#I'm an A&E editor for a paper
dduane · 6 months
Hope this isn't an ask you get all the time, but how do you track your progress when you're doing editing?
Everyone talks about word goals, and that seems fine for a first draft, but doesn't make sense to me when it comes to revisions. Do you have any kind of system for setting daily goals for your revisions?
Actually, I don't think anyone's ever asked me about this. :) So no sweat.
Briefly: I think you're wise in not attempting wordcounting in this phase of dealing with an MS—or trying to push yourself into a structure so rigid. ...There's this, too: there's a whole lot too much emphasis out there at the moment on trying to force yourself into other people's writing and editing paradigms—so many of them riddled with bar graphs and "demonstrable" daily progress. You need to find what works for you. More words dealt with in a day, sure, that's encouraging in its way. But are they the right words?
Today’s Writer Take that will probably strike some as Hot (and ask me if I care): Some kinds of writing progress are just neither graphically nor numerically quantifiable. And damned to the least TripAdvisorally-acceptable regions of [insert your preferred underworld here] be those who’ve tried to sell people the idea that they are.
Now, for what it's worth: here's how I do it. Which may be useful to other people, or not so much so. And that's fine, because I'm not editing their novels. :)
(Adding a break here. Under the cut: advice + advice = advice, and some images of text I shouldn't be letting y'all see just yet... but WTF.)
Revision for me is a fairly relaxed business—unless my editor has told me WE NEED THIS ON TUESDAY, which thank sweet Thoth on his e-bike is very rare.
It also helps that I like revising. (When I was a kid, I liked liver, too. And spinach. Just call me Miss Outlier and let's move on.) I really enjoy the feeling of the work’s rough edges being filed down and the sparse places being filled out.
And also: second draft/first revision draft is nowhere near as tense for me as first draft. Because, thank God, at least there's a book.
First draft is where I sweat blood and otherwise suffer. While I can see the story just fine in my head, it's not really real for me until the first draft, whole in narrative and action, is complete on paper/in the machine. And till it's achieved at least that level of reality, I can't relax.
But by the time I hit my second/revision draft, I can be confident that any really serious problems in the novel have already been solved—because I'm an outliner. In the outline stage, potential thematic or structural troubles will routinely have revealed themselves way long ago: before drafting even got started, as I first wired the story's bones together. The successfully-executed first draft acts as proof-of-concept for that structural wiring. By the time that draft’s done, it’s immediately apparent whether the skeleton can successfully stand up by itself. And gods is that a relief when it does! You’re tempted to jump around yelling “It's aliiiiiive!" as the lightning strikes around you.*
However, if after submitting that draft my editor's found something structurally or thematically troublesome in it that I've completely missed until this point, my first order of business becomes to fix whatever their notes involve and submit the fixes. Nothing further happens until the editor sees what I've done about those problems, and until I get agreement that whatever intervention I've enacted has now sorted the problems out.
After that, everything happens in bed.
(...casually noting that for a line to use somewhere else...) :)
But seriously: I do my best revision and editing before getting up in the morning.
Some of this is because, for me, the mind's nice and quiet and (theoretically) at least moderately well rested, right after sleep. I might take the briefest glance at my email first to make sure nothing urgent needs attention... but once that’s done, I refuse to let myself go any further down that hole. That early-morning calm is a mental state I'm glad to exploit, and one I jealously guard. On days when I'm forced to do without the working lie-in**, I use a different approach: when there's a pause, sit down and do nothing—no reading, no video, no music, no phone, nothing—for half an hour: then start editing. Routinely, the quiet I need will once more have fallen.
The in-bed-editing approach also works for me because (since I'm working in Scrivener) it's absolutely no big deal to finish a day's editing on a file by exporting a version of the file containing the day's edits to ebook format, and into my Dropbox. From there, in the morning, without ever getting out from under the covers, I can pull that .epub file into my tablet and read it as an ebook, making corrections and notes there.
This is what it looks like (on a page without too many corrections) if the app you're using is "Books" in an iPad. The second image is what you get when you touch on the marginal yellow square of the note to examine it.
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Then, when I'm finished looking over the previous day's/evening's writing and adding notes to it, I go downstairs, get some caffeine in me, and make the changes in the main Scrivener file. (If I was running the project in question on the iPad version of Scrivener, I'd just make the change right there. But who knows when I'd actually get up, then? Better to do it this way.) :)
In the normal flow of things I'll attempt to deal with a chapter or two a day in this mode. (Always bearing in mind that my chapters in early drafts typically run long—often 10K or so—and I'm likely enough to rebreak them later.) This first level of revision is the easy one: catching typos and bad or clumsy phrasings, reworking character interactions that need smoothing out; adding better descriptive passages (with particular emphasis on staying in the visual, audio and tactile senses), etc., etc.
So again: no way I'd ever bother worrying about word counts, with these. What seems to count for more is giving yourself time to recognize, gradually, at a reader's pace, what's working in the prose and what isn't. Rush—or try to force the pace to a given number of words per day—and you run the risk of missing something vital. To me, at the tracking level, it seems sufficient to note which chapters have been dealt with, and which are still hanging fire. (I can change the chapters' color labels in Scrivener to make this status visible at a glance, if I need to.)
When everything's dealt with on this pass—which if I'm lucky will take no more than a couple/few weeks—I try to take a couple weeks off before dealing with the MS again. Sometimes that's possible: sometimes not. The longer you can leave the book alone to let your perceptions of it rest and reset themselves, the better. Distance—mental or temporal—seems to lend clarity.
In any case, for me, next comes another pass, tougher to describe. Casually, I refer to it as the "Missed Opportunities/Complications" pass. This is a thing that one of the very best writers I know, John M. Ford, used to do. One of his editors (I think it was) came across him working on an MS one time, and asked him what he was doing. "Complications," Mike muttered. "Removing them?" said his editor. Mike shook his head. "Adding them," he said.
In this pass you look for in-novel connections you've previously missed making. Some dramatic moments have their impact significantly increased if you've found a way to connect them, even casually, with previous events, situations, character thoughts, or dialogue. (The cheap and easy mnemonic for this kind of thing: "Say a thing twice, and it echoes. Say it three times, and it resonates.")
Equally, events (and people) may turn out to require more complex backstory than you've given them in your first draft; so this is where you take care of that. And of course there are almost certainly character and emotional interactions that can use attention; fewer words, more depth, more complexity. What things do these people, in this situation, need to say to one another that they haven't? And also, what drama got scamped or passed up on because you were just too damn tired in the last draft? —Because you too, poor baby, are human; and that state can, entirely logically, make you want not to deal with any more damn drama just now. Even though drama is the lifeblood of your narrative, usually, and tying a tourniquet around it really doesn't help. You are the conduit of power into your narrative, and your varying ability to conduct it is always an issue… so you need to keep an eye open for places where the flow may have temporarily failed.
This pass, ideally, might take no more than another few weeks or a month. And again, I'm not sure any attempt at wordcount tracking would do this work any good. Because, again... are they the right words? And to make the narrative more effective, you may wind up removing as many words as you added in previous passes.
Finally, with all things taken together, I usually reach a point where (by myself, anyway) I can't think of anything to do that'll make this book any better. That's where there then comes—and again, impossible to assign a word count to it—a time when you know you're as Done As You Can Be. If you've been doing this long enough, you may even hear a strange kind of sigh in the back of your head, as the book gives up and lets go...
...into the next stage of production. But even then you keep an eye on it… because in my experience it’s rare that any book's ever that easily just finished. Even in page proofs, something may happen to surprise you.
Anyway, that's when I throw the book the hell out of the house—because no matter how much I've loved it previously, by that time I'm usually seriously tired of it—and wait to see whether the editor feels it needs one more draft. (Disclosure: this has never happened. There might be a few notes that need to be handled. But another full draft? Never yet.)
Anyway: hope this is of help to you.
But the heart of it all? Find your own way, and screw the bar graphs.
*That line, too, is an indicator of trouble to come. "It's?" Not "he's"? Tsk tsk.
**Usually sort of 7-9 AM. Sometimes way earlier, depending on the time of year. Dawn comes real early in the summertime in Ireland…
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racxnteur · 3 months
Incomeless; will proofread your fics! (Or anything else.)
I'm not sure how to head this with a snazzy, attention-catching image given I'm not offering an obviously graphic service like art commissions, but let's give it a go...
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Hello, I'm your friendly neighborhood disabled unemployed transgender queer on the internet. I have not posted a great amount about the details on this blog for privacy reasons, but I am currently in an untenable familial/financial living situation, which I am actively working to get out of. My primary barrier to disentangling myself from the pertinent parties is a lack of income. I've been unable to pursue traditional means of work due to being multiply disabled (slash chronically ill, slash treatment-resistant, et cetera...), but I do not qualify for SSI or unemployment, so I am stuck trying to find other ways of making money.
This is where you come in... If you'd like to help, you can:
$$ Hire me $$ to proofread your fics, essays, and more!
Click below for info! (I also may add separate posts for diversity reading and/or other writing- and editing-related services.)
For $0.00855/word *OR BEST BID*, I will vet your work of writing before you publish it, checking for mistakes in spelling, capitalization, & punctuation, missed words, inconsistencies of tense, formatting, & POV, and miscellaneous grammatical errors. Never again need you fear posting a finished chapter and discovering a slew of typos after the fact; no matter how sleep-deprived or late at night the state of writing, I will ensure your text is ship-shape. Or, if you happen to be interested in having other types of writing proofread before submission--essays, comics or webtoons, letters, transcripts, compositions of a personal nature, so on--I will happily take these on at a comparable rate.[1]
Bachelor's degree in English with a minor in writing
Initiate of international collegiate honors society for English scholarship, Sigma Tau Delta
Active member of the International Association of Professional Writers and Editors (IAPWE)
Former lit editor for award-winning university literary arts magazine
Prior employment in tutoring and teaching English, as well as copy-editing and content writing
Nearly 20 years' writing experience
Previous experience as both fic writer and beta
Incisive eye for typo-hunting and tenacious attention to detail (I have high standards and will make those everybody else's problem... now for pay!)
I will read for content of any genre and all ratings, and am broadly[2] open to any subject matter, kinks, et cetera. I'll also post more detailed guidelines (booking process, any exclusions, additional criteria) on a separate, unrebloggable post so that any edits and updates are always current.
Message me via the chat feature on Tumblr, or send me an e-mail (I will post it on my more info post) to request a quote, bid for a slot, or just to see what I can offer for whatever project you have in mind. And please feel encouraged to share or boost this post! I am in urgent need of any income I can get, and every share counts 😭🙌
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Proofreading Full Details · Other Services · Support Me (alternatively, Tip this post!)
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[1] There will be some exclusions to this, such as academic assignments/papers that have style guide requirements; i.e., I will not be your online MLA style checker or anything.
[2] As with anything, there will be sporadic exceptions to this as well, but I will always be up-front about such cases.
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@mintso / @milliin
Happy @d20exchange! Here is the third gift. And this time it's Riz! I had so so much fun writing for this one. Riz is just too curious.
Also I'm thinking about turning these into a series and writing more later on!
Gift One | Gift Two | Riz Gukgak
Interview with: Riz Gukgak
Written by Apricotflyer
Most of our interviews happen at the school, but this one is a special case. A detective case if you will. We head out on the weekend to a small office in Elmville. I knock on the glass pane of the door and I catch the name on the placard, Riz Gukgak. It's strange to be here, but Riz invited us and I'll never give up a chance for an interview. 
He calls out for us to enter and I turn the door handle to be greeted with a room that is filled with filing cabinets and paper, half of it strewn about on the floor. Behind him, there are multiple cork boards covered in red string and photographs, and copious empty mugs sit on his desk. 
I approach the goblin perching on his chair. Another member of The Bad Kids. He's their inquisitive rogue, and surprisingly eager to talk to us despite the class's reputation for being sneaky. 
Hello, it's nice to meet you Detective Riz Gukgak. 
Riz: Actually, I'm officially a Private Investigator, not a Detective. 
… Right, okay. I'll just call you Riz then. 
Riz: That suits me. Now, tell me, what is the case you are bringing to me today?
Riz: The exciting new case I shouldn't miss out on?
I stare behind me at my editor who was in charge of booking this meeting and they just shrug at me. 
I'm pretty sure this was meant to be an interview. It's going on the school's blog.
Riz: Oh! You mean about my business? That would be great if you could promote it! It's been a bit slow lately so I've been trying to find my own mysteries to solve right now. 
Uh, no. It's about you, like, personal questions. I'm going for a journalism angle more than… business promotion. 
Riz: Oh, like an investigative journalist? I could totally use your help then! I've been investigating some people for Fig that she thinks are suspicious. I haven't found anything but she demanded a second opinion as she's convinced they're up to no good. It would be a great help!
No, not that kind of journalist. I mostly write fluff pieces. Like what we're supposed to be doing right now, but you haven't even let me ask any questions.
Riz: That's not technically true. You said 'what' with a questioning tone just before. That was a question. And I did answer it. But honestly, I'm more curious about what you could tell me about what's going on. You surely have the inside scoop I can use for my cases!
What are you talking about?! Are you sleep-deprived or something, I have no idea what you're saying. 
Riz: Hmm, well I probably haven't slept for a few days, but my thoughts are perfectly clear.  
Ok, well we better get back on-
Riz: Have you seriously never thought about investigating and writing stories about hard-hitting cases?
I'm meant to be asking the questions here.
Riz: But I'm curious, would you mind answering some of my questions instead? How is it being an interviewer? Do you find that people open up to you more?
That's a lot of questions. Why do you even want to know? 
Riz pauses for a moment, and his momentary silence terrifies me. He jumps off his seat and starts digging through one of the filing cabinets. Once he finds what he's looking for he scurries back to me and pushes a thin file across the desk towards me. 
What's this?
Riz: Open it.
What the hell is this? Why do you have a file on me? 
Riz: Well, when I said Fig had me investigating people… that includes you. Apparently what you said when you interviewed her made her very suspicious. 
So you asking me questions is a way to clear my name? 
Riz: Exactly. 
Well, if it's the only way, I guess I have to. 
Riz: Yes!
Riz then unfurls a list of questions so long it makes my stomach drop. 
[Author's note: That's the point where the interview stopped being about Riz and was about me instead. I'm not exaggerating when I say it took hours. Thankfully that part will never see the light of day.]
[Author's note: Actually I've been told to hype up next week when they publish Riz's version of our interview. Wait. What, are you serious? He's going to be writing about me??? Who let-]
Hey, Head of Publishing here, just letting you all know that next week we have a guest writer, Riz Gukgak. He got the chance to find out more about our lovely writer who usually handles the interview series. And it WILL be published. 
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boysplanetrecaps · 2 months
Build Up, Ep 4 Recap: Don’t Forget v I Don’t Love You
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Welcome back to the project everyone deals with waiting two weeks for -- my MNET Build Up Recaps! In the previous one, a bunch of my favorites -- Kim Minseo, Bain, Lee Gwangsuk, and Kim Sungjung -- went head to head. Ah, that was a good one! In this one, we’ll see the other member of Just B, Geonu, and Chicago’s pride Soomin take on former BDC member Hong Seong Jun and musical actor Kim Seohyung. It’s also a good one! Let’s dive in. 
