#I'm just really pleased with how it went and think this might be sth I continue doing
wherela · 1 year
It appears I'm on my way to become a youth leader. I completely wouldn't have expected this, but God works in mysterious ways I guess
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takaraphoenix · 1 year
Ok, because I'm bored at work with nothing to do and I'm still by myself, I'm gonna bug you with a random question. What are your Top 10 favorite headcanons. No specific fandom, just top 10 favorite.
This is too broad actually, E. xD Please limit me to a fandom next time this nearly broke my brain, first to find any at all (twas as though I had Never Had A Single Headcanon In My Life) and then to move on from a fandom, like, once I remembered a headcanon, my brain wanted to latch onto that fandom and I would have gladly given you my top 10 Disney headcanons or sth... this was near impossible lol
You will realize that most of my heacanons are next gen related.
In no particular order because holy shit that'd kill me.
Let's start with an easy one. Shadowhunters. I headcanon Jace Herondale as ace. Even in the fanfiction where I don't make it an explicit plotline, I think of him as ace. I just think that he doesn't know. Doesn't know the term for it, hasn't thought about it really. I don't think I've ever had an ace headcanon I was as fiercely attached to as I am with Jace. Which is funny considering the character himself is a... actually, no, he's not really that sexual. We see others making jokes about his book club, we see him hook up with a random girl once. And then with Maia. And then he's in his relationship with Clary, where we actually see him pulling the brakes and wanting to slow things down. He's not as promiscuous as the talk of the other characters would like to make us belief, is what I'm saying. He has a normal sex life. Still, usually, ace headcanons are born from a "oh this character has never shown any interest in sex????" notion, so this is still an outlier.
PJO: If Bianca di Angelo had lived, her powers would have been most aligned with darkness. We know that Nico struggled with that, that shadow-travel in particular drained him extremely. It's a power he has, but one that never came as easy to him as summoning or controlling the dead. And I always liked the idea that the three kids of Hades/Pluto split his three realms - darkness, death and riches. Tapping into the other realms too, but having most domain over one each.
My headcanon that Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians is actually the god Jökul Frosti who had his memories taken and was "punished" to spend a lifetime as a human, but something went wrong when he died too early, that's why he has the full amnesia. It just, it never really clicked why the guardian of fun got the white hair and snow powers, or why the wind would carry Jack and allow him to fly (the god of the wind is the father of Jökul Frosti), or why the saying of "Jack Frost" would exist in our human world if Jack Frost is a spirit that nobody can see and born from a mortal who died only 300 years ago.
Disney: Princess Aurora and Prince Adam (aka the Beast) are cousins! I don't know, I just think that's neat. They look very similar, there's the French note to Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast.
DCMK: Kudou Shinichi and Kuroba Kaito naming their son Conan, as a reminder of how they first met and what Shinichi's time as Conan really meant to him. I think that'd be very poetic and I also think that kid would be the devil incarnate.
Deep dig TLK headcanon that will actually mean absolutely nothing to people who aren't deep into it but I headcanon that Kovu is the biological son of Malka and Kula, I think that Kula's dark fur is a good match for Kovu's while he'd have Malka's dark mane (and I headcanon Malka's eyes to be green, they're not really... seen. they look pitch-black, which might as well be green like Kovu's), plus I did always like Malka. I know most people ship Kula with Chumvi but honestly they have a near identical design so I always clocked them as siblings and headcanoned them as such. But yeah, Kovu as the lost son of Malka and Kula, which would add such a near tragic element to things, if Simba knew he was Malka's son.
If Cole and Phoebe's son on Charmed had lived, his name would have been Parker Benjamin. Parker was the name she later picked for her second born daughter, but I have no qualms moving that name up to the older brother, since I'm already changing the oldest daughter's name too because I am fiercely possessive of my OC daughter of Phoebe and Cole who has to be the firstborn daughter. The only kid of Phoebe whose name I'm keeping is the youngest. Plus, middle name Benjamin after Cole's father, since we do know that Cole cared deeply for his father. I always liked the idea of the sons being their own Charmed Ones; him, Wyatt and my Andy/Prue son Phillip Trudeau.
In the greater scheme of things, BtVS is full of magic shenanigans so why in the world should Angel be the only vampire who can have kids, right? I like the idea of Willow and alive!Tara using magic to create children of their own and that magic also being applicable to Spike and Buffy. I'm thinking fully-formed-baby creation magic here, not magical pregnancy. Because I... don't see Buffy pregnant, she's too much of a fighter, out there, not benched due to different circumstances. And they'd have twins, named William, since Spike's not using that name, and Joanne, as a combination of Joan and Anne, the two big aliases Buffy ever went by.
A headcanon I cherish a lot a lot is from Sailor Moon and it's that the Ayakashi sisters (Koan, Berthier, Calaveras and Petz) all also get a second chance and get reborn, just like the inner senshi did after the first season because fuck that the girls were good at the end they deserved better than to die for men's mistakes, and that they are, ultimately, the mothers of the Asteroid senshi (Pallas, Juno, Vesta and Ceres). I have a very big, very mapped out family tree for my Sailor Moon headcanons. This fandom has been with me for decades. But I want to only pick one headcanon per fandom, so.
DC Comics' Stephanie Brown becoming the Huntress, I just think that would be so neat, the purple color scheme fits her so, so, so well, plus I'd love for Helena Wayne to take up the mantle from her, looking up to her auntie Steph with adoration. I've latched onto that hard.
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kattythingz · 4 months
Jumping onto the Roy killing Winry's parents bandwagon to say that fma 03 is more character driven than brotherhood. The characters in 03 are 3 dimensional and they seem human, if that makes sense? Like I've seen people hate on how Greed died in 03 like that moment wasn't a great scene. It made perfect sense, to me at least, for Greed to let Ed kill him so that he could go on to kill the other homunculi. Greed literally never gave a fuck about his siblings or being human he was just living his best life.
I too dislike how that situation was dealt with in brotherhood. Winry finally comes face to face with her parents killer and a few weeks later she's helping him? With no resolution to the original issue? WHAT!?
In 03 that situation, and alot of situations if I'm being honest, really make me wonder what is the right thing? The right thing is never obvious either. In Brotherhood alot of the struggle came from a "I have to do this the right way but how can I do that?" mindset while in 03 it was the constant question that never got answered, "What is the right thing?"
I love that Winry gets her own struggle and is actually treated as an important character in 03 from the jump. And I love even more that we get both sides of the story too. When you know Roy as the cocky silver-tongued smug bastard it hits so much deeper when you see him at his lowest. At the point attempting suicide. It's such a struggle because I know both sides but can't figure out who was wrong, if anyone was wrong.
I love that Winry has an internal struggle she goes through that adds to not only the series, but her character. It makes her so much more likable in 03 when she doesn't just randomly pop up like the ice cream truck and start crying over some shit that went down last episode. She's done justice in 03 because- and I'm gonna say this loud so the people in the back can hear too- SIDE CHARACTERS ARE IMPORTANT TOO! JUST BECAUSE THEY ARENT THE MAIN CHARACTER DOESNT MEAN THEY SHOULD BE THROWN OUT THE WINDOW? THEY HAVE SHIT GOING ON TO THEIR LIVES DONT REVOLVE AROUND THE MAIN CHARACTER.
The Scar in 03 is already more likeable too because hes not just a stone cold killer and also because he killed Basque Grand 🤪 I fucking hate Basque Grand. (Because of a fic i read but thats neither here nor there) And the way Al follows him and is like "Um could you please stop trying to kill my brother? If you want to ofc! >.<" IS HILARIOUS
IM RAMBLING BUT THE POINT IS 03 IS VERY CHARACTER DRIVEN AND THATS A PART OF WHY I LOVE IT. It has the perfect amount of both character development and plot progression. PLUS GENDER FLUID ENVY even though I hate that mf we still get representation. AND DARKSKIN ROSE! Brotherhood white washing her made me wanna slap the animators when I realized what they did.
YESSS CHARACTER-DRIVEN 03 MY BELOVED. God just thinking about the characterization in 03 makes me swoon. Loml fr. I'd argue Winry actually isn't as prominent in 03, but she's def less around to be ruined as a love interest, which I think is a pro nonetheless. About 03 Scar, I dunno about preferring one over the other tbh. I was never interested in Scar much to begin with as a character. But I do think in 03 he's much less severe, which... might be a downgrade, if you consider his rage at the literal genocide of his people. He deserves to be a stone-cold killer about that (so long as he doesn't drag in actual innocents, naturally).
AND YEAAAH POC ROSE. POC ROSE MY BELOVED. Dude fun fact I actually loved Rose enough back when I first watched 03 to ship her with Ed. I still fancy them a little as a romance, tho their friendship is just as dear to me. One day I'll write sth with her and Ed as besties. One day. I technically already did that in a kill la kill au but that's not posted so it doesn't count
03 is just. Such a good study of humanity. I'll never get over it.
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hydrangeawise · 1 year
Oooh, Madlax EP8! That was a lot!
First of all: Lady Quanzitta my beloved, you have an air around you that promises trouble and turmoil! (I wonder what her role in the whole thing is going to be, I hope she's independent of the current main players; what I'm saying is that I'm going to be so miffed if she's part of Enfant!)
I really liked how Eric and Madlax got along, though my brain is still working on connecting dots when it comes to Eric and Madlax. So basically we know there are three books: Secondari is currently in Margaret's posession (and was her father's if I remember correctly, or at least that's what she thinks), Firstari is with the masked guy, and the third one it still out of the picture. All of them supposedly contain the script from the wall and when you read it, you - idk - make dimensions blur? And the masked guy wants all of them, I guess, and maybe some artifacts too with the auction that took place in EP2. So maybe the civil war was just some sort of cover to get all the books and access to the script or sth and then something else went wrong and it didn't happen the way Enfant planned. At least that's my best guess right now.
I'm a little unsure of what to think about the end of the episode though. Especially with regards to the recurring question of 'What is normal?', first brought up when Laetitia makes a comment about the place where she is being normal, and the place where Eric is (presumably wrt to him standing in front of the script) as being on the edge of normal. Also when Eric says that the world is 'too normal' and Madlax ends the episode on saying 'Nothing about this is normal at all'. Maybe it's something that gets lost in translation. Or I'm reading too much into it because morality being an illusion got brought up, and I feel like these two tie together.
Finally, I kind of wonder if Madlax ever left Gazth-Sonika or if she spent her whole life there. (There was something about her being from Nafrece when she talked to Limelda for the first time - quick side note: Limelda calling the blond guy by his first name and no longer by his surname made me gag a little bit, bah. That guy and his 'I want beautiful women' thing is hella uncomfortable. Love that Limelda is a little obsessed with Madlax though! - but that might as well have been a cover.) Addtionally: I really hope they're going to explain the literal meaning of the script words like "elda taluta" and so on because while the "mea salva" whispers are nice, I would like to have the whole picture, please!
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valleynix · 2 years
I finished the chapter, you're killing me with all the fluff. I almost turned into ashes because of the overwhelming amount of warmth this whole thing was.
This is so funny to me that Reader is so afraid Dimitrescus will be scared/won't love them because of the mutation like they ain't mutated themselves like the sisters ain't a bunch of flesh eating fly mutants with a mama that can turn into a freaking dragon and they think Dimis would be scared of some wings or few additional eyes 😭
“I’m… doing just fine on my own, handling everything on my own.”
Bestie you clearly don't, be for real 😭
“You were right. I’m not her(…)"
“You are quite similar…”
Bela is adorable indeed please, the transition from confident to shy blushing mess is killing me.
Daniela would have a free pass for terrorising me any time she wants.
"You think you see the flickering form of that lunatic walking in a circle around Daniela, almost watching her… curiously?"
"Before you know it, her hand smacks the side of your head hard"
I'm a mess because of the cuteness of the whole scene with Bela, Cass and Dani. How to use words???? I be just giggling.
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“A high concentration of virgin blood makes me a little feral, as you said, but everything else makes me drunk"
What does virgin blood mean in this tho and how is she able to tell the difference. This concept was alway so weird to me. Like is she really able to tell the difference in taste somehow? She just likes her food un-fucked by a man/in general? Why does it matter so much, what's the science behind it?😭
"These women are vile. They are nothing like the ones you know and have come to adore, and you think you’re beginning to understand why your copy doesn’t like spending much time with them"
Damn Lunatic and Reader really are living in such different environments, surrounded by much different people. And it really makes me sad for them :(
No one is giving Lunatic any love or even the simplest affection. Not without a price that is as Miranda may give them a head pat or sth but only if they earn it somehow.
