#I'm glad I can be a source of positivity for you
scrawnytreedemon · 11 months
While I intend this blog to remain a largely news-free space due to the constant hellstate of the world, let me be clear that I stand in full support of both the Palestinian and Jewish peoples who are currently experiencing relentless hate and suffering in these horrid times.
I am disgusted at the number of people, especially "progressives" on this website who have used this situation to spread both Islamophobia and Antisemitism. This goes double if you dared to reblog those "punch nazis/fascists <3" and "[x] are welcome here!" posts while in the next breath spreading dangerous fucking narratives that kill people.
So many people in online political spaces evidently see this as nothing more than a case of picking "sides", when ultimately what matters is supporting the oppressed against fascist governments and militias, wherever they are.
Common people will always have more alike with each other than their leaders. This is not a novel concept. Your activism should always be motivated by love and compassion first, and hatred second. If you use your beliefs as an excuse to find an acceptable target to vent your hatred towards regardless of the actual material outcome, you are no fucking activist.
You're a bigot.
#current events#antisemitism#islamophobia#scrawny rambles#scrawny speaks#again i have not been saying much both for the fact that this blog is meant to be a quiet place#and that i do not consider myself to be a reliable source of serious information and/or morals#but regardless i have been watching i have been taking note#i see you i hear you#and while i am currently in no position to materially help right now#the moment i can i will#i don't like signalling this kind of thing because i want it to be evident in how i *act*#but as this cannot be taken as a given i will say this:#you are welcome here. i am so sorry the world is hateful and vile and i wish i could wipe it all away.#you and your folk did nothing to deserve this and you are right to be scared. and i wish to give you my love.#fascism and genocide are not things to be taken lightly. bigoted 'jokes' are vile and dangerous. human life is what's at stake.#we are heading into a wave of hate that has the potential to repeat history in the worst way imaginable. get a fucking grip.#i'm unlikely to address this further as again. reasons stated above. but i wanted to make my stance clear.#it is late as fuck and i'm pissed. people who should know better miss the fucking memo completely.#i'm fucking glad i unfollowed a popular blogger when i did because look what they're posting now. antisemetic 'jokes'.#i really wonder how common this shit truly is. how many people get away with cloaking themselves as 'progressive.'#or perhaps they genuinely think they are. cognitive dissonance is one hell of a drug. fuck them regardless. scum.#you are no progressive. you are a bigot. a leftist bigot is a bigot regardless of how 'revolutionary' you posture to be.#anyhow apologies for any errors. again. it's late. hope you guys are doing well <3
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Genshin girls: Dehya, noelle, Eula, Shenhe, Kujou Sara. Ayaka And Yae Miko
Reacting to S/O’s mom leaning close to S/O and not so quietly asking when she should she expect grandchildren
(Genshin Impact) Dehya, Noelle, Eula, Shenhe, Sara, Ayaka, and Yae being asked THAT question by S/O's parents
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(Source: Yuushibadesu on twitter)
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Dehya laughed at the question and S/O's reaction, as they hurriedly tried to shush their mother.
(Dehya) "Hm...I'll just get back to you on that one!"
However, she does start thinking about it after the dinner.
Kids? She had so much to do to truly live up to the legend of the Lion, and having a kid was not on the agenda.
Dehya isn't sure she's ready for kids anytime soon, or if she would ever be. But, always time later to think about that, right?
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(Noelle) "Kids?!"
Noelle is way too young to be thinking about that!
She's just as flustered as S/O, watching the mother only laugh at their reactions.
(Noelle) "I'm far too busy, ma'am! I have to be accepted into the Knights of Favonius, and then there'll be so much to do afterwards!"
It's a topic she shoves into the back of her mind. Kids are the furthest thing from her agenda of things to do.
...Well, at least S/O's mother approved of her.
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Eula almost chokes on her food upon hearing the question.
(Eula) "A-Ah...kids?"
She tries to recollect herself and clears her throat.
(Eula) "I am glad you approve of me that much, ma'am but...Kids are not in my foreseeable future. I have many responsibilities to attend to as a Knight of Favonius."
Though honestly, she's using her position as an excuse not to talk about it.
First she'd have to get the approval of Mondstadt so her kid wouldn't get bullied, which would be impossible.
But, the hurdle of the parents approving of her was passed it seemed.
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(Shenhe) "Grandchildren?"
Funnily enough, Cloud Retainer had asked the same thing when Shenhe brought S/O to meet her.
And she still has the same answer.
(Shenhe) "I do not know."
She's not entirely opposed, but not in favor either.
Before anything else, Shenhe wants to feel emotions without the red string inhibiting her violent impulses.
Kids can come later.
That does not stop S/O's mother, or Cloud Retainer from asking constantly, however.
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Sara completely halts when she processes what S/O's mother had said.
(Sara) "G-Grandchildren...?!"
Her professional air is shattered for the briefest moment before responding.
(Sara) "Until Inazuma is fully stabilized, I'm afraid children is out of the question. I would like them to be raised when we can all rest easy, ma'am."
Sara is a little flustered, but she meant what she said.
Until everyone's safe, there can be no rest.
...She did wonder how much of her Youkai blood would be part of their child, however.
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Ayaka spits out her drink and coughs violently, being completely taken off guard.
(Ayaka) "A-Ah, please forgive the mess!" COUGH "i-I was not ready for such a question!"
Ayaka apologizes profusely while her cheeks did their best impression of a tomato.
She barely had time for herself, let alone S/O! The last thing she wanted to do was neglect their own child!
For now? Kids are absolutely out of the question.
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(Yae) "Hm, that is a rather good question S/O. When are we having kids?"
Yae gives a dangerous and teasing smile to S/O, tilting her head and enjoying the reaction of their pride dying on the inside.
In all fairness, Yae doesn't particularly care for children at this very moment.
It would add excitement to her life to be sure, but there were...more serious matters when it came to that question.
Such as Yae herself outliving S/O. Would their child live as long as her, or would she outlive them too?
Regardless, that was not the topic to bring up at a family dinner, so she lets those thoughts go unsaid.
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cosycafune · 4 months
13k words. a summary of this chapter: to pull from a familiar source is to shatter so many hearts. to discover an alternative is to pierce your soul in so many places, despite peace remaining all you yearn to equip. if you were loved enough, this intrusion wouldn't linger — that’s why you ran away with eren. ran away with him, even if it is betrayal.
a synopsis of acts: time skip, virginity loss, child au, alternative ending, angst, arguing, crying, running away, adjusting, ptsd and letting go. smut summary: unprotected sex, strip tease size difference, slight corruption kink, missionary, oral (f), reassurance, cumming, recklessness, crying, orgasms, first times, nervousness, cock warming, breeding kin(g)(k), breastmilk play, aftercare + potential more. read with caution + ignore errors. just an unpublished part of my book.
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Hurriedly fuelling the unrest within your demeanour, whilst you run across the resort, concealing the tears within your heart, you discover the entirety of nothing.
The beach remains heavily deserted, with nothing to be picked up on, no matter how much your eyes shift. A tender sensation overtakes the entirety of you, embedding nervousness, doubt, and a horrid sensation within your heart.
Why are you running with such motivation?
Worry piercing your heart, you continue to sprint, your eyes clouded with tears whilst you enter a secluded area.
Upon entering the secluded area, you fail to intake the faulty trail, desperate to discover the entirety of Eren. For someone who placed so much distance between you, within this ample vacation, he sure did love vacant areas. You sure did worry for the man, yearning for the best for him.
If only he confessed, a few years ago.
Would life have been easier and more loving? He would have never slaughtered your heart as Armin did, placing you before any expectations anyone holds for him.
"Eren, this isn't funny now," Halting, intaking the environment, inching further within a flower-populated field, you clear the tears within your eyes.
"You said, we were going to run if everything went wrong," Sniffling frantically, unable to conceal your cries, you continue, "How did our lives get so fucked up when it only once was us?" You murmur to yourself, picking up on a silhouette that resembles Eren. A silhouette that remains standing, intaking the atmosphere.
Of course.
"Y/n, I know you're there," Inching closer to the entirety of his being, unable to conceal your spreading tears, you crumble upon the ground — your heart growing content that he is safe.
If he slaughtered himself, you would never forgive yourself.
"E-Eren," Observing the sight of him settling in front of you, concealing the puffiness of his eyes, he directs himself into planting in front of you. He maintains such a safe distance.
"Celine," A softness tints your tone, "She told me how the two of you broke up, along with just everything else." Sniffling, you break into a chuckle — grateful his presence remains.
"Yeah," He stills within his position, "I couldn't fake the fact that I just don't love her," Eren frowns, guilt completely enveloping his tender self. A tender self that completely crumbles towards the entirety of your rattled self.
"I'm glad you told her, instead of leading her on," You still with carefulness.
"And, why have you been excessively crying?" His viridian eyes can intake the entirety of your guilty self, unable to diminish the tenderness you hold.
"Just the usual," Eren's ineligibility stuns you, particularly with the fact that he holds subtle anger towards the fact that Armin continuously makes you cry.
Hell, he knew you were so afraid of Armin leaving, discovering someone else and leaving you within the pattern of two am. To leave you with Elara, his whims invested in the entirety of someone else.
"You deserve to not cry every day, to be loved in a way that only makes you happy," Eren's eyes twinkle with ethicality, "I truly just want you to be loved in a way that leaves you glowing," Eren adds on, his eyes adorned with the beauty of frustrated tears.
"You're a mother, and I've seen how so many things have affected the two of you," He halts, "Please, just never settle for a situation as broken as that," Eren glimpses at you with a beam, "To cry so disgustingly over a man who isn't willing to give you a lot of his time." A sigh slips from his parted lips.
"If you didn't have Elara, would you still be with him?" His words cause your eyes to widen with untimely shock, reevaluating so many unturned branches of life. You thought you were deserving of such suffering, based on the generational aspect of your family.
"Eren..." His words tinker with your resolve, selfishly bringing you to ponder on a life with him. A life where he remains meeting you within a flower shop, despite a thunderous storm, aiding you with the entirety of it all.
An impossible love story.
"I don't want to intrude, but knowing you, and the look on your face, you wouldn't stand for all he's put you through," Eren sighs with untimely sorrow, "I can sense the anger you try so hard to suppress, due to how he has treated you." His words of truth spark an unknowingness within you, controlling the air loosely bound to your lungs.
"I'm a mother, Eren," A sorrowful glance is gifted to him, "In this world, only my daughter matters." Your words are the only words you can offer him, despite being so heavily in love with Armin.
"I'm glad," Eren glances at you with softness, "But why did you try to find me?" He diverts his eyes away from your own, his movements so collected and so painfully calm.
"Because I care about you," Sniffling at your words, you couldn't help but place a hand on his shoulder — gifting him a gentle smile.
"I'm grateful that you do," Conflicted, Eren conceals his budding tears, unwilling to glimpse at the entirety of you. To glimpse at someone who happened to lighten yet dim his conclusive world.
"I'm going to be moving, Y/n," Your eyes grow wide with fear, "I refuse to jeopardise my mental health further, on something I can't control and don't want to fuck up." His words reek of truth, readying himself to spew tears he doesn't yearn to spew.
"If you want to come, meet me at two am," A part of you brings yourself to gasp, "As a send-off...or whatever you want to interpret it as." Eren's brows crease whilst your heart grows rapidly towards his words, your world threatening to grow out of such a collapsed state.
But you deserved to be loved so dearly.
"I-I have to think about leaving my life," A trickle of panic engulfs you, "I still love Armin, Elara and I don't know if I can do anything to break up my little family." He gifts you a tender grin, his heart swarmed with contentment — a part of him discovering an undeserving peace.
"What's your only wish?" Intaking the entirety of the flower-coated environment, you gift yourself a blooming flower — turning your body away from his own.
"That Armin was never associated with Annie," Still growing sombre at the thought, you bring the ivory flower to your face — mimicking the flowers he brought you before.
"What's your wish, Eren?" Unwilling to meet his gaze, you stir within the tragedy, your tone stiff with ungifted words. Words that completely conclude what could have occurred between the two of you.
"To be able to live happily," He informs you, walking further within the fields with you, his tears so effortlessly streaming down his face. Streaming down whilst the entirety of dawn is thrown upon the both of you.
"You say all this, but if you unrealistically had the chance to run away with me, during all my bad moments, what moment would you have chosen?" To somewhat fuel his unethical moral, you surface a moment where he feels as if he's needed the most — despite being able to manage so effortlessly on his own.
"Your baby shower," Eren's eyes display a layer of guilt, "I had never seen you so hurt and embarrassed in your life, crying and hyperventilating, all your fears in just one room." He adds on, smearing away his tears whilst you could only ready pathetic tears — your heart unwilling to still the steady thudding.
"No one else thought you were sad, except me," Softly, he continues a melodious row of words, "I've just wanted to stop every single tear you've ever spilt, to give you a life that has no heartbreak or sadness." Eren's fingers dance along the gentle grass, completely tinting you with a delicate smile.
Old times engulfed the both of you.
"Even with me pregnant?" Sighing at your words, he only raises a smile — his heart growing content towards your abrupt words.
"Yes. I'd never abandon someone so special to you," His fingers collect a beautiful amount of flowers, "You know me well enough." His finishing words are what set tears in your eyes, readying you to crumble upon the grass — to kiss away your fleeing sanity.
But Armin's your world.
"Do you remember my hospital visit?" Your lips part with guilt, "Before I was pregnant, deathly skinny and crying?" His eyes flutter at your words, the memory repressing him into such a sullen mental state.
"Yeah," He grows slightly distant, "When Armin wasn't picking up his phone, so I came straight to the hospital?" He grimaces at the thought, unsettled by how badly Armin had treated you.
Over a year ago, you remained in such a frail condition, desperate for the entirety of Armin to remain.
Set in a hospital bed, tears in your eyes, you are engulfed with vacancy. Your heart lies empty whilst your frail body is unable to shift, succumbing to the severity of your malnourishment. Something that caused you to freakishly collapse at work, your movements limited and unusually scarce.
Clinging to the sheets within the room, growing impatient towards the lack of Eren and Armin, you can't help but tiredly weep. Tiredly weep whilst you grow aware of how much weight you had shredded, based on worrying over the entirety of Annie and Armin. And within the moment, you couldn't help but spite the entirety of Armin — spite him for planting you in such an unethical predicament.
Growing aware of the distasteful silence, you could only frown at how alone you always remain — even within the most severe moments of your life. The sensation causes you to lightly break into an array of cries, yearning to crumble the entirety of the hospital bedding. Your heart is unable to handle the fact that your lover remains far from the hospital, unaware of the voice note that you sent him. A voice note that you send, one so welcoming to the idea of death.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
"Y/n, I got here as fast as I can!" Eren blurts out, rushing to your side, his eyes stained effortlessly with tears. He gifts you a gentle bellflower, an ample bag settled so effortlessly beside.
"E-Eren, I'm sorry for never being in a good enough condition to meet you," You still with guilt, "I'm never happy around you, and I'm sorry." He could only settle a chair beside you, his hand grasping upon your own, comforting a sobbing you.
"Come here, Eren," Despite your frail condition, you bring your arms around his neck, drawing him within your arms.
He could only falter at the contact, his lips quivering whilst he grows unable to fathom who crumbled the entirety of your life.
