturdier than any of them expected, enough to not even creak as he thrashed around with all his free limbs. He’d been cuffed around one of the support pillars, which meant that even if he could break it, it would probably just immediately collapse and crush him to bits.
Considering there was an enormous crack in the glass of his helmet, he hadn’t really thought he’d get the privilege of worrying about how he was going to die. Aisleen— the one who had bashed his helmet against her elbow plate— had certainly agreed. She’d waited until after the others had left, granting him a quicker death the way her culture called honorable.
Janus would have disagreed loudly. Not just because Virgil was pretty sure his only friend didn’t actually want to see him choke to death on the probably-somehow-toxic atmosphere of a Deathworld, but also because that guy could go on about interplanetary ethics for rotations if you let him.
Virgil wrenched at his restraints for the hundredth time, ignoring the hot pulse of pain that came with the movement. His chitin had to be cracking by now, but the rawness of that was easier to focus on than thoughts like, ‘I’ll never get to watch him argue someone in circles again.’
The worst part wasn’t wondering if they’d fess up to abandoning him or not. No, the worst part was he wasn’t actually sure which option he preferred.
He could imagine Janus looking for him, searching for leads that didn’t exist, stubborn the way a starving shilsho would stay locked onto flesh. Never knowing what actually happened. Jan hated not knowing things, the way Virgil hated sitting with his back to an open entryway.
But if he knew… If Janus managed to wrest the truth from them— or if they bragged about it— he would blame himself. They’d left Virgil because he was just a weaker version of Janus when it came down to it, and because he backed Janus up no matter what, and because it was funny, leaving the twitchiest guy on the crew to die on a world where anything and everything could kill you.
At least Janus wouldn’t be tempted to come down and retrieve his corpse. The other Chelcera was all about self-serving scheming, and there was no way the benefits outweighed the costs. He had to believe that much for his own sanity.
Virgil closed his eyes, trying to push away the what-ifs and the mental flash-images of Janus stuck in his position. He had more than enough to worry about already.
Since the atmosphere didn’t seem toxic enough to kill him outright (for now), there was a surplus of possible ways he was going to bite it. Weather, wildlife, or withering into a lifeless husk due to lack of sustenance.
Alliteration, nice. He was funny when he was on the brink of deathbed hysterics.
For now, he was only in conceptual danger. The shack was sheltering him from any outside elements, being terrified had killed his appetite, and there didn’t seem to be any heat signatures nearby, though his vision was limited by the sides of the helmet.
It made his skin itch, not being able to see behind him, but his auxiliary arms were spread out and taut, waiting for even a wisp of movement. If anyone tried to attack him from behind, they’d strike quick and true.
Of course, then he’d probably be immediately immolated by a pissed-off Deathworlder, but at least he could go down fighting.
If he was vicious enough, they’d have to kill him, and he wouldn’t have to worry about being taken alive. Bitter venom welled up in his mouth at the thought, and he tried to breathe deeply.
He was thinking too far ahead. For now, he’d struggle and swear and watch his atmo tank dwindle down to nothing, see if it changed anything. Maybe he was going to asphyxiate, after all.
He made it through the night.
The sun was close to this planet, enough that he was warm even in the stripped-down version of his bodysuit and in the enclosed shade of the barn. He thought he might even get overheated if he tried to sunbathe here, which hadn’t ever been a concern back home.
Thankfully, the meager sun that spilled through the half-open window didn’t reach him, so he didn’t have to add boiling alive to his list of potential deaths.
Unthankfully, more and more heat signatures popped up as the dawn arrived, all small but still potentially life-ending. He’d heard more than enough horror stories about palm-sized Deathworlder creatures that could kill you with one bite. He wasn’t letting his guard down.
The noise that accompanied the day was welcome— he was exhausted, and every unfamiliar chattering call or whistle made his aux limbs lift back up defensively, keeping him from dropping off into sleep.
He was not falling asleep on a Deathworld. That was just asking for trouble.
The energy crash hit hard, though, and by the time the sun was overhead, he was warm and sleepy enough that he almost missed the slow creak of the door.
He definitely didn’t miss the bright splotch of heat that trotted in, though. He quickly flicked his sensor eyes closed, getting rid of the heat-sense overlay, and felt his hair stand on end as he met the slitted eyes of a small, furry quadruped.
“Mrow?” the creature chirped at him, tail winding back and forth in the air. Its fur was colored in abstract patches, and he could see the tiny fangs in its mouth as it yawned threateningly.
Virgil resisted the urge to hiss, wriggling his wrists desperately. There was no point in antagonizing a Deathworlder creature preemptively while bound and helpless, a voice in his head reminded him. It sounded kind of like Janus.
The creature stalked a little closer, predatory grace in every one of its movements, and paused to watch him again. It’s pupils seemed rounder now, ears flicked up attentively. Virgil resisted the urge to twitch his backlegs, keeping still like a terrified prey animal as it approached at a leisurely pace.
He’d had all of his bulky outer suit stripped from him by the others-- no point in leaving the soon-to-be-corpse with a pricy surface suit. They’d even taken the shoes, which had felt a bit like insult to injury.
Now, with the local fauna drawing close to his feet, it felt more like just plain injury.
As bad as the odds were, he was fervently hoping that he could make himself seem tougher than he was. Maybe having to work for its meal would scare it off? He grit his fangs and drew himself up in preparation to lash out as much as he could in retaliation for whatever damage the creature was about to inflict on him.
It trod directly over his feet and brushed its little head up against his legs, a low rumble beginning to emanate from it.
He stared blankly down at it.
“What?” he clicked quietly, and the creature chirped back at him, taking a tight turn to loop right back around and brush against him in the opposite direction. Still, not a hint of pain.
Did… Did it have contact poisons, maybe? There was a residue of shed fur building up on the ankles of his undersuit, but it seemed surprisingly harmless.
With another, louder rumble, the creature settled into a crouched position-- directly on top of his feet. Its eyes drifted slowly closed, the vibrations it was making rolling through him.
Oh, Seryl and all her stars. It was sleeping on him.
It seemed docile for now, but what would it do if he woke it? Even he threatened to bite people who interrupted his naps, and he wasn’t a tiny wild creature governed only by survival (no matter what Janus told people). His flimsy inner suit wouldn’t stop an Ampen’s claws, let alone Deathworlder teeth or claws.
The creature continued to be a warm purring weight on his feet.
He resigned himself to a very tense next few hours.
Patch, as he’d taken to mentally calling the creature, didn’t end up attacking him. When it woke, it stretched languidly, chirped up at him a few more times, and then departed shortly before the sunlight began to fade.
And then, the next morning, it returned. Despite Virgil’s many fears, it continued to show no interest in harming him. At some point in the day, he even accidentally fell asleep with it, and still, no surprise ambush.
Despite Patch’s yawns and rumbles and claw-flexing stretches that could all technically be threat displays, it seemed bizarrely… almost... fond of him.
There was the slightest hitch, on the second day, when he realized Patch could come in the other windows and approach from behind while he slept. Surprisingly enough, the thought of the creature sneaking up on him was less distressing than the idea of accidentally striking out at it while asleep.
The presence of a non-hostile creature keeping him company had been... surprisingly nice when he wasn’t busy freaking out about it.
Once he’d imagined that awful scenario, he couldn’t dismiss the possibility, and so he spent an inordinate amount of time using his aux limbs to fiddle with the sealing latch on his helmet until he could tug it free. The slick surface and broken glass of the visor meant that he fumbled it basically as soon as he got it off, letting it drop to the floor behind him, but the reserve power had already long died anyhow.
And then, when Patch returned a bit after the sun’s rising, they hissed viciously at him the moment he turned his head. They proceeded to refuse to come anywhere near him for a good long portion of the day, at first bristling and pacing back and forth, and then eyeing him oddly while pretending not to, and then finally approaching slowly-- in what Virgil struggled not to view as a predator’s stalk-- and deeming his feet a suitable resting perch once more.
He’d like to say he never had a friendship so exhausting, but his best friend was Janus, so this was basically different ditchport, same junkyard.
“You two’d probably get along,” he said to Patch after he’d been forgiven for the horrific crime of exposing his face. “How do you feel about schemes?”
Patch had imitated one of his double-click noises perfectly, which was somehow mostly-adorable instead of mostly-terrifying. He tried to make one of their little round chirp sounds and mangled it horribly, but thankfully the resulting look they gave him was more alarm than offense.
By the fourth day, he’d begun to keenly feel the effects of being completely without nutrients. It was really only thanks to his nature that he’d gotten this far. Chelcerae were sporadic eaters-- big meals sustained them over longer periods of time compared to other aliens. The downside of that, of course, meant that when his body finally realized that there was no food coming, the hunger pains were going to be all-consuming.
Working at Janus’s side, he’d gotten used to having food when he needed it, or even wanted it. It just figured that he was probably going to die the same way Janus had first found him: starving.
He fell into sleep more and more frequently. It passed the time, and being asleep made it much easier to ignore his impending doom.
Of course, if he’d been aware of the rude awakening he was in for, he wouldn’t have been so eager.
In fact, if he’d known what exactly was going to find him sleeping on that fourth day, he probably wouldn’t have dared to shut his eyes at all.
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Take Your Innocence 1/?
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Rated: E
Summary: A chance meeting with a captain in a tavern sends deckhand Killian Jones down a path he never could have expected. They called her “The Peg,” and she was the most beautiful and intimidating woman Killian had ever encountered. 
A/N: This is entirely @caught-in-the-filter‘s fault lol (love you 😘)
Inspired by this prompt, and the tags she put on it.
Thanks to the lovely @snowbellewells for betaing.
I have no posting schedule as I'm still writing this fic, but I couldn't make myself wait any longer to post this so hopefully, you guys enjoy this little taste of what's to come. 😏
Take Your Innocence: Chapter 1
Perhaps it is fate that draws Killian Jones to this particular tavern, on this particular night. He certainly doesn’t make a habit of frequenting them - not since that evening the crew convinced him to drink rum for the first time and the resulting rebellion from his body which made him swear off ever drinking it again. I think I’m allergic to it, he’d groaned the following morning, his stomach rolling incessantly as his head pounded with a fierce rhythm. The men had only laughed uproariously at his misfortune, but Killian vowed never again would he subject himself to such a miserable thing. As such, he doesn’t often follow the rest of the men to the taverns, even on the occasions that Captain Blackbeard grants him permission to leave the ship. 
 But on this night, Killian finds himself at a table with the rest of the crew, turning down the offered rum and wondering why he was putting himself through the humiliation of the men mocking him. He simply wants a warm meal, that’s all; he hopes the quality of the food will be worth the discomfort of waiting for it.
There’s a stir, suddenly, towards the door and Killian is grateful for the distraction. He doesn’t know this crew entering the tavern now, but he can sense the shift in the room - this captain somehow holds the respect of everyone here. 
The captain is a woman. It’s not unheard of, though uncommon, but that’s not what has Killian’s lips parting on a soft gasp before he can catch himself.
Killian has never seen a woman so beautiful, yet so clearly dangerous at the same time, and he can’t help his eyes being drawn to her. 
“They call her The Peg,” one of the crew whispers to him conspiratorially, “And it’s not because she has a wooden leg.” He winks.
Killian stares blankly back at him in confusion, before turning his eyes to the woman in question. Gods, she is beautiful. Intimidating. Gorgeous. And far above someone of his status. Killian feels a coil of bitterness in his gut and forces himself to look back at his companion. 
“Is it because her name is Margaret?” 
The man guffaws, loud enough that Killian flinches.
“Oh, lad. I expect you’d be too naive for the likes of her.”
Read the rest on AO3
Tag list (note that i keep the same list for all my fics. just send me a message if you want to be added/removed specifically for this fic, since i know it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea):  @teamhook - @klynn-stormz - @xarandomdreamx - @zaharadessert - @kmomof4 - @therooksshiningknight - @batana54 - @ultraluckycatnd​ - @anothersworld - @tiganasummertree - @jonesfandomfanatic​ - @the-darkdragonfly​ - @jrob64​ - @hollyethecurious​ - @lfh1226-linda - @elizabeethan​ - @moviequeen51​ - @onceratheart18​ - @cosette141​ - @fleurdepetite​
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starlightstevie · 3 years
fic recs / may 2021
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Happy summer! I know I missed last month’s fic recs so hopefully I’ll make up for it with these brilliant fics. Hope you guys enjoy!
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warm water by @xbuchananbarnes​ Thor x reader: Thor comes home to find his love.
*passionate & burning by @peachyteabuck Thor x reader: You’re busy with working from home, but Thor has other plans for the day.
but i just wanna hear your voice by @blackberrybucky Thor x reader: Thor comes back after they defeat Thanos and tries to make things right with you.
*all there’s left to do is run by spacelabrathor Dothraki!Thor x reader: Horse warlord Thor finds you a captive in a raid of a desert village and gives you a choice. Freedom by a quick death or taking his hand and going with him, to be his. You choose life, and with it, a husband who is wild and fierce and more than you could have ever imagined.
