#I’ve been watching some YouTubers and they have these BIG bottles of pour paint
rosicheeks · 2 years
Can we see the painting you did? 😊
Not the one from tonight but here’s a few I did the other day 🥰
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littlefreya · 5 years
Bad Reputation
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Synopsis: Henry and his girl can’t get enough from one another. They keep finding themselves in rather sticky and lusty situations while other actors are present around them. 🤭
Pairing: Henry Cavill x OFC
Word count: 2.3K
Warnings: Smut, thigh riding, exhibition kink, public display of affection, dirty language, slight fingering, daddy kink.
A/N: This is by request made for thigh riding! I see this as a slight sequel to  Putting up a Show and Good Girl just because in my mind they are the same couple. Many thanks again to the marvellous @agniavateira​ for doing the beta! Masterlist is here.
Let me know if you want to be added/removed! Thank you for reading as always :)
PR fucking nightmare - that’s what our managers call us. 
They thought it would go away after our first year of dating. But the sad truth is, Henry just loves to touch, and I’m a hot-blooded woman who loves to fuck shit up. Three years in being married and the line is so goddamn blurry by now; I am never quite certain which one of us initiates it, nor do I even care. 
I see my bear sitting sprawled across the red leather sofas, legs spread open as he can never keep them shut. I know I’m terribly biased but that black tuxedo suit sure as hell looks great on his strong figure, especially with the crooked bowtie and the beard he’s been growing for his new movie role. 
And as if the bad boy vibes and big dick energy he sends everywhere wasn’t enough, the half-empty Grey Goose bottle on the round golden table next to him and the slight sweat that covers his forehead is a red flag that we are definitely getting into trouble tonight. 
Bring it on. 
Armie is sitting right next to him, telling him about some scheme by the gesture he is making with his hands. But I can tell Henry has other things on his mind. I can feel his eyes looking at me even when I am standing far away. Our gazes meet, he offers me a mischievous smile, showing off the large dimples of his cheeks. This is what I call a wet, slippery invention. 
I blush and look away. I mean, I have Rebecca Ferguson holding my forearms. That woman makes me want to invite her into our bedroom, but Henry doesn’t like sharing, not even with women. It doesn’t matter how much I’d pout and beg, he likes me all to himself, and he loves it when others can see that I am his. 
It’s always his hand between my thighs, riding up higher, thumb tickling at my clit teasingly. We sat through an entire acceptance speech with him working me hard. If anyone looks closely at that video on Youtube, you can see the exact moment when he hits the spot.
Sorry, Leo, I wasn’t smiling because you won. 
This is us being subtle. Hotels and parties, however, are a different story. We already had a manager quit on us because we made sure the entire floor hears what we are doing through the night. 
Rebecca kisses me on the cheek, the gorgeous Swedish redhead is already tipsy, and I’ve had my second glass of wine. She’s in a red satin dress, her impressive breasts showing through her cleavage. I also spot a few freckles on her chest. It makes me pout and look at Henry, who shakes his head in refusal. 
“Where is your hubby anyway?” she asks playfully, and I point in the direction of where he is sitting. Armie is just getting up, leaving Henry alone. He pours himself some more vodka, fills the glass with ice and then takes a sip with a lustful gaze. That’s probably my cue to keep him company and take that glass away.  
That video when he told everyone to get naked will forever be online. He also has a tendency to start making impressions of others when he is flustered, and I can’t contain my laughter when that happens.
“He’s too drunk to get up.” I sigh, shaking my head while he makes playful, sad faces at me. I shrug and take my phone out my purse, seeing two text messages from him.
Henry: “Where are you, babygirl?” Henry: “I want to squeeze that ass.” 
I text him back “Armie’s? Go for it. Can we have Rebecca, pleaaaaase?” 
He reads my reply, rolling his eyes and shaking his head in complete refusal. 
“Not. sharing. you. Do you want me to spank you in front of all these people?” 
Rebecca is oddly enough very touchy-feely, her hand sliding down my forearms while she speaks about how wonderful Henry is, and how fun it was to work with him on MI6.
“He’s not like all the other ones, he is an actual friend,” she explains to me, her beautiful green eyes lighting up. 
“I know, that’s how he got me, pretended to be my friend for years.” I chuckle, remembering the times we were still just friends. If you look at videos of us from interviews and photos from events from the time we worked together, you’d think we’ve been dating already. He always touched me subtly, his eyes staring at me intently when I speak. And of course, no one cracks him up the way I do.
But Henry waited 5 years for both of us to be single at the same time to “kidnap” me during a walk with our dogs at the forest, where I’d literally be unable to run away. He did that so he can tell me he’s been in love and growing in love with me ever since we met.
I smile at the sweet memory. I held my tears when that word left his lips.
“I’ll come to say hello later, I’m starving,” she says and rubs her belly gently. I nod and lean forward to kiss her, deliberately kissing her soft, red-painted lips for Henry to see. Us girls, we really don’t mind.
As I turn to face him, he is already frowning. He’s not amused by my vexing behaviour. I give him my best angelic posture, batting my lashes and holding my hands together while my head is tilted to the side. In that pale blue and silver dress, I might look like some saint right now, but my darling knows I’ve come from south to heaven.
I make my way to him, walking slowly, a smile both in my eyes and between my cheeks. I can feel the fire burning in my chest, the sight of him is dashing, those thick thighs ever so inviting. He spreads his legs even wider, the bulge in his groin made only for me. He has his pinky finger pressed between his teeth while checking me out.
My body heeds his calling, I’m tingling wet. 
I stand in front of him, my cheeks warm as if this is a first hook up of some sort. Henry rises his beautiful blues to stare straight into my eyes. The beaming lights in the hall make his sweaty skin glow in neon pink and gold, his eyes flashing bright as the different colours dance across his face.
“How many of those have you had?” I ask, gesturing at the glass, noticing the half-empty bottle. I hope not too much, I expect to be rammed tonight when we return to the hotel. 
He shrugs, putting the glass away without bothering to finish it. He is British, and boy, he can drink a lot. He is not as half as flustered as a different guy would be, but yes, he is certainly quite drunk. Enough to give me that look of his-one eyebrow rising up-while his eyes drink in my dress, cleavage, ass, and that slit that runs from my legs to my thighs.
My friends asked me if Henry is an ass or tits man, to which my answer was “he is ‘all of me’ man.” 
“Gotta love women's liberation.” He speaks in a deep, low voice, gesturing at my provocative dress. 
“Come to daddy.” He demands, holding out his hand for me to come and sit on his thigh. To which I am more than happy to comply.
I spread my legs, moving to straddle his muscular thigh. There is a burning sensation at my core as my pelvis meets his taut muscle. My body always reacts to his touch. Henry’s hands immediately take my face, thumbs stroking at my cheeks.
“Why do you tease me, beautiful?” he murmurs, his fierce gaze tracing my face, always taken by me, memorizing every freckle and flaw as if it’s the first time we ever sit so close. God, he makes me feel so beautiful even in my ugliest of ugly days.
I lean forward to get even closer, my ass riding up his leg and my hands reach out to tug at his white buttoned shirt. “Oh, Henry-Bear, it’s. So. much. fun.”
Someone sits right next to us on the big red sofa, saying a friendly hello. We answer at the same time, without breaking eye contact. We never bother looking who is the actor, producer, or whatever who moved to bug us. Too lost in our own little mist of admiration. Henry’s fingers descend from my face to my neck, fingers skirting down my neck sensually. 
“You know what I love about these ceremonies and parties?” he asks as he leans closer to whisper in my ear and then places a wet, lingering kiss on my shoulder. His chin pushes the straps of my dress away, letting it fall on my forearm as if by accident. I let it glide, shivering as the coarse hair of his beard marks my flesh.
“I get to show you off while you’re wearing these outrageous dresses and everyone knows I am taking you home to fuck you until sunrise.”
I chuckle lustfully, my tongue pressed between my teeth. “Last time we didn’t even make it home remember?” I hum gently, feeling his rough touch on my breasts. The tip of his thumbs circles my nipples, teasing them to harden through the thin fabric of my dress. I wouldn’t give a fuck if Henry had me topless right now and sink his fangs in my tits for everyone to see. But he is far too selfish, I was made for his eyes and his eyes only.
He settles for a “chaste” show, laying a kiss beneath my chin and then pressing his face at my cleavage, inhaling the scent of my body lotion before nibbling at my breast through my dress. His breath smells like vodka-sweet and spicy at once.
“I remember, Cumberbatch saw the whole thing,” he answers, his hands holding my ribs, slightly guiding me to move my body on top of his thigh in ghostlike movements. I am searing hot, my mound feels as if it’s seconds from catching fire. I am certain he can feel it, his blue eyes now hazy and dreamlike as they watch the pink tint that runs through my neck to my cheeks. 
“Fuck me, daddy, I am so horny!”
My whisper comes out as half a cry, weak and desperate. My body is a void, it suffers without his touch, it aches when we’re disjointed. I hope we’ll never stop feeling this way toward one another. 
“Ride me, babygirl.” he urges me, raising his thigh up higher, so I’ll slide down closer. The friction makes me lose sight for a moment. My vision blurs as I throb wet and hot onto him. Good thing his trousers are black, otherwise, everyone would be able to detect the wetness I am leaving on his pants. 
I can’t reject his decree, my body needs him. 
“You like it when they watch, don’t you?” he asks me with a slightly slurred voice. His hands glide down to squeeze my ass, assisting me in dancing on the rock-hard muscle of his leg. I am grinding slow and rough, shifting my weight forward, my right hand reaching his other thigh, clawing at him with growing pleasure.
Everyone is looking at us, I am sure, some embarrassed and perhaps even appalled. How puritan of you Hollywood. These people formed their own religion and hidden sex clubs. But I am convinced many enjoy this facade and discreetly salute us, some probably holding out their cameras.  
I roll my hips up and clench my inner thighs, whimpering as my body begins to tremble.  
It doesn’t matter who is staring while I ride him so passionately, seeking my pleasure with urgency while Henry’s hands support me, saddling my hips and pulling me toward him. We don’t see anyone else. We’re locked into one another, the way we always did, just like when Henry had a girlfriend, when we were “just friends” when I dated that asshole. We’d walk into a room, and it was just me and him, hearts and chest bursting with love.
Every moment we couldn’t have one another was stolen from us, we now fight to own it back.  
“I’d sit you on my face in front of everyone, but I think Gretchen would kill us.” Henry half whispers against my throat and then licks up my neck as I lift my chin to the ceiling with gaping lips. He has his hand between my legs, drawing at my centre and sneaking between the slit of my dress to finish the job. 
“Fuck!” he teases my clit, his middle finger travelling at my seams. My entire existence shudders. The bass of the music blasts through my chest, my eardrums throb, and my eyes see all the colours of the neon at once as my cunt implodes with orgasmic bliss. Henry steals my gasp into his mouth, his hand pressing my cheeks, crushing my mouth with hunger. 
