#I'm so fucking tired of bending over backwards for other people and being expected to front flip three times on top of it.
alren-ki · 4 months
#awled ren vents#I don't want to blame anyone for this#god knows I have enough trouble talking about feeling bad in the first place#but I'm feeling isolated again#I don't- like- being the one to step up and organize things#especially when people won't work with me#I wanted to play phasmophobia around my birthday with my phasmo group#I asked when people were free and when they wanted to do it and got barely anything in return#and it just felt Bad#I haven't gone out aside from grocery shopping or going to see my mom in forever#and it's making a backslide in my progress#Sometimes I almost think I'll never actually get better#I'm practically housebound#I don't know anyone close enough aside from my dad to help#I don't HAVE Irl friends#every attempt to reach out to people I used to know falls through and it hurts#I'm so fucking tired of being isolated#I'm so fucking tired of bending over backwards for other people and being expected to front flip three times on top of it.#it just makes me feel shitty#and it takes everything I have not to just dump a whole paragraph of 'things that have made me feel bad' and leave#but the idea of hurting them makes me feel shittier#so I'm just- stewing#rotting#thinking maybe it would have been better if I'd never gotten out of that fucking house#maybe it would be better for everyone if I had just never gotten into that thing#and all other sorts of things spiraling the drain#At least I wouldn't be relegated to planning anymore#half of this doesn't make sense. I don't care anymore I don't think
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vro0m · 1 year
I'm the anon talking about the apologies being one-sided. I think there's a bit of a misunderstanding happening lol, which is my fault for not being clear enough. I meant that the amount of apologies that each driver is doing is skewed heavily in one direction (Lewis'), not that George crashed into Lewis and didn't apologize. The incident with Valtteri rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, including me, and the fact that he was pressured by toto into making a statement and hasn't said sorry to Valtteri personally is nagl, coupled with the fact that he hasn't admitted any fault with the other incidents he had last year (or maybe he has and I didn't catch it? lmk. I think apologizing to the team is all fine and dandy but I mean specifically to other drivers). I think when people see one side of the garage regularly apologizing for various things whereas the other side is not doing so at all, it seems very unbalanced and unfair? Especially when you consider the current dynamics and politics at mercedes and how that is being perceived by the fandom atm (esp by Lewis fans). Also the racial element plays a role too, POC drivers will always be more pressured to make apologies for various incidents whereas the white drivers can get away with not doing so and that furthers the idea that Lewis is being unfairly treated.
I'm not saying that George has to bend over backwards and write long apologies on social media every time he makes mistakes but even a handshake or verbal acknowledgement in interviews that he was partly to blame for incidents he gets involved in with other drivers would be nice, and it would help lessen the public perception that he's arrogant and needs to be coddled by mercedes. I don't think he has to make a full on apology post for this instance, but I think George saying that he could've been more careful would help (my personal opinion is that it was a racing incident where lewis is mostly at fault, but george should've considered that lewis was behind him on softer tires and been more cautious into turn 1, and mercedes fucked up with their strategy). I think mercedes is also handling this badly, first by making all those social media posts bemoaning George's mistake in Singapore and now with the PR apology video it just furthers the perception that George is arrogant, can't admit he makes mistakes and needs to be coddled when he does so.
No I'm sorry it's on me. Yesterday, I conflated some or all your messages with other takes I saw elsewhere that weren't actually yours. I apologise.
I fully agree that George is not subjected to the same expectations Lewis is. I also fully agree that there's a racist component to it. It's absolutely true that Lewis gets more hate for the mistakes he makes than anyone else on the grid, and he would get more hate than anyone else on the grid if he didn't apologise the way he does in the aftermath. He gets hate even when he does apologise, like I said yesterday. I also said Lewis holds himself to a standard that makes him apologise the way he does. I wanna make clear that I don't think he made that standard up for himself all on his own. Part of it is he wants to be a leader, but most of it is a response to how he was treated and a way to minimise the abuse he's subjected to in this sport and by the fans. It's like when people were praising him after AD21 like he could have reacted any other way than the way he did. He does not have a choice.
I think what confused me yesterday was I saw a few people saying that he then shouldn't apologise, because I feel like it would make it worse for him AND I think all drivers should apologise in such circumstances. I was wrong about this in that it doesn't matter what my wishes are, the reality is they don't all apologise like he does, and there's a reason for that which is they're not subjected to the same expectations. Hence why you were talking about George needing to apologise as well, not necessarily about this incident but in general, to bring him up to that same standard Lewis is held to. I conflated that with other people saying it was fully George's fault and he took Lewis out but that was not what you said. You are right and I apologise.
And yeah again, that video Merc posted was really awful. It's transparent PR and they are laying it on thick to keep pretending that there's no tension between their drivers even though it's painfully obvious that there is, and it's made at Lewis' expense. What made me especially uncomfortable is George posting it on his instagram tbh.
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confessions-official · 8 months
God you just can't win anymore can you? I make white ocs to avoid any accidental racism for other races (and I'm white why would I make someone whos supposed to represent me a different color than I am? I wouldn't expect any poc to make any oc of any other race besides their own either) and then I got shit for that, I have to 'diversify' or I'm racist. So I do just that. I just make one of my ocs black. Then they get mad at me for that! 'No, it has to be an original one, you can't just turn a white person black!' Okay then! Turn them white again and make a new black oc thats just some guy like every single other one of my ocs. 'Noo you can't do that! Now your whitewashing! And you need to do research!!' OKAY. So basically I have to research, which hurts my head severely and I have to turn the white-black-white again oc black again and get MORE backlash??
(I couldn't even study as a kid, I got horrible migraines that made me immobile til they went away. I don't really know why, and the doctors all just said I was faking. Now they just throw pills at me like I'm some druggie and dont even check me out. But we're not here to talk about that)
Basically, I have to put myself through mental turmoil, hurt myself, and essentially have to deal with constant backlash as I also bend over backwards for these fucks.
I'm so tired of this crap. I'm tired of being 'bad' for being born white. POC don't get ANY shit for not making ocs of different races, so why the fuck wont people leave ME alone? I'm not doing stereotypes: they're like all of my other fucking ocs, needlessly complicated with my favorite foods and activities. Tuna fish, by the way.
I understand that doing research and crap is great, ESPECIALLY for big projects or things that are for the public and not self indulgent, but I am so tired of being policed on my blog. I'm tired of everyone around me telling me I need to do 'research' on something that's gonna reach about 5 people who even like it, something made for me specifically.
I just wanna be able to make my own characters look like me and be happy about it. It's not like I'm making a million dollar game with an all white cast, its a fucking ship blog for me to kiss and kill fictional men and women.
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slipstreamtechnician · 9 months
There's something uniquely soul-crushing about being cut off from your friends after being gaslit by someone you thought you knew and trusted, only for him to stab you in the back when you're already feeling low over and over. I get needing to solve my problems myself but when the person who is gaslighting you and treating you like shit claims he's going to improve but then does nothing and carries on treating you that way for months, it makes you feel genuinely helpless.
Add on a second person refusing to tell you what you did to upset them and claiming that you aren't interested in resolving the issue because you asked for it to remain private as it was a private issue and safe to say it's gonna take a toll on you. Like yes, I did something to upset them but refusing to tell me what exactly I did because I didn't want the issue to be other people's problem is super shitty and screams of someone wanting to humiliate instead of acting wanting to resolve the issue.
Throw in losing your job because of layoffs and the person who's been gaslighting you claiming that "You're making too much of a deal out of it" and that you "Stop complaining" too. Doesn't help when he also claims that you're an idiot for trying to look after your mental health. Like at that point, how am I supposed to deal with this myself when the person who has been so shitty to me has chosen to never listen to me and if he does, he belittles me or holds the most petty shit against me even when I can't possibly be the one accountable for it.
I'm honestly just tired of the feeling of betrayal hanging over me day after day and feeling like I'm not going to be listened to when I'm raising concerns about how someone is acting towards me.
It's all well and good telling me I should solve a problem but I can't do that if the person I have an issue with doesn't actually listen to me, never shows any sign of actually improving his behaviour towards me and expects me to bend over backwards just to please him. The feeling of losing control that I have been feeling since August because of everything that's going on terrifies me, and being cut off from people I do care about because of two people deciding to treat me like shit just makes it worse.
I ended up doing something so fucking dumb because of that feeling, because two people decided that instead of actually telling me what I had done, they gaslit me, but nobody wants to listen to my side, so what's the point of me even explaining it? Like, I have tried to explain very clearly he was treating me like shit and not listening to me but nobody seems to actually care. If it had happened once I wouldn't have made a deal out of it, this has happened over and over for almost a year.
It feels like I have been specifically gaslit because he doesn't want me around or I had done something to upset him and instead of actually telling me, he decided that ruining my mental health was the better option. I can safely say that after all this that I have been through, because of this one person this year, I have no interest in being friends with him anymore.
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 6 months
Wreckless - Sleeping Pills
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*Warning Adult Content*
I need to google these medications right now.
Finnegan says they're new which is good, my first thought was that he'd lied about his test results or maybe had found something else out in Michigan.
I can't help it, my brain just went there.
I know it's stupid but it did.
He said new but he's being really feisty and I can't expect a straight answer out of 'Finn'.
I needed Finnegan.
Okay this one is for... anxiety.
Not a super high dose, but still.
'Finn' wanders out of the bathroom and crawls under the covers.
I just need one more second.
Okay, the second bottle is a sleeping pill.
I sit down on the edge of the bed when I realize that he hasn't been sleeping better, he's just taking pills so he can rest.
