#I'll probably have to wait until you can rent it or buy it for the sake of my health
storiesbyjes2g · 3 days
3.170 One more thing
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I probably should have waited to have the next conversation, but I figured since we were getting everything in the open, we may as well discuss finding a new house. Besides, she said she missed talking, right? Autumn in San Sequoia is beautiful. It's refreshingly cool in the mornings, and evenings, and warm during the day. I suggested we take Desi and hang out in our side yard for a bit. A little while ago, I packed up the yoga mats I had out there and set up a nice outdoor chill spot. It's clear I'm not gonna achieve my yoga dreams, if you can even call them that. We weren't using the space, so I turned it into something we will definitely use. Since Desiree will be walking soon, I'll have to get her some toys and things out here. But for now, she can take a nap under the sun in the fresh air while Sophia and I talk business.
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It was a little cool, so Sophia lit a fire to keep the baby warm. I let us enjoy the weather and silence for a few moments before bringing up Alessia's conversation.
"So, ummm, after the memorial, Less told me she wants to move."
"Oh! That's great. So she's gonna live in your dad's house then?"
"Oh. So you're gonna help her find a place?"
"Yes, but not exactly what you're thinking."
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She gave me that "Watcher, here we go," face, and I knew I had to sweeten this deal even before I presented it.
"Dub and Maia live in a duplex. They live on one side and rent out the other. I think a situation like that will be ideal for us. Less will be right next door if something happens. We'll share a backyard so the kids can grow up and play together. It's perfect for us. And if Less ever wants to move out, we can rent it to another family and have another stream of income. It's a win win for all of us."
"Wait," she said. "You want us to move? We just got here!"
"True, but things change. It's no big deal. We'll still be in San Sequoia. Just another neighborhood."
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"But I love it here," she said. "We spent so much time and money making it our own. Luca, you proposed to me here! I gave birth here! This is my home!"
Sometimes I forget Sophia lived in one place for a long time. Plus, she's a lot more sentimental than I am. This house is the sixth home I've lived in. Moving is no big thing to me, even though this particular home is special to me too. I dreamed about living here; I longed for it. But life hasn't turned out how we thought it would, so my priorities are different now. While I could accomplish my goals perfectly from here, I'd be more at ease somewhere else.
"I understand. We've had lots of great memories here. And I know you're concerned about me being too involved in Less' life, but I think the best way to minimize my time away from home is to have her as close as possible. I promised Mama I'd look after her, Sophia."
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She let out a looooong sigh and sat in silence for a bit. I wanted to know what went on in her head, but I knew I needed to let her work it out within herself first, so I waited until she was ready to continue.
"What about this house? What will happen to it?"
I honestly wasn't too keen on selling it. I worked really hard to get it, and I didn't want anyone else to enjoy the fruit of my labor.
"We'll keep it," I said, hoping we'll be able to afford to buy a new house without selling this one. "Less won't need us so close forever. This duplex situation is just temporary, so we can come back here when it's over. Maybe we'll rent it out while we're gone."
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Sophia winced at that idea.
"Or it can just sit here until we come back," I said.
She nodded and sighed.
"I don't want to move," she said. "I don't think it's necessary. But everything you said makes sense. I do want Desi to be close to her cousins. The thought of her having easy access to them sounds nice. And I know how much you love your sister."
"Thank you. I'm sorry we have to leave here, but I really do think this will be good for all of us."
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Okay, I finally saw the Barbie movie today, and now I'm thinking about Lila creating all sorts of gorgeous outfits inspired by it 😭 Actually, I'd love to imagine a Barbie movie night for all your cmc's... Who's the most likely one to cry? (Definitely not me, nuh-uh, didn't shed a single tear, wdym)
The Barbie movie is The Lila Aesthetic. It's a bubblegum technicolor pink daydream and it is the moment she's been waiting for. I am so happy to inform you that she would take that movie premiere upon herself and create looks for everybody in the house, regardless of this thing called Post-RAE or Secret Ending. This is her Moment.
Okay. For Minji and Judas, I've got to tell you that she would want to recreate the disco for them. Minji has the legs for a jumpsuit and it would be a waste if she didn't show off those long legs. She's a vision in gold and silver! I'm telling you that! I know you might expect any sporty Barbie for Minji, but that's thinking in smalls when we need to think in large. Minji is a runner, a dancer, put those together and you've got a delightful melody in your hands.
See, Judas is flexible like Saeyoung. It would never be hard to get him to dress in Barbie or Ken's outfits. But, he loves to coordinate and since Saeyoung and Minji would absolutely... go as Barbies, he would gladly settle for that perfect opportunity to be their arm candy... I just have to debate if he would match Minji... or Saeyoung... that's the hardest question to answer.
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I think I'm biased as Hell but I want to see Saeyoung as a cowgirl Barbie. Listen. Could I boldly say that I want Saeran in that outfit? I can. I will. But, in the context of this situation, I would say that Saeyoung wants his titties and stomach to show comfortably.
There's... something about Saeyoung in flared jeans! I don't know how else to elaborate here! I think he would be gorgeous! The hot pink brings all the red out of his hair and I just know he'd be the guy who makes a prop gun that shoots a piece of paper out that says "Kiss!"
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So. Uh... The key takeaway is to Debate Disco Judas or Cowboy Judas as his fate. Both are equally good opportunities to choose from and you can't go wrong. I'd say think long and hard about whichever one seems amusing and exciting to you and go with it. There is literally no wrong answer here.
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The gingham dress is my true love. There is something about it that just screams classic staple Barbie. It's not too much and it's not too little. It is just the right amount of Barbie to feel like Barbie. The accessories are what make it and I'm in love with those light Daisy charms. Lila would love those, too. She loves Barbie as much as I do and it would make her feel giddy to be able to see her reflection in an outfit like that. I'd say she'd go for classic Barbie through and through—
But what does that mean in the situation where GE Saeran or SE Saeran get to be a matching set? You absolutely know what it means. If she's going to be classic Barbie then he's going to be classic Ken. What's more classic than a beach Ken? At least, to me, my view of Ken has always had him as a lifeguard.
I feel like Lila is the only one in the house who consumes Barbie movies. She's going to have to introduce all of them. SHE'S ABOUT TO TAKE THEM ON A TRIP OF A LIFETIME AND I'M GONNA THINK ABOUT THIS ONE. I WANT HER TO CRY OVER THE EARLY 2000s MOVIES AND SHOW SAERAN HER COLLECTION OF DOLLS.
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wordsbymae · 1 year
"They ain't lap dogs you know, they're working dogs and you spoil em too much" but mousey is for sure his lap dog lmao
so now farmer finally has them. what now? would he propose, not like in the the other AU when he is older? or would he just start going around the town telling people about his little wife/husband/spouse? because, what is little mouse supposed to do? they just can't say no to the only person that is so nice to them, the only person that takes care and protect them (or so the farmer say). mousey must return the favour.
I literally was going to answer about an hour ago but got completely distracted by making a mood board for the farmer's two dogs cause you reminded me of them. whoops!
Oh for sure!!!! He doesn't need his boys to be his lap dogs when he has the prettiest thing all to himself.
There is no way on God's green earth he will ever actually propose. Don't get me wrong, he wants nothing more than to marry his little mouse and put a ring on it. But actually courting them? Actually having to be vulnerable and open himself up to rejection?
Never ever going to happen.
I can see this going really two ways, there is a third secret option but that's for later.
The first way is he just starts acting like you're married. Tells everyone in town he can't stay too long or the missus/ his partner will be getting worried. Gushes about your cooking to anyone who will listen makes it clear that he's got a sweet little thing waiting all for him back at home. Carries a Polaroid picture of you hugging Pancho, with a big wide smile and while Lefty sooks in the corner. He'll show it off whenever he has the chance, talking about you and your boys.
Those who watched you two that day at the farmers' market just nod their heads with smiles and wish him all the best. He probably starts even wearing a plain gold band. Proud to show it off.
Meanwhile, the reader is confused when the very rare times they leave the farm everyone wishes them congratulations (and asks if any kids will be coming).
Mouse brings it up to the farmer and tells them they don't want people getting the wrong idea. They're just friends. The farmer just laughs at this.
"It's a bit too late to stop them from getting the wrong idea Mouse"
He practically gaslights them, I mean what's the big problem? Who cares if a few town folks think they got hitched. They are living together. You do act like a homemaker. You can't blame anyone for thinking you two had been married for years. The only thing stopping you two from actually being seen as truly married is the lack of a ring on your finger and you not being in his bed.
And would it really be so bad? Being his?
He's been so good to you. So kind. Like how a real husband would act. He looks after you and protects you. Buys you the prettiest things and asks nothing in return.
But now he is. Now he's asking for payment. Be his little homemaker in law as well and he'll take care of you like he always has.
You can't say no. You quit your job when your cottage burned down, just as the farmer told you to.
"I'll look after you mouse. Until you get back on your feet of course"
No one is hiring in town and even if you did get a job you wouldn't be able to buy or even rent a house. There was nowhere to go. There was taking the chance on living on the streets but wouldn't it just be easier to just say yes?
He was kinda right. You've already practically been his stay-at-home sweetheart, how bad would it be if you put a ring on your finger. This is everything you've ever wanted. To be his pretty spouse, him all to yourself.
So why did it feel so wrong?
The second is mostly fem reader but he would not be against baby trapping. If for even one moment he thought you would say no to being his wife, he would resort to baby trapping. I always view this fic set in the 60s or 70s (maybe even 50s) so there would be no way you could leave him with a babe in your belly. You would have no husband and no support. So of course you don't really have a choice. You're already on thin ice living with a single man, but that was something you could cover by explaining why. But a baby? That can't be hidden, can't be explained away. So as soon as you knew, the farmer would have a priest ready and waiting.
Tag list: @floraroselaughter
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l0viez · 2 years
May I request a reader who feels like they're falling behind in life? I feel this profound sadness when I realize others are further along where I want to be.
I'd like Kaeya for this one (And Zhongli if you have time).
Really sorry that im late for this! i had a busy scheduleT.T!, also sorry in advance if some of my writings is abit.. confusing? or not rlly that understandable! im still a newbie at these! This was in a rush so if i have some extra time ill rewrite and make it more better^^
This can be seen as romantic or platonic!💟
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🗡️Kaeya! ;
Kaeya's first and honest reaction was .. kind of mixed
He felt abit little bitsy upset for the person you always look at and compare yourself too
He felt alot of concerned and sadness , concerned because of the fact you would stop talking or just go to your own world whenever you see them
He was very saddened over the fact you look and felt miserable just because of it
the first time he knew about your situation and what you were feeling these days
He felt guilty and mad at himself because he didn't get to manage to see it more earlier
Kaeya WILL visit you daily with flowers!
Theres are no ifs or buts
you will see him at the front door waiting for you
it will become a daily thing until you finally feel better again
(unless you want him to visit u everyday🤭! just request him xox)
Kaeya will be inviting you to tavern to make you feel calm down and to distract you from you feeling upset
knowing kaeya he will still tease you but he will lower it down too make sure it doesnt say anything to tigger you
he isnt a afraid to make himself look like a fool just to distract you and make you laugh
he will even skip some of works to hang out with you to distract you from all those stress or
a little headcannon : since he got em 💵💵💸 whatever your hobbies are he will buy you the items needed for your hobbies!
Cooking? you have a whole kitchen for yourself to make foods and make your own recipes!
Singing? He will rent out a whole year room just for you to sing, it has a mic and everything
Drawing? .. yeah he would probably ask albedo for some tips on what to buy good materials LMAO
Kaeya is the type of person who would distract, make you forget about your worries, spoils you rotten, be more 10x clingy, make you laugh during your bad times❤️
Kaeya is super supportive of you and respects your decisions but sometimes he worries to much for you thats why he's always looking out for you!
He will even take you to some sceneries or areas that you havent went before and explore abit !
he just wants to express his love to you and to tell you everyday that your more than good enough and that what ever you have or got is something to cherish for and that one day you will be like someone you idolize!
he will wait for you to succeed to the things you want to be in life, he will be there at your comfort <33
he's honestly so proud of you like he would be like "yess💅🏻thats my boyyy/girll!" (hes a silly lil goofy man dont mind him) if you ever surpassed or succeed on the things you want to be or you want to succeed in
(he would even throw a celebration on it too😭‼️)
He's that hype man you didn't ask for but still (thankfully) got/jk
(he gives me that "its us againist life"/jk im unfunny like cyno im sorry)
" Oh (n/n), took you long enough, almost thought Id have to spend this night by myself.. drinking (your favorite drink) by my self... Ow! that was a hard one — hey hey! I was just kidding you didn't have to hit me that hard haha.. here come sit with me! .. what's that? you still have work to do? heh. Your staying here with ME tonight. Relaxing! The night is young, how about you relax abit? Don't worry I'll help you with your problem tomorrow! Would it really kill you if you don't work for one day? "
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His first reaction was most likey confused..
Dont blame the poor old man he is still learning
Ofc he would be also half upset bout it too
Cause like.. what his DEAR IS UPSET? HE is UPSET as well😤‼️
Zhongli would be so confused because like he will catch you looking down or feeling down
he would ask you if you were alright and you would tell him you were okay
but more days went by he FINALLY gets the clue
He brought you both to a fancy expensive looking restaurant (ofc childe payed for it)
When both of you got comfortable now
He legit straightward asked on what was goin on with you for the past few days
he would give you the most OBVIOUS things and asks you the most OBVIOUS things as well (his trying his best😭💔)
(but then again, I feel like he will get it already but he will act like he wouldn't just cause "communication is the key" and he didn't want to be rude and assume on what was going on so he has to make sure of it"!)
When you confessed on what was going on and how you felt down because of it
he will also visit you everyday like kaeya's! but no flowers.. well probably a pretty rock but who knows
he will use his wallet/childe to get you both in some fancy resturants whenever you both have spare times!
Zhongli would be like your spotify premium but instead of music he is like a radio.
He will tell you stories non stop to "distract" you from feeling upset
good thing his voice is calming
so while your doing your thing he would be talking in the background
Zhongli will probably even give you his specialty dish just for u<3
zhongli will be the type of person who likes to think that making things from your heart or homemade is more special that buying
(he just dont wanna admit he has no cash to buy you gifts/jk)
just like kaeya he would maybe take a day off to spend time with you
Instead of buying you newest items you wished you had, he will give you some items they used before when he was still a archon younger!
Unlike kaeya who likes to distract you and make your worries clear off ur mind, Zhongli will instead give you some "wise" advices on what you want to get good at and be more more supportive of your decisions!<3
He understands that there's a huge difference between a human and an archon but that won't stop him from giving all his best to help you get what you think its missing from you‼️
He's that "proud father" or "proud old grandpa"
He's more layback and chill than kaeya, like he will also tell you to relax and to not overwork yourself as well
If you manage to overcome or succeed or surpassed the people that you used to look at with sadness
Zhongli will most likey to celebrate that and even invite some people from liyue!
