#I guess if you want to see any of my other cosplays for this character follow that tiktok or insta???
pinkvaquita · 2 days
hey u know class of 09 right? whatd you think of the flip side (came out today, jeckas pov)
Just make a post saying that it wasn't that much good-, but guess I can make a longer one because that other one was literally just those words.
Soooo... Oh god it had so much potential. It had so much wasted potential.
Going in order of routes. Spoilers Ahead
1° Jecka Suicide.
Again... Why foot fetish!?
Like I get that maybe using other options could not be possible because is 2009 and there is no only fans. But it could have been any other thing!
Like, in the last game they show us the whole myspace prostitution circle. They could have used that to make her sell swimsuit photos or questionable poses!
If they necessary wanted to use Jeffrey, maybe they could make Jecka do shitty cosplay or voice acting manga scenes!
And even if the foot fetish was totally necessary, they didn't needed the scenes to last that long! They could have done the whole "screen goes black" timeskip thing like when Nicole attempts suicide!
And now with the whole Nicole fucked her dad thing...
That was the only part I am not complaining.
Nicole is a sociopath, and as much (Wich is literally just the bare minimum) as she appreciates Jecka, this is in character for her.
She herself said in the first game she doesn't care enough for Jecka to try to see her after graduation. She was more than fine with leaving her alone with her pedophile brother. And only cared about it untill Jecka wanted to leave her.
And honestly, she only cares about Jecka when she tries to leave her. Like in the jail ending and the dating Ari ending.
And is only in those two! Like literally, we see her witness Jecka die and go to jail in the racist endings and she doesn't care!
Even when people hate her or love her, Nicole doesn't give a fuck, and would backstab for the most simple reasons.
She literally make a whole scheme to steal Megan's boyfriend and embarrass her about it In front of anyone, just because Megan was bossy.
She abused Ari, even if she didn't do anything wrong to her. Just out of fun.
Are we really that surprised she did this to Jecka? She has done worst for less!
And also, Jecka leaved a sorry message when Nicole killed herself. Nicole didn't.
And the monologue... Oh, that was depressing. Jecka's words were so sad. Although I have one problem with this. The pic.
Why is she in her bra!? Why is she in a pose like if it is a body pillow!?
Is this some weird metaphor I am not getting????? Because this thing looks to me like another weird thing going on in the developing.
2° Jeffrey dies ending.
Same situation with the foot fetish. Why????
Now going with the end... Damn that monlogu was also good. I do appreciate the showing how the different circumstances Jecka and Nicole had growling up affect their behavior. And also, Nicole voice at the end genuinely scared me. For a whole second I thought she was gonna use Jecka's abusive background against her and talk to her like an abusive parent would.
Other than that it was... Good? I guess. I mean, Jeffrey is a total creep so I don't really care if he died.
3° FYE
What the fuck was that?????????
Seriously, that was the most out of place and boring route. It felt like it was a total different game!
The dialogue, the scenes, the ENDING????
I mean, yeah I don't find that insane that maybe there is a whole warehouse filled with illegal porn and the FBI finding it and not telling anyone.
What I do find insane is a guy giving the place information I'm a riddle, two teen girls finding it, and that somehow ending in one dead and the other being victim of human trafficking.
And the dialogue of the counselor was so weird. Like, wtf?????
The only mildly good thing is that Kelly got some screen time. But that wasn't even enough because she had zero character explanation. She is the true bimbo, give her an actual exploratory arch like Emily or Ari. Or at least make her be worth to watch like with Megan! Give my girl something to be iconic about!
4° Ari dies ending.
Jecka turning emo was not on my bingo card. Honestly I like this route more than the Jeffrey one, even if involves Ari's death and Jecka still living with his dad (Wich by the way, I was also scared everytime he was on screen.)
The party scenes felt so real. Emily acting out an calling Jecka and Nicole possers was in character. The hat man scene was unnecessary but good enough to ignore it was out of place. Jecka with black hair was EVERYTHING. OMG I feel so bad for how damaged her blonde hair got.
Now story wise, I remember seeing a YouTube comment calling this a route were Jecka becomes slowly as bad as Nicole. Literally she killed someone and instead of the regret she would normally show, it was: "That was low-key funny" and "I'm so pretty when I cry"
Good route. I can live with this one. Live, laugh, love emotionally empty Jecka.
5° Jecka's version of Nicole suicide route
This was so heartbreaking.
First. I was not expecting this from Mister Kaz. He literally was the only teacher in the whole game that seemed to not be a pedophile or racist or both. I should have seen it comming.
Jecka's scene in therapy was tugging my heart so badly. Specially because of her desperately rambling and breaking down in tears. I almost forgot that Miss Ames was racist just because she was trying to help.(although I still hate her. And even more with how she acted in the foot fetish route.)
Second, seeing that scene from the first game word by word was terrifying because that was the signal of: "you know how this is gonna end"
The intervention scene was also realistic. The break trust. The attempt to get police involved. The fear. Even more when Jecka got home and was received by her dad screaming at her. I even though he was gonna kill her.
And all that tension and horror builds and builds untill we reach the scene. We know is gonna happen. And it still hurts like hell.
Seeing Jecka standing right besides Nicole's corpse (Wich again, why Nicole got such a cinematic picture for her suicide end but Jecka instead got THAT????) while reading the suicide note was so sad.
And the final dialogue was good. I feel kinda disappointed that there wasn't a final monologue. But that scene replaces it enough.
Conclusion. This was... Meh? The only memorable and well develop ending is the fifth one. The Ari one is good but is not that much good. The suicide one has too many weird things going on to be as iconic. The Jeffrey one is both things combined. And the FYE one is bad.
And even if there is some good things.the game feels so... Bland and soulless? There is no longer the social commentary or the routes were there is some sort of fucked up justice. Neither the humor. It could be because of Jecka not being as sociopathic as Nicole. But even when Nicole got bad endings, there was still some reflection about society in those.
It could have been so better. It wasn't worth the hype.
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the-ravensclaws · 1 year
Likely the ONLY time I'm going to post this cosplay here as this account is specifically for Hardbroom, but I'm really excited with how my Lilith Clawthorne cosplay turned out!
@/merlynne.fae on tiktok and insta
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Audio: Little Girl Gone- Chinchilla
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theoriginalsinner28 · 1 month
So I saw Hayden Christensen at the tampa bay comic con friday and I was sooo shy. First off, I thought he was going to be out in the celebrity row area where you can see him giving people autographs. I was really hoping to walk by and lose my shit before I actually met him for the picture. But I guess not! He was in a different room where we had to line up and there were different sessions. So I get in the line and instant shaking. And this couple was talking to me and they said he's super sweet they saw him before. So then It comes to be the girls turn in front of me and I peek my head around the wall to see him and oh my God he's even more beautiful in person! So I covered my mouth with my hand and squealed a little. Then it was my turn and he shook my hand and I told him my name and asked if we could hug and he smiled and hugged me for the pic!!!!! I died because we r literally holding each other in the pic!! When I went to go get the pic, the couple I saw in line was trying to tell me how to get my digital download and I told them they r gonna have to repeat that because my head was in a whirl and I was dying! My hands were shaking sooo bad! Then I was trying to decide for an hour if I wanted to do the autograph and I decided to do it. It was worth every penny! So when I went back for the autograph, I was less nervous but still nervous. The first thing he did was pick up the picture and he said "this is a really good picture!" And I died even more! Ahhhh! I Then said yes it was great! I asked him if he rode horses since he has a farm in Canada and he said he doesn't have any on his property right now but he does ride. I asked if he rode western or English and he said western and I smiled and told him I did both but I grew up on a small farm. I started to get red and he didn't respond but looked in my eyes then at my cheeks because I was turning red and then smiled a sort of shy smile and I thanked him and left. Omg I can't believe I was so shy and tried to hide it. I'm sure he saw through it and idk if he thought I was wierd or was caught off guard cuz I asked him something that wasn't star wars related or what he was feeling so im currently going coo coo. Lol! I think he was just being shy but idk! I just can't believe we were holding each other and I got to talk to him for a second! They best time of my life! That morning of the con I literally woke up at 4 am and couldn't go back to sleep. I've never been more excited for something in my life! I'm so happy and thankful I got this experience and it was worth every penny! Once in a lifetime! I have tickets for all 4 days of megacon in orlando in February and I will deff be cosplaying then for the first time and I will not be shy! I really wanted to tell him how special his character is to me but I was sooo shy. Next time! I worked out all month and ate super healthy just to prepare for this and I drove 2 hours to see him. I'm super into fitness anyways but this just motivated me even further. I love him so much and I'm beyond thankful that I got to have this experience. My dream come true! ❤️
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valeriele3 · 6 months
Fever Dream
Multiple Fandoms x GN!Reader Characters: Mao Isara, Trey Clover, Kaedehara Kazuha, Shikanoin Heizou, Ritsu Sakuma Warnings: Besides cringe and bad grammar, nothing
This is currently incomplete and only contains Mao! I will edit in the other parts when it releases. I’m so sorry for the wrong tags
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There you lay on your bed, tired and quite clearly sick.
You felt utterly terrible, but it'll all go away with a bit of sleep, right?
And so, that's what you did. You close your eyes and let the oncoming sleepiness take you to dreamland.
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While sleeping, you sense a figure looming over you.
Which you would normally ignore had you been staying at your parents' house, but guess what? You weren't there right now. You were currently staying at your apartment, which you certainly didn't share with anyone.
Quickly stirring awake, you grab the lapel of the intruder's clothes, put your arm near the armpit, and throw them over.
You were about to bash their head in with the nearby book you had, but you paused when you heard them groan in pain.
'That voice sounds familiar..' you thought, and upon looking much closer to the intruder, you see Mao Isara on the ground.
That didn't make any sense; Mao wasn't real; he's a fictional character!
'What if he's a robber in a cosplay!?' The thought was absurd, but hey, the current situation itself was absurd.
