#I'll do a separate poll for the boys
doctorwhogirlie · 5 months
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paddedzair · 8 months
2024 Padded Challenge
This is going to go until it eventually has no activity for two weeks, in which it'll be snapshotted and deleted.~
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We'll see how well this goes now that it's been split into separate challenges. Try not to spam comments tooooo much and if you reblog spam, do it strategically, like at different times.~ Wanna help me on my adventure or even add extra days separately? Check the wishlist!
Note Goals:
100: Daily Diaper Pics 200: Boosters to Weekend Diapers, even out in public. 300: Girly Socks Only, even out in public 400: Girly Clothes Only When Possible, at home, friends, out of town, etc. 500: Weekly Full Body Pics in Girly Outfits 600: Double the Days! Woops, all diapees. 700: Boy Socks Tossed Away.~ Girly socks only forever, huh? 800: Boy Undies Tossed Away.~ Maybe I'll eventually escape diapees to panties at least? Maybe? 900: Girlify My Room! Blankets, stuffies, all sorts of things added to the room to make it girly. 1000: Monthly Videos, whether it's twirling, wiggling, or just humpies.~ 1100: More Places To See Me! Expand out to other socials so my girliness is seen eeeeeeverywhere. 1200: Monthly Purchase Poll. Once a month, a poll will be done to decide what outfit or accessory to buy to help with my padded or sissy adventure. Next additions after we reach 800!
1K notes · View notes
sports-on-sundays · 2 months
I’m sorry Ik request are closed but o really need a part 2 of Lando and Oscar
one for two / LN4 & OP81 / Part 2
Summary: Lando x female!Australian!McLaren marketing unit worker!reader x childhood best friend!Oscar - The drama ensues. Two Formula 1 drivers who just so happen to race for McLaren also just so happen to have fallen for you. Picks up straight after where part 1 left off. Takes place from Monaco GP 2024 to Spanish GP 2024. Short time frame, but a lot happens.
Warnings: mention of vomiting, crying, "I'll kill you" joke, swearing, very slight innuendo, if I missed anything let me know
Requested?: Yes, by this anon, everyone who answered in the poll in a way, and by @gracielukey
Author's Note: Fret not, I will be writing a part 3!
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“Wait, Y/n, one second-” you hear behind you as a hand wraps itself around your arm. You look back to see Oscar Piastri beaming at you with a smile worth a ton of gold on his face. He’s out of his race suit and now back in regular street clothes: a black t-shirt, blue jeans, and an expensive black watch on his wrist. “I still haven’t given you your birthday gift yet.”
Oh, yeah, that’s right.
Earlier, when both McLaren boys had snatched each of your hands, pulling you in separate directions, both thoroughly excited to show you whatever gift they’ve gotten for you for your birthday, which just so happens to be today, the Monaco Grand Prix, you had shook them both off and waved them on to go do their PR duties.
For once in your life, as someone who is in marketing in McLaren, you got to do a fraction of your actual job concerning the two drivers, and not play the part of both their dramatic love interest.
Yet here you are again, looking back at a handsome Australian boy with earnest brown eyes, waiting for you to come with him so you can see your present.
You sigh, smiling. “Alright, Oscar. Show me this present of mine.”
He leads you to his driver’s room, where he holds the door for you to follow him in, and gently shuts it.
You have a jolting memory of the last time you were led into a driver’s room and the door was shut behind you, and the driver was saying he had something for you. It had been Lando’s driver’s room in Miami, after he won the race, and, well, you’ll never forget what the gift he had for you had been.
Lando’s kiss.
Though it didn’t really change anything at all, it seemed to change absolutely everything.
And now, just standing here, watching Oscar rummage around in his piles and bags of contained mess, you can’t help yourself from blushing as the memory floods back to you.
Oscar snaps you out of your dreams, though, when he straightens, holding up a small box that fits in his palm and a white envelope, and says, “Here… Don’t know if it’s your type of thing, but…”
“Jewelry?” you raise your eyebrows, eyeing the box.
He nods. “I don’t see you wearing jewelry a whole ton, but I thought you might really like this, regardless.”
You smile. “Usually I save it for special occasions, but I like wearing jewelry. Now, let’s see this card here…” He hands it to you, and you open it up. Oscar watches you intently as you begin reading his not-too-messy, not-too-neat handwriting.
Dear Y/n,
I just want to take this opportunity to say how much I appreciate you. You, as a person. Everything about you, I love. Your teasing, your jokes, your playfulness. Your hard work and dedication. You’re so understanding and kind. I love how gentle you are, yet also tough. You’re the perfect balance, for me and for anyone. You have the softest, most beautiful, caring heart, but a tough skin, too, and you can hold your own. You’re so strong and capable, too. I admire you in so many ways.
I love being with you. Time spent with you is my favorite time. Whether we’re just laying or sitting somewhere together, basking in each other’s silence and simply company, or going out somewhere, exploring someplace, and experiencing something together. I love it. I adore it. I love being with you.
Sometimes, I think about when we were little kids. I think about how we’d sit together and whine about how hard it is to be an older sibling, or how this or that rule by our parents was stupid. I remember playing with you, exploring. Even then, Y/n, we were forming a bond, and I think it’s beautiful. I hope we stay like this forever. Together.
I just want to be with you.
I remember as I got older and I moved, I missed you so much. So, so much. We stayed in touch, but you don’t know how much was missing without you always by my side. It’s like in a way you complete me.
I’m so glad that fate and time and whatever else all worked together that today, right now, you can be with me, on your twenty-third birthday. Twenty-three years, Y/n, I’ve known you. You’ve been my best friend. Somehow, we always keep running into each other. Like as if time and space and the universe knows we’re meant to be with each other, for each other, and it won’t let us be separated for too long. Like me and you have a magnet.
I love it, Y/n, and I hope you do, too.
I also love how beautiful you are. Your stunning eyes when they look straight into mine. The way you look over your shoulder and wink teasingly. The way your eyebrows scrunch together when you’re working hard or trying to figure something out. The way you flip your hair, the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you laugh, and the way your touch feels; I love every single little ‘way’ about you. You are it, everything I want. I don’t know what you feel, but I know that for years, I knew it.
I knew I’m supposed to be with you.
If you don’t think so, that’s okay. But just know what I know. Because for years I was terrified to say it, but now, I know.
I know this, Y/n:
I love you. I always have, and I always will.
Yours truly, Oscar Jack Piastri 5/26/24
As you read the last words, you feel a lump forming in your throat as you softly gasp, “Oscar…”
“I’m sorry if it’s a bit over the top,” he says right away with a slightly nervous chuckle. “I don’t mean to seem sappy. I should have just left it at ‘happy birthday’...”
“No, no-”
“I just had a lot to say, I guess,” Oscar mutters, glancing down. “A lot to say, to make up for the years of staying silent.”
“Oh, Oscar, stop!” you laugh, your voice cracking as you suddenly throw your arms around him in a tight embrace. You feel your eyes begin to water as you squeeze them shut tightly and bury your head in his shoulder, murmuring, “This is the sweetest thing I’ve ever read, Osc… You’re going to make me cry…”
As you hug him, it’s like a weight is lifted off his shoulders. He wraps his arms around you back, his hand slowly, absently beginning to rub your back.
You sniff a bit, whispering close to his ear, “That’s just about the most beautiful thing I’ve read… Oscar, I- I, um… I-” love you, too, your brain screams, begging your lips to form the words. You love him, Y/n. You know you do. Just say the words. Just say them.
But you finish with, “I- Thank you so much, Oscar. Thank you.”
He nods, resting his cheek on your head for a few seconds, before murmuring, “Why don’t you open the gift now?”
You nod, slowly leaning away. You mop up your eyes with your hands before taking the box. You slowly open it and gasp when you see a sparkling green gemstone inside, attached to a golden chain. “Oscar…” you breathe. “It’s beautiful…” You slowly begin taking it out of the box.
“Emerald, for May, on a gold necklace chain.”
You stop taking it out of the box to freeze and look up in surprise, eyes wide. “Real emerald? Real gold?!”
“Yes,” Oscar chuckles. “Yes, Y/n. It’s a real emerald on a real gold chain.”
Your jaw drops as you blubber, “Oscar… Oh my God, Oscar… you didn’t have to…”
“I think you’ve forgotten I can afford it. And I would spend any amount of money, if it was for you. But do you like it?”
“What do you mean?!” you exclaim. “What sort of question is that? Of course I like it! I love it!”
At that, the young McLaren driver immediately beams. “Here- want me to put it on you?” You nod vigorously, so Oscar takes the necklace gently from your hands and reaches around your neck to clasp it on you. You feel his soft hands briefly brush the skin of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine, before he takes them away and leans back to view you. “It looks lovely on you. Compliments your features.”
“You really think so?”
He grins with a soft chuckle. “Y/n, I know so.”
Once you’re done sitting with Oscar for a bit after that, just being with him, you exit his driver’s room into the hallway with a tired but contented sigh. You tuck Oscar’s note and the box the necklace came in into your pants pocket, about to get going and continue on with your life, when, once again, you’re interrupted.
You suddenly feel two strong arms wrapping around you from behind as the scent of Lando’s cologne fills your nostrils. He leans close to your ear, rocking you a bit, before murmuring in a gentle, concerned voice, “Hey, Y/n… How are you?”
You smile softly, feeling his warmth against your back. “I’m alright,” you sigh, your head still slightly in the clouds about Oscar’s note and gift.
Lando unwraps his arms from around you and gently guides you by your shoulders to turn around and face him. “What were you doing, hm?” he suddenly asks softly.
“What do you mean?” you ask, eyebrows furrowing.
“In Oscar’s driver’s room. I saw you leave.” His tone is in no way accusatory. Just genuinely concerned.
“Nothing,” you frown, licking your lips. “Why do you care?”
He crosses his arms, the concern mostly falling off his face now as he says simply, reaching up to drag his thumb under your eye, “Because of this.” He holds up his thumb to show the chalky smeared mascara on it. “And because of the redness around your eyes. Are you okay?” The concern comes flooding back as he lifts his other hand to gently touch your cheek. “Did something happen? Did Oscar do something? Y/n, you know you can tell me. You know you can trust me.”
But you can’t help yourself but chuckle. In a way, it’s sweet how caring and worried Lando is acting, looking out for you like that. But also kind of funny that Lando thinks Oscar Piastri even has the capacity to do you any harm, at least not on purpose. So you say, “No, no, Lando! Don’t worry! I’m not upset! Those were happy tears!”
Lando doesn’t look much less concerned, though. “What made you so happy?” he asks carefully.
You sigh, figuring there’s no reason to not tell Lando, at least partially the truth. “Oscar just gave me a super sweet birthday gift is all.”
“Oh,” Lando nods slowly. “What was it?”
You smile and point at the necklace hanging around your neck, resting perfectly in the middle of your chest. “This…”
“Oh,” Lando says again, this time more impressed, looking down at it. “That… It looks beautiful on you.”
You smile wider. “Thanks.”
But then the British man swallows. “I know you’re probably tired and wanting to get back to your hotel room, but I have a gift for you, too.”
“Just make sure it’s not a kiss this time,” you softly tease. “I don’t think my heart can take it right now.”
“No, no, of course not. I actually bought you something for your birthday!” the Brit chuckles, his hand naturally falling to the small of your back as he leads you to his driver’s room. He keeps the door hanging open, though, and you’re sure that’s intentional, to give you more of a sense of reassurance. You appreciate it. “Alright!” he says, clapping his hands together. “Close your eyes and hold out your hands.” You shrug and obey, doing so. You feel him place some light, small item in your hand, before he says, “Alright! Open!”
You chuckle as you open your eyes, teasing, “What was the point of having me close my eyes?”
“So it was a surprise! Now look at what I got you, for God’s sake, Y/n!” he rolls his eyes jokingly.
You look down at the little card in your hand, shaped like a credit card. You bring it to your face and study it, until your eyes widen when you recognize what it is. “Lando, is this…?”
He grins broader as he sees the sparkle in your eyes. “Yeah, yeah. It is.”
“You didn’t have to!” you laugh. A gift card for a free weekend to a luxury spa. You’ve often told Lando how nice it’d be to have a spa day, just relaxing and letting the weight off your shoulders.
But you weren’t expecting it as a birthday gift! And you definitely weren't expecting some expensive luxurious place, and for a whole weekend!
“And,” he smiles, reaching in his pocket to pull out a second, identical card which he places in your hand, too, “A second one, because I figured it’d be no fun alone, so you could bring one of your girl friends or something.”
You throw your arms around Lando and peck his cheek, which is a lot more of an easy thing to do with Lando than it is with Oscar. Oscar, you’re more emotionally connected with. But physically and romantically, you’re a lot more connected to Lando. Lando giggles as you exclaim, “How’d you even think to do this?”
He shrugs. “You talk about it. And you work constantly, so damn hard, you deserve a break. You don’t get enough credit for all you do. Take a weekend to just relax and enjoy, hm?”
You smile and shut your eyes, nuzzling your face into his neck, loving the sentiment, loving the gift, and loving Lando’s attitude in recognizing how hard you do work.
It feels so good to simply be appreciated.
The day after the Monaco Grand Prix, that Monday, Oscar texts you, asking you if you'd like the meet up before you have to go back to the U.K.
You're leaving tomorrow, so it had to be a yes.
Now you sit next to Oscar in his car, in the parking lot, as you buckle your seat belt and Oscar absently drums his fingers on the steering wheel.
Finally you break the silence with, "So, what's the plan, Stan?"
"Um..." Oscar begins, and just by one quick glance, you can see the deep thought written across his face as he looks forward out the windshield.
And you're right. The Aussie's thoughts are raging, about only one thing. And that thing, of course, being you.
He bites his lip, feeling a pang of slight desperation, but mostly just indescision.