He will even take you on a peacefully calming date while you tell him about what happened
Zhongli is willing to listen to you 24/7
he will probably request you to do your hobbies or the things you love infront of him
and he will even act dense about it (sly mf)
" Greetings (Y/n) , I have some plans for us to visit somewhere special. Ah ah. *holds your hand* don't even think about going back and overworking youself now. You don't have to rush yourself always you know? Im worried about you, you might even get a fever from thinking too much.If you ever need someone to comfort you I'll be there at your call now.. I ordered us some relaxing tea at Yanshang Teahouse, let us go and grab it shall we?
This is just a little bonus message, if you ever feel sad about people who are futher along where you want to be in. Remeber to not pressure yourself to becoming a "improved" you. to not overwork youself for it. Don't be hard on your self because sooner or later you will be on the top or be the version you wanted to be. Dont rush and try to have fun along the way and to stay safe always<3.!
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blackjackkent · 8 months
More city exploration! We've reached the equipment shop that doubles as a Harper safehouse, where Jaheira said we would be able to meet up with her Harper buddies for info/help!
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And the man himself, Entharl Danthelon:
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"Greetings, saer! Your noble bearing brings a little class to my humble--"
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"You can turn off the charm, Entharl. He's with me."
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"Blueberries. Thought I had a sale. You look tired, Harper."
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"I missed you too. They're already here?"
"Down below," the shopkeeper says promptly. "Here's the key."
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I mentioned in a previous post that I was pondering the possibility of Hector becoming a Harper himself in the aftermath of this game (if his ending allows for it), since he has started to feel like he wouldn't be able to go back to the monastery after everything that's happened to him. So he's curious about the group that Jaheira has brought him to meet - and very polite, as always. "Pleased to meet you, Harper Entharl," he says respectfully.
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Danthelon squints at him pointedly. "You seem a nice sort, so I'll assume the insult was accidental," he says sharply.
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Jaheira laughs. It's not the first time Hector has heard her laugh, but it's not a common sound from her; he can see she's relaxed a little in this familiar place. "Entharl's no Harper," she says dryly. "And claims no love for those who are. But he's been known to shelter us when we need it."
Danthelon rolls his eyes. "Entharl has been known to charge rent," he quips in return. "Harpers have been known to ignore him." He waves a hand dismissively. "Now go on. The Short Father may send me an actual paying customer today."
Hector feels rather embarrassed about this unintentional faux pas so he takes a look at Danthelon's stock before they go downstairs. ("Wait - I would like to take a look at your stock." "To buy?! You're already my favorite." XD )
He has a lot of pretty shiny (and expensive) stuff, including Hector's first armor upgrade since the game began! (I honestly like his starting armor better but this looks pretty cool too and will probably look even better once I can get it dyed.)
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It's called "Garb of the Land and Sky" and gives him Blade Ward when using Patient Defense and Advantage and +1-8 force damage after using Step of the Wind. So after this post we'll go fiddle with getting him dyed up before going down to talk to the Harpers. XD
Danthelon also sells some pretty nice monk gloves and a cool cape that gives disadvantage on all attacks against you until you take your first damage in a given combat; I might end up buying both although I'm wary of completely draining my coinpurse. XD
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Applin Of My Eye Ch2 An Unexpected Reunion
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Warning: The wooloo is in bad condition but they are ok. Feel free to suggest a name for the new wooloo you'll get later.
The most perfect small town of memories and happiness you've come to know and adore. Filled with friends- ...No . Family. And experiences you'd never forget even after you'd be long gone. In ways that would change you for the better forever. You'd happily call this place your permanent home. Your REAL home that you've never had before you had tumbled out of the sky and met your friends and they became your family. You'd happily stay here forever if you could. And you would. Stay in Galar you mean. This was your home now. You had no desire to leave it or your new family behind in this wonderful region, but you did have a desire to spread your wings and live independently, which was why you broke the news to your friends and land lady that morning.
"What?! But couldn't you just find somewhere in Postwick to live? I'm sure there's somewhere if you looked."
You expected this reaction from Hop. The purple haired boy would be sad to see his friend go considering Gloria was currently being trained by Kabu. Beside him Victor seemed just as surprised looking at you too. Everyone seemed to be surprised by your words when you announced it but held up a hand to calm them all down.
"I'm not leaving yet, Hop. I haven't even found a place to move too, but I don't want to rent your mom's basement forever either. I love it here and I really like being around you guys, but there's no where available in Postwick to live, and soon I'd really like my own place to stay. I just wanted to let everyone know in advance."
"Well you're not going anywhere far right?'
"Like I said I haven't decided yet. But you shouldn't worry about it. When Im ready,  you'll be the first people I'll be telling." 
The two teen boys didn't look too convinced but luckily Mrs. L came in to your rescue. "Now boys. You shouldn't expect Y/n to live in our basement forever." She spoke calmly. "She's a young woman with her own life to live just like Leon and everyone else. You should be understanding for her." Both instantly dialed back and relaxed. At least you didn't wait until last minute to tell them. "Have you gotten any idea of where you'll be going?"
You blinked at her. "Huh? Oh. No. Not yet. But I was hoping for somewhere quiet." You sighed. "After all I've been through, it would be a nice change to just have a little peace and quiet for once."
"I understand that. If you need help with finding anyplace, I can make a few calls to some friends I have in the country side to see if they know anyone selling."
"That'd be great! Thanks!" You smiled. 
"In the meantime, would you run an errand for me?" Mrs. L asked holding up a small piece of paper. "I have to clean out the shed today. Would you run out and get the groceries while I'm busy?"
"Oh sure!" You smiled and took the list from her. At the mention of getting food, Silver perked up from the floor. "I'd be happy to help!"
Mrs. L nodded.  "Maybe the boys could go with you too? Get out of the house for a bit."
"And why would I want to get groceries?," Hop asked.
"Because that would just leave you to help me clean out the shed."
Immediately Hop jumped up. "Oh hey! Look at the time! C'mon Y/n. Those stores won't stay open all day!"
Victor just groaned and rolled his eyes but you just chuckled. Typical day with Hop, and you wouldn't change him for the world. Nonetheless you followed him out with Victor and Silver trailing behind you probably most interested in the food you'd  be buying for Mrs. L. So out into the sunny outside you went  up the road to the local general store, it'd be a twenty minute trip at most with the store being so close. But with two easily curious teenagers and a constantly hungry pokemon at your heels, it'd be more like an hour long trip. Sigh. Oh well. You didn't mind too much. It was on the way back however that would be strange. And it all started right after you all left the store with two giant paper bags in your arms with Hop and Victor following you by your sides. 
"I can't believe there was all these oran berries on sale. Can you believe that?" Hop held up the small bag of blue berries. "They're Dubwool's favorite snack! Not only are they good for him, they're incredibly sweet! I'm sure they'll love it!"
You all were just crossing the small bridge back up the path towards Hop's home. No doubt Mrs. L would still be working by the time you all got back there. Unknowns to all of you that there would be something slowly creeping towards the lot of you. Slowly. Weakly. Hungry. Attracted by the smell of sweet berries. As you all passed over the bridge it crept ever closer. 
"I'm pretty sure that dubwool of yours would eat any food if you let it."
"Hey! That's not true! Sides that's more of Y/n's drizzlie, Mate."
"Ouch. Now who's pointing fingers?" You all just got over the bridge and walked along the dirt road right next to some tall grass. Right when Silver paused and looked over at some grass moving. Before a head suddenly popped itself out of the tall grass startling the water type. In an instant Silver gave a loud chirp and ran back to you. "AH!! HEY!" You nearly toppled over when Silver suddenly tackled your leg in fright. "Silver! What's gotten into you?''
The water type chirped before wildly pointed at the tall grass and tugged on your pants leg insistently. "What is it boy?"
Victor's question was answered when your heads all turned at the sound of rustling grass all the way over to the left side of the road where you all clearly saw some of the tall grass moving, and then a foot stepped out. Followed by a head. Followed by wild curly hair. Until whatever it was stepped out into the road weakly, looked at all of you, and let out the most pathetic baa you had ever heard. 
"HOLY ARCEUS!!", Hop shouted hands flying to his head in surprise eyes wide as plates, "IT'S A SHINY WOOLOO!!"
Standing there, as plain as the purple in Hops hair, was a shiny wooloo. The small wooloo was a white instead of the usual black and instead of it's wool being that pure white you were so used to seeing, it was a brown. The only thing that was the same as a regular wooloo was the grey braid like strands by its ears. It was certainly a really rare, surprising, and exciting sight to see...But-
"Hey. Why does it look so roughed up for?"
The small wooloo looked terrible! It's was all dull from an intense amount of dirt on it, it's wool looked all knitted with sticks and leaves clinging to it, and if you were seeing right it looked skinnier than a normal wooloo. It stood there lightly shaking staring at you all pathetically before baaing again. You all stood there stunned for a moment, before Hop was the first to respond. 
"Hey there little guy," he softly spoke before kneeling where he stood with a small smile. "Aw. Look at how pretty you are. But you're so thin. Are you hungry?" Immediately the wooloo"s head perked up at the question especially more so when Hop held up the bag of oran berries. "Is this what you want? Look." Reaching one hand inside the bag, he quickly plucked one of the blue berries out before popping it into his mouth. "Mmm. Tasty. You want one?" Another baa. "Well come on. Come mere and get some."
The wooloo hesitated for a moment before slowly creeping towards Hop's outstretched hand, sniffing it a few times... before going straight to the bag. Hop just simply turned the bag upside down and let all the berries fall to the ground. The wooloo egarly diving to eat them up. 
"Oi. The wee thing looks terrible," Victor commented watching the wooloo quickly eat, "Arceus. When 's the last time someone fed the lil 'mon?"
"I'm not sure but it does look in bad shape...But what's a shiny wooloo doing out here in the open?" Your eyes scanned around yourself but you didn't see any trainers around. Usually a rare shiny would've been captured by now wouldn't it? "Do you think it could belong to one of the farmers around here?" Maybe someone's wooloo escaped. "I doubt it's a wild one in a town full of wooloo farmers."
Hop hummed eyeing the thing before he lifted a hand to pet the poor thing. "Maybe. Hm?" But stopped when it hand ran over something that wasn't wool around its neck. "Hang on. What's this?" His hands wrapped around the thing and tugged on it before he was able to dislodge a large metal rectangle charm from it's wool, and his eyes widened. "Hey. It's got a collar on! I've got one of these for Dubwool."
"A collar?!" This wooloo had a call or? That was good! A collar meant dog tags, and dog tags usually meant an address. And an address meant an owner! "What does it say?"
Hop looked at the rectangle tag closer. "Felix Wooloo Lane Turrffield zero zero zero one B eight." He looked back up to you. "That's an address."
"Yeah. One all the way 'n bloody Turrffield! What's a wooloo from Turrffield doin' all the way 'ere in Postwick for?"
"Is there a phone number anywhere? Maybe we can call them?"
Hop looked again flipping the large tag over...before shaking his head. "Nope. Just an address."
"Well we can't just leave the poor thing here. Not like that." 
"You're right, Mate." The wooloo suddenly based as Hop just grabbed it into his arms. "Let's get it home and clean it up first. I know how to detangle wooloo wool so fixing this shouldn't be a problem."
That's how the rest of your day went. Mrs. L and Hop's grandparents were surprised when Hop showed up with a poorly looking shiny wooloo squirming in his arms, but after briefly explaining explaining everything seemed alright with Hop taking the poor thing upstairs to wash it in the bathtub. Meanwhile you had dropped off the paper bags of groceries to Hop's grandmother and proceeded to wait with Victor for Hop to finish. Once and a while you could hear a panicked baa or two from upstairs, maybe a splash of water, a yell from Hop, and then the frantic sounds of a loud pair of scissors and blow dryer being ran. Three hours of waiting and waiting and waiting later, Hop finally returned triumphantly with a perfectly groomed wooloo in his arms which he proudly held up.
"There!" He breathed relieved. "He's all better now!"
The Wooloo baaed ...And Victor snickered at the sight of Hop. His clothes were a little wet from where the wooloo must've splashed him with random fluffs of brown wooloo wool sticking to his body. He did look a bit silly, but you had to admit he did a great job. The wooloo looked completely clean, and it's pretty brown wool looked just as fluffy and detangled as it should be. But it did look a bit smaller than before.
"It looks so small."
"Actually this is the common size for a wooloo," Hop explained, "But I had to sheer some of the wool off in order to get it in better shape. If my calculations are right, then nobody's groomed this wooloo for around three months."
"Three months?!" Your eyes widened. That would explain why it looked so bad.
Hop nodded before turning back to the nearby kitchen. "We better get this little guy something to eat. I bet you're still hungry arentcha?" Another baa. "I thought so. I should have some leftover wooloo food from when Dubwool was still one." 
He then walked into the kitchen followed by you and Victor. You both watch as Hop dug through the cabinets for a small bag of pokemon food and a bowl to feed it. Mrs. L had already returned from cleaning out the shed to watch her son feed this new wooloo and cook dinner, but paused seeing her son.
"Hop, honey. You're a mess." The spoon in her hand was pointed at him. "I hope you're not planning on coming to dinner like that."
Hop groaned. "Jeez Ma. Cut me some slack. I'm just feeding the lil guy here." He gestured to the small wooloo. 
"Well be sure you wash up before dinner. Have you figured out who the poor thing belongs to?"
"Someone in Turrffield. Which...is pretty fair away-"
"Hop, you're not keeping it. If it belongs to someone else then it has to be returned." 
He groaned again. "I know, I know. It just stings a bit y'know? My first time seeing a shiny wooloo and it's not even up for grabs."
"I'm sure whoever it belongs to will be really greatful to you once I take it back Hop." 
In the middle of pouring the food into the bowl, Hop blinked surprised at you. "Wha-... You're returning it? By yourself?"
"Well...Yes. You and Victor still have a lot of schooling to catch up on since you took an entire year out of school to do the gym challenge and you can't expect your mom or anyone else to do it." You'd as already made up your mind about this choice during the three hours it took Hop to finish up cleaning the wooloo. As much as you DIDN'T want to travel anymore, there was a trainer somewhere out there missing his wooloo, and it wouldn't be right to not return it. You shrugged as the bowl began to overflow. "I don't have anything holding me down like that, so I can go return it before coming back here. I know the way there anyways since I traveled there last year. That is if your mom doesn't mind me running out and coming right back here."
Mrs. L smiled. "That's very considerate of you Y/n. Of course I don't mind. Just let me know when you'd be leaving. ...Hm. You kids also might want to have Nurse Joy look over the poor thing just in case. Hop."
"You're overflowing the food bowl, honey."
Hop blinked and looked down, blinking as he noticed that the bowl was over filled with food leaking out onto the floor. Not that the wooloo minded as it just buried it's face into the food and quickly began eating all of it. "...I think we already have a clean up crew for that." 
