#I'll overthink too much.
I should try to sleep.
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Good omens tag game
Name two things you have in common with Aziraphale and two things you have in common with Crowley
More reasons to love them!
1.- Taste for black clothes and... I WANT TO BELIEVE that I look good too
2.- I love Aziraphale Dramatic
1.- I love books
2.- Stubborn. Really stubborn
No pressure tags: @fearandhatred @bildads-shoes @harbinger-of-existential-dread @di-42 @sayeverythingwillbefineplease @littlekhaos626
And of course, open tags!
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goddess-of-green · 1 month
BotW Link Being a Quiet (and Sleepy) Drunk
(A/N:) Playing TotK and immediately my soul is being recaptured by Linky Winky
(Edit:) This draft is almost a year old! I started it the day TotK came out, lol
Contains: GN!Reader, could be interpreted as either botw or totk link, him being CUTE
Word Count: 474
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Link's face pressed into the crook of your neck, having migrated a bit since he'd put his head on your shoulder earlier in the evening.
You smiled and lightly stroked his hair, which earned you a hum--the vibrations of which you could feel in your neck.
It wasn't like Link wasn't affectionate, he was incredibly affectionate when he's certain it's not unwanted. However, even with your constant prompting and encouragement for him to be more open with his displays of affection, he still always kept a respectful distance when you were around others.
You didn't take it personally, you knew it was just the way he was; and a part of you liked that his affection was reserved for just the two of you--that you were the only one who got to see him like that.
Still, that wasn't to say that you didn't like when Link was more open about his love for you, which was something often brought out by inebriation.
He's a quiet drunk, just as he is sober, and one might not think he's affected much at all by the alcohol, but you can tell.
You can see how his eyes linger on you for longer than usual, notice the clinginess that usually comes with him being in that state. And one thing that you loved was how he became more vocal.
Yes, he was a quiet drunk, but less quiet than when he is sober; and you relish in his soft sighs and hums as he nuzzles into your neck, unbothered by the presence of the others.
Zelda smiled at the sight of you two, but the others didn't seem to take notice. Sidon and Yunobo were in deep conversation, while Riju was idly talking about jewelry to Zelda.
Link wrapped an arm around your waist, hand settling on your hip. He seemed intent on keeping his face in your neck, and you recalled him once telling you that you always smelled good.
"Hmm..." Link sighed, squeezing your hip. You continued to stroke his hair.
Even though he became more daring when he was drunk, he'd still never touch you in a sexual way in even a semi-public context. You knew he just wanted to be closer to you. (Sometimes you wondered in amusement, if Link would attach himself to you, given the opportunity.)
Link looked sleepier than anything, and you brushed gently along his ears, coming to a decision.
"Everyone, it's been amazing to meet with you all and catch up, but I think it's about time we turn in for the night." You smiled, helping Link up, who neglected to let go of you. Whether due to trouble keeping upright or simply a desire to touch you, you didn't know.
Not that it really mattered. All you were worried about now was getting your boy to bed. 
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six-white-venus · 3 months
What can you do when you hate every word that comes out of your mouth with a burning passion? When nothing you say ever feels right? When all of your words feel like lies, even though they’re not?
Because they’re not, right? …right?
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"lookin’ all sailor moon and shit"
˖⁺‧₊˚✰˚₊‧⁺˖Emi Mori˖⁺‧₊˚✰˚₊‧⁺˖
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hoziersredguitar · 1 month
I miss old tumblr in the sense that i could complain about board exams and worrying about not getting enough to be eligible for my medical entrance test and i'd have summoned half the indian side of tumblr to sympathize
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sunstainedpages · 5 months
I'm so fucking excited!!!
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^ actually me
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didderd · 10 months
Hi Alex! I was wondering what the boys would do if they were trying to go out with someone who's super oblivious (or maybe just thinks that there's no possible way that someone actually has feelings for them) and they just weren't getting the hint?
*pushes up my nonexistent glasses* heheh *starts clacking away at keyboard*
(gonna kinda mimic @/wishing-stones formatting style wif these sorta asks n harness their good writing energy)
(these got... super long, so under th read more 't goes. (fkn. Tou's and Snaps' take up my whole screen each. i have no self control lmao.) also jus a heads up. Snaps' mentions ~sexual relations~ lol)
Tic is subtle and has a hard time being straightforward. He'd built up the courage to tell them several times, over several months. Each time, pushing himself to get less subtle about it.