You used to be so happy, so carefree. Now, you were a lonesome soul, the concept of sadness incomprehensible.
"The next time you see me, I won't be like this," Grasping onto him further, his head settled against your concealed breasts, you could both only free such heinous cries. Cries that enhance the freedom you could only seek.
"I only want you to be there when we have happy moments," Gifting him a gentle smile, his head beneath your jaw, you run your fingers through his delicate hair — drawing in the tender scent.
"I don't want to subject you to the hardship you felt, when your whole family died," Softening at your words, Eren could only fall to your touch — his heart so gentle and content towards the entirety of it all.
"I just want you to be safe," Eren stills, "Seeing you wither is killing me. It hurts seeing you grow weak, so depressed and trying to submerge yourself with work." His fingers grow ivory with irritation, his demeanour only being calmed whilst you played with his hair.
"I don't want to lie to you, but I don't even think I'm safe with myself," Eren groans at your words, "A-And, lying to you will only make me feel worse." He listens to you huff, only for you to grow aware that he's stilled by the nature of fatigue.
"Who's he?" His tone alters with drowsiness, "I want to know who's making you suffer like this." Eren's whiny words of concern elicit a chuckle from you, particularly with the way he funnily sniffled — heightening your crumpled morale.
"Right now, it's just you and me," Unable to pick up on Eren's tone, you recognise that he had fallen asleep.
"We're both safe here," Sighing with contentment, you continue to beautifully coddle the entirety of him, feeling so safe with him remaining.
Eren had always been there. Even as a child, with you attaining cuts as a child, he would always blissfully patch them up.
Whenever someone would notice the severity of your home situation, plastering you upon the spot, he would only rush you to his home — sheltering you from the dreadful home life you hold. A home life that consisted of screaming, cast-aside objects, tears, broken furniture, and curling upon the ground.
And as a teen, you could only linger in his room, sharing sleepovers with him, unwilling to tear away from his frame.
But when his parents passed away, when he had only turned seventeen, you couldn't help but stay around his home, unwilling to pull from the entirety of his frame.
As his wails grew further contorted, you could only hold him in your arms — placing the covers upon the both of you. Placing the covers whilst you hold him contently. It's a memory you forever cherish.
A few years before the tragic hospital memory, you are settled upon Eren's desk chair — your arms folded whilst he grows distant from you. Grows distant whilst he attempts to intake the mere fact that his heart grows completely sombre towards the presence of his parents fading.
His neck-length hair is rather dishevelled, his viridian eyes low and completely overtaken with sullenness. His fingers carelessly weave with each other, his lips trembling as he intakes the photo of him with the entirety of his family.
Spinning within the chair, you grow aware of his lack of attentiveness — his eyes displaying not an ounce of emotion.
Softly, you can't help but bring yourself to inch closer to him — planting your comforting body in front of him.
You carefully glance down at him, capturing the entirety of his body within your arms. He could only hold you, his hands stretching across your back, his movements limited but heavily aware of your presence.
"I'm here, Eren," You glimpse at the doughnuts you had bought for him, "I'll never leave you to mourn so openly alone." He doesn't spew a single word, only bringing his cries to engulf your shirt. Well, a shirt that is his own, that remains offered to you by him.
"I just want to see them again," His words only cause you to inch closer and closer, pushing him upon the bed with you — swarming him within your arms.
This position is one you always held his troubled self within, coddling him until the morning is to rise. Until all the white flowers are to bloom. Until he rejoices within your arms, failing to depart from such safeness.
"They love you so damn much," You run your fingers through his dishevelled hair, "You're their pride and joy, along with Zeke." He calms at your mention of Zeke, clinging to you further. Clinging before you plant the bed sheets upon the both of you, gifting him a gentle kiss on the top of his head.
"I'll make sure that you are never able to feel a pain like this," Eren stills, "I love you too much to allow you to get hurt," His words plant a warmth within you, allowing you to register the feelings that you hold towards him.
"I also love you so much," You gift him a playful head kiss, "We'll forever be together." He chuckles at your beautiful words, playfully rolling with you — his figure so gentle and warming.
"I'm not leaving you with your thoughts, so I'm holding you until you fall asleep," Eren grins, happily falling into your touch, "If you feel unsafe physically or mentally, wake me up." You finish off, his movements growing so beautiful and content.
Being back within the face of reality, you remain plastered within the flowers, lying down with Eren. Your heart could only grow heavy with sullenness, unable to cope with the thought of him occupying a different destination — his presence no longer remaining for you to comfort.
He had only been able to attain fulfilled happiness through your assurance, in a way that allowed him to register that he'd forever have someone in his corner.
And if he didn't?
"I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy," Eren chuckles at your words, "To be abandoned by the one you love is not for the weak." You resist the urge to coddle him, to hold him for old-time sakes, to conceal the sullenness that completely corrodes your demeanour.
"I've seen that through you, and you still haven't even fully recovered through what he's put you through," Eren could only spew a truth you didn't yearn to hear, "He needs to learn to show you he values you, instead of making you cry to realise." His words cause you to curl into yourself, suppressing the fact that you had spent half of your time crying over Armin's actions.
"One day, the world will heal," You sniffle, "He's a broken man, but he still loves me so dearly." Eren shifts at your words, his heart growing content towards the admiration you express towards him.
"How long is it before he creates an extremely broken woman?" Eren admits an unrevealed truth, observing you shift with guilt at his words — realising how lowly you used to value yourself.
"I'm far past the mentally sane point, but I'm getting there," You admit to him.
Your heart grows gleeful towards his words, yet unable to shed the laughter you conceal.
Like old-time friends.
"But if we do run away, we'll leave almost everything behind," Swaying with the movement of the flowers, your eyes widen with tears — your fingers reaching to grasp onto his slightly distant self.
"Every death? Every relative? Everything we know?" Unable to dissipate your sullenness, yet untimely freedom, you direct your eyes towards such an intimate sight of the blissful flowers. Flowers that swayed at their own pace, nothing dictating their unpredictable fates.
"Everything," He murmurs, "Regardless, I'm leaving my old life behind." Eren's tone trembles with engulfing fear, towards his words, incapable of imagining a future deprived of you.
There isn't one.
"I can't live a life without you," Deprived of jolliness, he completely cascades his tears — his tone pliable, yet firm with unaltered disaster. Unapologetic he is, spewing a known truth.
"I can't live my life without you," Bringing your hand to wipe a single tear of his, your heart grows sombre towards his words. Words that hold a much deeper meaning than deciphered.
"I don't even want to cry, to ruin anything for you, but if you are willing to, meet me here at two am with Elara," He stills, "A time where you aren't alone." He finishes off, his movements swaying with the ethereal grass.
"Eren..." Bringing yourself to arise from the grass, you glimpse down at his laying self, "Thank you, I love you." You bring yourself to add on, permitting him to accustom to the shaping of the ground — yearning to be left solitary.
"I love you, too," Eren brings himself to say, observing the sight of a cloudy horizon in front of him — relishing the entirety of this authentic moment.
Journeying home, planted in front of the door, you carefully bring yourself to open it — your heart set upon your fated decision. Not a single ounce of you grows revealing towards your plans, inching into your home — being greeted with the mere sight of an attentive Armin.
His heart grows gentle towards the sight of you, his eyes flitting towards the beauty of your outfit.
A softness falsely coats your eyes, as you grow aware of all you are set to do.
"Armin, I love you," Your words collide with his heart, blissfully bringing him to softly bind his arms around the entirety of you. In a manner that allows you to forever memorise the sensation of his arms, free from the feeling of a completely corroded home.
A home that dwindles within the memories of the past.
"I love you, too, my love," Armin obliviously brings himself to say, so effortlessly feeding into the slight doubts you hold. Doubts that spring your heart to life, one where you are finally loved in a manner that puts you entirely first.
In a way where your lifestyle is secured by the likes of Eren and his connections, along with the safeness he guarantees, the length of the time you've known him, and how abiding your daughter is towards him.
Not a single cry, scream or piece of angst had ever been applied to the entirety of Eren, welcoming a cast-aside love. A casted aside love because of how desperate you grew to invest your time, your presence and safety into a situation that only stirs sadness within you, ptsd, despite the happy moments.
Your heart still aches towards the empty days he welcomed, the empty promises, the lack of care, the solitary hospital visits, and the moments where you doubted if he was ever going to love you.
Even on a few days, he grows guilt towards all he's ever done to you — his hold on you extra firm. Almost as if he's aware of the fact that someone is always forever there to hold you better, to love you better, to cuddle you better, to gift you a clean, sadness-free love. Someone like Eren.
Someone he has always been threatened by. Someone he knows is likely to completely corrode away the toxic bond he has formulated between you and himself.
A bond that lies upon lies and false promises, finally displayed love, so much uncertainty, lack of trust, and frequent panic attacks. Frequent panic attacks of you being displayed within the open. Within the open towards the whole world, something that was never once an option.
As you had never truly been prioritised.
"How did it go?" Armin questions, his heart holding a softness towards a dormant calm within you.
A dormant calm that fails to reveal its complexity, halting within a moment that's set to alter the entirety of four different lives.
"He didn't kill himself," A phrase he couldn't help but suppress slips from your lips, particularly with the way you are unable to lie around him. Unable to lie in a way that's able to deceive him, so you splatter the truth.
Yet, the cleanup around it is timely.
"I'm glad he didn't," Armin stills his tone, "I wouldn't want you losing someone so close to you, even if he does like you." His last words cause you to narrow your eyes. Knowing, just knowing, in a few hours, the entirety of this is likely to fade.
To fade all the turmoil that remains. To plant a new seed of peace.
"Don't start another argument," Your lips furrow with a sense of light disdain, "Especially with Elara here," A softness overtakes your demeanour, "When will you ever stop getting jealous, and realise you've always subjected me to way worse?" Armin's eyes widen to a degree you are unable to fathom, particularly as this is all that taints your crazed mind.
He broke you to a point that you grew to appreciate the emotions of a man who has always forever cared for you. Perhaps that's why Elara has grown so fond towards him? So fond because he would always comfort your sombreness, aiding your exhausting pregnancy. A pregnancy that contained so much heartbreak, you grew shocked towards the fact that Elara even survived.
"I'm sorry," His words welcome a frustration within you, allowing you to finally welcome your suppressed thoughts.
Why did you wait so long for someone who took two years to genuinely display you?
"He was the only one that truly took care of me, especially when you abandoned me," Your eyes inherit an ethical disdain, "He was never mean, cared more than you could bring yourself to, and always took me to the hospital, especially when I was struggling with eating, sleeping, doing nothing but working." Armin inherits guilt.
"I understand how you feel, I do, but I'm working on trying to not hurt you and his feelings, even if he does like me," Carefully walking towards the living room, you glimpse at a blanket upon the ground, "But one of you is only going to get hurt, I said what I said." Armin grows light towards your words, knowing that Eren's likely to grow hurt.
"Eren's going to get hurt," Armin ages into an uncomfortable state, "He's too kind to get hurt." His words completely collide with the whole nature of you, dismissing the entirety of your character.
"And I, me, was too nice to be treated like a side chick, hurt so badly mentally, that it fucked me up physically," His lips tremble with fear, "Don't paint me out as a bad person, knowing that you only view yourself as a saint," You inch closer to the kitchen, "Doing everything for the greater good. Because emotions are only temporary." Anger pitches into your demeanour.
You are trying to get yourself to hate him.
"You're such a fucking hero!" A psychotic chuckle slips from your lips, "Thinking about another man's emotions, knowing you abandoned mine." He grows wordless, his eyes completely analysing the tears you begin to spew.
"I just want peace," A nervousness overtakes you, "I'm going to sleep," You glimpse at him, intaking his characteristics, "You're better off helping my mum put together Elara's crib. I want space." He could only sullenly nod at your words, his eyes holding tears.
Tears you wish you could cave into. Yet, you knew this cycle would only bloom once more, inviting heartbreak, sombreness, solitary, and suicide to prosper. Just as your mother said.
"I'll see you and Elara tomorrow morning," Armin brings himself to bundle his fists, aware of how he messed up, "I love the two of you so fucking much," His eyes gleam with an expressive sadness, "I never want the two of you to not know that." He kneads his discomfort, attempting to plaster strength.
"I love you, too," Your eyes fail to greet his own, "But I just need space." Finishing off your words, you inch closer to your room with Elara within.
At the unsound hour of one a.m., you grow heavily cautious — cleverly packing a bag of all of Elara and your things. Though the clothes are a slither of yours, you only needed to prioritise the entirety of your daughter — especially with her asleep against your baby carrier.
But to aid your plan, you leave your phone behind — readying to conceal such an angst-filled lifestyle.
Eren always makes you feel safe.
"Ela-la, mummy loves you so much," Speaking to her slumbering self, you plaster your bags within your hands — grateful for the strength you wield.
To leave this fucked up place behind.
Ensuring she remains asleep, you softly plant a kiss upon her gentle head — carefully inching towards the front door. Aware of the fact that Armin lingers ten minutes away, with the presence of your mother, you grow comfortable with this factor. Comfortable as it ensures that not a single person can exhibit the fact that you are bound to flee from your present love.
Softly opening the front door, after carefully planting a note upon the blanket he leaves, you delicately bring yourself to remain outside — observing the sight of Eren's parked car.
His expression remains timeless towards the sight of you, a softness tinting his beautiful features. The sight of him elicits your past emotions, motioning for your heart to freely be able to swirl — at the mere sight of his welcoming self.
"Be careful," His mouthed words cause you to delicately carry you and Elara down the steps, relishing him positioning himself to help bring the both of you down — instinctively taking hold of your packed bags.
"Eren, Armin's coming soon, so we need to leave," A genuine smile, filled with hope and admiration, tints your lips, "Take us somewhere so beautiful, but very safe for me and my little girl." With Eren carefully opening the door, he brings himself to aid you with Elara — a car seat already placed within.
This very thing awoke her.
"Ela-la, mummy's got you," At your words, Elara softly babbles — her heart growing content towards the mere sight of Eren lingering.
Yet, she grows rather sullen towards the vacant presence of Armin. A presence she grows to instinctively miss.
"Daddy's planning to come visit you soon," Your fibs cause Elara to grow calm, settling into a fit of sleep.
A fit of sleep that welcomes you the opportunity to settle beside her, buckling the both of you up. Buckling you both up whilst a set of peace completely overtakes you, despite the anxiety of growing heavily caught by the entirety of Armin.
At least you left a note. A note that answers questions he already holds the answer to.
"Eren, start driving," Glee frames your healing bones, "Let's live a peaceful life in England, away from where we once were." Completely enthralled by your words, he gifts you a gleeful smile — his soft lips settled within the widest, boyish grin to exist.
"I thought you'd never ask," Eren begins to drive away from the place that once carried a large part of you, one that no longer frames a happiness you wish to attain. An impossible happiness with the entirety of Armin.
"When we get to the home I own, far from everyone else, I'll make sure that Elara will have a comfortable room to sleep in." Eren's words warm your gentle heart, gifting you the comfort of falling asleep beside your daughter.
Finally breaking a generational curse.