So we start off pretty much as usual, with the guys taking the stage, accompanied by some musical soundtrack. This time the editors have chosen a driving beat with rock and dub step elements so it's really powerful sounding, which makes it a little comical when we see the guys and how they're dressed. 
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Soomin is wearing a pretty fabulous s w e a t e r but Geonu has decided to raid the wardrobe of an old grampa for some reason. You know I love a good sweater but... this ain't it, fam. It's about three sizes too big and looks like it would smell like cigarettes for some reason. And paired with loose white slacks? Nope, I'm out. 
The other team is dressed in button down shirts, which is fine, I guess. Hong Seongjun has one of those thin bow ties that hangs down limply, and Kim Seohyung's shirt is tightly pleated in the front, as if it's made of crepe paper. They look perfectly nice but it seems absurd that they'd be accompanied by dub-rock! It should be more like... James Taylor. Or Sarah McLachlan. 
VCG looks at the teams and says, "Ohh, Chicago!" Because, of course, Soomin is from Chicago. (I wonder what his American name is? Because I feel like he probably doesn’t go by Soomin back in the US.) We're reminded of his lovely performance in Ditto in the first round. 
Soomin and Geonu have joined their names into "Soo-u" and do a little thing and it's, like, whatever, because they forget to use their mics. They're besties with a personal joke that’s funny to them, even if it’s not that funny to us.  
Dahee asks the other team to introduce themselves, and Seohyung says hello. His natural speaking voice is very low and pleasant and the judges react like, wow! Then he and Seongjung give a weird intro that also doesn't go so well so let's just move on. 
The teams do a bit of smack talk and it actually doesn't really feel that good natured. Eeep. 
We flashback back to the rival choosing moment, when Geonu and Soomin were chosen to go the RCPA (Rival Choosing Platform Area). Several teams begin whispering about possibly taking them on, but then Soomin, in his continuing effort to make Americans look bad, addresses the other teams rudely, not using proper honorifics even though they're all older than them. This is extremely insulting to a Korean person in ways that I know I don't fully understand, so if I get it wrong and you are Korean or have specialized knowledge, I welcome your input.
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Despite my incomplete knowledge, I do know enough to know that (a) Soomin is probably being playful and doesn't truly mean to offend and also (b) it is likely that many other contestants, and many Korean viewers will be offended anyway. I really do worry about the way Soomin is presenting himself on this show. Korean culture is so specific about what you should and shouldn't do and if you piss off the voting base, it can be really hard to win them back. It’s not impossible, but… it can be tough. As an American myself I can sympathize -- we often are perceived of as rude by people from other cultures when we do things that would be acceptable, even celebrated, in our own culture. I really like Soomin's voice and I think he could have a career singing, as long as he doesn't alienate the Korean public!!
So yeah, Soomin tries to provoke one of the younger teams to challenge his team -- he comes across as really disdainful of some of the older contestants, which rubs me the wrong way, to be honest. Team Seohyung x Seongjun (I’ll call them Team S&S) seem to be the ones they're calling to, so the rivalry is formed. 
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"Since you invited us here, we'll see you off," says Seohyung, in a vague attempt at smack talk. Then Soomin does a dumb thing where he acts like his hand is a phone, with a call from the taxi driver who is here for the other team, and it's super hacky and cringey but Soomin and Geonu are so proud of it. Sigh. But Seohyung takes it all in stride. He seems like a cheerful, lovable dude, doesn't he?  Some time later, Team S&S is meeting to choose a song and stuff, and Seohyung is wearing a black mock turtleneck with a gray hoodie over it and black coat over that. What is with Korean heating systems? Seongjun is wearing a fleece sweatshirt, so no proper sweaters here.
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Anyway, they're talking strategy. Seongjun was on the same team as Geonu for the first round, singing If You, and he thinks it's obvious that Geonu will want to perform a western R&B pop song. Seohyung points out that since Soomin is from the USA, Soomin also probably will want to sing a Western song. 
Mentioning this really sets off Seongjun, who says, "He only speaks in English. I get sick when I'm next to him." 
Ok, I know that could be a Korean figure of speech and maybe it's not as harsh as it sounds, but woah, dude. Yes, of course, it would be annoying to be around these ostentatious English speakers. I can only imagine how it might feel as a Korean person who is being bombarded daily with more and more English all the time; it would be irritating to have your own language being supplanted by another language, especially if it feels like maybe your own culture is being displaced as well. Also, it would just be annoying to have someone around refusing to speak the language you both speak, regardless of like, geopolitical issues.
But even so, I'm not sure it’s a cute look for Seongjun to say that it makes him feel sick to be around it. When you factor in the obvious animosity that he displayed in earlier episodes on the topic of successful idols like Yeo One or Seokhwa or Woong being on this show, you get a picture of someone who seems bitter and irritable. That's not necessarily who he IS, but it's how he's looking. 
The two guys go on to talk about how Geonu also speaks in English a lot and we get a little montage of Geonu and Soomin speaking English together. (And later on we find out that Geonu introduced himself in English on the first day, which is weird. More on that later....)
In any case, since Geonu and Soomin are probably going to sing R&B, Team S&S decide to go for a more sentimental song. 
Then Seohyung gives a funny little smile and reveals his musical taste, which is all sappy songs that came out in the 1970s. You can tell that Seongjung isn't quite sure what to make of this weird partner. 
We flash back to the duo-formation moment and find out that despite Seongjung assumptions, he is actually two years older than his old fashioned -- and tall -- partner. 
Seongjung tells Seohyung, "You look like an upright man," and Seohyung says he gets that a lot. He doesn't mind, either, because people also tell him he's handsome apparently. We flash back to a pre production meeting, and a staff member points out that he's very tall. He says he drank a lot of milk. He also says he enjoys watching "car documentaries." What? Are there enough documentaries about cars for this to constitute a genre? I guess so!
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He also doesn't know his MBTI, which for a young Korean person is very unusual. He does seem to be a very specific person, doesn't he? Calm, polite, cheerful, sweet. I like him. I feel like he's someone Lisa Simpson would have a crush on, you know? Like he's quiet and enjoys puzzles?
Anyway, back to song selection. Seohyung suggests "I Don't Love You" by a group called Urban Zakapa. Per Wikipedia: 
"Urban Zakapa is a South Korean R&B singer-songwriter group formed in 2009 by Fluxus Music. ....The group's name is an abbreviation for Urban, Zappy, Kaleidoscopic, and Passionate.... Although the group debuted in 2009 as a nine-piece with four vocalists and five instrumentalists, there are currently only three vocalists due to artistic differences."  
Ooh, sounds like some hot gossip there! 
Anyway, the song went to number 1 in 2016, so even though it's not super recent, it would probably be familiar to the judging panel. Like at least 101% of Korean ballads, it's about a breakup. I wonder how Koreans even have time to fall in love in the first place when they're breaking up so often!
Sample lyrics:
What should I say? / Where do I start? / I’m only hanging my head / You’re looking at me  / In this awkward silence
I don’t love you / I’m sure you already know / Even when I see you shedding tears / My heart doesn’t ache anymore
I don’t love you / There’s no other reason / I don’t even want to say / I’m sorry or forgive me
That’s all / This is how I really feel / I don’t love you / I don’t love you
The original song featured both male and female voices, which helps break up the repetitive monotony a bit. But it really is just saying over and over “I don’t love you” -- without a hint of irony or sarcasm that maybe the singer really *does* love the listener, that they’re just saying it because they’re hurt. You know, like the song Abittipsy by Youhua, where she tries to sound cheery and like she’s fine, but then she admits that she *might* cry later. Nope, this song seems to be straightforward, just “I don’t love you,” periodt.  
Seongjung likes the idea of this song because it would allow them to show off their low pitches, their high pitches, and their "sentiments."
They rehearse in a variety of locations, holding water bottles to be their microphones (cracks me up how they do that). 
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s w e a t e r s
They're confident; practice never lets you down. Hmm… I hear the ghost of my middle school band teacher murmuring, "Practice doesn't make perfect. Practice makes permanent. Only perfect practice makes perfect." 
Did they practice perfectly? I guess we'll find out!
It’s performance day! As they prepare to sing, kindly hyung Seongjung reaches out to Seohyung for a fist bump and says, Let's have fun.
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"Oh, a fist bump! I read an article about this youthful behavior in the printed newspaper I read in the mornings while I drink healthy tea and eat fiber cereal. I return your fist bump in a friendly manner!" -- Seohyung, probably
The judges are like, this song is hard. Uh oh...
Full version without reactions
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My thoughts:
That was nice. It's not really my jam, but the singing was pretty and their harmonies sounded great.
Seohyung has that musical theater voice, with a lot of emotion in his tone. Toward the beginning and again at the end, he almost verges on sing-talking, which again is very musical theater of him. I don't know if ballad-fans like that kind of thing or not. 
Though he has a lovely upper mix, he appears to be a bass, which is kind of cool to find in a field that preferences tenors. A deep voice can add a special color to a group. I mean, what would Stray Kids be without Felix? What would ONF be without Wyatt? Or even Dreamcatcher without Dami, or G-Idle without Yuqi? Those special voices help make their teams a little special. 
Overall I actually like Seohyung's voice more than I would have thought. It's hard to deny his range and the variety of vocal tones he can do. I think the biggest problem in his performance is the way he holds his body and his facial expressions. 
If you have an hour or two to spare, you should watch Jenny Nicholson's amazing take down of Dear Evan Hanson. One thing she points out is that the way you act on stage is different from the way you act for the camera. On stage, it makes sense to bug out your eyes and jut out your chin, because someone at the back of the theater needs to see you. But for the camera, it's just too much. And that’s kind of what we see with Seohyung here. He’s Acting, rather than just living through the song, and it’s a bit too much. 
Also, he hunches his shoulders a lot, which might be a habit of his because he's shy and tall, but it doesn't come off well on stage. 
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Seongjung isn't quite as powerful of a singer, but he's still really good. He appears to be a tenor, so the lowest notes are maybe a little harder for him, but he ends up hitting them ok. He has a slight nasality to his tone, and his upper range is a bit thin sounding sometimes, but I still think he sounds pretty. Also, his full on belts are excellent. He used to be in an idol group (BDC) and he knows how to look into the camera and sell it, but he doesn't vary up his expressions much.
Overall, the whole thing is oddly lacking even though there's nothing at all wrong with it. Doesn't seem fair, but here we are.
I really think the song choice is partly to blame. For one thing, singing about not loving someone is kind of… I don’t know. If you were a judge listening to people sing about not loving someone, would you get immersed in the emotions of it the way you would if you were listening to people talking about being in love? But the other problem is Seohyung’s over-acting. He’s really throwing himself into it, and contrasting with Seongjung’s more natural performance, it feels kind of off. The vocals aren’t the problem at all, though. 
My favorite part of the performance was the harmony right after the key change. Good stuff.
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“I mean, there’s emotions, and then there’s this!” -- Jenny Nicholson
The MNET edit is a bit confusing. Right at the beginning, Eunkwang says of Seohyung’s singing, “ah, he removed a lot of the musical tone.” I think he’s referring to Seohyung’s semi-sing-talking. 
But VCG likes it.
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We get a lot of reactions from other contestants backstage saying that it's really good, and we get the judges smiling and nodding, but we also get the judges making weird faces. 
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I don’t think they’re enjoying it, but seriously you never know. 
There don't seem to be any instant replays. 
Right at the end, Seohyung sings unaccompanied and everyone seems really touched. Then there's a moment of silence, and then soft applause. The singers hug each other, and Seohyung almost rests his head on his older teammate's shoulder. Seongjung has a lot more stage experience and probably helped Seohyung a lot when they were preparing.
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The judges applaud kind of quietly. Backstage, the guys say they think it was really good. 
I paused it here and asked myself, how do the judges feel? And I had no idea. I'm not sure even they know. They had to watch 20 performances over what had to be at least a five hour period, maybe much longer, so maybe at some point they low-key stopped caring. They are still taking it seriously though and are checking their previous scores to make sure they're giving as fair a grade as possible.
Backstage, Choi Suhwan (who sang Sherlock at the beginning of the round) says “They didn’t form harmony. They didn’t sound like a team.” I don’t know if I agree with that -- I thought their voices sounded nice together. 
Sunyoul, who is sitting right by Suhwan and probably heard him, wonders out loud if maybe they picked the song because “they couldn’t form harmony.” I think maybe Sunyoul is referring to the fact that Seohyung is a bass and Seongjung is a tenor. I still think that’s fine for a duet, but what do I know?
The scores are revealed. Their high score is 92, from Solar, and their low score is 80, from, of course, Jaehwan. The scores aren't super low or anything, so they're a bit relieved, but they had probably been hoping for a few 100s. I mean, who doesn’t hope?
Solar says, “You both have nice voices. You can both sing. It was flawless.” VCG agrees. “But… I couldn’t stop thinking that it was ordinary.”
There’s this amazing split screen of Seohyung singing so hard his face is about to fall off, while Solar is just sort of… looking. 
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She goes on, “I was just thinking to myself, ‘Oh, this is the song they’re singing.’ You should pick a song that shows your charms more next time. But this was flawless. I liked it.” So their 92 score came with a mixed review. 
Jaehwan says “Let me tell you this first: This is a very high score for me.” The guys kind of laugh -- a bit of the pressure is relieved. He goes on to talk about how since Seohyung is a musical actor, he sang like he was reading lines. “You made it sound ordinary,” Jaehwan says. “Thank you for telling me,” Seohyung says, with a nice smile. 
Backstage, Sunyoul is still chatting with Jeup and Suhwan, even though the latter team beat him in the rivalry. 
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Donghun looks like he might burst into tears any second. Will someone hug that man, stat? Thanks!
Sunyoul theorizes that it must be hard to change from a musical theater style of performance to a pop style. That’s interesting, because I don’t think any of the musical actors have been particularly successful on the show so far. I’ll have to run the numbers on that later. 
Thinking of sad Donghun reminds me to say, please check out A.C.E.’s new song, My Girl. It’s got a smooth, city-pop/retro vibe, kind of like Cupid by Fifty Fifty or Maniac by Viviz. I like it! Though I do think it was weird to show them singing to really young girls at the end when the A.C.E. is increasingly looking like a group of guys in their late 20s/early 30s. 
Anyway, back to the judging. VCG tells Seohyung, “You have a very nice voice. You build that voice to become a musical actor. So what you need to change is the way you sing. You don’t need to change your voice.” It’s hard to tell from the translation, but I think what VCG means is the way that Seohyung was doing that kind of sing-talk stuff, and the over-emoting that I noticed. “It’s very nice to have a bass like him on the team,” he says, tapping into my brain again, and all the judges agree. “It’s reassuring,” says Baekho. “Yes, the bass completes it,” says VCG. “You must protect your voice!” 
