#I'm just relieved i didn't throw up. yet.
mariasont · 5 months
Office Sleepover - A.H
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a/n: this is honestly kind of shit but whatever
might make this a mini series?
part two here!
‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧
pairings: aaron hotchner x fem!reader
summary: in which reader gets put on a hit-list and has to stay in the office (kind of based off when penelope got put on a hit-list by the dirty dozen)
warnings: reader kind of flashes hotch, really inconsistent with how the gov works i'm sure, there's also definitely not an oven in the break room but in my world there is <3
wc: 3.8k
Hotch's voice reached you, but the words tangled into an indecipherable code as they hit the air. You nodded, a reflex, but it was as if your brain had short-circuited. You could make out fragments--a hit on you, stay at office, 24/7 protection, you can take the back office. But no matter how many times he said it, it seemed to ricochet through your head, making less sense each time. You were on a hit list? A hit list?
It all felt very made up, like a script ripped straight out of a tv show. Risk was a part of the BAU job description, but a hit list? For a fleeting moment, a chuckle hovered at the brink of your lips, but it was swiftly swallowed by a wave of dread that rose in its place. You blinked a couple times, probably too many in a vain attempt to clear the fog and bring Hotch's face into focus.
"But what about all my stuff? And you want me to camp out here in the office? For how long, Hotch? I mean, I'm all for overtime, but this is... this is a lot, and I--," you babble, your speech racing ahead of your thoughts. "And my baking? That's my biggest stress reliever. Not to mention my DIY projects--I can't just abandon my half-finished throw pillowcases. Plus, how many pairs of shoes is too many for an office closet?"
Your pout formed a delicate bow, and though he said nothing, his eyes softened. Hotch could feel the frown marring his features. He might never say it, but seeing you like this struck a chord, making it a little hard to breathe. 
Circling the desk, he planted himself in front of you, his hand settling on your shoulder. "Hey, take a deep breath," he urges softly. "Let's take it one step at a time. List out what you need, someone will bring it here. Your baking supplies, DIY projects, even your shoes."
True to Hotch's word, as usual, you found every piece of your life carefully compartmentalized into cardboard boxes, lined up carefully in the office that now doubled as your temporary room. There was an odd sense of dislocation in finishing your workday and needing only to count about thirty steps before arriving at your room.
You swung the door closed, the sound sealing the room as a deep sigh wrapped around you and you started sifting through the boxes. The pullout couch serving as your bed was less than appealing, its worn fabric making you grimace internally. Nevertheless, you diverted your attention, busying yourself with the organizing of your extensive collection of things. Spencer would definitely shake his head at the sight of the vast amount of clothes you had brought.
The irony wasn't lost on you; surrounded by the office's ceaseless motion, yet you felt more alone than in the stillness of your own apartment. God, this was pathetic, and you needed a drink, but you had a nagging suspicion the office handbook would have a thing or two to say about that. You spent a solid two hours attempting to infuse the sterile space with a touch of home, it wasn't perfect (at all), but it would have to do.
Rossi knocks on the doorframe, poking his head in with a grin. "I didn't realize we were redecorating the bureau in shades of bubblegum," he teases. "How you doing, kid?"
"Actually, it's blush," you correct with a mock-serious tone, meeting his smile with one of your own. "I'm fine," you insist, but Rossi's knowing look prompts a quick add-on. "I am, really, I mean I've always said I wanted my own office."
"An office with a view of the bullpen, no less. You're living the dream," he says, his eyes scanning the room. "Need any help with anything? Or anything else from your place? Maybe your favorite mug to make feel more like home?"
"Don't worry, I'm already one step ahead of you," you assure him, revealing a drawer brimming with mugs.
Rossi lets out a low appreciative whistle. "Why am I not surprised?" he chuckles with a broad grin. "Well, I'm heading out for the night. Remember, I'm just a call away if you need anything. And Hotch is still here, buried in paperwork as usual."
He left, and you were alone--a cue to try and cling to some normalcy of your routine; you drew the blinds and slipped into the comfort of your pajamas. You hauled yourself off to the office bathroom, reluctantly at that, and proceeded to attend to your skincare, brush your hair, and polish your smile with a thorough teeth brushing.
Eyeing the hallway warily, you made a silent exit from the bathroom, the carpet softening your footfalls. But in your rush to avoid prying eyes, you crashed into a solid wall of a figure, the force sending you tumbling backward. You hit the floor with a muted thud, your ass hitting the ground, legs splayed inelegantly in front of you. Your eyes rose to meet the firm, penetrating look of Hotch. Of fucking course.
There was a pause as Hotch's eyes drank in the sight of your flushed complexion and the wide, doe-like eyes that seemed to capture the light just so. He felt like his heart could stop then and there. And he knew it was wrong, but he certainly liked the sight of you sprawled below him. He blinked, breaking the trance, and offered a concerned, "Are you okay?" His hands were outstretched, ready to pull you back to your feet. 
Your cheeks turned a deeper shade as you held onto Hotch's hand, the feeling unexpectedly comforting, rough in yours but nice. "What? Oh, yeah, I'm all good, sorry about that," you managed to say, the words squeaking out a tad too eagerly. 
You stood up, and his closeness was all-consuming. You were suddenly intensely aware of every breath, every throb of your heart, and your mind went blank; the usual stream of thoughts replaced by a buzzing silence.
His eyes held yours for a fraction longer than necessary before he stepped back, creating a respectful distance. The hallway's warmth seemed to dissipate with the space, leaving you with an unexpected stab of disappointment. 
"Rossi said you'd be here. Anything I can do to help?" 
You rationalized the offer as a gesture of your goodwill, but a small part, well a big part, of you knew just wanted to be close to him, to be alone with him maybe--in the office, after hours, in his office. This was weird, I mean, you'd always admired your Unit Chief, but this was different. You chalked it up to the day's unfortunate series of events--you were tired, and lonely, and you needed desperately to snap out of it before you made a fool out of yourself.
"No, you need to rest. It's been a long day, and you've been through enough." He paused, his gaze assessing you. "How are you holding up?"
"At this rate, I'll need a sign that says 'I'm fine,' to stop the check-ins." Although you silently doubted that would deter him. You gesture to the surroundings. "And this? It's like a sleepover at work. Just hoping this so-called hit man doesn't show up."
Hotch internally recoiled at your words, leaving him with the sensation of a cold grasp tightening around his heart. He cleared his throat, the joke falling flat in the gravity of his concern. "I'll be here for a while longer. If you need anything, don't hesitate to come find me," he managed a nod before retreating to his office.
A while longer? You knew Hotch was a workaholic, but it now occurred to you that he must never sleep. Quickly, you gathered your scattered belongings, and made your way to your office.
The pull-out couch seemed even less inviting than you remembered, if that was possible. You perched on the edge, the metallic frame cold through the thin mattress. As you lay down, the couch seemed to swallow you in its awkward angles. Perfect. Tossing and turning, you struggled to find a comfortable spot. Eventually, exhaustion won over discomfort, the rhythm of your own breathing lulling you into a fitful sleep.
Your eyes flickered open at some point during the night and the blinds drifted apart, as if by an unseen hand, and through the gap, your eyes fell on a hooded figure, the face not visible in the dim light. Your muscles locked in terror, an icy fear clawing its way up your spine as you tried to move--to reach for your gun, to call out for Hotch, to do anything. But as if imprisoned by an invisible force, you could only watch, confined to the bed, as the figure crept towards the door. 
A scream tore from your throat, a raw and piercing sound that ricocheted off the walls and echoed through your eyes. This was it, you thought. 
Then, in an instant, you were awake and disoriented, your breaths coming in short bursts, and your body covered in a sheen of cold sweat. Your fingers clenched the sheets, the fabric twisting in your grasp as you fought to decipher what was reality. Your eyes snapped to the blinds, half-expecting to see the figure from your dream materialize, but the emptiness beyond them slowly calmed your racing heart.
With a throat dry as parchment and your pulse still echoing in your ears, you drifted from your room towards the break room. As you ambled past Hotch's office, you paused. The door, slightly ajar, felt like an invitation. Despite knowing better, a foggy curiosity nudged your feet forward. With a shaky breath, you eased the door open wider and slipped inside. 
His office felt different at night--it was quieter, more personal, and you felt like an intruder on Hotch's private world. You took a moment, absorbing the sight of his meticulously organized desk, the case files that were always present.
It was tempting to try to piece together the man from his workspace, but you held back. As you turned to leave, a familiar scent stopped you--the subtle hint of his cologne hanging in the air. It wrapped around you, easing the tension that had sunk into your limbs. Almost without thinking, you found yourself sinking into the couch.
The room, infused with his distinct scent, seemed to have your blinking growing heavier, more intentional. You nestled deeper into the cushions; the fabric familiar beneath your fingers, lulling you into a sense of security. Just five minutes, you thought.
Hotch's steps were slow, his eyelids having a hard time staying open as he made his way through the bullpen. He carried his briefcase, the leather handle worn and conformed to his hand. He contemplated a detour to your office, a silent check-in to ease his mind, but he dismissed the idea--you were probably still asleep, and he'd definitely look like a creep. Reaching his own office, he noticed the door ajar, a sliver of morning light spilling through the gap.
He stepped into the room, and time seemed to stand still as his gaze landed on the couch. There you were, fast asleep on his couch. Your hand lay gently under your cheek, a makeshift pillow softening the hard angles beneath, while your nose gave the faintest twitches. Your lips were parted as if mid-whisper and strands of your hair were splayed in a disarrayed crown around your head. He knew that in no way could that have been comfortable. It hurt his back just looking at you, but still you looked so peaceful.
He moved with quiet steps, heat creeping up his neck as he placed his things on the desk. Turning back to you, he couldn't help but notice the gentle dishevelment of your pajamas, buttons undone in innocent disarray, the fabric parting to reveal the gentle slope of your breasts. He felt an odd mix of emotions--a gentle chiding for finding you in such state, and the guilt of finding the sight so undeniably sweet. 
A quiet cough escaped him, more out of habit than necessity, as he approached a cabinet where blankets were neatly stacked--a nod to many nights spent just as you were. He draped one over you, his movements slow and unhurried, shielding you from potential curious eyes before finding his normal place behind the wooden desk.
He tried to focus--really, he did. I mean, he had a towering pile of paperwork and responsibilities that demanded his attention. But despite his best efforts, his gaze involuntarily drifted to you time and time again. It was as if he needed visual confirmation of your steady breathing to assure himself that you were okay. He thought about you here all night, alone, and he found his knuckles whiten against the grip of his pen. He knew you had security on you at all times, but somehow, he found no comfort in that.
Hotch's eyes flicked to the clock--7:30 am. You still had at least another half an hour before you technically needed to start work, although truth be told he would let you sleep as long as your body allowed. There was no way in hell he was going to disturb you when you looked so content. 
As Hotch worked, the morning light grew stronger, casting a warm glow over his desk. It was nearly 9 am when the sound of shifting fabric eventually roused you. You were waking up, blinking away the remnants of sleep, confusion etched on your face. As your eyes caught sight of the clock and Hotch, mortification set it. 
"Oh my gosh, Hotch. I am so sorry," you blurted out, embarrassment coloring your cheeks. "You could've woken me up--I... I should've set an alarm. And I shouldn't even be here, but I can explain, sort of..."
In a flurry of motion, you leapt from the couch, only to feel a sudden tug at your chest as a button from your top snagged on a stray thread. The fabric pulled open, revealing way more than what was appropriate for your boss to see. Your face turned a shade redder as you scrambled to cover up. Hotch, momentarily sidetracked by the sight of the cleavage of your tits once again, quickly refocused and interrupted your flustered explanations.
"It's fine," he assured. "Given everything that's happened, you needed the rest." He nodded towards the couch. "You're always welcome to sleep here if you need to--though I can't promise it'll be any more comfortable next time."
"Oh no, it was super comfortable, really," you insist, despite the awkwardness clinging to your words. Hotch gives you a look that says he's not entirely convinced. "Okay, well, I'm going to uh... go," you mumble, stopping short at the door with a sudden concern.
Hotch understands immediately and offers, "They're all in the briefing room--won't be out for a while."
With a relieved nod, and minimal eye contact, you dash out, hoping to reach your office unnoticed. But because the world just hated you these past days, just as you're rushing by, Morgan's hands come to your shoulders to stop you.
"Easy there, mama," he teases, a smile on his face. But as he gets a good look at your attire, his grin grows wider. "What in the world...?" he starts, laughter in his voice. He glances from you to Hotch's office door, then back again. "Hold up, hold up--you didn't... with Hotch? Are you?"
"What? No, Morgan, absolutely not! Why would you even--oh my god," you gasp, wishing the ground would swallow you whole. God, I mean, the day hasn't even started, and you needed it to end. Realizing your voice has risen in your flustered state, you quickly lower it to a harsh whisper, your eyes darting around to ensure no one overheard. "Why would you even suggest that?"
"Um, maybe because you're making a grand exit from the boss man's office in your PJs? Just a wild guess."
"No, Morgan, it's not what you think," you insist, but your attention snaps to the sound of the team's voices nearing the door. "I don't have time for this," you mutter, darting back to your office. 
In a whirlwind, you shed the pajamas, slip into your work attire, and hastily run a brush through your hair. Good enough. 
You threw yourself into work, the stack of papers becoming a welcome distraction, a rare sense of relief rather than the familiar dread. It was a considerable effort to divert your mind from the distractions--Hotch, the hit man, and Morgan's incessant teasing. Not that anyone would believe that you and Hotch were together; he was the very definition of sophisticated, handsome, and successful, and you were just, well, you.
Not that there was anything wrong with you. You liked yourself just fine; you laughed too loudly at jokes, talked to your houseplants as if they were your old friends, and you had an odd fascination with weather patterns. These things made you wholly you. You just knew you couldn't be more different from Hotch.
With a bit of luck and purposeful avoiding, your day passed smoothly, sparing you any unnecessary run-ins with Hotch. Everyone had gone home for the day which is why you stood in the break room attempting some baking recipe from Pinterest. 
The slippers on your feet padded against the carpet as you hummed around the room. With swift motions, you ushered the coffee cake batter into the oven, then turned to tackle the mess you had created on the countertops. Cleaning as you go wasn't your usual style, but office break room didn't seem like the place for your usual creative sprawl. 
Your phone had buzzed incessantly with Penelope's calls--her offers the keep you company is why you loved her, but you weren't going to subject her to that, no matter how many times she said she didn't mind.
Hotch's office was quiet, save for the soft scratching of his pen against paper as he finally closed his files. He moved into bullpen and as he passed the breakroom, the soft hum of the light and faint sound of movement drew him in. There you were, engrossed in tidying up, with your hair casually gathered above your shoulders and wearing your sweats, Hotch found him instinctively pausing to watch. 
He knew he shouldn't bother you, knew he was likely the last person you'd want to see, yet he found himself rooted to the spot, his gaze fixed on you, the warmth in his chest intensifying with each fleeting second.
The moment you turned and saw a figure, a sharp gasp cut through the silence, and the icing in your grasp became a sweet projectile that flew across the room. Relief washed over you as you realized who it was.
"Jeez, Hotch, give me a heart attack why don't you," you said, half-laughing as your heart rate settled. "Especially when there's a hitman who might beat you to the punch."
Hotch parted his lips to speak, but you were quicker, a stream of thoughts tumbling out before you could stop them. "I thought everyone was gone. You weren't at your desk earlier--oh wait, you had that meeting with the DOJ, right? Did they have anything about the people who marked me?" 
In your haste, you closed the gap between you, and only then did you spot the icing on his cheek. "Oh, sorry about that, Hotch," you said with an apologetic grin, reaching out as if to wipe it away. 
As your palm made contact with his skin, a shared realization of the intimacy of the gesture washed over you. Time seemed to slow as your thumb traced a lingering path through the icing, your whisper barely audible, "There."
The word seemed to hang in the air as you froze, the proximity suddenly overwhelming, your breath caught in your throat. Hotch's backward step was almost imperceptible, but it was enough. You cleared your throat awkwardly, cheeks warming with a flush. "Um, did you need something?"
Hotch shook his head slightly, "No, just wanted to check on you before I head out."
You gave a thumbs up, mustering a smile. "Well, consider me checked."
Hotch nodded, his expression unreadable. "Goodnight," he said, to which you echoed in response as you watched him leave.
Alone now, you slumped against the counter, your hand pressed to your face. Consider me checked? God, someone needed to tape your mouth shut.
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itsjustrosee · 4 months
Alright because of all the support on my last post with Stiles, I figured I should write another 😚👍
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Worried Sick Stiles Stilinski x fem!reader
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Context: established relationship, Stiles comes to visit you when you don't show up to school
Warnings: none, just fluff
Wordcount: 1.1k
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You had been in your room curled up in bed, tangled in blankets and stuffed animals all while you were supposed to be at school.
