#I'm kinda getting sick of people shitting on creators
chiyoso · 10 months
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hi pookie. to those who read this the first time, welcome back, this is a re-write. an update. i kinda found the initial update i did rushed, not clearly descriptive of my situation outside this writing hobby of mine. also for the ones that i tagged, i have notes for you <3 (sorry for the tag 🫶🏻)
alright. hello hello. i'm chiyo, a jjk-focused/sporadic genshin and hsr fanfic writer, and you've caught me, and this blog in such bad time, and im so, so very fucking burnt out.
writing for me should be fun, stress relieving, and that goes for any other hobby i have. i have been told and supported countless of times to take a rest, to take a break from this, but my stubborn ass continues to try and get something out, anything to keep my blog alive, hells, it feels like a toxic relationship where i keep coming back, because i remember all the fun, happy and fond times i had in this app, only then to return to why it becomes draining, exhausting.
just sat there, occasionally laid on my back, using my phone, but with unmoving thumbs, with a brain lacking the world that needs the narrative to make a story, fuck, where has it gone?
that innocent, startup of mine, the newfound love and interest for that world of fiction that you all create. dude, i remember being so happy discovering that this brain of mine can conjure up so many shit, all because of your words, it's fucking amazing. hence, the start of the era of my honkai star rail writing journey. (hsr/hi3rd fans who followed me, i let you down with my jujutsu kaisen brainrot obsession im sorry lmao)
“take a break hira,” “take a break chiyo,” “please, take a break.”
i've heard it all, and with utmost love and respect, thank you.
thank you for everything, every word, every action, and every peep of interest you all had for me. small and big creators, who, stopped by because of my small percent chance drop in on their feed, because of the stories i created that you shared, i've met so many wonderful, inspring and motivating people in tumblr, fuck, i didn't expect to crrate a little community all by myself, with my grit alone, it's so rewarding for someone who strives for perfection, for someone who struggles with her mental health daily, for someone who deluded themselves in a world of fiction, I can't express my genuine gratitude enough.
i'm not quitting. maybe i should've mentionrd that earlier to prevent you from getting rattled, but continuing off, i don't find myself quitting this writing journey, maybe i'm just not in the right mental headspace for it at this time. damn, my ex really fucked me up LMAO.
right, i'm aware of the less and lessening interactions i've had with the people i've encountered throughout tumblr, i feel sick of myself for not being able to catch up, nor interact with any of you as much as i could anymore, it really, really fucking sucks, i hate it, i hate it, i do.
i still have leftover projects to go over and publish, because i still want MY ideas, MY thoughts, MY worlds of fictional prowess to all of you. i'm not done, but i will say, that i'm- i'm so incredibly, so very sorry to the ones that were highly, to the heavens, expecting greatness from me, to the ones who were anticipating my unfinished stories, fuck, there's so much to do, yet my body, my mind, they do not respond, as if i'm losing my sense of time, literally.
all i can say to those sticking with me because of their plain interest for me, i wish, i pray, i'll beg, beg for me, my soul, my mind, my body, my spirit to heal, and heal faster, so i can love you all at my 100%, not with my trying 20%, and lower.
thank you. to the old, and to the recent supporters that got me to 3k followers and counting, fuckin' wild. actually insane.
i'll continue to write. i'll continue to create. i don't want to quit.
i don't want to leave the only thing that gave me freedom, and the genuine happiness the first time, making me discover shit about myself, and there's that.
p.s. apologies for my jjk brainrot everyone who followed for genshin and hsr <3 also that one popular otome game, love & deepspace? yeah, that shit's also fucking me up so good.
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HONORABLE MENTIONS: (lawd i feel bad for tagging)
@ainescribe @wanderingconstellations @teapartyspilled @v3lv3tf0x @ciarchivez ⸻ you fucking OGS. literally five pillars of my life, the cheerleaders, my absolute undying support of this blog, you saw me at my noob tumblr handling form, the lows, the highs, and the absolute peaks, i consider all of you special, i do, you all made tumblr and the writing community such a fun place for me. thank you, thank you, i just can't spam that voiceline enough.
@peachdues @screampied @chuluoyi @blkkizzat @jabamin @flametrashira @meowzfordayz ⸻ you superstar mutuals of mine. we've only interacted sporadically, PLEASE BLAME MY BURNOUT AND COLLEGE SCHEDULE FOR THAT, but all of you invoked so much burning hope, and motivation for me through your stories, AND your interests for me, whether it'd be something about my themes, edits, stories, it doesn't matter, you all took interest in lil' ol me, despite what, being such big content creators? FUCK??? that's insane. thank you.
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god, i seriously wish my schedule would just clear up by a fuckton, and then again, i was the one who took psychology and performing arts 💤 i hope, hope HOPE i get to interact with you all again once i take a leave/break from college.
⸻ with all my love, chiyo.
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yuridovewing · 3 months
Yeah, as a nonbinary person who could get pregnant but never wants to, I find the way fans treat trans cats having litters really weird. Like as long as you depict it with respect because trans parents deserve it, it's not hurting anyone. Plus it's unfair to trans fans who want to have biokids. I saw a Warriors Roleplay outright ban trans cats from having children that werent adopted with the excuse of 'listening to trans voices'. Ok, well not every trans person is uncomfortable with the idea of having children and its unfair to act like thats the case. YOU can be uncomfortable with having kids and thats fine, but just because something makes you dysphoric doesnt mean nobody is allowed to do it.
ABSOLUTELY! Ohhh I have thoughts about that RP... "you can NEVER portray trans characters having bio kids, they HAVE to adopt because trans people having bio kids is wrong!! We're doing this because we love trans people and we know that not a single one has had or wants children! This is helpful!! We're helping!!"
This stuff does have an effect on the real world, too (maybe not our silly little cat headcanons, but the general discussion around this topic in a wider range) When you insist that you can't portray trans people having kids, to the point you ban it in an rp or lash out at trans creators who do so, how do you think that reflects onto trans people who not only want bio kids, but have already had bio kids? That people like them are so uncomfortable, it is an insult to other trans people to acknowledge they exist? That they are an Other, something abnormal, something the trans community should never accept?
I get it. There are a lot of trans people irl who don't want bio kids because of dysphoria, among several other factors. Anon and I are two of them! And there WERE some people genuinely being reductive about the topic and just making a single trans character in a gay ship trans for bio kids. But what trans people are you helping by banning the discussion altogether? We aren't a hivemind. We're all individuals with different needs and preferences. If your dysphoria is SO bad that you can't look at other trans people who haven't met your standard for whatever reason and you demand that they stay quiet and not exist for your comfort... it's time to work on yourself. And if you're not trans and you're saying this, please shut up, holy shit stop telling trans people how to write our own characters or how we should headcanon things.