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Seohyung seems to appreciate the helpful feedback.  
Meanwhile, poor Seongjung doesn’t get a ton of feedback that we see. I bet they did say stuff to him, though -- it’s just that the show doesn’t care, I guess. 
Anyway, it’s time for the other team, Geonu and Soomin, who are committed to being “happy charms” on stage. The other guys waiting backstage seem to be looking forward to Soomin’s performance. 
We find out that both of them chose each other as the person they most wanted to work with on the show. That should be really cute to me, and you know I love friendship on these shows, but…
Ok, I’m going to be honest with you guys: I find these guys a bit irritating. I know that’s not cool, but I figure it’s better to just be honest about my reaction to them. I’m aware that (1) I don’t know them in real life (2) this is all editing (3) they’re not doing anything really that bad. Despite all that, I find them irritating. So, I’m going to do my best to be honest about what I see, and I apologize in advance if either of these two is your favorite. It's not fair of me to just find them annoying for almost no reason, but it's hard to control an emotional response. Ok! Let's get back to it.
So, we jump back to the duet-choosing moment. 
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We can see that 20 guys are standing on the top tier, meaning that all ten top tier guys chose a mid or lower tier member to work with. Now it’s time for the mid tiers to choose a duet partner. 
The other guys sort of shuffle around a little, but Soomin goes right up to Geonu. “What kind of music does Hyung like to do?” he asks, and Geonu’s face lights up, first with surprise, then with happiness. 
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Bain also approaches, and kind of stands there awkwardly, which makes me feel kind of sad. Here’s the thing: Bain probably went over to Geonu at least in part because Bain didn’t want Geonu to not get picked. Geonu was Low Tier, and Bain was Mid tier, so he may have thought “I’ll rescue my teammate.” (They’re both on Just B together.) Bain and Geonu are the same age, which often gives people a feeling of connection in Korean culture (from what I can gleen). 
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Bain says he’s looking for someone to do a pop song with, and what’s weird is that not only does Geonu not even seem to want to make eye contact with Bain, or say something like “Oh, thanks for the offer, but I think it’s better for us to show our individual colors,” he just ignores poor Bain, who stands there all tall and orange and awkward until he wanders away, and it makes me sad. Maybe this is where my irritation began, with Geonu sort of letting Bain hang in the wind like that. And for all I know Geonu did in fact talk to Bain and it was edited out. IDK. 
Meanwhile, Soomin suggests that they sing “Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You,” which was the song he did in the Voice Check. Seems odd to suggest it. 
We get a flashback to Geonu introducing himself in English:
“What’s good guys, I’m Geonu, and I’m here to sing my soul out. Vamos!” He doesn’t mention that he’s from Just B in his intro, either, which is also… interesting. Per his online info, his mother is an English teacher, which is how he learned to speak English well. Not sure where he got the Spanish, but hey, a lot of Spanish speakers listen to Kpop so it’s not crazy. 
So I guess the thing is, I can understand how he knows English so well but I do wonder why he would speak it to a group of Korean speakers. Everyone there knows Korean, including Jay, Soomin, and Wumuti, so why not choose Korean as the common language? It just seems like a weird flex, but ok. Imagine if Wumuti had just decided to speak Chinese…? 
Geonu seems to like everything about Soomin, including his hat and the way he sat on the stool, and Soomin seems to like everything about Geonu, so it’s a match made in heaven. They’re very like… I don’t know, like the way two best friends act in 7th grade. This seems to be objectively cute. I don’t know why it bugs me! Am I on crack? 
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Some time later, Geonu’s hair is longer and less pink, and he and Soomin are meeting in what looks to be the same conference room as the one Bain used in another segment, complete with the map on the wall. So I guess it’s safe to assume that they’re at Bluedot Entertainment 
Geonu lists some of his favorite musical artists, including M*ch**l J*cks*n and Chr*s Br*wn, and, thankfully, at least one unproblematic fave, Taeyang. He likes R&B, and Soomin likes pop, so they decide that Pop-R&B, like a song by Crush, would be ideal. They seem to quickly decide on “Don’t Forget” by Crush featuring Taeyeon (a tiny bit). (I say “seem to” because I suspect they discussed this first via texting or something and then recreated the song choice for the cameras later.) 
The song itself is perfectly pleasant, the kind of song you’d put on to listen to in the background while you’re doing something else, but it’s hard to imagine someone being like, “oh yeah, this is my favorite song in the whole world.” The lyrics talk about the singer’s hope for his relationship for the future, that even if they break up, that they’d never forget each other. 
If you and me become estranged someday / If we could never see each other / Don’t forget, Don’t lose / Even if you are holding someone else’s hand / If you are somewhere I cannot go to /  Don’t forget, Don’t lose 
The lyrics keep repeating 잊어버리지마 잃어버리지마, ijeobeorijima ilheobeorijima, which means “Don’t forget, don’t lose”. (See, that’s the -jima ending for a negative command again! We’ll all become fluent in Korean eventually!) 
Once they’ve chosen the song, they take a break and make up an elaborate handshake. Soomin says he doesn’t have a hyung, and Geonu feels like his real hyung. That’s sweet! I know intellectually that that’s sweet! 
Then Soomin has to leave to go back to Chicago for a bit, and then after he comes back they’ll have ten more days to practice. So this gives us a hint of the timeline. Based on both their hair, I’d say at least two weeks has gone by since the Pre-4 mission taping day when they’re meeting in the office. Then Soomin is going to go back to Chicago for some period of time and then when he gets back they have another ten days. This suggests that maybe a much as month went by between the Pre-4 Mission and the 2 vs 2 Rival Mission. 
They chat via video call, and even do their handshake virtually. They’re both excited about the arrangement of the song that was made for them, and practice a little bit. Soomin says he can tell how much Geonu has been practicing. They’re speaking Korean together, which is again kind of interesting given that when they’re around other people, they choose English. Maybe they were just deliberately speaking English to speak more privately around the other people…?
When Soomin gets back, Geonu says he smells like Chicago, which is not the compliment he may think it is, and they get to do their handshake thing. They seem really happy as they rehearse together and just sort of hang out saying SOOUUUU! 
And that brings us the performance!
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Full performance without reactions
My thoughts:
I should note, first off, that normally, when I hear a song over and over I start liking it more, almost against my will, but the more I hear this song the more boring it is to me. And maybe if I liked the song more I’d be more forgiving of the performance overall. Again, I’m just being honest. 
This was an ok performance, but I’ve heard both of these guys sing better than they sang this time.
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Soomin was on his s w e a t e r game, for sure, and he really has a lovely voice. But here he sounds a lot breathier than he had been before, and maybe even a tiny bit hoarse. It didn’t sound bad, don’t get me wrong. I think it sounded lovely. Just maybe he wasn’t in the best condition when they taped? I still am interested in what he’s going to perform next. 
Geonu really didn’t float my boat with his performance. I’ve heard him sing much better than this, so I’m not sure what happened. His first few notes sounded nice, but as it went on, to me, he sounded nasal, slightly shrill, a bit pitchy, and almost like his throat was clenching down as he was trying to sing. It just didn’t sound right. I think his worst moment vocally is at about 0:47 in to the Youtube version of the performance. It’s almost like he has something caught in his throat. 
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Also, um, the dancing. Not sure about that.
I remember liking Geonu on I-land, and I’ve heard him sing better than this, so I guess maybe he was nervous about performing well with his new American dongsae/friend, and/or just nervous in general about staying on the show. I think Geonu might benefit from some targeted vocal lessons because he does strange things with his throat and upper palette. His natural vocal color is so nice that if he just had some more training on how note to sabotage himself vocally, he’d be wonderful to listen to. 
Their harmonies sounded nice -- those were some precise harmonies, and they must have practiced a long time to get them right -- but I also am not sure I loved the contrast between their voices when they took turns singing. Geonu’s voice has a sharpness to it and Soomin’s is so smooth that it makes Geonu’s voice sound worse in contrast.
Which of the two duets should win -- this one, or Team S&S from earlier? In the end, I didn’t love either of them, so it’s hard to say. Of the four voices, I continue to like Soomin’s the best, but if I had to listen to one of the two performances over, I think I’d rather listen to the boring ballad performance instead of the boring R&B song performance, and I think the problem is Geonu. That’s such a bummer because I’ve been converted into a big Bain fan and I want to cheer for Just B. Hopefully, Geonu will win back my good opinion in the future! I’m certainly not committed to hating him or anything like that. 
In the MNET edit, everyone seems to really love Soomin’s voice and no one thinks he sounds hoarse or strange, so maybe it’s just me. Soomin gets some instant replays, and they both get happy judge reactions.
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Eunkwang may or may not be enjoying the song.
The last line of the song is “Don’t forget this song,” which is why everyone reacts by saying “I can’t forget it!” 
Everyone seems to particularly love Soomin’s voice, but the overall vibe is positive. Backstage, poor Seongjung mutters, “I don’t want to go home.” 
The judges key in their votes, and we find out their highest and lowest votes: 95 (Solar) and 86 (Baekho). 
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They’re so happy and surprised that I want to be happy for them, but it’s tough. I can’t help but be a little annoyed at this. I don’t think it’s really right that this team should win over the first team. There was nothing at all wrong with the way the first team sang, while Geonu’s performance was, in my informed opinion, pretty flawed. I know he’s capable of better, but he didn’t sing super well on the day they recorded this performance. I know Soomin sounded nice despite his hoarseness, but it just feels like favoritism. 
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The guys back stage don’t look thrilled, either. Bain doesn’t seem happy for his teammate particularly. Kim Seongjeong, the leaping lizard, and his teammate Gwangseok, look irritated or at least incredulous. Jeong Inseong from KNK, front row with the maroon hair, has a thousand-yard stare that doesn’t seem happy. Jung Intae, front row right in the white shirt, looks a little disgusted. Maybe you interpret their expressions differently than I do, but they don’t look happy, and the guys generally seem pretty happy to cheer for one another when someone does well. I just get the impression that they think the performance wasn’t really that great.
Solar, who gave the 95, begins by praising Soomin’s voice and “vibe.” She tells Geonu that when he’s by himself he seems ordinary, but when he’s on a team, his presences is special. I don’t know how I’d feel about being given feedback like that.  
Seungkwan from Seventeen agrees with pretty much everything Solar says. He says that Soomin is so good, it’s a little annoying, and adds, “This calm and languid charm comes across as sexy when he sings.”
Hey, child who told me to KMS because I referred to Gunwook from Boys Planet as “sexy”, are you going to write hate letters to Seungkwan? Because Soomin is the same age now as Gunwook was then. Yep, I’m petty. I do not like being told to KMS. I will hold a grudge against anyone who tells me to KMS. 
Ok, sorry, deep breath. 
Anyway, it’s impossible for me to think of Soomin as sexy, because I have met waaaayyyy too many guys like him at youth hostels across the world, but I guess maybe he would be to someone else. I leave it to you, dear reader, to decide for yourself. 
Seungkwan tells Geonu that he likes Geonu’s dancing-like gestures. But low-scorer Baekho disagrees -- disharmony on Team Pledis! -- saying, “The reason why I gave the lowest score is that I thought that Geonu’s gestures were a bit… too much.”
Eunkwang’s feedback is a little confusing, I think mostly due to translation issues.  I think what he was saying was basically that Geonu was a bit out control -- not just with the gestures, but the whole vocal performance as well. He didn’t have good breath control, so the pitch suffered. The edit highlights the exact portion that I picked out as Geonu’s worst moment as well. Hey Eunkwang, if you noticed that like I did, why did you give a score higher than 86? 
It’s time to find out who won the round, and the first team comes back out on stage. Everyone says the scores are close, but they’re not really that close. It seems obvious that Geonu and Soomin won, and they have, 636, to 601. 
If you do the math and remove the highest and lowest scores from each group’s total, and find the average of the remaining five scores, Team Geonu x Soomin had an average score of 91, while Team S&S had an average score of 86. As Wendy says, “Ah, my heart hurts.” 
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Soomin and Geonu do a cool-guy handshake thing to celebrate.  
Dahee asks Team S&S to say something about the fact that they’re up for elimination. 
Seungjung says, “I’m the one who chose Seohyung, and since we’ve lost, I feel….”
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“... I’m so sorry to Seohyung. I’m a little sad for myself as well.” 
The judges reassure him that he did a good job.
Seohyung, ever cheerful, says, 
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“Whenever I perform on stage, my belief always is, ‘It won’t be perfect, but let’s have no regrets.’ Today, the stage was not perfect at all. But I put everything into it, so I have no regrets. I’ll remember all the good things you’ve said, and continue.” Awww! That's great. He's a charming dude, isn't he?
The judges tell him he’s well spoken, and then he and Seungjung walk off stage arm in arm, with Seungjung still apologizing.
“I’m sorry…”
Backstage, Seongjung starts to beat himself up again -- “I could have done better…” -- when he interrupts himself and says firmly, “No, we did a great job!” Nice! Love that. 
And that’s basically the end of the episode! We see a preview of the next round, featuring a distressing lack of sweaters but a lot of other fashion statements, and get the current voting standings. The top five is the same as last week, and the top 9 has been the same 9 people since voting started. The only major changes this week compared to last week is that Yoon Inhwan is up 8 spots and Taewoo is down 7 spots. But nobody has changed to a different zone of the list, if that makes sense. People who were part of a losing 2x2 rivalry team are marked with a *. People who haven’t performed yet in the 2x2 rivalry mission are in italics. 
Jay Chang* ⊖
Donghun* ⊖
Wumuti ⊖
Seunghun* ⊖
Seokhwa* ⊖
Hwanhee ▲1
Yeo One ⛛ 1
Park Jeup ▲1
Jeon Woong* ⛛ 1
Bitsaeon* ▲3
Taehwan  ⛛ 1
Geonu  ⛛ 2
Jeong Inseong ⛛ 1
Sunyoul* ⊖
Kang Hayoon ▲2
Neon* ⊖
Hong Seongjun* ▲2
Lee Gwangsuk*  ▲3
Bain ⛛ 1
Jung Soomin ⊖
Hyukjin ⛛ 2
Park Joo Hee ▲1
Yoon Inhwan ▲8
Kim Minseo  ⊖
Hong Sung Won ⛛ 3
Kim Seohyung*  ⛛ 1
Choi Su Hwan ▲2
Lim Sang Hyun ⊖
Lee Min Wook ⛛ 3
Hwang In Hyuk ⊖
Kim Sungjung* ⛛ 4
Ma Jaekyung  ▲1
Kwon Eui Bin ▲5
Jang In Tae ▲6
Jo Hwan Ji ⛛ 1
Choi Ha Ram  ⛛ 1
Lim Jun Hyeok ▲2
Jeong Yunseo ⛛ 2
Taewoo ⛛ 7
Ji Yeonwoo ⛛ 3
Ok, gang, that’s a wrap on episode 4! I finished it before Episode 6 came out, which means I’m actually catching up a little. I’ll see you in the next one, when we dive into Episode 5. The first performance will include Yeo One from Pentagon, if that sweetens the deal. See you then! 
