#I’m thinking this will be May’s sticker design
emry-stars-art · 4 months
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My Jeremy what sharp teeth you have
Find the mer aus masterpost here 💕
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potato-lord-but-not · 2 months
Hello, I have a question for you! How often do you draw daily/weekly and how long do your sketches, comics, and fully coloured pieces take? I see your work and sometimes I can’t even begin to fathom how fast you must be drawing … it takes me so long to draw one complete thing and then I basically have to take a break for a couple of days.
Also, I love your art by the way. You may or may not have single-handedly bumped Malevolent to the top of my watch (listen?) later list :)
I draw pretty much every day if I don’t have anything going on! finished pieces take anywhere from 4-6 hours I think? depends on the complexity, sometimes they take less but that’s if they’re small traditional ones or rough digital ones. sketches take anywhere from 5-10-20 depending on how complicated it is. and comics are harder to keep track of, especially the finished ones.
and my motivation to draw if very inconsistent, Friday I filled up 2 pages with doodles in my sketchbook, yesterday I drew a really tiny 3 panel comic, and today… uh well I finished coloring a drawing, did some coloring on an animation, sketched out 7 sticker designs, and filled up a page of doodles. and I’m still itching to draw more. I also had a huge ass coffee today but yk.
And also !!! do not feel bad for not being a fast artist !!! work at your own pace and don’t wear yourself out !! like I probably did today !! oops
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troutpaws · 1 year
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i forgot to post this!! its from may, a redraw of a sticker design i made last year. i’m already thinking about redrawing it again :0
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angelic-carousel · 2 months
keychains of my chibi Messmer designs arrived 🥺💖!
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These are for my own personal use ( I’m redoing my old ita bag and dedicating it to Messmer) but i may consider selling them in the future though I think I’ll start with selling stickers first😅.
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kittyball23 · 10 months
can u do a pov fanfic of either poppy or branch when she went after him and wants to go with him to save floyd?
Can do 🙂I chose Poppy, since my "By Your Side" oneshot was primarily Branch-centered:
With You (a Trolls fanfic)
“Wait, what?”
Poppy could hear the confusion in Branch’s voice, as though his brother’s words were unexpected, contrasting to what the blue Troll had believed the outcome of their journey would be.
When John Dory replied, it was terse, straight, and to the point. “What? The mission’s the mission. You didn’t think we’d all live together when this was over, did you? Singing songs, and roasting marshmallows…” The Troll then laughed, finding the scene he’d pictured flat-out ridiculous. Clearly, going separate ways was what he’d intended from the start. And, given that there was no pushback from the other two brothers, they agreed. There seemed to be amusement written on Clay and Bruce’s faces, like they also found the idea too far-fetched.
But Branch wasn’t amused. Poppy’s brows furrowed in worry when an expression of hurt flashed across his face, before it switched to anger.
“Oh, I’m sorry, is that funny to you?” Branch snapped at John Dory. “That I might want us to actually be a family again?” Reaching into the inner pocket of his vest, he retrieved a piece of paper, sparing it a glance, and calling out to the front of the caterbus. “Tiny Diamond, pull over. Now.”
Rhonda lurched to a stop a few seconds later, the Trolls stumbling in an attempt to find their footing.
Bruce rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Don’t be a baby, Branch.”
Branch tensed, and whirled on him and Clay. “You’re mad at him,” he started in, speaking of John Dory, “but you guys do the exact same thing to me. You all still treat me like the baby of the family. But guess what? I stopped being a baby the day you guys walked out on me! Cuz’ I had to. Then Grandma got eaten and there was no one else to take care of me. This time, I’m walking out on you.” Without waiting for anybody to respond, he crumpled up the paper he was holding, tossed it on the floor, and stormed out of the bus without looking back.
Hesitantly, Poppy knelt down, unfolding the crinkled paper and smoothing it out so she could see. A child-like drawing met her eyes, with large, blocky letters, colorful stickers, and sparkly glitter. There was something awfully familiar about the design depicted. She’d seen this place before. “This is Branch’s bunker,” she said aloud. Suddenly, she realized something else. “He built it for you guys.”
Poppy’s eyes were still fixed on the drawing, overcome with emotion at the deeper meaning unveiled, when John Dory spoke up again. This time, she could tell he was more subdued, a hint of guilt wavering in his tone. “I… didn’t know…”
The Pop Queen solemnly glanced at him and the others, quietly replying. “I guess you never asked…” Then, she turned and exited the bus.
She had to find Branch.
Branch had already made some distance, and Poppy hurried herself to catch up with him. “Branch, wait!” she called. “Branch!” But the Troll continued to walk onward. “Where are you going?” she asked. Certainly he wasn’t going to walk all the way back home, was he?