You were pulled away from your thoughts by the sudden voice that entered the space.
"Oww..What'd you hit me for..? That hurt" The robber cosplayer mumbled
You observed the man once more and finally noticed how your surroundings were different.
This room wasn't your bedroom; hell, this place wasn't even your apartment!
So that means that this intruder didn't just invade your home but also kidnapped you while you were asleep!
"-ello? Y/N? Are you alright?"
"You aren't sick, are you?" The man puts the back of his palm to your forehead.
"Geez! You're burning up! C'mon, let's get you to your room." The man hurriedly ushers you to what you now presume to be your bedroom.
Why did you just let the man basically drag you to your "bedroom" without putting up a fight? You honestly don't know yourself, but what you do know is that you're feeling ill. Very ill
After laying you down, the man rushed to get some medicine and, apparently, soup.
Hearing the bedroom door shut seemed to shake you out of your stupor.
You then begin to assess the situation.
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'Alright, so the last thing I remember doing is falling asleep in bed. Then I suddenly awoke in this mysterious house. apartment? dorm? and, uh, a weird kidnapper who likes to cosplay."
‘I could probably escape through the window, but seeing how high up this place is, I would definitely break my legs, which isn’t ideal if I want to escape. The front door is out of the question too; I don’t even know the layout of this place, and it could be locked, hello neighbor basement door style.”
After realizing that you were basically not figuring anything out, you decide to look around the room.
The bedside table had a lamp, a clock, a picture frame, and a tumbler filled with cold water inside.
The walls were painted in f/c, and the decor was something you had only dreamt of having. Things that you wanted to buy but couldn't because of your budget.
'Let's see... a closet full of clothes that are quite fashionable, if I do say so myself." These clothes were definitely your size and fit your personal tastes. It seems the kidnapper did his research.
'Wait a minute. Did I just see a picture frame earlier? 'You quickly look around the room once more until your eyes land on the frame placed atop the bedside table.
You quickly grab it, and to your surprise, there in the frame was a picture of you with Ritsu Sakuma and Mao Isara. Two of your favorite characters in the game Ensemble Stars
Hooray! It looks like you got isekai’d in an alternate universe where you live in the Enstars world.
A knock on the door catches your attention.
It seems that Mao finished making the soup.
“Ahem..Come in! ”
The door swings open, revealing the maroon-haired man holding a bowl of soup, a glass of water, and a pack of medicine.
“Here. Eat it while it’s still hot.” He places the items on your nightstand.
Still refusing to believe you got isekai’d in the Enstars world..you suspiciously look at the soup.
“Why’re you just staring at it? ”
“C’mere, sit.” He forces you to sit on the bed and grabs your ✨✨epic gamer chair✨✨.
He grabs the spoon and scoops out some soup, then blows on it to cool it down.
He then puts the spoon near your lips, signaling you to open them.
It seems that Mao Isara will be spoon-feeding you today. That’s one thing you never expected to happen.
“I’m not hungry, I—” Like a cliche scene in some drama or anime, your stomach growls, betraying what you had just said.
“Pfft.” He struggles to stop his laughter, but it soon fails, leading him to burst out in laughter.
He scoops some up again, cools it down, and puts it on your lips. This time, you allow yourself to open your mouth and swallow the soup.
He chuckles,
“What? Why’re you laughing?? ”
“It’s just... it really boosts my confidence whenever you eat my cooking, y’know? That sparkle in your eyes tells me that you enjoy it.”
“W-Well, it is delicious..So..ugh..just feed me more, please..I’m hungry.”
Mao chuckles, “Alright~ say ahh~”
You close your eyes and open your mouth
When you reopen them again, instead of “your room” and Mao in front of you you’re greeted with the sight of Trey Clover spoon feeding you
“Hm? What’s wrong? Is it still too hot?” He blows on the soup before attempting to spoon feed it to you again
“You’re Trey, like..Trey Clover!?”
“Uhm, yes, that’s me. Trey Clover” He seems surprised by your sudden change of..Mood? You assume
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Part 1 ends here! Other parts will hopefully be released soon <3
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.ೃ࿐Reblogs are highly appreciated! ^^
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memesmadefullmetal · 11 months
Mod Mustang’s Big Day(s) Out 🫰🏻🔥
When Mod Mustang met Travis…
Travis was ABSOLUTELY LOVELY 🤩 He was so excitable, talkative and really made time for everyone there to see him 🥹🫶🏻
And, as promised, here is the art you all voted for in all its signed glory! 😉✍🏻
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Plus here’s a full lowdown of the interaction he had with Mod Mustang whilst signing:
Mod Mustang has a pair of Roy’s ignition gloves (which they’ve used for cosplay before) that they wore when meeting him which elicited a “holy shit —the gloves!” 🧤 He noticed them straight away and shook Mod Mustang’s hand (he has a very firm grip! 😵)
A second “holy shit” came when Travis saw the art. Thanks y’all for helping to pick that one: he said it was “so fucking cool!”
The words that fell out of Mod Mustang’s mouth when they were finally able to speak: “I can’t believe I’m meeting you. Roy Mustang changed my brain chemistry!” 🤣 To which Travis responded “OMG really?” which led him to talk about how he loved FMA (2003) when it first came out, and that Roy was his favourite character (guess Roy Mustang must’ve changed his brain chemistry too! 🧠)
He also said how he wanted to be involved in Fullmetal Alchemist so badly, BUT he only ever auditioned for Roy as he was the only character he wanted to play! 🔥
He asked Mod Mustang which was their favourite: 2003 or Brotherhood? 😶
Mod Mustang said Brotherhood (pls don’t come for me 2003 fans!) to which Travis agreed that Brotherhood was also his favourite (“it’s got to be Brotherhood!”)
He was very sweet when saying goodbye, and shook Mod Mustang’s hand again! ❤️
Mod Mustang was also lucky enough to meet Travis again for a photo op! 📸 He remembered Mod Mustang from their gloves, and (despite the organisers saying “no poses” 🙄) he said straight away “WE HAVE TO DO THE SNAP!”🫰🏻🔥
Who says never meet your heroes? 😜
(Mod Mustang is also a HUGE Critical Role fan so they met Taliesin Jaffe and Liam O’Brien too who were both absolutely lovely! 🎲)
If any of y’all have any other questions or things you wanted to ask about Mod Mustang’s con experience, just shoot us an inbox!
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- Mod Mustang & Mod Hawkeye 🔥🦅
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sweetprfct · 5 months
Juliette Ferrars.
So, I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to fuel more drama in this fandom, but I think it's time for me to voice out my side of the story because I had enough. I cannot get peace around here without someone coming to me and letting me know that some people have been badmouthing me.
I honestly don't really care what you all think or do, but the fact that I can't seem to enjoy the things that I like, I think it's time for me to come in here and review the issues that has been going on.
I. Issues II. Bullying and Accusations III. Communication IV. Conclusion
I. Issues:
Cosplay/Face Claims. Cosplaying has been a part of my life for the last couple of years. Mostly, I do Marvel cosplay due to the fact that I am mostly in that fandom before. Since recently, I have found my Shatter Me Book from high school. Let me remind you, this book has existed in my high school life since I was 17. I am 27 now. That's 10 years I have known this series. This series were the only series I truly enjoyed. I actually never read any other book series but this one, only also because I'm not really a reader. I'm more into writing my own stories and expressing that art through photography.
So, let me be the one to clear this to you all: my Juliette Ferrars cosplay/face claim is not copied by anyone here in tumblr. This character has been a better part of my life since I was 17 and since I have been cosplaying other Marvel characters, I have decided to add Juliette into my list. (See figure 1, 2. and 3)
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(figure 1) me as Yelena Belova. (figure 2) me as Wanda Maximoff
Fandom. I usually don't interact much in the Shatter Me fandom before but ever since I have met a few people because of the Aaron Warner fics I have been publishing, I have gotten to know this fandom a little better.
If everyone is so offended of me dressing up as Juliette and try to cosplay/face model as her character, then obviously you all don't know what cosplay is. (See figure 4). I do not have to give credit to anyone for me dressing up as Juliette Ferrars because one, no one invented that character but Tahereh Mafi herself. If I would give credit to anyone here, it would be the author herself. Two, face claiming/cosplaying/roleplaying a character has been around a long time in different fandoms.
Unless you have a copyright proof of owning the character or owning "cosplay," I do not owe anyone a credit. Just because you dress up as Juliette and roleplay/face claim as her, doesn't mean that you are the only who can do that. It also doesn't mean that you invented that. That is like saying no one can cosplay/face claim as Captain America because some man had done it first, or because they don't look like Chris Evans.
STOP policing the fandom and STOP acting like you're the only who can do it. You can literally check TikTok for people dressing up as Juliette and making videos. (see figure 3).
Also, I'm not the only one who has experienced this type of harassment. I know a few people who have received a message saying they're "copying" someone when all they literally do is dress up as the character from a book.
That is not a crime.
That is not yours to decide to take credit for because you didn't invented that in the first place. (see figure 5).
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(figure 4).
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(figure 5).
II. Bullying and Accusations:
Groupchat. A few people have come up to me saying there's a group chat that was made and certain people were talking vile things about me. Honestly, I don't really care about what you all do or say but really? Are you all really wasting your energy on one person that you all hate? Wasting your energy aiming posts about me? Is that what you like to do in your spare time? I guess if it helps you sleep at night....
Bullying. Stalking my account after I have blocked you is honestly a waste of energy but it's your choice what to do with your time. That's one thing, but body shaming me and taking it too far is something that's vile, disgusting and unacceptable.
I don't condone any form of bullying. I know my own insecurities and my own body and mind. The opinion of others doesn't define me and is not my business. However, as a reminder, I hope you all know that you may think you are having fun talking inadequate words about someone you literally don't know but at the end of the day, I hope you all know that your words reflects the person that you are.
