#I’ve just been feeling so alone and unmotivated
autism-criminal · 7 months
you . uh , haha , you love me , right ? if I were to disappear , you’d be concerned ? if I had to leave , you’d miss me ?
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fairydustblossom · 1 year
losing control {part 1}
azriel x reader
summary: you and azriel have been best friends for decades. giving romance a chance takes some time to figure out.
category: angst, slow-burn, friends-to-lovers (kinda)
word count: 2.9k
warnings: none rly! some jealousy and sparring while training maybe
notes: hello! i’ve been lurking on tumblr for many years reading fanfics but this is my first time writing one! first time writing anything, really ◡̈  i’ve been part of the acotar fandom for only a year but it has absolutely consumed me and my obsession has not died down one bit. i constantly have a stream of fics i want to read and scenarios playing in my head so i figured i would give this a shot. go easy on me 😅 anyways, hope you enjoy!
{part 2} | {part 3} | {part 4} | {part 5}
The sun was beating down on you, sweat was dripping down your body, your muscles were sore but you wanted to keep going. You had decided to join the Valkyries training today since you had missed your training with Cassian the day before. Waking up alone once again after a visit from Azriel had left you feeling unmotivated to train with the Illyrian general. The pleasant soreness throughout your body after a night with Azriel also added to the reasons why you had skipped training.   
No one knew about your relationship with the Shadowsinger yet. You had been best friends for decades and after years of flirting, loving gazes, and tip-toeing around romantic feelings you had finally crossed the line and become lovers.  It was a recent development and you were both taking the time to explore your blossoming relationship. For the past 7 months, you had been keeping your romance from your friends in order to avoid any external pressures, particularly your friends' unsolicited advice, opinions, and teasing that you would receive. To your knowledge, your friends were unaware of what was going on between you and Azriel… But you were starting to get tired of the secrecy. 
You wanted Azriel to claim you. You wanted him to proudly show you off. You wanted every single female in Illyrian to know you were his and he was yours.
But were you? Didn’t he want the same?
Doubts had slowly started seeping into your thoughts. 
What were you and azriel? You knew you were lovers, but describing what you had with Azriel as a friends with benefits situationship was not far from the truth. You knew it wasn’t just lust between you, there had been an emotional connection formed long ago and now a romantic connection, but what all did it mean if you couldn’t openly love one another like the rest of your friends did? 
Did he love you? You thought he did. You certainly loved him. For years you had kept your love for Azriel to yourself, and you were finally together in a way, but those three words hadn’t been uttered by either one of you. You were starting to wonder if he even wanted more, if he would ever want more. 
Your relationship was never really a topic of conversation. He never seemed to bring it up and you were too happy when you were with him to start a conversation that could potentially ruin what had slowly been unfolding. Your reluctance to talk to him about how you were feeling was also bothering you. Azriel was your best friend. He is your best friend. Telling him your thoughts, feelings, and frustrations had never been a problem. He had always been there for you, never judged you. But this… this was different. 
Questions of your relationship with Azriel, had been plaguing your mind the past two days and showing up to the Valkyries training had made it worse. You were annoyed. With yourself, with him, with everything, but especially right now, with Gwyn. 
You knew Azriel was pined after by many females. It’s something you learned to accept throughout the years. He was an attractive male. The most attractive male in all of Prythian, in your opinion. It was hard to miss the looks females sent his way, but it had been some time since you were around a female openly flirting with him in your presence. 
He was teaching some of the priestesses that had signed up to train as Valkyries defensive stances. At the moment he was correcting Gwyn’s stance, adjusting her arms from behind to correct their position. He was going down the line and doing it to everyone but Gwyn had been openly flirting with him all morning. 
You liked Gwyn. You considered her a friend. The friendship was nowhere near as close as hers and Nestas but you were always happy to see her at the library and you were excited when you found out she had signed up to train. Now, you were starting to regret the excitement you felt. You had suspected once or twice that Gwyn had feelings for Azriel, but you had never seen her acknowledge them so openly. First, you tried ignoring the shameless flirting, but the more comments she made, the more it bothered you 
You were sparring with Cassian on the opposite end of the training pit when you heard her say, 
“Azriel, I know you like to be alone… And I usually do too… but I don’t mind sharing the ring with you, if you ever need a training partner…”
And your step faltered. Cassian used this opportunity to advance on you and aimed at your torso with his fist. You swerved to the right at the last second, missing Azriels response in the flurry of movements.
“Maybe I can spend more time here and you can spend more time at the library.”
You heard Nesta chuckle at Gwyns blatant flirting and you sneaked a glance over. Azriels face was flushed and Gwyn had a smirk on hers.
Cassian swung once again and this time he actually made contact. Not enough to knock you over but enough to make you stumble a few steps back.
“Concentrate. Next time I won’t go so easy on you.”
You were getting angry. Your face felt hot, you could feel your heartbeat in your throat, and you felt sick at the thought of Gwyn and Azriel spending more time together.
Get a grip you thought to yourself trying to boost up your confidence. You had never let others affect you so much. And you weren’t going to let Cassian win after missing training yesterday. No way would you let him hold that over you, he had already given you enough shit for skipping. 
You took a deep breath to try and collect yourself when you heard the next comment, her tone a lot more sultry this time .
“I’m sure I can learn a lot from you Shadowsinger” 
At this, you reacted to Cassian's next advance by blocking his attack and countering with one of your own. A bit of your power leaking through the punch and making Cassian fall on his back and slide to the opposite end of the fighting circle. 
Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the pair of you. Magic was not allowed in the training pit unless agreed on. Today was a no-magic-allowed day and you knew you had fucked up.
Nesta growled a bit and made to move over to Cassian.
“Shit I’m sorry Cass I- I don’t know what happened. I lost control.” you said, running over to him and extending your hand.
He accepted and rose with a chuckle. “Ouch Y/N. Didn’t realize we were trying to kill each other.”
You were glad he wasn’t seriously hurt and was laughing it off but you felt guilt clawing at your throat. Being distracted had resulted in you endangering one of your best friends. Cassian was strong and powerful but he clearly had his guard down, not expecting your surge of power.
You could feel Azriel’s gaze on you from the corner of your eye and your cheeks started to flush.  Gods, you hated that he saw that and you hoped no one pieced together why it happened.  
“I’m sorry” you mumbled again loud enough for only Cassian to hear.
“S’okay don’t worry about it. Now I know not to taunt you” grinning, he turned over to Nesta who was approaching him with a mix of concern and annoyance, at you you were sure, on her face.
“Please don’t kill my mate Y/N” she grumbled while fussing over his wings. You mumbled another apology, making a mental note to spend some time with Nesta later to gain back some friendship points, maybe buy her a new novel.
Resigning yourself to your embarrassment with a heavy sigh, you started getting ready to leave the training ring. You didn’t want to be there anymore, but you also felt like you had too much on your mind to head back to the house of wind.
“I’m gonna go on a run, I’ll see y’all tomorrow” you said to no one in particular as you turned away and walked off. 
Nesta and Cassian turned to look at your walking figure with a frown on their faces wondering what was going on with you.
As you walked away, you could feel Azriel’s gaze and his subtle attempt at making eye contact but you kept looking forward, not ready to face him yet.
After your run, you went back to the training area to change out of your attire and take a quick shower. You just weren’t ready to go back to the house yet and face Nesta, Cassian, and Azriel, or anyone else really.
You sighed as you removed your shirt to cool off your body, leaving you in a bra.
What would you say to Azriel when he asked about today? Maybe he wouldn’t… Although you knew that wasn’t likely. 
It’s not that you thought he would be rude, or press you on something that you didn’t want to talk about. You were just embarrassed and disappointed in yourself. You didn’t want to tell him you got jealous and lost your cool, Cassian being at the receiving end of it, and you didn't want to lie about what had bothered you. Azriel would know if you were lying, he was a master at interrogating after all. 
You sighed again and placed your hand on the wall, leaning your forehead against it and closing your eyes. The anger had left your body and you were left feeling tired and a little sorry for yourself. 
You were focusing on regulating your breathing and your heart rate when you felt the cool wisps of a shadow wrapping around your ankle, followed by two big hands on your hips. Azriel’s solid frame pressed up behind you, leaning down slightly to wrap his arms around you, a soft kiss placed in the crook of your neck. Your arms automatically followed his and immediately all the tension in your body dissipated. You leaned your head back on his chest, turning it slightly to give him more room. 
“Hey” he spoke softly, his deep voice vibrating through your back. 
You could just melt right into him at that moment. Just two nights ago you had heard this exact same tone of voice, reserved only for you, yet you felt like you had gone so long without hearing it. You kept your eyes closed, breathing in his scent and you felt your chest contract a bit at the reaffirmation that you were down bad for this male and you weren’t sure what to do. 
You hummed back a response, not trusting your voice enough to properly greet him back. He also hummed and kissed your neck again, this time placing the kiss right underneath your ear. His warm breath sent shivers down your spine and you let him hold you. Both of you basking in the silence, taking a second to appreciate each other's presence, embracing one another.
He ran the tip of his nose along the underside of your jaw and pulled you closer to him, shadows wrapping you both up to the waist. 
“I’ve missed you hanging around the past two days, where have you been?” He muttered. 
You opened your eyes, glancing down at your intertwined arms. You knew he would ask. You hadn’t necessarily been avoiding him, it wasn’t unusual for a few days to go by before you saw each other, since you both had busy schedules working for Rhys. But over the past few weeks you had been spending more and more time together, making time for one another almost every day.
Yesterday, however, you had woken up alone once again and a heaviness had settled over you. You could probably count the nights you had woken up next to Azriel with one hand. He always left at some point in the night after falling asleep wrapped up in each other's arms to avoid any risk of your friends walking in. They were known to barge in unannounced. 
You had spent the day before trying to distract yourself from overthinking everything about your relationship with Azriel and worked till late in the night in a private area in the library. And today, well, you guessed today you did avoid him a little. Not really acknowledging his presence much during training and jumping straight into your drills with Cassian.
You felt him tense up a little at your silence and you released a sigh. He leaned back a little, a hand coming up to gently turn your face to the side so he could look at you. You were met with a slight frown, his eyes narrowing slightly, a glint of worry in them. 