The character is tragic to me, their case. Like, they probably could be so much different if only they were surrounded by people like from Reader's world :(
That's also why I want so bad for Lunatic to experience something nice and unconditional for once in their life with the fluff ball Reader's Dani is 😭
Lastly, I adore how this chapter and the whole work is so full of kisses and simple affection in general. Everyone is getting forehead kisses left and right and I live for that.
Despite the angst it's still so warm and fuzzy, please, might me my comfort fic even with all the bloody events.
I love how each pair goes their own way and has their own pace but all of them do those sweet little things and bond together and have nice intimate moments and it's not banging every five seconds.
Also the Dimitrescus and their bond honestly might be my fav part of it all😭 I adore how they'd protect each other at all cost, their little fights and all the soft moments. I love my platonic/family bonds too, I wish people would explore it more rather than write them doing all sorts of messed up stuff, can't they just let them cuddle or sth 😭
HEHEHEHE, i saw the notification pop up about this ask and just went !!!!!
*Reader: "but what if you don't love me the same if you saw my mutation? :(" // literally any of the Dimis: "...did you forget who we are-"
*Reader try not to lie challenge (impossible)
*Bela is literally the epitome of confidence and authority but loses it so quickly when someone is nice to her. pls i love her
*Daniela could "terrorize" me all she wants, i'd have 0 complaints
*sometimes you just need a hard lil smack to get some sense back in your head <3
*also i literally debated for a while if i should even add in Dani giving them kisses on the cheek 😭 like i know this fandom gets kind of weird sometimes and i was afraid someone would take that not platonically and i'd have to throw hands, BUT I COULDNT STOP SMILING WHEN I WAS WRITING IT PLS, I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
*i think virgin blood is just more "pure"? and since they feed on it often, they can tell the difference between virgin blood and non-virgin blood. i literally don't know the science behind it because virginity is like a social construct (i think?) but i assume it's something like that. i might have to go research it to be sure-
*it's been interesting to write Lunatic as this horrible, cruel person in the beginning who we assume is just Like That, only to eventually see all the little pieces that make them who they are. like, yeah, copies are horrible versions of the real ones, but it's obvious they're capable of change and only remain this way because of the environment(s) they're in
i mean, their Dimis obviously hold very little to no love for one another, and being around that dynamic alone is bound to make them a bit bitter and cruel to anyone else because they're not surrounded by any sort of love. and when they're not trapped in the megamycete, they're around Miranda, who only sees them as a tool or a pawn rather than someone who literally has thoughts and feelings
i will say that moment where they were watching Daniela + where they mentioned they'll go easy on her were changes we're starting to see in their character. they see the possibility of what they could have, what life they could live, but it'll take some time for them to understand they're allowed to have happiness
*listen i adore simple affection :'( i think it's way more interesting to write these women as people who are capable of kindness and love, but choose to be cruel and awful to anyone who isn't their family. i don't really like reading anything where they're just horrible all the time and are incapable of even being half-decent to each other
but yes, everyone gets a kiss! you get a kiss, and you get a kiss, and yes, you get a kiss!!
*i do like writing their dynamics a bit different rather than the same thing over and over- like Alcina is a bit reserved because she knows Reader is hiding something and doesn't want to get too close for the sake of her daughters, Daniela is a bit more fast-paced but still very respectful of boundaries etc., Cassandra is coming to terms with the fact she's actually falling in love for like the first time, and Bela is a bit of a mix with her being out of her depth and not knowing how to proceed sometimes but still trying her hardest to compromise <3
like, i feel it makes more sense that way? they're all different people with different personalities, so they wouldn't go about every situation the same way
(also i hate when people write them as horny 24/7- like i genuinely highly doubt sex is even on their list of priorities LMAO. Bela and Dani are probably the only ones to actively seek it out, but even then, i don't think it'd be a regular occurrence like some people think)
*i'm trying my best to not write them as super hostile with each other all the time 😭 like yeah, Bela and Cass have their moments, but it's so painfully obvious they still love each other and would do anything to keep each other safe. i wish we had more of, "yeah, these people are horrible and awful, but here's them in a cuddle pile because it's a cold night <3"
ANYWAYS AAAAA IM GLAD YOU LIKED THE CHAPTER, i have a plan for the next one i think you'll like (something with Red... hmm...) and i'll try to start working on it sometime this week after i get some other projects done <3333 thank you for sharing your thoughts, i literally love them so much 😭💞
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kuro4thegays · 3 months
so hey, honey. it's kind of hard to explain because things just happened and i heard the bell rang in my mind. xD yk when i read it i went from "oh hey i need to be serious to appreciate this" and put down my cup of milk. there's a process of thinking whenever i reach sth ethereal which connects to my soul. words flow in, images show up, and lovers get together. ^^) i feel the love you try to deliver, that's it. they're so real i can touch it and take a bite honestly.
i also saw your tags. and yes, i totally understand. maybe writing for whatever ship which has fame will draw attention and they will flood in and leave comments, same goes to the fem reader community. but its not what you really yearn, is it? i also think a lot. instrusive but yep, "i did so awesome with this piece, it'll get appreciated more if it was about their ships". i still stood true to myself since 2017, sometimes i couldn't believe it. still writing and getting not so much attention. i don't know will i quit it soon. i just want to do what i what with the person i love. its okay if you feel lonely. wanna say that you literally saved me the moment i found your place. because every male reader (especially bottom reader) is a warrior. it's so rare to see any of you. and i got so happy, your works are so good, i knew that your blog was safe for me to process. i wouldn't get attacked suddenly by some fem terms or to reader haha...
im here with you and thanks for being here with me, with us. even though it's nothing much, but keep moving in your own pace. you shine in the eyes of admirers. pat hug kiss. 🐰
Just... wow.
I have been avoiding responding to this because, honestly, I didn't know how to and still don't. But I can't avoid it forever, can I?
I just wrote what I felt, which might be why the love resonated so strongly with you. I guess since I don't get it often human touch is quite fascinating to me. The only one I think I ever actively wanted cuddles from was my cat, so that's my base line, warm and fuzzy.
It's not really about fame, more about recognition. Like I do get notes here and kudos on ao3, but I don't really get other forms of interaction like comments, asks and requests. This might sound harsh, but until I got this ask I felt useless, like all my writing is going to waist because it's for a very niche audience. I knew that people didn't hate me because I was getting notes, but never anything deeper, so it made me think that people only read it to get a quick kick out of it. I thought that maybe my work would impact much more people if it was made for a ship and that maybe it would inspire someone, then I wouldn't feel like I'm screaming into a void. Before I started getting asks sent in my inbox writing for this community felt really lonely. Not to mention that I would feel much more comfortable showing people my work if it was for a ship, currently I'm really only keeping it on this blog and that will probably never change.
So you could imagine how happy reading your comments made me. It flipped my whole perspective upside down. Just knowing that it meant something deeper to someone is enough to make it all seem a little more worth it, you know? And even if I don't know you, please don't stop writing. I'm sure that something you wrote made someone out there feel like I made you feel when you first discovered me. I can't describe how happy it makes me that you found your safe space in something I made.
Stay safe and take care of yourself.
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c03xistentw01 · 2 years
you. throughout the last couple of days I've just been gathering my shit by devoting at almost 2/3 of the 24-hour of the day (considering I'm asleep in the remaining 1/3) to working and studying and honestly ngl it worked. I moved on. I'm in a much better place than i was a week ago. the thing that hurts me more than it used to is thinking how naiive i was and how i chose to treat you in my own "reference frame" and not yours or the "world reference frame" you know? I'm sure you would have understood this if you could read this shit.
i just keep thinking how different and primitive i might had been the entire time like dammit i didn't even explicitly asked u out. YOU DID at last. which i assume was a way of just getting rid of me by giving me something you thought I needed: you. for a short time tho ofc. I appreciate it tho. thank you for devoting that one hour to me.
a hunting thought i recently have is wondering whether you ever take my poem out of ur "drawer of nice things" to reread the shit and maybe give a teeny tiny thought to those vulnerable words of mine.
oh and something that has literally been hunting me is thinking that the day you texted me to see if I'm coming to the class, the entire day after getting ur message i was having a nervous breakdown just by the thought of seeing you again and hopelessly getting myself involved with endless social dilemmas while being aware that most probably I'm gonna fail to socially please you or myself because goddammit idky but I still care about how you perceive me as if it's gonna make a difference from now on. that day I came so close i was standing meters away from the open door of the lecture and i chickened out and went back to the library. my nervous system was covered in bloody red by warning signs because i.was.so.fucking.anxious. and deep inside i knew that if i lose this chance of seeing you, it's probably over.
after this whole shit i felt so fucking failed and vulnerable and as a way of trying to fix the situation i thought the best thing is to try and explain to you the situation (this whole story/day was of like 0.0000001 of importance to u ikr) so i did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like a moron. i explained to u that i was dealing with a severe social anxiety and that's why i didn't show up to the class and the worst part was that u did not even fucking notice this fucking thinggg that i told u!!! u said nothing. u ignored it completely. which probably means something like: bro i don't wanna be the person you open up to about ur mental issues. if i do listen to ur shit, expectations may form which i don't want from a random middle eastern girl whom i'm not even sure is a real normal creature (i remember when u were reading the poem u asked me whether by heaven and hell i mean sth specific becuz maybe in my culture it's different :))))))))))) dude wtfffff why do u treat me like a fucking martian!!!! this one question really shows how you do see me as afar and different and out of context and non-relatable and blah). I don't wanna be the ear that listens to ur shit, ur shit belongs to u only don't get me involved.
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gaybitchfx · 2 years
So I fucking squealed when I saw you write for Kamisama Kiss! Do you think you could write sth with Mizuki and a m MC? Doesnt matter what, human, god, yokai, idc. Just want snek boy to be happy!
Note: I’ve waited so long for someone to request Kamisama Kiss! I’ll gladly do it! I couldn't really think of much so sorry for it being short!
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Character(s): Mizuki
Type of reader: M!Reader
Category: Fluff🥰✨
Warning(s): None
Edited: ❌
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A couple months since Nanami met Mizuki, she received an invitation to his home. "Oh look Tomoe! Mizuki sent us an invitation!" Nanami said and showed her familiar the paper.
"We haven't heard from him in months and he just sends an invitation so suddenly? Something's fishy." Tomoe mumbled as he stared at the paper with a raised brow. "Please Tomoe? It might be something good for once!" Nanami begged with a pleading look. Tomoe pinched in between his nose before sighing. "If that's what you wish, Lady Nanami." Tomoe folded his arms.
When they arrived to Mizuki's 'shrine' everything was slightly more colorful than usual. "How odd." Tomoe said as he looked around. The door opened revealing Mizuki who looked really happy. "You're here, Nanami!" Mizuki said with a smile as he walked up to her and Tomoe.
"I'm very sorry I didn't specify why you two should come in the letter." "No no, it's alright. So what was it you wanted us to come visit you?" Nanami asked and tilted her head to the side a bit. "I've found a new wife!" Mizuki exclaimed and clasped his hands together.
"That's wonderful! Where is she?" "Who knew you could achieve another wife so fast." "He's inside reading right now. I'll take you to him." Mizuki said, ignoring Tomoe's comment. "Did he say he or am I hearing things?" Nanami asked Tomoe confused. "He might of said he by accident, who knows." Tomoe told her before the two followed Mizuki inside. They took a few turns till the ended up at a door that was decorated differently than the other doors.
"Y/n!~ I've brought some quest who would like to meet you!" Mizuki chirped before opening the door. You turned your head to look at them before a gentle smile formed on your lips. "Good afternoon. Are you perhaps Mizuki's friends?" You asked and closed the book you were reading. "Yes! Are you Mizuki's wife?" Nanami asked with a smile. "Yes, but I'd like it if you'd say husband since I am a male." You lightly laughed before standing up and walked over to them.
"I'm Y/n L/n. It's nice to meet you." You said and shook Nanami's hand. "I'm Nanami Momozono and he's Tomoe, my familiar." Nanami introduced herself before they all sat down on some cushions. "So, Y/n, how did you and Mizuki meet?" Tomoe asked.
