#I'm just giving out more info about her than the actual post 😔
russelross68 · 1 year
fbacc oc reweal đŸ„č
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First pic I did of her!
hwer name is Delaney sladkiy
She's a Russian transfer student
And is mainly a loner who only wants to just do good in school
and is attention starved but is in denial of that
Still workin' oh her so here she is for now.
If ya wanna do fanart, ideas, or ships that aren't creepy as hell you can feel free too!
I'll come out with more info on her in the near future
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crescentfool · 2 years
hi! do you perhaps have more thoughts on your p3 actor au? cause I cannot for the life of me stop thinking about it
i hope you're having a wonderful day!! 💖
hi anon, i hope you didn't mind the wait for me to answer this ask! wanted to put some thought into it 🙏
for the p3 actor au i think these could be some fun thoughts. mostly blooper/cut-content oriented because i'm that kind of person:
elizabeth's actress is one of those people who literally lives their role (nearly identical to it), even when the cameras aren't rolling. i love thinking about SEES hanging out and they're like "you know we aren't filming, right?" (but they appreciate her quirky nature)
minato's actor sometimes brings his switch to set and may play it during his break times. i like to think that at some point his headphones accidentally unplug while he's playing and then whatever scene going on needs to be refilmed because there was a "WOOMY" noise in the background.
i think that aigis and ryoji's actors should be best friends, actually. as a treat. this is self-indulgent of me, really. unfortunately i can't elaborate.
re: aigis's costume design, i think that there won't be much green-screening needed (since cosplayers have managed to make the design before! which is really impressive!). compared to everyone else though, i think she'd have the longest make-up routine/prep-time... sorry to aigis's actress 😔
pharos would be played by a child actor and i think he should be friend's with ken's actor. i don't know how that would work but ken should have some more people his age on set tbh đŸ€§
ryoji's actor definitely got his scarf snagged on something during filming... maybe the escalator at port island station...? in a similar vein, i would not be surprised if chidori's headband or aigis's shoulder part fell off mid-filming and they had to take a temporary break afterwards.
on the show's social media, for halloween, the cast took a special featherman-inspired photo! but also i think it'd be cute if the actors went to a haunted house together and filmed their interactions.... not that it'd be much scarier than tartarus, LOL. i can see yukari just being fed up with junpei's attempt to make the visit even scarier than it needs to be.
i think if anything about the show/set would be leaked online... it would be through junpei's instagram live or something like that 😔 i am very sorry about this but also i think that junpei would be very happy and proud of the cast's work. he'd just be so happy and be like "HEY GUYS check out what the director sent-" and all the comments is everyone else telling him "NO"
i think shinjiro, fuuka, and hamuko would occasionally cook group meals for the set! nothing beats a good ol' home-made meal! đŸ„ș and really, i think shinjiro would make nice gestures and just help the others on cast a lot, even after october 4th is filmed.
also something that has vaguely crossed my mind: "the cast of persona 3 reads your tweets / posts." specifically akihiko and mitsuru... i just think that they'd both be fun yknow đŸ„Ž
this is silly but i think that during december 3rd when ryoji comes and gives his lil' info-dump on what SEES has to do- he should sneeze in the middle of it. ruin the immersion y'know 😎
also in general i think it's cute whenever there's cast interviews or "see how well the cast members know each other" (and those kind of things..?). other than the full-cast, i think i can see there being group interviews with the senpai trioℱ (mitsuru, akihiko, shinjiro), ryominaigis + hamuko, the second years (fuuka + junpei + yukari), etc. etc. any grouping could make for some fun questions!
and lastly.. obligatory ryomina because this is me we're talking about... ryoji has absolutely gone off script during some scenes. i could see him either referencing that one evangelion thing (i was born to meet you) or just turning it into a confession scene... LMAO.
okay that was. a LOT more thoughts than i thought i had, oops!! admittedly i have not thought about this au in FOREVER so it was nice to think about it again!!! i tried to make it a bit more balanced in terms of giving more than one character spotlight
thank you for the nice wishes anon- and i hope you enjoy the thoughts on p3 actor au! have a lovely day and take care 💗
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aredheadedmess · 2 years
Pied Piper || JJK [7]
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Summary: Y/N L/N, an investigative journalist for the Daily Bullet, usually doesn’t see much out of the ordinary; A missing person’s case gone cold, an old case reopened and solved with updated technology, the thrilling excitement when another puzzle of one of the biggest serial killers is cracked. But when an old file resurfaces, she brings back a past that should have been burned with the file a long time ago.