“You okay?” He tried again. The sight of him looking at you like that filled you with guilt and you turned around to face him fully, your hands locking behind his neck, playing with the hairs that were resting above his collar. 
“Yes, I’m okay” you nodded, forcing yourself to make eye contact with him. His eyes narrowed a little more and he took a slight step back. He was still holding you, but his hand came to rest at your sides instead of being wrapped around you and his shadows were slowly traveling up his torso, covering him bit by bit. A sign that he was cautious and unsure of where this conversation was headed. 
“Am I supposed to believe that? You didn’t even try to lie” was his response.
You bit your bottom lip and straightened yourself up, letting go of his neck and crossing your arms around your chest. His gaze drifted down slightly at your exposed cleavage and then quickly looked up again. 
Noticing his quick look down at you, you fought the flutters deep in your belly and answered his question. “I’m okay Az, I’ve just had a lot on my mind lately.” 
His brows furrowed and he stayed silent waiting for you to elaborate. When he accepted that you weren’t going to add to your response he pressed again. “About…?”
You turned your head to the side and breathed in deeply. You just weren’t sure how to go about this conversation yet. What you and Azriel had was special to you and you didn’t want to ruin it by scaring him off. But you were beginning to think late nights, sneaking around, and pretending you weren’t together wasn’t enough. You wanted more.
At your lack of response Azriel took a step further back, letting go of you, your body immediately feeling colder. His shadows continued to climb up his body, you couldn't see anything below his chest anymore.
“About us?” he tried once more to get an answer out of you and you simply just nodded. 
His jaw tensed and he nodded, a suffocating silence consuming the changing room.
You looked up at his face again and saw he had a distant look on his face. You knew you were probably making this worse by not saying anything, but it’s safe to say you and Azriel both preferred to bottle things up rather than lay out all your feelings in the open. Especially, while you were still working through them. It was part of the reason you became best friends. You both understood each other's need to take it slow when it came to expressing thoughts and feelings.
“Azriel” Rhys' voice came into Azriels mind.
“Not now” his spymaster grumbled back to him.
“Yes, now, we have a debrief in case you forgot, Cassian and I are waiting on you.”  
He hadn’t forgotten. He had chosen to stay around the training area hoping to catch a moment with you after your run. He could feel something was wrong today when you wouldn’t even look at him, but he hadn't expected this. What did you mean that you had a lot on your mind about you two? Two nights ago you had been wrapped up in his arms, purring sweet words into his ears, naked bodies pressed together all night. Had he missed something? He didn’t think anything was wrong between you and him. 
Azriel could feel himself starting to close himself off and his heart rate picking up. He wasn’t ready for you and him to fall apart yet. What you had was so beautiful, you were so beautiful, in every way. He wasn’t ready to lose you, not when he finally got you after years of convincing himself pursuing a romantic relationship with you, his best friend, wouldn’t work.
“It’s not bad. I just… I don’t know. Maybe we can talk later tonight? I’m so tired from training and my run…” You drifted off, unsure if he was fully listening. 
You knew you were making up an excuse but you needed some more time to gather your thoughts. Once you were cleaned off and had some time to think of how you wanted to approach the conversation, you could properly talk to him. 
He made eye contact with you again, the haze leaving them but his expression remained serious. 
Azriel cleared his throat, “Okay. Rhys just asked for a meeting. I have to go.” 
He held your gaze for a moment longer before looking away. 
And with that his shadows consumed him and he winnowed away. Leaving you alone, feeling like you had pushed him away more than you intended to.
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frvnkcastles · 19 days
I'd love something where the reader used to work at The Beef from the bear show, bur had to move to NYC and met Frank, she ends up feeding him the best Beef this side of the east coast and he instantly falls in love, then she makes him the Family Spaghetti and he's like "I wanna fuckin marry her" internally? Fluff?
But the reader is very much cooking out of stress as that's how she feels she can i guess win people over to stick around?
(I was the cunt in school on wedges day where I'd shout every one in my group wedges since otherwise I think they wouldn't stick around me,I wasn't smart enough for them but I paid for food.
I still do this with my baking business)
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Summary: You and Frank bond over your cooking, but you can’t shake the feeling that that’s all he wants from you.
Warnings: Hurt/comfort, language, feminine nicknames
Word count: 2k
Author’s note: Gahhhhh, I am so annoyed that I’m being so slow with requests but college is back in motion and it has NOT been a soft landing, I have been immediately flooded with things to do. On top of that I’ve just been really tired and unmotivated, but I’m trying my best to write at least a little every day! Anon, thank you so much for your patience. I don’t really do crossovers so it’s never specified where the reader worked before, but I hope you like it anyway! I’m sending you so much love <3
Frank fell in love with you quicker than he cared to admit. He had closed himself off from the possibility of finding someone new, not really interested in making connections of any kind, but you came and conquered his heart with immense ease.
It was complete luck, too. It wasn’t unusual for him to pay a visit to a diner for some food and coffee, but you definitely weren’t supposed to be there. You had a history of working in fairly successful restaurants, yet when you had moved to New York, you faced great difficulty with landing a job that you actually wanted. The places you thought were right on your level turned you down, but you needed money for rent, so you lowered your standards, and wound up working for a diner — the same one Frank stumbled into that night.
It had been mostly uneventful and quiet, and you were left alone with the responsibility of closing. There were no other customers except Frank, but he didn’t seem that open to conversation, so you stayed stationed behind the cash register.
And then, two armed men burst in, their faces concealed with ski masks as they held you at gunpoint. With shaky hands, you began to empty the register, but you didn’t have the time to hand over all the money when one of the guys was knocked out to the ground. You flinched, watching in shock and fear how your only customer beat up the other guy and wrangled the gun out of his hands only to whip him in the face with it. You didn’t know what to do, but it seemed he didn’t need your help — within a minute, both armed men were rushing out of the diner with their tails between their legs.
Stunned speechless, you stared at the tall, rugged man who remained. He caught his breath and then turned to you, his sharp features making you swallow. ”You okay, ma’am?” he grunted, his deep voice incredibly enchanting, and you managed a nod. He was about to turn and return to his seat but you found your voice and spoke up.
”Thank you. Let me make it up to you”, you uttered out, making him halt but the look he gave you was almost amused.
”You don’t owe me anythin’, ma’am”, he replied casually, but you weren’t budging.
”Well, I kinda do. Anyway, the food here is… not that great, so maybe you could let me cook for you? Um, we’re closed tomorrow so there’d be no one else here”, you explained, the words coming out of your mouth before your brain fully processed what you were promising him. You were really yearning to cook again, something other than eggs and bacon, and he had definitely earned it.
He eyed you up and down, weighing his options for a second before reluctantly nodding. ”Aight. If you insist”, he agreed, sparking a smile on your face as you nodded to confirm that you weren’t having it any other way. You told him what time to arrive, and as he returned to finish his sandwich, you couldn’t help but feel giddy.
The next day, you got to the diner early and started working on what you hoped would be a meal to remember. You were mostly excited, and at least cooking kept you busy, which meant you didn’t have the time to worry about being alone with the man. Although he had saved your life, it was hard not to be intimidated by him.
As soon as he arrived at the diner, though, he quickly proved to you that there was nothing to fear. He called you ma’am right up until you told him your name and insisted that there was no need to be formal, and when he introduced himself, he did it in a way that was undeniably charming — and polite. You had seen him around the diner enough to know that he wasn’t a chatty person, but as you brought out the food, he attempted to get to know you better and it made your heart race.
You maintained small-talk, but you couldn’t deny you were nervous to find out what he thought of the food. Once he dug in, though, his eyes immediately widened.
”Wow”, Frank blurted out, a little taken aback by the sheer deliciousness. ”Sweetheart, this is amazin’. Where’d you learn how to cook like this?” he inquired, far too curious to not ask.
With heat on your face, you smiled. ”Uh, well, cooking classes mostly. I used to work at a restaurant. Hopefully I will again some day soon. And a lot of practice at home, of course”, you explained, and nodding along your story, Frank divided his attention between the heavenly food and your equally enthralling voice.
”I bet you will. Your talents are wasted in this place”, he commented, making you chuckle softly.
He didn’t stop praising you throughout the meal, but he also asked follow-up questions, keen to learn everything about you. In return, he vaguely opened up about himself, though you could tell he was holding back a little.
That said, the time you spent in that diner over that meal was enough for him to get hooked on you. He kept stopping by for weeks until he finally got the nerve to ask you on a date, suggesting that you’d make dinner together. It hadn’t taken you long to start falling for him, either, so it was easy to agree to what you didn’t realize would bloom into a serious relationship.
Truthfully, you sort of skipped the casual phase. Frank could be an intense man when it came to relationships, even if he hadn’t really thought he would find himself in one. Nevertheless, he felt strongly about you early on, and your first date developed into constantly spending time at each other’s places and sharing a bed on most nights. He tried his best to impress you with his cooking, and while it certainly wasn’t awful, there was a lot you could teach him — and he received the help willingly, eager to listen to you and learn more about your number one passion.
The night that you cooked the spaghetti recipe that your family had followed for years, he was done for.
Maybe if he hadn’t been so captivated by you, and the food, he would have noticed the tension in your shoulders and the constant chewing on your bottom lip. You were quickly falling back into the bad habit of weighing your own worth based on your cooking, convinced that the moment you’d stop making all these elaborate meals for Frank, he would walk out on you. Your way with food was undoubtedly a perk of dating you, and right now, you were struggling to think of any other ones.
”I hope you like it”, you smiled nervously as you handed over the plate of spaghetti to Frank. He gave you an affectionate look and thanked you before giving the food a go, and in an instant, his heart soared.
The food was amazing, but so were you. You had so much talent in you, and when Frank looked up from the plate and met your gaze, he felt so much love in his heart. He admired you and everything you did, finding you so utterly beautiful and amazing and… God, he wanted to marry you.
He had to fight the urge to just announce it there and then, giving you a small smile. ”I’m speechless, sweetheart. You outdo yourself every time. I’m one lucky asshole”, he declared proudly, making you smile but you couldn’t hide the anxiety in your eyes. Would he consider himself lucky if you didn’t cook for him tomorrow?