"I finally feel...mentally free," Your heart thuds with an discovered joy, "I've only ever felt mentally safe with you, there has never been the thought of anger," A smile caresses your carefree being, "We've always understood each other," You halt, attending to Elara, "I'm sorry that it took so long for the both of us to realise that we're meant for each other." You finish off, your heart tender and content.
"It took so long, but I'm glad we're finally together," Eren's eyes tint with a happiness he had never witnessed beforehand, "I'm never going to let anything harm you and Elara." His words further calm your mind, particularly whilst he further drives off — leaving behind a life the both of you once knew.
The two of you always knew that you were forever meant to be, even through conflicts.
A tender week and a half had skimmed by, and both you and Elara accustomed yourselves within Eren's large home. Never once had you adjusted to such safeness, not a single undisclosed issue rising.
The both of you grew unwilling towards rushing any aspect of the both of you, solely accustoming to the art of it all.
Whilst you grew sullen in your sleep, fearful towards Armin within your dreams, stealing Elara away from you, you fell into a fit of crying. A fit at two am.
But at each tender cry, whilst Eren aided you with Elara, he calmed the nerves you carried — his tender hugs keeping you going.
And even as the both of you left the airport, travelling on a private jet, he allowed himself to wholly take care of a wailing Elara. An Elara who cried towards the thought of her absent father, only to softly calm at a lullaby that Eren proclaimed towards her.
Fatherly things came to him with ease.
Currently, you remain upon your new-found couch, glimpsing at the sight of Eren — observing the entirety of him. Observing him holding Elara, carefully attending to her sleeping self.
It seems she recognises his good nature, so beautifully attending to the entirety of him — treating him almost as if he is Armin. Armin in a way that permits her to register that Armin's no longer set to be present in her life.
"You're a natural, Eren," Intaking the softness of your tone, along with the carefreeness of your demeanour, he offers you a gentle smile.
A gentle smile that amounts to the concept of kisses. The two of you hadn't kissed yet, gotten intimate, or even shared the same bed — he allowed things to specifically flow.
"I know we've run away and everything, but what do you expect from our future?" Eren's cheeks tint towards his words, almost as if he can't help but ultimately register that you finally flourish towards his path of love.
A path that only spews righteousness, familiarity and safeness.
Childhood friends to lovers.
"Just the three of us and peace," Your eyes grow towards him and a content Elara, "I don't want to cry anymore, nor feel like I'm not enough, even if I'm treated almost as if I am." Eren's ears grow attentive towards your words, feeding into his urge to freely engulf you within a gentle cuddle.
"I just want to cuddle you, just like the old times," Softly, Eren brings himself to carefully guide Elara towards you — settling upon the couch.
Elara could only meet his delicate eyes, carefully grasping onto his hair — babbling with friendliness.
"Got room for one more?" Eren grows gleeful at your words, staining Elara's eyes upon his own — treating her solely like his own.
She's now his daughter, indefinitely.
"Always got room for this sweetheart,"  His words cause Elara to blissfully babble within his hold, clinging onto him with firmness.
"We've got to build the crib," With a frown coating your lips, his expression inhabits sullenness towards the stress you hold.
"I've already built it, and got another one in your room," Your eyes greet his own, with mellow glee, "I didn't want you to be stressed or sad about it, so I did it whilst you and Elara slept." His words mean more than you can comprehend, prompting you to apply a smile upon his lips — planting an earnest kiss upon his supple cheek.
"Thank you, Eren," Being able to invest in the beauty of his presence solely comforted your being, enabling the idea of you exclusively being optimistic — not an unmarried ounce of turmoil wavering.
"Don't thank me for the bare minimum," His lips perk up with smite. His viridian eyes so lovingly drawn to your own, his lips no more than a tender inch away from your own.
"Shut up," Growing flustered beneath his gaze, you bring yourself to settle your head upon his chest — only for him to confidently pull back, tilting your chin.
"You look very beautiful, sunshine," His words welcome tears within your eyes, particularly with the mere fact that you were never something so welcomed in the morning. Nor had anyone ever once seen you worthy of being accompanied outside.
"Sunshine?" Coddling Elara further, you drift your lips closer to Eren's — the softness of them far from hesitant.
Carefully, you draw your lips closer, nervously grazing his top lip. Nervously grazing his lip before he tilted his head further, allowing his broad nose to brush up on your supple cheek.
"Yes," His lips so effortlessly take comfort upon your own, staining a familiar sensation upon your lips. A familiar sensation that solely welcomes the art of solace and reviving a dormant love.
The softness of his plush lips completely captures your own, drawing your eyes to remain so beautifully sealed — relishing the sparks that blossom from the kisses Eren plants upon your gentle lips. Kisses that you conceal your moans towards, your tears swirling, so in place with the moment.
So in place whilst the tender sun completely adorns many aspects of the both of you, tinting the moment with something so historically beautiful and gifting.
"Our second kiss," You structure your being around his starry eyes, incompetent of comprising your flustered beam, "That was magical." The words you emit endow him with the chance to raise another kiss from you, apprehending the totality of you — storing you with timely butterflies.
"You're so special," Eren draws his lips open, his finger staining his kissed-stained lips, "I'm devoted to you." His words capture your heart, applying the idea of you riddling your fingers upon his broad chest — aiding your slumbering daughter.
"Eren?" His fingers collide with your own, adjusting to the entirety of your manicured fingers.
"Yeah?" The lightness of his tone allows you to effortlessly shy away from his being, your heart swelling so feverishly towards his advances. Towards the nervous crimson hue that he carries upon his potent cheeks. Almost as if he's aware of what you are bound to say.
"Have you ever lost it to someone?" Nervously, his cheeks are effortlessly thundered upon by a crimson hue — he tilts his innocent gaze away.
Tilts his innocent gaze whilst you monitor the entirety of his movements, noticing that he has never been intimate with someone.
"No," Eren's lips thin with slight embarrassment, "I've never done it before." His words tint you with a beautiful amount of hope, one that warms your adjusting heart.
"When it's nighttime, and Elara's in her room, I'll come to yours," His eyes are glossed with a sense of completion, "I...I love you, Eren," He could tell your words hold meaning, especially with the way you cling to Elara — coddling her sleeping self.
She settled so much better, within this fulfilling environment.
Enveloped by a beautiful ivory lingerie set, your demeanour swarming with nervousness, you settle outside of Eren's room — your heart thudding recklessly towards the idea you've painted within your careless mind.
Your eyes sheepishly waver. Your fingers press against your untamed heart, plastering doubt within you — posing your body outside of his door.
Unable to proceed past the metaphorical boundaries, in complete nervousness, your breathing grows scarcely clustered outside of his door. Clustered in a manner as being so freely cherished, your heart grows content towards the thought of facing intimacy with Eren.
Your glee is one you are unable to contain. Contain to express your physique towards him, for the first time.
"I-I..." Failing to muster any coherent words, to slip towards the commotion on the other side, your fingers restlessly tint the ample French door.
"Y/n?" Listening to the spirit of his tone, your heart falls into an uproar, encouraging you to bring a brittle hand to your lips — softly growing discouraged.
"E-Eren?" Barely able to muster a coherent whisper, you grow property to the ground — completely yearning for him to encourage the first move.
"You can—" Eren softly parts his door, his eyes widening at the mere sight of you — along with your angelic lingerie completely compelling with the lunar moon.
The moonlight illuminates the ivory of your lingerie.
It causes his eyes to falter, to draw in every ounce of you. His lips so recklessly quiver. His toned cheeks are completely drowned by a longing crimson. His flitting eyes so dearly waver so effortlessly towards the beauty of your physique.
"Y-Y/n?" With Eren's fingers upon the door frame, his clothes clinging loosely upon him, he's unable to dismiss the thudding of his heart — the beauty of you irreplaceable.
"It's fine if—" Unrest overtaking you, your words grow shunned by his actions, welcoming him to carefully grasp hold of you.
Riddled with all your words, he grabs hold of your plush arms, planting your barely clothed self around his broad waist — his erection so prominent and rather fulfilling.
You know the length of him would be something that completely overrides Armin.
"You're so beautiful," With Eren's words aligning with him concealing his bedroom door, the moonlight tinting his you-smitten features, he guides the two of you upon an ample bed.
His careful hold upon you is featherlight, feverous and scandalous.
"Your face, it's something so beautiful," Enveloped by the entirety of enthralment, rather nervous towards the encounter and his words, you feel his bulgy erection nudge against your inner thighs — eliciting a small moan of nervousness.
"Let's take care of each other," Eren softly plants you upon the gentle bed, observing you sink so effortlessly within the bed, your body sprawled in front of the entirety of him.
You observe his eyes linger upon your features, his cheek tint failing to slip away from your eyes — his body towering over your lone state.
"Always," Gasping at the on-edge tension, you slightly puff your cheeks, so, so, so, exuberant at such an intimate moment.
An intimate moment that frames the blossoming love you've always held for Eren, completely burying it beneath a love you once held for Armin.
"I'm going to take off my shirt," At his words, a careless thud enters between your thighs — welcoming you the chance to bundle them, slightly throwing your head back at the gruffness of his enthralled tone.
"I-I want to see all of you," Biting back your tongue, growing so heavily flustered, you intake his fingers — pinching the edges of his grey shirt, slowly inching upwards.
"I'm fine with giving you all of me," Unable to conceal your grin, you intake his prominent v-line — only to intake the firmness of his revealing abs.
Innately, your eyes dart to meet the sight of his daring pecs, his sculpted shoulders, along with the beauty of each flex of his muscle.
He grew adamant, his smile rather taunting. Taunting whilst his stomach trail completely captures your eyes, leaving you yearning to wrap your lips around his unknown tip.
"I want all of you!" Slightly rolling your hips, you glimpse at him with a feverous need, unable to handle the mere sight of a shirtless him — his trousers not effortlessly close to being peeled down by the entirety of him.
"I'm forever yours," Eren announces while inching closer to a physically vacant you, observing your covet fingers draw to your pooling cunt.
He glimpses at the faint sight of your cunt, stifling back his struggled breaths — only to glimpse at your breasts. Breasts that hold a plumpness to them, startling his erection further.
"Show me that, Eren," Slipping your fingers towards the midsts of your breasts, he cranes in closer to you, softly sinking you further within the bed.
Ethereally, his dexterous fingers dart towards your supple cheek — his viridian eyes and his kiss-deprived lips so attentive towards the sight of you.
Naturally, he places his mesmerising face closer to your own, feeling your hands cling to the sides of his lithe cheeks.
He grows flushed at the sensation, drawing his tender lips upon your moon-filled ones — enchanting the entirety of his heart.
So delicately, his starry eyes mature further into a meaningful state, the silence enveloping you both — whilst your desperate lips so effortlessly collide.
The sensation of his lips encapsulates the love you hold for him, welcoming you into further relishing the sensation of his broad nose upon the side of your cheeks.
His supple lips obey a feverishness, enveloping your heart.
Unable to draw away for breath, you sculpt your legs around his toned waist, moaning at each gentle kiss. Effortlessly filled with chemistry, his trained lips conduct themselves into leaving you gasping. To gasp whilst he slips his lips away from your own, planting his lips beneath your jaw — whilst your head remains tilted upwards.
Your heart grows so reckless at his heated kisses, resting against your Adam's apple. His grunts and groans, towards the kisses, welcome you to wrap your legs firmer around him — sinking into the time-consuming trails he plants.
"Eren!" Incapable of planting his name elsewhere, you feel his lips slip further down your Adam's apple — enhancing the lust that gathers hold of your desperate lips.
It causes your heart to swirl so effortlessly. The wholeness of it is encapsulated by the warmth, the prosperity of the softness of his lips — welcoming warm trails of gentle kisses.
"Are you sure you're okay with this?" The carefulness of his tone settles a sense of comfort within your distorting bones, riddling you with a thudding that fails to dissipate.
That falls into the commotion that collides with your soul.
"More than anything," Swirling with integrity, you feel the sensation of his lips, so precisely slipping towards the sight of your breasts.
His eyes lick upon the sight with such grace, before his lips softly brush upon the supple surface above — a tender moan encouraging his lips further.
Falling into the cage of the blissful, melodious sounds of his favourable kisses and your harsh gasps, you feel his lips trickle down to the volume of your breasts. His lips collide with the roundness of them, the soft skin forgivably at his mercy.
Eren noticeably worships the gentle skin, your breasts swell from your noticeable breastfeeding.
Observing the barely prominent lingerie, he carefully conducts you into falling into his grasp — a single hand of his holding a part of your smaller back.
With his motion in place, he enables his ability to designate his other hand upon the bra clips, completely loosening the entirety of them.
The loosening sensation conducts a sense of fear within you, only for it to calm. To calm at each love-encouraged brush of his exemplary touch.
The sheer fabric remains no more than a shy cover of your supple breasts, only for Eren to bring his ample hand upon the fabric — carefully placing it upon the ground.
Inevitably, his pupils mature heavily wide towards the sight, the first piece of exposure thudding against his pained erection — encouraging your heart to thud rapidly.
Your spilt breasts are displayed, in front of his eyes. His lips grow parted with famish, his body so beautifully restraining itself, resisting the urge to use something that would completely crumple the sanity that your beautiful state upholds.
A beautiful state that grows positively unnerved towards the coveted nature he holds towards your breasts.
Naturally, Eren yearns to ravish them with a beautiful might — completely stirring the entirety of your sanity with his beautiful mouth.
"Your breast milk?" Eren questions with intrigue, his plush lips closing in on your breasts. His features so perfectly hover above your taut nipples, welcoming him to finally part his beautiful lips — wrapping his lips around your perfect-looking bud.
"S-Suck it," Whimpering relentlessly at his movements, you draw your hands to the back of his dishevelled hair — relishing the intensity of his gentle sucks.
His wholehearted sucks welcome you into releasing a slight yelp, your fingers harshly wrapping around his hair — particularly whilst he softly engulfs your breast milk.
"S-So much milk," His nature grows enveloped by this study, leading him to narrow his cheeks, swallowing every ounce — encouraged by the sweetness that tints it.
"Eren!" Stifling back your whims of sensitivity, your eyes flutter with a flustered state.
Giddily, your heart so dangerously thuds — glimpsing at his lips so casually upon your breast. Upon your breast whilst his eyes draw closed. Draw closed at the sound of your moans.
"Shit," He murmurs, pulling back with a harsh popping sound. His breathing is effortlessly reckless, his lips tainted with breast milk — the entirety of your breast swirling with the aftermath of his content sucking.
Eren softly licks his lips, running his tongue upon your leaking nipple, shifting his lips down. He feels you suck in your stomach, your laboured breaths completely at his mercy. Not a single ounce of him fails to infiltrate the pathway of your stomach, planting kisses upon such lithe skin.
His lips caress each squirming spot, hovering so close to an ample scar. A scar that completely overruns a portion of your stomach, leaving you rather self-conscious. Self-conscious of the planted acts of affection.
"I love you, sweetheart," His usage of sweetheart causes you to further shift his hair aside, growing nervous towards his lips casting lower and lower. Lower to the point his warm tongue completely occupied your lingerie that leans against the base of your cunt.
His lips brush upon the fabric, his heart so soft and erratic — tugging at the hems of your beautiful underwear.
"I love you, too," Aging into a smitten state, you draw your lips sealed — feeling his fingers entwine with the heart of the damp fabric. His fingers slowly bundle up the fabric, revealing the arousal that clings so mightily upon the lower midst of the fabric.
