#I'll get over it but man. the wip before this got abandoned. that was over 20k. totally disgustingly self indulgent but I loved it.
imwritesometimes · 1 year
I've reached that stage in creativity stagnation where I once again go back and read my own fics and go omg this is good.... how'd I ever do this???
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ahfeiandhisdao · 3 months
Highly inspired by artwork of @carduelis-art :
Slumber : A Way of Affection Ch 1 part 1
Pairing : Di Feisheng/Li Lianhua
CW : Mention of trauma, Violent flashbacks
As usual, A-Fei was perched on the railing of Lotus tower's second floor. As much as he hated being in the out, in the noisy swirl of bustling streets, Li Lianhua was determined to keep his cover on. Hence the mask on his face, hence keeping a low profile. He briefly scanned the people hurrying around and then his eyes was stuck back to the tower owner bickering for five taels of silver.
A-Fei snorted, only in last month he showered the 'Physician Li' with ingots of silver and gold by merely doing some 'work'. And he was met with Lianhua's continuous nagging about how this would totally blow his cover and how that smart kid will figure it out Di Feisheng's identity and what not. As if the Tianji manor's young master had the understanding of complexity or ability to connect the dots. How many times was it that he got drugged and abandoned on roadside by Li Lianhua? It is, simply put, hilarious.
"A-Fei!" The annoying kid was shouting again. He was always breathing on Di Feisheng's neck, trying to get on his nerves and leard to a fist fight. Who knows what he was upto now.
"A-Fei, go buy some meat for us and ask the butcher to pack some bones for Hulijing." He threw a silver ingot at Di Feisheng who caught it with two fingers, mildly annoyed.
He wanted to target the kid's head and smash the ingot down but no, if he did that, Li Lianhua would nag and scold him for at least three months. He can accept Lianhua's nagging for a life time but nagging *about* Fang Duobing? He would rather drown in a cupful of water. (Lies.)
"Buy it yourself." He throws the ingot back, stood up from the rails and idly marched inside.
"How disrespectful!" He could hear Fang Duobing blabber a hundred things. It was only a matter of seconds before he would start yelling about complaining to Li Lianhua.
"How dare you treat me like that, you egomaniac! Wait until Li Lianhua gets home! I'll settle this score with you! You ungrateful prick-"
And there it was. He tuned the noise off on demand. Something that he learned to do when he was only six years old. Comes in handy to ignore all those big mouths upfront.
‘What I don't hear, can't bother me’.
The first day he stayed the night in the lotus tower, Li Lianhua tried to make him share a room with that spoiled brat. That was not going to happen. So he stayed the night up sitting on the makeshift roof biting the urge to claim the tower master's bed instead.
He won't say he never acted on it. He often stood in the doorway to the tower master's room. His silk underdress fluttering around, untied and barely draped on his back. He hated the feeling of the fabric on his chest when he slept. It's a constant reminder of something moving around, crawling under his skin. The cool breeze would comfort him better.
But he would see the man curling on bed, coughing the life energy away, how his disrupted meridians would be in a tornado of the poison's attempt to take over once world's best martial artist. Di Feisheng wanted to laugh, at the irony. Of the shared fate of the hero and the villain of the same story. (Contd.)
OK SO IT'S THURSDAY ALREADY but I wanted to post anyway. Continued Here↓ 💋✊🏼
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ohbo-ohno · 9 months
tagged by @ceilidho in wip wednesday, and while i do tend to lose any focus when i post about something, i do still love attention. so here we are <3
i'll tag literally anyone who sees this and wants an excuse to try it for themselves :)
ceil shared a ghoap thing so i will too - this is 1.2k from a pwp wip that honestly might be a little too dark/weirdly kinky for me to comfortably post on tumblr lmao, it's way more geared for twitter ghoapers. it's got the same caliber of plot as the absolute worst pornos you've ever seen.
(also i can't remember if i posted part of this before, someone tell me if i have and i'll post a different wip lmao)
The knock comes late at night, frantic and loud in the otherwise silent forest. 
If Simon were asleep, it would've woken him. As it is he's just disturbed from his late night cup of tea. It's an annoyance certainly, but not one he's uncomfortable ignoring. The whole reason he moved to the little cabin in the woods was to get away from people, he's not above pretending not to hear a knock at the door.
But his guest is persistent. They go on knocking for at least ten minutes, an incessant pounding at his door.
Ghost's lip curls in a snarl as a headache starts at the base of his skull. Decades in the military have left him easily irritable and with aches and pains all across his body, quick to flare up at the slightest aggravation - and the knocking is quickly becoming far more than a slight aggravation.
He finally gives in a full ten minutes later, throwing his mug into the sink without checking to make sure it didn't break and storming to the front door. 
He throws it open with a scowl, growling "What?!" down at the idiot on his front doorstep.
Said idiot happens to be an attractive young man, tall in his own right but just barely eye-level with Ghost's throat. He's heaving where he stands, sweat soaking through his white shirt and leaving it nearly translucent.
"Oh thank God," he gasps, one hand coming up to grasp at his heart. "Please, sir, I need help. Someone's- someone's chasing me!"
Ghost cocks an eyebrow, glancing over the boy's shoulder. It's possible that someone could be hiding behind a tree out in the forest, but he doubts it. Something tells him if this kid was really worried about someone chasing him, he wouldn’t stand still making all that racket on Simon's porch.
“Why should I care?” He gruffs, setting his feet wide and glaring down at the boy.
“Thank- what?” He makes an aborted movement forward, then freezes with his foot mid-air. “What do you mean why should you care?”
Simon doesn’t bother repeating himself, willing to wait him out.
“Wh- of course you should care!” The boy’s voice rises, and he looks indignant. “You would just let me die out here?”
Ghost almost smirks at that, just barely managing to wrestle down his amusement as he crosses his arms over his chest. “Yeah? You gonna lead the killer right to yourself, then?”
The boy has the audacity to look confused, a little angry twist to his lips. “What are you talking about?”
“All that pounding and shouting. Almost like you want to be found, huh?”
The kid scowls more deeply at that, abandoning the scared little boy act with ease. “You fuckin’ jackass-”
“Watch it,” Simon snaps, entirely unwilling to put up with disrespect on his own property. “Let me guess - I’m supposed to let you in, then you try to knock me out and rob me blind?”
He nearly pouts at that, sullen little thing, crossing his own arms across his chest and glaring at Ghost’s throat. “You don’t know that.”
A laugh rumbles from Ghost’s chest, almost against his will. “Oh, yes I do. You think you’re the first dumbass kid thinkin’ he can take advantage of an old man living alone?”
The kid glances up at his face, tracing his expression. “Don’t look so old to me.”
“I should. Must be at least fifteen years older - what are you? Twenty?”
Another pout and a quiet, “Nineteen.”
Ghost whistles lowly, resting his shoulder on the doorjam. “Nineteen. When you were born, I was sneakin’ booze into the barracks.”
His scowl grows. “So? You’re old, what, you want a trophy?”
Oh, Ghost already knows this one is gonna be fun. He rarely indulges in brat taming these days, but when one presents himself so easily… well, he sees no reason to resist. Not out here in the middle of nowhere, no one around for miles to hear the boy scream.
He takes another look at the kid, now that he’s not planning on throwing him off the property. He’s got a bit of bulk, probably just recently started working out, and there’s a cocky energy coming off of him. Ghost would bet this is far from the first time he’s robbed someone with this little ruse, probably thinks he’s the smartest burglar in town. Too bad he chose the wrong man to try and trick this time.
