#I'm glad you like Spider anon I like them too :}}
nrc-tea · 6 months
Hi, I'm 🦇❤️ from NRC and I surprisingly also made an account when 🐍♥️ made an account (true horror)
I also like 🕷️, cause 🕷️ also likes Lilia, AND doesn't like 🦇❤️
I love Lilia he and I have gossip sessions a lot 😍
Anyways yeah I want 🐍♥️ OFF my blog they are a menace and in the truly most derogatory way possible
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signedkoko · 8 months
Could I get a Mammon, Vox and Husk with a S/O who gets harassed on the street and their reaction? You can have full creative control over what type of harassment!
I love your fics- if this isn’t getting the creative juices flowing just let me know and I’ll request something different <3
🦷 anon
Husk | Mammon | Vox [Romantic]
In which some loathsome idiot thinks they'll get away with harassing their beloved s/o.
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One of your favourite date nights is spent bar hopping
Pop a drink or two in each one, sometimes sharing one cocktail, his wing draped around you, your head leant on his shoulder, humming to the music surrounding you
Both of you had a preference for the less popular spots, the kinds of places you got the weirdest combinations, where he could be inspired and you could give him thoughts
The plus side of the smaller joints was that the music was never too loud, drinks were cheaper, and there was always a few spots free at the bar
Downside was that most places had their regulars, the kind of people who couldn't get in anywhere else
The kind of desperation that builds and spreads like mold in the corner of a dark room next to a leaky pipe
On a few occasions, someone would harmlessly ask to buy you a drink and would turn tail when Husk gave them his usually 'fuck off' look
But this time, the guy would just not get the hint
" What? Already claimed dibs on the bitch? "
Yeah- no, that attitude towards you is not going to fly
Not even three seconds and there's a bottle smashed on the drunk demons head, and three cards flying back into Husk's hand
That's when the bleeding starts
You slap a 20 down for your bill and jump straight up, already being dragged by Husk out the door
Insists if he stayed there you would have both gotten banned anyways, and he likes that spot
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You guys don't really go out so casually without a good reason, or just for old times sake
A sin and his spouse on a city street in greed was just asking for bad things to happen
But still, if you asked and he had nothing that day, Mammon would always rather get quality time with you and people watch
Thats most of your conversation, pointing out demons and joking about what you think they are like, what the do, how they speak
It's always a fun game, until some newcomer saw you laughing at him and marched right up, clearly on something and clearly ready to have a go at someone
The moment he reaches for your wrist, his thumb falls to the floor, a messy and jagged cut the only sign of attack besides one of Mammons spider legs now revealed
Before he can even realize the pain or what's happened, Mammon lets out a menacing laugh
" Every extra inch towards my broad is another finger. "
That demon was already screaming and running away, most the crowd on the street that was watching now hurrying in any direction opposite of you and Mammon
" I'm only worth one finger? "
" Nah. Just being generous for once. "
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Not really a street guy, but unfortunately some press conferences and events require mingling and interacting with others, which he never liked
Thankfully, with you he has an excuse to stay away from others, or show you off
He usually goes for the latter
He's all 'Have you met my wife?' 'My wife loves x and y!' 'Isn't my wife absolutely gorgeous?'
You are the first topic he speaks of after his company; you'd be the first if he didn't have to waste so much time being a salesman, but that is how the cookie crumbles
Sometimes when there's specific press releases, he has to send you off for a moment, where you usually go and mingle with some of the others in his industry you befriended
During one such interview, he couldn't help but spot out the corner of his eye, some lousy business woman drape her arm around your waist and grab at your hip
" Sorry yeah, this interview is over. "
Literally shoves his way over, sparks and electricity flying, to rip you out of her arms
" Baaabe, is this a friend? Whatever the case, we really gotta get going! "
Jealousy 3000
He's glad he stepped in after he overhears that lady had a habit of harassing other attendees
New clause in every interview; they have to include you or provide security over you while he is busy
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Author's Note - Tooth anon comes in for another PIPIN HOT request!! I actually feel so bad because every time I take a break form writing is on yoru request and that really makes it look bad I am so sorry 😩
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istoleyoursk1n · 9 months
I'm obsessed with Spider-Man so bare with me here.
Imagine the reader being a human who experiments with potions and genetics, sort of like a magic user scientist. And one day they had an accident that fused them with Spider DNA, so they have the web crawling stickiness, the advanced healing and strength, and biological web shooters like Raimi Spidey, all the Spider-Man abilities. They can't replicate the experiment, so they can't find a cure and are sort of stuck all spidery.
Whether or not the companions knew the reader, and which companions you wanna write for, before the experiment I guess is up to you? Whichever would be easier is whatever I'm okay with!
This sounds dumb- 😭 but it's perfectly alr if you don't want to do this!
- 💞 anon
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How would they react to a Tav with spider-like abilities?
(Hello again 💞 anon <3)
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“Didn’t think our lovely little entourage would have an itsy bitsy spider crawling about. I’d rather not find myself webbed if we’re truly keeping you.”
He would have mixed feelings about your little situation at first. On one hand, he finds it fascinating that you possess such abilities but the other part of him finds it disgusting.
Even so, he ends up liking your spiderness anyway, there's amusement he can find in this form of yours that’ll allow him to disregard his disgust for now.
Was probably startled when he first saw you crawling across walls and ceilings. (He screamed and scolded you to cover up the fact that he nearly had a heart attack.)
He may or may not be slightly envious of the fact that you can so easily string your way across surface-to-surface without so much as breaking a sweat.
Though he would be lying if he didn't find it all the more impressive to witness. It's not every day he comes across a web shooting, ceiling crawling, possibly venomous aquantince.
Speaking of venomous, are you? If so, he'd rather never feel the sting of your bite. He’d prefer being the only one who gets the biting privileges.
Nevertheless, he’s grown to adore his spidery friend, especially when he watches you weave little cobwebs into various shapes and pictures. It's his favorite thing about your form.
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: ̗̀➛ WYLL
“A… spider? Spider-human? Apologies, I’m not quite sure what you are but the pleasure is all mine. Perhaps having a rather insectoid companion of our own wouldn’t prove to be such a bad thing.”
He was definitely conflicted at first. He was somewhat of a monster slayer so did you count as one?
But then again, he was traveling with a vampire so perhaps his blade would remain sheathed and away from you for now. Besides, you prove no moral nor physical threat to him just yet.
He managed to put his own apprehensions aside in favor of learning all about you and the various abilities you possess.
He ended up getting all giddy upon seeing you demonstrate all your different abilities. It was amazing in his eyes, something he'd never quite seen before and it made him all the more compelled to befriend you properly.
You've probably been one of the few things that placed his initial beliefs about monster-like individuals aside. Not all of them are as bad as he thought now that he’s seen you.
And ever since his hellish transformation, it seems both of you have gotten yourself in some unfortunate transmutational accident. It's comforting to know that at least you understand what he's going through.
He loves fighting alongside you! Getting to see your powers put to use is an incredible sight. He feels honored to be doing so.
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: ̗̀➛ GALE
“Glad to see I’m not too only one who may have dabbled in the wrong types of magic mishaps. Though, I’m sure being a tad bit more… spidery, than most has its own interesting perks.”
The most interested and confused of the bunch.
He’s off questioning how these spider-like abilities and if some sort of magic was involved in the process.
What potions did you mix together? Did you use a scroll? Perhaps you consumed something that caused the l transformation? Do you need it reversed? These are probably but a handful of questions he immediately voices out.
He truly does hope the entire transformation didn't hurt as much as suspected it would. That would be quite unfortunate wouldn't it?
Nevertheless, everything about your abilities is absolutely fascinating to him. Perhaps having a spidery companion could be quite intimidating but it does have its pros.
Both of you spin weaves in your own ways so there's that adorable little detail.
Though he has tried helping you reverse the effects of your situation, nothing he’s tried has done anything to get you back to normal. He was a little bit upset over the fact that he may have disappointed you but a little reassurance from you would put him back together.
Even so, he's already grown quite fond of your spidery self, and as long as you’re okay with it, he’d continue to adore it for days to come.
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“Fuck yeah! A goddman half spider?! Just when I thought this group couldn't be any less cooler. Say, how's it like being all spidery?”
Freaked the fuck out (lovingly) when she first saw your abilities. You’re the coolest thing she's seen in a while and she can't help but be utterly amazed by you.
You can climb walls too?! Heck, she’d kill to have an ability like that. She loves watching you scurry around walls and roofs like it's no big deal, she even tried to catch you at some point like a little game.
There are so many things about you she's currently fawning over that it's almost overwhelming. She’d be jumping about in delight the moment you use your web shooters to easily latch onto a nearby tree.
