#I'm out of tags aaaah
the-au-queen · 1 year
Our Transfer Student Can’t Be This Cute! (1/?)
Giftee: @vindhler Rating: Teen and Up (some cussing) Words: 2644 Pairings: Adrinette, later JuleRose as well Warnings: None Beta reader: @faunusroman Event: @mlsecretsanta
Prefer AO3? Here you go! It includes me rambling about stuff in the notes.
Summary:  When a new transfer student from Shanghai arrives, Adrien gets assigned to guide her around. In his purely objective opinion, she's unbelievably cute. Also, Chat Noir makes friends with a trickster. Bonheur Rouge is not amused.
“Everyone, please welcome your new transfer student, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Mlle Bustier led a small girl with black hair into the classroom. “While she is half French, she lived her whole life in China with her family and only speaks Chinese. Please be nice to her, and help her if she needs anything.” 
The girl bowed and smiled. 
“Now, about your seat…” Mlle Bustier pointed at a seat behind Adrien. “M. Agreste speaks Chinese. He can help you if you need it.” 
Adrien watched the girl pass him and sit behind him. He turned around and smiled. “Welcome to our class. The teacher said you can ask me if you need anything, since I speak Mandarin.”
Marinette looked surprised, but returned the smile. Oh god, she was cute. “Thank you. It’s nice knowing I’m not completely alone in here. I didn’t expect anyone to speak Mandarin.”
“Yeah, it’s not a common language to learn.”
Marinette looked like she wanted to ask more, but Mlle Bustier called for attention and began the class. Adrien reluctantly turned back and focused on the lesson instead. He wouldn’t have minded talking with Marinette some more.
“..... and here’s the cafeteria. The food’s pretty good here, but you can bring your own, too.”
Marinette nodded and took a curious look around. “It’s much smaller than in Shanghai.”
Adrien laughed. “I can imagine. Let me show you the locker rooms next.”
“That sounds nice.” Marinette smiled and walked along with him. “Say, why did you learn Mandarin? Do you like the country?”
“Oh.” Adrien tried not to show the uncomfortableness show. “My father made me learn it. He said it’s a useful skill to have.”
Marinette seemed to have sensed his unease, because she elbowed him lightly. “Hey, it has some use now! I’m glad you’re here to help me.” And in that moment, Adrien’s heart was stolen.
“Thanks.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I can also show you around Paris, if y-” He was interrupted by his phone beeping with an akuma alert. Really? Right now? He looked back at Marinette, who still smiled innocently. Right. She didn’t know about them. She just moved here.
“That was an akuma alert.” He explained. “We’re kinda dealing with a supervillain around here. He akumatises people when they feel angry or sad. This one is…” He glanced at his phone. “... pretty close. We have superheroes like Bonheur Rouge and Chat Noir to deal with them, but we better get to safety nonetheless. It can get pretty crazy.”
Marinette nodded, looking a bit confused, but determined. “Okay. We will get to safety.”
“Yeah. You, uh-” Adrien tried to think of a reason to separate. He had to help Bonehur Rouge, and she wasn’t fond of him being late. “You go hide in the toilets. I’ll check if our class is safe.”
“If you say so.” Marinette looked unsure, but still ran off to the toilets. Adrien sighed in relief. Good, now to find a place to transform.
“Plagg?” He whispered to his inner shirt pocket. “Are you awake?”
“Wide awake and ready to go, boy!” The kwami peeked out of the pocket. “Just say the word.”
Adrien ducked into an unused classroom. “Plagg, transform me!”
Chat Noir hopped from roof to roof and landed next to Bonheur Rouge.
“Kitty reporting for duty.” He grinned at her. She only rolled her eyes. “What kind of akuma are we dealing with?”
Bonheur regarded the chaos below them with a calculated look. “It seems like a tree based akuma. He’s been rooting people in place, quite literally. Everyone hit grows roots from their legs and can’t move.”
Chat Noir shuddered. He loved the freedom that came with his powers. He was forced to stay in one place against his will often enough that he absolutely did not want to get hit by that guy.
“Any thoughts on the item?”
“I haven’t gotten that close to him yet, but I think he’s holding it in his right hand. He’s not letting go of whatever it is, so it’s fairly obvious.”
“Alright.” Chat bounced and got ready to jump down and fight the akuma, but Bonheur held him back by pulling on his tail.
“What did I tell you about his powers? If you’re hit, I’ll be all by myself.”
Chat placed his hand on his chest in mock hurt. “You wound me, Bonheur. I’m a nimble cat. I’d never get hit like that.” 
She raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Okay, maybe sometimes I get hit. But not by this guy! He’s my absolute nightmare!”
“If you say so.” She let go of his tail. “Be careful. I will need your Cataclysm.”
“Yes, Mademoiselle.” He saluted at her and jumped off. On the ground, he was met with people janking at their feet or trying to take their shoes off, trying to escape the roots holding them in place.
“Ah, Chat Noir,” a deep voice rang out, and when he turned, he could see the akuma approaching. 
It was a weird concoction of man and tree, his left arm transformed into a branch that grabbed people and made them grow roots. His right arm, the one that was holding the item, was the most human looking thing about him, but everything else just gave Chat the creeps. Covered in bark, the man couldn’t move much, except for the left arm that grabbed people. But not moving much didn’t mean he wasn’t fast. His left arm grew at will and sometimes even grabbed several people at once. 
“I am Racineur. Welcome to my forest.” 
Chat jumped on a mailbox when the arm branch lashed out to grab him.
“Sorry, this kitty prefers to run around.” 
He jumped from object to object –a car, a fire hydrant, another car, a lamppost, a trapped person’s head, a café umbrella– each time elegantly escaping the branch that was trying to take hold of him. It was effective for not getting grabbed, but he couldn’t get any closer. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he could spot Bonheur struggling similarly. It seemed like Racineur had more than just his arm to trap people. She didn’t even have enough time to call for her Lucky Charm. He was this close to just using Cataclysm on the ground to give them some breathing time when a giggle distracted him.
“Need help?”
Chat almost fell from the lamppost that he had just landed on. He spotted a girl in white, sitting on a nearby windowsill, seemingly undisturbed by the whole chaos. How was she so calm? She almost looked like she enjoyed watching the two heroes struggle.
“Who are you?” 
Chat barely escaped Racineur’s branch and landed on another car, briefly looking back to see the previous car he had stood on grow roots from its tires. Chat had enough of this and decided to jump on the window sill the girl was sitting on. Her legs were crossed leisurely, and she watched Racineur with a hint of amusement. 
Her face was covered by a white half mask with pointy ears, and Chat could see whiskers painted on her cheeks. The eye holes on her mask were lined with black eyeliner and one spot of red on each corner of her eye. Above them were two thick black spots, probably because the mask covered her eyebrows. Her top seemed to be some kind of variant of Asian traditional clothing. 
Chat remembered seeing some similar clothes pictured in the decorations of some Chinese restaurants, the kind with overly long sleeves that covered the hands and seemed generally impractical. He couldn’t quite remember the name of that particular piece of clothing, but he could always ask his Mandarin teacher some time. 
Her top stopped shortly below her chest and the rest of her torso was wrapped in a broad sash. The sash held up a pair of wide pants that were stuck in leather boots that had bells attached at the top of them. Chat could spot two more bells dangling off the ornamental hair sticks in her almost ribbon shaped updo. From her get up, he would guess that she was another hero, but what kind of hero just watched as people were being terrorized by the minion of a supervillain? 
“Why are you just sitting there? Don’t you have anything better to do?”
“Oh, how rude.” The grin didn’t leave her face. “I was just holding back, since I didn’t want to get in the way of the local authorities.” 
Was she kidding him? Any help would be appreciated. Bonheur wouldn’t complain either. 
She must have been reading his mind, since she gave him a look. “My powers are the type that can confuse friend and foe alike. So it would be detrimental, had I just done what I thought would be best.” 
Fine, he’d give her that point. His thoughts were interrupted when Racineur spotted them again, and he had to leap out of the way. The strange heroine just jumped one floor up to the next windowsill. Chat could see three tails trailing after her, attached to her top. He still couldn’t quite grasp why she was so calm about this, but just as he landed next to her, ready to grill her, Bonheur landed on the windowsill as well.
“What are you doing? This is no time to stand around and chat!” Her eyes fell on the heroine in white. “Oh.” She narrowed her eyes. “And who are you?”
“You may call me Hu Shen.” Hu Shen…. fox god. Hu Shen let her legs dangle. “I am new to this city. I thought I’d lend my power.” Bonheur looked like she was about to ask something, but they were once again interrupted by Racineur reaching for them.
“Let’s go somewhere else,” Bonheur conceded. “We can’t talk like this, and we do need to talk.”
“Great!” Hu Shen smiled. “Follow me!” And she was off. Bonheur and Chat had no choice but to follow.
“What’s with her?” Bonheur’s voice was low, but Chat could still hear her. “Wouldn’t we pick a spot to talk? Why is she just taking the lead like that? Who does she think she is?” 
Chat had no answer for that either. 
Hu Shen landed on the railing of a small roof garden somewhere close to their school and made an inviting gesture.
“Make yourselves comfortable.”
Bonheur looked skeptical. “What about the civilians that live here? Won’t we be discovered?”
Hu Shen giggled. “I’ve come here plenty of times. We’re safe.”
“I don’t see what’s so funny about all this.”
“How serious you are, of course!” She pushed Bonheur’s shoulder. “No one’s dying! We can relax for a little.”
“No one’s dying?!” Now she had done it. Bonheur was furious. “We��re in the middle of an akuma attack and you tell us to relax because ‘no one’s dying’?! Are you insane?!” 
Chat couldn’t understand how Hu Shen could meet Bonheur’s furious gaze and still smile like nothing was wrong. 
“You have five seconds to explain yourself or else I’m leaving. I’ve got civilians to save.”
“Oh, Bonheur.” Hu Shen was at Bonheur’s other side in an instant. How did she move so fast? “You need to learn how to enjoy life. Live the fox way.” 
Bonheur lashed out at her, but she jumped up and Bonheur’s arm only met air. 
“I didn’t help because my power is tricky. If the ally doesn’t know about my illusions, it can only waste time, instead of giving them a chance to trick the enemy.” 
Chat heard the faint ringing of bells behind him and whipped around to see her drop down on the railing again. 
“Who knows, you might have even attacked me, if I joined the fight without introducing myself. Which I suppose I should do.” She bowed deeply, meeting their eyes with a playful grin. Chat noticed that she had slit eyes, just like him. “Hu Shen, the white fox, trickster, illusionist, lady of tricks and benevolence alike. At your service.”
Chat saw his opportunity and returned the bow with one of his own. “Chat Noir, master of destruction and puns.” He winked at her. “Purr-leased to meow-t you.”
“Not another one of you,” Bonheur groaned. “Fine, we know you now. Let’s get back to Racineur. You tell us what you’re gonna do, and we use the confusion to take his item. But I don’t trust you yet.”
Hu Shen tilted her head, the bells attached to her hair ornaments ringing quietly. “The fox is never fully trusted. A wise judgement, Bonheur Rouge.” She pulled a flute out of her sash and twirled it. “Where do you hide a tree? The forest.” 
She set the flute to her lips and played a melody made out of strong, playful notes. A red fog formed at the end of her flute and she took it off her lips, whipping the fog down at the ground. Bonheur and Chat materialized. Then again. And again. And again. Over and over, until even the roof couldn’t fit them any more. She flicked her flute and one by one, the pairs departed, presumably towards the akuma. Chat had to admit, he was impressed. 
Hu Shen bowed once more. “If you need any further help, please request so, within the next five minutes.”
“No, thank you.” Bonheur watched the last fake Chat and Bonheur depart. “This is as far as my trust goes. I appreciate your help, but we need to go now, before Racineur sees through the ruse.” She nodded at Chat. “Let’s go.” Chat watched her jump off the roof and turned to Hu Shen one last time.
“She’s just cautious.” Hu Shen shrugged, as if it didn’t bother her. “But if you ever need a partner in crime, just ask this cat. I’m always up for some mischief.”