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forasecondtherewedwon · 2 months
Fic-Writer Interview
Not tagged but picked up from @mercurygray :)
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Affinity War (3182)
3 Simple Rules for Dating a Centenarian (2688)
The Great Madripoorian Snake Off (2245)
"Stare Enough" (1843)
Alright on Paper (1463)
Picture a t-shirt bearing the exhausted Ben Affleck smoking meme and the words, "I survived the MCU and so can you!" (My top 5 were written for Spider-Man and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.)
Do you respond to comments?
Respond and proceed to treasure forever.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
After poking around in my catalogue of fics, it's either one I wrote for Bodyguard, "Don't Ever Let Me Start," or "The Pretty Ones (Who Try to Kill You)" for The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Most of what I write does have a happy ending. Hmm... Love Me Like You Drew (for Nancy Drew) and "Same Day, Different Jumpsuit" (the one and only Natasha/Mobius fic on AO3) are both near and dear to my heart.
Do you write crossovers?
Nope! I'm a real compartmentalizer.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes! So fun! It typically boils down to "I don't like the ship(s) and/or character(s) in this fic and am here to complain even though you tagged everything properly and I could have just scrolled past!" Fic hate is silly. I chuckle all the way to the "delete" button.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
*shakes smut variety pack* What kind ya lookin' for?
Click here for my E-rated fics on AO3.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yep, I've had people post my fics on other platforms without my permission, thinking that as long as they added my username for "credit," it was all good 🙄
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not, by choice.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I'm an editor and an only child, so.
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I've written for so many pairings (and a few trios), but Midge/Lenny from The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel has an evergreen ability to set my heart aflutter.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Rude. Probably my Scream AU of Nancy Drew. I would love to write it, but I can't currently see going back and reacquainting myself with all the characters I'd planned to include.
What are your writing strengths?
I love writing humour, in dialogue or otherwise. Also descriptions packed with metaphor.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I. Hate. Plot. I'm here—on this planet, on the internet—to create atmosphere, not complex storylines.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Love it! Like @mercurygray, I speak some French and Italian, so those are the ones I tend to add if I'm going beyond English.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Gilmore Girls (specifically A Year in the Life), and I am ready to return to it TOMORROW if Amy Sherman-Palladino provokes me with more bad characterization.
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Nothing comes to mind! With both ships and fandoms, I pretty much jump when I wanna jump. I'm also always open to hearing requests.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh! Oh! What a question! It's my baby, my Pride and Prejudice AU, For Now, We May Remain Silent. I wrote it with my copy of Austen open on my desk next to my laptop, going line by line. I worked on it while coping with the final illness and death of someone I loved very much, so a lot of love went into it, and I'm glad I have the fic as a reminder of that time.
From "Studio Tour," still my favourite chapter:
Here are her paintbrushes, disorganized and held in the loose grip of big, old coffee cans. The brushes rattle when Peter runs his finger over their handles, the faded red bristles spinning. A thick, flat brush with discoloured yellow bristles might be his favourite. Glancing over his shoulder, he furtively strokes the uneven hairs with his thumb. They all have this well-used quality that makes his chest clench confusingly. Michelle’s been living a whole life with these in her hand, he thinks, and I don’t know anything about it.
Tagging: Any and all fic-writers following me! Say I tagged ya!
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I can't sleep, Frank. Can you tell me a story?
This essay is about how to arrange the different levels of Floornight to create a "magnificent, multilevel structure." There's plenty more to say on this topic, and plenty of room for variation. But I can't resist the all-encompassing comparison to the architecture of the great pyramids. The comparison is so obvious, so natural, that I worry I'm overstating it.
The pyramids were not merely huge, but were also arranged in a certain way. C. E. Stevens compares the arrangement to that of a spiral staircase, noting that the staircases that compose the Pyramids are made up of steps with the same length. This arrangement is meant to "convert a simple rectangle into a complex tesselated pattern." That's roughly what Floornight is meant to do, to convert a flat surface into a labyrinthine, three-dimensional one.
This essay will describe the basic geometric principles which allow these conversions to be made. This is not a book review, nor a history of architectural design. Rather, it will use the pyramids as an illustrative example to show what sort of structure Floornight is designed to produce.
The Pyramids required thousands of people, over many hundreds of years, to build by simple, systematic procedures. For this reason they were not a "great" accomplishment. But it is striking that no one has ever created such an engineering feat by a single person (or small team). If such a thing were attempted today, everyone would be skeptical of its possibility.
The pyramids were not constructed out of a single, continuous rock. Rather, there were a number of different layers laid one upon another. The lower layers had an extremely high percentage of sand, which provided the necessary weight. The pyramid layers were not just carefully stacked upon one another, but were packed to form a cohesive whole which was then compacted together and "smoothed" in order to create a final product.
The Pyramids were not designed merely for structural stability. There was also a design aspect, and the Pyramids were carefully constructed in such a way as to "hide" their design aspect, for they would appear to be something else. (One can only imagine the chaos that would result if a few architects had made pyramids from the outset.) But it's difficult to imagine anyone, even a master architect, assembling thousands of such carefully-constructed layers of stone, sand, and mortar (to speak colloquially) on a giant scale.
Likewise, Floornight is not simply a large body of text. Nor does it simply consist of individual "stories." Rather, the text is arranged to give the reader the experience of being inside an interconnected set of "worlds" -- some of which are more sophisticated than others. It is hard to imagine a structure as large and complex as Floornight, without an editor, and without a number of experienced "constructors" who worked in the same direction, one on a single layer at a time.
Even if one could create the structure by hand, there would still be a certain amount of trial-and-error and "just doing stuff until it looked right." You have to assemble several blocks (or paragraphs) from an existing structure before you know if they'll fit right. If you're used to doing that with paper and pencils, a screen may be difficult to use in the same way.
[Content note: Floornight is intensely nonlinear. One doesn't go from point A to point B with no intermediary.]
Floornight does not merely consist of an "arrangement of words." That would only be a first approximation. But how should one speak of a structure which consists of various levels of text organized according to an intricate and irregular scheme?
The analogy to pyramid design must take us only so far. But I will propose a further analogy. There is a way in which the great pyramids have a quality which is distinct from the individual structures which they consist of.
This is a quality which I will now call... pyramidal structure.
The pyramid is a structure. It is made up of smaller elements. These elements form the "tiles," "stairs," "levels," or "sub-worlds" of the structure. And yet, there is more to the pyramid structure than the sum of these things.
In order to create the pyramidal structure, the pyramid builders did not simply lay down the necessary elements, one after another. They built upon one another, just as they did in the pyramids. (If you've ever stood in the shadow of a skyscraper, you can see why it was impossible to construct a skyscraper as a single object without building on top of other skyscrapers.) Rather than placing the buildings one at a time, as an architect might, the builders at Giza created a skyscraper that would appear to grow "out of the ground." Some of the elements are closer to the ground than others, and all of them are closer to the sky. But there are no levels (in the narrow sense of the term) which are closer to the earth than others. Rather, elements which are closer to the earth play the role of supporting elements, while those which are closer to the sky do not.
One could not assemble such a structure simply by placing individual elements one at a time. That would be as absurd as doing so with stone, sand, and mortar.
It's hard to explain how it works, so let me illustrate it with a simple example, and ask for your help interpreting it. Suppose you are designing a skyscraper which is meant to resemble the Pyramids. Here's what you might say:
1. We'll use "floor level" to denote what level of text is "on top." Each "floor" can be as high as you like (up to some finite bound). This might be as many floors as you like, including some which are below ground, some which are underground, some which are partially underground, and so forth.
2. Each floor will have a number, from 1 to n. These numbers might "wrap around" -- so that the bottom floor may be numbered 1 and the top floor might be numbered n, or vice versa, in order to make the pyramid more striking.
3. Each floor is "connected" to the floor above by a "stairway" of the same width and height, which has a number in between. The floor above can be reached by traversing the stairway on the ground floor, or by traversing the next-higher level.
4. Each "step" on the stairs is made up of a specific number of pages.
5. Each "level" of the stairway is made up of a specific number of "steps," so that each level has a specific number between 1 and n of steps.
6. Each of the individual "levels" is composed of a particular number n of pages. (For example, if n = 5, then each level has five pages.)
7. These pages can have certain combinations of text. The particular combinations are determined by the text of the "higher levels." So if the level above the ground floor is
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prideoftheknights · 2 years
Chikage Utsuki 【Literature Impasse】 N Story Translation
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Backstage story: Role Study 【Takasugi】
Card Quote:
"Ah... uuhm... well... Actually, the editor-in-chief has completely revised, or rather, rewritten..."
translation under the cut!
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Tasuku: This sake is delicious.
Sakyo: Yeah, Yukishiro showed me this sake before. I like it too.
Tsumugi: Oh right, I heard from Sakuya-kun that the members of Spring Troupe are all going to read a book by a literary giant and write a book report on it.
Tasuku: Heh? Role building for the show, huh?
Chikage: Yeah, that kind of role building isn't bad. Sakuya suggested it.
I received the recommended book lineup from Tsuzuru over LIME earlier too.
Sakyo: Have you already decided on which book you're going to read?
Chikage: I have. I was thinking of this…
Sakyo: They have novels in an e-book format too, huh
Chikage: Any book is available online these days. Well, I haven't decided whether I'll read it electronically or on paper yet though.
Tsumugi: This work has a fairly eerie or peculiar atmosphere to it, doesn't it?
Tasuku: What made you decide to choose it?
Chikage: It was one in the recommended lineup that I knew the synopsis of, but had never read properly.
Tasuku: I see.
Sakyo: Nevertheless, I'm curious to see what Utsuki will write in his book report. I'm quite interested to see what he'll write. I'd love to read it.
Chikage: If the opportunity comes one day.
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Chikage: ......
(I ended up buying it at a bookstore. I've been trying to read it but......)
Well, that's pretty much in accordance with the synopsis.
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Itaru: YEAH! Got a rare item!
Oh, come to think of it, Senpai. I saw you finished reading your book a few days ago, but have you finished your report yet?
Chikage: I've finished it already.
Itaru: Eh? When did you finish it? I don't think I've seen you write anything......
Chikage: I didn't write it in our room. Have you finished writing your book report on "Pandora's Box"[1]?
Or rather, have you even finished reading it?
Itaru: I finished the book, but I haven't written the report yet.
Chikage: I wonder how you have so much time to play games when you're not finished yet.
Itaru: I'll finish the report by the deadline.
Besides, the game I'm playing right now is a game that features literary giants, so this is also part of my role building.
Chikage: How childish……. I won't know if you don't finish though.
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Chikage: A booklet compiling everyone's impressions, huh. I didn't expect to get everyone's reports back in such a form.
Itaru: Booklets like these quite nostalgic.
Izumi: Right? As I was making it too, I couldn't help but think about how nostalgic it was.
Sakuya: Next is Chikage's report. I'm really interested in what kind of report you wrote!
Chikage: Sakyo-san said the same thing.
Citron: I'll read Chikage's report at once!
Itaru: Say, Senpai's report... Isn't it kind of short?
Tsuzuru: Yeah you're right. Let's see, this piece is about a man going to the sand dunes......
Hey, isn't this just the synopsis!?
Masumi: It's easy to understand.
Chikage: I wrote it so that even a grade schooler could understand it.
Citron: Even I can understand it! I'm excited to see how it all ends!
Masumi: He wrote, "The ending of the book was enjoyable to read."
Citron: Oh! This is an inventory count...! [2]
Sakuya: An inventory count?
Itaru: It's half finished, you mean.
Citron: Yes that!
Chikage: I took spoilers into consideration.
Tsuzuru: But, even if you consider spoilers in your book report... To begin with, you didn't even write a single word of your own feelings in your book report!
Chikage: After all, it's better to read the book and come up with your own opinions for yourself.
Itaru: Sticking to a true reader's culture...
Sakuya: Ahaha...
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TL notes!
[1]: the piece of literature itaru picked is "pandora's box" by osamu dazai! an existing review of it can be found here if you're curious about it.
[2]: citron says 棚卸し (kanaoroshi) and itaru corrects him with 生殺し (namagoroshi), which can be used as a metaphor for doing something in a half way to torment someone
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this may be a silly question but. what does an editor Do. I ask b/c I might need that service but don't even know I need that service.... hope this doesn't come across rude I'm just genuinely curious
Not silly or rude!! it's a fair question cause there are a bunch of different kinds of editors.
Basically, if you're working on something, (written work in my case but there are like video editors and audio editors and all that too,) you can send it to an editor and they'll help you get it ready for Whatever You Want To Use It For.
.....this got long lmao so i'm putting the rest under a cut ig
I'm very freelance (bc i'm disabled and don't have a degree 🥴) so i take whatever projects come my way, which atm means a lot of Masters and PhD level dissertations/theses, because my mom works for a university that has a lot of international and first-higher-education-degree students but DOESN'T HAVE A WRITING CENTER for some reason, so I'm usually like half editor half writing coach. Which is to say, an editor for a publishing house probably does much different work than I do and tbh I don't know Anything about what they do lol.
but how *my* job works is:
you send me a draft of your project.
I learn as much as i can about the end destination and audience of your project.
(this is a lot easier if you're writing, like, a Memoir or a Pamphlet For An Art Show, and a lot harder if I have to Read The Chicago Style Manual) (Chicago Style is probably fine but their style manual is fucking wack and i stand by that)
I read your project and i mark anything that is either a.) unclear or b.) Against The Rules Of Your Intended Destination
So like, if you're writing a masters thesis, I'm strict with grammar and with formatting. The style your institution is using probably has rules about whether you can use first person, and when you use italics, and whether your citations go in a bibliography or in footnotes or w/e.
If you're writing a Novel, I can be a lot looser with the rules and just look for: is this effective? what is this line Doing? is it doing it well? Does What It's Doing Actually Need To Be Done Right Now?
(editing fiction/creative nonfiction is WAY more fun but i don't get to do it very often. sigh)
I put my suggestions in the document you've sent me, with Track Changes on so you can see everything I've changed. I add comments to the doc wherever I think they're necessary/helpful.
I send the doc with my edits back to you
You (hopefully) read through and decide whether each edit makes sense to you. (this is the most important step, honestly)
If they make sense and you're happy with the resulting draft, my job is done and we shake hands and depart as friends.
If you have questions, or the edits require extensive rewrites, we ideally meet over zoom or w/e and I explain my suggestions to you, and we figure out how to Make The Words Do What You Want Them To Do. You send the doc to me again and I do as much of a second pass as you want/Will Pay Me For.
