oohshinywhump · 4 months
Thinking about a first time Whumper x veteran Whumpee...
When they first meet:
"You don't seem nearly scared enough. This isn't your first time is it?" "You seem weirdly nervous. Is it yours?"
"Ugh! Out of everyone in the city I could kidnap I had to get stuck with someone else's leftovers!"
"You used to belong to so-and-so, didn't you? Ah! They're my idol! Oh! This is exciting. I get to study their masterpiece up close!"
"Oh. You've never done this before." "Stop judging me. I have a knife."
"How is it you know exactly what I like?" "You torturers are all the same." "You've done this before??"
"I won't kill you, but I need you to cooperate. I am new to this, just so you know." "Yup. I'm going to die."
"Mmmm, I love how you move when you're in pain." "Thanks! I've been practicing for years."
"Who taught you to scream like this?"
Whumpee helping Whumper figure out the basics:
"Why are you on your knees?" "Oh sorry. Do you not like that? The last guy liked me that way. I just assumed…" "No, no. It's a good idea. Keep doing that. I just… never thought of it."
"So, what are the rules?" "Rules?" "Yeah, dumbass. Your rules for me. Do you want me to call you sir? Master? Or can I keep calling you jackass?"
"Do you want me to put up a fight or should we skip straight to the submissive stage?" "Oh... uhhh... don't fight too much. I don't trust myself not to accidentally kill you." "Oh, yeah. Good point."
"What kind of scream do you like?" "There are kinds of screams?" "Yeah. The last guy liked it when I ugly-cried. But I'm pretty good a bloodcurdling and whimpering like a kicked puppy. I can try to stay quiet but I can't make promises there..." "Hmmm... try all of them. I'll tell you which I like best."
"You cleaned??" "Yeah? Was I not supposed to?" "I didn't know you could make captives do that?!" "For the record, I didn't do it because I'm scared of you - your arm gets tired after giving me like three lashes. I did it because I'm going to be spending a lot of time bleeding on this table and I doubt it occurred to you to disinfect it."
Whumpee teaching Whumper how to whump:
"Show me what they used to do to you."
Whumper studying the scars on Whumpees body to learn the best places to cut/stab.
"Oh no! A knife? How original!" /s
"If you stab me right there you'll kill me. You have to go one inch to the right. Yeah, right there-AHHHHHH! …yup. Right there."
"I'll make you a deal. Let me have a solid eight hours of sleep and I'll show you where to pinch the nerve that will paralyze my left arm."
"You can't leave me tied up like this!" "I can do what I want!" "Yes. Okay. True. But like, you've either got to tie my knees to my chest or let my feet touch the ground. Otherwise I'm going to asphyxiate."
Whumper having an inferiority complex:
"I CAN DO ANYTHING THEY COULD DAMMIT!" (They = Whumpee's former Whumper)
"WHUMPEE! YOU'RE NOT BETTER THAN ME!" *Whumpee trying not to laugh when Whumper fucks up something really basic.*
"You must think I'm so pathetic." "NOo! Of course not! You're doing amazing! Really you are! I'm so fucking scared of you right now. I promise."
"I'll never be as good as the person who hurt you before." "You'll get there! I promise. I was like his fifth victim - I'm your first. Be kind to yourself!"
"How the fuck did your former Whumper do it?" "Yeah... you're not getting that out of me..."
Whumper being paranoid that Whumpee is manipulating them. Even though they hold the power they feel like Whumpee has more control over the situation because they know more.
Whumpee knowing just how to manage Whumper. They instinctively know when to be a little defiant and when to do exactly as they are told. They know just the right tone of voice to speak in, and just how to move, scream, to keep Whumper as pleased as possible. The sooner Whumper is satisfied the sooner it will stop.
Whumpee pretending it hurts worse than it does, lying about which places/tortures hurt most, acting more sick or tired than they really are to get rest/food, acting more scared than they really are… It's not like Whumper could know better.
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ladytauria · 7 months
Oh love the bfu au. The banter!!! The “what was that?” - “nothing, you didn’t see anything” glaring the supernatural threats away. Take me out. Like on a date? Or with a sniper gun. Surprise me
riiiight?! lmfao
just for this (& bc i love sharing) have some of what i've written for the AU~
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“No,” Jason says flatly. “Absolutely not.”
“C’mon,” Tim wheedles. There’s a stubborn set to his jaw, his shoulders. He’s not the kind of person to let go of an idea, once it lodges in his brain. Jason admires it; the sheer force of will packed into all five feet and eight inches of him. He also hates it, especially when it leads to scenarios like this, the two of them on opposite sides, and unwilling to back down.
Because Jason is stubborn too. “No, Tim,” Jason says firmly, digging his metaphorical heels in. “I can think of oh, about a dozen better ways for us to spend our time.”
Tim frowns at him. Jason hates how adorable he finds it; hates the irrepressible urge he feels to smooth it away, perhaps with his own mouth. Tim jabs a finger at Jason’s chest, though the diner table between them keeps him from making contact. “You’re just afraid we’ll find proof, and you’ll have to eat your words.”
Jason scoffs. “Hardly.” He bats Tim’s hand away.
Tim isn’t actually far off the mark. He wants to go ghost hunting—no, more than that, he wants to start a ghost hunting show, exploring Gotham’s more haunted areas, and Jason… well. Jason is worried that they’ll find something. Not because he’ll have to eat his words, though, but because it could be dangerous.
If they stick to the locations that most people considered “active”, they’ll be fine. Those places aren’t haunted, not really. Maybe they had been once, but now it’s all residual energy, brought to life by overactive imaginations and nerves.
But Jason knows Tim—has gotten to know him quite well, over the past couple of years—and he knows that, while he may start with the popular locales, he won’t be satisfied with them forever. That’s charted territory. Tim prefers the unknown; the unexplained. So he’ll go digging, and probably find reports of places that are actually haunted.
And considering that this is Tim, who can find trouble just by walking down the street… well. It’s a recipe for disaster.
Not that Jason can say any of that. As far as Tim knows, Jason doesn’t believe in any of that bullshit. (Honestly, most of the stuff Tim talks about is bullshit, so it isn’t even that hard to pretend.) Jason wants to keep it that way.
Is it cruel, to lie to his best friend the way he’s doing?
Yeah, probably.
But it’s keeping Tim safe, so Jason never lets himself feel bad about it.
“I’m actually worried about you, I dunno, tripping over a raised floorboard and ending up with tetanus, or something,” Jason says. Which, to be fair, also a real fear, if less pressing.
Tim scowls at him and kicks Jason’s knee under the table. “I’m not that bad,” he protests. “And, anyway, even if I was, that’s what you’d be there for. To keep me from getting tetanus.” Tim smiles winningly, and Jason knows he’s lost.
He swipes a hand down his face, letting it linger over his mouth until the urge to smile back dies under resignation. “If I tell you no for real,” he says, “you’re just gonna ask someone else, aren’t you?” Someone with no experience, no training, no abilities. Someone who couldn’t keep themself safe, let alone Tim.
Tim shrugs apologetically, suppressed triumph creeping into his mouth. “Probably.”
Jason sighs. Dammit. “Well,” he says, leaning back in his shitty booth seat, faux leather creaking beneath him. “I always did like Old Gotham. S’gotta kinda charm to her, you know?”
Tim beams. Jason’s heart skips a beat. “This is going to be great!” Tim pumps a fist in the air, heedless of the way several heads swivel their way. It’s Gotham, though, so they turn back to their own tables quickly enough. “I already have a ton of ideas for places we can visit.” He reaches into his backpack—the beat-up, ratty one he keeps his camera equipment in, not his fancy school bag—and pulls out an iPad. He brings a document on screen. “I was thinking that, in order to build up viewership, we’d start with some of the more well-known places, you know? The ones everyone’s heard of, even if they don’t live here. Then we can move into some local gems, hidden places people don’t usually investigate.”
Jason hums, feeling stirrings of fondness despite himself. He takes the tablet, scrolling through the options while Tim goes back to his milkshake, only half gone.
Park Row Theater—formerly haunted, cleared by a baby Bruce. It was the catalyst for Alfred getting more serious in training him, and impressing upon him the dangers of dealing with ghosts. Even—or maybe especially—ones that might be familiar.
The Clocktower—not haunted, per se, but definitely a place with strong paranormal energies. Babs goes there to tap into them for her visions, sometimes; when she wants a clearer idea of the future. Probably safe enough, but Jason will still set up some wards before they go.
Wayne Manor—
“Tim,” Jason says patiently. “Why is my house on here?”
Tim looks sheepish. “There have been rumors that Wayne Manor is haunted basically since the founding of Gotham,” he says.
Jason is hardly surprised. Wayne Manor was deliberately built on a nexus of powerful energy in order to study the paranormal. It isn’t haunted, exactly, but it’s close enough. “We’re not ghost hunting in my house.” He pauses. “Besides, I already know something freaky lives there. His name is Damian.” He pauses. “And sometimes Dick. No human should be able to bend like that.” He shudders theatrically.
Tim sputters, milkshake dribbling down his chin as he laughs. “Dick’s not that bad,” he says, once he cleans himself up.
“See, you say that, but you’ve never had to live with him. I assure you he is that bad.”
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grison-in-space · 2 days
I'm still thinking about the dopamine post but I coded for four straight hours and worked out an enraging amount of contour analysis today and my writing ability has been nil for a couple of days which means no researching so far >:( dammit.
I am also contemplating whether I should apply for the underrepresented groups K99 or the K01 for this grant, because if I'm going in as underrepresented I'm going in as disabled and AuDHD—queer doesn't count for diversity points in the NIH and I'm of several minds about that. The K99 would help me transition to having my own lab as a tenure track faculty member over five years, but it's also more competitive, and like... can I demonstrate that shit with my publication track record? I'm a two time GRFP honorable mention who has never actually gotten a grant I applied for, after all.
And I mean, a huge part of the reason I'm feeling underqualified is because my academic record is pretty spotty. My diss left me with enough PTSD that I haven't had the ability to breathe long enough to get the thesis submitted, so my CV has three peer reviewed papers on it in wildly different fields: one from my undergraduate thesis, one very interdisciplinary paper combining queer theory with evolution, one paper about the main topic of my dissertation. I've done a lot of things, but not necessarily in a way that is productive in the narrow sense.
Technically my thesis, I guess, which has two otherwise unpublished chapters that could be two or three more papers, but which I can't really bear to touch: my thesis advisor threw me out as a broken shell during the course of the COVID pandemic as our working relationship deteriorated, and then I scrabbled into an entirely different field from my grad work so I had to absorb a lot of information very fast.
(Yeah, remember when I said I didn't care about being doxxed because I already operate under the assumption that it's happened? That's what I'm working with here.)
I have two papers coming out from my postdoc so far, both of which I'm trying to get submitted by fall. If I'm very lucky and very fast I might swing a third. I just feel very very slow—my phd was eight years long and characterized by being encouraged to go off in weird directions without much support—and not competitive. But on the other hand—well, hell, mine is certainly a perspective you won't see tomorrow if it drops out today, so. Why not?