“To save Floyd. Alone,” he stated simply. “I didn’t need them growing up, and I don’t need them now.”
Well, he may not need them, but he’s sure as hair not getting rid of me.
Putting on a small burst of speed to cover the last few feet, she finally reached his side. But instead of the relief she’d anticipated seeing on his face, she was confused when he raised an eyebrow at her, puzzled. “What are you doing?”
“What do you mean? I’m coming with you.”
Branch scoffed at that. “Why bother?” he spat bitterly. “Aren’t you going to leave me eventually anyway? Everyone else does…”
Poppy stopped in her tracks, stunned beyond belief. Did I hear him correctly? She didn’t think she did. He really, genuinely thought that she was going to leave him? That there were no other options in his fate aside from loneliness? That she was just there to have her fun while the getting was good and then hit the road? Branch had said plenty of things in the past that had been laced with pessimism and negativity. But this by far was one of the worst things she had heard. No, not one of them - it was the worst she had heard.
Stepping forward, she grabbed his hand firmly, finally bringing him to a halt. “I have been by your side from the moment we met, and you’ve been by mine,” she reminded him, speaking slowly to give each word weight, “so let’s give each other some credit here.”
Just as slowly, Branch finally turned to face her, allowing her to see the shift in emotion on his face from something hard to something much softer. He let out a sigh. “Right. I’m sorry. Thank you.” When he flashed her a little smile of gratitude she grinned right back.
“You’re welcome.” Poppy thought the thank you perhaps was a little unnecessary. Being there for him was just something that came along with them being together, and the love that they had for one another. But just to be absolutely certain he knew of her commitment, she spoke again, softly and sweetly, taking hold of his hand and gently running her thumb across the back of his knuckles in a sympathetic caress.
“And I’m not going anywhere. Unless it’s with you. To save Floyd.”
The Pop Queen felt her heart swell when her words finally seemed to get through to him. There was comfort in his features, in the way his blue eyes shone with gratitude and in the way his cheeks glowed with the smallest hint of a blush. She didn't deny him when he opened his arms out towards her, easily melting into the warmth of the much-needed embrace.
They broke apart only upon hearing the sound of a dinging bell. A tricycle was making its way down the path towards them, and Poppy beamed when she saw its rider.
“Tiny!” she cried, delighted. “You’re coming, too?”
The small glittered Trolling shrugged his shoulders. “Eh, what can I say? I was moved by Branch’s speech, and his sad, sad little drawing.” He smirked and waved them over. “Now, let’s roll!”
Giving Branch’s hand one last affectionate squeeze, Poppy boarded the tricycle alongside him, the couple feeling a lot better about the rest of the journey, and pedaling towards the diamond-studded, glittering land of Mount Rageous.
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no-name-publishing · 2 years
Manacled by SenLinYu
My 8-month marathon on this project has finally come to a close, and I have a ton of pictures to share!
We’ve got a split-board binding with made-endpapers and a built-in tab for extra support. Hand-sewn endbands with silk-finish cotton sewing thread. Done in a millimeter binding style with black leather, and a hand-drawn and -painted floral motif across the middle. Final page count is just under 1.4k. I figure altogether this was around ~50 hours worth of work for the whole binding, from beginning to the typeset to pulling the final book out of the press.
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More pictures of the binding and typeset under the cut! If you have any questions or want more info about the process don’t hesitate to ask!
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In truth I over measured/estimated the needed length of my leather; this and my poor pare job is definitely visible through the cloth lol, but I’m still jazzed with the result since I’d never touched leather before this. I designed the spread digitally in Procreate, printed it, transferred it to my cloth using carbon transfer paper, then painted using Jacquard Lumiere Metallic gold paint and a refillable .75mm paint pen.
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From starting the drawing to finishing the painting I’d say this part took ~15 hours. Close up of the spine:
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Each endband measures around 3 3/4″ (9.5cm) in length and took around 5 hours to complete. The core is 4-ply hemp cord that I coated with PVA glue. Wrapped with a single strand of red silk-finish cotton thread, and one strand of polyester yellow thread, since it’s kinda shiny. Last I counted it was something like 300+ wraps of thread for each band. The uh, cat hair here is just an added bonus I suppose. Like when you buy a new pair of jeans and get that free sticker.
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Some progress shots:
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The tie downs. I usually will try to tie down every other signature. With 68 signatures you can understand this ate up a metric shitton of thread.
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Different angle. Also a good few of the top of the textblock, which was trimmed painstakingly by hand with a wood chisel.
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Smooth as a shark etc.