Who could ever hate us for our expression of true love?
I gasp feverishly, holding onto him as if I’m about to fall. Henry’s lips are on my temple and then my cheek. Pressing against me and not moving away. He envelops me in his big arms, a clear statement to all our viewers that I am his and he is mine.  We both move our heads to see who's been sitting next to us this entire time.
Alec Baldwin and Jake Gyllenhaal. They pretend not to stare, at least Alec does. Jake gives us a wide, knowing smile. Everyone else has also been staring as I hear the whispers and gasps. 
“Really? They did that again!?”
We bump our foreheads together and snicker with delight. Like we ever gave a fuck about being caught. It’s not the first time, won’t be the last. We just can’t get our hands off of each other. 
“Better call Gretchen now.” I tell Henry, hanging my arm around his thick neck. 
“Before or after I fuck you in one of the back rooms here?”
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kookiebunnii · 4 years
d4u || golden closet film
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jan. 2019. we’re going to korea today. i’ve never been, but jungkook is definitely excited about it. i think he plans to make a video out of it too, maybe for his youtube subscribers or something. i hope when he looks back on this trip, he can be happy. maybe through the lens of that camera, he’ll find something worth smiling for.
pairing: bestfriend!jungkook x reader
genre: slice of life 
word count: 3.5k 
warnings: n/a
Whenever you traveled abroad, the painful stiffness in your neck always filled you with regret and determination to invest in a neck pillow in preparation for the next flight. However, you’d always be too mystified and distracted at the new sights to be seen once you’ve landed to remember how much suffering you endured in arriving there. Asking Jungkook to remind you hasn’t worked either, since the boy could barely remember to bring his essentials on a typical day. When he happened to have his wallet, phone, and surprisingly-- his keys, you’d make sure to tease him with a, “Aren’t you a big boy now?” He would scrunch his nose at you in annoyance every time. He loathed it. You loved it.
You shifted restlessly in your seat, trying to find a comfortable nook or cranny so you could finally enjoy some much-needed rest. A 12-hour flight time paired with this seat in particular could be used as a torture method. You had offered Jungkook the window seat, since you knew he’d want to get some aerial shorts during the flight for his new film. Unluckily, that meant you were stuck between the long-legged boy and an elderly lady that you would feel embarrassed for intruding on if you took up too much space. As a result, you’ve spent the last 30 minutes startling awake every two minutes because your head kept tilting forward uncontrollably.
“I know I tease you for having a big head, but I didn’t know the issue was this serious.”
Despite the deafening nature of flying at high altitudes, you were close enough to Jungkook to hear his little snide remark. You gave him a nasty glare before leaning back in your chair and closing your eyes again. You could handle a few hours of pain in return for the exciting vacation the two of you planned for winter break. As you stretched your limbs, you imagined how luxurious you would feel later when visiting all the stylish cafés in Seoul, chowing down on Busan delicacies, and admiring Jeju’s beauty in person.
It’ll be worth it.
You’re not sure if you’re dreaming when you feel the armrest serving as a divide between seats being raised. Afterwards, a soft pressure tilts your head to the left and the thin blanket you’ve haphazardly tossed on for the night adjusts itself snugly against your shoulders. When you open your eyes slightly, you realize that Jungkook has let you lean on his shoulder as you sleep. You’re feeling too sleepy and dazed to open your mouth to say thank you, so you settle for adjusting your head to find the most comfortable spot on his shoulder instead. Unsurprisingly, you pass out shortly after.
When you wake up, you find Jungkook filming the slow descent of the plane through the tiny window. Through the soft and wispy clouds, you notice how the city breaks through in specks of sunlight. The moment is captured through the steady lens of your film director and you watch as he continues the shot for a few seconds longer before cutting the video. He gives you a brief smile as he turns off his precious camera and begins stowing it back into his backpack.
“How’d you sleep?” he asks, absentmindedly scrolling through the map projecting through the small screen attached to the seat in front of him.
“A lot better than expected,” you watch as he zooms in on your destination, studying the names of cities that pop up as he scrolls, “Keep up the gym workouts and we can rent out your arm as a pillow.”
He chuckles in response to your suggestion. Before you could elaborate more on the profit margins you expected from such an endeavor, the captain’s voice fills the intercom. He announces that everyone should expect a landing in thirty minutes. The idea of finally escaping such a small space filled you with a rare sort of apprehension, your leg bouncing up and down unconsciously with delight.
The wonder bubbling in your chest rises and overflows as you watch the landscape pass you by. Finally settled in a taxi heading to the hotel nestled in the hustle and bustle of Seoul, you observe the tall apartment buildings popping up, reaching towards the sky. You couldn’t help but gaze out at the expanse of dark water as you crossed a bridge into the inner parts of the city. It was your first time in this country, but Jungkook had done a great job of hyping up the destination in your mind.
Your hotel room is just as tidy and neat as you like, a platter of chocolates lying on the desk and a large window exposing the beautiful view of streets and skyscrapers below. There were no odd abstract paintings that American hotels tended to adorn their walls with, so you were grateful already. The two of you were already eager to head out again, as you both waited for Jungkook’s camera to fully charge. As he spends some time viewing the shots he already recorded, you decide to take a shower. You need to relax the tense muscles accumulated from that long flight and change into something nice for the afternoon. The hot water feels like a much-needed embrace as you take your sweet time admiring the small bottles of citrus-scented shampoo and body wash provided by your accommodation.
As you step out with a whirl of steam like an evil villain out of a movie, you’re surprised to find a majority of the chocolates have disappeared from the platter and the culprit laying out his shirts on the bed nearest to the window. Jungkook looks between the four outfits laid out with serious thought, as if he had been invited to a fashion runway and needed to impress some modeling agencies. You quickly snatch up some chocolates as you head over to look at the clothing pieces yourself. Mouth full of creamy sweets, you pick up his oversized TOPMAN shirt and a pair of sweats. Pointing to the bathroom, you swallow thickly and command, “Shower so we can head out. I want some hotteok.”
He laughs, picking up the garments you chose and responding cheekily, “Out of all the foods I’ve talked about, it’s hotteok you’re excited for.”
Crossing your arms in defense, you give him a stern look as he marches into the bathroom himself. You focus on drying your hair, picking out your own outfit, and preparing a good argument for why hotteok sounded like the superior Korean food item. Trying to pick something impressive but not over-the-top was an added struggle after Jungkook had asked to film shots of you during the trip. At first you were against it, knowing you weren’t exactly an Instagram model and slightly camera-shy as well. However, he had promised you that he’d be focusing more on capturing the country scenery itself than trying to film you specifically. You gave him a punch in the abdomen when he added that you weren’t that much of a sight anyways, but you could tell that he already had a vision for his new film project. Especially since you had yet to really see or understand the work he embarked on in connection with his major, you felt that this was a good opportunity to help him out however you could. You had no clue regarding the types of filming techniques Jungkook loved to pour over in his spare time, studying the videos of filmmakers he admired on repeat while you receded to the Netflix shows you personally found far more engaging. You knew he would guide you through what he wanted, given that he was thorough and patient when it came to whatever he produced for the public. If you could assist in achieving his dreams, even if you might feel awkward doing it, it would be worth it.
You saw the way he used to zone out when the two of you passed by a merry couple on the way to your favorite ice cream parlor. You also quietly took note of him deleting folders of pictures of Yuna that were saved in his desktop when you peeked into his room a few weeks ago. It had been almost a year since he cried as you tried to hold his broken heart steady during the breakup. You remembered how he would seize up when he saw her in public, eyes wide in fright as his fight or flight response kicked into overdrive.
Your thoughts cause your grip to falter over the turtleneck sweater in your hands, remembering the forced smile you would plaster on as you pulled him away to a different café instead, remembering to never visit Serendipity Coffee on weekends ever again. The hurt he endured in spring left an emblazoned impression on you, as you spent summer worrying over his emotional condition. You knew he traveled during the past summer to keep his mind off things, and every time the two of you managed to meet up between his trips and your working shifts you would try your best to gauge his wellbeing. However, you knew that you hadn’t won any brownie points with him after coming home with a swollen cheek and a bleeding scratch under your eye the week after Jungkook had found out Yuna was cheating. Word had already gotten to him before you could make up an excuse for your injuries, and you had never seen him that angry before. He made you promise that you would never meet with Yuna again, especially not if you were going to pour a drink on her head and get into a subsequent cat fight. With your stubborn attitude, the air was tense around the two of you for a good few weeks before he acquiesced and apologized for his passionate reaction. It only took you calling Yuna a drowned rat for him to finally laugh and forgive you for the altercation. He admitted that he appreciated you attempting to defend him, but still forbade you from getting in harm’s way for him. You agreed to his terms, knowing that you’d taught Yuna a lesson she wouldn’t forget for a while anyways.
Remembering this increased your persistence in making this trip a memorable restart to 2019. You had wished for Jungkook to experience nothing but happiness and success in this new year, and although you hadn’t been the most good-willed, obedient individual in history, you hoped that the big man upstairs heard your prayer. Your best friend deserved it.
At dinner, you realize another reason you’re glad Jungkook is your best friend. The two of you could casually stuff your faces like starving teenagers when it came to good food. Unable to relate to girls that only ordered petite salads on dates, you piled up the slices of pork belly in your lettuce wrap. Allowing the ssam to finally enter your waiting mouth, you chew happily as you dance in your seat with chopsticks in hand. Charcoal fire made all the difference, and you had no idea how you were ever going to go back to using a gas stove in the States. You had no idea why Jungkook’s family would move out of Korea when he was a kid—it now seemed like a terrible choice to you.
The amount of orders you and Jungkook clear out at the AYCE BBQ place almost has the waitress crying in relief when you finally ask for the bill. Satisfied and warm, the cold winter air feels less harsh when you finally head outside. Thankful for the puffy down coat Jungkook recommended you purchase for the trip; you watch as soft powder begins to rain down from the sky. Painted against the dark expanse of the night, you try your best to catch some of the flakes on your tongue. Smacking your lips together as if enjoying a delicious treat, you flinch when you catch the sudden lens of Jungkook’s camera trained on your curious expression.
“Snow won’t taste like anything, silly.”
Used to directing your responses to his quips at your best friend’s brown eyes, you opt for glaring into his camera lens instead, knowing he could see your unamused expression. He laughs at this but doesn’t stop filming. Even though you feel a bit unsure of yourself, you do a few spins for your director before throwing up a peace sign with a wide grin. You wanted him to look back on this trip, this video, and remember it with nothing but happiness. He complains that you look super dorky, but you pay him no heed. You could tell he was saying that just to mess with you, given the amount of time he’s repeated that clip in the past few minutes just to “check the details”. Feeling a wave of confidence, you’re glad that your instincts turned into something he could use for his work.
