#I'm excited to share this
bagsofbones63 · 7 months
The Boar and the Bat
This the first story I had ever written for myself so it being my first post makes sense. It features my OCs Avalanche and El Vacío (real names to be revealed later) Hope you enjoy.
"A-va-lanche, A-va-lanche, A-val-lanche!" The chant crescendoed as a hulking figure entered the arena. The chant devolved into a cacophony of cheers while the boar wrestler slowly made his way to the ring. He wanted nothing more than to wave back at the crowd and thank them for their excitement but he knew that would betray the arrogant and brash character his agent had concocted for him. Instead, he paused in front of the ring and flexed for the crowd before winking at a group of fans. "People love a flirt," his agent would always tell him. The way the fans suffered a group fainting spell only validated that statement.
He rolled into the ring and took center stage before flexing again. Wearing only a mask and a pair of wrestling trunks, nothing was left to the imagination. Personally, he would have preferred something warmer, his white chest and arm fur only did so much to keep him warm, but his agent insisted that this was the best outfit for him. "Sex sells" she would say. The slow decrescendo of cheers signaled that it was time for him to take his spot on the side of the ring and wait for his opponent. He leaned on the ropes and tried to present a relaxed, almost bored disposition. In actuality he was beyond excited; the mix of cold and anticipation was causing goosebumps to erupt all over his skin. He wondered who he would be fighting; the producers never told the wrestlers who their opponents were. He thought it was some odd attempt to keep them on their toes.
Silence fell over the arena as everyone awaited the reveal of Avalanche's challenger. Several seconds passed but, still, there was no sign of his opponent. Confused murmurs from the crowd began to overtake the room. "A no show? Really?" He thought. Knowing he couldn't let the dead air continue, Avalanche made his way to the center of the ring. "Looks like I scared him off, didn't I!" He shouted.
"YEAH!" The crowed shouted in response.
A hearty laugh escaped his barreled chest before he continued. "That just goes to show that he couldn't handle,” He flexed his right arm for emphasis. “The crushing weight,” his left arm followed suit. “Of an Avalan- '' the lights cut out causing him to lose his words. When they came back a new figure was standing atop a turnbuckle in the corner of the ring. The bat wrestler El Vacío had made his entrance.
A brief look of surprise flashed across Avalanche's face before it morphed into a thinly veiled embarrassment as he realized he was still posing. He regained his composure and dropped his arms before adopting a saccharine scowl while he took note of who his opponent was. "Him, really?" Avalanche thought. He had heard of the eccentric newbie wrestler but he hadn't expected to see him in the ring so soon.
"Nice of you to finally join us" Avalanche snarled in an intentionally showy manner. The bat only gave a slight head tilt in response. Avalanche had to admit, the combination of appearing from nowhere, the eerie silence, and the bat's skull mask left him a little anxious. Vacío definitely had a solid gimmick going on.
El Vacío jumped down and stood in front of Avalanche. Avalanche observed his opponent as they began circling one another. First, he noticed his size. El Vacío was much smaller than him. There appeared to be about a 6 inch difference between the 6 foot boar and the bat. Next, he took note of Vacío's outfit. The bat wore a pair of white wrestling trunks over black tights with skeletal legs painted over them. Going up showcased his lithe yet still muscular frame. "He's going to be a fast one," Avalanche thought. His gaze finally reached that bat's mask. Or at least what he thought was a mask. The dark hollow holes where the wrestler's eyes should have been gave the impression that it could really be a skull. Betraying the bat's undead visage were the glimmers of purple light in his hollow eyes. "His costume designer must have had a field day with that mask," Avalanche surmised. Lastly, his eyes locked onto the wings on the bat's back. An unintentional snort escaped him. He hated fliers. They often made matches take forever. It would be nice if he could jump off a rope and catch them in the air, but his girth left him landlocked in matches. Their circular dance ended with both wrestlers adopting their own stances.. Avalanche, arms outstretched, was prepared to charge at Vacío as soon as the bell rang. It was a bit of a stereotype to be a charging boar but the crowd seemed to love it. Opposite of him Vacío stood still and straight with his head tilted at an unnatural and painful looking angle. "This has to be the strangest person I've met," Avalanche thought.
