zaideaben · 1 year
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HELLO ART FIGHT 2023!! 🥰🎉 You can find my AF profile in my linktree (pinned post)! Examples of my artwork are below the cut!
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singsweetmelodies · 2 years
do you like my new profile picture 🥺🥰
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dreadpirateella · 4 months
Like I was already so hype abt this but that trailer just got me SO excited 😭 this is abt to be literally so rad August 9th can't come fast enough
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einaudis · 5 months
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horohoros · 1 year
Ok i don’t want to be that bitch I’m absolutely going to be that bitch
But they removed so much from the setlist. ReMOVED FAITH AND JESUS HE KNOWS ME... and no DATHOML? Griftwood? Twenties? Only one Infestissu song? Only 2 Opus songs? why so many Meliora songs?
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 1 month
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I'm gonna do things a little bit differently this time around, but I ABSO-FREAKIN'-LUTELY thought that this chapter was a 10 OUT OF 10!!! 😆 So, let's get into it shall we?! 😎👍
First off, at the beginning of chapter, I was like...:
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"What is this man planning...? 🤔", while also just being happy to Andy for a quick second there...!! 😎 After that, we cut back to Fuuko and the gang talking with Tatiana, telling her that she doesn't have to join if she doesn't want to...! I also liked this part:
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I love Tatiana's "Thank you. Onionhead." for Chikara taking the perfect photo for her, it's so adorable...!! 😁 But then, on the next page, THIS HAPPENS...:
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And I was like:
"WHO DO DID THAT!?!" 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Then, I see the culprit...:
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Let me tell you something, I'VE HATED THIS MAN with a BURNING PASSION ever since HE STABBED FUUKO IN THE GODDAMN CHEST in the previous Loop!!! 😠 But, I had hope that Fuuko could possibly convince him to join the Union in this Loop...
I'm sorry, I haven't had this much hatred for a character since Ryo Asuka from Devilman: Crybaby...!! 😤 Is there still a possibility for Ruin to heel turn over to the Union's side? Most likely...! Will I be fine if he doesn't join the Union and get ABSOLUTELY CURB STOMPED BY THEM INSTEAD?!?! Most definitely...!! I'd totally be cool with either of these outcomes...!! 😁👍
But anyway, enough of me being possibly Ruin's number one hater, let's get back to the chapter...!! And I cannot believe that Kururu for some reason already looks like how she did in the previous Loop, now with an Union badge...?! 😕
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I don't know what exactly Tozuka is doing with Kururu, but I still hope that she gets more development in future...!! 🤞
Back to Fuuko vs. Ruin; THAT BASTARD injured Fuuko's eye, but of course she still looks BADASS!! 👌😎:
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But, even though this is HYPE AS FUCK, this looks to be exactly what UMA Soul wants...! Which means the Master Rules are about to be set free...!!! 😵
So yeah, this chapter FREAKING SLAPPED and I just had to share my absolute hatred for Ruin, thus why I did things a little differently this time around...!! 😄 I'm super excited for next week's chapter, so I'll see you all then...!! LATER!! 😎👍
In other news, my mom recently changed her lock screen on her phone to a picture of Andy and Fuuko because she became a fan of the series after we watched the anime back when the English dub was coming out!! 💗🤗💗 (She also made Spy X Family, my other favorite manga right now, her phone background...!! 😊) Okay, now I'm done!! BYE FOR REAL NOW!! 👋😉
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blacklegsanjiii · 5 months
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH-- HELLO IM THAT PREVIOUS ANONYMOUS USER-- IM JUMPING IN MY SEAT THAT YOU REPLIED TO MY REQUEST! THANK YOU SO MUCH! ❤️. SO FOR THAT, ANOTHER HEADCANNON (I'm sorry if your getting tired from these request.) But what would be the Revolutionary Army, Strawhat Pirates, and Whitebeard Pirates reaction to the ASL trio's relationship with Sanji? (What would their reactions be during the WCI Arc?👀 I feel like they would be very overprotective of Sanji after WCI
Welcome back! Pick a name! I'm bad at naming things! I will respond to anything so yeah, no worries. Also OPLA really sold Zeff x Garp to a lot of people so like. I get it. I'm answering another ask RN about RSL+ASL but it's long so I'll grab this one first.
As for everyone's reactions to ASL all dating Sanji: Dragon has to come to terms that two of his sons are dating a cook on one of his son's pirate crew. He sighs so heavily about this and Garp laughs at him and explains that Sanji is Zeff's adopted kid and that makes Dragon sigh again, more heavy and drawn out and exasperated.