He noticed the hesitation on your face, though. ”Hey, darlin’. Somethin’ wrong?” he asked with worry evident in his voice, and you rushed to wave it off.
”I’m okay. I’m glad you like it, baby”, you promised, reaching across the table to squeeze his hand.
Only a week later, the issue resurfaced. You came down with the flu and you were rendered useless for a couple of days, giving you a great deal of stress. Frank was all over you, providing you with medication as well as something to drink and eat — and he was not letting you do a thing by yourself. You were his patient to care for and any attempt to get up from the couch was shot down within seconds.
Once his attention faltered from you and he disappeared in the bedroom to find you a cozy sweater, you made your way to the kitchen. Sniffling and aching all over, you began taking out pots and ingredients, and the noise immediately alerted Frank.
”Nah, nah, sweetheart, what’d I tell ya? You ain’t doin’ a thing except rest tonight. You’re sick and you need to just lay down, aight?” he reminded with a firm tone, his hands coming to cover yours in an attempt to stop you.
Reluctantly, you admitted defeat but it didn’t take long for the frustrated, anxious tears to fill your eyes. Frank’s stern expression fell and he tilted his head down at you, concern taking over.
”Hey, hey, hey. I know it sucks but you need to listen to your body right now”, he sighed, trying to understand what was making you cry. You covered your face with one hand as the tears streamed down your cheeks, and with his heart breaking, Frank hauled you into his arms, shushing you softly while wrapping you in a tight embrace.
”I just don’t want you to leave me”, you admitted faintly, and right away, Frank’s eyebrows knitted together and he pulled back to give you a confused look.
”Sweetheart, I ain’t goin’ anywhere. Why would you say that?” he frowned, genuinely surprised by your confession.
With a sniffle, you shrugged. ”You love my cooking. And I guess it’s the main reason you’re with me. So, if I stop cooking… why would you stay?” you explained the logic that you had built inside your own head. But Frank didn’t agree with you, and the fond chuckle that he huffed at you was enough to imply as much.
”Baby, I do love your cooking, but it definitely ain’t the main reason I’m with you. I love you, hear me? I’m with you ’cause you’re so fuckin’ kind and understanding and real supportive. And you make me so goddamn happy. I’d still be just as in love if you stopped cooking for good, yeah? It’s great but it ain’t why I adore you so much”, he countered while lifting one hand up to your jaw and tipping it so you could meet his eye. He looked completely serious, and you really wanted to believe him.
”You mean that?” you asked carefully, and he wasted no time in nodding to confirm.
”I fuckin’ mean it. I, uh… I kinda wanna spend the rest of my life with ya”, he cleared his throat, and astonished to hear that, your eyes flew wide open and a wide smile curled your lips up high.
”Frankie… I want that, too”, you breathed out, earning a tender look from him. He leaned down to kiss your forehead, the soft feeling of his lips making your heart do somersaults.
”Hey, I’mma take over the cookin’ responsibilities this week. You just get cozy on the couch and I’ll whip somethin’ up for us, yeah?” he decided, and you shot him a teasing grin.
”Sure you can handle it?” you wondered, taunting him, and he responded with a mixture of a laugh and a scoff.
”My girl’s a comedian now, huh? Get outta here”, he grumbled, gently patting your ass to encourage you towards the couch.
He may not have been as good of a cook as you were, but he made an effort and stayed true to his promise, not letting you anywhere the kitchen until you were feeling much better. And even then, he insisted on helping or occasionally being in charge, just to show you that you were a team and you didn’t owe him anything.
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woooyeahbaby · 7 months
post war levi with his doctor or nurse pls 👀
ABSOLUTELY coming right up.
warnings : gender neutral reader, 18+, handjob, very brief blowjob, reader is a swallower🗣️, patient/nurse dynamic obviously, slow-ish? and i feel like there’s not much smut sorry, lmk if any other warnings are needed! (oh also maybe me not being too specific with levi’s injuries cuz i kinda forgot them…)
a/n : i will get to my other levi rqs eventually.. admittedly this is my most recent one 😭 i’m not unmotivated, like i said i am out of writers block, i’ve just been tired and trying to focus on my relationships irl :)
oh also this is my first time writing smut in FOREVER😭
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it was about time to check on captain levi again, realizing you’d spent quite a bit of time focusing on other patients. you felt bad, seeing as so much had happened all within that short amount of time.. the explosion, and then immediately after, the rumbling? you had to admit, levi is a strong man. seeing him so beat up hurt a little, despite not knowing him well.
you tap on the curtain surrounding his hospital bed a few times, quietly saying his name to ask for permission to enter the.. room. it’s hard to call it a room when it’s made of thin, floral printed fabric sheets hanging from the ceiling.
“come in.” his rough voice answers, and you hear him shifting to sit up straight in the bed.
“hi, captain levi. how’re you doing on pain at the moment? need anything?” you question, fixing the curtain behind you as you came closer to his bed, gently placing a hand on his ankle.
you definitely see him wince at the touch, but he doesn’t seem pained, perhaps just surprised. well, not many people would be brave enough to lay a hand on captain levi ackerman…
“i’m fine. and you don’t really have to call me captain. only the scouts do.” he waves his hand slightly off his lap, shaking his head.
“i do it out of respect, not because i feel obligated.” you smile softly at him, then shift your gaze to his more severely injured leg. “may i touch your leg?”
“..yeah, go ahead.” hearing that you have that level of respect for him made him feel something. not embarrassment, or pride, but something else he couldn’t quite grasp.
you gently feel his other ankle, pressing on it while your eyes stayed on his face as to check for any signs of pain. you carefully roll his ankle around, earning a grunt from the man.
“sorry. is it any better, or has it hurt the same amount since?” your hands now rest on his calf as you question him.
“it’s getting better. it’s fine, continue.” he clears his throat, his eyes — or, well, eye — never leaving your hands.
you nod, now pressing along his calf, still watching his face for signs of pain. this seemed to hurt more, seeing as he scrunched his nose, his eye narrowing.
“same question.” instead of standing at the end of his bed, you move up to the side, one hand still at his calf and the other at his knee.
“getting better. the doctor said it isn’t broken, just the bone is bruised pretty bad. don’t worry about it.” he seems a bit worried. “you.. don’t need to feel further than that. my upper leg is fine.”
“captain levi, you can’t tell me not to worry about it, i’m a nurse. i have to worry about every detail of these injuries.” you laugh softly. “and hey, didn’t the doctor say you pulled something in your thigh? of course i have to feel it. don’t worry, i won’t do anything other than see how much you’ve healed.”
“well—! i don’t think i pulled anything, i.. he did say that. but it’s better. i can say that right now.” it’s a strange sight to see captain levi flustered… but not an unpleasant one.
all you do is roll your eyes at his efforts to get you to leave it alone. as to not make it more difficult for him, you make it slow, but little do you know, that only makes it harder. in more ways than one.
at a particular spot on his upper thigh, he gasps, his muscles tensing under your touch. you rest your hands there, not pressing any further.
“and you said you’re fine?” you raise an eyebrow, seeing that he just contradicted himself.
“i am, i really am. it’s just.. i’m not used to people touching me. especially not.. in such a.. spot.” he cringes at himself, finally looking away as to hide his embarrassment.
“wh— ohh. in a bad way? is it uncomfortable?” you furrow your eyebrows now, genuinely curious as you didn’t want to offend him.
his lips press into a thin line as he shakes his head, his gaze returning to you, and then your hands.
“quite the opposite.” levi sighs, running a hand through his hair.
“then what’s the issue?” tilting your head at him out of pure confusion, you see him almost smile for a split second.
“it’s.. a little too comfortable.” he chuckles at himself, looking away once again.
it takes a moment for you to put 2 and 2 together, but once you realize what he means you can’t help but gasp. however.. your hands don’t move from his thigh.
“do you.. know what nurses are for, captain levi?” your voice is quieter now, your eyes unable to meet his out of pure shyness. “we’re here to help. so.. would you like for me to help you?”
you hear his breath catch in his throat at your offer, as he certainly expected you to he disgusted, or at least ignore what he said. but no.. you offered to help him. he felt ashamed, but.. how could he refuse?
“yes. yes please.” levi nods eagerly, his hands moving to the button of his pants before you stop him.
“let me.” you undo the button for him, unzipping the fly as well.
you assist him in lifting his hips up so you can pull his pants down just enough so they’re down to his thighs. they’re a little bruised, but you look past that and see the sheer muscle in them. you can’t believe you got to touch them. and you only get to touch more of him with what you’re doing…
making eye contact with him for a moment as to ask for permission to remove his boxers, he nods again, a slightly pink tint to his cheeks now. you look back down, slowly running a hand over his hard-on before hooking a finger in the grey material, pulling them until you could see every inch of his cock.
“i can’t do much other than use my hands, that’s okay, right?” you whisper, fearing being caught by another patient nearby or even another nurse or doctor.
levi simply nods, his breathing getting heavier with each movement you make. you spit onto your hand, then return it to his crotch. you run it up and down, causing him to cover his mouth with his own hand. you still hear his gasps, and a few groans trying to escape.
each time you reach the tip, his hips buck slightly, though not so much as he would feel pain due to his leg injuries. he must’ve really needed this, especially since he asked it of someone he barely knew outside of a few conversations here and there as they were only dropping off pain meds, or changing bandages.. it seemed very out of character, even to you.
he was already leaking pre-cum, quite a lot of it, at that. you had to admit, for a man as attractive as him, it was hard to believe he never got any action. of course, you aren’t his first, but he still probably hadn’t had something like this happen. that much was obvious, with how shy he seemed, and how fast he seems to be getting close.
levi removes his hand from his mouth, now clutching the sheets below him with it. “close, so close,” he whispers, clearly struggling to keep quiet.
you look around for something for him to release onto, but there was nothing quite convenient enough. so.. next best thing?
you bend over, placing only the tip in your mouth, continuing the fast movement of your hand as you slowly swirl your tongue around him. he sighs loudly, his hand quickly returning to his mouth as he coats the inside of your mouth with his cum. there was a lot to swallow, but you weren’t one to complain, really, especially not when it’s captain levi ackerman.
you pull away, licking your lips swiftly and wiping your hand on a paper towel in the corner of the room. wait a second, where were those when— ah, what’s done is done… you think, rolling your eyes at yourself for not realizing those only a few seconds earlier…
when you turn back around, levi’s face is beet red, his pants already up and buttoned. his breathing is still unsteady, as to be expected…
“thank you.” he mumbles, and you swear you see a tear run down his cheek.