The bell signaled the start of Avalanche's charge towards Vacío. On the verge of colliding, Vacío pivoted to the left and dodged the attack. Avalanche spun around to look at his opponent as he collided with the rope. The bat was already in motion, throwing a lightning fast kick at the boar's gut. It wasn't very effective. The kick rebounded off his stomach and left Vacío off balance. Seizing the opportunity, Avalanche grabbed Vacio's leg with an iron grip. He lifted the trapped bat into the air and marched towards the center of the ring. Vacìo didn't even attempt to escape, his body rigid and unmoving. Avalanche presented the bat to the crowd like a dad showing off a caught fish. Cheers were the reward for his big catch.
"Look at this little runt," Avalanche bellowed. "Show's up late and he doesn't even last a minute!" The crowd boos at the bat. "For being a bat he does an awfully good job at playing Oposs-" a kick to the head stunned him out of his sentence. Two other kicks followed causing him to loosen his grip. The fourth kick almost set the bat free. Before a fifth kick could reach Avalanche, he tightened his grip and flung Vacío in the ground. The force of the slam caused the bat to bounce back into the air. Avalanche used this opportunity to send him plummeting to the ground again with a forceful elbow to the gut. Knowing his opponent would be out of commission, Avalanche took the opportunity to flaunt to the crowd. He gestured for the crowd to start cheering and was met with a deafening boom of excitement. He looked down at his opponent, raised his arm, tapped his elbow twice, and performed an elbow drop with the full force of his body. During his descent on Vacío he thought his vision went black. Except it wasn't his vision, the lights had gone out. By the time they were back on his elbow had impacted the floor of the ring with a loud slam. Vacío had vanished in the darkness. A wildfire of gasps spread through the crowd. Avalanche pushed himself up and did a quick 360 to look around the ring. The bat was nowhere to be found. In the corner of his eye he noticed something strange, instead of watching him the crowd was looking up. He directed his upward and spotted the bat hanging upside down on the rafters of the arena. The lights went out again. They came back just in time for Avalanche to see Vacío's foot as it slammed into his head with a sickening crunch. The throbbing pain caused the boar to stagger. Vacío used Avalanche's moment of weakness to spring an additional attack. Vacio jumped onto the boar's face and wrapped his thighs around his head. Vacío then threw his upper body back. The force of the motion caused the boar to lose his balance and tumble forward. The ring shook and a loud boom erupted from Avalanche's crash site. The fall left him gasping for breath as the air was evicted from his lungs. Vacío stood above the temporarily helpless boar and put a foot on his chest as a sign of dominance. He then leaned his head closer to the boar and made a throat slitting gesture across his neck. "This guy is a total freak," Avalanche thought. The lights flickered again and Vacío was gone. A second later the flickering repeated and the boar was greeted with an elbow drop inches from his face. Avalanche rolled and avoided the move by a fraction of a second. He got to his feet before the lights started flickering again. Every flicker resulted in a new attack from a different angle at impossible speeds. Avalanche tried moving in the dark to use Vacío's own gimmick against him but his accuracy with every blow remained flawless. "Of course the bat wrestler would use echolocation in the ring!" He screamed internally. A punch to the head, a knee to the gut, a kick in the side, the barrage of blows were wearing Avalanche down and there was nothing he could do about it. Usually he would solve his issues in the ring with his strong body and brute force but this challenge wasn't one he could overcome with muscles alone. He needed to think laterally.
A strike to the back of Avalanche's leg brought him down to one knee. Screams from the crowd filled the room as it appeared to be the end for Avalanche. Avalanche thought the same until he felt a gust of wind rush past his face. "He missed?" Avalanche questioned. Another strike came for the boar but it only grazed him. Avalanche used the opening created by the bat's blunders to force himself to stand up causing an uproar of excitement from the crowd. The bat missed him again, it was like he was fighting a completely different person. "Is he throwing the match?" Avalanche thought. "No, that makes no sense, it must be something else." A smirk painted his face as he experienced a eureka moment. "Sound! The bat can't echolocate when there's too much sound." His theory was proven correct as Vacío missed several more blows. Avalanche decided his best plan would be to rile up the crowd even more to make his opponent's tactic completely useless. "Look at the tiny bat," Avalanche shouted. "He shows up late to a match, acts like a jobber, and then pulls out this gimmick as soon as he starts losing? Are we going to respect that here?" The crowd boos in response. "Now who's going to put this pathetic little runt in his place?" "Avalanche!" The crowd cheered.