The Whitebeard fleet hears about it in stages, first has gotta be Marco and Teach who are laughing their asses off that Ace has to share his boyfriend with his two little brothers. Then Thatch laughs his ass off. White Beard is confused because he finds out this has been going on since childhood, which makes it make more sense but he finds out that it's Redleg's kid and Redleg let three people date his kid. That part makes no sense to him. The fact they're siblings makes it back to zero understanding. He and Ace talk about it once and that's it.
The Strawhat's find out in stages. Vivi and Chopper and the East Blue crew all know Sanji and Luffy are dating but then when Ace shows up and he hauls Sanji off and yelling at Luffy it's his turn with their boyfriend there are shocked gasps and sputtering and confused yells from everyone but Luffy who just goes 'Okay! Have fun!' and goes back to whatever he was doing. Robin, Franky, and Brook find out between Thriller Bark and Sabaody. They knew about Luffy, it's hard not to, but they hear about Ace from the other members. No one has told them about Sabo. Sanji thinks he at least has that.
Then like Marineford happens and Ace lives because of course. Fuck him dying. Sabo still has his memory but has been in the revolutionary army since like sixteen or seventeen and has his memory so he was probably there. When they ask Luffy where his crew is Luffy is crying and says he doesn't know because Kuma.
Ace joins the crew after the TS and he and Luffy are really excited to see Jimbei again and then he is introduced as Luffy and Ace's boyfriend which makes Sanji sigh and introduce himself as the cook. Dressrosa happens and Ace is happy to see Sabo who asks where Sanji is and Ace is like 'one of the other teams' and Sabo nods. When Law and everyone is resting in the cabin Sabo whines that Luffy is sleeping and Sanji isn't there and Ace excitedly tells him about Sanji firing on Big Mom. Law asks why Sabo cares that Sanji's not there and Ace and Sabo go 'he's our boyfriend, and Luffy's boyfriend.' which throws the cabin into chaos.
Meanwhile Sanji is telling Judge this isn't going to go how he thinks it'll go and when Reiju asks why as she puts the cuffs on Sanji tells them who his boyfriends are. All three of them. Everyone is staring at him. THe Vinsmokes don't care and when the rescue team, Ace, and Sabo come get him? It's a long and arduous explanation and escape. Sabo is of course and understandably weary to leave but does after a lot of reassurances and kisses and the number to the denden mushi on the Sunny. Ace never leaves Sanji's side during Wano unless Luffy is there or they're with the crew. It's very stressful for Sanji.
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thecampjuicebox · 9 months
My goodness, I'm about to walk away from this lookin' like a blood drunk Astarion!
Also "Warped in a Bow" Part 2, pleeeeeaaassse! I want that so badly!
*Warning: Messy Essay Incoming*
"Tav demonstrating why she was so hard to catch by subduing a fiendish assassin that snuck into the House of Hope (and probably ended up interrupting another bang session), despite her being without weapons or armor, by essentially using the silk or chain as a garrote wire on the attacker..."
"If anything, I think this kind of information would fuel Raphael’s fires. Turn him on to an unreasonable degree."
Oh, I think Raphael would first be livid that there is an intruder in his house and that his steamy times got interrupted; especially since we all know that he likes to bottom and seeing Tav nakedly assert dominance over a cur would probably make him even more hot and bothered (especially if your description of him seeing Tav crush a foe's head with their thighs is any indication 👀), but he can't *ahem* act on any of that excitement yet because he has to deal with the whole assassin thing first.
Haarlep might initially be mildly miffed that the bang session got interrupted, but would quickly get over it because I think the incubus would probably be able to pick up that the interjection of this naughty little assassin didn't kill the mood (you see what I did there? did you see what I-) but at worst only put it on pause for a bit, plus Haarlep would also find the sight of the all but naked Tav dominating this naughty little interloper to be extremely enticing (again, if your take on Haarlep seeing Tav deliver 'death by thighs' is anything to go by).
I can just picture things getting steamy again between the three before Tav suddenly perks up. Then, before either fiend can figure out what is happening, she is suddenly across the room with a devil struggling beneath her. Haarlep recovers first, slides off the bed and begins slinking around Tav and the pinned would-be assassin all 'Well, well, well~ What do we have here?' maybe even mocking/menacing the assassin by saying something like 'I don't see why you're being so feisty. I'd kill to switch places with you right now~ What do you think, Raphael?' Meanwhile Raphael is trying to think clearly and deal with the assassin situation while lust, fury, and perhaps a bit of amusement are all engaging in a full on kaiju level brawl for dominance in his brain.
