#I'm going to be posting those pictures later to my Instagram I haven't showed them anywhere else yet
the-ravensclaws · 1 year
Likely the ONLY time I'm going to post this cosplay here as this account is specifically for Hardbroom, but I'm really excited with how my Lilith Clawthorne cosplay turned out!
@/merlynne.fae on tiktok and insta
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Audio: Little Girl Gone- Chinchilla
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rxmqnova · 6 months
Where Lizzie keeps using Yn's clothes like sweaters, jackets, hoodies...
They are together but keep it private so people or fans didn't know about them. Yn's and Lizzie's fandoms theorized separately about who can be their partners until someone discovered that they matched a few items of clothing and they were searching for more.
They saw that sometimes Lizzie's clothes were bigger. So they started to post photos of Yn and Lizzie wearing the same thing, and Yn saw it and show Lizzie the post so they had an idea, because Yn was the extovert one in the relationship and made a tshirt about a photo of Lizzie and saying something like "yes, i'm dating lizard" or "i'm dating this idiot" or whatever you wanna write hahaha but she didn't say anything to Lizzie so It was a surprise for her when Yn showed her the paparazzi photos and they burst out laughing
Clothes stealer
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NO ONE'S POV "Babe? Have you seen my hoodie?" Y/N calls from her and Lizzie's shared bedroom, looking into her closet for what feels like a hundred time.
"Which one?" Lizzie calls back from the bathroom where she's getting ready for the day.
"My favorite, the dark blue one"
Lizzie can't help but smile as she's currently wearing that hoodie. The two practically share all of their clothes. Lizzie absolutely loves stealing her girlfriend's clothes and Y/N doesn't mind at all, she loves seeing her girlfriend in her clothes.
"Nope, haven't seen it" Lizzie lies, not noticing her girlfriend standing at the doorframe and watching her with an amused smile.
"Is that so?" Y/N teases, walking over to Lizzie and wrapping her arms around her from behind. "So you're not wearing it at the moment by any chance?"
"Hm-hm, I definitely do not" Lizzie smiles, turning around in Y/N's arms and wrapping her arms around her girlfriend's neck.
"Mhm. I see" Y/N chuckles, pecking her girlfriend's lips with a sweet kiss. "You know… I found a very interesting article. You haven't told me you're dating Aubrey Plaza"
"What?" Lizzie tilts her head in confusion, making Y/N let out a chuckle.
"I'm just messing with you, but that article really exists. Your fans are trying to find out who's the one you're dating and last week it was Aubrey" Y/N explains.
"Oh, I guess paparazzi took some pictures of us when we went out for lunch last week"
"Mhm. That was last week though, this week you're dating someone else" Y/N teases. "People noticed what a clothes stealer you are, look" She chuckles, showing her girlfriend all those instagram posts where the fans are comparing hers and Lizzie's clothes.
"Oh my god. They see every detail" Lizzie chuckles, looking through all the pictures. "Looks like our little secret isn't so secret anymore" She smiles, wrapping her arms around Y/N's neck and looking deeply into her eyes.
In that moment Y/N gets a brilliant idea…
Y/N has everything prepared by now, so now it's time to make her plan come to life. Her idea is basically going out and wearing a shirt with a picture of her girlfriend and words 'Yes, lizard is my girlfriend'.
Y/N's absolutely thrilled about that idea and she can't wait to see Lizzie's reaction. She's more of an extrovert in the relationship and she loves teasing her fans, so this is just the perfect thing to do.
So when she gets ready to go out, obviously with the shirt on, she leaves the house. Lizzie's out filming and won't be back before the evening, so it's the best time to do it now.
Y/N makes her way to the store, at least she gets to buy some groceries to make dinner for her and Lizzie when she gets home.
And then it happens. Just when she walks out of the store with a bag full of groceries, she spots a few people with cameras.
She makes sure to hold the bag far from the shirt, so the print of the shirt could be seen. It takes a few minutes until she gets to her car, ready to drive back home as she's sure the pictures were taken.
And they were, appearing on Instagram only an hour later. Y/N smiles when she scrolls through all the pictures, satisfied with it and excited to show her girlfriend.
By the time Lizzie arrives home the dinner is ready to be served. She walks into the kitchen, a smile appearing on her face when she spots Y/N preparing the table for dinner.
"Hello there, beautiful" Lizzie says on which Y/N immediately lifts her eyes and locks them with her girlfriend's, smile forming on her face.
"Well, hello, gorgeous" Y/N says back, walking over to Lizzie and properly greeting her with a kiss.
The dinner goes as usual and the pair talks about each other's days. And just when both are done eating, the time comes and Y/N decides to show her girlfriend the pictures.
"We've talked about going public eventually, right?" Y/N starts, looking into Lizzie's eyes, and receives a nod and a smile. "Well, you know, I thought… why not do it in a cool way? So I just went to the store… like this" And that's when she turns her phone around to Lizzie who truly can't contain her laughter.
"You're such an idiot sometimes" Lizzie chuckles out, taking Y/N's phone and looking more into the pictures.
"I think it was way better than doing it the boring way like everyone else" Y/N says, playing offended and crossing her arms over her chest.
"Well, but this one's brilliant" Lizzie shows the picture she only just found to Y/N, both of them bursting into laughter at how funny the picture actually looks. "Oh my god, look at your face in this one!"
Elizabeth Olsen masterlist
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Life After Richmond pt. 5
A Jason Sudeikis multi-chapter RPF w/a reader insert OFC. No use of y/n l/n.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Final Chapter
Mexico was hot. Laura had found a gorgeous hotel right on the beach with views and tequila to die for. She’d diligently kept her Instagram followers up to date, which also included Beth and Brett. She’d posted a handful of pictures of their first couple of days - a selfie of the two of them with margaritas in hand, Callie on a sun lounger with her head in a book, the view from their room… On their last full day they'd spent the morning on the beach, Callie in the water and Laura in the sun. As Callie walked back up the beach to their spot, Laura snapped a photo, and wolf whistled.
"Wooo, look at you. Holy crap babe you look great - look at that?!" She held the photo up to Callie to approve. "Raquel Welch eat your fucking heart out." She posted it straight away with exactly that caption, alongside a few more she'd taken in the latter half of the week. Without her phone, Callie had no idea what Laura had actually posted throughout the week, but she trusted her regardless. Saying goodbye with one final cocktail, they made their way to the airport in a cab. Callie retrieved her phone from the depths of her bag and brought it to life. She'd loved her disconnected week, but she wanted to find out how the final days had gone on Ted and how Beth had been. While they got coffee, Callie let the airport WiFi bring her phone into the present day. There were only really her favourite 3 people to catch up with. A string of messages from Beth, usually off the back of seeing Laura's photos, a couple off Brett, and just the one from Jason. She replied in the order she'd seen them, Beth first, and then Brett. She opened the message from Jason, short and to the point, 
'Fucking hell babe, are you trying to kill me?'
She frowned, and replied first before opening her social media. 
'What's up? Just catching up. I have no idea what's going on?'
As Instagram opened up, the algorithm brought her most popular followed accounts to the top with the content she'd missed. Greeting her at the very top of the timeline was her own bikini picture. She scrolled through the others Laura had posted, liked them, and commented on them. She showed Laura Jason's message while they waited to board.
"You idiot, he's seen your hot bikini pic - isn't it obvious?" Callie hadn't considered that. She didn't think he had Instagram, but then again she also thought he didn't have Twitter so her track record was not great. 
"Oh wow, you think?" Laura nodded emphatically. 
"For sure. Message him again." Callie brought up their message chain and looked expectantly at Laura. 
"And say what maestro?"
"You're the writer." Laura snorted. Callie thought for a while. 
'Ah. All caught up now. My back burned that day, should have put more sunscreen on.'
'You're funny. You should probably bump Laura from the next trip if she's not going to help you with sunscreen.'
'I think I will. Let me know if you can think of a suitable replacement.' 
She took a quick selfie of the two of them, still wearing sun hats and glasses, and sent it off with her reply.
'Boarding for home now, will call later or tomorrow. No idea when I'm supposed to land. Hope you haven't missed me too much.'
'Laura's Instagram has been a lifeline.'
She shook her head and switched her phone back off. 
New York was significantly cooler than Mexico. After nearly 3 weeks away, Callie spent the morning doing laundry, catching up on missed emails and refilling her fridge. She joined the scheduled call with Brett and Jason, they'd all missed calls from each other over the previous two days and hadn't been able to properly catch up. 
"Look at those freckles!" Brett laughed as soon as Callie’s video connected. 
"It's the sun! I haven't seen it for so long." She grinned. "How was it finishing Ted?'
"Awful, I think I'm still dehydrated from all the tears. And not seeing him every day is worse than I expected." Brett pointed as Jason's video joined the call. 
"You're not still crying are you? I'll see you tomorrow, you can have another hug." Jason offered, "Hey Callie, good trip?"
"Really good. I think I've missed my calling as a tequila aficionado."
"It's good to have you back. Not that we did much work while you were gone."
They spent a good couple of hours catching up before Brett had to leave for another meeting while Callie and Jason stayed in the call. 
"How's LA?"
"Not bad, I prefer Brooklyn but the kids are here so that makes it better. You catching up with your New York guy now you're back?"
"Nope." Callie popped the 'p'. "I broke it off before I left for Mexico. He wasn't surprised, it's not like we were anything serious, he'd still been seeing other people so… there's that. I just didn't want to disappear completely without saying so."
"I'm sorry it didn't work out."
"Are you?" Callie asked outright. 
"No.” He admitted truthfully, “I'm sorry you didn't find what you were looking for."
"Hmm. I don't think I knew what I was looking for." They fell into silence for a minute. "I need to head off actually."
"Another date lined up already?"
"Only with Laura. I'm giving her my abstract for the next book. Not the one I'm writing now, the next one after that."
"Wow, that's planning ahead."
"It's just an idea for now, we'll see how it goes." 
"I can't wait to hear about it. I have to go too, I'm getting the kids from school."
"Speak to you soon?"
"Of course. Nice to have you back."