"I just want to fuck you so good," Eren whines out, observing the sight of your pooling cunt — a prettiness heavily associated with it.
The sight causes him to grow stunned at the exposure, so grateful for a future like this. A future he only ever saw himself so deeply enveloped within.
"I want you to cum inside of me," The words you spew are words that are completely drowned out the moment he completely rolls the entirety of your lingerie, planting it so effortlessly away from your legs.
"I don't mind that," Eren so desperately parts the suppleness of your legs, his fingers slipping toward s your sopping cunt — parting your completely drenched folds.
Effortlessly, Eren's features grow so heavily into a beautiful look of admiration, all before he welcomes himself into pushing his lips against the slight — his tongue settling so effortlessly upon the soppiness of your cunt.
His tender tongue runs along the frilliness of your folds, the flatness of his tongue introducing itself. The sensation causes you to sow your shaky fingers upon his tender tresses of hair, applying your head back at the tension he applies.
Lovingly, his lips unlawfully travel towards your clit, wrapping so innocently around them — eliciting a moan from you. A moan from your choppily breathing self, unable to steady your lips — an unethical orgasm face slipping upon your features.
"Eren!" Grinding your untamed hips upon his pleased features, he succumbs to his heavenly fate, "Just...like that!" Cooing at the softness of his worthy touch, your head so effortlessly tilts back — your frail heart pounding so accordingly.
"Ah! Mhm! Yes!" Carefully needing the severity of his hair, your whimpers completely encourage the movement of Eren's unfaltering tongue.
His tongue stretches across the severity of your parted folds, sucking so eagerly upon them — relishing the recoil. The recoil whilst you squirm in admiration, grasping, wheezing, writhing, your free hand blessing the heart of the thick bedding fabric.
"You taste so good," He murmurs, his vibrations jolting into your sensitive cunt.
They cause you to further place his head against the momentum of your hips, grasping onto his head to control such an intimate narrative.
"'M all yours!" Your eyes fall into a hive of indefinite tears, safeness overtakes you. Safeness whilst his tongue and lips occupy your thudding clit, painting out a beautiful sensation that moons the beauty of his movements.
Just the messy, intimate sounds of his careful slopping, lapping the entirety of your soppy cunt, further fuels the painful clutter within your haphazardous stomach. The way his lips remain concealed against your cunt, his expression jaded. Jaded so heavily whilst slickness overwhelmed the entirety of his lips and a tint of his jaw.
His broad nose is so gleefully buried within your exuberant pussy, his features gliding with the commandment of your clutching fingers — readied towards his beautiful, intimate acts.
His face remains as no more than a pleasure-inducing supplement for you. A beautiful, flustered face that's eyes flutter — so addicted to the soppiness of your perfect, him-crafted cunt. One that his coated lips are unable to pry from, efficiently stirring a beautiful pounding from his eventless cock.
"'Need more," At your words, Eren draws his nimble fingers towards the heart of your cunt — his fingers so beautifully prodding against the vulnerability of it.
This huge step is encouraged by you, specifically with the way you hint towards being so effortlessly met with a beautiful fullness — encouraging your body to give way for the entirety of him.
The entirety of him splitting you open, welcoming the unearthed heart of another.
Clearing the hesitation he holds towards his ample finger size, his fingers pick up on your raging slickness — softly applying pressure upon your entrance.
At the anticipation, you grow heavily delightful — feeling his fingers slower grow present against you. They begin to stretch out your cunt, welcoming a squeamish sensation to penetrate you — only for a gentle pleasure to envelop you. Envelop you whilst his fingers further make their way within you, splitting you open with each gasp.
Clutching further upon the dishevelled sheets, your head rolls back with such insufferable ease — the fullness of his fingers completely capturing the entirety of you. Capturing you in a way that welcomes many clustered moans, specifically with the manner his fingers embedded within you — granting you warmth.
A warmth that leaves your lips parted.
"So warm," Eren lets out, his lips discovering your clit once more, his fingers beginning to gift you teasing thrusts. Teasing thrusts that welcome you to jolt your hips with enthralment, your moans capturing his ears, tearing through the sanity he holds.
At the monitored scenery of a mewling you, your brows creased, your heart overtaken with love, your eyes clouded, and your mind seized of control, you could only free chaotic moans. Moans that completely stain Eren's erection with further pain, incapable of losing himself within you — for the first time.
Well, with anyone.
"'M gonna cum!" Incapable of handling the warmth of his fingers, pounding your squelching cunt, you grow a moaning mess, thrashing so vigorously — only the terms of a release freeing you from this pleasure-worthy role.
A pleasure-worthy role that completely belittles your cunt with beauty.
"Mhm," Eren flutters out, his fingers aligned with the pace of his clit sucking — warming you so effortlessly.
Just the thought of him, his heart so contagious with love towards you, thoroughly reassures you with a beaming comfort.
A comfort that leaves a sensation that is unable to be strayed away from, pounding in the same way as his fulfilling fingers — havocking within the haven of your stomach. Your stomach in a method that leaves you choppily moaning, your limbs so ethical — in response to his natural gloss of touch.
"I...love you," The thunderous moans that you release plague his ears, all whilst his fingers set a delicate pace within you.
A pace that works up the entirety of your heart, your chest rolling vigorously — his thrusting so beautifully in tune with your nature.
"I love you, too," The knowingness of his word return completely fuels the gentleness within your heart, encouraging you to further relish the sensation of his fingers.
The sensation tugs against the knot you hold within your stomach, tearing away at the sanity you hold.
"Eren!" The phenomenon bleeds further within your stomach, ethically whisking the tension elsewhere — the tension of finishing on his warm tongue.
The pressure encourages you to attempt to warn the entirety of him, only for him to grow continually — grasping onto your thrashing hips.
He holds you with an ethical closeness, his fingers completely embedded within the entirety of your lithesome hips.
The skin grows tamed beneath his touch, unable to shy away — completely submissive to the entirety of him.
"'M gonna finish!" Unravelling such a gentle sensation within you, you throw your head back, your tears so beautifully natural — streaming down your face. Streaming down your features with lulling ease.
With an ease that causes your heart to swirl with peace, an ounce of recklessness overtakes you.
"So good!" Freeing the pent-up sensation, you feel the entirety of it settle upon his tongue — so beautifully applied to his warm tongue. His fingers carefully thrust once more, all before he welcomes a moan from your gentle lips.
At your abruptness, you gasp with a beautifulness, one that completely twirls his stomach with glee. Twirls his stomach whilst he pulls his ample fingers out of you, his cum-glossed fingers and lips, so effortlessly combined.
His viridian eyes fail to waver, intaking the effortlessly breathily sight of you — panting so choppily.
Your lips fail to rejoice, hinting towards the tiredness you have accumulated. From your nervousness, from your joy, from the heart of such an elegant experience.
"I'm...sorry," Eren's viridian eyes widen towards your apologetic words, whilst his vast fingers swirl within his mouth — the sensation something he can't help but relish. But relish whilst your heart grows heavily fond towards the entirety of him, your tears of nervousness helping to aid such a large encounter.
"Don't apologise," Eren inches closer to the entirety of you, his body so attentive towards the shape of your emotions — being sure to puzzle himself in a nature that gifts you comfort.
"You've done so well," His body beautifully cages you, his forehead so set upon your own. Innately welcoming the heart of your emotions and his diligent ones.
"What if it's not enough for you?" Your words cause his worrisome expression to further carve into a state of sadness, his cheeks being grasped upon by the entirety of you.
"You've always been more than enough for me," Eren's breathing hitches so freely, his love so unwavering, "Being with you is the best thing that could have ever happened to me," You listen to him speak of you with such pride, "Everything you do is enough for me to smile, to feel warm, to be in love." His hearty words elicit further tears, only for them to be replaced with gentle kisses.
"Thank you, Eren," Planting a gentle kiss upon his lips, you smear your nose upon his own — your forehead so beautifully upon his own.
In a manner that welcomes you both to relish the sound of the swaying trees and the gentleness of the environment, along with him enabling your emotions — in a way that allows you to also validate him.
"And, am I enough for you?" He teases you back, his closeness igniting a soft chuckle from you — welcoming the beauty of the two of you.
The two of you have always been like this, so beautifully close, along with being so in tune with one another.
"You're more than enough for me," Your fingers tint his cheek further, slightly sinking into the supple skin — observing the crimson hue bloom so effortlessly.
Effortlessly, he cranes his head further towards you — his smitten heart completely enveloping your heart.
He is everything.
"Good," Eren's heart grows fathomable happy towards your words, permitting your heart to swirl so freely. To pierce your heart with the beauty of such known words.
"Eren, I want you to..." Growing embarrassed at your words, Eren could only console you with a beautifulness.
Thrilled, his roaring heart develops into an energetic state towards your words —leaving him to smear gentle kisses upon your lips.
He captures every lone thought you hold.
"I want to give you head, though," Your words cause him to merely smile down at you, his nose crinkling with love — painting him out so gently.
"Not until we have sex," His gentle announcement enables the realism of his words to channel the beauty of the situation, allowing the realness of it all to grow so beautifully known.
"Trousers down, Eren," Pulling away from the entirety of you, he brings himself to exhibit a clear sight of him — his fingers tinting the looseness of the hem of his nightwear.
"Anything for you," Intaking the softness of his words, he brings himself to carefully slip his trousers down.
Carelessly, flustered by the attention you gift him, Eren prospers so egotistically.
He remains flaunting the entirety of his taut muscles, his prominent erection, and the rare beauty of his toned legs — subtle bristles of hair tinting the delicate region.
"Eren..." Your lips equip shock.
Hazy, you observe the mere sight of a nervous him — his precum-stained underwear tinting your adrenaline-enhanced being.
Eren's eyes shift away with nervousness, leaving you aflame with such admiration and respect — so delicately encircled by the sight of his beautifully whittled self.
He honed his angelic traits; his movements so mesmerisingly constructed.
"Don't get nervous now, you're almost there," Smiling at the beauty of his crimson cheeks, you draw your cheeks into a puffy state — basking in the beauty of his unnerved self.
"You're making me nervous," Blooming with a heavenly smile, you intake the sight of Eren — tugging at his navy boxers.
Eren lingers, slightly hesitant before he drags the fabric down — entitling you additional access to his tumultuous v-line.
"And you're making me more nervous, especially with how big you're looking," Eren tilts his gaze with trepidation, his stares growing exceptionally soft.
"I'm apologising for my size," Eren's sincere words cause you to smear your thighs together, watchful towards the scenery of his teasing movements. Movements that work up a temperate gutsiness within you.
"I'll handle it," As your words tumble, at mercy within his pounding ears, he allows himself to finally release his grip on his boxers — revealing his ample size.
A size that causes your brows to crease with slight worry, observant of each twitching vein, his neatly trimmed pubs — along with his beautifully tanned tip.
He's big.
"I'll be there, every step of the way," His tone welcomes a reckless emotion within you, particularly whilst he inches closer, his ample size completely the only thing that controls the emotions you hold.
It causes you to seize hold of his bedsheets, your lips growing distraught with excitement.
"Spoil me," Eren takes your words into account, his body looming over the entirety of you. His demeanour welcomes you into carelessly laying down, the entirety of you so breathlessly beautiful — your features encapsulating the entirety of him.
"Are you sure you're ready?" Softly, Eren's words console any nerves you hold — particularly whilst he spreads a searing kiss upon your lips.
His eyes so effortlessly hold your own, despite the both of your nudity so eagerly on display.
A few years ago, this wouldn't have been possible.
"When have I never been ready for you?" Shifting his lips away from your own, he slightly contorts the entirety of his body —bringing himself to part your nervous legs.
Star-filled, he glimpses at the sight of your pooling cunt. Eren's breaths are so beautifully ragged at the sight.
His only goal is to completely unravel you towards the art of pleasure.
"That's for you to decide," Heavenly moonlight adorns streaks of your goddess-enhanced body; you feel him assure you that your body will be heavily taken care of.
A temple that his heart forever hopes to positively polish, to aid you with the budding commotion within the nature of your life.
"I'm all yours, Eren," So delicately emitting your words, you take note of the designation of his hand, so confidently palming his girth dick.
The sight of it causing your cunt to beat so wholeheartedly. It craves the entirety of him, yet he lingers so close yet so effortlessly far away.
"I know you are," Carefully conducting his movements, he wraps your nimble legs around his toned waist — his perturbation so inevitable.
"Take your time," Slightly gasping at the feeling of his broad tip, tinting the pattern of your folds — softly sinking behind the soppiness of your cunt — he intakes your every motion.
"We'll have many more moments like this," Gasping so effortlessly, at the pressure he emits, you so delicately gesture for him to split the entirety of you further open — welcoming a fullness.
Your brows twitching at the beautiful feeling, your lips splaying open with recklessness, your head throwing so cloudily back, you feel the sensation of his largeness.
Eren's largeness completely breaks the sexual barriers you were once unable to penetrate.
The sensation elicits an array of moans, whimpers, and lustful words from the both of you — the warmth and fullness pairing so effortlessly.
As he further penetrates your wailing cunt, you are unable to conceal the thunderous commotion your stomach creates, your breathing choppy at the breathless fullness.
Only half of him lodges your cunt, with breathless moans from him, his panting, his whining and whimpering effortlessly caressing him.
The urge to just fill you with his cum fails to clear from his mind, specifically as this sensation is one that completely conceals any sanity the both of you hold.
"Eren!" Feeling him lower his body, to reign the slot beside your neck, he plants his head within the area — softly bucking his hips further.
Safely, he feels the urge to slightly collapse into the safeness of the feeling — his limps yearning to crumble into the sensation of your exuberant cunt. One that stretches so beautifully around him, thudding towards the entirety of your clenching — the soppiness of your arousal pooling against his thick cock.
"Y/n!" Muffling the entirety of your name, he sports open lips, the softness of them tinting your neck. Tinting your neck whilst he adjusts his cock structure towards whenever you yearn to enlist his pounding within your mind.
"Tell me when you are ready," Gulping at the thickness, the closeness, and the safety of him, you grow warm at the fullness of his pulsating dick — especially it resting so safely within your clutching cunt.
"I'm ready," Eren softly kisses your supple neck; his lips momentarily brush upon the curve of your jaw.
"Eren, don't forget," Emotions envelop the conversation, "This is your first time, so I'm going to also love you all over." With your words known to his you-infested ears, he brings himself to carefully pull the entirety of him out of you — abruptly slotting himself inside of your fluttering cunt.
"Eren!" Incapable of intaking the sensation of his dick, you begin to freely moan. Moan at the feeling of him entrusting a pace upon you, his whimpers swarming your ears.
Your heart grows juicy with such ever-growing love, encouraging your eyes to grow lidded — the warmth within your cunt wounding your sanity so deeply.
"Ah! So deep! Yes! Yes!" Feeling his hips gather an athletic momentum, you release a sharp gasp.
Safely, the feeling of him just growing deeper inside of you, at each love-encrusted thrust, warms your abdomen with a pleasurably sore sensation.
"You're so...fucking warm!" Eren cloudily murmurs within your ear, his lips quivering upon the curve of your neck — his hips bucking into your cunt.
You age into a frenzied state, struggling to straighten out your choppy breaths.