It's worth noting that there are different *levels* of editing, too. I've done jobs where I'm just checking grammar, or where I'm just checking formatting; I've also done jobs where I meet with the author and we basically write the piece together (which is really fun, actually, I like sitting down and asking, like, "okay, what are you trying to say," and figuring out how to help YOU figure out how YOU want to say it. it's like detective work :3 or therapy possibly). Those all take different levels of time and energy, so for student papers I end up with a lot of, like, "this could really use a thorough content edit/rewrite but it's Due In A Week so we're gonna make sure everything's spelled write and the footnotes are formatted correctly." (which i HATE doing btw, it's a perfectly reasonable thing to do but it Hurts My Brain bc it feels like I'm not Doing My Best which is Hell.)
anyway, the tl;dr is: editors take writing and suggest changes that will make it Perform Its Intended Function Better. the actual act of editing takes a lot of work, and often a degree of background research, too. tip your editors, is what i'm saying.
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plscallmeeren · 8 months
My eyes turned to the cool grey shades of winter just beyond the window pane. I couldn't settle on a single glimpse to inspect, so my gaze flitted from one ghost of a plant to the miserably alone woman in the office across from the one I was sitting in. Nothing deserved to be scrutinised. It had to be contemplated, conceptually, as one.
"Miss Crown? Miss Crown? Can you hear me?"
"Yes, doc, I can hear. Now please, indulge me. What do I have to tell me so that you can write on a slip of paper what's wrong with me, tell me to fuck off and then we all live happily ever after?" I didn't look away from the weeping lady or the snow-covered flowers or barren branches.
"I'm not quite that far yet. First, tell me of your life. Include your family and perhaps your closest friends and where they were at the time, but no one else. Chronological, if at all possible." His deeply troubling, trembling hands and glasses so thick he looked like a cartoon character were comically familiar. A doctor through and through. And yet, what did I know of a random psychologist with shaking limbs and incredibly enlarged eyes?
"M'kay", I murmured, still focusing my sight on nothing in particular, just as I intended to for the entire session.
"So, I give you this little summary of Raven and her family's backstory, because neither of us have the time to tell it? That's great. Okay. Here I go, then.
The Crown family is made up of seven people; Khalil and Marie, and their five children, who are, from oldest to youngest, called Raven - as you very well know -, Miriam, Evangeline, and the twins Brynn and Favian.
I was born in the same year as my friend Eddie - 1966 - to a happy, newly wedded couple in California." I chuckled wryly and could almost see the doctor look up from the paper he was scribbling on fervently until then. California, baby, you heard it.
"In 1967 Billy Hargrove was born to a loving mother and problematic father, if you know what we mean, although he kept his distance from his son, also in California, at the beach... nowhere near me though. Man, if he had been nearby, things might've went differently.
Miriam was born in 1969, both our parents and me delighted to have her as she was welcomed into the world. Sometime after this, however, Marie - our mother - started having an affair. I used to think it ridiculous, but I didn't get life yet, I don't think. Hadn't gotten the hang of it.
This... came to light when Evangeline, or Evan, or Angel, as we like to call her, was born in 1972, neither of Algerian nor European ethnicity. Upon this revelation, Khalil... dad... began drinking, soon falling into the common addiction.
In 1978, the twins - Favian and Brynn - were born, also not as his children. His alcohol problem only worsened, his person tending to long periods of depression due to this, making him practically unavailable to anyone. Marie's anger at the world and her... her life... had long come to light, especially me suffering from her issues as I was often... hit? Yelled at? Blamed? It doesn't feel like I'm doing it justice. Around this time - I hope you don't mind my controversial religion, doc -, I turned to Wicca, beginning our study of witchcraft. Sounds scary, doesn't it? Anyway.
Marie waited until the twins no longer required breastfeeding - funny, isn't it? -, abandoning the family few months after they were born. Khalil- dad... continued drinking, only just managing to earn money, albeit little, otherwise unable to look after the kids. Due to this, at... twelve, maybe? Barely. We was already the main paternal figure in the kids' lives. Yay, am I right?
That same year - 1979 - we moved to Hawkins, where we only just got by, the eldest - that'd be us - working whenever I could aside from my school life... that included babysitting Johnathon for a while, who is... Right. Chronological. This was also the year Billy moved to Hawkins, as well as Eddie lost his parents, moving in with his uncle Wayne. Crazy, how that happens, ain't it, hon'?
1980 - great times - Eddie and us first shared classes together in eighth grade, the former continuously flirting with me, making up the most of our relationship. However, I was too preoccupied with my chores to consider romance, to be completely honest. This was also the time I actually befriended Johnathon, the two of us soon coming to call ourselves best friends. Then again, we were also each other's only friends, for that matter, apart from maybe Eddie, on my behalf. At this age I was also convinced by my fuck-wit of a sister to go see a free psychologist in order to get diagnosed with Anxiety. Or, well, so it seems."
I fell silent, the scribbling continuing. My head filled with useless visions of past, present and future.
In 1981 Billy and I meet and start dating. This only comes to be because Billy quickly grows to be emotionally dependant on me, my idiocy immediately realising this and feeling I owed my compassion to him, although I soon balanced the relationship out as it became less and less one-sided. At this time, I was 14, Billy being 13 - one year younger than me. Stupid, how that bothered me so damn much. Eddie continued to flirt with me relentlessly, causing much drama, the dynamic lasting all the way into the year of '83.
At the end of this year, however, Khalil passes away, leaving the children in my hands and with not enough money to survive. The twins had barely gotten prepared for first grade.
For this reason, before the next school year could start in 1984, I drop out, Billy consequently breaking up with me over apparent 'prioritising my siblings over him'. Motherfucker, I even believe it. At this time, Eddie and I had both just finished eleventh grade, though Eddie had to repeat. Searching desperately for a well-paid job, Jim Hopper discovered my troubles and offered me a spot at the station as a nurse, the eighteen-year-old me slowly passing more and more tests from afar so that I could be paid as a real nurse. Upon my father's death I fought to adopt my siblings now that I was an adult, social services agreeing reluctantly because it was easiest and there was no way they could all stay together if they were brought into the system, especially in the times of the Cold Wars.
In 1985 this life continued, Eddie now in twelfth grade, Billy dropping out of school for a year due to Max and Susan's presence. In this year, Eddie and I both turned 20, Billy aged 18 to 19, Miriam was 16, Evangeline 13 and the twins seven. For two years already Evan had been a part of the group including Mike, Will, Lucas and Dustin, although she was unaware of... something. She befriended Max better than anyone, the two labelling themselves best friends within months.
I finally tore my gaze away from the small birds chirping in the freezing haze outside upon hearing my name called out to me. The doctor sat with one leg perched on another, his eyes now seeming abnormally small as he had removed his glasses and was looking at me, rather bewildered.
"I just have a question", he stuttered, almost shy all of a sudden, "Why... You keep saying 'we' or 'us' instead of 'I'... Why is that? You sound like you believe not to be alone?"
A smirk crept upon my lips at understanding searching for me, getting lost on the way and diving down a rabbit-hole to madness.
"Oh, doc, didn't you know?
We are never alone."
0 notes
syneilesis · 2 years
Fic Masterlist & other things
Hello! You can call me Archi or Syn. On rare occasions, I write fic. This sideblog is for fic-related stuff, but I also reblog pretty images and words for inspiration – plus other things. This blog is mostly for myself, but if you've read any of my fic from ao3 and/or here, come say hi! I love reading fic comments :) I'm just here to have fun and have a space stress-free lol. I'm an adult, so some of my posts and reblogs may contain mature/explicit/dark content. Please read at your own risk.
A lot of my fics are reader-inserts, and since the fandoms I write for so far are otome games, the reader may double as the main character too. There are also times when I write for canon characters.
Arranged according to fandom, fic type (i.e., one-shot vs multi), posting date.
The Boy Next Door
10:47 PM | Eun Jeongwan x Main Character (Reader), E
Eun Jeongwan spends the night in your place. What happens then is hardly surprising.
samurai AU vignette | Oikawa Tooru x Reader, T
“Whenever he comes by, I’ll take care of him. Just do your job,” your mother had instructed.
Ikemen Genjiden
—scene from a bedroom | Kitsuji Sueharu x afab!Reader, E
You and Sueharu, tangled in the dim-lit room.
Not on my shift | Kitsuji Sueharu x Reader, T
Your one and only job description is to protect Sueharu. Sueharu, however, wants to add a couple more.
waxing poetic about Sueharu's exposed chest | Kitsuji Sueharu x Reader, G
"My eye is up here."
A Summer Affair | Kitsuji Sueharu x f!Reader, E
Or: five encounters with the man who calls you ohime-sama.
Royalty AU | Kitsuji Sueharu x Reader, G
"If you want me not to overwork, you have to listen to me."
Ikemen Prince
Bookbound | Chevalier Michel x Emma, T
Without their realizing it, Emma and Prince Chevalier have formed a book club.
anticatharsis | Chevalier Michel, gen
Five times Prince Chevalier should have felt something, but hadn't.
paralepsis | Chevalier Michel, gen
Twenty facts about Chevalier Michel.
Grading papers | Chevalier Michel x Reader, T, Cybird University verse
Home slippers on, you pad towards the living room to discover Chevalier on the couch, reading glasses on, a paper on his hand and a stack of the same beside him, wearing the most remarkable frown you have ever seen in the entire time you’ve known him.
Barista!Yves and Customer!Emma vignette | Yves Kloss x Emma, G
She has her hair tied up today, Yves thinks. Now with a shiny sequel!
The Masked Villain | Clavis Lelouch, gen
Clavis is Tuxedo Mask. Crackfic.
Before the Dawn | Chevalier Michel x Reader, G
The Number One Hero knows your address. That's bad news.
Where Does Such Tenderness Come From | Clavis Lelouch x f!Reader, G
In another universe, you were Belle, and you fell in love with a prince. And nothing came of it.
Let It Stand | Chevalier Michel x Emma, T, work in progress
Emma gets a new editor. This editor doesn’t like her that much.
one | two | three
Ikemen Sengoku
i bruise my hands on the living cage | Kicho x MC!Reader, M
Ambition is greater than love.
Split Custody | Team Azuchi + Kicho, G
And you say, “So be it. Divorce it is.”
Art Appreciation | Naoe Kanetsugu x MC!Reader, G
“No –” and you sound so smug at this “– appreciating a work of art.”
Staff Evaluation | Kicho x Reader, G, Cybird University Verse
“Please tell me you’re not planning an uprising,” you say as you open your office door and find Kicho brewing coffee from the coffee maker—comfortably like he owns the place.
a quiet glow | Naoe Kanetsugu x MC!Reader, G
You, Kanetsugu, and fireflies.
blood,steel,oath | Naoe Kanetsugu x f!Reader, T
There's a rebellion happening, and your knight protects you.
The Captain Does Not Go Down with the Ship | Mouri Motonari x Reader, T
You try your best to stop the Imperial Army from capturing your captain.
Ikemen Vampire
hold your heavenly place | Comte de Saint-Germain x MC!Reader, T
It starts with two words. Now with Comte POV sequel.
Nothing But Destinations | Arthur Conan Doyle x Main Character, T
We are living in our own world, just the two of us.
ekphrastic for the mad king | Vlad x MC!Reader, T
a portrait of a delusional monarch
In this Floating World | Vlad x MC!Reader, Arthur Conan Doyle x MC!Reader, Osamu Dazai x MC!Reader, M
Three men, through love and despair.
From Her Mouth of Strawberry | Vlad x MC!Reader, M
An epilogue of Vlad’s Romantic Ending route. With art.
Glimpses of eternity | Vlad x Comte de Saint-Germain, G
Vlad and his pure smile, and Comte, throughout their lives.
A Victorious Conquest | Arthur Conan Doyle x f!Reader, G
You're alone in a pub, and a gorgeous man approaches you.
no end to promises | Vlad x f!Reader, T
Throughout his waking life there is only one for him, and it is you.
There is No Heaven | Vlad x Comte de Saint-Germain, T
The mansion remembers your longing. Your memories become ghosts living in its walls.
Floriography | Vlad x Reader, G, Cybird University Verse
By next week, and the several following, Vlad gives you flowers.
the soul is nothing more than a glass of ocean water | Comte de Saint-Germain x Reader, T (for now), work in progress
It's your first time meeting Comte; Comte disagrees.
prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | epilogue
Love and Deepspace
Coffee Break | Xavier (Shen Xinghui) x MC!Reader, G
You buy Xavier a new coffee machine.
if only for a moment | Rafayel (Qi Yu) x MC!Reader, T
Rafayel waits. And waits. And waits.
Faded Like Memory | Rafayel (Qi Yu) x MC!Reader, G
He chose this path to find you.
the loudest song | Rafayel (Qi Yu) x MC!Reader, M
You're beautiful in the dimly lit chamber, and a storm surges inside him.
Pampertime | Xavier (Shen Xinghui) x MC!Reader, E
The bunny butler outfit makes a grand return. In bed.
Oral Recitation | Xavier (Shen Xinghui) x MC!Reader, E
Direct continuation of Pampertime. It's Xavier's turn to indulge this time.
Shinsengumi Wasurenagusa
as one spring piles upon another | Okita Souji x MC!Reader, T
Okita Souji, and the letter that he will never answer.
Touken Ranbu
forget not the spring | Kashuu Kiyomitsu x Saniwa!Reader, G
Five variations of the same question. Or: longing in five glimpses.
What in Hell is Bad?
untitled gabriel/reader fic | Gabriel x MC!Reader, M
At last, Gabriel is at your mercy.
Who Made Me a Princess
Bilateral Agreement | Lucas x Athanasia de Alger Obelia, T
There’s a foreign prince visiting Obelia, and Lucas doesn’t like him one bit. Also, there’s a threat of assassination, but that’s not at all important.