You had just gotten your period and your cramps left you nothing short of bedridden and on the verge of throwing up all day. You were experiencing womanhood at its absolute finest, to say the least.
Suddenly, the door to your room swung open, and a very confused and distressed Stiles entered your room. His expression softened once he saw you weren't dead or bleeding out, and a wave of relief seemed to wash over him.
"Not using the window to get in anymore?" You asked jokingly, rolling to your side to face Stiles who had now set down his bag and kneeled at the side of your bed. Being Scott's twin, you and Stiles needed to keep your relationship a secret. That's why when it came to hanging out, Stiles would always come in through your window rather than your front door so the both of you wouldn't get caught.
"Well, you gave me a key to your house for a reason right? Also going in through the window would've taken me too long," Stiles explains, his expression still slightly filled with worry as he placed one of his hands on your bed while the other tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
"What were you in such a rush for?" You ask with a chuckle in reaction to Stiles's seriousness, snaking your hand out of your covers and placing it on top of his.
"Well you didn't show up to school and I was worried," He explains, his expression soft and genuine. "I thought something bad might've happened," He says quietly and slowly.
For any other boyfriend, his girlfriend not showing up to school shouldn't cause them this much stress, but considering all the supernatural shit Stiles has somehow managed to get involved in, he couldn't help but worry himself to death.
"I'm okay Stiles, really I am," You say, reassuring him, "Just on my period that's all," You explain, trying to manage a smile but your stomach felt like it was being turned inside out, so it probably came out as more slightly disturbing than comforting.
"Ok good, I thought it could've had something to do with that. Which is why-" Stiles says, relieved, as he gets up and grabs his bag before sitting down next to you on the bed. "I have come prepared," He continues with a goofy smirk plastered on that stupidly cute face of his.
You sit up lazily as Stiles begins to show you what he bought. He whips out a plastic bag from inside of his backpack with items ranging from Tylonal, Advil, and Mydol, (which you immediately snatched and swallowed), all the way to chocolates and a heated stuffed animal.
"I got confused when I saw all the... feminine products, so- um-" He explains while taking out yet another plastic shopping bag from his backpack to reveal at least ten different boxes of tampons and pads.
You pause and stare at the ginormous haul of items that Stiles has bought you and you can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude.
You appreciated Stiles and his caring towards you more than anything, especially in moments like these. He always knew the right things to do and the right things to say, and you loved him for it.
Stiles, however, didn't take your silence in the right way. "I'm sorry- it's stupid I know, I bought way too much. I bet I still have the receipt somewhere, maybe I can still return it-" He asked, sadness and disappointment slowly creeping into his voice.
"No!" You reply quickly. "Don't return it, and none of this is stupid," You confirm before sighing for a moment. "Stiles, this is literally like the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me," You explain, turning to look at him while you say it, a smile slowly forming on your face as you do so.
"Really?" Stiles questions, his embarrassed expression being replaced by one of relief and pride.
"Really," You say while scooting over in your bed and patting the space next to you, beckoning him to join you.
Stiles lays down next to you, and you gladly roll over and climb on top of him, resting your head by the crook of his neck as you wrap your arms around him. The heat radiated off of his body as you listened to his heartbeat and the slow movements of his chest going up and down.
Stiles brought the covers over you and kissed your head before speaking once more, "You don't want to use the stuffed animal I gave you?" He asks with a chuckle as he wraps his arms around you, his thumb rubbing soft circles into your back.
"Nope, I think you'll do just fine," You say as you lift your head to look up at him.
Stiles takes this moment to lean down and kiss you gently. He kissed and held you as if you were the most fragile thing in the world. As if with one wrong move you'd shatter into a million pieces, so he treated you with such care, holding you softly and closely to make sure you didn't.
Though the kiss only lasted a few moments, it made you forget all about the pain you felt in your abdomen and replaced it with butterflies. He definitely had a way of making you feel safe and comfortable whenever you were around him.
Once he pulled away, he looked at you with hearts in his eyes, "You're so beautiful, you know that right baby?" He said, his voice so faint that it practically made your heart beat out of your chest. He removed one of his hands from your back and placed it on your cheek and you immediately melted into his touch.
You could only let out a satisfied hum in response, you were too lost in his features to bother replying coherently.
Stiles let out a low chuckle as he kissed your forehead, his hand moving from your cheek to the back of your head, stroking your hair as he did so.
"Get some sleep okay?" He said while wrapping his arm just a bit tighter around you, "I'll be right here if you need anything," He said softly.
"I know," You say, your words muffled slightly as you rest your head in the crook of his neck, "You're not goin' anywhere," You say with a smile as you place a quick kiss on his neck.
"Didn't plan on it," Stiles mumbles, about to fall asleep even before you do. But as your meds kick in, you can't help but slowly drift off to sleep as well.
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Okay, I'm having WAYYYYYY too much fun writing these I'm sorry 😭
I finished majority of my finals so I'm going to be much more active again so keep sending in requests! I'm continuing to work on them
Also, I cannot thank you guys enough for all of the compliments and praise I've received on my last post with Stiles, it was literally so sweet of you guys. My inbox was literally filled with people praising my writing and y'all have no idea how happy that made me, like literally my heart almost burst.
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gukisbabe · 3 months
112:45am] jeon jungkook x fem!reader, 18+ smut!!! mainly face riding
completely absolutely obsessed with jks nose can you tell?
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"your nose is so pretty."
you find yourself mumbling at your boyfriend before your brain can even overthink those words and yet you're glad you didn't hesitate.
there's absolutely no reaction from jungkook for a whole minute as you absentmindedly trace his sharp features with your fingers, not quite able to handle just how handsome he is.
you've been observing his side profile for a while now and every time your eyes found their way to his nose, you couldn't help but bite your bottom lip at the mental image of its tip nudging against your clit whenever he's got his face buried in your cunt.
jungkook has been playing his video game for about an hour now and despite wanting to give him some space, you simply couldn't resist the craving of being close to him.
it's not like he minds your presence at all; jungkook loves having your legs in his lap and your hand in his hair, playing with the soft beautifully blonde strands as he enjoys his daily screen time away from all of his incone responsibilities.
usually you're quick to fall asleep, yet this time you seem to focused on him to even let the actual thought of sleep cross your mind.
you know it's because you can't stop thinking about your boyfriends lips, his hot tongue and his perfect nose, your head full of thoughts about how good he makes you cum over and over again once he's gotten a taste.
whereas jungkook remains absolutely clueless. he's also a little too focused to pay complete attention to your words but he does appreciate any compliment coming from your way. ever since the two of you started dating you've made it your mission to remind him how perfect he is
jungkook places a quick kiss of gratitude into your palm before he pushes his lips into a thoughtful pout and focuses on his game again, not realising how much you've been pressing your thighs together in hopes of releasing some of the pressure on your needy cunt.
there's just something about the way he scratches the sides of his nose whenever he's slowly getting excited, poking the inside of his cheeks with his tongue and nibbling on his lip like he's purposely trying to torture you.
"j." you mumble sternly and reach for his hand, grateful he's quick to play into your neediness as he grabs your inner thigh and gently strokes your skin,
"i wanna ride your face, please."
usually you're not one to be this bold with your requests but after watching him for the past hour it's been incredibly hard for you to maintain your composure and even your patience has limits.
jungkook is absolutely stunned at your words. for a second he's not sure if he even heard you right, giving you a double take just to realise your current state.
eyes glossy, lips pushed into the cutest pout, thigh firmly pressed together and your cute nipples poking through the fabric of your pyjama shirt to the point where not a single thought is left to imagination.
just out of curiosity jungkook lets his hand wander in between your legs, gulping harshly at the way they fall apart like you've been waiting to be relieved and once his fingers graze your soaked panties, he knows exactly why you're reacting the way you do.
without even missing another beat, jungkook throws his controller as well as his headset to the side, turning his game off and almost instantly laying on his side of the bed.
"I'm sorry for not realizing sooner, baby", he whispers as you shakily make your way to straddle his handsome face, his cheeks and lips tinted in the sweetest shade of pink, "there you go, baby."
his praise elicits a soft whimper from your throat, your hole clenching in absolute despair and the second the tip of his nose grazes your flesh, you throw your head back with a loud moan of relief.
"fuck, baby", jungkook grunts against your cunt, his tongue lapping up your sweet juices and if it wasn't for his tight grip on your waist, you would have thought he passed
out, "you're so wet for me, angel, so perfect." all you can do is whimper in response, grabbing a fistful of his hair and grinding yourself against his tongue, whining every time his nose nudges your hardened clit.
"you're so wet for me, angel, so perfect."
all you can do is whimper in response, grabbing a fistful of his dark hair and grinding yourself against his tongue, whining every time his nose nudges your hardened clit.
"that's why you love my nose so much, hm?", jungkook smile turns into a smirk as he pushes his tongue inside of your clenching hole, groaning and moaning against your wet flesh like a man gone mad.
"mhm, y-yes", you whisper and feel the sweet sensation of your release climbing up your spine in the sweetest way possible, "love sitting on it."
and for a moment jungkook movements stop, as he appreciates your sweet compliment, head cloudy from all the arousal floading his brain and his cheeks burning from excitement.
"that's my good girl", he grunts and finally wraps his lips around your sensitive clit before he pushes the tip of his tongue against the nub and applies just the right amount of pressure, making sure to have you cum all over his face to make you feel as loved and appreciated as he does.
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romanoffsbish · 11 months
You Can Run, but You Can’t Hide
Alpha!Natasha Romanoff x Omega!Reader
Natasha always knew the truth, but it wasn’t until a mission where she had you alone that she set her plan in motion. Come the end of the trip she planned to make your hers in the most natural way—claimed and bred. | WC: 1,440
Warnings: NC Themes (Discarding of hormone blockers) | Guns / Death (to Hydra)
Smut: Kotenok (R) | Penetration (P in V — Natasha has a penis) | Public (Over [a balcony railing]) | Choking | Breeding
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Natasha watched the way you paced around the room, it'd been a weeks time since you'd arrived in this hotel. A mission that you were assigned on with Natasha, an Avenger first, Alpha second, but nonetheless an Alpha.
Which would be fine, since you were a beta, but with your medicine missing the truth was coming to light. The truth that the redhead was aware of from the second the lie left your lips, you were an omega; hers, waiting for what, she didn’t know, but she was over it.
That's why she took your stash of hormone blockers and poured them down the toilet on night one, at first she appreciated your concealment since she was busy. Missions were at an all time high last year when you joined Shield, but with the incoming fall of Hydra, as this mission is designed for such a thing, there was no longer a need for you to hide from predatory alpha's.
Natasha was here now, to make sure they all knew you were hers. Hers to claim, to wreck, to fill with her pups.
Her cock twitched when she got a whiff of your scent, it was dull from the prolonged use of drugs, but it was still clear enough for her to feel comforted by the soft swirls of cinnamon and vanilla. Then it soured as your body began to fight against the natural, debilitating heat that followed a sudden change, such as quitting your meds. Natasha was quick to croon from the other room, pumping out thick pheromones as she slowly entered the room. You looked up at her so pitifully.
"Oh kotenok," she coo'd, "You don't look too good, what's wrong beta? Are you going through a period?"
You whimpered, body trembling as your natural instincts made you throw yourself into her chest. "Alpha please." Natasha wrapped her arms around you, and held you close enough that you could feel her twitch through her pants. You cried and she smirked. “Oh, what a naughty girl, you’re no beta after all…”
Judging by her teasing tone, you understood that she knew, and with the way she gripped you, it was even more clear what had happened to your supply. You should be angry, but you were actually relieved. A single alpha like Natasha was rare to find, she was kind, soft when off the clock, and gorgeous in all facets. You’d almost poured the pills down the drain yourself every time you caught her staring at you after an event.
“I’m sorry, but please don’t pull away, I-I need you.”
"Are you gonna tell me why you've been hiding?"
"I-I wasn't ready to give up my life just yet, but fuck, I swear I'm ready now, if it's with you alpha, please."
"We have a mission," she reminded you, her eyes cast outside the window to catch movement of the enemy.
"Please!" You gripped her biceps, body shivering at the chiseled muscles that flexed beneath your fingers, if you didn't need her before, you sure did now. "Shit."
Natasha kept your body from falling with the buckle of your knees, her free hand reached for her long rifle and she took the both of you outside onto the balcony.
"I'll fuck you," she gave in with ease, and you purred softly at the good news. Then you felt her slipping your pants off and softly shrieked, "We're outside Natasha, anyone can see us." She chuckled, "Good observation."
Natasha continued to strip you while her other hand set her gun up on its stand, a bit of a multitasker.
"I can wait," you tried to stop her, but not really as you arched your bare ass into her dicks imprint, your body having a mind of its own, your heat was too strong. "Well, I don't want to detka, I've waited far too long."
Though you’d guessed it, you were shocked at the way she confirmed it without an ounce of shame. “Y-you knew?" Natasha gripped your hip, and brought your dripping entrance to her thick tip. "Of course I did, you can't hide from a super soldier's senses," her nose nuzzled over your neck and you whimpered at the hopeful promise of her claiming you. No longer were you worried about anyone seeing you two, the rest of the world faded away as she slipped herself inside.
Her hips stayed still, allowing your slick walls a moment to catch up with the stretch before she was lifting you off the ground. "Na-Natasha, what are..."
The redhead grunted as she lifted your body onto the railing by her grip around the nape of your neck, and you cried out in both fear and pleasure. It was muffled as she alluringly slid her hand around to squeeze your throat. The tip of her cock had slammed into your cervix just as you stared down at the far away ground, full of tiny silhouettes to remind you it was day time. 
The railing shook as Natasha picked up a brutal pace, her face never lost its smirk as she felt your legs wrap around her backside, your heels painfully dug into her covered back. "Alpha, I-I'm not sure about..."
"You wanted to be filled Y/N," she taunted, "I said we had a mission, that means you'll take your pleasure while I do all of the work. Be thankful, not bratty."
"Sorry Alpha," you whimpered, and held on tighter.
"There's the leader," she pointlessly alerted you, who couldn't see anything other than her demise if she slips over the railing. Your walls were clenching so hard, hoping to instigate her knot so that you'd have a more secure base, but it was fruitless. Natasha's stamina was unworldly, and you were completely at her mercy here.
You heard a muffled shot go off over the sound of the railing squeaking beneath your moving body, then the gun was going off again. "Partner is down, two to go."
Natasha picked up her pace, and was rewarded with your filthy moans that were once muffled by your fear, and she knew she wouldn't last much longer. Which was fortunate for the both of you since she already shot another member, and was left with the other who had caught sight of the both of you. He was stuck in place, unable to comprehend that he was going to die by the hands of the Black Widow, who was railing her omega.
Natasha smirked, and finally gave into your cries to be upright. She grunted as your back pressed to her front and your slick, from your first orgasm, ran down her legs. "Last one detka, keep him distracted for me."
Your eyes locked on the others, the mans mouth was agape as he watched you get railed, it distracted him from the red dot that illuminated his forehead. He was clearly unaware of his fate as his eyes lost their life but you were aware of yours as her knot locked in place and her potent stream of cum filled you with a future.
"You are going to look so beautiful full of my pups," Natasha hoarsely groaned against your neck, her teeth barely scraped over your sensitive gland and you mewled, your walls milked her cock even more and her knot subsequently deflated after a minute of your persistence . “Fuck, I need to fill you again kotenok.”
Her strong hands held you by your hips as she carried you back into the hotel room. She laid you flat on the mattress, and pulled out of you, just long enough to flip you over and thrust right back inside of you. It was loud as your arousals rushed out, only to be sloshed all over the place as her cock entered you mid disposal.
Your body then thrashed at the harsh fill up and her canines dug into your scent gland, leaving behind her unbreakable mark as your core fluttered around her as you came again without much work. "Keep squeezing me just like that detka and we'll never be apart again."
"Good," you sighed softly, happiness clear in your eyes, "I was getting tired of being apart to begin with."
Natasha chuckled, and leaned in to chastely kiss your lips, "It was your choice to hide detka, I was waiting."
"I'm glad you grew impatient," you mused, then you nervously pressed a kiss to her neck, wet lips grazed over her scent gland. "Can I claim you too, Alpha?"
"Wait," she whispered, voice raspy as she began to pump in and out of you, "Wait for my knot detka..."
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coolyiooo · 1 year
BSD Men Reacting To You Wearing A Bunny Suit!
pairings: Dazai, Ranpo, Fyodor, Atsushi, and Chuuya
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❗Warnings❗: moaning, whimpering, dirty talk, kissing, grinding, stimulation.