*summoned by @darklydeliciousdesires​ Old God!Thor x villager!reader: The buffet of offerings, all of which shall placate, appease and satiate every whim and desire of the gods is laid out and ready, you amongst them.
ships in the night by @sugardaddytonystark Pirate King!Thor x Dora Milaje mermaid!reader: When Thor, the infamous Pirate King, lays down anchor in Wakanda, the last thing you expect is for him to ask for aid from your own king. You volunteer your assistance, leaving the home you’ve always known to set sail with King Odinson and his crew.
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*cut offs by @milaonthemoon Frank x reader: You get kidnapped and Frank has to get you out.
tired by @castawaybarnes​ Frank x reader: Keeping yourself awake waiting for Frank was getting easier once you got used to the bitterness of black coffee.
*ash painted lips by @sebbytrash Frank x reader: Frank is your lifeline, protecting you like only he can do but you harbour not-so-secret feelings for him that threaten to shake the foundation of this steady, necessary partnership.
scales of justice weigh the consequence by @inspiresimagine​ Frank x reader: the world is black and white until you find your soulmate. you’re a single mom in NYC accustomed to life as-is, but apparently, the universe has other plans. namely? frank castle.
*generosity by @pumpkin-stars Frank x reader: AKA: The five (or more) things Frank usually does when he fucks you, and the one time he does something different.
poltergeists for sidekicks by @bubble-tea-bunny​ Frank x reader: Frank’s lost count of the days he’s come home to you already fast asleep.
*frank + overstimulation by @honeychicana
*frank + rough sex by @sweeterthanthis​
*frank + breath play by sweeterthanthis
*frank + doggy style by @honeydulcewrites​
*frank + gun play by honeydulcewrites
*frank + gun play (2) by honeydulcewrites
*frank + gun play (3) by honeydulcewrites
*frank + overstimulation by honeydulcewrites
*frank coming home to you by honeydulcewrites
*untitled frank smut by @luciilferss​
*playing with frank’s hair by inspiresimagine
frank + praise by inspiresimagine
*frank putting you in a headlock while fucking you by @punani​
*nobody else but me by @allaboardthereadingrailroad​ Shane Walsh x reader: Shane knows exactly what you need.
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the comet by @mcubabydotcom​ Steve x reader: You and Steve witness a once-in-a-lifetime celestial event.
*the punishment by ozarkthedog Nomad!Steve x reader: You disobeyed Steve and now you must make it up to him.
*headinthequinjet by xbuchananbarnes Steve x reader: Steve’s having a hard time breathing.
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*shotgunning with chris by ozarkthedog
*cockwarming with chris by @buckyssimp​
*a teal crushed velvet ride by @ozarkthedog​ Chris x reader: You love Chris’s Teal Velvet Pants. He notices and decides to indulge you.
*don’t look away by ozarkthedog Chris x reader: Chris fucks you against a mirror.
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*keep the heat by ozarkthedog Andy Barber x reader: Andy fucks you in the coat.
*i don’t work jobs (i am a job) by @peachyteabuck Andy x reader: Andy needs to teach you that “staying at home” doesn’t preclude a little thing called “work.”
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*worst behaviour by buckyssimp Professor!Bucky x reader: Bucky notices you staring at him during class. 
*lipstick stain by @xbuchananbarnes​ Bucky x reader: Bucky could recognize that laugh anywhere.
bucky takes care of you by @buckyblues
*you better act like this dick belongs to you by buckyblues
*lazy day with bucky by buckyblues
*pegging bucky by buckyblues
*bucky tit fucking you by buckyblues
something new by @mxsamwilson​ Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes: Fellas is it gay to receive an intimate haircut from your boy? (ft Bucky being hopelessly in love with Sam but too much of an idiot to tell him).
*the magic word by @whateveriwant Bucky x reader: Bucky agrees to try something you’ve always wanted to do with him, but only under the condition that a certain word be employed if need be.
warm by @revengingbarnes​ Bucky x reader: “The fire alarm in our building went off and you rushed out without a coat. Wanna share my blanket?”
patterns by @xbuchananbarnes Bucky x reader: Bucky plays with your hair.
pretending to not feel alone by blackberrybucky Bucky x reader: Bucky, hopeless romantic, meets you, committed cynic. What could go wrong?
*bucky’s first time in 70 years by @luciilferss
*fluorescent adolescent by @ohbuckie​ College!Bucky x reader: Bucky fucks you on his bedroom floor.
*it’s a cruel summer by blackberrybucky Bucky x reader: You and Bucky are friends with benefits, but what happens when you realize you want more?
*sex on legs by @navybrat817​ Bucky x reader: Bucky looks good in anything.
ride with me by @jurassicbarnes Detective!Bucky x Biker!reader: When his best friend forces him to third wheel on a road trip, Bucky doesn’t expect for it to become so eventful, let alone find something, or rather someone worth staying for.
*going live by @ritesofreverie​ Camboy!Bucky x reader: Your new neighbour looks familiar, where had you seen him before?
*stranded by @honeysucklesteve Dad’s best friend!Bucky x reader: When your car breaks down on the side of the road and your dad can’t come rescue you, he sends the next best thing.
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if i could fly, i’d be coming right back home to you by blackberrybucky Sam x reader: Exile over, Sam comes home to you.
baby, i still see ya by blackberrybucky Sam x reader: Sam comes home, the future calling to him. He sees you again, and gets a little caught up in the past
*if you ever want to be in love by blackberrybucky Sam x reader: How your relationship with Sam falls apart and comes back together.
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taller than me by @kaitsukibakugo Katsuki Bakugo x Izuku Midoriya: Katsuki has found love with someone who years ago he never would have expected. Now Deku is his husband and he’s noticed something else he never thought possible: Deku is taller than him.
*would you like to stay forever? by kaitsukibakugo Pro Hero!Kirishima Eijiro x reader: Sparring with Pro Hero Kirishima Eijiro in his private gym at his home doesn't seem like a bad idea if you don't count the fact that you really, really like him.
how your bnha fave acts when they realize they’re in love by @inthorantine
*bnha love island headcannons by @doinmybesthere​
*first time bj headcannons by @shoutogepi
*the best pussy eater of mha by @dearestdynamight​
passing the night stars by @hoe-doroki Hitoshi Shinsou x reader: The party was neon and you needed darkness.
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*let’s talk about deku’s hands by @rat-suki​
*waking up deku by spacelabrathor
*deku comes home after a late shift by doinmybesthere
*slow stroke king izuku by @sems-diarie​​
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*champagne problems by @some-kindofgnome​ Katsuki Bakugou x reader: You were slipping between Bakugou’s fingers faster than ever now. Instead of letting it happen he clung to you even tighter. Instead of letting you go, instead of accepting that he’d driven this relationship into the fucking ground, he’d promised himself that he could still save it.
*presented by @tteokdoroki​ Dragon King!Katsuki x reader: On the twenty-first birthday of Katsuki Bakugou, an offering is made in his honour as he becomes chief of the dragons. Clans usually offer up sacrifices of berries or nuts, salts and fresh catches. But for those of Dargon’s blood, their offering is a mate... And that mate is you.
*domina by rat-suki Katsuki x reader: He’s just so hot when you get under his skin. You can’t possibly stop now.
*baby, i’m a haunted house by @ketslketslketsl​ Yakuza!Katsuki x reader: It’s been a long six months since you last saw him.
i’m a liability, get you wild, make you leave (i’m a little much for everyone) by @willowser Katsuki x reader: There’s no reason for Katsuki to be here. It’s all he can think, bitter, as he stares at the paint peeling from the door, exposing the wood grain underneath its thin coat. Old and distant, this house; too far from the city to make the trek worth it, for your job to make sense; too ancient to be lived in by the number 12 hero in Japan. If he closes his eyes, he can hear Lake Biwa from his position on your porch and the soft sway of the water almost calms down the storm that’s been building in him since he boarded the train, since he nearly snapped his phone in half.
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*we are the foxes (and we run) by @spacelabrathor shoyo hinata x reader: After everything, the end of the world and the chaos and destruction that reigned after society fell, it takes a lot to surprise you. And yet, when you come to the edge of the pit, a gasp wrenches from you like someone gripped it in their fist and yanked. Laid out on the bed of leaves at the bottom of the pit is...something. Someone. Or, Hinata falls into reader’s pit trap after the end of the world. This is the story of how she pulls him out, drags him to her bunker, and they grow together. 
*dark priest!Obiwan Kenobi by @mandosmimi​
you’re the former babysitter of zemo’s son by @helahades​
*mando doesn’t realize how big his dick is by @cptnbvcks​​
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sharkboygirlish · 3 years
Word count: 2793
Disclaimer:  One piece and all it’s characters belong to Eiichiro Oda, I just like to write about them.
Warning: None
Rating: T (i guess?? there’s cursing)
Author’s Note: Whale, this is the first fanfic I’ve posted on the interwebs since high school so please keep that in mind, lol. I do plan to finish it sooner than later so check back in a few days if you want to read the rest, sorry I don’t have it all done right now.  At long last it it FINISHED.
Feel free to tell me what u think! Unless it’s mean, then I ask that u keep those thoughts in ur noggin because I’m just writing these for fun not for grades.
Without further ado, here ya go.
Author’s Note pt 2: So i didn’t end up going the smut route like I originally planned, but I think it worked out better bc this one got nice and Emotional.
Summary: Zoro really shouldn’t agree to be Nami’s drinking partner if he wanted to keep their friendship from getting... Complicated.
The moon was floating high in the night sky when Nami wandered onto the deck, unable to sleep even after a few hours of sketching. 
She wanted company – specifically, she wanted the company of the crew’s resident alcoholic. It only took a few minutes to find him on the lawn deck with his back against a tree and his eye closed. ‘How typical.’
Nami smiled a small, excited smile as she strode over to him and squatted between his parted legs. An unconscious sigh left her nose as she swept her gaze up and down his face. She caught herself thinking, ‘He really is easy on the eyes isn’t he.’ ....again. 
Who was she kidding? She’d been thinking the same thing every time she looked his way lately. 
Two years ago she’d been able to keep the immature crush she had on him locked tightly away but somehow - it had gotten out and was slowly consuming her entire being. 
Nami hoped he hadn’t noticed how often she invited him to drink with her because she didn’t think she could handle being rejected. So she settled for spending time alone with him whenever and however she could. 
“Hey, moss-head,” the navigator said finally, leaning in to squint at him, “Are you asleep?”
He had literally just settled down for a nice cat nap when the navigator appeared suddenly to interrupt him. ‘Damn. What the hell did she want now?’ 
Instead of answering, Zoro chose to ignore her and pretend like he was deep asleep. ‘Why won’t she go bother someone else?’
Nami started prodding his cheek with one finger to rouse him if he really was sleeping, ”Zorooo wake up, I wanna drink,” she whined and his eyelid opened instantly.
‘Why’s she so damn pretty..’ was the first thought he had when he realized that she was a lot closer than he’d anticipated. 
He mentally chastised himself after, trying to remind his id that Nami had never once indicated that she wanted to be anything other than friends and he should respect that. 
But… There was no harm in looking from time to time was there? And she was pretty. She’d always been... ‘Oh for fuck’s sake, now he sounded like Sanji. He needed to get a grip.’
“Helloooooo,” Nami waved her hand in Zoro’s face until he snapped back to reality and snatched her wrist up, pulling it away. He scowled but it wasn’t deep, and now he was refusing to look her in the eye. “What was that about, huh Zoro?”
“Nothing.” The swordsman replied perhaps a little too quickly to avoid suspicion, “Thought I heard a noise, doesn’t matter – oi, didn’t you want to do something?” 
He couldn’t remember what exactly it was. He’d been so distracted by the way her bangs framed her face and sometimes got caught in her eyelashes—’Damnit! He was doing it again.’
Nami smirked again but didn’t press the subject anymore. She’d do that later once they started drinking. “Weren’t you listening to me? You’re so rude, maybe I should find someone else to share my booze with.”
Was it a good idea to go drink with Nami when he kept catching himself thinking about feelings that he’d been suppressing for the last two years? Probably not…
But he couldn’t just decline an opportunity to get buzzed. ‘And... Maybe he wanted to get buzzed with Nami, specifically.’  
Zoro scoffed, mostly at himself. “Quit playing games, damnit, do you want me to drink with you or not?”
“You’re so stubborn,” The navigator teased with a pleased smile that made his heart beat unevenly, “I could care less if you join me, but you’re not allowed to come unless you say you’ll be nice.”
“Nami. I am older than you, quit treating me like a fucking child or I swear-”
“That’s no way to talk to a lady who’s getting you drunk for free, Roronoa Zoro. If you can’t be nice then I’ll just add the cost of everything you drink to your debt and-”
Zoro didn’t have time to ruminate over the way hearing her say his full name made him shiver because he had to shut her up before she did charge him. 
“Okay, okay. I’ll be... nice.” He hissed through gritted teeth and her answering giggle made his pulse flutter. He had to fight to keep himself from smiling. ‘What the hell was going on with him tonight? Was he sick?’
“Good boy,” she turned and started walking towards the Sunny’s aquarium bar, glancing back over her shoulder to make sure he was coming.
“Don’t push your luck, woman.” Zoro snarled to mask his confusion over the sudden need to touch her that he felt scratching at the back of his head. He really shouldn’t agree to be Nami’s drinking partner if he wanted to keep their friendship from getting... Complicated.
