#I'm also supposed to go to an award show with friends and need an outfit for that but theres literally no way for me to buy anything atm
litheriel · 2 years
Hi tumblr, I'm once again here to scream into the void so please ignore me. Just need an outlet 🙃
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xcviiq · 2 years
could do you huh yunjin x female reader based off of this?? https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYFnfL41/ where the reader folds immediately and yunjin laughs at her and it’s kinda yunjin teasing the reader bc readers shy until yunjin kisses her one day and reader kinda just stands there not processing what happened
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"missing piece" - huh yunjin x fem!reader you were exactly the comfort the idol needed. exactly the person the idol yearned for in her entire life.
genre : fluff, maybe suggestive words : 2.7k notes : ty for the req! im so sorry this was delayed, i had exams and completely lost motivation to write... i hope this is good :) enjoy! (i also changed my format... haha)
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you and huh yunjin have been best friends ever since elementary.
she was the typical exchange student from america, and you were the typical shy girl who always topped in academics. everyone wanted to be friends with yunjin though, which made sense to your 6 year old self since, well, she's a foreigner.
you wanted nothing to do with the american. you just wanted to be left alone with your small friend group that consists of only two other "outcasted" students.
"hi!!" a cheerful voice called. as you looked up from your lunch, it was yunjin. it scared you a bit since you haven't interacted with each other ever since the grade started. "can i sit next to you? you aren't with anyone right now so."
you gulped, your eyes trailing off to find your two friends. they were supposed to be here any minute now but it seems that they were no where to be found. your gaze turned back to the american, who smiled brightly while carrying her pink, glittery lunchbox.
now, 15 years later, you're waiting awkwardly in the backstage of mama—the biggest award show in korea. your girlfriend, huh yunjin, had just debuted in a monster "rookie" group called le sserafim. the american managed to sneak in a free backstage pass and now you have to face the utter awkwardness.
there were so many idols—most of them you couldn't name. you recognized stray kids and txt, and you almost felt your heart beat out of your chest as you stared at (g)i-dle, who was goofing around on the opposite side of the room.
'when is 'jin coming??' you thought, awkwardly pulling on your fingers to ease the anxiety. so many things were on your mind; 1. "is my outfit alright?" 2. "oh god i might look extremely awkward right now." and 3. "where is yunjin?"
before your brain could process anything, you felt your whole body stumble and fall as you felt heavy weight on top of you. "yunjin-ah! get back up please...." you heard an angry voice just centimeters away, and a girl with short, part-black part-blonde hair put you and yunjin back up.
the rest of the group bowed down to the many idols and staff in front of them, and you could tell how embarrassed they were at the american's sudden outburst.
"sorry y/n, you guys." yunjin whispered, chuckling nervously as she looked at the members' disappointed eyes. "i was just excited to see y/n again! it's been months!"
that was true, the american could barely save some time for you because of how packed her schedule is. your main form of communication was through texting and facetime—but facetimes only last 1 hour or so.
before you could speak, miyawaki sakura—an idol of 11 years and someone you are well-versed with—cut you off. "we'll give you both some alone time," the rest of the members nodded. "don't make a mess." she continued with a stern tone—you could tell she was the oldest.
the girl beside the oldest giggled like a child, before waving at your girlfriend a goodbye.
"tell the manager i'm doing something important!" yunjin yelled, and smiled in delight as the members nodded, slowly disappearing as they walked further and further away. when they were gone, yunjin turned her attention to you, her eyes soft and full of adoration.
"let's go somewhere else, love." she took your hand a gently lead you to a quiet and secluded room, away from the many idols and dispatch. the american peeped out the area before closing the door and smiling widely.
"i missed you so, so, soooo much y/n. you have no idea!" she whispered as she planted a small kiss on the tip of your nose. "i missed you too, 'jin." you responded, taking her hand and placing a kiss on her palm.
the american smiled softly and gave you another kiss—this time on the forehead—before speaking again. "so much happened in just a few months as an idol, who knew you'd be hearing so much drama from just one building?!"
"i mean, that's to be expected. a lot happens inside the music industry." you replied, looking at your girlfriend's soft features as she continued to gossip about the many things happening inside hybe. turns out, hoshi from seventeen is dating some korean actor you weren't familiar of.
you always loved hearing yunjin talk. her gossips are always so interesting.
"oh, but enough about that," she started while changing her posture to face you. you tilted your head, signaling her to continue. "what happened to you all these months?" she asked, looking at you with curious eyes. you hummed, trying to recall the events that happened.
"well, i couldn't drop out of college, sadly. but there are some stuff that happened...."
and that was when you ranted about a lot of things. yunjin was shocked about how dramatic colleges are, especially in your course. apparently, some teacher failed half of the class including you for no reason at all?! the american certainly didn't like the sound of that.
you ranted and ranted, getting carried away by the many things that you have encountered. life was getting crazy for you. your girlfriend listened attentively, but for some reason, her focus was somewhere else.
your lips. they looked like the same soft lips she kissed a few months back. she could vividly remember it; the way her lips felt like it was made just to kiss yours; the way it felt like new years every time she kissed you. when she debuted as an idol, she didn't notice how much she missed the feeling of your kiss, but after seeing you—it's becoming quite apparent.
yunjin's mind drifted to the thought of kissing you right then and there, your words falling in deaf ears as your girlfriend's thoughts wandered. (in a non-suggestive way, smh.)
you paused as you noticed the lack of reaction coming from the american. 'oh no, did i say too much?' your head turned to look at your girlfriend, who had a very...
"yunjin, are you.. okay?" you felt yourself turning pink as the mentioned idol played with the inside of her mouth. she teasingly smiled, finding you cute. "hm? what's wrong love?" she replied, scooting closer and closer to you. she was very close, to the point that you could feel each other's breath.
"y-yunjin, what are you doing?"
"what? i can't be this close to the love of my life?" the petname rolled off her tongue perfectly, and your heart beat faster and faster. you tried to avoid making eye contact—which was impossible, since yunjin's tall body could quite literally just stretch to find your gaze again.
"you look so cute right now, y/n/n. just one ki-" before she could finish, her phone rang. it was from chaewon, and you assumed it was because their rehearsals are starting. the american sighed frustratingly, clearly annoyed by the fact she couldn't even plant one kiss on you.
"well, i have to go now," she said disappointingly, not bothering to answer her leader's call. "i'll see you in another 2 weeks or so." she continued with a frown. you composed yourself and smiled, reaching to caress your girlfriend's cheeks. "it's okay yunjin. just focus on your career, alright?"
she smiled softly, and then said her farewells.
─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───
it had been over a week since you've seen yunjin in person. you really hoped that their manager would at least give them a break after the award show, but that sadly your wishes were left unheard of. you worried nonstop for your girlfriend, you always did. but seeing the latest video of le sserafim made those worries go away as you see the american's genuine smile.
you were just scrolling on the internet, reading the drama in twitter and occasionally giggling at some posts. that was when a notification popped up.
: "babe!!"
you unconsciously smiled as your girlfriend's message popped up. you quickly disregarded the twitter thread and immediately went to text her back.
: guess who got a whole day to themselves tomorrow?
: omg rlly?
: YEZZZZZZZ : i can finally have a peaceful day with you 😞
you felt joy wash over you as you imagined the day with yunjin. you were even starting to have some date ideas pop up in your head.
: yay!! im so happy for u jinn
: samee omg : i'll be staying at your place btw, is it okay if we just stay inside the house?? i don't want to go anywhere at the momentttt :((
you nodded, as if the girl could see you through the screen.
: ofc jin!! i have nothing to do tomorrow anyway
although you couldn't physically see your girlfriend, you knew that she was smiling widely right now. and so were you.
: 💓 : i'll be arriving at your doorstep
: creepy stalker roleplay
: at exactly 9 am tmr so be awake at that time!! : WHAT 😭
: IM KIDDING : i'll set my alarm, see you jinnie 💞
: see you, y/n/n!! : love youu
: i love you too
you sighed dreamily, placing your phone on your chest. you were just so happy that you could finally have a day with the american after all these months. even if it was just one day, one day out of months, it was special. and yunjin was thinking the same.
it was already 9:45 pm, and you had a huge day tomorrow, so you went to bed. "is 7:30 too early?" you mumbled, looking at your alarm clock and debating whether or not to set your alarm to 7:30 or 8 am. you shrugged, setting it to 7:45 am.
as you lay down on your bed, your mind couldn't stop running laps. you were very giddy to the point that you randomly start giggling and rolling around like you weren't 21 years old. if a ghost was living with you right now, it'd think that you were going crazy.
well, that thought isn't wrong. you could say that you were kind of crazy for yunjin—who wouldn't? but the thing that separated you and the millions of fearnots is that huh yunjin was actually kind of crazy for you as well.
