#I'm just waiting for him to actually get with his crush c'mon you can do it theanjul!
creamecream · 1 year
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Discussing that lamb as their spouse.
Left to right
Almer: The Lamb’s first follower and their only spouse for a long time. very jealous of The Lamb’s new spouses, especially since The Lamb doesn’t really care unless it is in their own selfish interest, and their interest in Almer is waning.
Leshy: The Lamb’s favorite spouse, who they dragged kicking and screaming to be their spouse from his own cult. The Lamb finds humiliating Leshy of particular interest and amusement.
Theanjul: The Lamb’s newest spouse and not currently involved in any drama around them. The Lamb barely knows his name and married him just because requested.
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mistachesme · 2 years
They pretend to be your boyfriend (ft Al haitham, scaramouche)
A/n: Ik this is not a scaramouche boss x reader XD hope you like this @p4latinus
ALSO highly unedited :')
Tw- creepy person asking for your number.
Al haitham:
- you had a shitty morning and you didn't want to deal with some creepy dude who was trying to get your number.
- you just wanted to grab some coffee at your favourite coffee shop and ofc this happens.
- "I have boyfriend and leave me the fuck alone." You finally snapped. But the guy's persistence baffled you.
- "Aww c'mon pretty don't lie to me."
- you looked around desperately when a familiar grey hair caught your eye. Al haitham was seated at the table not far away from you, engrossed in a book.
- "Actually I'm here with my boyfriend. Unless you want to cause trouble for yourself, i suggest you leave me alone." You prayed that you sounded confident but that only made the creepy dude laugh harder. "You are a terrible liar, you know?" He replied.
- without wasting a second, you made a beeline to where Al haitham was sitting.
- "Babe," you greeted him, hoping that you don't stutter in front of the handsome man. His head shot up in surprise to find you there but the look of fear on your face made him furrow his eyebrows in concern.
- Praying that he goes along with it, you try to rush your words. "I'm sorry i made you wait but can you tell this guy off, he's trying to get my number."
- If looks could kill, the dude who was bothering you would be dead by now. At one glance Al Haitham looks like he could snap anyone in two in a fight.
- "Are they bothering you, darling?" You would be swooning at the way he called you darling if it weren't the situation you were in.
- cheeks burning you nodded your head. The creepy dude sensing the anger radiating from the grey hair muttered something along the lines of "sorry" and "didn't know" and left.
- "I - uh - thanks for that and I am sorry if I bothered you." You thanked him, feeling sheepish.
- Al haitham seemed unbothered by it. He simply nodded his head and went back to reading his book. You stood there awkwardly for a second before telling him you need to go.
"Not so fast. And don't you think you owe me a coffee or two?"
- it's not often you tag along with kazuha and his grumpy roommate, scaramouche for lunch.
- you terribly missed talking to your old school friend kazuha and not to mention his incredibly hot roommate you had crush on.
- you were currently seated between them, ordering food when kazuha excused himself to got to the bathroom.
- now that you were alone with scara, your insides were melting with nervousness. "I -" you began, chewing your lips nervously. "It's good to see you again."
- his eyes flickered to your lips for a second before he turns away. "Likewise." He muttered.
- you start to panic when the silence stretched between you guys again. Before you could open your mouth to say something a voice interrupts you.
- "I have been looking at you ever since you walked in and I want to get to know you. May I have your number?"
- not only this person weirded you out, the look on their face was so creepy. "No, I'm not interested." You curtly replied.
- to your dismay, they didn't seem to get your message 'cause they still lingered at your table.
- "Do I need to introduce your head to nearby trashcan to make you understand what a simple no means?"
- you never seen scara angry before and the fact that he stood up for you makes your heart race.
- "who the fuck are you dude?" The creepy dude demanded.
"I'm their boyfriend." Scara answered without missing a beat. "Now, get out of here before I lose my temper."
"Boyfriend?" The person scoffed. "Judging by the look on their face, anyone can tell you are lying."
- it's true that you looked too stunned to speak. That seemed to irritate scara even more.
- "Fine." He gritted his teeth. You jumped when he turned to you.
"Wanna go out with me?" He asked, his ears turning pink.
Cheeks burning you replied a soft "yes."
"see?" Scara looked at the guy who was gaping at you both in utter disbelief. "I am their boyfriend. Now, fuck off."
- kazuha was surprised to find you guys holding hands when he returned. "Just what happened here?"
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weird-is-life · 5 months
Please be careful
Pairing: Hockey!James Potter x fem!reader
Summary: James gets injured during one of his hockey games and he's desperate to see you
Warnings: angsty, fluff, use of pet names, use of y/n, mentions of concussion, hospitals...
Words: 0.9k
It was supposed to be a normal, regular hockey game with James as the captain for the game. And you,  unfortunately, couldn't attend it, so you were hoping for a happy phone call from James.
Instead, you get a phone call from Remus and you instantly know, that something is wrong.
But you don't expect it to be that bad. Apparently, James got slammed into the boards by another player. Though, that's not unusual for hockey games, you've seen James get boarded plenty of times.
But James's helmet was not tightened properly and as he got pushed into the boards, it slipped off of his head, meaning James bumped his head hard.
James is stable, he has a pretty bad concussion and keeps loosing his consciousness, but he is stable.
You try not to panic, as you listen to Remus explain. But it's hard not to. You don't know, what you'd do If something happened to him.
You will those scary, irrational thoughts away and rush to the hospital. When you get there, Remus is waiting for you outside.
You immediately go give him a tight hug.
"How's he?" you ask with a worry, while you quickly follow him towards James's door.
"He's okay, still disoriented. But okay,  he's got some painkillers for the headache, so keeps falling asleep," Remus reassures you, he would feel the same panic, you feel right now, if it wasn't for Sirius being by his side the whole time.
"He's been constantly asking for you, you know," Remus adds with a smile, "like every single time he wakes up, it's your name he says first."
"Really?" you smile at him back, it lifts your mood up a little, hearing that James's been asking for you.
"Yeah, really. Now c'mon, let's go inside. I know, there's at least one person in there that can't wait to see you," Remus means James, but also Sirius.
Sirius may seem like he's a really tough guy, when in fact he is actually the biggest softie. He instantly goes to hug you, too.
Another fact about Sirius is that, he gives bone-crushing hugs, that leave you almost aching. You can't say you hate them, they are comforting. So his tight hug is exactly, what you need, to calm your racing heart completely.
When you pull away, your gaze lands on James's lying figure. He looks almost the same as he usually does sleeping, except for the quite big gash over his forehead.
You go sit in the chair next to his bed. "Hi, Jamie," you whisper, as you take his hand into both of yours," you scared the shit out of me."
You chuckle quietly and wipe away, the one tear that escapes from your eye. You lift James hand up to your lips and kiss the back of it, letting out a huge sigh of relief.
The guys leave you alone with James to go get something to eat, which you are thankful for. Because you can finally get a minute only just for yourself to breath it all through.
With your eyes closed as you take one big breath in after another, you don't notice James's eyelids opening.
That cheeky bastard, stays quiet for a few minutes, just looking at you and smiling happily to himself. He's over the moon, that you are finally there.
"H-hi, my love," he croaks out with a groggy voice from the sleep.
Your eyes shoot open, widening when you see him smiling at you," James!"
"You're awake...How are you feeling? Does it hurt? Is your head spinning?Do you need some more painkiller...-?" you stress, but James interrupts you.
"Lovely....-" he starts, but you ignore it.
"Or-or should I go get some nurse?" you ask him nervously, already getting up to leave.
"Y/N," he says your name to finally get your attention.
"Yeah, Jamie?"
"Just breath, yeah?" he squeezes your hand, " I'm perfectly okay, now that you're hear." He knows, he must have scared you pretty badly. I mean, he was a bit scared himself to be honest.
You do as he tells you and make your worrying stop," a-are you sure, you don't need anything?"
"Actually, there's one thing," he says, cheeky smile already painting his bruised handsome face.
"I could really, really use a hug from my best girl, right now," you hesitate for a second, not wanting to hurt him any more, then he already is.
But James has none of it, he pulls you by your hands towards him, basically pulling you into his lap.
"James!" you giggle at his action, but finally close to him, you give in. You tightly embrace him, hiding your face into his chest.
"I thought, we'd agreed, that no injuries for you," you mumble into his chest. Your heart still goes fast from the worry and you're pretty sure that James knows, because his hold on you tightens a bit.
"I know, I'm sorry pretty. I'm so sorry, I scared you," James mumbles back and kisses you on the top of your head. He shouldn't have done that, because his head starts to spin from bending down to kiss you. He doesn't tell you that, though.
"It's okay, I know it wasn't your fault. But please be more careful next time?" you ask innocently, rubbing your hand up and down his back.
"I'll try," James promises.
"Good." You stay quiet for a longer moment, just processing that James's really okay. Even if he's a bit bruised.
"I love you, you know that?" James whispers lovingly.
"Of course, I know. I love you, too."
You stay cuddled up on James's bed, until the nurse comes and looks at you two very sternly, which has you climbing off of him and the bed in a matter of seconds.
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moon-tell-me · 6 months
Them having a crush on you...
The outsiders (separate) x GN! reader
Warnings: nothing I don't think :))
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It's been a reaalllyy long time since he's felt this way for anyone
So a small part of him is excited when he realizes it
But the majority of him..?
Well.. that's a different story
He's very busy with work and the family
He just doesn't have any time for love or romance
You understand ://
So it's unlikely he will do much of anything on his own
He will probably even avoid you a bit in hopes of making himself feel better
That being said, if you realize what's going on, and decide to pursue the relationship, he may manage to fit you in his schedule :))
"Hey, Darry.. uhm, could we talk for a second..?" You asked, as you popped up from around the corner, completely catching him off guard. It had been almost two weeks since you two had a proper conversation, and you weren't gonna let it go on any longer.
Okay so this is gonna come as a surprise to no one, but..
Throughout his life he has consistently gotten girlfriends and boyfriends with no issue
Again, no one's surprised
I mean, look at him, he's beautiful
He immediately knows that he likes you
And he very quickly starts planning out how he can go about the situation
It won't take very long for him to make his move, however if you beat him to it, he would definitely be over the moon
There you are, looking as good as ever. He's already decided that he's gonna ask you out later, an- wait.. your walking over to him..?
Poor kid doesn't know wtf is going on at first
All he knows is that he suddenly enjoys your company more then before
It wasn't until you interlocked his fingers with yours one night that he finally became fully aware of his feelings
He is not nearly as subtle about these feelings as he thinks he is.
He's so obvious, you'd have to be pretty inattentive to not notice anything
Based on this, you will likely be making the first move
With a dramatic sigh you let your head fall against his shoulder. The two of you have been studying together for about two hours and your in desperate need of a break. "C'mon, you need to focus." He said, sounding more annoyed then he really was. You grabbed his hand, interlocking your fingers and looking up at him pleadingly. "Pleease.?"