Callie fell quickly back into her usual work rhythm, dividing her time between her part written book, the plans for the next one, and the work on the show. She and Jason had resumed their back and forth calls and messages, with time difference having a much lesser impact. With only a week or so before he and Brett were due back from LA, Callie was working flat out. She picked up her phone as it rang and propped it against her tea mug so she could continue typing. 
"Hey, you busy?"
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Apple Dan wanted to confirm our next meeting. Is two weeks today OK for you?"
"I don't know if two minutes from now is good for me to be honest." Callie snapped. "Fuck, I'm sorry. I'm just stressing with this deadline on the first draft chapters for the book. I've got no fucking hot water in the apartment, the landlord has no idea when it'll be fixed so I'm having to go the the gym every day, which is taking time I don't fucking have right now and it’s absolutely disgusting, I swear people are fucking animals-"
"Hey, hey woah, stop. It's OK. Go to my place - my neighbour with the green door has a spare key. I'll call her now and let her know you're coming. Stay there as long as you need to. Just pick a room, my housekeeper was there earlier in the week to check it over so make yourself at home." Callie fumbled to pick up the phone. 
"Are you sure?"
"Of course I am. I'm not back for another…four days? Five days, I think. If your place isn't sorted by then, you can just stay at mine for longer and I'll stay out of your way while you're on Laura's time."
"Oh god, thank you so much. You're a fucking hero."
"It's really nothing."
"No, it's everything, it's perfect. I owe you big time."
"Get some stuff packed, I'll call my neighbour now."
"Thanks babe, love ya."  Callie hung up the phone and immediately dropped it. Fuck. She grabbed it back up and called Laura without a second thought. 
"Hiii! You ok?"
"Noooo. I just told Jason I loved him."
"Sorry, what?"
"He told me to go to his apartment and stay there cos I was so stressed over the hot water thing and then I went to hang up and it just fell out of my mouth like I was saying bye to you, or Beth. It was just completely…"
"Natural. Because you do love him, he's literally your best friend who did something really nice for you, and of course it was your automatic and natural response. Don't overthink it, he probably didn't even notice." Callie wasn't so sure about that, but she hummed and conceded with Laura before putting some things in a bag. She took an Uber with her stuff the few blocks to Jason's and knocked at the house next door. She vaguely explored the house without being too intrusive, trying to find the guest bedroom. She closed the doors on the kids' rooms so she didn't disturb anything in them, and found the guest room right across the hall from Jason's. She hovered in the hallway between the two doors for a second, eyeing up the bigger bed, but common sense won out and she dropped her bag in the spare room. It was like pressing a big magic button. 
Removing the underlying stress of her apartment issues suddenly unlocked Callie’s productivity. She sat at the kitchen island that she had last shared with Brett and Jason and she drafted outlines for the next book, edited and re-edited her first draft chapters of the new book, and worked hard on tying up the loose plot points that she’d been working on for the show. For three full days she sat from 8am til 6pm and worked, she took an hour each in the morning and afternoon to go for a walk around Jason’s neighbourhood, took some bakery cupcakes to his neighbour to thank them for arranging to let her in, and filled his fridge. Each evening, she sat with a glass of wine and picked a movie from his outrageous collection. By the fourth day, she started pulling on a story thread for the show which had come from nowhere. She missed her morning break, ate lunch while standing in front of her laptop and made voice notes when she went for a walk in the afternoon. She didn’t stop to watch a movie, instead she put You Got Mail on in the background. By 11pm she was asleep on the sofa with her laptop still resting on her stomach. 
Jason saw the lights on from the street, he wasn’t sure whether she’d still be there, the last he’d heard she was trying to find out whether the water was back on at her apartment. Since then, he’d been on an earlier flight back to New York so hadn’t seen an update. The house was quiet when he entered so he stayed silent. He peered around the sitting room door to see Callie laid out on the sofa wearing his hoodie and a pair of pajama shorts. The end credits of You Got Mail were rolling and her laptop looked as though it was about to slide off her stomach to the floor. He reached her just in time to catch it and put it down safely. She stretched out, causing the hoodie to rise up but she didn’t stir at all. He ran his fingers through her hair gently.
“Callie? Callie baby, time to wake up.” she batted his hand away and frowned in her sleep. He took her hand and kissed her palm. “Cal?”
“Jason?” She mumbled in her sleep, rolling to her side to face him.
“It’s me, time to wake up and get into a real bed?” Her eyes fluttered open and she looked blankly at him. She took a couple of blinks to wake up and reached out a hand to brush across his stubble, the Ted mustache had been taken over. She looked completely confused.
“Are you really here?” she whispered.
“I am. You ok?” she snatched her hand back and sat up quickly, shaking off the sleep.
“How come you’re here? I thought you were back tomorrow. Have I missed a day?”
“I got an early flight. Why are you working so late?” He helped her up off the sofa and she stretched out the aching muscles.
“I got carried away with a storyline.” She handed him a beer from the fridge, “I can go back to my apartment tomorrow.”
“That’s good. So I umm… I came back because I was worried about you. I finished my last meeting today and didn’t want to wait for the flight tomorrow.”
“It’s been a much better few days. I submitted my chapters so I’m clear of deadlines now for a few weeks. Plus the water is fixed.” There was an odd silence and a strange nervousness radiating from Jason which was also beginning to engulf Callie. “So, I’m gonna go to bed. Then I can get out of your hair tomorrow so you can settle back in.” She finished her beer and put the bottle in the recycling box.
“I’ve missed you.” He said quietly as she reached the doorway. “Not hearing from you while you were away was so weird and then Laura was posting those photographs and you looked…” his eyes moved from her to the ceiling, “god Callie, you look so perfect. Then. Now. Every single day. I quit. This push and pull? This game? I’m cracking first, I quit.” Callie’s eyes grew wider. She cleared her throat a little. 
“I’m so much braver when there’s an ocean or a fucking phone between us. I can almost forget that… you take every breath from my body. When you’re there, in front of me, it’s like I can't speak or think. You trip me up every time. I fumble the bag.” She hesitated. “Believe me, you won a long time ago. Brett, Laura, Beth, they’ve been calling me out on my bullshit for months. I just keep getting in my own way.” She fell away to a whisper. She looked at the floor unsure of herself. The silence was deafening. She closed her eyes to blink back tears and as they refocused on the floor, Jason’s sneakers came into view. She looked up, shocked to see the boundless love in his eyes. Callie finally, finally, met him in a searing kiss.
She buried her face deeper into the pillow, hiding from the sunlight. She could feel Jason pressed against her back, breathing softly into her hair and unbothered by the opened blinds. Even in sleep, his hands were everywhere. Callie sighed contentedly. Somewhere across the room, a phone rang. She was all set to ignore it and go back to sleep, but Jason groaned with a low rumble and she suddenly felt anything but sleepy. He left her side briefly to get the phone and answered with a deep, sleepy voice.
“Oh… It’s Laura. Is Callie there?” Jason moved the phone from his ear to look at it. Definitely not his.
“Your phone babe, not mine.” He went to hand it over but she pushed it back towards him, rolling over to face him.
“Tell her I’ll call her later, I’m sleeping.” He smirked.
“Uhh, she’s busy, Laur. She’ll call you later.” He hung up and pulled Callie close,
“I said sleeping, not busy.” She pointed out.
“Sleep is for the weak. I’ve waited too long for you to let you sleep.”
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edge-oftheworld · 7 months
Ok, please explain the your theory about 1D reuniting at Michael and Crystal’s wedding?? You can’t just drop that in the tags and not explain. Were there pictures? I’ve never seen pictures of any pictures of any of the 1D guys there. If this really happened and they actually released pictures onto the internet, then I’m shocked that I haven’t seen them yet, since the we get private pictures of Harry at the weddings of family and non famous friends all the time.
It’s weird to me that all the 1D guys try to downplay their friendships after the band split. They reel us that they talk but they try not to admit to hanging out in person. At least that what I and some fans suspect: they spend a lot more time together than they show us. About a year ago Niall finally confirmed that a picture of him and Harry at a park wearing masks in 2021 really was them hanging out. So we know they hangout in pairs. Those of us that think Larry and Ziam are going strong assume those guys live together when they aren’t traveling for work. I think all five guys in 1D are still friends and hangout sometimes, but I have no proof.
Similarly, I feel like none of the 1D guys act like they are close to any of the 5SOS guys anymore, and Vice Versa. I saw an interview a few years ago where Ashton said he ran into Niall while hiking around LA and they said “hi” but didn’t talk or hangout more than that. That could be true, but it seems odd to me that 5sos don’t hangout with Niall more in particular, since Wikipedia tells me they all own homes in the same neighborhood in Laurel Canyon in LA. Ashton just moved, so maybe that’s not the case anymore. I get the impression that Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn all spend most of their free time in England when they aren’t traveling, and they go to LA mostly for work. But I think Niall and Shawn have made LA their home base.
okay. so. with the caveat that I know very little about the guys from one direction. I'm going solely off this clip I saw on Instagram (don't know the source of, guessing it was some interview or livestream) where michael is talking about his wedding. he talks about how luke and sierra did a song for him, and then someone asks about one direction reuniting for it and he's like yeah, i think he said they performed a song but my memory is a little fuzzy, maybe they just came idk. i know michael and crystal did get married in secret in a ceremony that was smaller than planned due to covid, i'm not 100% sure if they did a bigger reception thingo later or not, but they didn't share any pictures until about a year later and even then, not that many. i'm guessing they didn't want to share pics of everyone who was there bc they knew how this would go down?? either that or i imagined the whole clip which is--not completely impossible. I'm pretty sure it happened though and I don't see why mike would lie.
and tbh I don't really pay attention to who they all hang out with?? like i can name the places in sydney luke posted in his most recent photo dump but that's because it's like my turf yknow?? other than that, what they get up to is up to them and if I see something funny or relatable I will talk about it, if not, monkey brain does not engage at all. so honestly i have no idea how close they all are. from what I see ash isn't super close with 1d but that makes sense, whereas from what I've seen when they used to tour together and stuff it seems that michael was the closest to all of them (I could be wrong) and so it'd kinda make sense for them to come to his wedding? that's all I've got. could try to find the clip but honestly I haven't seen it since
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deepautumncolors · 8 months
January Sucks
I feel like I'm always waiting for something in January. This is my least favorite month, so usually I'm just waiting for it to be over. But this is the second year in a row that I'm waiting for something other than that.