Summary: To be honest, you just wanted to see their reaction when you put on the outfit, so you bought one. Plus you wanted to spice things up a bit in the bed room so why not?
You just finished putting on the outfit. It was tight and very revealing but you felt powerful in a way. You were checking yourself out in the mirror. How the outfit hugged your curves and the light gray stockings covering your legs. You tried your best to place the bunny ears in a good position when suddenly the door opened.You turned around to see a slightly blushed, yet stunned, Dazai. You started to blush a little too.
"W-well.. do I look good?"
He closed the door, didn't say anything, and walked towards you with the same expression he had as he walked in. He grabbed your hands and kneeled on the ground. looking up at you with glowing eyes.
"You really are a goddess from the heavens! I've been blessed!" He said with literal tears in his eyes.
"All this from a bunny suit?" You looked confused but felt flattered.
"My belladonna~ you did this for me?" He said placing a hand on his chest.
"Well I just did this to see your reaction..so I guess I did it for me and you?"
He got up and put his hands on your hips, bringing you closer to his torso. Your foreheads touching.
"Why don't I show you how much of an affect you had on me just from this outfit?" He says in a husky, low voice.
He grabbed one of your hands and placed it on his slightly hardened cock. Your eyes widened a bit, as your cheeks start to blush more.
"Y-you horny bastard!"
He smiles cunningly "Only for you bella~ I mean what were you expecting? That'd I'd just tell you how gorgeous you are, go on about my day, and throw away this opportunity? You wanted to see my reaction right bella~? Well let me show you~"
He then carried you bridal style into your room. You have a very heated night to look forward to. Also he'll definitely make you jump on his dick like a bunny.
You were putting on the outfit in your room, waiting for Ranpo to come from his snack run to the store. After putting it on you looked in the mirror and you were starting to get nervous, when Ranpo opened the door.He stood still by the door way with a bag of snacks in his hand
"Oooo~ you see I knew you had a surprise for me..with my deduction skills! But I didn't know what it would be. I wanted to be surprised"
"Do..you like it?" You said kind of timid with a slight blush.
You felt your heart stop and sank after he bluntly, with no hesitation, said no. You turned pale.
"I love it!"
You let out a sigh.You felt relieved, yet a bit angry. Your face showing a 'are you fucking serious?' face.
"You tease!"
He scoffed "Me? A tease? I'm not the one wearing a cute bunny suit!" He said pointing at you
"Well, since you look the part..you know..a bunny..maybe.."
He closed the door, set the bag of snacks on the counter, and walked towards you. He opened his eyes, they looked like shining emeralds, and held your chin up with his fingers.
"You should jump on my cock like a good little bunny"he said with a low voice.
You gulped at his dirty comment. He grabbed your hand and brought your body towards his after he sat at the edge of the bed. Your hands on his chest and his on your hips.
"This is after all what you were hoping was going to happened right~?"
You just finished putting on the outfit. Checking yourself out in a big mirror, feeling pretty but still shy. It's a very bold outfit in your opinion. You heard the door open, to see Fyodor stare you.
His eyes slowly looked up and down at you. Really taking in what his eyes are seeing. He saw you hugging yourself with a hint of blush.
"How..do I look?"
He closed the door and walked towards you with a straight face. He grabbed both your arms and separated them, forcing yourself to be more exposed. He then laid a hand on your cheek, looking deeply into your eyes.
"Don't look so shy, my love~ you have no reason to when your always breathtaking"
Ugh, the things this man does to you could almost make you cry. You looked down, trying to hide your embarrassed, flushed face.He smiled softly at you.
"What made you do this?"
"I uh- just wanted to see your reaction. As simple as that"
"Hm~ your not fooling anyone, my love. You wanted me to have my way with you, isn't that right?"
"W-what no! W-well I mean..of course I wouldn't mind-"
"Hm I thought you'd want to be fucked into oblivion, my dear, but since you said no then-"
"N-no! I mean.. y-yes I was hoping you'd do that. I do want it..please"
He looked at you with a pleased smile "If That's how you want it. How can I resist? especially when you put this on just for me and only me"
You and Atsushi were watching TV when suddenly you told him you'd be right back. You went to your room to put on the outfit. You thought you could surprise him just by walking in front of him. You opened the door and Atsushi looked at you with a bright red face.
"W-what are you w-wearing?! I-i mean not that I don't like it! Your very beautiful- wait, don't tell me you were gonna go out l-looking like that!"
"W-what?! Ofc not! I wore this for you!" You said with a blushed face. Why on earth would he think you'd wear this in public?
"W-well...i love how it looks on you" His eyes looking up and down at you, gulping.
"Hm? Why's that?" You walked towards him with a smirk.You wanted to tease him a bit.
"H-how could I not? It shows off your c-curves very well.. and shows off your legs" he looked at your body, taking in the sight you left before him.
"I put this on for you, love. I did this to see your reaction and im very satisfied."
He looked a bit stunned after hearing the reason you did this just to see his reaction, but then it turned into a more soft look when you put your hands on his cheeks.
"You can do whatever you please"
He paused just for a moment "T-then if you don't mind"
He got up and carried you with your legs around his waist, you let out a yelp of surprise. He brings you to the bedroom, laying you on the bed.
"I think I'd like to play cat and mouse except.. there's a tiger and there's a bunny"
He kissed you passionately, already whimpering softly. Your arms around his neck as his were around your body, your legs still around his waist.He pulled away from the kiss to look deeply into your eyes. Exactly how a predator looks at it's prey. It honestly made you wet.
"I hope you don't mind if I bite a little bit"
You were planning on surprising Chuuya by just walking into a room with the outfit on. You were in your room putting on the outfit when Chuuya walked in on you changing. You didn't even notice because your back was facing him. He just stood there in a bit of shock, then realization hit and he starts to smirk. He laid on the doorway with his arms crossed, waiting for you to be done. When you zipped up the suit, finished dressing, you heard a voice.
"Damn your so sexy~"
You jumped a bit, almost falling, but thanks to Chuuya's ability, he caught your fall and laid you back to stable ground. You looked at your boyfriend, who was smirking.
"H-how long were you here for!?"you said a bit embarrassed.
"That's not important..what's important is what made you do this?"he walked up to you
"I- I just wanted to surprise you and see how you would react" you said looking down, flustered
"Well isn't that cute? your so irresistible, doll~ you did this all for me?" He put his fingers on your chin to make you look at him.
"Yes.. I thought you'd like it"
"Well I fucking love what I'm seeing"He said, looking up and down at you.
You felt incredibly flustered.He used his ability to make you float, startling you, and dropping you on top of the bed. He got on top of you and started to caress your entire body, making you moan and whimper.
"God, I can't keep my hands off of you. You drive me so fucking crazy, babe"
"W-well ..you can do whatever you want, as long as it is you, Chuuya~"
He then kissed you aggressively. You both moan into the kiss. He started to grind against you. You could feel his cock, hard and ready to feel you.he pulled away from you.
"If this is for me then you wouldn't mind jumping up and down on me with my cock inside you like a cute lil bunny right?"
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onlyjaeyun · 1 year
[ 12:45pm ] 𝙨𝙞𝙢 𝙟𝙖𝙚𝙮𝙪𝙣 𝙭 𝙛𝙚𝙢!𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧, 𝙥𝙪𝙨𝙨𝙮 𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙖𝙨𝙩!𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙚, 𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙮, 𝙛𝙖𝙘𝙚 𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜
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"your nose is so pretty."
you find yourself mumbling at your boyfriend before your brain can even overthink those words and yet you're glad you didn't hesitate.
there's absolutely no reaction from jaeyun for a whole minute as you absentmindedly trace his sharp features with your fingers, not quite able to handle just how handsome he is.
you've been observing his side profile for a while now and every time your eyes found their way to his nose, you couldn't help but bite your bottom lip at the mental image of its tip nudging against your clit whenever he's got his face buried in your cunt.
jaeyun's been playing his video game for about an hour now and despite wanting to give him some space, you simply couldn't resist the craving of being close to him.
it's not like he minds your presence at all; jaeyun loves having your legs in his lap and your hand in his hair, playing with the soft strands as he enjoys his daily screen time away from all of his responsibilities.
usually you're quick to fall asleep, yet this time you seem to focused on him to even let the actual thought of sleep cross your mind.
you know it's because you can't stop thinking about your boyfriends plump lips, his hot tongue and his perfect nose, your head full of thoughts about how good he makes you cum over and over again once he's gotten a taste.
whereas jaeyun remains absolutely clueless. he's also a little too focused to pay complete attention to your words but he does appreciate your conpliment a lot. growing up it's always been a little difficult for him to like his nose since it's on the bigger side and not quite what people necessarily find attractive, until the two of you started dating and you've made it your mission to let him know just how perfect he is.
jaeyun places a quick kiss of gratitude into your palm before he pushes his lips into a thoughtful pout and focuses on his game again, not realising how much you've been pressing your thighs together in hopes of releasing some of the pressure on your needy cunt.
there's just something about the way he scratches the sides of his nose whenever he's slowly getting excited, poking the inside of his cheeks with his tongue and nibbling on his lip like he's purposely trying to torture you.
"yunie", you mumble and reach for his hand, grateful he's quick to play into your neediness as he grabs your inner thigh and gently strokes your skin, "i wanna ride your face, please."
usually you're not one to be this bold with your requests but after watching him for the past hour it's been incredibly hard for you to maintain your composure and even your patience has limits.
jake is absolutely stunned at your words. for a second he's not sure if he even heard you right, giving you a double take just to realise your current state.
eyes glossy, lips pushed into the cutest pout, thigh firmly pressed together and your cute nipples poking through the fabric of your pyjama shirt to the point where not a single thought is left to imagination.
just out of curiosity jaeyun lets his hand wander in between your legs, gulping harshly at the way they fall apart like you've been waiting to be relieved and once his fingers graze your soaked panties, he knows exactly why you're reacting the way you do.
without even missing another beat, jake throws his controller as well as his headset to the side, turning his game off and almost instantly laying on his side of the bed.
"i'm sorry for not realising sooner, baby", he whispers as you shakily make your way to straddle his handsome face, his cheeks and lips tinted in the sweetest shade of pink, "there you go, good girl."
his praise elicits a soft whimper from your throat, your hole clenching in absolute despair and the second the tip of his nose grazes your flesh, you throw your head back with a loud moan of relief.
"fuck, baby", jake grunts against your cunt, his tongue lapping up your sweet juices and if it wasn't for his tight grip on your waist, you would have thought he passed out, "you're so wet for me, angel girl, so perfect."
all you can do is whimper in response, grabbing a fistful of his dark hair and grinding yourself against his tongue, whining every time his nose nudges your hardened clit.
"that's why you love my nose so much, hm?", jake smiles and pushes his tongue inside of your clenching hole, groaning and moaning against your wet flesh like a man gone mad.
"mhm, y-yes", you whisper and feel the sweet sensation of your release climbing up your spine in the sweetest way possible, "love sitting on it."
and for a moment jake's movements stop, as he appreciates your sweet compliment, head cloudy from all the arousal floading his brain and his cheeks burning from excitement.
"that's my good girl", he grunts and finally wraps his lips around your sensitive clit before he pushes the tip of his tongue against the nub and applies just the right amount of pressure, making sure to have you cum all over his face to make you feel as lover and appreciated as he does.
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at0michips · 3 months
home sweet home — josh o'connor
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summary: your long distance boyfriend decides to move all the way to NYC so you can live together, but with all the work he has to deal before he can enjoy it, you decide to take care of the move. now after long weeks apart he's back.
Today was the day, where Josh was finally going to come back home after months of doing press all over the world and the country. Well, not exactly home. Yes it was his house, and yes he was going to live there with you after a year and a half of being together, but with two new movies out and a whole press tour that included being only a few hours away from you and your new house in New York, to being literally across the world, the poor english man didn't had the time to be there to even unpack the things he brought from England or the ones you bought together.
However, you promised yourself this wouldn't be a problem at all. He did what he had to do and you would be there no matter what, of course it was kind of energy draining to deal with your work and moving in but you made it! You would finally be able to be with him by the end of the day, and the dinners wouldn't have to be over facetime anymore with a different time zone. Not complaining tho, you were forever grateful for when your boss sent you to England to cover an event were you met you now boyfriend.
You were so excited that you could also feel a little anxious too, making sure that even after everything was on it's place for two weeks now, there wasn't anything wrong. Not like Josh would get in the apartment and start pointing out the things you could have done better, he wasn't that kind of person, and he also knew better that going against you but you just couldn't help but want everything to be perfect for your first night together in your own house to be just perfect.
And apparently everything was just fine, his favorite meal was in the oven and shouldn't be ready for at least the next 30 minutes, meaning you had plenty of time to do nothing. With that in mind, the wine bottle on the countertop that you bought on your way from work seemed perfect to ease your nerves while you waited for Josh to come home, wich by your counts could happen anytime now.
Time actually flew after your second glass of wine and sometime (you have no idea of how much) scrolling through tiktok that you were actually surprised when you heard the doorbell, and with that you looked like an anxious kid running barefoot to open the door to see the person you were craving to see for weeks now. The first thing you do is throw yourself at him who's more than ready to catch with his strong arms and lift you up just a little bit of the ground.
"Oh my god I missed you so so much!" you said before attacking his cheek with kisses. You could finally hear his pretty laugh close to your ear and the fact that it wasn't through a phone call was so relieving.
"It seemed like forever without you luv." he said putting you back on the ground with a stupid smile on his face, while he admired you for a moment before connecting your lips together in a quick kiss. The man ahead of you looked exhausted yet so happy to finally meet you again for what felt like ages.
After realizing you guys were still outside of your house, you take his hand and pull him inside, excited for finally having him to yourself.
"You're making dinner? It smells amazing in here" he said with an excited tone as he entered your now oficially shared house and locked the door behind him.
"Guess what it-" but before you could finish your sentence he was already taking a look in the oven "Josh no! Why are you like this?" you pouted.
"Aw babe, I can't believe you did my favorite." he said turning back to face you and failed to hold a laugh after looking at your frown "M'sorry for antecipating the surprise luv, i'm starving!" he took your cheeks into his hands and lowered himself a bit to give a peck into your lips, that immediately made you melt into the man's hands.
"Okay, but next time wait until I finish my line. Now go wash your hands." you said with the demanding tone Josh missed for what felt like an eternity.
The male did as you told him so and went to the bathroom to wash up as you took the dish into the dining room, serving each of your plates with the food you made and your glasses with the already opened wine. Everything was ready when he got back, and you guys proceeded with the dinner, sharing stories from each other works, giving updates about friends, family and silly things from your routines.
It seemed like you guys were never apart from each other, like this was just another regular night of your little life together and not the first from what you hoped would be forever. After dinner, the man decided that the dishes could wait until tomorrow, he didn't wanted you to work more. He knew your weeks has been exhausting, having to wake up early, do your job and then take care of the small renovation in the house and the move. And he knew that today even after the apartment was ready, you haven't stopped, going to work and then making him dinner after arriving.
What has he done to deserve someone so caring? That thought didn't left his mind for one second the whole night, and he was determined to make you feel the same, at least a little bit. With that in mind, you guys went straight to the bathroom of your suite to take a shower together.
It was such a sweet and intimate moment. Of course it wasn't the first time you guys took a shower together, but there was something about his gentle hands on your shoulders and all the way down your back while he kept up a small conversation about the little things he noticed around the apartment that just made this moment so special for you. In your eyes this was real intimacy, being able to be naked and so close and yet don't feel the need to be having sex with each other. Of course you were missing him in bed, god how many times you had to please yourself while he was away, but for now that moment felt like it was enough for both of you.
After the bath, you put on your pajamas and were now on your shared bed with some of the gifts the british man bought you during the press tour. Most of them came with a "oh this one reminded me of you" wich just melted your heart.
"I figured this one we could use together, what do you think?" he said holding a face mask next to his face. You laughed, like how cute could a 34 year old man be?
"Of course my lord." you said with a fake british accent and started tying up your hair while he rolled his eyes at your mocking and proceeded to open the packages.
"And now what?" he asked as you tidy up the mask on his face.
"Well, the package says we have to wait 10 minutes and then take it off." you get up and start to put away your gifts and hear the body of your boyfriend dramatically fall back in your bed, to wich you return with your everyday lotion in hands.
"Let me take care of it for you." he sits up and basically takes the lotion out of your hands and motioned for you to lay down "Relax for a bit, you must be tired...".
He's right, luckily is a friday night and you won't have to worry about waking up early in the morning for the next two days. So you do as he said and lay your head on the pillow and just enjoy the sensation of his long fingers coated with your lotion massaging your feet, slowly working his way up your leg. You smile at the sight of Josh caressing your skin so carefully, his face so concentrated but it was impossible to take him seriously with that mask on that you closed your eyes, choosing to just enjoy your broyfriend's affection.
