#I'm discouraged and unmotivated </3
oraclekleo · 1 year
Hello, my dear followers!
I'm sorry for not posting new content these days.
The fact is that several factors piled up and I feel so completely unmotivated to continue posting.
I highly appreciate the ones who keep interacting with me (there are a few of you but trust me, I know and I love you for your activity here).
On the other hand, my poll showed that majority of my followers don't ever reblog content or that people feel uncomfortable rebloging 18+ content. Not gonna lie to you, it hurts when someone likes to read your content but feel ashamed for it.
I can understand this for sure. I can also understand that in the current world, I'm not gonna be motivated through tips either. Perfectly understandable.
However, I feel genuinely discouraged by the fact majority of my followers don't even leave a comment of feedback on my readings. There are many readings I have done for idols or celebs I personally don't follow and I have specifically asked for any type of feedback to know whether I have been anywhere near accurate and there was no response.
I understand that you guys feel embarrassed rebloging my content. It's fine. I mean, you will hopefully mature in time so you don't feel ashamed for what you like but it might take years for you to get there.
I understand nobody has the funds to support content creators through tips.
But what harm would it be if you actually gave feedback? Anonymous one can't be traced back to you. What is your excuse here? Because I have mentioned it million times that feedback means everything to any content creator. By not providing one, you show you don't care for other people's feelings and their hard work and efforts.
Don't get me wrong! I don't mind if your feedback comes a year after I have posted something. The time isn't important to me and I'm so very grateful to everyone who actually gives feedback and interacts with me.
I have over 1000 followers and even if half of them were bots, it's still sad I usually get feedback and interactions from 10-15 people here.
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You need to understand one thing - Tarot is my hobby. I do it for my own pleasure, yes. But that doesn't apply to posting on Tumblr. I can continue doing tarot readings but without any increase in support through feedback, I might simply stop posting on Tumblr. It takes my time and energy. And the reciprocity here is not adequate as of now.
Yes, this is my blog and I carry the 99% of responsibility for it but there's that 1% that falls onto you, guys. It's feedback. Give feedback. Show you actually appreciate what I do. And if you don't like my content, then it's also fine. Let me know. I'll just stop spamming your feed if that's what's demanded from me. 😊
This doesn't apply only to me. If you are merely a content consumer (you don't create your own content), have the basic human decency and show the content creators you care and you appreciate their hard work. Can you imagine what would happen if all of the content creators just went on a strike? Can you imagine being left with your own thoughts instead of keeping your brains distracted with PACs, fanfics and other types of entertainment?
Be a good person and support your favourite content creators!
Thank you!
Kleo 🦄
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cyborg-franky · 1 year
I'm very behind on my inbox and I let alot of things slide.
Basicly I got unmotivated, sick, busy, sick again then I was discouraged from this blog because I felt like I just didn't get the anons or the engagement I used to and I don't mean notes. Just everything in-between.
My mental health got bad, very bad and recently my pshycal health had been difficult due to my chronic illness and then a cold.
I'm still debating a return because I just don't know if I have as much in me as I used to.
I want to return for the spooky season at the least. I didn't mean to just vanish though. Sorry guys <3
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the-rocket-scientist · 11 months
Apology about Inktober
It's kind of lengthy, but I want you guys to read this entire thing to the end.
Okay, I know. I know. I have not posted anything after the 7th prompt of Inktober. Here is why. So apparently my school went "HAHA, YOU DOING INKTOBER? TOO BAD, YOU GET TO HAVE TESTS FOR 2 WEEKS" and I have been studying for those tests ever since. And it was not fun, as some of them I did well, and some of them I didn't despite how much I focused on them. I'm not the smartest nor the talented, so I really tried to focus, I didn't even do Inktober just for this since some people around me discouraged me from doing this. And perhaps I shouldn't have done it, but here I am as a human with nothing but full of regret.
Now the results came out, and regardless of how trashy I felt I realized another problem.
I was unmotivated, and extremely behind. I am 22 prompts behind and completely dead. There is no way I can crunch all of this within 3 days, especially with my shitty time management, so tell you what.
I won't finish Inktober within October.