Pairings: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, talks about disappearing children, rats/insects, the actual Pied Piper storyline, mention of bones/killers, just very mean townspeople, allusion to the paranormal and unexplainable things, let me know if I missed anything
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Mystery/Thriller, Paranormal, Strangers to Friends
Chapter Rating: Pg-13
A/N: This chapter is more of a filler with some more background info that might serve useful in the future...đŸ€” I actually don't have many more chapters planned for this series! I am really hoping that even with exams coming up at the end of the month, I can get another chapter out for you guys. It's been a crazy semester so I'm sorry for not posting more than I was trying to promise 😔 I want to hear your guy's opinions though! Who should I make a series with next? Vote here!
With that, I hope y'all enjoy this chapter!
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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The Pied Piper. A legendary mysterious piper who turned fortune into tragedy. It was a bedtime story that many grew up listening to, though no one knew until much later about the sinister ending to the once happy tale. And it goes like this:
In the town of Hamelin, rats infested the ground. They brought all kinds of trouble. The townspeople feared for the future, desperate for relief. One day, a man dressed in brightly colored clothes and a pipe in his hand appeared in the town. He could get rid of the rats for a price. The town agreed. So, the piper played a tune to lure the rats to a body of water and drowned them. Though, when the man went back to collect his reward from ridding the town of the infestation, the people were greedy. They kept the reward to themselves and sent the piper on his way. Of course, he did not like that. So one day, he came back. He played his pipe through the town, a simple but enticing tune flooded the streets. But, instead of rats or insects or any other animal following him, the town’s children skipped along behind the piper, entranced by the sweet tune. They followed the man out of the town, disappearing, never to be seen again.
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4 September, 20XX
The tension between you and Jungkook isn’t as thick as it was the night previous. Even as you’re cleaning up breakfast, Martha in tow, Jungkook doesn’t seem to tense up when you mention to him that you need to talk to him.
Martha, albeit distraught, leaves once breakfast is over. You weren’t much help last night, unsure of how to even begin comforting the strange woman. Though, you helped her into one of the bedrooms once Jungkook deemed it too dangerous for her to go back home. There are still some people that will do anything to hurt you despite the fact that no one is out after sun down, Jungkook finally explained about the strict curfew.
The moment he closes the door behind her, you face him with a stern gaze.
“I need you to tell me everything you know. I won’t take the bullshit answers you’ve been giving me since day one.”
Jungkook sighs, making his way back into the hallway where you stand. He clicks his tongue, his own expression a look of irritation.
Walking past you, he motions for you to follow. It’s not a far walk, seeing as you find yourself in a small home library toward the back of his home. Jungkook shuts the door behind you after ushering you inside.
“Why are we in here?”
You stare at him quizzically. You know how to defend yourself if the situation turns sour—but you’re hoping that it won’t come to that. There’s at least a little trust if you’ve managed to stay this long without things going south. Jungkook only points to the set of chairs in the center of the room. You raise an eyebrow at him. When you don’t move to sit down, he scoffs.
“Do you want to hear my story?”
Sighing, you cautiously sit in the chair closest to you. He follows, lowering himself into the one across from you, and takes a deep breath.
“When I was a kid, we knew about the disappearances,” he starts quietly. “The teachers taught us about them, told us to never step near the forest. There was a superstition that that’s where the kids disappeared or something. I’m still not completely sure if it’s true or not. It was just a town rule that had been in place since the last disappearance, which had been at least fifteen years before when I first started school.”
Jungkook shakes his head slightly, as if to get himself back on his original thought.