'okay, stop y/n.' you told yourself, steadying yourself. you wanted to get a good night's sleep so when you wake up in the morning, you were in a good mood. after finally calming down, you felt your eyelids grow heavier and heavier—and before you knew it, you were asleep.
─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───
it was around 8:15 am, and you were already finishing up the remaining dishes you were cooking. you awoke way earlier than you had planned—very excited on the fact yunjin could finally spend a day with you— so you used that time to cook a nice breakfast for when your girlfriend arrives.
the oven dinged, indicating that the food was ready. you quickly tended to it and making sure to turn off the oven—you didn't want your electricity bills to increase. you carefully plated your breakfast to make it look pleasing, and once you were satisfied, you placed it on the table.
"8:20" the clock read, and you sighed of relief. you took off your apron and put it back on its organized spot, and went upstairs to take a shower. after showering, you made sure to pick your best yet casual clothes, since you didn't want to seem like you were in a fancy dinner date when in reality you were just in your old apartment.
after picking out your clothes, you quickly rushed down the stairs and set up the remaining things. you made sure that your netflix had all her favorite movies, made sure that every single part of your house was clean, and also made sure that the food stayed warm. after confirming that everything was ready, you glanced at the clock again.
"8:45" your mouth slightly curved as your heart beat faster. it was almost 9, which meant it was almost time to see yunjin. you washed your hands, and sat down on your couch. you waited patiently for her to arrive, constantly checking your phone and the clock for the time. you took trips to the kitchen often, making sure that the food you prepared was still tasty.
your doorbell rang, and you basically flew to the door and pulled it open. and there she was; yunjin, wearing a black jacket paired with black pants and a cap. her face was covered with a mask, yet you could tell from her eyes that she was smiling.
"hi, love." she said, walking closer to you and giving you a hug. you felt so warm in her arms, so loved. you always worried that you weren't good enough for the idol, but every time yunjin would show even the slightest of affection, you knew that you were so adored by her.
"hey, 'jin." you replied whilst wrapping your arms around her torso. you felt a bit empty when the american pulled away from the hug, but that feeling quickly went away as she held your hand and lead you inside the apartment.
the idol looked around your home, humming in delight as she took off her jacket, mask, and cap. "you've been taking care of this place, y/n." she complimented, turning to look at you with adoration in her eyes. her bare face was beautiful, and you felt your heart skip a beat. "of course i have, i might go crazy if my apartment didn't look organized."
yunjin laughed at your reply before pulling you into a hug again. her head rested on the crook of your neck as both of you bask in each other's scent. even if you two literally saw each other a week ago, it still felt like it's been ages since you've been in each other's embrace.
"i missed you. after our small meetup, i couldn't stop thinking about you." the american whispered, and you felt her hold on you tighten. you chuckled, "i missed you too, 'jin. you did amazing during your mama performance!" you pulled away sightly from the hug, but still kept your arms wrapped around her torso. "i'm so proud of you."
proud. yunjin really liked that word. she was proud of many people, like her younger sister for example, but she couldn't really recall when people were proud of her. many people probably were, but no one exactly verbalized how proud they were of the american. tons of fans in the internet did say how proud they were of yunjin, and she liked it. but for some reason, it felt different when it came from you. was it because you've known each other for 15 years? is it because she was just desperate, and there really were no changes?
yunjin leaned over to you, maintaining eye contact. she was extremely close to you, and soon enough, your lips connected.
it was because yunjin loved you.
the feeling of your lips against hers was so perfect. the american's lips were soft, and yours connected to hers as if your lips were made to kiss her. to cherish her. to love her.
you both lost a sense of time as you continued to give each other romantic and genuine kisses, and you were just glad that you finally got to have this moment with her after months. you were glad that your missing piece was back with you.
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as much as you both didn't want to pull away, yunjin couldn't breathe at all. yunjin stared at you with a sly smile, a laugh breaking out of her mouth as she stared at your dumbfounded expression. your cheeks were a bright red—and so were yunjin's—and you stood there stiffly.
"hello? earth to y/n?" the american said, both amused and worried at how quiet and unresponsive you were. you were just trying to process what happened, even if yunjin gave you enough time to do so during the kiss. but your mind was completely blank at that time.
"did you just..?" you mumbled, loud enough to let your girlfriend hear. she sucked her bottom lip to hold in another laugh as she nodded. she couldn't keep it in though, as you slowly nodded and gazed at the floor as you pondered.
"WHY ARE YOU SO FUNNY??" yunjin exclaimed in between laughs, still looking at your serious expression. she couldn't exactly blame you, it's been months since you've kissed each other. but.... the way you were really taking your time in processing what just happened really made her cackle.
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everyone was styled perfectly 🤌🤌🤌 i loved felix especially especially but everyone looked sick
best parts for me were the intro + chanlix raps and hans duplicating part
😻😻 can’t wait for ur thoughts!!!
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first off i'd like to apologize for leaving you for so long, but i only watched it yesterday; i was waiting to watch it with my best friend :D
but you're so right, the styling is insane. i'm not quite sure who their stylist(s) is/are, but i hope they're getting paid really well. all of these outfits, as of the last few months, are freaking insane.
i don't really have a favourite part of the song. the whole of it is freaking great. maybe seungmin's "speechless, wordless, i don't need your kindness"? but i adore the whole song tbh
AND OKAY I THINK I FIGURED OUT THE TABLO PART. tablo is a south korean rapper. i think it might hint a further comeback, or some sort of collab or release on 19.07.24 (the date showed through the numbers). it'll KILL ME to wait a whole eight months. but i'll do it for skz :')
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wolviecore · 3 years
Some sweet core four headcanons that make me go ballistic:
Archie, Veronica, and Betty all have a secret group chat where they share pictures of Jug doing cute things
(Baking, writing on paper instead of his laptop and typewriter with his tongue poking out in concentration, patching up his beanie, dancing with Pops) but it's also to make fun of him
" This dork dropped his milkshake and cried for 5 minutes" " I love him a lot" " same"
Pretty unclear who the mom friend is because they all take turns, but Archie's the dad friend who keeps a notebook of terrible jokes and puns he makes specifically to annoy them
Veronica picks a lot of odd jobs that she changes weekly, just to prove that she's a functional human being who doesn't need her parents' money
Waitress, babysitter, retail worker, - if it's a job she particularly hates, they plot to visit her, make a scene, and get her fired
She worked as a cashier one time and Betty held the line for 2 hours by faking an entire argument about weather or not carrots are real vegetables.
" I wanna speak to your manager. You're telling me someone painted this long potato orange and I'm supposed to just be okay with it?!"
Archie, Jug, and Betty all had their initials carved into the floorboard of the treehouse Fred and FP build.
When Veronica joined their group, hers joined in, and she also carved a heart around them all
Betty played baseball since she was 10 and they obnoxiously cheer for her everytime. They don't know anything about it so so they just scream until they're kicked out
INSIDE JOKES. Their favorite one is lying about how Jug got his nickname. Their stories alter from either adorable or horrific
If mentioned to Jug for confirmation, he'd go like "What? No, I didn't get it from that, I was born with a condition and had to take 20 surgeries, are you kidding me?" " Oh, that? No, haha, I just got it stuck in a cookie jar once."
Another one is they love to pretend Archie's hair isn't actually red just to mess with people. " What do you mean red? He's blonde/brunette?"
Betty: Remember when mom made me shave all my body hair to make furs for her bald pomeranian?
" Lmao yeah that was crazy"
Person: ?????. ?!?!?
Veronica makes them match outfits and do fashion shows in Betty's room. Beronica's favorite model is Jug, but they interrogate Archie for hours on how he contours his cheekbones
SLUMBER!! PARTIES!! Jug loves fast food and eating out but usually, it's a one man pot lock. If you ate before coming too bad, you're eating again
He wakes up extra early to pack them lunches and decorate their bags with special stickers (Archie's has puppies, Veronica's has kittens, and Betty's has white butterflies)
Silent conversations through facial expressions alone. Reggie's pretty sure Betty called him a loser with one eyebrow quirk and Veronica agrees with a smirk
Archie and Jug learn how to braid hair because Betty's get in the way at practice and Alice won't let her cut it, while Veronica doesn't have the patience to sit still for even 10 minutes
Even if she can afford it, they rarely let Veronica pay for anything. Ronnie thinks she has to buy their affection so she hands out expensive stuff like Halloween candy but they never accept
Privately, she wanted to open up a tab at Pops for Jug, but it turns out, there's two tabs open already
Particularly they hype eachother up all the time. That one trophy you won in 3th grade for that wack ass vulcano? Your spelling bee award? " Oh haha yeah they're at home probably-"
*Pulls out said item* That's what YOU think motherfucker :D -
Vegas isn't Archie's dog. He's their dog. Same goes for Hot Dog.