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And some shots of the innards!
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Each chapter page when through four rounds of printing: 1st through an inkjet, for the floral; 2nd through a laser printer for the number; 3rd through a laminator for the gold toner-reactive foil; and 4thly for the rest of the text.
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Half-title page:
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One of the attempts to foil a crane. The toner may have been too thin a line for it to work, or perhaps not dense enough tonerly. I don’t have control over that setting on our Xerox unfortunately.
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A second shot of a golden crane. This was slightly more successful but lord knows why. Luck.
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Fun fact is that this Daily Prophet page ALONE was about 8 hours worth of typesetting. I do all my typesetting in Word, and this page was recreated line-by-line individually. A few of these elements I also had to redraw by hand since there were just no good alternatives online. Anywho though, good payoff.
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Nextly, some in-progess shots I don’t have a good segway into lol. A detail you can’t see on the book but I know is there, is hand-dyed scarlet linen thread, drip drying on my shower curtain rod:
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Freshly sewn. 68 signatures, no waiting:
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Rounded and backed:
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And a close up of the special tab/made-endpaper construction. Stupidly I didn’t take any shots of gluing the split boards on, but I think the idea is pretty easy to imagine. Just picture this tab getting glued in between the cover boards.
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You can kind of see it here:
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And finally, the behemoth on the shelf. This bad boy tips the scales at just over 4 pounds (about 1.8 grams). Glad to have it; more glad to move on with my life.
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Thank you for reading!!
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LBP headcanons because I’m feeling silly rn
- Captain Puds real name is Tom (Short for Thompson)
- Newtons middle name is ‘Plum’ referring to the ‘Plum Pudding’ model of the atom!!
- Avalons favourite science was Biology, Herbert’s Fav was Chemistry, Clive liked Physics and robotics the most!!
- Clive genuinely cares alot about the sackbots and has given them all names.
- Avalon has his own brand of conditioner.
- Popit academy is a private school, but Herb, Clive and Avalon all got in on a scholarship.
- Nana, Captain and Marlon all went to school around the same time.
- Herbert and Avalon are one or two years older than Clive but Avalon took a gap year before going to the popit academy to start up Avalonia.
- Avalon had a scene phase and pretends to have hated it.
- Larry didn’t invent the wheel, he just helped revolutionise it further — a lot like how Avalon didn’t invent science, he just learned how to mix biology and robotics as well as making other massive steps for science.
- Herb, Clive and Avalon were all in a band together. It didn’t last long but it was fun. Clive played guitar, Herb was either on bass or drums and Avalon sung. They tried to get Newton to fill in for whatever instrument Herbert wasn’t playing, but they couldn’t convince him.
- Larry had a band called ‘Principa Metalmatica’ (Metallica parody on one of the stickers). He was basically James Hetfield but newspaper in his younger days, and quit to persue science and teaching.
- Avalon was head boy, 100% attendance.
- Newton would always sleep in and he wouldn’t always wake up for class in time.
- There was a uniform for popit academy!! it was a white collared shirt, a tie with the school colours, either a jumper or a cardigan and the school blazer with black trousers. You would get badges depending on clubs and such, Avalon had wayyy too many badges on his blazer.
- I’ll draw some locker designs and how I think the gang would decorate their lockers.
That’s all for now folks!! May post some more soon :)
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hannahbisssssss · 4 months
would you be willing to do a nadja (wwdits obviously) x gender-neutral reader perhaps?
Of course~
Nadja of Antipaxos X Gender-Neutral/Non-Binary Reader
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- You meet Nadja as a human fashion designer.
- She came in looking for someone to help her “brighten up the wardrobe,” as Guillermo puts it.
- She’s quite patient and still while you measure her, allowing you to make sure you get all of the proper measurements.
- You tell her that you think she is best suited for neutral tones and/or Halloween-esque colors. Purples and oranges and all that jazz.
- Though she is quite stubborn at first, she eventually gets along with the idea of having a bit of a brighter wardrobe.
- She ESPECIALLY likes the purple shawl you pick out for her to wear over her usual black attire.
- “It’s simple and it’s fitting… I suppose I won’t murder you, human.”
- Okay… odd for her to call you a human when she is also a human (right?) she just has pointier-than-normal teeth (right?)
- Turns out, Nadja is an ancient Grecian vampire with a lot on her plate with all of her roommates
- She breaks the news to you quite suddenly on your first meet-up (date?) after the clothing fitting.
- “I’m a vampire, my sweet.”
- She is quite adamant about letting you know this information, because when you laugh at her obvious joke, she grabs your hand and gives it a tight squeeze.
- “Darling, I’m not lying… I’m a vampire, watch!”