He knew it, but he followed her up the stairs all the same.
                                                       * * *
“Why d’you always want to drink with me anyway, witch?” Skeptical of her intentions, his narrowed eye fixed itself on Nami as she approached him holding two maroon tinted bottles. She offered one to him and he accepted it – but he didn’t let his guard down yet.
Zoro lowered his gaze to check the label out, whistling long and low when he read 23% alcohol per volume. A couple puzzle pieces clicked together in his head ‘Oh, that’s why. Because if she tried to drink this with anyone else they’d pass out after two glasses.’
“Would you believe that I just like hanging out with you?” Though her tone was teasing she was actually being genuine, she had a lot of fun with him whenever they went out.
“No–“ He paused when Nami kicked him in the shin hard enough to make him swear. Reaching down with his free hand he rubbed the sore patch of skin and glared daggers at his crewmate. “What the fuck was that for?!”
“You said you’d be nice, Zoro! So be nice or I’ll charge you a hundred thousand beris for that bottle.” Nami uncorked hers but waited to hand the corkscrew over until he behaved himself. The look he was giving her would probably frighten a small child but she didn’t flinch.
‘This was his choice.’ He reminded himself. Of his own free will he chose to get drunk with Nami instead of napping, and that meant dealing with her bossiness no matter how much he loathed it. ‘Sometimes he just wanted to grab her by the shoulders and make her shut up, there were better things her mouth could be doing anyway-‘
“Why do you keep staring at me like that, do I have a zit or something?”
Zoro sat up so fast that he banged his shoulder on the underside of the countertop. ‘What the hell was that? What the hell was wrong with him?’ He hadn’t even opened the damn bottle and he was already making himself look like an idiot.
“No,” the swordsman grumbled, wracking his brain for a believable excuse, “Just thinking about how I’ll owe you money even after I’m dead if you keep charging me for bullshit.” That made her laugh and Zoro cursed himself for how much he liked hearing it. “Don’t see how it’s funny for me, witch.”
Nami let him take the corkscrew from her, eyes crinkled with amusement while he opened his bottle. “You’ll just have to stay alive until you pay me back in full, I guess!” She trilled before taking a long, heavy drink from hers.
“Yeah?” Zoro snorted before mimicking her and downing about half of the wine in the container. It tasted disgusting, which he’d expected, but that didn’t make the bitter aftertaste any less miserable. His nose wrinkled slightly as he set the bottle down. “I bet even if I did try to pay you off you’d find a way to charge me more.”
“You make me sound so heartless,” the navigator batted her eyelashes innocently, pretending to look hurt, “Why would I ever do such a thing?”
“Hah.” He scoffed before chugging some more wine and failing to keep track of how much he was drinking each time. “Because you want to keep me on a leash since I don’t throw myself at you like that dumbass cook.”
An impish smirk crawled it’s way onto Nami’s face that made him immediately regret what he’d just said. ‘Fuck. Damnit!’
“So…” She began slowly, savoring every second that the swordsman spent avoiding direct eye contact with her, “You admit that you are one of my lap dogs?”
A muscle in his jaw flexed and he stopped drinking for one second to grunt, “That’s not what I said.”
“That’s what I heard!” Chimed Nami as she rose from her seat, stepping over to Zoro and tracing a finger under his jaw while he drained the last few drops of liquid. “I should get you a collar, so people know who to bring you to when you get lost.”
Normally he would have snapped at her for poking fun at his sense, or lack thereof, direction but he wasn’t listening to her. She’d come close enough for him to pick up her scent and maybe it was the alcohol intensifying his feelings, but it was suffocating him in a good way.
He loved the way she smelled. Tangerines from her soaps mixed with salty seawater and traces of sunscreen. A hint of orange blossom, but only when she was close to him like this. 
Zoro inhaled deeply through his nose and, without realizing it, his expression melted into something affectionate and gentle. ‘In two years she’d changed in so many different ways… but she still smelled the same. She still smelled like home.’
                                                        * * *
“What are you thinking about, Zoro?” Her voice void of it’s usual teasing tone, Nami’s curiosity was piqued by his sudden shift in demeanor. He looked soft and peaceful, like he didn’t have anything to worry about. She wanted to know why.
‘Ah, fuck.’ What was he supposed to tell her? That he was thinking about how good she smelled? ‘Yeah right.’ Zoro was quiet for a while, mulling over his words until he came up with an explanation that didn’t sound as creepy – but also wasn’t a lie.
“I guess..” he finally murmured, his gaze shifting to meet hers, “It’s just been a while and… I was thinking about how nice it feels to be back here, with everyone…” a brief pause then he added, “I missed you guys.” ‘Look at him being all gushy and emotional, this wine really was something else.’ Zoro reached to brush his fingertips by her temple, catching a stray lock of hair and tucking it behind her ear, “I missed you.”
When had Zoro ever been this honest with her about the way he felt? Never was the answer, but now he seemed to trust her well enough to know she wouldn’t spill his secrets. Nami took his face in both of her hands, surprising him, and pulled his head down so she could kiss his forehead. “I missed you too, Zoro.”
Something about hearing her say that she’d missed him too broke a dam in his chest that he’d been trying to keep together for two years. Hormoness flooded through his bloodstream quicker than Zoro could even process them and before he knew it he was practically throwing his arms around Nami’s waist and crushing her against his chest.
“Nami—” he pressed his face into her neck to hide the tears that he couldn’t hold back anymore. Sober he might have cared about losing it like this around her but she was here and… ‘He just – needed to hold her.’ Hold her and smell her and feel how real she was because she had almost been taken from him.
‘He’d barely begun to process what he had been through on Thriller Bark when they were attacked in Sabaody. If he tried to think back on it his memories would get hazy and his bones would ache from their very cores. He knew what had happened but it’s like his brain was protecting him from understanding how close to death he’d come. Then – to be torn away from the people he loved with all of his heart? Who he had just nearly killed himself to protect?
It had ripped him apart and rubbed salt into every wound. And it fucking hurt. The same kind of pain he felt when he saw Kuina dead on the floor of their dojo. He was scared, he was furious, he was devastated – all over again but this time it was so much worse. So, so much worse.
That was why he had trained so hard over the last two years. Because he couldn’t bear the grief that came with loving them so deeply – so he got stronger. And stronger. And stronger. No matter the cost to his body, he would become powerful enough to defeat anyone who crossed them. Then… He would never have to feel the agony that he did when he first woke up on Kuraigana Island ever again.
Taking on all of Luffy’s suffering in Thriller Bark had been the most physically painful experience of his entire life – but that was nothing compared to how much it hurt to think that his friends were gone forever, that he hadn’t been able to protect them.
Training made it easy not to think about what had happened -- but now he was home, and they were safe - and he was realizing just how close he’d come to losing all of them. At once. And he could do nothing to stop it.’
Startled by him grabbing her, Nami was prepared to give the pirate a good smack if he was getting handsy but… He started trembling. ‘Was he not feeling well?’ Her mouth opened to form the question then stopped. His breathing hitched while his entire body jerked and she realized…
‘Zoro was crying.’
Roronoa Zoro, who prided himself on his strength, was sobbing wretchedly into her neck. ‘He must have been holding this in since Sabaody.’ Nami’s heart ached for him and his stupid pride that forced him to torture himself instead of letting him cry like he needed to. She’d been expecting him to crash at some point, how couldn’t he? Even someone as strong as Zoro was still a human being.
One of her arms cradled his head while the other wound round his shoulders, her fingers combing gently through his hair. “Oh you sweet, sweet boy…” she spoke in the tone that Bellemere used to use when Nami and Nojiko were frightened by a passing thunderstorm. It always calmed her, maybe it would calm Zoro, too.
‘Quit fucking crying you loser you’re supposed to be a man.’ But he couldn’t, he literally could not stop because he was trying to. “I wasn’t strong enough,” his voice quivered at the edges and he hated it. ‘He was definitely never going to drink this kind of wine again ever. Not if it turned him into a blubbering mess like this every time.’
“Shhh, no. No. Don’t you dare try to blame yourself for what happened. Hey, look at me.” Nami urged his head off her shoulder and cupped his face in both of her palms, “None of us were strong enough, okay? Not even Luffy.” Each tear that fell she tenderly swept away with the pad of her thumb. The corner of her mouth turned up as she assured him, “But we are strong enough now. We can take care of each other. Nothing is ever going to tear us apart again, Zoro.”
‘She was right. Of course, she was right. He needed to have faith in his crewmates and his captain. They could do anything as long as they had each other.’ His breathing slowly evened out as he focused on anchoring himself back to reality. He wasn’t in Sabaody or Kuraigana – he was on the Sunny. In the bar, with Nami who had grown so much since he last saw her. The look in his eye softened like it had before his breakdown.
“You’re staring at me again, Zoro.” The navigator teased, her hands falling to rest on his shoulders. He hadn’t let go of her yet but she didn’t mind, he could hold on to her for as long as he needed.
A ghost of his usual smirk passed across his face. “Sorry, Nami…” Zoro took a little risk by leaning in to press a chaste but lingering kiss to her cheek, then traced a path with the edge of his nose to her ear, murmuring, “Wine makes me a little… Messy.”
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The Perfect Night | Charlie Gillespie
Requested by anon: Can you please write a fanfic with Charlie Gillespie x reader where you're taking him with you as a plus one to your high school reunion because you don't have anyone to go with but then they realise they really like each other
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x Female!Reader
Warnings: a few curse words like bitch, fluff 
Words: 2,622
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High school wasn’t your favorite. All the bullies and the stress to fit in. Everyone laughing at you because you were the nerd with all the stories piled up on your computer and the fantasy of a child in your head. You’d thought you left all of that behind. But then came the reunion. You’ve only graduated five years ago from high school and only last year from college. Though you had an amazing job as screenwriter and some really great friends, you didn’t have a date to bring to that reunion, and you knew all those people would pick on you for old time’s sake because you didn’t have a date. “Hey, you okay? You seem stressed,” Charlie’s voice shakes you awake from your anxious thoughts about the reunion. You look up at him and offer him a nervous smile. Charlie Gillespie is your co-worker, and along with the rest of the Julie and The Phantoms team, one of your newest friends. Yes, you were on the writing team for Julie and The Phantoms, and you had just finished a table read for season 2. “Yeah, I just—there’s this high school reunion tonight and I really don’t want to go.” “Not a fan of high school?” he asks as he falls into step with you, the two of you walking out of the building. “Not at all…” he gives you a curious look, “Eh, they used to bully me because I was a writer and spent my time writing books instead of going out to parties or spending time with friends,” you give him the synopsis. Charlie doesn’t need to know about the nights you spend crying in your room or going to your therapist. You were close, just not that close. Besides, you’d rather forget about your past. “And now you’re a part of the writers’ team on a popular Netflix show?” he tries with a smile, but you just give him an unimpressed look. “Come on, Y/N! This is an opportunity to show them what you made of yourself! Brag a bit about how amazing a job you have!” You shrug, still not convinced. “I just don’t want to face them alone…” you mumble, staring at your moving feet when suddenly a thought pops into your head and you stop in your tracks, looking up at him. “Do you want to be my plus one?” He halts too, raising his eyebrows at you. “Nope, you’re right, that’s stupid!” You start walking again, Charlie following your example. “No. No, it’s not stupid. I just didn’t think you’d ask me?” “You’re one of my best friends here, Charlie. It’s just logical.” He smiles at that. He really has become your best friend since meeting him a couple months ago. “Okay! So, am I playing your boyfriend? Husband? Just a best friend?” You furrow your eyebrows at him, glaring at him questionably. “We could make something fun out of this, Y/N!” He’s almost bouncing off the walls with excitement. That’s the Charlie you know and love. “Okay… Uhm, let’s pretend you’re my boyfriend. I bet they wouldn’t expect the antisocial nerd to have a boyfriend.” The giggle that comes out of his mouth is too adorable to handle. “How did we meet?” he asks, making sure you got the story straight. “Uhm, here?” you suggest. He rolls his eyes at the obvious answer but goes with it. “Okay! Uhm, let’s – let’s say I fell for you when you bossily told me how I should say a line in the dialogue you wrote?” You nod your head slowly. That sounds kind of cute. “What was our first date?” “Uhm, I don’t know? Movie and dinner?” He scrunches his nose, shaking his head. “No, girl… Charlie Gillespie doesn’t do basic dates!” You chuckle at this, stopping in the hallway of the building to check out. “You like hiking, right?” You nod your head, signing your name on the paper at the front desk. “I took you on a hike on the Eagle Bluffs trail in Vancouver and we had a romantic picnic on the mountain with a gorgeous view over the Cabin Lake.” You nearly melt away at the thought of him taking you on a date like that. “That’s a cute date,” you tell him, impressed, and trying not to show what it’s really doing to you. “And I kissed you on that mountain top.” He raises an eyebrow as an amused smirk pulls at his lips. “No one at my school would ever think I’d be the one to take that step.” “And our first ‘I love you’s were accidental slip ups at work!” He sounds way too excited and he’s getting way too into this. “Like, I’d