You wanted to see the Han River, so the two of you paced the streets quickly towards that destination. Jungkook was practically your personal tour guide, so you dedicated most of your attention towards admiring as much of Seoul as you could. Thankful for him, you follow along contently until you could see the reflection of lights on water not far ahead.
As soon as you pull your hood down you can feel the cool breeze of the river against your cheeks. It was invigorating in a way, and you could feel yourself fall in love with this place. You feel yourself smiling, the motion likely a side effect of how much you were enjoying yourself. Despite it being the first evening here, this was your first real trip with Guk and the excitement of discovering new things alongside him was exhilarating.
“What are you thinking about?” Jungkook asks, as you’ve realized he’s recorded your little moment of self-reflection.
Brushing tendrils of hair out of your face, you simply give him, and by extension his camera, another smile as your answer. It wouldn’t fit you to be soft on the first day of an outing. Besides, if he knew how much you enjoyed his presence, he wouldn’t let you hear the end of it. Jungkook breaks off silently to film various shots, capturing a vision that perhaps only he could see. You watch him with amusement for a brief moment, before staring back out into the river again. The red and orange lights reflected on the water’s smooth surface were eye-catching, in a way that felt radiating yet peaceful. The sight helped you focus simply on breathing in the fresh winter air, coming to terms that you really were in South Korea for the first time. Adventure awaits.
“Hey Y/N, can you help me with something?”
Jungkook breaks you out of your reverie, bounding over to you in excitement before explaining a camera technique he wanted you to try. After you understood his choppy explanation, he tried his best to demonstrate what exactly you had to do.
“Okay so I’ll move the side of the lens and cover it at the same time?” you bite your lip in nervousness, hoping you didn’t sound like a dunce.
“Here,” he grabs your hand out of your pocket, earning a pout from you at the sudden loss of warmth.
Setting your fingers on the side of his lens, he held your fingers steady as he guided your hand gently over the lens while simultaneously moving the viewpoint of the camera to the left.
“Ah, so you want this to be a transition of sorts? Okay,” you happily comply, spending the rest of the evening helping him get this vlogging-type effect before demanding a reward for your efforts in the form of a freshly-made hotteok.
The next day, you’re able to finally see Gyeongbokgung Palace like you wanted. Even though it was a huge tourist attraction, you always had an interest in history and found the pictures of the architecture on Google simply amazing. Jungkook seems to feel indifferent about the expedition, claiming that there would be a lot of people—a possibility that it could grow quite crowded.
That did nothing to deter your enthusiasm, as you discover that dressing up in the traditional hanbok even meant that the entry would be free! Giddy with happiness, you even convince Jungkook to find himself something. He seems beyond embarrassed when he emerges in a royal blue hanbok from the rental place. You simply whistle in appreciation, your response only making him even more shy as he hurriedly nudged you out of the store.
His overly conscious body language quickly shifted as he began filming again, finding comfort in his hobby. He followed you as you entered the large doors of the palace grounds, catching the way you gasped upon seeing the people wearing beautiful colors and bright red accents painting the pillars around you. Every step you took on the rocky dirt felt important, as you wondered how people hundreds of years must have stepped over the same area.
A beautiful outdoor area with lush green grass and sleepy willows sat beyond the initial entrance to the historical monument, and you couldn’t help smiling at how grand and elegant everything seemed. Other tourists stroll past you, in high spirits as well from what you could tell. It was better than anything you could’ve dreamt up when you were sitting thousands of miles away on your laptop, researching “things to do in Korea”.
Spinning around to catch Jungkook off guard, you take the camera from his hands before saying, “Alright Director Jeon, it’s your turn.”
He sputters in confusion as you give him a friendly nudge forward, training the lens on him instead. Through the viewfinder, you could see the way he suddenly froze up as if he were a deer caught in headlights. You walk up to give him a jab in the belly that breaks him out of his stupor.
“Just be natural. It’s beautiful here, see if anything interests you,” you suggest, lowering the camera briefly to give him a reassuring smile.
“My subscribers would probably rather not see me,” he responded, timidly covering his ears as he talks. You caught this habit of his early in your friendship, easily understanding that he was being overly nervous again.
Giving him a deadpanned expression, you state, “I’ve watched one G.C.F. before you know. The comment section was filled with your fangirls thirsting for a face reveal. What better way than to have them see their oppa in his handsome hanbok?”
His hands leave his ears as you see a small smirk returning to his face, “Did you just call me handsome?”
“I called your hanbok handsome, bunny boy. Now look pretty for the camera.”
His banter with you seemed to relax his nerves greatly, as he quickly settles back into his confident self. Before you begin recording, he replicates the transition you had conducted the previous night. You realize that he would connect the two separate shots this way, so you served as the first subject that would transform into the second subject, Jungkook.
This guy never ceases to amaze you.
The rest of the tour was as stunning as the beginning, as you try your best not to trip over your beautifully embroidered skirt. The golden thread weaved into a multitude of chrysanthemums along the hem, a detail you deeply loved. The camera now stowed away into Jungkook’s bag, you head into the small gift shop located a few steps away from a beautiful moat on the palace grounds.
Admiring the stickers, keychains, and other little knick-knacks strewn about the store, you did your best to stick to the monetary limit you had set for yourself. Everything was so wonderfully crafted that it was difficult to stay under 15,000 won. You settle for a series of postcards with watercolor paintings of various areas of the palace on the front. They were only a few dollars in USD anyways, as you plan to decorate your room with them.
The end of exploring Gyeongbokgung left a sad yet fulfilling impression on your heart. As you hand the pieces of your hanbok to one of the girls working at the front desk of the rental store, you couldn’t help but run your fingers across the stitching again and sigh.
“If it means anything, you looked…nice in that,” Jungkook thinks about his words for a bit as the two of you trudge up the stairs to exit the shop.
With a single eyebrow raised, you turn to face him as if you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. The longer you stare, the redder his cheeks become. This phenomenon only made you stare harder, much to his chagrin.
“Stop doing that. I’m only saying this because you looked like a sad puppy over that dress.”
Grinning mischievously, you respond with a playful tone, “I think Koo just complimented me! Wow, what a time to be alive. Truly I must have been a beautiful sight if his highness graces me with such kind words—hey where are you going?”
Even as you curse him for making you sprint to keep up him, you can’t help but laugh.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
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quickspinner · 4 years
Finding Harmony - Ch 7 Harmony (end)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
There’s quite a bit of music used in this chapter and I’ve linked the videos at the bottom, but here’s the list:
1. Aerosmith, I Don't Want to Miss a Thing (Harp Cover) by Amélie Guiboux (she has a ton of harp covers and they're all beautiful, be sure to look at her other videos; Luka's harp would probably sound considerably different, but I'm taking a little license here because it's so pretty. you can search for clarsach music on youtube if you want to hear what an actual Scottish harp sounds like, there's not a lot but there is some) 2. Chopin, Nocturne Op. 9 No 1, by Salvador Joya 3. Je Pense À Toi (original) by Amadou et Mariam 4.  Je Pense À Toi (cover) by Amar Amarni & Jasmina Petrovic
Luka surveyed his preparations critically and sighed, concluding there was really nothing left to be done. Which meant now all he had to do was sit around and wait for Marinette. He kind of hated this part, but at least tonight his phone was silent. No akuma alerts.
He took a slow breath, and then another, not quite meditating, but...centering. Reflecting. The past few months had seen their ups and downs, but he didn’t regret a second of the time he’d spent with Marinette. 
It took him hours to get to sleep that night after the gala. He was too charged up to even try to sleep in his bunk, and only long discipline (and the knowledge that his mother and sister would kill him brutally if he woke them) kept him still on the couch in the sunroom until he finally fell asleep. 
He never had wiped the lipstick off his face, which earned him at least a week of mockery from both of them. 
Neither the mockery nor the lack of sleep kept Luka from waiting outside the bakery that afternoon for their first official date. He’d never forget the look on her face when she came flying out of the door, right before she tripped and took them both down to the sidewalk (he should have been more prepared for that, but he had been too busy grinning like a loon to brace for impact). They’d walked all over Paris looking for Andre, and had a long, honest, necessary talk at the same time. 
It hadn’t stopped them from having misunderstandings and frustrations, and one horrible day where he’d lost his cool completely because he’d been scared to death watching an Akuma toss her around on the news that afternoon, without her costume. He’d never been so grateful to Chat Noir in his life as he had been when the cat finally got her out of danger at least long enough for her to transform. Ladybug finished the fight, as she always did, but Luka had been livid that Marinette had run into the fight as Marinette, and she had fired up defensively, and they had yelled at each other so hard that her parents had gently but firmly kicked him out so they could both calm down. The fight was worse since neither could tell the other what they knew, and it had taken them both days to cool off enough to talk about it. It had taken him at least a full day to admit to himself that he’d been a little unfair, because he couldn’t yell at her for the things Ladybug did, so he’d had a store of bottled up fear and frustration just waiting to spill out. It was a couple of weeks before the hurt feelings on both sides faded enough for them to be totally comfortable with each other again.
The other big issue had been her ditching him for Akuma battles. He didn’t mind, he knew she had a job to do, but Luka had, after putting a lot of thought into the phrasing, finally asked her not to give him any more false excuses. “Just tell me when you can’t tell me,” Luka told her. “Just say you have to go or whatever, I won’t push. Just please don’t make up things. Whatever it is that you’re trying to cover up, I don’t care, I trust you not to hurt me. I just...I can hear when you lie and I don’t like it.” He knew his unconditional trust confused her, but she agreed. Luka hadn’t realized how much of a strain it had been on both of them, for Marinette to come up with the excuses and him to pretend to believe them, until they stopped. It was an immense relief for them both, as it turned out.
The majority of their disagreements were small hurts, things that could be talked through and soothed and forgiven, just the normal average process of fitting two people together. Marinette was sweet, attentive, affectionate, and her confidence in his love buoyed her up when she felt down on herself. They were everything he’d dreamed they could be together. Luka knew his feelings for her were still stronger than hers for him, but he was okay with letting her feelings grow at their own pace. 
He tapped a nail painted with electric blue and black swirls on the rail with a rueful smile. If only he could get her to stop giving him things. The magnetic nail polish was an exception, her gifts were mostly small, useful things that she made herself, but it was like she couldn’t help herself. When she thought of something he might like, she had to make it for him. It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate them, he loved her little gifts, it was just that things felt a bit...unequal. His mind didn’t work exactly like hers and his skills didn’t lend themselves to the sorts of gestures she made, and it left him feeling a little guilty. It wasn’t as if he felt he needed to pay her back, exactly, neither of them was keeping score, it was just...he wanted to be able to do things for her, too.