Yes, yes, yes, and YES! I'm so happy you applied their reactions to Tav crushing someone's head to this, because I think they'd both just be so.. HNNNNNG at the sight of Tav absolutely destroying an intruder. Poor Raphael wouldn't have the wherewithal to even react before Tav has the intruder in a choke hold, arms restrained behind their back. Assassin where? Not on Tav's watch. I'm giggling at the idea of Haarlep just mocking them, too. "Awe, looks like someone is a little stuck, hm?" "If your boss happens to come calling, I'll make sure to let them know you're a little.. Tied up." AHHHHHHHHHHHHH And all the while Raphael is just "fuck fucking fuck shit fuck gods damned interruptions I'll kill them, I'll burn them, fuck" And Tav is using her normal alluring tactics to subdue the writhing interloper in her grasp. What a pathetic little display.
My brain automatically moves to.. Tav slitting their throat, covered in blood, and that just DOES THE DEVIL IN. That's it. He doesn't even mind the mess, he's just so enthralled with the way Tav looks all dirty and probably a lil sweaty from the struggle. eroghbvwe;roiughbqlweirug Let me not give TOO MUCH away
"Wrapped With a Bow" part 2 coming VERY SOON! Thank you for your essay, I will absolutely take these ideas into account (especially because you see things the same way that I do) 💕
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soaps-mohawk · 2 months
Okay needed to get that out my system from the new chapter. Anyways, that ending has me scared cause like Simon is back to square one and Johnny is like upset with Omega but like he’s still there for her and I fear that Simon and Johnny may have a dispute when the other two are gone. And that she didn’t even find all the cameras! AND THERE WHERE OTHERS OUTSIDE OF JUST THE BEAR?!! My top fear is being watch when I’m not aware so this chapter does something for me like when we first found out about them. I’m just scared, excited and crying 😭😭
But as always your writing is amazing and I need it to be Saturday again already!!
Real, sometimes you just gotta scream 🤷‍♀️ let's out some of that energy.
As far as what's going to happen when they're alone??
You'll have to wait and see
Mhm I'm so evil with those cameras. Poor thing is going through it. I had to turn all my stuffed animals to face the wall writing it 😂 couldn't handle that paranoia
It's gonna be a long week for y'all
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roguephenon · 2 months
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I’m so excited for the final confrontation with father!!! When will it be?!
It will start next chapter! I don't know when I'll post it as FFN is down, and I'm working on possibly posting it on ao3 as a backup. But hopefully soon!
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keysmashhhhhhhh · 4 months
GUYS!!!! (excuse the watermelon bedsheets) OMG LOOOOK AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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I can't stop smiling I'm so excited to build it, I didn't ask for any presents from my parents other than a new weighted blanket and a few books so this was like a genuine surprise and I'm so happyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! I feel like a little kid again getting lego on my birthday but I'm genuinely so hyped to build it!
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I'm so sorry, thatskynews - I made a mess on you because I was vibrating from excitement of the record break ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
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eraserisms · 2 months
[[ We've been chatting for less than 5 hours but I can already tell we're going to have fun. I am reading your headcanons and verses. I like the idea of him having a lost child! The drama! Can't wait to start the boys with herbs, maybe they could run into bad guys along the way. ]]
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I feel the exact same way! I love the idea of quirkless Izuku runnin' around and targeting pro heros and running an underground casino. That shit is just so top notch and well thought out and I think that it's such a creative and innovative idea! You go Glenn Coco! And the cards? The cards idea my guy?? I think that verse/au is going to hit me right in the solar plexus.
But yeah I have a lot to say about Shota's phase of hypersexual activity but I haven't gotten around to writing about it yet. Actually, when I started writing Shota, I was under the impression that Shota was closer to 35 maybe 40 on the higher end. A friend and I (the one who got me into MHA in the first place) sometimes wrote Shinso as one of those unknown children.
But as far as our plant boys go??!?! I'm so excited! I have yet to actually write Shota's fantasy verse with anyone since I feel it's so underdeveloped. But it's nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of and I just know it's gonna be a blast.
Also, knowing that you enjoy gardening makes the notion of herbologist Izuku all the more fun to me. I think what I like about RPing is that when you're writing with someone, you get to see a little introspection/personality of the person who is behind the character. Just from reading some of your headcanons and stuff, you've put a lot of thought into your Midoriya and it shows. So thank you, thank you for checking out my blog in the first place, I'm sure we'll have some fun!
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peepawispunk · 7 months
Fuck yeah I did! I'm so excited for him and ready to throw down with anyone that has a problem with it lmao. I'm loving this for him!!!!