accidentally completely mess up the punch-line of the joke you wrote, and you’d get annoyed and angry, and then I accidentally said “Okay, sorry, thank you, I love you”.” You giggle at his ideas as the both of you exit the building together. “Anything else we need to discuss?” you ask, grabbing your car key. “Don’t think so…” he trails off, really mulling it over. “Oh! Is there a dress code?” “Yes! It’s formal,” you reply, hoping that wouldn’t be too much of trouble so last minute. He thinks about it for a moment, going through his own wardrobe in his mind. “What are you wearing?” he questions. “Not sure, a red dress, I think…” “You think?” “Yeah, I might change my mind if I don’t like it.” He nods his head understandingly. “What time does it start?” “Seven. It’s about fifteen minutes from my place.” “I’ll pick you up at twenty minutes before then,” he suggests. You nod your head in agreement, then say your goodbyes and go your separate ways. That night, Charlie’s eyes widen when you open the door in your red, tight-fitting bodycon dress with spaghetti straps. He’s not used to seeing you out of your comfy mom-jeans and T-shirts or sweaters. “Uh… Okay… First of all,” he gestures to your body, “Wow!” You laugh at him, feeling a blush creeping up your cheeks. “Second of all… WOW!” “It’s not too much?” you ask, shyly. “No! No! Not at all! I’m very glad I get to play the boyfriend of a goddess like you.” “Oh, shut it, Charlie!” you slap his chest playfully before grabbing your clutch and leaving your apartment. “You look pretty wow yourself, by the way,” you say, approving of the suit he’s wearing. He bashfully smiles as you exit the building. He opens every door for you, like a true gentleman. You’re pretty sure no one has ever done that for you before. You always thought it would be so cliché, but it’s actually really nice. “Hey, how far are we going to go with PDA?” he asks when he gets in behind the wheel. “You know, holding hands and stuff…” You blush a little at the thought alone. Being single for so long almost made you forget that was a part of it too. “Uhm… Just improvise,” you shrug. “You’re the actor after all.” You go over the story again with Charlie, making sure neither of you will forget and give everything away. “You ready?” he asks as you’re standing in front of your high school. Terrible memories flood back inside your mind, sending shivers down your spine. As if on automatic, you grab Charlie’s bicep for support – both moral and physical. “Let’s do this.” The two of you walk inside the school and find the gym where they’re holding the five-year reunion. The music’s blasting, lights are flickering, and people are mingling, reminiscing over their high school memories. You already spot a few people you know, but much rather not talk to. “If you ever feel overwhelmed and want to leave, just tell me, and we’re out of here,” he whispers in your ear. You can’t help but smile at his words. A true gentleman.   “Thanks, Charlie,” you whisper back. He takes you straight to the bar where he gets you your favorite beverage. “How’d you know?” you ask when he hands it over. “You always order a G&T at the crew parties,” he tells you nonchalantly. “How attentive of you,” you compliment with an endeared smile plastered on your face. This man keeps surprising you with the smallest thing, and it’s the cutest thing you’d ever witnessed. It gives you the feeling of being seen and appreciated and respected. For the first time in your life. “Oh my God! Y/N!” you hear the shrill voice of Ella, one of your classmates from back in the day. One of the biggest bullies from your senior year. “You look amazing! How are you doing?!” she grabs the hand your not holding your drink with and presses a kiss to your cheek. “Hi, Ella…” you greet, putting the fakest smile you can muster on your face. “I’m good! How are you?” Charlie watches you to find any sign of uncomfortableness. “I’m good! You know, recently engaged.” She shows you her hand, which is decorated with the shiniest, biggest diamond ring you’d ever seen. “Oh, wow!” you glance at Charlie, “Look, babe, she’s engaged!” If he’s surprised by the sudden pet name, he doesn’t show it. “Congratulations, Bella!” You know he’s butchering that name on purpose, and you have to try your hardest to stifle a laugh. “You have a boyfriend?” Ella asks, clearly bitter over either him butchering her name or you, having such an attractive boyfriend. “There’s nothing on Facebook about that?” she chuckles awkwardly. Charlie wraps a protective arm around your waist, pulling you closer towards him. “Uhm… Yeah… We’re keeping it lowkey, you know?” you reply as convincingly as possible. “He’s an actor, so…” you trail off, hoping that would impress her. Ella’s demeanor changes all of a sudden. She goes from total bitch to flirty bitch. “Really?” She twirls a strand of hair around her finger. “Y/N?” Another voice chimes in, this one belongs to Addison, Ella’s bestie. “Hey, Addie…” you greet, clutching your glass really hard. Charlie can feel you tensing up beside him and starts rubbing circles on your hip. “Y/N has an actor boyfriend,” Ella informs her. Addison’s eyes widen as they dart from you to Charlie and back. “How’d you meet?” Addison questions, intrigued by this entire story. The two of you glance at each other, trying to determine who’s going to tell the story. “At work, actually,” you start. “I’m on the writers team of the show he plays in.” “Yeah! She bossily told me how to deliver the line she wrote, and I’ve been in love with her ever since.” He looks down at you with the most endeared smile on his face that makes you melt like ice cream in the sun. “Aw! That’s adorable!” Addison clutches her heart as if it’s about to burst out of her chest. “When did you fall in love with him, Y/N?” You glance at Charlie for some assistance or some inspiration. “When he suggested that instead of a boring movie and dinner date, we’d go hiking together. I just knew he was the one for me at that moment.” You’re not going to lie, Charlie taking you on a hiking date would totally make you fall in love with him. Ella’s and Addison’s noses scrunch up in disgust. “Also…” she adds, then leans in closer to the girls to whisper, “His arms! The boy has guns, I tell you!” The two girls gasp, scanning Charlie entirely from head-to-toe. He snickers, then pulls you closer again. “You did not fall in love with me for my arms,” he tells you, shaking his head with an amused look on his face. You look up at him, eyebrow raised. “I do see you every day with those muscle tees, babe. You really think I wouldn’t swoon for that?” You couldn’t lie. Charlie’s arms were killer. But obviously not the only thing that made him attractive. “If you don’t mind, ladies. I’m going to take my lady for some food,” he nods towards the other side of the gym where food is stalled out into a banquet. Addison and Ella bid their goodbyes, and the two of you make your way to the catering. “I hate them with a passion,” you grumble as you take a plate to fill with canapes. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone as fake as them, and I’m an actor.” You giggle at his comment and reach for the mini-pizzas at the same time he does, your hands touch, making both of you freeze. “Sorry,” you both mumble, pulling away, flustered. “Hey, Y/N!” A voice you really didn’t want to hear sounds from behind me. “Kill me now,” you mumble, earning a worried look from Charlie. “Ex-boyfriend.” Charlie takes your plate from you and places it onto the table, leaving you a little confused. “Do you trust me?” he asks, hushed. “Yeah, wh—?” before you can finish your question, Charlie presses his lips to yours, pushing you gently against the wall behind you. You’re startled, at first, but then melt into the kiss as your stomach starts to do flips and turns. You didn’t realize until now that this is what you’ve wanted all along. You always wondered why your eyes always automatically darted to his lips. Now you know why. “Ooh! Get it, Y/N!” you hear your ex’s best friend shout. Nothing about high school has changed. Except now Charlie’s here. He pulls away and stares at you for a moment, equally as overwhelmed as you. “You want to get out of here?” he whispers. You simply nod your head, running your tongue across your bottom lip as though the taste of his lips is still there. Charlie grabs your hand and pulls you to the door of the gym. As you pass your ex and his friends, you offer them a wave of your slender fingers. For the first time in years, you feel powerful in this gym, like you can conquer the world. Charlie takes you into the hallway, and pushes you against the wall of lockers, kissing you again. You can’t help the smile tugging at your lips as your hands tug at his suit jacket. “I wanted to do that for so long,” he whispers when he pulls away for a second, pressing his forehead against yours and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “What do you mean?” you ask, keeping your voice down too. “You really think I made all of that up in there?” he chuckles. “I really did fall for you when you told me off about delivering that line wrong.” Your mouth drops open before your lips turn up into a surprised smile. “It was incredibly hot.” “And I do swoon every time I see you, by the way,” you admit for the first time to yourself. “And I would really love that first date you imagined for us.” “Good,” he replies, “Because I was going to ask you to go this weekend.” Your eyes widen, and Charlie notices a sparkle in them that he’s never seen before. “Thank you for tonight, Charlie,” you whisper, pushing a strand of hair from his forehead. He has that Patrick Swayze hair he had a couple of times in Season 1 of Julie and The Phantoms, the hairstyle you find way too attractive. “No, thank you.” He smiles down at you before connecting his lips to yours again in a deep, passionate kiss. Tonight, you not only conquered your dreadful past, but you also found the love of your life in your best friend. And you couldn’t possibly ask for more. This was a perfect night.
Taglist: @hannahhistorian92​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @thequirkybookaholic​ @parkeret​​ @lukeys-giggle​ @gingerxarmy​ @lovesanimals​ @bookdealer5​ 
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pastelwitchling · 3 years
Malex Happily Ever After chapter 114 sequel
Part One.
“Yeah,” Alex said into his phone, rubbing his eyes with his other hand. It was noon, but he hadn’t slept all night, consumed instead with his work at the base, his work in dismantling Project Shepherd, his breakup with Forrest, and his desire to talk to Michael about it all.
He had no idea why. It wasn’t like Michael was usually the epitome of comfort, but . . . Alex always thought, stupidly, that once Michael and Maria had ended things, and he and Forrest ended things, and they were both single again, that they would find their way back to each other. But Michael was keeping distance between them and smirking at Alex’s words every now and then, and it just felt a lot like being back where they started.
He plopped down on his couch and hung his head back to stare at the ceiling as Liz kept talking in his ear. She was saying a lot about the lab and bloodwork and finally finding Mr. Jones. Alex was tired, but he kept up fine. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the duffel bag lying halfway under the couch. The duffel bag he’d packed so many months ago when leaving and never coming back had felt like running away. He’d thrown in a few more things over the past year, and constantly found himself looking to it, just barely having forgotten that it was there.
He stopped listening to Liz, thinking about taking that duffel bag now, throwing it in his car, and just driving. It didn’t feel like running away anymore. He’d tried as hard as he could to be with Michael, and now he found himself along again, feeling worse than ever. Because now he knew Michael had loved somebody else. He knew Michael had tried, but not for him.
Alex pinched the bridge of his nose as Liz went on, ending with the question, “So you think you can come by and check it out?”
Alex shook his head. “Er – sorry, come where?”
“Michael’s bunker,” she said. “That’s where we’re testing the serum. No one’s studied the Project Shepherd reports like you have, I’m thinking if anyone can look at the side-effects of the serum and tell us whether or not they match what was done to the prisoners, then –”
“Right,” Alex shut his eyes, not wanting to hear any more about Project Shepherd and the horrible things they’d done. All the things that Michael was still punishing him for by keeping a distance. “I’m on my way.”
Alex did not move for several long minutes, staring instead at the duffel bag. He probably should’ve taken it and left, but hope was annoying that way, and even though a part of him still clung to the idea that he and Michael would end up together, the bigger part growled that if it was going to take this long, and force Alex to endure seeing Michael with anybody else for even a second, then maybe eventually ending up together just wasn’t worth it.
When he finally got to Michael’s bunker, he couldn’t help but remember when Michael had locked that door behind Alex the last time they’d argued in there. Michael never chased after him, and he was just so sick of waiting for him to do it.
He groaned inwardly and rubbed his eyes. Seriously, he thought. What was wrong with him today? He should just be glad the airstream was back in the junkyard. It had gotten really difficult avoiding the Wild Pony for a while.
He made it down the ladder easily enough, and tossed his backpack on the table next to where Michael was working. Michael looked up at him through his glasses and tilted his chin up in silent greeting. Alex was too tired to pretend like that was remotely satisfying, and without responding turned to Liz.
“Hey,” Liz said happily.
“Hi,” Alex crossed his arms. “What’d you want me to take a look at?”
“Well,” Liz handed him some reports, “we wrote down all of the results of the serum.”
“On whom, may I ask?” Alex raised his brow as he took them. “Who was your test subject this time? Max again?”
Instead of answering, Liz’s eyes traveled over to Michael who, until Alex turned to look at him, had been staring at Alex with a pinch in his brows. Alex’s shoulders sagged.
“Tell me you didn’t.”
He shrugged, his smirk humorless. His mask was up again. “We had to get results quick and I was already here.”
“I told you I didn’t want you being experimented on,” Alex argued.
“Mom did it,” he said. “Guess I wanted to see what the big deal was.”
Alex tensed, and Michael’s smirk fell away.
“Yeah, okay.” He took the last of the files and turned to leave.
“Alex, w-wait –”
“Do whatever you want, Guerin,” Alex said. “I’m done trying to talk you down.”
“Alex, come on!” But it was too late. Alex had made it up the ladder and patted his clothes down, heading over to his car. His jaw was clenched and his eyes burned and a suffocating weight sat on his chest, but he walked ahead.
Of course. Of course, Michael would ignore his concerns, of course he’d want to show Alex just how little value his words carried. You’re not her, so I don’t care what you ask me to do. You don’t matter as much as she did, so I don’t care if you worry. You’re not worth trying for, why would you be worth listening to?