You two have probably gone around chasing one another for fun with the use of your own special powers, it's turned into some sort of playful little distraction when the journey gets too rough.
And to think your spidery strength nearly matches her own? You’re practically perfect in her eyes, a companion she's only dreamed of having.
She's spent lots of time wistfully staring as you weave tiny little webs for your own amusement, even making one in the shape of a star to impress your fiery friend. She loves it all the same.
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“Well, I suppose I was never against having a spider join our strange little group. I’ll let you know if I ever need you to clamber onto a wall or two.”
As long as you use such spidery powers for the betterment of the group then she has zero qualms about you.
There's something rather amusing about watching you crawl across walls and whatnot, a strange ability she hasn't quite seen anyone but you possess.
Would remind you that there's zero shame in having powers such as yours, she’ll be the one to reassure you that you’re unique in your own interesting little way.
As long as the venom you have in your system is used against your foes, she isn't all too intimidated by your presence.
Generally only has neutral feelings about this strange form of yours, she’d even find some of your little spidery aspects adorable in her eyes.
There have been occasions when seeing you startle a friend or foe with your crawling abilities made her giggle but she has never once shamed you for it.
She could spend hours simply watching you weave tiny little webs, she encourages you to decorate the camp with them if the others don't mind the extra cobwebs of course.
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: ̗̀➛ LAE’ZEL
“Chk, spider or not, just make sure your insectoid abilities are put to something more useful than weaving fragile little webs lest you find yourself being yet another pest.”
She didn't care much for your abilities, as long as they proved to be useful to her which fortunately they were.
Your little alchemical mistake seemed to prove to be advantageous in the long run as you were able to help her in a handful of battles.
Your web strings proved to be a resource for her (somehow she found a way to innovate such a thing) as she would often use them as a better bowstring.
Soon enough, her disregard for you turned into admiration, one that she didn't hesitate to tell you directly.
Though her admiration was a tad bit bold, it was something you were certainly flattered by. At least she isn't as unknowingly offensive as before.
If you were willing enough to lend your assistance, she would have used your venom as a coating for her blades by now. Using such a deadly substance to easily smite her foes.
Your increase in strength rivals her own, one that sparks a vibrant flame in her roughened heart. She favors the moments when she gets to witness you in the midst of combat.
Safe to say she enjoys your company and values your worth. Don't ever feel shame for possessing such a spidery form because it's certainly something she’s fond of.
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: ̗̀➛ HALSIN
“A spider? Well isn't that quite the surprise? Of all the tiny spiders I've encountered, I’ve never quite seen one as undeniably remarkable as you.”
No matter the creature, he’d always come to value them, and that includes you!
You’ll never feel ashamed of yourself against with this man constantly praising you for what you are, spider-like abilities and all.
If you ever decide to use your powers to crawl atop him, he’d adore it. In fact, he’d laugh as you do so in the softest chuckle you've ever heard him let out. He’d allow you to stay there for as long as you please, he truly doesn't mind.
Seeing you so easily get from tree to tree is quite an impressive sight, silvanus knows he isn't quite as nimble or as graceful as you. This only gives him more of a reason to admire you more.
Was smitten the moment you showed him how you weave webs.
While he has seen little spiders do so, seeing you turn ordinary cobwebs into beautiful shapes melted his heart.
Show him a web you've made in the shape of a bear and you’d make his entire day. His only wish is for this little web of yours to forever be preserved for years to come. He simply can't get over how adorable it is.
In truth, you are a magnificent creature in his eyes, one he finds himself fawning over from afar. Words couldn't express how special you are to him.
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libby-for-life · 6 months
I want Lucifer to get humbled🤭 and that angelicradio requested you did open something up, lol. So I was wondering if you could a part two of it of everyone finding out about Alastor and Adam. And Lucifer, I especially need Lucifer reaction!!
I got you, Anon. Part 2 of AngelicRadio
Adam was more than satisfied by last night's activities. Who knew that lambs could scream that high? Alastor was satisfied as well. He was going to be spending the rest of Hell's life making sure that his lamb was taken care of.
They were currently in bed together. Adam was lying on Alastor, his face snuggled into his chest. Hid little lamb was so tired and yet, ever the stubborn one, was still awake.
"I think...we should tell the others. They'll figure it out eventually." Adam said, eyes drooping. Alastor hummed as he rubbed soothing fingers over Adam's bruises.
"If that's what you want, lamb." He yawned and he was well aware his partner watched him as his jaw unhinged, Alastor's rows of sharp teeth and long tongue on full display. He let out a soft laugh as Adam mumbled. "Damn. That was hot."
"I'm glad you like me yawning."
They fell asleep in each other's arms until late morning.
"Wait. So you guys...are together?" Vaggie said, her voice shaky due to how surprised she was. Her mouth was opened in shock.
"Yes, do try to keep up," Alastor replied making her glare. Everyone was in different levels of shock. Well, except Angel Dust. He was grinning from one metaphorical ear to the other.
"I knew it!" He screamed getting everyone to look at him. "I fucking knew it! Pay up, Husk! You owe me fifty Souls!" Alastor watched with his head tilted as Husk actually paid the spider.
"This game was rigged," Husk mumbled while Angel snickered at his misfortune.
"I'm so happy for you guys!" Charlie said with a grin. Adam nodded at her with a small smile, but his true smiles were reserved for Alastor alone. Something the deer demon was grateful for.
Nifty hugged Alastor and was talking a mile a minute about her...yaoi? Sometimes, Alastor thought, ignorance was bliss when it came to that one.
The only one who hadn't commented about Alastor and Adam was Lucifer. He was glaring daggers at them, his hate and jealousy seeping through. Adam was too busy trying to keep Angel's questions at bay to notice it.
Alastor smirked and decided to rub salt in the wound. He grabbed Adam and kissed him. It was long and passionate, something that left Adam moaning in front of everyone. Adam's eyes were closed but the deer demon snuck a peak at the devil.
He was pissed, his teeth grinding together in an effort to control himself. Good.
"Well, I believe that's all the questions we have for today," Alastor said cheerfully, holding up a boneless lamb. "Me and Adam have a lunch date. Goodbye for now!"
He walked out of the Hotel with everyone whispering. Those whispers were carried on by the demons they walked passed. Adam soon came up from his little head and he grew embarrassed with all the stares. "Alastor! Everyone is starring!"
Alastor chuckled. "Good. Let them see what they can never have."
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nouearth · 3 months
happy one year to nouearth!
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okay, to be frank, the one year anniversary passed on the 15th, HAHA. but it's better late than never, right? i got so busy that i forgot to make a post celebrating this mini accomplishment!
it's craaaazy how fast time flew by. i actually never thought i'd be doing this little hobby for so long? i tend to have a habit of abandoning stuff i create online, but i'm glad i decided to stick around for longer because i've met so many amazing people (even though 99% of them are anons) from writing.
for a quick story time, i started this blog because i was reading a ton of miguel o'hara x male reader stories right after seeing across the spider-verse! i couldn't get enough of him, as you can see... it all led me to creating this blog.
one of the main reasons why i did was that i just wasn't really satisfied with the content? majorities of the stories were involving top!reader, and i think we need a healthy balance of both! two weeks later since that movie dropped, viola! i'm here, and my first fic ended up being 'joy-cons' with barry allen, HAHA. but i think my blog received a lot of attention with 'servicing justice' because i remember waking up to 100+ notes overnight, which was crazy to me! and then my fic got flagged and that drastically increased, but we won't dwell on that too much.
now, a year later, and i'm at 3.5k followers! numbers don't really mean much to me, since i'm sure only a handful actually interact and most are abandoned accounts, but i'm appreciative of all the likes, reblogs, comments, asks, and most importantly, patience! i've never felt so much love for my works before (and frankly, i don't think i deserve them, HAHA) but i'm glad a few of my fics can make an impact on someone's life, even if it's just for a few minutes of happiness.
i'll cut it short now, so thank you all so much for one year of making me feel less alone in my little life! i feel like i should do a q&a because that seems fun, but LOL I DON'T THINK PEOPLE WOULD CARE.
now, onto the next year?
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vaspider · 2 years
Intro Post, updated March 1, 2023
I post all asks under the name they were submitted under, and I post them when I feel like answering them. I will never honor a request to answer an ask privately or anonymously. Anon is never turned on. These are hard self-care boundaries. Please block the tag "harassment tag" if you don't want to be subjected to some of the horrible shit I get sent sometimes.