“The white fox and the black cat, huh?” Hu Shen hid a sly smile behind one of her long sleeves. “I look forward to it.” 
She bowed, and moments later she was gone, jumping from roof to roof before dropping down in some alley. Chat watched her disappear, then made off after Bonheur. Time to test those illusions of hers.
The illusions worked perhaps a bit too well. Sometimes, he wasn’t even sure which the real Bonheur was, until Racineur managed to get one of them, only for her to turn into red smoke. Several times he shouted out to his partner, only to realise she was somewhere else entirely. He started to get why Hu Shen didn’t help immediately. 
He was about to push one of the Bonheurs out of Racineur’s reach, when a red yo-yo wrapped itself around Racineur’s human arm and a triumphant Bonheur snatched the item, a self made bookmark, out of his hand and tore it in half. Racineur transformed back into a young man, and after Bonheur cast her cure, the people hit by him were rid of their roots. Chat even spotted one guy so happy, he kissed his own freed feet.
“What happened?” The young man that was Racineur looked around in confusion, “My tree…. Where is my tree?”
“You were akumatized,” Bonheur explained calmly. 
Usually, akuma victims felt better after she had cast her cure, but this man only looked distraught. Chat gave her a look of ‘I’ll handle this’ when he heard her earrings beep. He hadn’t used his Cataclysm, so he had more time than her. He kneeled down next to the man and rested one hand on his shoulder.
“Do you remember what set you off?”
“They cut down my tree!” The young man’s lip trembled. “Just to make space for some condos!” It seemed like Chat would be here for a while. This wasn’t something easily solvable. He offered the man a hand.
“Let’s get some coffee. You look like you need it.”
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hereforlou · 1 year
anyone wants to send me a prompt? i’m spiraling lol
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colorousme · 8 months
*feels unsatisfied by The Witcher season 3 and the way it was told and edited and how everything in the end feels the farthest from earned anything could ever be* Hmm I better watch 15 different hour-long video essays about it so I can understand what it is Exactly that makes me so angry and unsatisfied about this show!
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prnster · 2 years
sniff sniff sob i have sm stuff i just wanna get done </3
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an-asuryampasya · 2 years
...I was beginning to think that hey, maybe I was too harsh on insti and maybe the whole 'hindi hegemony' thing wasn't that bad. because you know, absence makes the heart fonder or whatever.
well nevermind, I was absolutely justified because WHY would the convocation form need my name written in both English and Hindi otherwise. ._.
(also the hindi script writer thingy on the uni website, predictably, sucks. so that's fun too.)
#hindi isn't my language‚ nor is it that language of the state my uni is in‚ and the official medium of instruction is english#hindi should have ZERO impact on my forms#but nOOOO they need it in hindi#aaaah who am i kidding my uni even has an official hindi name and whole dept to translate stuff into hindi#*a whole dept just to translate#but my bigger gripes were always about the hegemonical power hindi held in student communities#tbh my hindi has atrophied since school so i'm pretty sure i wouldn't get the spelling of my name right#but annoyingly enough i DO have the right spelling because i needed it when i was applying to some other uni the other day#and asked a friend to help me out#WHAT is it with national institutes and this hindi imposition ://#i mean i know what‚ but it still sucks#BUT on a more lighthearted note my graduation ceremony is coming closer aaaaaaah#i'll get to visit campus one last time as a student#man i miss that place after all#second-year-me always figured i'd leave with no love lost for that place#but i'm glad things got better even if it means i'll probably sigh wistfully about that place for the rest of my life#insti my beloved#placeholder tag#hey if i graduate maybe i'll finally stop ranting about hindi so much! i swear i was never so vitriolic about the language until uni#and if my plans work out and i get into the place i wanna go next#well i won't have any right to grumble so much since hindi will be the local language of the city and therefore justifiably common#see? i can be reasonable#i have no issues with the language when it's in a hindi-speaking region#...but no promises#maybe i should start making these private because it feels kinda rude to thrust this on someone's dash tho#okay thrust is a terrible word#like 'moist'#or maybe i'm just saying that because rqg ruined them both for me#OKAY stopping now before i go off on another tangent
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inkykeiji · 1 month
can you do touya nii headcannons?? (swf +nsfw ;) ) PS i fucking love ur work so much keep it up <3
aw thank you so much!!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ i am beyond happy to hear that u enjoy my writing!!! <33 aH okay so like,, i feel like just ‘headcanons’ is sooo broad + vague and i’ll probably just end up giving you a character summary LMAO (,,>﹏<,,) but if you’ve ever got anything more specific you’d like to know pls never hesitate to send it my way!! <33
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you-will-return · 1 year
Thanks for tagging me @man-made-misery @necessarytragedies and @jupiter-balls :) I'm supposed to post my lockscreen, the last pic I took, the last song I was listening to and the last pic I saved so here we go:
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(Yeaaaah very esc and bc heavy but I don't think anyone is surprised abt this lol, also it's the 4th last pic I took bc I'm really not in the mood to doxx myself today sooo you're getting the courtyard of my second favourite venue 😊, also I'll take this opportunity to say: 2014 is literally one of the best recent esc years.)
Aaaaah idk who to tag so if you feel like doing this (or redoing it) THIS IS YOUR SIGN!
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woozisdronecamera · 1 year
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izuke-the-zombie · 6 months
🌸Sorry for the long ass absent guys 🫠 family and holidays have been crazy😮‍💨
I recently came across this short monkie kid wild West AU fanfic
It's short but it's really good, And it sort of got me in the mood to sketch or at least redraw the two mystic monkeys cowboy outfits again
I really wasn't sure whether to give Mac, purple boots or just black boots you can kind of see it in the first pick faded Mac.
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🌸🐎🐴✨But I don't think I've seen anyone draw them with horses or write something about it, so I'm going to be the first one to do it! (I don't know how to draw them sitting on horses, so bear with me here.)😗💦 I know I put the scar on the wrong side of the Smokey Horse. My bad, let's just pretend it's on the right side.LOL😅🪷
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😽💕I headCannon that when those two summon their horses together, they get really affectionate. The sheriff's horse is more like a big old golden retriever, playful and mischievous, and rarely ever listens to its owner. While over here, Mac's is more well-behaved and obedient, and they can get quite sassy sometimes. I'm not sure what to call it. It's hard to separate those two, so they try not to summon them at the same time.
They're also very affectionate to the monkeys especially the opposite ones.🐶🐎✨💕
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😄I want a scenario where they let the horses stay instead of just poofing them out of existence so MK/MEI can play with the horses just a bit longer since they were begging them by giving them the puppy dog eyes (especially on Mei's side; she's a horse girl fan), and after a long while, the sheriff notices that his horse Nimbus was acting a little more strange and protective over the Smokey horse, letting them eat first, and just never leaving their side. All sorts of strange behavior on the Nimbus side. All he ever notices from the shadow horse is that they were a little sluggish, but he doesn't think too much of it.😗🤠🐵
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🌟Until one day, BAM! This little cutie came into the world as a precious, adorable little cinnamon roll, prancing around like it owns the world.🧁😽🌎✨
🐎There's stupidly protective over this little guy.👿😡🦄🐴☀️🌙🌠
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🐴And there's a huge problem. This little guy is clumsy as heck. He's new and everything, so of course he is, but he likes to adventure out without his horsey parents knowing or anyone else, and he loves playing games like tag his favorite, but because he's so clumsy, he causes damage that MK or his mentors have to fix, so everyone has to be on high alert and watch over the little rascal. LMAO 🐎🍼💥💕✨
🌸I hope you enjoyed this, I certainly had fun drawing this I wish there was more wild West monkeys fics there's some freaking cute💕✨
💥Aaaah! I love these freaking cow monkeys 😆💖
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urfriendlywriter · 1 year
" oh, shit. I'm in love with you ?? " prompts:
(feel free to use <3 @urfriendlywriter | req by @president--namjoon yall 6th, 7th omg 17th, and 19th yall tag me when u write! )
absent-mindedly playing with their hair.
smiling a little too much around them
wanting to do things for them [ie. gifts, surprises, writing letters etc etc]
having them hug you tight
them running into your arms
catching them lost in your eyes. AAAAH.
glancing at them when they aren't looking at you. and thinking oh shit im screwed for life.
wanting to capture that smile of theirs.
accidental touches and then thinking about it for days.
platonic forehead kisses starting to give u the feels. LIKE ITS SOMETHING MAGICAL.
"is that really all 'A' is to you?"
trusting each other with your lives.
when they aren't hesitant to defend you in your absence
they laugh at your 'not-so-funny' jokes.
always wondering what the other will do in your situation
"your smile brings me so much joy." >>>
tight hugs where both/either of you feel super safe in.
having them give something of importance to them for you, as a gift (ie. "oh this is a necklace my late mum owned.. she always wanted me to gift this to someone i cherish.. have it. :)" )
the moment of eye-contact from across the room that magically blurs everyone out of the world. it's just u two.
a third person pointing out how beautiful they're and suddenly you're seeing them in a different light (shalalallalaaa)
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mimimui · 11 months
hellooo i saw your 'genshin men asking for a kiss' and i loved it sm your writing is amazing <333
can i request relationship headcanons for the genshin men. specifically alhaitham but idm who else you add
stay cool and have a good day/night :)
genshin boys as your boyfriend
includes: alhaitham, scaramouche, kazuha, diluc, kaeya, childe, xiao
tags: established relationship, endearments, fluff, not proofread, non-mortal/adeptus reader in xiao's
a/n: thank you so much ♡⸜(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)⸝♡ aaaah i am back after being mia..! the writers block is beating me up so hard rn + its 3am :') i wrote each part in different time frames so the writing might seem inconsistent aghuahgu i hope its still ok :( anyways, as always .. enjoy !
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he asked you to be his s/o while you were playing tcg together. you were in the middle of your turn when he asked you, and it'd be an understatement to say you were shocked.
(y/n): i'll use this support ca- alhaitham: will you be my s/o? (y/n): what? (shocked) alhaitham: what? (questioning)
while alhaitham is a bit aloof, he does loves teasing you. he would hide your things and help you look for the lost item like he doesn't know where it is.
when you're eating outside, he would step on your feet under the table. you can confront him about it all you want, but he will keep acting innocent.
if he's standing behind you, be wary because he might just throw his coat over your head as a joke, and then act like he did nothing.
alhaitham: do you want help putting on my coat? (y/n): seriously, haitham? alhaitham: yes? i'm seriously asking if you want my help.
when it comes to cooking, he'd leave you to do it. alhaitham would rather look forward to a meal you cook rather than a meal he helped make.
dinners are usually quiet, but if you want to tell him about the person that skipped in front of you in line today, then he's all ears.
the first time he told you he loved you, you were giving him a gift. you were smiling so brightly when giving it to him that he didn't know whether to be thankful for the gift or for you.
or at least you think that was the first time he said he loved you.
it was actually when you were asleep the first time you slept over. a very meaningful "i love you" was whispered softly in your ear.
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he brought you somewhere with a nice view. he grabbed your hand without warning, and when you asked him where he was taking you, he said, "no need to be nervous, just want you to see something."
(y/n): thank you for bringing me here, scara. scaramouche: you're my s/o, there is no need to thank me. (y/n): i'm your s/o...? scaramouche: are you not informed about that or what?
it turns out that scaramouche planned to ask you a long time ago, and from the amount of times he's rehearsed in his head, his mind convinced him that he already asked you.
you laughed at him when you witnessed the moment he realized he forgot to actually ask you. he huffed at your reaction.
he acts annoyed whenever you ask to try on his hat, but his actions contradict his words as he places it on your head.
scaramouche: there are a lot of places where you can get hats, i don't even know (places hat on your head) why you want mine. (y/n): :D scaramouche: if it falls, i'll laugh at you. (y/n): >:(
scaramouche would make you food if you ask him to. he's glad to do it, but he wouldn't want you to thank him. he thinks thanking him for things he's happy to do is a waste of effort.
it's somewhat his unspoken rule to never leave you alone at the table. even if he doesn't join you for the meal, he'd sit down just to accompany you while you eat.
he denied it when you heard him tell you he loved you. the three words escaped his lips when you were busy picking fruits together. or, rather, you were the one picking fruits while he holds them.
you asked him to repeat what he said, but he was quick to reply with "it'd be a waste of effort to repeat what i said."
but he knows. and you know. you both know he loves you.