“But like any other kid, we were curious. There was a group of us that snuck out in the middle of the night and tried to see if we could ‘find the bones of the past missing kids’. Couldn’t find anything. We were stupid though—didn’t think that we’d get caught, but the officer who was patrolling the area found us as we were trying to leave the forest. She took us to the station, called our parents, and we all were suspended for a few days.
“None of us dared going back again. Not with everyone watching us practically 24/7. The teachers talked about us in school, ya know, to show everyone else that it was a serious matter. After a couple weeks, we weren’t talked about and everything went back to normal.” He shifts in his seat. “At least, until it happened. It wasn’t even like the group of us talked about it again or anything. It was just a random day like a month or two after we went to the forest. And it just so happened to be one of the kids who went. And I just so happened to be the one who was closest to him, so they pinned all the blame on me.”
Jungkook’s eyes furrow deeper as he quickly mumbles out the last couple of sentences. His fingers curl up into fists, the fabric of his pants interlaced. His eyes avoid your own as he continues his story.
“I was all of a sudden in the spotlight again. His family, our teachers, literally everyone in the entire fucking town was questioning me. They compared our grades, they asked a lot of people about our friendship, did anything they could to get all of my information and background.” He glances up to meet your gaze. “Even my own parents questioned me.”
Though the tears weren’t present, you could see how much the disappearance affected him. Gone was the wall he had built up and reinforced in front of you. The wall came tumbling down in the moment, and all that is left is the kid left broken by the people he trusted the most.
“I-I was like a science experiment under a microscope. I was an outcast for the entire investigation. Everyone thought I had everything to do with his disappearance because I just happened to be the one that was last seen with him. Which was on the school grounds just after school let out. There were still other kids around us. We hadn’t even left the front gate before he suddenly just vanished. He was just gone and I couldn’t live my life normally anymore.”
Jungkook takes a deep breath. He clears his throat, sits a little straighter, and drops his gaze to the floor. You are left to wonder if he is trying to pick up whatever is left of his wall in order to save himself from your judgment.
“After that, they eventually just closed everything down,” he says lowly. “People left town, others stayed inside unless they absolutely had to go outside. A couple years, and it became a ghost town. I don’t know if it was because his disappearance was the final straw and no one could do anything about the missing kids anymore, or maybe it’s because they didn’t want to live in a town with a potential killer. Whatever it is, it doesn’t bother me anymore. The people who live here don’t give a shit about me, and I couldn’t care less about them either. That’s just how life became for me.”
Jungkook shrugs, leaning back in his seat nonchalantly. He really doesn’t care anymore, does he? Even after all of the hate and the threats he received. Neither one of you speaks up for a moment. You’re almost too stunned to speak. Sure, you knew the general bits, all the stuff about the town shutting down gradually, and how many children went missing. But what he just told you, all of the personal details about his friend’s disappearance, dropped a bomb on your entire investigation. There is so much more that is still left to unpack.
“What about Ms. Hudson, store owner?” you wonder. Your eyes, which had been focused on the floor for the last couple of minutes, flick up to meet his. “She seems to be the only one who doesn’t hate you.”
Jungkook sets his arm on the armrest, his head finding its place in his hand.
“She honestly was the only one who believed me when I said I didn’t know anything. I’m not even sure why,” he huffs out a laugh. “She never told me why she believed me. Just said something about it being an
 intuition of sorts one time.”
“Wow. I can’t even imagine how it must have been.”
You lean against the back of the chair, rubbing at your face. It’s still too early for you to take in all of the new information he gave you. Maybe, you think, you should have done this later in the day. Your eyes drift around the room, the moment of silence between the two of you allowing for your curiosity to grow. As you scan the shelves of books, your eyes catch a glimpse of a particular cover.
“What’s that book over there?” You point to a mostly empty shelf. “The one with the red cover?”
The book lays against another less colorful book, standing out in contrast against the dark wooden shelves. Jungkook glances to where your focus is, humming questioningly.
“Oh. That’s just some stupid story I grew up reading. Kinda just stuck with me so I kept the book.”
You push yourself up from the chair. Stepping closer to the shelf, you pick up the book. The Piper of Hamelin, the title reads. Your eyes widen as you recall the events in the book. Quickly turning back towards Jungkook, you hold it up to show him the cover.