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gucciwins · 4 years
Leather and Lace
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The one where Harry goes to the Grammy's and Y/N is his date
Word count: 4,960
A/N: Hello beautiful friends! Harry at the Grammy's just blew me away, the leather look is all I want to talk about for the rest of my life.
I was feeling inspired and decided it was only fitting to continue Adore You. Part two is Three Time following nominations. So this is part three. Yes, I have a soft spot for Harry and Atticus. Will always write for them if the inspiration strikes.
warnings: smut (female pleasure), pandemic
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There's been one thought running through Y/N's head for most of the day, and Harry can tell because it's nearing five pm and she has not started on dinner. Instead, she's sitting on the backyard steps that give her the beautiful view of the pacific ocean, an empty glass of wine in hand.
Harry doesn't say anything, just sits next to her, knowing she will speak when she's ready, but he also knows she enjoys the quiet moments with him.
Y/N leans her head on his shoulder, letting out a deep breath before settling down the wine glass to wrap her arms around his bicep.
"You asked me an important question."
"Wasn't that important." He shrugs.
"Harry," No nickname making sure he knows she's serious. "It is important. You asked me to be your date to the Grammys where you're opening the show and are a three-time nominee during a pandemic."
"Well, when you put it like that." He teases.
Y/N and Harry made two years of dating on February 16. To celebrate, they had dinner from their favorite Italian food place with chocolate strawberries for dessert that Atticus made for them with the help of Mitch and Sarah, who were more than pleased to take him for the night. It was a beautiful day primarily spent in bed talking and enjoying each other, reminding each other how much they were loved and would continue to be as years went on.
Two years and their relationship has been well hidden. Honestly, Jeff has been impressed at how not one word has gotten out. This may be due to only close friends and family knowing about the relationship. Also that they spent almost one entire year inside due to this ongoing pandemic.
She's not worried about others finding out about her relationship with Harry; that isn't her big concern; it is what they will say about her and Atticus. Harry is a single dad to the world, and Atticus is his first priority, and everyone knows that; she does not want to be the reason they write about how Harry is a neglecting father for dating someone so openly. She fears the backlash and how it can affect how Harry sees her.
Reasonably, Y/N knows that won't happen and that Harry sees her as his life partner as he's told her on multiple occasions. Also, the assurance that Atticus gives to her by calling her Mum more openly around their family. The constant I love you's get her through it.
"I understand if you aren't ready, love."
"Don't think I'll ever be ready, but there are lots of times where I just find myself wanting to shout it from the rooftops how much I love you." Harry smiles, knowing he's felt the exact same way.
"Yes, I'll be your date to the Grammys." She breathes out after a moment of silence.
Harry sits up straight, shifting to make her look him in the eyes. "Yeah, you will?"
"I'd be honored."
Harry's smile is breathtaking, and the next thing she knows, his lips are on hers. It's passionate and full of thank you's because she knows how much this means to him.
He pulls back but not before pecking her lips twice.
"I'm going to call Jeff." Harry rushes inside, leaving her alone once more, but a sincere smile is left on her face.
Y/N said yes because even though a part of her wanted to say no, the urge to say yes won because to be there by his side holding his hand no matter the results win her over.
She says yes because as much as she may have wanted to say no, the urge to say yes and be there by his side, holding his hand no matter the results, wins her over.
Harry comes back ten minutes later, a bottle of champagne in hand, with his eyes shining bright as if he had already won the award. "Jeff said it's all set. He's going to be our third wheel for the night."
She laughs, knowing very well he loves when Jeff has to be around them without his wife now. Always teasing him, but also very happy for him.
"Pop that open then! Let us celebrate." They walk back into the house, getting glasses, when they hear small steps approaching them.
Atticus is thrilled at hearing the news about Harry performing at the Grammys. He got even more excited when he found out Harry was taking Y/N as his date. Told them that she would be the prettiest on the carpet, Harry had pouted, asking what about him. Only to agree when Atticus said no one's beauty compares to his Mum's.
Harry had asked Glenne to watch over Atticus, and she eagerly accepted. They let Atticus know, and he was over the moon excited. Atticus knew his Auntie Glenne had a hard time saying no to him.
In a different time, if there was no pandemic, Harry knows Atticus and Y/N would have been the perfect dates for what is supposed to be a joyous night.
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Grammy day arrived, and Harry walked the red carpet alone.
It's something all three agreed on, not at all wanting to steal any attention when it was such a big debut for Harry. As much as Harry wanted photos with her, he knew this was the way to go; she would be sitting next to him for the rest of the night, which he was thankful for.
Harry felt comfortable and happy in his red carpet look. He was wearing a green and yellow check tweed jacket and a tartan sweater combo worn, flared trousers, and lavender boa. It was a bit different but entirely himself, and that's all he wanted.
As soon as he's done posing for photos, he has his mask back on and is ushered into his changing room to change for his performance happening very soon.
Y/N is waiting in there chatting with Sarah, and when Harry opens the door, he's taken back by her beauty. Yes, he saw her dressed at home, but she seems like a dream here in this new light. Y/N is wearing a lilac satin backless dress, a long slit going up her left leg. She's wearing gold heels that their wonderful friend Harry Lambert acquired for her. The gold primrose signet ring adorned her right-hand ring finger. A few more that she has gifts from her mother and others she bought for herself, but his attention is on the one he gives her because even as she is in a conversation with someone she's fidgeting with, she has the feel of it under her fingers.
"Clear the room, friends," Jeff announces. "Styles here has to get ready. We can start heading to the stage."
Everyone is up and out in a matter of seconds, Jeff shutting the door behind him, telling him he only has fifteen minutes.
More than enough.
"Are you going to help me or just sit there ogling me?"
She smirks. "If I help, there's no saying you'll get clothes on in time."
Harry feels a twitch in his trousers and knows she's right. He huffs, not bothering to argue, just throwing his lavender boa in her direction.
"I'll always accept a striptease."
"I should have had Jeff kick you out as well," Harry says, not meaning a single word.
Y/N pouts. "Not nice, H."
"Baby, please. No more teasing, not really a fan of going on television with a boner, especially in leather." Harry stops her before she can continue on.
"Alright, I'll behave."
Harry breathes a sigh of relief because he's always so close to caving in. She has that effect on him.
Y/N sits there, turned on by Harry changing his outfit. What she wishes she was home instead because watching and not being able to touch is absolute torture.
Harry shimmy himself into the leather pants wanting to get Y/N to laugh, and it works like he knew it would.
"Got a nice ass, Styles. Might have to take it for a ride."
Harry mutters a fuck, and she's giggling. "It's like you hate me."
"On the contrary, I adore you."
"Yeah, well, hand me the jacket, please."
Y/N gets up, the black leather cropped jacket in hand; she stands behind him, guiding him to slip in his left arm, followed by his right. It rests perfectly on his shoulders; she let her hands slide down his arms before turning him around and getting a good look at the completed fit.
She takes a step back as Harry reaches for the mint feathered boa slipping it over his shoulders before dramatically swinging it over his left shoulder. He poses a hand on his hip.
"What's the verdict?" He's biting back a laugh.
"I'm in love. You should ask for my help in designing a look more often." Y/N's gaze has not left his exposed torso. The butterfly fly tattoo starting back at her, Harry's a bit leaner, but he's never looked, fitter. Definitely, feel lucky she can run her fingers over his abs as soon as they get home.
"You recommended no shirt."
"And look how right I was. Your fans are going to go crazy."
"There's only one person I care about going crazy." He steps forward, pressing a kiss to her neck before trailing up to her lips. Leaving soft kisses, not giving her more, and she needs it. She needs him to push her up against a wall and just take her.
"Trust me, baby. I'm showing so must restraint right now. Fuck, you need to walk out now before you're late."
Harry smirks; he likes knowing the effect he has on her. She's the reason he's wearing leather, having confessed thinking he'd look really good. And right she was. "Need a good luck kiss."