I have no doubt that the anxiety medication is for the same reason, the break-in.
He's freaked out at my house so he's taking pills to help. Shit.
"I can't," he whispers, only his face sticking out from the covers. I put my hand on his leg.
"Can't what, darling? We need to talk."
He sits up and takes a deep breath but he's not looking at me.
Another breath, then a few sniffles.
"What?" he snaps.
"Fine, we'll talk. The pills are for me, to help me..."
"Sleep," I answer.
"Yeah. I couldn't keep," he sighs, then tries again.
"I couldn't not sleep anymore, Emmett. I was... I have to run a company. BUILD a company and I can not do that when I'm exhausted. I called my family physician in Michigan and he prescribed me something. They help and it's no big deal."
It is a big deal... it is a huge deal.
"I thought you were doing better."
"I am."
No, that's not what I meant.
This is so frustrating.
"I don't want you taking pills to feel better, Finnegan."
He's shaking his head.
"You don't strike me as one of those anti-vac, homeopathic only folks, Emmett. Seriously?"
Fuck me with a flag pole.
"That's not what I meant."
Is he not listening or am I not speaking English?
"Pills are great, lots of people need them. You, however, don't need them. What you need is to feel safe and be comfortable in your own damn house."
Which is my job... my fucking job.
He's taking pills so I can stay in my house.
Now it's my turn to sigh.
"I wanted to be with you, Emmett."
When I look over at him I almost break into tears.
He looks so sad and vulnerable... horribly sad.
He's tired and weary and sad and it's my fault.
"Come here," I ask, offering him a hug and some snuggles.
I need it too.
"No, I can't. Not right now, please."
"Alright. So..."
There's only one option, really.
We have to move.
He's not okay like this and even though I don't want to leave my house.
I won't need pills if I do.
He needs a home and if he's willing to do all that to be with me, the least I can do is rent out my place.
"We'll move."
"You don't have to move out of your home, Emmett. I'm okay, I mean... I don't want to push you."
"Don't tell me you're okay when you're not. Finnegan. I feel like we just bend over backwards to make each other happy and that's not a bad thing but it sometimes seems like we're just making things harder. You should have told me about the pills last week. Instead I thought you were doing better. You started sleeping and..."
"And it made you happy. I got some sleep and you didn't worry so much. Maybe I won't need them in another month or two."
He's right, he's not going to need them.
"I'll rent my rowhouse out. I'll talk to Mrs. Lewis, she may know somebody."
"Safer to use a rental agency. I just don't want you to get screwed over. If it doesn't rent right away or the rent doesn't cover the mortgage and taxes and stuff I can make up the difference."
Why argue now?
There's no way I can go into this without letting him spend whatever he wants to on me.
My mortgage probably isn't much more than he spent on this room tonight, it really isn't a big deal to him and I need to let it go.
What I need is to fuck him into next week.
Even better, for him to fuck me into next week.
Why didn't I find the pills later?
God I'm pent up and it's my own fault.
My balls hate me right now. 
I want to give him a protein shake at the very least but he doesn't even want a hug right now so I doubt he wants to swallow my cock.
He's staring at me, probably wondering what kind of a freak I am.
Who gets hard now?
I need shorts.
"I have no idea what you're thinking," he says.
I don't blame him, I'm not really sure what I'm thinking either.
"Are you mad at me? Because I can't just get over some guy breaking in and you shooting a gun off in our house?"
"No. No. I'm pissed at myself and frustrated with the whole situation and really, really horny. It's not a good combination, I sort of want to scream or hit something but I don't do that stupid shit. Maybe I need to hit the gym."
I bet they have a really nice one here.
"Unless you want to make me scream?"
Shit, didn't really mean to say that out loud but hey, if he wants to I won't say no.
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
A Pain You'll Soon Regret - Pt. 1
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***This...This is glorious. Oh ho, I will most definitely give you this fic @millenniumofpain! I will do so gladly! Thanks for sending in this great request!***
Poly!MC Summary: MC and the demon lords get in a fight resulting in MC leaving. They planned on going to Purgatory Hall until things cool off, but they never quite make it there. TW: Heavy Angst, Violence, I don't know what to tag this, but there is a pretty nasty verbal fight, Gore/Injury Part Two: HERE, Part Three: HERE, Part Four: HERE
You growled to yourself, angrily wiping tears from your face, as you marched away from the House of Lamentation, away from your partners.
Well, you said marching. It was more of a stumble what with the way your intoxicated brain could barely walk forward. You wished you could say you didn't know how things got like this, but the evidence had been there all along. It was in the slow build of tensions that increased and increased until they overflowed. It was in the way everyone would bite their tongues more and more frequently rather than communicating their thoughts.
Everyone had little things about the relationship between the eight of you that bothered them, and no one said a word until the words could no longer be held back.
It all started after you came back from clubbing way past curfew with Asmodeus.
The two of you were definitely drunk and were giggling messes as you did your best to hold the other up.
You both jumped when the hallway light turned on to reveal Lucifer and the others waiting there for you.
You bit back a sob as you thought of the vicious words that came out of their mouths.
"You're so reckless! Do you know what could've happened to a human like you this late at night in this state?! For Diavolo's sake MC, I expected this behaviour from Asmodeus, but I expected more from you!" Lucifer shouted Asmodeus groaned and leaned against you. "We were just having some fun. It's my date night. Don't get your wings in a twist." Beelzebub glared at him. "Just because it's your date night with MC doesn't excuse you putting them in danger. You couldn't even defend yourself right now, forget about defending them!" You frowned and stepped forward. "Guys relax. Nothing happened." Mammon scoffed, "That's always how it is with you! You think that just because nothin' has happened to ya that it's fine. You ain't invincible MC. Gah, it's like you're just throwin' ya self into dangerous situations just to get us to come to save ya again!" Satan raised an eyebrow at Mammon's comments and crossed his arms over his chest. "Maybe that's what they want. Attention. Is that the real reason why you keep being so reckless?" he tsks and scowls at you, "If you wanted attention MC you could've asked one of your seven boyfriends." You looked at them all with wide eyes. "Wha- I do NOT do all of this for attention!" Levi snarled, "Then why do you do it? Huh? Why else would you get drunk in one of the most notorious clubs in the Devildom? Why else would you date all seven of the Lords of the Devildom?" You stepped back as though you had been slapped by Levi's words. You glanced around at the others, but no one rose to your defence. You met Belphie's gaze hoping, that maybe as the only one to have not spoken up, that he'd be on your side. He just snickered and gave you a perplexed look. "What? Don't expect me to step in. You got yourself in this mess." You stood shocked and hurt; almost unwilling to believe that your partners, the people who you thought loved you unconditionally, verbally attacked you. Anger bubbled and boiled inside of you until you couldn't contain it anymore. "If you guys have such a problem with it, then maybe I won't depend on you anymore! I'm reckless, yeah, I admit, but I never did it for attention and I certainly never put myself in danger just so you all could play the hero," you turned your anger to Leviathan, "And in case you forgot, you all agreed to date me! I thought it was because you all loved me as much as I loved you but apparently fucking not! So if you don't mind, I'm going to leave now like the attention-driven child that you all think I am!"
Not your classiest moment, but you didn't care. It was clear you weren't wanted at the time, and you were too tired to handle the brutal words that they were throwing at you. So you left. Which brought you here, stumbling your way towards Purgatory Hall, drunk, and sobbing as you shivered from the cold Devildom air. You could just see the shape of the Hall ahead of you when you suddenly tripped and found yourself tumbling to the ground. You winced as you felt your knees and hands scrape against the ground. You groaned and turned yourself over to inspect the injuries. "Just when the night couldn't get any worse," "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" You stiffened as three demons came out of the woods around you and began circling you like vultures about to swoop in on their prey. The tallest one snickered. "Looks like the Lords' little pet strayed too far from its masters. Lucky us~"
A shorter, rounder one smiled sharply as drool trickled from its mouth. "Their loss, our gain," it leaned forward and inhaled deeply before sighing in pleasure. "Oh, get a whiff of that fear~ Just, delicious! Do you think it's true when they say that human tears really do add seasoning to its meat?" You tried to scramble away from it, as your heart pounded in your chest, but yelped as your back bumped against a curvier one. Its long nails dug into your shoulders as it secured its hands near your neck. "Only one way to find out." You were in trouble. These demons clearly had no intention of letting you go. You needed to get out of there before it was too late. You jammed the heel of your palms against the back of the wrists of the demon that holding you down, while you leaned backwards away from it. You were able to get just enough slack to roll away from the demon before jumping back to your feet. You were still surrounded, but at least now you weren't defenceless on the ground. Progress.
You did your best snarl, one that you and Mammon had jokingly practiced together one day, and glared fiercely at them. "Do you have any idea who you're messing with? I could have you all killed with just a snap of my fingers. You have one chance to run away, or I promise you that no one will ever be able to find your sorry corpses."
The tall one laughed and smirked at you. "And what exactly are you going to do? Scratch us with your blunt little nails? Bite us with your flat teeth?" The round one perked and began to hop excitedly. "Oh! Oh! Maybe they'll summon the lords to do it for them! Such a pathetic thing doesn't stand a chance on its own."
The curvy one wore a sickening grin as it leaned down mockingly at you. "So, you gonna call your guard dogs or what?"
You froze. You couldn't summon the brothers. Technically, you could, but not at this moment. Not after that fight. They had basically screamed at you about how they were tired of you getting yourself into situations exactly like this and then come crying to them for help. And what did you do? Take off and prove them right. They didn't want to be your heroes. They didn't want you.
