#I'm just a nerd I don't need thirst
Man these pron bots have stepped tf up, I haven’t had to block more than like 4 or 5 since last year and I just had to block 5 that followed me in the last week. 
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tf-lover · 3 months
Masquerade Madness
A little fun organised by @bodyswapmischief, and one of the only celebrity tf's I'll probably ever write! Enjoy the masquerade!
The idea of a masked ball was, at least in theory, the type of event Henry should enjoy. He was a famous actor, used to being in the public eye and in front of a camera. Only, he was dreading it. His agent had signed him up to attend, and as much as he could put on the charismatic face for the press, half the time he would rather be at home than at another event. Reading, video games and even stuff like Warhammer, the star had always been a not so secret nerd. He always had eyes on him though no matter where he was or who he was with. As much as he loved his craft, it was times like this he felt like a break for a night.
That's where Kade came in. He often acted as security for Henry, so they knew each other well. For the last several years at various events and on the occasional filming set he'd been Henry's personal bodyguard; the two had become fast friends. Kade was the stereotype of the rough bodyguard too; bearded and tattooed with closely shaved hair, one look told you almost everything you needed to know.
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“What I wouldn't do for a night off you know?” Henry said once he emerged from the bathroom after a shower. “Feels like I never get any time to myself anymore.”
Kade, who would be driving Henry to the event and accompanying him inside, nodded in agreement. “I know man, I get you. It's a hard job being loved and thirsted over by so many people.” There was a hint of teasing in Kade’s tone, one only he could get away with. 
Henry rolled his eyes, but couldn't help the slight smirk on his lips. “Yeah yeah, I know. I'm thankful for everything I have, don't get me wrong. I just… I don't know.”
“Well, what if I said Henry Cavill can still show up at this event and you can take a bit of a break for the night?” Kade had a hint of mischief in his eyes when Henry turned to face him. “You don't get it, I know dude. New tech in the industry.”
“Out with it Kade, what on earth are you going on about?” Henry folded his arms and frowned, more confused than anything else. 
Kade pulled a small circular device out of one of his pockets and held it up. It was no bigger than his palm and had what looked like a scanner of some sort on either side. Other than that though it was sleek high-tech, giving away no extra information on what its purpose was. 
“Military tech they ended up not using and selling off. Was meant for covert undercover operations so I'm told. The two of us use this to switch bodies, then I go to the party as you and you can just chill at my side. How's that sound?”
Henry… didn't know what to make of that. It was absurd, it had to be. It was like the plot of one of the movies he'd find himself in, not real life. Yet, there was something in Kade’s eyes that said he wasn’t bullshitting. Henry knew Kade well enough to know when he was joking around, and this wasn’t even close to one of those times. 
“I know it’s a lot to take in man, but think about it.” Kade said as the other man spent a moment processing the information. “You don't have to ‘turn on’ that public persona people expect and can just vibe as me. You know security at these things is airtight even without some of the personal guards like me there, you'll have it easy.”
Henry was silent another moment before responding. “You know what? Alright, let's try it.” He gave Kade a small smile before holding a hand out. “How does this work then? Do we just-”
Kade stepped closer and smacked the device he was holding down into Henry's outstretched palm before the celebrity could finish his sentence. A jolt passed through both as their hands came into contact with the plastic surface, now fully activated with two participants. In less time than it took either to blink, Henry and Kade found the world around them suddenly shifted. Where Henry had been standing in a bathrobe and mentally preparing himself for another evening at another public event, now he found himself looking back at that very same face. The one he was used to seeing in the mirror now stood opposite him with an uncharacteristic smirk. 
“Having fun there Kade?” Henry said when he saw his own smirking face. The voice that came from his mouth being a different one was definitely odd, but seeing himself was moreso.
Kade in Henry’s body laughed. “I was going to say the same to you Kade, since I’m fairly sure I’m the world famous Mr Henry Cavill right now.” Kade turned back to the bathroom and went to the mirror, running his hands over his new face. He knew this one well of course from films and working with Henry, but he never believed he’d actually get a chance to see it looking back at him. “Man, every time I’ve done this and it’s still fucking wild.” He said to himself.
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Henry had followed his own body to the bathroom and watched as his bodyguard inspected Henry’s own handsome features. The strong, stubbled jaw, piercing eyes and just the faintest hint of chest hair that poked out of the robe he’d been wearing after the shower. Like anyone, Henry could really understand why Kade was so fascinated with being one of the hottest actors on the planet.
“Oh, you probably haven’t noticed yet dude, have you?” Kade stepped back from the mirror and turned to face himself. “Something different you haven’t spotted, should have mentioned it before really but I didn’t want you to freak out about it.”
Henry frowned. He didn’t know what Kade was going on about, and he was on the verge of saying as much when Kade did something he didn’t expect. He pulled off the bathrobe and dropped it to the floor, letting Henry get a good look at his ripped, naked body in all its glory. His mouth went dry. Objectively he knew he was attractive, he always had since being in such a public position, but now he could really feel it. Kade’s familiar smirk was plastered now over Henry’s features as the man flexed and gave his chest a squeeze, all with a look in his eyes that said he knew exactly what he was doing. 
“See, one thing they discovered is sexuality and attraction is mostly tied to your body.” Kade started to explain as he kept teasing and running his hands down over Henry’s hairy chest and stomach. “So right now you’re as gay as I usually am. Once you’ve been doing this long enough you learn to be able to ignore the physical sexuality, but for a newbie like you…” Kade’s eyes flicked down to the obviously hard bulge between Henry’s legs. “Sorry to say you’ll have to be alright relaxing as a gay dude today.”
“Y-Yeah, I’m sure it’ll be fine…” Henry mumbled whilst he couldn’t take his eyes off himself. “Guess I can see what everyone means for myself now. Are you always this attracted to me?”
Kade nodded. “Yeah, I mean who isn’t? But just like you don’t go getting hard over every attractive girl you see, it’s just the same.” He shrugged. “You learn to control yourself. Working with you is just business, not like I’m going to go over any boundaries that would be inappropriate.”
The mention of inappropriate boundaries sent other thoughts running through Henry’s mind. Thoughts of things he could do with men he’d never been interested in before, thoughts of things he could do with his own body. His cheeks flushed a brilliant pink for a moment before he shook his head; he had to get himself back under control. He was usually calm and collected, even if he was in Kade’s body and gay that didn’t give him an excuse to be ogling another man. Even if was technically his body he was getting an eyeful off and Kade was freely showing it off, it still didn’t feel appropriate. 
“You should umm, get dressed Henry. You’ve got a party to get to, right?” Henry said in an attempt to deflect from the new stuff he was feeling. They’d made this swap for a reason, so he could have a night off and still make an appearance, so the sooner they got on with that the better. “Suit is in the bedroom.”
Kade let out a short laugh and a nod. “You’re right of course Kade. I’ll get myself dressed and ready to go, then you can drive me to the event okay?” Kade in Henry’s body turned and walked off in the direction he knew the actor’s bedroom was, all the while giving Henry a good long look at his muscular ass cheeks and how they flexed as he moved away.
It wasn’t long until the pair were ready and on their way to the party.
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Kade had got all dressed up in Henry’s suit for the evening, including a custom made black mask by some designer he couldn’t remember the name of. He pulled the whole thing off well. Henry knew he would, after all he’d tried the whole outfit on days ago to make sure it all fit properly, but he hadn’t expected to be the one on this side of things. To be the one sat in the driver's seat of the car when he’d taken them both to the event.
Or to be the one trying not to look at how fucking hot hs own body looked in the suit his agent had picked out with the designers. Being gay because of the swap left him feeling all sorts of things, but chief among them was an undeniable attraction to himself. It was fucked up he knew that, but the drive over followed by silently following behind up the red carpet only hammered that nail down into the metaphorical coffin. Henry thought he was hot as fuck, just like many other gay fans had made clear, now he was almost one of them.
Kade didn’t make it any easier either. He showed just how good at his job he was as he smiled to the cameras, spoke to the occasional reporter and all round pulled off an incredibly convincing Henry Cavill. There were small things that only Henry could notice being off, but to anyone else they’d have no reason to believe he wasn’t himself as the pair made their way inside. And Henry really was getting a taste of the flip side of all this; he couldn’t remember the last time he’d walked down a red carpet and been as completely and utterly ignored as he was in Kade’s body. It was like he wasn’t even there. People moved around him like nothing, cameras flashed over his shoulders to capture anyone and everyone that wasn’t him; he was invisible. 
The whole evening was more of the same for Henry. Or, for Kade as he made sure to introduce himself to a handful of the other security guards dotted around for other celebrities. It was strange at first, but the more he stood around chatting the more he felt like it was refreshing not to be recognised or idolised. He didn't have to “switch on” into his public facing actor mode like he'd been talking to Kade about earlier in the day, he could be his comfortable, relaxed self. All the while he watched from a distance as the real Kade in Henry's body danced and chatted and ate. All the things he should be doing but often found to be the exhausting part of being an actor. 
“So, how are you finding things Kade? No issues with security?” The real Kade said later on in the evening when they got a spare moment together. Just a high profile celeb checking in with his security, that was all it looked like. 
Henry nodded. “Yes Mr Cavill, all good on my end. I hope you’re having a pleasant evening?” It wasn’t hard to play the role of security guard for Henry, he was an actor after all. 
“Yes yes, of course. All good fun events like these are, as you well know. And this suit is nice, makes me look good doesn’t it?” Something about the way Kade spoke with Henry’s voice was different to before. Lower, more heated. Maybe it was just to be heard over the crowd of people, but it didn’t feel like that quite. It felt like… more. “I’ve seen your eyes on me this evening Kade, and I want you to know I understand. Being so close can’t be easy on a night like tonight for you, if you catch my drift. One night, get it out of your system, if you think that would help?”
Henry couldn’t believe his ears. Kade, his long-term, always professional bodyguard, was suggesting something so… so sordid. This was a side of Kade he didn’t show for the sake of keeping to the job, but now something was crackling between them. Henry could feel it, a palpable tension in the air that he realised had probably been there since they first swapped earlier. 
“You, You’re still gay, aren’t you.” Henry stated, since he already knew the answer. “You’ve done this enough that even in my body you’re still attracted to men… like I am right now as you.”
“That’s right Kade. As of this moment Henry Cavill is currently as gay as it gets, whether we’re talking about his body or his mind.” Kade said in that same low voice that Henry could now hear was dripping with arousal. Not one he ever imagined he’d be on this side of, or getting this turned on by either. “I get this is crossing a boundary between us, but I also get the sense that’s a boundary you’d rather like to cross right now, isn’t it?”