Validation. This connects to the bullying on the above point. I am being accused of seeking validation because I decided to cosplay Juliette. From the beginning, I never expected anyone to even like my posts on instagram nor my tiktok videos. That's not in my control what other people do with their own accounts. I think that some of you need to start trying to figure out what that word actually means because from my end, I never try to stop anyone or judge anyone from dressing up as a character and face claim them (see figure 6). Again, this isn't the first time that someone has dressed up as a book/movie/tv/comic book character and face claims them.
Stalking my account after I have blocked you nor have I voiced out my concerns from the constant harassment and aimed posts... Who do you think is more insecure and need validation? Me or you?
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(figure 6).
III. Communication.
Social Media. Online bullying isn't new in social media anymore. It has been going on for a while now and the toxic environment tend to fuel others to join just to feel validated and be on "trend." However, bullying and stalking someone, especially after you have been blocked is not "cool." It doesn't make you any better nor make you feel better on the inside. At the end of the day, you will be the one who will be left in your own thoughts and think about your actions you have made. Will this be really relevant in your life five to ten years from now? What is your end goal with this?
If you have a problem with me, message me privately and talk to me like a grown adult. Don't accuse and jump into conclusions with no solid proof on your end because that doesn't prove your justification of someone copying you or hating on someone that decided to cosplay Juliette.
IV. Conclusion.
Despite the fact that I hate fueling this drama more and having to say something, I don't have the bandwidth to still focus my attention to others who will hate on me. This is the first and last time I will talk about this. There is a block button that exists if you don't like my posts. There are many options for you to opt me out on your tl or for you page. If you have a problem with me, then reach out and talk to me normally like a grown adult instead of lashing out and stalking my account and pick on every little thing about me.
This blog isn't going to condone any bullying and harassment. I'm not going to deal with high school drama nor want to waste my time on it.
Thank you for taking your time to read this. Again, this is the first and last time I will talk about this. Anyone who comes up and says something to me in an adverse manner, I will block you immediately.
V. Appendix
Additions for Figure 1: - ig: yelenas.belova
Figure 3: list of people I know that also cosplay/uses their own face as Juliette. 1. mondaymermaids 2. dreamanddagger 3. emmelie.cosplays 4. analullabby 5. evenfall.court
Cosplay - the practice of dressing up as a character from a movie, book, or video game.
Seeking Validation - The desire to have someone else's approval or agreement with what you say, believe, or do.
Bullying - The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.
Perceived Superiority - A belief that your abilities or accomplishments are somehow dramatically better than other people's.
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heirtotheempire · 1 year
I know this is a bit of a touchy subject right now, but I want to discuss the differences between creating alien species and making them look non-human, versus simply having bad makeup. Because there is a distinction! Putting it all under a read more because it got a bit longer then intended😵‍💫
For starters, none of this criticism has anything to do with the actors. This is purely directed towards Disney's makeup department. I think the actors fit the bill appearance-wise, end of story.
Hera and Thrawn, in short, do not look all that great in terms of facial makeup. And as someone who adores these characters, it is frustrating! Disney, one of the largest entertainment companies on Earth, couldn't find the time, budget, or artists to work on the appearances of two main characters in this show they've been building up to for years.
Personally, my main problem with it is the lack of contouring. I've been saying this to my friend for weeks as well as mentioned it in reblogs on and off, but neither Hera or Thrawn have any sort of contouring done to enhance their face shapes. There is no emphasis on the cheekbones, or for Thrawn's forehead bumps, none of it. They rely on the actors' natural facial structures to do the work for them. Which, if it was cosplay or otherwise in person, is fine. But with studio lights, it causes a washed-out look, especially depending on where the light is coming from. To combat this (in an acting setting), makeup artists emphasize things such as the eyebrows and the cheeks and especially any wrinkles, to help bring out any facial expressions made.
How does this differ from aliens being, well. Aliens! Considering we don't have a real baseline for what real life aliens would look like, it's only fair to allow filmmakers to go wild with speculation, even if it's off-putting. But that isn't what the issue is here. The aliens we're focusing on here, Twi'leks and Chiss, do have similar facial structures to humans. They're humanoids! So their faces would reflect light and cast shadows just as much as a human face would. By all accounts, make aliens freaky looking, but basic rules of light still apply. We should be able to clearly see Thrawn's cheekbones and forehead bumps without having to pull out a magnifying glass, something that is possible via, you guessed it, contouring!
Also, considering this is fiction, things looking bad is more of a reflection on the effort being put into the show than anything else. They could have done more but chose not to. Star Trek has some fantastic examples of humanoid aliens being distinctly alien without being poorly designed (I've been watching TNG and it is quite fun!). As said before, I'm all for freaky looking aliens. But bad design and bad makeup ruins that. What is and isn't bad design and makeup does fall into a more subjective range, I won't shy away from that truth. But I cannot get over the lack of contouring in a show that can be so brightly lit! Disney's shooting themselves in the foot here!
At the end of the day this is a television show though. Lets not get mad at people who do or do not like the makeup, and people are allowed to critique it as much as others are allowed to enjoy it. No one is any less of a fan for not liking the Ahsoka show, and no one is less of a fan for loving the show. I've seen some... very nasty things in the tags in relation to this specifically as well as for the whole show. Not very fun.
To end this on a lighter note, here's a very wonderfully done makeup job on a cosplayer! I don't know how to make the embedded stuff go away whoops😭
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innocuoussketches · 10 months
I wanted to talk a little bit about linkrot.
I’m involved with a fanart archival project, homestucksongcomics. Calling it an archival project might be a little pretentious; we just reblog lyricstucks, tagging and indexing them as best we can to make it easy for people to find them.  These days, we’re losing more and more posts.  A lot of lyricstucks are long and artists courteously put them under read-mores, which became defunct when people deleted their blogs or changed fandoms and deleted the post.  We’ve added youtube video adaptations of some of these lyricstucks below the read-mores, only for the videos to later get deleted or privated. 
Earlier this year, I thought of a lyricstuck that I loved and went to rewatch it, only to discover that it had suffered this fate.  I remember the illustrations from it, the ideas, the way it matched characters to the song’s concepts.  I’d spoken to the artist once and told them how much I loved it; they were surprised I’d even seen it as it hadn’t gotten a lot of notes.  No one can see it now.  I searched youtube for any existing adaptations and came up empty-handed.  I even tried the internet archive. All that’s left of it now is the very first panel before the read more.  I cried about it.
With all of these fan artists, we are internet strangers, but there was a time when we loved the same thing.  We poured our time and energy and creativity and fragile pieces of our hearts into our art and cosplays and fanworks.  I started doing digital art at all because I was inspired by other people’s lyricstucks and wanted to make my own. These days, I’m not particularly involved in fandom and am lucky if I post fan art once a year, but I’m carrying the memories of our community, our passion and absurdity, the skills and songs I learned because of them, with me, and I think of it with great fondness.
Yesterday, someone reblogged a lyricstuck from homestucksongcomics and I got a notification about it.  This particular lyricstuck was from a deactivated blog, but wasn’t under a read more so we had the whole thing preserved.  They tagged it: #my art #archive #god i missed this. It was the original artist, reblogging their old art onto their new blog.  I don’t know when it was originally posted, but we had reblogged it in 2014.  It had been almost ten years.
I guess this all is to say, I missed this too.  We’ve all grown and changed in that time, and a lot of us have packed up and moved on and it will never be what it once was, but let’s not erase what we shared.  My first lyricstuck did not get many notes and its art is borderline embarrassing; you will recall it was essentially my first digital art project. I can’t imagine anyone would miss it if it went anywhere, but it will be staying up.
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bubbleteacat · 1 year
Welp, took a while eh? ^^ I swear I lost motivation at some point but after people commented/messaged me, asking for part 2, I somehow got the motivation back to write this. ALSO I just noticed that no one said a word in the last drabble... let's say the last one was just... character introduction... yeah. NOW HAVE FUN WITH PART 2
Trigger warnings: Stalkerish behavior, violence mention, yandere behavior
[ See here Part 1 ]
You slept in the next day, mostly because you could use the sleep, and didn't intended to stream that early. If the power was back on that is. You still had to get grocceries before though. So, after rolling around in bed for a few more minutes, you finally got up and immediately went to check if the energy was back. And as you had hoped, everything worked perfectly again! Seems like you will have no problems to get live later! While you poured yourself a bowl of cereals, and shoved some inside your mouth, you looked through the news to see if there was any information about the blackout from last night. To your surprise there wasn't really any information. Just some news that the cause of the blackout was not clear, so they just said it probably was a simple technical error. How annoying. A simple technical error was the reason you couldn't stream. Wonderful.
After finishing breakfast, you got dressed, and went outside to the groccery store. It wasn't to far away, so you saw no reason to take the bus. You also had no car, but why should you get one anyway? You could walk to your job, and to the groccery store, and if you needed to go further there were always busses or the subway you could take. Besides that, driving sure was exhausting in the city. You silently walked in the direction of the store, not really paying much attention to anything as you were thinking about what you could talk about with the stream later. But you were suddenly ripped from your thoughts as a somewhat... eerie feeling creeped up your back, and made you suddenly stop in your tracks. It's the same feeling from last night when you went home. Like someone was watching you. It honestly wasn't the first time you had noticed such a thing. People had watched you before, but mostly because they had recognized you from your streams. You guessed it was just the same now. Even if this feeling was more... intense than the times before. You looked around, trying to find the source of said feeling but... there was no one staring at you. None of the people you saw on the street were looking at you. And as soon as you had looked around, the eerie feeling had disappeared again. Perhaps you had just imagined it. So you shook your head a bit, and continued on your way to the store. Perhaps you were still tired... You should make some coffee before the stream.
Your trip to the store didn't took to long, and soon you were back on your way home. You have around an hour left until you decided to start the stream, so you had to hurry a bit if you still wanted to eat something before you start. On your walk back to your apartment something caught your eye though. A small group of people, around your age or slightly younger, stood around someone on the other side of the street. You could hear how energetic they spoke. Was there someone famous around or what? It certainly seemed like it by how excited those people were. You craned your neck, as you passed by them on the other side of the street, to see who they were talking to... and you immediately stopped in your tracks. Oh. My. God. That was a Hank cosplayer! From Madness Combat!