“Stop, Private!” Michael caught his arm and turned him around. He still had his glasses on, but he was panting. Eager to ease his guilt, Alex knew, nothing more. When he saw Alex’s face, his own fell. “Are you – are you crying?”
“No,” Alex turned away, wiping his face furiously. Michael stood there, eyes wide, like he never expected to see Alex cry. Oh screw it. “Yes!” Another tear fell, and he didn’t bother wiping it away. “Okay? Yes, I’m crying.”
“B-Because I took a needle?”
“Oh, Guerin, no, it’s not just because of that!” He paced to the end of the airstream and back, then again. He looked up at Michael’s house, and couldn’t help but remember the way it sat so close to the Wild Pony. Because Michael just had to be close to Maria. Alex couldn’t remember Michael ever so much as following him two feet, but he followed Maria?
He came back to stand in front of Michael, his breaths short and painful. “I’ve had a bag ready since I found your damn airstream at the Wild Pony parking lot. I was going to go, and I wasn’t going to come back. I’ve had it ready since you started dating Maria, since Forrest and I broke up, and I still can’t bring myself to just take it and go. I was terrified something would happen to you if you put that damn crap in your veins, and I didn’t want you to end up like the prisoners in Caulfield. You ignored the one thing I asked you to do with a smile on your face like you think it’s funny that I’m scared, and I still can’t just pick up that stupid bag. It’s unfair, Guerin!”
His lower lip trembled, and he looked away, covering his eyes with his hand. “You can move on and love someone else so freaking easily, and I can’t, and it’s so unfair.”
They stood there for a long time, nothing but the wind whistling in their ears and Alex’s quiet cries. Liz seemed to have the good sense to stay in the bunker. Then Michael suddenly came up behind Alex, and wrapped his arms around him tightly.
“Baby,” Michael breathed against the shell of his ear. “I – I didn’t know, Alex,” he whispered, his voice full of pain. “I thought you didn’t care, I thought you wanted me to stay away. I – I was just holding onto easy, no one ever came close to you. I swear, I thought you didn’t want me anymore . . .��
Alex tried to process all of that. Michael sounded sincere, though maybe that was only because Maria had been the one to end things. That’s right, a bitter voice sounded. She ended things. Not him. After he told her he loved her. Then she ended it.
It occurred to Alex then that maybe Michael was holding onto him for a completely different reason.
A disbelieving, miserable chuckle left his lips, and Michael faltered. Alex brought Michael’s hands down. “Just stop it, Guerin,” he said hoarsely, his throat raw. “I already gave you my word that I’d help, I’m not going to stop just because I’m frustrated.” He shook his head, already walking back to his car. He had to get out of here. “You don’t have to pretend to care about me anymore. You’ll still get what you want.”
Before Alex could take in Michael’s shattered expression or read into it, he got in his car, turned it on, and drove away, needing to put as much distance between the man he loved and himself.
 Alex woke slowly to the sun just rising. He was surprised he’d made it up so late, but after working through the files last night, he’d passed out just at sunset. He supposed misery, anguish, and a couple of nights of no sleep in a row really put a person out.
He spotted the files on his desk and laid sideways on his bed for a while. He didn’t think he could get back into the nightmares of his family’s past before a good cup of coffee. He stuffed half his face into his pillow and thought of his conversation yesterday with Michael, how unwilling he’d been to eat or drink or do much of anything besides get to work and be useful afterwards. The memory robbed him of even his comfort in bed.
He forced himself up, and when he was washing up in the bathroom, he thought he heard a rustling somewhere outside, but when he turned the faucet off and listened, he didn’t hear anything. Deciding his exhaustion might be making him imagine things that weren’t there, Alex finished up, grabbed his crutches, and made himself a steaming cup of coffee.
He sat down on his couch and rested back, staring at the ceiling. Once again, his eyes fell to the duffel bag halfway hidden. He imagined, yet again, grabbing it now, getting in his car, and driving away without ever coming back. The thought did not make any part of him any happier than he felt now.
There was nothing but the tree branches rustling in the wind, the birds chirping to one another at the morning sun, wheels on gravel in his backyard –
Alex faltered in his thoughts and picked his head up, his brows pinched. He listened closely, and this time, there was no mistaking it; there was someone in his backyard.
“What the hell?” he murmured and set his coffee cup down before grabbing his crutches. He stepped into his backyard, not knowing what he would find (after all, Roswell was a small town, and people were usually good about not bothering military around here), and stopped.
There, behind his circular tables and chairs, was Michael’s airstream. Michael stepped out, wiping his hands on a towel, and smiled at Alex.
He came to stand a foot away from him, his hands twitching at his sides as if eager to reach out and touch. “Can I kiss you good morning?”
Instead of answering, Alex asked, “Guerin, what is this?”
Michael’s smile widened, and he took that as the permission he needed before he closed the distance between them, taking Alex’s face in his hands and kissing his lips both deeply and softly at the same time. He pulled away with a deep sigh, pressing their foreheads together, his eyes closed, as if he could finally breathe.
“I love you,” he whispered, letting his hands fall down Alex’s neck, his shoulders, his arms, and staying on his waist, gripping tightly. “I missed you so much.”
Alex’s eyes started to flutter, but before he could fall into whatever wonderland being around Michael pulled him into, he swallowed and took a step back.
“Why’s your trailer here?” he asked. “What’s going on?”
Michael looked like he hated the distance between them just as much as Alex did, the mask of humor and indifference he usually wore completely gone.
“After Forrest,” he said, “I thought . . . I thought you were better off without me. I thought you wouldn’t want me when you’d already had someone . . . better.” He came closer to Alex, pleading with him to understand. “Alex, I thought you wanted me to stay away. And I was so terrified that I would get too close, and you would hate me, and tell me to leave and not come back. So I stayed a safe distance, and I hated every second of it.”
Alex shook his head. “Why?” he said, his voice breaking despite himself. “Why’d you try so hard for her?”
“It wasn’t for her,” Michael urged. “It was for me. I needed . . . easy. I needed not that bad. I had no idea what I was doing, I acted like Max, I . . .” he shook his head. “Private, I don’t even know who that person was. The only time I felt like myself, like I could actually be myself and still be loved was when I was with you.”
Michael huffed a shaky chuckle, and roughly wiped his face with one hand. “Besides,” he said, “I left that parking lot the next day.” He looked over his shoulder at his airstream as it sat beside Alex’s things, and smiled with such sincerity that Alex hadn’t seen on his face in too long. He looked back at Alex with bright eyes. “But I think this looks good here. Don’t you?”
Alex looked from the airstream to Michael, and he huffed a chuckle. A tear rolled down his cheek, and he sniffed and wiped it away. “I just needed you to show up at my front door.”
Michael laughed, pulling Alex in against him and hugging him tightly. As he buried his face in the crook of Alex’s neck, Alex took his chance to press his face to Michael’s shoulder and inhale his scent.
“I want to do more than show up,” Michael said against his skin. “I want to stay, Alex. I want to stay, please let me stay.”
Alex hugged Michael so closely that nothing could’ve fit between their bodies. He felt Michael’s heart race, Michael’s lips against his neck, Michael whimpering under his breath as he desperately pulled them closer and closer together.
Alex whispered, “Stay, Guerin. I want you to stay.”
If you enjoyed reading, even just a little bit, please comment and share/reblog, it always makes the world of a difference ❤
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themandhoelorian · 4 years
Dincember - December 4: Hot Chocolate
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summary: Mando has unique ways of showing his affection for his son, like getting him hyper on too many cups of hot chocolate, but it’s only after a long day of bringing the kid down from his sugar high that you realize Mando has similar ways of showing how much he cares for you.
pairing: din djarin (the mandalorian) x gn!reader
warnings: a caffeine addiction, sleep deprivation, the smallest sexual innuendo, Din being sweeter than hot chocolate, not super well edited ahaha
word count: 3.2k 
a/n: asdfghkldf this is so so late but this week has been long and exhausting (no this fic was definitely NOT me projecting), and I haven’t had as much time as I’d like to write :/. I’m not even really sure this makes sense, but that’s kind of how my brain works when it’s exhausted, so hopefully on some level that’s accurate ahaha 
You never understood the appeal of caf until you joined Mando’s crew. 
The first time someone offered you a cup, that one day you showed up to the tiny mechanic shop of your first job with bags under your eyes, complaining about how little sleep you’d gotten the night before, you thought you’d been handed a steaming cup of motor oil by accident instead. 
The dark liquid felt like lava on the roof of your mouth, leaving the taste of bitter ash on your tongue as you willed sip after sip down your throat. It did pull you out of the sleep-deprived fog, but it was more of a jolt in the opposite direction than a gentle tug, your body shooting into overdrive and hands shaking so intensely you burned your fingers on your soldering iron more times than you could count that day. 
After that, you tried to stay away from caf as much as possible. No matter how little you’d slept the night before, how often you were caught staring blankly at the wall instead of untangling a mess of wires, you always refused when you saw a mug of hellfire coming your way. The acrid taste, the jitters, none of it was worth enduring when you just had to make it to closing before you could go home and sleep away the fatigue. 
But now, your full time job is taking care of a child, and every night is a night with too little sleep. You spend your days trying to wrangle a warm, mischievous demon into compliance instead of just manipulating cold scraps of metal, and the kid doesn’t have “closing hours”- not with how violently he reacts to the notion of bedtime- so there’s never a sweet finish line to look forward to at the end of the day. 
You thought you’d known exhaustion before, felt it heavy on your shoulders those months you worked overtime to make ends meet, but that was light years away from what you feel now. The black hole of sleep consumes you as soon as you get the chance to lie down, and when you inevitably wake to the sound of cries a few hours later, it feels like the weight of the galaxy is crushing your lungs, making it nearly impossible to crawl back out of bed.
So after just a few weeks on the Crest, after that one day when you accidentally dozed off watching the kid play and woke to find him sticking a finger into the barrel of a blaster (thankfully Mando had the sense not to keep his weapons loaded on the ship or Maker, that could’ve ended badly), you bought a caf maker on the next planet and forced yourself to chug a cup every morning since.
The taste still sucks, no matter how much cream you’ve tried mixing in, but it doesn’t make you jittery like it used to, the caffeine just enough to keep you awake, and now you don’t know how you ever took care of the little womp rat without it, especially on the days when Mando returns from his hunts and the child bursts with energy to welcome his father home.
Even if it’s only been a couple days since Mando left, you’d think he’d been gone for months with the way they act at seeing each other again. The kid’s just downright ecstatic, dropping whatever part he’s playing with as soon as he hears the hiss of the hull opening and babbling excitedly as he runs into his father’s arms. He’ll follow Mando’s every move for at least an hour after he’s returned, and sometimes, you have to literally pry him from the beskar so Mando can retreat to the cockpit and set the course to the next planet.
And then there’s Mando. He’ll look stoic as ever as he takes the child into his arms, but you can feel how eager he is to reunite with his son, his affection all but spilling out the sides of his armored chest. He’ll never admit it, of course, you’re not sure he’d even be able to find the words to say it if he wanted to, but he finds other ways to show the kid how much he missed him, how deeply he cares about his little foundling.
More often than not, those methods include spoiling the child to no end, giving into the kid’s every desire and providing him with a few moments of pure, unrestrained joy. And more often than not, you’re left with the not-so-simple task of dealing with the consequences of giving the child his every wish, easing him down from the euphoric high and re-establishing that he absolutely cannot expect that kind of indulgence with anyone but his father.
Like one time, Mando stayed awake with him all night long, conceding five more minutes every time the kid whined when he was told it was time for bed. Five minutes quickly turned into hours as they watched the bright mosaic of hyperspace go by, the kid so happy to just sit in Mando’s lap while he spoke in the soothing tones of his people’s tongue. You were only able to pull the child from his father’s arms in the early hours of the morning, all three of you only half conscious at that point, and you spent several cycles trying to get the kid (and yourself) back on a normal sleep schedule.
Or like today, when Mando returned this morning while it was still dark outside, and you woke to the smell of cocoa and peppermint what felt like mere minutes after you’d fallen asleep. When you finally pulled yourself from the bunk, you found Mando sitting next to the child as they sipped on steaming liquid, his helmet tilted back just enough for him to bring the mug to his lips. 
He made the kid hot chocolate, you realized from the way the child threw back his bowl so quickly he left milky brown splotches on his face. Of course. Mando had made a habit of bringing sweets back for his son after he’d once gotten his hands on a chocolate bar you’d splurged on in the market, nearly bouncing off the walls with glee as he devoured the entire thing in seconds. That was a memorable day for all of you: the kid found his new favorite snack, Mando found another way to indulge the child, and you found out that when the kid has sugar in his system, you need caf more than water to survive the day.
So it’s no surprise that several hours and a couple more servings of hot chocolate later, long after Mando’s gone to the cockpit to fly to the next planet, you’re chasing the tiny ball of energy around the hull, running on nothing but an unhealthy amount of caf mixed with a little bit of spite, worried you might collapse before the sugar-fueled monster falls asleep.