In 2023, only four days into the new year, the screen of my personal laptop cracked down in the bottom right corner and the hinge became unscrewed.
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I had bought it almost two years before so the warranty had expired already, but they said I could reinstate it and then they would be able to fix it and cover any problems for the next two years. BUT, for some reason the new warranty would take 30 days to go through. So I waited and waited for it to be February 3rd. At least I could still use the laptop because everything still functioned normally, but I couldn't close it so I had to leave it open all the time. Anyway, so 30 days later I finally called them back. They sent me a box so I could ship it to them and get the screen replaced, and then I had to wait some more to get it back. Luckily it was only gone for a week, and it came back good as new.
THIS year, there's a lot going on. For one thing, I brought my car to the body shop on Monday to get the damage fixed from the storm we had last week and haven't heard back yet. Secondly, I'm looking forward to my vacation next week. But the one that's bothering me the most is that I'm waiting for my Instagram account to go back to normal.
On January 7th, I was having a lazy Sunday afternoon and I decided to see if I could get some more followers. I've found that a good way to do that is to follow other accounts who post similar content and like some of their posts so they notice you in their notifications, and sometimes they follow back. So I went on a spree of following a bunch of people and liking a bunch of their posts.
Well, apparently Instagram doesn't like that because it's considered suspicious behavior that makes them think you're a robot. Well, sheesh! How else is anyone supposed to get followers? If they thought I was doing something fishy, why didn’t they just give me one of those tests where you have to click on all the pictures of traffic lights or motorcycles so I could prove I’m a real person?
So now, every time I try to like someone's post or comment on it or follow an account, I get this message:
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I looked it up and it sounds like my account is banned, but I can't figure out how long it's going to last. I've sent in several support requests, but they haven't responded to me. And when I go to look at the past reports I've submitted, it says there aren't any.
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And when I go to the Violations area, it says there aren't any of those either.
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It also doesn't even acknowledge the fact that I can't do things.
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Instagram, I have one word for you: Lies.
I thought my ban would only last for one or two days - you know, maybe 24 or 48 hours? Every day I think, maybe it's over now, and I try to follow someone or like a post. But that stupid message keeps popping up, and it'll be two weeks tomorrow.
So, I'm pretty annoyed that I don't know how long this will be going on and that they won't give me any information. That's the vaguest message there could possibly be. "Try Again Later"? How much later? They didn't even tell me what I did wrong, I had to look it up on the internet to find out. If I knew what date it was going to end, I'd be able to stop wondering.
Oh, and when I make my posts and add a caption at the bottom, the captions don't show up. So it's just a post with no explanation under it. When my account works again eventually, I'll have to go back into each post and re-add them.
At least I got about 7 or 8 new followers that day.
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PERSUASION | hero ft fanfic
Chapter 5
WC 861
Jessica pov
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"I still don't understand why you haven't posted it. I mean, come on, dude," Kristen says, annoyed.
"I don't know...you know how my mom is; she'll ruin it with all of her dumb ass comments; just look how she reacted to the whole joke thing."
"Yeah, well, your sister needs to grow and toughen up, and you need to quit letting them win; it's not fair. You put up with a lot from them, but that doesn't mean you don't deserve happiness."
"Okay, okay, doctor Phil, I'll post it later today," I say like I'm accepting defeat and giving in.
"Yay, so anything planned for today?"
"No, not really you?
"Well, Stella wanted me to come over, but I told her I don't know; I mean, I want to, but this back-and-forth shit is getting on my nerves," Kristen says, picking at her fingers.
Stella and Kristen's relationship is confusing, to say the least; it gives me whiplash sometimes. I know they love each other, though. They seem scared about their feelings for each other, and instead of talking about it, they run and then realize they need each other again.
Well, aren't we contradicting...
"I think you should say yes if you don't, you're just going to sulk all day," I laugh.
She looks at me for a moment like she is contemplating telling me something but instead, she sighs, grabbing her phone.
"You're right. I guess it's now or never," she replies, tapping her phone against her palm.
"You got this," I smile as my phone buzzes, causing me to glance over; Kristen notices and hands it to me "thanks," I say, unlocking it and looking at my notifications, mostly from Instagram.
As I continue to scroll, I see an imessage from H. "Who the hell is H?" I ask, raising an eyebrow, confused, glancing up at Kristen.
I hold my phone up, turning it around to show her she rolls her eyes.
"I don't know, that's weird," she shrugs "open it and see what it says," she adds an annoyance in her tone.
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London boy? I don't know any...
"OMG!!" I yell as my phone makes a thud-like noise making contact with the floor
"Jess, you got to stop that! It's a good thing you have a case" she laughs and then leans from the couch to pick it up.
"It's...no, it can't be" I shake my head, followed by my head tilting to the side, looking at my phone weirdly "really!?!"
"What are you talking about, and what's with that look? Are you on Lindsay's Instagram again? Geez, what's she wearing this time? I swear if that child has bought another crop top, help lord us all," she says, rolling her eyes.
"I think Hero just texted me," I mumble, still in shock.
"Well, don't just sit there text him back," Kristen says, nudging me.
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"He wants to hang out with me?" I say in a gasp-like voice, "but why would he want to hang out with me?" my voice goes quiet.
"Um, because you're awesome!!"
"What?" I look back up, confused, not realizing I am talking out loud "oh," I murmur
"If you say no, I'll drag you; I mean it and post that damn picture too!"
"Okay, okay, geez, demanding much," I laugh.
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"Someone got to be! All you need is a little push," she says while she lightly smiles, nudging me.
I chuckle while adding the caption, "You're not even tagging him!!"Kristen breaks in while leaning in to look at my screen.
I glance up long enough to give her a sight eye roll before looking back down.
"No, I'm not! He probably gets a ton of them a day, and he's not even going to notice it's not a big deal."
"Give me that," she huffs, taking my phone, tagging him then adding the caption
When you're having the worst day, then you get to meet this guy 💚
"Please don't he's..."
"Too late," she smirks, hitting the share button.
"Gonna think I'm crazy," I finish covering my face.
"I doubt that seriously. Are you forgetting about the highly sexual tweets we saw the other day? I hope he never sees those; even Christian Grey would run from that"
I laugh, "you have a point."
"Celebrate the moment, dude! Live a little, hell, live a lot, either way—"
"I get it, Kris, thanks."
I get a couple of comments, mostly from friends of the after fandom wanting to know how he was in person and congratulations on how lucky I am.
Maybe this isn't so bad after all, it was a great moment, and it deserves to be shared. But then my smile quickly fades when I see the comment from my mom pop up in my notifications.
Jessica, don't you think you are taking this a little far photoshopping pictures?
"See, I told you this was a bad idea; I'm deleting it," I say as my phone unlocks itself then another notification pops up.
hero_ft liked your post, followed by hero_ft comment on your post: happy to help :)
"try deleting it now," Kristen jokes.
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My little shrimp (Pierre Gasly)
Note: english is not my first language
The holiday content has been lovely and I love some family!Pierre content so here goes a little something (Also, can you tell I feel very strongly about SPF? Wear sun protection dudes)
Feedback is appreciated 🤍 and although I'm not taking requests per se, if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to so so!
Spending a few days in French Riviera with Pierre's family had been a tradition for summer break with everyone taking a few days off to spend in the sun. Today's plans included a boat and some sea fun while soaking up the warmth. "Y/N, chérie, I feel like I haven't caught up with you in a while, how's everything going at work?", Pascale said sitting next to you in one of the cushioned benches, "It's been full-on now that we have managed to find our rhythm, hopefully these days will help in recharging batteries", you smiled, looking at one of Pierre's younger nephews fighting the sleepiness he felt while his mother tried to rock him to sleep. All those years ago, when Pascale asked her son if she could see a picture of this woman he was so head over heels with, she fully expected to see an instagram account filled with professional pictures from brand photoshoots or selfies in the most heavenly places in the world, but was, on the contrary presented with very few pictures of your face or body, your posts consisting mainly of pictures of views from walks in the city, making Pierre scroll carefully to find one where your face could be seen. "This is Y/N", he said showing his favourite picture of you, sat at a library desk during a study session that one of your friends had taken of you, hair up in a bun and glasses on your clean face, deciding to post for memory's sake so you could look at your university days later on. In conversation with Pierre, she found out about your interests and what you studied and how you were thinking of growing your business after you felt like you had enough experience to do so since you were now working for a well known company, "I'm very happy for you, mon chou", Pascale said genuinely as she grabbed his hand in hers, "Yeah? You seem a bit lost for words mama", he noticed her expression, "Well, if I'm being honest, she's very different than what I was expecting, the others girls I've seen you with are either models or are related to other businesses. But in a good way too, she seems like a lovely girl. I just wasn't expecting it", she offered her opinion lightly, not wanting to hurt her son but also being honest with him. "I get what you mean, but so far, things have been going pretty well for us", he said before telling her a few of the dates you had been on and some random moments he thought were cute, the smile always present in his mouth telling Pascale that he may have found someone who would stick around for a while. And you had, four years of ups and downs and many challenges, given both your and Pierre's career demands, but you managed to pull through every single one of them. Everyone placed their towells down on the cushioned part of the boat, steering away from the edge for safety reasons, so they could enjoy the sun on their skin, "Pierre, amour, come here please", you asked, waving a bottle of SPF in your hands, "I'm not having you be a lobster by lunch time", you said, grabbing his waist and turning him slightly, spraying the product on his back and rubbing it in, "it would be a nice salad side", Pierre's brother Paul teased him, earning a middle finger from your boyfriend.