Fic concepts/imagines
Some ideas for fic that I'm interested in but won't write (probably):
Ikemen Prince novelist!Chevalier AU
Ikemen Prince coffee shop AU
Ikemen Sengoku Three Thousand Years of Longing AU ft. Oda Nobunaga
Haikyuu!! secret agent AU ft. Miya Atsumu
Obey Me! rom-com AU ft. Satan
Touken Ranbu Mikazuki Munechika x Saniwa!Reader historical distortion
Jujutsu Kaisen ghost and friends ft. Okkotsu Yuuta
Ikemen Sengoku Groundhog day AU time loop
Ikemen Prince office AU + R18 drama cd voice actor AU ft. Silvio Ricci
Drama CD stuff
Ikemen Series voice actors doing R18 drama CD masterlist
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writingonesdreams · 2 years
b. How are you learning new languages?
e. How did you decide what languages you wanted to learn?
f. Would you say you're proficient enough to write a scene of a story in the other language(s)?
l. What is your favorite language you've learned (if you're learning/have learned multiple)
b. Mainly through actually living in them. Through hearing lectures, watching movies, listening to songs, reading and writing in them and speaking with other people.
e. Came as necessity and advantage. My parents send me to an austrian school to learn German when I couldn't speak it at all, when I was 10. That is one dramatic but efficient way to learn language, let me tell you XD. I had trouble understanding for a year and trouble speaking for the second, but hey here I am, writing scientific papers in it now. I had to learn English for classes but this is also a language I learned the most myself in my free time. Started as watching tv shows that I watched in original cause I couldn't wait for the subtitles. Binge watching shows really can teach you something. XD
f. Haha I do this everyday in English. Surprisingly turned out as my fave language to write in or maybe I'm just that used it by now. I read in English the most cause the ebooks are cheaper, so ofc I get the most vocab there, even though it's actually my what, fourth language. Writing in my mother language would be easier, but it also kinda feels off to write in that tounge after the years...plus I kinda started writing in English so my mom, a professional editor, couldn't read my work. I was very self-conscious as a kid and now I'm paying for it, cause the one language I'm comfortable writing in now is the one she can't edit for me.
l. English is probably my fave, cause it's me free and me time language. Reading, writing, friends, blogging, I do it all in English and I feel pretty good at it at this point. Even more assured than in German, since that's a language my brain connects to school and assignments XD and I admittedly don't have German friends to practice actual speaking with, so my level of daily German, the one with slang, dialects and shortcuts for everyday use is actually lacking for this. I'm known to write the best academic essays and have the best "high" level vocabulary, but start talking about movies and drinks and I have a hard time keeping up. XD
Thanks for the ask! I'm not currently learning any new language outside my main four (Slovak, Czech, German, English), but switching between them on dialy basis is difficult enough and I still have lots to learn, even though I'm really good and functioning in all of them. It's just really hard for a writer like me, cause I love words and I was always good with them, and learning new languages like German and English mostly through shock and intense exposure XD makes me extra conscious about making mistakes and not being able to find the right word at the exact moment. Not to mention that the more I do in one language, the more difficult the others get. After an uni class in German I feel like an ape trying to talk to my parents in my mother tounge. XD
Just fun to think about what a multilingual life is like and how many people have it like me :D Maybe I will learn Russian and Polish one day, cause my mom says for a Slav like me it would be super quick and easy, since our languages are so similar. I learned French and Latin in school, but I don't use those, so ofc they get rusty. I can get the general meaning out of French texts and I was really good at writing in it, but I don't have any speaking or hearing opportunities, which is the most usual problem when learning languages.
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wolfhowls · 2 years
Purple Noir Week day 4
This Fanfic is part of @purplenoir-week (see their tumblr for details).
Day 4 - Purr
A Purr-fect patrol
When Ladybug asks Purple Tigress to take her place during a patrol (because Marinette is busy preparing a birthday party for Adrien), Juleka discovers by accident the identity of her feline companion, and not only. She finds out how hurt Chat Noir is that Ladybug keeps him in the dark. So, even thanks to the Miraculous lifting her confidence, Juleka decides to help him, like he did when she needed support (Guiltrip). But things aren't as easy as they look…
Miraculous: tales of Ladybug e Chat Noir - Zagtoon, Method Animation, Toei Animation, SAMG Animation, De Agostini Editore, Nelvana, Cartoon Network Studios All rights are reserved to their owners.
"Come on, Alya, I know that you took my place as Scarabella this morning," snaps Marinette, sitting next to her friend on the chaise longue in her room. The floor of the room is covered with multicolored paper chains, which the girls have just finished. On the sewing table is a neatly folded long banner; near the hatch is a box of paper hats and other party decorations.
"But there's something else that worries me about the fight!" continues the bluenette, her serious gaze full of concern. "Someone else was wearing the Black Cat Miraculous. I mean someone other than Chat Noir! And I can't believe you've got no idea who that person was!" She gives Alya another serious look. "I'll have to give Chat Noir a good lecture, you don't just entrust a Miraculous as important as the Black Cat to other people without letting me know first!".
"No, Mari! Mari, Mari, don't get carried away..." begins Alya, holding her by the shoulders. "Chat Noir did nothing wrong! On the contrary, entrusting the ring to someone else was a great idea! Alone I wouldn't have been able to break that chisel. And besides, YOU also entrusted ME with the earrings and..."
Marinette interrupts her, sulking. "Yes, but I trust you, and I had already given them to you once!"
"But you don't know what's happened to Chat Noir AND you don't know whether that girl is his best friend in civilian life, or his sister or whatever, someone that he trusts exactly like you trust me. You're too stiff, give that boy a little confidence!" Alya looks up, trying to remember details of the fight that happened that morning. “However, you're right in one thing. I have absolutely no idea who that girl could be. Because it sure was a girl. Slender, more or less as tall as me. And…she was also very pretty! She was also a really good fighter; it was as if she'd already used a Miraculous before. " The girl stops to think. "But maybe that depends on Plagg...don't know how much of the Black Cat's personality depends on him, even this girl was saying silly puns.."
“Alya, I'm not bothered about what she looked like or whether she punned or not. My concern is why did Chat Noir entrust her with the ring? In almost two years it's never happened. It can't have been the first time that he was, let's say, unable to transform, but now it's the first time he has entrusted the ring to someone," insists Marinette.
"Well, the same can be said about you, in two years it's only happened to you twice. So…" She flashes her a smile. "I think the best thing you can do is ask him."
Marinette looks at her with a confused expression. "You say I'm exaggerating a little?"
"Maybe a little, yeah...Changing subject…do tell. How was it posing with Adrien for the statue?" She rubbed her hands and looked at Marinette expectantly.
“Horrible! That is, not Adrien, he's gorgeous…but Rocheux! Don't misunderstand me, but when he looked at me I felt as if I was...naked...Or maybe it was because of Adrien?" She raises her gaze, blushing. “Anyway when the sculptor asked me to take off my shirt, I almost panicked! I was too embarrassed! Then I told myself that I ended up all over the Internet in my pajamas, what could've been worse than that? So I took it off."
Alya looks at her a little disappointed and Marinette continues, “What is that face? And anyway, you were there too, I can't tell you anything more than what you already saw!"
“Actually you would have a lot to tell me, as Adrien kept whispering things in your ear. And then I saw how he looked at you, or rather how he looked at your tummy…button,” exclaims Alya, jokingly jumping towards Marinette and tickling her. The two girls roll on the floor laughing, then Marinette squeals, breathlessly, “Stop it! Enough! We could ruin the decorations for Adrien's birthday party!"
After catching her breath, Marinette asks her friend, "Did you remember to ask your father for the keys to that warehouse near the zoo?"
"Sure" says the other, waving a bunch of keys at her. "But we've to bring all this stuff there by tomorrow!"
“That's no problem,” explains Marinette. “I can use the yo-yo when I get back from patrol tonight. To make it quicker, I'll ask someone for a favor again. Remember to give the invites to everyone. And tell them not to tell anything to Adrien, please!"
Alya nods and Marinette continues, “Did Nino find the limited edition of the Knightowl action figure? We need it to delay the Gorilla and allow Adrien to come to the party."
"He hasn't answered me yet, I'll see him later," replies the brunette.
Marinette gets up from the floor and begins to put away all the decorations in the box. "Well, then let's carry on with 'Operation Surprise Party'!"
After dinner, Marinette says goodnight to her parents and goes back to her room. At around 11 pm, knowing for sure that her parents are sleeping, she approaches the box, getting ready to transform.
Tikki flies beside her and asks, a bit dubious,“Are you sure you want to bring this stuff with you on patrol? Last time it didn't go very well, with the letter to Adrien."
"Tikki, I already told you. There are no risks, there is only one box, I cannot confuse it "he explains, smiling" You worry too much. But thank you ... now let's go, I even have something else to do! Tikki, spots on!"
Once transformed, Marinette opens the yo-yo and brings it closer to the box, which disappears inside of it. Shortly after, Ladybug knocks again on the porthole of the cabin where Juleka sleeps. The girl looks out from the small opening, and Ladybug notices that she's wearing an oversized purple t-shirt with a neckline that leaves one shoulder uncovered.
The polka-dotted heroine puts her hand over her mouth. “Oh my sorry, Juleka! Were you already sleeping? " she asks.
“Don't worry” replies Juleka, “I was already in bed, but I was still awake, reading.” That said, she takes two steps back and gestures to Ladybug to come in. The red polka dotted superheroine is clinging to the edge of the porthole with her feet resting on the hull. As she slips into the porthole, Juleka turns to close the window. "Do you need another favor, by any chance?"
Ladybug notices that Juleka uses the oversized shirt as a nightgown, and has bare legs and feet underneath it. "As a matter of fact, yes, I do Juleka," explains Ladybug. “You told me that you would have liked to go out on patrol again and there you go, this is your chance! Besides, I also wanted…well…to take advantage of your presence to take a different route than the usual one. I thought we could split up at some point and then meet again at the end. Usually, at this time of the day not much happens on the usual route, and there was all that chaos this morning!"
"Oh, I'm aware of what happened this morning," mutters Juleka, sitting cross-legged on the bed and hiding a smile.
"What did you say?" asks Ladybug.
"Oh, no, nothing!" replies Juleka, “I said that…. Ok, I'm in. And don't worry, I always stay up late and my brother will be back very late, we have at least two hours before anyone will think of checking on me."
Handing the Miraculous bracelet to the other girl, Ladybug says,“Great then! Here we go! Ah, remember that the transformation replaces your clothes with your outfit, but when it ends, you wear again what you wore before you transformed. "
"Ah, ok...Is there something wrong with my clothes?" asks Juleka in a low voice, lowering her gaze.
"Nothing! Just try not to have to recharge Roaar's power on top of the Eiffel Tower in your nightgown! " giggles Ladybug. "I'm always terrified it could happen to me!"
The other looks at her legs. “Hm, good advice! But I don't think it will happen to me." She shrugs and whispers, “Roaar! Stripes on!"
Chat Noir arrives at the meeting point at the same time as the other two and looks amazed at the Purple Tigress. "Hey Tiger, I didn't think I'd see you so soon!" Then he takes her hand and kisses her knuckles softly, while looking at Ladybug. "M'lady, you could have warned me that she was going to be with us!"
Ladybug raises an eyebrow at him. "Why, Chat Noir?"
"Well," he says, "I would've groomed myself a little more, maybe!" He flashes her a toothy smile. "Shall we go, girls?"
"But don't be silly, Chaton, you're always perfectly groomed, aren't you!" comments Ladybug, holding back a laugh.
Chat Noir pretends to be offended. "You wound me, M'lady. Yes, this cat is purr-fect, but there's always room for improvement!" He takes his baton from behind his back and leaps away, announcing, "See you at Notre Dame!"
Ladybug looks at Purple Tigress, shrugging. “Better if we go. Once at Notre Dame, we'll take three different directions and meet back at the zoo."
In a couple of jumps the two girls reach Chat Noir, who has slowed down to wait for them. Then Ladybug manages to go past them, helped by the greater mobility of her yo-yo. The two feline heroes end up standing side by side. "So..." begins Chat Noir, jumping on a chimney "...Was Plagg his usual annoying self, this morning?"
"No, not at all!" says Purple Tigress. "Except when he called me Bangs..."
"From what I've heard, you were great, for being your first time with my Miraculous! And your costume was really cool! " he continues, keeping an eye on Ladybug and on his surroundings at the same time.
"T-thank you..." mutters the girl, remaining a little behind.
Chat Noir realizes that the other is no longer following him closely and waits for her on the terrace of a hotel. When Purple Tigress reaches him, he signals her to wait. “Can I ask you something?" When the girl nodded, he nervously touched the nape of his neck and his gaze ran upwards. "How did I do? I tried to put Marinette at ease, but she was always so nervous."
“W-well, isn't that obvious? You two were half-naked…of course she was nervous!" she replies, spreading her arms up.
“Yeah, but when I did the photoshoot at the pool she wasn't as awkward as that,” he thinks to himself.
"What?" asks an astonished Purple Tigress.
“Yes, it was for a perfume ad. Those damn pigeons! To save money, the advertising company had decided to use pigeons rather than doves, and I'm allergic to pigeons, so it was a real disaster. Marinette was there, no idea why, by the way, but she was in her swimming suit, and she didn't look embarrassed about it. And I was only wearing my swimming trunks," he explains, blushing slightly when a flash comes to his mind, "The umbrella closing on my head...her genuine laughter…"
Purple Tigress looks at him, then shakes her head “Ok, then. Forget it, maybe it was just my impression."
"Yes, but as I went, I saw you were looking at us..." insists Chat Noir, impatient to reach Ladybug who, by now, has surely reached Notre Dame.
"You did very well; it was a good start," says the girl, then she lowers her voice and adds, "even Rose said the same." She gave him a sidelong look.
"Rose?" asks Chat Noir.
"Gah, I should shut my mouth! Now he'll find out that everyone knows about Mari's crush!" panics Juleka. "W-well she was also looking at you, remember?" she says, trying to mislead him.
Chat Noir is thoughtful for a moment. "Well yes...So I wasn't too…weird?"
She shakes her head, a little embarrassed. "Not at all..."
He looks up. "We better go. Come on, Ladybug must be there already!" Chat Noir uses hir baton to jump, then Purple Tigress takes a run and jumps across the street, making a pendulum with her tail tied to an antenna.
The three debrief at Notre Dame and head in different directions, agreeing to meet again at the zoo half an hour later.
While following the agreed path and looking around for possible problems, Purple Tigress thinks about the exchange she just had with Chat Noir. "I would never have thought that having a Miraculous would've helped me...well, I finally got out of my shyness a little...Who knows if even the others feel like this. Adrien, at least, is completely different when he transforms. Even though…I don't know, there's something I can't put a finger on. It's as if he's playing a character when he's Chat Noir and another one when he's Adrien, but he's neither really. It must be the mask: when you wear a mask you're not yourself anyway."
The ears of the Purple Tigress costume turn towards a noise and she is roused from her thoughts: in the street underneath her, someone is shouting. The girl stops to understand where the noise comes from and sees flashing orange lights in an intersection a few meters below her. With a leap, she reaches the roof of one of the buildings and looks out onto the street. Two cars are stopped in the center of the intersection, facing each other. One of the two appears to not have seen the red light at the junction and have hit the back of the other.
The damage does not appear serious and the two drivers do not appear injured. One of them is shouting to the other, “You're an idiot! Didn't you see the traffic lights?"
"Why should I give a damn about the traffic light?" replies the other. "At this hour of the night there's never anyone around anyway!” They are both furious and start insulting each other. Suddenly one of them leans into the boot of his car and comes out holding a wrench, which he waves menacingly against the other.
Purple Tigress sighs, and activating the Miraculous's power, she jumps off the roof, landing on the ground near the two men fighting. She glares at both as she lands on all fours, and pushes her fist into the asphalt, roaring, "CLOUT!" The violence of the punch she gives on the asphalt causes the two drivers to tumble to the ground and the cars involved in the accidents to almost jump up. A couple of parked cars sway in the blast and alarms begin to ring.
The two arguing men end up with their backs to the ground and get up on their elbows, terrified, backing away from the center of the intersection, without understanding what was going on. Purple Tigress stands up, brushes her hair away from her face and glares at them. "Talk to each other instead of arguing!" she growls. "Your cars aren't even damaged. Why are you getting so angry at each other?"