Y/N nods, bringing a hand up to rest on the back of his neck, the heels adding a few extra inches making her aligned perfectly with his plump pink lips. She's gentle as she connects their lips; he wraps a hand around her waist before taking control of the kiss, slipping his tongue inside; she lets out a soft moan as he kisses her with all he has. Harry pulls away, a dimpled grin on his face. "Lots of luck in that kiss." a
She nods, still in a daze. "I'll be watching, baby."
Harry and Y/N walk out hand in hand, masks on as they find Jeff, who directs him to the stage entrance, a whispered I love you and a final kiss. He's walking towards the stage, greeting each of his band members lingering a second longer with Sarah.
Y/N was grateful she was allowed to watch the performance from a hidden side stage with Jeff by her side. Those three minutes of Harry singing, she was left in awe as she always is; he's got a way of capturing your full attention. She let out a gasp when Harry threw the boa and turned to have exposed his chest, a broad smile on her face. Jeff was trying to stifle a laugh next to her, and she knew he would be passing this information along.
She felt lucky to be loved by Harry.
As soon as Harry finished performing, Jeff ushered her to his changing room where she could watch the other performances as they waited for Harry to join them once more before going to sit at the socially distanced tables.
Harry came back, a deep smirk on his face, his mint boa now resting on Mitch's neck. "What you think, love?"
"You were wonderful; you and the band just killed it. I felt like it was my first time listening to it. Those note changes were beautiful." She hugs him, happy to have him in her arms again. "Get changed, not much time."
Harry nods, going to the clothes rack but comes back to give Y/N a kiss. She feels herself melt into his touch. She pulls away and sees his green eyes glistening. "Thank you for being here." Before she can respond, he's walked away and changing into his previous outfit.
Harry is dressed, and Jeff ushers them out. Harry leads, greeting people as they walk by, occasionally stopping for someone. Y/N falls behind, smiling at everyone from behind a mask, she laughs, remembering others can't see it, but hopefully, they feel it. She spots a women's restroom and grabs Jeff's arm to get him to stop. He turns concerned. She leans in close, letting him know she's heading to the restroom and will catch up soon.
Y/N is walking out of the restroom heading down the hall when she stops hearing her name called. She turns and finds it's her good friend Julia Michaels.
"Hi darling," Y/N greets a large smile hiding behind her mask. "You look brilliant." Julia was dressed in a black gown adorned with white patterns resembling seashells and her tattoos on full display. Y/N was in awe.
"Thank you! As do you." She says, pulling her in a hug. "Is that a bit of an accent I hear?"
Y/N laughs. "Don't know about that; I've been living in London for years now. Might be that I've been around my British friends constantly."
"That or-"
Julia is interrupted by a man calling her name. Y/N sees it's her boyfriend, JP Saxe.
"Ah, the beau is calling for you, it seems." Y/N teases.
"Oh bummer, I love chatting with you. I would tell you all about him, but I'd expect the same."
"What do you mean?" She feigns confusion, but Julia sees past her.
"Well, who's your date?"
She can feel her face warm, knowing exactly who she's referring to.
"I came with my boyfriend," Y/N answers proudly.
Before Julia can respond, Y/N feels a hand on her back and turns to find Harry behind her. "Calling for us to head to our seats, nominations up next."
"Okay, H." She smiles, knowing there was a look of concern for her hiding behind the mask.
Harry seems to remember she was speaking with someone.
"Hello, Julia, lovely music. This one always plays it around the house." Harry knocks his hip with Y/N's. "Especially this new song that's nominated, she always had it playing. Soon my son was singing it as well. It meant I had to join in. I don't like being the odd one out."
"Thank you, Harry; I'm glad you could all enjoy my music. We've been doing the same. Fine Line is a gorgeous album. Best of luck tonight." Julia tells him sincerely.
"You as well."
"One last thing between us."
"Of course," he nods.
"She's a special one; take real good care of her." Y/N has never been more thankful for a mask because it hides her face that she is slowly starting to heat up.
"I like to think I've been doing a good job, or she wouldn't have stuck around for two years so far."
Julia doesn't hide her shock, her eyes go wide, and Harry just smirks.
Y/N laughs. "We have been good at laying low. Except for this one, he likes to always be doing something new."
"What can I say? I like to keep busy." Harry shrugs, knowing everyone knows about his next film in London.
"Now we definitely have to grab dinner soon or a zoom date, I don't know. I want to hear all about it." Y/N can tell Julia is curious but overall happy for her.
With that, they bid each other goodbye, and Harry escorts her to their seats.
"Someone is very open," Y/N tells him, adjusting her dress as she sits down.
"She's a good friend of yours but also Niall's. I know we can trust her." Harry tells her honestly.
"I see. We'll see how interviews go soon." Y/N knows Jeff had told them he had to do at least one interview if he didn't win, and if he did, it would just be him addressing the virtual press room.
Harry is sitting in the middle, Jeff to his left andY/N to his right. He's never felt as safe when they name the nominees for the category.
Y/N feels the tight grip Harry has on her thigh, and his left hand is rubbing up and down his pants to dry the sweat she can only imagine is building up. She looks up at his face, but he's calm, but she knows him; there's a storm of thoughts running through his head. Y/N knows there isn't much to help ease, but she can remind him she's there for him. She lifts his hand that was resting on her thigh to her lips and gives it a gentle kiss through her mask, yes he can't feel it, but the sentiment is there. She sets his hand back, fingers now intertwined with hers. Y/N knows he's looking at her and meets his gaze reassuring him with his eyes she loves him.
Rachelle Erratchu is opening the envelope, and in the next few seconds, she will announce the winner for the best pop solo performance.
"Watermelon Sugar, Harry Styles!"
Harry sits there shocked, his shoulders dropped, eyes wide, not at all able to hide the shock. He just heard his name called; he just won a Grammy.
In the next second, he's standing up, removing his mask, his nervous smile now able to be seen by the camera. Jeff is quick to pull him in a tight hug. Y/N stands feeling the happiness travel through her entire body.
Harry won.
A mask is no longer hiding his smile, and she knows if she removed her, she'd have a matching smile. Harry hugs her tight, her arms going around his waist; she can feel how fast his heart is beating. Harry is not at all ready to let her go but knows he has an acceptance speech to give.
"You did it, H," she whispers, ushering him to head up the stage.
Harry gets up, letting out a deep breath as he hears the applause continue. He picks up the Grammy for a second before setting it back down. He looks out at the audience, and he's just astounded that he's won.
"Wow, um..." Harry takes a deep breath before starting. "To everyone who made this record with me, thank you so much. This was the first song we wrote after my album came out, during a day off in Nashville. I just wanna say thanks to Tom, Tyler, and Mitch, and everyone, Rob Stringer, everyone at Columbia, my manager Jeffrey who always nudged me to be better and never pushed me and thank you so much, and I feel very grateful to be here." He smiles at Y/N. "Thank you to my son, who has been the light in my life and my biggest fan. Everything I do is for him, and I hope I continue to make him proud. I love you, darling boy." Harry knows he's got only so much time left, but there is one last person to thank. He doesn't address her by name, but everyone in that room knows what he says next is for Y/N as he never takes his eyes off of her.
"Thank you for believing in me. I was not the easiest to deal with when we first met, but you're here and have been every step of the way. Thank you for helping me become a better man each day. I adore you." He chuckles, continuing on, "All these songs are fucking massive, so thank you so much; I feel very honoured to be among you, so thank you so much."
Harry walks off stage, leaving the grammy he had just won behind, eager to have Y/N back in his arms. His eyes are set on her; she's standing arms open, ready for him. He melts into her touch, hiding his head in her neck placing a gentle kiss on her exposed neck. "I love you," he whispers.
Y/N softly cradles his cheek as he leans into her touch, her eyes filling with tears of joy. "I love you, H."
Harry pulls away, letting her take a step back as Jeff hugs him tighter than before. He's so happy he places an affectionate kiss on Jeff's masked cheek.
Harry's happy; he knows he didn't need an award to let him know how talented he was, but it was an honor to have his support team by his side as he did receive the award.
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Harry had taken Y/N with him to help change, claiming he needed help. Jeff knew better but let them be.
As soon as Harry ushered them into the changing room, he pushed her up against the locked door, ripped his mask off, shoving it in his pocket, kissing down her neck.
Y/n reaches a shaky hand up to remove her mask, letting it fall in Harry's waiting hand to place next to him.
"Kiss me," she breathes.
Harry, never one to deny her, brings his lips to hers. Y/N felt her whole body tingle as he claimed control over her mouth, hungry and intense as if she'd disappear if he would slow down.