After he was all covered in SPF, he helped you do your back as it was the only place you couldn't reach, "Thank you, mon coeur", you said before pressing a kiss to Pierre's lips and packing away the bottle on your bag. After checking that everything was packed and safe, you crawled back to the spot near Pierre, his arms spread out ready for you to lay your head on his chest. "I really missed this, you know", Pierre whispered, and despite the buzz of his family having different conversations around you and the waves clashing on the side of the boat, you heard him perfectly, humming in agreement before you pressed a kiss to his arm that rested on your chest, "Me too, it's so nice having everyone here, no work phonecalls for anyone, just relaxing", you whispered back. Innocent touches were shared, wether it was Pierre's hand brushing on your tummy or legs or your hand wandering around in his chest after you changed your position, shortly participating in some conversations when someone asked or you felt like you could contribute to the disusssion. "You're really warm", you commented, nuzzling further into his embrace, "I have the hottest girlfriend laying on me, what were you expecting?", he replied, making the blush on your cheeks appear and the butterflies on your stomach dance to a sweet and chaotic melody, followed by a kiss on your head that left the skin tingling, "Baby, you're looking a bit pink", Pierre noticed the skin on your legs getting a light colour once he opened his eyes, "yes, we've been dating for years and yet you still make me blush, no need to rub it in mister", you mumbled as you hid your face in his chest, "no", he chuckled, "your legs are turning a light red colour, from the sun, you should either cover them or put them in the shade", he advised, helping you up so you could recoil your bodies back to the shade, both of you inspecting the back of your lower leg. It was pink, you had to give him that, maybe the SPF wasn't spread properly or some of the water that had gotten on your legs had weakened it, "I swear I put it on correctly", you pouted, before grabbing some after sun from your bag and applying it on your skin, since the 'preventing' step was already behind you. "So, do we have lobster for lunch after all?", Paul asked as he turned his head to look at you, your expression feigning anger, "No, just shrimp for now", your boyfriend said before you flicked his ear, "what, mon coeur? I'm just telling the truth! You can be my little shrimp". And it only took him saying it one time for the children to catch it, throwing the expression around as they ran away from you on the inside part of the boat, playfully threatening them that the tickle monster would attack them if they didn't stop. "She fits right in, you know?", one of Pierre's sisters in law said to him, "Yeah, she does...", he mused, the next step on your relationship seeming evident, "Whenever you need help finding a nice ring, let me know", she winked before joining you on your chase.
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It Takes A Village Chapter 10
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Chris Evans X Pregnant!Daughter!Reader
Series Master List
Series summary: You find out that your pregnant. After being kicked out of your mom's house you go to live full time with your Dad who you only saw once every few months. Will he react badly to you being a mom at such a young age?  
Chapter Summary: you announce your pregnancy on Instagram and start rethinking everything.
Series Warnings: swearing, fighting with a parent, teen pregnancy, speak of abortion.
Chapter Warnings: teen pregnancy mentions puking
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You had been on the couch watching Peter pan but now your morning sickness kicked in. You were home from school today due to it being a half-day, your dad was at the store. So you were home alone and throwing up in the toilet with Dodger staring at you concerned while he whimpered. Once you were done you washed your face and brushed your teeth before you went back to the couch to finish the movie. After you posted the photo showing you were home there were rumors as to why. A few gruesome ones, like your mom died, (in all different ways) and a few normal less gruesome ones, such as your dad was able to get full custody of you.You ignored them you were planning on sharing the real reason tomorrow.
"Sweet-pea! I'm home!" You heard your dad say when he entered the house a few bags of groceries in his hands.
"Hey dad!" You said looking over the couch to look at him.
"Hey you okay? Seeing all those rumors?" He asked from the kitchen as he began putting everything away. You got up and walked in.
"Yeah haven't been on social media much since I got out of school I've been watching movies. And I think I have some baby names." You told him excitedly as you began to help him.
"What happened to not picking a names until you knew the genders?" He asked smirking at you.
"Don't worry one of them are after you." You said. He looked at you smiling silently begging you to continue. "No! You don't get to know! But I'll tell you the middle name ideas I have." You said.
"Continue." He smiled at you.
"Okay, so Christopher and Scott are the middle names if I have boys." You said continuing putting away the groceries.
"Okay what about the girl names?" He asked.
"Maxine, and of course the basic white girl middle name of Anne." You said giggling.
"Basic white girl name?" He shook his head at you but you could see the small smile on his face. "The other one is cute though." He said.
"I know!" You told him smiling.
"And Scott will also be happy will one of those names... He's been telling me how you were definitely going to name your baby after him." He explained, you giggled.
"Because I already told him." You said giggling.
"Sweet-pea how could you tell him first! I'm your dad!" He feigned offense before you both laughed. "But really those are great middle names. Especially the first one you said." He smirked at you. "Okay I'm going to make dinner you can get a movie set up for us to watch okay Bubba?" He asked.
"Okay. What movie?" You asked him.
"You pick bubba." You nodded leaving the kitchen Dodger following.
You stood in front of the mirror looking down at you baby bump, phone in hand. Unbeknownst to your dad you were doing this. He was outside with Dodger and you told him you were doing your homework. Of course he'd know that was a lie once this photo goes around. You faced your camera to the mirror the bump was clear from your side you took the photo. You went onto Instagram, a bunch of notifications from your last post filing in. You clicked the new post, you picked your photo before writing a brief caption that said:
"As my last post has cause many questions maybe this with clear some things up. Two new Evans are due in November. I prefer not to go into detail about anything about me being home or about the babies or their father, I just prefer the media and my dad's fans stay out of it. I hope you all can respect that."
You hesitated reading over the caption as many times as possible. Before setting your phone down not posting the picture. You sighed sitting on your bed. You looked back at your phone grabbing it and turning the comments for the post off before quickly clicking it then going down stairs and outside where Chris sat.
"Dad I posted a photo of my baby bump everyone knows." You sat next him sighing. He looked down at you. He pulled you into his side giving you a reassuring smile.
"I told you not to post anything bubs." He mumbled. "Has anyone said anything yet?"
"I turned the comments off..." You mumbled into his shirt.
"That was a good idea. You gotta show me how to do that Bubba." He leaned over kissing the top of your head.
You giggled. "Okay old man." His phone dinged and he looked at it and sighed.
"Well your post is getting attention. Sebastian and Mackie and asking if it's true." He showed you his phone.
"Ooh call'em I want to say hi." You sat up leaning your head on his shoulder. He chuckled shaking his head before face timing them.
"Hey lil Evans!" Mackie said seeing you. "Are you pulling a late April fools prank or was that post real?" He asked.
"It was real... I forgot you guys follow me." You said.
"Your gonna be mom aren't you like 10?" Sebastian asked, slightly teasingly. "Wait... We're you not gonna tell us if we didn't see that post?"
"I'm 15. And before you ask any questions about the babies, I'm having twins, the dad knows, he doesn't want them, I'm 12 weeks along I don't know the genders, and... I think that's all.. Oh and that's why I live with dad, and no I'd tell you eventually, probably next time I saw you and you met the babies." You rambled.
"Who is the dad?" Sebastian asked.
"Jake." You mumbled.
"And your good with this? Two new babies in your house?" Anthony asked Chris.
"We already talked 4 weeks ago when I found out." Chris said.
"You've known for four weeks and didn't tell us Y/n I thought I was your favorite uncle?" Sebastian pouted at you thought the screen.
"Hey I thought I was your favorite uncle!" Anthony said.
"Why do I need to have a favorite?"
"I'll be the babies favorite uncle." Anthony said
"With all of the people I've told about the babies you guys are definitely the most chill about it." You muttered before looking at your phone eyes widening at how many people have already liked the post already. And the press was probably already writing about it.
"Okay bye guys we'll talk to you later." Your dad said before hanging up the face time.
"I think I made a mistake I shouldn't have posted it, dad!! I shouldn't even be a mom now I'm putting my kids into the media! Dad, I had the privilege of not being in the media often since I lived in texas no one is gonna go there and try to take photos rednecks would shoot em! My kids have to live where ever you are because I'm a minor! I'm so dumb! I should've kept it a secret." You rested your head on his shoulder as you rambled. He sighed not knowing how to calm you down so he just looked down at you rubbing your shoulder. "Oh not to mention what is someone from town sees that! They'll all know and show Jake or mom! My kids won't even have their father! Only a mom. I can't take care of the babies I can't even drive! What am I going to do take them to school on a bicycle?" Your rambling continued.
"Bubba... You'll be able to drive when they start going to school besides you have me. Don't worry about town. Or the press." He said. To be honest those were thought he's been having it was why he didn't want you to tell the press. You grew up in a small town in texas with a whole bunch of rednecks even if the paparazzi found out where you lived the town would've chased them away, not because they liked you but because rednecks are crazy. If you still lived there press would be a lot less of a problem. And for the whole, your kids won't have a father thing he knew even if their dad wouldn't be there he would be the best male role model he can for them. But he also noticed that if you weren't at school or work you were always busying your mind, with homework or reading you barely read before. He could only assume it was because of the breakup and being kicked out. Just a way for you not to think of them. Dodger ran over licking your hand as you continued your rant to your dad.
"Shh, bubba." He cooed softly as your rant ended. "I told you, you're not going to be alone. I'll be there to help you the whole way."
Taglist: @toastisgood @coldmuffinpartycloud @thevelvetseries @uniquebeautyqueen
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lilmissbeanie · 4 years
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Haikyuu Masterlist
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Keiji Akaashi x Famous!F!Reader
Song ~ Ass Back Home - Gym Class Heroes 
Genre ~ SFW Fluff
Word Count ~ 1.8k
Posted ~ 11/08/20
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Akaashi sighed as he once again read another article about Y/n L/n and Jason Derulo, or some other artist always presuming that they were together. He didn't want to be jealous, but he couldn't help it when he saw his girl with some other guys, wasn't that normal? 
He knew it was going to be hard when he asked her to be his girlfriend. He knew she would be away often she would be travelling for tours and of course, meeting up with other artists to collaborate on songs, even though he knew that her new song would be a collaboration with Jason Derulo. 