If you like what I do, please consider hiring me, consider buying something from NerdyKeppie (the shop I own with my spouse - we do custom work!), consider buying me a coffee or becoming a Patron or tossing some money in my PayPal tip jar. I am a disabled, queer, fat, Jewish non-binary butch whose entire income is derived from selling Quality Queerwear via our company NerdyKeppie (we also offer patches of all sorts, nerd gear, etc -- if you don’t see it, ask!), Patreon (queer fiction for a dollar) and freelance work.
If asking me to boost a post for you, ask at most once per week, and please don't make that the only way you interact with me, or follow me just to send an ask that I boost your posts. I notice, and I'll end up just blocking you if you make me feel "used." It's gross, y'all. I'm glad to help, but don't use me. It's getting to a point where I'm starting to feel pretty gross about it, and I'm one of the more relaxed ppl about boosting posts, so please don't put me in a position where I feel like I have to stop doing it.
I will not debate my identity or its history with anyone. I am a transmasculine non-binary butch lesbian, a cripple, a dyke, and lots of other things, too. You don't get a vote in that, and if any of those words are words you can't stand to have someone use around you in reference to himself, go ahead and block me. I won't censor my identity for your comfort; I took a long time becoming proud of who I am.
No, I am not an anti or an anti-anti. Literally no one cares about these distinctions outside of Tumblr. Please leave me alone. I am not going to have that conversation. No is a complete sentence.
I’m not interested in interacting with TWERFs, SWERFs, or any sort of exclusionary LGBTQ/queer people. Y'all are exhausting.
Do the work to root out TERF/2nd-wave "man bad woman good" philosophies from your head. Do the work to root out the gendered behavior you were taught. I am not here to raise other people's children.
I am not here to raise other people's children. My daughter is an adult and I am done being responsible for the experiences of a minor. If you read or interact with me, you acknowledge that you chose to do that and I can't control what happens to what I post once I post it on my Tumblr. People will reblog it and I can't control where it ends up. I can only control what I say in my space, which I do.
Curate your own online experiences. If you don't like seeing what I write, then add 'vaspider' to your "filtered content" list and don't bother me about it. Tumblr is a 17+ environment and I am not responsible for you seeing things you don't like. Adults having adult conversations do not need to be filtered for children. This is your notification.
I’ve been Out for over 30 years. I don't tolerate lectures from strangers, especially people half my age, about history I lived through.
I'm transmasc and if you believe transmisandry/transandrophobia aren't "real things," or that transmascs aren't "really oppressed," please just leave me alone. Oppression Olympics are bad, actually.
My immediate family consists of my partners, my adult daughter, and our dogs.
No one in my immediate family is cis or het. I have been called Spider for 20+ years, & now a lot of people call me Mama Spider. Mom is a role, it need not be gendered.
This is a lot shorter than it used to be. I don't really feel like posting paragraphs explaining stuff anymore.
My icon has lore, apparently.
I post all asks and anon is never turned on.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Hii! No need to rush but could you do a fic where the reader is also a spider-person and gets sucked into Miles’ dimension just like in itsv and noir and them get a long really well and end up being shipped by the rest? I think it’d be quite cute :D also sorry if this isn’t that elaborate ToT
hiya anon !! ╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯ dw about it !! i just hope you like this <:))
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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well, this was certainly a conundrum. the flashing lights of brooklyn practically blinded you, coupled with the sudden sounds and buzzing from the people, establishments, and cars passing by. you were disoriented, your spider sense was out of whack for the time being, and you could only wonder, 'this isn't my city... where am i?'
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you aimlessly wandered around the city, accidentally bumping into people here and there, almost getting run over when you missed the green pedestrian light, and bumping into a few too many streetlamps. you hated how familiar yet foreign this city felt to you; one minute, you minding your own business while swinging around your city, doing your rounds and all. but as you were swinging... you felt yourself gravitate to something. everything else around you--leaves, newspapers, plastic bags, even you yourself were getting drawn to this force.
it turned out to be a portal that opened up from somewhere else into your world; and try as you might to resist it and its pull, you were eventually sucked in and thrown into this city. "what i would give to... find someone who had the slightest clue about what the hell is--oomph!" you exclaimed as you felt a slight tingle crawl up through your shoulders, raise the hairs on your arms and the back of your neck, but the sudden collision between you and what felt like a tall man had interrupted that sense of yours from telling you what, or who, exactly was in front of you.
"oh, good heavens, you okay there?" asked a gentlemanly, kind of dapper-sounding voice. the man you bumped into held you up, with you eventually clinging on to him as you nearly fell over due to how disoriented you were from this new city's endlessly bright lights and loud noises. "i'm fine... sorry." you murmured as the man held you up and dusted you off a little. you got a better look of the guy and he tipped his fedora a little, and you noticed when you glanced at his attire from head to toe, you felt the tingle again through your bones this time--and you could tell he did, too.
"you're like me." you both announced in unison. you sighed in relief and felt yourself smile from underneath your mask. "yeah! yeah, i am, and you are! ok, um... do you have any clue where we are?" you asked him, hoping the monochrome man in the trench coat and fedora had any idea where you two were, but it seemed he was just as lost as you were. "i'm afraid i'm in the dark about this whole place too. i was kind of hoping someone would come along and show me around, but i guess the universe is too much of a joker to take peter parker seriously." he said with a slight chuckle as you sighed in disappointment, now.
"well... guess we're both lost, parker, was it?" you asked him with a raised eyebrow as he tipped his fedora again and nodded. "peter benjamin parker, please to meet ya." he said as he extended his gloved hand. you introduced yourself, and you noticed peter looking over your spider suit in awe. "you have such... a wonderful taste in fashion." he said with a smile underneath his mask. you smiled back, without even seeing his smile. "thanks, i've been told it's a little too colorful, though. i was considering toning it down, but i'm glad you like it." you replied. "ah, i've got the same problem, too. a lot of people have told me my getup is more like a mortician than it is a private investigator, let alone as a 'superhero'." he rambled a little as you listened to him.
"i guess we both have our problems with how people see us, then. but it's better than facing those problems alone, no?" you asked as you looked up at him. "certainly is." he responded. you two had agreed to swing over to the nearest rooftop and find answers from there, and all the while, you two talked on and on about each other's home universes and the lives you two lived there. "sounds cool, your universe, i mean. what if i brought you like, maybe, a glow in the dark ceiling decor?" you offered, to which peter almost lost his grip from his webbing. "you decorate ceilings? with... things that 'glow in the dark'? fascinating..." he said as he held on to his webbing tighter and his hat as the wind threatened to blow it away. "i'd love to have you over, though! maybe after this whole debacle, i can show you all the finest spots my home has to offer!" he said as you two swung around, and you found yourself agreeing to it already before even knowing him for an hour.
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after the whole collider fight, you rushed up to peter and embraced him tightly. "i knew you could make it out, with a champ like you, of course you would!" he exclaimed happily as he held you tightly. "and so did you, big man." you said as you chuckled in excitement and happiness at your group's victory. you could feel everyone else's eyes on you two, and the best part was... they were waiting for this moment to happen ever since you two joined their ensemble.
"i told you they had something going on together." peni said with a smile as ham held her hand, blowing a comically loud and exaggerated sniffle into a cloth he summoned from his hammerspace. "they were always destined to be in love!" he exclaimed as he cried into the cloth. you looked up to see them all looking at you and peter, and you immediately took your hands off him, a little hastily and still smiling widely like a dork. "we're just really happy we won!" you tried clearing it up, but peter wouldn't let go of you and still hugged you tightly. "yeah, we won, now lemme hug 'em, yeah?" peter said as the others chuckled, with some crying out of happiness for you two.
you looked at peter, with peter looking back at you. you placed both of your hands on his cheeks and smiled. "can i... visit your world for a little bit, when we find a way to do that safely?" you asked him as he leaned a little closer toward you. "oh, darling... i'd let you be with me every time. i do wanna see your world, too--maybe the universe will finally come along for peter benjamin parker now and let us be happy at each other's sides--" "oooookay, that's enough people, move along, chop chop, let's go home." said peter b as he cut off your peter at the sight of how loving he was being to you. "quick word of advice, if you two get married, never invest in a spider-themed restaurant, they will hate you forever." he whispered to your peter, who took mental note of that.
"guess this is... goodbye." you told him as you held his hand, not wanting to let go. "no, doll... it's a see you soon, i promise." he said as he swiftly planted a soft kiss on your forehead as he let go of your hand and lifted his mask up to show you his face--his charming, sweet smile that promised to meet you again very soon.
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tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @k4tsu3 @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @connors-cumslurper
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stinkysam · 9 months
Peter Parker - I never lost hope.