It must have been the wine, the calming sensation on your face and the loving touch of your boyfriend, but after your eyes closed it only took five minutes for you to doze off. Josh laughed a bit when he realized that, he gently left your feet in the bed while he stood up to put away your lotion and turn off the lights, coming back to carefully take the mask off of your face, taking his own next.
The man stretched himself before laying by your side and pulling the covers up both of you. He was so tired of the long flight, but so grateful for you to be there, always caring so much for him, the thought of going back to his house in England was boring, but after getting to be with you tonight it sounded even worse, it would be sad. There wouldn't be nobody to receive him by the door, or a warm dinner for him to eat, or someone for him to share how exciting it was to be all over the world and have his work recognized by millions of people.
You shifted in your sleep finding your way to his chest and he could swear that this was the moment his heart melted. It wasn't only today, he had noticed your effort all around the house, how you made sure all his favorite stuff had a visible place so it could be exposed or put to use. He wrapped his arms around you and closed his eyes, slowly giving in to sleep with a warm feeling in his chest. He was finally at home.
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nothomegal · 1 year
"Safe and sound"
(Pyramid Head x GN Reader)
Summary: after being caught and claimed by the executioner, Silent Hill became a rather tranquil for you. However, a one particular entity, or rather entities, of this town kept bugging you anyways... Pun no intended.
Warning: mention of bugs and/or insects crawl on (Y/N)(?)
World count: 1.2k (kinda short ik hshalsdha)
(sorry if this is freaky, but I literaly dreamed about something similar and I just had to write it down hahdajkdha)
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Waking up in this place is a bittersweet experience, on one hand, it's nice to wake up with some extra energy to tolerate the surrounding nonsense, but on the other one, it hurts and sucks to realize that one is still trapped in this hellhole. And today, (Y/N) woke up with the negative thought, but the sight of the broad muscular chest of their lover made their 'morning' a bit better, and also more flustering.
The shift from sleepy and grumpy to shy and akward seemed to amuse the beast, as he let out an low rumble, which resembled a purr.
—"Y-Yeah yeah... Good morning to you too."— you say a bit shy, looking away and gripping his clothes.
Though they don't look away for too long, because soon a large hand grabs their jaw and moves their head just enough for Pyra to see their face. Oh how much he adored that flustered and innocent expression of theirs, a great contrast from the faces of pain and horror he've seen on his daily basis before meeting (and then pursuing) (Y/N).
The mentioned person simply stares back at his massive metal helmet, slowly and involuntarily melting into his warm touch.
—"Do you really like to stare at my face so much?"—
As an answer, Pyra gives them a little squeeze on their cheeks and let out another low amused purr when (Y/N) tries to pull away.
—"He-Hey! Nyo, shtop!"—
Pyra messes with them for a bit longer, clearly enjoying to see them getting upset as they speak funny. This little playfight ends up with the beast wrapping his arms around his little human and pulling them back against his torso, letting them know that he's not ready to let them go, not just yet.
(Y/N) simply sighs and accepts their fate, this is still better than having their face licked and end up with saliva all over it. They start to get comfortable but...
—"Ah...- Aah-!"— you yelp suddenly as your body shivers violently.
Pyra instantly let go of them, allowing (Y/N) to sit up and put their hand underneath their shirt to then pull it out, holding...
A creeper.
That goddamn stupid roach-
—"AGH! For fuck's sake!"— you exclaim as you throw the insect against a wall.
Call this animal cruelty or whatever, but when these little shits keep crawling under your clothes and shirt every damn time you lay down and doze off for a moment, one kinda becomes annoyed with it. And feel their insect limbs and scaly body cling and brush against your soft skin or make the low hissing noises whenever you try to pull them away is straight up disgusting! Ew!
(Y/N) then lift their shirt, to make sure they spot any sneaky ones, and of course there is another one because life sucks. Yet this one resulted to be more stubborn.
—"Ugh, just get off! Is there really no other creature whose warmth you could leach on?!"— you grumble angrily as you try to shake the insect away, yet it kept clinging to your sleeve tightly.
Thankfully their struggles didn't last long, a single growl from the massive beast was enough to set the little roach-like thing into flee, quickly crawling away from them and disappearing into a random crack on the wall.
After a second check and coming out clean, (Y/N) let out a relieved sigh as they fix their clothes a bit.
—"Thanks... Sorry for the yelling, but I'm just tired of waking up with these little shits on me."— you admit tiredly. —"I mean, I'm no snowflake and definetely can handle them crawling on me, but when they go under my shirt..."— you instinctively shiver after mentioning that.
Pyra does nothing at first, not even a movement or a sound. (Y/N) knows that sometimes he goes into this stiff position, and it never fails to kinda freak them out because it's impossible to tell if he's thinking or holding back his anger.
He eventually moves, which caused them to flinch a bit because it was way too sudden. Pyra then began to slowly uncover his torso by opening the upper part of his vest while (Y/N) simply stares at him with a confused and kinda concerned expression, oh god don't tell his possesion over them made him feel lustful again-.
Luckly, Pyra seems not interested in any heated activities (for now). He remains completely still again with his vest opened, revealing his torso all the way down to his toned and scarred abdomen as he 'stares' back at (Y/N), like expecting them to do something.
They remain quiet and hesitant, eyes flickering between his torso and his helmet until it finally clicks.
—"Hold up... You want me to get in there?"— you raise your brow.
A metallic clank resonated from Pyra as he tilts his helmet slightly, movement resembling a nod. (Y/N) blinks a couple of times before doing as told, they're not sure what Pyra's plan is but they won't question it, and if he wanted to take them he'd ripped off their clothes a while ago-.
They slowly slide inside of his vest, their body getting a little spine chill at the sudden warmth of the beast's bare skin, it feels even warmer when exposed. They settle down, their head resting on his chest and their body slightly curled in a ball. The monster then closes his vest, wrapping the clothes around (Y/N) and keeping it closed with his arms wrapped around their smaller form.
Do you know how an owner sometimes let their cat hand out inside of their shirt? Well this is basically the same, but instead of the owner and a cat, it's a giant piramid headed beast and his little lovely human (Y/N).
Despite how weird of an idea it may seem, this is incredibly comfortable and cozy, (Y/N) just can't help but to nuzzle into Pyra's chest as they let out a content hum.
—"Not gonna lie, that's a very clever idea."— you momentarily stop nuzzling, then give a small kiss on one of his pecs before comfortably settling in place again. —"Thank you, really."—
A pleased rumble resonated from Pyra's helmet, making his chest and (Y/N) vibrate a bit. They slowly start to doze off again, and the little gentle nuzzling from the beast against their back isn't making their task to stay awake any easier. The sound of his breathing also resulted incredibly soothing, the way his chest raise and fall with each large breath he takes only lulls them further into sleep.
They feel one large hand slide up and rest in the back of their head, pressing them further against him in a protective manner. They involuntarely smile, childishly grin at the though of them being the only living thing to ever witness and experience this side of the fearsome executioner, who will do anything to keep other creatures away from them, him being the one and only allowed to be this close to (Y/N).
A sane mind would tell that such obsession and posessiveness is absolutely awful, but who said (Y/N) is sane? They lost it the moment they accepted to be taken away by the monster, or maybe they never even had any sanity in the first place! Who knows? Who cares? They surely not, not when they can enjoy being in the beast's arms, bathing in his warmth, listening his heartbeat...
Being kept truly safe and sound.
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rahuratna · 4 months
Nanami Kento: Relationship Headcanons (now a fic), Part 4
Contents: pre-relationship headcanons, slow burn, pining, humour
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The day after receiving the honey cakes, you felt slightly nervous at the prospect of meeting Nanami in the break room. You knew, however, that you could easily avoid the encounter.
Except, you didn't want to. There was a delicate balance to be maintained here, a dance of two birds hovering around the same flower and never alighting. If you didn't meet him as usual, you knew that a silent message would be sent, and received accordingly on his part. At the same time, your presence in the break room was a message on its own.
Shaking your head to clear it of these thoughts, you wondered for a minute if infatuation (you didn't want to use other terms for this feeling that you might regret later) really had to be this complicated. You didn't have time to think on it further, because the door to the room opened and the subject of your fixation stood right in front of you.
You couldn't be entirely certain, but Nanami seemed relieved to see you there. He took off his glasses and approached your table with his usual quiet greeting, which you returned. You decided to throw caution to the wind and take the initiative.
"Thank you for the cakes."
"No need. They were meant as a thanks to you for helping Yuuji," he countered smoothly, opening up his bought lunch and preparing his chopsticks.
You paused, wondering how to query after what you'd been wondering, but Nanami was back to his tricks of reading your mind. Just as you opened your mouth, he placed his folded napkin neatly to one side and said, "I've noticed you going to that bakery often. I also appreciate good quality food and have purchased their savoury range before."
You brightened immediately upon hearing that.
"Oh! Then did you try their focaccia? And the cheese and garlic bread?"
"Naturally. I'm particularly fond of the focaccia. The herb blend they use is quite splendid."
You clapped your hands together and leaned forward, all nervousness about this encounter now forgotten.
"But then, you must have tried the brie and bacon ciabatta at the place down the road, right?"
"Yes. The rocket leaves are a nice touch. They give a certain freshness and bite to what could be a heavy sandwich."
"Exactly! And the tomato tart is to die for!"
"Oh? I confess, I haven't tried that yet. Perhaps next time."
"And pair it with their French coffee. Great combination."
He took a bite of his lunch and chewed, carefully and contemplatively, as he did all things. He placed his chopsticks across the top of the container, then turned his entire body to face you, those earnest hazel eyes unflinching in their regard.
"I'm not very familiar with the menu of that place, though. Perhaps you could accompany me, to provide a few recommendations?"
You didn't have enough time to process the query. For once, your mind would not allow you to hesitate as you beamed at him and nodded.
"I'd be happy to! Let me know when you'd like to go."
"Of course."
It was only when your lunch break was over, when he'd bowed his head in a respectful greeting and left, that you realised just how rapidly your heart was beating and how your hands were experiencing small tremors, as if some mischievous sprite of the air had taken up residence there.
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It felt a little like diving into the ocean, from the top of a cliff. The water may receive you, hard and turbulent at first, and then cradle you, allowing you to open your eyes and see the wonders that lay beneath. Or a treacherous rock could break your fall. Permanently.
It wasn't as if you didn't see the direction this was heading. It was the nature of the world you inhabited that made this so potentially damaging. He must know it too, so why ... But something was stopping you from going beyond that point in your thoughts. Was it intuition? Was it some innate instinct for doing what you should? Or was it plain illusion, a blindfold of obtuseness and stupidity that had somehow descended over the both of you?
Nanami sends you a message two days later, informing you that he had some time off after his morning mission and that he would like to visit the bakery, if that was fine.
Before you are able to stop yourself, to hesitate, to really think about what you are doing, you type 'Yes, perfect' and forward it to him.
You are beginning to realise that however you spin it, your answer will always be yes. Yes, yes, yes, a hundred times over. Consequences be damned.
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When you finish your shift, you receive a message, punctual to the minute.
"I am waiting in the garden."
You glance into the small hand mirror you carry in your bag, brush fingers through your hair and pause before touching up your lipstick. As observant as he is, Nanami wouldn't miss something like that. A treacherous little part of your mind whispers to you, "Good. Let him."
Slamming the mirror shut, you head out, past the fairly empty rooms, through the corridors and out into the afternoon sunshine. Nanami is waiting exactly where he said he would be. His hair gleams like the glaze on those honey cakes in the buttery light of your office lamp. As you approach him, you're struck by how tall he seems, now that you're not seated at a table together.
He turns to you and offers a soft greeting. You both pause, and it seems that even Nanami is sometimes at a loss as to what course of action to take. You assert a winning smile and adjust your bag on your shoulder.
"Let's go and pick up some tarts, then."
Nanami's mouth twitches slightly.
"Oh ... I mean the tomato tarts, of course."
You can feel that tell-tale heat rising in your neck again. God, what a sentence to utter.
"I'm not sure what other tart you could mean. Let's go."
Your embarrassment turns to good humour as he turns and leads the way, his pace unhurried. He starts to point out changes on the campus that have been made since he returned to work here, some of which even you hadn't noticed, what with the blinker-vision that your job induced.
"Hmm. Those statues. They came up just last year."
"I remember. Had to call a whole crew in to install them correctly."
"What do you think about them?"
"Well, to be honest, I thought they were a little pretentious."
Nanami is silent for a minute and you glance at him curiously.
"Why? Do you like them?"
He can barely conceal the smugness in his tone when he says, "No. They were Gojo's idea."
You laugh and whatever tension or uneasiness there had been between the two of you evaporates. As you head slowly for the main entrance, Nanami types something on his phone and soon after, a black sedan, one you recognize as a Jujutsu Tech vehicle, draws up beside the two of you. Nanami instructs the driver to take you both into the nearby town where the bakery you frequent is located.
When you have been dropped off at a street corner some distance from the cafe, Nanami glances at you with a trace of uncertainty.
"I thought it would be nice weather to walk for a while. If you don't want to, then we can call for the car again."
"Of course I want to. You're right. It's a beautiful day."
You continue your stroll with him, suddenly hyper aware of his arm brushing against yours gently, the way he was deliberately keeping pace with your stride, the distinct masculine scent of him that was always evident when you were close together. You look down at his hands, the broad, elegant fingers calloused slightly at the inner curve, where they would drag against the hilt of his weapon. You wondered how they would feel under your own exploring digits.
"What are you thinking about?" he asks, softly.
You. Always.
"When did you decide that your weapon was the most suitable one?"
His gaze is on you now, intent. You meet it, them allow your eyes to travel down to his hands. You've broken many vows already, but this new one, to be more open about what you think and feel, seems to be one you can adhere to.
Nanami follows your gaze and then lifts one hand, palm up, so that you can see more clearly.
"I assume you're wondering how it feels to wield a blade?"
"A little, yes."
"When we trained as sorcerers, they asked us to try out different weapons, become proficient at a few and then narrow it down to those we felt most comfortable with. I tried polearms, axes, swords, bludgeons. I found that I liked the weight of the heavy weapons, but also the precision of the blade. I told this to... a friend of mine. He went digging through the whole shed looking for something that suited me. I told him to drop it, that what I was looking for was unlikely to exist among cursed tools."
"But he kept looking, I assume?"
"He did, indeed. Day after day. He'd go looking after every training session, until even I became sick of asking him to stop. He was ... persistent like that. Haibara."
He says the name as if exhaling a weighted breath. You decide that the heaviness it bears must be pain. You think you can guess what had happened to Haibara.
"So he found your current weapon?"
"Not quite. He found an old knife, the type used to cut through dense bushes and branches. He said it felt right. I took it from him and ... he was right. It felt good in my hand. Balanced. I showed it to our teacher at the time and they had one designed for me, to the specifications I described."
He turns to you, and although the lines at the corners of his mouth seem a little deeper, his expression is more open.
"Does that answer your question?"
"It does. And I have another."
"Well, it's going to have to wait until you answer mine."
"Are you in the habit of picking up tarts?"
"Pardon me. Then I'll ask something a little less personal. What is it about crosswords that you like so much?"
"Hmm. I suppose ... because I never used to be good at them."
"You weren't?"
"I was hopeless, actually," you laugh, "But I did love the challenge. I've always been good with languages. Eventually they became second nature to me."
"I see. It has to do with your stubborn streak, then?"
You splutter a little.
"What do you mean stubborn streak, as if it's a habit?"
"So you admit it, then."
"I - all right. Yes. But you're not telling me much about - "
"I overhead you talking to someone in the supply department once. You asked for a type of cubicle for the students' classrooms and they didn't make those. You drew something that looked like a beehive and sent it to him by email."
"Is there something wrong with shelving that looks like a beehive?"
"The craftsman certainly thought so, until you wore him down through sheer persistence."
"At least I'm consistently annoying."
"I don't find you annoying at all."
Your smile belies the pleasant frisson those words send through you. Honestly, your standards shouldn't be so embarrassingly low.
"Oh really? Maybe that's a character flaw, then."
He glances over and another small smile toys at the corner of his mouth.
"Possibly. I am known to possess a very high tolerance for certain persons."
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By the time you reach the bakery, Nanami's speech is already less formal than you're accustomed to. He has loosened his tie slightly and his arms swing with greater freedom as he walks. He looks like he's actually having a good time and you know that you probably look much the same. It's almost too easy, this quiet camaraderie, the flow from one topic to another, the humour that bites and leaves such a teasing, pleasant sting in its wake.