All Henry could do was silently nod his agreement. Since the swap earlier that evening he hadn’t been able to get it out of his mind. If he was a stronger person maybe he could have held back and kept things professional, but then wasn’t the whole reason he had agreed to this swap in the first place because he was tired of always having to put on the professional face? Always serving the public and never himself; maybe it was time that changed. 
“Let’s get out of here Henry, I think for your safety you should let me take you home, there’s been a few suspicious characters at this party looking at you a little too closely for my liking.” Henry slipped himself back into the bodyguard role and smirked at Kade as he spoke; if this was his once chance to really experience this before it was over he wasn’t going to waste it. 
An hour later, Henry was on his back getting his ass absolutely destroyed by his own cock. 
“Yes, fuck me Henry!! Nnnghhh… oh fucking hell bro I never thought a celebrity could fuck so good!” Henry held onto Kade’s shoulders and let his moans freely fill the room, though right now it was hotter to imagine himself as Kade. To imagine for a moment that he wasn’t Henry Cavill having swapped bodies, he was this bodyguard finally getting fucked by the star he’d been protecting. 
Kade, or Henry as he too found it hot to think of himself as, was much in the same boat. “Yeah Kade? Can’t believe I haven’t been fucking men until now, I’ve been missing out!” The current Henry shouted as he fucked down into the hole around his cock. He’d swapped with many celebrities in the past, but never had it landed him in an outcome as hot as this one. He was Henry fucking Cavill! The one and only, and with the former Henry getting so into addressing Kade by the name that matched his body it was easy to get lost in that fantasy. 
The two kept going in that same rhythm long into the evening. Henry had fully embraced being Kade the bad boy bodyguard, so much so that when the former Kade above him moaned that name in his ear it didn’t feel at all wrong. It felt right. Liberating even. He wasn’t anyone in the public eye, he was someone completely invisible to them. And had one of the hottest celebrities on the planet cumming in his ass all night like an absolute beast. The new Henry had skills he never thought possible, the new Henry above him could do all the public stuff and fuck like the king Hollywood saw him as. It was giving him ideas already for their future…
2 years later…
Henry and Kade hadn’t looked back since that first swap. 
The evening they spent together riding and sucking and fucking was one of the hottest either man had experienced. Enough so that the real Henry asked if Kade could make his body gay when they swapped back. He could, it turned out, leave his lingering sexuality in Henry’s body and corrupt it to be gay instead of straight. 
Not that Henry spent a whole lot of time in his own body as it was anymore. 
For filming and such he still stayed as himself, but that was about it. He still loved to act more than anything and didn’t want to give that up. But besides when he was on a job, Henry spent all his time as Kade instead. The name Henry had even started to feel slightly odd to him now he spent almost all his time as Kade the tattooed stud. It was far more relaxing than being his old self, and the pair made enough money to support them both just using Henry. The old Henry would do the acting, then the new permanent Henry would take over and spend the rest of the time doing all the publicity and stuff. Kade, as the former star now thought of himself, was more than happy to let his boyfriend take the spotlight when he was overall better at it than Kade had ever been. 
The new and improved Henry had even gone to the lengths of coming out of the closet and introducing the world to his boyfriend Kade. If only they all knew the reality of the situation, but that was only for them. Henry Cavill, lost lusted after by gay men the world over, was now officially part of the gay community too, and it had sent fans into a frenzy. 
Kade had got used to thinking of himself as a gay man now though. It was why he’d asked his boyfriend to make sure his old body was still gay when he used it for filming. Going back to being his old straight Henry Cavill self when he was filming had weirded him out for all of 48 hours before letting it get fixed up so he was gay regardless of which body he was in. 
He loved his new easier life away from all the rapid publicity, and loved his soon to be husband even more for giving him this life accidentally. One last public affair to give the new Henry Cavill the proposal he deserved, then he would really be done with the exhausting side of his old life.
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We need to talk about the men in MK1
I really don't understand how they managed to make everybody SO BLOODY ATTRACTIVE?!
Even characters like Reptile were made into Boyfriend material.
Kenshi is a babe. That's it. That's the statement - he's a babe. His attractiveness ascends my language abilities to articulate how attracted I am to him in this game.
And Johnny - SO DAMN FINE! They struck the perfect balance of all Johnny's qualities with the features of a young Harrison Ford (which my followers will know has a certain power over me). Also I love that they made Johnny a hot nerd - who doesn't love a man that was ready to just dive into ancient Japanese history during a conversation.
And of course my dear Kuai Liang SERVED LOOKS in this game - I could cut my hand on his jawline...
This game has made me PRIMAL in ways that are dangerous to my psyche... but am I going to stop panting over the thirst traps that are Kenshi Takahashi and Johnny Cage? No.
Under the cut, I'm going to put more details reason's about why and how I want these fictional men to rail me which will probably make more sense to me followers but by all means, feel free to read! (But I will warn, it gets explicit so reader discretion is advised)
The amount I desire these men to dominate me is just unhealthy but let's get back to basics.
So those of you who have followed me for a bit (or I guess just looked at my page) will know that I have loved Kuai Liang and Hanzo since MKX. In MKX, I also had the hots for Kenshi and Johnny but not to the same degree. Then MK11 came out, obviously Kenshi isn't in it. I liked Older Johnny but not younger Johnny. As for Liang and Hanzo, I liked them a lot but not as much as MKX.
Then this DAMN game was released and like the timeline, the whole playing field was reset.
Don't get me wrong, I still love Kuai Liang in this game: he gives off such tender Lover vibes that I just want to stay in his arms ALL DAY. I mentioned that jawline right? I loved him and I love what they did with the familial relationships between him, Bihan and Tomas. When it was first announced that Kuai Liang was going to be Scorpion, I wasn't thrilled since, in my heart, that will always belong to Hanzo. They landed it tastefully but I still miss him as Sub Zero. Overall, I loved Kuai Liang in this game but Kenshi and Johnny were on another level.
Kenshi. KENSHI. The hold this man has over me. I can't tell if I want to be tender with him or animalistic: I genuinely go from "I want to remove his blindfold and kiss his scarred eyes, reminding him how much I love him while softly running my fingers through his hair" to "I want Kenshi to remove his blindfold and tie me to the bed, reminding me that I'm his toy to play with in any way he sees fit while fingering me with his tattooed hands- OH. HIS HANDS. I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO EXPLAIN HOW MUCH I WANT TO SUCH ON HIS FINGERS WHILE HE CALLS ME A GOOD GIRL. I AM SO SUBMISSIVE TO THIS MAN THAT IT'S NOT HEALTHY.
I think out of all the characters, I was most impressed by the characterisation of Johnny. Don't get me wrong, Mileena, Sindel, Baraka, Syzoth all got the storylines and re-characterisation they deserve but with Johnny I was more impressed because less changed about him. Like I said, I've always been a bit hit-or-miss with Johnny but this Johnny was perfection. Immediately making him a hot history nerd rather than an airhead was brilliant, it gave a depth to Johnny that I've never seen and it played off Kenshi perfectly. It's kind of like when you're with a group of people and a random topic you love comes up and suddenly you go on a 10 minute rant about why it's fascinating before realising everyone is just staring at you in confusion: it made Johnny so much more relatable. Also I love the sense of humour they went for in this game with Johnny. In prior games, I sometimes felt like Johnny was trying too hard to be funny for other people but in this game, Johnny is unintentionally hilarious and his jokes are mostly for himself and I love it. The first time I saw "Ripley!" I genuinely couldn't stop laughing for like 5 minutes. Also his beloved Hichulli, peak comedy. But let's get to the juicy stuff: HIS DESIGN. YES PLEASE, SIGN ME THE HELL UP FOR IT. I want to just cover his face in kisses. I want him to cover my face is kisses. Also his nose... I mean, I'm sure you guys have noticed that I like prominent noses and Johnny's when I saw his made me go red. MK1 Johnny going down on someone would be an ethereal experience (especially since he never stops talking which I might request a fic for) and part of that experience would be the nose. Just general though, the facial shape, the hair, the nose, the jawline: it all slays, just like Johnny.
So now having read all this, you can see why I don't let myself talk about the men of MK1: I just become a whore. This game opened my eyes to kinks I have NEVER been into cough cough threesome with Johnny and Kenshi cough cough blade play using Sento with Kenshi cough cough recorded sex with Johnny cough cough... In summation: this game has reduced me from a somewhat mentally adjusted young woman to a neanderthal that wants to be breeded by two fictional men called Kenshi Takahashi and Johnny Cage.
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Hey bro, I'm back. Cosplay with the bulk and mask is doing great! People are eating that uniqueness! Problem though, I'm a bit too nerdy for their tastes. They didn't like my gaming posts. Think you can add in my history that I'm a big jock too? I need the experience. I don't mind my brain shrinking.
Continuation of:
A rewriting of your history huh... Let's see where you last left you off.
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Yea... unfortunately someone as big and bulky as you just doesn't fit gaming NERD. Sure you got the bod of a lifetime but not a single change in your personality let alone your past. Subby furries been asking you for fun in DM's but you're still as shy before so you have to turn them and they think you're homophobic! You've been going to the gym to maintain your new body and got yourself some gymbro friends but unlike them you've never participated in sports in your life so you have to nod and smile when they start talking football. Your social media presence is all sorts of wack too with your fans demanding to post thirst traps and flexing pics but you just keep posting gaming clips since you don't want to make your only thing on the online world being a beefy meathead that only cares about their bod. It was all piling up and wish you could just change your past to fit the body you wished for...
Well that's where I come in and help you once more! You hear a knock on your home door and you went to check who was there. No one was there but you saw something on the ground so you opened the door to find a strange device and a note on the ground.
Hey Dude!
Heard the beef life was getting hard with no change of memories or life so I thought I'd help out. What you see is a Reality Augmentation Device! Just say what you want and reality will change to suit your desires.
It's one use only so no going back!
Choose wisely,
Reality Augmentation Device? You'd think I was crazy if I didn't give you the bod you currently possess so you trusted my judgement.
The device was a sphere shape and had a screen for soundwaves and a singular button. Looks like you press the button, say what you want and reality will change. So much power in such a small device. Well with a bit of hesitancy you press the button and say your wish.
"I wish my life would fit my body" And then you let go of the button. Immediately after you let go the device warped itself out of reality and you suddenly passed out. Your past would now change.
The changes begin in middle school. Instead of staying reserved and quiet you LOVED to act out much to the dismay of your teachers. You adored sports, especially football which ended up with you on your middle school football team as the star player. You eventually got a ton of friends that were just like you. You were known as the school troublemakers and sports buffs. You didn't learn a damn thing the whole time you were there.