“um.. anytime.” you laugh softly. “need anything else?”
“i’m.. i’m alright for now.” he replies quietly, shaking his head and placing his hands in his lap. “i might need help again tomorrow, though.”
“well, i’m here every day. i’ll check on you again soon.” and with that, you leave, unsure of whether to feel shameful and embarrassed, or extremely proud that you just made the captain levi cum.
(if you liked this then my requests are very much open!)
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
heyyy, could I please request a Rhys X reader where the reader is feeling quite isolated, all her friends seem to have moved on in life without her and she's just realised how alone she feels. in her head the inner circle still feel like Rhys's friends, and she doesn't have a circle of her own and is just feeling down? and Rhys comforts her? don't mind me I'm goin' thru it lol sorry, thank you and much love to you
Rhys x reader
A/n: I feel you anon. I go through this sometimes bc all my friends live far from me and I don’t have any in my hometown so it’s very isolating.
Warnings: hurt/comfort, slight depression
The weather seemed to match your mood today. Glum and rainy. You were sat on a couch in the town house with your knees pulled to your chest as you watched the rain roll down the window.
One of your best friends had moved over two months ago with her husband to the Winter Court to be closer to his family when their baby is born. You were happy for her, but she was the last of your friend group left in Velaris.
You were feeling lonely without them. It felt like they were all taking the next step in life with their careers or starting their family. Not that you didn’t love your life with Rhys. You’re the center of his universe and you can’t even describe how much you love him.
You just felt like you had nothing left to offer your court. But you didn’t want to move, your whole life is here. And you were working here and there with Rhys with court problems. There wasn’t much you could do until you were married and an official Lady.
And you definitely didn’t want a child. You weren’t there yet with Rhys or in the right headspace to be a mother. It would be unfair for everyone involved.
So you just sat around and read all day. Or walked around the city. Just shopping and seeing what was new. The cycle was getting old. If you went shopping in the Rainbow one more time you were going to throw yourself off the House of Wind.
Mor had tried to invite you out with her and offered to just hang out at home, but you declined almost every time. It felt like she was just offering out of pity. You didn’t want a pity hangout.
You love Mor, sometimes it feels like she, Amren, Cassian, and Azriel weren’t really your friends. You liked them and all but they came as a package deal with Rhys. Lately you felt like you weren’t part of that.
You broke yourself from your reeling thoughts as thunder sounded in the distance, lightning following moments after. You unwrap yourself to take a sip of tea sitting on the side table. Sipping on the liquid you grimace at the cold taste.
Letting out a sigh you set the mug back down. Unmotivated to get a new serving. You wrap your arms tighter around your knees going back to watching the storm.
Rhys padded down the stairs stopping when he noticed you curled into the corner of the couch. He gently approached you, laying a hand on your head, smoothing down your hair. “Hi darling.” His voice soft, “Are you alright?” Rhys knew you weren’t. He didn’t want to push or invade your mind without your permission. Rhys was getting close to doing that though. You were worrying him and you wouldn’t tell him what was weighing you down.
You sat there leaning into his touch for a while. You felt tears prick your eyes as you tried holding them back. You kept swelling back the lump growing in your throat as you tried to get a simple ‘I’m ok’ out.
The tears slip out of the corners of your eyes as you keep watching the storm rage. Rhys smells the salt of your tears. He panics and sits next to you, moving his hand from your head to cradle your cheek.
“Hey,” he coos, “y/n, what’s wrong darling? Please tell me. I’ve been so worried about you.” Your eyes slide over his worried face. Letting out a shaky breath you blink the tears out of your eyes. “I’m just sad Rhys. I know I have you, but I feel so alone.”
Rhys’s face dropped into a deep frown. He knew you missed your friends. Though he was unaware how much it affected you until now. “I want life to keep going, and I want to keep doing things. I’m just not in a good place.”
Rhys wiped your tears away and held his arms open for you. Leaning forward you embrace the love of your life, letting your tears fall. “I’m so sorry. I’m here to support you through whatever you want to do y/n. I want what will make you happy.” “Thank you, Rhys.” You sniffled out.
The two of you sat like that for the rest of the day. Rhys helped you come up with new things you could. Encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone and even take Mor up on a night out. He even made you laugh.
You felt like a weight had been lifted of your shoulders after talking to Rhys. You had hope that things would change soon.
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br4inr0tx · 2 months
Hey! Sorry for taking so long. I recently did a show of Brigadoon (I was an ensemble villager, so I had a shit tone of dance routines to remember) so I had little to no time to write this out. 😓
Nonetheless! Here’s your matchup, @xxchthonicreaturexx !
tw - discussion of mental disorders, discussion of unhealthy coping mechanisms, and toxic relationships (kinda, it’s vampires idk man)
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Your Diabolik Lovers matchup is… SHU SAKAMAKI !!
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• I love Shu, and I’m glad you fit with a character I think is a silly guy.
• I think with his cool demeanor, and your slightly more upbeat and hyper one, you’d make a perfect contrast that sticks out like a sore thumb.
• Shu isn’t a picky guy, especially when it comes to the human body. As long as you’re healthy and provide good blood, that’s all that matters. Thus, it will most likely lead him to do favors for you that you may feel unmotivated to do.
• Or not. Other times he’s tired and just bullies you until you do it yourself.
• Though he’s especially not picky with clothes. He could give less of a shit. In fact, I think he actually enjoys your cutesy style.
• The alternative twist makes it even better. I believe he’s very much into that style.
• Shu would frequently call your interests weird, but please, don’t mind him. He’s a little mean, even if he doesn’t mean it all the time. Even if he doesn’t have a care for it, he’ll end up feeding into your obsession by either buying you dolls or manga.. just because he has such a soft spot for you.
• As we all know, Shu loves listening to music. Most likely some rock and indie. You should definitely recommend him some songs!
• Do be careful when you get sassy and snappy with Shu. He’ll get you right back, usually with even harsher words. Be careful.
• He takes advantage over your shyness and conditions frequently, either trying to fluster you (like the bathtub scene) or by moving stuff around your room without you knowing, just to mess with you.
• Shu wants what he wants, and he’s going to get it. When he really needs something, he doesn’t have time for any sort of compassion. Though if you really beg him to stop, he’ll stop.
• If you try to mother him, I don’t think it’ll work too well. That goes for all of the boys. He will shut you down immediately, and do whatever it is for himself. There’s a possible slim chance you could get him to break when you’re officially together, but as I said it’s very rare.
• He disappears a lot, so you’ll get a lot of alone time. If he does want your attention, whether you reciprocate or not, he’s gunna get it.
• He’s been a lot of crazy and abandoned places just to be alone, so if you ever want to get back into urbexing he’s got plenty of places to show you. Don’t plan on running away though, it’s inevitable that either him or the other boys will find you.
• Obviously, he thinks your fears are weak. However I don’t think he’ll go any further than just telling you that though. He doesn’t make it his life goal to torment you with that.
• All the boys have issues, so you can connect there. I don’t think he’ll really care about that aspect though? Not that he doesn’t care about you, he just tunes it out a lot of the time. He’s a strange guy.
• Your runner up is Reiji!
• Admittedly this one’s a bit short. I’ve only watched the Anime, so if there’s more on him in the game then feel free to make your own little headcanons.
Your Friday Night Funkin’ matchup is… GARCELLO !!
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• I think Garcello would be perfect for you! This is the one match I’m not super hesitant about!
• He fits your vibe perfectly. As cheesy as it sounds, you’re each others anchor. You’re everything he’s ever wanted, and hopefully he’s what you want too.
• You’re much shorter then him. Some nicknames he’d give you are “tiny woman” or “little baby”. Garcello loves giving nicknames, and I’m sure he’d come up with more.
• He LOVES alternative styles, like, really digs it. For him personally, he prefers comfort over style, but I still think he’s fashionable in his own way. He openly compliments you all the time, and is always taken aback by your beauty.
• He finds the doll thing pretty cool too! Although he might joke around and say they’re possessed, lil goofball.
• You simply have such an amazing style he can get behind. He’s very interested in your hobbies, since he doesn’t have many himself.
• Like I mentioned, he doesn’t have many hobbies. If anything he might hop around to different hobbies sometimes just to do something. He does really enjoy singing he finds! Hopefully you two can bond over that?
• He also gives indie and rock vibes, so you’ll definitely be listening to the same music a lot!
• I’m pretty sure Garcello is extroverted, but also a lone wolf? Perhaps it depends on the day. I think he only talks to people he gets a good vibe from, or is interested in. For instance he most likely complimented your style and jokes, and a friendship blossomed, which turned to romance.
• He loves all the banter and soft bullying. It’s something he has for you to keep him on his toes, and so the both of you don’t get lost in your own heads.
• He’s quite the pessimist, so please knock some sense into him sometimes. In return he’ll act as somewhat of a guard dog, protecting you from anyone who wants to hurt you both mentally and physically.
• He’s a very intuitive guy, and can tell when you’re not at your best. You both have the same issue of not expressing yourselves until it’s too late, and even being a little hypocritical when talking about feelings. Perhaps the two of you together can start noticing each other’s actions more quickly.
• Everyone has some bad habit. His is being addicted to the colorful smoke. He may or may not overthink when you go on your hiatuses though, so please try to shoot him a text at the very least.
• He loves urbexing, and would definitely like to go on one of your late night adventures. He strikes me as a nocturnal guy anyway. (Not actually, just meaning someone who’s more active at night.)
• That being said, he’ll stay up however long you want him to, and do whatever you want as well.
• He’s another one that’s not scared hog much at all. He soothes and helps with a lot of your fears unlike the other boys, with no judgement at all. Everyone has different sorts of fears, it’s only natural he wouldn’t get all of them.