Ghost straightens from the doorway, rolling back his shoulders and standing tall. The kid isn’t short by any means, but compared to Simon he’s practically little. Odds are he’s still got some growing to do, but for now Simon gets to enjoy the way he can loom over the teenager.
“No one ever taught you to respect your elders, boy?”
Oh, the kid doesn’t like that one. If he were a dog, his hackles would be fully raised, but he’s left settling for curling his lip back in a snarl. “You think just cause you’re old I have to respect you?”
“I think you’ll respect me because you’re on my property. That, and I don’t think you’ll like what happens if you keep the attitude up.”
The kid flushes, either from rage or the innuendo. “Who the fuck do you think you are? You think just because we’re out here alone you can say whatever you want to me?”
“‘Course not. We’re out here all alone, which means I can do whatever I want to you. And I will, if you don’t get off my property.”
The kid looks him up and down, then visibly steels himself. Ghost bites back a smirk. He’s not used to being underestimated, but he finds he doesn’t mind when it means getting to see the kid play at being his equal.
“What do you think you’ll do if I don’t go?”
Oh, Ghost can’t wait to beat the attitude out of the little shit.
He doesn’t let the kid see how much the rudeness is getting to him, intentionally keeping his face flat and unimpressed. “What’s your name, kid?”
That permanent scowl doesn’t shift, even as a flash of confusion crosses his face. “...John.”
Ghost nods. “Alright, Johnny. If you don’t get off my property, I’ll take you over my knee and teach you what your daddy should’ve.”
It’s nearly impossible to keep from grinning when Johnny’s mouth pops open in surprise, the flush creeping further up his neck. “You- you’ll- who do you think- you can’t-”
Ghost reaches out like he might slap Johnny, instead snaps right in front of his nose, sharp and loud. “Spit it out, boy. I don’t feel like listening to a kid learn how to speak all night.”
Johnny’s letting himself get worked up, and not doing a good job of hiding it. His teeth grind and he shifts from foot to foot, like he’d like to try and attack Ghost. He’s apparently smart enough to know how idiotic that would be, and Simon finds he’s almost disappointed. Wonders idly if he can provoke the kid enough to save himself a chase.
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kayhi808 · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged a couple weeks ago by @gordopickett and I kept missing my Wednesday, but TODAY i remembered & set aside time after work to do this. HAHA! Thank you so much for tagging me by the way!
I've got a couple WIP so, I'll add just a lil bit from each.
Now & Then
***Bucky and Steve lost someone very close to them during WWII which may have instigated the need to enlist for both men. Flash Forward to Pre-Sokovia Accords. Steve is on the search for Bucky after getting pulled out of the river by him. He thinks he may have found him...***
They found heat signatures for a small group in what they thought was an abandoned HYRDA facility. No more than 8 people. A walk in the park for 3 skilled Avengers! Iron Man blasts through the doors, making an entry for Steve & Natasha. Quickly they notice that its a small lab mainly consisting of researchers & 2 Hydra Agents.
They were expecting a fight and was taken aback by the Agents gunning down the staff. Once the Hydra agents realized the lab had been compromised, they started tying up loose ends. Getting rid of the evidence. Because of that small pause Tony and his team were only able to save one technician, before killing the Agents.
As Natasha zip-tied the techs wrists behind her back, "You have to get the Asset."
Steve's head whips around, "What did you say?!"
"In the other room, there's cryo-chambers. Everyone is gone, no one will tend to the asset."
Did Hydra get Bucky back? Was that why him & Sam haven't been able to locate him? Did he go back to them?? "Where is he?!!"
"Through those doors..." Steve and Tony rush to the connecting room. Along the farthest wall, there are 3 cryo-chambers, but only one is filled.
***You had a quick situationship with Billy Russo while in Grad School & he was horrible to you. Years later you're a part of the team to assign government contracts. Russo's Anvil are one of the companies up for assignment.***
Dressed in a winter white pant suit, you wanted to make an impression but still be professional. The last thing you wanted to do was blend in with the men in their dark suits or be mistaken for someone's wife/girlfriend. A plus one. You grabbed your chardonnay when you see your boss waving you over again. You internally groan but paste a smile on your face & walk over.
"Bill, I'd like you to meet Y/N, our Lead Analyst." The world seemed to come to a halt as he turns, extending his hand to you in greeting. "Bill. Bill Russo. " His large, callused hands enveloped your soft smaller one. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"You as well." He looks the same, yet so different from the young marine you used to know. His bespoke suit fitted him to a T. Beard perfectly lined, not a hair out of place. Dark eyes you got lost in so many times before. You have to remind yourself that his charming smile & pretty face hides a cruel heart.
Stays in Vegas
***You had a one night stand with the handsome security guard at a private poker tournament your were working. The morning after.***
Billy slowly drifts back into consciousness. He stretches his arm across the bed to pull your warm body closer, but all his fingers find is cool bedsheets. Popping his head up & scanning the room, he finds himself alone in his hotel room. That minx! Did she fucking leave him? How'd she leave without him waking up? Normally, a light sleeper due to his line of work, he rolls over to grab his phone from the nightstand. 3pm. Shit! He didn't realize he slept so long. You did wear him out. The things you did with your mouth set his blood on fire.
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Seeing all your cool home updates && half-watching some HGTV w/my mom while drawing had a simple prompt idea if you might be interested! Basically HGTV reno show Jonsa - Sansa is a designer and finally gets a chance for her own show but loses Rob (her #1 contractor) to an injury before filming starts && Jon jumps in (either to help Rob /or/ the studio execs (maybe Targs?) throw him in) and the two have to work together somehow. Idk idk, just wanted to share! <3
No, you have no idea, I already HAVE a house reno wip. It's not super long, but... yeah. I've got that.
Here, I'll post what I have written of it, since we CAN'T GET ONTO AO3.
this isn't exactly your prompt, though I do honestly love yours a lot and sort of want to change mine. If I changed mine, the show Sansa works on would definitely be like Rehab Addict, where she restores old homes to their prior state instead of making them "modern"
But mine is sort of similar? This snippet is just the set up and doesn't include the part where Sansa decides to start a youtube channel for her renovations, (a la WabiSabE, which I used to watch and was probably the inspiration for this fic when I first started writing it like a year ago lol), and everyone starts shipping her with her contractor Jon, who she keeps forcing to be in the videos because she can't really make them without him being in it...
Sansa winces as her car hits another bump and jolts her in her seat.
“You owe me,” she huffs out, hands tight around the wheel.
“I know, I know,” Robb's voice comes through her sound system and fills the car. He's distracted, she can tell, and she bites back a snippy comment. Robb's just so busy, he couldn't possibly get away.
That's not fair, the small part of her brain that's still being rational thinks. Of course Robb couldn't drop everything and come out to the middle of nowhere to deal with their Great Uncle Brynden's estate. Robb's got a new baby and his job.
Robb's got a baby, Arya's got her tournaments, Bran has school, and Rickon's still underage. All of her siblings have lives they can't get away from. All except her.
No significant other, no kids. A tenuous career that she can technically do from anywhere.
“Oh no,” she breathes, when the house finally comes into sight through the trees.
“What's wrong?” Robb asks, his full attention back on her.
“Robb,” she whines, the car coming to a pathetic, rolling stop on the overgrown gravel drive. “It's a mess.”
“A mess?”
She doesn't answer, too busy staring at the mansion in front of her. Or, what used to be a mansion, she thinks.
