#I'm just rbing
buckera · 5 months
just saw someone say that Buck is still on the hamster wheel regardless of Tommy being a man because this relationship also just 'happened to him without knowing how he got there' and like... did we watch the same episode? because 7x05 was very literally about Buck making the decision to pursue this relationship even though he thought Tommy had dumped him for good.
he thought it through, he decided that he's interested and then went after Tommy himself. he apologised for his behaviour, he told Tommy 'this is where I'm at, this is what I can offer and I'd like to give this a go' if anything, aside from the initial kiss, this relationship is 'happening' to Tommy, not Buck.
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happy valentine's day <3
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croakings · 6 months
i apologize for mithrunposting incessantly but honestly if any of you expected better of me you shouldn't have
anyway i get it and some of the failguy jokes are funny. i can tell that nothing i've run into is even malicious. but also it would be really cool and awesome if there were simply less posts calling a disabled person a failure or baby or a dog or whatever for needing accommodation or extra help, especially when like. hey did you know the source material very on purpose did not do anything remotely like that. critical thinking question: could there be some reasons these phrases are not great, potentially
#*#mithrun#dungeon meshi#people are being weird about laois and falin wrt autism also but this is a separate issue#the downside of rep outside of like Average Action Movie Protagonist#which is to say. rep at all. as we would think of it.#is that you get to see not in-group folks talk about those characters. also.#and sometimes. people have. let us say. unexamined. or unacknowledged. biases. perhaps prejudices. at times.#ANYWAY#DISABLED PEOPLE HOWEVER DISABLED ARE NOT INFANTS OR ANIMALS. THANK YOU.#ALSO JUST FOR THE RECORD NOT THAT IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE TO MY POINT#BUT MITHRUN IS SAID IN THE STORY TO BE FAIRLY SELF SUFFICIENT OUTSIDE OF DUNGEON CRAWLING.#his intelligence and strength stats are both extremely high. hey. hey. hey guys. what about him compels you to portray him#as weak or bumbling or unintelligent. quickly.#edit:#like look. if your whole joke is just ''ooooh he's so fucked up. he's so fucked up he's basically a goofy dog''. think about some things.#talking about/including a character's disability: 👍✅#exclusively talking about how fucked up it makes them/how fucked up it is to be disabled: 😕❌#double anyway. fucking. please for the love of god if nothing else. understand that real life disabled people see how you talk about#and portray those with disabilities. and sometimes! it does not feel good. thank you.#this isn't no fun alloweding. just THINK before you say shit PLEASE.#the only character ive seen get called a dog as much as mithrun is fucking laois. which. yk? ykwim here? would u call chilchuck a pursedog.#would that be fucked up‚ maybe. can you tell me why. are you reading me.#ok. i'm done. just. god. negative sims interaction bubble. JUST THINK ABOUT IT THATS ALL.#''its funny to ship mithrun with beautiful people bc he looks so fucked up now haha'' PLEASE CAN ANYONE HEAR ME.#actually i have more to say. rbing this. god. God.
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hanniedream · 22 days
pple who make fic recs lists without actually reblogging the fics on said lists are my #1 enemy btw.
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cosmic-ships · 3 months
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This man will fall asleep sitting up. Queue Kaden waking him up with kisses to his cheek and forehead and soft kisses to his lips as they whisper softly to rouse him from sleep "Charlie, you work too much..."
Self-insert uses they/them pronouns.
Tagging because I'm kinda proud of this: @ama-ships || @heatobrienswife || @deathnot-e || @mahitosoulmate
@dragonsmooch || @mauls-waifu || @kylars-princess
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menlove · 9 months
I'm gonna be real honest w you all & say smth controversial
messages/posts/additions to posts that are like "hey x user does/thinks xyz" and that thing is anything but "is a t//erf/nazi/pedophile/racist" i truly and genuinely cannot bring myself to care that much I'm sorry. like if ur bringing up fandom discourse to discredit a post abt serious political/human rights issue I just cannottttt take it seriously
and that's not even to say I agree w that person or even think those things are great but it's like. at the end of the day does their opinion on fandom drama impact what their post abt palestine or trans care or whatever else is saying? probably not. like it's just not relevant in the same way knowing an op of a post abt feminism is a t//erf or the op of a post abt israel is a nazi. like it's not the same Impact. do you get what I'm saying.