• Garcello has a handful of disorders himself, or at least in my headcanon, so I’m sure you guys can share experiences and just be in each others presence. After all, misery loves company.
• Garcello needs alarms for everything tbh, because he can be forgetful and basic human needs sometimes. He can totally relate!
• He’s very finicky with touching. He hates the idea of ever making someone uncomfortable and will never touch you unless you touch or ask him to first.
• He’s usually the driver for things, so having someone else drive is a good change in his book! He’ll talk the wheel whenever you need a break too.
• A very close runner up would be Annie! Either way, I can see the three of you having fun in your own little group.
• Garcello is a great boyfriend, and in the end, he’d do anything to see that happy look on your cute face.
Your Outsiders matchup is… KEITH “TWO-BIT” MATHEWS !!
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• I never really engaged with The Outsiders fandom, so if there’s any popular headcanons that I didn’t include, please don’t be too mad. I’m going off of what I remember as best as I can.
• I chose Two-Bit since he’s funny and adventurous, but not too mean..like Dally. Also not too skittish like Pony, Johnny, or Darry. Though saying Darry is more in a mama bear sense. He’s a perfect balance for you, same as your runner up.
• In my opinion, Two-Bit seems to be the type of guy to like curvy girls. He likes to hype you up if you ever start to question yourself.
• You both have a little bit of child like wonder. I don’t think he fits in kids clothes, but he does wear clothes more fit for kids sometimes. He’s the type of guy to come out with to most wack and embarrassing outfit, and you just have to roll with it lmao.
• Two-Bit is a little cheesy. One of his favorite things to do is kiss each one of your freckles all over your body, if you’d let him.
• So alt fashion wasn’t at its prime until the 80s, and even then it was still consider out of the norm. You’d easily become an outsider (wink). Two-Bit takes you in almost immediately!
• After learning about your doll obsession he’ll learn or give all of your dolls names depending if they have them already or not. He thinks they’re such unique collectables!
• Hearing you gush is super cute too, and often times he’ll just rile you up even more to see your reaction.
• He loves to dance with you! Whether it’s a style he’s good at or not, he likes to just jam with you!
• You’re like a cute puppy to him, though might be one in your eyes too. He gives a little bit of Golden Retriever energy.
• He’s a bit of a talker, and will happily talk for you if you needed someone else to do it for you. He very protective, and if he had it his way he’d just want to do almost everything for you.
• His whole friend group consists of friendly bullying and banter, so It’s another point where I think you’d fit right in.
• I don’t think he gets sad easily? He does appreciate your kindness though when those times do come, and will do the same for you tenfold when it’s your turn.
• He strikes me as mostly a realist, with some bigger dreams here and there. Perhaps you could ground him in some moments, and at other times he’ll convince you to be more optimistic about certain things.
• He doesn’t notice your emotions at first and how you mask, but he’ll start to pay more attention after you first broke. He felt so bad..and from that day forward sworn to pay more attention.
• He can be a little pushy sometimes, and even forget how you feel about touch if he gets excited. If you guys ever get into a fight about it, he’s surely the first one to apologize. He’s that kind of guy.
• Most times he’s mindful of your space though, and will often speak for you if people do things you’re uncomfortable with.
• He loves urbexing! He definitely wants to kickstart that old hobby of yours! (Just don’t kill anyone so you don’t need to chill in an abandoned church lol.)
• I don’t remember if he has any canon fears, but for me I don’t think there’s a lot that scares him. At first he pokes fun at your fears, but he definitely has protective boyfriend vibes.
• He’s very supportive of you, just don’t take all of his advice. Most of it consists of punching and fighting people.
• Your disorders aren’t a hinderance at all, and doesn’t usually bring them up throughout the day. After learning about them, he treats it as a normal occurrence to be treated, as it should be. He’s never mean about it.
• Two-Bit also seems like the guy to not have a strict sleep schedule, I’m sure he just goes to bed whenever he feels like it. So, You’d have someone to stay up with!
• Your runner up is Sodapop!
• Overall he’s a free flying guy that’s not too mean, and not too strict. The perfect happy middle for you.
Your Homestuck matchup is… TAVROS NITRAM !!
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Your Shark Bait matchup is… RHIN !!
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eneablack · 1 year
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i shifted to my waiting room for one day
i’ve been trying so hard to shift back to my marauders dr lately but i wasn’t able to do it and that made me so unmotivated to the point that i was wondering if i’d ever shift again, so i just took a break from shifting and focused on something else. this lasted a couple of days and i started feeling like i wanted to take a break from really everything and be alone and at complete peace and that made me think about my waiting room cause it’s literally the perfect place for that. despite my break, i thought that it really would be perfect to shift to my wr so i waited for the night (since i can’t focus if it’s daytime) and put on the waiting room guided meditation by alunir and started doing it but then i couldn’t focus and i kept moving around so i just gave up and simply put an intention to shift there before going to sleep with an asmr. i woke up many times during the night but that’s usual for me so i didn’t mind it, then i a had a lucid dream which is very common for me, i have them like everyday now idk why (not complaining lol). so when i realised i was dreaming i instantly put intention to shift to my waiting room and i was there right after closing my eyes. i woke up exactly how i scripted, with my radio-alarm putting on my favourite song and smelling coffee. the day was very chill, exactly how i needed. i listened to music, i took a long nap and a bath, i went out with my friends, i ordered food with the lifa app, i walked around the city (i put my wr in amsterdam aaa it’s so pretty there). i was relaxed and detached the whole day, it was just perfect. i don’t know why i came back, i was still somewhat worried about some things of this void reality so that’s probably why i came back since my mind was focused here. but i plan on going back there tonight, and then shift back to my marauders dr from there.
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l0nesome-dreams · 4 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
taged by @whiskygoldwings
(I hope I’m doing this right 😂 I’ve never participated in a last line challenge before! + I don’t really know who to tag 💀✨)
I’ve been feeling extremely unmotivated to draw or write within the past few days despite wanting art of my kiddos. I scrambled through my documents and found some lil snippets of dabbles I’ve got sitting around. Here is one about the dragon hybrid Voorpret AU:
Voss gave Lee a leg up into the ceiling.
“Okay next,” Voss motioned for Vance to come over to him, helping him up into the ceiling with Lee, “Jeez vod what have you been eating?” Vance poked his head out from the missing panel in the ceiling.
“Do you want help up here, or do you want to stay in the hall so the science freaks can come do experiments on you too?” He said resting his chin on his hand.
There was the sound of a door opening down the hall which alerted Voss still standing in the hall.
“Okay okay I take it back! Just get me up there!” Voss whispered loudly. 
He backed up a bit getting a running start before jumping into the air grabbing hold of his batch mates arm. Vance dragged him up, closing the panel before anyone could see them.
“You’re one to talk vod’ika. You weigh a ton.” Vance said a grin forming on his face as his brother looked up at him. 
Though his face was covered Vance knew Voss was deadpanning. 
“Come on you two we can sort this out later. Right now we’re trying to find Voor.” Lee said, crawling further down the vent system. 
The two clones followed suit crawling after her. 
“Hold up a sec,” Lee checked her vambrace, the location of where Voorpret was being held blinking softly, “we may need to get into the halls again the vents don’t seem to go that far, or at least this system of vents.” Lee sighed, continuing to crawl forwards.
They could still travel a bit further until they reached the end of the vents before they’d have to move around in the halls. This compromised their plan, but whatever shape Voorpret was in was what would determine their plan of escape. 
“How much further we-“ Vance was cut off by an agonizing scream.
They all stopped in their tracks. 
“What the kriff was that?” Voss whispered.
Lee looked down at her vambrace again.
“I don’t know, but let’s keep moving so we don’t find out.” Lee said, her voice laced with fear. 
When they did reach the end of the vents, Lee slid the panel aside and Vance lowered Voss down into the hall.
“Where is everyone? I haven’t seen a soul in this facility since we’ve been here. You sure this is the correct location?” Voss said, catching Lee as she hopped out of the vents. 
“Positive.” Lee said while removing her blasters.
Vance hopped out of the vents into his brother’s arms.
They moved against the walls keeping quiet. The trio was starting to feel uneasy at the idea that no one was here. This was a Separatist facility, they were typically crawling with people.
“This is the room.” Lee whispered, pressing the panel to open the door. 
When it slid open the trio was greeted by a massacre. Blood was splattered across parts of the walls and what looked to be a trail of blood that had been dragged from the door panel to behind an examination table. Bodies were laying around, some unrecognizable, limbs torn off, faces nothing but blood. 
“What happened here?” Vance said, flicking on his light that was attached to his helmet.
“Whatever did this,” Lee began as she stepped further into the room examining the mess, “wasn’t human.”
“They should’ve known better to keep wild animals in this place, let alone in cells like these,” Voss motioned towards the destroyed holding cell, “We’d best leave, it’s probably near by.” Voss said.
“We need to find Voorpret quick before whatever did this gets a hold of-” Vance was cut off by a creaking sound.
They all whipped around adrenaline rushing through their bodies. Nothing was there. 
“I don’t like this guys.” Lee said backing up from where the noise had come from.
She felt a drop of something cool hit the back of her neck. She looked up and nearly screamed. 
A mangled body lay over the pipes above her head Voorpret hovering over it staring down at Lee. His eyes were practically glowing, and they held an expression not that of a human, but rather a beast. So animalistic that even Lee couldn’t see through them to Voorpret himself. Pure lust for blood coursed through his begin, and something new that sent pleasant tingles through him when he caught the scent of his love. He was being driven by pure instinct at this point and no one would be able to stop his pursuit.
Lee backed away from him slowly as he climbed down from the ceiling a low, guttural growl emitting from him. 
“Voor? What’s gotten into you?” Lee said, putting her blaster away and holding her hands up, “Voorpret please stop. You’re scaring me.” 
He continued stalking towards her, Vance and Voss armed and ready to engage their threat. 
Voorpret lunged at Vance who proceeded to fire stun shots at him. Voorpret easily slid right past them, scaling the wall again. 
“Run!” Lee shouted, pushing the other two troopers out of the door nearly tripping over Voss’s foot.
They bolted down the halls of the facility splitting up. Voorpret went after Lee without any hesitation ignoring the blaster fire from his brothers. 