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zaimta · 1 year
a/n- as y'all know i am in love this man like i would give it all up for franky, he's in his late teens early 20's in this bc he "dies" when he 26 apparently i had to google that one ngl the timeline probably off bc i haven't watch the entirety of water 7 in like 3 years
˗ˏˋ«────── « 𓆩♡𓆪 » ──────»
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the two of you were inseparable, if anyone saw one of you on your own the townsfolk knew that the other wasn’t far behind. the two of you weren’t always like this though, he had an obvious crush on you for months. he would talk about you to whoever was willing to listen he swore you were the person he was going to marry.
he loved everything about you, from your brain all the way down to your personality he couldn’t get enough of you, just the mere thought of you drove him crazy. he often talked about you to tom and he was always met with the same response
“so what are you going to do about it? are you going to show some gusto and let them know how you feel or not?”
the same mini lecture would always get to him, he wanted nothing more than to make you his and to be yours. he wanted to be the one to hold your hand and cheer you up when you’re sad- he slapped his cheeks and groaned “dammit this ain’t like me…what am i supposed to do.” he spoke aloud to himself not expecting an audience “what’s going on franky?” he jumped at the sound of your voice, his face was flushed red "y/n what are you doing here?"
you giggled at his anticks "it's a beach franky, literally anyone could be here. plus we come here all the time." he scratched his head and looked away from you embarrassed "right yeah...so um y/n" he remembered tom's words, he took a deep breath and sighed, running away wasn't like him he couldn't cower away from you anymore, he turned around to face you and suddenly shouted "y/n! i like you alright! please be my s/o!"
your jaw dropped at his confession, even though his crush on you was clearly obvious you were the only person who didn't realize, you felt your face warming up "franky?"
he didn't think it was possible but his face got redder at this point he knew he was in way too deep there was no backing out now but he was also weak for you, getting embarrassed wasn't his thing but you had that effect on him "i uh" he clears his throat "i've liked you for a while now y/n, tom said i should have 'gusto' and admit my feelings so that's what i did!"
you snickered then clutched your sides laughing smiling wide at him, you tackled him into a hug causing him to lose his balance and fall, he cautiously wrapped his arms around you, and your faces were mere inches apart "of course i'll be your s/o franky." he smiled at you "it's just me and you doll."
that moment of bliss would soon become nothing more than a reminiscent memory.
iceburg tried his best to hold you back despite your screams and cries demanding that he lets you go, the more you screamed the tighter he held you "you idiot i can't let you go with him it's a death wish!" you couldn't see him but he as restrained you there were tears in his eyes also, he didn't know where was franky was going but he did know that he made a promise to him protecting you. unbeknownst to him it was the last promise he would make to his friend, and to conclude the disastrous day the sounds of your heart-wrenching screams as the sea train collided with your lover.
eight years have passed since that day, you were able to move on you were dating here and there but you couldn't find anything that lasted. it was crazy to think how much of an impact he left on you, he was the love of your life and you would give anything to see him again.
suddenly a man with blue hair walked into your workshop, you rose a brow "can i help you mr...?" his monotone face quickly turned into one filled with shock, his eyes looked you up and down taking you in. he looked at you as if he knew you, it was strange "y/n?" you looked at him confused and took a step back "do i know you?" the fact that he knew your name shouldn't have been shocking for you, you were a well-known engineer in water 7 so it figures he would have known who you were but you still couldn't shake the strange feeling in the back of your head.
"it's me franky." your eyes went wide and you backed up hitting a work table and knocking some of the tools off of it "no you're not franky is dead. he died eight years ago, if this is some sick trick of yours it's not funny leave my fucking shop." the stranger walked closer attempting to plead with you, as soon as he took a step forward you threw a wrench at him, he dodged it with a slight tilt of his head and sighed "what do i have to do to get you to remember me or at least believe me?!" he shouted, pain evident in his eyes "maybe getting the hell out of my shop" you wind up your arm to throw another tool.
you dropped the tool you were holding and it made a loud clattering noise once it hit the floor "what...what did you say?" your voice was barely above a whisper as tears brimmed in your eyes. 'doll' was what he used to call you, he only used the nickname in private it was only between the two of you.
"that's what i used to call you right?" he took a cautious step towards you "the first time i called you that was when i asked you out and you accepted, you tackled me into a hug and we crashed onto the floor." tears flowed down your cheeks as he spoke "i hugged you tightly and i never wanted to let go" he took a few more steps and he was standing in front of you "i told you 'it's just you and me doll.'"
"who told you that..." you whispered softly
he gently pulled you into his arms and to his surprise, you didn't fight back "nobody told me, it's me doll. i don't know what you want me to say for you to believe me. do you want me to tell you your favorite color? or the time i fought iceberg over you even though he didn't have a crush on you" he chuckled at the memory.
"you fought him because he helped he out with my invention...our hands brushed when he handed me a tool and he smiled at me then you came over running and kicked him with a running start." you dryly chuckled "i missed you so much franky." you wrapped your arms around him and squeezed him tightly, as you hugged him you felt metal you pulled back and gasped "i had to rebuild my body to survive" he knocked on his stomach with his finger the sound feedback was hollow and sounded like metal "if i wanted to see you again i couldn't just sit there and die." he cupped your cheek in his hand, you nuzzled into his hand with a soft smile.
"words can't descrive how much i missed you franky."
"i'm not goin anywhere doll, i promise."
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karahalloway · 10 months
Mission:Cordonia - Hard Drive
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Fandom: TRR x Mission: Impossible II
Pairing: Drake Walker x F!OC (Harper Gale)
Series: Mission: Cordonia
Synopsis: Drake drives after Harper and things get wild, in more ways than one...
Word count: 3,700
Rating/Warnings: E (swearing, road rage, all kinds of dangerous driving do not try this at home)
Chapter theme song:
A/N: So, I apparently had too much fun writing Game of Thieves, so after I finished it, my mind decided that it would be great idea to create a follow-up exploring the car-chase scene from Drake's POV. So, here we are! There will probably be two more parts after this.
A/N2: The clip (for anyone who hasn't seen the movie, or doesn't remember) is below. Enjoy!
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Hard Drive
"Dammit..." I cuss under my breath as she drives off.
As asset recruitment went, that had crashed and burned like the Hindenburg.
Not that I strictly know why I need to recruit her in the first place.
Apart from the very clear directive I received in my mission brief.
...you may select any two team members, but it is essential that the third team member be Harper Gale. She is a civilian, and a highly capable professional thief. You have forty-eight hours to recruit Miss Gale and meet me in Stormholt to receive your assignment...
In and of itself, such an instruction — while rare — isn't that left field. Because even though IMF prefers to operate in the shadows, there are times when the mission parameters call for third-party assists. To gain access. To throw off suspicion. To provide specialist expertise.
So, over the years, I've found myself teaming up with all manner of civilians — from world-renowned scientists, through morally shady politicians, all the way down to your entry-level gang-banger in order  to get a mission over the line.
But Gale isn't any of those things. She's a common thief. Admittedly a drop-dead gorgeous and bitingly sassy thief who's quick on her feet... but a common thief nevertheless. And those are a dime a dozen. In both IMF, and the underworld.
So, that doesn't explain why The Secretary has gone to such pains to single her out as a mission-critical part of this assignment.
Which means that he obviously knows something I don't.
But I'm not gonna find out what by standing on the Beaumonts' drive like a moron.
"Hey, Pete," I call, turning back around. "One more for you."
The valet manager deftly catches the token that I toss to him. "Right away, Mr Dallas."
"Thanks," I acknowledge as I pull out my phone.
One of the upsides of having had to pretend to be the Beaumonts' external security consultant over the past couple of days is that I'm now on a first name basis with most of the staff.
Which definitely pays dividends when you need something done quick.
Like I do now.
Unlocking the encrypted device while Pete radios through for my ride, I tap on the tracking app and enter the number that I pulled off her phone while waiting for her to crack the safe.
Because somehow, I'd known I'll end up in this exact situation.
After a few moments' calibration, the software throws up a map with a flashing red dot in the centre.
I feel the corner of my mouth twitch. You can run, but you can't hide, girl...
"Your vehicle, Mr Dallas," advises the valet, pulling up in front of me.
"Perfect timing," I grin, pulling my wallet out to extract some notes to stuff into his breast pocket as he exits the car.
"Oh, th-thank you, sir," he stammers, clearly unaccustomed to receiving a healthy tip for his services.
"You're welcome," I nod, getting behind the wheel of the Porsche 918 Spyder.
Besides the fact that the average Joes manning these kinds of events made fuck all money while the guests drank champagne costing several grand a pop, it always paid to cultivate goodwill with the staff. Not just from a common decency point of view, but also because you never know when you’re gonna need their eyes and ears.
So, parting with a couple hundred Euros, or a favour, in exchange for potentially priceless intel down the line is always a fair trade in my book.
"Have a wonderful evening!" enthuses the still star-struck valet as he closes the driver's side door 'round.
"Yeah. We'll see about that," I mutter under my breath as I slot my phone into the cup holder at the top of the centre console.
The evening hasn't exactly gone to plan so far...
But, as The Secretary likes to say, this was Mission: Impossible, not Mission: Difficult.
Which means that even though Gale would probably like nothing more than to shoot me on sight, I have to go after her. And somehow convince her to change her mind.
Otherwise, I'm gonna be up shit creek with this mission...
...and with The Secretary.
And neither of those things is something I'm particularly keen on letting happen. Now, or ever.
So, pressing my foot down, I throw the car into drive and take off with a throaty roar as the naturally aspirated 4.6-liter V-8 kicks the 608 horses under the hood to life.
And, despite the height of the stakes, I feel a grin spread over my face.
Fuck, this car's something else!
Thanks to the less-than routine nature of my work, I frequently find myself behind a wheel. Planes, trains, automobiles — I've driven them all. But I can still count on one hand the machines that have simply taken my breath away.
And the 918 is one of them.
Because despite the fact that it doesn't come with the covetous price tag of a Koenigsegg, or the iconic lines of a Ferrari, the 918 is still a work of art. Not only does it go like shit off a shovel, but it also handles like a dream. Which means you're not crapping yourself every time a high-speed corner comes around.
And for these unlit, backcountry roads that I'm about to drive, that is critical.
Reaching the end of the gravel-lined drive, I spin the car out onto the main road and open up the throttle.
Gale is already a good few miles ahead of me, and — based on the way she hightailed it off the estate earlier — has no intention of slowing down. So, I'm gonna have to step on it if I want to keep pace with her.
As even though I have a lock on her carrier signal, her phone could be a burner — she could decide to turn it off, trash it, or leave it in a dumpster somewhere. And I'm up against the clock, so I don't have time to play hide-and-seek across the width of the continent with her.
Probably shouldn't've told her about the alarm...
But, hindsight's always 20-20.
Not that that necessarily would've changed my decision.
Because despite the fact that I need her professional skill set, I couldn't let her swindle the Duke out of his priceless heirloom. For one, it had merely been convenient bait. And for another, next week's auction is all that stood between the Beaumonts and bankruptcy.
And while I may operate in the shadows, I'm not a complete ass.
Plus, I'd wanted to be up front with her. From the very start.
Because nothing sinks a team like secrets and bad blood. And I'd much rather deal with any potential fallout now, before the start of the actual mission, than smack, bang in the middle of it when a lack of trust has the potential to claim actual lives.
And — if I'm being honest with myself — I kinda like the chase. It makes the eventual win taste that much sweeter.
Especially with a woman like Gale.
I swallow an inadvertent groan as my mind falls back to the feel of her pressed up against me in the tub, her eyes flashing with defiance, and a hint of—
I shake my head. Focus, Walker.
But the Beaumonts' unexpected interruption had been worth it. Because it'd convinced me that despite her civilian status, she has exactly the right combination of brains and balls needed to not only stay alive, but actually be an asset on this mission.
But, I don't have her yet. And if I'm gonna finish reeling her her, timing will be key.
So, as I spot a pair of Mercedes tail lights in the darkness, I ease off the gas.
Because her emotions are already running high and I don't want to spook her further by making her think that she's being tailed.
Especially not on these blind-spot riddled roads, in the middle of the night, where one moment of inattention could easily become your last.
And what I definitely don't need right now is my mark ending up in the ER — or worse, the morgue — because I let the heat of the moment get the better of me.
Best that I just hang back, let the dust settle, and re-engage upon arrival at our destination. When she's hopefully calmer.
Key word — hopefully.
Because let's face it. I'd be pretty pissed off too if some asshole'd fucked me out of a six-figure payday.
So, I can't exactly blame her for her explosive reaction.
But, unfortunately for her, there's a lot more at stake here than a jewellery heist gone wrong. Like stopping an IMF agent-turned-rogue operative from unleashing a virus so deadly that it makes Ebola look like a common cold.
Better pray she's got a conscience...
Rounding the bend, we come upon the lights of the town of Ramsford.
But, despite the fact that we're entering an urban environment, Gale blows past the 50 km/h speed limit sign like it doesn't exist.
"Christ, girl..." I grumble under my breath.
And even though I told myself mere minutes ago that I was gonna hang back and give her space, as I see her whip the roadster 'round a narrow corner at breakneck speed, I find myself throwing my original plan out the window as I press pedal to the metal to keep pace with her.
Because while I don't want to lose her, I also know that engaging in a midnight drag race through the streets Ramsford's only gonna result in one thing — the cops coming out of the woodworks to breathe down our neck, and Gale even more pissed off at me than she is already.
So, I need a Plan B.
Skimming my thumb over the controls on the steering wheel, I pull up her number and hit dial...
...and pray that I can talk some sense into her.
The ring of the pending call echoes out from the Spyder's infotainment system once... twice... thrice...
She finally picks up after the fifth ring. "Hello...?"
"Would it kill you to slow down?" I ask dryly.
I see her stiffen as her gaze flies up to the rear view mirror in disbelief.