Come High School you continued this attitude fully becoming a typical jock with the friends to match. This is when you began to work out almost every single day leading to that hot bod of yours. Your bros were your everything... your... everything. You realized you were gay. Any who you of course joined your High School Football team and once again was the star player. The whole school loved you for constantly bringing home trophies. Your grades took an even bigger decline than what was even possible. You were already a major meathead with the only thoughts being sports workout and hanging out with bros. It's a miracle you didn't get expelled but the fame and trophies was what allowed you to stay. You graduated with multiple sports related schools BEGGING to have you and despite that meathead brain of yours you eventually picked a college to attend.
College was more about working out than actually attending classes. When you did attend classes it was an excuse to be the meathead jock to ever meathead jock. Luckily this was a sports college so all that mattered was your ability on the field. You still had your craft in football and landed your college football team multiple trophies and eventually graduating with a "Degree in Jock" the person who handed you the degree at graduation joked. Which might I add you were completely shirtless during graduation? Yeah.
Brimming with jock confidence you got tattoos on your arms and started posting your workout journey onto social media and to say people were interested would be an understatement. Thirst trap comments would pour in on every single post just look at the ones with this selfie!
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"You're so lovely~"
"I want you"
These were a common occurrence and you loved all of it. You were able to stay in contact with your gymbros even after school and hung out almost every single day pumping iron with the bros. Talking about sports was a nonissue as you knew every single football term under the sun. You will willing to help your bros if they had a hard time lifting something.
"Just like that bro..." You whisper to him.
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And there's still more! Hanging out with gymbros means bouncing those meat mounds with your gymbros.
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And maybe a flex or two...
And that leads back to the new present. Despite all the changes to your past there was still one thing that stayed. Your love of masks. You would sometimes wear your wolf bone mask and black balaclava to workouts and your bros found it very amusing.
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Those same subby furries that wanted a strong werewolf to dominate them you were too shy to reply to in your old past was now in your bed being fucked silly by you in a wolfmask. Safe to say your entire social media presence WAS being a meathead jock and you owned it.
"Video games? Never heard of it. I got GAINMES right here" You said to one your gymbros once at the gym with a flex.
With all that in mind and your past altered you woke up from your impromptu nap wondering why you were on the ground in front of your house. The meathead jock in you just brushed it off before you remembered something.
"Oh right, gotta go work out with my bros!" Immediately running back inside to get ready to workout like you have been for multiple years.
You loved working out with your bros they were your everything to you and you couldn't be happier. The shy nerdy you was long gone and your life finally fit your body. And to make sure of that you posted another post-workout selfie to your social medias.
" Gains 💪💪💪💪"
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tiny-maus-boots · 3 months
Darkest of Nights pt 20
A/N: i have to thank @chloes-yellow-cup and @kimmania for always encouraging me and reminding me that my words aren't dumb. I love you awesome nerds.
She had almost forgotten what it felt like to have intimate desires but now that her body recalled the joys of ecstasy she thirsted for more than mere blood. All her years and experiences had not prepared her for the heights of passion they ascended to nor the depths of devotion she certainly did not feel worthy of yet basked in nonetheless. Even now, hours after Beca had finally drifted off to sleep on Chloe’s chest, she could not seem to stop herself from covering the smaller woman's back with butterfly light kisses.
Fingers threaded through her hair and she glanced up to find Chloe watching her with an expression so filled with warring emotions that Aubrey had no hope of guessing what she was thinking.
“I'm sorry.”
The blonde raised a brow and frowned slightly. Aubrey repositioned herself so that she could meet Chloe’s unflinching gaze. Beca mumbled sleepily and burrowed into the redhead’s chest even as she pulled Aubrey’s arm around her waist. 
The momentary distraction made them both smile at the woman happily tucked between them. Whatever concerns the necromancer previously held about them it was very clear that was no longer an issue. After a beat of silence Chloe spoke softly.
“I didn't know it would be this way. I didn't understand, even seeing you go through it I just couldn't understand…"
“I resented you for choosing him even though it was my own fault you couldn't choose me. And even after he was gone, when the world had changed, you chose the memory of a ghost over me.”
Aubrey didn't know what to say to any of that but Chloe didn't seem to need her to say anything. The ragged edge of grief flowed through their new connection and Beca whimpered softly.
“I couldn't possibly have understood how it would feel to lose all…this. I see that now. And I am so deeply sorry Aubrey. All this time I thought you were…I didn't understand and I am sorry. I'm so very sorry I left you alone.”
Aubrey raised her hand to trace a pale finger along the perfectly curved line of Chloe's brow. How did they begin to bridge the chasm of hurt between them? Even now with this newness, this one perfect thing they shared, she knew they would need to overcome much to trust again. 
“Were I to count each time you were at my side as a drop of water we would be drowned in a sea of your love and loyalty. You shouldered my burdens as your own, fought my wars, celebrated my victories and stared down the madness of my demon. You stayed when I gave you no reason or hope. You never left me.”
Aubrey cupped Chloe’s cheek and brushed a thumb gently over her jaw. Even in the chaos of Harun's death, even in the depth of her pain and insanity and destroying all in her path, Chloe had been there. 
“Should I live another thousand years I would spend it on bent knee to be at your side. I will never forsake you Chloe.” 
Beca sniffled between them and they both looked down to find her watching them with tear filled eyes.
“Damn, vampire wedding vows are for serious.”
Chloe’s light laugh brought a smile to her lips and she snuggled back down content in the knowledge that there was nothing they could not overcome together. Aubrey nuzzled Beca's shoulder, comforted by the strong steady heartbeat and warm body in her arms.
“Technically there aren't vows exactly. We mostly just drain a virgin together and then the wedding party rampages through a village until sunrise.”
“Tsk, Aubrey, don't scare her. We don't do that anymore. Honest. We don't.”
“I dunno Bree, me thinks our lady protest too damn much.”
“Chloe always did love a good party.”
“I can't believe I'm joking about eating people on someone's wedding day with vampires.”
“As if you didn't just spend an inordinate amount of time between Chloe's legs doing just that.”
Beca nearly purred with satisfaction. “Yeah I did.”
Aubrey chuckled into Beca's back as the pain in their connection was washed away by a love that was deepening with every gentle caress and soft kiss and teasing joke. They couldn't go back and unbreak themselves, no more than they could go back and rescue Beca’s family and give her a life worth living, but they could move forward and forge something much stronger. 
Beca kissed along Chloe’s collarbone and lust swelled through their bond. She would never tire of that feeling. It was different from what she had shared with Harun. It had been no less consuming with him than it was now but somehow with Chloe and Beca the bond resonated with more intensity than she had ever felt. 
Aubrey grazed her hand over the swell of Beca’s hip intent on rekindling their passions when a knock sounded far too loudly to be anything but trouble. Chloe growled deeply in frustration.
“I'm so going to let Aubrey murder whoever is at our door.”
Something about what Chloe said made Beca inhale sharply but she didn't comment. Aubrey opened her mouth to question it but another knock, much more demanding than the last cut her off. Yes she definitely would murder whoever was at the door. The blonde rose with a growl and stomped to the other room.
Aubrey froze in place for a moment. She knew Beca hadn't meant to push her power through the command intentionally, it had just been the lingering effects of exploring their bond so intimately. But nevertheless she stood, immobile for a moment longer than she was comfortable with before she was able to break the control.
“Oh shit I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that! I just…robe?”
Chloe laughed and snagged a robe from the back of the chair by the bed and flung it to Aubrey. She looked at in confusion then glanced back at the two women in bed.
“You're naked my love. While I have no complaints about what's all on display, I don't think Beca is ready for you to display it for everyone else to see.”
Oh. She blinked once, still processing what that meant. Was Beca uncomfortable with nudity? Perhaps not, with the way she was being openly leered at by the brunette. Mortals had such strange conventions about modesty. Aubrey slid the covering over her shoulders and belted it as another knock sounded. 
Beca flushed a deep red and nodded. “Yeah but now I kinda want you to hurry so I can peel that robe right off you.”
“Cheeky.” Aubrey smiled and tightened her belt with a small approving sound. “I like it.”
She was just able to make out Chloe’s laugh as she closed the door between the bedroom and living space. Aubrey squared her shoulders and strode to the entrance and flung it open to glare at whoever dared knock. She had barely pulled the door open when Einar's barrel chest pushed through.
“Forgive me my Queen but my daughter is not answering her phone.”
“We were busy.”
“My Queen, we are about to be at war. What could you pos…”
Aubrey raised a brow and his fanged mouth snapped shut with a too loud click in the suddenly over quiet living room. The realization of what had been keeping them distracted and occupied filled his face with a slow dawning horror that was most amusing to behold. And she was just petty enough to dig the blade in further.
“Was there a reason for interrupting our lovemaking?”
The large vampire gave himself a slight shake to try and dispel the nightmare knowledge in his mind that his daughter was alone and naked in bed with a necromancer and a half demon.
“L-lovema... No…yes…what?”
A soft throat clearing behind them made them both turn to see Beca standing in the doorway to the bedroom fully dressed. She looked nearly as uncomfortable as Einar did at the situation and Aubrey couldn't help the grin that slid across her face.
“Not to ruin a sweet overshare moment that in no way shakes my confidence whatsoever, but maybe this is kinda important?”
The blonde vampire rumbled a soft growl but nodded a curt agreement and gestured to a chair while she sprawled out on the chaise. Einar let his eyes drift everywhere but to them as if he couldn't stand to see them without the nightmare scene starting again.
“So big guy, what's up?”
Beca settled herself on the edge of the chaise with Aubrey, her back pressed lightly against the vampire’s legs. Just that small touch eased the irritation she felt rising at Einar's presence. He blinked once more and regained his composure with a grateful nod to Beca.
“Apologies for the erm. Intrusion. It appears we have company arriving and I thought it best to be prepared in advance.”
The door clicked open and Chloe glided into the room, freshly dressed and mildly flustered herself. Neither father nor daughter managed to look the other in the eye.
“It can't be the Guard. Not this soon anyway.”
He grunted his agreement at that and made a vague sheepish gesture. His shoulders hunched and big hands rubbed at his face. Aubrey thought he was acting the role of a child but kept it to herself. Perhaps it was not just mortals that had conservative thoughts on modesty.
“No, not the Guard. Something…else. Whoever they are, they are gathering with speed. I expect them to arrive by morning.”
“Well that's not fucking ominous or anything.” Beca stood and paced the room as she pondered the possibilities. “So what are we talking about here? Minotaurs? Demons? Aliens? Gotta be honest. If it's aliens I think I have to tap out. Because I'm not entirely sure what probing is all about but I'm absolutely certain I won't enjoy it.”