It's still vaguely house-shaped, but... The roof is missing shingles in multiple places, the windows all seem busted out. The steps up to the covered front porch are fine, but the porch itself has a massive sinkhole, and half the wood looks rotted and ready to crumble.
Gods, if this is what the outside looks like...
“What kind of a mess?” Robb asks. She's just about to start listing the many problems when she hears another car approaching.
“I've gotta go,” she tells Robb. “I think the lawyer's here.” She hangs up before Robb can answer, and watches the other car slowly emerge through the trees up the bumpy road, past the broken gates, and onto the circular gravel drive. It stops behind her and a man gets out. She gets out, too, phone clutched in her hand, just in case.
“Miss Stark?” the man asks, and his face splits into a kind smile when she nods. “Perfect, perfect. I'm Samwell Tarly. It's nice to finally meet you.”
Sansa moves forward to shake the lawyer's hand. He isn't what she was expecting. He's young, for one – maybe only a few years older than her. And he seems just as nice in person as he'd been over the phone. She didn't think lawyers came in nice.
“We should have met at your office,” she says, eyeing up the weeds sprouting from between the gravel and brushing against her ankles. “I didn't realize the road here would be so...”
Mr. Tarly laughs. “This place has been abandoned for quite some time,” he agrees. “I never met Brynden myself, but I’d heard about him. Apparently he decided to up and travel the world and left this…”
Sansa looks back at the crumbling mansion and feels her face scrunch up. She tries to smooth it out. “So, how fast do you think I can sell this?” she asks.
That’s when Mr. Tarly’s smile falters. “Well,” he starts, hesitant, “you see, it’s in such a poor state, I can’t imagine anyone would be willing to buy it.”
“But the land must be worth something? They can just knock it down and-”
“Ah,” Mr. Tarly winces, and Sansa’s sentence breaks off, unfinished. “I suppose you didn’t read all the fine print?” At the slow shake of her head, he grimaces. “Riverrun Manor is a historic property. You, legally, are not allowed to tear the structure down. Anything you do needs to go through lots of committee approvals…”
“So what you’re saying,” Sansa says, closing her eyes as reality crashes down around her, “is that literally no one is going to want to buy this.”
“Maybe if you find someone who’s both very rich, and very interested in Riverlands history?”
She opens her eyes and there must be a glare on her face, because Mr. Tarly winces again.
Then she turns back to the manor, and really looks at it this time. Beneath the grime and the moss and the crumbling wood, she can see what it used to be.
“What if I fixed it up a bit?” she asks, turning back to the lawyer. “What if I just did the major repairs, do you think someone would buy it then?”
She doesn’t want to do that, but it beats letting the property sit around even longer and paying the taxes on it. Or, worse, not paying the taxes and having that on her and her sibling’s financial records.
“I’m not a real estate agent,” Mr. Tarly responds, looking at the building thoughtfully. “But this is a good location, lots of historic stuff around. I wouldn’t doubt you could sell it if the building weren’t… well, that.” He waves his hand towards the manor.
“Alright,” she nods. “Maybe we should head to your office to do the paperwork, though? Then I’ll… I guess I’ll look for a contractor?”
Sam nods, and a bright smile lights his face again. “Oh, I know someone you can call!”
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ravens-words · 4 months
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Been a while since I participated in this, and it's been a while since I shared anything from the Buddie Zombie AU (which I started a year ago? Maybe longer? And abandoned for a long time lol). I'm trying to get back i to writing it and WIP Wed is a good way to get feedback without the pressure of posting WIPs, so here goes it!!
No one stops him from going to the isolation rooms. Walking is a bit of a struggle, but he pushes through. When he walks through the doors, he finds Athena there, crouched in front of Bobby, speaking quietly. They hear him enter, Athena immediately turning to him. Bobby is slower to react.
Buck breathes out quietly, devastation and relief mixing with bitter denial. His heart in his throat, he takes a hesitant step forward. "Sorry I- do you want me to go?"
Athena stands up, shakes her head. She leaves Bobby with a lingering kiss pressed to his head. "I'll be back soon."
Bobby looks up at her adorningly, sadness evident in his eyes. "Okay."
She walks away, steps heavy. She grabs Buck's hand, places the cloth he hadn't noticed in his hand. "Finish up for me?"
He nods shakily.
She leaves, closing the door behind her with a quiet click.
Buck stands frozen, two steps from the doorway. He can't get himself to move. Until Bobby calls his name, and he finds himself walking forward automatically.
Bobby's eyes are on him as he kneels beside him but Buck can't look at him, so he busies himself with opening the med kit, and finishing what athena had started. They don't talk, but Bobby doesn't take his eyes off him, Buck can tell, but he ignores it, focuses on cleaning the bite wound that's still sluggishly bleeding. His hands are shaking as he places guaze on it, and as he wraps it. They're still shaking when he finishes off, when he sits back on his heels, staring at the white bandages like they have the answers he's looking for.
"Buck," Bobby mutters.
Buck doesn't answer.
"Kid, will you look at me?"
Buck drags his eyes up, meeting Bobby's. There's a deep sorrow in Bobby's eyes, and Buck crumbles.
The older man sits up, draws him into his arms, and Buck finds himself unable to stop the tears from falling, sobs tearing through his throat.
Bobby's saying something, but Buck is beyond listening, drowning in his grief, and the deafening sound of his own heartbeat.
"I'm sorry, Buck," Bobby mutters into his ear, "I'm so, so sorry."
"What happened, Bobby?" he asks desperately, hands still clenched in the back of the man's shirt. "How did this happen?"
Bobby strokes the back of his head gently, waiting for him to calm down before he speaks. "Reynolds froze, I had to get him out of the way before they got to him."
Buck pulls away. "So they got to you instead," he says slowly, anger starting to simmer in his gut.
Bobby purses his lips. "Buck-"
Buck stands up, holding onto the wall for support.
He shakes his head. "You said you'd be careful," he reminds him bitterly, "you said you'd be safe."
He doesn't allow him the chance to say anything else, he just stumbles out.
"Still mad at him?"
Buck's head shoots up from where he had it resting on his folded arms. Athena's leaning on the door, eyebrows raised. "Aren't you?"
"I am," she answers readily, "but that doesn't mean I'm leaving his side."
He looks down, ashamed, and hears her quiet footfalls coming closer. She sits down beside him.
"Buckaroo, he needs us."
"I know," he says hoarsely, "I'm gonna go back, just- not now."
"Why's that?"
"Because I'm gonna cry all over him. Again."
Athena laughs softly, and even that sounds sad. "I think he'd prefer that to the silent treatment."
Buck nods. She puts her arm around him, huls him closer. He bites his lip to keep from crying again.
Buck stays with Bobby for ten hours, stays with him through the headaches and the fever and the delirium. He stays until Bobby calls him Robert, and in the next moment of clarity, apologies for doing so. It's a gut punch, for multiple reasons, and
Athena tells him to take a breather, and he all but flees.
He's just stepped out of the door when he bumps into someone, "sorry- Jameson? You okay, man?"
"Hmmm," the other man hums distractedly.
Buck guides him away gently, hand on his back. "Let me take you back to your room, huh? Your mom must be worried by now."
Jameson just shrugs, allows Buck to lead him. They don't talk much, mostly because Jameson is in his head most of the time. They don't know much about the man's story, but from what Buck has gathered from conversations with the young man's mother, the woman he loved died right in front of him, and it was bad. He wasn't the same after.
"There's a cure," Jameson mutters, wringing his fingers tightly, twitching nervously.
Buck stops dead in his tracks. "What?"