The two look at her, giving her a terrified nod, then they exchange a glance, jumping to their feet. "Yes, of course.." says one, at the same time as the other one says, "You're right".
“Now, Shake hands,” urges them Purple Tigress, her arms crossed over her chest. The two look at her, evidently nervous and start shaking hands very awkwardly. Eventually, a police car arrives from the distance, probably alerted by the tenants of the surrounding buildings.
Juleka thinks, “Well, now the police will take over from me. I better go, or I'll be late!” she thinks, and then mutters,“Good, good,” and with two jumps, she disappears on the roofs, running towards the meeting place with the other two superheroes.
Now within sight of the zoo, Purple Tigress spots the silhouette of Chat Noir coming from the opposite direction to him, and places his feet on the roof in front of the entrance at the same time as the boy. The two exchange a glance and Chat Noir comments "Strange, Ladybug hasn't arrived yet."
She doesn't have time to finish the sentence that the sound of the yo yo wire makes them turn and a slightly breathless Ladybug appears on the roof "Thank goodness I managed to leave the decorations ... I have to tell Alya to have the lock checked He thinks, trying to hide his shortness of breath. "Here I am! Everything OK?"
"Purr-fect, now that you're here!" Chat replies
"Yes, a small car accident but all settled." says Purple Tigress, then whispers "It was enough to scare them a little"
Ladybug nods, catching her breath.
In the distance you can hear a bell ringing a single time, Chat Noir looks at the girls, makes a bow leaning on the stick “Well, it's time to say goodbye. Thanks for my pawsome company! " he says theatrically.
Ladybug takes the yo-yo from her waist, as Chat Noir nonchalantly approaches Purple Tigress and rubs his back on hers, in a very feline gesture.
She whispers, "What are you doing, Chat?"
"What you suggested to me to do," whispers him back.
"But I said to let yourself go as Adrien, I didn't tell you to start flirting with me as Chat!" she whispers again.
"Oh, so you mean that when I'm Adrien, I can do it?" he asks, faking innocence.
"Pff ... I didn't say that!" hisses Purple Tigress.
Ladybug turns towards them, sees what Chat Noir is doung and facepalms with a big sigh.
Purple Tiger stretch an arm behind Chat Noir’s head, scratching him near his ear.
Suddenly, a low rhythmic vibration rises from the boy's throat, his eyes widening in surprise as he hears himself doing it.
Purple Tigress also freezes, takes his hand away and looks at him. "Did you... just....you purred!"
"Wha—? Did I? No way—!" He shields himself by putting his hands out, but the sound from his throat doesn't stop.
Ladybug can't hold back a smile, her arms crossed across her chest.
"Yup! And you're still doing it! Come here, kittykittykitty!” Purple Tigress reaches out to him and scratches his head again in the same place, laughing. An even louder sound comes from Chat Noir's throat as he tries to wriggle out, his face as red as Ladybug's costume. The latter keeps looking at them with her arms crossed.
"Don't make fun of me," he mumbles. "I'm sure that… if I scratch behind your ears…you will make them too, purr ..." and he ends up putting himself in the same position as Ladybug, still all red
"Chat, you should know that tigers, like all big cats, unable to purr. " Ladybug says, sighing in exasperation.
“Come on, Ladybug, it's fun! He's such a…a cat! "
"Are you finished, you two?" exclaims the heroine in red again, sulking
"M'lady, won't you be jealous of me-ow?" asks Chat Noir, winking the eye
"Jealous, me? Not even by idea, mon minou… ”Ladybug replies, her pout transformed into a treacherous smile. "Move, Tiger, after all this kitty has TWO ears!"
“No, what are you doing? No, it's embarrassing! " Chat Noir raises his voice, putting his hands forward, but the two girls have joined him and each is scratching his head behind his ear. "Stop it now...." he starts to protest, then, while the purr is getting stronger, he relaxes "aaah no please… ok keep going on!".
Ladybug and Purple Tigress immediately let him go, exchange glances, and burst out laughing.
Finally, Chat Noir regains control enough to stop purring. "I-I have to go," he announces, looking maybe genuinely sorry about it. "Sweet dreams, girls!" greets, taking the stick to jump on the building opposite.
"We better go too, Tiger, I want to show you something before I go home," exclaims Ladybug, twirling her yo-yo and hooking it to a lamppost. The other girl nods and steps closer, allowing Ladybug to put her arm around her waist and jump.
Thanks to her yo-yo, Ladybug moves faster than the others who can only run and jump. So it takes her only a minute to reach the Eiffel Tower.
As they jump from beam to beam to get to the top, Purple Tigress sees that the fourth sector of her Miraculous starts flashing. "Oh, geez ..." she mumbles under her breath, as she jumps onto the platform at the base of the antenna at the top of the Iron Lady.
“I thought I'd bring you here. To say thank you for your great help today,” explains Ladybug, turning towards the view.
Juleka follows the other girl's gaze and suddenly, the beeping of her Miraculous becomes the least of her worries as her eyes widen in awe and admiration. The view of the city lights all lit up and flickering under the dark sky under the rays of the half-moon is so pretty that it's taking her breath away. It's not every day that you can admire a sight like that. She had already, in the past, gone up the tower to look at the view, but what you could see from the tourist platform was nothing compared to this. This was different…more intimate and wonderful.
A light breeze rises and hits the two girls. "Wow! It's beautiful here, Ladybug," comments Purple Tigress with a faint voice, as her transformation ends making her come back to being Juleka.
But as soon as the transformation ends, Juleka feels the cold metal of the floor under her bare feet, and the chilly breeze on her legs. "Oh, dear," she squeaks.
Ladybug turns seeing the purple glow and finds Juleka hug her waist with one hand and try to prevent the hem of her shirt from rising to reveal her underwear with the other. She sees her crouching down as soon as the sense of surprise fades, but gets even more embarrassed as she does that and realizes that maybe this position flashes even more skin.
Ladybug does try to hold herself together, but she had never seen Juleka so embarrassed and eventually she bursts out in a little laugh. "Juleka, don't say I didn't warn you!"
“L-Ladybug, don't make fun of me, please! I know it's my fault," she says apologetically.
"Don't worry, nobody can see you up here! " comments Ladybug noticing how Juleka kept looking around.
Juleka looks at herself from bottom to top, still in a crouch. "Now h-how am I going home?" she stammers, even more embarrassed as the reality of the situation sinks into her.
Ladybug gives her a serious look, then moves her gaze to the purple kwami who had appeared in a flash of violet as her transformation had faded. "Sorry, Roaar, you'll have to settle for a cookie," she tells it, taking the sweet treat from her yo-yo.
The kwami ​nods, picks up the snack offered by the guardian and starts to eat the cookie. “Don't worry, Juleka, you'll be home again very soon. I like that you were so looking forward to transforming that you did that while in your pajamas, but maybe next time..."
Juleka mumbles something almost incomprehensible that sounds like, "Don't you start too!” Then, she gets up, her arms still wrapped around her middle, and begins to move nervously, looking at her feet.
"I'll need a shower when i get home," he mutters.
Roaar flies in front of her face. “I'm ready! You know the words!” the kwami announces.
“Yeah. Roaar, stripes on!" exclaims the girl, transforming back into Purple Tigress. "Oh, this is so much better," she comments. Then she looks at the shorter girl and sighs. "Sorry, Ladybug, I haven't been very careful this time!"
“Ah, don't worry, Juleka, you're still getting used to all this. The first time I used my power I ended up falling on Chat Noir and tying both up with my yo-yo. Now that was embarrassing,” she says.
Purple Tigress looks at her, eyes wide. "Really?"
Ladybug nods and then asks, "Shall we go?"
The other girl nods and a few minutes later, Purple Tigress slips into the Liberty's porthole, then gives the bracelet back to Ladybug who has remained outside.
"See you soon, Juleka," says Ladybug. "But next time..." She smiles. "...put on a pair of pants!" She winks at her, then zips away, followed by Juleka's soft laugh.
Part 3
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smokinsid · 2 years
The Big Fat Mechanist Build
First thing's first, I didn't make this one. I love making builds, but this build is someone else's baby and it actually taught me a lot about the game. You can watch them show it off here:
That said, I got it down on paper in gw2skills, and added a little bit of my own spice:
The only thing I do here that isn't done in the video is add a second set of pistols, so that I can host a Corruption sigil. This build is hard to kill, and racking up 25 kills with it is easy. So you get your free +250 Condition Damage, swap to your main set of pistols for Burn duration, and you're cooking.
Also not listed is that I use Sharpening Skulls as my utility of choice, and the free Birthday Cake (+40 to all) for food. Since I'm usually the last person to fall in group content, I can get the Feline Fury buff (+75 to all) whenever I pick one of my glassier comrades up.
Also, hi everyone! First post in the tag on my fancy new blog just for Sid!
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8elieveitornot · 5 years
If you want to be entered into this contest to win a once in a life time chance to get winning a gift of a giveaway of
++PLUS 5-15 PAGE ASTROLOGY REPORT BASED ...(the number of pages per report on each file will depend, I will list that at the VERY END)
1) The first thing you need to do to enter thus contest and become one of the 36 winners picked is RIGHT NOW IMMEDIATELY BEFORE YOU READ AHEAD TO THE REST, GET AHEAD OF THE OTHERS AND COMMENT IN THIS POST OR IN MY ASK BOX🔱YOUR EMAIL x✅THAT YOU CAN BE REACHED AT ,✔ xTHE ONE MOST LIKELY xCONNECTED TO MOST OF YOUR xSsocial📳✔media accounts and most definitely either your Google pay email or the one connected to online shopping, hurry, before dome one sits in your seat at number ....GO!
Then when you've finished commenting to your entry of your email for this Mega March Madness Giveaway Free Tarot Mail E-mails ..random rambling sorry, okay back on track hey, like and be following this page which is my main focal imaginary Deity angelic worshipper , Fae the Witch, aka 66FaeWixnyxx99, aka just Faeona , or as the blog says
Www.earthangelicfaeona.tumblr.com = EarthAngelFaeona the Crystalballer&EarthAngelEnergy Medieval Erxa XEsoteric Monster Grrl
I will be counting and writing down all of the entries , and then I will, be by email notifying the BIG WINNERS of their contribution to the network called Tarotscape's Shoppè
I know I really ramble ALOT ALOT, I cannot help it legit, I have a brain disorder and I do not have my handy dandy editor and chief executor to modify my talented tweets down
And calm down my postings on tumblr.com (edit the shit out of like every damn post I make ) or he sometimes just types while I talk my shit and get my post out that way that way I get to ramble on a bit more than the average bear without the wear and tear , grab your goggles and gear, get a beer , cuz it's time to skin the deer! Holy woods rain deers and new years cheers , It's my next point I'm about to make, yip , it's right about, below this sentence, right here's!
2) Next go to this page and follow it and like, like all of its like three or gout max posts, lol , and hey, imma be checking these details down to the nine you know, and I got two other ppl helping me count people and record the email entries that are entered , so I can let you guys know when the contest is over with and WHO won !! And I will let the 10 first picked emails know that they've won a chance to be featured in a special article , on a blog that's gunna get major traffic , yeah, likes and follows for yoou! Because this person (secret 4 now) will be subbing their page as an advertising docket for your blog to be linked in the description of the feature , and there's a secret surprise that goes along with this part!! Not telling yet! Wait until you win and get the notification of winning email gratitude attitude notifying buzz le
I'm hyper lol but im so tired though, i wanna go to bed, that remibds me 10million-th random moment in this post is about to happen yup, ok, so you guys need to listed to Bhad Bhabie 💜💚I forget the correct spelling of her H in this mix , but with what I wrote if you Google that or YouTube this name I put there, thent she will come up I promise you ....
here's the main big page for the rules on this contest okay guys ! 🆕🆕🆔🆙📶🔟🆗🆓🆒
Like+follow the rulebook plus leave a snazzy nice fit review or rating on my blog to depict my talents THUS FAR #DIVINATION #ASTROBLOGGER #ASTROPOSTS Www.faqxreq.tumblr.com
Advisor Ratings and Reviews can be posted on this page as well , so you can in fact rate and give me a good review if you want ⚠another⚠additional ⚠entry☠to the contest at absolutely NO COST 🔛ℹ 2you
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This here is a one page sample of what's going to be included in the few report that includes only your personalized experiences towards this particular retrograde of Jupiter🌐⚓🆓🔠🔢⚃ ♾⛾⚁⚩🔟⚀⚅⚅⚅☧
To get this great offer plus the free totally unique poster size XL size printing of your personalized graphgy wheelie a le Natal or Birth chart , however you want to call it, it's definitely YOURS TO KEEP, FOREVER, FOR A KEEPSAKE YOU CAN FRAME OR JUST SIMPLY HANG ON YOUR WALL IN YOUR BOUDOIR OR YOU CAN PUT IT INTO YOUR PERSONAL film photo album from when you were a young child, this is a keepsake memory that Zis Very much YOU too, so cherish it pleaseeeeee! And hey , it's gunna be printed on scrapbooky looky type Book of Shadows hard paper card stock and it has a simple earthreal touch to it, the vines and leaves on the outer edge of the border print. This truly is something that's actually worth the wait in the snail mail , yes you heard me correct, I am getting these reports , well partials the main event the Natal Chart will be sent right to your house from my small Lil Tarotscape Shoopè called sometimes 50shades of Fortune and Fate, or f8.
This guy that's helping out Divinaexleven doing the finallè of final record winning entries to be published on www.horodcopes.com
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cabaltera · 5 years
The Girl from Bauko
a short story by an Ilocano writer.
BAUKO IS a remote mountain town up in the wilds of the Cordilleras. It is some five thousand feet above sea level, and thick fog covers the towering mountain slopes every day, even in mid-summer, and the golden sun hardly be seen at high noon.
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Of all stories - love stories - worth remembering my Father told me, not one can surpass the poignant story of a ravishing and winsome mountain lass by the name of Maila.
Maila was a Kankanay, one of the principal tribes of mountain Province. Indeed, Maila was a bundle of unsurpassed pulchitrude and vivacity, possessing a pair of bewitching dimples in her rosy checks, deep as the ravines surrounding her father's luxuriant mountain clearing up in Bauko.
The epic story of World War II would be incomplete and colorless without this beauteous mountain lass Maila, Father would tell me with a sparkle in his eyes, because Maila was everything to him during those dismal , difficult years of enemy occupation.
Father was a guerillero during the war. He was not a professional soldier, he repeatedly told me, since before the outbreak of the Pacific War he was still young, vibrant and innicent, and was bent on his studies at the U.P. in Padua Faura.
Those days were the golden days of the Commonwealth under the tutelage of the charismatic political leader, Manuel L. Quezon. Padre Faura then was quiet and shady with giant acacia trees, branching towards the sky on both shoulders of the street, affording cool shades for the boisterous groups of colegialas heading towards the big and spacious corridors of the State University and the Ateneo.