“LEE!!” Voss yelled as she took off down the hall, Voorpret in tow.
Lee rounded a corner not daring to look back. Voorpret slipped when he came around the corner, skidding into the wall then clamoring back up to his feet in a desperate attempt to catch his prey. Lee slammed her fist into the control panel, closing the door between them in hopes Voorpret wouldn’t be able to get to her. He obviously had no interest in either of his brothers, but Lee had no idea why he was after her specially. 
A loud scraping sound echoed through the halls as Voorpret grabbed hold of the door. Lee staggered backward as the clone began prying the door open. She took off again reaching a dead end in a large examination room. She scrambled around finding a medical cabinet to hide in breathing heavily as she heard Voorpret’s claws tapping against the cool durasteel floor. She clasped her hands over her mouth praying he wouldn’t find her.
“Oh mesh’la where’d you run off to with that pretty face of yours?” He purred, sounding awfully close to Lee’s hiding place, “You smell so good, I promise I won’t hurt you love. I just want to breed you.” He clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth. 
Lee panicked, what did he just say!? She stopped breathing when he stopped outside of the cabinet, tracing the outside of it. 
“Where are you hiding lil one?” He cooed, walking off again to Force knows where in the room.
Everything went silent for what seemed like forever then Lee inhaled sharply when Voorpret was staring at her through a crack in the cabinet. 
“Hey mesh’la.” He opened the cabinet grinning wildly at her. 
"Voorpret, please no. This isn’t a good idea we’ve only just-“ Her words caught in her throat, face heating up at the way he was looking at her, “you know what I’ll just come out there.”
Lee carefully stepped out of the cabinet instantly Voorpret’s hands went to the wall on either side of her head caging her in. He would’ve already killed her if that was his intention, clearly he had something completely different in mind.
 “So compliant for me.” He said, his hot breath fanning across her face.
He no longer had blood on his face, but the wild look in his eyes still shown through. 
“Lee!” Voss came charging into the room, Vance right on his heels, “We thought he surely killed you but, oh.” Voss shut up the instant he laid eyes on the situation.
Voorpret was licking a stripe up the column of Lee’s neck, one thigh between her legs. 
“I’ll handle this, just get back to the ship and I’ll meet you two back there.” Lee said, grabbing hold of one of Voorpret’s horns and tugging his face away from her skin, “Just please leave before he changes his mind and kills the both of you.” Lee said, shoving Voorpret off of her.
The two troopers reluctantly left Lee to fend for herself closing the door behind them. Lee grabbed her blaster, switching it over to stun. 
“Voorpret you need to snap out of it. You’re not thinking straight,” Lee said, pointing the blaster at the hybrid as he stalked over towards Lee again, “Stay back Voorpret, or I’m going to have to stun you.” She hissed, backing away from him.
Voorpret grinned wildly, tail flicking back and forth, amber eyes locked on Lee’s.
“You know that has little to no effect on me Lee,” he said, voice sweet as honey, “I’ll just hunt you down all over again. Just put it down and let me have you.” He said, his hands twitching towards Lee ever so slightly.
Lee refused to lower the weapon and when he took another step towards her she fired a stun bolt at his chest. Like he’d said it had absolutely no effect on him. Lee let out a shaky breath when Voorpret returned to his original place directly in front of Lee…
(it gets a lil spicy after that, so I’m not gonna bother posting that at the moment 😂💀)
So uh yeah… he’s a lil crazy, must be that dragon in em. RIP Lee, your efforts and sacrifice will always be remembered 🫡🫣
I don’t really know how writing about others ocs works, but man I really wanna see how people write about these hooligans.
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chrisevansonly · 2 years
headcanon of arlie doing a show and tell to her friends please! :D
Little Duck’s Show & Tell (A Little Duck Headcannon🐣)
Pairing: Dad! Chris Evans x Arlie Mae Evans (Little Duck)
Summary: It’s show and tell day at daycare, and Arlie brought along her friend Duckie to show the class
Warnings: non, just fluff
a/n: here’s a little headcannon i’ve been putting off for a while, i’ve just been really unmotivated to write anything with chris lately, which is how it goes sometimes you can probably tell by how short this is…anyway enjoy :)
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Arlie had been waiting for this day for the past week and a half, it was finally show and tell day at her daycare and she had brought Duckie along with her for her friends to meet
Chris tagged along with her since you were at home not feeling well, so bed rest was still on your agenda for the next 2 weeks to make sure baby boy stayed put and healthy
Chris watched Arlie sit up front with Duckie on her lap, a smile on her face
“This Duckie, he’s my duck, and he is ‘vewy nice and soft! He likes to swim and play with our doggy!”
The kids in her class listened eagerly as she continued on with her speech about her little duckling, her teacher’s paying just as much attention
“My daddy also made Duckie his own house! It’s so cool!”
Chris chuckled as Arlie smiled in his direction, sending him a small wave
“Wow that is so cool Arlie! Thank you for bringing him in!”
Arlie looked to her teacher and giggled
“You welcome! Anybody want to pet Duckie? He soft!”
A chorus of soft ‘yes please’ filled the room as everyone circled around and took turns petting Duckie, meanwhile Chris spoke to the head teacher of Arlie’s class, picking up some forms and some art she’d been making over the past few days
Chris looked down when Arlie tugged on his pants gently, Duckie now sitting in the pocket of her overalls
“Hi baby, what’s up?”
“Can I come home with you now? Wanna see Momma pwease”
He chuckled nodding his head while rubbing her head gently
“Of course you can duck, we’ll get your things and get going okay?”
Arlie nodded before taking off to grab her backpack and the rest of her things, Chris couldn’t stop the smile on his face at her excitement not only to bring a part of her life to her friends and teachers, but also at seeing her become so independent and grow each and everyday
“I’m ‘weady daddy!!”
Snapping out of his daze he smiled and grabbed Arlie’s hand, the two of them saying goodbye to her class before leaving
“I love you and I’m so proud of you little duck”
“I love you too daddy!!”
Chris cherished these little moments he got with Arlie alone because he knew with a new addition to the family things were about to get as crazy as ever, and he wouldn’t have it any other way
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tooweirdforyou · 8 months
Will u not come back? :((((
hello, anon! hope you’re doing well and apologies for the late response. I hope you see this! ❤️
so, I guess this will be my answer and also my first post in about a year or so.. Im not gonna make any excuses or whatever, and cut straight to the point.
Bit of a long post but it will explain most things without being too personal just because it’s been a long time and part of me feels as though I lost that respect and privilege of being comfortable and being myself around you guys. Anyone and everyone who stayed or is a newcomer to my account.
It’s the new year. Here’s how I’ll answer you.
Do I wish to come back? Yes.
Have I been actively attempting to come back? Yes and no. I have been attempting to work on chapters for my Quotev books, but lots of writers block and just pure unmotivated to continue with where I am. Knowing it can be better if I were to redo it, continue with force or if I simply make a new book, (( which due to my imagination and inspiration by things I’ve come across, I keep wanting to start new books. ))
Have things drastically changed for me as I’ve been away? Yeah, kinda. I mean, things are getting a little more difficult for me, I won’t go into too much detail but it’s been really difficult for me personally the last several months. I’ve never been consistent in my feelings and almost always ended up more numb, empty and sad. And some days it would be so bad that I couldn’t be alone and had to be in a room with another person I knew. I’m really working on it but it really isn’t something that just goes away, as most of may or may not understand.
Am I still dating? Yes! I’m still very happy with the guy I’ve known and started dating last year and in fact, we’ll be hitting our two years very soon. I know this may be personal but I kinda just wanted an excuse to talk about him, haha.
Now, am I still writing? / interested in writing? Definitely. I just have huge motivation problems but I definitely still love that creative form of expressing your imagination into words and making a story. The problem is that I have all these ideas and it just sucks to have to do all this beginning stuff instead of making the reader or OC in love with the person already!! 😂 but yes. I honestly do love to write still and my boyfriend tries to encourage and supports me but it’s really my own fault.
do I still Roleplay? I remember mentioning this and then making an separate acc for this but never really interacted with it often because at the time I was busy. And now, I don’t anymore because it makes my boyfriend jealous, haha. I do miss it though :)
Do I still go on tumblr? Every once in a while, which is like every two weeks or so? Or just under two weeks or sometimes longer. It depends. But yes, I do check and I do love to read every new comment and message I get, I just don’t respond to it because I’m honestly a little scared.
Will I come back? I want to. I really do. But there’s a few factors that come into play-
- so much time has passed that I worry I no longer have like a mutual bond with you all and that it’s too late for me to come back and just pretend like everything is fine. It’s not. I’m worried it’s too late to just start writing again, I guess I’m nervous? I missed being able to be comfortable and be myself on here but I don’t know. I think my time has passed.
- not only that, I don’t quite know how to use tumblr anymore.
- I can’t stick to one fandom, just like my mood swings, my current obsession changes so often that I’m worried I won’t be able to keep up with certain works or keep everyone happy with my work.
- I don’t know if I should continue mt old works ( ones on Quotev )?
Start new ones?
Go back to scenarios and oneshots like I used to?
Refresh on tumblr and continue here again?
Move to AO3?
It’s the new year and I do want to better myself and change and I really hope that that means I can start over with myself and my writings once again.
I missed all my comments and messages and having mutuals and interacting with everyone. It makes me feel connected and honestly little less lonely when my boyfriend has his long busy hours..
But to finally answer properly. Yes, I want to come back but I honestly don’t know where to start or if I can.
I’ll be checking tumblr so if anyone has any questions, comments or suggestions or whatever you wish to tell me, I will be here. Maybe by next month I’ll have an answer of what I’ll be doing in regards to writing. Whether I take any advice from you guys or make my own decision.
im very deeply sorry for my absence. I hope this answers everyone’s thoughts.
sending lots of love. ❤️ thank you to everyone.