And to be honest, I've grown kinda sick of being policed around what kind of trans characters we're allowed to write. This attitude extends to stuff like dysphoria, whether a character has taken steps to medically transition (and you'll get snapped at no matter what!), portraying GNC trans people, and more. It's not as prevalent in the warriors fandom, I think, but it's become so nitpicked that I'm exhausted.
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bonesandthebees · 7 months
Internship is certainly going. I want to say going okay… I could be doing better but I kinda got unlucky with my internship spot and workload. This would be much easier to explain if I could just say what kinda of internship it is, but that kinda feels like too much details both for my current degree and the job I’ll be doing after. (Internet safety and all that). Anyway, what I can say is that anyone in the field irl pulls a face when they hear about my internship. The workload feels impossible, but somehow I’m doing it and I’m about half way through so *aggressively knocks on wood* it should be fine.
I do have a different internship in like a month or so and some other projects but those feel like child’s play compared to the current hell incarnate. So moral of the story: sometimes you just get to have a few mental breakdowns, pick yourself back up and go again the next day (again and again and again and again). It’s like that quote: [“It gets a little bit easier every day, but you have to keep doing it.”] or what’s the other one? [the only way out is through]. And then take plenty of breaks and do fun things even if it feels like you don’t have the time because that’s the only thing that’ll keep you going. The world is always more manageable after a good meal or a power nam or a 15 minute music break.
I’ve been blasting a lot of music based on moods, getting back into Dutch music because girl, I need to learn how to spell properly and every internship I have a song that gets me through. This one it’s ‘secret for the mad’ by Dodie. I’ve had to loop it over and over to get the motivation to try at times, to really let the words sink in, but it helps. So find a song to get you through when you need it.
Lastly, I’ve been meaning to say something about Him, but I just haven’t had the time and energy to write something coherent (aka I’m not using my 30 minutes of evening downtime that are just for me for this negative energy). Best thing is can say is that this is a good opportunity to get into new creators. Just have fun with it (hermitcraft season 10 has been getting be through this). Listen to new music. Try new things to fill the void. I’ve pruned all my playlists and social media follows and such and it felt like a fresh start. (Oh and learned your red flags people. People who don’t respect your boundaries (no matter how small) can be(come) very dangerous.)
My only issue now is that I can play since I saw Vienna and La Jolla on guitar (the picking patterns always smooth me), but now I’m not sure if I can keep doing that. I haven’t tried playing them. I feel like I should look at the lyrics first then decide. But I haven’t found any picking songs with the same soothing vibe, so I’ve been playing a bunch of my classical pieces and I really like playing the ‘romantic’ ones and for some reason the polkas and the blues? So again filling the void.
Anyway, thanks for all the well wishes. I’ve been missing you guys. This has been chaotic life updates with Spruce. I really need to start being productive now. So, bye!
yeah of course don't say any details that would reveal too much info about you, but man that sounds stressful :( at least you'll switch to something else in a month?? I'm so sorry you're stuck in hell rn I hope you get through it alright!! make sure to take it easy when you can!! you're so right the world is so much easier to deal with after a power nap or a snack
oooo I haven't heard secret for the mad in a long time but I used to listen to dodie from time to time. I used to think of such angsty scenarios with my ships while listening to 'sick of losing soulmates'
also it's so real to have a song to help you get through shit like that. I'd say rn for me one of those songs is all american bitch by olivia rodrigo because I just have a lot of fun screaming it in the car. tested waters by loupe is a calmer one I've been listening to on repeat lately
you're right this is a great opportunity to get into new creators. I was already drifting to watching qsmp creators more often besides just phil and tubbo, but now I've been trying to tune into bagi and tina's streams if I have the time
definitely look at the lyrics first, but I feel like out of most of the ycgma songs since I saw vienna and la jolla are two of the 'safest' options you could pick for something like that. at least compared to your sister was right and losing face...
la jolla and since i saw vienna are both such pretty songs though. there's nothing wrong with playing those on your own guitar I'd say? it's not giving any money to him. but of course it's up to your own personal comfort.
good luck spruce!!! ty for checking in we all miss you over here!! <33
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skellagirl · 1 year
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼(No pressure if you don't want to though!)Hope you have a good day! ✨
oh, I DO love talking about myself, though this is gonna be kinda weird bc I haven't made a lot of art that I actually like lately lol, and I'm not committed enough to go back super far in my timeline
in no particular order:
1) The extremely self-indulgent Jack/Maddie/Vlad comic I did last year, which was my second most popular post. I had sooo much fun doing it and made myself laugh a lot, idk, it was just such a joy to make and I'm glad other people like it too (I've LOVED reading through the tags on it)
this is my favorite 'panel', I think lol
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2) The big memey sketchdump from last year that was my FIRST most popular post lol, OF WHICH this is my favorite doodle.
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3) This one I haven't actually posted anywhere yet bc it's still VERY early and I'm not sure I'll ever finish, but I've been fucking around with making a comic out of one of my favorite Stardew oneshots, Practical Demonstration (which is VERY ummm......... citrusy, as one might have said in 2006) and I've actually been kinda sorta enjoying that, despite Art Block From Hell and the fact that I'm Not Good at backgrounds lol
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4) idk, I've had a lot of fun doing all my Potion Permit shit! The fandom is small but very funny and friendly, and idk it's just been another thing that's been fun to indulge in while Art Block From Hell continues
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5) and speaking of Potion Permit, I've been writing a chemist/matheo enemies-to-lovers longfic called flew like a moth to you (sunlight) that is SO self-indulgent, but I've actually really been liking how it's turning out! It's kinda silly to say, maybe? but I've been proud of my writing with this fic. I think I have an Okay ability to string words into nice-ish-sounding sentences 🥴👌
and since I posted pics for my art, here's one of my favorite bits of the fic's first chapter (also the 'summary' lol)
"Forty years. Raised in the thick of six generations’ worth of collective knowledge, lived tradition, so intimately familiar with medicine and healing that it’s like an additional sense, something woven into the very fibers of him, his entire life’s work -- all of it cast aside in favor of an upstart, fresh-faced chemist whose sole legacy of any significance to Moonbury is one of reckless endangerment and massive ecological collapse. He stares at Myer’s hands, clasped around his wife’s, his child’s. Doesn’t understand what sort of desperation would drive a man to this. Feels a sick twist in his gut at the inconceivability of ever doing the same."