I know, completely defeats the purpose. But I'm going to try and at least finish it, instead of leaving it unfinished and abandoned like how 90% of my projects are right now. If I don't, then I don't. Because I also have to finish the Mandela Catalogue Rolling Girl animation. Since the animations are coming out extremely blurry due to small canvases, I will have to reanimate most of the entire frames. So yes, I know I probably can't keep up, but I'll do my best.
I'm so sorry for letting you all down. I feel like I can't go on, since I know I'm letting my own promise down. But I saw others supporting me, and I want to go on not because of my own promise, but now solely for you all. I know that if others are involved, I know I'll actually pull myself and finish. So I'll try and keep going on with my own promise for you and me in my mind.
Thank you for reading this, and I hope you can forgive me.
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konigsblog · 5 months
omg im awake for orla askbox hours wowowowo this isn't an ask at all just a lil message of support that I've wanted to send<3 I luv ur writing SO MUCH orla, like your writing has lowkey shaped how I write about konig to my friend and I eat your shit UPPPP every time UGHH <3 <3 yea but that's really it, thank you for being a PHENOMENAL writer and keeping me fed, keep up the good work ! :D I'm excited to see everything coming up soon >:3
AGH, thank you for these lovely words, my dearest !! i appreciate you being so kind and i'm happy to hear that you're enjoying my work :'3 it makes it all worth it to hear your lovely, thoughtful words. 🫂🪽💐
sometimes i feel a little unmotivated or discouraged from my work, but these kind messages always motivate me and make it all worth it. occasionally i find it hard to believe that so many people enjoy my filthy, dirty work ... (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) 💗
sending you my hugs and kisses, my sweetness !! take care of yourself. 🪽 <3
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 10 months
dolly, ily so very much so dearly. i'm so sorry people have been shitty toward you. and i'm sorry that our comfort space has turned so negative lately. i'm always here if you need anything and ive got your back! please don't let some bad apples ruin this space for you. i enjoy your writing so very much! i love your smuts and honestly think they're so very refreshing! see you again was one of the first ffm fics ive read on here, and one of my favs. i hate to see you get so unmotivated and discouraged by a few negative ppl, pls don't waste your talent bc of them, im always here <3
Emmy🥺 this is so fucking sweet genuinely I’m going to cry, coming from you it means a lot. I love your writing, it’s so fucking good and you’re one of my favs. Your smut is fucking immaculate fr. I really needed to hear this, it made me feel so much better. I’m sorry too, that it’s been so negative lately. I just want to talk about fictional dick and thirst lol thank you for reminding me that there’s still tons of good people on here despite the few that aren’t. I appreciate you, I’m always here for you too! Also how much you love See You Again makes me SO HAPPY, that’s my personal favorite fic of mine and how much you love it makes me love it even more.🖤🖤
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darlinguistics · 11 months
i feel like i should give a little update on the aba therapy saga ive been in lol. i hope theres at least some people who care about this because it sure has taken up a lot of my mental energy lately
i have officially exhausted all the contacts at my school that i could think of/find to ask about ABA therapy (ive just been asking for any insight they had at all lol). the most successful response i got was a psych phd who fully agreed with me and reassured me of the things i already was pretty sure about (aba being harmful essentially) but it helped to hear it from an actual higher-up academic directly. however, despite reassuring me they also told me that it is incredibly systemic and even their own research has been limited by admin even at my own school because there are people in charge who benefit from ABA and the autism industrial complex and theres kinda nothing to be done there. it was overall incredibly discouraging and encouraging at the same time. im glad to know there are other people who are angry and fighting this (she linked me to a book and some other contacts) but im also even more disgusted by capitalism and academia than i already was. but ive at least pushed through my funk of just feeling super unmotivated and now im back to being angry and obnoxious about it <3
on a personal level, i havent been very active because honestly this whole situation took a toll on me mentally and emotionally more than i expected it to, and i already struggle with mental illness so this was kinda the final straw and ive been breaking down and trying to pick myself back up the past couple weeks or so. but im steadily getting back to myself, trying to take it one day at a time. but ngl it was a bit scary for a second there lol.
i'm gonna be reading more about this once the book i bought gets delivered and i might end up talking to some more people, theres someone from my hometown who i might reach out to. but for now i think things are slowing down with all this cuz theres kinda nothing left to do :/ aside from get educated ! thanks to anyone who read any of these posts i genuinely appreciate it cuz i needed all the strength i could get during all of this, so thank you :)
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Hey op! Just wanted to say you shouldn’t get discouraged cause your work its similar to someone else's!! I would love to see your version of fleo going to the past, cause even if other people did it, every version is unique! Personally, the more the merrier, be proud of your art! :)
You guys are literally so sweet i-
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I had made that post as a vent, I've been feeling really unmotivated/burnt out writing lately and that story I had started seemed to become so popular that I,,,was worried that it wouldn't be worth it anymore?