He trusted her, the same way that Bokuto would trust his sets back in high school, the way that Bokuto would always know that Akaashi would always get the ball to him to spike. He knew she would never cheat on him, that wasn't who she was. He knew by the excitement in her voice when he answered the phone, "Kei!" The excitable giggles paired with the massive happy grin he saw on video call on the rare occasions that she could. Usually, it was voice messages or texts with the time difference, but some times she would stay up late so they could video chat, he would let the small smile grace his features when she would rub her eyes cutely and yawn. The way he would tell her to go to bed cause she is tired and she would pout innocently saying that she wasn't worn out. She would ask about his day listening as she slowly doses off, he didn't take it as an insult he just knew she was exhausted. He would sit there smiling at her sleeping face, looking like an innocent child, where she still had her phone in a light grip facing her.
"Good night, my Juliette sleep well. I love you."
"I... l-love you too my Romeo" would often be mumbled back, in her half-dazed state. With Akaashi's love of literature, Y/n just slipped it out once called him her Romeo and ever since it stuck.
Running his finger around the rim of his glass he sighed, it had been a few days since he had heard from her, he knew she was busy he had seen on her Twitter and Instagram that they added more tour dates in America as they stadiums had sold out. It had been eight months since the pair were actually in person together. 
"AKAASHI!" He flinched at Bokuto's sudden loudness as said boy appeared next to him. "Why so, mopey? Oh, you're missing Y/n aren't you!" 
"Hey my Romeo, I'm sorry I haven't called or texted you in a while, the tour has gotten so hectic recently we are doing two shows a day, so most of my fans can come, and watch and my manager wants to add even more dates." He smiled, enjoying the sound of her voice even if it is over voicemail, and she sounded exhausted. He had woken up for work and seen that he had missed a call from her at three am. "I know you're going to ask when I am going to be home, but I don't know at the moment, but soon I hope I'm going to tell my manager that I need a break. I hope to be home for Christmas." 
Rolling his eyes, he shrugged and gave a slight nod to Bokuto's question.
Bokuto suddenly felt terrible for Akaashi. He didn't know how he felt. He didn't have a love like Akaashi. His passion is for Volleyball is his true love right now.  He remembered the day he introduced Akaashi and Y/n. She was at an after-party of a game that the Black Jackals won and Bokuto dragged Akaashi along. It was like the couple connected instantly and they soon got together. Bokuto would often turn up at Akaashi's find them sprawled out on the sofa, Y/n with her head in his lap, his fingers running through he hair as he read a book to her. Bokuto had gotten many pictures of them like this. He loved how relaxed Akaashi was around her, a way he hadn't seen with anyone else. 
He knew that she was going to say that. 
"Anyway I miss you my Romeo, I cannot wait to be home and in your arms again. I want to be in our little bubble of love and cuddles, of you reading to me while you play with my hair. I want to be in the studio with you listening to me sing my new songs and telling me which words would work better with the lyrics I have written." He laughed he did often sit in the studio with her after he finishes work, reading over her new lyrics and crossing out the odd word and putting one that worked better with the theme of the song. He loved watching her pick at the strings of her acoustic guitar playing a few cords and seeing if they worked when she ran her fingers over the keys of the piano. He loved that she could play different instruments.
"I love you so much, Romeo. I hope you sleep well. See you as soon as I can. Bye-bye, my sweet Romeo."
About three weeks later he was sat at his desk eating his lunch, watch the recent interview Y/n had with OK! Magazine. 
'So Y/n, when the tour is over what is the first thing you're going to do?' Chloe, the interviewer, asked 
'I think it will be sleep we've had some busy months recently, most days doing two shows to it is hard work.' He laughed along with his beloved. 
'We've been keeping up to date on your social media, who is this Romeo you keep mentioning, we often see and I quote, I miss you my sweet Romeo, or I love you, Romeo.' He would always reply, but his account was private so no one unless they followed him and accepted it. 
'My Romeo is waiting for me at home; I promised him I wouldn't mention him until he is ready for the spotlight as he isn't an actor or musician. But he is my Romeo, and I am very excited to get home and be with him again.'  He was so glad that she didn't spill the beans about their relationship. He already had enough of the spotlight with being friends with most of the Black Jackals team, he already has his pictures in magazines when the team goes out, and he gets dragged along with Kuroo by Bukoto and Hinata. 
'Can you tell us one thing about him?' Chloe pushed for more details about him. He loved how Y/n's nose would scrunch up, and her left eyebrow would shoot up as he tapped her chin in thought. 
'He was a volleyball setter in high school.' She smiled. Akaashi smirked at the fact she gave, there were many setters across the world, and narrowing down to him would be hard. 'And he is my bookworm,'
'A setter and bookworm, those don't often go together!' Chloe laughed, with Y/n soon joining her. 
'I know, and I have Shoyo Hinata and Kotaro Bokuto. But honestly, if it wasn't for him I'm sure some of my songs wouldn't make sense, a lot of my lyrics in my book have his scribbles in changing the odd word here and there, I would often wake up finding him hovering over my lyrics book a mug of coffee in hand proofreading them for me.' 
He couldn't help the chuckle that slipped past his lips at the dig at Bokuto and Hinata's dislike for books.
'He sound's like a gem! But back to the fact you've met the Black Jackals numbers twenty-one and thirteen. What are they like?" 
"I've met them all I know all the Black Jackals, all their school friends too, I met them all after a match against the Cheehle Ekaterinburg, an old friend Morisuke Yaku I knew from my middle school days invited me along, and that was where I met them. Those two boys even though they were bouncing around the court like anything they still had so much energy, I was shocked that anyone could keep up with them, it was like they were children who had just walked out of an all you can eat sweetshop.'
This caused Chloe to giggle. He liked the way Y/n slyly slipped in how they met.
'this Romeo of yours you didn't happen to meet him through your old middle school friend, did you? At this party' Akaashi's eyes widen as the interviewer hit the nail on the head, he was impressed at how Y/n kept her facial expression in check, just the usual smile she used for interviews, 
Saturday 5th of December 2015 was the day that Y/n finally returned home. She didn't tell Akaashi she was on her, she knew from Bokuto that they would be at his favourite restaurant that serves his favourite food, Nanohana no Karashiae, in a private room at the back. She drove her car into the car park of the restaurant, taking a deep breath she pulled on her cap and her dark sunglasses as she got out and walked into the restaurant, telling the waiter that she was here for the Bokuto party he nodded and showed her to the door. 
'Ah, well it was through mutual friends that we met.' He loved how she deflected the question, not letting them on that it was at the party they met.
He leaned his phone against the pen pot on his desk, leaving the video to play, while he got on with his work, the questions had now turned to make-up and what shampoo she was using. 
"Thanks, I'll be fine from here." She knew from the photo that Bokuto had put up on Twitter that Akaashi had his back to the door, purposely done for this exact reason. Pulling off the hat and glasses, she quietly opened the door slipping in and once again quietly shutting it. The room slowly went quiet as eyes suddenly locked on to her figure. Akaashi frowned at his friends, why did everyone stop talking all of a sudden and why Bokuto and Kuroo had whipped out their phones, pointing it at him, till he started to follow their line of sight.
"Happy birthday Romeo." She giggled as he slowly placed her back on the floor, their foreheads resting against one another.
"I'm home, my Romeo." His eyes instantly locked with hers the second he heard her voice, as the smiles so wide crossed their faces as he flew out of his seat wrapping her up in his arms, tightly as if he loosen his grip she would disappear again, he spun her around. He was ecstatic she was home.
Nine months, eleven days, sixteen hours and thirty-eight minutes since the last time he held her in his arms. Since he lasted kissed her. Since he last looked into her beautiful deep e/c eyes.
"You are the best birthday present I could ever ask for." He said as he entwined his fingers into her hair, pulling her into a deep kiss that was long overdue.
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©️ All content  belongs to lilmissbeanie, do not copy, edit, repost or translate. 
Haikyuu Masterlist
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shawnpetermuffins · 5 years
I Miss You
A/n: I hope this is good because I put this off for so long wanting to do it justice. And this is based very loosely off I Miss you.
Summary: you two broke up recently, and it's not sitting well with Shawn, even though he's the reason you broke up.
Requested by @it-isnt-in-myy-blood: Hi, I recently listened to the song 'I Miss you' (Clean Bandit, Julia Michaels). Maybe you could write a fic based on the song, angsty but with a fluff ending? Thank you... ❤️
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Kinda_yourname Cabo sunsets >>>> anything else
It may have only been a week, but I'm missing it here! 😭
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I shut my phone off and toss it to the end of the bed. I should have been with her on that trip, but tour got in the way. I got in the way. It's crazy to think that if you asked me three weeks ago, I would have said that my girlfriend and I could overcome any obstacle thrown at us. But ask me again a week later, and I would tell you I was wrong. That being away from her for months at a time was too much for me and I broke it off because I thought it would be what was best for both of us in the end.
Now ask me if I still believe that.
I don't.
I haven't told anyone about us yet. I mean, everyone probably suspects because there haven't been Amy preshow FaceTime calls for good luck, and I'm not texting like a madman during dinner or when we're on our way to the venues. And I know she hasn't said anything to anyone either. How? Because for one, she hasn't blocked me on any social media - I know, I've checked at least ten times just within the last two hours. And two, she hasn't deleted the three pictures of us that she has on her Instagram. They're still there for everyone to see, me included.
Now my fingers are hovering over the keyboard and I'm staring at her name on my phone which is still My Love 😍, and I'll probably never change it. Because she is my love, and to strip her of that title because I'm an idiot just isn't fair.
Hey... I miss you
I type and backspace and type and backspace at least ten times. Because I want to text her. I want so badly to text her, but what if she doesn't want to hear from me? I wouldn't blame her if she didn't want to. I was the worst. Breaking up with her over the phone, no less because I was hurting being away from her. Never once did it occur to me that, yeah, she was hurting too. Or maybe she's with someone else. Maybe she's found somebody new. I want her happy, sure. But I selfishly still want to be the one that makes her happy.
Y/n I miss you.
I delete it one last time and open my photo gallery. I have an album saved for photos of us. Photos that I never got to post because she wanted to keep us as private as possible without being a secret. Which is why both of us only have 3 photos of each other on our Instagram. One for our six months, a year, and a year and a half. Two more months and we would have had a fourth picture.
