princessrai · 2 years
H U S T L E . H U S T L E .
You ever get stuck at square one? Don't know where to start or how to even begin? Doubt that you will be committed to doing it? I'm "You" . 😄
It can be discouraging at first, unmotivated. Just rather binge watching Netflix and eat all day. Listen, that is what I do when I am starting something new or I am getting back on track of where I first started. It can be hard mentally. But I asked myself "if I don't even start or finish what I started, I'll never complete or achieve my goal."
Mental Health & Fitness has became my career. My life. I live for "There is always room for growth, improving yourself."
When you don't know where to begin, you start small and be consistent with the small things. The small things matter when you are consistent and persistent. Two weeks at least of mastering the consistency, you will start to feel different, think differently and you will want to increase, for example, say you are starting out with 15 sit ups. You do it for 15 days straight. Your abdominal strength will gradually strengthen and mentally, you will want to increase your reps to 20 or 25 reps. It is normal for humans to feel motivated and will want to challenge yourself to do more.
That same concept goes with everything that you do.
"15" Angel Number
symbolizes major life changes. Good ones. It also represent, love, wealth, and abundance. Love yourself and love others. Be open to change. Open minded.
***Repeat the workout 3 times***
Princess Rai ♡
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princessane-blog1 · 7 years
AME! Mas primeiro se ame.
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princessrai · 2 years
“The Goddess doesn’t enter us from outside; she emerges from deep within. She is not held back by what happened in the past. She is conceived in consciousness, born in love, and nurtured by higher thinking. She is integrity and value, created and sustained by the hard work of personal growth and the discipline of a life lived actively in hope.” ~ Marianne Williamson
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princessrai · 2 years
I have peace.
I have peace.
I have peace.
I have peace.
I have peace.
I have peace.
I have peace.
I have peace.
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princessrai · 2 years
Princess Rai | Mental Health & Wellness Influencer 👑
I'm not ready to go full blown on social media but I'll post on here.
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princessrai · 2 years
When I first became a mother at 16, I didn't think I was gonna be close and connected with my two girls.
It's hard. Extremely hard. I remember saying "How hard can it be to be a parent?" Knowing I am the oldest out of four, I knew how to cook, do my hair, there were things my parents did that I'd do differently... it was natural for me to nuture, cater to kids, be there for them, I was around kids all my life. I love kids. I have a kid like mind sometimes. I know how to have fun.
Being a parent requires more than just "having fun." It's alot. Mentally and physically. No matter how you got it financially or whatever. Kids mental health is so much more important than material things. You have to train up child if you want them to be a wise adult to make wise decisions about when they make a mistake or fail which they will, you have to be there for them and guide them. If they knew better, you show them there's consequences for their actions. When they do good, they're good consequences.
Kids are smart and they're like sponges. They absorb alot more when their young than when they're teenagers and adults.
Thats why I talk alot. I talk to them alot and involve God as much as possible because the world is HARD. SO HARD. especially being a black. So I want them to have confidence, wisdom, integrity, humility, and kindness.
I am so open with my babies and yeah, some of the things I did as a parent, I failed alot. It affected my kids mental so with the help and support of my family, they are great. They are loved and they know that.
I am just grateful to be here in this lifetime and I cannot wait to see how they turn out. It's going great so far. Talk to them and listen to your children. They need that. Hug them. Let them know you love them.
Neglect is the worst way to hurt your kid. Don't neglect them.
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princessrai · 2 years
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princessrai · 2 years
Hey there. Did my own braids
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princessrai · 2 years
How do I get attention on Tumblr? Why am j not getting likes and reblogs and asks? What am I doing wrong?
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princessrai · 2 years
I've always wanted to go to a Jamaican or Caribbean club. That's on my bucket list ♡
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princessrai · 2 years
Don't GIVE up . Please . If I can do it, you can do it too .
I love to sweat and feel the burn. I feel like I am sweating out all of my toxic, negative feelings and emotions. I feel 1000xs better than I felt an hour ago.
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princessrai · 2 years
𝓢𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮 with Rai ♡
Happy Juneteenth ! Happy Father's Day ! Enjoy your last day of the weekend, prepare for a GREAT week.