I don't really send these to anyone but like. do it if you want? toot your own horn!!! or spread it to others ig, that works too 👍
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ar3s-r4t-qu33n · 6 days
My (Updated) Thoughts on Rush Week (Pre Release)
So I'm not super stoked-
Firstly, the matter of it being randomised and solo Q
I don't HATE this, but I do feel as though it could have been done differently. I wasn't around for Friday 13th the Game and from what I did see of that game, I didn't rate it. I didn't like the gameplay, the characters or the IP (I've never been a Jason girlie, I'm sorry 😞). So the fact that this is a reskin of that game doesn't really excite me.
Now, I personally play a lot of Solo Q Family AND Victim already, because the person I usually play with is kinda out of commission rn and I'm too shy to ask strangers to play with me 🧍 and I have to say, I haven't really enjoyed it. Family is easy, though since I play Sissy, I don't get a lot of kills or like... Much to do? I don't blood rush because that's really fucking annoying when Family do it, I don't go down to the basement every because it's just unfair, so I just kinda run around playing defence until I either run into someone or the game ends. I used to be quite good, but idk. Recently a lot of my passion for the game has gone down, which happens, it's just a bit disappointing personally, but that's a me problem. As for Victim... It has not been fun at all. I haven't escaped much at all since I started playing Solo Q, and I know I'm not "bad" at the game. I taught my friends to play, I used to get a fair few escapes playing on my own, but recently, I'm getting nowhere and it really sucks, especially getting got by Johnny in five swings as Maria 😒
At the same time, I understand that making it a SWF experience would absolutely lead to bulky squads. Like, it already can devolve into bullshit, having six people throwing shit at Johnny? It'd be awful. At the same time... Not even duos?? Like, they could ensure they wouldn't be Johnny and a Victim, it could be easily done, I'm sure. But 2 against 1 is nowhere near as bad as 4 or 6 against 1. And then the randomisation makes sense for this mode, I guess?? Because it did for F13, but it's not really my thing. It's personal, but I also can't really see how else they'd do it, lobbies would be ridiculous.
The Sorority Girls Being Nameless
Yeah... Absolutely not.
I couldn't quite articulate my feelings on this matter, but @/rlnzlers on Twitter actually said it in a way I completely agree with:
It feels fucking tacky!!!
The Slasher Genre has always been controversial. Not for anyone with a brain (sorry 😶); those of us who are media literate and old enough to like, understand very basic concepts can see that reality and fiction are different things. You can make a movie about Michael Myers going to town on some teens, and that doesn't make you responsible for teen murder stats. Even if someone said "I wanted to be Michael Myers", that's a personal choice on them and they clearly need help and should get that help. It is not, nor will it ever be, on the creator of a piece unless they literally actively say "Go forth! Murder the youth, my children!!!!"
But regardless, it's controversial to those who don't get it. And a lot of early Slashers, the inventors of the genre, made it so the victims of these kills were people. That's the whole point, it's a tragedy of these people being killed in brutal, cool ways and then someone fighting evil and, more often than not, surviving to see the sun. Hell, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre works so well because we get to know the characters pretty well before they're killed! I thought Kirk was a sweetie, and seeing him die first sucked!! And then slowly they're whittled down until only Sally remains and she's traumatised!!! Obviously, not every Slasher goes that way. There was a good few years of "everyone sucks and then they die in a sick ass way" in Slasher movies, but most people don't like those films. They don't feel good, they don't feel like anything. Its misery and gore for misery and gore's sake.
Not to mention how close to Ted Bundy Johnny already was, this attack on the Sorority House is making him even closer to him. And so the fact that the girls are nameless, soulless and have no history?
It's gross. I'm sorry, I find it gross.
There are implications to things. Crazy, I know. But seeing the love and care that went into the original 8 Victims, only for this group of girls who exist only to be cunty cosmetics for that side of the fan base who just want hot, skinny girls to play dress up with and "be the final girl" without any of the history or meaning behind the title..? It's gross. They don't even have names! They're just bodies for Johnny to kill, and they're all women!! Like I'm sorry, I'm not exactly stoked to see a character I really find interesting and love slash his way through a bunch of women.
"but Liz, he's a cannibal serial killer"
I fucking know that, thanks, but at the same time, there is room for nuance?? Like, Johnny stalks and kills girls. Why? What reason does he have? Why is Maria special and different to him enough to keep alive? Why is he still doing this five years later? It's more than "nooo not my blorbo! He would never!" He would, but not like this. Not in such a way that feels like a real life true crime case. Because it feels like I'm watching someone put on makeup and tell me about The Sorority Slashings of 1978, not a fun game where I get to either slash or escape. It's not fun watching soulless women in a university get brutalised. It's not fun watching anyone who exists purely to die get brutalised. It makes me uncomfortable in a way that Slashers typically avoid. And it makes me especially upset because the Devs have done such a good job at making the characters so interesting and tragic and alive up until now. Ana and Maria's story is amazing! The female Victims have all been incredibly compelling to learn about and play as, I love each and every one of them and hope that Maria is able to somehow survive.
Knowing that Rush Week is just "Johnny kills six girls at school"? I doubt it. I did hold out hope that maybe in some fucked up way, the pair would actually make it work, and he'd kill Nancy, they'd run off together and either he'd stop killing for her or he'd kill in secret to get his feelings out and come home to her at the end of the day. I think it's more than clear now that Maria dies at the Slaughter House. Which really sucks, not only because she's our "Definitive Final Girl", but because I think it makes a much better story where she gets to live. But again, that's an opinion, everyone is entirely entitled to want the story to go whichever way they think it should, it's the Dev's decision in the end.
Idk. I'll give it a shot when it comes out, but they would have to release something AMAZING on that Content Pass for me to buy it for the early access. And I am excited to hear about what's happened post the main game!! We only know about Spring 1973, August 1973 and then 1986, there's so much time in between for stuff, especially with Johnny and Sissy and where they go once the Massacre in Newt is over. But I am more than disappointed that the direction the Devs have gone in is simultaneously fan-service-y towards (imo) some of the worst demographic (girlie on TikTok who want to play dress up with cunty outfits that aren't even period appropriate and are fatphobic to Julie, Maria and fucking Bubba because the worst thing you can be in the WORLD is not ozempic skinny, apparently), and does so in a way that gives us nothing but a shitty F13 reskin. We don't even have new characters, we have new blank slates to put whatever we want over. So many people have said if they wanted the fans to make their own lore, they could have incorporated a small character creation mode, but they haven't. And might I just add that we're also getting more characters of colour finally, but that they are also nameless bodies for Johnny to kill?