Well, it gave him an excellent excuse to make every grand, over-the-top gesture that came into his own romantic heart, and he’d given himself full permission to go completely overboard tonight. He shoved the sleeves of his blue v-neck sweater up his arms out of habit, and then winced and pulled them back down again as another breeze cut across the deck. The evening was pleasantly cool except when the wind picked up, but there was always wind on the river. Marinette had looked at him as if he’d lost his mind when he’d told her to eat dinner at home and then come to the Liberty after sundown. He’d refused to tell her anything else except that they would be out on the deck and to dress warmly. 
He was just wondering if he should have gone to the bakery to escort her when he spotted her walking down the bank.
Luka came across the gangplank to meet her. She was wearing a pink wool dress with white stockings and a white sweater, and she reminded him of one of her pink macaroons with the white lacy icing. Luka took Marinette’s hands in his and kissed her cheek softly. “You have got to be the sweetest thing in that bakery,” he told her, standing back to look at her again admiringly. 
She grinned, bouncing lightly on her toes. “I brought you something.” 
“Marinette,” he sighed, smiling affectionately.
“I know, I know,” she said, bouncing on her toes. “Please?”
She put a necklace in his hands made of knotted cord decorated with blue and black beads. Marinette pointed to what looked like a metal teardrop on the end. “I saw these online the other day - you can slide your pick in it, see, in the holder here, and then you can take it out when you need it, or you can just swap out to match whatever you’re wearing. It can actually hold a few at once, but of course you’ll only see the front one. I actually got a few of the holders to experiment with, I think I can do some really cool things, and if Jagged likes them, it could be a cool new accessory line. I was thinking about braiding one into a bracelet for Juleka, but I haven’t had time.” 
Luka took a pick out of his pocket and slipped it in the holder. “Cool,” he grinned, putting the cord over his head, and Marinette bounced in excitement at his pleasure. He kissed her cheek. “Thanks, Marinette. I love it, really.”
“I made one for me too,” she said, backing up to show him his Jagged Stone pick around her own neck, on a cord decorated with pink and white beads. “So we can match. I mean, not matchy-match, more...coordinate.”
Luka chuckled and pulled her into his arms. “What am I going to do with you?” he sighed into her hair, and she snuggled into his chest happily. 
“I don’t know,” she said cheekily. “You wouldn’t tell me.”
Luka laughed, and let go of her, sliding his hands down her arms to take hers. “You wanna find out?”
“Where’s everyone else?” she asked as they crossed onto the boat. 
“Below. They won’t bother us. The newest book in Maman’s favorite series just came out and I just happened to pick her up a copy this afternoon, so she probably won’t leave her room until sometime tomorrow, and I’ve given Juleka her privacy for this kind of thing enough times that she owes me.”
“What kind of thing is—” Marinette cut off as she caught sight of the tiny flickering candles scattered all over the unusually uncluttered stern. 
“Oh, Luka,” she breathed, revolving slowly.
“You like it?” 
“I love it, it’s so beautiful.” 
“I’m glad.” He took both her hands and guided her to the deck chair he’d set out for her. “Sit,” he said, and she sank into the chair, still looking around. One of the spool tables stood next to the chair, covered with a white cloth and decorated with a bowl (because a vase would tip over in a stiff breeze, he’d discovered the hard way) of flowers and more candles. Luka picked up a thermos that had been sitting by the table and poured hot chocolate into the waiting mug. “Something to help keep you warm.”
Marinette smiled as he handed it to her and took a sip. “Mm, it’s good,” she said, setting it the mug back on the table, knocking one of the little tea lights off in the process. Luka had to stop her from jumping up with a gasp. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” he told her, smiling as he went to pick it up and show it to her. “Don’t worry, they’re battery powered. Fire is pretty much the worst thing that can happen on a boat so we can’t use real ones. They’re lighter than the real thing though so they’re easy to knock over, sorry about that.”
“Oh, thank goodness,” Marinette sighed, sagging back in her chair.
Luka chuckled, kneeling in front of her chair as he set the candle back on the table. “I actually borrowed them from Juleka, she has a huge stockpile since she’s dating the most sappily romantic person on the planet. You wouldn’t believe how long she spent checking out every type of battery powered tea light she could get her hands on to find which one was the most realistic.” He shrugged. “I’m not above benefitting from all her hard work.” 
Marinette giggled, and then sighed. “You went to so much trouble,” she said, looking around. Too much trouble, he could hear her not say.
Luka put his hand on her cheek and brought her gaze back to him, thumb caressing her cheekbone softly. “If I let you spoil me your way, you have to let me spoil you mine, okay?”
Marinette smiled at him with so much affection that his heart skipped and stuttered. “I guess I can’t argue with that.” 
Luka couldn’t help himself; he leaned forward and kissed her softly. She smelled like chocolate as she leaned into him and his fingers tightened around hers. “I’m getting off track here,” he said, forehead pressed against hers, and then kissed her again when she nudged him with her nose. He groaned in weak protest when she let go of his hands to tangle her fingers in his hair, and he kissed her one more time, letting her draw him deeper. When she’d had her way with him he pulled back, taking her hands from around his neck and kissing them both together. “Please let me do this for you.”
“Okay,” she smiled. “Sorry. I’m not trying to ruin your plans.” 
“I promise that’s in my plan too,” Luka chuckled. “But later.” He reached for the table and unwrapped the plate of cookies and snacks that had been waiting there, and pressed the mug of hot chocolate back into her hands. “There’s a blanket by the chair if you get cold. If the wind picks up too much we’ll move to the sunroom, but I prefer it out here if that’s okay.”
“It’s wonderful. This is all so nice,” she sighed, taking a sip. “Mm, that really is good, you’re going to have to tell me what you put in it later.”
He licked his lips as he stood, tasting the chocolate she’d left on his lips, and took a breath, trying to get his head together. “I wanted to play something for you, if that’s okay.”
“Of course it is, I love hearing you play,” Marinette replied, cocking her head slightly in confusion. He played for her all the time, after all.
Luka smiled and went over to the chair he’d set up for himself across from her, uncovering the clarsàch he’d hidden next to it with a flourish. Marinette lit up with understanding and pleasure. He smiled at her as he sat down, glancing behind him briefly as he settled the harp in place. He’d arranged things so that she could see the dark water of the Seine and the glowing pillars of Notre Dame behind him. 
Luka turned his attention to the harp and found to his embarrassment that his hands were shaking slightly. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, centering himself.
“Are you...nervous?” Marinette asked, her voice sounding almost awed. 
“A little,” he admitted, opening his eyes to give her a lopsided smile. “I don’t usually get nerves like this but...this is the first time I’ve played this for anyone, and I really want to get it right.”
“Luka.” The way she said her name gave him shivers, softly and so full of emotion she sounded on the verge of tears, and he knew it didn’t matter how well he played, because she’d already understood and accepted his gift.
He prepared to play his best anyway.
Luka set his now steady fingers to the strings, and played. He glanced up after the first few notes for just a moment, and smiled to himself at the slight crease between her brows. She recognized the song, but hadn’t placed it yet despite the distinctive opening notes. 
Her confusion remained as he played the first verse. I could stay awake just to hear you breathing, watch you smile while you are sleeping, while you’re far away and dreaming…
He glanced up again as he reached the chorus, and caught the dawning recognition, the silent “o” her mouth made as she finally recognized it. He smiled to himself and returned his full attention to his playing.
I don’t wanna close my eyes, I don’t wanna fall asleep cause I’d miss you babe, and I don’t wanna miss a thing
No amp, no speakers, just the soft, intimate sound of the harp connecting the air between them. It wasn’t as perfect, as smooth as it would have been on his guitar, but that was okay. It wasn’t about perfection. 
“Only you would play Aerosmith on a harp,” she giggled. 
“Not true,” Luka said with a smile, setting the harp carefully aside. “I had to get the music from somewhere, after all. I’m not anywhere near ready compose my own arrangements on this thing.” He reached for her hand. “Did you like it?”
“I loved it, it was so beautiful,” she said, all humor in her voice replaced by sincerity. She pulled his hand to her and kissed it. “Thank you, Luka. This has all been so special, I’m truly touched.” 
“You’re welcome, Marinette,” he said warmly, putting his other hand over hers for a moment. Then he let go and picked up his guitar from where he had tucked it behind a crate. He strummed for a moment, and improvised a soft, warm, melting melody. Marinette relaxed back in her chair and nibbled at the plate of snacks, still sipping at her hot chocolate.
He waited until she was distracted and then slipped into the next song he had planned. Marinette looked at him with round eyes, and he grinned at her. “Is that Motzart?” she asked with her mouth full.
Luka chuckled. “Chopin, actually. Nocturne in B-Flat Minor.” 
Marinette swallowed her food and began to laugh. “You’re too much. Aerosmith on the harp and Chopin on electric guitar.” 
“Do you like it?”
“Absolutely,” she sighed, leaning back and closing her eyes as he played. He watched her with a smile on his face as he played. “That was really lovely,” she said wistfully when he finished. “Promise you’ll play it again sometime.”
“Of course, chérie, anytime you want,” he said, slipping into another improvised melody. Marinette looked at him in slight surprise. He’d never called her that before. Luka took a deep breath, stopped playing altogether and sang, “Je pense à toi, mon amour, ma bien aimée, ne m'abandonne pas, mon amour, ma chérie.” I think of you, my love, my beloved, don’t leave me, my love, my dear. Marinette’s eyes opened wide and she stared at him, a flush that wasn’t from the breeze darkening her cheeks. Luka grinned as he picked up the tune with his guitar, playing slower than it was written, and continued, “Quand je suis dans ma lit, je ne rêve qu’à toi, et quand je me réveille, je ne pense qu’à toi…” When I’m in my bed, I dream of nothing but you, and when I wake, I think of nothing but you.
She looked at him like he had two heads during the verse and chorus, and he began to feel a little nervous, but her shock melted into something else as she unconsciously leaned toward him, eyes warm. Encouraged, Luka got up and moved to kneel in front of her, still playing. “Certains t’ont promis la terre, d’autres promettent le ciel, y’en a qui t’ont promis la lune, et moi je n’ai rien que ma pauvre guitare…” Some promise you the earth, others promise you the sky, there are some who promise the moon, and me I have nothing but my poor guitar.
Marinette leaned forward, wrapping her arms around her knees as he sang softly, “Je pense à toi, mon amour, ma bien aimée, ne m'abandonne pas, mon amour, ma chérie.” The final strum faded away, and for a moment they were both motionless, lost in each others’ eyes.
“Now?” Marinette asked breathlessly. 
“Now,” Luka agreed, leaning into her as he set aside the guitar. Marinette threw her arms around him and kissed him so passionately he couldn’t remember his own name until she murmured it against his lips
Luka pulled her up from the chair and sat down on it, tugging her back down to seat her between his legs. She leaned back against him, and he bent down to pick up his guitar from the deck. He put his guitar in front of them both, reaching his long arms around her.
“Can you really play like this?” 
“We’re about to find out,” he chuckled. “You’re pretty small, I think it’ll be okay. Just scoot as close to me as you can.”