You had waited two days before you decided to travel. Wanting to make sure the wooloo was alright and well fed before putting it through any travel. It seemed to eat a lot at first but mellowed out to a more normal amount of food as time went on, until you finally took it to Nurse Joy at the resident pokemon center. To your relief the wooloo was completely fine other than it being about a pound and a half underweight. But no worries. She assured you a steady diet would have it back to it's normal weight in no time! That was a relief. Another day or two and you figured it was put off long enough, and it would be best to make your way to Turrffield. So early one morning, you packed all your belongings and with Silver and the wooloo walked to the train station early in the morning to catch the morning train to Motostoke. Mrs. L was kind enough to escort you to the station where she gifted you a bag of none perishable food for your trip over. 
"Do you remember the way there?"
You nodded. "Turffield is to the west of Motostoke along Route Three. I've been there before so I know where I'll be going. Don't worry."
"Are you sure you don't want to take a flying taxi there?"
"Nnnooo. No thank you. I've flown enough in my life. I'll gladly take the train and my own two feet."
"*Zzzzt* Attention passengers. The morning train from Wedgeherst Station will be leaving in five minutes. Please enter or exit the train within that time."
You blinked behind you at the train, before quickly bidding a quick goodbye to Mrs. L and rushing to hurry the two shiny Pokemon onto the train quickly paying the til your ticket from the station master and getting onto the train. The familiar seats greeting you as you took a seat just as the train took off again. With a sigh you just watched through the window as the world went by. Here you go again.
"*Zzzzt* Ladies and Gentlemen. The afternoon train is arriving now at Motostoke Station. Please be sure to have all your bags before departing. The afternoon train from Motostoke will leave in twenty minutes. That is all." 
Ah. Motostoke. This is where Kabu lived and trained and where Gloria would be soon training afterwards as well although you probably wouldn't see her here. Both pokemon followed you as you got off the train and breathed a sigh of relief that you wouldn't have to ride the train again for a little while. The very first thing you did was buy yourself a good meal at the cafe in Motostoke before moving onto one of the dirt roads leading out into the country side. Route Three. You remembered this. It would take two to four days traveling on foot to reach Turrffield from here but it would be better than flying. So with a sigh, you began walking. You needed to put all the distance you could before it got too dark to travel. 
....On an off thought, you wondered if Milo would be there. After all Motostoke was the very first place you saw him in person during the Entrance Ceremony and he was the first gym leader you met in Galar. You still remembered what Gloria said about him too-
"So you're challenging this Mr. Milo right? Any idea what he's like?," you asked her.
She waved a hand. "Eeehh. Sorta? I don't know that much about him like I do Leon who's my friend and Raihan who basically posts all of his life online. But I heard he's the nicest out of all of the Gym Leaders and he runs his own farm alongside the gym. In fact I believe most of wool you can buy from Truffield's is from his farm. But I'm not sure. I've only heard a few things, and yesterday was the first time I really met any of them face to face."
You blinked. "You didn't get to talk with any of them?"
She shook her head. "Nuh uh. Only Mr. Rose and Lee of course but only a little bit. They're both pretty busy right now with the Gym Challenge just starting out and all."
"Well that makes sense I guess. This sounds like a big job for only a couple people. What exactly does a Champion do outside of being challenged and joining the pokemon league?"
"You don't have your own Pokemon League in Kanto?"
You mentally slapped yourself and stuttered. "Uh....W-Well...I was just curious about this region's League is all."
"Oh I see. I keep forgetting you're not from around here. Basically he helps make all kind of descisions concerning The League's rules and regulations and making sure things are kept fair until the next Gym Challege. On top of that he's also responsible for making sure the ten Gym Leaders take their responsibilities of keeping the Gyms in Shape."
"Really? That's all?" You looked at her. It sounded so easy.
She huffed. "That's just what comes out of mouth. It's more harder to do as Lee said. There's health and safety regulations, even more for our gyms because unlike others 'round the world they're bigger and built more sturdier to accomodate dynamaxing while keeping everyone safe. It's not easy to keep the fields in shape after every battle and keeping it cleaned up to health codes. Did ya forget how big Motostoke Stadium alone was?"
....Oh.....Well when she put it like that you guessed it WAS a HUGE responsibility to be in charge of that. Not to mention Leon being in charge of all of them technically as well-
"And then there's the employees-"
She gave you a look like you grew a beard all of a sudden. "Did you really think that one person cleans and regulates a GIANT stadium and the field by themselves? The gyms in Kanto must be really different than ours. Of COURSE EMPLOYEES!! One person can't just take care of a stadium that big by themselves! They also got people they pay to clean up everythin' n' help 'em!"
"......Oh-" Of course they'd have to hire people. You kept forgetting this was a real world outside the game, at least for now.
"So not only are they bosses on top o' that, but they also have to keep up with training, public appearances, and they're also in charge of training the next gym leader who'll take over for 'em. Not to mention some o' them have jobs outside of being Gym Leaders too. Like Milo. There's a reason he's called 'The Fighting Farmer'."
He sounded like a nice man when she spoke about him and he really was the few times you spoke to him. But you wouldn't bother him if you didn't have to, he probably would've been really busy anyways.  The first day of traveling was mostly uneventful. It was just you walking down the road and occasionally passing by another traveler heading the opposite direction or camping out, or a country folks' farm but otherwise there wasn't anyone around besides the two pokemon and you. You stopped every so often and rested under the shade of a random tree before getting up to travel again. Once or twice stopping and digging into your bags to pull out some of the camping foods Mrs. L had given you and eating what was essential granola bars and dried foods before starting to walk again.  The next day went by rather slower than usual. You repacked up the tent and started walking again. By Now Motostoke wasn't visible if you looked back, and by luck you found a couple berry trees you furiously shook until it dropped a couple of them, although your drizzlie seemed more than happy to do a little tree climbing to get his full before continuing on. You were rather content with seeing the large stretches of country side and forests tho. You barely got to do anything like this back home. You were lucky if you had a weekend go by without working or your mother pushing you to study and get better grades. The nature around you was filled with wild ani-...uh pokemon that scattered usually when they first saw you. The nature and fresh air was a very good change of scenery as you inhaled in a breath- And then coughed at the smell of smoke. .....SMOKE!? You coughed and shook your head as you looked up towards the sky and were surprised to see the distant remains of smoke in the sky. What the?! Was there a fire somewhere!? Then you came across it. Next to some rocks off the path and a roped off pathway leading away from the larger pathway towards something. You learnt what when you got close enough to look past the rocks off the dirt road, you noticed the smoke and the smokey smell was coming from what looked like a coal factory or oil rig a far distance from the trail. This is where you met Sonia once. That plant turned mined up ore into energy for Galar, guess it was still operating. But this was good! That meant you were half way there already. Almost there to Turrffield.
For the third day in a row the you walked down the road eating what was in your packs for food until you stumbled across more giant rocks and another path going up to what looked like a man made tunnel and right outside the tunnel was some heavy duty equipment like what you'd see at a construction sight. This must be the dig sight you and Gloria passed along Route 3. As you two approached  you noticed a wooden sign along the road. It read: Galar Mine Lie Ahead. Along with a 'no trespassing' sign. Not that you would do so anyways. Last time Gloria had the great idea of trespassing through there and getting you both chased by angry workers. It was also in there that she had her first battle with Bede. While Gloria WAS right that it was a short cut and it DID save you both a whole day of traveling last time you went along this path, you decided to just take the long way around. It would be longer but you'd rather not have the trouble.  So around you went traveling all day until the dark forced you to set up camp. It wasn't until tomorrow afternoon that you finally came across it. LOTS of rolling hills and brick fences with yellow plants that took you a moment to realize what was most likely wheat or corn. A couple houses could be seen which you assumed were farm houses, and as you and trudged up the hill to where in went down into a valley, you could clearly see it. A GYM STADIUM!! It's shiny metal exterier shone bright in the sun light and surrounding it was a very small but manageable village. Not too much bigger than Postwick it looked like. As you walked looking around the area, you pasted a sign that read: Route 4 upon it. This must've been where Route three ended and Route 4 began. And you knew you were here. This was Turrffield. So peaceful so quiet and very very nice. you finished going down the hill's path and looked up at the stadium. It was similar in size to the gigantic one in Motostoke. You stopped where the path branched off into three parts towards the giant stadium, Pokemon Center, and a path that started off with a fence made from rope and wooden posts like the one by that factory you passed by two days ago. That's where the geoglyh and stone carvings were. Turrffield's tourist attractions you supposed. But now that you were finally here, you could finally get down to business. Now the only problem was to figure out where to go next from here.
"I don't suppose you know where that address is?," You asked the small wooloo that baaed back at you in response. "Yeah. I didn't think so either." You sighed. "This might be a problem." Looking around, you had no idea where to start or which house you should ask first. For all you knew, this address could belong to any house here. It was then that you noticed a man walking near you in stereotypical farmer attire carrying a giant basket of potatoes somewhere. You should ask a local. Surely he knew where this address was right? "Hey! Excuse me, Sir!" The man stopped and looked at you as you jogged up to him, pokemon in tow. "Hey there! I'm sorry for bothering you, but I'm lost."
The man blinked as you stopped in front of him. "Lost?"
"Uh huh." The wooloo belated out in protest as you quickly scooped them up into your arms and fumbled for the collar. "I'm trying to find the address on this wooloo's collar. Could you please tell me where that is?" 
You were finally able to dig the tag from the wooloo's thick wool and pulled it out for him to see. The man blinked at you again, but he did look at the tag....and then smiled. "Oh sure. I know exactly where that is."
"You do?!"
He nodded back towards the stadium. "Wooloo Lane is just down behind the stadium. But the specific address you're looking for is the second farm on that pathway. You can't miss it. It's the biggest farm in Turrffield and chalk full of wooloo."
You smiled. The biggest farm just behind the stadium and down the path. That was way closer than you thought. "That's great! Thanks!"
The man just nodded to you and you quickly turned to drop the wooloo back on its feet before continuing on. You were quick to make your way around the giant stadium and sure enough there was a dirt road. As quick as a scorbunny, you bounded down the road pokemon in tow and quickly came across a small farm and a typical looking house with a 'For Sale' sign stuck in the front lawn. First farm. You wanted the second one, and you found it alright. A GIANT farm house on the very end of the path, with GIANT fenced in fields, and some GIANT barns some ways from the house...Huh. Why did this place look familiar to you? You stopped right in front of the house looking up at it. Well this was the place. Should you just knock on the door? Just then Silver tugged on your leg gaining your attention. You looked at him, he chirped and pointed a pink hand towards a field, and you looked. In the fenced in field was tons of wooloo, baaing and eating grass in a herd,  but there was also two other figures that weren't wooloo mixed with them. Humans. Two of them and one shorter than the other. The owners of the house maybe? Slowly you made your way over to the fence, paused, and then spoke.
"Excuse me! You in the field!," You shouted and both figures stopped hauling what looked like hay bails, "I think I found your missing wooloo!"
Both looked over and you paused. The smaller figure was a boy Hop's age with Pink hair and green eyes that blinked at you curiously, but it was the much taller figure that made you pause. Emerald green eyes blinked at you under a hat full of pink hair and freckled face. It was instantly recognizable to you.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s4e19 jump the shark (w. andrew dabb, daniel loflin)
episode should be titled 10 more reasons to hate john winchester
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seinfeld s5e22 the opposite - dedee pfeiffer as victoria
another tiny role on seinfeld that i know well because i saw them all enough and at a time when my brain was better at recording things.
okay but also? i think i know her from cybill?? which i probably haven't thought of since the 90s. and sometimes i wonder how i originally knew actors like say, alicia witt and christine baranaski and something like this drags it up from the depths
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cybill (1995-1998) dedee pfeiffer as rachel blanders
okay but back to dean getting shat on. dear old dad wanted to give one of his kids a normal life and take him to baseball games and go camping that didn't involve killing monsters. aw, that's nice. except for all the gross child neglect of his kids he was supposed to be fulltime sole caregiver of. granted he didn't get involved in this kid's life until sam was away at college so it's not like the nice things happened simultaneously to the neglect. still hate you, man. and the recap made sure to remind us of how john treated sam's going to college.
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that look sam gave adam after dean loses paper scissors rock was cute. was feeling the sibling vibes.
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also got me considering the logistics of man sized ventilation inside this random house.
sam giving this kid the dad and dean no friends no life routine is something. remember this little exchange at the gas pump:
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s1e6 skin:
SAM: So, what am I supposed to do, just cut everybody out of my life? (DEAN shrugs.) You’re serious?
DEAN: Look, it sucks, but in a job like this, you can’t get close to people, period.
SAM: You’re kind of anti-social, you know that?
but also harkens back to when dean was just trying to keep everyone alive while the other two were hellbent on self destructive revenge. which dean has been selling sam is just like dad and that's why they don't get along since then, but i'm not quite sure i buy that.
from s1e22 devil's trap:
Sam: We want to kill this demon. You used to want that, too. Hell, I mean, you’re the one who came and got me at school! (Dean scoffs) You’re the one who dragged me back into this, Dean. I’m just trying to finish it!
Dean: Well, you and Dad are a lot more alike than I thought, you know that? You both can’t wait to sacrifice yourself for this thing. But you know what? I’m gonna be the one to bury you. You’re selfish, you know that? You don’t care about anything but revenge.
that line about being the one to bury you lives rent free in my head.
i mean, i get what he's putting down in regards to his revenge quests, but i don't think there's a lot of similarities outside that. maybe because i like sam and john was a child neglecting piece of garbage. that is definitely a big blinder for me 🥴
i'm sure people enjoyed all that uh, excessive wound fingering and such with sam.
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but my issue is those very significant cuts through his forearms and he's all fine and dandy in the next scene. he'd have some wicked number of stitches. and i guess nothing major was cut. just fleshy bits that dean can sew back up? i know, medical accuracy is way way WAY down on the list. but when they focus on the volume of blood he's losing so rapidly, i can't help but start to think of the logistics! anyway, made me think about hannibal's big ass scars in a similar place from matthew brown.
okay but also the kid has a point, of the ghouls were only eating dead people, was it really that important to be killing them?
that turned out a lot more therapeutic than i expected. and somehow i didn't know that fate of adam so i was actually surprised. i always am glad for dean to be working through some of his dad issues. sam is full of questionable choices these days. i'll give it to him, the writers, whatever. he really does sell that he's earnestly truly trying to do the right thing. but everything is a flaming pile of shit anyway.
DEAN I mean, I worshipped the guy, you know? I dressed like him, I acted like him, I listen to the same music. But you were more like him than I will ever be. And I see that now.
SAM I'll take that as a compliment.
DEAN You take it any way you want.
i mean.
anyway. okay i liked this episode even though i'm nervously looking at the time with how close the end of the season is and here we are off killing some monsters like it's any other week. this felt like an earlier to mid season episode. quality dean and sam time, daddy issues on blast.
and forever grateful shoutout to supernaturalwiki.com, the documentation is immaculate, found the episode with the bury you line in it in under 5 minutes.