Y/N laughs as her hands rest on his shoulder, letting him kiss all the skin she has exposed.
"Baby, you're a Grammy winner." A hand now in his hair as she feels his lips right above the curve of her breasts.
"Just like you."
"Atticus must be so proud," Y/N says, now lost in thought.
Harry pulls back, "As much as I love our baby, please don't mention him as I'm trying to shag you in my dressing room."
Y/N grins nodding, she pushes the plaid jacket off his shoulders, letting it fall on the floor. "Sorry, did you say shag? Is that Grammy fame getting to your head?" She teases
"The only place my head is going is between your thighs." His voice rough, no longer teasing. She can see the lust building in his emerald eyes.
"Guess I'm the real winner," Y/N tells him, pushing up her dress to reveal her black lace panties, Harry's favorites.
"Fuck." Harry trails his hands down her thighs as he sinks to his knees.
Y/N holds her dress up as Harry begins to pull down her panties, letting them fall to her ankles. "Those are too hot to be hidden, baby. Fuck, knowing you had those on the whole time for me has me so hard." He unbuttons his trousers giving himself breathing space.
"Please, baby," Y/N begs, wanting him to give her some kind of release.
"Alright, darling, since we don't have much time."
Y/N has her legs spread open for Harry; her face was flushed, knowing the pleasure Harry would soon bring her. She was wet; she had been since she saw Harry perform in his whole leather outfit; she swears this look will enter her dreams when he's away.
"Love, you're so wet." He smirks, knowing this was for him, but a bit of confirmation never hurt anyone. "All-cause of me?"
"Yes, always wet for you." She breathes out, looking down at him.
Harry leans in, pressing soft kisses on her thigh, getting her to relax, wanting her to enjoy this as much as he's going to. He loves how soft her skin is; he litters kisses as he watches her, still feeling how close he is to where they both want him to be.
Y/N feels like she can't breathe; Harry's teasing always so good but not now. Not when she wants him inside her, but she settles for him eating her out. He's proven more than a dozen times how good he is with his tongue.
"I'm ready, darling. I'm ready to taste you, fuck, you smell amazing, but oh, there's something special about how you taste. Will you let me?" Harry asks, always asking for her consent, never wanting her to feel pressured.
"Yes, please." Harry always knows what she needs; she's happy to relinquish all control to him.
Harry tightened his grips on her thighs, scooting closer. He smiles at how glistening her pussy looks for him. How wet he's made her. He didn't have time for foreplay as much as he wanted to tease her have her withering under his touch. He drove right in, his tongue in between her lips, tasting her sweet juices. It was good, sweet, and just for him.
Y/N let out a moan; Harry wanted more from her; he wanted her a moaning mess. Y/n felt his tongue against her most sensitive spot and felt her knees go weak, fuck; he knew exactly how to bring her the pleasure she seeks.
Harry's eyes were closed, focusing on the noises Y/N was making and savoring the taste.
Y/N has a hand in his hair, her right hand holding up her bunched-up dress. "My winner," she moans out.
"You're always a winner. Fuck, so good." She pants.
"You are….baby" Nothing's making sense. She's lost in her pleasure. Harry was focusing on her clit; he licked at the small peek, knowing she was close.
She pulls harder on his hair, he lets out a moan against her pussy, and it brings her twice the pleasure. "Make me cum, baby." She whines, "Show me exactly why a song about oral sex deserved to win."
Harry, edged on by her words, begins to suck on her clit, letting her feel the ecstasy it brings her. Y/N lost in her pleasure, misses Harry's cursing against her.
"Harry, I'm close." She whimpers out.
"Cum for me, darling." He doesn't slow down, lapping against her pussy, taking everything she gives him. He sucks on her clit, swirling his tongue around as he brings a finger to her hole, gently pushing in, knowing it will drive her over the edge.
"Fuck, you're always a winner. This mouth is always a winner."
Y/N whines out his name, pulling him closer as he licks up all she offered him, letting her ride out her orgasm enjoying every moment. Harry pulls his hand away, setting it on her exposed thigh, drawing small comforting circles, until he's sure she's ridden it through.
She lets out a long sigh as she slides down the door, no longer able to stay standing. Harry grins, guiding her down gently as he sits back on his heels.
"Can I return the favor?" She blinks at him, lust still swimming in her eyes.
Harry blushes but not at all embarrassed. "Watching you cum for me did the job, baby."
She pouts her lips.
"Can treat me to a good time later," he promises; she eagerly nods, already knowing how she'd make him go crazy at him. The taste of him on her tongue later, something to look forward to.
"Think this was the reason you had a third outfit picked." She jokes,
Harry laughs, "Definitely."
Y/N and Harry sit there staring at each other, blissed out in pleasure, taking in the other's smile when a loud knock on the door startles them reminding them where they are.
"When you walk out of here, there better not be a single trace to what you did in there," Jeff tells them.
Harry smirks, "oh Jeffery, who does he take us for?"
Y/N is helped to her feet by Harry, who slips her panties back up her thighs. Y/N walks to the restroom to fix herself while Harry washes his face at the sink provided. Harry is quick to get out of his clothes and into the final outfit of the night. An orange blazer with a white low-cut shirt and plaid pants.
He's ready to step back out and mingle, showing off his girlfriend to everyone who approaches them. Harry stands in front of the mirror looking at the deep red mark on his neck where she left a love bite; he doesn't even remember her giving it to him.
She smirks, seeing him trace his finger over it. Y/N walks up to him, placing the black-feathered boa over his shoulders.
"I could get behind the feathered boas if it means I can leave more kisses like that behind," Y/N tells him as he swings it over his shoulder, adjusting it to hide the mark that would bruise over the next few hours.
"We'll see, love."
Y/N stands in front of the mirror, adjusting her dress. She smooths her hands over her dress, happy with how she looks. Not at all like she was just given the orgasm of her life. Harry smiles, grateful she was here with him on an important day. He loves her, and he knows she loves him.
"Ready, love?" He stands being her, hand on her waist
She turns her head up to look at him, puckering her lips, waiting for a kiss that Harry happily gives her. "Now, I'm ready."
Y/N and Harry walk hand in hand, masks on.
Harry may not have won any more awards, but he truly felt like he had won it all way before ever hearing his name being called. With a woman like Y/N on his side who was intelligent, beautiful, and independent, constantly pushing him to be a better person every day, there was no way he would ever know what it would be like to lose.
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Thank you so much for reading! I adore you. Hopefully, the future allows me to write for Harry, Atticus, and Y/N some more but for now I hope you enjoyed this continued story. <333
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emma-what-son · 4 years
(Echee post) Emma Watson gets drunk and scales a fence naked
Posted on March 20, 2014
In her new interview for Elle Emma admitted something that correlates a tweet from a witness from in July 2011 on location filming Perks of being a Wallflower From snitchseeker.com May 2014, "Among her exploits: She dated a costar Johnny Simmons, and she broke into a swimming pool at 3 A.M. "It was at a hotel," she reports happily. "It had a gate around it. My friends turned around and basically, I was gone. And the next thing they saw was me seven feet up in the air, scaling this fence." This, apparently, is not as out of character as we might suppose. Watson says coyly: "I shouldn’t be able to get away with what I’m getting away with." Here is the tweet from July 2011 and here is a POST I originally posted it in at the time "@_MarieChristine $*MarieChristine; Saw @EmWatson get so drunk that she got naked n climbed the fence to go into the swimming pool at my friend's hotel......http://twitter.com/#!/_MarieChristine." So it was true. I'm not posting the quotes here (I'll link the posts with them below) but to generalize this is a girl that claims to be shy and doesn’t like to party and doesn’t drink to have a good time because it makes her really sleepy and she’s just so boring she says and blah, blah blah. She sucks people in with these statements are herself that makes people like her. It's not just about drinking and getting drunk but everything. Nothing about her is genuine in any shape or form. She is a fraud.
In a recent interview for Wonderland Magazine Emma admitted like she always has which has been one big lie that she's boring and doesn't like being the center of attention.
So in her Wonderland magazine Emma says she shy, socially awkward and a introverted person. For some reason I don't believe her. There are certain things about her that leads me to believe she is not shy or the least bit introverted. The first part of this question asked her straight out as she ever wanted to go off the rails and get drunk and she talked about getting a tattoo but never fully answered that question. The follow up question which is split below in two parts was, "But you’re not as puritanical as that, Emma" So let's look at some thing 1.) From wonderlandmagazine.com Feb 2014, "The truth is that I’m genuinely a shy, socially awkward, introverted person." Posing half naked
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For years Emma has said she was shy. From topcelebrityheadlines.com June 2011, "I’m shy." From zimbio.com May 2011, "It's really hard to have a love story for me. I'm a famous actress. And I'm shy." From digitalspy.com October 2010, "Actually, I'm quite shy. I've never liked attention." From iheartwatson.net June 2011 “I still feel shy, but I feel more like I can accept it.” Her come hither looks which I limited for space reasons. There are many and I left out new ones from the Noah premiere. This is not a trait of shy and introverted people.