She snuggled back against him, and he nuzzled her cheek before testing his reach. It was a little awkward and her hands on his thighs were a little distracting, but he thought he could manage it. “Tell me if you get uncomfortable and we’ll move,” he murmured, and played as she snuggled close against him, leaning her head back on his shoulder. He played the peace of their hearts, the flicker of the candles, the rock of the boat on the river.
Eventually he set the guitar down and reached for the blanket next to the chair instead. He spread the blanket over them both and put his arms around Marinette’s waist. They sat, watching the stars and the lights on the water.
“This is heaven,” he said softly. Marinette giggled and he smiled, knowing what she was thinking. “Kissing you is amazing,” he told her, keeping his voice low. “Every time you touch me I get a thrill I can’t even describe. But this right here, just being quiet with you...I don’t know, it’s special. How often do you even just stop and be quiet at all, Marinette?”
“Pretty much never,” she admitted, keeping her voice soft as well. “Except...except with you.” She said it like it had never occurred to her before. “Thanks for being my quiet place, Luka.” Luka smiled up at the sky.
“Can I take your hair ties out?” he asked after a moment. 
“Hmm? Oh...sure, I guess.” 
Luka carefully pulled the ribbons from her pigtails. Then he ran his fingers through her hair from root to tip. Marinette’s eyes closed and her head tipped back, her lips parted in a quiet gasp. Luka smiled. “I’ve always wanted to do this,” he murmured, running his hands through her hair again. 
“Mmm,” Marinette sighed, melting into him. He chuckled. 
“I’m glad you like it as much as I do.” He kissed her cheek, and then sighed. “I’m going to say something and I swear it’s a compliment, but I’m not sure it’s going to come out right,” he said, a little uncharacteristic shyness in his voice. 
“I’m listening.”
“You make it hard to live in the moment.” He could feel her surprise and she waited for him to explain. “I’m not really the type of person to overthink stuff, you know? Really I probably ought to think of the future more, but I feel like it’s important to appreciate where you are right now. But sometimes with you it’s not as easy as it used to be. I can’t help thinking about all the things I want to do with you someday.” 
“Like, what kinds of things?” Marinette asked dreamily, still leaning into his touch as his fingers continued to move through her hair. 
“Like...doing just what we’re doing now, only out on the open ocean, with all the lights off so we can see the stars. Oh, you’ve never seen the sky until you’ve seen it like that, Marinette. Things like, a spring picnic up in the Alps, where the mountains just surround you and it feels like if you just jumped up in the air you’d be flying. I want you to teach me something I’ve never done before. I want us to learn something new together, something neither of us have ever done before.” He paused. “I just...I want to share things with you and I want you to share things with me.” He cringed slightly, letting his hands slip out of her hair and circle her waist. “Am I getting too heavy?”
“No,” Marinette said shyly. “Or...maybe, but I...tonight I think I like it.”
Luka hesitated. “There’s...one thing I’d kind of like to do that’s a little more achievable in the here and now.”
“I’d like you to meet my friends. There’s an open mic night next week that a bunch of us were going to go to. Maybe you could come?”
Marinette was silent and he could feel her tense slightly. “Hey,” he said, nudging her temple with his nose. “Don’t go spiraling without me. Talk to me. Tell me what you’re feeling.”
“What if they don’t like me?”
Luka chuckled. “What if you don’t like them?” 
“I’m serious,” he said, squeezing her lightly. “Maybe they won’t like you, maybe you won’t like them. That’s okay if it happens. You don’t have to be friends with everybody. Maybe you’ll like some of them and not others. Whatever happens, it won’t change anything between us. Worst case scenario, I see them at school and when we make plans to hang out, and I keep you all to myself when we’re together, just like we’ve been doing. It’s not some kind of test you have to pass. I don’t think you have to worry too hard about it, though, I think my friends are pretty cool people and they’ll see that you’re amazing. You seem to have a pretty high tolerance for weird, so I think you’ll be able to put up with them.” 
Marinette giggled and relaxed into him. “How are you so perfect?” 
A trickle of cold went down Luka’s spine. “I’m not, Marinette,” he said softly. “If you think I am, then you need to look closer, babe.”
“I know you’re not,” Marinette said seriously. She sat forward and tried to twist so she could see him. Luka pulled her up onto his lap and she leaned on his chest, their eyes nearly level. “You’re self-conscious. You’re not always proactive enough. You don’t always say what you’re thinking because you’re afraid it won’t come out right. You worry about others to the point where you neglect yourself or overwhelm them, you take too much on yourself, and you tend to hide behind your guitar. But those are all just the other side of all the things I love about you. You’re humble, laid back, considerate, empathetic, protective, responsible, and a true artist.”
Luka couldn’t breathe as he stared at her. “Are you okay?” she asked, and he nodded numbly. He reached up to hook his hand behind her neck and pulled her gently to his mouth. She kissed him, and then pulled back to look at him again. “I love you,” she told him, soft but sure. His chest tightened and his breath came short and quick. Luka pulled her back to his trembling lips and kissed her fiercely, aware of tears gathering behind his tightly closed eyelids. He focused on kissing her senseless so she wouldn’t notice when they slipped free. Even so he felt her hands on his face, thumbs wiping them away. “I’m sorry,” she spoke against his lips. “I’m sorry I made you wait so long.”
“No,” he said between kisses. “No, no, I wouldn’t change a thing. I love you so much.” He sighed, wiping the tears away himself. “Damn, sorry.” 
Marinette bit her lip, then took a shaky breath and sang softly, “Je pense à toi, mon amour, mon bien aimé, ne m'abandonne pas, mon amour, mon chéri.” Luka’s smile threatened to split his face. He already knew she had a sweet voice, but she was shy about singing around him. It was always a treat for him when she loosened up enough to let him hear her.
“Keep going,” he murmured. Marinette sang the line again, and her voice wavered slightly when he joined in with the harmony he hadn’t been able to sing alone, but she held true to her note. “Je pense à toi, mon amour, ma bien aimée, ne m'abandonne pas, mon amour, ma chérie.”
She paused, and he sang the next line for her. Marinette nodded and they sang it together, and this time she held the melody steady as he sang the harmony. “Quand je suis dans ma lit, je ne rêve qu’à toi, et quand je me réveille, je ne pense qu’à toi…” 
Slowly, they sang through the whole song, Luka giving her the line first and then the two of them together .
Luka nudged her nose with his. “Not bad. I think we sound pretty good together.”
Marinette smiled, laying her head down on his shoulder and pressing her face into his neck. “Yeah. I think we do too.”
25 notes · View notes
What goes bump in the night? More like who steals shoes in the night.
A/N thanks for the RP @natalyabloom and @wyattschreave 
I sat in bed dangling the small phone about arms length above my head watching a youtube video called “only 1% of people will figure out these insane riddles” I knew I wouldn’t be able to get it but I loved the “OHHHHH DANG” moments.
Suddenly my grip faltered and smack the phone went on my nose. “Ow ow ow ow!” I yelped as I picked the phone up off of my face and rubbed my nose. “Alright, that’s enough of you.” I mumbled to myself as I got up and returned the phone to my desk. I paused for a moment and looked at the picture of Emma and I. I sighed a bit to myself. I missed Emma deeply, I missed my goofy friend who would watch videos with me. I need some friends here too.
I “plopped back down on my bed and started to think of the girls. I could approach someone from my group from the political lessons? Maybe they’d want to be friends? OH NATALYA. I should do apologize to Natalya. We argued back at the lessons but she seems like a smart girl, maybe we could be friends.
I got up from my bed and walked over to her room and then knocked on her door, “Hi Natalya, it's me Gabriella from the political lessons.” I introduced from outside.
A maid came and opened the door, “Excuse me, Miss. I hope you won’t mind coming back later. Lady Natal-”
Suddenly Natalya appeared standing next to the maid in her reading glasses and spoke softly to her maid, “I told you to stop calling me that. I’ve got it from here, Raylen. You can go back in and…I don’t know, the bathroom is covered in soil.” Soil?
“Yes?” She asked addressing me.
“Oh! Hi yes! I was hoping I could talk with you for a moment, may I come in?”
She turned around quickly and went into her room, “Watch out for the floor.” The floor? As I walked in there were plants everywhere. It was so cool. This had to be the best decorating job in the palace.
“Oh wow! Your room is so cool it’s like a mini garden!” I exclaimed.
Natalya sat down on her bed next to a stack of books, “Yes, I guess it’s sort of my thing…So, what is it?”
“I like animals myself but plants are really cute too and oh right! I just wanted to make sure you knew I was sorry for the...debate during the lessons today. I can get kind of competitive so I got a little too into it. You seem like a super smart and interesting girl though so I'd like to try and be friends with you if that’s alright.” Maybe that was too direct.
She slightly adjusted her glasses, “A surprising amount of you girls are awfully blunt. But…I guess I should apologize too. I was out of it that day.” She then flattened her hair a bit, “Still am.” She added.
“I prefer to be direct. It makes things much more simple. Why do you think you were out of it? Did you get enough sleep?” I asked.
“Not exactly. Being Selected is much more stressful than I thought.” I wonder where she gets stress from? I think this is fun. We’ll the lessons were stressful but overall this has been more fun and exciting than stressful. I suppose though that’s because I’m spending a lot of time with Ben and he’s fun and exciting to me.
“Hmmm, well what's something that you love to do back at home. I normally visit the ocean when I'm stressed which has been helping me…” I paused and looked around, “Do the plants help you?” I asked.
“Botany, the science of plants, though some of them dive more into the field of hydroponics, still a part of botany. So, yes.” ????
“Hydro what now? Sorry I'm a bit of a moron. The caste of a 3 is misleading.” Hydro means water. I got that far.
She smiled a bit. Yes! She’s warming up to me, “The science of growing plants without fertilizer or dirt.” WHAT
“What the!? That sounds amazing! How do they do it?” I asked honestly eager to learn. I loved learning new things and this just seemed so interesting.
“It involves mixing nutrients usually found in fertilizer into the water. I could show you if you want. It’s not all that complicated.” She can show me? Like right here? This is like an episode of Bill Nye.
“Please do, it sounds so cool! I always sucked at growing plants. I'm too forgetful for them, I did have a cactus that lived a long time though. It was a good fit for me.”
She stood from the bed and made her way over to a drawer, “You probably weren’t all that bad. Cacti are actually surprisingly hard to maintain.” She then took two bottles out of the drawer and began to shake them, “The gardens here are maintained wonderfully, though.”
“I had them in my windowsill so they got plenty of sun, when they had those like purple flowers blossom it was really pretty. I was very proud. Somehow I've managed to take care of our dog Gregory though. He's a very silly dog. A very big diva.”
She brought the bottles over to one of the plants and poured the nutrients into what almost looks like a small pool of water that the plant sat in, the colors of the shampoo swirl around and disappear quickly, like a small leaf tornado. “You have a dog too? What kind?”