"Well, I came across him when he was a snake and thought he was really cute so I took him home with me, but after I had placed him in a tank I had, there was this strange mark on my hand. So after I went to get that checked out I came home to him like he is now and he explained to me that he chose me as his 'wife'. But I didn't really agree with it since I didn't know him that well so we took some time to get to know each other and here we are now. Very sorry if I'm talking to much." You explained as Mizuki laid his head on your lap while you stroked his head with a gentle smile makin him snuggle a bit closer to his lover.
"Aww that's adorable! Right Tomoe?" Nanami squealed and looked at Tomoe. "You can say that." Tomoe said, a small and unnoticeable smile present on his lips.
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rosierin · 3 years
Who survives? ○△□
=> Haikyuu edition
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fandoms; haikyuu x squid game
warnings; violence, death, blood, vomitting, swearing, trauma
includes; many
<= previous, honeycomb
=> next, tug of war
a/n: i really struggled writing this one so tis a little late
just a heads-up, i tried mixing the scenarios up depending on the team, that's why some will focus more on the bloodbath itself, while others will focus more on before the bloodbath, such as their feelings towards the games, how they mourn their losses..etc
i did this mainly so you, as a reader, wouldn't get bored, but also partly for myself! i like variety when i write and i felt like writing 40 sth fight scenes would get a little redundant
oh also, some characters ive decided to put into one, since their stories are very much intertwined
anywho enough rambling, here's part three!
For the sake of this AU I'm pretending that the characters know nobody except those within their respective volleyball team.
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Player 001 (Daichi).
Player 002 (Sugawara), eliminated.
If there was something Karasuno had learned about the second night, it was that nobody was safe.
It served as a reality check, cutting through any sense of complacency that may grow in the off-hours. So far, while the players have been in the massive dorm, they’ve gotten a break from the fear of being killed. But there are no breaks; a gruesome murder led by player 101, if Suga recalls correctly, revealed that no matter how a player dies— on the game floor or in the dorm, by a guard’s gun or a player’s hands— their death counted toward the cash total. When that became known, it was like a whole new feature had been added to the game and all of a sudden, it was like the whole room reeked of predatory instinct, of the urge to kill.
"Please help the others. You can all make it out alive. I trust you."
Daichi's words haunt Suga's mind, etched to the back of his brain like a headache he can't shake off. Keeping his word had never been an issue beforehand, but this time, he fears this might be a promise he cannot keep. One glance around the room and it was easy to tell who the easy pickings would be; the girls, the young, the old, the scrawny— the weak. And although on the court Karasuno were considered a powerful opponent, here, on the battlefield, they wouldn't stand a chance.
If only Nishinoya and Tanaka were here, if there were anyone on the team with more of a fighting drive, it was them. Even Asahi, albeit being as gentle as can be, would've most likely held his own. And Daichi... If only he were here to speak the right words, lead their team in the right direction.
Alas, those thoughts were nothing but pointless endeavours. The fact of the matter was that their captain was gone, and now that role was up to Suga.
No pressure.
Player 003 (Asahi).
Player 007 (Kiyoko) & Player 006 (Yachi), passed.
Kiyoko would love to say that she could protect Yachi no matter what. However, she's also smart, she knows where her abilities lie, and unfortunately combat isn't one of them. She's seen the people she shared the stadium with, and most of them were men, some almost two feet taller than her and definitely packed more of a punch that her frail arms could. Therefore, she resorts to the only thing she could think of; hiding. She grabs Yachi and urges her to slip under the beds. Yachi doesn't seem too convinced at first but she too knows that this is the only thing they could do. Once hidden, they huddles together, Yachi small in Kiyoko's embrace, and together they pray that they make it through the night.
Player 005 (Tanaka).
Player 004 (Nishinoya).
Player 011 (Tsukishima) & Player 012 (Yamaguchi), passed.
Before lights out, Suga had suggested staying in a group— safety in numbers and all, but he should've known that things never went to plan.
Come lights out, it barely takes five minutes before first blood, the entire dormitory turning into a vicious onslaught. Screaming fills the space, pleas of mercy and cries for help falling on deaf ears. Yamaguchi and Tsukishima manage to find each other in the darkness, however save for themselves, the rest of the team is nowhere to be seen.
In a moment of panic, Tsukishima urges that they stay back to back to protect their blind spots, the flickering lights doing little to aid their escape. Yamaguchi stutters out Tsukki's name a few times, asking what to do next, but even Tsukishima, as smart and reliable as he may be, finds himself at a loss.
It's a ridiculous sight to behold, Tsukishima thinks— two boys caught amidst a bloodbath, frozen in place like deers caught in headlights. Strength had never been Tsukishima's forte, but never in a million years had he imagined that he'd be paying for the consequences like this.
He's only roused from his bitter thoughts when Yamaguchi cries Tsukishima's name and before he knows it, he's caught in a headlock. His eyes go wide, mouth agape as the arm wrapped around his throat blocks out any pleas he may think to articulate. In a desperate attempt to survive, Tsukishima tries clawing at his attacker, but it's not enough to successfully pry away their hold. It's too late, he thinks—
This is where it ends.
Around him it's like the world's come to a standstill, what's left of his conscience barely registering the almost seizure-inducing lights, nor the sounds of violence that once made his head spin. Now, all he sees is darkness as his eyes roll back into his skull, the arms of death open and awaiting his fall.
But the embrace never comes.
Instead, he falls to his knees, breathless and confused, the grip of his attacker no longer around his neck. Before him, a wide-eyed and shaking Yamaguchi, clutching what appears to be a metal pole.
Then, the lights come on.
There's a clinking sound as Yamaguchi drops his weapon, and only now does Tsukishima realise he's drenched with blood. Incoherent babbling falls from the freckled boy's lips, a jumbled mix of apologies and 'i didn't have a choice' as he takes a few cautious steps towards the blond, like he's afraid of what he'd think.
"It's not your fault," Tsukishima says, his words finally pushing Yamaguchi over the edge. He throws himself into his arms, sobbing mournfully and when words fail him, Tsukishima pulls him into a hug, rocking him, comforting him, and in a moment's release, finally allows days of pent up trauma and frustration run endlessly down his cheeks.
Player 009 (Kageyama), passed.
Kageyama rather play the honeycomb game ten times over than be responsible for the death of another. If he can help it, he wants to come out of this night with no blood on his hands, preferably counting on his speed and stamina to survive the inevitable bloodbath.
Come bedtime, he and Hinata discuss their plan of action, only to come to the realisation that they both pretty much came to the same conclusion: no killing, just surviving. And so, they make a promise to each other—
No mess-ups, no murder, no mourners. They'll see each other in the morning.
Player 010 (Hinata), passed.
After the promise he made with Kageyama, Hinata got the determination boost he needed in order to make it through the night.
He's fast, he's agile and light on his feet so he's able to easily evade most of the violence. Not to mention his... Smaller stature allowed him to deftly navigate the stadium while avoiding all the crazy mobs who were thirsty for blood. Occasionally he'd take refuge under a bed, other times he'd just fly around the stadium, giving no one the opportunity to catch up with him. Then, before he knew it, the lights were back on. His first instinct was to scan the room for Kageyama but when his eyes landed on a familiar grey-haired boy sprawled out in the center of the dormitory instead, he falters.
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Aoba Johsai;
Player 008 (Oikawa), passed.
Though his friends deaths had left a deep scar on Oikawa's heart and a massive wound to his sense of leadership, deep down he knew that he needed to move on, if not for him then for the sake of those who still stood beside him. The purge that was going to unfold later that night only highlighted that sentiment, that along with Iwaizumi's plea that the team needed their captain to be in full form if it meant making it through the night.
It took Oikawa by surprise, seeing his childhood friend act so open and vulnerable about wanting their leader back, and although former Oikawa would've jested him for it, this Oikawa couldn't find it in him to joke around and simply nodded as he and his teammates began to come up with some sort of plan.
Nobody on the team seemed opposed to resorting to offense if need be, each of them knowing that come nightfall, getting their hands dirty was most likely going to be inevitable if it meant guaranteeing their own survival. Which they would, this time. Nobody gets left behind.
Player 013 (Iwaizumi), passed.
Iwaizumi never begs, but after Player 101 brutally murdered another player, Iwaizumi knew something bad was about to unfold and he could sense how the rest of the team had grown restless without their former captain to keep them afloat. As for Iwaizumi, he just wanted to get his best friend back. Relief washed over him like a tsunami when Oikawa finally decided to rejoin the team, elated that he'd come back to his senses and would help him shoulder the responsibility of protecting the team.
They were in the middle of discussing tactics when another player walked up to them— number 045. He claimed to have joined the game by himself, which Kunimi pointed out as true, as he had never seen him interact with any of the other players during their time here.
Oikawa and Iwaizumi gave each other a side glance before the latter asked what he could contribute to the team if they were to accept. He seemed earnest with his answer, explaining that before joining he had been taking classes above his grade and was known for being an all around athletic person.
At this, Iwaizumi pursed his lips, convinced but waiting for Oikawa to give him a definitive answer. When he accepted, the man bowed politely and sat among their circle.
It couldn't hurt having another addition to the team, Iwaizumi thought. And with that they resumed their discussion.
Player 014 (Matsukawa).
Player 015 (Hanamaki).
Player 020 (Yahaba), eliminated.
Yahaba was feeling confident once the team's tactics had been fully gone over. They were all strong members: smart, quick thinkers, not to mention with Player 045 added to the mix, their chances of survival seemed pretty high. Needless to say he felt far more secure knowing his friends had his back this time, unlike in the previous games where he had to purely fend for himself. However, there's a saying that goes: "overconfidence precedes carelessness", and Yahaba embodied that saying come curfew.
It happened in a blur, the figures of faceless men running their way, ambushing them from every corner until each member had somebody they needed to fend off. The man before Yahaba is significantly taller than him and he barely has time to react before there's hands around throat, strong and unforgiving. His feet leave the ground as he chokes and splutters for air. He can hear his teammates call out his name as oxygen's slowly being cut off from his lungs, the pressure around his neck growing harsher the more he tries to pry the man off. His eyes are wet with tears when he realises his time is up, his arms going limp by his sides as the last of his strength leaves his body, until eventually his body has nothing else to give and crumbles to the ground in a lifeless pile.
Player 016 (Kunimi), eliminated.
He watches as the whole thing unravels before him, eyes filled with horror as he watches his senior's lifeless body hit the floor. His first reflex is to run for his life. There was no other option, not with the upperclassmen occupied— alone, he didn't stand a chance. And so his mind is made— he makes a run for it, weaving past the attackers all while trying to navigate through the darkness. His mind is in overdrive as he focuses souly on his own survival, the adrenaline in his veins distracting him from the guilt of having to leave his teammates behind. Whether or not what comes next is payback, he doesn't know, but the swift blow to his head gives him little to no time to think it through. The attack takes him by surprise as his opponents throw him onto the ground. He barely has time to catch his breath before one of the men lands another kick to his stomach, then his ribs, then his head. And the onslaught goes on while Kunimi curls in on himself, wailing and wheezing for air until he's no longer able to catch his breath.
Player 017 (Kindaichi).
Player 018 (Watari).
Player 019 (Kyoutani), eliminated.
There's no describing the sheer rage that washes over Kyoutani, his heart tearing into pieces at the sight of his dead teammate. He watches, stunned, the man he'd just taken down lying lifelessly by his feet, unable to fully process the loss of yet another teammate. What he does feel is the way his skin burns, how his heart roars with the need to avenge him. Within a second the flame he'd been so carefully trying to contain goes wild, burning more ardently than it ever had before. He can barely process the actions he commits next, like his body is in autopilot with no way of preventing it. He's grabbing hold of Yahaba's murderer, eyes wild and bulging as he throws him to the floor, and even then, he's still not satisfied. He straddles the man's weakened body and punches, again, and again, and again, until all he can feel is the burning of his raw knuckles drenched with blood that isn't his own.
He barely even hears the voice of his captain over the sounds of his own fury, the blood pumping in his ears resonating like drums of war. Next, there's another voice that calls out to him, loud and booming. He recognises it—
The name burns on his tongue until all he can taste are ashes of his own bloodthirst and ignorance, the sharp pain in his neck killing him in one swift blow.
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Player 021 (Kuroo), passed.