Ohh boy
Out of allll the guys in Tulsa, you caught his attention?
Lucky 🙄
I love him sm istg
In all seriousness, this is very new to him
He's not used to genuinely caring about someone
Besides Johnny, he's never really loved anything
He's gonna start off with his typical flirting
That won't change until he realizes his feelings
After that, he switches to being a total jerk to you
Mans does not know how to process his feelings
Just give him time tho, he'll figure it all out
Here you are, sitting on the porch of the Curtis house. It's late and everyone is inside the house, save for you and Dal. He's been real difficult lately, although tonight his attitude has noticably improved. As you watch him struggle to light his cancer stick you can't help but wonder, what did he want to ask you.?
My sweet, respectful boy
He falls head over heels immediately
Everybody realizes his feelings rather quickly too
Including himself
He's not stupid
He notices how his cheeks get all warm
His hands get all sweaty
His knees feel like they might give out
It's a new feeling for him
For once he has someone touching him without causing him pain
I'm gonna fight his parents- WOAH! Who said that!? 😅
If your the type of person who is really affectionate with your friends (me fr) then you might actually kill the poor kid
He asked Dally for advice only to completely ignore it
Turns out Dally sucks at giving good advice, who woulda known?
He was thankful for how dark it had gotten, otherwise you would be able to see just how red his face had gone. For some reason you had decided it would be a great idea to hold his hand out of nowhere. Why can't you see what your doing to him?
You guys prolly met in middle school
He pulled some dumb shii and put gum in your hair or something
After that he often teased you
Referring to you as his girlfriend/boyfriend
You better expect a lot of playful flirting with this one
He pretty much confesses his feelings on the daily tbh
Albeit in a way that makes you think it's a joke
Eventually you just kinda realize that hey, maybe he isn't joking
"See, I always knew we were perfect for each other, ever since that day in sixth grade." He teased, throwing his arm around your shoulder only for you to immediately push it off. "Get off of me, would you?"
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alphabetatoes · 2 months
you'd make me pay? (jjk x reader)
aka the one where you joke w the men of jjk about paying to get affection (g. satoru + n. kento + k. choso + f. toji)
a.n.: reader is a comedienne n loves to mess w these men (the way the toji one actually happened to me 🙃)
c.w.: 18+, mdni
"C'mon- Wanna mark you up. Let everyone know you're mine." Satoru had spent practically the entire night trying to convince you to let him give you a hickey.
"Give me $10 and I'll think about it." The issue wasn't Gojo's insistence on marking you. It was his inability to adhere to subtlety. Yet he adored when he could see those red splotches of skin peaking out of your shirt collar.
Gojo stretches his body across your legs, his frame managing to span the entirety of the couch. "Toru, you're crushing me." You move the rogue white strands of hair out of his face.
"Please babe. Need you so bad." His bottom lip bulges as his whining continues.
You cave to his begging, giving him a light pat on the arm. "Fine, you big baby."
Gojo lifts himself from you and pulls you into his lap, a goofy smile strung across his face.. He takes a chaste kiss from your lips, reveling in his victory. You tilt your head to the side as he buries himself in the crook, nipping and sucking along your neck.
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Sharing a bath was not only a way for the two of you to spend time with one another, but to also relax from the stress of the day. Kento had poured the two of you a glass of wine, and you lit a candle to aid in the tranquility.
You're sat on opposite sides of the tub, indulging in the warmth of the water. "C'mere. Want you to sit in my lap while I wash your hair." Kento's hands draw soothing circles on your ankles, gently tapping them to get your attention.
You sink further into the bubble bath, taking a sip of the wine. "I'm so comfy though." The idea of having to move your tired limbs on your own was a travesty. "I'll need at least $15 if you expect me to move on my own."
"How about I make you dinner and give you a massage after instead?"
"You drive a hard bargain, Mr. Nanami." You feign concentration as you mull over his proposal. "But you've got yourself a deal." You clink your wine glass into his, cheers-ing to the proposal.
Once you're seated on Kento's lap, his strong hands make idle work to wash your hair. You let a hand sink to his waist, stroking against his cock to help him relax as well.
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You were nestled into Choso's chest as the two of you watched a movie in the living room. One hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you into him. His other hand laid rest on the top of your leg, which you let rest draped over his.
"Can I kiss you?" Choso's breath tickles your ear as he whispers his request.
"For a dollar." You purse your lips, waiting for Choso to lean in.
He reaches for the wallet in his back pocket, pulling out a bill. "I only have a $20- y'know what? Just keep it." As he shoves the bill into your hand, you gently push it away.
"I was only kidding, baby." You try not to laugh too hard as you quell his nerves. The sincerity staining Choso's face has you melting. You give him a sweet smile, grabbing onto his cheeks to pepper him with kisses.
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Toji was out of town on a job, leaving you unfulfilled for about a week. To help sate that aching feeling, you'd planned to video chat
“Your tits look great in that top.” Toji eyes you up and down, flashing a coy wink when he meets your gaze. “Think they’d look even better without it, though.”
Feeling playful, you give him an ultimatum. “Give me $5 and I’ll do it.”
“You’d make me pay?” His smirk turns into a pout, frustrated by your proposition. Whether he'd admit it or not, Toji missed you just as much. Craving for any glimpse of the body he had longed for.
“Now it’s $20.”
“Cut me a break, doll. Don’t need you actin’ like a brat when you got me all worked up like this.”
Toji pans the phone down to his waist. The material of his sweatpants is tented up as his dick strains against it. You flip him off and flash him a quick look at your tits, not quite giving into his demands.
He’d owe you big time once he got home.
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osaemu · 8 months
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.ೃ࿐ modern!au: you run into your ex-best friend's brother after a long time
contents: fem!reader. use of she/her pronouns. ayaka's a little ooc. this was supposed to be 800 words but ended at over a thousand..
author's note: comm'd by @/kruinka, thanks for the trade!!
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"shit, i'm so sorry—"
you look up sheepishly at the man in front of you, wincing when you see the dark, coffee-scented stain on his crisp white shirt. your face burns in embarrassment as you trip over your words, coming to a halt when you see his face.
a name registers in your brain, but you don't actually connect it to him until he clears his throat and starts to speak. "ah, don't worry about it. i have a lot of these shirts," he says awkwardly. 
kamisato ayato.
your ex-best friend's older brother.
ayato tilts his head, soft blue eyes surveying the brown liquid dripping down his chest before looking at you. thankfully, there's no sign of recognition in his face as he offers you a comforting smile. "really, there's no need to look that horrified. you're fine."
"i'm so sorry," you mumble, setting the half-empty coffee cup on a table nearby before snatching a couple napkins and stiffly handing them to ayato. "i should go."
you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and start turning around before he calls "wait," essentially forcing you to stay back. ayato studies your flustered expression intently, and unfortunately, luck doesn't seem to be on your side today.
"you're my sister's friend, right?" he asks, looking down at you thoughtfully. you bite the inside of your cheek and force yourself to shrug. it'd be rude to leave now, especially since ayato's made that connection between you and his sister.
he dabs one of the napkins on his shirt, but it only makes the brown spread from his shirt to the cuff of his sleeve. you curse profusely in your head, but common courtesy forces you to take another napkin and help him out.
"so," ayato continues, "what did that mean?"
you pause, looking up at him with a confused look on your face. ayato smiles ruefully and clarifies, "why'd you shrug?"
"oh," you say nonchalantly, busying yourself with folding another napkin and soaking the coffee from his shirt into it. "nothing."
"really," ayato deadpans, slipping his hands into his pocket. "am i supposed to believe that?"
"really!" you insist, pressing the napkin into his chest a little harder than you meant to.
the truth was that it wasn't nothing — in fact, far from it. you and ayaka had a pretty bad falling out, and worst of all, it was over him. 
just under a year ago, you had offhandedly told another friend that you sort-of liked ayaka's brother (even though he was older than you by a couple years). it wasn't supposed to be a big deal, but of course, word got around that you found you had a crush on your best friend's brother. naturally, ayaka was pissed, but in your eyes, it wasn't a big deal and it wasn't even a real crush.
but rumors change stories, and what once was said to be a crush was now viewed as true love. people told ayaka that you wanted to marry her brother, and as word got around more and more, the stories just kept getting worse.
you never did find out if ayato heard the rumors. maybe ayaka told him, or maybe she didn't see the need to bother her big brother with matters as trivial as you.
"it doesn't look like it was nothing," ayato presses, a soft lilt of amusement coating his words. "tell me, pretty please? i'd love to get some dirt on my little sister."
ayato grins, widening his eyes playfully as he begs you to tell him. "c'mon, you just ruined my shirt. the least you can do is tell me what happened between you and my sister."
you shake your head, and ayato groans stubbornly. "you owe me," he tries, but you still don't reply. "please? it can't be that bad."
"oh, it's bad," you say dryly, flicking two soiled napkins into a nearby trash can. "i wouldn't want to ruin your opinion of me this soon."
ayato scoffs, removing his hand from his pocket and grabbing your chin. a little hm? escapes from your lips, and it makes ayato laugh. he eyes you pleadingly, and although you know enough about him to know that this is all just a means to an end, your heart still skips a beat at the way his cool fingers grasp at your skin.
"what are you—"
"tell me," he breathes, cutting you off as he leans in teasingly. ayato knows exactly what he's doing, and the way he sees it, there's no reason why he can't make his sister's friend (or not) blush just a little. it's cute, really, the way your breath catches in your throat. and maybe the way he can practically see the gears turning in your head makes him smile.
"ayato," a familiar voice calls from the coffee shop doorway. "what's taking you so lo— what is going on?!"
you stumble back from ayato, eyes widening in surprise at the all too familiar voice of your ex-best friend. ayaka pauses for a second, surveying the scene before narrowing her ice-blue eyes at you. 
"so, ayato," she says, resting both of her hands on her hips. ayaka turns to her brother and glares at him. "wanna explain why you're flirting with her?"
ayato laughs and gestures at the coffee-colored stain on his shirt before turning to you and offering an apologetic smile. "looks like i'm the one who should get going. we should do this again sometime."
he waves bye, and you nod in response. ayaka gives you a suspicious look before looping her arm in her brother's and sweeping him away. they gradually fade into the distance, and you eventually leave.
a couple hours later, you recieve a text.
hey it's ayato, got your number from ayaka
you wanna treat me to boba tmrw? then you can tell me everything ;)
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deathkidz · 11 months
edging, fingering and teasing? not an actual smut I think he also calls reader princess in this so yeah
just some hc's about sweetheart Choso, made this because of this post. This might not be really good because this is just a lil sum sum fr, but anyways tagging mula because she's crazy for Choso @chosoguapo - ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎
Sweet heart choso ! who's buff and tall, making him look intimidating, but he's quiet and awkward. but once you get to know him he's a sweetheart <3
Sweet heart choso ! who began to develop a crush on you throughout the relationship and decided to tell you about his feelings, and surprisingly you felt the same way.