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angels444yuri · 5 months
forever wondering if i should reblog something with my response or just leave it as a reply
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yuu-kumeii · 1 year
No one will hate you more than you hate yourself.  That's what you always knew, something you never fought.  Yet as you walk down that aisle towards Keiji, who stands at the altar, waiting. A familiar heavy feeling resurfaces, a sign that you feel woefully unprepared for what was to come.  What was supposed to be a moment with unfaltering certainty bleeds into a gray scene, muddled with noise.  The grip on your bouquet falters ever so slightly, as if telling you to run away. Back to a place you never wanted to think about, just to escape the pressure and expectation of the eyes that bore into your figure.  Your eyes strain themselves to look forward and that's when you saw it. Your husband-to-be mouthing the words "Are you okay?" with eyes that tell you everything you need to know.  'It's ok to be scared, I won't be mad' 'If you decide to get cold feet, I'll run after you' 'Because if you don't believe you can keep going, know that I'm here to push you forward' And push forward you did, finding yourself in front of him. As he lifted the veil to reveal your pretty dolled up face, you smiled back at him with pride.  You ignore the minister's speech, in favor of reminiscing on the moments that led up to this, every core memory that you both made together.  Because looking into Keiji's eyes, an ocean of gunmetal blue, is what makes you remember...  That yes,  No one will hate you more than you hate yourself.  But that doesn't matter when you find someone who loves you more than the world itself.  "I do"
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
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[ID: a digital drawing of Luz and Hunter from the owl house dressed as Erika and Annalise from Barbie: Princess and the Pauper, respectively. The two are clasping hands, looking at each other happily and singing "yes I am a witch like you!". A blue butterfly flies behind hunter, while a pink one flies behind Luz. The background is light purple. End ID] @toh-described
Had this idea all week and finally sat down and did it while watching Princess and the Pauper lmao. Did u guys know it's on netflix now???? Hello?????
Also, bonus: how'd they'd really react getting to sing a duet
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[ID: the same image as before, except Hunter had a tired, grumpy expression and Luz has a mischievous one. End ID]
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kupakaa · 4 months
Even if Vi ends up being like her League/LoR counterpart, I am begging people to realise that Protagonist ≠ Good person. I feel like this came up in Act 1 as well when people were trying to decide whether Jinx or Vi was in the right after the explosion.
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wayfinderships · 2 months
Good morning gamers!! Hope you're all doing well! As for me, I'm doing good! Might work on another attack for Artfight! ^^ Also I figured I should update you all on things I've been watching getting into lately!
First off, I finished L.upin Part 6!! I've been meaning to watch it since I could never make it past Episode 6 on multiple occasions-afjsnfkdj It felt good to finally see L.upin again Since I've loved him for 4, almost 5 years, now <3 Idk what anime to check out next though so I'm happily accepting recommendations!
I also have started watching the Pirates of the C.aribbean movies! Only seen the first one so far-afksnfgjd My favorite part is pointing at the screen during some points and going "OMG JUST LIKE K.INGDOM H.EARTS-"
In terms of games, I've been replaying F.ire E.mblem 3 H.ouses! And also Finished F.ire E.mblem the B.lazing B.lade! L.ucius was my top unit <3 ily pretty blond guys! And in the middle of playing S.acred S.tones
And also playing Y.akuza 0 for the first time! ...though I haven't made it very far in. And lastly I started D.ragon A.ge Origins! I don't got much to say on that one since I'm also not very far in-
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aintashes · 6 months
let's talk about daryl and leah.
i think it's time that i address this on my blog, especially now that i've had plenty of opportunity to process their entire arc since watching it not too long ago. this got to be so long that i'm convinced it may be the daryl dixon megapost of the century, but it's very important ( mostly to me lmao ).
suffice to say, this will contain major spoilers for the show's later seasons. there's basically a tl;dr at the end but if you read this whole thing... i love you.
first thing's first, like it says in my rules, this blog operates under the idea that daryl's romantic relationship with leah never happened. i do believe that he did form a strong bond with her in order to line up with the reaper and commonwealth arcs, but it never went deeper than being close friends.