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figula · 1 year
had a weird wig sale day yesterday. i did make £400 so i truly cant complain but i felt like the ugliest wig was the most beloved + i was very confused bc my favourite ones got literally zero love... ill post the wigs at the end of the post + you can all tell me which wig is the ugliest one. and i'll tell you if you're right
i emailed a UK doll convention too to see if they have any vendor spacecs bc i think a cash injection a few times a year would be really good (altho i have never done cons before so fuck knows how this is gonna go). ben offered to come along + help out as well and he's actually done that for ana too so i'll allow it
benno fucked me like a champ this weekend - he's so good! im so lucky!!!! in related news though the huge pink vibrator (long term followers may remember when i bought it + did not check the specs beforehand) i think may be broken lol hmm (it only vibrates if you hold it at specific angles... lol)... hmmm
site is late paying me again. fucking !!!!!!!
i am feeling quite worried about work (see point no.1) but im in contact with a nice alpaca woman who is willing to sell me her champion alpaca fleece for £240 for 4kg. (reminder that i bought 3kg for £70 last week) honestly i probably will buy it even tho that's a lot of fucking money - £60 per kilo is more than ive ever spoent on alpaca - the prev most expensive was 50 - bc it's 15/16 inches lon which is a very very rare length, and i can charge more accordingly. the profit margin is still staggering to be honest so i shouldn't really fuss too much
honestly i wouldnt be so worried about money if we weren't getting married in 3 months bc we still have a shit ton to pay for. HOWEVER my parents have been consistent about saying they will pay for whatever is asked, so i think possibly my worrying is unnecessary, but ana is suspicious that they're gonna pull out of this offer @ the last minute. i actually dont think this is likely (ben doesnt either) bc they've always actually been hugely financially generous (if emotionally devastating) like they paid for everything (rent/food/literally everything) when i was in uni, never asked me for rent when i moved back home, my dad pretended not to notice me buying groceries on his debit card for years - like i really dont think ana is right on this one. but until i actually have the money in my hands i will be nervous. they have a fair reason for not sending me money also - my granddad's will money hasn't cleared yet + they're just waiting for that these are the wigs anyway
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the only colourway anyone gave a shit about was the red/black omg i was so shaken bc i think it's hideous + really unsubtle and i only made it bc i thought it would be popular. which to be fair it was but i think it's vile. that blonde ombre is basically perfect, a really really pretty blend with no colour where it shouldnt be, and NO ONE CARED!!! ETA: shortly a fter publishing this post someone did enquire about the blonde one. thank you that's better
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running-in-the-dark · 2 years
I'm still feeling pretty anxious (absolutely terrified honestly, lol), so I think I'll make a list of pros and cons of (moving into) our new apartment.
we can get cats (!!!)
we'll have one more room, so we can have a separate office
there's a balcony (!!)
.. which is also great for the cats (I've looked at those cat nets and they seem like a good option to make it safe for them so they can't get out)
there's a garden that we could use if we wanted
the people who own the house also live there. which I've heard often isn't great, but tbh our neighbour has used our landlord as a threat so many times that I think I prefer that.
we can't see or hear the highway there. we live in a pretty quiet village now, but the highway is very close and the noise is constant when the windows are open
our kitchen is above the owners' kitchen. which means we can actually use it at night now!! at the moment I'm terrified every time I open a fucking drawer or anything like that.
I've already told them to please just immediately tell us if they don't like something we do, because I don't mind fixing something, I just don't like constantly having to worry because our neighbour just waits weeks/months to finally bring stuff up and when she does she's so fucking angry about it. like bitch we could have solved this ages ago if you had just (nicely) said something 🙄
we'll get away from our downstairs neighbour. yeah, I'm really extremely happy about that. she's made my life miserable for a year and now I don't have to be nice to her anymore 💖
the bathroom isn't a disgusting beige/green colour and it actually has storage
our old apartment is on the second floor and there's a lot of stairs (and I have problems with my feet and legs so that really sucks sometimes), the new one is on the first floor
there's a dishwasher
our washing machine will be in our apartment instead of in the basement (carrying laundry up and down all those stairs sucks, having to hang it up to dry where the neighbours can see it still feels weird to me, and I'll finally be able to do laundry myself again - here I'm too scared.)
rent is a bit more expensive - but my husband's new job pays a little more so it's basically the same
we haven't signed a lease yet so I'm anxious about that. we do have a firm verbal offer though and my brother was there too so there's a witness lol. I don't know, I just need things in writing to feel safe
we might have to keep paying rent for our current apartment for three months. we haven't talked to our landlord yet - I want to wait until my husband gives the new landlord some paperwork (hopefully) tomorrow - maybe if we can find someone else who will move in earlier than that we might get out of the 3 months notice period. though I've read that landlords don't have to accept that. I don't see why she wouldn't agree to that, but I also thought she'd let us get cats, so what do I know lol
it's in a different state, which means my student bus ticket doesn't work there. though my husband will still take the bus to work, so I'll have the car and it shouldn't be a problem
it's another village that is very small and where I don't know anyone. though that doesn't really bother me that much. and I think we might get along with our new landlords, the guy is a bit strange and very talkative (and I think kind of racist... idk some things he said were weird) but the wife seems really sweet
I don't like change. I mean. I do. but it fucking terrifies me. I've only just gotten used to our apartment after a year of living here, so it sucks to have to start over. but I think in the long run it'll probably be better. it can't really be much worse.
we'll have to move all our stuff and I hate that so much. it was so much work last time. but maybe it'll be a bit easier now - before, most of my things were stored in my brother's attic, so it was much harder to figure out what we have, what we need etc. and we also had to buy a lot of furniture. that'll be easier this time
it's another attic apartment, which I really don't like. I hate sloped ceilings and especially the heat in summer. but the ceilings aren't too bad, and we did alright this summer so I think it should be okay. I think having a balcony should also make the heat a bit more tolerable
hm. I think that's pretty good overall. I'm still really stressed out about this whole thing but I just have to get through the next month. I just have to get through it. I don't have to do everything perfectly, I just need to survive. then it'll get easier again. it'll take a while, I'll feel that gross sense of 'I don't know what I'm doing here, I don't belong here, why am I here' for a while (I don't know if that's normal but that's how I feel whenever I'm staying in a place I haven't been in before. it feels very bad and terrifying.) but it'll pass. maybe it'll be better then.
I really haven't been happy here at all. I've been trying, I've done everything I could to make it better - we had just started rearranging everything and I was actually kind of pleased with how that was going. but overall I don't like it here. so yeah, I think I'm feeling cautiously optimistic (and very very scared)
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blkkizzat · 6 months
Indian reader is back here again AHSJDH I SWEAR THIS IS THE LAST ONE 🙏🙏🙏 honestly reading your post made me hungry send help
I am SO glad you enjoyed your trip here, I love it when people learn about each other's cultures it literally makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!!! I love how detailed your posts about the trip were and I really appreciate you sharing it with us <33
You knowing your tourist guide's whole story with the pharmacist to history lover is so real 😭 some people be having the wildest career paths especially the ones who've been at it for a long time and you somehow get to know their whole story in the span of 20 minutes
Personally I think summer in the US feels worse bc ceiling fans and all around ventilation isn't very common there from what I've seen and heard, while winters in India are worse for the most part since electrical heating and room temperature control isn't common here outside of the cities (inbuilt room temp control isn't a concept here at all currently, I've only ever seen it in hotels)
This was probably the best time for you to visit india cause peak summer temperatures haven't even started yet and you were already dying from the heat (me too dw)
And trust when I say you're not the only one struggling to cross the streets not all of us are built for this do or die type of shit 💔💔💔 (though I'll have to build up that confidence since you know. I live here. Don't exactly have a choice 🤡)
PS I'm going to be craving a restaurant thaali for the rest of the day bc of the pics
Omfg no please write me anytime!! <33
Awe thank you! I def love sharing my experiences! I love traveling and will def have to come back. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it cause i tend to ramble on about stuff! Yes! Another tour guide we had in Jaipur used to be a laywer. He was so knowledgeable too, he was with us all day and took us a few different places. It was fun learning about them. One thing I definitely took back from that and was inspired by was seeing people leaving "socially prominent" or high status jobs for something they loved. Seeing as I went as apart of my MBA program it was an unexpected but great reality check that sure we are all in this program to progress our careers but we really need to keep self-fulfillment and happiness in mind. Whats money or status if you are miserable? Like they had us eating out of the palm of their hand with how much passion they had for what they did and it really inspired me to find that in my own life!
Omfg yeah, it really depends on where you are. The sun feels a bit more intense in India because we were closer to the equator than in the US but the heat in India I experienced at 100 degrees F was a walk in the park compared to the time I stupidly went to las vegas in August and it was nearly 120 degrees F. Also where I live summers have been getting hotter and hotter so people arent equipped for heat waves. I've always had AC cause I have really furry dogs who need to stay cool though so thankfully ive been prepared. Also winters can be an issue here too, Texas been getting ice storms and blizzards in the past few years and as a hot area are completely unequipped. Even in places that are used to cold like NYC, when I lived there I moved into a new building paid a stupid high rent to live in a box that had central AC but was poorly insulated so I had to buy like the shiny foil insulating sheets to put over my window in the winter or I felt like the wind was passing right through.
Haha thankfully I was always in busy areas cause me and my friends when we werent with our guide would always just wait until we saw someone else who was clearly Indian cross the street and cross with them lmfao. We probably looked so stupid standing and waiting there lmfao but we never waited more than 5 mins thankfully LOL. Its funny cause looking back I've had friends here in the US scared to "jaywalk" with like one car coming thats practically crawling down the block and in India you have people boldly stopping speeding cars to cross LOL. I just imagine how funny we must look scared to cross with one car wayyyyyyy down the block coming, even I'm laughing at us.
I hope you get some resturant thaali soon! I'm definitely going to be craving it soon too. I know the next time I eat Indian food it ain't going to hit the same AT ALL lmfao.
0 notes
echantedtoon · 10 months
Applin Of My Eye Ch2 An Unexpected Reunion
Warning: The wooloo is in bad condition but they are ok. Feel free to suggest a name for the new wooloo you'll get later.
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The most perfect small town of memories and happiness you've come to know and adore. Filled with friends- ...No . Family. And experiences you'd never forget even after you'd be long gone. In ways that would change you for the better forever. You'd happily call this place your permanent home. Your REAL home that you've never had before you had tumbled out of the sky and met your friends and they became your family. You'd happily stay here forever if you could. And you would. Stay in Galar you mean. This was your home now. You had no desire to leave it or your new family behind in this wonderful region, but you did have a desire to spread your wings and live independently, which was why you broke the news to your friends and land lady that morning.
"What?! But couldn't you just find somewhere in Postwick to live? I'm sure there's somewhere if you looked."
You expected this reaction from Hop. The purple haired boy would be sad to see his friend go considering Gloria was currently being trained by Kabu. Beside him Victor seemed just as surprised looking at you too. Everyone seemed to be surprised by your words when you announced it but held up a hand to calm them all down.
"I'm not leaving yet, Hop. I haven't even found a place to move too, but I don't want to rent your mom's basement forever either. I love it here and I really like being around you guys, but there's no where available in Postwick to live, and soon I'd really like my own place to stay. I just wanted to let everyone know in advance."
"Well you're not going anywhere far right?'
"Like I said I haven't decided yet. But you shouldn't worry about it. When Im ready,  you'll be the first people I'll be telling." 
The two teen boys didn't look too convinced but luckily Mrs. L came in to your rescue. "Now boys. You shouldn't expect Y/n to live in our basement forever." She spoke calmly. "She's a young woman with her own life to live just like Leon and everyone else. You should be understanding for her." Both instantly dialed back and relaxed. At least you didn't wait until last minute to tell them. "Have you gotten any idea of where you'll be going?"
You blinked at her. "Huh? Oh. No. Not yet. But I was hoping for somewhere quiet." You sighed. "After all I've been through, it would be a nice change to just have a little peace and quiet for once."
"I understand that. If you need help with finding anyplace, I can make a few calls to some friends I have in the country side to see if they know anyone selling."
"That'd be great! Thanks!" You smiled. 
"In the meantime, would you run an errand for me?" Mrs. L asked holding up a small piece of paper. "I have to clean out the shed today. Would you run out and get the groceries while I'm busy?"
"Oh sure!" You smiled and took the list from her. At the mention of getting food, Silver perked up from the floor. "I'd be happy to help!"
Mrs. L nodded.  "Maybe the boys could go with you too? Get out of the house for a bit."
"And why would I want to get groceries?," Hop asked.
"Because that would just leave you to help me clean out the shed."
Immediately Hop jumped up. "Oh hey! Look at the time! C'mon Y/n. Those stores won't stay open all day!"
Victor just groaned and rolled his eyes but you just chuckled. Typical day with Hop, and you wouldn't change him for the world. Nonetheless you followed him out with Victor and Silver trailing behind you probably most interested in the food you'd  be buying for Mrs. L. So out into the sunny outside you went  up the road to the local general store, it'd be a twenty minute trip at most with the store being so close. But with two easily curious teenagers and a constantly hungry pokemon at your heels, it'd be more like an hour long trip. Sigh. Oh well. You didn't mind too much. It was on the way back however that would be strange. And it all started right after you all left the store with two giant paper bags in your arms with Hop and Victor following you by your sides. 
"I can't believe there was all these oran berries on sale. Can you believe that?" Hop held up the small bag of blue berries. "They're Dubwool's favorite snack! Not only are they good for him, they're incredibly sweet! I'm sure they'll love it!"
You all were just crossing the small bridge back up the path towards Hop's home. No doubt Mrs. L would still be working by the time you all got back there. Unknowns to all of you that there would be something slowly creeping towards the lot of you. Slowly. Weakly. Hungry. Attracted by the smell of sweet berries. As you all passed over the bridge it crept ever closer. 
"I'm pretty sure that dubwool of yours would eat any food if you let it."
"Hey! That's not true! Sides that's more of Y/n's drizzlie, Mate."
"Ouch. Now who's pointing fingers?" You all just got over the bridge and walked along the dirt road right next to some tall grass. Right when Silver paused and looked over at some grass moving. Before a head suddenly popped itself out of the tall grass startling the water type. In an instant Silver gave a loud chirp and ran back to you. "AH!! HEY!" You nearly toppled over when Silver suddenly tackled your leg in fright. "Silver! What's gotten into you?''
The water type chirped before wildly pointed at the tall grass and tugged on your pants leg insistently. "What is it boy?"
Victor's question was answered when your heads all turned at the sound of rustling grass all the way over to the left side of the road where you all clearly saw some of the tall grass moving, and then a foot stepped out. Followed by a head. Followed by wild curly hair. Until whatever it was stepped out into the road weakly, looked at all of you, and let out the most pathetic baa you had ever heard. 
"HOLY ARCEUS!!", Hop shouted hands flying to his head in surprise eyes wide as plates, "IT'S A SHINY WOOLOO!!"