You were on your own in this, and there was no way you could fight and win. Without a second thought, you turned towards Purgatory Hall and ran. The laughter of the demons rang behind menacingly. You barely got five steps away before a set of claws slashed deep into your ankle. You screamed out as you collapsed roughly to the ground, making your forehead against the dirt road.
You twisted onto your side to see the round demon drooling over your heavily bleeding leg with a nearly psychotic expression. "I love it when they try to run." That was the only warning you got before it sunk its razor-sharp teeth into your calf. You wailed loudly in pain as you used your other foot to try and kick the demon off of you, but it wasn't so willing to let go of its meal. The tall one grabbed your arm, bending you foreword as it roughly folded it behind your back. You cried out as you felt your shoulder pop out of its socket and nausea swirl in your stomach. "Not so tough now, are you?" It purred in your ear as it licked the tears off of your cheeks. You choked on your sobs as it roughly bit into the flesh on your collar, and weakly struggled in its grasp. "Let go of me! H-Help! Somebody! Help me!"
The curvy one finally approached you, burying its fingers into your hair before harshly yanking your head towards it. You screamed before it slapped its clawed hand across your face. Bile threatened to rise out of your throat as you felt your own blood drip down your cheek.
Spots began to blur your vision as the demon leered down at you with its menacing eyes. You felt your stomach drop as a realization hit you. This was how you would die.
You whimpered as you thought of the brothers, and how you never got to even kiss them or tell them goodbye one final time. Hell, you didn't even get to see them smile at you. Instead, you were reminded that you could never be what they needed you to be.
You would die scared, in pain, and unloved.
The curvy demon laughed as it wrapped its hands around your throat. You struggled to breathe and whined as, for just a moment, you saw Belphegore choking you to death once more, and not this monster. You morbidly thought that it was only fitting for you to be killed the same way twice. The demon leaned closer to you, demanding that you meet its un-naturally yellow eyes as it smiled. "You realize it now don't you? That this is your death bed? That no one is coming for the pathetic little human. I bet no one would even-" Before it could finish its sentence a blindingly bright beam burst across the side of its face sending it flying across the ground. You could hear the other demon curse and began to take off as two voices shouted and more bright flashes were sent in their direction. As your vision began to fade, you saw tear-filled, innocent blue eyes look down at you and a small mouth framed by chubby cheeks try to speak. But it was too late. With a final whine, you felt your eyes roll to the back of your skull and your mind plummet into darkness. ***This request is just evil and I love it. There will be a part two. So stay tuned for more pain. Hope you enjoyed it @millenniumofpain! Thank you for allowing me to write this!!***
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
Stolen Heart (4)
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three 
@ninibears-erigom​ @baekwell--tart​ @mint-yooxgi​ @kimjongdaely​ @yeoldontknow​ @suhoerections​ @fairyyeols​
Warning: Mentions of drugs and guns and smut
Word Count: 1.5k
Baekhyun was so confusing to you. He told you to stay away but saved you time and time again. You knew he probably meant it the last time he told you to back off. He was probably tired of you just happening to end up being the damsel in distress but you couldn't help it. You wanted to see him, he was so mysterious and angry. Honestly you were incredibly turned on by his secretive nature and the bad boy vibes he so eloquently pulled off. 
That night you stood outside O'douls in your skinny jeans that you paired with a white tank top to keep it simple. Your stomach was flipping upside down in knots as you tried to convince yourself to go ahead and pull that bar door open. The one right there with the giant O on it, the door that would lead you to see the man who claimed he didn't care about you but his actions definitely proved otherwise. 
Taking one more deep breath, you pulled open the door to O'douls, a bar frequented by gangs, bikers, drug dealers, etc. They were the type of people your mom warned you about, the kind of people you didn't want to hang around, somewhere a girl like you should never be, yet here you were with your hand clutched to the handle of the door, slowly pulling it open. 
The bar was smaller than you thought it would be, and you had expected it to be packed with people but it was quiet, with only a few people who weren't happy with your intrusion. You stood inside the bar, looking at the back of a man you knew was Baekhyun and just in front of him, from what you could see was a table with drugs laid out across it, guns surrounding the drugs and three terrifying men sitting across from Baekhyun. 
"Well, who do we have here?" One man growled, looking you up and down. 
Baekhyun slowly turned around, looking you directly in the eyes. You could see the sudden change of emotion when he realized it was you, anger, and then terror before back to anger. 
"Get the fuck out. We're busy." Baekhyun snaps. You wanted to leave. At this moment, you would have listened to him, but unfortunately for you, your legs had decided they weren't going to work at the moment. Your stomach dropped, knots taking over, along with a lump in your throat. 
"Go!" Baekhyun growls, but still your body is made of jello at the moment you weren't going anywhere. 
"Now now, Byun. Let's let this pretty little thing come sit on my lap. Maybe she wants to come do a little line with me?" One man says, winking at you. 
You sure did not. 
"C'mere." Another man demands but you don't move. 
"Jinyoung. Leave it alone." Baekhyun snaps. 
"Shut the fuck up, Byun. C'mere bitch." Jinyoung demands again. 
"I won't tell you again, Jinyoung." Baekhyun snaps. "Leave it the fuck alone." He snaps, backing up slightly and putting his hand around your wrist and pulling you behind him. 
"And I won't tell you again, Byun. Shut the fuck up and lemme have my fun. Or is this bitch yours? She looks like she wants to come over here, so c'mon princess, come see daddy." Jinyoung purred. 
"I don't want anything to do with you." You blurt out by accident. You had been thinking it and then Baekhyun put his hand on your wrist and it felt nice, then your mouth began to speak without permission. Shit. 
"What'd you say bitch?" Jinyoung snaps, standing up from the table in a rage. 
"You wanna keep our good standing, good drugs and guns? You'll leave her the fuck alone, and let her go with no issues, Jinyoung. Or do you want a repeat of the last time you tried to fuck with us? You're not quite as strong since you lost Jackson." Baekhyun says. 
"Is that a threat?" Jinyoung asks with a smile. 
"Nah man, it's a fucking promise." Baekhyun spits. 
Jinyoung's smile fades away as he motions for the other two men to stand up and follow him out. "Our usual order of coke, meth, crystal and pills." Jinyoung says to Baekhyun before looking at you. "I'll be seeing you soon, princess." He finishes, sliding his gun into the waist of his jeans and walking out of the bar. 
Once Jinyoung and his men leave, you feel as though you can finally breathe. Baekhyun turns around to face you, his face angry and stone cold. 
"You just don't listen do you?" He snaps, walking slowly towards you. You walk backwards, terrified of how he was, and how mad he seemed to be at the moment. 
"I just.." you stuttered. 
"What? You just what?" He asked, backing you into a wall. 
Baekhyun leans in close, you can feel his hot breath on your ear as he slams his hand against the wall next to your head. "I've told you time and time again to not come around. Why can't you listen?" He growls. 
"Because.. I want to see you." You confess. 
"I've told you to stay away from me. I'm a dangerous man." He says. "I'll tell you one more time. Stay far away. Now get out." He snaps, walking away from you. 
"I don't want to stay away." You admit, walking towards him. "I can't stop thinking about you." 
You hear a small rumble from inside him as his back faces you. "I'm not good for you." He snaps. 
"You don't get to decide what's good for me and what's not. I decided that, and I have yet to see where you aren't." You say, even though you know he's right. The drugs, the guns, sketchy people are all good enough reasons, but not for you. 
Baekhyun swiftly turns around, looking you in the eyes. "Trust me when I say I will just end up ruining you." 
"I don't care." You whisper. 
Baekhyun reaches out, wrapping his large hand around the back of your neck, pulling your body into his before he harshly presses his lips to yours while pushing you against the wall. He hands reach for yours, lifting them both up and pinning them over your head while his tongue slides into your mouth deepening the kiss. 
He keeps both your hands pinned against the wall with one hand while his other one roam's your body, sending shivers down your spine. Baekhyun breaks the kiss, placing small kisses on your neck and chest. He releases your arms, gripping the neck of your shirt before tearing it in half, exposing your perky breasts. 
You knew today was a good day to go without a bra. 
Baekhyjn reaches down, cupping your breast, placing a nipple in his mouth, harshly sucking on the hard bud. 
"Mhm." You moan. 
"We need to make this fast." He growls, turning you around. "Pull down your pants." He demands. 
You quickly undo your pants, pulling them down enough that you're able to spread your legs and bend over. Baekhyun groans from behind you, undoing his own pants and letting his hard cock spring free, pre cum seeping from the tip of his cock.
"Shit." He groans, lining himself up with you before pushing his cock inside your tight pussy. 
Baekhyun reaches around, grabbing your throat, and pulling you back flush against him while he squeezes your neck and brutally fucks you. 
"I knew your pussy would feel so fucking good." He grunts, pumping himself into you. His hand leaves your throat, trailing down your body and in between your legs before rubbing your clit. Baekhyun relishes in the sound of your moans, and you telling him to fuck you faster. 
Fuck he loves it. 
He continues to fuck you, rubbing your clit roughly. Judging by the sound of your moans you were going to cum soon. 
"Oh god." You cry out. 
"Cum." He demands.
With those words, you cum immediately, soaking his cock with your wetness. 
"Fuck." He grunts, his thrusts becoming faster but sloppier. 
"I'm gunns cum." He yells, pulling his cock out of you and bending you over with one hand, becoming using his other one to rub his cock and cum all over your back. 
Baekhyun catches his breath before pulling up his pants and finding a cloth to wipe you down with. 