"Holy shit! They look amazing! Uh, I wish I could take a pic."
You mumbled to yourself as you eyed the man in the middle of the group, who looked a bit confused from one person to the other. Maybe they hadn't expected that so many people would recognize the character? But the cosplay was amazing! The googles, the coat, the sword on their back, and just everything was just like how they had made Hank look like in the trailer! That's one really determined cosplayer, in your opinion. But you sadly didn't had time to cross the street, and try to take a picture with them. It would take to long, especially with all the other people around who probably had the same idea like you. A shame, really. But perhaps you see them again at the next game convention! So you hurried along, but not without looking one last time at them... just to notice the 'cosplayer' was staring at you. It was kind of strange, but you didn't thought to much about it. Perhaps they knew you from your streams. So you simply smiled at them, before continuing on your way home.
You smiled at him. Hank immediately recognized you. The Player. His Player. Of course he would recognize you. He had stared for hours at the pictures of you that they had taken from the Auditor's office. And you simply smiling at him had the grunt rendered speechless. He could not move, not shout out to you. Everything around him disappeared, and the voices of the other people around him seemed suddenly so far away. You must have recognized him as well, otherwise you would have never granted him a smile like this, right? Maybe- Wait. Where did you go? The mercenary suddenly snapped from his dreamy state, and frantically looked around just to find no trace of you. Where had you gone? Why haven't you come to him? Roughly, he pushed some people, of the circle that had formed around him, out of the way, not caring for their complains, before making his way to the other side of the street where you had been standing a moment earlier. You couldn't have gone far. If he hurried up, he surely can reach you! And while he did choose the right direction in which you had walked off, you had already had disappeared into your apartment building... by which Hank rushed by, and down the street in a frantic attempt to find you again. But he couldn't find a trace of his player anymore... So he just decided to go back to Doc and the others to tell them about his encounter. Perhaps Doc has an idea how to find you again. So the mercenary returned to their new hideout in this world. The moment they had entered the world all of them had noticed that it was so different from Nevada. The colors, the residents. There were also beings in the sky, and also basically everywhere that they had never seen again. So, given that they were also very different from everyone, and everything here, they had decided to set up a base that is a bit more hidden. And they had immediately found something that should do the job. An old run down building. It had been boarded up, and it seemed like that no one had entered it since years. While it hadn't been perfect, it was fine for the time they stayed here. While they looked for you. The Auditor, and the other Employers, had entered this world as well. So they had to hurry finding you before they did.
Hank entered the building through the cellar door, that they had entered the place the first time, and went immediately to Doc's new office. Well, 'office' was perhaps a bit exaggerated. It was just a room with a few computers, some medical equipment (all that they had totally not stolen), and a few very old beds. Earlier when Hank had been here, everything had been still full of dust. Seems like they had tidied the place up pretty quickly. Surely with most of the help from Sanford. And the moment the mercenary had entered the room, Doc immediately started to lecture him. Ugh.
" Hank! Where the hell were you? I told you not to go out until we gathered more information! You- "
" I saw the player... "
That immediately made the other shut up, and just stare at Hank for a moment, before he found his voice again.
" WHAT??? Where?!? And why aren't they with you? "
He asks, fearing for the worst already. What if the Auditor had found you before they did? What if they-
" They saw me, smiled, and left... "
Wait, what? 2BDamned just stares at Hank for a long moment through the googles his mask. Confused but also relieved that nothing that he had imagined had happened. Apparently. Still, how could Hank have lost them so quickly? He was fast! Had he been sleeping or what? The 'doctor' let out a tired sigh, not even in the mood what kind of excuses Hank would make if he questioned him. At least they know now that the player was near. He was about to ask where the mercenary had seen you as Deimos and Sanford rushed into the room, with Deimos holding a laptop that he had snatched for himself.
" DOC!!! You need to see this! "
Deimos spoke, and shoved the laptop onto 2BD's desk, knocking over some things, but didn't seemed to care about that all to much. And as Doc came over to scold him, and be more careful... he stops in his tracks as he sees what was on the devices screen. A website was open. A streaming website. And there you were. Idly chatting with your chat, smiling, and apparently you were alright. Doc was taken aback given that it was the first time for him to see you move around, and not just in a picture. The others were also entranced, and did not say a word as they just stared at the screen, and listened to your voice. But Doc was the first one to rip his attention from the screen.
" Hank saw them earlier as well. "
" WHAT " " WHAT "
Deimos, and Sanford called out simultaneous, and looked at Hank who just huffed, and kept looking at you on the screen.
" Yes. He lost them, but at least we know now where they could be. The Player can't be to far from that place where he saw them. Deimos. Can you somehow hack into that system, and track where they are? "
The Hacker gave a sharp toothed smirk at that, and immediately sat down on the laptop to start to track your IP, and your exact location. Wouldn't be the first time he had done such a thing. But usually they killed the person he tracked.
" Sure, Doc. On it already! "
While Deimos worked on the laptop, they let the stream run on one of 2BD's screens. Though instead of doing anything productive, the others kept watching the stream, and you. Until the Hacker announced that he had successfully tracked your location. But instead planning about how to approach you, they kept watching your stream... until you went offline, and to bed. Just then they actually started to plan how to approach you... on the next day already. They really wanted to hurry up, and get to you first. If it was because they feared that the Employers got their hands on you first, or if it was just their own desire to finally meet you is debatable though.
You surely had a blast at the stream yesterday. Sure, you did apologize to your chat that you hadn't been online the previous day, but they were quick to reassure you that it hadn't been your fault. You had also a few very generous new followers. Funny though that one of them had a name that is obviously from Madness Combat. They did donate a very high amount which had made you almost cry. You surely are getting that cool new headset, that you got your eyes on for some time, with that money! You got a bit earlier up that usual this morning. You had to work this night again, and wanted to stream again later before you had to head out. As you walked into your kitchen, to make you once more a bowl of cereals... you noticed that you finshed the box yesterday, and forgot to buy new ones when you went to the supermarket. Great. You really wanted some cereals right now... Maybe a short trip to the store again won't hurt? So with an empty stomach, you got ready for your short trip, before leaving your apartment. Not knowing that your vessels had also already went out to finally meet you. They were approaching your place from the direction in which you walked to actually. From where you had seen Hank for the first time. You didn't noticed the group that slowly approached you, and suddenly halted in the tracks when they laid their eyes on you, because you were more paying attention to your phone. Until you were standing almost in front of them. Just then you also stopped, as you felt eyes on you, and looked up from your device... just to stare at them as well. None of you said anything. Them because they clearly had no idea what to say, and you because you were amazed to see such accurate cosplayers of your favorite madness combat characters. After a few seconds passed, you opened your mouth to say something... but suddenly flinch heavily when a black car stopped right next to you and the group with screeching tires.
Confused you looked at the car as the doors opened... and two men in suits got out... But something immediately seemed off about them... They had sunglass but.
Where are their nose? Or ears? Their skin was also weirdly gray? They really did remind you of these agents in-
And then they pull out some guns. You gasp in shock. And suddenly they open fire on the group, and you.
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Brother's Keeper AU:
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How did Caleb live so long? How can he still be here after 400 years?
A: Belos wanted him to stick around and so he made it happen. As for specifics: *shrugs* your guess is as good as mine! This is something I've preferred to leave up to the readers. I will simply confirm that he isn't hiding any goop powers or OP palisman-given magical abilities. He is, for all intents and purposes, a regular human who is somehow really, really old.
Q: If Caleb is still alive, where did Hunter come from?
A: The full story here hasn't been told yet, but you may notice Caleb is missing quite a few bones...
Q: Caleb's ears are pointed! Did Belos cut them??
A: Correct
Q: Does Caleb know about the Collector/the basilisks/Belos' plans?
A: Probably! He's been Belos' sounding board for 400 years. Access to things that could "further corrupt him" or provide him a tool for escape, however, are off limits, so there are many things, like the Collector, that he's heard about but never seen for himself.
Q: Where's Flapjack/Amity/Darius/etc?
A: This is basically a canon divergence. If you haven't seen a particular character, it's safe to assume for now that they're up to whatever they were doing in canon.
Q: I don't get it. Why is Caleb insane?
A: I suggest you reread the first few story posts, my friend! You have fallen for Belos' lies.
Q: Do you have a posting schedule? When will the next part come out?
A: There is no posting schedule. I draw (mostly but not always) traditionally in my free time, for the fun of telling a cool story, and some posts are longer than others. That means the timing of the next post depends on how long it is, how much time I have, and whether or not I'm at home with access to my scanner. Sometimes this means I post quickly. Sometimes it means you'll see me next month. Sorry about that.
Just know that if I know there's going to be an extended wait, especially one where I'm not actively working on the next drawing, I will make an announcement about it. If you haven't seen an update in a while but I also haven't said anything, it's almost definitely because I'm actively chipping away at a part of the story that's taking me longer.
Q: Why do some of the story posts have a letter after the number? Are these less important than the regular story posts? Can I skip them?
A: No, I Do Not Recommend skipping them! They are just as important as the others. They have a letter on the end because they were added later and I use letters as a way to avoid renumbering everything. If you see story posts labeled something like "3, 3A, 4", they are meant to be read the same as you would if they were "3, 4, 5".
Q: Can I make art/fic/cosplay of this au?
A: Knock yourself out! If you post it somewhere, please include credit, but otherwise I don't mind, and actually love seeing what you do with it! If it's NSFW though, please keep it in appropriate spaces with proper warnings.
Q: Wait there's fic/fanart?? Can I see?
A: If you look through the tag on my blog "BK fridge gallery" you can browse any content shared with me that I've reblogged. :) People are free not to share it with me too though, and there are some I don't reblog, especially if its gorey or suggestive, so you might be able to find a bit more elsewhere under the Brother's Keeper AU name if you look for it.