You never thought it would be like this, but now you're perusing the menu, and you push that thought aside. Nanami has found you the perfect seats in a small private corner of the cafe, where you can see the street clearly, but are shielded from the view of those coming in through the main entrance. Nanami had pulled out your chair for you before seating himself and the sun's warmth is comforting against your back.
"Have you decided?" he asks, after a short while. 
"I think I'm going to try the camembert toast with fig preserve and honey."
"Feeling for something sweet, then?"
"Today, yes. What about you?"
"I'll try that tart."
You struggle to keep a straight face and Nanami eyes you slyly over the top of his menu. Clearing your throat, you continue.
"I'm glad you're taking my recommendation."
"I see it has goat's cheese. Quite the complement. I do trust you in matters of food."
"Are there matters with which you don't trust me?"
He folds the menu away and regards you seriously.
"I wouldn't trust you in matters of dancing."
You stare at him. For someone so unassuming, this man really had a penchant for stating the unexpected.
"I've noticed you trip on the corner of your desk more than a few times."
"Oh God." You cover your face, mortified. "Really? Is there anything you don't notice?"
"Little escapes me."
The waitress arrives and saves you from his merciless analysis of your clumsy nature. She takes your orders and there is a small lull in the conversation as you wait for your drinks. You take the time to examine him, and he you. There is something intimate, but relaxing about this, the way your eyes can openly take each other in now. He seems to hesitate before asking you his next question.
"Do you like this kind of thing?"
"Eating at cafes?"
"Exploring new places to eat in general."
"Oh, yes. I do it quite often by myself."
The unspoken question was answered and Nanami's expression was suddenly closed and vulnerable. He looked away from you, out into the street. His next words were considered and quiet.
"I eat out with my colleagues sometimes. After a job."
Your hands clutch the menu a little too tightly, crinkling the corners.
"You mean, like this?"
He looks you in the eye, and what you see there both exhilarates and terrifies you. There is a softly burning fire there, a quiet longing, a wound that has been picked open many times by uncontrolled fingers. His answer sounds clear, even amongst the noises of chatter, dishes clanking and the hiss of the coffee machines.
"No. Not like this."
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@tsukimefuku @g-kleran @actuallysaiyan @kentocalls
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megalony · 1 year
This is my first Eddie Diaz imagine from 9-1-1, I hope you will all like it. Any feedback or requests are always lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @avyannadawn  @noonenuts @sleepylunarwolf @coverupps @justagirlthatlovedtoread
Summary: When (Y/n) isn't well, all she wants is her partner Eddie by her side.
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Closing her eyes, (Y/n) leaned her head against the window and tried to take deep breaths to see if it would help relieve the slight nausea she was starting to feel, but it didn't. Each bump the truck rolled over had her stomach churning and every sharp corner spun her head.
When the truck made a harsh break, (Y/n) kicked her foot out and pressed the heel of her boot into the chair opposite to steady herself but she could feel her breaths jittering past her trembling lips.
"You good?" Buck raised a brow and smiled as (Y/n) gave a thumbs up but he could see she wasn't doing great at the moment.
"I'm just great,"
(Y/n) ignored the small chatter through the headphones but when she opened her eyes again and dared to look across from her, she felt shivers spiking down her nerves. Eddie was watching her intently, and he didn't look pleased. Usually when her partner looked at her, he cocked a brow or smirked or tilted his chin down and smiled to himself. She loved it when she caught him staring because Eddie would look up at her through his lashes in such a sweet, innocent way that made her heart flip.
He wasn't looking at her with those innocent eyes now, he was looking at her through stern pupils and furrowed brows and his jaw was clenched. He had both his hands clenched together on his lap and his head was turned down just a little but his eyes were trained on (Y/n).
And when he shook his head and mumbled a quiet 'no you're not' (Y/n) pressed her lips together to prevent a frown.
He told her to have a few more days off, he said she wasn't well and not up to being back at the job just yet. Part of him prayed if she did come back then Bobby would put her on light duties or keep her at the station and away from any calls but they were short staffed and she was needed.
For a week now (Y/n) had been sick with a bug and although she looked better than before, she wasn't one hundred percent.
(Y/n) was glad to throw off the headphones when the truck came to an unsteady stop and they could all get out at the scene. There was already another unit here but they needed back up to help evacuate the building and tend to anyone with injuries.
She grabbed her helmet and followed out the truck, the last in the line to climb down but as soon as the temperature change and the gravity shift hit her, (Y/n) felt uneasy. When her feet were planted on the floor, her hand automatically reached out and her fingers curled around Eddie's arm over his florescent jacket just as he was putting his helmet on.
"What's wrong?" He whispered softly and his head turned to look down at her. He could feel her tight grip on his upper arm and he could sense how close she was standing to him like she was trying to merge herself into his back.
"Just a wobble,"
"I promise," (Y/n) nodded and batted her eyes up at him but she couldn't bring herself to smile, not yet. She could feel the adrenaline pounding through her blood from arriving on scene but it wasn't enough to rid her chest of the tightening feeling or relieve her tense stomach.
She forced herself to let go of his arm even though she didn't want to, and secured her helmet and gloves. She could feel her stomach knotting but one of the many knots started to ease when Eddie stayed stood beside her with his arm and shoulder in front of her like a shield. He didn't move an inch away from her as they stood waiting for orders and even though he had his hands clasped in front of him and his body facing forwards, (Y/n) could feel his gaze constantly drifting over to her.
"Okay, Buck and Eddie, I want you round the back with the 211 to evacuate. Chimney you with me through the front to make sure everyone gets out. And (Y/n)," Bobby had either heard the brief conversation in the truck or he guessed just by looking at her that she wasn't one hundred percent yet. "Go with Hen, help check everyone over and assist medics."
(Y/n) didn't question it, she knew not to and deep down she was relieved to have an easier task than running in blind to get everyone out. She wouldn't be quick enough today and she didn't hold enough strength to pull anyone out and run back in for a second go. Helping the wounded was a much easier job for (Y/n), it was automatic to tend to people and help with their injuries whereas Buck and Eddie were far better suited to run into the burning buildings and find ways to get out.
Finishing a callout had never felt so good.
When the last deeply wounded person was escorted onto an ambulance and the medics were assuring everyone else that they would be fine, (Y/n) felt like a weight had lifted from her shoulders but another one simultaneously settled in her stomach.
Her chest was heaving even though she hadn't been running around or rushing as much as the boys had. She had gone down the rows of injured people, assessing, patching up, calling for help and moving on. But it wasn't fast-paced and it shouldn't have made her as breathless as it did.
With all the equipment packed up in the medic bag, (Y/n) hoisted it up on her shoulder and made a slow walk away from the make shift tents, over towards the fire trucks that felt like they were a mile away.
She barely got towards the truck before it felt like her lungs were filling up with stones and all the air was starting to drain out of them like they had a leak. And bending over with her hands on her knees only awakened the sickness she had been feeling earlier and the pressure on her lungs started to swim down to her stomach.
Straightening up, (Y/n) made a brisk shuffle over to the truck and dumped the bag in the small compartment while her chest heaved. She threw the helmet off and chucked it inside the truck before letting her head fall forward against the side of the truck, willing the urge to be sick to subside and leave her be.
When everyone else started to filter back towards her, (Y/n) used what little strength she had left to pull herself up into the truck and take her seat at the far side next to the window.
Her hands clasped together between her parted knees and she stooped over, lowering her head down as her chest and sternum started to burn.
"Everything alright?" Eddie grabbed the door and leaned his head up to look over at (Y/n) but when she looked up and managed a smile, he felt a little calmer. He hopped up into the truck and took the liberty of taking the seat next to her, bumping their shoulders while he grabbed two sets of headphones and handed one over to her.
"My chest was a bit tight but I'm okay."
That didn't do too much to calm Eddie's raging nerves when he knew for a fact that she never usually struggled with any problems like this. He was starting to think she had something more like the flu or even pneumonia rather than a simple cold.
But (Y/n) lived with him and Christopher and neither of them had gotten the cold she supposedly had, they both felt perfectly fine and they were around (Y/n) everyday.
(Y/n) smiled when Eddie looped his arm around her shoulders and gently reeled her into his side so she could rest her head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head and kept his lips there for a while, breathing into her hair as the rest of the team slowly flooded into the truck. They were all ready to head back to the station and get something to eat and have a rest. And possibly a shower.
When they got back to the station, everyone drifted off in their own direction. Hen wanted to refill the medic bags in case they had to rush out on another call, Chimney stayed with the truck to start cleaning it and Bobby and Buck filtered upstairs. (Y/n) followed Eddie towards the lockers and took off her jacket while he rummaged around in his locker for a towel, he needed a quick shower.
Eddie paused with his arm halfway in his locker when he felt a pair of arms suddenly curve around his waist and a familiar face press into his back between his shoulder blades. A smile wormed its way onto his face and he stayed motionless for a minute, maybe two, relishing in the hug and comfort before he turned around in her arms.
"I'm gonna grab a shower, promise you'll tell me if you feel worse." Eddie loosely curved his arms around (Y/n)'s neck and brought his lips up against her temple.
He needed to feel assured that if she felt like she was going to be sick or thought she was getting worse, she would tell him. They both knew he was going to worry for the rest of the shift anyway but if Eddie thought (Y/n) was starting to get worse he would tell Bobby and try to get her to go back home and rest.
"I promise,"
They parted ways and (Y/n) trudged slowly up the stairs towards the kitchen and eased down into one of the navy blue armchairs at the back of the loft space. She needed a sit down for a little while, just to steady her system and feel better, then she could offer Bobby a hand with the cooking he almost always did.
(Y/n) wasn't sure how long she stayed there for. She knew Buck had walked past her a few times because each time he did, he ruffled her hair or patted her head in a teasing manner and laughed to himself. He was like a big brother, he just loved to wind her up or catch her by surprise, it was his favourite pass time.
For a while, (Y/n) thought she was about to nod off and fall asleep but she managed to stay focused on the radio playing softly in the background and the sound of Bobby comically singing along.
But when an overwhelming wave of sickness washed over her like a tidal wave, (Y/n) smothered a groan with the back of her hand and shifted around in the chair. She laid her head down on the armrest, curled her knees up to her stomach and squashed her frame into the seat to try and see if it would take away the sickness and make breathing a little easier. If anything, it made the tension worse. Her chest and upper torso muscles were tightening so badly it was making her mind go numb.
She bound her arms to her chest and pressed a hand down on her stomach to see if a different, more direct form of pressure would help. Her stomach felt uneasy like she was going to throw up but the sickness never came.
Her teeth clamped down on her lip and she took a deep breath through her nose, held it for a few seconds and released it through her lips, repeating the cycle a few times to try and calm down and breathe through the pain.
Everything seemed to slow down yet speed up at the same time, her sense of time was distorted and her vision blurred before her eyelids pulled down like shutters trying to prevent her from feeling worse or experiencing her world spinning on its axis.
All the chatter and music and noise filling the loft started to filter out into static and when her stomach churned, (Y/n) slowly started to get up.
She was going to be sick.
Every inch of her skin was sweltering and droplets of sweat glistened on her in the harsh lighting and she was flushed everywhere even though the loft was fairly cold with the air con and she hadn't done anything tiring in over an hour. The burning in her stomach turned into an intensifying ache in her abdomen and each and every muscle was contorting and twisting inside her in a way which felt impossible.
The agonising twist of her muscles stopped her from standing up straight but she tried her best to look as okay and normal as possible.
One arm bound around her stomach and her other hand gripped the metal banister as she almost slipped down the stairs and hobbled through the back towards the showers where the toilets were.
As soon as she was in, (Y/n) let herself hunch over and drop to her knees in one of the toilet cubicles, getting there just in time to throw up.
She kept one arm around her stomach and used the other to rest over the toilet so her burning forehead could flop on her arm. the static in her ears got worse until it was deafening white noise and she began to shake despite the cold air in the bathroom.
"(Y/n)… just checking if you're okay? You didn't look too good back there," Hen cautiously opened the bathroom door and peered around, unsure how far to walk in in case (Y/n) didn't want help and was actually okay. She had seen (Y/n) hobble down the stairs and stumble towards the toilets and she looked like she was in pain, making Hen worry.
(Y/n) couldn't help the small cry that escaped her lips when Hen pushed open the cubicle door and froze, staring down at her. This was not how she wanted her coworkers to see her, curled over, throwing up feeling feeble and useless and like someone they would see at one of their scenes rather than a firefighter in the station.
"Okay, can I take a look at you?" Hen bent down in the doorway but (Y/n) coiled away, inching further towards the toilet. She didn't want anyone seeing her like this or reaching out to touch her.
She wanted Eddie.
"G-get Eddie, please…" Her lips curved down at the sides and her lower lip started to wobble before a pathetic howl left her lips and she gasped to take in a proper breath.
"Okay, okay I'll fetch him now."
As soon as Hen backed out and bolted from the bathroom, (Y/n) feebly pushed away from the toilet but she didn't know what she was doing or where she was trying to go. Her arms bound around her lower waist and she doubled over, tucking her head into her knees to smother her cries and soak up her tears and runny nose.
Her stomach was on fire, it felt like her intestines were being twisted and pulled down and her chest was burning like she was on fire on the inside. All she wanted to do was curl up as small as possible and pass out to make everything stop. She wanted to wake up at home in bed with Eddie and have this be a bad dream or a distant memory from weeks ago that she didn't have to remember.
"I want Eddie." It came out as a broken wail and she wasn't speaking to anyone in particular but when she heard his rushed footsteps, she knew he heard her but she couldn't find the will power to be embarrassed.
"(Y/n)? (Y/n), baby it's me. Oh, baby," Bursting into the bathroom, Eddie slumped down on his knees in the doorway but his heart burst when his eyes set on his girlfriend. She was curled in on herself like she was trying to hide or become as small as possible but he could see her shaking and he could hear her smothered cries.
He wasn't sure what to do or where exactly to touch her but he knew he couldn't help her when she was curled over like this.
Doubling down, he leaned his chest on his knees so he was more level with her and placed his hands carefully on her upper arms to let her know it was him.
"Come here, sit up for me sweetheart." He slowly leaned up and pulled (Y/n) up with him until she was knelt up on the floor the same as him so he could look her over. But it still wasn't going to be easy when she was in the cramped cubicle and he was wedged into the doorway that wasn't much bigger than his frame. "I'm gonna move you just a little, okay? I've got you, take deep breaths for me baby."
With his arms wound around her waist as carefully as he could and (Y/n)'s head burrowed into his neck and her hands on his shoulders, Eddie slowly moved onto his feet and hunched over. He held her tight and slowly shuffled backwards until he was out of the cubicle and (Y/n) was coiled into his chest.
(Y/n) dug her nails into his shoulders when he sat her down on the cold tiled floor so her knees were pulled up but her feet were now on the floor and he knelt back down beside her.
"Talk to me, what's happening?"
"Hurts… God, it hurts Eddie, a-and I've been sick," (Y/n) coiled one arm back around her stomach to show him where the pain was but her other hand stayed puncturing into his bicep like tallons. And she leaned forward to press her temple into his shoulder, finally feeling a tiny bit of relief when he kissed her temple and rubbed his hand up and down her leg.
When he pulled back, he moved his hand and pressed the back of his hand against her temple, sighing to himself when he felt that she was starting to get a fever.
"Can I?" Eddie moved his hands towards (Y/n)'s stomach and when she nodded, he carefully moved her arm away and peeled up her shirt that had been tucked into her trousers.
He pressed his fingertips against her right side around the bottom of her ribcage, then towards the left before moving down and applying minimal pressure around her abdomen. He didn't like the reaction he got; flinches, whimpers and bubbling cries when he moved lower down. A sigh fell past his lips again and he held his fingers over her wrist to check her pulse, it was fast but not dangerously high.
"It might be some kind of internal blockage or a hernia," Eddie turned to look behind him at Hen but the way he rolled his lips and tensed his shoulders gave away the panic he was feeling.
There were a few possibilities of what this could mean, none of them good and Eddie couldn't do anything or make a judgement call and guess. He needed to take her to the hospital and they both knew it.
"Take her, I'll go clear it with cap." Hen was out the door the moment she finished speaking. They all knew Bobby would fully agree with them, (Y/n) needed medical attention that Hen or Chimney couldn't give and Eddie had to go with her. He couldn't stay on shift and worry, waiting anxiously for a phone call that he could miss if they had another call soon.
"We're off to the hospital baby, ready?"
(Y/n) nodded and when Eddie shuffled closer she took the hint and wound her arms around his neck. She closed her eyes and buried her face in the crook of his neck, bracing herself when an arm looped around her lower back and beneath her knees. At least when he lifted her up she stayed much in the same position, knees near her stomach and her body curled over slightly which felt best to relieve the pain.