"I can't hear you!"
With the cover of noise, Avalanche was ready to make his next move. He waited until he caught a glimpse of the bat and charged as soon as the lights went out. The two bodies connected in the darkness and fell to the ground. When the lights came back on, Vacío was pinned under Avalanche's massive frame with no chance to escape. Wanting to make sure the bat had no fight left before the pin, Avalanche grabbed Vacío by the neck and rose from the ground. He lifted Vacío as high as possible before slamming him into the ground causing the ring to shake. Avalanche looked down at his subdued opponent. The lights in Vacío's eyes had dimmed leaving only empty voids behind. He noticed a crack going across the right eye hole and wondered if that had been there before. "Oh shit," Avalanche thought. "Maybe I was a bit too rough. Assuming the bat had a concussion he decided it was best to end the match now with a pin. The boar plopped himself on the bat's chest and held his arms down. It was an unconventional pinning style but it got the job done. Avalanche looked into Vacío's eyes as the countdown started.
Closer examination of the eyes revealed that even up close they appeared hollow, like an actual skull.
"I need to tell my agent never let me get put against this guy again." He thought to himself. "He’s one zip code shy of crazyville."
At the start of three Vacío's eyes reignited with a blazing red hue. The sudden display startled Avalanche causing him to loosen his grip on the bat. Vacío used the moment of weakness to break himself out of the boar’s grip and make an attack of opportunity. The bat raked his claws against the boar’s left eye, cutting through the mask and into his skin. Avalanche reacted to the white hot pain by backing away from the bat and raising a hand to protect his eye. Upon contact with the eye he felt a sickening wetness. He watched in horror with his uninjured eye as the bat contorted his body into an uncanny backwards spider position before performing a backwards handspring onto his feet. Avalanche took the opportunity to get to his feet as well, albeit less gracefully. "I got matched with an actual psychopath," Avalanche muttered. With a flicker of the lights Vacío appeared on the top turnbuckle. Knowing another kick was likely, Avalanche raised his hands to intercept the bat's foot on the next flicker. Just as he expected, the bat's foot was just within grabbing distance as the lights came back on. Avalanche lunged for the grapple and managed to grab the bat’s leg with his bloody hand. In retaliation, Vacio flapped his wings and spun forward; the sudden upward force allowed his foot to slip out of the boar’s grasp.  The added momentum of the spin added power to the kick as the bat’s heel smashed into the back Avalanche’s head with a bone breaking crunch. The boar stood dazed for several seconds before losing the fight to stay conscious. A thunderous boom followed by a tremor emitted from the ring as Avalanche’s body hit the floor. His lights had gone out for the last time. Vacío stood triumphantly over the boar, for he was the victor.
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lady-arryn · 2 months
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PADME AMIDALA costume appreciation: ▶ The Phantom Menace [1/9] (costume design by Trisha Biggar)
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expelliarmus · 7 months
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theeretblr · 2 months
It's finally time to announce something I've been working on for a while! I've joined Passes (it's like Patreon or a SFW OF). I am so excited to have a place to offer community, BTS, and more personal content.
Check it out here: https://www.passes.com/eret
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Can't wait to see you there! P.S. Use the code "ERET25" for 25% off Ted 🧸 Tier
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Hey hey hey may 31th anon! How's 2024 going? ☆ヾ(*´▽`)ノ This year I have for you a leaked Sherlock season 5 image. Thinking of you!! And everyone!!
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ventique18 · 11 days
◀️ Sculpted by god herself
▶️ Sculpted by doritos and diet coca cola (malnourished, dehydrated, withering)
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aashwarr · 6 months
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lauren craft, the jungle explorer. 🌿
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mizgnomer · 12 days
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Heavenly photos from Good Omens Season Two
Including behind-the-scenes. Click for hi-res.