Kuroo would like to think he's a mentally strong person, but saying the loss of his two friends hadn't taken a toll on his mental state would be an understatement. After finding out about their deaths, he had put on a strong face for the sake his teammates, only to crack the instant he found some time alone— anger, sorrow and frustration all pouring out at once. It was Kenma who had found him in the bathroom, splashing cold water on his face in hopes of concealing his flushed complexion and damp eyes. But he should've known it would take a lot more than a small ruse to fool Kenma. He told Kuroo that it was fine if he wanted to cry in front of his friends— they were all devastated too, after all. However, right now, they all needed each other, they couldn't afford anyone cracking under pressure for it could potentially lead to the team falling apart. He'd even mentioned their old motto that once upon time, would make Kenma cringe at its cheesiness: "we are like the blood in our veins, we must flow without stopping, remember?", and Kuroo smiled appreciatively at his attempts at cheering him up. He was right, sticking together at this point in time was crucial. And as tough as burying those nagging feelings was, Kuroo needed to press on.
Player 022 (Kai).
Player 023 (Kenma), passed.
Kenma feared something like this would happen. When none of the guards tried to intervene during the fight between Player 101 and a Player whose number Kenma couldn't remember, he knew that it had to be apart of some kind of plan, and when the eyes of all the money-hungry players lit up at the sight of an additional load of money being added to the giant piggy bank, he knew they were in for a fight.
Like old times, Kuroo allowed Kenma to be the mastermind behind their plan of action. He suggested that the team form a line and stand against the wall, that way they could only be attacked from the front and wouldn't become seperated as easily, nor would they be pushed to the center of the dorm which was to be avoided at all costs. Then he suggested positioning the two strongest members at each end of the line, to protect those weakest who would stand in the middle. He asked if everyone was okay with this, knowing that those two positions would be the most dangerous, but he should've known that former Nekoma members weren't ones to back down and Kuroo and Yamamoto were more than up to the task.
Player 025 (Yamamoto), eliminated.
After hearing Kenma's plan, Yamamoto jumped on the opportunity. He took pride in being their team's main line of defense and swore to protect them all until morning, even if it would cost him his life.
His palms were sweaty as he and Kuroo took their positions at either side of their teammates. He glanced at Yaku, Kenma and Lev who took their positions as discussed, feeling part of his anxieties dissipate when Kenma gave him a reassuring thumbs up. All that was left was to wait until the lights went out.
It was eerily silent as the dormitory waited for the last seconds to run out and if you were to lend an ear, one could almost hear the person neighbouring's breathing. Yamamoto hands flexed when rustling could be heard from the bed over from his, and when the first scream rang out, that's when all hell finally broke loose.
Kuroo told them to stay on guard as the killer would most likely target them next, and his hunch was proven correct when Yamamoto's eyes locked with those of a blood-covered man, his heart pumping against his ribcage. He braced himself with tense limbs as the killer made a beeline in his direction, the following seconds happening in a blur. It was a mess of limbs and desperate scuffling as the two men fought, but when Yamamoto's fist successfully connected with the man's stomach, winding him momentarily, he took that opportunity to bring him down— permanently or not, he didn't know.
The next scream that caught his ears was a lot more alarming. It was a man's voice coming from not too far away, and when a struggling Kuroo caught Yamamoto's eye, he didn't think twice before jumping in to his aid. He roared as he fought to fend off the two assailants, using his bare hands to free his captain from their vice grip. He barely took notice of Kuroo's pleas from him to back off, too busy with trying to detach the hands on his captain's arms to fully heed his warning. It was only when Kuroo full-on roared his name that Yamamoto finally locked eyes with him, immediately noting the horror that painted his features. His haunting expression sunk in like the sharp object that sunk into Yamamoto's brain, and as his vision faded to black, he collapsed against his captain.
Player 024 (Yaku), eliminated.
His feet are rooted to the ground as he watches the life fade from Yamamoto's eyes, the shard of glass still rooted into his skull. He wants to reach out to him, to shake him and try and wake him up, his thought process gone into a haze. Instead, he reaches for the glass, his hands trembling as he carefully pulls it out, his stomach churning all the while. He thinks for a moment about what he's about to do, regarding the weapon with wide eyes. There's drops of Yamamoto's blood dripping onto the floor and Yaku feels bile rising to his throat as some of it trickles onto his hands, still warm and sticky. Then it happens, as quick as a gunshot; the need for revenge. His body moves on its own as he charges towards Yamamoto's killer, the glass in his hand heavy with the act he's about to commit to. It sinks into the man's cheek as Yaku twists his wrist, eliciting a howl that's bound to be heard from across the dormitory.
Yaku backs away once his victim falls to his knees, his entire body shaking and his breathing pattern erratic. He can barely process what he's just done, he feels like he's been possessed, his eyes glued on the man struggling to remove the shard from his cheek. Too overpowered by his own gruesome act to move, Yaku falls prey to the hands of another player and feels the glass shard pierce between his shoulder blades, almost like whoever's dealing the blow was unable to fully commit to the act.
He falls to the ground, using his hands to try and push himself back up but failing when someone straddles him, pushing him flat against the floor. Yaku gasps for air as he tries to shake them off, only to let out a strangled cry when something stabs him again— and again, and again until he ceases to move.
Player 026 (Lev), passed.
He feels like a metal rode caught in a thunderstorm. There's fights happening everywhere you look, screams echoing around the room like bolts of lightening and Lev is trapped among the chaos. He watches with dread as Yamamoto and Yaku both lay there, unmoving. And with Kuroo and Kenma occupied, the chances are high that he too, meets the same demise. Lev's no fighter, that much is clear— not with his flailing limbs and clumsiness. His mind is telling him just to run, to see how far his legs can carry him and just pray that he make it out alive. However, his heart prevents him and nag him to stay close to his friends.
The dilemma leaves him reeling, his fingers twitching with the urge to flee. But in a moment of spontaneity, he finally decides to stay, a deep frown marring his features as he charges into the thunderstorm.
Player 027 (Inuoka).
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Player 028 (Bokuto), passed.
Bokuto didn't know if he should consider himself lucky, or cursed. The loss of Akaashi would certainly be classified as the latter, but succeeding the honeycomb game was up for debate. He'd been fooled into having the hardest shape to carve out and yet there he stood, still breathing. Now, most would consider that luck— if not a miracle— yet as Bokuto stood alone amidst hundreds of bloodthirsty individuals, ready to fight tooth and nail if it meant getting rid of more competition, he honestly thought maybe life was just playing a cruel farce on him and that experiencing all these trauma-inducing games was simply a punishment of sorts.
Or perhaps, just perhaps, him making it this far was a sign for him to keep moving on, to keep living and forgive himself—
Akaashi's smile flashed through his mind.
—but how? How to move on when it should be him standing in his place. It ails him to think of a life without him, without a friend he thought he'd never have to live without. But if he's still standing, still breathing when he should've died back there on the playground, then maybe it's for a reason...
To decide this, he slips under the bed, thinking:
If I can make it through the night without so much as lifting a finger, then I really am meant to live. If not, then I shall accept the fate I should've succumb to a long time ago.
Player 029 (Akaashi).
Player 030 (Konoha).
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Player 031 (Ushijima).
Player 032 (Tendou), passed.
When Ushijima hadn't come back, Tendou was in a state of disbelief. In fact, he'd quite literally fell into a daze, eyes vacant and seemingly frozen in time. It was only as Shirabu noticed and began calling out to him that he finally came back to his senses.
"Snap out of it," he'd said. "He's gone."
The words had sounded cold as they left Shirabu's lips but Tendou would've been blind to let the tears in his eyes go unnoticed.
An odd feeling settled in his chest, one that felt so unpleasantly familiar and that he'd hoped he would never have to experience again. It was the same melancholic feeling he'd felt back in high school; the feeling of having lost something so dear to him it left him feeling bitter. Only this time, it was someone, and along with that feeling of sorrow came a fury that up until this day, had been a feeling almost entirely foreign to him. Hurt, betrayal, loneliness, sadness, and humiliation had all been a part of his life, but never fury. And he didn't know how to handle it.
Player 033 (Goshiki), passed.
Goshiki had never seen Tendou like this. Tendou had frightened him in the past with his freakishly accurate intuition and sardonic behaviour, but never to the point where it put Goshiki on edge. Ever since Ushijima's passing, he was all cold intimidation, and Goshiki felt like he was walking on thin ice and that he could break at any given moment.
Turns out, that given moment was at night. At night when death was around every corner and amidst it all was a blood-coated Tendou.
Goshiki felt every part of his body trembling. To witness his upperclassmen like this was nothing short of blood curdling, with his jersey stained crimson, wild eyes flashing with every flickering light, accompanied by the sound of a metal pole dragging behind him with every step. He wondered if Ushijima had something to do with this, if his death had caused Tendou to go into some kind of craze.
The sound of another person's screams dying beneath Tendou's weapon broke Goshiki from his train of thought. He backed himself further into a corner, hugging himself with trembling hands, praying that this night be over.
Player 034 (Shirabu), passed.
Like Goshiki, Shirabu watches with baited breath as Tendou takes down yet another person. Something must have snapped inside that twisted mind of his, he thinks. The concept makes him feel sick to the stomach, knowing that only have they lost Ushijima in the flesh, but Tendou in spirit, too. Part of him wants to storm up to Tendou and snap him out of the psychotic episode he's currently drowning in, fearing that if this goes on, he'll just end up getting himself killed, too. But what good would that be if Shirabu just ended up getting caught in the crossfire?
He clicks his tongue. Looks like Tendou would be on his own until sunlight. For now, he had himself to worry about, and he wasn't about to die here.
Player 035 (Semi), passed.
He's fighting tooth and nail, sweat and blood trickling down his face. He really wished if hadn't come to this, but alas, a person's greed truly was something to be terrified of. Even if it meant killing their own, a human's greed knew no bounds.
As for Tendou, he wondered if greed was what was fueling him... From the looks of it, it seemed to be more out an outburst, perhaps like some sort of twisted catharsis in response to his friends loss.
When the lights came back on, everything came to a standstill, the events of what just happened painted everywhere in the dormitory walls, floor, and players. Semi fell back onto some persons bed, light-headed and nauseous.
He dare'nt look at the state of his hands.
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Player 036 (Kita), passed.
His gut was right— something terrible did happen during the previous game. When Suna and the twins came back from the honeycomb challenge earlier that day, it was with great regret that they told him about Aran's death. All Kita could do at the time was exhale a shaky breath, apologising to his former teammates that they had to bear witness to such a traumatising thing. The instant he was alone however, locked in the cubicle of one of the public restrooms, Kita cried. He couldn't remember the last time he broke down the way he did that day, the kind of breakdown that made him curl in on himself, violent sobs making his entire body shake as he clutched his sides in a desperate attempt of comfort.
He stayed locked in there for about an hour until he couldn't produce even a single tear, his body tired and dehydrated. Before leaving however, he'd say a prayer for Aran, wishing him the best in the afterlife and promising to hold a proper funeral for him once he made it out of here.
Player 037 (Aran).
Player 038 & Player 039 (Atsumu & Osamu), passed.
"Kita's been cryin'." Atsumu points out to his twin, his voice unchanging and dull.
Osamu's gaze flits to their former captain and takes note of his swollen red eyes and flushed face, a heavy feeling settling in his chest. "M' not surprised," he murmurs, taking pity on his senior. He remembers them being close in high school, closer than anyone had ever gotten to Kita. What a loss that must be for him.
"I wanna get outta here," Atsumu speaks up, eyes glued to the pink soldiers carrying that creepy, present-shaped coffin out of the dorm. "I don't wanna be next."
"Just be lucky it hasn't already happened," Osamu replies, and he quickly shakes off the thought of Atsumu being the one wheeled out of the room instead. "'Least most of us are still here."
"Whaddaya mean, 'at least most of us are still here'? Isn't one of us dyin' already enough?!"
Osamu feels his heartbeat pick up as Atsumu raises his voice. He'd almost forgotten what that sounded like. Since the beginning of the games, Atsumu's been way out of his usual state of mind, so dim and unsure compared to his usual passionate self. The tone he's using however, never usually means anything good. It's the tone he uses when he's put his mind to something and typically, he doesn't tend to back down once it happens.
"Don't be gettin' any stupid ideas 'Tsumu. You know we can't leave now. The majority voted to stay."
"Yeah? And how's that fair on those who did wanna leave? Riddle me that!"
Osamu holds a stern face as Atsumu glares back at him. "It ain't."
"Exactly." Atsumu says, but just as he stands up from his bed, eyes directed at the pink soldiers standing by the door, Osamu quickly stands up and steps in front of him.