I flash my headlights at her in response.
"How the hell did you get this number?" she demands as she manages to find her voice again.
"You got your tricks, I got mine," I tell her simply, easing up on the gas slightly as I pull up behind her.
"Yeah, you're a regular David Copperfield," she snarks down the line.
"I prefer Darren Brown, personally..."
"Hmm..." she purrs. "Then you're really gonna love this trick."
The call goes dead.
I shake my head with a scoff. 15-Love to Gale.
But the match ain't won yet. And I'm not backing off that easy.
So, hitting redial on her number, I wait for the call to reconnect...
...but all I get is radio silence.
"You wanna play it like that, huh?" I say under my breath as I swing the Spyder out into the oncoming lane.
Luckily, at this hour, the roads are deserted. But that doesn't means that they're gonna stay that way for long. Which means the time for games is up.
Opening up the throttle, I force my car up alongside hers. Raising my voice so that'll carry over the roar of the engines, I shout, "Pull over and listen to me, will ya? Just listen!"
"Yeah!" she scoffs in reply. "'Cause that worked out so well for me last time!"
"You walked away, remember?" I remind her. "Can't guarantee that'll be the case next time 'round."
Her gaze snaps defiantly to mine. "Is that a threat?"
"It's simple maths!" I tell her. "You can't evade the law forever! Especially not with a Red Notice hanging over you. But if you help me, I can make all that go away."
"Go aw—?" Her eyes suddenly widen. "Holy shit! You're a spy!"
I answer her with a self-deprecating shrug. It paid the bills.
She recollects herself to throw me a sly look. "Prove it!"
Without warning, she rams her Mercedes into me.
"Jesus fuck!" I cuss as the Sypder lurches to the side from the impact, it's rims scraping the curb.
Flipping me the bird, Gale punches the gas to dive back in front of me, whipping her car 'round a tight bend.
Spitting profanities under my breath, I yank the Spyder back onto the road.
She wants to play rough? I'll play rough.
Throwing the engine over to sport mode, I reach for the seatbelt over my shoulder and click it into place as I throw the car after her, the rev counter on the dash going mental as the engine doubles down.
And despite the adrenaline-fuelled chase, I can't help but grin.
This girl's definitely something else...
And she's sure as hell determined to make me work for it. Or — at the very least — give me hell for the way I screwed her over back at the Beaumonts.
Either way, she's got my blood pumping, and she knows it.
Which makes me even more determined to catch her.
We hit a round-about, and Gale looks like she's going straight over...
...but at the last second, she slams her car hard to the left to take the third exit instead, tires smoking as they battle for traction on the cobblestones.
"Shit," I cuss, twisting the wheel hard over to keep pace with her, the Porsche's Pirellis screeching in protest.
Exiting the roundabout, the road in front of us cuts suddenly to the left. Slamming on the breaks, Gale skids her Mercedes 'round the bend, the force of the manoeuvre kicking the roadster's tail out. Very narrowly missing a lamppost, she manages to right the car at the last second to barrel it down the start of a tight switch-back that led to the centuries-old bridge on the edge of the town.
"Sweet fucking Jesus, girl..." I gripe under my breath as I speed after her.
There's being cocky. And then there's being reckless. And the way she's driving, she's definitely tempting fate. Because there's only so many times you can luck out before your luck actually runs out.
Which means I have to figure out a way to stop her before she runs herself off the road.
Depressing the gas pedal again, I search for an opening that I can use to dive in front of her and force her to slow down. But she seems to anticipate my plan, and closes off the gap before I'm able to make use of it.
Grabbing the e-break, I rip it upwards, forcing the Spyder’s tail out as I skid the car 'round her, looking for a gap on the other side.
She rewards me for my efforts by ramming into me again, nearly sending me into the flimsy metal railing that lined the edge of the asphalt.
I feel my jaw tighten at her antics.
First time? Kinda funny. Second time, not so much.
Especially since there were only a grand total of 918 Spyders ever made, and I damn sure don’t want to be responsible for taking one out of commission.
So, I make the reluctant decision to back off again, biding my time until the road opened back up.
We hit the bottom of the switchback, engines blaring and tailpipes sweating, and she immediately punches it towards the old stone bridge that spans the Rams river.
"Better luck next time, Walker!" she calls over her shoulder.
But my attention isn't focused on her. "Watch the road, girl..."
She whips her head around at the last second to clock the rickety Fiat that had just pulled out from behind the blind corner, straight into her path.
Instinctively knowing that she isn’t gonna avoid a collision, she ditches the breaks to try and swerve the Mercedes 'round the hazard instead.
But her momentum is too great, she's forgotten to account for the oversteer...
...and she descends into a tailspin.
"Fuck..." I curse under my breath.
All rational thought evaporates as my adrenaline spikes and my faculties give over to raw instinct.
I gotta save her.
Barrelling the Spyder after her without any semblance of a plan, the only thing I'm focused on is stopping her before she hits the bridge... or worse, the river.
The nose of her car whips past me, and I wrench the wheel to the right, clipping her bumper.
The off-the-cuff interference is enough to change the course of her trajectory, helping prevent her getting wrapped around the stone pillar at the foot of the bridge.
But the Merc's still freewheeling out of control.
Jerking the Porsche 'round, I slam it into the side of her car, trying to use the weight of my vehicle as a ballast to counteract her momentum.
But we're still going too fast.
We go flying down the narrow concourse of the bridge, like a pair of buzzards locked together in a high-stakes dance, speeding towards our fate.
The force of the impact whips her head around. She catches my gaze, and despite the low light, I see the sheer terror in her hazel-green irises...
...and the world around me condenses down to a single point.
The bridge, the cars, the entirety of my being fades to inconsequence in the face of the nakedness of her vulnerability.
I'm barely even conscious of my actions as I battle against the inevitable, trying to keep a lock on the steering wheel that’s threatening to jump out of my hands, feathering the throttle with a mix of reflex and dogged defiance in an attempt to alter the course of our trajectory, to slow us down, to narrowly avert disaster.
Because even though I know in the furthest recesses of my mind that I'm engaged in a fool's errand, like Icarus, I'm too much of a stubborn ass to back down.
Especially when I know that I'm literally the only thing standing between her and death.
The Merc hits the curb and slams into the low stone wall lining the side of the bridge. The centuries-old mortar crumbles under the weight of the impact, falling away into the ravine below.
But — whether by the grace of God or blind, dumb luck — the red roadster somehow catches itself on the mess of granite and skids to a stop, suspended over the edge of the bridge.
Only... there's no Gale in the driver's seat.
Throwing the seatbelt off, I leap across the seats into the Merc, where I find the driver's side door flapping over the darkness with Gale hanging on for dear life.
"Ahhh...!" she squeaks, scrambling for non-existent purchase as she tries to maintain her hold on the elbow rest...
...but I can see she's slipping.
Knowing that we're fast running out of time, I throw myself forward, reaching for her.
Her eyes snap to mine, and I can see the fear and desperation welling within.
Latching onto the top of the door with one hand to anchor myself into place, I snap a hold around her wrist with the other and heave her back up.
"I got you, girl..."
Clearing the side of the car, her free hand shoots out to tangle into the material of my shirt as I pull her toward me. She crashes against me with a sob of relief, knocking me backwards into the seat.
She lands on top of me, trembling, and I wrap my arm around her, holding her to me, heart hammering as I stare up into the night sky, trying to catch my breath.
Her quaking form sink against me as she buries her face in the crook of my neck, fingers still latched onto my shirt, our hands still entwined.
Sweet Jesus, that was close...
"You okay?" I ask, running my hand over the arch of her back questioningly.
"Yeah," she nods shakily, not quite meeting my eye as she quickly wipes the wetness from her cheeks.
"Hey," I say softly, reaching up to cup her face in my palm. "It's—"
"I feel like such an idiot..." she grumbles.
"Well, you're the one who decided to Mad Max it through Ramsford like a—"
"Shut up!" she reproaches, smacking me on the chest.
"Christ! I save your ass twice and this is the thanks I get?"
"I didn't need saving!" she counters, laying into me again.
"The evidence points to the cont— Ow!"
"The only reason I'm in this mess at all is because of you!" she cuts in heatedly. "If you hadn't shown up tonight I'd—"
"Probably got caught anyway..."
"Fuck you!" she shouts, giving me a shove. "And then instead of taking 'no' for an answer, you decide to chase after me like some—"
"For fuck’s sake..." I grit, grabbing her by the back of the neck to yank her towards me.
Her eyes widen, but before she has a chance to protest, our mouthes have crashed together like cars in a freeway pile-up — violently, hazardously — the unexpected brush with death and the heart-thumping chase beforehand having already kicked both our pulses into overdrive.
And as our lips meet, that pent-up tension explodes like a flash-bang.
Her teeth scrape against mine with an intensity that's almost feral, even as I feel her body press into mine, her nails raking over my shirt.
My tongue thrusts past hers forcefully to claim the coveted warmth of her mouth, coaxing a soft moan from her as my free hand glides down her body to clamp onto her backside, pulling her to me hungrily as I throw every rule I'd ever been taught out the window.
Never get involved.
Well, too late for that.
Because I'm sure as shit involved now.
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@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @petiteboheme @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @knaussal @nikkis1983 @lunaseasblog @ficloverevie @indiana-jr @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kristinamae093 @eversoaringqueen12 @peonierose @3pawandme @alexabeta @veebug8 @fangirling12566 @queenmiarys @lancelotsimp @coco-lina-s @lolablackwrites @ivyflowers13 @persephone13 @hollygirl1269 @adri-ja-96 @harleybeaumont @katedrakeohd @uneravine @alj4890 @drake-walker-appreciation
Picture credits:
Drake - Porsche - Harper
42 notes · View notes
bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Bullshit/ 2
Pairing- Seonghwa x Named Reader
Word count- 4k
Includes- Seonghwa and his bullshit, Seonghwa doesn't takes readers shit when she bad talks herself, Seonghwa is very complimentative, Seonghwa keeps gloves and collar on, fingering, sex, missionary, sex from behind, multiple orgasms, poor Hongjoong almost has an aneurysm, fluff
Tag list- @mingtina @jaxxmine
@xuxibelle @delightfulmoonbanana @yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝ATEEZ Masterlist
📝Seonghwa Masterlist
Part 1
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"Jagi can you come to the hallway and take a few pictures of me for Instagram?", Seonghwa texts
I sigh, getting up from my very comfy spot on the dressing room couch
"Where you going?", Hanna asks
"Hwa wants pictures for Instagram"
"Of you two? He's finally announcing your relationship", she asks excitedly
I snort, "No. It's probably pictures of his outfit he wants taken"
Seonghwa and I have been together the longest out of all the guys and their girlfriends but he still hasn't announced us yet
Wooyoung announced him and Hanna like four months after they got together, Yeosang announced him and Mina eight months after they got together
But after three years, for some reason Seonghwa doesn't want to
I'm on the fence about it
One on hand I wonder why he doesn't want to and it gets me upset
There's the whole "idols are supposed to give the impression they're attainable" to their fans but Wooyoung and Yeosang didn't care and I don't know why Seonghwa does
But on the other hand, it doesn't matter because he still spends all his time with me and I know he loves me
Plus we don't have to deal with all the media and the photos and the hate, the constant questions like how Wooyoung, Hanna, Yeosang and Mina do
To save myself from a battle in my head I just don't think about it
I'm not going to push him and I just keep quiet
"That sucks. Have you asked him-"
"No", I cut her off, "I haven't and I'm not"
"Oh alright", she says softly
I feel bad for being short with her but she talks about it all the time and I've told her to stop
"I'm gonna go", I say and she just nods
Walking out of the dressing room, I look for Seonghwa
Where the hell is he?
He made it seem like he was right outside the dressing room
"Hwa?", I call, walking down the long hall
"Down here jagi", he calls, poking his head out from around the corner
Heading towards him, I turn the corner, just wanting to take the pictures then go back to the couch and take a half hour nap before they have to perform
I had off today from work but I still got up early to go with Seonghwa
He was being needy today and begged me to stay with him all day when normally I'd just come for the performance
But I love him and I'll do anything for him so I got my ass up and dammit I'm tired now
But that's all shot the hell the moment I lay eyes on him, my mouth dropping to the floor
This is so not fair
My sleepy brain is too far gone to process this
Process what the fuck he's wearing and how utterly hot he is
The sleeveless shirt, the black pants, the boots, the fingerless gloves, the belt, the collar, his hair
All of him
And my panties get flooded
"Fuck you Seonghwa", I tell him, "Seriously, you and your bullshit"
He just smirks
"My bullshit again princess?"