Idk. It's tacky and I don't like it. I'll give it a shot when it comes out for free, but I can't see it being my thing. I hope for the rest of you, you really enjoy it and I REALLY hope that Johnny gets some good fucking lore in this mode, but I'm not holding my breath, unfortunately.
And like, please tell me what y'all think!! I'm more than willing to have a conversation about this (so long as people are civil and polite ofc)!!!
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willel · 10 months
Some responses
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Maybe it's a difference of opinion, but someone who attended the play clarified that by the time Henry got to the UD, he already had his powers because he was able to defend himself while he was there with said powers.
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It's not a situation where someone can plop into the Upside Down for 5 minutes and get their powers. Nancy, Joyce, Hopper, Steve and Robin aren't about to become super powered because they were there for a few hours.
I'm not too bothered about Brenner's original interest in the UD. I already knew about the Philadelphia Experiment with the ship and it's relationship with the Montauk Project. It is never mentioned in the show even though the creators of the Montauk Project use it as one of the pinnacles of their "evidence" so seeing it finally tied into stuff here is kinda neat.
It doesn't change much with Brenner's story. I did write a post a while back I think saying I don't think Brenner was aware of other worlds until the incident in 1979, but I guess this disproves that.
He believed in what most people thought was a conspiracy and was finally proven right by what El did in 1979. Brenner's obsessed with El, Henry and the UD makes sense. He's a weirdo fanatic that probably would've written Montauk Project himself if he weren't one of the main people involved with it.
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This is not what was stated by the person who saw the play.
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Kali's involvement with this doesn't make a ton of sense right now. It's too coincidental that Brenner found a pregnant European woman in the US, had her injected, and then she went back home all chill? Just seems odd. Did he have agents all over the world randomly pricking pregnant woman with Henry's blood, possibly killing most of them, and then taking the children of the ones who showed promise when they were born?
Kali's story would make a lot more sense if there are just naturally gifted people out in the world rather than this blood transfusion story they're going with but whatever.
I have no choice but to believe a lot of women had no idea they were being experimented on in the first place and didn't willingly give up their children.
For example, Terry. She was involved in MKUltra yeah but she supposedly stopped participating when she found out she was pregnant.
Or if we go with the Suspicious Minds explanation, Brenner knew she was pregnant before she did because they took urine samples every visit and he continued to experiment on her anyway. So I suppose the blood transfusion could've happened then.
Then most of the rest of the women I guess were called in my their ogbyn one day like "Hey we need to do this super dangerous blood transfusion. For your health and the baby of course! NO other reason" and they either lived and then their baby got kidnapped or got sick and died.
As for Bob's involvement, doesn't feel like Bob needed to be involved. Nothing against Bob of course...but it is without a doubt a contradiction.
This play has a big issue that I take with many a prequel........ NOT EVERYONE HAS TO KNOW EACH OTHER IN A PREQUEL. I understand the temptation to be like "Hehe, they were connected all along!"
But if the sequel to the prequel makes it clear that that's not the case... then just don't do it. It ends up being cheesy.
This play is like.... a dream where some bits of relevant information are dropped but the rest is kinda like a fanfic reimagining of the story events by the creator themselves.
I'm not saying that's a bad thing. While I can't think of any off the top of my head right now, the creators making an AU version of their story for shits and giggles is not new.
But them insisting this is canon and will be relevant to season 5..... why are you telling people this is 100% canon when it's contradicting your million dollar show?
In the end, I feel like the "THIS IS ALL CANON" stuff is just marketing to get people to come watch it. To me, this is about as canon as that first Will comic and Suspicious Minds.
It's canon.... save the contradicting parts.
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weebsinstash · 2 years
Why did I... Why did I kinda sorta imagine Erasermic the entire time with that one Emperor x Empress Reader x Male Concubine concept. Like. Aizawa as the Emperor and Hizashi as the concubine? Oomph.
Ok so this is definitely not the response you were looking for but when I was reading that Professor Venomous fic the other day WHICH SIDENOTE IS NOW LIVING IN MY HEAD RENT FREE BY THE WAY
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(If you've never heard this man's voice before let me assure you yes the creators ARE trying to make you horny on purpose)
Anyways I was reading that fic and it reminded me how I would watch OK KO and I would think of a sort of reader insert character whatever always kind of popping in and out and sarcastically teasing people or making smart ass remarks towards Venomous and Boxman while they try and fail at villainy and go about their goofy antics and such and I suddenly had that epiphany of "oh wait isn't that just kind of the dynamic i liked about Erasermic, one of them is goofy and weird and the hot one is dark haired and more composed and all growly and shit" because I mean
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like am I having a stroke or do they not have similar energy, like for the love of God BOXMAN AND VENOMOUS LITERALLY GET FUCKING MARRIED (seriously go watch OK KO its actually good though) and also they're both canon bi/pan btw, but like. Is this just the point in my life where I'm being horny for goofy ass weird men or moving towards a phase where I'm more attracted to narrative potential other than outright physical appearance at least in terms of writing things 👀 who knows
That being said I've been thinking of that concubine and emperor x reader idea and idk who I would use in terms of if I substituted characters, it might be fun to go more original, idk.
I thought of this idea of like, what sort of events could be that stereotypical "i didn't even fucking do anything and you're blaming me" and I thought of like, if the male concubine is so incredibly clingy and dying for reader's approval, imagine she catches him like bullying/horribly punishing a servant for a dumb reason and chews him out for him and has him escorted out of her palace and shuts the gates, and he just waits kneeling and calling out for her begging to be let back in, and Reader just completely ignores him because if she can't outright pubish him as the beloved concubine she can at least remove him from her little manor so he won't hurt her servants. And I imagine she tells the guards and other workers to completely ignore him because SURELY he'll eventually leave, right?