I'm swiping through the photos landing on one I took of her when we were flying back to Canada after our first trip together. We're on a private jet because this was before we went public with our relationship. Andrew made sure that we weren't seen together in the airport or anything. She's sitting in the seat across the aisle from me, legs up to her chest, earphones in, head resting on her knees as she smiles brightly at me. There's another one of us curled up together on this tiny chair in a green room in the UK that Andrew sent me. She's literally curled into a ball on my lap, sleeping peacefully and my legs are spread in front of me, arms wrapped tightly around her body, head resting against the back of the seat.
The next one Brian took. We were at my place for a very impromptu new years party. It was just gonna be me and y/n, but she insisted we invite the guys over. And we did. It was one of the best nights of my life. We're watching the ball drop, with her in my lap, arm around my shoulder. I have one arm behind her back, the other on her thigh. I think Brian knew something was going to happen because at ten seconds to midnight he pulled his phone out and captured out first new years kiss. She's holding my face and I'm practically leaning her back against the couch. It looks like I'm seconds away from crawling on top of her, and it be honest, I probably was. She's just too perfect for me to resist.
Then there's one that Josiah took of us just a few months ago at the studio house. I had y/n on the kitchen counter, she was in these jean shorts that I loved her in and a button up that she'd stolen from my suitcase. Not that I was complaining. It looked far better on her than it did on me. I stood between her legs, my hands on her sides, slipping under the shirt a little bit, leaning her hips exposed. Not that either of u cared with her fingers threaded in my hair as casually as they were. My face is blocked by her figure, but there isn't a doubt in my mind that I was smiling entirely too wide standing between her legs.
The video that follows knocks the breath out of me. She giggling like crazy, but the camera isn't on her, it's on me. On my back, more specifically. She laughs even more when I wince at the feel of her fingers on my red, raw skin that is now home of her fingernail scratches.
"Baby? What happened to your back?" She asked, amused.
"Don't know," I said, turning to face her, my cheeks still holding a slight blush. "But I think the real question is, what happened to your neck, missy?" I pluck the phone from her hands and turn the camera to her where she's trying to cover her face. I manage, however, to take her hands in my free one and the camera focuses on the flourishing bruises that litter her beautiful neck, my favorite place to rest my head.
I close my eyes, the memory of that night filling my mind. Watching her come down from her high, my face still buried between her legs. The weight and cold touch of her hands as she pulled me up to her, into her, because she needed me closer. I can hear myself murmuring the words 'I love you' all over her skin, still remember the way her back arched when I hit the right spot again and again and her finger ran down my back over and over, once more and she probably would have drawn blood. And I may not be home, but I can smell her on the sheets, that constant aroma of warm vanilla penetrating my nostrils. God, do I miss her.
I'm only making it worse for myself by doing this, I know that. But I should feel bad. I lost the greatest thing in my life and I didn't need to. So I got back to our messages, but instead of going to type a new one, I scroll through, reading through our old texts. There's countless paragraphs of us professing our love for each other. Lots of random pictures sent, most from my side. There's conversations about getting a home together, and a dog. And her telling me how much she loves my family and me telling her how much they love her, how much they ask about her. It's all hitting me too hard right now.
And it doesn't help that im literally sobbing at 2 in the morning, in Paris. The city of love. The place she told me was her favorite trip to ever take with me. Where we stood atop the eiffle tower and I gave her a promise ring, a ring that said I would love her and keep her forever. A promise ring that was now probably in the ocean in Cabo because I tore us apart so easily.
I sit up suddenly, struggling to catch my breath. It takes a few minutes, but I'm able to pull myself out of this empty bed that would only be comfortable with y/n laying next to me. I'm scrambling through the room, picking up the pair of jeans I threw off my body earlier and slipping back into them. I find a torn work out shirt in the bottom of my back and push my head and arms through before throwing my youth hoodie over my already overheated upper body. My passport is sitting in my guitar case, and I grab both things without a second thought. My suitcase trailing behind me.
It's difficult booking a flight and carrying a suitcase and guitar all at once, but I get along just well enough and adjust myself in the lobby while I wait for a taxi. I don't text Andrew until I've made it to the airport and am in my seat on the plane, ready for take off.
Emergency... had to fly home. Promise to make it back in time for the Paris show.
And I turn my phone off before he can text or call me back. Because there isn't a damn thing that he could say that would keep me there in a city that's meant for lovers, when my lover is across the world instead of laying in my arms the way she should be.
I know I shouldn't be doing this. I know there is someone out there who is better for her. Someone who isn't constantly on the move. Someone who can come home to her every night and help her make dinner. Someone who can cuddle her until she falls asleep when she's having a particularly bad day. I know there's someone who can do those things.
But I also know that he won't love her the way I do. He won't know all the little things that I do. Like how she only uses a blue toothbrush. Always has. And he won't notice the tiny scar that she has on her right middle finger from when we tried to make dinner together one night and she cut herself. He probably won't know that she wakes up at 3:34 every single night, because she hasn't been able to sleep fully and soundly through the night since she was four years old. And he'll mess up the way she likes her tea, using tea bags instead of leaves. (She like the herbal taste that you get when you use the leaves. And she likes when you do two scoops of them, and two scoops of sugar, but just cane sugar, the rock sugar makes it too earthy. And of course, she drinks it on ice because she hates burning her tongue with hot drinks.)
I'm thinking way too much as I get off the plane, reluctantly turning my phone back on only to see texts from just about everyone I know. They're all asking where I am, but I ignore them, because what I'm about to do is far more important than anything they threaten me with. I have to make things right.
Standing in front of this door that I've stood in front of hundreds of times should make me feel at ease. Remembering all the times I had her pressed against the other side of the door because I just couldn't wait to have her all to myself. But if anything, it's making me more nervous. So nervous that my hands are shaking, palms sweating, my breathing is jagged and I know if I don't knock right now I might never get the chance again and I can't lose her for real this time. So without giving myself the chance to rethink, I knock on the door three times and I wait, handing in the pocket of my hoodie.
I wait a solid thirty seconds, which feel like an eternity, before the door finally opens and I see my beautiful girl. Her face is bare, hair only halfway straightened, and she's in those shorts I love and my old Led Zepplin t-shirt.
"Shawn," my name still sounds like heaven spilling from her lips. "What are you doing here?" She crosses and then uncrosses her arms, shifting her weight from one leg to the other before standing completely straight.
I didn't even realize I was crying until I sniffled and heard my voice crack with just three words, "I miss you."
"Shawn," she shook her head.
"I tried not to," I insisted, still standing like a fool on her door step. "I swear I did. But I couldn't stop. I looked through all our pictures and texts, and I couldn't stop myself from missing you. And I know I have no right to because I broke things off. But I was in Paris and I was miserable because Paris was your favorite place, and that was where I promised to love you forever, and I'm still keeping that promise. I was an idiot," I continue to ramble. "If there's a better word for that, then I'm that too, because I thought it would be easier if I broke things off. This tour was going to be so long and to go that long without each other, I was scared that it wouldn't be enough for you. But it's not what I wanted, y/n. It's not, and I just-"
"Shawn, stop."
I shut my mouth instantly, ready for her to tell me to leave. But what she does instead throws me completely off guard. She pulls me into the apartment and wraps her arms around my neck, burying her head deep in my chest.
"I miss you, too." She mumbles and I exhale slowly, only to inhale that scent that I love so much. The scent that is naturally her. She starts to pull away, and even though I don't want her to, I let her but she only leans back enough to take my face in her hands and before I even have time to blink, her soft lips are on mine and I'm whole again.
She's mine again and I'm never letting her go.
Tags: @curlyshawny @shawns-badreputation @anamariel2301 @bbellbagel
This took me longer to write than it should have, but I kinda really like it. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you Wednesday for more content! 💙
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cliquestitsandicks · 5 years
Tracking Kat
Episode 1: Kat is mourning the end of her relationship with Adena. It has been 5 weeks since the breakup in Paris. She's still looking at old pictures of them and posted one. She still hasn't sent Adena's equipment to her, even though Adena has been texting her asking for it. By the end of the episode, she's admitted to (in order) Alex, Patrick, and Jane & Sutton that she is not okay. She is still sad about the end of her relationship. Alex tells her "you're so hard on yourself. You got your heart broken. There's no expiration date on heartbreak. You move on when you're ready to move on and when you *are* ready, you will find someone amazing. Someone who will never leave." Then Patrick is an entitled, invasive dick. She told her girls she wasn't ready for it to be real yet and that's why she hadn't told them... but she broke down in front of them. She'd finally accepted it was over. End of the episode, she makes an instagram post exposing her vulnerability to the world and packs up Adena's things for good.
Episode 2: Kat injects Jane for fertility treatment. She is very familiar with Jane's reproductive system at this point - best friends. She learns the Wild Susan, a club Adena took her to that became a safe space she frequents and which happens to be 1 of only TWO lesbian bars in the city, is closing. She learns the only reason it's happening is because developers want to gentrify the neighborhood. We learn Kat has a lawyer (not sure how that may come up later) that she met through the #BeReal campaign. Anyway, Kat throws a queer prom as a fundraiser to help save the Wild Susan. It ultimately fails because $42,000 in one night from poor people is a bit much. But it was a valiant effort and, as Kat learns, the gentrifiers were well aware of its impossibility. This episode is leading up to her political career. "I've been so into my feelings lately, it feels really good to challenge my energy into something that really matters". I am so proud of Kat. In Season 1, I would have worried she was avoiding her feelings, but the writers made a big deal of showing she's done the exact opposite of that in the prior episode.
Episode 3: Kat has been researching councilman Reynolds and he's a total piece of shit - helping gentrifiers, cutting funding to parks, and voting against paid maternity leave. She's fired up. Our girl is P A S S I O N A T E & informed! We meet the councilwoman for whom she plans to volunteer and her campaign manager, Tia. Tia's a tiny, bubbly boss with natural hair and a bright smile and we see Kat brighten up. We later learn she and Kat have more in common, both being NYU grads (actually overlapping while there) and both brilliant. Tia, however, is not from a wealthy and connected background. In their initial meeting, Kat tells Tia "I'm just looking for something to channel my rage and depression". Kat enlists her besties to help get the councilwoman to unseat problematic Reynolds. Sutton clearly sees something between Kat and Tia because she does a friend's background check (checking the social media) and tells Kat she looks very single to which Kat responds "it really doesn't matter because I'm still getting over Adena" and Jane seems skeptical of Kat's protestations with her silent smirk. We learn Kat has really soft lips. Kat is the voice of reason for Alex, being the first one to acknowledge the hypersexual "dangerous" Black man depiction that will likely be projected onto him if he admits he is the man in his friend's story. Then we see her naturally command the crowd at the rally. Again, I am so proud of Kat. She isn't holding back when she knows she should speak up. She's taking control of her narrative. She's fighting for what's right in a constructive manner. And now Tia, who has way more experience with this than Kat, is recommending she run for office.