He thought the nice note he wrote you for your birthday would've... given more of a reaction. Or maybe the necklace would've pulled at your heartstrings a little more. Just... Just a hug felt wrong to Oscar.
Why doesn't she love me back?
I whisper of a thought in his mind responds, Maybe it's got to do with Lando. Maybe she just simply doesn't love you because she loves Lando more.
He swallows a lump in his throat, pushing that thought out of his mind with, No, Oscar. She said she's got nothing more with Lando than she's got with you. You need to trust her. You know you love her. Therefore, trust her.
Of course, naturally, Oscar has no idea that he really shouldn't trust you.
Prompted by his thoughts, Oscar suddenly asks you, ignoring your own question, "Did Lando get you anything for your birthday? Just asking, because, you know, he had said he had something...?"
"Oh, yeah!" you exclaim. Oscar can't help but recognize the way your face lights up at the mention of merely Lando's name. You continue, "He got me a free weekend to a spa for two people!"
"Oh. You're going to a spa with him?" Oscar says slightly absently.
You laugh. "No, he suggested probably one of my friends. Lando would've told me if he wanted to go."
"Ah, right. Of course."
"Oscar?" you suddenly say, concerned, leaning closer. You place your hand on top of Oscar's drumming fingers on the wheel, forcing the nervous movement to stop. "Is something wrong?"
"Hmmm..." he sighs. Oscar, you've just got to make a move. A real move. Lando is loud, impulsive, fun. He wouldn't second guess.
Maybe you should take a hint from Lando.
Maybe she just needs to see, feel, experience me.
That doesn't sound right.
That doesn't sound like me.
Oscar closes his eyes, leaning back, entwining his fingers around your hand.
I'm not Lando Norris. So is that it?
That's it. I'm just not Lando Norris.
But despite the proclamation in his head, he snaps himself out of it. "Just... thinking back on the race. Sorry."
"Are you sure you're okay, Osc?" you lean in, more concerned.
It's like Oscar can feel his heart being squeezed, warmed. And another, louder, sudden thought enters his mind:
You won't let her go, Oscar, and you know that. You'll fight for her. You'll change for her.
You'll never be Lando Norris, but maybe you've just got to quit overthinking and start acting.
"Alright!" he says, a quite sudden smile appearing on his face as he squeezes your hand. "Yeah, I'm sure." He smiles, bringing your hand to his mouth to gently kiss the back of it.
He doesn't really see the blush on your cheeks when he does that.
He lets go of your hand and says, "Alrighty, let's go. I've got somewhere to bring you."
When you get to the destination, you laugh. "Oscar, it's just a park! You made it seem like you had this big thing planned."
"Oh," he smiles a bit. "Well, sorry. Do you have something against parks?"
"No- I'm just saying-"
"Yes, sure, whatever." He suddenly snatches your hand as he says, "Let's just go for a nice walk."
It's not common for Oscar to just take your hand like that, so confidently. Lando? Sure, all the time. But not really Oscar...
But you kind of like it.
As you walk, you just chat, until you're sure you've walked the entirety of Monaco before Oscar finally gestures to a lone bench in a solitary area, and you sit down together, hands still latched.
But you let go of his, saying with a chuckle, "I just... You know, my hands are sweaty."
"Oh, sure, of course. Mine probably are, too," he responds, running a hand through his hair.
You watch him intently as he does this, and reply a few seconds too late, "Oh, no, no, they're not! I like your hands."
And you immediately blush at the fact you actually just told Oscar Piastri that.
But he looks over with that little crooked teasing smile of his and says, "Do you?"
You grin back and shrug. "Hell yeah."
"Hm. I'll keep that in mind, then."
That makes your mind immediately wander to what he could mean, and you feel bad for what you immediately think of.
Regardless, your face flushes.
And then Oscar makes the decision that he's wanted to make for months, and probably years. His twinkling eye meets yours as he says, "You like my hands? Well I like your lips."
Your breath catches and butterflies well up in your stomach as Oscar leans in closer. His hand gently cups your chin as he looks you straight in your eyes, his softening by the second.
In the exact moment that he should just lean in and kiss you, he hesitates and asks, "Is it okay if I-"
"Oscar! Yes!" you say without thinking.
Yeah, yeah. There you go again. Not thinking again, in the exact moments that you should think about it the most.
Oscar leans in, his head tilting to the side slightly as his soft lips meet yours. Your head spins as he strokes your cheek.
It's not too long and not too short. He pulls away, gazing warmly into your eyes.
There was something different about Oscar's kiss. Lando kissed you and kept kissing you, as if he couldn't get enough. Oscar stopped as soon as he knew it was the perfect time for both of you to pull away. Lando's kiss was hungry, Oscar's wasn't really. He enjoyed it, but...
You don't know.
Oscar's more romantic.
You feel simply by the way he looks at you...
You feel like a jewel. You feel beautiful.
Physically, Lando's kiss was probably better. But emotionally, Oscar's...?
You never knew Oscar could be this romantic. But, to be honest with yourself, Lando's kiss was hotter. Sexier.
God, you loved both.
You groan, falling into Oscar, throwing your arms around him.
Y/n! Y/n! You're comparing the kissing styles of the two guys you kissed without the other knowing!
They both think you're theirs!
"Are you okay?" Oscar immediately asks. "Listen, I'm sorry- Oh, God, listen-"
"No! Oscar, thank you..." you blurt shakily, leaning back to look at him.
"Uh... you're welcome..." He falters, before saying, "So... does this mean you want to be my girlfriend?"
Oh, God.
"Oh, uh, I don't think I'm ready for that- uh-" you begin nervously.
"Right," comes the brown eyed boy's curt response.
Oscar Piastri's vague clean scent fills your nostrils. Or perhaps it's the clean hotel sheets you lay in next to him. His soft touch massages your hand as you hum a song.
You know all the words, but you forgot the tune.
In another reality, he would kiss you and hold you and call you his. You would say without a fragment of a doubt that you are his girlfriend.
Like an arrow to your heart, his voice asks you once more: "Does this mean you want to be my girlfriend?"
You're leaning against his bare chest, listening to his heartbeat, British voice speaking but saying nothing, and you begin, "Oh, uh, I-"
You wake up with a start, gasping. The last thing you remember of your dream was laying with Lando, about to tell him you love him.
What the hell, Y/n?
“What’s up?” you ask as you answer your vibrating cellphone.
Lando Norris on the other end responds, “Nothing much. What’s up with you.”
“Dunno. Just packing up to get ready to be leaving Monaco. But why’d you call?”
“Hey, whoa, whoa,” Lando suddenly says. “Why’re you leaving Monaco so early? Come on, now!”
You sigh with a little smile, rolling your eyes as you throw another shirt in your suitcase. “Lando, this country is uber expensive. There’s no way I’m staying here any longer than I have to. The hotel price is ridiculous, and the rest of the team is leaving, anyway.”
Lando tsks before saying, “Come on, now. You won’t have to pay for a hotel room for extra days, you know. You can stay at my place, duh.”
Your eyebrows shoot up. “Oh, Lando. You really want me to stay in Monaco.”
“Of course I do. But you know I’d let you stay at my place anytime.”
“Mmmhm. I know…”
“So? What do you say?” Lando asks.
You hesitate, before saying, "Lan, I already told the team I'd be leaving on the plane with them..."
“For God’s sake, Y/n, then tell them you’re not, check out of that damn hotel room, and c’mere!”
“Come where?!” you ask in slight exasperation.
“Where do you think? My flat!”
“Alright, alright, I’ll do that, jeez. Text me your address. But God, why are you getting so worked up about this?”
There’s more silence before the Monaco resident says softer, “I just really want to see you, is all.”
You raise your eyebrows and say softer as you zip up your suitcase. “That’s it?”
“Yeah,” he snorts. “Not good enough for you, princess?” he teases.
“No,” you breathe, a slight smile forming on your face as warmth spreads across it. “No, that’s perfectly, one hundred percent, all the way, good enough for me.”
“Good.” You can hear the grin in Lando’s voice. “Then I’ll see you in a bit, you beauty.”
When you arrive at his flat and he opens the door, Lando wraps his arms around you, patting your back, before letting you go. “Hey, wanna come to the living room?”
“Sure,” you nod, taking in the rooms you go through as he leads you to the living space. You’ve never been in Lando’s flat before, but you have to say, it is thoroughly impressive. Soon, you’re in the living room, and the two of you plop down on the couch together. You sink into it and lean back, saying, “This is comfy.”
Lando just takes your hand and says, “Thanks.”
But you look up at him with a soft teasing smile. “So, are you going to tell me why on earth you suddenly got so clingy? You’re acting like we haven’t seen each other in three years! Just as a reminder, it was just two days ago.”
But Lando smirks, shrugging, and says teasingly, “Maybe I’m just a little obsessed…?”
“Obsessed?” you smile wider, leaning your head onto his shoulder. “Oh, don’t flatter me.”
“Aw, why not? You’re cute when you’re blushing…”
“Lando, stop,” you snort, then add, “We’re supposed to be friends. I don’t think friends say this kind of shit to each other.”
“I like the way you say, ‘we’re supposed to be,’” the race car driver begins.
“Lando! We are friends, and that’s all we’ll ever be!” you respond firmer, but deep down, you have your doubts. Your extreme doubts. Because being with Lando, it never feels like a friendship anymore, and you both know everyday you get closer and closer to finally just admitting you’re dating.
And the only reason why you haven’t yet is because of the certain someone in the way. Oscar Piastri, the sweet Australian boy from your childhood and teenage dreams.
Who kissed you like he meant it yesterday at around this time.
You feel your stomach lurch at the thought.
How can I so shamelessly act like this with Lando, when I know twenty-four hours ago I kissed Oscar back?
You jump when Lando says, almost as if he could hear your thoughts, “Is something wrong?"
You look up in slight surprise, eyes wide. “Uh- of course not. Why do you ask?"
But Lando's frown deepens. "Y/n, stop that. You know I know you're lying. I can see it on your face when something is bothering you."
You bite your lip. "Nothing is."
Lando heaves a big sigh before suddenly pulling you into his lap.
You flinch and lean away in extreme embarrassment, "Lando, what-"
"Just let me hug you, hm? You always say you're fine when you're not and I just want to help you. Let me at least hug you."
You sigh deeply and slowly let yourself lean into him. He strokes your hairline gently, and begins rambling. Lando Rambling, but in a gentle whisper.
You swallow back the huge lump in your throat, and despite your squeezed shut eyes and your raging mind, it's nice.
Until Lando is gently shaking you, and your eyes flutter open as you realize you had fallen into a calm, dreamless sleep against him. You feel his soft, nearly heavenly chuckle vibrating in your ear before you lean your head off his chest slowly. "Rise and shine, princess. You went right to sleep."
You yawn. "Shit, sorry about that..."
But Lando beams. "It's okay. It was cute. And do you feel a bit better now?"
You sigh and nod. "Yeah. I do, actually."
"Good," he grins, eyes twinkling, and leans in to give you a kiss on your cheek. "You probably just needed a nice big long nap."
You sigh.
If only it was as simple as that, Lando.
When I'm with Oscar, he seems like the obvious choice. But then I'm with Lando and he's so sweet and caring and loving and understanding and lighthearted and fun and handsome and perfect and-
And then he seems like the obvious choice.
Oh, Oscar. I couldn't stand to break your heart of gold, though.
And suddenly you freeze as Lando seems to read your mind for a second time, his voice saying softly near your ear, "Is it okay if I call Oscar?"
You snap your head back to meet Lando's eyes. "What reason have you got to call Oscar...?"
“So he can come over.”
You stare at him like he’s the craziest man alive. “Come again?”
“So he can come over and join us, Y/n. But you heard me the first time.”
“What’s your problem?” you asked quite bluntly.
“What’s yours?”
You stare at Lando, completely at a loss for words. Feeling slightly called out, to be honest. You breath deeply, before, with much effort, finally forming the sentence under Lando’s expectant gaze, “Lando, you know that Oscar thinks we’re dating. Even though we’re obviously not. If Oscar shows up… Lando, there’s too much drama you don’t know about. That wouldn’t-”
Lando raises his eyebrows, unimpressed, and says, “I know more than you think I do.”
You swallow, anxiously licking your lips. “Why do you want Osc over?”
“I’ve got some things to talk about with you. And him. With the two of you.”
Your face scrunches up as you ask hopefully, “About work?”
“Nope,” Lando says sternly as he opens his phone, scrolling his contacts, looking for Oscar’s.
You’re starting to get nervous. Real nervous. “Lando, please,” you begin, your voice laced with a certain amount of fear as you take the man’s hand. “Lando, what are you trying to do? Why? Lando, I… I’m not ready… Can you talk to me first?”
Lando looks up at you. “You clearly know what I’m doing, then, otherwise you wouldn’t be so panicked.”
“Of course I do…” you breathe. How the hell did it come to this?
Why did I think Lando was stupider than this? To not see the writing on the wall? To not see what’s clear as day?
Lando leans in closer, wrapping both his hands around yours. He stares you straight in your eyes. Everything about his actions is gentle, but his voice is painfully stern as he begins nearly whispering, “Y/n. I’m sick of this, and Oscar is, too. And you’ve had enough of this, too, whether you think you have or you haven't. I understand to a certain degree what’s been going on, but I don’t think Oscar has allowed himself to. We need to, the three of us, talk this over and figure this out. Pretending isn’t going to do you any good any longer, Y/n. And I think me and Oscar can both agree on the fact that we just want the best for you, yeah? So I know this is hard, but if you wait any longer, the situation will just get worse and worse. And now I’ve figured you out, so let’s just deal with this together, the three of us, and be honest. Okay?”
You hesitate as your eyes start to water.
You feel like you want to throw up.
I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted it to come to this. I just wanted it to work itself out on it’s own. I didn’t want Lando or Oscar to know. I wanted to figure it out alone.