Standing there, as plain as the purple in Hops hair, was a shiny wooloo. The small wooloo was a white instead of the usual black and instead of it's wool being that pure white you were so used to seeing, it was a brown. The only thing that was the same as a regular wooloo was the grey braid like strands by its ears. It was certainly a really rare, surprising, and exciting sight to see...But-
"Hey. Why does it look so roughed up for?"
The small wooloo looked terrible! It's was all dull from an intense amount of dirt on it, it's wool looked all knitted with sticks and leaves clinging to it, and if you were seeing right it looked skinnier than a normal wooloo. It stood there lightly shaking staring at you all pathetically before baaing again. You all stood there stunned for a moment, before Hop was the first to respond. 
"Hey there little guy," he softly spoke before kneeling where he stood with a small smile. "Aw. Look at how pretty you are. But you're so thin. Are you hungry?" Immediately the wooloo"s head perked up at the question especially more so when Hop held up the bag of oran berries. "Is this what you want? Look." Reaching one hand inside the bag, he quickly plucked one of the blue berries out before popping it into his mouth. "Mmm. Tasty. You want one?" Another baa. "Well come on. Come mere and get some."
The wooloo hesitated for a moment before slowly creeping towards Hop's outstretched hand, sniffing it a few times... before going straight to the bag. Hop just simply turned the bag upside down and let all the berries fall to the ground. The wooloo egarly diving to eat them up. 
"Oi. The wee thing looks terrible," Victor commented watching the wooloo quickly eat, "Arceus. When 's the last time someone fed the lil 'mon?"
"I'm not sure but it does look in bad shape...But what's a shiny wooloo doing out here in the open?" Your eyes scanned around yourself but you didn't see any trainers around. Usually a rare shiny would've been captured by now wouldn't it? "Do you think it could belong to one of the farmers around here?" Maybe someone's wooloo escaped. "I doubt it's a wild one in a town full of wooloo farmers."
Hop hummed eyeing the thing before he lifted a hand to pet the poor thing. "Maybe. Hm?" But stopped when it hand ran over something that wasn't wool around its neck. "Hang on. What's this?" His hands wrapped around the thing and tugged on it before he was able to dislodge a large metal rectangle charm from it's wool, and his eyes widened. "Hey. It's got a collar on! I've got one of these for Dubwool."
"A collar?!" This wooloo had a call or? That was good! A collar meant dog tags, and dog tags usually meant an address. And an address meant an owner! "What does it say?"
Hop looked at the rectangle tag closer. "Felix Wooloo Lane Turrffield zero zero zero one B eight." He looked back up to you. "That's an address."
"Yeah. One all the way 'n bloody Turrffield! What's a wooloo from Turrffield doin' all the way 'ere in Postwick for?"
"Is there a phone number anywhere? Maybe we can call them?"
Hop looked again flipping the large tag over...before shaking his head. "Nope. Just an address."
"Well we can't just leave the poor thing here. Not like that." 
"You're right, Mate." The wooloo suddenly based as Hop just grabbed it into his arms. "Let's get it home and clean it up first. I know how to detangle wooloo wool so fixing this shouldn't be a problem."
That's how the rest of your day went. Mrs. L and Hop's grandparents were surprised when Hop showed up with a poorly looking shiny wooloo squirming in his arms, but after briefly explaining explaining everything seemed alright with Hop taking the poor thing upstairs to wash it in the bathtub. Meanwhile you had dropped off the paper bags of groceries to Hop's grandmother and proceeded to wait with Victor for Hop to finish. Once and a while you could hear a panicked baa or two from upstairs, maybe a splash of water, a yell from Hop, and then the frantic sounds of a loud pair of scissors and blow dryer being ran. Three hours of waiting and waiting and waiting later, Hop finally returned triumphantly with a perfectly groomed wooloo in his arms which he proudly held up.
"There!" He breathed relieved. "He's all better now!"
The Wooloo baaed ...And Victor snickered at the sight of Hop. His clothes were a little wet from where the wooloo must've splashed him with random fluffs of brown wooloo wool sticking to his body. He did look a bit silly, but you had to admit he did a great job. The wooloo looked completely clean, and it's pretty brown wool looked just as fluffy and detangled as it should be. But it did look a bit smaller than before.
"It looks so small."
"Actually this is the common size for a wooloo," Hop explained, "But I had to sheer some of the wool off in order to get it in better shape. If my calculations are right, then nobody's groomed this wooloo for around three months."
"Three months?!" Your eyes widened. That would explain why it looked so bad.
Hop nodded before turning back to the nearby kitchen. "We better get this little guy something to eat. I bet you're still hungry arentcha?" Another baa. "I thought so. I should have some leftover wooloo food from when Dubwool was still one." 
He then walked into the kitchen followed by you and Victor. You both watch as Hop dug through the cabinets for a small bag of pokemon food and a bowl to feed it. Mrs. L had already returned from cleaning out the shed to watch her son feed this new wooloo and cook dinner, but paused seeing her son.
"Hop, honey. You're a mess." The spoon in her hand was pointed at him. "I hope you're not planning on coming to dinner like that."
Hop groaned. "Jeez Ma. Cut me some slack. I'm just feeding the lil guy here." He gestured to the small wooloo. 
"Well be sure you wash up before dinner. Have you figured out who the poor thing belongs to?"
"Someone in Turrffield. Which...is pretty fair away-"
"Hop, you're not keeping it. If it belongs to someone else then it has to be returned." 
He groaned again. "I know, I know. It just stings a bit y'know? My first time seeing a shiny wooloo and it's not even up for grabs."
"I'm sure whoever it belongs to will be really greatful to you once I take it back Hop." 
In the middle of pouring the food into the bowl, Hop blinked surprised at you. "Wha-... You're returning it? By yourself?"
"Well...Yes. You and Victor still have a lot of schooling to catch up on since you took an entire year out of school to do the gym challenge and you can't expect your mom or anyone else to do it." You'd as already made up your mind about this choice during the three hours it took Hop to finish up cleaning the wooloo. As much as you DIDN'T want to travel anymore, there was a trainer somewhere out there missing his wooloo, and it wouldn't be right to not return it. You shrugged as the bowl began to overflow. "I don't have anything holding me down like that, so I can go return it before coming back here. I know the way there anyways since I traveled there last year. That is if your mom doesn't mind me running out and coming right back here."
Mrs. L smiled. "That's very considerate of you Y/n. Of course I don't mind. Just let me know when you'd be leaving. ...Hm. You kids also might want to have Nurse Joy look over the poor thing just in case. Hop."
"You're overflowing the food bowl, honey."
Hop blinked and looked down, blinking as he noticed that the bowl was over filled with food leaking out onto the floor. Not that the wooloo minded as it just buried it's face into the food and quickly began eating all of it. "...I think we already have a clean up crew for that." 
You had waited two days before you decided to travel. Wanting to make sure the wooloo was alright and well fed before putting it through any travel. It seemed to eat a lot at first but mellowed out to a more normal amount of food as time went on, until you finally took it to Nurse Joy at the resident pokemon center. To your relief the wooloo was completely fine other than it being about a pound and a half underweight. But no worries. She assured you a steady diet would have it back to it's normal weight in no time! That was a relief. Another day or two and you figured it was put off long enough, and it would be best to make your way to Turrffield. So early one morning, you packed all your belongings and with Silver and the wooloo walked to the train station early in the morning to catch the morning train to Motostoke. Mrs. L was kind enough to escort you to the station where she gifted you a bag of none perishable food for your trip over. 
"Do you remember the way there?"
You nodded. "Turffield is to the west of Motostoke along Route Three. I've been there before so I know where I'll be going. Don't worry."
"Are you sure you don't want to take a flying taxi there?"
"Nnnooo. No thank you. I've flown enough in my life. I'll gladly take the train and my own two feet."
"*Zzzzt* Attention passengers. The morning train from Wedgeherst Station will be leaving in five minutes. Please enter or exit the train within that time."
You blinked behind you at the train, before quickly bidding a quick goodbye to Mrs. L and rushing to hurry the two shiny Pokemon onto the train quickly paying the til your ticket from the station master and getting onto the train. The familiar seats greeting you as you took a seat just as the train took off again. With a sigh you just watched through the window as the world went by. Here you go again.
"*Zzzzt* Ladies and Gentlemen. The afternoon train is arriving now at Motostoke Station. Please be sure to have all your bags before departing. The afternoon train from Motostoke will leave in twenty minutes. That is all." 
Ah. Motostoke. This is where Kabu lived and trained and where Gloria would be soon training afterwards as well although you probably wouldn't see her here. Both pokemon followed you as you got off the train and breathed a sigh of relief that you wouldn't have to ride the train again for a little while. The very first thing you did was buy yourself a good meal at the cafe in Motostoke before moving onto one of the dirt roads leading out into the country side. Route Three. You remembered this. It would take two to four days traveling on foot to reach Turrffield from here but it would be better than flying. So with a sigh, you began walking. You needed to put all the distance you could before it got too dark to travel. 
....On an off thought, you wondered if Milo would be there. After all Motostoke was the very first place you saw him in person during the Entrance Ceremony and he was the first gym leader you met in Galar. You still remembered what Gloria said about him too-
"So you're challenging this Mr. Milo right? Any idea what he's like?," you asked her.
She waved a hand. "Eeehh. Sorta? I don't know that much about him like I do Leon who's my friend and Raihan who basically posts all of his life online. But I heard he's the nicest out of all of the Gym Leaders and he runs his own farm alongside the gym. In fact I believe most of wool you can buy from Truffield's is from his farm. But I'm not sure. I've only heard a few things, and yesterday was the first time I really met any of them face to face."
You blinked. "You didn't get to talk with any of them?"
She shook her head. "Nuh uh. Only Mr. Rose and Lee of course but only a little bit. They're both pretty busy right now with the Gym Challenge just starting out and all."
"Well that makes sense I guess. This sounds like a big job for only a couple people. What exactly does a Champion do outside of being challenged and joining the pokemon league?"
"You don't have your own Pokemon League in Kanto?"
You mentally slapped yourself and stuttered. "Uh....W-Well...I was just curious about this region's League is all."
"Oh I see. I keep forgetting you're not from around here. Basically he helps make all kind of descisions concerning The League's rules and regulations and making sure things are kept fair until the next Gym Challege. On top of that he's also responsible for making sure the ten Gym Leaders take their responsibilities of keeping the Gyms in Shape."
"Really? That's all?" You looked at her. It sounded so easy.
She huffed. "That's just what comes out of mouth. It's more harder to do as Lee said. There's health and safety regulations, even more for our gyms because unlike others 'round the world they're bigger and built more sturdier to accomodate dynamaxing while keeping everyone safe. It's not easy to keep the fields in shape after every battle and keeping it cleaned up to health codes. Did ya forget how big Motostoke Stadium alone was?"
....Oh.....Well when she put it like that you guessed it WAS a HUGE responsibility to be in charge of that. Not to mention Leon being in charge of all of them technically as well-
"And then there's the employees-"
She gave you a look like you grew a beard all of a sudden. "Did you really think that one person cleans and regulates a GIANT stadium and the field by themselves? The gyms in Kanto must be really different than ours. Of COURSE EMPLOYEES!! One person can't just take care of a stadium that big by themselves! They also got people they pay to clean up everythin' n' help 'em!"
"......Oh-" Of course they'd have to hire people. You kept forgetting this was a real world outside the game, at least for now.
"So not only are they bosses on top o' that, but they also have to keep up with training, public appearances, and they're also in charge of training the next gym leader who'll take over for 'em. Not to mention some o' them have jobs outside of being Gym Leaders too. Like Milo. There's a reason he's called 'The Fighting Farmer'."
He sounded like a nice man when she spoke about him and he really was the few times you spoke to him. But you wouldn't bother him if you didn't have to, he probably would've been really busy anyways.  The first day of traveling was mostly uneventful. It was just you walking down the road and occasionally passing by another traveler heading the opposite direction or camping out, or a country folks' farm but otherwise there wasn't anyone around besides the two pokemon and you. You stopped every so often and rested under the shade of a random tree before getting up to travel again. Once or twice stopping and digging into your bags to pull out some of the camping foods Mrs. L had given you and eating what was essential granola bars and dried foods before starting to walk again.  The next day went by rather slower than usual. You repacked up the tent and started walking again. By Now Motostoke wasn't visible if you looked back, and by luck you found a couple berry trees you furiously shook until it dropped a couple of them, although your drizzlie seemed more than happy to do a little tree climbing to get his full before continuing on. You were rather content with seeing the large stretches of country side and forests tho. You barely got to do anything like this back home. You were lucky if you had a weekend go by without working or your mother pushing you to study and get better grades. The nature around you was filled with wild ani-...uh pokemon that scattered usually when they first saw you. The nature and fresh air was a very good change of scenery as you inhaled in a breath- And then coughed at the smell of smoke. .....SMOKE!? You coughed and shook your head as you looked up towards the sky and were surprised to see the distant remains of smoke in the sky. What the?! Was there a fire somewhere!? Then you came across it. Next to some rocks off the path and a roped off pathway leading away from the larger pathway towards something. You learnt what when you got close enough to look past the rocks off the dirt road, you noticed the smoke and the smokey smell was coming from what looked like a coal factory or oil rig a far distance from the trail. This is where you met Sonia once. That plant turned mined up ore into energy for Galar, guess it was still operating. But this was good! That meant you were half way there already. Almost there to Turrffield.
For the third day in a row the you walked down the road eating what was in your packs for food until you stumbled across more giant rocks and another path going up to what looked like a man made tunnel and right outside the tunnel was some heavy duty equipment like what you'd see at a construction sight. This must be the dig sight you and Gloria passed along Route 3. As you two approached  you noticed a wooden sign along the road. It read: Galar Mine Lie Ahead. Along with a 'no trespassing' sign. Not that you would do so anyways. Last time Gloria had the great idea of trespassing through there and getting you both chased by angry workers. It was also in there that she had her first battle with Bede. While Gloria WAS right that it was a short cut and it DID save you both a whole day of traveling last time you went along this path, you decided to just take the long way around. It would be longer but you'd rather not have the trouble.  So around you went traveling all day until the dark forced you to set up camp. It wasn't until tomorrow afternoon that you finally came across it. LOTS of rolling hills and brick fences with yellow plants that took you a moment to realize what was most likely wheat or corn. A couple houses could be seen which you assumed were farm houses, and as you and trudged up the hill to where in went down into a valley, you could clearly see it. A GYM STADIUM!! It's shiny metal exterier shone bright in the sun light and surrounding it was a very small but manageable village. Not too much bigger than Postwick it looked like. As you walked looking around the area, you pasted a sign that read: Route 4 upon it. This must've been where Route three ended and Route 4 began. And you knew you were here. This was Turrffield. So peaceful so quiet and very very nice. you finished going down the hill's path and looked up at the stadium. It was similar in size to the gigantic one in Motostoke. You stopped where the path branched off into three parts towards the giant stadium, Pokemon Center, and a path that started off with a fence made from rope and wooden posts like the one by that factory you passed by two days ago. That's where the geoglyh and stone carvings were. Turrffield's tourist attractions you supposed. But now that you were finally here, you could finally get down to business. Now the only problem was to figure out where to go next from here.