"Yer outta yer mind, 'Tsumu," Osamu starts, calmly, warningly. "The guards don't listen. And put a hand on them and they'll shoot ya."
Atsumu brushes past his brother without so much as saying a word, but when he steps in front of him again with a stern call of his name, Atsumu pulls an indignant face.
"'Samu if you think I'm gonna just sit around and give these pink bastards the pleasure of shootin' my brains out, yer dead wrong. Now stop gettin' in my way. Follow me and make sure I don't get outta line if ya want, but I'm goin'."
With that, Atsumu gives no chance for Osamu to argue. It could be worth a shot, after all. So long as he doesn't get handsy with the henchmen, there shouldn't be an issue. But in case he does resort to that, Osamu'll make sure to stop him before shit gets real.
"Oi, you! Assholes in pink! I want out! It ain't fair that ya keep the ones who voted to leave inside here! What did we do to deserve this, huh? Speak up!"
There's a brief moment of silence as Atsumu pleads his case. Then, one of the masked men, the one with a circle on it, steps forward.
"The rules indicate that if the majority voted to terminate the games, then we'd have no choice but to comply. However, the results show that one hundred and two of you voted to stay, and only ninety nine of you, voted to leave. Therefore, there's no longer anything we can do."
Anger bubbles inside Atsumu's stomach but before Osamu can persuade him to give up, Atsumu's at it again. This time, taking one step closer to the soldier who merely looks up at the infuriated twin.
"I don't care what the majority wanted! That's still ninety nine of us who wanted to leave! What's it to you, anyway? Ain't one hundred and two players enough to satisfy yer sadistic little game show?"
The guard remains still, even in face of Atsumu's yelling. Then, he replies in that same, monotonous voice:
"I'm sorry. We do not come up with the rules. Now, we demand you regain your bed and rest. Tomorrow will be a new game and—"
"Demand? Who do you think ya'are?!" Atsumu growls, signs of his anger growing more and more dangerous by the second. "Go get me yer master then. Maybe he'll be more useful than you little pricks—"
He stops speaking when he feels something press into his stomach, and only when he looks down does he realize one of the armed soldiers has his finger poised on the trigger, the nuzzle of his gun cold even through the fabric of his t-shirt.
"Drop it now, 'Tsumu. You did yer best."
A click of the tongue and Atsumu shoves the gun away from him. There's anger-induced tears welling in his eyes as he and Osamu walk back to their beds, his attempts of getting him and his friends out to safety shattering right before him.
"It's not fuckin' fair, 'Samu," he sniffles.
Osamu feels his heart break just a little more and pats him on the back.
"I know, 'Tsumu. I know."
Player 040 (Suna), passed.
True, the previous game hadn't at all been physically demanding but even so, Suna felt exhausted. Even Kita's harsh penalties back in their high school years hadn't knocked him out this quickly.
Okay. Maybe that was kind of a stretch. But pushing aside the details, Suna had been sleeping for about two hours after the honeycomb game, completely dead to the world on the outside, but a turmoil of emotion bubbling on the inside. He thought sleeping would serve as a perfect distraction from thinking about... Him. About Aran, and how he'd prematurely lost his life earlier that day. But even in his unconscious state, images of his friend came to him in the form of a nightmare.
His eyebrows were pinched as his mind tried to fight off the bad dream, his breath shallow as a dead Aran weakly reaches a hand out to him, pleading him for help.
Then he's abruptly woken up, only to be greeted with the sound of the twins' arguing. It was a welcome change from his nightmare, he supposed.
Raking a hand throw his hair, Suna took a swig from his water which felt like heaven against his dry throat. Then, he turned to Kita, who from the looks it of, seemed to be fighting demons of his own.
Suna couldn't blame him.
"What're the twins fighting about, now?" Suna asks, deciding not to bring up Kita's worse for wear appearance. A change of subject might distract his former captain from the woes he's dealing with, he thought.
"Atsumu wants to leave this place and has decided to confront the guards," Kita replies plainly. "And Osamu's trying to stop him."
"Classic Atsumu," Suna scoffs, though it's more out of fondness than spite. "Looks like Osamu's lost the argument this time."
He watches as the Miyas walk up to the henchmen, and part of Suna is weary of the men wielding those guns.
"If we were to take another vote, what would you choose this time?" Kita asks. Suna regards him with a curious gaze.
"I'd vote to leave." It's an obvious choice for Suna. If he can avoid witnessing more death, he'd fucking love to. "And you?"
"I'd vote to stay."
And at this, Suna falters. He wants to bring up that they've already lost Aran but he bites his tongue. He wants to ask what reason is there for them to stay here, but before he can formulate his response, Kita's already begun speaking:
"Dont'cha think it'd be a waste, givin' up now? Lots of people here have already lost someone they care about. Dont'cha think it invalidates their death if we just decide to leave?"
Suna watches with careful eyes as Kita tweaks with the hem of his jacket, a giveaway sign to his unease. Talking about this must be eating at him more than he's letting on, Suna remarks. He understands where he's coming from, it's true that deciding to bail now would make Aran's death seem in vain, but wouldn't it be even more pointless if they all ended up dying here? At least if they left now they'd be taking no risks.
"I'm not sure," he says. Then: "does this mean you're planning on completing all the games?"
"No matter the cost," Kita answers. His confidence makes Suna smirk a little.
"I thought you were all about fair-play."
Kita merely shrugs at that, dismissing Suna's claims. "Sometimes a little foul play is necessary. Especially with our life on the line."
Suna feigns a gasp, still smirking as he lies back on his bed, arms crossed behind his head. "How shrewd."
Kita chuckles at the small jab, and for the first time in days, Suna smiles.
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Date Tech;
Player 042 (Fukutachi), passed.
He sneers as the pink soldiers carry out the corpse, thinking that this place couldn't get any crueller. He'd told Koganegawa not to look as soon as the fight started to escalate, knowing he was more sensitive to the sight of death more than he was. Then spent the rest of the afternoon assuring his team that they'd all make it through the night. He'd told them that like on the court, they would depend on defending themselves, not attacking, and that staying close by was the key to surviving the bloodbath intermission.
Player 043 (Koganegawa), passed.
Upon Fukutachi's suggestion, Kogane had looked away and covered his ears to shelter him from the sounds of murder. He couldn't believe it; how could people be this ruthless, this selfish? And for what? The money? They'd take lives over money? It was beyond him.
When Fukutachi had told the team that there was most likely going to be a big fight tonight, Kogane swallowed hard. He was terrified of the thought of being targeted by hundreds of money-driven humans, fearing that if push came to shove, that he just wouldn't have it in him to end another person's life. Luckily, Futakuchi took that into account and said that all they'd need to do was stand their ground, protect their own and so long as they did that, victory would be theirs.
Player 041 (Aone), passed.
It goes without saying that Aone was the muscle of the team. He was its main pillar and their strongest line of defense when it came to protecting his two friends. Thankfully though, not a lot of people went for this team in the first place because they weren't considered easy targets, and the people who did try and go for them bailed the moment they caught a glimpse of Aone. Overall; not too much trouble.
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Player 044 (Suguru), passed.
Upon finding out that are big fight would break out later that night, Suguru's immediate plan of action was finding a group of strong people. The first people that came to mind was the group sitting at the far end of the dormitory; three men all tall and muscular and perfect for assuming the role of potential meat shields. Of course, he wouldn't mention that once the fight broke out, nor would he ask them to team up. After all, how could he be sure that they wouldn't turn their backs on him or even worse, gang up on him?. Rather, Suguru would wait until the lights went out before sneaking past them and crawling under one of their beds, just beneath their line of defense. Then, all he had to do was wait until morning.
Player 045 (Terushima), passed.
His eyes glinted with interest as they remained trained on the golden piggy bank overhead. So that's how it was— whether it was inside or outside the games, eliminating players was still a possibility. He thought for a moment. But why now? Why hadn't the pink soldiers stepped in to break the fight? Wasn't violence among players prohibited until now? He pondered over the possibilities, the only logical reason would be if the henchmen had purposely set this up to spur the players on, to make them break out into a fight. But for what reason? Terushima wasn't sure. To weed out the weaklings perhaps? And if that were the case, then it was obvious that the next games were favourable for those with more refined physical abilities. Clever.
If his assumption was correct and a bloodbath really did break out, he figured the more vicious players would team up and target the more vulnerable first— which included Terushima, seeing as he was alone.
So, the second the men in pink carried away the corpse, he began scouting, carefully observing each team that began to form and inwardly analysing their physical abilities. He'd need a team with more members, preferably men, tall, athletic, and trustworthy, which was the hardest trait to decipher.
In the end, he'd settle on a team of five men, most of them lean and well built, huddling around one of the beds. He interrupted their plan making, faltering slightly under two of the player's intimidating glare. That was good, he supposed. They looked like they could put up a fight. Bowing to show his sincerity, he asked if he could form a team with them and though they seemed to scrutinize him at first, they accepted. Now they were a team of six.
Player 046 (Sakusa), eliminated.
Sakusa doesn't know if he can do it, honestly. Murdering a person with his own two hands. It's too much to even think about, even in a kill or be killed situation. Was it naive of him to think he could make it through the night without resorting to violence? Probably. But that didn't mean he wouldn't try to anyway.
His heart beats frantically in his ribcage as he tries to manoeuvre his way through the obscurity, his eyes squinting as he tries to adjust to both pitch black and the flashing lights at all once. Then he feels his heart stop as someone grabs his leg, only for his stomach to churn once his eyes glance down at the blood-soaked woman begging at his feet. His hand flies up to his mouth, his chest heaving as he tries so desperatly to suppress the urge to gag.
He feels like he's about to faint, but as two hands come and latch onto his throat, squeezing so tightly it makes him see white, he lets himself go and not even seconds later and his heart stops beating.
Player 047 (Hoshiumi).
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andcontemplation · 4 years
I saw your pic of Winona and Helena and I was wondering if you could do a short ficlet of maybe young Joyce discussing her fling/friendzone/love with Hop with her older sister cause hell she's desperate about it
Like the sister could ask her out, give advice, tease her about it, they could talk about each other's experiences or Joyce could even ask her for advice cause she's afraid to fuck things up if it gets physical
I'm not a writer so I'm leaving all my ideas here, I'd love if you wrote this but don't worry if you're too busy or sth
Dear Anon -- I don’t normally take many fic requests because I’m such a slow writer, but this one just sprouted fully formed from my brain the moment I read your ask! It still took me a few days to get after since life got busy for me. It also turned out to be about 1400+ words so I’ve pasted below under the cut. I’ll be uploading it to Ao3 soon too when I get a chance :) I’d be happy to dedicate it to you if you feel comfortable dm-ing me your username on Ao3. Thank you for sending it along!
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"Hey, you! What's wrong?"
Joyce nearly jumped out of her skin at the disembodied voice that called out from the empty bedroom -- or at least, the bedroom she thought was empty. She turned on a dime, clutching for her heart. Joyce might’ve been sixteen going on seventeen, but she was far too young for a heart attack.
"Jesus!" She gasped at the familiar figure sitting at the edge of the bed. "I didn't know you were home."
"Ma didn't tell you I was coming home for Thanksgiving?" Stella stopped unpacking the small duffle at her feet and raised an eyebrow at her sister.
Joyce sighed and leaned against the doorframe.
"Ma's not even here! She went to Chicago this morning with her new beau."
"Color me surprised," Stella deadpanned, throwing the pair of socks down on the bed in disgust. "Which one? Tom?"
Joyce shook her head.
"Randy. Tom was married."
Stella rolled her eyes and reached for another handful of clothes.
"Of course he was," she snapped. "How does she keep falling for that same old line?"
Joyce only shrugged and toed the door jamb, waiting for her sister to invite her into her room.
They hadn't seen much of each other since Stella ran off at sixteen to live with her boyfriend in Philadelphia, almost two years previous, and as the months and then the years passed by, Joyce felt more and more distant from the sister she grew up with. It was beginning to feel like eons had passed since they would spend all their days together, playing dolls and dress-up in that exact bedroom, performing plays for the neighborhood kids in the backyard or riding their bikes downtown to go try on perfume and makeup at the five and dime.
Joyce was still a little miffed at Stella for running off and leaving her behind with their mother and not taking Joyce with her when she left. It didn't seem fair that she had to stay when she was the baby -- the baby with the most responsibility -- the one who ended up making sure Ma didn't go completely off the rails, dependent on the bottle again or running off with a third husband. The resentment Joyce still carried always made her forget just how much she missed having her big sister around and how much she still needed her.