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ghostwav64 · 8 months
Lowkey starting to think getting laid off was one of the best things to ever happen to me. Like it's been hard and I've cried a ton because this shit sucks and job hunting and getting rejected at interviews is hard as hell.
BUT, on the good days I'm making art, connecting more deeply with my friends, reading for fun again, making my way through Baldur's Gate 3 and getting TOUGH SHIT done.
It's reminded me how capable I am, I think being stuck in a shitty job for a long time can be really bad for your confidence and I am feeling like such a badass bitch lately. 2023, I made a lot of progress as an artist, in 2024 I'm going to make even MORE progress as an artist. Here's what some art stuff looks like for me this year:
January 26th- Exquisite Corpse dropping on Spotify, Tidal,Apple, Music,Waystar Royco Music app and more
January 31st- secret project #1 (and more in the future)
February 2nd- show at Parachigo in Fargo,ND
February 28th- as of now unannounced show in Fargo,ND End of February or March- Holiday Malaise (Short Film)
I'm also getting close to done with my next EP Crybaby on Fire. It's my best work yet imo, and I've learned a ton in the process of making it and I'm excited to share with you all when it's ready.
Once that's wrapped up I'm going to get back to work on my first album which I'm excited to finally announce will be called
The Blue Rose Tapes
It's an album that is a Twin Peaks inspired transition journey/ghost story nightmare.
An insanely talented friend of mine made the sickest fucking cover art for it check her stuff out on insta but I won't share it until the album is in a more final state, you should check out the artist's work on insta in the meantime:https://www.instagram.com/rkgcollage/, she makes the coolest collages and writes some incredible poetry and is one of my best friends in the entire world.
I feel ready, reenergized and ready to get back to working on the album after making this EP, I have a better understanding of my creation process and feel like I'll be able to take the lessons I learned there to help with the album, and I feel like I have a better idea of what the bigger vision for the album is so I can take a new approach to making it. Can't wait to share more on this in the future, I'll be posting updates and snippets along the way on all my socials.
2024 is going to be hard, but I'm going to survive, and not only am I gonna survive, I am going to live it fully, I am going to keep following my heart and my dreams, I did a lot more of that in 2023 and even though 2023 almost broke me a few times I still felt happier than I have in a very very very very long time.
This year,
I'M HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOING HARD THINGS IS WORTH IT!
IT'S GONNA BE A DANCE PARTY AT LAURA PALMER'S ALL YEAR LONG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPwxCESKxeM&ab_channel=ghost_texture
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years
My School President ep 12
This is entirely for @grapejuicegay, whom I have a tendency of screaming to in our dms when I watch potentially exciting episodes of ql dramas...but didn't during ep 12 of msp because kk hadn't watched it yet and I didn't want to spoil her. Hence I screamed them all here and now I'm posting them for all the world to see how my brain works 😂
God the way they drew that out!!! But I love that Tinn's mum backed out and asked how Gun's mum is doing instead. I also think it's so poignant that the piano at the side is covered up...
I wanted Tinn to be brave and tell her!
Oh Gun's confession was so good! I teared up. But it's so sad to see the difference between both their relationships with their mothers.
Oh oh oh...a prediction -> Tinn's mum will stand up for Tinn and Gun if the homophopic teacher is actually homophobic. And that's how Tinn will realise him mum knows and that's how she will let Tinn know support him.
Sorry, but blue and red with anchors just makes me think of Pat and Pran at the beach. 🤷🏽‍♀️😅
Cheeky fu*king bastard!. Love it. unhinged Gun!
"My heart has three states: solid, liquid, and solidly yours." 😂😂😂
A tandem bike ride! The TinnGun boyfriend era is SO ADORABLE!
They all knew but Por! 😂 And Sound and Win having no secrets! Beautiful!!
😭 Gun thought he was helping but it's not what Tinn wanted in the end. Oh he's doing the holding his nose thing so he doesn't cry! And their dancing song came back, they're almost dancing in the rain 😭
Basically a montage of all of us watching them become boyfriends.
Tiw spouting the truth. My baby boi Mark can do nothing wrong.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT WAS KAIJORN WHO PUNCHED THE TEACHER!!!!!!!! He so fu*king deserved it too. I wanted to punch him.
Ahhhhhhh the whole prom was gorgeous! I LOVE flustered Gun. But what about Tiw and Por?!?!? I need moar.
Awww Sound and Win are fantastic! And more Tiw and Por crumbs! But poor Pat!!
*head empty, no thoughts*
Tinn's dad playing wingman! Yes!
Well...that was perfect 😭😭😭
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