"Don't princess me", I whine, "You know you look hot that's why you want the pictures. And you called me to take them because you want to get me hot and bothered even though I'm so tired"
"I just want pictures baby", he says innocently
Yeah ok
I'm not falling for his act
"Phone", I say, holding my hand out
He hands me his phone and I turn on the camera
I move back, getting his whole frame into the photo
He's so tall, for me especially, that I have to crouch a little to get all of him
"Ok pose", I tell him
He puts his hand on his belt and gets his sexy face on
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I glare at him then take a few pictures
"Next one"
He turns his head, looking away, his fucking sexy ass undercut with the design shaved into his head showing, his longer hair slicked back
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My favorite hairstyle on him
I snap some more then call for the next pose
He turns fully facing me, raising one arm and doing the heavy metal sign
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As I take some pictures of those poses, I notice, through the camera, his eyes getting more intense, his tongue sliding out of his mouth as he looks at me
And my panties get drenched even more
"Put your fucking tongue away", I demand", "There's plenty of time for you to hang it all out during the performance"
He does but then just smirks again
I hand him the phone back telling him to check the pictures
"They're great jagi. Thanks"
"Uh huh", I say, starting to walk back to the dressing room
I want him so bad but he just got ready and anything that happens will ruin his clothes, hair and makeup
We don't normally have sex after he gets ready
Before he does and after the performance when it doesn't matter yeah but not when he's all ready to go on stage
"Wait jagi", he says, grabbing my arm
"Yeah?", I answer, looking at him
"Stay baby", he says wrapping his arms around me, leaning down and nuzzling into my neck
"Stay where?"
"Here. With me"
"Here? Why here?", I ask confused
"Because Jo, I have to fuck you"
Uh excuse me, what?
"You have to?", I question
He nods, pressing a kiss to my neck, "You look so fucking sexy baby. Turning me on so much"
"Seonghwa I'm wearing sweatpants, a tshirt, a hoodie and sneakers. I don't even have makeup on. I look like slob"
"Shush baby you don't. You look like you, like how you look when we're at home right before I drag you to the bed and fuck you senseless"
Is he high?
Did someone slip him something?
What is he talking about?
"Uh baby did you drink something that someone you didn't know gave you?"
"No baby", he says, continuing to kiss me and fuck it feels good
"Did you eat something that tasted funny? Like a brownie?"
"I'm not high baby. You know I don't do that"
"Well yeah but if you did by accident-"
He pulls away, looking at me frowning, "Jo why is it such a big deal that I find you hot and you make me horny? Why do I have to be high to think that about you"
"Because it doesn't make sense", I tell him
I always knew he's way out of my league
I mean he's an idol for fucks sakes and me?
I'm just... well me
I don't have the same affect that he does
Girls everywhere look at him and get horny, wanna fuck his brains out
No one does that to me even when I don't look like a troll
"Why doesn't it make sense?", he asks, eyebrow raised
"Well....because. You...this..", I motion to him, his face and body, "Is hot. The whole freaking world knows it. This", I motion to myself, "Isn't"
"Stop it Jo. You are. For me you are the hottest girl I've ever fucking seen. You're beautiful, stunning, sexy, gorgeous and more"
"Don't argue with me jagi. You are", he insists, "You have no fucking idea how crazy you make me. Even when you're just sitting or hell sleeping you drive me insane. I want to fuck you all the goddamn time, I want to kiss you every second of everyday, have you in my arms every moment. You're all I think about and you're crazy if you think you're not hot, if you think you're not my absolute everything."
I'm just so shocked
I know he loves me, I know he thinks I'm beautiful, he says it all the time
But comparing me to him and putting us on the same level is crazy
He takes my hand and puts it on his rock hard dick
"This is how hard I've been since you turned the fucking corner. Just looking at you makes me like this. All the fucking time"
I can't help myself and I squeeze his dick, feeling how hard he really is
Like a fucking rock
"Now are you gonna help me and let me fuck you?"
I swallow hard, nodding
He smiles brightly, then pulls me to him, his lips crashing against mine
He picks me up, moving right into the room we were taking the photos by and lays me on the couch, coming on top of me
"Hwa...the door-"
"Don't care", he answers, his hands pulling my sweatpants and panties down
Alright then
"But...but you...you're already dressed and ready-"
"Don't care princess. Need you now", he answers, pulling my sneakers and pants off
Then he sits me up, shoving my hoodie off, my shirt and bra following
"Undress me jagi", he asks
My hands shake as I undo the belt then his pants, as his eyes stare holes into me
Getting everything open, I pull his pants and boxers down
He kicks his boots off, then gets everything off, getting right next to me again
I unbutton the two buttons holding his shirt closed, moving it off his body, his chest and abs making me so wet
I throw the shirt on the floor, then grab the collar around his neck, pulling him closer, my lips crashing to his, his tongue in my mouth immediately
He shoves me down on the couch and I keep a hold on the collar, pulling him on top of me
He lays between my legs, his fingers moving into my pussy immediately, his thumb circling my clit
I moan in his mouth while he gives a completely sexy erotic laugh
"Baby's so soaked", he whispers
I move my kisses to his neck, just above the collar, licking his skin
"Fuck jagi", he whimpers, his fingers fucking into me so fast
I clench on them as hard as I can, making him moan and press on my spot
Pleasure blasts into me as I yell and I'm so close already
"Fuck, can't wait to feel this throbbing cunt around me", he murmurs, "Cum now princess"
His fingers hit the right spot just as his thumb flicks my clit and I yell his name as I cum, my fingers digging into his arm muscles
"Good girl fuck", he praises
When I finish, he pulls his fingers out, sliding them into his mouth and sucking
"So fucking good"
I just watch him realizing that he's still wearing the fingerless gloves
"You don't want to take those off?", I ask, nodding to the gloves
He shakes his head, "Not now. Not when your cream is all over it"
"Oh my god what?", I yell, "You can't perform like- fuck!"
He cuts me off by sliding his huge rock hard cock inside me, slamming all in in one stroke
"Yes I can jagi. I want you're pretty cum all over me and I'll fucking go on stage like that. I don't care"
I know he will
He's crazy, always proudly going back to the guys after these sex session looking fucked so good
He loves it
He moves his arm around my lower back, lifting and arching my body up
"Keep these fucking legs open wide for me baby. I'm gonna fuck you wide open"
"Yes Hwa now!", I yell, "Fuck me"
He smirks, moving, fucking his huge thick cock in and out
"Oh god", I moan, each hit inside getting harder and harder
I grab onto the couch so hard, my fingers are hurting, moans flying from my mouth
His cock stretches me so fucking wide and so good, pleasure running through my body
He knows how to work my body up in minutes making me cum on him all night
I've never came from just sex alone until him
Now it's an everyday occurance and I love every second of it
I can't tear my eyes away from him, watching him fuck me
His hair dripping sweat into my stomach, his arm holding my thigh so hard his muscles are fucking bulging, the veins on his forearm to his wrist popping up
His whole body glistens in sweat, his face in a mix of concentration and pleasure
"Fuck jagi", he groans, his voice so deep, "This cunt is so perfect for me. Always so good"
God my boyfriend is a complete sex god and nothing will ever change my mind about that
"Love being deep in this cunt", he continues, his eyes on where his cock is disappearing inside me
He loves watching his cock fuck me and watching him watch is such a turn on
His eyes slowly move from us fucking up my body, biting his lip
When his eyes meet mine, he smiles, "You're so fucking beautiful Jo. My baby is stunning"
I feel myself blush as I smile shyly
"You're beautiful Hwa. Always"
He shakes his head, "Not as beautiful as you Jo. I mean it"
I start to open my mouth to disagree but he shakes his head
"Don't argue baby. I'm always right"
I giggle, deciding to just let him have the last word this one time
"Want you to cum for me", he says, his hand on me, thumb rubbing my clit slowly in circles
A complete contrast from how hard he's fucking me
"Wanna watch you. Please baby"
Well he get what he wants because I'm right there
"Please", he whines, slamming my spot and rubbing my clit at the same time
"Hwa. Fuck Seonghwa", I yell in blinding pleasure, my body arching off the couch and shaking, "Seonghwa!"
"So fucking gorgeous", he praises fucking me though the pleasure, "Keep coming baby girl. God you're so pretty"
When I finish he pulls out, picking me up and putting me on the carpeted floor on my hands and knees
His arms move around my thighs, spreading them open, his cock burying inside my cunt, fucking away immediately, pleasure roaring back into my body
"So much fucking cream baby. Fuck you love my cock inside you this much?"
God do I
If I could, I'd be on his dick all day
"Yes Seonghwa. Fuck baby, I love your cock inside me. Please give me more. Harder"
He barrels in, going so deep I can feel him in my tummy and I completely love it, love when he goes this hard
"Fuck jagi, I'm so deep inside you, you're cunt holding my cock so tightly"
"Wanna keep you in", I moan, my brain shutting off and I can only feel him
It's fine, he fucks me dumb all the time
His gloves hands move slowly up my back, his fingers leaving fire in their wake and making me shiver
"Fuck Hwa, love when you touch me baby"
"Oh jagi, you don't know how much I love having my hands on you. Feeling you're soft skin, you're wet cunt, you're throbbing clit, your squishy boobs and round ass. I love touching you", he tells me, "And I love fucking you. My baby girl taking me so fucking well every time. Swallowing my cock over and over, pulsing just right. You're the best jagi"
"You're the best Hwa", I moan
I truly believe that
He is the best man I could ever ask for
Always so attentive, affectionate, loving
So beautiful inside and out
He's everything and I tell him that every chance I get
"My pussy getting close?", he asks, "You're throbbing uncontrollably, holding my cock so hard"
"Yes Hwa", I moan, feeling his head rub against my spot each thrust
"When you cum, I'm gonna fill your pussy up jagi", he says, breathing hard
Oh fuck yes
I absolutely love feeling his cum inside me
Love being full to the brim with it
And he cums a lot so it's perfect
"Yes Hwa. I'm gonna milk that perfect cock for every last drop. Want it all in me"
"You'll get it jagi. I promise"
He slams into me a few more times, sending me headfirst into an amazing blissful orgasm
"Seonghwa!", I shout, the pleasure taking over my whole body
"Jagi. Joanne. Oh god", he moans, sheathing his cock inside me
I feel his length throb and twitch so pleasurably, his warm cum seeping deep inside
"Fuck, fuck, fuck", he cries, his fingers digging into my hips, keeping me on his cock
When he finishes, he pulls out and I collapse on the floor, my eyes closed
I feel him lay next to me and I crack my eye open to look at him
He's on his back, breathing so hard, sweat pouring from his hair
He looks over at me, smiling softly and we both instinctively move closer to each other
His arms moves around me while I lay my head on his chest, listening to his super fast heartbeat
"I love you so much"
"I love you Hwa"
He presses a soft loving kiss to my lips and I fall into him
He softly moves me to my back as he hovers over me, kissing me deeply, his kiss full of love
"Seonghwa where the fuck- oh fuck my eyes!"
We break apart to see Hongjoong shut his eyes and turn around right away
"Why are you two always fucking? Seriously! It's all the damn time! Jesus!"
"We love each other idiot", Seonghwa snorts
"No shit but save that shit for home. Not when we have a performance. I swear between you, Wooyoung and Yeosang I'm going to have a heart attack at twenty three!"