Anyways, I wasn't expecting anyone to respond to it but people did and you're all so kind😭😭 it really is encouraging me to finish it, and I'm thinking of posting it as well, if not for the fandom then at least for myself <3
Seriously, thank you anon, I really appreciate your kind words❤❤ this fandom is so supportive and kind to people and especially its creators, it's so nice to see <33
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lucreciaart · 2 years
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Siren’s song
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trafalgar-law-ask · 3 years
I hope this helps💕💕
Hey it's gonna be ok, things like this happen feeling dissapoinment in ur own creation is something that many artist and writters suffer and its totaly fine. As a artist myself i know what u mean sometimes it just feels like I could do SO MUCH better if I practiced enough it sucks but it is part of doing something even as a hobby.
But try not to beat urself about it remeber there are people that enjoy ur stuff and giggle for it. It can even make someone's whole day better :D
And besides ur content gives me serotonin.....serotonina? Zeeeero-tin-ing????? That shit that the brain produces to make us happy, ur blog gives me that (Idk how to spell LOOOOL 😆😆😆)
And U make Law look hot in ur artstyle. Idk why but seeing characters with cigarrates makes me go:
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Idk if this helps but I want at least give a lil smile for it and remember that there's always light in the dark.
Hope u have a wonderful time uwu💕💕💕
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Thank you very much to everyone who spoke nice words of support to me when I felt very discouraged, I really appreciate it ♡♡♡
(I thinks that, endorphin is the hormone of happiness, dopamine and oxytocin of ''love'' and pleasure and serotonin helps you to be relaxed and calm... I think it is something like that, haha)
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chordsykat · 3 years
I Wanted to know about learning a little bit of guitar and since this is the only website that lets me be anonymous and you're the only person I know for sure plays.... well I am asking you about that!
Ah, sure! Fair warning, though. My musical makeup goes something like this in order of proficiency:
Vocals > Bass > Guitar
I'm one of those people who has had music training that's mostly centered on voice-work. Until my 20's, I only ever dabbled in guitar, and I am extra-SUPER-BONUS weird in that I sought out serious tutorship on bass guitar before I pursued learning via instruction a regular guitar.
In reality, they're not too dissimilar and I think guitar is especially accessible to new players. That said, here are my recommendations if you want to learn how to play guitar:
1. You can learn electric things by playing an acoustic, and you can learn acoustic things by playing an electric BUT do yourself a favor and buy the instrument you want to learn on.
Listen, the reason you want to play an instrument is probably because it sounds cool! And, spoiler alert -- an electric guitar sounds different than an acoustic. Get the one you want. They have both at all price-points and that includes any extra gear you might need like amps, capos and cables to get you started. Don't believe anyone who says you should learn one over the other. Some people who became frustrated with the acoustic guitar's action (how hard it is to press down the strings) found an electric, easier. Conversely, people who don't want to plug in all the time, might find the ease of portability in an acoustic much more to their liking. The point is -- they both have benefits and drawbacks, so get the one you want to play or you will risk feeling unmotivated to play.
2.a. Play every day. Even if it's just for five minutes. 2.b. Get a stand or find a stable corner and keep the guitar out of its case.
Want to get good? That's all you have to do. Practice. Even a little. Even if you think you're not doing anything for yourself. Make the guitar easily accessible. Make it so you can't walk into the same room with it and not think about picking it up. Creative drive dies when getting set up becomes a pain in the ass. Got a second? Go get the guitar. Waiting for a patch to download? Guitar. Watching a show? Run some scales on the guitar or practice picking patterns. Make everyone think you're weird for how often you have the dumb thing in your hands.
3. Don't get discouraged if you try out The Song You're Guaranteed to Play on Day One™ and can't do it even on day thirty-one.