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : “pt 2 of tasm!peter x reader where they're both heroes?? maybe them talking again and finally starting to get along well again” - anon
Reader : gender neutral (you/yours)
A/N : Part ONE
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Even though Peter didn't respond to your messages, you continue to send him texts through the years. Mainly for new years, Yom Kippur, Hanukkah, Passovers, birthdays and christmases. And a bit randomly at times.
Then one day you saw him at your door. He was in his spider suit, his mask off, sweaty and disheveled.
You didn't have the time to say anything that he had wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tightly.
Shocked, you slowly responded to the hug, your hands holding his arms.
“Peter ? What's going on ?” You said, gently pushing him off of you to make him talk.
“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” He started. “I should've answered your texts.”
“What ?” You shook your head, not understanding. “You're mad so-”
“No ! I mean, yes, I was mad at first, then it was just… pettiness and I didn't know what to answer so it was easier to ignore them.”
You stared at him, unsure of what to say.
“W- what happened ? Why are you here ?”
“It's… complicated.”
You frowned, not understanding.
“I went to another universe…” He started. “Saved Max and doctor Connors and a bunch of other villains from other mes, oh, and I also saved MJ, she's the love of one of mes’ life. Saving her really did something to me. Magic is real. And one of mes got stabbed but it's not his first time which is a bit worrisome-”
You stared at him, as if he's told you he went to another universe and that magic is real- oh, wait, that's what he told you ! You blinked incredulously, trying to follow his rambling, putting your hands on his shoulders to slow him down.
“What ?” He asked, almost out of breath.
“What the fuck ?” You whispered, still shocked.
“Yeah ! I know !” He nodded excitedly before continuing. “Peter 2, the other me, and Peter 1 too, actually, made me realize I didn't have to be alone and that it was worth trying to fight for the people we love and I love you, you're my best friend and I shouldn't have been mad at you for trying to look out for me and-” He froze as you hugged him, your head resting on his shoulder.
“I'm sorry… For Gwen.” You said quietly.
He wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly against him as you could finally give him your condolences face to face.
“I'm glad it's not a ‘I told you so’” He joked and you kicked his knee. “It's… okay. I've made my mourning. It wasn't your fault but mine. You tried to warn me-”
“I don't care ! I should've been there to help you protect her !”
“No, no. You said it. It's impossible to constantly watch after one person. It's paranoid and unhealthy.”
“But maybe I could've helped change that.” You said, letting go of him.
“Maybe, or maybe she still would've died. You don't know.”
“But still-”
“No ! Stop it !” He grabbed your face, stopping you from talking more. “Thank you for being there for me even if it was from afar. I'm sorry I wasn't here for you. I should've answered your messages. I shoul-”
“It's okay.”
“No it's not ! I've been the worst best friend ever but I'm here to make up for it. Will you forgive me ?”
“Of course I forgive you !” You said, wrapping your arms around him once more. “You're my best friend.”
Peter smiled, hugging you again.
“Thank you for all your messages.” Even though he didn't want to admit it at the time, seeing them really helped him feel cared for and important.
You patted his back gently, before pulling away.
“Of course. I never stopped caring about you.”
“Thanks, man. It meant a lot. I promise I'll be here for you.” He said and you smiled.
“Wanna come in ? Instead of talking by the doorstep ?”
“Yeah… I'd like to.”
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brw · 28 days
do you have any reccs for antman and wasp comics? seeing you post abt them has made me interested in getting into their stuff :)
Hi anon! I'm really glad you got interested in them via my posts! I'm going to focus on Hank and Janet together as a specific duo with a certain branding, theme and vibe, rather than them as separate characters, or even as a specific timeline on their relationship, but if you want something more like those then let me know and I can write something out!
Tales to Astonish #27 is the debut of Hank Pym, with #35 being the first official appearance of Ant-Man and Janet debuting in #44. If you like 60s comics and themeing, and are endeared to the LeeKirby style, start here. You can basically read this series consistently from these issues on to #52, or #70 if you don't mind the A-stories featuring the Hulk. If 60s comics aren't your speed though...
Avengers Origins: Ant-Man and the Wasp. A single issue retelling of their origin, which is a perfect modern jumping off point if you aren't up for the original comic run.
I won't recommend too many Avengers issues because there's a lot of moments interspersed in the original run, but Hank and Jan are in #1-#16, and return in #26 and appear pretty consistently from there. They're married in #59-#60, which is a weird arc I have a lot of thoughts on, but there you are.
Marvel Team-Up #59-#60 is a team-up series with Spider-Man which is weird but fun, which to my knowledge is the only time Claremont has ever written Janet and he immediately tries to give her more powers which I find funny.
Marvel Feature #4-#11. A series that attempted to recreate the vibe of Tales to Astonish and reestablish Hank and Jan as solo series that didn't quite pan out, but I find it a very endearing little series. They have a dog!
Tales to Astonish V3 is a strangely endearing series post their divorce, which I have a lot of affection for. It is really weird, though.
Ant-Man's Big Christmas probably isn't strictly canon but it's probably my favourite Hank and Jan issue ever, I reread it every Christmas because it's just so fun and sweet.
Avengers Fairy Tales #2 is an AU but I think it's cute, so I'm rec'ing it as a little extra thing you may have fun reading.
Aaaaand you can probably read the Busiek run of Avengers (volume 3), which is #1-#56 of the run. Hank and Jan are sharing space with a lot of other characters (Wanda is really the driving force of this run, if you're asking me), but Janet and Hank get their own arcs throughout so if you're jonesing for a longer run, this is it.
Hope this is what you're looking for! Let me know how the reading goes :333
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
I SAW YOUR REQUESTS BEING REOPENED! First of all, how are you? Second of all, if it isn’t taken. I’ll be going by as 🎲 Anon. 🤭 Otherwise, reading your other works as really made me comforted and gain motivation. I’m truly inspired by your writing. Otherwise, may I request Headcanons or Scenarios of the following characters: Red Son, Mayor, Syntax and Macaque for confessing to their crush?
First of all, I'm well! Thank you for asking!
Second of all, no specific anons are taken other than snake anon, so I dub thee dice anon!
Third, I'm so glad my writing has inspired you!! Pop off!!!
Enjoy ☺️ I may or may not have cried and swooned while I wrote these
Redson, Mayor, Syntax, and Macaque Confession Headcanons!
Redson - it’s so elaborate and dramatic. They most definitely take you out for a meal first, then after that, they drive you to a special place—probably where you two met or something—and they show you this whole setup with flowers, candles, the whole shebang in order to make it all perfect. It’s like straight out of an anime. They tell you that the past few months are some of the best months of their life. That you’ve really been so kind to them, that you’re one of the only people they can truly tolerate for long periods of time and they appreciate you…and would you like to date them?
Mayor - not as elaborate as Redson, but still very romantic. He’s old fashioned in and out, so he probably takes you to dinner and then to the park so you two can see the sunset. Then he’ll take one of your hands and say he wants to tell you something. That he knows he’s not super perfect or anything, but he’s really happy when he’s with you, and he feels genuinely alive when he’s with you. The man’s a zombie, but he’s doing his best for everyone and his city. But he wants to be with you. Do you want to be with him, too?
Syntax - he’s pretty limited in how he would do it. He thinks he’s really only got one chance, since hey, he’s not exactly the perfect boyfriend material. I could see him doing a video and sending it to you so that way he doesn’t have to say anything face to face, since he’s pretty emotionally reserved. He admits to you that he’s really book smart, he can do calculations in his sleep, but love isn’t something he’s well-versed in. And yet, he’s 100% sure it’s what he’s feeling when he’s around you. Give him a call if you…wanna go out, or something…(awkward spider noises)
Macaque - drama king, coming through. This man waits for the perfect chance, and to him, it’s: going out in the rain with you, dancing, getting up to your usual playful banter, and then stopping to catch your breaths. He probably brushes your hair out of your face. Then he tells you that he’s not that much of a people person, that he trusts so slowly these days that he doesn’t feel like he can keep good relationships with a lot of people. But you…you’re so endlessly patient and kind with him. He understands if you don't feel the same, but would you like to give him a chance? Just this once?
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The 'Language is Stupid' Game
Okay, so, I've been rereading your Marvel fics, specifically the Peter-centric ones. And they gave me an idea. What if Peter is sleeping over at his friend's house---let's say with his two besties MJ & Ned---and poor Spider Baby has a nightmare related to his superhero duties as Spiderman? It's a pretty bad nightmare, and he jolts awake, very confused and scared and a bit freaked out. Maybe his friends comfort him cause they already know he's Spiderman and goes through a lot bc of what being a superhero entails. Platonic all the way. Found family shenanigans. Anyway, no pressure to write it! Had it on my mind and wanted to share <3 Take care, Asbod! – anon
Read on Ao3
Warnings: peter has a nightmare/panic attack
Pairings: gen
Word Count: 3205
Peter wakes up from a nightmare during a sleepover with Ned and MJ. After a few moments of let's-all-be-glad-we're-alright cuddles, MJ has a rather unconventional solution for how to pass the time.