"I don't suppose you know where that address is?," You asked the small wooloo that baaed back at you in response. "Yeah. I didn't think so either." You sighed. "This might be a problem." Looking around, you had no idea where to start or which house you should ask first. For all you knew, this address could belong to any house here. It was then that you noticed a man walking near you in stereotypical farmer attire carrying a giant basket of potatoes somewhere. You should ask a local. Surely he knew where this address was right? "Hey! Excuse me, Sir!" The man stopped and looked at you as you jogged up to him, pokemon in tow. "Hey there! I'm sorry for bothering you, but I'm lost."
The man blinked as you stopped in front of him. "Lost?"
"Uh huh." The wooloo belated out in protest as you quickly scooped them up into your arms and fumbled for the collar. "I'm trying to find the address on this wooloo's collar. Could you please tell me where that is?" 
You were finally able to dig the tag from the wooloo's thick wool and pulled it out for him to see. The man blinked at you again, but he did look at the tag....and then smiled. "Oh sure. I know exactly where that is."
"You do?!"
He nodded back towards the stadium. "Wooloo Lane is just down behind the stadium. But the specific address you're looking for is the second farm on that pathway. You can't miss it. It's the biggest farm in Turrffield and chalk full of wooloo."
You smiled. The biggest farm just behind the stadium and down the path. That was way closer than you thought. "That's great! Thanks!"
The man just nodded to you and you quickly turned to drop the wooloo back on its feet before continuing on. You were quick to make your way around the giant stadium and sure enough there was a dirt road. As quick as a scorbunny, you bounded down the road pokemon in tow and quickly came across a small farm and a typical looking house with a 'For Sale' sign stuck in the front lawn. First farm. You wanted the second one, and you found it alright. A GIANT farm house on the very end of the path, with GIANT fenced in fields, and some GIANT barns some ways from the house...Huh. Why did this place look familiar to you? You stopped right in front of the house looking up at it. Well this was the place. Should you just knock on the door? Just then Silver tugged on your leg gaining your attention. You looked at him, he chirped and pointed a pink hand towards a field, and you looked. In the fenced in field was tons of wooloo, baaing and eating grass in a herd,  but there was also two other figures that weren't wooloo mixed with them. Humans. Two of them and one shorter than the other. The owners of the house maybe? Slowly you made your way over to the fence, paused, and then spoke.
"Excuse me! You in the field!," You shouted and both figures stopped hauling what looked like hay bails, "I think I found your missing wooloo!"
Both looked over and you paused. The smaller figure was a boy Hop's age with Pink hair and green eyes that blinked at you curiously, but it was the much taller figure that made you pause. Emerald green eyes blinked at you under a hat full of pink hair and freckled face. It was instantly recognizable to you.
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evans-heaven · 2 years
Close ; Joseph Quinn
Pt 2 of Scene, girlies. I'm too tired to write a quirky intro so we'll just get right into it.
Pairing: Joseph Quinn x Fem!Actress!Reader
Warnings: Unedited content, language, in depth talk of anxiety so please be cautious, a little angst, a little fluff, mention of Eddie's death, also y'all I'll be honest i don't like this very much but maybe you will 😅
Wc: 3.5k
Read Scene here
It was around 1AM, and you and Joe were in his rented car driving back to your apartment complex. You’d been staying there since filming began, like a lot of other cast members. Though you and Joe had separate apartments, many a night came about where you crashed at each others’ places, whether accidentally falling asleep during a hangout session or on purpose when you wanted company and everyone else was on set late. Tonight may not have been one of those nights, though.  You were emotionally and physically exhausted, and could tell Joe was as well. You practically drooled at the thought of curling up in your own bed, the one you’d gotten used to in your home away from home.
The ride was pretty quiet, aside from the odd yawn from one of you here and there. The car faintly smelled of takeout, which you two ate about a half hour prior in the parking lot of a 24 hour Chinese restaurant, starving and not being able to wait until you got home. Of course a full stomach ended up making you even more tired, so you weren’t surprised when you began nodding off a bit.
It wasn’t until Joe caught you by surprise with a question that you found yourself fully awake as you stared at him, eyes widened.
“So, are you ready to tell me why you were so worried about today?”
He spoke casually, like it was a throwaway question, he’d ask anyone else, but since there wasn’t anyone else in the car, you knew he was talking to you.
“What do you mean?” you were nonchalant, asking in the same tone he did. If you acted unbothered, it wouldn’t seem that deep, right?
Unfortunately, he didn’t buy it. “Y/N, we know each other better than we know ourselves. I can tell today was about so much more than you’re letting on,” he said. “It kills me when I can tell something is bothering you and I don’t know what,”
Your heart rate increased, partly because of the conversation that was about to happen, and partly because of how much Joe cared for you. Even though you weren’t new to the concept of people caring about you and your feelings, it still blew your mind just how much this man you had only known for just under 2 years cared for you.  He had one of the biggest hearts that had ever been bared to you and his ability for love and compassion could be damn near enviable. It was like this friendship had been going strong for decades, simply because of the closeness developed between the two of you. You knew it, the crew knew it, and the cast especially knew it (and reminded you of it daily).
Still, talking about your feelings was fucking hard, especially face to face. You almost wanted to suggest he shoot you a text message asking what as wrong so you could write a damn book as a reply. You’d always been better at writing what you felt than saying it out loud.
But this wasn’t virtual, it was real life. He was asking, and he was waiting for an answer. You had one, but the trouble would be getting it out to begin with.
“To be honest with you,” you started. “Even I didn’t understand at first what had me so worked up about it,” you admitted. And it was true. Like most of your anxiety induced tyrants, initially you couldn’t figure out why your nerves to film that day seemed stronger than they probably should have been. In the week leading up to it, the feelings seemed to grow, and so did your frustration with yourself because you just couldn’t figure out why the nerves were there and why they were so relentless.
Anxiety really grabbed you by the boobs and made your life hell sometimes.
You were so over it consuming you, until realization dawned on you the morning of shooting. It finally came to you, as you and Joe hugged before he had to go off and shoot some scenes that didn’t have you in them, why filming that scene in particular would be so hard and why it was affecting you as much as it did.
“But now, I do understand,” you said to him. You felt your emotions rise on your throat again, and you shoved them back to wherever they came from. This was going to be hard. “And maybe….my nerves didn’t have much to do with Eddie’s death at all,” you began.
“Ouch,” Joe said, smirking at you.
“Even though,” you stressed, holding up a hand, ignoring his fake offense. "I love Eddie, and a lot of those tears I shed were real. No one wants to see their pretend boyfriend die, or see their best friend who plays their pretend boyfriend, pretend to die," you said, looking off to the side, wondering if that made sense. 
However, Joe agreed. "True," he said, nodding, keeping his eyes on the road ahead of him.
"But....I think the real reason it affected me today the way it did is because of what it might mean," You said. Okay, good start.
Coming up to the stoplight just before your destination, he turned to you with his brows furrowed. "What will it mean?" he asked, his voice soft and patient.
Christ. "Well, I hate to be blunt, but this is essentially the end of Eddie and Stacey, as we know it. I mean, Stacey's leaving Hawkins, but the Duffers told me upfront I'd be back for season 5. But what about Eddie? Is he coming back, is his death permanent, who knows? I just...can't help but worry,"
"You've got a point, sadly," he admitted, looking a bit somber. "But what's there to worry about?" he pressed.
You made a noise that was somewhere between a groan and a sigh, wishing Joe could just read your mind and know everything you wanted to say. You sat up straight in your seat and placed your palms on your thighs. "Like, okay, these past two years have been the best of my life, and a decent chunk of that is thanks to you. Seeing you everyday, and being close to you, is something I've gotten used to, it's one of my favorite things,"
He smiled at you, the warmest look in his gorgeous brown eyes. "It's one of my favorite things too, love," he said, pulling your hand from your lap and threading his fingers through yours.
The red light changed to green, and as he drove forward, you squeezed his hand. "I just need to know, will we....will we always be like this?" you asked him, finally done beating around the bush. It almost felt like him taking your hand gave you a boost of confidence you’d been lacking.
After your question, a sudden silence fell upon the moment. It was very much unlike the comfortable silence that normally would, like earlier in the car, or when you had movie night, or walked to the deli near your apartment building for lunch on a day off. This was awkward, almost eerie, as eerie as a rented Honda could feel.
You thought it was a pretty easy question, but he clearly needed to ponder it. You simply waited for a response. Words, a sigh, a shrug, anything. Your face was calm, but it concealed a mind worried about what he'd say next.
Just then, the quietness was shattered by his illegally adorable laugh filling the vehicle. His shoulders shook with it as he kept his eyes ahead. A blush coated his cheeks, illuminated by the passing streetlights.
Definitely not a reaction you were expecting.
You just looked at him, a confused look in your eyes and an uneasy smile on your face, any confidence you found in yourself now dwindling. You wouldn't be surprised if your face mirrored that one meme where a character from The Simpsons says "I'm in danger". You let out nervous chuckles that were drowned out by his loud laughter. What is happening right now?
He took a moment to catch his breath, his laugh dying down but a smile remaining on his face. He shook his head. "Are you trying to get rid of me, Y/N?" He asked, looking at you, and it was clear the question made him want to burst out laughing again.
You became wide-eyed. "No? No, that's not what I meant, I-"
"Do you really think I'd let this affect us?" He asked, cutting you off gently.
Oh. Your face relaxed and became heated.
"I would never let one of my favorite people out of my life just because we're not working together anymore," he said. 
You looked down to avoid his intense gaze, feeling somewhat ashamed. It was because of his wording, you feared he was a little offended by the implication you made, even despite his prior bout of laughter. You almost totally ignored when he said you were one of his favorite people. At any other moment, your heart would have done a little ‘!’ at that statement, but right now, you were tense.
He noticed, because of course he did, and mumbled “Hang on,” as he pulled into the underground parking lot of your building. He quickly drove into a spot and stopped the car, then turned to face you, as much as he could in a vehicle.
He brought his other hand up to grasp your chin and tilt your head back up so you were face to face with him. 
"What brought this on?" Joe asked as he stroked your chin lightly a couple of times.
You shrugged a shoulder, trying not to get side tracked by the soft, gentle movement against your skin. "I've just been thinking all day," you said. "Things are gonna be so different now. We won't see each other everyday, won't be in the same apartment building, you'll probably be off working on another project. I love that for you, but at the same, it sucks. You’re the one who helped me through my anxiety everyday, until everything was okay eventually, and now you’re one of my closest friends. The thought of losing that has just been eating at me lately,"
It wasn't that you weren't close with the other cast members-they'd become some of your closest friends. Just yesterday you'd had one of those wine mom-esque brunches with Maya and Natalia, and Millie and Sadie always came to you for big sister advice. The boys on set were something like annoying, yet loveable little brothers you loved to mess with just as much.
But your relationship with Joseph just had something special about it. You were naturally a very lowkey and shy person, and that often culminated in being nervous around new people and during new experiences, which was only made worse by you having anxiety. Stranger Things was your first acting role after you finally decided to listen to your gut, swallow your worries, and pursue your dream of being in Hollywood.  Excited as you were for the role, being the new girl amongst a cast of people who had known each other for years was almost enough to make you back out. You didn’t expect some type of Mean Girls situation, of course, but you did expect to be just awkward and jumpy enough to make you feel like you were being a bother or alienated, which you probably wouldn’t have been. But, good ol’ anxiety had a way of making you panic about things before they even happened-if they happened at all.
And that brought you to what you had with Joe. With how strong and borderline intimate it-a perfectly platonic friendship- was, you'd feel it's absence when filming for season 5 began. You couldn't help the sad feeling that gave you. Joe was also the newest cast member who had a pretty substantial role as Eddie Munson, the ‘villain’ of the season, and your character Stacey’s boyfriend. Having to play a couple meant you guys already spent a lot of time together on set, but offset is where you really felt your closeness thrive. Joe made you feel calm, almost making you forget about how nervous you had initially been at the start of production. You loved having people like him in your life, people who made everything seem okay, even if for one moment, and every moment with Joe felt like that.
And when you eventually settled in well with the cast, but still found anxiety creeping up on you for various other reasons, he was always there with open arms whenever you both needed a hug. Or to lend a palm to place yours in or to draw absentmindedly on when you felt anxious. He would also tell you distracting stories, like failed auditions or awkward stories from his days as a theater kid. All these things aided in you being free around him, no sweaty palms or lurching stomachs in sight.
At some point, you realized it became about so much more than him helping with your anxiety. You just enjoyed each other’s company regardless of whether he was helping you stay calm or you were just hanging out together because you could. Always together, to the point where, if you walked into a room alone, people wondered where Joe was, and vice versa. You became those best friends that made others feel like third wheels (unintentionally, of course, and you felt bad whenever that happened). It was such a tender and close bond you two had, unlike any you ever felt before.
And it was because of that relationship you had grown so accustomed to, that you felt the anxiety begin to show its ass again. That it would all disappear, little by little, after Eddie died and Joe possibly wouldn’t return. The hustle and bustle of Hollywood was impossible to ignore, and you had no doubt he would get swept up into it-he was too damn talented not to. 
But the change would be so palpable, considering he was the one who made you so comfortable to begin with. Would you go back to feeling like the meek new girl on the block? Even if you had your other cast members, something would still feel like it was missing. You hadn’t been candid with them the way you’d been with Joe, because you were so selective in who you opened up to. And you were beginning to regret doing that, feeling like it hindered your security with everyone else, making you think you weren’t as close as you could be. Maybe then, things would be okay. 
You just had to latch on to Joe. Stupid, stupid, stu-
“I get you,” Joe said, pulling you from your thoughts.  “I do, because it's been the same for me,” he dropped his hand from your chin and leaned it against the door handle.
You raised your brows. “Really?”
“Yep. C’mon, I was joining the cast of one of the biggest shows in the world. You heard me before we filmed the scene, I was so scared I would ruin the show,” he said. “Joining a show 4 seasons in felt like switching schools in the middle of the term, for lack of a better analogy. Everyone knew everyone, had their unbreakable bonds, well established in the industry simply because of the cast they were a part of. It was intimidating,”
Listening to Joe made you feel so seen and heard, every thought he just voiced was one you had in the beginning. Realistically speaking, anyone would have their own insecurities about joining a show, four seasons in, like he said. But clearly, he was damn good at hiding them.
“But what made it slightly less intimidating, was learning that I wouldn’t be alone. Learning that an outrageously talented and charismatic, not to mention beautiful, actress would be playing my girlfriend, and meeting her at that first ever table read, was enough to make every worry I had feel so irrational,” Joe turned to face you again, pressing his fingers into the back of your hand to punctuate his statement. 
The smile that began to spread across your face was unstoppable, and you couldn’t even try to hide it. Your face became heated, not from embarrassment, but from holy shit what did you do to deserve this man?