- She goes and take a bite out of a passerby and you try your best not to scream.
- She may or may not have hypnotized you into not freaking out.
- Either way, when she took you home later that night, she gave you the time and space to think through your feelings.
- Before she goes off to slumber when morning comes, you decide to share a bit of information with her.
- “Tit for tat-“
- “You want to see my tits?”
- “No! I mean, kind of, I mean-“
- She takes your nervousness as a sign that you really like her.
- Which is true.
- “Nadja, I just thought I’d share something about myself with you so we can be on a similar level.”
- “Alright-“
- You take a while to get out the information
- “Well, spit it out you silly boy!”
- “Nadja, I’m non-binary.”
- She blinks.
- “Non-binary?”
- “Yes. I don’t use he/him or she/her pronouns. I use They/them pronouns. I’m not a boy or a girl. I’m non-binary.”
- “Oh… well what took you so long to share? That’s not ridiculous.
- Gods help you if you want her to remember your pronouns off the bat.
- Nadja is the sweetest vampire alive (or dead?) but she has a tendency to forget little details on occasion.
- “What is it my sweet girl?”
- “Nadja, I’m not a girl, remember?”
- “Oh right! Non-binary!”
- She gets the hang of it after a month or so.
- You go out on another date and someone misgenders you.
- She’s such an ally after this.
- I mean.
- She literally has a non-binary flag sticker on her coffin to show her support.
- It really is the most adorable thing ever.
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oftlunarialmoon · 7 months
How Can a Sticker Chart Affect Your Mental Health?
Originally posted to www.onlyfunthings.org on August 06, 2018
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Ciao lovelies! Today’s post is for those of you who may be having some mental health difficulties lately, like maybe you have a lack of motivation, or can’t be bothered to clean because you’re sad, or maybe you’re forgetful so you can’t recall whether you’ve eaten today. If any of these sound like you, this post may help out a lot!
Today, I’m talking about a technique that I use when things get hard- Sticker Charts.
I know what you may be thinking “no way would I ever use that, sticker charts are for kids!”
And if this is your mindset, I will refer you back to THIS post, where we established that there really aren’t “maximum age allowed limits” on fun things, and I will also remind you that sometimes harkening back to your childhood can be good for your mental state. (For more information on that see THIS post).
In truth, while the practice of making sticker charts was designed for kids, there’s really no difference between a sticker chart and those “habit trackers” you see in planners now.
Both are designed to ensure that the user follows certain habits, or does certain chores. Both provide a moment of satisfaction when you complete a task and can fill in a square of your habit tracker or add a sticker to your chart. Both are ways to develop good habits and help you when motivation is low.
Why do I prefer sticker charts to habit trackers?
Well for one if we’re being totally honest, I have a boatload of stickers, and they have to go somewhere, right? Why not use them on a chart designed to help me?
And for two, I enjoy the whimsy of a sticker chart, while I can’t remember if I ever had one as a kid, there’s just something about it that makes me happy.
And lastly, while I do journal, I find that having the chart on my wall where I can see it everyday; I am reminded to update it, and follow the “chores” listed.
So how can a Sticker Chart help your mental health?
Sticker charts have many uses for mental health. 
For those who have depression: Sticker charts can provide much needed motivation when times get hard and motivation gets low. Just the simple act of placing a sticker on the chart can help you feel accomplished and can sometimes help get you out of bed.
For those who have anxiety: I find that a sticker chart helps my anxiety because it gives me a small semblance of control over my life. I feel like I have some kind of control over what I do. 
For those who are forgetful: I find that having a sticker chart really helps me remember the little things, like “Did I eat today? When did I last clean my room? Have I taken my meds?” Because you can look at your chart, see the sticker, and know that you did it. You can also write dates under the stickers to help with this even more.
For those who take medication (for any reason): You can use the sticker chart to track and remember to take your meds. 
For those with low self-esteem: I found that including a section of my sticker chart dedicated to doing “one self-love journaling exercise daily” helped improve my self-esteem! Maybe you could include a section like this too?
To conclude, sticker charts are simply a fun, whimsical way to help out with your mental state a little bit. Much like a habit tracker in a journal, these charts can help you develop new healthy habits and make the whole process more fun.
Remember to Stay Awesome and Love Yourself!
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forecast-draws · 1 month
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The Peter Manjuu wip. I’m figuring out how I want his ears to be situated atm
Updates for previous charm designs and possible future ones are below!:
1) I have sent the dangly Alice, Manjuu Alice, and the Elliot ones off to be made! I’ll post pics when they are finished and get to me, but it’ll be a minute!