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while he was out on sea, he wrote you a letter asking you to be his. along with all the other letters he wrote you, he made sure this was was sent out especially.
(y/n): welcome back, kazuha! about your letter... kazuha: yes, what about it? (y/n): my answer is yes. kazuha: i'm glad. thank you, (y/n).
he loves taking you out on adventures. even when he doesn't have a certain goal in mind for the day, kazuha will always find an excuse to bring you along with him.
you will always find him surrounding himself in nature. thanks to his extraordinary sense of hearing, he enjoys being outside even more. the world has a lot to offer.
one day, you ask him what his favorite sound of nature is. immediately, without fail, his reply is 'your voice', which you're flustered by.
(y/n): that doesn't even make any sense... i asked about your favorite sound of nature. kazuha: the world is full of nature, correct? (y/n): your point being? kazuha: you're my favorite sound of nature because you are my world, (y/n).
you both take turns cooking, always excited to try each other's new recipes. it's become sort of a competition of who can suprise the other one more.
his reaction is the cutest when you compliment his dish. if you're happily chewing the food he fed you, watch out because his hands will pinch your cheeks.
you two were hanging out one night, and you asked him to create a poem for you on the spot. he liked the idea, and immediately got to it.
without any hesitation, without thinking twice about it, he ended his poem with a very sweet "i love you."
when you stayed silent afterwards, kazuha got nervous. but his nervous expression soon washed away when you wrapped your arms around him, complimenting his impromptu-poem-writing abilities.
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he was closing up the tavern for the day, and you two were the only one there after work hours. he decided to take his chances and ask you right then and there.
diluc: can you pass me the wash cloth? (y/n): sure! diluc: can you fix the chairs? (y/n): sure! diluc: can you be mine? (y/n): sur- wait.
he's never said it outloud, but diluc actually enjoys having senseless conversations with you. just last night you told him he reminded you of an owl, which he found amusing, and he asked you to explain why.
whenever diluc takes shifts at the tavern, you'd be somewhere around helping clean tables or wash dishes. he has enough staff at angel's share, but he appreciates your assistance nonetheless.
if you know how to play chess, he would regularly ask you to play against him. he thinks it's a great game to play while also being able to converse with others. he loves talking to you.
(y/n): the main character realized—check—his feelings too late, and lost the love of his life to someone else. it's sad. diluc: what happened—oh, good move—to the main character after that? (y/n): he was never able to express his true feelings to her. he should've taken the chance. diluc: hm.. i agree. he was too coward when he had the opportunity. and checkmate, by the way. (y/n): wh- hey! i didn't see that move! diluc: better luck next time, my dear.
when you offer to cook dinner for him instead of the maids, diluc doesn't try to hide his smile. you've prohibited him from entering the kitchen, wanting to cook something for him all by yourself.
he will always stand by the archway and watch you cook. you go over to him occasionally, asking him to taste some parts of the meal you're making. these are some of his favorite moments with you.
it was when you were eating dinner that he first told you he loved you. you had just finished cooking a meal, and you were sharing details from your day with each other while eating.
halfway through the meal, he says, "i've been wanting to tell you something all day. may i?"
as you nod your head, he tells you he loves you. or, rather, he tells you he's in love with you. but what's the difference? diluc is all yours.
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you brought klee back to the knights of favonius' headquarters after playing with her outside all day. albedo and jean thanked you, but kaeya wanted to express more than just gratitude.
kaeya: klee always returns happy whenever you're the one bringing her back. (y/n): she's precious. i'd do anything to keep her smiling. kaeya: likewise. but i also want to keep you smiling, sweetheart. (y/n): what do you mean? kaeya: be mine, (y/n), and i promise i'll always make you happy.
you, klee, and kaeya are always seen running around mondstadt. not only in the city, but also around the mountains. you'd all go find a big, empty space for klee to blow up.
rest assured he will always invite you for a drink, even if it's the morning. you've rejected about 90% of his offers, but he will always, always, make sure to invite you.
he is one call away when it comes to you. you have something urgent and needs his help? he's on it. you simply just miss him? he misses you too, he's on his way to see you.
(y/n): kaeya, aren't you supposed to be working right now? what would acting grandmaster jean say? kaeya: i missed you. that should be enough reason. (y/n): kaeya. kaeya: what? just wanted to see your face, sweetheart. i- ow! okay, okay, i'll go back now!
kaeya really enjoys when you cook for him. of course, he'll step in to help you, but the thought of you making him his favorite food is so heartwarming.
he insists on feeding you, even embarrassing you sometimes by pretending the spoon is a crystalfly and your mouth the cave it's about to fly into.
he first told you he loved you immediately after you agreed to be his. after you said 'yes' to his confession, he was quick to tell you those three words, and your heart fluttered at his boldness.
he will never forget to tell you he loves you. when he greets you good morning, when you drop by to pick up klee, when you come back to drop off klee, and so many more instances.
there was never a moment you doubted his love for you. he constantly reminds you of it, and kaeya will never let you forget it. he loves you. so much.
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he had it all planned out when he asked you to be his s/o. he made restaurant reservations at your favorite place, and even made sure it was on a day where not much people visited.
childe: (y/n), will you be mine? (y/n): are you serious? yes! childe: you are the only one i've ever been serious about. (y/n): you're so corny.
whenever he gets back from missions, he always makes sure to bring you back a little gift or a souvernir. one time, he brought you back a ruin hunter eye because "you're the light of my life" he says. it didn't make any sense.
the first time he brought you to snezhnaya, he wrapped you in so many layers that you were better off rolling on the ground than walking.
he absolutely loves it when you play with his siblings. when he comes home tired, he'll immediately be energized if he sees you and his siblings spending time together.
(y/n): ajax, join us! we could use another person to play tag. childe: do i get a kiss if i win? (y/n): ...i was just kidding, you don't have to play with us anymore. childe: hey! okay, okay, i'll join. no kiss needed, i swear!
cooking is one of his favorite activities to do with you. doing something so loving and domestic as cooking with someone he loves is heartwarming.
no matter how much you try to keep yourself clean, childe will find a way to get you messy. he says you can't blame him if you can never catch him wiping his hands on your shirt.
he wasn't the first one to tell you he loved you. his siblings did it for him, actually. well, who was going to stop them? childe was asleep, and you weren't.
he brought you all on a camping trip outside snezhnaya, and he promptly passed out first after story-telling time. as you were cleaning up the campfire, his siblings all walked over to you.
"(y/n), our big brother loves you very much."
it was very random, but very sweet. you smiled at them as you gave them a hug each, asking them why they were suddenly telling you this.
"if you leave him, you leave us, and we don't want you to leave. he loves you a lot, we swear!"
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being uninterested in relationships, neither of you ever asked each other. but you've been together for as long as you could remember, and your memory goes back for centuries.
(centuries ago) (y/n): xiao, can you promise not to leave me by myself? xiao: that's a hard promise to keep. (y/n): but you'll try? xiao: ...yes.
xiao has never been the type to express much of what he was feeling—if he felt anything at all. unlike you, he has never bothered to fully understand mortals.
you thrive around the people of liyue harbor, and xiao will always find you casually strolling around or stopping to pet a cat you found on the sidewalk.
when xiao rests at wangshu inn, you find yourself accompanying him, staying with him on the highest balcony. this is the only time you accompany him though, as he has his duties to eliminate evil.
(y/n): need any help? xiao: you always ask, and i always say no. (y/n): well, you might need me one day. xiao: we've been together for centuries. you know i'm capable enough. (y/n): i know. you always have been. xiao: rest easy, (y/n). i'll be here. (y/n): good night, xiao.
food has never really been a problem for either of you, but if you want to treat yourself to a mortal meal, xiao will come along with you. with enough convincing, of course.
you eat at wangshu inn, and chef yanxiao prepares your meals. eating with xiao is quiet, but if you were to start a conversation, he will always reply.
he's never told you that he loves you, at least not directly. his actions will speak for him—one of them being always ridding the path you're taking of monsters.
whenever xiao has to leave you at the inn, he will never fail to tell you to "rest easy" before he leaves. he has sworn to himself to protect you, and eliminate all evil that might affect you.
his duty is to protect liyue, but it wouldn't hurt to make you his duty as well, right?
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thanks for reading (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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svndaysaweek · 1 year
Enlightenment (Prequel to ‘Homicidal’) — {Feat. Karina, Somi}
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7.1k words
A/N: Hi, I'm 7daysaweek! This is a prequel to my very first fic, 'Homicidal'. I don't know how I got to write this long. Big big thank you to @dnd-writes and Delphi for editing and proofreading (and rewriting) this!! And thanks for liking my stuff y'all...
TW: Sexual Harassment (Rape), mentions of death.
Tags: Creampie, anal, choking, bondage, master-slave, squirting and a lot more...
"Fuck, fuck, fu-bbb...!"
"Quiet, Jimin."
You palm her mouth with your right hand and hug her waist with the other then push her sweaty back onto your body.
Your hand on her mouth goes down to her bouncing tits as the other thumbs her anal entrance then you double the pace and the slapping sound of your flesh almost evens her scream.
"Aaah, fuck, fuck, fuck!"
Her head falls down as her neck loses its strength but you bring it back up with a handful of her hair.
"Do you see anyone looking at us, baby?"
Almost everyone is, in fact. It would be even harder not to notice a loud couple fucking in an outside parking lot, upon the poorest attempt to hide behind a car. However, you are not looking for some normal passerby, and for your predatory hunger, Jimin spots a proper prey.
"Fuck–Ah, there! That–that tall girl noticed–ahh–us,"
Her finger points somewhere but helplessly limps down on the car. You follow her finger and spot a girl looking your way. The color of her name tag indicates that she's a 1st grader—two years junior to you. As soon as your eyes meet she quickly avoids it by turning her head away.
Good. She's going to be your target.
You're hunting for another clumsy slut to tame and fuck, and this is the best way you've ever discovered.
"Great job, Jimin,"
You slap her ass and duck your body to bite on her ear. She lost her last drop of consciousness—you know she already came countless times. You can tell by her shaking legs and convulsing walls. Jimin is now nothing but a limp moaning mess dumped on some car, taking relentless assault on her pussy.
"Here's your reward."
Yes, please, Jimin begs with her eyes. You see the neediness in them.
"Oh, please... Aaaah it's so good–fuck!"
A brutal bite is marked on her white shoulder as you color her walls white. In between the car and your tired body, hers is periodically lifting yours up and down with heavy breathing—let alone the irregular spasms matching your throbbing cock.
"You're a fucking slut, Jimin."
You breathe those words out right into her ear. They obviously were insulting words, but only worked to make her smile and even giggle a little bit.
"You love me like that,"
You squeeze Jimin’s tits for the last time then put your pants back on. You buckle your belt and nonchalantly ask Jimin, who is still struggling to descend from her high..
"Do you know her name?"
Jimin breathes heavily as if even her lungs convulse from the sex that just happened.
"Uhh, Somi maybe? Haa, yeah. It's Somi."
"Is she popular?"
You flip her body to button her shirt back up and put her jacket on. Not necessary but at least you let her look presentable.
"Yeah, quite. Among first graders. She's got nice tits and a pretty face but doesn't socialize often. Not sure she has a boyfriend around."
You nod throughout her speech. A popular girl who's introverted, that'd be perfect to play on. Prey on.
Alright, so that Somi girl is up next.
You're intentionally on the same bus as Somi, with Jimin accompanying you. The bus is packed with a lot of people returning home but you two are the exceptions to that. You push through the people in your way as you approach Somi from behind.
You then purposefully push your body on hers, making sure she notices you by rubbing your crotch on her clothed ass. Somi gets startled by a sudden touch on her ass and apologizes to you.