He chuckled at the probably comical grin on your face as you remained speechless. “The last two years have been so fucking incredible to me because of you, Y/N. You made this experience," he said. “And that’s a type of influence I never, ever, want to lose,”
He was still squeezing your hand, not to the point of white knuckles, but where it made his words sink in even more than any words should.
His sincerity coated your heart, nerves, and entire body like a salve. You felt like you could explode from the amount of feelings you were experiencing right now. You loved how the smile on your face felt, because of what brought it. You never wanted to relax your face, and you never wanted Joe to stop talking.
“So with that being said,” he declared, then placed a look that very much read like the word ‘duh’ on his face, “Give me one good reason why I would ever let you go?”
It was your turn to laugh, as your already upturned lips opened to release a series of giggles. Maybe it was his tone, maybe his face, maybe you felt foolish and just couldn’t help but laugh about it.
Or maybe, you were just happy because every last fear you had about the relationship you built with Joe fizzling out just because you weren’t working together anymore (allegedly), had disappeared. He made them all vanish with his words, building back up that certainty in you, in him. 
You had been so focused on your own side of the bond you two shared, you never even stopped to consider if he would ever allow it to die out, because it meant just as much to him, as it did to you. Every embrace, every inside joke, every movie night, every moment, held the same weight in both of you.
He was never letting you go, and you sure as hell weren’t going to let him go.
You also seriously envied him for his ability to get to the damn point, but that was another conversation.
“Okay, okay, maybe I was a clown for believing anything would change,” you admitted sheepishly.
“A huge clown, actually,” Joe corrected, leaning in closer with a look of faux seriousness on his face, taunting you.
You gasped and whacked him on the shoulder with your free hand, leading to the both of you exploding with laughter. The sound bounced off of the walls of the car, ringing in your ears to create a noise you never wanted to hear the end of. Your happiness mixed together as the previous angsty atmosphere of the car completely went away, and the weight on your shoulders lifted in its entirety.
After sharing that laugh for what felt like forever, it died down into sparse chuckles, but the energy was still there, even when you both became silent and simply stared into each other’s eyes. 
You realized it turned into one of your ‘they’re doing it again’ moments. Moments where you’d fall into a comfortable silence, not needing any words as you simply read each other’s eyes. You and Joe had those a lot, and the cast loved to call you out on it. But with the view in his eyes, you never brought yourself to care.
“C’mere, you,” he muttered, ending the silence and releasing your hand to pull you into him gently by your shoulder. He wrapped you in his embrace, one arm around your shoulder, the other pressing your face into his warm chest. You dug your fingers into his plaid shirt covered back, the thrum of his heart in your ear feeling like a sweet song. 
Never before had such a fast paced sound been so soothing. 
“I just never want this to end, Joe,” you said, words muffled by his chest, but still loud and clear to him, as he tightened his hold on you.
‘It never will, babes, I promise you,” he vowed, and you knew he wasn’t lying.
Your embrace was longer than the laughter, longer than the silence.  You could stay there until the sun came up, and even longer. His arms were becoming one of your favorite places on earth to be, a location you knew like the back of your hand. 
And you would always have it, because he wasn’t going anywhere. The man of your (platonic) dreams was here to stay, and whatever you were to him, you were gonna be there for him, no matter what, as well. Nothing would take you away from each other. Not the death of a character, not a rapidly changing career, nothing.
Your hold on each other was still intact when he spoke again, after pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Movie night?’ he asked, lips against your hairline.
“Movie night,” you replied.
Hope you enjoyed <3 ya girl is gonna get some sleep now lmao
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memes-saved-me · 3 years
Thank you for tagging me in this brilliant idea!!! @lovebillyhargrove 💖💖💖💖💖
Answers below😁
1. Do they get together BEFORE MF possessing Billy or AFTER shit goes down? (Or maybe DURING😲)
I'm a sucker for their tension boiling over some time around Christmas and that's when they either kiss, have sex, get together or all three lol. That or post Starcourt Steve is left to take care of Billy because no one else is around who can and he slowly falls for him while Billy falls for Steve all over again.
2. Who kisses who first?
Steve. Steve going on for the kiss is my favourite. Billy of course returns it and is the one to take it further but Steve is the one to lean in or push Billy against a wall and go for it. Billy hesitates because he likes to tease and because he isn't fully sure Steve is on the same page.
3. Where do they have their first sex? (Location) (HJs and BJs count)
Blowjobs and handjobs at school. Hidden away or a party where they're drunk and it's messy but amazing. Sex wise Steve's room. Either its romantic and its been building to this or they rush to his, up the stairs and one is pushed down on the bed and so on. Its either intense and tension breaking or slow and caring. Or both honesty but its at Steve's house.
4. Who says 💖 I LOVE YOU 💖 first?
Billy. Steve thinks, knows he does way before but is scared to say it first so he waits and then once Billy says it, probably before, during or after sex he says it every chance he gets. Billy is a little less generous with it but when he says it Steve finds it means more than saying it all the time.
5. Bottom!Steve or Bottom!Billy?
I personally believe they'd switch. Hormone filled teenage boys happy to get what they can and deal it just as much. However, I'm a sucker for bottom Billy to begin with, Steve just getting into being bisexual so at first experienced Billy takes that position until Steve is comfortable enough to go for it. After that its whoever wants to or both of them. They just love being either side of things.
6. Do they give gifts to each other?
Steve will buy Billy things he wants or needs at any opportunity but Billy will buy little things here and there that have significant sentimental origin. Or he makes things like daisy chains and puts them on Steve while they sit in the grass. Little things like that.
7. Where do they end up living?
I love the idea of them leaving Hawkins, going to California and it just not being as good as Billy remembered. He bigged it up in his memories and they can't really afford the kind of place they would like there so they leave and go somewhere else to build a life together instead of relying on their past to bring them comfort. I'm not sure where they would end up really, maybe even another country eventually.
8. What are their future jobs?
Steve in sales, office work sort of thing. Billy a mechanic or dog trainer.
9. Who's a better cook?
Steve likes to think he's a better cook but Billy for sure is.
10. Steve Hargrove or Billy Harrington?
In terms of 😏 Steve but on terms of "Oh shit he's my favourite" Billy
11. What's Max's reaction when she hears they're together?
She's honestly disgusted by Steve's lack of taste and standards but is glad to know why Billy had been acting happier recently. Her first theory was drugs so being gay with Steve was more than better.
12. Describe in ONE SENTENCE Hopper's reaction when he hears the names Hargrove and Harrington mentioned together?
His ears perked up at the mention their names while sitting at the table with El, her run down of the day stating they were a couple which definitely caught his attention because never did he think the resident bad boy Billy would end up with preppy boy Steve but hey, teenagers are teenagers.
13. Does Robin like Billy OR does Robin hate Billy?
Robin loves anyone who helps her tease Steve but she also gives him the shovel talk which isn't as affective considering he was practically dead at one point. They have similar music taste and Billy is always brushing girls off and sending them in her direction which is an added bonus so yes Robin loves Billy as a friend but hates him as Steve's boyfriend because that's the best friend rule, you don't like their bf especially when they complain about them one minute then gush over him the next.
14. What about Dustin?
Dustin is just confused, for a long time. He doesn't really get why Steve would do this. Waste his time on Billy and he constantly asks him why but then he sees them together and sees Steve smile like he does when he's genuinely happy and he lets it go. Whatever makes Steve happy is okay with him. But he also gives Billy a talking to regarding hurting Steve or dumping him.
15. Fav Harringrove AU?
That's a real tough one. I'd have to say maybe the catching fire one I did because it lives in my head rent free and I mean in luxury with no bills rent free. It fits too well not to lmao.
Maybe the one where Steve accidentally kills Neil and they run off, idk there's just something about that.
16. Billy+Camaro=
Others have said it but I see the Camaro as a reflection of Billy and his current state. Like in S2 its all loud and fast and dangerous but then at the end once Max has threatened Billy she takes control of it just like she did Billy. In s3 its in a state of disrepair while he is flayed and catches fire as his fate is sealed and he dies just like the car. Also these shots right here are just 😭
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I'd ramble for hours but I don't have time🥲 but thank you!! I just love talking about these boys!!!! Also everyone seems to have been tagged but I'm not sure so I'll leave this open for anyone!!💖💖💖
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soniabigcheese · 3 years
For your advent calendar, I thought maybe choosing the perfect Christmas tree (to buy ready cut, or to cut down themselves - or maybe even buying a "fake" one?) could make an interesting family outing.
Thanks for the suggestion. I do have a story for you. But not the way you're all expecting.
Advent Calendar Day 23 - Douglas the Fir
Lucille was an environmentalist through and through. Jeff knew that straight off and it probably explains where Gordon gets it from. Although his mission is more water based.
He got more than he bargained for, their first Christmas after they got married, they went to pick out a tree. Her bright red nose and shiny excited eyes peeked out from between the hand knitted hat and scarf as she dragged him into the tree enclosure.
She bounced up to the nearest tree and hugged it. He stood there, bemused but went along with her quirky nature.
"See this one?" she craned her neck, looking up through the branches, "this one is beautiful and always my favourite."
It looked a tad too tall, but Jeff pulled out his card and said.
"If that's what you want, then we'll buy it right now. Might need a bigger pick up truck to take it home though."
She whipped around and glared at him.
"You're kidding me right?"
"Nope. Whatever you want, you get.. that's the rule. Now where's the chainsaw so that I can hack this thing down."
Before he knew what was happening, Lucy was up in his face, hands on hips and glaring at him.
"There is NO WAY you are chopping that tree down."
He looked confused.
"But honey ...I..."
"Don't 'honey' me Jefferson Tracy. You are NOT cutting THAT tree down or any other in here."
A tall bearded guy approached. He had dreadlocks dangling from beneath his beanie.
"Hey Luce," he called to her, raising his hand.
She slapped it, then turned to Jeff.
"This is Jackson, the grandson of the founder of this place."
They shook hands.
"What they started, many years ago, was a project that proved very popular indeed. They grow trees in pots, then when they're big enough. People rent them over Christmas and they are returned to be tended to until the following year. When they're too big, they are replanted into the forest where the seedlings originally came from. All clear with that?"
"Um ... no."
She turned to Jackson and sniggered.
"Can't believe he wanted to chop down trees. Seriously."
She rubbed her mitts together and stamped her feet in the snow.
"So ... how's little Douglas then?"
"He's doing fine. Managed to escape the floods midway through the last couple of months and evaded tree rot as well as some tenacious chipmunks that were causing havoc."
"Ohh goody, can we see him then?"
"Ah ... there's a bit of a problem. He's had a growth spurt so he might have to be relocated back to the forest."
"Ohh do we have a ceremony then?"
"I'll book one in for you. Maybe you could look for a replacement in the meantime?"
Jeff tugged at her sleeve.
"Ceremony? For a tree?" He asked, disbelief dripping off his tongue, "maybe we should shop for an artifical one instead?"
"No. Because those are an environmental problem. All those plastics ... and they shed worse than a real tree. So no. No way."
She took his hands and swung them a little.
"It's been a tradition throughout my family," she explained gently, "so maybe now that we are starting our own family ... we could make this a whole new tradition? Pretty please?"
He smiled down at her, knowing that she had him wrapped around her little finger. Then, as he started to kiss her ... he stopped.
"Wait ... what? Family?"
She nodded, grinned and kissed him
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babylooneytoonz · 4 years
A Gangster's Heart - Tommy Shelby x Reader
A/N : I just felt like writing this because I was feeling weirdly emotional when I woke up. Also, I didn't get a chance to proofread it so please pardon me if there are some grammatical shits. I was on a Peaky Blinders hiatus and I just hadn't written in so long, please forgive me if this is bad .
Warnings : Just Angst , Mentions of vulgarity
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You glared at the man in the Blinder cap that was leaning against the doorframe of your quaint little shop in Small Heath, Birmingham City. You pulled out a small brown box from one of the drawers and slammed it rather loudly against your desk, sliding the keys in as you twisted it around and the box unlocked with an unceremonious click. You looked at the bills that were securely resting inside, and a hollow feeling filled you up when you realized that you had been saving this to buy your mother that dress at the seamstress shop.
"I always pay my bloody rent. This month the business 's tight. I even told Finn that this month I need a relaxation on the bloody rent and I will pay it all with the next month's rent. Why are you here again asking for the goddamn money?"
"Listen, Miss, we really are in no fucking position to not do what Tommy asks us to, so if Tommy –“ the man you knew as Curly shuffled the weight of his body from his left foot to right, and his palm slid into the pocket of his pants as he pulled out a box of cigarettes.
"So if Tommy asks you to jump off a fucking building, you are going to jump off the fucking building, yeah?' Exasperated, you slammed the box shut, and slid it back into the drawer again.
"I can come back tomorrow, Mr. Shelby won't ask me for the money until 9 in the morning. I can come collect it at 8."
You let out a loud groan of frustration, and involuntarily, your elbows came to rest on the desk as you buried your face into your palms. Finally taking a deep breath, you looked up, and your lips parted, your lower lip almost quivering, "Listen, I - I can't bloody pay Tommy the rent this month, the business is tight, and I barely made enough to pay my apartment rent."
Curly almost shook his head, scratching the side of his face as his hand mechanically flew up to his lips and he took a drag of his cigarette. Finally he nodded, and cleared his throat, "T's okay, Miss Y/L/N, I'll inform Tommy."
"You do that." You nodded and watched him leave. Almost instantly, you slammed your fist against your desk in frustration and let out an unceremonious groan, more so at the sudden onset of a headache at the side of your head. "Great, just fucking great."
An hour later, you grabbed your trenchcoat, throwing your arms through the sleeves in a hurried manner, and wrapped your scarf around your neck to keep yourself warm. These days, you were staying at your shop for longer hours, and this meant that you left from the shop at the odd night hours, mostly after 10. You grabbed your house keys, and walked out of the shop, your boots crushing the faint hue of ice that blanketed the streets of Small Heath, and you locked your shop.
Hugging the side of your arms, you started walking down the sidewalk, keeping your head to the ground, when you heard the sound of hushed whispers that made your head snap up in the direction of the voices. For the people of Small Heath, the men who belonged to the Peaky Blinders always stood out, perhaps it was because of how they dressed, and the unmistakable razorblade caps on top of their heads.
Of course, Tommy Fucking Shelby had sent them to probably collect the rent from you. You didn't know what came over you, but the nearest you could classify it as was a fit of rage, as you found yourself walking towards the men, your nostrils flared, and your fingers clenched together in a fist, balling the side of your coat.
"Listen here, I already told Curly that I'm in no fucking position to pay this month's bloody rent. You can all go and tell your boss that intimidating me by sending you lads is not going to fucking get me to pay the fucking rent."
One of the man took of his cap and stepped a bit closer, raising both his hands in the air, "but Miss Y/N, Mr. Shelby hasn't – "
"Oh, please lad. Don't justify the threatening acts of your boss, just because he runs your razorblade gang, it doesn't mean that I'm scared of him. Where the fuck is he anyway? I would rather settle this with him on his bloody face than stand around in the middle of the street at 10 at night and argue with you all." You huffed, as words shot out of your mouth like bullets raining down on them. The man who had began speaking stood there with his jaw slightly hanging, and no words came out of his lips.