Everyone learns at a different pace. Maybe you fucking hate that song. Try a different one. You're not going to be motivated by stuff that doesn't sound good (see point 1). Or maybe don't play songs at all. Maybe you're more of a technique/methodical learner. Maybe running some scales or repetitions of string crosses or picking are more your thing? Try that! Fuck that song. Then, don't be surprised if you come back to it after you've actually enjoyed playing something, and can nail it.
4. Don't think you need to learn theory inside and out to be any good.
Learning how to sound good and have a good time should be your priority. Even after you've been at it for a while. Theory is there for you, but only if you run into a problem with how you're sounding.
5. Remember that an instrument is a lifelong pursuit.
No matter how good you are, you will always want to get better, if you're getting real fulfillment out of a creative endeavor.
All that being said, here are my recommendations for good places to start learning:
Marty Music -- Marty Schwartz has been around forever, which means he's probably almost as old as me! :) He offers a lot of great stuff in his courses, but you can also catch him on YouTube where a beginner will have lots to choose from, for free! Great for beginners, intermediates, and advanced players -- so you can grow with the program.
Yousician -- If you want to play Guitar Hero with a real guitar and you have a cell phone or computer, you should try Yousician. There's lots at the free level, but if you subscribe to Premium, you can learn a lot of licensed tracks. Good for building confidence and learning a song at different levels of proficiency. For guitar, bass, vocal, and a bunch of other instruments -- pick your fave.
BassBuzz -- You want to learn bass instead? Josh Fossgreen is probably the best bass teacher on the internet. His Beginner to Badass course is a great primer for new bassists, and his forum is one of the friendlist out there. Like Marty, he has a lot to offer for free on Youtube, as well!
Talking Bass -- Maak (translated from British, Mark) Smith is another excellent bass teacher with a lot of content on his site, but lots of focus on intermediate and advanced techniques. A lot of bassists who did the Beginner to Badass course with Josh graduate to Talking Bass. Does he offer free lessons on Youtube? You bet he does.
So I hope that helps, anon! Or whoever takes the time to read this. :) Hope you get into it and really enjoy the process -- and please let me know if you do!
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carateum · 2 years
Guys, this is Important ...I guess?
Long time no see ahah... First I want to apologize for not updating and not answering your asks but I was terribly unmotivated.
Recently, I wrote the first chapter of the Butterfly Serie, I put my soul writing the chapters and nobody seems to care about this series, it's really discouraging, why would I write about a dozen of chapter with each 1500 words(by members) if nobody read ? I know, I'm writing because I like it but I also write for people to read, if nobody read my fics I don't see the point of continuing.
Maybe it's my fault, I decided to write it for a not really famous group (Cravity) and I'm pretty sure that if I'd wrote that for a more famous group I could have had more reactions. I read a lot a fics and some of them were kinda bad (it's not an insult, everyone need to improve, my fics aren't perfect too) but, since the group is famous, there was a lot of reactions.
I won't stop writing because I like that but I'll stop the butterfly serie also, I'll take the time to answer the asks, after that, asks will be closed. And please, if you like a fic (not only mine) comment,like and share. <3
Also ! I saw many writers with anons/people interacting with them and I would love to have people to interact with :) I also want to keep telling what I think about some situations.
Sorry I put the tags of the groups I write for-
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cinefairy · 2 years
hi cinefairy! i got my gcse results and i failed maths :( how should i deal with this? i'm starting sixth form and I really want to manifest a better school life and for my resit to go well but I'm feeling extremely unmotivated and discouraged because of my grade, what do you think I should do? <3
well, what would you think if your resit went well? now think those thoughts! you’re allowed to feel like crap and unmotivated but at the end of the day your desire is yours.
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stuckinthe00s · 3 years
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I posted 1,439 times in 2021
103 posts created (7%)
1336 posts reblogged (93%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 13.0 posts.
I added 84 tags in 2021
#answered - 25 posts
#my thoughts - 15 posts
#advice - 9 posts
#me - 9 posts
#lifestyle - 9 posts
#entrepreneur - 4 posts
#smallbuisnessowner - 4 posts
#blog - 3 posts
#blog post - 3 posts
#vlog - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 71 characters
#they literally be on that app at 8 am talkin shit like go get sum money
My Top Posts in 2021
Prepping for the next 6 months of 2021
Hello 🤎
We have 6 months of this year left, can you believe it? And if you're anything like me, you're an organized neat freak who's life has to be in order at all times even when it's not 😂 Let's do this.