Sweet heart choso ! who is now your boyfriend and gives you princess treatment 24/7. Taking you out on dates, cooking for you, spoiling you with gifts, and spending his money on you. . what a sweetheart <3
Sweet heart choso ! who litters your neck with hickeys and covers your face with his kisses; praising you, telling you how beautiful you are and how he's the luckiest man in the world.
Sweet heart choso ! Who's quiet and awkward but can easily wreck you.
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Sweet heart choso ! who isn't a sweetheart today :( teasing and edging you, his tongue running along your pussy, circling it with slow strokes. He's been doing this for hours and he knows you're getting sick of him.
"You're mean" he replaces his tongue with two of his fingers and thrusted in and out of you, "no? I'm only pleasing my princess" he tilted his head and smirked.
"no you're teasing. . ." you whined, you were overstimulated and just wanted to cum. "so stop and lemme cum. ." You said in a demanding tone, a tone in which he didn't like.
Choso chuckled and shook his head "I was gonna but now that you've said that now I'm not" he moves his fingers inside of you more intense, thrusting them in and out as he rubs your clit with his thumb.
You moaned and regretted what you did."wait no no no no I'm sorry" you cry out, a moan escaping your mouth after. "please Choso. . ." you close your eyes from the pleasure; feeling close.
He felt your body tightening and flexing around him, he knows your close. "Wanna cum?" He whispers.
You eagerly nodded, his fingers continuing to thrust in and out of you. "mmm no. . . not yet" he whispered "not till you ask in a nicer way"
Tears ran down your face, since when was Choso so mean? you were used to getting princess treatment not. . . this.
Not caring, he countined thrusting his fingers at a faster pace; your moans growing louder and louder due to the pleasure. "oh fuck fuck fuck" you threw your head back "please please please" you sob out.
His hand squeezes and pinches your clit between his fingers, alternating between soft, gentle touches and hard squeezes. he leaned close to you, using his other hand to lightly tap your cheek "look at me".
As he requested you opened your eyes and looked at him, your mouth slightly open as you moaned. his eyes wondered your face, then finally locked with yours "wanna cum? you're close so I know you want to" he whispered. "mhm. . . please" you looked at him with watery eyes, "come for me princess" he went over to kiss your neck.
"oh shit" you whined out, your eyes quickly shut as you made a mess on his fingers. Loud moans leaving your mouth along with choso's name. He pulled out his fingers so you could see the mess you made on his fingers "look" while catching your breath you open your eyes and see his fingers being covered in your sticky mess.
Your face quickly heated up but before you could say anything he stuck his two fingers in your mouth "c'mon lick em clean for me" and as he demanded you licked your mess off of his fingers.
He pulled his fingers out of your mouth and gave you a quick kiss on the lips, "want more?" He asked, he knew you wanted more he just wanted to hear you say it yourself.
You slowly nodded "yes.." He smiled and pulled you closer to him "Good" he took off his boxers, exposing his hard dick; pre-cum on his tip. He takes his cock and teases your entrance, running it along the slit as you moan out in anticipation.
"cause im gonna ruin you " he lets out a grunt as he enters you, pushing your legs up close to your chest and stretching you open. "But don't worry cause you'll feel real good princess"
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Hey can you write a mattheo riddle one shot with him having a crush on the reader but she is rlly oblivious :) please and thank you have a good day!
Pairings: Mattheo Riddle x Fem!reader Summary: ^^^ Warnings: mention of fighting and blood Notes: I really don't like this
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you weren't exactly friends with Mattheo, but that wasn't to say you didn't talk
because you did, quite a bit actually, but you weren't friends.
even if Mattheo wanted you to be.
he wouldn't admit it to anybody but he enjoyed your company.
he didn't try to hide it either, he would almost trail after you in the hallways, asking you questions about yourself, and you would answer shortly
you just didn't understand the way he felt, you thought he was only being nice.
you heard your name being called out from the end of the corridor, making you turn around and see Mattheo running up to you, holding his jacket
"hey Mattheo" you smiled brightly at him, you had no idea how your smile made his day
"hello darling" he greeted you "what class do you have next?"
"herbology, you?" you replied, looking at him sweetly
"potions" he mumbled
"you're going the wrong way" you laughed
"I know, thought I'd maybe walk you, don't want you to get into any trouble" he shrugged
"really? becuase trouble doesn't seem to follow you?" you questioned sarcastically
"that doesn't matter" he shook his head no
he walked you to your class and stopped you from walking in "meet me outside potions after class ok?"
you nodded you head with a small smile
he backed away from you and walked off
Mattheo felt like he was very straight forward, he wasn't ashamed of his feelings for you, and he definitely wasn't scared of your rejection. but you made him feel a bit stupid when you would brush off his comments.
which is why he won't try anymore, he'll just ask you and see then once and for all, he didn't want to flirt with you for you to then just laugh and brush it off to move on to another subject.
Mattheo walked out of Potions with Theo and Draco, letting them walk ahead as he waited, leaning against the wall, his friends noticed he wasn't beside them and turned around
they raised their eyebrows waiting for him to come along.
"go ahead, I'll see you guys later" he motioned for them to go
"why? you wanna stay here and talk to Snape?" Draco smirked
"shove off, Malfoy, I'm waiting for someone" he rolled his eyes
they walked towards him
"who?" Theo asked
"that doesn't matter" Mattheo responded
the two boys chuckled "well if they don't matter just leave, c'mon, I gotta have a smoke"
"you don't need me to have a smoke, just leave I'll catch you guys later" Mattheo deadpanned
they left with their hands up defensively and looked back at the curly headed boy suspiciously.
Mattheo waiting for a while, tapping his foot, growing a bit impatient, it felt like he was waiting for hours. he shook his head and pushed himself off the wall, walking off.
he strolled to his dorm annoyed when he heard a voice "shut up" they said
he turned the hall and saw a boy shoving you to a wall, you pulling your face away from his as his lips tried chasing yours
Mattheo rushed over to you both, going to let his anger out on the boy as he tried forcing himself onto you
"Jake!" he yelled out to the boy, making him turn to him before he got punched in the face
"get the fuck off her you piece of shit" he yelled, punching the boy again, hearing the snap coming from his nose
"shove off Riddle" Jake punched him back
Mattheo shoved him to the ground before kicking him and hitting him furiously
"Mattheo stop! it's fine" you pleaded to get off Jake, but he only ignored you, continuing to beat the boy up. soon enough blood was all over the floor from their knuckles and faces and they fought
"Mattheo stop it!" you screamed at him, going closer to try and pull him off
"Mattheo stop it right now!" you continued but he wouldn't listen, you didn't want him to accidentally hit you if you tried getting him away, and you knew he was aggressive
he obviously had anger built up in him that he needs to get out and when he's like this you couldn't be the one to get him out of it
"please, Mattheo" you whispered to yourself
Jake begged for Mattheo to get off him
you turned away and wondered whether to go away. but you heard the hitting stop
you looked over at them and saw Mattheo standing over an unconscious Jake, looking like he just murdered somebody
"Matt?" you muttered, taking a careful step towards him, hearing his quick breaths.
he looked up at you and his eyes seemed to soften as he caught your gaze, he grabbed your arm and pulled over with him as he walked away
"let's go"
"you didn't have to knock him out! Mattheo, one of these days you are going to kill yourself if you fight the wrong person" you argued with him
"what did you want me to do, huh? leave you there while he forced himself onto you?" he questioned agressivley
"I had it under control" you sighed
"did you?"
you stayed quiet and decided to not respond to him
"exactly" he huffed
"I'm just saying, you're gonna die one of these days if you don't be careful" you scoffed
he stopped walking and turned to abruptly, looking at you carefully.
his hand on your arm dropped before he took a deep breath
"everything I'm willing to die for is right here" he said
you frowned, not understanding what he meant
"ok I don't what you mean but whatever, we have to clean those cuts" you shrugged it off, you walked around him and starting going to the common room
"no, you're not avoiding this today, I won't let you" he shook his head, grabbing your hand to pull you back
"avoid what?" you blinked, confused
"my feelings for you" he admitted
"what feelings?" you tilted your head
he blinked at you softly, saying nothing as a small grin made it's way onto his lips
"I love you" he whispered
"you're concussed" you snickered, trying to pull him with you
"no, I'm not, I know what a concussion feels like, and this isn't one of them, I love you" he rolled his eyes
"why?" you furrowed your eyebrows
"why do you need an explanation?" he asked
you reached up to wipe blood off his lip, and he caught your hand
his gaze moved your lips to your eyes again before batting his eyelashes. his jaw tightened as his eyes averted to your lips and stayed there
"Mattheo?" you mumbled
"yeah" he responded quietly before leaning in slowly, waiting for you to connect them
he guided your hand and placed it on his chest, letting you feel his heart beat.
you reached your other hand up and traced your thumb over the scar that went down his cheek before leaning closer to him.
his eyes found yours again and you found yourself looking into them deeply, seeing every emotion he was feeling.
his free hand made it's way to the back your neck as he gave it a light squeeze, he slid it over to your cheek and let it stay there before leaning his head to rest it against yours
he wasn't gonna kiss you first, he wanted to know you wanted before he gave you it.
and you knew what he was doing, so you did it
you leaned in closer and connected your lips with his, as soon as you did he took control, holding your face on his as he straightened his posture, his hand holing your hand on his chest dropped to your waist and pulled you torso closer to his body.
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unluckyhoneybee · 3 months
and for sway? could you write for sway about dating a bi girl? She comes out to him after a couple of months of dating which leads him to a spiral of thoughts and insecurity
Note: first time writing for Sway!
Warnings: the ask says it all.
Jeremy kissed the top of your head and got up. You watched him walk in the kitchen and as soon as he was out of view you ran your hands over you hair in distress. Your nerves were eating you alive.
For the two months you had officially been dating Jeremy and the tien you had spent getting to know each other, you hadn't been able to talk with him about this huge part of yourself. It wasn't that you didn't trust him, but you had a couple of previous bad experiences and had grown extra cautious. Now that you knew there wasn't nothing to fear with him, you were trying to bring it up someway. Was it a film with your first girl crush a good opportunity?
"Hey" Jeremy fell next to you in the sofa and kissed your shoulder. "You are staying tonight, right?"
"Mhm" You kissed his cheek and leaned on his body.
Jeremy hadn't mentioned it, but he had noticed how you seemed more lost in your thoughts than normally.