Can't breathe. Can't breathe. Can't breathe can't move can't breathe can't move can't let them down acan't stop now can't fail can't breathe can't move can't move can't fail can't can't can't can't—
"Peter. Peter."
There's a hand on his shoulder. The hand is made of concrete. His spine is going to break. He can't breathe. He can't move. He can't stop. He can't breathe—
"Shit, get the blanket off of him."
"I'm trying, I'm trying!"
"Peter? Pete, it's okay. It's okay, you're okay, you're fine."
He's not fine. His spine is about to break. He's about to fail and he can't fail, he can't move, he can't breathe—
"Peter," he hears again, the voice quiet and soft in his ear, "hey, it's okay. You're okay. Can you hear me?"
He gasps. His chest spasms. His hand shoots out in front of him and hits something—soft?
"Oh, shit, you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm—hh, I'm fine. I'm good. Is he…?"
"Peter? Hey, Peter, wake up, it's just a nightmare."
Peter blinks. He blinks and one of his hands automatically goes to his neck to try and loosen his costume, but he's not wearing his costume, he's just in a t-shirt and he's…he's in a bed? He gasps again, his throat on fire, and something swims into view in front of him.
"Hey, there he is," he hears as a face appears, "hey, Pete, you back with us? You okay?"
"Yeah, Pete, it's me. Ned's…Ned's on the floor."
A blurry thing sticks up from the other side of a mound of some more blurry things and waves. Ned's arm, probably. Peter blinks. His chest is still on fire too. He looks down at his hand. It's shaking. Why is his hand shaking?
"Hey." He looks up. MJ's still looking at him like he's about to disappear into the floor. "Hey, Peter, can you—can you do one of your grounding tests?"
"Um—" shit, is that what I sound like?— "yeah, yeah, that's…that's probably a good idea."
"Great. Can you, uh, can you tell me five things that you can see?"
"There's a, uh, there's a blue pillow over there that has that weird scorch mark from where we tried to make bottle rockets with the Stark Tech, there's the crack in the ceiling from where we didn't know that I could jump that high, there's the, uh, there's the blanket that Ned's grandma brought us 'cause she thought we'd be cold, there's the watch Yelena gave us last week, and there's the, um…there's the charging cord you ripped apart when you stole it from that Zionist guy at the library."
"Okay. And four things you can hear?"
"Uh…" He closes his eyes only for his chest to tighten right away and they snap open. "Uh, I'm—I'm talking, the air conditioner's going, there's—there are cars outside, and uh, the uh—the light in the bathroom's buzzing again."
"What about touch?"
He fumbles a bit on the blanket—one, nice and soft—to get the charm thing Wanda gave him from where it came off during the nightmare—two, hard and cool to the touch—and then hesitantly reaches out for MJ. She takes his hand and holds hit tight—three.
"Okay, good," she says when he tells her, "and smell?"
He sniffs a few times and has to sniffle through some of the gross nightmare crying stuff. "Uh, someone next door's making pizza again and they didn't close their windows. And, uh, I think your grandma left the candle on in the hall again?"
"Oh, shit." Ned scrambles up and ducks outside.
"And taste?"
He licks his lips. Something coppery catches on the edge of his tongue and his eyes widen. "Blood?"
"Come here, let me see." MJ squints at him. "I think you just bit your lip. You're okay."
"You feel any better?"
"Yeah," he says as Ned comes back in and crawls onto the bed too, "yeah, I think—I think I got it. I, uh, I'm sorry, I just—"
"Hey, you don't need to apologize." Ned shuffles closer. "You're a superhero. You're gonna have shitty nightmares. That's how it works."
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean you guys have to—"
"Have to what?" MJ narrows her eyes. "Have to be your friends? Have to support you when you have nightmares?"
"I just meant that—"
"Have to treat you like a person who needs support sometimes because we're all human and we have to do that?"
"Okay, okay," he mumbles, shoving her shoulder with their clasped hands, "you made your point."
He blinks a few more times, the phantom pain from the nightmare still wreaking havoc on his shoulders. Ned shifts again to get the blanket out from under him and push it on the ground.
"Can I have some water?"
"Yeah, yeah, it's right here." Ned reaches over and picks up his water bottle.
"Thanks. Hey, uh, why were on the floor earlier?"
"Oh, you know," Ned says in that way that he always does when he's trying to hide something and failing miserably, "just, uh, thought I'd give you guys some space."
Peter frowns. He goes back over the last few minutes until his eyes widen. "Oh, shit, did I push you off?"
"What? No, no…okay, maybe, but! It wasn't your fault and it didn't even hurt that bad. Well—the falling off the bed hurt more than the punch. I mean, it wasn't like it hurt bad, it didn't even—okay, well, I don't think I have a bruise or anything. Or—maybe just one. Just one! But it's not your fault," he says when Peter looks even more distraught, "it's not, okay? I'm not mad, I don't blame you, I'm all good. It's like what Dr. Strange said, right? I'm a rubber ball! Everything just bounces off of me!"
"That wasn't what he meant, I don't think," Peter says, reaching out for him too, "are you—you're seriously good? I didn't mean to—"
"I know, I know. And I'm totally fine. Seriously." Ned takes his hand and makes him fist bump. "See? All good, Peter, we're all good."
Outside, a car drives by and a cat runs down the alley, meowing its protest.
"Well, hey," MJ says, reaching down to her backpack, "since none of us are gonna go to sleep for a while, let's play a game."
Ned glances at Peter, who nods. "Sure. I like games. What game are we playing?"
"It's called Language is Stupid." MJ takes out her notebook and flips to a blank page. "Okay, everyone write down five songs you know that the rest of us will know."
Peter takes the notebook and pen with a shaky hand and writes down five songs. He passes it to Ned, who passes it back to MJ. When she's written the last song, she rips out the page and tears all of the song titles into individual strips of paper.
"Ned, where's your hat?"
"It's in the closet, hold on."
"Thanks." She puts all the pieces into the hat and gives it a shake. "Okay, everyone pick one. Don't show anyone else."
Peter takes a piece of paper, glancing at it. "Just one, right?"
"Yeah, just one for now. Okay, now what we're gonna do is put the lyrics of the song up until the first chorus into Google Translate a shit ton of times and then read it out so the other people can guess what song it is."
"Wait, why is this game called Language is Stupid?"
"You'll see. Ready?"
"Wait, hold on, I need my phone."
"Can you hand me mine too?"
"Dude, you have a Spiderman case?"
"Yeah, my best friend's Spiderman, I can have a Spiderman case."
"Thanks, dude."
"Are you two ready?" They nod. "Okay. You have five minutes, go."
The next five minutes are spent peppered with various snickers and noises of confusion before MJ calls time. Peter shakes his head, looking down at his results and Ned fully snorts into his hand while MJ scribbles a makeshift scoreboard on a new page.
"Okay, who wants to go first?"
"Me." Ned sits up a little taller. "You guys aren't ready for this."
"Bring it on."
"We are talking about insects. Words fail me I will say one thing We saw that today It was too far I came with your wife, didn't I?
I like it I like it It will be left behind One or two days."
"I'm sorry, you did what with my wife?"
"Why are we talking about insects? What song is this?" Peter laughs incredulously. "What the—read it again, read it again."
"That's literally—okay," MJ says when Ned reads it again—they have to take a pause about halfway through because Ned's laughing too hard to be understandable—"maybe we should be looking more at the patterns of the sentences than the words themselves."
"So it's a lot of short sentences that sort of repeat but not really." Peter steeples his fingers under his chin. "'I like it…I like it…' What was the ending?"
"'One or two days.'"
"Wait, wait, wait, no way, is that 'Take on Me?'"
"No fucking way," Peter groans as Ned laughs and nods. "How the fuck did you get that? And where the hell did the insects come from?"
"'Cause it's—well, I don't know about the insects, but the wife thing—the actual lyric is 'I'll be coming for your love,' or something like that. So if it went through a bunch of times and turned into 'wife—'"
"Yeah, MJ got it."
"Sweet. So that's one point for me…"
Ned laughs as Peter shakes his head and flops onto his shoulder. "Don't worry, buddy, you'll get the next one."
"Dude, this game is way harder than I thought it was gonna be."
"Okay, me next." MJ squints at her phone. "I think this one is easier than Ned's was."