Once the two of you were dressed and settled, and you had a sweater on over your ripped shirt, Baekhyjn began to talk. 
"Look.." he says, being cut off by someone outside yelling. 
"Princess? Are you still in here?" You hear the voice of Jinyoung before the first door is pulled open. 
"Shit." Baekhyun whispers. He grabs a gun, tucking it in the waist of his jeans before grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the back of the building. 
"I know you're here. You never left." You hear in the front of the bar while you and Baekhyun slip through the back. 
Nothing ever works out the way it should. 
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curlybitch · 5 years
Main 3 + Aizawa with a S/O who's quirk causes them to fall asleep/pass out after using it
Im pretty sure this is gender and race neutral but 🤷🏽‍♀️
The first time its happens he’s sister S H O O K
Like damn bitch really?
Your probably training when it happens
Your quirk allows you to send out high energy electrons to break particles in solids and liquids apart at the molecular level
Yeah you know your shit
anyway the high energy electrons reside within your body and when you send them out it depletes your energy by lowering your glucose production
Yeah that makes like very little sense but it sounded smart in my head
So yall are going against robots in some training sim
You’ve been put on the same team and you guys absolutely DESTROY the sim
Metal and other things used to make a robot strewn all over
Hes panting, Hunched over with his hands still popping and a murderous look on his face.
He turns to look at you smirk curling the ends of his mouth as he lets out a “how about it you stupid fucking extra. Not bad."
You turn to look at him as well a small smile making itself known before your face goes blank and you tip backwards to fall into a heap on the ground
Or at least you would haveif he hadn’t caught you
He had snatched your wrist at the last moment as it had limply swung in the air and he pulls you into his chest and wraps his arm just under your shoulder blades
He iS fReAkING oUt 
His Crush just fucking collapsed like
Legit brushes past Allmight who was your teacher for the class and hauls ASS to recovery girl
He thought you were dead
On his way out he heard Kaminari mumur a “Ms.Kesha. MS.KESHA!! omfg she fuckin dead”
He’ll get pikachu for that later though
When he learns its just a side effect of your quirk he’s less worried but still v concerned. 
When you do finally start dating Expect him at your side whenever you guys are working on quirks
After Training camp your stamina increases though so he’s a little less worried
Always provides Carbohydrates needed to get your energy up
If you fall asleep on him or his stuff (like maybe yall were studying or smth) you best believe he’s not getting his shoulder/side of his body/bed or whatever back
He loves you so much like he really does want whats best for you
Oh shit
Is probably the most protective of you ngl
You better be prepared to get smothered
The first time it happens he kind of just watches with a blank yet panicked look as you collapse 
Its at USJ after the teachers arrive
You had barley been holding it together in the landslide zone with Shouto since hagakure was literally nowhere to be seen
You could create force fields and send out compressed air blasts. The problem is when using your quirk getting oxygen through the force fields is hard and when you send out blasts of air 62% of it comes from your lungs.
By the time snipe shoots the first shot your vision is hazy and your having a hard time standing
Shouto notices this and stands a little closer worried you may be under the effect of a villain’s quirk.
you bend over falling onto your hands and knees (😏) as your face tents red under your darker skin
By the time you do fall into unconscious he snaps out of it and rushes over to you.
He picks you up as a pro comes over asking whats wrong.
When he learns its an effect of your quirk he’s like
Like your own quirk basically chokes you and your so nonchalant when you wake up he’s ???
When y'all finally do get together don’t worry/
Need to get your inhaler prescription but insurance wont cover it He has Endevawhores credit card 
So ready to spoil you with that assholes money
He legit buys an oxygen tank just so he can carry it so that if you look like you need it he can provide you with air
He thinks your so amazing like your quirk literally works against your body and your still out here getting your grind on
(Grind on him though pls-)
You have a higher blood oxygen ratio than most people so your lighter than average and at first he’s worried
“Baby, please eat”
“Y/N Are you hungry?”
Once you explain to him why your weight is the way it is he calms down a little
Still spoils you though
OH baby
He knows what its like to have a quirk that effects you negatively 
Is 100% there for you
The first time it happens he crys
Baby boy Thought that he lost you before he could confess
Your quirk allows you to manipulate peoples minds
It’s basically an illusion quirk but you make people see what you want them to see
The problem is-
It takes alot of brain power for you to do that 
Even though your big brain
(Big Brain)
It still exhausts you on a mental and emotional level. Especially emotionally if you make some dark shit
During the Activity on the first day you to make your classmates and your teacher think you did well. 
Afterwards When your ranked 6th your so fucking tired you pass out.
He panics because you fall back right onto him.
M*neta was so jealous
He really loves you in like
The purest way
He thinks that you probably wouldnt want to date him because most girls like guys who are taller than them
You guys are about the same height
Hes also really timid and insecure
Falling asleep on his shoulder during bus rides
Sleeping in his bed while he does his homework
Just showing you trust him
He wants you to know he can provide for you in emotional ways
Probably has a whole notebook dedicated to your quirk
Helps you think of ways to make it more offensive
Ways to combat it
Hes got you
You fall asleep all the time
Half the time it's just cause your in the habit of sleeping after your shift at hero work
Him too
You guys are both underground heroes but you met back in your 1-A days
Well his 2-A days but who's counting
So he already knows what's happening the first time you collaspe
Your quirk is called Silent Night (lmao now I'm just making shit up)
Your quirk allows you to decrease or completely eradicate sound and sight in a person/group
This can be a steady decrease or not
Anyway by doing this it creates a ringing in your ears and back in your early days it caused splitting headaches and Black out migranes
It also can cause black spots Dancing around your vision
You get really disoriented
The first time your patrols synced you guys had to take out a large drug ring
You had to block the sight and sound of about 200 men and women who were on a less than legal position
When you guys get them all cuffed with the help of a few other heroes and the police have finally arrived you all but collaspe against the wall of the building
Black spots dance in your vision as your ears ring
He slowly walks over to wear you seem to be rapidly falling into unconsciousness and puts a hand on your shoulder
He calls over a medic even though he knows they cant exactly help you as it's a side effect of your quirk
Expect naps together
He shares his sleeping bag and yall are cuddled up so close
Even though it's pretty big cause hes 6 feet tall do the sleeping bag is about 8ft and drowns your ass
He just loves having you close!
So uh...this is my first reader insert so tell me how it is...?
Leave me a ask or dm me one???
I'll try (pretty much) anything once!!!
Also please please PLEASE send me an ask cause a bitch is bored.
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marvinswriting · 4 years
scary damian scary damian scary damian scary d-
prompt: the title speaks for itself lmaooo thank you bear for dealing with me sending you every other paragraph to make sure i got the energy of the fic right orignal g/t mg
I shoved my phone into my pocket, approaching the tiny pick up zone. I felt bad pulling Damian out of class but I'd feel worse if I passed the fuck out from exhaustion and got him worried.
Nothing telling my teacher I'm going to the nurse won't fix. 
I walked through the tiny halls, the unfinished ceilings and led beams hanging down. The occasional light flicker really setting in the horror genre feel. I tried not to concentrate on the hallway decor too much, it hurt more than anything. The half-assed drywall with bulletin boards hung occasionally. There were tiny lockers that went largely unused and some vending machines that haven't been refilled since I was a freshman. 
I yawn, approaching the tiny pick up zone. 
As expected, the hallways are quiet. The occasional student walks past but nobody pays me mind. I liked it better that way anyway.
I slumped against the wall, letting my head fall forward. I was exhausted. Don't know why. I actually got sleep last night. Can too much sleep make you more tired? Oh well. Gonna get more.
More footsteps pass the tiny pick up zone, but these ones pause before backtracking. I look up to see Shane Omen. 
Because who else?
I lower my head again, too tired to deal with this. 
"Yo, space dyke." Shane doesn't seem to happy to not get a reaction out of me. "I'm talking to you."
"Sure you are." I feel like I should be running, but my brain is sluggish and I don't feel any fight or flight kicking in. When I would normally be up on my feet, creating as much distance between us as possible, I'm just trying not to fall asleep.
I have enough energy left in my brain to know being unconscious around a giant, especially Shane Omen, isn't the smartest idea.
"Space Dyke." There's a hand reaching for me.
That makes me flinch backward but- its too late at this point. 
Is it bad to call this interaction familiar at this point?
Because it was.
I made a noise of surprise as Shane grabbed me off the platform roughly. My hands weren't pinned at my side this time, as I fruitlessly tried to push his fingers off of.
They wrapped around my entire body even pinning my legs together. 
"Shane, please!"
"Are all tinies as rude as you? Never respond when they're being talked to?"
I was not in the mood. My body felt as though it would shut down at any second and this interaction was frankly sending me into overdrive. My brain was panicking, trying to stay awake, trying to find the strength to fight back, trying to find energy where there was none. 
"I always find it amusing. You tinies are so big and bad with giants. But when you're alone- look what happens." Shane's fist tightens.
"Where's you giant, huh? Isn't that something you freaks do? You try and twist our words positively? Embrace it? Hate to break it to you, it doesn't seem to be working. You're still a pathetic annoyance."
Shane's right. Where is Damian?
"I could drop you right now," Shane says, and my blood runs cold. "It'd be ruled as an accident. They don't check the cameras about these things. You're just a tiny. You freaks fall off ledges all the time. Your name would be in the school newspaper this month and then never spoken about again."
Shane's grip loosens and while it's normally a welcoming sign, I struggle to find purchase, grabbing at his fingers, not wanting to fall.
"Shane, please."
"Please what?"
“Please, get your hands off my tiny."