2) It might be a bit before I am able to order the Peter Manjuu once his design is finished, due to needing to accumulate the funds for him and others in the future. We shall see tho
3) In terms of future designs, one bc potential thought I had specific to HnKnA was charms with those little magnetic linking hearts on them? So it could function for any ships ppl have
4) I may see about doing full illustration for the series as well, to have as mini prints 🤔 Along this line, I’ll also likely see about making stickers, either printing and cutting them myself or paying to have them done professionally in material I can’t access.
5) Outside of HnKnA, other things I’m thinking a out drawing things for currently include Haruhi Suzumiya, OHSHC, Splatoon, Mystic Messenger, rpg Maker games, and original stuff centered around what is essentially my mascot oc at this point Carrie!
For note, if there’s any media yall might be interested in seeing, feel free to let me know!
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OOC: hey folks! Just wanted to give an ooc message. It’s a little late for new year’s, but still.
Thank you for following this little project. I’ve been consistently blown away by the following I have here. Thank you for supporting me both with likes, reblogs, and fun tags, but with merch as well. It means so much to me. I have like 300 asks in my inbox and so many of them made me laugh when I got them, or made my mind go crazy with ideas. I’ve developed a lot of this setting in large part due to submissions making me think about it.
I’m on the last day of a week long PTO I booked. I got a lot of stuff done behind the scenes, a couple projects I’m keeping secret for now but I hope you’ll see before too long. I also adjusted (hopefully for the final time) the button designs (including all the poster styles that weren’t available before), and did some writing. I wish I’d been able to sit down and just queue dozens of asks but alas - life and time don’t stop when you’re on vacation. Thank you all for your patience, and I hope someday I can do this full time (along with some other OPN-related things) so I can have a faster turnaround on that stuff. Going forward I might be a bit more choosy simply due to the amount.
I have a lot of ideas for things I want to do with this project and I hope I get to do even half of them. We’ve hinted at one of them already. I’m really excited for the future of this, and I hope you will be too.
As a final note, soon I’ll be adjusting the prices of the stuff in the shop. The stickers and buttons may increase in price by about 50 cents a piece, but sticker shipping cost will decrease. That may be in the next few days. Check out the ko-fi for prints of my posters, stickers, or buttons, or to just send good vibes.
Thank you all for your support and love. Reading tags is my favorite thing in the world currently. Over the rest of today, please feel free to send me any ooc asks you like (or reply to this post) about the setting or requesting something you’d like to see - more about a certain topic, or the interview for a certain poster, whatever. I’ll try and get to them sooner rather than later.
Finally - thank you so much to my co-writer for helping and being a sounding board. I appreciate you.
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mikeystrawberry · 19 days
A clarification on my future artwork:
I have a lot of dndads related wips but do not feel that great about finishing them. There have been too many issues I’ve taken up with the fandom AND the cast of dndads and as such I’m deciding to exist the fandom a bit compared to how deeply involved I’ve been for the past two years. I’ve also since ended my Patreon subscription as I cannot in good faith continue to monetarily support them.
I’ll be reusing my old concepts while inserting original characters separate from the pod. The only character I can see myself making any future art of is Sparrow, both for finishing everyone’s designs for her they gave me on twt and also yume/general art since I have a deep emotional attachment to her. Nicky may be there as well because of Lovesong and Mickrow (yumeship name for us three). This is all to say if you see any art from me that looks like maybe it used to be dndads? There’s a good chance of that. But I’ll be adjusting designs of the characters and labeling them OC as I don’t want to draw directly of the show anymore. Some concepts might be unsalvageable to make not dndads but I’m going to try.
I have a lot of designs for the show and I cherish them all but I can’t see myself posting personal-made art of those characters in the future. I don’t want to support this show anymore in the way I have until now.
For anyone who was still interested in the sticker sheets of my 5th anni stained glass art, I can no longer see myself going through with the production of those. I’ve been waiting since then to have a moment where I could find the time and money to invest into selling those, but unfortunately I no longer see myself doing so.
As for Lovesong Week, I’m unsure if I will actually host it. The prompts have been set, but I don’t see myself hosting a specific week for it on tumblr. I may just post it as a whenever you want prompts list and leave it like that. The ship is still precious to me but I am still iffy on continuing to interact with the fandom at all outside of my friends.
I’m glad to have become something of a well known artist in this community as I’ve had others state to me, but I can no longer be a part of such an unsafe environment for my friends and myself. I think that’s everything!
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blindbeta · 2 years
Hello! In the fantasy story I'm writing, one of the main characters is blind. He uses a cane to navigate - and he's also a magitech engineer, with a lot of leeway for personal projects. So without worrying about magic limitations and such, what do you feel would be fun ways to magically improve a cane's function that won't disrupt something else that's necessary for it? Anything you definitely don't want to see?