1. PLAN:
What is it that you want to get accomplished in the next 6 months? New job/career? Buy a car? Lease an apartment? Figure out what your end goal is for 2021 and take action.
For me, it's getting an apartment. By December 2021, I want my own living space. My own home to call home, so when I step into 2022, it'll be in a new & fresh environment. Now, how am I going to do that you may ask? By planning.
When I say planning, this is what I mean:
- How are you going to achieve your goal?
- What are you willing to sacrifice to meet your goal?
- How are you going to stay focused to meet your goal?
- How are you going to stay organized to meet your goal?
Take a minute to answer these questions by journaling it down.
Now that you have in mind what you want to do before the end of the year, it's time to take action & proceed. However you're going to accomplish your goal, whether it's by working, legally or illegally is completely your business, just put in the work by any necessary means.
- Work consistently, whatever your job is, go to work everyday (obviously we as humans need a break/rest) but work hard. Don't kill yourself, but remember what you're doing it for.
The main problem that a percentage of people have (including me, I'm not perfect) with sticking to a goal is remaining focused. We get so easily discouraged & unmotivated it's quite shameful. We see other people's lives and are so ashamed that we're not in the position they are that we completely lose all hope. You're not going to achieve any life changing goal like that. Some things that I do to remain motivated and focused are:
- Delete social media. This is where our main insecurities come from, hence me mentioning earlier, looking into other people's lives. We have no idea what's really going on or how they got to the position they're in. Just focus on what you're trying to achieve to better YOUR life.
- Stay down for 30 days. When I say this, I mean, not going out, not spending money: nightclubbing, dining out, shopping, etc... anything that's not a necessity for you to survive in life, cut it out. I'm not saying cut off your social life completely & become a ghost, but something along that line. With focus comes discipline, & it is very easy to lost focus when you're out partying all the time with your friends. Just remember what your end goal is and how successful you will be when you reach it.
When you reach your end goal for 2021 & all the hard work has paid off, you'll be so proud of yourself. You'll be able to sit back, relax, & reflect that all of it was worth it completely. Just don't get too comfortable.
Good luck 🤍
384 notes • Posted 2021-06-22 16:35:47 GMT
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Me daydreaming in the mirror 24/7 thinking about how fine I’ma be after all my workout sessions this summer 💅🏾
399 notes • Posted 2021-03-23 21:01:40 GMT
It's June 6th, 2021 11:21 AM as I type this and all I can think about is how these next 3 months of summer are going to play out for me. It's going to be a very fun, successful, blessed, & luxurious summer for all my girlies. In this post, I'm going to be putting you all on game to have a summer routine and tips to ensure you're the baddest on the scene.
Make your bed & open your blinds/curtains every morning
Eat a healthy & nutritious breakfast
Drink a glass of water, a glass of water in the morning help wakes you up
Wash your face with your favorite cleanser, brush your teeth, shower, & groom yourself for the day
Pick out your outfit for the day, accessorize & style
Beat your face with a natural look. It's the summer time so you don't want to look cakes or sweat your face off
Write down everything you have to accomplish for the day & get to it, if you don't get to finish your list, mark it off for the next day
Your day is done & now it's time to wind down for the night. You did everything on your todo list & now you just want to relax.
Shower/Bubble bath: After a long day of being a busy girl, you want to wind down & relax. Do so by hopping in the shower or taking a bubble bath using your favorite scents
Spray yourself with your favorite body spray or perfume & rub down with some aromatherapy lotion
Meditate: Get away from the phone & social media & get your mind ready for a new successful day
Take vitamins everyday
Drink water everyday
Workout 3-4x a week
Buy yourself something new, YOU DESERVE IT (purse, shoes, clothes, high end makeup, eau de parfum, etc...)