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mqstermindswift · 9 days
hi nicky! remember that you're here for a reason. everyone is amazing the way they are and if you feel like you're not just remember that God spent 9 months making the perfect nicky for such a messed up world. please don't feel down all the time because you're so pretty, smart, amazing, kind. you're more than enough and you shouldn't feel the need to change something about yourself to satisfy someone or meet the expectations of people. as long as you did your best that's good. feeling pressure is completely normal, trust me i know, you just have to remember not to take it too seriously. don't cry about everything because crying doesn't fix anything (not telling you not to cry). school is just one thing people want you to do good in, but just because you're not the best does not mean you'll be unsuccessful and being the best also doesn't lead to immediate success. failing something is okay. that's not something to be ashamed about because it's completely normal. teachers and people in general can be shit sometimes and all you can do is not end up like them. friends will come and go, what matters is you don't lose yourself when they leave. people aren't written in your story to stay, they're written in as a lesson so no matter what never let their actions affect you forever. love you
hii,that was extremely sweet and honestly thank you for even taking the time to write this!!ilysm whoever u are.
kind of a vent so like u don’t have to read this:
the thing is i’ve been acing school ever since i started it so naturally everyone has high expectations,though they’re not saying it,they’re expecting me to get all As again.Its my last year of middle school (9th grade here in greece) and then next year i’ll have to figure out what i wanna do w my life and everyone’s like “ion wanna stress u out but high school is hard,the grade you’re in rn is extremely hard,9th grade maths are hard,blah blah blah” like u tell me that but h don’t wanna stress me out rlly?i have no ide what i wanna do w my life yet(am between like four professions)im unmotivated (i barely have the energy to walk)i can go form laughing to crying in seconds,i feel like im dumb,i have so much homework and responsibilities,teachers are stressing me out,everything’s changed and is different,i wanna try to find some time to workout too,and let’s not talk about friends or “middle school relationships” cause honestly fuck that (maybe being alone sometimes is better).it’s the second day and i feel like i’ve been in that shithole for months.plus i can’t handle failure so yayy
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mercillery · 12 days
hey there!! can you please do a part 2 about the zenon x cheating reader where zenon finally lets the reader out but reader does not love zenon anymore and eventually whispered the words, “I dont love you anymore…” to zenon.
I really love your writing style! ❤️💕
NOTES: Although I’ve been unmotivated to write, I’m glad that I’m getting requests for the Zogratis siblings again. I missed writing for them. If you sent in a request or a message, super duper sorry that I’m responding late! Take care and have a nice day <3
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In my cheating on Zenon with Dante post, I mentioned that the reader cheats on yandere Zenon with Dante, and I said that weeks would pass. So, let's assume Zenon finally decides to let you out of that soul-sucking, isolation chamber of a room after about a month. I mean, he’s not exactly known for his mercy, and you can bet he made sure you felt every second of those long, silent weeks.
The man probably left you with nothing but the bare minimum: a cold floor, dim lighting (because heaven forbid you feel comfortable), and enough food to keep you alive but never satisfied. And now, after what feels like an eternity, he lets you out, probably because he’s convinced you’ve learned your lesson. Classic Zenon logic: “I’ll break you down emotionally and physically, but hey, at least you’re free now... kind of. Not really. Not at all, actually.”
So when Zenon finally decides to let you out—let’s be real, you’re a total mess. You’re obviously traumatized and just barely holding it together. I mean, who wouldn’t be after spending all that time in a room so silent and lonely; it might as well be a sensory deprivation tank? The kind of silence that’s so loud it’s almost like it’s mocking you. Your only company for weeks was probably the sound of your own breathing, and even that started to feel too loud.
But then there’s the relief. Sweet, glorious relief. The moment the door opens, it’s like you’re seeing sunlight for the first time in forever, like you just stepped out of a cave and rediscovered the world. Your brain probably can’t even decide if you’re happy or just shocked that there’s more to life than four walls and Zenon’s twisted form of punishment. So yeah, traumatized because you’ve been isolated for what felt like years, but also ridiculously relieved to see the outside world again, even if it’s just the cold, dark castle of the Zogratis siblings.
When Zenon finally lets you leave that miserable room, the silence is so loud it feels like it’s practically screaming in your ears. It’s the kind of silence that makes you paranoid, like any little noise you make will set him off. And Zenon? He’s just standing there, not expecting you to say a single word. Not a “sorry,” not a “please forgive me”—nothing. He knows you’re probably too freaked out, too paranoid to even look in his direction, let alone speak. And honestly, he’s fine with that. He doesn��t need your words; in fact, he’d rather you stay quiet.
Because, yeah, he let you out of that room, but let’s not kid ourselves—he’s still holding a serious grudge. The whole “cheating with Dante” thing? That’s not going away anytime soon. In his mind, locking you up for weeks was the perfect way to drill into your head that cheating isn’t just off-limits—it’s unthinkable. If being in that prison of a room didn’t teach you that lesson, well, then you’ve got a serious problem.
So as long as you’ve learned not to even entertain the idea of cheating on him again, he’s content. But that doesn’t mean he’s forgiving you anytime soon. In fact, he’s probably hoping you stay quiet and small for a while because, yeah, he’s still mad. You’re out of the room, but you’re not out of the woods.
So even though Zenon’s already pretty sure the rest of the day is going to be one long, awkward, silent standoff between the two of you, you still manage to catch him just the tiniest bit off guard. Not by speaking—he expected you to break the silence at some point—but by what you choose to say. The words you let slip out of your mouth? Oh boy. They’re the kind of words that make him instantly regret not leaving you locked in that room for another month, just for good measure.
Because out of all the things you could’ve said—“I’m sorry,” “It’ll never happen again,” maybe even just a polite “hello”—what do you go with? “I don’t love you anymore.”
And oh, trust me, he’s definitely offended. You’d have to be out of your mind to think Zenon’s not insulted by that. But heartbroken? Nah. He’s not standing there, devastated, like, “No, please, I need you!” This isn’t some dramatic rom-com moment where he falls to his knees, clutching his chest in despair. No, this is Zenon, so he’s more like, “Oh, you don’t love me? Is that so?” in a tone that’s about as menacing as a horror movie villain’s monologue. You know the one.
It’s not that he’s shattered emotionally—more like offended on a whole new level. He’s almost amused in a twisted, dangerous way, as if your declaration of not loving him is just... funny to him. Like, “Oh, you don’t love me anymore? Well, let’s see how that works out for you.”
Honestly, what happens next? Your guess is as good as mine because Zenon could take this in a hundred different directions—and let’s just say none of them are pleasant. He could straight-up lock you back in that soul-crushing room before you even have a chance to get another word out, like, “Oh, you don’t love me? Well, guess what? You’re going back in time-out.”
Or, if he's feeling especially cruel and petty, he could make you say you love him—over and over—but not just casually. No, he’s going to force you to say it like you mean it, to the point where your voice cracks, you’re sobbing, and you can barely breathe between the words. He’s probably standing there with this icy, emotionless expression, just watching the tears roll down your face. You might feel like you’ve used up all your tears after this one.
And then, there’s always the chance he might snap just enough to resort to violence—not enough to kill you, of course (you’re too important for that), but enough to make you wish you’d kept quiet. He’s not going to slap you with his hand, though. Oh no, that would be too easy. Instead, he might bring out that dreaded bone magic of his, because why not use what he’s good at, right? And dang, do those bones hurt. It’s like getting smacked by a rock-hard skeleton fist that leaves you aching in places you didn’t even know could hurt. Whatever happens, though, one thing’s for sure: Zenon’s not going to just let that “I don’t love you” comment slide. You’re in for a rough time, one way or another.
Yeah, the second those words, “I don’t love you anymore,” left your mouth, you pretty much signed your own death warrant—or at least, walked right into Zenon’s emotional meat grinder. It’s like you willingly marched up to the guillotine and handed him the rope, except in this case, the guillotine is Zenon himself.
You’ve officially gone to the slaughter, and the butcher is Zenon with his bone magic at the ready. There’s no coming back from it. You may as well have waved a red flag in front of a bull, except this bull has bone weapons and a grudge the size of a mountain. 
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everyonewooeverywhere · 2 months
Good morning lovely!! 💗💗
(He's so cute I wanna put him in my mouth)
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How was your day babes?
good morning baby 💗💗
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(i wanna bite him more that anything i think)
my day’s been really good actually! we had people over tonight and it was nice to see everyone. it was all my childhood friends (the ones coming over tomorrow for my birthday) and their parents and brothers. we used to get together all the time when we were younger but it kinda stopped after middle school, so it was really fun to get together like that again. and then i hung out with my high school friends (my girlies 😔💗) for a couple hours after.
i’ve been spending a lot of time alone recently with everything going on because i just was kinda feeling disconnected and withdrawn and just so unmotivated to do anything, and that was honestly really nice for a couple days. but it really does kill the extrovert in me to not see friends for that long. so it was definitely really good for me to see friends ☺️
how are you love?
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scarletwritesshit · 2 years
Kaveh x Reader ✦ Oh my God! Roommates! ✦ VII: Sumpter
It was kind of hard to determine Kaveh’s point of view regarding romantic feelings. On one hand, he could be one hell of a smooth talker and handle them like they were nothing. On the other, the right partner could make him absolutely melt inside and cause a short circuit in his thought process. It wasn’t a question that you could just casually drop in the middle of a conversation. It’s straight up an invitation for too many things to go wrong, both on your end and his.
Perhaps this is one of many thoughts that would sit better with you if you slept on it. The only problem was that night, you were unable to keep your eyes shut long enough to peacefully drift off to sleep. You turned in for the evening a bit early, hoping to be unconscious by the time Kaveh decided that he too, would call it a night. Initially, the thoughts of him occupied your mind, but eventually, you were beginning to slowly drift off to sleep. Unfortunately, your brief moment of silence alone was interrupted by Kaveh sliding under the covers. You were jolted completely awake and you felt your heart rate pick up, yet you could only remain frozen in silence.
"I do hope that I am not disturbing your attempt at rest, but I find myself quite exhausted as well," he said.
You turned your body around to face him, only to be greeted by Kaveh sleepily gazing at you as well. There was still the slightest bit of light coming from the windows, and it was just enough to illuminate the two of you making eye contact. It was truly an awkward and painful situation to find yourself in, with the man you have grown so attached to quite literally within your grasp.
"I woke you up, didn’t I?" he quietly asked, interpreting your silence as a gesture of disgust.
"No, you didn’t. I’ve been awake practically the entire time that I’ve been here," you said.