“Lando,” you sniff, your voice cracking. Lando leans over to one of the end tables to grab a tissue, which he uses to wipe a tear rolling down your cheek. As you continue to cry, he hands the tissue to you and begins holding your hand as you use the other to rest your heavy head against it.
You sit there together for a while as you just cry, working through the emotions of the last months. Once you’re finally done, Lando says gently, “It might not get any easier, but please, Y/n. If you’re honest with me and Oscar, I hope you know that we’ll always be ready to help you and be there for you.”
“I know that…” you sniff. “It’s just… I don’t want to lose either of you, Lando. I can’t stand to imagine losing either of you.”
Lando nods slowly, and murmurs, “I can’t speak for Oscar, but just so you know, whatever happens, no matter what, you’ll always be my friend. And I’ll always be there for you. M’kay?”
You nod slowly, wiping your eyes one last time, those words providing just enough comfort for the time being.
“Alright,” Lando says, gently patting your hand. “Can I call Oscar? I’m sure I’ll be able to convince him to come over.”
“Yeah,” you smile weakly. “Unless he’s still sleeping.”
Lando nods and grins as he picks up his phone again to call Oscar Piastri.
When Lando goes to open the door, you follow close behind him, fiddling with your fingers anxiously. When he does open it, a surprised Oscar immediately sees you behind him and exclaims your name in shock. "Why are you here?"
"I invited her, too," Lando replies confidently, as if this is all completely normal, looking Oscar straight in his sweet brown eyes.
"Ah," Oscar nods slowly. "I can see that." He smiles awkwardly at you as Lando brings him in. He mostly just looks thoroughly confused, but doesn't take his eyes off you for a second.
Soon, you're all seated around Lando's dining room table, you and Oscar on one side, facing a lone Lando on the other side, feeling like you're about to be interrogated.
While Lando doesn't ask, 'Where were you at the time of the murder?' he does say, "I think we've all got some thing to be honest about. Oscar, I mentioned it on the phone to you, but I think all three of us have got some... stuff to discuss."
Neither you or Oscar say anything. You're too nervous to speak, and Oscar's too confused.
Lando sighs, seeing neither you or Oscar have nothing much to say, and says, "Alright, then." He slaps his palms down on the table. "Oscar, you and Y/n... You'd like to date her, yeah?"
Immediately Oscar's eyes widen, and his hand tightens around his cellphone in his hand as his pale cheeks redden. "I- What sort of-"
"Do you?"
"Yeah," Oscar admits carefully, but sort of bluntly.
"I'd like to date Y/n, too."
Oscar stares at Lando. His grip on his phone tightens slightly, but that's the only sign of a reaction his body shows as he says softer, "Well, of course."
Lando's gaze averts to you.
You sigh. The awkwardness in the air is making it stuffy and hard to breathe. The tension in the room is thick enough to cut.
"Y/n?" Lando prompts.
Your words get caught in your throat, and instead comes out a weak cough.
Apparently Oscar takes it as a sob, because immediately his hand is on your back, and he's leaning close, saying softly, "Y/n. Are you okay?"
As you bury your face in your hands and nod, you don't catch the dirty look Oscar throws Lando, and Lando's effort to ignore it. Once you've caught your breath, you barely get out, "I love you both."
Oscar's hand slips off your back as Lando reaches across the table to take your hand in his.
"I- you-" Oscar begins, before his eyes turn on Lando. "You knew about this, Lando? You knew?" You can feel the stress and, frankly, anger, radiating off of him as Oscar says, turning to you, "Y/n, I told you if you loved Lando, you could let me go. I would've taken it..." He runs a hand through his hair. "I would've. Y/n, I swear I would've. Why'd you have to play with my heartstrings? Why'd you do that, Y/n? Why'd you do that to m-"
"Oscar, stop!" Lando suddenly snaps, standing up. "Don't you see the state she's in? This is harder for her than it is for you!"
"Just stop fighting," you barely whisper.
Neither men hear you as Lando grabs Oscar's wrist and tells you sternly, "Y/n, you just stay here. I'm gonna go talk with Oscar alone, if that's fine."
But Lando doesn't wait for your input before he tugs Oscar out of the room and slams the door behind him. You suppose it wouldn't matter much anyway. It's not like you would have any idea what to say, anyway, if you'd have been given the chance.
You stare ahead in a strange mixture of regret and dread. Fear of past decisions and fear of future decisions, too.
After the door slams, unbeknownst to you, Lando immediately shoves Oscar against the wall and snaps, "What the hell, man?"
A long breath exits Oscar's lungs as he stares back into Lando's hazel eyes. "What?" he sighs.
"Don't you see she's in distress? Give the girl a break-"
"I need to give her a break? Lando, I kissed her. Do you think I would've fucking done that if I knew she was seeing you? We can both say it was all friendships all along, but we also both know this's bullshit." Oscar gulps before muttering, "She's a fucking cheater."
"No, she's not!" Lando suddenly defends. "You just don't understand."
"Yeah! Clearly I don't," Oscar says gruffly.
"So are you going to let me explain what I think went on?"
"Why don't we hear it straight from her? You could very well be biased."
"Do you think she wants to say it? Oscar," Lando sighs. "Won't you just listen to me?"
Lando watches as the Australian bites his lip, before saying, "Have you kissed?"
"Same..." Oscar hesitates once more before asking, "So it's just the 'friend' thing? She's in love with both of us so she's been convincing herself she can stay both our friends forever."
"Well... right. And neither of us knew that was going on, and... Yeah, you know."
"How'd you find out?"
"It became too obvious. But Oscar, you've had your suspicions before the beginning."
Oscar sighs, staring down. "Right. So. She denied it because she loved us both."
"That's what I'm reckoning."
"What did she think she'd accomplish? Why did she think letting that happen would do any good? We both thought she was single. And technically, she was, but not really, because, we- you- I- you- you know..." Oscar trails off before dragging his hand across his face and leaving it over his eyes. "Oh, God."
"It's complicated," Lando nearly whispers.
"You... You can say that again..." Oscar breathes, his voice cracking as his other hand goes to his face, his pointer and middle finger pressing hard into his temple.
"Oscar?" Lando suddenly asks, his hand resting on the younger man's shoulder. "Are you okay?"
"Shit... I don't know..."
"Oscar, are you-"
"No- I mean, I am, but-"
Oscar is interrupted by Lando's arms suddenly wrapping around him in a hug and Lando murmuring, "Now both of you are crying?"
Oscar, despite himself, finds his face falling into Lando's shoulder as he begins, his voice just slightly hoarse, "I'm not crying, by the way. It's just... Lando, I've been in love with her for years; I swear, probably a decade by now. And I've known her literally my whole life. A part of me just always expected she'd always be there and I'd always just... that I'd always have enough time to wake up one morning and ask her out. I should have done it quite literally years ago. But I didn't and that's why we're here now, me feeling as if I have more of a right to her love, though really, I'm not worthy of her at all." Oscar lets out a shakily breath before adding, "I regret it so, so much, Lando."
Lando's arms around him tighten. "I'm so sorry."
"You don't have anything to apologize for."
"Osc, I just want her to be happy. But I know her dating me isn't the solution. Because she'd be devastated to date me but not you, and vise versa. She's head over heels for us both."
Oscar gulps. "Well, then what the hell do you suggest?" He leans away from Lando, wiping at his eyes with his thumb.
"Oh, Oscar," Lando sighs deeply. "I don't fucking know."
After that, the two stand in silent contemplation, worrying, pondering. Feeling. Emotion. Passion. Pain.
Before Lando finally says carefully, as if walking on eggshells, "...What if we both dated her...? Just kept doing what we've been doing, but the other one knows about it, so she doesn't have to feel guilty about it, but we both still... you know, get to date her?"
Oscar bites his lip. "Couldn't that get complicated?"
"Of course it could..." Lando trails off, before picking up more positively, "But sometimes the easier way isn't the right way, Oscar. We both know it'd make her happier to date us both. And we both know we'd both be happier if we could date her, yeah?"
Oscar's silent, considering, his eyes slightly glazed over, despite the battle that's going on inside his mind.
"Osc...? Osc, please, mate. I think it's the best shot we've got. It'd mean the world to me-"
"Yeah," Oscar suddenly interrupts with a nod, leaning off the hallway's wall. "Yeah, I get what you're saying. We can try that Lando," he says curtly, almost hollowly as he suddenly reaches for the door handle back to the dining room where you sit.
But right before his hand meets the knob, Lando snatches it away in his own, pulling Oscar to face him again.
Oscar can't help but feel awkward at how close his face is to the other Formula 1 driver's, and averts his eyes to the floor because of this.
But Lando responds simply, "Oscar, look at me. In my eyes."
Oscar sighs and looks up, meeting the strong eyes of Lando Norris. "What?" he barely whispers.
"Thank you so much, okay?" Lando murmurs, squeezing Oscar's hand.
To Oscar, everything seems wrong. Why is he standing with his teammate, his rival, this close, holding hands, with such intense eye contact? This should be just him and you. Lando shouldn't be a part of this.
How was he so stupid to let Lando ruin it all?
Oscar, just try to trust Lando? Maybe he's right? You can conform for now, but don't conform with malice. Only allow yourself to feel anger towards Lando after it all falls apart because of him.
"'Kay," Oscar mutters back.
"And, listen, Oscar. I hope you know you can trust me. I care about you, too. So much. I like you so much. So, please. Just be real with me. M'kay?"
"Of course... Can we go back and see Y/n now?" Oscar mumbles, feeling slightly uncomfortable at Lando's extreme sincerity.
Alright, maybe more than just slightly uncomfortable.
"Sure," Lando nods, and the two men come walking back in.
They sit down, and once they've finished explaining to you their idea, you ask, "So, you're saying we all date? The three of us, together?"
"Yeah," Lando responds with a smile at the same time as Oscar responding, "Well, sort of-"
Both your pairs of eyes turn to Oscar. He swallows and adds, "I mean, yeah. Of course. Just sounds weird to me, for three people to be dating, but it's just because I'm not used to it, you know? It's good. It's fine."
"Oscar, are you sure you're okay with that idea?" you venture.
But there's no way Oscar's going to say anything but a convincing, "Of course!" after the way he saw your eyes immediately light up in hope when Lando explained his idea of the three of you dating.
So you nod, taking that answer, but just ask one more tentative question, "So, you two... you're okay with... you.. you know..."
Before Oscar's brain can even completely comprehend what you're asking, Lando throws his arm around Oscar's shoulders and exclaims, "Of course, Y/n! Me and Osc get on great! Plus, he's not so bad himself-"
And in that moment, you witness Lando lean into kiss Oscar's cheek just as Oscar turns to look at Lando to speak and-
Lando ends up pecking Oscar on his lips.
Oscar's eyes practically pop out of his head, and Lando, to be honest, looks somewhat surprised himself. But you're sure Oscar's brains are about to begin running out his bright red ears as his whole face goes fire hydrant red. "Oh..." he just manages, his hand dragging over his lip.
Lando laughs slightly awkwardly, deciding to pretend he meant to do that. He gives the other driver a pat on his shoulder before saying, "You know, Y/n, you know how flustered Oscar can get with you? Imagine how bad it could be with me. You know, me being so hot and sexy and-"
You giggle nervously and interrupt, "Yeah, yeah, Lando. I get what you're saying."
As the visit at Lando's flat goes on that day, you and Lando loosen up a fair amount at the whole prospect of the three of you dating, but Oscar doesn't seem to budge. Oscar ends up leaving early, so before you go to bed that night, you stop to bring up your nervous concern to Lando: "Lando, I just don't know if Oscar wants to do this... I mean, he doesn't seem comfortable... I just... I think he really doesn't like the idea of dating another guy... I mean, maybe he's- you know, he's not- He doesn't have those feelings for men-"
"Oh, gosh, Y/n, don't worry about that," Lando reassures you and himself, quite honestly. "He'll come around. Oscar just needs time." He adds with a tease, "I mean, who can resist me?"
"You're suggesting you're so hot you can turn straight men gay?" you ask, completely unimpressed, crossing your arms.
"No, no! Trust me, Y/n, Oscar Piastri is not a straight man to even begin with."
"Shh. You're probably just tired. Go on, you're eyes are shutting on themselves. Just lean on me."
"But Lando-"
He pecks your lips and murmurs close to your ear, "I've got you here, Y/n. Leave all your worries for tomorrow morning, and until then, I'll deal with the rest."
"Are you sure?"
"Never been more sure," Lando comments, yawning himself as you sigh, resigned, and snuggle into his chest.
You're practically out cold within minutes, which leaves Lando time to sit alone with his thoughts, stroking your hair, worrying and thinking.
What if she's right? What if this just isn't going to work with Oscar?
I thought maybe he'd be more open.
Oh, God. I don't want to hurt either of them, one bit. I love Y/n. I know I do, and I have for so long now.
And Oscar? I'm so fond of him.
Ah, here I go again. Fuck me and my distracted, wandering, boyish heart.
Just like with Carlos. Just like with Daniel.
I don't know I feel it until in one moment, one instance, they smile in a certain way or say a certain joke or do a certain thing in a certain way and-
And suddenly I'm mad in love with yet another person.
Oh, Lando Norris. If only you could date everyone in the world you ever loved.
Then I'd be dating a lot more than just two people. And on the first day of dating two people, it's already a mess.
And it's all my fault.
I guess I'll just have to be the one who fixes it all, then, too.
"Oh, uh, good morning!" you chuckle as you see both Lando's and Oscar's heads turn almost in unison when you enter the room in McLaren HQ. "When did you two arrive in the U.K.?"
"This morning!" Lando beams, throwing his arms around you.
"Oh, alright," you chuckle again. "It's so nice to see both of you..." You smile awkwardly as Lando pulls away and Oscar pats your shoulder when a sudden thought comes into your head.
Is this something the three of us should keep a secret?
Strangely (and stupidly) enough, you forgot to discuss that.