Aubrey unfolded herself from the chaise and gestured regally to the door. She didn't have to speak the command for him to understand he was dismissed. She would rather they discuss this without others there to offer unwanted insight. He started to leave but Beca stopped him with a hand on his arm. To his credit he only flinched a little in surprise. 
“Wait. Uh please. Would it be possible to maybe meet up with the vampires here? I know I'm not the most popular person here but I am here. And um I'm not going anywhere so maybe I should apologize. For earlier.”
Einar looked at her curiously then glanced to Chloe. The redhead inclined her head and he blinked. 
“I will make it so, little Necromancer.” He gave her a small bow and backed away to leave. Einar stopped and looked over a broad shoulder at Beca, still unsure what to make of her but perhaps willing to give her a chance to be more than the boogeyman. “We will gather in the grand hall, whenever you are ready.”
They stood in silence alone for a moment after he had gone before the brunette rocked on her heels.
“I think he likes me.”
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ppeonppeonhan · 1 month
Songs That Remind Me of BL Characters & Couples
@zimmbzon kindly tagged me in their post, prompting me to share the first ten songs in my On Repeat playlist. Highly recommend checking theirs out, because mine is...rather basic. And becauuuuse it's basic, I'm gonna add another layer to this and tell you which BL character or couple perfectly matches the vibe of each song.
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1 | "imperfect for you" by Ariana Grande: This one's off her new "please feel sad for me because even though I'm messy when it comes to love I still have feelings" album. I may have listened to this one "on repeat," because it's just cathartic to two-step to these lyrics: "I'm fucked up / anxious / too much / but I'll love you / like you need me to / imperfect for you." What's that? Self-awareness? Respect. I just know Ming from My Stand-In would have the audacity to sing this to body-swapped Joe.
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2 | "Acid Dreams" by MAX and Felly: Could not tell you who either of these people are but this song is a snap-worthy bop that got me feeling myself every time it comes on -- probably because it opens with: "You look so good in a night gown girl / freckles on your face / lemme kiss each one." This was clearly meant for my generation, because there is not a single human under 30 in possession of a night gown. But Khem from Deep Night would 1,000% use this song to charm the pants off of someone.
3 | "Toco Toco To" by Dixson Waz: I'm Dominican. And even though I understand Spanish, I cannot for the life of me tell you what this man is saying, but I can assure you it is inappropriate. Rated NC-17 without a doubt. And for that reason, I'd pair this song with the entire cast of Playboyy -- just casually playing this in the background of one of their random, impromptu, midday sex parties.
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4 | "Lie to Me" by Meghan Trainor: Obsessed. Not with her. With her music. She has so many non-butt-related songs that are worth a listen. I truly feel like she's underrated -- on par with Ed Sheeran -- and she doesn't get enough credit for it. In this track, she sings: "I don't want the truth / I want you." That sounds exactly like our lovesick boy Nick in Only Friends, thirsting after anti-monogamy Boston like he didn't know better.
5 | "Jealous" by Chris Brown, Lil Wayne, & Big Sean: While it is true that every single person on this track is problematic, including producer DJ Khaled, the swagger is immaculate. Every time it comes on, I, sincerely, close my eyes and just picture BTS's rap line to cleanse the beat. Not gonna miss out on a banger because men are the worst. Anywayyyy, the most jealous character I can think of is Way from Pit Babe, who tried to r-word his "bestie" because he chose a random nerd over him. He fits in well with these clowns.
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6 | "Bounce Back" by Little Mix: The only British pop girl group I've ever intentionally streamed is Spice Girls, but the algorithm clearly thought it meant I'd like this group, and the track that hooked me was one that sampled the iconic Soul II Soul's "Back to Life." Instant replay. Someone I think lives and breathes the mantra "You can have me however you want me / however you need me" is the Sultan of Simp, Karan from Cherry Magic (Thailand). Achi could've asked for a kidney, and he would've delivered. But coming in a close second is obviously Rain from Love in the Air. Payu had to practically beat him off with a stick -- no pun intended.
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7 | "Body" by Loud Luxury and Brando: It's the buildup to the chorus for me -- come to find out many listens later that it's about a guy who is begging a girl to sleep with him because he's been "waiting too long." 🙄 This one very obviously goes to Yuan from Unknown, who damn near disintegrated Qian's clothes the minute he saw even the glimmer of a green light. Talk about a slow build.
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8 | "Into You" by Fabolous feat. Tamia: Back in 2003, rappers used to drop an R&B hit every now and then to remind women that they were romantics. The gaslight kings of the aughts. So in this track, this duo talks about an inexplicable-but-undeniable connection, which only makes me think of Vegas and Pete from KinnPorsche. Those two needed a PowerPoint presentation to explain to their friends and family how they went from hostage situation to star-crossed lovers. But we got nothing -- just good vibes and patricide.
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9 | "i wonder..." by j-hope feat. Jung Kook: Do I miss them? Yes. Will I listen to any BTS track that's easy to Namjoon to? Yes. Now that we got that out of the way: This song is about enjoying the moment and not wasting the good times by dreading the future. And that just screams Be My Favorite to me. Kawi just kept trying to time-travel his way to a hetero fantasy, not realizing his queer happily ever after was standing right in front of him the whole time in the gorgeous form of the eternally patient Pisaeng.
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10 | "MY HOUSE" by Beyoncé: Not to bring up BTS again, but 👀...j-hope would body any choreography set to this song. Without breaking a sweat. And mother would be proud. On this track, the Queen B speaks of once dreaming of the wealth, fame, and stability she has now, and making sure to only keep positive people around her, because love heals. Sailom from Dangerous Romance would certainly relate to having similar dreams and beliefs, and effortlessly exudes equally feisty bad bitch energy. I still can't get over how he disarmed his bully (and future love interest), Kanghan, by basically saying, "You clearly like me. Shut up." And saying it with tongue.
That was fun. 🤸🏿‍♂️
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sapphosclosefriend · 2 years
- Expect the unexpected | P3 -
Pairing: Nerd! Natasha Romanoff x Popular! Fem! Reader
Genre: fluff, smut
Summary: prom is approaching and surprises will occur (P1) (P2)
Word count: 2256
Warnings: bottom! Reader, top! Natasha Romanoff, jealousy from both r and nat, making out, SMUT, fingering (r receiving), clit stimulation (r receiving), slight overstimulation (r receiving), school smex, wanda being kind of a menace.
A/N: this story contains smut so if you're not 18+ DNI. I was finally able to finish this chapter, I don't know why I struggled so much with this (also, I'm apparently only able to write smut at the end of a fic wtf). Anyways, I already have a general outline of chapter 4 in mind but if any of you have some ideas I'd love to hear them! As always, likes, reblogs and comments are very appreciated!! Enjoy <3
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Nat has been tutoring you for the past month and, despite you spending more and more time making out and touching each other instead of actually studying, you can now officially say that you’ve successfully reached the end of the school year with pretty good grades in maths and physics, even higher than what you thought you would be able to achieve. Nat truly is a saviour, she should actually become a teacher of some sort.
With you not being in need of a tutor anymore, your meetings have gone from (not so) purely academic to a mere way to see the other as much as possible, with many hookups, mainly in Nat’s car, where you currently are, going to school with her after spending the night at her house.
People have noticed you and Nat spending more and more time together, talking in the hallways, often sitting next to each other or leaving school together. You are very aware of the rumours of you two being an actual thing and, to be honest, thinking about Nat as your girlfriend actually makes you feel little butterflies in your stomach, flying with more excitement every time you look at her and she gives you her adorable little smile. She’s probably just enjoying your activities together, though, she’s just shy because of the little experience she has.
As you get out of Nat’s car and start walking inside next to her, you notice the subtle glances thrown at the two of you by the other students outside of school, only intensifying as you walk through the hallways headed to class.
To be completely honest, despite being nothing like most of these people, Nat can’t avoid the feeling of pride that comes with knowing that, even if just for a brief period of time and even if not romantically yet, you are hers and she is yours. You feel the same when you remember that you are one of the only people that the tall redhead, who is basically the biggest genius of the school, has ever opened herself to.
With rumours about you two spreading, the number of girls crushing over your smart companion only increased, leaving you a fuming mess anytime some would try to catch Nat’s eye, like in this moment. As you walk through the corridor next to each other, you can clearly notice the two stupid girls from your class smirking at Nat and biting their lips while lowering their gazes with fake shyness, making you feel that rage bursting inside of you, as you see them lightly waving their hands at her. You don’t even notice it when you suddenly reach for Nat’s hand and intertwine your fingers to steadily hold her hand in yours, not seeing how much calmer she gets when you unknowingly give her a source of steadiness in this sea of change. You only spot your hands connecting when it is time for you two to part and for you to leave Nat’s side to get in class. Right before you are able to get in the classroom, still feeling that burning anger deep inside, in a burst of boldness Nat swiftly turns you around and pulls you in to kiss you with so much passion that you can simply forget about everything else, from the girls thirsting over her, to the people in the hallway looking at you two kissing on full display. It is only when the bell rings that you remember where you are and realise that Nat just kissed you, she kissed you in front of the whole school knowing that she could potentially have a great deal of girls right at her feet. It must mean something, right?
Before you can fully part, Nat reaches for your ass and pulls you in for one last kiss, making you smile as you comply while running your hands through her glorious hair. You unfortunately have to leave, but not before leaving a small peck on her lips as a goodbye. Needless to say, you are feeling much better now, your mood has certainly been lifted a bit!
What you don’t see is the prideful glance that Nat throws at the group of porn-addicted guys who have been trying to get in your pants for the past few months, smirking a little when she sees their blown expressions right as she leaves to get to her first class of the day.
You both obviously spend the whole day only thinking about the events of the morning, with you trying to decipher the meaning behind Nat’s actions, and her analyzing any possible connotation behind your apparently positive reaction. School is almost over, but there’s still an important event taking place in a couple of days, the graduates’ prom. People started to ask you to go with them months and months ago, making sure to shoot their shot as soon as possible and secure their date with you, but without any luck. You weren’t even sure you actually wanted to go, so the least thing you could do was go by yourself, without any concern about a date. But that was another you, the you who didn’t know how much of a good person Natasha Romanoff actually is. Yes, you’ve been thinking about asking her to go to prom together for a good couple of days now, but always delaying it.
After spending every lesson relieving what happened in the hallway you make a final decision: you will ask Nat to go to prom as your date right after your last class, before going back home.
Unbeknownst to you, Nat has gone through the same struggles all day and finally decided to do the same with you.