Keep your hair, nails, & toes done (It's the summer, toes will be out & hair will be blowing in the wind)
Go to brunch with your homegirls
Plan a trip with your boo or homegirls
Meditate & pray daily
Try yoga
Pick up a hobby (painting, tennis, swimming, blogging, cooking, baking, learning an instrument, etc)
Take pictures/make memories
437 notes • Posted 2021-06-07 17:31:45 GMT
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Inspired by @2pretty, I’ve decided to create my own personal organization binder. I named it “Rich Bitch Things” hence the theme of my blog 😌 My tabs include personal (lifestyle, routines, goals, & schedules), wishlist (things I’m going to save up & buy) , cleaning (home maintenance, tips & tricks to keep a clean home, & interior design) recipes (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, & drinks), secretarial (important documents that I need in my life, resumés, etc)
Thank you so much for giving me this idea, my life is going to be so organized & together 💕
523 notes • Posted 2021-06-25 19:03:29 GMT
I’m going to be the sexiest, intelligent, & richest version of myself by the end of 2021. I put that on everything I love.
6467 notes • Posted 2021-03-02 18:23:39 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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princessrai · 2 years
H U S T L E . H U S T L E .
You ever get stuck at square one? Don't know where to start or how to even begin? Doubt that you will be committed to doing it? I'm "You" . 😄
It can be discouraging at first, unmotivated. Just rather binge watching Netflix and eat all day. Listen, that is what I do when I am starting something new or I am getting back on track of where I first started. It can be hard mentally. But I asked myself "if I don't even start or finish what I started, I'll never complete or achieve my goal."
Mental Health & Fitness has became my career. My life. I live for "There is always room for growth, improving yourself."
When you don't know where to begin, you start small and be consistent with the small things. The small things matter when you are consistent and persistent. Two weeks at least of mastering the consistency, you will start to feel different, think differently and you will want to increase, for example, say you are starting out with 15 sit ups. You do it for 15 days straight. Your abdominal strength will gradually strengthen and mentally, you will want to increase your reps to 20 or 25 reps. It is normal for humans to feel motivated and will want to challenge yourself to do more.
That same concept goes with everything that you do.
"15" Angel Number
symbolizes major life changes. Good ones. It also represent, love, wealth, and abundance. Love yourself and love others. Be open to change. Open minded.
***Repeat the workout 3 times***
Princess Rai ♡
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chuuyrr · 3 years
Do you have any writing tips for beginner writers? I'm starting a fanfiction in wattpad but I'm scared that my grammar will suck and scared that my writing isn't good enough to reach someone's attention
hello dear anon! here are some of my tips
i had to add a cut because it's so long 😭
there are online tools you can use that can help with grammar, such as;
quillbot (i use this for grammar and improving my texts, especially when i feel like my writing could be better. this online tools helps paraphrasing texts + correcting grammars)
thesaurus (i use this to expand my vocabulary with more fitting words).
dictionary (i use this to explore and look up words i'm not familiar with, as well as to check the spelling/tenses)
another thing that can help improve your writing is to not be afraid of getting into detail for a more depth. describe what the character is feeling and doing, as well as the environment, and make sure you determine the pov;
go for a pov you write best with; i use third person's pov in my posts because i have trouble writing for a first person's view.
you can also take inspiration from other writers' works, or you can search and observe specific scenes.
for example, a fight scene and describe it—putting it into writing (this is what i did for my tokyo revengers series, i searched videos on how martial arts/self-defense are executed and applied it)
keep on writing, anon! don't be discouraged; i've been there before and so have other writers. there will be times when you feel unmotivated and that your writing won't get as much attention, but take it as a challenge. don't let it stop you from writing. there is always room for improvement >:)
i've been writing for years, and i started off at wattpad as well, and only then was i able to improve by continuing to write!
if you ever experience burnout or writer's block, take as much time as you need. never ever be hard on yourself, okay? you can do it :D
you have my full-support anon! go for it! sending you lots of virtual hugs! <3
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mistaeq · 4 years
kira yoshikage: motivating and supporting his s/o
tw // none
contains: kira yoshikage motivating and supporting his neutral!s/o who feels unmotivated to pursue their career goals and dreams
dora's note: the raffle prize for the dear @berryvalentine has been delivered !! i hope you enjoy this dear. i had so much fun writing for kira, i hope i nailed him for you ~♡
word count: 1.1k
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↳ when you first became a couple, kira knew you were a person who had dreams and career goals to pursue. he promised himself he would have helped the best he could, and you can say under any perspective that you aren't disappointed at all.