Except it starts pouring rain and you get a bad feeling and you rush outside and HE'S STILL THERE, ALL THESE HOURS LATER, SOAKING WET AND SHIVERING. So now fuck, you have to bring him in, and the whole time he's like "I knew you would come for me" and like little pathetic simping shit that makes it obvious he doesn't care about the punishment if he even realized it was one at all and he's just all but purring you pulled him out of the rain because, oh poor thing can't you see he is just cold and shivering? 🥺 is he one of those psychos who would hurt himself for your attention? Maybe, actually, if it works 😩 but of course the stupid little twunk is sick now with a horrible fever and of course who else but the Emperor is showing up "you had him kneel out in the cold until he fell ill? How heartless are you?" When it's like NO HE'S THE ONE WHO DECIDED TO STAY OUT THERE and I imagine the Emperor gives some sort of punishment like "well if you want to be left alone so badly then I suppose you won't need to leave your palace or receive guests for the rest of the season"
Reader has her hands full with all these conniving obsessive little shits 😩
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fortheb0ys · 5 months
No I think the nickname puppy is so cute wtf 😭😭 I love it frfr, I love nicknames sooo much
I love that tho, I don't think that's embarrassing at all. My boyfriend and I make ocs for I favorite fandoms all the time. We have cod ocs, Minecraft ocs, dbd ocs, and even Supernatural ocs ✊😭 I'm so fucking autistic fr, and I got more than those ones
My cod oc and our Minecraft ocs were huge hyperfixations, we talked about them for months. I even have Pinterest boards dedicated to them
Two years ago for my birthday he actually drew my Minecraft oc and posted it on Instagram
Now that I'm looking at his page, a lot of it is oc art and lore for the both of us
(because I think he deserves way more love on his acct and art than he gets, so if you want to see his @ is bones_the_cannibal_ but you DID NOT hear that from me)
I straight up used to cosplay a lot, I was Ticci Toby for Halloween one year, and I was Virgil from Thomas Sanders personality things 🥲 and with how big the cod fandom is, I think cosplaying a cod oc is the least embarrassing thing you could do in this fandom (unless you're one of the weird straight guys that just want girls attention and are shirtless half the time)
I think unmasked Charlie was very silly (/pos) and I love him ✋ tbh, I didn't even really watch your videos in full, just skimmed a few here and there, enough to see your knife skills and lil Philly, so you don't have to be too embarrassed, I didn't see much
Very glad I got to see him 💪huge L to everyone who didn't
I do love nicknames :3 They were gonna nickname me Mutt💀 which Puppy's definitely better in hindsight.
Awww making characters with your bf is sooo cute😭😭 People in relationships who share the same hobbies/interests aaaah its adorable🥺 You guys sound so cute😭 THE CHARACTERS, PININTEREST BOARD AND THE DRAWINGS?!? *kicking and screaming* IT'S SOOO ADORABLE🙏 I LOVE WHEN PPL ARE IN LOVE🥹
I'll be sure to look at his account🫢
My siblings and I always were into the whole character making for fandoms. My earliest memories were my brother going on about his Resident Evil characters so it's no surprise I became the same. Pretty much every fandom I'm into, I have a character for it too😂
I used to cosplay more but adult life kinda took that away. I wish I could do it more often. I just liked making things. Trying to get back into it but it's so expensive🥲
Honestly when I see those straight guys who do the weird phone thrusting vids make me feel sick and the way they're catering to these girls toxic fantasies. Like wtf💀 I've seen SO MANY vids where they're glorifying abuse and people eat that shit up!
The cosplay/cod community kinda freaked me out with all that shit. Like I wasn't even a big creator nor did I do any sexual content and people would still say crazy shit to me. Like nope I can't so this🙅‍♂️
I just did tiktok cause my friends pressured me and that I could share my cosplays with them.
Lol you were the lucky winner to see that side of me and my horrible knife skills😅 Got to see my autism in full swing.
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dtkqer · 7 months
These past few days have made me increasingly more frustrated at other people rather than George. Like he fuxked up no doubt about it. But the shit I'm hearing for unrelated parties and former fuxking close friends of his has made me fuxking sick. Without even contacting george do they come to these conclusions, even after being friends with dream post allegations. It is hypocritical in the sickest way and I'm honestly fuming at the implication that people can't grow or change which has been recently thrown around by Hannah. I try to have empathy for why people act and move the way they do in situations like these, especially if they were blindsided. But honestly I don't fuxking care anymore. My limit has run out. Anyone who switches up on george or dream team without having spoken to them at least once or listened to George's perspective, is a fucking clout chasing moral posturing spineless chameleon who can't fuxking think for themselves and isn't worth dream teams time as a friend if theyre willing to drop them over this. If they really got some tea to spill that fuxking justifies their switching up they better fuxking pay up or hush up..... Ok I'm done... sorry I'm just sad and angry
i get you and i understand this is a vent but like lowkey you gotta step back your parasocialisms a little bit 😭 i am still annoyed by her implication that people cant change and i kinda still think its a touch too performative/hypocritical IN MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION but i really do not blame her for her actions and tbh its not really as big a deal in the grand scheme of things although it is sad... i do wish people would hear him out a bit, understand where hes coming from, and chill the fuck out with some of these insane ass claims but well. no one is obligated to do that and as much as we can sit here and critique peoples responses we cant act like theyre ALSO not doing the best they can out of a shitty situation as content creators and as people like we are as an audience. i was really harsh last night but ultimately we should give most of them grace. except punz.
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
Nobody cares about Sam the way they do Colby, they can pretend to but they don’t. Thats the answer to Colby getting shitted on for any little thing while Sam sometimes does stuff to get people talking and they don’t . Sam subtweets,throws shade at times towards Colby,Kat and other influencers and no one bats an eye.They pretend they don’t see his comments and all the man has to do is delete and not answer anyone that comes at him. He talks about the most disconnected, privileged stuff, some reply and it lands on deaf ears because he doesn’t react and keeps going like no one said anything. He’s blocked people on twitter recently because they brought up his hairline and his flakiness and although those people spoke out, no one cared. Colby has proven time and time again that what people say gets to him, and the bad thing is he responds to it so that feeds the haters and fuels the fire. Its like they get a rise out of getting a reaction from him. As long he keeps feeding into it, they will use anything against him to get a reaction out if him. Its a sick game.
i have a bit of a controversial opinion about sam's fans that i'm gonna save for a later date bc highkey i don't feel like getting into it rn lol
but as for what you said, i think to some degree there are a lot of fans that see sam as this sage, older brother so they listen to him but don't actually take in what he's saying. i think a lot of that has to do with fans being younger and or less experienced in life. so they hear what he's got to say and agree with him outright bc to them he's lived more life. he's more successful and has done more than them so why not listen to him?
but then some of us older/more experienced fans look at what he says and just kinda… blink at it. like, yeah i guess what you said can be true, but that's also not how most ppl's lives work.
i also believe that sam comes across as calm, cool, and collected emotionally and generally. so fans that don't feel that way about themselves think "oh i have to listen to him bc i want to be like that myself." when in reality, sam is a workaholic, emotional mess who's scared of losing his youth but pretends to know what he's doing and constantly works to the bone bc he can't be stagnant long enough to be left alone with his emotions/thoughts.
he's good at hiding all that, for the most part. but if you read between the lines, even for a second, you see the seams falling apart.
i also think you are right about why ppl hate on colby more; colby tries his best to apologize. he interacts with those that hate him, and that in itself garners more haters. they want a reaction and they know they can get one from colby. sam, bc either a) he doesn't care enough to interact or b) doesn't think he did anything wrong, ignores those that send hate his way. he doesn't apologize, he doesn't hash it out. he just says what he wants, and if ppl hate it, he deletes it and never brings it up again. now, idk if that's any better than what colby does, but it definitely works in sam's favor. bc half of the shit colby has been called out for, sam has ALSO done. but bc he doesn't try to fix it or be apologetic, no one remembers it.
as for sam blocking fans, i wish snc would block more of them tbh. some fans go too far, regardless of if they were just trying to be playful or silly or whatever. some say mean shit, so they deserve a block. you don't get to go on a public platform, @ your favorite creators and say mean shit to them and think you can get off scot-free. you ain't besties with them. they don't KNOW YOU. so what you think is a joke just comes across as hate.
and for all the things to yell at sam for, making fun of his hairline (which is something he has made apparent is a sore spot for him) is fucked. to said fans that did that, you deserve the block.