She nuzzled her face into his chest just beneath his shoulder when he walked out the bathroom, trying to hide herself away from prying eyes. She didn't want anyone looking at her and seeing her like this and she knew Eddie felt the same when his chest tensed beneath her and his jaw tightened and rested on top of her head.
(Y/n) felt the need to curl her knees up to her stomach again but she knew she couldn't sit like that, not when the doctor was finally about to assess her.
She didn't know who to look at, the doctor with a soft yet somewhat uncomforting smile, the nurse stood on her left or Eddie on her right. She had been staring up at Eddie for the last ten minutes and she knew he could feel her eyes on him. The concentration in his eyes was sweet and if (Y/n) could of smiled up at him she would. She loved the intensity burning in his eyes and the way he kept flexing his biceps, moving from having his arms crossed over his chest to hold (Y/n)'s hand and run his fingers through her hair. He didn't know what to do with himself.
Eddie could of cried with relief when they got transferred through from the waiting room into here and (Y/n)'s crippling cramps seemed to dull down somewhat. He noticed the way she uncurled herself just a little and stopped clenching her jaw and writhing in agony and it made him feel faint and relaxed and relieved all at once.
"Okay, let's take a look." The doctor smiled again as she moved over the ultrasound machine that had been brought in a while ago.
They had gone through all the preliminary questions when they arrived in A&E, then again when they got moved into this room, although Eddie had done most of the talking. (Y/n) only spoke to confirm he was right and ask why she couldn't have morphine yet. If Chimney was here he would have given her something already for the pain.
It didn't hurt as much as it did earlier when pressure was applied to her stomach and (Y/n) took that as a good sign. The ultrasound checked her stomach first to make sure there was no blockage there before going over to her liver just to be safe.
"Stomach and liver are clear, let's go further down."
(Y/n) tilted her head back and looked up at Eddie instead, although he was focused on the ultrasound. She could never work out those black and white images, her eyes weren't trained to spot differences or abnormalities so she never bothered looking.
"Miss (Y/l/n), I'm going to presume you didn't know this, but it seems you're pregnant."
Her eyes wouldn't look away from Eddie, not for a second. Even as her lips twitched from a slacked expression to a tightened grimace from the pain, she continued to look up at Eddie. His eyes narrowed at the corners and his blushing red lips parted but he couldn't find anything to say.
All Eddie could do was tighten his hand in (Y/n)'s and run his fingers through his hair, pulling at the strands until he was about to have a tuft of hair come out between his fingers.
"What?" Eddie couldn't breathe, he could barely speak and he took one small glance down at (Y/n) biting her lip before he looked over at the monitor across from him. How was this possible? How far along were they? Did that mean the pains were something to do with the baby? So many questions rattled around in his mind but he was getting no answers.
"But I… my period, a-and I…" (Y/n) stopped herself before her mind overloaded and started to short circuit.
Sure, her periods were miss-matched and irregular but she'd been having them and she didn't feel any different in herself. She didn't even look pregnant, how far along was she, she couldn't be more than a few weeks, three months at most.
"I'd guess you're around thirty weeks, but with you not knowing or sensing anything and not having the usual symptoms, this seems to be a cryptic pregnancy. Not very common but it does sometimes happen."
"Oh my God," Reaching behind him, Eddie grabbed the flimsy plastic chair and scraped it along until he could sit down, as close to the bed as he could manage until his knees bumped into the bedframe. "Is the baby okay? What's causing the pains?"
"Pre-term labour pains, it could be brought on my stress and induced by you not knowing anything about this. But we can easily give you some medication to ease the contractions and prevent labour. I'll go and get that sorted and give you a moment to talk."
(Y/n) tried to smooth her hand over her stomach but it made her shiver and made a lump form in her throat.
How could she not know? She didn't feel any movement, she had random, short periods that clearly weren't really periods and she had no swelling. A little weight gain maybe, but nothing to suggest a baby. She had been doing extra shifts and helping lift people out of collapsing buildings, hoisting people up onto back boards and climbing the ladder. She had done everything she shouldn't do while pregnant and she didn't even know.
The job could have been the stress that pushed her confused body into thinking now was the best time to go into labour. (Y/n) had thought about kids with Eddie a lot, but this was never the way she wanted to find out or how she would ever want to tell him when the time was right.
Was now the right time for a baby? Whatever the answer, they didn't have the time or the means to change things now.
"We don't have long to do this… we'll be lucky if we get a few weeks to get everything and sort the house out. We have to tell Cap, God and Christopher, he'll be so excited."
Surprise flooded (Y/n)'s face and she sat up a bit straighter when she processed Eddie's sudden ramblings.
He was happy, he was already planning this out in his mind, she could almost see the wheels turning in his mind. He knew what early contractions like this meant, they wouldn't reach full term now. It didn't give them long to tell the team and find a replacement for (Y/n) at work for her to be on maternity leave. They would need to buy everything now and set up the spare room, and tell Christopher that in only a few weeks, someone else would be moving in with them.
When a tired but nevertheless pleasing smile took over Eddie's face along with a few tears, (Y/n) couldn't help but start to cry. This was fast, but she'd always wanted a baby and if Eddie was really okay and thinking this through happily, she didn't have too much to worry about other than work and a short time for planning.
"We're having a baby," (Y/n) whispered quietly, reaching her arms out when Eddie stood up and leaned over her. His arms tangled around her waist and he lifted her up slightly to hold her as close as possible, grinning from ear to ear when he felt (Y/n) kissing his neck.
This was his family.
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he-calls-me-kitten · 1 year
Ah, thank god <33
Since I don't have the balls to write this myself -- what about the bros with a very flirtatious reader-? One that just teases them non-stop throughout the whole day, and the bros punish them for it-?
(Ik this is a rlly boring idea but AKSKDKSNS)
First of all, it's not boring AT ALL! Do you know how much I love it when MC takes charge??? And this right here???!!! THIS IS GOLDEN HEHEHE! We need more confident flirty representation okay!!
No Rest for the Loving
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Seriously you could be the biggest tease in all three realms. They thought they had seen everything with Asmo, but lo and behold, came along you. It was quite literally, getting harder to live with you in the same house. But there's only so much they can hold back until their patience runs out.
Lucifer face palms as you take a seat on his lap, offering to 'help with paperwork'. You've not even shifted yet, but he's already stimulated - knowing your cheeky tricks. And the fact that you've been constantly doing it the entire day. First in the meeting room and now in his room.
"You look extra tired. Look at all the lines on your forehead." You hold his face tenderly, pretending to kiss it better. "Ahaha, you look so much better when you're flushed red."
"Hmph, is that so?" Lucifer glanced up towards his door to see if it was locked. "In that case, you might look better like this." Papers flew and pens and quills scattered and fell off the desk as he placed you on it and laid you down.
You brace yourself as he grinds against you mercilessly. You throw your head back when you're almost at your climax and then he pulls back. You groan into your hands because you know he won't be relieving you for a while.
Mammon grumbled under his breath as he hung from the ceiling, waiting for you to stop laughing. "Are ya done laughing your head off yet? Can you get me down already?"
"Oh come on, you're asking me to go against Lucifer's orders to keep you like this, atleast let me have my fun won't you?" You cooed, running a finger down his chiselled abs exposed from hanging upside down.
"Oi! I told you to stop that! This is the fourth time! What's with you and my stomach anyway?!" He blushed furiously, his skin on fire from your fingers.
"I just like how it feels." You answered cheekily, as you untied him from the ropes. "Now there, all done. Now we're even."
"No..." You were about to leave when you felt his arm wrap around your waist, the other hand cupping your bottom. Squeezing and groping it as he pleased, it sent electricity up your spine. "We'll be even after I'm done with my turn."
"Ack! There's no way! I can't possibly win against you!" Leviathan said as he lost another round of the staring contest with you. "Also is it really okay for you to sit there and have an ice cream during this?!"
"What's wrong with the ice cream, I got you the Ruri one in your favourite flavour too didn't I?" You said, deliberately making a big show of eating the stick of ice cream in a erotic way. "My, my what are you imagining in that head of yours, Levi?"
Levi turned even redder at the accusation. Oh shit. Had you caught him staring at your tongue the whole time? "I'm not imagining anything! And besides you..." He racked his brain for a good one liner, inspireed by his many romance novels."Besides you couldn't handle me anyway!"
"Oh, do you want a tongue-off to put it to the test?" You regretted suggesting that seconds later. Now your endless moans were muffled by his long forked tongue invading your mouth. You tried to surrender the fight, grabbing his shirt in fistfuls, but he only shoved his tongue deeper inside in crazed frenzy, holding you firmly in place. This wasn't a fight you could ever win as his tail entered the picture too
Satan was trying so hard to hide how flustered he was. "MC, this is just getting silly now." He said trying very hard not to start gazing down at you just sitting on the floor, between his legs, head resting on his thigh. The cat ears on your head didn't help either.
"But I'm not even doing anything." You said with mock innocence, as if you hadn't made a show of crawling to him on all fours and plopped your head dangerously close to his growing arousal. "Oh, am I to blame for this?"
You turned around and grazed your hand on his crotch. He grabbed your wrist but didn't push your hand away. "Oh my, you could totally mess up my insides with this. If you know how to use it of course."
"Sure, I'll show you what I can do if you can put that pretty little mouth to use." You tried very hard to be confident but it all went down the drain now that you whimpered with his length hitting the back of your throat. He was determined not to let you walk for the next few days.
Outdoing Asmo in terms of teasing was no easy feat, but you managed it anyway. You combined his love for fashion and you very efficiently by wearing the most enticing thing you could find in his wardrobe.
All he had to do was walk in and see you sprawled on his bed, fidgeting with your phone. He gasped, dropping his many shopping bags - an impatient frenzy in his eyes.
"It seems you really like what you see." You chuckled at the obvious reaction his pants were too tight to hide. Within seconds he was on top of you, leaving lipstick stains over your exposed skin and somehow skillfully fucking you with the outfit still on. It was after the first 8 rounds you realised what a mistake you'd made.
"Oh no MC, don't drift off just yet! There's a few more outfits I'd like to fuck you in." He said, pulling you onto his lap. Your head lulled to the side, resting on his shoulder. What the hell were you thinking tempting the Avatar of Lust?
The one thing you learnt about the twins is that you cannot tempt them while they are in the same room. Whether they take turns or tag team to pleasure you, you are always unable to function properly for the next few days.
Belphie takes his revenge by lazily thrusting inside you, constantly dangling you over the edge of your release.
You beg and plead but he doesn't increase his speed until the very end, where even his hands add to the party. "See how easy it is to turn the tables on you? You thought I'd let you go easy after how grinded against me in the crowded bus?"
Beel goes quiet, even apologetic right before he goes feral. As if he knows exactly how badly he's going to ruin you.
The thing about the way he overstimulates you with tongue is that you can't tell if he's being deliberate or if his hunger is just that intense. And you never ever know when he's going to be full. "I'm sorry MC, one last time I promise...it's hard to resist your taste... especially since you offered..."
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tonyspank · 1 year
A/N: It’s been a while, huh? Sorry if I didn’t get everyone for the tweets.
Anyways, it’s an end of an era guys. I hate this but, fuck it! 😭😭 Like I literally sat here, staring at this for about ten minutes wondering "should i actually post this" ts is so bad.
Warnings: 18+ smut, angst, and yeah i think that’s it?
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It's been about thirty minutes since Jenna left your apartment in a hurry. You've sent her multiple messages asking her if everything is fine, but you hadn't gotten an answer yet. You started to worry and called her, but she didn't answer the phone. You sigh, glancing at Jack who was lying on the ground scrolling through his phone.
Why wasn't he on the sofa? You didn't know. You asked him why he was on the ground and he shrugged. "Comfy," he mutters, rolling onto his stomach. You eye him confused before letting out an, "Oh, okay..."
You watch him for a few seconds, before deciding that it's better to just leave him alone. Your Twitter app was downloading, you had gotten curious of what people were saying about you. You open the app and create a quick profile before typing in your name. You scroll through the tweets, relieved to see nothing too negative. It was actually pretty funny.
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You laugh at some of the tweets before quickly logging out. You put your phone away and look at Jack again. "Wanna watch a movie?" Jack looks up from his phone, shrugging before getting up and sitting next to you on the couch. The two of you watch a couple of movies, chatting and laughing in between.
Every now and then you'll check your phone for a message from Jenna, but she never replies. When the movies are over, Jack yawns and tells you it's time for him to go. You both say your goodbyes and you watch him leave, wondering why Jenna still didn't reply.
You sit in the dark alone, feeling dejected. You check your phone one last time, but still, no message. You take a deep breath and tell yourself that it's okay, that Jenna will reply soon.
Suddenly there's a knock on your door. You open the door and there she is, Jenna. She smiles and tells you that she's sorry for not replying earlier. "I was worried. Did something happen?" She lets out a breath, shaking her head. "No, everything's great."
She steps inside and looks around. You can tell something is on her mind, but she doesn't say anything. Once she's fully inside you take notice of her outfit.
She wore a black corset with a sheer white long-sleeved undershirt and bow. Adding a hint of lace and elegance to the look were the shirt's bottom edges peeking through the tight-fitting garment. The effect was stunning, drawing the eye to her curves and delicate beauty. She was a sight to behold.
You were in complete awe at the sight of the woman in front of you. She smiled and you could feel your heart skip a beat. You were mesmerized by her beauty and poise.
She was the embodiment of perfection. "You look... amazing, absolutely breathtaking." She blushed and let out a small laugh. Her eyes twinkled as she flashed a smile. "Thank you, I'm glad you think so. I wanted to go out with you tonight, sorry for not calling ahead."
You were speechless, your mind racing with excitement. "Of course, I'd love to go out with you." You smiled, feeling your heart swell with happiness. She beamed in response. "Okay. Go get dressed."
You rushed into your room, quickly throwing on the nicest clothes you could find. You glanced in the mirror, taking a moment to appreciate the butterflies in your stomach before you rejoined her. You were ready for the night, eager to make the most of it.
Jenna's driver was outside of your building and soon you were being led out of the car and into a club, camera flashes flickering nearly every second. Jenna wraps her arm around yours, not caring about the paparazzi.
You glance around, taking in the scene as Jenna leads you to the VIP area. You lean into Jenna's ear so she can hear you above the music. "Is anyone else here?"
Jenna nodded and pointed to a group of people at a nearby table. She smiled and said, "Let's go say hi." As you walked over, you recognized some of the faces of the company. It was Melissa, Mason, and Jasmin. You greeted them warmly and exchanged pleasantries before taking a seat at the table.
"You guys look cute!" Melissa says, smiling as she places down her drink. After a few moments of conversation, Jenna leans into your side, placing her head on your shoulder. You blush, a shy smile playing on your lips as you put your arm around Jenna's waist.
You can feel Jenna's warm breath against your neck as you look around the room, your eyes meeting Mason's. He continues to talk about Sam should be the next Ghostface in the new Scream.
Jasmin nods in agreement, her eyes going wide. "Exactly! It would be a great plot twist, plus! I just know Melissa would eat up the entire thing." You laugh, nodding your head as well. Melissa laughs, "I don't know. Isn't Sam's whole deal trying to not become her father?"
Jasmin looks thoughtful for a moment. "Maybe that can be the twist! Sam has to become her father in order to save the day." You turn your head a bit, "Didn't she kind of do that in this movie?" Jasmin nods and smiles. "Yes! But this time she'll become him completely. She'll be in the suit for more than three minutes, she'll do phone calls, and all sort of Ghostface stuff." She takes a breath and claps her hands. "It'll be epic!"
Jenna squeezes your thigh and you turn your head towards her as everyone continues the topic. "You look really good in your suit tonight." You blush and smile at the compliment. "Thanks," you reply, taking Jenna's hand in yours. "I really like spending time with you, Y/N."
Jenna leans in closer and kisses you, her lips lingering for a few moments before you pull away, blushing. You can feel your heart racing as you look into her eyes, not expecting her to kiss you in front of her friends.
Jenna smiles at you, her eyes twinkling. She leans in for another kiss and you feel a sensation spread through your body. You can hear the others talking around you, but you're too lost in the moment to care.
You take a deep breath and smile. "I like spending time with you too," you reply, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Jenna smiles looking around at her friends, then back at you, her face flushed. "Let's go somewhere more private," she whispers in your ear.
You both stand up, hands intertwined and make your way out of the room. As you walk away, you can feel the eyes of everyone watching you with a mix of envy and admiration. You both can't wait to get to a place more private, where you can finally be alone. You quickly enter the bathroom, locking the door. Once you're away from prying eyes, you share a passionate kiss.
Your lips and tongues move in sync, creating a beautiful harmony. You both can't keep your hands off each other. You both know where this is heading, and you're not afraid of it. Jenna pulls away, panting a bit. "You make me feel so alive."