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I doubt a truly shy and introverted people are going to say they'll strip to gain approval for anything. From mtv.com November 2010 (NYC Deathly Hallows) When we caught up with Watson just before she ducked into the theater, we informed her that 90 percent of our viewers had given her wardrobe choice — a specially made Calvin Klein gown — an enthusiastic thumbs-up in an MTV News online poll "Awww, really? Wow, that's such a high percentage!" she exclaimed. "Wow, I aced it, obviously. That's great." While 90 percent is definitely a high number, what might she do in order to get the full 100 percent of viewers' approval? "I don't know, take it off?" she quipped. Then there is her modeling which doesn't strike me as someone that is shy or introverted.
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So shy and introverted she can tell a radio host some guy thinks she looks good naked From nudography.com 2008 'Harry Potter' film actress Emma Watson has said she would do a nude scene in a future film or stage role if the script called for it. Watson got on the topic of getting naked on BBC's Live Five radio "I think it's wonderful that Daniel is willing to be so brave for his craft. It's a big risk doing something like this while being so internationally known, but he's a true professional". When asked if she would ever bare all for her art, Watson replied, "Yes, absolutely. I would do it if the script called for it. I guess I would be a little nervous, but I've been told I look good naked, so I guess I've got little to worry about". When Shaffer asked Watson who thinks she looks good naked, she playfully said, "Now, now! I won't say. But I trust his expert opinion." Then there is her attention seeking along with her sultry poses and outfits she sometimes wears. Below is a series of photos from the Cannes for TBR. Everyone is walking up the steps arm and arm but Emma stops to grab the spotlight. Once she takes the arm of a cast mate she can't stop turning around smiling, giggling and waving. Once she gets to the top she hooting and hollering and then blows a series of kisses as her cast mates walk inside. This is not someone that is shy and introverted.
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Claiming she wished she did more naughty things is yet another example of what a shy and introverted person would not say. From harrypotterfan.net Nov 2010, "I wished I’d done more naughty things. Three months ago I cut my hair and at that moment I felt I became a woman. I’m ready to start taking risks. I feel less girlish than ever." ... cough ... cough... From emma-watson.net September 2013 (GQ awards), “Given the perilousness in the journey from child star to adult, any award with ‘Woman’ in the title is frankly a relief!” <---- thought she, "I’ve never been in a terrible rush to be seen as a woman.” Then there is the choices of some of her outfits. If you're shy and introverted you're not going to show some flesh and you're certainly not going to show some flesh on TV or at a strip club. The last thing you want to do is draw attention to yourself. You'd be more than happy to dress modestly. There are just a few and I limited them for space reason as well. I left out her recent plunging neckline outfit from the Noah premiere in Madrid and many others like her famed 2009 HBP premiere wardrobe malfunction outfit.
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From Elle magazine April 2011 iheartwatson.net, "Does having short hair make you dress differently? ’I think it’s made me bolder in my fashion choices. It’s allowed me to dress more sexily.’” cough ... cough... From omg.yahoo.com W magazine May 2013, “I’ve never wanted to grow up too fast: I wanted to wear a sports bra until I was 22! The allure of being sexy never really held any excitement for me. I’ve never been in a terrible rush to be seen as a woman.” Never heard of a shy and introverted person want o dress more sexually because of a haircut. Then there is her constant blowing of kisses which she does a lot of which all the classic pin ups like Marilyn Monroe ands other used to do. I guess it has nothing to do with shyness but introverted people are not going to go around blowing kisses at people or into the camera.
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Then there are moments like this. Who does this? Shy and introverted? I think not. This is begging for attention and just plain weird.
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Blowing kisses, posing, giving that sultry look and just enjoying all the attention is not the trait of a shy and introverted person.
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Now the only thing I believe her on is the socially awkward part.
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Now to the second part of that quote 2.) "At a big party, I’m like Bambie in the headlights. It’s too much stimulation for me, which is why I end up going to the bathroom! I need time outs! You’ve seen me at parties, Derek. I get anxious. I’m terrible at small talk and I have a ridiculously short attention span." I doubt this is true. She loves to be the center of attention on red carpets. She loves the attention. So why would parties be any different? At Coachella (bottom left photo) she was moshing at some points on stage.
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This video shows her dancing on stage but there is another I lost of a video shooting down from the stage over Emma's head and you can see she's in plain view of the thousands in attendance. When I find it I'll post it. Shy and introverted people that can't take all the stimulation like she says would not put themselves out there amongst strangers and onlookers. If so, what kind of shy and introverted person is that? To see her drunk/leaving clubs and to read her contradicting quotes about drinking click these links below Emma doesn't like to party Emma never goes clubbing Emma can drink like sailor Emma lied about not drinking at Brown So basically like so much I covered on this blog by exposing her BS this is yet another example One more thing and it's a quote I've posted many times but she keeps on changing her tune In this new interview I started this post off with she also said From snitchseeker.com May 2014, "I was being offered roles that I didn’t feel were very complicated," she says. "Women that were a bit one-dimensional. Roles that required me to be one thing. Real women never are." So, rather than embrace mediocre work, she hid out in Providence, Rhode Island, emerging only for projects that would both stretch her muscles and challenge her public persona." But yet she said something different during her time at Brown From aceshowbiz.com November 2010 She tells U.S. magazine Parade, "I get some amazing offers to act, and sometimes it's hard to say, 'No, I'm going to stay here and do my homework.' People are like, 'What do you mean she's not available?' This college experience is really important to me, and I won't give it up." And yet it was not about roles at all two years ago. It was about her studying From nytimes.com September 2012, “Why hasn’t she done more films before now? “I think at first I didn’t because I was always either studying or filming, I didn’t have time to go off and do other films or other things to sort of show people that, Oh, she is not just Hermione, she is an actress and she can go and do these other parts and roles." So which is the truth and which is the lie?  So Sam in Perks and Nicki in TBR were complicated roles that she ended up leaving two Universities for? How about her small role in MWWM that took her a little over a week to film?
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hemaris · 5 years
Hello I love your penumbra art and I showed some to my friend who finally started listening to Juno Steel and she said that she's been enjoying penumbra fanart but keeps on seeing fantastic Peter designs and then having to ask where his pockets are. This is not at all a criticism I just needed to share the thought because now I'm wondering too
OKAY THAT IS A GREAT QUESTION so here’s a trio of highly unlikely options for your consideration (put into fic format by someone who has little to no experience writing fic and is, to be completely honest, miles outside of their comfort zone):
nureyev’s pockets contain a - for the lack of a better word - pocket dimension
“You’re full of shit, Steel,” Vespa says. “If you wanna brag about sticking your hands down the thief’s pants, go find someone else to do it to.”
And really, Juno has been at the business end of Vespa’s blade before, but twice in one morning is probably a new record. He bristles. “Okay, first of all, would it really kill you to not wave your knife at me every single time we’re in a room together? Can’t we have one conversation where this doesn’t happen?”
“You started it! You got your finger all up in my face!”
“Yeah, well, my finger doesn’t have a long and celebrated history of gutting people when-”
“Keep it civil, sweethearts,” Buddy says from the other side from their makeshift recreation room, where she and Jet are playing a game Juno has never heard of involving a set of oddly shaped dice, some old Uno cards, and, inexplicably, a pineapple. Vespa moves to sheathe the knife, but makes a whole show out of doing it without averting her icy stare for even a split second. Juno has to suppress the fleeting urge to do something petty and potentially life-threatening, like sticking out his tongue at her.
“Second of all,” he continues, his voice only slightly lowered, “you asked! You asked me about Ransom’s - about his pocket situation, I’m just telling you what I know. And for the record, I never said anything about anyone’s pants. Or where I’m sticking my hands. Or, you know, whatever. Shut up.”
Vespa still hasn’t broken eye contact. “No, Steel,” she says, “I asked you how the thief managed to get an entire cupboard worth of Ming dynasty porcelain off of Titan and onto our ship. What you’re telling me is that he has magical mega pockets that are bigger on the inside, which isn’t a thing.”