"Oh, good."
"Go for it."
"You are my light a desirable feeling Believe me when I tell you This is what I want
But our two worlds are different. I can't hold your heart When you speak This is what I want
Please explain the reasons for this. Not bad, but sad Please explain the reasons for this. This is wrong. Please explain the reasons for this. I don't want to hear what you have to say. This is what I want."
"Oh, come on, this is way easier!"
"Yeah, that's fucking…Backstreet Boys Brooklyn 99 song. What's it called…" Peter flaps his hand. "'I Want it That Way,' that one."
"Yeah, you got it."
"Not bad, but sad," Ned sings, "this is wrong,' dude, that's so much better than the original."
"I will have no Backstreet Boy slander in this bed, sir."
"This is my house!"
"Then you should know better."
"That's one point for Peter," MJ says, ignoring the two of them, "okay, Peter, your go."
"Alright, you two better get ready for this one."
"Bring it on."
Peter hides a grin. "Imagine you are walking down the hall. I didn't hear, no, I didn't hear any sound. "Easy marriage!" Happy marriage!" - But unfortunately he bit the poor groom.
"Did you hear the door slam?!" No, it's better to approach it with kindness and understanding. "Didn't you hear someone knocking on the door?" I ended the conversation. No, it's my heart."
When he looks up from his phone, both Ned and MJ are staring at him like he's grown two heads. He smiles and tilts his head.
"I'm sorry, I thought we were playing the Google Translate the lyrics game, not who can read the most edgy indie poetry game."
"What the—are you sure this is a song that we all know?"
"Yeah, you guys know it."
"And this is like—this is the first verse and the chorus, right, this isn't like the weird coda of the extended version that's only available on the physical album from 1978, right?" Peter nods, still grinning. "What the—okay, you need to read it again."
Peter reads it again. And again. And each time MJ looks closer and closer to hitting him with a pillow and Ned looks more and more like he's never heard a single song in his life.
"Okay, wait, can we get a hint?"
"It's one of the ones you wrote down."
"Me? Why did I do this to myself?"
"Ned, quick, tell me what songs you wrote down."
"I don't remember!"
"How do you not remember, it was less that ten minutes ago."
"It is the middle of the night, my brain is so offline right now."
"Pssh, what kind of high school student are you?"
"The kind that doesn't know what song this is supposed to be!"
Peter stifles a giggle. MJ rolls her eyes, throwing her hands up and leaning off the edge of the bed. Ned screws his face up and starts muttering to himself, probably trying to remember what it was he wrote down.
"Ugh, Pete, just read it one more time."
"Imagine you are walking down the hall—"
"Oh, wait!" Ned shouts loud enough that they all have to have an 'oh shit' moment before he continues in a stage whisper. "It's the Panic! At the Disco song!"
MJ sits up. "It's the what?"
"The one with the wedding! The poor groomsbride is a—wait, what did that change to?"
"But unfortunately he bit the poor groom."
"What the fuck is that?"
"I don't know, it changed itself to—hey!" He splutters when a pillow hits him in the face. "What was that for?"
"You know what you did."
"This game was your idea!"
"Shut up. Ned gets that point."
Ned's still shaking his head like he has no idea how they got here, which to be perfectly honest, neither does Peter. They exchange a quick fistbump while MJ reaches for the hat again.
"All tied up after round one, let's do another one."
They keep playing. MJ gets them all equally angry about her version of 'Rain on Me,' they have to have a full pause so they can all asphyxiate from laughter at Ned's 'Somebody That I Used to Know,' and Peter's pretty sure he should take a picture of MJ's face as her contact photo when he reads out Google Translate's take on 'Rocketman.'
"That's homophobic, that's what that is."
"Come on, MJ, don't you want the slogan to be 'We will kill you?'" He dodges another pillow. "Rocketman…is the only one here…"
"You suck."
Eventually, they're down to the last one. MJ has 6 points, Ned has 3, Peter has 5. Ned's the last one to go and if the way he hasn't stopped snickering is anything to go by, they're in for it.
"We are not strangers You know the rules as well as I do. So I think so You can't meet anyone else I'll let you know what's on my mind You have to think about it I won't give it to you
I won't give it to you I won't give it to you I won't make you cry I don't want to stop I won't lie to you and I won't hurt you."
For long seconds after he finishes reading, no one says anything. He looks up from his phone, still giggling. Peter is stone-faced. MJ isn't so much as breathing.
"Well? What do you guys think it is?"
"You think you're clever?"
"I didn't write this one down!"
"You think you're really funny, huh?"
"I don't know what's so funny about this one."
"I'm disowning you as my best friend."
"Aw, Pete…"
"Friendship with Ned ended, MJ is my best friend now."
"Aw, but the song says—" Ned doesn't get to finish because MJ throws a pillow at him. "Hey!"
"You will not," she continues, picking up another pillow, "Rickroll us via Google Translate in this decade."
"I won't give it to you, I won't give it to you—hey!" He grabs a pillow and swats back. "Stay back!"
"Oh, yeah? Peter, help me!"
"In the name of decent memery and standards for clickbait, I cast thee out!"
Ned squawks—and nearly falls off the bed again—before he manages to hit either of them with the pillows. The room fills with the sound of rustling blankets and the thwomp of pillows hitting things as the hat tumbles to the ground, spilling bits of paper everywhere. MJ's notebook is the next to go. Phones clunk onto the floor, someone's leg ends up over the headboard, and eventually the three of them get so tangled up in the blankets they can't even move anymore. Peter lies there, panting, still breathless with laughter.
"Hey," Ned calls after a few seconds, still heaving too, "so who won?"
"Oh, uh—nah, fuck it, I can't reach."
"I think MJ, you won."
She raises one arm and lets it flop over her face. "Yay. Victory is mine."
Ned and Peter golf clap. She flips them both off.
"Hey, Peter?" Ned nudges him. "You feel better?"
He blinks. That's right, he'd had a nightmare. That's what started all of this. But even as sleep tugs at him, he doesn't feel as though he's about to fall back into any sort of spiral. Instead, the whole room just feels…fuzzy. Like the way the house feels when you fall asleep on the couch during a party and someone carries you to bed. Like it's safe. Like he's just a normal kid having a sleepover with his friends and he gets to be tired now.
"Yeah," he mumbles, "yeah, yeah, I'm…I'm all good now."
MJ extricates herself from the worst of the blanket tangle and lies down next to him. "You wanna try to sleep some more?"
"Yeah, that's a good idea."
"Ned, get up here."
"Coming, coming."
The three of them manage to sort the blankets out enough to actually get under them. Ned reaches over to turn off the light. Peter stares up at the crack in the ceiling, drifting towards sleep, when the best idea occurs to him.
"Hey, guys," he mumbles, words already slurring, "we should…we sh'ld play this game with the 'vengers this weekend."
"Go to sleep, Pete, tell us dumb ideas tomorrow."
"'S not dumb…it'd be fun."
"Only if Ned and I get to hide when the pillow fight starts."
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prismuffin · 2 years
Hi I'm the, ' Peter Parker (Spiderman) x fluffy spider mutant reader? ' anon.
I saw in your reblog that you were up for doing my request, so I'm sending it now, so I dont forget.
Basically, the reader is a fluffy spider mutant, having 2 sets of arms. He absolutely loves smothering Peter with love in a hug. When Peter gets back from his college classes or a patrol.
A/n: yayyy you found me good job anon!! I’m glad I could take over writing this request so hope you enjoy! Kinda short I'm sorry-
This is mostly based on TASM/2012!Peter but it can be read as any other Peter as well!
Love and Affection
Peter Parker (Spider-Man) x male!spider-mutant!reader
Tumblr media
( summary: after your boyfriend comes home stressed from his college classes you decide to give him some much needed loving )
warnings?: mentions of multiple limbs, spider noises and references to spiders! Also teeth rotting fluff
!-!more under the cut!-!
Peter sighed as he walked up the stairs to his apartment. He was up all last night saving New York and barely got to rest before he was thrusted into his studies. At least he can rest for a while before going out on his patrols. A small smile found it's way to his face as he dug through his pocket for his keys, he couldn't wait to see you, to hear your happy clicks in his ears as you wrap each of your 6 arms around him. Maybe he can convince you to carry him around so that he doesn't have to walk anymore.
With a click, the door was unlocked and Peter eagerly went inside. Just as he thought, a couple of quick click-like sounds were heard from his bedroom, which he shared with his loving boyfriend. He sat his bags down and began taking off his jacket and shoes, leaning down to untie them.