Both Shane and I turn to the new voice. I could cry in relief. There stood Damian walking down the halls. He looked pissed but I knew him long enough to see he was as scared as I felt. 
Damian never said 'my tiny'. I called him my giant, sure, and he knew I was his tiny, but he always said despite it being embraced among tinies, he felt like he was taking ownership of a valuable life. Which was totally valid and I understood, but to hear him say it now put a smile on my face, despite the situation I was in.
The smile didn't last long as Shane's fingers once again tightened painfully around my body.
"And why should I?"
Damian was in front of us now. Shane wasn't short, but he wasn't tall. Damian was tall. He glared down at Shane. 
Holy shit.
None of my giant friends were fighters. Yeah, Cady has verbally chewed out some people, Gretchen has paid jocks to beat up others, but none of our giants were physical. But right now? Damian looked fully ready to throw hands.  
"Please hand me Janis." He held out his hand expectantly and for a second I thought Shane was just gonna comply. His grip loosens and his hand moved forward slightly before pausing. "No."
Shane said it with the authority of the girls on TikTok who bully people in the comments, saying no and throwing a heart emoji after.
"I'm sorry?" Damian's voice was low. Like the night Cady threw the part, but this time he wasn't trying to hide his anger or keep calm. "I heard what you said. About dropping her? Yeah, I think it's clear I'm not gonna let you do that. What you said counts as a threat by the way. If Janis wanted to report you, they'd check the cameras and you'd get into some serious trouble."
Shane seems metaphorically cornered for a second. Only a second.
God, I'm so fucking tired. I just want to be in Damian's pocket, where it's warm and safe and I can sleep, god damnit.
I can't tell if it's the total exhaustion or Shane's tight grip on me but my vision feels like its fogging up-
Oh my god, I can't breathe. 
How fucking tired do you have to be to notice you're not breathing?!
I let out a very incoherent plea and both giants look down at me.
"You're hurting her."
"Am I?"
"Knock it off dude. Let her go that's not funny."
"Let her go you say?"
The fingers wrapped around me are suddenly gone as I let out a gasp of surprise and for air. Shane Omen fucking dropped me. Wow.
I didn't fall far before landing on another hand. I knew it was coming but that didn't make me any more prepared as I land with an ungracious thump.
I'm not held by Damian for long as he gently places me on the tiny pick up zone. As much as I love Damian, I'm grateful to be back on solid ground as I stumble backwards leaning against the wall. 
"What the fuck is your problem, Shane." Damian isn't bothering to hide his anger at this point. 
Shane takes a step back, his hands going up in defense. "Chill dude. It's just a tiny. I don't understand why you get so upset. You're like the only one who gives a shit about space d-"
Shane didn't get to finish his sentence as Damian suddenly swings his arm, fist connecting with jaw.
I jump back, out of surprise more than anything.
Holy fuck.
I suddenly felt a lot more awake and in tune with the situation going on in front of me.
Damian never got violent. He was always the teddy bear friend. But this teddy bear had one good right hook. Where did he fucking learn that?
My illusion of big scary Shane Omen is broken as Damian towers over him, Shane bending over, hand on jaw. If anything, it's Damian who looks scary right now.
That's something I never thought I'd say. 
Damian shakes his fist out like he's trying to flick away the pain. "Don't ever talk about Janis like that again. If you or any of your friends use that nickname again, I'll-"
"We won't!" Shane is quick to reassure. "Swear on it, dude. Uh- Damian. We- we won't."
Damian doesn't seem convinced at this as he continues to glare at Shane. Shane turns to me and I instinctively flinch back. He raises his hand in defense. 
"Sorry- Janis."
 I don't think I've ever heard Shane call me Janis before? It's always been space dyke. Woah.
"I'm," Shane points behind him, skittishly. "I'm gonna go now, so-" He doesn't finish his sentence, just turns and speed walks down the halls. 
The second he's out of slight, the pressed lips and stiff posture fade and Damian looks a lot more- well, Damian.
"Are you okay?" His voice is back to a hushed concern. I jump regardless.
"I'm fine. Now." I say slowly. My brain feels like it's rebooting from what I've witnessed. It needs time to let the files load.
Damian punched somebody. 
Damian punched Shane Omen.
Shane Omen was scared of Damian.
Damian Hubbard the dude who wouldn't hurt a fly if he was paid to, punched Shane. Omen. 
And it was equally a mix of badass and scary.
I never thought I would call Damian scary. He hates being viewed as scary. And for the most part, he's not. But that? That was scary even if it wasn't directed to me.
My head snaps up. Damian looks nothing like he did thirty seconds ago. Now he stood timidly, like he was afraid to move and set me off. "I know you don't like yelling. I'm sorry."
I nod. "Thank you for coming when you did."
I pushed down all uneasiness I had. It frankly made me feel guilty. It was just Damian. He wouldn't hurt me. I didn't think he'd hurt Shane Omen either but-
It's Damian.
"You really had Shane ready to piss his pants," I say lightheartedly. "It was tits, dude."
Damian chuckled nervously. "I just saw him holding you and I got so nervous and I-"
"Hey hey hey-" I rush to the edge of the platform. "I'm here right now. I'm okay."
Yeah, it was pretty scary watching Damian tower over his peers aggressively. But it was also badass. And if Cady did the same I'd be gay. But the Damian I'm seeing right now? That's my best friend who would never hurt me. That's my platonic soulmate who goes out of his way to keep me safe. 
Which he was doing earlier, just in a new way. 
Damian scoops me up, holding me to his chest. I can feel his heartbeat slightly faster than normal. 
He was as worried as I was.
Just being held by Damian and the familiarity of being safe was all I needed for the exhaustion to set in again.
"I'm gonna fall asleep." I mumble. 
Damian laughs. "That is why you called me to pick you up, right?"
"Yeah," I say sleepily.
Damian shifts me into the familiar chest pocket and there's some rustling as I assume he puts on the whit pin before we're off. 
There's a couple of things we should talk about. Like him punching Shane Omen for starts. Or Damian calling me his tiny for the first time. But right now it's nap time.
Back to Damian's English where I can fall asleep without worry of Shane. Not that I think I'll be worrying about Shane for a while.
bear told me i write shane omen well and i guess that just means i make a good fucking villain lmao- also was damian at least a little in character? i tried. @realmisspolarbear @musicallygt @smallsoysauce
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empressxmachina · 5 years
by Imperial-Radiance (that’s me)
1|1: Faux Pas, part 1, is also on Wattpad.
"All the shit we do, and this doesn't get any easier."
"It's only because no one does it like we do or... or, ugh, at all, really."
The Center of Colors, the most marveled museum of art in all of Oswana if not the entire world, was a fortress in its own right, and all attempts by a not-so-young maho madam to push open the one door inside it that led to its underground car park were to no avail. The age of the door was a blink in comparison to the building that housed it. Looking past that, it still was not used as proportionally often as originally designed due to 'more preferred' transit options for safety reasons. But, with the particular event taking place there – the biannual meeting of the Continental Couturiers' Council – and a certain, small minority quickly rising up its rankings, putting some oil on the door hinges would have been the easiest courtesy.
Yet, here this lady was, having to force all her might just from an unlocked but still stuck door, adding to the lengthy list of surprises of the night. But she wasn't alone in the struggle.
"Uh, Mel?" a concerned Lyanna expressed, quickly simmering down her tense self after seeing how roughly her best friend was fumbling with the push bar. "You good?"
"Come on! Really!?" Melanie continued to grunt, not allowing herself to give in so quickly, even if it possibly ruined her blazer in the process – not the best look at a fashion event. "What is this!?"
"Damn. If Miss 'Moore Gains, Moore Power' can't open the thing, it really must be tight," Lyanna claimed in jest. She, despite being in similar, unfortunately-formal-for-the-task fashion, joined Melanie's efforts at her side, groaning as she repeatedly rammed her upper arm into the surface like a linebacker. "Maybe, urgh... Lanky Ly can be... a little help."
Melanie was all for the assistance, especially given all the reasons she had to not expect it. But, getting it with a shaded humblebrag, even if jokingly, was not going to happen. A critical look was sent Lyanna's way in protest, and sassy yet complimentary projections soon were, too.
"'Lanky', my ass. How many ball sports... did you say you... played in school again? How many of them... weren't co-ed... before you joined? Which one of us... qualified for... for the... Superhero Circuit... over thirty... on accident!?"
It only took the first rebuttal for Lyanna to regret making her lighthearted comment at all. But, like the mature woman she was, she took it in stride with an apology.
"Okay, okay. I get it!" she stretched through more grouses of strain. "I'm sorry. You happy?" Melanie paused her own pushes for a second to shine a grin at her buddy that epitomized 'I told you so'. Her receiving a set of rolling eyes and a scoff back followed right after, paired with Lyanna taking her exertion efforts to the next level. "But," she resumed, feeling her shoulders start to slide out their sockets, "my athleticism... means nothing if... if it can't help us... get through... the fucking... DOOR!"
Giving in to all of the pressure, the bar lock finally began to budge. However, no one, especially not the designers of the door, ever figured for that much force, let alone by two, tired maho ladies, to be spread across the bar like that. They had much more strength than they realized, or the door was weaker than expected, and before they knew what they were doing, the door flew open out of their grasp, echoing with Lyanna's voice into the mostly empty garage as it slammed into the wall.
Inertia sent Lyanna and Melanie forward, unable to keep balance on their skinny, high heels. Melanie, closer to the hinges, managed to catch herself on a nearby parking barrier, but Lyanna found her stopping place not on the ground or on a structure but instead in the arms of an awaiting security guard.