“Oooh! That was cool! And he's a poodle. Fitting for his personality. His favourite color is salmon. Not a hue off.”
Natalya and I seemed to get along well. I’m glad we were able to get through all of that drama from the political lessons. As I thought back to the lessons my idea for vengeance on Wyatt came to mind. Natalya seemed to like Wyatt though, not in a romantic way of course that would be inappropriate and I really don’t know her too well. But, she didn’t seem to dislike him. I suppose you could say the same for me, I just had a slight annoyance for him here and there but he was still interesting to talk with. Anyways, maybe I should just ask instead of trying to guess her perspective.
“By the way you acted really well with prince Wyatt. Are you two friends?” I asked deciding a lead in would be best.
She sat up suddenly looking startled, “Uh, yes, I think I’m close with the prince.” She answered. Huh. Maybe there is something more there. That’s a rather large reaction to a small question.
“Do you think he's slightly deserving of being pranked? Two times now he's been kind of rude to me, not rude enough for like pain but for sure pranking. I need a partner in crime.” I asked deciding to brush past my suspicion. If she had feelings for him that was between the two of them. If later she decided to talk to me as a friend that was up to her, but I wasn’t going to prod.
“I’ve never pulled a prank on anyone before.” She answered. First time for everything.
“I have many times. I'm actually pretty good at it. I got the idea early on to switch all of my horrible heels with his nice comfy shoes. You can add yours to the pile if you'd like. You in?” Maybe she would be tempted by the idea to lose her stilts too.
She sighed and pet her hair down, “Well, I have a pair of bright purple six inch tie ups I’m sure he’d look gorgeous in.”
I smiled widely, “Wonderful. We can lipstick so he knows what to match them with. Can you ask one of your maids for like a cart so we can roll the heels upstairs. Oh! Wait one us distract him while the other goes in.” I suggested. I should probably distract, if I did the sneaky work we’d end up with all of his shoes falling in the hallway and the cart toppled.
She agreed and said one of her maids should be able to get the cart for us. We gathered the heels and began to push the cart up. We used one of the elevators that the staff used when taking carts of food to people. Soon we made it sneakily up to the royals hall.
I turned and nodded at Natalya to let her know I was moving out and went down the hall to his room and promptly knocked on his door, “Wyatt! Come quickly! Its Gabriella!” I shouted.
There was the sound of clatter as he seemed to rush to the door knocking over things on his way out, “What?! What’s wrong?” He asked as he looked me up in down probably for an injury. He seemed to notice I was fine and straightened himself up, “How did you even get up here?” He asked.
“Doesn't matter. Come look at this!” I replied loudly so Natalya would hear and grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hallway.
He seemed surprised as I pulled him down and looked back over his shoulder once more, “Where are we going?”
“It's something amazing. you'll love to see it. I thought of you right away. It has to do with one of your many interests.”
He looked confused as I looked back at his face, my eyes quickly catching a glance of Natalya as she made her way into Wyatt’s room. “My many interests?” He asked as stopped walking, “Gabriella, what’s this really about?” Crap crap crap we weren’t to the vase yet. I need a conversation topic. I glanced around quickly.
“Oh we're here!” I said and gestured to the wall, “ It's your favorite thing. A wall. They're very interesting right. But this wall, is really cool because like look at it it's so cool. They wall paper looks more like it's painted than it is just with a paper over it.”
He looked blankly at the wall for a moment before turning and ripping my soul out of my body with an ice cold glare and throwing it in the trashcan of hell. This is it. This is how I die. Murdered at the hands of Wyatt.
“Alright don't be mad.” I said and put my hands up defensively. Natalya isn’t out yet, oh fiddlesticks. A new conversation topic. Um….BEN.
“The truth is.......I need advice...it's just awkward to ask....ummmm......” I said making long pauses to insure I was stalling well.
He pressed his lips together for a moment before he let out a sigh, “ About what?”
“well it's about your brother, so I'm trying to figure out what I should get him for his birthday. My family has a tradition of making...well, I'll keep that part hidden. But we do handmade gifts but I know some people don't like them so well I was wondering if you knew if Ben did?” I gave a small fib to add a little extra time. Yes my family made handmade things as a tradition but we didn’t make one specific thing. I just figured the awkward pause would give Nat some more time.
“Handmade gifts?” He asked with a snort, “Have you met him? Yes, he likes them. Though... I guess it depends on how weird you make it.” What would I make that would be weird?
I chuckled, “They're not too weird. Just small little things. What are you getting him? Or doing for him?” I asked trying to move along the conversation as I waited for Natalya.
“How do I know you’re not going to tell him? Maybe this is all a plan to figure out what I’m getting him ahead of time.” He narrowed his eyes in suspicion, “He always does that.” He always sends a spy to find out what Wyatt got him for his birthday?
“Why in the world would I try and tell him that.” I trailed off for a moment as I saw natalya pulling out of there and heading for out meetup location, “I'm a fan of surprises so if you're just trying to keep it a secret then I get that. Anyways, I have something to go do now, so I'll talk to you later.” I exited and pat him on his shoulder as I past him and briskly made my way to natalya.
“wait—“ He said and started to follow me.
“Run. Run. Run.” I ordered to natalya as we made it back together and made out escape.
“HEY, WHAT JUST HAPPENED?” I heard him yell. We stopped and waited a moment a little curious of the aftermath.
“OH, YOU LITTLE—” There was distant yelling as he seemed to realize that he had been hustled. I couldn’t help but to burst out in laughter as we had won and made our way back to his room.
Turns out Wyatt had tiny feet. So small his shoes didn’t fit either natalya or I. So we decided we had to send them back. But- not that simply. Wyatt would be gaining his shoes back one left shoe at a time.
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jaymarawrites-blog · 7 years
LIKE RATS - 9 - Grease Paint
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Echo Eclipse had made themselves comfortable in the cramped dressing room. I didn’t know them yet, not even well enough to match the person to the instrument, but I’d developed visual mnemonics to differentiate. The one whose head was shaved underneath a long sweep of brown hair and the one with the round face sat in folding chairs, hunched over a phone, sharing earbuds. The small one was sprawled out on a ripped leather couch, playing a game on his phone. The young one stood in front of the wall-sized mirror smearing his arms in black grease paint.
Chris was squatting on the floor when I entered the room, hunched over a pile of bags and rumpled clothing, drinking from a bottled water. I knocked on the open door to avoid having to announce myself.
I couldn’t find a place for my hands on his body that felt natural when Chris greeted me with a casual hug; he was so tall, so long in the torso. I couldn’t reach around his neck easily but I avoided hugging him around the waist. I lifted my arms underneath his and pressed my palms between his shoulder blades, into his sleeveless T-shirt.
He reintroduced me to the rest of the band, which I appreciated. I’d only recently been able to recognize the band to tell them apart from the crew, and I was shit with names.
Kyle with the round face shared earbuds with Adrian with the long sweep of hair.
Tyler, smearing black over his body, smiled at me in the mirror.
Smith gave a single wave without looking up from his phone.
None of them paid further attention to me.
I shoved my makeup case onto a folding table amid Subway sandwiches, loose cords, tape, and bottled water.
“You brought makeup?” Chris asked.
“It’s my job.”
I gestured at the sleeveless tee he wore. “This is what you’re wearing onstage?”
“Nah, I got another one I’ll put on afterward.”
“You should put it on now. I don’t want you smearing your makeup or getting it on your shirt.”
He shrugged, opening his palms to me. “It’s usually fine.”
“Look, am I doing this or not?” I half-smiled to hide slight exasperation.
“O-kay,” he drew out in concession. “I guess we’ll do it professionally then.”
Chris pulled the sleeveless tee over his head, tugging it over his face by the front collar and pulling the back collar all the way over his head. I caught inked plumage along his ribs before averting my eyes. I stared hard at a snag in the gray-green carpet though my attention remained on his skin; my eyes focused on the floor but saw only skin rippling over his ribs.
“Can I sit here?” he asked, now wearing a black sleeveless tee that wasn’t much different from the first, placing himself in a plastic avocado-colored chair in the middle of the room. “Since the smallest fucking person here is taking up the largest piece of furniture?” he called louder, reaching over and smacking the toe of one of Smith’s black boots with his massive palm.
Again without taking his eyes off of his phone, Smith saluted him with a middle finger.
“You’re fine if you sit up straight.”
Chris rolled his shoulders back and sat on the edge of the chair, at seated attention. I unrolled the fabric case I’d tucked my brushes into, unzipped my pouch and started pulling out the various tubes, jars, and palettes.
He gestured at my set-up. “Did you study this or something? Like, go to cosmetology school and turn someone’s hair purple?”
“Only if they wanted it. Put this around your neck.” I threw one of Michael’s old towels at Chris before dabbing my fingers into the blue-tinted primer. I started in the middle of his face, underneath one cheekbone.
“No, actually, it’s all kind of self-taught trial and error kind of stuff. Now there are all these tutorials on YouTube, it’s easy. I’m old enough that I just missed all that. I had to learn by making myself look like Pennywise a few hundred times first.” I finished adding primer to his forehead, then continued on to his chin.
“I hope you’re done learning then.”
“Never,” I snorted. “I promise not to learn too much on you, though.”
I screwed the top back onto the primer and Chris maneuvered in his chair trying to see his face in the mirror, past Tyler smoothing the black paint over his neck.
“There’s nothing to really see yet. It’s just primer.”
He sank back down into the chair. “I don’t know what that is. I definitely never used it before.”
I poured foundation onto the back of my hand. “It’s just like getting your face ready for everything else. It helps it stay on better. Sit up.”
“I don’t use brushes when I do this either,” he said, noticing the brush I’d swirled through the foundation before I began buffing it over his nose.
“Can you do some kind of makeup magic to make my nose look smaller?”
I smiled despite myself. “You don’t want that. Your nose is fine.”
He was quiet for a moment while I buffed the foundation around his lips. I buffed around his forehead and temples and he asked, “Does this mean if this goes well you’ll do my makeup again?”
“I’m certainly not going anywhere. Close your eyes.” I dusted some iridescent eyeshadow over one lid.
“How did you get suckered into doing this again if you’ve done it once already? I mean, how did you fall for this if you already know what touring is like?”
Now the other lid.
“The bus helps.” I feared it was an obvious lie.
“It helps.”
I began coloring in one eyelid with a black eyeliner pencil and jumped when Kyle suddenly roared with laughter over the phone.
“What are they watching?”
Chris waved one hand dismissively and opened his eyes while I reached for a stiffer brush to rub in the eyeliner. “Yeah, there’s something wrong with him.”
“Let me believe it’s the American remake and I can forgive the laughter.”
He closed his eyes again while I worked. “No shit, though, I wish we had a bus with a shower and all. I’ve definitely had a set or two that were pretty ripe because we didn’t make it to the next stop in time for a shower.”
“That sounds miserable.”