He sensed you before he saw you but still, he acted surprised when he leaned back up and felt your arms around his waist, then his chest, the other set was used to turn him around in your arms. “Welcome home~” you nuzzled into his neck, leaving soft kisses here and there, making him giggle as your fluff tickled his skin. He practically melted at the feeling, a sigh of content leaving his mouth as his whole body relaxed. “I missed you.” You heard him practically whisper in your ear and you chuckled. “I missed you too love.” Your arms rubbed across his back, up and down in such a comforting way he could almost cry. The past few days have been stressful and the way he clung to you showed that. “Are you ok Petey?” He shook his head and you hummed. “Tired?” He nodded and you smiled, glad it was something you could help with.
"Come on then my love, it's cuddle time!" You effortlessly picked him up, carrying him to your shared bedroom while he laughed at your enthusiasm. Placing him down on the bed, you undressed him and made sure he was comfortable before cuddling up beside him, pulling the covers over the both of you. Your arms rubbed his back, another set playing with his hair, effectively drawing a yawn from his tired form. "Maybe you should take a break from patrols for a while sweetheart." You whispered and he mumbled something that you couldn't quite make out, his eyes closed as he seemed right on the edge of falling asleep. "I can watch over New York for you while you rest." Peter only gripped you tighter at that statement and you guessed he didn't want you to leave him right now. Moving impossibly closer, Peter placed his hands on your chest, leaning in to place a tired kiss to your lips. It was short, but the little amount of affection had made you beam, a quick purr-like sound erupting from your throat as you nuzzled into him. With your bodies pressed together, with your fluff warming him along with the blankets, you both drifted off into a peaceful slumber by each other side.
(So sorry it's kind of short! Feel free to request again!)
Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!!
My requests are OPEN so feel free to request anything! Just make sure you check out my Request Info first!
See my DIRECTORY for upcoming fics!
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teamfreewill56-blog · 6 months
Hi! I I love your blog and I’ve scoured it like crazy for Rengoku family content! but there’s one other thing I love about it and it’s how much you hate Kagaya, I’m not sure if this is something you may have talked about before but I recently reread the Rengoku one shot, it’s Kyo’s first mission but he has been sent to fight a demon that had already killed NINE SLAYERS - what is Kagaya doing?
And I have a terrible suspicion why, Giyuu is one year older than Kyojuro, we know everyone survived Giyuu’s final selection except Sabito, I can’t help but feel there may have been an excess of not very strong (even for lower rank standards) kids in the corp at the time and Kagaya just wanted rid of them, and he was testing if Kyojuro was any good due to his family name
Much love
- 🫧🫧
Hello anon! Thank you for asking in and I'm so glad that you love my blog that means the world to me! I do hate him a ton lolol. I haven't talked about his leadership decisions in Kyojuro's one-shot yet, I try to be careful and not overshare my hatred of characters, especially in analysis because it's a dangerous place for me but I'm fine with discussing it in asks as long as it doesn't become too long I hope you will understand.
Kagaya doesn't know what he's doing, and honestly, he's really not doing anything. He can't physically fight? Ok fine, but he also doesn't have any leadership skills and Kyojuro's one-shot is another great example because as you point out: he sends Kyojuro---who's fresh out of Final Selection---after a demon who's killed at least nine slayers.
I can't even go into all the issues because there are so many of them, but one of the most important ones is Kagaya and his family created this problem themselves and there's not really anyone else to blame. You can't train kids for a couple years--isolated--then throw them into a mountainside full of starving demons and only a select few can use full-style breathing styles and then expect them to survive there for a week or really any interaction they have with a demon afterward.
This "organization" is anything but organized. I mean my hell ya'll saw how many people went into Tanjiro's final selection, and only FOUR came out! There were AT LEAST twenty people there when Tanjiro arrived, maybe if you and your stupid family got rid of Final Selection and created teams under the Hashira and didn't just throw them straight into the demons' mouths maybe they'd be alive and you'd have enough people to wipe out demons!
I can almost guarantee you that the slayers killed by that flute demon were probably very low on the ranking list if not a first level like Kyojuro was.
It's shown at the end of the series that when Slayers work together even if they don't have breathing techniques they can make a huge impact, so why are they never trained together besides our main trio? Why are they not organizing them so that they make a stronger force together? It was made so painfully clear, very quickly that Tanjiro and Inosuke survived Spider Father's attack because they worked together. If they hadn't they definitely would have died. And all those Slayers the Spider Family slaughtered probably died because they couldn't figure out how to work together and weren't used to trying to.
In regards to Kyojuro's one-shot, Kagaya most likely sent him BECAUSE Kyojuro is a Rengoku, they do have a legacy and so Kagaya most likely just assumed Kyojuro would be able to be successful, but even then Kyojuro had to injure himself to win and not in a small way. He could have been completely deaf after that and just got very lucky.
I'm not sure if I agree that he sent them all just to get rid of them, I believe it is more that he doesn't know shit about what it takes to kill a demon or work as a team so he may have just thought throwing a ton of numbers at Flute Demon would be enough. And then it wasn't so he decided to try the Rengoku kid who had very little chance of failing.
Part of the reason I don't quite agree is because that kind of behavior is not a one-and-done-thing, if that is how he gets rid of "useless" slayers then there would be other instances of him doing similar methods and the only other time we see something like that happen is the Spider Family Arc. To me it's just he's so tactless that the only thing he could come up with is "oh one or two slayers wasn't enough, maybe if I add more it will fix the problem!" Which obviously it didn't, because things like this require more brain cells than Kagaya possesses, like I'm amazed this guy made it to twenty-three.
Thanks for dropping in!
-Much love
Also guys I'm finally back, for as long as my...issues will permit anyway. Thanks to everyone who is new to my blog, for all the favorites and the reblogs and the asks.
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the-kr8tor · 14 days
IM SO SORRY FOR NO DAILY HOBIE HC YESTERDAY MY INTERNET CRASHED FOR HOURS- ANYWAYS HERE WE GO Daily Hobie HC! More general Hobie hcs but angsty>:) (I have so much more muaha) - Hates the silent treatment. He would rather try to talk things out rather than be ignored, as it brings him back to when he was a kid. Nobody ever listened to him and often ignored him, being the most 'useless' sibling of nine. Hobie would rather you treat him like absolute shit during a fight than ignore him. Yell, insult, physical pain, was better than the silent treatment for him. - Personally, I think that Hobie had a small lotus tattoo on the back of his left shoulder, a hidden semi-colon in the front petal. Being how his childhood was, and the traumatic imagery of the riots, blood, gore, guts.. It takes a toll, especially during teenage years. Hobie almost even felt disappointed that the radioactive spider didn't kill him. He deserved it after all, didn't he? - Knows all of his siblings birthday by heart. Every time their birthdays roll around, he'll wear/do something that he remembered they liked doing as tribute. Hobie doesn't know how many are alive, or dead, but he hopes they're doing well either way. - Very desensitized to his own sorrow and grief. He grew up too fast, and suppressed it to the point where it takes him a lot to shed tears now or feel grief. It's usually just numbness. Hobie learning to get his inner child back was a slow process for sure. - For a period of time before the Spider Society and everything, Hobie truly believed he was destined to be alone. That everyone leaves in the end, and he was cursed as someone who would live, breathe, and die alone. - On top of that, his nightmares feel like constant taunts, replaying gruesome memories just to poke fun at him. Like he wasn't a good person. Like Hobie deserved to not feel any sort of warmth. That the Earth was cold, heartless and cruel. - As a teenger, Hobie distanced himself from his family as they disappeared one by one to somewhere where he didn't know. He knew where his mother went, and was devastated by her deaf. She didn't have any more love for her children, but she kept a roof over his head and took care of him, even if it was a little bit. - Hobie hates drinking, especially alone. He hates being reminded of his mothers death, like he's slowly following in her footsteps. He'll die in the same, cruel death like she did, found at the end of the glass bottle that's lifted up to his lips, the liquid burning on the way down his throat. -🐦‍⬛
That's alright!! I'm glad you're back!
Daily Hobie HC!!!
Uh oh
Sameee I hate the silent treatment too :'(
Awww I remember everyone's bday too but not a lot of them remember mine 😞 (now u made me sad 🐦‍⬛ anon ☹️)
*Holds Hobie's hand* Let's heal our inner child together
Nuh uh not on my watch!
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 4 months
How did Myrah and Magnifico meet? Also I ship them so much they're so cute together 💛
Hi anon!
Aww, I'm so glad to hear that! 😊✨️ Yes, these two have my heart.
I have gotten this question fairly often. But I don't mind explaining this one once more. I will give this reply a certain hashtag, so you can find that answer again.
So, how did Magnifico and Myrah meet?