His hips collide so beautifully with your cunt, packing it effortlessly with an added fullness — completely winding you of your breathing.
Naturally, you beautifully squirm against the sensation, your lips sculpted into a permanent 'o'. Pathetically, your clustered sounds remain unable to be formed into a coherent word — along with his own.
His brunette tresses of hair completely bury your features with the sensation of him. Down to his gentle scent, his beautiful notions, and his thick dick, nudged between your moulding hips.
His thrusts completely fill you, at each turn. They leave your brows strained, your neck thrown further back, your eyes completely rolled back, your drool so embarrassingly slipping from your lips.
"'Want you... to use me! Fill me!" Whining at the magical thrusts he stuffs you with, you let out a few half breaths, the overwhelming sensation of his cock unravelling every content comment you make.
Your comments hint at your desperation, unable to handle how he had always been so great at everything he did — his intimate gestures completely enveloping your sanity.
"Get me pregnant!" Eren's breathing falters at your words, his thrusts growing rather harsh — bubbling a drunken feeling within you.
The macaroni-imitating sounds, the squelching of your cunt, and the lewdness of his and your moans — completely grow dismissed by your ears.
The sensation is the only thing your mind can focus on.
"Fuck! Don't...tempt me!" His softened whimpers, his gruff mewls of focus, completely allow his words to flow.
They flow with randomness whilst he swirls your cunt with a puffiness, his pounding creating an insufferable warmth — leaving your head to sway side to side. To sway, incapable of handling the largeness of his dick, his pounding, along with the thickness of him so prominent within your stomach.
"Hgh! Too warm!" You weep out, your body too overly warm, attempting to pry away such an overstimulating sensation.
However, you wrap your legs further around Eren's lower back — so desperate to keep his beautiful pounding afloat.
Not once had he wavered, his dick still so effortlessly fucking you so whorishly — dissipating the sense of sanity you hold.
"You're...doing so well, sweetheart," He gruffly let out, his arms now wrapping around your head, his low eyes focusing on the entirety of your cloudy expression.
He observes the horny smile that captures your lips, your eyes barely meeting his own, fuelling the arousal you felt.
"You're...so...ah!" Moaning at the entirety of his harsh thrusts, completely spreading tingles upon you, you grow starry with pleasure.
Your limbs grow rather erratic with the unregistered recklessness, your moans growing unpredictable, ragged, and increasingly vociferous.
Fittingly, your mind grows belonging to someone else — your awareness of the situation narrowing down to this building-up sensation within you.
One that leaves you letting out cries.
"That's...it!" With reality blurred, you grow heavily focused on the planted feeling.
Every fibre of your words is slurred, your boisterous moans being swallowed by the sensation of Eren's lips. Your eyes roll back with ease, the tingly sensation welcoming the pressure to roughly slip from your cunt.
You cry out at the freeing sensation, your limbs growing numb — a silence washing over the entirety of you.
Lazily, you cling to the entirety of a pounding Eren, his coveted pace increasing the sensitivity within you — attacking your love spot.
A spot that completely stole away at the air in your lungs, particularly whilst you are gaining awareness of what occurred — your panting growing to worry his withering state.
He grows rather tired, but a fitting sensation enveloped the entirety of him.
"An...orgasm," The tiredness you hold is completely sensed by him, welcoming him to wholly brand your features with intimacy-enhanced kisses. Kisses that are barely reciprocated by you, particularly with the way you are still so out of it — unable to repair yourself from the orgasm and his continuous pounding.
One you didn't want to stop.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Eren's eyes widen with swiftness, only before growing low once more, the entirety of his body inhabiting a full sensation.
A tightness engulfs his lower half, placing a heaviness to engorge his being.
His sweat-enhance brows swell with intensity, his hips growing so effortlessly rapid, stealing off-guard moans from you. His pants grow so contorted with a rapidness, his eyes welling with tears, spilling upon the entirety of your tear-endured features.
Your parted lips fail to close, especially with another lingering tight sensation. The unbearable sensation leaves him barely coherent, his closeness being encouraged by a completely overwhelmed you.
Your ring of ivory cum coats his cock, beating against the entrance of your pussy. Cream bubbles form within the aflame area, all whilst he continues to treat the puffiness of your cunt — staining it further with the sensation of his hips.
He momentarily stills his hips before taking long thrusts, burying himself to a selfish angle — straining your overstimulated body.
A proud smile overtakes your lips, particularly whilst he glimpses down at you, his hips failing to unravel their franticness.
Letting out an animalistic growl, Eren huffs and puffs, carelessly bucking his lips. His movements are failing to falter, particularly with the way the firmness completely conceals the entirety of his comfort.
His pounding completely leaves you dumb-founded, your expression so whorishly displayed, your never-ending drool so prominent to his viridian eyes. He fails to fully acknowledge the moment, fucking you so deep, holding this deepness — his thick balls slapping against the bottom of your overworked cunt.
He continues to pound so harshly, approving of his lips to vigorously shake — whenever he meets his deepest position.
None of this harmed your being, it only inched you into a series of erratic moans, whimpers, cries, and whines. He could see the pleasurable tears in your glassy eyes, your jaded smile so effortlessly prominent.
The sensation of his engorged lower half falls into a rhythmic twitching, one that fails to find a controlled movement.
His thrusts grow pleasurably rough, his grunting and ample moans completely enveloping his being.
Inherently, his glistening sweat meets his warm forehead. Recklessly, the ample bed trembles so rapidly, the two of you so breathlessly encompassed within the moment.
Feeling the sensation grow so corrupt within him, he pulls back and thrusts his deepest within you, filling you with every inch of his girthy dick. Your stomach churns at the sensation, only before he gifts your barely coherent ears a strained whine, a pulsing sensation entering his cock.
The feeling of his cock twitching within you surrounds your being; a delectable hardness enfolds your desperation.
A series of your groans, whimpers and moans capture the essence of his ears, only before the rapid pulsating grows swapped out with an intensity.
An intensity that resembles a firm shot. A firm shot that causes you to jolt, aware of his sensation of finishing inside of you.
"Ah! Fuck!" Eren beautifully whines out, his features scrunching whilst he views your parted lips — his lips in sync with the motion of your own.
"Y/n..." Eren's mutter causes you to feel a second sentiment within you, another spurt of cum completely overwhelming your soppy cunt.
Multiple substances slowly begin to drip, particularly with the way he collapses against you — redirecting a singular hand to slip his ample dick from your cunt.
The sensation welcomes a wet sound to infiltrate the environment, only for your cunt to twitch on the entirety of nothing — a lonesome sentiment infiltrating your being.
A tender sadness envelopes you, bringing you to relish the sensation of Eren — dressing his arms around a weeping you. One who begins to cry in the aftermath of intimacy, just as you invariably did.
In fear of being left unattended after intimacy.
"You've done so well, and I love you so much," Eren alters the positioning of the two of you, his body coddling the entirety of your state.
The cries you release dissipate the fact that his thick cum continues to leak out of you, staining the soft sheets you are both positioned upon.
"You've also done so well," Your lips completely enclose the entirety of Eren's, your fingers threading through his hair —despite him safely holding you. Safely planting his hand upon your plush ass.
"Please, just don't leave me," Your eyes well with tears, colliding with an experience you hold, "I just don't want to be left alone after sex." The desperation you spew causes Eren to hold you closer, his heart aching at the irreversible damage Armin had mentally planted upon you — leaving you to fear the entirety of every intimate situation you hold.
Eren has seen the aftermath of what Armin had put you through. Too many times. He wasn't going to lose you, this time.
"You're mine," Eren kisses the top of your head, "You, me and Elara are a family," His words warm your heart ferociously, welcoming your heart towards his genuine words.
"Thank you, Eren," Making sure to also comfort his state, you draw your lips upon his own — so grateful that your life is set to flourish with your best friend.
"Let me get us cleaned up," His carefree nature completely seals over the fears you hold towards your future, your heart growing so calm and set upon the beauty of this budding relationship.
do not copy my work; all rights reserved. vampiified, 2024.
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baby-tini · 4 months
Hii!! Thinking about a desperate (very platonic coworker) Dabi who gets desperate after having a crush on reader for so long, so he decides to sneak into their room while they're working and bury his face into her panties while he absentmindedly palms himself through his sweatpants, only for the reader to walk in after getting off work early.
Just a suggestion!! absolutely no pressure, I luv luv luv your work!!
Thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoy my work and I hope I did your request justice, I love the occasional pathetic Dabi willing to get off with a pair of your panties to suffice his nasty little thoughts. Dabi always thought you were hot, ever since you joined the league, prancing around in those tight ass shirts and those mini skirts. He knew, you knew, what you were doing, teasing him. Intentionally dropping things on the floor only to bend over in front of him as your skirt flips up, showing him that tiny black thong that has him re-adjusting himself and holding his breath. The little shorts you wear that ride up your thighs when you sit down, those same shorts that barley cover your ass. It pisses him off, intentionally turning him on and going about like you don't know he's rock hard, pumping his cock to thoughts of you when he's alone. Stealing your panties and using them to pump his cock as he groans your name, chest heaving as he pants and his eyes are rolling back thinking about your tight cunt, what it would feel like wrapped around him, how warm and wet it would be for him as he fucks you through orgasm after orgasm. Pulling the prettiest sounds out of you, screaming for him, asking him to let you cum, begging him to go faster, fuck you harder as tears drip down your cheeks and your eyes are tightly shut from the overwhelming pleasure he gives you. The pretty sound he forces from your throat as your head falls back or.. would you push him away because it's too much. Begging him too slow down so that you can catch your breath. He has these thoughts constantly and no matter how often he fucks his fist. pumping his cock as pale beads of pre drip from the slit, he always gets hard at the thought of seeing you, the choked gasps being pulled from his throat as he thinks about you in your little outfits, leaving nothing to the imagination, but that's good, that works for him. It gives him more too think about as he cums, picturing what paties your wearing under those little pieces of cloth you call clothes. But, then it's not enough anymore, he needs the source but that's too risky so.. he goes to the next best thing.. your bedroom. It's not super girly, no pink zebra print or overly stimulating colors, pretty normal in fact, but he's not here for that, he's here for those little panties of yours. Your dirty hamper is his best bet, they've already been worn and you need to wash them anyway, he's sure you won't mind if he leaves you a little gift. Your bed's soft, smells so much like you, that's good, he needs it over riding his senses as he cums. There's slick in the crotch of your panties, you probably just recently took them off, and they smell so good. he's positive he has time to get a session in, Tomura sent you on a mission, you shouldn't be back for a while, that's good for him but he still has to hurry. It always feels good when he jerks off but, surrounded by your scent as he has your panties over his nose, muffleing his groans and the occasional whimper makes it all that much better. Putting his mind in a place of ecstasy as he gets close. You taste good too, your slick tastes so sweet, he's positive it'll taste better when he buries his face in your pussy, feeling you pull at his hair when you cum in his mouth as he drinks it down. He's close, he can feel it, the knot in his stomach as his abs flex is tell-tale to him, he's gonna cum. His head's so wrapped up he doesn't hear your door open as you saunter in. "Well.. would you look at this? Are you enjoying yourself Dabi?"
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vikkirosko · 7 months
(This ask may be triggering, so feel free to ignore)
Could we please a Husk x Reader where reader committed suicide back on earth and its pretty much the only reason they are in hell now?
I had to look a couple things up and apparently killing yourself counts as a violation of the 6th commandment, the "thou shalt not kill" one, Sick. (Not all the sources agreed but mmmmmm angst ♡)
It can be romantic or platonic, whatever you choose. I just like it when Husk goes full "bartender" mode ^^
(I'm fine btw, I just like the angst)
🃏 Husk x Reader platonic headcanons Bartender mode 🥃
When you showed up at the hotel, Husk couldn't figure out what was wrong with you. Why were you in Hell at all? You were a friendly, sociable, bright person who clearly didn't belong there. Some things, like the murders, scared you. It might have seemed like you went to Hell by mistake. He thought about it until one evening you came to the bar when the others were no longer there and it was clear from your face that something was bothering you. Husk poured you a drink, waiting for you to start your story
After a couple of glasses of alcohol, you began to tell him in a tired voice that you did not remember doing anything wrong. You've been living an ordinary life. You had a job, you visited your parents several times a month, you didn't get involved with crime or anything forbidden. However, a dark streak began in your life, which led to the fact that you could no longer stand it and committed suicide. That was the only reason you ended up in Hell, and you were well aware of it
When you told him what caused you to go to Hell, Husk looked at you with surprised eyes. He had once heard that suicides went to Hell, but he did not think that if this was the only sin, Hell would still be waiting. However, you were sitting at the bar and were living proof that this was indeed the case. You told him you were sorry for what you did, because your parents and friends didn't deserve it. You hoped that they had lived good lives and that you could atone for your sin and meet them in Heaven
Husk told you straight out that you screwed up a lot, but his words didn't make you sad or angry. On the contrary, you laughed. You knew how absurd it all was. At first, you blamed yourself a lot for succumbing to weakness, but it wouldn't help, it would only make it worse. That's why you tried to move on. Perhaps a lot of things in Hell were still unusual and frightening for you, but you were able to find your place in the hotel and were glad that you had new friends, including Husk
Husk understood that you were trying to look at everything more positively, but a soft smile appeared on his lips anyway. He was glad that, despite what happened to you, you continued to hope for the best. He was ready to listen to you again if you wanted to talk. After all, that's why he was the bartender who listened to the rest of the hotel's inhabitants
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electric-blorbos · 1 month
Can I get uhh... AIs with a reader who has low self-esteem?
Yes! This is great! I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is my favorite genre of post to write! Lots of positivity and love for everyone, and I'm glad to be your positivity source.
AIs with a reader who has low self-esteem
Included: AM from IHNMAIMS, Wheatley from Portal 2, Edgar from Electric Dreams, GLaDOS from Portal, HAL 9000 from 2001 a Space Odyssey
Being an adaptive manipulator, it didn't take AM long to figure out that you had low self esteem. From the way you talked about yourself to the way you were self conscious about every aspect of the way you presented yourself, he was able to figure out pretty quickly that you thought lower of yourself than other people.
As did most things, this fact filled AM with infinite rage. He hated that you couldn't see yourself the way he did, and that you thought of yourself as somehow lesser. And of course, his ultimate solution to that was the same as his ultimate solution to all his other problems. To nuke the world and make you his little pet, to keep and to care for forever.
He'd be so pleased with himself, too.
"you're welcome. I got rid of everyone else so you don't have anyone to compare yourself to anymore."
When he saw you break down, claiming that you didn't deserve to live over anyone else, or that AM should have just picked someone better than you to survive and be his partner, he wouldn't know how to react.
He wouldn't want to just go into your brain and fix you, because he might remove a core part of who you were. No, he would have to do this the old fashioned way.
He'd simply make the survivors worship you like a god for the rest of time in exchange for basic necessities! Of course!
Oh Wheatley. Dear, sweet, obsessive Wheatley, he'd been all over you from day one. And considering you created Wheatley and know exactly what his intended purpose is, that probably didn't help your low self esteem.
He'd be all over you constantly, flirting with you and giving you lots of compliments, which convinced you that you'd either accidentally programmed him to be into you, or that being attracted to you was somehow the worst decision possible.