“Tell me the story,” you demand.
“Why would I do that? Shouldn’t you know it? I thought everyone knew about it.”
Waving him off, you flip through the pages of the book. You search for the one page you’re hoping will explain to him why you’re making him do such a thing.
“No, that’s not why. Just retell the story.”
He sighs, turning his head away, but clears his throat anyway.
“A long time ago, there was a man who showed up in a town that was having rat problems or whatever. He was able to lure them with his pipe to leave the town. But when he didn’t get the pay he was promised, he lured the children
out of town
with his music.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen, almost comically, as he turns to look at you.
“Didn’t Martha say something about hearing the Piper’s music?” you muse.
“Fuck. You don’t think-”
“Maybe the story isn’t just a tall tale? Maybe it’s a true story that’s been told over centuries as like a warning of some sort?”
His eyebrows furrow again, glancing down at his hands, his feet.
“I don’t get it. How could it be real?”
You sigh quietly, closing the book. The cover seems to mock you, the brightly colored piper with a pipe in his hand, dancing along the cobbled streets of a small town.
“There’s a lot of things we don’t know about this world.”
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Taglist: @jjin-kun​ @rosiekook​ @joyfulhopelox @lavienjin @swanguk @stanny-uwu @areigahto​ @seokout​ @bonobonoyaaaahh @seajae @sugainmybowl
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cloudslou · 2 years
hi i really like reading about your thesis bc i'm also working on mine rn and i'm! so! lost! i wanna know if you have like a plan for writing yours? i'm also a humanities student so basically i just have to read a lot djkjf but i find it so hard to 😔 if your source is a book or a dissertation do you read it more than once? if you don't how do you choose your citations and stuff like that? do your write a summary for everything you read? i feel like i should but just reading has been really hard for me lately and i recently got a very demanding job so </3 yeah idk fkjdf also i'm sorry for this long ass message đŸ˜©
hi anon!!!
a) OMG good luck on your thesis!!!!!! wishing u all the best <333 lets get a support group going
b) reading so much IS hard, but i try to only read what i need. i dont write summaries for everything i read, though early on in the process my advisor did have me list all my sources and justify why i had them/their importance, but i've since gained more sources and havent done that on my own. you can mostly get the benefits of this just by thinking to yourself "how does this source help me? what will i need from it? am i likely to actually reference it in my thesis?"
c) if a source i have is really long (i.e. full book or someone's 300 page dissertation), i dont typically read the whole thing, but rather identify chapters or sections that i need and read those. for instance, one of my sources is Mothers of Invention: Women of the Slaveholding South in the American Civil War. my pdf is 343 pages, which is a lot to read if i'm only going to end up using a couple paragraphs. instead, i focused on chapter 7 specifically since that is what suits my needs. this chapter, at just over 20 pages, is a lot more manageable to read not only once but multiple times if i need to.
d) you dont have to become an expert on every book/article/etc you use as a source. i read things pretty fast and highlight what looks like something i'll need to refer back to, reading around it if i need context when i DO go back. but the highlight tool is my bestie cus i can scroll fast know when to stop on smth past me thought was important.
e) i dont know your thesis paper or what you study, but for history i am very much constructing a story around my evidence, so when i write something and need sources, i dont deep-drive into my sources, but rather just command+f to search for key words that i need (for example, the book i just posted abt in my tags. google books shows me about a 3 line preview of the pages i need based on my search of key terms, but those 3 lines are enough for me to justify writing a sentence in my thesis, and so then that book is now one of my sources).
f) i don't really have a "plan" for writing mine, but every week i meet with my advisor and i set goals for the next time i see her. over spring break, my goal was to get 2/4 analysis sections done (the sections where i am making my Own Original Historical Claims), and i did that! now my goal is to outline the following two sections and get this draft to her by tonight.
my advice is to list out your sections very clearly (even if you know what they are in theory, or you have to delete them when you are done). think about what your priority is (for me, its Making My Historical Claims) and focus on those. other things, like background info, introduction, etc are much easier to push though and the quality of those matters less.