"Hey, uh, it's great you're both here right now. I've got to talk to you about, uhm- some of the media plans we have for you regarding Canada... Let's talk in the hall; don't want to disturb people working in here."
Lando raises his eyebrows as Oscar takes on a perplexed look. Once you're out in the hall together, you lean close and are about to speak when Lando interrupts with a smirk, "So, anyway. What about those... 'media plans' 'regarding Canada'...?"
"Oh, shut it, you!" you grin, realizing how much in just a little over a week away you missed Lando.
Oscar suddenly gently takes your hand by your side and says, "Oh, come on, Lando. Y/n, what did you want to say to us."
And you suddenly realized how much you missed Oscar, too, in only a little over a week.
"Well," you start, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "About this... relationship... Should we... you know, keep it a secret?"
"I... think so," Oscar says carefully, squeezing your hand. "Imagine the media's response. And the fans: the fans would be unbearable."
Lando crosses his arms and whines, "So you're saying I can't even show my affection for you two? Oscar, we're always on camera."
Did Lando just say you two? you can't help but suddenly wonder.
"Maybe you are, but there's ways of avoiding it," Oscar comments, not seeming to hear.
Hm. Maybe I heard wrong.
Because deep down inside, despite your secret desires, you know that Lando and Oscar just agreed to this for you, and have no specific liking for each other.
And that's the thing that's making you nervous that this whole thing has no chance of working out.
"Boys. I agree with Oscar," you sigh. "Lando, I work in marketing and public image type stuff. If anyone knows about this, it's me. And I agree with Osc. It'll do us no good to make this public. Let's just keep it on the down-low."
"Can we at least make a compromise?" Lando ventures.
"Go on," you sigh.
"We can at least still keep acting like we're mad in love with you," Lando laughs. "Because we've been doing that this whole time. Just no one has to know about the dating. I mean, it'll seem off if that suddenly stops."
You bite your lip but murmur, "Fair enough."
Lando grins and comments, "I gotta meeting now. See you two later," giving each your shoulders a pat.
Once Lando is gone, you turn to Oscar and murmur, letting go of his hand to touch his arm gently "Hey, Oscar. Are you alright?"
Your childhood best friend looks to you, a smile immediately forming on his face. But his eyes remain a bit hollow, a bit sad. "Of course I'm alright. Why do you ask?"
"I don't know... You haven't seemed yourself today, I guess is all."
Of course she says that, Oscar thinks. She's the one that knows me best, anyway.
"I don't? Well, I'm fine... I'm sorry if I don't seem it," Oscar responds, attempting to brighten his smile. "Anyways, I've got to be off, too, actually," he says, checking his expensive watch. He leans in to peck your lips as his hand brushes your waist, before waving and offering, "Catch you later, lovely!"
The combination of his affectionate gestures and him calling you 'lovely' kind of makes your head spin.
You lay next to Lando, absently stroking his cheek and chin, feeling his facial hair, as he holds you close, tracing sweet words with his gentle fingers into your back.
You sigh, completely contented in the practically perfect moment. You're in Spain, and it's Saturday night- the Spanish Grand Prix is tomorrow. You ended up taking the last Grand Prix weekend in Canada off, for your spa weekend. Either way, before the race tomorrow, Lando invited you for some snuggles in his hotel room, and there's no way you could say no to that.
So here you are.
But suddenly Lando whispers, "Do you think I should invite Oscar?"
Your heavy eyes seem to immediately open and sharpen at this suggestion. You take a moment to ponder his question, before asking one of your own instead of answering his: "Lando, do you like Oscar?"
"Y/n, of course I like Osc-"
"No, no, Lando. I mean... you know..." you begin carefully, "Do you like Oscar the way you like me?"
There's silence in the room as the air conditioner becomes deafeningly loud suddenly. You can hear a long, slow sigh escape from Lando's lips, into the air, before he slowly says, "Oh, Y/n. I've liked lots of people the way I've liked you in the past."
You smile a little. "I know. You're Lando Norris, for God's sake. Of course you have. But today, right now, in this moment, do you like Oscar the same way you like me?"
Lando presses his forehead into your shoulder before uttering quieter, "If I did, it wouldn't matter."
"Why not?" you prod.
"Because, Y/n, there's no way he likes me in the same way he likes you."
You sigh slowly, feeling a slight pang at hearing those words. You wrap your arms around Lando and pull him closer to you. "What do you like about Oscar...?" you whisper.
"Oh, fuck me, Y/n. Everything. His stupid sense of humour, the way he laughs at all my jokes, the way he looks at me with those brown eyes, the little birth marks all over him, how polite and calm and cool-headed and cooperative and agreeable and smart and sensible and friendly and genuinely good he is. His voice, too! His mentality. Don't fucking tell anyone this, or I will kill you, but I even like the way he's a little bit taller than me. I love his stupid hair and his big smile. His hands... I love them. I love everything about him. I love him, and it's like it all just hit me. I don't know, Y/n. I just don't know."
You lean in and peck his lips before whispering, "Oh, Lando Norris. I love him, too, for all the same reasons. And I love you, too."
"The thing is, Y/n," he barely whispers, "that he'll never, ever love me back."
That feels like a stab to your heart.
You can't imagine how it feels to Lando.
You cuddle him so close, and you hold each other so close, that you can feel his heart pounding in his chest. "Lando," you whisper. "I wish it could all just work out."
"Me, too, Y/n.
"Me too."
"Heyyy, Osc!" you grin, knocking on his open driver's room door. "You feeling good for the race?"
He smiles to see you in the door. "Yeah, I am. Come on in. Thanks for coming to see me, Y/n."
"Of course. It's a treat to see your handsome face."
He beams wider but rolls his eyes, "Oh, yeah?"
"Of course!" you giggle a bit.
"Well, do I get my pre-race hug, then?"
You grin and throw your arms around him, giving him a big kiss on his cheek, "You'll also be getting a post-race hug, too, when you win it!"
"Well, I guess that's always the goal, but we'll see about that." He leans back to look at you, gazing so warmly, so intensely for just a second, into your eyes, before looking away. He opens his mouth to say something, but then quickly closes it.
"What is it, Oscar?" you prod.
"I just wanted to say I love you."
You grin. "Don't ever hesitate to say that again. You don't need to, because I love you, too. And you and Lando better stay safe out there on the track today for me, okay?"
"Oh, alright, and the rest of the grid can all die; they don't matter," he teases.
"Oh, shut it, you!" you laugh, exiting his driver's room with a wave, "Go on and get ready for your race now!"
"Bye!" he laughs.
"Bye, bye, Osc!"
You lay on the bed in Lando's hotel room where you laid just last night, but this time, there's two people laying with you rather than just one.
Oscar is fast asleep on your right side, his right arm draped over your body and his head resting against your shoulder. Lando is on your left, still awake, gently rubbing your left hand absently as he runs his hand through his messy curls.
"Do you think Osc-"
"Ah-" Lando exclaims softly with a little flinch. "I thought you were sleeping already!" he laughs a bit.
You nod, waiting a few seconds before reasking your question, "Do you think Oscar is feeling better about the whole thing?"
"Oh, God, Y/n, I don't know. I think he's just kind of rolling with the punches," Lando sighs deeply. "He just wants you. He'll do anything to have you. Even sleep in the same bed as me."
"Oh... right..." you sigh, wrapping your arm around the sleeping Oscar, pulling him closer to you as you rest your head in the little nook between Lando's cheek and shoulder.
You shut your eyes, trying to force yourself to sleep, but your thoughts are raging, just like Lando's.
Why can't it all just be right? Why does it have to be so difficult? Is this the right thing? Should we give up on it?
Why can't the three of us just be right for each other?
This whole mess is all your fault, Y/n.
Your uncertain heart pounds in your ears, faster and faster, making you nearly go insane.
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☀️Yandere!Apollo with a Female!Gojo!Reader☀️
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This is from a poll I made. This was the most voted on that poll (God's School Aphrodite!Reader and Mitsuri!Reader both tied for second, but I'll do those as well.)
The first part is told in the narrator's pov, then it's in your pov.
This won't follow the original plot, so in this, Geto is on Gojo!reader's side!
Reader is 28, which is Gojo's canon age in the series (This won't contain spoilers from the manga, so don't worry!)
Also, thank you @forbidden-sunlight for helping me think of a plot for this!! Appreciate it! 👍
Hades hasn't felt this stressed out over anything in his life.
Multiple reports stated that these creatures called Curses have been the source of his stress. Not only were they killing thousands of humans, but they were also destroying the bifrost, the gate that only the chief gods can access, himself included.
He's tried to take care of them himself, but he couldn't exactly get rid of them. So he resorted to letting sorcerers kill them since they were one of the only ones who can effectively take them on.
(Y/n) Gojo is one of the strongest sorcerers he has, so she was the one who was constantly working. She's one of the only sorcerers who can take down even the strongest curses with ease.
She refused to do so, unless he lets her three students go with her so they can grow. He was against it at first, seeing how they were teenagers, practically kids! But (Y/n) wouldn't have it any other way. Hades reluctantly let her three students go with her.
Yuuji Itadori, a 15 year old boy who was the host of the king of curses, Ryomen Sukuna, Megumi Fushiguro, another 15 year old boy who seemed to be Sukuna's interest and Nobara Kugisaki, a teenage girl.
During the three months of eliminating curses, her students have continued to grow stronger.
They were her precious students, and she won't allow anyone to separate them from her....
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"How long until we find this curse?" Nobara complained, already feeling bored from the long walking. Megumi rolled his eyes and continued looking around. Yuuji didn't complain at all and was helping Megumi.
"Relax, we'll find that curse!" Yuuji said, smiling at Nobara.
"He's so handsome." A female said to herself, catching the three teenager's attention, as well as yours. The female revealed herself to be a nymph, but as soon as she was visible, the curse had appeared and brutally murdered the nymph. Megumi immediately summoned his wolves, the black and white ones ready to fight the curse.
A certain god with long, pink hair was nearby, wanting to take a break from the nymphs. Apollo had heard the commotion and went over to see what was going on. The god saw three teenage kids fighting a curse along with a grown woman with a blindfold over her eyes.
But this curse proved to be too much for the three teenagers and you had to finish it off, which you did with ease using black flash.
"I've never seen a human perform such a technique. It's.... Amazing."
Unbeknownst to the four of them, the same god had watched the whole fight, more focused on you. You're very beautiful, and he knew it.
A man your age with long black hair with parts of it tied up came over, asking you to go relax, even for just a bit. At first, you refused because you didn't want to be separated from your students, but they managed to convince you.
You lifted your blindfold up, revealing one of the most beautiful eyes Apollo has ever seen in his immortal life. Multiple sparkles of lights reflected brightly in your sky blue eyes, layered by white eyelashes.
"Her eyes.... They're like the blue skies themselves...." Apollo thought.
"Sure. I can also take a load off for a bit." You replied, putting the blindfold over your eyes. You urged them to go ahead, while you follow behind. When they were far enough, Apollo decided now was the time to get the woman's attention.
You turned your head, seeing the pink haired God approach you with a smirk on his face. You now looked slightly disinterested, though it was hard to tell.
"I assume you're Apollo?~" You asked, folding your arms. Apollo felt his confidence grow from your acknowledgement of him.
"I am. But that's not why I'm here." Apollo replied, flipping some of his hair back.
"Make it quick then." You said.
"I've seen your beautiful techniques and-"
"Not interested. I've already did what I needed to do for now, and I'd like to relax." (Y/n) replied, turning back around and started walking away. Apollo was surprised at her answer, just watching her leave.
"What?- You-"
"Besides... You're too weak~" You finally spoke, looking back with a grin and looking forward. Apollo knows he should be angry at the audacity of this woman. But he couldn't. Instead...
He was more attracted to her.
And so began his little quest to win your heart. Ever since then, he's been watching your every step, figuring out your likes and dislikes and more effective ways to get closer to you.
Whenever he meets you in person, he later found out that you were oddly playful and nonchalant, despite your cruelty towards curses. Your interactions slowly grew, even if Apollo had to do it first. At first, you didn't want anything to do with Apollo, but he keeps coming to you, so you just let him do whatever.
But doing that only increased his love for you.
Apollo has always seen you with the man with long black hair, whose name is Geto Suguru. From your interactions with him, he has a strong connection with you, and it enrages him. He hates the way Suguru gets close to you. He didn't like the attention you give Geto. You always greeted with a playful smile, and he wishes he was the one you smile at.
He has to get rid of him, so you can only give him the attention you give Geto. Geto Suguru.... Has to go.
So that you'll have no choice but to love him and him only~
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skz317cb97 · 1 year
The Enemy of my Enemy
Seungmin x Female reader
Word count: 5.1k
Synopsis: Your soulmate's name on one wrist, your enemies on the other, and no way of knowing which is which. Having Kim Seungmin’s name on your wrist could only mean one thing after years of torture he was, no doubt, your enemy.
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A/N: 18+ ONLY! The poll was overwhelmingly for this soul link to be next. A lot of people were saying it was a take they hadn't seen before or often. I thought it was unique too and it screamed Seungmin to me. I didn't go too crazy with smut in this, others will have more. As always warnings and smut below the cut!
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MDNI! Cursing/ strong language, mentions of bullying, excessive drinking, vomiting, unprotected piv sex (please use condoms), cream pie. That's it yall. If I happened to have missed something let me know and I'll add it!
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If you would have known when you turned twenty-one that Kim Seungmin’s name would appear on your wrist you would have cut off your arm. Okay maybe that was a bit drastic but the last thing you wanted to see every time you looked down was his name. He’d tortured you through most of middle school and high school. The other name on your other wrist, Andy Cope, he sounded nice. You tried to imagine what he looked like, what kind of person he was. How this worked was one of the names that appeared on your wrist was the name of your soulmate, the other, your enemy and if Kim Seungmin’s name was on one of your wrists it was for one reason and one reason only. He was your enemy. 