Stella looked up from her duffle bag and saw Joyce standing there, looking at her with big, red-rimmed eyes.
"Sorry Ma skipped town. I'm glad you're home," Joyce said, meaning it.
Stella's frown melted, and she dropped the clothes in a heap, patting the bed beside her.
"I am too. Now tell me what's wrong."
Joyce sighed deeply.
"Nothing. It's stupid."
"Boys?" Stella asked with a knowing grin.
Joyce sighed again, and her eyes fluttered up to the ceiling, embarrassed at the degree of stupidity she was feeling that very moment. She willed herself not to cry over him.
Stella pushed Joyce's bangs out of her eyes and off her cheeks, where they stuck to pale skin, and gave her little sister a look. But instead of imbibing confidence, it just made Joyce want to cry more.
She made a face and sucked in a breath before letting it all out.
"Karen and I saw Hop behind the bleachers with one of the cheerleaders today at lunch."
Stella's eyebrows shot up.
"Oh. Which cheerleader?"
"Chrissy Carpenter. That bottle blonde bubble-headed... bimbo!"
Joyce glared out the window and across the street at the edge of Hopper's front lawn, the only piece of his house she could see from that angle.
Stella choked back a giggle when she noticed how intensely Joyce was staring.
"Woah. That's some serious alliteration."
"Yeah, well," Joyce grumbled and shrugged. "I'm upset."
Stella went back to emptying out the rest of her bag, but not before throwing her sister a loving look.
"I can see that. But I thought you and Jimmy were just friends?"  
"We are!" Joyce finally dragged her eyes off his house and pouted at Stella before trailing off. "It's just that…"
"Oh come on," Stella said and ruffled Joyce's bangs. "You know you can tell me!"
There was another eye roll from Joyce.
"I just thought that something had changed between us this year. Maybe... Oh, I don't know anymore."
Then she clammed up.
Stella walked over to the window, took out a pack of Slims, and lit one up before opening the window a crack.
"Know what? Spit it out, sis!"
Joyce couldn't look at her older, prettier, more elegant sister, sitting there smoking at the windowsill like some french model who could have any man she wanted -- wrapped around her little finger. Joyce wished she could only look so mod and in charge.
Instead, she felt pathetic for pining after the boy across the street.
"Well," she started, flopping back on the bed, finding it easier to confess without having to worry about seeing the look of judgment cross Stella's face. "He'd been acting weird since we went camping this last summer. Then I realized by the second week of September that he was over here almost every night. At first, he said he needed help with his schoolwork because he really wanted to graduate, and since we're in all the same classes, it made sense, right? But by October, he was coming over for the dumbest reasons, and then I started to think he was gonna ask me to the homecoming dance. Like, I was so sure he was gonna do it. A few times, actually. But it was like he chickened out or something."
Stella held up a hand to pause Joyce there, even though Joyce couldn't see it.
"Waitaminute. Didn't you say on our last phone call that Lonnie Byers asked you out that night?"
"Yep, and what a date that was." Joyce rolled her head to the side and looked at her sister with a scowl.
Stella smirked, tapping the end of the cigarette out over the eaves.
"I warned you about him."
"Yeah yeah, I know: 'Lonnie Byers is scum.' But I'm pretty sure we're talking about Hop here?"
"Pardonne Moi! Please... continue."
"So, he seemed a bit distant after homecoming, but he'd still come over to study sometimes, and I'd catch him staring at me. It almost looked like he wanted to kiss me or something. And one day during gym, he told me I looked pretty when I knew for a fact I was a sweaty, frizzy mess. I guess it got in my head because I started to think, well maybe I want him to kiss me. And maybe I like him too? I was gonna tell him this weekend. I had it all planned out. But then he runs off and swaps spit with Chrissy, and now here I am, crying over a dumb boy. Stupid, stupid me."
Stella put the last bit of the cigarette out and moved back to the bed, pushing Joyce's legs out of the way.
"Not stupid," she said. "Just young and in love."
Joyce sat up on her elbows, nose turned up in protest.
"Gross. I am not!"
"You are." Stella chuckled.
Joyce frowned as she slowly realized her sister was right and succumbed to her lovesick fate.
"I am, aren't I?"
"'Fraid so, my dear."
"Cripes -- this sucks!”
"Oh, don't worry." Stella smiled. "I know just the thing to fix a broken heart! Ma might not be around but we can still have fun. What’s say we stay up late, paint our nails, eat our way through an entire tub of ice cream and I can give you some pointers for when you find yourself a real man. You'll be over that silly Hopper boy in no time."
"But what if I don't want to be over him?" Joyce whined, feeling sick for even thinking it let alone admitting it out loud. He was her best friend, since before they could walk, and those feelings had remained strictly platonic but lately, she couldn't imagine being without him, let alone sharing him with anyone else. Especially bottle blonde bubble-headed bimbos.
Stella held her hand out to Joyce and helped her sit up.
"Trust me, sis. It's for the best. Boys like Jim and Lonnie will ruin you for life. You belong with someone sweet and kind, who won't rush you before you're ready…"
Joyce scoffed.
"Boys like that don't exist!"
"Sure, they do!" Stella nodded. Then she had an idea. "Say -- isn't there a Sadie Hawkins soon?"
"Yeah, the Snowball," Joyce said, cluing in, trying not to look too excited. "You think I should ask Hop?"
"No!" Stella sighed. "I'm saying you should ask a nice boy to go with you."
"A what?"
"Think of the nicest, and well... let’s say the nerdiest guy in your class, and ask him to the Snowball. Not Lonnie or Hop! No more bad boys who play ping-pong with your heart."
"No, no way!" Joyce shook her head and dove headfirst into the pillows. "I am not asking Bob the Brain!"
Stella threw her hands up in the air.
"Fine, be miserable and alone forever then. See if I care!"
"Fine!" Joyce shouted, muffled by the pillows before dissolving into a fit of giggles as her sister beat her over the head with another frilly embroidered pillow.
"I'm glad you're home," Joyce said when she caught her breath.
"Me too, sis," Stella said. "Me too."
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meeraria · 5 years
Hii, I'm so shy asking this but I read somewhere you have a list of upstead moments, would you share it with me? If it's not too much 🙈
I am very sorry I just saw this!! I hope you haven’t sent this a long time ago. I’ve finished the last season recently but I haven’t done this one yet. and pls don’t be shy!! I am so happy you asked. not many people like them.
I don’t have time stamps just some shorthand notes to remind me of the scene. and every instance they call each other by their names (I had this idea to gif them or make a video etc.) but all the moments are in chronological order so if you see the third moment before the first one when you’re watching an episode that means you skipped the first two. the list is under the cut.
ps. there might be some other moments that I liked that are not necessarily upstead.
4x21 first time at the back of a van
4x22 jay on haileys desk
        erin is the one who calls her hailey for the first time
4x23 hailey meets will
        hailey looks after jay when he leaves
5x01 jay touches hailey on the shoulder for bust
        hailey calls him jay for the first time, to Kev and Ruz
        look at each other at the hospital
        if you need anything
deleted scene: jay I got your back. he is quick to escape her. pats her back. she respects. he’s with his brother
5x02 looks at jay when he starts lying to suspect
        sits on her desk
        jay checks out hailey in the interrogation room
        jay calls him upton. for the first time
5x03 they open doors to cupboard at the same time
        butchers blade-look to each other
5x04 sb assumes hailey is ruzek’s gf
        stops a witness from prosecuting ruzek
        ruzek calls her hailey cause he thinks she’s gonna snitch, jay tries to stop him
5x05 hailey puts her hand on jay’s shoulder jay looks and she recants
        they save the kids look at each other
5x06 Le Snob (he’s not in love yet-doesnt look at her)
        jay brings her jacket
        mcgrady you run the log hailey they look at each other
        their hands touch when jay gives her the camera
        j: is this really about the case? h:see u 2morrow
        jay(grabs her shoulder): u sure u ok? let me know if you need anything
        how’supton? jay: idunno  
5x07 look at each other to open door
        voight: you got a take hailey? neutral
        microphone up (first time saying jay 2hisface)
        looks at hailey so she’d start the fight
        iknowwhathesaw, was what u said true. jay is pissed
        first fight: voight says hailey. she denies jay’s request
        jayx4 points the gun at her
        hailey calls him, he rolls eyes
5x08 first time calls her hailey (don’t need no babysitter)
5x09 hailey texts him, rolls eyes
        I’ll stay with the suspect hailey
        big potato talk (she’s driving)
        flirty let’s check out his alibi
        he looked at her and then they look at each other but it’s fast (questioning junkie)
        they take a selfie, he puts arm around her she wants to but stops herself
5x10* camila episode
        introduces her as hailey - but she’s gay
        we’re gonna talk about her, now (calls her jay) I’m fine lie.
        you can’t talk to her - jay you’re not thinking straight
        thinks she betrayed her
        “back off jay”
         looks at him over camila’s shoulder
         they look at each other - after camilla’s dismissal
         hailey is worried about him
         she threatens camilla, saying I - his real name is jay x2
5x11 if you’re not serious I need a new partner (shoulder tap)
        he wants back to therapy cause of ultimatum
5x12 “jay come back.” platt’s birthday (shoulder punch)- lookateachother
         he uses her desk like he doesn’t have one
         she pushes jays back to get to voight
         they’re hiding together
5x13  look at each other at restaurant
         how’s therapy going?
         “jay!” - spots the suspects
5x14  flag dispute
        look each other when they get shots fired
        sits on hailey’s desk
        I used to be a soldier-looks at hailey x2
        she admires that he respects the kneeler
5x15 she puts arm on his shoulder
        sits on hailey’s desk about q
        italian guy flirting, women are more loyal then men
        jay, you got her?
5x16 bomb-she falls down he grabs her
       he sitting on her desk
       cF(6x13) calls her to ask about voight
5x17 he’s sitting on her desk
        uh-oh i just saw a rat arm tap
5x18* titus episode: jay also calls adam ruz?
        how do u know this guy?
        looks after she explains
        i pitch jay as a potential buyer
        you look like a real couple
        hailey, thought he bit but
        you were hailey’s case officer, she’s my partner
        hailey, we gotta talk about this, did he rape you
        i can handle this jay- I said the same thing u called me out (shoulder tap)
        touches her arm, booth notices
        he asked me if i slept with her,
        hailey you’re way too emotional
        jay: me too. hailey’s solid,hailey’s gonna callme
        he reaches for his gun when booth gets handsy with her
        5 time hailey, please (grabs her shoulder)
        looks after her when arresting
        comes to her house, hailey u got him
        two deletes scenes: therapy is over
        you’re incredibly aloof about your private life
5x19 sitting on hailey’s desk, gives her jacket
        looks at homeless jay
        saves her life, you good? good.
5x20 look at each other during shootout
        talk about erin
5x21 he and kevin fight and she calms them
        h:I just talked to halstead
        sarge if you need sth - she’s same to everyone
        he’s sitting on her desk
5x22 hank x trudy hug (personal ship)
        jay comes back from crying grabs her shoulder, she grabs his hand
        jay sits on her desk
deleted scene: pushes her out of line of fire
6x01 trudy comes to see hank (personal ship)
        “jay” go be undercover junkie
         gets his jacket to him
6x02 look at each other in morgue
        she uses his computer
        she looks at him worried before they go busting
        damn it jay. jay, I almost shot you
        need me to talk to u. I don’t need anything jay.
        innocent man, jay. second fight? keeps looking at him
        jay, back off. she pushes him hard, grabs his chest
        she grabs his arm to pull him back
        “you’re too close jay” I’m done being your punching bag -his eyes never leave her
         he’s shot, she’s distressed jay x 4 (she checks his body)
         Hailey, I’m sorry. touches his knee as she gets up then cries
deleted scene jay I thought you were with will, pats arm working this case?