"Got ya, ma'am," the uniform-donning young man assured with a slight strain in his voice upon catching her. "Are... Are you alright?"
Lyanna sneered at his brief struggle, knowing fully well that she wasn't that heavy until she realized it was not due to her at all, at least not completely. In the distance, the door to the office where all of the watching camera footage was housed was wide open with most screens showing the three of them right then. If he had been watching the ladies' struggles until not long ago and decided to help for himself, then he would've had to run to reach them in time. Looking at his tired but quickly recovering state, he probably did that, just slightly too late and switching to a catcher's role in the heat of the moment.
Getting over the drama of it all, Lyanna gave her savior some solace as she rose and composed herself. "Yes, thank you. I... I'm fine."
"Not as much as you, cutie pie," Melanie winked at the guard with her down-home charm, to which he returned a bashful gasp. "What's a handsome soul like yourself doing out on the town late on a weekend alone, guarding C-Cubed at CC, no less?"
"I, uh," the young lad had trouble finding the right words.
On one hand, getting a compliment was always nice, especially if both lighthearted and likely to result in an extra tip. On the other hand, if he egged it on too much, then it'd just be asking for a bunch of double-sided trouble for way too many reasons to count. Aware that he couldn't leave her hanging, he replied with something reasonable in between.
"I-I'm just working to pay for school, ma'am, getting what I can, whenever I can." He smoothed the wrinkles in his suit, hoping to worsen his seemingly bad first impression. "I'm not even a guard. I'm more like a concierge, though I can drive people around, too, so I don't even know if that's even the right term." He quickly recognized he was right on the cusp of rambling about his nondescript job position and soon reverted to a more robotic, reserved offer. "A-Anyway, shall I call you two a car?"
"You can do better than that," Lyanna surprisingly interjected, stretching her back with a backward, propped bend. "I'll call your bluff. Drive us home, then. The two of us aren't too much for you in this big city, are we?"
If Melanie's comment sent blood to the guy's face, then Lyanna's did the opposite, blanching it bright from assertive surprise. Though, knowing who they were and what they were known for, such responses were expected in the back of his mind. Nonetheless, he caught Lyanna's declaration of the challenge and accepted it.
"Let me, uh, just grab a key from the station," he stated, pointing back toward the office, "and we'll be on our way. Choose any one of the vehicles by the wall you like, and I'll meet you there."
Like a hummingbird, he zoomed away to grab the nectar of his choosing, leaving the two ladies to converse and corner a car... all the while cutting each other down.
"You were not just charming that child, were you?" Lyanna pressed, strutting over to her friend. "He's young enough to be either of our children, and I know you're not that crazy."
"Of course not, you dunce," Melanie defended, with an eye roll, offended being typecast from a simple false flirtation. "Like I'd court a kid to have a good time." She managed to get a chuckle out of her best friend as she wrapped an arm around her shoulders and led her to the back of one of the vans. "I'm trying to make that young man into a mannequin. You don't think he'd be a good look for the new line?"
"It's less that and more 'You couldn't have asked more normally?'"
"What's more fitting than looking for fashion models at a meeting for fashion designers?"
"I don't know, giving out a business card and telling him to call you at a normal hour? Damn it!" For a second, Melanie thought that Lyanna was actually mad at her. But the pause just turned out to be a dramatic one, replaced by more giggles. "Damn you, innovative bitch."
Melanie soon joined into the laughing fit. "You know it. See? I'm always making money moves, even if people don't agree with my vision."
Her wording was too specific for it to not be related to and reignite the tensions acclimated over the duration of the meeting she had to hide behind glossy lips and gritting teeth. "We're back to talking about what we were before we found ourselves fighting the architecture, huh?"
"We do too much for too little reward, apparently. Is that what you said?"
"Not... exactly," Lyanna hissed, clicking every T with purpose, "but you're not wrong, either." Leaning back against the trunk, thankful for a siren not going off in the process, she looked up at the ceiling and processed her thoughts. Her memories of the evening.
Drinks. Hors d'oeuvres. Designs for two seasons from now. It wasn't much different than usual. Lyanna's peers had finally gotten used to how she ran her business after so many years of it 'not evolving' except in styles. But it was just tolerance rather than full-on acceptance, and the constant stares and murmurs that they seemed to throw in overtime toward her tonight garnered an equal reaction back: allowed but never wanted.
The worst part of it, aside from the blatant prejudice behind Lyanna's doings, was that they never considered why she does it. Seeing things from her and maybe Melanie's views would be more help than harm. Though, given how they got where they were, they'd forever be oblivious unless she made a scene.
While the two prim pals measured the parking deck to easily house multiple homes, it was barely worthy of an under-bed shoe organizer to the khadra: the larger, other halves opposite their maho selves with whom they shared the world. Well, their nation, at least. One couldn't be sure about the rest of the planet nowadays. Even so, everything Lyanna lived and worked for, no matter how high she rose, would forever be under their noses, perhaps even underfoot.
Simply thinking back to the dastardly door, once again, only made her more upset, remembering how it was basically a metal slab wedged within floor molding shadowed by a nearby stand. The Council could've paid someone to at least act like a security for smaller folk, but the fact that the Center kept their half of the deal was a little reassuring.
Probably one-twelfth of what her full pleasure banks could hold: the standard fraction.
"Sure, we get flooded in respect for our abilities," Lyanna commented, still gazing toward the above ground, "but it's just a cop-out. The collabs we do are never enough; they want more out of us. It's like they assume we have to give them everything not because they deserve it or because it's right but because they're fucking—"
"Ah, here we go," the young guard cut in, to Melanie's favor. Having known her bestie for two decades, she knew he had shown up right on time and prevented an imminent Lyanna explosion. Jiggling his keychain with a glowing smile as he unlocked the van's doors, sidewinding the looks of respective relief and heat diffusion on the ladies' faces, he was completely none the wiser. "We're ready for action. If you'd allow me..."
Continuing his act like a gentleman, he opened the doors for the two women, first Lyanna on the passenger's side of the backseat and then Melanie seated right behind him. Considering they thought they were simply in for a glorified taxi cab ride, they had quite the shock seeing how decked up the innards of the vehicle were. It wasn't a party bus or anything resembling a limo rented for a promenade, but the selection of fun-sized snacks, drinks, and reading material, on top of how comfy the seats and lighting were, was a sight to behold.
The ladies were greatly impressed all around, quickly sharing a look of wonder with each other, but the oblivious driver wouldn't be able to see that, focused only on the job at hand. Plus, the sight of Melanie on her phone and Lyanna already sipping on a tiny water bottle as she looked out her window gave no hint to it, whatsoever. He was happy to see them fully adjusted, totally bounced back from their tumbles and fumbles, and it irked him that he might break that calmness for the last necessities of his job.
"I do apologize for this, but I almost forgot," he said, looking in the rear-view mirror at them as he started the engine. "The Center of Colors has this policy where the drivers have to get crossed confirmations for—" His declaration faltered at the ladies' look of confusion at his jargon, thus needing clarification in common, much more comfortable language. "Basically, they want two forms of authorization for each passenger. Usually, a quick clip where you say your name or something like that should be fine. I know who you are, and I'm sure most others do, too, but it's the tradition. If you wouldn't mind...." He pressed a button on his controls and started recording, signaled by a light on his rear-view mirror and a mechanical bloopy noise. "...giving a quick roll call."
The two thirty-somethings looked at each other, both not saying a word and both testing each other to see who would crack first. After what felt like forever, emphasized by the driver's nervous coughing and wheel tapping to crack the silence, and in a noble act of succession, the first to introduce themselves was,
"Melanie Moore."
Melanie Moore. Chief marketing officer. Queen of advertising. Flirtatious firecracker. Part-time yogi. Slayer of Oswanian style boundaries with her pop-up collections like her golden-hued 'Code Mellow'. C-Cubed's 'Best New Designer' a few years ago because of them. She was happy to have made a name for herself, specifically under her own name, but she knew and never denied that she'd never be where she was if it weren't for,
"Lyanna Paulson." Lyanna fucking Paulson.
Naturally a brunette. Currently a blonde. Visible exercise and sports fanatic. Drink connoisseur. A flash celebrity made in the blink of an eye all based on luck. The epitome of nouveau riche. The youngest member to have been inducted into C-Cubed (and receive its BND award like Melanie) back when she was twenty-four. The Designer of the Year not long after. Melanie's best friend. Also, Melanie's boss, technically, but she rarely states that aloud. She was a lot of things and known for many more. But she was a household name for two.
Her fashion and design company 'Moonsong', along with its occasional luxury dabbles via 'Lunar Serenade', was going fifteen years strong with top sales and quality. Yet, in all of those fifteen years, with the exception of collaborations with industry peers and the even more occasional one-offs, every product was strictly for maho, leading to an aura of presumed racism constantly washing over her.
The two buddies bickered back and forth on the openness of their projects to those that towered over them, each having solid reasons for their views. But, with Lyanna having more say and severity, it always went her way. The threats and attempts of harm that were sent her way in the beginning when people realized her khadra-closed doors weren't just a phase, along with a few every now and then, weren't fun to experience. But even her miffed adversaries and confused familiars had to give her props for standing her ground and defending the safety of her staff, and each trouble always seemed to dissipate as quickly as it came.
That, and all of her giving back to just as many khadran causes as native maho ones helped, but people just seemed to always gloss over that.