"Well, I'm gonna go and settle this at the betting shop. Talk directly with Tommy." Before waiting for them to reply, you turned your tail, and started walking down the same street again, in the same direction from where you had come. But this time, your steps were confident, your head was raised as you found yourself walking towards the Shelby Betting shop.
"Miss, where do you think you are going?" Someone's voice called out as you barged through the front door, and pushed your way through a few men that were already on their way out, ignoring the voice of the man who had called out to you.
You walked up to the massive copper door that held a plate that read TS, and you abruptly knocked on the door. You waited a few seconds when you heard the muffled voices inside the room go off, and heavy footsteps began ascending towards the door on the other side.
You crossed your arms over your chest, and waited until the door finally opened, and you saw John leaning by the door.
Acknowledging him barely, you pushed past him and stepped inside, until you were striding towards Tommy who was standing by the telephone, speaking to someone. His icy blue eyes met yours and he slowly raised his palm towards you, asking you to hold on to whatever you had to say to him, while John just made his way to where you were and fixed himself by your side, giving you a confused look.
Finally, after about a minute, Tommy finally hung up and placed the receiver back, slowly turning to you.
"Is there anything –"
"Cut it, Tommy. If you think you can scare me off by sending your Blinders to do your dirty bidding for you, then you're wrong. Here– " Your fingers flew to your scarf, and Tommy just squinted his eyes, his confusion evident from his face as he turned to look at John and then back at you.
"What are you– "
You pulled off a gold chain that you remembered wearing almost all your life; ever since you were a little girl. It was that one piece of jewelry that you owned, and that you cherished, because it had been given to you by your father. You literally pulled at the chain, hissing slightly as it detached itself from your neck and you curled your fingers tightly around it, and finally slammed it on Tommy's desk.
"There. I hope this will be enough. I don't have anything else that I can give you. I hope to God that this settles it."
Turning around, not even waiting for Tommy to reply, and without sparing a look at his confused brother, you turned your tail and fuming, you walked out of Tommy's office, without giving him another look. Brittle tears stung in your eyes and your cheeks felt hot. You kept walking, ignoring the way your body was shaking, like an autumn tree shedding its leaves until you were outside and fixed to the wall, the back of your head resting against its surface. Finally, you broke down, your palm pressed to your trembling lips as you were taken over by uncontrollable sobs.
You didn't know how you calmed yourself; but somehow you did. You wiped your tear stained cheeks with your sleeve and looked up at the sky for a bit, staring at the moonless night, as you started walking back home, with your thoughts and your heavy heart. You were angry with Tommy Shelby, you were angry with yourself, and how you had to depend on the Peaky Blinders to run your little shop.
You kept walking, until the familiar silhouette of your tiny apartment was visible, it's dull grey white walls a striking contrast to the red brick buildings around it. A lonely flickering lightbulb illuminated the front door, and the windows of the building looked like they were about to fall off. It wasn't the best place to live, but it was home. You smiled to yourself when you saw your mother standing by the kitchen window, her frail little hands working on the dishes as she scrubbed them relentlessly. And just as quick the smile was, it vanished into thin air at the sight of her.
You lifted your foot, ready to walk towards her when a vulgar leer subjected to you made you freeze on spot, "Oi look what we've got here, eh lads, what a pretty little thing she is." You could only look at them, with bewilderment and fear in your eyes, as two men stepped out of nowhere, and fixed themselves on either side of you.
"Yeah, leave me the bloody hell alone," you mumbled as you tried to manoeuvre your way through the space between them, in an attempt to walk away, but one of them grabbed your arm, and pulled you back with a rough tug, "Now who the fuck asked you to leave eh? Fuckin' whore."
The man stank of booze and sweat, and it made you want to throw up. You threw him a look full of disgust, and anger as you placed your palm where the man was gripping your arm and tried to pry his hand off you, "Get your fucking hands off me. Don't you dare touch me."
"Maybe you didn't hear me, you whore. I didn't ask you to leave. Where's a pretty little thing like you headed when I can show you, yeah, a bloody good time?" He only laughed, while his hand suddenly shot out and grabbed the hem of your coat, his fingers now dragging it up so he could reach your skirt. You smacked at his hand, hard enough for the slap to echo back into your ears and tried to move away.
"Maybe you need to be taught a fucking lesson." The man spat at the ground beside you, and the other man grabbed your other arm, as they started dragging you towards the dumpster by the side of the street, on the sidewalk. You screamed, as loud as your throat could, thrashing your feet and trying to get away, but they were two, and you were a woman, nowhere as strong as their grips on you were.
The men somehow managed to drag your protesting form to the dumpster, and they pushed you over it, so you had your front pressed to it, your body bent over it at an awkward angle. You hissed, your eyes closing as reflex when you felt a slithering hand latch itself to your thighs, underneath your coat and the hand started moving upwards, forcing you to try to press your legs together to stop him from going any further, "Quit whining you bitch, and let me show you what a real lad takes a whore like. You must like it rough yeah? You must love to have our cocks smashin' into that tight little cunt of yours?"
You closed your eyes, your throat now parched from the screaming, but you knew, deep down that no one was coming. You were on your own.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" That voice enough was enough to tell you that the men had their death sentences already laid out. Maybe it was Tommy's voice, or maybe it was the realization who he was, the hands that were seconds back trying to grope you immediately pulled away.
"We were, uh, just having fun."
"Would you still have fun if I decide to fucking cut your throats and leave you to bleed to your deaths?" Finally, he stepped closer to you, and that's when the men saw who he was, and the realization finally sunk in, as the pale moonlight now illuminated his face, his emotionless eyes and the vein that popped over his eyebrow.
"Mr. Shelby, we .. we.. oi, get the fuck out of here, Jack.." He screamed at the man that was accompanying him, and the two of them turned around immediately, pulling you by your arm and thrusting you into Tommy's chest, to buy them time to escape. The minute your body collided with Tommy's, his arm immediately wrapped around your waist, his hand coming to hold you from the low of your back to steady to your feet. Once he was sure that you were okay, he roughly shoved you towards the wall, and his form stepped in front of you, shielding your vision from what he was going to do.
"Look away, Y/N," his voice commanded.
"Tommy, please get me out of –"
"What bloody part of look away do you not understand?" He practically snapped at you and the crudeness in his words made you almost whimper and press yourself against the wall, as you turned towards the wall and pressed your face to it.
Your body shuddered, even more so when you heard the two shots that were fired from a gun, and suddenly it went silent.
"Come on, love," you felt someone place his arms over either of your shoulders , almost pulling you towards him and slowly, numbly you turned around, tears freely spilling down your eyes, the shrill ringing sound buzzing through your ears. Tommy pulled you close, almost into his chest, as he protectively wrapped his arm around your shoulder and nudged you to walk with him.
"You killed them, you fucking ... killed them." Words began spilling from your mouth as tears began spilling again from your eyes, and you didn't stop mumbling, it was like your mind was blank, and your lips were moving on your own. It was only when Tommy's index finger pressed to your lips, that you stopped mumbling those barely incoherent words, and craned your neck to look at him as you mouthed, in a low voice, "you killed them, Tommy."
Tommy kept you pressed to himself, his arm holding you as he began walking down the street, and you moved along with him.
"This is who I am. Yeah, I fucking killed them, and I would do it again, and will not feel a bloody ounce of regret if they tried to do that again."
It was as though your mind had frozen out, you couldn't think straight. You were still shaking from the aftermath of what you had just witnessed. When you didn't reply, he slowly let go off your shoulder, and you stepped away, almost immediately. He didn't say anything though, as his hand slid into his pocket and he pulled out his box of cigarettes, "I'm going to walk you home."
"No, I need a fucking drink. Just walk me to a place where I could get a fucking drink."
Tommy Shelby brought you to the Garrison. And now you were seated on a couch, in the private room of the pub that Thomas Shelby owned. You had already drank two glasses of Irish Whiskey and Tommy was pouring your third glass for you, when you finally looked up at him and reached out, roughly grabbing his other free hand that was laying on the table. He immediately looked up, his eyes meeting yours halfway, as you tilted your head and questioned him silently with your eyes, "I appreciate what you did for me, Tommy, but you didn't have to shoot them."
Tommy leaned forward, sliding your glass towards you and he sat back again, his hand mechanically moving up to his lips as he inhaled the smoke from his lit cigarette.
"Listen, there are things that I do, I do them for a fucking reason, I didn't want you to see which is why I asked you to bloody look away." His voice was cold.
You curled your fingers around your glass and lifted it up, bringing it to your lips as you took a small sip of the drink, letting the burning liquid rush down the canal of your throat. When you didn't reply, Tommy leaned forward, his fists clenched and his lips pressed together.
"I can see that you want to say something, Tommy." You almost whispered.
"This is the fucking reason why, I don't like you working at the shop after the sun sets."
You almost snorted at his words, and instantly your glass flew to your lips, and this time you gulped down two mouthfuls of it and placed the glass back, giving Tommy a look that reflected the annoyance you felt at the situation, "Are you telling me it's my fucking fault, that I wanted this to fucking happen?"
"If I wasn't there on time," Tommy almost began, but his voice was incredibly low, and he immediately stopped his words from spilling out, thinking that you hadn't heard, but you had heard him nonetheless, "Where the hell were the boys when this happened?"
"What?" Your head snapped in his direction, as you gave him a look of confusion.
"Nothing. Come on. I'm gonna walk you home."
"Thomas –" You stood up almost immediately, your eyes burning a hole at the back of his head. "What did you mean about the boys?"
Tommy took a last drag of his cigarette before stubbing it into the ashtray as he stood up, and slid his hand into one of his pockets, before placing your gold chain on the table.
"Curly told me of the word he had with you today. And I told him that it was alright." He pressed his palm against the chain and slid it towards you, pulling his hand away. You kept glancing at the chain for a few seconds before you slowly lifted your gaze, fixing it on him.
"I don't understand. Then why were your Blinders following me?"
"They weren't. They were just doing what I had asked them to do."
You stood up, striding towards Tommy until you had placed your palm on his arm, and yanked his head towards you so you could stare into his eyes. "You asked them to follow me. So you could get the fucking money."
The man in front of you shook his head, and pulled his arm away, without uttering a word. You watched as he walked up to the door and fixed himself by the doorframe , his back turned towards you.
"Harry? Where the fuck's Curly? Send him in, yeah?"
He cleared his throat, and turned back towards you, not meeting your gaze.
"I won't accept that chain. You should keep it. And as for the rent, Curly can collect it next month."
You opened your mouth, but at that exact moment, a rather flustered looking Curly knocked on the door and Tommy's attention drifted away, "Curly, can you please make sure Miss Y/ L/N gets back home?" Without giving you a second glance, he walked off and you were left to look at Curly, wondering what you had said to him for him to react the way he did.
"Yes? Miss Y/N?"
You walked up to the doorframe, and looked out, your eyes scanning for Tommy but you didn't see him anywhere. You craned your neck back so you were now looking at Curly, "If Tommy was okay with me not paying you today, then why were the Blinders following me?"
His hand flew to the back of his head and he gave you a sheepish smile, before flicking his glance away and then back at you.
"It's not really my place to say."
"Oh alright! Tommy sends the Blinders everyday. He just wants to make sure that you safely reach home from the shop and no one bothers you on your way."
"Harry! Have you seen Tommy anywhere?" You were literally out of breath as you slammed both your palms against the counter and the bartender looked at you.
"Mr. Shelby just left a few minutes ago."
You didn't even listen to anything else, you had already turned your tail and were practically running out of the Garrison, not bothering as your shoulders knocked into people on your way out.
Stepping into the cold, brittle street, your arms reflexively flew to the side of your arms as you ran down the street, ignoring the way the people were looking at you and murmuring whispers amongst each other. You weren't bothered what they were thinking about you, and your eyes were fixed on the man who was now inches away from you, smoke coiling around him and his back turned towards you as he walked down the street.
"For fucks sake, Thomas Shelby, are you really going to make me run after you like this in the dark?" You called out, watching him freeze as he turned towards you.
"Does that man never listen? I thought I asked Curly to take you home."
Immediately, your hand shot up, and you almost placed your palm up so you could let him know you were speaking. His cold, emotionless eyes moved from your hand to your face, his expressions unreadable.
"I was wrong. But you are worse than me. You send in your fucking Blinders to make sure that I get home safe but never once bother to tell me why. You secretly care about me, but never let me fucking find out. Thomas Shelby, I really don't understand why you do the things you do. You see, from the day I've known you Tommy, the only impression you've given me is that you probably hate me. Or, I don't exist. And then you secretly do this. I am tired of playing these games Thomas Shelby, and I am done begging you to answer. What is wrong with you?"
You watched as Tommy parted his lips in an attempt to reply, but all that shot out of those lips was the foggy winter air before he clamped his mouth shut again. He almost took a step closer and suddenly all you could feel was a weird tension lingering in the air.
"You know what your problem is? You think too much, you bloody assume too much. You're telling me you think I fucking hate you, when all I've ever done is to make sure you're okay."
"Why would you even fucking care about me?" Your voice sounded weak, but you didn't care. You hadn't realized when your lips had started trembling and hot tears had started skimming down your cheeks. Tommy let out a barely audible sigh as he brought his palms closer to your face, his reluctance to hold you pretty evident. Finally, after fighting with himself for so longer, he let his palms cup your cheeks as he pled your face to his, pressing his forehead against yours.
"Some things are best left unsaid, love. I will always care for you, whether you like it or not. Who knows where you'll be tomorrow, who you'll be with, but you will always mean something to me." You smiled when you felt Tommy's lips press against yours, and in those few seconds he kissed you, he gave you all the answers that you wanted, and he didn't even have to say a word.
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@captivatedbycillianmurphy @really-dont-forget-it @thepeakygurl @baumarvel @nyotamalfoy @peakyfooky
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nakedbibi333 · 3 years
I’m the spider woman anon! I saw it two times in theaters! you have to see it when you can! it has hints of manifestation/law of assumption in it! I’ll send you what I sent angel (you two are my favorite):
you guys have to watch the new spider-man movie. it has to do with multiple universes/reality, spells, consciousness, etc. several different conversations about self concept sort of an I AM god and a self concept/how you talk about yourself
plus in the trailers there was one for sonic the hedge hodge and jim carrey referenced his vision board!
T.T You're so lucky. My country is shut down so I'll probably have to wait until I can buy or rent it. Ughhh it sounds so good I'm going to cryyy. I've been a huge spider-man fan since I was a baby and I know this one has all the older characters and villains (I was kind of spoiled for some stuff but it's okay now bc I already cried about it HAHA) but doctor strange is also becoming my favorite because of his connection to the mystical! LOL SONIC??? I know Jim Carrey believes in manifestation and I think he manifested getting a 10 million dollar check? What an inspiration.
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