As you hear the final bell ringing, you are finally free to search for Nat, who you almost immediately find heading in your direction. Before you are able to properly greet each other, though, you hear a familiar voice right behind you, calling for you, so, right as you ask Nat to wait for a second, you turn around and find yourself face to face with none other than the famous student body president, Wanda Maximoff, who shamelessly checks you out with a smirk, before complimenting your look. Noticing her gaze not so subtly stuck on your cleavage, and getting more and more impatient to talk to Nat, you try to get her attention and urge her to get to the point.
“So, would you go as my date? You know, in memory of the good old times together..”
You would be lying if you said that the way she lightly bites her lip and looks at you through hooded eyes doesn’t make you feel anything at all, but you’re aware of it just being a physical attraction that the whole school apparently has for her, given her big charm. You actually wouldn’t mind going with her, it’s not like she’s a douchebag, the thing is, even now, with one of the objectively most beautiful people in school asking you to be their date, your mind only goes back to a specific girl who’s still behind you, anxiously waiting for your answer to Wanda.
“I’m sorry Wanda, I’m very honoured but I already have a date..”
As Wanda lets out a surprised “oh”, knowing that you just spent months rejecting any other candidate because you weren’t interested in anyone in particular, what you don’t see is the equally shocked expression on Nat’s face, who, at first, doesn’t even realise you’re basically dragging her through the hallways to get to your special spot, the unused janitor’s closet in the gym.
As soon as you enter the small space and close the door, you push Nat against the wall to desperately attach your lips to hers, needing to feel her right then and there. She pleasantly surprises you when all of a sudden she turns you two around to pin you to the wall and kiss you with more fervour, making your head spin at the feeling of her body pressed against your own after spending the whole day thinking about her. You whine and try to follow her lips when she suddenly pulls back and breaks the kiss to just look at you with a small hint of worry in her eyes. After you ask her if she’s alright, she takes a deep breath and finally asks you the question that’s been plaguing her mind
“You already have a date?”
As your brain is able to function properly once again you realise that the time has finally come
“Not really, but I was planning on asking my date to prom today”
You see so many different emotions go through her expression in one second and, as she settles on what could look like boldness, you can’t help but smile at her next words
“Oh, ok…cause I was gonna ask you to go to prom today..”
“Good, I was gonna ask you to go to prom today as well”
The way you say it so casually makes her brain fully short circuit
“Natasha, would you like to go to prom with me, as my date?”
You don’t think you’ve ever seen her looking more shocked than right now, with her mouth hanging open and wide eyes, not even the first time you successfully solved a physics exercise without any help. She’s only able to murmur a small “yes”, before you cup her cheeks and softly peck her lips to pull her out of her trance, successfully doing so when she abruptly pulls away with furrowed eyebrows to now exclaim it
You once again feel those butterflies in your stomach getting more and more excited as Nat starts kissing you and mumbling small yeses from time to time, making you smile at her reaction and wrap your arms around her neck.
You soon sense the mood shifting, as you feel her hands grabbing your hips a bit more roughly, making you moan out loud at the way she then starts kissing down your neck, surely leaving some noticeable marks behind.
“Nat, please, I need you now, please touch me!”
The desperation you feel for her leaves you gasping for air, even more so when she quickly unbuttons your pants to slip her hand inside of them, running her fingers up and down your slit through your underwear only for a couple of seconds, before she pulls them aside to properly touch you. She’s soon teasingly rubbing your clit and kissing the corner of your mouth, relishing in the way you’re already a panting mess without her properly touching you yet
“Has Wanda ever made you feel like this? Has she ever heard you begging her to touch you?”
The jealousy she’s displaying only makes you moan in her ear as your head spins even more
“No, only you Nat”
As you slowly start getting closer to your orgasm, you kiss the sweet spot on her neck, biting harder than intended when she suddenly enters you with two fingers and letting out a shaky whimper as she waits for a couple of seconds for you to adjust to the intrusion. When she feels you going back to kissing her neck she shallowly starts moving her fingers, focusing on trying to bend them to reach the spot that makes you see stars and successfully finding it in seconds, making your knees buckle. As she gradually speeds up her movements, all she hears are you moans in her ear getting louder and more desperate.
You pull her in to kiss her but soon break it to cry out when the palm of her hand repeatedly rubs your clit, getting you closer to your orgasm in no time, and making you reach your peak so suddenly that it takes all your breath away, leaving you gasping for air and shaking in Nat’s arms, who’s luckily been supporting you from sliding down the wall.
When your breathing has calmed down a bit and you’re able to stand on your legs again, she slides her fingers out of you, only to bring them up to your clit and lightly rub it, spreading your slick all over it. Despite still being sensitive from your recent orgasm, you soon find yourself slightly rolling your hips into her hand, silently asking her to keep going and making her even more eager to get you to your second peak, which you reach without realising it, given your brain is still very much in overdrive, blending together the moments prior to your second orgasm.
This time, you have to fully wrap your arms around Nat’s neck to hold yourself up as you sloppily kiss her, until, after you’ve fully recovered from your peak, she takes her hand out of your pants and breaks the kiss to press her fingertips on your lower lip. You grab her wrist and immediately suck her fingers in your mouth to clean them up, even giving her a show of you taking them all the way down your throat before pulling back and running your tongue around her fingertips, making her let out a low groan at your eagerness and the way you hold eye contact in the meantime.
Once you’re happy with the job you’ve done, you guide her hand under your top and bra, making her touch your boob with her still glistening fingers, before leaning to whisper in her ear
“Let’s get away from here, I wanna show you how much more I can beg for you”
Part 4 coming soon
@tashakink @simpforflorencepugh1 @natalia-quinzel @pancakefan7529 @fxckmiup @yewlina @annalestern
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that-wildwolf · 9 months
how does fanon get Shakarian wrong? 👀👀
I'm gonna start off by saying that I'm a turianfucker too and turians are hot and I get the thirst I get y'all
too many people are attracted to turians and want a turian romance so badly that they ignore Garrus's entire character for the sake of getting a turian romance and just basically strip him down to nothing but his species. People who are into turians and have a primal kink or something, which like. I also get I'm a monsterfucker too that's fun. are also projecting too much of that kink onto turians and Garrus specifically because Garrus is just unlucky enough to be the romance option. People write a generic alien/human relationship while ignoring most of what the Shakarian dynamic looks like in canon because. Well I actually don't know why. But the amount of turian/human fics, and yes, Shakarian too, that include some kind of "turians are a bit feral or actually aggressive/possessive" take is terrifying. Have we played the same games? Turians are literally described over and over as uptight having a stick in their ass sticklers for the rules. Garrus is an awkward nerd who doesn't know how to flirt with his girlfriend. Even when he he does the evil he does it in the most rule-obedient way possible. He's a mess and he relies on Shepard a bit too much especially in the first two games. This man is NOT the growly dominant alien character insert you want him to be I'm sorry. Turians have 15,000 more years of civilisation than humans. They are not going to be feral creatures just because they have sharper teeth. The human would be the primitive uncivilised alien in a turian/human relationship if you need someone to fill that role (also, why would you?).
Not to mention Shepard being treated as a self-insert which is. well it is a lot more forgivable in my eyes, but even as an RPG PC, Shepard still has a lot of distinct character. I think this is the first time since playing The Walking Dead that I've seen a player character with such a strong personality despite the genre forcing her to be different things.
To be fair I think a lot of the problems with fanon characterization of not only Shakarian but pretty much everyone who gets commonly mischaracterized (look at the woobification of Tali) could be fixed by regularly checking back in with the source material instead of, which I understand and can also be guilty of sometimes, immersing yourself in more and more layers of fanfic until you can't tell apart the fanon Shakarian from the canon Shakarian.
Dishonourable mentions (things that aren't common bad fandom practice but bother me personally): sub Shepard and actually worse yet dom Garrus, any AU where Garrus is a human (like??? lmao. his entire personality and conflict is driven by him being a turian, that is so central to his character that I can't imagine why you would take that away and think that's the same person), Shakarian retiring to the beach (Garrus said tropical. He didn't say beach. He hates swimming he would drown save him)
Also obviously this should go without saying, but there are TONS of great fanfics about Shakarian out there. This is just a list of what people get wrong that I wrote in like ten minutes on my phone sitting on the floor in my kitchen. It's not some magic truth scroll of fandom transgressions. Also obviously everyone is free to interpret fictional characters however they want even if it's different from the source material. Sometimes ignoring canon is better, trust me. Do whatever you want and don't let me spoil your fandom experience for you.
But yeah
TL;DR: I think that Shakarian and Garrus in particular suffers a lot from Garrus being the only turian romance in the games.
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bigwishes · 2 years
I wish I was your ideal man with the body and personality to match
So you want to go and transform into my perfect man? Well you are in for a treat, or at least I'm in for a treat. 😈
First off it is no secret to anyone that I like size. I like men and I like em big, I hope you wanted to become a bodybuilder because you sure as hell are gonna be one.
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You asked for a personality to match so lets start working on that. First we will replace all your ambitions with gaining size. Its been your dream ever since you could remember to get big, gain size. Bigger means hotter. You also wanted to be with another bodybuilder but we will get to that later.
Whats the next part of your personality shift? well it involves, swords, fighting and story telling. That's right not only are you massive, but you're a massive fucking nerd. Don't get two exited, you aren't smart just dorky and nerdy. You love video games but that's not what makes you a nerd, what makes you a nerd is your love for.....
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D&D! thats right, not a lot of people know this about me but I'm a big dungeons and dragons player and being my ideal guy you'd be one too, although its one thing to play D&D and its another to get caught playing with a prop sword by your boyfriend.
But lets get on to the final few changes. You're gonna love competing, alongside your boyfriend of course. A nice healthy rivalry to keep the relationship fresh, constantly pushing each other to get bigger, sending each other thirst traps from the gym whilst the other is at work. Its guaranteed you'd both be in first and second but as to who takes what depends on how hard you worked posed in the comp.
But there is one last thing we need to talk about. The reason why you wanted to date another bodybuilder...
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You're a needy slut for size and strength. You wanted to be massive but you also want a guy to pick you up like your 300 pound body weighs nothing. You want to be throw against a wall. You want to be objectified in your poser, have it pulled to the side and get railed by the bloke bigger than you and then to finish off the day, roll over into the armpit of your boyfriend and fall asleep to his musk.
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pinkanonwrites · 27 days
PIIIIIINK-! Hi. Hello. Greetings. Salutations.
Me need help.
I am happy to report that I've finished Transformers: Prime, and suffice to say, I've gained quite the boatload of knowledge from it as well as help from TinyDefector' Human Effects Continuation, and from your ever-so-patient assistance as well.