I suddenly flashed to Erica Jong’s so-called “zipless fuck” and the Fear of Flying heroine’s desire for the artist even after seeing the skidmarks in his underwear.
Chris continued, “And there’s been times when I did shows in the same clothes without washing them, worn the same makeup the next night.”
“Good thing you’re in a band. The glamor overrides the smell, I assume.”
“I hope?”
“I mean, I’m sure it doesn’t bother the Echo Eclipse groupies.” I wasn’t exactly sure whether or not Echo Eclipse even had groupies, but surveyed the face in front of me and thought that they must.
Chris laughed good-naturedly, showing his teeth. “Groupies? I don’t think any band had groupies since the eighties. I know we don’t.”
“None at all?”
“No way. ‘Stans’ sure, a few. But nowadays it’s like you never heard of a band, you basically follow them on tour, or they’re getting a restraining order against you.”
“Any restraining orders, then?”
“Someday, maybe,” he said, comically wistful.
I began blending a darker brownish shadow into the crease of one eye.
“What about you?”
“What?” I stepped back, puzzled.
He opened his eyes again. “Any stalkers? Isn’t that a thing?”
“I’m a woman in the internet age and I’m married to Michael March.”
“Too many to count, then.”
He shut his eyes as I began blending again. “But a fraction as many as Michael, and mine are a little less scary.”
“Yeah? I can’t even think about the shit he must see over the years.”
“The young ones are some of the scariest, too, which is funny since he’s in his forties. He likes to say that in the beginning, before all this social media, the worst thing a fan did was cry or scream or try to forcibly kiss him at a signing, and that’s a relief now.”
“But we disagree about the worst thing a fan has done.”
“What is it?”
“I think the worst thing fans do is when they cut themselves and send Michael their razors. Before we met he actually received an envelope once, but it was tucked inside a small, like, courier envelope. The envelope inside was brown all over, just covered in blood. Michael didn’t handle it himself, obviously, but they told him the bloody razor was inside and a Polaroid of where this fan had carved ‘Michael’ into her arm. Big ropey scabs.”
Chris was silent for a moment, then said, “Not the point, but with all that blood how could they make out the Polaroid? Didn’t the blood mess up the picture?”
“I said the same thing! We actually had a big fight about it when we were dating. I laughed at the fact that it was obviously staged, not like some fan put this together in an act of desperation. And I swear to God it’s like he was insulted! He got all mad at me for like interpreting his life or something like that. But that was the most offensive part to me: the fact that it was all kind of staged like that. So manipulative. This person’s desire to create this scenario was more offensive to me than if it had been real.”
“Yeah, that’s pretty sick.”
“So what does Michael think is the worst thing a fan has done?”
I rolled my eyes and reached for the eyeliner again, this time to line his eyes. “This has happened more than once, but sending used panties in the mail.”
“That’s some Motley Crue shit.”
“It definitely happens. Like, still.”
“Do you think they ever just buy them and send them, or do you think it’s real? Like, do you think they really wear them around and send them?”
“Some of them, absolutely. Some actually arrive crusty.”
Chris widened his eyes.
“Stop, I don’t want to poke you. One fan sent these crusty panties - like crust dusting the envelope and everything - and I swear to God the smell will stay with me forever. But that wasn’t even the worst part! She included this letter that was just a detailed description of her maturbating to the ‘Solace in Silence’ video, but it went on for three pages.”
“Most of the time I couldn’t fill a postcard.” He shrugged and I couldn’t help laughing. “That’s pretty groty, though. I’m surprised you’re not as bothered by that as he is, or more bothered by that than the bloody razor.”
“Oh, God no. I don’t care about the panties. I totally get it.”
“You get it?”
“Fuck, yes.”
“Absolutely.” I lifted the lid on the loose translucent powder and grabbed the fluffiest brush. “I get the idea about being absolutely infatuated and having no outlet for it. I get being so tortured by these unrequited feelings, and you feel like you’re going to burst, and it’s so ridiculous and impossible that all you want is for them to know. And it builds to the point that you want to make it known in the biggest, bravest way possible, make as much of an impression as you can. And making an impression on a celebrity isn’t easy. If I were them, I would’ve done the same thing.”
“Too bad you’re not an Echo Eclipse fan, then,” he smirked.
“Who says I’m not?”
“What, you did your homework for the tour or something?”
“I did my homework for your makeup. I’m into it. The videos are intense.”
Chris released a breath that was half laugh and half embarrassed sigh.
“No, stop for a second so I can do your lips.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“That’s still talking.”
He parted his lips obediently. I ran a liquid black over his lips, tipping the silver rings in his lower lip first one way, then the next. I painted under his two rings with a lipliner brush. His lower lip was full and I was careful to cover it all before making clean edges. I made points at his cupid’s bow and slid carefully along his upper lip, and without thinking I glanced up at his closed eyes. When they opened on me I looked away quickly.
“One more thing.” I pulled a tissue from my purse and draped it over his lips, then brushed more of the loose powder over the tissue. “It should stay better like that. But let me know if I need to touch it up.”
“So you’ll be around then? Are you going to watch our set?”
I hadn’t thought about it, but now I suppressed a smile. “I can do that if I’m won’t be in the way.”
“If there’s room for randos that won radio contests there’s room for you. I’ll be all high-maintenance, like ‘I need my makeup artist on standby.’”
I laughed.
“So I’m finished then?”
“You should be good.”
Chris jumped out of his chair and elbowed Tyler out of the way to study his face in the mirror. I cringed as I noticed Tyler smearing the black grease paint around his eyes. Chris widened and narrowed his blackened eyes, stretched the skin over his upper lip and examined either side of his nose in the mirror, then sneered.
“This is sick.” He turned back to me and laughed, delighted, and his teeth were shockingly white against his black lips. “This is fucking sick!”
Begin at the beginning: LIKE RATS - Prologue
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gabshannen · 4 years
Zero Waste Shopping
The struggle with motivation when being zero & the crazy panic buying
Good morning, afternoon and good evening wherever you are today! I decided that I am going to start today by elaborating on Covid-19 shopping and Ecobricks. I just wanted to say that I can understand that some of you may be struggling. I understand how difficult it is right now to be zero waste, especially since most of the zero waste shops are temporarily closed. This is even more difficult since some people have gone a little (definitely not little) crazy with their food shopping. It hurts to see some of these panic buyers' bins (on the internet mostly) full of uneaten food. I know that these times will be hard to shop zero, but do not forget you can still shop zero and you can still get rid of your current waste at home. If you do not recycle, start recycling. You’ll make your zero waste lifestyle a lot easier starting this way (I’ll briefly discuss later). If you did not get the chance to read my first blog post. Simple way to explain what you missed is with one word, ‘Ecobrick’. To create one you will need a big bottle (plastic) and your plastic waste, you put the plastic waste inside the bottle, weigh it and BOOM! You have an Ecobrick! It will then be used for architectural projects, it’s fun and also a great way to alleviate most plastic waste at home. I’ve put a link below so you can see how to create your own at home. You’ll notice on the website that the drop off points are currently closed because of covid-19, but remember you can still create your Ecobricks at home to send them later, when we are all back to ‘normal’. You will be surprised by how much plastic you can squeeze inside one bottle. 
Here is a link to the ‘How to’ make your own Ecobrick to get started; https://www.ecobricks.org/how/ 
So If you are shopping do not feel guilty to pick up that piece of plastic, you can be part of a project and place it in your Ecobrick! However, if you’re going shopping bring your own bags, if there is loose fruit and vegetables available pick them up instead. Lastly, If you eat meat and have a butcher that is open near you go there! Forget all about that piece of meat you saw in ASDA that was completely sealed in plastic. Take your tupperware that is buried in your cupboard with you to the butcher and buy local (do not be shy to ask if they can place your chosen meat in your tupperware usually they are fine with it). During this pandemic I have been taking exactly these steps to reduce my waste. I am also lucky that I have a butcher open, loose fruit and vegetables available nearly everywhere and a zero waste shop open for collections! But remember if you are hungry and you need to eat, buy what you need and stay safe! 
If you are planning on taking a dive into Ecobricks I would highly recommend it, it is quick and easy to do. Just ensure that when handling these bottles that you are washing your hands, sanitizing, and/or wearing gloves. It is not fully clear how long the coronavirus can stay on surfaces, studies suggest it may persist on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days. 
My first mission was fighting my enemy, plastic and waste! When starting my first mission I did not know how long it would last, I just needed to get rid of the waste in my rubbish bins first! This took at least a week and a half to empty my bins. I could have done this quicker but honestly I had some days when I would stare at my ‘waste material’ (my rubbish bin) and just say to myself ‘WHY!’. Why did I say why? Because juggling full time work, full time university, being a president of the circus society and owner of a business really started to drain me! But you know what? I was still motivated somehow to complete this challenge! I kept on repeating to myself ‘once I have a routine it will get easier’, and also it  will save me the energy. Also I do not enjoy taking the bins out! Yes yes I am lazy but have you not seen my blog name? I actually started my journey to zero because I wanted to reduce my carbon emissions. If I didn’t recycle I think personally I would have not made it to zero as quick as I did. Since my rubbish was separated from each other this made it easier to understand what I could use as materials. I can imagine how messy and difficult it could get if you throw all your rubbish as general waste.
After making my own Ecobricks and organising craft sessions at home, my bins were eventually empty. I was only left with 30% food packaging waste, but these were food items (in the fridge, freezer, pantry) or other items I had not used yet. Thanks to my mum for stocking up my fridge, freezer and pantry! You are the best! I was even more lucky because she only purchases meat at the butchers and puts them in tupperware (which was a 1UP for me in this waste challenge). It took me a whole month to completely get rid of the other 30%. The 30% of waste went into one Ecobrick (1.5 litres water bottle) which was only half filled!
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Shopping around
The next step was, SHOPPING! I live in Canterbury, Kent, I have been living here for 5-6 years now. I was aware that there were two places I could do my zero waste shopping in Canterbury called ‘Unboxed Kent’, and ‘The Good Shed’. Unboxed Kent provided me with my everyday essentials; flour, cereal, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, menstrual products (cup and bamboo pads), cleaning products, chocolate (it is essential that I have chocolate everyday!) and oil.
The Good Shed was full of EVERYTHING! You could purchase fresh meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, food for the pantry, local cheese, local handmade juice or squash, everyday essentials, milk and baked goods!
Saving Cost
Although there was a range of zero waste options I wanted to cut down my spending, I am not saying this journey was expensive, because it was not! I just had some financial difficulties. I learned living alone (rent and bills) was turning into an expensive lifestyle! But being zero waste was not, I spent less money and my monthly food shop went from £60-70 to £45-50! 