"I think there's-" the young man stutters, words halting and unfamiliar on his tongue, "there's a cure."
Buck puts his hands on both the man's shoulders. "Where?"
Jameson looks away, gaze taking on a hazy quality.
Buck shakes him. "Jameson- where?"
"I know it's crazy," he interrupts Athena, throwing shirts and weapons and anything he might need on the road in his duffel, "but I have to do this."
"You're not gonna stop me, Athena-"
He shuts up, finally stops moving enough to look a her. The look on her face is hard to read, but at least she's not mad at him.
"I don't think taking the word of someone who's-not all there, is the wisest thing in the world, but-" she steps closer.
"I have to try," he says softly.
"I know. Lord knows I wanna pack my things and come right along with you," she looks away, jaw working, then looks back at him, "I have to stay here with him."
"I know."
Her eyes search his face, for what he doesn't know, but she must find it because she holds his face with both her hands, tears in her eyes, and firmly says, "you come back, do you hear me, Buckaroo?"
"I'll find it. If it's out there, I'll find it."
She shakes her head. "You're not hearing me," she says firmly, "you better come back to us, with or without the cure."
He nods.
"Okay." He wraps his arms around her, and she holds him back just as tightly.
"Be safe, Buck."
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thatsnotmygunflash · 1 year
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll roughly to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
Not tagged and not going to tag, just saw it and thought it would be fun. I am going to do my WIPs to give you guys some teasers of what's cooking. If you like any of them let me know and maybe I'll pour some love into them.
1. A Brighter Future
"Why don’t you like them?”
“How could you be so careless Barry? How could you get into bed with a criminal? A murderer? I raised you better than this! No son of mine would ever stoop this low-” Barry shut his eyes tight to try and push away the illusion Sophia was conjuring from his emotions, tears starting to fall from his eyes when Iris’ heartbroken voice joined in with Joe’s disgusted one.
“He’s dead because of you! It should have been you! I lost the man I was going to marry for a future I don’t even want! I wish I’d never met you Barry Allen!”
“Soph-Soph, please stop.”
2. Cause Maybe You're That Thing I Need To Save Me
"Cisco and Lisa-they're engaged now and they were going through a bunch of the Rouge's abandoned safehouse and Cisco-he found an old sweater of yours and he vibed you. He said you were alive but we weren't sure so we uh-went looking. It took a few months but we finally got a lead and I sped here as quickly as I could to see if it was really true and it is! You're alive! The Legends are going to be so exciting to know you survived! Wait, how did you survive?"
"You can't tell anyone I'm alive Barry, you weren't meant to know I was alive. No one is supposed to know."
"But why? Are you retired now or something?"
"I am actually, so having trouble magnets like yourself show up on my doorstep isn't exactly my idea of a good time. You need to leave and tell your friends at STAR Labs that this was a dead end. No one can know I'm alive, and I'm not above killing you to keep it that way."
3. For Better Or For Worse
“Look,” Laurel sighed heavily, lacing her fingers together over the table as she met Len’s cold stare head on. “I don’t know all the details-yet-but your husband is a very resourceful and connected man, whether he realizes it fully or not. He said part of your vows was to get Mick Rory and you out of here. That’s what I’m here to do, if you want the specifics to how exactly we’re going to pull it off I suggest you ask the mastermind behind all of this craziness.”
“If you think it’s so crazy, why help?”
“Because people's lives are at risk and Barry’s not wrong, if anyone can pull something like this off it’s you and him. Quiet the power couple you two are, honestly. Besides, I’ve never met a person who could say no to that boy’s sweet face. Isn’t that why you agreed?”
4. Got A Lot Of Sins, But You're My Favorite
"So," Angie spoke up from behind the register, leaning her chin on the palm of her hand as she smirked wickedly at Len. "When were you going to tell me you had a crush on the Flash?"
"I don't. I just threatened to kill him-he stole my gun!"
"Yes, and he also looked like he wanted to kiss you senseless while you were pointing said gun in his pretty face."
5. I'd Cross Galaxies To Find You
Waking up next to a crying baby and someone sleeply pushing at his bare shoulder had Barry freezing in terror, not wanting to know how he would die next in this world.
“Baby, baby-go get Nora,”
“Our daughter, Nora, you know the one you begged my sister to carry for us, the daughter who won’t sleep through the night because she isn’t being rocked at superspeed because her father spoils her rotten. Ring any bells?”
6. It's The Second Glances That Ties Your Hands
"What are you doing here, Len?"
"Well, let's just say my lady and your lord don't really get on–she's cleaning house now that she's free of the Time Masters. Speedsters mucking up the timeline were at the top of her priority list."
"You're here for me?"
7. Love Me Silently
"So help me-you are not proposing to me right now Barry Allen-so think before those next words come out of your mouth."
"See! You want the big grand gesture and a huge wedding to show me off! You want to marry me! He said you'd say no, he said you weren't the type-"
"He's a worried father, Scarlet, I'm not surprised.” Len muttered as he pulled the younger man into his arms, one hand rubbing soothingly over his back while the other cupped his neck lovingly. “Look, I don't want to be the reason you never talk to your foster father again-"
8. You Need To Allow Me To Help
“Did you hear that, Cisco? That dying whale noise? I think it was the last shred of my dignity being forcibly removed from my body, so if you’ll excuse me I’m just going to go drown myself in the boy’s bathrooms—” Barry muttered in panicked embarrassment, rushing off down the hall almost too quickly to see, ignoring his friends calling his name to get him to stop.
“Go after him, you idiot,” Mick huffed, pushing Len forcefully in the direction Barry had disappeared.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Len answered slowly, his jaw set in a tense line and his eyes hardening over with realization.
9. You Got This Heaven In Your Eyes
'Keep up the exceptional work, Barry Allen, Central City is lucky to have you on their side. -L.S.'
"What's it say?" Eddie questioned, trying to peek over Barry's shoulder to get a look at the snow-white card, his eyes widening comically when he caught sight of the message.
"Uh-to keep up the good work," Barry muttered in confusion, his eyes drifting from the elegant handwriting to the memorising bouquet, not knowing what to think.
"You ruined the guy's fifteen year long not guilty streak and he tells you to keep up the good work?"
"This is weird, right?"
10. Side Effects May Include
“It’s complicated, okay! I don’t know how it works. I just know when I’m not here-near you-it's like there's this overwhelming need to run as fast as I can to this-this pull. It never stops, not unless I wake up with you, when I’m near you-it’s like everything freezes.” Barry takes one look at Len’s face and lets out a drawn-out whine.
“Shut up okay, I know you want to make a joke-but it does! It’s like for the first time since I got my powers I can just stand still or sleep since that’s never exactly come easy for me-”
“Do you have a point Barry?”
“The point is for whatever reason my subconscious is latching onto you. Whenever I’m awake I feel this pull like I’m meant to be running somewhere, but I haven’t had the time to really figure out what it means when I’ve been running around stopping bombs and searching for evidence to get my dad out of jail while also trying and failing to stop the man who really killed my mother! I’ve been dealing with a lot lately okay-I barely sleep more than a few hours a week if I even manage that-and every time I do fall asleep I wake up next to you! I’m having these bizarre dreams you keep popping up in and all I want is to sleep for more than an hour at a time!”
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vmures · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I got tagged by the delightful @mirrorthoughts 💜💜💜 Thank you for the tag!
How many works do you have on ao3?
13 at the moment
What's your total ao3 word count?