“That’s what I used to think about teleportation, and mind reading, but here we are.” The truth is that the porcelain thing is a mystery to Juno as well. He has asked Nureyev, of course, but all he got in response was a that’s for me to know and for you to figure out, isn’t it, detective, which is more than a little annoying. “All I’m saying is that it could be an option. Don’t rule it out just yet.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it,” Vespa says. “Ask him to pull, I don’t know, a live rabbit out of his breast pocket, and maybe I’ll buy into it.”
Juno has to roll his eye at that, and immediatey realizes he’s lost their little staring match. Not that it matters - the odds were stacked against him from the get-go anyway, with Vespa having a whole extra eye to look pissed off with. “Fine, whatever. But just for the record - have you seen a rabbit lately? Because I can guarantee you those things won’t go down or come out of anyone’s pocket willingly, regardless of pocket size.”
It might be a trick of the light, but for a brief moment, he thinks he sees the corner of Vespa’s mouth quirk up just a little.
a strategy once used by juno himself: Just Put It In Your Mouth! it’s mother nature’s built-in pocket!
“Uh oh,” Nureyev says once Rita has successfully hacked the giant metal door to slam shut behind them and they’ve skidded to a halt. He tentatively presses a hand to his throat.
“What- are you-“ Juno wheezes from where he’s doubled over, "Are you okay? They didn’t hit you, right?”
Nureyev makes a dismissive fluttery motion with his free hand. “Nothing of the sort.”
Juno squints at him, giving him a once-over, and seems to sag with relief once he sees Nureyev is not actively bleeding. It’s a little bit endearing, Nureyev thinks. “Okay, whew, good,” he says. “So then - what’s the ‘uh oh’ for? We got the blueprints, we-”
“Let’s say,” Nureyev interrupts him, “hypothetically speaking, that there was some ancient and priceless treasure in the vault we took the blueprints from.”
“That’s not really a hypothetical,” Juno says. “There was enough old Earth monarchy junk in there to bedazzle the entire Carte Blanche with.”
"Right. And now let’s say, once again purely hypothetically,” Nureyev continues, “that someone with only the noblest of intentions noticed the Koh-I-Noor diamond among that treasure, and that that someone decided to free it from the monstrously tacky diadem contraption it was stuck onto, because it’s a waste for something like that to be gathering dust in a vault.”
“You know,” Juno says warily, “I’m not sure I like where this is going.”
“The problem is that this outfit, while very stealthy, does not provide a great amount of secure pocket space, so i had to improvise.”
“Oh no,” Juno says.
“So I put it in my mouth, but then the guards arrived and while we were running I-”
“Oh no,” Juno repeats, a little louder this time. “Ransom, you - did you eat the Koh-I-Noor?”
“I accidentally swallowed the Koh-I-Noor, there’s a difference-”
“You ate it. You- Ransom, who would even-”
“Who would even what, Juno” Nureyev interrupts him, “There’s this old saying, something about a pot and a kettle, I believe.”
Juno’s comms crackle to life. “RIGHT,” Rita chirps loudly, “I know the both of you are very busy talkin’ about who ate a conifer and why - and i’m not judgin’, mista Ransom, you eat your greens however you wanna! That’s what my mom told me that time I dipped my green beans in marshmallow fluff - which I wouldn’t recommend, by the way, at least not with the beans, it was a WHOLE mess. Maybe with some broccoli, though, or baby carrots, or - anyway, what I was gonna say is they’re about to crack this door open, so I’m just thinkin’, maybe now isn’t the best time for this conversation?”
“He didn’t eat a conifer, Rita, it’s - actually, don’t worry about it,” Juno says. “Let’s get moving. I’m sure Vespa can figure something out to make you hurl the thing up again. But for the record, Ransom, don’t expect me to ever let you hear the end of this.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Nureyev replies. Juno grins a little, crooked and pretty, and Nureyev’s stomach almost somersaults enough to throw the stupid diamond out.
and lastly - why use your own pockets when you can use someone else’s?
“Nureyev,” Juno says against his neck, “can I ask you something?”
They’ve folded themselves onto Nureyev’s cot, neither of them up for more than just lazing around. Nureyev has been trying to study some floor plans for the last twenty minutes, but if he’s being honest with himself, he has no idea what building, owned by what person, built on which planet in whatever system he’s been looking at. He’s mostly been lost in thought, only grounded by the weight and warmth of Juno pressed against his side. He had thought the lady asleep until now.
It’s a little ridiculous, the effect his own name being spoken by Juno Steel has on him. He’s fairly sure that with Juno this close, he should be able to feel the shiver it sends down his spine, pick up on the stutter in his pulse. It’s okay if he does, he tries to tell himself, it’s okay, it’s only Juno - but at the same time Juno is infinitely, immeasurably more than 'only Juno’ to him.
“Of course,” he replies. “Anything, anytime.”
Juno hums. “Earlier, when we got back from the media bigwig backstabbing competition-”
“It was an award show, dear Juno.”
“I said what I said. Anyway, when we got back, there was something in my pocket that I definitely didn’t put there myself.”
“A flash drive,” Juno continues, “that had the name ’M. Valderrama’ engraved into it. And a crazy amount of plastic rhinestones glued to it, but that’s not the point. I didn’t wanna risk it containing a virus and blowing up the ship, so I didn’t plug it into anything. But I did do my research, so I know Mignon Valderrama was at the backstabbing- I mean, the award show, and is the acclaimed director of titles such as ’The Notebook Part 44: This Time They’re All Ancient Mercurians’, the entire ’Ultra Magma Tsunami��� franchise, and the upcoming-”
“The upcoming blockbuster ’Cerebral Cephalopods: Rise of the Mathematician Octopi’,” Nureyev finishes.
Juno shifts against him. "Yeah, that’s the one. Didn’t know you were a fan.”
“Oh, I’m not,” Nureyev replies airily.
“Still,” Juno says, propping himself up on an elbow. “I have to wonder. How and why did mx. Valderrama’s flash drive, rhinestones and all, end up in my pocket?”
“Hmm. Would you believe me if I told you mx. Valderrama tripped, and the drive flew out of their pocket and into yours?”
Juno shakes his head. “C'mon, Nureyev.”
And for a moment, he hesitates. It’s not the best of stories. There’s no real noble, for-the-greater-good, Robin Hood-esque reason for him stealing the drive. He didn’t do it for the challenge, either - Valderrama might as well have presented it to him on a silver platter. Sure, he could make something up, spin a tale, make it sound big and impressive and sensible. But despite the alarm bells going off in his mind, he also thinks it might not be so bad to tell the truth, to bare his throat to Juno just a little. Of course, his own voice echoes, anything, anytime.
He sighs. “I might not be a fan, but I believe your secretary is. She’s been talking about those Magma Tsunami movies for days. They are horrible, by the way - she made me sit through two of them and I can’t believe I’m never getting those four hours of my life back. Valderrama should be liable for damages to my psyche. The drive, as you probably guessed, contains what I’m pretty sure is the final cut for whatever that octopus movie is supposed to be, so I snatched it up for her. My dress didn’t have any pockets, so I slipped it into one of yours. I must have forgotten to slip it out again.”
Juno frowns. “Wait - Rita? Did she ask you to? Because at this point i’m pretty sure she could hack into the studio’s servers in a heartbeat, and rip the whole thing-”
“She didn’t ask,” Nureyev says. “It was kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing. But she wouldn’t have been able to get her hands on this by hacking. Valderrama is famously paranoid about leaks. All of their works-in-progress are stored on only a handful of physical drives until the day of release. One of the drives goes into a vault with a nightmarishly difficult analogue lock, one goes to the executive producer, and Valderrama keeps one of them on their person at all times. I saw my chance, so I took it.”
“Huh,” Juno says, “that's… that’s kind of sweet of you, actually.” He prods Nureyev in the chest with a finger. “And very illegal, and you shouldn’t do it again. But still. That's… yeah. That’s sweet. She’s gonna be over the moon.”
That’s what he’d been hoping for. He smiles, shrugging a little. “We’re space pirates, Juno. Most of what we do is illegal. We got into the award party illegally, and for illegal reasons. Valderramma will make their billions with or without that drive. It’s just-” he sighs again, raking a hand through his hair. “Rita is very important to you, which - which makes her very important to me. She’s been there for you all these years, and she’s never been anything but kind to me either. I’m not trying to buy her friendship or her appreciation, I suppose I just… think she deserves something nice, especially if that something is within arm’s reach anyway. Even if that something is a movie about hyperintelligent squids taking over Mars’ moons.” He lets his head fall back into the pillows. “I know that might sound a little foolish.”