"All good?" He hugged your shoulders and you sighed.
He sighed too and moved you so you were looking at him. Then he grabbed your chin.
"C'mon" He playfully tapped your lips with his thumb. "I won't pressure you to talk, but I'm here if you want to. You love this film, YN. You haven't told me anything about Mr Darcy or Liz yet. About the hand scene, where are those giggles and feet kicking?"
You chuckled and moved a bit closer. You decided to go for a kiss first, your mind playing games and telling you maybe it was the last one.
"There is something" You made a pause "About the film, actually"
Jeremy brushed some hair out of your face. "Go on"
You took a deep breaths and then needed so much time to form the words that Jeremy's face fell slowly. His grin disappeared and instead he slowly frowned.
"I think I'm bisexual"
One, two, three, four, twenty seconds, thirty...
"Jeremy?" There it was. Ice cold expression and surprised eyes. You were ready for the fall. "Please say something"
Your voice, showing how scared you were, pulled him out of trance.
"Yeah, uh... You think?"
"I am. I am bisexual, Jeremy" You said with shaky voice.
"Oh" He licked his lips and ran the hand that wasn't keeping you close to him over his hair.
You felt your feelings raw. You felt really vulnerable.
"Oh? That's all" You cleared your throat and moved to sit straight but Jeremy thought you were leaving so he put his hand on your lower back.
"Wait, no, no" He cupped your cheek and made you look at him. "It's fine. I'm sorry I didn't react well. You caught me out of guard there"
You swallowed and leaned into his touch, which made him relax and smile.
"Just... What does it have to do with the film?" The funny tone on his voice made you chuckle.
"Uh... That's my first girl crush" You said pointing back.
"Mhm. Can't blame a girl who grew watching Elisabeth Swan becoming the Pirate Queen, can you?"
Jeremy laughed loudly. "I can't, I can't. I see your vision in there"
You giggled and looked down at you hand on his chest. You fell in silence as Jeremy comforted you with his hand in your back. He caressed up and down as he observed your face.
"Are you feeling better now?"
You were tired, to be honest. "Yeah, kind of relaxed now. Took a weight off my shoulders"
Jeremy kissed your forehead.
"Don't need to worry about me, okay?"
"Yeah, I know. I trust you"
You cupped his jaw. "and you? I understand if you need time"
"No! No, no. I'm fine. All good"
"Yeah? You don't mind I'm bi, for real? And don't make a threesome joke or I'll strangle you"
"Does it change something? Between us, I mean"
"Uh, no" You said. "I suppose. If you don't mind I also like girls, it doesn't change anything"
"I don't mind. It's just you, my girl, in the end."
You nodded with a smile and kissed his lips. "Thank you for telling me" He said when you pulled back. It was completely sincere. It felt so food to be trusted like this.
But that night, when you were already asleep and tightly grabbing onto his biceps, he laid there with his eyes open and running thoughts.
"So, YN is into girls too"
"Mhm" Jeremy nodded. "We talk during breakfast and when basically said that she is into more than just men. More than one genre"
"Okay" Linus nodded.
Jeremy respected you and your sexuality but was a mess with terms, so he asked you to explain stuff to him.
"What's the problem? Are you okay with it?"
"For sure, yeah" Jeremy nodded furiously. "I'm completely okay with her. I fell in love with YN for a reason"
"Cool then" Linus patted his shoulder. "But tell me te real problem, Sway"
Jeremy sighed. "I don't know why she told me just now. I mean, we know each other for a while, when started going out months ago and we have been a couple for two months"
Linus frowned.
"What if she has met someone?"
"Ully, maybe she has met a girl. And she has told me now. Or maybe she is discovering things now. She said at first she thought she was. Maybe there is someone and she has a crush on them and she is doubting..."
Linus grabbed Sways shoulder. "Listen, you said she had a crush on the pirates of the Caribbean girl. That was what? 2005?"
"Yeah, around then"
"I don't think she has met anyone" Linus sighed. "Plus, you should ask her directly instead"
"I don't want to offend her"
"Sway, I think it's just that you are insecure"
Jeremy looked at his pads laying on the floor. Suddenly they were so interesting.
"Why would I?"
"This is knew for you. You really like this girl. You don't want to loose her. Easy"
Jeremy looked up again. "Why did she took so long then?"
"Ask her, Jeremy" Linus hugged his shoulders.
A couple of days later, when he arrived from the road trip, Jeremy drove directly to yours. He noticed a little bi flag bracelet in your wrist and smiled to himself.
"How was the flight?" You kissed his lips gently.
"Go and get comfy, I'm making dinner"
"You are an angel." Jeremy kissed your cheek and moved to your bedroom.
You were happier and more smiley now that you didn't feel the need to hide from him and he liked that, but it was him now who seemed a bit lost.
"Now it's you." You said after dinner when you were clearing the kitchen. "I know that loss was hard but..."
"It's not the loss" He whispered.
You walked to him and hugged his waist. Jeremy laid back on the counter and grabbed your hips.
"Can I ask you something?"
Jeremy swallowed the lump on his throat and then cupped your face.
"I don't want to offend you"
"Why did you need so much time to tell me?" He asked. "I'm not throwing it at your face or anything but... Does it have to do with me?"
"Jeremy, honey..." You put a hand on your chest right over his heart. "It's not you"
He patiently waited for more.
"I've had a couple of bad experiences" You started slowly. "I told people who I was and they didn't react well, so since then I give myself time to make sure it's a safe space. And you are the safest I have felt with someone"
Jeremy moved his thumb over your cheek.
"I really love you, Jeremy." You said for the first time. "It's just that sometimes it's scary to be open like this. I know now that it would have been okay even if I told you sooner"
Jeremy felt a bit stupid. He leaned and kissed you deep and slow. You loved him.
"I really love you too, YN" He said with a huge smile.
"That's really cool, huh?"
"Super cool, yeah"
You both laughed and moved to press your foreheads together.
"Are you feeling better now?"
"Yeah. Just felt a bit insecure"
"Why would you date me if you could date a girl?"
"Because you are Jeremy Swayman and give the best hugs ever, plus you are the sweetest and funniest guy I've met. And it has nothing to do with my sexuality. I met you and I liked you and then I fell in love with you. You make me extremely happy."
"Oh dear..." He kissed you deeply once more. "Linus wants to meet you. And I want you to meet him. I hope you don't mind I talked to him but I was a bit lost."
You chuckled. "The moment I told you I knew you would tell him, silly"
Jeremy laughed and pinched your but.
"I love you so much" He said.
"I love you too"
"Then? Dead man's chest?"
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eddieswh0r · 1 year
I was wanting to request a fic where eddie and femreader! are best friends and roommates, eddie is in love with her but is too afraid to tell her in case it ruins things and she doesn't feel the same. so he naturally is quite jealous when he sees her with other guys, but what he doesnt know is reader feels the same way about him. one day eddie was meant to be at band practice all day but it finished early as gareth got sick, so eddie comes home and he walks by readers room and all he hears his her making sll sorts of moans and groans, and the door is open just a little so he can see her touching herself but she also is moaning his name. maybe he walks in or she sees him either way it could end up with some sex and a confession maybe?
let's get back into it with a smutty slow burner? 😉
'Best Friends Lend a Hand'
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"Y/n, c'mon. Really? He's stood outside like he's taking you to fuckin' prom" peeking through the blinds that were being held open with a thumb and index finger, just enough to see down onto the street below, Eddie stifled his laughter "Look at him, he's got a fucking flower on his blazer. Wait.. Wait.. There's not even a button hole. It's just pinned on man.. No, stop it. Wait. Is that fucking sticky tape?" The curly haired metal head threw himself back down onto the sofa, holding his stomach as he erupted into fits of roaring laughter.
"You really need to stop calling it sticky tape Eddie, you're 24 and let me guess, you'd turn up on a date in a raggedy pair of jeans and your battle vest?" with a peek through the blinds yourself, your eyes widened. A short man who looked a little older than 25 like you'd been previously told and yes, as plain as day there was a wilted flower stuck to his blazer with the so-called 'sticky tape' attaching it.
"I'm so gonna get Harrington back for this." grabbing your bag off the arm of the sofa you pointed an outstretched finger at Eddie with narrowed eyes "You too!! you're both gonna pay so fuckin' bad for this!" with a slam of the door behind you, you lingered on the stairwell for a moment then sloped off to meet the blind date. The fucking horrible idea Harrington had concocted because he just wanted you to shut the fuck up about the lack of touch you so badly wanted. The few previous dates you'd been on were ok, nothing to write home about, there was no spark, they weren't thrilling, they weren't Eddie.
"Yeah man, she left about twenty minutes ago - ish and she did NOT look happy" passing Steve a beer Eddie leant his hip on the kitchen counter "..We're gonna pay for this, she insisted on it actually. 'You're gonna pay so fuckin' bad'" mimicking your voice in a high pitched tone he laughed taking a big gulp from the cold bottle.
"You can fuck right off Munson if you think she's getting me back for this as well. I was doing alright, firing out the best people i knew for these dates. You.. You picked this one, who the fuck is this man?"
"Michael, you remember him right? few years older than us, his brother Tommy was in Robins science classes"
"MICHAEL? MICHAEL COOPER? Eddie he's at least 30 now. A few years older? Jesus CHRIST. She's gonna go mental. How did you even ask him?
"Saw him in the 7-Eleven parking lot"
Eddie knew what he was doing though, he wasn't just being a prick to his roommate, his best friend of 20 years for no reason. Seeing Steve organize all these dates for you and watching you go off with the jock looking buff boys made Eddies insides twist. 20 years is a hell of a long time to be crushing hard on someone right? But from the age of 4, you and Eddie had been completely inseparable. Kindergarten, first school, middle, high, college, work, roommates, the full lot, together. So let's be honest a crush for 20 years? No. That boy was completely in love with you but he'd never tell you. No way. But you wouldn't tell him either, he'd never know you felt the same, fuck he could never know. Ever.
"I swear Eddie that date was traumatizing, you and Steve are in for it, just you wait. I don't mind an older man but 30 and already balding? You're both assholes for that" placing your cereal bowl in the sink you frowned crossing your arms, the previous events from last night whirling around in your head making you cringe. Pulling on his trainers Eddie hid the smirk that spread across his face as you told him all about the disastrous date.
"So lemme get this right, the sticky tape fell off and the flower fell riiiight into his soup?"
"Eddie i was so embarrassed, he was speaking so loud and people were staring and.. and then.. he fucking ate the flower swimming round in his soup, i wanted to die" slumping down into the sofa you looked over toward Eddie who was now chuckling to himself. God, if only the man who was stood in front of you would take you on a date.
"Wait.. Where you going anyway? I thought we had a movie marathon planned?" he better not be blowing you off for a date you thought, he did that once before and it didn't end well. You didn't speak to him for days and he did a bit too much groveling after that.