What was crazy was in primary school, you and Seungmin had been inseparable, best friends. You weren’t sure what happened. You left for a summer between primary and middle school and when you came back he was... different. Mean. It started with ignoring you, even if you walked straight up to him he just turned and acted like he didn’t see you. It was embarrassing the couple of times it happened and then you just stopped trying. You didn’t even know why he was being the way he was but you were just a kid and it hurt you so if he wouldn’t talk to you about it then you wouldn’t talk to him either. As time went on just ignoring you wasn’t fun enough and he started to torment you. Every day it was something any little thing he could do to upset you, like sliding a broken ink pen in the back pocket of your new jeans, he would tell new kids that although you looked normal you had brain damage from falling off a toilet, on three separate occasions he’d changed your name in the yearbook to Chu Bocca. They eventually stopped allowing him to work for the yearbook so he had to find other ways to pick at you and he did, every... single... day. 
When you finally graduated high school you were so relieved to be going to a college far far away from Kim Seungmin. Or so you thought. To say you were a little upset to see Seungmin at your freshman orientation would be an understatement. Truthfully as soon as you saw him you ran back to your dorm, fell onto your bed and cried. It had been seven years, did you really have to go through another four? When you were done with college would he move next door to you? Would he always be right there to pick at you? Tear you down for reasons you didn’t even know? It’s not fair you thought to yourself. In all actuality Seungmin had no idea you had even applied to that college, it was your second choice and his first. It wasn’t like he was going out of his way to follow you. He’d looked forward to not living in the shadow of his pain anymore but he saw you as you dashed away from the freshman orientation and his heart sank. 
The summer in between primary and middle school had been really hard for Seungmin. He missed you terribly. Fourth grade he’d developed a bit of a crush on you. By the summer before middle school, it was full on puppy love. Then one of the boys from your class showed Seungmin a note that looked like your handwriting. It said that he was annoying and that you were glad to be gone for the summer so you didn’t have to pretend to be his friend the whole time. The boy who showed Seungmin the note said that you had given it to him because he was your boyfriend now and you didn’t want him to think you had any feelings for Seungmin. The boy said to stay away and to not bother you anymore. Poor Seungmin’s heart was broken, he was hurt and angry. If you didn’t want to be his friend anymore fine! The first day back at school you walked right up to Seungmin and acted like everything was perfectly normal. He was gob smacked and when his brain finally caught up he just turned and walked away. He did the same thing the next time you tried to talk to him.  
Then you started to ignore him and that made him even more angry. Who were you to be mad that he wouldn’t talk to you when you had said what you said? That’s when the little petty picking started. Seungmin would never do anything that would get you into big trouble or anything that would hurt you. He was mad at you but he would never want to hurt you like that, no matter what you did to him. Seven years. No matter how much he said he hated you to anyone that would listen, deep down every year Seungmin loved you more and more which only made his pain grow more. He had been looking forward to his own fresh start at college and then he saw you running away and it seemed like any chance of that happening ran out the door with you. 
Whether you were there or not Seungmin decided to stick with his plan. This was a new place with new people, a fresh start, and that’s exactly what he did. He made new friends and avoided you if he could but didn’t make a thing of it. Once classes started it wasn’t hard since you were both so busy with your workload. You actively avoided Seungmin which made his job of staying away from you easy. That was until Seungmin’s twenty-first birthday when he looked down and saw your name on one of his wrists, he quickly looked at the other and knew instantly what it meant. You were Seungmin’s soulmate. You of course wouldn’t know this until your own twenty-first birthday unless he told you and there was no way you would believe him even if he showed you. A couple weeks after your birthday you got a text from an unknown number. 
Unknown: Uh... hey. 
You: Uh... who’s this? 
Unknown: We’ll get to that, for now just know I’m someone you know and probably don’t like very much. 
You: Seungmin? 
Unknown: Dammit! 
You: 🙄 What do you want Seungmin? Why are you cryptically texting me? 
Seungmin: Well it was your birthday a couple of weeks ago... 
You: Yes it was, I’m surprised you still remember when it is. 
Seungmin: Well don’t you think we should talk about it? 
You: What is there to talk about Seungmin? It’s not surprising, is it? 
Seungmin: You weren’t surprised?! I have to say I definitely was. 
You: I don’t know why, you’ve hated me for years, of course you’d be my enemy. 
Enemy? You thought he was your enemy?! Did you hate him that much? He never hated you; he was hurt and immature. He’d learned since then and the last couple years away at college had made him grow up a bit. If you thought he was your enemy you must be pretty certain that the other name was your soulmate. He wanted to know. 
Seungmin: What’s the name on your other wrist? 
You: Not that it’s any of your business but Andy Cope is the other name. 
Seungmin was so confused. 
Seungmin: How do you know him? 
You: I don’t 
Seungmin: Then how do you know he’s your soulmate and not me? 
You: Are you actually being serious right now? 
Seungmin: YES! 
You: I’m not doing this Seungmin, you know you’re not my soulmate you just want to fuck with me. We’ve been civil and leaving each other alone here. Let’s just keep doing that. 
Seungmin: Wait... I’m not fucking with you listen! 
You: No. Seungmin drop the soulmate thing. 
Seungmin: Just let me tell you something! 
You: Whatever you want to tell me Seungmin I don’t want to hear now leave me alone! 
Seungmin: This user has blocked this number 
Seungmin was so frustrated. He only wanted to explain that he knew he was your soulmate, he knew because the name that appeared on his other wrist on his twenty-first birthday was also Andy Cope. Obviously you both didn’t have the same soulmate, and to have the same enemy was extremely rare but it did happen. Seungmin went to pull you up on social media but you blocked him there too. After that he never saw you around campus. Before he’d see you here and there but now he never did. He was hurt all over again, just like that summer. He just couldn’t believe you hated him so much that you believed he was your enemy. He was a pest yes, and did things to bother you constantly, mostly for attention because he was a dumb teenager but he never did anything to actually hurt you. He would never because underneath all that anger was a broken heart. He was certain when you said the same name that you would know who this Andy Cope was. The name sounded so familiar to Seungmin he just couldn’t place it. 
A few months after blocking Seungmin it was time to head home for break. Seungmin was home too but still hadn’t seen you. He was still stuck on that name Andy Cope, Andy Cope... He pulled out one of his old yearbooks and started thumbing through it. It was seventh grade. He got to the page with your picture the name under read Chu Bocca, it was the first year he’d done that. He’d honestly hoped you would think it was funny, you both watched Star Wars a lot but apparently pubescent girls don’t like to be called a big hairy ape man. Then Seungmin saw a face he hadn’t thought of in years. Robby Hobbs. Robby left in the eighth grade when his family moved. Robby was the boy that had shown him your note, or the note he had believed to be yours, and threatened Seungmin to stay away. Then Seungmin remembered something he’d learned from one of Robby’s old friends after he’d left. It didn’t seem like an important piece of information at the time, so he’d forgotten until now. Robby was adopted and his birth name was Andy Cope. 
You were bored, it was Friday, your parents were away for the weekend. You decided to go out to the bar and have a drink or two, try to actually relax and loosen up a bit, enjoy your break. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t think about Seungmin every time you looked down at his name. You’d also be lying if you said you didn’t ever wonder if maybe he was right. Maybe he was your soulmate. The way you were as children, so close you knew even then, you had big feelings in your tiny body. The older you got the more you realized those feelings had been the budding of young love. Young love that was squashed. You were your fourth drink in, you hadn’t planned on drinking so much but your mind got the best of you and the more you thought the more you drank. Suddenly a large man who smelled of alcohol and sweat sat next to you at the bar. You glanced over and realized you actually knew who this gross man was. 
“Robby?” He looked over at you. 
“Well if it isn’t y/n, Jesus Christ are you as miserable as you look?” His words dripped with venom. Your face contorted. 
“Excuse me?” That was a lot coming from a guy that looked like he’d just rolled out of a gutter.  
“You and Seungmin still at each other’s throats still after all these years?” What did he know about that? He moved away not too long after that happened. 
“Best thing I ever did was give Seungmin that note. He tried to hide it but his poor little heart was broken.” Note? What note? What was he talking about? 
“Robby what the hell are you talking about?” He laughed. 
“Didn’t he ever tell you why he was so mad when you came back? Why he stayed away?” You shook your head and Robby started laughing his ass off. 
“Oh that’s fantastic! I expected the silent treatment to last a few days, maybe a few weeks and then you’d figure it out but holy shit! It’s been like what ten, eleven years?!”  
“What did you do?” He wiped his tears away and looked down at you. 
“I scribbled a shitty note and told Seungmin you wrote it to me. Then I told him to stay away from you because you were my new girlfriend.” You were disgusted at the thought and how could Seungmin believe you’d do something like that? 
“Why the fuck would you do something like that Robby? What the hell did we do to you?” He laughed bitterly this time. 
“Because you both were so fucking annoying. Always giggling and whispering, talking shit about me behind my back so I put an end to it.” Your jaw dropped. 
“Robby we never talked about you! What the hell is wrong with you!?” He motioned for another drink, when the bartender sat it down Robby grabbed it and got up grumbling. 
“Gotta live with both your stupid names on my wrists for the rest of my life.” You stood up a little wobbly. 
“Wait what did you just say?” He showed you his wrists and your’s and Seungmin’s names were there plain as day.  
“How is that possible the names on my wrist are Seungmin’s and someone named Andy Cope.” Robby rolled his eyes. 
“And I was born Andy Cope. When my parents adopted me they changed my name to Robby, guess fate didn’t get the memo.” He snatched his arm from your grip and walked away . You realized that if Seungmin’s name was also on Robby... Andy... whoever, if Seungmin’s name was on his wrist then his name was on Seungmin’s too. That was how Seungmin knew you were soulmates, that was what he had been trying to text you but you were too stubborn and proud to listen. Robby had caused so much pain with just a little piece of paper. You feared the damage was done. Seungmin had pushed you away for so long and now you’ve pushed him away. What if you couldn’t fix things, what if it was too late? You drank and worried, doing far too much of both. Once you were good and drunk you grabbed your phone and unblocked Seungmin’s number. 
You: I dkdnt wsrite that noteee I justs thow=ght you shsould know. 
Seungmin: y/n? Are you drunk? 
You: a lilbit 
Seungmin: I think its definitely more than a little, where are you? 
You: I met Andyd coppe tongihst 
Seungmin: You saw Robby? Where are you? 
You: Howd youy knsow he wassss Adny? 
Seungmin: y/n just tell me where you are so I can get you home safe and we’ll talk tomorrow when you’re sober. 
You: You sate me I know syous do You ahte me I dinsdt’ wrire it Min 
Seungmin: I DON’T hate you y/n please tell me where you are 
You: the bar... 
You: Lousie’ 
Seungmin: Louie’s bar? Stay there I’m coming to get you. 
You: mkayy 
Seungmin jumped in his car and sped all the way to Louie’s bar. When he got there, he started looking for you everywhere. You weren’t by the bar or the shitty makeshift dance floor, not by the pool tables. Then he saw you slumped over passed out in a booth. He hurried over and started trying to wake you up. 
“y/n come on wake up, can you hear me?” You hummed and attempted to open your eyes. 
“I hear you Minnie...” He helped you up and by helped it was more like heaved you upright in the booth. All your body weight went against Seungmin’s and he struggled a bit. 
“You’re gonna have to help way more y/n I can’t drag you all the way to the car.” You nodded and leaned into whisper into his ear, your breath smelled like whatever sweet concoction you’d been drinking to get this hammered. 
“I’ve got a secret Min cm’here.” He leaned in close so that you could tell him and he could get you out of there. 
“The first time you changed my name to Chu Bokka in the yearbook was kinda funny...” He smiled a little and shook his head. 
“It was never funny, it was mean and I shouldn’t have done it. Now come on help me out here a bit.” Even drunk, you were surprised to hear him say that. When he put your arm around his shoulder you managed to plant your feet and help him stand and steady you. 
“Think you could walk?” You nodded and the room started getting spiny. You stumbled quite a bit but Seungmin got you to his car and inside. When he got in he looked over at you and you were already slumped over again asleep. He reached over to buckle your seat belt and you hugged him out of no where. 
“Please don’t hate me an’more... I don’t hate you...” He shooshed you. 
“I already told you y/n, I don’t hate you. Get some rest, I'll get you home.” You laid back in the seat again and took a deep breath relaxing and dozing off again. Seungmin sighed and shook his head before heading towards your parent’s house. When he pulled up it was dark and your folk’s car wasn’t there. He gently shook you to wake you up. 
“Hey y/n... is someone home?” You shook your head. 
“Nnnoo, itsss why I went out, momndad are gone for the week’nd” He started grabbing at your pockets looking for your keys and you tried to pull him closer and kiss him. He stopped you. 
“y/n no stop, you’re wasted.” You pouted and he finally found your keys. He helped you out of the car, once he got you to your front door, he made you lean against the door frame while he unlocked it. When he grabbed you to steady you again and get you inside, you tried to kiss him again. He pulled away. 
“I told you to stop that, now come on y/n” He was a little exasperated with you but drunk you thought he didn’t love you. Your eyes got big and teary and you sniffled. 
“It’s ruined, Robby, Andy whoever the fuck he is ruined us.” Seungmin shook his head. 
“No he didn’t you’re just drunk, we’ll talk about everything when you’re sober, I promise.” You allowed him to lead you to your room.  
“Will you stay?” You were still crying, sniffling. He didn’t want to leave you alone with your parents gone.  
“If you behave, I will stay.” You nodded and half heartedly wiped at your tears. Seungmin sat you on the edge of your bed. 
“Where’s your pajamas?” You started unbuttoning your pants and Seungmin quickly turned away. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” You kicked your pants off and pulled your shirt up over your head tossing it too. 
“I sleep naked.” Seungmin pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. 