there are many reasons for this. i personally believe that it's a disgrace to daryl's character for the writers to simply shoehorn an entire romance arc into one episode that was filmed during the pandemic— aka, it was written to fill space while the world was waiting for safety and filming restrictions to lift. because of this, it all felt like an afterthought. it was rushed in every way no matter how many giant "3 months later..." timestamps they slapped onto the screen, and norman himself has said that he was disappointed and wishes that a romance plot with daryl would have been better executed.
beyond that, it simply ignores all of the character development that daryl has gone through. really, it ignores his entire personality. look me in the eyes when i say: this man has no game at all ( sorry, daryl ), and he's never been in a romantic relationship in his life. he's never been interested enough to pursue anyone. he's also slow to warm up to people, even in later seasons. so you mean to tell me that he all of a sudden fell into bed with this person who was nice to him one time after being a complete asshole to him every other time they met before then ?
they did daryl a giant disservice by showing him entering a romantic relationship with such little meaningful interaction. yes, they have a small montage of the two of them getting to know each other, but it basically only includes them: catching fish together, looking at an eclipse together, and then the implication that they're romantically intimate with one another.
it's so bland ! it's so boring ! it lacks any substance ! it's an awful thing to do to a character who has been shown time and time again to have a deep, incredible need for prolonged connection. i'm ( not ) sorry, but if you wanted to show daryl entering a romantic relationship, showing the two of them going fishing and making lovey eyes at each other one time is not cutting it for me. after everything that daryl has been through, it's pathetic storytelling.
moving on to the time period where they live together— yet another "10 months later..." timestamp that gives us nothing but what our own imaginations can provide —we see that their relationship isn't even good. that leah is literally just mean to him, as much as she cares about him ( likely in part due to her own trauma, but i digress ). and sure, you could say that with daryl's inexperience, he might enter a relationship that isn't good for him because he doesn't know any better—
but i'm sorry, are you saying that the daryl dixon that i know... the person that they had michonne verbally confirm is pretty much the best judge of character on the show... the person who deanna had working with aaron because she and aaron both knew that daryl could see through people... are you saying that that daryl dixon... would so easily become enamored with someone like her ?? this is not to say that he's incapable of trusting someone who seems okay but then turns out to be bad, but i genuinely don't know what it is he could see in her that would cloud his vision to what's underneath the surface ( especially as they begin having arguments within their relationship ).
anyways. when we come around to them living together, we see them eating dinner and daryl asks her to talk to him. that what he's set out to do that's clearly made her upset will only have him gone for a couple of days, and that he'll be back after. but she becomes angry with him and very quickly gives him an ultimatum: does he belong with his family ? does he belong out there, looking for rick, who she pointedly says must be dead ? or does he belong with her ?
and what a cruel thing to say to someone. there was no need to ask him to do something so obviously unfair; she set him up for failure in the hopes of guilting him into staying. all he did was tell her that he was going to be gone for a few days to do his thing; and then not only is she asking him to choose between her and his family, which should be a giant red flag in almost any relationship, but she tells him that rick must be dead— something she 100% knows will make daryl upset.
you could say that it's a trauma response from her, you could say that she has unresolved mental health issues and it's culminating in her behavior towards him, but it truly doesn't matter. daryl has always had his moments of anger and lashing out because of trauma, and it never excuses his actions or his words; it doesn't excuse hers, either. this is not to say that daryl doesn't deserve to be told like it is sometimes, either, but that's not what she was doing.
and another thing— you mean to tell me that you had daryl dixon not only fall in love with this person after knowing her for very little time, and then you have the audacity to imply that he doesn't even really tell her about his family ?? what is this weird double-life they had him living ?? like, it's clear that he doesn't even ask her if she would consider joining their communities. and maybe that's because he can't handle being back there yet, but to not even tell her at all when he's supposed to like, i dunno, be in love with her ??
it's not because he wants a "home away from his other life," because he's still extraordinarily intent on searching for rick and even chooses that over leah at first ( before he feels so guilty for "messing up" the ultimatum she gave him that he goes running back, only to find that she's gone and has, presumably, left dog behind ). so what is it ? why would daryl dixon of all people keep the people he loves most away from someone else whom he apparently loves ??
it makes no sense, and it only serves as a way to keep leah away from team family long enough to then reveal her as a villain. a loving relationship between daryl and another person during the time period where he's looking for rick could have served to bring him back to his people sooner because of the level of love and understanding he could have shared with someone. but no ! she must be a villain !