You may also notice I have a featured tag called "BK Soundtrack." That's for songs that people have suggested to go with the AU. You are welcome to browse or suggest songs of your own ;)
Q: :( I sent an ask but you didn't answer. Did you get it?
A: Probably, yes. Sometimes it takes me a few days to get to it. However, if it was theorizing about future plot points, I may actually be holding onto it with plans to answer at a more appropriate time. I like to keep many of my plans for the story close to the chest, so don't be surprised if your theory ask disappears only to show up many months later when the story has progressed to a point where I can give you a more in depth answer.
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hyeahgaku · 9 months
Jump Festa 2024 SAKAMOTO DAYS Special Stage
(Part 1) Here are some of the things that were discussed, & exchanges that the guests had, which i manage to understand from the panel. I did not include those that i couldn't quite catch. Apologise if i misheard anything cuz my listening for Japanese isn't top-notch 🙏
Guests for SAKAMOTO DAYS JF2024 panel are Sōsuke Ishikawa (editor in charge of SakaDays; from here on shall be referred as Ishikawa-san) and Ryōta Suzuki (special guest appearance; from here on shall be referred as Suzuki-san)
Ishikawa-san did not cosplay as anyone this time (lol; previously he cosplayed as Tarō Sakamoto in JF2022, fyi). However, he wore Sakamoto's Store apron this year & said that it is no longer sold in Jump Shop but there is a newer version which fans can still purchase.
Ishikawa-san mentioned that now that the series has reached its 3rd year anniversary, the battle with Slur is heating up which makes it more exciting to witness its future development.
When Suzuki-san came on stage he made a joke about how there's an X mark (meaning Slur lol) at the spot designated for him. He jokingly commented that we would chance upon so many Slurs (X marks) in our everyday life so he's hyperalert of his surroundings lmao.
1st Segment - Suzuki-san's Favourite Manga Scenes
Suzuki-san chose chapter 16, "Department Store War": the limited edition Sugar-chan backpack sale scene. He expressed that he could really feel Sakamoto's love for his daughter, Hana-chan, in this chapter. And seeing how Sakamoto is now fighting as a Dad, & not as a hitman, really stood out here & it's amazing to see. He also praised the series' comedic scenes and remarked that those grannies in the chapter are way more scarier than any other assassins in the series.
Ishikawa-san added that as a backpack enthusiast, he felt that he need to get his hands on a Sugar-chan backpack too.
Suzuki-san's next favourite manga scene is chapter 28, "First Rate" (or "Top Notch" whichever yall prefer), specifically Seba versus Shin & Heisuke. Suzuki-san recounted his experience when reading this chapter, he wondered how Shin would fight an invisible person & moreover Shin couldnt read his mind when Seba wore the invisibility suit. But then Heisuke came to assist Shin, and Suzuki-san praised Heisuke for being a great guy who not only consoled Hana-chan when she cried (cuz she was left by herself in store) & told her that Piisuke would help find them. Ishikawa-san also agreed that Heisuke is a really good guy!
Suzuki-san explained that he had put lots of thoughts into choosing his favourite scenes as he took into account those people who have yet to read the series. He actually wanted to add a scene with "the strongest grandpa" Takamura! Suzuki-san confirmed it when Ishikawa-san guessed if it was the Tokyo Tower-slicing scene. Suzuki-san remarked that he was mindblown when that scene happened.
Ishikawa-san was asked to provide his thoughts on Suzuki-san's scene choices. He said that Sakamoto is always fighting a lot so seeing him take a breather and get to do a normal everyday life kind of stuff plus those hilarious (department store war) scenes was refreshing so he's glad Suzuki-san chose that chapter. As for chapter 28, the Seba versus Shin & Heisuke happened to be one of his favourites too. He enjoyed how Shin & Heisuke both try to adapt in the battle, with Shin not being able to mind-read, but the two never once gave up as they pushed on to defeat Seba, who has the invisibility ability.
2nd Segment - Special Q&A with Suzuki-sensei (done behind-the-scenes)
You may refer to the JF2024 Q&A questions which I have previously translated.
Q1. ALTERNATIVE CAREERS // Ishikawa-san thought that all the characters' alternative careers made sense. As for Suzuki-san, he was absolutely convinced that Sakamoto would have opened a ramen shop business & be the manager there. He added that Sakamoto's current shop could pass as a ramen shop as it already looked the part so he was really surprised with the home improvement/hardware store manager answer lol. He also commented that Nagumo is very handsome so him being an actor or model makes a lot of sense. As for Ishikawa-san, he also added that he can already picture Heisuke to still be in training even after he becomes a Chef lmaooo.
Q2. REST DAYS // Suzuki-san was just fanboying over Osaragi 😂 He said "Osaragi-san is the best and she's super cute!" and Ishikawa-san agreed. Ishikawa-san said she reminds him of a cat! Ishikawa-san further stated that, according to Suzuki-sensei, Nagumo is the kind who can switch between On & Off modes easily. Sensei also said that he would sometimes just sit on his bed on his day off, with his hair all messy, and just do Sudoku puzzles. Ishikawa-san confessed that he never expected such information though it's interesting, and then Suzuki-san chimed in & said that everyone generally likes guys with gaps (aka gap moe. Meaning: contrast between one’s appearance and personality, or the difference between someone’s actual personality and from first impression you had of them). Suzuki-san also added that Nagumo is pretty sly.
Q3. COOKING ABILITIES // Suzuki-san never would have guessed that Osaragi can cook! He even joked that Osaragi would cut her food/ingredients using her buzzsaw & then they joked that she'd even cut through the kitchen counter lmaooo. As for Ishikawa-san, he felt that Osaragi is good at cooking home-cooked meals. Then moving on to Yotsumura (the goat), Ishikawa-san stated that he actually asked Suzuki-sensei what Yotsumura's specialty was & Sensei stated that Yotsumura can cook just about anything -from Italian, French to Japanese cuisines you name it, anything at all! Lastly, Ishikawa-san remarked that since Mafuyu is a clean freak or a germophobe, he probably would not touch anything, much less cooking. Suzuki-san seconded this & went on to say that Mafuyu would never cook at all.
Q4. AOI & SAKAMOTO FIRST MEETING // Suzuki-san commented that Sakamoto being all shy, hesitant & fidgety is super cute & adorable. Ishikawa-san thought Aoi has great communication skills as Aoi strikes him as the type who would instantly speak what's on her mind so she must have been really worried for Sakamoto at that time (seeing him w blood).
Q5. SUZUKI-SENSEI'S MESSAGE TO SHIN & SAKAMOTO // Suzuki-san remarked that while Shin doesn't look like the series MC -cuz he imagined the MC to be someone really strong- he felt that Shin & the rest of the characters around him have made an impact & things have been exciting thanks to them too. Ishikawa-san pointed out that Shin is more of a "growth" type character. Comparing him to Sakamoto, who could just defeat anyone single-handedly and easily, Ishikawa-san explained that Shin doesn't have all that but no matter the obstacles & difficulties thrown his way, he constantly tried his best & never gave up, and that's what makes one want to root for him. Suzuki-san also expressed his opinion on how he feels like Sakamoto is the “I got your back” type of person, to which Ishikawa-san agreed, saying that whenever Shin is in a pinch, Sakamoto would always come to his rescue.
continue to pt.2 》
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believeinyourotp · 4 months
Tumblr media
Nathanette ships: I just love Nathanette no matter what form it comes in.
AliRose: He should have returned past season 1, the Royal and an average girl.
Love is always to strong a word, and also there is no ship strong enough to that word that I would consider close to an OTP but not quite it, sorry guys
A strong word
Adrigami: rivals to lovers, respect dynamic.
LukAdrien: I’ve seen fanart, they’re cool.
MariGami: IRL, this would probably never happen and there doesn't seem to be any girl crushes for Mari. But if there were any girl rivals Mari didn't hate or wasn't evil, it would be Kagami.
JuLila: Mainly got into this because of @gowonielovely , no questions asked.
MariKim: Got into because of artviavivi aka @chubearr , I would love to see more of them despite their canon story sucking alot, I love any fanart or story, that she makes of them.
Ninonette: I would have liked to see them date…
LadyBee and ChLady: Chloe falls in love with the masked hero, and Marinette is usually annoyed with her shit, but comes to respect her when she gives Chloe the chance to be a hero.
ChloDrien: Childhood friends to lovers, can you tell I have a thing? I think as of now they'll never be together and maybe Adrien is a bit disappointed that his friend he's known since childhood stopped being his friend because she hates one of his other friends that 1 has a crush on him and 2 because she will never be given the offered another chance to change because of the creators wanted a character who represented other people they knew and wanted to implement into a cartoon for children, which I think they should try to let kids who relate to these characters and still have a chance to grow and change, will never have the inspiration from the WORST of characters to be inspired to. Just a bit bitter lol.
Liladrien: Maybe I want to see Marinette suffer in romance for a bit. Also Nice Guy MC x Mean Girl, please crush my IRL dreams lol.
Felix x Bridgette: they have this cute dynamic.
Don’t Mind
LukLoe: I think there was only one next gen with my OTP Nathanette and Adrigami, I liked the design of their kids, and I’ve seen some sad cosplays of them on TikTok back then.
Tikki x Marinette: ok
JuleRose: They’re cute, but maybe I would have liked to see how they met and their impact on each other
Nathaniel x Adrien: Maybe a rivals to lovers au
Adrien x Alya: could have been interesting if they figured out they were Ninonette’s wingmen.
Kim x Ondine: They’re ok I feel like they needed to pair him up with someone so people would ship Marikim less.
Liluka: Maybe it’s because Luka’s not a main character and this would feel more pair the sparesies
Nathaniel x Luka: might be a great dynamic
Lila x Marinette: Could have happened like Lumity.