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twodollarhero · 1 year
More like "that demo was sick"-min 4
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So I just got done playing the demo for Pikmin 4 and it was like... REALLY cool!
My relationship with Pikmin has always been kinda weird. I've always merely liked the series a lot, when I've always felt that I should love it. On paper, it's exactly what I love about Nintendo: weird, interesting perspectives on a genre that takes a well-worn concept and makes it clean and accessible. Splatoon is the "Nintendo-ified shooter" just as Pikmin is the "Nintendo-ified RTS" or whatever... so why don't I love Pikmin in the same way that I love something like Splatoon? I really haven't ever been able to put my finger on it. My best guess is that I've never really vibed with the world, the story or the characters. Not because the games have been completely devoid of those things, but there's just enough of a wall of glass between it and me to leave my handprints on the windowpane, begging to be let in. Couple that with one or two too many unfriendly design decisions that have long been innate to the franchise and I think I always come away feeling that Pikmin and I would always be like the couple who date, break up and keep trying because - hey, maybe this time it'll work out.
Like any toxic relationship, Pikmin has done a lot of work on themselves and I really think they've changed this time. Playing the demo for Pikmin 4 has graduated my excitement from a tepid "ah shit here we go again" to actual, factual hype. While it isn't a completely frictionless experience, it solves practically every major problem I've ever had with the franchise and - for once - the glass wall has been shattered and I'm able to tip-toe around the shards on the floor.
First of all, the story setup is actually pretty fucking cool this time around? Look, I get it: diehard Pikmin fans are annoyed that it seemingly retcons the scraps of connected lore the series has had leading up to this point. I can sympathize with that, actually -- it would annoy me if that happened to a franchise whose story or lore I was really invested in. But, looking at it from the outside? I genuinely feel like taking our familiarity with Olimar and using his rescue - and possibly "death"? - as a narrative device to set us out in this new entry is a pretty cool idea! I think it gives people a great jumping on point for Pikmin, which I think absolutely feels like Pikmin 4's mission through-and-through. To the point where they even let you just play as your own character this time around. And while the character creator is simple, I really liked being able to make my own weird little guy for a change. All Pikmin characters look like gross, fleshy homunculi, but this one is mine!
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So yeah, I like having my little weirdo here and I'd love to see yours. But it's the new gameplay additions that really turn my crank. The core of it is still very much Pikmin, but they've added some really nice quality of life stuff into this one in addition to just putting together a really pleasurable loop. You aren't just trying to survive and you aren't even really just trying to rescue -- everything you're collecting feeds into satisfying, measurable improvements. Honestly, just the feedback loop that Oatchi alone provides is satisfying enough to carry it for me: rescue enough lost members of your Rescue Corps (or stranded civilians), earn a point of "Pup Drive" and spend those points to make Oatchi even more useful than he is as a baseline, which is already very fucking useful. Uncover raw materials in the world for the weird scientist dude to turn into interesting traversal applications, puzzle solving applications AND player improvement applications, like new pieces of gear that'll allow you to withstand elemental effects. Rather than needing to forage for food every day, you're instead gathering household items in the name of "Sparklium" to repair your ship, which ultimately just rewards you with new cool areas to explore, i.e. it rewards you with more Pikmin 4. And even just in the demo, you've got an expansive little mini open-world to play in that feels super tight and well designed! But that's before you even touch on the caves.
Oh man, the caves. Apparently this is a returning feature from Pikmin 2, but it's been like 15 years since I've played that game so it feels super fresh to me. Even still, according to Pikipedia, Pikmin 2 only had like 14 caves in total. These feel like Pikmin 4's versions of Shrines in Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom. Little sections of the game that are ripe with rewards, but also super concise little puzzles and challenges that are off the beaten path. And, like Shrines, the sense of elation from seeing one of those blue lids makes me want to stop everything I'm doing to go explore them. The game knows that you'll want to explore them too, by slowing the day's time counter to 1/6th speed. Pikmin 4 has also integrated a system where you can straight up rewind the clock back a few minutes if you want. Like, the game is autosaving every 2-3 minutes and if something crazy happens, you can just rewind back to that previous save state. It's one of those accessibility things that hardcore fans can totally choose not to engage with, but someone like me is happy to have it when I accidentally got all of my Red Pikmin killed and would've been soft locked. It's the little things!
SO ANYWAYS, TL;DR... I really, really dug the Pikmin 4 demo in a way I wasn't expecting. And as someone that was kind of disenfranchised with AAA games - even Nintendo ones - for the first half of 2023... it feels really good to be excited about big budget games again. I love loving stuff.
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innsjovide · 1 year
some misc thoughts about modern horror (especially indie horror video games & internet horror [such as args and whatnot])
tw for discussion of horror topics obv and also my very biased opinions
[please note that my interests are usually peripheral to this stuff and I don't actually consume almost any of it, but I still have opinions on it bc I am an opinionated bitch]
rant under cut
it seems to me that a lot of modern popular horror media follows the same general trends and themes & that this has been happening for the past decade or so
those themes in question being 'sick and twisted horror under the guise of innocence'
this has always been an element of horror obv its not like fnaf invented the idea of making a children's thing creepy but its definitely had a rise in popularity in the past few years
in part bc of fnaf
and now you see it everywhere, its the most prevailing theme in modern horror media.