I happen to really like Knock Out- I don't know why, but his presence and overall influence and mannerisms within the series awakens something in me. Maybe it's because he's both a goof and a total nerd at the same time-? I don't know.
Currently, I'm trying to read the Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye comic series. While there are plenty sites containing content available in the internet that can satiate my thirst, I can't seem find find any websites that allow me to download Volumes 1-10 for free-
So, I was hoping that you know of some sites that allow me to download the MTMTE Series for free?
Oh! And before I forget, I also wanted to thank you for all the help you've done to me thus far.
Exploring this vast fan base was quite a joy, and YOU, as well as many others, are quite the darlings when a sparkly-eyed stranger comes knocking on your door and asks questions you so eagerly answered with finesse.
That would be all, Bye!
Oh my gosh HIIIIIIII!!!! Great to hear from you! I'm glad you've been enjoying your venture into Transformers so far! Now I can't speak for downloads, as I read MTMTE online on the Read Comic Online website. It'll probably be easier to read it there than it would be to find any downloads of it. (Just to note I have no idea if there's a pop-up issue with this website, as I use Adblocker.)
There's an alternative method too, but it's a little clumsy. If you open the individual volumes of the comic on Read Comic Online and wait until all the pages have loaded, you can hit Ctrl+P to open the Print menu. That will reduce the website page down to the individual image files for printing purposes. But instead of printing, you can just save the files as a PDF to your PC. It won't be perfect (each page will have the big white outline of the website) but that's definitely an option if you prefer to have them downloaded. Just make sure you don't accidentally print them, that'd waste a LOT of good ink!
If there are any other MTMTE fans out there who have an idea, please leave a reply or reblog on this post!
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saetoshis · 1 year
[‹ ABOUT ›] i started this new blog in around september, and we already have over 1k followers and sooo many lovely mutuals from not only this account but my past one! and i adore you all SO MUCH, this is just me spewing my love and thoughts into one giant post 🤗 // if i forgot you PLEASE let me know and i'll add you :') i have soo many mutuals i need to keep track sobs!
[‹ EXTRAS ›] if you can, listen to the song! i just think it rlly ties into how i feel from a musical standpoint sob! im a music nerd excuse me ahksla
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MY SWEET VLYNN ! i not only adore your writing but also your formatting, it's so pleasing to the eye :') i find your energy soothing and bright - your confidence radiates to me and i always absolutely adore seeing you on dash! we don't interact too much but i hope we can more in the future :)
LOLA LOLA LOLA BABY ! you've been here since diaphanoso snifle i adore you sooo much ! everything you post i go "that's so real" in my head, i adore your creativity and you have such a strong sense of morals which i admire :') i'm soo glad to have gotten close to u ! let's keep thirsting over aether and each other more next year ehehe
LINAAA even tho we are new moots i literally love ur energy on dash.. it's kinda bright and chaotic and SOO funny ! your theme actually makes me wanna take a bite out of ur acc if that makes sense jaksdla BUT i legit adore your energy (esp in tags omfg they make me die) and hope we can interact n thirst sooo much more next year :)
BAKI OMGFGKJF baki i stg. you make me LOSE MY MIND every time you post.. it's either making me choke from laughing so hard or actually dying from the MM M MM OH SO YUMMY thirsts ! you had me at toji n i was like i have to follow RN. BUT STOP i adore ur energy it's like bright chaos it makes me feel SOOO FULL OF GOOD ENERGY :) let's thirst over toji in jjk s2 next year :P
MY SWEET LALAA ! your fics literally bring me to my KNEESSS i adore the way you write especially bachira, n you're always putting me on to new chars and animes like hellsing :') i love your creativity and how you're always thinking of creative blog names n themes i adore them all !! gimme even more chars to thirst over in 2023 :)
ARES i dont think u understand how much i adore seeing u on dash like. even the controversial posts i'm like "stop thats so real" like everything u say i agree with. the energy is like.. chaotic chill I LOVE IT it feeds my soul :') i cant wait for more moshares interactions n maybe irl eheheheh :)
cadie dont get me started. HALAHAKAKA i literally love u like i am in love w you :') you're my bright lil light on dash n i swear when i see u in notifs im like "I CAUGHT U !" you're such a like.. precious soul to me i just wanna hug u snifle !! you remind me of warm hugs yesyes that is ur energy to me!! my sweet cadie snifle I MUST SEE U MORE ON GENSHIN N DASH NEXT YEAR :)
ARLO ! SOGLO ! BUNLO ! omgongog you might not know but i swear u have an influence on me ! your energy is so like .. calm but attractive if that makes sense snifle ! the 'nodnodnod' n use of 'soggy' has captured me i swear ! now im always saying soggy ! but i rlly love seeing u on dash n ur like.. my biggest scara association if that makes sense ! i wanna see evennn more scarlomouche all 2023 :')
MY BABY MY WIFE my BEAAAUTIFUL WIFE ! nymph / kk / kirei my absolute babe. my beloved since diaphanoso .. my biggest kyo n gyo n tengen thirst partner ehehe ! your energy is like omgog warm and chaotic I ADORE U ! every time i rewatch kny n see kyo im like 'yeah that's my wife's man' ehehekekej I HOPE TO THIRST OVER KNY EVENNN MORE WITH U ! one day ill finish bleach n catch up to all ur faves :)
PARADIS ! omgomg i swear we haven't interacted much sobs BUT I WANNA MORE ! you give me suuuch calm sweet energy on dash :') I ALWAYS ADOREEE your formatting your brain is just like WHOAA so special so creative ! i can't wait to see more pretty colors on dash from u ehehe AND HOPEFULLY EVEN MORE INTERACTIONS IN 2023 !
ZENNN ZENZEN ! omg we rlly have not interacted much but stop. i adore ur navi SO MUCH I WANNA EAT IT ? like does that make sense? prob not BUTASLASAL STOP STOPP. i love ur interactions w toji's rp blog i love seeing just like. no shits given layin everything out ahaklaa BUT ! i hope to see more feral shit on dash from u AND MORE INTERACTIONS TOGETHER NEXT YEAR :)
KATTAKSDHKAL KAT MY BABY ! my lil genshin buddy snifle ! i not only adore ur writing but i just ADORE U ! you're my lil kit kat sob :') i hope tumblr fkn unflags u someday HAKAKA it is ridiculous how much i miss u here ! but im glad i have u on genshin n hopefully we can share more lil leaks n show off tcg n showcases to each other next year ehehkeeke !
my love my light my literal best friend :') I SRSLY DONT KNOW WHAT ID DO WITHOUT YOU TO TALK TO :(:(((:(:(( nana bun HAKDAL grammy bun i miss u SOOO BAD ! WE NEED TO CATCH UP RN. like HOP ON DISC RN ! i am kissing u my sweet, soulful-energied baby! i could cry ! ahdkalsda BUT LETS MEET UP AGAIN N THIRST OVER GYOMEI AGAIN IN 2023 !
OMFGHKLASDKLAAAA ZARI STOP. bro it's been like 2 days of being mutuals but STOP I LOVE SEEING U ON DASH I LOSE MY MIND ! your energy omfg. it's irreplaceable i stg ! the feral thirsts, the thoughts u put in my tinie head ! ill go insane one day I SWEAR ADKASL im gonna bite u 24/7 in 2023 :')
JEM MY SWEET THING ! you are my biggest daichi association ever ! every time i see anything haikyuu/daichi related im like STOP I WONDER IF JEM HAS SEEN THIS OMG ! you have like calm chaotic but also bright energy snifle ! i hope to see more daichi fics n interactions in 2023 :))
omg HALEYYEHKALDSA stop stop ! i adore how you write not only tendou but all characters snifle ! your theme caught my eye so hard n im sooo glad i clicked follow sob ! you are such a sweet, bright soul on dash to me !! you also put me on SOO much good haikyuu art i adore it :') i cannot WAIT for more tendou fics n art n interactions next year :P
azrael my beloved my pretty thing ! u get me like u just GET ME yk? i feel like we're aligned or smth ! every time i interact with you im just thinking "mm m mm azrael gets it!" I MISS SEEING U ON DASH I NEED MORE AZRAEL THOUGHTS ! im yelling at yukimiya to give u sum kisses for the new year :P
REINEAKJSDKLA reine my baby. I SWEAR U DONT UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH RESPECT N ADMIRATION I HAVE FOR UR TALENT ! you're such a sweet soul too i can't help but smile when i see "MOSHI" randomly in my disc notifs asdklalad !! you have such a gifted, creative, beautiful mind to me ! i cannot wait for more art n selfship drawings n silly lil dms in 2023 :)
SOSAAAA every time i see u on dash legit love sosa plays in my head ! your energy omfg it cannot be replicated. it's SOOOO GOOD and the way u reblog asks n check up on ur moots is SOO SWEET ILL CRY ! youre the sweetest brightest lil light on this app :') I NEED MORE FERAL UNCENSORED SOSA THOUGHTS ASAP ! i hope to see evennn more next year eheeheke
FAWN FAWN FAWN BABY ! i adore ur acc sm omfgklf i also LOVE that u post abt lesbian culture n ur lil thoughts on genshin women esp lisa ! you're such a strong presence n it's sooo like... energetically warm to me !! i just adore seeing ur reblogs n thoughts spewed out on dash ! i hope we can interact EVEN MORE IN 2023 ! kisskiss to u :)
omg jen ASKALLAAAA my baby my baby omg ! my sweet thing i treasure you SO MUCH ! your feral unhinged uncensored thoughts on dash r sooo sooo contagious i stg ! every time i see u horny post im like oh. OH OHHH oh. OHH yeah oh right oh! HAKHSA but i srsly love ur sweet n caring energy you are one of the just most.. precious people ive met here ! i hope for more thirsts n interactions n LOVE with you next year !