"Corroded Coffin rehearsal sweetheart, fuck. I thought i told you?" Grabbing his keys off the side, he looked at you with his big ol' puppy dog eyes "I'll make it up to you, i promise.. i gotta go"
Eddie swung the door open and glanced back to you "Laters princess" flashing his teeth with a grin and finishing with a wink.
Fuuuck. If only he knew what those simple words did to you. That knot in your stomach tightened.
Hey, Doc! we better back up.
We don't have enough roads to get up to 88.
Where we're going we don't need no roads.
"I will never get tired of that film" pressing the off button on the remote you sighed happily. You'd taken yourself to bed and curled up in your covers to watch yours and Eddies favorite film, even though he'd ditched you for band practice. The smell of his cologne wafted up to your nostrils from his band tee you wore. It's not like it was unusual for you to wear one of his t-shirts, in fact, it was more unusual for you not to be wearing one.
Boredom took over. The apartment was relatively clean, the laundry was done and you'd already picked at snacks throughout the film.
16:27 flashed on your alarm clock, Eddie had been gone for hours and he'd probably be gone a few more. Resting your hand on your stomach you tore your stare away from your ceiling toward your nightstand. A photo of you and Eddie from 2 years prior. Nancy had suggested a walk which sounded like a good idea at the time but it was a cold autumn morning and Steve did absolutely nothing but complain about the temperature the whole time. Nancy had bought her camera with her and caught the exact moment Eddie threw a big pile of golden orange and yellow leaves at you, he had his head thrown back laughing while the leaves fell around you. So as grumpy as you looked it was developed and placed in a frame for your 22nd birthday.
God, you were so in love with him. His hair, eyes, smile, neck, the dip in his chest, down towards his toned stomach which had his little trail leading towards.. towards..
"Mmm, fuck." your hand had found itself tucked inside your thin cotton panties, your finger drawing circles around what was now a wet pulsing bud of nerves as you thought about your best friend, the best friend you were absolutely madly in love with.
Closing your eyes and tilting your head back you slipped a second finger and applied more pressure wishing it was Eddie that was taking care of you, making you feel good.
Placing his keys on the small table next to the door Eddie scanned his eyes around the living room searching for you but nothing, he thought that you'd probably gone out to meet Nancy. He'd come back much earlier than expected, Gareth wasn't feeling great so they decided to call it a day.
"Oh Eddie."
His gaze quickly turned towards your bedroom door, faint squeaks and mewls coming from inside. Eddie gingerly made his way closer to the door, the faint orange hum of light from the bedside lamp shining through the slight crack of where it was left open.
"Feels so good, Eddie"
Hearing his name a second time he peeped one eye through the ajar door, eyes widening at what he could see in front of him. Sprawled on your bed with the covers no longer on you and Eddies tee bunched up just above your chest, one hand in your panties and the other caressing your breast with your hard, sensitive nipple rolling between your finger and thumb, your back arching every time you went a little faster. Eddie automatically palmed his now painfully hard erection through his jeans. Should he be doing this? This is wrong, that's my best friend he thought to himself but another moan of his name from your lips stopped that thought abruptly. He watched you gather your own slick on your index and middle finger letting your legs fall to the side and giving him a very clear view of what he wanted needed so bad, slowly sliding your fingers into your aching cunt a moan dragged from your throat which made Eddies breath hitch and palm his erection faster.
Eddie couldn't take it any longer, watching you take care of yourself like this, he needed to help. He needed to take care of you himself.
"Need a hand sweetheart?" gently pushing your bedroom door open his eyes darkened with want as he took a slow pace towards the end of your bed. You stopped what you were doing, you weren't nervous or even embarrassed. Looking up at him with big doe eyes you gave a simple nod and that was more than enough for him. Eddie walked round to the side of your bed while unfastening his belt, letting his jeans fall down to his ankles, followed by his boxers. Your eyes widened as his hard dick slapped against his stomach on release. Holy fuck he was gifted.
"I'm gonna take care of you now, 'kay? Just relax baby. M'gonna make you feel so good" Eddie climbed on top of you, pushing your legs apart with his knees. Nuzzling his way into your neck his teeth nipped at your skin, grazing down to your collarbone. You watched his every move not wanting to miss his perfect fucking face making its way over your torso.
"You miss me princess?" his voice muffled as his mouth enveloped around your nipple, the connection rapidly sending your hands to his mass of curly hair with a soft moan flowing from your lips, Eddie pinched your nipple between his teeth as he dragged a hand across your thigh, gripping the inside. Letting your nipple go from his mouth with a pop he gave you the biggest shit-eating grin you've ever seen.
"I’ll take that as a yes?" Taking his bottom lip between his teeth he edged down toward the end of the bed, hooking his arms under your knees, pulling you towards him.
“Eddie, wait!!” You called, Eddie let go of your legs in a panic, you watched his face drop as you knew every kind of thought would be running through his head.
“I don’t think it’s fair Eddie” you pouted your lips, dropping your head ever so slightly
“W-we can stop? If that’s what you want princess? We don’t have to do this, I don’t wanna ruin our friendship”
“Well.. I just kinda mean.. like.. you still have your top on” it was your turn to wear the shit-eating grin now and watch the relief wash over Eddies face. In a flash he removed his top and flung it over to the side. His toned body in all its glory, right there in front of you, begging to be touched, every single part of it, you wanted to cover with your lips.
“Is that what you wanted, Sweetheart? Is that better now?” A breath you didn’t know you were holding escaped and Eddie leaned forward and pushed his lips on yours, snapping you from your stare. Slow, wet kisses at first switched on what felt like lightening dancing in your stomach which quickly turned to messy, open-mouthed kisses, tongues circling in unison, trying to find each other at every opportunity. Eddie pulled away breathless, leaving nothing but a string of saliva between you. Sitting up he resumed his position and hooked his arms under your legs pulling you closer. You bit your bottom lip in arousal and anticipation as Eddie looked down at you giving you a quick nod and the most beautiful smile, you nod back confirming the go ahead and be didn’t hesitate.
“Just relax sweetheart, if you wanna stop.. tell me.. ‘Kay?” He slowly pressed against your soaking wet opening with the tip of his dick, rubbing up and down gathering your wetness on his end.
“Oh f-fuck, you’re fuckin’..” cutting himself off from his own sentence he slipped inside of you, feeling your gummy walls clench around his length almost immediately. Your head threw back and a moan of his name left your lips pronto.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Eddie” gripping the sheets and throwing your head back at the bliss. Eddie pushed in to the hilt and picked up a pace rather quickly which earned groans from his direction.
“Sweetheart, you’ve no idea how long I’ve wanted this”
“Eddie, shut up and fuck me” you giggled breathless. Deep and hard, faster and faster. The fire in your stomach was unbearable and the taste of sweet release was moments away.
“Eddie. I- I’m gonna..”
“Cum for me, there’s a good girl.” Those words tipped you over the fuckin edge, as you clenched your walls around him waves of euphoria washed over you, knuckles turning white from the sheets in your grasp, your mouth hung open but no sound was audible. Your body shook as your reached your ultimate high.
“There it is, fuck. Such a good girl for me” Eddie praised as he reached his own high, burying his warm seed deep inside you. Your name and curses rolling off his tongue.
What felt like hours passed and somehow the covers had found their way onto you both, Eddies arms wrapped around you and your head on his chest while it gently rose and fell with every breath. You didn’t know what was to happen next only that you both didn’t want this to end, you and Eddie had waited for this moment and no one was going to take it away. Your eyes slowly closed as tiredness took over as it did for Eddie.
“I love you, Sweetheart”
Oh please I’ve been fucking working on this for months and the last few paras are SO fuckin rushed because it was just sitting in my drafts.
Love you all😩🥰
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luveline · 2 years
Jade darling can we get a shy reader and Sirius... I need a distraction from... Uh... Recent events... If ya know what I mean...
I totally know what you mean! I've missed sirius and shy!reader so here's r struggling to ask for a hug ♡ fem!reader | 0.7k
You've been stiff as a board for twenty minutes. Sirius, who is shockingly perceptive of you despite the newness of your relationship, knows that something is wrong and has been slowly going down the list. 
You're not too shy to ask to use the bathroom anymore, so it can't be that. You've gotten better at telling him when you're hungry, and you don't ask for a drink every time you want one now. His delight when you finally went to the kitchen by yourself and emerged with a cup of water can't be understated. Soon, he hopes you'll actually help yourself to anything you want. So that's crossed off the list too. 
You might be cold. He leans back where he's sitting across the sofa from you and clears his throat. 
You must be thinking pretty hard; you flinch and smile uneasily. 
"Are you cold?" he asks, voice rough from a quiet evening. 
You shake your head. The silence borders on awkward and Sirius decides it just won't do. He reaches out with his hand upturned and waits for you to accept it, your palms kissing as he pushes his fingers through yours. 
"You're so quiet tonight," he says. "Are you okay?" 
"Yeah. 'Course I am," you say, smiling weakly. 
"Y'so far away." He tugs your arm gently and shuffles closer so your thighs are touching. 
You look down at your thighs, to his face, then your thighs again.
"Doll, whatever it is you want you can have. Just ask me," he says, almost murmuring as he ducks his head to meet your timid gaze. 
"How do you know I want something?" 
"I'd say I knew my girl well enough by now to guess, wouldn't you?" 
You scratch your nails across your leg and then move slowly toward him until your joined hands are lightly crushed under your weight, your head dropped gracelessly into his shoulder. 
He waits patiently. He doesn't mind repeating himself, but he thinks it's more that you need the time to think it over. 
"Do you want…" 
Sirius smiles. "Do I want what?" 
"Do you want to- to cuddle?" 
There's lots of things he could say. The first thing is on the tip of his tongue, That's what you're afraid to ask? Of course I want to. 
But for you there often isn't an of course. And even if you know he'll say yes, that doesn't erase your hesitation. 
He tilts his head towards his shoulder and looks over your face, an ill-contained greed, his shoddily hidden adoration for you obvious on his face if you'd only raise your head. 
"Yeah, I want to." He drops his tone to a breezy, almost conspiring whisper. "I always want to." 
You finally, finally move, and it's awful, because you climb to your knees and kiss his shoulder as you do, your hand still clasped in his as you rest on your haunches. 
Sirius moves back to lean his weight against the armrest and opens his arms. "C'mon, sweet thing. Get in here." 
You look an impossible mixture of eager and diffident as you fold into his arms, your head falling against his collar, your arms around his neck. He groans and grips your back in big hands, rubbing the long stretch of your back with a roughness you like very much. 
"For the record," he says, "s'not one of those things you have to ask for. You can just jump on me, if the mood strikes you." 