Enhancing Canes With Magic
One idea I have is to research the WeWalk cane. TheBlindLife has some videos on it here and here. The website can be found here. Maybe it could serve as inspiration.
In the videos, Sam from TheBlindLife demonstrates a Smart white cane that pairs with a smart phone. It has a bulky white handle with a speaker and light on it, but is otherwise similar to other folding canes. In the second video, Sam reveals WeWalk has partnered with Ambutech to improve the cane’s design and rolling marshmallow tip. Sam demonstrates using the cane, which vibrates when detecting obstacles. He demonstrates the accessible app that pairs with the cane to allow for navigation to listed nearby restaurants and public transportation using an accessible map, clock directions, and progress tracking. The cane has a speaker on it, which is sometimes hard to hear. It can be paired with headphones.
A good magically engineered cane should still locate obstacles, shorelines, and provide tactile feedback about the ground and objects with which the cane comes into contact. It should also act as an identifier for blind people, so that others know they can’t see and aren’t going to get out of the way. It should fold or not fold according to preference. It should offer vibration feedback, audio feedback, and be light enough to carry. TheBlindLife lists a con of the WeWalk, which is that it is heavy. I also think the handle is too bulky, the voice is too hard to hear, and the vibration alert for obstacles could get tiring and confusing. Keeping these in mind may help avoid similar issues in your fictional cane. A good cane should allow one to interact with obstacles, rather than avoid them.
As long as it does what it is supposed to do in our world, the cane can be magically improved in many different ways. Some ideas I have include:
1. Something that allows stickers to stay without falling off. I have posted about stickers on the blog before and how they are fine to add to a cane. However, the rounded surface of the cane makes it difficult to keep them on.
2. Canes that are instantly customizable in color and visual design would be fun.
3. Canes that have the option of lighting up in the dark (which the WeWalk cane has), both for extra visibility at night and possibly for flashlight purposes for those with residual vision. It should be customizable and easily controlled for those with light sensitivity and so those without light perception don’t accidentally leave it on all the time.
4. Cane tips that adapt to the environment and needs of the blind person. For example, according to the landscape, a blind person may carry different cane tips with them, such a Dakota disk, to navigate more easily. A cane tip that transforms with magic would make it easier on blind characters who don’t have, can’t afford, or forget extra cane tips when they go out.
5. Customizable vibration control would be useful for those who have joint pain or sensitivity to tactile sensations. While some vibration may be necessary, a magic cane that allows for customization in this area could be useful. It is certainly not something we have much chance to change in the real world.
6. A landmark tracker and finder could be useful for specific landmarks people want to remember. These are usually done through observation and route memorization, but it is also possible to make notes of landmarks someone wants to remember. I’m not sure how a land mark tracker would work and I’m thinking one would need a way to store individual routes, but it could be a fun idea for when one is just starting to learn a route or just learning cane skills. Or possibly someone with memory difficulties.
7. Detection for objects at head height or objects that are otherwise above ground. Unfortunately, canes can only detect objects near ground level. I’m not sure if the WeWalk can detect objects above the ground, but it would be nice for a magic to do so, perhaps using a different alert system. This might allow blind characters to avoid objects like tree branches, equipment out in the open, etc. This can also be somewhat accomplished with a Sunu Band, it would be nice to have a cane that serves this function as well.
As for what I don’t want in a magically enhanced cane, I feel that as long as it does what a cane is supposed to do, it’s good. I think most of the problems center around no cane at all or canes doubling as weapons. Or objects, such as umbrellas or swords, used as canes instead of actual canes. One thing I would advice against is creating canes that give sight or allow for any visual feedback the blind person wouldn’t otherwise have already. The person using the cane should still use adaptive techniques rather than having magic erase their blindness.
If anyone has any other suggestions of what they do and don’t want, feel free to share them.
This has been cross-posted on WordPress.