↳ yoshikage had never been one for love, and you had always been busy by yourself. so for the both of you, your love story was being a kind of a challenge. and ambition was the main key word. the feeling was true, though, none of you was feeling forced into it. you were a solid couple.
↳ you first exposed your doubts about your career to him during lunch. just like him, you used to enjoy a st. gentleman's sandwich, eaten under the shadow of a tree. a quiet lunch, none of you usually spoke, and it was just pure happiness.
↳ but that one time, you broke the peace to confess your fears to your man, and differently from how you had imagined, he'd been completely down to listen.
↳ he didn't dare to interrupt you. he liked when you poured your heart out to him about whatever bothered you, and you weren't used to doing it so much. so kira avoided interrupting you, allowing you to let it all out freely.
↳ your well deserved rant lasted the whole ten minutes left of the lunch break before he had to go back to work.
↳ yoshikage thanked you for trusting him with your doubts and fears, and promised the two of you would have gotten back to that topic once he came back home that late afternoon. you were more than fine with it, both you and him validate work a lot. 
↳ you basically told him you had been feeling pretty discouraged about your career goals, lately. you were confident about the fact that a man like kira, who was so strictly keen on planning his life, would have helped you better than anyone else in the world.
↳ plus, he's your boyfriend/fiancée/husband (up to the reader <3), so bonus points of reassurement, coming from a loved one.
↳ "i just finished at work, no overtime as always. i'm exiting the kame yu. i'll be home just at the same hour. we'll go through that topic in front of a good pizza. don't bother yourself cooking something y/n, it's not the right day for that. i'll take a shortcut that will lead me to tonio's before i get home. hopefully i'll manage not to mess up our daily schedule. i love you."
↳ yoshikage left this message in your voice mail. you felt happy and important, knowing he was taking the risk of messing up his strict schedule in order to spoil you with some food, so that you wouldn't have needed to cook.
↳ needless to say, he managed to get home in time. you thanked him with a kiss, and he peacefully smiled. he left killer queen in charge to warm up the pizzas with a couple controlled explosions, and damn, that stand does have talent as a chef.
↳ kira is a man who doesn't have many ambitions, but he surely validates work and considers it important. his kame yu job fills his days, and he's been the best employee several times for his efficiency and thoroughness. 
↳ so he's gonna use himself as an example, by telling you that you don't have to be super ambitious to achieve a good life. you need to be regular on what to do, make sure you enjoy it, and if you don't, to do all it requires to make it meet your standards.
↳ basically the same thing you did with the daily schedule. he never forced his lifestyle on you, you spontaneously tried it and adjusted it to your own needs, and none of each other's schedules encumbers on the other's.
↳ "but y/n, don't force other people's standards on you. do what makes you in peace with yourself. my mother wanted me to become a lawyer, yet i'm a cashier at kame yu and couldn't be happier than this. when people say they expect more from you, they're probably just trying to look better than you do. little do they know that's better who lives in peace, rather than who lives in prestige."
↳ if you wanna become a ceo, go for it. if you wanna become a barista, go for it. if you wanna become a police officer, go for it. just don't let anyone discourage you. if others expect more from you, that's the exact reason why you should just do what pleases you. your life is yours only, that's what yoshikage means.
↳ he's also gonna suggest to buy and customize a bullet journal of your own. he used to have it in his youth, when he had to write down his lessons and assignments. at thirty-three, he doesn't have a bullet journal, but still keeps a well organized agenda. (kira having a bullet journal in his youth is a personal favourite headcanon, my god...) 
↳ kira also suggests putting on some nail polish or get a manicure once in a while. the man claims that having clean hands can help productivity.
↳ your man is down to help you in every single step, he even brought up the chance to get a day off, at the condition that the two of you will be busy on your project in the exact time in which he should be working at the kame yu. he gotta keep his biological clock the same as always, he's not gonna wake up later than usual just for the day off.
↳ you're fine with it, of course. he still gave you the chance to decide how to organize your day off, but you decided to just follow whatever he did.
↳ needless to say, you feel lucky you have a man like yoshikage in your life. he helps to get you organized, without forcing anything on you, and is down to make little changes to make your relationship work out, just like you do with him.
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