Episode 4: We start the episode with Kat describing what would be her district and job description to her best friends. She's looking excited about the potential to do something that matters and really help people. In her conversation with the Toby (?. don't know, don't care), we get to see more of Tia being supportive of Kat and Kat being confronted with whether she's motivated to actually run or just wants someone to beat Reynolds. We learn Kat had an abortion in 2013 when she was 20 AS IS HER GOTDAMN RIGHT BECAUSE IT'S HER BODY, but it's something she's felt some sort of shame/concern over seeing as nobody close to her knew about it. Then, and this is so great, after telling her friends she has the conversation with Tia. Tia shares that she's had one as well and completely understands not wanting it to be public knowledge, but in sharing her experience educates Kat on yet another way vulnerable people are having their rights stripped, this time through manipulation and "crisis centers" that shouldn't exist. Tia remains supportive and doesn't pressure Kat at all with her decision. "I am by your side if they come for you, but you gotta do what's right for you". When we get that great speech from Jacqueline we see Kat being moved my the statement that you'll never know what you're capable of if you don't take a leap faith to face challenges that frighten you, then you'll never know what you're capable of. [i'd like to pause right now to say Jacqueline is fucking wonderful and i love her like my white auntie. also Sutton needed to hear that again just as much as Kat and i really appreciate this entire moment.] When Kat leaves Jacqueline's celebration, she passes by one of those "crisis centers" Tia told her about and decides to use her voice to help others. "I like to think of myself as a pretty strong, empowered, forward-thinking, open-minded woman. But, up until now, I haven't been able to talk about my abortion. If me putting myself out there helps even one woman to feel less alone, less ashamed, and less guilty then it's worth it." And just like us, dear Tia is blown away. She actually exhales a breath she didn't know she was holding and biiiiiiiitch (!!!! excitedly). and then they're dancing! This is the episode, upon rewatch, when i recognize how often Tia touches Kat unnecessarily.
Episode 5: Kat's entire recap includes Tia, ending with Sutton saying "she seems to be very single". Her very first scene, Tia is complimenting her walking out of some campaigning event we later learn was a Town Hall. Can we just talk about Kat's blazer for a second? First of all, i want it. Second, how did they find something so perfectly her? It's colorful but still semi-professional, fun, but still about her business. Heart-eye inducing. ok. So the next time we see Kat, she and Tia (whose last name they finally mention as Clayton) are reviewing campaign platform and doing debate prep at Kat's apartment. Tia's complimenting Kat almost continuously at this point. Clearly she's impressed, borderline gushing. and Kat tries to brush it off. Tia's not letting her. And there's this moment when Tia forces herself to break eye contact with her (around 5:40 of the episode). The show tells us Kat still hasn't dated since Adena, but Sutton brings up the "stupid smile" she gets whenever Tia's mentioned. She's making better decisions than Patrick and her being compared to Patrick is lowkey happening a lot. I'm starting to wonder if they're setting up Kat taking over digital if she doesn't win the campaign. Ok, the song choice as they pan to Kat and Tia... "I never normally check my phone 10 times in a minute. I'm not the girl to be kept on hold 10 miles from the finish." Again, Tia is very touchy with Kat, never anything inappropriate of course, but the hand is always on the back or the arm. and their interaction is just.. lovely. I squeal. it's so cute. they're so comfortable. Kat invites Tia to the dinner BEFORE (i got the timing on that mixed up before) Tia says she's "a boring straight girl" [the test determined that was a LIE... nah, my good sis Tia is dealing with some internalized homophobia which is no joking matter, but we don't learn that until the next episode]. Apparently, Kat can cook now? So she just liked Adena's food better i guess? idk... anyway. I get why some of the things Tia said can be taken as flirting, but i still believe that you accept what someone says is their sexuality until they say otherwise. yes, that's even when they're saying things like "when i see what i want, i go for it" and "Annndd she can cook. it's hot" and looking at you like that. Kat telling Jane to apologize because he's her boss and she got suuuper disrespectful and would absolutely deserve getting fired makes me proud. She's the mature friend now. She's the one with a level head on her shoulders. Kat finally makes her feelings known to Tia, but this is after Tia has already stated she's straight. Tia reiterates that this is a professional relationship and apologizes for Kat getting the wrong idea. I'm reminded of when Alex Danvers told Maggie Sawyer she was into her and she was rejected... but in that example i was floored and heartbroken for Alex because ugh, i just didn't see that coming. With this, however, it felt like Tia was clear in her words even if it shocked the hell out of me what the words were. So i didn't feel heartbroken for Kat. I thought... tbh... she brought it on herself for refusing to respect Tia's "no", however soft it was. But the writers did let us know it wasn't over with the music selection... Kat looking at "You and Tia make a great team :)" as "I'll go to war for you" plays.
Episode 6: All the emails have been released and Kat has no worries at all about that because she's a professional. And we get to see her be a boss addressing the entire group. Patrick isn't there this episode (YAY for our sanity!) and i think Kat being a boss so often when Patrick isn't around is intentional. When we see Tia, she says last night is forgotten but she thinks it's a bad idea to remain Kat's campaign manager... which is clearly a hard rejection. One can argue that it's too harsh for someone merely admitting they were into you. But it's just as easy to argue that it's appropriate after telling someone, very clearly, that you are not into them romantically and them ignoring that and saying that you were flirting with them on this date they never called a date before you were already there?? so i'm not mad at it. At the end of the episode, we find out that Tia was rejecting herself, not Kat. Turns out, Ms. Tia Clayton has known she's attracted to women since she was in high school, but she "didn't want to want it". Tia is so TINY AND ANXIOUS ABOUT HER SEXUALITY AND MANY OF US HAVE BEEN THERE. But... and i say this in jest... for someone who is really trying not to be out in the open with her gay, she sure was comfortable kissing Kat all outdoors for anyone to see. My good sis is smitten. I'm excited for the story. Again with the music during their scenes though... "I cannot fallll in love with youuuuu. I cannot feeeeel this way so soon, so soon." Also, my girlfriend and I have watched the gifset of the kiss over the phone and swooned (we live in different states for now). This episode, we also got the flashbacks (i missed Lauren so much). Kat's got red streaks in her hair, is a friend to strangers, has regrettable sex with men who taste like pickles, and is cute as a button. She also called Jacqueline "Mama Jackie" and that's it; that's her name now.
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cynicallystiles · 6 years
Marry You
Disclaimer: Gif originally posted by me.
Author: @cynicallystiles
Request: @laurs-x :  Request for Tom Holland x Reader where they go to visit Tom’s family and reader just kinda falls in love with all of them as a family and in the middle of that night reader asks Tom to sneak off to the court house/chapel to get married and they do and it’s just v sweet and romantic?? love you babeeee 💗
Notes: I LOVE YOU, TOO! So, I changed just a little thing at the end. But, I got SO SOFT writing this. So, thanks for making me channel those fuzzy feelings. Comment or reblog if you enjoy! I love writing Tom fluff.
Pairing: Tom Holland x GenderNeutral!Reader
Abbreviations: y/n=your name, y/m/n=your middle name, and y/l/n=your last name
Words: 2,775
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You clutched the armrest on the plane for dear life as you just so happened to hit a patch of bumpy air. Your white-knuckled grasp along with your shallow breathing drew the attention of the man you loved most in the world.
"Relax, darling. It's just a spot of turbulence. Nothing to fret," he soothes you in that oh-so-charming accent.
You smiled anxiously at him as he placed his hand atop yours and rubbed circles along your knuckles with the pad of his thumb. If only he knew the real reason you were scared to death right now. You were on a plane headed across the Atlantic to meet his family for the first time.
He'd already met yours long ago during the early stages of the relationship. It was a rather lackluster affair as you only had your dad and his wife, plus the two little balls of energy you called your step-sisters. Though you were well into your 3rd year of being together, you were still terrified of meeting his family.
Thus, your death grip on the poor armrest. As if sensing the elevation of your unease, he turned in his seat toward you. "What is it, love?"
"Imaybesortascaredtomeetyourfamily," you mumbled out low and quick. A tiny bit of relief swelled in you from just saying it out loud. But, your beloved hadn't quite heard you.
He leans closer with a chuckle as he asks you to repeat it. "I'm sorry, I couldn't make that out. You're speaking too low, darling."
Rolling your eyes and giving a sigh of resignation, you repeat it slightly loud enough for him to hear. Although you said it at the same pace as before, "IMAYBESORTASCAREDTOMEETYOURFAMILY! Okay?"
Your cheeks flushed with the color of embarrassment that you were this nervous. But he simply leaned over and kissed your temple, putting your nerves at ease.
"There's nothing to be scared of, y/n. I've told them loads about you and they love you already," he says reassuringly.
You scrunch your nose at him. "What if I don't live up to the hype?"
"Just trust me. I love you so so much. They have to love you, too," he whispers adoringly in your ear. You smile and rest your head on his shoulder as you release your grip on the seat and replace it with his hand.
Just like that, all the tension had left your body. You were no longer filled with anxiety, but with anticipation and excitement of meeting the love of your life's family for the first time.
Time flew by and before you knew it, you found yourself outside of the Holland household. Tom moves to ascend the steps but stops, noticing that you aren't right behind him.
"We talked about this, love," he reminded you.
You roll your shoulders as you take a deep breath. "What? Yeah. No, I know. I'm just-I just need a second to remember all the names," you admitted with your brows furrowed in concentration.