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sinnabee · 1 year
hey guys! i’ve got a bit of a (big) life update for y’all.
unfortunately, i’m having to figure out a new living situation pretty unexpectedly. my roommate and i talked, and basically he’s wanting to live on his own again. so i’ve got about two months to get moved out of here and find a new place. (i’m working on it! luckily i recently reconnected with a friend who’s a real estate agent, so who knows - maybe i’ll get my own damn house >:D)
for anybody that follows me on ko-fi, you might have seen the update i put there. this is a more detailed version of that.
basically, this means (and i am so so so SO sorry about this) it’s going to be a while before i can get a lot of these charm orders out.
i’m going to try my best to get out what i can in-between packing, but don’t be surprised if your order takes several months to ship. again, i’m so sorry - i know it took me ages to even get them listed.
one of the other things this is going to effect may be sticker orders and new stickers.
sticker orders:
i try to include free doodles with my sticker orders, and i am going to continue to try and do that, but some of you may not receive a doodle, and for that i’m sorry.
if you would rather get your stickers sooner, and don’t mind missing out on the doodle, please message me, either through tumblr or through ko-fi. (ko-fi will help me keep track of who’s who a bit better.)
if you REALLY want a doodle, and don’t mind waiting, then let me know and i’ll move yours to the back of my list. this way, i can prioritize anyone who doesn’t mind going without a doodle and start cutting down on my workload.
if you don’t message me either way, i’ll try and get your doodle done, but there’s a chance i may just go ahead and send it without one. luck of the draw.
some of you have ordered stickers AND charms! (omg, what the heck! y’all are amazing!) despite being in the same order, i may try and at least get you your sticker orders, unless otherwise requested. (i have a few people that have already spoken to me about having their items shipped together, so no worries if we’ve already talked.) for anyone that ordered stickers + charms, i wasn’t going to do a doodle anyway, since the main reason i have those is to do something with the cardstock i use to keep the envelopes flat. this way y’all will at least get something sooner! (again, message me if you’d rather i’d send it all together. don’t worry about shipping if i send them separately, i’m not gonna apply a charge for that, it’s fine.)
new stickers:
i had intended to start printing and eventually list my new halloween dca sticker design by october first at the absolute latest. but with the whole “ideally be moved out within two months at the latest, earlier if possible,” thing, that may not be happening.
i’m still gonna try, though!!!!! i’ll try and save my sticker making things for later in the packing process, and maybe try and get that stuff figured out before the end of this month. we’ll see if i can juggle it with everything else - i really think it’s dependent on me catching up on my other orders, first.
in addition to all of this, i’m still out of work on FMLA for my back problems. on the bright side - my appointment is FINALLY coming up!!! yippee!!! but that also means i have to take a lot of breaks from packing and working on stickers because… back hurty. but it ALSO means i have the time to do all this stuff, breaks included, because i’m not working. so…silver linings, am i right? :D
also just wanna say thank you to everybody again - i have made SO many friends in this fandom, and i’ve had a blast being able to make stickers and finally charms!!!! half the reason i’ve been able to bounce back so quick after getting this news the other day is because i’ve already had some of my pals who saw my kofi post messaging me and wishing me well. and the money from the charm orders is gonna help ease the moving/shopping process a lot, so - thank you all so much!!!!
again, i’m sorry everything is so delayed. but i WILL get it out to you eventually, once things settle down a bit. but y’all are amazing, and i appreciate you lots, k???? don’t forget it!!! <3
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woman-for-women · 1 year
How do you make your infographics if I can ask, and how long does it normally take you to design, do the research, find what quotes you like, etc. I’m very interested in making my own, especially about the drag queen issue but I struggle with adhd and staying on task and get unmotivated easily.
What I use to make Infographics/Posts
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You don’t need anything fancy to make infographics! I’m familiar with Adobe InDesign and the Adobe design suite, but those tools are expensive and are hard to learn.
I use Canva to make my material. I don’t pay for their premium account, so my account is completely free! It gives you templates and design elements to work with. I really like Canva because it helps me quickly design and post material.
How long does it take?
Making posts with just a quote usually takes me 5 minutes per post, so they're pretty fast to make.
My infographic posts take the longest to make. My Intersex and Sex Binary posts took me over 30 hours to research, plan, compile, write, design, and edit. Some smaller infographics like Transmasculine Individuals and Binding took ~4 hours.
A lot of the time is spent on the research stage. The good news is I've compiled a lot of my research into this ~300-page master document! It's full of studies and facts, grouped by topic as a resource for other women. It's so big I've really only scraped the surface in terms of what I've been able to adapt so far.
Feel free to take a look for yourself if you want to make your own posts/material, or if you're just curious! If you're interested in making posts about any of the topics listed, this might help shorten your research. I've also named/linked all my sources, so you can click the hyperlinked sources or Google the name of the study and read the whole thing if it interests you.
Work Process & Motivation
I also struggle with motivation and finishing projects. The key (for me) is to organizing my digital workspace.
If I see a statistic or study that interests me, I stick it into my masterdoc. If I see a Tumblr post with an interesting idea, quote, or fact, I save the post as a draft
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When I have time, I go through my drafts and pick a few posts I feel like adapting.