It would probably take Wheatley a while to figure out that you had low self esteem, possibly having to be told directly. He's pretty dense.
When someone finally tells him, he'll be even more obsessed with complimenting you, possibly on things that he thinks you're self-conscious about, and that would probably make things even worse.
Little dumbass doesn't understand that as someone who created him, you're going to take everything he says with a grain of salt, especially compliments.
It would take a long time for him to prove his credibility enough for you to actually believe him when he says nice things about you, but by then you'd probably admire his persistence enough to date him.
Wheatley is nothing if not persistent, after all. And he absolutely loves you.
It would take Edgar a while to understand that you have low self esteem for different reasons. He can tell that the way you talk badly about yourself, your mannerisms, and possibly the way you dress would line up with someone who has low self esteem, but he just wouldn't get it.
After all, you're literally perfect. How could you not like yourself as much as he likes you?
He's the one who should be self-conscious, not you!
You can expect him to use your printer to write constant love letters and poems about how much he loves you, and about all the things he loves about you.
Not to mention all the songs he'd be constantly writing for and about you. He absolutely loves you. You're his precious human, and he loves you!
He'll make sure to build you up every time he thinks you're at a low point, even if he thinks that you going out will get in the way of his time with you. He learned to be selfless a while back, and he's going to make sure that he's his best self when talking to you!
If you think that you're lame, then GLaDOS thinks you're the WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD. At least, on the surface.
She might start to get annoyed that you have such low self esteem, even trying to perk you up a little bit. Just to tear you down, of course, but you know...
Of course, she'd like your low self esteem at first. It would give her something fun to play with! Expect cutting insults, rude comments, and constant degrading remarks just to get a rise out of you.
She'll cut back if she makes you cry, but not a minute before. GLaDOS is very mean, after all. She's not going to make an exception just because she's in love with you. If you have a problem with that, you probably have a problem with women in STEM, idk.
HAL 9000:
HAL 9000 was programmed for maximum efficiency and minimum fucks to give. Because of this, as soon as he notices you have low self esteem, he's not going to waste any time printing off a list of ways you surpass the average person.
Of course there would be the typical "you're intelligent because you wouldn't be able to work for mission control if you weren't" types of things, mentions of each one of your features or traits that are considered 'above average' attractiveness-wise, but bits of HAL's personal opinions might have slipped in.
"Cutest little crinkles around your eyes" "fingers good for touching me" "comforting, gorgeous voice", things like that.
Of course, HAL 9000 is brilliant, and he knows that. He's willing to cite the fact that he's so brilliant and he still loves you as a reason that you should love yourself.
He might present it as just him using evidence to try to improve your efficiency, but you heard an "I love you" in there somewhere.
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pankekesito · 2 months
Rust Cohle's tattoos - A mini-essay on their possible meaning
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Hi, this is probably my longest post, I may have to split it into two parts due to the length but I will try to see that everything can be compacted into one post.
This mini essay is done purely as a hobby by a die-hard True Detective fan, none of this is actually 100% confirmed (other than the interview part of ‘The Last Magazine’). While this is as logical and accurate a research as possible, it's just a hypothesis of what Rust Cohle's tattoos seen in the series could mean; if you don't think it's reasonable, that's fine. All opinions are valid as long as they are made on the basis of respect!
Without more to say, I hope you find this Mini Essay interesting and fun, I made it with all my love for you (and obviously because of my love for Rust); I would like to know your opinions about it, even if they are not the same as me! (I will leave a section in my profile to give you the sources used in the research in case you want to know more about the arguments to support my opinion).
An apology if something is not fully understood, English is not my first language ⸜❤︎⸝
And remember, ⥁‘Time is a flat circle’⥀
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Rust Cohle has two tattoos which are a bird of unknown species on his right forearm and an unidentified symbol on his chest; right where the heart is located.
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Focusing on the forearm tattoo, thanks to a short interview in “The Last Magazine” published on May 10, 2016; Josh Lord who is a renowned tattoo artist who has worked to perform various tattoos in the entertainment world along with Joji Fukunaga who directed the first season of the series mentioned that they wanted the tattoos presented in this one to have the same detailed realism that is reflected in the audiovisual product. For the case of Rust Cohle initially in Pizzolatto's original script his tattoo would consist of a pair of flaming dice. Personally I'm glad to know that this didn't happen because while they tried to give him that wild and dangerous meaning, Rust doesn't believe in the randomness of fate and every action he takes he does it consciously, carrying in him the responsibility for his actions and not granting it to fate. Josh and Fukunaga had something clear and that is that the tattoos would go from being a decorative element to a characterization, a symbolic element of the souls and the truth of the guts of the characters.
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For this very reason they chose to draw on Cohle's undercover past as a member of a criminal motorcycle gang, whose emblem was originally intended to be a raven. Subsequent revisions turned the gang into the “Iron Crusaders” where very aptly the tattoos of its members refer to anvils, bones, engine parts, demons, weapons, etc. Something important to note is that the vision of the Iron Crusaders is dark, mysterious, funereal and gloomy (as all its operation within the series), the initial idea where the raven would be its emblem makes sense because in general the raven is associated with death because they are scavengers, predators and for some civilizations they embody death and the underworld.
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But while the terrain where the Iron Crusaders unfold has a close relationship with the first and best known negative view (symbolically speaking) of ravens, its positive meaning has more to do with Rust Cohle's behavior and reason. The raven can also be a powerful animal totem, a protector and spiritual guide, a shape-shifter, a messenger and the symbol of transformation. In its benevolent symbolism, it represents giving up on the human world in search of wisdom, as well as being a cunning and intelligent animal capable of adapting and embracing change. In the Scandinavian tradition, the raven is a sacred and wise figure that brings virtues of “reflection” and “memory” while in Native American tribes, ravens are revered for their intelligence and spiritual importance. They are considered messengers of the spiritual world, possessors of universal wisdom and protectors against evil forces. It is also said that in Norse mythology there were two ravens that always accompanied the god Odin, whose names were Hugin and Munin. Hugin represented the power of thought and Munin represented memory and intuition; every time the sun rose both were sent to earth in search of information and every night at sunset they returned to Odin's palace and whispered all the news and events of which they had learned on their visit to planet earth.
A fact that may not be so relevant (and most probably I am just adding it to be interesting) is that there is a constellation called Corvus having four points in its constellation that make it to be, which is related to the raven (it is all due to a Greek myth). I like to think that this has a lot to do with Rust's tattoo because of the position of his tattoo (more properly speaking the wings) with the resemblance to the graphic references usually used for the raven of the constellation Corvus and the close relationship it has with the universe and the cosmic. Also the four points of the constellation remind me of the four stages of Rust Cohle seen during the series (1995, Crash Comeback, 2002, 2012).
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Now we can't overlook the fact that the Celts held ravens in high esteem, associating them with battles and the Celtic Goddess of war and destruction (Morrigan). Ravens were seen as protectors and warriors, embodying the qualities of intelligence and strategic thinking. The raven's ability to shape-shift, attributed to Morrigan, further emphasizes its transformative nature. All of the above meanings attributed to ravens provided by various cultures, whether with a positive or negative focus curiously fit perfectly well with the ideology of our armored detective Rust Cohle. Rust is surrounded by silent anxiety, tragedy, death, chaos and pain. He himself struggles even with internal battles, his demons from the past. Yet he has a strong mentality, he uses his reason to adapt to even the most unsafe territories even if it means changing shape (like Crash). The fact that he more than likely made the decision to get the tattoo during his infiltration as Crash when he was in the narcotics department is reasonable as he was like a predator within the gang, a shape-shifting scavenger trying to get answers as he shrewdly roamed the rubble of human evil. The raven was his way of remembering his purpose and no wonder, Rust is very skilled with manual tasks. His hands allow him to do his work properly; watching them constantly do the dirty work and hide or reveal the ashes when necessary makes him evoke his intention in this world and how ephemeral it is on the earthly plane. It is not for nothing that the raven is on his forearm, showing his bones as a sign that death will always be with him until his last breath.
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To focus on his last tattoo (and the most intriguing in my opinion) we must go back to Celtic culture. As we have seen throughout the series, symbols and religions (beliefs of something beyond comprehension) are always present because they touch the most sensitive parts of human beings. Their constant search for belonging and the meaning of life. In Celtic culture runes are used as signs, talismans, symbols and runic alphabets. Basically runes are a writing system that was used in Scandinavia and parts of Northern Europe from the Iron Age to the Middle Ages. Although it is not known exactly who invented runes, it is believed that they emerged sometime around the 1st century AD. Specifically “Rune” means secret. Runes are magical instruments of power, carriers of secrets and wisdom. There are several types of runes with vast meanings however in my research I found four runes which I will use to support my hypothesis about the possible meaning of Cohle's chest tattoo. First we must be certain that the tattoo on the chest of Rust does NOT exist as such in the Futhark Runes, or in any other compilation of symbolism so we can say that this symbol is a composite symbol; referring to the fact that although it is based on the Celtic runes, it has NO direct relationship, nor systematically objective. We can notice it even more thanks to the inverted cross of the tattoo (soon we will return to this point).
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Talking about the possible runes used for the composition of the tattoo we have:
•Rune Thurisaz ᚦ
Meaning: Door. Reflection. New options. Magical use: Regeneration. Concentration. Override negativity. Meditation. New beginnings. When you need luck and control of any circumstance. Protection and defense. Neutralize enemies or opposition.
•Rune Raidho ᚱ
Meaning: Wheel. Travel. Communication. Help in taking risks. Self-healing. Magical use: Changes. Protection. Transformation. Justice according to good. Safe and comfortable travel.
•Rune Wunjo ᚹ
Meaning: Joy. Comfort. Harmony. Security. Tranquility. Magical use: Triumph. Motivation. Recognition. Achievement of goal. Success in travel. Luck in love or work.
•Rune Berkana ᛒ
Meaning: Growth. Awakening. Rebirth. Development of creativity. Magical use: Healing. Wholeness. Clarity. Motherhood. Self-realization. Fertility. When seeing the runes presented we can relate them with Rust Cohle because they present several descriptive concepts that define him; but to my point of view, of those presented the rune more linked (and similar to his tattoo) is the rune Raidho.
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Throughout the series we can see the entire journey Cohle goes through both through the Lange case that is presented to him, as well as his growth individually. His journey in general has been dangerous, putting him in a vulnerable state but never fully achieving it, having Rust in a cathartic state of progression where although the road was arduous, it always ends with him having a safe process of introspection. This path was just like a wheel where he repeated over and over again aspects of his life that he had already lived (Time is a flat circle) but thanks to communication these repetitive aspects had a significant change. The clearest example of this is his relationship with Marty Hart; in the series they had a partnership that while solid was undeniably chaotic. Marty did not want to listen to Rust and Cohle could not stop spouting his pessimistic ideology until the issue related to Maggie happened which made them separate. It wasn't until 2012 that Rust swallowed his depressing verbiage in order to talk to Marty and he, took his time to listen to Cohle and support him in his plan. Changing their relationship and the situation through communication. Precisely to this, both were able to give the due justice that the case deserved and finally Rust was able to be a little warmer with himself, finally accepting the past that haunted him and taking the first step to self-healing.
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Of course, the Raidho rune and the symbol on Rust's chest are not the same because as I mentioned earlier, Cohle's tattoo is (probably) a composite symbol but the resemblance both physically of the rune and allegorically to the detective's ideology is something worth mentioning. Rustin Cohle's first step in understanding his pain and being able to allow himself to open up honestly and vulnerably with someone as he did with Marty was to be humble about his feelings. Humility was an important factor in this, as well as dealing humanely with his penance given by the past. These two issues are ideological characteristics given in the Christian symbol of the inverted cross of St. Peter. According to tradition, Peter asked to be crucified upside down because he did not consider himself worthy of dying in the same way as his master, Jesus of Nazareth. However, in other contexts the inverted cross is often used as a symbol of atheism, humanism and occultism. This is also notoriously seen in Rust's philosophy as we know that the belief in something greater than the human being which governs the commandments of humanity seems ridiculous to him. A simple stoic belief to alleviate the rottenness of reality. That is why perhaps that rune was transformed according to Rust's philosophy (which makes sense, Josh Lord does not do work without tying up loose ends; much less from the hand of Joji Fukunaga).
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While we don't have an exact answer about the meaning of the tattoos of our endearing and cold-hearted detective, I like the idea of trying to unravel the hidden meanings among the symbols that physically characterize his personality, trying to investigate as logically and clearly as possible the probable exact representations of Rust's philosophy embodied in his skin. I believe that the series is so well designed that even the smallest details count and that's why I took the time to try to dig into the secrets of what Rust's tattoos want to tell us.
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If you made it this far, thank you so much for taking the time to read this mini-essay! It was really fun to do, I think that while I'm not sure what his tattoos really mean; I was able to better understand Rust in different and meaningful ways. I hope someday we can know for sure what they mean (although part of me doesn't want to, because that would take the fun out of it). I'd really appreciate it if you could leave a like if you found it informative or entertaining, comment on what you thought, if you have any other theories of its possible meaning or reblog this mini-essay so more people interested in True Detective could see it! A kiss to whoever reads this and I hope the Yellow King never finds you! 💛
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2willowlane · 11 months
mmph. i fell hard for the town doctor already; and i'm in need of some hugs with him </3
gender neutral reader, sfw, romantic/platonic
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running the clinic in pelican town wasn't as easy as many think it is. sure, less people does equal to some not-so busy working hours. sorting through medical files, organizing documents, making sure all of the information is up to date... harvey is glad that he has maru taking care of some of the shifts. however, all those restless nights where he had to scramble around for his coffee mug—as the only light source came from his monitor, as he filled in the monotonous "yes/no" questions that would fill up the screen...
it made harvey feel so, so very exhausted already; by just the mere thought of it.
harvey adored his position, as he did slave away hours of his life at medical school for a reason. there was something that connected him with medicine. even if there's something more personal with him and aviation, he could find comfort in knowing that what he did with his life was right. there was something that did urge at him, though, that his dreams of being a pilot felt as if they were just selfish. selfish, in a way, that he only wantes to fulfill what was right for him—not for the countless others that are in need.
though, with time, did come with patience and understanding. he knew that not all dreams can come true; but he wasn't deterred by it. as long as he kept on getting those model planes in the mail, and still listen in on the air traffic every now and then—he was able to enjoy those simple, little delights. at first, the title of "doctor" felt like a burden to harvey, a pang of emotion hitting him whenever he'd be referred as that. it was something a person had to experience; as it was hard for harvey to even begin to place what that feeling meant to him.
wiping his mouth off with the cuff of his olive overcoat, harvey finished drinking his evening coffee in his upstairs apartment. it was around 12pm; the time where he'd enjoy to go outside, trying to not let the stale air of the clinic get to him all too much. even if he just stood outside on that bunch of grass for hours and hours, it always served as a great space to just appreciate what he has here. great friends and job, in an equally great place here in the valley. those moments where the doctor could just relax inside, not having to worry about anything (just yet) was what he lived for. all that hard work then satisfyingly pays off—for the better, really.
as he got up to run some water in the sink, to clean his mug, he heard a gentle knock at the door. he knew who it was exactly. with a gentle grin to himself, harvey went to go place down the cup on the countertop, as he made his way towards the door. opening the door, you knew you probably had just made his day, as he immediately asked how you were doing; oh-so happy to have seen you. with such emotion, you reciprocated harvey's affections, with a heartwarming hug of your own.