She looks into your eyes, and you can feel the connection between you. You lean in and kiss her again, this time longer and more passionate. You know that this time, you are not going to be able to keep yourself from going further.
Your hands roam her black corset, searching for the string. "How the fuck do I take this off?" You mumble against her lips. Jenna giggles and reaches behind her back. With a few quick tugs, the corset falls to the ground. You let out a sigh of relief, pulling her close and kissing her deeply. She wraps her arms around your neck, and you lift her off the ground, placing her on top of the marble sink counter.
You trace your fingertips along her curves as you kiss her neck. She gasps in pleasure and pulls you closer. "Shit," she moans. You begin unbuttoning her undershirt, revealing her smooth, soft skin. You kiss her neck and shoulders as your hands begin to explore her body. She responds with a shudder of pleasure as you gently caress her.
She takes your hand and guides it to her breast, taking a deep breath as you cup it. Your other hand travels down her body, tracing her curves until you reach her hips. She moans in anticipation as you attach your lips to her nipple, caressing and massaging it with your tongue.
She wraps her legs around you and pulls you in closer, her breathing becoming heavier with each passing second. You move your other hand further down and slip it inside her, feeling the warmth of her body. She gasps in pleasure as you begin to explore her, your movements becoming more urgent.
Her hands knocks off your hat, fisting your hair as she moans your name. Your fingers move faster and faster, her body shakes with pleasure. She pulls you even closer and her body tightens as the pleasure builds.
You feel her muscles tense and her breathing becomes ragged as she reaches the peak of pleasure. Finally, she lets out a loud cry as she shudders in release, her grip on you loosening. "Fuck!"
You pull away, both of you panting and sweaty, your eyes meeting and a satisfied smile on both of your lips. She wraps her arms around you, holding you close as the wave of pleasure passes through her. She takes a deep breath and a satisfied sigh escapes her lips. You kiss her gently, not wanting to break the moment.
She looks up at you with a twinkle in her eye and whispers, "That was amazing." You smile and hug her tightly, feeling the same way. "We should go back before they wonder what's taking so long."
That was the last time you saw Jenna, well, that night exactly. You never imagined that would be the last time you'd see each other. You've been thinking about her ever since. It was like a goodbye that never happened.
You've tried to reach out to her, but she hasn't responded. You had seen her on social media doing interviews, but something that hurt ten times worse was that she was hanging out with Percy.
You were not sure if you wanted to reach out again or if it was time to move on. You felt confused and heartbroken. You had no idea what to do next.
Days turned into weeks and then weeks turned into months. You decided that it was time to move on. You finally accepted that it wasn't meant to be. You unfollowed her on Instagram and blocked her number. You started to feel free again. You no longer felt the need to check her profile or see what she was up to.
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You felt a sense of closure, knowing that it was finally over. Even though it hurt to do it, you realized it was the best thing for both of you. You started to focus on yourself and your own life. You slowly began to heal and move on.
You still talk to Mason and Jack, meeting more of their famous friends. Some being Dylan Minette, Bailey Bass, Devyn Nekoda, and even Olivia Rodrigo. You started to feel more confident and even enjoyed the thrill of meeting new people.
You started to feel accepted and like you belonged. You no longer felt like an outsider, but like you were part of something bigger than yourself. You felt a sense of belonging and purpose in this new world you had been welcomed into.
Speaking of Jack, Mason and their famous friends, Bailey is joining the three of you to watch Olivia perform. Bailey was a part of the same group of friends and was welcomed in with open arms. When Olivia began to perform, the four of you were mesmerized. She had a beautiful voice.
"Oh my god! I can't believe I'm watching Taylor Swift's Prodigy live in action!" Jack screams. You playfully roll your eyes at the boy before Bailey smiles and laughs as you all enjoy the view. You can tell Olivia has worked hard, and you are proud of her for making it this far. After the performance, you all exit the venue, waiting for Olivia.
She eventually appears, beaming with joy and relief. She quickly walks to you, engulfing you in a tight hug. You congratulate her and tell her she did an amazing job, and she smiles brightly at your words. Bailey and the boys clap and cheer for her, "Amazing! I loved it." Jack says, she blushes and replies, "Thank you all so much." She hugs each of them in turn, feeling the warmth and support of her friends.
"This dude was literally screaming in my ear in excitement." You joke, using your thumb to point at Jack. Everyone laughs and Jack shrugs. "It was a great performance!" he defends. "That's true," You agree with a nod, "but you really didn't have to shout at me." You smile teasingly and Jack laughs, shaking his head. "Alright, alright," he concedes. "I'll be a bit quieter next time."
Mason speaks up with a smile on his face. "We're about to go out to eat. Do you want to come?" He asks Olivia. She ponders a bit before shaking her head, "Maybe next time. I'm a bit tired." Mason nods in understanding. He stands up and says, "Alright, take it easy. We'll catch up another time." He turns to the rest of the group and says, "Let's go."
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The couldn't prepare yourself for the morning after. You had woken up by the knocking on your front door, and when you opened it, you were met with Jenna. You stood there, not knowing what to say or how to react. Jenna stared at you with an intensity that sent a chill down your spine.
A part of you wanted to hug her and tell her how much you missed her, while the other part of you wanted to slam the door in her face and laugh at the fact that she thinks she can just crawl back into your life after months of ghosting you.
You took a deep breath and stepped aside, allowing her to come in. You both stood in silence, the tension between you thick in the air. You waited for her to explain why she was there. She looked up at you and finally spoke. "I'm here to apologize," she said.
You weren't sure if you wanted to accept it, but you also felt a wave of relief. You nodded, and she stepped closer. She continued, her voice wavering. "I'm sorry for how I treated you. I didn't mean to shut you out like that."
You were surprised, unsure how to react. She looked up at you with hopeful eyes. You shake your head, thinking back on how sad and lost you felt, how she just left without an explanation. You had spent so many nights alone, angry and confused. Here she was, after all these months, asking for forgiveness.
"Why would you let me get attached to you just to leave?" She looked away, her eyes welling up with tears. She began motioning with her hands, her voice rising. "I told you! I—I'll be busy and I come with a lot." She looked away, her voice breaking. You stayed silent, your heart pounding.
"I don't understand how you could be so okay with leaving me out of your life for so long! And here I am watching you be fucking buddy-buddy with Percy and smoke! You're smoking after you were the one who told me smoking was so bad for my health?!" You felt so angry and hurt, you were starting to realize that maybe they weren't meant to be together after all.
"I told you. Percy is just a friend. I only started smoking because it reminded me of you." You looked away, not wanting to let her see the tears in your eyes. She put a hand on your shoulder and leaned in, whispering, "Don't cry. I'm sorry for not being there for you."
You turned to face her, and she wiped away your tears. You push her hands away, shaking your head. "Y/N, c'mon. I've—tried! Okay? I tried calling you and texting you, but you didn't answer me either."
You looked away, feeling guilty. "I blocked you. I kept checking my phone every single second hoping to hear from you, so I blocked to you stop." She sighed and nodded, understanding. "You are the first person that I've fully been vulnerable with." She looked down at her hands, her voice filled with sadness.
"Maybe I am too obsessed with my work." She looked up, her eyes meeting yours. "But I tried for us. I tried with you. It's just been so stressful! One second it's an interview, then it's something about the press, then it's something about you!"
You said nothing, just nodded. You were relieved that she finally opened up to you, but you were also filled with a sense of sadness. She took a deep breath, more tears forming in her eyes. "It's all just been too much," she whispered. "I'm so sorry." You wrapped your arms around her and just held her. You could feel her shaking as she tried to keep her emotions under control.
You felt your own tears beginning to fall. "I think we should stop seeing each other. I uh, I don't think it's fair for either of us, all the stress, you know?" She looked away, her eyes glassy and red.
Your palms hold Jenna's face, staring into her eyes. You slowly leaned in, pressing your forehead to hers, and holding her tight. Jenna's arms wrapped around you, holding you close as her own tears began to fall again. "I love you, Y/N."
You pulled away and looked into her eyes, trying to hold back your tears. You slowly ran your fingers through her hair and whispered, "I love you too." You leaned in and kissed her gently, bringing her back into a hug. You held her close as the tears began to flow.
You both knew it would be the last time you'd be together. You held each other for what felt like an eternity, neither of you wanting to let go. Finally, you stepped back, and she wiped away your tears. You smiled sadly at each other, and she walked away, leaving you standing there alone in your apartment.
The door shut and that's when you fell apart, your tears coming back with a vengeance. You sank to the floor, unable to stop your body from shaking with sobs. You felt like you had been walking through a fog and now it had finally cleared, leaving you with a clarity that hurt.
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ja3mln · 1 year
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part one & two
cw: popular guy!jm, fwb to lovers!au, fluff, smut, oral (f), soft sex, a lot of kissing, you both are whipped for e/o:(
words: 1.2k
playlist: falling for you by jaden (ft jb)
a/n: please listen to the song while reading!!!!! i couldn't help but make this part a bit smutty too oops... i loved writing this little serie i hope you guys enjoyed it!!! i feel a bit insecure abt my writing lately so tysm for the support:(<3 enjoy!
since that party, you didn't expect to start spending most of your time with jaemin and for him to be this sweet with you. you didn't miss any of his football matches, even going to his practices sometimes and ending up in a coffee shop, talking about how he's been improving since you became involved in his football activities. jaemin even started studying with you. sometimes, he would just be there for company or to bring you something to eat, and he would end up sitting next to you and helping you with your studies.
he couldn't get enough of you. he found himself spending most of his time thinking about you, asking himself what you could be doing right now or what he could bring you for lunch. of course, his friends know about all of this, not just his friends, but the whole school. however, for some reason, jaemin didn't really care. he cared at first, not because he was ashamed of you, but because he was worried about how mean the girls could get towards you. once he understood that you weren't the type to let those things bother you, he was relieved and started showing more affection towards you in front of others, like putting his arm around you when you're walking together or eating lunch with you at the cafeteria.
the thing is that jaemin never really asked you out, and you haven't even had a real date yet. but it doesn't really bother you because the time you spent with him felt so exclusive that you didn't really need it. of course, you were still having sex, but less than usual, not because you didn't want to, but because you were spending more time hanging out and doing stuff like going to the cinema and watching the stars at the park while talking for hours.
when you invited jaemin to watch a movie, you didn't expect to end up on your bed, jaemin's face between your tights. "fuck baby, i could do this all day", jaemin groans against your pussy, looking at you, and you giggle, grabbing his hair. he goes back to making out with your pussy and you moan louder, feeling his lips sucking on your clit harder. when you feel your orgasm coming, jaemin pulls out, and you let out a whimper, frustrated. "what the fuck, jaem?", you look at him, confused, and he laughs, pulling you for a quick kiss. "i want you to sit on my face, princess", your pussy thorbs and you obey, jaemin holding you down by your tights so he can kiss and lick your core, the wet sounds accompanying your moans. you move your hips repeatedly, feeling your orgasm coming back, and one of your hands grabs the mattress, the other tightly holding jaemin's hair. "gonna cum jaem!", he just groans against your pussy, looking at you going crazy and how you throw your head back and his hand finds a way to your boob.
you finally reach your climax, screaming jaemin's name and moving your hips uncontrollably. he licks your pussy clean before switching positions to be on top of you, "i've never taste something so good", he says against your lips, and you blush slightly, pulling him for a kiss. jaemin's tongue slides in your mouth, letting you taste your own cum. he breaks the kiss to look at you, one of his hands gently caressing your cheek, and you've never seen this much admiration in his look. "i think i'm falling for you", he whispers softly, like it was his deepest secret. you feel like your heart could explode at any time. "what?", you shyly reply when you understand that jaemin was lost in his own thoughts and maybe he was just saying random things. "i'm falling for you", you could see the honesty and tenderness in his look, and you could feel your chest burning. he doesn't even give you time to answer and spreads your legs, sliding his cock in your pussy and you let out a whimper of surprise. jaemin looks at you a bit worried, not moving, "hey... are you okay?", he asks softly, and his thumb caresses your cheek. you could feel your eyes getting watery, not because of his dick in you, but because na jaemin just confessed to you and was acting like it was the most normal thing to do. "jaemin...", you could feel his body tense up and his look getting even softer than it already was. he's looking at you with the softest eyes ever, and you don't know how to react.
you feel completely overwhelmed, by his words, by his touch, by the way he is looking at you. everything he does just drives you crazy. "you're a fucking idiot", you whimper against his lips before crashing yours against it. you both share the softest kiss you've ever had, a kiss full of honesty and tenderness. jaemin starts moving in you, slowly so you can get used to it. you put your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, if it's even possible. right now, jaemin is not fucking you. he is making love to you and you can feel it in every thrust, making your heart beat fast and your cheeks on fire. you keep kissing until you're both out of breath, and jaemin looks at you again before leaving kisses all over your jaw, making his way to your neck and you moan louder while your hand grabs firmly his hair. "jaemin... more!", you say between the moans and he doesn't wait any second to go faster and deeper into you, making you completely lose your mind. you both hold each other close, jaemin groaning against the skin of your neck, and you can already feel your orgasm approaching. he noticed the way you started shaking and how your moans switched into screams, so his lips leaves your neck to look at you straight in the eyes. "let's cum together, sweetheart", you just nod and cup his face to focus on his eyes while you both moan in unison.
you both reach your climax, heavily breathing and holding tight to each other. jaemin's body relaxes, and his head falls on your chest. you both try to catch your breath and you play softly with jaemin's hair, closing your eyes to enjoy the moment. you've never seen jaemin this vulnerable during sex and you can't help but smile. "i might be falling for you too...", you say softly, hoping that he already fell asleep and didn't hear what you just said, but when he lifts his head to look at you, your cheeks heat up immediately and your smile gets bigger. "might be?", he pouts and you can't help but roll your eyes playfully. you've never seen him act so adorable, and your heart can't take it. "fine, i am falling for you.", a wide smile appears on his lips, and he pulls you for a sweet kiss. "we should make love more often.", he whispers against your lips and you just smile and nod before you share another kiss. jaemin realized that falling for you was better than he imagined.
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beastabyss666 · 4 months
The Season 2 Episode 8 of Helluva Boss recently was published quite spontaneously, so I'm writing the review while being very sleepy. First of all... It was weird to start the episode with some cheap musical. Blitzo's solo was especially... fair to middling. I'm sorry, but I think Brandon Rogers can't sing, his voice isn't actually made for singing(that's just my opinion tho). And also hey, they remembered the cherubs! Wow. Though they made them some utter idiots, much like the other characters, I mean.. So the plot is about Blitzo going shopping for a sex toy which(in his opinion) will really rejoice Stolas. Meanwhile, the cherubs are seen living on Earth and robbing humans to "redeem themselves and return to heaven"(I won't ask how it's supposed to work). They get caught by the D.H.O.R.K.S. folk(wow, you also remembered them too, nice work Vivzie), where the agents tell the cherubs that they built a portal to Hell and made high-tech robotic suits imitating the main IMP gang. The cherubs wear them and enter the portal, ending up in the Lust Ring, where Blitzo goes shopping. The main gang attacks them(though it wasn't shown that they even were there), and OF COURSE defeats the cherubs, throwing them through the portal. The episode ends with Blitzo finally visiting Stolas and talking to him. But I'll mention it later. So... I found this episode quite weird, nothing much to say about the visuals, though some frames look like they're from another show. How some characters(especially humans) are drawn looks like they're also from another show. But I guess they don't really organise anything normally, so it just is. I also find the tone of the episode too chaotic, but the whole show switches rapidly from "Edgy black comedy" to "Unserious absurd trash comedy" to "Drama/whining/'we care about characters and their development'" stuff. Another weird thing I found about visuals is that the creators put many overly cartoonish expressions to characters, to the point that it look just ridiculous, not even saying it's out of the general style.
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Some of these expressions look kinda crooked, and the other are cartoonly, but not in a way that fits the whole show. It's not a slapstick comedy, and I don't understand why the writers pretend it is. Most of the time(and it's seen in this episode) it's just lazy and poor attempts at satire on our stupid and hypocritical society, but it just doesn't work mainly because the protagonists don't seem to have more brain cells than usual humans in this universe. Earth here, although, really seem to be a thing to relieve Vivzie's malice at... everything, I guess. There is no exact satire/mocking of someone or something, so I guess Vivzie just hates every living thing in general(especially kids, for some reason). That's why the humour in this episode also seems odd in a bad way. I don't like that HB sometimes pretends to be South Park, or Family Guy, or... a typical CN show, perhaps? It just doesn't look right, it's like the writers try to copy other better works instead of making their own vibes/special tone.