You have half a mind to be mad at Mando for getting the kid so hyped up on the decadent drink and inevitably making your job that much harder, but you can’t get the image of them together this morning out of your head, Mando dabbing the mess from the child’s face as giggles bubbled from his tiny mouth. The memory’s shaded with the golden haze of dawn, like those dreams that feel warm and familiar, and you can feel your heart swell re-imagining that moment of perfect bliss, father and son so content just to be with each other and the sweetness in their cups.
And oh, you know you could never be upset at Mando for indulging the kid, creating those little pockets of warmth in a life filled mostly by cold, dead space, no matter how much more work it makes for you. Not when you know that he savors those moments as much as the child, that the days he’s back with his son are the only times he doesn’t have to be tough and menacing and deadly, the Crest the only place he doesn’t have to armor up his feelings just as much as his body.
You’re willing to reign in the kid, be the tough one on the ship, if it means Mando can show his son the softness that lies beneath the beskar, tuck away the sharp edges when he holds the little green menace in his lap. You’re willing to lose weeks of sleep course-correcting after each indulgence if it means he can let the honey of his love ooze thick and messy before he’s off to the next quarry and has to lock his affection behind iron walls again. You’re even willing to drink all the caf in the galaxy, let cup after cup burn bitter down your throat, if it means he can have a moment of peace sipping hot chocolate with his son at the break of dawn. 
You’re more than willing, happy even, to do all that and more for him, especially if it means you can catch glimpses of the man behind the guise of “Mando” in the process, a man whose heart you’ve found yourself wondering more and more about lately, wondering if it might one day beat strong and steady for you the same way it does for the kid.
So no, you’re not mad at Mando, not in the slightest. It’s more that right now you’re worried you might not be physically able to do those things for him, the shorter than usual night of sleep catching up with you faster than you can fight it off with caf. You’re pretty sure it stopped working after your third cup anyway, the additional caffeine just making you dizzy and no more energized, and you don’t know how much longer you can keep up with the child’s pace. You’ve played peekaboo and thrown around his favorite silver ball and even tried to show him how to rewire an old generator (not that you had any luck with that), and he still hasn’t crashed from his sugar high. 
You have no idea what else to do to keep the child busy, and Maker, you’re just so kriffing tired right now, so you’ve resorted to leaning against the door of the weapons closet, floating in that hazy space on the brink of consciousness, using what little of your energy remains to make sure he at least won’t get his hands on a blaster again. 
You’re not even completely sure what the kid’s doing right now, just know he’s somewhere on the other side of the hull, and you can only hope that Mando doesn’t come down here and find you and the kid like this. The last thing you want to do is make him worry, doubt how much you care about his son’s well being, but it’s like he can feel your exhaustion radiating through the ship because the next thing you know, the heavy echoes of his boots fill the hull as he descends the ladder from the cockpit. 
You will yourself to sit up straighter as you hear his footsteps getting louder, locate the child before Mando can, but your body is working on a little bit of a lag, and by the time you actually open your eyes, Mando’s walking past you, the child snoring softly in his arms.
Of course he fell asleep as soon as you took eyes off of him, the little monster.
Mando doesn’t say anything as he tucks the child into his makeshift bed before striding back to the other side of the hull, and some faraway part of your brain tells you to explain yourself or apologize or say kriffing anything at this point, but the inky gravity of sleep is pulling you in deeper with each passing moment, and you can’t be bothered to speak when your eyes are threatening to droop shut again. 
They must have at some point because you don’t remember seeing Mando approach you, but somehow he’s in front of you now, holding a mug out in front of your face. Maker, you must’ve drifted off, long enough for him to decide you needed some help staying awake and make you a cup of caf, and as you reach for it instinctively, bringing the cup to your lips in the trained motion, you can’t decide if it’s just as a thoughtful gesture or a thinly veiled warning for you to actually do your job.
You hum as the warm liquid coats your tongue, deliciously silky and slightly sweet, and it’s only when you swallow, the milky substance gliding down your throat, that you realize-
“This isn’t caf,” you mumble, looking up from the mug to meet Mando’s gaze.
“I never said it was.”
You just stare at him wordlessly, trying to figure out why he made you hot chocolate when it’s not going to make you any more functional. You have no idea how long you sit there thinking, too far gone to even understand the concept of time right now, but it must be a while because he breaks the silence first with a sigh.
“Cyar’ika, you have to stop drinking that crap. It’s not good for you.”
“Need it,” you respond, almost too quickly considering how long it took you to answer him before. Apparently the only thing you can understand in this groggy fog is your caf addiction. “Gonna fall asleep if not.”
“You’re about to anyway. Come on, you need to sleep.”
For some reason you giggle at that, unable to stop the laughter rising through your chest. He’s right, of course, but it just seems so damn funny right now that Mando, who has told you he rarely sleeps when he’s away, who you’ve never seen rest for more than an hour at a time, is telling you that you’re the one that needs sleep.
“You sleep even less than me, Mando. You can’t talk,” you accuse.
He jerks his helmet back in something like disbelief, and you can’t stop yourself from giggling again.
“Well I’m not the one falling asleep on the floor right now,” he counters.
“That’s fair,” you admit. You take a few more sips of the hot chocolate, closing your eyes in pleasure as the warmth floods your veins. Maybe it’s just because you’re so used to the sharp bite of caf, but the sugary drink feels so good, like something comforting and familiar though you can’t quite place your finger on where you recognize it from. It’s almost like you’re wrapped up in the thickest blanket or, even better, by strong arms as you’re lulled to sleep, and you’re not sure that’s what you were thinking of, but you realize that’s exactly what you want right now. 
And then your stupid, half-conscious brain decides to ask for it in the worst way possible.
“How about this, I’ll sleep if you sleep with me.”
You only catch how kriffing suggestive it sounds as the words come tumbling out of your mouth, but then all at once, you’re utterly aware of how much you’ve been embarrassing yourself. First getting caught falling asleep on the job and then accidentally making a very blunt pass at your boss, and Maker, you’re just a whole ass mess today aren’t you? Suddenly you feel very awake, your eyes going wide as you stumble over your words trying to backtrack as quickly as possible.
“Oh stars, I didn’t mean sleep with me, that’s definitely not what I, well, not that I wouldn’t…no, I just- I do need sleep but so do you, even if you’re not actually falling asleep right now, so I was just gonna say that we should both-”
But then your rambling is cut off by a chuckle coming from the modulator, his voice light and playful in a way you’ve never heard before.
If you weren’t so kriffing worried about what he was thinking about you right now, you might’ve thought it was the sweetest thing you’ve ever heard.
“I know what you meant, cyar’ika,” he says. 
Oh, thank Maker, you think, waves of something like relief washing warm over your body. You’re not quite sure how he can understand what it is you want when you can’t even articulate it yourself, but your brain is still too foggy to care, deciding it doesn’t really matter how he knows you so well, just that he does.
Mando eases the mug from your hands, the worn leather of his gloves brushing lightly over your knuckles. You whine in protest as he steals the liquid comfort from your fingers, but it’s quickly replaced by his hands wrapping around yours to help you off the ground.
“I’ll make you more tomorrow,” he assures you, his voice as velvety as the drink he just took from your grasp. “But now, we need to sleep.”
We, not you. 
You barely catch the distinction as he leads you to the bunk while his thumb rubs soothing circles on your lower back, but it just leaves you even more confused in your sleepy daze. You didn’t think he was actually going to entertain your suggestion, even if he did take it in the more innocent way, and when you crawl into the bunk and he doesn’t follow, you think maybe you just misheard him.
But as you close your eyes, your exhaustion starting to pull you away from reality again, you hear the clang of metal on metal behind you, and a gentle tap on your calf halts your descent into the stillness of sleep as Mando climbs into the bunk next to you.
It’s only after he shuts the door, when your body is pressed to his so you both fit in the tiny space, that you realize he’s taken his armor off, the first time he’s ever done so in front of you. You can’t see him at all in the darkness of the bunk, you’re not sure you could even open your eyes again at this point anyway, but even in your delirium you can grasp the weight of how vulnerable he’s making himself right now, letting you run your fingers lazily across the tight muscles of his bicep and rest your head against his broad chest.
And once again, you’re overcome by the feeling of something pleasant and vaguely familiar, your heart swelling the same way it did when you first saw Mando and the child this morning, the same warmth in your veins as the first sip of hot chocolate. You couldn’t quite place it before, but for some reason, as you listen to the way his heart beats strong and steady against you, you think you finally recognize it, the way Mando’s been making you feel all day, the reason he knew exactly what you needed before you could even realize it yourself.
It’s just a hazy flash in the moment before the black hole of sleep finally consumes you, an inkling of a breakthrough you may or not remember tomorrow, but you think this feeling, the acrid taste of caf replaced by smooth chocolate on your tongue, a strong body turned soft as it’s molded to yours, has a four letter name you thought you and Mando only saved for the child.
Maybe that’s why you’re learning to use it for each other too.
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asthmark · 4 years
❝ stuck ❞ l.dh
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request → “Hi~ I'm absolutely in love with your work. It makes me so soft uwu. I was wondering if you could write a Haechan one similar to the roommate Jeno one you wrote. About what it's like to just live with him” —@demiwizardstay​
pairing → demon!haechan, reader, guardianangel!mark
word count → 4.5k
a/n → whoops i made this into a demon!haechan au hahaha sorry i hope this is domestic enough for u tho :D
your eyes must be playing tricks on you.
there’s no other reasonable explanation. 
on the other hand, the shadow splayed out ever so comfortably on your couch seems to be very real. it must be just as aware of your presence as you are of its but to your surprise, it isn’t telling you to put your hands where it can see them or demanding to know where all your most valuable items are. it sits there, peacefully as if it owns the place. for a split second you consider the possibility that you walked into the wrong apartment but the key in your hand reminds you that the situation you are in is not your fault in any way. 
“so... are you gonna scream or just stand there?”
the figure’s voice is unmistakably masculine and drips with sass. you know you should feel scared. your heart should be pounding as your shaky fingers dial 911 and you hysterically report an intruder to the authorities and beg them to come fast. however, it seems that this stranger’s calm aura has rubbed off on you as you respond with an equally as unbothered tone.
“well, i would appreciate it if you invited me in.” you pause. “oh wait, it’s my apartment.”
with that, you step inside and go about your regular routine with a calmness you didn’t know you possessed; especially when there was an… unwelcome visitor lounging on your sofa. despite that, you kick off your shoes and toss your jacket somewhere on the floor like you normally would. you twirl your keys around your fingers as you go to turn to flick on the light switch. it rids you of the darkness that had settled upon your apartment and the stranger is completely revealed to you.
the first thing you notice about them is their sun kissed skin that’s littered in the freckles you would compare to the most captivating constellation. although, the stranger’s flawless complexion is the least of your worries considering the two horns that peek out from underneath their tufts of brunette hair. 
you physically restrain yourself from asking for his skin routine and instead opt for yet another sarcastic comment. “all ready for halloween, i see.” your eyes lock onto the appendages, choosing to ignore how realistic they were. “was party city having a sale?”
your comment seems to get your uninvited guest out of his daze as he scoffs. “are you kidding?”
“hey, this is my place, i ask the questions,” you scold.
he ignores you, instead going to tug on his horns. “these are all real, baby.”
you force yourself to maintain eye contact with him, waiting for him burst into laughter and tell you it was all a prank. instead, his unfaltering smug gaze pierces into you. you swear you stop breathing when his eyes flash bright red for a second.
“alright, you can tell the camera crew to come on out.” you glance around hoping this really was just some sort of hidden camera–practical joke type of thing. you half expect ashton kutcher jump out and tell you that you had gotten punk'd but you’re never granted that privilege. your eyes end up back on the boy lounging on your sofa and he returns the stare, eyes narrowed and mouth curved into a smirk.
it was almost… devilish. 
“oh my god.”
“not quite.” he finally stands, stretching his limbs out without a care in the world. “wanna try again?”
you stay silent, mouth slightly agape. there was only one other explanation. 
he’s satan. and he’s also in your living room. and the worst part was how undeniably hot he is.
you regret giving him the satisfaction of your stunned silence as it seems like that was the exact reaction he wanted. he laughs at your expression and it just sounds evil. 
“alright, alright. i’ll tell you what i am. but only because you mortals are always so cute when you’re scared.”
“i’m not scared, you idiot,” you interject without a second thought. “i just didn’t know i’d be selling my soul today. it’s a total bummer. i’m so young, i still have so much to do. i never even got around to trying yoga with ryujin!”
the boy’s eyebrows furrow in confusion. “your soul? did i say i wanted your soul?”
“well, you’re like, satan right? isn’t that what you do?”
he rolls his eyes. “i’m obviously a demon. satan is a loser who never leaves his fiery throne. which, by the way, isn’t as cool as it sounds. we’re not on the best terms at the moment.”
“so... you don’t want my soul?”
he shakes his head vigorously, looking disgusted at the mere idea of it. “what would i even do with it?”
“i don’t know. honestly i’m just going off of what i see in the movies.”
“that was your first mistake, baby.” he makes his way closer to you. “this isn’t the movies.”
“okay, back it up,” you say, attempting to put some distance between you and him.
he raises his hands in defeat as he obeys, retreating back to your couch. 