"What if you're not in the mood?" you ask. 
He laughs and smooths his hand to your shoulder blade, feeling it move under his hand as you worm ever closer. "I'm always in the mood for you," he says, patting your shoulder. 
"Oh. Good," you say, and hide your face. 
"Good," he repeats. Your body heat sinks into his, a blooming and brutal warmth where your ear rests over his heart. 
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lollytea · 2 years
do you think everyone else in the hexsquad knows about Hunter's crush on Willow? and/or vice versa, maybe? even that there's something happening but it's a slow and tentative thing that they shouldn't push or meddle in? like Hunter is valiantly trying not to be painfully flustered and obvious around the others while Willow seems to be making some attempt to be subtle and deliberate about when she does The Flirts and i'm curious how much either of them they're succeeding
I've been thinking about it and I believe the most logical conclusion based on what we know from Thanks to Them is that they all know to some extent but their level of knowledge varies depending on the person. But one tidbit that they are all very aware of is Hunter's painfully obvious crush on Willow. They're just. Politely ignoring it.
Because like. I think if this was a thing they knew and made their business, Thanks of Them would have at least given one example of them giving him looks or making some comment alluding to it. There's none of that. Which could mean that none of them actually know. But...c'mon...
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Like how the fuck is he hiding this? Realistically speaking. He goes bright red when Willow does anything. There is no way he's been doing that for months with not a single person noticing.
So I figure that while Willow's feeling might be a little more subtle and not everybody is entirely certain of them, one thing they can all agree on is Hunter.
I imagine that it's kinda similar to Willow and Gus's reaction when lumity was developing. Like they knew but they let Luz and Amity figure it out for themselves rather than get involved.
Vee would absolutely clock Hunter as a hopeless girl liker immediately. Like she's been having a pleasantly slice-of-life teenage experience these last few months while her sister has been fighting for her life. Vee hangs around with her average teen friends, she watches TV, she's sniffed around online. Vee sees like twelve stupid crushing teenage boys on her morning route to the supermarket alone. Like she knows the drill.
I also kinda like the thought that she knows about Willow's crush too. Their friendship in Thanks to Them is so cute so I really like to headcanon they often hang out when Lumity and the Menace Brothers are off doing their own thing. So they're having giggly little private talks and idk brushing each others hair or whatever. So Vee knows about Willow's feelings because Willow told her. Like she's gotta be a gushing teenage girl about Hunter to somebody and honestly I can't think of a more perfect candidate than Vee.
It would be cute if Vee was the reason Willow really started stepping up her flirting game. Like she thinks Hunter might like her but she's still not certain, and Vee offers her opinion that he most definitely does. With that certainty in mind, Willow gets a little bolder in how she approaches her interactions with him and eventually starts to pick up that Vee was right. He is absolutely reciprocating. It's simply a matter of waiting until he's ready to flirt back.
Love to think that Gus cares the least about this shit but he's also cursed to be the most perceptive of the group. Labyrinth Runners reveals that he's very good at reading even the subtler emotions of both Hunter and Willow. So neither of them told him but he's known since the day they fucking met. He actually caught on to Willow's strange shift in behavior first during the events of ASIAS and it wasn't until he became more familiar with Hunter better that he realized it was mutual.
But like. He doesn't really care. It doesn't bother him really but he's not exactly bursting with excitement over it. He figures if he just leaves them to it, they'll eventually sort out what they are to each other. That's what happened with Luz and Amity anyway.
I feel like he would never make a big deal about it. But based on "You wanna borrow my library card to visit Amity, don't you?" being his way to saying he knew that lumity had something going on, he'd definitely just drop it in casual conversation. Which scares the absolute shit out of Hunter. Like
"Hey Hunter, Camila's got groceries in the trunk. Help us bring them in."
"Oh sure, no problem."
"But please don't do that thing where you try to carry four bags at once. It never ends well."
"That was one time!"
"Yeah and Willow's already out there so there's bound to be a second time. Your crush on her makes you do stupid stuff."
"MY WHA T????"
So yeah Gus doesn't bring it up often. But whenever he does, it startles Hunter terribly. Based on the whole lumity cookbook thing, he's nice enough that he'd try to help every now and again. He's not exactly good at it. And he doesn't do much. But he helps. And Hunter is already at a complete loss on what to do so he'll just blindly follow whatever advice Gus gives him. This leads to him gifting Willow a cookie tin of dirt. (She liked it so Hunter has not disowned Gus as his wingman just yet.)
When it comes to Willow, it'd be post ASIAS-pre LR where they'd just be at school, eating lunch and Willow is glued to her scroll.
"Are you all smiley and giggly because you're texting the Golden Guard?" Gus asks boredly.
Willow looks up, surprised. Then she smirks. "And if I am?"
"I'm not gonna say anything but I'm gonna be pretty "Hmmm" about it."
Willow just laughs. "What if I said he was cute."
But now that Gus and Hunter are besties, he is also equipped to help Willow along. Of course, Willow doesn't exactly need help. She's actually doing perfectly fine on her own. But yknow he'll occasionally feed her information. Like "Okay okay there's this one line from Cosmic Frontier. Write this down, it's like--I said write it down. It's like his weakness. He's quoted it a billion times today alone. If you say it, I promise you he'll swoon. Trust me on this."
Hunter did swoon so Gus has not lost Willow's wingman privileges either.
Amity is just not very observant to others' feelings a lot of the time unless they make them explicitly obvious. I feel like this is especially true with Willow who she loves but doesn't always have the best read on. Like Amity was completely oblivious to Willow's frustration with her in LR so it's safe to say she doesn't really understand her inside and out. And that's fine, she needs some time to get to know the real Willow. So yeah she wouldn't really notice that Willow has a crush on Hunter unless it is point blank explained to her.
It also never even crosses her mind that Willow could possibly be attracted to Hunter. That anybody could be attracted to Hunter. Because frankly Hunter is the most romantically unappealing creature Amity has ever beholded. And she does not mean that in a mean way. It is simply fact. So the eyes she's giving Willow during the cosplay scene is just complete bewilderment because she cannot comprehend why Willow is encouraging this.
Like girl, she wants to smooch his stupid face. Keep up.
But there is no discernable way Amity does not see herself in Hunter. He is tomatoing all over the place. Like it doesn't matter now unobservant she is. This shit is impossible to miss. But quite honestly, I think Amity understanding what he's going through would lead to her not saying a word about it. Like he's clearly still in the very emotionally muddled stage. He's figuring out what he's feeling. He's coming to terms with it. So maybe he'd like to get a better understanding of it before his friends are pressuring him into making a move/confessing. And she gets that it's a very vulnerable way to feel. Sometimes you want to feel like you have some privacy over your emotions, even when you know you're very bad at hiding them. It's not Hunter's fault he's prone to blushing and displaying his crush for the world to see. But he has a right to keep it to himself until he's ready to talk about it. Amity respects that.
When it comes to Luz, I originally saw it as her being too focused on returning to the Boiling Isles to notice that something was developing. But after Thanks to Them, I see it differently. Over these last few months, Luz and Hunter have had this secret bubble between the two of them that nobody else knows about. Obviously they know about the Philip and grimwalker stuff but I could easily imagine the two of them slipping into this relationship where they just spill the beans of all the dark ugly and confusing emotions that they don't feel comfortable telling anyone else about.
Having a crush is definitely a lot more lighthearted than the stuff they usually talk about but it's Hunter's first crush so it makes him feel very vulnerable and weird. And if he's gonna vocalize that unfamiliar feeling to anyone, it would be Luz.
And I know Luz is a hopeless romantic. I know. Buuuut. I like to think that being around Eda and Raine for a short period of time really opened her eyes to the fact that romance can be...complicated? Difficult? Messy? Basically, just not as shiny and bubbly as she used to think it was. As such, Luz does not jump at the opportunity to pair Hunter and Willow up. Season 1-season 2A Luz might have. But she is not the same girl. Her view on romantic love is a little more nuanced. Sometimes it's something you have to be careful with. So she doesn't push it. Like Amity, Luz deduces that Hunter needs a little time to process what he's feeling before he goes diving into the next stage. So she gives him space to do that. In the meantime, she's here if he wants a void to yell into about it.
All that being said, Luz would occasionally tease him about it now and again.
When it comes to Willow's feelings, I feel like Luz has tried to subtly suss them out on Hunter's behalf but it's....difficult. Not because Willow is subtle about it but because Luz and Willow's feelings for Hunter kinda overlap into something very unclear.
Willow and Luz both have that sapphic girl tendency where they are deeply fascinated with the same soggy piece of bread of a guy. They want to study him under a microscope. They want to put him in an enclosure filled with strange objects that he doesn't understand and observe his behavior through the security camera. The only difference is that Willow mostly behaves this way because she thinks he's boyfriend material, while Luz just sees him as her most beloved moth eaten stuffed animal.
But because Willow's enthusiasm and support of Hunter is so similar to her own, Luz has a hard time coming to a conclusion on if Willow's feelings have branched out into the romantic direction.
Because like Willow will say shit like "Hunter is so cute <3"
And Luz responds. "Yeah. He reminds me of one of the feral possums we kept finding in the shack."
"I want to kiss him." She'll sigh absentmindedly.
And Luz has to internally debate this for over ten minutes because she also wants to kiss Hunter. On the forehead. Because she's always wanted to kiss a feral possum on the forehead. So she is forced to concede that she has no fucking idea what Willow feels, despite the fact that Willow could not be any more obvious if she tried.
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gaymansruse · 2 years
𝒇 𝒓 𝒂 𝒈 𝒊 𝒍 𝒆 𝒕 𝒉 𝒐 𝒖 𝒈 𝒉 𝒕 𝒔 || 𝘦.𝘮
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Eddie Munson x gn! reader Summary → Being Eddie's best friend and having a crush on him is tough. What happens when he asks out Chrissy and you feel a bit jealous.
Word Count → 978 Requested → no Request Status → open
A/n || This isn't canon to the ST plot, Chrissy doesn't die, Eddie isn't considered a murderer [ he's still 'the freak' ]. I'm sorry if you don't like that, criticism is very much welcome. Also this is fairly short, and I might write a part 2. Happy reading! <3
➽─────────────────────────────────────────❥ You were currently sitting in the back of Eddie's van, smoking one of his pre-rolled joints that he had stashed as you waited for him to finish his latest drug deal.
You had been waiting there for him to finish up for about twenty minutes already, getting slightly bored you opened the door at the back of the van and started swinging your legs off the edge.
What the hell is taking him so long?
His deals took a while sometimes, but not like this. You were too cought up in your own thoughts to notice both the front seat doors had opened and not just Eddie, but Chrissy Cunningham hopped in too.
"Close the door will ya?" You heard Eddie say over his shoulder.