218,148 words (mostly thanks to one very long fic, lol)
What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Teen Wolf and 9-1-1. I am noodling a few ideas for Stranger Things. I've also written Buffy the Vampire Slayer stuff, mostly crossovers in the past, but haven't gotten around to importing them to ao3. They can be found on Twisting the Hellmouth under the same user name as ao3 (vMures)
Top five fics by kudos:
Hanging On (You're All That's Left to Hold On To)
A Hallowed Pack
A Change of Luck
A Merry War
Finding Home
All Teen Wolf fics, mostly Steter with one Sterek fic in the mix. 😄
Do you respond to comments?
I certainly always try to.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm a happily ever after sort of writer generally, so none of my fics have very angsty endings. Just not the sort of thing I tend to write.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
They all have happy endings so far. Not sure I could pick which one has the happiest ending.
Do you get hate on fics?
Not usually, at least not on ao3. Worst comments I've gotten have been on fanfiction.net and I have been ignoring those for decades at this point. I think I don't get much hate on ao3 in large part because I don't allow anonymous comments on my work and people are less likely to leave hate comments when they have to do it with their official account. I've gotten a few odd comments, some weird nitpicky ones, and some demanding ones from time to time. I always try to respond politely to those, but sometimes get a bit snarky.
Do you write smut?
Not as of yet. But I may some day try my hand at it. No promises though. lol
Craziest crossover:
I once wrote a crossover between Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, and X-Men (it can be found on Twisting the Hellmouth).
On ao3, my only crossover so far is a Teen Wolf/Harry Potter crossover: A Hallowed Pack
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone just asked if they could translate Midnight Rain into Russian, so that will be my first fic translated into another language.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really
All time favourite ship?
Cannot pick favorites for the life of me. In Teen Wolf, I love Steter, Sterek, Stetopher, Stargent, Steterek, Dargent, Detergent (Derek/Chris/Peter), and so many more combinations of my favorite characters. lol Stranger Things I read mostly Steddie and Ronance, but am open to quite a few other pairings.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Yep, my one unfinished WIP Buffy/Stargate crossover, The Road Not Taken. After a decade of agonizing over whether or not to mark it abandoned and give myself grace for not finishing it, I finally did so. Part of me still would love to finish it, but I lost the notes I had on it and doubt I'll ever find the desire to rebuild the story and figure out where I had wanted it to go.
What are your writing strengths?
I'm pretty good at writing natural sounding dialogue and proud of that fact.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I have been called a wordy bitch or told my writing is very dense. So that could be considered a weakness. Otherwise, I'd say writing action scenes and making sure the actions make sense and flow properly.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
As long as there's a translation somewhere, I don't mind. Sometimes it is effective to include.
First fandom you wrote in?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Favorite fic you've written?
Oh man, this is a particularly hard question. I love A Merry War a lot, but ultimately my absolute favorite so far is Hanging On (You're All That's Left to Hold On To). That fic is my baby. Took me two years to finish and I poured a lot of my heart and soul into it.
Once again I've hit the tagging portion of the tag game and drawn an absolute blank on who to tag. So consider yourself tagged if you want to play along! 💜💜💜
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batrachised · 11 months
tagged by @professionalfangrrl for a twenty questions, fanfic author game!
1-How many works do you have on AO3?
For lm montgomery, three. For star wars, 38.
2-What's your total AO3 word count?
LMM: 14,467. Star Wars: 376,710 [i might have a problem]
3-What fandoms do you write for?
I'll leave you detective sherlocks to work that out
4-What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I've only written 3 lm montgomery fics, and there the top kudos one is sob of fall and song of forest (fun fact: that title is a line from an E. Paulina Johnson poem, whom I discovered LM Montgomery liked after the fact)
5-Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
sweats nervously listen...listen....let me tell you something! let me tell you something! i'm a good noodle!
after being unsure when i first started writing, i used to respond to comments religiously because I thought it was nice. then, idk what happened, I think i got busy and stopped doing so right away...and then I waited even longer....and then as a result i barely ever responded to comments and now, after compiling over like the course of a year, my ao3 inboxes have a combined unresponded comments of too many comments to deal with😅
6-What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i feel like this is the only fic i ever mention because I've written so few lmm ones, but Violets - fic about Walter's death. i did once write this sad fic that had a very fluffy lead-up, and it always makes me cackle maniacally like an evil scientist when I get comments on the beginning chapters of people being like "omg this is cute :D" and then them reaching the end and proceeding to scream at me in rage via the comments - the happy-sad switch is something I've used in my writing more than once, and I always enjoy it
7-What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A lot of my fics are crack and thereby necessitate happy endings, no one stands out as being more happy than another
8-Do you get hate on fics?
I have like, one time? and it just made me laugh tbh, it was one my first fic and I was like I'VE MADE IT ONLINE! I HAVE HATERS! 😎
9-Do you write smut? If so what kind?
nope, at least not intentionally (yes it's accidentally happened before - never forget). I tend to avoid romance in general (she says, having about 8 different romantic stories) because writing it is not for me. if I do I tend to make it silly/humorous
10-Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
nope, in general I'm not a crossover person. the only fandom where i actually got really into (reading) crossovers was merlin with harry potter, eons ago, all the more funny because I was never a harry potter fan
11-Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yup, although they did credit me. I've written about it before, but one time I had a fic stolen and put up on some website that appeared to be russia's version of ao3. Had a lot of fun translating comments on that one via google translate
12-Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes a couple of times. one time someone asked to translate my fic and I was like sure, just send me the link when you're done! :D and they did and it was short, so I just typed it in instead of copying except I misremembered whether it was a .org or .com and typed the wrong one and accidentally ended up on a porn website that apparently had a nearly identically domain and was like WHY DID THEY DO THIS TO ME D: DID THEY PUT MY FIC HERE D: IT DOESN'T BELONG HERE D: IS THIS A SPAM LINK only to refer back ot the comment and realize my fingers had betrayed me
13-Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
nope, all me and the workings of my incredibly silly mind
14-What's your all-time favourite ship?
don't have one! not a super shippy person anymore, although I used to be! sometimes I read romance fic but it's usually because I feel like reading romance, not because of the ship itself
15-What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
idk man, I've tried abandoning wips before but my brain doesn't let me. one time i abandoned a fic and then months later, i got the answer to the issue i'd been stuck on in a dream (or at least, upon waking in the middle of the night)
16-What are your writing strengths?
not gonna answer this one because (to me) it feels like a job interview question where you have to paste on a fake smile and talk about all the ways you're great while cowering inside. i like my writing and actually rarely experience the whole reading it over and seeing where it could have been better, not because I think my work is just that amazing, but because I don't really have that fine-tuned writer/artist brain that would give me an interesting answer to this question. i do this for fun, and for free, and for me lmao
17-What are your writing weaknesses?
PLOTTING OUT OUTLINES this one I can answer because I never do this enough and then I always end up several chapters into a fic trying to make it go somewhere that makes sense like
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18-Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
nope, i don't know another language well enough. i'm so paranoid that when I make up space names for my star wars fic I always google the fake word to make sure it's not a dirty/offensive word in another language 💀it's saved me before.
19-First fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars, about a year and a half ago! It's been cool to see how different my writing has become in that short period of time!
20-Favorite fic you've ever written?
always the last one published or the ones that got the least attention. i loved them <3
tagging @gogandmagog @no-where-new-hero @kehlana-wolhamonao3 @kingedmundsroyalmurder
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dreadsuitsamus · 2 years
Abandoned Kakashi WIP
author's note: the worst part about going back to abandoned WIPs is that i cannot for the life of me remember what the plan for some things are. as i cannot remember, i'll just post this kakashi one as is just because it's probably as far done as it'll get. just a heads up, there is an allusion to sex!