Ivan x Mylene: ok
Adrien x Plagg: ok
Tom x Sabine: Awesome parents
Nino x Adrien: Best bros
Nathaniel x Alix: Could be an interesting dynamic
Lukanette: Nice guy x nice girl, but I feel like it was to replace Nathanette
Ladybug x Luka: ok
KiMax: I guess I’d prefer over Kim x Ondine
JuleRosAli: Polycule, maybe we need more of them
Ninogami: Artviavivi has a cute dynamic and cute art between them.
AdriGami: I just do, rivals to lovers amiright.
LAdrien: The most tolerable ship of the Canon Lovesquare. At least in this form it's obvious how much they like and admire each other. Had this never existed or they never found out their alternate identities, or both, would they still be into each other?
JAdrien/AdrEka: I'm not sure Juleka swings that way.
AlyNino: Ok. What if they never got together through the wingman episode, alternate scenarios?
LuKagami: Like I said Pair the Spares trope, not that into it, especially when they are basically treated like plot devices by shows, theories, films, that have the main couple, especially when they are the main focus main characters main couple, that have a will they won't they plot that makes them worst as people and probably people you don't like in real life doing the same things they do. That is one trope I hate.
MarcAniel: I guess they stopped having Nathaniel have a crush on her and felt he needed a partner if he wasn't with Ladybug or Marinette, he HAD to be with someone. I don't know, I really don't like how Marc wasn't introduced, like maybe if he wasn't introduced as someone who really wanted to work with him and felt really bad just because Nathaniel didn't feel like working with him, or just wasn't introduced working with Nathaniel at all, it would have worked, like maybe having a similar hobby that didn't relate to what they're mainly known for characterwise, I would have liked it more. It's just really hard for me to like.
LAbrina: Well don't like it so much anymore since that one episode I know she bullied Sabrina for and Sabrina tricked her into a confession, I just had hope before that episode and it made this Tierlist, It would go down a tier now.
FeLila: Villains(?) in love lol, not all that into it.
ChloBrina: The show doesn't seem to want Chloe to change which will probably lead her into downward spiral for her character, now she's completely alone. For now I want her character to be the same, but more uptight and closed off, not even blinking at the sight of a new friendship because NO ONE in the show wants to like her and even if she moves away she can't move on, but she still has dreams, wanting to be someone great and wanting love, and has finally learned her lesson. This would be a great idea for a spinoff series just for her
ChlAli: One of the Royal's and family of a democratic country's president's daughter, I don't really ship it, but like what if Chloe's dad was upset that her daughter didn't have anymore friendships in her life in Paris because everyone she's known has abandoned her and sends her to Prince Ali's country to get to know each other more, since they probably don't interact all that much except international social events, so he sets up more meetings so she can have someone to hang out with, eventually becoming one of her closest friend and eventually when everyone around them is getting married and having families, everyone in their family worried that they'll never get married they set up an arranged marriage, they don't hate it but their not romantically interested in each other, they're just a guy and girl friends who decided 'meh if it had to be anyone I'd rather it be you' type of situation.
LAlya: Lila x Alya, I think Alya wouldn't want to interact with a hardcore liar, especially being some type of journalist/she's actually a honest blogger.
AlyaNette: Alya and Marinette don't really seem like the type of relationship to be interested in each other, unless I'm not looking to deep into it and one party was actually trying to hide their feelings this entire time
KimAlix: There's not many scenes with them, and I think male/female friendships need to be important and not immediately making them romantically interested in each other and when one's feelingd are unrequited they stop being friends because they can't deal with it, and in a way it will hurt both of them in the end.
ChloLila: They either or hate each other or relate to each other.
NathLoe: Nathaniel is still friends with Marinette, somehow still cares about her in some way, also probably wouldn't get with the girl who made fun of his crush on the girl who is his ex crush still friend that much.
Antibug x Chat Blanc: Villain loves villain
MarcNette: Not sure they'll like each other in that way ever
AlixMax: Hmm... not sure really
MaxNette: Could be an interesting, but I don't think they'll ever be paired up by the creators knowing that 1 The creators don't seem to like ships that aren't main couple and isn't gonna bank them the money with the drama 2 Even if it did happen I'll probably be disappointed by canon again
Jagged Stone x Penny: Huh? They were a thing?
Pl'Ikki: Ok
Kim x Chloe: Girl probably messed with his feelings and head, don't need to watch the show to headcanon that
ChloGami: Maybe Kagami could inspire her to not be stuck up and not the total worst character, but I doubt that we'll ever happen since the show just sees them as plot devices.
Max x Sabrina: Ok
Duusu x Nooroo: Ok
Wayzz x Trixx: Ok
Wayzz x Pollen: Ok
DelBrina: Haven't watched the movie, but maybe it'd be a romantic long distance relationship.
MarcIno: I feel like this is just pair the spares trope acting up again.
FeLoLya: Childhood friends(?) plus girl they think is cool
NathAurore: Feel like even celebrities besides Adrien don't get the chance to shine more in the show besides Adrien, like has she ever appeared in the show besides her Akuma eps?
LiLuka: Before, could have been cool, one of the main/supporting characters gets with the mean girl/girl MC does not trust, could have been redeemed. But honestly who would want to get with their ex crushes bully or someone who hurt them, unless it was just your fleeting crush lol
LukaZoe: I think Zoe is gay but I could be wrong. She could be Bi, but also I feel it would be a boring because it seems like your basic pair the spares ship
LadyNoir: I feel sad for Chat even if he's a simp, it's just imagine if your crush thought you were annoying as heck.
MariChat: Mari just being openly annoyed at Chat, when he isn't looking and Chat eventually Chat falling for the 'just a friend', I don't know, I feel he would think she's a little weird even as a friend let alone a crush, like imagine the friend you never knew liked you to an unhealthily obsessed level.
AdriNette: What I said above.
ChloNette: Bully x bully, hate x hate, could have been interesting if Chloe didn't manipulate her obvious feelings for Adrien, and Marinette actually gave her a chance to be a hero again, and her not disappointing.
Gabriel x Nathalie: A man obsessed with bringing back his ex wife and the assistant who's been by his side, who looks over his kid trying to maintain their relationship they have with one another. TBH, he's willing to die just to bring Emilie back, he knows he sucks, but maybe it's mainly because he knows he has no idea what to do with his kid since then.
Don't really hate any ships TBH in general, everyone probably has a guilty pleasure.
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ethankyou · 6 months
Last year I had a chance to play Mörk Borg, which is the bleakest fantasy RPG I've ever played and I haven't stopped thinking about it since.
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So how'd it go?
Mörk Borg was probably one of the easiest games to learn. I made the joke at the table, if you've ever played D&D you are overqualified to play MB. It uses the D&D OGL, loosely, and is technically compatible with it, but this is not that kind of game. That's just all so you can roll your little d20.
The rules are free in the "bare bones" edition but trust me, you'll want to own the full art edition, get a physical copy and put it on your shelf. It is a gorgeous book and has a style that a lot of games lack. If I could distill about 10% of the style into my own games I would be extremely satisfied with my work.
Seriously like. Go to their website. Experience this. Do it now (or don't, I'm not your mom. But you should though).
This game feels in line with the perceived brutality of first edition d&d and its ilk. You may name your character if you like but don't get attached. You can have as little as 1 hit point and nothing pulls its punches here. Deaths are common, and expected and add to the feel of the world. You're not trying to save the world, not really. You're on the precipice of doom and you're just scavengers picking over the bones of the preeminent corpse of the world.
But you can also generate a new character very quickly with SCVMBIRTHER. Don't like your new one? Kill them and make a new one. As many as you like. It's a riot just generating these wretches and seeing what could be in store for you.
But while it is fun and also sometimes necessary to generate characters quickly like this, doing so misses out on one of my favorite parts of any RPG. The Character Sheet!
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To me a good character sheet is like a window into the soul of the game.
The game has this whole, doodled in the margins of your math homework, zine you found in a dirty puddle, graphited in a bathroom stall at a crust punk show ass aesthetic and the whole book is just like this. And I am eating this shit up! Here's the alternate character sheet provided:
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This soul appears to be a little scrunkled, can I get a new one?
Now I haven't talked about how the game plays yet or anything but just drink this in for a minute. If looking at this character sheet does not make you want to try this game then I don't know what else would!
I mean I guess knowing how the game plays would but like... Okay.
The game itself uses d20 rules, but much lighter. You have small stats, and add them to a d20 roll. No skills no proficiency bonus. You'll eat your 1's and you'll like it. The target numbers are usually pretty low, floating around 10-ish, unless you're dealing with something nasty.
You may have powers, but they seem to be pretty limited in their availability and uses. The game itself plays like D&D-lite, in that you are probably doing a dungeon crawl, or other dirty work you do as an adventurer. But you are not an adventurer, you are lowly scum just trying to make a quick buck. There's no heroics going on here. If your d&d group already plays like a bunch of murder hobos then you're basically already playing mork borg in spirit but just cosplaying as a bunch of heroes. This is the game you should be playing if you want to be a cutthroat little bastard.
The game uses Omens, a limited resource that you can use to improve what you're doing; deal max damage, lower damage taken, reroll a die (or someone else's) that kind of thing. You only get them back after a rest though so if you blow through them quickly you're at the mercy of fate (and fate is not merciful here).
Our group played Rotblack Sludge which is the introductory game from the main book. We did it in a single session pretty easily, even between doing food and a fair bit of goofing off. I imagine your group could do it in 1 as well, but 2 sessions tops for sure. There are a bunch of free adventures available on their website too if you wanted to get a little deeper! That link is to their "content" part of their site which is just an endless slew of free stuff. They really just want you to play their game. And quality enough that they know enough folks will buy it.
My main criticism of the game is that I'm not sure how this plays out in the long term. I think that narratively and thematically, the game is crushing it. But mechanically, the game is light. This is by design but I can see this turning away people looking for a long term replacement for d&d. I mean some committed groups will enjoy this forever regardless, but I feel like this has the legs for a few decent adventures before you'd wrap up and move on.