Seonghwa rolls his eyes, sighing, "What do you want"
"What the fuck do you mean what do I - oh shit fuck", he yells starting to turn around to yell at Seonghwa, seeing us then turning back around, "Seonghwa we have a fucking performance ok. In ten minutes. Get your fucking clothes on and back to he dressing room"
With that he stomps out
"Poor Joong", I say feeling bad, "Maybe we should stop-"
"Don't even finish that sentence jagi. No", he says shaking his head
"But it makes Joong stressed"
"He's stressed for no reason. I have ten minutes left and even then something happens with the equipment or the show or something and the performance is late. It's fine jagi", he says, "I don't want to stop being with you when we want to"
I understand but sometimes I think he forgets where he is
"Unless you want to stop?", he asks quietly
No I really don't
Any time spent with him I want to keep
"No baby. I don't"
"Good", he smiles, kissing my cheek
"Alright but you should get up now. Get dressed and go perform"
"And pull more bullshit?", he smirks
"Yes you tease", I laugh, kissing his soft lips
He kisses me back and I have to be the one to pull away because he's not moving at all
"C'mon Hwa. We have more time at home to be together"
He sighs dramatically but nods, "Ok jagi"
He helps me stand up, both of us getting our clothes and getting them back on
"Help jagi. I don't remember how this is supposed to go"
Looking up, I find him with his shirt open, the belt in his hands, his hair is a mess, some eye makeup smeared
He knows, he just wants to babied
I'll play into it
"Come here baby"
He comes and I start buttoning the two buttons on his shirt for him
Taking the belt, I angle it sideways, fastening it
"There baby. You're good", I coo, standing on my toes and kissing his jaw, "Although I can't fix your hair or makeup"
"It's ok. Thanks jagi"
I nod, taking his hand and leading him back to the dressing room
"Holy shit!", Wooyoung yells gleefully, "You look thoroughly fucked Seonghwa"
He glares at Wooyoung but Wooyoung just laughs
"You do Hwa", Yunho agrees
"Jesus, just go get fixed up!", Hongjoong yells
Seonghwa kisses my cheek, then goes to sit in a chair makeup artists and hairstylists immediately flocking around him
"Relax Joong, you're gonna give yourself an aneurysm", Mingi tell him
"I can't relax when we have three members fucking their girlfriends all the time and cutting it so fucking close to performance time!"
"We're all here, relax!", Seonghwa growls
"Jo!", Hanna calls, waving me over to her, "You're such a liar!"
"Huh?", I ask when I get to her
"You said Hwa wasn't going to announce you guys! You lied to my face!"
"What are you talking about? He's not", I answer, confused
She shoves her phone in my face and I take it from her so I could see properly
My eyes widen at the post she's looking at
On ATEEZ's Instagram
It's a picture of me, from this morning, cuddling and asleep in Seonghwa's arms, although you can't tell it's him
His face isn't in the picture
"Swipe. There's more pictures", Hanna tells me
I swipe and gape at the selfie of me and Seonghwa he took today
He insisted on a selfie and was bothering me when I said no because I don't think I look good
I ended up folding and taking one with him
The last photo is one of me and him sitting on the couch, my legs over his, his head leaning on one of his hands, his other hand holding mine
I'm talking to him and he's smiling so lovingly at me
Who took that?
"I took that one", Wooyoung says proudly, "You guys were in your own world and actually looked really cute. I took it and you guys had no clue. Sent it to Hwa, told him to send it to you too. I know girls love photos like this"
His eyes move to Hanna, smiling
"Read what he wrote", Hanna says excitedly
"My jagi is the best. She was so tired but she still came with me to practice and then the performance when I asked her to. She's amazing and always supports and loves me. I love her more than anything in this world. She's my everything."
My mouth drops in complete shock and there's so many emotions swirling inside, some making tears prick the corner of my eyes
"Everything is true", I hear behind me
Turning, I lift my eyes to the love of my life
"You...you did ....out of nowhere"
He shakes his head, "Not out of nowhere jagi. I've been thinking about doing this for awhile but I didn't know how. Until today, when you were taking a nap in my arms. When you took a selfie with me even though you didn't want to and I kept pestering you. When Wooyoung sent me the picture. Today was the perfect day with the perfect pictures. You didn't have to come with me, you could of stayed home but you didn't. You came with me even though you knew you probably wouldn't spend much time with me and you were so tired. You're always there, always supporting me, always encouraging me and I want everyone to know the amazing girlfriend I have"
"Hwa", I say softly, running right into his arms, both of us hugging each other tightly
"I love you so much jagi. I'm sorry it took so long for me to do this. I should have done it sooner"
I shake my head, holding on to him tightly, "It doesn't matter Hwa. You did it now and thank you baby. I love you more than anything Hwa"
I know what a big thing this is for him
How this could backfire
He's the third member of ATEEZ to announce a girlfriend
ATINY could get really angry
But I am happy he's showing the world that he loves me
And now I can show everyone how much I love him too
"Thank you jagi for always loving me", he whispers
"Well you do make it so easy", I tease, making him laugh
"Alright, let's go now!", Hongjoong shouts
Seonghwa rolls his eyes and leans down
I stand on my toes, meeting him in a soft loving kiss
When we pull away, we're both smiling at each other like dummies
"Go pull some bullshit baby", I tell him
He nods, smiling widely, "I will"
He kisses me again, then follows the guys toward the stage
"Our boys are amazing", Hanna says, moving next to me
"Yeah they are"
Her and I join Mina at the monitor to watch our boys perform and pull completely sexy nonsense
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inamindfarfaraway · 2 months
The AU I’m working on has made me fall into DC Comics Timeline Hell. Specifically, the Batfamily’s ages. If Tim is three when Dick is eight, their age difference is five years. And Jason is two years older than Tim, so only three years younger than Dick. But since Jason is introduced at twelve when Dick is already Nightwing and at the very least seventeen, I've been working on the assumption that they had a gap of five or six years! Because they do in canon! But they also don’t in canon! What the heck, DC? Is Dick fifteen when he gets his first little brother? Because he wasn't when he left Gotham before that! What’s the age gap? What is it? They have to age at the same rate, dammit, that’s how time works! TELL ME! *getting dragged into Arkham* TELL MEEEEEEEE
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moriihana · 2 years
we can't fix each other but we sure as hell can enable each other instead || intro: dammit, nugget!
pairing: dabi x disabled!gn!reader
overview: you meet dabi pre-canon because your cat, nugget, literally won't leave the guy alone. friendship, fluff and (eventual) angst ensue.
content: fluff, angst
warnings: references to child abuse, mention of getting kicked out, inaccurate depictions of abandoned locations lmfao
word count: 777 words
a/n: this was originally written with my self-insert in mind. therefore the reader already has a backstory and a set personality; i just decided to make it into a reader-insert since there aren't a lot of disabled reader fics and i really like how i've written this so far. this is also just the intro, i have the next two chapters written and will be posting as well!
*previously known as "we can't fix each other (but we can heal our wounds together)"; i changed the title bc these assholes aint healin shit they're just being overall menaces
AO3 link
masterlist ; next →
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It was sunny out. That’s the first thing you always remembered about the day your parents kicked you out. It was warm and there were kids laughing on the sidewalk. You always thought that on days terrible things happened, it’d be pouring down rain. Overcast and dreary, no laughter to be found.
The second thing you always remembered was the yelling. The absolute disgust and disappointment in your mother’s voice, the disdain in your father’s. The insults slung at your face, as if asking to be treated like a person was a sin. You were tired of absorbing your father’s pain, you’ve been doing it since you were eight years old. Isn’t a decade long enough? You were so tired.
The final thing you always remembered was the panic. You were disabled, had no friends to flee to, no money. What were the essentials? What would you need? What important things can you spare room for? 
You laughed to yourself as you thought about it. It’d been eight months since that day, and while being homeless sucked—like, really sucked—it beat living with your parents. You even found a stray dog and cat to call your pets—you named them Boo and Nugget. Boo was a sweet thing, a medium-sized lab mix as black as night, with splotches of white on her chin and chest. She was skittish at first, but always wagged her tail after a few weeks. She was still puppy-like, probably only a year old. Nugget was a little fiend, always getting into things and getting around. He loved cuddles and would demand them at all times. He was weaned off milk, though he was quite small and still not old enough to be called an adult cat, you thought.
You found a mostly finished abandoned apartment complex to call “home,” one far enough away from the heroes’ usual patrol routes and police stations. It was missing the doors and some finishing touches, but that was about it. You had only had two close-calls at being caught since moving into the place. Even though it was rundown and more often than not, you found Nugget carrying a dead mouse into your apartment, it was home. Nobody came near it, since it was rumoured to be cursed.
Tch. Cursed. Perfect place for us street rats, huh? You snorted, scratching under Boo’s chin. Your head snapped up at the sound of heavy footfalls in the hall. Ah, shit. Fuck. Hope that’s not a cop. 
Boo started to growl, her hackles raising along her spine. Nugget jumped down from his spot on a rickety chair, intrigued by the sound.
“Boo, no, quiet—Nugget, what are you doing, get back here—” You hissed, scrambling to get their pets to calm. Probably not a cop. No radio chatter. Only one set of footsteps. Not a hero, either. Usually those are followed by fan's incessant yapping. Another street rat?
Boo continued to growl, backing away from the doorway. Nugget, on the other hand, darted out faster than you could catch him. 
“Oh, for fucks’ sake, Nugget!”
The footsteps stopped.
Well. Shit. That’s… probably not good. Dammit, Nugget!  
You reached for your cane and heaved yourself off the floor, inching towards the doorway to look into the hall. You stopped immediately when you saw a young man with black hair, covered in deep scars—damn, those look like they would’ve hurt—holding Nugget in his arms.
“You are… holding my cat. Could you. Put him down maybe?” You laughed nervously. The young man startled, gaze snapping to you.
“I didn’t know anyone was here.” Oh. He has a nice voice. What the fuck.
“I try to make it seem like that, yes. Street rats aren’t viewed kindly by authorities.” You shifted your weight, setting aside your cane and leaning against the doorframe. Nugget wiggled out of the young man’s arms, circling around his legs a couple times before trotting happily back to you. “Nugget, you little shit, what have I said about running off…? You’re gonna get us into trouble one of these days,” you grumbled, picking him up.
The young man huffed and began to walk off, seemingly disinterested in you. 
“Oi, if you’re lookin’ for a place to crash, this one’s good. Cops don’t come around, nor do heroes. Place is cursed, haven’t ya’ heard?” You piped up. The young man paused mid-step. “‘s got running water and electricity, too, surprisingly. Builders up and ran off.”
“You have zero clue who I am, yet you’re offering to share this place. You’re an odd one, little mouse.” He turned to look at you. “... the name’s Dabi.”
You grinned. “I’m Y/N. Nice t’meet ya, Dabi.”
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onekisstotakewithme · 9 months
💖, 🤩, and 🤲!!
💖 What made you start writing?
Not to sound too earnest or whatever, but I've wanted to be a writer since i was probably eight years old (my parents were both journalists, I loved telling stories, etc. etc.). In terms of fanfiction, I had things I wanted to see happen to characters I loved, and since it didn't happen in the show I was watching, I'd have to do it myself!
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
It's a lot of fun fleshing out Peg Hunnicutt, I'm ngl. But writing Hawkeye can be so special because he's clever and writing him makes me clever too, dammit. Or at least, makes me feel more clever. I also just love writing CJ Cregg, for literally no particular reason except I adore her.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Sure! This is from the 'subverted noir' AU I started writing for M*A*S*H the other weekend:
Peg fiddles with Dr. Pierce’s stethoscope, which hangs off his desk, letting it trail through her fingers like a string of pearls, pitching her voice low as she looks up at him through her eyelashes, “I understand you’re quite the crackerjack surgeon, Dr. Pierce.” He blinks, noticing the shift in her voice, but all he says is, “You don’t look sick.” “I’m not looking for a surgeon for me. It’s for my husband.” “He has something wrong with his heart?” Dr. Pierce asks, and she smiles, because he’s like a bloodhound catching a scent, his eyes lighting up. Of course, he tries to hide it – no doctor wants to show it when they’re interested in a case – but he looks like he’s been presented with an interesting puzzle. She keeps her wording ambiguous, her heart starting to pound again. “You could say that.” “Well, fixing broken hearts is my specialty. It ought to be since I’ve broken so many myself.” He grins at his own joke. “Your conquests aside-.” “Look, Mrs. Hayden, trust me when I say that there’s nothing I’d rather do than take on a tricky case. But without a case history, with a consultation, without a patient, I just don’t know what you want me to say.” “I’m asking for your help.” “I don’t take patients by mail order. Or any order, for that matter. If you want, send your husband. I’ll gladly slap him on the rack and give him a lube job, but I can’t cure what I don’t know.” “That’s fine. I don’t want you to cure him.” “Come again?” “I want you to botch the surgery,” Peg says, her heart pounding so loudly in her ears that she can barely hear what she’s saying. Dr. Pierce stares at her, unblinking.
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renniethedwstan · 2 years
Favourite Doctor Who episodes from each Era!! (These are what I loved and thought we're amazing, ofc not everyone will have the same opinions and that's the fun of Doctor who)
First Doctor: an earthly child. Out of all the doctors, I really struggled to click with the first doctor, and I really don't know why? I've tried over and over again, but no change, but I did like an earthy child, I guess.