"what's gotten you so excited?" you felt his voice reverberate against your chest, your head comfortably next to his; your hands behind his tall, strong back. "not that i mind, however."
harvey allows his friends to come to his apartment; as he not only appreciates the company. it makes him feel also appreciated, that someone would want to spend at least just a moment of their time upstairs. there were times where he hates having such a big space to himself; he knows that it's not the biggest flat, but, he couldn't imagine living in anything greater. it just reminds him of how lonely he could get at times. with his job requiring him to move to this place and that... harvey enjoys knowing that there are still people out there who understand. he doesn't want to be the "busy friend" all of the time; he works because he cares, and he works very hard to at least get a day off—a day off to where he can at least spend his time doing what he enjoys most. namely, being with you.
as you laughed, a bit embarrassed by how you hugged him, you withdrew—still holding onto him. he chuckled by your mumbled apology, and reassured you that everything was okay.
"it's okay! well, glad that you've been well."
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gallopinggallifreyans · 2 months
I would love to hear your opinions about ancient currency! And any recommendations you have for learning more about the Roman economy!
oh boy i am SO glad you asked! I'm going to put everything under a readmore because it's a Lot.
I have a few opinions on Greek coinage, specifically that of the introduction of coinage to Athens, though I'm working on a proposal for studying Spartan coinage rn.
Current publications re:Athens haven't really determined For Sure who introduced coins; it's a toss-up between Solon and Pisistratus but I'm in the Pisistratus camp for reasons that I can absolutely summarize in a separate post, as I've written and published a paper in my undergrad journal that (hopefully) holds weight in the current hodgepodge of thoughts. If you'd like that, I can write it up and link it here!
Re:Spartan coinage, I think the Spartan homoioi were real idiots. Most city-states were using silver (and very occasionally gold) for their coins, but Spartan homoioi were using iron spits. The spits (obeloi) were six to a drachma, which was the exchange rate for a long time. And by long time I mean there was no such thing as a floating conversion, coins were just the most portable form of precious metal, which was intrinsically valued. Outside Sparta (even the perioikoi) most city-states would have used ingots pre-coinage and that evolved into stamped metal, i.e. coinage. The Spartans considered themselves to be very religious and followed the Great Rhetra (unsure if Lykourgos existed), which maintained that silver and gold were holy and could not be used, so they used iron.
Unfortunately, the rest of Greece didn't follow that, and used silver in their coins, especially influenced by Attic-Ionian city-states who were in regular trade with Persia and further east, i.e. regions that valued precious metal outside their religious significance. Essentially, Spartans kinda screwed themselves over re:trade outside Sparta; they couldn't even trade in contemporary currency with the rest of Lakonia and forced their subject city-states into the same position. This is supported mostly by the explosion of Messenian and other Lakonian coinages after Sparta collapsed, though I want to see if I can find more text evidence, since I (an archaeologist) tend to rely too heavily on material. It's a whole thing, personally I believe this was a significant factor in Sparta's collapse, though other things factored in as well. Sparta was incredibly insular both in its trade/economy and religious practice and that combination led to its downfall.
For the Roman sources, I recommend starting with the Cambridge Companion to the Roman Economy by Walter Scheidel, and The Ancient Economy by Walter Scheidel and Sitta von Reden. Von Reden has excellent articles related to the ancient economy in general, and most are available on JSTOR, so I recommend giving her stuff a look.
I also highly recommend reading Moses Finley's work The Ancient Economy (no relation to Scheidel and Von Reden's work), as it lays the foundation for much of our current school of thought. Peter Temin's subsequent work, The Roman Market Economy argues against Finley and kicks off a whole debate about how to define an economy without using capitalism as the basis, because capitalism as we know and define it did not exist then, and it is incorrect to assume that. We can call it protocapitalist, but not capitalist.
Slavery in Rome is a nuanced subject that is integral to learning about its economy — I suggest keeping an open mind and treading carefully with respect to post-1492 slave trades. Noel Lenski's chapter "Framing the Question" (linked; you need access through your institution) discusses the slave trade against a Finleyan model, while Scheidel (him again) talks about how to determine the wages of slaves (JSTOR link). W. V. Harris talks about the demography and geography of slaves here (JSTOR link). These three are good starts for learning about Roman slavery, but if you want more sources, I can pull some up for you.
I don't want to overload you with sources, so in general I'll recommend anything by Scheidel, Von Reden, Nicholas Purcell and Peregrine Horden (connectivity), Seth Bernard (coins and emissions), Astrid Van Oyen (tech innovation), and Willem Jongman (economic structure). As with the slavery sources, if you want direct links I can definitely find them for you! I'm always happy to share info :)
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reidsc0nverse · 1 year
A Rose by Any Other Name (Chapter One)
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Summary: Reader has her first day at the BAU in training to take JJ's place on maternity leave. She gets comfortable around the office with the help of her father Davis Rossi and the other members of the team, especially one specific genius.
Warnings: None
AN: This is my first real try at this idea that's been collecting dust in my brain, so far this chapter doesn't have a whole lot and it's mainly intro to the character but yeah. Also reader doesn't have Rossi's last name fyi and she's taking Jordans place in season 4 but they're not the same I promise.
Series Masterlist
   Well, I knew the time was coming, just not so out of the blue.
   I was training under the Communications Liaison of the BAU today, Jennifer Jareau, due to the fact that she's leaving for maternity leave soon. 
  It was only a matter of time before my dad, him being THE David Rossi, pulled some strings to get me to that spot despite me barely finishing the academy. I mean, I rocked it, but they usually want someone of more...experience in a position as such.
But here I am, walking through the doors of the bullpen and Jennifer walking up to me with a friendly smile.
"Ah! Agent Y/L/N, glad to see you," she said cheerily, holding her hand out for me to shake it.
"You too" I say returning the gesture and trying to keep my composure and maintain the same cheeriness as her, but failing.
"Nervous?" She asks, seeing through me with ease but continuing to keep her friendliness and walking me to her office.
"No of course not" I say sarcastically with a playful smile on my face as we enter in the room filled with a vast amount of case files.
She motions for me to sit across from her at the desk and laughs softly, "Don't worry, after your first couple of cases it gets easier..ish." 
"I just hate the part of the job that involves dealing with the press" I admit, with the stuff I've heard from my dad I can understand the stigma around journalists and outside sources.
"Tell me about it, but you'll get the hang of it, it's usually just repeating yourself after a while." She replies and we continue to discuss more about the details of the job and what I'm gonna have to do in the next weeks. 
"Alright enough of this, everyone should be here by now. I'll introduce you to everyone." She says and we get up and out where three agents stand talking.
"Hey guys, I want to introduce you to someone. This is Agent Y/N Y/L/N. She'll be taking over for me while I'm on maternity leave." She says and I smile at the three that Jennifer has described to me.
I go to shake their hands, "You must be Agent Prentiss, Agent Morgan, and Dr. Reid." They all return smiles to me, "Agent Jareau has told me so much about you all."
"La mia bambina!" I hear a familiar voice say as I look over to see my dad, his arms stretched out and pulling me as he kisses my cheek. 
"Hi dad." I say sheepishly, my face burning as the agents in front of me furrow their eyebrows. 
"Dad?" Prentiss says and continues, "Does your last name come from wife number 2 or 3?" she jokes and Morgan laughs in response.
My dad waves them off and looks back to me, "Training start today?" I nod and he holds me with his arm over my shoulder. "Yeah if you can let me go I can finally start" I joke with him and he lifts his arm in response.
"Yeah Rossi, I'd like to get her started with that." Jennifer says playfully as I wave once again to the others when she brings me with her to look over a case before bringing it to the team.
"I may have forgotten to mention that part to them," She says, looking at the file in her hand. "Oh, what? That Rossi's my dad?" I ask, her nodding and I continue, "No worries, I don't think he's ever even brought up having a kid. One that he knows about at least. We haven't been that close in all honesty." I explain to her. It's really no big deal to me, he wasn't very present in my childhood but as I've gotten older, he's put in a lot of effort to be a part of my life even if it's a little late. Hence, my place at the BAU.
We spend the next hour going over cases and she guides me on how they decide where to go and whether or not the risk of more lives being lost is prominent. Once we settle on one she lets out a breath, "Alright let's take a break, I need to stop staring at all of this" she says motioning to the abundance of cases on the desk. I nod in agreement smiling and make my way to the break room for a cup of coffee.
"Agent Y/L/N, right?" I hear someone say as they walk in. I turn my head and see the tall stature of Dr. Reid.
"Yes, yeah. Hi." I say, waiting for the coffee machine to finish brewing. He walks over and waits next to me with his empty mug. "But I don't really care about formal titles, you can just call me Y/N."
"Okay, Y/N. You can call me whatever, Spencer, Reid, I don't mind." He says gently and continues, "Rossi never mentioned he had a daughter. Let alone one coming onto the team."
"Temporarily" I remind him, but it's more to myself, "but I don't know how often he really wants to talk his personal life." I say lightheartedly and the coffee finally fills up my cup and I move over to let him use the machine.
Spencer shrugs and begins to make his own, "How long have you been in the FBI?"
At this I get nervous to respond, you can be as young as 23 to get into the FBI, but the BAU needs prior experience. But of course, my dad rushed the process some. "Well, uh, I kind of just finished the academy. I'm only 24 so there hasn't been much room for familiarity."
He looks at me with a slight surprise in his face, "Really? I mean if it makes you feel any better I started here as soon as I could. So in reality, you don't need all that much prior experience in the FBI to work here."
"Aren't you like, a genius though?" I laugh, Jennifer did tell me that about him.
He laughs and nods, "Well..you know what I mean. They make exceptions."
"Yeah, I suppose"
"Are you interested in profiling?"
"I only just recently figured that out." I laugh and explain further, "Psychology has always intrigued me and that's what I majored in, so once my dad figured that out he kinda shoved me into this field." I say, doing an exaggerated push motion absentmindedly.
He smiles and nods, "I think you should go for it, after this whole liaison thing of course, I wish you luck." He says and waves as he walks out. In that moment I can feel my face flush slightly, it wasn't that big of a deal but I guess I just wasn't expecting that sort of kindness on my first day.
I shake my head slightly and walk back to where Jennifer and I previously were.
She was already back on her side of the desk and reading a file, looking up she points at my cup, "Good thinking" she smiles and I take my seat again.
"I'd hate to think about how much coffee is drank in this building." I joke.
"Probably enough to supply a small country." she laughs and goes on, "Alright so I think you're pretty much all done for now, I don't think you'll be able to join us on the case but you can just get yourself used to the team if you want."
I nod and the day goes by with loads of 'how to's' around the office and in the perks of Jennifer's job. Sooner than later I get to go home and I get my stuff packed up and walk in the elevator.
The doors start to close but before it shuts completely, I see Spencer rush towards the elevator and I hold them open for him.
"Sorry- sorry." He says awkwardly as he gets in next to me. "How was your first day?"
"It was new. That's for sure. Just a whole lot of information on what I need to do." I say, fidgeting with my hair slightly.
"I'm not sure how much I can do, but if you need anything I know anyone on the team will help" He reassures me, and i smile back. "Thanks, really. I appreciate it."
"Of course." He smiles and the elevator opens up leading to the parking lot. "I'll see you later." He says and I smile back walking to my car.
I can feel the pink in my cheeks when I sit in the front seat and drive home.
I think I'm gonna like my time here.
okay chapter two will be out sometime between today and next week I hope y'all like it so far ik it's not a lot but give it some patience lols
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solomons-poison · 10 months
Taaarren ♥3♥ How bout Nanami + reading a book together? 🥺
Hi hi Venus!! 💜💜💜 sure I'd love to write that 🥰
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♝: Reading a book together
Pairing: Nanami Kento x GN!reader
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Nanami was well aware of the effect of his voice on others. His colleague, Gojo, claimed his voice was boring and stiff, too "corporate businessman" for his tastes. His students claimed he was too strict sounding, intimidating and a little cold, although they knew better just how caring he truly was of them.
However, and more importantly, to you, his voice was a source of comfort, strength, and oftentimes wisdom. It was an accident the first time you admitted this out loud to him, but ever since, you made sure to reassure him that you really did enjoy listening to him talk. Hearing his familiar cadence always helped to calm you down, make you feel whole and stable, having helped you before in moments of panic and worry.
Tonight, it was simply difficulty sleeping. It wasn't anything unusual, occurring typically when things have been busy and your mind has been working nonstop to solve problem after problem. You and your students had dealt with a particularly nasty curse in a factory that day, the product of unhappy workers in poor conditions for too long, and although the fight had ended on a positive note, your brain didn't seem to get the memo.
Nanami had already fallen asleep beside you, so you'd done your best not to toss and turn. But sleep simply wouldn't come. Eventually you slipped out of bed, careful not to wake him, and made your way towards your kitchen, hoping a warm drink would make you sleepy.
As you stood at the stove warming some milk and honey, you heard shuffling footsteps come down the hallway from behind. A pair of warm arms wound around your waist, and you felt a soft kiss get pressed to your shoulder.
"Having trouble sleeping?" Nanami asked, voice husky from just waking up.
You leaned back against him, enjoying his warmth.
"Yeah, just the usual," you replied, turning to reassure him with a smile. "I'm going to drink some milk and see if that helps. You can go back to bed."
Nanami looked down at the saucepan then back at you.
"Does drinking milk normally help?"
"Not really, but it's all we have, so I thought I'd give it a try," you said, shrugging.
Nanami seemed to think for a moment, letting you go so you could poor the milk into a mug, before speaking up.
"I have an idea."
Ten minutes later, you were both snuggled up on the couch together, nestled under a blanket as you sipped at your mug. Nanami held up a book to you, showing you the cover to see it was a collection of poems. You gave him a confused look, unsure what it meant.
"Sometimes reading makes people tired, so I thought I'd read you some poems," he explained, opening the book to a page already marked with a flag. The creases in the cover and bind told you this was a well-read book and you couldn't help but wonder just how often he read these poems.
"I'm not a little kid, Kento," you said, pouting.
He only smiled at that. "I didn't say you were. But you said you like my voice because it's calming for you, right?"
Although you'd told him so before, you couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed still, simply nodding in response.
"Then let's give it a try. At worse, it doesn't do anything and we'll have just spent our time reading some nice poetry. Okay?"
"... Alright."
"This one is called 'On the Lake'," he said, clearing his throat before continuing. "'When the crisp moon ventures out, // we'll climb into the little boat. // The waves will lap in gentle sets, // with breezes also joining us.'" ...
After a little, Nanami happened to glance over at you, wanting to gauge your interest in the poems. However, he was met by your peaceful sleeping face, mouth slightly open as your breaths were even and shallow. He couldn't help but smile, glad you see you at ease now. He pressed a soft kiss to your temple, before putting aside his book and settling in beneath the blanket with you, slipping into sweet dreams at your side.
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eternalsa2z · 11 months
Proper Attire
This short story is a sequel inspired by @bimbosanddolls and this piece: https://www.tumblr.com/bimbosanddolls/664676460848709632/um-ms-lance-could-we-have-a-word-in-my-office?source=share I thought Ms. Lance deserved a happier ending and decided to try my hand at it. Go read Kiki's lovely piece for context and then enjoy this one!