“Not tonight you don’t, not if I’m sleeping in the bed. Now what drawer are your pajamas in?” He walked over to your dresser refusing to look in your direction. 
“Top.” He opened the top drawer and fished out some shorts and a tank top. He held them back for you to grab. You pulled the pajamas on and laid back in your bed exhausted. Seungmin climbed in and pulled the covers over the both of you. As soon as he was laid back your arms found his and hugged it close while you buried your face in his shoulder. He looked down at you and pushed a little hair away from your face. He shook his head and laid back closing his eyes. 
When the sun came through your bedroom window you cursed yourself for not closing your curtain. How could you have pulled such a rookie mistake and forget that when you drank last night. You knew damn well the sun came in that window early. Then you started to think a bit more clearly. The last thing you remembered was being at the bar. How the hell did you even get home, nevermind the curtain. When you turned someone else in the bed turned to and you sat up quickly screaming. Seungmin woke up immediately thinking something was wrong and quickly realized why you were screaming. When you realized it was Seungmin in your bed you stopped screaming but you weren’t any less upset or confused. Then all excitement and screaming caught up with you. 
“Oh fuck move I’m gonna get sick!” You ran him over and to the bathroom, managing to make it to the toilet before puking. He sleepily walked in behind you rubbing his eyes. After you were done evacuating anything that was left in your stomach you sat back catching your breath. You looked up at Seungmin who was standing there waiting for you to be okay. You could at least somewhat process that you just woke up with Kim Seungmin in your bed now. You asked the first question that entered your mind. 
“Did... uh... did we...” Seungmin shook his head no immediately 
“Oh hell no!” You gave him a shitty look. 
“Not like that! I mean you were drunk as fuck, I’d never, we’d never... you know, if you were that drunk.” You nodded softly, understanding what he meant. 
“Well... I uh... I don’t really remember much of last night.” He nodded. 
“I’m sure you don’t. I’ve never seen you like that before.” You were a little embarrassed. 
“Seungmin... why are you here? Why are you being so nice to me?” He sighed heavily. 
“Why don’t you wash up and I’ll explain everything over some toast and coffee.” You nodded agreeing. 
“Okay, I’ll be quick.” He bowed and backed out, closing the door. After you showered and brushed your teeth thoroughly, you snuck off to your room and got dressed quickly. When you walked out you found Seungmin starting a pot of coffee. He stopped when he saw you. 
“Sorry, I wasn’t sure where everything was.” You shook your head. 
“No it’s fine I’ll make the toast. Do you still like honey on it?” Seungmin’s heart fluttered. 
“You remember that? I haven’t had honey on my toast in I don’t know how long...”  
“Oh okay I won-” He stopped you. 
“No no! Please put some on.” You smiled a little and made the toast, drizzling a little honey on Seungmin’s and yours. You both sat at the kitchen table across from each other sipping coffee and eating your toast in silence. After a minute you couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Seungmin...” He nodded; he knew. 
“Okay yea so last night you text messaged me after you ran into Robby Hobbs.” That part started coming back to you. 
“Oh my god yea! He’s Andy Cope!” Seungmin nodded.  
“Yea I know, one of my baseball buddies had told me when we were kids but Robby had moved away already and I just forgot.” Then you remembered what Robby said he told Seungmin. 
“Min... I... I didn’t write that note. Why on earth would you believe such a thing? You were my best friend. Why didn’t you just tell me?” Seungmin looked down at his cup of coffee. “ He shrugged 
“It looked like your handwriting and it was easier for me to believe that at the time than it was to believe you cared about me. Robby threatened me also but after he left, I was just a hurt kid that took it out on the one person that meant the most to me. I’m sorry for everything I ever did to you y/n. I am.” You reached across the table and squeezed his hand. 
“I’m sorry too. For not listening, for not giving you a chance to explain things. If I hadn’t been so pig headed...” Seungmin shook his head. 
“I’d done a lot to make you say no, I understand.” His other hand came to rest on top of yours. 
“Maybe we can start over?” Seungmin suggested and you smiled brightly. 
“I would love that.” After coffee and toast Seungmin decided it was probably time for him to leave. You walked him to the door and just before he went to leave you kissed his cheek. 
“Thank you for getting me home safely.” He nodded. 
“Any time.” You spent the rest of the break from school getting to know each other again. You picked up where you’d left off like it had just been the day before. When break was over you traveled back to college together. School kept you both busy but you always made time for each other, whether that was a lunch, a dinner, coffee before class, you found time. 
Tonight you had a k drama night. The plan was to binge as many episodes as possible of your favorite show. You were well into the fourth or fifth episode that night. You were tucked up under Seungmin’s arm your legs stretched out on the couch. You started looking up at him out of the corner of your eye, when he noticed he smiled and then looked down at you. You didn’t even care that you were caught staring, he was so beautiful and you loved him so much. He leaned down kissing you and you crawled up onto his lap, straddling him as you opened your mouth and deepened the kiss. Seungmin’s hands rested on your hips and yours were threaded through his hair as you made out, grinding against each other. You broke away panting, needing to take a breath. Seungmin pressed his forehead against yours as he caught his breath as well. 
“Will you stay tonight?” He looked at you, his thumb tracing the apple of your cheek. 
“You’re sure?” You nodded biting at your lips. 
“I am. I want you to stay, please?” You pecked his lips once, twice, three times and he shook his head. 
“Let’s go to bed baby.” You crawled off Seungmin’s lap and he clicked the tv off as you both walked towards your bedroom. You shut and locked your door and suddenly Seungmin was right behind you, arms wrapped around you, his face buried in your hair. 
“Afraid your parents might catch us?” You giggled and shook your head as you spun around in his arms. He kissed you and you started to back him towards your bed. He pulled his shirt off and then yours and you both took in the other’s bare skin. 
“Fuck you’re beautiful.” He managed to finally get out before crashing his lips into yours again. Seungmin crawled back on your bed and you climbed on top of him straddling his lap. You sat up and unhooked your bra tossing it aside. When Seungmin saw your bare breasts, his hands slid up your body to cup them and pinch your nipples. You let out a breathy little moan. You couldn’t take it anymore, you needed him. You got off him long enough to get your pants and panties off. You unbuttoned and pulled at his pants, he lifted his hips helping you get them and his underwear off. You climbed on top of him again and lined his tip up with your aching sex. The moan that came out of Seungmin as you slid down his cock was sinful. When he was fully inside you, you leaned over and kissed him then rolled your hips. 
“You feel so good Minnie.” You whispered against his lips and he nodded taking a couple deep breaths. 
“God so do you baby, you feel fucking amazing!” You sat up and braced yourself on Seungmin's chest. He gripped your hips again and you started riding him slowly. 
“Yes just like that baby, so good.” You rolled your hips against his. Seungmin started rocking your hips back and fourth faster, your clit pressing and rubbing against his pubic muscle. Your legs started shaking, you could feel your orgasm building.  
“S-Seungmin! I’m... I’m so c-close.” He moaned and kept you moving against him. 
“Cum for me y/n! Let me see that pretty face you make when you lose yourself.” The combination of his cock being buried deep inside you and the stimulation to your clit sent you on a round trip to an oasis of pleasure. Your whole body felt like it was vibrating. When you came back down, you leaned down and kissed Seungmin, soft lips slotted against the others. Seungmin sat up with you still in his lap holding your face and devouring your lips. 
“Bend over for me baby.” You crawled off of his lap, grabbed the headboard and bent over. Seungmin knelt behind you, gripped your ass and pushed his cock deep inside you again. He started a steady pace snapping his hips against your ass. 
“Deeper Min deeper!” He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you up, your back flush with his chest. One hand gripping a breast and the other teasing your clit as he grinded into you deep and hard. Your arms reaching back and wrapping around his head, your hands tugging at his hair. You could feel the mercury rising again. Your sweaty bodies pressed together, gripping each other as you teetered towards mind shattering bliss. 
“God you feel perfect, made for me beautiful, cum with me baby.” He thrusted deep inside you again and you went ridged, your back arching as you came again, hard. 
“Yesyesyes oh god...” A soft moan left Seungmin as he wrapped his arms around you tightly and came deep inside you, you were still braced against the headboard, Seungmin resting against your body as his cock softened inside you. After a minute of catching your breath both of you laid down. You laid there with your head on Seungmin’s chest quietly basking in the body buzz after that amazing orgasm. 
“Do you want to have kids?” Seungmin’s question came out of nowhere. 
“I’m on the pill Minnie.” He realized how out of left field that must have seemed. 
“No I mean like one day, do you want to have kids one day?” You thought about a little piece of you and Seungmin running around wreaking havoc. 
“Yea I think I do.” He smiled and squeezed you tighter. 
“Me too... but... well... how will we explain our story?” You smiled up at him and pushed his hair away from his face. 
“Easy, we’ll tell them the truth...” Seungmin’s face scrunched up confused by what you meant. 
“The truth?” You nodded, kissed his lips and hummed. 
“MMhmm...that it turned out, the enemy of my enemy was my friend.” 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
@acciocriativity @caroline-ds-world @chansynie @ughbehavior @jquellen27 @jisuperboard @fixation-dump @lachinitaaaaa @rinrinndou @bangchans-angel @laylasbunbunny @owo-manii-uwu @armystay89 @b00dyguts @purplenimsicle @caticorn61 @lauraneuuh @channieandhisgoonsquad @minnysproutgriffinteddy @svintsandghosts @the-sweetest-rose @alice630 @3rachasninja @m0ri-apeuda @eastleighsblog @linoification @mlink64 @smally97 @fun-fanfics @chansducky10 @starfire21 @cessixja @siewoon @berryberrytan @binnies-minsung-fanclub
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testedcatdraws · 20 days
Which ever FNAF character wins I'll draw part 6
(Update to Michael Afton, I actually clarified the type of Michael Afton we're talking about. It's the pre-scooped one, Post-Scooped will be added in the Sister Location batch. Considering Michael Afton has won every poll so fare, unless I'm miss remembering events, maybe this'll give him competition even if it is with himself.)
Characters who will continue onward: Pre-Scooped Michael Afton, William Afton / Purple Guy, Withered Bonnie, Foxy The Pirate Fox
Top 5 characters who win will go onward (less they have 0 votes), the rest don't.
(I'll do FNAF world last, this is up to FNAF VR 2, anything after isn't going on. For characters left to add I'll only show the ones from the next game, FNAF 1, Afton Family and FNAF 2 will be fused. Afton Family will only include them before they die. FNAF World will be added last, I don't know how I'll do it due to the amount of characters but ya know. I'll do Michael, Mike Smith, and Foxy Bro as separate characters since other characters who are the same character but different forms, like Baby and Scrap Baby, are being counted as separate characters too for the pole.)
If I forgot any characters feel free to remind me, it might be hard to remember due to the amount of characters in this series.
Next characters to add (from FNAF 3):
Phantom Chica, Phantom Foxy, Phantom Mangle, Phantom Balloon Boy, Phantom Puppet, Phone Dude
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Beware of possible spoilers in the polls!! Some canon stuff isn't revealed until later!
Implied canon*, ex-polycules (for example caleb/astrid/eadwulf from critical role campaign 2) and queer platonic polycules are all welcome! If that's the case for your nomination, please make sure to specify in the form!
One nomination per ship, do not spam
You may submit different polyships, but please do so as separate submissions
Word of god canon counts!! (stuff confirmed by authors but not made canon in the media itself)
Include the characters' names in your submission, polyship name is not required but appreciated
Please don't submit Leverage OT3. I'm sorry, but they just won the original Power Polycule Showdown!! It would be kinda unfair. They might come back for a champions battle, though! We'll see.
If anyone starts being an asshole to me, any of the voters, or even the contestants, they will be blocked.
No jokes about death ("ill kms if they lose", "if you vote for so and so kys", "if you dont vote so and so die") in my notes. I made this very clear multiple times during the previous showdown, but those make me uncomfortable, and i will block people over this. I don't care if it's only a joke. I'm a human being with boundaries, please be respectful.
Goes without saying, but no real people. There's also a few fandoms i'll probably disqualify for personal reasons - if you want to know which send me an ask
Be nice and have fun!!!
*What do you mean by implied canon?
Implied canon would be characters with a lot of hints in canon to a possible polycule, intentional or not - for example: aizo/yujiro/hiyori from honeyworks/heroine tarumono, where both boys like hiyori, and she likes both of them as well, and there's plenty of stuff to back that up even if canonically they aren't dating
Nominations form closed!
Automatic entries:
-Megaera/Thanatos/Zagreus (Hades game)
-Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi (Iron Widow)
-Aizo/Yujiro/Hiyori (Honeyworks)
-Iruma Suzuki/Clara Valac/Alice Asmodeus (Mairimashita Iruma-kun)
Posts for this one will be tagged #CanonPolyculeShowdown
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halfagone · 1 year
Magnetism, Cont.
I am currently working on the outline for Magnetism (no I am not unnecessarily avoiding sleep, what are you talking about?) and find myself no closer to figuring out who I want to ship Danny with.
Keep in mind Danny can't be super old because his 'reign of terror', if you will, has only just begun and he's only starting to establish himself as an anti-hero after Everything. At the youngest he can be 16, oldest 24. That age can change depending on who he's shipped with, of course. (The younger he is, the angrier I make him. I make the rules and they will hurt you.)
I've seen a few ships thrown out there, and I've narrowed down a few possibilities. I'll even offer you what their ship dynamic would look like in the fic to help you choose wisely. ;3 Make sure to check UNDERNEATH the poll for the reasoning.
This fic will be rated Mature for blood and violence. And by violence I mean that Danny kills a FUCK ton of people, wow. Also, going along with the influence from the X-men's Magneto, there will be political commentary/deconstruction that can and will influence the tone and manner of the ship dynamics. Also, Ghost King Danny.