On Canva, you can search for keywords like "Instagram Post", "Instagram Story" or "Quote" and Canva will give you suggested templates.
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I have a Canva document saved of a bunch of templates I want to use for quotes, for example (you may recognize some of the backgrounds/fonts from my posts):
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When I pick a quote I like, I copy and paste the template square into a blank page on my document where I keep all my quotes and I just edit the text and mess around with the design elements until I'm satisfied.
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I can then easily export my posts!
My process for infographics is similar. I search "Infographic" and save infographic templates I like, then just add in the information when I have the time and motivation.
I get demotivated sometimes, so it helps to do a lot of posts back-to-back when I'm motivated and have time. I then add the posts to my Tumblr queue, so my blog is posting daily, even on days or weeks when I don't have the time, energy, or motivation to make material.
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I know online activism can get really tiring and it can be easy to burn out. Stickering, flyering, reading feminist/woman-centered books to educate yourself, signing petitions and writing letters, meeting with like-minded women, and volunteering for women's shelters/causes are great ways to help women in real life that don't feel as impersonal as a Tumblr blog. If there's a topic you're passionate about, make that infographic or post, but also think about what you can do in real life to advocate for or advance the cause!
I find mailing women radical feminist stickers (which you can order for free here!) is a great way to remind myself that I'm not alone and there are other women like me. Every envelope I pack makes me feel really connected to other women. I also work for an organization that helps women in the Global South and try to read feminist books in my spare time.
TL;DR - Use Canva, spread the word, and try to help women in real life!
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big-coyote · 8 months
hi!! this may be a weird thing to ask about but ive decided to make one of my longtime ocs a coyote therian (they were connected to coyotes since the beginning) and i wanted to ask if theres stuff i should avoid when talking abt them or doing character design?
ive done some research on my own looking thru tumblr blogs ran by therians mostly, but i mightve missed some stuff!
for now they show their theriantophy as either wearing a coyote looking onesie (which is the first outfit they ever had) or when wearing other clothes they have a tail keychain on their trousers, so i also wanted to ask if you know of any other things they could have to connect with their theriotype?
again im sorry if this is a weird question! <3
(1/2) Hello! Not a weird question at all, I’m actually very honored and happy you’ve asked! I have quite a number of OCs myself that are also therians or otherkin adjacent lol. Also if anyone else has any ideas they’d like to add/advice feel free to comment or reblog!
As for things you should ovoid I’d recommend straying away from the idea of therianthropy being inherently because of mental illness. While it’s totally okay for your Oc to struggle with mental health problems or other serious topics. I often see the stigma online where people assume being nonhuman or having a alterhuman identity means the person in question must have Schizophrenia, Dissociative Identity Disorder, psychosis, a delusional disorder, etc. And again while I know plenty of nonhumans who have those disorders (I have some of them) and that may effect their identities as a whole, it shouldn’t be the end all be all of their identity you know? Ovoid adding more stigma to both.
Another thing I’d stray away from is the idea of a character being a therian because of spirit animals or any mythology related to closed practices/groups. I’ve seen many indigenous people online speak about their discomfort with the word ‘spirit animal’ and how it’s been adopted into pop culture. Being alterhuman is much more then “I feel connected to this thing/this thing is just like me”, it runs much deeper then that and it is as much as a real identity as something like gender, sexuality, religion, etc. It should be taken with as much care and seriousness as those other identities because it is huge and important part to a lot of our lives.
Lastly I’d recommend avoiding making the character the butt end of the jokes. While the Oc themselves can be funny, have funny things happen to them or have funny experiences as a coyote Therian I’d ovoid making them the punching bag to other OCs. Online it’s not uncommon to see many people misunderstanding and mischaracterizing being nonhuman for a quick laugh. It be very disheartening if an OCs entire existence in a story is just “haha they think they’re a dog, that’s stupid”. Again it’s important to take any identity like being a Therian seriously instead of just being the punch line for a joke or gag.
As for the clothing I think the onesie would be incredibly cute and good to wear as well as the tail! Many therians wear tails, both real and faux fur ones, to feel connected to their identity and feel more comfortable. I’ve also known many therians who were things like jewelry with their theriotype on it, fake animal ears, t-shirts, rings, fur coats, earrings, pins/buttons, etc. Some also like collecting plushies or posters with their theriotype as well, or having stickers on their books or drawing them. Or if you’d prefer a more casual character design you could have a character who doesn’t wear any outward Therian gear and prefers to keep it low key. Both options are very valid and would be interesting to see!
But no matter what I’m sure your Oc is going to be amazing and I can’t wait to see them! Please tag me if you make any art or stories about them, or if you have any other questions feel free to ask again or DM me!
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