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Father joined the army probably because of compulsion of maybe he was afraid of those slit-eyed Japanese soldiers. In the mid-thirties, the cream of the Filipino manhood was called to undergo compulsory five-and-a-half-mo the training in a care all over the islands; Father was among them, although he opted to take summer infantry training in Camp Murphy, the premier army camp I those days.
Prewar trainees and cadets of the ROTC units of Manila's colleges, were on the list of the Japanese Empire and sure death was the penalty for being one of them.
Why and how bphe came to Bauko, he did not tell me, but guerilla rose in those difficult years lived anywhere in the wilds of Northern Luzon.
Perhaps the dense mountain growths of the Cordillera ranges provided safe sanctuary for them. They were wanted by the Japanese forces for sure and once the were caught, they were herded like animals to a monkey house with grills and baked under the burning sun to be skinned alive or tortured to death by all kinds of painful methods as by bayonet thrusts, merciless clubbings and by water cure. Japanese soldiers were no better than barbarians in Marco Polo time.
"I had a co-guerillo by the name of Lacuasan," Father would recall. "This man Lacuasan was as my age and was a native of sturdy Kankanay stock. Most of the time he wore a g-string and was armed with a hatchet and a spear. He had a perfect physique, with bulging muscles throughout his whole anatomy -- easily he could have competed with Charles Atlas or Henry Liederman.
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Lacuasan was a runner, a courrier, of the famed 66th Infantry, the guerrilla outfit composed of mountain tribes -- fierce-looking Kalingas and half-civilized Bontocs and Ifugaos, much-feared headhunters of the mountain provinces. Lacuasan was fast moving in spite of his size Climbing treacherous and slippery trails like a deer, he knew every bend and waterhole in the vast plateaus of Bauko.
The 66th Infantry was commanded by a greying American officer, Major Parker Calvert, a West Pointer, who refused to follow the surrender orders of General Wainwright following the fall of Corregidor.
It was Lakuasan who invited Father to his mountain clearing atop a lonely knoll in Bauko. The hut he owned was a small one, surrounded by a wide swath of camote patch; around the hut were chayote vines laden with fruits. Below the clearing was a picturesque valley where a meandering river curled it's way with water sparkling with foam and the pine trees roared when the north wind passed by.
"I believe you feel sad and lonely," Lacuasan told Father. Although Father carried a higher Rankin their outfit, Lacuasan simply called Father by his nickname, Andy. Father liked it that way.
There was evening when Father and Lacuasan spent their time keeping away the seeping cold and wetness of Bauko weather by sipping tapey, the homemade rice wine of the natives.
This liquor was made with fermented rice, sweet varietals of the upland strains, sprinkled with binubudan, powdered rice with crushed ginger and yeast. Some was fermented and brewed using sweet upland corn.
"Have you ever visited our ulog before, Andy?" Lacuasan asked, his eyes sparkling like two tiny stars. Father shook his head, his curly hair waving in the cool breeze like young bamboo swaying with the wind in an August storm. Father at the time looked like a Robinson Crusoe, marooned on a lonely island in the South Pacific. He had gone a year without a haircut and was looking shabby with a long beard that covered the contours of his mouth.
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"Come," Lacuasan said, "let's pay a visit!" The ulog was a square matchbox construction of bamboo, wood, and cogon with no opening except for a door to one side and reached by a movable staircase used by the maidens of Bauko every night. Here these young unmarried girls would sleep. Young boys, barely in their teens, frequented the ulog in the evenings to express their love to the maidens whom attracted them the most. If the young girl favors a relationship, she'd invite the boy to come up where they'd sleep together using a common pillow made of hardwood as big as the girl's thigh.
Sexual contact was strictly forbidden and a boy had better think twice before making ungentleman like advances towards the girl he loves. Bauko's young men are well disciplined so that mashing and even kissing and petting are absolutely taboo.
Lacuasan had to brief Father before an encounter with the girl he planned to date overnight. At first, Father was uneasy because he was completely ignorant of the customs of the places. But, with much tapey in his blood, he regained his courage and bravado.
Young Filipinos, they say, are fast lovers and Father did not find it hard to start. That was how he came to meet Maila. To him, Maila appeared a different breed from the rest of the girls; she was clean and neat and properly dressed in the native costume. Her hair carried a special scent like the ilang-ilang flower nipped as a bud, and a carnation petal adorned her way brownish hair. Her skin was flawless, reddish-white, and she looked like a goddess standing atop a boulder caressed by the sweet mountain air.
Maila was a half-breed, American blended with Igorot blood. Before the Great Wr she was a senior in a high school ran by Belgian sisters in Baguio. She spoke English fluently with an accent, and it was not long before Father learned that this mountain beauty was indeed very bright and intelligent. Father also found out that she was a student writer, the editor of her school paper, The Baguio Breeze.
Father was deeply impressed during the first meeting with Maila. From the start, Father enjoyed her company because, besides being a good conversationalist, she was adept at literature and could recite pieces of classic poetry from Walt Whitman to Tagore. Father fell in love with Maila on that first evening, their very first encounter.
Maila laughed loudly when father proposed to her. "You're a lowlander," she said. "I hail from a land above the clouds. How can that be possible? Shal, I stoop so easily li,e a giant from the sky to love a man from a civilized world? I'm of Igorot stock, looked down on by you lowlanders."
"No, we can never meet, " she signed heavily. The dimples in her cheek sparkled like bonfire and were very attractive in my Father's sight. "You forget that we come from two different worlds, two different spheres."
A big lump in Father's throat rendered him speechless. He knew he loved Maila and nothing would keep him from loving her more He was the type who never ran from a fight. He came from a family of hardworking peasants, unafraid to face adversity or anything that taunted his pride, courage, and honor. Now was his chance to try his luck in love. Maila was the answer to his dreams and imagination.
"Love has no boundaries, Maila," Father replied, "No, not even gaps in culture, origin, heritage, creed, skin or social status are barriers to it." Maila stared at Father hard and long. She smiled shyly and Father understood that Maila loved him too. She then stood up and muttered, " Andy, here in Bauko, we possess a priceless tradition of honor. If a suitor defeats a girl in a selected competition then she is conquered. Tomorrow, as soon as the great sun rises in the east, challenge me to a race. We wil, run uphill." She pointed to a treeless hill not far from where they stood.
"I gladly accept your challenge, Father replied, his voice a little louder than usual.
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The early morning was murky in Bauko. Thick fog enveloped Lacuasan's hut atop the knoll. All around, there was an endless sea of mist. In high spirits , Father trodden the dewy grass like a colt prancing in pasture. The sun shone metallic dull and it's faint beams peeped through a thin veil of mist in the eastern horizon. He stared at the sunflowers and carnations scattered in abundance over the slopes of the Bauko mountainsides.
Maila appeared suddenly at the base of the barren hill where the race was to be held. Lacuasan was to draw the starting line. Pulling his pistol from a leather holster tucked in his waist, he advised the competitors to be ready and with the bark of his gun they were to climb the hill as fast as they could.
When the gun barked, Maila darted towards the summit like a frightened deer, her legs appeared like rapid clogs spiking furiously upwards. Meanwhile, Father sped up like a jet hitting fist-sized boulders with lightening ferocity. Father knew he was exhibiting now his prowess in the century race back in his high school years when he romped away with a gold medal in the pre-war national athletic meet in Manila. The Bauko beauty gasped for breath but she was no match for the lowlander, this soldier of fortune who had drifted up to the Bauko highland to hide from Japanese hounds.
"I surrender to you, Andy," Maila calmly admitted, breathing hard. "I didn't know you were a sprinter for the first caliber." She knelt down to catch her breath.
"And so?"
"Of course, the jog is up and I am now yours," was the curt reply. That was how Father won the the heart of Maila. Gasping for breath, Father walked slowly towards her. Clutching her by the shoulders, he gazed into her eyes. They held hands as they ascended a promontory. At the summit stood a solitary pine tree casting it's shade over a clean boulder. Here they sat together.
The sun now shone clearly and resplendent. The flowers around them bid a joyous celebration. Lacuasan followed them and congratulated both victor and vanquished and to Father for winning the heart of the fastest girl in Bauko.
IN EARLY DECEMBER, a runner from Volckmann's headquarters up in Kapangan visited the two guerrilleros. He handed Father a field order instructing them to report to headquarters for further duty as the forces of General MacArthur were fast approaching the beaches at Lingayen. In January, the liberation forces tangled with the Japanese army everywhere in Luzon. The Allied Forces surrounded the enemy in the mountain provinces by placing the infantry divisions to route Yamashita's forces holed up in Kiangan. Father and Lacuasan returned to their respective outfits to join the bloody encounters with Japanese soldiers in Bessang, Lepanto, and Kayan, the last being but a stone's throw from Bauko. In late August, the Americans issues an ultimatum to Yamashita's forces to surrender. That after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki where thousands of Japanese were killed by atomic bombs. Yamashita had to surrender unconditionally.
The GIs boarded the jeep with Lacuasan at the wheel. Father waved at the Bauko beauties as the jeep moved away. Maila and the others waved back. He caught Maila's eyes supplicating. She had not stopped crying since their hands parted in a muted farewell. Looking back once more, he thought he saw Maila's lips, parted, imploring him to return. But the jeep made a sharp turn at the fork in the road and they were met by a strong wind from the vegetable fields lining the road, accentuating the fact that the poblacion was already behind them.
With the surrender of the wily Tiger of Malaysia and his forces, after the last prisoners of war were settled in camps in the lowlands, Father and Lakuasan hurriedly left for Bauko for a brief respite. Maila and her friends arranged a homecoming celebration for the two soldiers. That night the moon was big and round and the cool Bauko air hovered over the schoolhouse where the lively event was to be held.
On a clear Sunday morning, after the sun had dissipated the thick fog enveloping the Bauko skyline, Maila and her friends stood in front of the schoolhouse to bid Father and Lacuasan goodbye. The two GIs had a new assignment somewhere in La Union.
"Of course, I shall return," Father calmly told Maila, clutching her cold hands tightly. His lips quivered and Maila, shaking with grief, placed a lei of fresh everlasting flowers over Father's neck. She was sobbing so hard as Father consoled hee by lightly patting her back.
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This short story is authored by Yolanda V. Ablang taken from Ilocano Harvest (a collection of short stories in English by Ilocano Authors). Edited by Pelagio Alcantara and Miguel S. Diaz. Published by New Day Publishing, 1988, in Quezon City.
Photos are not mine, but taken from the Internet, including australianmuseum.net.au
Additional editing done by myself.
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Yay requests are open! I love your hesdcanons! I'm sorry if you've already been asked, but can you do headcanons for the Libra Boys with a mangaka S/O? Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!! ;w;I’ve never done this one before actually! (At least I don’t think so aha)This reminds of of gsnk lol
If his s/o had any of their works published, he’d love to read it!
Klaus would also be interested in how his s/o’s work process goes, since it’s not everyday where you get to see how manga is made.
Whenever his s/o is scrambling to get stuff done before a deadline, he’ll make them so relaxing tea so they won’t stress out too much~ (or maybe coffee if that’s what s/o prefers lol)
Anytime Klaus sees his s/o drawing and working, he’ll always give them this look that says, “You can do it!”
Kissing his s/o occasionally when his s/o drawing. Even more so when his s/o is stressing, in an effort to help get the stress off their mind. He’ll try not to make his s/o mess up whenever they’re drawing of course~
He loves to see his s/o draw, especially when they draw people aha. It just amazes him to know that his s/o is able to draw and publish their works.
If there’s anything that’s related to his s/o, like their manga(s), Klaus gets it. S/o probably doesn’t know that Klaus has an entire collection of their manga (if published) and probably merch of their characters and all.
Steven is probably gonna see his s/o stay up late due to deadlines, so he’ll stay up a bit with them to keep them company (or he’s also doing work and they’re both pulling an all nighter together (GET S L E E P)
He’d be amazed at how his s/o is able to draw so well, and how they make their manga. Steven would love to see how their work process is when his s/o has to make a panel or maybe an action scene aha
Steven can honestly relate to his s/o whenever he sees them stress about their deadlines. When any of those come up he’s already got some coffee and a massage ready for them. Little sayings of encouragement and “I love you”s are also included.
You bet he’s gonna kiss his s/o while they’re drawing. He’ll feel really bad if he accidentally made his s/o mess up though :(
S/o might remind Steven of himself if s/o draws and tries to work out stories for long periods of time. With that comes Steven being touch starved and him telling his s/o that they’ve worked for too long and they need to r e s t.
Leo would find it so amazing that his s/o is one of those people who make manga, since I’m sure he must’ve flipped through a few comics and manga whenever he goes to the bookstore aha.
Whenever his s/o is trying to finish maybe a chapter of their manga before a deadline, he’ll bring some food to help his s/o make it through (and maybe some Red Bull-). Will tell his s/o that he believes in them and that they can do it, even though he’s blushing a little the entire time he says it aha
Comforting hugs after his s/o has had a long day of drawing and everything else related to being a mangaka. I’m sure it isn’t easy being one of course.
Honestly Leo maybe flips through some of his s/o’s manga that’s in the store possibly and all of a sudden when he’s reading he sees his s/o mention him in the little author’s section, talking about how Leo encouraged them to keep on going and how he brought food over to them (since food I imagine is very much needed by s/o if they’re going to work for long periods of time without eating). He practically m e l t s right when he reads that.
Also tries to buy things related to his s/o’s manga(s). If he sees his s/o’s manga in a book store it’s a definite yes that he’ll buy it if he doesn’t have it (hopefully s/o might have copies of their own published manga to give to Leo aha)
Zapp feels like his s/o is a magician with how they draw. Even if s/o says they aren’t exactly the best, Zapp honestly says that they draw beautifully, no matter what.
Will look over his s/o shoulder to see what his s/o is drawing. He’ll be very surprised to see a message that maybe says, “I love you but I’m trying to work :) (I still love you though)”
Random kisses when his s/o is working lol
Since s/o is a mangaka, Zapp has an idea of what kind of stuff to get his s/o. The holy grail, art supplies. Most likely ink and copic markers lol. Watch his jaw drop when he goes to an art shop and looks at the prices.
He’d be so proud of his s/o whenever he sees any of his s/o’s work advertised anywhere or if his s/o has any published manga. It makes him happy to see that his s/o’s hard work is out there for people to see~
Zed would be mesmerized by how his s/o is able to draw all of their characters, the backgrounds, everything.
At one point he sees his s/o drawing on maybe a tablet or paper, and he can’t help but think how amazing and hard working is his s/o is.
Zed hates it whenever any of his s/o’s deadlines come up, since that’s when his s/o probably goes full throttle and occasionally overexerts themselves. This is when he makes tea and helps his s/o relax since he doesn’t want to see his s/o totally destroyed by the end of the deadline. Also gives his s/o comforting hugs whenever he sees that they’re stressed.
Definitely reads his s/o’s manga and buys it. Zed would love to see what kind of story his s/o draws. He might become an unofficial editor and adviser of his s/o when it comes to the story of the manga aha
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