But a big part of long term games is character advancement. My understanding was that the levelling system in the game is pretty light to non-existent. It didn't come up in a one shot for obvious reasons. I'll admit I only own the free rules at this time, I'm still waiting for my copy of the actual book itself. So I had to go to my friend who ran the game to understand how the leveling system works. There's no experience points, so the group levels together. You check to see if you gain some hit points, you check to see if your stats increase, and you get a random piece of gear.
And when I say check I mean you roll some dice and compare to current. For hit points you roll 6d10. If the result is higher than your current max HP then you gain 1d6 max HP. Roll under and you lose 1 max HP. This choice frustrates me. I actually like that there's a chance to lose HP, but is this really the best way we could do this?
Okay that's not fair that's a knee jerk response. Let's talk about why it might work this way. This is a bleak world so it doesn't make sense for your characters to be able to heroically weather any storm. They're just people who got lucky and survived. So we want the ceiling for how many hit points a character can have to be on the low side. The system does do that, but it takes a weird path to get there, which feels out of place considering this is otherwise a very light game. I'm gonna talk about dice math for a bit so feel free to skip ahead to the next orange part if you feel sleepy.
The average of 6d10 is 33 (5.5x6), which means that characters who managed to level up multiple times are at much higher risk of losing a hit point. Average result of +1d6HP means about 3 hit points a level on average (accounting for the fact that you still could lose some along the way instead of gaining them). Assuming you start with 5 hit points (you might have 1-10 depending on your class), you're looking at 9 level ups before the odds are against you to gain HP. You might think damn. That's a long time. And assuming a character even lives to see level 10. And I agree.
So why does it need to be so convoluted along the way?
To replicate this system without the cumbersome dice roll comparisons you could have players roll 1d8-2: there's always a chance you'll get -1 HP, even 0 HP. After a character has 20+ HP it could change to 1d8-3, then 1d8-4 at 30 and so on. If you don't like the idea of players losing multiple HP then just have it be that any resulting negative is only -1 hp. But this way you're making 1 roll and decreasing the gain over time, while still gaining. You could also just roll a flat die every level, but I think in Mork Borg it is very thematic to have something like leveling up, which is normally comforting, be cause for fear.
Anyway this is easy enough to home brew out and it seems like a lot of folks do that. But I'm judging the game based on how it is not how I could change it.
The hit point math is done... FOR NOW.
The way stats level up is simpler. Roll a d6 for each stat. If the die is equal to or higher, gain +1 in that stat (max 6). If it's less, subtract 1 (max -3), a 1 is always a -1. I like the idea that your stats could fluctuate and that high stats are not safe bets. A few levels and weird rolls later and your worst stat could end up being your best. I think this part could be controversial but I like it and I like how they do it!
But there's not really much more to advancement than that. This is fine if you're just playing a short game. But you hear stories about people running campaigns for years on end and I guess... I just don't see that happening with Mork Borg. I might say it's not that kind of game but it actually kinda is though? They have rules for long term games.
The Calender of Nerthrubel fortells the end of the world. When 7 miseries have been accumulated, the world ends. At the start of the game you choose a die to roll for Miseries; as little as 1d2, as high as 1d100. The game master rolls the die and on a 1, the world gains a misery. So the size of the die does determine the upper limit of the game, but it is possible for the game to be over in as little as 7 in-game days regardless of the die type chosen. This is a very interesting mechanic! In fact I think it's one of the most interesting parts of the game! Most games struggle with a sense of urgency. Short of "you have 48 hours to save this prince" or "if you don't return with 25 wolf noses tomorrow you don't get paid", it can be hard to wrastle the players together to try and save the world in a timely manner. Meanwhile in Mork Borg your days are literally numbered. I can't imagine the tension that would come from being on your 6th misery knowing that every single day could be the last. That is truly bleak.
The role-playing opportunities in this setting for someone trying to grasp at the last ray of hope in the darkness, to fight against fate, or to battle the darkness within is truly incredible. The Dark Souls series has already probably come to mind by now for you and it's hard not to see that as an influence or at least a spiritual contender. There is something to be said about overcoming the odds and surviving in a bleak world. The Dark Souls franchise and periphery games have thrived on that for years. But when you die in that game, you come back you just lost some progress.
You don't come back when you die in Mork Borg, you just die.
So with no significant character advancement in the game, how do you meaningfully advance a character in a game like this? The game literally urges you not to get attached to your character. It's a bit tongue in cheek about it but it's not wrong.
At our table I was the only one who survived start to finish with the same character. And that wasn't from skill on my part i got a lot of dumb luck! We had 6 players and I think we had about 10 deaths? One player was on their like 4th wretch by the end of it! This seems excessive and I don't know if this is a standard experience, but we understood that's kind how it would go beforehand so our expectations were pretty set.
While I am sort of criticising this aspect, there is something pretty thrilling about going into a game without being too committed to your character. It makes those moments where you do realize them as a character in the narrative all the more meaningful, and more tragic when they die a terrible meaningless death. Nothing is precious in Mork Borg not even your life. So make the best of what you've got while you still have it.
Mork Borg is definitely not a perfect game.
But I cannot stop thinking about it and would drop any game to play it again, or even run it.
(and that's not even to speak of all the Borg spin offs like Pirate Borg, Orc Borg or CY_BORG!!!).
If you already play D&D or Pathfinder, Mork Borg is definitely worth your time to try, because you already know how to play it. It might not be for you, but if you go with the free rules and play a free adventure the only thing you're out is your time.
If you play other RPGs and enjoy dungeon crawls or hack and slash game play, this is still a great choice and will be easy to pick up and try.
If you're new to RPGs, Mork Borg is maybe a pretty weird one to start with, but is a really polished experience to try and a really easy game to cut your teeth on, so still not bad!
If you're more interested in character role playing, then Mork Borg might not be what you're looking for, but there are so many interesting narratives that can be explored here that I think would be really interesting and hard to replicate in other games!
If you're a power fantasy gamer, then I think Mork Borg might be a skip for you. Unless your power fantasy is to be a lobotomized mouse in Alley Cat Alley. No judgment, you do you.
If you took one look at the characters sheets up top and said "oh hell yeah I'm gonna play that!" and didn't read the rest of this lengthy text then we are already best friends but alas you'll never know it because you didn't read to the end... Oh well.
Now excuse me, I'm gonna dream about being ripped apart by a skeletal ooze and dying a painful death tonight (affectionate)!
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saqvobase · 5 months
Mesmerizer Live-Action Music Video Plan
So I guess you could say that I've been mesmerized by 32ki's Mesmerizer.
I've been infected with an idea so I must write it down before I forget or get bored of it.
I've been kicking around the idea of making a live-action version of the music video. I want it to use as many practical effects as possible and as little CGI as possible, ideally accompanied by a musical cover of the song by the actors.
Part 1: Costumes
Hatsune Miku
Luckily there are plenty of Miku wigs cosplay that can be bought.
I couldn't find an exact equivalent for the dress, but it seems like a fusion between a retro diner dress and a maid outfit. I think there's a golf visor on her head? We don't see the back of the character, but I'm pretty sure there's a big white bow. All that might need to be custom made.
The cuffs can be ordered on their own.
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I didn't think that they made bow ties this big, but the color, angle and size all fit. (This goes on the visor)
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For the socks, the best equivalent I found was something called 'slouch socks'
Shoes. Red with a white sole and yellow laces, and four wheels. Roller skates would be dangerous on a set. I'm tempted to just nail some painted wooden cylinders to the bottom of some Converse and treat it like platform boots.
Kasane Teto
Luckily there are plenty of Kasane Teto cosplay wigs that can be bought.
Luckily Teto's outfit is much simpler. White collar shirt under a blue pinstripe shirt with a dark gray tie and the same gold brushed nametag.
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These pants are so bright, I can't believe they make them in this color. Matching red suspenders were easy to find
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I found this pair of yellow cotton gloves, I think it is more likely to be this than rubber. They can be rolled up at the wrist to be more like the ones in the video. I just need to find a pair that is a more saturated yellow.
The hat is red, short, circular with a flat top, switch a small black brim. I couldn't find anything like it, perhaps another custom job.
The smily face pin on the other hand, is a dime a dozen.
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Ribbed gray socks
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and black loafers.
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For the name tag, I found these cheap brushed gold plastic pins. It could be cool to etch their names on it.
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For the starry-eyed parts, I found these contact lenses. The reviews say that you can still see through them pretty well so that's good. I couldn't find any that were 4 pointed stars.
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For the mesmerized parts, I found some contact lenses that totally black out the eye, they are over $100 for a set though.
Part 2: Set
The non-moving backgrounds such as the stripes or water drops can be done traditionally.
The clouds and hills are another story though.
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My idea of how to do is is a series of belts with the image on them controlled by a spinning rotor. The song will be recorded in studio, so the sound of the rotors wont affect the video.
Part 3: Effects
In-Camera Effects
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A colored frame like this can be placed between the camera and the set. This frame can be moved back and forth as needed.
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for the parts when the frames cross, the frame can be folded like this. At the point of crossing cut the footage. Swap the backgrounds, and resume filming.
The center spinner could be threaded through a hole in this frame, with a small gear system for perpendicular rotational transfer.
Special Effects
The confetti can be spread from above, either by a machine or a helper. The curtain of confetti should be after the colored frame, but before the set so that the actors don't get covered.
Finally, the brainworm has left my brain, and transferred to a written medium. I have no idea how much any of this would cost, but I estimate it is below $10,000.
If you have any questions or suggestions let me know!!!!!
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billyfazworth · 3 months
Crows of a Feather - A Hello Neighbor: Masks of The Ravens Short.