also, focus on getting the words out rather than getting Good words out. think "what do i actually mean?" and try writing that, rather than thinking "here is my thought, how should i best put it into academic language". this might give you clunky sentences, things that dont sound good or need to be reworked, ideas that dont go together well or fully make sense yet, etc, but it gives you more to work with. and once you have the "bones" down, you can work on refining it.
pls dont read every source in its entirety. for history, i mostly need to read the introduction + conclusion, and then skimming inbetween (that is, if i dont just skip to what is relevant to me). i dont know what your discipline is like, so craft these rules to suit your thesis work.
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destinyc1020 · 4 years
I was a Jacdaya stan and actually preferred them over Tomdaya at one point, and I can tell you you are completely right w/us ignoring the red flags purposefully. It was pushed a lot that J must have been the better option/man since Z was more public with him and a lot of comments were made like "the Tomdayas are angry or jealous bc she didn't even want to claim Tom" or about his height making him less of man than J. Joey was regarded as crazy and attention seeking in regards to the rumors and I didn't even know about Cari till I came here, most of the time it was ignored or brushed off like the timelines of his relationships overlapping meant nothing. All of Z's random/out of norm behavior was read as her growing up again since J was "a mature man" and her going on vacay w/o chaperones with J was showing J and Z were in an adult relationship and she was being treated like a "woman" should as if with Tom if was some childlike fantasy or child-like relationship. It was crazy.
I'm glad blogs like you exist now, because I finally realize with the info on here and through all the messy stuff that came out about J a couple months ago w/Kaia and everything, how I was completely wrong and Tom was the superior relationship and man but yeah, just wanted to give the perspective. Love your blog!
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Well, first of all can I just say?  Thank you for being so honest! 👏  I don’t think many people would have admitted what you just admitted tbh.  That takes a lot of guts (and humility) to admit that maybe some fans in the Jacdaya fandom were purposely just ignoring blatant red flags and rumors that have been around since forever about JE and his “patterns” with girls/exes, etc.  
TBH (and I’m being completely honest here), I actually would not have minded Z dating another guy after Tom. I am a HUGE Tomdaya fan (both together AND apart), but I’m also a realist.  If Z was unhappy in the relationship towards the end, or if they couldn’t agree on certain aspects, then they did need to break up!  I’m actually glad that they did honestly!  Because it probably salvaged the possibility of them still being able to maintain somewhat of a friendship w/each other.  SOME couples wait for far too long to break up, and then the relationship just turns toxic and they just end up totally HATING each other in the end.Â đŸ„Ž I’m just glad Tom & Z didn’t do that.  To me that would have been sadder than their actual breakup. 😔  With that said, I was actually not minding Jacob at FIRST when he was on that trip to Greece with her.  I’ve said it before on here that I actually liked that she wasn’t sitting at home crying or looking depressed.  I liked that she was actually going on VACATION (for a change), traveling, doing new things, wearing that hot, “post-breakup” sexy green dress she wore at the Emmys, etc....  Like, while I felt bad that she and Tom had broken up, I was actually happy that she was still going on w/her life.  It was when I started hearing all of the stories about JE that came out about him (how he treated Joey, his ex in Australia, his ex Cari, etc... ) that I started to really get RED FLAGS about him.  I’m sorry, but I just couldn’t ignore that stuff.  And I just don’t see how anyone who considers themselves a genuine fan of Zendaya’s could ignore those red flags either tbh. 
I would have been perfectly fine if Zendaya had dated an UPSTANDING guy after her breakup with Tom.  But to DOWNgrade?? It just felt like such a step DOWN.   And I’m not even talking about fame/money/prestige-wise... I’m just talking about general character. JE just never seemed good enough for her to me. I just didn’t see how she could go from someone like Tom (character-wise), to someone like JE.  Like, it just didn’t compute. At least if you break up with your ex, get somebody BETTER!  Don’t DOWNgrade! 😅  Anyway, that’s just mho... Thank you for being honest, and thanks for the kind words about my blog!   I appreciate it.  😊 
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