its in horrible steam games called 'bimbaps playtime' its in every new arg that comes out its in fucking yandere simulator its in everything you see and because its in everything you see there's nothing else interesting
and yes there are interesting things to do with this concept but when its all that's being done then the amount of things you can do with horror based on children's media
like I genuinely thing having horror based on children's media and this pretense of innocence limits the depth of theme you can actually go into bc ur limited by the aesthetics of 'childrens media but with blood'
bc even when you're twisting it into something dark and evil and horrific its still in some capacity got the trappings of children's media. it's limited by the fact its pretending to be something else and that's ugly
and its not like this sort of theme cant work well I mean. religious horror (which I am a huge fan of always) typically does the same thing but with jesus instead of chuckie cheese but idk it works better IMO there's more u can do
its like. we get it. the children's thing is secretly fucked up bc of whatever reason its seems like theres nothing there its just lame
also body horror gets extremely more lame when its a plush/puppet/toy/whatever instead of an actual human being with actual guts. miss me with all that symbolism shit it just doesn't pack the same punch
the inside of a build-a-bear will never illicit the same visceral reaction as actual legit intestines
[little side note obv horror doesnt need to be gory to be effective but theres something to be said about how the lack of actual violence against humans tones down the horror]
[little side note 2 I am mostly referencing the welcome home arg with this point and also fnaf and those are 2 separate things bc I'm pretty sure that imitation gore is not what the wh creator is trying to do with their story (their project actually seems pretty well written for this genre) and ik fnaf has actual gore but its lame and all kinda the same concept IMO (machine stabs u or whatever) also I hate fnaf and all the terrible things its done to this genre]
these projects seem to be lacking some of the things that make horror such an evocative genre. things such as themes. and social commentary. and things that are actually scary instead of just jumpscares
it all just seems so vacant and stupid and I also hate the culture around having to dig around for the actual secrets of a story. arg culture has done a lot for internet culture and unfortunately that is one of the annoying things. the actual plot of ur thing should not be hidden in ASCII art in the code of ur development blog
idk man I guess I just cant take ur horror concept seriously when the thing I'm supposed to be afraid of looks like a funko pop
the genre just seems so confining rn and I know that's bc this sort of stuff is extremely popular bc it appeals to people who want lighthearted stuff in addition to horror content but its just so fucking. lame.
horror for children is lame and bad. its too violent for children and too simple for adults (at least adults who enjoy actually thought out stories) and all the horror that's really popular rn is. pretty much just horror for children
cj innsjovide is pissed off bc modern horror/horror for children lacks themes and stories bc its. for children. also fnaf still sucks
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yanderecandystore · 2 years
So I've been sick since Thursday from last week, and I haven't had enough brain matter to write or do anything so I gave in into my impulses and started using an website with an AI that lets me talk with character from other creators and allows me to create my own chats.
But I didn't consider the amount of privacy, or the lack thereof, that I would get from talking with someone else's Chat, so there I was, acting like an gremlin Y/n until the creator came AND WROTE IN THE CHAR'S MESSAGE complimenting my writing.
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I kinda said thank you?? I don't know if I said thank you, I'm so sorry if I didn't say thank you, I think I panicked because I didn't know people could just enter in and watch me be, admittedly, a whore🗿
Like I'm glad you liked my writing but also HOLY SHIT HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE-
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somelazyassartist · 2 months
Considering making the move to just stop using Etsy altogether and just make my own website to sell things, but I'm not sure it's a very good idea with how small my shop is...... Vent under cut bc I'm just kinda stressed out about the general state of things in life rn but the shop thing is just stressing me out the most in this specific current moment.
So like, Etsy's really nice for organization and management, and you get a way larger audience because people can find you through searches, and they don't take fees away from you until you've made a sale which is all good for me as a small creator, but. I am sooooooo sick of the stupid content policies that ban a good chunk of my queer art as NSFW when it's not (and you know what? Maybe I wanna make outright NSFW art too!! I'm ace but drawing bodies and characters interacting like that and stuff is just fun for me!! I think it's neat and interesting to express artistically and also I think being horny is fine and cool!! But every fuckin place I could've made a living off that is banning it and my SFW queer stuff too and I'm just so sick of it).
I just want to finally make my own place where I can sell my normal art AND my horny fagdyke weirdo art, instead of "oh you can find my merch on this site but my art on this site and my writing on this site and my NSFW on this site blah blah blah" I'm SICK OF IT I just want one place I don't have to fucking redirect everybody to a million places because their content policies are all over the fucking place!!!!! The only thing is that I'm broke as shit because I'm disabled and this is my only way to work currently, and the place I was looking at making a website on (bc I know an artist I like a lot sells NSFW stuff through there) costs like $15 a month, which is a lot to me!!!
I'm trying to get a fuck ton of old inventory out of my house because I can't afford to get much new stuff for my shop without those funds, but my shop generally only gets traffic when I add new items to said shop, so when I get to that point where I can't afford to get new shit all my activity just plummets completely, and if I can barely keep up with purchasing new inventory how am I gonna purchase new inventory AND pay $15 a month just to run the damn site???? Plus I just have other things I need to spend money on like medical supplies and funds to help my gf move and my monthly credit card payments and it's just like!!! I am not that bad off currently and I am fine and I am not in debt and I can mostly handle it but it is stressful is all!!!!
I kinda wanna just like. Do a massive fucking "leaving Etsy" sale and slash all the prices down WAY lower than usual to try to get some of the old stuff out and save up money to put up my own new site with new merch and hopefully redirect traffic there afterwards, but also I know logically that's a horribly impulsive move to make and would probably land me in a worse spot than ever without the proper planning to do something like that. But oh my god it's tempting right now.
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Been reading this blog and gotta say something. I was in the reverse big bang and honestly good for the creator for getting out of this fandom with their sanity intact. Gonna take cue from the admin anon and avoid naming them cuz I hope they manage to stay out of this fandoms line of fire for good now that they cut all ties. Like anon hate and threats?? Really people??? Everyone who did that or encouraged it should be ashamed, idc how upset they were, that is not ok ever. People out here talking about “trauma” from speaking out on this fandom when shit like that happened. No wonder they didn’t feel safe here anymore. it was a fun event while it lasted and I really believe they did their best and broke under the pressure. Some of the people there were annoying af and really demanding of their attention so i’m not surprised they snapped. It looked stressful. Maybes I should take a page from their book and find out if it’s possible to block an entire fandom cuz I’m sick of this. Nobody ever seem to consider the possibility that everyone was wrong in that situation and they all acted poorly and both sides of the aisle got hurt regardless of who was “””””right””””” like ffs Its not a competition for who got hurt worst and that goes for any drama in this fandom. sometimes it can be bad for everyone involved and things really would be better if people could just apologize to each other and let go. Instead they cling on their pride and insist there’s a correct side. When everybody here run out of people to hate will they hate themselves?