He rolls his eyes as he comes back down the few steps he's taken and grabs you by the hand to pull you along. "I will introduce you first, y/n. It's not a test," he assures you once again through a chuckle.
"Yeah. Okay. No. Yeah, I can do this. I've got this. It's just the names of my future family right? They're not gonna be offended if I mess it up the first twenty times..." you continue to mumble to yourself as Tom has already opened up the front door and led you inside.
You're still repeating the names and trying to attach them to faces you've seen in pictures when he stops and you stumble into his back. You peek out from over his shoulder and see the whole gang except for his mom standing around the dining table.
"What's going on?" You whisper.
He leans his head slightly toward you as he whispers back, "I haven't the faintest idea." You saw his mouth twitch up ever-so-slightly, and you knew he was fibbing.
"For an actor, you're not very good at keeping secrets," you say as you step out from behind him.
He clutches his heart and feigns a hurt expression. "Darling, your roasting hurts," he says over-dramatically.
"There's a reason Marvel doesn't give you scripts! I mean you just posted the title for Spider-Man 2 on your Instagram and Twitter," you remind him with a giggle.
He shrugs before taking your bag and setting it down next to the stairs. Suddenly, his mother comes around the corner delicately balancing a tray on both of her arms. "Is that a cake? Tom, why does she have a cake?"
"Well..." he says taking you by the hand leading you closer to the table. "I told them that it was your birthday just last week and they wanted to throw you a little party."
You put one hand over your heart as you watch Nikki light the candles. "Aw, you guys didn't have to do all this," you say with your voice full of soft emotions.
His mother smiles brightly at you. "Nonsense! You're family! We celebrate every member’s birthday 'round here," she says in such a mother-like tone that your heart melts further.
After blowing out the candles and everyone having a slice, you slowly mingle with each other while eating more cake. You were talking with Nikki and Dominic while Tom had started to play-fight with his littlest brother Paddy.
You can't help but giggle as you watch him exaggeratedly fall to the ground in defeat. God, you loved him more than anything. Excusing yourself from the two, you head over to make introductions with his brothers.
Paddy was the easy one to get along with. "Just call me Pads like the rest of the family does. You're one of us now," he says with a goofy little grin.
You smiled brightly back at him. "Okay, Pads." You made a show of annunciating his name and he went back to the table for more cake. Turning to Tom, you open your mouth to say something when there's a loud stomp right next to you accompanied by a scream and hands on your shoulders.
You squeal in surprise and turn to see the twins doubled over laughing. "Oh, you guys are real clever," you say as you fall into the laughter with them.
Tom joins you with an arm around your waist and begins to make introductions. You cut him off quickly, wanting to prove that you could remember the difference. "Okay so...you," you say pointing to the one with the slightly darker and longer hair, "are Sam and that makes you Harry." You point at the other as you finish proudly.
The two share a silent glance with unreadable expressions. Your face falls as the first one speaks up. "Actually, I'm Harry and that's Sam," he says with a sigh.
Wide-eyed, you turn to Tom. Your expression falls into that of annoyance as you see him snickering. "Oh, you boys think you're so funny," you say as a mischievous smirk takes up residence on your lips. The two nod while holding back laughter.
"Well, Fred and George," you say menacingly as you slowly pick up your piece of cake in the palm of your hand. "Let's see if you think THIS is funny!"
You launch your cake filled hand at Sam. The cake and icing smush into his face so satisfyingly that you start to laugh uncontrollably. "Oh, they've started a war now!" He chuckles out.
You squeal as he runs to the table and grabs another fistful of cake and throws it at you. You deftly doge to the left, leaving the only thing in its path...Tom. You point and laugh as it explodes all over his throat and chin.
"You think that's funny, yeah?" He says with that smirk and you know you're in trouble. The whole dining room falls into chaos as cake is flying and landing every which way and soon you're all out of breath from laughing and yelling so loud.
The cake looks like it exploded from how many hands have just dug into it. You can't remember the last time you laughed or played that hard with family. After a long shower with Tom to scrub the cake off of each other, you settle into bed with his arms wrapped around you.
"So was it as scary as you thought?" He hums lowly into your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
You shake your head as you bite your lip to contain your grin. "Not at all. In fact...I'm surprised by how much it felt," you pause, looking for the right words.
"Felt like what, darling?"
You smile softly. "How much it felt like home," you let out a short content laugh before continuing, "how much they felt like they were already family. I realized tonight that no matter where we travel...I'll always be home. You're my home, Tom."
"You're my home too, love," he reciprocates as he plants kisses in your hair.
You turn in his arms so that your noses are an inch apart and you’re staring right into his hazelnut eyes. “Let’s get married,” you whisper happily.
“That’s my line,” he says as he rubs his nose against yours. “I accept, nonetheless. We’ll go down to the jewelers once we get back to the states and pick you ou-“
You cut him off by quickly pressing your lips to his. After retracting, you speak again, “No. I don’t wanna until we’re back in the states!”
“Well, I suppose we could find a chapel sometime later this wee-“
“THOMAS STANLEY HOLLAND,” you say his full name to grab his attention.
He looks at you quizzically.
“I cannot spend another second not married to you,” you say as your smile grows wider.
His lips turn upward as well. “It’s the middle of the night, y/n. What do you propose we do? Where are you going?”
You’re already up and out of the bed slipping your shoes on with one hand and googling something on your phone with the other.
“Don’t just lay there! Put your shoes on and call Haz! We’re gonna need a witness...” you begin to mumble as you walk around his room for looking for something, not really knowing what.
He’s totally lost but follows your lead all the same. “Even if I get Haz, who’s gonna marry us at this hour?”
“Are your parents heavy sleepers?” He shakes his head and opens his mouth to speak but he’s cut off as you start yelling. “EVERYBODY WAKE UUUUPPPP!!!”
Tom can hear your yelling getting further away as you leave the room and run through the house. Sleepy and grumpy boys shuffle from their rooms rubbing their eyes. While Nikki and Dominic, look concerned as their door flings open.
“What’s going on? What’s happened??”
You turn around quickly to face them. “Tom and I are getting married tonight! And we want the two of you to marry us!” You announce.
Everyone’s faces fall into shocked expressions. Tom finally comes out of the room, phone pressed to his ear. Presumably, on the phone with Harrison.
“Give them whatever they want. We’re doing this thing,” he chuckles as he looks at you adoringly.
You beam proudly. “Okay so you two just click this button right here and you’ll be ordained to marry us!” You jump excitedly with the phone, making it hard for them to press.
It doesn’t take long for Harrison to drive over in his pajamas, still not believing Tom when he said he’s getting married by his parents at 1 in the morning. But, when he walks in and sees you all standing in the wedding positions in the living room he grins.
“So this is a real thing?” He claps Tom on the back as he stands next to his dad and mom. He simply nods, beaming with excitement.
You’re practically vibrating out of your pajamas, you’re so ecstatic. The extremely small ceremony begins and you blush the whole time, eyes never leaving Tom’s.
Finally, and mercifully, it was time for vows.
He looks surprised. “I have nothing prepared-“
“You always do best when you improvise,” you encourage him.
He smiles gratefully at you, seemingly knowing the exact words he’s gonna say now.
“Y/n...you have never once questioned or doubted my ability to do anything. And I mean, anything. Like even the things I was one hundred percent sure I couldn’t do. Just as you have absolute faith in me, I have absolute faith in you. I am one hundred percent sure that you are the only one for me. You accept and love me for who I am, and not what I am...”
You can’t help but tease him a little. “Frog and all,” you giggle. He rolls his eyes, chuckling.
“Frog and all...When I’m with you...we have crazy adventures with lots of laughs even in what seems like a boring situation. You are the only person I would ever want to get married to at 1 am in our pajamas in my living room because you are absolutely the only person I know that would roast me during our vows. I promise to always be your home, even when we aren’t together. I promise to love and support you as you do me. Forever.”
He smiles softly at you. You sniffle, not being able to contain the pure happiness you felt when he said those things. “Don’t cry, love. You’re gonna make me do it, too,” he warns.
You take a deep breath, composing yourself in order to be able to speak.
“Tom...I have never once questioned or doubted you because you have never once proven me wrong about how amazing and wonderful you are. You do those things that you’re one hundred percent sure you can’t and you show me that the impossible is possible. I’ve never met anyone as kind or as understanding as you...”
Your lip quivers and you take a breath again.
“Even though we have crazy adventures and lots have laughs...you don’t stop loving me when I have bad days. The days that I can’t see anything but gray, you sit with me in silence until I can see the colors again. You are the only person who would let me roast them during our vows and yet love me more for it. Your promise is already kept because you are my love, my heart, and my home. I promise to be yours as well. And I promise to love and support you as you do me. Always.”
He reaches over to swipe a tear off of your cheek with his thumb and you do the same to him. You both lean into the other’s hand as they continue, noticing how misty-eyed everyone else has become.
“Do you, Thomas Stanley Holland, take y/n y/m/n y/l/n to be your partner and companion, as long as you both shall live?” Nikki asks trying to keep her voice from faltering.
“Oh, absolutely. I do.” He chuckles.
You begin jumping a bit in your spot, the anticipation killing you.
“Do you, y/n y/m/n y/l/n, take Thomas Stanley Holland to be your partner and companion, as long as you both shall live?” Dominic asks you, having the same quiver in his voice as Nikki.
“Forget as long as we live! You can’t get rid of me that easy, Holland. If I die first, I’m haunting you, and I expect you to do the same!” You chuckle.
Dominic clears his throat a little.“Oh! Yes. I do, I do, I do, I FRICKING do!”
Speaking in harmony his parents close the ceremony. “You may now kis-“
Like supercharged magnets, Tom’s hand finds the back of your neck to connect you to his lips in the softest yet most passionate kiss the two of you had ever shared. Your family claps and cheers in the background as he dips you, kissing you deeper.
“To think...you were scared of meeting my family, y/n,” he says as he looks deeply into your eyes after lifting you up.
You shrug, the giddiness on your face evident. “You’re the one that told me I had nothing to fret. They’re our family now,” you say with a happy sigh.
He rests his forehead against yours as the two of you fall into a fit of giggles.
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