Lyanna, even with her brief smile into the camera and mic, was still fuming from the event, and thinking of all her conflicts leading up to it wasn't making it better. Luckily for her, Driver Boy seemed to catch that, even with his back turned. Pushing her was the last thing he wanted to do. He just hoped his body could follow his heart and mind.
"I, uh..." he struggled to speak at first, seeing the coldness in Lyanna's eyes as she gazed into the camera. But that soon passed over, and his goal to make sure the drive did the same launched in full force. "I know you two must be looking for privacy going through the garage," he observed. "It's good that I know some scenic routes around the city. So, please make yourselves comfortable, and enjoy the ride."
Melanie had already found her way back to phone diving toward whatever as the van left the safety of the parking deck and, for the pair of couturiers, waved goodbye to C-Cubed for six months. The carpooling posse simultaneously passed under the art museum's overly cheerful exit sign, getting an eye roll of her own out of Lyanna.
'Thank you for visiting the Center of Colors!' it expectantly exclaimed. That farewell stayed still on the sign, but its lower half in all its mechanical glory had to show off, switching between presumably planned puns every few seconds. The trio managed to go under just as one went off – 'We hope to color you impressed once again really soon!' – and another took its place – 'May we brighten your day with flying colors upon your return!'
The wish for any sort of spectrum wasn't necessary as the aura around was still lively and beaming, perhaps being that last thing Lyanna's somewhat buzzed, water-guzzling person needed in her face.
"Hello, Xesant," she sarcastically greeted the outside world. "Glad to see you're still lively on a Sunday night." From its art-bordering white LEDs to the rainbow of marquees and HIDs along the streets, it was back to the big city they knew so well yet still a long way from home.
Xesant. A city nearly ten million strong by itself, and it looked like all of those citizens had filled the sidewalks like a sardine tin. A gem of Oswana, the city was, despite not being its capital. Half a tourist trap and half a modern marvel... and everything no one would've thought Lyanna would've submerged herself in for two decades. Luckily, she had Melanie by her side through it all, but she only eased the tension, not rid her of it.
She'd never be rid of it as long as she lived there.
Oswana was right at, if not itself being, the intersection of the planet's two historically opposite halves together: the more land- and khadra-filled northern Drakh and the sparser southern Hoemue with the maho. Time followed its course, and the communities came together, finally coalescing at the major metropolis literally on the equator between them: Lyanna's anxiety-driving abode.
Out of all the places in the world, Oswana, especially Xesant, had managed to optimize integration to a T, and it still amazed Lyanna after twenty years seeing it all work in action. It just made no sense in her head.
Watching vehicles and souls that were the size of houses pass by so strongly yet swiftly and never be in the way. Alternating stoplights and substitute paths for both sizes for undisrupted travel. Mismatched yet complementary pairs of windows, doors, and on every building for everyone to have a place to take in their surroundings. Blended groups – a surprisingly large minority – somehow walking in pace with each other, neither too fast nor too slow.
That one khadran girl crossing directly in front of the van – shoes taller and possibly heavier than the vehicle itself – with a maho in hand, losing her balance, and managing to fall with a resonating thud toward the Moonsong troupe with both her companion safely cupped to the chest and all her long and loose limbs snaking between all the tiny cars, including their van, on their side of the road.
All of this at once, emphasized by a cacophony of horn blaring and muffled, concerned voices. Yet, as Lyanna drank her way through more than a handful of bottles in seconds at the sights, the driver didn't even flinch, and Melanie may not have even noticed. Her lockage in her phone was made even more apparent by her following statement, cracking the lull of silence within their four, glass-peeking walls.
"Oh, look," she announced, sliding her phone over to Lyanna's vista. "In case you cared..."
With her nonchalant tone and apparent lack of awareness for her surroundings, even as the driver drove around the still collapsed cohorts, one could've assumed she found an article pertaining to the current slip and trip debacle outside that looked a lot like fake news if it weren't actually true. However, her carelessness was genuinely due to the routine with C-Cubed finally updating their social media and website with details from the meeting's latter half. What particularly caught Melanie's and now Lyanna's eyes was the results of the unimportant-aside-from-a-trophy, aptly named superlative voting, 'In Case You Cared'.
Lyanna usually didn't care enough to view them as soon as they were posted, regardless of having voted herself, mainly waiting until the next morning to see what any newcomers had to offer. However, with Melanie thrusting them in her face, she knew it had to be something interesting. Lo and behold,
"Congrats, Ms. 'Styled and Profiled,'" Melanie praised her bestie, who looked more or less unenthused except for an eyebrow raise. The 'Styled and Profiled' Award. Something between Best Dressed and Most Pulled Together, in the corporate sense. At least, that's what they said it meant. "The glassware company for the awards should just sponsor you at this point. Damn. What is this, your third time getting this? Fourth?"
"Seventh," Lyanna lifelessly corrected, pushing the phone away, "not that it matters." Considering how many times Lyanna earned it, with her reputation, it was probably neither in reality. "Your look is way better than mine. This was probably a brownnosing move, trying to be hyperaware of the culture or whatever."
Melanie chuckled at first at her snide remarks, until she reviewed exactly what Lyanna had said. With every word, she found more and more wrong with her perspective. Was she self-deprecating? Did she genuinely think she was right? What the fuck did she mean by them being 'hyper-aware' of her when no one other than them two knew why someone would even have to be? Melanie retracted her phone and sat in her seat, waiting for any clarifications, but none came, leaving her to ponder for herself with a stony stare. Unfortunately, as much as she tried to do otherwise, only unsavory ideas came to mind. For Lyanna's sake, Melanie hoped, if they turned out to be true, they weren't due to—
"Excuse me, Ms. Paulson, if I may..." Before Melanie had a chance to rebuke, question, or instantly judge her friend's suspicious commentary, the driver felt the need to interject. Luckily for all involved, it had no faults and raised the subconscious heating mood. "...I think you look great."
Lyanna's brows raised at the compliment, and Melanie joined her in shock, though she was more impressed as his bravery in speaking out of turn. He didn't realize that meaning upon looking back at them, seeing their expressions. He figured they were from him only recognizing one of them as opposed to both, and thus he made an addendum.
"N-Not that you don't, too, Ms. Moore," he nervously saved his hide, spouting a just-as-shy smile. "I just—Uh... you both probably earned it, okay?"
Lyanna's face stayed blank, but the driver immediately blushed at the sound of a tip being sent to his phone. Looking behind him to Lyanna's left, Melanie wore a grin of her own as her phone confirmed a scanned QR code and a quick transfer of payment.
"You're already paying him when he hasn't even signed on, yet?" Lyanna inquired, shooting the driver a smug look before turning toward the window... and cringing again at the mongrelized mania of it all. "But, hey, at least you have a good eye on you, wanting to represent the company with people that actually wear our stuff."
The redness on said subject's face instantly flushed back to his natural pallor. From a distance, there was nothing that discerned his uniform from that of any other worker at the Center of Colors. In fact, his pants and polo combo were exactly the same as any other's. But each soul was allowed a few extra freedoms employees had via accessories, body modifying, etc., and he did take part in that. As subtle as he tried to be in doing so, there were sprinkles of a certain brand down his person.
There was no way for them to go unnoticed by their head designers...especially with their owner catching them in his arms as a first impression.
"Uh, yeah," Melanie replied matter-of-factly. "He obviously knows how to read a room, er, van... and speaking of..." Going restless, once again, Melanie relocated to her seat's edge, setting a hand on the driver's chair back. "Hey, uh, I don't think you actually introduced yourself. What did your code say? Bryan? Bradley?"
"Br-Brenden, actually," the driver corrected, at least relinquishing anonymity. "I can't believe you noticed my gear."
He ran a hand across the small charm at the helix piercing on his left ear that matched a ring on his opposite hand, both pieces from a years-old collection. He would've twirled his feet and ankles around, too, showing off their extremely new shoes, both in age and ownership, but driving kept them still. The job correspondingly reminded him of a concern that was sure to get him penalized if he didn't address it soon.
"I also can't believe I haven't asked where I'm supposed to take you two," he chuckled, attempting to hide the ringing of his inner panic alarm. "Where did you have in mind? The Moonsong office?"
The ladies looked at each other briefly – Melanie slumping back again to face Lyanna head-on – to make a choice. The mistress of marketing implied, "I wouldn't mind heading there. It's not like we can do a late- or half-day tomorrow if we run super late doing random bullshit." A smirk briefly popped on Lyanna's mug. "Though," Melanie then countered, thus dropping said smile, "there were some, uh, biz things... I wanted to talk to you about."
"And, it's nothing you can't screen me at home?" Lyanna fought. By her tone alone, Melanie knew her idea had pancaked. "Mel, I love you, but I want to go home, sleep, and forget today."
The night had gone somewhat uncomfortably for them both, despite Lyanna's award, so she couldn't be blamed for not wanting to deal with anything anymore. But, Melanie shuddered, knowing how much more difficult things were going to become from it. She didn't want to make it worse, so she kept it to herself.
"A-Alright," she conceded. "I still want to head there. Your place in deeper inward, anyway, so I can get Brenden here to circle around and stop on by for a bit before going back to CC." A mutter of acceptance poked out of Lyanna before Melanie, at last, gave Brenden a destination. "Just head on over to T-Sa if you can, please. At least close enough to where Ly won't fall on her face if she'll need to walk."
The implication of inebriation was concerning, and the increased reference to some Moonsong deal was hyped as hell, but of all things to catch Brenden's attention, Lyanna's home was the showstopper. A fitting one but a surprise, nonetheless.
"You live at Sat Ave!?" he gasped, beaming through the rear-view mirror at her.