I believe that the reason why I managed to save some money is because I had the opportunity to weigh my goods and purchase the quantity that was more realistic to my lifestyle. I realised that when I purchased these items that was usually packaged, it would contain more than what I needed, and I would have wasted up to 40-50% of my purchased shopping. To help save cost and waste I decided to stretch the shelf life of most of my fruit and vegetables by freezing them. Doing this ensured that I would not overspend, and that I will always have fruit and vegetables available at home. When I wanted to purchase fresh produce I would only purchase them when I needed it. Freezing fruit and vegetables was easier for my busy lifestyle. Freezing allows you to choose from a vast selection of seasonal ingredients all year round and they’re nutritionally more reliable than fresh as freezing prevents sensitive vitamins and nutrients from being lost.
So if you are a panic shopper, save your money because these times are hard.  Stay at home, shop less, and give it ago freeze some of your produce and stretch its shelf life! If you are bored at home by yourself, with friends or with family watch my stay at home videos on Instagram or Youtube (see link below). Have a good lazy Sunday!
Next Blog post : Sunday 12th April - Reducing my spending
Stay at Home : Revamp : Paint & Pour Old or New Books
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drashleighreid · 6 years
If you have the time, do all you haven’t done!
omfg! haha okay holy shit
Alisons: Sexuality?
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?
Amaryllis: birthday?
nov 4th! 
Anemone: Favorite flower?
sunflowers and port wine magnolias for their scent and peonies! 
Angelonia: Favorite tv show?
id say favorite of recent would be big little lies 
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger?
i don’t know i guess it depends on the situation. i find myself agreeing to do things for strangers for some reason like one time i took an acting workshop and i literally drove three people home afterwards even though they didnt live anywhere near me and i didnt know them at all lkjsf
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
i dont drink much else but water usually lol. i like cold brew coffee and iced tea too. and lemon ginger tea. alcohol-wise i love gin and tonics, red wine, and old-fashioneds 
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
no but i said that the time before too LMAO 
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love? 
im not sure. i’ve felt really strong feelings for people in the past but i don’t think it’s ever been mutual so i guess not 
Baneberries: Favorite song? 
god i don’t know if i can do a favorite of all time. i recently played this video game Submerged and it was a really cleansing and wholesome time and I’ve been listening to the orchestral score of that a lot since. any lana del rey song, get free - major lazer hits me in my toner tbh, the jazz standard stardust - there are so many versions i adore idk its too hard to pick ill just end up listing my whole spotify soon i dont really have all time favorites i just go thru waves Basket of Gold: Describe your family.
my mum runs a childcare business, my nan works at a post office, my brother is an IT guy my sister in law is a hairdresser and i have two young nieces who are in 1st and 2nd grade. they all live in my hometown which is kinda far from me. my dad passed away a few years ago but he owned a flower farm. my parents separated when i was in 2nd grade but i spent every holidays with my dad. i have looooooots of cousins lol 
Beebalm: do you have a best friend? Who is it?
i dont really do the hierarchy thing ! but i have a few. my friends jess and rach from here are my fave people ever and literally make me cry with laughter when we all hang out and my friend meg who i’ve known since 8th grade is my vegan salad club soul sister and i love her to death 
Bellflower: favorite animal
dogs and toucans ! lov birbs 
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children?
that i dont understand how i didnt get the maternal gene when my mum literally looks after children for a living slkjsdf. im not opposed to having one someday but not for a while and i think id honestly be content either way 
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
small spaces/being trapped which i dont know? ive just always had some level of claustrophobia i dont know where it came from 
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?
probably stressed LMAO. idk hanging out with loved ones eating good food trying to do a bunch of things i’ve always wanted to do
Buttercup: Relationship Status?
in a committed relationship with a body pillow and my vibrator 
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?
when i can speak openly and be vulnerable comfortably. when people tell me they care about me and value my presence 
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?
2x each ear and one cartilage 
California Poppy: Height?
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?
a cute grey nightgown lol *+*
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
im sure i did when i was younger but now light kind of bothers me when im trying to sleep
Chrysanthemum: who was the last person you kissed?
my friend when we were drunk
Cock’s Comb: favorite font?
i dont think i really have one lol
Columbine: Are you tired?
im kinda like comfy sleepy. its pouring rain and a cool breeze is coming through my window and im really cozy so its just like. nice. 
Coneflower: Dream job?
Crane’s-bill: Introvert or extrovert?
im an introvert
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
im fiercely loyal to those i love. 
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?
scorpio babeeeeey
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?
hmm. in what scheme lol. of the world? probably not yet but we’re working on it.
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
idk if its an accomplishment but my travels are probably the highlight of my life to me. im kind of always fearless when i travel lol and i love that for me 
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?
i dont know. i like to think im good at talking people through things and being empathetic and giving advice. i try my best to be there for people 
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?
letting things go. not bottling things up. 
Freesia: what are three good things that have happened in the past month?
i finished school for the semester ! i started a painting! i saw two cool theatre shows. 
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?
actually pretty good!
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?
not really but i’m starting to see the potential in the future a lot more. i tend to get really stuck and struggle to see beyond my current situation but i’m trying to look forward and realise that things are going to get a lot better with time 
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two?
direct a short film i’m happy with, write more, travel overseas, cultivate a close group of friends here, go back to singing lessons.
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?
watching youtube videos ! jenna and julien and remi cruz are my favorites they just make me feel so positive. listening to podcasts especially my dad wrote a porno because even if im in the worst mood ill literally be sobbing with laughter. listening to music and playing mindless games on my phone! watching movies and tv shows. getting out of the house and going to a cafe/wandering around the mall. going to the movie theatre. reading ! 
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
i use my words a lot of the time. if i really care about someone i’ll talk to them and be there for them.
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
im proud of my strength and my unwavering knowledge of what i deserve. im proud of my friends and my family and everyone in my life.
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day?
waking up and taking a dog for a walk having coffee and brunch with a close friend doing something fun like rock climbing or ice skating or going on a hike then going to see a show and going home to watch movies or play video games or play card games 
Hyacinth: what do you like to do in your free time?
read, watch movies, exercise, talk to friends, write
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them?
Jess and Rach i met on here like ??? i cant remember when ?? 2012 ?? 2011? then we finally met in person in 2015 and now i swear i see them more often than i see friends i live in the same place as. my best friend from high school i met in 8th grade so 2007?? 
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?
my best friends. my sister in law. 
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
idk its kinda weird to count lol 
 Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
hmm. this random lady in a mall once told me i can pull off red lipstick better than anyone shes ever seen before shhhhwooooosh. some of the things people have said about my fics literally makes me want to cry. one of my professors last year wrote a really lovely recommendation letter for me and told me i was fucking awesome and was going to do great things. 
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself?
She’s Trying. idk i struggle sometimes but at my core im proud of myself and i know my worth 
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
My resilience and passion and empathy.
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself?
that i lose sight of what i want and how to get it. that i shut people out and am sometimes so scarily independent that it tips and turns me lonely. 
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?
visit my nans on the weekend and play video games. go to the beach. read !!! write. 
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid?
my best friend had the same name as me and we’d play bratz and she had a pool so it was lit now she lives a few houses down from where my mum lives and has a child and we havent really spoken since like 9th grade lol slfj 
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for?
not making it back in time for my dads funeral
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?
a lot of the time im self assured enough to not feel guilt over things i know aren’t my fault or situations where im not in the wrong. i never want people to be unhappy or struggle even if they probably dont deserve my sympathy though so i get mixed feelings there. 
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it?
i grew up on a coastal beach town. a small sleepy lil bay. it’s super pretty and idyllic and gorgeous but living there grew a bit monotonous tbh im not a small town person. visiting is lovely though. my nan literally lived basically on the beach when i was growing up youd just like roll down a hill and be on the sand. i loved it so much
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?
i had a few different ones. i usually had purple walls ! and id decorate it with random things i was interested in and had books everywhere
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?
i mean not a whole lot LOL high school kinda sucked. i did really well at school and i had some good friends! it wasnt the worst but i was also a closeted gay and didnt know who tf i was so there was some struggles around that. 
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom?
shes generous and selfless and kind. she’s had a bit of a rough life but she’s strong. 
Onions: Tell about your dad
i love that this q is ‘onions’ mood. our relationship was ,,, turbulent. i have some really great memories with him and visiting was honestly good a lot of the time when i was growing up! we’d play pool and id help them with the flowers and we’d go out boating and swimming and bowling and do lots of fun stuff but he was also an alcoholic and gradually got worse as i got older and he was really intimidating and could be really hot and cold and had really unrealistic expectations. 
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents
 i was really close with my grandmother on my dads side she gave me my passion for reading and writing !! when i was really young i would sit in her lap and she would read me stories and then when i got older i started reading the stories to her we were super close she passed away when i was in 6th grade and it was really sad i loved her. my grandpa on my mums side taught me how to play pool !! he used to run the pool club where i’d compete and he was just a nice guy he passed away a few years ago. and my nan on my mums side is an icon i love hanging out with her i grew up spending almost every weekend at her house playing video games she always has all the newest consoles and video games for all of her grandchildren lol we go for walks on the beach and shes awesome one time she came to pick me up from school blasting low by flo rida we stan 
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
hmm my 16th maybe ! that was when i was in the US and i remember having cheer practice and my host mom brought cake in and it was just really nice. idk why my 10th birthday is so memorable to me but i had a lit bday party and i remember so much about it lol? 
Peony: What was your first job?
i was a barista! 
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any?
i dont know if i have an idea on how i hope to meet my future partner its not something i plan or have a preference for. ive met most of my closest friends online and w being gay *+* lol itll prob be through online im guessing. 
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain?
physically? poorly LOL im such a baby if im in pain in any way. 
Pink: where is home? 
idk. i dont know if i have one just yet tbh. we’ll find it ! 
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, whats is one thing you would stop/change?
hmm i try to live without ragrets. there are a few situations id like to go into either wiser or not at all though if im being hoe nest. 
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
hmm. there are a few actresses/celebs i look up to ! all these qs are turning my brain into goo LMAO i cant think
Rhododendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child?
i heard once that someone related to my great grandfather had some kind of connection to french royalty ?? idk how true that was but i was waiting for my princess diaries moment for a while there 
Ricinus: who’s the most important in your life?
me bitch
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?
to read fic until im too sleepy to keep my eyes open then drift off *+* 
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things?
depends on the situation. i wouldn’t say easy but i can speak and explain myself well because I spend soo much time thinking about things lol
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
my mum 
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?
like 9 hrs lol 
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?
Touch-me-not: how do you feel about your current job?
that i need one
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
black jeans 
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?
this and that. packing to go away
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? what were they called?
lol none really. i read a few at the beginning of the year but nothing lately. ive read innumerable fic tho does that count
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
happier ! growing ! loved. i want to feel accomplished with what i created during the school year, fulfilled. surrounded by people with pure intentions. hopefully just overseas somewhere 
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?
whY is this a question ???????????????????
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself
i used to be a fitness instructor 
okay that was a lot more questions than i thought it was LMAO fuck
thank you for the entertainment that was fun ! xx 
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