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Kakashi turned off the water in the shower, droplets trickling down his body and falling off onto the wet floor. Once again his students were attempting to see his face, and he had indulged their efforts as Sukea in the name of improving their teamwork. He was pleased that their former classmates were also on the 'mission' too.
It was strange to think he was steadily improving the next generation's abilities to protect the village just by having a face.
He opened the shower door and began drying off, turning his head with a knowing smirk as the door opened up. "I guess you've forgotten how to knock?"
You rolled your eyes and stepped in anyway. "I can knock some sense into you, if you like."
"And what have I done now, hm? I dared to take a shower?"
"You keep goading these kids into trying to take off your mask." You crossed your arms and leaned against the wall as you glanced at the used makeup wipes sitting in the bin. "And not only that, you're helping them! Are you trying to get them to take it off? Because at that point you might as well just stop wearing it anyway."
"I like my mask." He moved to stand in front of you, his skin still very much damp from the shower. He placed his hands against the wall on either side of your head, smirking down at you mischievously. You met his challenging eyes with your own, only barely being able to ignore the fact that he was still very naked, and that his man downstairs was warming to your presence. "I also like the thrill of them hunting me for it."
Your tongue shot out to wet your drying lips as your husband grazed his lips up and down the side of your neck. "Kakashi. They're going to succeed..."
"Maybe." He gently bit your neck and kissed the spot, water from his wet hair dripping on your shirt. "But I told you. I like the thrill."
You sighed softly but didn't repress your smile. "You and your adrenaline rushes..."
"I still have some excitement in me." Kakashi said directly into your ear, the vibrations from his lips and words sending a buzz down your spine. You didn't even need him to tell you; you could feel his excitement pressing against your leg. "And now your shirt is all wet, what a shame..." He thumbed the edge of your shirt, warning you that it was coming off sooner than later.
You groaned softly when he pressed his body closer. "This conversation isn't over..."
"Oh I'm sure." He whispered hotly before capping his lips onto yours.
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"So this is really the best idea you could come up with for helping them work together?" You asked while drawing circles on Kakashi's chest. His arm was around you securely while he gazed at the ceiling, his cheek resting against your head.
"This seems to be the only thing they all actively want. They're so different that it's hard to find common ground. If a little mischief is what it takes to get them going, it's worth it." He answered honestly, his large hand gently sweeping over your back. "I have to put all of my marbles into this generation. They won't get the luxury of peace; but maybe their children will if we do our part to give them the tools. They're craftier than us, and I believe in them."
You nodded slowly in understanding. "You'd make a wonderful Hokage."
Kakashi just laughed and closed his eyes.
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that's all i got done 🙈 if anyone wants to pick this up where i left it, you're welcome to do so. all i ask is for you to tag me when it's done!
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whenshesayshush · 11 months
fic asks
Thanks to @septemberrie for tagging me!
How many works do you have on ao3? 7
What’s your total ao3 word count? 30.187
What fandoms do you write for? Just Fate: the Winx Saga at the moment.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
You haven't told me anything (that I didn't already know)
You found me dressed in black (hiding way up at the back)
Let’s put some light into our lives (but keep the storm that’s in your eyes)
The dead of the winter of my life (in the middle of the summertime)
It’s only war if there’s a winner (it’s only hell if there’s a sinner)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I do. Because yes, I write for me, but if I didn't I want the engagement with people who like the same thing as me, I wouldn't have to post my stories. I like thanking the people who take time to leave a comment, because it's not common and it's gotten less and less since the show got canceled.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? It's only war if there's a winner, I'd say.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hmm...toss up between You haven’t told me anything and I won’t let my demons win? I haven't really written overtly happy endings, just 'we're in a decent place right now' endings.
Do you get hate on fics? I haven't, no.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Not so far. I don't think I will ever write fully explicit content, but I might dabble into something a bit more suggestive at one point, who knows?
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? No. They're usually not my jam, because I'm canon compliant to a fault.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Stolen as in someone else claimed to have written it, no. Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, but without my permission and I believe it's since been taken down. I prefer to keep my works in English because that's the only way I have some control over how my words and ideas are interpreted.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have not, but I did collaborate with @rivusa for the Fate Reverse Big Bang this year! I'm not saying no to co-writing something in the future, but I am very particular about my writing and the things I like and dislike, so it would have to be the right match.
What’s your all-time favorite ship? The first one that comes to mind is Bellarke, which is funny because I was never really in the The 100 fandom or created any content for them, but God, their scenes just hit so hard. It's also definitely the ship I'm most disappointed about in terms of how it was handled in canon (that's some bullshit, man).
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I pretty much write one thing at a time and then post, so while I have a document of snippets that I may or may not use at some point, I don't really have any abandoned WIPs that were ever intended for posting. I guess I would have to say a plot I was developing for an original novel at some point that I barely wrote anything for but do still like the idea of. I'm not suited to longer stories, though, so I don't think I'll ever write a book.
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue is the one I feel confident enough in to throw out there. And maybe subtle intimacy? Like, establishing emotional connection through small developments. So the really slow slow burn, I guess.
What are your writing weaknesses? I don't think I'm very good at composition. I do have a full picture in my mind of what scenes look like, but I'm usually so focused on the dialogue and the impact of it on the characters that it takes me significant effort to go back and describe things like movement and setting. Oh, and @septemberrie (love you😘) consistently tells me to add more internal monologue in at least one spot in my fics.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Fine by me, but if it's an existing language, I think it's a writer's responsibility to make sure it's correct. So if I didn't speak the language fluently, I'd always ask a native for a check.
First fandom you wrote for? CSI:Miami
Favorite fic you’ve written? I'm torn between two, but I think based on the fact that it's the fic that got me to share some of my writing for the first time in 10 years, I'm gonna have to go with You haven’t told me anything.
Tagging @medusanova, @leadingrebel and @amchara if they want to, but anyone else feel free!
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to-proudly-go · 11 months
Fic tag game!
Thank you @mischievouschan4 for tagging me! 💛💛💛 It looked fun and I'm glad I got to answer these questions!
How many works do you have on ao3?
I currently have 8 works in my account!
What's your ao3 word count?
Only 5871 words! I only write ficlets so it's not a surprise (but honestly longer than my school essays...😂)
What fandoms do you write for?
Only 2 with published fics for now: One Punch Man and Star Wars! (mostly because I focus on fanart more than fanfic though I do wanna write more, the words just won't words sometimes 😅)
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Welp I only have 8 works so I guess I'll just give the top 1 if that's alright??? And it's a Saigenos fic - Sleeping Sensei with 230 kudos!
Do you respond to comments?
As much as I can! Sometimes I see the comments late so I dither on whether I should give a response or not...(but I cherish every single one! 💛)
What's the fic you write with the happiest ending?
Oh lordy (I cry as I realize I only wrote 2 happy fics including the wips)
But I think this one! - Kisses before chores (another Saigenos)
Do you get hate on fics?
So far no! Everyone's been sweet actually 🥹
Do you write smut? What kind?
Ehe (yes and it's mlm and wlw though both are unfinished 😭 I despair)
Do you write cross-overs?
I haven't tried but I wouldn't be surprised if one day I get an idea, I guess
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope! Thankfully
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! Though I'd be very happy if someone did
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I haven't but that would be exciting!!
What's your all time favourite ship?