MARI. i see like everything u put out on dash n i think to myself "thats so real" like ur brain is sooo intriguing to me.. IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT ! you have like neutral chaotic energy and im always like "i wanna peek in ur brain even more" ! but i will legit NEVER forget that satosugu fic you wrote where getou was gone and it was reader + satoru and getou like came to them in a dream sorta situation?? OMG THAT FIC CHANGED MY LIFE it was my first time reading an angsty fic ahdkala but i LOVED IT ! but anyways that was long omgomg i cant wait to see more peeks of ur brain this next year :P
VIVA VIVAAAA your energy on dash actually makes me smileomgomg i think to myself "viva n cyno" all the time like u are sooo associated with him in my brain ! i love love LOVE your writing style sm, n the cyno content is TOP tier to me ! youre so funny your energy is just so bright to me ! but i hope to see even moreee viva n cyno next year n hopefully even more interactions ! :)
MY BABY JUJU ! omgomg every time i see jjk or getou art im like "WAIT HAS JUJU SEEN THIS?" you're like the sweetest lil bean to me ! i adoreeee adore you n MISS U ! WE NEED TO GET BACK INTO JJK ANALYSIS AGAIN ! i miss talking abt the chapters w you ! i am giving u a warm squishy hug rn cuz i miss u soooo much ! i hope for more jjk/getou brainrot n thirsts in 2023 :)
ZEHR MY LOVE MY LIGHT MY BABY ! i miss you SOOO MUCH STOP ! you are the fkn funniest person on this app i am SOO SERIOUS ! your energy is so warm and chaotic and the feral unhinged tags FEED MY SOUL ! you make me choke from laughing so hard i will cry ! i miss u zehr bear ! i am hugging u virtually :)
OMGOGM DAE ! my tengen brainrot buddie ehehehe every time i see itto or tengen art/fics im like stop it rn where is dae ! im falling back into my tengen phase again so expect a lot in ur inbox ehehhe ... you have such sweet energy on dash like seeing u in my inbox makes me SMILE SO HARD ! i adore u baby n i hope for amazing things AND SOME MORE TENNIE BRAINROT NEXT YEAR !
KELS KELS ! u feed me soooo well with the jjk art reblogs n haikyuu / jjk fics ! i will die adkasladh you have calm n bright energy to me ! i associate u sooo hard with yuuji (prob from the prev. username hehe) ! but you remind me of the feeling of hot coffee on a cold day if that makes sense.. like soothing n cozy :') I CANT WAIT FOR MORE FICS N INTERACTIONS THIS NEXT YEAR ! kisskiss for u kels !
ABBYYADHJADKAD stop i miss u so much ! even tho i dont know shit about marvel or that stuff?? i will always read anything u write cuz i ADOREEE IT SM ! whenever i see u pop into my inbox w a lil meme i smile soo hard eeek ! i hope school is treating u well n ur doing AMAZING ! n if not i hope that next year brings u the amazing vibes that you deserve :) i love u abby ehekeke
NYMPH NYMPH my kny food distributor ehehekee i stg my fav muzan fic is that muzan + koku fic u wrote from WAAAY back when ! i miss u sosososo much ! i hope life is treating u well ! i miss interacting so bad ahakalaa !! im giving u 365 kisses so every day of next year is a good one :)
bruh omg xel i literally think u are the funniest person i have ever met in my entire life HAKAKAKAAA like. i genuinely lose my shit every time u post ESP ABT KISHIBE ILL DIE RN THINKING ABT IT ! but you have such warm n happy energy it makes my soul feel soooo full ! i cant wait for more WEIRD kishibe thoughts n yummy thirsts next year :P
OMGOMG APOLLO my baby pollo ! i am sooo glad to have u as a mutual stop omgog ! you have like omg. the most precious energy ive ever felt thru a screen HASKDAAA you're so warm and inviting and bright it makes me feel right at home !! your fics are so amazing and the way u push out content is so admirable ! i adore u and i hope for even moreee interactions in 2023 :')
SNOW OMFAKSDJKALAAA you and xel are like.. the most ridiculously hysterical duo ive ever experienced in my life ! interacting w you guys on diaphanoso was INSANE i loved the kny brainrot sm ! you're the sweetest little precious soul ive ever met ! ill cry thinking abt it omgoggn i love playing genshin w you and teaching u all kinds of things ! i cant wait to play n interact even more !!!
CHERRY MY BELOVED MI BEBECITA ! MI CORAZON ! i love your energy so much like your sense of justice and bright, loud + confident personality makes me feel SOO GOOD i admire u a lot ! you always feed me with sooo many kny thirsts i ADORE U ! i am hugging u soooososo tight and i hope 2023 is AMAZING FOR U !
VAL OMGLAKSDAAAA VAL VAL ! i see u writing bleach i promise one day ill watch it all n catch up with you :') your energy is so positive and loving, i can feel it through the screen i swear ! you make me feel right at home, and i love that we've stayed mutuals through my blog switch and after around a year ! im sending all my good energy to you for this next year :'))
BRUH AHKLAAAA BELLA GTFO i love you. everything u put out on dash makes me fucking DIE LAUGHING STOP ! youre like one of my most precious mutuals from diaphanoso omgogm you've influenced me to be more confident n loud on dash hhehehee I ADORE U ! i cannot wait for more belloshi interactions n thirsts in 2023 :)
DONDONDON I WILL CRY RN ! you are soo close to my heart my beloved ! if i could speak french id put a cute little french term of endearment but alas i am. not there yet :') snifle you make me feel SOOO safe and warm. i adore your heart and your preciousness it makes me emotionalahdkaaaa but i cannot wait for more don + moshi time this next year :')
SLEEPY SLEEPS MY BABY ! you make me smile so hard when i see u in my inbox, you're always putting me onto new chars and it has me GASPINGAJSKAA i love your energy it's soft, like a warm hug and sleepy cuddles !! i cannot wait for more interactions n PLSPLSSS gimme some more chars to thirst over with you next yearhehehe
PURPLE my baby my love ! my mutual since diaphanoso ! i adore your sensitivity and brightness, youre such a precious person to me and i just genuinely admire your soul ! i loveee the law art reblogs you put out, they feed me sooo well :') and your emergency requests i adore so much! you are such a beautiful person to me ! ill cry omgogm ! but i hope the new year brings you nothing but good things ! you deserve it all :))
NEPPY NEP ! my bf since diaphanoso :') i adore your bright n confident energy SO MUCH ! your big biggg heart makes me soo so easily comfy and happy with you !! you have so much confidence and i swear it's contagious :) i cant wait for more genshin + moshtune interactions this next year ! i am sending u all my thirsty n positive energy !!
BROOOAKAKAKAA stop stop. dont get me started ill tear up ! emmie oomfghfgf i literally am in love with u ! youre my best friend stop stop ! you make me feel so safe and comfortable like i rlly dont feel that way with a lot of ppl ! you have such a bright heart and just warm energy ITS SO CONTAGIOUS. ur so contagious im sniffling ! we must have more emmoshi interactions ! i am giving u all my motivation n energy for 2023 :')
JES OMGOMG ! i swear youve been sticking around w me for SOOO LONG like almost 2 years?? i think?? but SOB your energy is so bright to me i adore talking to u sm :') there's always tea to spill n its sooo investinghahakak but i cannot wait for more memories n interactions w you ! you are my go-to for fnaf fics ALWAYS ill always put people onto you when they ask for jjk / fnaf recs ehehheeh
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2022 SAETOSHIS. thank you all for the memories, craziness, love n hugs! i adore u all! // all credits for music go to animenz on youtube, song performed: kimiiro signal - saekano: how to raise a boring girlfriend OP
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dian-mian · 1 year
⚠️ Spoiler for Earthspark ⚠️
I just finished watching the newest episodes and I can't wait for the rest of them! The show continues to exceed my expectations with how well written all the main characters are shown, especially the Malto family, as well as the plot of each episode that are so engaging to watch, the fight scenes, all it was just MUAH 🥰🥰 (My comments don't go in an order of episodes lmfao)
They've tackled a number of topics normally I wouldn't see it being addressed like racism, xenophobia, generation related trauma (Thrash being upset that the new generation of Terrans are "facing problems caused by the previous generation and the expectations to clean up their messes"), gender identity (how alt modes are very tied to their identity) and omfg they include some other messed up shit like bots fighting in the arena to get energon (Sounds very familiar hmmm) and hint hint of Mandroid becoming more mechanical??? ALSO GHOST IS GROWING EVEN MORE SUS ESPECIALLY WITH AGENT CROFT I HATE HER ALR I WANNA KILL HER
AND NIGHTSHADE AND TARANTULAS,,, bunch of science nerds can relate ifhkdnksj,, I would die happy if Tarantulas can make a comeback to see Nightshade again and be his second papa like how Wheeljack is second papa to Twitch 🥺🥺❣️💕
My boy Jawbreaker,, I really love how he wasn't forced to choose an altmode so soon and it just going to get a lot more impactful when he finally scans an altmode that he feels is right for him! He so autistic coded and I luv it when Megatron and Elita explained to him how they got their alt modes and what it meant for them (ELITA SOFTIE MOMENT IS JUST 😭😭💞💕💞💕💞)
God, the dynamic of the Malto bots is just so super wholesome and so tightly knitted, but Twitch grew up too fast,, They all need fucking therapy, especially Hashtag my poor girl 😭
I fucking hate Mandroid with a passion, he's so hateable and punchable and killable
I wont be talking about that mutatued horror of a bear also is that fucking allowed in a kids show???
I dont know how, but Bumblebee dangling and restrained while his energon is drained is... Making me feel something. Also, he and Breakdown...
I cried and eyed so hard at that slowed down scene where Breakdown through Bumblebee and they both starin at each other like... 👁👁🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈?
I am a huge Optimus stan, so I have a bit of bitterness at the fact that throughout 11-18, he was barely involved. Like
God, I love Optimus as a whole, even in this show but he seems so... Distant? I mean, I'm not hating the writers and animators for the lack of Optimus screentime, it's just me being a bit salty (Though I am a Megatron simp too at this point so my thirst has been at least quenched by him). I really hope there's more screentime of him (Especially him and Megatron becuz first few episodes the both were lowkey 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈) and we get a bigger picture of his role in the show in the future episodes. He barely talks to the Maltos and the Terrans, he's barely seen anywhere in the recent episodes, hell where the hell was he when the jailbreak happened???
Tldr; Love the show so much, but where's fucking Optimus
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The more I think about this, the more potential I see actually, but I tend to get carried away so I'm coming to someone who seems way more realistic than me to help me either put this to rest or tell me this is the beginning of something interesting.
So, at first I was mostly joking with that reply but then I got to thinking: hmm, you know what, what if? What if there was a group of Na'vi that isolates themselves from the rest of the Na'vi of Pandora, moving around where they see fit, and this isolation (thus leading to things like an almost completely separate language if we're going off of the xenolinguistic theory that the Na'vi's shared language with only dialects in terms of variance stems from their oral culture passed down and clan-to-clan communication, of which these particular Na'vi would have no access to given their isolated lifestyle) is rooted in how they see Eywa differently.
