#I'll be crying for a week straight
soffies · 2 years
When I'm close to finishing a series I get really anxious, skipping parts that I'm not interested in (side characters' storylines) and watching at 1.5 only to get soooo empty when I finish it
I mean, I have plans on what to watch next but I fucking know I won't want to watch anything but the non-existent next season of whatever I'd finished watching
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unfortunatelyevent · 6 months
I think it's important for yall to know that at any given moment this week a song from tlt musical will be playing in my head
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fear-ze-queer · 5 months
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epsigone · 1 month
i just finished restoration and sobbed like the sentimental bitch i am. def not the best season by any means but the references and callbacks and old characters/voice actors joining...i was crying the entire second half tbh, especially that part with Wash at the end. i wish some things could've gone/ended a little differently, but honestly, for finishing out a 21-year-long show, it was pretty decent. i'm just glad it got the ending it deserved. i'll miss you rvb.
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irhabiya · 3 months
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thschei · 5 months
My brain is full of worms, so a few years back I started a list of shows I want to watch/rewatch so that when I have the time/energy/inclination to watch smth, I can look at the list & choose one instead of staring blankly at websites' catalogues/suddenly forget everything I've ever enjoyed or been interested in, & I literally listed torchwood as one of the shows that, if I watch it again, will ruin my mental health
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kyonite · 10 months
I'm rly worried about Copy, he's not eating as much and he's been pretty lethargic the last few days. I tried to tempt him with wet food and he still won't go for it, and he refuses to bat at his favorite toy,,,,
I managed to make a vet appointment for tomorrow morning but I'm just rly nervous this feels like what happened to Pixel but it cannot possibly be. It cannot. But I'm still worried about it like what if it is.
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theood · 1 year
Hey mutuals, can I use one of y'alls dryers? Ours is still broken and I'm. Quickly fucking running out of clean clothes
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titan-god-helios · 10 months
oh no oh fuck what happened to tumblr is my computer just fucking up or did the site actually change pleasetellmemycomputerfuckedupi'msostressedrightnowihatethis
#now there have been two (2) minor to others but major to my autistic ass changes today#one is that genshin impact fucking changed their party setup layout and i very much despise the new one i loved the old one it was perfect#and so neat and had everything you needed and then they CHANGED IT and i feel like crying everytime im reminded#because that fucking shit is my comfort game i love it so much and then they had to go and make it changed and new and uncertain#the autism goblin freaked out so hard earlier but fontaine soothed it a little because yay !! new place to explore !! i love exploring !!#key word: a little#AND NOW THIS SHIT WITH THE HELLSITE AGAIN#ADMINS#PLEASE#STOP CHANGING SHIT#YOU'RE STRESSING THE FUCK OUT OF THE AUTISM GOBLINS#i look at the layout and i just feel like crying and rocking back and forth so hard ohmygod its actual real pain im not even exaggerating#its like someone's showing me a recording of something so viscerally wrong in every conceivable way that my eyes feel as if they're being#stabbed and i break out into a cold sweat and i'm in actual fucking pain right now why is being autistic so fucking PAINFUL always#give it a week of slowly introducing it to my brain like how you introduce a new cat to your other cats and i'll get used to it#but that doesn't matter right now i would rather step on legos for a minute straight i hate it so much i am in so much fucking mental pain#hjgshgdsuygdsyudghjdgsjdfgdsgdjdf#autism#neurodivergent#actually autistic#asd#its the neurodivergency#actuallyautistic#neurodivergencies#actually adhd#being autistic#adhd#genshin impact#tumblr staff#bad staffelstein
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titles-and-pretense · 11 months
Turns out masking for most of the day for 2 months straight makes you go into autistic burnout??? Who knew
Me needing to not work for a month after this is exactly why I scream about capitalism not accommodating disabled people
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orcelito · 1 year
perhaps also related to the fact that i am scheduled to close this weekend with the person who was apparently laughing about how a year ago there was a supervisor chat without me Specifically for the purpose of shit talking me
and im supposed to treat her graciously after that? get Fucking real.
#speculation nation#negative/#like. i will. i'll treat her politely as is expected of me working with someone i dont like#even though that wasn't a courtesy extended to me by the people last year. including her apparently!#i dont know why she's come back. i want to gut her like a fish.#i dont think i mentioned that but i learned a few weeks ago that she was laughing about this to a few employees#who called her out for it. which makes me feel very grateful to them.#how fucking immature though. resorting to bullying and ostracizing in a workplace environment.#this was the bullshit that had me fucking Sobbing bc of it all. and you're Laughing about it?#you saw the day that girl screamed at me & how i cried for a half hour straight in storage#until i finally pulled myself together enough to work (though i was still next to tears for Hours)#me. a person who cries Maybe 4 times a year. if even. it had me struggling that hard to not cry.#and this is Funny to you? it's Funny that i was treated like that? just because you all didnt like me bc i was Too Confrontational?#a: im as confrontational as i need to be to avoid problems festering. as a grown fucking adult should be.#and b: even if you didnt like me that's still fucked UP#what the fuck is WRONG with you people??????? why do you take so much glee from my pain?#and again. in a fucking place of work. i know it's food service but Please. have some basic fucking professionalism.#i dont know how im supposed to get through this shift. im so fucking angry at it all.#the anger and frustration has been cycling faster and faster in my heart and i want to Hurt Things but there's nothing im allowed to hurt#so what am i to do? how do i get rid of this feeling? i know what ive done in the past but im not allowed to do that now#with nothing to do im just blasting this fucking song. maybe if i play it loud enough it'll fix me.
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edgydadster · 2 years
i looked into a mirror and saw a toothbrush of a man with a big titty goth girlfriend in my reflection is that normal
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genderfreakxx · 2 years
got a top surgery date after years and years and its made me start thinking about true love again
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went back and discovered we got Sam around May 2007 as best as we can tell, and we believe she was born in December 2006
which means I was 6 years old when I got her
and now I’m almost 22 and she’s just passed on today.
what a fucking incredible cat. a member of the family. there with me from pretty much the start of primary school to my first year working full time. there during my whole growth period from little kid to adult. no fucking wonder her loss hits hard. may she rest in peace.
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liberty-spiked · 3 months
finished power rangers rpm rn and i wanna cry it was so good
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baekuras · 1 year
just checked how long you’re usually on sick leave after having your wisdom tooth removed and apparently it can be 3 to 7 days
i am praying for 7days because it would be so fucking funny to me if our regio-chef just went “just take painkillers” and i just am gone for 2 whole weeks in response to that-via doctors order
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