"Oh! Oh, I'm-I'm sorry,"
She recognizes you. You catch that split-second moment when her eyes widen at you. You, however, to her apology, don't give a shit and raise your hand to reach for a bar to hold onto, of course making sure you touch her breasts by accident. Somi this time doesn't speak but shrieks a bit at your touch, throwing an embarrassed glimpse at you then quickly looking down at nowhere.
To your eyes it's only a horny girl acting innocent because you saw it in her eyes—the burning sensation. Her face is visibly red, hands have lost their destination, legs can't just stay calm. Moreover, she doesn't even try to avoid the contact on her ass.
See? It's just too easy. It's not even gonna be a one-sided rape—her inner slut might be begging for it anyway.
So this is the plan: You heat her up on the bus, get off at the same stop, stalk her and then fuck her somewhere creepy. That'll make her give in completely. That'll draw a complete obedience out of the most basic instinct inside her.
The bus arrives at the stop where Somi gets off so you and Jimin follow her. As soon as she enters a rather deserted alley, you snatch Somi by her wrist and push her onto the wall.
She squeals out loud at the sudden hostility only to be silenced by your hand gripped around her neck hard.
Somi resists you but Jimin ties her arms behind her back with her own necktie. Somi then starts to kick your legs and you start to feel a little bit pissed off.
You slap her cheek hard and her swinging legs stop moving. Somi looks up at you weakly with her eyes as a teardrop runs down her reddened cheek. Those legs settled, you pull down her skirt and panties in one sway. Jimin chokes Somi with her arms as you insert your dick inside her pussy with no resistance.
"Gah, hagh-!"
You can see her knotted arms struggle for freedom. Regardless of that you rip open her buttoned shirt to reveal a jiggling pair of voluptuous tits waiting for your attention. You tug down Somi's bra and slap her tits hard. Her moans then gradually turn into painful yelps and ecstatic screams.
"Ahh! S-stop, please-ah!-stop it! Hikkh-"
Jimin tightens her choking arm around her neck. Somi's face starts to redden even more furiously.
"Shut up, I know you want this."
Somi shakes her head. She shapes her mouth to say "no" but her voice is no longer available. Her mouth is now agape for more air. You up the pace of your thrusts and slap her cheek again.
"Then let me fucking make you."
Somi's eyes are half-closed due to orgasmic sensations and lack of air. As Somi approaches her high she loses her consciousness. Somi's last desperate efforts to escape from your grasp and Jimin's arms are nothing but a cute thing to watch.
You slap on her tits several more times—you like seeing her shiver every time you do. Actually, it's just your sadistic, psychopathic taste that you just like to hit, slap, choke and fuck.
Squeeze, slap, squeeze, slap. That pair of meaty flesh is such a good toy to play with.
Somi's empty gaze is locked on your eyes. Tears are now everywhere on her cheeks. Her wet juice is all over her thighs too. You rub her clit with fingers and she shudders—strength in her legs already long gone. Her voice is long gone. Somi's lips keep moving but it doesn't even shape any word. Only the lips down there feel alive.
Despite the lack of air, her walls are working properly—they convulse hard and soon she cums. Somi's eyes roll back to her head as she passes out, before falling down limply on the ground.
"Dirty fucking slut. I didn't even cum yet,"
You're talking to yourself, but at the same time you weren’t only to yourself.
Jimin grins as she looks at your throbbing cock then she kneels down in front of you and starts to suck it. The moment her lips sealed the head, you grab on to her head and begin fucking into it.
"Holy fuck, Jimin. Always a good slut for me, aren't you?"
You always talk like that, but you're no different from Jimin in that you're a good, perfect dick for her, and she knows it because once she hears thatshe looks up at you with those teary eyes and smirks. Not surprising at all that her hand is already working diligently on her soaking cunt.
It's not been long since you began facefucking Jimin, but the growing orgasm from the previous session is approaching. Without warning her, you pull her head inward for your balls to hit her drooling chin then cum straight into her gulping throat.
"Phaah, you're fucking delicious, baby. Bet she wants me to share a bit."
With remnants of your cum still inside her mouth, Jimin spits it out onto Somi's mouth and face. While you're arranging your pants, Jimin opens Somi's mouth and kisses your cum on it into it.
"Jimin, that won't wake her up,"
You laugh and tease Jimin kissing Somi.
The title Sleeping Beauty sounds about right on Somi. Those tits, that midriff, those slender legs, that cunt, and above all the attitude taking all of your assault. All virtues you consider appropriate is inside her, your potential slave for sex. Besides, Jimin seems to like her too.
You carry Somi to her home. Opening the door with her fingerprint, you step in to find the inside neat.
"Inside's quite nice,"
Jimin says as she sits on the bed after she opened the door to Somi’s room. You toss Somi's limp body on it then look around.
A frame on the nightstand and the photo inside catches your eyes. There's Somi smiling next to a guy as they hold each other's hand.
"Hey, you think this is her boyfriend?"
You ask Jimin as you show her the picture. She laughs and answers.
"Yeah, he looks dumb though,"
Jimin's hands drag you to the bed. She hugs you from behind and whispers into your ear.
"You could just take him out."
Jimin's big breasts push into your back, and there you grow impatient and push Jimin down on the bed. With a light squeal she lies down. You get over her body and kiss her.
There's brute in the kiss. There's violence in it. Jimin pulls back to breathe and you can see it in her eyes.
There's lust in them. You're no different, anyway.
"My little girl is getting horny, huh?"
Of course, watching you fuck another girl and being facefucked doesn't help her patience.
Needy words come out of Jimin's mouth.
"There's not even a second I'm not horny when I'm with you."
Jimin's mind is totally conquered by lust solely for you. Nothing new for you, though.
"I like that,"
You thumb her cheek softly—opposite to how you're going to treat her.
"Let me fuck your brains out, Jimin."
A declaration that earns you another slurpy kiss. Your right hand makes its way straight to her crotch, and her hand brings your left hand to her clothed tits. You can feel her taut nipples through her uniform.
Jimin moans into your mouth and the sound reverberates through your skull. You've always liked the quick reactions from Jimin. Her moans, screams and sometimes yelps tell you how well you are doing—how good you are.
You push the button to play her moan. Your fingers are now rubbing on her clitoris. Under her skirt you can feel the heat radiating from the very core of her body. The heat that you yourself provoke on her body. An aphrodisiac in the form of a human. That's what you are to Jimin.
That's what every man is eager to be, and you use it as a weapon to just pick a girl and enslave her. Jimin is no different from Somi's case—it's just a little more intimate between you and Jimin. And that makes you feel the massive pride to have the influence reach her. A perfect fuckbuddy with slight obedience.
"Ah, shit–Mmm yes...!"
You push your fingers into her cavern. You don't bother counting how many—two or three, it doesn't matter. She'll even accept your fist happily.
Your whole body and Jimin's are shaking by the pistoning of your arm. The bed is too, and Somi's body next to you obviously is too. As if intended to wake her up, you are quaking the bed, and Jimin under you is providing auditory stimuli—screams, yelp, squelching sound. The room you're inside is full of the sound of sex, and it hits the walls and ceiling in every direction possible—it echoes as it does, too.
It's been long since her eyes were shut. Jimin's lustful intention to concentrate all her nerves and senses on the sensations of sex she is receiving. Only a slight bit of excess will be enough to tip her over, and you can feel that you're almost on the verge of it.
"Hey, eyes on me,"
You choke her, an action that serves as the opposite of your direction to open her eyes. Somehow she manages to open her eyes, but still fails to follow your order.
"Haa, haa, fuck..."
Her eyes are not on yours. You can see that she tries her best to look at you, but your fingers—both on her neck and in her pussy—keep her eyes inside her head.
Both of her hands dig into the mattress as she cums hard—Jimin always does, in front of you. At that moment you quickly undo your pants and boxers and hastily start rubbing on her reddened pussy lips, to gain some wetness on your dick for lubrication. Also while lubing your dick, you don't miss the chance to slap on them, which makes Jimin's trapped throat vibrate from her desperate efforts to let out moans. Seeing that your dick glisten with Jimin's nectar, without warning you insert your dick into her asshole, also resuming what your fingers were doing.
Your hand over her throat goes down to harshly squeeze her tits. They deliciously jiggle whenever you move inside her, whenever you touch it, and whenever you slap on it. Your hands aren't choking her anymore but she's still breathless—the sex itself is doing it.
Her eyes slam shut again as her squirt swashes on your fingers and the bed, as soon as you pull your fingers out. Jimin bites her lower lip and she hisses out her moan.
"Ffff–! Huh..."
You just chase your own pleasure, regardless of her tipped over state. Even if she yells stop you will. It's an unprepared anal session, but she's taking it very well. So tight and warm. And with her own fingers inside her used cunt she is making it even wetter.
"God, you're so fucking delicious,"
Yeah, delicious. That's the only feeling forming up inside your mind. Yoo Jimin underneath you has surely been seismic—on your mind and on the bed.
She certainly hears you but can't find any way to respond, still in the middle of orgasmic haze. You are still anally destroying her to the end—a close end for now. Your climax is approaching, and you never want to delay it. Actually, your pace even goes up as you cross the line. Jimin screams and even without any help her pussy squirts wildly.
"Fuck, I'm cumming...!"
You do in her ass, making sure her plump ass is filled up from the inside. The bed stops creaking and you feel like the world has also stopped—to you it might have, for a second..
The only remaining sound is Jimin's uncontrolled breathing and your heavy breath. You can see her abs convulse and flex, with her entire body spasm wildly because of that. You lie next to her on the damp mattress, almost throwing yourself onto it. Then Somi falls from bed onto the floor.
Yet she's unconscious.
"You must've choked her really hard, huh?"
You say looking up at the ceiling, and as a response Jimin giggles weakly.
Then she puts her arm over your body softly. Her fingers are fidgeting on your skin.
"Hey, can you pass me the cigarettes? I can't move now."
You get off the bed and take the cigarettes and a lighter.
You put one between her lips and light it.
A long puff and she smokes out. As you're lighting yours she taps the ash off onto the floor. Your eyes meet each other but you two stay silent. Cigarettes after sex feel so cozy, as you and Jimin do nothing but inhale them and smile at each other.
When you're done smoking you dress up and prepare to leave Somi's house. Her room is filled with smoke, but you couldn’t care less.
Half an hour has passed since you entered her house but she's yet to come back to consciousness. Having packed all your stuff you open the door.
"Ah, right. Almost forgot it,"
You walk back to Somi next to the bed and untie her arms. They both slide to the floor with a silent thud.
"My clumsy lady,"
You bring it to her neck and tie it around her neck tidily for her, which earns you a loving kiss from Jimin.
Her daring lips are hindering your actions—an interference that you would always welcome. Both of your mouths still smell like smoke but you don’t care at all. This time is just for your tongues to explore each other's mouth, not any other senses, just like your hands are now exploring each other's body.
It continues for a few dozens of seconds then you manage to grab hold of your sanity.
"God, we should get out of this place or we'll spend the whole night fucking."
She laughs in agreement.
"But I kinda like that idea,"
"Oh, you're gonna pass out like her,"
You say stepping out of the door.
"I like that too."
You spank her lightly, laughing. It's just fun to see how that subby girl in bed turns into this adorable little baby. But–
But are you no different from how you are, who you are in bed? You certainly have two faces—you are now Jimin's lover, but in bed you become reckless, ruthless, conscienceless, even psychopathic in front of sex, like your blood burns for violence. You're just thanking god that Jimin is the perfect partner for you to take in all of these.
"You're insatiable,"
You say as if nothing crosses your mind.
"You like it, don't you?"
Jimin starts to run towards the bus stop without giving you time to retort, running with a smile on her face looking childish and cute.
See, this is your problematic personality. You just raped a girl into unconsciousness, fucked your girlfriend in that girl’s bed and have no guilt on your mind. You might be right, because you know Somi didn't hate it. But would it still be right if you continue living like this?
The bell rings to officially announce the lunchtime break. You are waiting for Jimin at the parking lot as usual, as you see your girlfriend accompanied by another girl. It's Somi.
"Jimin, why did you bring this bitch here?"
You ask her after planting a light peck on her lips.
"I didn't. She came to me and asked me to."