T-Sa. Sat Ave. Ten Saturn Avenue. One of the ritziest and private locales in all of Oswana, in spite of it being one of the most noticeable silhouettes in the lower Xesant skyline. Lower mutually in latitude and the height of its inhabitants. Only maho allowed. It was a sight to behold, but to Lyanna, it was the one place she could call her own. A fortress to be reckoned with. Literally.
"If you say anything," Lyanna hissed, jerking her eyes to Brendan's with a glower that could crack glass, "I will end you."
"Uh... I... N-Noted." Like the lapdog he was and now felt like, too, he complied, focusing back on the roads, pinning down the complex in his mental GPS, and heading on his way.
Melanie groaned at Lyanna's aggression, but rather than calling it out, she simply rolled her eyes and let it be. After all, from what it looked like, she had a long night ahead of her, and all of her energy should be saved for then. Well, most of it. The quietness that had encroached in the van quickly grew uncomfortable, leading to soft small talk between the driver and the fully-present passenger.
Lyanna let her eyes close, taking away the towering shadows and reverberations of titanic travel on all sides. The escapism, though brief, was blissful, opening opportunities to ponder plans for the upcoming week and beyond.
As they distanced themselves from downtown, the ratio of khadra decreased to nothing. The signs and sights of the borough where she burrowed on the daily shined to greet its golden girl. Through her slumber, it was easy to see her body adjust to its most familiar surroundings. Perfect tranquility... but it, unfortunately, had to end.
Brenden pulled into the drop-off lane of Ten Saturn Avenue, where a doorperson approached the van to help her out before halting and waiting outside her door, made aware of her still napping self. Melanie, risking a slapping fit her way, bit the bullet and rocked Lyanna back to the real world. Her waking softness resembled that of a baby; however, her too-old-for-this-shit sentimentalities soon broke through, along with the groan-inducing headaches that should've been here a long time ago.
"Welcome back, L.P.," Melanie greeted, thanking the gods for a passive awakening. "It's your stop."
A sequence of incoherent mumbles entered the airspace as the drowsy damsel attempted opening her door. The doorperson, seeing those multiple failures, eventually aided her exit, grabbing a hand then bracing around her back. Melanie, meanwhile, made out everything she was trying to say – a skill she had perfected after twenty years of tipsiness – amalgamating it all into a simple assurance,
"Nah, don't worry. You don't have to do anything. I've got this." Lyanna, even in her word salad of a mind, didn't feel too sure of that. But a quick kiss of valediction on the cheek sent her way made all those worries vanish and replaced them with giggling. "Now, get up there before you pass out."
More laughs ensued, but Lyanna eagerly obeyed, blowing a kiss back as her doorperson led her away. "Don't stay up too late, Mel!" she directed. "You, too, Brenden! None of us need eye bags."
Brenden, almost too in awe of the glamorous complex to catch her speaking, was surprised to be included in the farewell, even more so with a happy tone. Nonetheless, he appreciated it whole-heartedly, joining Melanie in waving her goodnight as she disappeared from view.
He took some time to calm from his high-fashion high before setting his course to Moonsong. However, before he drove off, Melanie locked him in place, reaching from the back to the steering wheel. He started to panic again, not even considering the presumably sweeter of the dynamic duo as a threat. The look on her face clearly showed a hidden craftiness that curdled his blood. Little did he know that none of it had to do with him.
No, actually, it slightly did. That cash drop Melanie made to him allowed for some new insight to reach her. He was more than qualified for plans she had had in the works for what felt like forever. His future modeling was only the tip of the iceberg, and she proved it by asking the last question along that path he ever expected to hear,
"Hey, Brenden, you had an order for alterations recently... but it wasn't for you, was it?"
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ellaintrigue · 2 years
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Here's another single dad that doesn't want to take no for an answer. My Badoo profile says that I'm there to talk to new people but possibly open to dating if there's anyone child-free with good hair. (Sorry, dated bald guys and it's such a personal turn-off for me.) So I respond to everybody as I'm just looking for connections in general.
Like my tired, disabled ass has said before, I'm pretty much ready to be done with being a pet owner and just want peace, quiet, and some house plants (my cats destroyed all mine).
But people are incredibly selfish, they don't care about your needs, they just want a pretty face to bend over backwards for them at whatever cost. I would do things for my partner and expect them to do things for me in return. That's what a relationship is. But it's unfair to expect your partner to do shit for you and your 4 kids. How can you comp that? To try that with me, who says I don't want to deal with kids, is insane. This guy is out of his fucking mind.
I could set my truck on fire, I could cut my toes off, I could poison all the flowers in the yard. But why would I do any of those things? Why would I date a father of 4? Same category lol.
And like I've mentioned before, the hostility gets me too. Fine, we get your kids are number 1 and you'll kill anyone that messes with them. But why are you imposing that on me when I don't give a damn? That's entitled. Every single parent profile is like MY KIDS COME FIRST, GTFO IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT. MY KIDS BETTER LIKE YOU. UNDERSTAND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE LAST. Someone said the other day that your partner comes first even if you have kids because it takes a stable marriage to keep a family happy. I had NEVER heard that before, literally. All I run into are grumpy guys that want a babysitter. I am 100% done with single dad drama. Like I said, could cut my toes off but I'd rather not lol.
0 notes
autumn-foxfire · 3 years
First: I’m so glad to talk about this with someone else haha. I don’t like the travelers as well lol I think they’re too boring and they limit the story too much. Also their stans are so annoying and they keep dragging everyone else into their mess cause apparently we are all obliged to LOVE the twins. That’s also the reason why I hate any shipp with the twins… but I have a special hatred towards the one with childe and the not male traveler for many other reasons.
Second: I would like to talk about Childe himself since he seems the type of character you tend to like a lot as well. And how people seem to have a misconception about him that made my poor son a fckboy that flirts with us and everyone else all the time when actually… he’s just being charismatic and polite, I never saw him flirting with anyone and yet the majority of the fandom insists that he’s trying so hard to seduce us. Sometimes I wonder if these people actually flirted with actual human beings or had any romantic interactions with someone else that’s not a pixel. I don’t mean it in a rude way, it’s just that I find it kinda funny that they see one guy being nice and suddenly he’s in love with them.
Third: I would like to recommend you the show Arcane, if you haven’t watched it yet. You don’t need to play or understand the game (league of legends) to watch, don’t worry. It just seems the type of show you would enjoy since the characters are so well written and there’s no good or bad, it’s just a bunch of people trying to solve their problems while trying to stick to their ideals and all that. It’s pretty complex I think, and if you decide to watch it people keep an eye on my man viktor, he’s my favorite and I like to see your opinion on him.
This response got very long XD
It's always the issue with protagonists in games, they're mostly made to be a self-insert and while the travellers do have their own personalities in the game, it doesn't stop the story and the characters from bending over backwards to love them, especially in the latest archon quest and the character quests that followed where we were suddenly okay with the Raiden Shogen enough to go on basically a date day trip with her and how Kokomi was like we were the only one who understood her and wanted us around more... I just find it really frustrating, I want characters that don't fall for our "charms" like Rosaria and Dainsleaf again T-T And not them dying like Signora.
Manifesting Scaramouche to hate our guts forever XD
It reminds me of Pokemon games, where everyone loves us the 10 year old trainer and while that's okay for games, when it comes to fanfiction I prefer stories where they don't exist and the characters in those regions have to solve the issues themselves! I don't mind the travellers as much in Genshin, or I didn't for Mondstadt and for Liyue because we weren't really alone when we faced the threat of those nations, we were just the support but that changed in Inazuma where Ei took interest in us personally and the resistence didn't really end up doing much of anything, it was just us which ended up being disappointing because I expected more from the support cast. But that archon quest is acknowledged by fandom to be disappointing so hopefully that changes for the Dendro archon.
Moving onto ships: I can safely say I agree with you about Childe and a certain female traveller because I'm so tired of people shoehorning that ship into every other het ship that could have a similar dynamic like Itto and Sara where every other post was like "they're like the Childe and Lumine of Inazuma" and I just wanted them to shut the fuck up and let me enjoy the dumb oni and the tengu warrior he likes to pester T-T Petty? Probably but I don't care.
Don't get me started how people think he's flirting because he calls Lumine "girly". I have no clue how the fuck that is flirting to anyone, especially because I never see the claims for similar dialog for the male traveller, it's always the female traveller they make this claim for. Of course Childe enjoys the company of the traveller, he likes to fight and will befriend people who can give that to him. It's why he's not too angry at Zhongli either and still accompanies him to dinner and drinks (or well he did while still in Liyue) as he wants to one day fight him.
Now if you want to explore that as flirting in FANON then I'm all for that, I'd be a hypocrite otherwise as I like Childe/Zhongli, however I don't go around insisting that the ship is canon seriously because of their canon interactions or that Childe is "totally in love with Zhongli" like I've seen many who ship him with both Lumine and Zhongli do and insert this dynamic into other ships. I get equally annoyed when they do this too because IT'S NOT TRUE. Stay in your own goddamn shipping lane and stop trying to force the ship onto others T-T
People can be so annoying about ships and I just want to tell them to stop being an embarrassment to other shippers.
I really do think Childe is one of the most misinterpreted characters in the fandom as people just like to shove him into stereotypical character tropes instead of exploring his canon personality. It's why I'm so selective of even Zhongli/Childe fics because I want to read about Childe not some depressed fuck boy.
Anyway, I've actually already started Arcane because of how highly my friends recommended it and even the brief amount I've seen of it is already pulling at my feels T-T I'll definitely keep an eye on Viktor when he's introduced.
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