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ramblerogue · 9 months
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It's been 3 years, and I still think about the Deep Bleu Sea fight.
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forgettable-au · 28 days
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Heyy quick doodle of the science people
I've been super busy lately, things and events just keep happening, but I'm still thinking about this AU and the comic
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abovetherainandroses · 9 months
“A lot of it is trying to impress each other,” Wentz admits. “I'll write something and think, ‘Oh, wait ‘til he sees this.’ Or I'll get a call at 1 o’clock in the morning and it's Patrick playing a riff into the phone while I'm half asleep.” -- Alternative Press #193 (August 2004)
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judilyart · 11 months
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little work in progress of a summer nymph ☀️🍃
you can see the full wip piece and my refs for it on patreon as always, thank you for the support <3
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cookabeara · 6 days
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shadowzel but it's @dustybones and my art styles cuddling 😌💞
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royalarchivist · 4 months
This video is only available to people who are members of Acau's ( 악어 ) Youtube, but one of his fans posted a short clip Acau shared of his and Quackity's conversation testing out the QSMP translator!
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[ Original Tweet ]
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vangh17a · 5 months
See you guys tomorrow
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Part 28 will go up in about 24 hours of posting this. (12:00 CST)
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samstatsupremacy · 2 months
My notes from the 92NY Q&A
Someone from Mayfair Witches is in IWTV S2 and Mayfair S2
Ben Daniels sent a thank-you letter to Rollin Jones re: working with such a beautiful cast and lovely project (and called himself Santi-baby in it). Jacob did his best Ben impression and read the email aloud to us.
The two actors Rolin KNEW they wanted from the beginning were Eric and Ben Daniels, before they even started casting
Jacob refused to pit Loumand and Loustat against each other. Said they have different vibes
Sam insists that we won't see "the real Lestat" until S3. We're only seeing everyone else's perception of him (very tongue-in-cheek). In response, Assad said, "Armand has a very good memory. Maybe the most accurate!"
Jacob said filming the Dreamstat scenes with Sam was like slipping on a glove, or an old sock (cue slightly inappropriate giggles from audience)
Delainey said her chemistry read with Jacob felt like everyone else in the room just faded away, and she bonded with him first on set
Lestat plays Harlequin instead of Lelio this season, and the moderator was so affected by Sam's performance that he said "I got pregnant after watching it." Rollin said it was "moves like Jagger" on that theater stage lol. Sam had trouble reconciling this part but he did have fun
Any time Jacob gets complimented, he tries to brush it off. He's so humble!
Delainey said Claudia knows Louis better than he knows himself, and Jacob* thinks he knows her but he doesn't
Eric said that Daniel's impression of Dubai situation is he's just sick of the lies and games from Loumand. He won't be intimidated, and if you push, he pushes back harder. He will not be bullied (much like himself, he added)
Lots of hype for ep5 of this season. Eric said it was the most traumatizing episode he's seen in his life. Everyone else agrees that it gets pretty heavy re: young Daniel's interview
Eric said "working with Jacob is like flying" and Jacob said "the feeling is entirely mutual" - so sweet!
Assad was so preciously nervous bc he admittedly still gets intimidated by the cast. He was struggling to finish his thoughts. He did praise how open and loving the whole cast and crew are. It was cute.
"When Louis meets Armand, Armand is kind of lost but putting on this facade of power that Louis sees through" (Assad's words)
Question: any fun moments off set that still make you laugh? Response: Sam and Jacob look at each other and just burst into laughter. They really struggled to find an answer that they felt was appropriate to share and barely answered it 😅
Q: What series would your character binge?
Everyone answered as their character:
Armand: Buffy
Daniel: Breaking Bad
Claudia: The OA
Lestat: The Real Housewives
Louis: The Real Housewives ("YOU LITERALLY TOOK MY ANSWER" to Sam)
This doesn't even cover the encounters I saw at the stage door. I'll do a separate post for that, maybe
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