6x03 halstead calls her. she slept with adam
        I gotta meet jay
        you’re like never late. he looks at her after she dismisses him
        checks to see if she follows
        gonna grab halstead and dig in
        look at each other
6x04 greets her when nobody notices
        she gets  the suspect by jumping on him (gay moment for me)
        ready? eye contact
6x05 she knows how to handle idiots
        makes way for her like the first time they met
        I don’t care if we’re sleeping 2gether talk to voight (to adam) LOVE HER
6x06* voight learns about upzek
        i dont do violence
        adam undermines her, she gets angry
        look at each other when talking to voight
       keeps looking at jay when he talks
       hailey we gotta talk. I confirmed his alibi
       hailey you did what you have to, she cries to him about her guilt adam interrupts.
       nothing good comes from workplace romance (he has some feelings?)
       even when he’s debriefing; he looks at hailey. adam doesn’t
       I know u don’t wanna talk about it flirting. she’s sad
       tries to explain to adam: this halstead thing
6x07* looks at him when they’re listening to wire
        he wants to help kev, she grabs his arm to stop
        legally blind witness flirting
        bomb goes off - are u ok? grabs her
        va is dead, she checks on him, he look at her. all with eyes
        pushes her in the room, through her shoulder
        u got me? yeah.
        burqa woman incident. jay x2 , hold on. hailey x7, stop
        we’re not mind readers hailey. *whispering softly you’re not in war anymore*
        look at each other, in the interview
        she doesn’t believe the guy he does.
        sits on her desk
        introduces her as upton to racist woman
        save the commentary and scroll look
        this thing between us. I screwed up hailey. I have bias (her hand on his shoulder)
        looks at her when they walk (feelings maybe?)
6x08 u know she’s with me right?
        adam compliments, jay looks at her
        steals a pen from him in the background when antonio is on the phone
        kev’s suspect calls her out look each other.
        kev asks to talk to snitch, she taps jay to leave
6x09 when adam talks about commitment she gets scared
        jay calls everyone by surnames except “hailey”
        flying blind is fun flirting
        “jay” spotted a camera
        sweeps the house, touches her arm
        suspect pushes her, he catches her and adam punches
        she dresses kim’s vest (gay shriek)
6x10* hailey, come on x2
        she’s angry. looks at him. he look to voight
        voight: trudy. ride with me to the scene (personal)
        asks his opinion on ruzek and iad.
        he catches upzek. she’s upset he saw.
        “a guy I’m dating upzek talk with voight”
         we’re always gonna be good talk
6x11 kelton comes. look at each other.
6x12* he gets agitated, she supports him with her looks, he checks for support
        “jay you allright” kelton denied funds. hailey, we got him rn.
         looks at the bus stop. supporting love. looks.
        she catches him over the body “jay, you ok?” hailey arrived after me.
        she’s angry and he looks at her.she leaves he stays. head salute.
        hailey, what’s up. jay you went dark. is that what you think? jay…
        voight warns him. she’s worried behind.
        she looks you ok? he looks yes go. first nonverbal.
        voight compliments him.
        long week. u can’t right every wrong “jay”. flirting then adam calls. go..
6x13 surveillance flirting about kev
       what the hell look at her
6x14 kim catches upzek
        she gets kidnapped he’s worried
        he’s ok with voight’s tactics cause she’s missing
        he fights with ruzek.
        she’s proud of kim. (personal)
        ruzek goes to kim first.
        he stands up when he sees her. he’s so sad and angry
        she checks jay. he’s upset
6x15* he’s talking to her on the phone
        check if he’s coming behind her
        pushes back her chair to sit on her desk
        “Hailey he’s headed to you” “squad advise my partner ” x 2
         upton are you copying? copy jay are you ok? hailey he’s armed.
         jay! we’re coming in!
         you good? yeah you? yeah
         she’s driving
         jay we’re good. “do what your ladyfriend tell you to do”
         looks at her before he gets out
         they look at each other, he says no she listens
         she keeps checking on him, he assures her after
         he has a hunch, she supports him. he thanks with eyes, she says np with eyes
         he defends his hunch, she silently supports him. then look at each other for thx
         eyes talk: come with me? right now? ok?
         suspect says he’ll snitch, they look at each other we got it
         I’ll follow you blind talk. (she half-confessed her feelings to him)
6x16  “sarge what you don’t let me and hailey go?” “hailey?” and gets her jacket
         I’m halstead and she’s upton.
         I’ll catch up with you, forearm grip
         he waited at the entrance
         serial killer talks to her, he gets nervous
         runs to the car/him, “I got Hailey”
6x17 sitting on her desk
        looks at her, checking out buildings
        “oh yeah good one” arm pat
        looks at her when she’s not looking and looks away when she turns
        throws usb to him, he catches
        they judge the juvie guy together
        voight offers himself to suspect he checks her face to see what she thinks
        they look at each other this time when they been judgey
6x18  sitting on her desk
         hands on her desk when she’s not there like it’s his :)
6x19 towering over her while she looks at the footage
        jay! blue buick
        she tries to help the victim and looks at jay to see if she can he looks no
        she supports kim no qs ask when kim barges in, normally follows the rules
        ruzek keeps checking on kim-believes her immediately  like jay and hailey
        he was sitting on her desk since before hank came in
6x20 she doesn’t wanna meet ruzek’s family?? i dunno
        pats her arm after she’s shot at
        they shadow ruzek but she calls it off. jay doesn’t interfere & looks the whole time
        ruzek wants answers he tries to cover and supports her and tell ruz to let it go
        ruz thinks it’s cause of burzek but it’s not.
        “jay talked to”
         she holds off the op he’s worried a little in the car.
         upstead communicate silently and without questioning
         she checks on jay while he fights the suspect
         she questions her relationship with adam, platt says if he’s not the one end it
         she breaks up with ruzek, and admits they’re not the one for each other
6x21 she’s a bit cocky to the suspect and he smiles a little whilst he turns???
        TRUDY AND HANK what could have been
         they sit at their desk together
         “hailey tell the port supervisor…”
6x22* voight explains the plan, they look at each other worried
        he breaks into the car so fast she flirting
        “jay you close”
         she crashes to save him
         “I’m going where you go” they’re both surprised he said it
         he protects her first when they’re shot at in the van, ‘we’re good“
         she looks at her happily when there’s a lead
         they arrest their shooter together, “me and my partner”
         he’s pressured, she notices. “you’ll forget about me” “hailey” never.
         he want to confess sth but she stops him?
         adam kisses platt :)
         he’s sitting on her desk
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
i love your tag recs though 🙈 please don't stop sneaking in recs i will miss them (i did add 100 bad days to the recs playlist btw) so with i'm on fire i just feel like the lyrics don't fit deep breath but soundwise it'd fit the vibes so your call tbh bc i'm torn now 😅 and okay so actually recommending things is kinda terrifying no clue how you do it but my go to calming springsteen songs are the river (pretty sad), downbound train (also sad and technically not even that calm) (1/4)
(2/4) if i should fall behind & tougher than the rest (love songs) & hello sunshine (i was wary of it at the beginning but it has a kinda hopeful undertone that i like a lot) thing is they might only be calming to me bc i grew up with his music and thus even born in the usa has a calming effect on me 😅 so idk moving on. you know i used to be like i don't get people that stay up so long when they have to be up early but i haven't slept before 2am for months now so i feel this a little too well
(3/4) but i want to kindly ask you to maybe consider going to sleep earlier to get some rest especially if you have to do uni stuff 🙊 how are you feeling about that Big Decision by now? really hope you're still feeling relieved. honestly i've been doing real bad but it's cool it's not really new just lots of anxiety atm. onto answering your tags: loved the new fic even though it was cashton, can't wait to read fluff from you (or anything really but fluff is just sth else)
(4/4) and to give you a good representation of my mind: i read that you had to make a phone call and send emails and i got stressed about it. about things that i don't even have to do (i hope these went well btw) i'm in awe of the fact that you can play please by noah kahan. and that you can play guitar just in general. very very impressive to me 😅 -fiancee
well i dont think theres any hope for me stopping with the tag recs or recs in general now that i have a willing and eager audience for my fucking music taste kdfagjakfg so thank you <3 
okay well!! i have added all of these songs to my to listen playlist specifically so that i don’t forget which ones you said but hopefully i can get around to listening to them sooner or later and i will let you know what i think !! thank you <3 i am excited i really havent actively listened to that much springsteen my dad doesnt love him because he thinks born in the usa is such a dumb song lmao
oh man..........id love to be able to get to sleep earlier but it just wont be happening im sure of it. as for the Big Decision i am still feeling relieved! i called starbucks and said hey thanks but i dont wanna work for you (left a message cos the lady didnt pick up, thank GOD) and then i set a time with reslife to move in, and so now it actually feels like a real concrete plan, which is always a lot more reassuring to me than just an idea. so. yeah. im aight.
im sorry you’re not doing well :(( i really am, that really sucks and if you ever wanna talk about it you know i’m here and i’ll listen and if there’s anything i can do i will do it !!! i’m not just saying that i really mean it.
yay im glad you liked the fic EVEN THOUGH IT WAS CASHTON ALKFGJDKFGJDG look someone needed to write a post you blues fic okay ????? it had to be done. there is fluff on the horizon though i promise god when was the last time i posted fluff djgkdafgmkj guess how I’M doing
that is FAIR ENOUGH well if it makes you feel better the phone call went well cos as previously mentioned the lady didnt pick up lmao and the email also went very well so. worry not !!! all is well
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you OH THAT REMINDS ME i just got a new guitar !!!!! she is sooooo pretty i literally got her yesterday she was so expensive but ive been saving up and like ???? MY FIRST REAL GUITAR??? like the first guitar ive ever purchased!!!!! cos the one i have now was like, a hand me down or from a yard sale that my mom got it like. probably ten years ago or somethin. but this is the first guitar that is well and truly mine, bought with my own money. AND IT’S AN ACOUSTIC ELECTRIC SO IT PLUGS INNNN not that i have an amp but it’s still good to HAVE and just. oh god im so excited i need to think of a name for her
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olivenight17 · 5 years
Liv I feel like sending in a matchup!! Pls don't worry about rushing it!! Aside from things you already know about me, I'm bi, an aggressive 5''2 shorty, INFP with a 100% on the introvert, I'm lonely and can't make meaningful connections, short temper, can get distant, I seem cold but I can be a sweetheart, I put others before myself all the time, really insecure abt everything, the rare times I talk I want it to be meaningful, im a gemini and finally, I'm dead set on sth once I make it my goal!
Ahhhh, I’m so happy you decided to send one in! Firstly, you’re a mood because ooooof same, our only differences are I’m an aries and I tower over you at 5′8 lmao. Now, I could have gone with Keigo... but that’s the obvious choice and who would I really be if I made things easy for myself?
Also, remember sea anon? Twas me, I was really debating who to match you with and Sirius, for some reason, struck my mind. But then I went “Hey, she is one watery lady and would probably be the type to go all romantic walks on the beach or want to go sailing and not everyone likes water. I don’t know if Lily likes water, I know, I’ll just anonymously ask her cause I sneak!” And, for other reasons as well as the one that you’re not the biggest fan of water, I decided against matching you with her in the end anyways.
For now though, I give you... well actually your other favorite character lol and best girl Nejire!
Tumblr media
- Oh wow, opposites truly do attract, don’t they?
- While you’re 100% an introvert, she’s 100% an extrovert and I hope you can handle it!
- But in all seriousness, she gets that you’re an introvert and she’ll try her best not to rope you into extremely draining social situations. And she’s usually pretty good with it, the most you have to handle is just the big three all at once lol
- She saw you probably standing a bit away from the others and in her mind went “Wat. She’s too adorable to be standing alone like this, this needs to change.” And then went bouncing over to you, all friendly and smiles.
- Honestly, all of those negative things you think about yourself and how lonely you are? Straight up prepare to never feel that way ever again.
- She will be your personal cheerleader from this point forward and she won’t take self deprecation as an answer because she knows you and how wonderful of a person you are!
- You say you can’t make meaningful connections, well that’s about to be hecka false because Nejire is all about making those meaningful connections, so not only do you have one with her, you’re gonna have some with the rest of the big three and on top of that, Nejire’s just gonna help you make connections. The great thing about having a social girlfriend is that she can actually help you with social things! (And now I’m jealous because ah that’s what I need crap-)
- She can help you with the distance thing too, if it is a thing that you want help with. Just simply because she... won’t let you. She tends to keep the ones she loves close to the heart and it’s honestly really hard to shake her off. I mean, you’d have to go detective levels to be distant and remain distant because she just doesn’t let it happen.
- But if it’s a case of “I’m really drained socially please I need a break.” She’ll get you, and she’ll back off. Though she’ll text you every few hours to see if you’re still in charging mode, unless you specifically say that you’ll tell her when you’re feeling a bit better.