The first few were mixed into bad jokes. "knock knock" "who's there" "a sphinx" "a sphinx who" "a sphinx I like you". Every time, they laughed and blushed, but then assumed it was just a joke.
The last couple of times weren't even mixed into jokes, yet they still assumed he was just messing around.
This time he goes all out. He brings them somewhere beautiful, maybe under a starry sky, and after watching the stars for a bit, he grabs their hands and tells them he loves them. And when they still don't believe him, he brings them close. Inches from a kiss, and tells them he's 100% serious. He shuts them up by closing the gap before they can deny it again.
Tac has been very obviously flirting with this person for about a month, but he guesses he flirts with a lot of ppl, so it's not too farfetched to think he's just like that, so he steps up his game.
He gets more romantic with it. He gets them flowers and asks them out. (He'd asked them out a few times before, but they thought he was just being his usual flirty self. Which wasn't entirely wrong, but doesn't mean he wasn't serious.)
When they think he's just messing around again, he pulls them in with a hand on the small of their back. He assures them that he's 100% serious, and brings them into a deep kiss.
Tou is already very physically affectionate with his friends. Anything they'll allow. Holding hands, kissing their forehead/cheek, friendship cuddles. But with his best friend/crush, he always lingers longer than with the others.
He's absolutely ecstatic that they like the physical affection, but he wants more. He kisses their cheek often, and wishes he were kissing just an inch or two over, but they just don't see what his constant physical affection and lingering touches mean, so he gets more verbally affectionate.
Tbh, his verbal affection was already strong too, so this doesn't do a lot either, but he'd thought if he's now constantly calling them cute, beautiful/handsome, stunning, etc, they'd get the hint.
One day he leans into them, grabs their hand, and calls them the most attractive person he's ever met. He thinks surely they'll have to get the hint now, but they still think he's just being nice.
He gets a little frustrated and picks them up, tossing them over his shoulder, and ports into his room. (He rarely ports outside of battle training.) He sits them on his bed and sits next to them, grabbing their hand and leaning in a lot closer this time.
He kisses their hand, not breaking eye contact for a moment. He tells them he loves them, and that he's not just being friendly, and once they finally get it, he brings them into his lap for cuddles.
Snaps honestly takes a very long time himself to realize he actually wants to be with this person rather than just fuck them. Anyone else would have realized he has feelings for them far before he did.
They've been friends with benefits for months before he realizes it (with some help from his boss).
Once he's done having a crisis about having emotions he was sure didn't exist in him, he goes straight to their apartment and tests the waters.
He makes them a nice breakfast before they get up (tics not bothering him this time, as he's too focused on making it good for them). He holds their hand while they watch TV instead of holding their thigh/waist. He kisses their hand before they leave for work, and sneaks in the pet name "honey" rather than the usual "bunny" as he sees them out.
All of this, they only seemed mildly suspicious of, or flushed at and waved it off, so he gathers that he has to go further with it.
When they get back, he greets them with flowers at the door, dressed well, in a nice button-up and some dress pants. (Tho, he's still wearing his fingerless gloves.)
He leads them to the table, where he'd set up a candle lit dinner. (Food delivered from one of their favorite places, bc he wasn't confident he wouldn't mess up a fancy dinner.)
When they assume he's just buttering them up to ask if they can do something new in bed, he chuckles and assures them this isn't about sex anymore (tho he wouldn't mind that after dinner). His eye light appears, and he leans in, grabbing their hands, and he tells them he wants to be more with them, that he thinks he loves them.
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ardentpoop · 4 months
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haha. oh no
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mari-lair · 7 months
I need to know about the minamoto dad relationship with his children.
mood, I would die for any focus on the dad
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zhongrin · 2 months
I just need you to know that I know your Neuvillette pain. As a Zhongli selfshipper, I feel like Neuvi is the one man I should stay clear of, but he's CALLING to me, and I must obey. (Also I have a guaranteed pull on the next banner, so he's coming home, and he and Li are gonna have to learn to tolerate each other in the teapot.) Maybe I will write a fic where they fight over me, to get that out of my system?
ahh hello again! thank you for sharing your thoughts and struggles <3 i'm glad someone can kind of relate to the dilemma… ૮◞ ﻌ ◟ა
i mean honestly, i have friends who selfships with both and i think they're super cute! i love them! i think they work so well! i support them wholeheartedly, and i believe with all my heart that those two would move mountains and seas (literally and metaphorically) for them!!!