Summer is the greatest time to spend time with family and friends, create memories, take a break from school, more vacation days from work... there is no excuse to enjoy life.
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princessrai · 2 years
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princessrai · 2 years
Been working. I love hair-braiding. I enjoy it. One of my hobbies i discovered. Well I've always been into hair but I am actually taking it to the next level.
The more I do it, the more I realize how great I can be at it. It's calming and after awhile my hands start to hurt but I love doing it.
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I know I can be better but I really have improved alot. I am grateful for this skill
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princessrai · 2 years
Make up your bed !
Start off the day with making up your bed. It helps me. It is a good feeling. No matter how busy you are. Just make up your bed. You're gonna be five minutes late and you don't have time to make up your bed? That's on you. You should've waken up earlier.
That's the tough truth about us. We will make a thousand excuses to why we didn't do certain things that can help us mentally. We need structure in order to function. Thats how the human brain works. It needs a system. A system that works for you in a positive,productive way.
Planning. Go to bed at a certain time. Waking up at a certain time. Get your system that will help you keep organize and write things down.
If you struggle with chaos, write down everything you do. Track your day to day so you can keep track of what you do in order to create a system that works best for you.
For me, I have to make up my bed because it's the start of the day and its something that I want to come home too. A clean room.
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princessrai · 2 years
Story Time
Imagine a day, a FULL DAY...
This guy visits your house, knocks on the door with a picnic basket & your favorite, pink mango Moscato ♡.
You get surprised, heart is warm and you feel yourself smiling genuinely. It's a really great feeling you haven't experienced in forever.
You tell him to come in and wait in the living room to get dressed. You take almost an HOUR to find something to wear as you struggle to figure out what to wear to compliment his outfit and HIM TOO!
He comes to your room and knocks and asks "you okay?"
you just blurt out "I don't have anything to wear!! This is so last minute. I have to go shopping for something new."
He opens the door and he sees you undressed. You look at him with straight nervousness. You ain't really want him to see you.
He goes into your closet and find this dress with a tag still on it and says "you really don't have nothing to wear" jokingly.
You start laughing then you take the dress and put it on, get your heels, and you put on some lashes, do your edges, and put on lipgloss... you look good ♡♡
He looks at you 😍 and ask if you ready and you said yeah.
Yall head out and then next thing you know, you see a woman beating his car, fucking it up. Slashed the tires, broken the windows. He see it and sees her and started flipping out. He dropped the basket and ran to his car and starts arguing with the bitch.
Your anxiety, your thoughts, everything just suddenly happened so fast, you just froze there wondering if you should call the police, if you should fight the bitch, or just go back inside and act like you never seen him in your life.
You just stood there and watched the whole thing. Another car pulls up and she hops in then pulls off.
He's mad as hell. Disappointed. You went up to him and asked him if he just want to come inside and just decided to make something to eat.
He didn't say anything at all. I asked him who was that. He said "his girlfriend, ex girlfriend now"
I just wanted to get angry too. I want to get mad and say fuck him go take that shit somewhere else. You was still dating her when you came to my house... so you just wanted some different pussy cause you getting bored "withco utter gurl"..
I didn't say neither of that to him. He doesn't need that after his car just got beaten up. I just wanted to be there for him. I even allowed him to spend the night cause he couldn't get a ride.
Later on that night, I left to get some tacos from Taco bell cause I love eating that when I get done smoking. Best munchies meal ever lol
I come back and I guess he found my blankets and candles and made like a pallet on my living floor and I just couldn't be mad at him.
I also didn't wanna have sex with him either after learning he had a girlfriend and he brought that craziness to my house.
He knew that. We talked all night, smoked, ate alotta tacos lol. We cuddled, he really liked my jazz music. I play it to put me to sleep and he liked it.
Sometimes most guys just want love & affection. They not even really looking for a commitment but just a friendship where he can depend on you for love and affection, and just being there. It matters.
I've been the side chick since I was 14 yrs old. I ain't even know I was a side chick till I got pregnant which is another story for another day lol
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