Don't ask this of me I'm begging you (though on swordpoint I might answer Obikin because that's my current fixation and I love them so much they give me life)
What's your WIP you like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Oh damn too many to mention actually I am scared of opening my gdocs again 😂 And most of them are original stories, not fics (may my OCs forgive me for abandoning them I still love you and think of you fondly every now and then)
What are your writing strengths?
Angst angst very descriptive and poetic angst and more angst (a friend of mine who is also a writer neary threw away my phone in pain after reading my star wars fic and meta post. I considered it a compliment, coming from them who also writes beautiful angst)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing long fics! I write mostly based on vibes and feelings that I want to express in as few words as possible, mmmaaaybe because I was a poem writer first before trying on fics (what is plot I don't know her 😂)
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm all for it! English is not my first language and I think it'd be fun to insert some jokes and cuss words from another language 😅 (although I haven't tried it yet)
First fandom you wrote for?
I think it was for Kingsman! Although it's still a wip until now in my docs and I may never publish it, idk yet!
Favourite fic you've ever written?
Probably my first ever published OPM fic In the aftermath (I hurt mysef writing this 😭)
Thank you again for the tag my dear!!!! I had fun 💛💛💛
If you've been tagged already or don't want to do the game then don't mind me, darlings! Anyone interested can also join in the fun!!!
@virahaus @isinnedforcake @tideswept @spikybanana
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nachtwaechterin · 11 months
20 questions for fanfic writers tagged by @kittyphoenix12-xx. Thanks for the tag!!!
How many works do you have on AO3?
22 across four pseudonyms!
What's your total AO3 word count?
251,426 as of November 3rd, 2023
What fandoms do you write for?
Across my fandoms, there are fics for BotW, A:tLA, BBC Merlin and now the MCU. I'm currently only writing MCU fic tho!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Spider on the Web (1,077 kudos, MCU, Parkner)
The Scientific Method (246 kudos, MCU, Parkner)
Spidery Thoughts (136 kudos, MCU, Parkner)
How To Train Your Dragon Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (120 kudos, MCU)
Druids and Destinies (117 kudos, BBC Merlin)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! Because comments make me happy and I wanna engage with my readers (which is also why I have a Discord server for my fics)
If I don't respond, it's probably because it's a longer thread in which I've replied before and I simply don't know what to say.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't do angsty endings. Or, well, I do at the end of a work but usually those have sequels with happier endings. The worst I'm gonna do is bittersweet. But if we allow angsty endings with sequels that have happy endings, The Way of the Sword (A:tLA) will fit best!
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them tbh!!! Or so many of them. I will say Coffee and Chamomile (MCU, Parkner) though because the overall vibe is also very fluffy.
Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't yet!
Do you write smut?
I do! Mostly as an exploration of my own sexuality since I did struggle to accept my cupiosexuality for years. There's It Turns Out Asexuals CAN Want Sex (MCU, Parkner), and the rewrite of The Scientific Method will get a smut one-shot. I might also write some for Glowing in the Dark (MCU, Parkner) tbh.
Do you write crossovers?
I had ideas but nope! Idk, it's difficult for me to write for me in more than one fandom at a time, and this just ties into it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Do my own abandoned translations count? If so, then yes.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I tried but I feel like co-writing is kinda difficult for me because of the increased pressure. A one-shot or short story is probably fine but anything more than that is just. Idk. My brain does Not Like It.
What's your all-time favorite ship to write for?
Tbh that changes depending on the fandom im in currently! It's Harley Keener/Peter Parker aka Parkner (MCU).
What's A WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
All of the ones in the fandoms I fell out of tbh.
What are your writing strengths?
I think writing emotions!!! I'm just projecting my own experiences and trauma and I think that gives them a lot of depth and makes them pretty realistic!
What are your writing weaknesses?
I can't keep anything short. I just ramble on and on and on and on and on and—
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I italicize and use a tooltip workskin so that if you hover over it you can see the translation! (or click on it, if you're using mobile)
For sign language, I haven't figured that one out. I probably won't use ASL grammar bc I simply do not know ASL (tho I do aspire to learn sign language from the country I live) and also bc I heard that can make it harder to read. I might put in italics, might not, idk. I'll see when I'll have to use it!
First fandom you wrote for?
Prinzessin Lillifee (a German book series/magazine about a fairy, often featuring her unicorn and animal friends. I used to spend so much money on the magazines and I'm pretty sure I had an audiobook! Prinzessin Lillifee fanfic was actually what got me into writing, and ironically I wrote one-shots for it.
Favorite fic you've written?
That is so difficult to answer. Probably A Spider on the Web and It Turns Out Asexuals CAN Want Sex. And Glowing in the Dark (MCU, Parkner).
I'm tagging @the-writing-merlin, @chaosisorderao3, @pbpsbff, @graham-cracker-guillotine, and whoever else wants!
List of questions under the cut for ease of copy-pasting.
How many works do you have on AO3?
What's your total AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Do you get hate on fics?
Do you write smut?
Do you write crossovers?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
What's your all-time favorite ship to write for?
What's A WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
What are your writing strengths?
What are your writing weaknesses?
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
First fandom you wrote for?
Favorite fic you've written?
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sssammich · 11 months
20 questions game
got tagged by @nostradamus0 so i shall now answer it all instead of doing my homework due in like 3 hours it's fine
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
lol 115
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
so technically 685,515 (but i've co-written some stuff so if we're talking purely my words then it's probably closer to maybe around 630k or so?? idk man)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently? mayakuro, supercorp, and bumbleby, but i won't hesitate to write for a fandom off the cuff lol (if you ever take a gander at my fic list you'll see)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Closest I Get (victorious, jade/tori)
evergreen (supercorp)
not for nothing (supercorp)
one way or another (supercorp)
catching sunrise (revue starlight, maya/claudine)
lmaoo supercorp numbers feel insane to me (considering how i've been chillin in smaller fandoms. like closest i get was posted 11years and 2days ago and it's now only 26 kudos ahead of evergreen)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
hell yeah! i would say i've answered 90% of my comments there are some random stragglers i know i've missed over the years for sure, but i try to respond when i can!
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
uh omg i mean i don't typically dabble in angsty endings? i'm a happy/hopeful ending kinda gal. i did have santana die in this one fic but it ended hopefully, and then i also had maya and claudine not end up together, but it was also not bad?? idk if i've ever thought of an angsty ending that feels like a good pay off for having been put through the paces ig
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
the vast majority of my fics are happy endings so idk, pick any of them tbh LOL
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not really, no. i've been most fortunate that people have been very nice in the comments.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
listen i am trying to get into my smut era and i keep being delayed so it's only a matter of time but it's probably just regular vanilla smut lbr
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i have written ONE (1) crossover and it's incomplete. in general, i cannot possibly fathom crossing over fandoms, they feel very contained and separate in my head so not really
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
haha yes! i remember someone messaged me that my jori fic, Closest I get, was stolen and put into wattpad but then used for a 5th harmony rpf story LMAO
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no but if someone did i would be honored
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
haha yeah, i'm co-writing now! there's this kara/lena/sam i've dubbed throuple fic with chaotic-super and then my friend maddy and i continue to ruminate on a revue starlight modern AU where the sad girls are sad. and then also like there's a since abandoned alex/tobin rpf back in the woso days LOL
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
girl we're not doing this
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
omg i have this one once upon a time/pitch perfect ruby/aubrey crossover i did try to write back in the day and i reread it in the last six months and it was Not Terrible but idk where that shit would even go now at this rate
also i've retired many WIPs over the years
16. What are your writing strengths?
uh god idk maybe dialogue, pacing, atmospheric setting
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
absolutely writing the middle and thinking of the connective tissues that would tie everything together
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i do not have thoughts LOL
at this point, i think it depends? like if there's something more to be gained with it being in that other language, then i'll write it in. but if not, i just italicize it and say they said it in that other language and keep it moving LOL
19. First fandom you wrote for?
god uh probably some super early hermione/ginny back in middle school and then All My Children bianca/maggie back in high school (when there were forums to join and pretend you're not a child) but those things are not posted
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
can there ever be just ONE favorite fic at this point in my life? can't say at this point especially with how often i've jumped fandoms and stuff but i guess in recent writing, i'd say:
not for nothing, don't touch me (touch me more), catching sunrise, and tether
honestly they all gave me so much headaches (affectionate??) but i feel like they're some of my best writing atp
no pressure tags! @lovesastateofmind1 @fyonahmacnally @chaotic-super @fazedlight @inkedroplets and anybody else?? who wants to! live ur life ur truth etc etc and answer ask memes
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geometricalien · 1 year
Romance Snippet Game!