Well, after our dear king had ended up in the curse realm, Amaya made sure that everything in Rosas that was a reminder of him got removed. She also locked his rooms. She wasn't to enter them before anyway, well except the study or if it really was necessary.
When Myrah came to the palace, she only got told by her older cousin, that these rooms are unimportant and locked. And that she shouldn't worry about it. However, since Myrah's stubborness, views, curiosity, temper and attitude often clashed with Amaya and especially her husband - Rowan's, she, after a heated argument, made the decission to explore those locked rooms.
With the help of her loyal pet companion Julius, she manipulates the lock and secretly enters into Magnifico's bedroom. Once inside, she's not only fascinated by his things, she also accidently falls through one of his man-tall mirrors after getting scared by a rather large spider, that had happened to make itself at home in the empty room.
Because Myrah is Magnifico's soulmate, she was able to fall through the portal into the realm in which he was caught. Once again I gotta mention, that while time passes in that realm too, day/night and seasons, time was still frozen for him. That meant, he didn't age, he couldn't die but he could still get horribly sick and feel the full impact but not die from it, which is another form of torture by itself ...
So our princess fell through that mirror. You must know, that Myrah can be a true clutz. Therefore, she didn't exactly land on her two legs like a cat on its fours. Well, Julius had the best landing. Or not. If you consider Myrah landing on the kings chest.
As for Magnifico, if someone would have told him, that the first time he would meet his soulmate would be by being knocked over to the ground because she'd drop on him like a fish pulled out of water, he would have laughed. But this is exactly what happened.
Don't worry, I will eventually post the whole scene in form of a snippet here for you to read. Because it would be way too long to explain the whole thing in detail now.
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sorcerous-caress · 3 months
MINTHY <3 Where to begin with Minthara… I guess by stating that this will be colored by the fact that everything I know about her is through osmosis from the wiki and x readers. Would she be a good fit for me? Doubtful. Would she think I'm too sensitive for this world and would not survive the winter? More likely. That being said, when I was thinking about buying the game I was fully prepared to commit atrocities for her.
No judgment to others intended, but I really like how you write her as more than just a cruel, sadistic dom. I mean, she can be cruel but not to me >:) This line from your "how would they drink your blood" drabbles says it best, I think - She takes great care of her belongings. Just love how she can show her softer side (soft for her, at least) but never loses that possessiveness~ And in the "romantic gifts they'd give you" piece - showing you her tender heart and then following that up by giving you the disembodied heads of your enemies? Hooooooo boy that's what it's all about!!!!
Homewarming Gift was the first fic of yours I read? It's funny bc I don't typically go for modern aus or slutty reader but I took a chance on it, and, well, it was good and it was hot, and enough to make me want to try A Beautiful Webbing, which is not only really well-done and atmospheric but also. Hot.
And like I know reader is under the influence of the venom but the kisses at the beginning are so adorable - "giving you one short kiss after another" come on that's so cute. Glad there was a happy ending; I don't normally care about reading marriage stuff but it really worked in that story. And as usual the smut was excellent. I cannot quote this but uhh the last paragraph of this post? https://www.tumblr.com/sorcerous-caress/733264235859181568/driderminthara-dont-do-this-to-me-i-already?source=share I am not normal about it 🫠
https://www.tumblr.com/sorcerous-caress/731664242126864384/will-never-be-able-to-move-again-but-fuck-it-its?source=share You're so real for this. Jaheira is underrated. If there's one thing Pathologic is missing, it's a gilf.
🐿️ anon
There is truly no better feeling than when someone fully understands your vision in an art piece you made.
You get her, you see her like I see her. With all of her beauty and ugliness, her merciless eyes and soft heart. Because both parts will always be part of what makes Minthara herself, the harsh exterior and tender interior. They aren't in contrast nor conflict, they seamlessly work in unison to make this complex character.
Minthara feels like a love letter to every single drow character that has ever been created, the stereotypical ones especially that were brushed to the side. She embodies the controversial drow culture because it is embedded within her deeper than Lolth ever could reach that even when she forsaken the spider queen, she found herself still singing to the rhythm of her people.
I always wrote her with care, a balancing to give each of her traits a chance to shine. Push her bluntness and brutally in the reader's face before subtly illuminating her tender moments.
Moments where she chooses to allow herself to be "weak" within your presence, bestowing upon you the highest honor a drow could ever grant another soul, one that even their parents never receive.
Love is the best kept open secret in the underdark.
If you want a perfect summary to Minthara's love then look at her attitude when it comes to having children. It's very normalised in drow culture for the kids to overthrow their parents and murder them, the parents always mistrust their kids and keep precautions in place because of it.
Yet how does Minthara approach it? as an honour. A reserved right for her eldest daughter to kill her by her own hands.
Minthara doesn't cower or run away. She clearly is still down to having children despite it all. To birth your own murder while aware, to take care and nurture the weak infant who will watch you choke on your blood with cold eyes as you grow old and vulnerable.
You know these stories and fables about kings receiving bad omens or prophecies on how their next child will overthrow them early? on how fear and greed to keep their seat atop the throne for some extra years drives them into paranoia and they send the infant away to be raised in some nowhere village so they me never be a threat to them?
How most of that time that ends up being counterproductive as the child grows up and fullfills their destiny, murdering the harsh parent which abandon their own flesh and blood for a golden crown.
How Minthara never even considers the idea. Not only does she accept it as a fact of life, but she encourages it, looks forward to it.
The proudest she could ever be, that's how much she would've loved her children.
I don't think her kids would want to kill her, despite it all. Especially since she left the underdark and with reader or well tav around as a romanced option, I think the love she desperately tries to hide will be contagious.
That she will be loved out of spite, whether she likes it or not, she will be treasured and her life will remain preserved.
You see, this is magnified ten times by the fact Minthara isn't just some random drow with a harsh life. She was destined for greatness. She was a Baerne princess, in line to become a matriarch to the most infamous and powerful noble drow house there is.
She could've easily been written as a product of her environment, yet she held herself every step along the way. The way she treats us is extremely soft in normal drow standards so imagine how it would be for a drow princess whom only known respect, reverence and being feared all her life.
Even if tav is a male or an elf, she is still romanceable. She still falls in love with us, she still tries to adjust to the surface ways and reach a comparison by her own self without the need for an intervention or a talk with her.
She could've easily been so so much worse and it would've made sense, Minthara already sacrificed a great deal and changed so much. But because it was done behind closed curtains since she is far wiser and more self-willes than any average person, we take it for granted and don't truly comprehend the amount of self-discipline and work it required her to reach this point.
Drows attack others on sight, any different race. There is a prime example of it ingame when you free the drow group from their stone curses, they immediately go for your throat.
Minthara broke through generation curses and decades of propaganda, racism and sexism by her own self.
It wasn't a cheap character development where her falling in love with us suddenly made her wake up and blah blah blah. No, she didn't need us to begin with, she didn't need anyone to reach that revelation. She found the path herself out of sheer cleverness and perspective.
It takes humility to acknowledge that you've been raised wrongly all your life, that everything you stood for were lies built on bigger lies by some mad sadistic goddess who got off on watching your people tormenting.
That's why I like the fact she is a paladin, noble in essence and soul.
I wrote beautiful webbing in a single day, none stop from sunrise to the middle of the night. It was as if I was possessed from how much the sentences weaved themselves and the visions kept coming.
I changed the ending and meeting scene multiple times. The decision to make it a happy ending happened last moment, I had a much more grim twist in mind but decided this one fit better.
She does take great care of her belongings after all.
Your praise means a lot, thank you. I wish I was in a better state to show more enthusiasm or appreciation for your kind words. I genuinely didn't accept you'd actually leave a comment after that ask I answered, I thought I must have gotten over in my own head and I should apologise for snapping at someone who didn't do anything wrong.
The funeral hit me hard, I haven't slept in two days as of writing this. I'm waiting for the sleeping pills to work rn, I don't know how I can still read and write without problems.
Or maybe this is all gibberish and I'm not actually writing anything comprehensive? I'm not sure, I hope not.
Either way, I'm sorry. You deserved more grace and courtesy from me, I'll do better in the future.
I hope your day is amazing squirrel anon, I just remembered there is infact a squirrel ingame in bg3 and that made me smile.
It's also so ego boosting that you liked my Minthara pieces despite not knowing anything about her before? It's such a great compliment oh god do I even deserve it? It implies I really did her character justice, that my fanfic didn't rely on the reader's previous knowledge of her character as a crutch, that it could possibly stand on its own as a story.
I'm really happy, thank you for making my day better.
Please do take care of yourself. I may not have talked about each topic you mentioned but I reread your ask many times, and I'm thankful for every word.
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