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Also they could use some more imagination
And about the ending... Stolas doesn't seem satisfied by Blitzo's behaviour(who acts overly sexual towards him which seems OOC), and starts... basically complaining about him being too sexual and not sensual. Guys... do you remember how it all started? Does Vivzie remember it? Literally in the 1 episode of 1 season it's shown that Stolas only uses Blitzo for his sexual pleasure, not caring about his comfort etc. He even calls him while he's on a dangerous mission. And there are lots of other moments where Stolas practically h*rasses Blitzo and makes him uncomfortable with his comments. And even since pilot doesn't seem to be canon(so Stolas didn't threaten Blitzo with r*pe), there are enough red flags about this mf. Yet in this episode he literally complains about receiving not so much love and care? That's... idk, that's shitty to say the least, and I don't know how the writers even managed. A literal abuser complaining about their partner being "not affectionate enough", that's fuckin' hilarious(sarcasm), and I say it as someone who had few abusers in my life. I still remember the previous episodes so I kinda don't buy it, but many people do, and that's sad. After that Blitzo [rightfully] angers at Stolas for complaining about lack of love while disrespecting him for being a lower class and using him as some object. Stolas only answers with "I think so very highly of you, I didn't realise you think so low of me", and kicks Blitzo out of his palace.
So... that's the episode. I have nothing much to say about it more, but I'm genuinely wondering does Vivzie even understand what she's doing and where she'll push the whole Stolas x Blitzo pairing(not that I fucking care, lol). These two are obviously in an abusive relationship, and the more they try to understand what even happened between them, the more confused they become. I personally think there's nothing to talk about with a guy like Stolas(though Blitzo too is a huge red flag), but idk, maybe Vivzie thinks that r*pists and abusers are changeable and are good deep down. Anyways, it was surely an odd episode, and I didn't really like it.
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okiedokrie · 6 months
High Infidelity (TEASER)
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Summary: There are many different ways that you could kill the one you love, the slowest way is never loving them enough. So what happens when you find someone who was all too willing to give you thee attention you craved, you said you'd only dip your toes into the idea, and yet, you find yourself already drowning. The novel you've been writing has been in progress for the better half of two years now, your writer's block beating you up, and your husband hasn't shown you any sympathy. Maybe a visit to the art exhibit from this new artist would jog your creativity, but what happens when this new artist offers you more than just relief from your writer's block?
Characters/Pairing(s): Xu Minghao (The8) x F!Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff
AUs/Trope info: Non-idol!AU, Aged-Up!AU, Right Person (not) Too Late
Word Count: 882 for this teaser (estimated 8-10k final fic)
Warnings: Infidelity, very inappropriate conversations with a married woman, tipsy sex (not drunk), minghao smokes, smut warnings in actual fic
Rating: 18+
A/N: banner and dividers by @daesukiii!! tysm!! This is also a rewrite/reupload of my own fic, "High Infidelity" on @pyeonghongrie, yes I reskinned my own fic.
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The rain soaked into your skin, cold and icy piercing you painfully. All your personal belongings were strewn all around you, your soon ex-husband angrily slamming the door shut, but you can't feel but be relieved.
After all, you were finally free.
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"I'm right here, honey, I love you." He whispers into your skin, slowly unbuttoning your shirt, one button at a time. He kisses your skin every time new skin is revealed to both of you, he kisses your skin so delicately as if you'd break at the slightest touch-
"Y/N, you still haven't dealt with the dishes yet." Your husband, Haru, said monotonously just as you were starting to gain momentum in your writing.
You groan, the interruption making you lose focus and motivation to write. You stare at the last word on your document, gaze burning into each pixel as if hoping that this piece would write itself. 
Unfortunately, life said, "Fuck you."
With another groan, you rub and pinch the bridge of your nose, a headache starting to settle in as your husband returns to work as if he didn't just cause you a serious inconvenience.
Standing from your comfortable computer chair, you take calm and even strides toward your kitchen, where only a handful of dishes are left in the sink.
And this little shit didn't even bother washing like, what? 8 dishes? he has to be kidding me, men.
You thought to yourself, your inner monologue only making yourself more irritated. But you wash them in silence, thinking of ways to calm down and clear your head so you have a clean slate to work with to get inspired again.
I think I should visit the gallery again, there's this new artist that I've been following. He's getting pretty popular, maybe I could draw inspiration from his work?
You think maybe this is the best idea you've had since you put bacon bits on mac & cheese. 
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Taking the time to visit this gorgeous gallery was the correct move. 
Xu Minghao is a passionate man, you can see his dedication to his craft in all the pieces in this gallery. He was a mixed media artist, sometimes his work was pops of color on a canvas, others were sculptures made of clay, made with the most delicate of hands, and others were more niche, like the stained glass piece in another part of the gallery.
One thing about Minghao's work is that his subjects are also subjects of passion.
Paintings of a man's devotion to worshiping his lover's skin, a stained glass recreation of The Birth of Venus by Botticelli, and his latest masterpiece, simply titled "Passion", a sculpture of a woman in the throws of pleasure, with her lover holding her close to him, no gap between their skin, eternally locked in a passionate embrace.
As a romance writer, this is exactly what you need.
You take in this sculpture, the light of the gallery display emphasizing the delicate attention to detail this piece had, you know the man who made this takes pride in this, his work, skills, and dedication finally being realized.
You stare in awe at this piece for a little over 20 minutes, the more you look at it, the more entranced you become of the mastery of this craft.
You feel a presence beside you, a man around 5'11", slightly muscular build, in a turtleneck with glasses sitting delicately on his nose. He has a peculiar hairstyle, a mullet to be exact, and the most gorgeous face you've ever laid your eyes on.
"I see you like this piece in particular," He started, hands in his trouser pockets while smiling fondly at the piece, "'Passion' was a difficult piece for me to finish, ironically enough, I got bored of it quite easily." He continues, turning to face you.
"I'm Minghao, by the way, Xu Minghao. If you haven't already figured it out." He takes a hand out of his pocket, extending it towards you.
"Oh, I'm Y/N, Park Y/N. It's a pleasure to meet you, Minghao. Your exhibit is astounding, I love your dedication to your work." You take his hand to shake it,
He chuckles at the compliment, "Oh please, save your praise, I know that name from anywhere. I love your latest work, that book was what inspired this entire collection, to begin with."
You gawk at him, oh my god, he reads smut. My smut.
"Oh my, what an honor! I'm glad you also enjoy my work." You receive the compliment gracefully, "Although, I do want to hear more about why you got bored of this piece in particular, such a wonder to the arts community, surely you aren't downplaying your work?"
He smiles, perfect teeth on display, you swear you never looked at a man like this in your life. You were down bad for his smile.
"I'm not saying I think it's bad, I just got bored of the creative process." He explains, "Although I do want to continue adding to this collection, perhaps we can go and get drinks together? Exchange ideas?" he offers.
You ponder on this for a bit. Going out to drinks with a budding friend wouldn't hurt, right?
"Could I give you my number? Let's set aside a day to chat. I have to get home to my husband before it gets too late."
A smirk came into his face, something dark about a seemingly insignificant change in his expression, “Of course, I look forward to our time together.”
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Taglist: None yet! Send an ask, reply, or reblog to be added!
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dreamfyrie · 2 years
Giving Aegon His Heir
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Pairing: Aegon Targaryen II x Reader
Though heirs would strengthen his position and claim in the war, Aegon didn’t want you with child until the violence was over. He already worried about you enough, the last thing he needed was a baby to stress about too. The thought of you going through childbirth while he wasn't there to be by your side made him anxious, not to mention how dangerous it was.
Sometimes, after sex, he'd see you rubbing your belly out of the corner of his eye while he made you moon tea. The sweet drink had become a regular part of your daily diet. Most people have had moon tea once or never in their lives, yet you had it almost nightly. You were concerned for when you and Aegon would eventually start trying for children. What if the tea had long-term side effects that no one knew about?
"Soon enough, my queen, the war is almost over. Before you know it, your belly will be round with our child," Aegon would always reassure you.
Aegon desperately wanted you to be with child, and you both knew it. When he found out the war was officially won, he ran through the entire castle to find you. You were the person who meant the most to him, and he wanted to see the look on your face when you found out. This was just as much your victory as it was his. He couldn't have held on this long without your constant reassurance and loyalty. Thankfully, you were already in your chambers getting undressed for bed, it was time to celebrate.
You were so scared when you saw Aegon burst through the door looking like a crazed man.
"We won," he whispered breathlessly, staring at you like you were the only thing in the world.
You felt lightheaded, you had been waiting for this day for so long, yet you were so shocked. Aegon closed the latch on the door and started making his way toward you. The swagger in his walk and the smirk on his face immediately let you know neither of you would be getting any sleep tonight.
He took your face in his hands and started kissing you. There was a passion in it that you had never sensed before. You had never known him before the war, and you had never witnessed him this relieved and happy. You returned the kiss with just as much energy and enthusiasm, hoping this version of Aegon was here to stay. He threw off your robe and ripped off your nightdress.
"I'm going to put a baby in your womb tonight if it's the last thing I ever do. You won't be leaving this room until you are with child."
"Yes, my king."
Aegon never cared for you calling him king, but it turned him on when you were like this, naked and vulnerable. It made him feel powerful. He felt on top of the world tonight. He moved your hands while you were unlacing his pants, and he hurriedly undid them himself. Aegon needed to be in you right now and didn't have the patience to wait any longer.
Aegon pushed you in the direction of the bed, and you both got on it, frantically pulling back the sheets and throwing off all of the decorative pillows. He'd have you in every position tonight and needed the bed cleared for his workspace. Aegon was finishing throwing the last pillow off the bed when he gave you the biggest smile. He saw you on your knees, looking up at him, ready for all of his commands.
"There'll be no celebratory cocksucking tonight, I'm saving all my seed for your womb," Aegon told you, as he pressed down on your shoulder, motioning for you to lay down.
"How do you want me?" you asked, wanting to do whatever you could to please him. This was a special night, and you wanted him to be as happy as possible.
"Just lay there and be a good girl," he ordered. His pupils were dilated so wide his eyes almost looked black. You had never seen him this aroused before. The hold you had over Aegon was strong, but it never ceased to amaze you how obsessed he was with you.
You did as he commanded and laid there, opening your legs up for him.
"Gods, you're always so wet." He reached out and started rubbing his fingers up and down your slit.
"Only for you," you managed to get out, shivering from his touch.
Aegon grinned as he grabbed your thighs, opening you up more. He put one over his shoulder to get more comfortable. Kisses peppered your inner thigh all the way to your cunt. He was being gentle now, but you knew it was only a matter of time before he broke. Aegon had been waiting for this day for years, and you knew this night wouldn't be soft and slow for long.
He rubbed his face in your folds and inhaled your scent. Aegon relished the fact that this would be his new normal. No more being stuck in small council meetings all day, the only place he'd be now was between your thighs. He was just about to place his tongue on you when a banging on the door started.
Aegon got up, naked as the day he was born, and furiously marched to the door as you scrambled to get under the sheets.
He swung the door open, "I swear to every fucking god that another enemy I don't know about better have died."
The guard at the door stammered, never seeing Aegon this mad, "No one has died your grace. Your mother wishes for your presence, she would like to congratulate you on your victory."
"And I wish for my cock to be inside my wife. Fuck off," Aegon said as he slammed the door in the guard's face.
"My apologies, your gr—" was the last thing you heard before Aegon threw the lock back in place.
Aegon prowled back to the bed as you blushed, looking at you like you were his prey and next meal, which you were.
"I'll have him stripped of his cloak in the morning for trying to keep me away from you," he said as he descended his mouth onto you. You were about to make a comment saying it wasn't the guard's fault, but the last thing you wanted him to do was take his tongue off you to reply, so you kept your thoughts to yourself. Aegon devoured you like your juices filled the fountain of life. You didn't care about all the women he had been with before you. Thanks to them, you get to have your cunt expertly eaten and fucked every night. He dragged himself away from you, he needed to remember what his goal was tonight.
Aegon left a trail of sloppy, wet kisses from your clit to your mouth as he positioned his cock between your legs. He grabbed it and rubbed it up and down your slit, collecting your come to coat himself with. His face was so close to yours that you could feel his hot breath.
"There will be no moon tea tonight, wife."
You were both in a fiery, lust-filled daze, but you couldn't help but let out a little giggle. Being a mother was something you had always dreamed of, and it was finally going to happen. Aegon's passionate spell broke for a second as he gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead, and then his focus was back in place. He was going to do everything in his power to give you what you wanted.
As the head of his cock entered you, he let out a deep groan. He savored the feeling of you wrapped around him as he sank further into you. He always stretched you out the perfect amount. No matter how many times you laid with him, it always hurt a little, but you had grown to love that burn, and without fail it instantly turned to pleasure.
Aegon wasted no time setting a savage pace. You needed this just as much as he did, and you welcomed it. His pounding somehow always felt calculated to the exact intensity that you craved. You never needed to tell him faster or harder, he and you were one mind during sex, there was no need to verbally communicate. Though no words were needed, neither of you could live without the praise of the other.
"You'll never have any idea how good it feels being inside of you, you're perfect," Aegon tells you. He takes one of your nipples into his mouth as he continues his thrusts. You wrap your arms around Aegon's waist, needing to hold onto something sturdy. Time didn't exist in your chambers, the two of you could be having sex for hours, and it never felt long enough. You hated the emptiness of him not being inside of you. His curses and your moans echoed off the walls.
"I'm so close, Aegon, I need you," you cry.
His thrusts remained strong but began to falter, and you could tell he was right there with you. You took his mouth off of your breast and began kissing him. He broke the kiss and put his forehead against yours. You stared at each other, both of your eyes filled with years of passion and longing for this moment. Your orgasms crashed into the two of you at the same time, you had never longed to feel his seed more in your life. He stilled, flooding you with life.
Sometimes Aegon would keep his cock in you, and you’d fall asleep like that, joined together. Your warmth lulled him to sleep while he sucked on your breasts. This wasn’t one of those nights. After you relaxed around him, he pulled out of you, being careful not to let too much of his seed escape. He quickly put two fingers inside of you to keep it from spilling out. Aegon moved down your body until his face was back in its earlier position in front of your entrance.
"I'm not done with you yet, take some time to breathe," Aegon said as he bent down to start lapping at your clit. He kept his fingers firmly in you while he used his tongue to clean up his mess around it. His fingers moved in and out of you, wanting to make sure his seed covered every inch of your walls. He loved the taste of your come mixed with his and wished he could lick all of it. As much as he enjoyed watching his come spill out of you, he enjoyed the thought of you being with child more and had to push his other desires to the back of his mind.
You're not sure how Aegon thought you'd be able to manage to relax and catch your breath while he was sucking on your clit like it was a little treat. He was a master with his fingers, it was almost embarrassing how fast he was able to make you come whenever he went down on you.
"Are you going to be a good girl and come for me again?"
He knew calling you that was one of your weaknesses. Aegon was a talented multitasker during sex, pleasuring you with his tongue and fingers while using his other hand to pump himself. You started grinding yourself on his face and he let you. He loved being covered in your scent. When he felt you were about to orgasm again, he quickly got up, thrust his cock back into you, and began pounding again. There was no going slow and waiting for you to readjust to his size.
"Gods you're so tight. You want me to put a baby in you? Is that what you want?" Aegon asked, as he fucked you deeper than ever before.
"Yes, yes, that's what I want. Please, Aegon. I want you, I want everything," you whimper.
"You’ll walk around with a swollen belly, and I'll make sure every man in Westeros knows you're mine."
The pleasure from that familiar burn was starting to build, and you didn't know how much longer you'd be able to hold on. His thrusts were fast and powerful, he was leaving no room for error. You would be with child by the end of the night. You could feel your body tensing around him, your nails digging into his back was the final act to push him over the edge. The two of you came again, and this time he stayed in you, letting you milk his cock and bring his seed further into you.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, keeping him inside of you. He laid there with his full weight on top of you for a little while, exhausted. You loved it when he did that, his body hot from sex and his musk surrounding you, you felt safe. It was as if you were being shielded from the outside world, and you could focus on nothing but him. Being suffocated by his body would be a glorious death.
Aegon loved the feeling of your breasts pushed up against his chest, how soft and comforting they were. He couldn't wait until they grew heavy with milk, his child would be very lucky. Knowing he wouldn’t be able to lay on you like this anymore once you were with child was a little disappointing, but he was sure he'd think of alternatives. He imagined you on top of him while he did all the work fucking himself up into you. After you were done, he’d carefully move you so you were side by side, front to back, and he would wrap his arm around you and rub your belly. He heard some women go mad during pregnancy and need to be pleasured multiple times a day, he hoped you’d be one of them.
"I never wanted to be king or sit on the throne. The only thing I have ever desired is you. I wanted this war won for you and our baby, I love you more than anything, I hope you know that."
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