"It’s one of those nights, isn’t it?"
"It would seem that way. I’m exhausted, but it seems pointless to waste the night away just laying here."
"I find myself in the same boat. This would be the perfect time to make considerable progress on my grand project, but I am unusually drained and deprived of inspiration."
"Laying here and talking isn’t too bad of a pastime...right?"
"It’s not. This just feels...I don’t know," Kaveh said, becoming increasingly dejected. It was almost as if he was having a hard time coping with an artistic slump. He didn’t seem very willing to admit it, however.
"Maybe you don’t need to know why you feel this way. I mean, if you’re drained, why not join me for a few days of relaxation?"
"Using my own words against me. How clever," he remarked. "That, however, still does not solve the problem at hand. Tonight will drag on, unless we can find a way to quiet down our minds."
"How about I bore you to death?" you joked.
Kaveh laughed a little. "Good luck with that happening. I find our little moments together to be most entertaining."
He threw you off guard with that statement. The compliment may have been small, but it sent your heart flying beyond the stars of Celestia.
"Uh...so do I," you said, unsure of how to respond.
Kaveh rolled onto his back and placed his hands behind his head. It was hard to tell with the minimal light, but you could assume from the faint silhouette of his body that he was wandering in his thoughts.
"Now that I think about it," he said, "I do find myself enjoying our chats a lot more as of late. Almost makes me want to neglect my craft, if at least for a little bit, so that we may grow closer."
Is this guy for real?
"Is Alhaitham what’s stopping you from relaxing?"
"In truth, perhaps. I’ve always worked through periods of low inspiration by sketching or some other means, but this is honestly the first time in a long while that I have felt this unmotivated. In addition to this, he already thinks quite low of me as it is."
"He listened to you in regards to my health, so maybe he would consider yours as well?"
"If I do bring that up, he will only think of this as an excuse to...ah, never mind."
An excuse to what?
"You don’t want to be seen as a slacker, do you?"
Kaveh went quiet for a few moments. You were unable to read any form of expression or body language in the dark, so you were left wondering during his short period of silence. Was that another topic that he was potentially a bit sensitive about, and didn’t want to show it? He could just be considering his answer, but it was hard to stop your mind from running wild with worst case scenarios.
“You could say that,” he finally responded.
It was probably best to not pressure him any further.
You wanted to continue talking to him, but there wasn’t much to be discussed at the current moment. What kind of small talk do roommates (who always find themselves in the same bed every night) even make? None of those “how are you” types of conversations would even work right now, considering how the two of you have pretty much been talking for the majority of the day.
Ask about his likes and dislikes maybe? No, you two have known each other long enough to be beyond that point of casual conversation. You’re quite sure that you have a grasp on his basic preferences.
People usually talk about deeply personal stuff during the wee hours of the night, right? It does tend to happen on accident, but you weren’t intending to use him as some sort of therapist…
“So, now what?” you said, completely out of ideas.
“I truly do not know. I admit, I am at a loss on how to pass the night. Are you sure that there is nothing that you wish to discuss with me?”
“Like what?”
“Anything. Alhaitham getting on your nerves? Deepest insecurities? What you had for lunch? It’s far too dull right now, and I cannot bring myself to leave this bed.”
The man that you ended up falling for practically begging you to tell him anything is not a great combination. Top it off with being tired in his bed during the night…
“Do you really want to get yourself worked up over Alhaitham while trying to fall asleep? That seems counterproductive.”
“Not particularly, but if it was something that you would like to talk about for whatever reason, then I’m all ears.”
Getting Kaveh worked up at these hours of the night meant neither of you would have a chance at sleeping. What about his other suggestions? Deepest insecurities? You already concluded that was a bad idea. Lunch? He ate with you, didn’t he?
Oh right, those questions were merely suggestions. It was all you had to build off of for a conversation, though. You were completely out of ideas otherwise.
“Maybe we should just…try to fall asleep,” you suggested, defeated.
“And stare at the walls all night?” he said, turning back on his side to face you.
Did he mean the walls? He’s literally looking at me right now.
“Do you have any better ideas?”
“No, it’s just boring and the night just drags out. I hate it when this happens.” “So do I, but we’ll never get any rest if we stay up complaining.”
“I guess you’re right,” he said, turning his body to the other side.
Was he upset that you discouraged him from talking to you all night? There were literally no words that could possibly be exchanged between the two of you, so forcing conversation was rather pointless. Hopefully it was just a tinge of aggravation from slowly becoming tired.
You closed your eyes, hoping to eventually drift off to sleep. You hoped that nothing like last night would happen again, due to not wanting to deal with the same embarrassment as the night before.
Except, you weren’t so lucky.
You woke up once again with Kaveh gently clinging onto your body. This time, however, you unfortunately found yourself in a slightly worse position than last night. Although you weren’t being suffocated, your face was practically shoved into his chest. Once this had fully registered in your head, you wiggled yourself back slightly to allow yourself some breathing room, but didn’t completely pull away.
He had enough trouble falling asleep that night, and you figured that you wouldn’t risk accidentally waking him up. Consider it an act of kindness from you to him, despite the awkward context of the situation.
Maybe his unconscious snuggling wasn’t a one-time thing. Perhaps it was a…two-time thing?
Apparently, it was not. He did it again the night after, and once again, you gently pulled yourself away.
And then he did it again the night after that.
And again.
Was he even aware that he was subconsciously holding you close as he slept? He could’ve decided to not mention it, similar to how you thought of the situation. Neither of you were expressing any form of discomfort, or bought it up in the mornings. However, it was starting to drive you insane that day after day, the idiot who was supposed to know everything about feelings and whatever seemed to be dealing with this so horribly. It would be different if it was an infrequent occurrence, but day after day, for multiple weeks? It was starting to eat away at you.
Though, something seemed to be eating away at Kaveh as well.
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yxnderewritingss · 1 year
can i get yandere aryia with reader who comes up to him and hugs him/wants cuddles
of course!! and thank you so much for requesting! 🫶🏻
also sorry y’all for being so inactive! i’ve been so unmotivated plus my new job was tiring, but now i’m done until the fall and (hopefully) i’ll be more active!! :)
Yandere!Aryia with Affectionate!Reader Headcanons 🖤
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•you and aryia have been friends for years as you both met at a party one of your mutual friends was hosting. and you approached him first as he seemed to be the most approachable person you saw.
•after talking what seemed like hours, it felt as if you both have been friends for years and once you felt it was late, you said goodbye to aryia. but not without giving him your number as he gave you his.
•and you both began to talk to one another rather quickly. texting day and night and even when he went on tour, you both were texting one another and calling each other as much as possible (with him initiating most of the texts and calls).
•when it was his show in the city you both lived in, he automatically moved you closer to the stage so he could see you more clearly and easier. which resulted in you reaching your hand out to him and him holding it of course. then after his show, you gave him such a huge hug and he returned the hug to you.
•since it had been a few months of you being friends, aryia finally decided to ask you to be his significant other. and you said yes because you returned the feelings for him and after that, you two became ever more inseparable (mostly because of aryia initiating you both hanging out as much as possible).
•whenever you two would be together, whether it would be out on a date or just relaxing at home with aryia, you were always by his side as aryia preferred, hugging him, holding his hand, etc. and aryia loved every second of this affection you were giving him.
•and whenever you both would be alone and you happened to be bored, you would just come up to him and hug him and/or cuddle him, which so happened to be everyday. aryia loved whenever you did this, even if he wasn’t in a great mood, but that would of course always cheer him up.
•because of this, you two tended to stay at home way more often now compared to when you two first dated/before you both dated. and now, you would hug him way more often and cuddle him every single day. which was his plan since the start of course.
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rantyraven · 1 year
hey tumblr 
this is a little weird for me. but I feel like documenting my emotions and my trials and errors with this issue will help motivate me to actually making progress on it. for about a year and a half now I've been struggling incredibly hard with a weed addiction that I'm struggling to find a support system for. most of my closest friends not only smoke it daily as well, but are firm believers in the “it’s impossible to get addicted to weed” motto. based on their attitudes and actions tho, they’re just not self aware. looking thru tags on here have made me feel less alone and more validated that there is something wrong with me -- that there’s a reason I feel like I'm struggling so bad.
I hate who I am with weed. I feel so entirely useless and unmotivated to do anything. I miss the old me, the me that didn’t know the meaning of procrastination, who exercised daily, who actually completed projects, who actively practiced writing. I can feel my brain rotting away and I hate myself for letting this happen. 
I know this will be a long rant post and I don’t wanna clog any timelines so ---------vvv
my experience with weed didn’t begin until I was 24 when my partner brought stuff home from a dispensary out of state. back then it was fun and something I only did once in awhile. I remember how I couldn’t imagine how anyone could enjoy participating daily -- it was too much for me and I often felt hungover the next day. then I abused it during my final semester of graduate school -- the excuse was I needed to smoke to help my artistic expression. but soon I wasn’t working on my creative projects on weed anymore. I was entertaining manic episodes and busy being emotional and paranoid. the longer I smoke the more I feel like a rotting fat corpse. every day I'm desperate to stop but I still choke down 3-4 joints and maybe a bowl or two. I get anxious early in the day to smoke if there’s nothing else to distract me, or if I feel too lazy to do anything. but, the moment I smoke I feel the strength to stop and feel the shame of already fucking up before I could start. it’s so ridiculous that I only feel the motivation to completely quit weed only after just having smoked. 
god I'm so desperate to quit. I want my old life back. I want the old me. I want to live a normal life again and feel the ambition and drive and passion that I used to feel over the project ideas I have. I have so much potential to be successful and I feel crippled by this fucking drug. I hate that I can’t even confide in my friends without them interpreting my journey as some kind of better-than-thou bullshit. 
I want to quit so badly but I don’t know where to start. I've never even smoked cigarettes before so I have no experience quitting a substance that has such a grip on your life. 
I would love to receive some advice or support. maybe anyone else on here who’s in the boat with me, who also wants to work on their sobriety. I've tried and retried on my own over and over and always fail. if anything, I hope using this as a vent space for my frustrations as a quit, or if I fail again. what are some of the best ways to help distract from the craving to smoke?
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