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Second Doctor: Now the second doctor, I clicked super well with. He was funny, Dorky all sorts of levels of chaos and comedy, and I absolutely loved Jamie. I mean, who doesn't Jamie is amazing, and I just love him! The Tomb of the Cyberman in my opinion is the best episode of Doctor Who ever I'm sure there's others out there but this episode is fantastic it's a tad scary super science serious funny it has absolutely everything and the soundtrack is brilliant oh so brilliant.
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Third Doctor: Now I'll be honest I struggle fi ding favourites between the second and third cause both of them are simply fantastic. The third doctor era was in colour it was all on Earth. My favourite Villian, the master is in it all the time. There's just so much fun, and I absolutely love Jo Grant she's just adorable. The Daemons was a dark episode cause ya know demons n shit lol, but it was just an overall great episode. Tbh, quite a lot of pertwee episodes were really good.
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Fourth Doctor: Now, ill he honest and say I didn't find much appeal to the fourth Doctor as much as Two and three but I am going to see if I can watch more episodes because I do wanna change my opinion and see why people love him so much. Now I have to admit I did like logopalis it was a good episode and the regenation despite only watching the last two episodes made me cry a bit! Poor Tegan lol but I'm.willing to watch more Baker episodes.
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Fifth Doctor: Now I did like Five, he wasn't a particularly.....fun! Doctor, but still there were some good episodes I could name, but I did like his boyish charms, and the master shenanigans made his run fairly entertaining, but his run was kinda......peculiar! And not as many good episodes but still memorable (need to watch earthshock tbh) Castrovalva was a good episode and I found it enjoyable it's not a fantastic one but the master winding up a newly regenerated Doctor is quote funny.
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Sixth Doctor: I'm sorry but I do not understand why this era gets so much bashing, I get the sixth Doctor was brash and harsh n shit but he was also very iconic in someways I mean yes that coat is godawful but that's why it's so memorable. The sixth Doctor was the first classic Doctor I watched many years ago. He's just one Interesting charcter who is pretty funny (hated Peri though god!)
Now I adore the two Doctors, it's not perfect but it's got a soft spot in my heart. Two and Jamie are back on our screens Six is just horried to two all sorts of amuses ment that is similar to two and three in the three Doctors it was just a super enjoyable episode in a way or another.
(Six is underrated)
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Seventh Doctor: I don't really have much to.say about seven as I only watched survival (only had one day left of britbox ooops) but from what I watched he seemed like a good era as well. Magician and I really liked Ace. She was just super cool! Now survival......its interesting. Its not a woahhhh holy shit kinda episode its more of a.....huh? THE master is a cat now? Which honestly was funny!! (TPOTD absolutely killed me when this was mentioned)
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Eighth Doctor: ANOTHER UNDERATED ONE. not by the fans but by the BBC like dammit give this bloke some fucking screen time. We all want it we all want Eight on out screens he's amazing, Paul is amazing the Doctor is this old timey edwarden gentlemen who is a tad interested in the ladies I mean who wouldn't the guy is handsome I'd fucking join him alright if eight had a run I bet your assessment he would be my favourite Doctor all together he's just amazing. Now the movie....its a bit wacky ans I can see why people didn't like it in many ways as its not got much Doctor who feel to it more action movie but I still liked it enough to watch it over and over again haha.
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Ninth Doctor : DON'T SKIP NINE YOU'RE FUCKING MISSING OUT ALL SORTS OF SHIT! how Rose and the Doctor meet how he is after the time war all sorts and its a reboot if it wasn't for nine being nine Doctor Who wouldn't of worked not Ten...Nine. the Doctor had many one liners and many brilliant episodes new monsters all sorts. Nine is just simply fantastic and if u didn't love Eleven so much it would be nine (I'll explain later) now an empty child part 1 and 2 (can't remember second episode name) this episode was just amazing, it's about the war and gasp mask kids which is admittedly quite scary tbh but what makes it so good is that. Everybody lives...that's it everyone lives and the Doctor is so happy and ughhhh so goooood!!!
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Tenth Doctor: Ten used to be my absolute favourite because come on everyone loves Ten but admittedly as I've gotten older I became less interested, I can't complain about Tens run because it was an incredible run. Romance, emotions, companions DONNA!! all sorts the emotions are high and low the episodes were super amazing (I'm not talking about love and monster) fear her well it's not the best episode but it's one of my favourite for many things because the Doctor and Rose are just happy dorks and everything was fine before the storm *sniffles, I've not watched that episode in years....I still can't get myself to watch it and I don't even like Rose that much either) but I just remember this episode to vaguely ad a kid and I remember thinking....woahh I wonder what 2012 is gonna be like and now I think....woahhhh it was so long ago lol.
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New Tastes
We had just barely crossed the threshold into our apartment when I couldn't take it anymore.
"Hey Ness?" I asked in that way that failed to be casual. She tossed her bag down on one end of the couch and dropped herself down on the other end. She sighed and I caught the faint smell of something soft and fragrant. Like cozy naps and sweet dreams. "Why did you start wearing florals?"
It was something so small but it had been driving me crazy for weeks. First it was just a passing breath. Then a lingering scent. Now it was like her every movement was permeated with it. I wouldn't mind if it weren't so odd. She had always hated floral smells. Even at eight years old I remember her aggressively pushing a lilac away saying it smelled like soap and magic. By now I had gotten used to her scent of apples and oranges. Ripe bitter cherry and raspberries. There was still some of that occasionally, bit even that wasn't the same. Now it was like... bitter apple. Something left in the sun to become too sweet to be pleseant.
"I didn't. If I wanted to wear florals I would just drown myself in handsoap," she replied with a tired laugh.
"You're wearing them now. I can smell it. You smell like... roses and baby powder." I grimaced. It wasn’t an unpleasant scent but it was uncharacteristic on her, to say the least. Why would she lie about this? She knew my senses were keener than a humans. She slowly sat back up, watching me warily.
"Has this been just me? Or everyone?" She asked it like she was investigating a crime scene. My stomach knotted. I hated that tone. It always meant she was about to tell me something I didn't want to hear. When I didn't answer right away she nodded as the pieces fell into place. "How long has this been happening? About a month?"
Just after my birthday. Dammit, she was right. I groaned and dropped down next to her with my face in my hands. Close up I could more clearly smell the coconut spray she had used this morning. The dreamy baby powder scent faded a little and I wasn't sure if I was thankful for that yet or not.
"Okay. Just tell me. What do you think I'm actually smelling?" I looked up at her to see her grimacing in a very 'don’t shoot the messenger' kind of way. I stifled the urge to groan again.
Gods I loved Nessa sometimes. She was clever and painfully direct when she needed to be. She didn't beat around the bush or try to spare my feelings. On this particular occasion I almost wished she would have. I stared at her uncomprehendingly.
"Excuse me?" I couldn't have heard her right. Was it even possible to smell sin?
"So um... According to what I've read... Demons can often detect emotions in a person's soul. Some demons prefer particularly sinful souls to... um..." She fidgeted uncomfortably, no longer able to meet my eyes.
"Are you telling me... that I am smelling the sin in people's souls... so that I can eat them??"
I stared waiting for her to laugh. Waiting for the punchline. This was obviously a joke. It had to be. Yet even as I tried to convince myself she was messing with me something in my gut told me she was right. I could smell souls. Talk about puberty issues. Here I thought no one being able to teach me how to retract my demonic assets was a problem. This was so much worse.
"But! Since you're not completely a demon, you shouldn't need to actually claim souls..." She quickly offered. That helped a little. It would have helped more if I couldn't sense the fear coming off of her in an entirely new way. I guess I could at least be relieved that 'fear' apparently wasn't appetizing to me.
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onwardintolight · 5 years
So I’ve somehow managed to avoid having to change my desktop tumblr theme ever since I first joined this hellsite in 2011... but sadly, my resolve is weakening and that era might soon be coming to an end. For some reason certain posts keep being inverted, or the formatting is just randomly weird, I have no idea how to fix it and I 😭
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frecklystars · 5 years
Me, thinking about the JBWKZ characters giving me kisses + drawing the HHN wockeez and listening to richmond rewrites on repeat: I’m in a really good mood now!! 
Something Bad from my Abuser: hey when are you going to address me
#woof#negative#my abuser left me a message but i never opened it because... Ew#but every time I log onto one of my online games I have to put one account thru facebook#and so it's just like? there? even tho I unfriended her there's just this message notification#and I'm never going to read it simply because she's out of my life and I want Nothing to do with her#she's Dead To Me and like. I've never ever had such malicious feelings towards a person#like you gotta do something really fucked up to make me hate you bc i've never hated anyone before this#I'm 100% sure that the message she left isn't an apology lmao#and I hate that I'm like. shaken up about it but I am#and I wanna delete that facebook account but then I'd be deleting my MCL Game account#and it took me EIGHT years to get to where I am in that game so I refuse to restart#oh well whatever I'll shake off this feeling#she's not ruining my mood dammit I haven't talked to her in over 5 months!!#she doesn't deserve any of my time or energy#i know she'd be thrilled if she knew that she left me in such a broken and anxious state of mind#I'm trying not to like. fall into having trust issues but damn she's fucked up!!!#sorry for swearing btw I try not to do that often unless if I'm really riled up and UGHGHHGH#I reserve my right to feel hurt and sad and angry and so that's just what I'll do#maybe one day I'll forgive her for the sake of me being able to Move On Properly but#til then whenever I get an intrusive thought abt her it's gonna follow up with me being pissed#six years devoted to someone who took advantage of me is gonna take a lot of time to heal
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nonotnolan · 2 years
"Hey babe, change of plans. My stepfather swapped bodies with me again."
I wanted to be mad-- Cheryl throws the best house parties, but I can't exactly show up with a plus one who's thirty years older than I am! No one would ever believe that my boyfriend's stepfather is an overbearing jerk who frequently swaps bodies with his son. Hell, I barely believed him the first time that it happened. "Dammit, again? You're not just saying that, are you?" He just responded with a photo of his current body.
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Yeah, that was his stepfather's body, alright. Another date night cancelled in favor of Netflix and Chill. It kinda sucked, but... it was also the reason that I wasn't actually mad. Brandon's stepfather was an absolute DILF. And as weird as it was, I was slowly getting attracted to his body.
"Guess we'll just have to make the best of it ;)" I said, sending him a reply. He was usually pretty self-conscious about having to be in his stepfather's body, and I can't really blame him. Just a few dates after I had fallen in love with Brandon and his blonde, twink body he showed up like... that. I was probably one of the few people who believed him when he explained what had happened-- I was certainly the only one who stayed around.
"So, what is it this time?" I asked. Frank usually only swapped their bodies if there was something he decided his son wasn't doing correctly. "Did he decide you weren't taking Soccer practice seriously enough, or something?"
"Nah, I don't have a job lined up this summer, and he's convinced I just need to go door to door handing out my resume. I keep telling him it's not the 70's, you apply for jobs online now, not in person. But no, the almighty Frank can't be wrong. I'm just not trying hard enough, and he's gonna keep my body until he gets hired somewhere." I couldn't help but roll my eyes. That was Brandon's stepfather, alright. Such a pompous asshole.
I was able to do some basic cleanup in my bedroom before I heard the tale-tell knock at my apartment's door. "I'm so glad you don't mind," he said, wrapping me in a bear hug. Frank's body was about a foot taller than I was, and I found myself pressed into his musky armpit. "Sorry about the sweat," he said. "I had to spend the day out at the lake. Mom doesn't want to be around either of us when we're swapped like this, and I didn't know where else to go."
It took me a few moments to register what he had said. "Hey, no worries," I said, retreating into the living room to catch my breath. Normally I would have been disgusted, but there was just something so raw, so primal about Frank's musk that was driving me wild. There was no way I would be able to hide this boner! What would Brandon think?
"You don't mind if I make myself at home, do you?" Brandon's question was followed by the soft whumph of fabric hitting the floor.
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I turned around to see Frank's naked body on full display, with a massive cock that was just as hard as mine. "Babe, are you? ...I ...what?"
He flashed a smug grin at me as he turned sideways, accenting the length of his borrowed manhood. "It's a bit over eight inches," he said, giving it a bounce. "I know it's a little weird to have sex with Frank's body, but I've seen the way you look at him. I assume you don't mind?"
I couldn't look away. "I feel like I should care that I'm having sex with your stepfather's body before I'm having sex with your body," I said, tossing my shirt to the floor. "But fuck me, I need that cock inside of me."