Jason/Danny - Anti-hero meets anti-hero, true love at first blood, baby. I think these two would get along the easiest, but they also would be very poor influences on one another. Jason is likely invoking Danny's bloodlust even more, only minimally helping him keep a cool head. However, this could also be a learning opportunity for Jason. It's his turn to see what his friends and family saw from him when he first started beheading people. Could either happen at the start of Jason's Red Hood career, or when he's closer to the family. Very flirtatious, very bloody.
Angst score: 5/10
Dick/Danny - There's a little more friction between these two, but at the end of the day, Dick sees the angry child he had been in the grieving, desperate version of Danny that he is now. Danny is very charismatic, matching Dick's charm. They talk around each other a lot, arguing their points constanly because Dick knows Danny doesn't really want this, but Danny knows this is the only way. Dick could be younger, only just beginning his career as Nightwing to match Danny's rising anti-hero career as well. However, this means we only get kid!Jason for the Batfam (and maybe kid!Tim). You could still have him at 24 like most of my fics, of course. Softer, lots of innuendos.
Angst score: 7/10
Bruce/Danny - Oh boy, here comes the Unhealthy, Unresolved Sexual Tension. The political and moral debates between these two make any onlooker believe they're either about to murder or fuck each other. I believe it was @thatrandomsarahchick that pointed out that Magneto has a thing with Professor X (which, you're not wrong about btw), and there were other choices technically, but the Big Three were the ones that stood out to me the most. I couldn't separate Clark and Lois, though, and honestly I think Danny and Diana would get along... a little too well. And thus, we get lots and lots of UST. Bruce knows Danny's anger all too well, which is why he wants to try to convince Danny to change his path, but Danny sees Bruce as too soft to kill, to do what needs to be done, and they are just so broken up over it. However, this would be set at, the earliest, Year Three so no Batfam other than possibly baby!Dick.
Angst score: 12/10 (Highest Score!)
John/Zatanna/Danny - Now these guys, hohoho, let me tell you... These guys are a shit show and a half. This throuple offers you some of the bloodiest, wildest fight scenes I will probably ever write. If you think Jason is a bad influence on Danny, then you are not prepared for what these three have going on. John is unintentionally egging Danny on, Zatanna is trying not to get everyone killed, and Danny is- quite frankly- unused to this kind of attention. More worldbuilding than political debates, honestly the least interesting of all the proposed ships. But still worth mentioning! Their ages have a wide range, however, with potentially a 14 year age gap between Danny and John, as he is the oldest. Zatanna would be between them.
Angst score: 4/10. Whump score: 8/10
Kara/Danny - Now this one is probably the most unique of the ships, just because it has some of the most noticeable impact on the plot progression. I believe it was @thevigilantspider that first proposed this ship for the fic. So in this case, Kara would have to be new to Earth. She's inexperienced with all that the planet has to offer, still grieving her planet, her people, and her family. She's getting used to how, ah, delicate humans on Earth are and just overall not having a super great time. So she would agree to find out more about this anti-hero to prove herself capable and get a feel of the political scene of the planet. This also means that she gets a very interesting lense on everything thanks to Danny, and it really shapes her as she continues with her possible hero career. I think Danny would be the most... Danny, for the lack of a better word, with Kara. However this means there is bound to be a lot of Emotional Hurt/Comfort.
Angst score: 8/10
(Do be aware that these angst scores are for the couples themselves, not the plot as a whole. The plot will be plenty angsty on its own.)
A great many things to think about. Think hard, choose wisely, my friends.
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bleach-your-panties · 9 months
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Sincember Event❄️❄️
Rating: Smut🍡
**Jean was the 2nd place poll winner with 23.3% of the vote!**
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Christmas has always been your favorite holiday, ever since you were a little girl.
When it came time for you to leave for college, you feared that you wouldn't be able to continue participating in your traditional family holiday activities since you'd be going to college out of the country, let alone out of state.
That was when your long-term boyfriend, Jean, suggested that the two of you make the long journey back to your hometown in the United States for the holidays this year.
When he made the suggestion, you were a bit hesitant since plane tickets from Germany to the U.S. are quite expensive, but he told you not to worry about the cost.
Your family members get along extremely well with Jean upon their first meeting.
He's charismatic, funny, polite, and just an overall joy to be around; especially a hit with your aunties and older female cousins.
You even had to check a couple of them (more than once) when you caught them trying to down talk you and up play themselves in fruitless efforts to try and get Jean to look their way.
That would never work, of course, because this man is irrevocably, undeniably in love with you.
After the commencement of dinner, most of the guests broke off into separate groups, classified by either age or interests. 
Many of your older family members were still seated in the kitchen, sharing old stories and downing a large pitcher of spiked eggnog. 
They may fuss and disagree over a lot of things, but alcohol seems to be the one mediator that will keep everyone from choking each other out. 
A few of your cousins’ girlfriends pulled you away, probably so they could ask you about Jean while the oldheads got drunk in the kitchen and gossiped about their children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews.
“Hey, Y/N! Your boy in there to’ up! Big boy can’t handle his liquor too well!” One of your male cousins laughed as he stepped out onto the back porch. Immediately, you sprung up out of your chair and sprinted through the back door into the house to get to Jean.
You know as well as Jean that he cannot handle his liquor, and, more likely than not, your male cousins had been goading him into drinking above his tolerance.
“Elijah! Y’all just sat here and let him drink all of this!?!” You fussed as your eyes scanned over all of the empty decorative pint glasses.
“Aye, that’s a grown ass man. What was I ‘posed to do, tell him no? He was just having fun!”
Jean was a mess: slumped against the kitchen bar stool and giggling, barely hanging on to the countertop. 
“At least help me get him upstairs so he can lie down. Ain’t this some shit…”
So Elijah helped you get Jean into one of the spare bedrooms. 
His long body flopped unceremoniously onto the quilt laid out on top of the bedspread. You glanced at the door once to make sure that it was locked before turning your disgruntled expression onto your inebriated boyfriend.
Jean was really fucked up; he had a dopey smile spread across his lips that, you couldn't deny, did make him look undeniably cute and handsome.
“Mmm, baby you look so sexy in your Christmas outfit. Want you so bad right now..”
Those sneaky fingers edged along the covers, crawling up to rest on the curve of your covered ass.
“Jean, we can’t fuck in my relatives’ house! Everybody will hear us! You're already loud enough when you're not drunk.” You hissed between your teeth. 
“Please, baby.  I promise I'll be quiet. I'll be a good boy, just please. Please please, fuck me, Mommy, please!” 
Normally you wouldn't have played into his hands during a situation like this, but his desperate begging made a switch turn on in your brain that couldn't be turned off even if you wanted to.
Before you knew it, your fingers were unbuttoning your cardigan and unlatching your bra while Jean smiled up at you drunkenly and tugged your leggings down your thighs.  
“O-oh fuck..” 
Jean’s wet, throbbing dick slapped against your pussy lips as he tried (and failed) to get it into your hole. 
“Here, baby. Let me help you.” Very gently, you took hold of his thick cock and began guiding it between your folds.
As soon as Jean got inside you, he came.
“What the fuck did they put in that eggnog? An aphrodisiac?” You couldn’t believe your fucking eyes right now.
“Fuck, your hands feel so good on me baby, couldn’t control myself. Please let me get inside you, again. Wanna make you feel good, too~”
“F~uuuck, pussy clenching me so fucking good..!” Jean slurred, hazel eyes rolled to the back of his head while he caged you beneath his much larger body.
“Shit, you cumming again, baby?” 
That question became a rhetorical one once you felt his hot speed spurting out of his dick and filling you to the brim once again. Your pussy lips were puffy and swollen from Jean’s overenthusiastic thrusting.
You were going to have to find a way to sneak that quilt up out of here and have it dry cleaned.
“Mmmm-shit. So good~ Need more. Can we go again, please Mommy?” He breathed against the side of your face. Breath sickly sweet, just like eggnog mixed with rum and peppermint vodka.
ʳᵉᵇˡᵒᵍˢ ᵃʳᵉ ᵃᵖᵖʳᵉᶜⁱᵃᵗᵉᵈ ᵃⁿᵈ ⁱ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗˢ🫶🏽
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bluepeachstudios · 1 year
GitS Asks!
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Not as much as he does the boys. April's pretty good about having her own fun, she's got a family to go back to, she can separate herself when she needs to. She can handle herself!
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Noted 👀 Though I don't read fanfic very often because I'm. Usually too busy writing it. fhgdkjgf I'm already behind on stuff I want to read. I will put it on my List.
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Leo's least favorite is math, he finds it boring as all hell. Raph's least favorite is chemistry. He cannot get any of it right for the life of him. He accidentally made mustard gas once and from then on Donnie was paired with him to make sure that didn't happen again. Mikey's is history! He has a hard time just sitting still and listening. Donnie's least favorite is the mystic arts. He thinks it's unnecessary for him, because he doesn't have a mystic weapon.
Ghost just tells them he's going to teach them something today and they pretty much all show up. If they miss a day, he doesn't scold them about it or anything, he just lets them miss it. If they don't understand something because of it later, he can just teach it to them again. Normally they don't miss more than a day at a time, and if they do there's usually something else going on. Ghost is homeschooling them, and it's not like they're going to college. The point is learning, not to make them suffer when they don't feel like it. ;)
Splinter was giving the boys an education! He taught them colors, and alphabets, and how to read, how to clean, how to take care of themselves. Splinter taught them a lot, and Ghost knows that. He's not mad for Splinter focusing on the more practical things and less on the academic side.
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Oh yeah he's gonna flip y'all.
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Spoilers! Though I am now thinking of that 03 episode during fast forward where they go to the gala and Donnie is wearing a purple suit. Thank you.
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Ghost is still kinda active with the homeless community. He doesn't talk to them, or really show himself at all, but he drops off blankets and clothes he finds when scavenging.
Ghost doesn't know about Don stealing from ATMs at the moment! He won't mind it, though. He's not hurting anyone but big banks by doing it.
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Oh you think Ghost's self-blame and self-hatred is bad now? NOTHING compared to what it would be if he'd fallen into Rise after experiencing SAINW. He knows what's going to happen to his brothers. He knows he disappeared, and that the world ended because of it. He'd work a lot harder. I don't think he'd pay any attention to the kids, honestly, I think he'd be neck-deep in making a portal, trying everything, retrying it.
Ghost has accepted that he's stuck in his dimension. Donatello would not.
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The TECH! It's so much easier to get high-grade metal and supplies in Rise! He can get SO MUCH SHIT! No wonder Donnie can build things so nicely, people dump out nice stuff!
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Welcome to ow, I'll be your host-
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Spppoiiilerrsssss? I think? Probably???
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It does! There was a poll quite a ways back that even asked if Ghost ends up with Leo or with the other boys. He's in Tahiti. ;)
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Phantom is far less scarred than Ell. He still has the leather jacket because I feel like he deserves a leather jacket. Ghost doesn't have the scar over his eye because of Phantom. When Ghost disappeared to the Battle Nexus to try and find answers, Phantom immediately started looking for him. Ghost had only meant to go for a day, but was trapped by Big Mama and forced to fight. Phantom found him and pulled him out of there before he ever got the scar.
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Some things are universal constants :)
Whether they survive it or not is different.
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Oh 03 Donatello is completely destroyed. He blames himself entirely. He works all the time to get his lost brother back. Ell and Spirit don't blame Donny, but Mike does a bit. It's easier to be mad at someone than the universe.
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w... what about it....
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Bold of you to assume that Ghost isn't going to break that curse
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Rise boys are starting to realize their mentor isn't invincible and immortal. Terrifying thing to learn.
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Thank you!! Glad you like it!
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Finn Shelby- Sweet Treats
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I walk into the Garrison meeting my boyfriend, Finn and our friend Isaiah, who are both sat at a table in the corner of the room. I walk over to them holding a box of cakes
"Evenin YN" Isaiah nods towards me
"Good evening boys" I kiss Finn on the cheek and sit down next to him
"Where 'ave you been all day?" Isaiah laughs "not warming someone else's bed up 'ave ya?"
"No obvious not. I've been at mum and dads shop if either of you bothered come and look. Not sure if you deserve these" I open the box lid up
"This is why your my best friend" Isaiahs eyes widen as he goes to take a cake
"Ah ah ah not so fast" I bat his hand away "they aren't just for you two. They are for everyone, your brothers included Finn"
"They're in their room"
"We'll come on then" I make my way over to the private room and open up the door
"Ah YN, what've you got for us today?" Arthur shouts holding on to his whiskey
"We had extra cakes left over so I've brought you all some"
"Made by you I hope" John raises his brow looking at me
"Of course" I place the cake box down and the Shelbys/Grays all take one as well as Isaiah.
Later that evening Finn walks me home
"You know I don't think I've ever had cake as good as you make it. Even Aunt Poll, she bloody burns everything"
"Hey she's not that bad, but thank you Finn. I enjoyed making cakes and biscuits. I want my kids to have a childhood like mine where we bake in the kitchen and then go outside and play in the mud while we wait for every thing to cool"
"Yeah, that sounds good. Do you think you could teach me how to bake?"
"Of course!" I say with a wide smile "I'm not helping at the shop tomorrow if you want to come over?"
"Will your parents be ok with that?" Finn asks me with concerns as we arrive at my house
"Yes, don't worry. Mum and dad said they are fine with you coming over as long as we're downstairs"
"Ok. I'll see you tomorrow then" Finn kisses my check then walks away as I open up up my door.