- And, while at first I thought Nejire might not be the best with short tempered people, I realized she’d probably handle it like a champ! She’s just such a bright person the anger doesn’t really affect her, so if you snap she just tilts her head like “Hey, you seem upset. Are you okay?” She’s more concerned than anything, unless you’re getting angry over something small like... I don’t know, losing at Mario Kart? That’s trivial enough I think lol, if it’s something like that she just laughs because she finds the anger hilarious
- Oh, oh, and you wanna know the best part about this matchup?
- She can’t technically make fun of you for being short!
- I mean granted, she is still two inches taller, but if she teases you for it, you can shoot right back because you’re both in the same boat. Also, I mean, more convenient for the both of you when you wanna kiss, no one needs a ladder, we’re good here. (okok, no more short themed sentences, I love you, and any of these kinda jokes are an example of my love!)
- Though Nejire is quite bubbly, she does know how to have a meaningful conversation, it’s usually when you’re both having quiet time somewhere and cuddling. The mood is just so relaxed you both can really get to talking. But let’s be honest, anything Nejire says, is what she means. If she didn’t believe in what she was saying, she wouldn’t be saying it, she’s too honest for that.
- Loves your determination to get things done! She’s quite the determined person herself, so really, you two make the greatest go-getter couple ever!
- Really, your INFP personality is kinda perfect for her.
- On one hand, your ability to focus and see the bigger picture is great, while she’s serious and focused with villains, it’s a bit harder for her to have that same focus with other aspects of life. You being her anchor is great and she’d really be appreciative of the fact you can keep her steady.
- On the flip side, she loves your caring personality. You genuinely like to help others and every time she sees you doing so her heart gets a little more soft because wow did she fall for one amazing and sweet person... even though you like to hide it at first. You’re both very loyal to each other and wouldn’t betray the other’s trust.
- Overall, you have a very well balanced, understanding, and just really loving relationship because you value the other so much and you would both honestly do anything for each other.
I hope you enjoyed, Lily!
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akane171 · 2 years
Haha, yeah, seems like it😅🙈 Again, sorry!🙈 (Btw, I told LW this a bunch of times, but not sure if I told ever you, so if I ever DO get annoying on sth, feel free to just tell me to shut up😂🙈)
Yuup, she sucks big time... Now she even started erasing my messages to you😖😫😰😭
12k People??😶😶 What the heck, that's like just two streets...Okay, I'm exxagerating, but wow, that's really not a lot😅😅🙈 Well then it really is a miracle🙈🙈😅
Ah yes, understandably, tho the stressful exam seasons are really not fun for anyone ever😅
Ohh, if it made me able to writw like Stephen King, I wouldn't even think twice before running off to get possessed😉😁🤣
Eh, wait, what? Who's "they"? 😅🙈
HAHAHAHAHA okay, cake hole🤣 Hmm, yum, cake😋
Dunno, probably?😂 just thought it was funny you started listing curses too cause it made me think of that which then made me read your curses to the rhythm of drums😂😂🙈🤷🏻‍♀️
...They made him make Nia breakfast and try to be the perfect bf?🤨 Okay, yeah, that just screams of that meme with the "Can I copy your homework? Sure, just change it a bit"😅🤦🏻‍♀️ And well, glad about him not be in Kara's LI but disregarding his intellect seems pretty ridiculous considering it's a mjaor part of his character😅🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🙈
Hm, true, or that, tho that'd be even worse cause what the heck, the show is literally titled after Kara🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️😅
She should have just gotten to be Kara Zor-el, too, NOT just Kara Danvers, Supergirl, Superman 2.0😅🙈😖
I love the idea🤣🤣 Ohh, the others as teacher too? Sounds great!😍 Tho, Lex as headmaster? Oh god, the poor kids😅🙈 Well, Sam could also be the Economics teacher?🤔 William maybe Creative writing (Oh, or Nia could be this)?🤔🤔  The idea really sounds like fun tho!😁  I'm still laughing at bad pick-up lines🤣🤣🙈 Btw, I just realized Mon could totally quote Shakespeare's "the brightness of her eyes would shame those stars" to Kara without it being too weird in this AU🤣🤣 Oh, oh, or either could compare the two of them to the stylistic device "antithesis"🤣  Oh, oh, or or compare their feelings to Schroedinger's cat🤣🤣 (Sorry, my brain is really running off on its own the moment I think of this AU and pick-up lines😅😅)
Oh god, Cat and Max fighting over Supergirl and Valor is very amusing but also kinda horrifying 😅 But awww, that's a good solution on Kara and Mon's part🤣🤣😂😂😁
Still, sorry!🙈🙈
PS: Yeah... I suppose my answer to your question might soon change to "not breathing anymore"😅😉😂🙈
PS2: Yess, exactly that look!😍😍 It just fit him perfectly 🤷🏻‍♀️😂🙈 Well, he's definitely good-looking,  that we can agree on😂🤷🏻‍♀️ Lucky both dir having found the "perfect partner at game night" who's also aesthetically pleasing in each other😉😁
You too!😊
And vice versa!
Seriously, the TUMBLR should chill the hell out :/
...two str... where the fuck do you live? And I lied a little, becasue my town yes, has 12k citizens, but I live 1.5 km away form it, where we have 10 houses and like 35 people living here xD But I have forest 50 meters away, no crowds, animals, no shops and peace and quiet (minus fucking birds screaming HELLO at freaking 5am every morning) xD
Yeah, exams suck, no arguments here.
...go away. APAGE
Priests. You know teh old dudes who are wearing dresses, pink color and laces, usually have no families and say how real men should behave.
Cakes are awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and now i want some.
...God, what am I now? A rap songs writer? D:
Yes, they fucking did and I was soooooooo ANNOYED. Like, create some original love story for your characters, without stealing the shit, ok? The same went for William who baked cake and cookies for Kara... like.... ugh, fuck you writers.
I lost whole respect for him when he used the Lena's advice for "putting feelings into boxes". Jesus Christ, they loved to lick her ass and made her corrupt every character with her bullshit
Ohh, it was not changed to Luthorgirl in the end??? *sarcasm*
Her story should have been her journey for allowing herself to be both, balancing her two identities, not throing away her heritage and become humanity's ass kisser while throwing away her alien side. The way they handled her getting back her mom and dad and then just be like BYEEEEEEE, was a blasphemy and no can change my mind.
Yes, Lex as a headmaster becasue we need dramas and villains and we can always kick him out :P the same goes for Lobotomizer. Lol, Kara woul die from laughter after hearing it.
I KNOW! It could be hilarious. Imagine Max suspiciously asking Mon-El where he was, because there was some eartquake and he couldn't have contacted him and Mon-El being a little frustrated and saying he was there, checking if someone needed help and in reality yes, he was there with Kara and being the main cause of the earthqueke, because YA KNOW, superaliens sex xDDDDD
Dooooooooooooooooooon't beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, that's life on tumblr xD
PS 2 I'm just happy they found each other and both are happy and hot, becasue this is what they deserve <3
Likewise! And I'm going to be a puddle of tears, because Rafa Nadal is playing the final on Roland Garros and no matter how it will end I will cry no matter what xD
Have a nice Sunday!
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f-ngrl · 3 years
For the random ask game: 2, 4, 5, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, 22, 23, 25, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 38, 45, 50, 51, 53, 55, 56 please😄 If some of them are too personal, just ignore them💕
thankyouuu 🥰 no it's ok 😊
2. Do you have an accent? . yes :P i am simultaneously proud of it (too proud to let it go) and self-conscious about it (don't move to another region bc they might hate me) 😆
4. Have you ever slapped anybody? . i guess as kids my sister? i don't really remember...:D
5. Did you learn a skill or get a new hobby during lockdown? . nothing new but i improved my korean speaking and worked more on my photos:)
9. What’s the 1st scar you remember getting? . as a kid i tried to climb a fence but slipped, it's long in the middle of my throat xD
12. Do you have a bad habit? . not studying!!
13. Ever been blackmailed? . yeah i guess
15. Describe your occupation in 3 words. . this is taking too long to answer tbh idk what i'm doing.. 3 things at once but nothing really
16. Ever told someone you loved them when you didn’t? . i guess :D
18. Ever cheated on a test? . yeah in school^^
21. When’s the last time you cried? . i don't remember
22. Did you ever skip class in school? . yeah good times^^ (not often tho)
23. Are you on other Social Media? If yes, which is your favourite? . i have fb bc i've always had it and with some ppl i've met, it's our only way of staying connected. also instagram where i follow 300 khh people and 5 ppl from my real life xD it's just for staying updated and updating this blog. on both fb and ig i never post or anything. love tumblr 🥰
25. Were you popular in High School? . no xD
29. Are you a vegetarian or vegan? . vegetarian :)
30. Last song you listened to? . Marz23 - Everything (feat. W.LIN)
32. Is there a smell that reminds you of your childhood? . don't think so?
33. Favourite fast food place? . i don't really like/eat fast food, isn't it all the same?
34. What was your most scatterbrained moment? . i don't remember LOL it's all those moments where i forget stuff (notice sth haha), like when my friends say "remember some years ago we went to place x and ate y" and i have no memory at all, a bit embarassing. sometimes i find stuff in my house that i've never seen before (once i found a guitar). sth like that?
38. Do you collect anything? . cds i guess, i tried to get rid of some but there are still too many... also i keep buying them 🙈
45. Is there a song you love but you wish it was sung by someone else? . no^^
50. Is there one food you can’t live without? . nah there's always other good foods:)
51. Have you ever stolen anything? . eh not offline^^
53. How many languages do you speak? . 2 and then 2-3 more halves xD
55. Ever faked being sick to get out of doing something?. yeah in school^^
56. What’s your favourite scent for body wash? . none really, as long as it's not those "for men"-scented ones xD
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hobisexually · 3 years
So i need relationship/love advice and you're good at it. I'm 25. I've kissed 1 guy and then no more. I think I might be demi-sexual, idk. Thing is, there's a guy I kinda live with (flatmate type) that likes me and I think I kinda like back, not sure yet. But I'm sure I'm interested in. For a long time.
Tonight we had a party. I drank a lot but still really conscious. Talked with him nicely. He invited me to his room to see sth. I went. Talked some more. Then he asked how I was innocent (made sence in the conversation) and I wanted to flee and not tell him about my inexperience but he didn't let me. We play fought a little and when I got out he held me in a nice way. Kissed my neck. I said I had too much to drink and I was emotionally too sensitive these days. So I fled but telling him goodnight. It was nice. I liked it. Just got scared of what might come. Scared that I don't know how to kiss. Scared or was gonna go too fast. Scared of the next morning
He followed me some time after telling me I forgot something (I believe a kiss) but I locked myself up in my room saying goodnight.
I got really scared. Bc it's a thing I'm inexperienced in. I need more time I think. But I don't want to have messed it up bc I think I like him. I like his respect as well. But I know fleeing and locking myself up and saying he's taking advantage of my drunkenness isn't too nice nor funny. And in some way a kiss goodnight is the habit. Did i do bad ? I'm scared I've messed it up.
Babes, if he really likes you, this doesn’t deter him, yeah? Also if you told him how inexperienced you are (to be honest, no such thing, but I get it) he must understand that you were scared and this was a big deal to you, I don’t think you messed it up. I DO think you should talk to him and explain what went on in your brain, though. I know that’s scary, but he’s your flat mate on top of being someone you like and almost kissed and you can’t keep avoiding him. I don’t think you want to, either. It’s okay that you went away, like you said, you were drunk and scared and doing anything against your will is never a good idea, so you didn’t fuck up, you did what’s best for you. But if you like him, and this is something you want, you should talk to him and explain that you were drunk, but you’d like to try again, just slowly and sober this time. If he’s a good guy, he’ll understand (and if he’s not, you dodged a bullet). It’s just important that you do this at your pace and on your terms.
As for being scared that you’ll be bad at kissing: please don’t worry about it, or let that stop you from kissing someone you want to kiss in the long run! I’ve been there when I was younger and looking back on it now I missed out on a lot purely because I was scared I would suck at it. For what it’s worth: it comes pretty naturally, just follow the lead of the person you’re kissing, and your body will know what to do. Don’t overthink it too hard. You learn pretty quickly as you go, and every person likes something else, it’s always a matter of adjusting to the person you’re kissing no matter how much experience you have!
You’ll be okay, promise. Let me know how it goes 💕
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