Somi surely looks shy to make eye contact with you. Her hands are grabbing each other on her belly and she's looking down on the ground.
"You did, little girl?"
You kindly ask her, bringing her hand to yours. She gasps at your touch but accepts it to go on.
"You have a boyfriend, right? I saw his picture yesterday in your room,"
Jimin continues instead of you, as she unties Somi's necktie.
"Well, you're gonna have to make a choice, Somi."
You tell her as you bring your hand down onto her crotch, under her skirt. You can feel the heat—another slave for your cock is ready for you.
"Wh-what choice is it...?"
You grin. Jimin this time ties Somi's necktie around her neck very tight, successfully choking her.
"Your boyfriend,"
You pause for a second to bring her hand to the bulge on your pants.
"Or this."
Somi's shaking eyes look at you—she's becoming hesitant. But you are certain that it'll be an easy choice for her after all—she already did come here at her will, didn't she?
"Make your choice,"
You tighten the knot around her neck and she shrieks and stumbles toward you.
"I-I don't need my b-boyfriend anymore. I'll choose you,"
You slap her cheek as Jimin undoes Somi's shirt and skirt.
"No, you don't get to choose it. It is my decision to let you serve this cock."
Her tears drop down her cheeks but you know she's loving it, because not only her face is getting wet..
Her panties are damp. Juices drip down her thighs and you can see it.
"Sorry...Please let me serve your cock sir..."
You discontentedly bring her face in front of you powerfully and she stumbles and falls down.
Somi realizes what you mean and follows.
"... Master,"
The scenery in front of you is a sight to behold—a girl in such a heat kneeling in front of you, looking at you, calling you master with a makeshift leash around her neck. You feel like you want to choke her to death right now, and you also feel like she'll even let you.
Jimin sounds shocked.
"Even I don't say that,"
Well, you'll see.
"Nice. Now show me how you are going to serve me, slave."
Somi gulps as you let your cock spring out of your pants. It hits her face and she loves it. You give her no time to admire and shove it right into her throat to the hilt, with the first thrust.
It's not surprising at all that she gags and coughs wildly, but that only provokes your fiery instinct to punish her for it.
And that punishment is you ramming your cock down her throat in a neck breaking pace—even faster than when you fucked her yesterday.
Somi's hands have long lost their proper position as they wander on your thighs, slightly pushing you off. But the more she resists, the more you want to devastate her.
"He's not gonna stop until he cums down your throat, little slut. You'll have to adjust to it."
You know, Jimin was just the same at first. She was nothing more than a gagging, coughing amateur, just like what Somi is now.
She grabs the leash and chokes Somi, but that makes no difference—that's just what your cock is doing already. Somi’s drool gathers on her cleavage—her tits are as big as Jimin, as you can confirm. And it falls down to the ground from her chin and your balls.
You can feel her every gag and it feels divine. You've unearthed another diamond by yourself. Somi's lack of air is bottoming out as she tries to pull out.
"Wrlk, glrk...!"
No way you're going easy on such a slut. Somi frowns from breathlessness but the only thing you care about is your own pleasure, not her safety.
"Nnngh, fuck!"
Thankfully, you soon unload your thick liquid down her throat, straight into her stomach. You stay there for about ten seconds and then pull out. Somi falls completely down on the ground as she breathes heavily for her system to recover properly. She can't even swallow it all, and it sprays out as she coughs several times.
"Oh, what a shame,"
Jimin pretends to pity her, but her hands are bringing the exhausted girl up to your arms.
"He's not done yet, little bitch."
Somi has not enough power to gulp down your cum in her mouth, but that's nothing to worry about at all—Jimin's mouth seals Somi's to keep it from spilling out. Somi irresistibly lets Jimin take her hard-earned load from her mouth, and Jimin's tongue moves hungrily inside Somi's mouth as she kisses her. Somi hurriedly gulps some down but there isn’t much left. She moans to Jimin to give the load back.
"Huh... Please–Uuuww"
Jimin then forces Somi's mouth open with her fingers on Somi's cheeks and spits your cum into it. Somi immediately widens her mouth out and gratefully savors the mixture of your cum and Jimin's saliva. After that Jimin lightly slaps on her cheek a couple times with a satisfied smile.
You have fully recovered your erection by now, seeing your two girls snowballing your cum. Without wasting any time you slam Somi’s pussy with your cock from behind. She hasn't still recovered enough to stand yet, so you rear choke her to support her body. As soon as you do that, both of her hands cling on your arms for her dear life, but the careless fucking you're giving her doesn't even let her resist.
It's a dejavù. Somi's choking out again, you are fucking her harshly again, and again she can't even let out any sound—her mouth is agape, but no matter how desperately she tries to scream, no words come out. There’s only one difference this time: she came to you of her own free will.
Jimin hits Somi's cheek, only to redden her already blushing face. You release her from your choke and grab on the leash on her neck again. Somi's arms are now on the car in front of her to support her shaking legs.
It is not only her legs that are malfunctioning—her arms, her lungs, her well-fucked brains also are. Nothing but the orgasmic pleasure provided by you is traveling through her whole body, as if even her heart stopped sending blood for the veins to become vessels of the high you are injecting into her body directly.
She can't even scream fuck. Now her neck gives in as her head falls down on the car with a thud.
Jimin lifts Somi's head and kisses her—it's a one-sided kiss of course, as Somi can't process what's happening to her at all, except your ramming cock.
No matter how hard, how many times you spank her, she can't react. No matter how hard or how many times she cums, she can't fucking stop. You grab a handful of her hair and bring her head next to yours—her back arches wildly. You growl into her ear, through the gritting teeth on her ear.
"I'm cumming, Somi. I'm gonna fucking mark my slave as mine."
"Go ahead, straight into her womb, baby. C'mon."
Jimin pleads you and you finally finish inside her womb. Somi's whole body reacts to your orgasm with violent convulsions.
You have to spend almost half a minute to get yourself back. Then you pull out. You swiftly bring your pants back up and leave Somi there and walk away with Jimin, like nothing ever happened.
"She's great,"
Jimin tells you and you immediately agree with a nod.
"Yeah, you found her first anyway so, good job."
You put your arm around her hip and continue.
"But my number one is still you, baby girl."
"Of course,"
Jimin says like she knows it, walking ahead of you and turning back to you.
"I'll fucking kill that bitch if she even tries to replace me."
She's smiling like it's nothing, but it doesn’t sound like a joke, you know she really means it.
"I know you would, but you won't have to. I just love to see you two sluts get down for me."
You grin at her and Jimin rolls her eyes.
"For your cock."
She corrects you.
"Actually, I think there's more of myself in my cock than in my head."
That earns you a funny giggle from Jimin.
"You're insatiable,"
You're on the bus again. You can spot Somi easily, thanks to her height. Seems she somehow managed to look normal enough to present herself in public. Somi keeps looking back as if she's looking for someone. You keep your eyes on her until her eyes find you. She then quickly looks away in shyness, but her bitten lower lip tells you that she's been anticipating this, that she's been wanting this.
Another insatiable girl–
No. You don't even treat her as a 'girl', but rather some object you own—something subordinate to you. An outlet for your predatory instincts. The word "hunting" used before sounds too right.
It's like going back to being a savage, your barbaric inclination to be cruel, brutal, violent and instinctive. And at the same time being medieval—possessive, authoritative, feudal and patriarchal, meanwhile being modern—selfish, stressful and hedonic. An astounding aspect of a simple slut that makes you discover your inner self at every different angle, from side to side.
You know Jimin and Somi love you like that when having sex. They know you deserve their obedience for the perfect sex you provide them with every time. They would willingly die being fucked by you—and you would do it to them without any hesitation. You would even cum on their dead body, but that's too far gone. Maybe you have a weird kink for death or something like that.
The bus stops after several more times and outside is already your destination. You eye Jimin and you get off together. Somi's waiting for you two, and you notice it but pretend to neglect it and walk past her.
"Uhh, m-master…"
Somi follows you and calls you.
The way she calls you sounds so right to your ears, so you turn around simultaneously with Jimin next to you.
"My house is… It's empty now and–..."
Somi can't even look at you. You excitedly watch Somi fidgeting as Jimin directs her to go on.
"I was... I was hoping that you would–"
"Ahh, I think I'm too tired for that right now,"
You stretch your arms and yawn, acting as if you're not interested, to draw out the inner animalistic instinct, which will make her more inferior in front of you.
"No no no, you can just... just release your stress and fatigue on me, master. I–I'm here to serve you,"
Jimin smiles it off and hugs your arm while replying to Somi. She's testing the newly found possession quite thoroughly, beginning right from the inside—the outside of it has already been tested out to be flawless enough.
"But he already has me, bitch."
Embarrassed and dumbfounded, Somi's eyes quickly travel between you and Jimin. Her face blushes, her fidgety fingers move lazily on the hem of her uniform shirt, her legs twist against each other, all indicating her thin patience is about be torn apart under the weight of her neediness.
"Ugh… You can use me for your own good, too. Please, I need you to fuck me, slap me, bite me, choke me until I pass out, and anything… Let me be your slave. I need it."
Hearing that, Jimin laughs amused. You too are grimacing at Somi. But not because it's funny or something.
"Dumb fucking slut,"
You say that only because Somi's been wanting it, needing it. Needing you to talk like that to her, treat her like that.
Who's the one that tried to kick me off? Who's the one that shook her head no yesterday?
Well at least now she knows the inevitable power of your cock over her, and obviously she's being overwhelmed by it.
"Alright then, lead the way, Somi."
"Thank you, master."
You still hear the shyness beaming out of her words, but seeing that her horniness toward your cock is even greater you feel very much satisfied.
You soon arrive at her house, and Somi hastily opens the door with the fingerprint of her thumb.
"Wait, register mine."
Somi looks up at you in surprise and stutters.
"Uhh, that's–"
You thought she was a quick learner, but maybe she's just–
"Of course, master. Put any finger you prefer on it please,"
You do so, looking at her working on the door lock.
You and Jimin step inside the familiar house and enter her room.
Jimin gives an order to her—Jimin's enjoying it too, you can surely tell. Not that you blame her for that. Who wouldn't, obviously.
Somi is now naked. Her bare thighs glisten with her juice that is forming up relentlessly, her sizable tits moving in synch with her slow breath.
You undo your necktie, and Jimin gathers hers and Somi's to her hand.
"On the bed."
Somi climbs on it and gets on all fours. You can see her wet lips contract from the anticipation. You bring your necktie with you and get on the bed.
"Give me your arms."
Somi presents them for you to tie them and buries her cheek in the mattress as an alternative support for her body. Half of her face is buried on the bed, but her other side faces up, while her ass is temptingly presented up, over the delicious arc of her back, pleasuring your eyes with quite a view.
Jimin hops on the bed to join you.
"She looks so fucking good,"
She spreads Somi's wetness over her asshole, preparing to drill it with her fingers. At Jimin's touch Somi shivers.
You can see her pussy twitching again at Jimin's rough touches.
"God, she's leaking even more,"
Jimin says, astonished.
Somi screams loud when Jimin's finger enters her rear entrance. Even louder than when you slapped her face.
"What is it?"
You ask Somi, rubbing your cock on her watering pussy lips for lubrication, ready to penetrate.
"Nothing master, it's just... It's my first time doing anal,"
Oh, well. Can't miss this chance.
You directly put the head inside her ass instead, which draws a surprised squeal out of her.
"You know, giving a good first impression is always important,"
"O-okay–Oh my god, aah!"
You grab on her tied arms, put your right foot on her head, then make a rough thrust into her ass, letting your crotch meet her ass skin to skin.
There you start the ruination of her virgin ass. You see discomfort all over Somi's face, but that's to your least care. Besides, that's gonna change soon.
Jimin doesn't stay idle, as her fingers keep diligently working on not letting Somi's pussy empty.
"This is fucking tight,"
Squelching sound from Jimin's fingers and the sound of your hips crashing hers barely leaves room for Somi's moans and screams. You look down to check what's happening beneath your body, and you see Jimin's devilish grin spread as Somi squirts. You put more of your body's weight onto Somi's head like it's a pedal—it is, sort of, because the harder you step on it, the higher Somi's screams get. It's like an accelerator pedal, driving Somi's subby attitude even wilder.