Juno leans into him a little more, cupping Nureyev’s jaw in his warm hand, looking a little bit puzzled and a lot fond. “I’m pretty sure you already know that I love your particular brand of foolish,” he says after a second.
And before Nureyev has the chance to think about what that means for too long, Juno is kissing him, wiping any semblance of thought from his mind.
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there’s glitter on the floor after the party...
*About 9 days ago, on May 22nd, 2018, I had just arrived home from your Seattle show at CenturyLink Field. It was 4am and I couldn’t sleep. I had so much on my mind and was still on a high from your show. So, in the early hours of the morning, after my friends had long gone to bed, I began to write. I’ve revised my original note quite a bit since then. I’ve also had the opportunity to do some additional reflecting since tour, and I have some thoughts. So, I guess this is the end-result of a mash-up of 4AM overly-emotional rambling, combined with well thought-out, fully coherent, mature writing. I feel like I really over-explained this. I could have been a lot less-awkward in setting this up. Let's just get into it:
[SO. I just got home from your Seattle show. It's 4 am and I can't sleep. This was my 6th tour, and I made what seems like an infinite amount of unforgettable memories with a group of incredible people I call my ‘Swiftie Fam” (the name needs work...). There's Cecil (my long-time, Canadian Swiftie friend, you’ll see him in earlier posts), Wanda (Cecil’s wife), Kaeden (7. Cecil & Wanda’s son. Major Swiftie. His first concert!), and finally the beautiful Maile (a recent addition to the fam, and now a life-long friend!).  It’s hard to explain in words, but we all have developed a connection that’s special and unique because of what we experienced together. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to stand by my side tonight. We danced, laughed, and cried together… I don’t think I’ve ever felt more understood. These people ‘get’ me.
Not surprisingly, I screamed every single lyric at the top of my lungs and subsequently lost my voice almost IMMEDATIELY. With that in mind, I suppose a more accurate description would be: I wasn’t so much singing, as I was gasping for the remainder of the show. I literally danced with until I was out of breath. I cried (ok, SOBBED) all of my make-up off (a Long Live/NYD mash-up… are you kidding me?! I FEEL ATTACKED). 
By the end of the night, I resembled a pathetic, overly-emotional, glittery, drowned rat.
and I was living my absolute best life.
Also, I was REALLY proud of our outfits this time around! I think we did a decent job of recreating your Direct TV commercial, with my rainbow two-piece, and Cecil’s interpretation of Olivia Benson dressed as a Caticorn (I can’t say I ever thought I’d use that in a sentence). It consisted of around 8-10 hours total of gluing, painting, and hand-sewing, leading up to the show. Everything turned out awesome, way better than expected. Totally worth the man hours! Wanda hand-made matching these adorable matching t-shirts for her and little Kaden (Big Rep & Little Rep), and Maile constructed a beautiful MASTERPIECE from the mountain LYWMMD outfit- it was freakin’ incredible and HOT!
There was something a bit different about this tour for a couple of reasons:
[The fans.] I freaking adore this fan culture. I’ve never met a Swiftie who wasn’t ridiculously friendly, welcoming, and super relatable. The vibe was so positive. I’ve never smiled, waved and taken pictures with so many random strangers in my life. It felt as if we were literally in a different world that day. It felt like home.
[YOU!.]  We need to talk about this major GLO UP you’ve got going on, honey. You exude SO much confidence and you're just pure sunshine. When I think about the way you’ve carried yourself these past couple of years through all of the BS drama, I can’t help but feel damn proud. You’ve successfully converted pain into art, into music. Real music, that’s poignant, raw, and just BAD ASS. Your lyrics continue to foster a special connection you maintain with the audience...a connection that often times breathes life into brokenness.
I felt like the luckiest girl in the entire world tonight. 
This may have been my best concert experience ever, which is actually pretty ironic because:
Unlike Red, I wasn’t in the Pit
I didn’t have VIP seating, like 1989
You weren’t close enough for any potential high fives, waves, or eye contact like I experienced at Speak Now at B-Stage
We were not chosen for Rep Room (or T-Party, Club Red, or Loft 89)
…But, it was OK. It was way more than OK. It was truly a dream.
Listen: Something I've always deeply admired about you is that you make it a priority to maintain a personal relationship with the fans.  It’s clear you want to meet as many of us as possible, and you make a conscious effort to do so. You get to know us as individuals and you CARE, and that means everything us and makes such an impact. I mean, you invite us into your HOME for crying out loud, you walk through massive crowds and give high-fives, you lurk our Instagrams and Tumblrs and interact on social media, and you always make a notable effort to meet as many of us as possible at tour.
However, this can sometimes turn into a bit of a "Catch 22" situation for people. The downside, is that it’s honestly SUPER easy to fall into the “trap” of being consumed with the possibility of meeting you after your shows. Due to the fact that the “selection” process is both intentional, yet also random. To be transparent, it's quite difficult to not obsess with the idea of ‘trying’ to get chosen. I witness this behavior so often, in others and in myself just as much, if not more. Selfishly, I often feel not only jealous, but UPSET when I see photos/read experiences of other fans meeting you. I sometimes feel like the only one who hasn’t yet gotten the opportunity.  It can quickly turn into a mind-game if you're not careful, which has the potential to become toxic if we allow the idea of meeting you to rule supreme over what it's actually about...which is the MUSIC. And, this amazing show you put on for us night after night. And somewhat understandably so, I've witnessed the obsession with being chosen to meet you become a main focus point for a lot of us (including myself a bit!). It's pretty stressful, and can easily dampen or cheapen the concert experience, if you're not careful. As dramatic as this probably sounds, Tumblr (and social media) can be brutal within this fandom, and dare I say ‘cut-throat’ at times. It's easy to get upset watching (what seems like) literally EVERYONE get that opportunity, except you. 
That said, I had a wake-up call/mini-epiphany recently, which manifested while driving home from your show at Midnight on May 22nd with my friends, feeling so amazing and so grateful for what I just experienced…but also a little guilty because I feel like I’ve spent way too much time worrying about the possibility of meeting at you when you come to Seattle, how to get the attention of Taylor Nation, where to find Mama Swift, getting that guitar pick from Papa Swift, and this time was no different. Granted, my intentions are 100% pure and it’s only because you’ve meant so freakin much to me for so many years, and it's almost as if my life won’t be complete until I finally get to tell you in person. That said, there is certainty a valuable lesson to be learned here. I am confident that you and I will come face-to-face one day (hopefully with my Swifie fam!). The stars will align at the exactly the right time, and I will have my moment with you, and it will be SO worth the wait. You can't "force" stuff like this, you know? The privilege of meeting you is almost ‘sacred’ in a sense. At least in my opinion. Anyway, my point is: I refuse to a continue to attempt to “create fate” by attempting to "earn" my worthiness in fandom. It’s not productive, it's not healthy, and it’s not cute.
Alright, this is getting out of hand. I need to wrap this up. 🤣 I’m not sure whether or not you’ve seen any of my throwback photo-posts I posted the week leading up to the show. They definitely explain a lot more about me, and my history being a fan. Either way, I must reiterate how grateful I am to have you in my life, and that support you 100% and will always be here. The amount of hope, joy and comfort you've given me over the past 10+ years is insurmountable, and I'll never be able to repay you for that. And I mean that in the most sincere way. Not a lot of things make me as happy as you make me (especially lately). This experience was the ‘boost’ I needed, I think. And like I said, the relationship I have with my friends/Swiftie Fam is invaluable, and I look forward to making memories with them at your shows in the future. You’ve brought the most random group of people together and created a bond that’s unique, unconditional and unbreakable, and I think that’s so cool.
This was A LOT longer than I originally intended it to be. This escalated quickly. Haha. Thanks for listening. 💗
Don’t read the last page…]
Love you, T
[photos]:  1) The whole crew: Cecil, Wanda, Kaeden, Maile and myself at our seats. 2) Kaeden the night before the show. SO EXCITED!! 3) Testing out the Caticorn onesie w/ Cecil 4) Cecil and myself FULLY DECKED and ready to go. 5) Wanda and Kaeden: Big Rep & Lil’ Rep! 6) the girls! Maile, Wanda and Me pre-show 7) Us at the end of the show! And yes, that’s me in the middle..in disbelief, exhausted, sweaty, and a physical and emotional wreck (see also: ‘drowned rat’ description above). 8) All of us after the show literally in a hotel lobby (and glitter on the floor after the party!), waiting for traffic to die down before we headed home.
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