#I'm addicted to drawing Leo at this point
im-not-dead-yet · 5 months
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i got a little too silly
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Hi!! Can I please have a HP, MCU, TMR and Shadowhunters ship matchup?? (If you can't do them all, no problem, do what you feel comfortable and forgive me if I make a mistake in the writing, I'm not fluent in english yet. Please take your time♡)
I'm pansexual and genderfluid, that uses all the pronouns.
I'm a brazilian, my house is Slytherin (but I have LOTS of Ravenclaw qualities), my sign is Leo and MBTI is INTJ. I have tan skin, dimples, brown eyes, straight black hair that goes below my waist and bangs. About my body, I think what stands out the most are the really thick thighs and the hands and feet that are really small. I wear glasses (I have astigmatism and myopia, my grade is VERY high); where i live is SO hot but i really like to wear sweats and pants so sometimes it's kind of hard but i think i wear any kind of clothes? I like to experiment with new styles and I really want to dye my hair but I didn't have the opportunity; I'm absolutely addicted to wearing necklaces, bracelets and especially rings, I'm always wearing several.
I have a quiet, observant, sarcastic and motherly personality, although from a distance it seems that I will be rude to you, I will actually be very calm and give you soft smiles. I can get stressed out easily but I don't show anything but glare, and above all I NEVER raise my voice, even in a fight the only thing I'm going to do is keep my voice calm with a firm, authoritative tone. I LOVE protecting and caring for people and listening to them talk about what they like, I always give them my FULLY attention. My love language is 100% touch, I am always touching the people I like and care about. Another thing is that I'm [not] a submissive person in a relationship, like [no].
I'm completely in love with all kinds of art, especially dancing (I'm ALWAYS dancing while listening to music, which is pretty much all day long) and drawing/painting (sometimes I end up doing a whole drawing and not even realize it). I love reading and I always have a book with me, physical or digital. I love animals, I have cats, dogs, parrots, turtles and cockatiels, and I would give my life for them all without a second thought. Oh, I also love anything horror related with passion and bake, most of the time I don't even eat, I just bake and give it to people because I love it when they say they like what I made.
Hi, thanks for the request! Don't worry about your English, it's absolutely fine! I'm more than happy to do all of them, it's no problem :)
For Shadowhunters I match you with...
Isabelle Lightwood
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I just immediately felt like you and Izzy would be a good match.
But you're actually quite similar people: you're both protective and have strong personalities.
With some couples that doesn't work out, but you and Izzy are one of the few where it actually works in your favour. Since you're so similar, you can easily tell when the other has something on their mind and what the best course of action is.
I don't know if you've read the books, but I think they also reference it a few times in the series, but: Izzy can't cook or bake or whatever. At all. Her cooking is as lethal as her whip. So having a partner who can bake? She loves it. So much. She probably fell in love with your baking before she fell in love with you.
Isabelle isn't a stranger to horror stories: she practically lives inside of one. I feel like she'd like watching horror movies, especially the ones with ghosts and demons and stuff, just to point out all the inaccuracies.
And she is, of course, a style icon. If you tell her you want to experiment with different styles, she is your go-to person.
On that note; you're both swapping jewellry all the time.
Now for TMR…
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Much like you, he's quietly observant, is definitely the Glade's mother hen, and of course he's sarcastic too (who could ever forget the absolute gold that was "Great, we're all bloody inspired"?)
Since you have quite a motherly personality, I'm picturing you as a med-jack, and that's how you two really get talking. After the incident that caused his limp, he spent quite some time recovering, and you happened to be the one making sure he didn't go overboard with anything.
Loves your baking to the point you tease him by wondering out loud if he loves it more than he loves you.
Which is ridiculous, because there's nothing or no one he could ever love more than you.
I have this headcanon that the Gladers definitely found a way to make music, so you can bet Newt would dance with you. He was never the best at it, and his limp has made him a little unsteady, but it's all in the gesture.
For HP I match you with...
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She steals your clothes all the time, just because she likes wearing something that belongs to you. It's her way of announcing to the world that she's yours.
Tonks can definitely take care of herself, but with the way she throws herself headfirst into everything, it doesn't hurt to have a protective partner on her side.
Dance offs are totally thing. Just seeing which one of you can come up with the weirdest moves.
She loves your pets almost as much as she loves you, and probably also would die for them.
She is absolutely in love with every kind of art you create! She never had the patience for it herself, so seeing someone be so dedicated to just creating something fills her with awe.
And finally, for the MCU I would match you with...
Peter Parker
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You totally have the same love language and are the most affectionate couple to have ever walked the earth.
You do sometimes argue because you're both so protective. Peter doesn't want you to get hurt and wants to protect you, but you also want to do the same for him -after all, he's the one going out there risking his life.
These arguments never last long, though, you both understand it's coming from a place of love and concern for each other.
For a literal superhero, Peter absolutely hates horror movies. It's the only genre he doesn't like, but he'll watch it with you if you ask him. He can't say no to you, no matter how much he'll regret it later on.
All your pets adore him, and you tease him by saying that it's because his DNA is part animal as well now.
There you go! Thank you again for requesting, and sorry it took so long! I hope you enjoyed this, and that you have a lovely day/night <3
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lucindarobinsonvevo · 2 years
reading your post about leo sneaking up to the penthouse for a drink just... the more i think about it, the more i'm annoyed that neighbours never delved into or addresed the fact that that man was clearly an alcoholic.
i guess it's interesting that Leo's blatant alcohol abuse is never really covered because other characters alcoholism is extremely important to their character. Terese, Stingray, Sonya, even Karl for a bit and addictions in general have been fertile ground for neighbours storytelling, Lucas, Izzy, Carmella etc while Leo is just kind of. in the background making himself middle of the day whiskeys at the penthouse.
It's certainly a choice to follow that scene of Leo day drinking with a scene of Terese mid-relapse at her lowest.
Sadly, exploring Leo's alcoholism would require examining his past through a lens that Neighbours doesn't seem interested in pursuing. I mean for petes sake there's enough back there to drive anyone to drink. The fact that people perpetually want him dead is a good starting point. combine that with a lousy childhood, an emotionally distant/abusive mother, being made parent to a child he didn't want (though does love), being forced into relationships against his will, being dumped for his dad by his girlfriend etc etc etc. Sometimes I feel like the bad things that happen to Leo are not given the same 'level' of badness if the same bad thing might happen to another character, along with Neighbours characteristic lack of sensitivity, and Leo's steadfast and stoic (word?) self, I can see why this might not be a storyline that they want to peruse especially when he's in such proximity to the local alcoholic Terese.
It's sad though that none of Leo's family notice how much he drinks, but in character for most of them. Yeah, I buy Paul being too self absorbed to notice his son is drinking so much, I can see David and Harlow also not noticing. The person it does surprise me would not notice is Glen who is an alcoholic. But, his loyalty to Leo is built on a bed of sand, so I guess it's not too to much of a shock. IDK. I think there was something there that could have been a good storyline.
I also think that Neighbours acknowledging Leo's alcoholism doesn't strictly need to become a story where he gets help for it. At least, not right away. Just acknowledging that there is a problem and letting the audience draw their own conclusions can be good as well. I dunno. it's the wasted potential of it all that gets me.
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