Jimin's fingers suddenly halt as she focuses on something. You stop and look at her curiously.
Somi doesn't want you to stop, so she herself pistons her body on your cock.
"Do you hear it? The buzz?"
You do, but it'd be not like you if you stop here. You continue slamming into Somi's ass.
"Yeah. Can you-can you check who it is for me?"
Jimin walks to the table and picks up Somi's vibrating phone.
"It's a phone call. From heart emoji,"
There's a sudden shade of fear in Somi's dazed eyes.
You angrily look at her and Somi's urgent look makes you even more displeased.
"It's-it's nothing! J-just ignore it, master,"
Jimin brings the phone to you anyway.
"I think he told you to end this,"
Jimin coldly says.
"And I think your answer was yes,"
You answer the call.
"You're fucking dead."
You furiously say to Somi. You turn her head face down on the pillow and push it with your feet hard, suffocating her.
"What? Who is this? Somi?"
You start moving your cock inside her again, at the same time talking on the man over the phone.
"I'm fucking her right now. If you show up again, I'll fucking kill you."
You can feel Somi struggling for air, by her trembling legs and twitch back. You start thrusting even harder than before, pull her head back up with her hair, and bring the phone next to her face.
"Tell him now. Tell him to stay away from you."
"H-hey... I'm sorry to t-tell you but–oh my god fuck...!"
"Somi?! What the fuck is going on?"
You intentionally fuck her when she starts speaking.
Jimin catches it and slaps her cheek hard.
"Why do you stop? Bitch, fucking tell him!"
You see tears forming up in her eyes and there you feel another level of ecstasy. You then start to really fuck her ass and she is completely out of words. She opens her mouth to speak but upcoming orgasm blocks her words. Instead she desperately moans to her boyfriend.
"Hey–aah... You have to–fuck, oh my god...! Stay away fr–om me–fr–om–now–on–ho–ly–fu–ck...!"
Her hoarse voice cracks at your every pounding and you see a teardrop of mixed reasons roll down on her red cheek.
"Somi, Somi? Fuck, what are you—"
You end the call and toss her phone aside.
"Fucking dumbass,"
Jimin repositions Somi's head on the pillow face down, again suffocating her.
Her toes curl and her tied arms strain as your cock attacks her ass, almost at the level of breaking its function as an organ of digestive system but to function only as nothing more than a hole for your cock. Your foot again goes back to where it was, on top of her head.
You start your brainless fuck. Somi starts her breathless sex, and Jimin starts a wordless kiss with you. You squeeze her perfect tits and pinch on her nipples. Her mouth curls up sexily, knowing you're close.
"You're about to cum."
You two part away from the kiss, and Jimin gets down to Somi's ass.
"Fuck yeah I am,"
"Cum inside her ass, baby."
You feel Somi's anal walls contract uncontrollably and squirt again. She is cumming, obviously, and you are no longer different. You flood her ass with your seed. Some of it even seeps out of her deadly tight hole. You pull out and Jimin makes it gape to see Somi's dark hole whitened by your thick cum. Somi spins her head left to keep herself alive. But still her eyes don't open, and you of course know why.
Jimin eats your cum out of Somi's ass. Her magical tongue works inside Somi's ass, as if savoring the best cuisine in the world—maybe it is, for her.
Despite Jimin's work, your warmth still remains inside her ass somewhere deep, too deep for Jimin's tongue to reach for. She retreats and Somi limply collapses on the watery bed.
"Remember, Somi,"
You pick her head up with her hair roughly and say right next to her ear.
"You wanted this to happen."
Jimin hands you a cigarette and you take it in deep into your both lungs. You exhale the smoke right into Somi's face, making her cough several times.
"If you don’t break up with him, I will kill him."
Sadness fills Somi's eyes. It's the kind of sadness that makes you feel good. You like it when she suffers. The sadness itself is okay to you, but the reason she's sad—that just fucking pisses you off very bad. How dare she even attempts to keep two relationships at once? Too much for a toy.
"And I fucking mean it."
You pick your garments up for you and put them on, after letting Jimin clean your used dick off with her mouth thoroughly.
Last sip of your cigarette, before you kiss the smoke into Jimin's mouth. Some of it escapes through her nose.
"I enjoyed it,"
Jimin giggles and says.
You are aware, because you could see it. Pushing a poor little slut to a dead end. It's so entertaining for the two of you. Your dick is for sure too good for Somi to taste it just for once. After this she's going to keep wanting it, keep needing it.
"I know you did, Jimin."
You blankly reply, not focusing on what she is saying.
"You know, I didn't cum."
Jimin seductively tells you, bringing your hand to hers. That certainty turns all of your attention to her. Your eyes rise slowly to meet hers, which are gleaming with lust and desire, a submissive one for you.
Please, touch me, her eyes beg.
That's just for a brief moment but enough for you to form a grin and do what she says. You hook your arm under her leg and bring it up, while the other hand rubs on her lips for a few times before exploring the gushing inside.
"Well done holding back, Jimin. Now cum for me."
You start to piston your fingers in a dangerous pace. As soon as your fingers hit her sweet spot, her arms lock around your neck for support, with her face buried in your neck.
"Hmmph, fuck...! Just like that, baby–ah, fff...!"
Jimin's nails and teeth dig into your skin, indicating the intensity of the pistoning of your fingers and ecstatic sensation she's receiving.
"Do you love it? Do you love how my fingers fuck your needy little cunt, you slut?"
Her bites get deeper at your piercing words as if she wants more.
"Hnngh, fuck! I-I fucking love it, baby. You–ah!!"
You yank her hair backwards and kiss her tongue first. Jimin lets you in her mouth, biting on your lower lip sexily.
"Mmmph...! Mmmph!"
She cums.
Jimin cums hard on your fingers with a pouring squirt. Your eyes travel from her cumming core, bouncing tits, her agape, drooling mouth, to her white eyes. They are looking at nothing but the orgasm itself. Satisfied with her bodily reactions, you pull out your fingers, and Jimin stumbles only to be supported by you.
You keep your eyes on hers until they come back. They meet yours and the divine orgasmic smile of Jimin makes you grin in return. Then you bring your soaked hand up for her to taste herself, which Jimin hungrily devour with her swirling tongue, never breaking eye contact with you.
"This is why I fucking love you, gorgeous."
Hearing that Jimin lightly bites on your fingers playfully, earning a small giggle from you.
Yes, you love Yoo Jimin.
But you are not planning to give Somi love. She's only here to be the outlet for the most basic part of your sexual instinct. And for lust to cover for love, there must be plenty. That's what she'll look for, ask for, beg for.
Besides, Somi loves how you treat her during sex, anyway, so...
She'll be already looking forward to the next time.
That Sunday, you visit Somi's house to get her ass pounded—who's insatiable now, huh? You open the door with your finger, that's why you registered yours on it. To fuck Somi whenever you want.
You step in and hear a male voice.
This sounds so wrong.
"I think the door just opened, Somi? We're not supposed to be expecting anyone,"
That male voice asks. Then you hear hurried steps toward the door of her room.
You and Somi open the door at the same time.
She tries to block your vision, but can't stop the inevitable.
"Who's that, bitch?"
You annoyingly push Somi out of the doorway.
"Who the fuck are–"
The guy stands up but—
You whack his face with your fist and he collapses limply in front of you and Somi. No sooner does she follow him on the floor as her legs give in to the fright of vivid menace of death filling up the room.
You squat down to level your face to Somi's. She can't even look at you, full of fear. Seeing that you raise your hand to wipe her tears with your thumb, Somi shrieks but you softly brush her tears off her cheek.
"I won't hurt you, Somi. I'm gonna need to use you quite often anyway,"
You bring her into a seemingly warm hug and continue.
"But this fucker, he doesn't know his place."
Dropping Somi onto the floor carelessly and stepping out of the room, you turn around and throw your words coldly.
"He's a dead man now."
A/N(2): I think I see some phrases teasing what happened beforehand. Which means I might work on another prequel. Thank you so much for reading my humble writing!!
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littlexscarletxwitch · 10 months
Hi!!!!! I hope you’re doing well!! I really like the way you write, I was hoping to request a fic with either Wanda or Natasha, or both if you vibe with it, and F! avenger reader with a whole bunch of pining. Maybe they go on a mission and one of them runs into like a sex pollen/ aphrodisiac that really makes them crave their crush and enhances preexisting feelings for that person. You can totally ignore this if you’re not comfortable with the idea, I appreciate you either way!!
── ༊*·˚⋆ 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗮��𝗹𝗲
paring: wandanat x fem!avenger!reader
tag(s): nsfw, smut with no plot, sex pollen, insatiable r (or at least I tried), wanda and nat doing whatever r needs
warning(s): MDNI, +18 ONLY read at your own risk, explicit smut, wlw sex, vaginal fingering (r receiving), mouth riding (r receiving) thigh riding (r receiving), tit sucking, slight blood kink (?), kinda dom!reader, grammatical errors, unedited
word count: 2.2k
note: Half way through writing this fic I was like "Wait, is this supposed to be smut. I mean it's sex pollen so it has to right?" and I'm still not sure but I just went with it lol. AAAAH, my first wandanat fic, I'm so excited you guys. I really hope you guys like it. It was quite a challenge writing a threesome and some parts I feel like they are bad but meh. Just go with it. Thank you, nonnie, for this request. I appreciate you just as much. I hope you like it. I'm not a native english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Love y'all <3
requests are open! + check my rules + masterlist <3
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The moment the intoxicating honey-like scent filled your lungs you felt as if your whole body shivered.
Your eyes clouded for a few seconds, your body losing balance as your legs trembled. The whole room felt like it was spinning and your thoughts were getting louder and louder. Images of red hair, tangled limbs and short black nails rushing through your mind.
“Y/n, everything okay?” you heard Steve’s voice through your earpiece, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“You have been silent for quite a while now, detka,” you heard Wanda say.
“You’re still alive, right Y/n?” Nastasha joked.
“Yeah, everything’s fine. All clear, let’s head back,” you said, trying to ignore the way your body was starting to feel different in every conceivable way possible.
As you made your way back to the quinjet you felt your heart rate increasing, you blamed it on the adrenaline of the mission, the nerves of getting out in the field once again and decided not to think too much about it, pushing everything back deep inside of your mind.
“Okay, good job everyone!” Steve congratulated all of you. “Fortunately for us, this Hydra base was empty, but it’s not always going to be like that…” he kept on going with his speech but you weren’t listening anymore.
You took a seat, feeling as if your legs would give out on you any second. It felt as if someone was hammering your poor brain, you felt your skin on fire and you felt a sinking feeling in your stomach. You felt as if your senses magnified and you felt everything ten times stronger, no matter how hard you tried to stop feeling anything at all.
“Y/n, you okay?” Clint said while placing a hand on your shoulder.
“Yeah, I’m just tired,” you said as you gently shrugged off his hand off your burning skin, not wanting him to notice it.
Okay,” he said, sitting next to you, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.
You did the same, in hopes that getting some rest will make it all go away. As you drifted off to sleep, two pairs of eyes were watching your every move. Taking down mental notes of your body language, something they would usually do. But this time they could clearly tell that something was off with you.
“Something is up with her,” the redhead mumbled, squinting her eyes at you.
“Something’s definitely wrong,” the brunette concluded.
“Can you like, check on her?”
“You want me to go through her mind?!” Wanda hissed in disbelief.
“Oh, come on. Don’t act so innocent now, Wan,” the brunette's eyes opened wide in realisation, of course Natasha knew about that. “I know you do it all the time, it’s like your little hobby, isn’t it?” the redhead teased her.
“No, I do not. Those things are private,” Wanda scoffed.
“It’s okay, I’m judging. I mean I think I would also do it if I could,” she had a grin plastered on her face.
“It’s not funny, Nat,” she rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, right. Just do it,” Natasha nudged her.
“Okay, okay,” the brunette mumbled some Russian curses and a second later her eyes were turning red.