Written by William F. Fazworth
A few notes before I begin: -While being based on the future timeline of the (potentially no longer canon?) Hello Neighbor Book 7: Reset Day, this version of RD is majorly overhauled as I wasn't a big fan of certain elements in the story. -The character of Stella Grayson is an OC but only by technicality, Stella (no last name given) was mentioned in Reset Day twice as an ex-friend of Piper but that's about it. Due to this, I had to take creative liberties. -Piper and Stella have different ages compared to the original, instead of being 13 the two are 17. -Lastly (and hopefully I don't release this late) Happy Pride Month! And I hope you enjoy my sapphic babies.
Raven Park, 4 PM Autumn leaves continue to fall around Stella, fitting considering how she's feeling. Her eyes were covered in tears, tears that befell her face, all caused by her own mistakes.
The girl was sitting alone, alone in a nearby park here in Raven Brooks, all because she had to act stupidly foolish, why the hell did she think this was going to be easy? To go hundreds of miles away from Anaheim to this desolate town before being drive off road by a some cloaked nutjob cosplaying as a bird, not only did her dad's car got wrecked that night, but she lost most of her stuff considering said cloaked nutjob chased her off out the woods.
Somehow, being hit by a car was the best thing to happen that night, at least Sergeant Finch was nice with her. Sometimes Stella wondered if she was too stupidly optimistic or if she was just desperate, after all her and Ally basically ran Piper off into this place, she shouldn't have followed, maybe it was for the best.
"There you are."
Stella's eyes shot up, her head turned over and there she was, Piper Tillman. Stella noticed she was wearing something familiar, her David Bowie shirt and her father's jacket, the same look she saw her in that fateful night. "Mrs. Esposito's been looking for you, considering your staying at her and her wife's place." Piper told Stella, whose tired eyes questioned her motives "I... I didn't expect to see you here... especially after-"
"After I told you I wished we never met?"
The two girls looked at each other, both of their eyes locked in with a sense of regret, worry, and anxiety. "Yeah... that..." Stella uttered, Piper herself sighed and reached into her pocket, grabbing what appeared to be cans of soda "Want one?" She asked Stella, offering her the drink, who accepted the offer as the two began open the cans.
"Thanks..." Stella said softly, taking a sip of her soda. "You sounded tired." Piper said, causing Stella to turn her head over to her "I thought you needed a drink." Piper continued. It was the same gesture, the same gesture she gave Piper before she moved away from Anaheim. "I don't get it Pip, why are you even here, accompanying someone who frankly doesn't even deserve any friends." Stella said solemnly "Don't say that-"
"But it's true." Stella said, cutting Piper off "It's my fault you left Anaheim, I can't believe I sided with Ally during this whole stupid mess!" Stella exclaimed, chugging down her last sip of soda before throwing the can away in frustration. Piper was quiet, not really sure what to say for a response, it stayed that way for a few minutes before.
"I guess abandoning me was a jerk move."
The two girls sighed, Stella rubbing her forehead and trying to calm herself down. "But none of us were rational." Piper added, Stella turned her head over to her "What?" She asked, her voice cracking off guard. "I... I still believe in my dad's innocence, but I have to admit, I shouldn't have gone on the offense with you and Ally... I guess I'm here to say-"
"Don't be sorry." Stella replied, causing Piper to stop "Don't be sorry for all the things you said to me, it wouldn't have happened if I wasn't such an... well, an asshole." She added on. Piper let out a soft chuckle "I... I suppose so." She said, struggling for a moment to put things into words.
"Hey Pip?"
"Remembered when things were normal between us?"
Piper sat there and began to think, taking a sip of her soda "Like, before we both ended up in a town where a giant bird stalks the woods?" She asked, Stella chuckled "Well, that. But... no, I mean back before that dreaded phone call you had." Stella answered, adding "Back when we were just a bunch of gals who's trying to have fun in life." Piper took another sip of her soda before she answered "So... back when life was actually relatively good to us? Yeah, I do." She took another sip of her soda soon after.
"Do you think life will be good again? You know, for us." Stella questioned and Piper doesn't seem to really know the proper answer "I mean, I don't know... can I say something?" Piper suddenly asked, looking as if she's gotten some sort of idea, Stella nodded and Piper continued "I'll be honest with you Stella. I honestly tried to, well, I guess forget everything? My mom said that this town is supposed to be something new, our moving day was our reset day. Who knew that our reset day would mean being chased down by a giant bird?" She told Stella.
"But... I just couldn't."
"What do you mean?"
"Every single night, every single time I try to forget, I either get dragged into this town's latest fucked up phenomena or... or I'm surrounded by the past." Piper said, her voice somewhat cracking as she said that last part. "I... I'm sorry." Stella said but Piper tried to brush it off "It's... it's fine..." Piper struggled to say "It's not all bad I suppose." She added on.
"After all... I might've gotten my answer that day."
"Well... maybe an answer."
"For what?"
"You finally noticed me that day, noticed what I really felt about you... and I wonder now if you really did feel the same about me."
Stella stopped for a moment as her eyes widened, a rushing sense of adrenaline pumping through her veins, she could feel herself sweating.
"I... I do..."
Piper snapped out of her little trance, now her face was slowly glowing red as she looked over to Stella, her eyes seemingly staring at Piper's as if she saw the shining sparkle of the nightly stars.
"And I... I wished... I wished we could've had that kiss."
The two remembered it all now, a band practice break that was about to change their lives forever, the day felt like a magic moment never able to be casted, as if the two were cursed to be torn apart and condemned to a fate none of them wanted. It was as if the world wanted them to never see each other, to never be able to embrace each other's arms on that very moment or the moment after.
To never have that kiss.
"Maybe we will."
Piper's hands began to reach out over to Stella's shoulders, as if she was sending a lifeline over and Stella grabbed on, the two were growing closer by the minute, like a magnet slowly attracting a metal object, as if the crows were flocking over to the source of the storm. Stella placed her hand on Piper's cheek, the two now in sync with each other and as if, as if fearing for the moment to collapse once more, the two finally shared the kiss that they had desired that day.
And as they slowly let go of each other's embrace, the two looked at each other with abject sparkles in their eyes. "I... Piper I..." Stella was almost speechless, her face a mix of emotions, from shock to joy to anxiety all wrapped in one. Piper on the other hand looked like she was going to cry, cry out of joy, out of how she couldn't contain the bright smile on her face.
"I love you." Stella finally uttered towards Piper.
"I... I know... I love you too." She replied back in a soft and joyous voice.
Piper's vision was becoming blurry, as if something was in her eyes, something wet... tears and before Stella could even reach in, Piper did it first, the two hugging each other in an embrace as Piper began to cry "I did it..." Piper said as she sniffled "I got my Stella back." She said and the two hugged each other even tighter "And I got my Piper back." Stella added, the two now happily embracing themselves.
"You two are sweet."
The two girls stopped as they turned over to see who it was "Sergeant Finch?!" Stella exclaimed in shocked, suddenly another person came up behind the Sergeant "Mrs. Esposito?!" Piper said in shock. "Mr. Roth's been looking for you two lovebirds for the past hour or so." Mrs. Esposito said, "Sorry." The two responded in unison.
"So, I see that what I said about Piper was right huh Stella?" Sergeant Finch said playfully, causing Stella to blush "Alright Mari, told you the two are gonna fall for each other, you owe me twenty bucks." She added, with Mrs. Esposito pulling a 20 dollar bill out of her pocket as she chuckled.
"Right, since it's getting dark and I assume you two haven't had dinner, I'm willing to let you two eat at my house before I send you both back to Mr. Roth." Mrs. Esposito stated, the two nodded in agreement "Alrighty then, Finch start the car, I'll call up Nicky about the fact that his new daughter has a girlfriend now." Mrs. Esposito says, causing both her and Sergeant Finch to chuckle. Piper just awkwardly blushed as Stella held her arm tight "Well look on the bright side, at least meeting the parent won't be hard." Stella said jokingly, "God I love you." Piper said in response, letting out a soft chuckle.
The two would hold each other by the hand as they walked over to the car, happy that they're together again.
The End
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whoiwanttoday · 1 year
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This is a cosplayer named Nami. She is from Germany. That's… that's about all I know. She has a twitch and has appeared in some cosplay videos on youtube for other people and like.. hey, it's all I know. I am posting her because I saw her Chun-Li cosplay and it immediately caught my attention because Chun-Li is one of the handful of characters who I will always post someone if I see a good cosplay of it. The difference between Chun-Li and Daphne Blake is that I am much pickier when it comes to Chun-Li. Often the costumes look like they are from spirit Halloween, which I don't love, and not to start a whole thing here, often they are white and that always sits funny with me. Not in a way that I want to start any sort of movement but not only is Chun-Li Asian, her most famous look is definitively Chinese in design and seeing white people in a modified Chinese dress feels off and weird. Anyway, it means it doesn't happen as often but when it does, boy, I am posting her. Really it's Daphne, Chun-Li, Princess Peach. Nail one of those and you are going to be here. Of course, saying that now I live in constant fear of someone reaching out and showing me their Chun-Li cosplay and me thinking it's not very good. Then I am left with the dilemma of telling them I don't think it's good, which let's be honest, I won't do, deleting my blog and burning down my home to be safe, something I'd rather not do, or posting them and pretending I like it and living a lie for the rest of my life, which let's be honest is exactly what I would do. The guilt would be crushing and on my deathbed I'd call over a spritely young family member and gasping out, "I… I didn't want to fuck the Chun-Li Cosplayer" before dying. Well, I might also whisper, "Rosebud," after and would really regret that cause it seems a little funny at the time but actually is kind of lame and that combined with the whole Chun-Li Sex Lie would forever ruin my family's opinion of me. It hasn't come up yet but this is a thing I live in fear of. So I guess fingers crossed that checks notes um, attractive women continue to not talk to me. Great, nailing it. Anyway, Nami is attractive and I really like her Chun-Li even though it's simple because there is just something in her look but also boobs. Fan of those. So I am posting her. Also tagging @kat-eleven because saving pictures multiple times I was like, "Kat would really like this girl". Beacuse… hold on… checks notes Nami is a girl. Yup, nailed that one. Anyway, enjoy all this. Today I want to fuck Nami.
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