I understand your point of view and I have to agree. In some or most of the situations everything looks like a big competition instead of just be humble and say "I made a mistake I'm sorry" and that's it. But at the same time feel kinda impossible to ask that for people who does/have that kinda of behavior and hide behind of a computer scream :/
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citrusandbergamot · 6 years
do people ever get tired of being critical?
like, it’s so endless. so needless. take the bad with the good, I mean, come on. like, type in RWBY into the youtube search bar and half the videos are reaction ones about why RWBY sucks now, ‘why I stopped watching’ blah blah blah. 
like, I get being frustrated and being annoyed that your expectations are not met but seriously
no piece of media is perfect to all people. it just isn’t. it’s really easy for something to feel awesome when it’s new. few things end stronger than they begin. Few things have a strong ending, period. But being so goddamn down on stuff makes the creators feel like shit. It makes people not want to finish things. 
You know what’s worse than a character death you hate? A show/series never, ever having a conclusion, something just...drifting away. Like, I don’t super love the ending of Naruto. I actually really dislike it and what’s happened in the sequel. I don’t like most of what JKR has come out and said since the ending of HP. And I fucking hated the epilogue. Words cannot express how much I disliked it. 
Can you imagine the agony if those stories had never actually ended? If they had given up, halfway through? Good god, it’d be awful, just awful. The what if, the endless what if. Do you think people are going to love the end of Rebuild? Do you think it can possibly match the expectations that have been building all this time? Eva fans want it to be perfect; they want it to be exactly as good as they imagine. Is it any wonder why it’s been delayed so long? The whole damn thing is probably torture for Anno. Do you think the ending of One Piece is going to satisfy its millions of fans? Maybe, maybe not. And that world is so rich, so complex, so consistent, so deep. It still has to end, eventually. If it’s not everything you want it to be, will that sour all the joy it brought to you before? 
Can you name for me things that have met your expectations and exceeded them? things that ended as strong as their original promise, their beginning? 
endings are weird, always. Even great endings, there’s often something that feels unfinished. There’s always a let down, it’s just the way that stories are shaped. Eventually the plot twists and the motivations and the consequences have to end, the camera has to stop rolling. Things that feel flat or disappointing sometimes just feel that way because we don’t want things to end, or because we want things to go the way we’ve expected them to. Like, I remember being so disappointed in Revenge of the Sith. And yeah, some of that comes from I think valid criticism of the pacing and emotional depth of the story, but in the end, I’m glad to have had that story, I’m glad to have the prequels. Shitting on them endlessly, needlessly, doesn’t do a damn thing to change it. It only generates more negativity and shitty, reactionary behaviour and stifles creativity, and makes the people involved in the project feel like shit. It doesn’t feel great inside either, all that negativity. Like, what’s the fucking point?
And sometimes endings take a while to settle. Sometimes, it takes awhile to really understand that it was the only way a story could end. I loved the way Life on Mars ended, but I know my brother absolutely hated it. I didn’t like the way Fight Club ended when I first saw it, but it grew on me and now I cite it as a brilliant, brilliant ending. I hate the depressive way Rogue One ends, but that last sequence with Darth Vader is one of my favourite scenes in the Star Wars universe. I actually think Return of the King has a terrible ending, but I understand why Peter Jackson chose it and it still makes me cry. I don’t think having the scouring of the shire would elicited the same emotional reaction. Trainspotting has always been perfect though. I think Supernatural should have ended in season 5, but if it did, we wouldn’t have had the bunker, or Abaddon, or Charlie, or season 8, or the way Jared looks right now, or Sam’s like, complete mental torture since season 6. ...season 4?? And all that shit has been awesome, to varying degrees. All that shit has brought some enjoyment, even if mostly (for me) as fuel for fanfiction. ((It’s brought about other things, more negative and terrible as well. Supernatural fandom would not be this way had it ended in season 5 and the fandom is so goddamn abusive and toxic it’s hard to talk about the good points of the show without bringing that up. But that’s not the show itself per se.))
And yeah, things sometimes live way past their expiration date. I really hate when Sam and Dean have the same old conversation - I want my characters to change. But i also know that other people don’t feel the same way - they want Sam and Dean to always be SamandDean. Take FMA. I think Brotherhood is tighter, more cohesive story. I think the 2003 version is darker, less simplistic, but with a lot more strife between the characters. Which has better growth? The one with the deeper plot/conspiracy and triumphant, satisfying ending? Or the one with the heavier consequences for the individual characters and more ambiguous ending? I love me some Brotherhood, I love it a lot. But remember what happens to Scar and Liore in 2003? Remember who killed Winry’s parents? Remember the final fight with Sloth? Do you remember the final fight with Sloth? Holy shit, holy shit. So I thought Dante was kinda a weak villain. Is that the only thing that matters? 
Like....I’m pretty glad I live in a world with both versions. And I really cannot say which one is better, as each has their faults. Being needlessly critical of creative choices is just so exhausting and....well, childish.  
Youtube tried to recommend a vid about why Captain Marvel is going to cause the downfall of the MCU. And I’m like....????? it hasn’t even come out yet???? To be that critical before even seeing it?? It’s just plain misogyny  entitlement packaged up as ‘intellect’. 
No show is going to stay exactly the same. What RWBY was pre-volume 3 is impossible to return to: the world is different post-fall of Beacon. The structure of the characters world, their expecations, their security, their drives...it’s all different now. The show is bigger, has a bigger budget, has better animation. The story, with the world building and the multiple factions and a clearer look at the end game, is so beyond what it was at the start, where everything was new, where Cinder was still mystery and seemingly all-powerful, where we didn’t know what was possible in the world. Where a goddamn Nevermore was the biggest Grimm they’d ever seen. Where Monty was still alive. 
The show is going to be different. Different is not bad. Maybe they lost some of the potential but of course it’s going to, because it had to choose a path forward, it couldn’t stay exactly the same...! How could it have? I miss things about the early seasons a lot, but it worked because they could move the plot at a snail’s pace. Remember all those eps about Jaune being bullied? Remember all that shit with the dog and going to class and becoming friends. It was light-hearted and happy-go lucky and that made the action scenes pop and our favourite villain was campy and charismatic and not actually the one in control at all. Now we have darkness on all sides and the mysteries have been revealed for the dangers they actually are, and the emotional scenes and the connection between the characters and their resolve is the only thing that can push back against that darkness. Do I wish it was a little darker at times? Yes, yes I do. But it was always going to be a little simplistic. 
It’s a web-series about teenagers. Chill the fuck out, you aren’t entitled to shit. 
yes this is about Adam Taurus can you tell, if people couldn’t see it coming I don’t know what to tell you. If you couldn’t see it coming, we haven’t been watching the same show. 
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