“What do you see?”
“I’m not sure,” she said, getting lost in your mind. “Everything’s a blur.”
“What do you mean ‘a blur’? It can’t be right.”
“I’m just telling you what I’m seeing, Tasha,” her brows furrowed as she tried to concentrate even more.
There had to be something that could tell the both of them what was wrong with you. You barely talked to them when you got in the quinjet, that was so not like you. You were always trailing behind them, that was one thing they liked about you. Wherever they went, you followed them like a lost puppy.
They also found it cute that even though everyone was aware you had a thing for the two of them, you never dared to do anything about it. So the two of them would tease you, making you flustered, loving the way your cheeks would go crimson red. They liked you, they really did, that was why Wanda and Natasha were so eager to know what was wrong with you. So they could make you feel better.
“Wait a second…”
“What? What is it? Tell me.”
“I think she’s in pain, but she’s not physically hurt. No, this is deeper, quite strange really. Oh, Nat, I think she’s—”
“Okay, everyone you are free for the rest of the day. See you all at dinner. First round is on me,” Steve said, as the quinjet landed. His loud voice woke you up in the process and distracted Wanda.
You groaned in annoyance, sleeping did nothing for you, everything felt ten times louder and you felt like tearing your skin off your body.
You got up quickly and made your way to your bedroom, closing the door behind you.
“The fuck’s wrong with me?” you mumbled to yourself.
You felt your tummy sinking, a fire starting in your lower area. You closed your eyes as the pain became unbearable. But closing your eyes only made it worse somehow. Your mind was filled with thoughts of them, their hands, their lips, their kisses, their scents.
“Fuck,” it came out as a moan.
The only thing you could think about was Natasha and Wanda. And that was when it hit you. You needed them, you always had, but this time you needed them or you felt like you could actually die. They will know what to do, they could help you.
“Detka!” you heard someone banging on your door.
You gasped in relief at the perfect timing.
“Y/n, we know you are not okay. Just let us inside,” the redhead shouted through your door.
Once you open the door, they realise how bad this whole thing was for you. With just one look at you they could tell you were a mess. Your breath was uneven, your cheeks were as red as ever and a thin layer of sweet covered your whole body.
“I, I—,” you tried, but your voice simply wasn’t cooperating.
“We know, baby. We know,” Wanda cooed, as Natasha closed and locked the door behind her.
“This is bad, you shouldn’t be here…”
“It’s okay, malyshaka. We are here to help you.”
“I don’t think I can control myself…”
“We don’t want you to,” the redhead said as she stood behind you.
You could feel her hot breath on your neck sending shivers down your spine.
“It hurts,” you almost cried. “I need it to stop… I need you… Make it stop,” you said breathlessly.
And that’s all it took for Wanda to connect her lips with yours and for Natasha to kiss your neck. You swear you could come undone just by the feeling of their lips but it wasn’t nearly enough. Moans escaped from your mouth repeatedly, gasping for air.
Somehow the three of you made it to your bed, Wanda’s lips never leaving yours and Natasha firming her grip on your waist. Soon enough the three of you were stripped out of your clothes, and your eyes rolled to the back of your skull as soon as you made skin to skin contact with them.
“Fuck,” the word rolled out off your togue onto Wanda’s lips the moment your exposed core touched her thigh.
You felt a wave of pleasure washing over you, clouding all your senses and just focusing on the overwhelming feeling. Your head fell back as it hit Natasha’s stomach and she seized the moment in order to finally have a taste of your lips.
As Natasha took care of your lips, trailing her rough hands all over your torso, you started rocking your hips, Wanda’s thigh hitting the right spots on your core. It soon all became too much and you started riding her thigh at a much faster pace, knowing you were closer to your relief.
The coil inside you finally snapped, a wave of immense pleasure washed over you as you cursed over and over again, their names slipping out of your lips. You were a sweety horny little mess, you had a first taste of them and now you needed more. It was a hunger that was yet to be satisfied.
As you catched your breath, you got up from Wanda’s lap and gently pushed Natasha over the bed.
“What are you—?” she raised a brow at you, confused at your behaviour.
They have studied you before and they knew for a fact that you were no leader, you were a follower. You were also a people pleaser, everybody’s needs coming before your own. So you taking the lead in this situation got her off guard.
“Shut up,” you mumbled, before getting on top of her, straddling her head with your thighs.
Without a warning you let your weight fall on top of her, her lips getting immediate access to your cunt. Natasha wasn’t able to resist you, she started licking, sucking, biting, getting moans and whimpers out of your pretty lips.
Her hands found your thighs and gently squeezed, her nails digging into your flesh. You felt Wanda getting behind you, rocking herself onto Natasha’s abdomen. She kissed your neck, leaving love bites all over your sensitive skin.
The room was filled with your moans and whimpers as Wanda and Natasha took care of you. You didn't care how loud you were being, you felt in cloud 9 with the two Russians hitting all the right places.
Your head fell back on Wanda’s shoulder, her hands trailing up your body pinching and massaging your nipples. All while Natasha worked her tongue in and out of you, her nose hitting your clit making your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
You felt your second orgasm getting closer, you knew you wouldn’t be able to last long if they kept on working their magic on you.
“Shit, don’t stop,” you gasped.
Natasha moaned in your cunt as she felt your hips rocking even faster, and wanting to help you out, she did her best work on you. Wanda didn’t trail behind and she kept on teasing your breast and sucking on your skin.
“I’m— I’m—,” a loud moan cut you off as you came undone on Natasha’s lips.
She helped you ride out your high, getting as much of your juice as she could. She moaned at the taste of you, her eyes rolling to the back of her skull getting confirmation you were as sweet as she had always imagined. The moan she let out sent a shiver up your spine, making you squirm.
“How are you, malyshka?” Wanda whispered in your ear, as she helped you get off of Nat.
You throw yourself at her, feeling the fire inside of you starting back again, as your lips seek for hers. You kissed her roughly, biting her lower lip so hard that some blood came out. You tasted her blood on your tongue as you licked the small wound you had caused her.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled on her lips, breathless.
“It’s okay,” she whispered on your lips.
You didn’t mean to be rough with her, but it was out of your control. The fire inside you was too strong to keep it under control.
“I want your fingers… I need your fingers,” you said, reaching for her hand and putting two of her fingers inside of your mouth.
Wanda moaned at the sight before her, she swore she was soaking wet. But right now it wasn't about her, it was all about helping you. Poor Y/n, suffering like a bitch in heat.
Once you were done sucking, you guided them to your aching cunt, letting her take care of you. Even though you had already come two times, you were still as wet and as needy. She easily pushed two fingers inside of you, her eyes closing at how warm you felt.
“She’s so tight, Nat.”
“Really? I guess we’ll have to work on that,” you heard the redhead chuckling, but you were lost in your pleaser. Through your hooded eyes you watched them kiss each other, making you even hotter and wetter. Wanda knew you needed this really bad, so being the lady she was, she quickly picked up her pace. She felt you clenched around her fingers and that only made her thrust her fingers even faster.
Natahsa loved the scene unfolding before her eyes but wanting to take part, she got closer to Wanda, her lips reaching out for the brunette’s breasts, sucking her nipples.
“Shit,” she gasped at the feeling, her finger stopping for half a second.
“Wanda…” you moaned out annoyingly, making Natasha chuckle.
“So– sorry,” she breathed out, getting back to her work.
Your hands travelled up or body, pinching and massaging your own breast, as you watched the redhead sucking violently Wanda’s nipples. Getting whimpers out of the two of you.
“Wan, I’m close,” you whispered.
“We got you, moya lyubov.”
The moment the pet name reached your ears you felt the wave of pleasure washing over you, coming for the third time.
“Fuck!” you manage to say, short of breath.
You felt the fire inside you finally being put out as Wanda’s fingers helped you ride out your high.
“You finally had enough?” Natasha joked.
“Maybe,” you shuddered, still trying to recover from the activity.
“Well, you better have, it’s our turn now.”
You playfully rolled your eyes at her, a small smile forming on your lips.
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Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! <3
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p-redux · 4 months
Waking up to Sam Heughan in Los Angeles! I should have known he was coming--it rained all day yesterday hahaha (he always brings the Scottish rain). Thanks, Team for the heads up. ❤️
He was in the Los Feliz part of L.A. It's become a very trendy area full of restaurants, cafes, bars, and celeb homes. It's close to Hollywood, and years ago it wasn't so popular, but it has definitely become very popular. Los Feliz is also close to Echo Park, where Pharos Gym is where we've seen Sam work out before.
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He tagged Love Again film producer Esther Hornstein 👇 So, obviously that's who he was meeting.
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The restaurant where they met is Little Dom's in Los Feliz. 👇
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Dogs allowed, so I'm assuming the beautiful dog in the pic with Sam is Esther's.
Seems like Sam is in L.A. for business meetings. But, as we know there are plenty of ladies he knows here and assorted friends, so let's see if we get any other sightings.
L.A. weather report: no rain today or tomorrow, but pouring rain on Sunday and Monday. Just FYI for those keeping track of the weather in his pics.
Anyhooo, I'm off to a couple of meetings, be back in a few hours.
*breathing in deeply* Aaaah, Sam and I are breathing the same air...at least for today. 🤗
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daddy-deathslinger · 1 year
Hello! May I request something for The Hillbilly, The Oni and The Trapper? I was thinking about a reader who has very bad abandonment issues and upon not stumbling across them for some trials becomes very paranoid, but the moment that she finds them she hugs them and starts crying. The Entity was playing a cruel game as a punishment for the killers' underperformance, so it decided to take away who they love most for some time.
Aaaah! I'm so sorry, I always over explain 😭 If it's too complex or even overwhelming, please let me know! I'm more than willing to rephrase/simplify my request!
Thank you for reading! 🥰
Hi there! Please don't apologize, your explanation was very good and it helps me to write what you (hopefully) want to read! Thank you so much for the request, and happy reading! ❤️
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“Washed away” - The Hillbilly/Max Thompson Jr. x Fem!Reader
The rain trickled down on the campsite, making the ground all wet and muddy. The others ventured inside their tents, seeking shelter from the rain, but you remained by the campfire. Someone had to keep it alive anyways, otherwise no one knew what would happen. Plus, you didn’t want to be with the others now. You needed to be alone. Because that was your truth now, you were alone. Alone in this god forsaken place, left to the mercy of the darkness. Trial after trial had come and gone, and you hadn’t seen Max at all. Every other killer, again and again, but no Max. It was as if he had just gone and disappeared from the face of the earth. Had something happened to him? Had someone hurt him? The questions swirled around in your head like flies around a rotting corpse. Not knowing where he was was killing you. You curled up into a ball at the fireplace, shivering in the cold. Silent tears started rolling down your cheeks. No one understood you like Max, what if he truly was gone? You couldn’t stand the thought, biting your lower lip to keep yourself from sobbing. Not knowing where Max was, or if he even was safe, had decreased your performance during trials greatly. You got killed, hooked, tortured, and you were a terrible teammate to the others.
“It’s not fair!” you hissed to yourself, wiping the tears away from your face.
This couldn’t be it. You had to see him. Getting up from the log you sat on, you cast a glance towards the tents where the others were already sleeping. Pulling out an old kettle tag from your pocket, you threw it into the campfire. It was now or never. You took a deep breath, and without hesitating you walked into the deep, dark forest. You had to see him, come what may.
The offering had worked. As the forest gave way for the daylight, you found yourself at the Thompson farm. The cornfields, the big farmhouse, the barn. It was all here. You had been here outside of trials before, visiting Max. Outside of trials, this place almost could be seen as… peaceful. The evening sun was warm and inviting, casting everything in a golden light that only a southern sun could make so magical. You made your way through the cornfields up to the farmhouse, deciding to start your search for Max there. The warm wind didn’t stink of blood and rotting flesh now, you appreciated that. Inside the house the wallpaper was peeling off the walls, and it was very warm here. You studied the pictures on the walls, old photos with crooked frames and cracked glass. You didn’t recognise anyone in the photos, and knowing Max’s backstory, you guessed there weren’t any photos of him. Clenching your fist a little at the thought of his abusive parents, you continued your journey through the house. Studying the kitchen, the living room, the bedrooms, you found nothing of interest. Your heart felt heavy again, and you let out a deep sigh. Where was he? Had he really left you here, all alone? Suddenly, the sound of a crow cawing made you jump. You looked behind you, and quickly ran out of the house to see where the crow had flown off from. It was flying in the sky now, but what had startled it? And then you saw him. Emerging from the cornfields, that familiar limp in his steps and a wide grin on his lips as he saw you.