and then of course, we have to put daryl through the pain and suffering of being tortured again, but this time his ex lover is the one facilitating it ! and man is it a good thing that he never really told her about his family, because then he wouldn't have been able to lie to her face about it all in order to get out of that sticky situation.
and then, at the end of leah's arc, daryl obviously has to be the one to suffer the pain of killing her to save maggie. leah is much too far gone, as daryl learns in the final battle with the reapers, and he chooses his family over her one more time to end it all.
it's such a terrible story arc. an awful dynamic that they really did not have to put daryl, or us as viewers, through. even, and especially, as a way of showing us that daryl will always and forever choose his family over anyone else— even a lover. like... duh ?? we knew that already ! you didn't have to make her an actual bloodthirsty mercenary for us to believe that.
the thing is, leah could have been a brilliant character. she could have had so much development, and her outbursts and abusive behaviors could have made much more sense given more / better context. their entire relationship could have made more sense if we'd had the opportunity to engage with her as a character the way the show gave us the opportunity to do just that with come-and-go characters like morgan and jadis. but her relationship with daryl was shoehorned into the show and only served to provide angst fodder and a connecting line between "our" people, aka daryl and co., and the reapers ( who, by the way, were also incredibly, severely, criminally underutilized and short-lived when they could have been the scariest, most threatening group in the show's history ).
you should have just left daryl in the nonromantic, nonsexual bubble you had him in for years before then.
there's so much more that i could say, but i'll leave it at this:
on my blog, daryl had a close friendship with leah which involved them getting to know one another enough for it to hurt when she turned on him. literally basically everything is the same, except for them being romantic / intimate.
which is why it's such a tragedy and a disappointment that they went through with making it romantic / intimate in the first place, because the entire situation really could have been the same without that. daryl still would have cared enough about her to try and "save" her from her allegiance with the reapers without everything being sullied by the writers' decision to make it weird.
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daz4i · 6 months
"i don't even dislike this ship i think it's good and i can see where people come from with it, but i can't look up my favorite character without being bombarded with posts that are all almost exclusively about it. and it's so annoying to me that i start disliking it out of sheer bitterness" is such an annoying situation in fandom. but alas
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coquelicoq · 5 months
how did you discover natsumes yuujinchou?
it's all @uovoc's fault!! they told me about the anime while they were watching it for the first time, in such glowing terms i had to know what all the fuss was about. and then i mainlined the whole thing in like two weeks and spedran the entire spectrum of human emotions AND somehow came out the other side obsessed with the exorcists, which i do not think they were expecting when they recommended it to me. such is life.
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rotisseries · 1 year
it is so unbelievablely fucking cold rn come on man it's september
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is-this-tf · 1 year
Is it TF?
TF, as in Transformation, is a concept that can mean quite a few things to many different people- and when depicted in art or media, usually consists of some sort of physical or psychological transformation of one thing into another, often including the contexts before or after such a change occurs. 
For the purposes of this blog, the assumed pretense that the TF or TF-adjacent content depicted in posts on this blog being nonsexual in this manner is considered the default, and will be treated or engaged with as such unless clarified otherwise, but there are plenty of ways those who engage in TF art can enjoy it! There are many who consider it a paraphilia for themselves and commonly enjoy it as a sexual theme (as explained and described very well in this comic here), but it is also quite common for people to enjoy it entirely nonsexually, as well- perhaps exploring it under a lens of gender, as a vessel or narrative device to communicate themes, or just liking it as an unrelated special interest... TF is fascinating and alluring concept in itself, regardless of the ways it can be enjoyed and explored.
I made this blog because I love it when I see people unintentionally making TF posts on tumblr. I feel like it happens a lot and I think it's really, really funny when it does, by accident or not. Feel free to tag me in posts or send in questions asking if something is TF, and I'll give my honest answer as an expert in the field myself. 
Don't forget, words to live by:
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Primary tags: #this is tf, #this is tf art, #unintentional tf, #intentional tf, #definitely intentional tf, #not tf
Additionally: Now taking TF or Pass requests and suggestions, just for fun! Please just limit suggestions for this if you want to play to sending me an ask, for me to answer from my inbox rather than being tagged in posts. Linking posts in asks for this is fine, but please specify the character you are asking me to rate in the text of the ask as well. All posts related to this on this blog will be tagged #tf or pass.
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