“why are you here of all places? shouldn’t you be sipping on a piña colada with satan right now?”
he crosses his legs nonchalantly. “like i said, we aren’t on speaking terms. in fact, i’m kind of… banned.”
“banned?” you echo. “from where?”
“hell? duh.” 
you scowl at his attitude. “it’s not my fault you’re on timeout.”
he pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. “don’t call it that. it’s just a punishment.”
“same thing,” you say, making your way into the kitchen. you weren’t sure if leaving a demon unattended in your living room was the best idea but the initial shock had already worn off. besides, it seemed like he had been in your apartment for a while already. “what did you do anyway?”
“it’s not even that bad,” he grumbles.
“must have been if you got kicked out of hell.” you chuckle to yourself as you open up your pantry, looking for something to stuff your face with. “do you understand how bad you must be if even the devil himself can’t stand you?” 
“i’m not bad, per se,” he says, picking at his nails. “just a little annoying.”
“no kidding,” you grumble to yourself, rummaging through your pantry, in pursuit of your favorite snack. you were sure everything would make more sense once you got some food in your system. when all you find is an empty, crumpled bag where your chips had once been, you whine loudly. “did you eat all my hot cheetos?”
“they reminded me of home!”
“i can see why they kicked you out,” you retort. 
“listen, i get that this is an inconvenience—”
“that’s kind of an understatement.”
“but, this is the only place i can stay. turns out people freak out when you appear in their living rooms. you were the only one that didn’t.”
“yeah, people usually don’t take too kindly to that—hold on, did you say stay?”
he crosses his arms over his chest. “where else am i supposed to go?”
“anywhere but here.”
he gives you an unamused stare, his eyes glinting red once again. 
“i mean, don’t you have any demon friends you can stay with?”
“not here. we avoid earth at all costs. it’s trashy. that’s why this is a punishment.” 
not even you can argue with that. “understandable. well, how long are you gonna be here?” 
“don’t know.” 
you blink at him. “so… you’re planning to crash with me until satan decides to be your friend again?” 
he groans. “first of all, he’s never been my friend. second of all, yes, that was the plan i had in mind when i broke into your house.” 
“broke in?” 
“well, actually i used teleportation powered by the dark arts to get in but i don’t think your tiny human brain is ready for that conversation.” 
“and i don’t think it’d be in your best interest to insult the person you’re currently trying to move in with.” 
that seems to shut him up, as he purses his lips together and stares at you blankly. 
“listen, if we’re going to do this, there’s gotta be some ground rules, okay?” 
he stays silent so you decide to continue. 
“you have to pull your own weight around here. you might be some powerful being of the underworld but that doesn’t mean you get out of laundry day and doing dishes, got it?” 
he seems displeased, if the frustrated huff of air he lets out is anything to go by. 
“and you have to promise me that by staying here you aren’t putting me in any kind of danger.” 
“well, i can’t guarantee i won’t cause problems,” he says, raking his fingers through the hair in between his sharpened horns. “but i can protect you from whatever crap comes our way.” 
you contemplate it. you weren’t entirely sure what a demon like him was capable of but it seemed like it would be a list that was equally lengthy as it was impressive. yet, you still can’t bring yourself to agree to anything. 
as if he senses your apprehensive nature, he grabs your chin, forcing you to look into his hazelnut eyes. you only get to admire the warm tint for a split second before his eyes flash red yet again. they stay glowing longer than any of the previous times; long enough for you to notice how shiny and bright they are, reminding you of ripe cherries. 
“i promise.” 
the tone of his voice is surprisingly firm and definitely the most serious you’ve heard him the entire night. he retreats his hand from you and you find yourself leaning forward, almost craving his touch. his eyes go back to their original hue and you feel yourself regain your senses. 
“what did you just do?” you ask, leaning back from him. “what kind of dark magic was that?”
he tries to conceal his smile but ultimately fails, his pearly whites coming onto display. “that wasn’t magic, baby. i believe you just got lost in my eyes but don’t worry. i would too.” 
you let out a bitter laugh. “oh my god, you’re vain.” 
“do you mortals have to mention him every five seconds?” he chides, grimacing. 
it takes you a moment to realize who he’s referring to but when you do, you erupt in laughter. “really? that gets to you? you’re pretty sensitive for a big and bad demon.” 
“i have a name, baby.” 
“so do i.” 
his lips curve into a coy smile. “donghyuck.” 
you give him your name in response, not even bothering to think about it twice, much to your surprise. most would probably be more hesitant to introduce themself to a demon, much less invite them into their home. 
yet here you were, doing both. 
he offers you nothing more than a grin—it seemed more genuine than the last—before turning on his heel to make his way farther into your apartment. “so, where will i be sleeping? i was thinking your bed would be ideal.”
“well, i was thinking you could start with a thank you,” you suggest, trailing after him. 
he saunters down the hallway, twisting the knob of the door second to the left and peeking in. you can only imagine how much snooping around he had done before you had arrived, judging by the fact that he maneuvered your home so expertly. 
he hums as he scans the room as if it’s the first time (which you’re sure it’s not). “it looks comfortable enough for the two of us.” 
you can tell there’s no arguing with him, especially as he steps inside and sits himself on the edge of your bed, hands running over the soft fabric of your comforter. he bounces up and down a couple times, seeming satisfied enough with the mattress. 
in the blink of an eye, he’s underneath the heaps of blankets, tucked in snuggly. 
you exhale, trying to maintain patience. “i can tell this whole dark magic thing is going to be a problem for me.”
even though only his eyes peek out from beneath the polyester sheets, you’re positive he’s wearing an obnoxious smirk. his voice comes out slightly muffled when he answers, “think of it as a blessing, not a curse.”
“we’ll see.” you try to suppress a yawn but it manages to escape you, eyes squinting and your hand clamping over your mouth. “right now, i gotta sleep. hopefully i’ll wake up tomorrow and realize this was all a dream.”
“so, what you’re implying is that i’m a dream?”
“i meant to say nightmare.”
“that’s more accurate.”
as if the dazed tone of his voice didn’t give his sleepiness away, donghyuck’s drowsy eyes and horns sinking into the soft plush of your pillow certainly did. he looked the least threatening right then and there and you decide that this is the donghyuck you like best. you can’t help the sudden urge you feel to curl up in bed right next to him and doze off into blissful unconsciousness. 
“what are you waiting for? get in here.”
could demons read minds too? you can’t be bothered to think about it for another second before you take donghyuck’s very tempting offer and crawl into your bed. you don’t care that you’re not in your pajamas or that you smell like coffee beans, courtesy of the cafe you worked at.
all you can seem to focus on is the feeling of donghyuck’s soft breath against your neck and his oddly cute snores. it was ironic; a demon all cuddled up beside you, sleeping like a baby. you almost giggle at the striking comparison. 
needless to say, you fall asleep with a smile on your face.
“you know, it really pisses me off to come home and see you sitting in the exact same position you were in when i left.”
donghyuck rolls his eyes, an expression he’s mastered over time. “what else am i supposed to do? you made it pretty clear that you hate my demonic rituals and that’s kind of my speciality.”
you shrug as you kick your shoes off upon entering your shared apartment. “i don’t know. but binging the entire marvel movie saga can’t possibly be healthy.”
“we don’t have this in hell!” donghyuck exclaims, gesturing to the television his eyes remained glued on. 
“well, you should get used to life on earth considering you don’t know how long you’re gonna be stuck here.”
“i’m already on it. pop culture is actually really informative.”
“not what i meant. i was thinking more along the lines of a job.”
donghyuck finally tears his eyes away from the television to give you an unamused stare. “that’s really funny, y/n.”
“i’m serious! would it kill you to get off the sofa?”
“no. nothing would. i’m immortal, remember?”
you narrow your eyes. “oh yeah, almost forgot. you’re gonna be a bother to me forever and ever.”
“this isn’t the ideal situation for me either. but no need to torture me with low life mortal tasks.”
“bills gotta be paid, it’s a part of life,” you respond, taking a seat beside him. “or else we’ll both be breaking into people’s houses and begging them to move in.”
“i didn’t beg, alright? and i didn’t break in either! i simply...  appeared.”
“that’s even worse.”
“you didn’t seem to mind when you were all snuggled into me this morning.”
donghyuck’s words paired with his taunting tone cause you to feel slightly warm but you ignore it for the sake of a comeback. “you seemed comfortable yourself because when my alarm for work went off your arm was pretty tight around me.”
you swear you see him pout for a moment. “that’s not my fault! there aren’t many people open to cuddling in hell! i was just… seizing the opportunity.”
“since you’re all about opportunities, you should really look into that job. remember what we agreed on? no slacking off.”
“i’m not! just look in the kitchen!”
you know whatever it is, you’re not prepared for it. nevertheless, you tiptoe to said area, hoping your roommate had simply followed instructions and done the dishes and swept. but, of course, that itself is too much to ask as you watch the sink overflow with suds, plates and silverware scrubbing themselves clean and floating into their respective cupboards. a broom dances across the tiled floor, dust flying everywhere. you find that the mess in your kitchen resembles a train wreck; you want to look away but you just can’t. 
you call out to donghyuck, eyes still trained on the chaos before you, asking, “what did we say about rituals?”
“it’s a little more complicated than a ritual, baby!”
once you finally gather enough willpower to walk away from the kitchen and whatever is happening in it, you return to the living room, placing yourself in front of the television that donghyuck is so entranced in. 
“you’re coming with me to work tomorrow, got it?”
donghyuck groans for a second before rolling his eyes dramatically hard. “fine. now, can you move? the avengers are about to fight thanos.”
you comply, retreating to your bedroom but not before shouting back, “iron man dies!”
you shut your door, donghyuck’s frustrated screeching still coming through loud and clear.
your phone alerts you that it’s 6 am by playing an alarm so loud donghyuck falls out of bed. comically enough, it’s the loud thump! that comes when donghyuck makes contact with the floor that really gets your eyes to flutter open. you peek over the edge of the bed, every bit of grogginess leaving your body the second you see your roommate tangled in your sheets, limbs sprawled on the ground. 
“are you okay?” you ask, laughter lacing your words.
“doing just fine,” he mumbles in response. soon thereafter, his eyes shut once again.
“hey! no way are you going back to sleep, we have work!” 
you drag yourself out of bed over to where donghyuck lays, attempting to resume his peaceful slumber. you grab his arms, attempting to hoist him up. you’re almost positive he’s making it more difficult than it should be as he lets his body go completely limp in your grasp. when you finally get him standing upright, he smiles lazily at you, obviously still half asleep. 
“c’mon dork, you need to get ready. you’re gonna make some cash today!”
donghyuck makes it clear he understands nothing as the morning progresses.
he doesn’t get the importance of being on time or even working in the first place. he offers to just take out your landlord, which according to him will “solve all your problems”, more times than you count and you’re sure that if he mentions it one more time you’d actually consider it. he also claims he doesn’t understand the concept of a shower, asking you to help him out, yet the knowing smile on his face lets you know he’s more than well aware of what it entails. unfortunately, you realize this after spending more time than you’d care to admit explaining the concept of getting naked to him in a tight, confined space to him only for him to request a demonstration. 
upon leaving your apartment, more new things are revealed to donghyuck. you can’t help but admire the wonder and awe in his eyes. the adoration quickly wears off when he throws a temper tantrum at the subway station, refusing to board it and you have to physically force him on and promise that no, he won’t get trapped inside.
despite the slight bumps in the road, you arrive at your shift with time to spare. the clock tells you that you won’t have to be behind the counter for another five minutes so you grab your apron and provide donghyuck with one too. you give him quite possibly the quickest tour of the cafe ever and explain to him over five times what you were there to do (“so, we just take people’s orders? we serve them?” “and they pay for it.” “just when i thought it couldn’t possibly get dumber”). you end putting him on cleaning duty since you were well aware of his lack of social skills. he frowns when you tell him he has to do it himself, no magic allowed. the last thing you needed was someone getting nearly knocked over by a levitating broom and bringing it to your manager’s attention. speaking of—
“good morning, y/n,” greets doyoung. his hair is slicked back and his eyes shine, as always. “always a pleasure to see you on your shift.”
donghyuck watches you cautiously, observing the way you smile nervously and avoid meeting doyoung’s eyes. he assumes he has some kind of authority over you. 
“and hello there. who might you be?”
doyoung is now very aware of donghyuck’s presence, giving him a wide smile but a menacing stare. you don’t get a word out before donghyuck’s giving him a polite smile and nod of his head.
“i was just hired, y/n is showing me the ins and outs. i honestly could not be happier working under leaders like you, sir.”
doyoung hums, obviously enjoying donghyuck’s praise enough to let it blind him from the fact that you hadn’t even been hiring in the first place. “sir, huh? haven’t heard that one before.” 
donghyuck holds his breath, wondering if he had overdone it.
“i like it. you seem like a hard working fellow. glad to have you on the team.” your boss gives him a firm pat on the back before walking away, probably to go scare some other employees. 
donghyuck sticks his tongue out at him once his back is turned and you simply laugh, smile still present on your face when your first customer arrives.
“i’m here!”
you glance up from the cash register to catch your coworker rushing in, looking frazzled… as always.