“Max!” you yelled out, running down the stairs of the farmhouse’s porch to throw yourself into his arms.
“Max, max, max, I can’t believe it…”
It was useless trying to hold the tears back now. You let them come, as you hugged Max tighter than you’d ever done before. You cried, your body shaking in his strong arms. He petted and stroked your back. You could feel him relaxing into your embrace, as he always did when the two of you hugged. 
“Scared…” he whispered, and you looked up at him.
“Darling, I was so scared too! I-I thought I wouldn’t see you again!”
Max let out a deep sigh, and you could see his gaze turning sad.
“What happened, Max?”
Max looked at you, biting his lower lip.
“Punished”, he said, and your heart dropped to your stomach.
Punished. Ofcourse. The Entity must have thought he performed badly in trials, and this had been the punishment. It wasn’t fair, none of this fuckery was! 
“Oh, Max…” you whispered, stroking his cheek with your hand.
The two of you hugged again, and it would take heaven and hell to break you up now.
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“Ain’t no grave” - The Trapper/Evan MacMillan x Fem!Reader
A shot rang out through the night. Then another, followed by a piercing scream. You flinched at the scream, trying not to imagine the unbearable pain as that hook sank into your shoulder. The scream had belonged to Meg, poor fucker. You felt very bad for this, but you weren’t here in this trial to escape like the others. You wanted to find Evan. For many trials you hadn’t seen him, not even seen a bear trap. It made you feel terrible, not knowing where he was or if he was safe. So this trial, you had decided that you would find him. You had burnt an offering to get here, to the MacMillan estate, and it had worked. But your killer was the dreaded Deathslinger, not Evan. That had dampened your spirits a bit, but you silently promised Evan that you wouldn’t give up. If he wasn’t in this realm, you didn’t know where to look.
“Y/N! Concentrate!”
Jake's voice made you jump, and you continued working on the generator in silence. You might as well try and get the others out while you were here, but as soon as this generator was done and the gates were open, you wouldn’t leave anywhere. You’d go searching for Evan, you’d start at the coal mines and then make your way-
You screamed in pain as you felt the piercing agony of the Deathslinger’s hook sink into your shoulder. Jake was nowhere to be seen, the coward had probably hidden the second he had smelled the killer. But you had been in your own head, and now you paid the price. Slowly, steadily, the Deathslinger reeled you in, and your attempts to free yourself were as usual useless. The Deathslinger chuckled as he lifted you up on his shoulder and started carrying you away to the closest meat hook. You struggled and panted in pain, but this only made him walk faster. 
“Let me down, you fucker! Where’s Evan?” you tried, but the Deathslinger only laughed a cold, dry laugh at this. 
The next second, the searing pain of the meat hook sinking into your wound made you scream. Through the tears and blood in your eyes, you fixated your gaze on the Deathslinger, grabbing onto the hook so it wouldn’t carry your whole body weight. 
“Where is he?” you spat out, and for a second, the Deathslinger seemed to be astounded by your stubbornness. 
Then, he let out another chuckle.
“Those who don’t perform get punished, darlin’.”
Punished. You felt your heart stop for a moment. The Deathslinger laughed at your reaction, then he turned around and walked away to find the others. You were left hanging on the hook, the pain making it hard to stay conscious. You had to find him. Desperate for an escape from the torture, you tried unhooking yourself. This failed, and your attempts were punished with another shot of pain through your body. The fog in your brain thickened, it was so hard to stay awake… Suddenly, you felt relief in your shoulder, and the cold ground hit against your knees. The next second, you felt the hook being taken out from your shoulder, and you let out a pained moan.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
The Deathslinger appeared in front of you, but he wasn’t looking at you this time. He was looking behind you.
“You think you can just barge in here and ruin everything, you fucker?” the Deathslinger hissed, readying his gun.
Then your saviour stepped out in front of you. It was Evan.
“I ain’t afraid of you, you big old-”
The Deathslinger’s insults were cut short, as he took a step backwards, away from Evan. He stepped right into a bear trap. He barely had time to scream in pain, as Evan struck him across the face with the blunt end of his cleaver. The Deathslinger fell to the ground instantly, unconscious. You watched as Evan turned around to face you. The next second, you couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. 
He quickly bent down and picked you up, carrying you to the closest rock so you could stand against it. 
“Evan, I was so afraid!” you cried, and despite the pain still screaming in your shoulder, you hugged him. 
He embraced you gently, careful not to hug your wound, and you were so happy to finally be with him again. For a second, whilst hanging on the hook, you had thought you’d never get to see him again. Now he was here, holding you, and his strokes on your back told you that he was going to take care of you. So you allowed yourself to relax, sighing as you melted into his embrace. He was here now.
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“Raise Hell” - The Oni/Kazan Yamaoka x Fem!Reader
How long had it been since you’d seen Kazan? Days, weeks. You’d lost track of the time, you’d lost track of everything. Nothing mattered when he wasn’t around, and even more so now that you didn’t know what had happened to him. What if he had disappeared? Had he left you? No, you couldn’t start thinking like that! Shaking your head slightly to get rid of those thoughts, you shifted focus back to the generator you and Nea were working on. Red wire goes behind the carburetor, blue wire goes there… But what if Kazan was in trouble? What if he needed you, and you just wasted away repairing generators? With an annoyed grunt, you stopped working on the generator and got up from the ground. You had to find out where he was. Your killer this round was Ghostface, but you were in the realm of Kazan, at the temple. Ghostface had a grand old time now, hiding in the tall grass and bushes and attacking like a coward. You were so fed up by him, but as much as you hated him, you knew he was the one with information. Maybe he knew where Kazan was? That camera of his must have seen something, but how were you going to get that information from him? As you heard Meg getting hooked, not too far away from your generator, you thought fast. 
“Nea!” you whispered, quickly dragging Nea away from the generator.
“What? Is he coming?”
“Nea, I need your help”, you quickly explained, always glancing over your shoulder. “When he comes… we jump him, okay?”
Nea looked like she was about to burst out laughing, but when she saw you were serious, she got scared.
“Are you serious? What the hell has gotten into you?!” she whispered back, but you only grabbed her and pulled her closer.
“I need this, okay! Will you help me?” 
Nea looked like she was thinking for a few moments, then she let out a deep sigh and nodded. You nodded back at her, grateful to still have some loyal friends in this hellhole. The two of you waited by the generator, hiding in the grass so as to not be noticed by Ghostface. A couple of minutes went by, nothing happened. You silently hoped that Dwight was saving Meg right now. 
“Y/N!” Nea whispered all of a sudden, and there you saw him.
That black cloak was barely noticeable in the dark grass, but he was sitting there, watching them. They knew they couldn’t let him stalk them for too long, or the Entity granted him greater power as a reward.
“Now!” you screamed, and the two of you jumped straight at Ghostface.
You barely noticed the knife slashing your arm. You clawed your way onto his arm and held on for dear life. Nea got his legs, and after a short, but bloody, struggle, the two of you got him onto the ground. Nea aimed a kick at his stomach, you took a grip of his arm and forced the knife to fall out of his hand. He roared in anger, but Nea quickly got him in a chokehold so you could get up from the ground. You panted, your fresh wounds pounding in pain. But the adrenaline rush was making your body stronger, right now you couldn’t care less about being hurt. You only had one thing in mind now.
“Where’s Kazan?”
Ghostface stopped struggling for a second, just staring at you. Then you heard him burst into laughter behind the mask, and this angered you greatly. You kicked him in the face, and he shouted in anger.
“I said: WHERE IS HE?!” you screamed, your voice echoing through the dark night.
Nea held onto Ghostface bravely, her gaze betraying her and showing shock and confusion. Ghostface didn’t laugh this time. He breathed in with a hissing breath, you could see some blood dripping from his jaw underneath the mask. 
“Why do you care?” he hissed, and this prompted you to kick his face again.
“Tell me where he is, now! I know you’re the one who knows things around here!”
A couple of minutes of silence, save for Nea’s grunts as she struggled to keep Ghostface down. Then…
“He’s not here.”
Ghostface let out a dry chuckle.
“The Entity wasn’t pleased with him, so it sent him away. For good.”
Your heart dropped to your stomach instantly. You gasped, blinking a couple of times. This was exactly what Ghostface wanted, and with a quick swing of the arm, he had thrown Nea to the ground and gotten his knife back.
“And I’m gonna make you pay for wasting my time like this!” he roared, flinging towards you.
You didn’t fight back, as he pushed you to the ground and towered above you, brandishing his knife. It was no use fighting back, Kazan was gone. Better let death come quickly. Suddenly, a loud roar could be heard in the far distance. Ghostface looked behind him, but turned back to face you and lifted his knife up high.
“I’m gonna make you bleed like a stuck-”
The loud roar got closer, fast, and the next second Kazan’s Kanabo bursted through the air, landing on Ghostface’s shoulder. Ghostface was instantly struck down to the ground, but he quickly got up to defend himself. But Kazan was here now, and his sharp blade made quick work of Ghostface’s throat. Ghostface dropped to the ground again, and this time he didn’t get up.
“Kazan!” you shrieked, getting up from the ground.
Kazan panted heavily, releasing his blade and Kanabo on the ground to embrace you. For the first time in ages, you felt safe again, as he held you in his strong arms. You breathed out shakily, and then the tears came. 
“Kazan… I was so afraid I wouldn’t…”
Kazan hushed you, embracing you tightly and sighing heavily. He rarely spoke, and when he did, it was just a few words in his language, but you always understood what he wanted. Now, his embrace let you know that he was never going to let you go again. You were safe.
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 3 months
From all of the cast who's best friends with who? Like who would call dibs when teaming up?
It's no surprise that Cole's go-to choice is Zane, but beyond the elephant in the room, they are each other's oldest + longest-lasting friend, and know each other best. They often fall into line with one another without even having to ask!
Similar to Cole and Zane, Kai and Jay tend to fall into sync automatically, as despite their tendency to take shots at each other their elements complement one another well and they both know how to get the most out of each other's fighting style.
If Nya and Lloyd weren't already Ride or Die, they'd wind up with one another anyway given how much the Core Four tend to head off doing their own thing a fair chunk of the time. Suits Nya just fine though—although we gotta be careful that Lloyd's enthusiastically destructive tendancies don't rub off on her snknksnk
Antonia probably shouldn't be weaseling her way into anything remotely dangerous, but when she does she's obviously tagging along with Jesse (at least, until Nelson gets into the picture). Jesse never fights it because he knows he's not gonna win shgfdhggd
Sunni's de facto best friend may be Samantha, but whenever she does wind up entangled with some Ninja Things, she's tag-teaming with Miranda (in which they may get distracted talking about Jay or sci-fi topics), and/or Harleigh (depending on the point-in-time...and Harleigh's mood)
This is prolly gonna sound somewhat bizarre, but I plan to have Skylor and Pixal team up often because they are both badass and cool and I desire more of their dynamic. We had a teeny taste in Crystalized and I want MOAR (...at least, once Pixal starts to warm-up to Skylor after, y'know, Skylor's dad tearing her apart and stuff.)
Olivia: Since Nya has replaced me with garbage, I'll just have to take Bridget instead 😤  Bridget: No, no you're nOT—
Brad/Sally/Gene and Chad/Maggie/Meghan all come as packaged set within their trios, though while they're not ~main~ characters, they'll show up often enough during shenanigans to be mentioned and I love their dynamics with one another (despite Chad's group being jerks at this moment in time) but aaaah I'm so excited to use them more—they're not exactly friends but they do eventually see the similarities in one another and it's so fun
Harumi, meanwhile:
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