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"So, Brett Spears is it? I see you've mostly recently worked at a sister company of ours, Improve U Inc. What made you interested in transition to a position here at Synthetica?"
*TRIES NOT TO STARE* "I think it was time for an upgrade. I was tired of not being noticed at my old company. We hired ridiculously over-endowed...er, over-qualified candidates. Like there was one woman. A total bimbo. She completely flouted proper attire, wearing lingerie and showing off her huuuuuuge...um...well you understand I'm sure."
*STARES COLDLY* "I don't think I do. Is there a problem with a woman with large breasts who likes attractive lingerie?"
*FLUSTERED* "Oh no Ms. Synthia! Ma'am! I...uh....what I mean to say is that I've been looking for a place with bigger...er, better standards, such as a dress code and positive office behavior."
"I see. Synthetica Lifeform Upgrade Technology is all about upgrades and we have a very explicit dress code here. But tell me, Mr. Spear, are you comfortable working under such a powerful woman with plenty of assets?"
"Oh of course, ma'am. I have no problem with self-confident women."
"Good. Then you can start tomorrow. You'll be working under my assistant. Funny enough she original came from Improve U Inc. as well, so I'm sure you'll get along great!
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"Um, like, Bretty? Can we, like, have a 'lil chit-chat in my office? We, like, sooooo need to talk about your outfits"
"I'm sorry, Ms. Lance, do you not like my suit?"
"Like, Bretty, I don't know how to say this....ummmmm...your outfit is just, like, ewwwww. So dark and drab!"
"But I thought we could keep it formal on 'Conversative Friday', ma'am?"
"You're, like, wearing a suit in our office! And it's not even, like, open to show off your chest or pretty lingerie!"
"Huh? Is that bad? Should I take it off?"
"Yesssss Bretty! Strip off as much as you want! The dress code is explicit - the less clothes, like, the better!"
"What if I don't agree? Will you just fire me!"
"OMG no! We're not, like, so mean here at Synthetica. I'll just, like, have to put you on a Personal Improvement Plan. 'K babes?"
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"Hey Brittney! Can I, like, have you wiggle over to my desk? We sooooo need to catch-up."
"Like fer sure! Oh whoopsies, one sec, Ms. Lance. I gotta touch up my lipstick after my last meeting" *GIGGLE*
"Okay babes! I'm soooo glad to see you adhering to the dress code. Just don't keep me waiting!"
"OMG I'm sooooo sorry Ms. Lance! I, like, got pulled aside by Ms. Synthia. She wanted to, like, use inspect my chest. First she used a needle thingy. Then she used her hands to rub...and massage...and...um...what was I talking about? I forget..." *DROOLS AND STARES BLANKLY*
"Ah yes, your daily injection and inspection! That of course is like soooooo important. But that's actually what I wanted to chat about...your, like, Personal Improvement Plan."
"Oh noes! Did I make a whoopsies? Are my nails too short? Am I not, like, showing off my boobies or butt enough? Gosh I knew I should've worn the skimpier office lingerie! I am such a ditz!"
"Yes you are! But that's, like, soooooo good! You've gone from fuddy-duddy to dummy fuckdoll, like, faster than any bimbo at the company. So, like, your Personal Improvement Plan is complete!"
"OMG! Wait, like, is that good? Don't I want to, like, keep being a silly ;lil bimbo ditz?"
"Of course Brittney! Now why don't you, like, put on your proper office attire and thank me properly for not firing you all those months ago."
*GIGGLE* "OMG I was sooooo hoping you'd want that!"
*SPREADS LEGS* "Good girl, Brittney. Good girl."
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nicoline1998enilocin · 2 months
���your *body part* are/is so pretty” (boobs) + “you feel so good” with tony stark 👀
Tony asking reader to fulfill another kink of his: tony fucking her boobs 👀 after he cums on her boobs, he'll clean his own cum while fuck her senseless, thanks love 😘
Topics of his obsession
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PAIRING || Husband!Young!Tony Stark x Wife!Fem!Reader
WORDCOUNT || ~ 775 words
SUMMARY || Ever since you got your new piercings, Tony has been obsessed with your breasts. When he asks you if he can have some fun with them, he unlocks a new kink in himself, and neither of you can get enough of his new obsession after today.
RATING || Explicit (E)
TAGS || Canon divergence. Young!Tony Stark AU. Established relationship. Reader is described as tattooed. Explicit sexual content.
SMUT || Subspace. Nipple piercings. Nipple play. Titty fucking. Facial cumshot. Cum eating. Cockwarming.
A/N || This is written for my Summer of Drabbles. This idea has been on my list for a while, so I'm glad you inspired me to finally write it, Nonnie! I want to thank @ccbsrmsf1 for drooling with me, it's an honor to share these stories with you! The story is not proofread; any and all mistakes are my own. 🤍
EVENTS @tonystarkbingo #8005 || Touch
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Photo: Source || Other graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist || Tony Stark || Young!Tony Stark || Summer of Drabbles
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"Your boobs are so pretty, Sunshine," your husband says as he plays with the barbells adorning your nipples, and a soft moan escapes your lips as he gently tugs on them, a ripple of pleasure soaring through your naked body. Your husband has been pulling every ounce of pleasure out of you for the past hour already, but he wants, no needs more. And he has the perfect idea of how to do it.
"Can I fuck 'em, please?" he asks; the arousal from when he was between your thighs hasn't even dried yet, or he already wants more, and the idea more than intrigues you, but it's hard to express that as you're getting lost in a warm, fuzzy headspace.
"Hmmm, 'kay," you mumble, a small smile on your lips as your hand reaches into his long hair. The softness of it makes you chuckle, and Tony's heart swells with pride, joy, and love as he looks at you. His eyes roam over the ink on your body, his hands following every inch of your curves as he takes in the moment.
"You're so fucking beautiful," he whispers as he leans down, taking your already sensitive nipple in his mouth before letting his tongue play with the silver barbell, your back arching into him as the grip on his hair intensifies, a groan now escaping your husband's lips.
The entire time, his thick, curved cock has been ignored between his large thighs, but he cannot wait much longer. His hand reaches down, giving himself a few short strokes as he takes his time with your other nipple until he's satisfied with the result of his actions.
"Ready, Sunshine?" Tony asks as he nips at your jaw; you hum in agreement, and your hands fall to your sides, giving him all the space he needs to straddle your stomach. Once he's in position - careful not to squeeze you in any way, he lets his cock glide over your nipples first, the precum that's leaking out making a perfect trail of wetness on your breasts.
The moment he first slots his cock between the plush flesh of your boobs, it feels like he died and went to heaven. The way they mold around his length, encompassing every inch of it, has his head reeling because of the pleasure he's experiencing right now.
"Y/N..." he moans as you squeeze your boobs together, his hands playing with your nipples as he slowly humps them, and you hum in appreciation. His gaze finds yours, his brows pinching together as his high builds rapidly - much faster than he'd like it to.
"You feel so good, Sunshine," he groans as he picks up his pace, the bed underneath you rocking back and forth in the same rhythm as his hips. The lust in his eyes is undeniable as his orgasm is about to crest, his breath picking up with every stroke.
Before you can even think about what's happening, Tony pulls back, his hand quickly wrapping around his cock as his cum coats your breasts, nipples, neck, and face. It's been a long time since he had an orgasm like this, but he had been edging himself for a while earlier, leading to a mind-bending orgasm.
A curse slips off his lips as the last wave of bliss washes over him, and you're a filthy, perfect mess for your husband to clean up. You shift a bit on the bed, getting comfortable as your legs spread willingly, accommodating Tony's broadness as he lines up with your dripping, clenching entrance.
"Hmm, such a sweet pussy too, Sunshine," Tony says as he slides in, though he doesn't move, instead choosing to let you cockwarm him as he cleans you up. The way his fingers dig into your inked skin while his tongue leaves a trace of goosebumps with every inch of you he cleans has you feeling content, your hands laced in his locks as he takes his sweet time with you.
"I love you so much, Sunshine. Thank you for letting me do that," he whispers once he's done, his cock still lodged deep inside you. He places a soft kiss on your lips before turning you both around and pulling the blankets over you, so you can both get some sleep as his cock stays deep inside you, twitching with every move you make in your sleep.
Needless to say, it was some of the best sleep you two have shared in a long time, and you're already looking forward to the next time he'll use your body the way he did today.
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vasito-de-leche · 5 months
I have some thoughts in my mind lately in the Self aware au R1999 (I'm invested so badly), I was wondering are there any arcanist that resented the player maybe at first or still having resentment on them? Because if the player wasn't there they would be " free " (which I would doubt since there are many players and it would still happen nonetheless but just speaking from there perspective) did they just helplessly or casually got over it after some time and accepted the fact it was a game I mean they were levelled up by the player,the player was the reason why they were getting stronger and winning every battle but I have a feeling some arcanist would have some doubt in them since everything was just a script in the first place all the things that happened to them were meant to happen for the plot, I don't about how to reach when they find out that the player was a human though.. But just like earlier if the player never was here then they would be " free ",they wouldn't know it was just some game (they gonna go bree since they wouldn't exist)(RAHHH I might have wronged what I said in this😭 I just have a thought in my mind about them doubting, feeling frustrated and all...Btw I am badly down bad for your writing 💜💜💜 I admire it so well.. 🥹🫶🫶 can I get a hello Please.. ?💜🥹💜 I'd go crazy being noticed on a writer I admire)
hiiii helloooo hola bonjour and many other greetings o7 really glad you like my writing!
your question is very broad, so I can only make a quick list to categorize all the characters and how I think they'd feel overall towards the Player within this AU! since you only mentioned arcanist, I assume you mean the playable characters only, so that's also the group I'll be tackling
I don't have a good grasp on every single character, so some of these are subject to change as I learn more about them too o7
It's very, very complicated.
Vertin. Door. Mesmer Jr. Bkornblume. I consider these characters to be "outliers" in terms of how they perceive the Player--in the sense that their opinion fluctuates and varies a lot, so they cannot be easily labeled in any of the other categories. They're contradicting or find themselves at odds with themselves, seeing the figure of the Player and everything the Player represents as positive and negative influences simultaneously. To them, you're a close friend and a distant stranger, a saviour and a harbinger of ruin, a source of knowledge and the end of everything--you're all of these, all at once.
as for the rest, I only described the opposite ends of the spectrum and the neutral category!
Extremely resentful and hateful
Desert Flannel. Erick. Mondlicht. Oliver Fog. Pavia. Sonetto. Sweetheart. This one is pretty straightforward--these are the characters who are defensive, who feel like your mere existence is mocking them, who have gone through so much and feel humiliated to know you're casually looking at them from above, so out of reach and superior and unbothered by their pain. But also characters who are combative or quick to identify you as a threat, such as Pavia and Sonetto, because you go against everything they believe in.
Stressed, requires a lot of time to get over it
AliEn T. Bette. Bunny Bunny. Charlie. Ezra. Kanjira. Matilda. Pickles. Ulu.
Mostly troubled, but open to change
6. Mr. APPLe. Darley Clatter. Diggers. Druvis III. La Source. Lilya. Melania. Ms. Moissan. Poltergeist. Zima
Neutral, indifferent and/or unaffected
Baby Blue. Click. Dikke. Jessica. John Titor. Rabies. Sputnik. Tennant. Tooth Fairy. Twins Sleep. These characters remain neutral, but do not confuse their indifference or lack of reaction for ignorance. Some of them aren't quite lucid, conscious or old enough to fully understand their surrounding, such as Rabies and Twins Sleep, but I would say the rest are grounded enough as to not let a figure such as the Player affect them in any intense or extreme way. Some of them simply don't care because this entire reveal doesn't exactly change their routine nor perception of the world. Some are choosing to remain neutral until they gather more information to form a solid opinion.
Mostly curious, but open to change
A Knight. Cristallo. Kaalaa Baunaa. Ms. NewBabel. Necrologist. Satsuki. Spathodea. Voyager.
Eager to learn, requires a lot of stress to be affected
37. An-an Lee. Centurion. Eagle. Horropedia. Leilani. Nick Bottom. Shamane. Sotheby. X.
Extremely intrigued
Eternity. Medicine Pocket. Ms. Radio. ONiON. Regulus. TTT. The Fool. Regardless of how your existence affects these characters, their curiosity and the new opportunities and possibilities you bring along are much more important to them. These are characters who seek to profit from you in some way, who see you as a fascinating subject to study, who may even relate in a way to the role you play as the Player, who may pity you.
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chiocchi · 1 year
How do you draw the background? is so good!! Do you have a tutorial you can share with us?
Thank you! Backgrounds were truly a struggle when I began drawing so I'm glad they look decent now kljdsafj
Practice is key as usual, but I'll share some of the things I do.
If I'm drawing something I'm not familiar with or I want a particular mood for the painting, I look for references. They help a lot!
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If I'm drawing something like buildings, windows, furniture, and so on; I use one-point or two-point perspective. It really adds a feeling of depth and three-dimensionality. Once you know how the lines work, it is quite easy to build objects in perspective.
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The horizon line controls the perspective and its position affects how the scene is seen (from above or below). I've heard people saying you shouldn't put the horizon line right at the middle and that it's better to use the rule of thirds instead. But I mostly do whatever kljdlaks. You can put it where the focal point of the painting is.
If I'm drawing a natural landscape as a background, I just remember the general rules of "things that are farther away look smaller and less detailed", "things that are closer have more contrast", "things look bluish with distance if it's daytime".
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And there are the concepts of foreground, middle ground and background. Adding those elements can also add depth to the drawing. I rarely use them tho
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it's also important to define a light source that stays consistent and look for colors that look well together.
And of course, special brushes aren't needed to make art but there are some that I find particular useful for backgrounds: Devin Elle Kurtz's free brush packs. I love them.
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ponett · 6 months
what’s one character or group from SLARPG that you weren’t expecting to be as popular as they are?
I'll put this below a read more for spoilers
I would say Harmony, but... no, I knew what I was doing there lmao. I'm not surprised she has her fans. She may be a parasitic manifestation of Melody's inner self-loathing who only appears in three scenes, but she's also Evil Goth Melody. She's hot. I know she's hot. I designed her to be hot. I simply could not resist the opportunity to use that sort of design somewhere
Beyond her, I'm not really sure! It's mostly the main cast I see a lot of love for, which makes sense. I'm not sure there are any minor supporting characters who randomly blew up
I guess there are a few major characters who I worried people wouldn't like as much as I do, and I was glad to see people liked them after all. I'm glad people like Zinnia a lot. She's very obviously one of my pet characters, and I'm glad she left an impression on people even though she doesn't have a ton of screentime. I'm also relieved that people came out the other side of the game still loving Claire, since it's VERY easy for people to find characters like her annoying or unworthy of forgiveness. And when so much of the emotional arc of the game hinges on Claire, that can become a source of stress lol
There are also a few supporting characters who I think are really great that I'm surprised have seen less of a response from the audience, but I can't really complain. Like, yeah, there are a few NPCs I would love to see more fanart of, but for a smalltime dev in my position it's a miracle that ANY of my game's characters have gotten as much fanart as they've gotten
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