"God, I love you," I said, feeling his breath on the back of my neck. I hadn't expected to ever be the little spoon in this relationship-- or any relationship, really-- but it was a nice change of pace.
He kissed my neck in response, sending a shiver up my spine as I felt his coarse beard against my skin. "I'm glad this isn't a deal breaker for you. Frank pulls this shit all the time."
"It's weird, but also... I don't mind?" I said. "It's... actually pretty hot," I admitted, rolling over to stare into his eyes. "One question, though. You said Frank's planning to keep your body until he gets you a job, right? Aren't you spending most of the summer with your bio-dad? Who the hell is going to hire someone for three weeks, tops?"
He responded with a coy grin. "Hmm, you might be right. Guess you'll have to put up with Frank's body for a bit longer."
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writercole · 2 years
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Episode 10.
Alright three seconds in and my heart is broken.
Letty is right. You didn't fucking deserve him.
TIGGY!!!!!!!!!!!! I missed my Tiggy.
Shit show indeed.
Oh, is Tig about to do what I think - yep. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
God dammit.
"It's been a while since I've choked somebody" boy wheres Venus?!
Oh Tig's not done. Damn he is done.
Adelita seems to have calmed.
Awww Daddy Angel is so cute.
"You're gonna get him wet" it's not the desert Adelita. You have towels.
Non-sanctioned meet. Wtf.
So Nestor ain't dumb.
Bishop is jealouuuus.
Ez. What are you doing. Oh. That's what you're doing. Blackmail.
Uh he was fucking 18 years old. Of course he was a scared little boy.
I mean, depriving the kids of their dad is one thing. But wasn't he the one that said he didn't want them to remember him as a bum?
No you're a punk bitch. That's what you are.
You really don't have any idea what those brothers are capable of.
Shit. Sons.
TIGGY! Marcus too. But TIGGY!
SamDino was the greater good?
Oh no. Alvarez should know.
Ah shit. Don't dwell on the past, Marcus.
Tig has a point. Good men don't last long.
Packer has a brother?
Ah, Tig, you freak. I love you.
Not wired but she's packing.
Katie. Suits her.
Never lied? Bullshit.
Oh she's a cunt though.
She wants him to take immunity to turn rat? That worked out so well for SamCro. 🙄🙄
Man poor Creeper.
Dude Fuck you Katie.
Fuck you.
Letty...be careful.
COCO HAD A NOVA?! I would take that bitch in a heartbeat.
But still be careful.
Oooooh Marcus confronting Ez.
Shit, Ez. You're not exactly making a good point here.
Mmmm Bish that EGA tat. 😋😋 I wanna bite it.
Ez does have some balls.
So adelita is working for her now?
God, Miguel. That beard. Mmm. Almost as good as that EGA.
Miguel, you tried to kill her. And you want her home?
Awwww look the happy couple. Won't be that way for long. Nothing us ever allowed happy with these shows.
And there it is.
Oh wow. Isn't that how JT killed like eight people? Causing a truck to jacknife and a big ass pileup?
MANNY NO! Ugh he's so pretty.
Omg that was so sweeeet!
Headbutt him, baby.
Stop drop and roll. They taught us that a ridiculous amount.
Oh the fire, huh? The fire is coming? You're about to meet the gasoline.
No. HOPE! You were doing so good!
Ha, Letty. Yes, baby. Get them.
Felipe. 😭😭
Just tell him that Dita paid for your wife to be killed.
Yeah Miguel, you're not orphaned. Your real dad is in front of you. He just wasn't allowed in your life.
Uh oh. Santo Padre is fractured. Alvarez is pissed.
And Ez is taking no prisoners. Fuck.
Goodbye, Padrino. I am sorry.
I just have this feeling that Angel is gonna die.
Bruh. He's...intense.
Angel ain't down tho.
Wait, has Angel said anything about the baby to any of them?
I feel like something bad is happening.
Oh no.
Oh Sofia has the old lady shit down.
Ohhhh Reyes v Reyes. Mano y Mano.
Angel has known you your entire life. He knows you. He knows you had other plans.
Ez is....unhinged.
Angel needs to leave SP. Go north. Oakland, Stockton. Something.
I know Creeper is not about to do that.
Oh he burned her! "I don't need anyone."
He's taking the fall for all of it. Wow.
Some long fingers on that gloved hand...
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Final Part, PART THREE
Also, sorry this is so long. I just wanted to post the whole thing this weekend. So enjoy babes!
Warning: smut, violence, gore, breaking and entering, sarcasm. So much swearing. Mentions of Shane c*ck.
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A/N: funny story, I've hated Shane since the Walking Dead aired originally because I thought he was cocky and I was like fourteen. Well, now I'm a 22yr old adult and GOOODDDAMMMN it, Jon Bernthal is a great, wonderful actor and so, so easy on the eyes.
@thewhitewolfownsme thanks for getting me hooked ;)
Kennedie gets up to look out the window, not one for hospitals, when she sees Walsh heading to his cruiser. She almost knocks, but she didn’t want to make it seem like she actually liked him.
“Where’s Walsh going?” She asks, looking to Rick. He shakes his head and scowls, he didn’t know either. Rick joins her, watching out the window as the horror unfolds before their eyes. A small, petite nurse jogs up to the car and he greets her with a hug and a kiss. He hands off something small, she can’t quite see it, but she can deduce by the way the woman wagged them at him and the way he smiled exactly what they were. Shane looks around to see if anyone saw them before he heads back inside.
“Rick, I don’t want him in here.” She whispers, tears falling down her face.
“I don’t blame you.” He assures, patting her shoulder she sits down. Rick heads out the door to meet Shane before he can get in the door. “You’re a liar too?” He growls as he pushes Shane back down the hallway.
“What?” He asks, his body getting chills.
“Go outside.” Rick orders, jabbing a finger at the door. Shane tries to go back to Kennedie’s room but Rick just grabs his collar and drags him out.
“Rick, what’s goin’ on?” He stammers.
“Tell me you didn’t respond right away because you were eating your lunch.” He seethes.
“I told you, when I was eating the keys fell between the seat.”
“It had nothing to do with little miss muffet and her little lace panties?” He asks, pointing to the cruiser. Shane’s eyes blast wide, nothing but whites as he takes a step back.
“Rick, I can explain-”
“Well you better, because you’ve got Kennedie up there so mad she’s crying.” He jabs a finger up to the window with the half-open curtain.
“Shit!” He shouts, slamming his fist into the hood. “Rick! I messed up once!” He cries, fists quaking at his sides. He paces back and forth in front of the cruiser until it’s black outside.
“Shane, go home.” Rick calls as he walks down the lot to their car.
“I can’t, Rick.” He huffs, sitting on the hood.
“She doesn’t want to see you.” Rick shoots into the night.
“I know. But that doesn’t mean I don’t wanna see her. When I got there, she was laying in a pool of her own blood, Rick. I’ve seen dead bodies and I’ve seen a lot of blood, but that made me sick. I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t help her. I--I fucked up.” He cries, wiping his face with the back of his hand.
“Yeah, you fucked up, Shane. Unfortunately, I can’t fix this fuck up. She hates you.” He breathes a shaky breath out watching Rick leave. As the lights leave the street, Shane heads inside and slips into her room just to see her, to make her real.
“Pussy. Pussy. Pussy. The only thing that lives in Shane Walsh’s mind. Even when someone is breaking into his best friend’s house, pussy. That must be the way to live, huh? Why don’t you worship me like that? Huh? The way you worship the pussy? I wasn’t even worth a ‘sorry I gotta go’.” She throws her stress ball at him, hitting him upside the head.
“Kennie, I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, comes out smooth to me. Didn’t come out at all to nurse Panties.” She hisses, rolling away from him.
“So we’re back to this? The insults and anger?” He asks. She jerks into a sitting position and looks at him with a wild look in her eyes.
��Yes Walsh! We’re back to square one because I trusted you! And you were too busy getting laid in a hospital parking lot to respond to a burglary at Rick’s! So yes! We’re back to the beginning! I trusted you because you said you really weren’t that bad and here we are in a hospital because you couldn’t keep that precious Shane cock to yourself. You gotta share that shit with everybody!” She screams, Shane just stands there and takes it. He didn’t know what to do, he didn’t want to leave.
“Listen, I’m sorr-”
“I don’t want to hear another fake apology come from those stupid lips! Get out Walsh!” She cries, tears pouring down her face.
“Kennedie please don’t make me go.” He whispers, his bottom lip quaking.
“I don’t want you here! Hell, maybe I’ll get lucky and you and nurse panties’ll be fucking on the empty bed there! Wouldn’t that be a goddamn sight!” She roars, kicking her feet.
“Kennedie, I-”
“Quit saying sorry, Walsh. Get out.”
“Please don’t make me-”
“Like you made me trust you and fall in love with you to find out you’re still the same womanizing dickbag you’ve always been? No. You made me. So get out. I swear to god I’ll call security.” She threatens, grabbing her call button.
“Fall in love with me?” He asks, breath hitching in his throat again, that familiar burning sensation in his throat.
“Does it matter now?” She asks, rising to her feet and walking passed him to open the door. “Leave please.” He faces her and sits in the chair.
“I can’t leave.”
“You can and you will.” She grabs her phone and calls Rick. “Please just make him leave. I-I need him gone. I don’t want to call security and make a scene, but dammit he won’t leave. She sits on the edge of her bed crying, sobbing uncontrollably. How dare he make her fall in love with his stupid smile, and those stupid pools of dark chocolate, and that stupid fluffy hair. He stands in the corner by the door, unable to get any closer, but he just looms, watching her cry.
“Shane?” Rick coos, heading into the room. He finds the large man standing in the corner, a terrified look on his face. “C’mon buddy. We gotta go.” He grabs the other man’s elbow and pulls him towards the door. Digging in his heels, Rick hears a small whisper.
“Please don’t. When I leave, all I see her laying in that pool of blood, Rick. I can’t.” He cries, trying to go back.
“Shane, she doesn’t want you in there so you gotta go. You gotta leave.” He pulls Shane from the room. Her strangled sobs mangle his emotions and he steps into the hallway to breathe. Rick’s hand finds his shoulder. “Shane, it’s okay.”
“It’s all my fault. I went by at eight every day but today. Every other day. I checked four times a day just to be sure.” He begs, trying to make it make sense.
“Shane, they got the guys okay?”
“They did?”
“Rick. I’m in love with her, Rick. I’ve been in love this whole time. I was excited about cold pizza and movie night. I made breakfast. I took Carl to school. I was nice.” He stammers, listing off everything he did right.
“I know, Shane. But she’s mad at you right now, okay?” Rick tries to reason with this grown man the way he’d reason with his five year old son.
“Kennie?” Lori’s soft voice breaks through her sobbing. She looks up, swiping away the tears and sniffling. “Shane is pretty beat up over you.” She smiles gently, a hand on her best friend’s knee.
“I bet. So am I.” She cries, letting Lori hug her tightly.
“He fucked up, he knows that.” Lori tries to reason with her, but when she realizes what she’s trying to do, she sits up and frowns.
“No no. Don’t you dare try to stand up for him. He did this to himself. And unlike everyone this man child has ever met, I’m not giving into him that easy. He made his bed, let him lay in it a while.” She retorts, rolling her eyes.
“Listen, I know you’re mad at him. I get it, but Shane isn’t good when he’s mad like this. He starts to drink and make bad choices.”
“And who’s fault is that? Mine? I should just cast aside my anger because Shane might get drunk and pass out? He’s a grown man, Lori! He’s not your child!” She shouts, shaking her head in disbelief.
“I know that. I’m just asking you to --”
“To forgive him for getting pussy instead of answering a call to your house, where your son was, and where I was shot. I’m sorry Lori, I don’t know what kind of hold the Shane dick has on you too, but I’m forgiving him yet.” Lori’s hand smacks across Kennedie’s face before she can stop herself.
“I would never-”
“Oh shut it! I’ve seen the way you look at him sometimes, like he’s a fresh piece of steak. I see it. You two probably had some fling before you and Rick got married and now the Shane dick has the almighty power over you.” Kennedie rolls her eyes as Lori stands and stomps out. Kennedie just laughs. Lori would ruin twenty years of friendship over her husband’s best friend’s dick.
“Rick. Let’s go. Shane, get up and leave. You’re being a child.” She hisses, grabbing Rick’s arm and storming for the door.
“What happened?” He asks, looking to Lori with confused eyes.