“hey mark,” you greet, giving him a welcoming smile. “i’m so glad you’re here. there’s been this crazy demand for frappuccinos all day and you know i suck at those.”
mark chuckles as he ties on his apron. “no offense, but the only order you should be taking are the puppuccinos.”
you shoot him the most non-threatening glare possible which ends up with you bursting into a fit of laughter. “i’m not even gonna argue with that.”
“hypothetically, if i made doyoung’s coffee explode on him but made sure he didn’t know, would you be mad?”
you roll your eyes at donghyuck’s bold entrance yet you still giggle. “at this point, i say go for it. ooh, maybe we could even sneak out while he’s cleaning it up. what do you say, mark?”
where there would usually be a giddy laugh, there’s nothing but silence on your coworkers behalf. you put a pause on counting the money in the register to steal a glance at mark who’s eyes are dead set on donghyuck who also seems to be intensely focused on the blonde. 
“demon,” mark mutters.
you feel yourself freeze up; how could he possibly know? despite the panic that settles upon you, you’re sure donghyuck will find a way to handle the situation. you expect a lie, maybe even some magic if the situation called for it. when you see his lips curve upwards sinisterly, you know you’re in for an entirely different outcome.
“angel.” there’s a teasing lilt in donghyuck’s voice; it sends chills up your spine.
mark’s jaw is clenched and you know he’s equally as tense as you are. “we should go, y/n.”
“mark, he’s just—”
the sudden desperation yet dominance in mark’s tone is even more alarming than donghyuck’s. 
“you know,” donghyuck begins, rounding the counter, dramatically. “i’ve never been a fan of the way guardian angels think they own their person.”
you swear your brain shuts down. there was no way you had come into contact with a demon and now an angel—your guardian angel. and there was definitely no way it was your closest coworker, right?
“it’s our responsibility—she is my responsibility.”
donghyuck folds his arms as he gives mark a once over. “you won’t mind if i take over, right?”
mark chuckles, begrudgingly. “you know i can’t let that happen.”
“i’m not hurting her, i’d never hurt her.” donghyuck takes his place next to you, wrapping an arm around you. he peers down at you, eyes glowing red for the first time since your first encounter. “my angel.”
you know the nickname is to piss mark off and you assume it works as you observe his hands clench into fists. although, you’re more focused on how the pet name effortlessly rolled off donghyuck’s tongue, like temptation itself. 
“don’t make this difficult for yourself,” donghyuck continues. “you know feelings are dangerous. that’s what they tell you when you first sign up. just don’t let that get you into trouble, got it?”
the tension is suffocating and you almost wish a customer would enter the currently empty cafe to save you from it. although, donghyuck makes sure that you don’t have to endure it any longer as a second later, you’re both gone, only a cloud of red smoke left behind. 
mark stands alone in the cafe.
he had gotten this job for you; to look after you. 
perhaps he had caught feelings, as well.
he assumes that was his first mistake. 
when donghyuck takes you back to your apartment, it seems the awkward atmosphere from the cafe has followed you home.  
“uh, can i ask what that was all about?”
“that guy, mark was it? yeah, he’s your guardian angel. i can’t stand it when those guys act like they’re in charge of the person they’re sent to look after,” he seethes. 
you watch donghyuck’s fit of frustration carefully, eyes wide. when he sees how confused you are he can’t help but sigh. 
“i’m sorry, i just… didn’t appreciate him acting like you were his. guess i don’t really like the thought of that.”
you would have to be oblivious beyond compare to not realize donghyuck was completely and utterly jealous. you prod him further, asking, “well, then who would you rather i belong to?”
he glances up at you. “whoever you want, baby.”
“you know what? i think i have somebody in mind.”
not even a second later, donghyuck takes you back in the security of your bed, under your piles of fluffy blankets. what feels most comfortable (and strangely familiar) is the feeling of donghyuck’s arm clinging to you, making you sure you’re pressed right into his chest like a puzzle piece. 
“the person you had in mind was me, right? ’cause if not, this might be awkward.”
your eyes roll back despite knowing he can’t see it. “no, it was mark.”
“not funny.”
your shoulders shake with laughter. “it’s a little funny.”
“whatever, keep laughing. just let me hold you, alright?”
“that would be heaven.” silence settles upon the both of you as you go into nearly hysterical laughter. “get it? because you’re a demon… from hell… and that’s like, the opposite—”
“yeah, i get it, baby.” he pauses. “how many more lame jokes surrounding me being a demon will i have to endure?”
“i definitely have more where that came from so my guess is...  more than you can count.”
he moans in displeasure. “you’re lucky you’re cute… for a mortal.”
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heliads · 4 years
One to Another
When Bucky Barnes arrives at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, he wasn’t expecting to meet an agent who had a similar past to him. However, their shared experience of being held by HYDRA will bring them together.
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Bucky surveys the room, his sharp gaze sweeping from corner to corner of the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters at the Avengers Tower. Agents are scattered about, conversing in hushed tones or doing their best to pretend they’re working on critical tasks whilst secretly checking out the two Avengers by the door. A motley crew, but S.H.I.E.L.D.’s been helpful in tracking down HYDRA, so Bucky bites his tongue instead of lashing out at them.
Next to him stands Steve Rogers, Bucky’s childhood friend turned overly patriotic brother-in-arms. Steve can’t help a grin at Bucky’s surly expression. “Okay, I know most of them seem a little young or easily distracted, but they’re not as incompetent as they look.” Bucky grumbles under his breath. “They had better not, or they’ll have wasted all of their funding on new recruits for nothing.” Bucky’s eye catches on a solitary figure in the back, poised against a wall. She seems to be the only one here who actually might know what they’re doing.
Bucky jerks his chin at the silent woman in the back. “Who’s she?” Steve sighs. “That’s Agent Y/N L/N. Best in her year, and probably all the other years, by far. Trouble is, her high standing caught HYDRA’s attention, and she got captured and tortured by them for a long time about a month or so back. Hasn’t really rejoined the rest of these chatterboxes since.”
Steve lets his words sink in for a moment, then, not wanting to linger on the unpleasant topic, claps his hands together. “Right, well, we have an interrogation to get through. HYDRA Agent Donovan is waiting for us in the holding block a few doors down. Oh, and L/N’s going to be joining us for the interrogation. She wants to see if he knows anything about the thugs who captured her.” Bucky nods once and the two men walk to the holding cell, joined by a silent Y/N, who falls in step next to them when they pass by her.
The holding cell itself is desolately empty, save for a chair with a man chained to it. There are strong restraints holding him in place, and the man himself looks as greasy and unkempt as a classic movie villain. Beside Bucky, Y/N’s gaze becomes steely the second she sees the HYDRA agent, evidently recognizing him. 
Steve pulls out a manila file folder and starts addressing the man, occasionally checking the notes in the folder as necessary. “Robert Donovan, we know you worked for HYDRA for many years. Tell us everything about the October incident.” The man just laughs, showing his teeth. “You think I’m going to talk to you? I don’t waste my time with nationalist toy soldiers.” 
The man suddenly stares at Y/N, a grin sliding over his face when he sees her. “Well, look who it is! If it isn’t Miss Y/N L/N.” He leans forward as Y/N remains silent. “You know, we got to host you a while back. Wasn’t that funny, that we had you there for months and months and nobody ever-” 
The man is cut off as Y/N briskly pulls a gun from her hip and fires it once at his chest. The man slumps forward, and then does not move again. Y/N looks up at Steve and Bucky, taking in their incredulous stares. “It’s just a tranquilizer. He’ll wake up again, unfortunately.” With that, she strides impassively out of the holding cell.
Bucky moves to follow her, but Steve steps in front of him. “You don’t want to go there, Buck. She’ll want some space.” Bucky shakes his head. “I’ve been there before, a prisoner of HYDRA. I know how it feels, and I know that the last thing she wants is to be alone right after having to face the memories of what they did to her.” Steve gives Bucky one last questioning look, then steps aside and lets him pass.
Y/N is standing out on a balcony, staring out into the New York skyline. She doesn’t move when Bucky comes to stand next to her, just starts to speak quietly. “I’m surprised you came after me. Most of them want to avoid me. They’re too scared that if they start a conversation, they’ll have to face what they did to me.”
Bucky glances at her, then looks back at the view before them. “It was like that for me too, when I first became an Avenger. I don’t think I’ll ever truly be an Avenger, no one really trusts me enough for that. When I first started working with the others, it was like people wanted to make sure I was alright but maintain enough of a distance that they could leave without too much damage.”
Y/N sighs. “I thought I was fine. I thought I had a firm enough handle on things, but the second he started talking it was like I was back in the center of HYDRA control once more.” Bucky nods slowly. “One ex-HYDRA prisoner to another? It never goes away. You’ll always see signs of what happened, and you’ll always remember. The only thing you can do about it is try and move on, or take steps to make sure it never happens again.”
Y/N leans forward, folding her hands around the cold metal of the balcony railing. “I was afraid that was true.” She turns to look at Bucky for the first time. “You don’t really know the full story of what happened to me, do you?” At Bucky’s shaken head, she nods. “I’m not sure how many people really do.” She clears her throat once, and begins to speak.
“Everyone says that my capture was an accident, brought on by a squad of enemy agents storming my house or something. It’s not true-I was betrayed by my own fellow agents. I was working late at S.H.I.E.L.D. one night, and about a dozen of my coworkers were there. They were all people I’d known for a long time, and trusted with my life. The second there weren’t any witnesses, they swarmed me and knocked me out with some kind of chloroform. I took out a lot of them, but there were just too many and I wasn’t expecting an attack from my friends.”
“When I woke up, I was in a HYDRA facility. I was questioned and tortured for S.H.I.E.L.D. secrets for months. They placed a ransom for my safe return at the beginning of my stay, but no one ever responded to it. They knew I was there, and they knew they could get me back, but no one at S.H.I.E.L.D. thought it was worth their time. It’s a dangerous thing, to know their secrets, and I suppose S.H.I.E.L.D. thought it would be cleaner to just have HYDRA kill me rather than bring me out of there.”
“Eventually, S.H.I.E.L.D. broke into the building to rescue another of their agents, and happened to find me along the way. I hadn’t told a single one of their secrets, and had protected S.H.I.E.L.D. until the end. I wish I could say the same for them. Ever since I got out, I haven’t let myself get close to anyone here. I was captured by my friends, and I just keep thinking that it could happen again. Any one of these people in the room could be seconds away from bringing me back to HYDRA.”
She finishes talking, and Bucky stands there in silence for a moment. “Why did you go back to S.H.I.E.L.D.? You knew they didn’t protect you.” Y/N lets out a bitter laugh. “There is no retiring from S.H.I.E.L.D. Especially not after this. The only way you leave is with a bullet in your skull, either by your enemies or your higher-ups.”
Bucky lets out a low whistle. “You’re not alone, you know. We just met, but I want you to know you’ve got an ally if you want one. I don’t care how long it takes you to trust me, just know that I’m here.” Y/N lets a slight smile cross her face. “I think I already do trust you. Not even my closest friends know what happened, and here I am telling you, a man I met about ten minutes ago.” The two of them smile, and talk for a little longer before Steve calls them back into the interrogation room.
Later that night, Bucky is trapped in another nightmare. He keeps seeing the same scenes over and over again- the doctor, speaking to him when Bucky woke up for the first time with a metal arm. Being brainwashed. The last moments of consciousness before the ice froze his world into nothingness. Then, that feeling of losing all control and having to watch as he killed innocents, his own body slaughtering countless people all while he screamed silently from the darkest corners of his own mind.
When Bucky wakes up in a cold sweat, blankets thrown back around him, he still can’t tell if he’s in the nightmare or not. His heart is pounding, a pulsing drum that won’t stop echoing in his ears. Dazedly, he gets up, pulling on a light jacket and stumbling down the hallway.
He can’t go back to bed, too afraid of what he’ll see when he closes his eyes, and so Bucky slowly makes his way into the central living room of the Avengers Tower. He stares around him at the darkened room, which should be so familiar yet feels like he’s never seen it before.
“Come stand by the window.”
Bucky’s head flies up at the sound of the voice, but he forces himself to relax as he recognizes the shadowy figure standing at the far side of the room. It’s Y/N. Just Y/N. It’s fine.
Bucky walks slowly over to her, looking out at the city, which is busy even at these hours of the night. Y/N’s eyes flicker over him understandingly. “It’s better if you can see the city. It’s better if you can see where you are.” Bucky glances at her, confused. “What?” His voice sounds scratchy and exhausted, but Y/N just gestures back out the window before them.
“For the nightmares. When you wake up and you can’t tell what’s real and what’s not. When you look out the window, you can see the whole world before you. That’s how you know it’s not made up by HYDRA. No matter how detailed their simulations are, they can’t make up this specific view, or every car and person in this city. If you can see the world, and it looks right, you know you’re back in real life.”
Bucky lets her words wash over him in a comforting wave. She’s right. “Thank you.” He mumbles, and she leans her head against him. “Hey, one brainwashed soldier to another. We have to stick together, right?” Bucky lets out a hoarse laugh. “Who else do we have?”
He’s not sure how long they stay like that, his arm wrapped loosely around her and her head lolling against his side, but he does know that he clings to her like she’s the only thing in the world he can depend on.
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