To them, Eywa is known as Eesih, and Eesih represents the keeper of balance (just like with regular Eywa) but through a colder means. Eeish is the giver of shape and instinct, instilling in everyone a role to help balance on Pandora. She is the creator of all you need to survive (the innate instinct to eat, drink, breathe) and through this need to survive balance is kept. However, there is no "for death, there is life" thing that Eywa has going on (like how Na'vi populations stay in healthy shape). Eeish does not care how many die and how many live, so long as there is still balance. All energy comes back to Eeish eventually (seeing as Eeish is the earth, etc) and that is the balance of things. Things can be ruined, populations decimated, but through Eeish all of its creations' instincts to survive will ensure balance is restored no matter what. Eeish gives you the knowledge needed to survive, but she will not help you. She will not guide you or love you. She is there solely for balance.
Aside from Eeish, these Na'vi also acknowledge Craih. For now Craih is, in the most simple of ways I can describe, the soul. Eeish creates all and keeps balance, but Craih is what makes it all unique. What gives true memories, likes, interests, personality. Craih is not any sort of "deity" like Eywa, more so just an abstract concept that is deeply rooted in these Na'vi's beliefs. They refer to is as if it were a proper noun because it is. It's them. (Oh yeah, and in the language of these Na'vi, Eeish translates to something like "life-mother" and Craih translates to something like "self-mother", hence the shared root 'ih'. *the language nerd inside me is loving this too much*)
Anyway, Eeish's influence is clear when you take a look at how they live (as of rn): wild in a sense, with very little in the way of clothing (even by Na'vi standards) and very little in the way of weaponry besides a (truly intricate and impressive) array of knifes used for hunting and such. They do not make homes, instead sleeping in nature (think camping but your partner forgot to bring the tent, the sleeping bags, and pretty much everything else). They hunt when they're hungry, drink when they're thirst, etc. They tend to hunt smaller things because they want to eat quickly and move on. They have very little in the way of actual possessions. Their cooking is (for the most part) brisk and meant to fill their stomachs far more than taste good. Shit like that. I'm also toying around with the idea that instead of ikrans or pa'li or anything like that, they keep nantangs (can we tell I'm yearning for a Pandora equivalent to the early dog while drawing inspiration for my earlier viperwolf idea?)
I imagine that one of these Na'vi is wandering around and finds Quaritch practically torn apart by viperwolves and barely able to breathe. The last thing he says is "Spider", much to his/her (I don't want to decide yet or else I'm just going to get more invested) confusion but upon further exploration the Na'vi discovers Spider and takes him in.
Thus, the story begins :D
(Can you tell this is a mixture of everything I love? Language clashing, philosophy/religious clashing, general way-of-life clashing. I feed off of this stuff too much I swear.)
Haha never let someone tell you your ideas aren't realistic or to put something to rest you are passionate about! Some of the best things out there started out as the speculative or experimental, go for it!
This idea is super cool! There are elements of canonical Na'vi clans, for example the Olangi were nomads before their genocide and I feel like I see some interpretations of the Ash Clan in your vision of their idea of Eywa (I keep recommending it but check out Please be kind, please be gentle and their version of the Ash Clan as almost fully outcasts and the ritual of sacrificing people to the volcano for Eywa to keep it dormant).
Anyways, I think translation theory and specifically linguistics are fascinating to think about in this world, this idea much more closely resembles out own, whereas Pandora is a smaller planet with a connected neural network; meaning every clan has the same base religion and language and their differences come from evolutionary changes. I think it's a super cool idea, and if you wrote more about it I certainly would be invested!
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bcbdrums · 9 months
Dr. Drakken also confuses me. In the first episode he is her arch-foe but then in a few more episodes Kim is meeting him for the first time. Is this just a mistake or is that important to the plot? And I see in fanart that a lot of people are thirsty for him but he is like a middle-aged zombie geek or something?
ohhkay lol i'll assume you're the same newbie who asked about Shego's powers?
looks like you're in season one. okay so the episodes did not air chronologically. you need to watch in production order. the best way to find that is to go on wikipedia, (not KP wiki just wiki), and it will have a column in the episode list for production order. things like 101, 102, 103 etc etc... follow THAT order for watching the show. until you get to the movie "So the Drama" which is listed incorrectly. watch that at the very end of season 3. then after So the Drama you watch season 4.
that's the best way to watch it, i think fandom generally agrees. someone can correct me if i'm wrong.
meanwhile, as you watch the show... well, i don't want to spoil things. but Drakken is often played for comic relief yes, but i'll put it to you... think about it... actually pay attention to his scheming, his execution... and think about this question... if not for Kim, would that plan have succeeded?
and no he's not a zombie lol, just has an aesthetic. and is he a geek? yes. so is james possible. so is wade. what's wrong with being a nerd? if the only wrong with it is that he's a bad guy, well...
and as for people thirsting after him? personally i like the villain get-up, but take that off and put him in regular clothes. which the show does more than once, you shall see. we even get him shirtless, with his hair down... Dr. D. brings the goods, just saying. just cuz his overall vibe is a 9 year old boy who didn't take his ADHD meds at school doesn't mean fandom can't see the potential.
keep an open mind, dear newbie. i did. i have friends who can tell you about convos years ago where i said, "i just don't find drakken attractive." one can change one's mind, haha.
thanks for the ask, and happy watching :)
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zaiban2989 · 1 year
BNHA S2 Ep14 - About Deku
Ok hi guys, this is just a fucking appreciation post about my baby Deku (I'll probably find a way to tie it up with some bkdk knowing me lol)
This is the episode where Deku is at Gran Torino for his 1-week internship. Amidst the obvious funny parts of Gran Torino acting like an old grampa when he's sharp as fuck, what's interesting is when you stop and think about how this is one of the significant steps for Izuku to master OFA, but I don't think we talk enough about it, you know?
Like Gran Torino says, Izuku has great "analysis and prediction" skills, we've seen this from the first season, with his obsession over heroes and his notebooks and how that helped shape his thinking and make him literally think outside the box (flexible with his thinking, I mean how many would have been able to put together that fucking "Save Kacchan" plan when he got kidnapped? Or during Heroes Rising when he's the one strategising the whole defence/attack against Nine and everyone fucking listens to him aaaah my baby is so fucking brilliant 💚😭). It's no wonder it takes him less than a day to figure out how to use OFA not like something that needs to be activated but instead as a "normal" quirk which needs to run through his whole body.
The thing that is interesting though is to be able to see his thought process about all of it, it makes it so much more remarkable to realise how he puts two and two together (he's still a fucking 15-year-old kid, that's impressive if you stop to think on it for a sec) and you see him, once again, working hard to fucking try and perfect it. He's putting in all the fucking work he has to to be able to only master OFA a little bit and that's just so fucking amazing. When you compare this to everyone else in the class who had all those years to discover their quirks, what they can and cannot do, the limitations and dangers from using it etc. and then Izuku who literally had it for what, two months top? I mean, this is insane to see him level up (yeah I'm using All Might's analogy when Deku/Baku face him for the exam) that quickly (dhjepoezl no wonder Kacchan fucking got pissed when he saw this - his little nerd already catching up when he himself has been wasting his time, yeah that must have hit hard).
So yeah, Deku is a fucking beast now (in the latest season) but it's because he actually put in all the fucking work and it shows. Just like how he trained for 10 months to be able to swallow OFA - and that's also something we don't talk enough about. AND THAT'S A THIRST APPRECIATION RIGHT THERE BECAUSE HAVE YOU SEEN IZUKU'S MUSCLES DEFINITION IN THAT FUCKING EPISODE?!!!!!! Our baby cinnamon roll is hot af and you cannot tell me otherwise 👇🏼 (also OFA green lightning ouufff 🥵)
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*drops mic*
Ps: I said I'd put some bkdk in here, so: when Izu is thinking about how "stiff" he is and how to be more flexible what does he think of? Fucking Kacchan dhqdmqmq, Kacchan's moves during their first fight and yeah lol Another kind of "WWKD" moment lmao #izukuisobsessed
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keepofkandrakar · 3 months
W.I.T.C.H. Character Headcanons (bc I say so)
So for those of you who don't know, I'm creating a rewrite of W.I.T.C.H. on Wattpad. It will essentially be if it were given a live action adaptation with a standing total of 60 episodes (5 seasons; 12 episodes per season). These headcanons all apply to said rewrite -- I have my Wattpad linked on my blog so go check it out!
Irma is canonically a Latina lesbian, that's zero debate, however I specifically headcanon her as Guatemalan.
Taranee and Peter Cook are canonically blasian! The Cooks are out here representing the blended families! I will be taking no arguments or criticisms!
I read a post a while ago about how every other fantasy world is based on Medieval Europe, Metamoor/Meridian being one of them and I was like "you know what would be cool? if instead Metamoor was based on Ancient Indian culture." so that's what I did and now Elyon and Phobos are ethnically Indian (Elyon's new name is Elyon Bhandari and I can't think of it as anything else now) (plus Metamoor is actually ten times more interesting with the amount of lore I'm creating for it).
sidenote: I need it to be known that Elyon will also be serving as the vice president of the Sheffield Student Government/Student Council to foreshadow her queenliness and she's also a book girly and she has initiative and Phobos is actually clever enough in his manipulation tactics for Elyon to not question everything until the last couple days leading up to her coronation. I wanted the queen to serve.
Everyone imagine real quick (cartoon) Matt Olsen as a black man. I don't know how I started picturing him black but now I cannot stop because it just works! We need a black lead guitar/lead singer of a rock band everyone will be making thirst edits over who is also humble kind sweet loyal loving-- And can I just say he would look sexy hot with the Shagon dreads! You cannot change my mind on this!
Kio Cyr is literally Eric Lyndon! I found an image with him in a NASA t-shirt and I was like "that's him folks!" Though, I do specifically headcanon Eric as Filipino.
Alchemy is now Alchemy Torres and she's a chem/bio nerd with an affinity for puzzles. I'm still figuring her out but she will gain more importance in S2.
I made a crackship out of Nashter (one of the Runics from the 100% WITCH arc) and Taranee and now it's very very serious. Not only does he have a British accent (do not ask) but he and Taranee are basically a detective duo/partners-in-crime turned besties in S3, which corresponds with the Crisis on Both Worlds arc which means angsty Taranee which means incredible banter between a smartass and a flirt.
And when I tell you that Nashter is the only white Runic I mean it: Darmon is lighter skin black, Shalin is Asian of some sort (specific region TBD), Cromo is dark skin black, and Ran-Rah is indigenous af.
Caleb lowkey is giving indigenous energy? I've barely touched him but the farthest I've gotten is that I saw one fanart of Caleb if he were on Phobos' side originally and now he has a whole defection arc in S1 from head of Phobos' guard to rebel leader in addition with angsty C&C so there's that going for us.
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