"You got it boss." You responded in a sarcastic tone. "So what's the cheer princess doing here?"
"She's not the cheer princess, be nice [y/n]. Anyway, we're going back to my place to get some of the stronger shit. I'll drop you off on our way there." Eddie said, making you slightly confused. You doubt Chrissy had ever done any sort of drugs in her life so why would she try and get the 'stronger shit'. Eddie knows not to push peoples limits with drugs, something else is up.
And not only that he's blowing you off to sell drugs to some priss.. Well you know she's actually really nice, but you were slightly annoyed, he's been blowing you off to do other things for the last two weeks now.
"I thought we were hanging out tonight?"
"Sorry dude, plans change. But we can hang out tomorrow, promise." Chrissy had stayed silent for that entire conversation, and Eddie had just started up the van.
The entire car ride was filled with Eddie trying to impress Chrissy, and Chrissy doing the hair twirl thingy and giggling. And you sat in the back, very awkwardly, waiting for your stop.
Eventually, you'se had reached your house. Very clumsily getting out the van and giving them a half hearted wave as you walked up the drive-way. Eddie didn't even honk his horn as a goodbye.
You walked into your house, kicking your shoes off and putting them on the rack near the door. You made your way to your room and jumped onto your bed, burying your face in your pillow.
Eddie likes Chrissy..
You should be happy for him, that's what really matters, that he's happy. But you couldn't help but feel a sort of pain, I mean you've liked him since you first talked to him on your first day of high school.
But you couldn't get yourself hung up on those thoughts, feeling sorry for yourself would do no good in this situation.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You had fallen asleep after trying to deter your thoughts to something other than Eddie, but that didn't work very well and you were now dreaming about him being outside your window, knocking on the glass to get your attention.
You stared at him groggily, before getting up with your quilt wrapped around your body as you made your way to your window and opened it for him.
"C'mon dream Ed, s'cold out side, wouldn' want ya t'get sick." He very ungracefully made his way through and stumbled into your room.
"Dream Ed?" He questioned, seemingly confused. Of course he's confused, he's confused by everything so obviously he'd be confused in your dream.
"Yeah, y'dream Eddie, real Eds is off with Chrissy, prolly kissin' n' stuff." You answered casually.
"Ahh, okay. So real Ed is off kissing Chrissy, and what does dream Ed do?"
"Dream Ed is here t'taunt me about m'feelings." You kept slurring all your words in your sleepy state and Eddie found it quite adorable.
"May dream Eddie know what these feelings are about?"
"Must you?"
"If I say yes, does that mean you'll have to tell me?"
You groaned at him, very much not in the mood for this type of banter at the moment. you rubbed the sleep from your eyes to get more serious. "If I tell you, you can't tell real Eds what I told you. Pinky promise." You stuck your pinky finger out for him to lock his with.
"I wouldn't dream of it." He hooked his pinky finger with yours in an unspoken promise.
You cleared your throat as you prepared to tell him. "I have a wee bit of a crush on real Eddie, but he likes Chrissy, and I'm happy for him ya know? But I can't help feeling upset because I've liked him for like.. ever. And I know I should just get over my feelings and push it all aside, because he deserved to be happy and I can't provide that for him, not like Chrissy can at least. And she's so pretty and nice and-"
At this point Eddie could tell you were rambling, but he wasn't paying attention like he usually would, he was too caught up in the fact that you liked him. Yeah he liked Chrissy, thought she was sweet enough, but he was only showing off to her to try and get over you. But he wasn't gonna tell you that right now.
Not in your tired sleepy state, not when you can't even comprehend that he was really there and it wasn't a dream.
"[y/n] I think you should go to sleep, especially after telling me such a big secret after all."
"Yeah, yeah. I think you're right." You layed yourself down on your bed, still wrapped up in your quilt, eddie was sat at the edge of your bed, positioning your favourite stuffed teddy next to your head as you closed your eyes to sleep.
You could've sworn that as you driffed off to sleep dream eddie kissed your forehead, but that's impossible.
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loidswife27 · 5 months
Hiii, so I want to write for Twisted Wonderland but it’ll be my very first time. I already have something in my drafts that I want to upload so if that turns out good, I’ll make other ones too !
Anyway, here you have an Ace x female reader.
There is light cursing in there, but just because the reader and Ace are already very familiar with each other. I’ve never written for Ace before so yeah don’t know if he’s ooc. I tried to depict typical annoying teenage boy who’s crushing behavior because I feel like he’d be the type to pull on a girl’s hair as his love language. Anyway here goes nothing!
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Ace Trappola x fem reader
You sigh in relief as you finally lay down on your bed. After a long day of classes and dealing with your friends' tomfoolery, you can finally go to sleep. Grim was sleeping with Deuce today because the boy told you that the little cat was already asleep in his room after a study session so you just decided to leave him there this night. You were way too tired to deal with him anyway.
Before you can succumb to the dream world, you hear your window open. Sitting up quickly, you look at the source of the sound in alarm.
"Hey y/n, I'm gonna crash in your room tonight!"
Ace huffs as he pulls himself through the window. You’re momentarily shocked at the sight of your ginger friend breaking into your room, but your expression quickly morphs into one of annoyance.
"I kind of broke a rule, so I need a place to hideout," he chuckles and smiles innocently.
“Definitely get in like a thief, why don’t you! Yes, yes, invite yourself in,” you say sarcastically, placing your hands on your hips.
Ace snickers as he crosses the room and flops down on your bed with a satisfied grin.
"Oh, don't be like that~ Just think of this as an improvised sleepover! We can gossip and tell spooky stories, or--or... " *Ace trails off as if he's trying to come up with another idea.
You just raise an eyebrow, not looking convinced, waiting for what he’ll say.
He leans up on his hands and turns to you with a cheeky smile, "we could, um, I dunno.... get under the covers together."
You slap his head when he starts wiggling his eyebrows at you before grabbing a pillow and throwing it on his head.
“I’ll let you take the couch downstairs, pervert. Take that pillow and good night.”
The freshman pouted as he rubs where you slapped him.
"What? It was just a suggestion!"
His mouth suddenly pulls off to the side as he lets out a smug grin.
“Or are you too embarrassed to sleep in the same bed as me ? I bet you secretly want me-“ he’s suddenly cut off by your foot in his stomach as he lets out a pained wheeze.
“Damn, you kick hard,” he whined clutching his stomach with a scrunched up expression.
“And I’ll aim lower if you keep being a dumbass.” At your threat, he quickly raises his hands in surrender and gulps, having no problem imagining you do that.
Apparently, he’s not giving up easily -not that you’d expect him to, but you were so tired you actually hoped- the boy’s hands moving about as he tries to get comfortable on your bed.
"Do you have any idea what it's like to sleep on that old, stuffy, couch? C'mon y/n, throw me a bone here!"
You sigh in annoyance, grasping your covers and pulling them close to you.
“Though we’ve never slept in the same bed, since the day I found you on the floor opposite to the couch you were supposed to be sleeping in when I left you the last time you crashed at my place, I know that you’re a bad sleeper. You’ll probably kick me in my sleep too.”
His smug expression falters and turns into one of indignation as you remind him of his awful sleep habits.
"But I'll be good, I swear! I promise I won't kick you in your sleep. And if I move too much, you can just wake me up or shove me aside."
Ace protests, a bit defensively as he folds his arms across his chest.
You mimic his action and cross your arms over chest too, staring at him clearly not believing his claims. You figure you’re too tired to argue with him over this so you’ll let it slide this time. “Fine, but just this once. I kinda pity you and you’re giving me a headache so.”
You just had to sprinkle in this shade at him, which he glared at you for before his expression brightens.
His head falls back on the bed as he sighs in content, smiling smugly.
Ace reaches out and starts to playfully poke you in the ribs. "Ahhh, how sweet of you to sacrifice the comfort of your space just for me~"
His tone has a playful, taunting twist, but there is a glint of something else buried deeper underneath. An unspoken request for closeness and intimacy.
You slap his hand away and glare at him, knowing his annoying pestering. “You literally just said that you would not bother me.” “Did I ?” You deadpan at his reply.
You sigh and finally lie down, your head on the comfy pillow.
Ace laughs and settles himself comfortably at your side. His hand reaches out and taps you on the shoulder, before pulling away.
"What, you don't like my touches now? That's cold, " he teasingly scolds.
Ace props himself up so he is laying down facing you.
You turn your back to him, pulling the covers up mid shoulders.”It’s not too late to kick you out, you know,” you threaten.
Ace lets out a frustrated sigh, a pout forming on his face as he watches you.
"I thought we were gonna spend a fun night together, or at least talk until we fall asleep. Why are you being so cold?"
His hands are folded as if he is hurt by your rejection. Though it's hard to know if it's genuine or the act of someone trying to get his way.
Is he for real right now ?
You look at him over your shoulder, and you can barely make out his face with the limited light coming from the window.
“Seriously? You thought that you’d turn this into a sleepover? Dude, I don’t even know what time it fucking is and I’m only letting you stay here because you have nowhere else to go. Now that you’re here you’re keen on pissing me off.”
You know you’re being mean right now but you weren’t really in the mood to talk a lot and the last thing you needed was one of the top 3 annoying idiots at the school yapping your braincells away.
"Yeah, I did," Ace responds to your question, frown growing bigger. "I figured we could talk... or tell each other ghost stories… or maybe even cuddle a bit… you know, as friends do.”
His voice trails off as his expression softens. His tone changes from the usual playful to genuinely disappointed.
"And really, is that the only reason you're letting me stay here?" he asks, his words laced with unspoken sadness. He would never admit it to you but he always felt this weird yearning to be wanted by you for a while now.
“Ace, I-“ you sigh as you watch him turn his back to you, moving to the edge of the bed until his feet were dangling, while crossing his arms childishly. “Hmph.”
His words and expression resulted in you feeling a growing sense of guilt. You didn’t think he’d actually be that hurt by your attitude. Well, usually you keep up with his banter. Now you feel bad for being so cold towards him when he clearly trusted and valued your friendship to the point that he didn’t hesitate to ask for your help.
You sit up to face him properly.
“Look, I’m sorry, okay? I admit I was acting like a jerk. I think it’s this week’s stress and fatigue that’s putting me in a foul mood. Adding that to your nagging,” you say softly, watching him perk up slightly, before finishing in a slightly joking tone.
Little did you know, Ace's face softened at your words. The faintest smile pulled at the corner of his mouth as he heard you out.
You smiled as you saw him finally turn around.
After letting out a relieved sigh, Ace nods in understanding.
"It's alright. You're probably tired after a long week of classes, not to mention everyone’s shenanigans," he replies, sounding more understanding of your mood.
"And I know I'm kind of a handful and I-I can get rather annoying at... at times."