“I slept with Shane ten years ago, before you ever thought about dating me. Okay? Please don’t be mad. Anyway, I was trying to talk to Kennie about forgiving him but she won’t.” She huffs, getting it all out in one breath.
“Because Shane was fucking a woman in the backseat of the cruiser when he should’ve been responding to a burglary at your house where your son was. Your best friend was shot. And you think she should just forgive him? He fucked up, Lori. He messed up. I know you like to see the best in everyone, but Shane really needs to reevaluate, hunny.” He offers, explaining to her. “And I’m not mad, it was ten years ago.” He chuckles.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” She heads back into the room and looks to see Kennedie getting up and dressed. “I’m sorry.” Lori calls from the door.
“It’s fine. I didn’t mean what I said to you, but I’m not forgiving Walsh. So if that’s what you’re here for, I don’t have anything to say.” She pulls on her jeans and Walsh’s tee shirt that she’d stolen at a party long ago.
“I know. You don’t have to forgive him, but please forgive me.” She asks, sitting next to her and hugging her.
“I could never stay mad at you.” Kennedie chuckles, hugging back. “The doc let me go, so. I guess I’m outta here.” She pats her knees as she rises and heads out the door.
“Let me drive you home.” Shane begs, grabbing at her hand.
“Let you drive me anywhere? No. Fuck you. I actually never wanna see you again. So.” She shoves him away and walks out the door.
“You can ride home with us. Your car is still in the driveway.” Lori calls as Shane gets into the cruiser. He follows them to Rick’s. Rick gets out and gives Shane a confused look.
“Walsh, go home.” She bites, throwing a fist at him. “Oh my god, Lori. I gotta clean the blood off the floor.” She calls, jogging inside.
“No no, we had cleaners come in hunny.” Lori chuckles, hugging her tight before they go in the house. It was spotless, like nothing happened.
“Wow.” She whispers, taking in the memories of the weekend.
“Tell me something though. Were you and Walsh really hanging out and like, not hating each other?” Rick asks as she grabs her bag.
“Yeah, kinda. He was almost nice.”
“Aunt Kennie says uncle Shane is a woman fighter.” Carl states from the edge of the hallway. Walking tiredly to Lori, he gets up on the counter. “Uncle Shane came and made breakfast one morning. He even spanked aunt Kennie, but she spanked him back. Then they both had white on their butts.” Carl gives a sleepy little smile. “Uncle Shane came back for pizza and they laid on the couch like you do with daddy.” He points to Rick and she feels her cheeks flame.
“I thought you were sleeping you little stinker.” She laughs, tickling him as he erupts into giggles.
“Did you know all my other friends have aunts and uncles who are married. How come you and uncle Shane aren’t married?” He asks, yawning and curling against Lori. She looks ove her son expectantly with a smirk.
“It just wasn’t meant to be little dude.” She smiles sadly, patting his shoulder.
A month goes by without so much as a sound from Walsh. As she’s walking to his apartment, she hears a thump and opens the door to find Shane laying on the floor.
“Wow, look what the cat dragged in.” He gives a drunken whisper as he tries to stand up.
“Yeah, lookie there.” She coos, smiling sadly at him.
“You-look--” He covers his mouth a moment before he sucks in a breath and vomits on the hardwood floor.
“Not as good as you.” She laughs, pulling him up off the floor and getting him into a shower. Tugging off his black tee shirt and his jeans, taking a deep breath before pushing him under the water. “C’mon Walsh, stand up.” She coos, trying to help him. Finishing his shower, she gets him walked to his bed and laid down, tugging off his sopping wet underwear and putting on basketball shorts. He’s snoring soundly when she steps out of the room. Her eyes land on the pizza boxes and beer cans like a frat party had been tossed there in his living room.
“Christ, Walsh.” She whispers, folding up all the boxes and stuffing them into a bag, shoving all the bottles and cans into another. Tidying up the couch, she even vacuums the floor for him. Hearing a groan, she looks up to see Shane standing in the doorway, staring at her with the most bewildered expression.
“Ken?” He asks taking a step into the living room to find it clean. “Kennedie, what are you doing here?” He asks, stepping a little closer.
“You called me and told me you had the perfect idea for Carl’s birthday. And when I got here, you were on the floor drunk. I showered you, not fun.” She snorts, scrubbing the couple of dishes in the sink.
“Did you put these shorts on me?” He asks, raising a brow.
“Yes.” She nods, heading for the door. She turns on one foot daintily and gives him a smirk. Eyes dropping to his crotch and back up, “and I really don’t understand the hype. It’s not that big.” He just laughs, leaning against the hallway wall.
“Bah, you’ll sing a different tune someday.” He crows, wagging a finger at her.
“Shut up, Walsh.” She chuckles, grabbing the handle and heading outside.
“Hey, slow up a minute.” He coos, heading towards her. Cornering her against the door, he leans in, his breath warm against her face.
“Walsh, what are you doing?” She asks, looking up at him through her lashes, her cheeks flushing red.
“Ssh ssh ssh.” He hushes, putting a thick finger against her lips. Instinctively her tongue swipes against her lips and his finger.
“Shane.” She whispers, careful where she put her hands. Planting them on his chest was the wrong move. He leans his weight against her now, her hands pressed into his chest.
“Sweet girl, I think you are the most beautiful girl in the world. I love you.” He whispers, getting so close to her lips his ghost across hers.
“Walsh, I need you to take a step back.” She whispers, pushing him gently away.
“Why? Can’t you see that I’m in love with you?” He asks, looking to her with glossy, dark brown orbs.
“Because you are still drunk and tomorrow you’ll have that cock slamming into some other whore, so I’m sorry Walsh, but your drunk ass is not kissing me.” She steps out and shuts the door. Leaning against the cool wood door to breathe, she hears a thump behind her.
“I love you sober.” He whispers, sending chills down her back.
Carl’s birthday party was at one, and she was there at eleven with the cake. When she got there, Shane’s Jeep was parked in her spot. Typical Walsh.
“Walsh! Your Jeep is in my spot!” She shouts, seeing Shane’s curly top poke above the sofa. He jumps to his feet and her breath hitches in her throat. His sheer size and chest width made her heart patter, but the button up half buttoned and the denim clad thighs. The silver necklace around his neck placed perfectly against his chest.
“What’s the matter?” Shane asks, looking at her and winking.
“N-nothing. Walsh, can you help me?” She points over her shoulder toward the door. His smirk is sexy and sweet, her eyes drinking him in as he saunters out the door. “The uh, the cake-here.” She slips between him and the door of her honda pulls it out. Carefully handing it off to him as her arms start to shake.
“This all you needed?” He asks, eyes drifting to her as he tries to hide a smile. His eyes drink her in; that yellow floral sundress riding high on her thighs, the sandals on her feet, her curls falling over her shoulder.
“Yeah, of course it is. Thank you. At least you’re good for something.” She chides.
“Better be careful, lady! I’ll drop this cake!” He threatens, calculating a wobble in his step.
“Walsh, if you drop that I promise you I will drop you.” She giggles, pulling open the door.
“Ooh, do it baby. I wanna see you try.” He chuckles, daring her to do it. Sitting the cake on the counter, she heads out to her car to get Carl’s gift. Shane follows her out this time, his hand slips down and grabs her ass, gripping tight.
“Shane!” She jumps, holding her breath.
“What baby? You don’t like that? Sh, I know you do. I love you. And I meant that shit. I can’t explain to you how it felt to kneel in your blood and hold you, not knowing what to do.” He whispers, shivering at the trauma.
“Shane Walsh. Stop it.” He leans her into her car and presses his lips firmly, sweetly, promisingly against hers.
“Just say it. You were right.”
“Aw thank you Walsh, I knew I was right.” He pushes her into Rick and Lori’s garage, pulling the door shut behind them. He drives her against the wall, lips soft and sensual against hers as he holds her against him.
“I saw how you were looking at me earlier. You wanted me.” He huffs into her ear as he lets her hands drift across the bare part of his chest.
“Yeah. No shit. I think you're hot.” She stammers, yanking at Shane’s shirt.
“That’s a first.” He coos, wriggling his knee between her legs. “I think you’re hot. Sometimes when I bang other women, I think of you.” She’s taken aback for a moment before she just laughs.
“Shane, shut up.” She grinds through her teeth as she hooks her arms around his neck and tugs his lips to her neck. His lips go to work and her hands massage his bare shoulders. Shane gets them into a spot between the shelves and totes where they couldn’t be seen and he lets her scoop up her skirt and he grabs her panties. When he pulls them down he chuckles, the same black panties he’d teased her about.
“Goddamn you are beautiful.” He hushes as he leaves open-mouthed kisses across her exposed collarbone and up her neck. He stops on her lips, pressing a hot, delicious kiss there.
“Shane. Will you please do your job and fuck me?” She nips through shivers as he takes his time. Her fingers fumble with the belt and she undoes his jeans in record time. Sliding into her, he takes his time to get comfortable firsrt, before his thrusts are fast and hard, a hand covering her mouth because currently there were about twelve little kids inside screaming. “Shane. Shane please.” She whines softly, gripping his hair as he drives up into her, legs quaking as she reaches her orgasm, she grips his ebony locks so tight his scalp starts to tingle, but he likes it. Ramming into her as she clenches and spasms around him, making his heart slam hard into his chest before he sinks into her once more, spilling his hot seed in her. Slipping out with a soft groan, he tucks himself away and tugs . his shirt back on, buttoning it up like before. Half open shirt, necklace hanging around his neck and his heart still pounding, he looks to her to find her still leaned against the wall, eyes closed and breathing heavily. Leaning forward, he grabs her waist and pulls her against him. Gingerly pulling up her panties, he pulls a dark blue hankerchief from his pocket and wipes his seed from the inside of her legs before pulling her panties on the rest of the way. Her arms around his neck, he stuffs the kerchief back in his pocket and starts to hum, swaying with her.
“I do love you.” He coos in her ear, his wide hands splaying to cover almost her whole lower back.
“I love you too, Walsh.” She giggles, softly sighing as she sifts her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck.
“Will you quit calling me Walsh? At some point, when we’re married, people will think it’s weird if you’re still calling me Walsh, and not Shane. Or hunny. Hunny works, or baby. But not Walsh.”
“Hey Shane? Get used to it. It’s hard to even call you Shane. I just wanna throw insults at you but it seems wrong now, cause like Walsh dick really is that good.” She laughs, letting him kiss her face; her cheeks, her nose, her lips, and her favorite, he places the gentlest kiss on her forehead and adjusts her dress before he checks his watch.
“It’s twelve-fifteen, baby.” He whispers, sending chills down her back.
“Goddamn it, Walsh. You truly gotta ruin everything.” She whines heading back into the the house through the back door that leads into the kitchen. Lori’s eyes meet hers with a knowing grin as she hands Kennedie some plates and a basket of silverware. Screeching kids come flying into the kitchen in party hats and swimming trunks all kinds of different colors.
“Carl! Not the kitchen!” Lori yells as she grabs a bowl of pasta salad.
“Sorry mom!” He shouts, racing into the living room. Shane’s hand grips her ass as she walks passed the grill with her hands full and she gasps, eyes burning into him as he grins and he and Rick laugh.
“Those two are trouble.” She huffs to Lori as she sees her best friend chuckle with the men. “You too?” She asks incredilously, staring at Lori as though she’d been betrayed.
“Hey Lori! I’m just dropping off Gavin!” A sweet, high pitched voice calls. As she looks to see who it is, Shane stiffens and holds his breath. “Hi Shane.” She coos, giving him a sultry wave. He nods back and wraps his arms around her waist.
“Let it go. I love you.” He whispers into her ear as he holds tight to her, his lips pressing into her neck.
“Shut it, Walsh.” She nips, slipping from his grip and stepping into the house to breathe. He follows closely behind, stepping in with her and leaning her against the door.
“I love you, don’t you get that?” He coos, thumb smoothing her cheek.
“I just--it feels surreal, Shane.” She whispers, letting him pull her against his chest.
“Listen to me, baby. I love you. The minute you shot back at me with insults I was done for. It was infuriating, it was beautiful. And you packed me lunch like some kind of domestic, sweet little house wife, and don’t take offense to that, but I loved it. Every minute. I was the proudest man in King County to go to work with your pink lunch box in the passenger seat of the cruiser. I wanna marry you. I wanna marry you and--and--get old with you. I love you, you fiesty lil thing.” Tears fall down her face as she grips his face and kisses his lips warmly and happily.
“I love you, Shane. I love you so much.” She coos, hugging his neck.
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