I've been tagged by @ultfreakme a long ass time ago but I'm finally getting around to this. I've got 3 current wips to draw from but they are all the same ship so I'll just throw them all here anyways!
rules: share a few lines or a snippet that sums up the main relationship(s) in your wip
Things That Hold Us Together: Steel Bolts and Tender Hearts - (android/technician)
There must be some invisible field that Akashi is able to tap into, something of pure energy that connects to the electricity and internet and- and who knows what else- that makes him the epicenter and able to to control everything with a single synapse in their neural network… Kouki has never heard of such a thing, let alone any theory that alludes to this. It’s… it’s amazing, world altering tech. He feels like a man first encountering fire.
He harshly swallows down the wonder choking him. “Oh.”
Akashi’s eyes stop sparking and the technology returns to normal with the suddenness of gravity being turned back on. The apartment feels much smaller and cramped than before. It’s drab. He hates it.
εὐήλιος - (greek wip act 2)
(theres so many scrapped snippets that fit this, I'll share some of my favorites)
(this is from before I decided to switch povs)
He turns to Kouki, standing on his right as always. His love looked similarly distressed based on his clenched jaw and his fidgeting fingers.
And then there is the other problem with leaving.
He would be discarding his fate. Throwing away the stars and the moon. Abandoning all that he believed in, all that pulled him through life. His name was to be etched into history.
Could he forget what the gods had promised him?
They already blessed him with Kouki. They were entwined in the stars long before either was born. Seijuurou would be spitting on his fate, on the wondrous gift he is.
The man is the best part of his life. -----
“Good.” He purrs, lifting their hands to his mouth and presses light kisses into Kouki’s hand, each a promise of devotion.
Approval from Seijuurou always made him a tad dizzy which only increased when his sly mouth drew in a finger. The enveloping wet heat did nothing to stop the haze his mind easily slipped into. After all, Seijuurou is excellent with his tongue in more ways than one.
“You’ve gotten quite skilled at th-that.” His voice breaks at the sharp suck pulling him deeper into the cavernous warmth.
Seijuurou is unhurried as if they have all the time in the world. Every curl is an act of worship, and he would be worried about the obvious impiety Seijuurou is displaying if it didn’t feel so damn good. He knows what it feels like to have those pink lips wrapped around his length. To have songs of praise bitten into his skin. Seijuurou has loved him softly, roughly, frantically, savoring- in every conceivable way he has been worshiped. -----
He takes hold of Kouki’s hand and draws patterns into his palm. The little soothing action helps ground Kouki when he feels particularly anxious, and a little part of him thinks it helps calm Seijuurou too. As well as being practical it is endlessly endearing to Kouki. When he focuses on the shapes traced he often pieces the phrase “I love you” written over and over. How many times has he borne that phrase into his skin? Has it seeped into the muscle and bone?
trust me, trust me, darling dear - (horror oneshot)
As a child he had a favorite blanket. Blue and the softest material you’d ever feel, made of wishes and dreams. He thinks it was a gift from a relative, maybe his grandmother? He’s not sure. It has been by his side since he can remember. In stormy shadow filled nights and the first thing he stuffed in his backpack for preschool. A comfort object, that’s what they called it.
And he remembers how much he wailed when his mother took the worn, ragged blanket from his thin child arms when it needed to be washed. How he clung to the long spider-like strings digging into his tender skin leaving angry red and white marks.
His mother would scold him as he sat in front of the washer, waiting. “You have to be more careful or soon there will be nothing left of it.”
Listening to the wet slosh of soapy water he never understood why loving something made it break, made it fall apart at the seams. After all, his mother’s love and gentle kiss could heal any pain. What made his so… rotten?
Standing now infront of his mirror, feeling the phantom shadow arms reach for him- around him- pulling him into the inky black mass reflected in the mirror- being grabbed by the force before him, pushed beneath their will and his grasp on reality slips away- Kouki finally understands what she meant.
I got terminal akafuri brainrot but we knew this :3
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emilykaldwen · 3 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged bbyyyyyy @ewanmitchellcrumbs, @em-writes-stuff-sometimes, @moris-auri, @ladylannisterxo!!! Thank you so much! Sorry it took awhile to get to this!
Check out my AO3 here!
01. how many works do you have on ao3? 11
02. what's your total ao3 word count? 210,850
03. what fandoms do you write for? Currently writing for House of the Dragon since that tickled my brain enough to get into proper writing again.
04. top five fics by kudos? The Maiden and the Drowning Boy, You're the Lighting of the Blaze, Soulmates Never Die, Fight For Me (If It's Not Too Late), Moonshadow
05. do you respond to comments? Always! I love talking and thanking my commenters <3
06. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably Boy With a Broken Soul (Heart With a Gaping Hole), my fae!gon x abby fic. Cause it got dark. I've been trying to figure out how to redo the ending because I really do love that fic. I'll eventually crosspost it to Tumblr.
07. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Completed wise, Cinnamon Dulce, Lost, and fight For Me (If It's Not Too Late)
08. do you get hate on fic? Pretty regularly
09. do you write smut? I do! My stories aren't often smut focused, but there's definitely sexy times in there!
10. craziest cross over? The Supernatural x Joss Whedon-verse I wrote over 10 years ago (Sam Winchester x River Tam, Dean Winchester x Buffy Summers)
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge.
12. have you ever had a fic translated? no
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? yes! Soulmates Never Die was cowritten!
14. all time favorite ship? Buffy x Angel, Aegon x Abby, Derek Hale x Lydia Martin, Killian x Aurora
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I removed any of my abandoned fics from fandoms I'm no longer a part of.
16. what are your writing strengths? Man, fuck if I know. I think I'm really good at callbacks/sowing the seeds for payoff, and plot. And also treating Helaena Targaryen like a real person lmao
17. what are your writing weaknesses? getting in over my head. Smut.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language? I use High Valyrian pretty regularly as well as irish gaelic!
19. first fandom you wrote in? Star Wars!
20. favorite fic you've written? It might be cheating to say Maiden but it's Maiden. Because this is the culmination of a lifetime of working on fic and trying to make it work, a lifetime of working on my craft and practicing storytelling and it's the longest fic I've ever written and I'm so happy with where it's going. I hope you join me on the journey, I'd love to have you!
no pressure tags: @theladyelizabeth, @kingsmakers, @mihrsuri, @deathbecomesnerds, @queen--kenobi and anyone else who would like to!
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