…. it's just that specifically in my case, i already have al haitham and wriothesley? so honestly in my head i feel so bad because zhongli (or, i should clarify, the zhongli in my head) - a literal dragon - is already being so patient with the addition to our little home. mindlessly bringing another dragon into this dynamic (who literally has shown on several occasions that he's able to put priority over his duty of ensuring justice over anything, wishes to enact judgment over the archons and has hinted that physical altercation may be a possibility, and who zhongli is canonically clearly avoiding for reasons that have yet to be clarified).... feels like i'm just taking advantage of that patience and kindness.
and unfortunately, i don't think i can bear to do that. or at least not right now ૮ •᷄ ༝ •᷅ ა
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glitter-andgold · 1 month
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General Valentina Headcannons (Saw X)
Currently planning the "Valentina lives and becomes an apprentice" AU I've been wanting to write so consider this a precursor to that! (I wasn't kidding when I said I had many headcannons about her so enjoy the ramblings of a mad man <3)
Her full name is Valentina Rosa Hernández
She was 32 years old during the events of Saw X.
This makes her younger than Cecilia & Mateo and older than Diego and Gabriella
Valentina’s birthday is on the 27th of July (thus making her star sign Leo)
Let’s those close to her call her Val for short.
Is still trying to put an exact label on her sexuality but knows for a fact she isn’t straight
Valentina struggles to fully trust and open up to people as she’s been hurt by many throughout her life; she often uses her feisty, sarcastic personality as a shield. Though if you manage to break through this prickly facade, you will find a loyal woman with a lot of love to give.
Valentina loves doing her makeup and is quite the talented makeup artist. It was almost like her pre-work relaxation ritual for the night, doing her makeup while blasting some of her favourite music.
Loves heavy metal and rock music! It was quite rare but when she was able to go to concerts, she’d be in the mosh pit.
As well as having her ears pierced, she’s also got her belly button pierced.
Has a younger half-sister named Carmen who is five years younger than her. Val loves her above all else and is fiercely protective of. Aside from this has no relationship with any of her immediate family.
Growing up it was just Valentina and her father; her mother wasn’t really in the picture. She was really close with her father. However, he passed away when she was 12.
She was then sent to live with her mother, step father and Carmen. Her mother and step-father were cold and neglectful towards her, it was always clear that they didn’t want her there.
 As a result of this she grew into a trouble making teenager.
At first, she was distant from her little sister, envious of the love her mother and step father seemed to give her. However, as the pair grew older Valentina came to realise that the amount of pressure they put on her, even from a young age, was harmful within itself. They didn’t love her, they loved the idea of her and as soon as Carmen strayed from what they wanted she was punished. From that moment onwards Valentina vowed to love and protect her sister.
In fact, she started trying to change her trouble making ways so she could be a better older sister.
Valentina left home the age of 20 after a huge argument with her mother and step-father. The only person she stayed in contact with was Carmen (and she had to fight to stay in contact with her, their mother tried to prevent it but was unsuccessful).
Had little to her name when she left home and ended up couch surfing at friend’s places for a while.
Eventually saves up enough to rent a little place of her own, it was small and little bit rundown but it was hers. Carmen ended up moving in with Valentina after also having a falling out with their parents. Times could be tough but they were happy to have each other.
Valentina always wanted to provide a better life for her sister than what she was able to and this is why Cecilia was able to convince her to join the scam. She promised Valentina a life changing sum of money in exchange for pretending to be a nurse for a couple of days. Valentina had her doubts but at the end of the day, such a large sum of money to pretend to be a nurse for a short period of time??? She’d be a fool not too, after all this was for her sister. And she’d do anything for her sister.
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gojoux · 9 months
Just woke up from one of the worst nightmares I've ever had. Crazy for me 'cause, I somehow slept anxious about the upcoming leaks in 3 days, AND it just gave me the worst possible vision of his death COME ON now I can't sleep 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
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corfisers · 3 months
saezuru side blog over at @nanayashi-agenda it was inevitable and i should've made it sooner, but oh well
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yasutheculprit · 3 months
a very straight uni friend asked us for a relationship advice and now i feel so drained. how does she do this every day...
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picory · 4 months
i'm always so quick to post my art when really i should give it a 4th or a 10th look over to make sure i'm at least 99% satisfied with my creation. now all im gonna be thinking is that i should've left the background lighter, or at least made the lineart darker. whatever there's always other drawings
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