You raise a brow teasingly. “Only at times? Are you sure?”
Ace lets out a laugh and raises a finger to defend himself.
"Hey, I'm not a total pain in the ass all the time, just a majority of the time!"
His tone is light and the playfulness is back on his face.
He leans into the bed and lets out a content sigh, clearly relieved at the tension that's settled between you two.
You chuckle lightly. “Sure, Ace~”
“Well, now that you have my attention what do you want to do, Oh attention whore,”you ask mockingly.
Ace pauses and looks at you mischievously with a teasing grin.
"Cuddle a bit?~"
It's evident he's half-joking, but his tone is laced with a hint of hopefulness. A small blush rises to his cheeks at the thought.
You roll your eyes affectionately, a fond smile on your lips as you open your arms. “Come here, you.”
The boy can't help the bright smile that graces his lips as you open your arms. He immediately scoots closer, letting out a relieved sigh as he pulls you in for a tight hug. He wraps his arms tightly around you, pressing his head into your chest.
Ace sighs again, his fingers playing with the fabric of your shirt. He leans back to look into your eyes, smiling wide.
"Thank you," he whispers quietly.
You look down at him, smiling softly, moving your hand to gently play with his hair as you let yourself relax. “Clingy~” you whisper, and in the perfect calm of your bedroom, the sound of your voice and heartbeat is all the boy hears. He can’t help but nuzzle his face more into your chest. “If I died right now, I’d die a happy man,” the ginger haired boy says dazedly, his expression euphoric.
You pull at his hair earning a small hiss from him but don’t bother moving from your position, already used to his stupid comments.
“You just wanted an excuse to lay on my boobs, didn’t you, pervert~” you tease him.
The sudden mention of your breasts sends Ace into a fit of laughter and you wave it off thinking to yourself that that’s another teenage boy dumb thing. The color rises to his cheeks but he laughs it off, shaking his head.
"They're pretty comfy, but that's totally not the reason I asked to cuddle," he mumbles. He looks into your eyes with a teasing smirk. "I just like the feel of your warmth..."
You hum, a lazy smile still stretched on your face. “Just messing with ya~”
You start feeling sleepy, the fatigue finally catching up to you now that you were comfortable with a cute boy in your arms. You yawn and bury your face in his fluffy messy hair.
The freshman chuckles quietly as your tired murmur fills his ears. Though you can tell he's feeling tired too he wants to stay awake to keep talking with you and to enjoy the feeling of your body next to his. He tightens his arms around your body, shifting so he’s pressing his cheek into your head.
"I wish time froze..." his voice carries a faint murmur as drowsiness washes over him, "So that I could stay like this forever..."
You catch his words in your last effort of trying to stay awake and smile fondly.
“Good night, Ace,”you say before finally dozing off.
Ace smiles softly and presses himself into your body as you fall asleep. Your words echo in his ears as he begins to slip away. He relaxes and takes in your scent as he drifts off into a peaceful sleep next to you.
“Good night, y/n.”
Though the day may be over, he couldn't have had it any better. He rests in the embrace of his best friend, his last thought an unspoken expression of his deeper affection for you.
I love you.
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almost-gabrielle · 1 year
Told Ya She'd Say Yes
requested by @frodo-cinnamon-roll. Thx for requesting :)!
***Frodo's POV***
I sighed, staring at the bar where Rosie Cotton, and lovely y/n worked. Both were chatting happily to each other as they did their duties. It's been a few months since we came back to the Shire. I've always had a crush on y/n, even before my quest began. Sam had already proposed to Rosie, which happened just a couple of months ago.
Now, I wanted to ask y/n out. But I didn't know how. And I was too scared.
"Hello? Frodo, are ou even listening?" Merry asked. He waved his hand in my face, trying to catch my attention.
And it worked. I snapped back to reality after staring at y/n from afar.
"Sorry. Wasn't paying attention," I answered quickly as I turned to face my friends again.
"Oh. Staring at y/n, are we?" Pippin smirked. He gave me a teasing wink.
My cheeks burned a bright pink color.
"Of course, I don't," I hastily replied.
"Yes, you do. You've been staring at her for the past thirty minutes, man," Merry interrupted. "You should ask her out by now."
"I can't, Merry. I'm too shy," I tried to argue.
"C'mon!" groaned Merry. "You went into Mount Doom and managed to destroy the Ring. And you think that asking y/n out is harder than that?" He stared at me in disbelief.
The duo pressured me for a bit. Sam just sat to the side, smoking his pipe. He didn't want to get himself involved, and I didn't blame him.
"I'm sure she'll say yes, Mr. Frodo," he finally encouraged. "I was scared to death when I asked Rosie to marry me a couple weeks ago, even though I knew she'd say yes. We're not close to Miss y/n, but I can tell that she adores you, even if she just watches from afar."
"See?" Pippin added. "You should ask her!"
Both Merry and Pippin shoved me towards her, and I nervously approached y/n. My hands were sweating profusely by the time I got there. I waited patiently as y/n collected orders from two other male Hobbits, who were drunkenly commenting her. That caused me to be a bit jealous. But she paid no heed to them, much to my relief.
She finally turned to me, smiling slightly. I could see a pink blush creeping up her cheeks, and she quickly avoided my gaze.
"C-Can I help you, Mr. Baggins?" she asked shyly.
"Well. . . . .," I began, wondering how I should start off my confession. "I actually have something to tell you, y/n."
She raised an eyebrow, looking really suspicious. Well, no turning back, now. It's now or never.
"Go on," she said. She sat herself down on the counter.
I took a deep breath, trying to control myself.
"I — I was wondering if you'd — if you'd like to go on a date with me?" I asked, stuttering and stumbling in between words. She stared at me in surprise, and I could feel a sense of dread settling in the pit of my stomach.
Maybe she didn't want to be with me at all.
I found myself blushing hard. This was not how I wanted things to go.
"I-I'm sorry!" I stuttered, unsure of what to say. I — I wasn't sure of what you'd say. Or if you wanted to go on a date at all! It's alright if you don't want to. I understand —"
I was cut off when I felt a pair of soft lips pressing against mine. At first, my heart stopped, and I didn't know how to react. I soon responded by wrapping my arms hesitantly around her waist. When she let go, she looked me directly in the eyes.
"Of course, I want to, Mr. Baggins," she answered.
My heart soared when I heard her say that.
"Tomorrow evening, then? If you're free?" I asked.
"That sounds great."
"I'll see you, then," I breathlessly replied.
I looked at her one last time before cheerfully making my way back to my friends. I noticed that both Merry and Pippin had triumphant smirks on their faces.
"What?" I asked casually once I sat back down.
"Told ya she'd say yes," Pippin replied.
"Shut up," I replied as I stared wistfully after y/n again.
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pilabutsp · 6 months
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EXTRA II: The Main 5 hangout.
TW for mild transphobia
The Main Five, Kyle, Stan, Eric, Kenny and Marjorine are once again at Cartman's house to play Rummy like they do all weekends.
Cartman: I can't believe Kenny keeps breaking the "No chicks allowed" rule!
Marj: Oh! The gender affirmation!!
Kenny: C'mon dude! You do this every time, Marj has been part of the group basically since kinder so she gets to hang out with us!
Cartman: You just say that to spent more time with her! Even Stan follows this rule!
Stan: They are not a "chick", they just don't want anything to do with you, Cartman.
Cartman: Maybe if they doesn't want to be treated like a chick maybe they shouldn't wear skirts all the time.
Stan: HEY!
Kyle: CUT IT, FATASS! I'll fucking kick your face!
Marj: Fellas! Don't fight! You shouldn't care about Wends coming, Eric, they can come if they want and it's not going to apply to the rule.
Kenny: ... Welp, Kyle it's here so is basically the same.
Kyle: What is that supposed to mean?!
Kenny: Nothing! Are we going to play or nah?
Kyle: YES. Just, sit across, you two, we are betting so I don't wanna see you make out.
Kenny: You are cool about it!
Kyle: I am really not.
Cartman: But you are with Stan and Wends all the time, you must enjoy that shit then.
Kyle: EW no. They are actually decent.
Stan: Shut up and let's play.
They been playing for a few rounds, totally joking around and not paying that much attention. Everyone was so close to the 100 points, Eric losing a few times but paying his way in again which means that they were around $250 on the table.
Marj: -knocks the table- Eric, your turn!
Cartman: I don't get it Kahl, you are going to both teams and still single? What a loser. Now play.
Kenny: There are a lot of pretty people our age here!
Kyle: Yeah... No, I don't think I would date anyone from our school.
Stan: Wait, do you really mean that?
Kyle: -sigh- I don't know Stan, play, It's your turn.
Kenny: What? Sad you don't have a chance, Stanley boy?
Cartman: HA! Stan has a type!
Stan: No, I don't! Your turn Kenny.
Kenny: You really do, tho. Smart, Independent, Strong, Fight Cartman and win... Your turn, babe!
Stan: That's-...
Marj: -knocks the table- Your turn, Eric.
Cartman: Stan having a type doesn't mean anything tho, Kahl wouldn't date him... your turn, Jew.
Stan: Huh?!
Kyle: You don't have to tell me It's my turn, fatass, unlike you all I'm paying attention... And, why are you so obsessed with my dating life, anyways, Cartman? Your turn, Stan.
Cartman: ...
Kenny: The silence is too loud! Don't tell me, you... Lil' Eric Cartman has a crush on our Kyle?
Stan: No way.
Kyle: Oh Jesus, I'm going to throw up.
Kenny: Babe...
Marj: -gasp- I WIN!
Cartman, Kyle and Stan: WHAT?!
Kenny: Marj, you did it!!
Kyle: When did that happen? Geez, I have a lot of cards!
Marj: I've been knocking the table for the last three rounds!
Kenny: What happened, Kyle? I thought you were the only one paying attention.
Marj: Heh, count your points, boys!
Stan: UHG... I'm officially out.
Cartman: Of the closet? We know.
Stan: OF THE GAME! I got 47 points from this, yeah, I'm out.
Kyle: Ugh, me too.
Kenny: Same here!
Cartman: NO WAY! I'm not letting Marjorine win!
Marj: You used your last dollar on the last round! I win!!
Kenny: You are genius, babe!!
Cartman: WHATEVER, take your stupid money and leave my house! EVERYONE!
Kyle: Didn't plan on staying anyways!
Once everyone left the house, Marj and Kenny walked away together with their new money. Leaving Stan and Kyle alone.
Stan: So... Is it really true you would not date anyone from our school?
Kyle: Stan... I'm really tired of all of you talking about my absences of love life. Can you not?
Stan: I'm sorry, dude, I'm not bothering you anymore... Do you wanna go to my house and play something?
Kyle: Yeah, I would love that... I thought Wends was going there.
Stan: Heh, you know they don't mind!
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