The next day my parents leave the house to go and open up our bakery and not long later Finn shows up and we start weighing out ingredients
"Now you need to add the eggs" I tell Finn who picks them up and goes to crack them on the side of the bowel "wait actually crack them in here" I put a spare bowel in front of Finn "just in case of egg shells"
"Do you not trust me?" Finn raises his eyebrows at me
"Honestly no. Now come on. We need three eggs, chop chop"
"Your bossy when your in the kitchen" Finn chuckles
"You want to make a cake or not?" I place my hands on my hips
"Ok ok I get it" Finn attempts to crack an egg but it ends up going everywhere
"Good job I put a separate bowel down wasn't it?" I smile at Finn "watch and learn my love" I take the eggs from Finn and crack them in the bowel with ease "ok you can stir, but..." I'm not able to tell him to be careful because flour ends up all over the both of us "go slowly"
"Never heard you say that before" I give Finn an annoyed look "oh come on YN. It's me, did you really think that teaching me to make a cake would be smooth sailing?"
"No I guess not" I begin to smile
"I think we should both go up and take a bath aye?" Finn moves closer to me with a smirk
"Hmmm you'd like that wouldn't you" I lean up to kiss him but then pull away looking at his shocked face "you can clean up down here while I take a bath" I kiss his cheek and make my way upstairs.
Weirdly Finn never comes upstairs, and it's quiet. So after half an hour or so I get out of the bath and get changed. I make my way downstairs and that's when I can smell burning
"Oh my goodness Finn what are you doing?" I shout now seeing him pull something smoking out of the oven
"I tried making a cake, but it didn't work" I smile walking over to Finn "I'm not good at this and what you said yesterday, I want our children growing up baking. I'd like to be apart of that" Finn actually looks quite sad
"Hey, it's ok. You know that first time I tried making a cake on my own I dropped the eggs on the floor then slipped on them. You'll learn, so will our children... our children. I like the sound of that"
"So do I" Finn wraps me up in his arms and kisses my lips with so much love.
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mahou-furbies · 9 months
That's it for the favourite Precure poll! Thanks to everyone who voted. It was 141 votes total, of which one vote was removed because it had the same character more than once (which, if kept in, would have affected the middle of the following top 20 list but not the top 5).
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So La Mer got both the most votes and most points, while Milky got the most first place votes. Also even with so many contestants, almost every Cure got at least one point, which is nice. And it shows that while some of them clearly got more votes than others, there's still plenty of variance of opinions in the fandom (which is also nice).
Overall I think this was a fun poll and having it be about the top 5 made it more interesting than expecting everyone to pick just one favourite. Originally it even had a top 10, but I ended up cutting it because I worried that google forms is such a cumbersome platform for a poll like this that people might ragequit halfway through.
Finally sorry about the Parfait situation again, if I ever have the same poll in a few years I'll be sure to remember to include her. She did get some write-in votes but I wonder if she got more if voting for her didn't require extra hassle.
(And even more finally, under cut are the comments)
Great poll ^^
Cure Rosetta is SO underrated
Yeah needless to say I currently have Only Got Into It Recently bias, but: Nodoka, my chronically ill girl <3Sorry Parfait & Waffle
Melody + Rhythm are a pair DO NOT separate them please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i still love the star twink team a ton, but i needed to give some votes to the new 'abnormal' cures. (Butterfly and Wing being different ages ranges and genders from the normal cures, I mean.)
Even though he is not my favorite, it brought me great joy that you included Cure Waffle. He really should've been a TRUE Pretty Cure!
I believe you forgot Parfait. Hey, no judgement from me there’s a whole lot of them.
Thank you for including my boy Cure Waffle 🙏🙏🙏 The guy ever
I love you Cure Muse, even if you'll never be as popular as you deserve
I didn't mention any of the GoPri Cures but I love Flora, Mermaid and Twinkle a lot too!! And Cure Mofurun!!
Oh my god this was still so hard.
I know Cure Miracle doesn't have a chance of winning but by God will I vote for her
I wish I could vote yum yum more then once 😭😖what about cure kururun
My first choice is Parfait. Not Lumiere (I just put her because Parfait is not here XD)
Dark cure dream is great too
Please have a nice day :)
Bless your heart for including Cure Infini.
flamingosweep probably won't happen but i cheer fo her regardless
Cure Parfait for 1st favorite :D
I could give points to Takumi (Black Pepper) and Rio/Pikario ("Cure Waffles") ?
vote for 2nd is cure parfait pls
it's awsome to have another precure poll. one day though michiru and kaoru will be recognized as cures T^T [note: they will be included in future polls!]
I've only seen tropre and hirogaru so i know I'm heavily biased
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authormars · 5 months
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Somehow, I expected this.
I'm going to do the top three (besides it's not like I like you or anything bc I don't remember wtf that one was)
MOTHER?! Pertains to an AU where Azalea lives
Uh oh Diavolo is just half of my fics, so I'll have people vote to see which one they want
Uh oh Angel is literally just "Lucifer's an angel! In Devildom!" (Jk its so complicated, also called my corruption au for my gf, if you remember which one it is)
Each one will get a separate post (and I may do another poll to see which au I post about next)
thank you to all who voted :)
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asoftershipwrecked · 1 year
Greater Gatsby Comic Poll !
Below is our sixth poll for the sixth episode of The Case of the Greater Gatsby ("Jumper")! Choose the quote that you would most like to have turned into our bonus comic posted next Wednesday! Due to poll character limits, the quotes are listed out separately and correspond to the poll options. (Beware there are quote spoilers for the sixth episode!)
Wow, I can make you boys do anything! Next time I'll ask for a down payment on a house instead!
We are bringing magical realism into the world of this realist novel!
You're only 'bout five minutes old so you wouldn't understand./I am SIXTEEN YEARS OLD. And I know more than you all do!
You know, since we're the stars, we can have food delivered to our dressing rooms right?
What's that on the ground over there? A pie used for comedic effect?! Now I gotta clean that up.
That information is going on the backburner and honestly might never resurface.
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web-novel-polls · 1 year
MXTX Side Characters Tournament Submissions
One character per submission. If you want to submit multiple characters, please do so in separate forms
No main couples (Bingqiu, Wangxian, or Hualian)
Preliminary polls may occur to decide whether or not to include other significant characters like Feng Xin, Mu Qing, or Liu Qingge. Minor but popular characters like Six Balls will be allowed.
Tag: #mxtx side characters tournament
Submission List below the cut (Dealer's Choice not included)
Submission 1: Snake boy my beloved
Submission 2: I love him
Shang Qinghua / Airplane
Submission (2): He's a sidekick and he's so sidelined that despite creating the universe he's treated as an afterthought - doubly a side character! But also? So relateable. He would absolutely have been on tumblr in his first life, he gets so excited about his blorbo who treats him terribly (until they finally get a happy ending in the extras - also! he has to wait for the extras to get his happy ending! very side-character of him). He holds the fascinating position of being mostly irrelevant to the story and yet without him the themes would totally fail. He deserves a win on something for once, okay?
Sha Hualing
Submission: Her cringefail losergirl swag has captivated me 
Mu Qingfang 
Submission: Ppl tend to completely forget he has a mad scientist side (see Jinlan arc) and if he gets into the tournament I'll have a reason to bring it up.
Daoist nuns triplets 
Submission: Authors of "Song of BingQiu" and the true culprits behind the ass wine extra. Stop crediting Liu Mingyan with their hard work! 
Submission: He's a demon tsundere who doesn't realize his human boyfriend is scared and easily squishable. Got demoted from king to cabinet minister during a hostile takeover but is pretty chill about it. Huge boobs.
Six Balls
Submission: When he was born he weighed as much as six balls. Current ball number unknown.
Helen of Troy*
Submission: uhm she isn't a Side character ? but she is referenced heavily by the main character and the subtext. This is integral to the plot of SVSSS because the subtext is where it's actually at. If all you do is read the book you will have several misconceptions of the plot. Anyway Shen Yuan!Shen Qingqiu is a metaphorical Helen of Troy within the story AND HE FUCKING SAYS THIS HIMSELF INSUSJSKS
*will have to pass a preliminary poll to be included in the tournament (<-thinks it would be funny to put her in)
Ning Yingying
Submission: Her glow-up in the SVSSS timeline is real! Instead of becoming Luo Binghe's childhood sweetheart, she roasts him for referring to her too familiarly. Love this for her. 
Gongyi Xiao 
Submission: He is such a Good Person who didn't deserve his fate :(
Qin Wanyue
Submission: Scum Villain's wettest and most pathetic loser! Of course, she's so pathetic that she's constantly overshadowed by more bombastically pathetic characters, but I think she deserves her chance at recognition. 
OG Luo Binghe’s Harem
Submission: Binghe's harem the whole collection all of them together an amalgamation of all the wives 
Submission: Incredible character who does it like him 
Quan Yizhen 
Submission: He's a good boi and thinking about him makes me cry a lil'.
Yin Yu 
Submission: The guy of all time. The most average god ever. Someone give him a break. His face is so average that Xie Lian thought it was fake 
Ling Wen
Submission: Girlboss. Did nothing wrong
Bai Jing (Brocade Immortal)
Submission: no 1 ling wen simp (just like me fr)
Propaganda: She's so smart. She tricked so many people into thinking she was blind for so long. Also, she was really kind and considerate. Like she didn't have to save all of those people from Xue Yang. Oh and she's an excellent judge of character and super brave. Really hope she wins, she's such a fun little genius girl
Su Minshan / Su She
Propaganda: Idk I just kinda like him
Submission 2: Look at him having his own life and grudges and friendships and priorities completely unrelated to the main characters! He was so right to curse Jin Zixun 
Wen Ning 
Submission: This poor guy dealt with so much shit in life, only to be killed, resurrected, and forced to deal with Wuxian's bullshit for years on end
Jiang Cheng
Submission 1: Extremely traumatized yet also somehow the most normal and functional by the end. Huge bitch but I (and at least one of the other characters) think he deserves to be even worse after everything he's been through
Submission 2: Simultaneously badass and the most cringefail man. Extremely funny and stylish but still manages to be very uncool. Cries a lot. Also he's lost a lot of tumblr polls—let's give him another shot! We definitely love him more than his dad did!
Submission 3: He's got mommy issues AND daddy issues. He loves his sister and his shige so much. He's traumatised and incredibly competent. He rebuilt his whole sect! He's an asshole (affectionate). He's purple! He's got the coolest weapon ever conceived. I'm so worried about his blood pressure basically all the time. 
Wen Qing
Submission 1: Doctor, mad scientist, war criminal, protective big sister... she has the range!!
Submission 2: Wen Qing my beloved!! She did surgery on a grape. Mad genius for real. Also a loving sister with a very sharp tongue and maybe no sense of how far is too far. Can't wait for them to find her alive in a Koi Tower basement!
Submission 3: Justice for my girl!!!! 
Submission 4: She's bitchy and pragmatic and cares deeply and did an unprecedented operation (experimental and nonconsensual!), what's not to love? Also she deserved better.
Jin Ling
Submission 1: He may be a brat, but he has a good heart and a friendly dog. He thinks he's the main character of a much less intense story which keeps almost getting him killed 
Submission 2: Bestest boy in the whole world. He's got a dog! A helicopter uncle! His dad's sword! Yeah he can be a little brat but he's SIXTEEN okay (or thirteen, or whatever, MXTX HELP) and he's got an incredible capacity for forgiveness. He's so good!
Xue Yang
Submission 1: No propaganda submitted
Submission 2: It's not that he's evil. He lacks empathy and he goes into a disassociative state and commits atrocities.
Xiao Xingchen
No propaganda submitted
Song Lan 
No propaganda submitted
Fairy (Jin Ling’s dog)
Submission: The cutest, smartest, and goodest doggo! She's the one who led WangXian to the Nie sword tomb to save Jin Ling! and led Jiang Cheng to Guanyin Temple to save Jin Ling! and led Lan cultivators to the temple to help Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen (and Jin Ling!)
Submission: this sword has been through a lot…
Lan Xichen
Submission: Pay your respects to the captain of the WangXian ship! Those idiots would keep pining for another 13282627 years if it weren't for him!
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
✨ it’s jihope month!! ✨
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that's right babes!!!!! 🌹 now that it is officially february, the month of loooove, it means the time has come to celebrate my two best boys, whom i love with my whole entire heart 🫠💋❤️‍🔥🫶♎️♒️😘💌🍑🍆🥵
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🌹 so what does jihope month mean?? -> essentially, for the month of february, this blog is gonna be all about park jimin & jung hoseok, together and separate!! i will be exclusively writing content featuring jihope, all my fic rec friday reads will be jihope-flavored, and i'm even gonna open jihope drabble requests 🤭
🌹 hold up - drabble requests?? 👀👀👀 -> YES!!!!! the horny drabbles are back baybeeeeyyyyy 😩 for this month only~ there's a post here with the full details!! 😘💌
🌹 i heard something about building a fic?? -> that's right - i got a chaotic bonus idea in the middle of the month 😈 we're gonna build a valentine's themed fic, where y'all will vote in polls to tell me exactly what you want to see!! check out the build-a-fic masterlist here for all the details and the full list of polls!
🌹 okay but why only jihope?? -> bc they're my bias line and i do what i want 😌 - also hobi's birthday is this month, and we've got ~rumors~ that pjm1 will drop in february! and i lowkey don't feel like there's enough jimin/hobi content on tumblr... i'm writing the porn i wish to see in the world, okay?!?!
🌹 but what about LDOMLT?? -> there's a whole update post on that here. shortest version is, if i finish ch11 this month i'll post it! but it may take longer. and i don't wanna hold myself back from writing other things in the meantime!
🌹 how can we join in on the fun?? -> spread the good word of jihope!! 🫶 try your hand at writing one or both of them and tag me! send me recs of your favorite jihope fics (together or separate)! tag me in your favorite jihope gifsets! drop random jihope thots in my ask box! VOTE IN THE POLLS FOR OUR VALENTINE'S BUILD-A-FIC!! the possibilities are endless~ ✨
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that's it! hope y'all are excited bc i sure am~ let the chaos begin!!! 😈 and omg a million thank yous to THEEEEE LEGEND!!!!! @kithtaehyung for this insane banner like y'all can we believe?!?!?!? i literally can't stop staring at it 😩💌
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